Yaesu Musen VX-4204-0H VHF Mobile Transceiver User Manual users manual 1

Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. VHF Mobile Transceiver users manual 1


users manual 1

FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.1
VX-4204 Operating Manual
You now have at your fingertips a valuable communications tool: a VERTEX
STANDARD two-way radio! Rugged, reliable and easy to use, your VERTEX
STANDARD radio will keep you in constant touch with your colleagues for years to
come, with negligible maintenance downtime.
Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented
here will allow you to derive maximum performance from your radio, in case questions
arise later on.
We’re glad you joined the VERTEX STANDARD team. Call on us anytime, because
communications is our business. Let us help you get your message across.
Notice !
There are no owner-serviceable parts inside the transceiver. All service jobs must be
referred to an authorized VERTEX STANDARD Service Representative. Consult your
Authorized VERTEX STANDARD Dealer for installation of optional accessories.
Safety/Warning Information
WARNING - DO NOT operate the VX-4200 radio when any person(s) (bystanders)
outside the vehicle are within the distances shown in the chart at the bottom of this
Safety Training information:
Antennas used for this transmitter must not exceed an antenna gain of 0 dBd. The radio
must be used in vehicle-mount configurations with a maximum operating duty factor
not exceeding 25%, in typical Push-to-Talk configurations.
This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only where the
radio operator must have the knowledge to control the exposure conditions of its
passengers and bystanders by maintaining the minimum separation distance shown
Failure to observe these restrictions will result in exceeding the FCC RF exposure
Antenna Installation:
For rear deck trunk installation, the antenna must be located at least the following
distance away from rear-seat passengers in order to comply with the FCC RF exposure
For roof top installations, the antenna must be placed in the center of the roof.
The VX-4200 Series are full-featured FM transceivers designed for flexible mobile and
base station business communications in the VHF or UHF Land Mobile bands. These
transceiver are designed for reliable business communications in a wide variety of
applications with a wide range of operating capability provided by their leading-edge
The 501-channel memories can each be programmed with a 12-character channel name.
Important channel frequency data is stored in EEPROM and flash memory on the CPU,
and is easily programmable by dealers using a personal computer and the VERTEX
STANDARD VPL-1 Programming Cable and CE59 Software.
The pages which follow will detail the many advanced features provided on the VX-4200
Series transceiver. After reading this manual, you may wish to consult with your
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.2
Network Administrator regarding precise details of the configuration of this equipment
for use in your application
For North American Users Regarding 406 MHz Guard Band
The U.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
have requested the cooperation of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission in
preserving the integrity of the protected frequency range 406.0 to 406.1 MHz, which is
reserved for use by distress beacons. Do not attempt to program this apparatus, under
any circumstances, for operation in the frequency range 406.0 - 406.1 MHz if the
apparatus is to be used in or near North America.
Controls & Connectors
Front Panel
Important! - All buttons located on the Front Panel are Programmable Function (PF)
Buttons, configured according to your network requirements and programmed by your
VERTEX STANDARD dealer. The instructions below a typically-configured radio.
1. [ xxx ] Button
Press the [ xxx ] button more than 2 seconds to turn the radio on. Press it again
more than 2 seconds to turn the radio off.
2. VOL Knob
Turn this control clockwise to increase the volume.
3. BUSY/TX Indicator
Indicate transceiver Transmit/Receive Status
Steady Red: Transmitting in progress
Steady Green: Busy Channel
Blinking Green: Tone Squelch in defeated condition
4. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
The display includes 3-character numeric section showing various statuses, and
12-character alphanumeric section showing Group and Channel name tag and
identity information, and error messages etc.
5. [θ]/[π] Buttons (Programmable Function Buttons)
Pressing either button changes the current channel (and displayed channel number
or name). Holding a button for more than 1/2 second causes the function to repeat.
6. Microphone Jack
Connect the microphone plug to this jack.
7. [A] Button (Programmable Function Button)
This button can be set up for special applications, such as High/Low power selection,
Monitor, Talk-Around, etc, as determined by your network requirements and
programmed by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.
8. [P1] - [P4] Buttons (Programmable Function Buttons)
These buttons can be set up for special applications, such as High/Low power
selection, Monitor, Talk-Around, etc, as determined by your network requirements
and programmed by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.3
Rear Panel
1. Antenna Socket
The 50-Ohm coaxial feedline to the antenna must be connected here, using a type-
M (PL-259) plug.
2. 13.6V DC Cable Pigtail with Connector
The supplied DC power cable must be connected to this 2-pin connector. Use only
the supplied fused cable, extended if necessary, for power connection.
3. External Speaker Jack
An external loudspeaker may be connected to this 2-contact, 3.5-mm mini-phone
Caution: Do not connect either wire of this line to ground, and be certain that the
speaker has adequate capability to handle the audio output (12 W) from the radio.
4. D-Sub 15-Pin Accessory Connector
External TX audio line input, PTT (Push To Talk), Squelch, and external RX audio
line output signals may be obtained from this connector for use with accessories
such as data transmission/reception modems, and external Channel control input
Basic Operation of the Transceiver
Important! - Before turning on the radio the first time, confirm that the power
connections have been made correctly and that a proper antenna is connected to the
antenna jack.
Switching Power ON/OFF
Press the PWR button to turn the radio on. The display will become illuminated.
Press the [θ]/[π] button to choose the desired operating channel. A channel name will
appear on the display. If you want to select an operating channel from a different
group, press the pre-defined Group Up/Down button to select the group you want
before selecting the operating channel.
Setting the Volume
Turn the VOL knob clockwise to increase the volume, and counterclockwise to
decrease it.
To transmit, monitor the channel and make sure it is clear.
Press the PF button which is programmed to the Monitor feature to listen for
channel activity.
When receiving a call, transmit only after the incoming call ends. The radio cannot
receive a call and transmit simultaneously.
Press the PTT switch.
If the channel is clear, the BUSY/TX indicator will glow red. The radio is now
transmitting. While holding in the PTT switch, speak across the face of the
microphone in a clear and normal voice. For best transmission, hold the microphone
about 1-1/2 to 2 inches away from your mouth. Release the PTT switch to receive.
If the Busy Channel Lockout feature has been programmed on a channel, the radio
will not transmit when a carrier is present. Instead, the radio will generate short
beep three times and indicate * ERROR * on the display. Release the PTT switch
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.4
and wait for the channel to be clear of activity.
If CTCSS or Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) Lockout has been programmed on a
channel, the radio can transmit only when there is no carrier being received or when
the carrier being received includes the correct CTCSS tone or DCS code.
Automatic Time-Out Timer
If the selected channel has been programmed for automatic time-out, you must limit the
length of each transmission. While transmitting, a beep will sound 10 seconds before
time-out. Another beep will sound just before the deadline; the “TX” indicator will
disappear and transmission will cease soon thereafter. To resume transmitting, you
must release the PTT switch and wait for the “penalty timer” to expire (if you press the
PTT switch before this timer expires, the timer restarts, and you will have to wait
another “penalty” period)
Advanced Operation
Programmable Function (PF) Buttons
The VX-4200 Series includes seven Programmable Function (PF) Buttons. The PF
button functions can be customized via programming by your VERTEX STANDARD
dealer, to meet your communications/network requirements. Some features may require
the purchase and installation of optional internal accessories. The possible PF button
programming features are illustrated below, and these functions are explained on the
pages to follow.
For further details, contact your VERTEX STANDARD dealer. For future reference,
check the box next to the function that has been assigned to each PF button on your
particular radio, and keep it handy.
Programmable Functions
DW (Dual Watch)
Follow-Me SCAN
Follow-Me DW
TA (Talk Around)
TX SAVE Disable
Encryption Disable *
Channel Up
Channel Down
Group Up
Group Down
CALL 1 to Call 5
Code Up/Down
Code SET
Speed Dial
Selectable Tone
Horn Alert
Public Address
Key Lock
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.5
Direct CH#1
Direct CH#2
Direct CH#3
Direct CH#4
* needs optional unit
Description of Operating Functions
Press the assigned programmable key to cancel CTCSS- and DCS-controlled squelch;
the BUSY/TX indicator will blink green. Press and hold this button for 1.5 seconds to
hear background noise (unmute the audio); the BUSY/TX indicator will glow green.
Channel Up/Down
Press the assigned programmable key (generally the [θ]/[π] button) to select a different
channel within the current group.
Channel Scan
The Scanning feature is used to monitor multiple signals programmed into the
transceiver. While scanning, the transceiver will check each channel for the presence of
a signal, and will stop on a channel if a signal is present.
To activate scanning:
Press the assigned programmable key to activate scanning.
The scanner will search the channels of each channel, looking for active ones; it will
pause each time it finds a channel on which someone is speaking.
Press the assigned programmable key again to disable scanning. Operation will
revert to the programmed revert channel.
Note: Your dealer may have programmed your radio to stay on one of the following
channels if you press the PTT switch during scanning pause:
- Current channel (“Talk Back”)
- “Last Busy” channel
- “Priority” channel
- “Home” channel
- “Scan Start” channel
Dual Watch
The Dual Watch feature is similar to the SCAN feature, except that only two channels
are monitored:
- The current operating channel; and
- The Priority channel.
To activate Dual Watch:
Press the assigned programmable key.
The scanner will search the two channels; it will pause each time it finds a channel
on which someone is speaking.
To stop Dual Watch:
Press the assigned programmable key.
Operation will revert to the “Dual Watch Start” channel.
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.6
Talk Around (TA)
Press the assigned programmable key to activate the Talk Around feature when you are
operating on duplex channel systems (separate receive and transmit frequencies,
utilizing a “repeater” station). The Talk Around feature allows you to bypass the
repeater station and talk directly to a station that is nearby. This feature has no effect
when you are operating on “simplex” channels, where the receive and transmit
frequencies are already the same.
When the “TA” function is activated, the “TA Icon” will be indicated on the display.
Note that your dealer may have mode provision for “Talk Around” channels by
programming “repeater” and “Talk Around” frequencies on two adjacent channels. If so,
the key may be used for one of the other Pre-Programmed Functions.
Low Power
Press the assigned programmable key to se the radio’s transmitter to the “Low Power”
mode, thus extending battery life. Press the key again to return to “High Power”
operation when in difficult terrain.
Horn Alert
Press the assigned programmable key to turn the Horn Alert function ON or OFF. If you
receive a call from the base station with 2Tone, 5Tone or DTMF signaling, horn alert
will be activated.
When you turn Horn Alert ON, a tone will sound and “Horn Alert Icon” appears on the
Home Channel
Press the assigned programmable key to recall the pre-defined Home group/channel.
When you recall the Home group/channel, the “H” will appear on the LCD.
Public Address (PA)
Press the assigned programmable key to use the transceiver as a PA amplifier. When
you enable this function, a tone sounds and “Public ADRS” will appear on the display.
The public address can be used even while scanning and receiving a call.
Selectable Tone
Press the assigned programmable key to select a sub-audible tone (CTCSS/DCS) from
the pre-defined tone table. You can operate the indicated sub-audible tone in Selectable
Tone mode.
Call 1 to Call 5
Press the assigned programmable key to send a 5tone sequential which is pre-defined.
Code Up/Down
Press the assigned programmable key to select a 5tone encode code from pre-defined
encode list.
Code Set
Press the assigned programmable key to change the encode digit of 5tone. To change the
specific digit, select the desired digit by “P1” or “P2”, change the number by Up/Down
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.7
The VX-4200 series include an “Emergency” feature which may be useful if you have
someone monitoring on the same frequency as your transceiver’s channel.
Press the assigned programmable key to initiate an emergency call. For further details
contact your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.
Encryption (Option)
When the Voice Scrambler feature is enabled, pressing the assigned programmable key
to toggle the voice encryption on and off.
Sub-Band Receive (Option)
This function is able to use only when the radio is installed Sub-Band Receiving Unit
(Option). To install the Sub-Band unit makes the radio unit to have ability "cross band
operation" on each operation channel.
Voice Recording (Option)
This function is able to record the received voice message and to play back the recorded
audio. It needs to install Optional Voice Recording Unit.
Press the assigned programmable key (Rec/Play) more than 1.5 seconds to enable the
Voice Recording Mode. If the incoming carrier has a condition to unmute audio, then the
“Message Icon” will flash and received audio will be recorded. When the voice recording
is completed, the “Message Icon” stays on.
Press the Rec/Play key, Playback will start. While playback is proceeding, press the Up
key forwards 8seconds and the Down key turns back 8 seconds. To stop the playback,
play the stored message is finished or press the “A” key.
ARTS (Auto Range Transpond System)
This system is designed to inform you when you and another ARTS-equipped station
are within communication range.
During ARTS operation, when the radio receives correct ARTS signal, a short beep will
sound and the “In” (means In Service) will be displayed on the sub-LCD. If you move out
of range for more than two minutes, your radio senses that no signal has been received;
a three times of short beep will sound, and “Out” (means Out of Service) will be
displayed on the sub-LCD. If you subsequently move back into range, as soon as the
other station transmits, a short beep will sound and “In” will be displayed again on the
DTMF Paging System
This system allows paging and selective calling, using DTMF tone sequences.
When your radio is paged by a station bearing a tone sequence which matches yours,
your radio’s squelch will open and the alert will sound. The three-digit code of the
station which paged you will be displayed on your radio’s LCD.
User Set Mode
The VX-4200 Series have the “User Set Mode” which the user is able to define various
settings, for example, Beep On/Off, Squelch, LCD contrast and/or Dimmer.
Press the assigned key to enter the “User Set Mode”, select the item you want change by
“P1” or “P2” key, then you can select the status of the item by Up/Down key. Press the
FCC ID: K66VX-4204-0H
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.8
“P1” or “P2” key to store the changed condition.
Press “A” key to exit the “User Set Mode”.
Display Description
1 SQL Select Squelch Level
2 SCN List Select Scan List “User” or “Dealer”
3 BEEP Set the Beep On/Off
4 BELL Set the Bell On/Off (called sound by sub-audio CTCSS/DCS)
5 Lighting Set the Busy/Tx LED On/Off
6 Lock Set the Lock function to be Locked (Key/PTT/Key+PTT)
7 Group Set the Operation Group
8 SCAN Set the Scan status (same function as Scan key)
9 DW Set the Dual Watch status (same function as DW key)
10 TA Set the Talk Around status (same function as TA key)
11 Encrypt ENB: temporal encryption off
DIS: encryption on
12 AF MinVR Set the minimum volume level
13 Beep VR Set the Beep volume level
14 Contrast Set the LCD contrast
15 Dimmer Set the brightness of key and LCD back light
16 REC Mode ONE: enables to record One message (max 120 seconds), and
playback from beginning of the message.
ROL: enables to record with the audio unmute condition, and
playback from the last 120 seconds.
17 PlayMode Set the priority audio on playback mode.
PLY: playback is higher priority than received signal
SIG: received signal is higher priority than playback audio
The menu “16: REC Mode” and “17: PlayMode” will appear only when the Voice
recording Unit is installed.
When you set the menu “11: Encrypt” as “DIS” without installing the Voice Scrambler
Unit, the encryption function will never be activated.
Optional Accessories
FVP-25 Encryption/DTMF Pager Unit
FVP-35 Encryption Unit
DVS-5 Voice Recording Unit
VTP-50 VX-Trunk Unit
FP-1023A External Power Supply
MLS-100 Mobile Loudspeaker (12 W Peak Power)
LF-1 Line Filter
MH-700D DTMF Back-lit Microphone
MH-25A8J Microphone
DM-11A8J Desktop Microphone
VPL-1 Programming Kit
Availability of accessories may vary; some accessories are supplied standard per local
requirements, others may be unavailable in some regions.
Check with your VERTEX STANDARD Dealer for changes to this list.

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