Zebra Technologies HC170 Headmounted computer User Manual

Zebra Technologies Corporation Headmounted computer

User Manual

2 HC1 Headset ComputerMotorola reserves the right to make changes to any product to improve reliability, function, or design.Motorola does not assume any product liability arising out of, or in connection with, the application or use of any product, circuit, or application described herein.No license is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise under any patent right or patent, covering or relating to  any  combination,  system,  apparatus,  machine,   material, method, or process in which Motorola products might be used. An implied license exists only for equipment, circuits, and subsystems contained in Motorola products.WarrantyFor the complete Motorola hardware product warranty statement, go to:http://www.motorolasolutions.com/warranty.Service InformationIf you have a problem using the equipment, contact your facility’s Technical or Systems Support. If there is a problem with the equipment, they will contact the Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support at: http:www.motorolasolutions.com/customersupport.For the latest version of this guide go to: http://supportcentral.motorolasolutions.com.DisclaimerRead these instructions before using the HC1:• Always wear safety glasses when using the HC1.• Do not use the HC1 when operating a motor vehicle or when the inability to concentrate may present a danger to you or others.• Discontinue using the HC1 if you feel drowsy or disorientated.• Long term exposure to continuous loud audio may cause hearing damage. You should avoid extreme volume when using the device, especially for extended periods.• Do not drop, sit on, or allow the HC1 to be immersed in water or other liquids.• Do not leave outdoors or in vehicle for extended period of time.• Do not use the HC1 near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus that produce heat.• Use only the power adapter provided by Motorola Solutions.• The battery used by this HC1 is only available through Motorola Solutions.Reviewaimeraimeese instructions before using the HC1:ese instructions before using the HC1:Copy
Quick Reference Guide 3IntroductionThis Quick Reference Guide explains how to install and charge the battery, proper install the HC1 on the user’s head and install accessories.UnpackingCarefully remove all protective material from around the HC1 and save the shipping container for later storage and shipping.Verify that you received all equipment listed below:• HC1 headset computer•Computer/Optical Pod Assembly•Firm Goods Assembly• Lithium-ion battery (1950 or 4800 mAh)• Speaker Module• Camera (optional)• Battery Cover (for 1950 or 4800 mAh battery)• Quick Reference Guide.Inspect the equipment for damage. If equipment is missing or damaged, contact the Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support immediately. See Service Information on backcover for contact information.Reviewe equ p e t o da age equ p e t she equipment for damagSolutions Global Customer Support immSolutions Global Customer Support immererfor contact information.for contact information.Copyssing or damaged, contact theing oately. See ately. SeService InformationService Information
4 HC1 Headset ComputerFeaturesOptical PodHeadstrapOptical BoomProgrammableFunction ButtonOptical FocusComputer/Optical Pod AssemblyPivot ArmFirm Goods AssemblySpeakerModuleComputerNeck PadAudio PortAccessory PortCharging Connector/Firm Good MountBattery DoorDoor ScrewLEDPower Button Release LatchDisplaySD Card CoverUSB PortRevieweOptical FocusOptical FocusCopyCOptical BoomOptical Boom
Quick Reference Guide 5Getting StartedPerform the following to setup the HC1 for the first time:1. Install the battery2. Charge the HC13. Determining dominant eye4. Re-position Computer/Optical Pod Assembly5. Re-position speaker module6. Place the HC1 on head7. Adjust head strap8. Adjust optic pod.Installing the BatteryTo install the battery:1. Insert the battery into the battery well with the battery notches facing down and the release latch facing up.2. Rotate the battery into the battery well until it snaps into place. If the battery is charged, the HC1 turns on.3. Align the battery door with the housing.4. Close battery door.NOTE These procedure show the HC1 with a 1950 mAh battery. Some HC1 configurations come with a 4800 mAh battery.Battery Release LatchBattery Release LatchContactsReviewthe battery into the battery well with the bthe battery into the battery well with the be latch facing up.e latch facing up.evieRRRRRRReeeeevieeeeRRRCopyery notches facing down and try notches facing down and tooo
