Yaesu Musen 30583X3D CLASS D DSC MARINE TRANSCEIVER User Manual GX1300 User s Manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. CLASS D DSC MARINE TRANSCEIVER GX1300 User s Manual

User Manual

Page 1GX1300ECLIPSE GX130025 Watt VHF/FMClass D DSC Marine TransceiverOwner's ManualAffordable ultra compact class D xed mount VHF radio  Submersible  IPX8  class  (4.92  feet  for  30  minutes)  front panel  Separate dedicated channel 70 receiver for DSC  Programmable soft keys  GPS position and time shown* on a full dot matrix display  DSC  distress,  individual,  group,  all  ships,  position  request, position report and DSC test call  Programmable scan, priority scan, and dual watch  NMEA in and output connections to a compatible GPS chart plotter  All USA/International and Canadian marine channels  Meets ITU-R M493-13 class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling)* When GPS connected
GX1300Page 2TABLE OF CONTENTSQuick Reference Guide ..............................................................................................51  GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................62  PACKING LIST ........................................................................................................73  OPTIONS .................................................................................................................74  ONLINE WARRANTY REGISTRATION (in USA or Canada only) ........................75  GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................85.1  ABOUT VHF RADIO ........................................................................................85.2  SELECTING AN ANTENNA .............................................................................85.2.1  Coaxial Cable ......................................................................................95.3  EMERGENCY (CHANNEL 16 USE) ..............................................................105.4  CALLING ANOTHER VESSEL (CHANNEL 16 OR 9) ...................................105.5  OPERATING ON CHANNELS 13 AND 67 (USA Channel Group Only) ........116  INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................126.1  LOCATION .....................................................................................................126.2  MOUNTING THE RADIO ...............................................................................126.2.1  Supplied Mounting Bracket ................................................................126.2.2  Optional MMB-84 Flush Mount Bracket .............................................136.3  ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .....................................................................146.4  ACCESSORY CABLE ....................................................................................166.5  CHECKING G0PS CONNECTIONS ..............................................................176.6  CHANGING THE GPS TIME .........................................................................186.7  CHANGING THE TIME LOCATION ...............................................................196.8  CHANGING THE TIME FORMAT ..................................................................207  CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ............................................................................217.1  FRONT PANEL ..............................................................................................217.2  REAR PANEL ................................................................................................237.3  MICROPHONE ..............................................................................................248  BASIC OPERATION ..............................................................................................258.1  RECEPTION ..................................................................................................258.2  TRANSMISSION ............................................................................................258.3  TRANSMIT TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT) ............................................................258.4  SIMPLEX/DUPLEX CHANNEL USE .............................................................268.5  INTERNATIONAL, USA, AND CANADA MODE ............................................268.6  NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS ......................................................................278.6.1  NOAA Weather Alert ..........................................................................278.6.2  NOAA Weather Alert Testing ..............................................................278.7  SCANNING ....................................................................................................288.7.1  Selecting the Scan Type ....................................................................288.7.2  Scan Memory Programming ..............................................................298.7.3  Memory Scanning (M-SCAN) ............................................................298.7.4  Priority Channel Setting .....................................................................308.7.5  Priority Scanning (P-SCAN) ...............................................................308.8  MULTI WATCH (TO PRIORITY CHANNEL) ..................................................318.8.1  Setting up the Multi Watch Operation ................................................318.8.2  Starting the Dual Watch .....................................................................328.9  PRESET CHANNELS: INSTANT ACCESS ...................................................338.9.1  Preset Channel Programming ...........................................................338.9.2  Operation ...........................................................................................338.9.3  Deleting a Preset Channel .................................................................348.10  OPERATION MENU ....................................................................................359  DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING ...........................................................................369.1  GENERAL ......................................................................................................369.2  MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE IDENTITY (MMSI) ........................................369.2.1  What is an MMSI? .............................................................................36
Page 3GX1300TABLE OF CONTENTS9.2.2  Programming the MMSI .....................................................................379.3  DSC DISTRESS ALERT ................................................................................389.3.1  Transmitting a DSC Distress Alert .....................................................389.3.2  Receiving a DSC Distress Alert .........................................................429.4  ALL SHIPS CALL ...........................................................................................439.4.1  Transmitting an All Ships Call ............................................................439.4.2  Receiving an All Ships Call ................................................................449.4.3  Setting up the All Ships Call Ringer ...................................................459.5  INDIVIDUAL CALL .........................................................................................469.5.1  Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory ..............................469.5.2  Setting up Individual Call Reply .........................................................489.5.3  Setting up the Individual Call Acknowledge Message .......................499.5.4  Transmitting an Individual Call ...........................................................509.5.5  Receiving an Individual Call ...............................................................529.5.6  Setting up the Individual Call Ringer ..................................................549.6  GROUP CALL ................................................................................................569.6.1  Setting up a Group Call .....................................................................569.6.2  Transmitting a Group Call ..................................................................589.6.3  Receiving a Group Call ......................................................................619.6.4  Setting up the Group Call Ringer .......................................................629.7  POSITION REQUEST ...................................................................................639.7.1  Transmitting a Position Request to Another Vessel ...........................639.7.2  Receiving a Position Request ............................................................669.7.3  Setting up the Position Request Ringer .............................................679.8  POSITION REPORT ......................................................................................689.8.1  Transmitting a DSC Position Report Call ...........................................689.8.2  Receiving a DSC Position Report Call ...............................................709.8.5  Setting up a Position Report Ringer ..................................................719.9  MANUAL INPUTTING OF THE GPS LOCATION (LAT/LON) ........................729.10  AUTO POS POLLING ..................................................................................739.10.1  Setting up the Polling Call Type .......................................................739.10.2  Setting up the Polling Time Interval .................................................739.10.3  Selecting Stations to be Automatically Polled ..................................749.10.4  Enabling/Disabling Auto POS Polling ..............................................759.11  DSC TEST CALL ..........................................................................................769.11.1  Transmitting a DSC Test Call ...........................................................769.11.2  Receiving a DSC Test Call ...............................................................789.12  POLLING CALL ...........................................................................................799.12.1  Transmitting a Polling Call ...............................................................799.12.2  Receiving a Polling Call ...................................................................819.13  DSC LOG OPERATION ...............................................................................829.13.1  Reviewing a Logged Transmitted Call .............................................829.13.2  Reviewing a Logged DSC Distress Call ..........................................839.13.3  Reviewing a Logged Other Calls .....................................................849.13.4  Deleting Calls from the “DSC LOG” Directory .................................8510  SETUP MENU ......................................................................................................8710.1  CONFIGURATION SETUP ..........................................................................8710.1.1  Lamp Adjusting ................................................................................8710.1.2  LCD Contrast ...................................................................................8710.1.3  Key Beep .........................................................................................8810.1.4  Location Format ...............................................................................8910.1.5  Time Offset ......................................................................................8910.1.6  Time Display ....................................................................................8910.1.7  Time Format .....................................................................................8910.1.8  Soft Keys .........................................................................................90
GX1300Page 4TABLE OF CONTENTS10.2  CHANNEL SETUP .......................................................................................9210.2.1  Channel Group (Band Selection) .....................................................9210.2.2  Weather Alert ...................................................................................9210.2.3  Multi Watch ......................................................................................9210.2.4  Scan Memory ...................................................................................9210.2.5  Scan Type ........................................................................................9310.2.6  Scan Resume ..................................................................................9310.2.7  Priority Channel ...............................................................................9310.2.8  Sub Channel ....................................................................................9310.3  DSC SETUP ................................................................................................9510.3.1  Individual Directory ..........................................................................9510.3.2  Individual Reply ...............................................................................9510.3.3  Individual Acknowledgement ...........................................................9510.3.4  Individual Ringer ..............................................................................9510.3.5  Group Directory ...............................................................................9610.3.6  Auto Position Polling Call Type ........................................................9610.3.7  Auto Position Polling Interval Time ..................................................9610.3.8  Auto Channel Switching Time ..........................................................9710.3.9  DSC Beep ........................................................................................9711  MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................9811.1  REPLACEMENT PARTS ..............................................................................9811.2  FACTORY SERVICE ....................................................................................9811.3  TROUBLESHOOTING CHART ....................................................................9912  CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS ...............................................................................10013  WARRANTY .......................................................................................................10614  SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................. 11014.1  GENERAL ..................................................................................................11014.2  TRANSMITTER .........................................................................................11014.3  RECEIVER ................................................................................................ 11114.4  GX1300 DIMENSIONS ..............................................................................11215  FCC RADIO LICENSE INFORMATION ............................................................. 11315.1  STATION LICENSE ...................................................................................11315.2  RADIO CALL SIGN ....................................................................................11315.3  CANADIAN SHIP STATION LICENSING ..................................................11315.4  FCC / INDUSTRY CANADA INFORMATION ............................................11316  FCC NOTICE ......................................................................................................114
Page 5GX1300Quick RefeRence Guide  Rotate the VOL knob clockwise until it clicks to turn on the radio.  Rotate the VOL knob to adjust the speaker audio volume.  Press the ▲ or ▼ key on the radio to select the operating channel.  Move  the  SQL  knob  clockwise  to  squelch  or  counter  clockwise  to un-squelch the radio. Press the 16/S key on the radio to select Channel 16. Press and hold the 16/S key on the radio to select the sub channel. Press again to revert to the last selected channel.Press the H/L key to toggle the transmit power between High (25W) and Low (1W). To  transmit:  place  your  mouth  about  1"  away  from  the  MIC  hole  of  the microphone  and  speak  in  a  normal  voice  level  while  pressing  the  PTT switch.  Press the MENU key to access the menu list.MIC HoLeDISTRESSPULL OPENBUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16 
GX1300Page 61  GENERAL INFORMATIONThe GX1300 ECLIPSE is a marine VHF transceiver designed for use in the frequency range of 156.025 to 163.275 MHz. The GX1300 can be operated from  11  to  16  VDC  and  has  a  switchable  RF  output  power  of  1  watt  or  25 watts.The GX1300 is capable of DSC (Digital Selective Calling) Class D (indepen-dent  Channel  70  receiver)  operation  which  allows  continuous  receiving  of Digital Selective Calling functions on channel 70 even if the radio is receiving a call.The GX1300  operates on all currently-allocated marine channels  which are switchable for use with either International, USA, or Canadian regulations. It has an emergency channel 16 which can be immediately selected from any channel by pressing the red 16/S key. Other  features  of  the  transceiver  include:  scanning,  priority  scanning,  high and low voltage warning, and GPS repeatability.
Page 7GX13002  PACKING LISTWhen the package containing the transceiver is rst opened, please check it for the following contents: GX1300 Transceiver  Mounting Bracket, two Mounting Knobs, and hardware  Power Cord with 6 Amp fuse and holder  Owner’s Manual3  OPTIONSMMB-84  ..........................................................................Flush-Mount BracketMLS-310  ...............................................................Amplied External SpeakerMLS-300  .......................................................................External LoudspeakerHC1100 ..........................................................................................Dust Cover4  ONLINE WARRANTY REGISTRATION  (in USA or Canada only)Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register the GX1300 Marine VHF. It should be noted that visiting the website from time to time may be benecial to  you,  as  new  products  are  released  they  will  appear  on  the  STANDARD HORIZON website.PRODUCT SUPPORT INQUIRIESIf  you  have  any  questions  or  comments  regarding  the  use  of  the  GX1300, you can visit the STANDARD HORIZON website to send an E-Mail or contact the Product Support team at (800) 767-2450 M-F 8:00-5:00 PST.
GX1300Page 85  GETTING STARTED5.1  ABOUT VHF RADIOThe  radio  frequencies  used  in  the  VHF  marine  band  lie  between  156  and 158 MHz with some shore stations available between 161 and 163 MHz. The marine VHF band provides communications over distances that are essen-tially “line of sight” (VHF signals  do  not  travel  well  through objects such as buildings, hills or  trees). Actual transmission range depends much more on antenna type, gain and height than on the power output of the transmitter. On a  xed  mount  25  W  radio  transmission  expected  distances  can  be  greater than 15.5 miles (25 km), for a portable 5 W radio transmission the expected distance can be greater than 5 miles (8 km) in “line of sight”.5.2  SELECTING AN ANTENNAMarine antennas  are made to radiate signals equally in  all horizontal direc-tions, but  not  straight  up. The objective of  a  marine antenna  is  to  enhance the signal  toward the  horizon. The degree  to  which  this  is  accomplished  is called the antenna’s gain. It is measured in decibels (dB) and is one of the major  factors  in  choosing  an  antenna.  In  terms  of  effective radiated  power (ERP),  antennas  are  rated  on  the  basis  of  how  much  gain  they  have  over a  theoretical  antenna  with  zero  gain. A  3.28  feet  (1  m),  3  dB  gain  antenna represents twice as much gain over the imaginary antenna.Typically a 3.28 feet (1 m) 3 dB gain stainless steel whip is used on a sailboat mast. The longer  8.2  feet  (2.5  m)  6  dB  berglass  whip  is  primarily used on power boats that require the additional gain.3dB6dB9dB
Page 9GX13005.2.1  Coaxial CableVHF antennas are connected to the transceiver by means of a coaxial cable – a shielded transmission line. Coaxial cable is specied by it’s diameter and construction.For runs less than 20 feet (6 m), RG-58/U (about 0.25" (6 mm) in diameter), is a good choice. For runs over 20 feet (6 m) but less than 50 feet (15 m), the larger RG-8X or RG-213/U should be used. For cable runs over 50 feet (15 m) RG-8X  should  be  used.  For  installation  of  the  connector  onto  the  coaxial cable refer to the gure below.To get your coax cable through a tting and into your boat’s interior, you may have to cut off the end plug and reattach it later. You can do this if you follow the directions that are supplied with the connector. Be sure to make good soldered connections.
GX1300Page 105.3  EMERGENCY (CHANNEL 16 USE)Channel 16  is  known  as the  Hail  and Distress  Channel.  An  emergency is dened as  a threat to life  or property. In  such instances, be sure  the trans-ceiver is on and set to CHANNEL 16. Then use the following procedure:1.  Press  the  microphone  push-to-talk  switch  and  say  “Mayday,  Mayday, Mayday. This is            ,            ,            ” (your vessel’s name).2.  Then repeat once: “Mayday,            ” (your vessel’s name).3.  Now  report  your  position  in  latitude/longitude,  or  by  giving  a  true  or magnetic  bearing  (state  which)  to a  well-known  landmark  such  as  a navigation aid or geographic feature such as an island or harbour entry.4.  Explain the nature of your distress (sinking, collision, aground, re, heart attack, life-threatening injury, etc.).5.  State the kind of assistance you desire (pumps, medical aid, etc.).6.  Report the number of persons aboard and condition of any injured.7.  Estimate the present seaworthiness and condition of your vessel.8.  Give  your  vessel’s  description:  length,  design  (power  or  sail),  color  and other  distinguishing  marks.  The  total  transmission  should  not  exceed  1 minute.9.  End  the  message  by  saying  “OVER.”  Release  the  microphone  button and listen.10. If  there  is  no  answer,  repeat  the  above  procedure.  If  there  is  still  no response, try another channel.NOTE5.4  CALLING ANOTHER VESSEL (CHANNEL 16 OR 9)Channel 16 may be used for initial contact (hailing) with another vessel.However,  its  most  important  use is for emergency  messages. This channel must be monitored at all times except when actually using another channel.It is  monitored  by  the  European,  U.S.  and  Canadian  Coast Guards  and  by other  vessels.  Use of channel 16 for hailing must be limited to initial contact only. Calling should not exceed 30  seconds, but may be repeated 3 times  at  2-minute  intervals.  In  areas  of  heavy  radio traffic,  congestion on  channel  16  resulting  from  its  use  as  a  hailing  channel  can  be  reduced signicantly in U.S. waters by using channel 9 as the initial contact (hailing) channel for non-emergency communications. Here, also, calling time should The GX1300 have  DSC  Distress calling, that can transmit a  distress call digitally to all ships with compatible DSC radios. Refer to section “9 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING”.
Page 11GX1300not exceed 30 seconds but may be repeated 3 times at 2-minute intervals.Prior to making contact with another vessel, refer to the channel charts in this manual,  and  select  an  appropriate  channel  for  communications  after  initial contact. For example, Channels 68 and 69 are some of the channels avail-able to non-commercial (recreational) boaters. Monitor your desired channel in advance to make sure you will not be interrupting other trafc, and then go back to either channel 16 or 9 for your initial contact.When  the  hailing  channel  (16  or  9)  is  clear,  state  the  name  of  the  other vessel you wish to call and then “this is” followed by the name of your vessel and  your  Station  License  (Call  Sign).  When  the  other  vessel  returns  your call, immediately request another channel by saying “go to,” the number of the  other  channel,  and  “over.”  Then  switch  to  the  new  channel.  When  the new channel is not busy, call the other vessel.After a transmission, say “over,” and release the  microphone’s push-to-talk (PTT)  switch.  When  all  communication  with  the  other  vessel  is  completed, end the last transmission by stating your Call Sign and the word “out.” Note that it is not necessary to state your Call Sign with each transmission, only at the beginning and end of the contact.Remember to return to Channel 16 when not using another channel. Some radios automatically monitor Channel 16 even when set to other channels or when scanning.5.5  OPERATING ON CHANNELS 13 AND 67  (USA Channel Group Only)Channel 13  is  used  at docks,  bridges  and  by vessels  manoeuvring  in  port. Messages  on  this  channel  must  concern  navigation  only,  such  as  meeting and passing in restricted waters.Channel 67 is used for navigational trafc between vessels.By  regulation,  power  is  normally  limited  to  1  Watt  on  these  channels. Your radio  is  programmed  to  automatically  reduce  power  to  this  limit  on  these channels. However, in  certain situations it  may be necessary to temporarily use a higher power. See page 23 (H/L key) for means to temporarily override the low-power limit on these two channels.
GX1300Page 126  INSTALLATION6.1  LOCATIONThe radio can be mounted at any angle. Choose a mounting location that:•  keeps the radio and microphone at least 3 feet (1 m) away from your vessel’s magnetic navigation compass•  provides accessibility to the front panel controls•  allows connection to a power source and an antenna•  has nearby space for installation of a microphone hanger•  the antenna must be mounted at least 3 feet (1 m) from radioNote: To  insure  the  radio  does  not  affect  the  compass,  or  that  the  radios performance is not affected by the antenna location, temporarily connect the radio in the desired location and:a. Examine the compass to see if the radio causes any deviationb. Connect the antenna and key the radio. Check to ensure the radio is operating correctly by requesting a radio check.6.2  MOUNTING THE RADIO6.2.1  Supplied Mounting BracketThe supplied mounting bracket allows overhead or desktop mounting.Use a 0.2" (5.2 mm) bit to drill the holes to a surface which is more 0.4" (10 mm) thick and can support more than 3.3 lb (1.5 kg). Secure the bracket with the supplied screws, spring washers, at washers, and nuts.   Desktop Mounting Overhead Mounting
Page 13GX13006.2.2  Optional MMB-84 Flush Mount Bracket1.  To  assist in  flush  mounting,  a  template  has  been  included.  Use  this template to assess the mounting location.2.  Use  the  template  to  mark  the  location  where  the  rectangular  hole  is  to be cut. Conrm the  space  behind  the  dash or panel is  deep  enough  to accommodate the transceiver (at least 5.5" (14 cm) deep).  There should be at least 0.5" (1.3 cm) between the transceiver’s heatsink and any wiring, cables or structures. 3.  Cut out the rectangular hole and insert the transceiver.4.  Fasten the brackets to the sides of the transceiver with the lock washer nut  combination,  so  that  the  mounting  screw  base  faces  the  mounting surface.5.  Turn the adjusting screw to adjust the tension so that the transceiver is tight against the mounting surface.MMB-84 Flush Mount InstallationBracketAdjusting ScrewLock-washer nut combination
GX1300Page 146.3  ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCAUTIONConnect  the power cord  and  antenna  to  the  radio. Antenna  and  Power Supply connections are as follows (see Figure 1):1.  Mount  the  antenna  at least 3.28  feet  (1  m)  away from the  radio. At the rear of the radio, connect the antenna cable.2.  Connect the red power wire to a 13.8 VDC ±20 % power source. Connect the black power wire to a negative ground.3.  If  an  optional  remote  extension  speaker  is  to  be  used,  refer  to  next section for connections.4.  It  is  advisable  to  have  a  Certified  Marine  Technician  check  the  power output and the standing wave ratio of the antenna after installation.Figure 1. General InstallationReverse polarity connections will damage the radio!GPS Chart 150GPS Navigation ReceiverAccessory CableOptional SpeakerAntennaFuseRedPower SourceBlackWater proofDeck Outlet
Page 15GX1300Ferrite Core InstallationTo  suppress  RF  interference that  can  cause  abnormalopera-tion  of  the  transceiver,  attach  the supplied  ferritecore  to  the  both External  Speaker  Connection Cable and GPS Connection Cable together, then snap its two halves-together, per the illustration below.Attach the ferrite core as close as possible  to  thetransceiver  body,  as  shown.  Finally,  wind  some  plastic  tape around  the  ferrite  core,  toprevent  vibration  from  causing  the  two  halves  to split apart.Fuse ReplacementTo  take  out  the  Fuse  from  the  Fuse  Holder, hold  both  ends  of  the  Fuse  Holder  and  pull the Fuse Holder apart, do not bend the Fuse Holder.  When  you  replace  the  Fuse,  please confirm  that  the  Fuse  is  tightly  fixed  on  the metal contact located inside the Fuse Holder. If the metal contact holding the fuse is loose, the Fuse holder may heat up.As close as possibleSnap togetherFerrite CoreDC Power Cable (RED)DC Power Cable (Black)GPS ConnectionCableExternal Speaker Connection Cable
GX1300Page 166.4  ACCESSORY CABLEWhen  connecting  the  external  speaker  or  GPS  navigation  receiver,  strip off about 1"  (2.5 cm) of  the specied wire’s insulation, then splice the ends together using proper waterproong techniques.Wire Color/Description Connection ExamplesWHITE - External Speaker (+)Connect to external 4-ohm audio speakerSHIELD - External Speaker (–) Connect to external 4-ohm audio speakerYELLOW - NMEA GPS Input (+)Connect to NMEA (+) output of GPSGREEN - NMEA GPS Input (–)Connect to NMEA (–) output or common ground of GPSWHITE - NMEA DSC Output (+)Connect to NMEA (+) input of GPSBROWN - NMEA DSC Output (–) Connect to NMEA (–) input of GPS:  Some  GPS  chart  plotters  have  a  single  wire  for  NMEA  signal  ground. In  such  a  case  connect  the  NMEA  input  (–)  to  the  GPS  chart  plotter's single NMEA  signal  ground  wire, and leave  the  NMEA output (–) open. In case  the  assignment  of  power  supply  and  ground  of a  GPS  chart plotter  to  be  used  is  different  from  that  of  the  radio,  connect  the  signal ground wire of the GPS chart plotter to the ground terminal (GND) on the rear panel of the radio.•  The GPS must have the NMEA Output turned on and set to 4800 Baud in the SETUP menu. If there is a selection for parity select none.•  For  further  information  on  interfacing /setting  up  your  GPS. Please contact the manufacturer of the GPS receiver.•  GX1300 can read NMEA-0183 version 2.0 or higher.•  The NMEA supported sentences are:  Input:  GLL,  GGA,  RMC,  GNS,  GSA  and  GSV  (RMC  sentence  is recommended)  Output:  DSC and DSEGPS Receiver/PlotterExternal SpeakerShieldWhiteGreen: NMEA GPS Input (  )White: NMEA DSC Output (  )NMEA OUT (  )NMEA IN (  )NMEA OUT (  )NMEA IN (  )Yellow: NMEA GPS Input (  )Brown: NMEA DSC Output (  )DISTRESSPULL OPENBUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N  09:56P16
Page 17GX13006.5  CHECKING GPS CONNECTIONSAfter  connections  have  been  made  between  the GX1300  and  the  GPS,  a  small  satellite  icon  will appear on  the  top  right  corner  of  the  display,  and displays your current location (Latitude/Longitude) on the display.BUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16NOTEThe  GX1300  has  a  GPS  status  display  which shows the satellites currently being received, along with  a  graphical  (bar-graph)  representation  of  the relative signal strengths from the satellites.(GPS StatuS DISPLay)GPS STATUSLOCAM123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:5601121315212225283132AS--NOTE1.  Turn the transceiver on.BACK SELECT2.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.3.  Select “GPS” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► key, then press the SELECT soft key.  The “GPS STATUS” screen will appear.4.  Press the CLR key to return to radio operation.•  If there is a problem with the NMEA input from a GPS, the satellite icon will blink continuously until the connection is corrected.•  If  a  GPS  with  NMEA  output  is  not  connected  to  the  radio,  the GX1300 will beep 10 minutes after the radio is turned on. After that the GX1300 will beep every 4 hours alerting to connect a GPS.For the GX1300 to properly show the GPS status page when an ex-ternal GPS antenna or a chart plotter is connected it must be setup to output GSA and GSV NMEA 0183 sentences.
GX1300Page 186.6  CHANGING THE GPS TIMEFrom the factory the GX1300 displays GPS satellite time or UTC (Universal Time  Coordinated  or  GMT  (Greenwich  Mean  Time))  time. A  time  offset  is needed to show the local time in your area.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONCONTRASTKEY BEEPLOCATION FORMTTIME OFFSETBACK ENTERTIME OFFSET 00:00+00:30+01:00+01:302.  Select  “SETUP”  with  the  ▲ / ▼  /  ◄  /  ►  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Select “CONFIGURATION” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select  “TIME OFFSET”  with  the  ▲ / ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select time offset from UTC.  See  illustration  below  to  nd  your  offset time from UTC. If “00:00” is assigned, the time is the same as UTC. 6.  Press  the  ENTER  soft  key  to  store  the  time offset.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.offSet tIMe tabLe
Page 19GX13006.7  CHANGING THE TIME LOCATIONThis menu item allows you to choose to show UTC or the local time which is selected in Section 6.6.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONTIME AREATIME FORMATSOFT KEYRESETBACK ENTERTIME AREAUTCLOCAL2.  Select  “SETUP”  with  the  ▲ / ▼  /  ◄  /  ►  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Select “CONFIGURATION” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “TIME AREA” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ to select “UTC” or “LOCAL”.6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.   (“UTC” mode)BUSYMEMUTCACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16(“LOCAL” mode)BUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16
GX1300Page 206.8  CHANGING THE TIME FORMATThis  menu  item  allows  you  to  choose  to  show  time  in  12-hour  or  24-hour format.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONTIME AREATIME FORMATSOFT KEYRESETBACK ENTERTIME FORMAT24 HOURS12 HOURS2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Select  “CONFIGURATION” with  the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “TIME FORMAT” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ to select “12 HOURS” or “24 HOURS”.6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the select-ed setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.
Page 21GX13007  CONTROLS AND INDICATORSDISTRESSPULL OPENBUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16   7.1  FRONT PANEL Power Switch / Volume Control Knob (VOL)  Turns the transceiver on and off as well as adjusts the audio volume.  Rotate  this knob clockwise to turn the radio on and to increase the speaker audio volume level.  To turn the radio off, rotate fully counterclockwise until the pointer stops on the “OFF” indication on the panel. Squelch Control Knob (SQL)  Adjusting  this  control  clockwise,  sets  the  point  at  which  random  noise on the channel does not activate the audio circuits but a received signal will. This point is called the squelch threshold. Further adjustment of the squelch control will degrade reception of wanted transmissions. ▲ / ▼ Keys  The ▲ and ▼ keys are used to select  a  desired  channel  and  to  select items in the DSC operation and other menu operations. ◄ / ► Keys  The ◄ and ►  keys  are  used  to select items in the DSC operation and other menu operations.
GX1300Page 22 Soft Keys  The 3 programmable soft keys can be customized by the SETUP menu (see  the  section  “10.1.7 SOFT KEYS”).  When  one  of  the  soft  keys  is pressed briey, the functions will appear above each key on the display.  The factory defaults are Key 1: CH, Key 2: DW/TW, Key 3: SCAN and Key 4: SCAN MEM function.  Appropriate  functions  are  automatically  assigned  to  these  keys  during the menu and the DSC operations. H/L Key  Press this key to toggle the transmit output power between 25 W (High) and 1 W (Low) power. When the H/L key is pressed while the transceiver is on channel 13 or 67, the power will temporarily switch from LO to HI power until the PTT is released.  The H/L key does not function on transmit inhibited and low power only channels. CLR Key  Immediately  recalls  the  previous  selected  working  channel  during  the DSC operation and other menu operations. 16/S Key  Immediately recalls channel 16 from any channel location and automati-cally  selects  high power.  Pressing and  holding  this key  recalls sub channel.  Pressing  the  16/S  key  again  reverts  to  the  previous  selected working channel. MENU Key  Press  this  key  to  access  the  menu  list. The  “DSC”,  “GPS”,  “MMSI/POS INFO”, and “SETUP” functions can be accessed from the menu.NOTE  DISTRESS Key  Used  to  send  a  DSC  Distress  Call. To  send  the  distress  call  refer  to section “9.3.1 Transmitting a DSC Distress Alert”.Before the “DSC” menu can be selected an MMSI must be entered. Refer  to  section  “9.2 MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE IDENTITY (MMSI).”
Page 23GX13007.2  REAR PANEL DC Input Cable  Connects the radio to a DC power supply capable of delivering 12V DC. External Speaker Connection Cable  Connects the GX1300 to an external speaker. GPS Receiver Connection Cable  Connects the GX1300 to a GPS receiver.  Ground Terminal (GND)  Connects the GX1300 to a good ground, for safety and optimum perfor-mance.  Normally, the GND connection to the heat sink is not needed. However, when  the  DC  power  cable  connection  to  the  radio  has  a  long  run,  the transmitter may become unstable and the receiving audio may be noisy. In such a case, connect a large diameter, short cable between this termi-nal on the heat sink and battery ground. Install only the supplied screw or similar size (M3x6, Stainless Steel) screw.  Antenna Jack (ANT)  Connects an antenna to the transceiver. Use a marine VHF antenna with an impedance of 50 ohms.
GX1300Page 247.3  MICROPHONE  PTT (Push-To-Talk) Switch  Keys  the  transmitter  when  the transceiver is in radio mode. MIC (Microphone) Hole  Transmits the voice message with reduction  of  background  noise, using Clear Voice Noise Reduction Technology. NOTEBe  sure  your  mouth  is  about  1"  (1.3  cm)  from  the  MIC  hole  for best performance.
Page 25GX13008  BASIC OPERATION8.1  RECEPTION1.  After the GX1300 has been installed, ensure that the power supply and antenna are properly connected.2.  Turn the VOL knob clockwise until it clicks to turn the transceiver on.3.  Turn the SQL knob fully counterclockwise. This state is known as “squelch off”.4.  Turn the VOL knob until noise or audio from the speaker is at a comfort-able level.5.  Turn  the  SQL  knob  clockwise  until  the  random  noise  disappears.  This state is known as the “squelch threshold.”6.  Press the  ▲  or ▼  keys  to  select the  desired  channel.  Refer  to  the channel chart on page 103 for available channels.7.  When  a  message  is  received,  adjust  the  volume  to  the  desired  listen-ing level with the VOL knob. The “BUSY” indicator appears on the LCD indicating that the channel is being used.8.2  TRANSMISSION1.  Perform steps 1 through 6 of RECEPTION.2.  Before transmitting, monitor the channel to ensure it is clear. THIS IS AN FCC REQUIREMENT! 3  Press and hold the PTT (push-to-talk) switch of the microphone. The “TX” indicator appears on the LCD.4.  Speak slowly and clearly into the microphone.5.  When the transmission is nished, release the PTT switch.8.3  TRANSMIT TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT)When the PTT switch on the microphone is held down, transmit time is limit-ed to 5 minutes. This limits unintentional transmissions due to a stuck micro-phone. About 10 seconds before automatic transmitter shutdown, a warning beep  will  be  heard  from  the  speaker(s).  The  transceiver  will  automatically go to receive mode, even if the PTT switch is continually held down. Before transmitting again, the  PTT  switch  must rst be released and then pressed again.NOTEWhen a transmission was shut down by the TOT, the GX1300 can not transmit afterwards for 10 seconds.
GX1300Page 268.4  SIMPLEX/DUPLEX CHANNEL USERefer to the VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHART (page 103) for instructions on use of simplex and duplex channels.NOTE8.5  INTERNATIONAL, USA, AND CANADA MODETo change the channel group from International to USA or Canada: 1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPCHANNEL GROUPWEATHER ALERTMULTI WATCHSCAN MEMORYBACK ENTERCHANNEL GROUPUSAINTLCAN2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “CHANNEL GROUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  desired channel group “USA”, “INTL”, or “CAN”.6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the select-ed setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.      Refer  to  the  VHF  MARINE  CHANNEL  CHART  (page  103)  for  allocated channels in each mode.All channels are factory-programmed in accordance with International, Industry Canada (Canada), and FCC (USA) regulations. Mode of op-eration cannot be altered from simplex to duplex or vice-versa.uSa MoDeBUSYMEMACUSA25WP16InternatIonaL MoDeBUSYMEMACINTL25WP16CanaDa MoDeBUSYMEMACCAN25WP16
Page 27GX13008.6  NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS1.  To  receive  a  NOAA  weather  channel,  press one of the soft keys, then press the WX soft key from  any  channel. The  transceiver  will  go  to the last selected weather channel and the “WX” icon appears on the display.2.  Rotate the CH knob to select a different NOAA weather channel.3.  To  exit  from  the  NOAA  weather  channels,  press  one  of  the  soft  keys, then press the CH soft key. The transceiver returns to the channel it was on  prior  to  a  weather  channel  and  the  “WX”  icon  disappears  from  the display.8.6.1  NOAA Weather AlertIn  the  event  of  extreme  weather  disturbances,  such  as  storms  and  hurri-canes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a  weather  alert  accompanied  by  a  1050  Hz  tone  and  subsequent  weather report on one of the NOAA weather channels.The GX1300 can receive weather alerts when on a weather channel and on the last selected weather channel during scanning modes or while on anoth-er channel.When  an alert  is  received  on  a  NOAA  weather channel,  scanning  will stop  and  the transceiver will emit a  loud  beep to alert the user of a  NOAA broadcast.  Press  any  key  to  stop  the  alert  and receive the weather report. To  disable  the  weather  alert  function,  refer  to  section  “10.2.2  Weather Alert”.8.6.2  NOAA Weather Alert TestingNOAA  tests  the  alert  system  ever  Wednesday  between  11AM  and  1PM. To test the GX1300’s NOAA weather feature, on Wednesday between 11AM and 1PM, setup as in section “8.6.1  NOAA Weather Alert” and conrm the alert is heard.
GX1300Page 288.7  SCANNINGAllows the user to select the scan type from Memory scan or Priority scan. “Memory  scan”  scans  the  channels  that  were  programmed  into  memory. “Priority scan” scans the channels programmed in memory with the priority channel.8.7.1  Selecting the Scan Type1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPSCAN TYPESCAN RESUMEPRIORITY CHSUB CHBACK ENTERSCAN TYPEPRIORITY SCANMEMORY SCAN2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “SCAN TYPE” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press  the ▲ /  ▼  keys  to  select  “PRIORITY SCAN” or “MEMORY SCAN.”6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.CH12CH09CH01ACH15CH18CH22ACH61ACH68ACH68ACH88APriority ChannelCH12CH09CH01ACH15CH18CH22ACH61ACH68ACH68ACH88AMeMory SCan (M-SCan)PrIorIty SCan (P-SCan)
Page 29GX13008.7.2  Scan Memory Programming1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPWEATHER ALERTMULTI WATCHSCAN MEMORYSCAN TYPEBACK MEMSCAN MEMORYCH: 16CH: 17CH: 18ACH: 19AMEMMEMMEM2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select “SCAN MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  a  desired channel to  be  scanned, then  press  the  MEM soft  key.  “MEM”  appears  on  the  display,  which indicates the channel has been selected to the scan channel.6.  Repeat  step  5  for  all  the  desired  channels  to be scanned.7.  To  delete  a  channel  from  the  list,  select  the channel  then  press  the MEM  soft  key again. The “MEM” disappears from the display.8.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.8.7.3  Memory Scanning (M-SCAN)1.  Adjust the SQL knob until background noise disappears.2.  Select “MEMORY SCAN” as scan type via the SETUP menu.3.  Press one of the soft keys, then press the SCAN soft key (it may  be  necessary  to  press the ◄ /  ►  key  to  locate  the  SCAN  soft  key).  “M-SCN” appears on  the LCD.  Scanning will  proceed from  the  lowest  to  the  highest  programmed channel  number  and  will stop  on  a  channel when a transmission is received.BUSYMEMACUSA25WM-SCNP164.  The  channel  number  will  blink  during  recep-tion.5.  To stop scanning, press the 16/S key or press one of the soft keys, then press the SCAN soft key.
GX1300Page 308.7.4  Priority Channel SettingIn  the  default  setting,  Channel  16  is  set  as  the  priority  channel.  You  may change the  priority  channel  to  another  channel  from  Channel  16  via  the SETUP menu.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPSCAN TYPESCAN RESUMEPRIORITY CHSUB CHBACK ENTERPRIORITY CHCH: 16CH: 17CH: 18ACH: 19AP-CH2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select “PRIORITY CH”, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  priority channel.6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.8.7.5  Priority Scanning (P-SCAN)1.  Adjust the SQL knob until background noise disappears.2.  Select “PRIORITY SCAN” as scan type via the SETUP menu.3.  Press  one  of  the  soft  keys,  then  press  the SCAN soft  key  (it  may  be  necessary  to  press the  ◄  /  ►  key  to  locate  the  SCAN  soft  key). “P-SCN”  appears  on  the  LCD.  Scanning  will proceed between the memorized channels and the  priority  channel.  The  priority  channel  will be scanned after each programmed channel.BUSYMEMACUSA25WP-SCNP164.  Scanning will stop on a channel when a trans-mission  is  received.  The  channel  number  will blink during reception.5.  To stop scanning, press the 16/S key or press one of the soft keys, then press the SCAN soft key.
Page 31GX13008.8  MULTI WATCH (TO PRIORITY CHANNEL)Multi watch is used to scan two or three channels for communications.   In  Dual  Watch,  a  normal VHF  channel and  the priority  channel  are scanned alternately.   In Triple Watch, a normal VHF channel, the priority channel, and the sub channel are scanned alternately. When  a signal  is received  on the  normal channel  the radio  briefly switches between the normal channel and the priority channel to look for a transmission. If the radio receives communications on the priority channel the radio stops and listens to the priority channel until communication ends and then starts dual  or triple watch scan again.8.8.1  Setting up the Multi Watch Operation1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATIONBACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPWEATHER ALERTMULTI WATCHSCAN MEMORYSCAN TYPEBACK ENTERMULTI WATCHDUALTRIPLE2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select  “MULTI WATCH”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DUAL”  or “TRIPLE.”6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu.
GX1300Page 328.8.2  Starting the Dual Watch1.  Adjust the SQL knob until the background noise disappears.2.  Select the channel you wish to dual watch to the priority channel.3.  Press  one of the soft keys, then press the DW soft key (it may be necessary to press the ◄ / ► key to locate the DW soft key).   “DW-##”  (##  indicates  the  priority  channel number  you  have  selected)  appears on  the LCD. The  radio  will  scan  between  the  priority channel and the channel that was selected in step 2.  If  a  transmission  is  received  on  the  channel selected in step 2, the GX1300 will dual watch to the priority channel.BUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WDW-16A884.  To  stop  dual  watch,  press  one  of  the  soft  keys,  then  press  the  DW soft key again.When  selecting  “TRIPLE”  in  the  SETUP  menu,  TW  will  be  displayed  as  the soft key instead of DW.NOTEThe priority channel may be changed from CH16 to another channel. Refer to section “8.6.4  Priority Channel Setting”.
Page 33GX13008.9  PRESET CHANNELS: INSTANT ACCESS8  preset  channels  can be  programmed  for  instant access.  Pressing  the PRESET soft key activates the preset channel bank. If the PRESET soft key is pressed and no channels have been assigned, an alert beep will be emitted from the speaker.For  details  about  the  assignment  of  the  PRESET  and  other  soft  keys,  see “10.1.7  Soft Keys”.8.9.1  Preset Channel Programming1.  Press the ▲ / ▼  key to select the channel  to be programmed.BUSYMEMACUSA25WA88BUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WA88QUIT ADDBUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WA882.  Press  one  of  the soft keys,  then  press  and hold  the  PRESET  soft  key  until  the channel number blinks.3.  Press the ADD soft key to program the channel into the preset channel.  The “P-SET” icon appears on the LCD. 4.  Repeat  steps  1  through  3  to  program  the desired channels into the preset channel bank.8.9.2  Operation1.  Press  one  of  the  soft  keys,  then  press  the PRESET  soft  key  to  recall  the  preset  channel. The “P-SET” icon will appear on the LCD.BUSYMEMACUSA25WP16BUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WA882.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  the  desired preset channel. 3.  Press  one  of  the  soft  keys,  then  press  the PRESET  soft  key  again  to  return  to  the  last selected channel.
GX1300Page 348.9.3  Deleting a Preset Channel1.  Press  one  of  the  soft  keys,  then  press  the PRESET soft key.BUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WA88BUSYMEMACP-SETUSA25WA88QUIT DELETEBUSYMEMACUSA25WA882.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  the  preset channel to be deleted.3.  Press  one  of  the soft keys,  then  press  and hold  the  PRESET  soft  key  until  the channel number blinks.4.  Press  the  DELETE  soft  key  to  delete  the channel from the preset channel bank.  The “P-SET” icon disappears on the LCD. 5.  Repeat steps 2 through 4 to delete the desired channels from the preset channel bank.
Page 35GX13008.10  OPERATION MENUThe  GX1300  provides  advanced  features  below, via  the  menu screen displayed  by  pressing the MENU key on the front panel.BACK SELECTDSCThe  following  seven  types  of  DSC  (Digital  Selective  Calling)  are  available:  Individual, Group, All Ships, Position Request, Position Report, Polling, and Auto Position Polling.This menu also provides convenient functions for DSC as below.  Sets the nature of Distress Call (DIST ALERT MSG)  Browses information of received DSC calls (DSC LOG)  Transmits a test call (DSC TEST)GPSYou can check the signal strength of captured GPS satellites.MMSI/POS INFOVia this menu, input your MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) before you use DSC.SETUPThis  menu  allows  certain  aspects  of  your  transceiver’s  conguration  to  be customized for your personal operating conditions.
GX1300Page 369  DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING9.1  GENERALWARNINGDigital Selective Calling (DSC) is a semi-automated method of establishing a radio call. It has been designated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)  as  an  international  standard  for  establishing  VHF,  MF,  and  HF  radio calls. It has also been designated as part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). It is planned that DSC will eventually replace aural watches on  distress  frequencies  and  will  be  used  to  announce  routine  and urgent maritime safety information broadcasts.This  system allows mariners  to  instantly  send  a  distress  call  with  GPS position (when connected to the transceiver) to the Coast  Guard  and  other vessels  within  range  of  the  transmission.  DSC  will  also  allow  mariners  to initiate or receive Distress, Urgency, Safety, Routine, POSITION REQUEST, POSITION SEND, and Group calls to or from another vessel equipped with a DSC transceiver.9.2  MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE IDENTITY (MMSI)9.2.1  What is an MMSI?An MMSI  is a nine digit number used on Marine radios  capable  of  using Digital Selective Calling (DSC). This number is used like a telephone number to selectively call other vessels.THIS NUMBER MUST BE PROGRAMMED INTO THE RADIO TO OPERATE DSC FUNCTIONS.How can I obtain an MMSI assignment?Please contact the Radio Licensing Authority for your country for information on how to obtain an MMSI number.The  GX1300  is  designed  to  generate  digital  maritime  distress  and safety calls to facilitate search and rescue. To be effective as a safety device, this equipment must be used only within communication range of  a  shore-based  VHF  marine  channel  70  distress  and  safety  watch system. The range of  signal may vary, however  under normal condi-tions should be approximately 20 nautical miles.
Page 37GX13009.2.2  Programming the MMSIWARNING1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTMMSI INPUT 1st:     ---------BACK FINISH SELECTMMSI INPUT 1st:     366901234BACK SELECTFINISHMMSI INPUT 1st:     *********     366901234 2nd:BACK SELECTFINISHMMSI INPUT    STORED MMSI          366901234OK2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “MMSI/POS INFO”.3.  Press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel,  press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select the rst number of your MMSI, then press the SELECT soft key to step to the next number.5.  Repeat step 4 to set your MMSI number (nine digits).6.  If  a  mistake  was  made  entering  in  the  MMSI number,  press  the  ◄ / ►  key  until  the  wrong number  is  highlighted,  then  press  the  ▲  /  ▼ key to correct the entry and press the SELECT soft key.7.  When  finished  programming  the  MMSI  number, press the FINISH soft key. The  radio will ask you  to input the MMSI number again. Use steps 4 through 6 above.8.  After the second number has been input, press the FINISH soft key to store the MMSI.9.  Press  the  OK  soft  key  to  return  to  the  “MMSI/POS INFO” screen.10. Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.The MMSI can be input only once.  Therefore,  please be careful not to input the incorrect MMSI number. If you need to change the MMSI number after it has been entered, the radio will have to be re-turned to Factory Service. Refer to the section “12.2 FACTORY SER-VICE.”
GX1300Page 389.3  DSC DISTRESS ALERTThe GX1300 is capable of transmitting and receiving DSC distress messag-es to all DSC radios. The GX1300 may be connected to a GPS to also trans-mit the latitude and longitude of the vessel.NOTE9.3.1  Transmitting a DSC Distress AlertNOTEIn order for your vessel's location to be transmitted, either connect a GPS to the GX1300 (refer to section “6.4 ACCESSORY CABLE”) or manually input your  position  (refer  to section  “9.9 MANUAL INPUTTING OF THE GPS LOCATION”).Basic Operation1.  Lift  the  red  spring  loaded  DISTRESS  cover, then  press  and  hold  the  DISTRESS  key. The “DISTRESS”  screen will  appear  on  the  LCD and  the  radios  display  will  count  down  (3sec  2sec  1sec) and then the distress alert will  be  transmitted.  The  backlight  of  the  LCD and keypad ashes while the radios display is counting down.QUIT!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATED[DISTRESS]Hold for 3 sec.!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATED[  Transmitting  ]!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATED[Waiting for ACK]TX IN: 02:25PAUSEINFOCANCEL2.  The GX1300 watches for an acknowledgment call  on  channel  70  or  a  voice  call  on  channel 16 from another vessel.3.  If  an  vessel  responds  to  you  on  channel  16, pick up the microphone and press and hold the PTT switch to advise your distress situation.If a GPS with NMEA output is not connected to the radio, the GX1300 will beep 10 minutes after the radio is turned on and will continue to beep every 4 hours alerting to connect a GPS.To be able to transmit a DSC distress alert, an MMSI number must be programmed (refer to section “9.2.2 Programming the MMSI”).
Page 39GX13004.  When  a  DSC  distress  acknowledgment  is received on channel 70, a DSC distress alarm sounds and channel 16 is automatically select-ed.  Pick  up  the microphone  and press  and hold  the  PTT  switch  to advise  your  distress situation.!!DISTRESS!!RX ACKNOWLEDGED    USCG CASINCE: 00:15OK  The LCD  shows  either  of  the  following  messages  depending  on the received acknowledgement:RX ACKNOWLEDGED:  acknowledgment signal is received.RX RLY ACK:  relay acknowledgment signal is received from another vessel or coast station.  To  cancel  the  DSC  distress  alarm  signal  from  the  speaker,  press  any key.5.  If  no  acknowledgment  is  received,  the  distress  alert  is  repeated  at approximately  4  minute  intervals  until  a  DSC  acknowledgment  is received.NOTETransmitting a DSC Distress Alert with Nature of DistressThe GX1300 is capable of transmitting a DSC distress alert with the following “Nature of Distress” categories:  Undesignated,  Fire,  Flooding,  Collision,  Grounding,  Capsizing,  Sinking, Adrift, Abandoning, Piracy, MOB1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “DIST ALT MSG”,  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)After the radio transmits the distress call, the display of the radio will show the  remaining  time  until the  distress  call will  be  re-transmitted. The display will show “TX IN 04:00” and count down.
GX1300Page 404.  Press the NATURE soft key.BACK POS/TMDIST ALERT MSGUNDESIGNATED POS: --°--.----     ---°--.----TIME: --:--UTCNATUREBACK SELECTNATUER OF DISTFIRE,EXPLOSIONFLOODINGCOLLISIONGROUNDING5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired nature  of  distress  category,  then  press  the SELECT soft key.6.  Press  and  hold  the  DISTRESS  key  until  a distress alert is transmitted.7.  Perform the  steps  2  through 5 of  the  basic operation described in the previous section.Transmitting a DSC Distress Alert with Manually Entering a PositionWhen  the  GX1300  is  not  connected  to  a  GPS  receiver  or  the  GPS  is  not operating  properly,  you  may input  the latitude/longitude  of  your vessel manually at your sending of a DSC distress alert.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “DIST ALT MSG”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the POS/TM soft key.BACK POS/TMDIST ALERT MSGUNDESIGNATED POS: --°--.----     ---°--.----TIME: --:--UTCNATUREPOS AND TIME 23°56.890N123°56.890WPOS:TIME:   12:56UTCBACK SELECTFINISH5.  Enter the latitude/longitude of your vessel and UTC time in the  24-hour  format.  Press  the ▲ /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  number  and  press  the SELECT soft key to move the cursor to the next character. If you make a mistake, press the ◄ / ► key until the wrong character is highlight-ed,  then  press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  correct  the entry and press the SELECT soft key.6.  When you have completed your selection, press the FINISH soft key to save the setting.7.  Press and hold the DISTRESS key until a distress alert is transmitted.8.  Perform  the  steps  2  through  5  of  the  basic  operation  described  in  the previous section.
Page 41GX1300Pausing a DSC Distress AlertAfter a DSC distress call is transmitted, it is repeated every 4 minutes until the call is canceled by the user or until the radio is turned off and on again. The  GX1300  has  provision  to  suspend  (pause)  the  re-transmitting  of  the distress call by the procedure below.1.  After  the  distress  call  is  transmitted,  the  radio will show the display as on the right.  Looking at this  display  you will notice  “TX in 02:25”,  this  is  the  time  when  the  radio  will re-transmit the distress call.!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATED[Waiting for ACK]TX IN: 02:25PAUSEINFOCANCEL!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATEDRetransmissionis now pausing!TX IN: 02:25RESUMEINFOCANCEL2.  To  suspend  re-transmitting the  distress  call, press the PAUSE soft key.3.  To  resume  counting  down  to  transmit  the distress call, press the RESUME soft key.Canceling a DSC Distress AlertThe  GX1300  has  the  capability  to  transmit  a DSC distress cancel call by pressing  the  CANCEL soft key, then press the YES soft key.!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATED[Waiting for ACK]TX IN: 02:25PAUSEINFOCANCEL!!DISTRESS!!UNDESIGNATEDDo you want tocancel a DIST?YESNO
GX1300Page 429.3.2  Receiving a DSC Distress Alert1.  When a DSC distress alert is received, an emergency alarm sounds.  The display will show the MMSI (or name) of the vessel transmitting the distress.2.  Press any key on the radio to stop the alarm.3.  To immediately switch to channel 16, press the ACCEPT soft key.  If  a  key  is  not  pressed  for  thirty  seconds  (by default;  refer  to  the  section  “10.3.8  Auto Channel Switching Time”) after a DSC call is received, the GX1300 will automatically switch to  channel  16  for  you  to  monitor  distress communications.RX DISTRESSYAESUUNDESIGNATEDNOT ACKNOWLEDGEDSINCE: 00:05ACCEPT QUITPAUSEBUSYMEMACUSA25WDISTRESS PAUSEP16QUITRESUME4.  Press  the  PAUSE  soft  key  to  suspend  the acknowledgement.  Press  the  RESUME  soft  key  to  resume  the acknowledgement.5.  If you want the radio to stay on the channel you were on before receiv-ing the distress call, press the QUIT soft key.6.  After  accepting  the  distress  call,  press  the INFO soft key to show information of the vessel in distress.RX DISTRESSYAESUUNDESIGNATEDNOT ACKNOWLEDGEDSINCE: 00:05INFO QUITINFODIST INFODIST: 366901234YAESUUNDESIGNATEDRX DISTRESSBACK QUIT7.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to scroll the screen and see  the  MMSI  (or  name),  nature  of  distress, and GPS position of the vessel in distress.   If  the  received  call  does  not  include  position data, the LCD will show “NO POSITION”.9.  Press  the  QUIT  soft  key  to  return  to  radio operation mode.NOTEWhen  there  is  an  unread  distress  alert,  “ ”  icon  will  appear  on  the display. You  may review the unread  distress  alert  from  the DSC log, refer to the section “9.12.2 Reviewing a Logged DSC Distress Call.”
Page 43GX13009.4  ALL SHIPS CALLThe all ships call function allows contact to be established with other vessel stations without having their ID in the individual calling directory. Also, priority for the call can be designated as "urgency" or "safety".URGENCY Call: This  type  of  call  is  used  when  a  vessel  may  not  truly  be in  distress,  but  has  a  potential  problem  that  may  lead  to  a distress situation. This call is the same as saying “PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN” on channel 16.SAFETY Call:  This type of call is used to transmit boating safety informa-tion to other vessels.  This message usually contains infor-mation about an overdue boat, debris in the water, loss of a navigation aid or an important meteorological message. This call is the same as saying “Securite, Securite, Securite.”9.4.1  Transmitting an All Ships Call1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ALL SHIPS”, and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  category of the call (“SAFETY” or “URGENCY”), then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCATEGORYSAFETYURGENCY5.  Press  the  ▲ / ▼ keys to select the operating channel  you  want  to  communicate  on,  then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINTERSHIP CHCH:16CH:06CH:08CH:096.  Press the YES soft key to transmit the selected type of all ships call.YESNOALL SHIPSCATEG: SAFETYCH: 16 Transmit a Call?
GX1300Page 447.  After the all ships call is transmitted, the trans-ceiver will  switch to the channel which  select-ed on the step 5 above, with no change of the display. To change the display, press the QUIT soft key.ALL SHIPS  CATEG: SAFETY SINCE: 00:05 [ Transmitted ]QUIT8.  Listen  to  the  channel  to  make  sure  it  is  not  busy,  then  key  the  micro-phone and say “PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN” or “Securite, Securite, Securite”  depending  on  the  priority  of  the  call.  Say  your  call  sign  and announce the channel you wish to switch to for communications.9.4.2  Receiving an All Ships Call1.  When an all ships call is received, an emergency alarm sounds.  The display will show the MMSI (or name) of the vessel transmitting the all ships call.2.  Press any key on the radio to stop the alarm.3.  To  immediately  switch  to  requested  channel, press the ACCEPT soft key.  If  a  key  is  not  pressed  for  thirty  seconds  (by default;  refer  to  the  section  “10.3.8  Auto Channel Switching Time”)  after  an  all  ships call is received, the GX1300 will automatically switch  to  the  requested  channel  for  you  to monitor communications.RX ALL SHIPS     YAESUCATEG: SAFETY   CH: 08SINCE: 00:05ACCEPT QUITPAUSEBUSYMEMACUSA25W08ALL SHIPS PAUSEQUITRESUME4.  Press  the  PAUSE  soft  key  to  suspend  the acknowledgement.  Press  the  RESUME  soft  key  to  resume  the acknowledgement.5.  If you want the radio to stay on the channel you were on before receiv-ing the all ships call, press the QUIT soft key.6.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to scroll the screen and see the MMSI (or name) of the calling vessel, category  of  the  call  and  requested  operating channel.RX ALL SHIPS     YAESUCATEG: SAFETY   CH: 08SINCE: 00:08ABLE QUITUNABLE7.  Press the QUIT soft key to display the operat-ing channel number of the requested channel.8.  Press the PTT switch on the microphone and talk to the calling vessel.
Page 45GX13009.4.3  Setting up the All Ships Call RingerThe GX1300 has the capability to turn off the all ships call ringer.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “DSC BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Select “ALL SHIPS” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC BEEPINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSPOS REQUESTONONONOFF6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “OFF”,  then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERALL SHIPSOFFON7.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.If you wish to return to enabling the ringer tone, just repeat the above proce-dure, pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” in step 6 above.
GX1300Page 469.5  INDIVIDUAL CALLThis feature allows the GX1300 to contact  another  vessel  with  a  DSC  VHF radio and automatically  switch  the receiving radio to a desired communica-tions channel. This feature is similar to calling a vessel on CH16 and request-ing to go to another channel (switching to the channel is private between the two stations).9.5.1  Setting up the Individual / Position Call DirectoryThe  GX1300  has  a  DSC  directory  that  allows you  to  store  a  vessel or person’s  name  and  the  MMSI  (Maritime  Mobile  Service  Identity  Number) number associated with vessels you wish to transmit individual calls, position requests and position report transmissions. The GX1300 can store up to 60 individual MMSI numbers with vessel's or person's names.To transmit an Individual call you must program this directory with the infor-mation of the persons you wish to call, similar to a cellular phones directory.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select  “INDIVIDUAL DIR.” with  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPINDIVIDUAL DIR.INDIVIDUAL REPLYINDIVIDUAL ACKINDIVIDUAL RING5.  Select  “ADD”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys,  then  press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINDIVIDUAL DIR.ADDEDITDELETE6.  Select “NAME” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTADDNAME:   -------------MMSI:   ---------
Page 47GX13007.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to scroll to the rst letter of the name of the vessel or person you want to list in the directory. BACK SELECTFINISHADDNAME: Y--------------8.  Press  the  SELECT  soft  key  to  store the  first letter of the name and step to the next letter to the right.9.  Repeat steps 7 and 8 until the name is complete.   Press the ► key to move to the next space if you want to enter a blank space in the name.   If  a  mistake  was  made  entering  in  the  name,  press  the  ◄  /  ► keys repeatedly  until  the  wrong  letter  is  highlighted,  then  press  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys to correct the entry.10. After the  eleventh  letter  or  space  has  been entered, press the FINISH soft key to return to the previous screen.ADDNAME:   YAESU-------MMSI:   ---------BACK SELECTFINISHBACK SELECTFINISHADDMMSI: 3----------11. Select “MMSI” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.12.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.13. Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.15. After  the  nineth number  has  been entered, press  the  FINISH  soft  key  to  return  to  the previous screen.ADDNAME:   YAESU-------MMSI:   366901555BACK SELECTFINISH16. Press the FINISH soft key to save the entered address.17. To enter another individual address, repeat steps 5 through 16.18. Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.
GX1300Page 489.5.2  Setting up Individual Call ReplyAllows  setting  up  the  radio  to  automatically  (default  setting)  or  manually respond  to  a  DSC  individual  call  requesting  you  to  switch  to  a  working channel  for  voice  communications.  When  the  manual  response  is  selected the MMSI of the calling vessel is shown allowing you to see who is calling. This function is similar to caller ID on a cellular phone.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “INDIVIDUAL REPLY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPINDIVIDUAL DIR.INDIVIDUAL REPLYINDIVIDUAL ACKINDIVIDUAL RING5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “AUTO”  or “MANUAL”, then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERINDIVIDUAL REPLYAUTOMANUAL6.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.
Page 49GX13009.5.3  Setting up the Individual Call Acknowledge MessageThe  GX1300  can  select  either  reply  message  “Able”  (default)  or  “Unable” when the individual reply setting (described previous section) is set to “AUTO”.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “INDIVIDUAL ACK”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPINDIVIDUAL DIR.INDIVIDUAL REPLYINDIVIDUAL ACKINDIVIDUAL RING5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “ABLE”  or “UNABLE”, then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERINDIVIDUAL ACKABLEUNABLE6.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.
GX1300Page 509.5.4  Transmitting an Individual CallThis  feature  allows  you  to  contact  another  vessel,  switch  their  radio  to  a requested working channel and ring like a telephone. This feature is similar to calling a vessel on CH16 and requesting to go to another channel.Individual Call from Individual / Position Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “INDIVIDU-AL”,  and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “HISTORY”  or “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINDIVIDUALHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON6.  Press  the ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  operat-ing channel you want to communicate on and press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINTERSHIP CHCH:06CH:08CH:09CH:107.  Press the YES soft key to transmit the individu-al DSC signal.INDIVIDUAL     YAESUCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08Transmit a Call?YESNO8.   After  an  individual  call  is  transmitted,  if  the reply  signal  is  not  received,  “Waiting for ACK” is shown on the display which means the GX1300 is waiting for the vessel you called to send an acknowledgement. INDIVIDUAL     YAESU      CH: 08    SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT  To transmit the call again, press the RESEND soft key.
Page 51GX13009.  When  the  GX1300  receives  an  acknowledgement  from  the  vessel  you called, the radio will automatically switch to the operating channel select-ed in step 6 and produce a ringing sound.10. Key  the  microphone  and  call  the  other  vessel  you  desire  to  communi-cate with.Individual Call - Manual MMSI EntryYou may enter an MMSI number manually to contact a vessel without storing the MMSI in the individual/position call directory.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “INDIVIDU-AL”,  and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINDIVIDUALHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDMMSI:  3----------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press  the ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  operat-ing channel you want to communicate on and press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINTERSHIP CHCH:06CH:08CH:09CH:10
GX1300Page 5210. Press the YES soft key to transmit the individu-al DSC signal.INDIVIDUAL   366901555CATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08Transmit a Call?YESNO11. After an individual call is transmitted, if the reply signal is not received, “Waiting for ACK” is shown on the display which means the GX1300 is waiting for the vessel you called to send an acknowledgement.   To transmit the call again, press the RESEND soft key.12. When  the  GX1300  receives  an  acknowledgement from  the  vessel  you called, the radio will automatically switch to the operating channel select-ed in step 9 and produce a ringing sound.13. Key  the  microphone  and  call  the  other  vessel  you  desire  to  communi-cate with.9.5.5  Receiving an Individual CallWhen receiving an  individual  call,  an  acknowledgment must be  sent  back to the  calling  station.  The  GX1300  in  the  default  setting  will  automatically respond to the calling station and switch to the requested channel for voice communications.  Refer  to  the  section  “9.5.2  Setting up Individual Call Reply” if you want to change the setting to see who is calling before replying to the call.Automatic reply:1.  When an individual call is received, a ringing alarm sounds.  The  GX1300  automatically  switches  to  the  requested  channel. The display  shows  the MMSI  or  the name  of  the vessel  transmitting  the individual call.2.  Press any key to stop the alarm.3.  Press  the  QUIT  soft  key  to  return  to  radio operation.4.  Monitor  the  channel  to  make  sure  it  is  clear, then press the PTT switch on the microphone and talk to the calling vessel.Manual reply:1.  When an individual call is received, a ringing alarm sounds.  The display shows the MMSI or the name of the vessel transmitting the individual call.2.  Press any key to stop the alarm.
Page 53GX13003.  Press the ACCEPT soft key to accept the call. RX INDIVIDUAL     YAESUCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08SINCE: 00:05ACCEPT QUITPAUSE4.  Press  the  PAUSE  soft  key  to  suspend  the acknowledgement.  Press  the  RESUME  soft  key  to  resume  the acknowledgement.BUSYMEMACUSA25WINDIVIDUAL PAUSE08QUITRESUME5.  After  accepting  the  call,  press  the  ABLE soft key  to  switch  to  the requested  channel.  (To inform  that  you  cannot  respond,  press  the UNABLE soft key.)RX INDIVIDUAL     YAESUCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08SINCE: 00:08ABLE QUITUNABLE6.  Press  the  YES soft  key  to  send  an  acknowl-edgement.  Press  the  CHG CH  soft  key  to  change  the channel for communication from the requested one.RX INDIVIDUAL      YAESU    CH: 08ABLE TO COMPLYTransmit a Call?YESNOCNG CHRX INDIVIDUAL   YAESUCH: 08SINCE: 00:05[ Conncted ]RESEND QUIT7.  After  sending  the  acknowledgement,  the GX1300  switches  to  the  requested  channel or  to  the  channel  selected  in  step  6,  without changing  the  display.  To  change  the  display, press the QUIT soft key.8.  Monitor the channel to make sure it is clear, then press the PTT switch on the microphone and talk to the calling vessel.
