Zyxel Communications Network Router Zld Users Manual Book
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- ZyWALL (ZLD) Series
- Introduction
- Reference
- Object Reference
- Status
- Registration
- Interfaces
- 6.1 Interface Overview
- 6.2 Interface General Commands Summary
- 6.3 Ethernet Interface Specific Commands
- 6.4 Virtual Interface Specific Commands
- 6.5 PPPoE/PPTP Specific Commands
- 6.6 Cellular Interface Specific Commands
- 6.7 Tunnel Interface Specific Commands
- 6.8 USB Storage Specific Commands
- 6.9 WLAN Specific Commands
- 6.10 VLAN Interface Specific Commands
- 6.11 Bridge Specific Commands
- 6.12 Auxiliary Interface Specific Commands
- Trunks
- Route
- Routing Protocol
- Zones
- Virtual Servers
- HTTP Redirect
- IP/MAC Binding
- Firewall
- Application Patrol
- Anti-Virus
- IDP Commands
- Content Filtering
- 23.1 Content Filtering Overview
- 23.2 Content Filtering Policies
- 23.3 External Web Filtering Service
- 23.4 Content Filtering Reports
- 23.5 Content Filter Command Input Values
- 23.6 General Content Filter Commands
- 23.7 Content Filter Filtering Profile Commands
- 23.8 Content Filter URL Cache Commands
- 23.9 Content Filtering Statistics
- 23.10 Content Filtering Commands Example
- Anti-Spam
- Device HA
- User/Group
- Addresses
- Services
- Schedules
- AAA Server
- Authentication Objects
- Certificates
- ISP Accounts
- SSL Application
- Endpoint Security
- DHCPv6 Objects
- System
- System Remote Management
- File Manager
- 39.1 File Directories
- 39.2 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts Overview
- 39.3 File Manager Commands Input Values
- 39.4 File Manager Commands Summary
- 39.5 File Manager Command Examples
- 39.6 FTP File Transfer
- 39.7 ZyWALL File Usage at Startup
- 39.8 Notification of a Damaged Recovery Image or Firmware
- 39.9 Restoring the Recovery Image
- 39.10 Restoring the Firmware
- 39.11 Restoring the Default System Database
- Logs
- Reports and Reboot
- Session Timeout
- Diagnostics
- Packet Flow Explore
- Packet Flow Filter
- Maintenance Tools
- Watchdog Timer
- List of Commands (Alphabetical)
Quick Start Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) Series
Security Firewalls
Versions: 3.10
Edition 2, 12/2013
Copyright © 2011
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
CLI Reference Guide
Default Login Details
LAN Port IP Address
User Name admin
Password 1234
Copyright © 2013 ZyXEL Communications Corporation
This is a Reference Guide for a series of products intended for people who want to configure ZLD-
based ZyWALLs via Command Line Interface (CLI).
Some commands or command options in this guide may not be available in your
product. See your product's User’s Guide for a list of supported features. Every effort
has been made to ensure that the information in this guide is accurate.
Please refer to www.zyxel.com for product specific User Guides and product certifications.
Do not use commands not documented in this guide.
How To Use This Guide
•Read Chapter 1 on page 19 for how to access and use the CLI (Command Line Interface).
•Read Chapter 2 on page 33 to learn about the CLI user and privilege modes.
Related Documentation
• Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide shows how to connect the ZyWALL and access the Web Configurator
wizards. (See the wizard real time help for information on configuring each screen.) It also
contains a connection diagram and package contents list.
• User’s Guide
The User’s Guide explains how to use the Web Configurator to configure the ZyWALL.
It is recommended you use the Web Configurator to configure the ZyWALL.
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................17
Command Line Interface ........................................................................................................... 19
User and Privilege Modes ......................................................................................................... 33
Reference ................................................................................................................................37
Object Reference ....................................................................................................................... 39
Status ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Registration ............................................................................................................................... 45
Interfaces ................................................................................................................................... 53
Trunks ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Route ......................................................................................................................................... 99
Routing Protocol ...................................................................................................................... 107
Zones ........................................................................................................................................111
DDNS .......................................................................................................................................115
Virtual Servers ..........................................................................................................................119
HTTP Redirect ......................................................................................................................... 123
ALG ......................................................................................................................................... 127
IP/MAC Binding ....................................................................................................................... 131
Firewall .................................................................................................................................... 133
IPSec VPN ............................................................................................................................... 141
SSL VPN ................................................................................................................................. 151
L2TP VPN ................................................................................................................................ 157
Application Patrol ..................................................................................................................... 163
Anti-Virus ................................................................................................................................. 173
IDP Commands ....................................................................................................................... 181
Content Filtering ...................................................................................................................... 199
Anti-Spam .................................................................................................................................211
Device HA ................................................................................................................................ 221
User/Group .............................................................................................................................. 229
Addresses ................................................................................................................................ 237
Services ................................................................................................................................... 243
Schedules ................................................................................................................................ 247
AAA Server .............................................................................................................................. 249
Authentication Objects ............................................................................................................. 255
Certificates ............................................................................................................................... 259
ISP Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 264
SSL Application ....................................................................................................................... 266
Endpoint Security .................................................................................................................... 269
DHCPv6 Objects ..................................................................................................................... 276
System ..................................................................................................................................... 279
System Remote Management ................................................................................................. 285
File Manager ............................................................................................................................ 299
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Logs ......................................................................................................................................... 317
Reports and Reboot ................................................................................................................ 323
Session Timeout ...................................................................................................................... 329
Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................. 331
Packet Flow Explore ................................................................................................................ 333
Packet Flow Filter .................................................................................................................... 337
Maintenance Tools ................................................................................................................... 341
Watchdog Timer ....................................................................................................................... 347
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 5
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................5
Part I: Introduction .......................................................................................... 17
Chapter 1
Command Line Interface....................................................................................................................19
1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................19
1.1.1 The Configuration File .............................................................................................................19
1.2 Accessing the CLI .............................................................................................................................19
1.2.1 Console Port ............................................................................................................................20
1.2.2 Web Configurator Console ......................................................................................................20
1.2.3 Telnet .......................................................................................................................................23
1.2.4 SSH (Secure SHell) .................................................................................................................23
1.3 How to Find Commands in this Guide ...............................................................................................23
1.4 How Commands Are Explained ........................................................................................................24
1.4.1 Background Information (Optional) ..........................................................................................24
1.4.2 Command Input Values (Optional) ...........................................................................................24
1.4.3 Command Summary ................................................................................................................24
1.4.4 Command Examples (Optional) ..............................................................................................24
1.4.5 Command Syntax ....................................................................................................................24
1.4.6 Changing the Password ..........................................................................................................25
1.5 CLI Modes .........................................................................................................................................25
1.6 Shortcuts and Help ............................................................................................................................26
1.6.1 List of Available Commands ....................................................................................................26
1.6.2 List of Sub-commands or Required User Input .......................................................................26
1.6.3 Entering Partial Commands .....................................................................................................27
1.6.4 Entering a ? in a Command .....................................................................................................27
1.6.5 Command History ....................................................................................................................27
1.6.6 Navigation ................................................................................................................................27
1.6.7 Erase Current Command .........................................................................................................27
1.6.8 The no Commands ..................................................................................................................27
1.7 Input Values ......................................................................................................................................28
1.8 Ethernet Interfaces ............................................................................................................................31
1.9 Saving Configuration Changes .........................................................................................................31
1.10 Logging Out .....................................................................................................................................32
Chapter 2
User and Privilege Modes..................................................................................................................33
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
2.1 User And Privilege Modes .................................................................................................................33
2.1.1 Debug Commands ...................................................................................................................34
Part II: Reference............................................................................................. 37
Chapter 3
Object Reference ................................................................................................................................39
3.1 Object Reference Commands ...........................................................................................................39
3.1.1 Object Reference Command Example ....................................................................................40
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
5.1 myZyXEL.com Overview ...................................................................................................................45
5.1.1 Subscription Services Available on the ZyWALL .....................................................................45
5.2 Registration Commands ....................................................................................................................46
5.2.1 Command Examples ...............................................................................................................47
5.3 Country Code ....................................................................................................................................48
Chapter 6
6.1 Interface Overview ............................................................................................................................53
6.1.1 Types of Interfaces ..................................................................................................................53
6.1.2 Relationships Between Interfaces ...........................................................................................56
6.2 Interface General Commands Summary ...........................................................................................57
6.2.1 Basic Interface Properties and IP Address Commands ..........................................................57
6.2.2 DHCP Setting Commands .......................................................................................................63
6.2.3 Interface Parameter Command Examples ..............................................................................67
6.2.4 RIP Commands .......................................................................................................................68
6.2.5 OSPF Commands ...................................................................................................................68
6.2.6 Connectivity Check (Ping-check) Commands .........................................................................70
6.3 Ethernet Interface Specific Commands .............................................................................................71
6.3.1 MAC Address Setting Commands ...........................................................................................71
6.3.2 Port Grouping Commands .......................................................................................................72
6.4 Virtual Interface Specific Commands ................................................................................................73
6.4.1 Virtual Interface Command Examples .....................................................................................73
6.5 PPPoE/PPTP Specific Commands ...................................................................................................74
6.5.1 PPPoE/PPTP Interface Command Examples .........................................................................75
6.6 Cellular Interface Specific Commands ..............................................................................................76
6.6.1 Cellular Status .........................................................................................................................78
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 7
6.6.2 Cellular Interface Command Examples ...................................................................................80
6.7 Tunnel Interface Specific Commands ...............................................................................................81
6.7.1 Tunnel Interface Command Examples ....................................................................................82
6.8 USB Storage Specific Commands ....................................................................................................82
6.8.1 USB Storage General Commands Example ............................................................................83
6.9 WLAN Specific Commands ...............................................................................................................83
6.9.1 WLAN General Commands .....................................................................................................84
6.9.2 WLAN Interface Commands ....................................................................................................85
6.9.3 WLAN MAC Filter Commands .................................................................................................87
6.10 VLAN Interface Specific Commands ...............................................................................................88
6.10.1 VLAN Interface Command Examples ....................................................................................89
6.11 Bridge Specific Commands .............................................................................................................89
6.11.1 Bridge Interface Command Examples ...................................................................................90
6.12 Auxiliary Interface Specific Commands ...........................................................................................90
6.12.1 Auxiliary Interface Command Examples ................................................................................91
Chapter 7
7.1 Trunks Overview ...............................................................................................................................93
7.2 Trunk Scenario Examples .................................................................................................................93
7.3 Trunk Commands Input Values .........................................................................................................94
7.4 Trunk Commands Summary .............................................................................................................94
7.5 Trunk Command Examples ...............................................................................................................95
7.6 Link Sticking ......................................................................................................................................96
7.7 Link Sticking Commands Summary ..................................................................................................97
7.8 Link Sticking Command Example ......................................................................................................97
Chapter 8
8.1 Policy Route ......................................................................................................................................99
8.2 Policy Route Commands ...................................................................................................................99
8.2.1 Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ ...........................................................................104
8.2.2 Policy Route Command Example ..........................................................................................104
8.3 IP Static Route ................................................................................................................................105
8.4 Static Route Commands .................................................................................................................105
8.4.1 Static Route Commands Examples .......................................................................................106
Chapter 9
Routing Protocol...............................................................................................................................107
9.1 Routing Protocol Overview ..............................................................................................................107
9.2 Routing Protocol Commands Summary ..........................................................................................107
9.2.1 RIP Commands .....................................................................................................................108
9.2.2 General OSPF Commands ....................................................................................................108
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
9.2.3 OSPF Area Commands .........................................................................................................109
9.2.4 Virtual Link Commands ..........................................................................................................109
9.2.5 Learned Routing Information Commands ..............................................................................110
9.2.6 show ip route Command Example ......................................................................................... 110
Chapter 10
Zones ................................................................................................................................................. 111
10.1 Zones Overview ............................................................................................................................ 111
10.2 Zone Commands Summary .......................................................................................................... 112
10.2.1 Zone Command Examples ..................................................................................................113
Chapter 11
11.1 DDNS Overview ............................................................................................................................115
11.2 DDNS Commands Summary ........................................................................................................116
Chapter 12
Virtual Servers ..................................................................................................................................119
12.1 Virtual Server Overview ................................................................................................................119
12.1.1 1:1 NAT and Many 1:1 NAT .................................................................................................119
12.2 Virtual Server Commands Summary ............................................................................................. 119
12.2.1 Virtual Server Command Examples .....................................................................................121
12.2.2 Tutorial - How to Allow Public Access to a Server ...............................................................122
Chapter 13
HTTP Redirect...................................................................................................................................123
13.1 HTTP Redirect Overview ..............................................................................................................123
13.1.1 Web Proxy Server ................................................................................................................123
13.2 HTTP Redirect Commands ...........................................................................................................124
13.2.1 HTTP Redirect Command Examples ..................................................................................125
Chapter 14
ALG ....................................................................................................................................................127
14.1 ALG Introduction ...........................................................................................................................127
14.2 ALG Commands ............................................................................................................................128
14.3 ALG Commands Example .............................................................................................................129
Chapter 15
IP/MAC Binding.................................................................................................................................131
15.1 IP/MAC Binding Overview .............................................................................................................131
15.2 IP/MAC Binding Commands .........................................................................................................131
15.3 IP/MAC Binding Commands Example ..........................................................................................132
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 9
Chapter 16
Firewall ..............................................................................................................................................133
16.1 Firewall Overview ..........................................................................................................................133
16.2 Firewall Commands ......................................................................................................................134
16.2.1 Firewall Sub-Commands .....................................................................................................137
16.2.2 Firewall Command Examples ..............................................................................................138
16.3 Session Limit Commands .............................................................................................................139
Chapter 17
IPSec VPN..........................................................................................................................................141
17.1 IPSec VPN Overview ....................................................................................................................141
17.2 IPSec VPN Commands Summary ................................................................................................142
17.2.1 IKE SA Commands ..............................................................................................................143
17.2.2 IPSec SA Commands (except Manual Keys) ......................................................................144
17.2.3 IPSec SA Commands (for Manual Keys) ............................................................................147
17.2.4 VPN Concentrator Commands ............................................................................................147
17.2.5 VPN Configuration Provisioning Commands .......................................................................148
17.2.6 SA Monitor Commands .......................................................................................................149
Chapter 18
SSL VPN ............................................................................................................................................151
18.1 SSL Access Policy ........................................................................................................................151
18.1.1 SSL Application Objects ......................................................................................................151
18.1.2 SSL Access Policy Limitations .............................................................................................151
18.2 SSL VPN Commands ....................................................................................................................151
18.2.1 SSL VPN Commands ..........................................................................................................152
18.2.2 Setting an SSL VPN Rule Tutorial .......................................................................................153
Chapter 19
L2TP VPN...........................................................................................................................................157
19.1 L2TP VPN Overview .....................................................................................................................157
19.2 IPSec Configuration ......................................................................................................................157
19.2.1 Using the Default L2TP VPN Connection ............................................................................158
19.3 Policy Route ..................................................................................................................................158
19.4 L2TP VPN Commands ..................................................................................................................159
19.4.1 L2TP VPN Commands ........................................................................................................159
19.5 L2TP VPN Example ......................................................................................................................160
19.5.1 Configuring the Default L2TP VPN Gateway Example ........................................................161
19.5.2 Configuring the Default L2TP VPN Connection Example ....................................................161
19.5.3 Configuring the L2TP VPN Settings Example .....................................................................161
19.5.4 Configuring the Policy Route for L2TP Example .................................................................162
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 20
Application Patrol.............................................................................................................................163
20.1 Application Patrol Overview ..........................................................................................................163
20.2 Application Patrol Commands Summary ......................................................................................163
20.2.1 Pre-defined Application Commands ....................................................................................164
20.2.2 Rule Commands for Pre-defined Applications .....................................................................164
20.2.3 Exception Commands for Pre-defined Applications ............................................................166
20.2.4 Other Application Commands ..............................................................................................167
20.2.5 Rule Commands for Other Applications ..............................................................................167
20.2.6 General Commands for Application Patrol ..........................................................................168
Chapter 21
21.1 Anti-Virus Overview .......................................................................................................................173
21.2 Anti-virus Commands ....................................................................................................................173
21.2.1 General Anti-virus Commands ............................................................................................174
21.2.2 Zone to Zone Anti-virus Rules .............................................................................................174
21.2.3 White and Black Lists ..........................................................................................................176
21.2.4 Signature Search Anti-virus Command ...............................................................................177
21.3 Update Anti-virus Signatures ........................................................................................................178
21.3.1 Update Signature Examples ................................................................................................179
21.4 Anti-virus Statistics ........................................................................................................................179
21.4.1 Anti-virus Statistics Example ...............................................................................................180
Chapter 22
IDP Commands .................................................................................................................................181
22.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................181
22.2 General IDP Commands ...............................................................................................................181
22.2.1 IDP Activation ......................................................................................................................181
22.3 IDP Profile Commands ..................................................................................................................182
22.3.1 Global Profile Commands ....................................................................................................182
22.3.2 IDP Zone to Zone Rules ......................................................................................................183
22.3.3 Editing/Creating IDP Signature Profiles ...............................................................................184
22.3.4 Editing/Creating Anomaly Profiles .......................................................................................184
22.3.5 Editing System Protect ........................................................................................................188
22.3.6 Signature Search .................................................................................................................188
22.4 IDP Custom Signatures .................................................................................................................191
22.4.1 Custom Signature Examples ...............................................................................................192
22.5 Update IDP Signatures .................................................................................................................195
22.5.1 Update Signature Examples ................................................................................................196
22.6 IDP Statistics .................................................................................................................................196
22.6.1 IDP Statistics Example ........................................................................................................197
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 11
Chapter 23
Content Filtering...............................................................................................................................199
23.1 Content Filtering Overview ............................................................................................................199
23.2 Content Filtering Policies ..............................................................................................................199
23.3 External Web Filtering Service ......................................................................................................199
23.4 Content Filtering Reports ..............................................................................................................199
23.5 Content Filter Command Input Values ..........................................................................................200
23.6 General Content Filter Commands ...............................................................................................201
23.7 Content Filter Filtering Profile Commands ....................................................................................203
23.8 Content Filter URL Cache Commands ..........................................................................................205
23.9 Content Filtering Statistics .............................................................................................................206
23.9.1 Content Filtering Statistics Example ....................................................................................207
23.10 Content Filtering Commands Example .......................................................................................207
Chapter 24
24.1 Anti-Spam Overview ...................................................................................................................... 211
24.2 Anti-Spam Commands .................................................................................................................. 211
24.2.1 General Anti-Spam Commands ........................................................................................... 211
24.2.2 Zone to Zone Anti-spam Rules ............................................................................................212
24.2.3 White and Black Lists ..........................................................................................................214
24.2.4 DNSBL Anti-Spam Commands ............................................................................................216
24.3 Anti-Spam Statistics ......................................................................................................................219
24.3.1 Anti-Spam Statistics Example ..............................................................................................219
Chapter 25
Device HA..........................................................................................................................................221
25.1 Device HA Overview .....................................................................................................................221
25.1.1 Before You Begin .................................................................................................................222
25.2 General Device HA Commands ....................................................................................................222
25.3 Active-Passive Mode Device HA ...................................................................................................222
25.4 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Commands ...............................................................................223
25.4.1 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Commands ......................................................................223
25.4.2 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Command Example ........................................................225
25.5 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA .................................................................................................225
25.6 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA Commands ..............................................................................225
25.6.1 VRRP Group Commands ....................................................................................................226
25.6.2 VRRP Synchronization Commands .....................................................................................226
25.6.3 Link Monitoring Commands .................................................................................................227
Chapter 26
26.1 User Account Overview .................................................................................................................229
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
26.1.1 User Types ..........................................................................................................................229
26.2 User/Group Commands Summary ................................................................................................230
26.2.1 User Commands ..................................................................................................................230
26.2.2 User Group Commands .......................................................................................................231
26.2.3 User Setting Commands .....................................................................................................231
26.2.4 Force User Authentication Commands ................................................................................233
26.2.5 Additional User Commands .................................................................................................235
Chapter 27
Addresses .........................................................................................................................................237
27.1 Address Overview .........................................................................................................................237
27.2 Address Commands Summary .....................................................................................................237
27.2.1 Address Object Commands .................................................................................................238
27.2.2 Address Group Commands .................................................................................................240
Chapter 28
28.1 Services Overview ........................................................................................................................243
28.2 Services Commands Summary .....................................................................................................243
28.2.1 Service Object Commands ..................................................................................................243
28.2.2 Service Group Commands ..................................................................................................244
Chapter 29
29.1 Schedule Overview .......................................................................................................................247
29.2 Schedule Commands Summary ...................................................................................................247
29.2.1 Schedule Command Examples ...........................................................................................248
Chapter 30
AAA Server........................................................................................................................................249
30.1 AAA Server Overview ...................................................................................................................249
30.2 Authentication Server Command Summary ..................................................................................249
30.2.1 ad-server Commands ..........................................................................................................249
30.2.2 ldap-server Commands .......................................................................................................250
30.2.3 radius-server Commands ....................................................................................................251
30.2.4 radius-server Command Example .......................................................................................251
30.2.5 aaa group server ad Commands .........................................................................................251
30.2.6 aaa group server ldap Commands ......................................................................................252
30.2.7 aaa group server radius Commands ...................................................................................253
30.2.8 aaa group server Command Example .................................................................................254
Chapter 31
Authentication Objects.....................................................................................................................255
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 13
31.1 Authentication Objects Overview ..................................................................................................255
31.2 aaa authentication Commands .....................................................................................................255
31.2.1 aaa authentication Command Example ...............................................................................256
31.3 test aaa Command ........................................................................................................................256
31.3.1 Test a User Account Command Example ............................................................................256
Chapter 32
Certificates ........................................................................................................................................259
32.1 Certificates Overview ....................................................................................................................259
32.2 Certificate Commands ...................................................................................................................259
32.3 Certificates Commands Input Values ............................................................................................259
32.4 Certificates Commands Summary ................................................................................................260
32.5 Certificates Commands Examples ................................................................................................263
Chapter 33
ISP Accounts.....................................................................................................................................264
33.1 ISP Accounts Overview .................................................................................................................264
33.1.1 PPPoE and PPTP Account Commands ..............................................................................264
33.1.2 Cellular Account Commands ...............................................................................................265
Chapter 34
SSL Application ................................................................................................................................266
34.1 SSL Application Overview .............................................................................................................266
34.1.1 SSL Application Object Commands ....................................................................................266
34.1.2 SSL Application Command Examples .................................................................................268
Chapter 35
Endpoint Security .............................................................................................................................269
35.1 Endpoint Security Overview ..........................................................................................................269
35.1.1 Endpoint Security Commands Summary .............................................................................270
35.1.2 Endpoint Security Object Commands ..................................................................................270
35.1.3 Endpoint Security Object Command Example .....................................................................273
Chapter 36
DHCPv6 Objects................................................................................................................................276
36.1 DHCPv6 Object Commands Summary .........................................................................................276
36.1.1 DHCPv6 Object Commands ................................................................................................276
36.1.2 DHCPv6 Object Command Examples .................................................................................277
Chapter 37
37.1 System Overview ..........................................................................................................................279
37.2 Customizing the WWW Login Page ..............................................................................................279
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
37.3 Host Name Commands .................................................................................................................281
37.4 Time and Date ..............................................................................................................................281
37.4.1 Date/Time Commands .........................................................................................................282
37.5 Console Port Speed .....................................................................................................................282
37.6 DNS Overview ..............................................................................................................................283
37.6.1 Domain Zone Forwarder .....................................................................................................283
37.6.2 DNS Commands ..................................................................................................................283
37.6.3 DNS Command Example ....................................................................................................284
Chapter 38
System Remote Management..........................................................................................................285
38.1 Remote Management Overview ....................................................................................................285
38.1.1 Remote Management Limitations ........................................................................................285
38.1.2 System Timeout ...................................................................................................................285
38.2 Common System Command Input Values ....................................................................................286
38.3 HTTP/HTTPS Commands .............................................................................................................286
38.3.1 HTTP/HTTPS Command Examples ....................................................................................288
38.4 SSH ...............................................................................................................................................288
38.4.1 SSH Implementation on the ZyWALL ..................................................................................288
38.4.2 Requirements for Using SSH ...............................................................................................288
38.4.3 SSH Commands ..................................................................................................................289
38.4.4 SSH Command Examples ...................................................................................................289
38.5 Telnet ............................................................................................................................................290
38.6 Telnet Commands .........................................................................................................................290
38.6.1 Telnet Commands Examples ...............................................................................................290
38.7 Configuring FTP ...........................................................................................................................291
38.7.1 FTP Commands ..................................................................................................................291
38.7.2 FTP Commands Examples ..................................................................................................292
38.8 SNMP ...........................................................................................................................................292
38.8.1 Supported MIBs ...................................................................................................................292
38.8.2 SNMP Traps ........................................................................................................................292
38.8.3 SNMP Commands ...............................................................................................................293
38.8.4 SNMP Commands Examples ..............................................................................................293
38.9 ICMP Filter ...................................................................................................................................294
38.10 Dial-in Management ...................................................................................................................294
38.10.1 AT Command Strings .........................................................................................................295
38.10.2 DTR Signal ........................................................................................................................295
38.10.3 Response Strings ..............................................................................................................295
38.10.4 Dial-in Management Commands .......................................................................................295
38.11 Vantage CNM .............................................................................................................................296
38.11.1 Vantage CNM Commands .................................................................................................296
38.12 Language Commands .................................................................................................................297
38.13 IPv6 Commands ..........................................................................................................................298
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ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 15
Chapter 39
File Manager......................................................................................................................................299
39.1 File Directories ..............................................................................................................................299
39.2 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts Overview ...........................................................................299
39.2.1 Comments in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts ...............................................................300
39.2.2 Errors in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts .......................................................................301
39.2.3 ZyWALL Configuration File Details ......................................................................................301
39.2.4 Configuration File Flow at Restart .......................................................................................302
39.3 File Manager Commands Input Values .........................................................................................302
39.4 File Manager Commands Summary .............................................................................................303
39.5 File Manager Command Examples ...............................................................................................304
39.6 FTP File Transfer ..........................................................................................................................304
39.6.1 Command Line FTP File Upload .........................................................................................304
39.6.2 Command Line FTP Configuration File Upload Example ....................................................305
39.6.3 Command Line FTP File Download .....................................................................................305
39.6.4 Command Line FTP Configuration File Download Example ...............................................306
39.7 ZyWALL File Usage at Startup ......................................................................................................306
39.8 Notification of a Damaged Recovery Image or Firmware .............................................................307
39.9 Restoring the Recovery Image ......................................................................................................308
39.10 Restoring the Firmware ...............................................................................................................310
39.11 Restoring the Default System Database .....................................................................................312
39.11.1 Using the atkz -u Debug Command ...................................................................................314
Chapter 40
Logs ...................................................................................................................................................317
40.1 Log Commands Summary ............................................................................................................317
40.1.1 Log Entries Commands .......................................................................................................318
40.1.2 System Log Commands ......................................................................................................318
40.1.3 Debug Log Commands ........................................................................................................319
40.1.4 E-mail Profile Commands ....................................................................................................320
40.1.5 Console Port Logging Commands .......................................................................................322
Chapter 41
Reports and Reboot..........................................................................................................................323
41.1 Report Commands Summary ........................................................................................................323
41.1.1 Report Commands ..............................................................................................................323
41.1.2 Report Command Examples ...............................................................................................324
41.1.3 Session Commands ............................................................................................................324
41.1.4 Packet Size Statistics Commands .......................................................................................324
41.2 Email Daily Report Commands .....................................................................................................325
41.2.1 Email Daily Report Example ................................................................................................326
41.3 Reboot ...........................................................................................................................................328
Table of Contents
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 42
Session Timeout ...............................................................................................................................329
Chapter 43
Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................................331
43.1 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................331
43.2 Diagnosis Commands ...................................................................................................................331
43.3 Diagnosis Commands Example ....................................................................................................331
Chapter 44
Packet Flow Explore.........................................................................................................................333
44.1 Packet Flow Explore .....................................................................................................................333
44.2 Packet Flow Explore Commands ..................................................................................................333
44.3 Packet Flow Explore Commands Example ...................................................................................334
Chapter 45
Packet Flow Filter .............................................................................................................................337
45.1 Packet Flow Filter ..........................................................................................................................337
45.2 Packet Flow Filter Commands ......................................................................................................337
45.3 Packet Flow Filter Commands Examples .....................................................................................338
Chapter 46
Maintenance Tools............................................................................................................................341
46.1 Maintenance Command Examples ...............................................................................................343
46.1.1 Packet Capture Command Example ...................................................................................344
Chapter 47
Watchdog Timer................................................................................................................................347
47.1 Hardware Watchdog Timer ...........................................................................................................347
47.2 Software Watchdog Timer .............................................................................................................347
47.3 Application Watchdog ...................................................................................................................348
47.3.1 Application Watchdog Commands Example ........................................................................348
List of Commands (Alphabetical)....................................................................................................351
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 19
Command Line Interface
This chapter describes how to access and use the CLI (Command Line Interface).
1.1 Overview
If you have problems with your ZyWALL, customer support may request that you issue some of
these commands to assist them in troubleshooting.
Use of undocumented commands or misconfiguration can damage the
ZyWALL and possibly render it unusable.
1.1.1 The Configuration File
When you configure the ZyWALL using either the CLI (Command Line Interface) or the web
configurator, the settings are saved as a series of commands in a configuration file on the ZyWALL.
You can store more than one configuration file on the ZyWALL. However, only one configuration file
is used at a time.
You can perform the following with a configuration file:
• Back up ZyWALL configuration once the ZyWALL is set up to work in your network.
• Restore ZyWALL configuration.
• Save and edit a configuration file and upload it to multiple ZyWALLs (of the same model) in your
network to have the same settings.
Note: You may also edit a configuration file using a text editor.
1.2 Accessing the CLI
You can access the CLI using a terminal emulation program on a computer connected to the console
port, from the web configurator or access the ZyWALL using Telnet or SSH (Secure SHell).
Note: The ZyWALL might force you to log out of your session if reauthentication time,
lease time, or idle timeout is reached. See Chapter 26 on page 229 for more
information about these settings.
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1.2.1 Console Port
The default settings for the console port are as follows.
When you turn on your ZyWALL, it performs several internal tests as well as line initialization. You
can view the initialization information using the console port.
• Garbled text displays if your terminal emulation program’s speed is set lower than the ZyWALL’s.
• No text displays if the speed is set higher than the ZyWALL’s.
• If changing your terminal emulation program’s speed does not get anything to display, restart the
• If restarting the ZyWALL does not get anything to display, contact your local customer support.
Figure 1 Console Port Power-on Display
After the initialization, the login screen displays.
Figure 2 Login Screen
Enter the user name and password at the prompts.
Note: The default login username is admin and password is 1234. The username and
password are case-sensitive.
1.2.2 Web Configurator Console
Note: Before you can access the CLI through the web configurator, make sure your
computer supports the Java Runtime Environment. You will be prompted to
download and install the Java plug-in if it is not already installed.
Table 1 Managing the ZyWALL: Console Port
Speed 115200 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control Off
BootModule Version: V1.14 | 07/09/2010 11:00:00
DRAM: Size = 256 Mbytes
Kernel Version: V2.6.25.4 | 2011-10-28 00:25:30
ZLD Version: V3.00(BDR.0)b9 | 2011-10-28 14:41:45
Press any key to enter debug mode within 1 seconds.
Welcome to ZyWALL USG 20W
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 21
When you access the CLI using the web console, your computer establishes a SSH (Secure SHell)
connection to the ZyWALL. Follow the steps below to access the web console.
1Log into the web configurator.
2Click the Console icon in the top-right corner of the web configurator screen.
3If the Java plug-in is already installed, skip to step 4.
Otherwise, you will be prompted to install the Java plug-in. If the prompt does not display and the
screen remains gray, you have to download the setup program.
4The web console starts. This might take a few seconds. One or more security screens may display.
Click Yes or Always.
Figure 3 Web Console: Security Warnings
Finally, the User Name screen appears.
Figure 4 Web Console: User Name
5Enter the user name you want to use to log in to the console. The console begins to connect to the
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Note: The default login username is admin. It is case-sensitive.
Figure 5 Web Console: Connecting
Then, the Password screen appears.
Figure 6 Web Console: Password
6Enter the password for the user name you specified earlier, and click OK. If you enter the password
incorrectly, you get an error message, and you may have to close the console window and open it
again. If you enter the password correctly, the console screen appears.
Figure 7 Web Console
7To use most commands in this User’s Guide, enter configure terminal. The prompt should
change to Router(config)#.
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 23
1.2.3 Telnet
Use the following steps to Telnet into your ZyWALL.
1If your computer is connected to the ZyWALL over the Internet, skip to the next step. Make sure
your computer IP address and the ZyWALL IP address are on the same subnet.
2In Windows, click Start (usually in the bottom left corner) and Run. Then type telnet and the
ZyWALL’s IP address. For example, enter telnet (the default management IP
3Click OK. A login screen displays. Enter the user name and password at the prompts.
Note: The default login username is admin and password is 1234. The username and
password are case-sensitive.
1.2.4 SSH (Secure SHell)
You can use an SSH client program to access the CLI. The following figure shows an example using
a text-based SSH client program. Refer to the documentation that comes with your SSH program
for information on using it.
Note: The default login username is admin and password is 1234. The username and
password are case-sensitive.
Figure 8 SSH Login Example
1.3 How to Find Commands in this Guide
You can simply look for the feature chapter to find commands. In addition, you can use the List of
Commands (Alphabetical) at the end of the guide. This section lists the commands in alphabetical
order that they appear in this guide.
If you are looking at the CLI Reference Guide electronically, you might have additional options (for
example, bookmarks or Find...) as well.
C:\>ssh2 admin@
Host key not found from database.
Key fingerprint:
You can get a public key's fingerprint by running
% ssh-keygen -F publickey.pub
on the keyfile.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Host key saved to C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application Data/SSH/hostkeys/
host key for, accepted by user Tue Aug 09 2005 07:38:28
admin's password:
Authentication successful.
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1.4 How Commands Are Explained
Each chapter explains the commands for one keyword. The chapters are divided into the following
1.4.1 Background Information (Optional)
Note: See the User’s Guide for background information about most features.
This section provides background information about features that you cannot configure in the web
configurator. In addition, this section identifies related commands in other chapters.
1.4.2 Command Input Values (Optional)
This section lists common input values for the commands for the feature in one or more tables
1.4.3 Command Summary
This section lists the commands for the feature in one or more tables.
1.4.4 Command Examples (Optional)
This section contains any examples for the commands in this feature.
1.4.5 Command Syntax
The following conventions are used in this User’s Guide.
• A command or keyword in courier new must be entered literally as shown. Do not abbreviate.
• Values that you need to provide are in italics.
• Required fields that have multiple choices are enclosed in curly brackets {}.
• A range of numbers is enclosed in angle brackets <>.
• Optional fields are enclosed in square brackets [].
| symbol means OR.
For example, look at the following command to create a TCP/UDP service object.
service-object object-name {tcp | udp} {eq <1..65535> | range <1..65535> <1..65535>}
1Enter service-object exactly as it appears.
2Enter the name of the object where you see object-name.
3Enter tcp or udp, depending on the service object you want to create.
4Finally, do one of the following.
eq exactly as it appears, followed by a number between 1 and 65535.
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 25
•Enter range exactly as it appears, followed by two numbers between 1 and 65535.
1.4.6 Changing the Password
It is highly recommended that you change the password for accessing the ZyWALL. See Section
26.2 on page 230 for the appropriate commands.
1.5 CLI Modes
You run CLI commands in one of several modes.
See Chapter 26 on page 229 for more information about the user types. User users can only log in,
look at (but not run) the available commands in User mode, and log out. Limited-Admin users
can look at the configuration in the web configurator and CLI, and they can run basic diagnostics in
the CLI. Admin users can configure the ZyWALL in the web configurator or CLI.
At the time of writing, there is not much difference between User and Privilege mode for admin
users. This is reserved for future use.
Table 2 CLI Modes
What Guest users
can do Unable to access Unable to access Unable to access Unable to access
What User users
can do • Look at (but not
run) available
Unable to access Unable to access Unable to access
What Limited-
Admin users can
• Look at system
information (like
Status screen)
• Run basic
• Look at system
information (like
Status screen)
• Run basic
Unable to access Unable to access
What Admin
users can do • Look at system
information (like
Status screen)
• Run basic
• Look at system
information (like
Status screen)
• Run basic
• Configure simple
features (such as
an address
• Create or remove
complex parts
(such as an
• Configure
complex parts
(such as an
interface) in the
How you enter it Log in to the ZyWALL Type enable in User
mode Type configure
terminal in User or
Privilege mode
Type the command
used to create the
specific part in
What the prompt
looks like Router> Router# Router(config)# (varies by part)
How you exit it Type exit Type disable Type exit Type exit
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1.6 Shortcuts and Help
1.6.1 List of Available Commands
A list of valid commands can be found by typing ? or [TAB] at the command prompt. To view a list of
available commands within a command group, enter <command> ? or <command> [TAB].
Figure 9 Help: Available Commands Example 1
Figure 10 Help: Available Command Example 2
1.6.2 List of Sub-commands or Required User Input
To view detailed help information for a command, enter <command> <sub command> ?.
Figure 11 Help: Sub-command Information Example
Figure 12 Help: Required User Input Example
Router> ?
Router> show ?
<wlan ap interface>
Router> show
Router(config)# ip telnet server ?
Router(config)# ip telnet server
Router(config)# ip telnet server port ?
Router(config)# ip telnet server port
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 27
1.6.3 Entering Partial Commands
The CLI does not accept partial or incomplete commands. You may enter a unique part of a
command and press [TAB] to have the ZyWALL automatically display the full command.
For example, if you enter config and press [TAB] , the full command of configure automatically
If you enter a partial command that is not unique and press [TAB], the ZyWALL displays a list of
commands that start with the partial command.
Figure 13 Non-Unique Partial Command Example
1.6.4 Entering a ? in a Command
Typing a ? (question mark) usually displays help information. However, some commands allow you
to input a ?, for example as part of a string. Press [CTRL+V] on your keyboard to enter a ? without
the ZyWALL treating it as a help query.
1.6.5 Command History
The ZyWALL keeps a list of commands you have entered for the current CLI session. You can use
any commands in the history again by pressing the up () or down () arrow key to scroll through
the previously used commands and press [ENTER].
1.6.6 Navigation
Press [CTRL]+A to move the cursor to the beginning of the line. Press [CTRL]+E to move the cursor to
the end of the line.
1.6.7 Erase Current Command
Press [CTRL]+U to erase whatever you have currently typed at the prompt (before pressing [ENTER]).
1.6.8 The no Commands
When entering the no commands described in this document, you may not need to type the whole
command. For example, with the “[no] mss <536..1452>” command, you use “mss 536” to specify
the MSS value. But to disable the MSS setting, you only need to type “no mss” instead of “no mss
Router# c [TAB]
clear configure copy
Router# co [TAB]
configure copy
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1.7 Input Values
You can use the ? or [TAB] to get more information about the next input value that is required for a
command. In some cases, the next input value is a string whose length and allowable characters
may not be displayed in the screen. For example, in the following example, the next input value is a
string called <description>.
When you use the example above, note that ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such
as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-wlan, or dmz.
The following table provides more information about input values like <description>.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface ge1
Router(config-if-ge)# description
Table 3 Input-Value Formats for Strings in CLI Commands
all -- ALL
authentication key Used in IPSec SA
“0x” or “0X” + 32-40 hexadecimal values
alphanumeric or ;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\\{}':,./<>=-
Used in MD5 authentication keys for RIP/OSPF and text authentication key for RIP
0-16 alphanumeric or _-
Used in text authentication keys for OSPF
0-8 alphanumeric or _-
certificate name 1-31 alphanumeric or ;`~!@#$%^&()_+[\]{}',.=-
community string 0-63 alphanumeric or .-
first character: alphanumeric or -
connection_id 1+ alphanumeric or -_:
contact 1-61 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-.
country code 0 or 2 alphanumeric
custom signature file
0-30 alphanumeric or _-.
first character: letter
description Used in keyword criteria for log entries
1-64 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-.
Used in other commands
1-61 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-
distinguished name 1-511 alphanumeric, spaces, or .@=,_-
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 29
domain name Used in content filtering
0+ lower-case letters, numbers, or .-
Used in ip dns server
0-247 alphanumeric or .-
first character: alphanumeric or -
Used in domainname, ip dhcp pool, and ip domain
0-254 alphanumeric or ._-
first character: alphanumeric or -
email 1-63 alphanumeric or .@_-
e-mail 1-64 alphanumeric or .@_-
encryption key 16-64
“0x” or “0X” + 16-64 hexadecimal values
alphanumeric or ;\|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\\{}':,./<>=-
file name 0-31 alphanumeric or _-
filter extension 1-256 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%.-
fqdn Used in ip dns server
0-252 alphanumeric or .-
first character: alphanumeric or -
Used in ip ddns, time server, device HA, VPN, certificates, and interface ping
0-254 alphanumeric or .-
first character: alphanumeric or -
full file name 0-256 alphanumeric or _/.-
hostname Used in hostname command
0-63 alphanumeric or .-_
first character: alphanumeric or -
Used in other commands
0-252 alphanumeric or .-
first character: alphanumeric or -
import configuration
1-26+”.conf” alphanumeric or ;`~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}',.=-
add “.conf” at the end
import shell script 1-26+”.zysh” alphanumeric or ;`~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}',.=-
add “.zysh” at the end
initial string 1-64 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=!*#@$_%-.&
isp account password 0-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_\-+={}|\;:'<,>./
isp account username 0-30 alphanumeric or -_@$./
ipv6_addr An IPv6 address. The 128-bit IPv6 address is written as eight 16-bit
hexadecimal blocks separated by colons (:). This is an example IPv6
address 2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000.
IPv6 addresses can be abbreviated in two ways:
Leading zeros in a block can be omitted. So
2001:0db8:1a2b:0015:0000:0000:1a2f:0000 can be written as
Any number of consecutive blocks of zeros can be replaced by a double
colon. A double colon can only appear once in an IPv6 address. So
2001:0db8:0000:0000:1a2f:0000:0000:0015 can be written as
2001:0db8::1a2f:0000:0000:0015, 2001:0db8:0000:0000:1a2f::0015,
2001:db8::1a2f:0:0:15 or 2001:db8:0:0:1a2f::15.
Table 3 Input-Value Formats for Strings in CLI Commands (continued)
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
key length -- 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048
license key 25 “S-” + 6 upper-case letters or numbers + “-” + 16 upper-case
letters or numbers
mac address -- aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff (hexadecimal)
mail server fqdn lower-case letters, numbers, or -.
name 1-31 alphanumeric or _-
notification message 1-81 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-
password: less than 15
1-15 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_\-+={}|\;:'<,>./
password: less than 8
1-8 alphanumeric or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,#$
password Used in user and ip ddns
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<,>./
Used in e-mail log profile SMTP authentication
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<>./
Used in device HA synchronization
1-63 alphanumeric or ~#%^*_-={}:,.
Used in registration
6-20 alphanumeric or .@_-
phone number 1-20 numbers or ,+
preshared key 16-64 “0x” or “0X” + 16-64 hexadecimal values
alphanumeric or ;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-
profile name 0-30 alphanumeric or _-
first character: letters or _-
proto name 1-16 lower-case letters, numbers, or -
protocol name 0-30 alphanumeric or _-
first character: letters or _-
quoted string less than
127 chars
1-255 alphanumeric, spaces, or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,
quoted string less than
63 chars
1-63 alphanumeric, spaces, or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%
quoted string 0+ alphanumeric, spaces, or punctuation marks
enclosed in double quotation marks (“)
must put a backslash (\) before double quotation marks that are
part of input value itself
service name 0-63 alphanumeric or -_@$./
spi 2-8 hexadecimal
string less than 15
1-15 alphanumeric or -_
string: less than 63
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<,>./
string 1+ alphanumeric or -_@
subject 1-61 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%-
system type 0-2 hexadecimal
timezone [-+]hh -- -12 through +12 (with or without “+”)
Table 3 Input-Value Formats for Strings in CLI Commands (continued)
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 31
1.8 Ethernet Interfaces
How you specify an Ethernet interface depends on the ZyWALL model.
• For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1~N, where N equals the highest numbered
Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
• The ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-wlan, or
1.9 Saving Configuration Changes
Use the write command to save the current configuration to the ZyWALL.
Note: Always save the changes before you log out after each management session. All
unsaved changes will be lost after the system restarts.
url 1-511 alphanumeric or '()+,/:.=?;!*#@$_%-
url Used in content filtering redirect
alphanumeric or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,
starts with “http://” or “https://”
may contain one pound sign (#)
Used in other content filtering commands
“http://”+ alphanumeric or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,
starts with “http://”
may contain one pound sign (#)
user name Used in VPN extended authentication
1-31 alphanumeric or _-
Used in other commands
0-30 alphanumeric or _-
first character: letters or _-
username 6-20 alphanumeric or .@_-
user name 1+ alphanumeric or -_.
logging commands
user@domainname 1-80 alphanumeric or .@_-
vrrp group name: less
than 15 chars
1-15 alphanumeric or _-
week-day sequence, i.e.
1 1-4
xauth method 1-31 alphanumeric or _-
xauth password 1-31 alphanumeric or ;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-
mac address 0-12 (even
for example: aa aabbcc aabbccddeeff
Table 3 Input-Value Formats for Strings in CLI Commands (continued)
Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1.10 Logging Out
Enter the exit or end command in configure mode to go to privilege mode.
Enter the exit command in user mode or privilege mode to log out of the CLI.
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 33
User and Privilege Modes
This chapter describes how to use these two modes.
2.1 User And Privilege Modes
This is the mode you are in when you first log into the CLI. (Do not confuse ‘user mode’ with types
of user accounts the ZyWALL uses. See Chapter 26 on page 229 for more information about the
user types. ‘User’ type accounts can only run ‘exit’ in this mode. However, they may need to log
into the device in order to be authenticated for ‘user-aware’ policies, for example a firewall rule that
a particular user is exempt from or a VPN tunnel that only certain people may use.)
Type ‘enable’ to go to ‘privilege mode’. No password is required. All commands can be run from
here except those marked with an asterisk. Many of these commands are for trouble-shooting
purposes, for example the htm (hardware test module) and debug commands. Customer support
may ask you to run some of these commands and send the results if you need assistance
troubleshooting your device.
For admin logins, all commands are visible in ‘user mode’ but not all can be run there. The following
table displays which commands can be run in ‘user mode’. All commands can be run in ‘privilege
The htm and psm commands are for ZyXEL’s internal manufacturing
Table 4 User (U) and Privilege (P) Mode Commands
apply P Applies a configuration file.
atse U/P Displays the seed code
clear U/P Clears system or debug logs or DHCP binding.
configure U/P Use ‘configure terminal’ to enter configuration mode.
copy P Copies configuration files.
debug (*) U/P For support personnel only! The device needs to have the debug flag enabled.
delete P Deletes configuration files.
details P Performs diagnostic commands.
diag P Provided for support personnel to collect internal system information. It is not recommended
that you use these.
diag-info P Has the ZyWALL create a new diagnostic file.
dir P Lists files in a directory.
disable U/P Goes from privilege mode to user mode
enable U/P Goes from user mode to privilege mode
Chapter 2 User and Privilege Modes
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Subsequent chapters in this guide describe the configuration commands. User/privilege mode
commands that are also configuration commands (for example, ‘show’) are described in more detail
in the related configuration command chapter.
2.1.1 Debug Commands
Debug commands marked with an asterisk (*) are not available when the debug flag is on and are
for ZyXEL service personnel use only. The debug commands follow a Linux-based syntax, so if there
exit U/P Goes to a previous mode or logs out.
htm U/P Goes to htm (hardware test module) mode for testing hardware components. You may need to
use the htm commands if your customer support Engineer asks you to during troubleshooting.
Note: These commands are for ZyXEL’s internal manufacturing process.
interface U/P Dials or disconnects an interface.
no packet-trace U/P Turns off packet tracing.
nslookup U/P Resolves an IP address to a host name and vice-versa.
packet-trace U/P Performs a packet trace.
ping U/P Pings an IP address or host name.
ping6 U/P Pings an IPv6 address or a host name.
psm U/P Goes to psm (product support module) mode for setting product parameters. You may need to
use the htm commands if your customer support Engineer asks you to during troubleshooting.
Note: These commands are for ZyXEL’s internal manufacturing process.
reboot P Restarts the device.
release P Releases DHCP information from an interface.
rename P Renames a configuration file.
renew P Renews DHCP information for an interface.
run P Runs a script.
setenv U/P Turns stop-on-error on (terminates booting if an error is found in a configuration file) or off
(ignores configuration file errors and continues booting).
show U/P Displays command statistics. See the associated command chapter in this guide.
shutdown P Writes all d data to disk and stops the system processes. It does not turn off the power.
telnet U/P Establishes a connection to the TCP port number 23 of the specified host name or IP address.
test aaa U/P Tests whether the specified user name can be successfully authenticated by an external
authentication server.
traceroute P Traces the route to the specified host name or IP address.
traceroute6 P Traces the route to the specified host name or IPv6 address.
write P Saves the current configuration to the ZyWALL. All unsaved changes are lost after the ZyWALL
Table 4 User (U) and Privilege (P) Mode Commands (continued)
Chapter 2 User and Privilege Modes
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 35
is a Linux equivalent, it is displayed in this chapter for your reference. You must know a command
listed here well before you use it. Otherwise, it may cause undesired results.
Table 5 Debug Commands
debug alg FTP/SIP ALG debug commands
debug anti-spam Anti-Spam debug commands
debug app Application patrol debug command
debug app show l7protocol (*) Shows app patrol protocol list > cat /etc/l7_protocols/
debug ca (*) Certificate debug commands
debug content-filter Content Filtering debug commands
debug device-ha (*) Device HA debug commands
debug eps Endpoint security debug commands
debug force-auth (*) Authentication policy debug commands
debug gui (*) GUI cgi related debug commands
debug gui (*) Web Configurator related debug
debug hardware (*) Hardware debug commands
debug idp IDP debug commands
debug idp-av IDP and Anti-Virus debug commands
debug interface Interface debug commands
debug interface ifconfig
[interface] Shows system interfaces detail > ifconfig [interface]
debug interface-group Port grouping debug commands
debug ip dns DNS debug commands
debug ip virtual-server Virtual Server (NAT) debug commands
debug ipsec IPSec VPN debug commands
debug logging System logging debug commands
debug manufacture Manufacturing related debug commands
debug myzyxel server (*) Myzyxel.com debug commands
debug network arpignore (*) Enable/Display the ignoring of ARP
responses for interfaces which don't own
the IP address
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/
debug no myzyxel server (*) Set the myZyXEL.com registration/update
server to the official site
debug policy-route (*) Policy route debug command
debug reset content-filter
profiling Content Filtering debug commands
debug service-register Service registration debug command
debug show content-filter server Category-based content filtering debug
debug show myzyxel server status Myzyxel.com debug commands
debug show ipset Lists the ZyWALL‘s received cards
debug show myzyxel server status Myzyxel.com debug commands
debug sslvpn SSL VPN debug commands
Chapter 2 User and Privilege Modes
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
debug system ipv6 IPv6 debug commands
debug [cmdexec|corefile|ip
ZLD internal debug commands
debug update server (*) Update server debug command
Table 5 Debug Commands (continued)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 39
Object Reference
This chapter describes how to use object reference commands.
3.1 Object Reference Commands
The object reference commands are used to see which configuration settings reference a specific
object. You can use this table when you want to delete an object because you have to remove
references to the object first.
Table 6 show reference Commands
show reference object username
[username]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified user object.
show reference object address
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified address
show reference object address6
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified IPv6 address
show reference object eps [object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified endpoint
security object.
show reference object service
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified service
show reference object schedule
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified schedule
show reference object interface
[interface_name |
Displays which configuration settings reference the specified interface or
virtual interface object.
show reference object aaa authentication
[default | auth_method]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified AAA
authentication object.
show reference object ca category
{local|remote} [cert_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified
authentication method object.
show reference object account pppoe
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified PPPoE
account object.
show reference object account pptp
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified PPTP account
show reference object sslvpn application
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified SSL VPN
application object.
show reference object crypto map
[crypto_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified VPN
connection object.
show reference object isakmp policy
[isakmp_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified VPN gateway
show reference object sslvpn policy
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified SSL VPN
Chapter 3 Object Reference
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
3.1.1 Object Reference Command Example
This example shows how to check which configuration is using an address object named
LAN1_SUBNET. For the command output, firewall rule 3 named LAN1-to-USG-2000 is using the
address object.
show reference object zone [object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified zone object.
show reference object dhcp6-lease-object
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified DHCPv6
lease object.
show reference object dhcp6-request-
object [object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified DHCPv6
request object.
show reference object-group username
[username]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified user group
show reference object-group address
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified address
group object.
show reference object-group address6
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified IPv6 address
group object.
show reference object-group service
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified service
group object.
show reference object-group interface
[object_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified trunk object.
show reference object-group aaa ad
[group_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified AAA AD
group object.
show reference object-group aaa ldap
[group_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified AAA LDAP
group object.
show reference object-group aaa radius
[group_name]Displays which configuration settings reference the specified AAA RADIUS
group object.
Table 6 show reference Commands (continued)
Router(config)# show reference object address LAN1_SUBNET
LAN1_SUBNET References:
Rule Priority Rule Name
3 N/A
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 41
This chapter explains some commands you can use to display information about the ZyWALL’s
current operational state.
Here are examples of the commands that display the CPU and disk utilization.
Table 7 Status Show Commands
show boot status Displays details about the ZyWALL’s startup state.
show comport status Displays whether the console and auxiliary ports are on or off.
show cpu status Displays the CPU utilization.
show disk Displays the disk utilization.
show extension-slot Displays the status of the extension card slot and USB ports and the names of devices connected
to them.
show fan-speed Displays the current fan speed.
show led status Displays the status of each LED on the ZyWALL.
show mac Displays the ZyWALL’s MAC address.
show mem status Displays what percentage of the ZyWALL’s memory is currently being used.
show ram-size Displays the size of the ZyWALL’s on-board RAM.
show redundant-
power status Displays the status of the ZyWALL’s power modules. The ZyWALL has two power modules. It can
continue operating on a single power module if one fails.
show serial-number Displays the serial number of this ZyWALL.
show socket listen Displays the ZyWALL’s listening ports
show socket open Displays the ports that are open on the ZyWALL.
show system uptime Displays how long the ZyWALL has been running since it last restarted or was turned on.
show version Displays the ZyWALL’s model, firmware and build information.
Router(config)# show cpu status
CPU utilization: 0 %
CPU utilization for 1 min: 0 %
CPU utilization for 5 min: 0 %
Router(config)# show disk
; <cr> |
Router(config)# show disk
No. Disk Size(MB) Usage
1 image 67 83%
2 onboard flash 163 15%
Chapter 4 Status
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Here are examples of the commands that display the fan speed, MAC address, memory usage, RAM
size, and serial number.
Here is an example of the command that displays the listening ports.
Router(config)# show fan-speed
FAN1(F00)(rpm): limit(hi)=6500, limit(lo)=1400, max=6650, min=6642, avg=6644
FAN2(F01)(rpm): limit(hi)=6500, limit(lo)=1400, max=6809, min=6783, avg=6795
FAN3(F02)(rpm): limit(hi)=6500, limit(lo)=1400, max=6683, min=6666, avg=6674
FAN4(F03)(rpm): limit(hi)=6500, limit(lo)=1400, max=6633, min=6617, avg=6627
Router(config)# show mac
MAC address: 28:61:32:89:37:61-28:61:32:89:37:67
Router(config)# show mem status
memory usage: 39%
Router(config)# show ram-size
ram size: 510MB
Router(config)# show serial-number
serial number: S060Z12020460
Router(config)# show socket listen
No. Proto Local_Address Foreign_Address State
1 tcp LISTEN
2 tcp LISTEN
3 tcp LISTEN
4 tcp LISTEN
5 tcp LISTEN
6 tcp LISTEN
7 tcp LISTEN
8 tcp LISTEN
9 tcp LISTEN
10 tcp LISTEN
11 tcp LISTEN
12 tcp LISTEN
13 tcp LISTEN
14 tcp LISTEN
15 tcp LISTEN
16 tcp LISTEN
17 tcp LISTEN
Chapter 4 Status
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 43
Here is an example of the command that displays the open ports.
Router(config)# show socket open
No. Proto Local_Address Foreign_Address State
2 udp
3 udp
4 udp
5 udp
6 udp
7 udp
8 udp
9 udp
10 udp
11 udp
12 udp
13 udp
14 udp
15 udp
16 udp
17 udp
18 udp
19 udp
20 udp
21 udp
22 udp
23 udp
24 udp
25 udp
26 udp
27 udp
28 udp
29 udp
30 udp
31 udp
32 udp
33 udp
34 udp
35 udp
36 udp
37 udp
38 udp
39 udp
40 udp
41 udp
42 udp
43 udp
44 udp
45 udp
46 udp
Chapter 4 Status
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Here are examples of the commands that display the system uptime and model, firmware, and
build information.
This example shows the current LED states on the ZyWALL. The SYS LED lights on and green. The
AUX and HDD LEDs are both off.
Router> show system uptime
system uptime: 04:18:00
Router> show version
ZyXEL Communications Corp.
model : ZyWALL USG 100
firmware version: 2.20(AQQ.0)b3
BM version : 1.08
build date : 2009-11-21 01:18:06
Router> show led status
sys: green
aux: off
hdd: off
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 45
This chapter introduces myzyxel.com and shows you how to register the ZyWALL for IDP/AppPatrol,
anti-virus, content filtering, and SSL VPN services using commands.
5.1 myZyXEL.com Overview
myZyXEL.com is ZyXEL’s online services center where you can register your ZyWALL and manage
subscription services available for the ZyWALL.
Note: You need to create an account before you can register your device and activate the
services at myZyXEL.com.
You can directly create a myZyXEL.com account, register your ZyWALL and activate a service using
the Licensing > Registration screens. Alternatively, go to http://www.myZyXEL.com with the
ZyWALL’s serial number and LAN MAC address to register it. Refer to the web site’s on-line help for
Note: To activate a service on a ZyWALL, you need to access myZyXEL.com via that
5.1.1 Subscription Services Available on the ZyWALL
The ZyWALL can use anti-virus, anti-spam, IDP/AppPatrol (Intrusion Detection and Prevention and
application patrol), SSL VPN, and content filtering subscription services.
• The ZyWALL’s anti-virus packet scanner uses the signature files on the ZyWALL to detect virus
files. Your ZyWALL scans files transmitting through the enabled interfaces into the network.
Subscribe to signature files for ZyXEL’s anti-virus engine or one powered by Kaspersky. After the
service is activated, the ZyWALL can download the up-to-date signature files from the update
server (http://myupdate.zywall.zyxel.com).
When using the trial, you can switch from one engine to the other in the Registration screen.
There is no limit on the number of times you can change the anti-virus engine selection during
the trial, but you only get a total of one anti-virus trial period (not a separate trial period for each
anti-virus engine). After the service is activated, the ZyWALL can download the up-to-date
signature files from the update server (http://myupdate.zywall.zyxel.com).
After the trial expires, you need to purchase an iCard for the anti-virus engine you want to use
and enter the PIN number (license key) in the Registration > Service screen. You must use the
ZyXEL anti-virus iCard for the ZyXEL anti-virus engine and the Kaspersky anti-virus iCard for the
Kaspersky anti-virus engine. If you were already using an iCard anti-virus subscription, any
remaining time on your earlier subscription is automatically added to the new subscription. Even
if the earlier iCard anti-virus subscription was for a different anti-virus engine. For example,
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
suppose you purchase a one-year Kaspersky engine anti-virus service subscription and use it for
six months. Then you purchase a one-year ZyXEL engine anti-virus service subscription and
enter the iCard’s PIN number (license key) in the Registration > Service screen. The one-year
ZyXEL engine anti-virus service subscription is automatically extended to 18 months.
• The IDP and application patrol features use the IDP/AppPatrol signature files on the ZyWALL. IDP
detects malicious or suspicious packets and responds immediately. Application patrol
conveniently manages the use of various applications on the network. After the service is
activated, the ZyWALL can download the up-to-date signature files from the update server
• SSL VPN tunnels provide secure network access to remote users. You can purchase and enter a
license key to have the ZyWALL use more SSL VPN tunnels.
• The content filter allows or blocks access to web sites. Subscribe to category-based content
filtering to block access to categories of web sites based on content. Your ZyWALL accesses an
external database that has millions of web sites categorized based on content. You can have the
ZyWALL block, block and/or log access to web sites based on these categories.
• You will get automatic e-mail notification of new signature releases from mySecurityZone after
you activate the IDP/AppPatrol service. You can also check for new signatures at http://
See the respective chapters for more information about these features.
Note: To update the signature file or use a subscription service, you have to register the
ZyWALL and activate the corresponding service at myZyXEL.com (through the
5.2 Registration Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the commands available for registration. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Table 8 Input Values for General Registration Commands
user_name The user name of your myZyXEL.com account. You must use six to 20 alphanumeric
characters (and the underscore). Spaces are not allowed.
password The password for the myZyXEL.com account. You must use six to 20 alphanumeric
characters (and the underscore). Spaces are not allowed.
Table 9 Command Summary: Registration
device-register checkuser user_name Checks if the user name exists in the myZyXEL.com
device-register username user_name password password
[e-mail user@domainname] [country-code country_code]
[reseller-name name] [reseller-mail email-address]
[reseller-phone phone-number] [vat vat-number]
Registers the device with an existing account or creates a
new account and registers the device at one time.
country_code: see Table 10 on page 48
service-register checkexpire Gets information of all service subscriptions from
myZyXEL.com and updates the status table.
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 47
5.2.1 Command Examples
The following commands allow you to register your device with an existing account or create a new
account and register the device at one time, and activate a trial service subscription.
The following command displays the account information and whether the device is registered.
service-register service-type standard license-key
key_value Activates a standard service subscription with the license
service-register service-type trial service {content-
filter|idp} Activates the content filter or IDP trial service
service-register service-type trial service all
{kav|zav} Activates all of the trial service subscriptions, including
Kaspersky or ZyXEL anti-virus.
service-register service-type trial service av
{kav|zav} Activates a Kaspersky or ZyXEL anti-virus trial service
service-register service-type trial av-engine
{kav|zav} Changes from one anti-virus engine to the other.
show device-register status Displays whether the device is registered and account
show service-register reseller-info Displays your seller’s information that you have entered
when registration.
show service-register server-type Displays the type of the register server to which your
ZyWALL is connected.
show service-register status
{all|idp|av|sslvpn|sslvpn-status} Displays service license information.
show service-register status content-filter { bluecoat
| commtouch } Displays BlueCoat or Commtouch service license
show service-register content-filter-engine Displays which external web filtering service the ZyWALL
is set to use for content filtering.
service-register content-filter-engine { bluecoat |
commtouch } Sets whether the ZyWALL uses BlueCoat or Commtouch
for content filtering.
service-register service-type trial service as Activates the Anti-Spam trial service subscription.
show service-register status as Displays whether the Anti-Spam service is registered and
account information.
debug service-register erase service as Removes the ZyWALL’s Anti-Spam service registration.
Table 9 Command Summary: Registration (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# device-register username alexctsui password 123456
Router(config)# service-register service-type trial service content-filter
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show device-register status
username : example
password : 123456
device register status : yes
expiration self check : no
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following command displays the service registration status and type and how many days
remain before the service expires.
The following command displays the seller details you have entered on the ZyWALL.
5.3 Country Code
The following table displays the number for each country.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show service-register status all
Service Status Type Count Expiration
IDP Signature Licensed Standard N/A 176
Anti-Virus Not Licensed None N/A 0
SSLVPN Not Licensed None 5 N/A
Content-Filter Not Licensed None N/A 0
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show service-register reseller-info
seller’s name: ABC
seller’s e-mail: abc@example.com
seller’s contact number: 12345678
vat number:
Table 10 Country Codes
001 Afghanistan 002 Albania
003 Algeria 004 American Samoa
005 Andorra 006 Angola
007 Anguilla 008 Antarctica
009 Antigua & Barbuda 010 Argentina
011 Armenia 012 Aruba
013 Ascension Island 014 Australia
015 Austria 016 Azerbaijan
017 Bahamas 018 Bahrain
019 Bangladesh 020 Barbados
021 Belarus 022 Belgium
023 Belize 024 Benin
025 Bermuda 026 Bhutan
027 Bolivia 028 Bosnia and Herzegovina
029 Botswana 030 Bouvet Island
031 Brazil 032 British Indian Ocean Territory
033 Brunei Darussalam 034 Bulgaria
035 Burkina Faso 036 Burundi
037 Cambodia 038 Cameroon
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 49
039 Canada 040 Cape Verde
041 Cayman Islands 042 Central African Republic
043 Chad 044 Chile
045 China 046 Christmas Island
047 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 048 Colombia
049 Comoros 050 Congo, Democratic Republic of the
051 Congo, Republic of 052 Cook Islands
053 Costa Rica 054 Cote d'Ivoire
055 Croatia/Hrvatska 056 Cyprus
057 Czech Republic 058 Denmark
059 Djibouti 060 Dominica
061 Dominican Republic 062 East Timor
063 Ecuador 064 Egypt
065 El Salvador 066 Equatorial Guinea
067 Eritrea 068 Estonia
069 Ethiopia 070 Falkland Islands (Malvina)
071 Faroe Islands 072 Fiji
073 Finland 074 France
075 France (Metropolitan) 076 French Guiana
077 French Polynesia 078 French Southern Territories
079 Gabon 080 Gambia
081 Georgia 082 Germany
083 Ghana 084 Gibraltar
085 Great Britain 086 Greece
087 Greenland 088 Grenada
089 Guadeloupe 090 Guam
091 Guatemala 092 Guernsey
093 Guinea 094 Guinea-Bissau
095 Guyana 096 Haiti
097 Heard and McDonald Islands 098 Holy See (City Vatican State)
099 Honduras 100 Hong Kong
101 Hungary 102 Iceland
103 India 104 Indonesia
105 Ireland 106 Isle of Man
107 Italy 108 Jamaica
109 Japan 110 Jersey
111 Jordan 112 Kazakhstan
113 Kenya 114 Kiribati
115 Korea, Republic of 116 Kuwait
117 Kyrgyzstan 118 Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Table 10 Country Codes (continued)
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
119 Latvia 120 Lebanon
121 Lesotho 122 Liberia
123 Liechtenstein 124 Lithuania
125 Luxembourg 126 Macau
127 Macedonia, Former Yugoslav
Republic 128 Madagascar
129 Malawi 130 Malaysia
131 Maldives 132 Mali
133 Malta 134 Marshall Islands
135 Martinique 136 Mauritania
137 Mauritius 138 Mayotte
139 Mexico 140 Micronesia, Federal State of
141 Moldova, Republic of 142 Monaco
143 Mongolia 144 Montserrat
145 Morocco 146 Mozambique
147 Namibia 148 Nauru
149 Nepal 150 Netherlands
151 Netherlands Antilles 152 New Caledonia
153 New Zealand 154 Nicaragua
155 Niger 156 Nigeria
157 Niue 158 Norfolk Island
159 Northern Mariana Islands 160 Norway
161 Not Determined 162 Oman
163 Pakistan 164 Palau
165 Panama 166 Papua New Guinea
167 Paraguay 168 Peru
169 Philippines 170 Pitcairn Island
171 Poland 172 Portugal
173 Puerto Rico 174 Qatar
175 Reunion Island 176 Romania
177 Russian Federation 178 Rwanda
179 Saint Kitts and Nevis 180 Saint Lucia
181 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 182 San Marino
183 Sao Tome and Principe 184 Saudi Arabia
185 Senegal 186 Seychelles
187 Sierra Leone 188 Singapore
189 Slovak Republic 190 Slovenia
191 Solomon Islands 192 Somalia
193 South Africa 194 South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands
185 Spain 196 Sri Lanka
Table 10 Country Codes (continued)
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 51
197 St Pierre and Miquelon 198 St. Helena
199 Suriname 200 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
201 Swaziland 202 Sweden
203 Switzerland 204 Taiwan
205 Tajikistan 206 Tanzania
207 Thailand 208 Togo
209 Tokelau 210 Tonga
211 Trinidad and Tobago 212 Tunisia
213 Turkey 214 Turkmenistan
215 Turks and Caicos Islands 216 Tuvalu
217 US Minor Outlying Islands 218 Uganda
219 Ukraine 220 United Arab Emirates
221 United Kingdom 222 United States
223 Uruguay 224 Uzbekistan
225 Vanuatu 226 Venezuela
227 Vietnam 228 Virgin Islands (British)
229 Virgin Islands (USA) 230 Wallis And Futuna Islands
231 Western Sahara 232 Western Samoa
233 Yemen 234 Yugoslavia
235 Zambia 236 Zimbabwe
Table 10 Country Codes (continued)
Chapter 5 Registration
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 53
This chapter shows you how to use interface-related commands.
6.1 Interface Overview
In general, an interface has the following characteristics.
• An interface is a logical entity through which (layer-3) packets pass.
• An interface is bound to a physical port or another interface.
• Many interfaces can share the same physical port.
• An interface is bound to at most one zone.
• Many interface can belong to the same zone.
• Layer-3 virtualization (IP alias, for example) is a kind of interface.
Some characteristics do not apply to some types of interfaces.
6.1.1 Types of Interfaces
You can create several types of interfaces in the ZyWALL. The types supported vary by ZyWALL
•Port groups create a hardware connection between physical ports at the layer-2 (data link, MAC
address) level.
•Ethernet interfaces are the foundation for defining other interfaces and network policies. RIP
and OSPF are also configured in these interfaces.
•VLAN interfaces receive and send tagged frames. The ZyWALL automatically adds or removes
the tags as needed. Each VLAN can only be associated with one Ethernet interface.
•Bridge interfaces create a software connection between Ethernet or VLAN interfaces at the
layer-2 (data link, MAC address) level. Unlike port groups, bridge interfaces can take advantage
of some security features in the ZyWALL. You can also assign an IP address and subnet mask to
the bridge.
•PPPoE/PPTP interfaces support Point-to-Point Protocols (PPP). ISP accounts are required for
PPPoE/PPTP interfaces.
•Cellular interfaces are for 3G WAN connections via a connected 3G device.
•WLAN interfaces are for wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b/g) connections via an installed wireless
LAN card.
•Virtual interfaces (IP alias) provide additional routing information in the ZyWALL. There are
three types: virtual Ethernet interfaces, virtual VLAN interfaces, and virtual bridge
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
•The auxiliary interface, along with an external modem, provides an interface the ZyWALL can
use to dial out. This interface can be used as a backup WAN interface, for example. The auxiliary
interface controls the DIAL BACKUP port (labeled AUX on some models).
•Trunks manage load balancing between interfaces.
Port groups, trunks, and the auxiliary interface have a lot of characteristics that are specific to each
type of interface. These characteristics are listed in the following tables and discussed in more
detail farther on.
* - The format of interface names is strict. Each name consists of 2-4 letters (interface type), followed by a number (x,
limited by the maximum number of each type of interface). For example, Ethernet interface names are ge1, ge2,
ge3, ...; VLAN interfaces are vlan0, vlan1, vlan2, ...; and so on.
** - The names of virtual interfaces are derived from the interfaces on which they are created. For example, virtual
interfaces created on Ethernet interface ge1 are called ge1:1, ge1:2, and so on. Virtual interfaces created on VLAN
interface vlan2 are called vlan2:1, vlan2:2, and so on. You cannot specify the number after the colon(:) in the web
configurator; it is a sequential number. You can specify the number after the colon if you use the CLI to set up a
virtual Interface Parameters
Table 11 Characteristics of Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, PPPoE/PPTP, and Virtual Interface (ZyWALL
USG 300 and Above)
Name* gex vlanx brx pppx **
IP Address Assignment
static IP address Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes Yes Yes Yes No
routing metric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Parameters
bandwidth restrictions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
packet size (MTU) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
data size (MSS) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
traffic prioritization Yes Yes Yes Yes No
DHCP server Yes Yes Yes No No
DHCP relay Yes Yes Yes No No
Ping Check Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Table 12 Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, PPP, and Virtual Interface Characteristics (ZyWALL USG 200 and
Below Models)
Name* opt wan1, wan2 lan1, ext-
wlan, dmz vlanxbrxpppx**
Configurable Zone Yes No No Yes Yes No No
IP Address Assignment
Static IP address Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Routing metric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Parameters
restrictions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 55
* - Each name consists of 2-4 letters (interface type), followed by a number (x). For most interfaces, x is limited by the
maximum number of the type of interface. For VLAN interfaces, x is defined by the number you enter in the VLAN
name field. For example, Ethernet interface names are wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-wlan, dmz; VLAN interfaces are
vlan0, vlan1, vlan2, ...; and so on.
** - The names of virtual interfaces are derived from the interfaces on which they are created. For example, virtual
interfaces created on Ethernet interface wan1 are called wan1:1, wan1:2, and so on. Virtual interfaces created on
VLAN interface vlan2 are called vlan2:1, vlan2:2, and so on. You cannot specify the number after the colon(:) in the
web configurator; it is a sequential number. You can specify the number after the colon if you use the CLI to set up a
virtual interface.
* - Each name consists of letters (interface type), followed by a number (x). For most interfaces, x is limited by the
maximum number of the type of interface. For WLAN interfaces, the first number identifies the slot and the second
number identifies the individual interface.
** - Cellular interfaces can be added to the WAN zone or no zone.
Packet size (MTU) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Data size (MSS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
DHCP server Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
DHCP relay Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
Connectivity Check Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Table 13 Cellular and WLAN Interface Characteristics
Name* cellularxwlan-x-x
Configurable Zone Yes** Yes
IP Address
Static IP address Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes No
Routing metric Yes No
Interface Parameters
restrictions Yes Yes
Packet size (MTU) Yes Yes
Data size (MSS) Yes Yes
DHCP server No Yes
DHCP relay No Yes
Connectivity Check Yes No
Table 12 Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, PPP, and Virtual Interface Characteristics (ZyWALL USG 200 and
Below Models) (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.1.2 Relationships Between Interfaces
In the ZyWALL, interfaces are usually created on top of other interfaces. Only Ethernet interfaces
are created directly on top of the physical ports (or port groups). The relationships between
interfaces are explained in the following table.