6 HC1 Headset Computer5. Using a screwdriver or coin, turn the locking screw clockwise 1/4 turn to the lock position.Charging the HC1Before using the HC1, charge the battery. If a fully charged battery is installed, skip this procedure.1. Press the release latches to remove the Firm Goods Assembly from the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.2. Connect the Charging Adapter to the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.CAUTION Do not place on head while charging.Bottom Release LatchTop Release LatchReviewuter/Optical Pod Assembly.uter/Optical Pod Assembly.Top ReleasTop ReleaeCopyyatchtchpopppppypypyppppyyy
Quick Reference Guide 73. Plug the Power Supply plug into the Charging Adapter.4. Plug the Power Supply into a wall outlet.5. Charge until the LED turns green.6. Press the Charging Adapter release latches and remove the Charging Adapter from the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.LED State DescriptionSlow Flashing Amber HC1 is charging.Solid Green HC1 is fully charged.Fast Flashing Amber Charging Error.Charging AdapterRevieweiewRevieRevieRevieRevviivieeeevvvvvveevviiiiiieRRRReeeeeeeeeeReReRRRReRRRRRRReRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCopy
8 HC1 Headset ComputerDetermining Dominant EyeEye dominance is the tendency to prefer visual input from one eye to the other. Most people are right-eye dominant; however in a small portion of the population neither eye is dominant. It is best to use your dominant eye when viewing the display.To determine which eye is dominant:1. Place hands together as shown forming a triangle.2. Keeping both eyes open, focus on any distant object.3. Maintaining focus on the object centered in the triangle, close your right eye. If the object is still in the triangle, you are left eye dominant.4. Maintaining focus on the object centered in the triangle, close your left eye. If the object is still in the triangle, you are right eye dominant.5. If the object is in the triangle with either eye then you are dominant eye neutral.6. Repeat test to confirm.Re-positioning the Computer/Optical Pod AssemblyFrom the factory, the HC1 is configured for left eye dominant. To switch the optical pod position:1. If not already removed, press the release latches to remove the Firm Goods Assembly from the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.2. Rotate the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly 180°.Reviewin the triangle, you are right eye dominanin the triangle, you are right object is in the triangle with either eye theobject is in the triangle with either eye theat test to confirm.at test to confirmCopyou are dominant eye neutral.ou are dominant eye neutral.
Quick Reference Guide 93. Reconnect the Firm Goods Assembly to the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.Re-positioning Speaker Module1. Press release latch to remove Speaker Module from the Firm Good Assembly.NOTE By default, the Speaker Module is installed on the right side. The user can switch the Speaker Module to the left side if desired.If switching the position of the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly was shifted it might be necessary to re-position the Speaker Module.ReviewRRRRevvRevveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeCopy
10 HC1 Headset Computer2. Align the Speaker Module on the opposite arm. Ensure that the Speaker Module is connected to the mating connector with the two contacts.3. Press the Speaker Module in until it snaps into place.Placing the HC1 on HeadThe HC1 is worn on the head so that the main body of the device fits behind the base of the head with the strap sitting on top of the head.1. If the HC1 is off, press the power button to turn it on.2. Grasp the HC1 by the Firm Goods Assembly arms.3. Pull the arms out to expand Firm Goods Assembly arms.4. Position the HC1 over head.5. Place the HC1 onto the head. The front of the headstrap must be positioned at the top of the forehead.Speaker Release LatchContacts34ReviewHC1 is off, press the power button to turnHC1 is off, press the power button to turnthe HC1 by the Firm Goods Assembly arthe HC1 by the Firm Goods Assembly aCopyn.n.arms.
Quick Reference Guide 116. Re-position the back headstrap tab to position the height of the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly.7. Re-position the left and right headstrap tabs to position the arms above the ears.Lengthen or shorten the head strap so that the ear loops are resting just above but not touching the ears.8. Make sure the HC1 is balanced on head like you would a pair of eyeglasses.567wwewwRRevieReevevevieevieevvvvvvvevvvvvvvvieieiRvviiiiiiivevvevRevieReviewReReReevieRRRevRevReReevwwwwww6Copy
12 HC1 Headset ComputerAdjusting the Optical BoomWhen adjusting the HC1 boom, hold the arm on the side opposite the boom when moving the boom up and down.The HC1 pivot points allow the user to properly position the Optical Pod and to move the Optical Pod when the user does not need to use it.The Coarse Pivot Point allows for moving the Optical Pod large distances. The Fine Pivot point allow for fine tuning of the position. The Pod Pivot point allow for positioning of the display for viewing.8ReviewRevieRevieCopy
Quick Reference Guide 13Move the Optical Boom in or out to position under eye.Position the optical boom so that the Optical Pod is positioned approximately two fingers distance from the eye wear.Coarse Pivot PointFine Pivot PointPod Pivot PointOptical BoomeweeeeeeeeeeeRevieeReviRvieeCopy
14 HC1 Headset ComputerThe Optical Pod must be positioned so that it does not block the line of sight of the user.1. Hold the HC1 with one hand and rotate the arm at the Coarse Pivot Point.2. Hold the HC1 with one hand and rotate the arm at the Fine Pivot Point.3. Repeat adjustments until the Optical Pod is two finger lengths away from safety glasses and out of the user’s line of sight.4. Adjust the optical boom to position the display left or right.5. Rotate the Optical Pod for best viewing angle.Coarse Pivot PointFine Pivot Point123RevieweeRRRevieRevieeeeeeeRReeeeevviiiRRRReeeeeeeeeReReeeeRReReeReReevveeveeeeeeeRReeReeeeRReReeReeReRevevevevevvvvvvvievievvvvvvvvivivvvvvvvivvvvviviieieiiiiiiiieevvvvvievieReviewReviewRiReviewReviewiiReeiewiewiewewwewewewweeReeReReeReCoCoCoCoCoopyooooooooopyyyyoooooooooooooooooooopypoppoopooooooooooopypypypypppypypppypypypyyyyyyyyyyyyyyypyyyyyyyyyyooooooooCooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyypypyCopyCopyCopyCCopyyyCoCoCoopppyyypypypyppyyyyyypyyCooCoCooCoCooCo
Quick Reference Guide 15Focus DisplayTo focus the display:1. Look into the display.2. There are two display dials for controlling the focus. One on top and one on the bottom. With thumb and index finger, squeeze dials.3. Rotate the display dials either clockwise or counter-clockwise until the display appears in focus.If the Computer/Optical Pod Assembly was rotated, the display appears upside down. Say “My Computer” > “My Controls” > “Screen Rotation” > “Rotate Screen.” Refer to the HC1 User Guide for information on how to flip the display image.5Reviewpyare two display dials for controlling the foare two display dials for controlling the fohumb and index finger, squeeze dials.humb and index finger, squeeze dials.e the display dials either clockwise or coune the display dials either clockwise or coCopy. One on top and one on the b. One on top and one on the bclockwise until the display appockwise until the display a
16 HC1 Headset ComputerBasic UsageHead Tracker NavigationThe HC1 contains 9-axis head tracking sensors that allow the user to move the objects on the display by moving their head up and down and left and right.As the user moves head left or right, the image on the display scrolls accordingly. Moving the head up and down moves the image on the display accordingly.LatchEquipment Plug Master SocketLeasedLineLeasedLine6 - 05 - R4 - B3 - G2 - W 470k1.6vF1 - BKA-WireB-WireLocalEarthLatchelleechpressionLatchEquipment Plug6 - 05 - R4 - B3 - G2 - W1 - BKBellSpeechSuppressionDialOffNormalSignalCircuitseweeewewvieeewewewvievievievieviieevvvvvveeeeeeeRRRReRRReRRReReRRRevieivievvvviiiiivieivievvievevevCopy
Quick Reference Guide 17Voice ControlThe HC1 is equipped with voice recognition software that allows the user to control software functionality by speaking specific on-screen commands. Refer to the HC1 User Guide for more information.LatchEquipment Plug Master SocketLeasedLineLeasedLine6 - 05 - R4 - B3 - G2 - W 470k1.6vF1 - BKA-WireB-WireLocalEarthLatchBellSpeechppressionEqEEseedBBSSppLatchEquipment Plug Master SocketLeasedLineLeasedLine6 - 05 - R4 - B3 - G2 - W 470k1.6vF1 - BKA-WireB-WireLocalEarthLatchBellSpeechppressionddBBSSppMy ControlsWindow CloseReview is equipped with voice recognition softwa is equipped with voice functionality by speaking specific on-screfunctionality by speaking specific on-screr more information.r more informationCopythat allows the user to controlhat allocommands. Refer to thecommands. Refer to the HC1C1