GX1300Page 549.5.6  Setting up the Individual Call RingerWhen an individual call is received the radio will produce a ringing tone for 3 minutes (by default). This selection allows the individual call ringer time to be changed.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select  “INDIVIDUAL RING” with  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPINDIVIDUAL DIR.INDIVIDUAL REPLYINDIVIDUAL ACKINDIVIDUAL RING5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select ringing time of an  individual  call,  then  press  the  ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERINDIVIDUAL RING 2 min 5 sec10 sec15 sec6.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.
Page 55GX1300The GX1300 has the capability to turn off the individual call ringer.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “DSC BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Select  “INDIVIDUAL”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC BEEPINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSPOS REQUESTONONONOFF6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “OFF”,  then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERINDIVIDUALOFFON7.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.If you wish to return to enabling the ringer tone, just repeat the above proce-dure, pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” in step 6 above.
GX1300Page 569.6  GROUP CALLThis feature allows the user to contact a group of specic vessels (example members  of  a  yacht  club)  with  a  group  MMSI  number  using  the  group  call function  to  automatically  switch  to  a  desired  channel  for  voice  communi-cations. This  function  is  very  useful  for  yacht  clubs  and  vessels  traveling together that want to collectively make announcements on a predetermined channel. The GX1300 can store up to 20 group call entries. 9.6.1  Setting up a Group CallFor this function to operate the same group MMSI must be programmed into all  the  DSC  VHF  radios  within  the  group  of  vessels  that  will  be  using  this feature. To understand  about  group  MMSI  programming,  rst  a  Ship  MMSI has to be understood.Ship MMSI: The  first  three  digits  called  a  MID  (Mobile  Identity  Group)  of a  ship  MMSI  denote  the  country  the  ship  registered  for  a  MMSI.    The  last 6  digits  are  specic  to  the  ships  ID.  Ship MMSI Example:  If  your  MMSI  is “366123456”,  “366”  is  MID  which  denote  the  country  and  “123456”  is  the ships ID for you.Group MMSI:  Group  MMSI  numbers  are  not  assigned  by  the  FCC  or  other  organiza-tions licensed to assign ship MMSI numbers.    The rst  digit  of  a  group  MMSI  is  always  set  to  “0”  by  the  international rules. All  Standard  Horizon  radios  are  preset  so  when  programming  a group MMSI the rst digit is set to “0”.   The USCG recommends programming the MID of a ships MMSI into the second, third and fourth digits of the group MMSI as it denotes the area the ship is located in.   The  last  5  digits  are  decided  upon  by  persons  in  the  group. This  is  an important  step  as  all  radios  in  the  group  must  contain  the  same  group MMSI  so  they  can  be  contacted  by  each  other. There  is  a  chance  that another group of vessels may program in the same group MMSI. If this happens,  simply  change  one  or  more  of  the  last  5  digits  of  the  group MMSI.
Page 57GX13001.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select  “GROUP DIR.”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPINDIVIDUAL REPLYINDIVIDUAL ACKINDIVIDUAL RINGGROUP DIR.5.  Select  “ADD”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys,  then  press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTGROUP DIR.ADDEDITDELETE6.  Select “NAME” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTADDNAME:   -------------GROUP MMSI:   0--------7.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to scroll through the rst letter of the group name you want to reference in the directory.BACK SELECTFINISHADDNAME: Y--------------8.  Press  the  SELECT  soft  key  to  store the  first letter in the name and step to the next letter to the right. 9.  Repeat steps 7 and 8 until the name is complete.   Press the ► key to move to the next space if you want to enter a blank space in the name.   If  a  mistake  was  made  entering  in  the  name,  press  the  ◄  /  ► keys repeatedly  until  the  wrong  letter  is  highlighted,  then  press  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys to correct the entry.10. After the  eleventh  letter  or  space  has  been  entered,  press  the  FINISH soft key to return to the previous screen.
GX1300Page 5811.  Select  “GROUP MMSI”  with the  ▲  / ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.ADDNAME:   YAESU-GP----GROUP MMSI:   0--------BACK SELECTFINISH12.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHADDGROUP MMSI: 03---------13. Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 until the group MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.15. After  the  nineth number  has  been entered, press  the  FINISH  soft  key  to  return  to  the previous screen.ADDNAME:   YAESU-GP----GROUP MMSI:   036690155BACK SELECTFINISH16. Press the FINISH soft key to save the entered data.17. To enter another group entry, repeat steps 5 through 16.18. Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.9.6.2  Transmitting a Group CallGroup Call from Group Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “GROUP”,  and then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “HISTORY”  or “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTGROUPHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID
Page 59GX13005.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys to select a group you want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTHISTORYYAESU GPUSCG GPMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON GP6.  Press  the ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  operat-ing channel you want to communicate on and press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINTERSHIP CHCH:06CH:08CH:09CH:107.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to  transmit  the  group call signal.GROUP    YAESU GPCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08Transmit a Call?YESNO8.   After  the  group  call  is  transmitted,  the  trans-ceiver will  switch  to  the  channel selected  in step 6 above, without changing the display. To change the display, press the QUIT soft key.GROUP   YAESU GP   CH: 08SINCE: 00:05[ Transmitted  ]QUIT9.  Listen  to  the  channel  to  make  sure  it  is  not  busy,  then  key  the  micro-phone and call the other vessels you desire to communicate with.Group Call - Manual Group MMSI EntryYou may enter an MMSI number manually to contact a vessel without storing the MMSI in the Group Call Directory.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “INDIVIDU-AL”,  and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTGROUPHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID
GX1300Page 605.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDGROUP MMSI:  03---------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press  the ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  operat-ing channel you want to communicate on and press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTINTERSHIP CHCH:06CH:08CH:09CH:1010. Press  the  YES  soft  key  to  transmit  the  group call signal.GROUP    036690155CATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08Transmit a Call?YESNO11. After  the group  call  is  transmitted,  the  transceiver  will  switch  to  the channel selected in step 9, without changing the display. To change the display, press the QUIT soft key.12. Listen  to  the  channel  to  make  sure  it  is  not  busy,  then  key  the  micro-phone and call the other vessels you desire to communicate with.
Page 61GX13009.6.3  Receiving a Group Call1.  When a group call is received, the GX1300 will produce a ringing alarm sound. (DSC BEEP needs to be enabled to hear alarm.)  The display will show the MMSI (or name) of the vessel transmitting the group call.2.  Press any key to stop the alarm.3.  To  immediately  switch  to  requested  channel, press the ACCEPT soft key.  If a key is not pressed for thirty seconds after a  group  call  is  received,  the  GX1300  will automatically switch to the requested channel for you to monitor communications.RX GROUP     YAESUCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08SINCE: 00:05ACCEPT QUITPAUSE4.  Press  the  PAUSE  soft  key  to  suspend  the acknowledgement.  Press  the  RESUME  soft  key  to  resume  the acknowledgement.BUSYMEMACUSA25WGROUP PAUSE08QUITRESUME5.  If you want the radio to stay on the channel you were on before receiv-ing the group call, press the QUIT soft key.6.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to scroll the screen and see the MMSI (or name) of the calling vessel, category  of  the  call  and  requested  operating channel.RX GROUP     YAESUCATEG: ROUTINE   CH: 08SINCE: 00:08ABLE QUITUNABLE7.  Press the QUIT soft key to display the operat-ing channel number of the requested channel.8.  Listen to the channel for the person calling the group for a message. 9.  If you want to respond, monitor the channel to make sure it is clear, then press the PTT switch on the microphone and talk to the calling ship(s).NOTE  When  there  is  an  unread  group  call,  the  “ ” icon  will  appear  on the  display. You  may  review  the  unread  group  call  from  the  DSC log, refer to section “9.12.3 Reviewing a Logged Other Calls.”After a group call is received, the time the call was made and the ships MMSI or vessels name will appear on the LCD.
GX1300Page 629.6.4  Setting up the Group Call RingerThe GX1300 has the capability to turn off the group call ringer.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “DSC BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Select  “GROUP”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys,  then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC BEEPINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSPOS REQUESTONONONOFF6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “OFF”,  then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERGROUPOFFON7.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.If you wish to return to enabling the ringer tone, just repeat the above proce-dure, pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” in step 6 above.
Page 63GX13009.7  POSITION REQUESTAdvancements in DSC have made it possible to poll the location of another vessel  and  show  the  position  of  that  vessel  on  the  display  of  the  GX1300. Standard  Horizon  has  taken  this  feature  one  step  further,  if  any  Standard Horizon GPS is connected to the GX1300, the polled position of the vessel is shown on the display of the GPS chart plotter making it easy to navigate to the location of the polled vessel. This is a great feature for anyone wanting to know the position of another vessel. For example your friend that is catching sh, or nding the location of a person you are cruising with.NOTE9.7.1  Transmitting a Position Request to Another VesselPosition Request from Individual / Position Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUEST2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “POS REQUEST”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “HISTORY”  or “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOS REQUESTHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZONThe other vessel must have an operating GPS receiver connected to its DSC transceiver and must not have its transceiver set to deny po-sition requests.  (Refer the section “9.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory” to enter information into the individual direc-tory).
GX1300Page 646.  Press the YES soft key to transmit the position request call.POS REQUEST     YAESUCATEG: SAFETY   Transmit a Call?YESNO7.  If  the  GX1300 does  not  receive a  reply,  the display  will  be  as  shown  in  the  illustration  on the right. To send again, press the RESEND soft key.POS REQUEST     YAESU  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT8.   When  the  GX1300  receives  the  position  from  the  polled  vessel, the GX1300  will  produce  a  ringing  alarm  sound  and  the  position  from  the polled vessel is sent to a GPS chart plotter via NMEA 0183. (DSC BEEP needs to be enabled to hear alarm.) Press any key to stop the alarm.9.  Press  the  INFO  soft  key  to  show  the  position data transferred from the polled vessel on the display.RX POS REPLYYAESU POS ACKNOWLEDGED SINCE: 00:05QUITINFO10. Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to change the display to view the received data.     POS INFO POS: 23°56.890N     123°56.890WTIME:  12:56 UTCRX POS REPLYBACK QUITBACKRX POS REPLYQUIT     123°56.890W TIME:  12:56 UTC DST:  29.8NM    BRG: 270°T11. To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.sNOTEIf the GX1300 does not receive position data from the polled vessel, the LCD will show “NO POSITION DATA”.    POS INFO POS: --°--.---_     ---°--.---_TIME:  --:--RX POS REPLYBACK QUIT
Page 65GX1300Position Request - Manual MMSI EntryYou may enter an MMSI number manually to contact a vessel without storing the MMSI in the individual/position call directory.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLGROUPALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUEST2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “POS REQUEST”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOS REQUESTHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDMMSI:  3----------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press the YES soft key to transmit the position request call.POS REQUEST   366901555CATEG: SAFETY   Transmit a Call?YESNO10. If  the  GX1300 does  not  receive a  reply,  the display  will  be  as  shown  in  the  illustration  on the right. To send again, press the RESEND soft key.POS REQUEST    366901555  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT
GX1300Page 6611.  When  the  GX1300  receives  the  position from  the  polled  vessel,  the GX1300  will  produce  a  ringing  alarm  sound  and  the  position  from  the polled vessel is sent to a GPS chart plotter via NMEA 0183. (DSC BEEP needs to be enabled to hear alarm.) Press any key to stop the alarm.12. Press  the  INFO  soft  key  to  show  the  position data transferred from the polled vessel on the display.RX POS REPLY366901555 POS ACKNOWLEDGED SINCE: 00:05QUITINFO13. Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to change the display to view the received data.     POS INFO POS: 23°56.890N     123°56.890WTIME:  12:56 UTCRX POS REPLYBACK QUITBACKRX POS REPLYQUIT     123°56.890W TIME:  12:56 UTC DST:  29.8NM    BRG: 270°T14. To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.NOTE9.7.2  Receiving a Position RequestWhen a position request call is received from another vessel, a ringing alarm will sound and "POS REQUEST" will be shown in the LCD. 1.  When  a  position  request  call  is  received, the  GX1300  will  transmit  your  position  to  the vessel who requested it.RX POS REQUEST     YAESU   POS REPLY  SINCE: 00:05[  Transmitted  ]QUIT2.  To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.If the GX1300 does not receive position data from the polled vessel, the LCD will show “NO POSITION DATA”.
Page 67GX13009.7.3  Setting up the Position Request RingerThe GX1300 has the capability to turn off the position request ringer.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “DSC BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Select  “POS REQUEST”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC BEEPINDIVIDUALGROUPALL SHIPSPOS REQUESTONONONOFF6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “OFF”,  then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERPOS REQUESTOFFON7.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.If you wish to return to enabling the ringer tone, just repeat the above proce-dure, pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” in step 6 above.
GX1300Page 689.8  POSITION REPORTThe feature is similar to the position request, however instead of requesting a  position  of  another  vessel  this  function  allows  you  to  send  your  position to  another  vessel.  In  order  to  send  your  position  you  need  to  have  a  GPS receiver connected or to have manually input your position. See section “9.9 MANUAL INPUTTING OF THE GPS LOCATION.”9.8.1  Transmitting a DSC Position Report CallPosition Report from Individual / Position Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUESTPOS REPORT2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “POS REPORT”, and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “HISTORY”  or “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOS REPORTHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON6.  Press the YES soft key to send your position to the selected vessel.  Press the POS soft key to change the position information.POS REPORTYAESU       POS: 23°56.890N 123°56.890W Transmit a Call?YESNOPOS/TM7.  To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.POS REPORT     YAESU  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[  Transmitted  ]QUIT
Page 69GX1300Position Report - Manual MMSI EntryYou may enter an MMSI number manually to contact a vessel without storing the MMSI in the individual/position call directory.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLALL SHIPSDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUESTPOS REPORT2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “POS REPORT”, and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOS REPORTHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDMMSI:  3----------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press the YES soft key to send your position to the selected vessel.  Press the POS soft key to change the position information.POS REPORT366901555    POS: 23°56.890N 123°56.890W Transmit a Call?YESNOPOS/TM10. To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.POS REPORT    366901555  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[  Transmitted  ]QUIT
GX1300Page 709.8.2  Receiving a DSC Position Report CallWhen another vessel transmits their location to the GX1300 the following will happen:1.  When  the  position  report  call  is  received,  a  ringing  sound  will  be produced and  the display shows the vessels  MMSI or name, how  long since  the  call  was  received  and  the  GPS  position  of  the  vessel.  The GX1300 will also output NMEA sentences (DSC and DSE) to a connect-ed GPS chart plotter.2.  Press any key on the radio to stop the alarm. (DSC BEEP needs to be enabled to hear alarm.)3.  Press  the  INFO  soft  key  to  show  the  position data transferred from the calling vessel.RX POS REPORT      YAESU       POS: 23°56.890N    123°56.890WSINCE: 00:05   QUITINFO4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to change the display to view the received data.     POS INFO POS: 23°56.890N     123°56.890WTIME:  12:56 UTCRX POS REPORTBACK QUITBACKRX POS REPORTQUIT     123°56.890W TIME:  12:56 UTC DST:  29.8 NM    BRG: 270°T5.  To exit from position request display, press the QUIT soft key.
Page 71GX13009.8.5  Setting up a Position Report RingerThe GX1300 has the capability to turn off the position report ringer.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “DSC BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Select  “POS REPORT”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC BEEPGROUPALL SHIPSPOS REQUESTPOS REPORTONONOFFOFF6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “OFF”,  then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERPOS REPORTOFFON7.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.To  enable  the  position  report  ringer,  repeat  the  above  procedure,  pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” in step 7 above.
