Zhongshan City Richsound Electronic SSB-3WB TV Soundbar User Manual manual

Zhongshan City Richsound Electronic Industrial Ltd. TV Soundbar manual

User Manual

1ContentsWhat’s in the Box ........................................................................................................2Important Safety Instructions ....................................................................................5Main Unit: Top View ..............................................................................................................6Rear View .............................................................................................................................. 6Smart Remote Control ......................................................................................................... 6Identifying the Parts ...................................................................................................6Prepare the Smart Remote Control .................................................................................... 7Precautions Concerning Batteries ...................................................................................... 7Getting Started ...........................................................................................................7Connections ...............................................................................................................8Place TV on top .................................................................................................................... 8Connect to Power ................................................................................................................ 8Connect to TV ....................................................................................................................... 8Basic Operation........................................................................................................10Turn On/Off .......................................................................................................................... 10Select Sources ..................................................................................................................... 10Adjust Volume Level ........................................................................................................... 10Mute Sound ......................................................................................................................... 10Bass Boost ............................................................................................................................ 11Select SRS Sound ................................................................................................................. 11Play with Bluetooth Device ................................................................................................ 11Pair the Bluetooth-enabled devices ................................................................................ 11Listen to music from Bluetooth device ............................................................................. 11Program Smart Remote Control to Control TV ................................................................12Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 136SHFLÀFDWLRQV ...........................................................................................................14
2What’s in the BoxMain Unit Instruction Manual'2VDQG'21·7V/HDÁHW53cm<50kgSmart Remote Control(Maxell CR2025 lithium button battery included)Line Cable(3.5mm to 3.5mm) (For TV Headphone Output)Line Cable(RCA to RCA)(For TV Line out)AC Power Cable(For US)SSB-3WBV1.0
37KHOLJKWQLQJÁDVKZLWKDUURZKHDGsymbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure WKDWPD\EHRIVXIÀFLHQWPDJQLWXGHDVto constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the apparatus.Reading the user’s manual 7KHFRQWHQWVRIWKLVXVHU·VPDQXDOPD\EH PRGLÀHGZLWKRXWDQ\SULRUQRWLÀFDWLRQ 7KHDSSHDUDQFHDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVPD\EH SDUWLDOO\PRGLÀHGZLWKRXWDQ\SULRUQRWLÀFDWLRQ 7KH&RPSDQ\VKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\ LQMXU\FDXVHGE\ÀUHHDUWKTXDNHRUDWKLUG  party, as well as any injury that occur due to    intentional or accidental mishandling      or improper use by the customer. &RPSDQ\VKDOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOH  for any damages that may occur due to    employment of a usage method not   designated in the user’s manual. &RPSDQ\VKDOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOH  for any damages that may occur due to    malfunctioning of the Product resulting    from the use of this Product together with   other devices. 7KLV3URGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQIDFLOLWLHV  and equipment which may affect human    lives, including medical equipment, nuclear    devices, aerospace equipment and transport    equipment, as well in facilities and equipment    which require a high degree of reliability.  Company shall not be held responsible for    any accident resulting in personal injury or   GHDWKRUDQ\ÀUHDFFLGHQWWKDWPD\RFFXU  due to failure of this Product when this     Product is used in the control systems of those    facilities and equipment.                     Indicates that ‘there is a         possibility of causing death        or serious physical injury if this        Product is erroneously handled’.        Indicates that ‘there is a         possibility of causing physical       injury*1 or occurrence of       physical damage*2 if this        Product is erroneously handled’.*1: Serious physical injury implies injuries such as    loss of eyesight or injury, burns, electric shock,    bone fracture or poisoning that have   subsequent complications and which require    hospitalization or long term hospital visit for   medical treatment.*2: Physical injury implies injury, burns and electric    shock which do not require hospitalization or    long-term hospital visit for medical treatment.This symbol shows that the user needs to exercise FDXWLRQZKLOHKDQGOLQJWKLV3URGXFWWRSUHYHQWÀUHH[SORVLRQDQGKHDWLQJ7KHVSHFLÀFFDXWLRQWREHtaken is written inside the symbol.This symbol implies restriction of an action while KDQGOLQJWKLV3URGXFW7KHVSHFLÀFUHVWULFWLRQLVwritten inside or near the symbol.This symbol implies compulsion of an action based RQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQV7KHVSHFLÀFFRPSXOVLRQLVwritten inside or near the symbol.WarningTo reduce the risk of electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to moisture.WarningThe battery (battery or batteries or battery pack) must not be exposed to excessive heat such as VXQVKLQHÀUHRUWKHOLNHFCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement Caution: This Transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons.Important Safety InstructionsWARNINGCAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENWarning!Caution!
4                   Warning!Do not repair, modify or disassemble.,WPD\FDXVHÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNRULQMXU\7KHDon’tCompany shall not be responsible for any physical GDPDJHFDXVHGE\UHSDLULQJPRGLÀFDWLRQRUdisassembly. Also, any repairing of a fault caused E\UHSDLULQJPRGLÀFDWLRQRUGLVDVVHPEO\E\WKHuser will be charged, even if it happens during the warranty period.Keep the Product (Remote Control) out of reach of children.They may accidentally swallow the battery                   Don’tand cause choking and damage the stomach.The cord may entangle around the child’s body and cause suffocation. If any accident occurs by any chance, please consult a doctor immediately.Do not use in a rainy or snowy place, by the                 Don’twaterside or in the bathroom.,WPD\FDXVHÀUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNDo not use if it is thundering.                                              Don’t,WPD\FDXVHÀUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNDo not Neep a Áower vase, Áowerpot, cup, or any container containing medicine, cosmetics or               Don’twater, near the Product.They may break and get into the Product and FDXVHÀUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNDo not insert any kind of metal or easily combustible object through the aperture.                     Don’t,WPD\FDXVHÀUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNDo not block any ventilation openings.                          Don’t,WPD\JHWKHDWHGDQGFDXVHÀUHInstall in accordance with the manufacturer’s  instructions.Do not put more than 50kg on top of this                       Don’tapparatus.   It may damage the apparatus.Do not use a wrong power plug out of the 2 power cords provided for this apparatus.                      Don’tIt may damage the power plug and/or the SRZHUVRFNHW,WPD\FDXVHÀUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN                Caution!Do not keep in a shaky place.The Product may fall and get damaged.                      Don’tDo not keep in a place where lampblack or                Don’tsteam falls.,WPD\FDXVHÀUHRUDFFLGHQWDo not keep in a place which is directly hit by cold air, or a place which is extremely cold.                          Don’tDew may fall and cause short circuit or burnout.Do not listen in high volume continuously for a long time.                                                                      Don’tDo not listen in high volume, which causes ringing in the ears, continuously for a long time. It may damage hearing.Do not raise the volume excessively from the beginning.                                                                            Don’tSudden high volume may damage hearing. Minimize the volume before playing.Do not keep in an excessively hot place. sush as        Don’tradiators, heaters, stoves, or other apparatus (including ampliÀers) that produce heat.The surface of the device or parts may get                   GDPDJHGDQGPD\DOVRFDXVHÀUH'RQRWNHHSespecially in a closed car in summer, and in a place where sunlight directly falls or near a VWRYH7KLVPD\FDXVHOHDNDJHRIEDWWHU\ÁXLGDo not use in sandy beaches and sandy soil where sand can easily enter, or in dusty locations.      Don’t,WPD\FDXVHEXUQRXWÀUHRUDFFLGHQWDo not cover or wrap with a cloth or futon.Heat may get generated and deform the                    Don’t3URGXFWRU3URGXFWPD\FDWFKÀUHDo not keep a cathode-ray tube near it.                       Don’t     Spots may appear because of it.Ensure to refer the user’s manual to connect to            Don’tan external device.Connect to an external device after carefully reading this user’s manual and the user’s manual of the external device, as well as after turning off the power.Do not plug or unplug the power plug with wet            Don’thands.It may cause electric shock.Insert the power plug completely and Àrmly into         Don’tthe outlet socket.,IWKHSRZHUSOXJLVQRWLQVHUWHGSURSHUO\ÀUHPD\occur due to electric shock or dust deposition.Turn off power when repairing or if not going to be used for a long time, and remove the power plug.Hot adhering to this may cause electric shock or physical damage.Important Safety InstructionsCaution!
5Safety1  Read these instructions.2  Keep these instructions.3  Heed all warnings.4  Follow all instructions.5  Only use this product indoor.6  Clean only with a dry cloth.7  Protect the power cord from  being walked   on or pinched particularly at plugs,  convenience receptacles and the point    where it exit from the apparatus.  2QO\XVHDWWDFKPHQWVDFFHVVRULHVVSHFLÀHG  by the manufacturer. 9  Do not override the safety purpose of the   polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized  plug has two blades - one wider than the  other. A grounding plug has two blades and  a third grounding prong. The wide blade or   the third prong is provided for your safety. If WKHSURYLGHGSOXJGRHVQRWÀWLQWR\RXURXWOHW  ask an electrician to replace the obsolete   outlet.10  Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket or WDEOHVSHFLÀHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUVROG  with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use    caution when moving the cart/ apparatus  combination to avoid injury from tip-over.  5HIHUDOOVHUYLFLQJWRTXDOLÀHGVHUYLFH   personnel. Servicing is required when the    apparatus has been damaged in any way,    such as power-supply cord or plug is        damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects    have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus    has been exposed to rain or moisture, does    not operate normally, or has been dropped. 12   This is CLASS II apparatus with double    insulation and no protective earth provided.13  The mains plug is used as the disconnect    device, the disconnect device must remain   readily operable. 14  This apparatus is not intended for use by  persons (including children) with reduced  physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or    lack of experience and knowledge, unless    they have been given supervision or instruction  concerning use of the apparatus by a person  responsible for their safety. Children should be  supervised to ensure that they do not play  with the apparatus.  -  Never use the device unsupervised! Switch      off the device whenever you are not using        it, even if this only for a short while.  -  The apparatus is not intended to be     operated by means of an external timer or     separate remote-control system.  -  If the supply cord is damaged, it must be        replaced by the manufacturer, its service DJHQWRUVLPLODUO\TXDOLÀHGSHUVRQVLQRUGHU     to avoid a hazard.  -  Do not immerse this product in liquid.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de-vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable pro-tection against harmful interference in a residen-tial installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer-ence by one or more of the following measures:-  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-  Increase the separation between the equip   ment and receiver.-  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a    circuit different from that to which the     receiver is connected.-  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/   TV technician for help.Important Safety Instructions
6Smart Remote Control SSB-3WB1 ON/OFF  -  Turn on or turn off the unit.2 BT/PAIR  -  Activate the pairing function in     BLUETOOTH mode and disconnect the     existing paired Bluetooth device. .3 VOL+/- (Volume)  -  Adjust sound volume level4 Optical  -  Select OPTICAL source or activate      Audio Return Channel (ARC) function.5 RCA/LINE IN  Select RCA or LINE IN Source input.6  TV Learning Zone  -  Store some TV Remote Control functions      onto the Smart Remote Control.      (see P.12 for detail)7  LEARNING INDICATION LIGHT. -  On:  Learning mode activated  -  Off: Learning mode inactivated     (see P.12 for detail)8 LEARN  -  Activate learning mode to setup      commands from the TV remote       control, to control some TV functions.9  BF -  Plays/pauses/resumes playback in   Bluetooth mode.10 SRS/BASS  -  Switch on or turn off SRS WOW HD   effect.   -  Select Bass boost level 1,2 or no Bass    boost effect.11 MUTE  -  Mute or resume sound from the unit.Main Unit: Top View1   -  Turn on this unit or switch to Power    standby mode.2   -  Select a source.3   -  Pair Bluetooth-enabled device.4   -  Increase sound volume level.5   -  Decrease sound volume level.6 Light indicatorsRear View   1 OPTICAL Terminals  -  1 Optical input jack.2 RCA Terminals  -  Standard RCA audio input jack.3  LINE IN Terminals  -  Standard 3.5mm audio input jack.4  AC~ Power Plug  -  Connect a power cord.Identifying the Parts
7Prepare the Smart Remote ControlThe Smart Remote Control provided allows the unit to be operated from a distance. zEven if the Smart Remote Control is    operated within the effective range    (6m), remote control operation may    be impossible if there are any obstacles    between the unit and the remote control. zIf the Smart Remote Control is operated    near other products which generate    infrared rays, or if other remote control    devices using infrared rays are used    near the unit, it may operate incorrectly.    Conversely, the other products may   operate incorrectly. For First-time use:The unit has a pre-in-stalled lithium CR2025 battery. Remove the protective tab to acti-vate the remote control battery.To Replace the Smart Remote Control Battery:$ 3UHVVGRZQWKHÁLSRQWKHOHIW(B) :  Pull out the battery tray and remove      the old battery.(C) :  Place a new CR2025 battery into the      battery tray with correct polarity (+/-)    as indicated. (D) :  Insert the tray back into the slot. Precautions Concerning Batteriesz  When the Smart Remote Control is not    to be used for a long time (more than a    month), remove the battery from the    Smart Remote Control to prevent it from   leaking.z  If the batteries leak, wipe away the    leakage inside the battery compartment    and replace the batteries with new ones.z  Do not use any batteries other than   WKRVHVSHFLÀHGz  Do not heat or disassemble batteries.   1HYHUWKURZWKHPLQÀUHRUZDWHUz  Do not carry or store batteries with other    metallic objects. Doing so could cause    batteries to short circuit, leak or explode.z  Never recharge a battery unless it is   FRQÀUPHGWREHDUHFKDUJHDEOHW\SHWARNING: The batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall not be exposed to H[FHVVLYHKHDWVXFKDVVXQVKLQHÀUHRUWKHlike.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful  interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference   received, including interference that may    cause undesired operation.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,   including interference that may cause   undesired operation of the device.Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class B FCC limits.Model No: SSB-3WB with certification/registration number IC : 11096A-SSB3WGetting Started
8Connect to TVUsing Optical IN socketIf your TV does not have HDMI sockets, please follow the set up below.AV equipment e.g. Blu-ray PlayerComponent videoorComposite video(Cable not supplied)(Cable not supplied)(Cable not supplied)a)  Connect Optical output source into the   unit.b)  Connect Video output of the AV     equipment into the Video input of TV   via either,  1)  Component connection (Green,      Blue, Red)(not supplied); or  2)   Composite connection (Yellow)(not     supplied).Note:You can listen to the TV program sound from connecting to the unit via LINE-IN cable Using RCA IN socketFor audio devices that do not support HDMI or Optical output, please follow the set up below.  (Cable not supplied)AV equipment e.g. DVD recorder  a)  Connect Composite Video output of    the AV equipment e.g. DVD recorder    to Composite Video input on the TV.Place TV on top3OHDVHUHDGWKH'2VDQG'21·7V/HDÁHWprovided for proper installation position of the unit.         53cm30cmWarning: Please turn down the volume of the TV, or other sources before connection. Loud sound might be suddenly produced.Connect to PowerCaution: Risk of product damage! -  Ensure that the power supply voltage    corresponds to the voltage printed on   the back or the  underside of the unit.-  Risk of electric shock! When you unplug    the AC power, always pull the plug from    the socket. Never pull the cord.-   Ensure the correct power cord is      matched the main power socket. Using    a wrong power cord might damage    the power plug and the socket.Connect the AC power cord to:-  the AC~ socket on this unit.-  the wall socket.          Connections
9b)  Connect Audio L-R output of the AV    equipment to the LINE IN or RCA input    onto the unit.Note:You can listen to the TV program sound from connecting to the unit via LINE-IN cable as shown previously on page 8.Using Line-IN socketYou can listen to the sound of the TV pro-gram by connecting to the unit via LINE-IN cable. Note:You can also connect to your PC with LINE-IN cable in the setup shown below.  3&HEADPHONEVGA OUTVGA IN(Cable not supplied)Connect to an External Audio DeviceYou can connect to your audio devices, e.g. CD player, to enjoy purely music, via the following conections.Audio Equipment, e.g. CD player, MP3 player (Cable not supplied) Auto-on/off function is applied in this unit. Auto-off is to facilitate people not to con-trol the unit when no sound is playing in few minutes. And when there are sounds input again, the unit will switch on automatically after few seconds. Warning:If the volume of the TV or an external device via RCA or LINE IN is too low, the auto-off function will be triggered. When this situation happened for 2.5 minutes, LED VRXUFHOLJKWZLOOÁDVKVORZO\RQWKHXQLWIRUthe next 30 seconds and the unit will switch to standby mode.Please turn up the volume of the input source (not the unit, but, e.g. TV or MP3 player, etc.) slowly, until it returns to normal mode.To avoid the auto-off being triggered unintentionally, pre-set the source volume higher and adjust the unit volume to a comfortable level.Note: You might hear the sound over-lapping from both the TV and the unit while following some of the suggestion connections. To avoid this, turn the volume of TV down to 0 or mute it. Connections
10Turn On/OffTurning the System ON/OFFEither,1) Press the   button on the unit; or 2)  Press the ON/OFF button on the remote   control.Note:When turning the system on, the system will continue in the mode was set last time.Note:Be sure to unplug the power cord from the outlet when the system is not in use for an extended period of time.POWER light indicator:              POWEROffREDOnAmberThe unit will switch to standby mode when the audio cables are disconnected or when you turn off TV/external device after several minutes.Select SourcesBLUETOOTHEither,1)  Press BT/PAIR button on the remote control;   or2)   button on the unit,will allow you to select Bluetooth source.             BLUTTOOTHOnOffBlue      Optical/ARCEither,1) Press Optical button on the remote   control; or2)   button on the unit,   will allow you to select Optical source    input  for watching broadcasting TV   program.OPTICAL light indicator:             OPTICALOnOffAmberRCA/LINE INEither,1)  Press RCA/LINE IN button on the remote   control; or2)   button on the unit, will allow you to select RCA or LINE IN source. RCA/LINE IN light indicator:             RCA/LINE INRCALINE INAmberWhite           Adjust Volume LevelEither,1)  Press the VOL +/- button on the remote   control; or2) Press  / button on the unit, to increase or decrease the volume level.  If the unit is connected to the TV headphone jack, you can control the Volume Level using the TV remote control.Mute SoundPress the MUTE button on the remote control to mute. Press this button again or VOL+/VOL- buttons on the remote control or on the unit to resume the sound. The light indicator on the unit will blink until sound resumes.Bass BoostEither,1)  Press BASS/SRS button on the remote    control; or  2) Press   button on the unit,   to turn on the bass. Press this button again   to switch to level 2 or to turn it off.Basic Operation
11               BASSBass offBass 1AmberBass 2WhiteSelect SRS SoundEither,1)  Press and hold SRS/BASE button on the    remote control; or  2) Press   button on the unit to select SRS    WOW HD effect. Press this button again    to cancel the effect.               SRSOFFOPENAmberPlay with Bluetooth DeviceYou can listen to music from a Blue-tooth-enable device via this player.Pair the Bluetooth-enabled devicesThe first time you connect your Bluetooth device to this player, you need to pair your device to this player.Note:-    The operational range between the   main unit and a Bluetooth device is   approximately 8 meters.-    Before you connect a Bluetooth device    to this unit, familiarize yourself with the    Bluetooth capabilities of the device.-    Compatibility with all Bluetooth devices    is not guaranteed.-    Any obstacle between this unit and a    Bluetooth device can reduce the  operational range.-    Keep this unit away from other electronic    devices that may cause interference.To connect your device to the unit via Bluetooth, follow the steps below:1   Switch the unit on. Press the   Button    on the main unit or the BT/PAIR Button    on the remote control repeatedly to    select BLUETOOTH pairing mode, the   %/8(7227+,QGLFDWRUZLOOÁDVKXQLWLWSDLUV2  Activate your Bluetooth device and   select the search mode.3   “SSB-3WB” will appear on your Bluetooth   device.4   Select “SSB-3WB” and enter “0000” for    password if necessary.7   On successful pairing, the BLUETOOTH    Indicator will light up steadily.Tip-   If there is an existing connection, press  the BT PAIR Button on the remote control to re-activate the pairing mode, the existing connection will be interrupted.-   If no other Bluetooth device pairs with this player within two minutes, the player will recover its previous connection.-   The player will also be disconnected when your device is moved beyond the operational range.-   If you want to reconnect your device to this player, place it within the operational range.-   If the device is moved beyond the operational range, when it is brought back, please check if the device is still connected to the player.-   If the connection is lost, follow the instructions above to pair your device to the player again.Listen to music from Bluetooth devicez  If the connected Bluetooth device    supports Advanced Audio Distribution 3URÀOH$'3\RXFDQOLVWHQWRWKH  music stored on the device through the   player.z  If the device also supports Audio Video   5HPRWH&RQWURO3URÀOH$95&3SURÀOH  you can use the player’s remote control    to play music stored on the device.1  Pair your device with the player.2  Start playing music via your device    (if it support A2DP)3  Use supplied remote control to control    play (if it supports AVRCP)-   To pause/resume play, press theBFbutton.Basic Operation
12Program Smart Remote Control to Control TVYou can store a total of up to seven of your most frequently used TV functions in the TV learning zone of the Smart Remote Control. This feature enables you to use only one remote control to operate the unit togeth-er with your TV.The remote control codes of a TV are stored in the Smart Remote Control. The available preset buttons are ON/OFF  , FUNCTION , ENTER, TV VOL+/VOL-, TV CH+/CH-.NOTE:During the learning process, the normal remote control functions are disabled.  1  Place the Smart Remote Control (A)    within a 5mm-50mm distance from the   TV remote control (B), pointer to pointer    as shown above.2  Press and hold the LEARN button for 2  seconds to activate the learning mode.    A red indicator on the Smart Remote    Control (A) will light up.3  Press one of the TV learning zone buttons    on the Smart Remote Control (A), the   UHGLQGLFDWRUÁDVKHV4  Press the button on the TV remote  control (B) that is to be stored on the  Smart Remote Control (A). When the  code is received successfully, the red LQGLFDWRUZLOOTXLFNO\ÁDVKIRUWLPHV,I  the code is not successfully received,   WKHUHGLQGLFDWRUZLOONHHSRQÁDVKLQJ5  Repeat steps 3-4 to program more    functions onto the Smart Remote Control   (A).6  Press the LEARN button to save the    setting and to exit the learning mode.    Red indicator will turn off immediately.Basic Operation
13TroubleshootingTo keep the warranty valid, never try to repair the system yourself. If you encounter prob-lems when using this unit, check the following points before requesting for service.Warranty void if case is opened.Symptom Likely Cause What to doNo sound  Speaker not connected to active AC power Verify that speaker is connected and    that the circuit is on.Power not switched on   Switch on power and verify that power    LED is on.Suddenly No sound Triggered auto-off function  Turn the volume up of the source, e.g    TV, mp3 player, etc, and readjust the    sound of the unit to trigger auto-on   function. 6HH1R6RXQGV\PSWRPDERYHNo sound, speaker is connected to working AC power but sound won’t come onCannot trigger auto-on function  ,QFUHDVHWKHYROXPHRIWKHVRXUFHLQSXW signal.Speaker power cable is faulty or improperly connected Re-seat the power cable at both ends. 6XEVWLWXWHDNQRZn-good power cable.Blown fuse  Contact with your manufacturer for   repairment.No sound. Speaker comes on Faulty cables and connections  'LVFRQQHFWDQGUHVHDWVLJQDOFDEOHV 0DNHVXUHFDEOHVDUHSOXJJHG  completely. 5HSODFHVXVSHFWHGFDEOHZLWKD   known-good cable.Noise or hiss heard at output Faulty Cables and connections  'LVFRQQHFWDQGUHVHDWVLJQDOFDEOHV 0DNHVXUHFDEOHVDUHSOXJJHG  completely. 5HSODFHVXVSHFWHGFDEOHZLWKD   known-good cable.Noisy source device  Disconnect the devices that are      connected to your speaker one at a    time. If the noise goes away, the   problem is with the source or the     connecting cable.Hum or Buzz that increases or decreases when more than one source are inputting single to the unit at the same timeInterference internally  Disconnect or mute the other channels    to solve the problem. Faulty cable between source equipment and unit Substitute a known-good cable for the    suspected faulty cable.Smart Remote control does not work No/Low battery power  5HPRYHWKHWUDQVSDUHQWÀOPDWWKH  bottom of Smart Remote control. ,QVHUW5HSODFHUHPRWHFRQWUROEDWWHU\   with a CR2025 battery. (see P.7)The Unit does not responds to the remote controlNo/Low signal from remote control to the unit 5HGXFHWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKH   Smart Remote control and the unit. $LPWKH6PDUW5HPRWHFRQWUROGLUHFWO\   at the sensor on the front of the unit.The unit responds but no sound  %HIRUH\RXSUHVVDQ\IXQFWLRQEXWWRQ  ÀUVWVHOHFWWKHFRUUHFWVRXUFH 6HH7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ>1R6RXQG@  Symptom.HDMI ARC/CEC ERRORNo Sound or Have sound but with error message shown on TVTV CEC function is not compatible with unit CEC function. &KHFNWKH79&(&IXQFWLRQDQG    compatibility on TV user's manual. 'LVDEOH79&(&$5&IXQFWLRQ 8VHRWKHUVXJJHVWHGFRQQHFWLRQVHDMI ARC/CEC ERRORBoth TV and the unit has sound coming outTV CEC function is not partially compatible with unit CEC function. &KHFNWKH79&(&IXQFWLRQDQG    compatibility on TV user’s manual. 6HOHFWVSHDNHURSWLRQLQ79PDQXDOWR   from the Unit only
14Warranty: 2 yearsz'HVLJQDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFHSpeciÀcationsGeneral Power Requirements ...........................................................................................AC 120V~60HzOutput Power:Front Speakers ............................................................................................................10W x 4Woofer ..............................................................................................................................30WTotal Harmonic Distortion ..................................................................................... 1%(1kHz, 1W)Audio Input Sensitivity/Impedance LINE:  ........................................................... P9NFrequency Response ...............................................................................40Hz - 20kHz(+/- 3dB)Unit Dimensions (W x H x D) ...........................................................................720 x 54 x 340mmNET Weight ...........................................................................................................................3.4kgSpeakerFront Impedance ............................................................................................................................. Rated Power ..........................................................................................................................10WWooferImpedance ............................................................................................................................. Rated Power ..........................................................................................................................30WRemoteDistance ...................................................................................................................................6mAngle ....................................................................................................................................... 30ODigital signal input/output informationDigital Sampling frequency .............................................................................................. 48kHz

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