18 HC1 Headset ComputerPositioning Optical Pod When not in UseThe user can move the Optical Pod away from the face when it is not being used for long periods of time. Grasps the boom and rotate up and away from the face.ReviewiewewRevieRevvievieievRevReCopy
Quick Reference Guide 19AccessoriesCameraConnect the optional Camera to either arm of the Firm Goods Assembly.1. Attach the connector of the Camera to Accessory port on the Firm Goods Assembly.2. Push in until it snaps into place.3. Move camera left or right to position for best viewing.microSD CardThe microSD card provides additional storage for data. To install a microSD card:1. Press the Power button for one second to place the HC1 into suspend mode. The LED flashes red momentarily and then turns off.2. Using a #1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the screw securing the card cover.3. Lift the card cover.4. Insert the microSD card into the card slot with the contacts facing down.Firm Goods Assembly ArmCard CoverReviewcamera left or right to position for best viecamera left or right to position for best vieSD CardSD CardCopyg.g.a To install a microSD card:croSD car
20 HC1 Headset Computer5. Close the card cover.6. Secure the card cover using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.7. Press the Power button to wake up the HC1.Ear BudsEar Buds provide an optional solution for the user that requires ear protection to hear audio from the HC1. To install the Ear Buds:1. Remove the Speaker Module from the Firm Goods Assembly arm.2. Attach the connector of the Ear Buds to Audio port on the Firm Goods Assembly arm.3. Place ear buds into ears.4. Route the Ear Bud wire so that it does not interfere with movement.Reviewve the Speaker Module from the Firm Gove the Speaker Module from the Firm Go the connector of the Ear Buds to Audio p the connector of the Ear Buds to Audio eCopyAssembly arm.Assembly armon the Firm Goods Assemblyon the Firm Goods Assemblyo
Quick Reference Guide 21Remove AccessoryTo remove the speaker, camera or ear bud:1. Press the release button.2. The accessory ejects slightly.3. Remove the accessory.Resetting the HC1To reset the HC1 press the Power button for at least eight seconds. The display turns off and the the HC1 reboots.Regulatory InformationThis device is approved under Motorola Solutions, Inc.This guide applies to Model Number HC170.All Motorola/Symbol devices are designed to be compliant with rules and regulations in locations they are sold and will be labeled as required. Local language translations are available at the following website: http://supportcentral.motorolasolutions.comAny changes or modifications to Motorola/Symbol Technologies equipment, not expressly approved by Motorola/Symbol Technologies, could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Declared maximum operating temperature: 50 °C.CAUTION Only use Motorola/Symbol approved and UL Listed accessories, battery packs and battery chargers.Motorola devices are professionally installed, the Radio Frequency Output Power will not exceed the maximum allowable limit for the country of operation.Do NOT attempt to charge damp/wet mobile computers or batteries. All components must be dry before connecting to an external power source.Release ButtonReviewtting the HC1tting the HCthe HC1 press the Power button for at leathe HC1 press the Power button for at lehe HC1 reboots.he HC1 rebootCopyeight seconds. The display tureight seconds. The display tu
22 HC1 Headset ComputerBluetooth® Wireless TechnologyThis is an approved Bluetooth® product. For more information or to view End Product Listing, please visit https://www.bluetooth.org/tpg/listings.cfmWireless Device Country ApprovalsRegulatory markings, subject to certification, are applied to the device signifying the radio(s) is/are approved for use in the following countries: United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe 1.Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for details of other country markings. This is available at http://www.motorolasolutions.com/doc.Note1: For 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Products: Europe includes, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.Country RoamingThis device incorporates the International Roaming feature (IEEE802.11d) which will ensure the product operates on the correct channels for the particular country of use.Frequency of Operation - FCC and IC2.4 GHz OnlyThe available channels for 802.11 b/g operation in the US are Channels 1 to 13. The range of channels is limited by firmware.Health and Safety RecommendationsErgonomic Recommendations• Reduce or eliminate repetitive motion• Maintain a natural position• Reduce or eliminate excessive force• Keep objects