ZTE ZXV10W300V50 Home Gateway User Manual D3C3BBA7CAD6B2E12E636472
ZTE Corporation Home Gateway D3C3BBA7CAD6B2E12E636472
Users Manual
ZTE CORPORATION Address: ZTE Plaza, Hw-Tech Rd. s., Hi-Tecn Industrial Park, Shenxhsn Website: mnpwwww,zca.com,cn Posl code: 513057 Customer Supper! Cenier Hnmne: Fax: 035755) 26770801 Ermall'800@zte com cn ZTE¢3¥ - 7»: zxv10 W300 . Q , -~ Users Manual ZXV10 W300 User‘s Manual Document version: 201009014111 Copyright 2009 ZTE Corporation All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be excerpted' reproduced, translated, annotated or duplicated, in any form or b) any means without the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation. ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to mudif this manual for product upgrade or other causes without noti ying users in advanced Limited warranty er warrants that far one year rrorn the date ol dellvery by ZTE to purchaser's deslgrlated earner. the Edulprrlent wrll remaln rree rrorn derecls in deslgnr malerral and workmanship under normal use and servlce and wlll conform rn all materlal respects to the apphcable specmcatrons sel rorth rn purchase order or agreement. ZTE does not warrant that operatron or the Equlpment wlll be error—free or unlnterrupted ln accordance Wlth ZTE‘s standard warranty termsr ZTE shall, at lts optlon repalr or replace any detectlve or nonconformlng ltem. provlded that (a) purchaser/End User gives ZTE ertterl notice of the deleCI or nonconformlty Wlthln the warranty perlcd specified above promptly after Reseller Is notlfled by the End User Oi the same‘ and (b) End User returns the detectlve ltem at Its expense to ZTEs nomlnated Customer Servlce Department lrl accordance Wltrl ZTE's standard pans exchange procedures Thls warranty does not apply to defects or errors ln the Equlpment caused by (a) reasonable abrasron crequlpments‘ (b)End User‘s larlure to rollow ZTE's rnstallation, operatron or maintenance lrlstrucllcns or procedures. (c) End User‘s mlshandllng‘ mlsuse‘ rlegllgence‘ or rmproper lnstallatlon‘ delrlstallatlon‘ storage servlclrlg or operallon or the Edurprrrent (d) modrlrcations or repalrs not rnade by ZTE or a ZTE-certilled indlvlduaHe) power failures surges rlre. rlood accident actrons orthrrd partres or other events nutslde ZTE’S reasonable control (r) usage or products or lhird Partles‘ or usage eonjunctron wrth lhird pames pruvlded that such detects rs due to the conlunctronrg) any other cause beyond the range or normal usage lor equlprrlerlls End User shall assure thal Equlpmerlt ls lnslalled and rrrarntarned by ZTE or ZTE-certllled lrldlvlduals rn accordance wrth ZTEs certrrrcatron ZXVIO W700 User’s Manual ZTE ¢3¥ procedures provided that ii End User causes or permits services to be provided by individuaIs who are not ZTE—certified the Warranty shah be void as to aii Equipment serviced In hreaeh atthis sentence End user shaii have no right to reject return or receive a retimd for any Equipment from ZTE Any item repaired or replaced by ZTE shaii continue to be warranted for the longer at the remainder of the originaI warranty period or 90 days from the date the repaired or repIaced part IS deIivered to the carrier THIS WARRANTY (1) IS END USER'S SOLE REMEDY AND ZTE’S SOLE LIABILITY FOR DEFECTIVE OR NONCONFORMING ITEMS . AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE‘ UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED UNDER THE MANDATORY PROVISIONS OF THE CHINESE LAW AND (2) IS BETWEEN ZTE AND END USER (AS THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER FOR END USE) AND MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR ASSIGNED. BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ZTE S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT Limitation of Liability ZTE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS OR INDIRECT SPECIAL‘ INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH USING OF THIS PRODUCT WHETHER OR NOT ZTE HAD BEEN ADVISED KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES‘ INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS‘ COST OF CAPITAL COST OF SUBSTITUTE ii ZTE ¢¥€ ZXVI 0 W700 User’ s Manual FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT. ANY DOWNTIME COSTS OR CLAIMS OF END USERS THE LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WHETHER ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BREACH OF WARRANTY) OR TORT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY) OR UNDER AN INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENIFITED BY ZTE IN THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE DIRECTLY AROSE Confidentiality End User agrees that End User will rceeite confidential or proprietary information (”Confidential lnfonnation”) in connection with the purchase and deployment of ZTE Equipment End User will not disclose Z’l‘li's Confidential Information, ml] use it only for purposes for which it “as disclosed, and must treat it uith the same degree of care as it does its own similar information, but with no less than reasonable care End User agrees that the terms herein the Equipment and all ZTE documentation is ZTE Confidential Information. iii Contents Chaptcr l Safcty Guidance... l l Salcl) Chuck 1 1 Z Selle!» Cautions 1 Chapter 2 Overview .. 3 2 1 Features 1 Z 2 Product Specifications 5 Z 1 Package Chuck 4 z 4 s) stem Requirement 4 Chapter 3 Installation Preparation.. ...6 1 l Ilnrdwalc DCSCI’lpUOn 6 1 Z Haidwlirc Connection 7 Appendix A FAQs ..11 Appendix B Standard Cttmpliance..,...........................................13 Chapter 1 Safety Guidance 1.1 Safety Check Betore inslalliiig the zxvm wzoo ADSL cquipmcnl you must eheeh the following items 1 Elchiic safely 0 nnsuie that there are no inflaminahle, eonduetive oi moist oltteets aiound Cheek whether the cables are aged and vlhclhcr other clchiical appliances are pluoed stably 2 Equipment position 0 neeause the ninnuig eleetne detiees 605in geneiaie heat, please ensure that these dot are positioned ui a well ventilated CnViI’mlanl o the devices should he placed on a stahle and flat plane Neter expose the equipment to tlireet siuishuie, and nevei place it on a PC ease Keep the equipment awn) troin heat and watei o Chcck whether power supply is availahle The input voliagc lluetuation range must be less Lhan 10% The power plug should not share one soeltet “int a hair dner. iron or ielnperutoi Safety Cautions o Reutl the iiserrnoiiuol earet’iilly before using the equipment 0 Note all Cautions in the usei manual and producl puitle Nevei use an accessory uliilcltmgmg to the equipment mtliout piioi eonsent or the lnanui'acliilcs heeause it may eniise the or pioduei damage 0 Use the pope adapter aeeotnpaiued iii the package ZXVlO W100 User's Manual ZTE 41W n Rather than dJrec'Jy eemteeung phones to the ADSL ltne. led them out ficm the phone mlcrfacc er the splrtter chcr place any objccls en the cqulpmcm Keep the equrpment dry, ventrluteel and rampmcl', and eleun Unplug the power and all eenneetren cables in case et‘ thunderstorms, to protect the equtpment agatnst hghcmng a Clean the eeutpment usmg, a sofi and dry cloth rather then 11qu ur alemlzcrs Pcwcl err the cqulpmcnl herere clcansmg rt Power off the ldlc cqulpmcnl Keep the vcnulauon holc clean and plcvcnl any elneets t'rem droppmg tnto the equtpment Lhmllgh tt Otherwtse, tt may cause shttrt cucutt and further eeuse equrpment demepe and fire Do net spmy llqu|d on the surluee et the equrpment . Do not upen the ease ut’ the ettutpment. espeertlly dunng enurpment pnwemnn o Before pluggmg/unpluggmg the power, make sure that the power ls etr, thus avmdmg stuge - Be careful when unpluggmg the puwcl, beeuuse the truustenner may he very hot n chp the cqulpmcnt and