Yaesu Musen FT-8900R Amateur Scanning Receiver User Manual users manual

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. Amateur Scanning Receiver users manual

users manual

FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.1FT-8900R Operating ManualFT-8900R Operating ManualFT-8900R Operating ManualFT-8900R Operating ManualFront Panel Controls & SwitchesFront Panel Controls & SwitchesFront Panel Controls & SwitchesFront Panel Controls & Switches(1) “Left” DIAL knobThis 20-position detended rotary switch is the tuning dial for the “leftleftleftleft” band.Press this knob momentarily to switch the “Main band” to the “leftleftleftleft” band.When the “leftleftleftleft” band is set to the “Main band” with the VFO mode, press this knobto enable the rapidly tuning (in 1 MHz step) by this knob.Press and hold this knob for 1/2 second, move the operating band on the ““““leftleftleftleft” bandas following:144 MHz Æ 430 MHz Æ 29 MHz Æ 50 MHz Æ 144 MHz ……(2) “Left” VOL -/- SQL KnobThe inner VOL (Volume) control adjusts the speaker audio level form the “leftleftleftleft”receiver. Clockwise rotation increases the audio level.Press this knob momentarily to switch the Internet Connection feature “on” and“off.”The outer SQL (Squelch) control is used to silence background noise on the “leftleftleftleft”receiver. It should be advanced clockwise just to the point where the noise issilenced (and the “BUSY” indicator on the display turns off), so as to provide thebest sensitivity to weak signals.(3) Hyper Memory Button ([1] ~ [6])Press and hold the one of these buttons for 2 seconds, store the total currentconfiguration of the radio into a special “Hyper” memory bank.Press the appropriate button momentarily, recall the desired “Hyper” memory.(4) “Left” [LOW] KeyPress this key momentarily to select the transmitter power output level of the “leftleftleftleft”band (“LOW,” “MID2,” “MID1,” or “HIGH”).When the “leftleftleftleft” band is set to the Memory mode or Home Channel, press and holdthis key for 1/2 second to switch the memory channel display between the“Frequency” and “Alpha-numeric Tag.”(5) “Left” [V/M] Key
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.2Press this key momentarily to switch the frequency control for the “leftleftleftleft” bandbetween the VFO and Memory System.When the “leftleftleftleft” band is set to the VFO mode, press and hold this for 1/2 second toactivates the Smart Search Feature.When the “leftleftleftleft” band is set to the Memory mode, press and hold this key for 1/2second to shift the “memory Tuning” feature.(6) “Left” [HM] KeyPress this key momentarily to recall a favorite “Home” frequency memory.Press and hold this for 1/2 second to activates the Priority Channel Scanning.(7) “Left” [SCN] KeyPress this key momentarily to activates the Scanner on the “leftleftleftleft” band.When the “leftleftleftleft” band is set to the Memory mode, press and hold this key for 1/2second to setup the Scan Skip List or Preferential Scan List.(8) [SET] KeyPress this key momentarily to enter the Set mode.Press and hold this for 1/2 second to transfer the contents of the “Main band” VFOinto a Memory register.ImportantImportantImportantImportant Note Note Note Note: The “right” side ([LOW], [V/M], [HM], and [SCN]) keys may be selecttwo functions via the Menu #21 (KEY.MOD). See page ?? for selecting procedure.(9) “Right” [LOW] Key ([MHz] Key)Key Mode “1” (Default)Press this key momentarily to select the transmitter power output level of the“rightrightrightright” band (“LOW,” “MID2,” “MID1,” or “HIGH”).When the “rightrightrightright” band is set to the Memory mode or Home Channel, press and holdthis key for 1/2 second to switch the memory channel display between the“Frequency” and “Alpha-numeric Tag.”Key Mode “2”Press this key momentarily to allows tuning in 1-MHz step on the “Main” bandVFO.Press and hold this key for 1/2 second to allows tuning in 10-MHz step on the
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.3“Main” band VFO.(10) “Right” [V/M] Key ([REV] Key)Key Mode “1” (Default)Press this key momentarily to switch the frequency control for the “rightrightrightright” bandbetween the VFO and Memory System.When the “rightrightrightright” band is set to the VFO mode, press and hold this for 1/2 second toactivates the Smart Search Feature.When the “rightrightrightright” band is set to the Memory mode, press and hold this key for 1/2second to shift the “memory Tuning” feature.Key Mode “2”Press this key momentarily to reverses the transmit and receive frequencies on the“Main” band during split-frequency operation.Press and hold this key for 1/2 second to change the frequency shift direction: RPT –(minus shift), RPT + (plus shift), RPT OFF (simplex).(11) “Right” [HM] Key ([TONE] Key)Key Mode “1” (Default)Press this key momentarily to recall a favorite “Home” frequency memory.Press and hold this for 1/2 second to activates the Priority Channel Scanning.Key Mode “2”Press this key momentarily to change the Tone Squelch mode: ENC (CTCSSEncoder), ENC.DEC (CTCSS Tone Squelch), or DCS (DCS) operation.(12) “Right” [SCN] Key ([SUB] Key)Key Mode “1” (Default)Press this key momentarily to activates the Scanner on the “RightRightRightRight” band.When the “RightRightRightRight” band is set to the Memory mode, press and hold this key for 1/2second to setup the Scan Skip List or Preferential Scan List.Key Mode “2”Press this key momentarily to make a following key act on the “Sub” band (“MAIN”icon blinks on the “Sub” band).