that are used frequently within easy reach• Perform tasks at correct heights• Reduce or eliminate vibration• Reduce or eliminate direct pressure• Provide adjustable workstationsOperation of the device without regulatory approval is illegal.CAUTION In order to avoid or minimize the potential risk of ergonomic injury follow the recommendations below. Consult with your local Health & Safety Manager to ensure that you are adhering to your company's safety programs to prevent employee injury.Reviewce incorporates the International Roamince incorporates the International Roaminhe product operates on the correct channhe product operates on the correct channncy of Operation FCC and ICncy of Operation FCC and ICCopyature (IEEE802.11d) which wature (IEEE802.11d) which wfor the particular country of usfor the particular country of u
Quick Reference Guide 23• Provide adequate clearance• Provide a suitable working environment• Improve work procedures.Note: The following section is only applicable for mobile computers.Vehicle InstallationRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor vehicles (including safety systems). Check with the manufacturer or its representative regarding your vehicle. You should also consult the manufacturer of any equipment that has been added to your vehicle.An air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, including either installed or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury could result. Note: Connection to an alert device that will cause a vehicle horn to sound or lights to flash, on receipt of a call on public roads, is not permitted.IMPORTANT Before installing or using, check state and local laws regarding windshield mounting and use of equipment.For safe Installation:• Do not put your phone in a location that obstructs the drivers vision or interferes with the operation of the Vehicle. Do not cover an airbag.Please observe all warning notices with regard to the usage of wireless devices.Potentially Hazardous Atmospheres - Vehicles UseYou are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio devices in fuel depots, chemical plants etc. and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or metal powders) and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.Safety in AircraftSwitch off your wireless device whenever you are instructed to do so by airport or airline staff. If your device offers a 'flight mode' or similar feature, consult airline staff as to its use in flight.Wireless devices transmit radio frequency energy and may affect medical electrical equipment.Warnings for Use of Wireless DevicesSafety in HospitalsReviewqu p e tqu p eInstallation:Installation:t put your phone in a location that obstruct put your phone in a location that obstruifhVhilD ibVhil D tCopyhe drivers vision or interferes we drivers vision or interferes
24 HC1 Headset ComputerWireless devices should be switched off wherever you are requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or healthcare facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with sensitive medical equipment.PacemakersPacemaker manufacturers recommended that a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) be maintained between a handheld wireless device and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with independent research and recommendations by Wireless Technology Research.Persons with Pacemakers:• Should ALWAYS keep the device more than 15 cm (6 inches) from their pacemaker when turned ON.• Should not carry the device in a breast pocket.• Should use the ear furthest from the pacemaker to minimise the potential for interference.• If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn OFF your device.Other Medical DevicesPlease consult your physician or the manufacturer of the medical device, to determine if the operation of your wireless product may interfere with the medical device.Safety InformationReducing RF Exposure - Use ProperlyOnly operate the device in accordance with the instructions supplied.InternationalThe device complies with internationally recognized standards covering human exposure to electromagnetic fields from radio devices. For information on “International” human exposure to electromagnetic fields refer to the Motorola/Symbol Declaration of Conformity (DoC) at http://www.motorolasolutions.com/docEuropeHead Worn DevicesThis device was tested for Head Mounted operation. Use only Motorola tested and approved accessories to ensure EU Compliance.RF Exposure GuidelinesReviewonsult your physician or the manufactureronsult your physician or n of your wireless product may interfere wn of your wireless product may interfere wRF Exposure GuidelinesRF Exposure GuidelinesCopyhe medical device, to determinhe medicthe medical device.the medical device.
