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TABLE OF CONTENT I GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS~ Beslc Functions ----- Accessories—- Power on/nfl ------------ Mode swltch ----- Playing MP3 music- Equalizer modes»- Playing voice recording Voice recording ----- Volume & music/recording control Deleting muslclvoice recording—- PC conneciion--~- Battery power indicator- Time setting-n— Battery rechargln llSO‘l‘il iuuz M3“ 9 Z HI INSTALLATION OF MP3 PLAYER System requlremenls- USE conundrum»- . 14 k' I GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS ’ Basie Functions Playable music lormar: MP3 /WMA l ADPCMV USBl .l Imerface l. 2. 3. Porlable s10rage dlsk(USBl ll) . Playing order: Sequence, Random, Pause, Resumlng . Choose between dlfferenr equalizer modes . Delele (currenl lrack/ voice recordlngl 7. Built In Mlcrophone: ADPCM voles reacrdlng 5. Stereo earphone lack. slandard d>2.5mrn 9. Aulomarlc delecllng or borlery voltage and power lndlcalor 10. Power sovlng: l XAuromavlc power off If no bulton pushed In 2 mlnures under pause status XAuromaflc power off ln 2 minutes when all tracks played 1 l . Ballerv: Rechargeable lI-lon‘bafikery (3. N) 12. Standard USB purl lorrecharglng. download and upload v HELPquTIPs ......... v1 PRODUCTSPECIFICATIONS NOTE ........................................... llsorm ‘rllllZ AGN £2 13. "ll LED lights: MP3 (MP3): lights up / MP3 mode: flashing per second / pgaying MP3 PLAV REC (voice recording! playing): lights up / playing mode ofvolce recording; flushing per second / playing voice recording RECORDING (voice recording]: lighls up / voice record» ing model flashing persecono / recording POWER (powersupplv Indicator]: llghls up / poweron; off / power off or no power (also as bollerv power indlcolor) x lighls up / lull power: flushing persecond / US power remained; flashing per 0.5 sec / our of power soon, off / our of powerond oulomoiic poweroif CHARGE {recharging}: llghls up/rechorglng; oii/ rech- arging over us; nights up I In proper connecllon with PC VOP: Ilghls up! equalizer set as POP mode ROCK : llghls up / equalizer sel as ROCK mode JAZZ .' ilghis up! equalizer sel as JAZZ mode v CLASSIC: Ilghis up] equallxersel os CLASSIC mode RANDOM: Iighls up / random playing 14. 5 bullons: MODE/onloFr—u-working mode (MODEll poweron (ON) / pow- er off (OFF) »Iv0LuME+ »---iorword (FoRWARDiI Increase volume ’ [VOLUM E+ ) «NDLUME- ~--»reverse (REVERSE)! decrease volume (VOLUME-i DELETE >/rr r” 11907“! Acoussories MP3 alch Inslrucllon Manual Earphone Installation CD USB extenslon cable «l [D our... on... Earphone Plug Convener 12.5mmlo 3.5mm) (opllonal) , Charglng adapterlopllonal] 11 OPERATION earphone Jock worklng mode [power on / power orr \ MODEIDNIOFF plav/ pause —— >/|r DELETE Button functlon overview Volce recordlng mlc rophone luncllon light Forward / Increase volume / »/vor.ums+ Crown Reverse / decrease volume «NOLUME— rouz AGN sz 119070" Power indicator CLASSIC Function light overview Random playing / RANDOM Ploy voice recording / PLAY REC Voice recording / RECORDING Recharging I CHARGE Power onloff ' ’°"' Press bunon uonsronrorr momentarily if POWER right lights up, power on Press and hold button MODEIBNIDFF lor 3 seconds ----POWER iighi oif, power oil XNoie: default mode when power on : 1] MP3 playing mode. MP3 lighi lights up. 2] equalizer mode, some as when power 0" lost time 3) ploy the lost track olvolce recording once motivated Mode switch Under pause status of MP3 playing / voice recording playing or when voice recording is stopped, press buiionMoDE/oMIoFF momentarily to switch between the following modes: 1002 MW E Z 11907‘ii MP3 mod: mPaarl'l'grfi. (MP3 Iighl lights up) II his up) random playing 9 [RANDOM light llgnls up) con-tin playing "cord- :oda 0 ing moda (RECORDING (PLAY REC HON ngm lights up] llgms up) Playing MP3 music (undorMPs mode) Press b/ll momeniarily »---plav, MP3 light flashing Press again >/|| momenlarily---- pause, MP3 light lighls up (Random playing Maris when RANDOM llghl lights up.) Equalizer modes (under music playing mode) Press button MODE/ONIOFF momentarily switch among the following equalizer modes: OCKII hl NORMAL \ ror nocx (POP light lights up) (R lighls uD CLASSIC JAZZ (CLASSIC "gm lights up) (JAZZ light lights up) KNole: under NORMAL mode POP/ROCK/CLAsle/JAZZ llgnls are off. 7003 AGN E Z llQOym Playing voice recording (under recording playing mode) Press fi/rr momentarily ----play, PlAV REC Ilghl flashing Press again P/ll momentarily»--- pause, PLAV = REC light lights up Voice recording (under recording mode) Press >/rr momentarily--»-start voice recording (RECORDING light