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Avstar Newsroom Computer System
Operations Manual
Version 1.3


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Avstar NRCS Operations Manual Version1.3
Document # 0130-00869 Rev. C
October 3, 2000
Printed in the United States of America


Who Should Use This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii
About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii
Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii
Symbols and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii
Structure of Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii
Cross References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix
Keyboard Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix
Console Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxx
If You Need Help… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi
…In Performing a System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi
…With the Syntax of Console Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi
…With UNIX, or Specific Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxii
Other Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiii
Avstar Newsroom Computer System Documentation . . . . . . xxxiii
Broadcast Control System Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiii
Other Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiv
If You Have Documentation Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiv

Section I

Avstar Overview and System Basics

Chapter 1

What is Avstar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
iNEWS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Avstar Newsroom Computer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
iNEWS Media Browse 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
iNEWS Broadcast Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Links to Other Newsroom Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6


System Administrator Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Basic System Administration Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
User Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Database Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Security Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Customizing Commands and Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Storage Maintenance Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Device Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Reviewing Default Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

Chapter 2

The Avstar Console
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Commands You Can Type at the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Console Control Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Example: The Computer Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Selecting Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Selecting One or More Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Zooming in on One Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Console History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Pausing the Screen Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Viewing Recent Console History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Reading Older History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Console Function Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Assigning a Command to a Function Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Changing the Assignment of a Function Key. . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Deleting the Definition of a Function Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Displaying Function Key Assignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Console Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
If the Console Freezes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Exiting the Console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Starting the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
The Remote Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14


Dialing in to the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Executing Commands Remotely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Logging out from a Remote Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Logging out a Remote User from the Main Console . . . . . 2-16
The Console Configuration File (console.cfg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Looking at the Console Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Editing the Configuration File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Console Configuration Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Console Control Command Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21

Chapter 3

Getting Started
Logging in as System Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Becoming a Console Superuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Entering Superuser Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Exiting Console Superuser Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Changing the System Administration Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Selecting Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Changing the System Operator Password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Changing the Superuser Password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Startup and Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Starting the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Shutting Down the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

Chapter 4

Viewing User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Modifying User Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Modify User Account Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
User Traits Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
User Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Edit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Get from Template... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9


Changing a User’s Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Changing User Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Preferences Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Session Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Confirmations Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Backup Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Refresh Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
Layout Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Search Results Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Simplified User Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Simplified User Setting Dialog Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
Setting up New Users in Avstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
Creating a New User Area in the News Database . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Adding a New User Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26
Copying User Traits to Another User Account . . . . . . . . . 4-26
Creating a New User Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Enabling a New User to Receive Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Searching for Information About Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Removing User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Creating a User Manager Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Creating a Database Manager Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
Logging out All Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37

Chapter 5

Stories, Queues, and Directories
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Adding a Directory or Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
A Few Restrictions:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Creating a New Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Creating a New Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Setting up the Outgoing Mail Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Setting up the Dead Letter Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8


Creating a New Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Removing a Directory or Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Renaming a Directory or Queue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Viewing Database Traits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
From the Avstar Workstation... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
From the Avstar Console... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Sending Output from the List Command to a Printer . . . . 5-15
Getting Information about Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Finding out Who Moved, Duplicated, or Killed a Story . . 5-17
Recovering a Killed Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Changing Database Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
Database Traits Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Directory/Queue Properties Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Forms Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Index Field/Story Form Compatibility Error Messages . .
Starting the Queue Sort Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33
Groups Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
Abstract Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
Uses for Abstract Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-37
Maintain Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38
Choosing Queues to be Purged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-40
Choosing a Purge Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-41
Matching Purge Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-41
Purge Intervals and the Purge Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-42
User Interface Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43
Locks Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46
Locking and Unlocking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
Identifying Locked Queues and Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
From the Avstar Workstation.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
From the Avstar Console.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
Finding out Who Last Locked a Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-48
Finding out Who Last Ordered a Queue . . . . . . . . . . . .5-48


Finding out Who Last Locked the Story . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49
Types of Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
Edit Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
Removing a Story’s Edit Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
User Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
Removing a Story’s User Lock Without a Key . . . . . . . 5-51
Removing a Queue’s User Lock Without a Key . . . . . . 5-52
Order Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52
Production Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Unbusy Stories and Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53

Chapter 6

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Viewing Group Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
From the Console... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
From a Workstation... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Creating a New Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Step 1 - Choosing a Group Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Step 2- Enter Group Name in System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Step 3- Specifying Members of New Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
The Group Checker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Group Checker Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Renaming a Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Step 1- Change Group Name in System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Step 2- Change Group Name in SYSTEM.GROUPS . . . . . 6-12
Deleting a Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
Creating or Modifying Multiple Groups in
Interactive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Adding Members to an Existing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Users as Members of a Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Groups as Members of Other Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Avoiding Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Workstations as Members of Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17


Combining Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
Being More Restrictive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-18
Being Less Restrictive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-19
Setting an Automatic Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
Modifying Idle Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-19
Modifying Login Timeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-20
Timeout Value Settings and Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-20
Group Access and Usage Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
Access and Usage Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
Group Traits for the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
Read Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
Write Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
Notification Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
Restricting Both Reading and Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
Transferring Group Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
Hiding Queues and Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
Mail Aliases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
Creating a Mail Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Mail Aliases for Other Machines or the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30

Chapter 7

Keyboards and Macros
Understanding Macros and Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Customizing Workstation Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Creating a New Keyboard Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Creating a Macro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Adding Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Assigning Macros to Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Predefined System Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
The State Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Using Plain Text in Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Repeating Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Notes of Caution for Creating Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Keyboard Checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13


Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Assigning a Default Keyboard to a User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Miscellaneous VT Macro Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
The Pause Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
The Blank Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Repeating VT Macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Assigning VT Macros to Standard Macro Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Extended Versus Standard Macro Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Enabling F13 on the VT220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
Assigning VT Macros to Extended Macro Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
For VT Users Who Switch Between Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26

Chapter 8

Form Names and Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Guidelines for Designing Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Creating a Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Customizing Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Label Borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
Assigning a Form as a Queue or Story Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
Form Field Types and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13
Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24
Standard Avstar Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27
Account Queue Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27
Mail Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29
Timing Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29
Print Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-30
Seek Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31
Wire Story Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
Mapping Netstation Characters to Avstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34


Section II

System Setup and Configuration

Chapter 9

Character Generator
Title Entry
Overview of CG Title Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Title Entry Setup and Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Understanding CG Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
CG Template Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Required Bitmaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Capture Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Hardware Requirements for Capture Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Installation of Capture Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Using the Capture Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
CG Template Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
Edit Title Entry Template Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
Creating a New Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15
Using Font PreSets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20
Title Entry Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-23
Access to CG Template Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-23
Access to CG Title Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-23

Chapter 10

ed, the Line Editor
Overview - Before Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Making a Backup File Before Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Viewing the Contents of a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Printing a Copy of a File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
Using the UNIX Line Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
Launching ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Specifying Lines to Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Searching the File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
Searching Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-8
Editing Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
Saving Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14


Quitting ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14

Chapter 11

Configuration Files
Licensing of Avstar System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Device Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
Viewing Information About Your Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
List C Message Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
The Site Configuration File (/site/config) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-7
Testing the Site Configuration File After Changing . . . . . . . . . 11-9
Incorporating Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10
Changing the Configuration File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15
The Hosts File (/etc/hosts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17
System Profile Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17
Viewing the System Profile File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18
Changing the System Profile File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-19
Listing Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-20
System Profile Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21
Adding Devices to Your Avstar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29
Adding a PCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
PCU Device Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-34
Adding a Workstation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-35
Adding a DOS PC Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-39
Phase 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-39
Phase 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-39
Phase 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-40
Adding a Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-41
Adding a Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-47
Alternative Editing of the Site Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-48
Intersystem Messaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-51
Sending Intersystem Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-51
Receiving Intersystem Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-53
Database Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-56
Avstar Workstation Session Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-56


VT Session Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-56

Chapter 12

System Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
The Printer Profile Files (in /site/printers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Customizing Print Effects (Fonts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Defining a Font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Combining Print Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Defining Print Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Defining a Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Combining Setup Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Font and Form Space Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Printer Profile Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
Profile-Only Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Profile and Style Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Standard Header and Footer Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15
User-Selected Headers and Footers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-16
Profile Option Defaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-17
Using Special Characters in a Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19
Using Nonprinting Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19
Adding Nonprinting Characters by Alias . . . . . . . . . .12-19
Adding Nonprinting Characters by Decimal Value . .12-20
Avoiding Characters Used by the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20
Creating and Using Print Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23
Creating a Style Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-24
Changing System Profile Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-25
Selecting Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
Identifying and Selecting Fonts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
Using Styles with Local Printing on Video Terminal Only. . . .
Local Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-31
Local Printing Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-32
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-33


Story Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-36
Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
Print Preview and Network buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
Local Print Style Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
Banner Format Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-44
Example Style Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-46
Managing Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-47
Removing a Pending Print Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-47
Restarting the Current Print Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48
Reordering a Pending Print Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48
Cancelling a Runaway Print Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48
Responding to a “Printer Offline” Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48

Chapter 13

Adding a Wire to Your Avstar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Phase 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Phase 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Phase 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
Phase 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
Wires Profile Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11
Wire Profile Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13
Using Special Characters in a Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Entering Nonprinting Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Entering Characters by Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
Entering Characters by Decimal Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27
Avoiding Characters Used by the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27
Converting Text with Accents and Diacritical Marks . . . . . . 13-28
Distributing Stories from the Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
Defining Distribution of Wire Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
Creating a Distribution Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-32
Identifying a Destination Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33


Changing Notification Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33
Setting the Transmit or Always Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-34
Adding a Distribution Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
Avoiding Hidden Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
Using the WIRES.ALL Notification Priority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-36
Distributing Unknown Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-37
Maximum Number of Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
Mailboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
Purge Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
Operating Wire Keyword Searches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
Setting up Keyword Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
Additional Information about Search Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
Suppressing a Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
Default Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
Keyword Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-43
Keyword Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-43
Using Parentheses in Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-45
Tips on Building Search Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-46
User Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-47
Removing a Rule Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-47
Sending a Story to More Than One Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-48
Default Directory Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-48
The Keyword Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-48
Keyword Checker Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-49

Chapter 14

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Adding a Server Program to the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Job Lists: Queues, Stories, and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Defining Tasks for Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Adding a Scan Line in a Job List Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9
Defining a Priority Queue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-9


Defining an Every Entry Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10
Defining a Server Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10
Processing Deleted Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12
Ordered Queues and the Order Command. . . . . . . . . 14-13
Defining Mailbox Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-13
Using Mailboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-14
Reserved Mailboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16
Assigning a Mailbox to a Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
Defining Timed-Interval Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18
Example of Timed-Interval Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20
Action Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21
Adding an Action Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
Assigning Field Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26
Background and Possible Uses of Validation. . . . . . . . . . 14-26
Using Validation with Action Servers or Tx Links . . . . . 14-27
Using the Validation Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
Validation Job List Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29
Distribution Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30
Assigning Distribution Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32
Using Wildcards and the Destination Queue. . . . . . . . . . 14-33
From the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-34
Using an Action Server or Tx Link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-34
Using Dup or Move Commands in Job Lists . . . . . . . 14-34
Using Validate Commands in Job Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-35
Instructions in the Wire Distribution Story . . . . . . . . . . . 14-35
Matching and Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-36
Matching and Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-36
Adding a Distribution Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38
Parallel Wire Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-41
Database Components for Backup Wire Distribution 14-42
Adding a Parallel Wire Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-43
Keyword Servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-51
Database Components for Expanded Wire Keyword


Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-52
Adding a Keyword Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-54
System Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-60
Seek Servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-60
Installing a Seek Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-61
Fast Text Search (FTS) Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-63
FTS Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-63
FTS Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-64
Installing FTS Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-66
...On the Windows NT Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-67
Installing ftsidx.exe and ftssch.exe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-67
Starting ftsidx.exe and ftssch.exe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-68
Stopping ftsidx.exe and ftssch.exe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-69
...On Avstar Servers (UNIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-69
Setting up ftsseek and ftsindex Servers . . . . . . .14-72
Starting and Stopping ftsindex and ftsseek on the Avstar
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-74
Batch Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-75
Batch Indexing Directories (Folders). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-76
Dynamic Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-76
Archival and Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-76
Copying and Archiving the Index Base Files. . . . . . . .14-76
Removing the Index Base and Reindexing (Optional)14-77
Print Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-78
Adding a Print Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-79
Mail Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-80
Disabling Mail to All Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-81
Using Network Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-81
Using 8-Bit Characters in Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-82
Character Conversion Table for Underscore-Prefix Format . . .
Networking Two or More Servers Using Rx/Tx Links . . . . . . . . . 14-88
Sending Story Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-89


Understanding the READY Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-90
Setting Automatic Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-90
Updating Queue Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-91
Changing Queue Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-92
Adding Rx/Tx Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-93
Adding Network Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-94

Chapter 15

Web Publishing
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Setting Up Tx/net to Send HTML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Default HTML Skeleton Story Form and Queue . . . . . . . . 15-4
Creating an HTML Story Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-5
Adding Story Entity References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-5
NSML to HTML Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-10
Web Story Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
Using Optional Format Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
Time and Date Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
Time and Date Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
Time and Date Field Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
A Sample HTML Story Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
Characteristics of the Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
Contents of the Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
Resulting HTML Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22

Chapter 16

Web Access
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Starting the Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Web Access Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
Web Access Story Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
Default Story Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-6
Web Access Directory and Queue Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
Template Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-8
Default Directory Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18


Default Queue Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19
Web Access Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20

Section III

System Operations and Troubleshooting

Chapter 17

Connect Services
Network Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2
Dialogs for Connect Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2
Building a Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2
Dialog Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
Dialog Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
Adding System Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
Setting up the Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-6
Console Connect Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-11
Serial Connect Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-13

Chapter 18

Database Security
Establishing Security Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
User Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3
Checking Password Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3
Forcing Individual Users to Change Their Passwords . . . . . . . 18-6
. . . At an Avstar Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-6
Tracking User Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-7
Tracking User Login Activity and Date Created . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-8
. . . At an Avstar Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-8
. . . At the Avstar Console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-9
Listing Users Currently Logged in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-9
Recording Logins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-10
Using Group Security to Control System Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-12

Chapter 19

Database Management
Monitoring Free Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Understanding Database Storage Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
Monitoring the Free List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3


Understanding How the System Copies Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-4
Tracking Database Space over Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
Using the hogs Command to Obtain Information . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
Using dbpurge and dbfree to Obtain Information . . . . . . . . . . 19-6
Increasing Database Space for Immediate Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-7
Maintaining the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-8
Checking the Database for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-8
Cleaning the Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-9
Cleaning Your Database Offline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-10

Chapter 20

Backing up Your System
Tape Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Establishing Policies for Backup Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Backing up the Avstar Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
The dbdump Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4
Backing up Entire Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-5
Backing up Individual Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-7
Notes on Backing up the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-9
Restoring Data to the Avstar Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
The dbrestore Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
Restoring a First-Level Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
Listing Tape Contents and Backup Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-11
Listing Contents of a Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-12
Listing Items Dumped on a Particular Date . . . . . . . . 20-13
Listing the Date of Each Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
Searching a Tape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
The searchtape Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
Searching a Tape for Stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-15
Searching a Tape by Word(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-15
Searching a Tape by Word and Date Range . . . . . . . . 20-16
Searching a Tape by Word and Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
Searching a Tape by Word and Month . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
Specifying a Maximum Number of Stories to Search 20-17


Checking for Free Space on a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-18
Adding Blocks to the Free List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-18
Notes on Restoring the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-19
Disaster Recovery Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-20
Disaster Recovery Dbdump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-20
Create Minimal dbdump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-20
Disaster Recovery Dbrestore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
Backing up Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22
The softdump Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-23
Using the softdump Command to Back up System Software 20-23
SCO Emergency Boot and Root Floppies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-24
Backing up Site Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25
The sitedump Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25

Chapter 21

Normal System Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-2
Detecting a Disconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-3
Types of Disconnects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-5
Causes of Disconnects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-6
Disconnect Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-7
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-7
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-17

Chapter 22

Avstar Workstation Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
A User Cannot Log in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
A User Cannot Establish a Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-3
A User Cannot Access an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-5
Group Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-5
Busy Stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-6
Wire Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-7
System Printer Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-9


Locked Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-11
How to Check Process Status(ps Command) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-11
Power Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-13
Hard Drive Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-14
Network Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-14
netstat -i Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-15
Output Errors (Oerrs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-15
Input Errors (Ierrs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-16

Section IV

System Reference

Appendix A

Command References
Programs Invoked by Avstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Commands Used by iNews personnel Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
UNIX Commands Used in Avstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Console Server Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Job List Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
Dialog Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48

Appendix B

System Files
/etc/bootptab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
SCO-UNIX Specific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
SGI-Irix Specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
DEC/MIPS Specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
/etc/hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
/etc/networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5
/site/config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6
/site/printers/ti830 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8
/site/system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8
/site/wires/anpa7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9
console.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10
SYSTEM.CLIENT.WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11
SYSTEM.CONFIGURE.301-ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12
SYSTEM.MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13


SYSTEM.RESOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15
SYSTEM.WIRES.DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-17
SYSTEM.WIRES.KEYWORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-18
SYSTEM.WIRES.KEYWORDS-AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-19
SYSTEM.WIRES.KEYWORDS-AP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-19

Appendix C

Standard Dictionaries
Using Dictionaries to Define Messages and Commands. . . . . . . . . . C-2
Customizing Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4
Changing Default Dictionary Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4
Restoring Dictionary Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-8
Utility Messages Dictionary (/site/dict/messages). . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9
CCU Messages Dictionary (/site/dict/ccumsgs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-15
Commands Dictionary (/site/dict/ccucmds). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-19
Console Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-20
Job List Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-25
Video Attribute Dictionary (/site/dict/ccuvideo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-26
Queues Dictionary (/site/dict/queues). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-27
Words Dictionary (/site/dict/words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-29
Connect Dictionary (/site/dict/doac) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-33
Telex Dictionary (/site/dict/telex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-37
Dial Dictionary (/site/dict/dial). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-39
Keyboard Macros Dictionary (/site/dict/keymacros) . . . . . . . . . . C-40
Printer Messages Dictionary (/site/dict/printmsgs). . . . . . . . . . . . C-43
Case-Shifting Dictionary (/site/dict/shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-44
VT Map Dictionary (/site/dict/vtmap). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-46

Appendix D

PCU/CCU Reference
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
Network CCUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3
Connecting Devices to a CCU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4
Physical Specifications for CCU II and CCU III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5
Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5


CCU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6
Resetting a CCU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7
Locating Panel Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7
Connecting Devices to a CCU II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8
Locating Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8
Connecting a CCU to the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8
CCU III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
Resetting a CCU III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
Locating Panel Lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11
Understanding the LED Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11
POST Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12
Connecting Devices to a CCU III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14
Locating Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14
Connecting a CCU to the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15
CCU III Backplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-15
Setting the Host Baud Rate DIP Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16
CCU IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16
Resetting a CCU IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-16
Locating Front Panel Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-17
Understanding the LED Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-18
Connecting Devices to a CCU IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19
Locating Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-19
Connecting a CCU IV to the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-20
CCU IV Interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-20
PCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-21
Resetting a PCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-21
Locating Front Panel Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-22
Understanding the LED Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-22
PCU LED Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-22
Connecting Devices to a PCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-24
Locating Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-24
Connecting a PCU to the System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-24


Appendix E

Character Mapping Code Tables for Wires
ASCII (7-bit) Character Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2
IBM Character Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-8
dbrestore Conversion Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-15
Sample Arabic Wire Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-16

Appendix F

Environment Variables
Registry Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2
Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3
CCColor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3
DestinationOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5
MailLookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-7
MsgMailAlert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-8
PIColor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-10
RGB Hexadecimal Color Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-11
ShowTimingBar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-12
Scan Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-13
SyncToServer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-16
VT Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-18
Delete_Notify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-19

Appendix G

Managing Traits at Console
Viewing User Traits from the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-2
Modifying User Traits from the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-3
Users’ Passwords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-4
Listing Users Who Do Not Have Passwords . . . . . . . . . G-7
User Traits Console Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-11
Managing Database Traits from the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-15
Getting Basic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-15
Getting Detailed Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-16
Changing Database Traits from the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-17
Changing a Parent Directory Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-17
Database Traits Console Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-18


Sortfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-25
Changing a Queue’s Sort Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-25
Starting the Queue Sort Function from the Console . G-26
Purge Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-27
Abstract Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-28
Abstract Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-29
Abstract Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-29
Abstract Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-30
Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-31
The dis Column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-31
Preview Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-32
Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-33
Managing Group Traits at the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-34
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-34
Read Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-34
Write Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-35
Notify Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-35
Restricting Access Using Read and Write Limitations. . . . . . . G-36
Removing Directory or Queue Restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-37

Reader’s Comments


This Operations Manual provides information on how to manage the
Avstar Newsroom Computer System, consisting of:

A console


One or more servers


Various clients, such as Avstar Workstations and printers

Who Should Use This Manual
This manual is written for system administrators who are managing
the Avstar Newsroom Computer System (NRCS). It is strongly recommended that system administrators have prior experience in or classroom knowledge of UNIX system administration. Avstar system
administrators need to:

Manage user accounts, security and permissions


Start up and shut down Avstar NRCS


Perform file system maintenance, backup, and recovery


Maintain disks


Monitor processes


Configure and monitor the network


About This Manual
This manual provides information in the following format:

Section I, Avstar Overview and System Basics, provides an overview of Avstar NRCS: information about the Avstar console; users,
groups, directories, queues, and stories; keyboard macros; and
forms. It contains Chapters 1-8.


Section II, System Setup and Configuration, provides information
about UNIX, printers, wires, servers, web publishing, and web
access. It contains Chapters 9-16.


Section III, System Operations and Troubleshooting, discusses
connect services, system security, database management, backing
up your system, and troubleshooting. It contains Chapters 17-22.


Section IV, System Reference, contains a command reference, sample system files, information about standard dictionaries, PCU/
CCU references, and character mapping codes for wires. It contains Appendices A-G, the Glossary, Index, and the Reader’s Comments form.

Symbols and Conventions
This manual uses the following special symbols and conventions:

Structure of Text
1. Numbered lists, when the order of the primary items is important.
a. Alphabetical lists, when the order of secondary items is
important or in the case of optional procedures.


Bulleted lists, when the order of primary items is unimportant.



Indented dashed lists, when the order of secondary items is

Look here in the margin
for tips and environment-specific information.

In the margin you will find tips that help you perform tasks more easily and efficiently. You will also find information specific to a particular operating environment.


A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations,
and strong suggestions.


A caution means that a specific action you take could harm your
computer or cause you to lose data.

Cross References
Cross references are provided throughout this manual to give readers
locations where additional—sometimes more detailed—information
on a certain topic can be found. In some cases, the chapter name and
number is provided. In most cases, a two-part page number is given
along with the name of a section header. The first number in the page
number is actually the chapter number.
For instance: See “Changing Database Traits” on page 5-21 for more
See “About This Manual” on page xxviii for
more information on
what chapters are in
which sections of this

In this example, information on how to change database traits can be
found on page 21 in Chapter 5, which is in Section I. Chapters are
numbered consecutively; page number restart at one in each chapter.
Section numerals are not provided in cross references. So, a cross reference that shows page number 17-2, for instance, indicates that the
information is in Chapter 17.

Keyboard Conventions

CTRL-x means to press and hold down the Control key and then
press another key on the keyboard, represented here by x. This is
also used for other key-combinations such as ALT-x or Shift-x.

Symbols and Conventions



“Type” in a command procedure means to type the command on
the command line and then “press” the Enter key.


“Select” means to choose an operation on a drop-down menu or


“Click” means to click the left mouse button, usually in response
to a dialog box. “Right-click” means to click the right mouse button.

Console Conventions
Commands that you enter at the console, console screen displays, and
console prompts are presented in a typewriter-style typeface called

Commands that you need to type are in Bold Courier. For
example, if you are instructed to type a console command, the
instructions may appear as follows:
Type so at the login: prompt.


Output to the console screen is in plain Courier:
AVSTAR-A: list s









Lengthy console displays may be edited to emphasize only the most
important information. An ellipsis (...) represents portions of the
console display not shown in the text.
The console can display each server’s prompt based on the system ID
(typically a station’s call letters) and the server’s name. Examples in
this manual use a fictional station and system ID, AVSTAR. For
instance, the following is the console prompt for server A on the
AVSTAR system:



If You Need Help…
…In Performing a System Operation
If you are having trouble performing a system operation, you should:
1. Repeat the procedure, carefully following the instructions provided for the task in this guide.
2. Refer to the documentation included with your hardware to
review the maintenance procedures or the hardware-related
3. Check the Support section of iNews’ Web site at
http://www.inewsroom.com for online technical publications
and additional telephone support phone numbers.
4. Check iNews’ Web Bulletin Board, at
http://support.inewsroom.com/~avstar for information
about product and user conferences. If you do not find the answer
to your question, you can exchange information with other Avstar
customers and iNews Customer Support representatives.
5. Maintenance Agreement contract customers can contact iNews’
Customer Support personnel at:

1-800-869-7009 in the USA


+44-1256-814222 in Europe


+61-2-8877-6888 in Asia/Pacific


e-mail support@inewsroom.com

…With the Syntax of Console Commands
If you are at the console, and are unsure about the function of a console command, use the help command.

If You Need Help…


To view instructions about using a command, type help followed by
the name of the command. For instance, type help dbvisit for an
explanation of the dbvisit command. The following data appears:
dbvisit - -{r or m name] -[s] [block# ...]
‘r’ for read only
‘s’ for “slow” to eliminate cache usage
‘m’ for machine name to disconnect
‘i’ to just validate isam files


Because of the margin limitations of this manual, console command lines may
appear wrapped to multiple lines. This does not necessarily indicate the need
to press an Enter key. Unless otherwise indicated, console commands should
be typed on a single line, allowing the computer to wrap the text whenever the
command line stretches beyond the screen margin.

…With UNIX, or Specific Devices
Your best source for more detailed information about UNIX is the
UNIX documentation for your operating system. Any UNIX features
not mentioned in this manual are not supported in the Avstar system.
For more information about any device connected to your Avstar system, refer to the documentation included with the device.



Other Documentation
The following documents provide more information pertaining to
iNews™ products.

Avstar Newsroom Computer System Documentation

Avstar Newsroom Computer System Installation Manual for SCO and
SGI Systems describes the installation process for customers not
now using Avstar Newsroom Computer System.


Avstar Newsroom Computer System Update Manual for SCO and SGI
Systems describes the process for updating from an Avid
NetStation™ system to Avstar Newsroom Computer System.


Avstar Newsroom Computer System Update Manual for the DEC/MIPS
System describes the process for updating from an Avid NetStation
system to Avstar Newsroom Computer System.


Avstar Newsroom Computer System Release Notes provides
installation, administration, and user-level information that may
not have been available at the time the other documentation was


Avstar Newsroom Computer System Introduction to Avstar Workstation
Training Guide provides basic user-level information.


Avstar Newsroom Computer System online help gives you
quick-reference information about user-level software functions.

Broadcast Control System Documentation

Broadcast Control System (BCS) online help describes the
user-level software functions for the Broadcast Control System.


Broadcast Control System Operations Manual provides Avstar system
administrators with operational and maintenance information
about BCS.

Other Documentation



Broadcast Control System Release Notes provides installation, administration, and user-level information that may not have been available at the time the other documentation was printed.


Contact your iNews Sales Representative for documentation and
information on other iNews™ products, such as Media Browse,
EditStar®, LeaderPlus™, NewStar®, and so forth.

Other Products

If You Have Documentation Comments
We continuously seek to improve our customer documentation. We
value your comments about this manual or other iNews-supplied
technical publications. That is why we include a Reader’s Comments
form at the back of this manual. You can fill it out and mail it to the
address provided on the form, or you can send your documentation
comments by e-mail to the iNews’ Technical Publications department
at: TechPubs@inewsroom.com
Please include the publication title, part number, revision letter (if
any), all of which can be found at the bottom of the copyright page in
this manual. Also include the specific section that you are commenting
on in all correspondence.


Avstar Overview and
System Basics
This section introduces the Avstar Newsroom
Computer System. The section consists of the
following chapters:

Chapter 1, Introduction


Chapter 2, The Avstar Console


Chapter 3, Getting Started


Chapter 4, Users


Chapter 5, Stories, Queues, and Directories


Chapter 6, Groups


Chapter 7, Keyboard Macros


Chapter 8, Forms

Avstar Newsroom Computer System is an integrated, digital news creation and production system. It provides journalists, producers, directors, writers, and technical personnel in a newsroom with an array of
tools to make their jobs easier.
This chapter contains:

What is Avstar?


iNEWS Products


Links to Other Newsroom Products


System Administrator Tasks


What is Avstar?
The Avstar system consists of three iNews products: the Avstar Newsroom Computer System, the Avstar Media System, and the Avstar
Broadcast Control System. Your newsroom may have any one or all of
these products.
An Avstar Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) provides:

News gathering from video, audio, and text sources


News production, including:




Story creation and script editing


Show planning and creation, with media flagging and cutting

News to air, including:

Machine control capabilities for on-air operations


File exporting


Internet publishing


The figure below shows a typical workflow in an environment with an
Avstar system:

Figure 1-1

Typical Avstar System Workflow

iNEWS Products
This section diagrams and describes the interrelationship between the
three iNews products that make up the Avstar system:

Avstar Newsroom Computer System


Avstar Media System


Avstar Broadcast Control System

What is Avstar?


Figure 1-2

Interrelationship of iNEWS Products

Avstar Newsroom Computer System
The Avstar Newsroom Computer System consists of the Avstar Workstation and Avstar Server components. All components work together
as an integrated system and provide journalists, producers, and news
directors with an array of digital tools for producing and monitoring
Journalists sitting at Avstar Workstations can simultaneously monitor
news wires, work on stories, scan archives, and access an array of
online information sources. The Avstar Workstations in your newsroom are linked together via a network so they can share information.
When the server receives new information, such as additions or
changes to stories, it is immediately available to all newsroom person-



nel. Mail and messaging capabilities make group communication fast
and efficient.
From their individual workstations, producers and news directors can
plan a show and view the progress of a predefined rundown. They can
also create rundowns and display timing information for programs.
Color highlights on the workstation screen show critical status information, such as overrun, unapproved, and video-ready segments,
making it easy to access the status of the show.
Authorized users can log in and access the story database using any
standard Web browser. Users can also publish news stories directly to
a Web server in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) with a single
The Avstar Server manages all the day-to-day activities of the newsroom. System administrators can create forms-based displays and customize rundowns specific to their newsrooms. The system features a
fully mirrored database for immediate cutover in the event of a system

iNEWS Media Browse 2000
The iNews Media Browse 2000 system integrates video production
into Avstar Newsroom Computer System, enabling journalists to view
and edit low-resolution video on a single workstation. Journalists can
view the latest media as it is recorded into the Media Asset Server,
marking shots, and annotating and organizing shots into a sequence
ready for air or final polish in a high-resolution editing application.
The iNews Media Browse 2000 system removes barriers between
newsroom computing and video production. It enables story creation
decisions made by journalists to be executed on Avid’s NewsCutter®, a
high-resolution video editing system. Since the edit decisions are
saved as Open Media Framework® (OMF®) files, they can be recreated
automatically for on-air delivery. NewsCutter can fine-tune stories
further, adding titles and special effects.

What is Avstar?


For more information about Media Browse 2000, see Media Browse 2000
Online Help System or Media Browse 2000 Operations Manual.

iNEWS Broadcast Control System
The iNews Broadcast Control System (BCS) is a machine control system for on-air operations. BCS can operate in both integrated and
stand-alone operations, and directly controls production and playback
devices. It receives information from the Avstar Workstation as control
events are entered into scripts, and enables back-to-back show production. If required, it can handle several shows at the same time.
BCS consists of a server and client graphical user interface (GUI). Technical directors have their own Windows-based GUI client to control
events on the BCS server.
For more information about iNews Broadcast Control System, see the
Broadcast Control System Operations Manual.

Links to Other Newsroom Products
The Avstar product set is constructed on a modular, open architecture,
enabling its components to work efficiently not only with other iNews
products but also with third-party hardware and software. Avstar
NRCS provides efficient links to other iNews products for additional
scripting and video capabilities. One example is Digital News Gathering (DNG), a disk-based production system that stores digital video,
audio, and graphics data in a single central library accessible by client
workstations for recording, editing, and playback.
All iNews products operate on industry-standard technologies,
including Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems,
Intel-based PCs, Intel and SGI servers, and TCP/IP Internet networking protocols. Also, iNews is publishing open Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the Broadcast Control System that will
enable integration with third-party software and hardware.



Figure 1-3 shows a sample layout of an Avstar Newsroom Computer

Figure 1-3

Sample Avstar NRCS Layout

What is Avstar?


System Administrator Tasks
The following sections introduce many system administrator responsibilities and the system’s capabilities and funtions.

Basic System Administration Tasks
Before you can customize or maintain the Avstar Newsroom Computer System, you must learn several basic tasks, which include:

Start up or shut down Avstar NRCS, which includes logging out
users and taking the system offline.


Backing up a site file before making file modifications.


Send system administrator commands from the console to one or
more of your system’s computers.


Be a console superuser, capable of setting up special superuser

User Tasks
A user is anyone who can log in to the database and use Avstar NRCS.
Your responsibilities regarding users are:



Monitor user information, such as users’ access privileges and
which users are currently logged in.


Customize the traits of users’ accounts to enable users to more
effectively use the system.


Provide a new employee access to the information stored in the
Avstar NRCS database by creating a new user account.


Remove user accounts of former employees to prevent improper
access to the Avstar NRCS database.


Database Tasks
The Avstar system database contains the information your oganization
needs to function. A system administrator’s tasks associated with the
database include:

Design forms (that is, story templates) to display important information about stories in a queue.


Monitor changes to files and queues in the database.


Unlock or delete any item in the database, and recover items that
were accidentally deleted or corrupted.


Create new folders or queues in the Avstar system database to
meet your organization’s expanding needs.


Remove a directory or queue from the database, if it is no longer


Change the name or traits of a an existing directory or queue.


Assign the mailbox trait to queues for configuring automatic story
distribution into and out of queues.

Security Tasks
There are many ways to ensure the security of your Avstar system.
Your responsibilities regarding system security include:

Monitor and change passwords or force users to change them by
setting up system checks and modifications.


Monitor user login activity to guard against unauthorized use of
the Avstar system.


Assign security to a directory or queue, limiting access to a specific
group of users.


Restrict database access by placing users into security groups
based on job roles and need for information.

System Administrator Tasks


Customizing Commands and Messages
Your responsibilities regarding commands and messages include:

Customize command names, message text, and other items by
changing their entries in your system’s dictionary files.


Remove your custom dictionary translations by reverting to the
default settings for command names, message text, and other

Storage Maintenance Tasks
You will want to monitor the database regularly to ensure adequate
storage. Storage maintenance tasks include:

Monitor how much free space is available in the database and, if
necessary, increase the amount to prevent the system from running out of space.


Perform preventive database maintenance by periodically running
certain utility programs that can find and automatically fix minor
problems before they become serious.


Backup the entire database or portions of it onto a tape, so if necessary, the information can be restored to the database later.


Make a backup copy of the Avstar system software.


Make a backup copy of files, such as the site file, on tape any time
you make a important changes.

Device Tasks
A device is any kind of hardware or software that performs a specific
function when it is set up on the Avstar system. Your responsibilities
regarding devices include:



List the parameters of any device running on your system or list
all devices of one type.


Add any type of device to your system, if you have the capacity
and license permission.



Use the UNIX line editor, known as Ed, to change the setup information for a device in your system’s configuration file.


Reconfigure the system so it recognizes any changes you make to
your system’s devices.


Change each printer on your system so each has its own set of
printing profile options.


Setup servers which are utility programs that automatically perform various actions on the stories in your database.


Change wire distribution and sorting of data coming into your
database from a wire service to queues based on their category
codes or content.


Write dialogs (lists of instructions) for each service to automate the
connection process. A service is a device that connects a user to a
remote computer system.


Design and assign custom keyboards for users with a unique set of
keyboard macros.

Reviewing Default Settings
Your responsibilities regarding system profiles, default settings, and
command syntax include:

Changing a system profile setting to change your system’s operation.


Reviewing default settings of all system profile parameters.


Reviewing command syntax for edit, console, and job list commands.

Your troubleshooting responsibilities include:

Transfer system activities from a halted computer to other system
computers. If a computer connected to the system has been halted,

System Administrator Tasks


bring the system back to operation using the remaining computers.


Reconnect a computer that has been halted. Following routine
maintenance, reintegrate a computer into your system’s operation.

The Avstar Console
The Avstar console is an IBM/Intel-compatible personal computer
(PC) running custom-created Avstar software. The console serves as a
“command center” that enables you to monitor and maintain your
Avstar Newsroom Computer System.
This chapter contains information about:



Commands You Can Type at the Console


Selecting Servers


Console History


Console Function Keys


Console Operations


The Remote Console


The Console Configuration File (console.cfg)


Console Control Command Reference


Although the console can control multiple computers, known as servers, your console has one screen, which is often divided into regions to
separate the output from each server. Figure 2-1 shows a console in a
dual-server system—the console screen is divided into two regions.
Your console screen has as many regions as there are host servers in
your system.

“A” computer

“B” computer
region is

Figure 2-1

Console Screen for a Dual-Server System

To identify which region belongs to which server, the console displays
the name of the server that a region represents in that region’s lower
right corner. In the example shown in Figure 2-1, the top region displays the output from server A, and the bottom region displays the
output from server B. The wavy lines (^^^) to the left of the identifier
for server B indicate that it is currently selected.

The Avstar Console


Commands You Can Type at the Console
You can type two kinds of commands at the console:

Server commands are sent to the Avstar servers. For instance, the
list s command sent to an Avstar server will return information
about who is logged in.
These commands are all explained in other chapters of this manual and are summarized in Appendix A, “Command References.”


Console control commands are sent to the Avstar console software
that communicates with the servers.
Some common console control commands are explained in the following section. For a complete list and description, see Table 2-4
on page 2-21.

Console Control Commands
To type console control commands, first press the Enter key on the
numeric keypad in the lower right corner of the keyboard.
The Enter key on the
numeric keypad will be
called the Command
key throughout this
manual to prevent confusion with the Enter
key on the keyboard.

The Enter key on the numeric keypad is the console’s Command
(CMD) key. When you press it, the console displays the COMMAND
prompt—also called the command line—from which you can type in
commands. After you type a command, you need to press the Enter
key—also called the Return key— on the standard keyboard for the
command to be executed. Figure 2-2 shows the location of the two
keys on a typical Avstar console keyboard.
Return key

Figure 2-2

CMD key

Typical Avstar Console Keyboard

Commands You Can Type at the Console


Example: The Computer Command
A typical example is the following sequence that will switch the computer selection in Figure 2-1 from server B to server A:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type one of the following:
a. computer a
-ORb. c a
3. Press the Enter key.
You might follow the previous sequence with server commands to
server A, which you would type after the server prompt; it looks
something like this:
To type another console control command, again press the Command
If you make a mistake when typing a command, use the Backspace
key or move the cursor back and then type over it. You can also cancel
the entire line and start over by typing the “at” character (@)—press
If you need to stop a command, press Delete. If that does not work,
hold down the Control (CTRL) key and press the Backslash (\) key.
This action stops the command’s execution and displays the login:
prompt. Type so at the prompt to log in again.


On SGI systems, you might have to press CTRL-D several times to regain
normal console function.
If the server sends a message while you are typing a command, the
console stops displaying your keystrokes to display the message.
However, it continues to record what you type. After it has displayed
the message, the console displays the data that you typed while the
message was being displayed.

The Avstar Console



If you are interrupted by a console display or have mistyped a line, type the
“at” character (@) to cancel what you have typed.

Selecting Servers
On the console, you can select one server or multiple servers at the
same time. For instance, some commands must be executed on all
servers at the same time, so on a two-server system, you would have
to select both server A and B before typing in the command. The previous example of the Computer Command showed you how to select
server A. Here are a few additional examples.

Selecting One or More Servers
To select only server B:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type one of the following:
a. computer b
-ORb. c b
3. Press the Enter key.
To select both the A and B servers:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type one of the following:
a. computer ab
-ORb. c ab
3. Press the Enter key.

Selecting Servers


To select all servers in the Avstar system:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type c *.
3. Press the Enter key.
Selecting all servers enables you to send a command to all of them
simultaneously. When you select all servers, each server region’s bottom line changes to a row of ^ characters. Only one cursor appears,
usually in the top region. However, the command information you
type appears simultaneously in each region of the console screen.

Zooming in on One Server
In addition to the computer command, you can also use the zoom
command to select a server. Unlike the computer command, which
operates in split screen mode, zoom selects one server at a time and
devotes the entire console screen to that server.
Figure 2-3 shows the console screen after “zooming in” on server B’s

Figure 2-3

The Avstar Console

“Zooming In” On Server B


To zoom in on one server, such as server B:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type one of the following:
a. zoom b
-ORb. z b
3. Press Enter.
To restore the screen to its former split-screen state, use the computer
command to select any server. It does not matter which one you select.
For instance, type c a for server A. The console screen will display
multiple regions, and the region for server A will be selected.

Console History
Relatively short system responses to your commands appear on the
console screen below your command text.
Longer output, however, sometimes scrolls off the screen. You might
want to go back and view this in screen-sized chunks; you can do this
by pausing the screen display.

Console History


Pausing the Screen Display
To pause the screen display, press CTRL-S, which temporarily stops
the console screen from scrolling. When the screen is full of text, XOFF
appears at the bottom of the selected region, as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4

XOFF Message Indicating Scrolling Is Paused

To resume scrolling, press CTRL-Q. Even if you do not press CTRL-Q,
the console automatically resumes scrolling after a pause of 60 seconds.


Pressing CTRL-S does not have any effect if you are using a remote console. A
remote console is connected to the network by a modem dial-in from an external location. See “The Remote Console” on page 2-14 for more information.

Viewing Recent Console History
The console maintains a history buffer containing messages that have
appeared on the screen. You can go back in “console history” to review
prior activity on any of the Avstar NRCS servers. The “top” of the
buffer contains the oldest information; the “bottom” of the buffer contains the most current.

The Avstar Console


To view recent history on a particular server:
1. Select and zoom in to the server whose history you want to review.
2. Press the Command key.
3. Type one of the console history commands: up, down, top, or
4. Press Enter.
Table 2-1 shows examples of console history commands.
Table 2-1

History Commands

Console History Command

Has the following effect:

up monitor

Goes up in history searching for the word

up 180

Goes up 180 lines from the current line.

down 50

Goes down 50 lines from the current line.


Goes to the top of console history.


Goes to the bottom of console history.

When you are in console history, the console prompt changes to
History to indicate you are in history viewing mode and the console
is ready to accept another history viewing command.
Once you have found the section of the console history you are looking for, you can “print” a section to the screen as new console output.
For instance, after you have gone up 180 lines by pressing the Command key and typing up 180, you might want to print the next 20
lines. To do that, type pr 20.
To print all lines, from your current location in the history to the most
recent console activity, type:
pr all.

Console History


Reading Older History
You can configure Avstar to log console history to disk for later review.
The logs are written to the hard drive on your console PC, traditionally
in the C:\Console directory. The logs are named as shown in
Table 2-2.
Table 2-2

Log Names

File for server A: File for server B: Contains the following



Most recent history



Old history



Older history



Oldest history

The log.a1 file is a duplicate of what is in current history; you can
also view it as shown in prior examples using the up command.
As the log.a1 file fills up, old files are renamed and a new log.a1
file is created as follows:

log.a1 is renamed log.a2


log.a2 is renamed log.a3


log.a3 is renamed log.a4


A new log.a1 is created

The log files are ASCII text files that can be read with any word processing program. You must exit the Console program if you want to
edit the logs in any way.

