Yaesu Musen 10443250 Rack Mount Repeater User Manual 1

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. Rack Mount Repeater Users Manual 1


Users Manual 1

VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALThe VXR-9000 is commercial-grade 50-watt FM repeater designed to provide reliable two-way full-duplex communi-cations over a wide range of environmental conditions.Designed to mount in a standard 19-inch rack, the VXR-9000 is crafted using the latest computer-aided design andmanufacturing processes, to ensure a high level of reliability to users. Important channel frequency data is stored inEEPROM, and is easily programmable by a Servicing Technician or Dealer using an IBM compatible personal com-puter and the VPL-1 Programming Cable and CE60 Software.Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented here will allow you to derivemaximum performance from your VXR-9000. After reading it, keep this manual handy for quick reference, in casequestions arise later on.Important Note: Internal service work, programming, and accessory installations should only be performed by yourauthorized Vertex Standard Dealer. Dangerous conditions and/or possibly illegal operation may result from impropersetup, programming, or internal modifications.SAFETY/WARNING INFORMATIONThe antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures with aseparation distance of at least 74 cm from all persons during normal operation and must not exceed an an-tenna gain of 0 dBd. This device must be restricted to work related operations in an Occupational/ControlledRF exposure Environment, not exceeding a maximum transmitting duty factor of 50%.  The antenna(s) usedwith this device must satisfy the antenna co-location requirements of 47 C.F.R. 1.1307(b)(3).NOTICE!Do not modify this repeater for any reason.Refer service of this repeater to qualified technicians only.When the repeater become abnormal, such as the overheating, smoke smell of burning, etc., turn the mainpower switch off and disconnect the Main Power Source connector from the rear of the VXR-9000 imme-diately. Also disconnect any backup power source you may have connected to the rear of the VXR-9000.Do not place any combustible material near the repeater.Do not spray any liquid over the repeater.Ensure that the power and antenna connections are securely made, using cables with excess capacity forthe power being utilized.INTRODUCTION1
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALFRONT PANEL CONTROLS & CONNECTORSPOWER (O/I) SwitchThis is the main power switch for the repeater. Power Indicator (MAIN)This LED glows green when the main power sourceis used. Power Indicator (BACKUP)This LED glows red when the backup power sourceis used. MIC JackConnect the microphone plug to this jack. This jackis also used for writing and reading channel fre-quency or other configurations via the COM Port ofthe PC on which the clone editor (CE60) is running. Programmable Function (PF) KeySix pushbuttons on the front panel are program-mable function (PF) keys, each with an orange indi-cator inside. Each key can be programmed with twofunctions, one for a “long” press and one for a “mo-mentary” press. The PF key functions may be cus-tomized, via programming by your VERTEX STAN-DARD dealer, to meet your communications net-work requirements. Note that some functions mayrequire the purchase of optional internal accesso-ries. The possible PF key features and functions areexplained on the pages to follow. VOL KnobThis control knob adjusts the output level of the frontspeaker and external speaker jack on the back panel. TX IndicatorThis LED glows red when the repeater is transmit-ting. Numeric DisplayThis display consists of two 7-segment LEDs, indi-cating the channel number during normal operation.If an abnormal condition arises, an error code will bedisplayed:2DISPLAY DESCRIPTION01 - 32Channel NumberPCClone ActiveULPLL UnlockHIHigh temperature in PA UnitSCScan ActiveLCFront Panel Keys are LockedE1PTT key is DisabledE2Cooling Fan is DisabledE5Low Voltage in Backup BatteryE7PA Unit AbnormalityE3, E4, E6, E9Contact your Dealer BUSY IndicatorThis LED glows green when the receiving channelis busy. SpeakerThe internal speaker is located here.     
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALPROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION (PF) KEY DETAILSCH DOWNPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CH Down” to step to the next-lower oper-ating channel.CH UPPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CH Up” to step to the next-higher operat-ing channel.COMPANDERPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Compander” to turn the Compander cir-cuit “On” or “Off” (toggle). This function is only acti-vated on the “Narrow Channel Spread” of the “BaseTransceiver” mode.The Compander IC contains two variable gain circuitsconfigured for compressing and expanding the dynamicrange of the repeater’s transmitted and received audiosignal. When you enable this function, the signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by reducing the transmit-ted audio dynamic range.CTCSS/DCS ENCPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CTCSS/DCS Enc” to turn the CTCSS/DCSEncoder “On” or “Off” (toggle).CTCSS/DCS DECPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CTCSS/DCS Dec” to turn the CTCSS/DCSDecoder “On” or “Off” (toggle).CW IDPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CW ID” to turn the CW Identifier feature“On” or “Off” (toggle).When the CW ID feature is set to “On,” your station’scallsign will be superimposed on the outbound signal,in Morse Code, at the beginning of every transmission.Programming of the callsign is performed by your VER-TEX STANDARD dealer.3FUNCTIONCH DOWNCH UPCOMPANDERCTCSS/DCS ENCCTCSS/DCS DECCW IDTWO TONE DECCW ID SIGNALCW MESSAGE 1CW MESSAGE 2CW MESSAGE 3CW MESSAGE 4CW MESSAGE 5CW MESSAGE 6CW MESSAGE 7CW MESSAGE 8DC POWER SAVEENCRYPTIONENCRYPTION CODEKEY LOCKLOCAL PTTMONITORMONITOR MMULTI TONEPANEL INDICATORREMOTEREPEATRESETSCANSQUELCHTEST TONETEST TONE MTOTTRANSMITTX POWER MIDTX POWER LOWPF-1  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLDPF-2  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLDPF-3  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLDPF-4  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLDPF-5  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLDPF-6  KEYPRESSPRESS & HOLD
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALTWO TONE DECPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Two Tone Dec” to turn the 2-Tone Decoder“On” or “Off” (toggle).CW ID SINGLEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CW ID Single” to send the station callsign,via Morse Code, once. Programming of the callsign isperformed by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.CW MESSAGE 1 - CW MESSAGE 8Press (or press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “CW Message 1 - 8” to send a pre-pro-grammed Morse Code message on the transmitted sig-nal. Programming of the message(s) is performed byyour VERTEX STANDARD dealer.DC POWER SAVEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “DC Power Save” to turn the DC Power Savefeature “On” or “Off” (toggle).When DC Power Save feature is set to “ON,” activatethe various power save feature (determined from yourVERTEX STANDARD dealer) while the repeater oper-ates from the Backup Power Source.ENCRYPTIONPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Encryption” to turn off the Optional En-cryption Unit temporarily.ENCRYPTION CODEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Encryption Code” to select the EncryptionCode (determined from your VERTEX STANDARDdealer; require the FVP-35 Rolling Code EncryptionUnit).KEY LOCKPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Key Lock” to lock the repeater’s front panelkeys (except “Key Lock” key); this feature can be en-abled to prevent repeater settings from being disturbed.LOCAL PTTPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Local PTT” to enable (“On”) or disable(“Off”) operation using a PTT switch connected to thefront panel’s Microphone Jack.MONITORPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Monitor” to cancel CTCSS and DCS squelchdecoding, so as to enable reception of signals presenton the channel that do not contain a matching CTCSStone or DCS code.MONITOR MThis function provides to “Monitor” to cancel CTCSSand DCS squelch decoding, so long as the PF key as-signed to “Monitor M” is pressed and held in.MULTI TONEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Multi Tone” to switch the Tone Table be-tween “Main” and “Sub.”PANEL INDICATORPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Panel Indicator” to turn the Front Panel’sIllumination “On” or “Off” (toggle).REMOTEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Remote” to toggle the operating mode be-tween the “Remote” mode and “Local” mode.When the “Remote” mode is selected, the repeater op-erates according to the control instructions received fromthe external device (connected to the ACC jack on therear panel). While in the “Local” mode, the repeater op-erates from the front panel’s PF keys.REPEATPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Repeat” to toggle the operating mode be-tween the “Repeater” mode and “Base Transceiver”mode.For normal operation, set this key to the “Repeat” mode.When the “Base Transceiver” mode is selected, you canspeak into the microphone to use this repeater as a trans-ceiver.RESETPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Reset” to reset (same function as thePOWER switch “off” and “on”) the repeater.PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION (PF) KEY DETAILS4