tlashlng per second] Press again >/rr momentarily----slop voice recording (RECORDING light lights up) Volume 5. musiclveice recording control (Under music playing or voice recording mode) Press and hold »NOLUME+ ---- Increase volume Press»lvoLuME+ momentarily----play next track [music/recor- ding) Press and hold «NOLUME— ----decrease volume Press «NoLuME- momentarily (i ) play previous track (music/recording) It pressing within 5 seconds after playing (2) replay the current track (music/recordingl It pressing after playing for 5 seconds 10 Deleting music/voice recording Press and hold button DELE‘VE‘ tor2 seconds----aelete the current tracki music/voice recording) Press and hold button DELErE for 10 seconds : l.delete all music tracks under the pause status 01 MP3 playing and random playing (MP3 light flashing per 0.5 second within 10 seconds and keeps lighted up after 10 seconds when all tracks deleted.) 2.deiete all recording tracks under the pause status 01 playing recording (PLAV REC light flashing per 0.5 second within to seconds and keeps lighted up alter i D x». seconds when all tracks deleted.) saelete all recording tracks under the pause status of record- lng [RECORDING light flashing per 0.5 second within 10 seconds and keeps lighted up after i Oseconds when all tracks deleted.) PC connection 1 .Cannect the watch to PC through USB cable. 2.Recharging light (CHARGE) lights up, which means the pro- duct is already connected to PC and being recharged. 3.Flashlng USB light (USB) means data in transmission (Busy) , Ilghied USE light (USB) means ready forwork (idle) ; dead 11 tflfll AUN EZ rrsovw USB light (USB) means disconnected with PC (Suspend) 4.Remove the product as per PC's requirement when upload and download completed. Battery power Indicator Power Indicator [POWER light): lights up --- full power Flashing persecond 1/5 power remained Flashing per 0.5 second --- out of power soon Oil out of powerand automatic power oft Tim 9 setting 1 ,Pull out the crown to stop the second hand when it sweeps to 12 o'clock. 2.'iurn the crown to set hour and minute hands. 3.Push back the crown and the second hand starts sweeping. Buttery recharging Recharging Is needed when power Indicator (POWER light) Is flashing per 0.5 second or oft. l) Connectthe watch to PC through USB cable or through optional adaptor to AC powe for recharging (rel. to Figure ‘Battery recharging') 2) Recharging light (CHARGE) lights up ----under recharge 12 m, 3) Recharging ilght (CHARGE) lights weakIv--—-slow recharge 4) Recharging ilght (CHARGE) oii----rechorge over XNote: a) Ihe battery will be recharged slowly when close to full power and the product can work by then. 17) No slow recharge is Indicated by CHARGE light when re- charged through PC. 0) The output voltage Is 5‘rk D.25V(But cannot be more than N. otherwise the exchange it: will be destroyed.) d) Output electric current cannot be less than 500mAl Plug into lonv-ZAOVAC power —I- A_, _ _AWLesm—qmefimemwe tiillz Arm r 7 Cflirilll HI INSTALLATION OF MP3 PLAYER System requirements IBM compatible personal computer Pegtlum 766 MHz MMX or faster Wihdows9BSE/ME/2000/XP USB port (Universal Serial Bus) Mac Os X/Mac Os 9.0 64MB RAM or more 20MB tree hard-disk space or more 4 x CD-ROM drive or more Accessible to Internet (Recommended) XNate: User name has to be set as administrator under Win- dowsZODO USB connection LUSB port on your PC is used for sending tiles and battery re- c harging. 2.Check the USB port on your PC referring to Its hardware lnslru» ctlon manual. 3.USB light and CHARGE light are lighted when the product co» nnected to PC through USB port. 4,Under Win98 SE make sure the driver MP3 Player utilities enclos- ed in the packing is successfully installed before connecting the productto PC 14 Installation guide Install the driver MP3 Player: Put the Installation CD into CD-ROM Drive and then It will be m- stalled automatically The following window will pop up: Click Next button and the window below will pop up 15 7002 MN 8 Z II907'II Click Ves buflonfo comlnue 16 Selec) the Installation folder and men click Next 11907'M ‘II'IIIZ MN E Z Click Max? to sicnlnslallcfion 18 1? l190?m tnnz MN 52 7. Cllck Flnlsh and resmnvour PC accordlng to the PC requlremem 20 Flrmwaro download: LMuke sure the MP3 player uflllfles ls successfully lnstaued 2.Connec0 me product to PC 3.Cl|ck(stun)—-(program)——{MP3 Plover U1Illvies}—[Flrmware Download) the wllowlng window will pop up 21 <_,<, “soy-u ‘IflUZ AEN R Z IV CAUTIONS 1.Do nol disassemble orchange any pan 01 me product mar is not mentloned In rhls manual. 