The Avstar Console

You can use the console view command to view the log viles without editing
or exiting to DOS, but view only lets you start at the top of the file and scroll
down. You cannot move back or search for words.


Both the presence or absence of disk logging and the size of the log
files can be configured in the CONSOLE.CFG file. See “The Console
Configuration File (console.cfg)” on page 2-16 for more information.

Console Function Keys
You can preprogram your keyboard function keys to execute commands. For instance, you might program F1 to select server A, F2 to
select server B, and F7 to move up 200 lines in the console history

Assigning a Command to a Function Key
To assign a command to a function key:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type the name of the function key you want to use, followed by
the equal sign (=) and the command the key is supposed to execute. The following example assigns the command of choosing
server A to the F1 key: f1=c a.
3. Press Enter.
To assign a command sequence to a function key—that is, include the
Command and Enter keys in the definition—use the open brace ({) to
represent Command, and the close brace (}) to represent Enter. For
example, to program the complete command sequence (press Command key, type computer command to select all servers, and press
Enter) to function key F10, you would type: f10={c *}

Changing the Assignment of a Function Key
To change a command assigned to a function key, assign a new definition to the key.

Deleting the Definition of a Function Key
To delete a function key’s command assignment, assign it a null value.

Console Function Keys


Displaying Function Key Assignments
To find out the command (if any) assigned to a key:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type the name of the key, such as, F9.
3. Press Enter.
Press Command again to clear the command assignment from the console screen.

Console Operations
This section explains what to do if the console freezes and how to start
and exit the console.

If the Console Freezes . . .
If the servers on your system are not responding to commands and are
not displaying messages:
1. Check to make sure that you or someone else has not stopped
scrolling. (If that is the case, XOFF is displayed under the region
where scrolling has stopped.)
2. Type CTRL-Q to start scrolling.
It may also be possible that the server ports have stopped sending and
receiving. To start that activity again:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type x.
3. Press Enter.
If this does not restore the console, static electricity may have frozen
one or more of the servers’ I/O ports. You may be able to unfreeze
these ports using the reset command. To do that:
1. Select the affected server(s).
The Avstar Console


2. Press the Command key.
3. Type r (for reset).
Another possible cause of a frozen console is an application program
that will not stop running. If you suspect this problem:
1. Select the affected server(s).
2. Hold down the Control and Shift keys, and type a backslash (\).
This stops the program on the selected servers and causes them to
display the login: prompt.
3. Press Enter and log in as system operator.
See “Logging in As System Operator” on page 3-2 for more information.


On SGI systems, you might have to press CTRL-D several times to regain
normal console function. If you press CTRL-D one too many times, you
might log out as system operator and have to log back in again, as explained
in “Logging in As System Operator” on page 3-2.
If the console still does not respond, exit the console program and
restart it as described in the following sections.

Exiting the Console
You should normally leave the console on at all times while the Avstar
system is running. However, the following situations may require you
to exit the console:

The console is frozen, and you are unable to unfreeze it using the
methods described in “If the Console Freezes . . .” on page 2-12.


You need to change the console’s configuration file. See “The Console Configuration File (console.cfg)” on page 2-16 for more information.

To exit the console:
1. Press the Command key.

Console Operations


2. Type CTRL-e.
3. When COMMAND EXIT appears, press Enter.
Once the console software completely shuts down, the prompt for
your operating system will appear.

Starting the Console
If your console has been turned completely off, it should start the console program automatically when it boots up.
However, if you are starting up the console from your operating system prompt, do the following:
1. Type console.
2. Press Enter.

The Remote Console
The Avstar console can have a modem attached to it. This enables
someone in another location to call up the console and log in, thereby
turning the remote computer into a remote console. The primary use for
a remote console is to enable technicians or system administrators to
perform diagnostic and maintenance work on the Avstar system from
a remote location.
This sections explains how to dial in over a modem line, what you can
expect to see on the remote screen, and how to execute commands

Dialing in to the Console
To dial in to the console, you must have a terminal or computer that
transmits and receives ASCII characters. You must also have set the
following modem options:

The Avstar Console


Eight data bits


No Parity



One stop bit


Any baud rate supported by your console’s modem

To prevent unauthorized people from dialing in to the console, remote
access is protected with a password. When you dial in, you see a
PASSWORD prompt on the screen. (If you do not see the prompt immediately, pressing Enter should display it.) After you type the correct
password, the console connects you to the first server listed in the console configuration file, usually server A.
At the console, MDM is displayed at the bottom of the region representing the server that was selected from the remote console. Commands
typed at the remote console are sent to that server and displayed on its
console region. Likewise, commands sent by that server are displayed
both on the console and the remote console.

Executing Commands Remotely
Once logged in, you can type commands and review history almost as
if you were seated at the console itself. All commands except zoom
and history are available from the remote console. Just as at the console, these commands can be abbreviated using the first letter in each
There are also some differences when using a remote console:

The remote console displays screen input and output for only one
server at a time, even if you have more than one selected.
When you select two or more servers, the order in which you list
the servers in the computer command determines which server’s
display you see. For instance, if you type c ba to select servers B
and A, you see output only from server B on the remote, even
though what you type is sent to both A and B.


Use the Escape key instead of the Command key to display the
command prompt.

The Remote Console


Logging out from a Remote Console
When you have finished using the remote console, log out by doing
the following:
1. Press the Escape key.
2. Type l (for logout).
3. Press the Enter key.
4. When the remote console redisplays the PASSWORD prompt, hang
up your modem.

Logging out a Remote User from the Main Console
If you are at the main console and discover that you or someone else
has been using the remote console but did not log out when they were
done, you can log them out by doing the following:
1. Press the Command key.
2. Type m (for modem).
3. Press the Enter key.


Always follow this procedure before disconnecting the modem on the main

The Console Configuration File (console.cfg)
The Avstar console uses information in a configuration file (a text file
called console.cfg) to set a number of parameters, such as:

Whether or not disk logging is enabled


Information about each of the servers connected to the console


Information about the remote console

This section shows a sample configuration, and defines the console
configuration keywords and their parameters.

The Avstar Console


Looking at the Console Configuration File
To view the configuration file:
1. Zoom to display only one region on the screen. For example:
a. Press the Command key.
b. Type z a.
c. Press Enter.
2. Use the view command to view the configuration file:
a. Press the Command key.
b. Type v console.cfg.
3. Press Enter to display the first line in the console configuration
4. Continue pressing Enter to scroll through the file.
Here is a sample console configuration file:
log b:log

;”A” server

name a
label AVSTAR
irq 3
hostess 2c0
speed 1200

;“B” server

name b
label AVSTAR
irq 3
hostess 2c8
speed 1200

The Console Configuration File (console.cfg)



;“C” server

name c
irq 3
hostess 2d0
speed 9600

;Remote console

password turtle
irq 3
hostess 2d8
speed 1200
As you can see, this file consists of a list of keywords (such as, name
and label), most of which are followed by parameters (such as, a and
AVSTAR). The keywords are described in detail in Table 2-3, “Console
Configuration Keywords” on page 2-19.
The keywords modem and computer identify the start of the modem
(remote console) section and the server sections. Each server (including the archive server, if your system has one) and the modem must
have their own sections in the console configuration file.

Editing the Configuration File
Probably the only modification you will ever need to make to the console’s configuration file is to change the modem password.


The Avstar Console

The console configuration file is stored on a DOS PC, so you need to use a
DOS editing tool, such as edit to change it. You could also copy the file to a
diskette and take it to another location to edit using Microsoft’s program,
NOTEPAD, on a Windows-based PC.


Console Configuration Keywords
Table 2-3 lists all the configuration keywords and their parameters, if
they have any.
Table 2-3

Console Configuration Keywords




Indicates the beginning of a server section. Must appear at the
top of each server section on the configuration file.


Indicates which port address (in hex) the console uses to communicate with a particular device (that is, a server or the
modem). This information, which is dictated by the hardware,
was placed in the configuration file when your system was
installed and should not be changed.


To get the attention of the console, each device (that is, the
servers and the modem) connected to the console must have
its own interrupt request with which it can signal the console.
The irq keyword tells the console which interrupt request to
expect from each device.
This information, which is dictated by the hardware, was
placed in the configuration file when your system was
installed and should not be changed.


Defines a label that the console uses to identify each server’s
region of the console screen. The label can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters long.

[server(s)] [max size]

Enables disk logging. No matter what filename (for example,
history) you designate here, the system always uses extensions like A1, A2, and B1, as indicated in “Reading Older History” on page 2-10. If you do not follow the filename with a list
of the servers for which you want history to be recorded, the
console records history for all servers. If you omit a log size it
defaults to 16,384 bytes.
This example creates a history file on server B for servers A
and B:
log b:history ab

The Console Configuration File (console.cfg)


Table 2-3

Console Configuration Keywords (Continued)




Indicates the beginning of a modem section of the configuration file.


Names the server described in that section of the configuration
file. Each server must have A, B, C, or D as its name.


The modem password that must be typed when someone logs
in at a remote console. The password can have up to eight
alphanumeric characters.


Selects the DOS address (in hex) the console should use to
communicate with a particular device, such as a modem. This
information which is dictated by the hardware, is placed in the
configuration file during installation and should not be
changed. Each device must have a port address defined in its
section. The portaddress keyword is used instead of hostess when your system has five servers or four servers and a
modem. In that case, the fifth server or the modem must use
com1 as its port. The port parameter should always be defined
as 3f8.


Sets the baud rate for communication between the console and
the server modems. The baud rate is the only communication
parameter you can alter; the console ports always communicate at 9600 baud, eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit.


Allows you to set a time-out value for any modem connection.
The system automatically logs out a modem connection if
there is no activity for a specified amount of time. For instance,
a value of 6:00 would automatically log out a modem connection after six minutes of inactivity. This keyword, which
should only be used in the modem section, provides added
protection should a user forget to logout from a modem connection to the console.
With a value of 0:00—the default value—the feature is disabled, which means the system will not log out a modem connection regardless of inactivity length. The maximum value is
546 minutes and 7 seconds (546:7).

The Avstar Console


Console Control Command Reference
Table 2-4 lists available console control commands and their functions.
Table 2-4

Control Command Reference




Moves you to the newest (bottom) line in the history.

computer [computername(s) | *]

Selects one or more of your system’s servers, so that you can type
a command on the selected server(s). Follow the command with
the name(s) of the servers you want to select, or type an asterisk
(*) to select all servers, such as computer *.


Moves you that many lines forward in the history. For example,
typing down 10 takes you 10 lines forward. If you follow down
with a number greater than the number of lines between your current position and the last line in the history, down moves you to
the last line in the history.


Causes a search for the keyword from your current position forward. For example, down list moves forward to a line containing the word “list.” The command down by itself moves you
down one line. The down command is not case sensitive. If you
specify PEOPLE, down considers people to be a valid match. If
down does not find the keyword before reaching the bottom of the
history, the console beeps and you are returned to the current line.
A wildcard character (#) can be used to match any character or to
a search for a number. For instance, down 160# will search for the
number 160 instead of moving down 160 lines.

Exit Function

To leave the Avstar console program and return to the MS-DOS
1. Press the Command key.
2. Press CTRL-E.
3. Press Enter.
(You cannot type exit at the Command prompt.)
Type console at the prompt to restart the console program.

Console Control Command Reference


Table 2-4

Control Command Reference (Continued)




Assigns a command to a console function key. For instance, to
assign the list s command to the F9 key, type f9=list s. To
include Command and Enter keys in a function key definition,
use braces. For instance, to include those keystrokes in the previous assignment example, type f9={list s}. To list the current
assignment of a function key, type the key number by itself on the
command line. The valid range is f1-f14. It is recommend no
definition be made for F14, which defaults to the Command key.
F13 corresponds to the plus (+) key on the numerical keypad.

list [#-of-lines | all]

Sends some number of lines of the history to the printer.
• list followed by a number, such as list 3, prints that many
lines of the history beginning at the current line.
• list all prints everything from the current line to the
newest line.
• list with no parameter prints the current line.
When using list, the word PRINTER appears on the command
line. If PRINTER is displayed but nothing is being printed,
ensure that the printer is plugged in, turned on, online, and has
paper. The console assumes a printer is connected to the PC’s parallel port, where output is sent. To cancel a list command while
output is printing, press any key; printing stops and your position
in the history moves to the last line sent to the printer


Writes all history currently in memory to disk and then disables
disk logging. You can use it to change log disks.


Resumes history disk logging after it has been suspended with


Logs you out from a remote console. To log out, press the Escape
key and type logout. The remote console displays the
PASSWORD prompt, and you can then hang up your modem.


Typed at the main console, this command logs out a remote console user. Before you type this command, make sure that the
remote console user is not in the middle of an operation.

The Avstar Console


Table 2-4

Control Command Reference (Continued)



print [number-of-lines
| all]

Displays a number of lines of the history on the console screen.

print followed by a number displays that many lines of the history beginning at the current line.

print all displays everything from the current line to the
newest line.

print with no parameter displays the current line.
To cancel a print command while it is displaying console history, press any key. The console stops at the line last displayed on
the screen, and your position in the history moves to that line.


Attempts to unfreeze one or more of the console’s I/O ports, if
communication has failed between the console and your system’s
To use reset, select the servers that are affected, press the
Command key, and type the command.


Moves you to the oldest line in recent console history. To see history older than this, use the view command to view a history log
file on disk.

up [number-of-lines |

Moves you backward (up) some number of lines in the history.

up number-of-lines moves you that many lines back in the
history. For example, typing up 30 moves you back 30 lines.
up keyword searches backward through the history from your
current position for that word. For example, to search backward
for a line containing dbpurge, type up dbpurge.
up with no parameter moves you back one line.
The up command is not case sensitive. If you specify PEOPLE, up
considers people to be a valid match. If up does not find the
keyword before reaching the bottom of the history, the console
beeps and you are returned to the current line.
A wildcard character (#) can be used to match any character or to
a search for a number. For instance, up 160# will search for the
number 160 instead of moving up 160 lines.

Console Control Command Reference


Table 2-4

Control Command Reference (Continued)




Displays a DOS text file on your console screen.
Use this command to look at old history that has been saved to
disk or to read other disk files, such as the console configuration
file. Before you type this command, use the zoom command to
display only one server’s region on the console screen. (You can
choose any server.)
While you are viewing a file, you can only move down through it
(as opposed to back or up in the file). Each time you press the
Enter key, the file scrolls down one line.
To stop viewing the file and return to normal console operation,
press the Command key.


Restarts the sending and receiving of information by the computers’ console ports.It stands for XON and causes an XON character
to be sent to the server for each selected region. If you are having
trouble communicating with your servers from the console, try
this command. If it does not work, use the reset command.


Selects a server and fills the console screen with its region. To
return the screen to its normal split-screen state, select any server
with the computer command.

The Avstar Console

Getting Started
As the Avstar system administrator you will need to log on to Avstar
NRCS differently than other users. You will have access to features
that others do not. As system administrator, you will be responsible
for knowing how to startup and shutdown Avstar NRCS.
This chapter contains information about:

Logging In As System Operator


Becoming a Console Superuser


Changing the System Administration Passwords


Startup and Shutdown


Logging in as System Operator
Ordinarily, you are always logged in on each of your system’s servers
as the system operator.
To log in as the system operator, do the following:
1. When any of your servers displays the login: prompt, select that
2. Type so.
3. Press Enter.
4. If your system has a password for this account (most do), then
type in the password when prompted.
For information about creating or changing the system operator password, see “Changing the System Operator Password” on page 3-4.

Becoming a Console Superuser
A console superuser has special system privileges that allow more
powerful (and therefore potentially more dangerous) commands. The
console’s prompt is the visual indicator for whether you are logged in
as a system operator or a superuser. The system operator prompt ends
with a colon (:). The superuser prompt ends in a pound sign (#). If a
command example in this manual shows the superuser prompt —ending in a pound sign (#)—you must be a superuser to use the command.
The superuser prompt looks like this:
The system operator prompt looks like this:
Follow the procedures explained in the next section to get to the superuser prompt.

Getting Started


Entering Superuser Mode
To become a console superuser, you need the console superuser password.
To log in as a console superuser:
1. Type su.
2. Type the superuser password at the password prompt.
To keep the password confidential, the console does not display
what you type.
After you type the password correctly, the console shows that you are
a console superuser by changing the colon (:) at the end of the console prompt to a pound sign (#). If you enter an incorrect password,
the console displays an error message and lets you try again.


To prevent users from typing unauthorized commands, never leave
the console unattended when in superuser mode. You should log in
as superuser only when you need to type a superuser command, and
exit console superuser mode immediately after typing the command.

Exiting Console Superuser Mode
To exit from console superuser mode and return to the system operator mode, press CTRL-D. The console shows that you are a console
system operator by changing the pound sign (#)at the end of the console prompt to a colon (:).

Changing the System Administration Passwords
This section contains information about selecting passwords and
changing the passwords for system operator and superuser.

Selecting Passwords
The system differentiates between uppercase and lowercase characters, so always enter your password in the same case you used when
Changing the System Administration Passwords


you created it.The Avstar system operator password must be between
six and ten characters and contain at least one numeric character.
Keep a confidential record of changes to system administrator passwords. Knowing the passwords is critical not only for dbtraits and
other commands, but for iNews Customer Support technicians who
may require access for problem diagnosis and reconfiguration. If you
forget your passwords, the system may have to be rebooted after all
the software is reloaded by iNews Customer Support technicians.

Changing the System Operator Password
To change the system operator password:
1. When you are logged on as system operator, type:
2. When prompted, type a new password.


Systems using a SCO UNIX platform let you choose a password or have the
system provide one. Select option 1 to choose your own password. You will be
prompted to enter the password.
3. When prompted to confirm, type the new password a second

Changing the Superuser Password
To change the superuser password:
1. Become a console superuser by typing su and the superuser password at the password prompt.
The UNIX name for
superuser is root.

2. Type passwd root.
3. When prompted, type a new password.

Getting Started

Systems using a SCO UNIX platform let you choose a password or have the
system provide one. Select option 1 to choose your own password. You will be
prompted to enter the password.


4. When prompted, type the new password a second time.
If the password does not match, the system assumes that you
made an error and displays an error message. If you see this message, type passwd root again.
5. Press CTRL-D to exit from console superuser.

Startup and Shutdown
The following sections describe procedures for starting up and shutting down the Avstar Newsroom Computer System (NRCS).

Starting the System
The following procedure shows you how to reboot your servers and
synchronize them so that they run together as a single system.
Depending on how you shut down your system, you can begin the
procedure in one of two ways:



If you turned off the servers and they have an autoboot switch,
ensure each server’s autoboot switch is on. Then turn on the servers as described in Step 1a, in the following procedure.


If you halted servers when you shut down the system, use the
boot command described in Step 1b, in the following procedure.

Because server types vary, certain displays associated with the startup procedure may also vary. Examples are provided in each case and the type of server
is shown in the margin. Because this procedure applies to an entire system
that has been shut down, you must perform all the steps on all servers, except
where otherwise indicated.
To start your Avstar system, do the following:
1. Power up or reboot servers in one of the following ways, depending on how you shut down your system:
a. If you turned off servers when you shut down your system,
boot them to the login prompt by turning them on.

Startup and Shutdown


b. If you halted the servers when you shut down your system,
boot each server from the console. Servers that have their
operating systems halted display the boot prompt on the console. Select all servers using the C * command and enter your
server’s boot command.
SGI Systems

For an SGI IRIX system, if you turned off the servers, turn on each
server. The console displays: (only partial display shown)
Running power-on diagnostics...
Starting up the system...
To perform system maintenance instead, press

The system is ready.
Avstar News System

SCO Systems

For a SCO UNIX system, if you turned off the servers, turn on each
server, which then displays a boot prompt, as in the following
SCO UNIX System V/386 on i0486
Press Enter to continue. As each server boots, it displays copyright
and hardware configuration messages such as these:
hd(40)unix systty=sio auto
Loading kernel hd(40)unix .text
Loading kernel hd(40)unix .data
Loading kernel hd(40)unix .bss

Getting Started



The system will prompt you to type either the root password for system maintenance or CTRL-D for normal startup to continue booting. It will also display the current system time and prompt you to type in a new time. If the
displayed time is correct, you can just press Enter and continue booting.
The system is ready...
Avstar News System
When each server finishes booting, it displays a login: prompt.


If you did not shut down the system as described, check the console
history for messages indicating that all servers shut down at the
same time. Do not connect servers unless you are sure they are mirrored. If you cannot find messages indicating simultaneous shutdown, or are otherwise unsure whether the disks are mirrored, call
iNews Customer Support for assistance before proceeding.
If you shut down the system as instructed, the system mirrors the
databases and you can continue the startup procedure.
2. Select all servers. See “Selecting One or More Servers” on page 2-5
for more information.
3. Type so and the password, when prompted, to log in as system
4. Type connect # to connect.
The # character acts as a place holder for each server name. It is
replaced with each server’s computer name before the console
sends the connect command to all servers in the system. This
allows system administrators to send commands to multiple servers without having to select each server and send commands individually. For instance, the connect # command sends
connect a to server A, connect b to server B, and so forth.
When connected, each server displays status messages and the
system prompt returns.

Startup and Shutdown


Messages similar to the following appear:
Network interface in0 marked UP address netmask
100 aliases longest (alias producer) 15 bytes,
4000 bytes total
A is offline
System is AB. Master is A.
Disk status is OK.

Connecting servers provides each server with a unique name and
causes each one to read and interpret the system profile. The servers can work together as a system after reading the system profile
5. (Optional) Check for edit and order locks if you are restarting the
system after a power failure.
During a power failure, the system may not have had time to
remove edit and order locks from the database before shutting
down. When you restart the system, remove these locks.


Checking for edit and order locks may take time depending on the size of the
database. In an emergency, bypass this step to get the system running. Go
back later and remove locks to provide system access.
The system can detect invalid locks and will ignore them.
To remove edit and order locks, select one server and type:
dbclean -x .
The -x option tells dbclean to skip queues or directories marked
with a skip flag, reducing the time it takes to run.
The period (.) after the -x causes dbclean to start at the root
directory of the database, so that it does not miss any part of the
database not marked with a skip flag.
6. Select all servers. See “Selecting One or More Servers” on page 2-5
for more information.

Getting Started


7. Type startup to start the system.
Information similar to the following appears:
A Fri Aug 17 17:32:15


System being

checking free space
data base size (113977) free blocks (1100)
starting news programs
booting pcu 10 on port 1
booting pcu 20 on port 2

The startup command does the following:

Causes the master computer (usually server A) to read the
configuration file


Brings each server online so users can log in

The console displays device-ready messages (Hot-to-go) as each
device starts up, indicating that the device is online and available.


Resources used for Avstar Workstation sessions do not print any messages
until a workstation establishes a connection.

Shutting Down the System
If you need to turn off your servers or reboot the system, first shut
down the system. Shutting down the system:

Saves any open stories


Removes any remaining edit and order locks


Ensures that each server’s copy of the database is the same

Startup and Shutdown



Because the system requires that you shut down all servers at the same time,
most steps in this procedure are performed on all servers simultaneously.
Except where instructed to do otherwise, ensure that you have selected all
servers using the computer command before performing each step. See
“Selecting One or More Servers” on page 2-5 for more information.
To shut down your Avstar Newsroom Computer System, do the following:
1. Select all servers and type offline to take the system offline.
The offline command prevents users from logging in.
2. Select all servers and type broadcast followed by the message
warning users already logged in that the system will be shut
down. Include the time the system will be shut down. Here’s an
AVSTAR-A: broadcast WARNING!System shut down 12PM
The broadcast command broadcasts a message to all users
logged in at present.
3. At the specified shutdown time, select one server and type the
commandlist s to check who is still logged in.
A message similar to the following appears:









The list s command lists:

The device controlling the session


The user account used for the session


The server servicing the session

4. Select all servers.

Getting Started


5. Type logout all to log out all users. If a user is editing a story,
this saves the file and logs out the user.
6. Type list s again to check for connect session users.
The logout all console command does not log out users who
are currently in a connect session.
AVSTAR-A: list s






If any users are still logged in, notify them of the shutdown by
some other means, such as by telephone.


If a user is in a connect session when you shut down the system, the
user’s workstation stops, the session is disconnected, and any
unsaved work is lost. Ensure any connect session users have logged
out before you continue the shutdown procedure.
7. Type shutdown to shut down the system.
A message similar to the following appears:
WARNING! This will stop all devices on this
computer, and close the database.
To prevent loss of work in progress, ’logout
all’ first.
Do you really want to do this (y/n)?

8. Type y to continue:
Do you really want to do this (y/n)? y
/exc/shutdown: Stopping all devices
/exc/shutdown: Closing database
The shutdown process stops all workstations, wires, and other
devices, and no further changes can be made to the database.

Startup and Shutdown


9. Type the su command at the prompt and the superuser password
at the password prompt to become a console superuser:
SU: so /dev/console
SGI Systems

On SGI servers, type sync to save changes to the system software, and type halt to halt the system. You must be a superuser.
AVSTAR-A# sync
AVSTAR-A# halt
Shutdown started...
...Running power-on diagnostics...
OK to power off system now
Press any key to restart
As shown, the console displays a message when it is ok to continue.

SCO Systems

On SCO systems, shut down the system by typing init 0 (that is,
zero) at the prompt. You must be a superuser.
AVSTAR-A# init 0
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is coming down.

Please wait.

System services are now being stopped.
The system is down.

Safe to Power Off


-or** Press Any Key to Reboot


10. Turn off each server.
When you are ready to start up your system, follow the procedure
described in “Starting the System” on page 3-5.

Getting Started

People in your newsroom must have user accounts to use the Avstar
Newsroom Computer System (NRCS). Each user account has various
user traits associated with it that capture information about the user’s
interaction with the system—information such as passwords, keyboard preferences, and permissions for story editing.
This chapter tells how the system administrator can access and change
user account information from any Avstar Workstation. However, user
traits can also be viewed and modified at the Avstar console. The procedures for using the console is covered in Appendix G, “Managing
Traits at Console,” on page G-1.

Viewing User Accounts


Modifying User Traits


User Traits Summary


Simplified User Settings


Setting up New Users in Avstar


Searching for Information About Users


Removing User Accounts


Creating a User Manager Account


Creating a Database Manager Account


Viewing User Accounts
To look at the traits associated with a particular user account:
1. Click on the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Users from the Options submenu.
The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.

An asterisk (*) in the
User ID field will result
in all user accounts
listed when you click
Search or press Enter.

4. Enter the user name in the User ID field.
5. Click Search or press Enter. The results of the search appear in the
User List field located in the center of the dialog box.
6. Do one of the following:
a. Double-click the user name in the User List field.
-ORb. Click the name once to select it, and then click the Modify/
Display button.




The Modify button will appear with the word Display on it if you do not have
authority to modify user accounts. This applies to user managers (umanager)
who cannot alter superuser accounts. Also, the traits shown in the dialog box
will appear gray to indicate that the information is for viewing only.
The Modify User Account dialog box appears.

The dialog box shows user traits associated with the account you
chose, such as the user’s name, read rate, and mail queue name. All
the traits shown in the various sections of the Modify User Account
dialog box are explained in detail in “Modify User Account Dialog
Box” on page 4-4.

Modifying User Traits
You must be logged on as a superuser or user manager (umanager) to
change user traits. For an explanation of the umanager account and
privileges, see “Creating a User Manager Account” on page 4-35.
To modify a user’s traits from an Avstar Workstation, do the following:
1. Access the Modify User Account dialog box as explained in
“Viewing User Accounts” on page 4-2.

Modifying User Traits


2. Select or deselect check boxes, as required. Fill in the fields in the
Queues section of the dialog box. See “User Traits Summary” on
page 4-5 for more information.
You can click the Get from Template button to copy traits from
another pre-defined user account. The template must be selected
prior to the start of account modification or the button will be
inaccessible (grayed out). See “Copying User Traits to Another
User Account” on page 4-26 for more information.
3. Change or setup a password, as explained in “Changing a User’s
Password” on page 4-9.
4. Click User Preferences and modify settings, as explained in
“Changing User Preferences” on page 4-10.
5. Click OK to save modifications, or click Cancel to close the dialog
box without saving changes.

Modify User Account Dialog Box



The Modify User Account dialog box divides the user’s traits into sections, such as Type, Edit Mode, Queues, and so forth. These sections
are explained in the following summary of all user traits.

User Traits Summary
User Name
The User Name field contains the user’s real name. It should not be
confused with the User ID, which the system uses to identify account
activity. For instance, Daniel Mitchell may have an account with a user
ID danielmi; his real name is Daniel Mitchell, but he will type
danielmi to log on to Avstar NRCS.
The Type section contains the check boxes that determine what type of
user account is assigned to the user, and consequently, what privileges. If the check box is selected, the type is applied to that user


– A superuser account allows the user complete access to administration features, such
as user accounts, the database, the System
directory, and connect sessions to the Avstar
console that controls the servers.


Black Listed

– A black listed account cannot be used to log
in to an Avstar Workstation. This type is
used for special accounts, such as umanager
and dbmanager. It is not intended for standard user accounts.



– A simplified account sets certain access limits, such as the maximum number of Avstar
Workspaces allowed. See “Simplified User
Settings” on page 4-19 for more information.

Modifying User Traits


Edit Mode
The Edit Mode section’s radio buttons set up the condition of the PC
keyboard’s Insert key at log in.


– The Insert editing mode, when selected,
means if a user types text between two characters, the text is inserted at the cursor position without overwriting the character to the
right of the cursor.



– The Overwrite editing mode, when selected,
means if a user types text between two characters, the character to the right of the cursor
is replaced with the new text.

Avstar NRCS provides a People directory in the database file structure
that allows the system administrator to set up a personal directory and
two queues for each user as data storage. The Queues fields in the
Modify User Account dialog box indicate the navigation paths (or
locations) of the user’s personal directory and queues.


The actual directory and queues are not created here. See “Creating a New
User Area in the News Database” on page 4-23 for more information.



– The Home field contains the path to the
directory (folder) where the Destination and
Mail queues are stored in the database file




– The Destination field contains the path to the
queue provided for the user as a storage
location, such as Notes.



– The Mail field contains the path to the user’s
Mail queue, which is where all e-mail to that
user is kept in the database.

Read Rate
The Read Rate is the user’s spoken reading rate in words per minute.
The average English reading rate is 180 words per minute. Avstar
NRCS uses the read rate of the designated user (presenter) to determine the audio (air) time of a story.
Session/Configuration/Queue Features
There are three sections of the Modify User Account dialog box pertaining to features.

The Session Features section defines access to other parts of the system, such as the Video server.

Media Browse

– The Media Browse check box determines
access to search the Video server.


Broadcast Control – The Broadcast Control check box determines
access to the Avstar Broadcast Control System (BCS) workstation—typically operated
by the technical director.


Connect Services – The Connect Services check box determines
access to any services defined in the system.

Modifying User Traits


The Configuration Features section pertains to the look of the Avstar


– The Toolbars check box determines whether
the user can create custom toolbars.


Color Highlights – The Color Highlights check box determines
whether the user can customize the highlighting status colors in the queue.


Highlight Read ... – The Highlight Read Stories check box specifies that unread stories in the queue are highlighted on the user’s screen. The highlight is
removed when the cursor is positioned on
the story.

The Queue Features section pertains to access privileges in the Queue
panel of the Avstar Workspace.

Reorder Stories

– The Reorder Stories check box determines
authority to alter the order of the stories in a


Create/Kill ...

– The Create/Kill Folders/Queues check box
determines authority to create or delete
queues and folders (directories) in the database file structure, as seen in the Directory
panel of the Avstar Workspace.


Kill All Stories

– The Kill All Stories check box determines
authority to delete all stories from a queue at
one time. The data is actually moved from
the selected queue to the DEAD queue
where it remains (and can be accessed) until

See “Changing a User’s
Password” on page 4-9
for more information.




– The Password button opens a dialog box that
you can use to set up or change the password protecting access to the user account.


See “Forcing Individual Users to Change
Their Passwords” on
page 18-6 for more


Force Change

– The Force Change check box determines
whether the user is forced to change the
assigned password the next time he logs on.

User Preferences...
Th User Preferences button is used to view and/or modify a user’s
preferences, such as keyboard, printer, and confirmation settings. See
“Changing User Preferences” on page 4-10 for more information.
Get from Template...
The Get from Template button is only used when copying the traits of
one user’s account to another. See “Adding a New User Account” on
page 4-26 for more information.

Changing a User’s Password
To change a user’s password, do the following:
1. Click Password in the Modify User Account dialog box. The
Change User’s Password dialog box appears:

2. Type the password in the New password field.
3. Confirm the new password by retyping it in the Confirm new
password field.


The password must be a minimum of five alphanumeric characters (and a
maximum of 12 characters) with no spaces. Use the system profile to set or
change a required length for all passwords for your site.

Modifying User Traits


4. Do one of the following:
a. Click OK to save the password and close the dialog box.
-ORb. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Changing User Preferences
To change user preferences, do the following:
1. Click User Preferences in the Modify User Account dialog box.
The Preferences dialog box will appear, containing several tabs.

2. Modify the preference settings on each tab as needed. The settings
are described in detail in the next section of this chapter.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click OK to save them and close the dialog box.
-ORb. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving preference



Preferences Dialog Box
System administrators can use the Preferences dialog box to set up
default preferences for users, such as a default printer. However, the
Preferences dialog box is—by default—accessible to users, so they can
alter these settings at any time. To learn how you, as the system
administrator, can limit access to this dialog box and its features, see
“Simplified User Settings” on page 4-19.
Session Tab
The Session tab has two sections, which system administrators can use
to set up default user preferences.



– The keyboard drop-down list contains a list
of keyboards (or sets of macros) that can be
assigned to the user account as a default for
when he logs in. The Reload button allows
the keyboard assignment to take effect without having the user log off and back on.



– The Printing drop-down lists contain two
lists: one of Printers and another of

Modifying User Traits


pre-defined Styles that can be assigned to the
user account as defaults for when he prints
data from an Avstar Workstation.
Confirmations Tab
The Confirmations tab is divided into sections and contains check
boxes that determine whether Avstar NRCS prompts the user to confirm a request before completing the command.



Drag/Drop section

Story Operations

– Avstar Workstation (ASWS), when
Story Operations is checked, will display a confirmation message before
moving a story when you use the
mouse to drag it to its new position.


Queue Operations

– ASWS, when Queue Operations is
checked, will display a confirmation
message before moving all stories in a
queue when you use the mouse to
drag them to their new position.




A production cue
marker (shown
here) is called a
grotch or grommet and
appears in the Story
Text panel.

Queue Reorder

– ASWS, when Queue Reorder is
checked, will display a confirmation
message before moving a story to a
new location in the same queue.

Delete/Kill section


– ASWS, when Story is checked, will display a confirmation message before
deleting a story or stories.


Mail or Message

– ASWS, when Mail or Message is
checked, will display a confirmation
message before deleting e-mail or
instant messages.


Production Cue

– ASWS, when Production Cue is
checked, will display a confirmation
message before deleting a production
cue and its marker from a story.


Saving Story

– ASWS, when Saving Story is checked, will
display a confirmation message to save
changes before closing an edited story. The
confirmation also appears as a user moves
the cursor from one story to another when
building a show rundown. If you do not
select the Saving Story check box, the system
automatically saves changes before closing


Large Print Jobs

– ASWS, when Large Print Jobs is checked, will
display a confirmation message before sending potentially large print jobs to the printer,
such as the text of all stories in a queue.



– ASWS, when Exit is checked, will display a
confirmation message when the user
attempts to close the Avstar NRCS program
at the workstation.

Modifying User Traits


Backup Tab
The Backup tab defines the settings for the Avstar Workstation to automatically back up work in a current session to a specified location at
specific time intervals.




– Interval specifies the number of minutes
between story backups. The default is 10
minutes. Set the interval to 0 (zero) minutes
to turn off the automatic backup feature.



– Directory specifies the path name—the location in which ASWS should store backup
copies of stories. The location should be a
directory (folder) on the harddrive of the
local PC/workstation. You can type the path
in manually, or click the Browse button to
select the directory from the Browse dialog


Refresh Tab
The Refresh tab sets the seconds for refreshing the screen at the workstation. This preference is unique because it only affects the workstation on which it is set. Set the number to zero (0) for instant
updating—that is, if you do not want to delay refreshes.

Modifying User Traits


Layout Tab
The Layout tab is divided into sections and contains buttons and check
boxes that determine the layout of panels and workspaces in the
Avstar Workstation main window.


Start in Session


Arrangement section



– The Start in Session field specifies the default
session that will appear on screen when the
user logs in to Avstar Workstation (ASWS).

– ASWS, depending on which Arrangement button is selected, will display
the panels of the Avstar Workspace


– ASWS, when Zoom is checked, will
display the Avstar Workspace in zoom
mode—that is, zoomed into one of the
three panels: Directory, Queue or




– ASWS, when Hide Form is checked,
will display the Story panel with its
Story Form panel hidden by default.
The user can choose to show the Story
Form panel, by selecting the option to
show the form from the Story
drop-down menu.

Gridlines section


– ASWS, when Horizontal is checked,
will display horizontal gridlines
between rows in the Queue panel.



– ASWS, when Vertical is checked, will
display vertical gridlines between columns in the Queue panel.


Get Current

– The Get Current will reset the preferences on
the Layout tab to what was set when the dialog box opened.


Preview Lines


Hide Form

Use Default

– ASWS, when Use Default is checked,
will display the default number of preview lines for each story in the Queue
panel as defined by the queue’s properties. When Use Default is not
checked, every queue will display
only one line of information per story
in the Queue panel by default.

Users can manually override the Preview Lines setting by selecting the Story
Preview option in the View drop-down menu. In the Story Preview dialog
box, the user can override the default setting by typing in a number in the
Lines to preview field. This overrides the setting for the queue while displayed. Once the user exits the queue, the queue’s default setting is reinstated.
If the user wants to return to the default setting manually (as defined in the
queue’s properties), the user can click the Default button in the Story Preview
dialog box.

Modifying User Traits


The following figures show the difference between Queue panel displays with and without Preview lines. The first is the display using the
default of seven preview lines, as defined in the queue’s properties.

The second figure shows the Queue panel display without preview
lines. This is the system’s default view, unless otherwise specified.



Search Results Tab
The Search Results tab allows you to set the default form used in the
Queue panel of the Search Results workspace.


Use form:

– ASWS will use the form selected from the
Use form: drop-down list when displaying
the results from searches in Avstar NRCS.
The forms you can choose from are those created and stored in SYSTEM.FORMS. See
“Creating a Form” on page 8-2 for more

Simplified User Settings
A simplified user is one that has certain limitations pertaining to the
Avstar Workstation. As the system administrator, you can define the
limitations and then assign them to users. Only one set of limitations
can be defined, which is then applied to all user accounts with the simplified user trait. In other words, either a user account has the simplifed user trait, with its designated limitation settings, or it does not.
Some of the Simplified User Settings lock the user’s preferences to
those defined by the system administrator using the Preferences dia-

Simplified User Settings


log box. See “Changing User Preferences” on page 4-10 for more information.
To set up or modify the simplified user limitations, do the following:
1. Open the Manage User Account dialog box as explained in “Viewing User Accounts” on page 4-2.
2. Click the Simplified UI button.
The Simplified User Settings dialog box appears.

3. Select or deselect check boxes, as required.
4. Do one of the following:
a. Click the Reset button, to discard changes and reset the check
box settings to what they were when the dialog box opened.
-ORb. Click the OK button to save the settings and close the dialog

Simplified User Setting Dialog Box
The Simplified User Settings dialog box divides the limitation check
boxes into two sections: Workspaces and Application.




Limit Number to: – Avstar Workstation (ASWS), when Limit
Number to: is checked, will prevent the user
from opening more workspaces than the
number specified. This numerical limit does
not apply to the workspaces opened using
the Urgent Wire and Mail buttons. However,
this does lock the Urgent Wire workspace so
the user is unable to navigate to other
queues or directories in that workspace.


Lock Arrange

– ASWS, when Lock Arrange is checked, will
prevent the user from altering the arrangement of panels in the Workspace. This disables the Arrangement buttons on the
standard Layout toolbar. The setting is
locked into the default arrangement as
defined in the user’s User Account Preferences.


Lock Layout

– ASWS, when Lock Layout is checked, will
prevent the user from altering the layout of
workspaces in the Avstar Workstation main
window. This disables the Layout buttons on
the standard Layout toolbar. The setting is
locked into the default layout as defined in
the user’s User Account Preferences.


Lock Zoom

– ASWS, when Lock Zoom is checked, will prevent the user from altering the zoom of panels in the Avstar Workspace. The setting is
locked into the default as defined in the
user’s User Account Preferences.


Lock Toolbars

– ASWS, when Lock Toolbars is checked, will
prevent the user from altering the display of


Simplified User Settings



Lock Sessions

– ASWS, when Lock Sessions is checked, will
prevent the user from creating or altering
sessions. The user will be locked to sessions
created prior to the Lock Sessions being
applied to the user account.


Disable Title Entry– ASWS, when Disable Title Entry is checked,
will prevent user access to the Title Entry
dialog box, used to enter production cues in
stories, and the Edit Title Entry Template
dialog box, used to create CG templates for
the Title Entry feature.


Disable User Prefs...– ASWS, when Disable User Prefs Dlg is
checked, will prevent user access to the Preferences dialog box. The user will be unable
to alter user preferences, such as default
printer settings. The user will be locked to
settings already in place at the time Disable
User Prefs DLG is applied to the user
account. See “Changing User Preferences”
on page 4-10 and “Simplified User Settings”
on page 4-19 for more information.

Setting up New Users in Avstar
To set up new users in Avstar NRCS, you need to follow these three
procedures, which are explained in detail in this section:
1. Create areas in the Avstar NRCS database file structure where the
user can store notes and receive mail. See “Creating a New User
Area in the News Database” on page 4-23 for more information.
2. Add a new user account so that your system recognizes the user.
This includes setting up the user traits associated with the
account. See “Adding a New User Account” on page 4-26 for more



3. Enable the new user to receive mail by adding him or her to the
appropriate group. (See “Enabling a New User to Receive Mail” in
this chapter.)

Creating a New User Area in the News Database
Each user needs an area in the database to keep notes and to receive
e-mail. Usually, these areas are separate queues called Notes and Mail.
These queues are kept in a sub-folder—with the user’s account
name—in the People directory.
The common practice is to separate the first level of People sub-folders
by using the first initial of the user’s last name—otherwise, since the
system is limited to 255 user names in the People directory, your site
may eventually reach the limit.
For instance, the Home directory for user DANIELMI would be:
PEOPLE.D.DANIELMI. The Notes and Mail queues would be:
You must be logged on
to Avstar NRCS with a
user account that has
authority to create new
directories and/or
queues to complete this

To create a new directory (folder):
1. Using the database file structure in the Directory panel of the
Avstar Workspace, select the directory under which you want the
new folder to be created, as shown in the following example.
Select the PEOPLE folder, then the
folder with the alphabetic name corresponding to the first letter of the user’s
name, such as D. The new folder will be
created in the D directory (folder), such

2. Do one of the following:
a. Click on the Tools drop-down menu, then select New Folder.

Setting up New Users in Avstar


b. Right-click on the folder in the Directory panel, and choose
New Folder from the pop-up menu.
A new folder is created under the selected folder. The New-Folder
appears at the end of the list of existing folders.The title,
New-Folder, is highlighted, so you can rename it.