* - You cannot set up a PPPoE/PPTP interface, virtual Ethernet interface, or virtual VLAN interface if the underlying
interface is a member of a bridge. You also cannot add an Ethernet interface or VLAN interface to a bridge if the
member interface has a virtual interface or PPPoE/PPTP interface on top of it.
Table 14 Relationships Between Different Types of Interfaces
auxiliary interface auxiliary port
port group physical port
Ethernet interface physical port
port group
VLAN interface Ethernet interface
bridge interface Ethernet interface*
WLAN interface*
VLAN interface*
PPPoE/PPTP interface (ZyWALL
USG 300 and above) Ethernet interface*
VLAN interface*
bridge interface
PPPoE/PPTP interface (ZyWALL
USG 200 and below models)WAN1, WAN2, OPT*
virtual interface
(virtual Ethernet interface)
(virtual VLAN interface)
(virtual bridge interface)
Ethernet interface*
VLAN interface*
bridge interface
trunk Ethernet interface
Cellular interface
VLAN interface
bridge interface
PPPoE/PPTP interface
auxiliary interface
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 57
6.2 Interface General Commands Summary
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections introduce commands that are supported by several types of interfaces. See
Section 6.6 on page 76 for the unique commands for each type of interface.
6.2.1 Basic Interface Properties and IP Address Commands
This table lists basic properties and IP address commands.
Table 15 Input Values for General Interface Commands
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-
wlan, or dmz.
virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number of the
virtual interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 4
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces
your ZyWALL model supports.
virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge interface,
y = 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
profile_name The name of the DHCP pool. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
domain_name Fully-qualified domain name. You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), or
periods (.), but the first character cannot be a period.
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment
show interface {ethernet | vlan | bridge
| ppp | auxiliary} status Displays the connection status of the specified type of interfaces.
show interface {interface_name | ethernet
| vlan | bridge | ppp | virtual ethernet |
virtual vlan | virtual bridge | auxiliary
| all}
Displays information about the specified interface, specified type of
interfaces, or all interfaces. See Section 6.6.1 on page 78 for all possible
cellular status description.
show ipv6 interface {interface_name |
all} Displays information about the specified IPv6 interface or all IPv6
show ipv6 static address interface Displays the static IPv6 addresses configured on the specified IPv6
show ipv6 nd ra status config_interface Displays the specified IPv6 interface’s IPv6 router advertisement
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
show interface send statistics interval Displays the interval for how often the ZyWALL refreshes the sent
packet statistics for the interfaces.
show interface summary all Displays basic information about the interfaces.
show interface summary all status Displays the connection status of the interfaces.
[no] interface interface_name Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified interface.
[no] description description Specifies the description for the specified interface. The no command
clears the description.
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] downstream <0..1048576> This is reserved for future use.
Specifies the downstream bandwidth for the specified interface. The no
command sets the downstream bandwidth to 1048576.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] ip address dhcp Makes the specified interface a DHCP client; the DHCP server gives the
specified interface its IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. The no
command makes the IP address static IP address for the specified
interface. (See the next command to set this IP address.)
[no] ip address ip subnet_mask Assigns the specified IP address and subnet mask to the specified
interface. The no command clears the IP address and the subnet mask.
[no] ip gateway ip Adds the specified gateway using the specified interface. The no
command removes the gateway.
ip gateway ip metric <0..15> Sets the priority (relative to every gateway on every interface) for the
specified gateway. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
[no] metric <0..15> Sets the tunnel, PPPoE/PPTP, or cellular interface’s priority relative to
other interfaces. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
[no] mss <536..1460> Specifies the maximum segment size (MSS) the interface is to use. MSS
is the largest amount of data, specified in bytes, that the interface can
handle in a single, unfragmented piece. The no command has the
interface use its default MSS.
[no] mtu <576..1500> Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit, which is the maximum
number of bytes in each packet moving through this interface. The
ZyWALL divides larger packets into smaller fragments. The no
command resets the MTU to 1500.
[no] shutdown Deactivates the specified interface. The no command activates it.
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-
bandwidth <0..1048576> priority
<1..7> [maximize-bandwidth-usage];
Applies traffic priority when the interface sends TCP-ACK traffic, traffic
for querying the content filter, traffic for resolving domain names, or
encrypted traffic for an IPSec or SSL VPN tunnel. It also sets how much
bandwidth the traffic can use and can turn on maximize bandwidth
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-
Turns off traffic priority settings for when the interface sends the
specified type of traffic.
[no] upstream <0..1048576> Specifies the upstream bandwidth for the specified interface. The no
command sets the upstream bandwidth to 1048576.
interface interface_name ipv6 Creates the specified IPv6 interface if necessary and enters sub-
command mode.
address ipv6_addr_prefix Sets an IPv6 address with prefix for the interface.
gateway ipv6_addr metric <0..15> Sets the specified IPv6 address’s metric.
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 59
enable Turns on the IPv6 interface.
nd ra accept Sets the IPv6 interface to accept IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra advertise Sets the IPv6 interface to send IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra managed-config-flag Turns on the flag in IPv6 router advertisements that tells hosts to use
managed (stateful) protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to
any addresses autoconfigured using stateless address
nd ra other-config-flag Turns on the other stateful configuration flag in IPv6 router
advertisements that tells hosts to use administered (stateful) protocol to
obtain autoconfiguration information other than addresses.
nd ra mtu <1280..1500> | <0> Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size of IPv6 packets sent on
the interface.
nd ra hop-limit <0..255> Sets the maximum number of hops for router advertisements and all
IPv6 packets originating from the interface.
nd ra router-preference { low |
medium | high } Sets the Default Router Preference (DRP) extension metric (low,
medium, or high) in the interface’s IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra prefix-advertisement
ipv6_addr_prefix [ auto { on | off }
] [ link{ on | off } ] [ preferred-
time { <0..4294967294> | infinity }]
[valid-time{ <0..4294967294> |
infinity }]
Sets the IPv6 prefix that the ZyWALL advertises to its clients, whether
or not to advertise it, and how long before the prefix’s preference and
lifetime expire.
nd ra min-rtr-interval <3..1350> Sets the minimum IPv6 router advertisement transmission interval.
nd ra max-rtr-interval <4..1800> Sets the maximum IPv6 router advertisement transmission interval.
nd ra reachable-time <0..3600000> Sets the amount of time a remote IPv6 node is considered reachable
after a reachability confirmation event.
nd ra default-lifetime <4..9000> Sets the router lifetime value is included in all IPv6 router
advertisements sent out the interface. The router lifetime value should
be equal to or greater than the router advertisement interval.
nd ra retrans-timer <0..4294967295> Sets the IPv6 router advertisement retransmission interval in
ipv6 address dhcp6_profile
dhcp6_suffix_128 Has the ZyWALL obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected
uplink router for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ.
dhcp6_profile: Specify the DHCPv6 request object to use.
dhcp6_suffix_128: Specify the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash
(/), and the prefix length. The ZyWALL appends it to the delegated
For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You
want to configure an IP address of 2003:1234:5678:1111::1/128 for
this interface, then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 for the
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
nd ra prefix-advertisement
dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_64 Configures the network prefix to use a delegated prefix as the beginning
part of the network prefix.
dhcp6_profile: Specify the DHCPv6 request object to use for
generating the network prefix for the network.
dhcp6_suffix_64: Specify the ending part of the IPv6 network address
plus a slash (/) and the prefix length. The ZyWALL appends it to the
selected delegated prefix. The combined address is the network prefix
for the network.
For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You
want to divide it into 2003:1234:5678:1111/64 for this interface and
2003:1234:5678:2222/64 for another interface. You can use ::1111/64
and ::2222/64 for the suffix address respectively. But if you do not want
to divide the delegated prefix into subnetworks, enter ::0/48 here,
which keeps the same prefix length (/48) as the delegated prefix.
dhcp6 { server | client | relay upper
{ config_interface | ipv6_addr } } Sets the IPv6 interface to be a DHCPv6 server, client or relay. For relay,
specify an interface from which to get the DHCPv6 server’s address or
the IPv6 address of a DHCPv6 server.
dhcp6 rapid-commit This shortens the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two
steps to help reduce network traffic.
Note: Make sure you also enable this option in the DHCPv6 clients to
make rapid commit work.
dhcp6 address-request Get this interface’s IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server.
dhcp6 refresh-time {
<600..4294967294> | infinity } Sets the number of seconds a DHCPv6 client should wait before
refreshing information retrieved from DHCPv6.
dhcp6 duid { duid | mac } Specify the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface or have it
generated from the interface’s default MAC address.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile For a DHCPv6 server interface, specify the profile of DHCPv6 lease
settings to offer to DHCPv6 clients.
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile For a DHCPv6 client interface, specify the profile of DHCPv6 request
settings that determine what additional information to get from the
DHCPv6 server.
interface interface_name no ipv6 Enters the sub-command mode for deleting the specified IPv6 address
or removing it’s settings.
enable Turns off the IPv6 interface.
address ipv6_addr_prefix Removes the IPv6 interface’s IPv6 prefix setting.
gateway Removes the IPv6 interface’s gateway setting.
nd ra accept Sets the IPv6 interface to discard IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra advertise Has the IPv6 interface not send IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra managed-config-flag Turns off the flag in IPv6 router advertisements that tells hosts to use
managed (stateful) protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to
any addresses autoconfigured using stateless address
nd ra other-config-flag Turns off the other stateful configuration flag in IPv6 router
advertisements that tells hosts to use administered (stateful) protocol to
obtain autoconfiguration information other than addresses.
nd ra mtu Removes the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size setting for IPv6
packets the interface sends.
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 61
nd ra hop-limit Removes the maximum number of hops setting for router
advertisements and all IPv6 packets originating from the interface.
nd ra min-rtr-interval Removes the minimum IPv6 router advertisement transmission interval
nd ra max-rtr-interval Removes the maximum IPv6 router advertisement transmission interval
nd ra reachable-time Sets the amount of time a remote IPv6 node is considered reachable
after a reachability confirmation event to the default.
nd ra default-lifetime Sets the router lifetime value included in all IPv6 router advertisements
the interface sends to the default. The router lifetime value should be
equal to or greater than the router advertisement interval.
nd ra retrans-timer Sets the IPv6 router advertisement retransmission interval to the
ipv6 address dhcp6_profile
dhcp6_suffix_128 Removes the specified setting for having the ZyWALL obtain an IPv6
prefix from the ISP or a connected uplink router for an internal network.
nd ra prefix-advertisement
DHCP6_PROFILE DHCP6_SUFFIX_64 Removes the specified setting for using a delegated prefix as the
beginning part of the network prefix.
dhcp6 Sets the interface’s DHCPv6 setting back to the default.
dhcp6 address-request Has the ZyWALL not get this interface’s IPv6 address from the DHCPv6
dhcp6 rapid-commit Has the ZyWALL use the full four-step DHCPv6 message exchange
Note: Make sure you also disable this option in the DHCPv6 clients.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile Removes the specified profile of DHCPv6 lease settings to offer to
DHCPv6 clients.
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile Removes the specified profile of DHCPv6 request settings that
determine what additional information to get from the DHCPv6 server.
interface reset
Resets the interface statistics TxPkts (transmitted packets) and RxPkts
(received packets) counts to 0. You can use the show interface
summary all status command to see the interface statistics.
interface send statistics interval
<15..3600> Sets how often the ZyWALL sends interface statistics to external
servers. For example, syslog server and Vantage Report server.
show interface-name Displays all PPP and Ethernet interface system name and user-defined
name mappings.
interface-name {ppp_interface |
ethernet_interface} user_defined_name Specifies a name for a PPP or an Ethernet interface. It can use
alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores, and it can be up to
11 characters long.
ppp_interface | ethernet_interface: This must be the system name
of a PPP or an Ethernet interface. Use the show interface-name
command to see the system name of interfaces.
• This name cannot be one of the follows:
"ethernet", "ppp", "vlan", "bridge", "virtual", "wlan", "cellular",
"aux", "tunnel", "status", "summary", "all"
• This name cannot begin with one of the follows either:
"ge", "ppp", "vlan", "wlan-", "br", "cellular", "aux", "tunnel".
interface-rename old_user_defined_name
new_user_defined_name Modifies the user-defined name of a PPP or an Ethernet interface.
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
62 Basic Interface Properties Command Examples
The following commands make Ethernet interface ge1 a DHCP client.
This example shows how to modify the name of interface ge4 to “VIP”. First you have to check the
interface system name (ge4 in this example) on the ZyWALL. Then change the name and display
the result.
This example shows how to change the user defined name from VIP to Partner. Note that you have
to use the “interface-rename” command if you do not know the system name of the interface. To
use the “interface-name” command, you have to find out the corresponding system name first (ge4
in this example). This example also shows how to change the user defined name from Partner to
Customer using the “interface-name” command.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface ge1
Router(config-if)# ip address dhcp
Router(config-if)# exit
Router> show interface-name
No. System Name User Defined Name
1 ge1 ge1
2 ge2 ge2
3 ge3 ge3
4 ge4 ge4
5 ge5 ge5
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# interface-name ge4 VIP
Router(config)# show interface-name
No. System Name User Defined Name
1 ge1 ge1
2 ge2 ge2
3 ge3 ge3
4 ge4 VIP
5 ge5 ge5
Router(config)# interface-rename VIP Partner
Router(config)# show interface-name
No. System Name User Defined Name
1 ge1 ge1
2 ge2 ge2
3 ge3 ge3
4 ge4 Partner
5 ge5 ge5
Router(config)# interface-name ge4 Customer
Router(config)# show interface-name
No. System Name User Defined Name
1 ge1 ge1
2 ge2 ge2
3 ge3 ge3
4 ge4 Customer
5 ge5 ge5
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 63
This example shows how to restart an interface. You can check all interface names on the ZyWALL.
Then use either the system name or user-defined name of an interface (ge4 or Customer in this
example) to restart it.
6.2.2 DHCP Setting Commands
This table lists DHCP setting commands. DHCP is based on DHCP pools. Create a DHCP pool if you
want to assign a static IP address to a MAC address or if you want to specify the starting IP address
and pool size of a range of IP addresses that can be assigned to DHCP clients. There are different
commands for each configuration. Afterwards, in either case, you have to bind the DHCP pool to the
Router> show interface-name
No. System Name User Defined Name
1 ge1 ge1
2 ge2 ge2
3 ge3 ge3
4 ge4 Customer
5 ge5 ge5
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# interface reset ge4
Router(config)# interface reset Customer
Table 17 interface Commands: DHCP Settings
show ip dhcp dhcp-options Shows the DHCP extended option settings.
show ip dhcp pool [profile_name]Shows information about the specified DHCP pool or about all DHCP
show ip dhcp pool profile_name dhcp-options Shows the specified DHCP pool’s DHCP extended option settings.
ip dhcp pool rename profile_name
profile_name Renames the specified DHCP pool from the first profile_name to the
second profile_name.
[no] ip dhcp pool profile_name Creates a DHCP pool if necessary and enters sub-command mode.
You can use the DHCP pool to create a static entry or to set up a
range of IP addresses to assign dynamically.
About the sub-command settings:
•If you use the host command, the ZyWALL treats this DHCP pool
as a static DHCP entry.
• If you do not use the host command and use the network
command, the ZyWALL treats this DHCP pool as a pool of IP
• If you do not use the host command or the network
command, the DHCP pool is not properly configured and cannot
be bound to any interface.
The no command removes the specified DHCP pool.
show Shows information about the specified DHCP pool.
Use the following commands to create a static DHCP entry. If you do
not use the host command, the commands that are not in this
section have no effect, but you can still set them.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] host ip Specifies the static IP address the ZyWALL should assign. Use this
command, along with hardware-address, to create a static
DHCP entry.
Note: The IP address must be in the same subnet as the interface to
which you plan to bind the DHCP pool.
When this command is used, the ZyWALL treats this DHCP pool like a
static entry, regardless of the network setting. The no command
clears this field.
[no] hardware-address mac_address Reserves the DHCP pool for the specified MAC address. Use this
command, along with host, to create a static DHCP entry. The no
command clears this field.
[no] client-identifier mac_address Specifies the MAC address that appears in the DHCP client list. The
no command clears this field.
[no] client-name host_name Specifies the host name that appears in the DHCP client list. The no
command clears this field.
host_name: You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
Use the following commands to create a pool of IP addresses. These
commands have no effect if you use the host command. You can
still set them, however.
dhcp-option <1..254> option_name
{boolean <0..1>| uint8 <0..255> |
uint16 <0..65535>
| uint32 <0..4294967295> | ip ipv4 [
ipv4 [ ipv4]] | fqdn fqdn [ fqdn [
fqdn]] | text text | hex hex | vivc
enterprise_id hex_s [enterprise_id
hex_s ] | vivs enterprise_id hex_s
[enterprise_id hex_s ]
Adds or edits a DHCP extended option for the specified DHCP pool.
text: String of up to 250 characters
hex: String of up to 250 hexadecimal pairs.
vivc: Vendor-Identifying Vendor Class option. A DHCP client may use
this option to unambiguously identify the vendor that manufactured
the hardware on which the client is running, the software in use, or
an industry consortium to which the vendor belongs.
enterprise_id: Number <0..4294967295>.
hex_s: String of up to 120 hexadecimal pairs.
vivs: Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific option. DHCP clients and
servers may use this option to exchange vendor-specific information.
no dhcp-option <1..254> Removes the DHCP extended option for the specified DHCP pool.
network IP/<1..32>
network ip mask
no network
Specifies the IP address and subnet mask of the specified DHCP pool.
The subnet mask can be written in w.x.y.z format or in /<1..32>
Note: The DHCP pool must have the same subnet as the interface to
which you plan to bind it.
The no command clears these fields.
[no] default-router ip Specifies the default gateway DHCP clients should use. The no
command clears this field.
[no] description description Specifies a description for the DHCP pool for identification. The no
command removes the description.
[no] domain-name domain_name Specifies the domain name assigned to DHCP clients. The no
command clears this field.
Table 17 interface Commands: DHCP Settings (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 65
[no] starting-address ip pool-size
<1..65535> Sets the IP start address and maximum pool size of the specified
DHCP pool. The final pool size is limited by the subnet mask.
Note: You must specify the network number first, and the start
address must be in the same subnet.
The no command clears the IP start address and maximum pool size.
[no] first-dns-server {ip |
interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns |
3rd-dns} | ZyWALL}
Sets the first DNS server to the specified IP address, the specified
interface’s first, second, or third DNS server, or the ZyWALL itself. The
no command resets the setting to its default value.
[no] second-dns-server {ip |
interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns |
3rd-dns} | ZyWALL}
Sets the second DNS server to the specified IP address, the specified
interface’s first, second, or third DNS server, or the ZyWALL itself. The
no command resets the setting to its default value.
[no] third-dns-server {ip |
interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns |
3rd-dns} | ZyWALL}
Sets the third DNS server to the specified IP address, the specified
interface’s first, second, or third DNS server, or the ZyWALL itself. The
no command resets the setting to its default value.
[no] first-wins-server ip Specifies the first WINS server IP address to assign to the remote
users. The no command removes the setting.
[no] second-wins-server ip Specifies the second WINS server IP address to assign to the remote
users. The no command removes the setting.
[no] lease {<0..365> [<0..23>
[<0..59>]] | infinite} Sets the lease time to the specified number of days, hours, and
minutes or makes the lease time infinite. The no command resets the
first DNS server setting to its default value.
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
[no] ip dhcp-pool profile_name Binds the specified interface to the specified DHCP pool. You have to
remove any DHCP relays first. The no command removes the
[no] ip helper-address ip Creates the specified DHCP relay. You have to remove the DHCP pool
first, if the DHCP pool is bound to the specified interface. The no
command removes the specified DHCP relay.
release dhcp interface-name Releases the TCP/IP configuration of the specified interface. The
interface must be a DHCP client. This command is available in
privilege mode, not configuration mode.
renew dhcp interface-name Renews the TCP/IP configuration of the specified interface. The
interface must be a DHCP client. This command is available in
privilege mode, not configuration mode.
show ip dhcp binding [ip]Displays information about DHCP bindings for the specified IP address
or for all IP addresses.
clear ip dhcp binding {ip | *} Removes the DHCP bindings for the specified IP address or for all IP
Table 17 interface Commands: DHCP Settings (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
66 DHCP Setting Command Examples
The following example uses these commands to configure DHCP pool DHCP_TEST. DHCP Extended Option Setting Command Example
The following example configures the DHCP_TEST pool with a SIP server (code 120) extended
DHCP option with one IP address to provide to the SIP clients.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool DHCP_TEST
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# network /24
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# domain-name zyxel.com
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# first-dns-server
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# second-dns-server ge1 1st-dns
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# third-dns-server
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# default-router
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# lease 0 1 30
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# starting-address pool-size 30
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# hardware-address 00:0F:20:74:B8:18
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# client-identifier 00:0F:20:74:B8:18
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# client-name TWtester1
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# exit
Router(config)# interface ge1
Router(config-if)# ip dhcp-pool DHCP_TEST
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# show ip dhcp server status
binding interface : ge1
binding pool : DHCP_TEST
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool DHCP_TEST
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# dhcp-option 120 sip ip
Router(config-ip-dhcp-pool)# exit
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 67
6.2.3 Interface Parameter Command Examples
This table shows an example of each interface type’s sub-commands. The sub-commands vary for
different interface types.
Table 18 Examples for Different Interface Parameters
Router(config)# interface wan1
Router(config)# interface wan1:1
Router(config)# interface wan1_ppp
Router(config)# interface cellular1
Router(config)# interface wlan-1-1
Router(config)# interface vlan1
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.2.4 RIP Commands
This table lists the commands for RIP settings.
6.2.5 OSPF Commands
This table lists the commands for OSPF settings.
Router(config)# interface br0
Router(config)# interface aux
Table 18 Examples for Different Interface Parameters
Table 19 interface Commands: RIP Settings
router rip Enters sub-command mode.
[no] network interface_name Enables RIP for the specified interface. The no command disables RIP
for the specified interface.
[no] passive-interface interface_name Sets the RIP direction of the specified interface to in-only. The no
command makes RIP bi-directional in the specified interface.
[no] outonly-interface interface_name Sets the RIP direction of the specified interface to out-only. The no
command makes RIP bi-directional in the specified interface.
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
[no] ip rip {send | receive} version
<1..2> Sets the send or receive version to the specified version number. The
no command sets the send or received version to the current global
setting for RIP. See Chapter 9 on page 107 for more information about
routing protocols.
[no] ip rip v2-broadcast Enables RIP-2 packets using subnet broadcasting. The no command
uses multi-casting.
show rip {global | interface {all |
interface_name}} Displays RIP settings.
Table 20 interface Commands: OSPF Settings
router ospf Enters sub-command mode.
[no] network interface_name area ip Makes the specified interface part of the specified area. The no
command removes the specified interface from the specified area,
disabling OSPF in this interface.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 69
[no] passive-interface interface_name Sets the OSPF direction of the specified interface to in-only. The no
command makes OSPF bi-directional in the specified interface.
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
[no] ip ospf priority <0..255> Sets the priority of the specified interface to the specified value. The
no command sets the priority to 1.
[no] ip ospf cost <1..65535> Sets the cost to route packets through the specified interface. The no
command sets the cost to 10.
no ip ospf authentication Disables authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.
ip ospf authentication Enables text authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.
ip ospf authentication message-digest Enables MD5 authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.
ip ospf authentication same-as-area To exchange OSPF routing information with peer border routers, you
must use the same authentication method that they use. This
command makes OSPF authentication in the specified interface follow
the settings in the corresponding area.
[no] ip ospf authentication-key
password Sets the simple text password for OSPF text authentication in the
specified interface. The no command clears the text password.
password: 1-8 alphanumeric characters or underscores
ip ospf message-digest-key <1..255>
md5 password Sets the ID and password for OSPF MD5 authentication in the specified
password: 1-16 alphanumeric characters or underscores
no ip ospf message-digest-key Clears the ID and password for OSPF MD5 authentication in the
specified interface.
[no] ip ospf hello-interval <1..65535> Sets the number of seconds between “hello” messages to peer routers.
These messages let peer routers know the ZyWALL is available. The no
command sets the number of seconds to 10. See ip ospf dead-
interval for more information.
[no] ip ospf dead-interval <1..65535> Sets the number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for “hello” messages
from peer routers before it assumes the peer router is not available
and deletes associated routing information. The no command sets the
number of seconds to 40. See ip ospf hello-interval for
more information.
[no] ip ospf retransmit-interval
<1..65535> Sets the number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for an acknowledgment
in response to a link state advertisement before it re-sends the
Link state advertisements (LSA) are used to share the link state and
routing information between routers.
Table 20 interface Commands: OSPF Settings (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.2.6 Connectivity Check (Ping-check) Commands
Use these commands to have an interface regularly check the connection to the gateway you
specified to make sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection,
how long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive failures
are required before the ZyWALL stops routing to the gateway. The ZyWALL resumes routing to the
gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
This table lists the ping-check commands
Table 21 interface Commands: Ping Check
show ping-check [interface_name | status] Displays information about ping check settings for the specified
interface or for all interfaces.
status: displays the current connectivity check status for any
interfaces upon which it is activated.
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log
activate Use this command to have the ZyWALL logs connectivity check
result continuously. The no command disables the setting.
show connectivity-check continuous-log status Displays the continuous log setting about connectivity check.
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
[no] ping-check activate Enables ping check for the specified interface. The no command
disables ping check for the specified interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check; you can
specify a fully-qualified domain name, IP address, or the default
gateway for the interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} period <5..30> Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of seconds between each ping check.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} timeout <1..10> Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for a response.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} fail-tolerance <1..10> Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of times the ZyWALL times out before it stops routing
through the specified interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} method {icmp | tcp} Sets how the ZyWALL checks the connection to the gateway.
icmp: ping the gateway you specify to make sure it is still available.
tcp: perform a TCP handshake with the gateway you specify to
make sure it is still available.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} port <1..65535> Specifies the port number to use for a TCP connectivity check.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 71 Connectivity Check Command Example
The following commands show you how to set the WAN1 interface to use a TCP handshake on port
8080 to check the connection to IP address
6.3 Ethernet Interface Specific Commands
This section covers commands that are specific to Ethernet interfaces.
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
6.3.1 MAC Address Setting Commands
This table lists the commands you can use to set the MAC address of an interface. On the ZyWALL
USG 200 and below models, these commands only apply to a WAN or OPT interface.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface wan1
Router(config-if-wan1)# ping-check method tcp port 8080
Router(config-if-wan1)# exit
Router(config)# show ping-check
Interface: wan1
Check Method: tcp
IP Address:
Period: 30
Timeout: 5
Fail Tolerance: 5
Activate: yes
Port: 8080
Table 22 Input Values for Ethernet Interface Commands
interface_name The name of the Ethernet interface. This depends on the ZyWALL model.
For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1~N, where N equals the highest
numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
Table 23 interface Commands: MAC Setting
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
no mac Has the interface use its default MAC address.
mac mac Specifies the MAC address the interface is to use.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.3.2 Port Grouping Commands
This section covers commands that are specific to port grouping.
Note: In CLI, representative interfaces are also called representative ports.
type {internal |
external | general} Sets which type of network you will connect this interface. The ZyWALL automatically adds
default route and SNAT settings for traffic it routes from internal interfaces to external
interfaces; for example LAN to WAN traffic.
internal: Set this to connect to a local network. Other corresponding configuration
options: DHCP server and DHCP relay. The ZyWALL automatically adds default SNAT
settings for traffic flowing from this interface to an external interface.
external: Set this to connect to an external network (like the Internet). The ZyWALL
automatically adds this interface to the default WAN trunk.
general: Set this if you want to manually configure a policy route to add routing and SNAT
settings for the interface.
no use-defined-mac Has the interface use its default MAC address.
use-defined-mac Has the interface use a MAC address that you specify.
Table 23 interface Commands: MAC Setting (continued)
Table 24 Basic Interface Setting Commands
show port-grouping Displays which physical ports are assigned to each representative interface.
representative_interface port
Adds the specified physical port to the specified representative interface.
representative_interface: gex in a ZyWALL USG 300 or above.
A dmz, ext-wlan, or lan1 interface in a ZyWALL USG 100 or 200.
<1..x> where x equals the highest numbered port for your ZyWALL model.
no port <1..x>Removes the specified physical port from its current representative interface and
adds it to its default representative interface (for example, port x --> gex).
port status Port<1..x>Enters a sub-command mode to configure the specified port’s settings.
[no] duplex <full | half> Sets the port’s duplex mode. The no command returns the default setting.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] negotiation auto Sets the port to use auto-negotiation to determine the port speed and duplex. The
no command turns off auto-negotiation.
[no] speed <100,10> Sets the Ethernet port’s connection speed in Mbps. The no command returns the
default setting.
show port setting Displays the Ethernet port negotiation, duplex, and speed settings.
show port status Displays statistics for the Ethernet ports.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 73 Port Grouping Command Examples
The following commands add physical port 5 to representative interface ge1.
The following commands set port 1 to use auto-negotiation auto and port 2 to use a 10 Mbps
connection speed and half duplex.
6.4 Virtual Interface Specific Commands
Virtual interfaces use many of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of
Section 6.2 on page 57. There are no additional commands for virtual interfaces.
6.4.1 Virtual Interface Command Examples
The following commands set up a virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface ge1. The virtual
interface is named ge1:1 with the following parameters: IP, subnet,
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show port-grouping
No. Representative Name Port1 Port2 Port3 Port4 Port5
1 ge1 yes no no no no
2 ge2 no yes no no no
3 ge3 no no yes no no
4 ge4 no no no yes no
5 ge5 no no no no yes
Router(config)# port-grouping ge1
Router(config-port-grouping)# port 5
Router(config-port-grouping)# exit
Router(config)# show port-grouping
No. Representative Name Port1 Port2 Port3 Port4 Port5
1 ge1 yes no no no yes
2 ge2 no yes no no no
3 ge3 no no yes no no
4 ge4 no no no yes no
5 ge5 no no no no no
Router(config)# port status Port1
Router(config-port-status)# negotiation auto
Router(config-port-status)# exit
Router(config)# port status Port2
Router(config-port-status)# duplex half
Router(config-port-status)# speed 10
Router(config-port-status)# exit
Router(config)# exit
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
gateway, upstream bandwidth 345, downstream bandwidth 123, and description “I am vir
6.5 PPPoE/PPTP Specific Commands
This section covers commands that are specific to PPPoE/PPTP interfaces. PPPoE/PPTP interfaces
also use many of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of Section 6.2 on
page 57.
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
This table lists the PPPoE/PPTP interface commands.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface ge1:1
Router(config-if-vir)# ip address
Router(config-if-vir)# ip gateway
Router(config-if-vir)# upstream 345
Router(config-if-vir)# downstream 123
Router(config-if-vir)# description I am vir interface
Router(config-if-vir)# exit
Table 25 Input Values for PPPoE/PPTP Interface Commands
interface_name PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
profile_name The name of the ISP account. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
Table 26 interface Commands: PPPoE/PPTP Interfaces
interface dial interface_name Connects the specified PPPoE/PPTP interface.
interface disconnect interface_name Disconnects the specified PPPoE/PPTP interface.
interface interface_name Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command mode.
[no] account profile_name Specifies the ISP account for the specified PPPoE/PPTP interface. The no
command clears the ISP account field.
[no] bind interface_name Specifies the base interface for the PPPoE/PPTP interface. The no command
removes the base interface.
[no] connectivity {nail-up |
dial-on-demand} Specifies whether the specified PPPoE/PPTP interface is always connected (nail-
up) or connected only when used (dial-on-demand). The no command sets it
to dial-on-demand.
[no] local-address ip Specifies a static IP address for the specified PPPoE/PPTP interface. The no
command makes the PPPoE/PPTP interface a DHCP client; the other computer
assigns the IP address.
[no] remote-address ip Specifies the IP address of the PPPoE/PPTP server. If the PPPoE/PPTP server is
not available at this IP address, no connection is made. The no command lets
the ZyWALL get the IP address of the PPPoE/PPTP server automatically when it
establishes the connection.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 75
6.5.1 PPPoE/PPTP Interface Command Examples
The following commands show you how to configure PPPoE/PPTP interface ppp0 with the following
characteristics: base interface ge1, ISP account Hinet, local address, remote address
[no] mss <536..1452> Specifies the maximum segment size (MSS) the interface can use. MSS is the
largest amount of data, specified in bytes, that the interface can handle in a
single, unfragmented piece. The no command has the ZyWALL use its default
MSS setting.
mtu <576..1492> Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit in bytes.
[no] ipv6 enable Turns on the IPv6 interface. The no command turns it off.
[no] ipv6 nd ra accept Sets the IPv6 interface to accept IPv6 neighbor discovery router advertisement
messages. The no command sets the IPv6 interface to discard IPv6 neighbor
discovery router advertisement messages.
[no] ipv6 metric <0..15> Sets the interface’s metric for IPv6 traffic. The no command clears it.
[no] ipv6 address
dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_128 Has the ZyWALL obtain an IPv6 prefix from the ISP or a connected uplink router
for an internal network, such as the LAN or DMZ. The no command removes the
specified setting for using a delegated prefix as the beginning part of the
network prefix.
dhcp6_profile: Specify the DHCPv6 request object to use.
dhcp6_suffix_128: Specify the ending part of the IPv6 address, a slash (/),
and the prefix length. The ZyWALL appends it to the delegated prefix.
For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You want to
configure an IP address of 2003:1234:5678:1111::1/128 for this interface,
then enter ::1111:0:0:0:1/128 for the dhcp6_suffix_128.
ipv6 dhcp6 [client] Sets the IPv6 interface to be a DHCPv6 client.
[no] ipv6 dhcp6 rapid-commit Shortens the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two steps to help
reduce network traffic. The no command sets the full four-step DHCPv6
message exchange process.
[no] ipv6 dhcp6 address-
request Get this interface’s IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server. The no command has
the ZyWALL not get this interface’s IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server.
ipv6 dhcp6 duid { duid | mac } Specify the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface or have it generated
from the interface’s default MAC address.
[no] ipv6 dhcp6-request-object
dhcp6_profile For a DHCPv6 client interface, specify the profile of DHCPv6 request settings
that determine what additional information to get from the DHCPv6 server. The
no command removes the DHCPv6 request settings profile.
show interface ppp system-default Displays system default PPP interfaces (non-deletable) that come with the
show interface ppp user-define Displays all PPP interfaces that were manually configured on the ZyWALL.
Table 26 interface Commands: PPPoE/PPTP Interfaces (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
76, MTU 1200, upstream bandwidth 345, downstream bandwidth 123, description “I am ppp0”,
and dialed only when used.
The following commands show you how to connect and disconnect ppp0.
6.6 Cellular Interface Specific Commands
Use a 3G (Third Generation) cellular device with the ZyWALL for wireless broadband Internet
Use these commands to add, edit, dial, disconnect, or delete cellular interfaces. When you add a
new cellular interface, make sure you enter the account. You must use the configure terminal
command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface ppp0
Router(config-if-ppp)# account Hinet
Router(config-if-ppp)# bind ge1
Router(config-if-ppp)# local-address
Router(config-if-ppp)# remote-address
Router(config-if-ppp)# mtu 1200
Router(config-if-ppp)# upstream 345
Router(config-if-ppp)# downstream 123
Router(config-if-ppp)# connectivity dial-on-demand
Router(config-if-ppp)# description I am ppp0
Router(config-if-ppp)# exit
Router# interface dial ppp0
Router# interface disconnect ppp0
Table 27 Cellular Interface Commands
[no] interface interface_name Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified interface.
[no] account profile_name Specifies the ISP account for the specified cellular interface. The no
command clears the ISP account field.
[no] band {auto|wcdma|gsm} Sets (or clears) the cellular band that the cellular interface uses.
auto has the ZyWALL always use the fastest network that is in range.
gsm has this interface only use a 2.5G or 2.75G network
(respectively). If you only have a GSM network available to you, you
may want to use this so the ZyWALL does not spend time looking for a
WCDMA network.
wcdma has this interface only use a 3G or 3.5G network (respectively).
You may want to use this if you want to make sure the interface does
not use the GSM network.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 77
[no] network-selection {auto|home} Home network is the network to which you are originally subscribed.
Home has the 3G device connect only to the home network. If the
home network is down, the ZyWALL's 3G Internet connection is also
Auto is the default setting and allows the 3G device to connect to a
network to which you are not subscribed when necessary, for example
when the home network is down or another 3G base station's signal is
stronger. This is recommended if you need continuous Internet
connectivity. If you select this, you may be charged using the rate of a
different network.
[no] budget active Sets a monthly limit for the user account of the installed 3G card. You
can set a limit on the total traffic and/or call time. The ZyWALL takes
the actions you specified when a limit is exceeded during the month.
Use the no command to disable budget control.
[no] budget time active <1..672> Sets the amount of time (in hours) that the 3G connection can be
used within one month. If you change the value, the ZyWALL resets
the statistics. Use the no command to disable time budget control.
[no] budget data active {download-
upload|download|upload} <1..100000> Sets how much downstream and/or upstream data (in Mega bytes)
can be transmitted via the 3G connection within one month.
download: set a limit on the downstream traffic (from the ISP to the
upload: set a limit on the upstream traffic (from the ZyWALL to the
download-upload: set a limit on the total traffic in both directions.
If you change the value, the ZyWALL resets the statistics.
Use the no command to disable data budget control.
budget reset-day <0..31> Sets the date on which the ZyWALL resets the budget every month. If
the date you selected is not available in a month, such as 30th or
31st, the ZyWALL resets the budget on the last day of the month.
budget reset-counters Resets the time and data budgets immediately. The count starts over
with the 3G connection’s full configured monthly time and data
budgets. This does not affect the normal monthly budget restart.
budget {log|log-alert}[recursive
<1..65535>] Sets the ZyWALL to create a log (log) or an alert log (log-alert) when
the time or data limit is exceeded. You can also specify how often
(from 1 to 65535 minutes) to generate a log or an alert.
no budget log [recursive] Sets the ZyWALL to not create a log when the time or data limit is
exceeded. Specify recursive to have the ZyWALL only create a log
one time when the time or data limit is exceeded.
budget new-connection {allow|disallow} Sets to permit (allow) or drop/block (disallow) new 3G connections
when the time or data limit is exceeded.
budget current-connection {keep|drop} Sets to maintain the existing 3G connection (keep) or disconnect it
(drop) when the time or data limit is exceeded. You cannot set budget
new-connection to allow and budget current-connection to drop at
the same time.
If you set budget new-connection to disallow and budget current-
connection to keep, the ZyWALL allows you to transmit data using the
current connection, but you cannot build a new connection if the
existing connection is disconnected.
Table 27 Cellular Interface Commands (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.6.1 Cellular Status
The following table describes the different kinds of cellular connection status on the ZyWALL.
budget percentage {ptime|pdata} <0..99> Sets a percentage (0~99) of time budget (ptime) or data (pdata)
limit. When the specified limit is exceeded, the ZyWALL takes the
action configured using the budget {log-percentage|log-
percentage-alert} command.
budget {log-percentage|log-percentage-
alert} [recursive <1..65535>] Sets to have the ZyWALL create a log (log-percentage) or an alert
log (log-percentage-alert) when the set percentage of time budget
or data limit is exceeded. You can configure the percentage using the
budget percentage command.
You can also set how often (from 1 to 65535 minutes) to send the log
or alert.
no budget log-percentage Sets the ZyWALL to not create a log when the set percentage of time
budget or data limit is exceeded. You can configure the percentage
using the budget percentage command.
connectivity {nail-up | dial-on-demand} Sets the connection to be always on or only when there is traffic.
[no] local-address <ip>Sets (or clears) the cellular interface’s local (own) IP address.
mtu <576..1492> Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit in bytes.
[no] pin <pin code>Sets (or clears) the PIN code for the cellular device’s 3G card. Use 1-
4 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-).
[no] remote-address <ip>Sets (or clears) the IP address of the cellular interface’s peer (like a
gateway or PPPoE server).
interface cellular budget-auto-save
<5..1440> Sets how often (in minutes) the ZyWALL saves time and data usage
records for a connection using the 3G card.
show interface cellular [corresponding-
slot|device-status|support-device] Shows the status of the specified cellular interface.
show interface cellular corresponding-slot Shows which cellular interface is on which slot and whether which
cellular interface has been configured.
show interface cellular device-status Displays the installed SIM card and 3G card status.
show interface cellular support-device Displays all 3G card models the ZyWALL can support.
show interface cellular budget-auto-save Displays how often (in minutes) the ZyWALL records time and data
usage of your 3G budgets.
show interface cellular status Displays the traffic statistics and connection status for your cellular
interfaces. See Section 6.6.1 on page 78 for all possible cellular status
show interface interface_name [budget] Displays the budget control settings for the specified cellular
show interface interface_name device status Displays the 3G card and SIM card information for the specified
cellular interface.
show interface interface_name device
profile Displays the 3G connection profile settings of the specified cellular
Table 27 Cellular Interface Commands (continued)
Table 28 Cellular Status
No device no 3G device is connected to the ZyWALL.
No service no 3G network is available in the area; you cannot connect to the Internet.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 79
Limited service returned by the service provider in cases where the SIM card is expired, the user failed
to pay for the service and so on; you cannot connect to the Internet.
Device detected displays when you connect a 3G device.
Device error a 3G device is connected but there is an error.
Probe device fail the ZyWALL’s test of the 3G device failed.
Probe device ok the ZyWALL’s test of the 3G device failed.
Init device fail the ZyWALL was not able to initialize the 3G device.
Init device ok the ZyWALL initialized the 3G card.
Check lock fail the ZyWALL’s check of whether or not the 3G device is locked failed.
Device locked the 3G device is locked.
SIM error there is a SIM card error on the 3G device.
SIM locked-PUK the PUK is locked on the 3G device’s SIM card.
SIM locked-PIN the PIN is locked on the 3G device’s SIM card.
Unlock PUK fail Your attempt to unlock a WCDMA 3G device’s PUK failed because you entered an
incorrect PUK.
Unlock PIN fail Your attempt to unlock a WCDMA 3G device’s PIN failed because you entered an
incorrect PIN.
Unlock device fail Your attempt to unlock a CDMA2000 3G device failed because you entered an incorrect
device code.
Device unlocked You entered the correct device code and unlocked a CDMA2000 3G device.
Get dev-info fail The ZyWALL cannot get cellular device information.
Get dev-info ok The ZyWALL succeeded in retrieving 3G device information.
Searching network The 3G device is searching for a network.
Get signal fail The 3G device cannot get a signal from a network.
Network found The 3G device found a network.
Apply config The ZyWALL is applying your configuration to the 3G device.
Device unready The 3G interface is disabled.
Active The 3G interface is enabled.
Incorrect device The connected 3G device is not compatible with the ZyWALL.
Correct device The ZyWALL detected a compatible 3G device.
Set band fail Applying your band selection was not successful.
Set band ok The ZyWALL successfully applied your band selection.
Set profile fail Applying your ISP settings was not successful.
Set profile ok The ZyWALL successfully applied your ISP settings.
PPP fail The ZyWALL failed to create a PPP connection for the cellular interface.
Need auth-password You need to enter the password for the 3G card in the cellular edit screen.
Device ready The ZyWALL successfully applied all of your configuration and you can use the 3G
Table 28 Cellular Status
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.6.2 Cellular Interface Command Examples
This example shows the configuration of a cellular interface named cellular2 for use with a Sierra
Wireless AC850 3G card. It uses only a 3G (or 3.5G) connection, PIN code 1234, an MTU of 1200
bytes, a description of "This is cellular2” and sets the connection to be nailed-up.
This second example shows specifying a new PIN code of 4567.
This example shows the 3G and SIM card information for interface cellular2 on the ZyWALL.
This example shows the 3G connection profile settings for interface cellular2 on the ZyWALL. You
have to dial *99***1# to use profile 1, but authentication is not required. Dial *99***2# to use
profile 2 and authentication is required.
Router(config)# interface cellular2
Router(config-if-cellular)# device AC850
Router(config-if-cellular)# band wcdma
Router(config-if-cellular)# pin 1234
Router(config-if-cellular)# connectivity nail-up
Router(config-if-cellular)# description This is cellular2
Router(config-if-cellular)# mtu 1200
Router(config-if-cellular)# exit
Router(config)# interface cellular2
Router(config-if-cellular)# pin 4567
Router(config-if-cellular)# exit
Router(config)# show interface cellular2 device status
interface name: cellular2
extension slot: USB 1
service provider: Chunghwa Telecom
cellular system: WCDMA
signal strength: -95 dBm
signal quality: Poor
device type: WCDMA
device manufacturer: Huawei
device model: E220/E270/E800A
device firmware:
device IMEI/ESN: 351827019784694
SIM card IMSI: 466923100565274
Router(config)# show interface cellular2 device profile
profile: 1
apn: internet
dial-string: *99***1#
authentication: none
user: n/a
password: n/a
profile: 2
apn: internet
dial-string: *99***2#
authentication: chap
password: ***
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 81
6.7 Tunnel Interface Specific Commands
The ZyWALL uses tunnel interfaces in Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IPv6 in IPv4, and 6to4
tunnels. This section covers commands specific to tunnel interfaces. Tunnel interfaces also use
many of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of Section 6.2 on page 57.
Use these commands to add, edit, activate, deactivate, or delete tunnel interfaces. You must use
the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
commands. GRE mode tunnels support ping check. See Section 6.2.6 on page 70 for more on ping
Table 29 Tunnel Interface Commands
[no] interface tunnel_iface Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified interface.
tunnel_iface: Name of tunnel interface. tunnel([0-3]).
[no] shutdown Deactivates the specified interface. The no command activates it.
tunnel source
[ipv4|tunnel_bind_interface|_any] Configures the outer source IP address of the tunneled packets. Specify
an IPv4 address or use the IP address of an interface.
_any: Have automatically select the outer source IP. Not available for
ipv6ip mode tunnels.
tunnel destination ipv4 Configures the outer destination IP address of the tunneled IPv4 packets.
ip address ipv4 ipv4 Sets the inner source IP of packets sent through the tunnel interface.
tunnel mode ip gre Sets this interface to use GRE tunnel mode.
[no] mtu <576..1480> Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit, which is the maximum number
of bytes in each packet moving through this interface. The ZyWALL
divides larger packets into smaller fragments. The no command resets
the MTU to 1480.
[no] downstream <0..1048576> Specifies the downstream bandwidth for the specified interface. The no
command sets the downstream bandwidth to 1048576.
tunnel mode [ ipv6ip [ manual | 6to4
] ] ] Sets the interface to be an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel.
manual: Use for a point-to-point manual tunnel for IPv6 transition. You
must also configure a policy route for the tunnel.
6to4: Use for a 6to4/6RD automatic tunnel.
ipv6 address ipv6_addr_prefix Sets an IPv6 address with prefix for the interface.
ipv6 6to4 [ prefix ipv6_addr_prefix
| destination-prefix ipv4_cidr |
relay ipv4 ]
For a 6to4 tunnel, sets the IPv6 address with prefix, remote gateway
prefix, or relay router IPv4 address.
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-
filter|dns} bandwidth <0..1048576>
priority <1..7> [maximize-bandwidth-
Applies traffic priority when the interface sends TCP-ACK traffic, traffic for
querying the content filter, or traffic for resolving domain names. It also
sets how much bandwidth the traffic can use and can turn on maximize
bandwidth usage.
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-
filter|dns} deactivate Turns off traffic priority settings for when the interface sends the specified
type of traffic.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
show interface tunnel_iface Displays the the specified tunnel’s settings.
show interface tunnel status Displays the status of the tunnel interfaces.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.7.1 Tunnel Interface Command Examples
This example creates a tunnel interface called tunnel0 that uses wan1 as the source, as the destination, and and as the inner source IP.
6.8 USB Storage Specific Commands
Use these commands to configure settings that apply to the USB storage device connected to the
Note: For the ZyWALL which supports more than one USB ports, these commands only
apply to the USB storage device that is first attached to the ZyWALL.
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# interface tunnel0
Router(config-if-tunnel)# tunnel source wan1
Router(config-if-tunnel)# tunnel destination
Router(config-if-tunnel)# ip address
Router(config-if-tunnel)# exit
Router(config)# show interface tunnel
tunnel interface: 1
interface name: tunnel0
local address: ge2
local address type: bind
remote address:
mode: gre
IP address:
status: Inactive
active: no
Table 30 USB Storage General Commands
show usb-storage Displays the status of the connected USB storage device.
[no] usb-storage activate Enables or disables the connected USB storage service.
usb-storage warn number
<percentage|megabyte> Sets a number and the unit (percentage or megabyte) to have the ZyWALL send a
warning message when the remaining USB storage space is less than the set value.
usb-storage mount Mounts the connected USB storage device.
usb-storage umount Unmounts the connected USB storage device.
[no] logging usb-storage Sets to have the ZyWALL log or not log any information about the connected USB
storage device(s) for the system log.
show logging status usb-storage Displays the logging settings for the connected USB storage device.
logging usb-storage category
category level <all|normal> Configures the logging settings for the specified category for the connected USB
storage device.
logging usb-storage category
category disable Stops logging for the specified category to the connected USB storage device.
logging usb-storage
flushThreshold <1..100> Configures the maximum storage space (in percentage) for storing system logs on
the connected USB storage device.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 83
6.8.1 USB Storage General Commands Example
This example shows how to display the status of the connected USB storage device.
6.9 WLAN Specific Commands
You can install a compatible WLAN card to use the ZyWALL as an access point (AP) for a wireless
The following table identifies the values required for several WLAN commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
[no] diag-info copy usb-storage Sets to have the ZyWALL save or stop saving the current system diagnostics
information to the connected USB storage device. You may need to send this file to
customer support for troubleshooting.
show diag-info copy usb-storage Displays whether (enable or disable) the ZyWALL saves the current system
diagnostics information to the connected USB storage device.
[no] corefile copy usb-storage Sets to have the ZyWALL save or not save a process’s core dump to the connected
USB storage device if the process terminates abnormally (crashes). You may need to
send this file to customer support for troubleshooting.
show corefile copy usb-storage Displays whether (enable or disable) the ZyWALL saves core dump files to the
connected USB storage device.
Table 30 USB Storage General Commands (continued)
Router> show usb-storage
USBStorage Configuration:
Activation: enable
Criterion Number: 100
Criterion Unit: megabyte
USB Storage Status:
Device description: N/A
Usage: N/A
Filesystem: N/A
Speed: N/A
Status: none
Detail: none
Table 31 Input Values for WLAN Interface Commands
psk-key Use 8 to 63 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters or 64 hexadecimal characters. This is
used for WLAN interface commands. See Table 33 on page 85
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.9.1 WLAN General Commands
Use these commands to configure global settings that apply to all of the wireless LAN interfaces you
create on the WLAN card.
Table 32 WLAN General Commands
wlan slot_name Specifies the slot the WLAN card is installed in and enters sub-command mode.
slot_name: The name of the slot where the WLAN card is installed in the ZyWALL. Use
slotx where x equals the number of the card slot.
[no] activate Turns the wireless device on. The no command turns it off.
band <b | g | bg| bgn |
gn> Sets which IEEE 802.11 wireless standard wireless clients can use to connect to the
wireless interface.
•b or g
•b, g, or n
•g or n.
<wireless_channel |
Sets the wireless operating channel of an IEEE 802.11n interface.
wireless_channel: Specify the channel number. The numbers available vary by region.
channel-width <auto |
20m | 40m> Sets how wide a channel the IEEE 802.11n interface uses.
guard-interval <short
| long> Sets the IEEE 802.11n interface’s gap between data transmissions from users to reduce
short: increases data throughput but may make data transfer more prone to errors.
long: prioritizes data integrity but reduces data transfer rates.
[no] ampdu For an IEEE 802.11n interface, enables or disables grouping of several A-MPDUs
(Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit) into one larger frame for faster data transfer rates.
[no] amsdu For an IEEE 802.11n interface, enables or disables grouping of several A-MSDUs
(Aggregate MAC Service Data Units) into one large A-MPDU (Aggregate MAC Protocol
Data Unit) for faster data transfer rates.
[no] block-ack Turns the IEEE 802.11n interface’s block ACK (BA) mechanism on or off. Block ACK lets
multiple frames be streamed out and acknowledged by a single frame. This cuts the wait
time between frames and increases data throughput.
qos <none | wmm> Select the WLAN Quality of Service priority for an IEEE 802.11n interface.
none: Apply no priority to traffic.
wmm: Wi-Fi Multimedia has the priority of a data packet depend on the packet’s IEEE
802.1q or DSCP header. If a packet has no WMM value assigned to it, it is assigned the
default priority.
[no] ctsrts
<256..2346> Sets the Clear To Send/Request To Send threshold. CTS/RTS reduces data collisions
caused by wireless clients that are associated with the same AP but out of range of one
another. The no command turns off CTS/RTS.
[no] frag <256..2346> Sets the threshold (number of bytes) for the fragmentation boundary for directed
messages. It is the maximum data fragment size that can be sent.
[no] super Enables super mode (fast frame and packet bursting).
role ap Sets the ZyWALL to act as an AP (only the AP role is supported at the time of writing.
output-power [100% |
50% | 25% | 12.5%] Sets the wireless output power. Reducing output power can help reduce interference with
other nearby APs.
qos [none | wmm} Applies Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service (QoS) or no wireless QoS.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 85 WLAN General Commands Example
This example sets wireless slot 1 to use the IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g bands, channel 5,
super mode, 50 % output power, and enables it.
6.9.2 WLAN Interface Commands
Use these commands to configure global settings that apply to all of the wireless LAN interfaces you
create on the WLAN card.
guard-interval [short
| long] Sets Guard Interval to Short (increases data throughput) or Long (prioritize data
[no] amsdu Enables Aggregated Mac Service Data Unit (AMSDU) for faster data transfer rates.
[no] ampdu Enables Aggregated Mac Protocol Data Unit (AMPDU) for faster data transfer rates.
[no] block-ack Adds the block ACK (BA) mechanism to increase data output.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
Table 32 WLAN General Commands (continued)
Router(config)# wlan slot1
Router(config-wlan-slot)# band bg
Router(config-wlan-slot)# channel 5
Router(config-wlan-slot)# super
Router(config-wlan-slot)# output-power 50%
Router(config-wlan-slot)# activate
Router(config-wlan-slot)# exit
Table 33 WLAN Interface Commands
[no] interface ap_interface Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command mode. The
no command deletes the specified interface.
ap_interface: The name of the WLAN Access Point interface. Use wlan-x-y
where x equals the number of the card slot and y equals the number of the
individual WLAN interface. For example, wlan-1-1.
[no] block-intra Enables intra-BSS blocking (prevents) wireless clients in this profile’s BSS from
communicating with one another.
group-key <30..30000> Sets the WPA2 group key update timer. This is the interval in seconds for how
often the AP sends a new group key out to all clients.
[no] hide Obscures the SSID in the outgoing beacon frame so a station cannot obtain the
SSID through scanning.
idle <30..30000> Sets the WPA2 idle timeout. The ZyWALL automatically disconnects a wireless
station that has been inactive for this number of seconds. The wireless station
needs to enter the username and password again before access to the wired
network is allowed.
[no] ip address ip
subnet_mask Assigns the specified IP address and subnet mask to the specified interface. The
no command clears the IP address and the subnet mask.
[no] ip gateway ip [metric
<0..15>] Adds the specified gateway for the interface. Sets the priority (relative to every
gateway on every interface) for the specified gateway. The lower the number, the
higher the priority. The no command removes the gateway.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] mtu <576..2304> Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit, which is the maximum number of bytes
in each packet moving through this interface. The ZyWALL divides larger packets
into smaller fragments. The no command resets the MTU to 1500.
reauth <30..30000> Sets the WPA2 reauthentication timer. This is at what interval wireless stations
have to resend usernames and passwords in order to stay connected. If a RADIUS
server authenticates wireless stations, the reauthentication timer on the RADIUS
server has priority.
security mode {none | wep |
wpa | wpa-wpa2 | wpa2} Sets what type of security the wireless interface uses.
none: applies no security.
wep: WEP security (extremely weak).
wpa: WPA security.
wpa-wpa2: WPA/WPA2-Enterprise or WPA/WPA2-PSK security.
wpa2: WPA2 security (strongest option).
security wep <64 | 128>
default-key <1..4> Sets WEP encryption to use a 64 or 128 bit key and selects the default key.
security wep mode <open |
share> Sets the WEP encryption to use open or shared key authentication.
security wpa <tkip | aes> eap
internal profile-name tls-
cert certificate name
Configures WPA enterprise security using TKIP or AES and an existing AAA
authentication method object (profile-name). Set the certificate the ZyWALL
uses to authenticate itself to the wireless clients. The wireless clients must use
TTLS authentication protocol and PAP inside the TTLS secure tunnel.
security wpa <tkip | aes> eap
external Configures WPA enterprise security using TKIP or AES and an external server. Use
the security external command to specify the server’s address.
security wpa <tkip | aes> psk
key psk-key Configures WPA security using TKIP or AES and a Pre-Shared Key (PSK).
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip |
aes> eap internal profile-
name tls-cert certificate
This allows users to either use WPA or WPA2 enterprise security to connect to the
wireless interface. You have to also configure to use either TKIP or AES and an
existing AAA authentication method object (profile-name). Set the certificate the
ZyWALL uses to authenticate itself to the wireless clients. The wireless clients
must use TTLS authentication protocol and PAP inside the TTLS secure tunnel.
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip |
aes> eap external Configures WPA or WPA2 enterprise security using TKIP or AES and an external
server. Use the security external command to specify the server’s address.
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip |
aes> psk key psk-key Configures WPA or WPA2 security using TKIP or AES and a Pre-Shared Key (PSK).
security wpa2 <tkip | aes>
eap internal profile-name
tls-cert certificate name
Configures WPA2 enterprise security using TKIP or AES and an existing AAA
authentication method object (profile-name). Select the certificate the ZyWALL
uses to authenticate itself to the wireless clients. The wireless clients must use
TTLS authentication protocol and PAP inside the TTLS secure tunnel.
security wpa2 <tkip | aes>
eap external Configures WPA2 enterprise security using TKIP or AES and an external server.
Use the security external command to specify the server’s address.
security wpa2 <tkip | aes>
psk key psk-key Configures WPA2 security using TKIP or AES and a Pre-Shared Key (PSK).
[no] security dot1x acct ip
port <1..65535> Sets the IP address and port number of an external accounting server.
[no] security dot1x auth ip
port <1..65535> Sets the IP address and port number of an external authentication (RADIUS)
[no] security dot1x activate Enables IEEE 802.1x accounting and authentication.
[no] security external acct
ip port <1..65535> Sets the IP address and port number of an external accounting server.
Table 33 WLAN Interface Commands (continued)
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 87 WLAN Interface Commands Example
This example configures WLAN AP interface 2 for slot 1 to use SSID WLAN_test, WPA security
modes with a pre-shared key of 12345678, IP address, netmask, and a
gateway IP address of with a priority of 10.
6.9.3 WLAN MAC Filter Commands
Use these commands to give specific wireless clients exclusive access to the ZyWALL (allow
association) or block specific devices from accessing the ZyWALL (deny association) based on the
devices’ MAC addresses.
[no] security external auth
ip port <1..65535> Sets the IP address and port number of an external authentication (RADIUS)
no security {none | wep | wpa
| wpa-wpa2 | wpa2} Disables the specified security mode for the wireless interface.
ssid ssid Sets the (Service Set IDentity). This identifies the Service Set with which a
wireless station is associated. Wireless stations associating to the ZyWALL must
have the same SSID.
ssid: Use up to 32 printable 7-bit ASCII characters as a name for the wireless
station-limit <1..255> Sets the highest number of wireless clients that are allowed to connect to the
wireless interface at the same time.
wep-key <1..4> key There are four data encryption keys to secure your data from eavesdropping by
unauthorized wireless users. The values for the keys must be set up exactly the
same on the access points as they are on the wireless stations.
If you set WEP encryption to use a 64 bit key using the security mode and
security wep 64 commands, type any 5 characters (ASCII string) or 5 pairs of
hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F") preceded by 0x for each key.
If you set WEP encryption to use a 128 bit key using the security mode and
security wep 128 commands, type 13 characters (ASCII string) or 13 pairs of
hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F") preceded by 0x for each key.
Table 33 WLAN Interface Commands (continued)
Router(config)# interface wlan-1-2
Router(config-if-wlan)# ssid WLAN_test
Router(config-if-wlan)# security wpa tkip psk key 12345678
Router(config-if-wlan)# security mode wpa
Router(config-if-wlan)# ip address
Router(config-if-wlan)# ip gateway metric 10
Router(config-if-wlan)# exit
Table 34 WLAN General Commands
[no] wlan mac-filter
mac_address [description
Specifies the MAC address (in XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format) of the wireless station that
is to be allowed or denied access to the ZyWALL. The no command removes the entry.
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it
can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] wlan mac-filter activate Turns the MAC address filter on or off.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
88 WLAN MAC Filter Commands Example
This example creates a MAC filter entry for MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06 and sets the ZyWALL
to allow wireless access from that entry’s MAC address only.
6.10 VLAN Interface Specific Commands
This section covers commands that are specific to VLAN interfaces. VLAN interfaces also use many
of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of Section 6.2 on page 57.
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
This table lists the VLAN interface commands.
wlan mac-filter associate
<allow | deny> Defines the filter action for the list of MAC addresses in the MAC address filter table.
Allow permits them to access to the ZyWALL, MAC addresses not listed will be blocked.
Deny blocks the listed addresses from accessing the router, MAC addresses not listed
will be allowed to access the router.
show wlan mac-filter status Displays the MAC filter’s activation and association settings.
show wlan mac-filter Displays the WLAN MAC filter entries.
Table 34 WLAN General Commands (continued)
Router(config)# wlan mac-filter 01:02:03:04:05:06 description example
Router(config)# wlan mac-filter associate allow
Router(config)# wlan mac-filter activate
Router(config)# show wlan mac-filter status
Enable: yes
Association: allow
Router(config)# show wlan mac-filter
No. MAC Description
1 01:02:03:04:05:06 example
Table 35 Input Values for VLAN Interface Commands
interface_name VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
Table 36 interface Commands: VLAN Interfaces
interface interface_name Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command mode.
[no] port interface_name Specifies the Ethernet interface on which the VLAN interface runs. The no command
clears the port.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 89
6.10.1 VLAN Interface Command Examples
The following commands show you how to set up VLAN vlan100 with the following parameters:
VLAN ID 100, interface ge1, IP, subnet, MTU 598, gateway,
description "I am vlan100”, upstream bandwidth 345, and downstream bandwidth 123.
6.11 Bridge Specific Commands
This section covers commands that are specific to bridge interfaces. Bridge interfaces also use
many of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of Section 6.2 on page 57.
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
This table lists the bridge interface commands.
[no] vlan-id <1..4094> Specifies the VLAN ID used to identify the VLAN. The no command clears the VLAN ID.
show port vlan-id Displays the Ethernet interface VLAN settings.
Table 36 interface Commands: VLAN Interfaces (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface vlan100
Router(config-if-vlan)# vlan-id 100
Router(config-if-vlan)# port ge1
Router(config-if-vlan)# ip address
Router(config-if-vlan)# ip gateway
Router(config-if-vlan)# mtu 598
Router(config-if-vlan)# upstream 345
Router(config-if-vlan)# downstream 123
Router(config-if-vlan)# description I am vlan100
Router(config-if-vlan)# exit
Table 37 Input Values for Bridge Interface Commands
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and below models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt,
lan1, ext-wlan, or dmz.
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces
your ZyWALL model supports.
Table 38 interface Commands: Bridge Interfaces
interface interface_name Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command mode.
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.11.1 Bridge Interface Command Examples
The following commands show you how to set up a bridge interface named br0 with the following
parameters: member ge1, IP, subnet, MTU 598, gateway, upstream
bandwidth 345, downstream bandwidth 123, and description “I am br0”.
6.12 Auxiliary Interface Specific Commands
The first table below lists the auxiliary interface commands, and the second table explains the
values you can input with these commands.
[no] join interface_name Adds the specified Ethernet interface or VLAN interface to the specified bridge. The no
command removes the specified interface from the specified bridge.
show bridge available member Displays the available interfaces that could be added to a bridge.
Table 38 interface Commands: Bridge Interfaces (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface br0
Router(config-if-brg)# join ge1
Router(config-if-brg)# ip address
Router(config-if-brg)# ip gateway
Router(config-if-brg)# mtu 598
Router(config-if-brg)# upstream 345
Router(config-if-brg)# downstream 123
Router(config-if-brg)# description I am br0
Router(config-if-brg)# exit
Table 39 interface Commands: Auxiliary Interface
interface dial aux
interface disconnect aux Dials or disconnects the auxiliary interface.
interface aux Enters sub-command mode.
[no] authentication {chap-pap |
chap | pap | mschap | mschap-v2} Specifies the authentication type of the auxiliary interface. The no command
sets the authentication to chap-pap.
[no] dial-timeout <30..120> Specifies the number of seconds the auxiliary interface waits for an answer
each time it tries to connect. The no command disables the timeout.
[no] dialing-type {tone |
pulse} Specifies the dial type of the auxiliary interface. The no command sets the dial
type to tone.
[no] idle <0..360> Specifies the number of seconds the auxiliary interface waits for activity before
it automatically disconnects. The no command disables the idle timeout.
[no] initial-string
initial_string Specifies the initial string of the auxiliary interface. The no command sets the
initial string to “ATZ”.
initial_string: You can use up to 64 characters. Semicolons (;) and
backslashes (\) are not allowed.
[no] password password Specifies the password of the auxiliary interface. The no command clears the
password: You can use up to 63 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are not
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 91
6.12.1 Auxiliary Interface Command Examples
The following commands show you how to set up the auxiliary interface aux with the following
parameters: phone-number 0340508888, tone dialing, port speed 115200, initial-string ATZ,
timeout 30 seconds, username kk, password kk@u2online, chap-pap authentication, and
description “I am aux interface”.
The following commands show how to dial, disconnect, and stop the auxiliary interface.
[no] phone-number phone Specifies the phone number of the auxiliary interface. You can use 1-20
numbers, commas (,), or plus signs (+). Use a comma to pause during dialing.
Use a plus sign to tell the external modem to make an international call. The
no command clears the phone number.
[no] port-speed {9600 | 19200 |
38400 | 57600 | 115200} Specifies the baud rate of the auxiliary interface. The no command sets the
baud rate to 115200.
[no] username username Specifies the username of the auxiliary interface. The no command clears the
username: You can use alphanumeric, underscores (_), dashes (-), periods (.),
and /@$ characters, and it can be up to 64 characters long.
Table 39 interface Commands: Auxiliary Interface (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface aux
Router(config-if-aux)# phone-number 0340508888
Router(config-if-aux)# dialing-type tone
Router(config-if-aux)# port-speed 115200
Router(config-if-aux)# initial-string ATZ
Router(config-if-aux)# timeout 30
Router(config-if-aux)# username kk
Router(config-if-aux)# password kk@u2online
Router(config-if-aux)# authentication chap-pap
Router(config-if-aux)# description I am aux interface
Router(config-if-aux)# exit
Router# interface dial aux
Router# interface disconnect aux
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 93
This chapter shows you how to configure trunks on your ZyWALL.
7.1 Trunks Overview
You can group multiple interfaces together into trunks to have multiple connections share the traffic
load to increase overall network throughput and enhance network reliability. If one interface’s
connection goes down, the ZyWALL sends traffic through another member of the trunk. For
example, you can use two interfaces for WAN connections. You can connect one interface to one ISP
(or network) and connect the another to a second ISP (or network). The ZyWALL can balance the
load between multiple connections. If one interface's connection goes down, the ZyWALL can
automatically send its traffic through another interface.
You can use policy routing to specify through which interface to send specific traffic types. You can
use trunks in combination with policy routing. You can also define multiple trunks for the same
physical interfaces. This allows you to send specific traffic types through the interface that works
best for that type of traffic, and if that interface’s connection goes down, the ZyWALL can still send
its traffic through another interface.
7.2 Trunk Scenario Examples
Suppose one of the ZyWALL's interfaces is connected to an ISP that is also your Voice over IP
(VoIP) service provider. You may want to set that interface as active and set another interface
(connected to another ISP) to passive. This way VoIP traffic goes through the interface connected
to the VoIP service provider whenever the interface’s connection is up.
Another example would be if you use multiple ISPs that provide different levels of service to
different places. Suppose ISP A has better connections to Europe while ISP B has better
connections to Australia. You could use policy routing and trunks to send traffic for your European
branch offices primarily through ISP A and traffic for your Australian branch offices primarily
through ISP B.
Chapter 7 Trunks
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
7.3 Trunk Commands Input Values
The following table explains the values you can input with the interface-group commands.
7.4 Trunk Commands Summary
The following table lists the interface-group commands. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands. See
Table 40 on page 94 for details about the values you can input with these commands.
Table 40 interface-group Command Input Values
group-name A descriptive name for the trunk.
For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot
start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use WAN_TRUNK or WAN_TRUNK2-5.
name The name of an interface, it could be an Ethernet, PPP, VLAN or bridge interface. The possible
number of each interface type and the abbreviation to use are as follows.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N equals
the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-
wlan, or dmz.
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces your
ZyWALL model supports.
num The interface’s position in the trunk’s list of members <1..8>.
<CR> Carriage Return (the “enter” key).
Table 41 interface-group Commands Summary
show interface-group {system-default|user-
define|group-name}Displays pre-configured system default trunks, your own user
configuration trunks or a specified trunk’s settings.
[no] interface-group group-name Creates a trunk name and enters the trunk sub-command mode where
you can configure the trunk. The no command removes the trunk.
algorithm {wrr|llf|spill-over} Sets the trunk’s load balancing algorithm.
exit Leaves the trunk sub-command mode.
flush Deletes a trunk’s interface settings.
interface {num|append|insert num}
interface-name [weight <1..10>|limit
This subcommand adds an interface to a trunk. Sets the interface’s
number. It also sets the interface’s weight and spillover limit or sets it
to be passive.
Chapter 7 Trunks
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 95
7.5 Trunk Command Examples
The following example creates a weighted round robin trunk for Ethernet interfaces ge1 and ge2.
The ZyWALL sends twice as much traffic through ge1.
The following example creates a least load first trunk for Ethernet interface ge3 and VLAN 5, which
will only apply to outgoing traffic through the trunk. The ZyWALL sends new session traffic
through the least utilized of these interfaces.
Use this command only if you use least load first or spill-over as the
trunk’s load balancing algorithm.
Set either inbound, outbound, or total (outbound and inbound)
traffic to which the ZyWALL will apply the specified algorithm.
Outbound traffic means the traffic travelling from an internal interface
(ex. LAN) to an external interface (ex. WAN). Inbound traffic means the
mode {normal|trunk} Sets the mode for a trunk. Do this first in the trunk’s sub-command
move <1..8> to <1..8> Changes a the interface order in a trunk.
[no] interface {num|interface-name}Removes an interface from the trunk.
system default-interface-group group-name Sets the ZyWALL to first attempt to use the the specified WAN trunk.
[no] system default-snat Enables or disables Source NAT (SNAT). When SNAT is enabled, the
ZyWALL uses the IP address of the outgoing interface as the source IP
address of the packets it sends out through the WAN interfaces.
show system default-snat Displays whether the ZyWALL enable SNAT or not. The ZyWALL
performs SNAT by default for traffic going to or from the WAN
show system default-interface-group Displays the WAN trunk the ZyWALL first attempts to use.
Table 41 interface-group Commands Summary (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface-group wrr-example
Router(if-group)# mode trunk
Router(if-group)# algorithm wrr
Router(if-group)# interface 1 ge1 weight 2
Router(if-group)# interface 2 ge2 weight 1
Router(if-group)# exit
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface-group llf-example
Router(if-group)# mode trunk
Router(if-group)# algorithm llf
Router(if-group)# interface 1 ge3
Router(if-group)# interface 2 vlan5
Router(if-group)# loadbalancing-index outbound
Router(if-group)# exit
Chapter 7 Trunks
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following example creates a spill-over trunk for Ethernet interfaces ge1 and ge3, which will
apply to both incoming and outgoing traffic through the trunk.. The ZyWALL sends traffic
through ge1 until it hits the limit of 1000 kbps. The ZyWALL sends anything over 1000 kbps
through ge3.
7.6 Link Sticking
You can have the ZyWALL send each local computer’s traffic through a single WAN interface for a
specified period of time. This is useful when a redirect server forwards a user request for a file and
informs the file server that a particular WAN IP address is requesting the file. If the user’s
subsequent sessions came from a different WAN IP address, the file server would deny the request.
Here is an example.
Figure 14 Link Sticking
1LAN user A tries to download a file from server B on the Internet. The ZyWALL uses WAN1 to send
the request to server B.
2However remote server B is actually a redirect server. So server B sends a file list to LAN user A.
The file list lets LAN user A’s computer know that the desired file is actually on file server (C). At the
same time, register server B informs file server C that a computer located at the WAN1’s IP address
will download a file.
3The ZyWALL is using active/active load balancing. So when LAN user A tries to retrieve the file from
file server C, the request goes out through WAN2.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface-group spill-example
Router(if-group)# mode trunk
Router(if-group)# algorithm spill-over
Router(if-group)# interface 1 ge1 limit 1000
Router(if-group)# interface 2 ge3 limit 1000
Router(if-group)# loadbalancing-index total
Router(if-group)# exit
Chapter 7 Trunks
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 97
4File server C finds that the request comes from WAN2’s IP address instead of WAN1’s IP address
and rejects the request.
5If link sticking had been configured, the ZyWALL would have still used WAN1 to send LAN user A’s
request to file server C and the file server would have given the file to A.
7.7 Link Sticking Commands Summary
The following table lists the ip load-balancing link-sticking commands for link sticking. (The
link sticking commands have the prefix ip load-balancing because they affect the ZyWALL’s load
balancing behavior.) You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration
mode before you can use these commands. See Table 40 on page 94 for details about the values
you can input with these commands.
7.8 Link Sticking Command Example
This example shows how to activate link sticking and set the timeout to 600 seconds (ten minutes).
Table 42 ip load-balancing link-sticking Commands Summary
[no] ip load-balancing link-sticking activate Turns link sticking on or off.
[no] ip load-balancing link-sticking timeout
timeout Sets for how many seconds (30-3600) the ZyWALL sends all of
each local computer’s traffic through one WAN interface.
show ip load-balancing link-sticking status Displays the current link sticking settings.
Router(config)# ip load-balancing link-sticking activate
Router(config)# ip load-balancing link-sticking timeout 600
Router(config)# show ip load-balancing link-sticking status
active : yes
timeout : 300
Chapter 7 Trunks
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 99
This chapter shows you how to configure policies for IP routing and static routes on your ZyWALL.