GX1300Page 729.9  MANUAL INPUTTING OF THE GPS LOCATION (LAT/LON)You  may  send  the  latitude  and  longitude  of  your  vessel  manually  when  a GPS receiver is not connected or is not functioning.After  the  position  is  entered,  transmitting  a  DSC  distress  or  position  report will contain the manually entered position.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTOK POS/TMMMSI/POS INFO ID: 366901234 POS: --°--.----     ---°--.----TIME: --:--UTCBACK SELECTMMSI/POS INPUT  POS: 2-°--.----     ---°--.----TIME: --:--UTCFINISHBACK SELECTMMSI/POS INPUT  POS: 23°56.890N     123°56.890WTIME: 12:56UTCFINISHOK POS/TMMMSI/POS INFO ID: 366901234 POS: 23°56.890N     123°56.890WTIME: 12:56UTC2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “MMSI/POS INFO”.3.  Press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel,  press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  POS/TM  soft  key  to  display  the position input screen.5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select the rst digit of your  latitude,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key to step to the next digit.6.  Repeat step 5 to enter your latitude and longi-tude.7.  Enter UTC time in the 24-hour format with the same procedure in step 5. 8.  If a mistake was made entering in the position and time, press the ◄ / ► key until the wrong letter is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ key to correct the entry and press the SELECT soft key.9.  When nished programming the position infor-mation, press the FINISH soft key. 10. Press the OK soft key to return to the menu screen.  Press the POS/TM soft key to display the position input screen again.11. Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.
Page 73GX13009.10  AUTO POS POLLINGThe  GX1300  has  the  capability  to  automatically  track  four  stations programmed into the individual directory.9.10.1  Setting up the Polling Call Type1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select “AUTO POS POLL” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “POS REQUEST” or  “POS REPORT”,  then  press  the  ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERAUTO POS POLLPOS REQUESTPOS REPORT 6.  Press the BACK soft key to return to “DSC SETUP”.9.10.2  Setting up the Polling Time Interval1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)
GX1300Page 744.  Select “AUTO POS TIME” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTO POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired interval time, then press the ENTER soft key.BACK ENTERAUTO POS TIME30 sec 1 min 2 min 3 min6.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.9.10.3  Selecting Stations to be Automatically Polled1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUESTPOS REPORTAUTO POS POLLING2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “AUTO POS POLLING”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “SELECT ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTAUTO POS POLLINGACTIVATION STARTSELECT ID5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select the list number, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTSELECT ID1:2:3:4:6.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  poll,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON
Page 75GX13007.  Repeat  steps  5  and  6  for  all  the  desired individual to be polled.BACK SELECTSELECT ID1:HORIZON2:MEMORY SHIPS3:USCG-24:YAESU-18.  Press the BACK soft key to return to “AUTO POS POLLING”.9.10.4  Enabling/Disabling Auto POS Polling1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLDIST ALERT MSGPOS REQUESTPOS REPORTAUTO POS POLLING2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “AUTO POS POLLING”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “ACTIVATION START”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTAUTO POS POLLINGACTIVATION STARTSELECT ID5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “START”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTACTIVATION STARTSTARTSTOP6.  Press the 16/S key or press the BACK soft key to return to radio opera-tion mode.To  disable  the  auto  position  polling,  repeat  the  above  procedure,  pressing the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “STOP” in step 5 above.The “A” indicator will appear on the LCD while the auto position polling is activated.BUSYMEMLOCAMACUSA25W123˚56.890W 23˚56.890N 09:56P16
GX1300Page 769.11  DSC TEST CALLUse the following procedure to ensure the DSC feature are functioning with other DSC radios.9.11.1  Transmitting a DSC Test CallDSC Test Call from Individual / Position Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLPOS REQUESTPOS REPORTAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALL2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “TEST CALL”, and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTTEST CALLMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON6.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to transmit  the  test signal.TEST CALL     YAESU  CATEG: SAFETYTransmit a Call?YESNO7.  After  the  DSC  test  call  is  transmitted,  the GX1300 waits for a reply from the radio which was called, and the display will show “WAITING FOR ACK”.  To transmit again, press the RESEND soft key.TEST CALL     YAESU  CATEG: SAFETY  SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT8.  When an acknowledgement signal is received, the GX1300 will show “RX TEST CALL”  screen,  which  conrms  the  radio  you  called  has  received the test call.9.  Press the QUIT soft key to return to the radio operation.
Page 77GX1300DSC Test Call - Manual MMSI Entry1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLPOS REQUESTPOS REPORTAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALL2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “TEST CALL”, and  then  press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTTEST CALLMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDMMSI:  3----------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to transmit  the  test signal.TEST CALL    366901555  CATEG: SAFETYTransmit a Call?YESNO10. After  the  DSC  test  call  is  transmitted,  the GX1300 waits for a reply from the radio which was called, and the display will show “WAITING FOR ACK”.  To transmit again, press the RESEND soft key.TEST CALL    366901555  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT11. When an acknowledgement signal is received, the display will show “Received ACK”.TEST CALL    366901555  CATEG: SAFETY   SINCE: 00:05[ Received ACK  ]QUIT12. Press the QUIT soft key to return to the radio operation.
GX1300Page 789.11.2  Receiving a DSC Test CallWhen  another  vessel  transmits  a DSC  test  call to  the  GX1300,  the  radio  automatically  reply  an acknowledgement. The  display  shows  the  MMSI or  the  name  of  the  vessel  transmitting  the  DSC test call. RX TEST CALL     YAESU DSC TEST REPLY  SINCE: 00:05[  Transmitted  ]QUITPress the QUIT soft key to return to radio operation.
Page 79GX13009.12  POLLING CALLThe  GX1300  has  the  capability  to  transmit  a  signal  ensuring  that  another DSC radio is able to accept channel communication.9.12.1  Transmitting a Polling CallPosition Polling from Individual / Position Call Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “POLLING CALL”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “HISTORY”  or “MEMORY”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOLLING CALLHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  an  individual you  want  to  contact,  then  press  the  SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTMEMORYYAESUUSCGMEMORY SHIPSHORIZON6.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to  transmit  the  polling signal.POLLING CALL     YAESU  CATEG: ROUTINETransmit a Call?YESNO7.  After  the  polling  call  is  transmitted,  the GX1300 waits for a reply from the radio which was called, and the display will show “WAITING FOR ACK”.  To transmit again, press the RESEND soft key.POLLING CALL     YAESU  CATEG: ROUTINE   SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT8.  When an acknowledgement signal is received, the display will show “Received ACK”.POLLING CALL     YAESU  CATEG: ROUTINE   SINCE: 00:05[ Received ACK  ]QUIT9.  Press the QUIT soft key to return to the radio operation.
GX1300Page 80Position Polling - Manual MMSI Entry1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “POLLING CALL”, and then press the SELECT soft key. (To cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “NEW ID”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTPOLLING CALLHISTORYMEMORYNEW ID5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  scroll  through numbers, 0 to 9.BACK SELECTFINISHNEW IDMMSI:  3----------6.  Press the SELECT soft key to store the number and step to the next digit to the right.7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the MMSI is complete.   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the ◄ / ► keys repeatedly until the wrong number is highlighted, then press the ▲ / ▼ keys to correct the entry.8.  After the nineth number has been entered, press the FINISH soft key.9.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to  transmit  the  polling signal.POLLING CALL    366901555  CATEG: ROUTINETransmit a Call?YESNO10. After  the  polling  call  is  transmitted,  the GX1300 waits for a reply from the radio which was called, and the display will show “WAITING FOR ACK”.  To transmit again, press the RESEND soft key.POLLING CALL    366901555  CATEG: ROUTINE   SINCE: 00:05[Waiting for ACK]RESEND QUIT11. When an acknowledgement signal is received, the display will show “Received ACK”.POLLING CALL    366901555  CATEG: ROUTINE   SINCE: 00:05[ Received ACK  ]QUIT12. Press the QUIT soft key to return to the radio operation.
Page 81GX13009.12.2  Receiving a Polling CallWhen another vessel transmits a polling call to the GX1300, the radio automatically reply an acknowl-edgement.  The  display shows  the  MMSI  or  the name of the vessel transmitting the polling call. RX POLLING CALL     YAESU  POLLING REPLY  SINCE: 00:05[  Transmitted  ]QUITPress the QUIT soft key to return to radio operation.
GX1300Page 829.13  DSC LOG OPERATIONThe  GX1300  logs  transmitted  DSC  calls,  received  distress  calls,  and  other calls (individual, group, all ships, etc.). The DSC log feature is similar to an answer  machine  where  calls  are  recorded  for  review  and  a  “”  icon  will appear  on  the  radio's  display.  The  GX1300  can  store  up  to  the  latest  20 transmitted  calls,  up  to  the  latest  20  distress  calls,  and  up  to  the  latest  38 other calls.NOTE9.13.1  Reviewing a Logged Transmitted Call1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC LOG”, and then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲ /  ▼  key  to select “TRANSMITTED LOG”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC LOGTRANSMITTED LOGDISTRESS LOGOTHER CALL LOGLOG DELETE5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select the station (name or MMSI number) you want to review the call, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTTRANSMITTED LOGHORIZONMEMORY SHIPSUSCGYAESUWhen the “DSC LOG” menu is selected, the GX1300 may display high-priority logged call automatically.
Page 83GX13006.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to scroll the display.BACK DELETETRANSMITTED LOGINDIVIDUAL123456789YAESU    TX TM: 12:56 UTCBACK DELETETRANSMITTED LOGDATE: 12/JANCATER: ROUTINECH: 06  [ Delayed ACK ]7.  Press the BACK soft key to go back to the DSC transmitted call list.9.13.2  Reviewing a Logged DSC Distress Call1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC LOG”, and then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “DISTRESS LOG”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC LOGTRANSMITTED LOGDISTRESS LOGOTHER CALL LOGLOG DELETE5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select the station (name or MMSI number) you want to review. Note:  When  there  is  an  unread  received  call, “” icon will appear at the head of the station name (or MMSI number).BACK SELECTDISTRESS LOGHORIZONMEMORY SHIPSUSCGYAESU  Press the SELECT soft key to review details for the selected station.
GX1300Page 846.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to scroll the display.BACK DELETEDISTRESS LOG123456789YAESU   RX TM: 12:56 UTCDATE: 12/JAN  BACK DELETEDISTRESS LOGDATE: 12/JANCATER: ROUTINECH: 06  [ Delayed ACK ]7.  Press the BACK soft key to go back to the DSC distress call list.9.13.3  Reviewing a Logged Other CallsThe  GX1300  allows  received  calls  (individual,  group,  all  ships,  etc.)  to  be reviewed.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC LOG”, and then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “OTHER CALL LOG”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC LOGTRANSMITTED LOGDISTRESS LOGOTHER CALL LOGLOG DELETE5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select the station (name or MMSI number) you want to review. Note:  When  there  is  an  unread  received  call, “” icon will appear at the head of the station name (or MMSI number).BACK SELECTOTHER CALL LOGHORIZONMEMORY SHIPSUSCGYAESU  Press the SELECT soft key, to review details for the selected station.
Page 85GX13006.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to scroll the display.BACK DELETERX OTHER LOGINDIVIDUAL123456789YAESU    RX TM: 12:56 UTCBACK DELETERX OTHER LOGDATE: 12/JANCATER: ROUTINECH: 06  [ Delayed ACK ]7.  Press the BACK soft key to go back to the DSC other call list.9.13.4  Deleting Calls from the “DSC LOG” Directory1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTDSC CALLAUTO POS POLLINGTEST CALLPOLLING CALLDSC LOG2.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  “DSC”,  then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC LOG”, and then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select “LOG DELETE”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC LOGTRANSMITTED LOGDISTRESS LOGOTHER CALL LOGLOG DELETE5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  the  category (“TRANSMITTED LOG”, “DISTRESS LOG”, “OTHER CALL LOG”, or “ALL LOG”) to be deleted, then press the SELECT soft key. BACK SELECTLOG DELETETRANSMITTED LOGDISTRESS LOGOTHER CALL LOGALL LOG6.  Press  the  YES  soft  key  to  delete  logs  of  the selected  category.  (To cancel,  press  the  NO soft key.)YESNOLOG DELETETRANSMITTED LOGDo you want todelete it?
GX1300Page 867.  Press the OK soft key to go back to the catego-ry list.OKLOG DELETETRANSMITTED LOG CompleteNOTEThe procedure above will delete logged calls of the selected category all at once.To delete logged calls one by one, review details of a call you want to delete, then press the DELETE soft key.
Page 87GX130010  SETUP MENU10.1  CONFIGURATION SETUP10.1.1  Lamp AdjustingAllows adjustment of the backlight intensity or to turn it off.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select  “DIMMER”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys,  then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONDIMMERCONTRASTKEY BEEPLOCATION FORMT5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired level.  When  “OFF”  is  selected,  the  lamp  is extinguished. 5BACK ENTERDIMMER6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected level.7.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.10.1.2  LCD ContrastThis selection sets up the display for best viewabilty for the varying mounting locations (overhead or below).1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.
GX1300Page 884.  Select  “CONTRAST” with  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys,  then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONDIMMERCONTRASTKEY BEEPLOCATION FORMT5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired level. The  contrast  level  can  be  set  from  “00” to “25”. 25BACK ENTERCONTRAST6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected level.7.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.10.1.3  Key BeepThis section allows the level of the key beep to be adjusted or turned off.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “KEY BEEP” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONDIMMERCONTRASTKEY BEEPLOCATION FORMT5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired beep level. The key beep level can be set from “0” (OFF) to “5”. 5BACK ENTERKEY BEEP6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected level.7.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.NOTEEmergency alarm and beeps for DSC operation cannot be turned OFF.
Page 89GX130010.1.4  Location FormatThis selection sets the coordinate system to be shown on the LCD.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select  “LOCATION FORMAT” with  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONDIMMERCONTRASTKEY BEEPLOCATION FORMT5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired coordinate system. BACK ENTERLOCATION FORMATdd°mm.mmmdd°mm.mm dd°mm’SS”6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected level.7.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.10.1.5  Time OffsetThis selection sets the time offset from UTC (time GPS sends to radio).Refer to section “6.6  CHANGING THE GPS TIME” for details.10.1.6  Time DisplayThis  selection  selects  the  time  area  between  the  local  time  and  the  UTC time.Refer to section “6.7  CHANGING THE TIME LOCATION” for details.10.1.7  Time FormatThis selection  selects the time format between the 12-hour  system and the 24-hour system.Refer to section “6.8  CHANGING THE TIME FORMAT” for details.
GX1300Page 9010.1.8  Soft KeysThis menu item assigns the number of soft keys, soft key selection and how long the display will show the soft key icon after a soft key is pressed.Assigning Soft Keys1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “SOFT KEY” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONTIME AREATIME FORMATSOFT KEYRESET5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “KEY ASSIGN-MENT”, then press the SELECT soft key. BACK SELECTSOFT KEYKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY TIMMER6.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select the desired soft key number, then press the SELECT soft key. BACK ENTERKEY ASSIGNMENT1: WX/CH2: DW/TW3: SCAN4: SCAN MEMORY7.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select the desired key function, then press the ENTER soft key.   Refer to the next page for available functions.BACK ENTERKEY ASSIGNMENTWX/CHDW/TWSCANSCAN MEMORY8.  Repeat steps 6 and 7 to assign up to 6 functions.9.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.
Page 91GX1300Available functions are: DISPLAY FUNCTIONWX/CH Switches channels between weather and marine.HI/LO Switches transmit power.SCAN Starts and stops scanning.DW/TW Starts and stops the dual or triple watch scan.MEM Switches on and off of the memory channel scan.PRESET Saves or deletes the preset memory channel.Selecting How Long the Soft Keys are Shown1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  “CONFIGURA-TION”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Select “SOFT KEY” with the ▲ / ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCONFIGURATIONTIME AREATIME FORMATSOFT KEYRESET5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “KEY TIMER”, then press the SELECT soft key. BACK SELECTSOFT KEYKEY ASSIGNMENTKEY TIMMER6.  Press  the  ▲ / ▼  keys  to  select  how long  the soft key icon will be shown on the display after a  soft  key  is  pressed,  then  press  the  ENTER soft key.   The  showing  time  can  be  set  to  “3 sec”,  “5 sec”, “7 sec”, “10 sec”, or “15 sec”.BACK ENTERKEY TIMMER3 sec5 sec7 sec10 sec7.  To exit this menu and return to radio operation press the BACK soft key.
