ZTE ZTEA37 GSM Dual-Band Digital Mobile Phone User Manual 715892

ZTE Corporation GSM Dual-Band Digital Mobile Phone 715892

users manual

ZTE CORPO ZTE A37 GSM Dual-baUser Manual
 Copyright © 2006 by ZTEAll rights reserved. No part of this publicatioany form or by any means, microfilm, without the prior writtZTE operates a policy ofthe technical specifications in t     Edition: 1st edition, May., 2006 SW Edition: P103B2SWDV1.0.
2.5.1 SIM Card..2.5.2 Inserting &2.5.3 Power on/o2.5.4 Unlocking 2.5.5 Connecting3 BASIC OPERATIO3.1 MAKING A CALL3.2 ANSWERING A C3.3 CALL MENU.....4 FUNCTION MENU4.1 USAGE AND STR4.2 PHONE MENUS.4.2.1 Call Histor422CllDi t
4.2.3 Call Firew4.2.4 Call Settin4.3 PROFILES .......4.4 MY FAVORITES4.5 SETTINGS.......4.5.1 Phone Set4.5.2 Clock Set4.5.3 Display S4.5.4 Security S4.5.5 Fact. Sett4.6 MESSAGES .....4.6.1 Messages4.6.2 MMS.......4.7 CAMERA ........4.8 TOOLKIT ........
4.8.2 Full-screen4.8.3 Calculator4.8.4 Stopwatch.4.8.5 World Cloc4.8.6 Games.......4.9 WAP ................4.10 STK (SIM TOOL4.11 NAMES.............4.11.1 Adding New4.11.2 Searching..4.11.3 Editing......4.11.4 Deleting....4.11.5 Making an 4.11.6 Detail........4.11.7 Add New N
4.11.9 Settings...4.11.10 Batch Op4.11.11 Adding to5 TEXT INPUT ......5.1 OVERVIEW .....5.2 ABC AND ABC 5.3 123 MODE ......5.4 PREDICTIVE TE5.5 CHARACTER C6 TROUBLESHOO
1 G1.1 Welcome Thank you for using ZTE A37To guarantee the mobile phocarefully and keep it for furtheThe pictures, symbols and conot be completely identical wi 1.2 Security   If your mobile phone is lagencies to ban the uselosses resulted from un  To protect your mobile p
¾  Set PIN code of the S¾  Set handset lock code¾  Take it with you as yo1.3 Safety PrecautThis section includes some impread this information before usOperational Precautions   Please use your phone prphone as holding a wirelcentimeters) from your bo  Do not touch the antenna affects call quality and maneeded.   Keep the phone out of thused asatoy
Precautions While Driving  Please pay attention to tof your phone in the area  Pull off the road and parPrecautions for Medical Dev  When using your phonethan 8 inches (20 centimNot carry the phone in tminimize the potential necessary.   Some phones may intinterference, you may walternatives.   If you use any other peyour device to determine
please pay attention to thphone if required.   Mobile phone   Please use original amanufacturer. Using any performance, hurt your related national regulatio  Turn off your phone beforphone. Do not use a dchemical or abrasive clea As your mobile phone cmagnetic items such as c Using the phone near epersonal computer can c  Do not expose your mob
  Prevent liquid from leak  Do not drop, knock or hcircuit boards.  Do not connect the pho Do not attempt to disas Do not store the phone  Do not charge the mobPrecautions for Potentially   Switch off your phoneatmospheres, such as f  Do not remove, install,explosive atmosphere even death.   To avoid possible interfeyou are near electrical b
Precautions for Electronic De  Some electronic devicesmobile phone if inadequPlease consult the manufSafety and General Use in Ve  Safety airbag, brake, spaffected by wireless tranyour automobile providerthe airbag deployment arthe airbag deployment awith great force and caus  Please turn off your mobwhere the use of 2-way rAircraft Safety   Please turn off your mob
mobile phone when it ishould get aircrew’s pe  If the mobile phone hayour alarm setting to eduring flight. Battery use   Do not short-circuit the   Do not store battery inexplosion.   Do not disassemble oroverheating, explosion   Please store the battery  The battery can be rechWhen the operating timnormal, it is time to repl
evidence of aging.   Return the wear-out batenvironment regulations.Exposure to radio frequency Radio wave exposure and Spe  The handset is designedwaves. This requiremenmargins designed to assu  The radio wave exposureSpecific Absorption Rastandardized method within all used frequency ban  While there may be diffemodels, they are all desigwaves.   The SAR limit recommen  The highest SAR value fois 1.492 W/kg(1g) The highest SAR value fo
  SAR compliance for bosimilar accessories thaprovide at least 1.5 cmthe users body Warning: If the battery is damcome into contact the eyes owith a doctor.
