Xiamen Huoshiquan Import and Export HOLYSTONES01 quadcopter wifi camera User Manual HS110 200 1

Xiamen Huoshiquan Import & Export CO., LTD quadcopter wifi camera HS110 200 1

User manual part 3

Download: Xiamen Huoshiquan Import and Export HOLYSTONES01 quadcopter wifi camera User Manual HS110 200 1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Xiamen Huoshiquan Import and Export HOLYSTONES01 quadcopter wifi camera User Manual HS110 200 1
Document ID3381457
Application ID3q0Nba8bCv4lZaXsICrJaQ==
Document DescriptionUser manual part 3
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize281.33kB (3516618 bits)
Date Submitted2017-05-07 00:00:00
Date Available2017-05-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-05-07 18:20:57
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.2
Document Lastmod2017-05-07 18:20:57
Document TitleHS110 200-1
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.2

1 Balanced charging 5wrtch art the powerolthe transmlflen please insert the use port or the charger into the usb
port ol the computer, and then connect another end or the charger With the charging port 0! thedrone has in. new. eerawl
When chalglng the lndlcalor ot the drone ls shown as red light. When it Is lully charged, the lndlcalor Will be OFF
and the charging process lshnlshed.
2 Van can use the mobile chargeror carrinaded powerto charge it
3 || lakes aroundtoo minutes to lully charge the battery The rlrghttrme lora lolly charged
battery ls around 3 minutes.
1 When marolhgplease pulthrs product on a dried or ventilated area and keep nlar away horn heat source or explosive product
2 Aner llylngpleese do not charge the baltery ll ll ls stlH hot
3 it the battery has oeen used tor a lone «me. please replace them
5 Please make sure Iha| you use the onglnal use charger cable pmvmefl When the battery has been used tor a long tlrne,or
appear: to be swellenpleese replaee them
5 it a battery is not used tor a long lime, it would lose the power by lisell Charging erdlscharolng too men may reduce the
Mellme or the balmy
1 Fly the quadcopler in a spacious indoors area, or an outdoors area free ol obstacles, rain, snow,
animals. and people. When flying outdoors, make sure there isn‘t too much wind
2 Make sure all propellers are installed ”1 the right orientation, otherwise. the drone would not be able
to take on horn the ground.
3 Make sure the remote control is assembled with brand new or quy charged AA batteries
4 Make sure the Wilum battery in the drone is also lully charged
1. Turn on the remote control 2. Check the lllhlum battery(3.7V BSOmAh).
(short press the power button). make sure rt is inserted into the port Inside
it will oeep once and the "STATUS" the battery box ol the drone(Fic 2).
hghtwrll tlash. (plc1)
The port inside
the oattevy box
(Pic t) (F’lc 2)
3. Place the drone on a llat, level surlace.
then press down the power button at the
drone to turn on the power(Pic 3). The
lights on the drone begin blinking.
The Power Button
(PIE 3)
4. Qurckty shttt the throttle stroh (lefl stlck) up and down If done eorreetty, the trensrnrtter sound
wru beep(Ptc.4), end the LED hghts "STATUS", “SPEEDZ”, “$PEED1"‘
“ROLL", “NORMAL" on the remote controt wru turn on(PIc.5). And the LED hghts on the drone
keep flahsmg slowly(Ptc.6)
(Pic.4) (Ptc.5) (Pic 6)
5 The drone is now connected to the rernote oontrot and ready to take off. Press down the A Key
Take on button, and the drone wootd take off automattcalty(Ptc 7)
A key take on outton
(PIE 7)
Once the drone takes off, you cautd use the throme slick and forward/backward sttck to commt the
To avctd injunes or zmtdems, we suggest that the beginners read through the tnstruotron Manuat
betore using the A KeyTake onrunetron
It the ptlot would tike to stop the night after Eking oft stmply press down the A Key Take art/Landing
button agatn, the drone would tend back on the ground automaticatly‘ unttt the propeuers stop rototrng
. Stare Dtxplay
”as“ ”my . "°"“a'.M.°f‘.‘i.°.‘Tf’.".’
HeadlexxMode Dtxptay
camera Doptey .Turnehng Dtxptay
- The modet Is destgned with Amtude Hotd Mode py detautt The drone wiu be kept at the same attitude
m hovenng
' Throflle up the ten sttck‘ the drone wtlt be ascending
I Move the teft lhrome 5|ch downwardr the drone wtll be descendmg.
I When the throttte stick returns back m the neutral posttmn, the drone wilt be kept at the same hetgnt
O ra‘ ns
Hover up and down
Push me urrome up or downme
uuadeomermes upward or
Forward and backward
Push me drreerrun rever up or down
we quadeomer mes vorward or
Turn \el( and ngm
mu m: rnmrue ren Dr ngM‘
rne quadmmzr mm: re ren
Dr rrgnr
Sideward fly
mnne drreniun \eveflefl er
rrgnr, (he quadwpter (he; m
M mde er rrgnr srde
5rdeward fly rrne—runrng
wnen rne quaawprer keaps driflmg
m reh/rrgnr srde.yw can correct rr
by srrdrng me remngnr crne \umng
wnen rne quadmmer keeps arming
Inward/back eerrea rr by srrdrng
me «ward/neck mmmer lumen
1 Prace Ihe drone rn Vrom onne pnol, before the prior pairs the drone, make sure that Ihe head onne drone
race lurwardr and me Iarl lace Iowards Ihe prret(Pro.s) Aner the drone takes ofl, press down the Headless
Mode button on me renroIe oonrror to enter Into me Headless Moder me LED ham or “NORMAL" turns elf,
and me hgm of “HEADLESS” ‘urns mm 9).
2 In Headress Mode, Ihe nead loe drone not necessamy pom‘s In the forward drrectlon‘ any srde loe
drone courd poml forwad by moving the lhroltle suck and forward/backward/lefl/nghl suck.
pm 'ha Meier”
Mad: Men
3 Pressd down the Headless Mode button agaln to exlt the Headtess mode, and the LED \Ight of
“HEADLESS” turns on on the remote control, the light of “NORMAL" turns on
The model is designed wlth One Key Return function. The function makes the drone drlves ltseli back to
the pilot automatically by simply pressing down the One Key Return button.
(9 ln Normal Mode(The LED llghl’NORMAL‘ turns on)
Press down the One Key Return button. the drone would lly back to the dlrection where the tall of
the drone polnts to when the drone is belng pairedtpic.lol.
Right Track
x Wrong Track (Plow)
@ ln Headless Mode(The LED light “HEADLESS” turns on)
Press down me One Key Return button. the drone would fly back to the dlrection where the tall at
the drone points to when the drone enters lnto [he Headless Mode.
When you are lamiliar wlth all lhe baslc actions, you can play some fiy
more amazing tumbling actlons. When you lly the Quaderotor to 3 .
meters above, please keep presslng the key (Le. Tumbllng Key) at
the right up cornerwhlle pushlng the Right Conlrol Lever to Forward
Baekward/ Lem Righl until it reaches the hlghest posltion. This time . 3 m
the Quademtor can realize the FoMard/Backward/Lefl/Right Tumbllng
Funcllon. Under the Headless mode, it can not make tumbling action.
Caution. When the battery is fully charged. it le make the best tumbllng oertormance.
The camera is installed onto the drone out from the box Check if the wlres oi the
Camera are well cunnected with the drone
lithe pilot uses the remote control to take photos/Videos please connect WIFI first.
(1) Short press down the button on the top lett of the remote control to lake pholotPic.11)
(2) Long press down the button on the top left of the remote control to take Video, short press down
the button again to end the recurding When the drone
is taking a video, the remote control sounds constant WWW
beeps, until the recording is ended sol-or
(3) All the images and videos would be reserved in the \
micro SD card which is inserted into the camera
Please connect the phone to the camera WIFI signal “HolystoneFPV“‘"
and enter into the "Deer: FPV" APP beiore you use the camera tunction
on the remote control.
A phone holder is included lrl the box (or the FPV functlon‘ the assembling ls shown
as below.
1 insert the phone holder slick into the hole at the middle top otthe remote control(PIc 12).
2 Rotate the phone holder to bite the plastio tag on the remote oontroltPic.13,Pio14).
3 le the phone holder on the remote control by clockwlse locking the black plastic sclew(PIC 14)
(Pio.12) (Pic 13) (Pio.14)
The model is equipped with FPV real time camera runclion as well as gravity sensor opntrol iunction,
please download the opnecl App to use the lunctions
1 El QR code or ‘Deerc FPV“ App
for Android system
(Please start |hls QR code tn
download the App)
tor Apple 105 system
(Please scan this QR code to

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