GX1300Page 9210.2  CHANNEL SETUP10.2.1  Channel Group (Band Selection)This selection allows you to change the channel group from International to USA or Canada.Refer  to  section  “8.5  INTERNATIONAL, USA, AND CANADA MODE”  for details.10.2.2  Weather AlertThis selection is used to enable or disable the NOAA Weather Alert function.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  key  to  select  “WEATHER ALERT”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPCHANNEL GROUPWEATHER ALERTMULTI WATCHSCAN MEMORY5.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “ON” or “OFF”.BACK ENTERWEATHER ALERTOFFON6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu and return to radio operation.10.2.3  Multi WatchAllows selection of the dual and triple watch functions.Refer to section “8.8  MULTI WATCH (TO PRIORITY CHANNEL)” for details.10.2.4  Scan MemoryTo  be  able  to  scan  channels  the  radio  must  be  programmed.  This  section allows channels to be stored in scan memory.Refer to section “8.7.2  Scan Memory Programming” for details.
Page 93GX130010.2.5  Scan TypeThis selection is used to select the scan mode between “Memory Scan” and “Priority Scan”. Refer to section “8.7.1  Selecting the Scan Type” for details.10.2.6  Scan ResumeThis selection is used to select the time the GX1300 waits after a transmis-sion ends before the radio start to scan channels again.1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select “SCAN RESUME”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPSCAN TYPESCAN RESUMEPRIORITY CHSUB CH5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired resume time.BACK ENTERSCAN RESUME1 sec2 sec3 sec5 sec6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu and return to radio operation.10.2.7  Priority ChannelAllows selection of the priority channel.Refer to section “8.7.4  Priority Channel Setting” for details.10.2.8  Sub ChannelAllows selection of the sub channel. The default setting is Channel 9.
GX1300Page 941.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Select “SETUP” with the ▲ / ▼ / ◄ / ► keys, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼key  to  select  “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.4.  Press the ▲ / ▼ key to select “SUB CH”, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTCHANNEL SETUPSCAN TYPESCAN RESUMEPRIORITY CHSUB CH5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys  to  select  the  sub channel.BACK ENTERSUB CHCH:  9CH: 10CH: 11CH: 12S-CH6.  Press the ENTER soft key to store the selected setting.7.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu and return to radio operation.
Page 95GX130010.3  DSC SETUP10.3.1  Individual DirectoryThe  GX1300  has  a  DSC  directory  that allows  you  to store  a  vessel  or person’s name and  the  MMSI  number  associated  with  vessels  you  wish  to transmit individual calls, position requests and position report transmissions.To transmit an individual call you must program this directory with information of the persons you wish to call, similar to a cellular phones telephone direc-tory.Refer to section “9.5.1 Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory” for programming.10.3.2  Individual ReplyThis menu item sets up the radio to automatically (default setting) or manual-ly  respond  to  a  DSC  individual  call  requesting  you  to  switch  to  a  working channel  for  voice  communications.  When  the  manual  response  is  selected the MMSI of the calling vessel is shown allowing you to see who is calling. This function is similar to caller id on a cellular phone.Refer to section “9.5.2  Setting up Individual Call Reply” for setting.10.3.3  Individual AcknowledgementThe radio can be setup to  transmit  a  reply  automatically  (default) or set so the radio will not reply to an individual call.Refer to section “9.5.3  Setting up the Individual Acknowledge Message” for setting.10.3.4  Individual RingerThe radio can be setup to ring like a telephone to alert you the radio received a DSC individual call. The default setting is 2 minutes, however this can be changed to 15, 10 or 5 seconds.Refer to section “9.5.6  Setting up Individual Call Ringer” for setting.
GX1300Page 9610.3.5  Group DirectoryFor  this  function  to  operate,  the  same  group  MMSI  must  be  programmed into all the DSC VHF radios within the group of vessels that will be using this feature. To understand group MMSI programming, rst a ship  MMSI  has  to be understood.Refer to section “9.6.1  Setting up a Group Call” for programming.10.3.6  Auto Position Polling Call TypeThe  GX1300  has  the  capability  to  automatically  track  four  vessels programmed into the individual directory. This selection allows you to select the call type used in the auto position polling.Refer to section “9.10.1  Setting up the Polling Call Type” for setting.10.3.7  Auto Position Polling Interval TimeThe  GX1300  has  the  capability  to  automatically  track  four  vessels programmed into the individual directory. This selection allows you to select time interval between polling call transmissions.Refer to section “9.10.2  Setting up the Polling Time Interval” for setting.
Page 97GX130010.3.8  Auto Channel Switching TimeWhen a DSC distress call or an all ships call (urgency or safety) is received,  the GX1300 will automatically switch to the channel 16.This menu selection allows the automatic switching time to be changed. 1.  Press the MENU key to display the menu.BACK SELECTBACK SELECTSETUPDSC SETUPGROUPCHANNEL SETUPCONFIGURATION2.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys  to select “SETUP”, then press the SELECT soft key.3.  Press the ▲ / ▼ keys to select “DSC SETUP”, then press  the  SELECT  soft  key.  (To  cancel, press the BACK soft key.)4.  Select  “CH SWITCH TIMER”  with  the  ▲  /  ▼ keys, then press the SELECT soft key.BACK SELECTDSC SETUPAUTP POS POLLAUTO POS TIMECH SWITCH TIMERDSC BEEP5.  Press  the  ▲  /  ▼  keys to  select  the desired time,  then  press  the  ENTER  soft  key.  The switching  time  can  be  set  to  “10 sec”,  “30 sec”, “1 min”, “2 min”, or “OFF”. BACK ENTERCH SWITCH TIMEROFF10 sec30 sec 1 min6.  Press the BACK soft key to exit the menu and return to radio operation.10.3.9  DSC BeepThis feature  allows  the  alarm  beeps  to  be  turned  on  (default  setting)  or  off when  a  DSC  call  is  received.  The  DSC  calls  that  can  be  customized  are: individual, group, all ships, position request, position report call.Refer to section “9.6.4  Setting up the Group Call Ringer” for setting.
GX1300Page 9811  MAINTENANCEThe  inherent  quality  of  the  solid-state  components  used  in  this  transceiver will provide many years of continuous use. Taking the following precautions however, will prevent damage to the transceiver.•  Never key the microphone unless an antenna or suitable dummy load is connected to the transceiver.•  Ensure  that  the  supply  voltage  to  the  transceiver  does  not  exceed  16 VDC or fall below 11 VDC.•  Use only STANDARD HORIZON-approved accessories and replacement parts.In the unlikely event of serious problems, please contact your Dealer or our repair facility.11.1  REPLACEMENT PARTSCommonly requested parts, and their part numbers are listed below.• Power Cord: T9025406• VOL/SQL Knob (Black): RA6018100• VOL/SQL Knob (White): RA6018000• Mounting Bracket (Black): RA097840A• Mounting Bracket (White): RA097830A• Mounting Bracket Knob (Black): RA0978600• Mounting Bracket Knob (White): RA0978500• Microphone Hanger (Black): RA0458800• Microphone Hanger (White): RA043600011.2  FACTORY SERVICEIn the unlikely event that the radio fails to perform or needs servicing, please contact your dealer.An “RA”  (Return Authorisation)  number  is  not  necessary  to  send  a  product in  for  service.  Include  a  brief  note  describing  the  problem  along  with  your name, return address, phone number, and proof of purchase.
Page 99GX130011.3  TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYTransceiver  fails  to power up.No  DC  voltage  to  the transceiver,  or  blown fuse.a. Check the 12 VDC battery connections and the fuse.b. The  VOL  knob  needs  to  be  rotated  clock-wise to turn the radio on.Transceiver  blows  fuse  when  connected to power supply.Reversed  power  wires.Check the power cable for DC voltage, or re-place the fuse (6 A 250 V).Make sure  the  red  wire  is connected  to  the positive (+) battery post, and the black wire is connected  to  the  negative  (-)  battery  post.  If the fuse still blows, contact your Dealer.Popping  or  whining noise from the  speak-er while engine runs.Engine noise. Reroute  the  DC  power  cables  away  from  the engine. Add noise suppressor on power cable. Change  to  resistive  spark  plug  wires  and/or add an alternator whine lter.Sound is  not  emitted from  the  internal  or external speaker.Accessory cable. Check the connections of the accessory cable (Possible short circuit on the External speaker cable WHITE/SHIELD).Receiving  station  report  low  transmit power,  even  with  transceiver  set  to HI power.Antenna. Have  the  antenna  checked  or  test  the  trans-ceiver with  another  antenna.  If  the  problem persists, contact your Dealer for servicing.“HI BATTERY”  or “LO BATTERY”  message is  appeared  when  the power is turned on.The  power  supply  voltage  is  too  high  or too low.Conrm that the connected power supply volt-age is between 10 volts and 17 volts DC. Con-rm that the generator has not malfunctioned.Your  position  is  not displayed.Accessory cable. Check the accessory cable connection.Some  GPS use  the  battery  ground line  for NMEA connection.Setting  of  the  GPS navigation receiver.Check  the  output  signal  format  of the  GPS navigation  receiver.  This  radio  requires NMEA0183  format  with  GLL,  RMC,  GGA,  or GNS sentence as an output signal. If the GPS has  a  baud  rate  setting  make  sure  to  select 4800 and parity to NONE.
GX1300Page 10012  CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSTables on the following columns list the VHF Marine Channel assignments for U.S.A. and International use. Below are listed some data about the charts.1.  VTS. Where indicated, these channels are part of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Vessel Trafc System.2.  Alpha channel numbers, that is, channel numbers followed by the letter A (such as Channel 07A) are simplex channels on the U.S.A. or Canadian channel  assignments  whose  counterparts  in  the  International  assign-ments  are  duplex  channels.  International  channels  do  not  use  “alpha” numbers. If you call the Coast Guard on Channel 16, they will sometimes ask you to “go to channel 22 Alpha.” This is a channel assigned to U.S.A, and Canadian Coast Guards for handling distress and other calls. If your radio is set for International operation you will go to Channel 22 instead of  22A,  and  will  not  be  able  to  communicate  with  the  Coast  Guard.  To use Channel 22A, your radio must be set for USA or Canada operation, usually by a U/I/C (USA/International/Canada) control or combination of controls. Channel 22 (without an “A”) is an International duplex channel for  port  operations.  Some  radios  indicate  an  “A”  adjacent  to  the  alpha channels on the display; on others “alpha” is not indicated but the proper channel is selected based on the U/I/C setting.3.  Bridge-to-Bridge  channels  (for  example,  Channel  13)  are for  use  by bridge  operators  on  inter-coastal  waterways  and  rivers.  It  is  also  used by marine vessels in the vicinity of these bridges  for  navigation  and  for communicating  with  the  bridge  operators.  Note  that  a  limit  of  1  Watt  is specied for these channels. 4.  The S/D column on the chart indicates either S (simplex) or D (duplex). Simplex means transmitting and receiving on the same frequency. Only one party  at  a  time  can  talk,  unlike  a  telephone.  Be  sure  to  say  “over” and release  your  microphone push-to-talk  switch  at  the  end  of  each transmission.  Duplex  operation  involves  the  use  of  one  frequency  for transmitting and a separate frequency for receiving. On channels speci-ed  as  duplex  on  the  charts,  correct  mode  of  operation  is  established automatically  by  your  radio  when  you  select  a  channel;  you  cannot change the mode. And you still must release the push-to-talk switch after each transmission in order to listen to the radio.5.  Channels  normally  used  by  recreational  boaters  are  those  that  include the  term  “non-commercial”  in  the  Channel Use  column  of the  chart. Some of  these  are  shared  with  other users  and  some are  used  only in certain geographic regions.
Page 101GX13006.  Marine  vessels  equipped  with  VHF  radios  are  required  to  monitor Channel 16.7.  156.050  MHz  and  156.175  MHz  are  available  for  port  operations  and commercial  communications  purposes  when  used  only  within  the  U.S. Coast  Guard  designated  Vessel Traffic  Services  (VTS)  area  of  New Orleans, on the lower Mississippi River from the various pass entrances in the Gulf of Mexico to Devil’s Swamp Light at River Mile 242.4 above head of passes near Baton Rouge. 8.  156.250  MHz  is  available  for  port  operations  communications  use  only within  the  U.S.  Coast  Guard  designated  VTS  radio  protection  areas  of New  Orleans  and  Houston  described  in  Sec.  80.383.  156.250  MHz  is available  for  intership  port  operations  communications  used  only  within the area  of Los Angeles  and Long Beach harbors, within  a 25- nautical mile radius of Point Fermin, California. 9.  156.550  MHz,  156.600  MHz  and  156.700  MHz are  available in  the U.S.  Coast  Guard  designated  port  areas  only  for  VTS  communications and  in  the  Great  Lakes  available  primarily  for  communications  relating to  the  movement  of  ships  in  sectors  designated  by  the  St.  Lawrence Seaway  Development Corporation  or  the  U.S.  Coast  Guard.  The  use of  these  frequencies  outside  VTS  and  ship  movement  sector  protected areas is permitted provided they cause no interference to VTS and ship movement communications in their respective designated sectors.10. Use  of  156.875  MHz  is  limited  to  communications  with  pilots  regard-ing the movement and docking of ships. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt. 5: 156.375 MHz and 156.650 MHz are available primar-ily for  intership  navigational  communications. These  frequencies  are available  between  coast  and  ship  on  a  secondary  basis  when  used  on or in the vicinity of locks or drawbridges. Normal output power must not exceed  1  watt.  Maximum  output  power  must  not  exceed  10  watts  for coast stations or 25 watts for ship stations. 11. On the  Great  Lakes,  in  addition  to  bridge-to-bridge  communications, 156.650  MHz  is  available  for  vessel  control  purposes  in  established vessel trafc systems. 156.650 MHz is not available for use in the Missis-sippi  River  from  South  Pass  Lighted  Whistle  Buoy  “2”  and  Southwest Pass  entrance  Mid-channel  Lighted  Whistle  Buoy  to  mile  242.4  above Head  of  Passes  near  Baton  Rouge. Additionally  it  is  not  available  for use in the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal, and the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, except to aid the transi-tion from these areas.
GX1300Page 10212. Use  of  156.375  MHz  is  available  for  navigational  communications  only in  the  Mississippi  River  from  South  Pass  Lighted  Whistle  Buoy  “2”  and Southwest  Pass  entrance Mid  channel  Lighted Whistle  Buoy  to mile 242.4 above head of Passes near Baton Rouge, and in addition over the full length of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal from entrance to its junction with the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, and over the full length of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Mississippi River to its entry to Lake  Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.13. Within 120 km (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border, in the area of the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches, 157.425 MHz is half of the duplex pair designated as Channel 88. In this area,  Channel  88  is  available  to  ship  stations  for  communications  with public coast stations only. More than 120 km (75 miles) from the United States/Canada border  in  the area  of  the  Puget  Sound  and  the  Strait  of Juan  de  Fuca,  its  approaches,  the  Great  Lakes,  and  the  St.  Lawrence Seaway, 157.425 MHz is available for intership and commercial commu-nications. Outside Puget Sound area and its approaches and the Great Lakes,  157.425  MHz  is also available  for  communications  between commercial fishing  vessels  and  associated  aircraft while  engaged  in commercial shing activities. 14. When the frequency 156.850 MHz is authorized, it may be used addition-ally for search and rescue training exercises conducted by state or local governments. 15. The frequency 156.850 MHz is additionally available to coast stations on the  Great  Lakes  for  transmission  of  scheduled  Coded  Marine  Weather Forecasts  (MAFOR),  Great  Lakes  Weather  Broadcast  (LAWEB)  and scheduled Notices to Mariners or Bulletins. F3C and J3C emissions are permitted. Coast Stations on the Great Lakes must cease weather broad-casts  which  cause  interference  to  stations  operating  on  156.800  MHz until the interference problem is resolved. 16. The  frequency  157.100  MHz  is  authorized  for  search  and  rescue  train-ing exercises by state or local government in conjunction with U.S. Coast Guard stations.  Prior  U.S. Coast  Guard  approval  is  required.  Use  must cease immediately on U.S. Coast Guard request. 17. The duplex pair for channel 20 (157.000/161.600 MHz) may be used for ship to coast station communications. 18. Available for assignment to coast stations, the use of which is in accord with an agreed program, for the broadcast of information to ship stations concerning the environment.