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALSCANPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Scan” to start scanning. To stop scanning,press (or Press and hold in for one second) this key again.The scanning feature is used to monitor multiple chan-nels programmed into the repeater.This function is only activated on the “Base Transceiver”mode.SQUELCHPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Squelch” to override the Squelch action(CTCSS, DCS, and Noise Squelch), so as to hear any sig-nal present on the operating channel.TEST TONEPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Test Tone” to generate the Test Tone Sig-nal, as programmed by your VERTEX STANDARDdealer.Press (or Press and hold in for one second) this key againto stop the generation of the Test Tone. This is a togglefunction.Press (or Press and hold in for one second) this key whilepress and holding the PTT switch to transmit the TestTone Signal, as programmed by your VERTEX STAN-DARD dealer.TEST TONE MThis function provides momentary generation of theabove-referenced Test Tone signal, so long as the PF keyassigned to “Test Tone M” is pressed and held in.Press this key while press and holding the PTT switchto transmit the Test Tone Signal, as programmed by yourVERTEX STANDARD dealer.TOTPress (or press and hold in one second) the PF key as-signed to “TOT” to turn the Time-Out Timer feature“On” or “Off” (toggle).When the TOT feature is set to “On,” the repeater willreturn to the “Receive” mode automatically after a pre-set time of continuous transmission (determined viaprogramming by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer).TRANSMITPress (or Press and hold in for one second) the PF keyassigned to “Transmit” to enable (“On”) or disable(“Off”) the transmission of the VXR-9000.TX POWER MIDPress (or Press and hold in one second) the PF key as-signed to “TX Power Mid”to set the transmitter powerto the “Mid” level.Press (or press and hold in one second) this key again toreturn to the “Original” power level (determined viaprogramming by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer).This function is ignored on the channel which is pro-grammed to the transmitter power to the “Mid” or“Low” level by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.TX POWER LOWPress (or Press and hold in one second) the PF key as-signed to “TX Power Low”to set the transmitter powerto the “Low” level.Press (or press and hold in one second) this key again toreturn to “Original” power level (determined via pro-gramming by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer).This function is ignored on the channel which is pro-grammed to the transmitter power to the “Low” levelby your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION (PF) KEY DETAILS5
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALREAR PANEL CONNECTORS Backup Power Source TerminalsIf available, a backup 13.6 Volt power source, suchas a rechargeable battery, may be connected here.When the Battery Charge switch (located on the PAUnit) is set to “ON,” a “trickle” charge current ispresent here while the repeater is operating fromthe “Main Power Source.” Circuit Protection FuseTwo  15-Amp  blade  fuses,  for the  “Main”  and“Backup” power sources, are installed here. RX Antenna JackThis BNC-type coaxial jack accepts the receiver in-put signal, for connection to the receiving antenna,or the “RX” jack on the duplexer. The input imped-ance requirement is 50 Ohms.TX Antenna JackThis N-type coaxial jack provides the transmitteroutput signal, for connection to the transmitting an-tenna, or the “TX” jack on the duplexer. The outputimpedance requirement is 50 Ohms. Main Power Source ConnectorThe primary DC power source should be connectedhere. The power requirements are 13.6 V DC at 12Amps, continuous duty. External Speaker JackThis 3.5-mm, 2-pin jack provides variable audiooutput for an external speaker. The audio outputimpedance at this jack is 4 to 16 Ohms, and the levelvaries according to the setting of the front panel'sVOL knob. DSUB 25-pin Accessory ConnectorThis DB-25F connector allows the repeater to be re-mote-controlled by an external controller. Analog I/O signals, such as TX Audio In, Discriminator Out-put, RSSI, etc. are available. Moreover, the VXR-9000provides eight ports that can be programmed forvarious input or output signals, or for control func-tions. Each port may be programmed as to its func-tion, its status (input or output), and its logic (foroutput ports only).6RXMAINBACKUPBACKUPTXGNDACCEXTINPUTDC 13.6V   