8.1 Policy Route
Traditionally, routing is based on the destination address only and the ZyWALL takes the shortest
path to forward a packet. IP Policy Routing (IPPR) provides a mechanism to override the default
routing behavior and alter the packet forwarding based on the policy defined by the network
administrator. Policy-based routing is applied to incoming packets on a per interface basis, prior to
the normal routing.
8.2 Policy Route Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 43 Input Values for General Policy Route Commands
address_object The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
address6_object The name of the IPv6 address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt,
lan1, ext-wlan, or dmz.
virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number of the
virtual interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 12
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces
your ZyWALL model supports.
virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge
interface, y = 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/
PPTP interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following table describes the commands available for policy route. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
policy_number The number of a policy route. 1 - X where X is the highest number of policy routes
the ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s Guide for details.
schedule_object The name of the schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
service_name The name of the service (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
destv6 The IPv6 route prefix (subnet address) for the destination.
prefix The IPv6 prefix length, 0 - 128.
gatewayv6 The IPv6 address of the specified gateway.
ipv6_addr An IPv6 address.
ipv6_global_address An IPv6 address excluding the link-local address (fe80::).
ipv6_link_local An fe80:: IPv6 address.
Table 43 Input Values for General Policy Route Commands (continued)
Table 44 Command Summary: Policy Route
[no] bwm activate Globally enables bandwidth management. You must globally activate
bandwidth management to have individual policy routes or application
patrol policies apply bandwidth management. The no command
globally disables bandwidth management.
policy {policy_number | append | insert
policy_number}Enters the policy-route sub-command mode to configure, add or insert
a policy.
[no] auto-destination When you set tunnel as the next-hop type (using the next-hop
tunnel command) for this route, you can use this command to have
the ZyWALL use the local network of the peer router that initiated an
incoming dynamic IPSec tunnel as the destination address of the policy
instead of what you configure by using the destination command.
The no command disables the setting.
[no] auto-disable When you set interface or trunk as the next-hop type (using the
next-hop interface or next-hop trunk command) for this route,
you can use this command to have the ZyWALL automatically disable
this policy route when the next-hop’s connection is down. The no
command disables the setting.
[no] bandwidth <1..1048576> priority
<1..1024> [maximize-bandwidth-usage] Sets the maximum bandwidth and priority for the policy. The no
command removes bandwidth settings from the rule. You can also turn
maximize bandwidth usage on or off.
[no] deactivate Disables the specified policy. The no command enables the specified
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name for the policy. The no command removes the
name for the policy.
[no] destination {address_object|any} Sets the destination IP address the matched packets must have. The
no command resets the destination IP address to the default (any).
any means all IP addresses.
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 101
[no] dscp {any | <0..63>} Sets a custom DSCP code point (0~63). This is the DSCP value of
incoming packets to which this policy route applies. any means all
DSCP value or no DSCP marker.
[no] dscp class {default | dscp_class}Sets a DSCP class. Use default to apply this policy route to incoming
packets that are marked with DSCP value 0. Use one of the pre-
defined AF classes (including af11~af13, af21~af23, af31~af33, and
af41~af43) to apply this policy route to incoming packets that are
marked with the DSCP AF class.
The “af” entries stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following
the “af” identifies one of four classes and one of three drop
preferences. See Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ on page
104 for more details.
dscp-marking <0..63> Sets a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value to the
route’s outgoing packets.
dscp-marking class {default |
dscp_class}Sets how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing packets
that match this route. Set this to default to have the ZyWALL set the
DSCP value of the packets to 0. Set this to an “af” class (including
af11~af13, af21~af23, af31~af33, and af41~af43) which stands for
Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies one of
four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured
Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ on page 104 for more details.
no dscp-marking Use this command to have the ZyWALL not modify the DSCP value of
the route’s outgoing packets.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] interface interface_name Sets the interface on which the incoming packets are received. The no
command resets the incoming interface to the default (any). any
means all interfaces.
[no] next-hop {auto|gateway address
object |interface interface_name
|trunk trunk_name|tunnel tunnel_name}
Sets the next-hop to which the matched packets are routed. The no
command resets next-hop settings to the default (auto).
[no] schedule schedule_object Sets the schedule. The no command removes the schedule setting to
the default (none). none means any time.
[no] service {service_name|any} Sets the IP protocol. The no command resets service settings to the
default (any). any means all services.
[no] snat {outgoing-interface|pool
{address_object}} Sets the source IP address of the matched packets that use SNAT. The
no command removes source NAT settings from the rule.
[no] source {address_object|any} Sets the source IP address that the matched packets must have. The
no command resets the source IP address to the default (any). any
means all IP addresses.
[no] sslvpn tunnel_name Sets the incoming interface to an SSL VPN tunnel. The no command
removes the SSL VPN tunnel through which the incoming packets are
[no] trigger <1..8> incoming
service_name trigger service_name Sets a port triggering rule. The no command removes port trigger
settings from the rule.
trigger append incoming service_name
trigger service_name Adds a new port triggering rule to the end of the list.
trigger delete <1..8> Removes a port triggering rule.
trigger insert <1..8> incoming
service_name trigger service_name Adds a new port triggering rule before the specified number.
trigger move <1..8> to <1..8> Moves a port triggering rule to the number that you specified.
Table 44 Command Summary: Policy Route (continued)
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] tunnel tunnel_name Sets the incoming interface to an IPSec VPN tunnel. The no command
removes the IPSec VPN tunnel through which the incoming packets are
[no] user user_name Sets the user name. The no command resets the user name to the
default (any). any means all users.
policy6 {policy_number | append | insert
policy_number}Enters the IPv6 policy-route sub-command mode to configure, add or
insert a policy.
[no] bandwidth <1..1048576> priority
<1..1024> [maximize-bandwidth-usage] Sets the maximum bandwidth and priority for the policy. The no
command removes bandwidth settings from the rule. You can also turn
maximize bandwidth usage on or off.
[no] deactivate Disables the specified policy. The no command enables the specified
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name for the IPv6 policy. The no command removes
the name for the policy.
[no] destination {address6_object|any} Sets the destination IPv6 IP address the matched packets must have.
The no command resets the destination IP address to the default
(any). any means all IP addresses.
[no] dscp {any | <0..63>} Sets a custom DSCP code point (0~63). This is the DSCP value of
incoming packets to which this policy route applies. any means all
DSCP value or no DSCP marker.
[no] dscp class {default | dscp_class}Sets a DSCP class. Use default to apply this policy route to incoming
packets that are marked with DSCP value 0. Use one of the pre-
defined AF classes (including af11~af13, af21~af23, af31~af33, and
af41~af43) to apply this policy route to incoming packets that are
marked with the DSCP AF class.
The “af” entries stand for Assured Forwarding. The number following
the “af” identifies one of four classes and one of three drop
preferences. See Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ on page
104 for more details.
dscp-marking <0..63> Sets a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value to the
route’s outgoing packets.
dscp-marking class {default |
dscp_class}Sets how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing packets
that match this route. Set this to default to have the ZyWALL set the
DSCP value of the packets to 0. Set this to an “af” class (including
af11~af13, af21~af23, af31~af33, and af41~af43) which stands for
Assured Forwarding. The number following the “af” identifies one of
four classes and one of three drop preferences. See Assured
Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ on page 104 for more details.
no dscp-marking Use this command to have the ZyWALL not modify the DSCP value of
the route’s outgoing packets.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] interface interface_name Sets the interface on which the matched packets are received. The no
command resets the incoming interface to the default (any). any
means all interfaces.
[no] next-hop {auto|gateway gatewayv6
|interface interface_name |trunk
trunk_name|tunnel tunnel_name}
Sets the next-hop to which the matched packets are routed. The no
command resets next-hop settings to the default (auto).
[no] schedule schedule_object Sets the schedule. The no command removes the schedule setting to
the default (none). none means any time.
[no] service {service_name|any} Sets the IP protocol. The no command resets service settings to the
default (any). any means all services.
Table 44 Command Summary: Policy Route (continued)
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 103
[no] source {address6_object|any} Sets the source IPv6 IP address that the matched packets must have.
The no command resets the source IP address to the default (any). any
means all IP addresses.
[no] user user_name Sets the user name. The no command resets the user name to the
default (any). any means all users.
[no] policy controll-ipsec-dynamic-rules
activate Enables the ZyWALL to use policy routes to manually specify the
destination addresses of dynamic IPSec rules. You must manually
create these policy routes. The ZyWALL automatically obtains source
and destination addresses for dynamic IPSec rules that do not match
any of the policy routes.
The no command has the ZyWALL automatically obtain source and
destination addresses for all dynamic IPSec rules.
policy default-route Enters the policy-route sub-command mode to set a route with the
name “default-route”.
policy delete policy_number Removes a routing policy.
policy flush Clears the policy routing table.
policy list table Displays all policy route settings.
policy move policy_number to policy_number Moves a routing policy to the number that you specified.
[no] policy override-direct-route activate Has the ZyWALL forward packets that match a policy route according
to the policy route instead of sending the packets to a directly
connected network. Use the no command to disable it.
[no] policy controll-virtual-server-rules
activate Gives policy routes priority over NAT virtual server rules (1-1 SNAT).
Use the no command to give NAT virtual server rules priority over
policy routes.
[no] policy6 override-direct-route
activate Has the ZyWALL forward IPv6 packets that match a policy route
according to the policy route instead of sending the packets to a
directly connected network. Use the no command to disable it.
show bwm activation Displays whether or not the global setting for bandwidth management
on the ZyWALL is enabled.
show bwm-usage < [policy-route
policy_number] | [interface
Displays the specified policy route or interface’s bandwidth allotment,
current bandwidth usage, and bandwidth usage statistics.
show policy-route [policy_number]Displays all or specified policy route settings.
show policy-route begin <1..200> end
<1..200> Displays the specified range of policy route settings.
show policy-route controll-ipsec-dynamic-
rules Displays whether the ZyWALL checks policy routes first before IPSec
dynamic rules.
show policy-route override-direct-route Displays whether or not the ZyWALL forwards packets that match a
policy route according to the policy route instead of sending the
packets to a directly connected network.
show policy-route controll-virtual-server-
rules Displays whether or not policy routes have priority over NAT virtual
server rules (1-1 SNAT).
show policy-route6 override-direct-route Displays whether or not the ZyWALL forwards IPv6 packets that match
a policy route according to the policy route instead of sending the
packets to a directly connected network.
show policy-route rule_count Displays the number of policy routes that have been configured on the
show policy-route underlayer-rules Displays all policy route rule details for advanced debugging.
Table 44 Command Summary: Policy Route (continued)
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
8.2.1 Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB for DiffServ
Assured Forwarding (AF) behavior is defined in RFC 2597. The AF behavior group defines four AF
classes. Inside each class, packets are given a high, medium or low drop precedence. The drop
precedence determines the probability that routers in the network will drop packets when
congestion occurs. If congestion occurs between classes, the traffic in the higher class (smaller
numbered class) is generally given priority. Combining the classes and drop precedence produces
the following twelve DSCP encodings from AF11 through AF43. The decimal equivalent is listed in
8.2.2 Policy Route Command Example
The following commands create two address objects (TW_SUBNET and GW_1) and insert a policy
that routes the packets (with the source IP address TW_SUBNET and any destination IP address)
through the interface ge1 to the next-hop router GW_1. This route uses the IP address of the
outgoing interface as the matched packets’ source IP address.
Table 45 Assured Forwarding (AF) Behavior Group
Low Drop Precedence AF11 (10) AF21 (18) AF31 (26) AF41 (34)
Medium Drop Precedence AF12 (12) AF22 (20) AF32 (28) AF42 (36)
High Drop Precedence AF13 (14) AF23 (22) AF33 (30) AF43 (38)
Router(config)# address-object TW_SUBNET
Router(config)# address-object GW_1
Router(config)# policy insert 1
Router(policy-route)# description example
Router(policy-route)# destination any
Router(policy-route)# interface ge1
Router(policy-route)# next-hop gateway GW_1
Router(policy-route)# snat outgoing-interface
Router(policy-route)# source TW_SUBNET
Router(policy-route)# exit
Router(config)# show policy-route 1
index: 1
active: yes
description: example
user: any
schedule: none
interface: ge1
tunnel: none
sslvpn: none
source: TW_SUBNET
destination: any
DSCP code: any
service: any
nexthop type: Gateway
nexthop: GW_1
nexthop state: Not support
auto destination: no
bandwidth: 0
bandwidth priority: 0
maximize bandwidth usage: no
SNAT: outgoing-interface
DSCP marking: preserve
amount of port trigger: 0
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 105
8.3 IP Static Route
The ZyWALL has no knowledge of the networks beyond the network that is directly connected to the
ZyWALL. For instance, the ZyWALL knows about network N2 in the following figure through
gateway R1. However, the ZyWALL is unable to route a packet to network N3 because it doesn't
know that there is a route through the same gateway R1 (via gateway R2). The static routes are
for you to tell the ZyWALL about the networks beyond the network connected to the ZyWALL
Figure 15 Example of Static Routing Topology
8.4 Static Route Commands
The following table describes the commands available for static route. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
commands. See Section Table 43 on page 99 for information on input values.
Table 46 Command Summary: Static Route
[no] ip route {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {interface|w.x.y.z}
<0..127> Sets a static route. The no command deletes a static
ip route replace {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {interface|w.x.y.z}
<0..127> with {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {interface|w.x.y.z}
Changes an existing route’s settings.
show ip route-settings Displays static route information. Use show ip route
to see learned route information. See Section 9.2.5
on page 110.
ip6 route destv6/prefix { ipv6_global_address |
ipv6_link_local | interface} [<0..127>] Sets an IPv6 static route.
ip6 route destv6/prefix { ipv6_link_local interface}
[<0..127>] Sets an IPv6 link local static route.
no ip6 route destv6/prefix { gatewayv6 | interface}
[<0..127>] Deletes the specified IPv6 static route.
ip6 route replace destv6/prefix { gatewayv6 | interface}
[<0..127>] with destv6/prefix { gatewayv6 | interface}
Changes an existing IPv6 route’s settings.
Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
8.4.1 Static Route Commands Examples
The following command sets a static route with IP address and subnet mask and with the next-hop interface ge1. Then use the show command to display the
The following commands set and show three examples of static IPv6 routes for traffic destined for
IPv6 addresses with prefix 2002:22:22:34::. The first route sends the traffic out through interface
ge2 and uses metric 1. The second sends the traffic to gateway 2001:12::12 and uses metric 2.
The third sends the traffic to the fe80::1:2 link local gateway on interface ge2 and uses metric 2.
The following command deletes a specific static IPv6 route.
The following command deletes all static IPv6 routes with the same prefix.
[no] ip route control-virtual-server-rules activate Gives static routes priority over NAT virtual server
rules (1-1 SNAT). It also automatically gives policy
routes priority over NAT virtual server rules. Use the
no command to give NAT virtual server rules priority
over static routes.
show ip route control-virtual-server-rules Displays whether or not static routes have priority
over NAT virtual server rules (1-1 SNAT).
Table 46 Command Summary: Static Route (continued)
Router(config)# ip route ge1
Router(config)# show ip route-settings
Route Netmask Nexthop Metric
=========================================================================== ge1 0
Router(config)# ip6 route 2002:22:22:34::/64 ge2 1
Router(config)# ip6 route 2002:22:22:34::/64 2001:12::12 2
/* link-local gateway bind on interface */
Router(config)# ip6 route 2002:22:22:34::/64 fe80::1:2 ge2 2
Router(config)# show ip6 route-settings
No. Route Prefix Length
Nexthop Metric
1 2002:22:22:34:: 64
2001:12::12 2
2 2002:22:22:34:: 64
ge2 1
Router(config)# no ip6 route 2002:22:22:34::/64 2001:12::12
Router(config)# no ip6 route 2002:22:22:34::/64
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 107
Routing Protocol
This chapter describes how to set up RIP and OSPF routing protocols for the ZyWALL.
9.1 Routing Protocol Overview
Routing protocols give the ZyWALL routing information about the network from other routers. The
ZyWALL then stores this routing information in the routing table, which it uses when it makes
routing decisions. In turn, the ZyWALL can also provide routing information via routing protocols to
other routers.
The ZyWALL supports two standards, RIP and OSPF, for routing protocols. RIP and OSPF are
compared in Table 47 on page 107, and they are discussed further in the next two sections.
9.2 Routing Protocol Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many routing protocol commands. Other
values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the routing protocol commands.
Table 47 OSPF vs. RIP
Network Size Large Small (with up to 15 routers)
Metric Bandwidth, hop count, throughput,
round trip time and reliability. Hop count
Convergence Fast Slow
Table 48 Input Values for Routing Protocol Commands
ip The 32-bit name of the area or virtual link in IP address format.
authkey The password for text or MD5 authentication. You may use alphanumeric characters or
text password: 1-8 characters long
MD5 password: 1-16 characters long
Chapter 9 Routing Protocol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
9.2.1 RIP Commands
This table lists the commands for RIP.
9.2.2 General OSPF Commands
This table lists the commands for general OSPF configuration.
Table 49 router Commands: RIP
router rip Enters sub-command mode.
[no] network interface_name Enables RIP on the specified Ethernet interface. The no
command disables RIP on the specified interface.
[no] redistribute {static | ospf} Enables redistribution of routing information learned from
the specified source. The no command disables
redistribution from the specified source.
redistribute {static | ospf} metric <0..16> Sets the metric when redistributing routing information
learned from the specified source.
[no] version <1..2> Sets the default RIP version for all interfaces with RIP
enabled. If the interface RIP version is blank, the interface
uses the default version. This is not available in the GUI.
The no command sets the default RIP version to 2.
[no] passive-interface interface_name Sets the direction to “In-Only” for the specified interface.
The no command sets the direction to bi-directional.
[no] authentication mode {md5 | text} Sets the authentication mode for RIP. The no command
sets the authentication mode to “none”.
[no] authentication string authkey Sets the password for text authentication. The no
command clears the password.
authentication key <1..255> key-string authkey Sets the MD5 ID and password for MD5 authentication.
no authentication key Clears the MD5 ID and password.
[no] outonly-interface interface_name Sets the direction to “Out-Only” for the specified interface.
The no command sets the direction to “BiDir”.
Table 50 router Commands: General OSPF Configuration
router ospf Enters sub-command mode.
[no] redistribute {static | rip} Enables redistribution of routing information learned from the
specified non-OSPF source. The no command disables redistribution
from the specified non-OSPF source.
[no] redistribute {static | rip} metric-
type <1..2> metric <0..16777214> Sets the metric for routing information learned from the specified
non-OSPF source. The no command clears the metric.
[no] passive-interface interface_name Sets the direction to “In-Only” for the specified interface. The no
command sets the direction to “BiDir”.
[no] router-id IP Sets the 32-bit ID (in IP address format) of the ZyWALL. The no
command resets it to “default”, or the highest available IP address.
Chapter 9 Routing Protocol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 109
9.2.3 OSPF Area Commands
This table lists the commands for OSPF areas.
9.2.4 Virtual Link Commands
This table lists the commands for virtual links in OSPF areas.
Table 51 router Commands: OSPF Areas
router ospf Enters sub-command mode.
[no] network interface area IP Adds the specified interface to the specified area. The no
command removes the specified interface from the
specified area.
[no] area IP [{stub | nssa}] Creates the specified area and sets it to the indicated type.
The no command removes the area.
[no] area IP authentication Enables text authentication in the specified area. The no
command disables authentication in the specified area.
[no] area IP authentication message-
digest Enables MD5 authentication in the specified area. The no
command disables authentication in the specified area.
[no] area IP authentication
authentication-key authkey Sets the password for text authentication in the specified
area. The no command clears the password.
[no] area IP authentication message-
digest-key <1..255> md5 authkey Sets the MD5 ID and password for MD5 authentication in
the specified area. The no command clears the MD5 ID and
Table 52 router Commands: Virtual Links in OSPF Areas
show ospf area IP virtual-link Displays information about virtual links for the specified area.
router ospf
[no] area IP virtual-link IP Creates the specified virtual link in the specified area. The no
command removes the specified virtual link.
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication Enables text authentication in the specified virtual link. The no
command disables authentication in the specified virtual link.
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication
message-digest Enables MD5 authentication in the specified virtual link. The no
command disables authentication in the specified virtual link.
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication
authentication-key authkey Sets the password for text authentication in the specified virtual
link. The no command clears the password in the specified
virtual link.
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication
message-digest-key <1..255> md5 authkey Sets the MD5 ID and password for MD5 authentication in the
specified virtual link. The no command clears the MD5 ID and
password in the specified virtual link.
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication
same-as-area Sets the virtual link’s authentication method to the area’s default
[no] area IP virtual-link IP
authentication-key authkey Sets the password for text authentication in the specified virtual
link. The no command clears the password.
area IP virtual-link IP message-digest-key
<1..255> md5 authkey Sets the MD5 ID and password for MD5 authentication in the
specified virtual link.
no area IP virtual-link IP message-digest-
key <1..255> Clears the MD5 ID in the specified virtual link.
Chapter 9 Routing Protocol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
9.2.5 Learned Routing Information Commands
This table lists the commands to look at learned routing information.
9.2.6 show ip route Command Example
The following example shows learned routing information on the ZyWALL.
Table 53 ip route Commands: Learned Routing Information
show ip route [kernel | connected | static | ospf | rip |
bgp] Displays learned routing and other routing
Router> show ip route
Flags: A - Activated route, S - Static route, C - directly Connected
O - OSPF derived, R - RIP derived, G - selected Gateway
! - reject, B - Black hole, L - Loop
IP Address/Netmask Gateway IFace Metric Flags Persist
=========================================================================== wan1 0 ASG - ext-wlan 0 ACG - lo 0 ACG - wan1 0 ACG - lan1 0 ACG - lan2 0 ACG - dmz 0 ACG -
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 111
Set up zones to configure network security and network policies in the ZyWALL.
10.1 Zones Overview
A zone is a group of interfaces and VPN tunnels. The ZyWALL uses zones, not interfaces, in many
security and policy settings, such as firewall rules and remote management.
Zones cannot overlap. Each Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, bridge interface, PPPoE/PPTP
interface, auxiliary interface, and VPN tunnel can be assigned to at most one zone. Virtual
interfaces are automatically assigned to the same zone as the interface on which they run.
Figure 16 Example: Zones
Chapter 10 Zones
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
10.2 Zone Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many zone commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.s
This table lists the zone commands.
Table 54 Input Values for Zone Commands
profile_name The name of a zone, or the name of a VPN tunnel.
For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name
cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
About the pre-defined zones in the ZyWALL USG 200 and below models:
• The lan1 interface always belongs to the LAN1 zone.
• The lan2 interface always belongs to the LAN2 zone.
• The dmz interface always belongs to the DMZ zone.
• The wan1, wan2, wan1_ppp, or wan2_ppp interfaces always belong to the WAN zone.
• An opt_ppp interface can be added to the WAN or OPT zone.
Table 55 zone Commands
show zone [profile_name]Displays information about the specified zone or about all zones.
show zone binding-iface Displays each interface and zone mappings.
show zone default-binding Displays the pre-configured interface and zone mappings that come with the
show zone none-binding Displays the interfaces, tunnels and SSL VPNs that are not associated with a
zone yet.
show zone system-default Displays the pre-configured default zones that you cannot delete from the
show zone user-define Displays all customized zones.
[no] zone profile_name Creates the zone if necessary and enters sub-command mode. The no
command deletes the zone.
zone profile_name Enter the sub-command mode.
[no] block Blocks intra-zone traffic. The no command allows intra-zone traffic.
[no] interface
interface_name Adds the specified interface to the specified zone. The no command removes
the specified interface from the specified zone. See Section 6.2 on page 57 for
information about interface names.
[no] crypto
profile_name Adds the specified IPSec VPN tunnel to the specified zone. The no command
removes the specified IPSec VPN tunnel from the specified zone.
[no] sslvpn
profile_name Adds the specified SSL VPN tunnel to the specified zone. The no command
removes the specified SSL VPN tunnel from the specified zone.
Chapter 10 Zones
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 113
10.2.1 Zone Command Examples
The following commands add Ethernet interfaces ge1 and ge2 to zone A and block intra-zone traffic.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# zone A
Router(zone)# interface ge1
Router(zone)# interface ge2
Router(zone)# block
Router(zone)# exit
Router(config)# show zone
No. Name Block Member
1 A yes ge1,ge2
Router(config)# show zone A
blocking intra-zone traffic: yes
No. Type Member
1 interface ge1
2 interface ge2
Chapter 10 Zones
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ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 115
This chapter describes how to configure dynamic DNS (DDNS) services for the ZyWALL.
11.1 DDNS Overview
DNS maps a domain name to a corresponding IP address and vice versa. Similarly, dynamic DNS
maps a domain name to a dynamic IP address. As a result, anyone can use the domain name to
contact you (in NetMeeting, CU-SeeMe, etc.) or to access your FTP server or Web site, regardless of
the current IP address.
Note: You must have a public WAN IP address to use Dynamic DNS.
Set up a dynamic DNS account with a supported DNS service provider to be able to use Dynamic
DNS services with the ZyWALL. When registration is complete, the DNS service provider gives you a
password or key. At the time of writing, the ZyWALL supports the following DNS service providers.
See the listed websites for details about the DNS services offered by each.
Note: Record your DDNS account’s user name, password, and domain name to use to
configure the ZyWALL.
After, you configure the ZyWALL, it automatically sends updated IP addresses to the DDNS service
provider, which helps redirect traffic accordingly.
Table 56 Network > DDNS
DynDNS Dynamic DNS, Static DNS, and Custom DNS www.dyndns.com)
Dynu Basic, Premium www.dynu.com
No-IP No-IP www.no-ip.com
Peanut Hull Peanut Hull www.oray.cn Chinese website
Chapter 11 DDNS
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
11.2 DDNS Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many DDNS commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table lists the DDNS commands.
Table 57 Input Values for DDNS Commands
profile_name The name of the DDNS profile. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
Table 58 ip ddns Commands
show ddns [profile_name]Displays information about the specified DDNS profile or
about all DDNS profiles.
[no] ip ddns profile profile_name Creates the specified DDNS profile if necessary and enters
sub-command mode. The no command deletes it.
[no] service-type {dyndns | dyndns_static |
dyndns_custom | dynu-basic | dynu-premium |
no-ip | peanut-hull | 3322-dyn | 3322-static}
Sets the service type in the specified DDNS profile. The no
command clears it.
[no] username username password password Sets the username and password in the specified DDNS
profile. The no command clears these fields.
username: You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters and
the underscore (_).
password: You can use up to 64 alphanumeric characters and
the underscore (_).
[no] host hostname Sets the domain name in the specified DDNS profile. The no
command clears the domain name.
hostname: You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters,
dashes (-), or periods (.), but the first character must be
[no] ip-select {iface | auto | custom} Sets the IP address update policy in the specified DDNS
profile. The no command clears the policy.
[no] ip-select-backup {iface | auto | custom} Sets the alternate IP address update policy in the specified
DDNS profile. The no command clears the policy.
[no] custom ip Sets the static IP address in the specified DDNS profile. The
no command clears it.
[no] backup-custom ip Sets the static IP address for the backup interface in the
specified DDNS profile. The no command clears it.
[no] mx {ip | domain_name}Enables the mail exchanger and sets the fully-qualified
domain name of the mail server to which mail from this
domain name is forwarded. The no command disables the
mail exchanger.
domain_name: You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters,
dashes (-), or periods (.), but the first character must be
[no] wan-iface interface_name Sets the WAN interface in the specified DDNS profile. The no
command clears it.
Chapter 11 DDNS
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 117
[no] backup-iface interface_name Sets the backup WAN interface in the specified DDNS profile.
The no command clears it.
[no] ha-iface interface_name Sets the HA interface in the specified DDNS profile. The no
command clears it.
[no] backmx Enables the backup mail exchanger. The no command
disables it.
[no] wildcard Enables the wildcard feature. The no command disables it.
Table 58 ip ddns Commands (continued)
Chapter 11 DDNS
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 119
Virtual Servers
This chapter describes how to set up, manage, and remove virtual servers. Virtual server
commands configure NAT.
12.1 Virtual Server Overview
Virtual server is also known as port forwarding or port translation.
Virtual servers are computers on a private network behind the ZyWALL that you want to make
available outside the private network. If the ZyWALL has only one public IP address, you can make
the computers in the private network available by using ports to forward packets to the appropriate
private IP address.
12.1.1 1:1 NAT and Many 1:1 NAT
1:1 NAT - If the private network server will initiate sessions to the outside clients, use 1:1 NAT to
have the ZyWALL translate the source IP address of the server’s outgoing traffic to the same public
IP address that the outside clients use to access the server.
Many 1:1 NAT - If you have a range of private network servers that will initiate sessions to the
outside clients and a range of public IP addresses, use many 1:1 NAT to have the ZyWALL translate
the source IP address of each server’s outgoing traffic to the same one of the public IP addresses
that the outside clients use to access the server. The private and public ranges must have the same
number of IP addresses.
One many 1:1 NAT rule works like multiple 1:1 NAT rules, but it eases the configuration effort since
you only create one rule.
12.2 Virtual Server Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many virtual server commands. Other values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 59 Input Values for Virtual Server Commands
service_object The name of a service. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
profile_name The name of the virtual server. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
Chapter 12 Virtual Servers
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following table lists the virtual server commands.
Table 60 ip virtual-server Commands
show ip virtual-server [profile_name]Displays information about the specified virtual server or about all the virtual
no ip virtual-server profile_name Deletes the specified virtual server.
ip virtual-server profile_name
interface interface_name original-ip
{any | ip | address_object} map-to
{address_object | ip} map-type any
[nat-loopback [nat-1-1-map]
[deactivate] | nat-1-1-map
[deactivate] | deactivate]
Creates or modifies the specified virtual server and maps the specified
destination IP address (for all destination ports) to the specified destination
address object or IP address. The original destination IP is defined by the
specified interface (any), the specified IP address (IP), or the specified
address object (address-object). NAT loopback allows local users to use a
domain name to access this virtual server.
Select what kind of NAT this rule is to perform.
nat-1-1-map: means the NAT type is either 1:1 NAT or many 1:1 NAT. See
Section 12.1.1 on page 119 for more information.
Using this command without nat-1-1-map means the NAT type is Virtual
Server. This makes computers on a private network behind the ZyWALL
available to a public network outside the ZyWALL (like the Internet).
The deactivate command disables the virtual server rule.
ip virtual-server profile_name
interface interface_name original-ip
{any | IP | address_object} map-to
{address_object | ip} map-type port
protocol {any | tcp | udp} original-
port <1..65535> mapped-port
<1..65535> [nat-loopback [nat-1-1-
map] [deactivate] | nat-1-1-map
[deactivate] | deactivate]
Creates or modifies the specified virtual server and maps the specified
(destination IP address, protocol, and destination port) to the specified
(destination IP address and destination port). The original destination IP is
defined by the specified interface (any), the specified IP address (IP), or the
specified address object (address-object). NAT loopback allows local users
to use a domain name to access this virtual server.
nat-1-1-map: means the NAT type is either 1:1 NAT or many 1:1 NAT. See
Section 12.1.1 on page 119 for more information.
Using this command without nat-1-1-map means the NAT type is Virtual
Server. This makes computers on a private network behind the ZyWALL
available to a public network outside the ZyWALL (like the Internet).
The deactivate command disables the virtual server rule.
ip virtual-server profile_name
interface interface_name original-ip
{any | IP | address_object} map-to
{address_object | ip} map-type ports
protocol {any | tcp | udp} original-
port-begin <1..65535> original-port-
end <1..65535> mapped-port-begin
<1..65535> [nat-loopback [nat-1-1-
map] [deactivate] | nat-1-1-map
[deactivate] | deactivate]
Creates or modifies the specified virtual server and maps the specified
(destination IP address, protocol, and range of destination ports) to the
specified (destination IP address and range of destination ports). The original
destination IP is defined by the specified interface (any), the specified IP
address (IP), or the specified address object (address-object). NAT
loopback allows local users to use a domain name to access this virtual
nat-1-1-map: means the NAT type is either 1:1 NAT or many 1:1 NAT. See
Section 12.1.1 on page 119 for more information.
Using this command without nat-1-1-map means the NAT type is Virtual
Server. This makes computers on a private network behind the ZyWALL
available to a public network outside the ZyWALL (like the Internet).
The deactivate command disables the virtual server rule.
Chapter 12 Virtual Servers
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 121
12.2.1 Virtual Server Command Examples
The following command creates virtual server WAN-LAN_H323 on the wan1 interface that maps IP
addresses to for TCP protocol traffic on port 1720. It also adds a NAT
loopback entry.
The following command shows information about all the virtual servers in the ZyWALL.
ip virtual-server profile_name
interface interface_name original-ip
{any | IP | address_object} map-to
{address_object | ip} map-type
original-service service_object
mapped-service service_object [nat-
loopback [nat-1-1-map] [deactivate] |
nat-1-1-map [deactivate] |
Creates or modifies the specified virtual server and maps the specified
(destination IP address, protocol, and service object) to the specified
(destination IP address and service object). The original destination IP is
defined by the specified interface (any), the specified IP address (IP), or the
specified address object (address-object). NAT loopback allows local users
to use a domain name to access this virtual server.
nat-1-1-map: means the NAT type is either 1:1 NAT or many 1:1 NAT. See
Section 12.1.1 on page 119 for more information.
Using this command without nat-1-1-map means the NAT type is Virtual
Server. This makes computers on a private network behind the ZyWALL
available to a public network outside the ZyWALL (like the Internet).
The deactivate command disables the virtual server rule.
ip virtual-server {activate |
deactivate} profile_name Activates or deactivates the specified virtual server.
ip virtual-server delete profile_name Deletes the specified virtual server.
ip virtual-server flush Deletes all virtual servers.
ip virtual-server rename profile_name
profile_name Renames the specified virtual server from the first profile_name to the
second profile_name.
Table 60 ip virtual-server Commands (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip virtual-server WAN-LAN_H323 interface wan1 original-ip
map-to map-type port protocol tcp original-port 1720 mapped-port 1720
Router(config)# show ip virtual-server
virtual server: WAN-LAN_H323
active: yes
interface: wan1
NAT-loopback active: yes
NAT 1-1: no
original IP:
mapped IP:
mapping type: port
protocol type: tcp
original service:
mapped service:
original start port: 1720
original end port:
mapped start port: 1720
mapped end port:
Chapter 12 Virtual Servers
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
12.2.2 Tutorial - How to Allow Public Access to a Server
This is an example of making an HTTP (web) server in the DMZ zone accessible from the Internet
(the WAN zone). You will use a public IP address of on the ge2 (or wan1 on USG 200 and
lower models) interface and map it to the HTTP server’s private IP address of
Figure 17 Public Server Example Network Topology
Follow the following steps for the setting.
1Configure Address object
Create two address objects. One is named DMZ_HTTP for the HTTP server’s private IP address of The other one is named ge2_HTTP for the ge2 (wan1) public IP address of
2Configure NAT
You need a NAT rule to send HTTP traffic coming to IP address on ge2 (wan1) to the HTTP
server’s private IP address of Use the following settings:
• This NAT rule is for any HTTP traffic coming in on ge2 (wan1) to IP address
• The NAT rule sends this traffic to the HTTP server’s private IP address of (defined
in the DMZ_HTTP object).
• HTTP traffic and the HTTP server in this example both use TCP port 80. So you set the port
mapping type to “port”, the protocol type to “TCP”, and the original and mapped ports to “80”.
3Configure firewall
Create a firewall rule to allow HTTP traffic from the WAN zone to the DMZ web server.
Now the public can go to IP address to access the HTTP server.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# address-object DMZ_HTTP
Router(config)# address-object ge2_HTTP
Router(config)# ip virtual-server To-VirtualServer-WWW interface ge2 original-ip
ge2_HTTP map-to DMZ_HTTP map-type port protocol tcp original-port 80 mapped-port 80
Router(config)# firewall insert 1
Router(firewall)# description To-VirtualServer-WWW
Router(firewall)# from WAN
Router(firewall)# to DMZ
Router(firewall)# destinationip DMZ_HTTP
Router(firewall)# service HTTP
Router(firewall)# exit
Router(config)# write
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 123
HTTP Redirect
This chapter shows you how to configure HTTP redirection on your ZyWALL.
13.1 HTTP Redirect Overview
HTTP redirect forwards the client’s HTTP request (except HTTP traffic destined for the ZyWALL) to a
web proxy server.
13.1.1 Web Proxy Server
A proxy server helps client devices make indirect requests to access the Internet or outside network
resources/services. A proxy server can act as a firewall or an ALG (application layer gateway)
between the private network and the Internet or other networks. It also keeps hackers from
knowing internal IP addresses.
Chapter 13 HTTP Redirect
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
13.2 HTTP Redirect Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the commands available for HTTP redirection. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Table 61 Input Values for HTTP Redirect Commands
description The name to identify the rule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N,
where N equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2,
opt, lan1, ext-wlan, or dmz.
virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number
of the virtual interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 4
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge
interface, y = 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of
PPPoE/PPTP interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
Table 62 Command Summary: HTTP Redirect
ip http-redirect description interface interface_name
redirect-to w.x.y.z <1..65535> Sets a HTTP redirect rule.
ip http-redirect description interface interface_name
redirect-to w.x.y.z <1..65535> deactivate Disables a HTTP redirect rule.
ip http-redirect activate description Enables a rule with the specified rule name.
ip http-redirect deactivate description Disables a rule with the specified rule name.
no ip http-redirect description Removes a rule with the specified rule name.
ip http-redirect flush Clears all HTTP redirect rules.
show ip http-redirect [description]Displays HTTP redirect settings.
Chapter 13 HTTP Redirect
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 125
13.2.1 HTTP Redirect Command Examples
The following commands create a HTTP redirect rule, disable it and display the settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip http-redirect example1 interface ge1 redirect-to 80
Router(config)# ip http-redirect example1 interface ge1 redirect-to 80
Router(config)# show ip http-redirect
Name Interface Proxy Server Port Active
example1 ge1 80 no
Chapter 13 HTTP Redirect
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 127
This chapter covers how to use the ZyWALL’s ALG feature to allow certain applications to pass
through the ZyWALL.
14.1 ALG Introduction
The ZyWALL can function as an Application Layer Gateway (ALG) to allow certain NAT un-friendly
applications (such as SIP) to operate properly through the ZyWALL’s NAT.
Some applications cannot operate through NAT (are NAT un-friendly) because they embed IP
addresses and port numbers in their packets’ data payload. The ZyWALL examines and uses IP
address and port number information embedded in the VoIP traffic’s data stream. When a device
behind the ZyWALL uses an application for which the ZyWALL has VoIP pass through enabled, the
ZyWALL translates the device’s private IP address inside the data stream to a public IP address. It
also records session port numbers and allows the related sessions to go through the firewall so the
application’s traffic can come in from the WAN to the LAN.
The ZyWALL only needs to use the ALG feature for traffic that goes through the ZyWALL’s NAT. The
firewall allows related sessions for VoIP applications that register with a server. The firewall allows
or blocks peer to peer VoIP traffic based on the firewall rules.
You do not need to use a TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT) server for VoIP devices behind the
ZyWALL when you enable the SIP ALG.
Chapter 14 ALG
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
14.2 ALG Commands
The following table lists the alg commands. You must use the configure terminal command to
enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 63 alg Commands
[no] alg sip [inactivity-
timeout | signal-port
<1025..65535> | signal-
extra-port <1025..65535> |
media-timeout <1..86400> |
signal-timeout <1..86400> |
Turns on or configures the ALG.
Use inactivity-timeout to have the ZyWALL apply SIP media and
signaling inactivity time out limits.
Use signal-port with a listening port number (1025 to 65535) if you are
using SIP on a port other than UDP 5060.
Use signal-extra-port with a listening port number (1025 to 65535) if
you are also using SIP on an additional UDP port number, enter it here.
Use media-timeout and a number of seconds (1~86400) for how long to
allow a voice session to remain idle (without voice traffic) before dropping
Use signal-timeout and a number of seconds (1~86400) for how long to
allow a SIP signaling session to remain idle (without SIP packets) before
dropping it.
Use transformation to have the ZyWALL modify IP addresses and port
numbers embedded in the SIP data payload. You do not need to use this if
you have a SIP device or server that will modify IP addresses and port
numbers embedded in the SIP data payload.
The no command turns off the SIP ALG or removes the settings that you
[no] alg <h323 | ftp>
[signal-port <1025..65535> |
<1025..65535> |
Turns on or configures the H.323 or FTP ALG.
Use signal-port with a listening port number (1025 to 65535) if you are
using H.323 on a TCP port other than 1720 or FTP on a TCP port other
than 21.
Use signal-extra-port with a listening port number (1025 to 65535) if
you are also using H.323 or FTP on an additional TCP port number, enter it
Use transformation to have the ZyWALL modify IP addresses and port
numbers embedded in the H.323 or FTP data payload. You do not need to
use this if you have an H.323 or FTP device or server that will modify IP
addresses and port numbers embedded in the H.323 or FTP data payload.
The no command turns off the H.323 or FTP ALG or removes the settings
that you specify.
[no] alg sip defaultport
<1..65535> Adds (or removes) a custom UDP port number for SIP traffic.
show alg <sip | h323 | ftp> Displays the specified ALG’s configuration.
Chapter 14 ALG
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 129
14.3 ALG Commands Example
The following example turns on pass through for SIP and turns it off for H.323.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# alg sip
Router(config)# no alg h323
Chapter 14 ALG
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 131
IP/MAC Binding
15.1 IP/MAC Binding Overview
IP address to MAC address binding helps ensure that only the intended devices get to use privileged
IP addresses. The ZyWALL uses DHCP to assign IP addresses and records to MAC address it
assigned each IP address. The ZyWALL then checks incoming connection attempts against this list.
A user cannot manually assign another IP to his computer and use it to connect to the ZyWALL.
Suppose you configure access privileges for IP address and use static DHCP to assign
it to Tim’s computer’s MAC address of 12:34:56:78:90:AB. IP/MAC binding drops traffic from any
computer with another MAC address that tries to use IP address
15.2 IP/MAC Binding Commands
The following table lists the ip-mac-binding commands. You must use the configure terminal
command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 64 ip-mac-binding Commands
[no] ip ip-mac-binding interface_name
activate Turns on IP/MAC binding for the specified interface. The no command turns
IP/MAC binding off for the specified interface.
[no] ip ip-mac-binding interface_name
log Turns on the IP/MAC binding logs for the specified interface. The no
command turns IP/MAC binding logs off for the specified interface.
ip ip-mac-binding exempt name start-ip
end-ip Adds a named IP range as being exempt from IP/MAC binding.
no ip ip-mac-binding exempt name Deletes the named IP range from the list of addresses that are exempt from
IP/MAC binding.
show ip ip-mac-binding interface_name Shows whether IP/MAC binding is enabled or disabled for the specified
show ip ip-mac-binding all Shows whether IP/MAC binding is enabled or disabled for all interfaces.
show ip ip-mac-binding status
interface_name Displays the current IP/MAC bindings for the specified interface.
show ip ip-mac-binding status all Displays the current IP/MAC bindings for all interfaces.
show ip ip-mac-binding exempt Shows the current IP/MAC binding exempt list.
ip ip-mac-binding clear-drop-count
interface_name Resets the packet drop counter for the specified interface.
debug ip ip-mac-binding activate Turns on the IP/MAC binding debug logs.
no debug ip ip-mac-binding activate Turns off the IP/MAC binding debug logs.
Chapter 15 IP/MAC Binding
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
15.3 IP/MAC Binding Commands Example
The following example enables IP/MAC binding on the LAN1 interface and displays the interface’s
IP/MAC binding status.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip ip-mac-binding lan1 activate
Router(config)# show ip ip-mac-binding lan1
Name: lan1
Status: Enable
Log: No
Binding Count: 0
Drop Count: 0
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 133
This chapter introduces the ZyWALL’s firewall and shows you how to configure your ZyWALL’s
16.1 Firewall Overview
The ZyWALL’s firewall is a stateful inspection firewall. The ZyWALL restricts access by screening
data packets against defined access rules. It can also inspect sessions. For example, traffic from
one zone is not allowed unless it is initiated by a computer in another zone first.
A zone is a group of interfaces or VPN tunnels. Group the ZyWALL’s interfaces into different zones
based on your needs. You can configure firewall rules for data passing between zones or even
between interfaces and/or VPN tunnels in a zone.
This example shows the ZyWALL’s default firewall behavior for WAN to LAN traffic and how stateful
inspection works. A LAN user can initiate a Telnet session from within the LAN zone and the firewall
allows the response. However, the firewall blocks Telnet traffic initiated from the WAN zone and
destined for the LAN zone. The firewall allows VPN traffic between any of the networks.
Figure 18 Default Firewall Action
Your customized rules take precedence and override the ZyWALL’s default settings. The ZyWALL
checks the schedule, user name (user’s login name on the ZyWALL), source IP address, destination
IP address and IP protocol type of network traffic against the firewall rules (in the order you list
them). When the traffic matches a rule, the ZyWALL takes the action specified in the rule.
For example, if you want to allow a specific user from any computer to access one zone by logging
in to the ZyWALL, you can set up a rule based on the user name only. If you also apply a schedule
to the firewall rule, the user can only access the network at the scheduled time. A user-aware
firewall rule is activated whenever the user logs in to the ZyWALL and will be disabled after the user
logs out of the ZyWALL.
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
16.2 Firewall Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the commands available for the firewall. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use the
configuration commands. Commands that do not have IPv6 specified in the description are for IPv4.
Table 65 Input Values for General Firewall Commands
address_object The name of the IP address (or address group) object. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
address6_object The name of the IPv6 address (or address group) object. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
zone_object The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters
(a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ, LAN1,
rule_number The priority number of a firewall rule. 1 - X where X is the highest number of rules
the ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s Guide for details.
schedule_object The name of the schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
service_name The name of the service (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
Table 66 Command Summary: Firewall
[no] firewall asymmetrical-route activate Allows or disallows asymmetrical route topology.
[no] connlimit max-per-host <1..8192> Sets the highest number of sessions that the ZyWALL
will permit a host to have at one time. The no
command removes the settings.
firewall rule_number Enters the firewall sub-command mode to set a
firewall rule. See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number Enters the firewall sub-command mode to set a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule. See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} append Enters the firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule to the end of the global rule list. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 135
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} delete
<1..5000> Removes a direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or
to-ZyWALL rule.
<1..5000>: the index number in a direction specific
firewall rule list.
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} flush Removes all direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or
to-ZyWALL rules.
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} insert
rule_number Enters the firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule before the specified rule number. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} move
rule_number to rule_number Moves a direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-
ZyWALL rule to the number that you specified.
[no] firewall activate Enables the firewall on the ZyWALL. The no command
disables the firewall.
firewall append Enters the firewall sub-command mode to add a
global firewall rule to the end of the global rule list.
See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall default-rule action {allow | deny | reject} { no
log | log [alert] } Sets how the firewall handles packets that do not
match any other firewall rule.
firewall delete rule_number Removes a firewall rule.
firewall flush Removes all firewall rules.
firewall insert rule_number Enters the firewall sub-command mode to add a
firewall rule before the specified rule number. See
Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall move rule_number to rule_number Moves a firewall rule to the number that you specified.
show connlimit max-per-host Displays the highest number of sessions that the
ZyWALL will permit a host to have at one time.
show firewall Displays all firewall settings.
show firewall rule_number Displays a firewall rule’s settings.
show firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} Displays all firewall rules settings for the specified
packet direction.
show firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL}
rule_number Displays a specified firewall rule’s settings for the
specified packet direction.
show firewall status Displays whether or not the firewall is active, whether
or not asymmetrical route topology is allowed, and
the default firewall rule’s configuration.
show firewall block_rules Displays all the firewall rules that deny access.
show firewall any ZyWALL Shows all the to-ZyWALL firewall rules.
[no] connlimit6 max-per-host <1..8192> Sets the highest number of IPv6 sessions that the
ZyWALL will permit a host to have at one time. The
no command removes the setting.
firewall6 rule_number Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to set a
firewall rule. See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to set a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule. See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-
Table 66 Command Summary: Firewall (continued)
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} append Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule to the end of the global rule list. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} delete
<1..5000> Removes a direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL
rule or to-ZyWALL rule.
<1..5000>: the index number in a direction specific
firewall rule list.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} flush Removes all direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL
rule or to-ZyWALL rules.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} insert
rule_number Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule before the specified rule number. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} move
rule_number to rule_number Moves a direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL rule
or to-ZyWALL rule to the number that you specified.
[no] firewall activate Enables the IPv6 firewall on the ZyWALL. The no
command disables the IPv6 firewall.
firewall6 append Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
global firewall rule to the end of the global rule list.
See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 default-rule action {allow | deny | reject} {
no log | log [alert] } Sets how the IPv6 firewall handles packets that do not
match any other firewall rule.
firewall6 delete rule_number Removes a IPv6 firewall rule.
firewall6 flush Removes all IPv6 firewall rules.
firewall6 insert rule_number Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
firewall rule before the specified rule number. See
Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 move rule_number to rule_number Moves a IPv6 firewall rule to the number that you
show connlimit6 max-per-host Displays the highest number of IPv6 sessions that the
ZyWALL will permit a host to have at one time.
show firewall6 Displays all IPv6 firewall settings.
show firewall6 rule_number Displays a IPv6 firewall rule’s settings.
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} Displays all IPv6 firewall rules settings for the
specified packet direction.
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL}
rule_number Displays a specified IPv6 firewall rule’s settings for the
specified packet direction.
show firewall6 status Displays whether or not the IPv6 firewall is active,
whether or not IPv6 asymmetrical route topology is
allowed, and the default IPv6 firewall rule’s
show firewall6 block_rules Displays all the IPv6 firewall rules that deny access.
show firewall6 any ZyWALL Shows all the IPv6 to-ZyWALL firewall rules.
[no] firewall6 asymmetrical-route activate Allows or disallows asymmetrical route topology for
IPv6 traffic.
Table 66 Command Summary: Firewall (continued)
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 137
16.2.1 Firewall Sub-Commands
The following table describes the sub-commands for several firewall and firewall6 commands.
Table 67 firewall Sub-commands
action {allow|deny|reject} Sets the action the ZyWALL takes when packets match this
[no] activate Enables a firewall rule. The no command disables the
firewall rule.
[no] ctmatch {dnat | snat} Use dnat to block packets sent from a computer on the
ZyWALL’s WAN network from being forwarded to an
internal network according to a virtual server rule.
Use snat to block packets sent from a computer on the
ZyWALL’s internal network from being forwarded to the
WAN network according to a 1:1 NAT or Many 1:1 NAT rule.
The no command forwards the matched packets.
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name (up to 60 printable ASCII
characters) for a firewall rule. The no command removes
the descriptive name from the rule.
[no] destinationip address_object Sets the destination IP address. The no command resets
the destination IP address(es) to the default (any). any
means all IP addresses.
[no] destinationip6 address_object Sets the destination IPv6 address. The no command resets
the destination IP address(es) to the default (any). any
means all IP addresses.
[no] from zone_object Sets the zone on which the packets are received. The no
command removes the zone on which the packets are
received and resets it to the default (any) meaning all
interfaces or VPN tunnels.
[no] log [alert] Sets the ZyWALL to create a log (and optionally an alert)
when packets match this rule. The no command sets the
ZyWALL not to create a log or alert when packets match
this rule.
[no] schedule schedule_object Sets the schedule that the rule uses. The no command
removes the schedule settings from the rule.
[no] service service_name Sets the service to which the rule applies. The no command
resets the service settings to the default (any). any means
all services.
[no] sourceip address_object Sets the source IP address(es). The no command resets
the source IP address(es) to the default (any). any means
all IP addresses.
[no] sourceip6 address_object Sets the source IP address(es). The no command resets
the source IP address(es) to the default (any). any means
all IP addresses.
[no] sourceport {tcp|udp} {eq <1..65535>|range
<1..65535> <1..65535>} Sets the source port for a firewall rule. The no command
removes the source port from the rule.
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
16.2.2 Firewall Command Examples
These are IPv4 firewall configuration examples. The IPv6 firewall commands are similar.
The following example shows you how to add an IPv4 firewall rule to allow a MyService connection
from the WAN zone to the IP addresses Dest_1 in the LAN zone.
• Enter configuration command mode.
• Create an IP address object.
• Create a service object.
• Enter the firewall sub-command mode to add a firewall rule.
• Set the direction of travel of packets to which the rule applies.
• Set the destination IP address(es).
• Set the service to which this rule applies.
• Set the action the ZyWALL is to take on packets which match this rule.
The following command displays the default IPv4 firewall rule that applies to the WAN to ZyWALL
packet direction. The firewall rule number is in the rule’s priority number in the global rule list.
[no] to {zone_object|ZyWALL} Sets the zone to which the packets are sent. The no
command removes the zone to which the packets are sent
and resets it to the default (any). any means all interfaces
or VPN tunnels.
[no] user user_name Sets a user-aware firewall rule. The rule is activated only
when the specified user logs into the system. The no
command resets the user name to the default (any). any
means all users.
Table 67 firewall Sub-commands (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# service-object MyService tcp eq 1234
Router(config)# address-object Dest_1
Router(config)# firewall insert 3
Router(firewall)# from WAN
Router(firewall)# to LAN
Router(firewall)# destinationip Dest_1
Router(firewall)# service MyService
Router(firewall)# action allow
Router(config)# show firewall WAN ZyWALL
firewall rule: 13
user: any, schedule: none
from: WAN, to: ZyWALL
source IP: any, source port: any
destination IP: any, service: Default_Allow_WAN_To_ZyWALL
log: no, action: allow, status: yes
connection match: no
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 139
The following command displays the default IPv6 firewall rule that applies to the WAN to ZyWALL
packet direction. The firewall rule number is in the rule’s priority number in the global rule list.
16.3 Session Limit Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the session-limit commands. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Router(config)# show firewall6 WAN ZyWALL
firewall rule: 13
user: any, schedule: none
from: WAN, to: ZyWALL
source IP: any, source port: any
destination IP: any, service: Default_Allow_v6_WAN_To_ZyWALL
log: no, action: allow, status: yes
Table 68 Input Values for General Session Limit Commands
rule_number The priority number of a session limit rule, 1 - 1000.
address_object The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores (_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
address6_object The name of the IPv6 address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
Table 69 Command Summary: Session Limit
[no] session-limit activate Turns the session-limit feature on or off.
session-limit limit <0..8192> Sets the default number of concurrent NAT/firewall sessions per host.
session-limit rule_number Enters the session-limit sub-command mode to set a session-limit rule.
[no] activate Enables the session-limit rule. The no command disables the session
limit rule.
[no] address address_object Sets the source IP address. The no command sets this to any, which
means all IP addresses.
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name (up to 64 printable ASCII characters) for a
session-limit rule. The no command removes the descriptive name
from the rule.
exit Quits the sub-command mode.
[no] limit <0..8192> Sets the limit for the number of concurrent NAT/firewall sessions this
rule’s users or addresses can have. 0 means any.
[no] user user_name Sets a session-limit rule for the specified user. The no command resets
the user name to the default (any). any means all users.
Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
session-limit append Enters the session-limit sub-command mode to add a session-limit rule
to the end of the session-limit rule list.
session-limit delete rule_number Removes a session-limit rule.
session-limit flush Removes all session-limit rules.
session-limit insert rule_number Enters the session-limit sub-command mode to add a session-limit rule
before the specified rule number.
session-limit move rule_number to
rule_number Moves a session-limit to the number that you specified.
show session-limit Shows the session-limit configuration.
show session-limit begin rule_number end
rule_number Shows the settings for a range of session-limit rules.
show session-limit rule_number Shows the session-limit rule’s settings.
show session-limit status Shows the general session-limit settings.
[no] session-limit6 activate Turns the IPv6 session-limit feature on or off.
session-limit6 limit <0..8192> Sets the default number of concurrent NAT/firewall IPv6 sessions per
session-limit6 rule_number Enters the IPv6 session-limit sub-command mode to set a session-limit
[no] activate Enables the IPv6 session-limit rule. The no command disables the
session limit rule.
[no] address address6_object Sets the IPv6 source IP address. The no command sets this to any,
which means all IP addresses.
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name (up to 64 printable ASCII characters) for a
session-limit rule. The no command removes the descriptive name from
the rule.
exit Quits the sub-command mode.
[no] limit <0..8192> Sets the limit for the number of concurrent NAT/firewall IPv6 sessions
this rule’s users or addresses can have. 0 means any.
[no] user user_name Sets an IPv6 session-limit rule for the specified user. The no command
resets the user name to the default (any). any means all users.
session-limit6 append Enters the IPv6 session-limit sub-command mode to add a session-limit
rule to the end of the session-limit rule list.
session-limit6 delete rule_number Removes an IPv6 session-limit rule.
session-limit6 flush Removes all IPv6 session-limit rules.
session-limit6 insert rule_number Enters the IPv6 session-limit sub-command mode to add a session-limit
rule before the specified rule number.
session-limit6 move rule_number to
rule_number Moves an IPv6 session-limit to the number that you specified.
show session-limit6 Shows the IPv6 session-limit configuration.
show session-limit6 begin rule_number end
rule_number Shows the settings for a range of IPv6 session-limit rules.
show session-limit6 rule_number Shows the IPv6 session-limit rule’s settings.
show session-limit6 status Shows the general IPv6 session-limit settings.
Table 69 Command Summary: Session Limit (continued)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 141
This chapter explains how to set up and maintain IPSec VPNs in the ZyWALL.
17.1 IPSec VPN Overview
A virtual private network (VPN) provides secure communications between sites without the expense
of leased site-to-site lines. A secure VPN is a combination of tunneling, encryption, authentication,
access control and auditing. It is used to transport traffic over the Internet or any insecure network
that uses TCP/IP for communication.
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a standards-based VPN that offers flexible solutions for secure
data communications across a public network like the Internet. IPSec is built around a number of
standardized cryptographic techniques to provide confidentiality, data integrity and authentication
at the IP layer.
The following figure is one example of a VPN tunnel.
Figure 19 VPN: Example
The VPN tunnel connects the ZyWALL (X) and the remote IPSec router (Y). These routers then
connect the local network (A) and remote network (B).
A VPN tunnel is usually established in two phases. Each phase establishes a security association
(SA), a contract indicating what security parameters the ZyWALL and the remote IPSec router will
use. The first phase establishes an Internet Key Exchange (IKE) SA between the ZyWALL and
remote IPSec router. The second phase uses the IKE SA to securely establish an IPSec SA through
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
which the ZyWALL and remote IPSec router can send data between computers on the local network
and remote network. This is illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 20 VPN: IKE SA and IPSec SA
In this example, a computer in network A is exchanging data with a computer in network B. Inside
networks A and B, the data is transmitted the same way data is normally transmitted in the
networks. Between routers X and Y, the data is protected by tunneling, encryption, authentication,
and other security features of the IPSec SA. The IPSec SA is secure because routers X and Y
established the IKE SA first.
17.2 IPSec VPN Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many IPSec VPN commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 70 Input Values for IPSec VPN Commands
profile_name The name of a VPN concentrator. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
policy_name The name of an IKE SA. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
map_name The name of an IPSec SA. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
domain_name Fully-qualified domain name. You may use up to 254 alphanumeric characters, dashes
(-), or periods (.), but the first character cannot be a period.
e_mail An e-mail address. You can use up to 63 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
dashes (-), or @ characters.
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 143
The following sections list the IPSec VPN commands.
17.2.1 IKE SA Commands
This table lists the commands for IKE SAs (VPN gateways).
distinguished_name A domain name. You can use up to 511 alphanumeric, characters, spaces, or .@=,_-
sort_order Sort the list of currently connected SAs by one of the following classifications.
Table 70 Input Values for IPSec VPN Commands (continued)
Table 71 isakmp Commands: IKE SAs
show isakmp keepalive Displays the Dead Peer Detection period.
show isakmp policy [policy_name]Shows the specified IKE SA or all IKE SAs.
isakmp keepalive <2..60> Sets the Dead Peer Detection period.
[no] isakmp policy policy_name Creates the specified IKE SA if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified IKE SA.
deactivate Activates or deactivates the specified IKE SA.
authentication {pre-share | rsa-sig} Specifies whether to use a pre-shared key or a certificate for
certificate certificate-name Sets the certificate that can be used for authentication.
[no] dpd Enables Dead Peer Detection (DPD). The no command disables
[no] fall-back Set this to have the ZyWALL reconnect to the primary address when
it becomes available again and stop using the secondary
connection, if the connection to the primary address goes down and
the ZyWALL changes to using the secondary connection.
Users will lose their VPN connection briefly while the ZyWALL
changes back to the primary connection. To use this, the peer
device at the secondary address cannot be set to use a nailed-up
VPN connection.
fall-back-check-interval <60..86400> Sets how often (in seconds) the ZyWALL checks if the primary
address is available.
mode {main | aggressive} Sets the negotiating mode.
transform-set isakmp-algo [isakmp_algo
[isakmp_algo]] Sets the encryption and authentication algorithms for each IKE SA
isakmp_algo: {des-md5 | des-sha | 3des-md5 | 3des-sha |
aes128-md5 | aes128-sha | aes192-md5 | aes192-sha | aes256-
md5 | aes256-sha | aes256-sha256 | aes256-sha512}
lifetime <180..3000000> Sets the IKE SA life time to the specified value.
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
17.2.2 IPSec SA Commands (except Manual Keys)
This table lists the commands for IPSec SAs, excluding manual keys (VPN connections using VPN
Sets the DHx group to the specified group.
[no] natt Enables NAT traversal. The no command disables NAT traversal.
local-ip {ip {ip | domain_name} |
interface interface_name}Sets the local gateway address to the specified IP address, domain
name, or interface.
peer-ip {ip | domain_name} [ip |
domain_name]Sets the remote gateway address(es) to the specified IP
address(es) or domain name(s).
keystring pre_shared_key Sets the pre-shared key that can be used for authentication. The
pre_shared_key can be:
• 8 - 32 alphanumeric characters or ,;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':./
• 16 - 64 hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) characters, preceded by “0x”.
The pre-shared key is case-sensitive.
local-id type {ip ip | fqdn domain_name |
mail e_mail | dn distinguished_name}Sets the local ID type and content to the specified IP address,
domain name, or e-mail address.
peer-id type {any | ip ip | fqdn
domain_name | mail e_mail | dn
Sets the peer ID type and content to any value, the specified IP
address, domain name, or e-mail address.
[no] xauth type {server xauth_method |
client name username password password}Enables extended authentication and specifies whether the ZyWALL
is the server or client. If the ZyWALL is the server, it also specifies
the extended authentication method (aaa authentication
profile_name); if the ZyWALL is the client, it also specifies the
username and password to provide to the remote IPSec router. The
no command disables extended authentication.
username: You can use alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
and dashes (-), and it can be up to 31 characters long.
password: You can use most printable ASCII characters. You cannot
use square brackets [ ], double quotation marks (“), question marks
(?), tabs or spaces. It can be up to 31 characters long.
isakmp policy rename policy_name policy_name Renames the specified IKE SA (first policy_name) to the specified
name (second policy_name).
Table 71 isakmp Commands: IKE SAs (continued)
Table 72 crypto Commands: IPSec SAs
[no] crypto ignore-df-bit Fragment packets larger than the MTU (Maximum Transmission
Unit) that have the “don’t” fragment” bit in the header turned on.
The no command has the ZyWALL drop packets larger than the
MTU that have the “don’t” fragment” bit in the header turned on.
show crypto map [map_name]Shows the specified IPSec SA or all IPSec SAs.
crypto map dial map_name Dials the specified IPSec SA manually. This command does not
work for IPSec SAs using manual keys or for IPSec SAs where the
remote gateway address is
[no] crypto map map_name Creates the specified IPSec SA if necessary and enters sub-
command mode. The no command deletes the specified IPSec SA.
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 145
crypto map rename map_name map_name Renames the specified IPSec SA (first map_name) to the specified
name (second map_name).
crypto map map_name
deactivate Activates or deactivates the specified IPSec SA.
adjust-mss {auto | <200..1500>} Set a specific number of bytes for the Maximum Segment Size
(MSS) meaning the largest amount of data in a single TCP
segment or IP datagram for this VPN connection or use auto to
have the ZyWALL automatically set it.
ipsec-isakmp policy_name Specifies the IKE SA for this IPSec SA and disables manual key.
encapsulation {tunnel | transport} Sets the encapsulation mode.
transform-set crypto_algo_esp
[crypto_algo_esp [crypto_algo_esp]] Sets the active protocol to ESP and sets the encryption and
authentication algorithms for each proposal.
crypto_algo_esp: esp-null-md5 | esp-null-sha | esp-null-sha256
| esp-null-sha512 | esp-des-md5 | esp-des-sha | esp-des-sha256
| esp-des-sha512 | esp-3des-md5 | esp-3des-sha | esp-3des-
sha256 | esp-3des-sha512 | esp-aes128-md5 | esp-aes128-sha |
esp-aes128-sha256 | esp-aes128-sha512 | esp-aes192-md5 |
esp-aes192-sha | esp-aes192-sha256 | esp-aes192-sha512 | esp-
aes256-md5 | esp-aes256-sha | esp-aes256-sha256 | esp-
transform-set crypto_algo_ah
[crypto_algo_ah [crypto_algo_ah]] Sets the active protocol to AH and sets the encryption and
authentication algorithms for each proposal.
crypto_algo_ah: ah-md5 | ah-sha | ah-sha256 | ah-sha512
scenario {site-to-site-static|site-to-
Select the scenario that best describes your intended VPN
Site-to-site: The remote IPSec router has a static IP address or
a domain name. This ZyWALL can initiate the VPN tunnel.
site-to-site-dynamic: The remote IPSec router has a dynamic
IP address. Only the remote IPSec router can initiate the VPN
remote-access-server: Allow incoming connections from IPSec
VPN clients. The clients have dynamic IP addresses and are also
known as dial-in users. Only the clients can initiate the VPN tunnel.
remote-access-client: Choose this to connect to an IPSec
server. This ZyWALL is the client (dial-in user) and can initiate the
VPN tunnel.
set security-association lifetime seconds
<180..3000000> Sets the IPSec SA life time.
set pfs {group1 | group2 | group5 | none} Enables Perfect Forward Secrecy group.
local-policy address_name Sets the address object for the local policy (local network).
remote-policy address_name Sets the address object for the remote policy (remote network).
[no] policy-enforcement Drops traffic whose source and destination IP addresses do not
match the local and remote policy. This makes the IPSec SA more
secure. The no command allows traffic whose source and
destination IP addresses do not match the local and remote policy.
Note: You must allow traffic whose source and destination IP
addresses do not match the local and remote policy, if you
want to use the IPSec SA in a VPN concentrator.
Table 72 crypto Commands: IPSec SAs (continued)
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] nail-up Automatically re-negotiates the SA as needed. The no command
does not.
[no] replay-detection Enables replay detection. The no command disables it.
[no] netbios-broadcast Enables NetBIOS broadcasts through the IPSec SA. The no
command disables NetBIOS broadcasts through the IPSec SA.
[no] out-snat activate Enables out-bound traffic SNAT over IPSec. The no command
disables out-bound traffic SNAT over IPSec.
out-snat source address_name destination
address_name snat address_name Configures out-bound traffic SNAT in the IPSec SA.
[no] in-snat activate Enables in-bound traffic SNAT in the IPSec SA. The no command
disables in-bound traffic SNAT in the IPSec SA.
in-snat source address_name destination
address_name snat address_name Configures in-bound traffic SNAT in the IPSec SA.
[no] in-dnat activate Enables in-bound traffic DNAT in the IPSec SA. The no command
disables in-bound traffic DNAT in the IPSec SA.
in-dnat delete <1..10> Deletes the specified rule for in-bound traffic DNAT in the specified
in-dnat move <1..10> to <1..10> Moves the specified rule (first rule number) to the specified
location (second rule number) for in-bound traffic DNAT.
in-dnat append protocol {all | tcp | udp}
original-ip address_name <0..65535>
<0..65535> mapped-ip address_name
<0..65535> <0..65535>
Maps the specified IP address and port range (original-ip) to the
specified IP address and port range (mapped-ip) and appends this
rule to the end of the rule list for in-bound traffic DNAT.
in-dnat insert <1..10> protocol {all |
tcp | udp} original-ip address_name
<0..65535> <0..65535> mapped-ip
address_name <0..65535> <0..65535>
Maps the specified IP address and port range (original-ip) to the
specified IP address and port range (mapped-ip) and inserts this
rule before the specified rule.
in-dnat <1..10> protocol {all | tcp |
udp} original-ip address_name <0..65535>
<0..65535> mapped-ip address_name
<0..65535> <0..65535>
Creates or revises the specified rule and maps the specified IP
address and port range (original-ip) to the specified IP address and
port range (mapped-ip).
Table 72 crypto Commands: IPSec SAs (continued)
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 147
17.2.3 IPSec SA Commands (for Manual Keys)
This table lists the additional commands for IPSec SAs using manual keys (VPN connections using
manual keys).
17.2.4 VPN Concentrator Commands
This table lists the commands for the VPN concentrator.
Table 73 crypto map Commands: IPSec SAs (Manual Keys)
crypto map map_name
set session-key {ah <256..4095>
auth_key | esp <256..4095> [cipher
enc_key] authenticator auth_key}
Sets the active protocol, SPI (<256..4095>), authentication key and
encryption key (if any).
auth_key: You can use any alphanumeric characters or
,;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':./<>=-". The length of the key depends on
the algorithm.
md5 - 16-20 characters
sha - 20 characters
sha256 - 32 characters
sha512 - 64 characters
enc_key: You can use any alphanumeric characters or
,;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':./<>=-". The length of the key depends on
the algorithm.
des - 8-32 characters
3des - 24-32 characters
aes128 - 16-32 characters
aes192 - 24-32 characters
aes256 - 32 characters
If you want to enter the key in hexadecimal, type “0x” at the beginning
of the key. For example, "0x0123456789ABCDEF" is in hexadecimal
format; in “0123456789ABCDEF” is in ASCII format. If you use
hexadecimal, you must enter twice as many characters.
The ZyWALL automatically ignores any characters above the minimum
number of characters required by the algorithm. For example, if you
enter 1234567890XYZ for a DES encryption key, the ZyWALL only
uses 12345678. The ZyWALL still stores the longer key.
local-ip ip Sets the local gateway address to the specified IP address.
peer-ip ip Sets the remote gateway address to the specified IP address.
Table 74 vpn-concentrator Commands: VPN Concentrator
show vpn-concentrator [profile_name]Shows the specified VPN concentrator or all VPN concentrators.
[no] vpn-concentrator profile_name Creates the specified VPN concentrator if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified VPN concentrator.
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
17.2.5 VPN Configuration Provisioning Commands
This table lists the commands for VPN configuration provisioning.
[no] crypto map_name Adds the specified IPSec SA to the specified VPN concentrator. The no
command removes the specified IPSec SA from the specified VPN
vpn-concentrator rename profile_name
profile_name Renames the specified VPN concentrator (first profile_name) to the
specified name (second profile_name).
Table 74 vpn-concentrator Commands: VPN Concentrator (continued)
Table 75 vpn-configuration-provision Commands: VPN Configuration Provisioning
vpn-configuration-provision rule {
append | conf_index | insert
conf_index }
Enters the VPN configuration provisioning sub-command mode to add or edit a
conf_index: The index number of a VPN configuration provisioning rule, 1 to
the ZyWALL’s maximum number of VPN connection rules.
[no] activate Turns the VPN configuration provisioning rule on or off.
crypto map_name Specifies the name of the IPSec VPN connection (map_name) to bind to this VPN
configuration provisioning rule’s user or group.
user username Specifies a user or group of users allowed to use the ZyWALL IPSec VPN client to
retrieve the associated VPN rule settings. A user may belong to a number of
groups. If VPN configuration provisioning rules are configured for different
groups, the ZyWALL will allow VPN rule setting retrieval based on the first match
found. Admin or limited-admin users are not allowed.
no user Removes the VPN configuration provisioning rule’s user or user group
configuration. In other words, any users can match the rule. In the GUI “any”
will display in the Allowed User field.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
vpn-configuration-provision rule {
delete conf_index | move conf_index
to conf_index }
Deletes or moves the specified VPN configuration provisioning rule.
[no] vpn-configuration-provision
activate Turns the VPN configuration provisioning service on or off.
authentication auth_method Sets the authentication method the VPN configuration provisioning service uses
to authenticate users.
show vpn-configuration-provision
activation Displays whether or not the VPN configuration provisioning service is activated.
show vpn-configuration-provision
authentication Displays the authentication method the VPN configuration provisioning service
uses to authenticate users.
show vpn-configuration-provision
rules Displays the settings of the configured VPN configuration provisioning rules.
Chapter 17 IPSec VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 149
17.2.6 SA Monitor Commands
This table lists the commands for the SA monitor.
Table 76 sa Commands: SA Monitor
show sa monitor [{begin
<1..1000>} | {end <1..1000>} |
{crypto-map regexp} | {policy
regexp} |{rsort sort_order} |
{sort sort_order}]
Displays the current IPSec SAs and the status of each one. You can specify a range of
SA entries to display. You can also control the sort order of the display and search by
VPN connection or (local or remote) policy.
regexp: A keyword or regular expression. Use up to 30 alphanumeric and _+-
.()!$*^:?|{}[]<>/ characters.
A question mark (?) lets a single character in the VPN connection or policy name
vary. For example, use “a?c” (without the quotation marks) to specify abc, acc and
so on.
Wildcards (*) let multiple VPN connection or policy names match the pattern. For
example, use “*abc” (without the quotation marks) to specify any VPN connection or
policy name that ends with “abc”. A VPN connection named “testabc” would match.
There could be any number (of any type) of characters in front of the “abc” at the
end and the VPN connection or policy name would still match. A VPN connection or
policy name named “testacc” for example would not match.
A * in the middle of a VPN connection or policy name has the ZyWALL check the
beginning and end and ignore the middle. For example, with “abc*123”, any VPN
connection or policy name starting with “abc” and ending in “123” matches, no
matter how many characters are in between.
The whole VPN connection or policy name has to match if you do not use a question
mark or asterisk.
See Table 70 on page 142 for other parameter description.
show isakmp sa Displays current IKE SA and the status of each one.
no sa spi spi Deletes the SA specified by the SPI.
spi: 2-8 hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) characters
no sa tunnel-name map_name Deletes the specified IPSec SA.
show vpn-counters Displays VPN traffic statistics.
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This chapter shows you how to set up secure SSL VPN access for remote user login.
18.1 SSL Access Policy
An SSL access policy allows the ZyWALL to perform the following tasks:
• limit user access to specific applications or files on the network.
• allow user access to specific networks.
• assign private IP addresses and provide DNS/WINS server information to remote users to access
internal networks.
18.1.1 SSL Application Objects
SSL application objects specify an application type and server that users are allowed to access
through an SSL tunnel. See Chapter 34 on page 266 for how to configure SSL application objects.
18.1.2 SSL Access Policy Limitations
You cannot delete an object that is used by an SSL access policy. To delete the object, you must
first unassociate the object from the SSL access policy.
18.2 SSL VPN Commands
The following table describes the values required for some SSL VPN commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 77 Input Values for SSL VPN Commands
profile_name The descriptive name of an SSL VPN access policy. You may use up to 31 characters
(“a-z”, A-Z”, “0-9”) with no spaces allowed.
address_object The name of an IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.
application_object The name of an SSL application object. You may use up to 31 characters (“0-9”, “a-z”,
“A-Z”, “-” and “_”). No spaces are allowed.
Chapter 18 SSL VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following sections list the SSL VPN commands.
18.2.1 SSL VPN Commands
This table lists the commands for SSL VPN. You must use the configure terminal command to
enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
eps_profile_name The name of an endpoint security object.
Table 77 Input Values for SSL VPN Commands (continued)
Table 78 SSL VPN Commands
show sslvpn policy [profile_name]Displays the settings of the specified SSL VPN access policy.
show ssl-vpn network-extension local-ip Displays the IP address that the ZyWALL uses in setting up the SSL VPN.
show sslvpn monitor Displays a list of the users who are currently logged into the VPN SSL client
sslvpn network-extension local-ip ip Sets the IP address that the ZyWALL uses in setting up the SSL VPN.
sslvpn policy {profile_name |
profile_name append | profile_name
insert <1..16>}
Enters the SSL VPN sub-command mode to add or edit an SSL VPN access
[no] activate Turns the SSL VPN access policy on or off.
[no] application
application_object Adds the SSL application object to the SSL VPN access policy.
[no] cache-clean activate Cleans the cookie, history, and temporary Internet files in the user’s
browser’s cache when the user logs out. The ZyWALL returns them to the
values present before the user logged in. The no command disables this
[no] description description Adds information about the SSL VPN access policy. Use up to 60 characters
(“0-9”, “a-z”, “A-Z”, “-” and “_”).
[no] eps <1..8> eps_profile_name Sets endpoint security objects to be used for the SSL VPN access policy.
The ZyWALL checks authenticated users’ computers against the policy’s
selected endpoint security objects in the order from 1 to 8 you specified.
When a user’s computer meets an endpoint security object’s requirements
the ZyWALL grants access and stops checking.
To make the endpoint security check as efficient as possible, arrange the
endpoint security objects in order with the one that the most users should
match first and the one that the least users should match last.
[no] eps activate Sets to have the ZyWALL check that users’ computers meet the Operating
System (OS) and security requirements of one of the SSL access policy’s
selected endpoint security objects before granting access. The no
command disables this setting.
eps insert <1..8> eps_profile_name Inserts the specified endpoint security object to the specified position for
the endpoint security objects checking order.
eps move <1..8> to <1..8> Moves the first specified endpoint security object to the second specified
endpoint security object’s position.
[no] eps periodical-check activate Sets whether to have the ZyWALL repeat the endpoint security check at a
regular interval configured using the next command. The no command
disables this setting.
Chapter 18 SSL VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 153
18.2.2 Setting an SSL VPN Rule Tutorial
Here is an example SSL VPN configuration. The SSL VPN rule defines:
• Only users using the “tester” account can use the SSL VPN.
• The ZyWALL will assign an IP address from to (defined in object
“IP-POOL”) to the computers which match the rule’s criteria.
• The ZyWALL will assign two DNS server settings ( and defined in objects
DNS1 and DNS2) to the computers which match the rule’s criteria.
• The SSL VPN users are allowed to access the ZyWALL’s local network, (defined in
object “Network1”).
• Users have to access the SSL VPN using a computer that complies with all the following criteria
(defined in object “EPS-1”):
• Windows XP is installed.
• TrendMicro PC-Cillin Internet Security 2007 is installed and activated.
[no] eps periodical-check
<1..1440> Sets the number of minutes to have the ZyWALL repeat the endpoint
security check at a regular interval. The no command disables this setting.
[no] network-extension {activate |
ip-pool address_object | 1st-dns
{address_object | ip } | 2nd-dns
{address_object | ip } | 1st-wins
{address_object | ip } | 2nd-wins
{address_object | ip } | network
Use this to configure for a VPN tunnel between the authenticated users and
the internal network. This allows the users to access the resources on the
network as if they were on the same local network.
ip-pool: specify the name of the pool of IP addresses to assign to the
user computers for the VPN connection.
Specify the names of the DNS or WINS servers to assign to the remote
users. This allows them to access devices on the local network using
domain names instead of IP addresses.
network: specify a network users can access.
[no] network-extension traffic-
enforcement Forces all SSL VPN client traffic to be sent through the SSL VPN tunnel. The
no command disables this setting.
[no] user user_name Specifies the user or user group that can use the SSL VPN access policy.
sslvpn policy move <1..16> to <1..16> Moves the specified SSL VPN access policy to the number that you
sslvpn no connection username user_name Terminates the user’s SSL VPN connection and deletes corresponding
session information from the ZyWALL.
no sslvpn policy profile_name Deletes the specified SSL VPN access policy.
sslvpn policy rename profile_name
profile_name Renames the specified SSL VPN access policy.
show workspace application Displays the SSLVPN resources available to each user when logged into
show workspace cifs Displays the shared folders available to each user when logged into
Table 78 SSL VPN Commands
Chapter 18 SSL VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
1First of all, configure for the IP address of interface ge2 which is an external
interface for public SSL VPN to access. Configure for the IP address of interface
ge3 which is an internal network.
2Create four address objects for the SSL VPN DHCP pool, DNS servers and the local network for SSL
VPN authenticated users to access.
3Create an endpoint security profile named EPS-1. SSL VPN users’ computers must install Windows
XP and TrendMicro PC-Cillin Internet Security 2007. Besides, the PC-Cillin anti-virus must be
4Create the SSL VPN user account named tester with password 1234.
5Create an SSL VPN rule named SSL_VPN_TEST. Enable it and apply objects you just created.
Router(config)# interface ge2
Router(config-if-ge)# ip address
Router(config-if-ge)# exit
Router(config)# interface ge3
Router(config-if-ge)# ip address
Router(config-if-ge)# exit
Router(config)# address-object IP-POOL
Router(config)# address-object DNS1
Router(config)# address-object DNS2
Router(config)# address-object NETWORK1
Router(config)# eps profile EPS-1
Router(eps EPS-1)# matching-criteria all
Router(eps EPS-1)# os-type windows
Router(eps EPS-1)# windows-version windows-xp
Router(eps EPS-1)# anti-virus activate
Router(eps EPS-1)# anti-virus TrendMicro_PC-Cillin_Internet_Security_2007 detect-
auto-protection enable
Router(eps EPS-1)# exit
Router(config)# username tester password 1234 user-type user
Router(config)# sslvpn policy SSL_VPN_TEST
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# activate
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# user tester
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# network-extension activate
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# network-extension ip-pool IP-POOL
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# network-extension 1st-dns DNS1
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# network-extension 2nd-dns DNS2
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# network-extension network NETWORK1
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# eps activate
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# eps 1 EPS-1
Router(policy SSL_VPN_TEST)# exit
Chapter 18 SSL VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 155
6Displays the SSL VPN rule settings.
Router(config)# show sslvpn policy SSL_VPN_TEST
index: 1
active: yes
user: tester
ssl application: none
network extension: yes
ip pool: IP-POOL
dns server 1: DNS1
dns server 2: DNS2
wins server 1: none
wins server 2: none
network: NETWORK1
cache clean: no
eps periodical check activation: no
eps periodical check: 1
eps activation: yes
eps: EPS-1
reference count: 0
Chapter 18 SSL VPN
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This chapter explains how to set up and maintain L2TP VPNs in the ZyWALL.
19.1 L2TP VPN Overview
L2TP VPN lets remote users use the L2TP and IPSec client software included with their computers’
operating systems to securely connect to the network behind the ZyWALL. The remote users do not
need their own IPSec gateways or VPN client software.
Figure 21 L2TP VPN Overview
The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) works at layer 2 (the data link layer) to tunnel network traffic
between two peers over another network (like the Internet). In L2TP VPN, an IPSec VPN tunnel is
established first (see Chapter 17 on page 141 for information on IPSec) and then an L2TP tunnel is
built inside it.
Note: At the time of writing the L2TP remote user must have a public IP address in order
for L2TP VPN to work (the remote user cannot be behind a NAT router or a firewall).
19.2 IPSec Configuration
You must configure an IPSec VPN connection for L2TP VPN to use (see Chapter 17 on page 141 for
details). The IPSec VPN connection must:
• Be enabled.
• Use transport mode.
• Not be a manual key VPN connection.
•Use Pre-Shared Key authentication.
• Use a VPN gateway with the Secure Gateway set to if you need to allow L2TP VPN
clients to connect from more than one IP address.
L2TP Tunnel
IPSec VPN Tunnel
Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
19.2.1 Using the Default L2TP VPN Connection
Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection is pre-configured to be convenient to use for L2TP VPN. If you
use it, edit the following.
Configure the local and remote policies as follows.
•For the Local Policy, create an address object that uses host type and contains the My Address
IP address that you configured in the Default_L2TP_VPN_GW. Use this address object in the
local policy.
•For the Remote Policy, create an address object that uses host type and an IP address of Use this address object in the remote policy.
You must also edit the Default_L2TP_VPN_GW gateway entry.
• Configure the My Address setting according to your requirements.
• Replace the default Pre-Shared Key.
19.3 Policy Route
You must configure a policy route to let remote users access resources on a network behind the
• Set the policy route’s Source Address to the address object that you want to allow the remote
users to access (LAN_SUBNET in the following figure).
•Set the Destination Address to the IP address pool that the ZyWALL assigns to the remote
users (L2TP_POOL in the following figure).
Figure 22 Policy Route for L2TP VPN
Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 159
19.4 L2TP VPN Commands
The following table describes the values required for some L2TP VPN commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the L2TP VPN commands.
19.4.1 L2TP VPN Commands
This table lists the commands for L2TP VPN. You must use the configure terminal command to
enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 79 Input Values for L2TP VPN Commands
address_object The name of an IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces
your ZyWALL model supports.
ppp_interface PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
map_name The name of an IPSec SA. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Table 80 L2TP VPN Commands
l2tp-over-ipsec recover default-
ipsec-policy If the default L2TP IPSec policy has been deleted, use this command to recreate it
(with the default settings).
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec activate; Turns L2TP VPN on. The no command turns it off.
l2tp-over-ipsec crypto map_name Specifies the IPSec VPN connection the ZyWALL uses for L2TP VPN. It must meet
the requirements listed in Section 19.2 on page 157.
Note: Modifying this VPN connection (or the VPN gateway that it uses) disconnects
any existing L2TP VPN sessions.
l2tp-over-ipsec pool address-
object Specifies the address object that defines the pool of IP addresses that the ZyWALL
uses to assign to the L2TP VPN clients.
l2tp-over-ipsec authentication
aaa authentication profile_name Specifies how the ZyWALL authenticates a remote user before allowing access to
the L2TP VPN tunnel.
The authentication method has the ZyWALL check a user’s user name and
password against the ZyWALL’s local database, a remote LDAP, RADIUS, a Active
Directory server, or more than one of these.
Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
19.5 L2TP VPN Example
This example uses the following settings in creating a basic L2TP VPN tunnel. See the Web
Configurator User’s Guide for how to configure L2TP in remote user computers using Windows XP
and Windows 2000.
Figure 23 L2TP VPN Example
• The ZyWALL has a static IP address of for the ge3 interface.
• The remote user has a dynamic public IP address and connects through the Internet.
certificate cert_name Select the certificate to use to identify the ZyWALL for L2TP VPN connections. The
certificate is used with the EAP, PEAP, and MSCHAPv2 authentication protocols. The
certificate must already be configured.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec user
user_name Specifies the user or user group that can use the L2TP VPN tunnel. If you do not
configure this, any user with a valid account and password on the ZyWALL to log in.
The no command removes the user name setting.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec keepalive-
timer <1..180> The ZyWALL sends a Hello message after waiting this long without receiving any
traffic from the remote user. The ZyWALL disconnects the VPN tunnel if the remote
user does not respond. The no command returns the default setting.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec first-dns-
server {ip | interface_name}
Specifies the first DNS server IP address to assign to the remote users. You can
specify a static IP address, or a DNS server that an interface received from its
DHCP server. The no command removes the setting.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec second-dns-
server {ip | interface_name}
Specifies the second DNS server IP address to assign to the remote users. You can
specify a static IP address, or a DNS server that an interface received from its
DHCP server. The no command removes the setting.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec first-wins-
server ip Specifies the first WINS server IP address to assign to the remote users. The no
command removes the setting.
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec second-
wins-server ip Specifies the second WINS server IP address to assign to the remote users. The no
command removes the setting.
no l2tp-over-ipsec session
tunnel-id <0..65535> Deletes the specified L2TP VPN tunnel.
show l2tp-over-ipsec Displays the L2TP VPN settings.
show l2tp-over-ipsec session Displays current L2TP VPN sessions.
Table 80 L2TP VPN Commands
Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 161
• You configure an IP address pool object named L2TP_POOL to assign the remote users IP
addresses from to for use in the L2TP VPN tunnel.
• The VPN rule allows the remote user to access the LAN_SUBNET which covers the
24 subnet.
19.5.1 Configuring the Default L2TP VPN Gateway Example
The following commands configure the Default_L2TP_VPN_GW entry.
• Configure the My Address setting. This example uses interface ge3 with static IP address
• Configure the Pre-Shared Key. This example uses “top-secret”.
19.5.2 Configuring the Default L2TP VPN Connection Example
The following commands configure the Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection entry.
Enforce and configure the local and remote policies.
•For the Local Policy, create an address object that uses host type and contains the My Address
IP address that you configured in the Default_L2TP_VPN_GW. The address object in this
example uses IP address and is named L2TP_IFACE.
•For the Remote Policy, create an address object that uses host type and an IP address of It is named L2TP_HOST in this example.
19.5.3 Configuring the L2TP VPN Settings Example
The following commands configure and display the L2TP VPN settings.
• Set it to use the Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection VPN connection.
• Configure an IP address pool for the range of to In this example it
is already created and called L2TP_POOL.
• This example uses the default authentication method (the ZyWALL’s local user data base).
• Select a user or group of users that can use the tunnel. Here a user account named L2TP-test
has been created.
• The other settings are left to the defaults in this example.
Router(config)# isakmp policy Default_L2TP_VPN_GW
Router(config-isakmp Default_L2TP_VPN_GW)# local-ip interface ge3
Router(config-isakmp Default_L2TP_VPN_GW)# authentication pre-share
Router(config-isakmp Default_L2TP_VPN_GW)# keystring top-secret
Router(config-isakmp Default_L2TP_VPN_GW)# activate
Router(config-isakmp Default_L2TP_VPN_GW)# exit
Router(config)# crypto map Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection
Router(config-crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection)# policy-enforcement
Router(config-crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection)# local-policy L2TP_IFACE
Router(config-crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection)# remote-policy L2TP_HOST
Router(config-crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection)# activate
Router(config-crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection)# exit
Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
• Enable the connection.
19.5.4 Configuring the Policy Route for L2TP Example
The following commands configure and display the policy route for the L2TP VPN connection entry.
• Set the policy route’s Source Address to the address object that you want to allow the remote
users to access (LAN_SUBNET in this example).
•Set the Destination Address to the IP address pool that the ZyWALL assigns to the remote
users (L2TP_POOL in this example).
• Set the next hop to be the Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection tunnel.
• Enable the policy route.
Router(config)# l2tp-over-ipsec crypto Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection
Router(config)# l2tp-over-ipsec pool L2TP_POOL
Router(config)# l2tp-over-ipsec authentication default
Router(config)# l2tp-over-ipsec user L2TP-test
Router(config)# l2tp-over-ipsec activate
Router(config)# show l2tp-over-ipsec
L2TP over IPSec:
activate : yes
crypto : Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection
address pool : L2TP_POOL
authentication : default
user : L2TP-test
keepalive timer : 60
first dns server : aux 1st-dns
second dns server : aux 1st-dns
first wins server :
second wins server:
Router(config)# policy 3
Router(policy-route)# source LAN_SUBNET
Router(policy-route)# destination L2TP_POOL
Router(policy-route)# service any
Router(policy-route)# next-hop tunnel Default_L2TP_VPN_ConnectionRouter(policy-
route)# no deactivate
Router(policy-route)# exit
Router(config)# show policy-route 3
index: 3
active: yes
description: WIZ_VPN
user: any
schedule: none
interface: ge1
tunnel: none
sslvpn: none
source: PC_SUBNET
destination: L2TP_POOL
service: any
nexthop type: Tunnel
nexthop: Default_L2TP_VPN_Connection
bandwidth: 0
bandwidth priority: 0
maximize bandwidth usage: no
SNAT: none
amount of port trigger: 0
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 163
Application Patrol
This chapter describes how to set up application patrol for the ZyWALL.
20.1 Application Patrol Overview
Application patrol provides a convenient way to manage the use of various applications on the
network. It manages general protocols (for example, http and ftp) and instant messenger (IM),
peer-to-peer (P2P), Voice over IP (VoIP), and streaming (RSTP) applications. You can even control
the use of a particular application’s individual features (like text messaging, voice, video
conferencing, and file transfers). Application patrol also has powerful bandwidth management
including traffic prioritization to enhance the performance of delay-sensitive applications like voice
and video.
Note: The ZyWALL checks firewall rules before application patrol rules for traffic going
through the ZyWALL. To use a service, make sure both the firewall and application
patrol allow the service’s packets to go through the ZyWALL.
Application patrol examines every TCP and UDP connection passing through the ZyWALL and
identifies what application is using the connection. Then, you can specify, by application, whether or
not the ZyWALL continues to route the connection.
20.2 Application Patrol Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many application patrol commands. Other
values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 81 Input Values for Application Patrol Commands
protocol_name The name of a pre-defined application. These are listed by category.
general: ftp | smtp | pop3 | irc | http
im: msn | aol-icq | yahoo | qq
p2p: bittorrent | eDonkey | fasttrack | gnutella | napster | h323 | sip
| soulseek
stream: rtsp
rule_number The number of an application patrol rule. 1 - X where X is the highest number of rules the
ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s Guide for details.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following sections list the application patrol commands.
20.2.1 Pre-defined Application Commands
This table lists the commands for each pre-defined application.
20.2.2 Rule Commands for Pre-defined Applications
This table lists the commands for rules in each pre-defined application.
zone_name The name of a zone. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
schedule_name The name of a schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Table 81 Input Values for Application Patrol Commands (continued)
Table 82 app Commands: Pre-Defined Applications
[no] app protocol_name activate Enables application patrol for the specified application. The no
command disables application patrol for the specified application.
[no] app protocol_name allowport <1..65535> If the default action is drop or reject. Adds the specified port to the
list of ports that are forwarded in spite of the default action. The no
command removes the specified port from the list.
app protocol_name bandwidth <0..102400> Specifies the bandwidth limit (in kilobits per second) for the specified
[no] app protocol_name bwm Turns on bandwidth management for the specified application. The
no command turns off bandwidth management for the specified
[no] app protocol_name defaultport
<1..65535> For port-base applications. Adds the specified port to the list of ports
used to identify the specified application. This port number can only
be included in one application’s list. The no command removes the
specified port from the list.
app protocol_name {forward | drop | reject} Specifies what action the ZyWALL should take when it identifies this
app protocol_name mode {portless | portbase} Specifies how the ZyWALL identifies this application.
[no] app protocol_name log [alert] Creates log entries (and alerts) for the specified application. The no
command does not create any log entries.
Table 83 app Commands: Rules in Pre-Defined Applications
app protocol_name rule insert rule_number Creates a new rule at the specified row and enters sub-command
mode. See Table 84 on page 165 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name rule append Creates a new rule, appends it to the end of the list, and enters sub-
command mode. See Table 84 on page 165 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name rule rule_number
app protocol_name rule modify rule_number
Enters sub-command mode for editing the rule at the specified row.
See Table 84 on page 165 for the sub-commands.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 165 Rule Sub-commands
The following table describes the sub-commands for several application patrol rule commands. Note
that not all rule commands use all the sub-commands listed here.
app protocol_name rule default
app protocol_name rule modify default
Enters sub-command mode for editing the default rule for the
application. See Table 84 on page 165 for the sub-commands.
no app protocol_name rule rule_number Deletes the specified rule.
Table 83 app Commands: Rules in Pre-Defined Applications (continued)
Table 84 app protocol rule Sub-commands
access {forward | drop | reject} Specifies the action when traffic matches the rule.
[no] action-block
{login|message|audio|video|file-transfer} Blocks use of a specific feature.
[no] activate Turns on this rule. The no command turns off this rule.
bandwidth {inbound|outbound} <0..1048576> Limits inbound or outbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second. 0
disables bandwidth management for traffic matching this rule.
[no] bandwidth excess-usage Enables maximize bandwidth usage to let the traffic matching this
policy “borrow” any unused bandwidth on the out-going interface.
bandwidth priority <1..7> Set the priority for traffic that matches this rule. The smaller the
number, the higher the priority.
[no] destination profile_name Adds the specified destination address to the rule.
[no] from zone_name Specifies the source zone.
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets to a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value.
Set this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP
value to 0.
[no] log [alert] Creates log entries (and alerts) for traffic that matches the rule.
The no command does not create any log entries.
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets from a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value.
Set this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP
value to 0.
port <0..65535> Specifies the destination port. 0 means any.
[no] schedule profile_name Adds the specified schedule to the rule.
show Displays the rule’s configuration
[no] source profile_name Adds the specified source address to the rule.
[no] to zone_name Specifies the destination zone.
[no] user username Adds the specified user to the rule.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
20.2.3 Exception Commands for Pre-defined Applications
This table lists the commands for exception rules for application access controls. These commands
are used for backward compatible only. Exception Rule Sub-commands
The following table describes the sub-commands for several application patrol exception rule
commands. Note that not all rule commands use all the sub-commands listed here.
Table 85 app Commands: Exception Rules in Pre-Defined Applications
app protocol_name exception insert rule_number Creates a new rule at the specified row and enters sub-command
mode. See Table 86 on page 166 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name exception append Creates a new rule, appends it to the end of the list, and enters
sub-command mode. See Table 86 on page 166 for the sub-
app protocol_name exception rule_number Enters sub-command mode for editing the rule at the specified
row. See Table 86 on page 166 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name exception rule_number
app protocol_name exception modify rule_number
Enters sub-command mode for editing the rule at the specified
row. See Table 86 on page 166 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name exception default
app protocol_name exception modify default
Enters sub-command mode for editing the default rule for the
application. See Table 86 on page 166 for the sub-commands.
app protocol_name exception move rule_number
to rule_number Moves the specified rule (first index) to the specified location. The
process is (1) remove the specified rule from the table; (2) re-
number; (3) insert the rule at the specified location.
Table 86 app patrol exception rule Sub-commands
access {forward | drop | reject} Specifies the action when traffic matches the rule.
[no] action-block
Blocks use of a specific feature.
[no] activate Turns on this rule. The no command turns off this rule.
bandwidth {inbound | outbound}
<0..1048576> Limits inbound or outbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second. 0
disables bandwidth management for traffic matching this rule.
[no] bandwidth excess-usage Enables maximize bandwidth usage to let the traffic matching this
policy “borrow” any unused bandwidth on the out-going interface.
bandwidth priority <1..7> Set the priority for traffic that matches this rule. The smaller the
number, the higher the priority.
[no] destination profile_name Adds the specified destination address to the rule.
[no] from zone_name Specifies the source zone.
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets to a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value. Set
this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP value to
[no] log [alert] Creates log entries (and alerts) for traffic that matches the rule. The
no command does not create any log entries.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 167
20.2.4 Other Application Commands
This table lists the commands for other applications in application patrol.
20.2.5 Rule Commands for Other Applications
This table lists the commands for rules in other applications.
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets from a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value. Set
this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP value to
port <0..65535> Specifies the destination port. 0 means any.
[no] schedule profile_name Adds the specified schedule to the rule.
show Displays the rule’s configuration
[no] source profile_name Adds the specified source address to the rule.
[no] to zone_name Specifies the destination zone.
[no] user username Adds the specified user to the rule.
Table 86 app patrol exception rule Sub-commands (continued)
Table 87 app Commands: Other Applications
app other {del | forward | drop | reject} Specifies the default action for other applications.
[no] app other log [alert] Creates log entries (and alerts) for other applications. The no
command does not create any log entries.
Table 88 app Commands: Rules in Other Applications
app other insert rule_number Creates a new rule at the specified row and enters sub-command mode.
app other append Creates a new rule, appends it to the end of the list, and enters sub-
command mode.
app other <1..64> Enters sub-command mode for editing the rule at the specified row.
app other default Enters sub-command mode for editing the default rule for traffic of an
unidentified application.
app other move rule_number to rule_number Moves the specified rule (first index) to the specified location. The
process is (1) remove the specified rule from the table; (2) re-number;
(3) insert the rule at the specified location.
no app other rule_number Deletes the specified rule.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
168 Other Rule Sub-commands
The following table describes the sub-commands for several application patrol other rule
commands. Note that not all rule commands use all the sub-commands listed here.
20.2.6 General Commands for Application Patrol
Note: You must register for the IDP/AppPatrol signature service (at least the trial) before
you can use it. See Chapter 5 on page 45.
Table 89 app patrol other rule Sub-commands
[no] activate Turns on this rule. The no command turns off this rule.
[no] port <0..65535> Specifies the destination port. 0 means any.
[no] schedule profile_name Adds the specified schedule to the rule.
[no] user username Adds the specified user to the rule.
[no] from zone_name Specifies the source zone.
[no] to zone_name Specifies the destination zone.
[no] source profile_name Adds the specified source address to the rule.
[no] destination profile_name Adds the specified destination address to the rule.
[no] protocol {tcp | udp} Adds the specified protocol to the rule.
access {forward | drop | reject} Specifies the action when traffic matches the rule.
[no] action-block
{login|message|audio|video|file-transfer} Blocks use of a specific feature.
bandwidth {inbound|outbound} <0..1048576> Limits inbound or outbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second. 0
disables bandwidth management for traffic matching this rule.
[no] bandwidth excess-usage Enables maximize bandwidth usage to let the traffic matching this
policy “borrow” any unused bandwidth on the out-going interface.
bandwidth priority <1..7> Set the priority for traffic that matches this rule. The smaller the
number, the higher the priority.
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets to a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value.
Set this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP
value to 0.
[no] log [alert] Creates log entries (and alerts) for traffic that matches the rule.
The no command does not create any log entries.
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class
{default | dscp_class}} This is how the ZyWALL handles the DSCP value of the outgoing
packets from a connection’s initiator that match this policy.
Enter a DSCP value to have the ZyWALL apply that DSCP value.
Set this to the class default to have the ZyWALL set the DSCP
value to 0.
show Displays the rule’s configuration
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 169
This table lists the general commands for application patrol.
Table 90 app Commands: Pre-Defined Applications
[no] app activate Turns on application patrol. The no command turns off
application patrol.
[no] app highest sip bandwidth priority Turns the option to maximize the throughput of SIP traffic on
or off.
[no] app protocol_name bandwidth-graph Sets the specified protocol to display on the bandwidth
statistics graph. The no command has it not display on the
bandwidth statistics graph.
[no] app other protocol_name bandwidth-graph Sets traffic for unidentified applications to display on the
bandwidth statistics graph. The no command it not display
on the bandwidth statistics graph.
[no] bwm activate Globally enables bandwidth management. You must globally
activate bandwidth management to have individual policy
routes or application patrol policies apply bandwidth
management. The no command globally disables bandwidth
show app config Displays whether or not application patrol is active.
show app all Displays the settings for all applications.
show app all defaultport Displays the default port settings for all applications.
show app all statistics Displays statistics for all applications.
show app {general|im|p2p|stream} Displays protocols by category.
show app im support action Displays the supported actions of each Instant Messenger
show app protocol_name config Displays the basic configuration of this application.
show app protocol_name defaultport Displays the default ports of this application.
show app protocol_name statistics Display the statistics of this application.
show app protocol_name rule rule_number Displays the rule configuration of this application.
show app protocol_name rule rule_number statistics Displays the rule statistics of this application.
show app protocol_name rule default Displays the default rule configuration of this application.
show app protocol_name rule default statistics Displays the default rule statistics of this application.
show app protocol_name rule all Displays the configurations of all the rules for this
show app protocol_name rule all statistics Displays all the rule statistics for this application.
show app other config Displays the basic configuration for other applications,
show app other statistics Displays statistics for other applications.
show app other rule rule_number Displays the rule’s configuration.
show app other rule rule_number statistics Displays the rule’s statistics.
show app other rule default Displays the default rule’s configuration.
show app other rule default statistics Displays the default rule’s statistics.
show app other rule all Displays the configurations of all the rules for other
show app other rule all statistics Displays all the rule statistics for other applications.
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
170 General Command Examples
The following examples show the information that is displayed by some of the show commands.
show app highest sip bandwidth priority Displays whether or not the option to maximize the
throughput of SIP traffic is enabled.
show bwm activation Displays whether or not the global setting for bandwidth
management on the ZyWALL is enabled.
Table 90 app Commands: Pre-Defined Applications (continued)
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# show bwm activation
bwm activation: yes
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show app http config
application: http
active: yes
mode: portless
default access: forward
bandwidth graph: yes
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show app http defaultport
No. Port
1 80
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show app http rule all
index: default
activate: yes
port: 0
schedule: none
user: any
from zone: any
to zone: any
source address: any
destination address: any
access: forward
action login: na
action message: na
action audio: na
action video: na
action file-transfer: na
DSCP inbound marking: preserve
DSCP outbound marking: preserve
bandwidth excess-usage: no
bandwidth priority: 1
bandwidth inbound: 0
bandwidth outbound: 0
log: no
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 171
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show app other config
bandwidth-graph: yes
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show app other rule all
index: 1
activate: yes
port: 5963
schedule: none
user: any
from zone: any
to zone: any
source address: any
destination address: any
protocol: tcp
access: forward
DSCP inbound marking: preserve
DSCP outbound marking: preserve
bandwidth excess-usage: no
bandwidth priority: 1
bandwidth inbound: 0
bandwidth outbound: 0
log: no
index: default
activate: yes
port: 0
schedule: none
user: any
from zone: any
to zone: any
source address: any
destination address: any
protocol: any
access: forward
DSCP inbound marking: preserve
DSCP outbound marking: preserve
bandwidth excess-usage: no
bandwidth priority: 1
bandwidth inbound: 0
bandwidth outbound: 0
log: no
Chapter 20 Application Patrol
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 173
This chapter introduces and shows you how to configure the anti-virus scanner.
21.1 Anti-Virus Overview
A computer virus is a small program designed to corrupt and/or alter the operation of other
legitimate programs. A worm is a self-replicating virus that resides in active memory and duplicates
itself. The effect of a virus attack varies from doing so little damage that you are unaware your
computer is infected to wiping out the entire contents of a hard drive to rendering your computer
21.2 Anti-virus Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 91 Input Values for General Anti-Virus Commands
zone_object The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-
zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ, LAN1,
av_file_pattern Use up to 80 characters to specify a file pattern. Alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), dashes (-), question marks (?) and asterisks (*) are allowed.
A question mark (?) lets a single character in the file name vary. For example, use
“a?.zip” (without the quotation marks) to specify aa.zip, ab.zip and so on.
Wildcards (*) let multiple files match the pattern. For example, use “*a.zip” (without the
quotation marks) to specify any file that ends with “a.zip”. A file named “testa.zip” would
match. There could be any number (of any type) of characters in front of the “a.zip” at
the end and the file name would still match. A file named “test.zipa” for example would
not match.
A * in the middle of a pattern has the ZyWALL check the beginning and end of the file
name and ignore the middle. For example, with “abc*.zip”, any file starting with “abc”
and ending in “.zip” matches, no matter how many characters are in between.
The whole file name has to match if you do not use a question mark or asterisk.
If you do not use a wildcard, the ZyWALL checks up to the first 80 characters of a file
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
21.2.1 General Anti-virus Commands
The following table describes general anti-virus commands. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Note: You must register for the anti-virus service before you can use it (see Chapter 5 on
page 45). Activate/Deactivate Anti-Virus Example
This example shows how to activate and deactivate anti-virus on the ZyWALL.
21.2.2 Zone to Zone Anti-virus Rules
The following table describes the commands for configuring the zone to zone rules. You must use
the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Table 92 General Anti-virus Commands
[no] anti-virus activate Enables anti-virus service. Anti-virus service also depends on anti-virus service
show anti-virus activation Displays anti-virus service status.
[no] anti-virus eicar activate Turns detection of the EICAR test file on or off.
show anti-virus eicar activation Displays whether or not detection of the EICAR test file is turned on.
anti-virus reload signatures Recovers the anti-virus signatures. You should only need to do this if instructed to
do so by a support technician.
[no] anti-virus skip-unknown-
file-type activate Sets whether or not anti-virus checks files for which the ZyWALL cannot identify a
show anti-virus skip-unknown-
file-type activation Displays whether or not anti-virus checks files for which the ZyWALL cannot identify
a type.
anti-virus mail-infect-ext
activate Has the ZyWALL add a notification text file to an e-mail after destroying a virus-
infected e-mail attachment.
no anti-virus mail-infect-ext
activate Has the ZyWALL not add a notification text file to an e-mail after destroying a
virus-infected e-mail attachment.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# anti-virus activate
Router(config)# show anti-virus activation
anti-virus activation: yes
Router(config)# no anti-virus activate
Router(config)# show anti-virus activation
anti-virus activation: no
Table 93 Commands for Zone to Zone Anti-Virus Rules
anti-virus rule append Enters the anti-virus sub-command mode to add a direction specific
anti-virus rule insert <1..32> Enters the anti-virus sub-command mode to add a direction specific
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 175
anti-virus rule <1..32> Enters the anti-virus sub-command mode to edit the specified direction
specific rule.
[no] activate Turns a direction specific anti-virus rule on or off.
[no] log [alert] Sets the ZyWALL to create a log (and optionally an alert) when packets
match this rule and are found to be virus-infected. The no command
sets the ZyWALL not to create a log or alert when packets match this
[no] from zone_object Sets the zone on which the packets are received. The no command
removes the zone on which the packets are received and resets it to the
default (any). any means all interfaces or VPN tunnels.
[no] to zone_object Sets the zone to which the packets are sent. The no command removes
the zone to which the packets are sent and resets it to the default
(any). any means all interfaces or VPN tunnels.
[no] scan {http | ftp | imap4 | smtp
| pop3} Sets the protocols of traffic to scan for viruses.
[no] infected-action {destroy | send-
win-msg} Sets the action to take when the ZyWALL detects a virus in a file. The
file can be destroyed (filled with zeros from the point where the virus
was found). The ZyWALL can also send a message alert to the file’s
intended user using a Microsoft Windows computer connected to the to
[no] bypass {white-list | black-list} Have the ZyWALL not check files against a pattern list.
[no] file-decompression [unsupported
destroy] Enable file decompression to have the ZyWALL attempt to to
decompress zipped files for further scanning. You can also have it
destroy the zipped files it cannot decompress due to encryption or
system resource limitations.
show [all] Displays the details of the anti-virus rule you are configuring or all the
anti-virus rule move <1..32> to <1..32> Moves a direction specific anti-virus rule to the number that you
anti-virus rule delete <1..32> Removes a direction specific anti-virus rule.
Table 93 Commands for Zone to Zone Anti-Virus Rules (continued)
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
176 Zone to Zone Anti-virus Rule Example
This example shows how to configure (and display) a WAN to LAN antivirus rule to scan HTTP traffic
and destroy infected files. The white and black lists are ignored and zipped files are decompressed.
Any zipped files that cannot be decompressed are destroyed.
21.2.3 White and Black Lists
The following table describes the commands for configuring the white list and black list. You must
use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
Router(config)# anti-virus rule 1
Router(config-av-rule-1)# activate
Router(config-av-rule-1)# from-zone WAN
Router(config-av-rule-1)# to-zone LAN
Router(config-av-rule-1)# scan http
Router(config-av-rule-1)# infected-action destroy
Router(config-av-rule-1)# bypass white-list
Router(config-av-rule-1)# no bypass black-list
Router(config-av-rule-1)# file-decompression
Router(config-av-rule-1)# no file-decompression unsupported destroy
Router(config-av-rule-1)# exit
Router(config)# show anti-virus rule 1
Anti-Virus Rule: 1
active: yes
log: log
from zone: WAN
to zone: LAN
scan protocols:
http: yes
ftp : yes
smtp: yes
pop3: yes
imap4: yes
infected action:
destroy: yes
send windows message: yes
bypass white list: yes
bypass black list: no
file decompression: yes
destroy unsupported compressed file: no
Table 94 Commands for Anti-virus White and Black Lists
[no] anti-virus white-list activate Turn on the white list to have the ZyWALL not perform the anti-virus check
on files with names that match the white list patterns.
[no] anti-virus white-list file-pattern
av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate} Adds or removes a white list file pattern. Turns a file pattern on or off.
anti-virus white-list replace
old_av_file_pattern new_av_file_pattern
Replaces the specified white list file pattern with a new file pattern.
[no] anti-virus black-list activate Turn on the black list to log and delete files with names that match the
black list patterns.
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 177 White and Black Lists Example
This example shows how to enable the white list and configure an active white list entry for files
with a .exe extension. It also enables the black list and configure an inactive black list entry for files
with a .exe extension.
21.2.4 Signature Search Anti-virus Command
The following table describes the command for searching for signatures. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use this
[no] anti-virus black-list file-pattern
av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate} Adds or removes a black list file pattern. Turns a file pattern on or off.
anti-virus black-list replace
old_av_file_pattern new_av_file_pattern
Replaces the specified black list file pattern with a new file pattern.
Table 94 Commands for Anti-virus White and Black Lists (continued)
Router(config)# anti-virus white-list activate
Router(config)# anti-virus white-list file-pattern
Router(config)# anti-virus white-list file-pattern *.exe activate
Router(config)# anti-virus black-list activate
Router(config)# anti-virus black-list file-pattern *.exe deactivate
Router(config)# show anti-virus white-list status
anti-virus white-list status: yes
Router(config)# show anti-virus white-list
No. Status
1 yes
Router(config)# show anti-virus black-list status
anti-virus black-list status: yes
Router(config)# show anti-virus black-list
No. Status
1 no
Table 95 Command for Anti-virus Signature Search
anti-virus search signature {all |
category category | id id | name name
| severity severity [{from id to id}]
Search for signatures by their ID, name, severity, or category.
all: displays all signatures.
category: select whether you want to see virus signatures or spyware
id: type the ID or part of the ID of the signature you want to find.
name: type the name or part of the name of the signature(s) you want to
find. This search is not case-sensitive.
severity: type the severity level of the signatures you want to find (high,
medium, or low).
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
178 Signature Search Example
This example shows how to search for anti-virus signatures with MSN in the name.
21.3 Update Anti-virus Signatures
Use these commands to update new signatures. You should have already registered for anti-virus
Router(config)# anti-virus search signature name MSN
signature: 1
virus id: 41212
virus name: MSN
category: virus
severity: Low
Table 96 Update Signatures
anti-virus update signatures Immediately downloads signatures from an update server.
[no] anti-virus update auto Enables (disables) automatic signature downloads at regular times and days.
anti-virus update hourly Enables automatic signature download every hour.
anti-virus update daily <0..23> Enables automatic signature download every day at the time specified.
anti-virus update weekly {sun | mon |
tue | wed | thu | fri | sat} <0..23> Enables automatic signature download once-a-week at the time and day
show anti-virus update Displays signature update schedule.
show anti-virus update status Displays signature update status.
show anti-virus signatures status Displays details about the current signature set.
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 179
21.3.1 Update Signature Examples
These examples show how to enable/disable automatic anti-virus downloading, schedule updates,
display the schedule, display the update status, show the (new) updated signature version number,
show the total number of signatures and show the date/time the signatures were created.
21.4 Anti-virus Statistics
The following table describes the commands for collecting and displaying anti-virus statistics. You
must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# anti-virus update signatures
ANTI-VIRUS signature update in progress.
Please check system log for future information.
Router(config)# anti-virus update auto
Router(config)# no anti-virus update auto
Router(config)# anti-virus update hourly
Router(config)# anti-virus update daily 10
Router(config)# anti-virus update weekly fri 13
Router(config)# show anti-virus update
auto: yes
schedule: weekly at Friday 13 o'clock
Router(config)# show anti-virus update status
current status: Anti-Virus Current signature version 1.046 on device is latest at
Tue Apr 17 10:18:00 2007
last update time: 2007/04/07 10:41:01
Router(config)# show anti-virus signatures status
current version : 1.046
release date : 2007/04/06 10:41:29
signature number: 4124
Table 97 Commands for Anti-virus Statistics
[no] anti-virus statistics collect Turn the collection of anti-virus statistics on or off.
anti-virus statistics flush Clears the collected statistics.
show anti-virus statistics summary Displays the collected statistics.
show anti-virus statistics collect Displays whether the collection of anti-virus statistics is turned on or off.
show anti-virus statistics ranking
{destination | source | virus-name} Query and sort the anti-virus statistics entries by destination IP address, source
IP address, or virus name. virus-name: lists the most common viruses
source: lists the source IP addresses of the most virus-infected files.
destination: lists the most common destination IP addresses for virus-
infected files.
Chapter 21 Anti-Virus
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
21.4.1 Anti-virus Statistics Example
This example shows how to collect and display anti-virus statistics. It also shows how to sort the
display by the most common destination IP addresses.
Router(config)# anti-virus statistics collect
Router(config)# show anti-virus statistics collect
collect statistics: yes
Router(config)# show anti-virus statistics summary
file scanned : 0
virus detected: 0
Router(config)# show anti-virus statistics ranking destination
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 181
IDP Commands
This chapter introduces IDP-related commands.
22.1 Overview
Commands mostly mirror web configurator features. It is recommended you use the web
configurator for IDP features such as searching for web signatures, creating/editing an IDP profile
or creating/editing a custom signature. Some web configurator terms may differ from the
command-line equivalent.
Note: The “no” command negates the action or returns it to the default value.
The following table lists valid input for IDP commands.
22.2 General IDP Commands
22.2.1 IDP Activation
Note: You must register for the IDP/AppPatrol signature service (at least the trial) before
you can use it. See Chapter 5 on page 45.
Table 98 Input Values for IDP Commands
zone_profile The name of a zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-
9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ, LAN1, SSL
idp_profile The name of an IDP profile. It can consist of alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and
the dash, and it is 1-31 characters long. Spaces are not allowed.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This table shows the IDP signature, anomaly, and system-protect activation commands. Activate/Deactivate IDP Example
This example shows how to activate and deactivate signature-based IDP on the ZyWALL.
22.3 IDP Profile Commands
22.3.1 Global Profile Commands
Use these commands to rename or delete existing profiles and show IDP base profiles.
Table 99 IDP Activation
[no] idp
{signature | anomaly |
system-protect} activate
Enables IDP signatures, anomaly detection, and/or system-protect. IDP signatures use
requires IDP service registration. If you don’t have a standard license, you can register for a
once-off trial one. Anomaly detection and the self-protect feature do not require
registration. The no command disables the specified service.
idp system-protect
deactivate Disables system-protect.
show idp
{signature | anomaly |
Displays IDP signature, anomaly detection, or system protect service status.
idp reload Recovers the IDP signatures. You should only need to do this if instructed to do so by a
support technician.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp signature activate
Router(config)# show idp signature activation
idp signature activation: yes
Router(config)# no idp signature activate
Router(config)# show idp signature activation
idp signature activation: no
Table 100 Global Profile Commands
idp rename {signature | anomaly}
profile1 profile2 Rename an IDP signature or anomaly profile originally named profile1 to
no idp {signature | anomaly}
profile3 Delete an IDP signature or system protect profile named profile3.
show idp signature profile
signature all details Lists the settings for all of the specified profile’s signatures. Use |more to display
the settings page by page.
show idp signature all details Lists the settings for all of the signatures. Use |more to display the settings page
by page.
show idp {signature | anomaly}
base profile Displays all IDP signature or system protect base profiles.
show idp signature base profile
{all|none|wan|lan|dmz} settings Lists the specified signature base profile’s settings. Use |more to display the
settings page by page.
show idp profiles Displays all IDP signature profiles.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 183 Example of Global Profile Commands
In this example we rename an IDP signature profile from “old_profile” to “new_profile”, delete the
“bye_profile” and show all base profiles available.
22.3.2 IDP Zone to Zone Rules
Use the following rules to apply IDP profiles to specific directions of packet travel.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp rename signature old_profile new_profile
Router(config)# no idp signature bye_profile
Router(config)# show idp signature base profile
No. Base Profile Name
1 none
2 all
3 wan
4 lan
5 dmz
Table 101 IDP Zone to Zone Rule Commands
idp {signature| anomaly } rule { append |
<1..32> | insert <1..32> } Create an IDP signature or anomaly rule and enter the sub-command
bind profile Binds the IDP profile to the entry’s traffic direction.
no bind Removes the IDP profile’s binding.
[no] from-zone zone_profile Specifies the zone the traffic is coming from. The no command removes
the zone specification.
[no] to-zone zone_profile Specifies the zone the traffic is going to. The no command removes the
zone specification.
[no] activate Turns on the IDP profile to traffic direction binding. The no command
turns it off.
idp {signature| anomaly } rule { delete
<1..32> | move <1..32> to <1..32> } Remove or move an IDP profile to traffic direction entry.
no idp {signature| anomaly } rule <1..32> Removes an IDP profile to traffic direction entry.
show idp {signature| anomaly } rules Displays the IDP zone to zone rules.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
184 Example of IDP Zone to Zone Rule Commands
The following example creates IDP zone to zone rule one. The rule applies the LAN_IDP profile to all
traffic going to the LAN zone.
22.3.3 Editing/Creating IDP Signature Profiles
Use these commands to create a new IDP signature profile or edit an existing one. It is
recommended you use the web configurator to create/edit profiles. If you do not specify a base
profile, the default base profile is none.
Note: You CANNOT change the base profile later!
22.3.4 Editing/Creating Anomaly Profiles
Use these commands to create a new anomaly profile or edit an existing one. It is recommended
you use the web configurator to create/edit profiles. If you do not specify a base profile, the default
base profile is none.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp signature rule 1
Router(config-idp-signature-1)# from-zone any
Router(config-idp-signature-1)# to-zone LAN
Router(config-idp-signature-1)# bind LAN_IDP
Router(config-idp-signature-1)# activate
Router(config-idp-signature-1)# exit
Router(config)#show idp signature rules
Signature rules
idp rule: 1
from zone: any
to zone: LAN
profile: LAN_IDP
activate: yes
Table 102 Editing/Creating IDP Signature Profiles
idp signature newpro [base {all | lan | wan |
dmz | none}] Creates a new IDP signature profile called newpro. newpro uses the
base profile you specify. Enters sub-command mode. All the
following commands relate to the new profile. Use exit to quit
sub-command mode.
[no] signature sid activate Activates or deactivates an IDP signature.
signature sid log [alert] Sets log or alert options for an IDP signature
no signature sid log Deactivates log options for an IDP signature
signature sid action {drop | reject-
sender | reject-receiver | reject-both} Sets an action for an IDP signature
no signature sid action Deactivates an action for an IDP signature.
show idp profile signature sid details Shows signature ID details of the specified profile.
show idp profile signature {all | custom-
signature} details Shows the signature details of the specified profile.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 185
Note: You CANNOT change the base profile later!
Table 103 Editing/Creating Anomaly Profiles
idp anomaly newpro [base {all | none}] Creates a new IDP anomaly profile called newpro.
newpro uses the base profile you specify. Enters sub-
command mode. All the following commands relate to
the new profile. Use exit to quit sub-command mode.
scan-detection sensitivity {low | medium | high} Sets scan-detection sensitivity.
no scan-detection sensitivity Clears scan-detection sensitivity. The default sensitivity
is medium.
scan-detection block-period <1..3600> Sets for how many seconds the ZyWALL blocks all
packets from being sent to the victim (destination) of a
detected anomaly attack.
[no] scan-detection {tcp-xxx} {activate | log
[alert] | block} Activates TCP scan detection options where {tcp-xxx} =
{tcp-portscan | tcp-decoy-portscan | tcp-portsweep |
tcp-distributed-portscan | tcp-filtered-portscan | tcp-
filtered-decoy-portscan | tcp-filtered-distributed-
portscan | tcp-filtered-portsweep}. Also sets TCP scan-
detection logs or alerts and blocking. no deactivates
TCP scan detection, its logs, alerts or blocking.
[no] scan-detection {udp-xxx} {activate | log
[alert] | block} Activates or deactivates UDP scan detection options
where {udp-xxx} = {udp-portscan | udp-decoy-
portscan | udp-portsweep | udp-distributed-portscan |
udp-filtered-portscan | udp-filtered-decoy-portscan |
udp-filtered-distributed-portscan | udp-filtered-
portsweep}. Also sets UDP scan-detection logs or alerts
and blocking. no deactivates UDP scan detection, its
logs, alerts or blocking.
[no] scan-detection {ip-xxx} {activate | log
[alert] | block} Activates or deactivates IP scan detection options where
{ip-xxx} = {ip-protocol-scan | ip-decoy-protocol-scan |
ip-protocol-sweep | ip-distributed-protocol-scan | ip-
filtered-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-decoy-protocol-scan |
ip-filtered-distributed-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-
protocol-sweep}. Also sets IP scan-detection logs or
alerts and blocking. no deactivates IP scan detection,
its logs, alerts or blocking.
[no] scan-detection {icmp-sweep | icmp-filtered-
sweep} {activate | log [alert] | block} Activates or deactivates ICMP scan detection options.
Also sets ICMP scan-detection logs or alerts and
blocking. no deactivates ICMP scan detection, its logs,
alerts or blocking.
[no] scan-detection open-port {activate | log
[alert] | block} Activates or deactivates open port scan detection
options. Also sets open port scan-detection logs or
alerts and blocking. no deactivates open port scan
detection, its logs, alerts or blocking.
flood-detection block-period <1..3600> Sets for how many seconds the ZyWALL blocks all
packets from being sent to the victim (destination) of a
detected anomaly attack.
[no] flood-detection {tcp-flood | udp-flood | ip-
flood | icmp-flood} {activate | log [alert] |
Activates or deactivates TCP, UDP, IP or ICMP flood
detection. Also sets flood detection logs or alerts and
blocking. no deactivates flood detection, its logs, alerts
or blocking.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] http-inspection {http-xxx} activate Activates or deactivates http-inspection options where
http-xxx = {ascii-encoding | u-encoding | bare-byte-
unicode-encoding | base36-encoding | utf-8-encoding |
iis-unicode-codepoint-encoding | multi-slash-encoding |
iis-backslash-evasion | self-directory-traversal |
directory-traversal | apache-whitespace | non-rfc-http-
delimiter | non-rfc-defined-char | oversize-request-uri-
directory | oversize-chunk-encoding | webroot-
http-inspection {http-xxx} log [alert] Sets http-inspection log or alert.
no http-inspection {http-xxx} log Deactivates http-inspection logs.
[no] http-inspection {http-xxx} action {drop |
reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both}} Sets http-inspection action
[no] tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} activate Activates or deactivates tcp decoder options where
{tcp-xxx} = {undersize-len | undersize-offset |
oversize-offset | bad-length-options | truncated-options
| ttcp-detected | obsolete-options | experimental-
tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} log [alert] Sets tcp decoder log or alert options.
no tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} log Deactivates tcp decoder log or alert options.
[no] tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} action {drop | reject-
sender | reject-receiver | reject-both}} Sets tcp decoder action
[no] udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len
| oversize-len} activate Activates or deactivates udp decoder options
udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len |
oversize-len} log [alert] Sets udp decoder log or alert options.
no udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len |
oversize-len} log Deactivates udp decoder log options.
udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len |
oversize-len} action {drop | reject-sender |
reject-receiver | reject-both}
Sets udp decoder action
no udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len |
oversize-len} action Deactivates udp decoder actions.
[no] icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-
timestamp-header | truncated-address-header}
Activates or deactivates icmp decoder options
icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-
timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} log
Sets icmp decoder log or alert options.
no icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-
timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} log Deactivates icmp decoder log options.
icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-
timestamp-header | truncated-address-header}
action {drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver |
Sets icmp decoder action
no icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-
timestamp-header | truncated-address-header}
Deactivates icmp decoder actions.
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection [all details] Shows all scan-detection settings of the specified IDP
Table 103 Editing/Creating Anomaly Profiles (continued)
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 187
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {tcp-portscan |
tcp-decoy-portscan | tcp-portsweep | tcp-distributed-
portscan | tcp-filtered-portscan | tcp-filtered-decoy-
portscan | tcp-filtered-distributed-portscan | tcp-
filtered-portsweep} details
Shows selected TCP scan-detection settings for the
specified IDP profile.
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {udp-portscan |
udp-decoy-portscan | udp-portsweep | udp-distributed-
portscan | udp-filtered-portscan | udp-filtered-decoy-
portscan |
udp-filtered-distributed-portscan | udp-filtered-
portsweep} details
Shows UDP scan-detection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {ip-protocol-
scan | ip-decoy-protocol-scan | ip-protocol-sweep | ip-
distributed-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-protocol-scan |
ip-filtered-decoy-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-
distributed-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-protocol-
sweep} details
Shows IP scan-detection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {icmp-sweep |
icmp-filtered-sweep | open-port} details Shows ICMP scan-detection settings for the specified
IDP profile.
show idp anomaly profile flood-detection [all details] Shows all flood-detection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile flood-detection {tcp-flood |
udp-flood | ip-flood | icmp-flood} details Shows flood-detection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile http-inspection all details Shows http-inspection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile http-inspection {ascii-
encoding | u-encoding | bare-byte-unicode-encoding |
base36-encoding | utf-8-encoding | iis-unicode-
codepoint-encoding | multi-slash-encoding | iis-
backslash-evasion | self-directory-traversal |
directory-traversal | apache-whitespace | non-rfc-http-
delimiter | non-rfc-defined-char | oversize-request-
uri-directory | oversize-chunk-encoding | webroot-
directory-traversal} details
Shows http-inspection settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile tcp-decoder all details Shows tcp-decoder settings for the specified IDP profile.
show idp anomaly profile tcp-decoder {undersize-len |
undersize-offset | oversize-offset | bad-length-options
| truncated-options | ttcp-detected | obsolete-options
| experimental-options} details
Shows tcp-decoder settings for the specified IDP profile.
show idp anomaly profile udp-decoder all details Shows udp-decoder settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile udp-decoder {truncated-header
| undersize-len | oversize-len} details Shows specified udp-decoder settings for the specified
IDP profile.
show idp anomaly profile icmp-decoder all details Shows all icmp-decoder settings for the specified IDP
show idp anomaly profile icmp-decoder {truncated-header
| truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-
header} details
Shows specified icmp-decoder settings for the specified
IDP profile.
Table 103 Editing/Creating Anomaly Profiles (continued)
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
188 Creating an Anomaly Profile Example
In this example we create a profile named “test”, configure some settings, display them, and then
return to global command mode.
22.3.5 Editing System Protect
Use these commands to edit the system protect profiles.
22.3.6 Signature Search
Use this command to search for signatures in the named profile.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp anomaly test
Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset action drop
Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset log alert
Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset activate
Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# no tcp-decoder oversize-offset activate
Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# exit
Router(config)# show idp anomaly test tcp-decoder oversize-offset details
message: (tcp_decoder) OVERSIZE-OFFSET ATTACK
keyword: tcp-decoder oversize-offset
activate: no
action: drop
log: log alert
Table 104 Editing System Protect Profiles
idp system-protect Configure the system protect profile. Enters sub-command mode.
All the following commands relate to the new profile. Use exit to
quit sub-command mode.
[no] signature sid activate Activates or deactivates an IDP signature.
signature sid log [alert] Sets log or alert options for an IDP signature
no signature sid log Deactivates log options for an IDP signature
signature sid action {drop | reject-
sender | reject-receiver | reject-both} Sets an action for an IDP signature
no signature SID action Deactivates an action for an IDP signature.
show idp system-protect all details Displays the system protect profile details.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 189
Note: It is recommended you use the web configurator to search for signatures. Search Parameter Tables
The following table displays the command line severity, platform and policy type equivalent values.
If you want to combine platforms in a search, then add their respective numbers together. For
Table 105 Signature Search Command
idp search signature my_profile name quoted_string
sid SID severity severity_mask platform platform_mask
policytype policytype_mask service service_mask
activate {any | yes | no} log {any | no | log | log-
alert} action action_mask
Searches for signature(s) in a profile by the parameters
specified. The quoted string is any text within the
signature name in quotes, for example, [idp search
LAN_IDP name "WORM" sid 0 severity 0 platform 0
policytype 0 service 0 activate any log any action]
searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile
containing the text “worm” within the signature name.
idp search system-protect my_profile name
quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service
service_mask activate {any | yes | no} log {any | no
| log | log-alert} action action_mask
Searches for signature(s) in a system-protect profile by
the parameters specified. The quoted string is any text
within the signature name in quotes, for example, [idp
search LAN_IDP name "WORM" sid 0 severity 0 platform 0
policytype 0 service 0 activate any log any action]
searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile
containing the text “worm” within the signature name.
show idp search signature my_profile name
quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service
service_mask activate {any | yes | no} log {any | no
| log | log-alert} action action_mask
Searches for signature(s) in a profile by the parameters
specified. The quoted string is any text within the
signature name in quotes, for example, [idp search
LAN_IDP name "WORM" sid 0 severity 0 platform 0
policytype 0 service 0 activate any log any action]
searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile
containing the text “worm” within the signature name.
show idp search system-protect my_profile name
quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service
service_mask activate {any | yes | no} log {any | no
| log | log-alert} action action_mask
Searches for signature(s) in a system-protect profile by
the parameters specified. The quoted string is any text
within the signature name in quotes, for example, [idp
search LAN_IDP name "WORM" sid 0 severity 0 platform 0
policytype 0 service 0 activate any log any action]
searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile
containing the text “worm” within the signature name.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
example, to search for signatures for Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows 2000 computers, then
type “12” as the platform parameter.
The following table displays the command line service and action equivalent values. If you want to
combine services in a search, then add their respective numbers together. For example, to search
for signatures for DNS, Finger and FTP services, then type “7” as the service parameter.
Table 106 Severity, Platform and Policy Type Command Values
1 = Very Low
2 = Low
3 = Medium
4 = High
5 = Severe
1 = All
2 = Win95/98
4 = WinNT
8 = WinXP/2000
16 = Linux
32 = FreeBSD
64 = Solaris
128 = SGI
256 = Other-Unix
512 = Network-Device
1 = DoS
2 = Buffer-Overflow
3 = Access-Control
4 = Scan
5 = Backdoor/Trojan
6 = Others
7 = P2P
8 = IM
9 = Virtus/Worm
10 = Porn
11 = Web-Attack
12 = Spam
Table 107 Service and Action Command Values
1 = DNS
4 = FTP
16 = ICMP
32 = IM
64 = IMAP
128 = MISC
512 = NNTP
1024 = ORACLE
2048 = P2P
4096 = POP2
8192 = POP3
16384 = RPC
65536 = SMTP
131072 = SNMP
262144 = SQL
524288 = TELNET
1048576 = TFTP
2097152 = n/a
4194304 = WEB_ATTACKS
8388608 = WEB_CGI
16777216 = WEB_FRONTPAGE
33554432 = WEB_IIS
67108864 = WEB_MISC
134217728 = WEB_PHP
268435456 = MISC_BACKDOOR
536870912 = MISC_DDOS
1073741824 = MISC_EXPLOIT
1 = None
2 = Drop
4 = Reject-sender
8 = Reject-receiver
16 = Reject-both
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 191 Signature Search Example
This example command searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile:
• Containing the text “worm” within the signature name
• With an ID of 12345
• Has a very low severity level
• Operates on the Windows NT platform
• Is a scan policy type, DNS service
•Is enabled
• Generates logs.
22.4 IDP Custom Signatures
Use these commands to create a new signature or edit an existing one.
Note: It is recommended you use the web configurator to create/edit signatures using the
web configurator Anti-X > IDP > Custom Signatures screen.
Note: You must use the web configurator to import a custom signature file.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp search signature LAN_IDP name “worm” sid 12345 severity 1
platform 4 policytype 4 service 1 activate yes log log action 2
Table 108 Custom Signatures
idp customize signature quoted_string Create a new custom signature. The quoted string is the
signature command string enclosed in quotes. for example.
"alert tcp any any <> any any (msg: \"test\"; sid: 9000000 ;
idp customize signature edit quoted_string Edits an existing custom signature.
no idp customize signature custom_sid Deletes a custom signature.
show idp signatures custom-signature custom_sid
{details | contents | non-contents} Displays custom signature information.
show idp signatures custom-signature all details Displays all custom signatures’ information.
show idp signatures custom-signature number Displays the total number of custom signatures.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
22.4.1 Custom Signature Examples
These examples show how to create a custom signature, edit one, display details of one, all and
show the total number of custom signatures.
This example shows you how to edit a custom signature.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp customize signature "alert tcp any any <> any any (msg:
\"test\"; sid: 9000000 ; )"
sid: 9000000
message: test
policy type:
all: no
Win95/98: no
WinNT: no
WinXP/2000: no
Linux: no
FreeBSD: no
Solaris: no
SGI: no
other-Unix: no
network-device: no
outbreak: no
Router(config)# idp customize signature edit "alert tcp any any <> any any (msg :
\"test edit\"; sid: 9000000 ; )"
sid: 9000000
message: test edit
policy type:
all: no
Win95/98: no
WinNT: no
WinXP/2000: no
Linux: no
FreeBSD: no
Solaris: no
SGI: no
other-Unix: no
network-device: no
outbreak: no
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 193
This example shows you how to display custom signature details.
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature 9000000 details
sid: 9000000
message: test edit
policy type:
all: no
Win95/98: no
WinNT: no
WinXP/2000: no
Linux: no
FreeBSD: no
Solaris: no
SGI: no
other-Unix: no
network-device: no
outbreak: no
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This example shows you how to display custom signature contents.
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature 9000000 contents
sid: 9000000
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature 9000000 non-contents
sid: 9000000
dport: 0
sport: 0
transport: tcp
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 195
This example shows you how to display all details of a custom signature.
This example shows you how to display the number of custom signatures on the ZyWALL.
22.5 Update IDP Signatures
Use these commands to update new signatures. You register for IDP service before you can update
IDP signatures, although you do not have to register in order to update system-protect signatures.
Note: You must use the web configurator to import a custom signature file.
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature all details
sid: 9000000
message: test edit
policy type:
all: no
Win95/98: no
WinNT: no
WinXP/2000: no
Linux: no
FreeBSD: no
Solaris: no
SGI: no
other-Unix: no
network-device: no
outbreak: no
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature number
signatures: 1
Table 109 Update Signatures
idp {signature | system-protect} update signatures Immediately downloads IDP or system protect signatures
from an update server.
[no] idp {signature | system-protect} update auto Enables (disables) automatic signature downloads at
regular times and days.
idp {signature | system-protect} update hourly Enables automatic signature download every hour.
idp {signature | system-protect} update daily
<0..23> Enables automatic signature download every day at the
time specified.
idp {signature | system-protect} update weekly {sun
| mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat} <0..23> Enables automatic signature download once-a-week at the
time and day specified.
show idp {signature | system-protect} update Displays signature update schedule.
show idp {signature | system-protect} update status Displays signature update status.
show idp {signature | system-protect} signatures
{version | date | number} Displays signature information
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
22.5.1 Update Signature Examples
These examples show how to enable/disable automatic IDP downloading, schedule updates, display
the schedule, display the update status, show the (new) updated signature version number, show
the total number of signatures and show the date/time the signatures were created.
22.6 IDP Statistics
The following table describes the commands for collecting and displaying IDP statistics. You must
use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp signature update signatures
IDP signature update in progress.
Please check system log for future information.
Router(config)# idp update auto
Router(config)# no idp update auto
Router(config)# idp update hourly
Router(config)# idp update daily 10
Router(config)# idp update weekly fri 13
Router(config)# show idp update
auto: yes
schedule: weekly at Friday 13 o'clock
Router(config)# show idp signature update status
current status: IDP signature download failed, do 1 retry at Sat Jan 4 22:47:47
last update time: 2003-01-01 01:34:39
Router(config)# show idp signature signatures version
version: 1.2000
Router(config)# show idp signature signatures number
signatures: 2000
Router(config)# show idp signature signatures date
date: 2005/11/13 13:56:03
Table 110 Commands for IDP Statistics
[no] idp statistics collect Turn the collection of IDP statistics on or off.
idp statistics flush Clears the collected statistics.
show idp statistics summary Displays the collected statistics.
show idp statistics collect Displays whether the collection of IDP statistics is turned on or off.
show idp statistics ranking
{signature-name | source |
Query and sort the IDP statistics entries by signature name, source IP
address, or destination IP address.
signature-name: lists the most commonly detected signatures.
source: lists the source IP addresses from which the ZyWALL has
detected the most intrusion attempts.
destination: lists the most common destination IP addresses for
detected intrusion attempts.
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 197
22.6.1 IDP Statistics Example
This example shows how to collect and display IDP statistics. It also shows how to sort the display
by the most common signature name, source IP address, or destination IP address.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp statistics collect
Router(config)# no idp statistics activate
Router(config)# idp statistics flush
Router(config)# show idp statistics collect status
IDP collect statistics status: yes
Router(config)# show idp statistics summary
scanned session : 268
packet dropped: 0
packet reset: 0
Router(config)# show idp statistics ranking signature-name
ranking: 1
signature id: 8003796
signature name: ICMP L3retriever Ping
type: Scan
severity: verylow
occurence: 22
ranking: 2
signature id: 8003992
signature name: ICMP Large ICMP Packet
type: DDOS
severity: verylow
occurence: 4
Router(config)# show idp statistics ranking destination
ranking: 1
destination ip:
occurence: 22
ranking: 2
destination ip:
occurence: 4
Router(config)# show idp statistics ranking source
ranking: 1
source ip:
occurence: 26
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
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ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 199
Content Filtering
This chapter covers how to use the content filtering feature to control web access.
23.1 Content Filtering Overview
Content filtering allows you to block certain web features, such as cookies, and/or block access to
specific web sites. It can also block access to specific categories of web site content. You can create
different content filtering policies for different addresses, schedules, users or groups and content
filtering profiles. For example, you can configure one policy that blocks John Doe’s access to arts
and entertainment web pages during the workday and another policy that lets him access them
after work.
23.2 Content Filtering Policies
A content filtering policy allows you to do the following.
• Use schedule objects to define when to apply a content filtering profile.
• Use address and/or user/group objects to define to whose web access to apply the content
filtering profile.
• Apply a content filtering profile that you have custom-tailored.
23.3 External Web Filtering Service
When you register for and enable the external web filtering service, your ZyWALL accesses an
external database that has millions of web sites categorized based on content. You can have the
ZyWALL block, block and/or log access to web sites based on these categories.
23.4 Content Filtering Reports
See the web configurator User’s Guide to see how to view content filtering reports after you have
activated the category-based content filtering subscription service.
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
23.5 Content Filter Command Input Values
The following table explains the values you can input with the content-filter commands.
Table 111 Content Filter Command Input Values
policy_number The number of the policy <0 - X > where X depends on the number of content filtering
policies the ZyWALL model supports. See the CLI help for details.
address The name (up to 63 characters) of an existing address object or group to which the
policy should be applied.
schedule The name (up to 63 characters) of an existing schedule to control when the policy
should be applied.
filtering_profile The filtering profile defines how to filter web URLs or content. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
category_name The name of a web category.
{adult-mature-content| pornography| sexeducation| intimate-apparel-swimsuit|
nudity| alcohol-tobacco| illegal-questionable| gambling| violence-hate-racism|
weapons| abortion| hacking| phishing| arts-entertainment| business-economy|
alternative-spirituality-occult| illegal-drugs| education| cultural-charitable-
organization| financial-services| brokerage-trading| online-games| government-legal|
military| political-activist-groups| health| computers-internet| search-engines-portals|
spyware-malware-sources| spyware-effects-privacy-concerns| job-search-careers|
news-media| personals-dating| reference| open-image-media-search| chat-instant-
messaging| email| blogs-newsgroups| religion| social-networking| online-storage|
remote-access-tools| shopping| auctions| real-estate| society-lifestyle| sexuality-
alternative-lifestyles| restaurants-dining-food| sports-recreation-hobbies| travel|
vehicles| humor-jokes| software-downloads| pay-to-surf| peer-to-peer| streaming-
media-mp3s| proxy-avoidance| for-kids| web-advertisements| web-hosting| extreme|
alcohol| tobacco| blogs-personal-pages| web-applications| suspicious| alternative-
sexuality-lifestyles| lgbt| non-viewable| content-servers| placeholders}
trust_hosts The IP address or domain name of a trusted web site. Use a host name such as
www.good-site.com. Do not use the complete URL of the site – that is, do not include
“http://”. All subdomains are allowed. For example, entering “zyxel.com” also allows
“www.zyxel.com”, “partner.zyxel.com”, “press.zyxel.com”, etc. Use up to 63 case-
insensitive characters (0-9a-z-).
You can enter a single IP address in dotted decimal notation like
You can enter a subnet by entering an IP address in dotted decimal notation followed by
a slash and the bit number of the subnet mask of an IP address. The range is 0 to 32.
To find the bit number, convert the subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s
together. Take “” for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There
are three 255’s, so add three eights together and you get the bit number (24).
An example is
You can enter an IP address range by entering the start and end IP addresses
separated by a hyphen, for example
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 201
23.6 General Content Filter Commands
The following table lists the commands that you can use for general content filter configuration such
as enabling content filtering, viewing and ordering your list of content filtering policies, creating a
denial of access message or specifying a redirect URL and checking your external web filtering
service registration status. Use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration
forbid_hosts The IP address or domain name of a forbidden web site.
Use a host name such as www.bad-site.com into this text field. Do not use the
complete URL of the site – that is, do not include “http://”. All subdomains are also
blocked. For example, entering “bad-site.com” also blocks “www.bad-site.com”,
“partner.bad-site.com”, “press.bad-site.com”, etc. Use up to 63 case-insensitive
characters (0-9a-z-).
You can enter a single IP address in dotted decimal notation like
You can enter a subnet by entering an IP address in dotted decimal notation followed by
a slash and the bit number of the subnet mask of an IP address. The range is 0 to 32.
To find the bit number, convert the subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s
together. Take “” for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There
are three 255’s, so add three eights together and you get the bit number (24).
An example is
You can enter an IP address range by entering the start and end IP addresses
separated by a hyphen, for example
keyword A keyword or a numerical IP address to search URLs for and block access to if they
contain it. Use up to 63 case-insensitive characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,)
in double quotes. For example enter “Bad_Site” to block access to any web page that
includes the exact phrase “Bad_Site”. This does not block access to web pages that only
include part of the phrase (such as “Bad” in this example).
message The message to display when a web site is blocked. Use up to 255 characters (0-9a-zA-
Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,) in quotes. For example, “Access to this web page is not
allowed. Please contact the network administrator.”
redirect_url The URL of the web page to which you want to send users when their web access is
blocked by content filtering. The web page you specify here opens in a new frame
below the denied access message.
Use “http://” followed by up to 255 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%) in
quotes. For example, “ access”.
license The license key (up to 15 characters) for the external web filtering service.
service_timeout The value specifies the maximum querying time in seconds <1…60>
_timeout The value specifies the maximum life time in hours <1..720>.
url The URL of a web site in http://xxx.xxx.xxx format.
rating_server The hostname or IP address of the rating server.
query_timeout The value specifies the maximum querying time when testing the connection to an
external content filtering server or checking its rating for a URL. <1..60> seconds.
Table 111 Content Filter Command Input Values (continued)
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
mode to be able to use these commands. See Table 111 on page 200 for details about the values
you can input with these commands.
Table 112 content-filter General Commands
[no] content-filter active Turns on content filtering. The no command turns it off.
[no] content-filter block message message Sets the message to display when content filtering blocks
access to a web page. The no command clears the setting.
[no] content-filter block redirect redirect_url Sets the URL of the web page to which to send users when their
web access is blocked by content filtering. The no command
clears the setting.
[no] content-filter -timeout _timeout Sets how long the ZyWALL is to keep an entry in the content
filtering URL before discarding it. The no command clears the
[no] content-filter default block Has the ZyWALL block sessions that do not match a content
filtering policy. The no command allows sessions that do not
match a content filtering policy.
[no] content-filter license license Sets the license key for the external web filtering service. The
no command clears the setting.
content-filter passed warning flush Clears the ZyWALL’s record of sessions for which it has given
the user a warning before allowing access.
content-filter passed warning timeout <1..1440> Sets how long to keep records of sessions for which the ZyWALL
has given the user a warning before allowing access.
[no] content-filter policy policy_number address
schedule filtering_profile Sets a content filtering policy. The no command removes it.
content-filter policy policy_number shutdown Disables a content filtering policy.
content-filter url-server test bluecoat Enters the sub-command mode for testing whether or not a web
site is saved in the BlueCoat external content filter server’s
database of restricted web pages.
url [ server rating_server ] [ timeout
query_timeout ] Tests whether or not a web site is saved in the external content
filter server’s database of restricted web pages.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
content-filter url-server test commtouch Enters the sub-command mode for testing the Commtouch
external content filter server’s reachability.
url timeout query_timeout Specify the Commtouch server’s URL and how long to wait for a
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
content-filter zsb port <1..65535> Sets the port the ZyWALL uses to check if requested web pages
pose a threat to users or their computers.
content-filter common-list {trust|forbid} Enters the sub-command for configuring a common list of
trusted or forbidden web sites.
The content filtering profile commands let you configure trusted
or forbidden URLs for individual profiles. URL checking is applied
in the following order: profile trusted web sites, common
trusted web sites, profile forbidden web sites, common
forbidden web sites, and then profile keywords.