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.4(13) VOL -/- SQL Knob (Right)The inner VOL (Volume) control adjusts the speaker audio level form the “rightrightrightright”receiver. Clockwise rotation increases the audio level.Press this knob momentarily to turn the radio “on” and “off.”The outer SQL (Squelch) control is used to silence background noise on the “rightrightrightright”receiver. It should be advanced clockwise just to the point where the noise issilenced (and the “BUSY” indicator on the display turns off), so as to provide thebest sensitivity to weak signals.(13) DIAL knob (Right)This 20-position detended rotary switch is the tuning dial for the “rightrightrightright” band.Press this knob momentarily to switch the “Main band” to the “rightrightrightright” band.When the “rightrightrightright” band is set to the “Main” band with the VFO mode, press thisknob to enable the rapidly tuning (in 1 MHz step) by this knob.Press and hold this knob for 1/2 second, switch the operating band on the “rightrightrightright”band between 144 MHz and 430 MHz.Rear Panel ConnectionsRear Panel ConnectionsRear Panel ConnectionsRear Panel Connections(1) Antenna JackConnect your antenna here, using a type-M (PL-259) plug and coaxial cable.(2) DATA JackThis 6-pin mini-DIN connector provides simple interfacing to a packet TerminalNode Controller (TNC) for 1200 bps or 9600 bps operation.(3) 13.8V DC Cable Pigtails w/FuseThis is the DC power supply connection for the transceiver. Use the supplied DCcable to connect this pigtail to the car battery or base station DC power supplycapable of at least 9 Amperes (continuous duty). Make certain that the Red leadconnects to the Positive (+) side of the power source, and that the Black leadconnects to the Negative (-) side of the power source.(4) EXT SP JackThis 2-conductor, 3.5-mm mini phone jack provides audio output for an optional
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.5speaker. The optimum load impedance is 8-ohm. Insert a plug into this jack, disableaudio from the transceiver’s internal speaker.MH-48A6J MicroMH-48A6J MicroMH-48A6J MicroMH-48A6J Microphone(1) PTT SwitchPress this switch to transmit, and release it to receive.(2) KeypadThese 16 keys generate DTMF tones during transmission.In the receive mode, these 16 keys can be used for direct frequency entry and/ordirect numeric recall of the Memory channels.(3) [P1]/[P2]/[P3]/[P4] Buttons[P1] button: Press this button to switch the “Main band” between “Left” band and“right” band.Press and hold this button for 1/2 second, moves operation to thenext-highest frequency band on the “Main” band.[P2] button: Press this button momentarily to switch the frequency control for the“Main” band between the VFO and Memory System.When the “Main” band is set to the VFO mode, press and hold thisbutton for 1/2 second to activates the Smart Search Feature.When the “Main” band is set to the Memory mode, press and holdthis button for 1/2 second to shift the “memory Tuning” feature.[P3] button: Pressing this button repeatedly allows selection of the CTCSS andDCS mode on the “Main” band. The selections available are:ENC Æ ENC.DEC (Tone Squelch) Æ DCS Æ OFF Æ ENC ……[P4] button: Press this button momentarily to select the transmitter power outputlevel on the “Main” band (“LOW,” “MID2,” “MID1,” or “HIGH”).You can reprogram the [P1], [P2], [P3], and [P4] buttons for other functions, ifdesired. See page ?? for details.(4) LAMP SwitchThis switch illuminate the MH-48A6J keypad.(5) LOCK Switch
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.6This switch locks out the MH-48A6J buttons (except keypad and PTT switch).(6) [UP]/[DWN] ButtonPress (or hold in) either of these buttons to tune (or scan up or down) the frequencyor through the memory channels on the “Main” band. In many ways, these buttonsemulate the function of the (rotary) “Man” band DIAL knob.Basic OperationBasic OperationBasic OperationBasic OperationTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and OffTurning the Transceiver On and Off1. To turn the transceiver on, press and hold in the “left” VOL knob for 2 seconds.When you turn on the FT-8900, the current DC supply voltage is indicated on theLCD for 2 seconds. After this interval, the display resume its normal indication ofthe operating frequency.2. To turn the transceiver off, again press and hold in the “left” VOL knob for 2seconds.Adjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelAdjusting the Audio Volume LevelThe audio volume level is set independently for the “left” and “right” sides of thetransceiver. The “left” VOL knob provide adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900,while the “right” VOL knob adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900.Adjusting the Squelch SettingAdjusting the Squelch SettingAdjusting the Squelch SettingAdjusting the Squelch SettingThe squelch is also set independently for the “left” and “right” sides of the transceiver.The “left” SQL knob provide adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900, while the“right” VOL knob adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900.A special “RF Squelch” feature is provided on this radio. This feature allows you to setthe squelch so that only signals exceeding a certain S-meter level will open the squelch.To set up the RF Squelch circuit for operation, of cause, you may set the RF Squelchindependently for the “left” and “right” sides, use the following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main band” DIAL knob to select Menu #34 (RF SQL).3. Press the “Main band” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the desired signal strength level for the squelch threshold (OFF, S-2, S-5,
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.7S-9, or S-FULL).4. Press and hold in the “Main band” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new settingand exit to normal operation.Selecting the Operating BandSelecting the Operating BandSelecting the Operating BandSelecting the Operating BandIn the factory default configuration, The FT-8900 operates in the “Dual Receive” mode.During Dual Receive operation, the “Main” band frequency (which transmission ispossible) will be indicate the “MAIN” icon.To establish the “Main” band, simply press the microphone’s [P1] key or press the DIALknob for the “leftleftleftleft” or “rightrightrightright” side momentarily, as appropriate. You will observe the“MAIN” icon lighting up alternate sides of the display as you switch “Main” bands fromthe “leftleftleftleft” side to the “rightrightrightright” side, and vice-versa.Selecting the Frequency BandSelecting the Frequency BandSelecting the Frequency BandSelecting the Frequency BandPress and hold in the “leftleftleftleft” DIAL knob to move the operating band on the “leftleftleftleft” band144 MHz Æ 430 MHz Æ 29 MHz Æ 50 MHz Æ 144 MHz ……Press and hold in the “rightrightrightright” DIAL knob to switch the operating band on the “rightrightrightright”band between the 144 MHz and 430 MHz.R.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. Says: You may select the operating band on the “Main” band by press and holdingthe microphone’s [P1] key.Frequency NavigationFrequency NavigationFrequency NavigationFrequency Navigation1) Tuning DialRotate the DIAL knob allows tuning in the pre-programmed steps established for thecurrent operating band. Clockwise rotation of the DIAL knob caused the FT-8900 to betuned toward a higher frequency, while counter-clockwise rotation will lower theoperating range.On the “Main” band frequency, press the DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the DIALknob, the “Main” band frequency steps of 1 MHz will be selected. This feature isextremely useful for making rapid frequency excursions over the wide tuning range ofthe FT-8900.2) Direct Keypad Frequency Entry (MH-48A6J) MicrophoneThe keypad of the MH-48A6J DTMF Microphone may be used for direct entry of the
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.8“Main” band operating frequency.To enter a frequency from the MH-48A6J keypad, just press the numbered digits on thein the proper sequence. There is no “decimal point” key on the MH-48A6J keypad, so ifthe frequency is below 100 MHz (e.g. 29.480 MHz), any required leading zeroes must beentered.Examples:To enter 29.480 MHz, press [0] Æ [2] Æ [9] Æ [4] Æ [8] Æ [0]To enter 433.000 MHz, press [4] Æ [3] Æ [3] Æ [0] Æ [0] Æ [0]3) ScanningFrom the VFO mode, press the [SCN] key momentarily, the FT-8900 will begin scanningtoward a higher frequency, and will stop when it receives a signal strong enough tobreak through the squelch threshold. The FT-8900 will then hold on that frequencyaccording to the setting of the resume mode (Menu #36 [SCAN]).If you wish to reverse the direction of the scan (i.e. toward a lower frequency, instead ofa higher frequency), just rotate the DIAL knob one click in the counter-clockwisedirection while the FT-8900 is scanning. The scanning direction will be reversed. Torevert to scanning toward a higher frequency once more, rotate the DIAL knob one clickclockwise.Press the [SCN] key again to cancel the scanning.TransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTransmissionTo transmit, simply close the PTT (Push To Talk) switch on the microphone.The FT-8900 is transmitted on the “Main” band. During transmission, the “TX” iconindicate at the upper right of the “Main” frequency.Changing the Transmitter Power LevelYou can select between a total of four transmit power levels on your FT-8900.LOW MID 2 MID 1 HIGH29/144 MHz 5 W 10 W 20 W 50 W50 MHz 5 W 10 W 20 W 35430 MHz 5 W 10 W 20 W 30
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.9To change the power level, press the [LOW] key to select one of four power setting.These power levels will be stored in memory registers, at the time of memory storage(see page ?? for details on Memory operation).During transmission, the Bar Graph will deflect in the display, according to the poeroutput selected.R.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. Says: You may change the power level on the “Main” band by the microphone’s [P4]key.Advanced OperationAdvanced OperationAdvanced OperationAdvanced OperationLock FeatureLock FeatureLock FeatureLock FeatureIn order to prevent accidental frequency change, the panel switches and DIAL knobsmay be locked out.To activate the Lock feature:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #22 (LOCK).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto change the setting to “ON.”4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.5. To unlock the panel switches and DIAL knobs, select “OFF” in step 3 above.Keyboard BeeperKeyboard BeeperKeyboard BeeperKeyboard BeeperA key/button beeper provides useful audible feedback whenever a key/button is pressed.If you want to turn the beep off:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #5 (BEEP).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto change the setting to “OFF.”4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.105. To back on again the beep, select “ON” in step 3 above.Channel Step SelectionChannel Step SelectionChannel Step SelectionChannel Step SelectionThe FT-8900’s synthesizer provides the option of utilizing channel steps of5/10/12.5/15/20/25/50 kHz per step, any number of which may be important to youroperating requirements. The FT-8900 is set up at the factory with different defaultsteps on each operating band which probably are satisfactory for most operation.However, if you need to change the channel step increments, the procedure to do so isvery easy.1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #39 (STEP).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the new channel step size.4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.DisplayDisplayDisplayDisplay Brightness Brightness Brightness BrightnessThe FT-8900 display illumination has been specially engineered to provide highvisibility with minimal disruption of your “night vision” while you are driving. Thebrightness of the display is manually adjustable, using following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #9 (DIMMER).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select a comfortable brightness level: DIM 1, DIM 2, DIM 3, or DIM.OFF (noillumination).4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.Band LinkingBand LinkingBand LinkingBand LinkingFor operation on Amateur satellites which use a “normal” (not “inverted”) FMtransponder, the Band Link feature may be useful.1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #44 (VFO.TR).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.11to change the setting to “ON.”4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.As you rotate the DIAL, you will observe that both bands’ frequencies are changingtogether. When you are done with this operating mode, select “OFF” in step 3 above.Audio MutingAudio MutingAudio MutingAudio MutingThe Audio Mute feature is useful in situation where it would be helpful to reduce theaudio level of the “Receive Only” band whenever you receive a signal on the “Main” bandor you transmit on the “Main” band during Dual Receive operation.To activate the Audio Mute feature:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #25 (MUTE).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the desired selection.TX: Reduce the audio level of the “Receive Only” band whenever you transmiton the “Main” bandRX: Reduce the audio level of the “Receive Only” band whenever you receive asignal on the “Main” band.TX/RX: Reduce the audio level of the “Receive Only” band whenever you receive asignal on the “Main” band or you transmit on the “Main” bandOFF: Disable the Audio Mute feature4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.Repeater OperationRepeater OperationRepeater OperationRepeater OperationRepeater stations, usually located on mountaintops or other high locations, provide adramatic extension of the communication range for low-powered hand-held or mobiletransceivers. The FT-8900 includes a number of features which make repeateroperation simple and enjoyable.Repeater ShiftsRepeater ShiftsRepeater ShiftsRepeater ShiftsYour FT-8900 has been configured, at the factory, for the repeater shifts customary inyour country. For the 50 MHz band, this usually will be 1 MHz, while the 144 MHz shift
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.12will be 600 kHz; on 70 cm, the shift may be 1.6 MHz, 7.6 MHz, or 5 MHz (USA version).Depending on the part of the band in which you are operating, the repeater shift may beeither downward (–) or upward (+), and one of these icons will appear at the bottom ofthe LCD when repeater shifts have been enabled.Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)The FT-8900 provides a convenient Automatic Repeater Shift feature, which causes theappropriate repeater shift to be automatically applied whenever you tune into thedesignated repeater sub-bands in your country. These sub-bands are shown below.If the ARS feature does not appear to be working, you may have accidentally disabled it.To re-enable ARS:1. Press the SET key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #2 (ARS).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto change the setting to “ON” (to enable Automatic Repeater Shift).4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.Manual Repeater Shift ActivationManual Repeater Shift ActivationManual Repeater Shift ActivationManual Repeater Shift ActivationIf the ARS feature has been disabled, or if you need to set a repeater shift directionother than that established by the ARS, you may set the direction of the repeater shiftmanually.To do this:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #35 (RPT.MOD).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the desired shift among “–,” “+,” and “OFF.”4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.13Changing the Default Repeater ShiftsChanging the Default Repeater ShiftsChanging the Default Repeater ShiftsChanging the Default Repeater ShiftsIf you travel to a different region, you may need to change the default repeater shift soas to ensure compatibility with local operating requirements.To do this, follow the procedure below:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #38 (SHIFT).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the new repeater shift magnitude.4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: If you just have one “odd” split that you need to program, don’t change the“default” repeated shifts using this Menu Item! Enter the transmit and receivefrequencies separately, as shown on page ??.Checking the Repeater Checking the Repeater Checking the Repeater Checking the Repeater Uplink (Input) FrequencyUplink (Input) FrequencyUplink (Input) FrequencyUplink (Input) FrequencyIt often is helpful to be able to check the uplink (input) frequency of a repeater, to see ifthe calling station is within direct (“Simplex”) range.To do this, just press the [HM/RV(EMG)] key. You’ll notice that the display has shifted tothe repeater uplink frequency. Press the [HM/RV(EMG)] key again to cause operation torevert to normal monitoring of the repeater downlink (output) frequency.RF SaysRF SaysRF SaysRF Says: The configuration of this key may be set either to “RV” (for checking the inputfrequency of a repeater, or “HM” (for instant switching to the “Home” channel for theband you are operating on). To change the configuration of this key, use Menu Item“Misc. Setup #2 [HOM/REV]. See page ??.CTCSS/DCS OperationCTCSS/DCS OperationCTCSS/DCS OperationCTCSS/DCS OperationCTCSS OperationCTCSS OperationCTCSS OperationCTCSS OperationMany repeater systems require that a very-low-frequency audio tone be superimposedon your FM carrier in order to activate the repeater. This helps prevent false activationof the repeater by radar or spurious signals from other transmitters. This tone system,called “CTCSS” (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System), is included in your FT-8900,
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.14and is very easy to activate.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: CTCSS setup involves two actions: setting the Tone Frequency and thensetting of the Tone Mode. These actions are set up by using the Set mode #42 (TONE M)and #41 (TONE F).1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #42 (TONE M).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobso that “ENC” appears on the display; this activates the CTCSS Encoder, whichallows repeater access.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: You may notice an additional “DCS” icon appearing while you rotate the“Main” DIAL knob in this step. We’ll discuss the Digital Code Squelch systemshortly.4. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob one click clockwise in step “3” above will occasionallycause “ENC.DEC.” When “ENC.DEC” appears, this means that the Tone Squelchsystem is active, which mutes your FT-8900’s receiver until it receives a call fromanother radio sending out a matching CTCSS tone. This can help keep your radioquiet until a specific call is received, which may be helpful while operating incongested areas.5. When you have made your selection of the CTCSS tone mode, press the “Main”DIAL knob momentarily then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob one click counter-clockwise to select Menu #41 (TONE F). This Menu selection allows setting of theCTCSS tone frequency to be used.6. Press “Main” DIAL knob momentarily to enable the adjustment of the CTCSSfrequency.7. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob until the display indicates the Tone Frequency youneed to be using.8. When you have made your selection, press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for1/2 second to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: 1) Your repeater may or may not re-transmit a CTCSS tone - some systemsjust use CTCSS to control access to the repeater, but don’t pass it along whentransmitting. If the S-Meter deflects, but the FT-8900 is not passing audio, repeat steps“1” through “4” above, but rotate the “Main” DIAL knob so that “ENC” appears - thiswill allow you to hear all traffic on the channel being received.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.152) You may select the Tone Squelch mode (ENC, ENC.DEC, or DCS) on the “Main” bandby the microphone’s [P3] key.DCS OperationDCS OperationDCS OperationDCS OperationAnother form of tone access control is Digital Code Squelch, or DCS. It is a newer, moreadvanced tone system which generally provides more immunity from false paging thandoes CTCSS. The DCS Encoder/Decoder is built into your FT-8900, and operation isvery similar to that just described for CTCSS. Your repeater system may be configuredfor DCS; if not, it is frequently quite useful in Simplex operation if your friend(s) usetransceivers equipped with this advanced feature.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: Just as in CTCSS operation, DCS requires that you set the Tone Mode toDCS and that you select a tone code.1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #42 (TONE M).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobuntil “DCS” appears on the display; this activates the DCS Encoder/Decoder.4. Now, press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select Menu #10 (DCS.COD).5. the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily to enable the adjustment of the DCS code.6. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the desired DCS Code (a three-digitnumber).7. When you have made your selection, press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for1/2 second to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: 1) Remember that the DCS is an Encode/Decode system, so your receiver willremain muted until a matching DCS code is received on an incoming transmission.Switch the DCS off when you’re just tuning around the band!2) You may select the Tone Squelch mode (ENC, ENC.DEC, or DCS) on the “Main” bandby the microphone’s [P3] key.Tone Search ScanningTone Search ScanningTone Search ScanningTone Search ScanningIn operating situations where you don’t know the CTCSS or DCS tone being used byanother station or stations, you can command the radio to listen to the incoming signaland scan in search of the tone being used. Two things must be remembered in thisregard: You must be sure that your repeater uses the same tone type (CTCSS vs. DCS).
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.16 Some repeaters do not pass the CTCSS tone; you may have to listen to thestation(s) transmitting on the repeater uplink (input) frequency in order to allowTone Search Scanning to work.To scan for the tone in use:1. Set the radio up for either CTCSS or DCS Decoder operation (see the previousdiscussion). In the case of CTCSS, “ENC DEC” will appear on the display; in thecase of DCS, “DCS” will appear on the display.2. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.3. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob select the Menu #41 (TONE F) when CTCSS isselected, or Menu #10 (DCS.COD) during DCS operation.4. Press the “Main” DIAL knob to enable adjustment of the selected Menu Item.5. Press the “Main” [SCN] key momentarily to start scanning for the incoming CTCSSor DCS tone/code.6. When the radio detects the correct tone or code, it will halt on that tone/code, andaudio will be allowed to pass. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily to lock inthat tone/code, then press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to savethe new setting and exit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: If the Tone Scan feature does not detect a tone or code, it will continue to scanindefinitely. When this happens, it may be that the other station is not sending any tone.You can press the [SCN] key to halt the scan at any time.Tone Scanning works either in the VFO or Memory modes.Memory OperationMemory OperationMemory OperationMemory OperationThe FT-8900 provides a wide variety of memory system resources. These include: Regular Memory Channels, which made up of: 799 “Standard” memory channels, numbered “001” through “799.” Four Home channels, providing storage and quick recall of one prime frequencyon each operating band. Five sets of band-edge memories also known as “Programmable Memory Scan”channels, labeled “L1/U1” through “L5/U5.” Six “Hyper-Memory” Channels
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.17RegularRegularRegularRegular Memory Channel Operation Memory Channel Operation Memory Channel Operation Memory Channel OperationMemory Storage1. Select the desired frequency, while operating in the VFO mode on the “Main” band.Be sure set up any desired CTCSS or DCS tones, as well as any desired repeateroffset. The power level may be also be set at this time, if you wish to store it.2. Press and hold the [SET] key for 1/2 second. A memory number will appear(blinking) on the display.3. Within ten seconds of pressing the [SET] key, use the “Main” DIAL knob ormicrophone’s [UP]/[DOWN] buttons to select the desired memory for storage (if thechannel is already occupied by data stored previously, the “channel frequency”notation will appear on the display.4. To attach an alpha/numeric name “Tag” to the memory, press and hold the [SET]key for 1/2 second, then proceed to the next step; otherwise press the [SET] keymomentarily to save the entry and exit to normal operation.To append an Alpha-numeric “Tag” to a Memory1. After press and holding the [SET] key in step 4 above, rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the first character in the name you wish to store, the press the “Main”DIAL knob momentarily to move on to the next character. Letters, numbers, andsymbols are available for storage.2. Again rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the desired letter, number, or symbol,then press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily to move on to the next character’sslot.If you make a mistake, press the microphone’s [DWN] key to move back to frontcharacter’s slot, then re-select the correct letter, number, or symbol.3. Repeat above step to program the remaining letter, number, or symbol of thedesired label. A total of six characters may be used in the creation of a label.4. When you have completed the creation of the label, press the [SET] keymomentarily to save the label and exit to normal operation.Storing Independent Transmit Frequencies (“Odd Split”)1. Store the receiving frequency using the method already described.2. Turn to the desired transmit frequency on the “Main” band, then press and hold the[SET] key for 1/2 second.3. Within ten seconds of pressing the [SET] key, use the “Main” DIAL knob ormicrophone’s [UP]/[DOWN] buttons to select same memory channel number as
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.18used in step1 above.4. Press and hold in the PTT switch, then press the [SET] key momentarily whileholding the PTT switch to save the entry and exit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: Whenever you recall a memory which contains independently-storedtransmit and receive frequencies, the “[–+]” indication will appear in the display.Memory Recall1. While operating in the VFO mode, press the [V/M] key momentarily to enter theMemory mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired channel.3. To return to the VFO mode, press the [V/M] key momentarily again.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: 1) When the radio is already set to the Memory mode, an easy way to recallmemories is to enter the microphone’s key in the memory channel number. For example,to recall memory channel #4, press [0] Æ [0] Æ [4].2) Memory channels on which you may have stored frequencies on the 29 MHz and 50MHz amateur bands cannot be recalled on the “rightrightrightright” band.Masking MemoriesThere may be situations where you want to “Mask” memories so they are not visibleduring memory selection or scanning. For example, several memories used only in a cityyou visit infrequently may be stored, then “Masked” until you visit that city, at whichtime you can “Unmask” them for normal use.1. Press the [V/M] key, if needed, to enter the Memory mode.2. Press and hold the [SET] key for 1/2 second, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the memory channel to be “Masked” from view.3. Press the “Main” [SCN] key momentarily. The display will revert to memorychannel #1. If you rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to the location you just “Masked,”you will observe that it is now invisible.4. To Unmask the hidden memory, repeat the above procedure: press and hold in the[SET] key for 1/2 second, rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the maskedmemory’s umber, then press “Main” [SCN] to restore the memory channel’s data.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: Watch out! You can manually store data over a “Masked” memory, deletingprevious data, if you’re not careful.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.19Memory Only ModeOnce memory channel programming has been completed, you may place the radio in a“Memory Only” mode, whereby VFO operation is impossible. This may be particularlyuseful during public-service events where a number of operators may be using the radiofor first time, and ultimate simplicity of channel selection is desired.To place the radio into the Memory Only mode:1. Turn the radio off.2. Press and hold in the “left” and “right” [V/M] keys while turning the radio on.3. Rotate the “right” DIAL knob to select the (F-5 M-ONLY MODE), then press the[SET] key momentarily.To return to normal operation, repeat the above steps.Hyper Memory ModeHyper Memory ModeHyper Memory ModeHyper Memory ModeThe FT-8900 usually stores, into memory, the operating frequency and some aspects ofoperating status (such as CTCSS/DCS data, repeater shift, power level etc.). However,the “Hyper Memory” Mode allows you to store the total current configuration of theradio into a special “Hyper” memory bank.For example, a Hyper Memory location may store the frequencies of both the “Left” and“right” bands, plus Smart Search operational status, Scanning features, etc.Hyper Memory StorageHyper Memory StorageHyper Memory StorageHyper Memory Storage1. Set up the transceiver according to the desired configuration.2. Press and hold in the Hyper Memory key ([0] through [6]), corresponding to theHyper Memory channel into which you wish to store this configuration, for 2seconds.Hyper Memory RecallHyper Memory RecallHyper Memory RecallHyper Memory RecallPress the appropriate Hyper Memory key ([0] through [6]) to recall the desired HyperMemory channel.ScanningScanningScanningScanningThe FT-8900 allows you to scan just the memory channels, the entire operating band, ora portion of that band. It will halt on signals encountered, so you can talk to thestation(s) on that frequency, if you like.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.20Scanning operation is basically the same in each of the above modes. Before you begin,take a moment to select the way in which you would like the scanner to resumescanning after it halts on a signal.Setting the Scan-Resume TechniqueSetting the Scan-Resume TechniqueSetting the Scan-Resume TechniqueSetting the Scan-Resume TechniqueTwo options for the Scan-Resume mode are available:TIME: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters, and will hold fiveseconds. If you do not take action to disable the scanner within five seconds, thescanner will resume even if the stations are still active.BUSY: In this mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. Two seconds afterthe carrier has dropped because the other station(s) ceased transmission, thescanner will resume.To set the Scan-Resume mode:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #36 (SCAN).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the desired scan-resume mode.4. Press and hold in the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: The default condition for this Menu Item is “TIME.”VFO ScanningVFO ScanningVFO ScanningVFO ScanningThis mode allows you to scan the entire current operating band.1. Select the VFO mode by pressing the [V/M] key, if necessary.2. Press the [SCN] key momentarily to start scanning.3. If and when the scanner encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, thescanner will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blinkduring this “Pause” condition.4. The scanner will then resume according to the Scan-Resume mode selected in theprevious section.5. To cancel scanning, press the [SCN] key momentarily again.RRRR....FFFF.... Says Says Says Says: When you start scanning, the FT-8900 will be changing frequency in theupward direction. If you want to change direction of the scan while it is underway,rotate the DIAL knob one click in the opposite direction (in this case, one click counter-
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.21clockwise). You’ll see the scanner turn around and change frequency downward!You may change the scanning operation so that the VFO frequency will jump to the lowband edge of the next bandnext bandnext bandnext band when the VFO frequency reaches the high edge of thecurrent band (or vice versa). See page xx regarding Menu #4 (BAND).Memory ScanningMemory ScanningMemory ScanningMemory ScanningProgrammable (Band Limit) Memory Scan (PMS)Programmable (Band Limit) Memory Scan (PMS)Programmable (Band Limit) Memory Scan (PMS)Programmable (Band Limit) Memory Scan (PMS)This feature allows you to set sub-band limits for either scanning or manual VFOoperation. For example, you might with to set up a limit (in North America) of 144.300MHz to 148.000 MHz so as to prevent encroachment into the SSB/CW “Weak Signal”portion of the band below 144.300 MHz. Here’s how to do this:1. Set the radio to the VFO mode by pressing the [V/M] key, if necessary.2. Using the techniques learned earlier, store (per the above concept) 144.300 MHzinto Memory Channel #L1 (the “L” designates the Lower sub-band limit).3. Likewise, store 148.000 MHz into Memory Channel #U1 (the “U” designates theUpper sub-band limit).4. Switch to the Memory mode by pressing the [V/M] key once, then rotate the DIALknob to select Memory Channel # L1.5. Press and hold in the [V/M] key for 1/2 second to start PMS operation; the “MT”label will be appears on the display. Tuning and canning will now be limited withinthe just-programmed range.6. Five pairs of Band Limit memories, labeled L1/U1 through L5/U5 are available. Youtherefore can set upper and lower operation limits on a number of bands, if you like.““““Priority ChannelPriority ChannelPriority ChannelPriority Channel”””” Scanning (Dual Watch) Scanning (Dual Watch) Scanning (Dual Watch) Scanning (Dual Watch)The FT-8900’s scanning features include a two-channel scanning capability whichallows you to operate on a VFO or Memory channel, while periodically checking a user-defined Memory Channel for activity. If a station is received on the Memory Channelwhich is strong enough to open the Squelch, the scanner will pause on that station inaccordance with the Scan-Resume mode set via Set mode (Menu #36: SCAN). See pagexx.Here is the procedure for activating Priority Channel Dual Watch operation:
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.221. Press the [V/M] key momentarily to enter the Memory Recall mode, if you are notusing memories already.2. Press and hold in the [MON/F] key for 1/2 second, then select the memory channelyou wish to be the “Priority” channel.3. Press the [BAND(BND DN)] key. The “P” icon (for the “Main” band prioritychannel)   or “p” icon (for the “Sub” band priority channel) will appear to the rightof the “MR” icon, indicating it is the Priority channel.4. Now set the VX-VX-VX-VX-7777RRRR for operation on another memory channel, or on a VFOfrequency.5. Press the [MON/F] key, then press the [2(DW)] key. The display will remain on theVFO or memory channel selected, but every four seconds the VX-VX-VX-VX-7777RRRR will check thePriority Channel for activity.Smart SearchSmart SearchSmart SearchSmart SearchThe Smart Search feature may be used to load - automatically with no operatorintervention - a special bank of up to 25 memory channels (per band) on activity.The Smart Search will sweep the entire band, and will load the special memory bankwith the frequency and repeater shift data pertaining to those channels on whichactivity is found (if Automatic Repeater Shift is activated). The channel are loaded inorder in which they are encountered, not according to signal strength or by ascendingfrequency.The Smart Search feature is especially useful when visiting a city for the first time,where you may be unfamiliar with the repeater frequencies; Smart Search discoverswhere the local activity is to be found, and automatically loads those frequencies foryou.Smart Search operation is simple to activate:1. Set the radio to the VFO mode by pressing the [V/M] key, if necessary.2. Press and hold the [V/M] key, cause the radio to scan upward on current band,loading channels on which it encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch.3. When 25 channels are loaded or scanner is reached band edge, the scanner will stopand the transceiver will revert to the starting frequency.4. To recall the Smart Search memories just stored, rotate the DIAL knob or press the
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.23microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys (for the “Main” band Smart Search memories only).5. If you found particular channels which you wish to store into the “regular” memorychannel, follow the memory storage procedures described on page ??.R.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. Says: 1) The Smart Search memories are so-called “soft” memories; they will lost ifyou exit the Smart Search mode or initiate a new Smart Search sweep.2) You may activate the Smart Search operation on the “Main” band by press and holdthe microphone’s [P2] key.3) You may activate the Smart Search operation on the “left” and “right” bands at thesame time.ARTSARTSARTSARTSTMTMTMTM: Auto Range : Auto Range : Auto Range : Auto Range Transpond SystemTranspond SystemTranspond SystemTranspond SystemThe ARTS feature uses DCS signaling to inform both parties when you and anotherARTS-equipped station are within communications range. This may be particularlyuseful during Search-and Rescue situations, where is important to stay in contact withother members of your group.Both stations must set up their DCS codes to the same code number, then activate theirARTS feature using the command appropriate for their radio. Alert ringers may beactivated, if desired.Whenever you push the PTT switch, or every 25 seconds after ARTS is activated, yourradio will transmit a signal which includes a (subaudible) DCS signal for about 1 second.If the other radio is in range, the beeper will sound (if enabled) and the display willshow “INRNG” as opposed to the out of range display “OUTRNG” in which ARTSoperation begins.Whether you talk or not, the polling every 25 seconds will continue until you de-activateARTS. Every 10 minutes, moreover, you can have your radio transmit your callsign viaCW, so as to comply with identification requirements. When ARTS is de-activated, DCSwill also be deactivated (if you were not using it previously in non-ARTS operation).If you move out of range for more than one minute (four pollings), your radio will sensethat no signal has been received, three beeps will sound, and the display will revert to“OUTRNG.” If you move back into range, your radio will again beep, and the display