all rts parts and neeesserres put etehttelren s leach A Note: Pleuse read the uheve safely gunlenee carslully helere equrpmeut use Users shnuht nssume respensrhthttes for any accltlcnls duc tn rneemptrnnee wrth the above mslmcllens. Chapter 2 Overview 'Il1c /.XVlO W100 15 an ADSI. access dcvlcc that allows multlplc llnc Imusmlsslon modes At the user end, rt net only prevreles reur lO/lOUstc—T Ethcmcl urterlaees, but also adds the vulclcss user ueeess rn eemplranee w|Lh the IEEESOZ llb/g stuntlurtl l'hmugh the mph-speed ADSL ue ss servree, the ZXVlO wsoo can prevrtte the broadband lnternet servtee er enterpnse network access semee for users 2.1 Features 'lhc ZXVlO W300, as a muhng—capalllc ADSL MODEM 15 of the following charactemttcs 0 Support ANSI l] 413 ISSUE 1 l'l'U G W2 MG DM'l'), l'l'U G 992 3(ADST.2), IT'U G 992 5(ADSl/2+) - Support dam transportauen among ADSL, hthernet and WLAN a Support 802 11h, 802 llg mede ' Wehbased configuration and menttetutg - Support up [0 3 PVCs . Rot-mtg funcuon - Support NA'l. DHCP 2.2 Product Specifications 0 Envtronmenmlrequtrements lznvrrenmeutul temperuttue (PC-40°C (32 “F-IOA‘T) llttmultty 21W" , 9m (non—condcmmg) 0 Power spectficatton ZXVIO W700 User’s Manual 21141336 Power adaplcl Input AC IOU-240V, 50/60 111. Output DC 12V, 0 7A 0 Certification CE 2.3 Package Check - 7xv1uw1tlt» Splttter Power Adaplcl lull tclqlhtmc eahle M45 Ethernet cable U “r s Manual & Qualllv Wananly Cald Cenlrteute of Quail!) a CD (Optional) Note far ynul mfmmatmn only, please lerer m the aetual pmduct x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 ><1 A Nate: Please use a power adaplcl that matehes the 7xv1u wwo package 2.4 System Requirement Before tnstalllng the ZXVI 0 W100, please check the follovllng Itcms l ADSI, Semees Sllbscnpllon ZTE ¢¥€ ZXVI 0 W700 Uscr’ s Manual ll )u\l hate subsenheu tor the ADSL semee, vour ADSL operator must pmvldc at least nnc valld IP address for you tstatle allheatmn (yr dlalup dynamtc ulloeauun) z Cemputet configullluon Please make sure that the svstem has been cqulppcd wtth the IOM/IOUM hthemet adapter and suppens the TOP/IF protocol Bucausu ADSL eun be used forbloadband a x and lnvolvcs a wldc range of multimedia smuces. you an: teeommendeu use a eomputet wth such eenhgtuattens as above Pentlum lll, MM membr), 106 hanl dtsk, graph]: acceleratlng adaptcl wlth above 2M dlspla} memnn, audlo adaptcl and seuntl box 3 Upcmtmg s) stem Operatlng - stems ean he Wlllduws ext Wlndtms Me, wtmluws 2000 m Wuldows XI’ FUI system configumuon m the WEB mterface, the blowser of lutemet Ptxplorcr v e 0 or late; Chapter 3 Installation Preparation 3.1 Hardware Description Front panel iii-ii iiini Ll!" ii... mAn in.“ 1 1—1 litiiiinnel iiruie/xilii inixi Table a H neieiipneni e: ilie LED: eiiilie rieiii Fang] Function Color Definitiun , Off Power off I owcr Solid Red Power on SW“ ”as" DSI, line handshaklng iii pingkrss Yellow DSL Films“ DSL line lrdmmg iii pmgieee Solid Yellow DST. line eniiiieelinn is up OH" NO ladm Signal is detected WLAN Blmkmz Uscr data going llucugll WLAN [7011 Solid Glccn WLAN intelfacc is lcady to walk The system 15 iinilei ilie Bridge niiiele 0“ iii the ADSI. has no! been Cflnncctcd There nie some dam packets passing Bh‘fl‘mg llie MUD M llie em is undei llie Route mode Inlcmcl arid ilie ADSL has been comiecled The MODEM ll’ data packet can bc Seliil Green nei-niiilly imnsferiei (For example, ilie bilill'ul PPPUE has been cslallllvhcd and uie d)nilmil; II’ allureii has been obtained) ITEM ZXVI 0 W700 User’s Manual Function Calai off No ltthcnict Signal IS di. ctcd LANl—LAN4 Blinking UserdumgomglhmughElllemelpoll Rear panel Solid Green Ethernet intellacc is TCHLlV in milk Q.— POWER SWlTCH WlFi LAN4 LANG LAN2 LANl LlNE llem rime i l—l Raw Pmcl n’m:7.‘,(\ lowing iilile = \ geiniiiinieiininiieel niilielen i’Aml liimidiieiien LN: i.v\\'\—l,i\N4 luell eeiiiieeiien iiiieirnee Th= eniiipineiii ii Lonn=cif(\ tu W300 htt he-t puvtcmd ml (the twttelt bulum is ptestett dovtxt) tt the tnatettott tte ttttt an alter [Oxlfimlflhen ol the above netnt the httuwe tt ttttntgett ptetettt Yen nu, cunlncl teeet npettttttt tet nttttttenntee Newt ttttnttntle Lhc qullpmtn‘ hy yflurscu “ill ADSL attett lllr tettphone mnvcunmn quzlhy? “I“ thatnng phone eattt ennte n ttttw nnltne tnt ADSL tepetetet toteet ttetn data lhnmgh the hequenet tttttsten mulnplexmg teehnehtgt theterttte, vet t ttnt uttt tnn tn tttretent netht ntthttnt tnntntl tntettetenee hetthet the eeeeet ttte net ctnvettatton mullly wlll ml even tt you ate tn . ttt .nu utt ttne ttntnlttttettntlt Sntnctttnct, IhrADSL umt etnnut tin term tnthelntrrnet nnttntllv, tftttt eheek nhethet the 4m 10 W300 ls tn the netnttl tut: (rheek the tndtettett tetttt thtt ntet tntttn.t> tr yet. the ettntpntet tn .ppttettnttt netnttth tn.» b: [Aully nhteh n ntneltteel ttt ADSI. tt‘ the Ans'l, Mom-”M tt thnemttl, ehee the ttttnt ut'tntttettett nne t, une w tetnete the fault Ynu tte tuggettee In t‘tttt tnthe tnte lItt: follnwmg ttenn herete teehtng help hen. epetttott l “the ADSLtetephtne eattteettnneetett tte ptopet, z The ADSLts m, rtetn the pnucr ethte and large-pnucr e etmtne ttet t, 1 he telephnne Kl“ and tax tnaehtnet ate tnttellett hen-teen the ADS]. tnettnttng lute and tpttttet. 1 The tpltttet he been normally ttnttttett. 5 the ADSL “our.“ n u[ gene hett attttptttett Pass“ 0rd verifiunon failure. MODLM fl'ltchmxllzfllmn and eettneetthn tte nnlmil ttmtctet. (Omihmas the pattttettt ttttt m be tenheu t NM: that the eeenunt tnd pmwotd an: ette tentnne the mute teem-nut cflnhm t tentttn nttne 2 vtttntl elttlnp tenwtte tt tt pettthle that ancltmcs the wheel atttup tehutte tt lanky, tn cnnfllet wllh ttthet sullwaw tn the opmttng tyttetn Al fills nt-ne, you ate tnggettett to te sh" the tttthtp tnnntte et tepttee tt nttlt nlhcr tentttte s Netwclk adaptet tttne program ptehtent A tn tt-teett erreet My the tee umcly tn thtt ette ll ZXVlO W700 User’s Manual 21141336 mm um rum.“ ru. msl. Vyndlrnnuulmn nulu.u lulu, rc’mrcd |n Imk duwu or lmk csfll‘ll‘hmcnl rallurrw lr flu: ADSL suddunlv [allx lo bl; mohmuuuu (lmk duvm) dllnng upplu uu, munIIthcDSLm calmqflllc\10l)|~.\1\alllnmlxcmlldml Voila xuggcwtcdfm cllzckup m lllo tollovung luuumoo l hm muck fin: quuluu urmcummg uxhlcx mu lluummg ouulu connector! 7 1mm“ mo mm. \1ndcm mnccdv umd ml (11: um Buulo m "um." the uumbulunuyu 1 Chuck whclhcr lhc lclcphunc ouhlul md ADSL an: m gnud ouuluol u, wthhcr Lhc talcphmlc Cables an; uomml 4 Tu, Ku duouumol flu :plum and duzdlv uuuuuul m: ADSL Mudzm w “H lncummg cuxlamcr cable and lo mmrc mu lhc prul’llcm u nul dm; lu improper nlsullmml 01 moumulg cuswmcr Imc qunllly ll Illa Ansl. oau bl; uncluoulzou Agnm u m=nm flu! mxlnll-hun or fin: mcummg oulluum pnrl u lmpmpzr mm Emu." u accnrdmg lu mu um guldc 5 ll the ADSL ulll hull uv he sy luuumd m. the r\D5L Modem has um oouumul lo l.h= incummg ouuluum om: =nd mum ll": upzralms lu chcuk uhdhcr u u due to uxlomul lmo rulm m Modem falluyc e 11'th splmer umbluu u determined. call Ihe opmrors for maln'enaxlue or rcplaccmcnl 7 1h: prnhlcm may h: nlw duc m Lhc uul olncc cqulpmclll fan“ chhC npcmwr Call mu upmlox to confirm ll 3 Tea lung Conn mu uulolu human] flu; xpllllcr aml Anol, Vlodcm my ouuuu pool ”ll-mum cc pcrfflvmrmcc m muumuouuuu dlfi’lcully llmoloyu the emulwnon ualolo should uoluo mo long Tho uulhenllculrd uw) numex uud pumum uuuuul uu w—uulhcnllculcd" nu prulzlzm um be; due lu lh: fulluwmg (“30m l Your accnulll hn cancd or yml m . dcflullmg uuluouuor lplmu pay mo Mmum) 1 You mu»: mm 4 n=w 4m Ewan“ mo accuunl uul u" pull we are bnmllcd by mm: opuum, ynnr pmmu accmml and panword cmnnl In: anLhcllllc-lcd nflcy yell changed yum path 3 On: u: )uur accounls nu lugguu uu su
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