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALDB-25 CONNECTOR PORTThe VXR-9000 repeater is provided with a 25-pin DB-25F  female  connector  for  interconnections  toaccessories.Use a DB-25M 25-pin male connector to con-nect accessories to the repeater. The pins on the acces-sory connector are explained in detail as follows:Pin 1: GNDChassis ground for all logic levels and power supplyreturn.Pin 2: +13.6 V[POWER SUPPLY]This pin provides 13.6 Volts, 2.0 A, DC from the repeatersupply. There is a internal 3 A fuse to prevent damageto the repeater.Pin 3: TX AF IN[ANALOG TRANSMITTER INPUT] (VOICE BAND: 300 ~ 3,000 HZ)This pin is audio input. Input impedance is 600 Ohms.This audio is injected before the splatter filter stage, soexcess signal input levels are clipped.Use shielded cable to connect to this pin, and connectthe shield to GND.Pin 4: TONE IN[TRANSMITTER INPUT] (SUB-AUDIBLE BAND: 5 ~ 250 HZ)This pin is sub-audiable input. The input is high im-pedance (approx. 22 k-ohms), and has a flat responsecharacteristic (repeater deviation is constant for a givensignal level over the frequency range of 5 ~ 250 Hz). In-jecting too high a voltage here causes over-deviation ofCTCSS or DCS, degrading performance.Use shielded cable to connect to this pin, connecting theshield to GND.Pin 5: TX ATTThis output is intended for controlling an external co-axial switching relay. It is an open drain output whichcan sink approx. 1.5 A when active. The delay time whichis between the repeater cause to transmit mode and thisport switches to ground can be programmed by yourVERTEX STANDARD dealer.Pin 6: DISC OUT[ANALOG OUTPUT] (WIDE-BAND: 0 ~ 3,000 HZ)Received signals with standard deviation produce 350mVrms audio at this pin. The output impedance is 600Ohm, and is extracted before the de-emphasis andsquelch circuitry. Use shielded cable to connect to thispin, and connect the shield to GND.Pin 7: N.C.No connection.Pin 8: RSSI[ANALOG OUTPUT]A DC voltage proportional to the strength of the signalcurrently being received (Receiver Signal Strength In-dicator) is provided on this pin. This low impedanceoutput is generated by the receiver IF sub-system andbuffered by an internal op-amp. Typical voltages aregraphed as follows:DB-25 PIN NUMBERING70–60–100–110–120(dBm)–70 –80 –900. V)Input Signal LevelRSSI Output VoltagePin 9: COAX. SW[LOGIC OUTPUT (ACTIVE LOW)]This output is intended for controlling an external co-axial switching relay. It is an open drain output whichcan sink approx. 1.5 A when active. This signal onlyswitches if the repeater has been programmed for “SIM-PLEX” mode. If programmed for “DUPLEX,” the sig-nal remains open (high impedance) at all time.
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALPin 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21:PROGRAMMABLE I/O “0” ~ ”7”The VXR-9000 provides eight ports(PIO) that can be programmed for vari-ous input or output signals, or for con-trol functions. Each port may be pro-grammed as to its function, its status (in-put or output), and its logic (for outputports only).Pin 11: NSQ DETThis is an open-collector, active-low output capable ofsinking about 10 mA. It indicates that the receiversquelch is open. If the squelch control is properly set,this indicates a carrier on the receiver channel.Pin 12: EXT PTTThis input is internally pulled up to 5 VDC. When pulledlow by an external device, it keys the repeater transmit-ter while the repeater is operating in the “Remote”mode. Avoid voltage in excess of 5 V on this pin, or in-ternal damage to the microprocessor on the repeaterCNTL Unit may result.Pin 14, 20: GNDChassis ground for all logic levels and power supplyreturn.Pin 22: RXD LOW[ANALOG OUTPUT FOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS](300 ~ 3,000 Hz)This pin is an output for low speed receiving data sig-nals, with the data being extracted after the de-empha-sis and low pass filter stages.Pin 23: RXD HIGH[DIGITAL OUTPUT FOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS]This pin is an output for high speed receiving data sig-nals, with the data being extracted immediately afterthe discriminator (prior to any de-emphasis).Pin 24: TXD LOW[ANALOG INPUT FOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS](300 ~ 3,000 Hz)This pin is intended to be used as a low speed data sig-nal input to the repeater. This digital data signal is in-jected before the transmitter pre-emphasis and limitingstages, so excess signal input levels are clipped.Pin 25: TXD HIGH[DIGITAL INPUT FOR THE DATA COMMUNICATIONS]This pin is intended to be used as a high speed digitaldata signal input to the repeater. This digital data signalis injected after the transmitter splatter filter stage.DB-25 CONNECTOR PORT8Pin I/O Port10 613 715 416 317 218 119 021 5