2.Do nor pull or plug the product wlth wet hands, wnlch may cau— | \ se short clrcull 01 one producl. am: not expose me product to tlre or excesslve heat. 4.Do nor expose lne producl 10 electromagnellc wove c|rcumsl- unces. which may cause monuncllon or data lransmlltlng error of the product 5. Ensure lhe USE plug Is dry before connectlng to computerto avold damdge by molslurer 6.Rechorge lhe battery cfier power dralned lo prolong lhe ban- eryllfe. 23 llSO‘l‘ll ‘lflflZ ACN El V HELPFULTIPS __.,_—___.__.._._| Problem Analysis Solution Unable to Battery low Recharge the battery Plfl‘f MP3 Not standard MPSIWMA tiles Download standard MPSIWMA tiles Unable to Battery low Recharge the battery “WNW“ use cable broken or not Checklhe uss mus"; connected properly. connection and reinserr Unoolelo No space for more recording Delele some old record— C‘OW llles Ing tiles recording Na Drive grill: use plug rci connected Check USB correcrlon Letter c E se. The Manager solrware not Reinstall the Manager Installed successfully Sorlware The PC motherboard does not Upgrade the mother- support USB port. board driver sound MP3 me made at compression Using rower compressing level excesdlng 320kbps. level to record the llle Into SK'DS MP3 rormur. Electrical Interlerences from other Mme may from souce or appliances like mobile phone, electrical Interference fluorescent lamp, bulb and high voltage wiring etc. MP3 shut err Mar/De caused by strong external Restartlhe MP3 player suddenly stark: Interterence bV pressing me ‘MODE/ON/OFF' button Vl PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Bulll in memory: 32MB/64MB/l 28MB/256MB/512MB flash Port: standard USB port Battery: l7DmAh/3.7V macromolecule polymer U-Ion recharg» cable battery Recharging time: 2 hours for fully charged Battery playtime: 5 continuous hours with fully charged battery Voice recording time: thurs/SZMB, 4.5hours/64MB, 9hours/lZSMB, l Ghouls/256MB,36hour5151 2MB Music playtime: WMA format (64Kbpsl: 60minulesls2MB, 120ml- nules/éAMB, 240mlnulesll 2BMB,4BOmInutes/256MB,960mInules l5l 2MB MP3 format (I 28Kbps]: 30mlnutesl32MB, 60minuies/6AMB, '| 20 minutes/l 28MB,240mlnules/256MB,480m|ni.rtes/5'I 2MB SIN Rollo: 90dB Working temperature: - 5"C - + 50°C Earphone Output: 5mw+ 5mw Frequency response: 20m — 20KHZ Sampling frequency of voice recording: BKHz Oompresslon Ievei: 32Kbps - 320Kpps : v :.,Rflm_--.wmww 119070“ ‘rilllZ MIN 3 Z THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 150F THE FCC RULES. OPERATION is SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING Two coanTloNs- 11)THIS DEVICE MAV NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE. AND (2) THIS DEvicE MUST AccEPr ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, j INCLUDING iNTERFERENcE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDEisED OPERATION. NOTE: The manufacturer Is not responsible for any male orwlnter- feience caused by umulhorlzea modlvicoflons to this equip- meni. Such modlflcallons could void the User's authorliv to operate the equipment, NOTE: This equipment has been tested and lemme mmuly with he limits voru CIassE digital ! device, pursuantw Peri 15 aims rec Rulee, These ruulis are designed iu provide reasonable i proteeiieu auaiust hermiul luieume lne msldemzl Insiallaikm. This equlumem generems. uses l am an radiate rattle frequency energy and. it ml melted and ueea in BCDun‘lanca with the Inslmnflons, my name lrzrmiul irrieriemuee in rattle muuutuicaiiaus. Woven mere [5 run guereuiee inai iruertereuee will murmur in a particular imreiieiim ll this equipment dues cause harmful lmerisfanu to mdin ur ielevl-iou mceyfim, whlch can be delermined by turning the equipment menu on, lira user i- euuuuregett lo iry la carieciihe interference by fine or mare outta following mums: -Reorieut m relocate (he renewing nnIenna. ; dummies the separation bemesn the equipmeui and renew. -Cuuuer.~t the equipment inlo an outlet an a circuit d‘rwerenl lmru mat la whim the receiver is muuectea. consult the dealer urzn expsdenned rattlorrv lechnidin lortuup 25 AN cm 01° _.< 7002
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 15 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-14, framework 1.6 About : uuid:e00e1c14-eed3-4747-bec5-6cd913114f44 Producer : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Modify Date : 2005:01:12 08:14:06-05:00 Create Date : 2005:01:11 10:33:03+08:00 Metadata Date : 2005:01:12 08:14:06-05:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Document ID : uuid:51636bf1-08b1-4535-ade7-412c7f260fe7 Format : application/pdf Creator : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for WindowsEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools