Yaesu Musen 30623X30 PORTABLE MARINE TRANSCEIVER User Manual HX40 Operating Manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. PORTABLE MARINE TRANSCEIVER HX40 Operating Manual

Operating Manual

HX40VHF FM Marine TransceiverOwner’s ManualApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
1. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................. 11.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 12. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................... 23. ABOUT THIS RADIO ........................................... 43.1 ABOUT THE VHF MARINE BAND ................. 43.2 ABOUT WATER PROTECTION ..................... 43.3 DISTRESS AND HAILING (CHANNEL 16) .... 43.4 CALLING ANOTHER VESSEL (CHANNEL 16 OR 9) .. 53.5 BRIDGE CHANNELS 13 AND 67 .................. 63.6 SIMPLEX/DUPLEX CHANNEL USE .............. 63.7 AUTOMATED RADIO CHECK SERVICE ...... 74. ACCESSORIES ................................................... 84.1 PACKING LIST ............................................... 84.2 OPTIONS ....................................................... 85. GETTING STARTED ............................................ 95.1 RADIO CARE  ................................................ 95.2 BATTERIES AND CHARGERS ......................95.2.1 BATTERY SAFETY ............................... 95.2.2 BATTERY CHARGING ........................ 105.3 BELT CLIP INSTALLATION / REMOVAL ..... 116. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ........................ 126.1 CONTROLS AND SWITCHES ..................... 126.2 LCD INDICATORS ....................................... 147. BASIC OPERATION .......................................... 167.1 PROHIBITED COMMUNICATIONS ............. 167.2 INITIAL SETUP ............................................ 167.3 RECEPTION ................................................ 167.4 TRANSMISSION .......................................... 167.4.1 TRANSMIT POWER ........................... 177.4.2 TRANSMIT TIME - OUT TIMER (TOT) ... 177.5 USA, CANADIAN, AND                       INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS .... 177.6 KEYPAD LOCKING ...................................... 187.7 NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS .................... 187.7.1 NOAA WEATHER ALERT ................... 187.7.2 NOAA WEATHER ALERT TESTING ...197.8 PRESET CHANNELS: INSTANT ACCESS ... 207.8.1 PROGRAMMING PRESET                                    CHANNEL BANKS .... 207.8.2 OPERATION on a Preset Channel ...... 207.8.3 Deleting a Preset Channel .................. 217.9 SCANNING .................................................. 227.9.1 PROGRAMMING SCAN MEMORY .... 227.9.2 SELECTING SCAN TYPE ................... 227.9.3 SCANNING OPERATION ................... 237.10 MULTI WATCH (TO PRIORITY CHANNEL) ... 247.10.1 Setting up the Multi Watch Operation ... 247.10.2 Starting the Dual Watch .................... 257.10.3 Starting the Triple Watch ................... 257.11 Listening to the FM Radio .......................... 26FM broadcast Frequency sweep operation ... 26Store the FM frequency ................................ 26Memory Frequency Recall ........................... 277.12 Soft Keys .................................................... 27Key Assignment............................................ 27Key Timer ..................................................... 288. MENU (“SETUP”) .............................................. 29CHANNEL SETUP ............................................. 29CHANNEL GROUP ...................................... 29WEATHER ALERT ....................................... 29SCAN MEMORY .......................................... 29SCAN TYPE ................................................. 29SCAN RESUME ........................................... 30MULTI WATCH ............................................. 30PRIORITY CH .............................................. 30SUB CH ........................................................ 30FM SETUP ......................................................... 31ADD .............................................................. 31EDIT ............................................................. 32DELETE ....................................................... 32CONFIG ............................................................. 32KEY BEEP .................................................... 32BATTERY SAVE ........................................... 33KEY SETUP ................................................. 33BACKLIT LEVEL .......................................... 33BACKLIT TIMER .......................................... 33CONTRAST .................................................. 34RESET ......................................................... 34ABOUT... ............................................................ 349. MAINTENANCE ................................................. 359.1 GENERAL .................................................... 359.2 FACTORY SERVICE .................................... 359.3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART .................... 3510. VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS ..... 3611. WARRANTY ..................................................... 42Marine Products Limited Warranty ..................... 4212. SPECIFICATIONS ............................................ 4511.1 GENERAL .................................................. 4511.2 TRANSMITTER .......................................... 4511.3 RECEIVER ................................................. 4511.4 FM BROADCAST RECEIVER.................... 4513. FCC AND CANADA RADIO LICENSE                                                 INFORMATION ...... 46MARITIME STATION LICENSE ......................... 46MARINE RADIO CALL SIGN ............................. 46CANADIAN SHIP STATION LICENSING ........... 46FCC / ISED INFORMATION .............................. 4614. RF EXPOSURE SAFETY STATEMENT .......... 47SAFETY INFORMATION ................................... 47CONSIGNES DE SECURITE ............................ 4715. FCC NOTICE .................................................... 47TABLE OF CONTENTSApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 1HX401. GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on your purchase of the HX40! Whether this is your first portable marine VHF transceiver, or if you have other STANDARD  HORIZON equipment, the STANDARD HORIZON organization is commit-ted to ensuring your enjoyment of this high-performance transceiver, which should provide you with many years of satisfying communications even in the harshest of environments. STANDARD HORIZON technical support personnel stand behind every product sold, and we invite you to contact us should you require technical advice or assistance by calling (800)767-2450 Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM Pacic time.The  HX40 is a Submersible 6-Watt portable two-way marine transceiver. The transceiver has all allocated USA, International, or Canadian channels. It has emergency channel 16 which can be immediately selected from any channel by pressing the [16/S] key.The HX40 includes the following features: Memory Scanning, Priority Scan-ning, Dual and Triple watch, NOAA Weather Alert, easy-to-read large LCD display, Battery Life display on the LCD, and a transmit Time-Out Timer (TOT).The HX40 transmitter provides a full 6 Watts of transmit power which is  also to selectable to 1 Watt to assist the user in ensuring maximum battery life.We appreciate your purchase of the HX40, and encourage you to read this manual thoroughly, so as to learn and fully understand the capabilities of the HX40.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 22. SAFETY PRECAUTIONSBe sure to read the safety precautions, and use this product safely.Yaesu is not liable for any failures or problems caused by the use or misuse of this product by the purchaser or any third party. Also, Yaesu is not liable for damages caused through the use of this product by the purchaser or any third party, except in cases where ordered to pay damages under the laws.Types and meanings of the marks DANGER This mark indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. WARNING This mark indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION This mark indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or only property damage.Types and meanings of symbolsThese symbols signify prohibited actions, which must not be done to use this product safely.For example:    indicates that the product should not be disassembled.These symbols signify required actions, which must be done to use this product safely. For example:   indicates that the power plug should be disconnected. DANGERDo not operate the device when flammable gas is generated.Doing so may result in fire and explosion.Do not transmit with this device in a crowded place for the safety of persons using a medi-cal device such as a cardiac pacemaker.The radio wave emitted from this product can cause the medical device to malfunction and re-sult in an accident.Do not touch any liquid leaking from the liquid display with your bare hands.There is a risk of chemical burns occurring when the liquid comes into contact with the skin or gets into the eyes. In this case, seek medical treatment immediately.Do not touch any material leaking from the bat-tery pack with bare hands.The chemical that has stuck to your skin or en-tered your eye can cause chemical burns. In such a case, consult the doctor immediately.Do not solder or short-circuit the terminals of the battery pack.A fire, leak, overheating, explosion, or ignition may result.Do not carry the battery pack together with a neck-lace, hairpin, or small metal objects. A short circuit can result. WARNINGDo not power this transceiver with a voltage other than the specified power supply voltage.A fire, electric shock, or damage may result.Do not make very long transmissions.The main body of the transceiver may overheat, resulting component failure or operator burns.Do not disassemble or make any alteration to this product.An injury, electric shock, or failure may result.Never touch the antenna during transmission.This may result in injury, electric shock and equip-ment failure.Do not handle the battery pack or charger with wet hands. Do not insert or remove the power plug with wet hands.An injury, leak, fire, or failure may result.If smoke or a strange odor is emitted from the main body, battery pack, or battery charger, immediately turn the transceiver off; remove the battery pack.A fire, chemical leak, overheating, component damage, ignition, or failure may result. Please contact the dealer from which you purchased this product.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 3HX40 CAUTIONDo not place the transceiver on an unsteady or sloping surface, or in a location with ex-treme vibration.The transceiver may fall or drop, resulting in fire, injury and equipment damage.Stay as far away from the antenna as possible during transmission.Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation may have a negative effect on the human body.Do not dangle or throw the transceiver by holding its antenna.This may injure others and may also result in damage and failure of the transceiver.Do not wipe the case using thinner and ben-zene etc.Use only a soft, dry cloth to wipe stains from the case.Keep this product out of the reach of children.Injury to the child, or damage to the transceiver may result.Do not use any products other than the speci-fied options and accessories.Failure or miss operation may result.If the transceiver will not be used for an ex-tended period, turn it OFF and remove the bat-tery pack for safety.Do not throw the transceiver, or subject it to strong impact forces.Physical abuse may result in component damage and equipment failure.Keep magnetic cards and videotapes away from the transceiver.The data recorded on cash cards or videotapes may be erased.Do not use the transceiver in a crowded place.The antenna may strike others and result in an injury.Install the hand strap and belt clip securely.Improper installation may cause the transceiver to fall or drop, resulting in an injury or damage.Before discarding a depleted battery pack, af-fix tape or insulating covering to its terminals.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 43. ABOUT THIS RADIO3.1 ABOUT THE VHF MARINE BANDThe radio frequencies used in the VHF marine band lie between 156 and 158 MHz with NOAA Weather stations available between 161 and 163 MHz. The marine VHF band provides communications over distances that are essentially “Line of sight” Actual transmission range depends much more on antenna type, gain and height than on the power output of the transmit-ter.  On  a  xed  mount 25  W  radio  transmission expected distances  can be greater than 15 miles, for a portable 5 W radio transmission the expected distance can be greater than 5 miles in “Line of sight”.The user of a Marine VHF radio is subject to severe nes if the radio is used on land. The reasoning for this is you may be near an inland waterway, or propagation anomalies may cause your transmission to be heard in a wa-terway. If this occurs, depending upon the marine VHF channel on which you are transmitting, you could interfere with a search and rescue case, or contribute to a collision between passing ships. For VHF Marine channel as-signments refer to section “10. VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS”.WARNINGThis radio is capable of transmitting on Marine VHF radio frequencies.The FCC allows the use of VHF Marine band on water areas only. Use of the VHF Marine band when on land is not permitted. If persons use the VHF Marine Band on land and interfere with other communications, the FCC will  be  notied and  search  for the  interference.  Responsible parties found to be transmitting on the VHF Marine Band on land could be ned up to $10,000 for the rst offense.3.2 ABOUT WATER PROTECTIONThe HX40 is only submersible※ when the MIC/SP cap is installed in the MIC/SP jack.※IPX7 Specication for submersibility: 3 ft. (1 m) for 30 minutes.3.3 DISTRESS AND HAILING (CHANNEL 16)Channel 16 is designated as the Hail and Distress Channel. An emergency may be dened as a threat to life or property. In such instances, be sure the trans-ceiver is turned ON, and set to “Channel 16”. Then use the following procedure:1.  Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch and say “Mayday, Mayday,  May-day. This is _____, _____, _____” (your vessel’s name).2.  Then repeat once: “Mayday, _____” (your vessel’s name).3.  Now report your position in latitude/longitude, or by giving a true or mag-netic bearing (state which) to a well-known landmark such as a naviga-tion aid or geographic feature such as an island or harbor entry.4.  Explain the nature of your distress (sinking, collision, aground, re, heart attack, life-threatening injury, etc.).ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 5HX405.  State the kind of assistance you desire (pumps, medical aid, etc.).6.  Report the number of persons aboard and condition of any injured.7.  Estimate the present seaworthiness and condition of your vessel.8.  Give your vessel’s description: length, design (power or sail), color and other distinguishing marks. The total transmission should not exceed 1 minute.9.  End the message by saying “OVER”. Release the PTT switch and listen.10. If there is no answer, repeat the above procedure. If there is still no re-sponse, try another channel.3.4 CALLING ANOTHER VESSEL (CHANNEL 16 OR 9)Channel 16 may be used for initial contact (hailing) with another vessel.However, its most important use is for emergency messages. This channel must be monitored at all times except when actually using another channel.It is monitored by the U.S. and Canadian Coast Guards and by other ves-sels. Use of channel 16 for hailing must be limited to initial contact only. Call-ing should not exceed 30 seconds, but may be repeated 3 times at 2-minute intervals. In areas of heavy radio trafc, congestion on channel 16 resulting from its use as a hailing channel can be reduced signicantly in U.S. waters by using Channel 9 as the initial contact (hailing) channel for non-emergency communications. Here, also, calling time should not exceed 30 seconds but may be repeated 3 times at 2-minute intervals.Prior to making contact with another vessel, refer to the channel charts in this manual, and select an appropriate channel for communications after initial contact. For example, Channels 68 and 69 of the U.S. VHF Charts are some of the channels available to non-commercial (recreational) boaters. Monitor your desired channel in advance to make sure you will not be interrupting other trafc, and then go back to either channel 16 or 9 for your initial contact.When the hailing channel (16 or 9) is clear, state the name of the other ves-sel you wish to call and then “this is” followed by the name of your vessel and your Station License (Call Sign). When the other vessel returns your call, immediately request another channel by saying “go to”, the number of the other channel, and “over”. Then switch to the new channel. When the new channel is not busy, call the other vessel.After a transmission, say “over”, and release the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch. When all communication with the other vessel is completed, end the last transmission by stating your Call Sign and the word “out”. Note that it is not necessary to state your Call Sign with each transmission, only at the begin-ning and end of the contact.Remember to return to Channel 16 when not using another channel. Some radios automatically monitor Channel 16 even when set to other channels or when scanning.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 63.5 BRIDGE CHANNELS 13 AND 67Channel 13 is used at docks, bridges and by vessels maneuvering in port. Messages on this channel must concern navigation only, such as meeting and passing in restricted waters.Channel 67 is used for navigational trafc between vessels.By regulation, power is normally limited to 1 Watt on these channels. Your radio is programmed to automatically reduce power to this limit on these channels. However, in certain situations it may be necessary to temporarily use a higher power. See page 14 for means to temporarily override the low-power limit on these two channels.3.6 SIMPLEX/DUPLEX CHANNEL USERefer to the section “10. VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS” for in-structions on use of simplex and duplex channels.NOTEAll channels are factory-programmed in accordance with FCC (USA), ISED (Canada) and International regulations. The mode of operation cannot be altered from simplex to duplex or vice-versa. Simplex (ship to ship) or duplex (marine operator) mode is automatically activated, de-pending on the channel and whether the USA, International or Canadian operating band is selected.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 7HX403.7 AUTOMATED RADIO CHECK SERVICEIn areas across the country, Sea Tow offers boaters a way to conduct radio checks. To use Sea Tow’s free Automated Radio Check service, simply tune your VHF radio to the appropriate channel for your location and conduct a radio check as you typically would. Upon releasing your radio’s microphone, the system will play an automated message and relay your transmission back to you, thereby letting you know how your signal will sound to other boaters.The Automated Radio Check Service is currently available in the areas listed below.West Coast  Sea Tow Newport/LA - Ch. 27  Sea Tow San Diego - Ch. 27Northeast  Sea Tow Portland-Midcoast (Maine) - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Boston - Ch. 27  Sea Tow South Shore (Mass.) - Ch. 28  Sea Tow Rhode Island - Ch. 24  Sea Tow Eastern Long Island - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Huntington (N.Y.) - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Manasquan (N.J.) - Ch. 28Mid-Atlantic  Sea Tow Northern Chesapeake (Md.) - Ch. 28  Sea Tow Central Chesapeake (Md.) - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Hampton Roads (Va.) - Ch. 28North Carolina  Sea Tow Wrightsville Beach - Ch. 28  Sea Tow Ocean Isle Beach - Ch. 28Florida  Sea Tow Sebastian - Ch. 28  Sea Tow Fort Lauderdale - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Charlotte Harbor - Ch. 24  Sea Tow Tampa Bay - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Horseshoe Beach - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Carrabelle/St. Marks - Ch. 27  Sea Tow Pensacola/Orange Beach (Ala.) - Ch. 27ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 84. ACCESSORIES4.1 PACKING LISTWhen the package containing the transceiver is rst opened, please check it for the following contents:HX40 TransceiverCAT460 AntennaøSAD-23B  AC Adaptor for SBH-27 (100-240 VAC, Type-A plug)E-DC-19A DC Cable with 12 V Cigarette Lighter PlugSBH-27  Charger CradleSHB-19  Belt ClipHand StrapOwner’s Manual ø Antenna gain: -1.5 dBi, Impedance: 50 ohm4.2 OPTIONSSAD-23B/C/Uø AC Adaptor for SBH-27SSM-14A  Submersible Speaker / Microphone with Earphone JackSEP-10A  Earphone for SSM-14AMH-73A4B  Submersible Speaker / MicrophoneSSM-64A  VOX HeadsetSSM-55A  Earpiece / MicrophoneCN-3  Radio-to-Ship’s-Antenna AdapterSCH-11  Belt Clip HangerSCH-29  Floating Jacket“B”  sufx  is  for  use  with  100-240  VAC  (Type-A  plug),  “C”  sufx  is  for  use with 100-240 VAC (Type-C plug), and “U” sufx is for use with 100-240 VAC (Type-BF plug).Note: Before operating the HX40 for the rst time, it is  recommended  that the battery be charged. Please see section “5.2.2 BATTERY CHARGING” for details.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 9HX405. GETTING STARTED5.1 RADIO CARE After using the HX40 in a salt water environment, it is recommended to clean the radio with fresh water by rinsing the radio under a sink faucet or by dunk-ing the radio in a bucket of fresh water. After washing, use a soft cloth and thoroughly dry all parts of the radio. This is to keep the rubber switches and speaker grill clean and in top operating condition.5.2 BATTERIES AND CHARGERSIf the radio has never been used, or its charge is depleted, it may be charged by connecting the SBH-27 Charger Cradle with the SAD-23B AC Adapter, see section “5.2.2 BATTERY CHARGING”. If 12V DC power is available, the supplied E-DC-19A DC Cable with 12 V Cigarette Lighter Plug may be used for charging the battery. The SAD-23B and E-DC-19A will charge a com-pletely discharged built-in battery in approximately 3 hours.CAUTIONTo avoid risk of explosion and injury, the built-in battery pack should only be charged or recharged in non-hazardous environments.5.2.1 BATTERY SAFETYThe built-in battery of this transceiver contains Li-ion batteries. This type of battery stores a charge powerful enough to be dangerous if misused or abused, especially when removed from the transceiver. Please observe the following precautions:DO NOT SHORT BATTERY PACK TERMINALS: Shorting the terminals that power the transceiver can cause sparks, severe overheating, burns, and battery cell damage. If the short is of sufcient duration, it is possible to melt battery components. Do not place a loose battery pack on or near metal sur-faces or objects such as paper clips, keys, tools, etc. When the battery pack is installed on the transceiver, the terminals that transfer current to the trans-ceiver are not exposed. The terminals that are exposed on the battery pack when it is mounted on the transceiver are charging terminals only and do not constitute a hazard.DO NOT INCINERATE: Do not dispose of any battery in a re or incinerator. The heat of re may cause battery cells to explode and/or release danger-ous gases.Battery MaintenanceFor safe and proper battery use, please observe the following: The built-in battery should be charged only in non-hazardous environ-ments.