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALAntenna ConsiderationsRepeater operation requires two antennas, one for re-ceiving and one for transmitting, so that the receivingantenna does not absorb energy from the transmittingantenna. There are a number of ways to do this, depend-ing on the TX/RX frequency separation, and on the loca-tions available for antenna mounting.Regardless of the above choice, it is of paramount im-portance that the antenna(s) be mounted as high and inthe clear as possible, preferably within line-of-sight toall repeater users. Furthermore, losses in the feedline(s)must be minimized, so the feedline(s) should be highquality, and as short as possible. If a long feedline is nec-essary, use coaxial “hardline” cable to reduce losses.Repeater antennas should have an impedance of 50  atthe operating frequency. When separate receive andtransmit antennas are used, high-Q narrow-band typesmay serve to minimize interaction.NEVER  TRANSMIT  WITHOUT  HAVING  ATRANSMIT ANTENNA CONNECTED TO THETX ANTENNA JACK OF THE REPEATER.Equipment LocationThe VXR-9000 must be installed in a 19-inch MountingRack, which will allow for free air flow around the heatsink on the rear apron at all times. In warm climates, therepeater should not be sealed in a small, closed roomwithout air conditioning.While the operating temperature range of the VXR-9000is quite broad, the best location is one in which the airtemperature does not approach the extremes of the speci-fied range, and one that does not change rapidly.Protect the VXR-9000 (Mounting Rack) from wind andrain, and extremes in temperature or humidity that mayshorten the useful life of the equipment. Try to locatethe VXR-9000 (Mounting Rack) in an environment thatis also comfortable for service personnel, if possible.INSTALLATION9
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALRXMAINBACKUPBACKUPTXGNDACCEXTINPUTDC 13.6VPower SupplyOperation of the VXR-9000 requires a power source ca-pable of providing at least 12 Amps continuously at 13.6Volts DC. The FP-1023 (23 A) and FP-1030A (30 A) ACPower Supplies are available from your Vertex Standarddealer to satisfy these requirements. Other well-regu-lated power supplies may be used, as well, if they meetthe above voltage and current specifications.Use the DC power cable supplied with your repeaterfor making power connections to the power supply. Con-nect the RED power cable lead to the POSITIVE (+)power supply terminal, and connect the BLACK powercable lead to the NEGATIVE (–) power supply termi-nal.INSTALLATION10Backup Power SupplyFor uninterrupted operation during power failures, a12-volt rechargeable type battery (55-Ah or more rec-ommended) may be connected to the BACKUP termi-nal posts on the rear panel. While the repeater is operat-ing from the Main Power Source a slight charging cur-rent will maintain battery charge. In the event of an un-expected interruption of the Main Power Source, theautomatic power control circuit will automaticallyswitch the repeater to the backup battery, and operationwill not be interrupted.After prolonged operation from the battery, (BackupPower Source), it should be disconnected from the re-peater and recharged separately before re-connecting,as the trickle charge is not sufficient for recharging acompletely discharged battery.Never reapply the Main Power Source to the repeaterwith a discharged battery connected as backup, as theDC startup current can damage the repeater and bat-tery.While operating from a backup battery, the repeater re-quires approximately 7 amperes at 12 Volts during trans-mit.Never short the “Backup Power Sorce” Terminals,when the Battery Charge switch (located on thePA Unit) is set to “ON.” To TX Antenna To RX AntennaSupplied DC Power CodeREDBLACKREDBLACKBackup Battery(12 V, 55 Ah)TYPICALLY SETUP
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALACCESSORIS & OPTION11Supplied AccessoriesDC Power Cord (T9023499) ............................................ 115-A Blade Fuse (Q0000075) ........................................... 1Knob Cap (RA0506900) ................................................... 6Name Plate (RA0508500) ................................................ 1Operating Manual ............................................................ 1Optional AccessoriesFIF-9 Inline Interface BoxFVP-25 Encryption UnitFVP-35 Rolling Code Encryption UnitMD-11A8J Desktop MicrophoneMH-25A8J Hand Microphone
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALPart 15.21:  Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved byVertex Standard could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables auxappareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux con-ditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, mêmesi le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
VXR-9000 FM REPEATER OPERATING MANUALE C 0 4 4 N 1 0 1Copyright 2011VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manual may bereproduced without the permission ofVERTEX  STANDARD  CO.,  LTD.Printed in JapanVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.4-8-8 Nakameguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8644, Japan

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