3. Type the name of the new folder.
4. Press Enter to save the new folder name. You can now open the
new folder (directory) by double-clicking on it.
To create a new queue, such as the Notes and Mail queues for user
DANIELMI, do the following:
1. Navigate to and select the folder created to hold the queue you
want to create, such as PEOPLE.D.DANIELMI.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Click on the Tools drop-down menu, then select New Queue.
-ORb. Right-click on the folder in the Directory panel, and choose
New Queue from the pop-up menu.



A new queue appears under the folder you selected. The
New-Queue appears at the end of the list of existing queues.The
title, New-Queue, is highlighted, so you can rename it.

3. Type the name of the new queue, such as MAIL or NOTES.
4. Press Enter to save the new queue name. You can now open the
new queue by double-clicking on it.


There are some restrictions pertaining to adding directories and queues in the
Avstar database. See “Adding a Directory or Queue” on page 5-3 for more

Setting up New Users in Avstar


Adding a New User Account
When adding a new user account, you have the option of creating the
account from scratch, or copying the pre-defined traits of another user
account already in the system. Both options are covered in this section.

Copying User Traits to Another User Account
Before you can copy user traits from one user account to another, you
must first select the account you want to copy—that is, select an
account to use as a template for the new account you are going to create.
To define an account as a template for copying to other accounts, do
the following:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Users.
The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.




If you do not have superuser privileges, which permits access to the Manage
User Accounts dialog box, the system will prompt you for the umanager
password. If the umanager account does not exist in the system, then access
is only allowed to system administrators—that is, those with superuser privileges. See “Creating a User Manager Account” on page 4-35 for more information. Also see “User Traits Summary” on page 4-5 for more information
on the superuser trait and its privileges.
4. Type in the User ID of the user account you want to copy—that is,
use as a template. You can use the Search button to locate the user
account if you do not know the User ID.
5. Click Copy. The User ID should appear to the right of the button.
When no template is selected for copying, the words, “No template set,” appears to the right of the Copy button.
You are now ready to create a new user account and copy the user
traits, or copy the traits to an account that already exists in the system.

Creating a New User Account
To add a new user account:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Users.
The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.
4. Click New User.

Setting up New Users in Avstar


The Add New User dialog box appears.

5. In the User ID field, enter the login name of the user account.
6. (Optional) In the User Name field, enter the user’s real name.
7. Do one of the following:
a. Click the appropriate check boxes for the user traits you want
to set. See “User Traits Summary” on page 4-5 for more information.
-ORb. Click the Get from Template button to copy traits for another
pre-define user account. See “Copying User Traits to Another
User Account” on page 4-26 for more information.
8. Click Add to add the new user account, or click Cancel to cancel
the addition of the new user account.



Enabling a New User to Receive Mail
This section gives you the basic steps you need to follow to enable a
new user to receive mail. If you need more information, refer to Chapter 6, “Groups”.
To enable a new user to receive mail, do one of the following:
1. Add the user to a group in SYSTEM.GROUPS. When the group
story is saved, the mail delivery files are updated automatically.
A group story is one that you created in the system for groups in
your organization such as newscasters, staff, or reporters. By adding the user to a group, the user inherits the security traits that
were set up for that group.
2. Run the grpcheck command on the Avstar Console to rebuild
and update the mail alias file. If this file is not rebuilt, the user will
be unable to receive mail. Type:
grpcheck system.groups

Searching for Information About Users
A search capability in Avstar NRCS enables you to search for information about a particular user by specifying a user name and including
certain criteria to refine the search. You can specify any alphanumeric
characters in the search. You can use the asterisk (*), which acts as a
wildcard, only as a suffix—not as a prefix or in the middle of a word.
Used alone, the wildcard is equivalent to “all.” Used with additional
information, the wildcard serves as a parameter to the search.
For instance, if you are searching for all user accounts beginning with
Dave, type Dave* (no space).
To search for information about users:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.

Searching for Information About Users


3. Select Users. The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.

4. Type the name of the user in the User ID field and click Search.
If you search with a wildcard character and the system finds multiple matches, a results box appears listing all “hits”. You can specify one by double-clicking on it.
The results of the search appear in the User List field in the center
of the dialog box.
To quickly locate a name in the User List, type the name you want.
User names are not case-sensitive, so you can use lowercase. To
prevent you from having to type the whole name, the system automatically tries to match the letters you supply with a name in the
list. Continue typing until the system locates the name you want.



5. Click Advanced to refine your search for a user, or to obtain more
extensive user information. The Advanced Search Settings dialog
box appears with the All Users setting selected by default.

6. Select from the settings to specify additional search criteria. The
criteria options are explained in detail in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1
Advanced Search Criteria


All Users

Search through all users listed in the server.


Confine the search to users with superuser


Confine the search to users with non-superuser

Blacklisted Users

Confine the search to user accounts that cannot
be used to log in.

Searching for Information About Users




Non-Blacklisted Users

Confine the search to user accounts that can be
used to log in.

Members of Group

Confine the search to users belonging to the
security group you select from the drop-down

Users Without Password

Confine the search to users who do not have

Simplified Users

Confine the search to user accounts that have
the simplified user trait.

Non-Simplified Users

Confine the search to user accounts that do not
have the simplified user trait.

Date Range

Confine the search to dates you specify in the
From and To fields and the kind of date range:

When the user last logged in


When the user account was created


When the password changed

Specify the date by either clicking the arrow
buttons or typing the dates in ddmmmyyyy format. Indicate the day with two digits, the
month with three letters, and the year with four

7. Click OK to confirm your advanced search setting or click Cancel
to cancel it.
8. Click Search to initiate the search.
A progress bar appears if a lengthy search is underway.
The results of the search appear in the User List field in the center of
the Manage User Accounts dialog box. Above the field, Avstar NRCS



will display a brief statement indicating what matched the search criteria, such as: All users matching ‘*‘:
Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the User List field to view
the information headings, such as User Name, Last Login, Read Rate,
and so forth.

Removing User Accounts
You must have access to the Manage User Accounts dialog box to
remove user accounts. In other words, you must be logged on as a system administrator—that is, with an account that has superuser privileges—or user manager (umanager) to remove user accounts.
To remove user accounts, do the following:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Users. The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.

Removing User Accounts



If you are logged on as a system administrator, the Manage User Accounts
dialog box will appear automatically, following step 3. Otherwise, Avstar
NRCS will prompt you for the umanager password (if that account exists in
the system) before allowing access to the dialog box.
4. Enter the user name in the User ID field.
5. Click Search or press Enter. The results of the search appear in the
User List field.
6. Select the name of the user you want to remove by clicking the
name in the User List field.
7. Click Remove.
8. Click OK to remove the user or Cancel to stop the removal.



After removing the user, you will also need to remove the user’s Home directory and the Notes and Mail queues by deleting them from the system’s database file structure.


Creating a User Manager Account
A user manager has some special system privileges, but not as many
as a system administrator/superuser. For instance, user managers can
access the Avstar NRCS database and add or change any user account,
except a superuser account.
There can be only one user manager account in Avstar NRCS; however, several users can have user manager privileges. Unlike a superuser account, the user manager account is not used to log in to the
system. Users with user manager privileges log in to their own
accounts, as usual. When they need to do user manager tasks, they
must access the Manage User Accounts dialog box, by typing in the
user manager password.
To create a user manager account, do the following:
1. Create a user account as explained in “Adding a New User
Account” on page 4-26.
2. Give the account a User ID: umanager.
3. Assign a password to this account.
4. Make the umanager account blacklisted so that no one can use it
to log in.
5. Assign the account superuser status to prevent a user manager (or
anyone who is not a superuser) from changing the umanager
6. Tell the user managers the password for the umanager account.


For further security, a write-access group should be assigned to
SYSTEM.GROUPS and only those with user manager privileges
should be included in the group. If no write-access group is
assigned to SYSTEM.GROUPS, then any user who knows the umanager password can access the Manage User Accounts dialog box by
clicking the Tools drop-down menu, selecting Options, then choosing Users. Once a write-access group is set up, any user managers
with nonsuperuser accounts must be included in the write-access

Creating a User Manager Account


group for SYSTEM.GROUPS or they will not be allowed access to the
Manage User Accounts dialog box. See “Groups Tab” on page 5-34,
“Users as Members of a Group” on page 6-15, and “Restricting Both
Reading and Writing” on page 6-26 for more information.

Creating a Database Manager Account
A database manager has some special system privileges, but not as
many as a system administrator/superuser. For instance, database
managers can add or change any database trait to a directory or queue
in the Avstar NRCS database from a workstation. Database managers
also have access to the CG Template Editor, used to create and modify
template for Avstar Title Entry feature.
There can be only one database manager account in Avstar NRCS;
however, several users can have database manager privileges. Unlike
a superuser account, the database manager account is not used to log
in to the system. Users with database manager privileges log in to
their own accounts, as usual. When they need to do database manager
tasks, they must access the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box. To
modify anything in the dialog box, they must provide the database
manager password.
To create a database manager account, do the following:
1. Create a user account as explained in “Adding a New User
Account” on page 4-26.
2. Give the account a User ID: dbmanager.
3. Assign a password to this account.
4. Make the dbmanager account blacklisted so that no one can use it
to log in.
5. Assign the account superuser status to prevent a user manager (or
anyone who is not a superuser) from changing the dbmanager



6. Tell the database managers the password for the dbmanager

Logging out All Users
Sometimes maintenance of the Avstar system requires you to first log
out all users before completing a certain task, such as shutting down
the system. This section explains the best way to log out all users from
the Avstar console.
To log out all users, do the following:
1. Select all servers at the console and type offline to take the system offline. The offline command prevents users from logging
2. Select all servers and type broadcast followed by the message
warning users already logged in that they need to log out. Include
when and why in the message, such as the time the system will be
shut down. Here are a couple of examples:
AVSTAR-A: broadcast WARNING!System shut down 12PM
AVSTAR-A: broadcast WARNING!Log Out within 5 Min.
3. At the specified time, select one server and type the command
list s to check who is still logged in. A message similar to the
following appears:









The list s command lists: the device controlling the session, the
user account used for the session, and the server servicing the session.

Logging out All Users


4. Do one of the following:
a. Send another broadcast instructing them to log out now.
-ORb. Select all servers and type logout all to log out all users.


If a user is editing a story, it is saved before the system logs out the user.
5. Type list s again to check for connect session users.
The logout all console command does not log out users who
are currently in a connect session.
AVSTAR-A: list s






If any users are still logged in, notify them of the shutdown by
some other means, such as by telephone.



If a user is in a connect session when you shut down the system, the
user’s workstation stops, the session is disconnected, and any
unsaved work is lost. Ensure any connect session users have logged
out before you shutdown the system.

Stories, Queues, and
All relevant Avstar information—except the system software and the
UNIX files—is stored in the Avstar NRCS database. This database contains scripts, rundowns, e-mail, messages, and any other kind of information that is entered into the system. Some database maintenance,
such as altering the database file structure and traits, can be done from
the Avstar console or from any Avstar Workstation. This chapter
focuses on maintenance tasks at the workstation when possible. However, when a task can be done at both the workstation and console, the
console information is provided as an appendix in this manual. See
Appendix G, “Managing Traits at Console,” for more information.
This chapter contains the following sections:



Adding a Directory or Queue


Viewing Database Traits


Changing Database Traits


Database Traits Summary


Locking and Unlocking


The Avstar NRCS database is where all the data, such as scripts, rundowns, user accounts, and so forth, are stored. The database is structured in a way to promote ease of maintenance. For instance, it
contains a file structure made up of directories, that contain other folders or queues, which in turn contain stories. It works similar to a filing
Stories with text and
production cues are
in queues.

Queues are stored in

Directories contain queues or
other sub-directories —also
known as sub-folders—and
make up the root of the
database file structure.

In Avstar NRCS, the database file structure can be seen (depending on
your access privileges) in the Directory panel of the Avstar Workspace.

Directories, also known as folders, are
indicated by manila folders, such as this
People directory.

Queues are indicated by three overlapping
pieces of paper, such as this Mail queue.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


The scripts, notes, e-mail, news stories, and other kinds of information
are all called stories; each story is associated with a particular queue,
and each queue with a single directory. A directory can also be associated with other directories.
Directories and queues have database traits that capture information
about how the system manages the stories they contain, and also what
actions users can perform with those stories.
For instance, by modifying the database traits of a particular queue,
you can:

Set its stories to read-only


Restrict who can read them


Enable the system to routinely purge stories in the queue that are
older than a certain number of days

Database traits are used in conjunction with the user traits discussed
in Chapter 4, “Users”. For instance, stories in a queue with a security
restriction set as a database trait can be read only by users whose user
traits include the appropriate security level.

Adding a Directory or Queue
Before you can modify the database traits of queues or directories, the
queues and directories must exist in the database. If they do not, you
can create them from the Avstar Workstation.

A Few Restrictions:
There are certain restrictions you should be aware of when creating
new directories and queues.

The total path name of a directory, including the separator characters (.), cannot exceed 60 characters.


The total path name of a queue, including the separator characters
(.), cannot exceed 62 characters.
Adding a Directory or Queue




Each branch of a path name—that is the name between periods—cannot exceed 20 characters.


The number of directory levels available is limited to 31.


You cannot use the space, period, “at” symbol (@), backslash (\),
or forward slash (/) characters in directory or queue names.


The system has a limit of 255 queues per directory.

The 255 limit also applies to first-level sub-folders in a directory. If you need
more than 255 in a directory, such as personal employee folders, create alphabetic sub-folders on the first level, then place the personal folders in the
matching sub-folder. For instance, in a given directory, you could have 26
sub-folders, each with one of the 26 letters of the English alphabet as a name.
This enables you to have 255 personal folders in each of the 26 alphabetic
sub-folders, or up to 6,660 employees. See “Creating a New User Area in the
News Database” on page 4-23 for more information.
Ordinarily, directories and queues are listed in alphabetical order
within their parent directory. However, you can add items to a directory in a different order. For instance, if you had directories for each
month in the Futures directory, you would want them to appear in
order by month (January, February, and so on). To do this: turn on the
sequential database trait for the parent directory before you create the
new items. See “Database Traits Summary” on page 5-25 for more

Creating a New Directory
To create a new directory (folder):
1. Log in as a superuser unless you have write-access to the parent
queue or directory. This ensures that you have full access to the

Stories, Queues, and Directories


2. Using the database file structure in the Directory panel of the
Avstar Workspace, select the directory under which you want the
new folder to be created, as shown in the following example.
For instance, you could select the Shows
folder if you wanted to add a new directory for a 10PM show. Once the new
sub-folder (10P) is created, you can create queues or additional sub-folders in it.


If you are creating a new first-level directory, be sure to select the server
rather than a directory (folder).
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click on the Tools drop-down menu, then select New Folder.
-ORb. Right-click on the directory—or server, if you are creating a
new first-level folder—in the Directory panel, and choose
New Folder from the pop-up menu.
A new folder is created under the selected folder. The New-Folder
appears at the end of the list of existing folders.The title,
New-Folder, is highlighted, so you can rename it.

Adding a Directory or Queue


4. Type the name of the new folder, such as 10P.
5. Press Enter to save the new folder name. The newly created folder
will inherit the database traits of its parent directory initially. You
can open the new folder by double-clicking on it.

Creating a New Queue
To create a new queue, such as the Rundown and Master queues for
the 10PM show, do the following:
1. Navigate to and select the directory (folder) created to hold the
queue you want to create.
Select the Shows folder, then the 10P
folder, if you want to add a new queue for
a 10PM show. The new queue will be
created in the 10P folder.

2. Do one of the following:
a. Click on the Tools drop-down menu, then select New Queue.
-ORb. Right-click on the folder in the Directory panel, and choose
New Queue from the pop-up menu.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


A new queue appears under the folder you selected. The
New-Queue appears at the end of the list of existing queues.The
title, New-Queue, is highlighted, so you can rename it.

3. Type the name of the new queue, such as RUNDOWN or MASTER.
4. Press Enter to save the new queue name. The newly created queue
will inherit the database traits of its parent directory initially. You
can open the new queue by double-clicking on it.

Setting up the Outgoing Mail Queue
When someone sends e-mail, the first thing your system does is move
the mail to the outgoing mail queue, usually called SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT.


The outgoing mail queue’s name is defined in /site/dict/queues.
When your system was installed, the outgoing mail queue was defined in this
dictionary as SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT. To change this name, modify the dictionary entry in /site/dict/queues.

Adding a Directory or Queue


Mail always uses the
form that is assigned to
the outgoing mail
queue. See “Mail Form”
on page 8-29 for more

Once the mail arrives in that queue, a utility program known as the
mail server processes and sends it to its intended destination. If the
outgoing mail queue, SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT, does not exist in the System directory, the mail server cannot distribute e-mail. To create this
queue, follow the instructions provided in “Creating a New Queue”
on page 5-6, making these adjustments:

The queue’s name should be “Out.”


The queue should be located in the Mail folder, located in the System directory. If the Mail folder (directory) does not exist, create it.
See “Creating a New Directory” on page 5-4 for more information.

Moreover, the Out queue’s read group must be set properly for the
mail server to process mail correctly. See “Read Group” on page 6-23
for more information. Although not required, you can restrict read
permission for the queue SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT to a group that has no
users. Doing so does not interfere with anyone’s ability to send e-mail,
but it prevents anyone (except superusers) from reading mail that is in
SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT waiting to be processed. See “Restricting Both
Reading and Writing” on page 6-26 for more information.
Also, for your system to notify the mail server when new mail arrives
in SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT, that queue must have the same mailbox number assigned to it as the mail server. If the queue does not have a mailbox or has an incorrect one, your system has no way to notify the mail
server when there is mail to process. See “Mailbox section” on
page 5-39 for more information.


The mailbox number is not solely related to e-mail. This database trait lets
you link a queue to a server (utility program) so that the system notifies the
server program when stories are added to or edited in the queue. See “Mailbox
section” on page 5-39 and Chapter 14, “Servers,” for more information.

Setting up the Dead Letter Queue
Your system must also have a dead letter queue, usually called
SYSTEM.MAIL.ERROR. This queue is a final destination for any e-mail

Stories, Queues, and Directories


that your system is unable to deliver to the addressee or return to the


The dead letter queue’s name is defined in /site/dict/queues as
SYSTEM.MAIL.ERROR. To change the name of the queue, modify its dictionary entry in /site/dict/queues.
If SYSTEM.MAIL.ERROR does not exist, any mail that the mail server
cannot deliver or return to the sender is put in the Dead queue. To create this queue, follow the instructions provided in “Creating a New
Queue” on page 5-6, making these adjustments:

The queue’s name should be “Error.”


The queue should be located in the Mail folder, located in the System directory. If the Mail folder (directory) does not exist, create it.
See “Creating a New Directory” on page 5-4 for more information.

Returned mail may contain sensitive information. Therefore, restrict
read permission for SYSTEM.MAIL.ERROR to a group that has no
members. Then, only superusers can read mail in the queue. See “Read
Group” on page 6-23 for more information. Examine the queue occasionally to see whether any mail exists.

Creating a New Story
To create a new story in a queue, do the following:
1. Navigate to the queue in which you want to create a story.
2. Open the queue by double-clicking on it.
3. Press the Insert key. A new story is inserted at the top of the queue.

Removing a Directory or Queue
If a queue or story is locked, unlock it first before removing it from the

Adding a Directory or Queue


Also, each directory or queue should be empty of other directories,
queues, and stories, before it is removed, but it is not required.


If a directory contains sub-folders or queues when you attempt to
remove it, Avstar NRCS will prompt you for confirmation. If you
affirm the remove command, the directory and all its contents will
be removed from the system. Caution should be taken so that
sub-folders and sub-queues are not inadvertently removed.
To remove a directory or queue from the database, do the following:
1. Log in as a system administrator unless you have write-access to
the queue or directory.
2. Select the directory or queue you want to remove.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click the Tools drop-down menu, then select Remove Folder
(or Remove Queue).
-ORb. Right-click on the directory or queue, then select Remove
Folder (or Remove Queue) from the pop-up menu.

Renaming a Directory or Queue
You cannot change the name of a directory or queue from an Avstar
Workstation. However, you can rename one from the Avstar console.
All traits are preserved when a folder or queue is renamed.


Do not rename queues on an active database. Do not run directory or
queue modification console commands (such as dbvisit or
dbtraits) at the same time as the rename command.
To rename a directory or queue in the database, do the following:
1. Become a console superuser.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


2. Select all computers. See “Selecting One or More Servers” on
page 2-5 for more information.
3. Type the offline command.
4. Broadcast a message to users to log out.
5. Logout all users on the system, before renaming a queue or directory. This ensures that no stories are open for editing and no
devices are running while rename is executing.


If users are not logged out, changes to stories may not be saved after
the queue or directory is renamed. It is often most efficient to make
several name changes at once. See “Logging out All Users” on
page 4-37 for more information.
6. Type stop all. This command stops running all servers, wire
programs, and devices.
7. Select one computer.
8. Type the rename command to rename the folder or queue. Use the
following format:


For instance, to rename your People folder to PEOPLE.STAFF,
select one computer and type:
AVSTAR-B# rename people people.staff
A message similar to the following appears:
Do you really want to rename


and all its sub-directories to PEOPLE.STAFF ?
56 records will be modified [y/n]:

To display a console message for each renamed folder and queue,
include the -v (for verbose) option with the rename command,
such as:
AVSTAR-B# rename -v people people.staff

Adding a Directory or Queue



If an attempt to rename a folder or queue was interrupted by a system crash, complete it by re-entering the same command with the -r
option. Use this option only to resume an interrupted renaming—at
any other time, its use will corrupt the database.
9. To continue with the renaming, type y.
56 records will be modified [y/n]: y
Adding new directories...
Updating directory names...
56 directories renamed
1 directories added
The system verifies that the queue or folder you specified exists,
and it creates new folders necessary to complete your command
(such as STAFF in this example). If you choose a pathname over 63
characters, the following message appears:
TO: name too long
10. A verification request appears:
Do you want to update the user file (MAIL, HOME,
DEST)? [y/n]:
The user file is where the names of users’ mail queues, home folders, and automatic destinations are stored. If you answer y, any
item affected by renaming is changed automatically. If you answer
n, you must change them yourself. Typically, answer y.
Do you want to update the user file (MAIL, HOME,
DEST)? [y/n]: y
23 user records modified
11. Manually update any other references on the Avstar system to the
renamed folders.


Update the references while the system is unavailable to users. Failure to update any references affected by renaming a folder or queue
can cause problems with system operation.
These references can include:

Stories, Queues, and Directories



Command bar icons set up by Avstar users


Your system’s service table




Keyboard description stories


Server or Rx/Tx link job lists


Wire distribution or keyword stories


Your system’s queue dictionary (/site/dict/queues)

12. Select all servers and type restart all to restart all devices.
You see Hot-to-go messages as each device starts.
13. Type online to bring the system back online.
This allows users to log in.
14. Exit from superuser mode by pressing CTRL-D.

Viewing Database Traits
You can get information about your Avstar database from both the
Avstar console and workstations. Which one you use depends on what
information you want.

From the Avstar Workstation...
To get database information on a specific directory or queue from an
Avstar Workstation, do the following:
1. Log in to Avstar NRCS at a workstation.
2. Open an Avstar Workspace.
3. Move your mouse to the name of the directory or queue you want
in the Directory panel.
4. Right-click on the directory or queue name.

Viewing Database Traits


5. Select Properties in the pop-up menu.
The Directory/Queue Properties dialog box shows you the properties (traits) for the directory or queue you selected; however, its
look may vary. For instance, the Locks tab does not appear when
viewing properties of directories. If you are not logged in as a system administrator, and a database manager account was not created in Avstar NRCS, the dialog will appear like this:

The options in the dialog box appear gray, indicating they are for
viewing only and cannot be altered. So, any user can view the
traits of directories and queues in the Avstar database from a

From the Avstar Console...
To get information about stories in your Avstar database, or to view a
list of database traits for several directories or queues at once, you can
use the list command at your Avstar console:

Stories, Queues, and Directories



list d  provides information about
directories or queues


list q  provides information about stories in

Both of these commands have a “verbose” option, such as list d-v,
that gives you more detailed information. For instance, a verbose list,
such as list q-v, includes read and write group information for each
story in the queue. Read and write groups are explained in Chapter 6,
“Groups.” Also, see Appendix G, “Managing Traits at Console,” for
more information.

Sending Output from the List Command to a Printer
Sometimes you may want a printout of database traits assigned to certain queues and directories. This can be done at the console.
To send the output from list d or list q to a printer, precede the
command with print and the printer number. Use the same printer
number you use when printing from an Avstar Workstation.
For instance, to send to printer 4 a list of the traits for the Rundowns
directory and all the subdirectories and queues in that directory, type:
print 4 list d rundowns
The print command works with any variation of the list command
or with any command that generates output on the console screen.

Getting Information about Stories
The list q command lists story information for any of your system’s
queues. The basic format of the command is as follows:



In the  field, specify the number of stories from the
queue you want to list.

Viewing Database Traits


For instance, to list the first three stories in PEOPLE.CAROLYN.NOTES,
list q people.carolyn.notes 3
A message similar to the following appears:
rec quick index LHDM-WObfpRmFf.id
pm-chronology --DM-W-------457243 165
pm-thumbnails --DM-W-------487595 163

Jul 10 16:16:39 2000
Jul 10 16:21:17 2000

By default, the stories are listed in chronological order, with the oldest
story first.
To list information for a particular story, use this format:
list qindex= q 
The index value is the value of the selected sort field of the story you
want to list. This value is typically the text found in the title field, but
you can set different fields as the index field. The quick index value
must be a single word, with no spaces, and can be uppercase or lowercase.
For instance, to get story information for a story called Nomad in the
list qindex=nomad q people.smith.notes
A screen similar to the following appears:
rec quick index LHDM-WObfpRmFf.id
3901 bc-exp--nomad --DM---------420690

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Jul 6 20:23:11 2000


The one-letter flags (LHDM-WObfpRmF) after the quick indexes provide
current status information. The flags are:



Story’s body (text) is edit locked




Story’s fields are edit locked




Story’s production cues are edit locked















You cannot change any of these flags from the console, except the
edit-locked status, which you can remove from a story with the
unbusy console command. For instructions, see “Unbusy Stories and
Queues” on page 5-53.

Finding out Who Moved, Duplicated, or Killed a Story
To list the last person to move, duplicate, or kill a particular story in a
queue, use this format of list q:
list qindex= q-mb  
Since the Index field is
typically the field containing the story’s title
(slug), it can be used as
the .

The  is a word from the Index (sort) field of the story.
It must be a single word, with no spaces. It is not case-sensitive. The
 is the numerical limit of stories provided in response to
your list command—for instance, the most recent stories killed in the
Dead queue.
To list this information for each story in a queue when you do not
know a word in the Index field—the story’s title—use this format:


The b in the command is optional. The difference between list q-mb
and list q-m is:

Viewing Database Traits




lists begins at the oldest story in the queue
lists from the most recent material in the queue,
such as the most recently killed stories in Dead.

You can also run the command without the m to see the date and time
stories were moved, duplicated or killed. For instance, type:
list q-b dead 5
A screen similar to the following appears:
DEAD id=123231
quick index LHDM-WObfpRmF f.id time
---M--O----- 3144900
kyw-directors --DM--O----- 31358715

Sep 6 09:51:58 2000
Sep 5 11:47:33 2000



---M-------- 16174611

Sep 6 09:15:06 2000


sep 2000

---M-------- 3140930

Sep 5 17:34:19 2000



--DM--O----- 313555600

Sep 5 16:49:24 2000

Here is an example of how to obtain the 5 most recently killed stories
in dead:
list q-mb dead 5
A screen similar to the following appears:
DEAD id=123231
quick index

LHDM-WObfpRmF f.idtime
---M--O----- 3144900
--DM--O----- 31358715

user name



---M-------- 16174611


sep 2000

---M-------- 3140930



--DM--O----- 313555600


As shown in the example, some stories may be sent to the Dead queue
by system processes, such as the automatic dbpurge (adbpurge). Lines
without names are old versions of stories that were not written in the
database by a user; for instance, they may have been put in the database through txnet.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Here is an example of how to get information for a story called “Camera” in the ASSIGNMENTS.MONDAY queue:
list qindex=camera q-m assignments.monday
A screen similar to the following appears:
quick index
LHDM-WObfpRmF f.idtime
--DM-------- 16217274

user name

Williams was the last person to move, duplicate, or kill this story;
list q-m does not make any distinction between these actions.
Killed stories can reside only in the Dead queue, while duplicated stories will have the D flag on their listing, as shown in the previous


If a utility programs, such as a server or link, moves, duplicates, or kills a
story, its device number is listed in the list q-m or list q-mb display.
When using the list command, long list results will scroll out of
sight on the Avstar console screen. Since you may need to search
through a long list of stories, such as 5000 in the Dead queue, you can
redirect the output of the list command to a file in the database. For
instance, the follow example redirects output to a user’s Notes queue.


You must be in a superuser shell, to use this command.
# list q-mb dead 5000 | doc pu people.p.palmer.notes
#  (Hold Control key down and press D)

Viewing Database Traits


Recovering a Killed Story
You can recover a story that has been killed—moved to and currently
resides in the Dead queue—from any Avstar Workstation.
To retrieve a story to the database from the Dead queue, do the following:
1. Log in as a system administrator—that is, with a superuser
account. This ensures you access to the Dead queue. On most systems, access to the Dead queue is restricted.
2. Navigate to the Dead queue in the Directory panel and open it by
double-clicking on it.
The Dead queue cannot
be indexed, so do not
use the Fast Text Search

3. Locate the story that you want to recover in the Dead queue, by
scanning the list of stories displayed in the Queue panel for the
story title (slug) or using the Find or Find All command.
4. Select the story or stories you want to retrieve by doing one of the
a. Click on the selector button located to the left of the story’s
row in the Queue panel. The entire row is highlighted when
-ORb. Move cursor to row and press Shift-Spacebar.
-ORc. Click on each row while holding down the Control (CTRL)
key to select multiple stories. The Shift key can be held down
if you want to select all story rows between two mouse clicks.
5. Copy the selected story (or stories) to the new location by doing
one of the following:
a. Click on and drag the highlighted selection to another queue
in the Directory panel and release. The selected stories will be
copied to the new queue location.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


b. Use the Copy and Paste buttons or Edit drop-down menu
options to copy and paste the highlighted selection into a new
queue location.
-ORc. Use the Duplicate command to copy the highlighted selection
to another location—particularly if the Dead queue is

Changing Database Traits
You must be logged on as a system administrator—that is using an
account with the superuser trait—or provide the database manager
(dbmanager) password to change database traits of directories and
queues. For more information on dbmanager, see “Creating a Database Manager Account” on page 4-36.
As the system administrator, you can alter database traits of a single
directory (folder) or apply your changes to any subdirectories or
queues in that parent directory as well.
When you change a directory’s traits from a workstation, the changes
only affects the directory you selected, unless you specify otherwise.
This is directly opposite to what happens when changing database
traits at the Avstar console. See Appendix G, “Managing Traits at Console,” for more information.


It is recommended you ensure that no users are working in a directory or
queue prior to altering the database traits of that directory or queue.
To change database traits, do the following:
1. Navigate to the directory you want to change in the Directory
panel of the Avstar Workspace.
2. Right-click on that directory.

Changing Database Traits


3. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. One of two things will
happen, which will determine what you are to do next.
a. If you are logged on as a system administrator, the Directory
Properties dialog box will appear. Go to step 5.
-ORb. If you are not logged on as a system administrator, the Directory Properties dialog box will appear in read-only
mode—that is, all the fields in the dialog box will be gray,
which indicates they are for viewing only. Go to step 4.
4. Click on the dbmanager login button (located at the bottom left
corner of the dialog box) to gain access to change traits in the dialog box.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Avstar will prompt you for the database manager password. Fill it
in, click OK.

The Database Manager Password dialog box disappears, and the
dbmanager login button in the Directory Properties dialog box is
replaced with a check box. Go on to step 5.

Changing Database Traits


If you are altering the
traits of a queue, you
can skip step 5 completely because the
Apply changes... check
box does not apply and
will not appear in the
Queue Properties dialog box.

Selecting and/or unselecting checkboxes in
the Directory/Queue
Properties dialog box
does not apply changes
immediately. Only step
7 does that.

5. Do one of the following:
a. Click on the check box labeled Apply changes to all subdirectories and queues, if you want the changes you make to apply
to all queues and subdirectories in the parent directory.
-ORb. Do not select the Apply changes... check box, if you only want
to change the traits of the chosen directory. The database traits
are applied only to the directory selected when the Directory
Properties dialog box opened.
Selecting the Apply changes... checkbox does not apply the new settings at
that point. It just indicates whether you intend to apply them to all subdirectories and queues. Also, when you apply your changes to all subdirectories
and queues, those changes are not immediately apparent at all workstations.
Users should log off and back on to see the changes.
6. Make changes to the various traits as needed. These traits are
explained in detail in the next section of this chapter.
7. Click OK to save changes & apply settings.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Database Traits Summary
Assigning traits can be done from the Avstar Workstation as well as
the Avstar console. For information on viewing and altering database
traits from the console, see Appendix G, “Managing Traits at Console.”
On the Avstar Workstation, the database traits are grouped together on
various tabs in the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box. This section provides a detailed description of the dialog box, tabs and database traits. In some cases, traits offer a selection of options, such as
what read group is assigned to a queue. These traits are usually shown
as drop-down lists in the dialog box. In other cases, traits are either
assigned to a queue or not—that is, the trait is “turned on” or “turned
off.” These traits are usually shown as check boxes in the dialog box.

Directory/Queue Properties Dialog Box
The appearance of the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box’s
changes slightly, depending on whether you choose to view properties
for a queue or a directory. First, the dialog box’s title bar will appear
different, indicating that choice.
Other differences include checkboxes and tabs. For instance, the Apply
changes... check box only appears in the bottom left corner of the
Directory Properties dialog box. Also, the Ordered check box only
appears in the right column of the Forms tab in the Queue Properties
dialog box.

Database Traits Summary


The number of tabs varies as well, depending on your choice of directory or queue.

The tabs are:

Stories, Queues, and Directories










User Interface


Locks (This tab only appears for Queue properties.)


Forms Tab

The Forms tab is unique because it is the only tab that allows access to
certain items even when a user is connected to a local database, as
opposed to the mirrored database on the system’s servers.


If you are connected to a local database on your workstation, you can still
change the queue and story form selection using the drop-down lists. However, all other traits in the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box will appear
gray, indicating access to them is read-only.


– The Queue drop-down list, allows you to select
a form used to display information in the
Queue panel. The form defines what fields
appear, which should be a sub-set of the fields
used in the story form. A field included in the
queue form that does not actually exist in the
story form cannot be written to in the Queue
panel. When ! is selected, no form is
applied. This drop-down list is the equivalent
Database Traits Summary


of the database trait (dbtrait), qform, at the
Avstar console.




– The Story drop-down list, allows you to select a
form used to display information in the form
fields of the Story Form panel. When !
is selected, no form is applied. This drop-down
list is the equivalent of the dbtrait, sform, at
the Avstar console.


Index Field

– The Index Field drop-down list, allows you to
select a form field used if a queue is sorted
(usually the Title field, also known as Slug
field). This field also determines which form
field the computer searches during a fast text
search. Additionally, the cursor is placed on
this form field by default when a user displays
stories in a queue. This drop-down list is the
equivalent of the dbtrait, sortfield, at the
Avstar console.

The optional fields in the Index Field drop-down list depend on the form
selected in the Story drop-down list on the Forms tab. For instance, if you
select a story form that only contains two fields, such as Title and Writer, then
those two fields will be the only options listed in the Index Field drop-down

Update existing...– The Update existing stories to use story form
check box, when selected, changes the story
form assignment for previously existing stories
within a queue. This check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait, cform, at the Avstar console.


Strip embedded...– The Strip embedded form info for existing stories check box, when selected, removes embedded form traits from stories. For instance,
queues with the Forms Allowed trait stamps
the look of the story form into the story.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Assigning a different story form to one of these
queues and selecting Update existing... check
box will not affect the look of stories with the
embedded forms. You would need to strip the
embedded “look” from the story so it would
then use the form assigned to the queue it is in.
This check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
stripform, at the Avstar console.


The Update existing... and Strip embedded... check boxes are not database
traits, but rather, they are used to apply current settings and/or changes in
the dialog box at present. This means they will always appear unchecked
when the dialog box opens, and they will not appear at all if the Directory/
Queue Properties dialog box is opened in read-only mode.

Forms Allowed – The Forms Allowed check box must be
assigned to all queues in the Forms directory.
The forms will not work without this database
trait applied. Additionally, this trait can be
assigned to any queue in the database, but is
usually only assigned to other queues that
receive stories from other systems via rx/tx
and then build forms for those stories, as
needed. This check box is the equivalent of the
dbtrait, +f|-f, at the Avstar console.



– The Indexed check box, when selected, applies
the Index trait. This trait is assigned to queues
and directories that you want to be indexed by
the Fast Text Search (FTS) server. This allows
for quicker searching of the queue or directory.
This check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
+index|-index, at the Avstar console. See
“Batch Indexing” on page 14-75 for more information.



– The Sorted check box, when selected, applies
the sort trait, which determines whether or not
the stories in a queue will be sorted. Queues

Database Traits Summary


with the sort trait are sorted by the form field
you choose in the Index Field drop-down list.
For instance, you may want to sort a rundown
queue by the Page Number field, so when a
user changes the numbering in the fields of
that column, the rows automatically adjust to
the numerical order. This check box does not
start the sorting function. See “Starting the
Queue Sort Function” on page 5-33 for more
information. This check box is the equivalent
of the dbtrait, +so|-so, at the Avstar console.
The Ordered check box
only appears on the
Queue Properties dialog box, not the Directory Properties dialog



– The Ordered check box is a unique check box,
because it may appear as read-only, depending
on the circumstance. It is provided to show
you whether a queue is currently ordered. This
is particularly helpful in identifying queues
that have the sort trait, but are no longer being
sorted because a user manually adjusted the
order of the stories in the queue. If a sorted
queue was manually ordered, the check box
appears white and contains a checkmark,
which you can remove if you want to reinstate
the sorting feature. See “Starting the Queue
Sort Function” on page 5-33 for more information. However, if a queue is not ordered at
present, then the box will appear gray and
empty. You cannot select this box to order a
queue. See “Finding out Who Last Ordered a
Queue” on page 5-48 for more information.

Index Field/Story Form Compatibility Error Messages
A story form is a form that defines the fields displayed in the Story
Form panel of the Avstar Workspace. The fields typically consist of
important information about the stories stored in the queue, such as
the title, writer’s name, and the dates the story was created or modified. Before Avstar’s Fast Text Search feature (FTS) can be used to

Stories, Queues, and Directories


locate stories in a queue, the stories must be indexed by one of the
fields located in the story form. Therefore, it is crucial that the field
selected as the Index Field actually exist as part of the story form. For
this reason, the system will check for compatibility between the settings of the Story drop-down list and the Index Field drop-down list.
Depending on the list selections, various messages may appear.
When the index field is already defined based on the current story
form setting, and a user selects a different form from the Story
drop-down list, the system will check to see if the field chosen as the
index field exists in the new story form. If it does not, a warning is
issued. For instance, the Index Field drop-down list is set to a field,
such as Audio-Time, and the Story drop-down list is set to the Rundown story form. At the current settings, there is no warning because
the Audio-Time field exists in the Rundown story form. However, if
the user changes the story form from Rundown to another form that
does not have the Audio-Time field, the following message appears.

The Audio-Time field is no longer in the Index Field drop-down list.
The user must select another field from the list as the warning message
instructed. When the user clicks on the Index Field drop-down list, the
system refreshes the list of options to display only those fields that
exist in the currently selected story form.


Normally, pressing the ESC key after the Index Field drop-down list is open
(and therefore, refreshed), will close the list, retaining the original field selection. However, if the original field choice does not exist in the newly chosen
story form—such as the Audio-Time field in the previously mentioned example—the list closes without any selection made, in which case, the setting
appears blank.

Database Traits Summary


If you select no story form—or set it to !— then the system is
forced to blank out the index field and issue the following warning

This means the Index Field drop-down list will be inaccessible and
appear grayed out. When the index field setting is blank, the system
will use the default field, which is the Title field (also called the Slug
When an index field is blank—or in other words, no field is
selected—the following message appears.

If the index field drop-down list was already set to the Title field when
the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box opened, and the user manually blanks out the setting, the following message appears.

The above message indicates that by blanking out the index field setting, the default field, which is Title, is automatically applied. Since the
default is the same field as the original field setting, no change occurs.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


Starting the Queue Sort Function
If someone orders a sorted queue, the sorting is disabled even though
the trait is still applied to the queue. You restart the Queue Sort Function from the Avstar console or any Avstar Workstation. See “Starting
the Queue Sort Function from the Console” on page G-26 for more
When a sorted queue is ordered, the Queue Properties dialog box will
appear similar to this:


You cannot use the Ordered check box to apply the Ordered attribute. In other
words, when the box is not checked, it will appear gray, indicating that it is
read-only. Ordering a queue is done by manually moving stories around
within the Queue panel.
To turn off the Ordered attribute and allow the queue to resume its
original sorting function from the workstation, do the following:
1. Click on the Ordered check box, removing the checkmark.
2. Click OK to save the change.

Database Traits Summary


Groups Tab



– The General check box, when selected, specifies that stories moved to the queue will retain
their original security restrictions. For instance,
this trait should be assigned to the Dead queue
which normally allows unrestricted access to
stories. This will prevent users from opening
restricted stories once they are deleted from
other queues—that is, moved to the Dead
queue. See Chapter 6, “Groups,” on page 6-1
for more information. This check box is the
equivalent of the dbtrait, +g|-g, at the Avstar


Read Group

– The Read Group drop-down list allows you to
assign read access to a queue or directory to a
group of users. Users who are not in the read
group cannot see the directory or queue. When
! is selected, no group is applied;
therefore, all users will have read access to the

Stories, Queues, and Directories


queue or directory. The groups are not created
here. See Chapter 6, “Groups,” on page 6-1 for
more information. This drop-down list is the
equivalent of the dbtrait, rg, at the Avstar console.

Write Group

– The Write Group drop-down list allows you to
assign write access to a queue or directory.
Users who are not in the write group cannot
add or modify data in the directory or queue.
Users cannot delete stories in any queue if they
are not in the write group for the Dead queue.
When ! is selected, no group is
applied; therefore, all users will have write
access to the queue or directory. The groups
are not created here. See Chapter 6, “Groups,”
on page 6-1 for more information. This check
box is the equivalent of the dbtrait, wg, at the
Avstar console.


Notify Group

– The Notify Group drop-down list allows you to
specify what group of users is notified whenever stories are added to or modified in a
queue. When ! is selected, no group is
applied; therefore, no users will be notified of
additions or modifications to the queue or
directory. The groups are not created here. See
Chapter 6, “Groups,” on page 6-1 for more
information. This check box is the equivalent
of the dbtrait, ng, at the Avstar console.