Quick Reference Guide 25US and CanadaHead Worn DevicesThis device was tested for typical body-worn operation. Use only Motorola tested and approved accessories to ensure FCC / IC Compliance. The use of third-party accessories may not comply with FCC / IC RF exposure compliance requirements, and should be avoided.To satisfy US and Canadian RF exposure requirements, a transmitting device must operate with a minimum separation distance of 33.5 mm or more from a person's body.Pour satisfaire aux exigences Américaines et Canadiennes d'exposition aux radiofréquences, un dispositif de transmission doit fonctionner avec une distance de séparation minimale de 33.5 mm ou plus de corps d'une personne.LED DevicesCompliance statement for LED safety:COMPLIES WITH IEC 60825-1:2001 (Ed.1.2) & IEC 62471:2006 (Ed.1.0); EN 62471:2008.Power SupplyUse ONLY a Motorola approved UL LISTED ITE (IEC/EN 60950-1) power supply with electrical ratings: Output 5.4 VDC, min 3 A, with a maximum ambient temperature of at least 45 °C. Use of alternative power supply will invalidate any approvals given to this unit and may be dangerous.Battery InformationUse only Motorola approved batteries. Accessories which have battery charging capability are approved for use with the following battery models:Motorola BTRY-MC7XEAB0E (3.7 VDC, 1950 mAh)Motorola BTRY-MC7XEAB0H (3.7 V DC, 4800 mAh)Motorola/Symbol rechargeable battery packs are designed and constructed to the highest standards within the industry.However, there are limitations to how long a battery can operate or be stored before needing replacement. Many factors affect the actual life cycle of a battery pack, such as heat, cold, harsh environmental conditions and severe drops.When batteries are stored over six (6) months, some irreversible deterioration in overall battery quality may occur. Store batteries at half of full charge in a dry, cool place, removed from the equipment to prevent loss of capacity, rusting of metallic parts and electrolyte leakage. When storing batteries for one year or longer, the charge level should be verified at least once a year and charged to half of full charge.Replace the battery when a significant loss of run time is detected.Standard warranty period for all Symbol batteries is one year, regardless if the battery was purchased separately or included as part of the mobile computer or bar code scanner. For more information on Symbol batteries, please visit: http:/mysymbolcare.symbol.com/battery/batbasics1.htmlReview ratings: Output 5.4 VDC, min 3 A, with a ratings: Output 5.4 VDC°C. Use of alternative power supply will in°C. Use of alternative power supply will inbe dangerous.be dangerous.If tiIf tiCopyximum ambient temperature oimum adate any approvals given to tdate any approvals given to t
26 HC1 Headset ComputerBattery Safety Guidelines• The area in which the units are charged should be clear of debris and combustible materials or chemicals. Particular care should be taken where the device is charged in a non commercial environment.• Follow battery usage, storage, and charging guidelines found in the HC1 User Guide.• Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion, or other hazard.• To charge the mobile device battery, the battery and charger temperatures must be between +32 ºF and +104 ºF (0 ºC and +40 ºC). • Do not use incompatible batteries and chargers. Use of an incompatible battery or charger may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard. If you have any questions about the compatibility of a battery or a charger, contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility support.• Do not disassemble or open, crush, bend or deform, puncture, or shred.• Severe impact from dropping any battery-operated device on a hard surface could cause the battery to overheat.• Do not short circuit a battery or allow metallic or conductive objects to contact the battery terminals.• Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery, immerse or expose to water or other liquids, or expose to fire, explosion, or other hazard.• Do not leave or store the equipment in or near areas that might get very hot, such as in a parked vehicle or near a radiator or other heat source. Do not place battery into a microwave oven or dryer.• Battery usage by children should be supervised.• Please follow local regulations to promptly dispose of used re-chargeable batteries.• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.• Seek medical advice immediately if a battery has been swallowed.• In the event of a battery leak, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If contact has been made, wash the affected area with large amounts of water and seek medical advice.• If you suspect damage to your equipment or battery, contact Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support to arrange for inspection.Use with Hearing AidsWhen some wireless devices are used near some hearing devices (hearing aids and cochlear implants), users may detect a buzzing, humming, or whining noise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this interference noise, and wireless devices also vary in the amount of interference they generate. In the event of interference you may want to consult your hearing aid supplier to discuss solutions.Reviewrse or expose to water or other liquids, or rse or expose to water od.d.t leave or store the equipment in or near at leave or store the equipment in or near d hi l di t th h tdhil dit thhCopyose to fire, explosion, or otheose to fs that might get very hot, suchs that might get very hot, sucrce. Do not place battery into e. Do not place battery int