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 203
23.7 Content Filter Filtering Profile Commands
The following table lists the commands that you can use to configure a content filtering policy. A
content filtering policy defines which content filter profile should be applied, when it should be
applied, and to whose web access it should be applied. Use the configure terminal command
to enter the configuration mode to be able to use these commands. See Table 111 on page 200 for
details about the values you can input with these commands.
[no] {ipv4 | ipv4_cidr | ipv4_range |
wildcard_domainname | tld}Adds or removes a common trusted or forbidden web site entry.
ipv4: IPv4 address <W.X.Y.Z>
ipv4_cidr: IPv4 subnet in CIDR format, i.e.
ipv4_range: Range of IPv4 addresses. <W.X.Y.Z>-<W.X.Y.Z>
wildcard_domainname: wildcard domain name, i.e. zyxel*.co*
tld: top level domain.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
show content-filter passed warning Displays the ZyWALL’s record of sessions for which it has given
the user a warning before allowing access.
show content-filter policy Displays the content filtering policies.
show content-filter settings Displays the general content filtering settings.
show content-filter common-list {trust|forbid} Displays the common list of trusted or forbidden web sites.
Table 112 content-filter General Commands (continued)
Table 113 content-filter Filtering Profile Commands Summary
[no] content-filter license license Sets the license key for the external web filtering service.
The no command clears the setting.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile Creates a content filtering profile. The no command
removes the profile.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom Sets a content filtering profile to use a profile’s custom
settings (lists of trusted web sites and forbidden web sites
and blocking of certain web features). The no command
has the profile not use the custom settings.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
activex Sets a content filtering profile to block ActiveX controls.
The no command sets the profile to allow ActiveX.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
cookie Sets a content filtering profile to block Cookies. The no
command sets the profile to allow Cookies.
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list
forbid Enters the sub-command for configuring the content
filtering profile’s list of forbidden hosts.
[no] forbid_hosts Adds a forbidden host to the content filtering profile’s list.
The no command removes it.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
java Sets a content filtering profile to block Java. The no
command sets the profile to allow Java.
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list
keyword Enters the sub-command for configuring the content
filtering profile’s list of forbidden keywords. This has the
content filtering profile block access to Web sites with URLs
that contain the specified keyword or IP address in the
[no] keyword Adds a forbidden keyword or IP address to the content
filtering profile’s list. The no command removes it.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
proxy Sets a content filtering profile to block access to web proxy
servers. The no command sets the profile to allow access
to proxy servers.
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list
trust Enters the sub-command for configuring the content
filtering profile’s list of trusted hosts.
[no] trust_hosts Adds a trusted host to the content filtering profile’s list. The
no command removes it.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
trust-allow-features Sets a content filtering profile to permit Java, ActiveX and
Cookies from sites on the trusted list. The no command
has the content filtering profile not permit Java, ActiveX
and Cookies from sites on the trusted list
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom
trust-only Sets a content filtering profile to only allow access to web
sites that are on the trusted list. The no command has the
profile allow access to web sites that are not on the trusted
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile url
category {category_name} Sets a content filtering profile to check for specific web site
categories. The no command has the profile not check for
the specified categories.
content-filter profile filtering_profile url match-
unsafe {block | log | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that
match the profile’s selected unsafe categories.
Block access, log access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile url match
{block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that
match the profile’s selected managed categories.
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile url offline
{block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages if the
external content filtering database is unavailable.
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile url unrate
{block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that the
external web filtering service has not categorized.
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url
match-unsafe {log} Has the ZyWALL not log attempted access to web pages
that match the profile’s selected unsafe categories.
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url
match {log} Has the ZyWALL not log attempted access to web pages
that match the profile’s selected managed categories.
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url
offline {log} Has the ZyWALL not log access to web pages if the external
content filtering database is unavailable.
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url
unrate {log} Has the ZyWALL not log access to web pages that the
external web filtering service has not categorized.
Table 113 content-filter Filtering Profile Commands Summary (continued)
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 205
23.8 Content Filter URL Cache Commands
The following table lists the commands that you can use to view and configure your ZyWALL’s URL
caching. You can configure how long a categorized web site address remains in the as well as view
those web site addresses to which access has been allowed or blocked based on the responses from
the external content filtering server. The ZyWALL only queries the external content filtering
database for sites not found in the cache.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile url
url-server Sets a content filtering profile to use the external web
filtering service. The no command has the profile not use
the external web filtering service.
[no] content-filter service-timeout service_timeout Sets how many seconds the ZyWALL is to wait for a
response from the external content filtering server. The no
command clears the setting.
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile
commtouch-url category {category_name} Sets a CommTouch content filtering profile to check for
specific web site categories. The no command has the
profile not check for the specified categories.
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-
url match-unsafe {block | log | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that
match the CommTouch profile’s selected unsafe categories.
Block access, log access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-
url match {block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that
match the CommTouch profile’s selected managed
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-
url offline {block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages if the
CommTouch external content filtering database is
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-
url unrate {block | log | warn | pass} Sets the action for attempted access to web pages that the
CommTouch external web filtering service has not
Block access, allow and log access, display a warning
message before allowing access, or allow access.
no content-filter profile filtering_profile
commtouch-url match-unsafe {log} Has the ZyWALL not log attempted access to web pages
that match the CommTouch profile’s selected unsafe
no content-filter profile filtering_profile
commtouch-url match {log} Has the ZyWALL not log attempted access to web pages
that match the CommTouch profile’s selected managed
no content-filter profile filtering_profile
commtouch-url offline {log} Has the ZyWALL not log access to web pages if the
CommTouch external content filtering database is
no content-filter profile filtering_profile
commtouch-url unrate {log} Has the ZyWALL not log access to web pages that the
CommTouch external web filtering service has not
show content-filter profile [filtering_profile] Displays the specified content filtering profile’s settings or
the settings of all them if you don’t specify one.
Table 113 content-filter Filtering Profile Commands Summary (continued)
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode to be able to use these
commands. See Table 111 on page 200 for details about the values you can input with these
23.9 Content Filtering Statistics
The following table describes the commands for collecting and displaying content filtering statistics.
You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you
can use these commands.
Table 114 content-filter url-cache Commands
[no] content-filter -timeout _timeout Sets how long to keep a content filtering URL cache entry
before discarding it. The no command clears the setting.
show content-filter url-cache [all-category] [begin
url_cache_range end url_cache_range] [_count] Displays the contents of the content filtering URL cache. You
can specify a range and number of entries to display.
show content-filter url-cache Displays the contents of the content filtering URL cache.
content-filter url-cache test Enters the sub-command mode for testing whether or not a
web site is saved in the ZyWALL’s database of restricted web
url Tests whether or not a web site is saved in the ZyWALL’s
database of restricted web pages.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
Table 115 Commands for Content Filtering Statistics
[no] content-filter statistics collect Turn the collection of content filtering statistics on or off.
content-filter statistics flush Clears the collected statistics.
show content-filter statistics summary Displays the collected statistics.
show content-filter statistics collect Displays whether the collection of content filtering statistics is turned on or
show content-filter statistics summary Displays the current content filtering statistics.
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 207
23.9.1 Content Filtering Statistics Example
This example shows how to collect and display content filtering statistics.
23.10 Content Filtering Commands Example
The following example shows how to limit the web access for a sales group.
1First, create a sales address object. This example uses a subnet that covers IP addresses to
2Then create a schedule for all day.
3Create a filtering profile for the group.
4You can use the following commands to block sales from accessing adult and pornography websites.
5Enable the external web filtering service.
Note: You must register for the external web filtering service before you can use it (see
Chapter 5 on page 45).
6You can also customize the filtering profile. The following commands block active-X, java and proxy
7Append a content filter policy.
Router(config)# content-filter statistics collect
Router(config)# show content-filter statistics summary
total web pages inspected : 0
web pages warned by category service : 0
web pages blocked by category service: 0
web pages blocked by custom service : 0
restricted web features : 0
forbidden web sites : 0
url keywords : 0
web pages blocked without policy : 0
web pages passed : 0
unsafe web pages : 0
other web pages : 0
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
8Activate the customization.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# address-object sales
Router(config)# schedule-object all_day 00:00 23:59
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE url category adult-mature-content
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE url category pornography
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE url url-server
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE custom java
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE custom activex
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE custom proxy
Router(config)# content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE custom
Router(config)# content-filter policy append all_day any RD RD_CF_PROFILE
Router(config)# content-filter activate
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 209
Use this command to display the settings of the profile.
Router(config)# show content-filter profile sales_CF_PROFILE commtouch
service active : yes
url match unsafe: block: no, warn: yes, log: no
url match other : block: yes, warn: no, log: no
url unrate : block: no, warn: yes, log: no
service offline : block: no, warn: yes, log: no
category settings:
Adult/Mature Content : yes, Pornography : yes
Sex Education : no, Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit : no
Nudity : no, Alcohol/Tobacco : no
Illegal/Questionable : no, Gambling : no
Violence/Hate/Racism : no, Weapons : no
Abortion : no, Hacking : no
Phishing : no, Arts/Entertainment : no
Business/Economy : no, Alternative Spirituality/Occult : no
Illegal Drugs : no, Education : no
Cultural/Charitable Organization: no, Financial Services : no
Brokerage/Trading : no, Online Games : no
Government/Legal : no, Military : no
Political/Activist Groups : no, Health : no
Computers/Internet : no, Search Engines/Portals : no
Spyware/Malware Sources : no, Spyware Effects/Privacy Concerns: no
Job Search/Careers : no, News/Media : no
Personals/Dating : no, Reference : no
Open Image/Media Search : no, Chat/Instant Messaging : no
Email : no, Blogs/Newsgroups : no
Religion : no, Social Networking : no
Online Storage : no, Remote Access Tools : no
Shopping : no, Auctions : no
Real Estate : no, Society/Lifestyle : no
Sexuality/Alternative Lifestyles: no, Restaurants/Dining/Food : no
Sports/Recreation/Hobbies : no, Travel : no
Vehicles : no, Humor/Jokes : no
Software Downloads : no, Pay to Surf : no
Peer-to-Peer : no, Streaming Media/MP3s : no
Proxy Avoidance : no, For Kids : no
Web Advertisements : no, Web Hosting : no
Extreme : no, Alcohol : no
Tobacco : no, Blogs/Personal Pages : no
Web Applications : no, Suspicious : no
Alternative Sexuality/Lifestyles: no, LGBT : no
Non-viewable : no, Content Servers : no
Placeholders : no, Open/Mixed Content : no
Potentially Unwanted Software : no, Greeting Cards : no
Audio/Video Clips : no, Media Sharing : no
Radio/Audio Streams : no, TV/Video Streams : no
Internet Telephony : no, Online Meetings : no
Newsgroups/Forums : no, Art/Culture : no
Entertainment : no, Games : no
Sports/Recreation : no, Translation : no
Alternative Spirituality/Belief : no, Society/Daily Living : no
Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 211
This chapter introduces and shows you how to configure the anti-spam scanner.
24.1 Anti-Spam Overview
The anti-spam feature marks or discards spam. Activate the anti-spam subscription service for
sender IP reputation checking, mail content analysis, and virus outbreak detection. Use the white
list to identify legitimate e-mail. Use the black list to identify spam e-mail. You can also check e-
mail against a DNS black list (DNSBL) of IP addresses of servers suspected of being used by
24.2 Anti-Spam Commands
The following table identifies the values used in some of these commands. Other input values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
24.2.1 General Anti-Spam Commands
The following table describes general anti-spam commands. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 116 Input Values for General Anti-Spam Commands
rule_number The index number of an anti-spam rule. 1 - X where X is the highest number of anti-spam
rules the ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s Guide for details.
zone_object The name of the zone. The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names
xheader-name The name (part that comes before the colon) of a field to add to an e-mail header. Use up to
16 ASCII characters.
xheader-value The value (part that comes after the colon) of a field to add to an e-mail header. Use up to
16 ASCII characters.
Table 117 General Anti-Spam Commands
[no] anti-spam activate Enables or disables anti-spam service.
show anti-spam activation Displays anti-spam service status.
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
212 Activate/Deactivate Anti-Spam Example
This example shows how to activate and deactivate anti-spam on the ZyWALL.
24.2.2 Zone to Zone Anti-spam Rules
The following table describes the commands for configuring the zone to zone rules. You must use
the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# anti-spam activate
Router(config)# show anti-spam activation
anti-spam activation: yes
Router(config)# no anti-spam activate
Router(config)# show anti-spam activation
anti-spam activation: no
Table 118 Commands for Zone to Zone Anti-Spam Rules
anti-spam rule append Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to add a direction specific rule.
anti-spam rule insert rule_number Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to add a direction specific rule.
anti-spam rule rule_number Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to edit the specified direction
specific rule.
[no] activate Turns a direction specific anti-spam rule on or off.
[no] log [alert] Sets the ZyWALL to create a log (and optionally an alert) when packets
match this rule and are found to be spam. The no command sets the
ZyWALL not to create a log or alert when packets match this rule.
[no] from-zone zone_object Sets the zone on which the packets are received. The no command
removes the zone setting. This is equal to any, so the rule applies to all
packets the ZyWALL sends out.
[no] to-zone zone_object Sets the zone to which the packets are sent. The no command removes
the zone setting. This is equal to any, so the rule applies to all packets the
ZyWALL sends out.
[no] scan {smtp | pop3} Sets the protocols of traffic to scan for spam.
[no] match-action pop3 {forward |
forward-with-tag} Sets the action to take when the ZyWALL detects a spam POP3 e-mail.
The file can be forwarded or forwarded with a spam tag.
[no] match-action smtp {drop |
forward | forward-with-tag} Sets the action to take when the ZyWALL detects a spam SMTP e-mail.
The file can be deleted, forwarded, or forwarded with a spam tag.
[no] bypass {white-list | black-
list | dnsbl} Bypassing has the ZyWALL not check files against your configured white
(allowed) list, black (spam) list, or DNSBL servers list.
[no] bypass {ip-reputation | mail-
content | virus-outbreak} Have the ZyWALL not check mail’s IP reputation, content, or for viruses.
show Displays the details of the anti-spam rule you are configuring.
anti-spam rule move rule_number to
rule_number Moves a direction specific anti-spam rule to the number that you specified.
anti-spam rule delete rule_number Removes a direction specific anti-spam rule.
show anti-spam rule [rule_number]Displays the details of all the configured anti-spam rules or a specific anti-
spam rule.
[no] anti-spam {smtp | pop3}
defaultport port_number Specify a custom SMTP or POP3 TCP port to check.
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 213
show anti-spam {smtp | pop3}
defaultport Display the SMTP or POP3 TCP ports the ZyWALL checks for spam.
[no] anti-spam ip-reputation activate Set whether or not to use IP reputation to identify spam by the sender’s IP
anti-spam ip-reputation query-timeout
time [timeout]Set how many seconds the ZyWALL waits for a reply when checking the IP
reputation of a sender’s IP address.
show anti-spam ip-reputation query-
timeout time Display how many seconds the ZyWALL waits for a reply when checking
the IP reputation of a sender’s IP address.
[no] anti-spam ip-reputation private-
check activate Set whether or not to check the IP reputation of private sender IP
show anti-spam ip-reputation private-
check Display the setting for checking the IP reputation of private sender IP
[no] anti-spam mail-content activate Set whether or not to identify spam by content, such as malicious content.
[no] anti-spam virus-outbreak activate Set whether or not to scan emails for attached viruses.
anti-spam tag {mail-content | virus-
outbreak} [tag]Specify the labels to add to the beginning of the mail subject if content-
analysis identified it as spam or it contains a virus.
[no] anti-spam xheader {mail-content |
virus-outbreak} xheader-name xheader-
Specify the name and value for the X-Header to add to content-analysis
identified spam or e-mails containing a virus.
show anti-spam tag {mail-content |
virus-outbreak} Display the labels for content-analysis identified spam or e-mails
containing a virus.
show anti-spam xheader {mail-content |
virus-outbreak} Display the name and value for the X-Header to add to content-analysis
identified spam or e-mails containing a virus.
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout pop3
{forward | forward-with-tag} Select how to handle POP3 mail if querying the mail scan server times out.
Use forward to send it or forward-with-tag to add a tag to the mail
subject and send it.
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout smtp
{drop | forward | forward-with-tag} Select how to handle SMTP mail if querying the mail scan server times out.
Use drop to discard the SMTP mail, forward to send it, or forward-with-
tag to add a tag to the mail subject and send it.
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout time
[timeout]Set how many seconds the ZyWALL waits for a reply from the mail scan
server before taking the relevant timeout action.
anti-spam tag query-timeout [tag]Specify the label to add to the mail subject of e-mails the ZyWALL tags and
forwards when queries to the mail scan servers time out.
[no] anti-spam xheader query-timeout
xheader-name xheader-value Specify the name and value for the X-Header to add to e-mails the ZyWALL
forwards when queries to the mail scan servers time out.
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout
smtp Display the action the ZyWALL takes on SMTP mail if querying the mail
scan server times out.
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout
pop3 Display the action the ZyWALL takes on POP3 mail if querying the mail
scan server times out.
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout
time Display how many seconds the ZyWALL waits for a reply from the mail
scan server before taking the relevant timeout action.
show anti-spam mail-scan status Displays the ZyWALL’s settings for IP reputation, mail content, and virus
outbreak checking.
show anti-spam tag query-timeout Display the label the ZyWALL adds to the mail subject of e-mails that it
tags and forwards when queries to the mail scan servers time out.
show anti-spam xheader query-timeout Display the name and value for the X-Header the ZyWALL adds to e-mails
that it tags and forwards when queries to the mail scan servers time out.
Table 118 Commands for Zone to Zone Anti-Spam Rules (continued)
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
214 Zone to Zone Anti-spam Rule Example
This example shows how to configure (and display) a WAN to DMZ anti-spam rule to scan POP3 and
SMTP traffic. SMTP spam is forwarded. POP3 spam is marked with a spam tag. The ZyWALL logs the
event when an e-mail matches the DNSBL (see Section 24.2.4 on page 216 for more on DNSBL).
The white and black lists are ignored.
24.2.3 White and Black Lists
The following table identifies values used in these commands. Other input values are discussed with
the corresponding commands.
Router(config)# anti-spam rule 1
Router(config-as-rule-1)# activate
Router(config-as-rule-1)# from-zone WAN
Router(config-as-rule-1)# to-zone DMZ
Router(config-as-rule-1)# scan smtp
Router(config-as-rule-1)# scan pop3
Router(config-as-rule-1)# match-action smtp forward
Router(config-as-rule-1)# match-action pop3 forward-with-tag
Router(config-as-rule-1)# log
Router(config-as-rule-1)# bypass white-list
Router(config-as-rule-1)# bypass black-list
Router(config-as-rule-1)# exit
Router(config)# show anti-spam rule 1
Anti-Spam Rule: 1
active: yes
log: log
from zone: WAN
to zone: DMZ
scan protocols:
smtp: yes
pop3: yes
match action:
smtp: forward
pop3: forward-with-tag
bypass white list: yes
bypass black list: yes
bypass ip reputation: no
bypass mail content: no
bypass virus outbreak: no
bypass dnsbl: no
Table 119 Input Values for White and Black list Anti-Spam Commands
mail_header The name part of an e-mail header (the part that comes before the colon). Use up
to 63 ASCII characters.
For example, if you want the entry to check the “Received:” header for a specific
mail server’s domain, use “Received”.
mail_header_value The value part of an e-mail header (the part that comes after the colon). Use up to
63 ASCII characters.
For example, if you want the entry to check the “Received:” header for a specific
mail server’s domain, specify the mail server’s domain.
See Section on page 216 for more details.
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 215
Use the white list to identify legitimate e-mail and the black list to identify spam e-mail. The
following table describes the commands for configuring the white list and black list. You must use
the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
rule_number The index number of an anti-spam white or black list entry. 1 - X where X is the
highest number of entries the ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s
Guide for details.
subject A keyword in the content of the e-mail Subject headers. Use up to 63 ASCII
characters. Spaces are not allowed, although you could substitute a question mark
(?). See Section on page 216 for more details.
Table 119 Input Values for White and Black list Anti-Spam Commands (continued)
Table 120 Commands for Anti-spam White and Black Lists
[no] anti-spam white-list activate Turns the white list checking on or off. Turn on the white list to
forward e-mail that matches (an active) white list entry without
doing any more anti-spam checking on that individual e-mail.
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] ip-
address ip subnet_mask {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a white list entry to check e-mail for a
specific source or relay IP address. Also turns the entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] e-
mail email {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a white list entry to check e-mail for a
specific source e-mail address or domain name. Also turns the
entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] mail-
header mail-header mail-header-value
Adds, edits, or removes a white list entry to check e-mail for
specific header fields and values. Also turns the entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number]
subject subject {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a white list entry to check e-mail for
specific content in the subject line. Also turns the entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam black-list activate Turns the black list checking on or off. Turn on the black list to treat
e-mail that matches (an active) black list entry as spam.
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] ip-
address ip subnet_mask {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a black list entry to check e-mail for a
specific source or relay IP address. Also turns the entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] e-
mail email {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a black list entry to check e-mail for a
specific source e-mail address or domain name. Also turns the
entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] mail-
header mail-header mail-header-value
Adds, edits, or removes a black list entry to check e-mail for
specific header fields and values. Also turns the entry on or off.
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number]
subject subject {activate|deactivate} Adds, edits, or removes a black list entry to check e-mail for
specific content in the subject line. Also turns the entry on or off.
anti-spam tag black-list [tag]Configures a message or label (up to 15 ASCII characters) to add
to the mail subject of e-mails that match an anti-spam black list
show anti-spam white-list [status] Displays the current anti-spam white list. Use status to show the
activation status only.
show anti-spam black-list [status] Displays the current anti-spam black list. Use status to show the
activation status only.
show anti-spam tag black-list Show the configured anti-spam black list tag.
[no] anti-spam xheader {white-list | black-
list} mail-header mail-header-value Specify the name and value for the X-Header to add to e-mails that
match the ZyWALL’s spam white list or black list.
show anti-spam xheader {white-list | black-
list} Display the name and value for the X-Header to add to e-mails that
match the ZyWALL’s spam white list or black list.
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
216 White and Black Lists Example
This example shows how to configure and enable a white list entries for e-mails with “testwhite” in
the subject, e-mails from whitelist@ourcompany.com, e-mails with the Date header set to 2007,
and e-mails from (or forwarded by) IP address with subnet Regular Expressions in Black or White List Entries
The following applies for a black or white list entry based on an e-mail subject, e-mail address, or
e-mail header value.
• Use a question mark (?) to let a single character vary. For example, use “a?c” (without the
quotation marks) to specify abc, acc and so on.
• You can also use a wildcard (*). For example, if you configure *def.com, any e-mail address that
ends in def.com matches. So “mail.def.com” matches.
• The wildcard can be anywhere in the text string and you can use more than one wildcard. You
cannot use two wildcards side by side, there must be other characters between them.
• The ZyWALL checks the first header with the name you specified in the entry. So if the e-mail has
more than one “Received” header, the ZyWALL checks the first one.
24.2.4 DNSBL Anti-Spam Commands
This section describes the commands for checking the sender and relay IP addresses in e-mail
headers against DNS (Domain Name Service)-based spam Black Lists (DNSBLs). You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Router(config)# anti-spam white-list subject testwhite activate
Router(config)# anti-spam white-list e-mail whitelist@ourcompany.com activate
Router(config)# anti-spam white-list mail-header Date 2007 activate
Router(config)# anti-spam white-list ip-address activate
Router(config)# show anti-spam white-list
No. Type Status
1 subject yes
2 e-mail yes
3 mail-header yes
Date : 2007
4 ip-address yes /
Table 121 Input Values for DNSBL Commands
dnsbl_domain A domain that is maintaining a DNSBL. You may use 0-254 alphanumeric characters, or
dashes (-).
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 217
This table describes the DNSBL commands.
Table 122 DNSBL Commands
[no] anti-spam dnsbl activate Turns DNSBL checking on or off.
anti-spam dnsbl [1..5] domain
dnsbl_domain {activate|deactivate} Adds or edits a DNSBL domain for checking e-mail header IP addresses.
no anti-spam dnsbl domain dnsbl_domain Removes the specified DNSBL domain.
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout smtp {drop
| forward | forward-with-tag} Sets how the ZyWALL handles SMTP mail (mail going to an e-mail server)
if the queries to the DNSBL domains time out.
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout pop3
{forward | forward-with-tag} Sets how the ZyWALL handles POP3 mail (mail coming to an e-mail client)
if the queries to the DNSBL domains time out.
anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip [1..5] Sets up to how many sender and relay server IP addresses in the mail
header to check against the DNSBL.
anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order {forward
| backward} Configures the order in which anti-spam checks e-mail header IP
addresses against the DNSBLs.
•forward checks the first N IP addresses. Checking starts from the first
IP address in the mail header. This is the IP of the sender or the first
server that forwarded the mail.
•backward checks the last N IP addresses. Checking starts from the
last IP address in the mail header. This is the IP of the last server that
forwarded the mail.
anti-spam tag {dnsbl | dnsbl-timeout}
dnsbl configures the message or label to add to the beginning of the mail
subject of e-mails that have a sender or relay IP address in the header
that matches a blacklist maintained by a DNSBL domain listed in the
dnsbl-timeout configures the message or label to add to the mail
subject of e-mails that the ZyWALL forwards if queries to the DNSBL
domains time out.
Use up to 15 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), colons (:), or
dashes (-).
show anti-spam dnsbl status Displays the activation status of the anti-spam DNSBL checking.
show anti-spam dnsbl domain Displays the ZyWALL’s configured anti-spam DNSBL domain entries.
show anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip Displays how many sender and relay server IP addresses in the mail
header anti-spam checks against the DNSBL.
show anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order Displays the order in which anti-spam checks e-mail header IP addresses
against the DNSBLs.
show anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout {smtp
| pop3} Displays how the ZyWALL handles SMTP or POP3 mail if the queries to the
DNSBL domains time out.
show anti-spam tag {dnsbl | dnsbl-
dnsbl displays the anti-spam tag for e-mails that have a sender or relay
IP address in the header that matches a blacklist maintained by a DNSBL
dnsbl-timeout displays the message or label to add to the mail subject
of e-mails that the ZyWALL forwards if queries to the DNSBL domains
time out.
show anti-spam dnsbl statistics Displays anti-spam DNSBL statistics for each configured DNSBL domain.
anti-spam dnsbl statistics flush Clears the anti-spam DNSBL statistics for each configured DNSBL domain.
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout time
[1..10] Sets how long the ZyWALL waits for a reply from the DNSBL domains.
show anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout time Displays how long the ZyWALL waits for a reply from the DNSBL domains.
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
218 DNSBL Example
This example:
• Sets the ZyWALL to use “DNSBL-example.com” as a DNSBL.
• Turns DNSBL checking on.
• Sets the ZyWALL to forward POP3 mail with a tag if the queries to the DNSBL domains time out.
• Sets the ZyWALL to check up to 4 sender and relay server IP addresses in e-mail headers against
the DNSBL.
• Sets the ZyWALL to start DNSBL checking from the first IP address in the mail header.
• Sets the DNSBL tag to “DNSBL”.
• Sets the DNSBL timeout tag to “DNSBL-timeout”.
• Displays the DNSBL statistics.
[no] anti-spam xheader dnsbl mail-header
mail-header-value Specify the name and value for the X-Header to add to e-mails with a
sender or relay IP address in the header that matches a black list
maintained by a DNSBL domain in the ZyWALL’s list
show anti-spam xheader dnsbl Display the name and value for the X-Header to add to e-mails with a
sender or relay IP address in the header that matches a black list
maintained by a DNSBL domain in the ZyWALL’s list
Table 122 DNSBL Commands
Router(config)# anti-spam dnsbl domain DNSBL-example.com activate
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl domain
No. Status
1 yes
Router(config)# anti-spam dnsbl activate
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl status
anti-spam dnsbl status: yes
Router(config)# anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout pop3 forward-with-tag
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout pop3
dnsbl query timeout action: forward-with-tag
Router(config)# anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip 4
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip
dnsbl max query ip: 4
Router(config)# anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order forward
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order
anti-spam dnsbl IP check order: forward
Router(config)# anti-spam tag dnsbl DNSBL
Router(config)# show anti-spam tag dnsbl
dnsbl tag: DNSBL
Router(config)# anti-spam tag dnsbl-timeout DNSBL-timeout
Router(config)# show anti-spam tag dnsbl-timeout
dnsbl-timeout tag: DNSBL-timeout
Router(config)# show anti-spam dnsbl statistics
DNSBL domain: 1
domain: DNSBL-example.com
average time: 0.00
total query: 0
spam: 0
clear: 0
no timeout: 0
timeout: 0
no response: 0
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 219
24.3 Anti-Spam Statistics
The following table describes the commands for collecting and displaying anti-spam statistics. You
must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
24.3.1 Anti-Spam Statistics Example
This example shows how to collect anti-spam statistics and display a summary.
Table 123 Commands for Anti-spam Statistics
[no] anti-spam statistics collect Turn the collection of anti-spam statistics on or off.
anti-spam statistics flush Clears the collected statistics.
show anti-spam statistics summary Displays an overview of the collected statistics.
show anti-spam statistics collect Displays whether the collection of anti-spam statistics is turned on or off.
show anti-spam statistics ranking
{source | mail-address} Query and sort the anti-spam statistics entries by source IP address or mail
source: lists the source IP addresses of the most spam.
mail-address: lists the most common source mail address for spam.
show anti-spam ip-reputation
statistics Displays the mail sender IP reputation checking statistics.
show anti-spam mail-scan
statistics Displays the mail scan statistics.
Router(config)# anti-spam statistics collect
Router(config)# show anti-spam statistics collect
collect statistics: yes
collect statistics time: since 2008-03-11 07:16:01 to 2008-03-11 07:16:13
Router(config)# show anti-spam statistics summary
total mails scanned: 0
total clear mails: 0
clear mail by whitelist: 0
total spam mails: 0
spam detected by blacklist: 0
spam detected by ip reputation: 0
spam detected by mail content: 0
spam detected by dnsbl: 0
spam detected with virus: 0
total virus mails: 0
dnsbl timeout: 0
mail session forwarded: 0
mail session dropped: 0
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 221
Device HA
Use device HA to increase network reliability. Device HA lets a backup ZyWALL (B) automatically
take over if a master ZyWALL (A) fails.
Figure 24 Device HA Backup Taking Over for the Master
25.1 Device HA Overview
Active-Passive Mode and Legacy Mode
• Active-passive mode lets a backup ZyWALL take over if the master ZyWALL fails.
• Legacy mode uses VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) groups and allows for more
complex relationships between the master and backup ZyWALLs, such as active-active or using
different ZyWALLs as the master ZyWALL for individual interfaces. Legacy mode configuration
involves a greater degree of complexity. Active-passive mode is recommended for general
failover deployments.
• The ZyWALLs must all support and be set to use the same device HA mode (either active-passive
or legacy).
Management Access
You can configure a separate management IP address for each interface. You can use it to access
the ZyWALL for management whether the ZyWALL is the master or a backup. The management IP
address should be in the same subnet as the interface IP address.
Use synchronization to have a backup ZyWALL copy the master ZyWALL’s configuration, signatures
(anti-virus, IDP/application patrol, and system protect), and certificates.
Note: Only ZyWALLs of the same model and firmware version can synchronize.
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Otherwise you must manually configure the master ZyWALL’s settings on the backup (by editing
copies of the configuration files in a text editor for example).
25.1.1 Before You Begin
• Configure a static IP address for each interface that you will have device HA monitor.
Note: Subscribe to services on the backup ZyWALL before synchronizing it with the
master ZyWALL.
• Synchronization includes updates for services to which the master and backup ZyWALLs are both
subscribed. For example, a backup subscribed to IDP/AppPatrol, but not anti-virus, gets IDP/
AppPatrol updates from the master, but not anti-virus updates. It is highly recommended to
subscribe the master and backup ZyWALLs to the same services.
25.2 General Device HA Commands
This table lists the general commands for device HA.
25.3 Active-Passive Mode Device HA
Virtual Router
The master and backup ZyWALL form a single ‘virtual router’.
Cluster ID
You can have multiple ZyWALL virtual routers on your network. Use a different cluster ID to identify
each virtual router.
Monitored Interfaces in Active-Passive Mode Device HA
You can select which interfaces device HA monitors. If a monitored interface on the ZyWALL loses
its connection, device HA has the backup ZyWALL take over.
Enable monitoring for the same interfaces on the master and backup ZyWALLs. Each monitored
interface must have a static IP address and be connected to the same subnet as the corresponding
interface on the backup or master ZyWALL.
Table 124 device-ha General Commands
show device-ha status Displays whether or not device HA is activated, the configured device HA
mode, and the status of the monitored interfaces.
[no] device-ha activate Turns device HA on or off.
device-ha mode {active-passive | legacy} Sets the ZyWALL to use active-passive or legacy (VRRP group based)
device HA.
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 223
Virtual Router and Management IP Addresses
• If a backup takes over for the master, it uses the master’s IP addresses. These IP addresses are
know as the virtual router IP addresses.
• Each interface can also have a management IP address. You can connect to this IP address to
manage the ZyWALL regardless of whether it is the master or the backup.
25.4 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the device-ha commands.
25.4.1 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Commands
This table lists the commands for configuring active-passive mode device HA.
Table 125 Input Values for device-ha Commands
interface_name The name of the interface. This depends on the ZyWALL model.
For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 ~ N, where N equals the highest
numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
For the ZyWALL USG 200 and below, use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-
wlan, or dmz.
Besides, in HA AP mode, the interface can also be a bridge interface.
In HA Legacy mode, the interface can also be a VLAN interface.
Table 126 device-ha ap-mode Commands
[no] device-ha ap-mode preempt Turn on preempt if this ZyWALL should become the master ZyWALL if a
lower-priority ZyWALL is the master when this ZyWALL is enabled.
device-ha ap-mode role {master|backup} Sets the ZyWALL to be the master or a backup in the virtual router.
device-ha ap-mode cluster-id <1..32> Sets the cluster ID number. A virtual router consists of a master ZyWALL
and all of its backup ZyWALLs. If you have multiple ZyWALL virtual routers
on your network, use a different cluster ID for each virtual router.
device-ha ap-mode priority <1..254> Sets backup ZyWALL’s priority. The backup ZyWALL with the highest value
takes over the role of the master ZyWALL if the master ZyWALL becomes
unavailable. The priority must be between 1 and 254. (The master interface
has priority 255.)
[no] device-ha ap-mode authentication
{string key | ah-md5 key}Sets the authentication method the virtual router uses. Every interface in a
virtual router must use the same authentication method and password. The
no command disables authentication.
string: Use a plain text password for authentication. key - Use up to eight
characters including alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and some
punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ).
ah-md5: Use an encrypted MD5 password for authentication. key - Use up
to eight characters including alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and
some punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ).
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] device-ha ap-mode interface_name
manage-ip ip subnet_mask Sets the management IP address for an interface.
[no] device-ha ap-mode interface_name
activate Has device HA monitor the status of an interface’s connection.
[no] device-ha ap-mode master sync
authentication password password This is for a master ZyWALL. It specifies the password to require from
synchronizing backup ZyWALLs. Every router in the virtual router must use
the same password. The no command sets the password setting to blank
(which means no backups can synchronize with this master).
password: Use 4-63 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), dashes (-),
and #%^*={}:,.~ characters.
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync
authentication password password Sets the password the backup ZyWALL uses when synchronizing with the
master. The no command sets the password setting to blank (which means
this backup ZyWALL cannot synchronize with the master).
password: Use 4-63 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), dashes (-),
and #%^*={}:,.~ characters.
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync
auto Turns on automatic synchronization according to the interval you specify in
device-ha ap-mode backup sync interval. The first synchronization
begins after the specified interval (not immediately).
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync
interval <1..1440> When you use automatic synchronization, this sets how often (in minutes)
the ZyWALL synchronizes with the master.
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync
from master_address port port Sets the address of the master ZyWALL with which this backup ZyWALL is
to synchronize.
master_address: The master ZyWALL’s IP address or fully-qualified domain
name (FQDN).
port: The master ZyWALL’s FTP port number.
device-ha ap-mode backup sync now Synchronize now.
show device-ha ap-mode interfaces Displays the device HA AP mode interface settings and status.
show device-ha ap-mode next-sync-time Displays the next time and date (in hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd format) the
ZyWALL will synchronize with the master.
show device-ha ap-mode status Displays the ZyWALL’s key device HA settings.
show device-ha ap-mode master sync Displays the master ZyWALL’s synchronization settings.
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync Displays the backup ZyWALL’s synchronization settings.
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync
status Displays the backup ZyWALL’s current synchronization status.
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync
summary Displays the backup ZyWALL’s synchronization settings.
show device-ha ap-mode forwarding-port
interface_name If you apply Device HA on a bridge interface on a backup ZyWALL, you can
use this command to see which port in the bridge interface is chosen to
receive VRRP packets used to monitor if the master ZyWALL goes down.
interface_name: This is a bridge interface, For example, brx.
Table 126 device-ha ap-mode Commands (continued)
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 225
25.4.2 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Command Example
This example configures a ZyWALL to be a master ZyWALL for active-passive mode device HA.
There is a management IP address of on lan1. wan1 and lan1 are monitored. The
synchronization password is set to “mySyncPassword”.
25.5 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA
This section covers device HA using VRRP, VRRP groups, and synchronization.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Overview
Every computer on a network may send packets to a default gateway, which can become a single
point of failure. Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), allows you to create redundant backup
gateways to ensure that the default gateway is always available. The ZyWALL uses a custom VRRP
implementation and is not compatible with standard VRRP.
VRRP Group Overview
In the ZyWALL, you should create a VRRP group to add one of its interfaces to a virtual router. You
can add any Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, or virtual interface (created on top of Ethernet
interfaces or VLAN interfaces) with a static IP address. You can only enable one VRRP group for
each interface, and you can only have one active VRRP group for each virtual router.
25.6 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many device-ha commands. Other input
values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the device-ha commands.
Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode lan1 manage-ip
Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode role master
Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode master sync authentication password mySyncPassword
Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode wan1 activate
Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode lan1 activate
Router(config)# device-ha activate
Table 127 Input Values for device-ha Commands
vrrp_group_name The name of the VRRP group. The name can consist of alphanumeric characters, the
underscore, and the dash and may be up to fifteen alphanumeric characters long.
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
25.6.1 VRRP Group Commands
This table lists the commands for VRRP groups.
25.6.2 VRRP Synchronization Commands
This table lists the commands for synchronization. You can synchronize with other ZyWALL’s of the
same model that are running the same firmware version.
Table 128 device-ha Commands: VRRP Groups
show device-ha vrrp-group Displays information about all VRRP groups.
[no] device-ha vrrp-group
vrrp_group_name Creates the specified VRRP group if necessary and enters sub-command mode.
The no command deletes the specified VRRP group.
[no] vrid <1..254> Sets the specified VRRP group’s ID to the specified VR ID. The no command
clears the VR ID.
[no] interface interface_name Specifies the interface that is part of the specified VRRP group. The no command
removes the specified interface from the specified VRRP group.
[no] role {master | backup} Specifies the role of the specified VRRP group in the virtual router. The no
command clears the role, which makes the configuration incomplete.
[no] priority <1..254> Sets the priority of the specified VRRP group in the virtual router. The no
command resets the priority to 100.
[no] preempt Lets the ZyWALL preempt lower-priority routers in the virtual router. The no
command prevents the ZyWALL from preempting lower-priority routers.
[no] manage-ip IP Specifies the IP address of the specified VRRP group when it is not the master.
The no command clears the IP address.
[no] authentication {string
password | ah-md5 password}Specifies the authentication method and password for the specified VRRP group.
The no command means that the specified VRRP group does not use
password: You may use alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and some
punctuation marks (+-/*= :; .! @$&%#~ ‘ \ () ), and it can be up to eight
characters long.
[no] description description Specifies the description for the specified VRRP group. The no command clears
the description.
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters,
and it can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] activate Turns on the specified VRRP group. The no command turns off the VRRP group.
Table 129 device-ha Commands: Synchronization
show device-ha sync Displays the current settings for synchronization.
show device-ha sync backup next-sync-time Displays the next time and date (in hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd format) the
ZyWALL will synchronize with the master.
show device-ha sync status Displays the current status of synchronization.
[no] device-ha sync from {hostname | ip}Specifies the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the
ZyWALL router. Usually, this is the IP address or FQDN of the virtual
router. The no command clears this field.
hostname: You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), or
periods (.), but the first character cannot be a period.
Chapter 25 Device HA
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 227
25.6.3 Link Monitoring Commands
This table lists the commands for link monitoring. Link monitoring has the master ZyWALL shut
down all of its VRRP interfaces if one of its VRRP interface links goes down. This way the backup
ZyWALL takes over all of the master ZyWALL’s functions.
[no] device-ha sync port <1..65535> Specifies the port number to use to synchronize with the specified
ZyWALL router. The no command resets the port to 21.
[no] device-ha sync authentication
password password Specifies the password to use when synchronizing. Every router in the
virtual router should use the same password. The no command resets
the password to “1234”.
password: You can use 4-63 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
dashes (-), and #%^*={}:,.~ characters.
[no] device-ha sync auto Specifies whether or not to automatically synchronize at regular
[no] device-ha sync interval <5..1440> Specifies the number of minutes between each synchronization if the
ZyWALL automatically synchronizes with the specified ZyWALL router.
The no command resets the interval to five minutes.
[no] device-ha sync now Synchronize now.
Table 129 device-ha Commands: Synchronization (continued)
Table 130 device-ha Commands: Synchronization
device-ha link-monitoring activate Turns on device HA link monitoring.
no device-ha link-monitoring Turns off device HA link monitoring.
show device-ha link-monitoring Displays the current link monitoring setting.
device-ha stop-stub-interface activate Has the master ZyWALL shut down any 3G or wireless LAN interfaces if one
of its VRRP interface links goes down.
no device-ha stop-stub-interface Has the master ZyWALL not shut down any 3G or wireless LAN interfaces if
one of its VRRP interface links goes down.
show device-ha stop-stub-interface Displays whether or not the ZyWALL is set to have the master ZyWALL shut
down any 3G or wireless LAN interfaces if one of its VRRP interface links
goes down.
Chapter 25 Device HA
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ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 229
This chapter describes how to set up user accounts, user groups, and user settings for the ZyWALL.
You can also set up rules that control when users have to log in to the ZyWALL before the ZyWALL
routes traffic for them.
26.1 User Account Overview
A user account defines the privileges of a user logged into the ZyWALL. User accounts are used in
firewall rules and application patrol, in addition to controlling access to configuration and services in
the ZyWALL.
26.1.1 User Types
There are the types of user accounts the ZyWALL uses.
Note: The default admin account is always authenticated locally, regardless of the
authentication method setting. (See Chapter 31 on page 255 for more information
about authentication methods.)
Table 131 Types of User Accounts
Admin Users
Admin Change ZyWALL configuration (web, CLI) WWW, TELNET, SSH, FTP
Limited-Admin Look at ZyWALL configuration (web, CLI)
Perform basic diagnostics (CLI)
Access Users
User Access network services
Browse user-mode commands (CLI)
Guest Access network services WWW
Ext-User External user account WWW
ext-group-user External group user account WWW
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
26.2 User/Group Commands Summary
The following table identifies the values required for many username/groupname commands.
Other input values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the username/groupname commands.
26.2.1 User Commands
The first table lists the commands for users.
Table 132 username/groupname Command Input Values
username The name of the user (account). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
groupname The name of the user group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. It cannot
be the same as the user name.
Table 133 username/groupname Commands Summary: Users
show username [username]Displays information about the specified user or about all users
set up in the ZyWALL.
username username nopassword user-type {admin |
guest | limited-admin | user} Creates the specified user (if necessary), disables the password,
and sets the user type for the specified user.
username username password password user-type
{admin | guest | limited-admin | user} Creates the specified user (if necessary); enables and sets the
password; and sets the user type for the specified user.
password: You can use 1-63 printable ASCII characters, except
double quotation marks (“) and question marks (?).
username username user-type ext-user Creates the specified user (if necessary) and sets the user type
to Ext-User.
username username user-type ext-group-user
associated-aaa-server server_profile group-id id Specify the value of the AD or LDAP server’s Group Membership
Attribute that identifies the group to which the specified ext-
group-user type user account belongs.
no username username Deletes the specified user.
username rename username username Renames the specified user (first username) to the specified
username (second username).
username username [no] description description Sets the description for the specified user. The no command
clears the description.
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/
:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters
username username [no] logon-time-setting
<default | manual> Sets the account to use the factory default lease and
reauthentication times or custom ones.
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 231
26.2.2 User Group Commands
This table lists the commands for groups.
26.2.3 User Setting Commands
This table lists the commands for user settings, except for forcing user authentication.
username username [no] logon-lease-time
<0..1440> Sets the lease time for the specified user. Set it to zero to set
unlimited lease time. The no command sets the lease time to
five minutes (regardless of the current default setting for new
username username [no] logon-re-auth-time
<0..1440> Sets the reauthorization time for the specified user. Set it to
zero to set unlimited reauthorization time. The no command
sets the reauthorization time to thirty minutes (regardless of
the current default setting for new users).
Table 133 username/groupname Commands Summary: Users (continued)
Table 134 username/groupname Commands Summary: Groups
show groupname [groupname]Displays information about the specified user group or about all user groups
set up in the ZyWALL.
[no] groupname groupname Creates the specified user group if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command deletes the specified user group.
[no] description description Sets the description for the specified user group. The no command clears
the description for the specified user group.
[no] groupname groupname Adds the specified user group (second groupname) to the specified user
group (first groupname).
[no] user username Adds the specified user to the specified user group.
show Displays information about the specified user group.
groupname rename groupname groupname Renames the specified user group (first groupname) to the specified group-
name (second groupname).
Table 135 username/groupname Commands Summary: Settings
show users default-setting {all | user-type
Displays the default lease and reauthentication times for the
specified type of user accounts.
users default-setting [no] logon-lease-time
<0..1440> Sets the default lease time (in minutes) for each new user. Set it to
zero to set unlimited lease time. The no command sets the default
lease time to five.
users default-setting [no] logon-re-auth-time
<0..1440> Sets the default reauthorization time (in minutes) for each new
user. Set it to zero to set unlimited reauthorization time. The no
command sets the default reauthorization time to thirty.
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin
Sets the default user type for each new user. The no command sets
the default user type to user.
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin
user> logon-lease-time <0..1440>
Sets the default lease time (in minutes) for each type of new user.
Set it to zero for unlimited lease time. The no command sets the
default lease time to five.
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
232 User Setting Command Examples
The following commands show the current settings for the number of simultaneous logins.
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin
user> logon-re-auth-time <0..1440>
Sets the default reauthorization time (in minutes) for each type of
new user. Set it to zero for unlimited reauthorization time. The no
command sets the default reauthorization time to thirty.
show users retry-settings Displays the current retry limit settings for users.
[no] users retry-limit Enables the retry limit for users. The no command disables the
retry limit.
[no] users retry-count <1..99> Sets the number of failed login attempts a user can have before the
account or IP address is locked out for lockout-period minutes. The
no command sets the retry-count to five.
[no] users lockout-period <1..65535> Sets the amount of time, in minutes, a user or IP address is locked
out after retry-count number of failed login attempts. The no
command sets the lockout period to thirty minutes.
show users simultaneous-logon-settings Displays the current settings for simultaneous logins by users.
[no] users simultaneous-logon {administration
| access} enforce Enables the limit on the number of simultaneous logins by users of
the specified account-type. The no command disables the limit, or
allows an unlimited number of simultaneous logins.
[no] users simultaneous-logon {administration
| access} limit <1..1024> Sets the limit for the number of simultaneous logins by users of the
specified account-type. The no command sets the limit to one.
show users update-lease-settings Displays whether or not access users can automatically renew their
lease time.
[no] users update-lease automation Lets users automatically renew their lease time. The no command
prevents them from automatically renewing it.
show users idle-detection-settings Displays whether or not users are automatically logged out, and, if
so, how many minutes of idle time must pass before they are
logged out.
[no] users idle-detection Enables logging users out after a specified number of minutes of
idle time. The no command disables logging them out.
[no] users idle-detection timeout <1..60> Sets the number of minutes of idle time before users are
automatically logged out. The no command sets the idle-detection
timeout to three minutes.
Table 135 username/groupname Commands Summary: Settings (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show users simultaneous-logon-settings
enable simultaneous logon limitation for administration account: yes
maximum simultaneous logon per administration account : 1
enable simultaneous logon limitation for access account : yes
maximum simultaneous logon per access account : 3
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 233
26.2.4 Force User Authentication Commands
This table lists the commands for forcing user authentication.
Table 136 username/groupname Commands Summary: Forcing User Authentication
[no] force-auth activate Enables force user authentication that force users to log in to the ZyWALL
before the ZyWALL routes traffic for them. The no command means the
user authentication is not required.
force-auth default-rule authentication
{required | unnecessary} {no log | log
Sets the default authentication policy that the ZyWALL uses on traffic that
does not match any exceptional service or other authentication policy.
required: Users need to be authenticated. They must manually go to the
ZyWALL’s login screen. The ZyWALL will not redirect them to the login
unnecessary: Users do not need to be authenticated.
no log | log [alert]: Select whether to have the ZyWALL generate a log
(log), log and alert (log alert) or not (no log) for packets that match
this default policy.
force-auth [no] exceptional-service
service_name Sets a service which you want users to be able to access without user
authentication. The no command removes the specified service from the
exceptional list.
force-auth policy <1..1024> Creates the specified condition for forcing user authentication, if necessary,
and enters sub-command mode. The conditions are checked in sequence,
starting at 1. See Table 137 on page 234 for the sub-commands.
force-auth policy append Creates a new condition for forcing user authentication at the end of the
current list and enters sub-command mode. See Table 137 on page 234 for
the sub-commands.
force-auth policy insert <1..1024> Creates a new condition for forcing user authentication at the specified
location, renumbers the other conditions accordingly, and enters sub-
command mode. See Table 137 on page 234 for the sub-commands.
force-auth policy delete <1..1024> Deletes the specified condition.
To modify a condition, you can insert a new condition (N) and then delete
the one (N+1) that you want to modify.
force-auth policy flush Deletes every condition.
force-auth policy move <1..1024> to
<1..1024> Moves the specified condition to the specified location and renumbers the
other conditions accordingly.
show force-auth activation Displays whether forcing user authentication is enabled or not.
show force-auth exceptional-service Displays services that users can access without user authentication.
show force-auth policy {<1..1024> |
all} Displays details about the policies for forcing user authentication.
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
234 force-auth Sub-commands
The following table describes the sub-commands for several force-auth policy commands. Note that
not all rule commands use all the sub-commands listed here. Force Authentication Policy Insert Command Example
The following commands show how to insert a force authentication policy at position 1 of the
checking order. This policy applies endpoint security policies and uses the following settings:
•Activate: yes
Table 137 force-auth policy Sub-commands
[no] activate Activates the specified condition. The no command deactivates the
specified condition.
[no] authentication {force |
required} Select the authentication requirement for users when their traffic matches
this policy. The no command means user authentication is not required.
force: Users need to be authenticated and the ZyWALL automatically
display the login screen when users who have not logged in yet try to send
HTTP traffic.
required: Users need to be authenticated. They must manually go to the
login screen. The ZyWALL will not redirect them to the login screen.
[no] description description Sets the description for the specified condition. The no command clears the
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] destination {address_object |
group_name}Sets the destination criteria for the specified condition. The no command
removes the destination criteria, making the condition effective for all
[no] eps <1..8> eps_object_name Associates the specified End Point Security (EPS) object with the specified
condition. The ZyWALL checks authenticated users’ computers against the
condition’s endpoint security objects in the order of 1 to 8. You have to
configure order 1 and then the others if any. The no command removes the
specified EPS object’s association with the condition.
To apply EPS for this condition, you have to also make sure you enable EPS
and set authentication to either required or force for this condition.
[no] eps activate Enables EPS for the specified condition. The no command means to disable
EPS for the condition.
eps insert <1..8> eps_object_name Inserts the specified EPS object for the condition. The number determines
the order that this EPS rule is executed in the condition.
eps move <1..8> to <1..8> Changes an endpoint object’s position in the execution order of the
[no] eps periodical-check
<1..1440> Sets a number of minutes the ZyWALL has to repeat the endpoint security
check. The no command means that the ZyWALL only perform the
endpoint security check when users log in to the ZyWALL.
[no] force Forces users to log in to the ZyWALL if the specified condition is satisfied.
The no command means that users do not log in to the ZyWALL.
[no] schedule schedule_name Sets the time criteria for the specified condition. The no command removes
the time criteria, making the condition effective all the time.
[no] source {address_object |
group_name}Sets the source criteria for the specified condition. The no command
removes the source criteria, making the condition effective for all sources.
show Displays information about the specified condition.
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 235
• Description: EPS-on-LAN
• Source: use address object “LAN1_SUBNET”
• Destination: use address object “DMZ_Servers”
• User Authentication: required
• Schedule: no specified
• Endpoint security: Activate
• endpoint security object: use “EPS-WinXP” and “EPS-WinVista” for the first and second checking
EPS objects
26.2.5 Additional User Commands
This table lists additional commands for users.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# force-auth policy insert 1
Router(config-force-auth-1)# activate
Router(config-force-auth-1)# description EPS-on-LAN
Router(config-force-auth-1)# source LAN1_SUBNET
Router(config-force-auth-1)# destination DMZ_Servers
Router(config-force-auth-1)# authentication force
Router(config-force-auth-1)# no schedule
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps activate
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps 1 EPS-WinXP
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps 2 EPS-WinVista
Router(config-force-auth-1)# exit
Table 138 username/groupname Commands Summary: Additional
show users {username | all | current} Displays information about the users logged onto the system.
show lockout-users Displays users who are currently locked out.
unlock lockout-users {ip | console| ipv6_addr}Unlocks the specified IP address.
users force-logout username | ip | ipv6_addr Logs out the specified login.
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
236 Additional User Command Examples
The following commands display the users that are currently logged in to the ZyWALL and forces
the logout of all logins from a specific IP address.
The following commands display the users that are currently locked out and then unlocks the user
who is displayed.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show users all
No: 0
Name: admin
Type: admin
From: console
Service: console
Session_Time: 25:46:00
Idle_Time: unlimited
Lease_Timeout: unlimited
Re_Auth_Timeout: unlimited
User_Info: admin
No: 1
Name: admin
Type: admin
Service: http/https
Session_Time: 00:02:26
Idle_Time: unlimited
Lease_Timeout: unlimited
Re_Auth_Timeout: unlimited
User_Info: admin
Router(config)# users force-logout
Logout user 'admin'(from ): OK
Total 1 user has been forced logout
Router(config)# show users all
No: 0
Name: admin
Type: admin
From: console
Service: console
Session_Time: 25:48:33
Idle_Time: unlimited
Lease_Timeout: unlimited
Re_Auth_Timeout: unlimited
User_Info: admin
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show lockout-users
No. Username Tried From Lockout Time Remaining
No. From Failed Login Attempt Record Expired Timer
===========================================================================1 2 46
Router(config)# unlock lockout-users
User from is unlocked
Router(config)# show lockout-users
No. Username Tried From Lockout Time Remaining
No. From Failed Login Attempt Record Expired Timer
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 237
This chapter describes how to set up addresses and address groups for the ZyWALL.
27.1 Address Overview
Address objects can represent a single IP address or a range of IP addresses. Address groups are
composed of address objects and other address groups.
You can create IP address objects based on an interface’s IP address, subnet, or gateway. The
ZyWALL automatically updates these objects whenever the interface’s IP address settings change.
This way every rule or setting that uses the object uses the updated IP address settings. For
example, if you change the LAN1 interface’s IP address, the ZyWALL automatically updates the
corresponding interface-based, LAN1 subnet address object. So any configuration that uses the
LAN1 subnet address object is also updated.
Address objects and address groups are used in dynamic routes, firewall rules, application patrol,
content filtering, and VPN connection policies. For example, addresses are used to specify where
content restrictions apply in content filtering. Please see the respective sections for more
information about how address objects and address groups are used in each one.
Address groups are composed of address objects and address groups. The sequence of members in
the address group is not important.
27.2 Address Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many address object and address group
commands. Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 139 Input Values for Address Commands
object_name The name of the address. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
group_name The name of the address group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
interface_name The name of the interface. This depends on the ZyWALL model.
For the USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 ~ N, where N equals the highest numbered
Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
For the ZyWALL USG 200 and below, use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-wlan,
or dmz.
Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following sections list the address object and address group commands.
27.2.1 Address Object Commands
This table lists the commands for address objects.
Table 140 address-object and address6-object Commands
show {address-object | address6-object |
service-object | schedule-object}
Displays information about the specified object or all the objects of
the specified type.
address-object object_name {ip | ip_range |
ip_subnet | interface-ip | interface-subnet |
interface-gateway} {interface}
Creates the specified IPv4 address object using the specified
ip_range: <1..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>.<1..255>-
ip_subnet: <1..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>/<1..32>
interface: Specify an interface when you create an object based
on an interface.
no address-object object_name Deletes the specified address object.
address-object rename object_name object_name Renames the specified address (first object_name) to the second
[no] address6-object object_name
{ipv6_address | ipv6_range | ipv6_subnet}Creates the specified IPv6 address object using the specified
parameters. The no command removes the specified address object.
ipv6_address: IPv6 address
ipv6_range: IPv6 address range. For example: fe80:1234::1-
ipv6_subnet: IPv6 prefix format. For example:
[no] address6-object object_name interface-ip
interface {dhcpv6 | link-local | slaac |
static} {addr_index}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface object. Specify whether it is a DHCPv6 server, link-local IP
address, StateLess Address Auto Configuration IP address (slaac),
or static IPv6 address. The no command removes the specified
address object.
[no] address6-object object_name interface-
subnet interface {dhcpv6 | slaac | static}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface subnet object. Specify whether it is a DHCPv6 server,
SLAAC, or static IPv6 address. The no command removes the
specified address object.
[no]adderss6-object object_name interface-
gateway interface { slaac | static}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface gateway object. Specify whether it is a SLAAC or static
IPv6 address. The no command removes the specified address
Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 239 Address Object Command Examples
The following example creates three IPv4 address objects and then deletes one.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# address-object A0
Router(config)# address-object A1
Router(config)# address-object A2
Router(config)# show address-object
Object name Type Address Ref.
Router(config)# no address-object A2
Router(config)# show address-object
Object name Type Address Ref.
Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following example creates host, range, subnet, and link local IPv6 address objects and then
deletes the subnet IPv6 address object.
27.2.2 Address Group Commands
This table lists the commands for address groups.
> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# address6-object B0 fe80::211:85ff:fe0e:cdec
Router(config)# address6-object B1 fe80::211:85ff:fe0e:1-fe80::211:85ff:fe0e:ff
Router(config)# address6-object B2 fe80::211:85ff:fe0e:cdec/128
Router(config)# address6-object B3 interface-ip ge1 link-local
Router(config)# show address6-object
Object name Type Address Type Index
Note Ref.
ge1 0
Router(config)# no address6-object B2
Router(config)# show address6-object
Object name Type Address Type Index
Note Ref.
ge1 0
Table 141 object-group Commands: Address Groups
show object-group {address | address6}
[group_name]Displays information about the specified address group or about all
address groups.
[no] object-group address group_name Creates the specified address group if necessary and enters sub-
command mode. The no command deletes the specified address group.
[no] address-object object_name Adds the specified address to the specified address group. The no
command removes the specified address from the specified group.
[no] object-group group_name Adds the specified address group (second group_name) to the specified
address group (first group_name). The no command removes the
specified address group from the specified address group.
Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 241 Address Group Command Examples
The following commands create three address objects A0, A1, and A2 and add A1 and A2 to
address group RD.
[no] description description Sets the description to the specified value. The no command clears the
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
object-group address rename group_name
group_name Renames the specified address group from the first group_name to the
second group_name.
Table 141 object-group Commands: Address Groups (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# address-object A0
Router(config)# address-object A1
Router(config)# address-object A2
Router(config)# object-group address RD
Router(group-address)# address-object A1
Router(group-address)# address-object A2
Router(group-address)# exit
Router(config)# show object-group address
Group name Reference
RD 0
Router(config)# show object-group address RD
Object/Group name Type Reference
A1 Object 1
A2 Object 1
Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 243
Use service objects to define TCP applications, UDP applications, and ICMP messages. You can also
create service groups to refer to multiple service objects in other features.
28.1 Services Overview
See the appendices in the web configurator’s User Guide for a list of commonly-used services.
28.2 Services Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many service object and service group
commands. Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the service object and service group commands.
28.2.1 Service Object Commands
The first table lists the commands for service objects.
Table 142 Input Values for Service Commands
group_name The name of the service group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
object_name The name of the service. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Table 143 service-object Commands: Service Objects
show service-object [object_name]Displays information about the specified service or about all
the services.
no service-object object_name Deletes the specified service.
service-object object_name {tcp | udp} {eq
<1..65535> | range <1..65535> <1..65535>} Creates the specified TCP service or UDP service using the
specified parameters.
Chapter 28 Services
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
244 Service Object Command Examples
The following commands create four services, displays them, and then removes one of them.
28.2.2 Service Group Commands
The first table lists the commands for service groups.
service-object object_name icmp icmp_value Creates the specified ICMP message using the specified
icmp_value: <0..255> | alternate-address | conversion-error |
echo | echo-reply | information-reply | information-request |
mask-reply | mask-request | mobile-redirect | parameter-
problem | redirect | router-advertisement | router-solicitation |
source-quench | time-exceeded | timestamp-reply |
timestamp-request | unreachable
service-object object_name protocol <1..255> Creates the specified user-defined service using the specified
service-object rename object_name object_name Renames the specified service from the first object_name to
the second object_name.
service-object object_name icmpv6 {<0..255> |
neighbor-solicitation | router-advertisement |
echo | packet-toobig | router-solicitation |
echo-reply | parameter-problem | time-exceeded |
neighbor-advertisement | redirect | unreachable}
Creates the specified ICMPv6 message using the specified
Table 143 service-object Commands: Service Objects (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# service-object TELNET tcp eq 23
Router(config)# service-object FTP tcp range 20 21
Router(config)# service-object ICMP_ECHO icmp echo
Router(config)# service-object MULTICAST protocol 2
Router(config)# show service-object
Object name Protocol Minmum port Maxmum port Ref.
TCP 23 23 0
FTP TCP 20 21 0
Router(config)# no service-object ICMP_ECHO
Router(config)# show service-object
Object name Protocol Minmum port Maxmum port Ref.
TCP 23 23 0
FTP TCP 20 21 0
Table 144 object-group Commands: Service Groups
show object-group service group_name Displays information about the specified service group.
[no] object-group service group_name Creates the specified service group if necessary and enters sub-command
mode. The no command removes the specified service group.
[no] service-object object_name Adds the specified service to the specified service group. The no command
removes the specified service from the specified group.
Chapter 28 Services
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 245 Service Group Command Examples
The following commands create service ICMP_ECHO, create service group SG1, and add
[no] object-group group_name Adds the specified service group (second group_name) to the specified
service group (first group_name). The no command removes the specified
service group from the specified service group.
[no] description description Sets the description to the specified value. The no command removes the
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
object-group service rename group_name
group_name Renames the specified service group from the first group_name to the
second group_name.
Table 144 object-group Commands: Service Groups (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# service-object ICMP_ECHO icmp echo
Router(config)# object-group service SG1
Router(group-service)# service-object ICMP_ECHO
Router(group-service)# exit
Router(config)# show service-object ICMP_ECHO
Object name Protocol Minmum port Maxmum port Ref.
Router(config)# show object-group service SG1
Object/Group name Type Reference
ICMP_ECHO Object 1
Chapter 28 Services
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 247
Use schedules to set up one-time and recurring schedules for policy routes, firewall rules,
application patrol, and content filtering.
29.1 Schedule Overview
The ZyWALL supports two types of schedules: one-time and recurring. One-time schedules are
effective only once, while recurring schedules usually repeat.
Note: Schedules are based on the current date and time in the ZyWALL.
One-time schedules begin on a specific start date and time and end on a specific stop date and
time. One-time schedules are useful for long holidays and vacation periods.
Recurring schedules begin at a specific start time and end at a specific stop time on selected days of
the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). Recurring
schedules always begin and end in the same day. Recurring schedules are useful for defining the
workday and off-work hours.
29.2 Schedule Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many schedule commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table lists the schedule commands.
Table 145 Input Values for Schedule Commands
object_name The name of the schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
time 24-hour time, hours and minutes; <0..23>:<0..59>.
Table 146 schedule Commands
show schedule-object Displays information about the schedules in the ZyWALL.
no schedule-object object_name Deletes the schedule object.
Chapter 29 Schedules
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
29.2.1 Schedule Command Examples
The following commands create recurring schedule SCHEDULE1 and one-time schedule SCHEDULE2
and then delete SCHEDULE1.
schedule-object object_name date time date
time Creates or updates a one-time schedule.
date: yyyy-mm-dd date format; yyyy-<01..12>-<01..31>
schedule-object object_name time time
[day] [day] [day] [day] [day] [day] [day]Creates or updates a recurring schedule.
day: 3-character day of the week; sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat
Table 146 schedule Commands (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# schedule-object SCHEDULE1 11:00 12:00 mon tue wed thu fri
Router(config)# schedule-object SCHEDULE2 2006-07-29 11:00 2006-07-31 12:00
Router(config)# show schedule-object
Object name Type Start/End Ref.
SCHEDULE1 Recurring 11:00/12:00 ===MonTueWedThuFri=== 0
SCHEDULE2 Once 2006-07-29 11:00/2006-07-31 12:00 0
Router(config)# no schedule-object SCHEDULE1
Router(config)# show schedule-object
Object name Type Start/End Ref.
SCHEDULE2 Once 2006-07-29 11:00/2006-07-31 12:00 0
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 249
AAA Server
This chapter introduces and shows you how to configure the ZyWALL to use external authentication
30.1 AAA Server Overview
You can use an AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) server to provide access control to
your network.
The following lists the types of authentication server the ZyWALL supports.
•Local user database
The ZyWALL uses the built-in local user database to authenticate administrative users logging
into the ZyWALL’s web configurator or network access users logging into the network through the
ZyWALL. You can also use the local user database to authenticate VPN users.
• Directory Service (LDAP/AD)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)/AD (Active Directory) is a directory service that is
both a directory and a protocol for controlling access to a network. The directory consists of a
database specialized for fast information retrieval and filtering activities. You create and store
user profile and login information on the external server.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is a popular protocol used
to authenticate users by means of an external or built-in RADIUS server. RADIUS authentication
allows you to validate a large number of users from a central location.
30.2 Authentication Server Command Summary
This section describes the commands for authentication server settings.
30.2.1 ad-server Commands
The following table lists the ad-server commands you use to set the default AD server.
Table 147 ad-server Commands
show ad-server Displays the default AD server settings.
[no] ad-server basedn basedn Sets a base distinguished name (DN) for the default AD server. A base DN identifies
an AD directory. The no command clears this setting.
Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
30.2.2 ldap-server Commands
The following table lists the ldap-server commands you use to set the default LDAP server.
[no] ad-server binddn binddn Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the default AD server. The no
command clears this setting.
[no] ad-server cn-identifier uid Sets the unique common name (cn) to identify a record. The no command clears
this setting.
[no] ad-server host ad_server Sets the AD server address. Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or
the domain name. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ad-server password password Sets the bind password. This password will be encrypted when you use the show
ad-server command to display. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ad-server password-
encrypted password Sets the encrypted password (less than 32 alphanumerical characters) in order to
hide the real password from people behind you when you are configuring AD server
password. This password is displayed as what you typed when you use the show
ad-server command.
[no] ad-server port port_no Sets the AD port number. Enter a number between 1 and 65535. The default is
389. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ad-server search-time-limit
time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and 300.
The no command clears this setting.
[no] ad-server ssl Enables the ZyWALL to establish a secure connection to the AD server. The no
command disables this feature.
Table 147 ad-server Commands (continued)
Table 148 ldap-server Commands
show ldap-server Displays current LDAP server settings.
[no] ldap-server basedn basedn Sets a base distinguished name (DN) for the default LDAP server. A base DN
identifies an LDAP directory. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server binddn binddn Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the default LDAP server.
The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server cn-identifier uid Sets the unique common name (cn) to identify a record.
The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server host ldap_server Sets the LDAP server address. Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal
notation) or the domain name. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server password password Sets the bind password. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server password-encrypted
password Sets an encrypted bind password. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server port port_no Sets the LDAP port number. Enter a number between 1 and 65535. The default
is 389. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server search-time-limit
time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The no command clears this setting.
[no] ldap-server ssl Enables the ZyWALL to establish a secure connection to the LDAP server. The
no command disables this feature.
Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 251
30.2.3 radius-server Commands
The following table lists the radius-server commands you use to set the default RADIUS server.
30.2.4 radius-server Command Example
The following example sets the secret key and timeout period of the default RADIUS server
( to “87643210” and 80 seconds.
30.2.5 aaa group server ad Commands
The following table lists the aaa group server ad commands you use to configure a group of
AD servers.
Table 149 radius-server Commands
show radius-server Displays the default RADIUS server settings.
[no] radius-server host
radius_server auth-port auth_port Sets the RADIUS server address and service port number. Enter the IP address
(in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of a RADIUS server. The no
command clears the settings.
[no] radius-server key secret Sets a password (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared
between the RADIUS server and the ZyWALL. The no command clears this
[no] radius-server timeout time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The no command clears this setting.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1812
Router(config)# radius-server key 876543210
Router(config)# radius-server timeout 80
Router(config)# show radius-server
host :
authentication port: 1812
key : 876543210
timeout : 80
Table 150 aaa group server ad Commands
clear aaa group server ad [group-name]Deletes all AD server groups or the specified AD server group.
Note: You can NOT delete a server group that is currently in use.
show aaa group server ad group-name Displays the specified AD server group settings.
[no] aaa group server ad group-name Sets a descriptive name for an AD server group. Use this command to enter
the sub-command mode.
The no command deletes the specified server group.
aaa group server ad rename group-name
group-name Changes the descriptive name for an AD server group.
aaa group server ad group-name Enter the sub-command mode to configure an AD server group.
[no] case-sensitive Specify whether or not the server checks the username case. Set this to be
the same as the server’s behavior.
Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
30.2.6 aaa group server ldap Commands
The following table lists the aaa group server ldap commands you use to configure a group of
LDAP servers.
[no] server alternative-cn-
identifier uid Sets the second type of identifier that the users can use to log in if any. For
example “name” or “e-mail address”. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server basedn basedn Sets the base DN to point to the AD directory on the AD server group. The
no command clears this setting.
[no] server binddn binddn Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the AD server group. The no
command clears this setting.
[no] server cn-identifier uid Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the AD server group. The no
command clears this setting.
[no] server description
description Sets the descriptive information for the AD server group. You can use up to
60 printable ASCII characters. The no command clears the setting.
[no] server group-attribute
group-attribute Sets the name of the attribute that the ZyWALL is to check to determine to
which group a user belongs. The value for this attribute is called a group
identifier; it determines to which group a user belongs. You can add ext-
group-user user objects to identify groups based on these group identifier
For example you could have an attribute named “memberOf” with values
like “sales”, “RD”, and “management”. Then you could also create an ext-
group-user user object for each group. One with “sales” as the group
identifier, another for “RD” and a third for “management”. The no command
clears the setting.
[no] server host ad_server Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of an
AD server to add to this group. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server password password Sets the bind password (up to 15 alphanumerical characters). The no
command clears this setting.
[no] server port port_no Sets the AD port number. Enter a number between 1 and 65535. The default
is 389. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server search-time-limit
time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The no command clears this setting and set this to the default setting
of 5 seconds.
[no] server ssl Enables the ZyWALL to establish a secure connection to the AD server. The
no command disables this feature.
Table 150 aaa group server ad Commands (continued)
Table 151 aaa group server ldap Commands
clear aaa group server ldap [group-
name]Deletes all LDAP server groups or the specified LDAP server group.
Note: You can NOT delete a server group that is currently in use.
show aaa group server ldap group-name Displays the specified LDAP server group settings.
[no] aaa group server ldap group-name Sets a descriptive name for an LDAP server group. Use this command to
enter the sub-command mode.
The no command deletes the specified server group.
aaa group server ldap rename group-
name group-name Changes the descriptive name for an LDAP server group.
aaa group server ldap group-name Enter the sub-command mode.
Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 253
30.2.7 aaa group server radius Commands
The following table lists the aaa group server radius commands you use to configure a group
of RADIUS servers.
[no] case-sensitive Specify whether or not the server checks the username case. Set this to be
the same as the server’s behavior.
[no] server alternative-cn-
identifier uid Sets the second type of identifier that the users can use to log in if any. For
example “name” or “e-mail address”. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server basedn basedn Sets the base DN to point to the LDAP directory on the LDAP server group.
The no command clears this setting.
[no] server binddn binddn Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the LDAP server group. The
no command clears this setting.
[no] server cn-identifier uid Sets the user name the ZyWALL uses to log into the LDAP server group. The
no command clears this setting.
[no] server description
description Sets the descriptive information for the LDAP server group. You can use up
to 60 printable ASCII characters. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server group-attribute
group-attribute Sets the name of the attribute that the ZyWALL is to check to determine to
which group a user belongs. The value for this attribute is called a group
identifier; it determines to which group a user belongs. You can add ext-
group-user user objects to identify groups based on these group identifier
For example you could have an attribute named “memberOf” with values
like “sales”, “RD”, and “management”. Then you could also create an ext-
group-user user object for each group. One with “sales” as the group
identifier, another for “RD” and a third for “management”. The no command
clears the setting.
[no] server host ldap_server Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of an
LDAP server to add to this group. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server password password Sets the bind password (up to 15 characters). The no command clears this
[no] server port port_no Sets the LDAP port number. Enter a number between 1 and 65535. The
default is 389. The no command clears this setting.
[no] server search-time-limit
time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The no command clears this setting and set this to the default setting
of 5 seconds.
[no] server ssl Enables the ZyWALL to establish a secure connection to the LDAP server.
The no command disables this feature.
Table 151 aaa group server ldap Commands (continued)
Table 152 aaa group server radius Commands
clear aaa group server radius group-
name Deletes all RADIUS server groups or the specified RADIUS server group.
Note: You can NOT delete a server group that is currently in use.
show aaa group server radius group-
name Displays the specified RADIUS server group settings.