Database Traits Summary


Abstract Tab

When a story is added to or modified in an abstract print queue, the
system automatically prints a portion of the story, as defined by the
properties on the Abstract tab.


– The Print checkbox, when selected, applies the
abstract print trait to a queue or directory. The
other aspects of this trait, such as printers and
styles, cannot be applied until this trait is
turned on. This check box is the equivalent of
the dbtrait, al, at the Avstar console.



– The Printers: drop-down list allows you to
select a printer the system will use to automatically print abstracts for the queue. This
drop-down list is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
ap, at the Avstar console.



– The Styles: drop-down list allows you to select
a style the system will use when automatically
printing abstracts for the queue. This

Stories, Queues, and Directories


drop-down list is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
as, at the Avstar console.

Lines section

All lines - story...– The All lines - story format radio button,
when selected indicates the queue has the
abstract print trait, and the system will
print all lines of new or modified stories in
story format as an abstract from that


All lines - script...– The All lines - script format radio button,
when selected, indicates the queue has the
abstract print trait, and the system will
print all lines of new or modified stories in
script format—that is, including production cues—as an abstract from that queue.


Lines 1 through – The Lines 1 through radio button, when
selected, indicates the queue has the
abstract print trait, and the system will
print the designated number of lines of
each new or modified story as an abstract
from that queue.

Uses for Abstract Printing
A common use for this feature is to print abstracts of wire stories on a
specific topic. To do this, set up a wire keyword story to send to an
abstract printing queue a copy of every wire story relating to the topic.
You can also use abstract printing to create a “paper trail” of changes
made to stories in a particular queue. For instance, a producer may
want a record of changes made to a show’s scripts. By making the
queue where these scripts are written an abstract printing queue, the
user can have the system print a record of every change made. Also, if
the queue’s form includes a “modified by” field, the producer can get
a record of who made each change.

Database Traits Summary



If you edit a story in an abstract printing queue, your system prints an
abstract of the new version of the story when you save the changes. To avoid
printing an abstract, move stories to a queue that is not an abstract printing
queue before editing them.

Maintain Tab


Save Old Versions – The Save Old Versions drop-down list determines how many old story versions are
retained in each queue. The Save Old Versions drop-down list is the equivalent of the
dbtrait, save-|n|o|a, at the Avstar console. Options include:
- Save None – Retains no old versions of a
story when a new revision is saved in the
- Save Previous – Retains the previous version of a story when a new revision is
saved in the queue.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


- Save Original – Retains the original version of a story when a new revision is
saved in the queue.
- Save All – Retains all versions of a story
when a new revision is saved in the queue.


See “Using Mailboxes”
on page 14-14 for more

The Save Old Versions trait is queue-specific. For instance, a story is moved
from a queue that saves all versions to a queue saving none. In this case, only
the most recent version is moved to that queue. The old versions are sent to
the Dead queue.

Skip Backup

– The Skip Backup check box determines
whether or not a directory or queue is left
out of database backups. This check box is
the equivalent of the dbtrait, +x|-x, at the
Avstar console, and is also known as a skip



– The Update check box indicates whether or
not the stories in a queue will be replaced as
new versions are moved or copied to it. This
check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
+u|-u, at the Avstar console.

The Update trait does not affect stories that are restored from tape backups. If
you restore a story to a queue that already contains a version of that story, you
will have two versions of the same story, even if the queue is assigned the
update trait.

Mailbox section
The Mailbox section does not apply to the e-mail feature of Avstar
NRCS. These mailboxes are “signal carriers” by which utility programs, called servers, are notified to perform a pre-defined task.
This section’s trait is the equivalent of the dbtrait, mail, at the
Avstar console. There are two types of mailboxes:


– The System radio button and drop-down list
are used to assign mailboxes reserved for

Database Traits Summary


system functions, such as the keyboard and
form checkers. Each queue or directory that
needs a reserved system mailbox is assigned
the correct one when the system is installed
by iNews Customer Support personnel.
Options include: All, Keyboard, Keyword,
Distribution, and Group. See “Reserved
Mailboxes” on page 14-16 for more information.




– The Standard radio button and drop-down
list are used to assign mailboxes to queues.
These are mailboxes used by server programs you can configure, such as action
servers. The mailbox number assigned to the
queue must match the device number of the
server monitoring it. Valid mailbox numbers
are one through 4096. See “Assigning a Mailbox to a Queue” on page 14-17 for more
– The Purge section allows you to set the reoccurrence schedule for purging a queue. The
purge interval determines how old stories in
a queue can get before they are purged.
Every hour, your system removes any stories
that are older than their queue’s purge interval and places the stories in the Dead queue.
This process frees up space in your database
for new stories. The Purge section’s Days
and Hours spin boxes are the equivalent of
the dbtrait, purge, at the Avstar console.

Choosing Queues to be Purged
Any queue to which the system automatically sends stories should be
purged regularly. For instance, queues in the Wires directory should
be purged often , or else the database fills up with old wire stories. If

Stories, Queues, and Directories


you set up a keyword story to send stories to a queue, ensure that
queue is purged regularly. Otherwise, you risk running low on space.
Queues that do not automatically receive material usually do not need
to be purged regularly. For instance, queues in the People directory are
not normally purged automatically, since they usually only receive
stories when users add them to their personal queues.
Choosing a Purge Interval
Different parts of your database contain different kinds of stories, and
the purge interval you set for each queue depends upon the kinds of
stories in the queue. Some material, for instance, may need to be held
only 24 hours while other material may need to be held three days—or
not purged at all.
By choosing each directory or queue’s purge interval based on the
kinds of stories found there, you enable your system to remove old
material that is no longer needed and make room for new material.
You can have purge intervals as long as 2729 days and 23 hours or as
short as one hour. Additionally, you can set the purge interval to zero
hours to turn purging off for a particular directory or queue. You can
adjust the purge interval to suit the rate at which stories are added to
the queue. In general, the faster stories are added to a queue, the
shorter you should make the queue’s purge interval. Old stories that
you restore from tape are treated as if they were just created.


If you notice an increase in the rate at which stories enter a particular directory or queue, you may need to reduce its purge interval. For instance, if you
add another wire service to your system, the number of stories entering WIRES
each hour increases, and you probably need to reduce the purge interval of
WIRES to allow the system to keep up with this increase.
Matching Purge Intervals
When choosing a purge interval, pay attention to queues that are
likely to contain copies of stories held in other queues. Copies of stories are really pointers that point back to the original story. The actual

Database Traits Summary


story cannot be removed until all the copies have been purged. Otherwise, the copies would not have a story to which they could point.
Ensure queues that are
likely to hold copies of a
story have roughly the
same purge intervals as
the queue that holds the


In most systems, for instance, all wire stories are sent to WIRES.ALL
and copies of each story are distributed to other queues in the Wires
directory. This means that the system cannot purge a wire story until
all the story’s copies are also ready to be purged. To ensure that the
story and its copies are ready to be purged at about the same time, the
queues in the Wires directory are usually given similar purge intervals.
If someone edits a copy of a story and then saves the changes, the system
replaces the pointer with an actual story. Consequently, you do not need
worry about copies that have been edited, since they no longer point back to
the original story.

Purge Intervals and the Purge Limit
If the system detects that it is running low on space, it purges beyond
each queue’s purge interval, if necessary, to build up the free list. Your
system profile contains a parameter called the purge limit, which prevents the system from purging more than a certain number of hours
beyond each queue’s purge interval.
In an emergency, your system purges as many hours beyond the purge
interval as the purge limit allows. Queues that contain important
information should have a purge interval at least five hours greater
than the purge limit. This ensures that stories up to five hours old are
never purged, even in a “low on space” emergency.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


User Interface Tab


Preview Lines

– The Preview Lines spin box allows you to set a
number of lines per story that will appear as a
preview in the Queue panel. Usually, a queue
will only show one line of information per
story, similar to what appears in the fields of
the Story Form panel. By applying the preview
trait, users can also see a preview of each
story’s text in the Queue panel, without having
to open the entire story. A setting of zero will
show the one line of information that is the
standard; A setting of one will show that line
plus one line of text, and so forth. This trait can
be overridden by a user’s preferences. See
“Preview Lines” on page 4-17 for more information. The maximum number of preview
lines allowed is 22. This spin box is the equivalent of the dbtrait, dis, at the Avstar console.

Database Traits Summary





– The Inverted checkbox, when selected, will
force the most recent stories in a queue to be
displayed at the top. Otherwise, the most
recent stories will appear at the bottom.



– The Sequential checkbox, when selected, will
force the directory or queue to list its contents
in the order in which they were created. Otherwise, the contents are listed in alphabetical
order. This check box is the equivalent of the
dbtrait, +s|-s, at the Avstar console.



– The Refresh checkbox, when selected, assigns
the Refresh trait to a queue, so the system will
begin automatically refreshing your screen
when changes are made in the queue. This
means when you are looking at a queue in the
Queue panel, you will immediately see
changes made to that queue by other users.
This check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
+refresh|-refresh, at the Avstar console.

Use the Refresh trait only on important queues, like rundown queues that are
often modified by multiple users simultaneously. To automatically refresh a
queue, your system must spend a lot of time monitoring workstations where
users are viewing that queue. Assigning the refresh trait to too many queues
that are often accessed at the same time greatly increases the amount of work
your system has to do and may severely degrade its overall performance.

Stories, Queues, and Directories

Watch Appends – The Watch Appends checkbox, when selected,
allows a queue to monitor incoming data for
new stories sent by the wire service, appends
them to the wire queue, and immediately displays them to users who have that wire queue
open. While this trait can be applied to any
queue in Avstar NRCS, it is crucial that it be
assigned to queues that receive wire service
data, such as the WIRES.ALL queue. This


check box is the equivalent of the dbtrait,
+w|-w, at the Avstar console.


– The Printable checkbox indicates whether you
can use the print command to print all stories
in the queue with a single command. This trait
is usually applied to rundown queues, such as
SHOWS.5PM.RUNDOWN. This trait does not
limit or prevent the ability to print a single
story (or script) in a queue. This check box is
the equivalent of the dbtrait, +p|-p, at the
Avstar console.


Confirm Edit

– The Confirm Edit checkbox, when selected,
will instruct Avstar NRCS to prompt for confirmation before allowing a user to edit a story in
the queue. This trait is typically assigned to
queues in which users are likely to read but not
change stories. It should not be assigned to
queues with stories that are edited often.
Doing so will needlessly slow down the performance of your system. This check box is the
equivalent of the dbtrait, +r|-r, at the Avstar

Database Traits Summary


Locks Tab

The Locks tab is unique for two reasons: first, it only appears in the
Properties dialog box for a queue not a directory, and secondly, it is a
read-only tab. It is provided for informational purposes only. It cannot
be used to alter the Lock/Unlock settings of a queue.

Stories, Queues, and Directories

User Lock

– The Locked checkbox in the User Lock section
indicates that a user has edit locked the queue.
The User Lock field indicates the name of that
user. Access to a locked queue is limited to a
system administrator (with a superuser
account) or someone who knows the correct
key (password). The checkbox and field depict
the current condition of the queue, so both are
blank when the queue is not locked. However,
you can find out the name of the last user to
have locked the queue by going to the Avstar



Order Lock

– The Locked checkbox in the Order Lock section
indicates the queue is order locked at present,
which limits who can rearrange the order of
stories in the queue. The Order Lock fields
indicates the user name and device which
implemented the order lock, and when it happened. The checkbox and fields depict the current condition of the queue, so both are blank
when the queue is not order locked. However,
you can find out the name of the last user to
have order locked the queue by going to the
Avstar console.

Locking and Unlocking
Identifying Locked Queues and Stories
From the Avstar Workstation...
At the Avstar Workstation, you can identify a currently locked queue
by the padlock that appears over queue icons in the Directory panel.
As shown at left, a similar padlock appears on the selector buttons in
the Queue panel when stories are locked. While the padlocks do not
tell you who initiated the lock, you can find that out for currently
locked queues at the Avstar Workstation. The information is displayed
on the Locks tab of the Queues Properties dialog box. To access this
dialog box, right-click on the queue in the Directory panel, and select
Properties. See “Locks Tab” on page 5-46 for more information.
If a queue or story is not locked at present, but you want to know who
last locked it, you must use the Avstar console.

Locking and Unlocking


From the Avstar Console...
Finding out Who Last Locked a Queue
To find out the last user to have locked a queue, go to the Avstar console, and use the following command:



For instance, to find out who last locked the PEOPLE.SNOW.MAIL
queue, type:
list d-u people.snow.mail
See Table G-2 on
page G-18 for more
information on the list
command one-letter

The name of the person who last locked the queue appears in the
lockuser column.






In this case, edmonds appears to be the last person to have ever locked
the PEOPLE.SNOW.MAIL queue. If the queue has never been locked,
the name of the person who created the queue appears.


The list d-u command lists the person who last locked the queue. However, if a name appears, it does not mean that the queue is currently locked.
Finding out Who Last Ordered a Queue
To find out who last order locked—that is, rearranged the order of—a
queue and from which device the order was initiated, go to the Avstar
console and use the following command:



For instance, to find out who last ordered the CAST.MID.RUNDOWN
queue, type:
list d-o cast.mid.rundown

Stories, Queues, and Directories


The name of the person who last ordered the queue appears in the
orderuser column.
SRPlo-LIsUGQSXWFi orderuser device directory
QSRP------U-Q---- williams



In this case, Williams was the last person to order this queue. If the
queue has never been ordered, the name of the user who created the
queue appears. If no queue name is entered in the command, the order
information for all folders and queues is displayed.


The list d-o command lists the person who last ordered the queue. However, if a name appears in the orderuser column, it does not mean that the
queue is currently order locked.
To resume sorting in a sorted queue that has been ordered, see “Starting the Queue Sort Function” on page 5-33.
Finding out Who Last Locked the Story
You can use the wholockedit command at the Avstar console to find
out who last locked each story in a particular queue. Follow
wholockedit with the name of the queue you want to investigate.
For instance, to find out who locked the stories in the
wholockedit people.baker.stories
A screen similar to the following appears:
rec(3) modified by smith
Air quality

on Sun Jan 27 12:41:58 1993
Sun Jan 27 12:41

In the previous example, the story, Air quality, is the only one in the
queue that is locked. Since Smith was the last person to modify it, you
can assume that Smith either locked the story or knows its key.

Locking and Unlocking


Types of Locks
There are four types of locks that can apply to either stories or queues:
Edit lock, User lock, Order lock, Production lock. Not all the locks
apply to both stories and queues. All four types are explained in the
following sections.

Edit Lock
An Edit lock is applied to a story to prevent multiple users from editing the story at the same time. The Edit lock can be applied manually
by the user or automatically by the system, which is done when a user
begins typing in the story.
Removing a Story’s Edit Lock
The Edit lock is removed automatically when a story is saved, or when
a user navigates to another location in the database. A user can remove
the Edit lock (while remaining in the story) by saving the story or by
doing one of the following:
a. Type CTRL-E.
-ORb. Click the Story drop-down menu and select Edit unlock.
-ORc. Click the Edit lock button on the Main toolbar (shown at left).
The Edit lock is removed when the button no longer appears
pushed in.
If a story is mistakenly left edit locked, it is considered to be in a busy
state. You must unbusy the story before anyone can edit it. See
“Unbusy Stories and Queues” on page 5-53 for more information.

Stories, Queues, and Directories


User Lock
A User lock is a lock that is manually (or purposefully) applied to a
story or a queue by a user. Additionally, there are two types of User
locks: Key lock and Easy lock.

A Key lock is when a user locks the queue and applies a password,
known as a key, to the queue. At that point, only system administrators and users who know the key can access the queue.


An Easy lock is when a user locks the queue and applies their User
ID as the key to the queue. At that point, only system administrators and users who log in using that User ID can access the queue.

When the user forgets the key or is unavailable to log in and unlock
the queue, you must remove the lock before anyone can access the
Removing a Story’s User Lock Without a Key
Before you unlock any story, find out who locked the story. You want
to make certain that you do not unlock a story that is being used at the
time. See “Finding out Who Last Locked the Story” on page 5-49 for
more information.
To unlock a story without knowing its key, do the following:
1. Log in as a system administrator—that is, with a superuser
account. You must be a system administrator to remove a lock for
which you do not know the key.
2. Double-click on the story to open it in the Story panel. The system
will prompt for the key.
3. Press Enter. The story will open without the key, because you
logged in with a superuser account.
4. Be sure your cursor is in the Story panel.
5. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
6. Select the Unlock Story... option. A User Unlock Story dialog box
will appear.

Locking and Unlocking


7. Click the Unlock button.
8. Save the story.
Removing a Queue’s User Lock Without a Key
Before you unlock (unbusy) any queue, find out who locked the
queue. You want to make certain that you do not unlock a queue that
is being used at the time. See “Finding out Who Last Locked a Queue”
on page 5-48 for more information.
To unlock a queue without knowing its key, do the following:
1. Log in as a system administrator—that is, with a superuser
account. You must be a system administrator to remove a lock for
which you do not know the key.
2. Select the queue to unlock.
3. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
4. Select Unlock the Queue. The User Unlock Queue dialog box
5. Click the Unlock button.
6. Click OK.

Order Lock
An Order lock is automatically applied to a queue by the system. The
system places an Order lock on each queue being ordered—that is,
while someone is moving a story in the queue. Once the story is
moved, the system automatically removes the Order lock. So, the lock
only applies to the queue during the actual moving process. If you try
to move a different story in a queue already being ordered, the system
displays a busy message and temporarily denies order access to the
If a queue is mistakenly left order locked, it is considered to be in a
busy state. You must unbusy the queue from the Avstar console

Stories, Queues, and Directories


before anyone can order it. See “Unbusy Stories and Queues” on
page 5-53 for more information.

Production Lock
A Production lock is similar to an Order lock in that it prevents multiple users from changing the order of a queue at the same time. The difference is that a Production Lock is manually applied to a queue by a
user. Also, a queue will retain a Production lock until the user unlocks
it, by doing one of the following:
a. Click the Tools drop-down menu, then select Production
b. -ORc. Navigate to another queue. Production Lock is disabled automatically.
If a queue is mistakenly left with a Production lock, it is considered to
be in a busy state. You must unbusy the queue from the Avstar console before anyone can order it.

Unbusy Stories and Queues
Whenever a story or queue cannot be unlocked from a workstation,
you can remove the locks by going to the Avstar console and using the
unbusy command.


Always ensure a lock is invalid first. Determine whether the edit or
order lock is not the result of someone actually editing a story or
ordering a queue. Unbusying a story or queue currently in use can
cause serious problems.
To unbusy a story or queue, at the console, do the following:
1. Type the unbusy command
2. Follow it (on the same line) with the name of the locked queue or
the queue that contains the locked story. For instance, if a locked
Locking and Unlocking


story was in SHOW.SCRIPTS or that queue was order-locked,
unbusy it by typing:
unbusy show.scripts
3. Press Enter.
4. One of the following will happen:
a. The unbusy command checks the queue for an Order/Production lock. If it finds one, the console displays the following
SHOW.SCRIPTS: orderlocked -- unorder? (n/y/q)
To unbusy the queue, type y; otherwise, type n. Do not
remove an order lock that you have not already determined is
-ORb. The unbusy command checks for an edit-locked story in the
queue. If it finds one, it checks the workstation where the
story was last edited. If anyone is logged in at that workstation, the console displays the story’s form and prompts you to
check with the person who is logged in at that workstation.
For instance, if the story, Shootout, was last edited at workstation 11 and user, Smith, is currently logged in at workstation
11, the console displays the following:
shootout 03-30 3044 APv1al--hr Fri Apr 26 17:37 READY 0:47
did you check with smith who is at workstation 11 ?
workstation(11) unbusy ? (n/y/q)

To unbusy the story, type y, which will remove the edit lock.
Otherwise, type q to quit.


If a story is unbusied at the console while a user is editing it, when
the user tries to save the story, the story is saved to the Dead queue,
and the user gets an error message that states:
Story save failed: Error: Story saved to dead.

Stories, Queues, and Directories

This chapter explains how to create groups in Avstar and use the system’s group-related features to customize system usage. In some cases
you will use the Avstar console, while in other cases, you can complete
modifications from the Avstar Workstation. When possible, procedures are explained using the workstation, but some can also be
accomplished at the console, with extensive use of the gtraits command. This command is similar to the utraits command and the
dbtraits command. All three commands are explained in Appendix
G, “Managing Traits at Console.” This chapter also covers viewing and
modifying information in the SYSTEMS.GROUP queue at the Avstar
Workstation and /site/system file at the Avstar console.
Topics covered in this chapter include:

Viewing Group Information


Creating, Renaming, and Deleting a Group


The Group Checker


Creating or Modifying Multiple Groups in Interactive Mode


Adding Members to an Existing Group


Group Access and Usage Restrictions


Group Traits for the Database


Mail Aliases


Avstar lets you categorize users by placing accounts belonging to people with similar needs into the same group. Organizing users in this
way enables you to more easily customize your system to suit individual and small group needs. It also enables you to apply security
restrictions at the group level.
For instance, you can:

Restrict access to a particular queue so that only members of a certain group can use it


Have the system notify a group of users when changes are made
to a queue in which they are interested


Send mail to a group name and have the system take care of the
task of sending the mail to each individual in the group

You can create as many as 250 groups, and you can assign an unlimited number of users to each group.

Viewing Group Information
From the Console...
At the Avstar console, various versions of the gtraits command are
used for viewing and modifying group information. You must be a
console superuser before using any form of this command.
To get information for a list of all groups in the Avstar database, type:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits list
To get a list of all the members of a particular group, such as producers, type:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits list producers



To get a list of all groups a particular user belongs to, type the command followed by the user’s ID, for instance:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits list danielmi
Sometimes, for security reasons, groups are assigned as group traits to
directories and queues in the database. This information can be
viewed from the Avstar console by using the list d-v console command, which lists each queue’s assigned read, write, and notification
To list group information for a queue, use this format:
list d-g 
To list all queues in the database that have a particular group assigned
as their read, write, or notification group, use this format:
list rwng= d

From a Workstation...
You can also view group membership and group assignment information from an Avstar Workstation. However, since groups are created at
the console, the information you receive can potentially be out of sync
with the information that is actually in the database. Therefore, use
this method as a quick way to get information that you recognize may
be down-level.
To view information about group memberships from a workstation,
do the following:
1. Locate the SYSTEMS.GROUPS queue in the Directory panel.
2. Double-click the Groups queue to open it.
The Queue panel contains a list of the names of the existing
groups with the first group name selected. The members of the
group appear in the Story panel.
3. To view the contents of different groups, do one of the following:
a. Use the mouse to click a different group listed in the Queue
Viewing Group Information


-ORb. Use the Up or Down arrow keys or the scroll bar on the right
side of the Queue panel to move to another group.
-ORc. Use Page Up or Page Down keys to scroll several groups (up
or down) in the list at a time.
To view what group is assigned to a queue or directory for read and
write access, or for notification purposes, do the following from a
1. Locate the queue or directory you want to know about in the
Directory panel.
2. Right-click on the queue or directory.
3. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Queue/Directory
Properties dialog box will appear.
4. Select the Groups tab. See “Groups Tab” on page 5-34 for more



Creating a New Group
Creating a new group is a three-step process:

Step 1 - Choosing a group name


Step 2 - Enter the group name in the system


Step 3 - Specify which users will be members of the group

The first part of the procedure must be done at the Avstar console. The
second is done at the Avstar Workstation.

Step 1 - Choosing a Group Name
Before you actually create a new group, you need to decide on the
name of the group.
To choose a group name, follow these guidelines:

Group names cannot be more than 20 characters long and cannot
contain spaces. A group name longer than 20 characters will be
truncated to 20 characters.


You cannot use a name already used as someone’s User ID.


Some words are reserved by the system for special purposes, and
cannot be used as names for groups. These words include: alias,
all, group, and restricted.


Choose a name that indicates the purpose or general makeup of
the group, for instance, you may want to call the group that
includes all your producers by the name “producers.”

View the list of groups in the SYSTEMS.GROUPS queue to ensure the
name you select is not being used for another group. If an existing
group already uses a name, determine whether its members are the
same as those users you want to assign to your group. The existing
group may represent these users, so you can use it instead of creating a
new one.

Creating a New Group


Step 2- Enter Group Name in System
To enter the new group name in the Avstar database, do the following:
1. Verify that the new group name is not already used by typing the
following kind of command at the console:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits list fieldreporters
fieldreporters is not a user or group name
In the example, the system response indicates that fieldreporters is
not currently a group name. You should receive a similar response
before proceeding.
2. Use gtraits add to enter the new group name in the system.
AVSTAR-A# gtraits add fieldreporters

Step 3- Specifying Members of New Group
To specify members of the new group at an Avstar Workstation, do the
1. Open the System folder from the Directory panel.
2. Open the Groups queue.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click the File drop-down menu and select New Story.
-ORb. Press the Insert key.
In the Queue panel, a blank row appears in the group list, and a
blank story appears in the Story panel.



When your Avstar Newsroom Computer System was installed, membership
lists for several groups common to newsrooms were placed in the Groups
queue. To make it easy to maintain, each list was placed in a separate story.
Continue this convention to organize groups. You can put more than one
group’s membership list (or all of them) in a single story.


4. Type the name of the group, such as fieldreporters, in the
Title (Slug) field of the Queue panel or in the corresponding field
of the Story Form panel.
5. Press Enter.
6. Click inside the Story Text panel and type the group name and
membership list in this format:
group fieldreporters

user-ID user-ID . . .
user-ID user-ID . . .
. . .
7. Click the File drop-down menu.
8. Select Save Story.
This procedure creates a story, stored in SYSTEM.GROUPS, that bears
the group name and contains the membership list for that group. The
system will refer to the story anytime its group is applied to security
measures or other system features.

The Group Checker
When you save your changes to a group, the system automatically
runs the server program known as the group checker, which looks for
errors in the stories in SYSTEM.GROUPS.
The group checker may take a minute or two to process. When it finishes, the system sends you one or more messages describing the
results. The system alerts you to the fact that you have received a message by an audio tone and a flashing Message bar button in the menu
Click the Message bar button to read the messages from the group
checker. The name, grpcheck, appears in the From field. The messages appear in the Message field.

The Group Checker


If the group checker finds no errors in the story you have created to list
the members of the new group, you get a GROUPS story OK message.

History button

From field

Message field

Message bar button
If the group checker finds an error, it sends a message indicating the
story and the line in that story in which the error occurs. For a complete list of group checker messages, see “Group Checker Error Messages” on page 6-9.
In some cases, multiple errors are discovered, resulting in the issue of
several error messages. To display the entire list of error messages sent
to you, do one of the following:
a. Click the History button.
-ORb. Click the Communicate drop-down menu, select Messages,
then choose Show History.
You can also copy or paste the contents of the group checker messages
to another file.
If the errors are not serious, the last message is Group story
accepted, with errors. The group checker applies changes that
were not in error.
If there are serious errors, the last message is Story NOT Okay, indicating that the group checker could not use any changes because of



The group checker examines whatever work you just completed along
with everything else in SYSTEM.GROUPS. This means that if some of
the error messages you see are not related to your changes, they are
possibly the result of changes another user made in a different story in

Group Checker Error Messages
The following is an alphabetical listing of error messages you may see
when you create or edit group membership lists or alias definitions.
The group checker usually takes a minute or two to completely process the stories in SYSTEM.GROUPS and report any error messages.
Bad workstation device specification
You did not enter a workstation’s device number or device name
correctly. Usually, this happens because you did not use a closing
brace (}) in the declaration.
Cannot open default aliases file
The group checker could not open an internal file that it uses to
check alias entries. Call iNews Customer Support.
Cannot open new aliases file
The group checker could not create a new aliases file to reflect the
changes you made. Call iNews Customer Support.
Cannot save old aliases file
An internal error occurred. Call iNews Customer Support.
Duplicate group or alias name
You tried to create two groups or aliases with the same name.
Failed to open queue
Due to an internal error, the group checker was unable to open
SYSTEM.GROUPS. Call iNews Customer Support.
Failed to open story

The Group Checker


Due to an internal error, the group checker was unable to open one
of the stories in SYSTEM.GROUPS. Call iNews Customer Support.
Group or alias word missing. Skipping text
You did not begin a mail alias definition with the word, alias, or a
group membership list with the word, group. This is followed by
the line number where the group checker expected to find alias or
GROUPS story accepted, with errors
Errors appear in the group story, but none are serious. The group
checker will use the entries that do not have errors. The entries
that have errors are ignored.
Serious errors appear in the group story, and the group checker
cannot use it.
There are no problems with the group story.
Ignoring words following alias name
Any words you include on a line after the name of the alias you
are defining are ignored.
Ignoring words following group name
Any words you include on a line after the name of the group you
are defining are ignored.
Improper use of reserved word
You cannot use a reserved word, such as alias and group, as a
group or alias name.
Internal groupchecker error
Some undefined error occurred while the group checker was running. Call iNews Customer Support.
Invalid name follows word “alias”



You added a nonexistent user to an alias or entered a user’s name
incorrectly. Check the alias and remove or correct the user name.
Invalid name follows word “group”
You added a nonexistent user to a group or entered a user’s name
incorrectly. Check the group’s membership list and remove or correct the user name.
More than 50,000 alias names created
The system created many pseudo-alias names to break up individual aliases into lists of 1000 characters or less. Call iNews Customer Support.
Missing alias name
You did not follow the word, alias, with the name you want the
alias to have.
Missing group name
You did not follow the word, group, with the name of a group.
Name already used as alias name
You created a group with the same name as an alias already
defined in the story or queue.
Name already used as group name
You created an alias with the same name as a group already
defined in the story or queue.
No groups or aliases found
All stories in SYSTEM.GROUPS are empty—they contain no aliases
or groups.
Not a workstation device
You included something in braces ({ }) that is not a workstation
device name or number. The message is followed by the name you
tried to include as a workstation.
Not a user or workstation

The Group Checker


You defined something that is not a recognized user or workstation as a member of a group.
Recursive group membership
You defined a membership list that created a recursion error. See
“Group Access and Usage Restrictions” on page 6-20 for more
User name used as group or alias name
You cannot give a group or an alias the same name as an existing

Renaming a Group
To rename a group in the Avstar system, you must complete two steps:

Step 1 - Change the group name in the system’s database using the
gtraits command at the Avstar console.


Step 2 - Change the group name in the membership list story in
SYSTEM.GROUPS at the Avstar Workstation.

Step 1- Change Group Name in System
To change the name in the system’s database, do the following at the
1. Type the gtraits r command, which has this syntax:


For instance, to change the group name “producers” to
“5pmproducers,” type:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits r producers 5pmproducers
Renamed producers to 5pmproducers.

Step 2- Change Group Name in SYSTEM.GROUPS
To change the name in the membership list story, do the following:



1. Locate the group’s membership list story in SYSTEM.GROUPS.
2. Modify the name of the group, which appears in the the title field
of the queue and story form, and on the first line of the story.
3. Change the group name if it appears as a member in any other
membership lists.


If you do not do step 3, the next time you make a change in that story, the
group checker warns you that the membership list uses an invalid group
name. See “The Group Checker” on page 6-7 for more information.

Deleting a Group
To delete a group in the system, do the following:
1. Delete the name in the system’s database at the console using the
gtraits d command, which has this syntax:

d group-name

For instance, to delete the group “5pmproducers”, type:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits d 5pmproducers
Marked 5pmproducers for deletion.
This first step is a two-stage process. The gtraits command you
type marks the file for deletion. The file is actually deleted the next
time the system runs the dbpurge process, which it does at 15
minutes past every hour.


You cannot use any gtraits commands on a group that is marked for deletion but still waiting to be deleted.
2. Delete the group name and its membership list story in SYSTEM.GROUPS.
3. Delete the group name if it appears as a member in any other
membership lists.

Deleting a Group



If you do not do step 2, the next time you make a change in the queue, the
group checker spots the deleted group’s membership list and warns you that it
uses an invalid group name. If you do not do step 3, the next time you make a
change in that membership list story, the group checker warns you that the
membership list uses an invalid group name. See “The Group Checker” on
page 6-7 for more information.

Creating or Modifying Multiple Groups in
Interactive Mode
The gtraits console command has an interactive mode in which you
can execute group-related commands without entering gtraits each
time. Use this mode when there are a number of gtraits commands
you want to enter in succession.
To enter the gtraits interactive mode:
1. Become a superuser. See “Becoming a Console Superuser” on
page 3-2 for more information.
2. Type:
AVSTAR-A# gtraits i
The gtraits i command replaces the normal system prompt
with an angle bracket (>) to indicate that you are in interactive
mode. At this prompt, you can enter any gtraits command,
such as changegroup or add, without typing the gtraits command for each operation.
For instance, to add the group “5pmproducers”, type:
> add 5pmproducers
If you were not in interactive mode, the entire command line
would be required, such as gtraits add 5pmproducers.
3. Type quit or q to leave interactive mode.



Adding Members to an Existing Group
There are three possibilities for membership in a group. For instance,
an individual user can be a member of a group, one group can be a
member of another group (making all the users of the first group
members of the second), and a workstation can be a member of a

Users as Members of a Group
You must be at an Avstar Workstation to change group
To add individual users to an existing group, do the following:
1. Open the System folder from the Directory panel.
2. Open the Groups queue.
3. Locate the story or stories in your SYSTEM.GROUPS queue containing the group membership list you want to add or modify.
4. Open that story in the Story panel.
5. Type in the user ID(s) you want to add to the group.
6. Click the File drop-down menu.
7. Select Save Story.
8. Verify the approval of the story from the messages sent to you
from the system’s group checker server program.

Groups as Members of Other Groups
In addition to adding individual users to groups, you can add an
entire group to another group. The members of the first group become
members of the second group. The order in which you define groups
in your SYSTEM.GROUPS queue is not important; however, care
should be taken to avoid recursion.

Adding Members to an Existing Group


Avoiding Recursion
When you make groups members of other groups, do not create a
membership list that contains a circular reference, also called recursion.
The following is an explanation of recursion in a membership list.
When the group checker examines a group’s membership list story, it
builds an internal list of the group’s members. If one member is in
another group, the group checker must determine the members of the
second group and add them to the first group’s internal membership
In Figure 6-1, Group B is a member of Group A. When the group
checker evaluates the membership list for Group A, it creates an internal membership list for Group A that contains users Fujitano, Clancy,
Meyer, Rosario, Chen, Reyes, and Smith. This example is not recursive
and causes no problems for the group checker.

Group A

Group B



Figure 6-1

No Recursion

Recursion occurs when the group checker cannot resolve memberships because one group in the chain refers to another group higher up
in the chain. Figure 6-2 demonstrates a case of recursion. Group B is a
member of Group A, but Group A is also a member of Group B.

Group A

Group B



Figure 6-2




The group checker cannot create internal membership lists for these
groups. When it evaluates Group A, it sees that Group B belongs to
Group A and tries to add B group’s members to A group’s internal list.
However, one of the Group B members is Group A, which the group
checker has still not resolved. The group checker cannot proceed.
If you see a recursion error message, examine your membership lists
for incidents like this and remove the recursive reference. In the previous example, either remove Group B from the membership list for
Group A or Group A from the membership list for Group B.
To check for recursion at the Avstar console, type:
AVSTAR-A# grpcheck -v system.groups
The group checker displays the title of the story in which it finds an
error and a description of the error. For instance, after typing the
grpcheck -v command, the following output shows a story with the
title group_249 that has recursive entries in its membership list:
grpcheck: 09:09:13 [CONSOLE] [group_249] Recursive group membership
grpcheck: 09:09:13 [CONSOLE] [group_249] GROUPS story NOT OK

Workstations as Members of Groups
Suppose you have a workstation that is used by several staff members,
all of whom are producers. When they use this workstation, they need
access to the queues that members of the producers group normally
have access to. When they are using other workstations, they do not
need the special producer privileges.
You can grant the producer workstation the security permissions
granted to the producer group by adding it as a member to the group
called producers in SYSTEM.GROUPS.
When a user logs in at a workstation, the system ordinarily combines
any system permissions the user already has with permissions the
workstation may have. For instance, a user belonging to the writers

Adding Members to an Existing Group


group who logs in at a workstation assigned to the producers group
would have access to directories and queues accessible to both groups.
System permissions that apply to workstations are assigned using the
security parameter that is set in the /site/system file. The security parameter in this file is either OR or AND. OR security uses the
security level set for either the user or the workstation. AND security
uses the security level set for both the user and the workstation. For
more information on how to edit the /site/system file, see Chapter
10, “Ed, the Line Editor.”


Using session numbers in groups will provide proper security only
if you have dedicated resources locking down specific PCs to specific resources in the configuration file. See “Group Access and
Usage Restrictions” on page 6-20 for more information.

Combining Permissions
Combining group and workstation permissions enables you to choose
to apply additional security to your system, or less security:

For additional security, you can specify that users at a particular
workstation have membership in both human and workstation
groups to perform certain actions.


For less security, you can force the system to check only whether a
user at a particular workstation is a member or either the human or
the workstation group.

Being More Restrictive
To be more restrictive about the permissions granted to users, include
the security parameter in your system profile and assign it the
value “and.”
For instance, you may use this security level for read permissions on a
queue that should be read only by producers that are both members of
the producers group and are sitting at the producers workstation.



Being Less Restrictive
Omitting the security parameter from the system profile or assigning it a value of “or” indicates that a user on a workstation is considered to be in a certain group if either the user or the workstation is a
member of the target group.

Setting an Automatic Timeout
Either type of security described previously works well only if users
log out from their workstations when they leave their desks. Otherwise, anyone with access to the workstation where a user logged in
can take advantage of that user’s or workstation’s permissions.
To prevent this, you can set your workstations to automatically log out
after a certain period of inactivity.
To do that, you need to edit one or more special timeout parameters in
the system profile—that is, the /site/system file—at the Avstar
console. See Chapter 10, “Ed, the Line Editor,” for more information
on how to edit the /site/system file.
There are two types of timeout parameters:

Idle timeout


Login timeout

Modifying Idle Timeout
The most useful kind of automatic timeout is the idle timeout, which
logs out a workstation if no activity has taken place on it in a specified
length of time.
To change this value for local workstations (those that are most likely
within the newsroom), modify the localtimeout value in /site/
To set the idle timeout value for dial-up workstations, modify the
remotetimeout value in /site/system.

Adding Members to an Existing Group


Modifying Login Timeout
You can set certain types of workstations to disconnect a user who
does not log in within a certain length of time.
For network workstations and DOS PCs, modify the netlogintimeout value in /site/system.
To set this parameter for dialup workstations, modify the logintimeout value in /site/system.
Timeout Value Settings and Format
All four timeout parameters accept values in the mmm:ss (minutes
and seconds) format. The following table lists the parameters, the
types of workstations they affect, and their maximum and default values.

Workstation types




Serial, network, PCs













netlogintimeout Network, PCs

* Disables timeouts

Group Access and Usage Restrictions
Avstar is designed to be used by a large group of people, ranging from
temporary writer interns to technical producers. To ensure the correct
level of security on a system that is accommodating such a wide range
of capabilities and responsibilities, restrict access to sensitive areas of
the database to people with a need to access the information.



Avstar has security features that let you provide these kind of access
restrictions. For instance, you can assign groups to a queue as a read
and/or write group trait. By doing so, you can control which users can
read and/or write stories in that queue.


If you do not assign groups to a directory or queue as read and write
group traits, the directory or queue is available to all users.

Access and Usage Examples
Here are some other examples how access is modified based on group
trait assignments:

If a user ‘s ID does not appear in the group(s) assigned as both
read and write group traits for a queue, a user will be unable to
create a story in that queue. In other words, the user will not have
read and write permission to that queue.


A user also needs both read and write permission to lock or
unlock a queue.


A user who has only write permission to a queue can copy or
move a story into that queue; however, without read permission ,
the user will be unable to see the queue and its contents in the
Directory panel.


It is possible to change a directory’s read or write group, and
thereby modify the read-and-write permissions for all the stories
in all the queues in that directory.


Stories that you move or duplicate into a queue whose general
trait is turned on, retain their original security. For instance, the
Dead queue usually has this trait turned on so that stories moved
there retain the read-and-write restrictions from their original

Group Access and Usage Restrictions


Group Traits for the Database
There are four group traits that can be assigned to queues and directories in the database:





Read Group


Write Group


Notify Group

You must be a system administrator—that is, logged in with a superuser
account—or know the database manager password to modify any trait in the
Directory/Queue Properties dialog box. See “Directory/Queue Properties
Dialog Box” on page 5-25 for more information.
All four of the group traits can be assigned at the Avstar console and
the Avstar Workstation. For procedures at the console, see “Groups”
on page G-34 for more information. Procedures at the workstation,
using the Groups tab in the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box,
are covered in this chapter.



The General trait, when applied to a queue, means that stories moved
to the queue will retain their original security restrictions, as set by the
other three group traits. This will prevent any unintentional accessibility to stories that are moved from a highly secure queue to one that is
widely accessible to users.
The other three group traits (Read, Write, and Notify) restrict who can
read or write stories in a queue and indicate who is notified when stories are changed in it. Each of these group traits is explained in the following sections. Also, see “Groups Tab” on page 5-34 for more

Read Group
A directory or queue’s read group specifies who can read stories in the
queue. Users who are not in the read group for the directory or queue
cannot see the directory or queue in the file structure displayed in the
Directory panel.
To assign a group as a read group to a queue or directory, do the following:
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select a group from the Read Group drop-down list. Only groups
that are already created in the system database and defined in
SYSTEM.GROUPS will appear in the list. When ! is
selected, no group is applied; therefore, all users will have read
access to the queue or directory.
5. Click OK to save settings.

Group Traits for the Database


To remove a group as a read group from a queue or directory, do the
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select ! from the Read Group drop-down list. When
! is selected, no group is applied; therefore, all users will
have read access to the queue or directory.
5. Click OK to save settings.

Write Group
A queue’s write group specifies who can add or modify stories in the


Users cannot kill stories if they are not in the write group for the Dead queue.
To assign a group as a write group to a queue or directory, do the following:
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select a group from the Write Group drop-down list. Only groups
that are already created in the system database and defined in
SYSTEM.GROUPS will appear in the list.
5. Click OK to save settings.



To remove a group as a write group from a queue or directory, do the
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select ! from the Write Group drop-down list. When
! is selected, no group is applied; therefore, all users will
have write access to the queue or directory.
5. Click OK to save settings.

Notification Group
A queue’s notification group specifies which users are notified whenever stories are added to or modified in the queue.
To assign a group as a notify group to a queue or directory, do the following:
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select a group from the Notify Group drop-down list. Only groups
that are already created in the system database and defined in
SYSTEM.GROUPS will appear in the list.
5. Click OK to save settings.

Group Traits for the Database


To remove a group as a notification group from a queue or directory,
do the following:
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select ! from the Notify Group drop-down list. When
! is selected, no group is applied; therefore, no users will
be notified whenever modifications are made to the queue or
5. Click OK to save settings.