Quick Reference Guide 27Radio Frequency Interference Requirements- FCCNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Radio Transmitters (Part 15)This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Radio Frequency Interference Requirements- CanadaThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Radio TransmittersThis device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada applicable aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.Label Marking: The Term “IC:” before the radio certification only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.The use of 2.4GHz RLAN's, for use through the EEA, have the following restrictions:Marking and European Economic Area (EEA)Reviewce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rulece complies with Part 15itions: (1) this device may not cause harmitions: (1) this device may not cause harmny interference received, including interfeny interference received, including interfnnCopyOperation is subject to the follOperationterference, and (2) this devicnterference, and (2) this devicce that may cause undesiredce that may cause undesired
28 HC1 Headset Computer• Maximum radiated transmit power of 100 mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz.• Italy requires a user license for outside usage.Bluetooth® Wireless Technology for use through the EEA has the following restrictions:• Maximum radiated transmit power of 100mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz• Italy requires a user license for outside usage.Statement of ComplianceMotorola/Symbol hereby, declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from http://www.motorolasolutions.com/doc.TURKISH WEEE Statement of ComplianceEEE Yönetmeliine UygundurBrazilsDeclarações Regulamentares paraNota: “A marca de certificação se aplica ao Transceptor, modelo HC170. Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.”Para maiores informações sobre ANATEL consulte o site: www.anatel.gov.brReviewmarca de certificação se aplica ao Transmarca de certificação seento opera em caráter secundário, isto éento opera em caráter secundário, isto éncia prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mncia prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mncia a sistemas operando em caráter primncia a sistemas operando em caráter prCopytor, modelo HC170. Este or, modo tem direito a proteção contro tem direito a proteção contrmo tipo, e não pode causar mo tipo, e não pode causar o.””it t l b
Quick Reference Guide 29English: For EU Customers: All products at the end of their life must be returned to Motorola for recycling. For information on how to return product, please go to: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Français : Clients de l'Union Européenne : Tous les produits en fin de cycle de vie doivent être retournés à Motorola pour recyclage. Pour de plus amples informations sur le retour de produits, consultez : http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Español: Para clientes en la Unión Europea: todos los productos deberán entregarse a Motorola al final de su ciclo de vida para que sean reciclados. Si desea más información sobre cómo devolver un producto, visite: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Deutsch: Für Kunden innerhalb der EU: Alle Produkte müssen am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer zum Recycling an Motorola zurückgesandt werden. Informationen zur Rücksendung von Produkten finden Sie unter http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Italiano: per i clienti dell'UE: tutti i prodotti che sono giunti al termine del rispettivo ciclo di vita devono essere restituiti a Motorola al fine di consentirne il riciclaggio. Per informazioni sulle modalità di restituzione, visitare il seguente sito Web: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Português: Para clientes da UE: todos os produtos no fim de vida devem ser devolvidos à Motorola para reciclagem. Para obter informações sobre como devolver o produto, visite: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Nederlands: Voor klanten in de EU: alle producten dienen aan het einde van hun levensduur naar Motorola te worden teruggezonden voor recycling. Raadpleeg http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee voor meer informatie over het terugzenden van producten.Polski: Klienci z obszaru Unii Europejskiej: Produkty wycofane z eksploatacji nale¿y zwróciæ do firmy Motorola w celu ich utylizacji. Informacje na temat zwrotu produktów znajduj¹ siê na stronie internetowej http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.eština: Pro zákazníky z EU: Všechny produkty je nutné po skonèení jejich životnosti vrátit spoleènosti Motorola k recyklaci. Informace o zpùsobu vrácení produktu najdete na webové stránce: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Eesti: EL klientidele: kõik tooted tuleb nende eluea lõppedes tagastada taaskasutamise eesmärgil Motorola'ile. Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks toote tagastamise kohta külastage palun aadressi: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Magyar: Az EU-ban vásárlóknak: Minden tönkrement terméket a Motorola vállalathoz kell eljuttatni újrahasznosítás céljából. A termék visszajuttatásának módjával kapcsolatos tudnivalókért látogasson el a http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee weboldalra.Slovenski: Za kupce v EU: vsi izdelki se morajo po poteku življenjske dobe vrniti podjetju Motorola za reciklažo. Za informacije o vraèilu izdelka obišèite: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Svenska: För kunder inom EU: Alla produkter som uppnått sin livslängd måste returneras till Motorola för återvinning. Information om hur du returnerar produkten finns på http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Reviewês:ês:Para clientes da UE: todos os produto Para clientes da UE: todos os produtopara reciclagem. Para obter informaçõespara reciclagem. Para obter informaçõew.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weeew.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weeedV klt idEUll dtkl t idEUCopyo fim de vida devem ser devoo fim de vida devem ser devobre como devolver o produto,bre como devolver o produtoenen aan het einde van hunen aan het einde van hu
30 HC1 Headset ComputerSuomi: Asiakkaat Euroopan unionin alueella: Kaikki tuotteet on palautettava kierrätettäväksi Motorola-yhtiöön, kun tuotetta ei enää käytetä. Lisätietoja tuotteen palauttamisesta on osoitteessa http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Dansk: Til kunder i EU: Alle produkter skal returneres til Motorola til recirkulering, når de er udtjent. Læs oplysningerne om returnering af produkter på: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.:    ..:   ,      ,     Motorola  .         ,    http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee  .Malti: Gal klijenti fl-UE: il-prodotti kollha li jkunu waslu fl-aar tal-ajja ta' l-uu taghom, iridu jiu rritornati gand Motorola gar-riikla. Gal aktar tagrif dwar kif gandek tirritorna l-prodott, jekk jogbok ur: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Slovenina: Pre zákazníkov z krajín EU: Všetky výrobky musia by po uplynutí doby ich životnosti vrátené spolonosti Motorola na recykláciu. Bližšie informácie o vrátení výrobkov nájdete na: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Lietuvi: ES vartotojams: visi gaminiai, pasibaigus j eksploatacijos laikui, turi bti gržinti utilizuoti  kompanij „Motorola“. Daugiau informacijos, kaip gržinti gamin, rasite: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Latviešu: ES klientiem: visi produkti pc to kalpošanas mža beigm ir jnogd atpaka Motorola otrreizjai prstrdei. Lai iegtu informciju par produktu nogdšanu Motorola, ldzu, skatiet: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weee.Türkçe: AB Müterileri için: Kullanm süresi dolan tüm ürünler geri dönütürme için Motorola'ya iade edilmelidir. Ürünlerin nasl iade edilecei hakknda bilgi için lütfen u adresi ziyaret edin: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/recycling/weeeReviewkatiet: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/rkatiet: http://www.motoroAB MüAB Müterileri için: Kullanerileri için: Kullam süresi dolanm süresi dolan'ya iade edilmelidir. Ürünlerin nas'ya iade edilmelidir. Ürünlerin nasl iade eiade eyaret edin: http://www.motorolasolutions.cyaret edin: http://www.motorolasolutionsCopycling/weee.ng/wem ürünler geri dönüm ürünler geri dönütürme içintürme içincecei hakkakknda bilgi için lütfennda bilgi için lütfen/recycling/weeerecycling/weee
Quick Reference Guide 31Software SupportMotorola wants to ensure that customers have the latest release of entitled software at the time of product purchase.To confirm that your Motorola Solutions device shipped with the latest release of entitled software, visit: www.motorolasolutions.com/support. Check for the latest software from Software Downloads > Product Line/Product > Go.If your device does not have the latest entitled software release as of your product purchase date, please e-mail a request to Motorola at: entitlementservices@motorolasolutions.com.You must include the following essential device information with your request:• Model number• Serial number• Proof of purchase• Title of the software download you are requesting.If it is determined by Motorola that your device is entitled to the latest software release, you will receive an e-mail containing a link directing you to a Motorola Web site to download the appropriate software.Review Copy
Motorola Solutions, Inc.1301 E. Algonquin Rd.Schaumburg, IL 60196-1078, U.S.A.http://www.motorolasolutions.comMOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All othertrademarks are the property of their respective owners.© 2013 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.72-165008-01 Rev. A - March 2013Review Copy

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