[no] aaa group server radius group-
name Sets a descriptive name for the RADIUS server group. The no command
deletes the specified server group.
aaa group server radius rename {group-
name-old} group-name-new Sets the server group name.
Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
30.2.8 aaa group server Command Example
The following example creates a RADIUS server group with two members and sets the secret key to
“12345678” and the timeout to 100 seconds. Then this example also shows how to view the
RADIUS group settings.
aaa group server radius group-name Enter the sub-command mode.
[no] case-sensitive Specify whether or not the server checks the username case. Set this to be
the same as the server’s behavior.
[no] server description
description Sets the descriptive information for the RADIUS server group. You can use
up to 60 printable ASCII characters. The no command clears the setting.
[no] server group-attribute <1-
255> Sets the value of an attribute that the ZyWALL is used to determine to which
group a user belongs.
This attribute’s value is called a group identifier. You can add ext-group-
user user objects to identify groups based on different group identifier
For example, you could configure attributes 1,10 and 100 and create a ext-
group-user user object for each of them. The no command clears the
[no] server host radius_server Enter the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of a
RADIUS server to add to this server group. The no command clears this
[no] server key secret Sets a password (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared
between the RADIUS server(s) and the ZyWALL. The no command clears
this setting.
[no] server timeout time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The no command clears this setting and set this to the default setting
of 5 seconds.
Table 152 aaa group server radius Commands (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# aaa group server radius RADIUSGroup1
Router(group-server-radius)# server host auth-port 1812
Router(group-server-radius)# server host auth-port 1812
Router(group-server-radius)# server key 12345678
Router(group-server-radius)# server timeout 100
Router(group-server-radius)# exit
Router(config)# show aaa group server radius RADIUSGroup1
key : 12345678
timeout : 100
description :
group attribute : 11
No. Host Member Auth. Port
1 1812
2 1812
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 255
Authentication Objects
This chapter shows you how to select different authentication methods for user authentication using
the AAA servers or the internal user database.
31.1 Authentication Objects Overview
After you have created the AAA server objects, you can specify the authentication objects
(containing the AAA server information) that the ZyWALL uses to authenticate users (using VPN or
managing through HTTP/HTTPS).
31.2 aaa authentication Commands
The following table lists the aaa authentication commands you use to configure an
authentication profile.
Table 153 aaa authentication Commands
aaa authentication rename
profile-name-old profile-name-
Changes the profile name.
profile-name: You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
clear aaa authentication
profile-name Deletes all authentication profiles or the specified authentication profile.
Note: You can NOT delete a profile that is currently in use.
show aaa authentication {group-
name|default} Displays the specified authentication server profile settings.
[no] aaa authentication
profile-name Sets a descriptive name for the authentication profile. The no command deletes a
[no] aaa authentication default
member1 [member2] [member3]
Sets the default profile to use the authentication method(s) in the order specified.
member = group ad, group ldap, group radius, or local.
Note: You must specify at least one member for each profile. Each type of member
can only be used once in a profile.
The no command clears the specified authentication method(s) for the profile.
Chapter 31 Authentication Objects
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
31.2.1 aaa authentication Command Example
The following example creates an authentication profile to authentication users using the LDAP
server group and then the local user database.
31.3 test aaa Command
The following table lists the test aaa command you use to teat a user account on an
authentication server.
31.3.1 Test a User Account Command Example
The following example shows how to test whether a user account named userABC exists on the AD
authentication server which uses the following settings:
• IP address:
•Port: 389
• Base-dn: DC=ZyXEL,DC=com
[no] aaa authentication
profile-name member1 [member2]
[member3] [member4]
Sets the profile to use the authentication method(s) in the order specified.
member = group ad, group ldap, group radius, or local.
Note: You must specify at least one member for each profile. Each type of member
can only be used once in a profile.
The no command clears the specified authentication method(s) for the profile.
aaa authentication [no] match-
default-group Enable this to treat a user successfully authenticated by a remote auth server as a
defat-ext-user. If the remote authentication server is LDAP, the default-ext-user
account is an ldap-user. If the remote authentication server is AD, the default-ext-
user account is an ad-user. If the remote authentication server is RADIUS, the
default-ext-user account is a radius-user.
Table 153 aaa authentication Commands (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# aaa authentication LDAPuser group ldap local
Router(config)# show aaa authentication LDAPuser
No. Method
0 ldap
1 local
Table 154 test aaa Command
test aaa {server|secure-server} {ad|ldap} host
{hostname|ipv4-address} [host {hostname|ipv4-
address}] port <1..65535> base-dn base-dn-string
[bind-dn bind-dn-string password password] login-
name-attribute attribute [alternative-login-name-
attribute attribute] account account-name
Tests whether a user account exists on the specified
authentication server.
Chapter 31 Authentication Objects
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 257
• Bind-dn: zyxel\engineerABC
• Password: abcdefg
• Login-name-attribute: sAMAccountName
The result shows the account exists on the AD server. Otherwise, the ZyWALL responds an error.
Router> test aaa server ad host port 389 base-dn DC=ZyXEL,DC=com bind-dn
zyxel\engineerABC password abcdefg login-name-attribute sAMAccountName account
dn:: Q049MTIzNzco546L5aOr56uRKSxPVT1XaXRoTWFpbCxEQz1aeVhFTCxEQz1jb20=
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn:: MTIzNzco546L5aOr56uRKQ==
sn: User
l: 2341100
Chapter 31 Authentication Objects
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 259
This chapter explains how to use the Certificates.
32.1 Certificates Overview
The ZyWALL can use certificates (also called digital IDs) to authenticate users. Certificates are
based on public-private key pairs. A certificate contains the certificate owner’s identity and public
key. Certificates provide a way to exchange public keys for use in authentication.
A Certification Authority (CA) issues certificates and guarantees the identity of each certificate
owner. There are commercial certification authorities like CyberTrust or VeriSign and government
certification authorities. You can use the ZyWALL to generate certification requests that contain
identifying information and public keys and then send the certification requests to a certification
32.2 Certificate Commands
This section describes the commands for configuring certificates.
32.3 Certificates Commands Input Values
The following table explains the values you can input with the certificate commands.
Table 155 Certificates Commands Input Values
certificate_name The name of a certificate. You can use up to 31 alphanumeric and
;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
cn_address A common name IP address identifies the certificate’s owner. Type the IP address in
dotted decimal notation.
cn_domain_name A common name domain name identifies the certificate’s owner. The domain name is
for identification purposes only and can be any string. The domain name can be up
to 255 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and periods.
cn_email A common name e-mail address identifies the certificate’s owner. The e-mail address
is for identification purposes only and can be any string. The e-mail address can be
up to 63 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen, the @
symbol, periods and the underscore.
organizational_unit Identify the organizational unit or department to which the certificate owner
belongs. You can use up to 31 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the
hyphen and the underscore.
Chapter 32 Certificates
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
32.4 Certificates Commands Summary
The following table lists the commands that you can use to display and manage the ZyWALL’s
summary list of certificates and certification requests. You can also create certificates or
certification requests. Use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode to
be able to use these commands.
organization Identify the company or group to which the certificate owner belongs. You can use
up to 31 characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the
country Identify the nation where the certificate owner is located. You can use up to 31
characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the hyphen and the underscore.
key_length Type a number to determine how many bits the key should use (512 to 2048). The
longer the key, the more secure it is. A longer key also uses more PKI storage space.
password When you have the ZyWALL enroll for a certificate immediately online, the
certification authority may want you to include a key (password) to identify your
certification request. Use up to 31 of the following characters. a-zA-Z0-
ca_name When you have the ZyWALL enroll for a certificate immediately online, you must
have the certification authority’s certificate already imported as a trusted certificate.
Specify the name of the certification authority’s certificate. It can be up to 31
alphanumeric and ;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
url When you have the ZyWALL enroll for a certificate immediately online, enter the IP
address (or URL) of the certification authority server. You can use up to 511 of the
following characters. a-zA-Z0-9'()+,/:.=?;!*#@$_%-
Table 155 Certificates Commands Input Values (continued)
Table 156 ca Commands Summary
ca enroll cmp name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn
cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn cn_email}
[ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country]
key-type {rsa|dsa} key-len key_length num
<0..99999999> password password ca ca_name url url;
Enrolls a certificate with a CA using Certificate
Management Protocol (CMP). The certification authority
may want you to include a reference number and key
(password) to identify your certification request.
ca enroll scep name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn
cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn cn_email}
[ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country]
key-type {rsa|dsa} key-len key_length password
password ca ca_name url url
Enrolls a certificate with a CA using Simple Certificate
Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). The certification authority
may want you to include a key (password) to identify your
certification request.
ca generate pkcs10 name certificate_name cn-type {ip
cn cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn
cn_email} [ou organizational_unit] [o organization]
[c country] key-type {rsa|dsa} key-len key_length
Generates a PKCS#10 certification request.
ca generate pkcs12 name name password password Generates a PKCS#12 certificate.
ca generate x509 name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn
cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn cn_email}
[ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country]
key-type {rsa|dsa} key-len key_length
Generates a self-signed x509 certificate.
ca rename category {local|remote} old_name new_name Renames a local (my certificates) or remote (trusted
certificates) certificate.
Chapter 32 Certificates
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 261
ca validation remote_certificate Enters the sub command mode for validation of
certificates signed by the specified remote (trusted)
cdp {activate|deactivate} Turns certificate revocation on or off. When it is turned on,
the ZyWALL validates a certificate by getting a Certificate
Revocation List (CRL) through HTTP or LDAP (can be
configured after activating the LDAP checking option) and
online responder (can be configured after activating the
OCSP checking option). You also need to configure the
OSCP or LDAP server details.
ldap {activate|deactivate} Has the ZyWALL check (or not check) incoming
certificates that are signed by this certificate against a
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) on a LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) directory server.
ldap ip {ip|fqdn} port <1..65535> [id name
password password] [deactivate] Sets the validation configuration for the specified remote
(trusted) certificate where the directory server uses LDAP.
ip: Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or
the domain name of the directory server. The domain
name can use alphanumeric characters, periods and
hyphens. Up to 255 characters.
port: Specify the LDAP server port number. You must use
the same server port number that the directory server
uses. 389 is the default server port number for LDAP.
The ZyWALL may need to authenticate itself in order to
access the CRL directory server. Type the login name (up
to 31 characters) from the entity maintaining the server
(usually a certification authority). You can use
alphanumeric characters, the underscore and the dash.
Type the password (up to 31 characters) from the entity
maintaining the CRL directory server (usually a
certification authority). You can use the following
characters: a-zA-Z0-9;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-
ocsp {activate|deactivate} Has the ZyWALL check (or not check) incoming
certificates that are signed by this certificate against a
directory server that uses OCSP (Online Certificate Status
ocsp url url [id name password password]
[deactivate] Sets the validation configuration for the specified remote
(trusted) certificate where the directory server uses OCSP.
url: Type the protocol, IP address and pathname of the
OCSP server.
name: The ZyWALL may need to authenticate itself in
order to access the OCSP server. Type the login name (up
to 31 characters) from the entity maintaining the server
(usually a certification authority). You can use
alphanumeric characters, the underscore and the dash.
password: Type the password (up to 31 characters) from
the entity maintaining the OCSP server (usually a
certification authority). You can use the following
characters: a-zA-Z0-9;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-
no ca category {local|remote} certificate_name Deletes the specified local (my certificates) or remote
(trusted certificates) certificate.
no ca validation name Removes the validation configuration for the specified
remote (trusted) certificate.
Table 156 ca Commands Summary (continued)
Chapter 32 Certificates
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
show ca category {local|remote} name certificate_name
certpath Displays the certification path of the specified local (my
certificates) or remote (trusted certificates) certificate.
show ca category {local|remote} [name
certificate_name format {text|pem}] Displays a summary of the certificates in the specified
category (local for my certificates or remote for trusted
certificates) or the details of a specified certificate.
show ca validation name name Displays the validation configuration for the specified
remote (trusted) certificate.
show ca spaceusage Displays the storage space in use by certificates.
Table 156 ca Commands Summary (continued)
Chapter 32 Certificates
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 263
32.5 Certificates Commands Examples
The following example creates a self-signed X.509 certificate with IP address as the
common name. It uses the RSA key type with a 512 bit key. Then it displays the list of local
certificates. Finally it deletes the pkcs12request certification request.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ca generate x509 name test_x509 cn-type ip cn key-type rsa
key-len 512
Router(config)# show ca category local
certificate: default
type: SELF
subject: CN=ZyWALL-1050_Factory_Default_Certificate
issuer: CN=ZyWALL-1050_Factory_Default_Certificate
status: VALID
ID: ZyWALL-1050_Factory_Default_Certificate
type: EMAIL
valid from: 2003-01-01 00:38:30
valid to: 2022-12-27 00:38:30
certificate: test
type: REQ
subject: CN=
issuer: none
status: VALID
type: IP
valid from: none
valid to: none
certificate: pkcs12request
type: REQ
subject: CN=
issuer: none
status: VALID
type: IP
valid from: none
valid to: none
certificate: test_x509
type: SELF
subject: CN=
issuer: CN=
status: VALID
type: IP
valid from: 2006-05-29 10:26:08
valid to: 2009-05-28 10:26:08
Router(config)# no ca category local pkcs12request
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 264
ISP Accounts
Use ISP accounts to manage Internet Service Provider (ISP) account information for PPPoE, PPTP
and cellular interfaces.
33.1 ISP Accounts Overview
An ISP account is a profile of settings for Internet access using PPPoE, PPTP, or cellular.
33.1.1 PPPoE and PPTP Account Commands
The following table lists the PPPoE and PPTP ISP account commands.
Table 157 PPPoE and PPTP ISP Account Commands
show account [pppoe profile_name |
pptp profile_name]Displays information about the specified account(s).
[no] account {pppoe | pptp}
profile_name Creates a new ISP account with name profile_name if necessary and enters
sub-command mode. The no command deletes the specified ISP account.
profile_name: use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-
[no] user username Sets the username for the specified ISP account. The no command clears
the username.
username: You can use alphanumeric, underscores (_), dashes (-), commas
(,), and /@$ characters, and it can be up to 64 characters long.
[no] password password Sets the password for the specified ISP account. The no command clears
the password.
password: You can use up to 63 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are not
[no] authentication {chap-pap |
chap | pap | mschap | mschap-v2} Sets the authentication for the specified ISP account. The no command sets
the authentication to chap-pap.
[no] compression {yes | no} Turns compression on or off for the specified ISP account. The no command
turns off compression.
[no] idle <0..360> Sets the idle timeout for the specified ISP account. The no command sets
the idle timeout to zero.
[no] service-name {ip | hostname
| service_name}Sets the service name for the specified PPPoE ISP account. The no
command clears the service name.
hostname: You may up to 63 alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), or
periods (.), but the first character cannot be a period.
service_name: You can use up to 63 alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), dashes (-), and @$./ characters.
Chapter 33 ISP Accounts
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 265
33.1.2 Cellular Account Commands
The following table lists the cellular ISP account commands.
[no] server ip Sets the PPTP server for the specified PPTP ISP account. The no command
clears the server name.
[no] encryption {nomppe | mppe-40
| mppe-128} Sets the encryption for the specified PPTP ISP account. The no command
sets the encryption to nomppe.
[no] connection-id connection_id Sets the connection ID for the specified PPTP ISP account. The no command
clears the connection ID.
connection_id: You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), dashes (-), and colons (:).
Table 157 PPPoE and PPTP ISP Account Commands (continued)
Table 158 Cellular Account Commands
show account cellular profile_name Displays information about the specified account.
[no] account cellular profile_name Creates a new cellular ISP account with name profile_name if necessary and
enters sub-command mode. The no command deletes the specified ISP
profile_name: the cellular ISP account name format is “cellularx” where “x” is
a number. For example, cellular1.
[no] apn access_point_name Sets the Access Point Name (APN) for the cellular ISP account. The no
command clears the APN.
access_point_name: Use up to 63 alphanumeric characters and underscores
(_), dashes (-), periods (.), and /@\$#.
[no] dial-string
isp_dial_string Sets the dial string for the specified ISP account. The no command clears the
username: Use up to 63 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_), dashes
(-), periods (.), and /@\$#.
[no] user username Sets the username for the specified ISP account. The no command clears the
username: Use up to 64 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_), dashes
(-), periods (.), and /@\$#.
[no] password password Sets the password for the specified ISP account. The no command clears the
password: Use up to 63 printable ASCII characters. Spaces are not allowed.
[no] authentication {none |
pap | chap} Sets the authentication for the cellular account. The no command sets the
authentication to none.
[no] idle <0..360> Sets the idle timeout for the cellular account. Zero disables the idle timeout. The
no command sets the idle timeout to zero.
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 266
SSL Application
This chapter describes how to configure SSL application objects for use in SSL VPN.
34.1 SSL Application Overview
Configure an SSL application object to specify a service and a corresponding IP address of the
server on the local network. You can apply one or more SSL application objects in the VPN > SSL
VPN screen for a user account/user group.
34.1.1 SSL Application Object Commands
This table lists the commands for creating SSL application objects. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 159 SSL Application Object Commands
show sslvpn application
[application_object]Displays SSL VPN application objects.
[no] sslvpn application
application_object Enters the sub-command mode to create an SSL VPN application object.
server-type {file-sharing | owa |
web-server} url URL [entry-point
Specify the type of service for this SSL application.
file-sharing: create a file share application for VPN SSL.
owa: (Outlook Web Access) to allow users to access e-mails, contacts,
calenders via an Microsoft Outlook-like interface using supported web
browsers. The ZyWALL supports one OWA object.
web-server: to allow access to the specified web site hosted on the local
url: Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the
application server. You must enter the “http://” or “https://” prefix. Remote
users are restricted to access only files in this directory. For example, if you
enter “\remote\” in this field, emote users can only access files in the
“remote” directory.
entry-point: optional. Specify the name of the directory or file on the local
server as the home page or home directory on the user screen.
Chapter 34 SSL Application
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 267
server-type file-sharing share-
path share-path Specifies the IP address, domain name or NetBIOS name (computer name)
of the file server and the name of the share to which you want to allow user
access. Enter the path in one of the following formats.
“\\<IP address>\<share name>”
“\\<domain name>\<share name>”
“\\<computer name>\<share name>”
For example, if you enter “\\my-server\Tmp”, this allows remote users to
access all files and/or folders in the “\Tmp” share on the “my-server”
server-type rdp server-address
server-address [starting-
port <1..65535> ending-port
<1..65535>] [program-path
Creates an SSL application object to allow users to manage LAN computers
that have Remote Desktop Protocol remote desktop server software
Specify the listening ports of the LAN computer(s) running remote desktop
server software. The ZyWALL uses a port number from this range to send
traffic to the LAN computer that is being remotely managed.
program-path: specify an application to open when a remote user logs into
the remote desktop application.
server-type vnc server-address
server-address [starting-
port <1..65535> ending-port
Creates an SSL application object to allow users to manage LAN computers
that have Virtual Network Computing remote desktop server software
Specify the listening ports of the LAN computer(s) running remote desktop
server software. The ZyWALL uses a port number from this range to send
traffic to the LAN computer that is being remotely managed.
server-type weblink url url Sets this to create a link to a web site you specified that you expect the SSL
VPN users to commonly use.
url: Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the
application server. You must enter the “http://” or “https://” prefix. For
example, SSL VPN users are restricted to access only
web pages or files in this directory. For example, if you enter “\remote\” in
this field, emote users can only access web pages or files in the “remote”
If a link contains a file that is not within this domain, then SSL VPN users
cannot access it.
no server-type Remove the type of service configuration for this SSL application.
[no] webpage-encrypt Turn on web encrypt to prevent users from saving the web content.
Table 159 SSL Application Object Commands
Chapter 34 SSL Application
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
34.1.2 SSL Application Command Examples
The following commands create and display a server-type SSL application object named ZW5 for a
web server at IP address
Router(config)# sslvpn application ZW5
Router(sslvpn application)# server-type web-server url
Router(sslvpn application)# exit
Router(config)# show sslvpn application
SSL Application: ZW5
Server Type: web-server
Entry Point:
Encrypted URL: ~aHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMS4xMi8=/
Web Page Encryption: yes
Reference: 1
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 269
Endpoint Security
This chapter describes how to configure endpoint security objects for use in authentication policy
and SSL VPN.
35.1 Endpoint Security Overview
Use Endpoint Security (EPS), also known as endpoint control, to make sure users’ computers
comply with defined corporate policies before they can access the network or an SSL VPN tunnel.
After a successful user authentication, a user’s computer must meet the endpoint security object’s
Operating System (OS) option and security requirements to gain access. You can configure the
endpoint security object to require a user’s computer to match just one of the endpoint security
object’s checking criteria or all of them. Configure endpoint security objects to use with the
authentication policy and SSL VPN features.
What Endpoint Security Can Check
The settings endpoint security can check vary depending on the OS of the user’s computer.
Depending on the OS, EPS can check user computers for the following:
• Operating System (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, or others)
• Windows version and service pack version
• Windows Auto Update setting and installed security patches
• Personal firewall installation and activation
• Anti-virus installation and activation
• Windows registry settings
• Processes that the endpoint must execute
• Processes that the endpoint cannot execute
• The size and version of specific files
Multiple Endpoint Security Objects
You can configure an authentication policy or SSL VPN policy to use multiple endpoint security
objects. This allows checking of computers with different OSs or security settings. When a client
attempts to log in, the ZyWALL checks the client’s computer against the endpoint security objects
one-by-one. The client’s computer must match one of the force authentication or SSL VPN policy’s
endpoint security policies in order to gain access.
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
User computers must have Sun’s Java (Java Runtime Environment or ‘JRE’) installed and enabled
with a minimum version of 1.4.
35.1.1 Endpoint Security Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many endpoint security object commands.
Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the endpoint security object commands.
35.1.2 Endpoint Security Object Commands
This table lists the commands for creating endpoint security objects. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 160 Input Values for Endpoint Security Commands
profile_name The name of the endpoint security object. You may use 1-31 characters (“0-9”, “a-z”, “A-
Z”, “-”, “_” with no spaces allowed).
file_path This is a file with the full directory path in quotation marks ““. For example, “C:\Program
Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”.
Table 161 Endpoint Security Object Commands
[no] eps failure-messages
failure_messages Specify a message to display when a user’s computer fails the endpoint security
check. Use up to 1023 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@=+$\.-_!*'()%,”). For example,
“Endpoint Security checking failed. Please contact your network administrator for
help.”. The no command removes the setting.
show eps failure-messages Displays the message to display when a user’s computer fails the endpoint security
[no] eps profile profile_name Enters the sub-command mode. The no command removes an endpoint security
[no] {anti-virus |
If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), you can
set whether or not the user’s computer is required to have anti-virus or personal
firewall software installed.
[no] anti-virus
{enable | disable |
Sets a permitted anti-virus software package. If you want to enter multiple anti-virus
software packages, use this command for each of them. Use the list signature
anti-virus command to view the available anti-virus software package options.
detect-auto-protection: Set this to enable if the specified anti-virus software is
not only detectable for the installation but also detectable for the activation status.
You can check the settings for each anti-virus software by using the show eps
signature anti-virus command.
The user’s computer must have one of the listed anti-virus software packages to pass
this checking item. For some anti-virus software the ZyWALL can also detect whether
or not the anti-virus software is activated; in those cases it must also be activated.
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 271
[no] personal-firewall
e_name detect-auto-
protection {enable |
disable | ignore}
Sets a permitted personal firewall. If you want to enter multiple personal firewalls,
use this command for each of them. Use the list signature personal-firewall
command to view the available personal firewall software package options.
detect-auto-protection: Set this to enable if the specified firewall software is not
only detectable for the installation but also detectable for the activation status. You
can check the settings for each firewall software by using the show eps signature
personal-firewall command.
The user’s computer must have one of the listed personal firewalls to pass this
checking item. For some personal firewalls the ZyWALL can also detect whether or
not the firewall is activated; in those cases it must also be activated.
[no] application
If you selected windows or linux as the operating system (using the os-type
command), you can use this command to set an application that a user’s computer is
not permitted to have running. If you want to enter multiple applications, use this
command for each of them.
The user’s computer must not have any of the forbidden applications running to pass
this checking item.
Include the filename extension for Linux operating systems.
[no] application trusted-
process process_name If you selected windows or linux as the operating system (using the os-type
command), you can use this command to set an application that a user’s computer
must be running.
The user’s computer must have all of the trusted applications running to pass this
checking item.
Include the filename extension for Linux operating systems.
[no] description
description Type a description for this endpoint security object. You can use alphanumeric and
()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters, and it can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] file-info file-path
file_path If you selected windows or linux as the operating system (using the os-type
command), you can use this command to check details of specific files on the user’s
The user’s computer must pass one of the file information checks to pass this
checking item.
[no] file-info file-path
file_path {eq | gt | lt |
ge | le | neq} file-size
Sets whether the size of the file on the user’s computer has to be equal to (eq),
greater than (gt), less than (lt), greater than or equal to (ge), less than or equal to
(le), or not equal to (neq) the size of the file specified.
[no] file-info file-path
file_path {eq | gt | lt |
ge | le | neq} file-
version file_version
Sets whether the version of the file on the user’s computer has to be equal to (eq),
greater than (gt), less than (lt), greater than or equal to (ge), less than or equal to
(le), or not equal to (neq) the version of the file specified.
[no] file-info file-path
file_path {eq | gt | lt |
ge | le | neq} file-size
<1..1073741824> {eq | gt |
lt | ge | le | neq} file-
version file_version
Sets whether the size and version of the file on the user’s computer has to be equal
to (eq), greater than (gt), less than (lt), greater than or equal to (ge), less than or
equal to (le), or not equal to (neq) the size and version of the file specified.
os-type {windows | linux |
mac-osx | others} Select the type of operating system the user’s computer must be using. Use the
windows-version command to configure the checking items according to the set
operating system. If you set this to mac-osx, there are no other checking items.
others allows access for computers not using Windows, Linux, or Mac OSX operating
systems. For example you create Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX endpoint security
objects to apply to your LAN users. An “others” policy allows access for LAN
computers using Solaris, HP, Android, or other operating systems.
Table 161 Endpoint Security Object Commands
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
windows-version {windows-
2000 | windows-xp |
windows-2003 | windows-
2008 | windows-vista |
windows-7 | windows-
If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), use this
command to set the version of Windows.
matching-criteria {any |
all} Select whether the user’s computer has to match just one of the endpoint security
object’s checking criteria or all of them.
list signature {anti-
virus | personal-firewall
| status}
Displays all the anti-virus software packages, personal firewall software packages or
EPS signature information respectively.
The status command displays the EPS signature version, release date and the total
number of software packages for which the ZyWALL’s endpoint security can check.
[no] windows-auto-update
{enable | disable |
If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), you can
use enable with this command if the user’s computer must have the Windows Auto
Update feature installed and activated; use disable if the Windows Auto Update
feature must be installed but deactivated; use ignore if the Windows Auto Update
feature must be installed but does not matter if it is activated or not.
The no command does not check the Windows Auto Update feature.
[no] windows-service-pack
<1..10> If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), you can
enter the minimum Windows service pack number the user’s computer must have
installed. The user’s computer must have this service pack or higher. For example, “2”
means service pack 2. The no command means to have the ZyWALL ignore the
Windows service pack number.
[no] windows-security-
patch security_patch If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), you can
use this command to set a Windows security patch that the user’s computer must
have installed. If you want to enter multiple security patches, use this command for
each of them.
The user’s computer must have all of the set Windows security patches installed to
pass the checking item.
[no] windows-registry
registry_key {eq | gt | lt
| ge | le | neq}
If you set windows as the operating system (using the os-type command), you can
use this command to set a Windows registry value to check on the user’s computer. If
you want to enter multiple registry values, use this command for each of them.
Set whether the value for the registry item in the user’s computer has to be equal to
(eq), greater than (gt), less than (lt), greater than or equal to (ge), less than or
equal to (le), or not equal to (neq) the value specified.
The user’s computer must pass all of the set Windows registry value checks to pass
the checking item.
show eps profile
[profile_name]Displays the settings of all or the specified endpoint security object.
show eps profile profile_name
signature {anti-virus |
Displays Anti-Virus or personal firewall signatures that have been added to the
specified endpoint security object.
show eps signature {anti-virus
| personal-firewall | status} Displays all the anti-virus software packages, personal firewall software packages or
EPS signature information respectively.
The status command displays the EPS signature version, release date and the total
number of software packages for which the ZyWALL’s endpoint security can check.
show eps warning-message
{windows-auto-update |
windows-security-patch | anti-
virus | personal-firewall |
windows-registry | process |
Shows the warning messages displayed when a network client’s computer fails an
EPS check.
Table 161 Endpoint Security Object Commands
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 273
35.1.3 Endpoint Security Object Command Example
Peter wants to create and display an endpoint security object named EPS-Example. Only the
computers that match the following criteria can access the company’s SSL VPN:
• Operating system: Windows XP
• Windows auto update: enabled
• Windows service pack: 2 or above
• Personal firewall: Windows firewall installed and enabled
• Anti-Virus: Kaspersky Anti-Virus v2011 installed and enabled
eps warning-message {windows-
auto-update | windows-
security-patch | anti-virus |
personal-firewall | windows-
registry | process | file-
Enters the sub-command mode for configuring the EPS warning message to show to
network clients whose computers fail the related EPS check.
[no] enable Enables or disables showing the related EPS warning message to network clients
whose computers fail the related EPS check.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] message
eps_warning_message Specify a warning message to display when a user’s computer fails the endpoint
security check. Use up to 1023 characters (0-9a-zA-Z;/?:@=+$\.-_!*'()%,”). For
example, “Endpoint Security anti-virus checking failed. Please contact your network
administrator for help.”. The no command removes the setting.
[no] eps rename profile_name
new_profile_name Changes an endpoint security object name.
Table 161 Endpoint Security Object Commands
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
However, he needs to check the Anti-Virus software name defined on the ZyWALL. The following
example shows how to check all available Anti-Virus software packages for which the ZyWALL’s
endpoint security can check. Copy and paste the name of the output item 17 for the setting later.
Then he also needs to check the personal firewall software name defined on the ZyWALL. Copy and
paste the name of the output item 4 for the setting later.
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# show eps signature anti-virus
No. Name Detection
1 Norton_Anti-Virus_v2010 no
2 Norton_Internet_Security_v2010 no
3 Norton_360_v3 no
4 Microsoft_Security_Center yes
5 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_AntiVirus_v2010 yes
6 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_Internet_Security_v2010 yes
7 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_Internet_Security_Pro_v2010 yes
8 Avira_Antivir_Personal_v2009 no
9 Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2010 yes
10 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2010 yes
11 Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2009 yes
12 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2009 yes
13 Norton_Anti-Virus_v2011 no
14 Norton_Internet_Security_v2011 no
15 Norton_360_v4 no
16 Norton_360_v5 no
17 Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2011 yes
18 Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2012 no
19 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2011 yes
20 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2012 no
21 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_v2011_Cloud yes
22 Avira_Antivir_Personal_v2010 no
23 Avira_Antivir_Premium_2009 no
24 Avira_Antivir_Premium_v10 no
Router(config)# show eps signature personal-firewall
No. Name Detection
1 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2009 yes
2 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2010 yes
3 Microsoft_Security_Center yes
4 Windows_Firewall yes
5 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_Internet_Security_v2010 yes
6 TrendMicro_PC-cillin_Internet_Security_Pro_v2010 yes
7 Windows_Firewall_Public yes
8 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2011 yes
9 Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v2012 no
Chapter 35 Endpoint Security
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 275
Now Peter can create the EPS object profile as the example shown next. Note that he uses the
matching-criteria all command to make sure all users’ computers have the required software
installed and settings being configured before they access the company’s SSL VPN.
Then he leaves the sub-command mode and uses the show command to view the EPS object
See Chapter 18 on page 151 for how to configure an SSL VPN using this EPS object .
For users who fail the endpoint security checking, Peter decides to show them an error message of
“Endpoint Security checking failed. Contact helpdesk at #7777 if you have any questions.” The
following shows how to configure the error message.
Router(config)# eps profile EPS-Example
Router(eps EPS-Example)# windows-version windows-xp
Router(eps EPS-Example)# personal-firewall activate
Router(eps EPS-Example)# anti-virus activate
Router(eps EPS-Example)# windows-auto-update enable
Router(eps EPS-Example)# windows-service-pack 2
Router(eps EPS-Example)# personal-firewall Windows_Firewall detect-auto-protection
Router(eps EPS-Example)# anti-virus Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2011 detect-auto-
protection enable
Router(eps EPS-Example)# matching-criteria all
Router(eps EPS-Example)# exit
Router(eps EPS-Example)# exit
Router(config)# show eps profile
name: EPS-Example
os type: windows
windows version: windows-xp
matching criteria: all
anti-virus activation: yes
anti-virus: 1
name: Kaspersky_Anti-Virus_v2011
detect auto-protection: enable
personal firewall activation: yes
personal firewall: 1
name: Windows_Firewall
detect auto-protection: enable
windows update: enable
windows service pack: 2
windows security patch:
windows registry:
trusted application:
forbidden application:
file information:
reference count: 1
Router(config)# eps failure-messages "Endpoint Security checking failed. Contact
helpdesk at #7777 if you have any questions."
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 276
DHCPv6 Objects
This chapter describes how to configure and view DHCPv6 request and lease objects.
36.1 DHCPv6 Object Commands Summary
The following table identifies the values required for many DHCPv6 object commands. Other input
values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the DHCPv6 object commands.
36.1.1 DHCPv6 Object Commands
This table lists the commands for creating endpoint security objects. Use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode to be able to use the commands that
configure settings.
Table 162 DHCPv6 Object Command Input Values
dhcp6_profile The name of a DHCPv6 request object. Use a string of less than 31 characters.
interface_name The name of the interface. This depends on the ZyWALL model.
For the USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 ~ N, where N equals the highest numbered
Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
For the ZyWALL USG 200 and below, use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1, ext-
wlan, or dmz.
Table 163 DHCPv6 Object Commands
show ipv6 dhcp6 binding Displays the server side IPv6/DUID binding lease.
show dhcp6 interface Displays all DHCPv6 server, client and relay interfaces.
show dhcp6-lease-object [dhcp6_profile]Displays the specified DHCPv6 lease object or all of them.
show dhcp6 object-binding interface_name Displays the DHCPv6 object bound to the specified interface.
show dhcp6-request-object [dhcp6_profile]Displays the specified DHCPv6 request object or all of them.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile address
ipv6_addr duid duid Creates or edits the specified DHCP lease object with the
specified IPv6 address and DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID).
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile prefix-
delegation ipv6_addr_prefix duid duid Creates or edits the specified pre-fix delegation DHCP lease
object with the specified IPv6 address prefix and DUID.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile address-pool
ipv6_addr ipv6_addr Creates or edits the specified DHCP lease object address pool
with the specified IPv6 address range.
Chapter 36 DHCPv6 Objects
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 277
36.1.2 DHCPv6 Object Command Examples
This example creates and displays a DHCPv6 lease object named “test1” for IPv6 address 2003::1
with DUID 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07.
This example makes “test1” into a DHCPv6 address pool lease object for IPv6 addresses 2004::10
to 2004::40.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile { sip-server |
ntp-server | dns-server } { ipv6_addr |
dhcp6_profile }
Creates or edits the specified SIP server, NTP server, or DNS
server DHCP lease object with the specified IPv6 address. When
you assign a request object, the lease object value will be the
request object value retrieved from the DHCPv6 server.
dhcp6-lease-object rename dhcp6_profile
dhcp6_profile Renames the specified DHCPv6 lease object to the specified
no dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile Deletes the specified DHCPv6 lease object.
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile { dns-server
| ntp-server | prefix-delegation | sip-server } Creates or edits the specified SIP server, DNS server, NTP
server, prefix-delegation, or SIP server DHCP request object.
dhcp6-request-object rename dhcp6_profile
dhcp6_profile Renames the specified DHCPv6 request object to the specified
no dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile Deletes the specified DHCPv6 request object.
Table 163 DHCPv6 Object Commands (continued)
Router(config)# dhcp6-lease-object test1 address 2003::1 duid
Router(config)# show dhcp6 lease-object
DHCP6 Lease Object: test1
Object Type: address
Object Value: 2003::1
DUID: 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07
Bind Iface:
Router(config)# dhcp6-lease-object test1 address-pool 2004::10 2004::40
Router(config)# show dhcp6 lease-object
DHCP6 Lease Object: test1
Object Type: address-pool
Object Value: 2004::10
Ext Object Value: 2004::40
Bind Iface:
Chapter 36 DHCPv6 Objects
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This example creates and displays a DHCPv6 pre-fix delegation lease object named “pfx” for IPv6
address prefix 2005::/64 and DUID 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07, then renames it to “pd”.
This example deletes the “test1” DHCPv6 lease object.
This example creates a DHCPv6 pre-fix delegation request object named “pfx” and displays its
Router(config)# dhcp6-lease-object pfx prefix-delegation 2005::/64 duid
Router(config)# show dhcp6 lease-object pfx
DHCP6 Lease Object: pfx
Object Type: prefix-delegation
Object Value: 2005::/64
DUID: 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07
Bind Iface:
Router(config)# dhcp6-lease-object rename pfx pd
Router(config)# show dhcp6 lease-object pd
DHCP6 Lease Object: pd
Object Type: prefix-delegation
Object Value: 2005::/64
DUID: 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07
Bind Iface:
Router(config)# no dhcp6-lease-object test1
Router(config)# dhcp6-request-object pfx prefix-delegation
Router(config)# show dhcp6 request-object
DHCP6 Request Object: pfx
Object Type: prefix-delegation
Object Value: 2089:3::/48
Bind Iface: ge2
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 279
This chapter provides information on the commands that correspond to what you can configure in
the system screens.
37.1 System Overview
Use these commands to configure general ZyWALL information, the system time and the console
port connection speed for a terminal emulation program. They also allow you to configure DNS
settings and determine which services/protocols can access which ZyWALL zones (if any) from
which computers.
37.2 Customizing the WWW Login Page
Use these commands to customize the Web Configurator login screen. You can also customize the
page that displays after an access user logs into the Web Configurator to access network services
like the Internet. See Chapter 26 on page 229 for more on access user accounts.
The following figures identify the parts you can customize in the login and access pages.
Figure 25 Login Page Customization
Title Message
(color of all text)
Note Message
(last line of text)
Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Figure 26 Access Page Customization
You can specify colors in one of the following ways:
•color-rgb: Enter red, green, and blue values in parenthesis and separate by commas. For
example, use “rgb(0,0,0)” for black.
•color-name: Enter the name of the desired color.
•color-number: Enter a pound sign (#) followed by the six-digit hexadecimal number that
represents the desired color. For example, use “#000000” for black.
The following table describes the commands available for customizing the Web Configurator login
screen and the page that displays after an access user logs into the Web Configurator to access
network services like the Internet. You must use the configure terminal command to enter
the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Logo Title
(color of all text)
Note Message
(last line of text)
Table 164 Command Summary: Customization
[no] access-page color-window-background Sets whether or not the access page uses a colored background.
access-page message-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the message text on the access page.
[no] access-page message-text message Sets a note to display below the access page’s title. Use up to 64 printable
ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
access-page title title Sets the title for the top of the access page. Use up to 64 printable ASCII
characters. Spaces are allowed.
access-page window-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the access page’s colored background.
login-page background-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the login page’s background.
[no] login-page color-background Sets the login page to use a solid colored background.
[no] login-page color-window-background Sets the login page’s window to use a solid colored background.
login-page message-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the message text on the login page.
[no] login-page message-text % message Sets a note to display at the bottom of the login screen. Use up to 64
printable ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
login-page title title Sets the title for the top of the login screen. Use up to 64 printable ASCII
characters. Spaces are allowed.
login-page title-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the title text color of the login page.
Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 281
37.3 Host Name Commands
The following table describes the commands available for the hostname and domain name. You
must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
37.4 Time and Date
For effective scheduling and logging, the ZyWALL system time must be accurate. The ZyWALL’s
Real Time Chip (RTC) keeps track of the time and date. There is also a software mechanism to set
the time manually or get the current time and date from an external server.
login-page window-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the login page’s window border.
logo background-color {color-rgb |
color-name | color-number}Sets the color of the logo banner across the top of the login screen and
access page.
show access-page settings Lists the current access page settings.
show login-page default-title Lists the factory default title for the login page.
show login-page settings Lists the current login page settings.
show logo settings Lists the current logo background (banner) and floor (line below the
banner) settings.
show page-customization Lists whether the ZyWALL is set to use custom login and access pages or
the default ones.
Table 164 Command Summary: Customization (continued)
Table 165 Command Summary: Host Name
[no] domainname domain_name Sets the domain name. The no command removes the domain name.
domain_name: This name can be up to 254 alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not
allowed, but dashes “-” and underscores “_” are accepted.
[no] hostname hostname Sets a descriptive name to identify your ZyWALL. The no command removes the host
show fqdn Displays the fully qualified domain name.
Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
37.4.1 Date/Time Commands
The following table describes the commands available for date and time setup. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
37.5 Console Port Speed
This section shows you how to set the console port speed when you connect to the ZyWALL via the
console port using a terminal emulation program. The following table describes the console port
commands. You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode
before you can use these commands.
Table 166 Command Summary: Date/Time
clock date yyyy-mm-dd time hh:mm:ss Sets the new date in year, month and day format
manually and the new time in hour, minute and second
[no] clock daylight-saving Enables daylight saving. The no command disables
daylight saving.
[no] clock saving-interval begin
{1|2|3|4|last} {fri|mon|sat|sun|thu|tue|wed} hh:mm
end {apr|aug|dec|feb|jan|jul|jun|mar|may|nov|oct|sep}
{1|2|3|4|last} {fri|mon|sat|sun|thu|tue|wed} hh:mm
Configures the day and time when Daylight Saving Time
starts and ends. The no command removes the day and
time when Daylight Saving Time starts and ends.
offset: a number from 1 to 5.5 (by 0.5 increments)
clock time hh:mm:ss Sets the new time in hour, minute and second format.
[no] clock time-zone {-|+hh}Sets your time zone. The no command removes time
zone settings.
[no] ntp Saves your date and time and time zone settings and
updates the data and time every 24 hours. The no
command stops updating the data and time every 24
[no] ntp server {fqdn|w.x.y.z}Sets the IP address or URL of your NTP time server. The
no command removes time server information.
ntp sync Gets the time and date from a NTP time server.
show clock date Displays the current date of your ZyWALL.
show clock status Displays your time zone and daylight saving settings.
show clock time Displays the current time of your ZyWALL.
show ntp server Displays time server settings.
Table 167 Command Summary: Console Port Speed
[no] console baud baud_rate Sets the speed of the console port. The no command resets the console port
speed to the default (115200).
baud_rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
show console Displays console port speed.
Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 283
37.6 DNS Overview
DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP address and
vice versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP
address of a machine before you can access it.
37.6.1 Domain Zone Forwarder
A domain zone forwarder contains a DNS server’s IP address. The ZyWALL can query the DNS
server to resolve domain zones for features like VPN, DDNS and the time server. A domain zone is a
fully qualified domain name without the host. For example, zyxel.com.tw is the domain zone for the
www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name.
37.6.2 DNS Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the commands available for DNS. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 168 Input Values for General DNS Commands
address_object The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number of the
virtual interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 12
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces your
ZyWALL model supports.
virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge interface,
y = 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
Table 169 Command Summary: DNS
[no] ip dns server a-record fqdn w.x.y.z Sets an A record that specifies the mapping of a fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) to an IP address. The no command deletes
an A record.
ip dns server cache-flush Clears the DNS.
Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
37.6.3 DNS Command Example
This command sets an A record that specifies the mapping of a fully qualified domain name
(www.abc.com) to an IP address (
[no] ip dns server mx-record domain_name
{w.x.y.z|fqdn}Sets a MX record that specifies a mail server that is responsible for
handling the mail for a particular domain. The no command
deletes a MX record.
ip dns server rule {<1..32>|append|insert
<1..32>} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|address_object} action {accept|deny}
Sets a service control rule for DNS requests.
ip dns server rule move <1..32> to <1..32> Changes the number of a service control rule.
[no] ip dns server zone-forwarder
{<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>}
{domain_zone_name|*} interface interface_name
Sets a domain zone forwarder record that specifies a fully qualified
domain name. You can also use a star (*) if all domain zones are
served by the specified DNS server(s).
domain_zone_name: This is a domain zone, not a host. For
example, zyxel.com.tw is the domain zone for the
www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name. For example,
whenever the ZyWALL receives needs to resolve a zyxel.com.tw
domain name, it can send a query to the recorded name server IP
interface_name: This is the interface through which the ISP
provides a DNS server. The interface should be activated and set
to be a DHCP client.
The no command deletes a zone forwarder record.
ip dns server zone-forwarder
{<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>}
{domain_zone_name|*} user-defined w.x.y.z
[private | interface {interface_name | auto}]
Sets a domain zone forwarder record that specifies a DNS server’s
IP address.
private | interface: Use private if the ZyWALL connects to
the DNS server through a VPN tunnel. Otherwise, use the
interface command to set the interface through which the
ZyWALL sends DNS queries to a DNS server. The auto means any
interface that the ZyWALL uses to send DNS queries to a DNS
server according to the routing rule.
ip dns server zone-forwarder move <1..32> to
<1..32> Changes the index number of a zone forwarder record.
no ip dns server rule <1..32> Deletes a service control rule.
show ip dns server Displays all DNS entries.
show ip dns server database Displays all configured records.
show ip dns server status Displays whether this service is enabled or not.
Table 169 Command Summary: DNS (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip dns server a-record www.abc.com
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 285
System Remote Management
This chapter shows you how to determine which services/protocols can access which ZyWALL zones
(if any) from which computers.
Note: To access the ZyWALL from a specified computer using a service, make sure no
service control rules or to-ZyWALL firewall rules block that traffic.
38.1 Remote Management Overview
You may manage your ZyWALL from a remote location via:
To disable remote management of a service, deselect Enable in the corresponding service screen.
38.1.1 Remote Management Limitations
Remote management will not work when:
1You have disabled that service in the corresponding screen.
2The accepted IP address in the Service Control table does not match the client IP address. If it
does not match, the ZyWALL will disconnect the session immediately.
3There is a firewall rule that blocks it.
38.1.2 System Timeout
There is a lease timeout for administrators. The ZyWALL automatically logs you out if the
management session remains idle for longer than this timeout period. The management session
does not time out when a statistics screen is polling.
Each user is also forced to log in the ZyWALL for authentication again when the reauthentication
time expires.
• Internet (WAN only) • ALL (LAN&WAN&DMZ)
•LAN only •DMZ only
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
38.2 Common System Command Input Values
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
38.3 HTTP/HTTPS Commands
The following table describes the commands available for HTTP/HTTPS. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Table 170 Input Values for General System Commands
address_object The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
rule_number The number of a service control rule. 1 - X where X is the highest number of
rules the ZyWALL model supports.
zone_object The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31
characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This value is
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ,
Table 171 Command Summary: HTTP/HTTPS
[no] ip http authentication auth_method Sets an authentication method used by the HTTP/HTTPS
server. The no command resets the authentication
method used by the HTTP/HTTPS server to the factory
default (default).
auth_method: The name of the authentication method.
You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
[no] ip http port <1..65535> Sets the HTTP service port number. The no command
resets the HTTP service port number to the factory
default (80).
[no] ip http secure-port <1..65535> Sets the HTTPS service port number. The no command
resets the HTTPS service port number to the factory
default (443).
[no] ip http secure-server Enables HTTPS access to the ZyWALL web configurator.
The no command disables HTTPS access to the ZyWALL
web configurator.
[no] ip http secure-server auth-client Sets the client to authenticate itself to the HTTPS server.
The no command sets the client not to authenticate itself
to the HTTPS server.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 287
[no] ip http secure-server cert certificate_name Specifies a certificate used by the HTTPS server. The no
command resets the certificate used by the HTTPS server
to the factory default (default).
certificate_name: The name of the certificate. You can
use up to 31 alphanumeric and
;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=- characters.
[no] ip http secure-server force-redirect Redirects all HTTP connection requests to a HTTPS URL.
The no command disables forwarding HTTP connection
requests to a HTTPS URL.
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule
{rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for HTTPS service.
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule move
rule_number to rule_number Changes the index number of a HTTPS service control
ip http secure-server cipher-suite {cipher_algorithm}
[cipher_algorithm] [cipher_algorithm]
Sets the encryption algorithms (up to four) that the
ZyWALL uses for the SSL in HTTPS connections and the
sequence in which it uses them. The cipher_algorithm
can be any of the following.
rc4: RC4 (RC4 may impact the ZyWALL’s CPU
performance since the ZyWALL’s encryption accelerator
does not support it).
aes: AES
des: DES
3des: Triple DES.
no ip http secure-server cipher-suite
{cipher_algorithm}Has the ZyWALL not use the specified encryption
algorithm for the SSL in HTTPS connections.
[no] ip http server Allows HTTP access to the ZyWALL web configurator. The
no command disables HTTP access to the ZyWALL web
ip http server table {admin|user} rule
{rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for HTTP service.
ip http server table {admin|user} rule move
rule_number to rule_number Changes the number of a HTTP service control rule.
no ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule
rule_number Deletes a service control rule for HTTPS service.
no ip http server table {admin|user} rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for HTTP service.
show ip http server status Displays HTTP settings.
show ip http server secure status Displays HTTPS settings.
Table 171 Command Summary: HTTP/HTTPS (continued)
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
38.3.1 HTTP/HTTPS Command Examples
This following example adds a service control rule that allowed an administrator from the
computers with the IP addresses matching the Marketing address object to access the WAN zone
using HTTP service.
This command sets an authentication method used by the HTTP/HTTPS server to authenticate the
This following example sets a certificate named MyCert used by the HTTPS server to authenticate
itself to the SSL client.
38.4 SSH
Unlike Telnet or FTP, which transmit data in clear text, SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure
communication protocol that combines authentication and data encryption to provide secure
encrypted communication between two hosts over an unsecured network.
38.4.1 SSH Implementation on the ZyWALL
Your ZyWALL supports SSH versions 1 and 2 using RSA authentication and four encryption methods
(AES, 3DES, Archfour, and Blowfish). The SSH server is implemented on the ZyWALL for remote
management on port 22 (by default).
38.4.2 Requirements for Using SSH
You must install an SSH client program on a client computer (Windows or Linux operating system)
that is used to connect to the ZyWALL over SSH.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip http server table admin rule append access-group Marketing zone WAN
action accept
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip http authentication Example
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip http secure-server cert MyCert
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 289
38.4.3 SSH Commands
The following table describes the commands available for SSH. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
38.4.4 SSH Command Examples
This command sets a service control rule that allowed the computers with the IP addresses
matching the specified address object to access the specified zone using SSH service.
This command sets a certificate (Default) to be used to identify the ZyWALL.
Table 172 Command Summary: SSH
[no] ip ssh server Allows SSH access to the ZyWALL CLI. The no command
disables SSH access to the ZyWALL CLI.
[no] ip ssh server cert certificate_name Sets a certificate whose corresponding private key is to be
used to identify the ZyWALL for SSH connections. The no
command resets the certificate used by the SSH server to
the factory default (default).
certificate_name: The name of the certificate. You can use
up to 31 alphanumeric and ;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=-
[no] ip ssh server port <1..65535> Sets the SSH service port number. The no command resets
the SSH service port number to the factory default (22).
ip ssh server rule {rule_number|append|insert
rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny}
Sets a service control rule for SSH service.
address_object: The name of the IP address (group) object.
You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number.
This value is case-sensitive.
zone_object: The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG
300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The
name cannot start with a number. This value is case-
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined
zone names like DMZ, LAN1, SSL VPN, WLAN, IPSec VPN,
OPT, and WAN.
ip ssh server rule move rule_number to rule_number Changes the index number of a SSH service control rule.
[no] ip ssh server v1 Enables remote management using SSH v1. The no
command stops the ZyWALL from using SSH v1.
no ip ssh server rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for SSH service.
show ip ssh server status Displays SSH settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip ssh server rule 2 access-group Marketing zone WAN action accept
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip ssh server cert Default
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
38.5 Telnet
You can configure your ZyWALL for remote Telnet access.
38.6 Telnet Commands
The following table describes the commands available for Telnet. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
38.6.1 Telnet Commands Examples
This command sets a service control rule that allowed the computers with the IP addresses
matching the specified address object to access the specified zone using Telnet service.
Table 173 Command Summary: Telnet
[no] ip telnet server Allows Telnet access to the ZyWALL CLI. The no command disables Telnet
access to the ZyWALL CLI.
[no] ip telnet server port <1..65535> Sets the Telnet service port number. The no command resets the Telnet
service port number back to the factory default (23).
ip telnet server rule
rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone
{ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for Telnet service.
address_object: The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-
31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first
character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
zone_object: The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above,
use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number.
This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like
ip telnet server rule move
rule_number to rule_number Changes the index number of a service control rule.
no ip telnet server rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for Telnet service.
show ip telnet server status Displays Telnet settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip telnet server rule 11 access-group RD zone LAN action
-> accept
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 291
This command displays Telnet settings.
38.7 Configuring FTP
You can upload and download the ZyWALL’s firmware and configuration files using FTP. To use this
feature, your computer must have an FTP client.
38.7.1 FTP Commands
The following table describes the commands available for FTP. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show ip telnet server status
active : yes
port : 23
service control:
No. Zone Address Action
Table 174 Command Summary: FTP
[no] ip ftp server Allows FTP access to the ZyWALL. The no command disables FTP access to the
[no] ip ftp server cert
certificate_name Sets a certificate to be used to identify the ZyWALL. The no command resets
the certificate used by the FTP server to the factory default.
[no] ip ftp server port <1..65535> Sets the FTP service port number. The no command resets the FTP service port
number to the factory default (21).
[no] ip ftp server tls-required Allows FTP access over TLS. The no command disables FTP access over TLS.
ip ftp server rule
rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone
{ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for FTP service.
address_object: The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character
cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
zone_object: The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use
up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ,
ip ftp server rule move rule_number
to rule_number Changes the index number of a service control rule.
no ip ftp server rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for FTP service.
show ip ftp server status Displays FTP settings.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
38.7.2 FTP Commands Examples
This command sets a service control rule that allowed the computers with the IP addresses
matching the specified address object to access the specified zone using FTP service.
This command displays FTP settings.
38.8 SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol is a protocol used for exchanging management information
between network devices. Your ZyWALL supports SNMP agent functionality, which allows a manager
station to manage and monitor the ZyWALL through the network. The ZyWALL supports SNMP
version one (SNMPv1) and version two (SNMPv2c).
38.8.1 Supported MIBs
The ZyWALL supports MIB II that is defined in RFC-1213 and RFC-1215. The ZyWALL also supports
private MIBs (zywall.mib and zyxel-zywall-ZLD-Common.mib) to collect information about CPU and
memory usage and VPN total throughput. The focus of the MIBs is to let administrators collect
statistical data and monitor status and performance. You can download the ZyWALL’s MIBs from
38.8.2 SNMP Traps
The ZyWALL will send traps to the SNMP manager when any one of the following events occurs:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip ftp server rule 4 access-group Sales zone WAN action accept
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show ip ftp server status
active : yes
port : 21
certificate: default
TLS : no
service control:
No. Zone Address Action
Table 175 SNMP Traps
Cold Start This trap is sent when the ZyWALL is turned on or an agent
linkDown This trap is sent when the Ethernet link is down.
linkUp This trap is sent when the Ethernet link is up.
authenticationFailure This trap is sent when an SNMP request comes from non-
authenticated hosts.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 293
38.8.3 SNMP Commands
The following table describes the commands available for SNMP. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
38.8.4 SNMP Commands Examples
The following command sets a service control rule that allowed the computers with the IP
addresses matching the specified address object to access the specified zone using SNMP service.
Table 176 Command Summary: SNMP
[no] snmp-server Allows SNMP access to the ZyWALL. The no command disables
SNMP access to the ZyWALL.
[no] snmp-server community community_string
{ro|rw} Enters up to 64 characters to set the password for read-only
(ro) or read-write (rw) access. The no command resets the
password for read-only (ro) or read-write (rw) access to the
[no] snmp-server contact description Sets the contact information (of up to 60 characters) for the
person in charge of the ZyWALL. The no command removes the
contact information for the person in charge of the ZyWALL.
[no] snmp-server enable {informs|traps} Enables all SNMP notifications (informs or traps). The no
command disables all SNMP notifications (informs or traps).
[no] snmp-server host {w.x.y.z}
[community_string]Sets the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the host that receives the
SNMP notifications. The no command removes the host that
receives the SNMP notifications.
[no] snmp-server location description Sets the geographic location (of up to 60 characters) for the
ZyWALL. The no command removes the geographic location for
the ZyWALL.
[no] snmp-server port <1..65535> Sets the SNMP service port number. The no command resets
the SNMP service port number to the factory default (161).
snmp-server rule {rule_number|append|insert
rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny}
Sets a service control rule for SNMP service.
address_object: The name of the IP address (group) object.
You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
zone_object: The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300
and above, use up to 31 characters (a-zA-Z0-9_-). The name
cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone
names like DMZ, LAN1, SSL VPN, WLAN, IPSec VPN, OPT, and
snmp-server rule move rule_number to rule_number Changes the index number of a service control rule.
no snmp-server rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for SNMP service.
show snmp status Displays SNMP Settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# snmp-server rule 11 access-group Example zone WAN action accept
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following command sets the password (secret) for read-write (rw) access.
The following command sets the IP address of the host that receives the SNMP notifications to and the password (sent with each trap) to qwerty.
38.9 ICMP Filter
The ip icmp-filter commands are obsolete. See Chapter 16 on page 133 to configure firewall
rules for ICMP traffic going to the ZyWALL to discard or reject ICMP packets destined for the
Configure the ICMP filter to help keep the ZyWALL hidden from probing attempts. You can specify
whether or not the ZyWALL is to respond to probing for unused ports.
You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you
can use these commands.
38.10 Dial-in Management
Connect an external serial modem to the DIAL BACKUP port (or AUX port depending on your
model) to provide a remote management connection in case the ZyWALL’s other WAN connections
are down. This is like an auxiliary interface, except it is used for management connections coming
into the ZyWALL instead of as a backup WAN connection.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# snmp-server community secret rw
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# snmp-server host qwerty
Table 177 Command Summary: ICMP Filter
[no] ip icmp-filter activate Turns the ICMP filter on or off.
ip icmp-filter rule {<1..32>|append|insert
<1..32>} access-group {ALL|ADDRESS_OBJECT}
zone {ALL|ZONE_OBJECT} icmp-type {ALL |echo-
reply |destination-unreachable |source-
quench|redirect|echo-request| router-
advertisement|router-solicitation |time-
exceeded | parameter-problem| timestamp-
request|timestamp-reply| address-mask-request|
address-mask-reply} action {accept|deny}
Sets an ICMP filter rule.
ADDRESS_OBJECT: The name of the IP address (group) object.
You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
ZONE_OBJECT: The name of the zone. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the
first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
no ip icmp-filter rule <1..64> Deletes an ICMP filter rule.
ip icmp-filter rule move <1..64> to <1..64> Changes the index number of an ICMP filter rule.
show ip icmp-filter status Displays ICMP filter settings.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 295
38.10.1 AT Command Strings
For regular telephone lines, the default Dial string tells the modem that the line uses tone dialing.
ATDT is the command for a switch that requires tone dialing. If your switch requires pulse dialing,
change the string to ATDP.
38.10.2 DTR Signal
The majority of WAN devices default to hanging up the current call when the DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) signal is dropped by the DTE. When the Drop DTR When Hang Up check box is selected, the
ZyWALL uses this hardware signal to force the WAN device to hang up, in addition to issuing the
drop command ATH.
38.10.3 Response Strings
The response strings tell the ZyWALL the tags, or labels, immediately preceding the various call
parameters sent from the serial modem. The response strings have not been standardized; please
consult the documentation of your serial modem to find the correct tags.
38.10.4 Dial-in Management Commands
The following table describes the commands available for dial-in management. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Table 178 Command Summary: Dial-in Management
dial-in Enters sub-command mode.
[no] activate Turns dial-in management on. The no command turns it off.
[no] answer-rings Sets how many times the ZyWALL lets the incoming dial-in management session
ring before processing it. The no command sets it to one.
[no] description description Specifies the description for the dial-in management connection. The no
command clears the description.
description: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%- characters,
and it can be up to 60 characters long.
[no] initial-string
initial_string Specifies the initial string of the auxiliary interface. The no command removes the
initial string.
initial_string: You can use up to 64 characters. Semicolons (;) and
backslashes (\) are not allowed.
[no] mute Stops the external serial modem from making audible sounds during a dial-in
management session. The no command turns the sounds back on.
[no] port-speed {9600 | 19200
| 38400 | 57600 | 115200} Specifies the baud rate of the auxiliary interface. The no command sets the baud
rate to 115200.
show dial-in Displays dial-in management settings.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
296 Dial-in Management Command Examples
The following commands show you how to set up dial-in management with the following
parameters: active, port speed 57600, initial-string ATDT, and description “I am dial-in
38.11 Vantage CNM
Vantage CNM (Centralized Network Management) is a browser-based global management solution
that allows an administrator from any location to easily configure, manage, monitor and
troubleshoot ZyXEL devices located worldwide. See the Vantage CNM User's Guide for details.
If you allow your ZyWALL to be managed by the Vantage CNM server, then you should not do any
configurations directly to the ZyWALL (using either the web configurator or commands) without
notifying the Vantage CNM administrator.
38.11.1 Vantage CNM Commands
The following table describes the commands available for dial-in management. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# dial-in
Router(config-dial-in)# activate
Router(config-dial-in)# port-speed 57600
Router(config-dial-in)# initial-string ATDT
Router(config-dial-in)# description I am dial-in management
Router(config-dial-in)# exit
Table 179 Command Summary: Vantage CNM
[no] cnm-agent manager url Sets up the URL of the Vantage server that the ZyWALL registers with. Include the full
HTTPS or HTTP URL. For example,
[no] cnm-agent activate Turns management through Vantage CNM on or off.
cnm-agent keepalive interval
<10..90> Sets the keepalive interval.
[no] cnm-agent periodic-inform
activate Turns the periodic inform on or off.
cnm-agent periodic-inform
interval <10..86400> Sets the periodic inform interval.
cnm-agent trigger-inform
[interval] initiates a TR069 connection to the server. You can also specify the interval for the
inform messages.
[no] cnm-agent auth activate Enables or disables authentication of the server when using HTTPS.
show cnm-agent configuration Displays the Vantage CNM configuration.
[no] cnm-agent acs username
<username for ACS connection
Configure the username of the ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) connection request
for the ZyWALL to authenticate the server using HTTP digest authentication.
No removes the username of the ACS connection request.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 297 Vantage CNM Command Examples
The following example turns on Vantage CNM management and sets the ZyWALL to register with a
server at
38.12 Language Commands
Use the language commands to display what language the web configurator is using or change it.
You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you
can use these commands.
[no] cnm-agent acs password
<password for ACS connection
Configure the password of the ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) connection request
for the ZyWALL to authenticate the server using HTTP digest authentication.
No removes the password of the ACS connection request.
[no] cnm-agent username <TR-
069 username> Configure the username of the ZyWALLfor the ACS server to authenticate the ZyWALL
using HTTP digest authentication.
No removes the password of the ACS server authentication request.
[no] cnm-agent password <TR-
069 password> Configure the password of the ZyWALL for the ACS server to authenticate the
ZyWALL using HTTP digest authentication.
No removes the password of the ACS server authentication request.
cnm-agent server-type {vantage
| tr069} Configure the server type of the management server as either a Vantage CNM server
or a TR069 ACS server.
Table 179 Command Summary: Vantage CNM
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# cnm-agent activate
Router(config)# cnm-agent manager
Router(config)# show cnm-agent configuration
Activate: YES
Keepalive: ENABLE
Keepalive Interval: 60
Periodic Inform: DISABLE
Periodic Inform Interval: 3600
Custom IP: NO
HTTPS Authentication: NO
Vantage Certificate: zw1050.cer456
Table 180 Command Summary: Language
language <English |
Simplified_Chinese |
Specifies the language used in the web configurator screens.
show language {setting | all} setting displays the current display language in the web configurator screens.
all displays the available languages.
Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
38.13 IPv6 Commands
Use the ipv6 commands to enable or disable IPv6 support. You must use the configure
terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use the commands that
configure settings.
Table 181 Command Summary: IPv6
[no] ipv6 activate Enables or disables IPv6 support.
show ipv6 status Displays whether IPv6 support is enabled or disabled.
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 299
File Manager
This chapter covers how to work with the ZyWALL’s firmware, certificates, configuration files,
custom IDP signatures, packet trace results, shell scripts and temporary files.
39.1 File Directories
The ZyWALL stores files in the following directories.
39.2 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts Overview
You can store multiple configuration files and shell script files on the ZyWALL.
When you apply a configuration file, the ZyWALL uses the factory default settings for any features
that the configuration file does not include. Shell scripts are files of commands that you can store
on the ZyWALL and run when you need them. When you run a shell script, the ZyWALL only applies
the commands that it contains. Other settings do not change.
You can edit configuration files or shell scripts in a text editor and upload them to the ZyWALL.
Configuration files use a .conf extension and shell scripts use a .zysh extension.
Table 182 FTP File Transfer Notes
A. After you log in through FTP, you do not need to change directories in order to upload the firmware.
Firmware (upload only) bin
cert Non-PKCS#12 certificates cer
conf Configuration files conf
idp IDP custom signatures rules
packet_trace Packet trace results (download only)
script Shell scripts .zysh
tmp Temporary system maintenance files and crash dumps for
technical support use (download only)
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
These files have the same syntax, which is also identical to the way you run CLI commands
manually. An example is shown below.
While configuration files and shell scripts have the same syntax, the ZyWALL applies configuration
files differently than it runs shell scripts. This is explained below.
You have to run the example in Table 27 on page 300 as a shell script because the first command is
run in Privilege mode. If you remove the first command, you have to run the example as a
configuration file because the rest of the commands are executed in Configuration mode. (See
Section 1.5 on page 25 for more information about CLI modes.)
39.2.1 Comments in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts
In a configuration file or shell script, use “#” or “!” as the first character of a command line to have
the ZyWALL treat the line as a comment.
Your configuration files or shell scripts can use “exit” or a command line consisting of a single “!” to
have the ZyWALL exit sub command mode.
Note: “exit” or “!'” must follow sub commands if it is to make the ZyWALL exit sub
command mode.
Figure 27 Configuration File / Shell Script: Example
# enter configuration mode
configure terminal
# change administrator password
username admin password 4321 user-type admin
# configure ge3
interface ge3
ip address
ip gateway metric 1
# create address objects for remote management / to-ZyWALL firewall rules
# use the address group in case we want to open up remote management later
address-object TW_SUBNET
object-group address TW_TEAM
address-object TW_SUBNET
# enable Telnet access (not enabled by default, unlike other services)
ip telnet server
# open WAN-to-ZyWALL firewall for TW_TEAM for remote management
firewall WAN ZyWALL insert 4
sourceip TW_TEAM
service TELNET
action allow
Table 183 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts in the ZyWALL
Configuration Files (.conf) Shell Scripts (.zysh)
• Resets to default configuration.
•Goes into CLI Configuration mode.
• Runs the commands in the configuration file.
•Goes into CLI Privilege mode.
• Runs the commands in the shell script.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 301
Line 3 in the following example exits sub command mode.
Lines 1 and 3 in the following example are comments and line 4 exits sub command mode.
Lines 1 and 2 are comments. Line 5 exits sub command mode.
39.2.2 Errors in Configuration Files or Shell Scripts
When you apply a configuration file or run a shell script, the ZyWALL processes the file line-by-line.
The ZyWALL checks the first line and applies the line if no errors are detected. Then it continues
with the next line. If the ZyWALL finds an error, it stops applying the configuration file or shell script
and generates a log.
You can change the way a configuration file or shell script is applied. Include setenv stop-on-
error off in the configuration file or shell script. The ZyWALL ignores any errors in the
configuration file or shell script and applies all of the valid commands. The ZyWALL still generates a
log for any errors.
39.2.3 ZyWALL Configuration File Details
You can store multiple configuration files on the ZyWALL. You can also have the ZyWALL use a
different configuration file without the ZyWALL restarting.
• When you first receive the ZyWALL, it uses the system-default.conf configuration file of default
• When you change the configuration, the ZyWALL creates a startup-config.conf file of the
current configuration.
• The ZyWALL checks the startup-config.conf file for errors when it restarts. If there is an error
in the startup-config.conf file, the ZyWALL copies the startup-config.conf configuration file
to the startup-config-bad.conf configuration file and tries the existing lastgood.conf
configuration file.
interface ge1
ip address dhcp
interface ge1
# this interface is a DHCP client
! this is from Joe
# on 2006/06/05
interface ge1
ip address dhcp
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
• When the ZyWALL reboots, if the startup-config.conf file passes the error check, the ZyWALL
keeps a copy of the startup-config.conf file as the lastgood.conf configuration file for you as a
back up file. If you upload and apply a configuration file with an error, you can apply
lastgood.conf to return to a valid configuration.
39.2.4 Configuration File Flow at Restart
If there is not a startup-config.conf when you restart the ZyWALL (whether through a
management interface or by physically turning the power off and back on), the ZyWALL uses the
system-default.conf configuration file with the ZyWALL’s default settings.
If there is a startup-config.conf, the ZyWALL checks it for errors and applies it. If there are no
errors, the ZyWALL uses it and copies it to the lastgood.conf configuration file. If there is an error,
the ZyWALL generates a log and copies the startup-config.conf configuration file to the startup-
config-bad.conf configuration file and tries the existing lastgood.conf configuration file. If there
isn’t a lastgood.conf configuration file or it also has an error, the ZyWALL applies the system-
default.conf configuration file.
You can change the way the startup-config.conf file is applied. Include the setenv-startup
stop-on-error off command. The ZyWALL ignores any errors in the startup-config.conf file
and applies all of the valid commands. The ZyWALL still generates a log for any errors.
39.3 File Manager Commands Input Values
The following table explains the values you can input with the file manager commands.
Table 184 File Manager Command Input Values
file_name The name of a file. Use up to 25 characters (including a-zA-Z0-9;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=-).
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 303
39.4 File Manager Commands Summary
The following table lists the commands that you can use for file management.
Table 185 File Manager Commands Summary
apply /conf/file_name.conf [ignore-
error] [rollback] Has the ZyWALL use a specific configuration file. You must still use the
write command to save your configuration changes to the flash (“non-
volatile” or “long term”) memory.
Use this command without specify both ignore-error and rollback: this
is not recommended because it would leave the rest of the configuration
blank. If the interfaces were not configured before the first error, the
console port may be the only way to access the device.
Use ignore-error without rollback: this applies the valid parts of the
configuration file and generates error logs for all of the configuration file’s
errors. This lets the ZyWALL apply most of your configuration and you can
refer to the logs for what to fix.
Use both ignore-error and rollback: this applies the valid parts of the
configuration file, generates error logs for all of the configuration file’s
errors, and starts the ZyWALL with a fully valid configuration file.
Use rollback without ignore-error: this gets the ZyWALL started with
a fully valid configuration file as quickly as possible.
You can use the “apply /conf/system-default.conf” command to reset
the ZyWALL to go back to its system defaults.
copy {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp}file_name-
a.conf {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/
Saves a duplicate of a file on the ZyWALL from the source file name to the
target file name.
Specify the directory and file name of the file that you want to copy and
the directory and file name to use for the duplicate. Always copy the file
into the same directory.
copy running-config startup-config Saves your configuration changes to the flash (“non-volatile” or “long
term”) memory. The ZyWALL immediately uses configuration changes
made via commands, but if you do not use this command or the write
command, the changes will be lost when the ZyWALL restarts.
copy running-config /conf/file_name.conf Saves a duplicate of the configuration file that the ZyWALL is currently
using. You specify the file name to which to copy.
delete {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/file_name Removes a file. Specify the directory and file name of the file that you
want to delete.
dir {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp} Displays the list of files saved in the specified directory.
rename {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/old-
file_name {/cert | /conf | /idp | /
packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/new-
Changes the name of a file.
Specify the directory and file name of the file that you want to rename.
Then specify the directory again followed by the new file name.
rename /script/old-file_name /script/
new-file_name Changes the name of a shell script.
run /script/file_name.zysh Has the ZyWALL execute a specific shell script file. You must still use the
write command to save your configuration changes to the flash (“non-
volatile” or “long term”) memory.
schedule-run 1 file_name.zysh {daily |
monthly | weekly} time {date | sun | mon
| tue | wed | thu | fri | sat}
Has the ZyWALL execute the specified specific shell script file at the the
specified time. You must still use the write command to save your
configuration changes to the flash (“non-volatile” or “long term”)
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
39.5 File Manager Command Examples
This example saves a back up of the current configuration before applying a shell script file.
These commands run the aaa.zysh script at noon every day, on the first day of every month, and
on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
39.6 FTP File Transfer
You can use FTP to transfer files to and from the ZyWALL for advanced maintenance and support.
39.6.1 Command Line FTP File Upload
1Connect to the ZyWALL.
2Enter “bin” to set the transfer mode to binary.
3You can upload the firmware after you log in through FTP. To upload other files, use “cd” to change
to the corresponding directory.
4Use “put” to transfer files from the computer to the ZyWALL.1 For example:
In the conf directory, use "put config.conf today.conf” to upload the configuration file (config.conf)
to the ZyWALL and rename it “today.conf”.
"put 1.00(XL.0).bin” transfers the firmware (1.00(XL.0).bin) to the ZyWALL.
show running-config Displays the settings of the configuration file that the system is using.
setenv-startup stop-on-error off Has the ZyWALL ignore any errors in the startup-config.conf file and apply
all of the valid commands.
show setenv-startup Displays whether or not the ZyWALL is set to ignore any errors in the
startup-config.conf file and apply all of the valid commands.
write Saves your configuration changes to the flash (“non-volatile” or “long
term”) memory. The ZyWALL immediately uses configuration changes
made via commands, but if you do not use the write command, the
changes will be lost when the ZyWALL restarts.
Table 185 File Manager Commands Summary (continued)
Router(config)# copy running-config /conf/backup.conf
Router(config)# run /script/vpn_setup.zysh
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# schedule-run 1 aaa.zysh daily 12:00
Router(config)# schedule-run 1 aaa.zysh monthly 12:00 01
Router(config)# schedule-run 1 aaa.zysh weekly 12:00 mon wed fri
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 305
The firmware update can take up to five minutes. Do not turn off or reset
the ZyWALL while the firmware update is in progress! If you lose power
during the firmware upload, you may need to refer to Section 39.8 on
page 307 to recover the firmware.