2 2.1 Key Definition Left Soft key Execute functions of the in Right Soft key Execute functions of the inDial key Make and answer calls. BrEnd key Finish or refuse a call. Powthit f
Up/Down/ Left/Right keyUp/Down key: Roll the pdown when editing. Thedirection keys in games. Left/Right key: Roll theshortcut keys in standby OK key: The middle keoperation.  ~0~9 Number kEnter numbers and charaThey could be set as dire * key and
Note: In this manual pressholding a key means you 2.2 Display SymboSignal strength New message; No  Bar all calls  Bar black list  Only friends’ calls Indicate battery l Activate call dive Enable mute mod Keypad is locked Indicates the phon
GPRS online Roaming 2.3 Technical ParHandset Type         DimensionsW×L×H  Weight       Battery Continuous standby time Continuous talk time   For other parameters abo2.4 Battery
unpacking. A new battery pthree times. 2.4.1 Removing & Inst  Remove: Push down the and then lift the battery a  Install: Place the bottom oof the battery until it click
2.4.2 Charging the Bat  Connect the handset andwith arrow.) Then plug toutlet.   A charge indicator icon battery is charged in animation.    When the battery level indit means charge has beethe stop of charge animawhole charge process nefor the first three times)charger may become hotPlease disconnect the ch
Warning:    Please put the phone40. Please use cha
  Please charge the batdisplays a warning “Lo  The phone’s talking environments. In pracconditions, work enviro2.5 Connecting to 2.5.1 SIM Card Please insert a valid SIM cused by any GSM mobile pDon’t touch the metal surfabe lost or destroyed. KeepWarning: Please power oremoving the SIM card is f2.5.2 Inserting & Remo
battery.   Pull the SIM card con  Put SIM card into the  Insert the SIM card c
2.5.3 Power on/off YouHold End key to power oThe mobile phone will autovalid after power on, then tEnter PIN Code  ——if SIMEnter lock Code——if hanSearching  ——search for2.5.4 Unlocking the SIBy setting PIN (personal idcode, you can protect your  Method to unlock the Ssoft key [OK]. If you enter an incorrect PIby the network and the phoNtYtk i
SIM card; please change  Method to unlock theor Left soft key [OK]. Note: If you forget your hauthorized local custome2.5.5 Connecting to tAfter the SIM card and thesearch for the network.   After a few seconds, the hanstandby mode. Besides rec  Press Right Soft key   Press Left Soft key oNote: If “Insert SIM cardcalls.
3 3.1 Making a Call You can make or answer ccorner of the screen shows  Making DDD: Enter telemaking a long distance cEnd key.  Dialing extension numbeMethod 1: Dial the telephone eMethod 2: Enter the telephone eenter the extension number, aextension automatically after geArea codeExchang
  Making IDD: Hold * kepreset symbol of an intphone number and then  Dialing the number in tsaved in a list of the phCalls and Missed Callsview all the call logs. WYou can check the list b¾ View All calls by pre¾  View full screen Cal¾ View Names by pres¾  All the numbers in thNote: Up/Down/Left/Right kSettings-Fastkey Settings.
3.2 Answering a CaIf Anykey Answer is activkey) to answer a call in cal3.3 Call Menu When in in-call mode, you methods are the same as tprocess of communicationMultiparty need network tonetwork service provider. If you couldn’t answer the You can do the following o  Hold/ Retrieve: Keep the   Names: Display informat Earpiece Volume: Adjust MtD’t dl l
 DTMF On/Off Enable Multiparty ¾ Answer: Hang on th¾ Join All Calls: Add ¾ Hold All Calls: Han¾ Private: Converse wone. ¾ Exclude: Keep one ¾ Busy: Send busy to¾ End All Calls: End u Note: Some menu itemsSwap will appear only wsame time.
4 4.1 Usage and Stru  Scrolling search functionkey in standby   In function menu, you caRight Soft key according 4.2 Phone Menus In standby mode, press access the PhoneMenus interfa
4.2.1 Call History   View calls list Select All Calls to view aSelect Missed Calls to vSelect Received Calls toSelect Dialled Calls to vIn the calls list interface, to delete all call records
detailed submenus: ¾  Send Message: Send as creating messages. ¾  IP Dial: Dial an IP callnumber has been set bef¾  Detail: View the detail¾  Save Number: Save t¾  Add to Blacklist: Add t  Call Duration: You can vapproximate total duratiocan clear all call duration¾ All Calls Info:    Cost Setting: In the menCost to read or set the limNote: This function needs
SIM card, all numbers in 4.2.2 Call Diverting This service enables yoPlease contact your serv  Set Diverts: Set diverts ¾ All Calls: Divert all c¾  When Busy: Divert c¾  No Answer: Divert ca¾ Unreachable: Divertnetwork. When you have set conchosen: ¾  On: Only registered ¾  Off: Delete the diver¾StatusCheck:Query
After choosing one of the athe following options, you cz All Services: z Voice Calls: Oz  Data: Only divz Fax: Only divz Messages: Oz All Except Ms¾ Cancel All Enter the divert interface, services.  4.2.3 Call Firewall Incoming Calls   Current Settings: Press SBAllBBlkLit
  Black List: Press Selec¾  If you have not adOption-Add to add the ¾  If you have added soto select such options: A  Friend List: Press Selec¾  If you have not adOption-Add to add the ¾  If you have added soto select such options: A Outgoing Calls Before entering the funcphone password is 1234Current Settings:
¾  Bar All: Bar all outgoin¾  Bar in List: Bar all numany number in the barred¾  Cancel All: Cancel the  Barred List: Directly entAll. If you have not addedto select Add, and then p4.2.4 Call Settings  Anykey Answer: If “On” except End key, and Righ Minute Minder: Choose minute when answering t  Connected Minder: Selec DTMF Tones: Select On/Call Waiting:SelectOn/O
the current status of thicall if a third person cprovider for detailed usa IP Settings: You can sethe Names or the calls the phone number that 4.3 Profiles In standby mode, press Mprofiles interface.
  Select Profile: You can soptions are: Normal, Mebefore leaving factory. Yo  Edit Profile: Change the d¾  Alert Type: Select the ¾ Ringing Tone: Many p¾ Ringing Volume: Adjus¾ Speaker Volume: Adju¾  Key Tone: Select to tu¾  Warn Tone: Select to t¾  Missed Alert: Select tocall. ¾ Message Alert: Selecselect to turn off the alert¾ Power on/off Ring: Se
4.4 My Favorites In standby mode, press MenuMy Favorites interface.  Photos: Press left soft camera.  Pictures: Press left soffrom a browser or from Ringtones: press left
Press Up/Down key to sethe following submenu: ¾  Play: Play the selected m¾  Set ringtone: Set the sele¾  Information: View the attr¾  Delete: Delete the selecte¾  Delete All: Delete the all  Others: press left soft keyor received from attachm Space Usage: check the  4.5 Settings
setting interface. 4.5.1 Phone Settings Select and enter the Phon Language: Select the la Own Number: Edit/view  Fastkey Settings: Set thkey.  Auto Lock Keypad Sautomatically. If you sescreen is switched to sprompt on the interface4.5.2 Clock Settings You can set date and timUse Scroll key to switch
correctly inputting the date4.5.3 Display Settings   Wallpaper: Select your fav  Contrast: Adjust the scree  Brightness: Adjust the scr4.5.4 Security SettingsSecurity features protect yNote: You need to input hdefault handset lock code as soon as possible.   PIN code: SIM password Select On/Off to enable oset a new PIN code.   Note: Three consecutive t
code may be provided toyour network service prosoon as possible.    Handset Lock: Handset LSelect On/Off to enable to set a new handset locNote: The default handse  Network Call Bar: You cato improve security levdetailed use. The netwoenable your call restrictio¾ International Call: Ba¾  All Except Home: Ba¾ Incoming Calls: Bar ¾ Incoming if Abroad:
After choosing one of the aservices: z  All Services: Restz Voice Calls: Only z  Data: Only restrictz  Fax: Only restrict z Messages: Only rz  All Except Msgs: RWhen you have set types oz On: The restrictionz  Off: Delete the resz  Status: Query if th¾ Cancel All: Select CaNote: You need to input Three consecutive times
4.5.5 Fact. Settings In this menu, you can ssettings. 4.6 Messages If the network supports receive text short messareceive voicemail. PleaseIn standby mode, press Mthe message menu interf
4.6.1 Messages  New message Please confirm messagemessages. ¾  In message interfacemessage input interface Input”.) ¾When you finish enter
select Send to One, Se¾ Select Save  to savdestination number accselect number in the Nopposite party’s numbeselect number. Select Snumbers from the Nameprompt information on tNote: The SMS centers othan 70 Chinese characte Inbox/Outbox ¾ Select Inbox to chemessages saved in SIM¾  In the message list, do the following operati
z Forward: Transferz Voice Call: Call thmessages in the Inbox.) z  Send (The menu az Extract Number.: the screen. If you select onediting or dialing. ¾  Delete All: Delete all t Message Settings  You must set up necessAccess Msg Settings sub¾ Msg Centre: Input ththis number from your se¾  Msg Validity: In the pemessage till it is received
¾  Templates: When edkey. In this menu, you c¾  Status Report: If theinform you after the senneeds the network to su¾  Save Edit: Select wh¾ Msg Firewall: z Current Settingsall short messages, senumbers in the messagemessages. z  Msg Black List: Iempty”. Press Option-Apress OK to save. If you to access and then selec
Select and Access Voice M¾ Select Get Voice Mamessage. ¾ Voice Mail Num.: Set Cell Information ¾  You can view¾ Select Settin4.6.2 MMS If your SIM card supports New Message Press  MMS-New Messagfollowing submenu: ¾ Edit Text: Select to edPress left soft key [OK] to enter the following submen
♦ Done: Press done toz Send later: Savnext time you send the mz Subject: Write az To: One or morsend the message z CC: Phone numcopy of the message      Press More to check z BCC: phone nucarbon copy of the messother addresses) z Priority: Set thez Lifetime: Selectserver while trying to de
♦ Edit Text: Go back to♦ Add Picture: Select to♦ Add Sound: Add a m♦ Delete Object: Delete♦ Preview: Select to pre Press More to check the f♦ Add PageAdd a new♦ Object Properties: D♦ Page Properties:   Inbox  Sent   Outbox  Drafts  Templates  Settings
¾ Read Reports:   z Send Report: Sz Request Repormessage. ¾ Deliver Receipts z Send Receipt: Sz Request ReceiMMS. ¾ Lifetime: Set the ma¾ Advanced: z Message Centez WAP Profile: Sez MMS Downloador download MMS after z Span Filter: Set
4.7 Camera  The phone has a built-in camerIn standby mode, press Menucamera interface. The following icons appear on  Brightnes Zoom Frame
key to adjust its parame Frame: Press Left/RighUp/Down key to adjust  Face: Press Left/Right key to adjust its parame  Large: Press Up/Down  Multiply Normal/MultiplUp/Down key to select  Press OK key to catch press Right soft key [ba        4.8 Toolkit In standby mode, press Menuinterface
4.8.1 Alarm Clock Your phone can set up to Set Alarm: Select Set Alato instructions: alarm typring tone. The alarm clock is valid only whwill powered on automaticallyautomatically if you select“pow
 List Alarms: Select Listclocks settings. Press Othe alarm clock settingsenable/disable it.   Define Rest Day: SeleWorkday alarm will notthen press Select/Canc Clear All: Select Clear A4.8.2 Full-screen CaleUse Scroll key to selecJanuary 1, 1901 to Dece4.8.3 Calculator   Press 0~9 Number key Press Up/Down/Left/Rig
calculator. Press Left softNote: This calculator has lin long division. 4.8.4 Stopwatch You can measure time and take Press OK key to start tim Press OK key to stop the Press Left soft key or O4.8.5 World Clock The world Clock function provid  You can view the time onavigation screen of Wor Press Left soft key [Sav Press End key to quit.
4.8.6 Games   Tetris: The options are a¾  New Game: Start a n¾  Set Lines: Select the¾  Help: Check the rule  Push Box: The options ¾  New Game: Start a n¾  Load Game: Read th¾ Help: Check the rule 4.9 WAP  Home: Press to go into Resume: Press to enteBkkDil th
up/down key to choose thaddress and delete.  Empty Temp.: Delete the Enter address: Input thpage.  Settings:   ¾ Connection Settingsedit, change name or delete t      Press edit to enter the z Homepage: Edit tz Image Settings: Sz Connection Typez Connection Optiz Gateway Settingz Bearer: Set Data
¾ Security Cert.: Pres¾ Push Security: Sele Push Messages: Entethe information, load the GPRS Info: Press to ch Fastkey operation: in sAnd then press OK key¾ Stop: Stop web brow¾ Go back: Move to th¾ Bookmarks: Press ¾ Add bookmark: Ad¾ Enter address: Ente¾ Home: Move to the ¾ Top: Move to the top¾ Refresh: Refresh th
page. Select to enter the imait.  4.10 STK (SIM ToolkIn standby mode, press Meinterface. This service needs the nethe network service providFor more information, plea4.11 Names In standby mode, access tIt shows List empty whenpressing Left Soft key. Savthe first character of the n
  In the names list interfaoptions are as follows: ¾ Search ¾ Edit ¾ Delete  ¾ IP Dial  ¾ Detail ¾  Add New Name ¾ Settings ¾ Batch Operation   In the names list interfasoft key [Option] to acc¾ Send Message ¾ Edit ¾ Delete
¾  Add to Speed ¾  Copy to MS ¾  Move to MS ¾  Add to Blacklist ¾  Add to Friendlist   Press Left/Right key to swbe seen. Press End key tWhether saved in SIM cardnumber. Number types coOffice, Fax or Pager. Records saved in the SIMdoesn’t appoint the record Besides, there are six grouSociety and VIP.
4.11.1 Adding New NaIn the names list interfaceto save new number into If SIM Card is selected   Enter the name of the n  Enter the phone numbeIf Phone Memory is sele  Press OK key, enter the  Select the group.   Enter the phone numbe  Select Caller Icon. If the name is saved into tat least the name and ochosen, the default is mgroup is the current grou
4.11.2 Searching   In the names list interfacyou want to search.   Quick-search: In the Namrecord of the name with s  Sort principle: Sort by AS  Match principle: If match4.11.3 Editing In the names list interfaceName record. 4.11.4 Deleting  In the names list interfacinformation of the current r
4.11.5 Making an IP CaIn the names list interfaceto the current chosen num4.11.6 Detail In the names list interfainterface. You can press 4.11.7 Add New NameAdd a new record. 4.11.8 Sending MessagIn the names list interfacethe interface of editing mcreating messages.   4.11.9 Settings
  Ringing Tone: You can se  Save Nos. to: You can se  Used Space: You can vierecords in SIM card and  Copy/Move to MEM/SIM or SIM card. When copydestination space is full.   Speed Dial List: List the s4.11.10 Batch Operation This function provides you to bacard or phone memory. Note: Please be careful to use this fu. 4.11.11 Adding to Speed
Dial List. You can set at standby mode, if you hoautomatically. Press Dele
5.1 Overview Your mobile phone provides thnumeric input and predictive teWhen you are in a field that allomode indicator in the upper rigdifferent input modes. 5.2 ABC and abc m  Use the number key from  Press the key labeled witz  Once for the first le
z  And so on   To insert a space, pressthe display.     Press * key to open a lislist, and press Ok key to5.3 123 mode   The 123 mode enables   Press the keys correspo5.4 Predictive texYou can enter any letter with adictionary.   To write the desired wofor one letter. For examK.
word is not correct, pressfound. 5.5 Character CharRefer to the table below for mokey 1 1 2 AB3 DE4 G5 JK6 M7 PQ8 TU9 W
* key Pk# key SUp/Down key RLeft/Right key REnd key E
6 Check the following refereyour distributor if you cann1.  “Enter PIN code” isInput the PIN or input the set “off” if you do not want 2.  “Insert SIM” is showTurn off your phone and m3. “Unlock” is shown wPress Unlock and then ent4.  No key tone volumeCheck the keypad setting i5.  No incoming ring toCheck the ringingtone and
6.  No alarm tone whCheck the profile setting 7. A phone number Check whether call restri8. A phone call cannCheck whether call restri9. Short message caCheck the Msg centre se10.  Some menus relaCheck the profile settings

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