Restricting Both Reading and Writing
You may need to restrict a queue so that one group of users can read
and write in that queue, while another group can only read stories.
Suppose you want to restrict your Assignments directory. In most systems, a few people—mostly those at the assignments desk—need
write permission to this directory. A larger number of users, such as
writers and reporters, need to read, but not edit, stories in the Assignments directory.
The people who should have read-and-write permission for the
Assignments directory come from different areas of the newsroom, so
it is unlikely a group exists with just those users. However, you could
set it up like this:
1. Create a group called assignments to represent users who need
write permission for the Assignments directory.
2. Similarly, create a group called staff to represent users who need
read permission.



3. Assign the staff group to the directory’s read group trait and the
assignments group to the directory’s write group trait.

Transferring Group Assignments
You may need to locate every instance where a particular group is
assigned to a directory or queue and change that assignment so that
another group is assigned to that directory or queue. Use this form of
the gtraits console command:

transfer current-group-name new-group-name

Groups are marked for transfer, but no changes are made to any directories or queues until dbpurge runs. Both groups that you include in
the gtraits transfer command must already exist.

Hiding Queues and Directories
In addition to restricting access to various queues, you can use group
access and usage restrictions to hide queues or directories by placing a
strict read restriction on them.
A number of queues on your system probably have very tight write
security to ensure that only certain users can create and edit stories in
those queues. If other users do not need to read the stories in the
queue, you may give the queue tight read security. This prevents the
queue from appearing on unauthorized users’ screens. Some examples
of this are the Dead queue, a Suggestions queue, an Employee Evaluations queue, and so forth.


All users that you want to have the capability to send stories to these queues
need to have write access to the queue, but not necessarily read access. For
instance, all users will need write access to the Dead queue so they can delete
stories in other queues, which then moves them to the Dead queue. But you
can limit who has access to the Dead queue by using the read group trait to
restrict access to a certain group of users.

Group Traits for the Database


Another example is the System directory, which is usually restricted so
that only superusers can write stories there. You can hide this directory so that it does not appear in the main directory for normal users
by setting its read group to a group that has no users. Because superusers can read everything in the database, they can still see the directory.
Many put the system
administrator’s name in
the sysop group for
e-mail purposes.

For this example, your system could use an empty group called sysop,
which is then assigned as the read group trait for the System directory.
To set the System directory’s read group to sysop:
1. Locate the directory or queue you want to modify in the Directory
2. Open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box by right-clicking
on the folder or queue in the Directory panel and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Groups tab.
4. Select the sysop group from the Read Group drop-down list. If it
does not appear in the list, it has not been created in the system
database and defined in SYSTEM.GROUPS. See “Creating a New
Group” on page 6-5 for more information.
5. Click OK to save settings.

Mail Aliases
Some groups already in your system probably represent collections of
people to whom you or other users want to send mail. For instance,
you may want to send mail to all the producers in your newsroom.
Producers probably already exist as a group in your system, and the
mail system can use the producers group membership information to
direct the mail to the right people.
You may also want to send mail to a group like the entire staff of your
5 p.m. newscast. That group may not already exist, and the need for



such a group may be related solely to mail delivery and not system
If you have such a need, do not create a group solely to meet the mail
delivery objective. Use a mail alias, instead.

Creating a Mail Alias
A mail alias is a name up to 20 characters long that represents a group
of people who often receive similar mail. Each mail alias acts like a distribution list. This way, instead of sending mail to each user individually, you can send mail to the alias and the mail server distributes a
copy of the mail story to each user on the group’s membership list.
Like groups, mail aliases are defined in stories in the Groups queue in
the System directory.
To create a mail alias, do the following at an Avstar Workstation:
1. Open the System folder in the Directory panel.
2. Open the Groups queue.
3. Click the File drop-down menu.
4. Select New Story.
A new blank Story panel appears. In the Queue panel, a blank
entry in outline appears.
5. Type the name of the alias in the blank field of the Queue panel or
in the corresponding title field of the Story Form panel.
6. Click inside the Story panel and type the alias name and membership list in this format:
alias alias-name

user-ID user-ID group-name …
user-ID alias-name …
An alias’s membership list must begin with the word alias followed by the name of the alias and one or more lines that list user
IDs, groups, or aliases that you want to include.

Mail Aliases


7. Click the File drop-down menu.
8. Select Save Story.

Mail Aliases for Other Machines or the Internet
You can send mail to a user on another system connected to your system over the network. When you put a network mail address in a mail
story’s TO field, the mail server routes the mail to the correct address,
which can be another machine on your Avstar system or anywhere on
the Internet.
You can make it easier to use network mail addresses by assigning
them mail aliases. Then, when you want to mail to someone who is not
on a system connected to yours, use the mail alias.
To assign a mail alias to a network mail address, do the following at an
Avstar Workstation:
1. Open the System folder in the Directory panel.
2. Open the Groups queue.
3. Click the File drop-down menu.
4. Select New Story.
A new blank Story panel appears. In the Queue panel, a blank
entry in outline appears.
5. Type the name of the alias in the blank field of the Queue panel or
in the corresponding title field of the Story Form panel.
6. Click inside the Story panel and type the alias name and membership list in this format:
alias alias-name

For instance, to assign the network address jan@kbba_a.bba to
a mail alias called Jan, type:
alias Jan



7. Click the File drop-down menu.
8. Select Save Story.

Mail Aliases



Keyboards and Macros
Macros are time-saving routines you can assign to a programmable
key(s) on your keyboard, which then can be evoked with one or two
simple keystrokes. A single macro can be the shortcut to an entire
command sequence.
A keyboard is a group of macros (programmable key definitions) that
is stored in a description (story) file in the system directory. Each keyboard typically contains macros grouped according to specific job or
task, such as a Producer keyboard.
This chapter explains how you can use macros and description files to
customize keyboards within the following sections:

Creating a New Keyboard Description Story


Creating Macros


Keyboard Checker Error Messages


Assigning a Keyboard Macro Definition to a User


Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals


For Users Who Switch Between Keyboards


Understanding Macros and Keyboards
Macros let the user enter many characters and commands with a single key or key combination. You, as the system administrator, determine the function of each macro key. You can assign any command,
sequence of commands, or plain text to a key or key combination. A
set of macros is called a keyboard because it defines various actions
that take place based on the keys pressed on an actual keyboard. A
keyboard is usually created to contain a set of macros associated with
a specific job, such as writer or producer.
For instance, suppose a writer in your newsroom frequently writes
scripts for a particular reporter. You can assign the text in that
reporter’s usual sign-off to a macro key on the writer’s keyboard. Then
the writer could put the entire text of the reporter’s sign-off in stories
by pressing that key. This same key may be associated with a different
macro, such as one that opens a rundown queue, if the user is a producer using a different keyboard, or set of macros.
Avstar keyboards are stored in queues in the SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS
directory. See “Customizing Workstation Keyboards” on page 7-3 for
more information.
You can assign macros to function keys, such as F1, F2, F3, and so
forth, across the top of the keyboard and to the numeric keys on the
numeric keypad, located at the right side of the keyboard. On Avstar
Workstations (ASWS) you can use other keys known as state keys,
such as Control (CTRL), in conjunction with the function and numeric
keypad keys as shortcuts to entire command sequences. See “Creating
a Macro” on page 7-5 for more information.

Keyboards and Macros


Customizing Workstation Keyboards
An Avstar Workstation keyboard can contain more than 100 macros,
representing possible states of the 12 function keys plus the 10
numeric keypad keys. For example, possible combinations for F7 are:










Avstar NRCS will not recognize the Shift state key used in combination with
the numeric keypad keys. For instance, {Shift-{CTRL-{kp9}}} is the
same as {CTRL-{kp9}}.
The keyboard, or set of macros, is actually a story that is saved in a
specific location in Avstar NRCS. The macros are listed as text in the
story. To create a keyboard containing a set of macros for Avstar Workstations, you create a story in one of the queues in the SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS directory.
The first story in the queue with a title containing the string asws is
used as the keyboard macro definition story for Avstar Workstation.
(The word asws is not case-sensitive.) The first story that does not
have one or the other of those strings is used as the keyboard macro
definition story for the legacy video terminal (VT) interface.

Creating a New Keyboard Story
To create a new keyboard story:
1. Create a queue to hold the story in SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS. To do
this from the Directory panel, Navigate to SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS
and right-click on the folder, then choose New Queue.
The queue name must begin with a three-digit number. Append a
hyphen immediately after the number, then a descriptive name for

Customizing Workstation Keyboards


the keyboard. If the number is less than 100, you must supply
leading zeros.
For instance, to create a new keyboard named Producers, you
could name the queue 005-PRODUCERS.


The valid numerical range for queue names is 000-255 as shown in
the follow examples:
Queues with the number 256 or greater will not work.
2. Open the newly created queue. To do this from the Directory
panel, do one of the following:
a. Double-click on the queue icon
-ORb. Select it and press Enter.
3. Create a new, blank keyboard story in the queue, by pressing the
Insert key.
If an existing keyboard story is similar to the new keyboard
description you want to create, you can copy it into the queue and
modify it rather than creating a keyboard story from scratch.


If writing macros for Avstar Workstation, the story’s slug must contain
asws in it.
4. Create or modify the macros in the keyboard story. See “Creating a
Macro” on page 7-5 for more information.
5. Save the keyboard story.


Keyboards and Macros

The “key” mailbox is used by Avstar’s “keycheck” program, which checks for
errors immediately after a keyboard story is saved. See “Keyboard Checker”
on page 7-13 for more information. The “key” mailbox must be set on keyboard queues. The mailbox trait can be viewed and changed from the Directory Properties dialog box. See “Directory/Queue Properties Dialog Box” on
page 5-25 and “Mailbox section” on page 5-39 for more information.


Creating a Macro
Keyboard macros begin with the “at” symbol (@) and are written in
segments which make up what is called a macro definition. The segments include a Key Indicator, a Separator symbol (~) , an Action, and
an optional Comment. The segments must appear in the proper order
for the macro to work correctly.
For instance:    
The following is an example of a macro definition:
@{f4} ~ {alt gd} wires.all{enter};Go to wires.all
This macro allows the user to press F4 to navigate to the WIRES.ALL
queue rather than completing the longer process—typing ALT-G-D to
open the Destination dialog box, then typing WIRES.ALL, and pressing Enter—to do the same thing. The segments of the sample macro
definition are explained in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1

Macro Segments

Macro segment



The Key Indicator begins the macro definition line
with the @ symbol. Then, {f4} indicates that the macro
is invoked when a user presses and releases the
key(s) defined within the braces—in this case, the F4
key. The braces { } are used to group letters together
as one key or combination of keys.


The Separator is the tilde character (~) and it divides
the key you are defining from the action that the
macro is to perform.

{alt gd}wires.all{enter} The Action includes a series of keystroke combinations. {alt gd} presses ALT, then types gd (for the Go,
Destination drop-down menu options), and releases
ALT. Then wires.all is typed in the text field in
the Destination dialog box. And {enter} presses the
Enter key and releases it.
;Go to wires.all

The optional Comment begins with the ; and provides a description of what the macro does.

Creating a Macro


Adding Comments
Do not use the semicolon character in a macro. If you include a semicolon (;) in a description line in Avstar, everything following that character is treated as a comment by the system and is ignored.
A keyboard macro in Avstar NRCS can be as long as you want. All text
that appears with an “at” symbol (@) at the start of a paragraph
through to the end of that paragraph is considered to be part of a
macro (except for comments as indicated by a semicolon).
If you create a macro longer than 80 characters, let the system wrap the
cursor around to the next line. When you finish the macro, press Enter
to start a new line for another macro. However, be sure that the next
line starts with the @ symbol or a semicolon.


If you end a paragraph and start another paragraph with anything other than
an @ symbol or a semicolon, you will get an error message indicating an
invalid key definition.

Assigning Macros to Keys
Keyboard macros for Avstar NRCS are written using the key names
which are in the directory: dictionary/site/dict/keymacros.
You can use alphabetic and numeric keys, and most punctuation
marks in a macro. However, some punctuation marks are reserved for
specific functions within a macro, as shown in Table 7-2. For instance,
because the open brace ({), close brace (}), and tilde (~) characters
have special meanings, you cannot use them as plain text in a macro.
You can use the @ symbol in the action of the macro—to the right of
the Separator, or tilde(~)—but not as plain text on the left-side of the
Separator, where it indicates the start of a new macro definition.
Only certain keys can be defined as indicators for macros. On the
Avstar Workstation, you can define macros for the function keys, and
the numeric keypad keys, located at the right side of any standard PC

Keyboards and Macros



To use the numeric keys on the numeric keypad, Num Loclk must be off.
In most cases, you can define macros by combining the function or
keypad keys with one or more state keys, such as ALT-F7. The other
keys—listed in the second part of Table 7-2 as Edit, Arrow, and Miscellaneous keys—can appear in macros, but cannot have macros assigned
to them.
Table 7-2

Key Names

Function keys

Keypad keys

State keys

























Edit keys

Arrow keys






@ (in Indicator)

Creating a Macro


Edit keys

Arrow keys







page up




page down







Predefined System Function Keys
Some function keys have predefined system functions, such as F1,
which opens Avstar’s Online Help System. These keys are provided as
accelerator keys for common user functions.


Redefining these predefined keys is allowed, but is not recommended. If you save a macro for a key that has a predefined function, the system displays a warning message stating that a reserved
key has been redefined. See “Warning Messages” on page 7-14 for
more information.
The following table shows the standard predefined system function
Table 7-3

Keyboards and Macros

Predefined System Function Keys

Function Key or
Key combination

Predefined System Function


Opens Avstar NRCS Online Help System


Edit a field (or cell) in the Queue panel.


Find Next


Exits Avstar NRCS program


Closes a Workspace


Function Key or
Key combination

Predefined System Function


Refreshes display in Queue or Story panel


Discard changes.


Switches between Instruction panel (production cue) and Story Text panel


Toggles to next window.


Moves between Story Text and Story Form


Opens Wire Urgent Workspace (Wire Priority queue)


Opens Wire Alert History Window


Toggles Message Toolbar on and off


Communicate Message Reset


Opens Message History dialog box


Toggles Mail Workspace open and closed


Communicate Message Check

The State Keys
The ALT, Shift, and CTRL keys are known as state keys, because their
state affects what happens when another key is pressed, whether they
are pressed or not. For instance, pressing F7, Shift-F7, ALT-F7,
ALT-Shift-F7, and so on, can execute different macros.
To include a state key in a macro:
1. Begin with a { character to indicate that a key is being pressed.

Creating a Macro


2. Follow the { character with the name of the state key, such as ALT.
3. Since a state key does not do anything by itself, enter the name of
the next key pressed along with it. Enclose this key in another set
of braces { } if it is a function or numeric keypad key, such as F7
or kp1.
4. Close with a } character to indicate the release of the state key.


Avstar will not recognize the Shift state key if used in combination with the
numeric keypad keys. For instance, {Shift-{CTRL-{kp9}}} is the same
as {CTRL-{kp9}}
You can use state keys in the Indicator or Action sections of a macro:
either as the indicator for defining the macro key combination or
within the actions that the macro is to carry out. Here is an example:
@{alt{f8}} ~ {alt crl}
In the example, a state key is in the key indicator combination
(ALT-F8) that executes the macro which contains another state key in
the macro action itself (ALT-C-R-L).
Braces are used to group letters that are key names or key-combinations. For instance, {alt{f8}} is not the same as {alt f8}. In the
first example, the ALT key is held down while the function key, F8, is
pressed. In the second example, the ALT key is held down, while two
separate keys, F and 8, are pressed in sequence.
The following table shows more examples of key combinations and
how they appear in macros. The second combination shows how to
write a macro using multiple state keys combined. It does not matter
whether letters like these are in uppercase or lowercase in macros.

Keyboards and Macros

Key combination







{alt gd}


Using Plain Text in Macros
Besides using individual keys and key combinations in a macro definition, you can also have the macro enter plain text. This could be text
you include in stories often or text that you enter in the fields of a dialog box in Avstar NRCS. For example:
@{ctrl{f9}}~{space} Roll tape - Sound up full
Whenever you include plain text in a macro, all spaces in the text are
preserved. The case (lowercase or uppercase) is preserved as well.

Repeating Macros
If there are actions performed at the workstation that require executing
the same command or series of commands over and over, you can create a repeating macro that performs this action. Once invoked, a
repeating macro executes at regular intervals until the user presses
CTRL-Break or Escape.
To have a macro in an Avstar keyboard perform a repeating function,
place the command {repeat} just before the actions you want the
macro to repeat.
As an example, create a macro that makes it easier to browse wires and
assign it to the F4 key. This macro takes the user to WIRES.ALL and
then scrolls down one story at a time. It pauses briefly on each story, so
the user can read the title and decide whether to read the story. The
user stops scrolling by pressing CTRL-Break or Escape.
To create this macro:
1. Begin the macro with @{f4}~ to indicate that it is for the F4 key.
2. Follow the Separator (~) with {alt gd} wires.all {enter}
to open a window displaying WIRES.ALL.
3. Add the repeating portion of the macro, which moves the user
down one line at a time at regular intervals. Begin by typing
{repeat} to indicate that what follows is repeated. Then type
{down} to move the cursor down one line in the queue.
Creating a Macro


The range for the
{pause} option is 1 to
60 seconds.

4. Use the {pause} command to make the macro pause a few seconds on each story. Follow this command with the number of seconds you want the repeating macro to pause. To make the macro
pause two seconds before repeating, type {pause 2}.
The macro should be one continuous line of text. Otherwise, allow
the computer to wrap the text if it extends beyond screen margins.
The completed macro looks like this:
@{f4}~{alt gd}wires.all{enter}{repeat}{down}
{pause 2}

Notes of Caution for Creating Macros
When creating macros—whether or not they are repeating macros—
care should be taken. First, certain commands should never be used in


Do not use the Duplicate or Kill commands in repeating macros.
Doing so raises the risk of accidentally killing the wrong stories or
filling up the database and causing a “low-on-space” condition.
Secondly, all macros should be created using steps only to a point
where varying options are not a possibility. For instance, a system
administrator wants a macro designed to open a story and type a specific production cue on a certain line, then save the story and open the
next one in the lineup. The system administrator must keep in mind
that the process for editing stories may vary for each user depending
on user preferences or queue location. In other words, in some cases, a
user may start to save a story and be prompted by a dialog box that
requests confirmation. This confirmation box is a user preference that
varies with each user. A similar confirmation dialog box may appear if
a user is opening a story in a read-only queue. So, any macro must
incorporate these possibilities or stop prior to them. Otherwise, the
macro may hang up on an unexpected dialog box.

Keyboards and Macros

To immediately stop a macro that is in progress for any reason—including
one hung up on an unexpected dialog box—press the Escape (ESC) key.


Keyboard Checker
Whenever you modify and save macros in a keyboard description
story, the system checks the keyboard and all its macros for problems
that may prevent the macro from working properly. If it finds a problem, it sends you a message describing the error.
Avstar will also issue a warning if any predefined system function
keys—that is, those keys reserved for Avstar system functions—are
replaced with a macro. This warning can be ignored if you want to
override the pre-defined system function keys with a macro. See “Predefined System Function Keys” on page 7-8 for more information.
As long as you get a Keyboard ok message, the description story can
be used, but go back and fix any noted problems so the keyboard does
what it is supposed to.

Error Messages
Table 7-4 lists messages from the message dictionary that can appear
after you save a keyboard description story.
Table 7-4

Keyboard Checker Error Messages

Error message


Duplicate key description

You defined the same function key twice in the
story; remove one of the definitions.

First key description does not begin You must use an @ symbol as the first noncomwith @ (M_KEYSTART)
ment character in the description story.
Invalid key number


Keyboard description contains too
many characters (M_KEYLONG)

You tried to define a function key with a number that is not supported.
This description story is too long. Shorten the
macros by using command abbreviations, or
deleting macros you do not use.

Keyboard Checker


Table 7-4

Keyboard Checker Error Messages (Continued)

Error message


Keyboard NOT usable

Keyboard ok



You must fix the errors in this description story
before you can use it.
You may use this keyboard, even if it has errors.

Missing key number separator (~)

You must follow the key number of an
extended programmable key with a tilde (~).

Not enough key descriptions

You must include lines for all the standard VT
keys. Include only the key’s number on a blank
line, if you don’t want to assign a function to a
standard key.

Warning: a key definition contains a One of your key definitions has a repeating
function. If this is not what you want, edit the
repeating function (M_KEYREP)

Warning: badly placed @ exists in
key definition line (M_KEYFUNKY)

A line in the story contains an @ symbol that is
not the first character in the line or between two
commands. If this is not what you want, edit
the description.

Warning Messages
Table 7-5 lists the messages that appear if the keys reserved for Avstar
system functions are redefined.
Table 7-5

Keyboard Checker Warning Messages

Reserved key

Warning message


Warning: “Help” key redefined (M_STDHELP)


Warning: “Find Next” key redefined (M_STDFINDNEXT)


Warning: “Exit” key redefined (M_STDEXIT)

Keyboards and Macros


Table 7-5

Keyboard Checker Warning Messages (Continued)

Reserved key

Warning message (Continued)


Warning: “Window Close” key redefined (M_STDCLOSE)


Warning: “Discard Changes” key redefined


Warning: “Refresh” key redefined (M_STDREFRESH)


Warning: “Script Swap” key redefined (M_STDSCRIPT)


Warning: “Next Window” key redefined


Warning: “GoTo Priority Queue” key redefined


Warning: “GoTo Alerts History” key redefined


Warning: “Communicate Message Bar” key redefined


Warning: “Communicate Message Reset” key redefined


Warning: “Communicate Message Show History” key


Warning: “Communicate Open/Close Mail key redefined (M_STDMAIL)


Warning: “Communicate Message Check” key redefined

Keyboard Checker


Assigning a Default Keyboard to a User
Users can select a keyboard—that is, a set of macros—to use at any
time by using the Preferences option in the Tools drop-down menu.
The system administrator can assign the default keyboard for a user,
which appears when the user first logs on.
When you add a new user to the system, you may want to assign a
keyboard as a default for the user at that time, according to the role the
user plays in your newsroom. For instance, a new writer may get the
“user” keyboard, a new producer would be assigned the “producer”
keyboard, and so forth.
You assign a set of macros as a user’s keyboard by assigning the keyboard story containing those macros to that user. When the user
presses a programmable key, the system looks at the user’s assigned
keyboard story and executes the macro assigned to that key.
To assign a keyboard to a user as a default from an Avstar Workstation,
do the following:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Users. The Manage User Accounts dialog box appears.

Keyboards and Macros


4. Do one of the following:
a. Create a new user account by clicking New User.
If you clicked New User
rather than Modify in
step 4, the dialog box
appearing in step 5 will
be titled Add New User.
See “Adding a New
User Account” on
page 4-26 for more


-ORb. Modify an existing user account by selecting a user and clicking Modify.
5. In the Modify User Account dialog box, click User Preferences.

Access to the Modify User Account or Add New User dialog boxes are
restricted to certain users, such as system administrators and user managers—that is, users who know the umanager password. See “Modifying User
Traits” on page 4-3 for more information.

Assigning a Default Keyboard to a User


6. In the Preferences dialog box, click the Session tab, if not already

7. Use the Keyboard drop-down list to select a keyboard for the user.
8. Click Reload.
9. Click OK to save the new keyboard assignment and close the Preferences dialog box.
10. Click OK to save the modified user account and close the Modify
User Account dialog box.
11. Do one of the following:
a. Select another user to assign a keyboard to, and click Modify.
-ORb. Click Close to close the Manage User Accounts dialog box.
The next time the user logs in, the computer will automatically assign
the new keyboard. If the user is already logged in, he or she needs to
reload the keyboard or log out and then log back in to use the new
keyboard assignment.

Keyboards and Macros

Users can choose a different keyboard than what is assigned to their user
accounts at any time by doing the following: Click the Tools drop-down menu,
select Options, select Preferences, choose the Session tab, pick a keyboard from
the drop-own list, and click the Reload button.


Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals
On a video terminal (VT), you can assign two macros to each programmable key. The first macro executes when the user presses the key; the
second macro, an alternate macro, executes when the user presses the
Command key (Enter on the numeric keypad) followed by the key.
Almost all special keys on a VT are actually macro keys, including
Save, New, Insert, Up Arrow, and so forth.
The macros for VTs are stored as sets, called keyboards. A keyboard is
actually a story that is saved in one of the queues in the SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS directory. A user can have keyboard stories for both a VT/
DOS terminal and ASWS in the same queue. The VT/DOS version of
the keyboard must be the first “non-asws” story in the queue—that is,
the first story that does not contain the string asws.


VT keyboard stories must not include asws or anws in the title field (slug).
The location of the macro keys varies slightly depending on which
type of terminal keyboard you are using. Here is a sample keyboard
story to show how to use macros to customize your keyboard for VT/
DOS Terminals. The story is SYSTEM.KEYBOARDS.005-SMITH:
@{cursor up}~{cursor top}
@{cursor down}~{cursor bottom}
@{cursor left}~{go .}
@{cursor right}~{get}
@{script}~{script undo
@{mail}~{mail reply}
@{video step}~{video define}
@{notes save}~{notes recall}
@{delete define}~{delete recover}
This story is a copy of the installation keyboard. The purpose of most
macros is clear from the macro line. For example, in the first line of this
story, you can tell that the first macro assigns the Cursor Up command
to a key.
Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals


Miscellaneous VT Macro Tips
A macro can be several lines long, so begin each macro with an “at”
symbol (@) in the first column to indicate the beginning of a new
macro. Everything between this and the next @ that appears at the
beginning of a line is included in the macro.
Keyboard stories are limited to 2000 characters each. If you are building long macros, use the short form for each command, such as cu l
rather than cursor left, to avoid exceeding the size limit.

The Pause Command
If you want the system to wait a few seconds before it performs the
next command in a macro, use the pause command. Follow this command with the number of seconds you want the system to wait. To
have the system wait 10 seconds, for example, type {pause 10}.

The Blank Command
If you have a lengthy macro and you do not want to see all the screen
changes when it executes, use the blank command to make the screen
go blank for all or part of the command sequence. The first blank
command in a macro clears the screen. The message please stand
by flashes at the top right of the screen. The commands that follow the
blank command are executed, but the user sees only the please
stand by message. The screen is redisplayed when the macro is finished or when another blank command is executed.


By reducing the output, the macro runs much faster.

Repeating VT Macros
If you perform a procedure at the workstation that requires executing
the same command or series of commands over and over, create a
repeating macro. Once invoked, a repeating macro executes at regular
intervals until the user presses a key.

Keyboards and Macros


To get a macro to perform a repeating function, place an @ character
before the commands that you want the macro to repeat. Do not confuse this with the @ character you must put in the first column to indicate the beginning of the key definition.
As an example, add a macro to Smith’s keyboard that makes it easier
to browse wire stories. This macro takes Smith to WIRES.ALL and
then scrolls down one story at a time. It pauses briefly on each story, so
the user can read the slug and decide whether to read the story. The
user can stop scrolling by pressing any key.
Because the sample keyboard description is extensive, replace one of
the existing macros with this repeating macro. For example, if a user
does not usually use a video step macro, replace it with a wire-browsing macro:
@{video step}~{video define}
This macro does the following:
1. Opens the keyboard story and moves the cursor to the last line. We
want the first part of the macro to take the user to WIRES.ALL, so
type @{go wires.all} on that line. Use @ to indicate the beginning of the macro.
2. Adds the repeating portion of the macro, which moves the user
down one line at a time at regular intervals. Type @ to indicate that
what follows is repeated. Type {cu d} for the cursor down
The system expects the @ character to follow a right brace (})
character. Otherwise, it sends a warning message informing you
that the story has a badly placed @ character. This does not keep
the system from using the story, but you may want to ensure that
all your macros do what you want them to do.
3. Uses the pause command to make the macro pause a few seconds
between cursor down commands, so that the user can examine
each story. Follow this command with the number of seconds that
you want the repeating macro to pause. To make the macro pause
two seconds, type {pause 2}:
@{go wires.all}@{cu d}{pause 2}

Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals



Do not use the Duplicate or Kill commands in repeating macros. This raises
the risk of accidentally killing the wrong stories or filling up the database and
causing a low-on-space condition.

Assigning VT Macros to Standard Macro Keys
Your system uses either VT220-style workstations or PCs running VT
emulation software (a program that makes the PC act similar to a VT)
— see Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2.
There are 24 keys on a VT100, which Avstar uses as macro keys. The
PC extended keyboard has only 22 of these. Most systems now use
VT220-style keyboards or PCs with extended keyboards, although
some VT100s are still in use today. The VT220 omits key #23 (CTRL-J).
The PC omits key #16 and key #23.
Each standard macro key is identified by a number, as shown in the
following diagrams. These numbers do not appear on your keyboard,
but they indicate the order in which each key’s macro must appear in
the keyboard description. Macro key 1 uses the first macro in the keyboard story, macro key 2 uses the second macro, and so on.
Your system assigns macros to keys based on the order in which the
macros appear in the keyboard story. For this reason, your keyboard
stories must contain macros for all 24 standard macro keys. Otherwise,
your system cannot assign macros correctly. If you do not want to
assign a macro to a key, create a macro that does nothing as a placeholder for that key.
While these keys are numbered 1 through 24, there is no 23rd macro
key on a VT/DOS keyboard. However, you still must include a 23rd
macro in the keyboard story as a placeholder, so that the system interprets the 24th macro properly. CTRL-J is key 23.
VT220 and PC keyboards have their standard macro keys arranged as
shown. Each key’s number corresponds to the order in which its
macro must appear in the keyboard story.

Keyboards and Macros























Figure 7-1

Standard Macro Keys (VT220)


Figure 7-2




















Standard Macro Keys (PC)

Extended Versus Standard Macro Keys
Do not confuse an extended macro key with a standard macro key of
the same number. For instance, there is a standard macro key 20 and
an extended macro key 20~. While standard macro keys are numbered
consecutively 1 through 24 (with the exception of 23), extended macro
keys are not. For instance, there are no keys 7~, 8~, 9~, 10~, or 16~.
If your terminal is capable of both VT100 and VT220 operations, you
must set it to VT220 7-bit mode to use extended macro keys.
Standard macros are not numbered, and all of them must have definitions to keep them in order. Extended macros are numbered, so
unused keys can be omitted.
You do not need to include macros for all the extended macros keys in
your story. The only requirement is that you place the extended key
macros after the mandatory 24 standard key macros.

Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals


Enabling F13 on the VT220
Many VT220-style terminals are capable of operating as either VT100or VT220-style terminals. If you have these types of terminals and
switch from VT100 to VT220, you alter the use of F13 and its function,
because in VT100 mode, F13 generates LF, which the system recognizes as the 23rd macro in the keyboard story. The 23rd macro in a
user’s keyboard story may contain {insert char}, which causes
F13 to function as an Insert Char key. In VT220 mode, this key is
extended macro key 25~.
By adding the same macro to extended key 25~, you can cause F13 to
execute the same function. This macro would appear somewhere following the mandatory 24 key macros.
Another result of changing to VT220 is that the F12 key no longer functions as a Backspace key. You can program F12 (extended key 24~) to
perform the Backspace function. Create a macro similar to the following that moves the cursor left one space and then deletes a character:
@24~{cu l}{del c}

Assigning VT Macros to Extended Macro Keys
Along with the standard 24 macro keys, VT/DOS keyboards have
additional extended macro keys, identified by a number followed by a
tilde, such as 21~. A VT220 keyboard has 26 of these keys, arranged as
in Figure 7-3.





Figure 7-3

Keyboards and Macros











Extended Macro Keys (VT220)














The extended macro keys at the upper left of the VT220 keyboard (11~
through 15~) are available only on VT220 and later terminals.
An extended PC keyboard has 20 extended macro keys, arranged as
shown in Figure 7-4.


Figure 7-4




















Extended Macro Keys (PC)

Do not assign a macro to the Pause/Break key, because your computer uses it
for computer recovery. On PC keyboards, the extended macro key 32~ is typically also the PC’s print screen key.
Each extended macro key generates a number followed by a tilde,
which your system uses to identify the key and assign it the correct
macro. Consequently, the order in which you place extended key macros in a keyboard story does not matter as long as they appear after the
24 standard key macros.
To create an extended key macro, begin the line with an @ in the first
column, followed by the number and tilde combination generated by
the key to which you want to assign the macro. For instance, F6 generates 17~ on a VT220 keyboard, so the macro for this key would begin
with @17~.
Assigning a macro to an extended macro key is the same as for a standard macro key. For instance, you may program the F6 key on a VT220
keyboard (extended programmable key 17~) to take the user to

Customizing Keyboards for VT/DOS Terminals



An extended macro key is identified by @~. This ~ does not introduce an alternate macro. It is part of the key identifier.
As with the standard programmable keys, you can assign an alternate
macro to an extended programmable key by beginning the alternate
macro with a tilde. You may add an alternate macro to F6 that would
allow the user to go to WIRES.ADVISORY by pressing Enter (on the
numeric keypad) and then F6:

For VT Users Who Switch Between Keyboards
If someone in your newsroom regularly switches between keyboards,
you can make it easier by assigning the load keyboard command
with the appropriate argument to a programmable key on the user’s
keyboard. In addition, you can add a macro to the keyboard that the
user loads that returns the user to the user’s default keyboard.
For instance, you may assign the following load keyboard command to F10 on the copy editor’s keyboard. Whenever the user needs
to use the producer’s keyboard, he or she presses F10 (21~):
Create a key on the producer’s keyboard that allows a user to return to
his or her default keyboard description. Assign this command to a
programmable key on the producer’s keyboard:
Because this macro executes the load keyboard command without
naming a keyboard and then presses Enter a second time, it loads the
user’s default keyboard. Combining two programmable keys makes it
easy to move between keyboard description stories.

Keyboards and Macros

You can use standard Avstar forms that come with the system or customize your database by creating forms and assigning them to queues,
based on the kind of information you want to appear in the stories in
those queues. You can also use forms in your database to replicate any
preprinted forms that you use currently, such as rundowns and assignment sheets.
This chapter explains the following:

Form Names and Locations


Guidelines for Designing Forms


Creating a Form


Assigning a Form as a Queue or Story Form


Form Field Types and Definitions


Standard Avstar Forms


Mapping Netstation Characters to Avstar


Form Names and Locations
You create forms, which are stored as stories in queues located in the
database file structure under the main system folder, SYSTEM.FORMS.
The folder name format is SYSTEM.FORMS.N.NAME, where N is the
first letter of the form name. For instance, a rundown form may be
SYSTEM.FORMS.R.RUNDOWN. You can have up to 255 forms, starting
with each letter.

Guidelines for Designing Forms
Follow these general guidelines in designing forms:

The story form and queue form can be different, but all fields displayed in the queue form must exist in the story form before you
can enter or display data in that field.


In Avstar you cannot system print wider than 80 columns. If a
form extends beyond 80 columns, the extra columns will be
dropped from printing.


A VT interface also truncates beyond 80 columns. If a form displayed on a VT terminal extends beyond 80 columns, the extra columns will not appear on screen.


If you have a mix of Avstar Workstations and VT terminals, make
the label name width of each field one unit greater than the field
name width; this will make the fields more readable by providing
a one-character separation between them.

Creating a Form
You can create a new form from any Avstar Workstation. This section
outlines the procedures for constructing a basic form for a rundown.
After building this form, you can easily modify it to match the rundown you currently use.



The following procedure takes you through steps to create the basic
rundown form, which can be used to create any form in the system.
To create a new form at a workstation, do the following:
1. Navigate to the SYSTEM.FORMS folder.
The queue for the new form must be stored in the SYSTEM.FORMS
2. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
You can skip steps 3 & 4
if the alphabet folders
already exist in the
SYSTEM.FORMS directory.

3. Select New Folder.
A new highlighted directory labeled New-Folder appears.
4. Type the name of the folder, such as R.
5. Select the alphabet folder, such as R (the folder for forms with
names that begin with the letter R), in which you want to create
the new form.
6. Do one of the following:
a. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select New Queue.
-ORb. Right-click on the folder and select New Queue from the
pop-up menu.
A new highlighted file labeled New-Queue appears.
7. Type the new form queue’s name, such as Rundown.
8. Apply the Forms Allowed database trait to the queue by doing the
a. Right-click on the queue in the Directory panel to open the
Queue Properties dialog box.
b. Select the Forms Allowed check box so that a check mark

Creating a Form


c. Click OK to save changes. Otherwise, you will not be able to

create a form in that queue. See “Changing Database Traits”
on page 5-21 and “Forms Tab” on page 5-27 for more information.
9. Double-click the queue to display it in the Queue panel.
10. Do one of the following:
a. Click the File drop-down menu and select New Story.
-ORb. Position your cursor in the Queue panel and press the Insert
If the story form fields
do not appear, click on
the Story drop-down
menu and select the
option to Show Form


A new story row appears in the Queue panel and opens in the
Story panel. At the top of the Story panel, there is the Story Form
panel that displays the story form fields (using the default form or
the form previously assigned to the queue). The following graphic


shows the Queue and Story Form panels with some standard form

Queue panel with
a new story row

Story Form panel
with six fields

11. Modify each field to customize the new form. For instance, you
would need to select each field’s type, which defines the field’s
function within the form. See “Customizing Forms” on page 8-6
and “Form Field Types and Definitions” on page 8-13 for more
Since a basic rundown form does not necessarily use the default
fields, as shown in the above graphic, field modification is needed.
For instance, the form may include the following fields:

Page field uses the PAGE-NUMBER field type


Title (or Slug) field uses the TITLE field type


Presenter (or Anchor) field uses the PRESENTER field type


Writer (or Reporter) field uses the CREATED-BY field type


Graphics (or Production Notes) field uses the VAR-N field
type, where N is any number


Audio time field uses the AUDIO-TIME field type


Back time field uses the BACK-TIME field type

12. Save the story and exit the queue, accepting current fields and
form properties as the new form.

Creating a Form


Customizing Forms
After you create the form queue in SYSTEM.FORMS, you can modify
fields to customize the new form. To customize a form, open its story
and do the following:
1. Put the cursor in the Story Form panel and right-click. A pop-up
menu will appear.
There are three menu options for customizing form fields: Insert
Field, Delete Field, and Field Properties. Access to these options
vary, based on whether you right-click on a field in the Story Form
Another option in the
pop-up menu is Label
Borders. See “Label Borders” on page 8-11 for
more information.

2. Choose an option in the pop-up menu, based on one of the following (The choice you make in step 2 also determines which dialog
box appears):
a. Select Delete Field if you want to remove an existing field
from the form. (The field you right-clicked on is the one you
will delete if you choose this option.) Figure 8-1 shows the dialog box that appears if you make this selection. Go to step 3.
-ORb. Select Field Properties to modify properties of an existing
form field. Figure 8-2 on page 8-7 shows the dialog box that
appears if you make this selection. Go to step 4.
-ORc. Select Insert Field to add a new field to the form. Figure 8-3 on
page 8-8 shows the dialog box that appears if you make this
selection. Go to step 5.

Figure 8-1


Confirm Field Delete Dialog Box


3. Confirm your command to delete the field and, if necessary, return
to step 2 to continue modifying form fields.

Figure 8-2

Form Properties Dialog Box

4. Use the Apply to radio buttons to determine whether you want
your property modification to be applied to:

Current field—the one you right-clicked on


Current row—the same row of fields as the one you
right-clicked on


Entire form—all fields in the form

Creating a Form


Figure 8-3

Insert FIeld Dialog Box

5. Select various form options to determine appearance and function
of field(s) in the form. See Table 8-1 on page 8-9 for an explanation
of the form options.



Table 8-1

Form Options




Enter current field’s name you want to appear in the
Story Form panel.


Select a field type from the drop-down list, which
defines the field’s function. See “Form Field Types and
Definitions” on page 8-13 for a detailed explanation of
the various types you can choose, including variable
fields that allow you to make up your own field names,
such as “shot” or “printed.”

Starts new row

Select this check box to force the field to be the first one
in the next row of the form.

Label size

Enter a numerical value to determine the label size.
This size is in approximate characters. Using a proportional font will, of course, cause the number of characters to vary.
Generally, label size should be set to Edit size plus one.

Edit size

Enter a numerical value to determine the space text will
fill in the field.
System administrators can set a limit for text in Story
Form fields, using a Registry value defined as VT Compatibility at each workstation. See “VT Compatibility” on page F-18 for more information.


Select attributes for the form field.
• Read-Only check box determines whether the form
field can be read (not modified).
• Affects Ready check box determines whether the form
field participates in determining the Ready field value.

Text alignment

Select text position within the field.

Creating a Form


Table 8-1

Form Options



Label placement

Select label position.
• Top (default) puts label on top of the field
• Bottom puts label below the field
• Left or Right puts label to either side of the field.

Label alignment

Select way in which label aligns (left, center, or right)
with the field.

Text style

Select appearance of text (bold, italic, or underline) in
the field.

Label style

Select appearance of the label (bold, italic, or underline).

6. Do one of the following:
a. Click OK in the Form Properties dialog box to record changes
and close the dialog box.
-ORb. Click Insert Before or Insert After in the Insert Field dialog
box, depending on where you want the new field to appear in
the form in relation to the field (or cursor position) you
right-clicked on in step 1. This will record the changes and
close the dialog box.
7. Save story in the form queue, by using Save button or Save option
in the File drop-down menu.
Once a form is created and customized, it can be assigned to other
queues in the database as either the queue form, which dictates
appearance of the queue, or story form, which dictates appearance of
stories created in the queue.



Label Borders
Label borders provide various information about fields in a tool tip
format. To turn on Label borders in the Story Form panel, do the following:
1. Right-click in the Story Form panel.
2. Select Label Borders in the pop-up menu.
3. Position mouse pointer over a field label to view tool tip.
When selected, Label borders place rectangular borders around the
labels for each field in the form. When the mouse pointer is positioned
over a field’s label, a tool tip appears that displays that field’s type,
and the character count for the field position and size.

For instance, the field called Slug (shown above) is a TITLE field
located 12 characters in from the left with a Label size of 18 characters.
So, from the position of the Slug field, you can determine the Pg Number field has a Label size of 12 characters. Also, the Contact field is
located 30 characters in from the left—that is, its position in the row is
equal to the sum of the Label sizes for the fields directly to its left. You
could confirm these figures by positioning your mouse over the fields
and viewing the tool tips that appear.

Assigning a Form as a Queue or Story Form
Queue and Story forms are database traits that allow you to assign different forms to different folders and queues using the Directory/
Queue Properties dialog box at the workstation, or the dbtraits
command at the console. For more information on how to assign a
form at the console, see “Queue Form” and “Story Form” on
page G-23.

Assigning a Form as a Queue or Story Form


You assign these traits to define the appearance of information in the
Queue panel and Story Form panel.
To assign a form at an Avstar Workstation, do the following:
1. Navigate to the directory (folder) or queue you want in the
Directory panel.
2. Right-click to open the Directory/Queue Properties dialog box.
Access to this dialog box and its appearance varies, depending on
certain circumstances. See “Directory/Queue Properties Dialog
Box” on page 5-25 for more information.

3. Do either or both of the following:
a. Use the Queue drop-down list on the Forms tab to select the
form you want to apply to the directory as queue form database trait.
b. Use the Story drop-down list on the Forms tab to select the
form you want to apply to the directory as story form database trait.



See “Forms Tab” on page 5-27 for more information.
4. Click OK to save changes and apply the new queue/story form


Users should log off and sign back on to view the new queue/story form settings.

Form Field Types and Definitions
The Avstar form field types are explained in Table 8-2. Included is the
suggested maximum or minimum length for each field (where applicable) and whether a user can enter text in the field.
You can repeat only the variable and “affects status” fields in a form.
You can use all other fields only once.
Following Table 8-2 is an explanation of some forms pertaining to
broadcast and/or machine control and which fields are typically used
in a variety of forms/queues.
Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields

Field Type



AFF-READY-N fields are created when a system is converted from Avid
Netstation to Avstar. The AFF-READY-N fields are assigned the “Affects
(N represent any number)
Ready” attribute when created. This means the field affects the display in
the READY status field and allows a user to initialize a story and change its
status. There can be more than one AFF-READY-N field in a form. If any
AFF-READY-N field within a form contains a “?” then the READY field displays a NOT READY message. If a question mark does not appear in any of
the AFF-READY-N fields in the form, then the Ready field displays a
READY message. This field should precede the READY status field in the
form. In Avstar, the “Affects Ready” attribute can be assigned to any field in
a form and the result would be the same behavior as described here pertaining to the AFF-READY-N field. For more information, see the definition for
the READY field in this document.

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)


When a story is aired using the show-timing function, the date and time it
airs is inserted in this field. This field is designed to show which story is
currently on-air and give users a sense of how much time remains until a
later story goes to air. As the producer syncs timing on stories, the queue
display on other Avstar Workstations shows that story in a different color.
(Peach is the standard default color rule.) The format for the date and time
on the VT interface is Sat Apr 23 12:01 1998. The format on Avstar
Workstation is controlled by the workstation control panel for regional settings. When used for VT sessions, the format is sensitive to the LOCALE
setting which controls localization of the system. It consists of two components: locale’s appropriate date representation” and “locale’s appropriate
time representation.” If the program finds a definition for “VT_TIME,” then
it will format the dates according to the UNIX “strftime” man page. On the
VT interface, if the field length is less than 21 characters, the time is truncated in the same way as in the modified time field. Widths of 12, 16, and 21
characters work best. You cannot enter data in this field.

These fields are used differently, depending on the queue in which they are
used. They appear in Machine Control Terminal forms and some Broadcast
(N represents 1 through 5;
Control System (BCS) forms. Also, many of the fields have different meanX represents any number)
ing, depending on the device type. For instance, in an MCT form, the event
ID for a video/cart machine goes in the APP1-1 field, but in the APP2-1
field for a CG or SS, where the APP1-1 field is used for the style. These
fields were previously used in the mail and account forms in Avid Netstation, but are no longer used for those forms in Avstar NRCS. The APPN-X
fields have been renamed in Avstar and occur only in template conversion
from Avid Netstation.



Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field will display the estimated time for reading a story, which can be
estimated by the computer system or entered into the field by a user. If a
user enters a time in the field, the system will use it to calculate the total
time. If there is also a tape-time field in the form, the system adds the
TAPE-TIME to the AUDIO-TIME to calculate the story’s total time. Without
any user input, the system will display an estimated time based on the
length of the story and presenter’s read rate, which is obtained from the
PRESENTER field in the form. If there is no PRESENTER field or it does not
contain a user ID, then audio time is based on the system’s default read
rate. The length of the story is actually the word count of the story, since the
read rate is based on words per minute. If a user has entered a time in the
field and wants to restore the audio time calculated by the system, the user
should remove entered data from the field with the space bar, delete, or
backspace key. After the cursor leaves the form field, the system will then
display the computer-calculated audio time and recalculate total time

AUDIO-TIME and TAPE-TIME fields should not exceed nine characn The
ters in length. This only applies to mixed-client environments with Avstar
Workstations and VTs connected to PCUs. The typical size of each of these
fields is no more than five characters, such as 00:00

The system displays the back-time in this field. The back-time field is usually eight characters wide, such as 00:00:00. A user can enter data in this
field to indicate hard-hit times for back-timing to certain points within a


This field displays total number of characters captured during a session
connection; it is one of eight special fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT
queue form for logging connection time activity. Although this field is not
required, omitting it will prevent Avstar from displaying the corresponding
information in the form.


This field displays the direction of incoming or outgoing connections. It is
one of eight special fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form for
logging connection time activity. Although this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar from displaying the corresponding information
in the form.

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field displays elapsed time of a session connection. It is one of eight
fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue for logging connection time
activity. Although this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar
from displaying corresponding information in the form.


This field displays the connection identifier. It is one of eight fields used in
the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue for logging connection time activity.
Although this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar from displaying corresponding information in the form.


This field displays the origin machine name. It is one of eight special fields
used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form for logging connection time
activity. Although this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar
from displaying corresponding information in the form.


This field displays the total number of characters received from a remote
system during a connection. It is one of eight special fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form for logging connection time activity. Although
this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar from displaying
corresponding information in the form.


This field displays the remotely connected machine name. It is one of eight
special fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form for logging connection time activity. Although this field is not required, omitting it will
prevent Avstar from displaying corresponding information in the form.


This field displays the total number of characters sent to a remote system
during a connection. It is one of eight special fields used in the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form for logging connection time activity. Although
this field is not required, omitting it will prevent Avstar from displaying
corresponding information in the form.



Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field holds the ID’s or recorded page addresses from the character generator on which a super is written by the CG interface. In some cases, particularly when the field is used as the “sortfield” for a queue and all other
database issues, this field is referred to as CG-ADDR. For instance, the command line for assigning this field as the sortfield in the database would be:
dbtraits  sortfield cg-addr
This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems
and Broadcast Control Systems. Please see the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields
and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this
field is used.


This field contains template information for the character generator, namely
the address on the character generator of the template or tab field to be used
for the requested super. This field is primarily used in association with
Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. Please see the
“Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information
on when and how this field is used.


This field contains text of the super from the machine control instruction
requested by a user in the script. It is written into specified template fields
on the character generator interfaced with Avstar NRCS. This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. Please see the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on
page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


The letter or numerical identifier of the on-air output or playback channel
of an interfaced production device is located in this field. Most production
devices have two or more channels. This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. Please
see the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


When you open a new story, the system enters your user name in this field.
The name is permanent and cannot be erased or overwritten. In a Mail
form, this field is used to indicate who sent the E-mail.

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

When you create a new story, the system stores the date and time the story
was created in this field. The format for the date and time on the VT interface is Sat Oct 21 12:01 2000. The format on Avstar NRCS is controlled by the workstation control panel for regional settings. On the VT
interface, if the field length is less than 21 characters, the time is truncated,
as in the modified time field. Widths of 12, 16, and 21 characters work best.
You cannot enter data.


The computer displays the cumulative (cume) time. This field represents
the time of all the stories—except the selected story—added together. It has
a suggested minimum length of five characters, and is typically eight characters.


This field, identified as DEVICE- MGR when stored in the database, displays the device name controlling a particular event. This field is primarily
used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control
Systems. See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


This field enables a user with write-access to the queue to endorse stories in
that queue. When a story is first saved in a queue, the field is red and blank.
Whenever a user endorses the story, the system places that user’s name in
the ENDORSE-BY field corresponding to that story and the field changes to
green. To manually endorse a story, click on the field in the queue. If
another user subsequently changes the story and saves it, the
ENDORSE-BY field turns yellow but the endorser’s name remains in the
field. This indicates the story was changed by one user after it had been
approved by another. The endorser can see who made the change by looking in the MODIFY-BY field if there is one in the story form. The endorser
can also withdraw approval by opening the story form and deleting the
user id from the ENDORSE-BY field. If the ENDORSE-BY field is not
shown in the Queue panel, a user can still endorse the story by typing a
character in the ENDORSE-BY field located in the story form. A non-system
administrator (non-superuser) cannot kill an endorsed story if another user
has the Production Lock set.

story form must include a MODIFY-BY field to show the green
n The
"endorsed" status in the ENDORSE-BY field.



Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field, identified as DURATION when stored in the database, displays
the playing length of an event, such as how long a certain piece of video
will be aired or the duration of a CG or still store effect. This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for
further information on when and how this field is used.


This field, identified as EFFECT when stored in the database, holds the
effect name requested in association with a machine control or broadcast
control event that will be applied to the character generator or still store
machine when it’s taken to air. For instance: a wipe or a dissolve. This field
is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on
page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


This field displays availability and play status of an MCS/BCS event, as
reported by the production device involved. For instance, a video event
could be reported as N/L (not loaded), CUED,PLAYING, or STOPPED,
among other things. In rundown and Event List forms only the status of a
video event can be displayed. In Machine Control Terminal and Broadcast
Control Workstation forms, this field can also contain the status of CG and
still store events. EVENT-STATUS is primarily used in association with
Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See the “Avstar
MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when
and how this field is used.


This field, identified as STYLE when stored in the database, contains the
MCS/BCS style name specified when a user requests a CG or Still Store
event in the production cue. It is typically an alpha or alphanumeric
sequence that is a maximum of eight characters long. For instance, Avstar
NRCS translates a CG style into an address on the character generator at
which a template is stored. That template is then used to build the
requested super. Styles are defined in stories in the SYSTEM.RESOURCE
queue. They define the details, such as CG template, number of fields, still
preset or playback effect, that define an event. This field is primarily used in
association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems.
See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field is used in queues for wire services. It displays the number of lines
belonging to each story or document in the queue. It cannot be edited by
the user. It is strictly an informational field to assist the user in estimating
story length from the queue. The LINE-COUNT field is only relevant to VT
sessions. Avstar NRCS does not maintain or update this field since the display of the data would vary greatly depending on window size used on
each Avstar Workstation. Additionally, any stories carried over to Avstar
NRCS from a Basys system will have an empty LINE-COUNT field initially
or until re-edited from a VT session.


This field is a non-editable field, typically used as a label or spacer to assist
in alignment of other fields within the Story Form.


This field is used in the Mail story form to display names of users receiving
a copy of an E-mail message.


This field is used in the Mail story form to display names of users to whom
an E-mail message is sent.


This field displays the Media ID, a unique identifier used to access a
machine control event on a production device. This field is exclusively used
in association with the Broadcast Control Workstation (BCWS) form. It is a
collective category that contains values of three other fields: VIDEO-ID,
CG-ID, and STILL-ID, allowing them to be combined in a single column.
See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


This field contains the name of whoever most recently modified a story. It
can be set to hold less than eight characters; however, if it is set to less than
eight, the users’ names are truncated. A user cannot edit this field.


Displays date and time story was last modified. Every time a story is edited
and saved, the system updates this field.


If a device name for a workstation is included in the configuration file, it
appears in this field when a story is saved at that workstation. If device
name is not included in the configuration file, this field remains blank. The
maximum number of characters is eight. You cannot enter data in this field.



Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field is only seen in stories and forms transferred from an Avid Netstation database to an Avstar NRCS database and cannot be created by a user.
The field is a by-product of the database conversion process and represents
a protected field in the Netstation template.


This field is used primarily to arrange stories in a queue. If a queue is set to
sort stories by page number, users can change the order of stories in the
queue by entering in new page numbers. This is commonly done with rundowns, because it allows the producer to quickly change the order of stories
by assigning them new page numbers. This field can also be displayed on a
serial prompter or the WinCue prompter. The system uses the first six characters of the field as a page number when the story is printed. This field is
used in printing only when the story is printed using the “print script”
option. The suggested length for this field is six characters.


The system uses the name of the user from this field to look up the user
read-rate. The system then calculates audio time for the story based on the
user read-rate. If a form does not contain a PRESENTER field, the system
calculates the audio time, based on the default read-rate set in the system
profile. (This is usually 180 wpm in English.)


In some cases, the system places status information, such as NEW, HOLD,
LOCKED, or WIRE in this field. For instance, a wire story starts with the
WIRE status. When you change the story, it changes from WIRE to READY.
In the (VT) Mail form, the READY field is used to indicate whether an
E-mail message is NEW or was READ. This field is six characters. You cannot enter data in this field, but it can be altered based on information put in
other fields with the “Affects Ready” attribute in the form. In these cases,
Avstar checks the “Affects Ready” fields in the form for a “?” and if any one
of the fields are empty or contain that character as the first non-blank character, then the READY field displays a NOT-READY status. However,
Avstar displays READY in the READY field if none of the fields with the
“Affect Ready” attribute contain a question mark.


This field is in forms used to define the display of Avstar database search
results. It contains the sequence number that indicates the original order of
items within the search results.

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field is in forms used to define the display of Avstar database search
results. It contains the location of data found during a search, such as the
name of a queue containing the story found matching the search criteria.


This field, which contains the request ID number, is used by the Find All
and Fast Text Search features of Avstar.


This field is used in a rundown queue. It will display “OK” or “ERROR,”
depending on the machine control event. The Broadcast Control System
monitoring program sets this field to indicate whether there are any errors
in the production cues in stories of the rundown. In the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT
queue form used for logging connection activity, the STATUS field is used
to display the type of connection.


In an Event List or Composite List queue, this field displays the alphanumeric identifier for a still store graphic. This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See
the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields & Forms” section of this document for further
information on when and how this field is used.


This field contains the number or letter designation of a predefined still
store format. It is typically used in the form for the still store device event
list, and is recognized by Avstar’s Broadcast Control Workstation. This field
is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms” on
page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is used.


A user can enter the tape run-time in this field. If there is an audio-time
field, the system adds tape time to audio time to calculate the story’s total
time. The minimum length is four characters. When located in the rundown/MCT forms, the TAPE-TIME field can optionally be set to the actual
video duration by the Machine Control System device managers for the
Quantel Clipbox, Sony Betacart, and Avid AirPlay.

AUDIO-TIME and TAPE-TIME fields should not exceed nine characn The
ters in length. This only applies to mixed-client environments with Avstar
Workstations and VTs connected to PCUs. The typical size of each of these
fields is no more than five characters, such as 00:00



Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)

This field is used to give each story a name. Occasionally referred to as the
“Slug” field, it is the default field for sorting and indexing. The suggested
length for this field is no more than 20 characters. The TITLE field is usually
selected as the “index field.” That means it is the field searched when a user
conducts a Find or Find All search function and specifies a search of the
index field. In a Mail form, this field is used to display the Subject of the
E-mail message sent. In the SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue form used for logging connection activity, the TITLE field is used to display the Service


The computer stores the total time for a story in this field, calculated based
on the sum of information from the TAPE-TIME and AUDIO-TIME fields.
Tape and audio times are added to determine the total story time when calculating back-time. If only audio-time is present, that field is used as the
total time. The TOTAL-TIME field has a minimum of four characters. This
field is supplied by the system.


This variable field was carried over from the Avid Netstation template conversion. It is typically used for generic editable text fields. Users can make
up their own new fields using descriptive names, such as “crew” for a field
that lists a reporter/photographer team assigned to cover a story. The user
can employ anything for a field name with the following restrictions:

(N represents any number.)



The name must be 12 characters or less


The name must begin with a letter of the alphabet


It can include any letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), a dash (-) or a
period (.)


The name is not case sensitive. User-created field names are
treated the same as variable fields.

This field is used in the rundown queue to display the tape number or clip
ID for video. It is also found in forms for the composite and video event
lists. This field is primarily used in association with Machine Control Systems and Broadcast Control Systems. See the “Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and
Forms” on page 8-24 for further information on when and how this field is

Form Field Types and Definitions


Table 8-2

Avstar Form Fields (Continued)

Field Type (Continued) Description (Continued)


When someone creates a new story, the system automatically enters his or
her user name in this field if it is present in the form/queue. You can also
enter text and change the name. This field should be at least eight characters. However, if the field is used in a wire form, it should be 10 characters,
so the story’s wire source name fits in the field.

Avstar MCS/BCS Fields and Forms
Certain field options within Avstar are used in specialized forms,
which deal with various devices that interface with the Avstar
Newsroom Computer System. These forms work in part with the
Machine Control System (MCS) or Broadcast Control System (BCS)
monitoring programs.


The application fields available in Avid Netstation are now used only by the
Machine Control Terminal, which cannot use new field types because of the
limitation in the number of fields usable by CCU/PCU programs.
In certain cases, some fields in these forms are filled out by the system
rather than users. The BCS Monitor program in Avstar NRCS recognizes a new set of descriptive MCS field types in the Rundown, Event
list, and Composite list forms.
Here’s a brief description of these forms:


Data Type

Rundown Forms


This is the form used by stories in the rundown
queue. The monitor program may extract text from
some fields in this form and may put text in others. It
also copies text from the rundown form to Event
List/Composite List and MCT forms. Only event
information for video devices is currently placed in
the rundown story form.


Data Type

Rundown Forms


The Monitor program places information about an
event destined for a specific device in the form fields
of the Event List story. It also copies rundown field
text—for instance, title and page number—into
matching fields in the Event List story form.


The Monitor program puts information about events
destined for all devices in the form fields of the Composite List story. It also copies rundown field
text—for instance, the title and page number—into
matching fields in the Event List story form.


All MCS device "drivers" use a Machine Control Terminal form to hold displayable data for the MCT
monitoring program. Some event status is passed
through the fields in this form.


The function of the Broadcast Control Workstation
form is similar to the MCT form in that it controls
which data will be displayed on the playback screen.
Currently, the BCWS only extracts the PAGE-NUMBER from this form, but in future releases it will use
all fields in the form. Fields defined for use only by
(also known as DEVICE-MGR).

Form Field Types and Definitions


Below is a chart of form fields filled in by the Monitor programs.


Data Type


Event List

List Forms

MCT Forms
(MCS only)

Error Status


Video ID/





Video Status








CG Address




CG Template




CG Text




Still Store




Still Store




CG/SS Style




CG/SS Effect




CG/SS Event


MCT Current



Data Type


Event List

Sony Barcode APP4-1


Sony Barcode APP5-1


List Forms

MCT Forms
(MCS only)

Standard Avstar Forms
The Avstar system contains a number of standard forms, each
designed for use with one of the system’s features. The forms your
system provides are ready to use, but you can also customize them.
You can add or remove fields from a form or change a field’s title.

Account Queue Form
The system keeps a record of events, such as who logged into a connect session, the service used, and length of the connect session. This
information is made available when the system creates a story in the
SYSTEM.ACCOUNT queue and puts information in the story’s form.
A form designed for this must be assigned to SYSTEM.ACCOUNT,
or your system cannot display the information. The standard
account queue form is usually stored in the queue

Standard Avstar Forms


Table 8-3 shows the fields used in this form.
Table 8-3

Account Queue Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type

Service name




Date and time


Connection type


Origin machine name


Incoming or outgoing connection


Remote machine name


Elapsed time of session connection


Connection identifier


Total characters sent to remote system


Total characters received from remote system CA-RECEIVED
Total characters captured


You are not required to include any of these fields in the account
queue form. However, omitting a field prevents the system from displaying information associated with that field in the account queue.



Mail Form
The Mail feature has a form specially designed for mail stories. This
form has fields for elements such as the subject of your message, name
of message recipient, and people you want copied on the message. The
mail form is stored in SYSTEM.FORMS.M.MAIL. The system includes
a mail form, but you can specify a form for the mail feature to use by
assigning the form to the SYSTEM.MAIL.OUT queue.
You may modify this form to suit your system needs. The following
fields are used by the Mail queue.
Table 8-4

Mail Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type









Only the To field is required. A form that does not have the other fields
is still usable.

Timing Form
When you back-time a show while it is on the air, your system displays a timing form. This form contains fields the system uses to display the show’s timing parameters. This form is used with VT
interfaces only.
The system requires that certain fields exist in this form to display timing information.

Standard Avstar Forms


Table 8-5 shows field types used in the timing form.
Table 8-5

Timing Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type

Current Time


Show Length












None of these fields is required. However, the system uses the fields to
calculate information regarding the show’s timing; omitting any of
them prevents display of that information.

Print Form
The system maintains a separate print queue for each of your printers.
When someone sends a story to a printer, the system places it in the
printer’s print queue behind any pending print requests.
While a print request is held in a print queue, the system displays
information in the print request’s form, such as creator of the print
request and time the request was made. To display this information,
the print queue must have a form designed to display print queue
Your system’s standard print queue form is assigned to your system’s
print queues. This form is stored in SYSTEMS.FORMS.P.PRINTER.



Table 8-6 shows field types used in the print queue form.
Table 8-6

Print Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type



Date Printed










None of these fields is required. However, omitting any field would
prevent the display of information associated with that field.

Seek Form
This form is used by someone using the VT seek command on a Find
All operation on Avstar Workstation.
When someone enters the seek command to conduct a background
search, your system responds by presenting the user with a seek form.
This form contains a number of fields the user must fill in to specify
how to perform the search. You can use this form as it is or modify it.
Your system uses the form assigned to SYSTEM.SEEK, or whichever
queue is specified for seek in system’s dictionary (/site/dict/).
Since the system expects to find certain information in each of the
form’s fields, the form assigned to this queue must be designed for use
with the seek command.

Standard Avstar Forms


Table 8-7 shows field types used in the Seek form.
Table 8-7



Seek Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type





Search For


Search Where


Results Queue


Search Type


Max Hits


Notify Hits


Hits so Far




Started At


The seek command must have certain information to perform a search. If
you leave out a required field, the seek server displays a Missing form
field message whenever someone tries to use the seek command.


Wire Story Form
To display information such as title, time moved, source, and average
reading time in each wire, the system contains a wire story form. It is
assigned to the wire queues and stored in SYSTEM.FORMS.W.WIRE.
Table 8-8 shows field types used in the wire story form.
Table 8-8

Wire Story Form Fields

Field Label

Field Type

















Any changes you make to this form do not take effect until you restart
the wire.

Standard Avstar Forms


Mapping Netstation Characters to Avstar
Table 8-9 lists Avid Netstation template characters mapped to Avstar
form field names. You will need this information when you:

Convert stories from the Netstation system to Avstar NRCS


Use tx/net to transmit a story from Avstar NRCS to Netstation or
Archive II systems

Table 8-9


Netstation Characters Mapped to Avstar Fields



Field Name


Affects status






Application fields

APP1- N to APP5-N


Audio time



Back time



Created by



Cume time






Endorsed by



Line count



Modified by



Modified time



Originate time



Page number



Table 8-9

Netstation Characters Mapped to Avstar Fields



Field Name











Tab line



Tape time



Total time








Mapping Netstation Characters to Avstar



System Setup and
The section contains the following chapters:

Chapter 9, Character Generator Title Entry


Chapter 10, Ed, the Line Editor


Chapter 11, Configuration Files


Chapter 12, Printers


Chapter 13, Wires


Chapter 14, Servers


Chapter 15, Web Publishing


Chapter 16, Web Access

Character Generator
Title Entry
The Avstar Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) provides journalists,
producers, directors, writers, and technical personnel in a newsroom
with an array of tools to make their jobs easier. One such tool is the CG
Title Entry feature, which enables newsroom personnel to simulate
character-generated graphics at the Avstar Workstation. By offering a
graphical view of CG information, Avstar NRCS helps production staff
verify the accuracy and quality of the data prior to air.
This chapter contains:

Overview of CG Title Entry


Title Entry Setup and Configuration


CG Template Backgrounds

Required Bitmaps


Capture Tool


CG Template Editor


Title Entry Security


Overview of CG Title Entry
When writing scripts, journalists are typically required to include
information in the script that will appear as a character-generated
graphic when the story is aired. These graphics, called supers or CGs,
must be entered into the script in such a way that Avstar NRCS can
identify the information as data for the character generator. This
method of identification uses production cues—also called machine
instructions—which are separated from the story text. Here is an
example of a production cue for a CG with two lines of text for the
graphic and two lines of information for Avstar NRCS and production
To see how the production cue example
appears graphically, see
“Title Entry Dialog
Box” on page 9-3.

*CG live
Ellen Miller
City Hall
Take cg at 10 seconds in...
In the example, the user cannot visually determine how information
will appear on air when the data is loaded in the character generator
template. For instance, will the data fit into the actual text fields on the
CG template? The answer to this question cannot be determined from
the production cue text. However, the Title Entry feature allows for
this possibility by offering a graphic-style dialog box.
The dialog box displays sample templates, complete with backgrounds and text fields, similar to actual CG templates that appear on
air. These sample templates—which are configured and modified by
system administrators using the CG Template Editor—can be filled in
by the users, and information is applied to the production cue within
the script. When configured accordingly, the Template Editor dialog
box can provide users with visual verification of whether text they
enter will fit in fields of actual character-generated graphics. Producers can use the Title Entry dialog box to preview CG information in
scripts in order to check the appearance and accuracy prior to airing
the production cue.

Character Generator Title Entry


The following graphic shows how the previous production cue example appears in the Title Entry dialog box.
Figure 9-1

Title Entry Dialog Box

The Title Entry feature can only be accessed by users when the cursor is
located in the Story panel of the Avstar Workspace. Access to Title Entry can
also be limited to certain users. See “Title Entry Security” on page 9-23 for
more information.

Overview of CG Title Entry


Title Entry Setup and Configuration
Understanding CG Templates
Before you can use the Title Entry feature, templates must be created
by the system administrator in Avstar to simulate the actual graphics
used by the character generator. The person responsible for setting up
the templates should have a good understanding of how CGs are created on the character generator, because it is important that templates
in Title Entry correspond to those used by the character generator.
Most CGs are comprised of both background graphics and text fields.
A background graphic could be a small color bar that spans the bottom third portion of the television screen, a full-screen graphic, a logo
in the corner of the screen, and so forth. See “CG Template Backgrounds” on page 9-6 for more information.
The text fields vary as well. A CG template can contain numerous text
fields, with each one having different predefined properties, such as
screen location and font style. Typically, users can write text in the
fields, but some may contain predefined text that users cannot edit.
For instance, a CG can have a field with the predefined word, FILE,
which would be aired over file video of previous news coverage.
An example of a standard CG template is a two-line lower-third CG. In
the following example, the bar separating the two rectangular boxes
make up the background. The boxes are the text fields, which can be
filled in by a user.

Character Generator Title Entry


CG text fields are also
known as tab fields,
referring to the key
used to navigate from
one field to another.


In a CG template, the character generator assigns each text field a
number, indicating the order in which fields can be filled in. For
instance, a user types a name in field one, then navigates to the second
field in the sequence using the Tab key, and types the person’s job title
or location.
Knowing the numeric field assignments of each template is crucial, because
the sequence in the Title Entry dialog box must match the tab field’s sequence
on the corresponding character generator’s template.
CG templates are stored on the character generator at locations
assigned or represented by identification numbers known as Template
numbers. These numbers can be used by the CG operator to recall
templates, which are filled in and aired during a show. However, in
Avstar NRCS, aliases are usually assigned to each template to provide
users with an easier way of recognizing the template.
For instance, a template containing one field—one line of text—used
to air the location of a story may be stored on the character generator
as template 502, but users type in the alias loc1 in the production cue.
The assignment of aliases to Template numbers is stored in the
Resource queue located in the System directory (SYSTEM.RESOURCE).
It is recommended these same aliases be used in naming the templates
for Title Entry.


When a template is created, Avstar’s CG Template Editor stores the
configuration data associated with Title Entry in the Title-Entry
queue in the System directory (SYSTEM.TITLE-ENTRY). This queue
must be created, if it does not already exist, prior to creating templates. See “Creating a New Queue” on page 5-6 for more information. Do not manually edit the data in this queue. It is strongly
recommended that, when configuring templates or setting up new
ones, you use the CG Template Editor provided in the software. See
“CG Template Editor” on page 9-11 for more information.

Title Entry Setup and Configuration


CG Template Backgrounds
Before creating CG templates for Title Entry, the system administrator
should capture an image of the actual CG templates on the character
generator as bitmaps. These bitmaps are used as background images
in the creation process of corresponding templates in Avstar NRCS.
The Capture Tool is a program—included with your Avstar NRCS
software CD—used to capture template backgrounds on character
generators. It captures the templates as bitmaps with the exact specifications required for Avstar Title Entry templates.


If you chose to use some other method of capturing bitmaps on the character
generator, you must make certain to create bitmaps that are 400 pixels wide
by 300 pixels high with 256 or more colors.
You can store the bitmaps anywhere on the network as long as they are
accessible from the Avstar Workstation used to run the CG Template
Editor, the program used to create Avstar’s Title Entry templates.
This section will explain what bitmaps are needed, hardware requirements for the Capture Tool, the installation process and procedures for
using the Capture Tool.

Required Bitmaps
Two slightly different bitmaps of each unique CG template should be
captured from the character generator. First, capture the CG template
with the text fields full of text.


Do not use spaces. Each text field in the actual CG template filled out with
information from a user should have a solid string of characters in it when the
bitmap is made. Fixed-width fonts allow for absolute accuracy; however, proportional fonts can be used. The character limit of a field with fixed-width
fonts will be the same no matter which letters of the alphabet are used to fill it
up. Proportional—also known as variable-width—fonts contain some letters

Character Generator Title Entry


that are wider than others, so the character limit may vary. For instance, the
character limit of a field with a proportional font may be nine letters if “M” is
used to fill up the field, but that limit increases to 25 when the letter “I” is
used instead. A good mix of wide and narrow letters should be typed in the
field to fill it up if a proportional font is used.
The first bitmap provides a graphical demonstration of character
width allowed in a text field and the position of that field on the
screen. This bitmap will be used to align text fields and fonts on the
Title Entry template when created in the CG Template Editor.
Secondly, capture the CG template with empty text fields as a bitmap.
This bitmap will replace the first one in the final version of the Title
Entry template. It will be used as the template background shown in
the Title Entry dialog box.

Capture Tool
The Capture Tool is a program used to capture graphical representations of templates on character generators. The tool captures a template as a bitmap, which can then be used as a background image in
Avstar’s Title Entry templates.

Hardware Requirements for Capture Tool
The hardware requirements to operate Capture Tool are:

133 Mhz IBM PC




10 MB Hard Disk space available


XGA Monitor


Osprey® 100 Video Card

CG Template Backgrounds


Installation of Capture Tool
For more information
on the Osprey 100 video
card, visit the Web site:

Before you can install Capture Tool, the Osprey 100 video card should
already be installed, according to the instructions provided with the
card by ViewCast.com, Incorporated.
To install Capture Tool, do the following:
1. Run the setup program (setup.exe) from your Avstar NRCS CD.
This program is on the CD in a subdirectory called GTECapture.
2. Follow any instructions as prompted in the program. The setup
process will install the capture tool on your PC and create a Program Files group called Title Entry Capture Tool.


You must provide a baseband video signal to the input of your Osprey card.
This signal can be from a VCR or from your internal routing system. It does
not require time-base corrected video; however, corrected video will produce
better images.

Using the Capture Tool
To use the Capture Tool to capture a bitmap image, do the following:
1. Click the Start button on the Task bar.
2. Select Program.
3. Select the Capture Tool program.

Character Generator Title Entry


4. When you start the Capture Tool, it will check to see if you have
multiple video card drivers installed, and display a dialog box
similar to the Select Capture Driver dialog box shown here:

5. Select the driver for the card you will be capturing images from
(typically, the Osprey card). Once you select the correct driver, the
tool will open a window showing incoming video.

CG Template Backgrounds


6. Click the Capture button to freeze the image. Once the image is
frozen, the Save button is activated.
7. Click Save to save the image as a bitmap to be used in Avstar’s CG
Template Editor window.


When using the Capture Tool, the image saved will be exactly 400x300 pixels,
which is required for Avstar Title Entry templates. There is no need to adjust
the size.
8. Select the location in the Save As dialog box where you want to
save the bitmap.

Remember this location, which should be accessible from the PC
running Avstar’s CG Template Editor. You will refer to it later
while using the CG Template Editor.
Repeat this procedure as often as needed to supply the necessary bitmap images for templates used by the Title Entry feature. Once the bitmaps are saved, you are ready to proceed in making Avstar CG Title
Entry templates using the CG Template Editor.

Character Generator Title Entry


CG Template Editor
System administrators can use the CG Template Editor to create and
modify templates referenced by the Title Entry dialog box. When a
template is saved, its configuration information is stored in the System
directory in the Title-Entry queue.


iNews strongly recommends that you use the CG Template Editor to
make all modifications. Do not manually edit the
To start the CG Template Editor, do the following:
1. Sign on to Avstar NRCS.
2. Click on the Tools drop-down menu.
3. Select CG Templates. For superusers, the Edit Title Entry Template
window will open.


In some cases, a password is required before access to the CG Template Editor
is allowed. See “Title Entry Security” on page 9-23 for more information.

Edit Title Entry Template Window
The Edit Title Entry Template window contains several template
options, which can be used to create templates that graphically represent actual CGs aired from the character generator.
Some options available to the system administrator are:

Select a bitmap for a CG template background


Add, modify, or delete text fields in a template


Reorder sequence of text fields


Limit editorial access to text fields


Modify font size, color, style, and so forth

CG Template Editor




Provide helpful Tool Tip text, which appears in the Title Entry dialog box when a user positions the mouse over a text field.

Options in the CG Template Editor do not directly affect features of actual CG
templates on the character generator.
The Edit Title Entry Template window’s toolbars—located at the top
and bottom of the window—contain various buttons and drop-down
menus, used to configure template options.

Character Generator Title Entry


Here is an explanation of the toolbar buttons and drop-down menus:
Table 9-1
CG Template Editor Toolbars
Button or Menu

Options and Explanation

Template drop-down

Options include: New, Open, Save and so forth.
This menu is used to open new or existing templates, save modified templates, and to close the

Edit drop-down menu

Options include: Background, Add Field, Font
PreSets, and so forth. This menu is used for adding or deleting items to a template, such as a
background or field, and setting predefined

Logo button

This button is the same as the Background option
in the Edit drop-down menu. It allows the user to
select a bitmap graphic as a template background.

Text Fields button

This button is the same as the Add Field option in
the Edit drop-down menu. It allows the user to
add a text field to a Title Entry template, which
can then be positioned and sized accordingly.

X button

This button is the same as the Delete Field option
in the Edit drop-down menu. It allows the user to
delete the selected text field from a Title Entry

1-2-3 button

This button is the same as the Field Order option
in the Edit drop-down menu. It allows the user to
rearrange the numerical tab sequence of the text
fields in a Title Entry template.

Text Color button

This button is the same as the Text Color option in
the Edit drop-down menu. It allows the user to
change the color of the font used in a text field as
displayed in the Title Entry dialog box.

CG Template Editor


Table 9-1

CG Template Editor Toolbars

Button or Menu

Options and Explanation

Justify drop-down list

Options include: Left Justify, Right Justify, and
Center Justify. This list is used to set the alignment of text in a field. The drop-down list will
continue to display the current setting of the
selected field when the list is closed. The default
is Left-Justify.

Editing drop-down list

Options include: Writable, Read Only, Optional
and Required. This list allows the user to determine whether a field is Writable or Read Only,
and whether it is a required field. If Required is
chosen, the user will be required to fill out the
field with text before saving the production cue.
Because the user is not prevented from entering
text in a read-only field, if Read Only is chosen,
you will be required to fill out the field with text
before saving the template. Blank, read-only
fields are not permitted. The drop-down list will
continue to display the current setting of the
selected field when the list is closed. The default
is Writable-Optional.

Allowed Characters
drop-down list

Options include: All characters OK, Uppercase
Only, Lowercase Only, and Define Subset. This
list allows the user to limit the type of characters
allowed in a text field. For instance, if the text
field should only contain numerical sports scores,
then the user could use the Define Subset option
to limit the allowed characters in that field to the
numbers: 0123456789. As shown, do not use a
comma to separate the numbers or it too will be
allowed in the field. The Define Subset option is

Character Generator Title Entry


Table 9-1

CG Template Editor Toolbars

Button or Menu

Options and Explanation

Font PreSets drop-down

Options include: 10 user-definable font display
settings. This list allows the user to store up to 10
font display settings created by the user as PreSets. These can later be selected when making
new templates with fields that contain the same
size and style of font, saving the user from having
to recreate the font repeatedly. The first font
stored is particularly important because it
becomes the field properties default for the Template Editor at start up.

True-Type Fonts
drop-down list

Options include: any true-type font installed on
the workstation, such as Times New Roman. This
list allows the user to select a font that matches or
closely resembles the font used on the actual CGs.

Font Style drop-down

Options include: Bold, Italic, Underline, and
Strike through. This allows the user to define the
style of font used in the selected text field.

Tool Tip field

This field allows the user to type in text that will
appear as a Tool Tip box in the Title Entry dialog
box, when a user positions the mouse over the
text field. For instance, if a user should type only
a person’s name or location in the field, the Tool
Tip text for that field could be: Type Person or
Location Name Here.

Creating a New Template
Avstar´s CG Template Editor is used to recreate a template that will
simulate the appearance of information sent to actual templates aired
by the character generator. This section assumes those actual CG templates were already captured as bitmaps and stored in a file accessible
to the user creating a new template. See “Required Bitmaps” on
page 9-6 for more information.

CG Template Editor


When the Create Title Entry Template window first opens, it appears
with a graphic that highlights the first step in the process for creating
new templates.

To create a new template from the Create/Edit Title Entry Template
window, do the following:
1. Define a temporary background for the template by doing one of
the following:
To create another new
template when an existing one already appears
in the window, use the
Template drop-down
menu, and select New.

a. Click the Logo button.
-ORb. Click the Edit drop-down menu, then select Background.
2. Select a bitmap from the directory where you stored them. This is
the bitmap of the actual CG template you want to recreate in the

Character Generator Title Entry


Template Editor. See “Required Bitmaps” on page 9-6 for more

If a template already
has a text field and it is
selected, then any new
field added to the template will follow size
and font styles for that
original field.

The first bitmap you choose should be the one that contains text fields filled
with characters. In upcoming steps, you will use this bitmap to align the text
fields and the font in the template, before replacing it with another bitmap
containing empty text fields.
3. Add a text field by doing one of the following:
a. Click the Text Fields button.
-ORb. Click the Edit drop-down menu, then select Add Field.
4. Click on the new text field and drag it into position over the
text-filled area pictured in the bitmap—one field per line of text in
the bitmap. You can also adjust the position of the text field by
using any of the following key combinations:

CTRL-Right Arrow - - - -Move field to the right


CTRL-Left Arrow - - - - -Move field to the left


CTRL-Up Arrow - - - - - -Move field up


CTRL-Down Arrow- - - -Move field down

5. Use the mouse to resize the text field to reflect the size of the text
area in the bitmap.
6. Use the True-Type Font drop-down list or the PreSet list to select a
font similar to the font used by the character generator, as seen in
the bitmap.
7. Type the same characters shown in the bitmap into the new text
field. The font may or may not line up exactly over that of the bitmap. To enable Title Entry to accurately reflect the text as it will
appear on actual CGs, you must align the field and characters with
those shown in the bitmap.
8. Adjust the height and width of the font by using the following key

CG Template Editor



ALT-Right Arrow - - - - Expand width of font


ALT-Left Arrow - - - - - - Contract width of font


ALT-Up Arrow- - - - - - - Expand height of font


ALT-Down Arrow - - - - Contract height of font

This may take some time and will require experimentation with
fonts and font styles, before the characters align with those of the
bitmap. The goal is to make certain the text field you create in the
template has the same character limit as the area shown in the bitmap when the exact characters are used in both.
9. Use the backspace key to erase characters from the field once the
font and field alignment is complete.
10. Repeat steps 5-11 as needed for each text field in the template.


If text fields on several CG templates use the same font and field size, you do
not have to repeat steps 9 and 10 with each new template created. You can
duplicate a field (including all its size and font properties) within a template
by holding the Control (CTRL) key down, clicking on the field, and dragging
its copy to a new location within the template. You can also reuse field properties by saving them as a Font PreSet, which can then be selected for use when
creating other templates. See “Using Font PreSets” on page 9-20 for more
11. Determine the justification of text in each field. Select the field and
use the Justify drop-down list.
12. Determine whether a user can write in each field, and whether the
user is required to fill in a field by using the Editing drop-down
list. If you make a field required, then the user must enter some
data into that field when using Title Entry before Avstar NRCS
will accept the production cue. This does not apply to the field
while in the CG Template Editor. However, if you make a field
read-only, it must contain some text so you will be required to put
some text in the field while in the CG Template Editor. Users will
be prevented from altering that text in the read-only field when
using Title Entry.

Character Generator Title Entry


The Read Only option can be used for setting up templates that
standardize certain commonly used CGs. For instance, you have a
CG that has two fields: one for any council member’s name and
the second that should contain the words, City Council Member.
But, users sometimes just write Councilman or worse, they misspell Council. You could make the second field read only and
pre-define the words that appear in the field.

The Allowed Character
option is case-sensitive.
Also, notice the example in step 15 does not
include commas, such
as: 1,2,3,4,OT,F
If commas are included,
then commas will also
be accepted in the field.

If a field is pre-defined on the actual CG template, such as LIVE or FILE, it
should appear as part of the background—saved as part of the bitmap—not as
a read-only field on the Title Entry CG template.
13. Determine which characters are allowed in each text field. Select
the field, then choose from the options in the Allowed Characters
drop-down list. If you choose to define your own subset of characters, a dialog box will appear, where you must then type in only
those characters you want to allow in the field. For instance, you
can limit what a user types into a field for a Sports CG to only
characters: 1234OTF—representing 1st-4th quarter, OT for
over-time, and F for final.
14. Type in the text for the field’s Tool Tip. The Tool Tip will appear in
the Title Entry dialog box when the user positions the mouse over
that field. To enter Tool Tip text, click on the Tool Tip field at the
bottom-right corner of the Edit Title Entry Template window, then
type your text in the field provided. You must press Enter to save
the tool tip text.


ALT-L can be used to select and enter data into the Tool-Tip field. Also, each
Tool Tip will appear with a number in the CG Template Editor window. The
number indicates that field’s order in the template. These numbers do not
appear as part of actual Tool Tips over fields of the Title Entry dialog box.

CG Template Editor


15. Replace the background of the template with the bitmap of the CG
Template containing empty text fields. To chose another bitmap,
do one the following:
a. Click the Logo button.
-ORb. Click the Edit drop-down menu, then select Background.
16. Save the template by doing one of the following:
a. Click the Template drop-down menu, then select the Save
-ORb. Type CTRL-S.


The template name must match the alias associated with the actual
CG template number used by the character generator. Aliases are
defined in SYSTEM.RESOURCE. For instance, if a user typically types
*CG loc1 as the first line of a production cue for a 1-line location
CG, then the Title Entry template created for that CG should also be
named loc1. The alias must be defined before opening the CG Template Editor.

Using Font PreSets
Font PreSets are a time-saving feature for system administrators using
the CG Template Editor to create Title Entry templates.
Once a system administrator sets up a text field and saves it as part of
a template, he can store settings for that field as a Font PreSet. The
Font PreSet can then be selected when the system administrator needs
to add a field with those same settings to another template. For
instance, the text field of a one-line location CG is saved as a Font PreSet, which is later used to create the first field in a two-line name CG, a
two-line live CG, and so forth, because all fields use the same font
style and field size.

Character Generator Title Entry



You can have a maximum 10 Font PreSets in Avstar NRCS. The first one
stored is particularly important, because it becomes the field properties default
for the CG Template Editor at start up. Save the PreSets for major font/field
variations. Because you are limited to 10, it is not recommended they be used
for minor variations, such as a font color change. You can replace any Font
PreSet with a new one if all of the PreSets are taken.
To save a field as a Font PreSet, do the following:
1. Open the template containing the field you want to save as a Font
2. Click on the specific field to select it.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click the Edit drop-down menu and select Font PreSets.
-ORb. Press the F7 key.
The Manage Font PreSets dialog box will appear, with the selected
field placed in the first available PreSet option.

CG Template Editor


4. Click Add to save the selected field as a new Font PreSet.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.


You cannot save a field’s settings as a Font PreSet until after the field is saved
as part of a template. If you attempt to set a Font PreSet using a newly created
field from an unsaved template, Avstar NRCS will issue the following

To delete an existing Font PreSet, do the following:
1. Open the Manage Font PreSets dialog box, by doing one of the following:
a. Click the Edit drop-down menu and select Font PreSets.
-ORb. Press the F7 key.
2. Select the PreSet you want to delete from the list.
3. Click the Delete button.
4. Click OK to close the window.
To choose an existing Font PreSet for a selected text field, do the following:
1. Click the Font PreSets drop-down list at the bottom of the Edit
Title Entry Template window.
2. Select the Font PreSet you want to use for the chosen field.
3. Press Enter.

Character Generator Title Entry


Title Entry Security
Security to CG Template Editor and CG Title Entry is determined separately per user account. A user who can use CG Title Entry will not
necessarily have access to CG Template Editor, while another user can
be denied the ability to use both features.
Access to CG Template Editor
Access to CG Template Editor is limited to system administrators, or
superusers, and those who know the password for dbmanager, if that
user account is created by a system administrator. This is the same
dbmanager account that is used to modify database traits. See “Creating a Database Manager Account” on page 4-36 and “Changing Database Traits” on page 5-21 for more information.
When a non-superuser attempts to launch the CG Template Editor
from the Tools drop-down menu, the following dialog box will appear:

If the correct password is not given, then Avstar will notify the user
and deny access to the Edit Title Entry Template window.


Only one person on the network can use CG Template Editor to edit Title
Entry templates at a time.
Access to CG Title Entry
The availability of CG Title Entry is dependent on two things: cursor
position in the Avstar Workspace and permission granted in the user’s

Title Entry Security


When a user’s cursor is in any panel other than the Story panel, the
Titling option in the Tools drop-down menu will appear gray, indicating that Title Entry is unavailable. Additionally, a system administrator, or those authorized with the umanager password, can deny a
user’s access to Title Entry.
To prevent access to Title Entry for a specific user, do the following:
1. Sign on as a system administrator, or with your own user account
if you know the umanager password.
2. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
3. Select Options.
4. Select Users. System administrators will see the Manage User
Accounts window open. Others will be prompted to give the
umanager password first before the Manage User Accounts window will open.

5. Indicate the user, by providing the User ID. The Search button is
available to help locate the user’s account if the ID is unknown.

Character Generator Title Entry


6. Click the Simplified UI button. The Simplified User Interface dialog box will appear.

7. Click on the Disable Title Entry checkbox to select it.
8. Click OK.

Title Entry Security


Character Generator Title Entry

ed, the Line Editor
As an Avstar system administrator you will need to know how to use
the UNIX line editor, called ed, to make changes to important system
files. These include the system configuration, system profile, and
printer profile files.
This chapter contains:

Overview - Before Editing


Using the UNIX Line Editor


Launching ed


Editing Commands


Saving Changes


Quitting ed


Overview - Before Editing
Configuration of the Avstar Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) is
controlled by settings stored as text files in the (root) Site directory on
the software area of the system’s hard disk. Changes to system configuration are made by editing these text files using the UNIX line editor,
However, before editing a system file, you can view, print, and as recommended, make a backup copy of the file.

Making a Backup File Before Editing
When you want to make changes to a system file, begin by making a
backup copy of the file, and then edit the backup file. That way, if you
make a mistake during the editing process, your original file version is
To copy a file, use this format:
For instance, to copy the configuration file in the Site directory, type:
AVSTAR-A: cp /site/config /site/config.test

Viewing the Contents of a File
To view a system file, use the cat command at the console. The format
For instance, to view your copy of the configuration file, created in the
previous section’s example, type:
AVSTAR-A: cat /site/config.test

ed, the Line Editor


Information similar to the following appears:
host ab a
net 125 10
servers 171
host ab b
net 125 20
host a a
net 125 10 20
servers 171
host b b
net 125 10 20
servers 171
pcu 10 pcu10 at 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 workstation 11 19200-72 news - ;[1-01] 6p
workstation 12 9600-71 news - ;[2-01]
workstation 13 9600-71 news - ;[2-06] 7p-ad
workstation 14 9600-73 news - ;[3-03] 10p-wtr1
line 15 2400-7e modem hayes ;[1-07] modem
line 16 1200-7e modem hayes ;[1-02] modem
line 17 1200-7e modem hayes ;[4-04] TI880
pcu 20 pcu20 at 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
workstation 21 9600-7e 2 news - ;[1-02] 6p

Overview - Before Editing


Printing a Copy of a File
To send a file to a serial printer instead of viewing it on the console
screen, precede the cat command with print and the number of the
printer you want to use. Use this number to refer to that printer when
you print from a computer connected to the Avstar system.
For instance, to print /site/config.test on printer number 1,
print 1 cat /site/config.test

Using the UNIX Line Editor
The UNIX editor, also called ed, is a line editor. Unlike Microsoft ®
Word or similar word processing programs, ed deals with text files on
a line-by-line basis.
To learn more about the
UNIX line editor, refer
to one of the books
available in bookstores
on the UNIX operating
system with sections
devoted to ed.

The most likely reason for you to use ed is to modify system files, such
as /site/config or /site/etc/rc. For instance, if you add a
workstation to your system, you will need to add the computer’s configuration information to the configuration file in the Site directory.
Because many system files are located in the Site directory, they are
also referred to as site files.
Other system files (in Site directory) or subdirectories include:

ed, the Line Editor













When you modify a site file, make the same changes to each computer’s copy
of the file, or your system will not run properly. Select all computers before
you open a file for editing to ensure changes you make are applied to each
computer’s copy of the file.

Launching ed
To launch ed from the Avstar console, do the following:
Type ed followed by the file path and name to be edited. For instance,
to edit a copy of the configuration file in the Site directory, you would
AVSTAR-A: ed /site/config.test
The UNIX editor, ed, returns a number indicating the file size
expressed as the number of characters, including spaces and returns.
Also, the console prompt, AVSTAR-A:, changes to no prompt when
you launch the editor.
If the file name specified does not exist or is a non-text file unsuitable
for editing with ed, ed returns a question mark (?) followed by the file
name. This is one way to create a new text file. For instance, a new text
file called newfile is created when the following is typed:
AVSTAR-A: ed newfile


Do not attempt to edit a non-text file such as a binary file. Doing so
could cause undesirable results.

Specifying Lines to Edit
The line you are on
presently is called the
current line.

Because ed is a line editor, you navigate through the file by line numbers. For instance, when you open a file for editing, ed considers the

Using the UNIX Line Editor


last line in the file the current line. If you want to view or edit a different line, you must go to that line.
For instance, you can move to the first line of the file by typing 1 and
pressing Enter. To move ahead five lines, you could type +5. To move
back three lines, you could type -3.


The UNIX line editor, ed, will respond with a question mark (?) if you try to
move beyond the last line of the file. Additionally, you cannot type a minus
(-) value greater than or equal to the current line number, because you cannot
move to a line preceding the first line in the file.
Within ed, pressing Enter with no line number reference or command
will cause ed to make the next line in the file the current line, displaying that line as it goes. For instance, in the following example, the user
selects line 19 in the file, then presses the Enter key three times. The
UNIX line editor, ed, responds each time by displaying lines 20, 21,
and 22, respectively.
























When editing, it is necessary to specify the line number(s) to be acted
upon. This can be done in several ways:

ed, the Line Editor


Type the line number.


Type starting and ending line numbers separated by a comma.


Type period (.) to specify current line number.


Type a dollar sign ($) to specify last line in the file.


The editing command to act upon the specified line(s) is typed immediately following the specified line(s). There should be no spaces. Here
are some examples using the Print command, p.
To make line 18 the current line, type:


To print (to screen) line 10 of the file, type:


To print (to screen) lines 10-20, type:


To print all lines from the current line to line 20, type:


To print all lines in the file from line 80 to the end, type:


To display the current line number, type:


To display the line number of the last line, type:


To make the fifth line from the bottom current, type:


Searching the File
When you do not know the line number, but you want to locate a line
containing a specific word, phrase, or number, you can use the search
option. The UNIX line editor, ed, will search the file, starting at the
current line, and display the line with the next occurrence of the specified text.
To search for text, do the following:
1. Type a forward slash (/). Do not press the spacebar.
2. Type the text you want to locate, followed by another forward
3. Press Enter.
For instance, if you want to find websession in the configuration file,


Using the UNIX Line Editor


In the previous example, ed found the word, websession, on line 900.
If you want to repeat the search to locate further occurrences of that
word, type a forward slash and press Enter again. For instance:


In the previous example, the user repeated the original search command two more times. Each time, ed responded with the word
searched and the line number where the next occurrence of the word
appears. In each case, the current line becomes the line number displayed by ed.
Searching Tips
Here are a few more tips for searching with ed.

ed, the Line Editor


Remember to use spaces before and/or after text to further define
your search string. For instance, type / 25 / instead of /25/ to
avoid finding other numbers that contain the number 25, such as
in the line: net


Remember that searches are case sensitive. For instance, searching
for /PCU/ does not find pcu.


Remember that searches distinguish between spaces and tabs. In
other words, if you use spaces and the file contains the information separated by a tab, you will not find it. For instance, the
search example below will not work:
You type: /pcu 20/
(pcu and 20 are separated by a space)
The line is: pcu
(pcu and 20 are separated by a tab)


Editing Commands
There are several basic editing commands you can use in ed to view,
change, add, move, and delete text in a system file.


Some commands, such as Add, Delete, and Insert, change the current line,
while others do not. For instance, the Print command sets the current line to
the number of the last line printed.
Here is a list of editing commands, along with examples of their use:


Description & Examples


The Append command inserts one or more lines after the selected
line. For instance:








In the above example, the user searches for websession, and ed
responds by displaying line 900, the first line found containing that
word. The user types a, presses Enter to start the append operation,
and types information to be inserted in the file after line 900. The
user then types a period (.) on a line by itself, which is very important because it terminates the append operation. Without it, successive lines typed by the user would be added to the file.

Using the UNIX Line Editor



Description & Examples (Continued)


The Change command replaces the entire contents of the line
addressed. For instance:

terminal 13
; not used






In the above example, the user selects line 21, and ed responds by
displaying line 21. The user types c on one line to start the change
operation. On the second line, the user types replacement text and
presses Enter, followed by a period on a line by itself. The period (.)
is very important because it terminates the change operation. Without it, successive lines typed by the user would be added to the file.


The Delete command is used to delete the line(s) specified. For


- Deletes line 27.
- Deletes lines 30 through 35.
- Deletes every line from 40 to the end of the file.

The Global command allows the user to apply an editing command
to all lines in the file that contain a specific word, phrase, or number.
For instance:

g/anws/s/anws/asws - Finds all occurrences of anws and
uses the Substitute command to
replace anws with asws.


- Finds all occurrences of
websession and deletes the lines
containing it.

Each line affected is displayed after the editing command is applied.

ed, the Line Editor



Description & Examples (Continued)


The Change command replaces the entire contents of the line
addressed. For instance:

terminal 13
; not used






In the above example, the user selects line 21, and ed responds by
displaying line 21. The user types c on one line to start the change
operation. On the second line, the user types replacement text and
presses Enter, followed by a period on a line by itself. The period (.)
is very important because it terminates the change operation. Without it, successive lines typed by the user would be added to the file.


The Delete command is used to delete the line(s) specified. For


- Deletes line 27.
- Deletes lines 30 through 35.
- Deletes every line from 40 to the end of the file.

The Global command allows the user to apply an editing command
to all lines in the file that contain a specific word, phrase, or number.
For instance:

g/anws/s/anws/asws - Finds all occurrences of anws and
uses the Substitute command to
replace anws with asws.


- Finds all occurrences of
websession and deletes the lines
containing it.

Each line affected is displayed after the editing command is applied.

Using the UNIX Line Editor



Description & Examples (Continued)


The Insert command inserts one or more lines before the selected
line. For instance:








In the above example, the user searches for websession, and ed
responds by displaying line 900, the first line found containing that
word. The user types i and presses Enter to start the insert operation. The user then types two lines of information to be inserted in
the file before line 900. On the last line, the user types a period (.) on
a line by itself, which is very important because it terminates the
insert operation. Without it, successive lines typed by the user
would be added to the file.



The Move command removes the line(s) specified from their original location and inserts the line(s) after the target location. For


- Line 18 becomes line 20. Lines 19 and 20 become
18 and 19.


- Moves lines 1 through 5 to the end of the file.

Contrary to the name, the Print command does not send information to a printer. Instead, it prints text to the console screen. It is
handy for viewing specific lines within a file. Typed alone with no
line number references, the Print command displays the current line.
For instance, to print (to screen) lines 10-20, type: 10,20p.
More examples of the Print command can be found in “Specifying
Lines to Edit” on page 10-5.

ed, the Line Editor



Description & Examples (Continued)

s//new text> The Substitute command substitutes a specific portion of a line with
new text.
For instance:

Starter config
Starter config


In the above example, the user selects line 3, and ed responds by
displaying line 3. The user substitutes the word AvidNews for
Avstar but does not alter anything else on the line. The UNIX line
editor, ed, confirms the substitution by redisplaying line 3, incorporating the change.



The Copy command copies the line specified, and inserts a copy
after the target location. For instance:


- Inserts a copy of line 5 below line 10. The copy
becomes line 11. The original line 11, if any,
becomes line 12, and so forth.


- Inserts copies of lines 20 through 30 after line 50.

The Undo command is used to cancel the effects of the last editing
command entered. For instance:

In the above example, the user issues a command to move lines 1
through 5 to the end of the file, then types u to undo that command.

Using the UNIX Line Editor


Saving Changes
The changes you make to a file are not saved immediately. This means
you could quit (or exit) ed without saving changes if necessary. You
must use the Write command to save modifications.
To save changes, type w and press Enter. The UNIX line editor, ed, will
respond by displaying the file size, such as:


The Write command is case-sensitive. If uppercase W is used, ed
will append the modified version of the file to the end of the original
file version. This can quickly increase the file size and result in
redundancy. Always use the lowercase w.

Quitting ed
To exit the UNIX editor, type q and press Enter. For instance:
In the previous example, the user saved changes first by using the
Write command, then typed q to quit ed and return to a normal console prompt.
However, if you wanted to quit ed without saving your changes, you
can do so. In this case, you would have to type the Quit command
twice: the first time to notify ed you want to quit, and the second time
to confirm that you want to quit without saving changes.

ed, the Line Editor


For instance:
In the previous example, ed responds to the first Quit command with
a question mark (?) to remind the user changes were made to the file
and not saved. This is a precautionary warning to help prevent a user
from exiting ed and inadvertently losing changes that were not saved.
When the user replies by typing the Quit command a second time, ed
exits, abandoning any changes made.

Using the UNIX Line Editor


ed, the Line Editor

Configuration Files
Information about your Avstar system’s hardware devices (workstations and printers), connections (wires and links), and Avstar Servers
is stored in configuration files. A representative sample of each Avstar
configuration file is contained in this chapter. A comprehensive list of
sample configuration files is contained in Appendix B. Procedures for
editing configuration files are covered in this chapter using the UNIX
line editor, ed. Instructions for using ed are found in Chapter 10.
This chapter has the following sections:

Licensing of Avstar System Components


Device Types


Viewing Information About Your Devices


The Site Configuration File (/site/config)


The Hosts File (/etc/hosts)


System Profile Files


Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


Editing the Site Configuration File in the Database


Intersystem Messaging


Licensing of Avstar System Components
Each time the Avstar Newsroom Computer System is configured, your
licensing information is checked. This information determines the
number of devices you are authorized to connect to the system. An
error message appears if the configuration file defines more devices
than are licensed in any of the following categories:

All serial devices (printers, wires, and so forth)


PCUs and CCUs


Avstar and network workstations

To display your system’s licensing limits, at the Avstar console, type:
AVSTAR-A: status license -OR- status l (lowercase L)
A message similar to the following will appear on your screen:
A is ONLINE and has been CONFIGURED.
System is AB.

Master is A.

Disk status is OK
Site Key: 001234
CPUs: 2
PCUs: 10
Serial devices: 100
Network Terminals: 30
DEC Servers: 2
LAT Printers: 2
Avstar News DOS machines: 100
Avstar News DOS resources: 100
Avstar News Windows machines: 3000
Avstar News Windows resources: 1000
Avstar News Web Access sessions: 40
Sony Barcode Printer allowed.

Configuration Files



The machines category defines the number of workstations authorized
to connect to Avstar Servers and receive the login prompt. These
authorized workstations are entered in stories located in
category defines the total number of simultaneous login sessions.
To change license allowances, contact an Avstar Systems sales representative.

Device Types
Avstar supports the following types of devices:

The server listed here is
not the same as the
computers used as
Avstar Servers, typically given names with
the station’s call letters
and an A, B, or C. For
instance, AVSTAR-A.


Workstation – Any device on which a user can log in to the Avstar
Newsroom Computer System. This includes Avstar Workstation
PCs, DOS PCs, terminals, and dialup modems.


Printer – A device that prints stories and scripts. Avstar NRCS supports serial and Windows printing. Avstar NRCS also supports the
ability to print to a queue in the Avstar database.


Wire – A device that processes wire service stories in the database.


Service – A device that allows a user to connect to another computer system from a workstation.


Server – A utility program that performs tasks on stories in a
queue, based on defined instructions. Supported server types are
action, distribution, parallel wire, and keyword. Other servers
facilitate searches, mail, and printing. See “Servers” on page 14-1
for more information.


Rx/Tx Network Link – Device designed for receiving or transferring
stories between computer systems.

Device Types


Viewing Information About Your Devices
To view information about devices connected to your system, use
forms of the list c console command. The console command list
c prints information to the console screen about configuration of a
device or devices.
The format for this command is:
list c []
The device type or device number is optional. If you do not enter
them, you get a list of the configuration information for all devices in
your system.
When you type list c at the console, information similar to the following appears:























If you follow list c with the name of a program, Avstar lists every
device on your system that uses that program.
For instance, to find out how many devices use the action server program, type:
list c action
Information similar to the following appears:

Configuration Files






To list configuration information for device number 14, type:
list c 14
A message similar to the following appears:




List C Message Columns
There are eight columns in the list c messages.
















Each column is explained in this section.
– Lists the device number. The number is preceded
by a capital letter identifying the type of device.


The device identifiers (the first element of the display under DEV) are
defined as follows:

Supported Device


Web browsers




Dialup line

Viewing Information About Your Devices



Configuration Files

Supported Device


Avstar Workstation graphical user interface


Serial resource (line)


MCS driver, MCS PC


Avstar for DOS PC




Network resource


Server, special


Terminal, network terminal






– The program that runs the device. For instance,
workstations use the news program and have news
listed in this column.


– Identifies the computer to which a CCU/PCU (or a
device, through its CCU/PCU) is attached. For
instance, a network PCU running on computer A
and using the network name pcu10 would have
a-pcu10 in this column.


– Contains the CCU/PCU device number and port
on that CCU/PCU to which the device is attached.
For instance, a device connected to port 4 on PCU
20 has 20-4 in this column. If the device is a CCU/
PCU, only its device number appears here.



– Lists the printer number assigned to the device. For
instance, a terminal assigned printer number 2
would have 2 in this column. Wires display a join
or raw option.
Servers and specials use this column to indicate
which mailbox they use to receive notifications.
For instance, a txnet link with notification mailbox 189 would have N189 in this column.


– Indicates the bps rate used for communication
between a device and its CCU/PCU.


– Lists any modifiers to the device’s speed, such as
bits per character, parity, and handshaking. For
CCUs/PCUs, an A for CCU or a P for PCU is


– Lists the device’s name, if it has one, which can be
used for group membership and placed in the
DEVNAME field of stories.

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)
The site configuration file (/site/config) is a system road map. It
lists all devices, servers, and resources configured to run on your system and how they are connected. If a device is not in the site configuration file, the system will not know about it and cannot use it.
Standard devices and resources you may configure in this file include
terminals, printers, Avstar Workstations, and wire services.
Each Avstar Server for your system has a copy of this file that it reads
when it starts up and when you execute the configure console command. However, it is only the configuration file on the master computer that is active and used when the system is started up.

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)



Whenever you make changes to a site file, such as the configuration
file, be sure to select all servers in your system at the Avstar console.
Unlike database stories, site files are not automatically mirrored
from one computer’s disk to another. See “Selecting Servers” on
page 2-5 for more information.
Table 11-1 shows some of the more common device configuration

Table 11-1

Sample Device Configuration Lines


Number Speed











;Avstar PC






;Avstar for DOS


































;AP wire












;serial to WXYZ










;6pm show






;action server

Configuration Files

;net connect


Table 11-1

Sample Device Configuration Lines (Continued)
Number Speed










;mail server






;timed action














;txnet to archive
















qpboxdriver SS






;Chyron 2

;Chyron 1


Testing the Site Configuration File After Changing
Whenever you make changes to /site/config, always run a test on
the changes to ensure there are no problems with the new configuration. By doing so, the test will warn of problems or if license limits are
exceeded. Some configuration problems will prevent system configuration and startup.
To run the test, use the configure console command in the following
The following example tests configuration for the A server in an AB
AVSTAR-A: configure /site/config

ab a

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)


Incorporating Configuration Changes
After testing, to put the new configuration into effect, do the following:
1. Stop any devices affected by the new configuration.
2. Take the system offline by typing:
3. Configure the system, using the following command format:
configure (master computer)
4. Bring the system back online by typing:
5. Wait for messages from the system being configured, and then
restart the newly added devices or any devices affected by the
new configuration.


If you change the type of device on a PCU port, the entire PCU may need to be
stopped and restarted.
To list contents of the site configuration file, at the Avstar console type:
cat /site/config
The configuration file that appears on your screen is similar to the
sample shown on the following pages.
Semicolons precede comments and blank lines separate sections.
The sample file (to which we refer throughout this explanation) may
not match your system’s file exactly, but it contains examples of the
different kinds of entries you may find in your file.

Configuration Files


20 300
100 106 108 200 202 204 250 252 254 400
120 122 124 126 128 140 142
10 30 301
105 107 109 201 203 205 251 253 255 401
121 123 125 141
10 20 30 300 301
100 106 108 200 202 204 250 252 254 400
105 107 109 201 203 205 251 253 255 401
120 122 124 126 128 140 142
121 123 125 141
10 20 30 300 301
100 106 108 200 202 204 250 252 254 400
105 107 109 201 203 205 251 253 255 401
120 122 124 126 128 140 142
121 123 125 141
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18









1 news
1 news
0 news
0 news


; Laserjet 4
; edit rm 3
; Reuters
; script
; backup AP

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

; dialout

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)



number speedprinterprogram
1 news




1 1




Configuration Files





; bad port

31 32 33 34 35 36

anpa7 AP
1 news
1 news
1 news
0 news







;AP wire




News Director

; net term


; txnet
; rxnet

slave printing
seek server
action server
6 pm rundown
11 pm rundown
; airplay
; airplay 2


The site configuration file is divided into two major sections: the host
section and the device section (or body). The host section contains information about various configurations your system can run, and devices
used in each of those configurations.
The format for each host section is:



System configuration

Refers to whether the system is running single, dual, or triple. For instance, a standard
installation with two Avstar Servers runs in
a dual configuration: AB. Installations with
three servers are known as triple systems,
and normally run in ABC configuration.


Refers to the particular Avstar Server in the
system that runs in this configuration. The
Avstar Servers are computers connected to
the Avstar console, run the Avstar application software, and contain the Avstar database. See “Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for
more information.


Refers to devices configured on that particular Avstar Server in that system configuration (Communicate via the network).


Refers to resources configured on that particular Avstar Server in that system configuration.

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)





Refers to various utility programs called
servers that are configured to run on that
particular Avstar Server in that system configuration. This term should not be confused
with the computers, also called servers,
which run the Avstar application software.
See “Servers” on page 14-1 for more information.

The top host section details the device, resource, and utility program
numbers that run on the A server in a dual AB configuration. The second host section details ones assigned to server B.
Information in the second host section is used by the system if one of
the servers fails. In the sample site configuration file, the host b b
section contains a list of all the devices, including ones that normally
run on server A. If A experiences a failure and is shut down, the system can be reconfigured to run all devices, resources, and servers (utility programs) on B.
When you run the configure console command, the master computer (usually server A) looks at the current system configuration and
then assigns devices listed for each Avstar Server in that system configuration to each Avstar Server.
In the sample site configuration file, the odd numbered devices are
assigned to server B and even numbered devices are assigned to server
A in a dual AB configuration.
Any item number listed in the host section must have a corresponding
line in the device section or body of the configuration file, and vice
versa. For instance, if you are adding an Avstar Workstation resource
to the body of the file, you must also add it to one or more host sections so the system knows which server would be responsible for it
under various conditions.

Configuration Files


Changing the Configuration File
Whenever you add, remove, or modify devices on your system, you
need to make corresponding changes to the configuration file—also
referred to as the /site/config file. Changing this file requires the
use of ed, the UNIX line editor. See “ed, the Line Editor” on page 10-1
for more information.
In this procedural
example, a terminal is
added to PCU 10, port
number eight.

To edit the configuration file, do the following.
1. Select all servers. See “Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for more
2. Type:
ed /site/config
3. Add device number to configuration file.

For SCO/SGI Systems:

You can use device numbers in the range 1-3000.
For instance, add the workstation’s device number to PCU 10’s
configuration line. The line, at first, looks like this:
ccu 10 pcu10 at 11

The number 18 is determined by the formula:
PCU# + Port# = Device#
See “PCU Device Numbering” on page 11-34
for more information.

Although the computer
is typically referred to
as a workstation, it
must be called a
terminal in the configuration file.








Change the dash (-) at the end of the line to the number 18, so the
line looks like this:
ccu 10 pcu10 at 11








4. Add a configuration line for the new workstation to the end of this
PCU definition. In this example, the last line in the definition
describes device 17. A configuration line for workstation 18 is
added below this line.

17 1200-7e 1



18 9600-7e 4 news smith

;user smith

The new line begins with the word, terminal, followed by the
the workstation’s device number, 18. The workstation communicates at 9600 baud, 7-bit, even parity. It uses printer number 4, and

The Site Configuration File (/site/config)


the program is news. The workstation has a device name of
smith to identify the person who usually uses it.
Do not use an uppercase
(W) in step 5. See “ed,
the Line Editor” on
page 10-1 for more

5. Type w to write (save) your changes to disk.
6. Type q to quit ed.
7. Test your configuration changes.
Use the following form of the configure console command:


System refers to the set of servers that make up your
Avstar system, while computer is the server whose configuration
you have changed. In the previous procedural example, a workstation is added to PCU 10, which is connected to server A in system AB. To test this change, type:
configure /site/config ab a
When the prompt returns, the configuration file has been checked.
If the system detects any errors, it displays bad configuration
messages. To help you debug the file, configure displays the
line numbers of any lines that have errors.

Configuration Files


The Hosts File (/etc/hosts)
The hosts file (/etc/hosts) is a road map to other computers on the
network that your Avstar Servers need to know about or communicate
with. It lists IP addresses of other computers and the computers’
names, along with any alternate names or aliases by which the other
computers are known. Workstations need not be listed in the hosts file,
but putting them in will maintain an inventory of already used IP
addresses. If a computer is not listed in the hosts file, the Avstar Servers will not know about it. This includes PCU units, archive computers, routers, and mail gateways.

System Profile Files
For your system’s servers to work together, they need access to basic
system information, such as how many computers are in the system
and how the computers are connected. Each server must also have
access to system parameters, such as the default read rate and script
margins. This information is kept in system profile files whose names
reflect the information they contain. For instance, information about
wires is kept in /site/wires and information about printers is kept
in /site/printers.
Sample system profile files are in Appendix B. The most important of
these profile files is the site profile file (/site/system), which is discussed in the sections that follow. When you start your system, each
server reads its copy of the system profile and incorporates the material into its operation.

The Hosts File (/etc/hosts)


Viewing the System Profile File
The system profile is a text file stored in /site/system. Because it is
a text file, use the cat command to list its contents.
For instance, when you type cat /site/system, the system output
looks similar to the following:
AVSTAR-A:cat /site/system
id=AVSTAR net=ab












remotetimeout=0:00 pausetimeout=0:05









The system profile contains several parameters. Each parameter
begins with an identifying keyword, followed by an equal sign (=) and
the parameter’s value. When an Avstar Server reads its system profile,
it finds each parameter’s value by searching for the keyword that represents that parameter.
For instance, to find the system ID, each server searches its system profile for the keyword, id, and reads the parameter associated with that
keyword. If the server searched the system profile in the example
above, it would find that AVSTAR was the parameter associated with
that keyword.
Most, but not all, parameters have default values the system uses if the
parameter is not present in the system profile. Consequently, a system
profile usually includes only parameters that you want to set differently from their default values, and those that have no default values
and must be set in the system profile. Your system profile may not contain the same parameters as the example.

Configuration Files


Changing the System Profile File
Use the ed console command to modify the system profile in
/site/system. See “ed, the Line Editor” on page 10-1 for more information. Then shut down and restart the system to get the servers to
read the modified system profile. System profile parameters are configured in the system when servers are connected.
For instance, to change the localtimeout parameter in your system
profile file, do the following at the Avstar console:
This procedure, which
modifies the /site/
system file uses ed, the
UNIX line editor. If you
do not know how to use
ed to modify lines in
the file, please see
“Using the UNIX Line
Editor” on page 10-4.

1. Select all servers. See “Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for more
2. Type:
ed /site/system
A message similar to the following appears:
editing /site/system


All files in the Site directory, including the system profile and site configuration file, can contain only Roman characters.
3. Find the line that contains the localtimeout parameter, such as:
scriptrhmax=20 localtimeout=45:00 remotetimeout=30:00

4. Change the 45:00 value for that parameter to 15:00:
scriptrhmax=20 localtimeout=15:00 remotetimeout=30:00
Do not use an uppercase
(W) in step 4. See “ed,
the Line Editor” on
page 10-1 for more


5. Type w to write the change to disk.
6. Type q to quit.

When you modify your system profile, separate parameters from each other
with spaces, tab spaces, or carriage returns.

System Profile Files


7. Shut down the system, and then start it up again.
When you start the system, each server reads its system profile
and incorporates parameters in that file in its operation.

Listing Parameter Settings
To find out which parameters the system is using, type the status
all console command. This command displays the system profile settings the system has incorporated in its operation.
Information similar to the following appears:
A is ONLINE and has been CONFIGURED. ID is AVSTAR.
System is AB. Master is A.
Disk status is OK
System was last configured at Wed Aug 30 17:54:04 2000



The status all console command lists values for all parameters
defined in the profile, except for the low and high watermarks and the
purge limit. Parameters not explicitly defined in the system profile do
not appear in this list.
To list current low and high watermarks and the purge limit, type:
cat /site/system
A low watermark set to 20 would equate to 5000 database blocks
(20x250=5000). A high watermark set to 25 would equate to 6250 database blocks (25x250=6250). See “Monitoring Free Space” on page 19-2
for more information.

Configuration Files


System Profile Parameters
Each system profile description below includes information about the
values that parameter can have and whether or not the parameter has
a default value. If there is a default value, it is underscored. If a parameter does not have a default value, you must give it a value in the system profile.


The connect command can override anything in the profile by adding
= on the connect command line.


Determines how many characters wide a script is when displayed
on a teleprompter or workstation using the AIR or AIRPROMPTER
command. The value should be the same as that set for the
scriptrhmax option in your system’s printer profiles. The
scriptrhmax in a printer profile is not the same as
scriptrhmax in the system profile. The default value is 25, the
minimum value is 1, and the maximum value of 40 is not enforced.
airshift=[yes | no]
If set to yes, your system shifts all text to uppercase before sending it to the teleprompter. If set to no, it does not change the text of
a story before sending the story to the teleprompter. The default is
auto_upgrade=[yes | no]
Determines whether a user running an outdated version of the
Avstar Windows-based Workstation (client) software is allowed to
upgrade it automatically. If set to no, it means users of outdated
software are not asked if they want to upgrade. The default is
clockmax=[12 | 24]
Determines how backtimes/cumetimes (cumulative) are displayed. This setting only applies to VT sessions, which can display

System Profile Files


the time in 12 or 24-hour format. Avstar Workstations (ASWS)
always displays these times in 24-hour format.
excludedvideo=[director | none]
Determines the handling of director video when received in Story
Exchange Protocol (SEP) format or when saved in a story from a
VT workstation. If set to none, this text is converted into bold
italic text. If set to director, the text is converted into closed caption (CC) text.
highwater=<# of 250 block units> (10)
Establishes the upper limit to which dbserver attempts to
rebuild the free list. Set this parameter far enough above the low
watermark so the system is not in danger of slipping beneath that
mark. The number you enter represents units of 250 blocks of
database space, where a block is one kilobyte. For instance, a high
watermark of 25 (recommended for most systems) represents 6250
blocks. The default value is 10.
Gives the system a name. The system uses this name in some of its
messages and in the prompts. The system name defined here must
match that used in the /etc/hosts file (a UNIX file used by networking software), must be in uppercase, and can be up to eight
characters long. There is no default value, so you must set it in the
system profile.
lastlogin=[yes | no]
Lets you suppress on a user’s workstation display of last time user
was logged in. Setting no accomplishes this; the default is
load= (0)
Specifies the maximum numerical difference the system tries to
maintain between network connections from Windows-based and
DOS-based clients on different servers in your system. This is
called load balancing, and it is intended to keep one server from

Configuration Files


handling a much higher number of connections than any other
For instance, if you set this parameter to 5, the system distributes
connection requests so the difference in the number of connections
is no higher than 5. If you had 2 active connections on server A,
and 7 on B, the next request to connect to B would be shifted to A.
Connection requests for A would be allowed, until the number of
connections on A was 5 more than on B.
The default value for this parameter is 0, which means load balancing does not occur.
localtimeout= (00:00)
As a security precaution, your system automatically logs out
workstations if they are idle longer than the time set in this parameter. This applies to all workstation types except dialup workstations, which are subject to the remotetimeout value.
If a story is open at an idle workstation, the system saves the story
before logging out the workstation. Setting localtimeout=00:00 prevents the system from logging out workstations.
This is the default setting if it is not set in the system profile.
The localtimeout parameter is set in minutes and seconds. For
instance, to have the system log out any workstation idle for more
than two hours, set this parameter to 120:00. The maximum
value is 540 minutes.
logintimeout=: :60
Sets the time a user has to log in when using a dialup workstation.
A modem control signal is dropped (disconnecting the modem) if
the time limit is reached without a successful login. The maximum
value is 32,400 seconds (540 minutes). If you set this parameter to
0 or omit it, your system uses the default value of one minute or
60 seconds.
lowwater=<# of 250 block units> (5)
Establishes minimum disk space that the system tries to keep
available for immediate use. Use it with the highwater and
System Profile Files


purgelimit parameters to control how the system recycles space
in the database. Set this parameter in units of 250 database blocks,
where a block is one kilobyte (1KB). For instance, a low watermark
of 20 (recommended for most systems) equals 5000 blocks of database space.
If the number of blocks in the free list falls below the low watermark, the system runs dbserver to reclaim the oldest stories
from the Dead queue, recycling the space onto the free list. This
continues until the free list is restored to the high watermark. If
you do not include this parameter, the system uses the default
value of 5 (1250 blocks).
Designates one of your system’s servers as the master computer,
which controls all database activity and performs the majority of
housekeeping, such as running dbpurge every hour and invoking
dbserver when low on space.
Generally, this parameter is left out of the system profile, causing
the system to designate as the master computer the server whose
name is alphabetically first (usually server A). You can specify a
server as the master computer using the connect console command. The format is:
connect  master=
maxhits= (500)
Defines maximum number of hits, or matches, that a background
search—including Fast Text Search (FTS)—can find. For instance,
setting this parameter to 50 limits the total number of hits in a single search to 50. The maximum number you can specify is 32765. If
you do not assign a value, the system uses a default value of 500.
min_passwd_length= (5)
Defines minimum password length for your users. For instance,
setting min_passwd_length=6 prevents users from creating
passwords shorter than six characters. The value may range
between 1 and 12 characters. This does not apply to passwords

Configuration Files


you assign with utraits, but if you assign a password that is too
short, the user will be forced to change it the next time he or she
logs in. The system uses 5 as the default value.
msgserver=[silent | verbose]
Used only for debugging. To find out whether or not a mailbox is
working, set this parameter to verbose. This causes the console
to display a message whenever activity occurs in a queue with a
mailbox assigned to it. Change this parameter while the system is
running using the msgdebug command. The default setting is
silent. This prevents messages regarding mailbox activity from
being displayed.
Each server must have a unique name (either A, B, C, or D) to distinguish it from the other servers in the system. Typically, assign
these names during the startup process using the connect console command—connect a for server A, and so forth—so it
need not appear in the system profile. There is no default value
If your system’s servers are connected over an Ethernet network,
include this parameter in the system profile. This allows you to
specify all servers in the network. For instance, in a system using
three servers named A, B, and C, this parameter would be set to
net=abc in the system profile.
Include this parameter only if your servers are connected on a network. Using this parameter precludes use of the single parameter. There is no default value assigned.
netlogintimeout= (1:00)
Sets time allowed for a user to log in to the network. The connection is terminated if the time limit is reached without a successful
login. The maximum value for this parameter is 32400 seconds
(540 minutes). If set to 0, the automatic time-out is disabled. If not

System Profile Files


set, your system uses the default value of 0:00. This profile
option only applies to Avstar DOS logins.
outtime= or 


Sets default show ending time (out time) in minutes and seconds—or the time of day the show will end in hours, minutes, and
seconds. If the parameter is in the min:sec format, the system
uses that value as the default show length.
Hours display in the 12-hour clock format, so the value 12:00:00
could be either noon or midnight. Actual time values can be
between 01:00:00 and 12:59:59.
If you do not set an out time, the system profile value is used to
backtime a rundown. The maximum time value is 540:00 (9
hours). If not set, the system assumes a default out time of 60 minutes.
pausetimeout= (00:30)
Sets a default value for the PAUSE command, which is used in
some keyboard definitions. Users can override this default value.
If not set, the system assumes a value of 30 seconds.
purgelimit= (0)
If dbserver reclaims all space available in Dead queue without
restoring the free list to the low watermark, it begins to purge old
stories by making a series of passes through the database. On each
pass, dbserver temporarily decreases each queue’s purge interval by one hour and removes any stories older than the new purge
interval. It continues doing this until it has rebuilt the free list to
the high watermark or reaches the purge limit.
The purge limit sets the maximum number of passes dbserver
can make through each queue. The total number of hours
dbserver can purge from a queue is equal to the queue’s purge
interval minus your system’s purge limit.
Use the purge limit to prevent dbserver from purging everything from important queues in its attempt to build up the free list.
For instance, if you set the purge limit to two hours, queues with a
Configuration Files


3-hour purge interval retain at least one hour’s worth of stories,
even in a low-on-space situation.
You can set the purge limit between 0 and 24. If not set, your system uses a default value of zero hours, which prevents dbserver
from purging any queue beyond its purge interval.
readrate= (180)
Sets the system’s default read rate. When you add a user to the
system, the Add New User dialog box will default to a read-rate of
zero, which will be replaced by the /site/system read rate
when needed. After a user has been added, you can change the
user’s read rate using the Modify User Account dialog box. See
“Modifying User Traits” on page 4-1 for more information. If not
set, the system uses a default read rate of 180 words per minute.
remotetimeout= (00:00)
This parameter sets the time a dialup (remote) workstation can be
idle before the system logs it out. This time-out value also applies
to all connect sessions, including sessions that connect a workstation at your station to another service. If a story is open when the
system logs out the workstation, the story is saved. Disable the
automatic logout of idle remote workstations and connect sessions
by setting this parameter to 00:00. The maximum value is
540:00. The default that the system uses is 00:00 if this parameter is not included in the system profile.
scriptlhmax= (40)
Sets default width of left column of a scripted story. The width is
set as a number of characters from the left side of the screen. For
instance, a value of 20 causes the left column of a scripted story to
be 20 characters wide, beginning from the left edge of the workstation screen. Users can override this setting using width parameters with the SCRIPT command. The allowable range for this
value is 2 to 78, inclusive. If not set, the system uses a default value
of 40.

System Profile Files


scriptrhmax= (40)
Sets default width of right column of a scripted story. The width is
set as a number of characters from the end of the left column. For
instance, a value of 20 causes the right column of a scripted story
to be 20 characters wide, beginning from the end of the left column. Users can override this setting using width parameters with
the SCRIPT command This is not the same as scriptrhmax in
the printer profile. The allowable range is 2 to 78, inclusive. The
sum of the scriptlhmax and scriptrhmax values must not be
greater than 80.
If not set, the system uses a default of 40. If you use an electronic
teleprompter, set this parameter to a value one greater than the
value to which the airmargin parameter is set. This ensures that
scripts on the teleprompter are displayed as they appear when
aired on the workstation.
security=[and | or]
Indicates how your system determines group access of a particular
user with a particular workstation (or other device). If set to and,
both user and workstation must be members of the same group
for the user to gain access to directories or queues assigned to that
group. If set to or, the user can access any database items assigned
to groups containing either the user or workstation. The default
value is or.
Tells the system it is running on only one server and names that
server. If your system consists of a single server, include this
parameter. Generally, in systems with only one server, the name is
A, and this parameter is set to single=a.
textmax= (80)
Determines how many characters wide a story will be when a user
executes the SCRIPT UNDO command. The user can override this
value with PACK or SCRIPT UNDO commands.

Configuration Files


If you do not include this parameter in the system profile, the system uses the default value of 80 characters (also the maximum
value). Generally, this parameter is not included in the system profile, and the system uses the default value.
timechar= (:)
Defines the character the system uses to separate hours, minutes,
and seconds in time displays. For instance, using a colon as the
time character displays the time as hh:mm:ss. A colon is the
timer=[silent | verbose]
Your system contains a timer program that is always running. If
this parameter is set to verbose, the server sends a time display
to the console every 15 minutes.

Sat Apr

1 14:45:00 2000 Avstar News

verbose is the default setting, so do not include when you want
timer messages to appear. To disable time displays, include this
parameter as timer=silent.


All time values in the system profile must be set in minutes and seconds in the format :. Set a value for both minutes and seconds. For instance, to specify a time of two minutes, type: 2:00. To
specify a time of 25 seconds, type: 0:25. (The out-time value can
also be set as a time of day in the format ::.)

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System
When you add a device, such as a new printer, to your Avstar system,
you need to put information about it in the appropriate configuration
file(s). This section gives you information about how to do that. It
includes complete procedures for adding PCUs, workstations, printers, and wires. For information about adding connect services, see
Chapter 17, Connect Services.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


Adding a PCU
This section contains information about adding a Peripheral Controller Unit (PCU) to your system. For a definition and other information
about PCUs, see Appendix D.
To add a PCU to your system, do the following:
1. Choose a device number for the PCU.
By convention, PCU device numbers are multiples of 10. Choose
the next available multiple of 10. If the system already has four
PCUs, numbered 10 through 40, use 50 as the device number for
the new PCU.
2. Connect PCU to network.
3. Add PCU to appropriate host definitions in the configuration
file—that is /site/config—using the UNIX line editor. See “ed,
the Line Editor” on page 10-1 for more information.
The net line in each server’s host definition begins with the word
net followed by a hyphen or a  defined in the
/etc/networks file. Follow this with a list of network PCUs that
you want to run on that computer.
For instance, in the host definitions shown below, PCUs 10 and 20
are network PCUs running on server A, while PCUs 30 and 40 are
network CCUs running on server B.














a. Add new PCU to server B, so its host definition looks like this:








b. Add new PCU to the appropriate alternate host definitions.
4. Add a PCU line to the configuration file /site/config.
Configuration Files


A PCU configuration line must begin with the word ccu followed
by the PCU’s device number, PCU name, and type. These are followed by a list of devices connected to the PCU. The format for a
PCU configuration line is:


device #

The PCU’s device number. It must be listed in
a host definition. By convention, this is a multiple of 10.


The PCU’s name. Can be any string, as long as
it begins with a letter and is no longer than six
characters. PCU names that appear in the configuration file must match those listed in your
/etc/hosts file.


PCU type is pc.

End the configuration line with a list of devices connected to the
PCU, with their numbers separated by spaces. The order in which
you list devices must correspond to the PCU ports to which they
are connected—the device connected to port 1 must be first, the
device connected to port 2 must be second, and so on.
You can include up to eight devices in a PCU configuration line.
By convention, the device number is the sum of the port number
and the PCU’s device number. See “PCU Device Numbering” on
page 11-34 for more information. Fill unused ports with hyphens
Add the line following the device lines for PCU 40. Because
devices are not connected to the new PCU, the line would look like

50 pcu50

pc -








5. Add the PCU to the hosts file /etc/hosts.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


A PCU’s name must be a valid Internet name. It must resolve to an
Internet address, either by being included in the hosts file or by an
Internet name server.
An example PCU line from the hosts file may look like this: pcu50


The hosts file also contains lines identifying each server in your
6. Add the PCU to the /etc/bootptab file.
You must list each PCU running on your system in the file
/etc/bootptab. You may need to create this file if you are adding the first PCU to the system. Format of a line in this file is:




Put PCU’s name, such as pcu50, in this position.


Always put one (1)in this position.

Ethernet address The PCU’s Ethernet address is found on its
Ethernet card.

Internet address The PCU’s Internet address is assigned when
the PCU is installed. This address must match
the one listed in the /etc/hosts file for this


Insert pcuos.exe.

A typical line in /etc/bootptab would look like this:
SGI Irix Systems

Configuration Files


08002b33a077 pcuos.exe

For SGI Irix systems, the path and default bootfile must exist for
the bootp server to work correctly. Put the /exc/ccu/at and
pcuos.exe files in bootptab for SGI systems. Alternately, you


could create an empty file defaultboot directory, /usr/
local/boot. See the software installation information that came
with your system.
SCO UNIX Systems

If you are connecting a PCU to a system running SCO UNIX, the
format of lines in /site/config and /etc/hosts are identical
to those described above. However, /etc/bootptab uses the following format:
: ht=1: ha=:


PCU Name

Host name of PCU, such as PCU50, in this

Ethernet address PCU’s Ethernet address is found on its Ethernet card. (Do not use colons in this address on
SCO UNIX systems, since the colon character is
used to separate parameters on the line.)

internet address PCU’s Internet address is assigned when PCU
is installed. Address must match one listed in /
etc/hosts file for the PCU.

A typical CCU line in the /etc/bootptab file for a SCO UNIX
system would look like this:
pcu50 ht=1: ha=08002B33A077: ip=


The colons after each parameter are required.
7. (Optional) Use the configure command to test your changes.
Use the following form of the configure command:


In the previous example, PCU 50 is added and running on server B
in an AB system. To test this change, type:
configure /site/config ab b

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


When the prompt returns, the configuration file has been checked.
If the system detects any errors, it displays bad configuration
8. Select the master computer (typically server A). See “Selecting
Servers” on page 2-5 for more information.
9. Become a console superuser. See “Becoming a Console Superuser”
on page 3-2 for more information.
10. Take the server (master computer) offline.
AVSTAR-A# offline
11. Type the configure command at the prompt.
AVSTAR-A# configure
12. Bring the server back online again.
AVSTAR-A# online
13. Exit superuser mode. (CTRL-D)
A message similar to the following will appear:
A Wed Oct

4 00:18:58 2000 msg System being configured

14. Start the new PCU.
AVSTAR-A: restart 50
15. (Optional) Back up your site files with the sitedump command.

PCU Device Numbering
Each PCU and device connected to it must have a unique device number. Use device numbers to refer to devices when using commands
such as restart and when adding configuration lines to your configuration file. Your system uses device numbers in its console messages,
such as failed to load device 11.
You can randomly assign different numbers to devices, but system
maintenance is simpler if you give each device a number that corresponds to the PCU port to which it is connected. The numbering con-

Configuration Files


vention described here has been established to make your system
maintenance work easier.
Network PCUs are usually given device numbers that are multiples of
10. These numbers are usually sequential and begin with the number
10. So, in a system with four network PCUs, the PCUs would have 10,
20, 30, and 40 as device numbers.
When your system was installed, each device connected to a PCU was
given a number that is the sum of the PCU’s device number and the
number of the PCU port to which the device is connected. For
instance, you would give a workstation connected to port 1 on PCU 10
device number 11. A printer connected to port 5 on PCU 20 would
have device number 25.
Numbering your system’s devices in this way lets you quickly determine which PCU—and which port on the PCU—a device is connected
to just by looking at the device’s number.

Adding a Workstation
To add any type of new workstation to your system:
1. Choose a device number for the workstation.

For a serial workstation or dialup line, find an unoccupied
PCU port.


For a network device, determine the next available number in
the range you have set aside for these devices.

2. Connect workstation to PCU or network.
3. Add workstation to configuration file stored on each server in
your system.
If you are adding a network workstation or a DOS PC, add the
workstation’s device number to a reslist line in the host definitions. For serial devices, be sure the workstation (or dialup) is
listed in the configuration line of the PCU to which it is connected.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


Every type of workstation needs its own configuration line. To
configure a workstation, use the format:



The type of workstation defined:

asws for Avstar Workstation
terminal for VT terminal
asdos for DOS PC workstation
dialup for dialup modems
device #

Workstation’s device number.


For terminal and dialup workstations, the speed at
which the workstation communicates. Also indicates
bits per character, parity, and handshaking. For
instance, 7e is 7 bits per character and even parity, 8n
is 8 bits per character and no parity. For a network
workstation, set the speed to zero.
For Avstar and DOS workstations, if you use a
hyphen (-), this resource is available to any licensed
PC on your system. If you place an IP address here,
this resource can be used only by the PC with that
address. Additionally, this can be the Ethernet
address assigned to the PC’s network card.

Configuration Files

printer #

Default printer. This number must be assigned to a
printer listed in the configuration file. Entering 0 has
the workstation print to a printer connected directly
to the workstation.


Program that runs the workstation. For Avstar Workstations, use gnews. Otherwise, this is always news.




device name A device name up to eight characters used for group
security. If you assign a device name to a workstation,
you can grant security permissions to the workstation
by adding that name to the appropriate group story.
When someone edits and saves a story at this workstation, its device name is placed in the devname field
(if one exists) in the Story Form panel. If you do not
want to give the workstation a device name, place a
hyphen (-) in this position.

4. (Optional) Use the configure console command to test your
configuration changes. The syntax is:


For instance, type:
configure /site/config ab a
When prompt returns, the configuration file has been checked. If
the system detects any errors, it displays appropriate
bad configuration messages.
5. Reconfigure the system.
a. Use broadcast to tell users to log out. For instance:
AVSTAR-A: broadcast all users please logout
b. After users log out, use list s to ensure they are logged
c. If not, you can force a log out of the PCU by using the logout
command in this format:
For instance, to log out PCU 10, type: logout 10
d. Stop the PCU. Use the stop command in this format:
For instance, to stop PCU 10, type: stop 10

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


e. Select the master computer (typically server A). See “Selecting
Servers” on page 2-5 for more information.
f. Become a superuser. See “Becoming a Console Superuser” on
page 3-2 for more information.
g. Type:
AVSTAR-A# offline
h. Type:
AVSTAR-A# configure
i. When the prompt returns, bring the system online again by
AVSTAR-A# online
j. Exit from superuser mode. (CTRL-D)
A message similar to the following will appear:

Wed Oct

4 00:18:58 2000 msg System being configured

6. Select the appropriate server.
7. Restart the PCU to which the new device is connected, using the
following format:
For instance, to restart PCU 10, type: restart 10
You should see Hot-to-go messages for devices on that PCU,
including the new workstation, indicating they are ready to use.
8. (Optional) Back up site files with the sitedump command any
time you add a device. See “Backing up Site Files” on page 20-25
for more information.

Configuration Files


Adding a DOS PC Workstation
To add a DOS PC workstation to your Avstar system, you must complete three phases in the setup.

Phase 1 - Complete general configuration instructions for adding a
workstation to the Avstar system.


Phase 2 - Set up and/or confirm IP address information in the System directory.


Phase 3 - Set up the session file on the DOS PC.

Phase 1
The procedure for Phase 1 was explained in “Adding a Workstation”
on page 11-35. Phases 2 and 3 are explained below.

Phase 2
1. Check the number of DOS PC client resources being used on your
system as defined in the /site/config file.
The number of people that can connect to your Avstar system with
DOS PCs at any one time is equal to the number of PC client
resources you set up. Your system’s license indicates the maximum number of these resources you can configure and the maximum number of users who can connect simultaneously.
If you have a site
license, you do not need
to put any addresses in
The system will accept
connections from any

2. If you have a site license, and you put some addresses in SYSTEM.CLIENT.DOS, then Avstar NRCS allows connections only
from DOS clients whose Ethernet or IP addresses are listed in the
SYSTEM.CLIENT.DOS queue. Go to an Avstar Workstation, and
do the following:
a. Create this queue now if it does not exist. See “Adding a
Directory or Queue” on page 5-3 for more information.
b. Verify IP addresses of all suitable PCs at your site are listed in
stories in those queues.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System



List all your PCs in one story, or use several stories, which can contain only
one address or address-range per line. The number of addresses allowed is limited to the number of licensed DOS machines—that is, if you do not have a
site license, you can only put the licensed number of DOS client addresses (IP
or Ethernet) in SYSTEM.CLIENT.DOS.
An excerpt from a typical address list story looks like this:
;Control Room ; J. Arlin ; K. Snow ; IP Address Range
;Newsroom ; P. Miner ; S. Katz

You must take the system offline prior to
running the console
configure -n

3. At the Avstar console, type configure -n to make any changes
to the SYSTEM.CLIENT.DOS queue available to the system.

Phase 3
Each DOS PC must have at least one session file on it that lists the
Avstar host server(s) to which it can connect. This file should be
located on the DOS PC workstation in the same directory as the application ns.exe (typically NS).
To set up the DOS PC’s session file, do the following at the DOS PC
1. Navigate to the NS directory (or the directory containing the
ns.exe application). The DOS prompt will look similar to this:
2. Create a session file to connect to the Avstar system by typing
edit followed by the host server name(s) with which the session
is to be established.

Configuration Files


For instance, at the DOS prompt, type:
C:\NS> edit avstar.ses
The DOS editor, which appears as a blue window, opens.
3. A session file can specify up to four different host server names, as
defined in the /etc/hosts file on the PC or by DNS. The format
is as follows:
For instance, for a two server system, type:
machine avstar-a avstar-b


You can list the systems on multiple lines in the file as long as each line begins
with the word “machine.” You can specify host computers by Internet address
rather than by name.

Adding a Printer
You can connect any kind of serial printer to the Avstar system, and
configure each printer to take advantage of its special


For more information about printers, see Chapter 12, Printers.
Even if you never add a printer to your system, this information can
help you if you need to move a printer to a different PCU or modify a
printer’s profile.
To add a printer to your system, do the following:
1. Choose a device number for the printer. To do this, find an available PCU port to which you want to connect the printer. For
instance, if we add a printer, such as HP LaserJet, to port 7 on PCU
10, we give the printer device number 17. See “PCU Device Numbering” on page 11-34 for more information.
2. Connect printer to PCU.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


3. Create a printer queue in the database in the SYSTEM.PRINTERS
directory. If you do not complete this step, any print requests to
the new printer will not be processed. This is done at an Avstar
Workstation. See “Adding a Directory or Queue” on page 5-3 for
more information.
Here’s an example: The new printer is printer number 4, so the
new queue is called 004. The entire pathname is


Your system can handle up to 500 printers. Print queues for the first 250
printers are in the directory SYSTEM.PRINTERS. Print queues for the next
250 printers are in SYSTEM.PRINTERS2.
4. Return to the console to finish adding the printer.
5. Add the printer to the configuration file, /site/config, on each
Avstar Server in your system.
This involves adding the printer’s device number to the PCU’s
configuration line and adding a device configuration line for the

This procedure, which
modifies the /site/
config file uses ed, the
UNIX line editor. If you
do not know how to use
ed to modify lines in
the file as required in
step 5, please see
“Using the UNIX Line
Editor” on page 10-4.

If you move a printer to another PCU, you must remove the printer’s device
number from the old PCU’s configuration line and add it to the new PCU’s
configuration line. Give the printer a new device number that reflects the new
PCU port to which you attached it.
a. Select all servers. See “Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for more
b. Type:
AVSTAR-A: ed /site/config
editing /site/config
c. Add printer’s device number to list of device numbers in the
PCU configuration line. For instance, for a printer connected
to port 7 on PCU 10, the printer’s device number (17) is added

Configuration Files


to PCU 10’s configuration line. At first, the line may appear
similar to this:

10 ccu10 at






16 - -

Ensure that you place the new device number in the position
that represents the port to which you connected the printer.
For instance—for the printer with device number 17—the
printer’s device number is placed in position 7 in PCU 10’s
configuration line. The new line should look like this:

10 ccu10 at









d. Add a configuration line for the new printer. By convention,
configuration lines are arranged according to device number.
For instance, the configuration line for the printer with device
number 17 would be placed after the configuration line for
device 16.
A regular printer configuration line uses the format:



device #

The printer’s device number. It identifies the
printer to which the configuration line applies.
Include this number in the appropriate PCU configuration line.


Sets the baud rate (bits per second) at which the
printer communicates with the PCU.

printer #

Assigns a logical printer number to the printer.
Used in workstation and dialup configuration lines
to identify the printer that devices use as their
default printer. This is not the same as the printer’s
device number, but it is the same number that you
use to refer to the printer when you print to it from
an Avstar Workstation.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


For instance, the printer uses device number 17 and communicates
at 1200 baud, 7-bit, even parity, and users will refer to this printer
as printer 4. So, the new printer line looks like this:
Do not use an uppercase
(W) in step 4. See “ed,
the Line Editor” on
page 10-1 for more




;newsroom HP LaserJet

6. When you finish making changes to the configuration file, you
must save your changes. To do this, type:
After you press Enter, a number will appear representing the file
size, such as:
7. Exit the UNIX line editor by typing:
8. Create a profile for the printer.

The easiest way to create a profile is to copy
the standard profile for
the type of printer you
are adding to a file for
the new printer’s profile. Then make any
necessary modifications to the copy you
just made.

A printer’s profile must be in a file with the same name as the
printer’s device number. Also, this file must be located in the
/site/printers directory.
For instance—for an HP LaserJet printer connected to port 7 on
PCU 10—you would copy the standard profile for the HP LaserJet
(/site/printers/hplaser) to a new file called /site/
printers/17. Then modify the profile so the system can use a
font module that has been added to the printer.
To copy a profile to a new file, do the following:
a. Select all servers. See “Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for more


As with all site files, each of the system’s servers must have its own
copy of the printer’s profile, so ensure that you select all servers
before you copy the standard profile.
b. Use the cp command to copy the standard profile, such as
/site/printers/hplaser for an HP LaserJet printer into
a new file on each server, such as /site/printers/17.

Configuration Files


The format for this command is:
The entire command line would look similar to this:
cp /site/printers/hplaser /site/printers/17
9. Use the cat command to examine the file and determine whether
you need to make any changes or additions. The format is:
For instance, to examine the file for the printer connected to port 7
on PCU 10, type:
AVSTAR-A: cat /site/printers/17
A message similar to the follow will appear:
; HP LaserJet IVsi Printer profile




















font 2




font 3



;Extra Bold

font 4



font 5



form 7



form 8


;top tray

form 9


;lower tray



Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


10. (Optional) Test your configuration changes by using:


For instance, a printer is added to PCU 10, which is connected to
server A in an AB system. To test this change, type:
configure /site/config ab a
When the prompt returns, the configuration file has been checked.
If the system detects any errors, it displays bad configuration
11. Do one of the following:
a. If you modified only an existing printer’s profile, you need to
restart the printer to incorporate the changes. To do this:
1. Select the server to which the printer’s PCU is connected.
2. Use the restart command in this format:
For instance, to restart the device at port 7 of PCU 10,
AVSTAR-A: restart 17
AVSTAR-A: P17: 12:43:20 Hot-to-go
When you see a Hot-to-go message for the printer, as
shown in the previous example, you can begin to use it. If
there are any errors in the profile, the system reports
them on the console when you restart the printer.
-ORb. To have the system adopt changes you have made to the configuration file, reconfigure it by doing the following:
1. Log out the PCU. For instance, to logout PCU 10, type:
logout 10
2. Stop the PCU. For instance, to stop PCU 10, type:
stop 10

Configuration Files


3. Select the master computer (typically server A). See
“Selecting Servers” on page 2-5 for more information.
4. Become a console superuser. See “Becoming a Console
Superuser” on page 3-2 for more information.
5. Take the system offline. Type:
AVSTAR-A# offline
6. Reconfigure the system. Type:
AVSTAR-A# configure
7. When the prompt returns, use online to bring the system back online again. Type:
AVSTAR-A# online
8. Exit from superuser mode. (CTRL-D)
A message similar to the following will appear:

Wed Oct

4 00:18:58 2000 msg System being configured

9. When you see the System being configured message, select the server to which the PCU is connected and
use the restart command. For instance, to restart PCU
10, type:
AVSTAR-A: restart 10
You will see Hot-to-go messages indicating devices on
the PCU have been restarted and are ready to use.
12. (Optional) Back up site files using the sitedump command.

Adding a Wire
To add a wire service to your system, you must complete four phases
in the setup.

Phase 1 - Connect the wire service to a PCU port.

Adding Devices to Your Avstar System


You can edit just a wire
service’s profile.


Phase 2 - Create an entry for the wire service in the configuration
file and a wire profile for the wire service.


Phase 3 - Add the wire distribution information.


Phase 4 - Restart the wire service’s program to incorporate the
changes you made, so it can begin receiving and distributing wire

For more information about wires, including the step-by-step procedure outlining four phases for adding a wire service, see “Adding a
Wire to Your Avstar System” on page 13-2.

Alternative Editing of the Site Configuration File
The UNIX line editor is used at the console to edit site files, which are
located on an area of the server’s hard disk known as the software partition. If these files, such as the /site/config file, are temporarily
transferred to the Avstar database located on an area known as the
database partition, you can use an Avstar Workstation to edit the file.
Here is the alternative method of editing a site file, such as the
/site/config file, in the database rather than using the UNIX line
1. At an Avstar Workstation, create a transfer queue—that is, go to a
directory, such as the System directory, and create a new queue to
hold the configuration file. A SYSTEM.TRANSFER queue may
already be set up on your system. See “Adding a Directory or
Queue” on page 5-3 for more information.


When performing this procedure, there should be only one file—the one you
are working on—in SYSTEM.TRANSFER.
2. At the Avstar console, use the doc command to transfer material
between the software and database partitions.
The doc command format is:
doc -pu  

Configuration Files


For instance, if you wanted to transfer a copy of the configuration
file to the SYSTEM.TRANSFER queue, you would type:
doc -pu system.transfer /site/config
3. Return to an Avstar Workstation.
4. Log in as a system administrator. (This is to ensure that you have
access to the System directory.)
5. Navigate to the SYSTEM.TRANSFER queue and open it by double
clicking on it.
6. Select the configuration file story in the queue and edit it in the
Story panel.


If you are adding devices in the bottom section of the configuration file, do not
forget to also add the device numbers in the hosts section at the top.
7. Move file from database partition back to software partition using
the doc command again. The format is:
doc -gu  > 
For instance, to move the new configuration file from the
SYSTEM.TRANSFER queue back into the Site directory, do the following:
doc -gu system.transfer > /site/config.new


The example shows the file is transferred into a temporary location
(/site/config.new rather than /site/config). This allows for testing prior to actual file implementation.
8. Use the configure command to test the new configuration file,
to see if there are any problems with it. If none are found, you will
get the system prompt; otherwise, you will get an error message.

Alternative Editing of the Site Configuration File


Here are some sample configuration tests:
configure /site/config.new abc a
configure /site/config.new ab a
configure /site/config.new a a
configure /site/config.new bc b
configure /site/config.new ac c
9. Copy the new configuration file into the correct location:
cp /site/config.new /site/config
10. Remote copy it to the other server(s):
rcp /site/config AVSTAR-B:/site/config
rcp /site/config AVSTAR-C:/site/config
11. Implement the new configuration by reconfiguring the system
from the master computer (typically server A). To do this, do the
a. Select the master computer.
b. Take the system offline by typing:
AVSTAR-A: offline
c. Reconfigure the system by typing:
AVSTAR-A: configure
d. Take the system back online by typing:
AVSTAR-A: online
12. Return to the Avstar Workstation and delete the configuration file


Configuration Files

Usually, iNews Customer Support technicians edit the configuration
file on the console, in the software partition. If you leave a copy of
the file in the database, it is possible someone may change the file
on the console, so when you come back to edit the file in the database (which you assume to be the more current version), it will actually be an outdated version. To eliminate the possibility of
confusion, delete the file from the database when you are done.


Intersystem Messaging
Intersystem Messaging is a feature of Avstar NRCS v.1.3 that allows a
user to exchange messages with another user on a separate Avstar
Newsroom Computer System, or other third-party system with a compatible interface.
On Avstar Newsroom Computer Systems, intersystem messages can
be sent from Video Terminal (VT) or Avstar Workstation (ASWS) sessions, and from the Avstar console send utility. For intersystem messaging to work, a system must have an agent that functions as
described in the following section. For Avstar NRCS, this agent is integrated into the Avstar Server software.
RFC (Request For Comments) documentation
is provided at the following Web sites:
RFC or http://

To receive intersystem messages, a system must have a TCPMUX service running. TCPMUX is defined by RFC 1078, “TCP Port Service
Multiplexer (TCPMUX).” Additionally, the system must have an intersystem message service configured. For UNIX systems, the
/etc/inetd.conf directory must contain these service definitions.

Sending Intersystem Messages
An intersystem send is attempted whenever a message send request
has a recipient name which includes an at symbol (@). It is assumed
that this represents a name in @ format. This is the same format used for sending mail to a user on a foreign system, such as the Internet. The  parameter can
be an IP address in standard notation, such as
The system name is resolved to an IP address through standard
lookup services.
A TCP connection to port 1 of the system is attempted. Port 1 is the
“well known port” (as defined in RFC 1700, “Assigned Numbers”)
assigned to the TCPMUX service.

Intersystem Messaging


Once the connection is established, the string
inter_system_message is sent. The receiving system
sends + to indicate a positive acknowledgement. This conforms to RFC 1078.


The service name—in this case, inter_system_message—is never casesensitive and  is any text that helps to explain the reason
for the response.
The sending system can then send the following string:
In this string, the user name and sender’s name do not contain any
spaces, carriage returns, or line feeds. The names are as they are used
within their respective systems. The sender’s name should be suitable
to use as the user name in an intersystem message reply. The message
text can contain spaces but not carriage returns or line feeds. It is
optional (so you can check the logged-in status of the user). Avstar
NRCS will truncate this string at the first line feed or at 72 characters.
After sending the intersystem message, the sending system should
read a single line, which is the receiving system’s response. On receipt
of the response, the sending system should close its connection. See
the description of responses in “Receiving Intersystem Messages” on
page 11-53.
The sending system should be prepared to handle all of these error

Configuration Files


Time out on establishing connection to the receiving system’s


The receiving system actively refusing the connection on the TCPMUX port


Connection closed by the receiving system at any time


A negative response - to the
inter_system_message request. This is a negative


TCPMUX response, and  is any text that helps to
explain the reason for the response.

Receiving Intersystem Messages
To receive intersystem messages, a system must respond to connections on the TCPMUX port. On UNIX systems, this is done by having a
TCPMUX service defined in /etc/services and
To hook an intersystem message service into the TCPMUX service on a
UNIX system, an entry must be included in the /etc/inetd.conf
such as:
tcpmux/+inter_system_message stream tcp nowait
The inter_system_message string is the identifier used by the
sending system to select this service. This string is not case sensitive.
The plus character (+) preceding inter_system_message tells the
UNIX inetd daemon to handle the initial connection and negotiation. In this case, when the inetd daemon determines that it has an
intersystem message agent, it will perform the positive acknowledgement (the +... response) and then invoke the agent program.
The agent program must be prepared to respond to the “SEND” command, as described above.
The Avstar NRCS agent program is /exc/ismessage. The suggested
parameter for the Avstar NRCS intersystem message agent is ism.
This parameter can be anything and is used to identify the program in
messages printed to the system’s console. If an additional parameter is
supplied and it is a non-zero decimal string, the /exc/ismessage
program is put into a verbose mode. When in verbose mode, the
/exc/ismessage program will print its responses onto the system

Intersystem Messaging


console. This can be used to track frequency and identity of intersystem messages.


The actual message text is not printed onto the console.
So, for Avstar NRCS, the service line in /etc/inetd.conf for normal operation is:
tcpmux/+inter_system_message stream tcp nowait /exc/
ismessage ism
Responses from the receiving agent program must conform to the following syntax:
<3-digit response code>
The 3-digit response code is modeled on FTP response codes (See Section 4.2 of RFC 959, “File Transfer Protocol”).


However, only single line responses are expected. The explanation is any text
excluding a carriage return – linefeed (cr-lf), which makes the response
better understood.
The receiving agent program will generate one of the following
responses, with the Avstar NRCS receiving agent including the following explanations:
201  is logged in
Message stored for the specified user (if there is message text) and
the user is currently logged in. User is notified of message arrival.
202  is not logged in
Message stored for the specified user (if there is message text) and
the user is not currently logged in.

Configuration Files


421 System not online
System not connected, not configured, or not online. Message is
430 No such user: 
Username unknown on receiving system. Message is discarded.
450 Message save failed for: 
Failed to properly store the message for the specified user. Message is discarded.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
The first “word” on the line was not “send.” The check for the
word “send” is case insensitive. Message is discarded.
501 Syntax error, insufficient parameters
The “send” line has fewer than three space-delimited tokens. Minimally “send”, , and  are
required,  is optional. Message is discarded.
The Avstar NRCS receiving agent will print diagnostics to the system’s
console when abnormal conditions are encountered. The diagnostics
ism: getpeername failed () 
The sender’s IP address could not be determined.
ism: fgets error () 
The read failed for the send command.
ism: gethostbyaddr failed () 
The sender’s IP address could not be converted into a host name.
Errno is the UNIX system error number returned on system function
calls and errno string is an explanation of that error code.
The Avstar NRCS receiving agent will accept intersystem messages
directed to the user’s computer. Messages addressed to “computer”
will be printed on the system’s console. The word “computer” can be
localized using the message dictionary token M_COMPUTER. A 201
Intersystem Messaging


computer is logged in response will always be returned for messages directed to “computer.”

Database Change
The Avstar NRCS v.1.3 message file format includes the sending system’s IP address for intersystem messages. When upgrading an Avstar
Newsroom Computer System, a dbdump of the message file should be
done to preserve the message file content. After upgrading, a dbgen
x (x identifies the message file)console command must be done. A
dbrestore can then be done to restore the message file.

Avstar Workstation Session Behavior
There is virtually no difference between sending local messages and
sending intersystem messages. If the recipient’s name contains an at
symbol (@), name validation is not performed and an intersystem send
is attempted. Possible responses are identical to those of Video Terminal (VT) sessions.
The only difference on receiving messages is that the complete
sender’s information is always returned. If it is a local message, a simple user name is provided. If it is an intersystem message, the sender’s
name will be formatted as @.

VT Session Behavior
The only difference between sending a local message and sending an
intersystem message is the recipient name. If it contains an at symbol
(@), an intersystem message send is attempted. Possible responses to
an intersystem message send are:

Configuration Files


Received a 421 response.


Received a 430 response.


Received a 202 response.


Received a 201 response.



Unknown host, or could not connect to host,
or host refused connection, or no intersystem
message service available on receiving system.


A system error occurred.

There are minor differences when receiving intersystem messages.
Local messages always have the sender’s name enclosed in square
brackets ([ ]). Intersystem messages substitute an at symbol (@) for the
close bracket (]). That is the only visible difference when viewing the
message on the command line.
Complete sender information, including the sender’s name and system is included when messages are recalled (using the message
recall command).


Since the sending system’s IP address is stored in the message, a hostname
lookup determines the sending system’s name. If the hostname lookup fails,
the IP address is used.
The VT has a reply function. It is invoked when the user enters the
send command without any parameters. The sender’s name of the
last message retrieved is put onto the command line. The full user
name and system name will be used. The system limits the length of
the name to 41 characters. If the sender’s name exceeds that length, the
IP address (in standard notation) is used for the system name.


The system stores IP addresses and will look up the system names when

Intersystem Messaging


Configuration Files

Each printer on your system has a profile that contains the commands
Avstar NRCS needs to control the printer, plus settings for options you
may use with the printer. When you restart a printer, your system
checks its profile for the necessary information. There are two types of
printing that require configuration: system and local printing. Managing both are covered in this chapter. For information on how to connect a printer to Avstar NRCS, see “Adding a Printer” on page 11-41.
This chapter has the following sections:

System Printing

The Printer Profile Files (in /site/printers)


Customizing Print Effects (Fonts)


Defining Print Forms


Printer Profile Options


Using Special Characters in a Profile


Creating and Using Print Styles


Managing Printers


Local Printing

Local Printing Dialog Box


Local Print Style Options


System Printing
A system printer is connected to an Avstar Server and not directly connected to an Avstar Workstation. Users can send print jobs to a system
printer from any Avstar Workstation on the network. System printers
can be customized by configuring certain system profile files and

The Printer Profile Files (in /site/printers)
Printer profiles are text files in the /site/printers directory. Your
system is installed with standard profiles for many popular printers.
To see which printer profiles are installed on your system, go to the
Avstar console and type:
ls /site/printers
Information similar to the following appears:





This list contains numbered and alphanumeric filenames. Alphanumeric files are the standard profiles for several different types of printers. For instance, ti855 is the standard printer profile for the TI-855
printer. Numbered files are profiles your system uses to operate your
Numbered files in the list correspond to device numbers of printers in
your system. For the system to find the correct profile for each printer,
the profile must be stored in a numbered file corresponding to the
printer’s device number. For instance, a printer whose device number
is 17 must have its profile in a file named



The standard profile for an HP LaserJet printer is in /site/printers/hplaser. To list this file, type:
cat /site/printers/hplaserjet
Information similar to the following appears:
AVSTAR-A: cat /site/printers/hplaserjet
;HP Laserjet IVsi 14SEP00

scriptrhstart 32
scripttemplate no

font 2
font 3
font 4
font 5
form 1

form 7

;form 8

;form 9


;extra bold
;top tray
;lower tray

The first half of the file contains options that control margins, headers,
form feeds, and page length. The second half contains fonts and forms.
The fonts section defines control codes that select print effects, such as
bold or underlining. The forms section defines codes that set up the
printer, such as control codes to select a font module or set print quality.
Control codes often use nonprinting characters such as the one generated by the ESC key. All control codes in the profile above begin with
the character produced by the ESC key. Because this key does not produce a printing character, enter it in the file as .

System Printing


Customizing Print Effects (Fonts)
To turn print effects—such as bold or underlining—on and off, the
Avstar system must send control codes to the printer. Control codes
are defined as font in a printer profile.
A profile can have up to 10 fonts, numbered from 1 to 10. Each font
defines the control code to turn on an effect and the control code to
turn off the effect. Usually, a font defines the control codes for one
effect. However, you can combine control codes for effects, such as
bold and underlining, to create complex fonts.

Defining a Font
Each font is defined on a separate line in a printer profile. The definition must begin with the word font followed by the font number,
which must be between 1 and 10. This is followed by the control code
that turns on the effect, a few spaces, and the control code that turns
off the effect.
Style stories select fonts by number, and any printer can use them. If
you have a style story that expects font 1 to represent bold text,
define font 1 as bold in all your printer profiles.
For instance, to create a bold font, start a line with font 1, followed
by the code to turn on bold printing. For an HP laser printer, the code
would be (s3B. Follow that with a few spaces and the code to
turn off bold printing (s0B. The finished definition looks like
font 1




;bold print

Assign fonts consistently in all your printer profiles, such as font 1 is bold;
font 2 is underlined, and so on.

Combining Print Effects
In many cases, you can combine two or more print effects by creating a
font containing the print effects control codes. Follow the font name
with control codes to turn on the print effects you want. Follow these



codes with a few spaces and control codes to turn off those print
For instance, the HP LaserJet printer can print both bold and underlined text. It uses (s3B and  s0B to turn bold on and
off and &dD and (&d@ to turn underline on and off.


When you combine several print effects in one font, no spaces can occur
between control codes that turn on all print effects. Additionally, no spaces
can occur between control codes that turn them off.
For instance, combine two effects to create a font, such as font 5, that
prints bold and underline as follows:
font 5
;bold, underline


Defining Print Forms
When you send a story to a printer, your system must first initialize
the printer to prepare it to print according to the style you select.
Define each of the control codes that represent initialization commands as form. For instance, define codes that select draft quality
printing as form 1 and codes that select letter quality printing as
form 2. You can define up to 10 forms in a printer profile. See “Selecting Forms” on page 12-26 for more information.
Each form contains on and off control codes for a different setup command. Usually, a form contains control codes for one setup command,
but you can also combine control codes for different commands, such
as select both letter quality and a font module.


Forms may seem to be the same as fonts, but forms are used strictly to initialize the printer. Therefore, use a form to set a printer to word processing mode
before printing, but not to turn on bold printing.

System Printing


Defining a Form
You define forms similarly to fonts. Each definition begins with the
word, “form,” followed by the form’s name. The form’s name contains
a number between 1 and 10. This is followed by a control code that initializes the printer, a few spaces and, optionally, an off control code.
The form’s on control code is sent at the beginning of the print job, and
the form’s off control code is sent at the end of the job.
Each setup option has an on control code. Many—but not all—have an
off control code. If the setup option you are defining does not use an
off control code, you must put a  where the off control code
would be located.
Always name forms consistently in each printer profile. For instance,
in each profile define form 1 as draft quality.
Suppose that you are creating a profile for your HP laser printer and
want to define a form that sets up the printer in landscape mode.
Define this as form 7.
Begin the line with form 7, and follow with the control code that puts
the printer in landscape mode. For an HP laser printer, the control
code is:
The HP laser printer needs landscape mode turned off at the end of a
print request, so follow the on control code with E. The finished line should look like this:
form 7


Combining Setup Options
As with fonts, you can combine two or more setup options in one
form. You do this in the same way you would combine options for
fonts. See “Combining Print Effects” on page 12-4 for more information.



Font and Form Space Available
The system reserves about 400 bytes of space for form and font definitions for each system printer profile. Each character in a font or form
definition—including the spaces to separate on and off control codes
and the Enter character at the end of each line—uses space.
If you exceed the limit, the message, Maximum Definitions
Already Made, appears when you try to start the printer.
If you see this message, free some space by deleting forms or fonts
from that profile that you do not use. Alternatively, comment out any
forms and fonts you are not using by placing semicolons in front of

Printer Profile Options
Besides defining forms and fonts, you can set a number of options in
the profile to be used when a print request is sent to the system printer.
These options control formatting, such as the number of lines on each
page, whether or not the text is all uppercase, whether stories have a
banner at the top of each page, and so on.
These options fall into two categories:

Profile-only options are set in the printer profile.


Profile and style options are also set in the printer profile, but can
be temporarily overridden if a different value is specified in a style
story within the database.

Almost all of these options have default values the system uses if you
do not set the options.
For options pertaining to local printing, see “Local Print Style
Options” on page 12-38.

System Printing


Profile-Only Options
Profile-only options are set in the printer profile, and cannot be overridden in a style story. Use options beginning with the word auto
only with an autocue printer, which produces teleprompter roll copy
according to European standards—that is, printing only the audio portion of a script. The underlined item or number in parenthesis is the
default value.
The profile-only options are described in Table 12-1.
Table 12-1

Profile-Only Options




Use with printers that require the system to send a
specific message and then expect a certain answer
back from the printer before sending the story to the
printer. There is no limit on these strings.

(S) Determines which form field of the story is used as a header line when printing the story. The default value is the title field (S). This is a Video Terminal (VT) template field identifier character, not a field name. autoindent (0) Sets the number of spaces to indent each line (as a printing offset) on an autocue printer. The default value is 0. autolength (30) Sets the maximum length for lines of text on an autocue printer. The default value is 30. autopara (3) Controls the number of spaces an autocue printer indents each paragraph. The default value is 3 spaces. autospace (3) Controls line spacing for an autocue printer. A value of 1 produces single-spaced text. A value of 2 produces double-spaced text. A value of 3 is the default and produces lines of text separated by two blank lines. Printers 12-9 Table 12-1 Profile-Only Options (Continued) Option Description autoshift [yes | no] Controls whether an autocue printer prints in uppercase or mixed case. When the value is yes, it uses uppercase. If set to no, text is printed as entered. The default value is yes. done (Dead) Specifies the queue where a print request is sent after the print job is done. The default value is the Dead queue. ejectcode Lets the system know which codes it must send to the printer to execute a form feed. There is no default for this option, so you must explicitly define the eject code in the printer profile. ejectcount (1) Selects the number of times your system sends the eject code to the printer at the end of each print request. The default is 1. exlines (0) Printers that print double-high text, such as the Printronix P300, use one extra line per line of expanded text. Use this option to set the number of additional lines used when printing expanded text with the print script command. The default is 0. System Printing 12-10 Table 12-1 Profile-Only Options (Continued) Option Description expand Defines control codes that turn a printer’s expanded text mode on and off. The system uses this option when someone prints a story using the print script command. If you do not define these control codes in a printer’s profile, or if a printer cannot print expanded text, the system prints scripts in normal text. To set up, begin a line with expand. Follow that with your printer’s control codes to turn on expanded printing, a few spaces (or a tab space), and the control codes to turn off expanded printing. For instance, if the code to turn on expanded printing is P and the code to turn it off is Q, define expanded printing like this: expand P expanded Q ;(DP) font Defines control codes that turn on or off print effects, such as bold or underlining. See “Customizing Print Effects (Fonts)” on page 12-4 for more information. form Defines control codes that represent initialization commands, such as selecting draft quality. See “Defining Print Forms” on page 12-5 and “Selecting Forms” on page 12-26 for more information. idlecount (0) Determines the number of ejects (as defined by the ejectcode and ejectcount options) to be performed once all pending print requests have been printed. The default value of 0 prevents the system from ejecting a page at the end of a print request. initprint The system uses these codes to initialize the printer when you restart it. This may be lost when the printer is powered off. Printers 12-11 Table 12-1 Profile-Only Options (Continued) Option Description map Use to translate or map a database character to a character the printer can print. Useful if you need characters such as ¿ and £, which are available on many printers but have a different code in the printer. To map a translation of a database character, begin a line with map. Add a few spaces and enter in the database character you want to translate. Add a few more spaces and enter the code you want the system to send to the printer in place of that database character. printer code is a single byte and not a sequence n The of bytes. sbc_frames Indicates the number of video frames transmitted in one second. This value is used when calculating the duration of a tape event. There is no restriction on this value. However, Phase Alternate Lines (PAL) video format transmits 25 frames per second and National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) video format transmits 30 frames per second. This Sony barcode parameter is required. printer type is Sony-beta, sbc-frames must be n Ifdefined. Otherwise, a Missing required bar- code parameter message will appear. System Printing 12-12 Table 12-1 Profile-Only Options (Continued) Option Description sbc_max_duration <[hh:]mm:ss:ff> This Sony barcode parameter has two functions. It is used to determine the maximum segment duration time if raw time code is being used to calculate the segment duration, which is calculated as the End Of Message (eom) time code minus the Start Of Message (som) time code. It is also used to check if a duration time entered from the template does not exceed the duration entered in the profile. In the format, hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds, and ff is frames. The maximum time allowed is 23:59:59:ff, where ff is the value found in sbc_frames. This Sony barcode parameter is required. type is Sony-beta, sbc_max_duration n Ifmustprinter be defined. Otherwise, a Missing required barcode parameter message will appear. sbc_som Enables the user to determine a constant Start Of Message (som) timecode. The maximum value permitted is 23:59:59:ff, where ff is the value found in sbc_frames. This Sony barcode parameter is optional. sbc_eomstyle [|] Enables a user to specify a constant End Of Message (eom) style. A user can declare a constant hour field or a constant frame field. It is not possible to declare both. The format ends with either HH:mm:ss:ff, where HH is the constant hour field value or hh:mm:ss:FF, where FF is the constant frame field. The mm and ss parts of the format are literal. If you specify a number of hours, you must put ff for frames. If you specify a number of frames, you must put HH for hours. This Sony barcode parameter is optional. sbc_bulkprint Printers Permits printing of multiple Sony barcode labels, when the command print story is entered from the directory level. 12-13 Table 12-1 Profile-Only Options (Continued) Option Description scriptshift [yes | no] Controls whether scripts are printed in uppercase. The yes option prints scripts in uppercase; no prints scripts as is. The default is yes. type [generic | autocue | adx | sony_beta| beeline] Defines European Autocue, ADX, generic, beeline, and Sony Barcode printers. If the profile is for any of these printers, use this option to specify the printer. The default value is generic. Profile and Style Options The options in Table 12-2 are set in the printer profile, but can be overridden by settings in a style story. Generally, use a printer profile to set these options to the values you want the system to use as defaults for a particular system printer. When you create a style story, you need only include these options to use a value different from the one defined in the printer profile. Table 12-2 Profile and Style Options Option Description banner [yes | no | continuous] Controls whether each page begins with a header that includes the name of the user who printed the story, the time, and the page number. If you want a banner, set this option to yes. The default value is yes. When you print a queue, your system numbers each story in the queue, beginning with page one by default. To make the page numbers continuous, set the banner option to continuous. blanks (3) Controls the number of blank lines the system prints following each story when printing a directory. A value of 1 results in single spacing (no blanks between stories), a value of 2 gives double spacing, and so on. The minimum value is 1. The default value is 3. System Printing 12-14 Table 12-2 Profile and Style Options (Continued) Option Description pagefooter [