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 10 Use only STANDARD HORIZON approved batteries. Do not exceed the specied temperature limits. Do not reverse the charge polarity. Use only the proper charger. If this is tampered with or another charger is used, permanent damage may re-sult. Use only a STANDARD HORIZON approved charger. The use of any other charger may cause permanent damage to the battery. Follow charging instructions provided with the chargers.Battery RecyclingDO NOT PLACE USED BATTERIES IN THE REGULAR TRASH!LI-ION BATTERIES MUST BE COLLECTED, RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND MANNER.Incinerating Li-ion batteries, placing them in the land ll, or mixing them with the municipal solid waste collection, is PROHIBITED BY LAW in most areas.Return batteries to an approved Li-ion battery recycler. This may be  avail-able you purchased the battery.Contact your local waste management ofcials for other information regard-ing the environmentally sound collection, recycling and disposal of Li-ion batteries.5.2.2 BATTERY CHARGING1.  Turn the transceiver OFF.2. Insert the DC plug from the SAD-23B into the DC jack at the bottom of the SBH-27, then plug the SAD-23B into the AC line outlet.3.  Place the HX40 into the SBH-27; the anten-na should be at the left side when viewing the charger from the front.4.  When the HX40 is inserted correctly, the HX40’s LCD display will show the battery charging icon. A fully-discharged pack will be charged completely in approximately 3 hours.5.  When charging is completed, the battery charging icon will disappear.6.  Disconnect the Charge Cable from the HX40, then unplug the SAD-23B from the AC line outlet.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 11HX40CAUTIONThe SAD-23 and SBH-27 are NOT designed to be waterproof. Do not at-tempt to charge in water hazardous locations.NOTE The SAD-23B is only designed for the charging of the HX40’s built-in battery, and is not suitable for other purposes. The SAD-23B may introduce noise to TV and radio reception in the immediate vicinity, so  it is not recommended for use adjacent to such devices.  When carefully maintained, a built-in battery should be useful for about 300 charge/discharge cycles.  Contact Standard Horizon dealer or Factory Service about the built-in battery replacement. Refer to the section “9.2 FACTORY SERVICE”.5.3 BELT CLIP INSTALLATION / REMOVALr To install the Belt Clip: align the Belt Clip to the niche on the rear of the transceiver, then slide the Belt Clip downward until it locks in place with a “Click”.r To remove the Belt Clip: press the Belt Clip Tab away from the rear of the transceiver to unlock the Belt Clip, then slide the Belt Clip upward to remove it.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 126. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS6.1 CONTROLS AND SWITCHESNOTEThis section denes each control of the transceiver. For detailed operating instructions, refer to section “7. BASIC OPERATION”. Refer to the below illustration for the locations of the following controls, switches, and con-nections. ANT Jack (Top Panel)  The supplied CAT460 exible antenna is attached here. PTT (PUSH-TO-TALK) Switch (Left Side Panel)  When pushed activates the transmitter. POWER Switch (Left Side Panel)  Press and hold this key to turn the radio “ON” or “OFF”. MIC/SP Jack (Top Panel)  The jack accepts the optional SSM-14A Speaker/Microphone, MH-73A4B Submersible Speaker/Microphone, SSM-64A VOX Headset, or SSM-55A Earpiece/Microphone. When this jack is used, the internal speaker and microphone are disabled.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 13HX40  LCD Display  The display shows the current operating conditions (See the LCD indica-tors illustrated on page 14 & 15). Microphone  The internal microphone is located here.  When transmitting, position the microphone about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.2 ~ 2.5 cm) away from your mouth. Speak slowly and clearly into the micro-phone. Keypad p (UP) Key  Press this key to change the operating channel, the audio volume level, or the squelch threshold level.  Pressing the key momentarily, will increase the channel (or level) one step. Holding the key, will increase the channel (or level) continuously. q (DOWN) Key  Press this key to change the operating channel, the audio volume level, or the squelch threshold level.  Press the key momentarily, will decrease the channel (or level) one step. Holding the key, will decrease the channel (or level) continuously. t & u Keys  When the soft keys are displayed on the channel display screen, press these keys to select the soft key functions.Note:The soft keys can be customized using the Setup Menu mode de-scribed in section “7.12 Soft Keys”. When one of the soft keys is pressed briey, the functions will appear at the bottom on the dis-play.  Press these keys to toggle the on-screen menus right or left. ENT/MENU Key  Pressing while the soft keys are displayed will enter the selected soft key.  Press to access MENU. Secondary use:  Press and hold to access SETUP Mode. CLR/ Key  Press this key to cancel a function or menu selection.  Secondary use:  Press and hold this key to lock or unlock the keypad.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 14 SQL/VOL Key  Press this key to enable the audio volume adjustment.  Then press this key again to enable the squelch threshold level adjust-ment.  Secondary use:  Press and hold this key to open the squelch, allowing you to monitor the operating channel. Press the key again to resume normal (squelch con-trolled) monitoring. 16/S Key  Pressing this key immediately recalls channel 16 from any channel se-lection. Press and hold 16/S Key to recall the sub channel.  Speaker  The internal speaker is located here.6.2 LCD INDICATORS “ ” Indicator  This indicator appears during transmission. “ ” Indicator  This indicator appears when a signal is being received or the radio is un-squelched. “USA”/“INTL”/“CAN” Indicator  These indicators show the “band” of operation. “USA” indicates the USA band; “INTL” indicates the International band; and “CAN” indicates the Canadian band. “DW” Indicator DW: Dual Watch is activated. TW: Tri-Watch is activated. TRANSMIT POWER Indicator “HI”: 6 W “MD”: 2.5 W “LO”: 1 W “MEM” Indicator  This indicator shows the channel is registered in the transceiver “Scan Memory”. “P-SET” Indicator Shown when the channel is programmed into the Preset Channel memory.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 15HX40  Battery Indicator “   ”: Full battery “   ”: Lower battery “   ”: Battery is low “   ”: Battery is empty “   (Blinking)”: Prepare to charge the battery “P” Indicator Shown when the channel is set as the Priority Channel. “D” Indicator Shown when the Dual Watch function is enabled in FM radio mode. “T” Indicator Shown when the Triple Watch function is enabled in FM radio mode.  Channel Display  The operating channel is shown on the LCD in both the transmit and the receive modes. VOL Indicator  This indicator shows the receive audio volume level. SQL Indicator  This indicator shows the squelch setting level.①② ⑥⑤ ⑦ ⑧⑨③④⑩⑪⑫ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 167. BASIC OPERATION7.1 PROHIBITED COMMUNICATIONSThe FCC prohibits the following communications: False distress or emergency messages. Messages to “any boat” except in emergencies and radio tests. Messages to or from a vessel on land. Transmission while on land. Obscene, indecent, or profane language (potential ne of $10,000).7.2 INITIAL SETUP1.  To install the antenna onto the transceiver; hold the bottom end of the antenna, then screw it onto the mating connector on the transceiver until it is snug. Do not over-tighten.7.3 RECEPTION1.  Press and hold the POWER switch to turn the radio ON.2.  Press the [SQL/VOL] key, when the VOL indicator appears on the display, press and  hold the [SQL/VOL] key until the “ ” indicator appears on the display. This is the “squelch OFF” state.3.  Press the [p] or [q] key until noise or audio from the speaker is heard at a comfortable level.4.  Press the [SQL/VOL] key to resume normal (squelch controlled) monitor-ing.5.  When the VOL indicator disappears, press the [p] or [q] key to select the desired channel. Refer to the channel chart on page 39 for avail-able channels.6.  When a signal is received, adjust the volume to the desired listening level. The “ ” indicator on the LCD is displayed indicating that the channel is being used or the radio is not squelched.7.4 TRANSMISSION1. Setup the transceiver as described in the “7.3 RECEPTION” discussion above.2.  Before transmitting, monitor the channel and make sure it is clear. THIS IS AN FCC REQUIREMENT!3.  Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch to transmit. During transmission, the “ ” in-dicator will appear on the display.4.  Position the microphone about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.2 ~ 2.5 cm) away from ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 17HX40your mouth. Speak slowly and clearly into the microphone.5.  When the transmission is nished, release the PTT switch.7.4.1 TRANSMIT POWERThe TX output power of the HX40 is set to high level (6 W*) in factory de-fault, and the “HI” indicator is displayed on the top part of the screen.To change the TX output power:1.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.2.  Press  the  [◄]  or  [►]  key  repeatedly,  until [HI], [MD], or [LO] is selected above a soft key  at the bottom of the LCD.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key repeatedly to switch between HI (6 W), MD (2.5 W), or LO (1 W) output power.7.4.2 TRANSMIT TIME - OUT TIMER (TOT)While the PTT switch is held down, transmission time is limited to 5 minutes. This prevents prolonged (unintentional) transmissions. About 10 seconds before automatic transmitter shutdown, a warning beep will sound from the speaker. The transceiver automatically switches to receive mode, even if the PTT switch continues to be held down. The PTT switch must rst be re-leased, then wait 10 seconds before transmission may be started again. This Time-Out-Timer (TOT) prevents a continuous transmission that would result from an accidentally stuck PTT switch.7.5 USA, CANADIAN, AND INTERNATIONAL CHANNELSTo change the channel group from USA to International or Canada:1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL SETUP”.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL GROUP”.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.6.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired channel group “USA”, “INTERNA-TIONAL”, or “CANADA”.7.  Press the [ENT/MENU] soft key to store the selected setting.8.