Page 103GX1300VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE01 X X D156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)01A X S156.050 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas02 X X D156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03 X X D156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03A X S 156.150 U.S. Government Only, Coast Guard04 X D156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement04A X S156.200 Pacic coast: Coast Guard, East Coast:Commercial shing05 X D156.250 160.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement05A X X S156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle06 XXXS156.300 Inter-ship Safety07 X D156.350 160.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement07A X X S156.350 Commercial08 XXXS156.400 Commercial (Inter-ship only)09 XXXS156.450 Boater Calling channel, Commercial &Non-commercial (Recreational)10 XXXS156.500 Commercial11 XXXS156.550 Commercial. VTS in selected areas12 XXXS156.600 Port operation. VTS in selected areas13 XXXS156.650 Inter-ship Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge)14 XXXS156.700 Port operation. VTS in selected areas15 XS- - - 156.750 Environmental (Receive only)15 XXS156.750 Commercial, non-commercial, ship movement (1 W)16 XXXS156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling17 XXXS156.850 State Controlled (1 W)18 X D156.900 161.500 Port operation, ship movement18A X X S156.900 Commercial19 X D156.950 161.550 Port operation, ship movement19A X S156.950 US: Commercial19A X S156.950 Coast Guard20 X X X D157.000 161.600 Canadian Coast Guard Only,International: port operations and shipment20A X S157.000 Port operation21 X D157.050 161.650 Port operation, ship movement21A X X S 157.050 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard22 X D157.100 161.700 Port operation, ship movement22A X X S157.100 US  and  Canadian  Coast  Guard  Liaison and  aritime Safety  Information  Broadcasts announced on channel 1623 X X D157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)23A X S 157.150 U.S. Government Only24 X X X D157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25 X X X D157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)26 X X X D157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)27 X X X D157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28 X X X D157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
GX1300Page 104VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE60 X X D156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)61 X D156.075 160.675 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement61A X X S 156.075 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial shing only62 X D156.125 160.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement62A X S156.125 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial shing onl63 X D156.175 160.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement63A X X S156.175 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas64 X X D156.225 160.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement64A X X S 156.225 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65 X D156.275 160.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65A X X S156.275 Port Operations66 X D156.325 160.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement66A X X S156.325 Port Operations67 XXXS156.375 US: Commercial.Used for Bridge-to-bridge communi-cations in lower Mississippi River. Inter-ship only,Canada: Commercial shing, S&R68 XXXS156.425 Non-commercial (Recreational)69 XXXS156.475 US: Non-commercial (Recreational),Canada: Commercial shing only,International:  Inter-ship,  Port  operations  and Ship movement70 XXXS156.525 Digital selective calling(voice communications not allowed)71 XXXS156.575 US, Canada: Non-commercial (Recreational),International:  Port  operations  and  Ship movement72 XXXS156.625 Non-commercial (Inter-ship only)73 XXXS156.675 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial shing only,International:  Inter-ship,  Port  operations  and Ship movement74 XXXS156.725 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial shing only,International:  Inter-ship,  Port  operations  and Ship movement75 XXXS156.775 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)76 XXXS156.825 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X X S156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X S156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only)78 X D156.925 161.525 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship-movement78A X X S156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)79 X D156.975 161.575 Port operation and Ship movement79A X X S156.975 Commercial
Page 105GX1300NOTE: Simplex  channels,  03A,  21A,  23A,  61A,  64A,  81A,  82A  and  83A  CANNOT be  lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. waters.VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE80 X D157.025 161.625 Port operation, ship movement80A X X S157.025 Commercial81 X D157.075 161.675 Port operation, ship movement81A X S 157.075 U.S. Government Only -Environmental protection operations81A X S157.075 Canadian Coast Guard Only82 X D157.125 161.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement82A X X S 157.125 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D157.175 161.775 Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D157.175 161.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)83A X X S 157.175 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only84 X X X D157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)85 X X X D157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)86 X X X D157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)87 X X S157.375 Port operation, ship movement87A X S157.375 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)88 X X S157.425 Port operation, ship movement88A X S157.425 Commercial, Inter-ship OnlyWX01 X X X D- - - 162.550 Weather (receive only)WX02 X X X D- - - 162.400 Weather (receive only)WX03 X X X D- - - 162.475 Weather (receive only)WX04 X X X D- - - 162.425 Weather (receive only)WX05 X X X D- - - 162.450 Weather (receive only)WX06 X X X D- - - 162.500 Weather (receive only)WX07 X X X D- - - 162.525 Weather (receive only)WX08 X X X D- - - 161.650 Weather (receive only)WX09 X X X D- - - 161.775 Weather (receive only)WX10 X X X D- - - 163.275 Weather (receive only)
GX1300Page 10613  WARRANTYMarine Products Limited WarrantyPLEASE NOTEThe following “Limited Warranty” is for valid for products that have been purchased in the United States and Canada. For limited Warranty details outside the United States, contact the dealer in your country.STANDARD HORIZON (a division of YAESU U.S.A.) warrants, to  the  origi-nal  purchaser  only,  each  new  Marine  Communications  Product  (“Product”) manufactured  and/or  supplied  by  STANDARD  HORIZON  against  defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of time from the date of purchase as follows:Fixed Mount and Portable Transceivers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased between 01/01/91 and 01/01/943 years Waterproof - if purchased after 01/01/94Loud hailers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Chargers1 year - if purchased before 01/01/913 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Batteries -  1  year.  Note:  Batteries  will  be  deemed  deflective only  if  storage  capacity  drops  below  80%  of  rated  capacity  or  if  leakage develops.Associated Accessories - 1 year. Includes: Microphones/Handsets, Exter-nal Speakers, Antennas, Carrying Accessories, Power Supplies, and Signal-ing Boards.To receive warranty service, the purchaser must deliver the Product, trans-portation and insurance prepaid, to STANDARD HORIZON, Attention Marine repairs 6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, California 90630, U.S.A. Include proof of purchase indicating model. serial number, and date of purchase. STANDARD HORIZON will return the Product to the purchaser freight prepaid. Products purchased  prior  to  January  1,  1991  will  bear  the  STANDARD  HORIZON warranty terms in effect prior to that date.In  the  event  of  a  defect,  malfunction  or  failure  of  the  Product  during  the warranty period, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for any breach of contract
Page 107GX1300or  any  breach  of  express  or  implied  warranties  in  connection  with  the  sale of  Products  shall  be  limited  solely  to  repair  or  replacement,  at  its  option, of  the  Product  or  part(s)  therein  which,  upon  examination  by  STANDARD HORIZON,  appear  to  be  defective  or  not  up  to  factory  specifications. STANDARD HORIZON  may,  at  its  option,  repair  or  replace  parts  or  subas-semblies  with  new  or  reconditioned  parts  and  subassemblies.  Parts  thus repaired or replaced are warranted for the balance of the original applicable warranty.STANDARD HORIZON will not warrant installation, maintenance  or  service of the Products. In all instances, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for damag-es shall not exceed the purchase price of the defective Product.This  warranty  only  extends  to  Products  sold  within  the  50  States  of  the United States of America and the District of Columbia.STANDARD HORIZON  will  pay  all  labor  to  repair  the  product  and  replace-ment  parts  charges  incurred  in  providing  the  warranty  service  except where purchaser abuse or other qualifying  exceptions  exist. The purchaser must  pay  any  transportation  expenses  incurred  in  returning  the  Product  to STANDARD HORIZON for service.This  limited  warranty  does  not  extend  to  any  Product  which  has  been subjected to  misuse,  neglect,  accident,  incorrect  wiring  by anyone  other than  STANDARD  HORIZON,  improper  installation,  or  subjected  to  use  in violation  of  instructions  furnished  by  STANDARD  HORIZON,  nor  does  this warranty extend to Products on which the serial number has been removed, defaced, or  changed.  STANDARD HORIZON cannot  be  responsible  in  any way  for  ancillary  equipment  not  furnished  by  STANDARD  HORIZON  which is attached to or used in connection with STANDARD HORIZON’s Products, or for the operation of the Product with any ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from this warranty. STANDARD HORIZON disclaims liability for range, coverage, or operation of the Product and ancil-lary  equipment  as  a  whole  under  this warranty.  STANDARD  HORIZON reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  or  improvements  in  Products,  during subsequent production, without incurring the obligation to install such chang-es or improvements on previously manufactured Products.The  implied  warranties  which  the  law  imposes  on  the  sale  of  this  Product are  expressly  LIMITED,  in  duration,  to  the time  period  specified  above. STANDARD  HORIZON  shall  not be liable  under  any  circumstances  for consequential damages resulting from the use and operation of this Product, or  from  the  breach  of  this  LIMITED  WARRANTY,  any  implied  warranties,
GX1300Page 108or  any  contract  with  STANDARD  HORIZON.  IN  CONNECTION  WITH THE SALE OF ITS PRODUCTS, STANDARD HORIZON MAKES NO WARRAN-TIES,  EXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED AS  TO THE  MERCHANTABILITY  OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN.Some states do not allow the exclusion  or  limitation  of  incidental  or  conse-quential damages, or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above  limitations  or  exclusions  may  not  apply. This  warranty  gives  specic legal  rights,  and  there  may  be  other  rights  which  may  vary  from  state  to state.ONLY  PRODUCTS  SOLD  ON  OR AFTER  JANUARY  1,  1991  ARE COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
Page 109GX1300ON-LINE WARRANTY REGISTRATIONTHANK YOU for buying STANDARD HORIZON (a division of YAESU U.S.A.)  products!  We are  confident  your  new  radio  will  serve  your needs for many years!Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register your Marine VHF. It should be noted that visiting the website from time to time may be benecial to you, as new products are released they will appear on the STANDARD HORIZON website. Also a statement regarding prod-uct support should be added to the manual.Product Support InquiriesIf you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the radio, you  can  visit  the  STANDARD  HORIZON  website  to  send  an  E-Mail or contact the Product Support team at (714) 827-7600 ext 6300 M-F 8:00-5:00 PST.In addition to the warranty, STANDARD HORIZON includes a lifetime “at rate” and “customer loyalty” programs to provide service after the warranty  period  has  expired.  If  you  wish  to  obtain  the  at  rate  price for  out-of-warranty  repair,  you  must  include  the  information  on  the Owner’s Record with the unit when you return it to your Dealer or to STANDARD HORIZON.Lifetime  Flat  Rate  Service  Program:  For  the  original  Owner  only,  for the  lifetime  of  the  unit,  STANDARD  HORIZON  will  repair  the  unit  to original specications.Note: The  flat  rate  amount  is  payable  by  the  Owner  only  if  STAN-DARD  HORIZON  or  the  STANDARD  HORIZON  Dealer  determines that a repair  is  needed. After  the  repair, a  90-day  warranty will be in effect from the date of return of the unit to the Owner.This service  program is not available for equipment which has failed as a result of neglect, accident, breakage, misuse, improper installa-tion or modication, or water damage (depending on the product).
GX1300Page 11014  SPECIFICATIONSPerformance specications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and are subject to change without notice.14.1  GENERALChannels ................................................ All USA, International and CanadianInput Voltage........................................................................... 13.8 VDC ±20%Current Drain  Standby ...............................................................................................0.3 A  Receive ...............................................................................................1.0 A  Transmit .......................................................................5.5 A (Hi); 1.5 A (Lo)Individual DSC Directory Memory ................................................................ 60Group DSC Directory Memory......................................................................30DSC Log Memory (Transmitted) ................................................................... 30DSC Log Memory (Distress) .........................................................................30DSC Log Memory (Received).......................................................................50Dimensions (W x H x D) ................ 6.10" x 2.36" x 5.91" (155 x 60 x 150 mm)Flush-Mount Dimensions (W x H x D) ............................. 5.15" x 2.00" x 5.51"(131 x 51 x 140 mm)Weight ........................................................................................ 2.0 lb (920 g)14.2  TRANSMITTERFrequency Range ......................................................156.025 to 157.425 MHzRF Output ..........................................................................25 W (Hi); 1 W (Lo)Conducted Spurious Emissions.....................................80 dB (Hi); 66 dB (Lo)Audio Response .................................................within +1/–3 of a 6 dB/octavepre-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzAudio Distortion ..........................................................................................5 %Modulation .........................................................16K0G3E, for DSC 16K0G2BFrequency Stability (–4°F to +140°F (–20°C to +60°C)) ..................±0.0003 %FM Hum and Noise..................................................................................50 dB
Page 111GX130014.3  RECEIVERFrequency Range ......................................................156.050 to 162.000 MHzSensitivity  20 dB SINAD .................................................................................... 0.3 µV  20 dB SINAD (70 CH Receiver) ....................................................... 0.3 µV  Squelch Sensitivity (Threshold) ...................................................... 0.25 µVModulation Acceptance Bandwidth.....................................................±7.5 kHzSelectivity  Spurious and Image Rejection  ........................................................–75 dB  Intermodulation and Rejection at 12 dB SINAD  ............................. –70 dBAudio Output............................................................................................4.5 WAudio Response ................................................within + 1/–3 of a 6 dB/octavede-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzFrequency Stability (–4°F to +140°F (–20°C to +60°C)) ..................±0.0003 %Channel Spacing ...................................................................................25 kHzDSC Format  ........................................................................... ITU-R M.493-13NMEA Input/Output............................................................Output - DSC, DSEInput - GLL, GGA, RMC, GNS, GSA, GSV
GX1300Page 11214.4  GX1300 DIMENSIONS
Page 113GX130015  FCC RADIO LICENSE INFORMATIONStandard Horizon  radios  comply  with the  Federal  Communication Commis-sion (FCC) requirements that regulate the Maritime Radio Service.15.1  STATION LICENSEAn FCC ship station license is no longer required for any vessel traveling in U.S.  waters  (except  Hawaii)  which  is  under  20  meters  in  length.  However, any  vessel  required to  carry  a marine  radio  on an  international  voyage, carrying a HF single side band radiotelephone or marine satellite terminal is required to  have  a  ship station  license.  FCC  license forms,  including  appli-cations for ship (605) and land station  licenses  can  be  downloaded  via  the Internet at  http://www.fcc.gov/Forms/Form605/605.html. To  obtain  a  form from the FCC, call (888) 225-5322.15.2  RADIO CALL SIGNCurrently the  FCC  does  not  require recreational  boaters  to  have  a Ship Radio  Station  License.  The USCG  recommends  the boats  registration number and the state to be used when calling another vessel.15.3  CANADIAN SHIP STATION LICENSINGYou may need a license when traveling in Canada. If you do need a license contact their nearest eld ofce or regional ofce or write: Industry Canada  Radio Regulatory Branch  Attn: DOSP  300 Slater Street  Ottawa, Ontario  Canada, KIA 0C815.4  FCC / INDUSTRY CANADA INFORMATIONThe  following  data  pertaining  to  the  transceiver  is  necessary  to  ll  out  the  license application.Type Acceptance .......................................................................... FCC Part 80Output Power.................................................1 Watt (low) and 25 Watts (high)Emission ..........................................................................16K0G3E, 16K0G2BFrequency Range ......................................................156.025 to 163.275 MHzFCC Type Number .................................................................... K6630583X3DIndustry Canada Type Approval ............................................ 511B-30583X3D
GX1300Page 11416  FCC NOTICENOTICEUnauthorized  changes  or  modifications  to  this  equipment  may  void compliance with FCC Rules. Any change or modication must be ap-proved in writing by STANDARD HORIZON.NOTICEThis equipment has been  tested  and  found to comply with  the  limits for  a  Class  B  digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules. These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against harmful  interference  in  a residential  installation.  This  equipment generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult  the  dealer  or  an  experienced  radio/TV technician  for help.
Page 115GX1300THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.Changes or modications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU U.S.A. could void the User’s authorization to operate this device.This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  license-exempt  RSS  standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d’Industrie  Canada  applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée quivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépassepas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.This radio transmitter (identify the device by certication number, or model number if Category II) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types  listed  below  with  the  maximum  permissible  gain  and  required  antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.Le présent émetteur radio (identier le dispositif par son numéro de certication ou son numéro de modèle s’il fait partie du matériel de catégorie I) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d’antenne énumérés ci-dessous et  ayant  un  gain  admissible  maximal  et  l’impédance  requise  pour  chaque  type d’antenne.  Les  types  d’antenne  non  inclus  dans  cette  liste,  ou  dont  le  gain  est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l’exploitation de l’émetteur. l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.
GX1300Page 116Copyright 2014YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manual may be reproduced without the permission of YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Printed in ChinaYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU UKUnit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.

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