Chill Tap Sparkling CO2 Disposable Gas Bottle Replacement Instructions V1.00

Chilltap Sparkling Co2 Disposable Gas Bottle Replacement Instructions V1.00 ChillTap sparkling_CO2 Disposable gas bottle replacement Instructions_v1.00 ChillTap sparkling_CO2 Disposable gas bottle replacement Instructions_v1.00 zipwater_ commercial instruction manuals zipwater.chilledwater zip-website-media


: Zip Water Chilltap Sparkling Co2 Disposable Gas Bottle Replacement Instructions V1.00 ChillTap sparkling_CO2 Disposable gas bottle replacement Instructions_v1.00 zipwater_ residential instruction manuals zipwater.chilledwater

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CO2 Disposable Gas Bottle Replacement Instructions V1.00 Sept. 2012
Before use carefully read the product label. Use of safe work practices are recommended to avoid eye or skin contact and inhalation. Observe
good personal hygiene, including washing hands before eating. Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking in contaminated areas (eg. if the
container is damaged).
Do not store near sources of ignition or incompatible materials. Cylinders should be stored below 50°C in a secure area, upright and
restrained to prevent cylinders from falling. Cylinders should also be stored in a dry, well ventilated area constructed of non-combustible
material with rm level oor (preferably concrete), away from areas of heavy trafc and emergency exits.
NOTE: Care must be taken when working with high pressure C02, and in no cases should the normal operating pressure of 0.27 MPa
(2.7 bar) be exceeded.
A gas cylinder containing 1kg of CO2 should be installed in a well ventilated area or an area no less than 38m3.
If more than 1 gas cylinder containing 1kg of CO2 is present within the same location, the recommended ventilated area should be in
proportion to the number of gas cylinders stored in that location. A ventilated area is a non-enclosed area which could include the kitchen,
living room etc. See gas bottle and MSDS sheet for complete list of warnings.
HydroTap Sparkling Models: BCSS160/125+ and BCSS200/125+
1. Turn off the mains water supply and power to the chiller only. Power to the boiler must remain on.
2. Remove the gas bottle from the strap. Make sure the regulator knob is turned fully anti-clockwise to the end-stop before removing.
Remove the regulator from the gas bottle turning anti-clockwise.
Screw the regulator onto the new gas bottle. Be aware that some CO2 may be discharged from the connection to the regulator as the
bottle and the regulator are assembled together. Any CO2 released will be cold.
Connect the braided gas hose to the regulator, taking care not to lose the plastic olive in the braided hose nut. Turn on the regulator
clockwise and adjust to 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar). The arrow should sit in the green section of the regulator gauge; it should not fall in the red
or yellow sections.
Using soapy water perform a leak test. Apply the soapy water to the gas connections using a sponge. If any bubbles appear and grow,
there is a gas leak at the connection. Clean away the soapy residue and tighten or refit the leaking connection. Make sure the regulator
is turned off when tightening or refitting the leaking connection.
Once satisfied that there are no leaks and with the regulator set at 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar), refit the gas bottle to the Velcro strap and secure
the bottle.
3. Scroll through the menu on the display until “CO2 purge off is displayed. Press the Adjust
. Water will be dispensed followed by CO2
gas. Allow CO2 to be dispensed for 10 seconds. Then press the Adjust
to stop the purge. Then press the Menu
to resume normal
4. Turn on water supply and mains power to the chiller. Wait 20 seconds to allow the water in the carbonator can to be refilled.
5. Press both levers simultaneously and check that sparkling water is dispensed. The water may initially spurt out and then normal flow
will resume.
For more detailed instructions please refer to your products instruction manual.
CO2 Disposable Cylinder Replacement Guide.
Important! Read this guide before attempting to change your CO2 bottle.
CO2 - Disposable Cylinder. Compressed Carbon Dioxide, Food Grade.
Cylinder Specifications:
• UN No: 1013 • Class 2.2
• Code: ZT400 • Volume: 2.2 litres
• Contents: 1,000g • Tare: 1,745g
CO2 Cylinder Warnings: • Do not expose to naked flame or any incandescent material.
• Pressurised container. • Keep out of reach of children.
• Protect from sunlight. • High concentration of gas may cause asphyxiation.
• Contains gas under pressure, may explode if heated. • Use only in ventilated areas.
• Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C. • Use only in an upright position.
• Do not pierce or burn, even after use. • This bottle must be used with the approved pressure regulator.
• Do not refill – non rechargeable. • Avoid shock.
• Ensure cylinder is empty before disposal. • Use according to MSDS. (Material Safety Data Sheet).
CO2 Disposable Gas Bottle Replacement Instructions V1.00 Sept. 2012
In order to help preserve our environment we ask that you dispose of this product correctly.
Please contact Zip Customer Service for advice on 0845 602 4533.
CO2 Cylinder Disposal
Steel CO2 cylinders are fully recyclable, to dispose, confirm the cylinder is empty by:
Observing the regulator which should read 0 (zero) bar.
When shaken you will not be able to detect the movement of liquid within the cylinder.
Any remaining CO2 should be drained before discarding. Do not dispose of full CO2 cylinder.
Do not discharge into any place where accumulation could be dangerous. Discharge
to atmosphere in a well ventilated place. Discharge to atmosphere in large quantities
should be avoided.
To drain cylinder, in a well ventilated area, attach the regulator to the bottle and open the valve
until the gas cylinder is empty.
Once empty, do not dispose of with general household waste but take to your local recycling centre.
Contact Zip Customer Service for advice on 0845 602 4533 if further guidance is required.
Head Office
Zip Heaters (UK) Ltd
14 Bertie Ward Way
Norfolk NR19 1TE
Telephone: 0845 602 4533
Facsimile: 01362 692 448.
HydroTap Sparkling Models: BCS120/125+ and DOMBCS
1. Remove the gas bottle from the strap. Make sure the regulator knob is turned fully anti-clockwise to the end-stop before removing.
Remove the regulator from the gas bottle turning anti-clockwise.
Screw the regulator onto the new gas bottle. Be aware that some CO2 may be discharged from the connection to the regulator as the
bottle and the regulator are assembled together. Any CO2 released will be cold.
Connect the braided gas hose to the regulator, taking care not to lose the plastic olive in the braided hose nut. Turn on the regulator
clockwise and adjust to 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar). The arrow should sit in the green section of the regulator gauge; it should not fall in the red
or yellow sections.
Using soapy water perform a leak test. Apply the soapy water to the gas connections using a sponge. If any bubbles appear and grow,
there is a gas leak at the connection. Clean away the soapy residue and tighten or refit the leaking connection. Make sure the regulator
is turned off when tightening or refitting the leaking connection.
Once satisfied that there are no leaks and with the regulator set at 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar), refit the gas bottle to the Velcro strap and secure
the bottle.
2. Scroll through the menu on the display until “CO2 purge off” is displayed. Press the Adjust
. Water will be dispensed followed by CO2
gas. Allow this to continue for approximately 5 seconds. Then press the Adjust
to stop the purge. Then press the Menu
to resume
normal operation.
3. Press both levers simultaneously and check that sparkling water is dispensed. The water may initially spurt out and then normal flow
will resume.
For more detailed instructions please refer to your products instruction manual.
ChillTap Sparkling Models: CS125+ and DOMCTS
1. Turn off the water and power supply to the chilled sparkling unit.
2. Remove the gas bottle from the strap. Make sure the regulator knob is turned fully anti-clockwise to the end-stop before removing.
Remove the regulator from the gas bottle turning anti-clockwise.
Screw the regulator onto the new gas bottle. Be aware that some CO2 may be discharged from the connection to the regulator as the
bottle and the regulator are assembled together. Any CO2 released will be cold.
Connect the braided gas hose to the regulator, taking care not to lose the plastic olive in the braided hose nut. Turn on the regulator
clockwise and adjust to 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar). The arrow should sit in the green section of the regulator gauge; it should not fall in the red
or yellow sections.
Using soapy water perform a leak test. Apply the soapy water to the gas connections using a sponge. If any bubbles appear and grow,
there is a gas leak at the connection. Clean away the soapy residue and tighten or refit the leaking connection. Make sure the regulator
is turned off when tightening or refitting the leaking connection.
Once satisfied that there are no leaks and with the regulator set at 0.27 MPa (2.7 bar), refit the gas bottle to the Velcro strap and secure
the bottle.
3. Turn the sparkling lever to the on position. Leave it on until all the water has been purged through the tap. Let the tap run for a further
10 seconds to purge the CO2 through the tank. Turn off the sparkling lever.
4. Turn on the cold water supply first and then the power supply.
5. Wait 20 seconds and then turn on the sparkling lever and wait for water to start to come through.
6. Dispense some sparkling water from the tap.
For more detailed instructions please refer to your products instruction manual.

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