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 187.6 KEYPAD LOCKINGIn order to prevent accidental channel change, the HX40’s keypad may be locked.Press and hold the [CLR/] key to lock the keypad (except the PTT, [SQL/VOL] and [CLR/] keys) so that they are not accidentally changed. “KEY LOCK” will appear on the entire screen, to indicate that the functions are locked.To unlock the keys, press and hold the [CLR/] key until “UNLOCK” ap-pears. 7.7 NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS1.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to display the MENU screen.2.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [WX], then press the [ENT/MENU] key. The transceiver changes to the weather channel mode and the radio will be set to the last used NOAA weather channel.3.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select a different NOAA weather channel.4.  To exit from the NOAA weather channels, press the [ENT/MENU] key to display MENU screen. Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [CH], then press the [ENT/MENU] key. The transceiver will revert to the channel in use prior to switching to the weather channel mode.7.7.1 NOAA WEATHER ALERTIn the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as storms and hurri-canes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a weather alert accompanied by a 1050 Hz tone and a subsequent weather report on one of the NOAA weather channels.The HX40 can respond to weather alerts; when monitoring a weather chan-nel; when stopping on the last selected weather channel during scanning modes;  while operating on another working channel; or while listening in the FM Radio mode.When an alert is received on a NOAA weather channel, scanning will stop and the trans-ceiver will emit a loud beep to alert the user of a NOAA broadcast. Press any key to stop the alert.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 19HX40After stopping the beep sound, the weather alert reception conrmation screen will appear. Press any key to display a conrmation screen. The confirmation screen will ask whether to move to the weather channel, or return to the marine channel. Press [ENT/MENU] to switch to the weather channel, or press the  [►] key to select the [NO] soft key, then press [ENT/MENU] to return to the marine channel.7.7.2 NOAA WEATHER ALERT TESTINGIn order to test this system, NOAA broadcasts the 1050 Hz tone every Wednesday sometime between 11 AM and 1 PM local time. You may use this opportunity to test your transceiver periodically to confirm that the Weather Alert feature is working, or for training crew members on how to congure the transceiver to receive the NOAA Weather Alerts.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 207.8 PRESET CHANNELS: INSTANT ACCESS10 preset channels can be programmed for instant access. Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys. Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly to select the [P-SET] soft key. Pressing the [ENT/MENU] key activates the user as-signed channel bank. If the [ENT/MENU] key is pressed and no preset chan-nels have been assigned, an alert beep will be emitted from the speaker.7.8.1 PROGRAMMING PRESET CHANNEL BANKS1.  Select the desired channel to be assigned into the Preset Channel Bank using the [▲] or [▼] key.2.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.3.  Press  the  [◄]  or  [►]  key  repeatedly,  until the [P-SET] soft key is selected at the bot-tom of the LCD.4.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key until the “P-SET” icon and channel number are blinking.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to program the channel into the preset channel memory. The “P-SET” icon will appear.6.  Repeat steps 1 through 5 to program the additional channels into the preset channels. Up to 10 channels can be registered. If you attempt to register an 11th channel, the error beep will sound.7.8.2 OPERATION on a Preset Channel1.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.2.  Press  the  [◄]  or  [►]  key  repeatedly,  until the [P-SET] soft key is selected at the bot-tom of the LCD.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key, then press the [▲] or [▼]  key to select  the desired preset channel.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 21HX404. To return to the previous operation channel, press the [◄] or [►] key to displays the channel. Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [P-SET] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD. Press the [ENT/MENU] key. The “P-SET” icon will disappear from the display.7.8.3 Deleting a Preset Channel1.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.2.  Then  press  the  [◄]  or  [►]  key  repeatedly, until the [P-SET] soft key is selected.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key, then press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the preset channel to be deleted.4.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys, then press the [◄] or [►] key repeat-edly, until the [P-SET] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD. 5.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key until the “P-SET” icon and channel number are blinking.6.  Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [DEL] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD. Press the [ENT/MENU] key to delete the chan-nel from the preset channel memory.7.  To exit from the preset channels delete operation, press the [◄] or  [►] key repeatedly, until the [BACK] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 227.9 SCANNINGThe  HX40 provides two types of scanning, “Memory Scan” or “Priority Scan”. “Memory Scan” scans the channels that were programmed into Scan Memory and also channels stored in the Preset Channel memory. “Priority Scan” is similar to the “Memory Scan” scan, however it scans the priority channel (channel 16) and dual watches to channels programmed in memory scan and preset channel memory. When an incoming signal is detected on one of the channels during scan, the radio will pause on that channel, allow-ing you to listen to the incoming transmission.7.9.1 PROGRAMMING SCAN MEMORY1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL SETUP”.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “SCAN MEMORY”.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.6.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select a desired channel to be scanned.7.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [MEM] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key. The “ON” icon will appear at the right side of the selected channel.8.  Repeat step 7 for all the desired channels to be scanned.9.  To REMOVE  a  channel from  the  list, select  the  channel. Press  the  [◄] or [►] key to select the [MEM] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key. The “ON” icon of the selected channel will disappear.10. When the selections are complete, press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.To  check  channels  to  be scanned,  press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key repeatedly,  to display each channel. The “MEM” icon will appear when a designated mem-ory channel is displayed.7.9.2 SELECTING SCAN TYPE1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL SETUP”.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “SCAN TYPE”.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 23HX406.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “M-SCAN” or “P-SCAN”.7.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the selected setting.8.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.Memory Scan (M-SCAN)Scan MemoryChannelScan MemoryChannelScan MemoryChannelScan MemoryChannelPresetChannel 4PresetChannel 5Priority ChannelPresetChannel 0PresetChannel 1PresetChannel 2PresetChannel 3Priority Scan (P-SCAN)7.9.3 SCANNING OPERATION7.9.3.1 Memory Scanning (M-SCAN)1.  Set the scan type to “M-SCAN” in the SETUP menu (refer to “7.9.2 SE-LECTING SCAN TYPE”).2.  Press the [SQL/VOL] key twice, then press the [▲] or [▼] key until the squelch background noise disappears.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [SCAN] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD.4.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key. “MEM SCAN” will appear on the display. Scanning will proceed from the lowest to the highest programmed channel number and preset channel (described in the next sec-tion). Scanning will stop on a channel when a transmission is received.  The channel number will blink during recep-tion.5.  To stop scanning, press the [16/S] or [CLR/ ] key. Priority Scanning (P-SCAN)1.  Set the scan type to “P-SCAN” in the SETUP menu (refer to “7.9.2 SE-LECTING SCAN TYPE”).2.  Press the [SQL/VOL] key twice, then press the [▲] or [▼] key until the squelch background noise disappears.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [SCAN] soft key is selected at the bottom of the LCD.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 244.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key. “PRI SCAN” appears on the display. Scanning will proceed between the memory channels, the preset channels, and the priority channel.  The priority channel will be scanned after each programmed channel.5.  To stop scanning, press the [16/S] or [CLR/ ] key.7.10 MULTI WATCH (TO PRIORITY CHANNEL)Multi watch is used to scan two or three channels for communications.m In Dual Watch, a normal VHF channel and the priority channel are scanned alternately.m  In Triple Watch, a normal VHF channel, the priority channel, and the sub channel are scanned alternately.When a signal is received on the normal channel the radio briey switches between the normal channel and the priority channel to look for a transmis-sion. If the radio receives communications on the priority channel the radio stops and listens to the priority channel until communication ends and then starts dual or triple watch scan again.NOTEThe priority channel and sub channel may be changed from CH16 (default) and CH9 (default) to another channel. Refer to section “ PRIORITY CH” or “SUB SUB CH” (see page 30 for details).7.10.1 Setting up the Multi Watch Operation1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL SETUP”.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “MULTI WATCH”.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.6.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  “DUAL” or “TRIPLE”.DUAL (Dual Watch):  The HX40 watches the activity of the current channel and the priority channel.TRIPLE (Triple Watch): The HX40 watches the activity of the priority chan-nel, the sub channel, and the current channel.7.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the selected setting.8.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 25HX407.10.2 Starting the Dual Watch1.  Press the [SQL/VOL] key twice, then press the [▲] or [▼] key until the background squelch noise disappears.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select a channel you wish to dual watch.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.4.  Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [DW] soft key at the bottom of the LCD is selected.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.  The radio will monitor the priority channel and the working channel that were selected in step 2.6.  While a signal is received on the channel selected in step 2, the HX40 will dual watch to the priority channel periodically.7.  To stop dual watch, press the [CLR/ ] key.7.10.3 Starting the Triple WatchYou may change the Dual Watch feature to Triple Watch via the Menu (“Set”) Mode. Triple Watch scans the priority channel, the sub channel, and one working channel.1.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the working channel to scan along with the sub channel and the priority channel.2.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to display the soft keys.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key repeatedly, until the [TW] soft key at the bottom of the LCD is selected.4.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to activate the Triple Watch feature.5.  When a transmission is received on the priority channel, the HX40 will remain on the priority channel until the incoming signal disappears.6.  When a transmission is received on the sub channel, the HX40 will Dual watch the priority channel and the sub channel.7.  When the HX40 receives a transmission on the working channel, the HX40 will Triple Watch between the working channel, the priority chan-nel, and sub channel.8.  To stop Triple watch, press the [CLR/ ] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 267.11 Listening to the FM RadioThe HX40 includes provision for FM broadcast reception.1.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [RA-DIO], then press the [ENT/MENU] key.  The FM broadcast coverage is 65.000 to 108.000 MHz (100 kHz step) and utilizes Wide-FM mode.2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired frequency.3.  To exit from the FM Broadcast Reception mode, press the [ENT/MENU] key to display the MENU screen. Press the [◄] or [►] key to select [CH], then press the [ENT/MENU] key. The transceiver will revert to the chan-nel in use prior to switching to the FM Broadcast band.FM broadcast Frequency sweep operation1.  Recall the FM Broadcast Reception mode (see above).2.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SWEEP] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to start sweep operation. Sweeping will proceed from the lowest to the highest frequencies (step 100 kHz). If the radio receives an FM station, the sweep will stop on the received frequency.3.  To cancel sweep operation, press the [CLR/] key, the [▲] or [▼] key.Store the FM frequency1.  While listening in the FM Broadcast receive mode, select the desired FM frequency.2.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [MEM] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to display the “ADD” screen.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 27HX404.  Press the [▲]  or  [▼]  key to scroll through the letters and  choose  the rst letter of  the name for the FM frequency.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the rst letter of the name and step to the next letter to the right.6.  Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the name is complete. The name can consist of up to twelve characters, and if you do not use all twelve characters, press the [ENT/MENU] key to move to the next spaces. This method can also be used to enter a blank space within the name.  If a mistake was made entering in the name, press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [DEL] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to delete the wrong character.7.  When the twelve letters or spaces have been entered, select “FINISH”. Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the FM frequency.  To return to the input, press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [ ◄ ] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.Memory Frequency Recall1.  Press the  [◄]  or [►]  key  to  select  the [NEXT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to recall the Last displayed FM broadcast memory.2.  Then press the [ENT/MENU] key repeatedly to step sequentially through the FM broadcast memories.7.12 Soft KeysThe soft key functions may be recongured, and the duration time of the soft key icon display, after a key is pressed, can be changed.Key Assignment1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CONFIG”.3. Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4. Press the [▲] or  [▼]  key  to select “KEY SETUP”, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 285.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select “ASSIGNMENT”, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.6.  Press the  [▲] or  [▼] key  to select  the key  number to  be  programmed, and    then press the [ENT/MENU] key.7.  Press  the [▲]  or  [▼] key  to  select  a new function to be assigned to the soft key, and press the [ENT/MENU] soft key. Available functions are listed below.c8.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.Display FunctionPRESET Programs or deletes the preset memory channel.HI/MD/LO Selects transmit power. DW/TW Turns dual or triple watch scan ON/OFF.MEMORY Add or remove channels from memory channel scan.SCAN Turns the scanning function ON/OFF.NONE No function.Key Timer1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CONFIG”.3.  Press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [SELECT] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.3.  Select “KEY SETUP”  with  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key,  then  press  the  [ENT/MENU] soft key.4.  Select “KEY TIMER” with the [▲] or [▼] key, then press the [ENT/MENU] soft key.5.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired time, and press the [ENT/MENU] soft key.c6.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 29HX408. MENU (“SETUP”)The HX40’s Menu Mode allows enables a number of the HX40 operating pa-rameters to be custom-congured.Use the following procedure to activate and set The Menu Mode parameters:1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired menu item.3.  Press the  [▲] or  [▼] key  to select  the key  number to  be  programmed, and    then press the [ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired menu item, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.5.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired setting.6.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.7.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.CHANNEL SETUPCHANNEL GROUPThis menu item enables chaning the channel group from USA channels, to Canada channels, or International channels.Refer to the section “7.5 USA, CANADIAN, AND INTERNATIONAL CHAN-NELS” for details.WEATHER ALERTEnables/disables the NOAA Weather Alert function. The default setting is “OFF”.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CHANNEL SETUP”  “WEATHER ALERT”2.  Press the  [▲] or  [▼] key  to select  “ON” or “OFF”.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.SCAN MEMORYBefore scanning can begin, the desired scan channels must be programmed. This selection allows channels to be stored to the scan memory.Refer to section “7.9.1 PROGRAMMING SCAN MEMORY” for details.SCAN TYPEThis selection is used to change the scan mode between “M-SCAN” (Memory Scan) and “P-SCAN” (Priority Scan). The default setting is “P-SCAN”.Refer to section “7.9.2 SELECTING SCAN TYPE” for details.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 30SCAN RESUMEThis selection is used to select the time the HX40 waits after a transmission ends before the radio starts to scan channels again. The default setting is 2 seconds.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CHANNEL SETUP”  “SCAN RESUME”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired time. The resume time can be set to “1 sec” through “5 sec”.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.MULTI WATCHThis selection is used to choose between “Dual Watch” and “Triple Watch”.Refer to section “7.10.1 Setting up the Multi Watch Operation” for details.PRIORITY CHThis procedure may be used to designate a different priority channel when priority scanning. By default, the radio priority channel is set to Channel 16.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CHANNEL SETUP”  “PRIORITY CH”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired channel to be a priority.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.SUB CHBy default, the sub channel is set to Channel 9. This procedure allows the radio to assign a different sub channel for instant access.1.  Press and hold the [ENT/MENU] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “CHANNEL SETUP”, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.3. Select “SUB CH” with the [▲] or [▼] key, then press the[ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired channel to be the sub channel.5.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.6.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 31HX40FM SETUPADD1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “FM SETUP”  “ADD”2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “FREQ”, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.3.  Press the [▲]  or  [▼]  key to scroll through the rst position numbers of the frequency.4.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the rst number in the frequency and step to the next position to the right.5.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the frequency is complete.  If a mistake was made entering in the frequency, press the [◄]  or [►] soft key to select the [DEL] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to delete the wrong number.6.  After the four numbers have been entered,  “FINISH” is selected. Press the [ENT/MENU] key to save and exit to the “ADD” screen.7.  Press the [▼] key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.8.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to scroll through the rst letter of the name of the frequency.9. Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the rst letter in the name and step to the next position to the right.10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until the name is complete. The name can consist of up to twelve characters, and if you do not use all twelve characters, press the [ENT/MENU] key to move to the next spaces. This method can also be used to enter a blank space in the name.  If a mistake was made entering in the name, press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [DEL] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key to delete the wrong character.11. After the twelve letters or spaces have been entered, press the [ENT/MENU] key, “FINISH” is selected. Press the [ENT/MENU] key to stored the FM frequency.  To return to the input, press the [◄] or [►] key to select the [ ◄ ] soft key, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 32EDITThis selection is used to edit the FM Broadcast frequency and name.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “FM SETUP”  “EDIT”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the memory to be edited, then press the [ENT/MENU]  key.3.  Use the same procedure as described in steps 3 to 11 of “ADD” in the previous section.DELETEThis selection can delete the frequency data stored on an FM Broadcast   memory.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “FM SETUP”  “DELETE”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the memory to be deleted, then press the [ENT/MENU]  key.  The delete conrmation screen will appear.3.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select “OK?” (delete) or “CANCEL” (cancel), then press the [ENT/MENU] key.CONFIGKEY BEEPThis selection is used to select the beep tone volume level when a key is pressed.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “KEY BEEP”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired level. The beep level can be set from “1” to “5”, or “OFF”.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the se-lected level.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 33HX40BATTERY SAVEThis function allows you to change the battery save mode setting.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “BATTERY SAVE”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired setting. You can select one from “OFF”, “50%”, “70%”, “80%”, or “90%”.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.4.  Press the [CLR/] key to return to radio operation.KEY SETUPThe function assigned to the function screen Soft Keys can be changed (see page 27 “7.12 Soft Keys”).BACKLIT LEVELThe backlight brightness may be adjusted in 5 levels.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “BACKLIT LEVEL”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired setting, from “1” to “5”, or “OFF”.3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the se-lected level.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.BACKLIT TIMERThis menu selection is used to setup the illumination time of the display and keypad.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “BACKLIT TIMER”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired time.OFF:  Disables the display/key-pad lamp illumination.3/5/10/30 Sec:  Illuminates the display/key-pad for the selected time when any key (except the PTT switch) is pressed.CONTINUOUS: Illuminates the display/key-pad continuously.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 343.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the new setting.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.CONTRASTThe contrast may be adjusted in 30 levels.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “CONTRAST”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired level. The contrast level can be set from “0” to “30” (“15” is default).3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key to store the se-lected level.4.  Press the [CLR/ ] key to return to radio operation.RESETThe memories and settings of each setup category may be initialized inde-pendently, or the transceiver may be reset to the original factory settings.1. Press and hold [ENT/MENU]  “CONFIG”  “RESET”2.  Press  the  [▲]  or  [▼]  key  to  select  the  de-sired category from: “CHANNEL”, “CON-FIG”, or “ALL” (all settings except the MMSI will be initialized).3.  Press the [ENT/MENU] key.4.  Press the  [▲] or  [▼] key  to select  “OK?”, then press the [ENT/MENU] key.ABOUT...Displays the version of the software currently operating on the transceiver.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 35HX409. MAINTENANCE9.1 GENERALThe inherent quality of the solid-state components in STANDARD HORIZON radios will provide many years of continuous use. Take the following precau-tions to prevent damage to the radio. Never key the microphone unless an antenna or suitable dummy load is connected to the transceiver. Use only STANDARD HORIZON-approved accessories and replacement parts.9.2 FACTORY SERVICEIn the unlikely event that the radio fails to perform or needs servicing, please contact the following: Standard Horizon  Attention Marine Repair Department  6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, California 90630, U.S.A.  Telephone (800) 366-4566 For repairs in Canada Westcom Marine  488 East 62nd Avenue Vancouver BC V5X2G1  Phone (604)327-6280An “RA” Return Authorization number is not necessary to send a product in for service. Include a brief note describing the problem along with your name, return address, phone number, and proof of purchase.9.3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYThe USA/INTL/CAN modes do not function.Proper operation not fol-lowed.Specify the item number from “SETUP MENU” – “CHANNEL SETUP” – “CHANNEL GROUP”.Cannot output sound by pressing and holding the [SQL/VOL] key.Low battery. Charge battery. Refer to section 5.2 of this manual.Audio volume level is too low.Press the [▲] key until background noise outputs.Charge indicator does not appear on the display when charging a battery.Defective built-in battery. Contact Standard Horizon dealer.The transceiver is not set onto the SBH-27 Charger Cradle properly.Set the transceiver onto the SBH-27 Charger Cradle properly.Power is not supplied to the SBH-27 Charger Cradle.Connect  SAD-23B or E-DC-19A to the SBH-27 Charger Cradle for AC/DC power supplies.Cannot turn the trans-ceiver OFF.The transceiver is unrespon-sive to keypad operation.The Micro Computer has frozen.Press and hold the POWER switch for over 15 seconds to restart the transceiver.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 3610. VHF MARINE CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSTables on the following pages list the VHF Marine Channel assignments for USA. and International use. Below are listed some data about the charts.1.  VTS. Where indicated, these channels are part of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Vessel Trafc System.2.  Alpha channel numbers, that is, channel numbers followed by the letter A (such as Channel 07A) are simplex channels on the USA. or Canadian channel assignments whose counterparts in the International assign-ments are duplex channels. International channels do not use “alpha” numbers. If you call the Coast Guard on Channel 16, they will sometimes ask you to “go to channel 22 Alpha.” This is a channel assigned to USA, and Canadian Coast Guards for handling distress and other calls. If your radio is set for International operation you will go to Channel 22 instead of 22A, and will not be able to communicate with the Coast Guard. To use Channel 22A, your radio must be set for USA or Canada operation, usually by a U/I/C (USA/International/Canada) control or combination of controls. Channel 22 (without an “A”) is an International duplex channel for port operations. Some radios indicate an “A” adjacent to the alpha channels on the display; on others “alpha” is not indicated but the proper channel is selected based on the U/I/C setting.3.  Bridge-to-Bridge channels (for example, Channel 13) are for use by bridge operators on inter-coastal waterways and rivers. It is also used by marine vessels in the vicinity of these bridges for navigation and for com-municating with the bridge operators. Note that a limit of 1 Watt is speci-ed for these channels. 4. The S/D column on the chart indicates either S (simplex) or D (duplex). Simplex means transmitting and receiving on the same frequency. Only one party at a time can talk, unlike a telephone. Be sure to say “over” and release your microphone push-to-talk switch at the end of each transmission.  Duplex operation involves the use of one frequency for transmitting and a separate frequency for receiving. On channels speci-ed as duplex on the charts, correct mode of operation is established au-tomatically by your radio when you select a channel; you cannot change the mode. And you still must release the push-to-talk switch after each transmission in order to listen to the radio.5.  Channels normally used by recreational boaters are those that include the term “non-commercial” in the Channel Use column of the chart. Some of these are shared with other users and some are used only in certain geographic regions.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 37HX406.  Marine vessels equipped with VHF radios are required to monitor Chan-nel 16.7.  156.050 MHz and 156.175 MHz are available for port operations and commercial communications purposes when used only within the U.S. Coast Guard designated Vessel Trafc Services (VTS) area of New Or-leans, on the lower Mississippi River from the various pass entrances in the Gulf of Mexico to Devil’s Swamp Light at River Mile 242.4 above head of passes near Baton Rouge. 8.  156.250 MHz is available for port operations communications use only within the U.S. Coast Guard designated VTS radio protection areas of New Orleans and Houston described in Sec. 80.383. 156.250 MHz is available for intership port operations communications used only within the area of Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, within a 25- nautical mile radius of Point Fermin, California. 9.  156.550 MHz, 156.600 MHz and 156.700 MHz are available in the U.S. Coast Guard designated port areas only for VTS communications and in the Great Lakes available primarily for communications relating to the movement of ships in sectors designated by the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation or the U.S. Coast Guard. The use of these fre-quencies outside VTS and ship movement sector protected areas is per-mitted provided they cause no interference to VTS and ship movement communications in their respective designated sectors.10. Use of 156.875 MHz is limited to communications with pilots regarding the movement and docking of ships. Normal output power must not ex-ceed 1 watt. 5: 156.375 MHz and 156.650 MHz are available primarily for intership navigational communications. These frequencies are available between coast and ship on a secondary basis when used on or in the vicinity of locks or drawbridges. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt. Maximum output power must not exceed 10 watts for coast stations or 25 watts for ship stations. 11. On the Great Lakes, in addition to bridge-to-bridge communications, 156.650 MHz is available for vessel control purposes in established vessel trafc systems. 156.650 MHz is not available for use in the Mis-sissippi River from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass entrance Mid-channel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 above Head of Passes near Baton Rouge. Additionally it is not available for use in the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Ca-nal, and the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, except to aid the transition from these areas.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 3812. Use of 156.375 MHz is available for navigational communications only in the Mississippi River from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass entrance Mid channel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 above head of Passes near Baton Rouge, and in addition over the full length of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal from entrance to its junction with the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, and over the full length of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Mississippi River to its entry to Lake  Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.13. Within 120 km (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border, in the area of the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches, 157.425 MHz is half of the duplex pair designated as Channel 88. In this area, Channel 88 is available to ship stations for communications with public coast stations only. More than 120 km (75 miles) from the United States/Canada border in the area of the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, its approaches, the Great Lakes, and the St. Lawrence Seaway, 157.425 MHz is available for intership and commercial commu-nications. Outside Puget Sound area and its approaches and the Great Lakes, 157.425 MHz is also available for communications between com-mercial shing vessels and associated aircraft while engaged in commer-cial shing activities. 14. When the frequency 156.850 MHz is authorized, it may be used addition-ally for search and rescue training exercises conducted by state or local governments. 15. The frequency 156.850 MHz is additionally available to coast stations on the Great Lakes for transmission of scheduled Coded Marine Weather Forecasts (MAFOR), Great Lakes Weather Broadcast (LAWEB) and scheduled Notices to Mariners or Bulletins. F3C and J3C emissions are permitted. Coast Stations on the Great Lakes must cease weather broad-casts which cause interference to stations operating on 156.800 MHz until the interference problem is resolved. 16. The frequency 157.100 MHz is authorized for search and rescue train-ing exercises by state or local government in conjunction with U.S. Coast Guard stations. Prior U.S. Coast Guard approval is required. Use must cease immediately on U.S. Coast Guard request. 17. The duplex pair for channel 20 (157.000/161.600 MHz) may be used for ship to coast station communications. 18. Available for assignment to coast stations, the use of which is in accord with an agreed program, for the broadcast of information to ship stations concerning the environment.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 39HX40VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE01 X X D 156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)1001 X S 156.050 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas02 X X D 156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03 X X D 156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)1003 X S 156.150 U.S. Government Only, Coast Guard04 X D 156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Opera-tor), Port operation, ship movement04A X S 156.200 Pacic coast: Coast Guard, East Coast:Commercial shing05 X D 156.250 160.850Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port operation, ship movement05A X S 156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle1005 X S 156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle06 X X X S 156.300 Inter-ship Safety07 X D 156.350 160.950Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port operation, ship movement07A X S 156.350 Commercial1007 X S 156.350 Commercial08 X X X S 156.400 Commercial (Inter-ship only)09 X X X S 156.450 Boater Calling channel, Commercial &Non-commercial (Recreational)10 X X X S 156.500 Commercial11 X X X S 156.550 Commercial. VTS in selected areas.12 X X X S 156.600 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.13 X X X S 156.650Inter-ship Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge)14 X X X S 156.700 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.15 X S - - - 156.750 Environmental (Receive only)15 X X S 156.750 Commercial, non-commercial, ship move-ment (1 W)16 X X X S 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling17 X X X S 156.850 State Controlled (1 W)18 X D 156.900 161.500 Port operation, ship movement18A X S 156.900 Commercial1018 X S 156.900 Commercial19 X D 156.950 161.550 Port operation, ship movement19A X S 156.950 Coast Guard1019 X S 156.950 Commercial1019 X S 156.9502019 X S 161.55020 X X X D 157.000 161.600 Canadian Coast Guard Only,International: port operations and shipment1020 X S 157.0001020 X S 157.000 Port operation2020 X S 161.60021 X D 157.050 161.650 Port operation, ship movement21A X S 157.050 Canadian Coast Guard21B X - - - 161.650 CMB Service1021 X S 157.050 U.S. Government Only22 X D 157.100 161.700 Port operation, ship movement22A X S 157.100Canadian Coast Guard Liaison and Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts announced on channel 16ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 40VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE1022 X S 157.100US Coast Guard Liaison and Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts announced on channel 1623 X X D 157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)23B X - - - 161.750 CMB Service1023 X S 157.150 U.S. Government Only24 X X X D 157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25 X X X D 157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25B X - - - 161.850 CMB Service26 X X X D 157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)27 X X X D 157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28 X X X D 157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28B X - - - 162.000 CMB Service60 X X D 156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)61 X D 156.075 160.675Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement61A X S 156.075 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial shing only1061 X S 156.075 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial shing only62 X D 156.125 160.725Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port operation, ship movement62A X S 156.125 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial shing only63 X D 156.175 160.775Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement63A X S 156.175 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas.1063 X S 156.175 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas.64 X X D 156.225 160.825Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement64A X S 156.225Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port operation, ship movement1064 X S 156.225Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port operation, ship movement65 X D 156.275 160.875Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65A X S 156.275 Port Operations1065 X S 156.275 Port Operations66 X D 156.325 160.925Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement66A X S 156.325 Port Operations1066 X S 156.325 Port Operations67 X X X S 156.375US: Commercial. Used for Bridge-to-bridge communications in lower Missis-sippi River. Inter-ship only.Canada: Commercial shing, S&R68 X X X S 156.425 Non-commercial (Recreational)69 X X X S 156.475US: Non-commercial (Recreational),Canada: Commercial shing only,International: Inter-ship, Port operations and Ship movement70 X X X S - - - 156.525 Digital selective calling (voice communica-tions not allowed)ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 41HX40VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE71 X X X S 156.575US, Canada: Non-commercial (Recre-ational),International: Port operations and Ship movement72 X X X S 156.625 Non-commercial (Inter-ship only)73 X X X S 156.675US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial shing only,International: Inter-ship, Port operations   and Ship movement74 X X X S 156.725US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial shing only,International: Inter-ship, Port operations   and Ship movement75 X X X S 156.775 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1 W)76 X X X S 156.825 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1 W)77 X X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1 W)77 X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only)78 X D 156.925 161.525Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship-movement78A X S 156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)1078 X S 156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)1078 X S 156.9252078 X S 161.52579 X D 156.975 161.575 Port operation and Ship movement1079 X S 156.975 Commercial1079 X S 156.9752079 X S 161.57580 X D 157.025 161.625 Port operation, ship movement80A X S 157.025 Commercial1080 X S 157.025 Commercial81 X D 157.075 161.675 Port operation, ship movement1081 X S 157.075 U.S. Government Only -Environmental protection operations.81A X S 157.075 Canadian Coast Guard Only82 X D 157.125 161.725Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement82A X S 157.125 Canadian Coast Guard Only1082 X S 157.125 U.S. Government Only83 X D 157.175 161.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)83A X S 157.175 Canadian Coast Guard Only83B X - - - 161.775 CMB Service1083 X S 157.175 U.S. Government Only84 X X X D 157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)85 X X X D 157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)86 X X X D 157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)87 X X X S 157.375 Port operation, ship movement88 X X X S 157.425 Port operation, ship movementCommercial, Inter-ship OnlyNOTE: Simplex channels, 3A, 21A, 23A, 61A, 64A, 81A, 82A and 83A CANNOT be lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. waters.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 4211. WARRANTYMarine Products Limited WarrantyPLEASE NOTEThe following “Limited Warranty” is valid for products that have been purchased in the United States and Canada. For limited Warranty details outside the United States, contact the dealer in your country.STANDARD HORIZON (a division of YAESU USA.) warrants, to the origi-nal purchaser only, each new Marine Communications Product (“Product”) manufactured and/or supplied by STANDARD HORIZON against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of time from the date of purchase as follows:Fixed Mount and Portable Transceivers  1 year - if purchased before 01/01/91  3 years - if purchased between 01/01/91 and 01/01/94  3 years Waterproof - if purchased after 01/01/94Loud hailers  1 year - if purchased before 01/01/91  3 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Chargers  1 year - if purchased before 01/01/91  3 years - if purchased after 01/01/91Associated Batteries - 1 year. Note: Batteries will be deemed defective only if storage capacity drops below 80% of rated capacity or if leakage de-velops.Associated Accessories - 1 year. Includes: Microphones/Handsets, Exter-nal Speakers, Antennas, Carrying Accessories, Power Supplies, and Signal-ing Boards.To receive warranty service, the purchaser must deliver the Product, trans-portation and insurance prepaid, to STANDARD HORIZON (a division of YAESU USA.). Include proof of purchase indicating model. serial number, and date of purchase. STANDARD HORIZON will return the Product to the purchaser freight prepaid. Products purchased prior to January 1, 1991 will bear the STANDARD HORIZON warranty terms in effect prior to that date.In the event of a defect, malfunction or failure of the Product during the war-ranty period, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for any breach of contract or any breach of express or implied warranties in connection with the sale of Products shall be limited solely to repair or replacement, at its option, of the Product or part(s) therein which, upon examination by STANDARD HORI-ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 43HX40ZON, appear to be defective or not up to factory specications. STANDARD HORIZON may, at its option, repair or replace parts or subassemblies with new or reconditioned parts and subassemblies. Parts thus repaired or re-placed are warranted for the balance of the original applicable warranty.STANDARD HORIZON will not warrant installation, maintenance or service of the Products. In all instances, STANDARD HORIZON’s liability for dam-ages shall not exceed the purchase price of the defective Product.This warranty only extends to Products sold within the 50 States of the Unit-ed States of America and the District of Columbia.STANDARD HORIZON will pay all labor to repair the product and replace-ment parts charges incurred in providing the warranty service except where purchaser abuse or other qualifying exceptions exist. The purchaser must pay any transportation expenses incurred in returning the Product to STAN-DARD HORIZON for service.This limited warranty does not extend to any Product which has been sub-jected to misuse, neglect, accident, incorrect wiring by anyone other than STANDARD HORIZON, improper installation, or subjected to use in violation of instructions furnished by STANDARD HORIZON, nor does this warranty extend to Products on which the serial number has been removed, defaced, or changed. STANDARD HORIZON cannot be responsible in any way for ancillary equipment not furnished by STANDARD HORIZON which is at-tached to or used in connection with STANDARD HORIZON’s Products, or for the operation of the Product with any ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from this warranty. STANDARD HORIZON disclaims liability for range, coverage, or operation of the Product and ancil-lary equipment as a whole under this warranty. STANDARD HORIZON re-serves the right to make changes or improvements in Products, during sub-sequent production, without incurring the obligation to install such changes or improvements on previously manufactured Products.The implied warranties which the law imposes on the sale of this Product are expressly LIMITED, in duration, to the time period specified above. STANDARD HORIZON shall not be liable under any circumstances for con-sequential damages resulting from the use and operation of this Product, or from the breach of this LIMITED WARRANTY, any implied warranties, or any contract with STANDARD HORIZON. IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ITS PRODUCTS, STANDARD HORIZON MAKES NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or conse-quential damages, or limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations  or  exclusions  may  not  apply.  This  warranty  gives  specic legal rights, and there may be other rights which may vary from state to state.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 44ONLY PRODUCTS SOLD ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 1991 ARE COV-ERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.ON-LINE WARRANTY REGISTRATIONTHANK YOU for buying STANDARD HORIZON (a division of YAESU USA.) products! We are condent your new radio will serve your needs for many years!Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register the HX40 Marine VHF. It should be noted that visiting the Web site from time to time may be benecial to you, as new products are released they will appear on the STANDARD HORIZON Web site.Product Support InquiriesIf you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the HX40, you can visit the STANDARD HORIZON Web site to send an E-mail or contact the Product Support team at (800) 767-2450 ext 6300 M-F 8:00-5:00PST.In addition to the warranty, STANDARD HORIZON includes a lifetime “at rate” program to provide service after the warranty period has expired. If you wish to obtain the at rate price for out-of-warranty repair, you must include the information on the Owner’s Record with the unit when you re-turn it to your Dealer or to STANDARD HORIZON.Lifetime Flat Rate Service Program: For the original Owner only, for the lifetime of the unit, STANDARD HORIZON will repair the unit to original specications.Note: The at rate amount is payable by the Owner only if STANDARD HORIZON or the STANDARD HORIZON Dealer determines that a repair is needed. After the repair, a 90-day warranty will be in effect from the date of return of the unit to the Owner.This service program is not available for equipment which has failed as a result of neglect, accident, breakage, misuse, improper installation or modication, or water damage (depending on the product).ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 45HX4012. SPECIFICATIONSPerformance specications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and are subject to change without notice.12.1 GENERALFrequency Ranges:  TX: 156.025 MHz - 161.600 MHz  RX: 156.050 MHz - 163.275 MHz  (Including WX ch)Channel Spacing: 25 kHzFrequency Stability:  ±3 ppm  (–4 °F to +140 °F [–20 °C to +60 °C])Emission Type: 16K0G3EAntenna Impedance: 50 Operating Voltage:  7.4 V DC, Negative Ground (Battery Terminal)Current Consumption:  330 mA (Receive, Typical at AF MAX.)  100 mA (Standby)  1.6 A / 1.0 A / 0.7 A (TX: 6 W / 2.5 W / 1 W)Operating Temperature:  –4 °F to +140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)Case Size (W x H x D):  2.05” x 3.74” x 1.3” (52 x 95 x 33 mm)  (w/o knob & antenna)Weight (Approx.):  8.1 oz (230 g)  (with hand strap, belt clip & antenna)12.2 TRANSMITTERRF Power Output:  6 W / 2.5 W / 1 W (@7.4 V )Maximum Deviation: ±5 kHzSpurious Emission:  Less than 0.25 µWMicrophone Impedance:  2 k12.3 RECEIVERCircuit Type:  Double Conversion SuperheterodyneIntermediate Frequencies:  1st: 38.85 MHz, 2nd: 450 kHzAdjacent Channel Selectivity: 70 dB typicalIntermodulation:  70 dB typicalHum & Noise Ratio:  40 dB typicalSensitivity:  0.25 µV for 12 dB SINADSelectivity:  12 kHz / 25 kHz (–6 dB / –60 dB)AF Output (Internal SP):  600 mW @16  for 10 % THD (@7.4 V)12.4 FM BROADCAST RECEIVERFrequency Range:  65 MHz - 108 MHzFrequency Step:  100 kHzSensitivity:  1.0 µV for 12 dB SINADApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 4613. FCC AND CANADA RADIO LICENSE INFORMATIONStandard Horizon radios comply with the Federal Communication Commis-sion (FCC) and the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) requirements that regulate the Maritime Radio Service.MARITIME STATION LICENSEAn FCC ship station license is no longer required for any vessel traveling in U.S. waters which uses a VHF marine radio, RADAR or EPIRB, and which is not required to carry radio equipment. However, any vessel required to carry a marine radio on an international voyage, carrying a HF single side band radiotelephone or marine satellite terminal. FCC license forms, including ap-plications for ship (605) and land station licenses can be downloaded via the Internet at https://www.fcc.gov/fcc-form-605. To obtain a form from the FCC, call (888) 225-5322.MARINE RADIO CALL SIGNCurrently the FCC does not require recreational boaters to have a Ship Ra-dio Station License. The USCG recommends the boats registration number and the state to be used.CANADIAN SHIP STATION LICENSINGPlease click on the following link for licensing information:http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/h_sf01775.htmlThe following link lists several Branches/Ofces regarding licensing. Licens-ing depends on the region of operations.http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf01742.htmlFCC / ISED INFORMATIONThe following data  pertaining to  the  transceiver  is  necessary  to  ll  out the license application.FCC Type Accepted: ............................................................................. Part 80Output Power with built-in Battery: .................... 1.0/2.5/6.0 W (Low/Mid/High)Emission: .......................................................................................... 16K0G3EFrequency Range: ......................................................156.025 to 162.025MHzFCC Type Number: .................................................................... K6630623X30ISED Type Approval: .............................................................. 511B-30623X30ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
Page 47HX4014. RF EXPOSURE SAFETY STATEMENTSAFETY INFORMATIONYour wireless handheld portable transceiver contains a low power transmitter. When the Push-to-Talk (PTT) button is pushed, the transceiver sends out radio frequency (RF) sig-nals. In August 1996, the Federal Communications Commission adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wireless devices.This device is authorized to operate at a duty factor not to exceed 50% (this corresponds to 50% transmission time and 50% reception time).WARNING: To maintain compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, this trans-mitter and its antenna must maintain a separation distance of at least 1 inch (2.5 centime-ters) from your face. Speak in a normal voice, with the antenna pointed up and away from the face at the required separation distance.Use  only  the  supplied  antenna.  Unauthorized  antennas,  modications,  or  attachments could damage the transmitter, and may violate FCC regulations.CONSIGNES DE SECURITEVotre émetteur-récepteur portatif sans lcontient un émetteur à faible puissance. Lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton Push-to-Talk (PTT), l’émetteur-récepteur émet des signaux de radiofréquence (RF). En août 1996, la FCC (Commission Fédérale des Communica-tions) a adopté des directives relatives à l’exposition aux RF avec des niveaux de sécurité pour les appareils sans l portatifs. Le fonctionnement de cet appareil est autorisé à un facteur d’utilisation ne dépassant pas 50 % (correspondant à 50% de la durée de trans-mission et 50% de la durée de réception).AVERTISSEMENT: Pour assurer la conformité avec les directives d’exposition RF de la FCC, cet émetteur-récepteur et  son antenne doivent être maintenus à une distance  mi-nimum d’un pouce (2,5 centimètre) de votre visage. Parlez avec une voix normale, avec l’antenne dirigée vers le haut et éloignée du visage, à la distance requise. Si vous utilisez un casque pour cette radio, et que vous portez la radio sur vous, utilisez exclusivement le clip de ceinture Yaesu pour cet émetteur-récepteur, et assurez-vous que l’antenne se trouve  à  une  distance  minimum  d’un  pouce  (2,5  centimètres)  de  votre  corps  pendant l’émission. Utilisez exclusivement l’antenne fournie. Les antennes, les modicationsou les accessoires non autorisés peuvent endommager l’émetteur-récepteur et enfreindre les réglementations FCC.15. FCC NOTICENOTICEUnauthorized changes  or modications  to this equipment may void compliance with FCC Rules. Any change or modication must be approved in writing by STANDARD HORIZON, a division of YAESU USA.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUB-JECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFER-ENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OP-ERATION.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
HX40Page 48NOTE: THE GRANTEE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICA-TIONS NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLI-ANCE. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equip-ment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-tions.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular instal-lation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industry Canada applicables aux appareils ra-dio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’ap-pareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.The applicant is responsible for providing proper instructions to the user of the radio device, and any usage restrictions, including limits of exposure durations. The user manual shall provide installation and operation instructions, as well as any special usage conditions, to ensure compliance with SAR and/or RF eld strength limits. For instance, compliance dis-tance shall be clearly stated in the user manual.The user manual of devices intended for controlled use shall also include information re-lating to the operating characteristics of the device; the operating instructions to ensure compliance with SAR and/or RF eld strength limits; information on the installation and op-eration of accessories to ensure compliance with SAR and/or RF eld strength limits; and contact information where the user can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance. Other related information may also be included.ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30
1801M-CCPrinted in ChinaCopyright 2018YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manual may bereproduced without the permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.YAESU U.S.A.6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, California 90630www.standardhorizon.com*EM061N102*EM061N102ApplicationforFCC/ICFCCID:K6630623X30IC:511B-30623X30

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