39.6.2 Command Line FTP Configuration File Upload Example
The following example transfers a configuration file named tomorrow.conf from the computer and
saves it on the ZyWALL as next.conf.
Note: Uploading a custom signature file named "custom.rules”, overwrites all custom
signatures on the ZyWALL.
Figure 28 FTP Configuration File Upload Example
39.6.3 Command Line FTP File Download
1Connect to the ZyWALL.
2Enter “bin” to set the transfer mode to binary.
3Use “cd” to change to the directory that contains the files you want to download.
4Use “dir” or “ls” if you need to display a list of the files in the directory.
5Use "get” to download files. For example:
“get vpn_setup.zysh vpn.zysh” transfers the vpn_setup.zysh configuration file on the ZyWALL to
your computer and renames it “vpn.zysh.”
1. When you upload a custom signature, the ZyWALL appends it to the existing custom signatures stored in the "custom.rules” file.
Connected to
220 FTP Server (ZyWALL) []
User ( admin
331 Password required for admin.
230 User admin logged in.
ftp> cd conf
250 CWD command successful
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I
ftp> put tomorrow.conf next.conf
200 PORT command successful
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for next.conf
226-Post action ok!!
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 20231 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 20231000.00Kbytes/sec.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
39.6.4 Command Line FTP Configuration File Download Example
The following example gets a configuration file named today.conf from the ZyWALL and saves it on
the computer as current.conf.
Figure 29 FTP Configuration File Download Example
39.7 ZyWALL File Usage at Startup
The ZyWALL uses the following files at system startup.
Figure 30 ZyWALL File Usage at Startup
1The boot module performs a basic hardware test. You cannot restore the boot module if it is
damaged. The boot module also checks and loads the recovery image. The ZyWALL notifies you if
the recovery image is damaged.
2The recovery image checks and loads the firmware. The ZyWALL notifies you if the firmware is
Connected to
220 FTP Server (ZyWALL) []
User ( admin
331 Password required for admin.
230 User admin logged in.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I
ftp> cd conf
250 CWD command successful
ftp> get today.conf current.conf
200 PORT command successful
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for conf/today.conf (20220
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 20220 bytes received in 0.03Seconds 652.26Kbytes/sec.
1. Boot Module
2. Recovery Image
3. Firmware
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 307
39.8 Notification of a Damaged Recovery Image or
The ZyWALL’s recovery image and/or firmware could be damaged, for example by the power going
off during a firmware upgrade. This section describes how the ZyWALL notifies you of a damaged
recovery image or firmware file. Use this section if your device has stopped responding for an
extended period of time and you cannot access or ping it. Note that the ZyWALL does not respond
while starting up. It takes less than five minutes to start up with the default configuration, but the
start up time increases with the complexity of your configuration.
1Use a console cable and connect to the ZyWALL via a terminal emulation program (such as
HyperTerminal). Your console session displays the ZyWALL’s startup messages. If you cannot see
any messages, check the terminal emulation program’s settings (see Section 1.2.1 on page 20) and
restart the ZyWALL.
2The system startup messages display followed by “Press any key to enter debug mode within 3
Note: Do not press any keys at this point. Wait to see what displays next.
Figure 31 System Startup Stopped
3If the console session displays “Invalid Firmware”, or “Invalid Recovery Image”, or the console
freezes at "Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds" for more than one minute, go to
Section 39.9 on page 308 to restore the recovery image.
Figure 32 Recovery Image Damaged
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
4If “Connect a computer to port 1 and FTP to to upload the new file” displays on the
screen, the firmware file is damaged. Use the procedure in Section 39.10 on page 310 to restore it.
If the message does not display, the firmware is OK and you do not need to use the firmware
recovery procedure.
Figure 33 Firmware Damaged
39.9 Restoring the Recovery Image
This procedure requires the ZyWALL’s recovery image. Download the firmware package from
www.zyxel.com and unzip it. The recovery image uses a .ri extension, for example,
"1.01(XL.0)C0.ri". Do the following after you have obtained the recovery image file.
Note: You only need to use this section if you need to restore the recovery image.
1Restart the ZyWALL.
2When “Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds.” displays, press a key to enter debug
Figure 34 Enter Debug Mode
3Enter atuk to initialize the recovery process. If the screen displays “ERROR”, enter atur to initialize
the recovery process.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 309
Note: You only need to use the atuk or atur command if the recovery image is damaged.
Figure 35 atuk Command for Restoring the Recovery Image
4Enter Y and wait for the “Starting XMODEM upload” message before activating XMODEM upload on
your terminal.
Figure 36 Starting Xmodem Upload
5This is an example Xmodem configuration upload using HyperTerminal. Click Transfer, then Send
File to display the following screen.
Figure 37 Example Xmodem Upload
6Wait for about three and a half minutes for the Xmodem upload to finish.
Figure 38 Recovery Image Upload Complete
Type the firmware file's
location, or click Browse to
search for it.
Choose the 1K Xmodem
Then click Send.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
7Enter atgo. The ZyWALL starts up. If “Connect a computer to port 1 and FTP to to
upload the new file” displays on the screen, the firmware file is damaged and you need to use the
procedure in Section 39.10 on page 310 to recover the firmware.
Figure 39 atgo Debug Command
39.10 Restoring the Firmware
This procedure requires the ZyWALL’s firmware. Download the firmware package from
www.zyxel.com and unzip it. The firmware file uses a .bin extension, for example,
"1.01(XL.0)C0.bin". Do the following after you have obtained the firmware file.
Note: This section is not for normal firmware uploads. You only need to use this section if
you need to recover the firmware.
1Connect your computer to the ZyWALL’s port 1 (only port 1 can be used).
2The ZyWALL’s FTP server IP address for firmware recovery is, so set your computer to
use a static IP address from ~
3Use an FTP client on your computer to connect to the ZyWALL. For example, in the Windows
command prompt, type ftp Keep the console session connected in order to see
when the firmware recovery finishes.
4Hit enter to log in anonymously.
5Set the transfer mode to binary (type bin).
6Transfer the firmware file from your computer to the ZyWALL. Type put followed by the path and
name of the firmware file. This examples uses put e:\ftproot\ZLD FW \1.01(XL.0)C0.bin.
Figure 40 FTP Firmware Transfer Command
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 311
7Wait for the file transfer to complete.
Figure 41 FTP Firmware Transfer Complete
8After the transfer is complete, “Firmware received” or “ZLD-current received” displays. Wait (up to
four minutes) while the ZyWALL recovers the firmware.
Figure 42 Firmware Received and Recovery Started
9The console session displays “done” when the firmware recovery is complete. Then the ZyWALL
automatically restarts.
Figure 43 Firmware Recovery Complete and Restart
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
10 The username prompt displays after the ZyWALL starts up successfully. The firmware recovery
process is now complete and the ZyWALL is ready to use.
Figure 44 Restart Complete
39.11 Restoring the Default System Database
The default system database stores information such as the default anti-virus or IDP signatures.
The ZyWALL can still operate if the default system database is damaged or missing, but related
features (like anti-virus or IDP) may not function properly.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 313
If the default system database file is not valid, the ZyWALL displays a warning message in your
console session at startup or when reloading the anti-virus or IDP signatures. It also generates a
log. Here are some examples. Use this section to restore the ZyWALL’s default system database.
Figure 45 Default System Database Console Session Warning at Startup: Anti-virus
Figure 46 Default System Database Console Session Warning When Reloading IDP
Figure 47 Default System Database Missing Log: Anti-virus
This procedure requires the ZyWALL’s default system database file. Download the firmware package
from www.zyxel.com and unzip it. The default system database file uses a .db extension, for
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
example, "1.01(XL.0)C0.db". Do the following after you have obtained the default system database
39.11.1 Using the atkz -u Debug Command
Note: You only need to use the atkz -u command if the default system database is
1Restart the ZyWALL.
2When “Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds.” displays, press a key to enter debug
Figure 48 Enter Debug Mode
3Enter atkz -u to start the recovery process.
Figure 49 atkz -u Command for Restoring the Default System Database
4“Connect a computer to port 1 and FTP to to upload the new file” displays on the
screen. Connect your computer to the ZyWALL’s port 1 (only port 1 can be used).
Figure 50 Use FTP with Port 1 and IP to Upload File
5The ZyWALL’s FTP server IP address for firmware recovery is, so set your computer to
use a static IP address from ~
6Use an FTP client on your computer to connect to the ZyWALL. For example, in the Windows
command prompt, type ftp Keep the console session connected in order to see
when the default system database recovery finishes.
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 315
7Hit enter to log in anonymously.
8Set the transfer mode to binary (type bin).
9Transfer the firmware file from your computer to the ZyWALL. Type put followed by the path and
name of the firmware file. This examples uses put e:\ftproot\ZLD FW \1.01(XL.0)C0.db.
Figure 51 FTP Default System Database Transfer Command
10 Wait for the file transfer to complete.
Figure 52 FTP Default System Database Transfer Complete
11 The console session displays “done” after the default system database is recovered.
Figure 53 Default System Database Received and Recovery Complete
Chapter 39 File Manager
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
12 The username prompt displays after the ZyWALL starts up successfully. The default system
database recovery process is now complete and the ZyWALL IDP and anti-virus features are ready
to use again.
Figure 54 Startup Complete
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 317
This chapter provides information about the ZyWALL’s logs.
Note: When the system log reaches the maximum number of log messages, new log
messages automatically overwrite existing log messages, starting with the oldest
existing log message first.
See the User’s Guide for the maximum number of system log messages in the ZyWALL.
40.1 Log Commands Summary
The following table describes the values required for many log commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the logging commands.
Table 186 Input Values for Log Commands
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
Virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number of the virtual
interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
Virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 12
Bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces your
ZyWALL model supports.
Virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge interface, y
= 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
module_name The name of the category; kernel, syslog, .... The default category includes debugging
messages generated by open source software. The all category includes all messages in
all categories.
protocol The name of a protocol such as TCP, UDP, ICMP.
Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
40.1.1 Log Entries Commands
This table lists the commands to look at log entries.
40.1.2 System Log Commands
This table lists the commands for the system log settings.
Table 187 logging Commands: Log Entries
show logging entries [priority pri] [category
module_name] [srcip ip] [srcip6 ipv6_addr]
[dstip ip] [dstip6 ipv6_addr] [service
service_name] [begin <1..512> end <1..512>]
[keyword keyword] [srciface interface_name]
[dstiface interface_name] [protocol protocol]
Displays the specified entries in the system log.
pri: alert | crit | debug | emerg | error | info | notice | warn
keyword: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 63 characters long. This searches
the message, source, destination, and notes fields.
show logging entries field field [begin
<1..512> end <1..512>] Displays the specified fields in the system log.
field: time | msg | src | dst | note | pri | cat | all
Table 188 logging Commands: System Log Settings
show logging status system-log Displays the current settings for the system log.
logging system-log category module_name
{disable | level normal | level all} Specifies what kind of information, if any, is logged in the system log and
debugging log for the specified category.
[no] logging system-log suppression
interval <10..600> Sets the log consolidation interval for the system log. The no command
sets the interval to ten.
[no] logging system-log suppression Enables log consolidation in the system log. The no command disables log
consolidation in the system log.
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log
activate Has the ZyWALL generate a log for each connectivity check. The no
command has the ZyWALL only log the first connectivity check.
show connectivity-check continuous-log
status Displays whether or not the ZyWALL generates a log for each connectivity
clear logging system-log buffer Clears the system log.
Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 319 System Log Command Examples
The following command displays the current status of the system log.
40.1.3 Debug Log Commands
This table lists the commands for the debug log settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show logging status system-log
512 events logged
suppression active : yes
suppression interval: 10
category settings :
content-filter : normal , forward-web-sites : no ,
blocked-web-sites : normal , user : normal ,
myZyXEL.com : normal , zysh : normal ,
idp : normal , app-patrol : normal ,
ike : normal , ipsec : normal ,
firewall : normal , sessions-limit : normal ,
policy-route : normal , built-in-service : normal ,
system : normal , connectivity-check: normal ,
device-ha : normal , routing-protocol : normal ,
nat : normal , pki : normal ,
interface : normal , interface-statistics: no ,
account : normal , port-grouping : normal ,
force-auth : normal , l2tp-over-ipsec : normal ,
anti-virus : normal , white-list : normal ,
black-list : normal , ssl-vpn : normal ,
cnm : normal , traffic-log : no ,
file-manage : normal , dial-in : normal ,
adp : normal , default : all ,
Table 189 logging Commands: Debug Log Settings
show logging debug status Displays the current settings for the debug log.
show logging debug entries [priority pri]
[category module_name] [srcip ip] [srcip6
ipv6_addr] [dstip ip] [dstip6 ipv6_addr]
[service service_name] [srciface interface_name]
[dstiface interface_name] [protocol protocol]
[begin <1..512> end <1..512>] [keyword keyword]
Displays the specified entries in the system log.
pri: alert | crit | debug | emerg | error | info | notice | warn
keyword: You can use alphanumeric and ()+/:=?!*#@$_%-
characters, and it can be up to 63 characters long. This searches
the message, source, destination, and notes fields.
show logging debug entries field field [begin
<1..1024> end <1..1024>] Displays the specified field in the debug log.
field: time | msg | src | dst | note | pri | cat | all
[no] logging debug suppression Enables log consolidation in the debug log. The no command
disables log consolidation in the debug log.
[no] logging debug suppression interval
<10..600> Sets the log consolidation interval for the debug log. The no
command sets the interval to ten.
clear logging debug buffer Clears the debug log.
Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This table lists the commands for the remote syslog server settings.
This table lists the commands for setting how often to send information to the VRPT (ZyXEL’s
Vantage Report) server.
40.1.4 E-mail Profile Commands
This table lists the commands for the e-mail profile settings.
Table 190 logging Commands: Remote Syslog Server Settings
show logging status syslog Displays the current settings for the remote servers.
[no] logging syslog <1..4> Enables the specified remote server. The no command
disables the specified remote server.
[no] logging syslog <1..4> address {ip | hostname}Sets the URL or IP address of the specified remote server.
The no command clears this field.
hostname: You may up to 63 alphanumeric characters,
dashes (-), or periods (.), but the first character cannot be
a period.
[no] logging syslog <1..4> {disable | level normal |
level all} Specifies what kind of information, if any, is logged for the
specified category.
[no] logging syslog <1..4> facility {local_1 |
local_2 | local_3 | local_4 | local_5 | local_6 |
Sets the log facility for the specified remote server. The no
command sets the facility to local_1.
[no] logging syslog <1..4> format {cef | vrpt} Sets the format of the log information.
cef: Common Event Format, syslog-compatible format.
vrpt: ZyXEL’s Vantage Report, syslog-compatible format.
Table 191 logging Commands: VRPT Settings
vrpt send device information interval <15..3600> Sets the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL sends
a device information log to the VRPT server.
vrpt send interface statistics interval <15..3600> Sets the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL sends
an interface statistics log to the VRPT server.
vrpt send system status interval <15..3600> Sets the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL sends
a system status log to the VRPT server.
show vrpt send device information interval Displays the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL
sends a device information log to the VRPT server.
show vrpt send interface statistics interval Displays the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL
sends an interface statistics log to the VRPT server.
show vrpt send system status interval Displays the interval (in seconds) for how often the ZyWALL
sends a system status log to the VRPT server.
Table 192 logging Commands: E-mail Profile Settings
show logging status mail Displays the current settings for the e-mail profiles.
[no] logging mail <1..2> Enables the specified e-mail profile. The no command disables
the specified e-mail profile.
Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 321
[no] logging mail <1..2> address {ip |
hostname}Sets the URL or IP address of the mail server for the specified e-
mail profile. The no command clears the mail server field.
hostname: You may up to 63 alphanumeric characters, dashes (-
), or periods (.), but the first character cannot be a period.
logging mail <1..2> sending_now Sends mail for the specified e-mail profile immediately, according
to the current settings.
[no] logging mail <1..2> authentication Enables SMTP authentication. The no command disables SMTP
[no] logging mail <1..2> authentication
username username password password Sets the username and password required by the SMTP mail
server. The no command clears the username and password
username: You can use alphanumeric characters, underscores
(_), and dashes (-), and it can be up to 31 characters long.
password: You can use most printable ASCII characters. You
cannot use square brackets [ ], double quotation marks (“),
question marks (?), tabs or spaces. It can be up to 31 characters
[no] logging mail <1..2> port <1..65535> Sets the port number of the mail server for the specified e-mail
[no] logging mail <1..2> {send-log-to | send-
alerts-to} e_mail Sets the e-mail address for logs or alerts. The no command
clears the specified field.
e_mail: You can use up to 63 alphanumeric characters,
underscores (_), or dashes (-), and you must use the @
[no] logging mail <1..2> subject subject Sets the subject line when the ZyWALL mails to the specified e-
mail profile. The no command clears this field.
subject: You can use up to 60 alphanumeric characters,
underscores (_), dashes (-), or !@#$%*()+=;:’,./
[no] logging mail <1..2> category module_name
level {alert | all} Specifies what kind of information is logged for the specified
category. The no command disables logging for the specified
[no] logging mail <1..2> schedule {full |
hourly} Sets the e-mail schedule for the specified e-mail profile. The no
command clears the schedule field.
logging mail <1..2> schedule daily hour <0..23>
minute <0..59> Sets a daily e-mail schedule for the specified e-mail profile.
logging mail <1..2> schedule weekly day day
hour <0..23> minute <0..59> Sets a weekly e-mail schedule for the specified e-mail profile.
day: sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat
Table 192 logging Commands: E-mail Profile Settings (continued)
Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
322 E-mail Profile Command Examples
The following commands set up e-mail log 1.
40.1.5 Console Port Logging Commands
This table lists the commands for the console port settings.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# logging mail 1 address mail.zyxel.com.tw
Router(config)# logging mail 1 subject AAA
Router(config)# logging mail 1 authentication username lachang.li password XXXXXX
Router(config)# logging mail 1 send-log-to lachang.li@zyxel.com.tw
Router(config)# logging mail 1 send-alerts-to lachang.li@zyxel.com.tw
Router(config)# logging mail 1 from lachang.li@zyxel.com.tw
Router(config)# logging mail 1 schedule weekly day mon hour 3 minute 3
Router(config)# logging mail 1
Table 193 logging Commands: Console Port Settings
show logging status console Displays the current settings for the console log. (This log
is not discussed above.)
[no] logging console Enables the console log. The no command disables the
console log.
logging console category module_name level {alert |
crit | debug | emerg | error | info | notice | warn} Controls whether or not debugging information for the
specified priority is displayed in the console log, if logging
for this category is enabled.
[no] logging console category module_name Enables logging for the specified category in the console
log. The no command disables logging.
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 323
Reports and Reboot
This chapter provides information about the report associated commands and how to restart the
ZyWALL using commands. It also covers the daily report e-mail feature.
41.1 Report Commands Summary
The following sections list the report, session, and packet size statistics commands.
41.1.1 Report Commands
This table lists the commands for reports.
Table 194 report Commands
[no] report Begins data collection. The no command stops data collection.
show report status Displays whether or not the ZyWALL is collecting data and how long it has collected
clear report [interface_name]Clears the report for the specified interface or for all interfaces.
show report [interface_name
{ip | service | url}] Displays the traffic report for the specified interface and controls the format of the
report. Formats are:
ip - traffic by IP address and direction
service - traffic by service and direction
url - hits by URL
Chapter 41 Reports and Reboot
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
41.1.2 Report Command Examples
The following commands start collecting data, display the traffic reports, and stop collecting data.
41.1.3 Session Commands
This table lists the commands to display the current sessions for debugging or statistical analysis.
41.1.4 Packet Size Statistics Commands
Using the packet size statistics to view packet size distribution may aid you in troubleshooting
network performance. In particular, a large number of small packets can drastically reduce
throughput. This table lists the commands to enable and disable packet size statistics data
collection and display the setting status and statistics.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# show report ge1 ip
No. IP Address User Amount Direction
1 admin 1273(bytes) Outgoing
2 admin 711(bytes) Incoming
Router(config)# show report ge1 service
No. Port Service Amount Direction
1 21 ftp 1273(bytes) Outgoing
2 21 ftp 711(bytes) Incoming
Router(config)# show report ge1 url
No. Hit URL
1 1
Router(config)# show report status
Report status: on
Collection period: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 18 seconds
Table 195 Session Commands
show conn [user
{username|any|unknown}] [service
[source {ip|any}] [destination
{ip|any}] [begin <1..128000>]
[end <1..128000>]
Displays information about the selected sessions or about all sessions. You can
look at all the active sessions or filter the information by user name, service
object, source IP, destination IP, or session number(s).
any means all users, services and IP addresses respectively.
unknow means unknown users and services respectively.
show conn ip-traffic destination Displays information about traffic session sorted by the destination.
show conn ip-traffic source Displays information about traffic session sorted by the source.
show conn status Displays the number of active sessions.
Table 196 Packet Size Statistics Commands
[no] report packet size statistics Enables or disables packet size statistics data collection.
show report packet size statistics status Shows whether packet size statistics data collection is enabled or
Chapter 41 Reports and Reboot
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 325
41.2 Email Daily Report Commands
The following table identifies the values used in some of these commands. Other input values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
Use these commands to have the ZyWALL e-mail you system statistics every day. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
show report packet size statistics
{interface_name} [interval interval]Displays the specified interface’s packet size distribution statistics. You
can also specify the packet size interval into which to group the
interval: 128, 256, or 512 (bytes)
report packet size statistics clear Clears the packet size statistics data for all interface.
Table 196 Packet Size Statistics Commands (continued)
Table 197 Input Values for Email Daily Report Commands
e_mail An e-mail address. You can use up to 80 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
periods (.), or dashes (-), and you must use the @ character.
Table 198 Email Daily Report Commands
show daily-report status Displays the e-mail daily report settings.
daily-report Enters the sub-command mode for configuring daily e-mail
reports settings.
[no] activate Turns daily e-mail reports on or off.
draw-usage-graphics Has the report e-mail include usage graphs.
smtp-address {ip | hostname}Sets the SMTP mail server IP address or domain name.
[no] smtp-auth activate Enables or disables SMTP authentication.
smtp-auth username username password password Sets the username and password for SMTP authentication.
no smtp-address Resets the SMTP mail server configuration.
no smtp-auth username Resets the authentication configuration.
[no] smtp-port <1..65535> Sets the SMTP authentication port. The no command deletes
the setting.
mail-subject set subject Configures the subject of the report e-mails. Spaces are
no mail-subject set Clears the configured subject for the report e-mails.
[no] mail-subject append system-name Determines whether the system name will be appended to the
subject of the report e-mails.
[no] mail-subject append date-time Determines whether the sending date-time will be appended
at subject of the report e-mails.
[no] mail-from e_mail Sets the sender e-mail address of the report e-mails.
[no] mail-to-1 e_mail Sets to whom the ZyWALL sends the report e-mails (up to five
[no] mail-to-2 e_mail See above.
Chapter 41 Reports and Reboot
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
41.2.1 Email Daily Report Example
This example sets the following about sending a daily report e-mail:
• Disables the reporting.
• Specifies example-SMTP-mail-server.com as the address of the SMTP mail server.
• Sets the subject of the report e-mails to test.
• Stops the system name from being appended to the mail subject.
• Appends the date and time to the mail subject.
• Sets the sender as my-email@example.com.
• Sets example-administrator@example.com as the first account to which to send the mail.
• Has the ZyWALL not use the second and third mail-to options.
• Sets my-email@example.com as the fourth mail-to option.
• Has the ZyWALL not use the fifth mail-to option.
[no] mail-to-3 e_mail See above.
[no] mail-to-4 e_mail See above.
[no] mail-to-5 e_mail See above.
[no] item as-report Determines whether or not anti-spam statistics are included in
the report e-mails.
[no] item av-report Determines whether or not anti-virus statistics are included in
the report e-mails.
[no] item cf-report Determines whether or not content filtering statistics are
included in the report e-mails.
[no] item cpu-usage Determines whether or not CPU usage statistics are included
in the report e-mails.
[no] item idp-report Determines whether or not IDP statistics are included in the
report e-mails.
[no] item mem-usage Determines whether or not memory usage statistics are
included in the report e-mails.
[no] item port-usage Determines whether or not port usage statistics are included
in the report e-mails.
[no] item session-usage Determines whether or not session usage statistics are
included in the report e-mails.
[no] item traffic-report Determines whether or not network traffic statistics are
included in the report e-mails.
schedule hour <0..23> minute <00..59> Sets the time for sending out the report e-mails.
[no] reset-counter Determines whether or not to discard all report data and
starts all of the report statistics data counters over at zero
after successfully sending out a report e-mail.
send-now Sends the daily e-mail report immediately.
reset-counter-now Discards all report data and starts all of the report statistics
data counters over at zero.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
Table 198 Email Daily Report Commands (continued)
Chapter 41 Reports and Reboot
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 327
• Has the ZyWALL provide username 12345 and password 12345 to the SMTP server for
• Sets the ZyWALL to send the report at 1:57 PM.
• Has the ZyWALL not reset the counters after sending the report.
• Has the report include CPU, memory, port, and session usage along with traffic statistics.
• Turns on the daily e-mail reporting.
Router(config)# daily-report
Router(config-daily-report)# no activate
Router(config-daily-report)# smtp-address example-SMTP-mail-server.com
Router(config-daily-report)# mail-subject set test
Router(config-daily-report)# no mail-subject append system-name
Router(config-daily-report)# mail-subject append date-time
Router(config-daily-report)# mail-from my-email@example.com
Router(config-daily-report)# mail-to-1 example-administrator@example.com
Router(config-daily-report)# no mail-to-2
Router(config-daily-report)# no mail-to-3
Router(config-daily-report)# mail-to-4 my-email@example.com
Router(config-daily-report)# no mail-to-5
Router(config-daily-report)# smtp-auth activate
Router(config-daily-report)# smtp-auth username 12345 password pass12345
Router(config-daily-report)# schedule hour 13 minutes 57
Router(config-daily-report)# no reset-counter
Router(config-daily-report)# item cpu-usage
Router(config-daily-report)# item mem-usage
Router(config-daily-report)# item port-usage
Router(config-daily-report)# item session-usage
Router(config-daily-report)# item traffic-report
Router(config-daily-report)# activate
Router(config-daily-report)# exit
Chapter 41 Reports and Reboot
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This displays the email daily report settings and has the ZyWALL send the report.
41.3 Reboot
Use this to restart the device (for example, if the device begins behaving erratically).
If you made changes in the CLI, you have to use the write command to save the configuration
before you reboot. Otherwise, the changes are lost when you reboot.
Use the reboot command to restart the device.
Router(config)# show daily-report status
email daily report status
activate: yes
scheduled time: 13:57
reset counter: no
smtp address: example-SMTP-mail-server.com
smtp port: 25
smtp auth: yes
smtp username: 12345
smtp password: pass12345
mail subject: test subject
append system name: no
append date time: yes
mail from: my-email@example.com
mail-to-1: example-administrator@example.com
mail-to-4: my-email@example.com
cpu-usage: yes
mem-usage: yes
session-usage: yes
port-usage: yes
traffic-report: yes
Router(config)# daily-report send-now
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 329
Session Timeout
Use these commands to modify and display the session timeout values. You must use the
configure terminal command before you can use these commands.
The following example sets the UDP session connect timeout to 10 seconds, the UDP deliver session
timeout to 15 seconds, and the ICMP timeout to 15 seconds.
Table 199 Session Timeout Commands
session timeout {udp-connect <1..300> | udp-deliver
<1..300> | icmp <1..300>} Sets the timeout for UDP sessions to connect or deliver
and for ICMP sessions.
session timeout session {tcp-established | tcp-synrecv
| tcp-close | tcp-finwait | tcp-synsent | tcp-
closewait | tcp-lastack | tcp-timewait} <1..300>
Sets the timeout for TCP sessions in the ESTABLISHED,
show session timeout {icmp | tcp-timewait | udp} Displays ICMP, TCP, and UDP session timeouts.
Router(config)# session timeout udp-connect 10
Router(config)# session timeout udp-deliver 15
Router(config)# session timeout icmp 15
Router(config)# show session timeout udp
UDP session connect timeout: 10 seconds
UDP session deliver timeout: 15 seconds
Router(config)# show session timeout icmp
ICMP session timeout: 15 seconds
Chapter 42 Session Timeout
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 331
This chapter covers how to use the diagnostics feature.
43.1 Diagnostics
The diagnostics feature provides an easy way for you to generate a file containing the ZyWALL’s
configuration and diagnostic information. You may need to generate this file and send it to
customer support during troubleshooting.
43.2 Diagnosis Commands
The following table lists the commands that you can use to have the ZyWALL collect diagnostics
information. Use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode to be able
to use these commands.
43.3 Diagnosis Commands Example
The following example creates a diagnostic file and displays its name, size, and creation date.
Table 200 diagnosis Commands
diag-info collect Has the ZyWALL create a new diagnostic file.
show diag-info Displays the name, size, and creation date (in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format) of the diagnostic file.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# diag-info collect
Please wait, collecting information
Router(config)# show diag-info
Filename : diaginfo-20070423.tar.bz2
File size : 1259 KB
Date : 2007-04-23 09:55:09
Chapter 43 Diagnostics
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 333
Packet Flow Explore
This chapter covers how to use the packet flow explore feature.
44.1 Packet Flow Explore
Use this to get a clear picture on how the ZyWALL determines where to forward a packet and how
to change the source IP address of the packet according to your current settings. This function
provides you a summary of all your routing and SNAT settings and helps troubleshoot the related
44.2 Packet Flow Explore Commands
The following table lists the commands that you can use to have the ZyWALL display routing and
SNAT related settings.
Table 201 Packet Flow Explore Commands
show route order Displays the order of routing related functions the ZyWALL checks for packets.
Once a packet matches the criteria of a routing rule, the ZyWALL takes the
corresponding action and does not perform any further flow checking.
show system snat order Displays the order of SNAT related functions the ZyWALL checks for packets.
Once a packet matches the criteria of an SNAT rule, the ZyWALL uses the
corresponding source IP address and does not perform any further flow
show system route policy-route Displays activated policy routes.
show system route nat-1-1 Displays activated 1-to-1 NAT rules.
show system route site-to-site-vpn Displays activated site-to-site VPN rules.
show system route dynamic-vpn Displays activated dynamic VPN rules.
show system route default-wan-
trunk Displays the default WAN trunk settings.
show ip route static-dynamic Displays activated static-dynamic routes.
show system snat policy-route Displays activated policy routes which use SNAT.
show system snat nat-1-1 Displays activated NAT rules which use SNAT.
show system snat nat-loopback Displays activated activated NAT rules which use SNAT with NAT loopback
show system snat default-snat Displays the default WAN trunk settings.
Chapter 44 Packet Flow Explore
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
44.3 Packet Flow Explore Commands Example
The following example shows all routing related functions and their order.
The following example shows all SNAT related functions and their order.
The following example shows all SNAT related functions and their order.
The following example shows all activated 1-to-1 SNAT rules.
The following example shows all activated site-to-site VPN rules.
The following example shows all activated dynamic VPN rules.
The following example shows the default WAN trunk’s settings.
Router> show route order
route order: Policy Route, Direct Route, 1-1 SNAT, SiteToSite VPN, Dynamic VPN,
Static-Dynamic Route, Default WAN Trunk, Main Route
Router> show system snat order
snat order: Policy Route SNAT, 1-1 SNAT, Loopback SNAT, Default SNAT
Router> show system route policy-route
No. PR NO. Source Destination Incoming DSCP Service Nexthop Type
Nexthop Info
Router> show system route nat-1-1
No. VS Name Source Destination Outgoing Gateway
Router> show system route site-to-site-vpn
No. Source Destination VPN Tunnel
Router> show system route dynamic-vpn
No. Source Destination VPN Tunnel
Router> show system route default-wan-trunk
No. Source Destination Trunk
1 any any trunk_ex
Chapter 44 Packet Flow Explore
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 335
The following example shows all activated dynamic VPN rules.
The following example shows all activated static-dynamic VPN rules.
The following example shows all activated policy routes which use SNAT.
The following example shows all activated 1-to-1 NAT rules.
The following example shows all activated policy routes which use SNAT and enable NAT loopback..
The following example shows all activated 1-to-1 NAT rules.
Router> show system route dynamic-vpn
No. Source Destination VPN Tunnel
Router> show ip route static-dynamic
Flags: A - Activated route, S - Static route, C - directly Connected
O - OSPF derived, R - RIP derived, G - selected Gateway
! - reject, B - Black hole, L - Loop
IP Address/Netmask Gateway IFace Metric Flags Persis
=========================================================================== wan1 0 ASG -
Router> show system snat policy-route
No. PR NO. Outgoing SNAT
Router> show system snat nat-1-1
No. VS Name Source Destination Outgoing SNAT
Router> show system snat nat-loopback
Note: Loopback SNAT will be only applied only when the initiator is located at the
network which the server locates at
No. VS Name Source Destination SNAT
Router> show system snat nat-1-1
No. VS Name Source Destination Outgoing SNAT
Chapter 44 Packet Flow Explore
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following example shows the default WAN trunk settings.
Router> show system snat default-snat
Incoming Outgoing SNAT
Internal Interface External Interface Outgoing Interface IP
Internal Interfaces: lan1, hidden, lan2, dmz
External Interfaces: wan1, wan2, wan1_ppp, wan2_ppp
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 337
Packet Flow Filter
This chapter covers how to use the packet flow filter feature.
45.1 Packet Flow Filter
Use the packet flow filter to troubleshoot firewall rules and policy routes when specific packets you
expect to go through the ZyWALL do not.
45.2 Packet Flow Filter Commands
The following table identifies some common values used in packet-flow commands. Other input
values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table lists the commands that you can use to have the ZyWALL display how the
firewall and policy routes handle certain traffic. Use the configure terminal command to be able to
use the commands that configure settings.
Table 202 Packet Flow Filter Command Input Values
pf_filter_num_range The filter number to be displayed.
1 ~ 3 depending on the product.
pf_cpu_core_num The CPU core number of packet buffer to be displayed. This is not necessary for
single-core products. For multi-core products the number ranges from 1 to the
model’s limit.
Table 203 Packet Flow Filter Commands
packet-flow filter
pf_filter_num_range Enters sub-command mode for configuring the specified packet flow filter.
[no] enable Enables or disables the packet flow filter you are configuring.
[no] source {any|ipv4}Sets the source address to any address or a specific IPv4 address.
[no] destination {any|ipv4}Sets the destination address to any address or a specific IPv4 address.
[no] host {any|ipv4}Sets the source address to any address or a specific IPv4 address.
[no] protocol {any|<1..255>} Sets the filter to work on any protocol’s traffic or a specific one.
[no] src-port
{any|<1..65535>} Sets the source port to any address or a specific port number.
[no] dst-port
{any|<1..65535>} Sets the destination port to any address or a specific port number.
Chapter 45 Packet Flow Filter
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
45.3 Packet Flow Filter Commands Examples
The following example configures packet flow filter 1 to display how the firewall and policy routes
handle UDP (protocol 17) traffic with source port 123 sent from IP address to IP address, port 456. Then it turns on the packet flow filter.
This example displays whether or not the packet flow filter is activated and whether the ring buffer
is enabled or disabled.
exit Leaves the sub-command mode.
[no] packet-flow activate Turns the packet flow filter on or off.
show packet-flow status Displays whether or not the packet flow filter is activated and whether the ring
buffer is enabled or disabled.
show packet-flow buffer
[pf_cpu_core_num]Displays the details of the captured packet flow.
show packet-flow filter
pf_filter_num_range Displays the specified packet flow filter’s settings.
packet-flow buffer clear
pf_cpu_core_num Clears the specified CPU core’s buffer.
packet-flow buffer write Writes buffer content (of all CPU cores) to a file you can download from the FTP /
tmp directory.
[no] packet-flow ring-buffer
activate Activate the packet flow ring buffer to overwrite the oldest record with the
newest record. Use the no command to stop to capture packet after the buffer is
Table 203 Packet Flow Filter Commands (continued)
Router> configure terminal
Router(coonfig)#packet-flow filter 1
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#source
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#destination
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#src-port 123
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#dst-port 456
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#protocol 17
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#enable
Router(coonfig-packet-flow-filter 1)#exit
Router(config)#packet-flow activate
Router> show packet-flow status
Packet Flow Debugger Status:
Activation: Yes
Ring Buffer: Disabled
Chapter 45 Packet Flow Filter
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 339
This example displays the packet flow filter 1’s settings.
This example displays the details of a captured packet flow. In this case traffic matches and is
dropped by firewall rule 3.
Router> show packet-flow filter 1
Filter #1 Status:
Activation: Yes
Src IP:
Dst IP:
Host Configured: No
Protocol: 17
Src Port: 123
Router> show packet-flow buffer
#1 Tracking ID: 1
Feature: Firewall (type:IPTables)
Action: Drop
Pkt Info:
Src :
Dst :
Protocol: 17
Feature Info:
Matched 'Firewall' Rule #3
#2 Tracking ID: 2
Feature: Firewall (type:IPTables)
Action: Drop
Pkt Info:
Src :
Dst :
Protocol: 17
Feature Info:
Matched 'Firewall' Rule #3
#3 Tracking ID: 3
Feature: Firewall (type:IPTables)
Action: Drop
Pkt Info:
Src :
Dst :
Protocol: 17
Feature Info:
Matched 'Firewall' Rule #3
#4 Tracking ID: 4
Feature: Firewall (type:IPTables)
Action: Drop
Pkt Info:
Src :
Dst :
Protocol: 1
Feature Info:
Matched 'Firewall' Rule #3
Chapter 45 Packet Flow Filter
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This example activates the packet flow ring buffer feature.
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)#packet-flow ring-buffer activate
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 341
Maintenance Tools
Use the maintenance tool commands to check the conditions of other devices through the ZyWALL.
The maintenance tools can help you to troubleshoot network problems.
Here are maintenance tool commands that you can use in privilege mode.
Table 204 Maintenance Tools Commands in Privilege Mode
packet-trace [interface interface_name]
[[ip-proto|ipv6-proto] | protocol_name
| any}] [src-host {ip | hostname |
any}] [dst-host {ip | hostname | any}]
[port {<1..65535> | any}] [file]
[duration <1..3600>] [extension-filter
Sniffs traffic going through the specified interface with the specified
protocol, source address, destination address, and/or port number.
If you specify file, the ZyWALL dumps the traffic to /packet_trace/
packet_trace_interface. Use FTP to retrieve the files (see Section
39.6 on page 304).
If you do not assign the duration, the ZyWALL keeps dumping traffic until
you use Ctrl-C.
Use the extension filter to extend the use of this command.
protocol_name: You can use the name, instead of the number, for some IP
protocols, such as tcp, udp, icmp, and so on. The names consist of 1-16
alphanumeric characters or dashes (-). The first character cannot be a
hostname: You can use up to 252 alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), or
periods (.). The first character cannot be a period.
filter_extension: You can use 1-256 alphanumeric characters, spaces,
or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%.- characters.
traceroute {ip | hostname}Displays the route taken by packets to the specified destination. Use
Ctrl+c to return to the prompt.
traceroute6 {ipv6 | hostname}Displays the route taken by packets to the specified destination. Use
Ctrl+c to return to the prompt.
[no] packet-capture activate Performs a packet capture that captures network traffic going through the
set interface(s). Studying these packet captures may help you identify
network problems.
The no command stops the running packet capture on the ZyWALL.
Note: Use the packet-capture configure command to configure the
packet-capture settings before using this command.
packet-capture configure Enters the sub-command mode.
duration <0..300> Sets a time limit in seconds for the capture. The ZyWALL stops the capture
and generates the capture file when either this period of time has passed
or the file reaches the size specified using the files-size command
below. 0 means there is no time limit.
Chapter 46 Maintenance Tools
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
file-suffix <profile_name>Specifies text to add to the end of the file name (before the dot and
filename extension) to help you identify the packet capture files. Modifying
the file suffix also avoids making new capture files that overwrite existing
files of the same name.
The file name format is “interface name-file suffix.cap”, for example
files-size <1..10000> Specify a maximum size limit in megabytes for the total combined size of
all the capture files on the ZyWALL, including any existing capture files and
any new capture files you generate.
The ZyWALL stops the capture and generates the capture file when either
the file reaches this size or the time period specified ( using the duration
command above) expires.
host-ip {ip-address | profile_name
| any> Sets a host IP address or a host IP address object for which to capture
packets. any means to capture packets for all hosts.
host-port <0..65535> If you set the IP Type to any, tcp, or udp using the proto-type command
below, you can specify the port number of traffic to capture.
iface {add | del} {interface_name
| virtual_interface_name}Adds or deletes an interface or a virtual interface for which to capture
packets to the capture interfaces list.
ip-version {ip|ip6|any} Sets wether to capture IPv4 or IPv6 traffic. Any means to capture packets
for all types of traffic.
proto-type {icmp | icmp6 | igmp |
igrp | pim | ah | esp | vrrp | udp
| tcp | any}
Sets the protocol of traffic for which to capture packets. any means to
capture packets for all types of traffic.
snaplen <68..1512> Specifies the maximum number of bytes to capture per packet. The
ZyWALL automatically truncates packets that exceed this size. As a result,
when you view the packet capture files in a packet analyzer, the actual size
of the packets may be larger than the size of captured packets.
storage <internal|usbstorage> Sets to have the ZyWALL only store packet capture entries on the ZyWALL
(internal) or on a USB storage connected to the ZyWALL.
ring-buffer <enable|disable> Enables or disables the ring buffer used as a temporary storage.
split-size <1..2048> Specify a maximum size limit in megabytes for individual packet capture
files. After a packet capture file reaches this size, the ZyWALL starts
another packet capture file.
Ping {ipv4 | hostname} [source ipv4]
[size <0..65507>] [forever| count
Sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to test the reachability of a host on an
IPv4 network and to measure the round-trip time for a message sent from
the originating host to the destination computer.
size: specifies the number of data bytes to be sent
count: Stop after sending this number of ECHO_REQUEST packets.
forever: keep sending ECHO_REQUEST packets until you use Ctrl+c to
ping6{ipv6 | hostname} [source ipv6]
[size <0..65527>] [forever| count
<1..4096>] [interface {interface_name |
Sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to test the reachability of a host on an
IPv6 network and to measure the round-trip time for a message sent from
the originating host to the destination computer.
interface_name: specifies interface through which to send the
filter_extension: You can use 1-256 alphanumeric characters, spaces,
or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%.- characters.
show packet-capture status Displays whether a packet capture is ongoing.
tracepath6 {ipv6 | hostname}Displays the path MTU for the target address.
Table 204 Maintenance Tools Commands in Privilege Mode (continued)
Chapter 46 Maintenance Tools
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 343
Here are maintenance tool commands that you can use in configuration mode.
46.1 Maintenance Command Examples
Some packet-trace command examples are shown below.
show ipv6 neighbor-list Displays the ZyWALL’s IPv6 neighbors.
show packet-capture config Displays current packet capture settings.
Table 204 Maintenance Tools Commands in Privilege Mode (continued)
Table 205 Maintenance Tools Commands in Configuration Mode
ipv6 neighbor flush {ipv6 | all} Clears the specified IPv6 address or all IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 neighbor
Router# packet-trace duration 3
tcpdump: listening on eth0
19:24:43.239798 > icmp: echo request
19:24:43.240199 > icmp: echo reply
19:24:44.258823 > icmp: echo request
19:24:44.259219 > icmp: echo reply
19:24:45.268839 > icmp: echo request
19:24:45.269238 > icmp: echo reply
6 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
Router# packet-trace interface ge2 ip-proto icmp file extension-filter -s
-> 500 -n
tcpdump: listening on eth1
07:24:07.898639 > icmp: echo request (DF)
07:24:07.900450 > icmp: echo reply
07:24:08.908749 > icmp: echo request (DF)
07:24:08.910606 > icmp: echo reply
8 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
Router# packet-trace interface ge2 ip-proto icmp file extension-filter
-> and src host and dst host -s 500 -n
tcpdump: listening on eth1
07:26:51.731558 > icmp: echo request (DF)
07:26:52.742666 > icmp: echo request (DF)
07:26:53.752774 > icmp: echo request (DF)
07:26:54.762887 > icmp: echo request (DF)
8 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
Chapter 46 Maintenance Tools
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Here are maintenance tool commands that you can use in configure mode.
The following example creates an ARP table entry for IP address and MAC address
01:02:03:04:05:06. Then it shows the ARP table and finally removes the new entry.
46.1.1 Packet Capture Command Example
The following examples show how to configure packet capture settings and perform a packet
capture. First you have to check whether a packet capture is running. This example shows no other
packet capture is running. Then you can also check the current packet capture settings.
Then configure the following settings to capture packets going through the ZyWALL’s WAN1
interface only.
Router# traceroute www.zyxel.com
traceroute to www.zyxel.com (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 3.049 ms 1.947 ms 1.979 ms
2 2.983 ms 2.961 ms 2.980 ms
3 5.991 ms 5.968 ms 6.984 ms
4 * * *
Table 206 Maintenance Tools Commands in Configuration Mode
show arp-table Displays the current Address Resolution Protocol table.
arp IP mac_address Edits or creates an ARP table entry.
no arp ip Removes an ARP table entry.
Router# arp 01:02:03:04:05:06
Router# show arp-table
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 01:02:03:04:05:06 CM ge1 ether 00:04:80:9B:78:00 C ge2
Router# no arp
Router# show arp-table
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface (incomplete) ge1 ether 00:04:80:9B:78:00 C ge2
Router(config)# show packet-capture status
capture status: off
Router(config)# show packet-capture config
iface: None
ip-version: any
proto-type: any
host-port: 0
host-ip: any
file-suffix: -packet-capture
snaplen: 1500
duration: 0
file-size: 10
split-size: 2
ring-buffer: 0
storage: 0
Chapter 46 Maintenance Tools
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 345
• IP address: any
•Host IP: any
• Host port: any (then you do not need to configure this setting)
• File suffix: Example
• File size: 10 megabytes
• Duration: 150 seconds
• Save the captured packets to: USB storage device
• Use the ring buffer: no
• The maximum size of a packet capture file: 100 megabytes
Exit the sub-command mode and have the ZyWALL capture packets according to the settings you
just configured.
Manually stop the running packet capturing.
Check current packet capture status and list all stored packet captures.
You can use FTP to download a capture file. Open and study it using a packet analyzer tool (for
example, Ethereal or Wireshark).
Router(config)# packet-capture configure
Router(packet-capture)# iface add wan1
Router(packet-capture)# ip-type any
Router(packet-capture)# host-ip any
Router(packet-capture)# file-suffix Example
Router(packet-capture)# files-size 10
Router(packet-capture)# duration 150
Router(packet-capture)# storage usbstorage
Router(packet-capture)# ring-buffer disable
Router(packet-capture)# split-size 100
Router(packet-capture)# exit
Router(config)# packet-capture activate
Router(config)# no packet-capture activate
Router(config)# show packet-capture status
capture status: off
Router(config)# dir /packet_trace
File Name Size Modified Time
wan1-Example.cap 575160 2009-11-24 09:06:59
Chapter 46 Maintenance Tools
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 347
Watchdog Timer
This chapter provides information about the ZyWALL’s watchdog timers.
47.1 Hardware Watchdog Timer
The hardware watchdog has the system restart if the hardware fails.
The hardware-watchdog-timer commands are for support engineers.
It is recommended that you not modify the hardware watchdog timer
47.2 Software Watchdog Timer
The software watchdog has the system restart if the core firmware fails.
The software-watchdog-timer commands are for support engineers.
It is recommended that you not modify the software watchdog timer
Table 207 hardware-watchdog-timer Commands
[no] hardware-watchdog-timer <4..37> Sets how long the system’s hardware can be unresponsive before resetting.
The no command turns the timer off.
show hardware-watchdog-timer status Displays the settings of the hardware watchdog timer.
Table 208 software-watchdog-timer Commands
[no] software-watchdog-timer
<10..600> Sets how long the system’s core firmware can be unresponsive before
resetting. The no command turns the timer off.
show software-watchdog-timer status Displays the settings of the software watchdog timer.
show software-watchdog-timer log Displays a log of when the software watchdog timer took effect.
Chapter 47 Watchdog Timer
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
47.3 Application Watchdog
The application watchdog has the system restart a process that fails. These are the app-watchdog
commands. Use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode to be able
to use these commands.
47.3.1 Application Watchdog Commands Example
The following example displays the application watchdog configuration and lists the processes that
the application watchdog is monitoring.
Table 209 app-watchdog Commands
[no] app-watch-dog activate Turns the application watchdog timer on or off.
[no] app-watch-dog auto-recover If app-watch-dog detects a dead process, app-watch-dog will try to auto recover.
The no command turns off auto-recover
[no] app-watch-dog console-
print {always|once} Display debug messages on the console (every time they occur or once). The no
command changes the setting back to the default.
[no] app-watch-dog cpu-
threshold min <1..100> max
Sets the percentage thresholds for sending a CPU usage alert. The ZyWALL starts
sending alerts when CPU usage exceeds the maximum (the second threshold you
enter). The ZyWALL stops sending alerts when the CPU usage drops back below the
minimum threshold (the first threshold you enter). The no command changes the
setting back to the default.
[no] app-watch-dog interval
<6..300> Sets how frequently (in seconds) the ZyWALL checks the system processes. The no
command changes the setting back to the default.
[no] app-watch-dog retry-count
<1..5> Set how many times the ZyWALL is to re-check a process before considering it
failed. The no command changes the setting back to the default.
[no] app-watch-dog alert Has the ZyWALL send an alert the user when the system is out of memory or disk
[no] app-watch-dog disk-
threshold min <1..100> max
Sets the percentage thresholds for sending a disk usage alert. The ZyWALL starts
sending alerts when disk usage exceeds the maximum (the second threshold you
enter). The ZyWALL stops sending alerts when the disk usage drops back below the
minimum threshold (the first threshold you enter). The no command changes the
setting back to the default.
[no] app-watch-dog mem-
threshold min <1..100> max
Sets the percentage thresholds for sending a memory usage alert. The ZyWALL
starts sending alerts when memory usage exceeds the maximum (the second
threshold you enter). The ZyWALL stops sending alerts when the memory usage
drops back below the minimum threshold (the first threshold you enter). The no
command changes the setting back to the default.
app-watch-dog reboot-log flush Flushes the reboot log record.
[no] app-watch-dog sys-reboot If auto recover fail reaches the maximum retry count, app-watch-dog reboots the
device. The no command turns off system auto reboot.
show app-watch-dog config Displays the application watchdog timer settings.
show app-watch-dog monitor-list Display the list of applications that the application watchdog is monitoring.
show app-watch-dog reboot-log Displays the application watchdog reboot log.
Chapter 47 Watchdog Timer
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 349
Application Watch Dog Setting:
activate: yes
alert: yes
console print: always
retry count: 3
auto recover: yes
system reboot: yes
interval: 60 seconds
mem threshold: 80% ~ 90%
cpu threshold: 80% ~ 90%
disk threshold: 80% ~ 90%
Router(config)# show app-watch-dog monitor-list
#app_name min_process_count max_process_count(-1 unlimited) recover_enable recover_reboot recover_always recover_max_try_count recover_max_fail_count
uamd 1 -1 1 2 1 1 3
firewalld 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
policyd 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
contfltd 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
classify 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
ospfd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
ripd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
resd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
zyshd_wd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
zyshd 1 -1 0 0 1 1 3
httpd 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
dhcpd 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
sshipsecpm 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
zylogd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
syslog-ng 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
zylogger 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
ddns_had 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
tpd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
wdtd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
zebra 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
link_updown 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
fauthd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
pro 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
signal_wrapper 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
asd 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
ctipd.bin 1 -1 1 1 1 1 3
ipmonitord 1 -1 0 1 1 1 3
Chapter 47 Watchdog Timer
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 351
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
This section lists the commands and sub-commands in alphabetical order. Commands and
subcommands appear at the same level.
Ping {ipv4 | hostname} [source ipv4] [size <0..65507>] [forever| count <1..4096>] .....342
[no] {anti-virus | personal-firewall} activate .........................................270
[no] {ipv4 | ipv4_cidr | ipv4_range | wildcard_domainname | tld} .......................203
[no] aaa authentication default member1 [member2] [member3] [member4] ..................255
[no] aaa authentication profile-name ...................................................255
[no] aaa authentication profile-name member1 [member2] [member3] [member4] .............256
[no] aaa group server ad group-name ....................................................251
[no] aaa group server ldap group-name ..................................................252
[no] aaa group server radius group-name ................................................253
[no] access-page color-window-background ...............................................280
[no] access-page message-text message ..................................................280
[no] account {pppoe | pptp} profile_name ...............................................264
[no] account cellular profile_name .....................................................265
[no] account profile_name ...............................................................74
[no] account profile_name ...............................................................76
[no] action-block {login|message|audio|video|file-transfer} ............................165
[no] action-block {login|message|audio|video|file-transfer} ............................166
[no] action-block {login|message|audio|video|file-transfer} ............................168
[no] activate ..........................................................................137
[no] activate ..........................................................................139
[no] activate ..........................................................................140
[no] activate ..........................................................................148
[no] activate ..........................................................................152
[no] activate ..........................................................................165
[no] activate ..........................................................................166
[no] activate ..........................................................................168
[no] activate ..........................................................................175
[no] activate ..........................................................................183
[no] activate ..........................................................................212
[no] activate ..........................................................................226
[no] activate ..........................................................................234
[no] activate ..........................................................................295
[no] activate ..........................................................................325
[no] activate ...........................................................................84
[no] address address6_object ...........................................................140
[no] address address_object ............................................................139
[no] address6-object object_name {ipv6_address | ipv6_range | ipv6_subnet} .............238
[no] address6-object object_name interface-ip interface {dhcpv6 | link-local | slaac | static}
{addr_index} .....................................................................238
[no] address6-object object_name interface-subnet interface {dhcpv6 | slaac | static}
{addr_index} .....................................................................238
[no] address-object object_name ........................................................240
[no] ad-server basedn basedn ...........................................................249
[no] ad-server binddn binddn ...........................................................250
[no] ad-server cn-identifier uid .......................................................250
[no] ad-server host ad_server ..........................................................250
[no] ad-server password password .......................................................250
[no] ad-server password-encrypted password .............................................250
[no] ad-server port port_no ............................................................250
[no] ad-server search-time-limit time ..................................................250
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] ad-server ssl .....................................................................250
[no] ampdu ..............................................................................84
[no] ampdu ..............................................................................85
[no] amsdu ..............................................................................84
[no] amsdu ..............................................................................85
[no] answer-rings ......................................................................295
[no] anti-spam {smtp | pop3} defaultport port_number ...................................212
[no] anti-spam activate ................................................................211
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] e-mail email {activate|deactivate} .............215
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] ip-address ip subnet_mask {activate|deactivate} 215
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] mail-header mail-header mail-header-value {activate|de-
activate} ........................................................................215
[no] anti-spam black-list [rule_number] subject subject {activate|deactivate} ..........215
[no] anti-spam black-list activate .....................................................215
[no] anti-spam dnsbl activate ..........................................................217
[no] anti-spam ip-reputation activate ..................................................213
[no] anti-spam ip-reputation private-check activate ....................................213
[no] anti-spam mail-content activate ...................................................213
[no] anti-spam statistics collect ......................................................219
[no] anti-spam virus-outbreak activate .................................................213
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] e-mail email {activate|deactivate} .............215
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] ip-address ip subnet_mask {activate|deactivate} 215
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] mail-header mail-header mail-header-value {activate|de-
activate} ........................................................................215
[no] anti-spam white-list [rule_number] subject subject {activate|deactivate} ..........215
[no] anti-spam white-list activate .....................................................215
[no] anti-spam xheader {mail-content | virus-outbreak} xheader-name xheader-value ......213
[no] anti-spam xheader {white-list | black-list} mail-header mail-header-value .........215
[no] anti-spam xheader dnsbl mail-header mail-header-value .............................218
[no] anti-spam xheader query-timeout xheader-name xheader-value ........................213
[no] anti-virus activate ...............................................................174
[no] anti-virus anti_virus_software_name detect-auto-protection {enable | disable | ignore}
[no] anti-virus black-list activate ....................................................176
[no] anti-virus black-list file-pattern av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate} ..........177
[no] anti-virus eicar activate .........................................................174
[no] anti-virus skip-unknown-file-type activate ........................................174
[no] anti-virus statistics collect .....................................................179
[no] anti-virus update auto ............................................................178
[no] anti-virus white-list activate ....................................................176
[no] anti-virus white-list file-pattern av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate} ..........176
[no] apn access_point_name .............................................................265
[no] app activate ......................................................................169
[no] app highest sip bandwidth priority ................................................169
[no] app other log [alert] .............................................................167
[no] app other protocol_name bandwidth-graph ...........................................169
[no] app protocol_name activate ........................................................164
[no] app protocol_name allowport <1..65535> ............................................164
[no] app protocol_name bandwidth-graph .................................................169
[no] app protocol_name bwm .............................................................164
[no] app protocol_name defaultport <1..65535> ..........................................164
[no] app protocol_name log [alert] .....................................................164
[no] application application_object ....................................................152
[no] application forbidden-process process_name ........................................271
[no] application trusted-process process_name ..........................................271
[no] app-watch-dog activate ............................................................348
[no] app-watch-dog alert ...............................................................348
[no] app-watch-dog auto-recover ........................................................348
[no] app-watch-dog console-print {always|once} .........................................348
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 353
[no] app-watch-dog cpu-threshold min <1..100> max <1..100> .............................348
[no] app-watch-dog disk-threshold min <1..100> max <1..100> ............................348
[no] app-watch-dog interval <6..300> ...................................................348
[no] app-watch-dog mem-threshold min <1..100> max <1..100> .............................348
[no] app-watch-dog retry-count <1..5> ..................................................348
[no] app-watch-dog sys-reboot ..........................................................348
[no] area IP [{stub | nssa}] ...........................................................109
[no] area IP authentication ............................................................109
[no] area IP authentication authentication-key authkey .................................109
[no] area IP authentication message-digest .............................................109
[no] area IP authentication message-digest-key <1..255> md5 authkey ....................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP ...........................................................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication ............................................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication authentication-key authkey .................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication message-digest .............................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication message-digest-key <1..255> md5 authkey ....109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication same-as-area ...............................109
[no] area IP virtual-link IP authentication-key authkey ................................109
[no] authentication {chap-pap | chap | pap | mschap | mschap-v2} .......................264
[no] authentication {chap-pap | chap | pap | mschap | mschap-v2} ........................90
[no] authentication {force | required} .................................................234
[no] authentication {none | pap | chap} ................................................265
[no] authentication {string password | ah-md5 password} ................................226
[no] authentication mode {md5 | text} ..................................................108
[no] authentication string authkey .....................................................108
[no] auto-destination ..................................................................100
[no] auto-disable ......................................................................100
[no] backmx ............................................................................117
[no] backup-custom ip ..................................................................116
[no] backup-iface interface_name .......................................................117
[no] band {auto|wcdma|gsm} ..............................................................76
[no] bandwidth <1..1048576> priority <1..1024> [maximize-bandwidth-usage] ..............100
[no] bandwidth <1..1048576> priority <1..1024> [maximize-bandwidth-usage] ..............102
[no] bandwidth excess-usage ............................................................165
[no] bandwidth excess-usage ............................................................166
[no] bandwidth excess-usage ............................................................168
[no] bind interface_name ................................................................74
[no] block .............................................................................112
[no] block-ack ..........................................................................84
[no] block-ack ..........................................................................85
[no] block-intra ........................................................................85
[no] budget active ......................................................................77
[no] budget data active {download-upload|download|upload} <1..100000> ...................77
[no] budget time active <1..672> ........................................................77
[no] bwm activate ......................................................................100
[no] bwm activate ......................................................................169
[no] bypass {ip-reputation | mail-content | virus-outbreak} ............................212
[no] bypass {white-list | black-list | dnsbl} ..........................................212
[no] bypass {white-list | black-list} ..................................................175
[no] cache-clean activate ..............................................................152
[no] case-sensitive ....................................................................251
[no] case-sensitive ....................................................................253
[no] case-sensitive ....................................................................254
[no] client-identifier mac_address ......................................................64
[no] client-name host_name ..............................................................64
[no] clock daylight-saving .............................................................282
[no] clock saving-interval begin {apr|aug|dec|feb|jan|jul|jun|mar|may|nov|oct|sep}
{1|2|3|4|last} {fri|mon|sat|sun|thu|tue|wed} hh:mm end
{apr|aug|dec|feb|jan|jul|jun|mar|may|nov|oct|sep} {1|2|3|4|last}
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
{fri|mon|sat|sun|thu|tue|wed} hh:mm offset .......................................282
[no] clock time-zone {-|+hh} ...........................................................282
[no] cnm-agent acs password <password for ACS connection request> ......................297
[no] cnm-agent acs username <username for ACS connection request> ......................296
[no] cnm-agent activate ................................................................296
[no] cnm-agent auth activate ...........................................................296
[no] cnm-agent manager url .............................................................296
[no] cnm-agent password <TR-069 password> ..............................................297
[no] cnm-agent periodic-inform activate ................................................296
[no] cnm-agent username <TR-069 username> ..............................................297
[no] compression {yes | no} ............................................................264
[no] connection-id connection_id .......................................................265
[no] connectivity {nail-up | dial-on-demand} ............................................74
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log activate ........................................318
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log activate .........................................70
[no] connlimit max-per-host <1..8192> ..................................................134
[no] connlimit6 max-per-host <1..8192> .................................................135
[no] console baud baud_rate ............................................................282
[no] content-filter active .............................................................202
[no] content-filter block message message ..............................................202
[no] content-filter block redirect redirect_url ........................................202
[no] content-filter default block ......................................................202
[no] content-filter license license ....................................................202
[no] content-filter license license ....................................................203
[no] content-filter policy policy_number address schedule filtering_profile ............202
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile ..........................................203
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url category {category_name} ...205
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom ...................................203
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom activex ...........................203
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom cookie ............................203
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom java ..............................203
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom proxy .............................204
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom trust-allow-features ..............204
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile custom trust-only ........................204
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile url category {category_name} .............204
[no] content-filter profile filtering_profile url url-server ...........................205
[no] content-filter service-timeout service_timeout ....................................205
[no] content-filter statistics collect .................................................206
[no] content-filter -timeout _timeout ..................................................202
[no] content-filter -timeout _timeout ..................................................206
[no] corefile copy usb-storage ..........................................................83
[no] crypto ignore-df-bit ..............................................................144
[no] crypto map map_name ...............................................................144
[no] crypto map_name ...................................................................148
[no] crypto profile_name ...............................................................112
[no] ctmatch {dnat | snat} .............................................................137
[no] ctsrts <256..2346> .................................................................84
[no] custom ip .........................................................................116
[no] deactivate ........................................................................100
[no] deactivate ........................................................................102
[no] default-router ip ..................................................................64
[no] description description ...........................................................100
[no] description description ...........................................................102
[no] description description ...........................................................137
[no] description description ...........................................................139
[no] description description ...........................................................140
[no] description description ...........................................................152
[no] description description ...........................................................226
[no] description description ...........................................................231
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 355
[no] description description ...........................................................234
[no] description description ...........................................................241
[no] description description ...........................................................245
[no] description description ...........................................................271
[no] description description ...........................................................295
[no] description description ............................................................58
[no] description description ............................................................64
[no] destination {address6_object|any} .................................................102
[no] destination {address_object | group_name} .........................................234
[no] destination {address_object|any} ..................................................100
[no] destination {any|ipv4} ............................................................337
[no] destination profile_name ..........................................................165
[no] destination profile_name ..........................................................166
[no] destination profile_name ..........................................................168
[no] destinationip address_object ......................................................137
[no] destinationip6 address_object .....................................................137
[no] device-ha activate ................................................................222
[no] device-ha ap-mode authentication {string key | ah-md5 key} ........................223
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync authentication password password ....................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync auto ................................................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync from master_address port port .......................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode backup sync interval <1..1440> ..................................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode interface_name activate .........................................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode interface_name manage-ip ip subnet_mask .........................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode master sync authentication password password ....................224
[no] device-ha ap-mode preempt .........................................................223
[no] device-ha sync authentication password password ...................................227
[no] device-ha sync auto ...............................................................227
[no] device-ha sync from {hostname | ip} ...............................................226
[no] device-ha sync interval <5..1440> .................................................227
[no] device-ha sync now ................................................................227
[no] device-ha sync port <1..65535> ....................................................227
[no] device-ha vrrp-group vrrp_group_name ..............................................226
[no] diag-info copy usb-storage .........................................................83
[no] dialing-type {tone | pulse} ........................................................90
[no] dial-string isp_dial_string .......................................................265
[no] dial-timeout <30..120> .............................................................90
[no] domainname domain_name ............................................................281
[no] domain-name domain_name ............................................................64
[no] downstream <0..1048576> ............................................................58
[no] downstream <0..1048576> ............................................................81
[no] dpd ...............................................................................143
[no] dscp {any | <0..63>} ..............................................................101
[no] dscp {any | <0..63>} ..............................................................102
[no] dscp class {default | dscp_class} .................................................101
[no] dscp class {default | dscp_class} .................................................102
[no] dst-port {any|<1..65535>} .........................................................337
[no] duplex <full | half> ...............................................................72
[no] enable ............................................................................273
[no] enable ............................................................................337
[no] encryption {nomppe | mppe-40 | mppe-128} ..........................................265
[no] eps <1..8> eps_object_name ........................................................234
[no] eps <1..8> eps_profile_name .......................................................152
[no] eps activate ......................................................................152
[no] eps activate ......................................................................234
[no] eps failure-messages failure_messages .............................................270
[no] eps periodical-check <1..1440> ....................................................153
[no] eps periodical-check <1..1440> ....................................................234
[no] eps periodical-check activate .....................................................152
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] eps profile profile_name ..........................................................270
[no] eps rename profile_name new_profile_name ..........................................273
[no] fall-back .........................................................................143
[no] file-decompression [unsupported destroy] ..........................................175
[no] file-info file-path file_path .....................................................271
[no] file-info file-path file_path {eq | gt | lt | ge | le | neq} file-size <1..1073741824>
[no] file-info file-path file_path {eq | gt | lt | ge | le | neq} file-size <1..1073741824> {eq
| gt | lt | ge | le | neq} file-version file_version .............................271
[no] file-info file-path file_path {eq | gt | lt | ge | le | neq} file-version file_version
[no] firewall activate .................................................................135
[no] firewall activate .................................................................136
[no] firewall asymmetrical-route activate ..............................................134
[no] firewall6 asymmetrical-route activate .............................................136
[no] first-dns-server {ip | interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns | 3rd-dns} | ZyWALL} ......65
[no] first-wins-server ip ...............................................................65
[no] flood-detection {tcp-flood | udp-flood | ip-flood | icmp-flood} {activate | log [alert] |
block} ...........................................................................185
[no] forbid_hosts ......................................................................203
[no] force .............................................................................234
[no] force-auth activate ...............................................................233
[no] frag <256..2346> ...................................................................84
[no] from zone_name ....................................................................165
[no] from zone_name ....................................................................166
[no] from zone_name ....................................................................168
[no] from zone_object ..................................................................137
[no] from zone_object ..................................................................175
[no] from-zone zone_object .............................................................212
[no] from-zone zone_profile ............................................................183
[no] groupname groupname ...............................................................231
[no] groupname groupname ...............................................................231
[no] ha-iface interface_name ...........................................................117
[no] hardware-address mac_address .......................................................64
[no] hardware-watchdog-timer <4..37> ...................................................347
[no] hide ...............................................................................85
[no] host {any|ipv4} ...................................................................337
[no] host hostname .....................................................................116
[no] host ip ............................................................................64
[no] hostname hostname .................................................................281
[no] http-inspection {http-xxx} action {drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both}}
[no] http-inspection {http-xxx} activate ...............................................186
[no] icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-header}
activate .........................................................................186
[no] idle <0..360> .....................................................................264
[no] idle <0..360> .....................................................................265
[no] idle <0..360> ......................................................................90
[no] idp ...............................................................................182
[no] idp {signature | system-protect} update auto ......................................195
[no] idp statistics collect ............................................................196
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} ........................165
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} ........................166
[no] inbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} ........................168
[no] in-dnat activate ..................................................................146
[no] infected-action {destroy | send-win-msg} ..........................................175
[no] initial-string initial_string .....................................................295
[no] initial-string initial_string ......................................................90
[no] in-snat activate ..................................................................146
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 357
[no] interface {num|interface-name} .....................................................95
[no] interface ap_interface .............................................................85
[no] interface interface_name ..........................................................101
[no] interface interface_name ..........................................................102
[no] interface interface_name ..........................................................112
[no] interface interface_name ..........................................................226
[no] interface interface_name ...........................................................58
[no] interface interface_name ...........................................................76
[no] interface tunnel_iface .............................................................81
[no] interface-group group-name .........................................................94
[no] ip address dhcp ....................................................................58
[no] ip address ip subnet_mask ..........................................................58
[no] ip address ip subnet_mask ..........................................................85
[no] ip ddns profile profile_name ......................................................116
[no] ip dhcp pool profile_name ..........................................................63
[no] ip dhcp-pool profile_name ..........................................................65
[no] ip dns server a-record fqdn w.x.y.z ...............................................283
[no] ip dns server mx-record domain_name {w.x.y.z|fqdn} ................................284
[no] ip dns server zone-forwarder {<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>} {domain_zone_name|*} inter-
face interface_name ..............................................................284
[no] ip ftp server .....................................................................291
[no] ip ftp server cert certificate_name ...............................................291
[no] ip ftp server port <1..65535> .....................................................291
[no] ip ftp server tls-required ........................................................291
[no] ip gateway ip ......................................................................58
[no] ip gateway ip [metric <0..15>] .....................................................85
[no] ip helper-address ip ...............................................................65
[no] ip http authentication auth_method ................................................286
[no] ip http port <1..65535> ...........................................................286
[no] ip http secure-port <1..65535> ....................................................286
[no] ip http secure-server .............................................................286
[no] ip http secure-server auth-client .................................................286
[no] ip http secure-server cert certificate_name .......................................287
[no] ip http secure-server force-redirect ..............................................287
[no] ip http server ....................................................................287
[no] ip load-balancing link-sticking activate ...........................................97
[no] ip load-balancing link-sticking timeout timeout ....................................97
[no] ip ospf authentication-key password ................................................69
[no] ip ospf cost <1..65535> ............................................................69
[no] ip ospf dead-interval <1..65535> ...................................................69
[no] ip ospf hello-interval <1..65535> ..................................................69
[no] ip ospf priority <0..255> ..........................................................69
[no] ip ospf retransmit-interval <1..65535> .............................................69
[no] ip rip {send | receive} version <1..2> .............................................68
[no] ip rip v2-broadcast ................................................................68
[no] ip route {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {interface|w.x.y.z} <0..127> .........................105
[no] ip route control-virtual-server-rules activate ....................................106
[no] ip ssh server .....................................................................289
[no] ip ssh server cert certificate_name ...............................................289
[no] ip ssh server port <1..65535> .....................................................289
[no] ip ssh server v1 ..................................................................289
[no] ip telnet server ..................................................................290
[no] ip telnet server port <1..65535> ..................................................290
[no] ip-select {iface | auto | custom} .................................................116
[no] ip-select-backup {iface | auto | custom} ..........................................116
[no] ipv6 activate .....................................................................298
[no] ipv6 address dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_128 ........................................75
[no] ipv6 dhcp6 address-request .........................................................75
[no] ipv6 dhcp6 rapid-commit ............................................................75
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] ipv6 dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile ............................................75
[no] ipv6 enable ........................................................................75
[no] ipv6 metric <0..15> ................................................................75
[no] ipv6 nd ra accept ..................................................................75
[no] isakmp policy policy_name .........................................................143
[no] item as-report ....................................................................326
[no] item av-report ....................................................................326
[no] item cf-report ....................................................................326
[no] item cpu-usage ....................................................................326
[no] item idp-report ...................................................................326
[no] item mem-usage ....................................................................326
[no] item port-usage ...................................................................326
[no] item session-usage ................................................................326
[no] item traffic-report ...............................................................326
[no] join interface_name ................................................................90
[no] keyword ...........................................................................204
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec activate; .........................................................159
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec first-dns-server {ip | interface_name} {1st-dns|2nd-dns|3rd-dns}|
{ppp_interface|aux}{1st-dns|2nd-dns}} ............................................160
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec first-wins-server ip ..............................................160
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec keepalive-timer <1..180> ..........................................160
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec second-dns-server {ip | interface_name} {1st-dns|2nd-dns|3rd-dns}|
{ppp_interface|aux}{1st-dns|2nd-dns}} ............................................160
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec second-wins-server ip .............................................160
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec user user_name ....................................................160
[no] ldap-server basedn basedn .........................................................250
[no] ldap-server binddn binddn .........................................................250
[no] ldap-server cn-identifier uid .....................................................250
[no] ldap-server host ldap_server ......................................................250
[no] ldap-server password password .....................................................250
[no] ldap-server password-encrypted password ...........................................250
[no] ldap-server port port_no ..........................................................250
[no] ldap-server search-time-limit time ................................................250
[no] ldap-server ssl ...................................................................250
[no] lease {<0..365> [<0..23> [<0..59>]] | infinite} ....................................65
[no] limit <0..8192> ...................................................................139
[no] limit <0..8192> ...................................................................140
[no] local-address <ip> .................................................................78
[no] local-address ip ...................................................................74
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................137
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................165
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................166
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................168
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................175
[no] log [alert] .......................................................................212
[no] logging console ...................................................................322
[no] logging console category module_name ..............................................322
[no] logging debug suppression .........................................................319
[no] logging debug suppression interval <10..600> ......................................319
[no] logging mail <1..2> ...............................................................320
[no] logging mail <1..2> {send-log-to | send-alerts-to} e_mail .........................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> address {ip | hostname} .......................................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> authentication ................................................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> authentication username username password password ............321
[no] logging mail <1..2> category module_name level {alert | all} ......................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> port <1..65535> ...............................................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> schedule {full | hourly} ......................................321
[no] logging mail <1..2> subject subject ...............................................321
[no] logging syslog <1..4> .............................................................320
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 359
[no] logging syslog <1..4> {disable | level normal | level all} ........................320
[no] logging syslog <1..4> address {ip | hostname} .....................................320
[no] logging syslog <1..4> facility {local_1 | local_2 | local_3 | local_4 | local_5 | local_6
| local_7} .......................................................................320
[no] logging syslog <1..4> format {cef | vrpt} .........................................320
[no] logging system-log suppression ....................................................318
[no] logging system-log suppression interval <10..600> .................................318
[no] logging usb-storage ................................................................82
[no] login-page color-background .......................................................280
[no] login-page color-window-background ................................................280
[no] login-page message-text % message .................................................280
[no] mail-from e_mail ..................................................................325
[no] mail-subject append date-time .....................................................325
[no] mail-subject append system-name ...................................................325
[no] mail-to-1 e_mail ..................................................................325
[no] mail-to-2 e_mail ..................................................................325
[no] mail-to-3 e_mail ..................................................................326
[no] mail-to-4 e_mail ..................................................................326
[no] mail-to-5 e_mail ..................................................................326
[no] manage-ip IP ......................................................................226
[no] match-action pop3 {forward | forward-with-tag} ....................................212
[no] match-action smtp {drop | forward | forward-with-tag} .............................212
[no] message eps_warning_message .......................................................273
[no] metric <0..15> .....................................................................58
[no] mss <536..1452> ....................................................................75
[no] mss <536..1460> ....................................................................58
[no] mtu <576..1480> ....................................................................81
[no] mtu <576..1500> ....................................................................58
[no] mtu <576..2304> ....................................................................86
[no] mute ..............................................................................295
[no] mx {ip | domain_name} .............................................................116
[no] nail-up ...........................................................................146
[no] natt ..............................................................................144
[no] negotiation auto ...................................................................72
[no] netbios-broadcast .................................................................146
[no] network interface area IP .........................................................109
[no] network interface_name ............................................................108
[no] network interface_name .............................................................68
[no] network interface_name area ip .....................................................68
[no] network-extension {activate | ip-pool address_object | 1st-dns {address_object | ip } |
2nd-dns {address_object | ip } | 1st-wins {address_object | ip } | 2nd-wins
{address_object | ip } | network address_object} .................................153
[no] network-extension traffic-enforcement .............................................153
[no] network-selection {auto|home} ......................................................77
[no] next-hop {auto|gateway address object |interface interface_name |trunk trunk_name|tunnel
tunnel_name} .....................................................................101
[no] next-hop {auto|gateway gatewayv6 |interface interface_name |trunk trunk_name|tunnel
tunnel_name} .....................................................................102
[no] ntp ...............................................................................282
[no] ntp server {fqdn|w.x.y.z} .........................................................282
[no] object-group address group_name ...................................................240
[no] object-group group_name ...........................................................240
[no] object-group group_name ...........................................................245
[no] object-group service group_name ...................................................244
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} .......................165
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} .......................167
[no] outbound-dscp-mark {<0..63> | class {default | dscp_class}} .......................168
[no] outonly-interface interface_name ..................................................108
[no] outonly-interface interface_name ...................................................68
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] out-snat activate .................................................................146
[no] packet-capture activate ...........................................................341
[no] packet-flow activate ..............................................................338
[no] packet-flow ring-buffer activate ..................................................338
[no] passive-interface interface_name ..................................................108
[no] passive-interface interface_name ..................................................108
[no] passive-interface interface_name ...................................................68
[no] passive-interface interface_name ...................................................69
[no] password password .................................................................264
[no] password password .................................................................265
[no] password password ..................................................................90
[no] personal-firewall personal_firewall_software_name detect-auto-protection {enable | dis-
able | ignore} ...................................................................271
[no] phone-number phone .................................................................91
[no] pin <pin code> .....................................................................78
[no] ping-check activate ................................................................70
[no] policy controll-ipsec-dynamic-rules activate ......................................103
[no] policy controll-virtual-server-rules activate .....................................103
[no] policy override-direct-route activate .............................................103
[no] policy6 override-direct-route activate ............................................103
[no] policy-enforcement ................................................................145
[no] port <0..65535> ...................................................................168
[no] port interface_name ................................................................88
[no] port-speed {9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200} ................................295
[no] port-speed {9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200} .................................91
[no] preempt ...........................................................................226
[no] priority <1..254> .................................................................226
[no] protocol {any|<1..255>} ...........................................................337
[no] protocol {tcp | udp} ..............................................................168
[no] radius-server host radius_server auth-port auth_port ..............................251
[no] radius-server key secret ..........................................................251
[no] radius-server timeout time ........................................................251
[no] redistribute {static | ospf} ......................................................108
[no] redistribute {static | rip} .......................................................108
[no] redistribute {static | rip} metric-type <1..2> metric <0..16777214> ...............108
[no] remote-address <ip> ................................................................78
[no] remote-address ip ..................................................................74
[no] replay-detection ..................................................................146
[no] report ............................................................................323
[no] report packet size statistics .....................................................324
[no] reset-counter .....................................................................326
[no] role {master | backup} ............................................................226
[no] router-id IP ......................................................................108
[no] scan {http | ftp | imap4 | smtp | pop3} ...........................................175
[no] scan {smtp | pop3} ................................................................212
[no] scan-detection {icmp-sweep | icmp-filtered-sweep} {activate | log [alert] | block} 185
[no] scan-detection {ip-xxx} {activate | log [alert] | block} ..........................185
[no] scan-detection {tcp-xxx} {activate | log [alert] | block} .........................185
[no] scan-detection {udp-xxx} {activate | log [alert] | block} .........................185
[no] scan-detection open-port {activate | log [alert] | block} .........................185
[no] schedule profile_name .............................................................165
[no] schedule profile_name .............................................................167
[no] schedule profile_name .............................................................168
[no] schedule schedule_name ............................................................234
[no] schedule schedule_object ..........................................................101
[no] schedule schedule_object ..........................................................102
[no] schedule schedule_object ..........................................................137
[no] second-dns-server {ip | interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns | 3rd-dns} | ZyWALL} .....65
[no] second-wins-server ip ..............................................................65
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 361
[no] security dot1x acct ip port <1..65535> .............................................86
[no] security dot1x activate ............................................................86
[no] security dot1x auth ip port <1..65535> .............................................86
[no] security external acct ip port <1..65535> ..........................................86
[no] security external auth ip port <1..65535> ..........................................87
[no] server alternative-cn-identifier uid ..............................................252
[no] server alternative-cn-identifier uid ..............................................253
[no] server basedn basedn ..............................................................252
[no] server basedn basedn ..............................................................253
[no] server binddn binddn ..............................................................252
[no] server binddn binddn ..............................................................253
[no] server cn-identifier uid ..........................................................252
[no] server cn-identifier uid ..........................................................253
[no] server description description ....................................................252
[no] server description description ....................................................253
[no] server description description ....................................................254
[no] server group-attribute <1-255> ....................................................254
[no] server group-attribute group-attribute ............................................252
[no] server group-attribute group-attribute ............................................253
[no] server host ad_server .............................................................252
[no] server host ldap_server ...........................................................253
[no] server host radius_server .........................................................254
[no] server ip .........................................................................265
[no] server key secret .................................................................254
[no] server password password ..........................................................252
[no] server password password ..........................................................253
[no] server port port_no ...............................................................252
[no] server port port_no ...............................................................253
[no] server search-time-limit time .....................................................252
[no] server search-time-limit time .....................................................253
[no] server ssl ........................................................................252
[no] server ssl ........................................................................253
[no] server timeout time ...............................................................254
[no] service {service_name|any} ........................................................101
[no] service {service_name|any} ........................................................102
[no] service service_name ..............................................................137
[no] service-name {ip | hostname | service_name} .......................................264
[no] service-object object_name ........................................................244
[no] service-type {dyndns | dyndns_static | dyndns_custom | dynu-basic | dynu-premium | no-ip
| peanut-hull | 3322-dyn | 3322-static} ..........................................116
[no] session-limit activate ............................................................139
[no] session-limit6 activate ...........................................................140
[no] shutdown ...........................................................................58
[no] shutdown ...........................................................................81
[no] signature sid activate ............................................................184
[no] signature sid activate ............................................................188
[no] smtp-auth activate ................................................................325
[no] smtp-port <1..65535> ..............................................................325
[no] snat {outgoing-interface|pool {address_object}} ...................................101
[no] snmp-server .......................................................................293
[no] snmp-server community community_string {ro|rw} ....................................293
[no] snmp-server contact description ...................................................293
[no] snmp-server enable {informs|traps} ................................................293
[no] snmp-server host {w.x.y.z} [community_string] .....................................293
[no] snmp-server location description ..................................................293
[no] snmp-server port <1..65535> .......................................................293
[no] software-watchdog-timer <10..600> .................................................347
[no] source {address6_object|any} ......................................................103
[no] source {address_object | group_name} ..............................................234
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] source {address_object|any} .......................................................101
[no] source {any|ipv4} .................................................................337
[no] source profile_name ...............................................................165
[no] source profile_name ...............................................................167
[no] source profile_name ...............................................................168
[no] sourceip address_object ...........................................................137
[no] sourceip6 address_object ..........................................................137
[no] sourceport {tcp|udp} {eq <1..65535>|range <1..65535> <1..65535>} ..................137
[no] speed <100,10> .....................................................................72
[no] src-port {any|<1..65535>} .........................................................337
[no] sslvpn application application_object .............................................266
[no] sslvpn profile_name ...............................................................112
[no] sslvpn tunnel_name ................................................................101
[no] starting-address ip pool-size <1..65535> ...........................................65
[no] super ..............................................................................84
[no] system default-snat ................................................................95
[no] tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} action {drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both}} 186
[no] tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} activate ....................................................186
[no] third-dns-server {ip | interface_name {1st-dns | 2nd-dns | 3rd-dns} | ZyWALL} ......65
[no] to {zone_object|ZyWALL} ...........................................................138
[no] to zone_name ......................................................................165
[no] to zone_name ......................................................................167
[no] to zone_name ......................................................................168
[no] to zone_object ....................................................................175
[no] to-zone zone_object ...............................................................212
[no] to-zone zone_profile ..............................................................183
[no] trigger <1..8> incoming service_name trigger service_name .........................101
[no] trust_hosts .......................................................................204
[no] tunnel tunnel_name ................................................................102
[no] udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} activate ............186
[no] upstream <0..1048576> ..............................................................58
[no] usb-storage activate ...............................................................82
[no] user user_name ....................................................................102
[no] user user_name ....................................................................103
[no] user user_name ....................................................................138
[no] user user_name ....................................................................139
[no] user user_name ....................................................................140
[no] user user_name ....................................................................153
[no] user username .....................................................................165
[no] user username .....................................................................167
[no] user username .....................................................................168
[no] user username .....................................................................231
[no] user username .....................................................................264
[no] user username .....................................................................265
[no] username username ..................................................................91
[no] username username password password ...............................................116
[no] users idle-detection ..............................................................232
[no] users idle-detection timeout <1..60> ..............................................232
[no] users lockout-period <1..65535> ...................................................232
[no] users retry-count <1..99> .........................................................232
[no] users retry-limit .................................................................232
[no] users simultaneous-logon {administration | access} enforce ........................232
[no] users simultaneous-logon {administration | access} limit <1..1024> ................232
[no] users update-lease automation .....................................................232
[no] version <1..2> ....................................................................108
[no] vlan-id <1..4094> ..................................................................89
[no] vpn-concentrator profile_name .....................................................147
[no] vpn-configuration-provision activate ..............................................148
[no] vrid <1..254> .....................................................................226
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 363
[no] wan-iface interface_name ..........................................................116
[no] webpage-encrypt ...................................................................267
[no] wildcard ..........................................................................117
[no] windows-auto-update {enable | disable | ignore} ...................................272
[no] windows-registry registry_key {eq | gt | lt | ge | le | neq} registry_value .......272
[no] windows-security-patch security_patch .............................................272
[no] windows-service-pack <1..10> ......................................................272
[no] wlan mac-filter activate ...........................................................87
[no] wlan mac-filter mac_address [description description] ..............................87
[no] xauth type {server xauth_method | client name username password password} .........144
[no] zone profile_name .................................................................112
[no]adderss6-object object_name interface-gateway interface { slaac | static} {addr_index}
{signature | anomaly | system-protect} activate ........................................182
{signature | anomaly | system-protect} activation ......................................182
| uint32 <0..4294967295> | ip ipv4 [ ipv4 [ ipv4]] | fqdn fqdn [ fqdn [ fqdn]] | text text |
hex hex | vivc enterprise_id hex_s [enterprise_id hex_s ] | vivs enterprise_id hex_s
[enterprise_id hex_s ] ............................................................64
aaa authentication [no] match-default-group ............................................256
aaa authentication rename profile-name-old profile-name-new ............................255
aaa group server ad group-name .........................................................251
aaa group server ad rename group-name group-name .......................................251
aaa group server ldap group-name .......................................................252
aaa group server ldap rename group-name group-name .....................................252
aaa group server radius group-name .....................................................254
aaa group server radius rename {group-name-old} group-name-new .........................253
access {forward | drop | reject} .......................................................165
access {forward | drop | reject} .......................................................166
access {forward | drop | reject} .......................................................168
access-page message-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} ......................280
access-page title title ................................................................280
access-page window-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} .......................280
action {allow|deny|reject} .............................................................137
activate ...............................................................................143
activate ...............................................................................145
address ipv6_addr_prefix ................................................................58
address ipv6_addr_prefix ................................................................60
address-object object_name {ip | ip_range | ip_subnet | interface-ip | interface-subnet | in-
terface-gateway} {interface} .....................................................238
address-object rename object_name object_name ..........................................238
adjust-mss {auto | <200..1500>} ........................................................145
algorithm {wrr|llf|spill-over} ..........................................................94
anti-spam dnsbl [1..5] domain dnsbl_domain {activate|deactivate} .......................217
anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order {forward | backward} ....................................217
anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip [1..5] ....................................................217
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout pop3 {forward | forward-with-tag} ........................217
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout smtp {drop | forward | forward-with-tag} .................217
anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout time [1..10] .............................................217
anti-spam dnsbl statistics flush .......................................................217
anti-spam ip-reputation query-timeout time [timeout] ...................................213
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout pop3 {forward | forward-with-tag} ....................213
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout smtp {drop | forward | forward-with-tag} .............213
anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout time [timeout] .......................................213
anti-spam rule append ..................................................................212
anti-spam rule delete rule_number ......................................................212
anti-spam rule insert rule_number ......................................................212
anti-spam rule move rule_number to rule_number .........................................212
anti-spam rule rule_number .............................................................212
anti-spam statistics flush .............................................................219
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
anti-spam tag {dnsbl | dnsbl-timeout} [tag] ............................................217
anti-spam tag {mail-content | virus-outbreak} [tag] ....................................213
anti-spam tag black-list [tag] .........................................................215
anti-spam tag query-timeout [tag] ......................................................213
anti-virus black-list replace old_av_file_pattern new_av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate}
anti-virus mail-infect-ext activate ....................................................174
anti-virus reload signatures ...........................................................174
anti-virus rule <1..32> ................................................................175
anti-virus rule append .................................................................174
anti-virus rule delete <1..32> .........................................................175
anti-virus rule insert <1..32> .........................................................174
anti-virus rule move <1..32> to <1..32> ................................................175
anti-virus search signature {all | category category | id id | name name | severity severity
[{from id to id}] ................................................................177
anti-virus statistics flush ............................................................179
anti-virus update daily <0..23> ........................................................178
anti-virus update hourly ...............................................................178
anti-virus update signatures ...........................................................178
anti-virus update weekly {sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat} <0..23> .............178
anti-virus white-list replace old_av_file_pattern new_av_file_pattern {activate|deactivate}
app other {del | forward | drop | reject} ..............................................167
app other <1..64> ......................................................................167
app other append .......................................................................167
app other default ......................................................................167
app other insert rule_number ...........................................................167
app other move rule_number to rule_number ..............................................167
app protocol_name {forward | drop | reject} ............................................164
app protocol_name bandwidth <0..102400> ................................................164
app protocol_name exception append .....................................................166
app protocol_name exception default ....................................................166
app protocol_name exception insert rule_number .........................................166
app protocol_name exception modify default .............................................166
app protocol_name exception modify rule_number .........................................166
app protocol_name exception move rule_number to rule_number ............................166
app protocol_name exception rule_number ................................................166
app protocol_name exception rule_number ................................................166
app protocol_name mode {portless | portbase} ...........................................164
app protocol_name rule append ..........................................................164
app protocol_name rule default .........................................................165
app protocol_name rule insert rule_number ..............................................164
app protocol_name rule modify default ..................................................165
app protocol_name rule modify rule_number ..............................................164
app protocol_name rule rule_number .....................................................164
apply ...................................................................................33
apply /conf/file_name.conf [ignore-error] [rollback] ...................................303
app-watch-dog reboot-log flush .........................................................348
area IP virtual-link IP message-digest-key <1..255> md5 authkey ........................109
arp IP mac_address .....................................................................344
atse ....................................................................................33
authentication {pre-share | rsa-sig} ...................................................143
authentication key <1..255> key-string authkey .........................................108
band <b | g | bg| bgn | gn> .............................................................84
bandwidth {inbound | outbound} <0..1048576> ............................................166
bandwidth {inbound|outbound} <0..1048576> ..............................................165
bandwidth {inbound|outbound} <0..1048576> ..............................................168
bandwidth priority <1..7> ..............................................................165
bandwidth priority <1..7> ..............................................................166
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 365
bandwidth priority <1..7> ..............................................................168
bandwidth-graph ........................................................................164
bind profile ...........................................................................183
budget {log|log-alert}[recursive <1..65535>] ............................................77
budget {log-percentage|log-percentage-alert} [recursive <1..65535>] .....................78
budget current-connection {keep|drop} ...................................................77
budget new-connection {allow|disallow} ..................................................77
budget percentage {ptime|pdata} <0..99> .................................................78
budget reset-counters ...................................................................77
budget reset-day <0..31> ................................................................77
ca enroll cmp name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn
cn_email} [ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country] key-type {rsa|dsa} key-
len key_length num <0..99999999> password password ca ca_name url url; ...........260
ca enroll scep name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail cn
cn_email} [ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country] key-type {rsa|dsa} ..