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.24will change back to the “INRNG” indication.During ARTS operation, it is not possible to change the operating frequency or othersettings on the “Main” band; you must terminate ARTS in order to resume normaloperation. This is a safety feature designed to prevent accidental loss of contact due tochannel change, etc. Here is how to activate ARTS:Basic ARTS Setup and OperationBasic ARTS Setup and OperationBasic ARTS Setup and OperationBasic ARTS Setup and Operation1. Set your radio and the other radio(s) to the same DCS code number, per thediscussion on page ??.2. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.3. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #3 (ARTS).5. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knobto select the desired ARTS beep option. The available options are:IN RANGE: The beeps are issued only when the radio first confirms that you arewithin range, but does not re-confirm with beeps thereafter.ALWAYS: Every time a polling transmission is received from the other station,the alert beeps will be heard.6. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily. You will observe the “OUT. RNG”display on the LCD. ARTS operation has now commenced.7. Every 25 seconds, your radio will transmit a “polling” call to the other station.When that station responds with its own ARTS polling signal, the display willchange to “IN.RNG” to confirm that the other station’s polling code was received inresponse to yours.8. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily to exit ARTS operation and resumenormal functioning of the transceiver.CW Identifier SetupCW Identifier SetupCW Identifier SetupCW Identifier SetupThe ARTS feature includes a CW identifier, as discussed previously. Every ten minutesduring ARTS operation, the radio can be instructed to send “DE (your callsign) K” if thisfeature is enabled. The callsign field may contain up to 16 characters.Here’s how to program the CW Identifier:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #8 (CWID W).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.254. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily again to enable entering your callsign.5. Rotate the DIAk knob one click clockwise to begin entry of the letters and numbersin your callsign.6. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily to set the first letter or number in yourcallsign.7. When the correct character has been selected, Press the “Main” DIAL knobmomentarily to move on to the next character.8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as many times as necessary to complete your callsign.9. Press the “Main” [SCN] key to delete all data after the cursor that may have beenpreviously stored erroneously.10. When you have entered your entire callsign, press the “Main” DIAL knobmomentarily to confirm the callsign.11. Press the [SET] key momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob one clickcounter-clockwise to select the Menu #7 (CWID).12. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate “Main” DIAL knob to select“TX ON” (to enable the CW identifier).13. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily to save the setting and exit tonormal operation.DTMF DTMF DTMF DTMF Autodialer OperationAutodialer OperationAutodialer OperationAutodialer Operation16 DTMF Autodialer memories are available on the FT-8900. These DTMF Autodialermemories can store up to 16 digits of a telephone number for, repeater autopatch orother uses.To load DTMF Autodialer memories, use following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #15 (DTMF W).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the DTMF Autodialer memory channel number (“d-1” through “D-16”) intowhich you wish store a telephone number.4. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the first digit of the telephone number you wish to store.5. When you have selected the correct digit, press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily.Now, rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the second of the 16 available numbersin this current DTMF Audodialer memory register.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.266. Repeat this procedure for each digit in the telephone number.Press the “Main” [SCN] key momentarily to delete the previously-stored data afterthe cursor. If you make a mistake, press the microphone’s [DWN] key to move backto front digit, then re-enter the correct number.7. When entry of all digits is complete, press the [SET] key momentarily to save thenew setting.8. If you wish to store another DTMF string, rotate the “main” DIAL knob to select theanother DTMF memory register, then repeat steps 4 through 7 above.9. When all required DTMF memories are filled to your satisfaction, press and holdthe “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.To transmit the memorized telephone number, use the following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #15 (DTMF W).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the DTMF Autodialer memory channel to be transmitted.4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.5. Press the PTT switch.6. While still holding the PTT switch in, press the “Main Band” [HM] keymomentarily to transmit the tone string.Once you have press the [HM] key above step, you can release the PTT switch, asAutodialer transmit the whole DTMF string automatically.To speed at which the DTMF digits are sent can be changed. Three speed levels areavailable: 50 ms (High: 20 digits per second), 75 ms (Mid: 13 digits per second), and 100ms (Low: 10 digits per second).To select the speed, use the following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #14 (DTMF S).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the desired speed.4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.You can also set a longer delay between the time you press the [SCN] key (with PTT
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.27switch pressed) and the first DTMF digit is sent.To set a delay time, use the following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #13 (DTMF D).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the desired time (50/250/450/750/1000 ms).4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.Internet Connection featureInternet Connection featureInternet Connection featureInternet Connection featureThe FT-8900 can be used to access the repeater which provide the Vertex StandardWIRESTM (Wide-Coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System).1. Press the “left” DIAL knob momentarily to activate the Internet Connection feature.The “INT ON” will appear for 2 seconds at the “Main” band frequency display.The “int” icon appears at the memory channel indicating area on the “Sub” bandwhile activating the Internet Connection feature.2. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.3. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #19 (INET C).4. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the access number corresponding to the WIRESTM repeater to which you wishto establish an Internet link (ask your repeater owner/operator if you don 稚 knowthe access numbers in the network).5. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.6. With the Internet Connection feature activated (as in step 1 above), the FT-8900will generate a brief (0.1 second) DTMF tone according to your selection in step 4.This DTMF tone is sent at the beginning of every transmission to establish ormaintain the link to the remote WIRESTM repeater.7. To disable the Internet Connection feature, press the “left” DIAL knob again.Miscellaneous SettingsMiscellaneous SettingsMiscellaneous SettingsMiscellaneous SettingsTime-Out TimerTime-Out TimerTime-Out TimerTime-Out TimerThe “Time-Out Timer” (TOT) feature is designed to force the transceiver into the
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.28“receive” mode after a present time period of continuous transmission (the default is 6minutes). This feature prevents your transceiver from transmitting a “dead carrier” fora long period of time in the event that the microphone PTT switch is accidentally lockedin the “TX” condition.The Time-Out Timer’s “switch-to-receive” time may be adjusted, in one minuteincrements, for any period between 1 and 30 minutes.To change the default (6 minute) time setting as follows:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #43 (TOT).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob todesired interval (between 1 and 30 minutes) or OFF.4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting and tonormal operation.Automatic Power-OffAutomatic Power-OffAutomatic Power-OffAutomatic Power-OffThe “Automatic Power-Off” (APO) feature will turn the radio completely off after auser-defined period of the PTT switch or key/button inactivity. If you do not press anyfront panel keys or buttons, rotate the DIAL knobs or use the microphone’s keys andbuttons, or transmit, and so long as the transceiver is not scanning or engaged inpriority monitoring, the radio will shut itself off after the specified time period. Thisfeature is useful in minimizing battery drain in a mobile installation if you forget toturn the transceiver off when you leave your vehicle.To activate the APO feature as follows:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #1 (APO).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob todesired “switch-off” time (between 1 and 12 hours in 0.5 hours increments), or OFF.4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting and tonormal operation.FM Bandwidth & MIC Gain ControlFM Bandwidth & MIC Gain ControlFM Bandwidth & MIC Gain ControlFM Bandwidth & MIC Gain ControlYou can reduce the microphone input level and receiver bandwidth when operation ontightly-clustered frequencies (channel spacing of 12.5- or 15-kHz). This will reduce thetransmitter and receiver deviation, thus minimizing interference to other users.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.29To reducing the microphone input level as follow:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #45 (WID.NAR).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob tochange the display to “WIDE.”4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new setting and tonormal operation.To restore the normal (higher) microphone input level and normal (15 kHz) receiverbandwidth, select “WIDE” in step 3 above.R.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. SaysR.F. Says: This feature is ignored on the 29 MHz and 50 MHz bands.Programming the key assignmentProgramming the key assignmentProgramming the key assignmentProgramming the key assignmentDefault FT-8900R key functions have been assigned to Microphone’s [P1]/[P2]/[P3]/[P4]buttons at the factory. These may be changed by the user, if you wish to make anotherfunction.To programming the function:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu Item to be assigned (“#29 PG P1,”“#30 PG P2,” “#31 PG P3,” or “#32 PG P4”).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the function you wish to assign to the button you selected in the previous step.The available choices are:SQL.OFF: Open the Squelch on the “Main” band to allow un-muted reception.TCALL: Activates 1750 Hz Tone Burst.RPTR: Selects Repeater Shift direction on the “Main” band.PRI: Activates the Priority feature on the “Main” band.LOW: Selects the transmit power output level on the “Main” band.TONE: Activates the CTCSS or DCS operation on the “Main” band.MHz: Allows tuning in 1-MHz step on the “Main” band VFO.REV: Reverses the transmit and receive frequencies during split-frequencyoperation.HOME: Switches operation to the “Home” channel on the “Main” band.BAND: Select the “Main” band of operation between “Left” band and “right”
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.30band.VFO/MR: Switches frequency control between the VFO and Memory mode on the“Main” band.4. Press the [SET] key to save the new setting, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect another programmable button to modify, if desired, and repeat the abovesteps.5. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.DCS Code InversionDCS Code InversionDCS Code InversionDCS Code InversionThe DCS system was first introduced in the commercial LMR (Land Mobile Radio)service, where it is now in widespread use. DCS is sometime referred to by its differentproprietary names, such as DPL® (Digital Private Line®, registered trademark ofmotorola, Inc.).DCS uses a codeword consisting of a 23-bit frame, transmitted (subaudible) at a datarate of 134.4 bps (bit/sec). Occasionally, signal inversion can result in the complement ofa code to be sent or received. This prevent receiver squelch from opening with DCSenabled, as the decoded bit sequence would not match that selected for operation.Typical situations that might cause inversion to occur are: Connection of an external receiver preamplifier. Operating through a repeater. Connection of an external linear amplifier.Note that code inversion does not mean that any of the above listed equipment isdetective !In certain amplifier configurations, the output signal (phase) is inverted from the input.Small signal or power amplifiers having an odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) of amplificationstages may result in inversion of a transmitted or received DCS code.While under most circumstances this should not occur (amplifier designs and industrystandards take this into account), if you find that your receiver squelch does not openwhen both you and the other station are using a common DCS code, you or the otherstation (but not bothbut not bothbut not bothbut not both) can try the following:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.312. Rotate the “Main” DIAL knob to select the Menu #11 (DCS.N/R).3. Press the “Main” DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” DIAL knob toselect the following mode.TRX N: Encoder; Normal, Decoder; NormalRX R: Encoder; Normal, Decoder; Reverse (Invert)TX R: Encoder; Reverse (Invert), Decoder; NormalTRX R: Encoder; Reverse (Invert), Decoder; Reverse (Invert)4. Press and hold the “Main” DIAL knob for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.Remember to restore the default setting to “TRX N” (Encoder; Normal, Decoder;Normal) when done.Reset ProcedureReset ProcedureReset ProcedureReset Procedure1. Turn the radio off.2. Press and hold in the “left” and “right” [V/M] keys while turning the radio on.3. Rotate the “right” DIAL knob to select the resetting menu:SETMOD RESET: reset the Set (Menu) mode settings to their factory defaults.HYPER RESET: clear the Hyper Memories settings to factory defaults.MEMORY RESET: clear the Regular Memories settings to factory defaults.ALL RESET: clear the all memories and other settings to factory defaults.4. Press the [SET] key momentarily to reset to their factory defaults.CloningCloningCloningCloningYou can transfer all data stored in one FT-8900 to another FT-8900 by utilizing thehandy “Cloning” feature. This requires a user-constructed Cloning cable which connectsthe DATA jacks on the two transceivers, as shown below.To clone from one transceiver to another, use the following procedure:1. Insert the Clone Cable into the DATA jack of each transceiver.2. Turn both transceivers off, then press and hold in the “left” and “right” [V/M] keyson each radio while turning the power on again.3. Rotate the “right” DIAL knob on each radio to select (CLONE START), then pressthe [SET] key. Disappear the display for a moment, then “CLONE” notation willappear on the display.
FCC ID: K66FT-8900ROPERATING MANUALVertex Standard Co., Ltd.324. On the “destinationdestinationdestinationdestination” radio, press the “left” [LOW] key. The “CLONE -RX-” indicatorwill appear on the display.5. Now, on the “sourcesourcesourcesource” radio, press the “left” [V/M] key. The “CLONE -TX-” indicatorwill appear on the display, and the cloning data transfer will immediately begin.6. If there is a problem during the cloning process, “CLONE ERROR” will be displayed.Check your cable connections, and try again.7. If cloning was successful, the “CLONE -RX-” and “CLONE -TX-” indicator willdisappear.8. Turn both transceivers off, then remove the Clone Cable. Channel and operatingdata for both radios are now identical. They both may be turned on now for normaloperation.
1. Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by VERTEXSTANDARD could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readilybeing altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocatedto the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULARRADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULESAND FEDERAL LAW.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being convertedor modified to a digital scanner receiver by any user.

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