key-len key_length password password ca ca_name url url ..........................260
ca generate pkcs10 name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail
cn cn_email} [ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country] key-type {rsa|dsa}
key-len key_length ...............................................................260
ca generate pkcs12 name name password password .........................................260
ca generate x509 name certificate_name cn-type {ip cn cn_address|fqdn cn cn_domain_name|mail
cn cn_email} [ou organizational_unit] [o organization] [c country] key-type {rsa|dsa}
key-len key_length ...............................................................260
ca rename category {local|remote} old_name new_name ....................................260
ca validation remote_certificate .......................................................261
cdp {activate|deactivate} ..............................................................261
certificate certificate-name ...........................................................143
certificate cert_name ..................................................................160
channel <wireless_channel | auto> .......................................................84
channel-width <auto | 20m | 40m> ........................................................84
clear ...................................................................................33
clear aaa authentication profile-name ..................................................255
clear aaa group server ad [group-name] .................................................251
clear aaa group server ldap [group-name] ...............................................252
clear aaa group server radius group-name ...............................................253
clear ip dhcp binding {ip | *} ..........................................................65
clear logging debug buffer .............................................................319
clear logging system-log buffer ........................................................318
clear report [interface_name] ..........................................................323
clock date yyyy-mm-dd time hh:mm:ss ....................................................282
clock time hh:mm:ss ....................................................................282
cnm-agent keepalive interval <10..90> ..................................................296
cnm-agent periodic-inform interval <10..86400> .........................................296
cnm-agent server-type {vantage | tr069} ................................................297
cnm-agent trigger-inform [interval] ....................................................296
configure ...............................................................................33
connectivity {nail-up | dial-on-demand} .................................................78
content-filter common-list {trust|forbid} ..............................................202
content-filter passed warning flush ....................................................202
content-filter passed warning timeout <1..1440> ........................................202
content-filter policy policy_number shutdown ...........................................202
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url match {block | log | warn | pass} 205
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe {block | log | pass} 205
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url offline {block | log | warn | pass}
content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url unrate {block | log | warn | pass} 205
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list forbid ............................203
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list keyword ...........................204
content-filter profile filtering_profile custom-list trust .............................204
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
content-filter profile filtering_profile url match {block | log | warn | pass} .........204
content-filter profile filtering_profile url match-unsafe {block | log | pass} .........204
content-filter profile filtering_profile url offline {block | log | warn | pass} .......204
content-filter profile filtering_profile url unrate {block | log | warn | pass} ........204
content-filter statistics flush ........................................................206
content-filter url-cache test ..........................................................206
content-filter url-server test bluecoat ................................................202
content-filter url-server test commtouch ...............................................202
content-filter zsb port <1..65535> .....................................................202
copy ....................................................................................33
copy {/cert | /conf | /idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp}file_name-a.conf {/cert | /conf |
/idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/file_name-b.conf ..........................303
copy running-config /conf/file_name.conf ...............................................303
copy running-config startup-config .....................................................303
crypto map dial map_name ...............................................................144
crypto map map_name ....................................................................145
crypto map map_name ....................................................................147
crypto map rename map_name map_name ....................................................145
crypto map_name ........................................................................148
daily-report ...........................................................................325
deactivate .............................................................................143
deactivate .............................................................................145
debug (*) ...............................................................................33
debug [cmdexec|corefile|ip |kernel|mac-id-rewrite|observer|switch |system|zyinetpkt|zysh-ipt-
op] (*) ...........................................................................36
debug alg ...............................................................................35
debug anti-spam .........................................................................35
debug app ...............................................................................35
debug app show l7protocol (*) ...........................................................35
debug ca (*) ............................................................................35
debug content-filter ....................................................................35
debug device-ha (*) .....................................................................35
debug eps ...............................................................................35
debug force-auth (*) ....................................................................35
debug gui (*) ...........................................................................35
debug gui (*) ...........................................................................35
debug hardware (*) ......................................................................35
debug idp ...............................................................................35
debug idp-av ............................................................................35
debug interface .........................................................................35
debug interface ifconfig [interface] ....................................................35
debug interface-group ...................................................................35
debug ip dns ............................................................................35
debug ip virtual-server .................................................................35
debug ipsec .............................................................................35
debug logging ...........................................................................35
debug manufacture .......................................................................35
debug myzyxel server (*) ................................................................35
debug network arpignore (*) .............................................................35
debug no myzyxel server (*) .............................................................35
debug policy-route (*) ..................................................................35
debug reset content-filter profiling ....................................................35
debug service-register ..................................................................35
debug service-register erase service as .................................................47
debug show content-filter server ........................................................35
debug show ipset ........................................................................35
debug show myzyxel server status ........................................................35
debug show myzyxel server status ........................................................35
debug sslvpn ............................................................................35
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 367
debug system ipv6 .......................................................................36
debug update server (*) .................................................................36
delete ..................................................................................33
delete {/cert | /conf | /idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/file_name ...............303
details .................................................................................33
device-ha ap-mode backup sync now ......................................................224
device-ha ap-mode cluster-id <1..32> ...................................................223
device-ha ap-mode priority <1..254> ....................................................223
device-ha ap-mode role {master|backup} .................................................223
device-ha link-monitoring activate .....................................................227
device-ha mode {active-passive | legacy} ...............................................222
device-ha stop-stub-interface activate .................................................227
device-register checkuser user_name .....................................................46
device-register username user_name password password [e-mail user@domainname] [country-code
country_code] [reseller-name name] [reseller-mail email-address] [reseller-phone phone-
number] [vat vat-number] ..........................................................46
dhcp6 ...................................................................................61
dhcp6 { server | client | relay upper { config_interface | ipv6_addr } } ................60
dhcp6 address-request ...................................................................60
dhcp6 address-request ...................................................................61
dhcp6 duid { duid | mac } ...............................................................60
dhcp6 rapid-commit ......................................................................60
dhcp6 rapid-commit ......................................................................61
dhcp6 refresh-time { <600..4294967294> | infinity } .....................................60
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile ........................................................60
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile ........................................................61
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile { sip-server | ntp-server | dns-server } { ipv6_addr |
dhcp6_profile } ..................................................................277
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile address ipv6_addr duid duid ...........................276
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile address-pool ipv6_addr ipv6_addr ......................276
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile prefix-delegation ipv6_addr_prefix duid duid ..........276
dhcp6-lease-object rename dhcp6_profile dhcp6_profile ..................................277
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile ......................................................60
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile ......................................................61
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile { dns-server | ntp-server | prefix-delegation | sip-server
} ................................................................................277
dhcp6-request-object rename dhcp6_profile dhcp6_profile ................................277
dhcp-option <1..254> option_name {boolean <0..1>| uint8 <0..255> | uint16 <0..65535> ....64
diag ....................................................................................33
diag-info ...............................................................................33
diag-info collect ......................................................................331
dial-in ................................................................................295
dir .....................................................................................33
dir {/cert | /conf | /idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp} ............................303
disable .................................................................................33
draw-usage-graphics ....................................................................325
dscp-marking <0..63> ...................................................................101
dscp-marking <0..63> ...................................................................102
dscp-marking class {default | dscp_class} ..............................................101
dscp-marking class {default | dscp_class} ..............................................102
duration <0..300> ......................................................................341
enable ..................................................................................33
enable ..................................................................................59
enable ..................................................................................60
encapsulation {tunnel | transport} .....................................................145
eps insert <1..8> eps_object_name ......................................................234
eps insert <1..8> eps_profile_name .....................................................152
eps move <1..8> to <1..8> ..............................................................152
eps move <1..8> to <1..8> ..............................................................234
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
eps warning-message {windows-auto-update | windows-security-patch | anti-virus | personal-
firewall | windows-registry | process | file-path} ...............................273
exit ...................................................................................101
exit ...................................................................................102
exit ...................................................................................139
exit ...................................................................................140
exit ...................................................................................148
exit ...................................................................................202
exit ...................................................................................202
exit ...................................................................................203
exit ...................................................................................203
exit ...................................................................................204
exit ...................................................................................204
exit ...................................................................................206
exit ...................................................................................273
exit ...................................................................................326
exit ...................................................................................338
exit ....................................................................................34
exit ....................................................................................58
exit ....................................................................................72
exit ....................................................................................81
exit ....................................................................................85
exit ....................................................................................94
fall-back-check-interval <60..86400> ...................................................143
files-size <1..10000> ..................................................................342
file-suffix <profile_name> .............................................................342
firewall append ........................................................................135
firewall default-rule action {allow | deny | reject} { no log | log [alert] } ..........135
firewall delete rule_number ............................................................135
firewall flush .........................................................................135
firewall insert rule_number ............................................................135
firewall move rule_number to rule_number ...............................................135
firewall rule_number ...................................................................134
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} append .......................................134
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} delete <1..5000> .............................135
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} flush ........................................135
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} insert rule_number ...........................135
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} move rule_number to rule_number ..............135
firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number ..................................134
firewall6 append .......................................................................136
firewall6 default-rule action {allow | deny | reject} { no log | log [alert] } .........136
firewall6 delete rule_number ...........................................................136
firewall6 flush ........................................................................136
firewall6 insert rule_number ...........................................................136
firewall6 move rule_number to rule_number ..............................................136
firewall6 rule_number ..................................................................135
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} append ......................................136
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} delete <1..5000> ............................136
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} flush .......................................136
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} insert rule_number ..........................136
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} move rule_number to rule_number .............136
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number .................................135
flood-detection block-period <1..3600> .................................................185
flush ...................................................................................94
force-auth [no] exceptional-service service_name .......................................233
force-auth default-rule authentication {required | unnecessary} {no log | log [alert]} .233
force-auth policy <1..1024> ............................................................233
force-auth policy append ...............................................................233
force-auth policy delete <1..1024> .....................................................233
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 369
force-auth policy flush ................................................................233
force-auth policy insert <1..1024> .....................................................233
force-auth policy move <1..1024> to <1..1024> ..........................................233
gateway .................................................................................60
gateway ipv6_addr metric <0..15> ........................................................58
group1 .................................................................................144
group2 .................................................................................144
group5 .................................................................................144
group-key <30..30000> ...................................................................85
groupname rename groupname groupname ...................................................231
guard-interval [short | long] ...........................................................85
guard-interval <short | long> ...........................................................84
host-ip {ip-address | profile_name | any> ..............................................342
host-port <0..65535> ...................................................................342
htm .....................................................................................34
http-inspection {http-xxx} log [alert] .................................................186
icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} action
{drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both}} ..........................186
icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} log
[alert] ..........................................................................186
idle <30..30000> ........................................................................85
idp {signature | system-protect} update daily <0..23> ..................................195
idp {signature | system-protect} update hourly .........................................195
idp {signature | system-protect} update signatures .....................................195
idp {signature | system-protect} update weekly {sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat} <0..23>
idp {signature| anomaly } rule { append | <1..32> | insert <1..32> } ...................183
idp {signature| anomaly } rule { delete <1..32> | move <1..32> to <1..32> } ............183
idp anomaly newpro [base {all | none}] .................................................185
idp customize signature edit quoted_string .............................................191
idp customize signature quoted_string ..................................................191
idp reload .............................................................................182
idp rename {signature | anomaly} profile1 profile2 .....................................182
idp search signature my_profile name quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service service_mask activate {any | yes | no}
log {any | no | log | log-alert} action action_mask ..............................189
idp search system-protect my_profile name quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service service_mask activate {any | yes | no}
log {any | no | log | log-alert} action action_mask ..............................189
idp signature newpro [base {all | lan | wan | dmz | none}] .............................184
idp statistics flush ...................................................................196
idp system-protect .....................................................................188
idp system-protect deactivate ..........................................................182
iface {add | del} {interface_name | virtual_interface_name} ............................342
in-dnat <1..10> protocol {all | tcp | udp} original-ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535>
mapped-ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535> .....................................146
in-dnat append protocol {all | tcp | udp} original-ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535> mapped-
ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535> ............................................146
in-dnat delete <1..10> .................................................................146
in-dnat insert <1..10> protocol {all | tcp | udp} original-ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535>
mapped-ip address_name <0..65535> <0..65535> .....................................146
in-dnat move <1..10> to <1..10> ........................................................146
in-snat source address_name destination address_name snat address_name .................146
interface ...............................................................................34
interface {num|append|insert num} interface-name [weight <1..10>|limit <1..2097152>|passive]
interface aux ...........................................................................90
interface cellular budget-auto-save <5..1440> ...........................................78
interface dial aux ......................................................................90
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
interface dial interface_name ...........................................................74
interface disconnect aux ................................................................90
interface disconnect interface_name .....................................................74
interface interface_name ................................................................65
interface interface_name ................................................................68
interface interface_name ................................................................69
interface interface_name ................................................................70
interface interface_name ................................................................71
interface interface_name ................................................................74
interface interface_name ................................................................88
interface interface_name ................................................................89
interface interface_name ipv6 ...........................................................58
interface interface_name no ipv6 ........................................................60
interface reset {interface_name|virtual_interface_name|all} .............................61
interface send statistics interval <15..3600> ...........................................61
interface-name {ppp_interface | ethernet_interface} user_defined_name ...................61
interface-rename old_user_defined_name new_user_defined_name ............................61
ip address ipv4 ipv4 ....................................................................81
ip dhcp pool rename profile_name profile_name ...........................................63
ip dns server cache-flush ..............................................................283
ip dns server rule {<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>} access-group {ALL|address_object} zone
{ALL|address_object} action {accept|deny} ........................................284
ip dns server rule move <1..32> to <1..32> .............................................284
ip dns server zone-forwarder {<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>} {domain_zone_name|*} user-defined
w.x.y.z [private | interface {interface_name | auto}] ............................284
ip dns server zone-forwarder move <1..32> to <1..32> ...................................284
ip ftp server rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} ......................................291
ip ftp server rule move rule_number to rule_number .....................................291
ip gateway ip metric <0..15> ............................................................58
ip http secure-server cipher-suite {cipher_algorithm} [cipher_algorithm] [cipher_algorithm]
[cipher_algorithm] ...............................................................287
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-
group {ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} ...........287
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule move rule_number to rule_number ..........287
ip http server table {admin|user} rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} .................287
ip http server table {admin|user} rule move rule_number to rule_number .................287
ip http-redirect activate description ..................................................124
ip http-redirect deactivate description ................................................124
ip http-redirect description interface interface_name redirect-to w.x.y.z <1..65535> ...124
ip http-redirect description interface interface_name redirect-to w.x.y.z <1..65535> deactivate
ip http-redirect flush .................................................................124
ip ospf authentication ..................................................................69
ip ospf authentication message-digest ...................................................69
ip ospf authentication same-as-area .....................................................69
ip ospf message-digest-key <1..255> md5 password ........................................69
ip route replace {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {interface|w.x.y.z} <0..127> with {w.x.y.z} {w.x.y.z} {in-
terface|w.x.y.z} <0..127> ........................................................105
ip ssh server rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} ......................................289
ip ssh server rule move rule_number to rule_number .....................................289
ip telnet server rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} ......................................290
ip telnet server rule move rule_number to rule_number ..................................290
ip virtual-server {activate | deactivate} profile_name .................................121
ip virtual-server delete profile_name ..................................................121
ip virtual-server flush ................................................................121
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 371
ip virtual-server profile_name interface interface_name original-ip {any | ip | address_object}
map-to {address_object | ip} map-type any [nat-loopback [nat-1-1-map] [deactivate] | nat-
1-1-map [deactivate] | deactivate] ...............................................120
ip virtual-server profile_name interface interface_name original-ip {any | IP | address_object}
map-to {address_object | ip} map-type original-service service_object mapped-service
service_object [nat-loopback [nat-1-1-map] [deactivate] | nat-1-1-map [deactivate] | de-
activate] ........................................................................121
ip virtual-server profile_name interface interface_name original-ip {any | IP | address_object}
map-to {address_object | ip} map-type port protocol {any | tcp | udp} original-port
<1..65535> mapped-port <1..65535> [nat-loopback [nat-1-1-map] [deactivate] | nat-1-1-map
[deactivate] | deactivate] .......................................................120
ip virtual-server profile_name interface interface_name original-ip {any | IP | address_object}
map-to {address_object | ip} map-type ports protocol {any | tcp | udp} original-port-
begin <1..65535> original-port-end <1..65535> mapped-port-begin <1..65535> [nat-loopback
[nat-1-1-map] [deactivate] | nat-1-1-map [deactivate] | deactivate] ..............120
ip virtual-server rename profile_name profile_name .....................................121
ip6 route destv6/prefix { ipv6_global_address | ipv6_link_local | interface} [<0..127>] 105
ip6 route destv6/prefix { ipv6_link_local interface} [<0..127>] ........................105
ip6 route replace destv6/prefix { gatewayv6 | interface} [<0..127>] with destv6/prefix {
gatewayv6 | interface} [<0..127>] ................................................105
ipsec-isakmp policy_name ...............................................................145
ipv6 6to4 [ prefix ipv6_addr_prefix | destination-prefix ipv4_cidr | relay ipv4 ] .......81
ipv6 address dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_128 .............................................59
ipv6 address dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_128 .............................................61
ipv6 address ipv6_addr_prefix ...........................................................81
ipv6 dhcp6 [client] .....................................................................75
ipv6 dhcp6 duid { duid | mac } ..........................................................75
ipv6 neighbor flush {ipv6 | all} ......................................................343
ip-version {ip|ip6|any} ................................................................342
isakmp keepalive <2..60> ...............................................................143
isakmp policy rename policy_name policy_name ...........................................144
keystring pre_shared_key ...............................................................144
l2tp-over-ipsec authentication aaa authentication profile_name .........................159
l2tp-over-ipsec crypto map_name ........................................................159
l2tp-over-ipsec pool address-object ....................................................159
l2tp-over-ipsec recover default-ipsec-policy ...........................................159
language <English | Simplified_Chinese | Traditional_Chinese> ..........................297
ldap {activate|deactivate} .............................................................261
ldap ip {ip|fqdn} port <1..65535> [id name password password] [deactivate] .............261
lifetime <180..3000000> ................................................................143
list signature {anti-virus | personal-firewall | status} ...............................272
loadbalancing-index <inbound|outbound|total> .............................................95
local-id type {ip ip | fqdn domain_name | mail e_mail | dn distinguished_name} .........144
local-ip {ip {ip | domain_name} | interface interface_name} ............................144
local-ip ip ............................................................................147
local-policy address_name ..............................................................145
logging console category module_name level {alert | crit | debug | emerg | error | info | notice
| warn} ..........................................................................322
logging mail <1..2> schedule daily hour <0..23> minute <0..59> .........................321
logging mail <1..2> schedule weekly day day hour <0..23> minute <0..59> ................321
logging mail <1..2> sending_now ........................................................321
logging system-log category module_name {disable | level normal | level all} ...........318
logging usb-storage category category disable ...........................................82
logging usb-storage category category level <all|normal> ................................82
logging usb-storage flushThreshold <1..100> .............................................82
login-page background-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} ....................280
login-page message-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} .......................280
login-page title title .................................................................280
login-page title-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} .........................280
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
login-page window-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} ........................281
logo background-color {color-rgb | color-name | color-number} ..........................281
mac mac .................................................................................71
mail-subject set subject ...............................................................325
matching-criteria {any | all} ..........................................................272
mode {main | aggressive} ...............................................................143
mode {normal|trunk} .....................................................................95
move <1..8> to <1..8> ...................................................................95
mtu <576..1492> .........................................................................75
mtu <576..1492> .........................................................................78
nd ra accept ............................................................................59
nd ra accept ............................................................................60
nd ra advertise .........................................................................59
nd ra advertise .........................................................................60
nd ra default-lifetime ..................................................................61
nd ra default-lifetime <4..9000> ........................................................59
nd ra hop-limit .........................................................................61
nd ra hop-limit <0..255> ................................................................59
nd ra managed-config-flag ...............................................................59
nd ra managed-config-flag ...............................................................60
nd ra max-rtr-interval ..................................................................61
nd ra max-rtr-interval <4..1800> ........................................................59
nd ra min-rtr-interval ..................................................................61
nd ra min-rtr-interval <3..1350> ........................................................59
nd ra mtu ...............................................................................60
nd ra mtu <1280..1500> | <0> ............................................................59
nd ra other-config-flag .................................................................59
nd ra other-config-flag .................................................................60
nd ra prefix-advertisement dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_64 ................................60
nd ra prefix-advertisement DHCP6_PROFILE DHCP6_SUFFIX_64 ................................61
nd ra prefix-advertisement ipv6_addr_prefix [ auto { on | off } ] [ link{ on | off } ] [ pre-
ferred-time { <0..4294967294> | infinity }] [valid-time{ <0..4294967294> | infinity }]
nd ra reachable-time ....................................................................61
nd ra reachable-time <0..3600000> .......................................................59
nd ra retrans-timer .....................................................................61
nd ra retrans-timer <0..4294967295> .....................................................59
nd ra router-preference { low | medium | high } .........................................59
network ip mask .........................................................................64
network IP/<1..32> ......................................................................64
no address-object object_name ..........................................................238
no anti-spam dnsbl domain dnsbl_domain .................................................217
no anti-virus mail-infect-ext activate .................................................174
no app other rule_number ...............................................................167
no app protocol_name rule rule_number ..................................................165
no area IP virtual-link IP message-digest-key <1..255> .................................109
no arp ip ..............................................................................344
no authentication key ..................................................................108
no bind ................................................................................183
no budget log [recursive] ...............................................................77
no budget log-percentage ................................................................78
no ca category {local|remote} certificate_name .........................................261
no ca validation name ..................................................................261
no content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url match {log} ..................205
no content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url match-unsafe {log} ...........205
no content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url offline {log} ................205
no content-filter profile filtering_profile commtouch-url unrate {log} .................205
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url match {log} ............................204
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url match-unsafe {log} .....................204
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 373
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url offline {log} ..........................204
no content-filter profile filtering_profile url unrate {log} ...........................204
no device-ha link-monitoring ...........................................................227
no device-ha stop-stub-interface .......................................................227
no dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile ....................................................277
no dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile ..................................................277
no dhcp-option <1..254> .................................................................64
no dscp-marking ........................................................................101
no dscp-marking ........................................................................102
no http-inspection {http-xxx} log ......................................................186
no icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} ac-
tion .............................................................................186
no icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | truncated-address-header} log
no idp {signature | anomaly} profile3 ..................................................182
no idp {signature| anomaly } rule <1..32> ..............................................183
no idp customize signature custom_sid ..................................................191
no ip dns server rule <1..32> ..........................................................284
no ip ftp server rule rule_number ......................................................291
no ip http secure-server cipher-suite {cipher_algorithm} ...............................287
no ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule rule_number ...........................287
no ip http server table {admin|user} rule rule_number ..................................287
no ip http-redirect description ........................................................124
no ip ospf authentication ...............................................................69
no ip ospf message-digest-key ...........................................................69
no ip ssh server rule rule_number ......................................................289
no ip telnet server rule rule_number ...................................................290
no ip virtual-server profile_name ......................................................120
no ip6 route destv6/prefix { gatewayv6 | interface} [<0..127>] .........................105
no l2tp-over-ipsec session tunnel-id <0..65535> ........................................160
no mac ..................................................................................71
no mail-subject set ....................................................................325
no network ..............................................................................64
no packet-trace .........................................................................34
no port <1..x> ..........................................................................72
no sa spi spi ..........................................................................149
no sa tunnel-name map_name .............................................................149
no scan-detection sensitivity ..........................................................185
no schedule-object object_name .........................................................247
no security {none | wep | wpa | wpa-wpa2 | wpa2} ........................................87
no server-type .........................................................................267
no service-object object_name ..........................................................243
no signature sid action ................................................................184
no signature SID action ................................................................188
no signature sid log ...................................................................184
no signature sid log ...................................................................188
no smtp-address ........................................................................325
no smtp-auth username ..................................................................325
no snmp-server rule rule_number ........................................................293
no sslvpn policy profile_name ..........................................................153
no tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} log ...........................................................186
no udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} action ................186
no udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} log ...................186
no use-defined-mac ......................................................................72
no user ................................................................................148
no username username ...................................................................230
nslookup ................................................................................34
ntp sync ...............................................................................282
object-group address rename group_name group_name ......................................241
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
object-group service rename group_name group_name ......................................245
ocsp {activate|deactivate} .............................................................261
ocsp url url [id name password password] [deactivate] ..................................261
or .....................................................................................164
or .....................................................................................165
or .....................................................................................166
or .....................................................................................166
os-type {windows | linux | mac-osx | others} ...........................................271
output-power [100% | 50% | 25% | 12.5%] .................................................84
out-snat source address_name destination address_name snat address_name ................146
packet-capture configure ...............................................................341
packet-flow buffer clear pf_cpu_core_num ...............................................338
packet-flow buffer write ...............................................................338
packet-flow filter pf_filter_num_range .................................................337
packet-trace ............................................................................34
packet-trace [interface interface_name] [[ip-proto|ipv6-proto] | protocol_name | any}] [src-
host {ip | hostname | any}] [dst-host {ip | hostname | any}] [port {<1..65535> | any}]
[file] [duration <1..3600>] [extension-filter filter_extension] ..................341
peer-id type {any | ip ip | fqdn domain_name | mail e_mail | dn distinguished_name} ....144
peer-ip {ip | domain_name} [ip | domain_name] ..........................................144
peer-ip ip .............................................................................147
ping ....................................................................................34
ping6 ...................................................................................34
ping6{ipv6 | hostname} [source ipv6] [size <0..65527>] [forever| count <1..4096>] [interface
{interface_name | virtual_interface_name}][extension filter_extension] ...........342
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} .........................................70
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} fail-tolerance <1..10> ..................70
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} method {icmp | tcp} .....................70
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} period <5..30> ..........................70
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} port <1..65535> .........................70
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-gateway} timeout <1..10> .........................70
policy {policy_number | append | insert policy_number} .................................100
policy default-route ...................................................................103
policy delete policy_number ............................................................103
policy flush ...........................................................................103
policy list table ......................................................................103
policy move policy_number to policy_number .............................................103
policy6 {policy_number | append | insert policy_number} ................................102
port <0..65535> ........................................................................165
port <0..65535> ........................................................................167
port <1..65535> ending-port <1..65535>] ...............................................267
port <1..65535> ending-port <1..65535>] [program-path program-path] ...................267
port status Port<1..x> ..................................................................72
port-grouping representative_interface port <1..x> ......................................72
proto-type {icmp | icmp6 | igmp | igrp | pim | ah | esp | vrrp | udp | tcp | any} ......342
psm .....................................................................................34
qos [none | wmm} ........................................................................84
qos <none | wmm> ........................................................................84
reauth <30..30000> ......................................................................86
reboot ..................................................................................34
redistribute {static | ospf} metric <0..16> ............................................108
release .................................................................................34
release dhcp interface-name .............................................................65
remote-policy address_name .............................................................145
rename ..................................................................................34
rename {/cert | /conf | /idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/old-file_name {/cert | /conf |
/idp | /packet_trace | /script | /tmp}/new-file_name .............................303
rename /script/old-file_name /script/new-file_name .....................................303
renew ...................................................................................34
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 375
renew dhcp interface-name ...............................................................65
report packet size statistics clear ....................................................325
reset-counter-now ......................................................................326
ring-buffer <enable|disable> ...........................................................342
role ap .................................................................................84
router ospf ............................................................................108
router ospf ............................................................................109
router ospf ............................................................................109
router ospf .............................................................................68
router rip .............................................................................108
router rip ..............................................................................68
run .....................................................................................34
run /script/file_name.zysh .............................................................303
scan-detection block-period <1..3600> ..................................................185
scan-detection sensitivity {low | medium | high} .......................................185
scenario {site-to-site-static|site-to-site-dynamic|remote-access-server|remote-access-cli-
ent} .............................................................................145
schedule hour <0..23> minute <00..59> ..................................................326
schedule-object object_name date time date time ........................................248
schedule-object object_name time time [day] [day] [day] [day] [day] [day] [day] ........248
schedule-run 1 file_name.zysh {daily | monthly | weekly} time {date | sun | mon | tue | wed |
thu | fri | sat} .................................................................303
security mode {none | wep | wpa | wpa-wpa2 | wpa2} ......................................86
security wep <64 | 128> default-key <1..4> ..............................................86
security wep mode <open | share> ........................................................86
security wpa <tkip | aes> eap external ..................................................86
security wpa <tkip | aes> eap internal profile-name tls-cert certificate name ..........86
security wpa <tkip | aes> psk key psk-key ...............................................86
security wpa2 <tkip | aes> eap external .................................................86
security wpa2 <tkip | aes> eap internal profile-name tls-cert certificate name .........86
security wpa2 <tkip | aes> psk key psk-key ..............................................86
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip | aes> eap external .............................................86
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip | aes> eap internal profile-name tls-cert certificate name .....86
security wpa-wpa2 <tkip | aes> psk key psk-key ..........................................86
send-now ...............................................................................326
server-type {file-sharing | owa | web-server} url URL [entry-point entry_point] ........266
server-type file-sharing share-path share-path .........................................267
server-type rdp server-address server-address [starting- ...............................267
server-type vnc server-address server-address [starting- ...............................267
server-type weblink url url ............................................................267
service-object object_name {tcp | udp} {eq <1..65535> | range <1..65535> <1..65535>} ...243
service-object object_name icmp icmp_value .............................................244
service-object object_name icmpv6 {<0..255> | neighbor-solicitation | router-advertisement |
echo | packet-toobig | router-solicitation | echo-reply | parameter-problem | time-ex-
ceeded | neighbor-advertisement | redirect | unreachable} ........................244
service-object object_name protocol <1..255> ...........................................244
service-object rename object_name object_name ..........................................244
service-register checkexpire ............................................................46
service-register content-filter-engine { bluecoat | commtouch } .........................47
service-register service-type standard license-key key_value ............................47
service-register service-type trial av-engine {kav|zav} .................................47
service-register service-type trial service {content-filter|idp} ........................47
service-register service-type trial service all {kav|zav} ...............................47
service-register service-type trial service as ..........................................47
service-register service-type trial service av {kav|zav} ................................47
session timeout {udp-connect <1..300> | udp-deliver <1..300> | icmp <1..300>} ..........329
session timeout session {tcp-established | tcp-synrecv | tcp-close | tcp-finwait | tcp-synsent
| tcp-closewait | tcp-lastack | tcp-timewait} <1..300> ..........................329
session-limit append ...................................................................140
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
session-limit delete rule_number .......................................................140
session-limit flush ....................................................................140
session-limit insert rule_number .......................................................140
session-limit limit <0..8192> ..........................................................139
session-limit move rule_number to rule_number ..........................................140
session-limit rule_number ..............................................................139
session-limit6 append ..................................................................140
session-limit6 delete rule_number ......................................................140
session-limit6 flush ...................................................................140
session-limit6 insert rule_number ......................................................140
session-limit6 limit <0..8192> .........................................................140
session-limit6 move rule_number to rule_number .........................................140
session-limit6 rule_number .............................................................140
set pfs {group1 | group2 | group5 | none} ..............................................145
set security-association lifetime seconds <180..3000000> ...............................145
set session-key {ah <256..4095> auth_key | esp <256..4095> [cipher enc_key] authenticator
auth_key} ........................................................................147
setenv ..................................................................................34
setenv-startup stop-on-error off .......................................................304
show ...................................................................................165
show ...................................................................................167
show ...................................................................................168
show ...................................................................................212
show ...................................................................................231
show ...................................................................................234
show ....................................................................................34
show ....................................................................................63
show [all] .............................................................................175
show {address-object | address6-object | service-object | schedule-object} [object_name] 238
show aaa authentication {group-name|default} ...........................................255
show aaa group server ad group-name ....................................................251
show aaa group server ldap group-name ..................................................252
show aaa group server radius group-name ................................................253
show access-page settings ..............................................................281
show account [pppoe profile_name | pptp profile_name] ..................................264
show account cellular profile_name .....................................................265
show ad-server .........................................................................249
show anti-spam {smtp | pop3} defaultport ...............................................213
show anti-spam activation ..............................................................211
show anti-spam black-list [status] .....................................................215
show anti-spam dnsbl domain ............................................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl ip-check-order ....................................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl max-query-ip ......................................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout {smtp | pop3} .......................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl query-timeout time ................................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl statistics ........................................................217
show anti-spam dnsbl status ............................................................217
show anti-spam ip-reputation private-check .............................................213
show anti-spam ip-reputation query-timeout time ........................................213
show anti-spam ip-reputation statistics ................................................219
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout pop3 ............................................213
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout smtp ............................................213
show anti-spam mail-scan query-timeout time ............................................213
show anti-spam mail-scan statistics ....................................................219
show anti-spam mail-scan status ........................................................213
show anti-spam rule [rule_number] ......................................................212
show anti-spam statistics collect ......................................................219
show anti-spam statistics ranking {source | mail-address} ..............................219
show anti-spam statistics summary ......................................................219
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 377
show anti-spam tag {dnsbl | dnsbl-timeout} .............................................217
show anti-spam tag {mail-content | virus-outbreak} .....................................213
show anti-spam tag black-list ..........................................................215
show anti-spam tag query-timeout .......................................................213
show anti-spam white-list [status] .....................................................215
show anti-spam xheader {mail-content | virus-outbreak} .................................213
show anti-spam xheader {white-list | black-list} .......................................215
show anti-spam xheader dnsbl ...........................................................218
show anti-spam xheader query-timeout ...................................................213
show anti-virus activation .............................................................174
show anti-virus eicar activation .......................................................174
show anti-virus signatures status ......................................................178
show anti-virus skip-unknown-file-type activation ......................................174
show anti-virus statistics collect .....................................................179
show anti-virus statistics ranking {destination | source | virus-name} .................179
show anti-virus statistics summary .....................................................179
show anti-virus update .................................................................178
show anti-virus update status ..........................................................178
show app {general|im|p2p|stream} .......................................................169
show app all ...........................................................................169
show app all defaultport ...............................................................169
show app all statistics ................................................................169
show app config ........................................................................169
show app highest sip bandwidth priority ................................................170
show app im support action .............................................................169
show app other config ..................................................................169
show app other rule all ................................................................169
show app other rule all statistics .....................................................169
show app other rule default ............................................................169
show app other rule default statistics .................................................169
show app other rule rule_number ........................................................169
show app other rule rule_number statistics .............................................169
show app other statistics ..............................................................169
show app protocol_name config ..........................................................169
show app protocol_name defaultport .....................................................169
show app protocol_name rule all ........................................................169
show app protocol_name rule all statistics .............................................169
show app protocol_name rule default ....................................................169
show app protocol_name rule default statistics .........................................169
show app protocol_name rule rule_number ................................................169
show app protocol_name rule rule_number statistics .....................................169
show app protocol_name statistics ......................................................169
show app-watch-dog config ..............................................................348
show app-watch-dog monitor-list ........................................................348
show app-watch-dog reboot-log ..........................................................348
show arp-table .........................................................................344
show boot status ........................................................................41
show bridge available member ............................................................90
show bwm activation ....................................................................103
show bwm activation ....................................................................170
show bwm-usage < [policy-route policy_number] | [interface interface_name] ............103
show ca category {local|remote} [name certificate_name format {text|pem}] ..............262
show ca category {local|remote} name certificate_name certpath .........................262
show ca spaceusage .....................................................................262
show ca validation name name ...........................................................262
show clock date ........................................................................282
show clock status ......................................................................282
show clock time ........................................................................282
show cnm-agent configuration ...........................................................296
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
show comport status .....................................................................41
show conn [user {username|any|unknown}] [service {service-name|any|unknown}] [source {ip|any}]
[destination {ip|any}] [begin <1..128000>] [end <1..128000>] .....................324
show conn ip-traffic destination .......................................................324
show conn ip-traffic source ............................................................324
show conn status .......................................................................324
show connectivity-check continuous-log status ..........................................318
show connectivity-check continuous-log status ...........................................70
show connlimit max-per-host ............................................................135
show connlimit6 max-per-host ...........................................................136
show console ...........................................................................282
show content-filter common-list {trust|forbid} .........................................203
show content-filter passed warning .....................................................203
show content-filter policy .............................................................203
show content-filter profile [filtering_profile] ........................................205
show content-filter settings ...........................................................203
show content-filter statistics collect .................................................206
show content-filter statistics summary .................................................206
show content-filter statistics summary .................................................206
show content-filter url-cache ..........................................................206
show content-filter url-cache [all-category] [begin url_cache_range end url_cache_range]
[_count] .........................................................................206
show corefile copy usb-storage ..........................................................83
show cpu status .........................................................................41
show crypto map [map_name] .............................................................144
show daily-report status ...............................................................325
show ddns [profile_name] ...............................................................116
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync .....................................................224
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync status ..............................................224
show device-ha ap-mode backup sync summary .............................................224
show device-ha ap-mode forwarding-port interface_name ..................................224
show device-ha ap-mode interfaces ......................................................224
show device-ha ap-mode master sync .....................................................224
show device-ha ap-mode next-sync-time ..................................................224
show device-ha ap-mode status ..........................................................224
show device-ha link-monitoring .........................................................227
show device-ha status ..................................................................222
show device-ha stop-stub-interface .....................................................227
show device-ha sync ....................................................................226
show device-ha sync backup next-sync-time ..............................................226
show device-ha sync status .............................................................226
show device-ha vrrp-group ..............................................................226
show device-register status .............................................................47
show dhcp6 interface ...................................................................276
show dhcp6 object-binding interface_name ...............................................276
show dhcp6-lease-object [dhcp6_profile] ................................................276
show dhcp6-request-object [dhcp6_profile] ..............................................276
show diag-info .........................................................................331
show diag-info copy usb-storage .........................................................83
show dial-in ...........................................................................295
show disk ...............................................................................41
show eps failure-messages ..............................................................270
show eps profile [profile_name] ........................................................272
show eps profile profile_name signature {anti-virus | personal-firewall} ...............272
show eps signature {anti-virus | personal-firewall | status} ...........................272
show eps warning-message {windows-auto-update | windows-security-patch | anti-virus | personal-
firewall | windows-registry | process | file-path} ...............................272
show extension-slot .....................................................................41
show fan-speed ..........................................................................41
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 379
show firewall ..........................................................................135
show firewall any ZyWALL ...............................................................135
show firewall block_rules ..............................................................135
show firewall rule_number ..............................................................135
show firewall status ...................................................................135
show firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} .........................................135
show firewall zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number .............................135
show firewall6 .........................................................................136
show firewall6 any ZyWALL ..............................................................136
show firewall6 block_rules .............................................................136
show firewall6 rule_number .............................................................136
show firewall6 status ..................................................................136
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} ........................................136
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} rule_number ............................136
show force-auth activation .............................................................233
show force-auth exceptional-service ....................................................233
show force-auth policy {<1..1024> | all} ...............................................233
show fqdn ..............................................................................281
show groupname [groupname] .............................................................231
show hardware-watchdog-timer status ....................................................347
show idp ...............................................................................182
show idp {signature | anomaly} base profile ............................................182
show idp {signature | system-protect} signatures {version | date | number} .............195
show idp {signature | system-protect} update ...........................................195
show idp {signature | system-protect} update status ....................................195
show idp {signature| anomaly } rules ...................................................183
show idp anomaly profile flood-detection [all details] .................................187
show idp anomaly profile flood-detection {tcp-flood | udp-flood | ip-flood | icmp-flood} details
show idp anomaly profile http-inspection {ascii-encoding | u-encoding | bare-byte-unicode-en-
coding | base36-encoding | utf-8-encoding | iis-unicode-codepoint-encoding | multi-
slash-encoding | iis-backslash-evasion | self-directory-traversal | directory-traversal
| apache-whitespace | non-rfc-http-delimiter | non-rfc-defined-char | oversize-request-
uri-directory | oversize-chunk-encoding | webroot-directory-traversal} details ...187
show idp anomaly profile http-inspection all details ...................................187
show idp anomaly profile icmp-decoder {truncated-header | truncated-timestamp-header | trun-
cated-address-header} details ....................................................187
show idp anomaly profile icmp-decoder all details ......................................187
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection [all details] ..................................186
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {icmp-sweep | icmp-filtered-sweep | open-port} details
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {ip-protocol-scan | ip-decoy-protocol-scan | ip-proto-
col-sweep | ip-distributed-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-de-
coy-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-distributed-protocol-scan | ip-filtered-protocol-sweep}
details ..........................................................................187
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {tcp-portscan | tcp-decoy-portscan | tcp-portsweep |
tcp-distributed-portscan | tcp-filtered-portscan | tcp-filtered-decoy-portscan | tcp-
filtered-distributed-portscan | tcp-filtered-portsweep} details ..................187
show idp anomaly profile scan-detection {udp-portscan | udp-decoy-portscan | udp-portsweep |
udp-distributed-portscan | udp-filtered-portscan | udp-filtered-decoy-portscan | .187
show idp anomaly profile tcp-decoder {undersize-len | undersize-offset | oversize-offset | bad-
length-options | truncated-options | ttcp-detected | obsolete-options | experimental-
options} details .................................................................187
show idp anomaly profile tcp-decoder all details .......................................187
show idp anomaly profile udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} details
show idp anomaly profile udp-decoder all details .......................................187
show idp profile signature {all | custom-signature} details ............................184
show idp profile signature sid details .................................................184
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
show idp profiles ......................................................................182
show idp search signature my_profile name quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask platform
platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service service_mask activate {any | yes | no}
log {any | no | log | log-alert} action action_mask ..............................189
show idp search system-protect my_profile name quoted_string sid SID severity severity_mask
platform platform_mask policytype policytype_mask service service_mask activate {any |
yes | no} log {any | no | log | log-alert} action action_mask ....................189
show idp signature all details .........................................................182
show idp signature base profile {all|none|wan|lan|dmz} settings ........................182
show idp signature profile signature all details .......................................182
show idp signatures custom-signature all details .......................................191
show idp signatures custom-signature custom_sid {details | contents | non-contents} ....191
show idp signatures custom-signature number ............................................191
show idp statistics collect ............................................................196
show idp statistics ranking {signature-name | source | destination} ....................196
show idp statistics summary ............................................................196
show idp system-protect all details ....................................................188
show interface {ethernet | vlan | bridge | ppp | auxiliary} status ......................57
show interface {interface_name | ethernet | vlan | bridge | ppp | virtual ethernet | virtual
vlan | virtual bridge | auxiliary | all} ..........................................57
show interface cellular [corresponding-slot|device-status|support-device] ...............78
show interface cellular budget-auto-save ................................................78
show interface cellular corresponding-slot ..............................................78
show interface cellular device-status ...................................................78
show interface cellular status ..........................................................78
show interface cellular support-device ..................................................78
show interface interface_name [budget] ..................................................78
show interface interface_name device profile ............................................78
show interface interface_name device status .............................................78
show interface ppp system-default .......................................................75
show interface ppp user-define ..........................................................75
show interface send statistics interval .................................................58
show interface summary all ..............................................................58
show interface summary all status .......................................................58
show interface tunnel status ............................................................81
show interface tunnel_iface .............................................................81
show interface-group {system-default|user-define|group-name} ............................94
show interface-name .....................................................................61
show ip dhcp binding [ip] ...............................................................65
show ip dhcp dhcp-options ...............................................................63
show ip dhcp pool [profile_name] ........................................................63
show ip dhcp pool profile_name dhcp-options .............................................63
show ip dns server .....................................................................284
show ip dns server database ............................................................284
show ip dns server status ..............................................................284
show ip ftp server status ..............................................................291
show ip http server secure status ......................................................287
show ip http server status .............................................................287
show ip http-redirect [description] ....................................................124
show ip load-balancing link-sticking status .............................................97
show ip route [kernel | connected | static | ospf | rip | bgp] .........................110
show ip route control-virtual-server-rules .............................................106
show ip route static-dynamic ...........................................................333
show ip route-settings .................................................................105
show ip ssh server status ..............................................................289
show ip telnet server status ...........................................................290
show ip virtual-server [profile_name] ..................................................120
show ipv6 dhcp6 binding ................................................................276
show ipv6 interface {interface_name | all} ..............................................57
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 381
show ipv6 nd ra status config_interface .................................................57
show ipv6 neighbor-list ................................................................343
show ipv6 static address interface ......................................................57
show ipv6 status .......................................................................298
show isakmp keepalive ..................................................................143
show isakmp policy [policy_name] .......................................................143
show isakmp sa .........................................................................149
show l2tp-over-ipsec ...................................................................160
show l2tp-over-ipsec session ...........................................................160
show language {setting | all} ..........................................................297
show ldap-server .......................................................................250
show led status .........................................................................41
show lockout-users .....................................................................235
show logging debug entries [priority pri] [category module_name] [srcip ip] [srcip6 ipv6_addr]
[dstip ip] [dstip6 ipv6_addr] [service service_name] [srciface interface_name] [dstiface
interface_name] [protocol protocol] [begin <1..512> end <1..512>] [keyword keyword] .
show logging debug entries field field [begin <1..1024> end <1..1024>] .................319
show logging debug status ..............................................................319
show logging entries [priority pri] [category module_name] [srcip ip] [srcip6 ipv6_addr] [dstip
ip] [dstip6 ipv6_addr] [service service_name] [begin <1..512> end <1..512>] [keyword key-
word] [srciface interface_name] [dstiface interface_name] [protocol protocol] ....318
show logging entries field field [begin <1..512> end <1..512>] .........................318
show logging status console ............................................................322
show logging status mail ...............................................................320
show logging status syslog .............................................................320
show logging status system-log .........................................................318
show logging status usb-storage .........................................................82
show login-page default-title ..........................................................281
show login-page settings ...............................................................281
show logo settings .....................................................................281
show mac ................................................................................41
show mem status .........................................................................41
show ntp server ........................................................................282
show object-group {address | address6} [group_name] ....................................240
show object-group service group_name ...................................................244
show ospf area IP virtual-link .........................................................109
show packet-capture config .............................................................343
show packet-capture status .............................................................342
show packet-flow buffer [pf_cpu_core_num] ..............................................338
show packet-flow filter pf_filter_num_range ............................................338
show packet-flow status ................................................................338
show page-customization ................................................................281
show ping-check [interface_name | status] ...............................................70
show policy-route [policy_number] ......................................................103
show policy-route begin <1..200> end <1..200> ..........................................103
show policy-route controll-ipsec-dynamic-rules .........................................103
show policy-route controll-virtual-server-rules ........................................103
show policy-route override-direct-route ................................................103
show policy-route rule_count ...........................................................103
show policy-route underlayer-rules .....................................................103
show policy-route6 override-direct-route ...............................................103
show port setting .......................................................................72
show port status ........................................................................72
show port vlan-id .......................................................................89
show port-grouping ......................................................................72
show radius-server .....................................................................251
show ram-size ...........................................................................41
show redundant-power status .............................................................41
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
show reference object aaa authentication [default | auth_method] ........................39
show reference object account pppoe [object_name] .......................................39
show reference object account pptp [object_name] ........................................39
show reference object address [object_name] .............................................39
show reference object address6 [object_name] ............................................39
show reference object ca category {local|remote} [cert_name] ............................39
show reference object crypto map [crypto_name] ..........................................39
show reference object dhcp6-lease-object [object_name] .................................40
show reference object dhcp6-request-object [object_name] ................................40
show reference object eps [object_name] .................................................39
show reference object interface [interface_name | virtual_interface_name] ...............39
show reference object isakmp policy [isakmp_name] .......................................39
show reference object schedule [object_name] ............................................39
show reference object service [object_name] .............................................39
show reference object sslvpn application [object_name] ..................................39
show reference object sslvpn policy [object_name] .......................................39
show reference object username [username] ...............................................39
show reference object zone [object_name] ................................................40
show reference object-group aaa ad [group_name] .........................................40
show reference object-group aaa ldap [group_name] .......................................40
show reference object-group aaa radius [group_name] .....................................40
show reference object-group address [object_name] .......................................40
show reference object-group address6 [object_name] ......................................40
show reference object-group interface [object_name] .....................................40
show reference object-group service [object_name] .......................................40
show reference object-group username [username] .........................................40
show report [interface_name {ip | service | url}] ......................................323
show report packet size statistics {interface_name} [interval interval] ................325
show report packet size statistics status ..............................................324
show report status .....................................................................323
show rip {global | interface {all | interface_name}} ...................................68
show route order .......................................................................333
show running-config ....................................................................304
show sa monitor [{begin <1..1000>} | {end <1..1000>} | {crypto-map regexp} | {policy regexp}
|{rsort sort_order} | {sort sort_order}] ........................................149
show schedule-object ...................................................................247
show serial-number ......................................................................41
show service-object [object_name] ......................................................243
show service-register content-filter-engine .............................................47
show service-register reseller-info .....................................................47
show service-register server-type .......................................................47
show service-register status {all|idp|av|sslvpn|sslvpn-status} ..........................47
show service-register status as .........................................................47
show service-register status content-filter { bluecoat | commtouch } ....................47
show session timeout {icmp | tcp-timewait | udp} .......................................329
show session-limit .....................................................................140
show session-limit begin rule_number end rule_number ...................................140
show session-limit rule_number .........................................................140
show session-limit status ..............................................................140
show session-limit6 ....................................................................140
show session-limit6 begin rule_number end rule_number ..................................140
show session-limit6 rule_number ........................................................140
show session-limit6 status .............................................................140
show setenv-startup ....................................................................304
show snmp status .......................................................................293
show socket listen ......................................................................41
show socket open ........................................................................41
show software-watchdog-timer log .......................................................347
show software-watchdog-timer status ....................................................347
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 383
show sslvpn application [application_object] ...........................................266
show sslvpn monitor ....................................................................152
show ssl-vpn network-extension local-ip ................................................152
show sslvpn policy [profile_name] ......................................................152
show system default-interface-group .....................................................95
show system default-snat ................................................................95
show system route default-wan-trunk ....................................................333
show system route dynamic-vpn ..........................................................333
show system route nat-1-1 ..............................................................333
show system route policy-route .........................................................333
show system route site-to-site-vpn .....................................................333
show system snat default-snat ..........................................................333
show system snat nat-1-1 ...............................................................333
show system snat nat-loopback ..........................................................333
show system snat order .................................................................333
show system snat policy-route ..........................................................333
show system uptime ......................................................................41
show usb-storage ........................................................................82
show username [username] ...............................................................230
show users {username | all | current} ..................................................235
show users default-setting {all | user-type {admin|user|guest|limited-admin|ext-user| ext-
group-user}} .....................................................................231
show users idle-detection-settings .....................................................232
show users retry-settings ..............................................................232
show users simultaneous-logon-settings .................................................232
show users update-lease-settings .......................................................232
show version ............................................................................41
show vpn-concentrator [profile_name] ...................................................147
show vpn-configuration-provision activation ............................................148
show vpn-configuration-provision authentication ........................................148
show vpn-configuration-provision rules .................................................148
show vpn-counters ......................................................................149
show vrpt send device information interval .............................................320
show vrpt send interface statistics interval ...........................................320
show vrpt send system status interval ..................................................320
show wlan mac-filter ....................................................................88
show wlan mac-filter status .............................................................88
show workspace application .............................................................153
show workspace cifs ....................................................................153
show zone [profile_name] ...............................................................112
show zone binding-iface ................................................................112
show zone default-binding ..............................................................112
show zone none-binding .................................................................112
show zone system-default ...............................................................112
show zone user-define ..................................................................112
shutdown ................................................................................34
signature sid action {drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both} ............184
signature sid action {drop | reject-sender | reject-receiver | reject-both} ............188
signature sid log [alert] ..............................................................184
signature sid log [alert] ..............................................................188
smtp-address {ip | hostname} ...........................................................325
smtp-auth username username password password ..........................................325
snaplen <68..1512> .....................................................................342
snmp-server rule {rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|zone_object} action {accept|deny} ......................................293
snmp-server rule move rule_number to rule_number .......................................293
split-size <1..2048> ...................................................................342
ssid ssid ...............................................................................87
sslvpn network-extension local-ip ip ...................................................152
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
sslvpn no connection username user_name ................................................153
sslvpn policy {profile_name | profile_name append | profile_name insert <1..16>} .......152
sslvpn policy move <1..16> to <1..16> ..................................................153
sslvpn policy rename profile_name profile_name .........................................153
station-limit <1..255> ..................................................................87
storage <internal|usbstorage> ..........................................................342
system default-interface-group group-name ...............................................95
tcp-decoder {tcp-xxx} log [alert] ......................................................186
telnet ..................................................................................34
test aaa ................................................................................34
test aaa {server|secure-server} {ad|ldap} host {hostname|ipv4-address} [host {hostname|ipv4-
address}] port <1..65535> base-dn base-dn-string [bind-dn bind-dn-string password pass-
word] login-name-attribute attribute [alternative-login-name-attribute attribute] ac-
count account-name ...............................................................256
tracepath6 {ipv6 | hostname} ...........................................................342
traceroute ..............................................................................34
traceroute {ip | hostname} .............................................................341
traceroute6 .............................................................................34
traceroute6 {ipv6 | hostname} ..........................................................341
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-filter|dns} bandwidth <0..1048576> priority <1..7> [maxi-
mize-bandwidth-usage]; ............................................................81
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-filter|dns} deactivate ..............................81
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-filter|dns|ipsec-vpn|ssl-vpn} bandwidth <0..1048576> pri-
ority <1..7> [maximize-bandwidth-usage]; ..........................................58
traffic-prioritize {tcp-ack|content-filter|dns|ipsec-vpn|ssl-vpn} deactivate ............58
transform-set crypto_algo_ah [crypto_algo_ah [crypto_algo_ah]] .........................145
transform-set crypto_algo_esp [crypto_algo_esp [crypto_algo_esp]] ......................145
transform-set isakmp-algo [isakmp_algo [isakmp_algo]] ..................................143
trigger append incoming service_name trigger service_name ..............................101
trigger delete <1..8> ..................................................................101
trigger insert <1..8> incoming service_name trigger service_name .......................101
trigger move <1..8> to <1..8> ..........................................................101
tunnel destination ipv4 .................................................................81
tunnel mode [ ipv6ip [ manual | 6to4 ] ] ] ..............................................81
tunnel mode ip gre ......................................................................81
tunnel source [ipv4|tunnel_bind_interface|_any] .........................................81
type {internal | external | general} ....................................................72
udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} action {drop | reject-sender |
reject-receiver | reject-both} ...................................................186
udp-decoder {truncated-header | undersize-len | oversize-len} log [alert] ..............186
udp-filtered-distributed-portscan | udp-filtered-portsweep} details ....................187
unlock lockout-users {ip | console| ipv6_addr} .........................................235
url ....................................................................................206
url [ server rating_server ] [ timeout query_timeout ] .................................202
url timeout query_timeout ..............................................................202
usb-storage mount .......................................................................82
usb-storage umount ......................................................................82
usb-storage warn number <percentage|megabyte> ...........................................82
use-defined-mac .........................................................................72
user username ..........................................................................148
username rename username username ......................................................230
username username [no] description description .........................................230
username username [no] logon-lease-time <0..1440> ......................................231
username username [no] logon-re-auth-time <0..1440> ....................................231
username username [no] logon-time-setting <default | manual> ...........................230
username username nopassword user-type {admin | guest | limited-admin | user} ..........230
username username password password user-type {admin | guest | limited-admin | user} ...230
username username user-type ext-group-user associated-aaa-server server_profile group-id id
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 385
username username user-type ext-user ...................................................230
users default-setting [no] logon-lease-time <0..1440> ..................................231
users default-setting [no] logon-re-auth-time <0..1440> ................................231
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin |ext-user|guest|limited-admin|user|ext-group-user>
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin |ext-user|guest|limited-admin|user|ext-group-user>
logon-lease-time <0..1440> .......................................................231
users default-setting [no] user-type <admin |ext-user|guest|limited-admin|user|ext-group-user>
logon-re-auth-time <0..1440> .....................................................232
users force-logout username | ip | ipv6_addr ...........................................235
vpn-concentrator rename profile_name profile_name ......................................148
vpn-configuration-provision authentication auth_method .................................148
vpn-configuration-provision rule { append | conf_index | insert conf_index } ...........148
vpn-configuration-provision rule { delete conf_index | move conf_index to conf_index } .148
vrpt send device information interval <15..3600> .......................................320
vrpt send interface statistics interval <15..3600> .....................................320
vrpt send system status interval <15..3600> ............................................320
wep-key <1..4> key ......................................................................87
windows-version {windows-2000 | windows-xp | windows-2003 | windows-2008 | windows-vista | win-
dows-7 | windows-2008r2} .........................................................272
wlan mac-filter associate <allow | deny> ................................................88
wlan slot_name ..........................................................................84
write ..................................................................................304
write ...................................................................................34
zone profile_name ......................................................................112
List of Commands (Alphabetical)
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide