models to view the English version of this manual in color, as well as experience a wealth of information about Cummins fire pump drive engines.
Mantenimiento - Modelos actuales | Cummins Inc.
Installation, operation, and maintenance manual Fire pump drive engine CFP23E series Doc. A042J564 Rev. 2 June 2021 This manual contains proprietary information to equipment produced by Cummins and is being supplied solely for the purpose of installing, operating, maintaining and servicing the fire pump drive engine purchased from Cummins in De Pere, Wisconsin. Please visit us at to view the English version of this manual in color, as well as experience a wealth of information about Cummins fire pump drive engines. This product has been manufactured under the controls established by a Bureau Veritas Certification approved management system that conforms with ISO 9001:2015. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) )LUHSXPS GULYHHQJLQH /LPLWHGZDUUDQW\ 'HVFULSWLRQ 7KLVOLPLWHGZDUUDQW\DSSOLHVWRDOO&XPPLQVILUHSXPSGULYHHQJLQHVKHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUUHGWRDV ³&XPPLQV´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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) /LPLWDWLRQV 7KLVOLPLWHGZDUUDQW\GRHVQRWFRYHU3URGXFWIDLOXUHVUHVXOWLQJIURP ,QDSSURSULDWHXVHUHODWLYHWRGHVLJQDWHGSRZHUUDWLQJRUDSSOLFDWLRQJXLGHOLQHV 1RUPDOZHDUDQGWHDUQHJOLJHQFHDFFLGHQWVRUPLVXVH ,PSURSHUDQGRUXQDXWKRUL]HGLQVWDOODWLRQ /DFNRIPDLQWHQDQFHRUXQDXWKRUL]HGUHSDLU 1RQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKDQ\&XPPLQVSXEOLVKHGJXLGHOLQHRUSROLF\ 8VHRILPSURSHURUFRQWDPLQDWHGIXHOVFRRODQWVRUOXEULFDQWV ,PSURSHUVWRUDJHEHIRUHDQGDIWHUFRPPLVVLRQLQJ 2ZQHU¶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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) This page is intentionally left blank. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Table of Contents 1 - Safety 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Use of advisory and cautionary statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2.1 Advisory statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2.2 Cautionary statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 General safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 - Description 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Fire pump drive engine nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 Fire pump controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.4 CFP23E components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.5 Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5.1 Engine STOP button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5.2 Customer access port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.3 Diagnostics connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.4 Engine ECM power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.5 Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.6 Battery "A" and "B" voltmeters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.7 SCREEN soft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.8 RESET/STOP switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.9 IDLE soft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.10 Crank battery A and B momentary start switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.11 ECM A/ECM B selector switch and indicator lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.12 Automatic or Manual mode of operation selector switch and indicator lamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.13 MENU soft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.14 Hour meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.15 Engine oil pressure gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.16 Coolant temperature gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.6 FPDP informational displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.6.1 Fault code warning displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Yellow warning indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Red warning indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.6.2 Overspeed warning indicator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.6.3 VSPLC information and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.6.4 DPEM fault screens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.7 Electronic control module (ECM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.8 Digital panel expansion module (DPEM) (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.9 Fuel supply and drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.10 High Pressure Injection (HPI) Fuel System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.11 Fuel cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.12 Air intake system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.13 Cooling water system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.14 Engine oil system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.15 Engine exhaust system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) TOC-1 Table of Contents 3 - Installation 3.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2 Receiving and handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.3 Site preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.4 Drive shaft installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.5 Fuel supply installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.6 Cooling water supply installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.7 Battery installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.8 Signal and control installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.8.1 FPDP interface terminal strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.8.2 Battery charger interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.9 Coolant system preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.10 Charge air cooler (CAC) inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.11 Lubricating oil system preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.12 Variable Speed Pressure Limiting Control (VSPLC) preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.13 Pre-start inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.14 Engine monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.15 Start-up validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.15.1 High Water Temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.15.2 Low Water Temp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.15.3 Low Oil Pres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.15.4 Fuel Inj. Malf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.15.5 Hi Raw Water Temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.15.6 Raw Water Strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.15.7 TB-303/304 - ECM Warning/ECM Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.15.8 TB-305-307 - Custom Outputs - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.15.9 TB-301 - ECM Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.15.10 TB-3 - Overspeed Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.15.11 TB-2 - Crank Termination Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.15.12 Troubleshooting a Terminal Block Connection: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4 - Operation 4.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2 Starting and stopping procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.1 Local starting/stopping procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.2 Emergency starting procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.3 Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP) screens and adjustments in automatic mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.3.1 The SCREEN soft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.3.2 The MENU soft key - Settings Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 ENGINE SETUP screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 OVERSPEED TEST screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 IMPERIAL/SI VALUES screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ANALOG VALUES screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 AUTOSWITCH screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 FAULT CODES screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 RPM ADJUSTMENT screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 DPEM (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.4 FPDP screens and adjustments in manual mode - IDLE soft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.5 Engine/turbocharger cool down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.5.1 Automatic shutdown - cool down timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.5.2 Automatic shutdown - engine protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.5.3 Manual shutdown - from the fire pump controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.5.4 Manual shutdown - from the FPDP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 TOC-2 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Table of Contents 5 - Maintenance 5.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.2 Engine operation reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.3 Weekly maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.3.2 Air cleaner filter and piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.3.3 Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.3.4 Engine oil system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.3.5 Fuel system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3.6 Engine exhaust system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3.7 Electrical supply and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3.8 Crankcase ventilation hose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3.9 Heat exchanger - cooling water strainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.3.10 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.3.11 Engine test run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.3.12 Engine operation checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Crank termination setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Engine speed adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.3.13 Engine coolant heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4 Annual maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.4.1 Electrical components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.4.2 Turbocharger mounting nuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.4.3 Engine supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.4.4 Fuel pumps and filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.4.5 Engine oil and filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5.4.6 Drive shaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.4.7 Coolant pump/alternator belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.4.8 Raw water zinc anode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.4.9 Heat exchanger pressure test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.4.10 Turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.5 Every two years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.5.1 Coolant pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.5.2 Cooling system - heat exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.6 Every four years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.6.1 Coolant thermostat removal/installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.6.2 Coolant pump/alternator belt replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 6 - Troubleshooting 6.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 6.2 Engine Will Not Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 6.3 Engine Cranks But Will Not Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 6.4 Engine Starts But Continues to Crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 6.5 Engine Will Not Stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.6 Low Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.7 Fault Code Charts - CFP15E/EVS, CFP23E/EVS, CFP30E, and CFP60E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 7 - Component parts and assemblies 7.1 Repairs and technical service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.2 Recommended spare parts inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.3 Ordering parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 7.4 Engine data and torque values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) TOC-3 Table of Contents 7.5 Cap screw markings and torque values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 7.5.1 Cap screw identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Metric cap screw identification and head markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 US customary cap screw identification and head markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 7.5.2 Cap screw torque values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 7.6 CFP23E/EVS Assembly Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 TOC-4 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 1 - Safety 1.1 Introduction Cummins manuals should be considered part of the equipment. Keep the manuals with the equipment. If the equipment is traded or sold, give the manuals to the new owner. The fire pump drive engine has been carefully designed to provide safe and efficient service when properly installed, maintained, and operated. However, the overall safety and reliability of the complete system is dependent on many factors outside the control of the fire pump drive engine manufacturer. To avoid possible safety hazards, make all mechanical and electrical connections to the fire pump drive engine exactly as specified in this manual. All systems external to the fire pump drive engine (fuel, electrical, etc.) must comply with all applicable codes. Make certain all required inspections and tests have been completed and all code requirements have been satisfied before certifying the installation is complete and ready for service. All personnel responsible for operation and maintenance of the equipment should read and thoroughly understand this manual. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Safe and efficient operation can be achieved only if the equipment is properly operated and maintained. Many accidents are caused by failure to follow fundamental rules and precautions. 1.2 Use of advisory and cautionary statements 1.2.1 Advisory statements Advisory statements are used throughout this manual to call attention to special information and correct operating procedures. Throughout this manual, these Advisory Statements are delineated by the terms "NOTE" and "IMPORTANT" in uppercase letters: NOTE: A general advisory statement relating to equipment operation and maintenance procedures. IMPORTANT: A specific advisory statement intended to prevent damage to the equipment or its associated components. 1.2.2 Cautionary statements Cautionary statements highlight particular safety precautions pertaining to personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Cautionary Statements are always preceded by the following symbols: This symbol warns of immediate hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. This symbol refers to a hazard or unsafe practice which CAN result in severe personal injury or death. Indicates the presence of a hazard or unsafe practice which can result in equipment damage OR minor or major personal injury. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 1 Safety 1.3 General safety precautions Read and understand all of the safety precautions and warnings before performing any repair. Special safety precautions are included in the procedures when they apply. This list contains the general safety precautions that must be followed to provide personal safety: Perform a walk around inspection and alert all area personnel that the equipment will be starting before manual operation. Cummins engine manuals should be considered part of the equipment. Keep the manuals with the equipment. If the equipment is traded or sold, give the manuals to the new owner. All personnel responsible for operation and maintenance of the equipment should read and thoroughly understand this manual. · Do not operate faulty or damaged equipment. Ensure that all hoses, pipe connections, clamps and guards are in place and securely fastened. Electrical components should be kept in good working condition and repaired immediately by qualified personnel. · After performing maintenance, remove all tools and foreign materials and reinstall and securely fasten ALL guards, covers, and protective devices. · Exposed in-running belt nips can cause severe personal injury or dismemberment. Ensure that guards are in place and securely fastened before operation. · Rotating drive shafts can lacerate, dismember, or cause strangulation. Keep hands, body parts, long hair, or loose-fitting clothing clear at all times. · Never attempt to manually clean a machine while it is operating or in standby mode. · Never open ports on tanks or piping while the engine is operating. Contact with pressurized agents can cause severe personal injury. · Relieve all pressure in the air, oil, and the cooling systems before any lines, fittings, or related items are removed or disconnected. · Engine fuel is flammable when in contact with electrical spark or flame sources. Remove all sources of spark or flame from the work area. · Always use the same fastener part number (or equivalent) when replacing fasteners. · Some state and federal agencies in the United States have determined that used engine oil can be carcinogenic and can cause reproductive toxicity. Dispose of waste oil in accordance with applicable requirements. 2 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 2 - Description 2.1 Introduction This manual contains information for the correct operation and maintenance of a Cummins fire pump drive engine. Read and follow all safety instructions in Section 1 - Safety. Keep this manual with the equipment. If the equipment is traded or sold, give the manual to the new owner. Cummins fire pump drive engines have been designed in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 20 guidelines. No deviations are permitted without prior written approval. These engines are to be used only for fire protection applications. Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 provide visual descriptions of the engine components for this fire pump drive engine. Cummins reserves the right to make changes at any time. If any differences are found between an engine and the information in this manual, contact your local Authorized Repair Location. The latest technology and the highest quality components were used to produce this engine. Cummins fire pump drive engines as packaged units (engine and accessories) have been approved by Factory Mutual (FM) Approvals and listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Inc. and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC). When replacement parts are needed, we recommend using only genuine Cummins parts. Injury may result and warranty is voided if fuel rate, revolutions per minute (RPM), or altitudes exceed published maximum values for this model and application. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 3 Description 2.2 Fire pump drive engine nameplate Each fire pump drive engine is labeled with a nameplate that provides its unique information. A typical fire pump drive engine nameplate is shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 Fire pump drive engine nameplate (typical) 2.3 Fire pump controller The fire pump controller starts the engine automatically when the Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP) is in automatic mode and a remote fire demand signal is received. The fire pump controller automatically shuts down the engine when the fire demand signal is discontinued. The fire pump controller is optionally supplied by Cummins or Cummins Sales and Service. NOTE: With the fire pump controller in manual mode, starting and stopping the fire pump drive engine can be controlled by the FPDP, located on the fire pump drive engine itself. Upon turning the fire pump controller to OFF, the fire pump drive engine may continue to run at a reduced speed to cool the engine down. To stop the fire pump drive engine at this point - in the case of an emergency - press the Engine STOP button on the FPDP rather than on the pump controller. 4 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 2.4 CFP23E components 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 19 18 6 11 15 13 12 10 17 16 14 7 8 9 1. Air cleaner service indicator 2. FPDP interface terminal strip - terminal blocks (TBs) 3. FPDP 4. Electronic control module (ECM) A 5. Fuel pre-filter/water separator (2) 6. Engine supports 7. Fuel return line 8. Engine oil filter (2) 9. Oil pan drain port 10. Fuel supply line 11. Electronic control module (ECM) B 12. Engine oil fill port 13. Engine oil dipstick 14. Coolant filter 15. High pressure injection (HPI) fuel system 16. Alternator 17. Fuel pump 18. Raw water inlet connection 19. Cooling loop 20. Raw water discharge connection 21. Coolant/fuel cooling heat exchanger 22. Charge air cooler (CAC) heat exchanger 23. Coolant level sight gauge 24. Coolant surge tank 25. Coolant pressure/fill cap 26. Charge air cooler (CAC) hose Figure 2-2 Engine components - fire pump digital panel (FPDP) side Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 5 Description 1 15 14 13 12 11 4 10 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 1. Exhaust flex connection 2. Manifold heat shield 3. Lower coolant hose/tube 4. Engine supports 5. Battery starter contactor B 6. Battery starter contactor A 7. Battery charger interface 8. Engine coolant heater 9. Starter motor 10. Flywheel housing 11. Air cleaner assembly (intake) 12. Engine speed setting decals 13. Engine serial number decal 14. Manual start instruction decal 15. Upper coolant hose Figure 2-3 Engine components - turbocharger side 6 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description 2.5 Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP) The FPDP control panel (shown in Figure 2-4) is mounted on the left-hand side (or right-hand side - optional) of the flywheel end of the engine and contains controls for starting the engine, monitoring engine performance, and controlling fire pump drive engine operation. In manual mode, the FPDP and the Electronic Control Module (ECM) remain active as long as battery power is available. In automatic mode, starting and stopping of the engine is controlled by the fire pump controller. 1 5 2 18 6 4 17 7 3 16 8 15 9 14 13 12 11 10 1. Engine STOP button 2. Customer access port 3. Diagnostics connector 4. Engine ECM power supply 5. Tachometer 6. Battery "A" voltmeter 7. Battery "B" voltmeter 8. SCREEN soft key 9. IDLE soft key 10. RESET/STOP switch 11. Crank battery B momentary start switch 12. Crank battery A momentary start switch 13. ECM A/ECM B selector switch and indicator lamps 14. AUTO/MAN mode selector switch and indi- cator lamps 15. MENU soft key 16. Hour meter 17. Engine oil pressure gauge 18. Coolant temperature gauge Figure 2-4 FPDP control panel 2.5.1 Engine STOP button The Engine STOP Button (1) is located on the left side of the FPDP enclosure and is used to stop the operation of the engine in either manual or automatic mode. The button must be pressed and held until the engine has shut down. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 7 Description NOTE: Upon release of the Engine STOP Button, the fire pump drive engine will attempt to restart, If there is still a "pump on demand" signal present from the fire pump controller.The engine must also be stopped at the fire pump controller. 2.5.2 Customer access port The customer access knock-out (2) is located on the left side of the FPDP for ease of access. With an opening diameter of 1.38 in. (3.5 cm), this is the only knock-out provided for the pump controller interconnect. IMPORTANT: If additional holes are placed in the FPDP, all warranty on the fire pump drive engine will be void. 2.5.3 Diagnostics connector The Diagnostics Connector (3) is located on the bottom of the FPDP enclosure and is strictly used for Cummins service personnel. 2.5.4 Engine ECM power supply The Engine ECM Power Supply plug-in (4) is located on the lower side of the FPDP to provide unswitched battery power to both ECM A and ECM B. 2.5.5 Tachometer The Tachometer (5) displays the engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) whenever the engine is operating. 2.5.6 Battery "A" and "B" voltmeters The Battery "A" (6) and Battery "B" (7) Voltmeters display the charge status - or Voltage Direct Current (VDC) of the relative battery connections. 2.5.7 SCREEN soft key The SCREEN soft key (8) allows the user to switch to a detailed pop up list of additional analog values (when available): exhaust temperature; cooling loop temperature; cooling loop differential pressure; and J1939 values including: oil temperature; intake manifold temperature; and intake manifold pressure. 2.5.8 RESET/STOP switch The RESET/STOP Switch (9) serves multiple purposes: · To shut off the engine by removing the ECM keyswitch/Fuel Shutoff (FSO) valve until the engine speed decelerates to 0 RPM. · To reset the fire pump drive engine after an overspeed fault has been activated, allowing subsequent restarts of the fire pump drive engine. 2.5.9 IDLE soft key The IDLE soft key (10) allows the user to run an electronic engine at a reduced speed while the FPDP is in manual mode (See Operation: FPDP Screens and Adjustments in Manual Mode - IDLE Soft Key). When the FPDP AUTO/MAN selector switch is in the MAN position (manual mode), the IDLE soft key will appear and display in red. When the engine idle command is active, the IDLE soft key will display in green. NOTE: The IDLE soft key is only intended to be used for commissioning or service events. 8 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description 2.5.10 Crank battery A and B momentary start switches The CRANK BATT A (12) and CRANK BATT B (11) momentary start switches engage the starter when the FPDP is in MANUAL mode. CRANK BATT A energizes battery contactor A and CRANK BATT B energizes battery contactor B. Both CRANK BATT A and CRANK BATT B buttons can be energized at the same time in the event both batteries are weak. 2.5.11 ECM A/ECM B selector switch and indicator lamps The ECM A / ECM B selector switch and indicator lamps (13) illuminate in yellow, indicating which ECM is being used to control the engine. If ECM A (normal position) is selected, ECM A is monitoring and controlling the engine. If ECM B (alternate position) is selected, ECM B is monitoring and controlling the engine, and the FPDP will indicate that the engine is operating on the alternate ECM. 2.5.12 Automatic or Manual mode of operation selector switch and indicator lamps The AUTO/MAN selector switch and indicator lamps (14) illuminate in yellow, indicating the operational state of the FPDP. The MAN selector switch (for manual operation) is only to be selected for engine setup, testing, and emergency and maintenance procedures. When the FPDP is in manual mode, the ECM keyswitch/FSO and raw water solenoids are always activated, except under an overspeed condition. Manual operation of the fire pump drive engine is intended for a short run time. Leaving the FPDP in manual mode for an extended period may cause fuel dilution. The AUTO selector switch (for automatic operation) is the normal state of the FPDP, in which the fire pump controller starts and stops the engine. In automatic mode, the fire pump drive engine shuts down or enters engine cool down upon loss of a signal from the fire pump controller. 2.5.13 MENU soft key The MENU soft key (15) on the FPDP display allows the user to open the menu options. A complete list of FPDP screens and their functionality is outlined in the Operation Section of this manual. 2.5.14 Hour meter The Hour Meter (16) maintains a running total of the hours of engine operation (run time). 2.5.15 Engine oil pressure gauge Based on user parameter screen display selection, the Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (17) displays the engine oil pressure in pounds per square inch (PSI) or kPa. The Engine Oil Pressure Gauge displays by default in three different colors: · green - when the engine oil pressure is greater than 25 PSI (172 kPa); · yellow - when the engine oil pressure is between 17 PSI (117 kPa) and 25 PSI (172 kPa); and · red - when the engine oil pressure is below 16 PSI (110 kPa). NOTE: Engine oil pressure displayed in red will also be accompanied by a low oil pressure fault. Refer to TB-4. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 9 Description 2.5.16 Coolant temperature gauge Based on user parameter screen display selection, the Coolant Temperature Gauge (18) displays the engine coolant temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius. The Coolant Temperature Gauge displays in three different colors: · green - when the coolant temperature is between 100-199 °F (38-93 °C); · yellow - when the coolant temperature is between 200-211 °F (93-100 °C) OR below 100 °F (38 °C). NOTE: when the coolant temperature is below 100 °F (38 °C), the yellow gauge will also be accompanied by a low coolant temperature fault. Refer to TB-312.; and · red - when the coolant temperature is greater than 212 °F (100 °C). NOTE: the red gauge will also be accompanied by a high coolant temperature fault. Refer to TB-5. 2.6 FPDP informational displays 2.6.1 Fault code warning displays Fault codes diagnosed by the ECM are displayed in a yellow or red International Organization for Standardization (ISO) symbol and/or overlay box which lies atop the tachometer signal (the engine speed is still digitally displayed) to alert the operator to service the engine as soon as possible. Only the first seven active ECM faults will be displayed in the overlay. NOTE: To remove the overlay box from atop the tachometer, press the SCREEN Soft Key. Yellow warning indicators The yellow ISO symbol (shown in Figure 2-5) or the yellow ISO symbol AND a large yellow box covering the tachometer (shown in Figure 2-6) indicate an engine malfunction that requires timely operator attention. Figure 2-5 Yellow warning indicator ISO symbol only 10 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description Figure 2-6 Yellow warning indicator ISO symbol and overlay box When applicable, the FPDP may display the Yellow Warning Indicator for any one of the following operational issues: · The ECM has sensed a non-mission disabling fault. A three- or four-digit diagnostic fault code will display on the FPDP which can then be used to help diagnose the engine malfunction. Refer to the Fault Code Chart in the Fault Codes Section or contact your local Cummins Distributor. · Communications have been lost with the ECM. The FPDP communicates with electronically-controlled engines via J1939. As shown in Figure 2-7, if communications are lost, "J1939 Lost" will appear on the top left of the screen. The warning lamp will also illuminate and the text "NWF" (which stands for "Network Failure") will replace all digital J1939 values, except the tachometer, which will revert to using a mechanical speed sensor for engine speed detection. Figure 2-7 Loss of J1939 communications Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 11 Description · Communications have been lost with the Digital Panel Expansion Module (DPEM). As shown in Figure 2-8, "DPEM Lost" will appear on the FPDP User Interface Screen if communications between the FPDP and DPEM are compromised. Figure 2-8 DPEM lost fault screen · A DPEM alarm has been activated. · The pump discharge pressure is greater than 115% of the desired pressure in a Variable Speed Pressure Limiting Control (VSPLC)-enabled system (see Figure 2-13). Red warning indicators The red ISO symbol (shown in Figure 2-9) or the red ISO symbol AND a large red box covering the tachometer (shown in Figure 2-10) indicate an engine malfunction that requires immediate and decisive operator response. The FPDP will display the Red Warning Indicator when the ECM has sensed a fuel system or ECMspecific diagnostic fault. Refer to the Fault Code Chart in the Fault Codes Section or contact your local Cummins Distributor. Figure 2-9 Red warning indicator ISO symbol only 12 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description Figure 2-10 Red warning indicator ISO symbol and overlay box 2.6.2 Overspeed warning indicator As shown in Figure 2-11, "ENGINE OVERSPEED" flashing in red at the top of the FPDP screen indicates that the engine has exceeded its rated RPM and that possible damage to the sprinkler system may occur. Figure 2-11 Overspeed warning indicator 2.6.3 VSPLC information and warnings IMPORTANT: VSPLC capability is FM-approved and the fire pump drive engine must be ordered from Cummins as a variable speed engine; specific manufacturing tests are required for fixed and variable speed fire pump drive engines prior to installation. VSPLC is a controls feature in which the FPDP varies the engine speed in an attempt to maintain a constant pump discharge pressure. The allowable speed range for a VSPLC engine is from low speed idle (LSI) to rated speed where LSI = 1200 RPM on all engines except the CFP15E and CFP30E (in which LSI = 1400 RPM). The rated speed can be slightly increased or decreased, just as the fixed speed engine setpoint can be, by a Cummins representative. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 13 Description As shown in Figure 2-12, "VSPLC Active" and the VSPLC discharge pressure will be displayed in white at the bottom of the screen when VSPLC is enabled and active. Figure 2-12 VSPLC active screen - white (sample) If VSPLC is active and the pump discharge pressure is greater that 115% of the setpoint: · "VSPLC Active" and the VSPLC discharge pressure will be displayed in yellow at the bottom of the screen (shown in Figure 2-13) · A yellow engine warning lamp icon will also appear on the screen (shown in Figure 2-13) · A yellow overlay box will appear atop the tachometer signal (the engine speed is still digitally displayed) that states "HIGH PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE" to alert the operator to service the engine at the earliest convenience Figure 2-13 VSPLC active screen - yellow (sample) 14 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description In order to satisfy fire pump commissioning requirements, the engine will run at fixed speed only when the FPDP is in manual mode with TB-1 off. As shown in Figure 2-14, "VSPLC Inactive" and the VSPLC discharge pressure will be displayed in red at the bottom of the screen when VSPLC is not enabled and/or not active. Figure 2-14 VSPLC inactive screen - red (sample) NOTE: If TB-1 is activated from the fire pump controller during this time, the VSPLC mode will activate and control the engine speed based on the pump discharge pressure. "VSPLC Active" and the VSPLC discharge pressure will revert back to white at the bottom of the screen (shown in Figure 2-12). 2.6.4 DPEM fault screens When an analog input parameter crosses the alarm setpoint or a switched input is active, the FPDP may display the DPEM fault one of two ways: · From the FPDP - As shown in Figure 2-15, the warning symbol will illuminate and the overlay will activate in yellow with the text of the active fault. Figure 2-15 DPEM fault screen (sample) · From the DPEM/remote location - The terminal block interface inside of the DPEM has been created for connection to monitor alarms remotely. There is an LED next to each terminal block that will also illuminate if the relay is commanded closed. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 15 Description Each set of four relays has a common dry contact associated for integration flexibility: · Terminal Blocks 13-16 (R1-R4) are dedicated to switched inputs, with TB-17 being the common contact · Terminal Blocks 18-21 (R5-R8) are dedicated to temperature inputs, with TB-22 being the common contact · Terminal Blocks 23-26 (R9-R12) are dedicated to pressure inputs, with TB-27 being the common contact · Terminal Blocks 28-31 (R13-R16) are dedicated to additional pressure inputs or J1939 setpoints, with TB32 being the common contact As shown in Figure 2-16, "DPEM Lost" will appear on the FPDP screen if communications between the FPDP and DPEM are compromised. Figure 2-16 DPEM lost fault screen (sample) 2.7 Electronic control module (ECM) The engine Operation and Maintenance manual provides detailed information about the ECM(s). A second ECM is installed on electronic engines to satisfy the NFPA 20 requirement for a redundant means of electronic fuel injection. Switching of the sensor inputs and outputs to the respective ECM is controlled through the FPDP either manually (by means of the ECM A/B Selector Switch on the panel) or through an automated process called Autoswitching (refer to the Operation section of this manual for more information on Autoswitching). NOTE: Cummins electronically-controlled "engines" normally enable ECMs with derate and shutdown protection. Fire pump drive engines have the derates and shutdowns and disabled. Fire pump drive engines will run to destruction, making preventive maintenance even more essential for a fire pump drive engine. 16 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description 2.8 Digital panel expansion module (DPEM) (optional) The digital panel expansion module (DPEM) is an optional electronic device that works in conjunction with the FPDP to provide options for monitoring and alarming custom inputs. As shown in Figure 2-17, the DPEM is housed in a 316 stainless steel enclosure and contains a series of terminal blocks for customer connection to specified alarm points. One DPEM can be configured for any or all of the following: · Four switched inputs; · Three temperature inputs; · One exhaust temperature input; · Six pressure inputs; and/or · J1939 parameters (when applicable). Figure 2-17 Digital programming expansion module (DPEM) 2.9 Fuel supply and drain As shown in Figure 2-2, the fuel supply and return connections are centrally located on the FPDP side. Refer to the Engine Data Sheet for the maximum allowable fuel tank supply locations above the fuel pump. Follow published troubleshooting procedures to check fuel restriction measurements. 2.10 High Pressure Injection (HPI) Fuel System The CFP23E comes with a gear type fuel pump driven by the engine. The fire pump drive engine is equipped with an electronic fuel system that delivers precise fuel quantities with precise injection timing at high injection pressures. The system consists of high-pressure unit injectors and the fuel supply system uses various system monitoring sensors. The system is controlled by ECMs for fueling and timing based on temperature, altitude, pressure, and throttle position. With the HPI fuel system, fuel priming may be required. See the engine Operation and Maintenance for additional information. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 17 Description 2.11 Fuel cooling system A fuel cooling heat exchanger maintains a fuel temperature to meet the maximum allowable fuel inlet temperature (160 °F [71 °C]). Performance of the fuel cooling system is critical to engine durability, performance, and emissions compliance. 2.12 Air intake system The air intake system supplies combustion air to the fire pump drive engine cylinders. The air filters prevent particulate matter from entering the air intake. Figure 2-18 shows how the combustion air is drawn into the system. The turbocharger directs the air through the Charge Air Cooler (CAC) heat exchanger for cooling before entering the cylinders. 1 2 6 5 3 4 1. Intake Manifold 2. Air Tube to Charge Air Cooler 3. CAC Heat Exchanger 4. Charge Air Cooler Tube 5. Turbocharger 6. Filtered Intake Air from Air Cleaners Figure 2-18 Engine Air Intake and CAC Flow Diagram (typical) 18 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description 2.13 Cooling water system The following diagrams illustrate a typical cooling loop and the path of water through the engine cooling system. Water entering the cooling system through the cooling water inlet first circulates through the CAC heat exchanger, cooling the compressed air from the turbocharger outlet ducting. The cooled combustion air exits the CAC outlet duct to the engine air intake manifold. The cooling water from the CAC heat exchanger then passes through the engine coolant heat exchanger. The cooling water exits the coolant heat exchanger through a discharge connection. IMPORTANT: The cooling water supply must be immediately available when the engine is started. IMPORTANT: Do not operate without a pressure cap. NOTE: When filling with coolant, allow air to bubble out after the initial fill and then add coolant to the maximum level again. Monitor the coolant level after running the engine to ensure that all of the air is out of the system and replace with coolant. 1. Bypass water pressure regulator 2. Bypass water strainer 3. Pre-strainer pressure sensor 4. Raw water inlet connection 5. Normal water inlet valve 6. Bypass water inlet valve 7. Normal water strainer 8. Post strainer pressure sensor 9. Normal water pressure regulator 10. Normal water solenoid valve (where required) 11. Outlet to heat exchanger 12. Temperature sensor 13. Pressure gauge isolation valve 14. Water supply pressure gauge Figure 2-19 Cooling loop (typical) Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 19 Description 1 2 23 22 21 20 19 13 15 14 13 18 3 11 10 9 4 56 7 8 16 15 17 1. Coolant surge tank 2. Coolant pressure/fill cap 3. Air intake manifold 4. Exhaust manifold 5. Exhaust flex connection 6. Turbocharger 7. Air filter 8. Engine block 9. Thermostat 10. Coolant pump 11. Coolant filter 12. Raw water inlet connection 14 13 12 13. Manual shut-off valve (3) 14. Raw water strainer (2) 15. Raw water pressure regulator (2) 16. Raw water solenoid valve (if required) 17. Cooling loop 18. Raw water bypass piping 19. Raw water pressure gauge 20. Fuel cooling heat exchanger 21. Raw water discharge connection 22. Coolant heat exchanger 23. Charge air cooler (CAC) heat exchanger Figure 2-20 Engine cooling system flow diagram (typical) 20 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Description 2.14 Engine oil system The engine oil system lubricates moving internal engine parts (pistons, connecting rods, valves, cam shafts, shafts, and bearings). The oil pump circulates oil from the oil pan, through the oil filter, and into engine areas where friction may develop. Refer to the Cummins engine Operation and Maintenance Manual or Cummins QuickServe Online (QSOL) for additional information. NOTE: Typically engine oil has been added during manufacture and testing procedures; however, shipping restrictions can affect whether the oil is maintained in the engine or drained for shipping. Check the oil level at the dipstick. Add oil as necessary to bring the oil level to the H (high) mark on the dipstick. 2.15 Engine exhaust system The exhaust system removes engine exhaust from the cylinders after the combustion process. The exhaust discharges from the exhaust manifold, passes through (drives) the turbocharger, and exits through the exhaust connection. Refer to the Cummins engine Operation and Maintenance Manual or Cummins QuickServe Online (QSOL) for additional information. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 21 Description This page is intentionally left blank. 22 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 3 - Installation 3.1 Introduction This section provides instructions for the initial installation, adjustment, and testing of the Cummins fire pump drive engine. Appropriate portions of this section should be used when returning the engine to operation after overhaul or major maintenance. 3.2 Receiving and handling Cummins fire pump drive engines are pre-assembled and tested before shipment. Parts not shipped attached to the engine are sometimes shipped individually. The equipment was thoroughly inspected and prepared for shipping before it was turned over to the carrier. Upon receipt of the fire pump drive engine from the shipper: 1. Inspect the equipment for damage that may have occurred in shipping; and 2. Check each item carefully against the shipping manifest or bill of lading. 3.3 Site preparation The site should be clean and relatively level. Clear the proposed equipment area of overhanging obstructions and obstacles protruding from the floor. Avoid installation in a dusty or dirty environment. Provide adequate physical protection from other physical damage as may be present in the specific location. 3.4 Drive shaft installation Drive shaft installation should be done by trained technicians familiar with local, state, and federal codes and regulations. Refer to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 20 for installation and applicable local code requirements and NFPA 25 for inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements. Follow these steps to install the drive shaft: Ensure that the lifting device is capable of safely lifting the weight of the engine or the combined weight of the assembled pump base, drive line, and pump. Do not use the engine lifting points for assembly! 1. Ensure that the engine and pump are correctly aligned. a. Ensure that the engine position is centered on the frame side to side within ± .76 mm (.03 in) by measuring outside of the frame side to the engine support leg mounting pad. (Compare the two front engine supports and two back engine supports.) Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 23 Installation b. As shown in Figure 3-1, align the engine center line to the pump center line within ± .76 mm (.03 in). 1 90° 90° 2 TOP 3 SIDE 4 1. Planes must be parallel 2. Align both mounting center lines to ± .76 mm (.03 in) 3. Distance to equal half of total travel 4. 2° +/- 1° Figure 3-1 Drive shaft alignment c. Ensure that the pump center line to the engine crankshaft center line (in vertical plane) is 2° +/- 1°. d. Ensure that the drive shaft mounting flanges are parallel. 2. As illustrated in Figure 3-2, lubricate the grease fittings on the drive shaft universal joint. CFP-015 Figure 3-2 Drive shaft universal joint grease fittings 24 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3. Check that the fire pump drive engine is properly installed per the pump manufacturer's specifications. 4. Cummins recommends using a good quality semi-synthetic, molybdenum-fortified National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) #2 lithium complex grease. NOTE: Some lubrication loss may occur during transport and storage. It is recommended that the drive shaft be re-lubricated upon installation. 3.5 Fuel supply installation NOTE: It is the responsibility of the customer to provide and install a properly-rated fuel tank per NFPA 20 guidelines. To properly install a fuel supply, follow these instructions: 1. Install an elevated no. 2 diesel fuel tank or other fuel supply arrangement which is compatible with American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) no. 2 diesel fuel specifications. NOTE: The fuel supply line at the fuel tank must be higher than the fuel intake port on the engine fuel pump. Ensure that the fuel system is installed in a safe and effective manner. 2. Size the fuel tank for the maximum expected full-load engine operation period with the initial fuel level at the minimum level for refueling. 3. Install a fuel return line and route this line to the bottom of the fuel tank in order to minimize the return head. 4. Install a fuel supply line to the fire pump drive engine. NOTE: For fuel line specifications, refer to the Engine Data Sheet. NOTE: DO NOT use copper or galvanized pipe for the fuel return or supply lines. The fire pump drive engine fuel system has been primed during manufacturing and test procedures. The engine is equipped with an engine driven (gear) fuel pump. An optional fuel pre-filter and a fuel filter/water separator is integrated into the fuel delivery system of the fire pump drive engine. To ensure that the filter/separator is free of water, open the fuel filter/water separator drain at the bottom of the filter and drain the fuel into a container until no water is present. Dispose of the contaminated fuel in accordance with local environmental regulations. Due to the precise tolerances of diesel injection systems, it is extremely important that the fuel be kept clean and free of dirt or water. Dirt or water in the system can cause severe damage to both the fuel pump and the fuel injectors. Do not mix gasoline, alcohol, gasohol, ethanol, or methanol with diesel fuel. This mixture will cause severe engine damage or explosion. Use ONLY no. 2 diesel (ASTM no. 2D) fuel. Any fuel other than no. 2 diesel fuel may affect emission levels. Any adjustment to compensate for reduced performance with a fuel system using alternate fuel is not warrantable. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 25 Installation 3.6 Cooling water supply installation IMPORTANT: The cooling water supply must be immediately available when the engine is started. Ensure that the supply line valves are in the OPEN position. NOTE: The flow rate of the cooling water should be as great as possible without exceeding the maximum allowable pressure shown in the Engine Data Sheet. To install the cooling water supply: 1. Provide a cooling water discharge line at the outlet of the engine coolant heat exchanger and provide a cooling water supply line to the cooling water inlet per the Engine Data Sheet. NOTE: The cooling water outlet piping from the heat exchanger should be one pipe size larger than the supply piping. 2. Check the pressure regulator setting on the cooling loop with water flowing through the heat exchanger. The cooling loop is supplied by Cummins; both water pressure regulators have been set at (or slightly less) water pressure during manufacture and testing: · For the CFP5E, CFP7E, CFP9E, CFP15E and CFP23E - 276 kPa (40 psi) · For the CFP30E, CFP50 and CFP60E models - 345 kPa (50 psi). IMPORTANT: The manual water valves for the normal loop should remain OPEN at ALL times. The manual valves for the bypass loop should be CLOSED during automatic (pump controller) operation. When running, the engine should stabilize between temperatures identified on the Engine Data Sheet. The flow rate may need to be adjusted to maintain the desired engine temperature. NOTE: Excessively cold (4 °C to 23 °C [40 °F to 75 °F]) cooling water flow can cause condensation inside the charge air cooler. IMPORTANT: Continuous operation with low coolant temperature (below 70 °C [158 °F]) or high coolant temperature (above 107 °C [225 °F]) can damage the engine. 3. Adjust the cooling water based on the water flow rather than the water pressure. The flow is dependent on the cooling water temperature. Refer to the Engine Data Sheet. 4. To measure the water flow, use an appropriate-sized container to measure the amount of water and the elapsed time of the water to flow from the discharge pipe and then formulate the calculations: Flow rate = container size/ time to fill container. Example: Time to fill a 20 gallon container = 15 seconds. 20 gallons divided by 15 seconds = 1.33 gallons per second. Multiply by 60 seconds = 80 gallons per minute (gpm) (FLOW RATE) 5. Adjust both pressure regulators to a pressure that will provide a flow rate at or above the specifications listed in the Engine Data Sheet. 26 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation When the cooling water piping is installed, adjust both of the pressure regulator setpoints before operating the pump. Damage to the heat exchanger may occur from improperly regulated cooling water supply pressure. IMPORTANT: Monitor the oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges frequently. Refer to Lubricating Oil System Specifications or Cooling System Specifications in the Engine Data Sheet for recommended operating pressures and temperatures. Shut off the engine if any pressure or temperature does not meet the specifications. NOTE: Maximum engine coolant temperature should not exceed the temperature listed on the Engine Data Sheet. The coolant expansion pressure/fill cap must meet the minimum pressure of 10 kPa (15 psi). The engine coolant system contains a mixture of at least 50% antifreeze and 50% water. The coolant level should be maintained so it is visible in the coolant level sight gauge. 3.7 Battery installation The minimum recommended Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) reserve capacity (RC) and SAE cold cranking ampere (CCA) values for a particular engine can be found on the Engine Data Sheet. RC and CCA definitions can be found in SAE Standard J537. Refer to NFPA 20 and FM 1333 standards for additional battery installation information. Battery electrolyte (sulfuric acid) is highly caustic and can burn clothing and skin. Wear impervious neoprene gloves and safety goggles, or a full face shield, when working with the batteries. IMPORTANT: Batteries must meet the requirement listed in the electrical system specifications. Batteries may be supplied by Cummins as an option, or may be supplied by the customer. Batteries can emit explosive gases during charging. Always ventilate the compartment before servicing the batteries. To avoid arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 27 Installation To properly install the batteries: 1. As shown in the following diagrams, install the battery cable kit or equivalent customer-supplied wiring. Install battery sets in a well-ventilated or otherwise protected location. Figure 3-3 Series battery connection 24 VDC 2. Provide adequate room for servicing or replacing the batteries. Provide protection from extremes of temperature and weather. 3. Locate the batteries near the engine or increase the size of the conductors as required by applicable codes. Ensure that the batteries are configured properly for 24 VDC standard operations. 4. Check the battery cables and connections. NOTE: Coat the terminals with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion. Install the cables and tighten the battery connections. 28 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3.8 Signal and control installation The fire pump controller wires must be connected to the terminal blocks (TBs) on the FPDP Interface Terminal Strip and on the Battery Charger Interface. To complete the signal and control installation: 1. Ensure that the fire pump controller is properly installed and configured per the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Complete the fire pump controller wiring (customer-supplied) per the manufacturer's instructions. 3. Ensure electrical continuity and adequate insulation resistance for the installed wiring. Refer to the Operation - Engine Setup Screen section to conduct a Terminal Block Test from the FPDP. 3.8.1 FPDP interface terminal strip As shown in Figure 3-4, the TBs between the fire pump controller and the fire pump driver are standard UL and FM controller terminals and follow a direct one-to-one correspondence (some TBs are optional): · TB-1 [Run Solenoid Circuit]: This B+ signal is necessary for fire pump operations while in the FPDP is in AUTO (automatic) mode. The Electronic Control Module (ECM) keyswitch/Fuel Shutoff (FSO) and raw water solenoid are activated when voltage is present at TB-1. When TB-1 is removed while the engine is running, the FPDP will command electronic engines to idle for up to three minutes. · TB-2 [Crank Termination Switch]: This B+ signal is provided by the FPDP to inform the pump controller that the engine is running. Crank Termination indicates that the engine has started and that the crank command from the fire pump controller should stop immediately. · TB-3 [Overspeed Switch]: This B+ signal is provided by the FPDP when the engine speed has exceeded 115% of the rated engine speed. When overspeed occurs, the ECM keyswitch or FSO outputs and the raw water cooling loop solenoid are immediately deactivated in an attempt to stop the fire pump drive engine. The FPDP will not allow the engine to be restarted until after the overspeed alarm has been reset. · TB-4 [Low Lubricant Pressure Switch]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the oil pressure has dropped below the 16 psi (110 kPa) setpoint when the engine is running. A ground path is also provided to indicate low oil pressure when the engine is NOT running. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 29 Installation Thermocouple input Figure 3-4 FPDP interface terminal strip · TB-5 [High Engine Temperature Signal]: A ground path is present when the engine is running and the coolant temperature is at or above 212 °F (100 °C). · TB-9 [Main Battery Contactor One Coil or Battery Relay One Coil]: This B+ signal is driven from the fire pump controller to contactor A when desiring to crank the engine from Battery A. Current in this circuit shall not exceed 10A continuous. 30 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation · TB-10 [Main Battery Contactor Two Coil or Battery Relay Two Coil]: This B+ signal is driven from the fire pump controller to contactor B when desiring to crank the engine from Battery B. Current in this circuit shall not exceed 10A continuous. · TB-301 [ECM Switch]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the engine is operating on ECM B. · TB-302 [Fuel Injection Malfunction (FIM)]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when either of the ECMs triggers a fault code which can affect the performance of the Fuel Injection System. See the Troubleshooting section for possible fault causes and solutions. · TB-303 [ECM Warning]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when a single ECM has been diagnosed as failed. · TB-304 [ECM Failure]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when both ECMs have been diagnosed as failed. · TB-305 [Custom Output 1]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the custom alarm is configured and activated. NOTE: If an Air Shutoff Valve is purchased, TB-305 is reserved for valve position feedback. · Type K Thermocouple Input - optional: The screws to the Type K thermal couple input may be loosened for installation of an exhaust temperature. · TB-306 [Custom Output 2]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the custom alarm is configured and activated. · TB-307 [Custom Output 3]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the custom alarm is configured and activated. · TB-310 [Raw Water High Inlet Temperature] - not applicable on radiator-cooled models - A ground path is provided by the FPDP when high raw water temperature is sensed. · TB-311 [Clogged Raw Water Cooling Loop Strainer] - not applicable on radiator-cooled models - A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the raw water supply restriction is sensed. · TB-312 [Low Engine Temperature Signal]: A ground path is provided by the FPDP when the engine coolant falls below 100 °F (37.8 °C). 3.8.2 Battery charger interface As shown in Figure 3-5, the Battery Charger Interface provides power to the fire pump controller, as well as provides charging current to the fire pump drive engine batteries. The Battery Charger Interface includes: · TB-6 [Battery A Positive]: The fire pump controller senses Battery A charge state and charges Battery A through TB-6. · TB-8 [Battery B Positive]: The fire pump controller senses Battery B charge state and charges Battery B through TB-8. · TB-11 [Battery A and Battery B Negative]: The fire pump controller uses TB-11 as a ground reference for incoming power, as well as to charge the fire pump drive engine batteries. NOTE: This is not intended to create a fully isolated battery negative or ground system. Current in each terminal block shall not exceed 30 amperes continuous. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 31 Installation To complete the battery signal connections: 1. Provide the initial charge on the redundant batteries per the battery charger's instructions. 2. Check that both voltmeters on the FPDP indicate the approximate battery voltage. NOTE: Both sets of batteries can be used for starting the engine in the event that one set is low. Figure 3-5 Battery charger interface 3.9 Coolant system preparation The fire pump drive engine cooling and lubrication system was initially filled during manufacture and testing. To properly prepare the coolant system: Ensure that all coolant systems have been filled to the proper level before operation by checking the coolant level sight gauge on the surge tank. 1. Inspect the engine coolant hoses and hose clamps and ensure that all coolant hoses and clamps are properly installed and water tight. 2. Ensure that the engine coolant heater maintains an engine coolant temperature of 49 °C (120 °F) or above. 3. Ensure that coolant is present in the engine coolant heater before plugging the heater element into a dedicated circuit. Add coolant, if necessary. 32 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 4. Inspect the heat exchanger weekly for external damage and contamination. NOTE: Contamination of the heat exchanger will affect the ability of the cooling system to transfer heat and properly cool the engine and intake manifold. 5. Add coolant, if necessary: NOTE: Supplemental engine coolant should be a mixture of 50% ethylene glycol antifreeze and 50% water to avoid engine damage. For additional information, refer to the antifreeze information found in the Maintenance section. · If the engine IS equipped with a sight level gauge, ensure that the engine coolant level is visible at the center of the sight level gauge. Add coolant as required. DO NOT OVERFILL! · If the engine IS NOT equipped with a sight level gauge, fill the cooling system with coolant to the bottom of the fill neck. Do not fill above the bottom of the fill neck. 6. Re-install the pressure/fill cap. Do not remove the pressure/fill cap from a hot engine. Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50 °C (122 °F) before removing the pressure/fill cap. Heated coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury. 3.10 Charge air cooler (CAC) inspection The charge air cooler (CAC) system reduces the temperature of the compressed combustion air from the turbocharger before entering the air intake manifold. Inspect the CAC piping and hoses for loose/missing hose clamps, hose punctures, leaking manifold seals, or corrosion. Torque the hose clamps to the recommended torque value. Refer to the Engine Specification Sheet. 3.11 Lubricating oil system preparation The fire pump drive engine and turbocharger were initially lubricated during manufacture and testing. To prepare the lubricating oil system for operation: 1. Check the oil level using the dip stick before operating the fire pump drive engine. 2. Fill the oil fill port to the "H" mark on the dipstick with lubricating oil. For those models (CFP9E, CPFP11E, CFP15E, and CFP23E) equipped with an oil level gauge, it may be necessary to adjust the gauge: 1. Ensure the engine oil is at the low level of the oil dipstick. 2. Start the engine. 3. Adjust the oil level gauge until it alarms. 4. Stop the engine. 5. Fill the oil fill port to the "H" mark on the dipstick with lubricating oil. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 33 Installation NOTE: Do not use special "break-in" lubricating oils for new or rebuilt Cummins engines. Use the same type of oil during the "break-in" as used during normal operation. Some regulatory and shipping restrictions may require that all lubricants, fuels, and coolants be drained for transport. Ensure that all cooling and lubrication systems have been filled to the proper level before operation. NOTE: Using multi-viscosity lubricating oil can improve oil consumption control and improve engine cranking in cold temperatures while maintaining lubrication at high operating temperatures. Cummins recommends Premium Blue® 15W-40 oil for most climates. Ensure that all cooling and lubrication systems have been filled to the proper level before operation. 3.12 Variable Speed Pressure Limiting Control (VSPLC) preparation NOTE: VSPLC capability is on electronic engines, only. This section is not applicable to mechanical engines. As shown in Figure 3-6, to prepare the fire pump drive engine for VSPLC capability, connect a 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) inside diameter pressure sensing line to the transducer or Cummins-supplied flexible hose located under the FPDP and the other end to between the pump discharge flange and the discharge check valve. IMPORTANT: Cummins recommends that provisions be made within the VSPLC connection line to account for any engine vibration and movement. Figure 3-6 VSPLC pressure sensing connection 34 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3.13 Pre-start inspections Prior to starting the fire pump drive engine for the first time, perform a visual inspection: 1. Check that there is no apparent damage and that all components are installed. 2. Check that the drive belt is properly installed. 3. Check that all hoses and tubes are properly installed. 4. Check that all electrical connections are properly installed. 5. Check that the fire pump drive engine is properly installed per the pump manufacturer's instructions, is correctly aligned, and is free to rotate. 6. Lubricate the grease fittings on the auxiliary drive shaft. NOTE: Use the same type of oil as used in normal operation. Cummins recommends Premium Blue® 15W-40 oil for most climates. Before operating the equipment, complete all safety checks, remove all tools and foreign objects from the equipment, and ensure that all guards are in place and securely fastened. Alert area personnel that the equipment will be starting. Unintentional equipment start-up or contact with exposed or moving components can cause personal injury or equipment damage. 3.14 Engine monitoring When the engine starts, it is important to monitor the displays: 1. Immediately check that water flow is established through the coolant heat exchanger. The water flow should be established immediately, but some delay may occur before the flow exits the heat exchanger drain connection. NOTE: Ensure that cooling water is flowing and the water pressure shown on the local pressure gauge is no more than 414 kPa (60 psi). The minimum cooling water flow rate is identified in the Engine Data Sheet. 2. Ensure that the engine operating temperature stabilizes between applicable ranges as identified in the Engine Data Sheet. 3. Operate the engine for eight to ten minutes. 4. Inspect the engine for leaks, unusual noises, or other indications of incorrect operation. 5. While running the engine, look for the following signals during operation and field testing: If the oil pressure is not displayed on the gauge or if the low oil pressure message is displayed within fifteen seconds, STOP THE ENGINE IMMEDIATELY! Continued operation without proper lubrication will cause engine damage. · Low engine lubricant pressure · High engine coolant temperature Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 35 Installation · Low engine temperature · High raw water temperature 6. Shut off the engine by pressing and holding the overspeed RESET/STOP switch. 7. Shortly after the engine stops, check that the water flow stops automatically. 8. Correct any problems found during the inspection before proceeding. 9. Check the engine lubricating oil level at the dip stick. Add oil, if necessary. 10. Check the coolant expansion tank level. Add coolant, if necessary. 11. Check the cooling water strainers. Clean the strainers according to the maintenance schedule in Section 5 - Maintenance. 12. Perform engine speed control and safety system tests per the instructions in 4 - Operation. 3.15 Start-up validation The required installation tests are outlined in the NFPA 20 Standards and shall be performed to validate automatic and manual operational requirements for field acceptance testing. Visit engines/fire-pump-drives/registration-and-warranty to download the Start-up inspection checklist. NOTE: The maximum engine speed should only be altered by a Cummins technician. These instructions should be used during the commissioning of a new diesel fire pump drive engine to validate the alarming between the Cummins FPDP and the pump controller. The various testing techniques detailed below will safely validate the connections between these two devices, the pump controller's response to the alarm, and the FPDP's internal ability to activate the alarm. Unless otherwise instructed, conduct all tests with the FPDP in Auto mode and the pump controller in Manual mode. The tests apply to both Electronic Control Module (ECM) A and ECM B 36 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation To access the Analog Values screen, press MENU and then ANALOG VALUES. If an alarm does not register on the pump controller as expected, refer to the Troubleshooting instructions at the end of this document. VSPLC units must be exercised to create their maximum pressure during commissioning. This can be easily completed by switching the unit into Manual mode on the FPDP. A dialog box will appear on the screen alerting the user that the engine will run at a constant rated speed. Once in Manual mode, simply start the engine from the FPDP, and the engine will run at its rated maximum speed. NOTE: TB-1 must be inactive for the engine to run at a constant rated speed, otherwise it will run in VSPLC mode. To access the Terminal Block Test menu to test the Power Board circuitry and connection to the pump controller: 1. Press MENU 2. Select ENGINE SETUP 3. Enter "806" and press SUBMIT 4. Select TERMINAL BLOCKS Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 37 Installation A typical Terminal Block Test screen is shown below. Follow the detailed instructions in the next section to perform the start-up validation. Figure 3-7 Typical Terminal Block Test screen 3.15.1 High Water Temp Simulate a high coolant temperature condition (TB-5 - High Engine Temperature). TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the High Water Temp soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a high coolant temperature alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the high coolant temperature alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump VERIFY controller. The pump controller alarm indicates that a high engine temperature condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. 38 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3.15.2 Low Water Temp Simulate a low engine temperature condition (TB-312 Low Engine Temperature). NOTE: The LOW ENGINE TEMPERATURE alarm can be conveniently tested while the engine is cold using the Primary Method. If the engine is warm, use the Alternate Method. Primary Method (If engine is cold) Start and run the engine from the pump controller. TEST During the first few minutes of engine operation while the Water Temp (shown on the Analog Values screen) is less than 110 °F, the low engine temperature alarm should be active on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a low engine temperature condition has occurred. Alternate Method (If engine is warm) - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the Low Water Temp soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a low engine temperature alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the low engine temperature alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a low engine temperature condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. 3.15.3 Low Oil Pres Simulate a low engine temperature condition (TB-4 Low Oil Pressure). TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the Low Oil Pres soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a low oil pressure alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the low oil pressure alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a low oil pressure condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 39 Installation 3.15.4 Fuel Inj. Malf. Simulate a fuel injection malfunction (TB-302 - Fuel Injection Malfunction (FIM)). TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the Fuel Inj. Malf. soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a fuel injection malfunction alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the fuel injection malfunction alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a fuel injection malfunction condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. 3.15.5 Hi Raw Water Temp Simulate a high raw water temperature alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller (TB-310 - Raw Water High Inlet Temperature). NOTE: The Raw Water Temperature High alarm can be validated in two different ways. The first way allows for a more thorough evaluation of the system. Primary Method - Grounding the Sender TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, ground the raw water temperature sender by creating continuity between the sender terminal and the bare metal on the raw water cooling loop. With the sensor grounded, the FPDP will display a high Cooling Loop Temp (shown on the Analog Values screen) and the high raw water temperature alarm should be active on the pump controller. VERIFY Cooling loop temperature sender The pump controller alarm indicates that a high raw water temperature condition has occurred. Alternate Method - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the Hi Raw Water Temp soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a high raw water temperature alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the high raw water temperature alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a high raw water temperature condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. 40 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3.15.6 Raw Water Strain Simulate a low raw water flow alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller (TB-311 - Clogged Raw Water Cooling Loop Strainer). NOTE: This alarm can be validated in two different ways. The first way allows for a more thorough evaluation of the system. Primary Method - close the raw water cooling loop primary manual shutoff valve TEST Begin with the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode. Simulate a clogged raw water strainer by throttling (partially closing) the raw water cooling loop Primary Manual Shutoff Valve. With the valve partially closed, the FPDP will display a high Diff Press Post: (shown on the Analog Values screen) and the low raw water flow alarm should be active on the pump controller. primary manual shutoff valve VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a low raw water flow condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, re-open the raw water cooling loop Primary Manual Shutoff Valve and reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. Alternate Method - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the Raw Water Strain soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate a low raw water flow alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the low raw water flow alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a low raw water flow condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 41 Installation 3.15.7 TB-303/304 - ECM Warning/ECM Failure NOTE: Single ECM Warning and ECM Failure can be conveniently tested while the engine is off using the primary method. If the engine is running, use the alternate method, although this will not activate the autoswitch routine. Primary Method (engine off) With the engine off, place the pump controller in Manual or Test mode and the FPDP in Auto mode. TEST Press and hold the Engine Stop button on the upper left side of the FPDP. This will manually cut switched power to the ECMs. The FPDP will detect the loss of data link communications from the ECM and report an ECM failure to the pump controller. The FPDP ECM A/ECM B button will automatically switch from ECM A to ECM B (the LED will switch from ECMA to ECMB). Note: Once the FPDP switches to ECM B, the ECM failure alarm should become active. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that an ECM failure condition has occurred. With the Engine Stop button still held, the FPDP will diagnose a failure of the alternate ECM. The ECM failure alarm should be activated on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that an ECM failure (for ECM B) condition has occurred. NOTE: Repeat this test by starting with ECM B active and then allowing the FPDP to transition from ECM B to ECM A during the autoswitch routine. Alternate Method on next page 42 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation Alternate Method (engine running) - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode (the FPDP ECM A / ECM B button should indicate ECM A), press the Single ECM soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate an ECM failure alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the ECM failure alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. The FPDP ECM A / ECM B button will automatically switch from ECM A to ECM B (the LED will switch from ECMA to ECMB). Note: Once the FPDP switches to ECM B, the TB301 alarm should become active. The pump controller alarm indicates VERIFY that an ECM failure condition has occurred. Press the Dual ECM soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate an ECM failure alarm (for ECM B) sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that an ECM failure condition (for ECM B) has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. NOTE: Repeat this test by starting with ECM B active and then allowing the FPDP to transition from ECM B to ECM A during the autoswitch routine. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 43 Installation 3.15.8 TB-305-307 - Custom Outputs - simulation from the Terminal Block Test screen NOTE: Not every engine will have custom switched inputs available for testing, use this section as required only. TEST With the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, press the applicable TB305, TB306, or TB307 soft key (when the button is green, the alarm will activate) to simulate an applicable custom alarm sent from the FPDP to the pump controller. Validate that the custom alarm is active (LED is lit) on the pump controller. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that a custom alarm condition has occurred. After the alarm has been verified, reset the alarm on the pump controller by turning the pump controller off and then on. 3.15.9 TB-301 - ECM Switch TEST With the engine off and ECM A active, press the ECM A / ECM B button one time to switch to ECM B (the LED will switch from ECMA to ECMB). Start and run the engine from the pump controller VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that the ECM is in the alternate position - that the alternate ECM is active. 3.15.10 TB-3 - Overspeed Switch Verify the firmware version by pressing the Menu button from the FPDP main screen. The firmware version will be visible on the bottom of the screen in the center. Run this test according to the 'Alternate Method' with the engine OFF, the FPDP in Auto mode, and the pump controller OFF, if one or more of the below are true: · It is not desired or possible to momentarily cause an actual overspeed condition. · The engine has a firmware version prior to 1.55. · The engine has an air shutoff valve. IMPORTANT: An Overspeed Test performed with the engine running on a fire pump drive engine with an air shutoff valve may cause damage to the engine. 44 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation The engine speed is listed in the following 'Overspeed Exclusions' table:. Overspeed Exclusions Model Speed Rating CFP5E 2600 RPM CFP7E 2600 RPM CFP9E/CFP9E HHP 2300 RPM CFP15E 2250 RPM CFP23E 2100 RPM CFP30E 2100 RPM CFP60E 1800 RPM Primary Method (engine running) Begin with the engine running from the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode. Press MENU> OVERSPEED TEST > Run. A dialog box will appear alerting the user that the engine will ramp to an overspeed condition. If it is safe to do so, proceed with the test and select Yes. If not, select No and see the note below. TEST After the countdown timer expires, the engine will ramp to rated speed over a period of 5 seconds. Once the engine exceeds the overspeed threshold, the overspeed condition should be active. The engine will shut down once the overspeed condition has occurred. Attempt to restart the engine by pressing the `Crank A' or `Crank B' button. The engine should not restart until a reset has occurred. VERIFY When the timer expires, "ENGINE OVERSPEED" written in red will flash at the top of the FPDP screen until a reset occurs. The pump controller alarm indicates that an overspeed condition has occurred. The FPDP shuts down the engine and does not allow it to restart until a reset has occurred. Press the RESET / STOP button to reset the FPDP and clear the engine overspeed alarm on the pump controller. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 45 Installation Alternate Method (engine off) Begin with the engine OFF at the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode. Press MENU> OVERSPEED TEST > Run. A dialog box will appear alerting the user that the engine will ramp to an overspeed condition. Since the engine is not running, an overspeed condition will NOT occur. Select Yes to run the test. TEST After the countdown timer expires, an engine overspeed fault will be simulated by the FPDP. "ENGINE OVERSPEED" will flash on the screen. VERIFY When the timer expires, "ENGINE OVERSPEED" written in red will flash at the top of the FPDP screen until a reset occurs. The pump controller alarm indicates that an overspeed condition has occurred. The engine will not restart until the overspeed condition has been cleared. Attempt to restart the engine by pressing the `Crank A' or `Crank B' button. The FPDP does not allow the engine to restart until a reset has occurred. Press the RESET / STOP button to reset the FPDP and clear the engine overspeed alarm on the pump controller. This page is intentionally left blank. 3.15.11 TB-2 - Crank Termination Switch The Fail to Start alarm is generated by the fire pump controller if it does not receive a crank terminate B+ signal from TB-2 of the FPDP IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to the starter, disconnect the starter prior to performing the overcrank test by removing power from the starter(s) B+ terminal(s). Ensure that the disconnected terminal is safely covered during the testing. Reconnect the starter at the conclusion of the overcrank testing. TEST With the pump controller and the FPDP in Auto mode, simulate a pressure drop to energize the FPDP TB-1 and engage the crank sequence to start the engine. The pump controller will repeat a 15second crank and a 15-second rest 6 times by sending B+ voltage to either TB9 - Main Battery Contactor One Coil or Battery Relay One Coil and TB10 - Main Battery Contactor Two Coil or Battery Relay Two Coil in the FPDP. VERIFY The pump controller alarm indicates that an fail to start condition has occurred. 46 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Installation 3.15.12 Troubleshooting a Terminal Block Connection: ECM autoswitching must be enabled for NFPA 20 compliance To verify that autoswitching is enabled:. TEST Press MENU > ENGINE SETUP > AUTOSWITCH Ensure that Autoswitch Enable is ON (soft button is green). VERIFY ECM autoswitching is enabled. If the pump controller does not register a fault when it has been activated by the FPDP by the methods described in the above testing, the first step should be to check that the FPDP is activating the alarm which for all cases other than TB-3 Overspeed Switch and TB2-Crank Termination Switch - is a switch to ground. (TB-3 - Overspeed Switch and TB-2-Crank Termination Switch are switches to B+ (Battery Positive).) To check the connection between the two devices, use a multimeter to manually verify the terminal block alarm signals in the FPDP are activating. If the previous test is successful, and the pump controller does not register an alarm, a wiring issue exists between the FPDP and the pump controller. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 47 Installation This page is intentionally left blank. 48 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 4 - Operation 4.1 Introduction This section outlines general operating information for starting and stopping the fire pump drive engine, as well as instructions for navigating the menu screens of the Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP). This manual is provided for your equipment and should be considered a part of that equipment. All personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of the equipment should read and thoroughly understand this manual. Before preparing the equipment for normal service, complete all safety checks, remove all tools and foreign objects from the equipment, ensure all guards are in place and securely fastened, and alert area personnel that the equipment will be starting. 4.2 Starting and stopping procedures By default, the fire pump drive engine will turn on automatically when low system water pressure is sensed by the pump controller. The engine will continue to operate as long as TB-1 is active. When the TB-1 signal is terminated by the fire pump controller, the engine will stop or enter a cool down procedure by lowering the engine speed. For testing purposes, the fire pump drive engine can be turned on and off locally using the buttons on the FPDP (see the FPDP Description section). If the engine fails to start automatically in the event of a fire emergency, follow the Emergency Starting/Stopping Procedure outlined in Section 4.2.2. 4.2.1 Local starting/stopping procedure To start the engine locally from the FPDP: 1. Press the AUTO/MAN selector switch on the FPDP to place the engine in MANUAL mode. 2. Press the CRANK BATT A and/or CRANK BATT B button to crank the engine. The engine may be stopped locally by pressing the RESET/STOP switch on the FPDP or by holding down the red Engine STOP button on the left side of the FPDP. NOTE: Upon release of the Engine STOP Button, the fire pump drive engine will attempt to restart, If there is still a "pump on demand" signal present from the fire pump controller. The engine must also be stopped at the fire pump controller. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 49 Operation 4.2.2 Emergency starting procedure The engine will start automatically in the event of a fire emergency. However, if it fails to start automatically, the engine can be started locally. The following procedure outlines an emergency manual mode electrical start: 1. As shown in Figure 4-1, open the water bypass valves (2) in the cooling water supply piping or the emer- gency cooling supply. Figure 4-1 Water Bypass Valves 2. Press the AUTO/MAN selector switch on the FPDP to place the engine in MANUAL mode. 3. As shown in Figure 4-2, open the FPDP panel door and slide the key switch override to the "RIGHT" posi- tion. Verify that LED 49 - KEY FB (key feedback) switch is lit. . Figure 4-2 FPDP override switch 50 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation To prevent damage to the starter, do not engage the starting motor more than fifteen seconds. Wait fifteen seconds between each attempt to start, up to six attempts. 4. As shown in Figure 4-3, press downward on either the Battery A or Battery B contactor lever to start the engine. If crank contactor lever A does not engage the starter, repeat using crank contactor lever B. If the battery charge is low, press downward on both battery contactor levers at the same time. Release the contactor lever immediately after the engine starts. IMPORTANT: If the engine does not start after three attempts, check the fuel supply system. Absence of blue or white exhaust smoke during cranking indicates that no fuel is being delivered. 5. Check that the engine starts and operates at the rated speed. IMPORTANT: Engine oil pressure must be indicated on the gauge within fifteen seconds after starting. 2 1 Battery contactor levers 1. Battery A starter contactor 2. Battery B starter contactor Figure 4-3 Manual starter contactors The engine may be stopped locally by returning the key switch override to the "LEFT" position. NOTE: When the key switch override is in the "RIGHT" position, neither the red Engine STOP button on the side of the FPDP nor the RESET/STOP switch on the FPDP will stop the engine. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 51 Operation 4.3 Fire Pump Digital Panel (FPDP) screens and adjustments in automatic mode The FPDP consists of an LCD touchpad that displays the fire pump drive engine tachometer, coolant temperature, oil pressure, Battery A voltage, Battery B voltage and hour meter, as well as includes three soft keys: · SCREEN soft key · MENU soft key · IDLE soft key (electronic engines in MAN mode, only) Figure 4-4 FPDP User Interface screen (electronic engine) NOTE: Electronic engines display tachometer, engine temperature and oil pressure values from J1939. Mechanical engines display parameters via sensors added by Cummins. NOTE: When the key switch is not on, the coolant temperature defaults to "0 °F" (or "0 °C") and the oil pressure defaults to "0 PSI" (or "0 kPa"). The FPDP LCD will go into SLEEP MODE after fifteen minutes of inactivity by the user. The FPDP LCD will resume normal display features when the user presses a hard button or touches the LCD screen. 4.3.1 The SCREEN soft key The SCREEN soft key, on the bottom right of the LCD, deactivates and activates an overlay box which lies atop the tachometer signal (the engine speed is still digitally displayed). The overlay is used to: · Automatically - Warn the operator of ECM and/or DPEM faults, when applicable (see Section FAULT CODES screen); and/or · Operator-selected - Display additional analog values not required by NFPA 20. The overlay background color will display in gray, unless there is an active fault present. Fault overlays will display in the color of the most severe fault. To deactivate the Fault overlay, press the SCREEN soft key to make the overlay disappear from the LCD. 52 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) As shown below, the Analog Values overlay background color displays in gray. Operation Figure 4-5 Analog Values overlay (electronic engine) Additional values that may be displayed include: · Exhaust temperature (when a thermocouple is installed and terminated to the Power Board). · Cooling loop raw water temperature and strainer status on FM-approved and UL-listed fire pump drivers. The Analog Values overlay can assist in troubleshooting the cooling loop by identifying issues with the pressure sensors. · J1939 parameters. NOTE: The Oil Temperature value (from J1939) will only be shown on CFP11E and CFP15E. NOTE: The Intake Manifold Pressure (from J1939) will be showing 0 PSI at no load. NOTE: A thermocouple must be purchased and installed from Cummins in order for exhaust temperature values to display. If a thermocouple is not connected to the Power Board or the thermocouple input temperature is less than 200 °F, the Exhaust Temperature will display 0 °F. To deactivate the Analog Values overlay, press the SCREEN soft key to make the overlay disappear from the LCD. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 53 Operation 4.3.2 The MENU soft key - Settings Menu If the operator presses the MENU soft key from the FPDP User Interface screen, the Settings Menu screen appears as shown below. Figure 4-6 Settings Menu screen (electronic engine) The Settings Menu provides options for further operator input and monitoring of fire pump drive engine parameters. Press the corresponding soft key to access a sub-menu. ENGINE SETUP screen The fire pump drive engine was preconfigured with custom options (if applicable) at the factory prior to shipping to the customer. The System Options screen provides a view of the custom configuration that has been set up for your fire pump drive engine. The Cummins Service Department must be notified if any of these parameters are adjusted in the field. 1. Starting at the User Interface screen, press the MENU soft key. 2. As shown below, press the soft number keys to enter password "806" in the Engine Setup Login screen. 3. Then press SUBMIT to access the Engine Setup screen. Figure 4-7 Typical Engine Setup Login screen 54 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation Figure 4-8 Engine Setup screen (electronic engine) Engine Setup screen - SYSTEM OPTIONS The System Options sub-menu displays the custom configurations of the fire pump drive engine. When active, the soft buttons turn green in color and display "ON". Conversely, the soft button will turn red in color and display "OFF", if the feature is disabled. To change a numeric data field, tap the data field to access the popup keyboard and enter different data. Figure 4-9 System Options screen (electronic engine) The custom options of the System Options sub-menu include: DPEM When active, the FPDP initiates communications with the Digital Panel Expansion Module (DPEM). CUSTOM FPDP ALARMS When active, the custom FPDP Terminal Block assignments will be activated. OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN When active, the FPDP shuts the engine fueling off when the engine speed reaches or exceeds 115% of the configured rated speed. ENGINE COOLDOWN (SEC) (on electronic engines only) - When active, the operator shall denote a specific amount of seconds to idle the fire pump drive engine. When the engine cool down is disabled, the seconds shall be set to "0" (see 4.5 Engine/turbocharger cool down). Press either RETURN or SUBMIT to return to the Engine Setup menu. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 55 Operation Engine Setup screen - TERMINAL BLOCK TEST The TERMINAL BLOCKS sub-menu provides a convenient means of checking the signal integrity between the fire pump controller and the terminal block interface inside the FPDP. As shown in Figure 4-10, any of the signals on the terminal block interface can be manually activated by pressing the respective red soft key. When the button turns green, the signal is active. Figure 4-10 Typical Terminal Block Test screen To perform a Terminal Block Test: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen, press the MENU soft key; 2. Press the ENGINE SETUP soft key from the Settings menu; 3. As shown in Figure 4-7, press the soft number keys to enter password "806" in the Engine Setup Login screen. 4. Press the TERMINAL BLOCKS soft key from the Engine Setup menu; 5. Press the soft key corresponding to the terminal block requiring verification; NOTE: If the selected terminal block soft key turns green, but the pump controller alarm does not activate, troubleshoot the terminal block connection for a B+ or ground signal (see the Section FPDP Signal and Control Connections or contact your local Cummins Sales and Service representative). NOTE: For electronic engines, the Fuel Inj. Malf. (fuel injection malfunction) can only momentarily be set. 6. To exit the Terminal Block Test menu, press the RETURN soft key to return to the Engine Setup menu. NOTE: Oil pressure and coolant temperature alarms will not latch upon backing out of the menu, but instead will be driven directly from datalink values. 56 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation Engine Setup screen -VSPLC TRANSDUCER CAL (electronic engines with VSPLC capability, only) (optional) NOTE: The VSPLC TRANSDUCER CAL screen only applies to electronic VSPLC fire pump drive engines. The settings in this menu are meaningless unless VSPLC is enabled. This section is not applicable to mechanical engines. To account for a system pressure differential, the operator may enter a pressure offset. This same pressure offset is used throughout the entire incoming pressure range. To access the VSPLC Transducer Configuration screen: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen, press the MENU soft key. 2. Press the ENGINE SETUP soft key from the Settings menu. 3. As shown in Figure 4-7, press the soft number keys to enter password "806" in the Engine Setup Login screen. 4. Press the VSPLC TRANSDUCER CAL soft key from the Engine Setup menu. 5. As shown in Figure 4-11, press the VSPLC Offset (PSI) data field to activate the popup keyboard and enter the desired pressure offset. NOTE: The software limits the pressure offset to +/- 10 PSI with a resolution of 0.1 PSI. 6. Then press SUBMIT. Figure 4-11 VSPLC Transducer Configuration 7. Press RETURN to return to the Engine Setup menu. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 57 Operation OVERSPEED TEST screen The Overspeed Test screen shown below allows the operator to simulate an overspeed shutdown for all engine models. Refer to "Start-up Validation" in the Installation Section of this manual for detailed instructions on how to simulate an overspeed shutdown. Figure 4-12 Overspeed Test screen IMPERIAL/SI VALUES screen The Imperial/SI Values screen, shown in Figure 4-13, allows the operator to select Imperial or Système Internationale (SI) (also known as metric) units of measurement. The default units of measure are Imperial units of degrees in Fahrenheit and pounds per square inch (PSI), but the user may elect degrees in Celsius or kilo Pascal (kPa). Figure 4-13 Typical Parameter Units screen To change the displayed units of measurement: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen (Main Menu), press the MENU soft key. 2. Press the IMPERIAL/SI VALUES soft key from the Settings Menu. 58 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation 3. Press the soft key for the desired unit of measure. 4. Press the SUBMIT soft key. 5. To exit the Imperial/SI Values menu, press the RETURN soft key. ANALOG VALUES screen To view the information about the fire pump drive engine in digital format: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen (Main Menu), press the MENU soft key. 2. Press the ANALOG VALUES soft key from the Settings Menu. 3. To exit the Analog Values screen (shown below), press the RETURN soft key. NOTE: The display choice of Imperial or SI values is made using the Imperial/SI Values screen. Figure 4-14 Sample Analog Values screen AUTOSWITCH screen NOTE: The AUTOSWITCH screen is on electronic engines, only. This section is not applicable to mechanical engines. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 20 Standard, as well as Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Factory Mutual (FM) Standards, requires redundancy for fire safety systems. If the fuel system is electronicallycontrolled, switching of ECMs must be controlled automatically. Cummins refers to this process as "ECM Autoswitching." When the FPDP switches ECMs automatically, the fault code responsible for the last switch can be found on the Autoswitch screen. The FPDP will activate the ECM keyswitch for fifteen seconds every thirty minutes to validate communications with the ECM. IMPORTANT: In order to maintain NFPA 20 compliance, autoswitching must be enabled (ON). Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 59 Operation As shown in Figure 4-15, the Autoswitch Settings screen allows the operator to disable or enable this autoswitch capability. Figure 4-15 Typical Autoswitch Settings screen To change the autoswitch setting: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen, press the MENU soft key; 2. Press the ENGINE SETUP soft key from the Settings menu; 3. As shown in Figure 4-7, press the soft number keys to enter password "806" in the Engine Setup Login screen. 4. Press the AUTOSWITCH soft key from the Settings Menu. 5. Press the ON/OFF soft key - the soft key displayed (in green) indicates which mode has been selected. 6. Press the SUBMIT soft key. 7. To exit the Autoswitch Settings screen, press the RETURN soft key. 60 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation FAULT CODES screen NOTE: The FAULT CODES screen is on electronic engines, only. This section is not applicable to mechanical engines. As shown in the Description Section, fault codes diagnosed by the ECM are displayed in a yellow or red overlay box which lies atop the tachometer signal (the engine speed is still digitally displayed) to alert the operator to service the engine as soon as possible. Only the first seven active ECM faults will be displayed in the overlay. As shown in Figure 4-16, the Fault Codes screen displays the full list of active faults. To view the information about the fire pump drive engine active faults: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen (Main Menu), press the MENU soft key. 2. Press the FAULT CODES soft key from the Settings Menu. 3. To exit the FAULT CODES menu, press the RETURN soft key. For more information about fault codes and their meanings, see the Fault Code Section of this manual or contact your local Cummins Distributor. Figure 4-16 Sample Fault Codes screen Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 61 Operation RPM ADJUSTMENT screen NOTE: The RPM ADJUSTMENT screen is on electronic engines, only. This section is not applicable to mechanical engines. As shown in Figure 4-17, the RPM Adjustment screen allows the operator to make on-site adjustments to FIXED SPEED fire pump drive engines. Each press of the INC soft key or the DEC soft key will increase or decrease the engine speed setpoint by 10 RPM (not to exceed +/-50 RPM) for electronic engines. Figure 4-17 Typical RPM Adjustment screen The engine operating speed was factory set during manufacturing and test procedures. If the speed does not match the engine RPM shown on the factory setting plate, follow these steps to adjust the speed setting: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen (Main Menu), press the ECM A Selector switch. 2. Press the MENU soft key. 3. Press the RPM ADJUSTMENT soft key from the Settings Menu. 4. Press either the INC soft key or the DEC soft key to change the ECM RPM setpoint. 5. Press the RETURN soft key. 6. Press the RESET/STOP switch on the FPDP and wait for thirty seconds. 7. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for ECM B. NOTE: The speed setpoint adjustments must be made on each ECM to experience the same system level of performance on the alternate ECM. IMPORTANT: Never switch from ECM A to ECM B while the engine is running. 62 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation DPEM (optional) As shown in Figure 4-18, the DPEM screen displays the function name, status, alarm setpoint, and relay associated with the alarm (if applicable) of any custom inputs that are configured on the fire pump drive engine. When an analog input parameter crosses the alarm setpoint or a switched input is active, all information associated with that parameter will turn red in color. To access the DPEM screen: 1. Starting at the User Interface screen (Main Menu), press the MENU soft key. 2. Press the DPEM soft key from the Settings Menu. 3. To exit the DPEM screen, press the RETURN soft key. Figure 4-18 Sample DPEM screen If communications between the FPDP and DPEM are compromised, a "DPEM COMMS ERROR" message will appear at the top of the screen. 4.4 FPDP screens and adjustments in manual mode - IDLE soft key NOTE: The IDLE soft key shown in Figure 4-19 displays in red while the engine idle command is inactive. The IDLE soft key will display in green when the engine idle command is active. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Figure 4-19 IDLE soft key 63 Operation With the FPDP in manual mode and using the IDLE soft key, the FPDP can now command electronic engines to idle. The operator can choose to idle the fire pump drive engine to warm up the engine for weekly testing and/or to evaluate water leaks during commissioning. To manually place the fire pump drive engine in idle: 1. Select MAN on the AUTO/MAN mode switch on the FPDP to place the fire pump drive engine in manual mode. 2. Press the IDLE soft key on the screen. NOTE: Engaging the IDLE soft key will turn the IDLE soft key display from red to green, engaging the engine idle command. 3. Press the BATT A or the BATT B Momentary Start switch to start the engine. 4. To disengage manual engine idle, press the IDLE soft key on the screen. The IDLE soft key will return to red in color. The engine will ramp to rated speed. The engine will also ramp to rated speed (for fixed speed applications) or enter a closed loop VSPLC mode, if enabled, when TB-1 becomes active while the engine is idling. 4.5 Engine/turbocharger cool down The FPDP has the ability to idle an electronic engine for up to three minutes when a shutdown has been commanded from the fire pump controller. The cool down feature promotes engine turbocharger longevity. During engine cool down, the FPDP will display an "Engine Cooldown Active:" message (shown in Figure 4-20). Figure 4-20 Engine/turbocharger cool down During engine cool down, the fire pump drive engine may shutdown automatically - prior to the timer expiring to protect the engine. The operator also has the option to shut down the engine manually from the fire pump controller or the FPDP during cool down, if necessary. IMPORTANT: All fire pump drive engines are shipped from the factory with the cool down feature disabled. This feature must be manually enabled by the customer. Prior to enabling the cool down feature, ensure all operators are trained on the operation of this engine cool down feature. 64 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Operation 4.5.1 Automatic shutdown - cool down timer The fire pump drive engine will automatically shutdown when the Engine Cooldown timer expires. 4.5.2 Automatic shutdown - engine protection The FPDP will automatically shut the engine off and during engine cool down if: · Low oil pressure is sensed; · High coolant temperature is sensed; and/or · Communications with the ECM are lost. 4.5.3 Manual shutdown - from the fire pump controller During cool down, the fire pump drive engine can be shut down manually from the fire pump controller by: 1. Turning the fire pump controller switch to OFF (deactivating TB-1). NOTE: The FPDP will keep the fire pump drive engine running to idle until the timer expires; AND 2. Turning the fire pump controller from OFF to MAN (manual) and back to OFF (reactivating and deactivating TB-1). The fire pump drive engine will shut down immediately. 4.5.4 Manual shutdown - from the FPDP The engine can also be shutdown manually by pressing the RESET/STOP switch on the FPDP two times in succession. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 65 Operation This page is intentionally left blank. 66 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 5 - Maintenance 5.1 Introduction Before performing maintenance procedures, read and understand 1 - Safety of this manual. Improper performance or lack of critical information could result in personal injury or equipment damage. Cummins encourages our customers to perform maintenance and repairs whenever necessary. However, servicing complex components within the normal warranty period may void the Cummins warranty and any specified warranty extended by the manufacturer of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) products. See the warranty information at the beginning of this manual. Maintenance procedures should be performed by skilled technicians who are familiar with the equipment, local regulations, and service procedures for fire pump drive engine and pump systems. Improper maintenance can damage the engine or the fire pump drive engine, or cause severe personal injury. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 25 Standard outlines the maintenance tests to be performed to validate automatic and manual operational requirements for field acceptance testing. Cummins recommends that the engine be maintained according to the Cummins Operation and Maintenance manual for that engine family. NOTE: If your engine is equipped with a component or accessory not manufactured by Cummins, refer to the component manufacturer's vendor supplied literature for specific maintenance recommendations. 5.2 Engine operation reports The engine must always be maintained in top mechanical condition. Proper maintenance of the fire pump drive engine requires documenting regular running reports to include the following: · Low engine oil pressure. · Engine surge. · Erratic operation or frequent shutdowns. · Any warning lamps flashing or staying illuminated. · Abnormal coolant or oil temperature. · Unusual engine noise or vibration. · Excessive smoke. · Excessive use of coolant, fuel, or engine oil. · Any fluid leaks. · Loose, worn, or damaged parts. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 67 Maintenance The weekly running report also helps to make provisions for more extensive maintenance, as the reports indicate the necessity. The Fault Codes displayed on the Fire Pump Digital Panel assist in recording operation irregularities. See 6 Troubleshooting of the model-specific English manual for a listing of Fault Codes. 68 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance record form Maintenance Engine serial number: Owner's name: Date Hours or time interval Actual hours Engine model: Equipment name/number: Check performance Performed by Comments NOTE: All maintenance and inspections intervals are accumulative. When performing annual maintenance, also perform maintenance listed under daily, weekly, monthly, and three month intervals. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 69 Maintenance 5.3 Weekly maintenance When the engine is running, be alert for mechanical problems that could create unsafe or hazardous conditions. 5.3.1 General Each week, a general walk-around inspection should include the following areas: 1. Check fluid levels before starting the engine. Check oil pressure and coolant temperatures frequently. Most engine problems give an early warning. 2. Look and listen for changes in engine performance, sound, or appearance that will indicate that service or repair is needed. Be alert for misfires, vibration, excessive exhaust smoke, loss of power, or increases in oil or fuel consumption. 3. Check the engine appearance for excessive heat, wiring short circuits, excessive end-play, vibrations, excessive wear, excessive abrasion, damaged electrical wiring, or loose electrical wiring. 4. Check the engine for odors of diesel fuel, burning rubber, electrical system failure, exhaust fumes, or smoke. Engine fuel is highly flammable and represents an extreme hazard for fire or explosion when exposed to electrical sparks or open flame. Clean up spilled fuel immediately. Keep sources of electrical spark or open flame away from a fuel source. 5.3.2 Air cleaner filter and piping On a weekly basis, perform the following inspections: 1. Visually inspect the air intake filter and piping daily for blockage, damage to piping, loose clamps, or punctures that can allow debris to enter the engine. If there is a blockage, the service indicator will be activated. Refer to Figure 2-2. NOTE: Turbocharged engines must be operated at rated revolutions per minute (RPM) and full load to check maximum intake air restriction. NOTE: Cummins recommends using an air cleaner filter element as listed on the engine data sheet. Never operate the engine without an air cleaner. Intake air must be filtered to prevent dirt and debris from entering the engine and causing premature wear. Dirt or foreign objects could cause engine damage. a. If the red indicator flag is at the raised position in the window, clean or replace the air filter per the manufacturer's recommendation as required. Do not remove the felt washer from the indicator. The felt washer absorbs moisture. b. After the air cleaner has been serviced, push the flag in to reset the service indicator. IMPORTANT: See the engine data sheet for maximum intake air restriction. 70 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 2. Check for corrosion under the clamps and hoses of the intake system piping. Corrosion can allow corrosive products and dirt to enter the intake system. Disassemble and clean as required. 3. Replace any damaged air filter or hoses and tighten loose clamps, as necessary, to prevent the air system from leaking. Torque the hose clamps to the recommended torque value. Refer to the torque tables. 5.3.3 Cooling system Do not remove a coolant pressure/fill cap from a hot engine. Shut down the engine and wait until the coolant temperature is below 50 °C (120 °F) before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant spray or steam can cause severe personal injury. On a weekly basis, perform the following inspections on the cooling system: 1. Inspect the cooling water piping, coolant heat exchanger tanks, charge air cooling system (if applicable), engine coolant hoses, and hose clamps for loose fittings, leaks, damage, and corrosion. a. Tighten the hose clamps, as necessary. b. Check for cracks, holes, or other damage. Repair or replace as necessary. Never use a sealing additive to stop leaks in the cooling system. This can result in cooling system plugging and inadequate coolant flow, causing the engine to overheat. 2. With the coolant expansion tank at ambient temperature, press down, unscrew, and remove the pressure cap as shown in Figure 2-2. a. Ensure that the coolant level is visible by checking the coolant level sight gauge. b. Add coolant, as required. DO NOT OVERFILL! NOTE: Supplemental engine coolant should be a mixture of 50% ethylene glycol antifreeze and 50% water to avoid engine damage. 3. Check the antifreeze concentration at least six times a year or whenever coolant is added to the cooling system by using a refractometer. 4. Drain a small amount of coolant from the return line petcock and inspect the coolant for excessive rust or particulate matter. Change the coolant more frequently if particles are present. Do not mix coolant brands or chemical solutions, as this could damage the cooling system. Keep a record of the coolant concentration and manufacturer with the engine maintenance records. 5. Check for soft, overly-pliant hoses, oxidation, and loose hose clamps. Torque the hose clamps to the rec- ommended torque value. Refer to the torque tables. Replace damaged hoses and clamps as required. 6. Check the coolant heat exchanger tanks for leaks, damage, and dirt buildup. Clean and repair as required. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 71 Maintenance 5.3.4 Engine oil system Perform the specific checks in this section only after the engine is fully stopped. Unless tests require engine operation, disconnect the battery leads from the batteries (negative terminal first). Contact with exposed or moving components can cause severe personal injury. Inspect the engine oil system on a weekly basis following these steps: 1. For accurate dipstick readings, shut off the engine and wait approximately ten minutes to allow the oil in the upper portions of the engine to drain back into the crankcase. 2. As shown in Figure 5-1, check the oil level at the engine dipstick. · If the oil level is greater than the high mark (H), drain the excess oil and recheck the level. · If the oil level is consistently below normal after a fill, check for leaks, loose or damaged gaskets, or oil in the coolant system. If the oil level is below the low mark (L), add the equivalent type oil. NOTE: Cummins recommends using Premium Blue® 15W-40 Multi-viscosity Lubricating Oil or equivalent. 1 2 3 1. Engine oil fill port 2. Engine oil filter 3. Engine oil dipstick Figure 5-1 Oil level dipstick (typical) 72 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 5.3.5 Fuel system Engine fuel is highly flammable and represents an extreme hazard for fire or explosion when exposed to electrical sparks or open flame. Clean up spilled fuel immediately. Keep sources of electrical spark or open flame away from a fuel source. To inspect the fuel system: 1. Shut off the engine. 2. Inspect the fuel supply line, return line, filter and fittings for cracks or abrasions. a. Ensure the lines are not rubbing against anything that could damage the fuel system hoses. Repair any leaks or alter line routing to eliminate wear immediately. b. Relieve fuel line pressure by carefully loosening the fuel inlet line. NOTE: Refer to the engine data sheet for Cummins recommended replacement components. 5.3.6 Engine exhaust system With the engine operating, inspect the entire exhaust system: exhaust manifold, exhaust flex, muffler, and piping. Check for leaks at all connections, welds, gaskets, and joints. Make sure that the exhaust pipes are not heating surrounding areas excessively. Repair any leaks immediately. 5.3.7 Electrical supply and controls Check the terminals on the starting batteries for clean and tight connections. Loose or corroded connections create resistance which can hinder starting. Inspect the FPDP harness connections to be sure they are secure. 5.3.8 Crankcase ventilation hose Inspect the crankcase ventilation hose for wear, damage, sludge, blockage, or dirt buildup (refer to Figure 2-2). Clean the ventilation hose, if obstructed or blocked. Replace a worn or damaged hose. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 73 Maintenance 5.3.9 Heat exchanger - cooling water strainers As shown in Figure 5-2, the (two) cooling water strainers should be cleaned weekly to remove sediment. 1 2 1. Bypass raw water strainer 2. Normal raw water strainer Figure 5-2 Cooling water strainer (typical) To clean the normal line strainer, ensure that the normal line valves are closed and the bypass line valves are open. To clean the bypass line strainer, ensure that the bypass line valves are closed and the normal line valves are open. For each cooling water strainer: 1. Remove the plug. 2. Inspect and remove any debris. 3. Install the strainer plugs. 4. When finished, open the normal line valves and close the bypass line valves for normal operation. 5.3.10 Batteries Batteries can emit explosive gases during charging. To reduce the possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the battery compartment before servicing the batteries. To reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last. 74 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance For proper weekly maintenance of the batteries: 1. Keep the batteries clean by wiping them with a damp cloth whenever dirt appears excessive. 2. Use a battery hydrometer to check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each battery cell. A fullycharged battery will have a specific gravity of 1.260. Replace the battery, if the specific gravity reading is below 1.215. 3. Check the battery wiring and cable connections for loose, corroded, worn, or damaged cables. Check both connectors at the alternator, battery connections, and engine grounding lug (near the starter motor). a. If the battery cables are corroded, remove the battery cable clamps, starting with the negative (-) battery cable. b. Use a fine emery cloth or a wire brush to clean the cable clamps and battery cables. The metal should be shiny. c. Wash the battery terminals with a solution of baking soda and water: 2 oz (1/4 cup) baking soda to 0.94 liter (1 qt) of water d. Be careful to prevent the solution from entering the battery cells, and flush the batteries with clean water when done. e. After cleaning the connections, coat the terminals with a light application of petroleum jelly. f. Reinstall and tighten the cable clamps. Battery electrolyte (sulfuric acid) is highly caustic and can burn clothing and skin, or cause blindness. Wear protective clothing, impervious neoprene gloves, safety goggles, or full-face shield when working with the batteries. 4. Check the electrolyte level in the batteries monthly. If low, fill the battery cells to the bottom of the filler neck with distilled water. 5. Check for continuity between terminals using a digital multimeter or other test equipment. Also check the insulation resistance to ground. Correct any electrical faults. 6. Reinstall the battery cables; attach the negative (-) battery cable last. 5.3.11 Engine test run Start the engine at least once a week for a minimum of thirty minutes with as much load as possible. Periods of no-load operation should be held to a minimum, because unburned fuel tends to accumulate in the exhaust system. Refer to the operating instructions in 4 - Operation. Check that the engine starts and operates at the recommended fire pump drive engine speed specification and inspect the following: 1. Check that the engine oil pressure is indicated on the gauge within fifteen seconds after starting. 2. Check that the engine has attained a normal running temperature after running the engine for a minimum of thirty minutes. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 75 Maintenance 3. Observe that the engine is operating at the proper operating speed. (If the engine is not operating at the proper speed, see Section 5.3.12 Engine operation checks.) 4. Check for unusual engine noise. Listen for any unusual engine noise which can indicate that service is required. 5. Ensure that the oil pressure is greater than 69 kPa (10 psi). 6. Check that the coolant temperature is between 70 °C (158 °F) and 107 °C (225 °F). 7. Check that both battery voltmeters indicate 12 VDC for standard or 24 VDC for optional operating systems. 8. Check that the air filter service indicator has not popped-up, indicating an air filter blockage. Replace the air filter as required. End the test run by pressing and holding the overspeed RESET/STOP switch until the engine stops. 5.3.12 Engine operation checks The following service inspections ensure that the engine starts and operates properly under normal conditions. Before equipment operation, ALL guards, covers, and protective devices MUST BE in place and securely fastened. Serious personal injury could result from contact with exposed or moving components. Crank termination setpoint The speed switch crank termination setpoint is factory-set at 600 RPM and should not be changed from this value. Engine speed adjustment The electronic engine operating speed was factory set during manufacturing and test procedures. If the speed unintentionally does not match the engine RPM shown on the factory setting plate, refer to Section 4 - Operation: RPM Adjustment Screen. 5.3.13 Engine coolant heater NOTE: Perform this inspection procedure twenty-four hours after shutting off the engine. The engine coolant heater must maintain an engine coolant temperature of 49 °C (120 °F) or above. The engine block must be warm to the touch (38 °C (100 °F)) in the water jacket areas. If the heater does not appear to be working correctly, contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location. 76 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 5.4 Annual maintenance All checks or inspections listed under previous maintenance intervals must also be performed at the time of the annual maintenance, in addition to those listed only under the annual maintenance interval. 5.4.1 Electrical components AVOID SERVICING complex components such as: printed circuit boards, programmable controllers, and ECMs not specifically authorized by Cummins. Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location before performing any extensive maintenance. To reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last. The electrical components of the fire pump drive engine must be thoroughly inspected on an annual basis. Remove the battery terminal cables, starting with the negative (-) cable first and check the following: 1. Inspect the electrical wiring harness, electrical terminal connections, and electrical plug-ins for secure, clean electrical contacts, worn or damaged insulation, burnt wires, broken wires, and loose connections. 2. Clean and tighten any loose electrical connections. Repair or replace worn, damaged, burnt, or poorly insulated wiring immediately. IMPORTANT: Refer to the vendor-supplied literature for recommended maintenance procedures. 3. Inspect the function of all gauges, voltmeters, switches, and warning lamps on the FPDP. Replace the FPDP if any are not functioning properly. 4. Reinstall the battery cables; attach the negative (-) battery cable last. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 77 Maintenance 5.4.2 Turbocharger mounting nuts As shown in Figure 5-3, check the turbocharger mounting nuts and torque the mounting nuts to the recommended torque value. Refer to the torque tables. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Exhaust flex connection 2. Turbocharger 3. Air cleaner assembly (intake) 4. Air cleaner service indicator 5. Air cleaner piping Figure 5-3 Typical turbocharger 5.4.3 Engine supports Loose engine mount bolts or damaged brackets can cause engine misalignment or excessive vibration. These conditions can cause engine or pump damage. Refer to Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 for the location of the engine supports and inspect all engine supports for cracks or loose hardware. Check the torque on the engine support mounting capscrews. Torque the engine mounting cap screws to the support bracket. Refer to the torque tables for recommended torque values. 78 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 5.4.4 Fuel pumps and filters As shown in Figure 5-4, inspect the fuel injection pump mounting nuts (including the support bracket) for loose or damaged hardware. Inspect the fuel line hoses and fuel filters for wear, damage, loose fittings, and leaks. Repair or replace damaged hoses and filters as required. Fuel pump Fuel filter or filter/separator Figure 5-4 Typical fuel pumps and filters Engine fuel is highly flammable and represents an extreme hazard for fire or explosion when exposed to electrical sparks or open flame. Clean up spilled fuel immediately. Keep sources of electrical spark or open flame away from a fuel source. Do not open the fuel filter/water separator drain valve or dismantle the fuel lines on the high-pressure fuel system with the engine running. High pressure fuel spray from an operating engine can cause serious personal injury or fire hazard. To change the fuel filters: 1. Shut off the engine. 2. Close any fuel valves (if equipped) to prevent fuel from draining or siphoning. 3. Clean the area around the fuel filter or fuel/water separator heads. NOTE: Refer to the engine data sheet for filter replacement recommendations. 4. Remove the spent filter canisters using a filter wrench. 5. Clean the filter mounting head surfaces of sludge buildup and foreign particles. Ensure mating gasket sur- faces are clean. 6. Lubricate the gasket seals with clean SAE 15W-40 lubricating oil. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 79 Maintenance 7. Center the filter ring on the threaded mounting nipple. Screw the filter canister onto the mounting flange until the gasket is snug against the mounting flange, then tighten an additional 1/4 turn. 8. Open the fuel supply valves (if equipped). Mechanical over-tightening can distort the threads or damage the filter element seal. 9. Press either the CRANK BATT A or CRANK BATT B button to start the engine to allow the fuel to flow through the system. 10. Depress the contactor switch for up to fifteen seconds or until the engine starts. Repeat up to three times, if necessary. To prevent damage to the starter, do not engage the starting motor more than fifteen seconds. Wait fifteen seconds between each start attempt. IMPORTANT: If the engine does not start after three attempts, check the fuel supply system. Absence of blue or white exhaust smoke during cranking indicates no fuel is being delivered. NOTE: Engines used in fire pumps or standby service are expected to immediately accelerate from crank to full load. 5.4.5 Engine oil and filter Engine oil becomes contaminated and essential oil additives are depleted with use. The amount of contamination is related to the total amount of fuel and oil consumed. Change the oil at least once annually. NOTE: For composite oil pans, always use a new sealing washer on the oil drain plug. Hold the external locking nut in place while tightening the oil drain plug. IMPORTANT: If the engine oil is drained from the oil pan to make an engine repair, new oil must be used. To reduce the possibility of personal injury, avoid direct contact of hot oil with your skin. Some state and federal agencies have determined that used engine oil can be carcinogenic. Prolonged, repeated contact can cause skin disorders or other bodily injury. Wash thoroughly after contact. Avoid inhalation of vapors and ingestion of used engine oil. Dispose of the oil in accordance with local environmental regulations. To change the oil and filter to remove the contaminants suspended in the oil: 1. Operate the engine until the coolant temperature reaches 70 °C (158 °F). Shut the engine off. 2. Place an appropriate container under the oil pan drain plug. Refer to the engine data sheet for oil pan capacity. 3. Remove the oil drain plug and drain the oil immediately to make sure all the oil and suspended contaminants are removed from the engine. 80 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 4. Remove the oil filter (see Figure 5-5) following these steps: a. Clean the area around the engine oil filter canister. Use a filter wrench to remove the filter. b. Remove and discard the O-ring seal if it has remained attached to the mounting flange. Clean the filter mounting flange with a clean lint-free cloth. c. Apply a light film of 15W-40 lubricating oil to the replacement filter gasket before installing the filter. 5. Fill the oil filter with a high-quality 15W-40 multi-viscosity lubricating oil, such as Premium Blue®, or its equivalent. 1 2 3 1. Engine oil fill port 2. Engine oil filter 3. Engine oil dipstick Figure 5-5 Typical oil filter and oil level dipstick 6. Center the filter ring on the threaded mounting nipple. Screw the filter canister onto the mounting flange until the gasket is snug against the mounting flange. Then tighten an additional 1/4 turn. Mechanical over-tightening can distort the threads or damage the filter element seal. NOTE: Cummins recommends using oil filter replacement parts as outlined in the engine data sheet. 7. Check and clean the oil pan drain plug threads and sealing surface. Install the oil pan drain plug. Torque the plug according to the torque tables. 8. Fill the engine to the proper level with clean, high quality 15W-40 oil at the fill port. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 81 Maintenance If no oil pressure is noted within fifteen seconds after the engine is started, shut down the engine to reduce the possibility of internal damage. 9. Restart the engine and let it run for approximately one to two minutes. 10. Stop the engine. 11. Wait approximately fifteen minutes to let the oil drain from the upper parts of the engine. 12. Check the oil level again. Add oil as necessary to bring the oil level to the H (high) mark on the dipstick. 5.4.6 Drive shaft It is recommended that proper lubrication to drive shafts be completed on a regular schedule according to these steps: 1. Remove the drive shaft guards. 2. Wipe the grease fittings and grease gun nozzle with a clean cloth to avoid contamination. 3. Add grease to the drive shaft universal joint grease fittings (see Figure 3-2). 4. Wipe excess grease from the grease fittings. NOTE: Cummins recommends using a good quality semi-synthetic, molybdenum-fortified NLGI #2 lithium complex grease which protects from -47 to 204 °C (-54 to 400 °F). 82 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 5.4.7 Coolant pump/alternator belt On some engine models, the pump and alternator belt drives both the pump and alternator. To inspect the coolant pump and the alternator belt: 1. Press the AUTO/MAN button on the FPDP to place the fire pump drive engine in MANUAL operation. 2. Disconnect both batteries at their terminals. Remove the negative (-) cable first. 3. Remove the belt guard capscrews and the belt guard. Set aside for re-installation (see Figure 5-6). 1. Belt guard 2. Alternator pulley 3. Drive belt 4. Idler pulley 5. Coolant pump pulley 6. Balancer pulley 7. Belt tensioner Figure 5-6 Coolant pump/alternator belt (typical) 4. Visually inspect the belt for frayed, worn, missing pieces, or cracked belt surfaces. Check the belt for intersecting cracks. Belt damage can be caused by: incorrect tension, incorrect size or length, pulley misalignment, incorrect installation, severe operating environment, and/or oil or grease on the belt or pulley. NOTE: Transverse cracks (across the belt width) are acceptable. Longitudinal cracks (direction of belt length) that intersect with transverse cracks are not acceptable. Replace the belt if it is cracked, frayed, or damaged. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 83 Maintenance 5. If the belt condition is acceptable, check the belt tension. Use the Cummins belt tension gauge (Part Number 3822524) to measure the drive belt tension in the center span of the belt between the idler and alternator pulleys. Ensure that the belt tension is set to the specifications outlined in the Engine Operation manual. NOTE: Belts with glazed or shiny surfaces indicate belt slippage. Correctly installed and tensioned belts will show even pulley and belt wear. Disconnect the batteries (negative cable first) before performing service on the fire pump drive engine or on any of its controls. 6. Reinstall the battery cables; attach the negative (-) battery cable last. 5.4.8 Raw water zinc anode The zinc anode - part number 9750 - (see Figure 5-7) acts as a raw water filter and must be checked for erosion and replaced, when necessary. If the anode has eroded more than fifty percent, it must be replaced. zinc anode Figure 5-7 Raw water zinc anode (typical) 5.4.9 Heat exchanger pressure test If internal leakage in the heat exchanger is suspected, a heat exchanger pressure test may be performed prior to removal from the engine. NOTE: Use TeflonTM tape or other pipe sealant when installing the test setup in order to prevent leaks. NOTE: The size of fittings required on the water outlets and inlets are listed on the engine data sheet. To test the heat exchanger pressure: 1. Install an adapter at the cooling water outlet of the heat exchanger. 2. Install a pressure test setup with 689 kPa (100 psi) pressure gauge at the cooling water inlet to the heat exchanger. 84 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 3. Apply air pressure at 276 kPa (40 psi). a. Isolate the pressure source and monitor the pressure gauge for five minutes. b. There should be no change in pressure for the duration of the test. 4. After testing, release the pressure. Remove the tubing adapters, plug, and test equipment. 5. If leakage is detected, the heat exchanger must be replaced. 5.4.10 Turbocharger As shown in Figure 5-3, follow these steps to thoroughly inspect the turbocharger: 1. Visually inspect the air intake filter and piping according to the steps outlined in Section 5.3.2. NOTE: Turbocharged engines must be operated at rated revolutions per minute (RPM) and full load to check maximum intake air restriction. NOTE: Cummins recommends using an air cleaner filter element as listed on the engine data sheet. Never operate the engine without an air cleaner. Intake air must be filtered to prevent dirt and debris from entering the engine and causing premature wear. Dirt or foreign objects could cause engine damage. 2. Remove the air intake and exhaust piping from the turbocharger. 3. Inspect the turbocharger turbine wheel for cracks in the housing or turbine blades, missing blades, mechanical binding, eccentric motion, or excessive end-play. 4. Replace the turbocharger if damage, excessive end-play, binding, wear, or eccentric motion is found. Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location for replacement. IMPORTANT: The turbocharger must be removed for replacement or rebuild if the clearance is beyond the limits, the housing is cracked, or the turbine wheel is damaged. 5. Reinstall the air intake filter and exhaust piping. Tighten the clamps. Torque the loosened clamps to the recommended torque value. Refer to the torque tables. 5.5 Every two years All checks or inspections listed under daily or previous maintenance intervals must also be performed at this time, in addition to those listed under this maintenance interval. 5.5.1 Coolant pump Inspect the coolant pump for eccentric motion, mechanical binding, excessive end play, seal damage, and excessive grease or coolant leakage around the pump shaft. Replace with a new or rebuilt pre-lubricated unit, as necessary. Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location for replacement. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 85 Maintenance 5.5.2 Cooling system - heat exchanger Figure 5-8 illustrates the heat exchanger cooling system. The cooling system must be clean to work properly. If the system shows excessive mineral buildup, particulate matter, scale, oxidation, or oil contamination, drain and flush the cooling system. If the coolant is excessively dirty or is mixed with oil, contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Facility. 1 2 5 4 3 1. Lower coolant hose/tube 2. Coolant drain petcock 3. Coolant filter 4. Coolant filter shut-off valve 5. Engine coolant heater Figure 5-8 Engine coolant drain - heat exchanger (typical) Do not remove the pressure/fill cap from a hot engine. Shut down the engine and wait until the coolant temperature is below 50 °C (120 °F) before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant spray or steam can cause severe personal injury. 1. Disconnect both batteries at their terminals. Remove the negative (-) cable first. 2. Press down, unscrew, and remove the coolant expansion tank pressure/fill cap. The cap must be removed to allow air to vent the cooling system during the draining process. 3. Disconnect the engine coolant heater power supply before draining the cooling system. 4. Place a container that will hold at least 57 liters (15 gallons) of liquid under the coolant drain valve. 5. Ensure that the coolant filter shut-off valves are OPEN. 6. Open the drain petcock on the lower coolant tube, allowing the coolant to drain into the waste container. 86 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 7. When the system is empty, move the container under the engine coolant heater. 8. Disconnect either end of the engine heater coolant hose and drain the engine heater. Maintenance Coolant is toxic. Avoid prolonged and repeated skin contact with used antifreeze - wash thoroughly after contact. Prolonged, repeated contact can cause skin disorders. Dispose of waste antifreeze in accordance with local environmental regulations. 9. Flush with clean fresh water or heavy-duty heat exchanger cleaner. Follow the manufacturer's directions on the product container. NOTE: Some cooling system cleaners or commercial solvents require a soapy water rinse after use. Follow the directions on the cleaning solution or solvent. Over-concentration of antifreeze or use of high-silicate antifreeze can damage the engine. Do not use more than 50% antifreeze in the mixture unless additional freeze protection is required. Antifreeze at 68% concentration provides the maximum freeze protection, and must never be exceeded under any condition. Antifreeze protection decreases above 68%. 10. When the flushing water has fully drained, use a filter wrench to remove the water coolant filter from the filter housing. a. Clean the filter housing gasket mount of dirt buildup, oxidation, or particulate matter with a clean cloth. b. Coat the replacement filter gasket with a light coating of 15W-40 lubrication oil. 11. Center the filter ring on the threaded mounting nipple. Screw the filter canister onto the mounting flange until the gasket is snug against the mounting flange, then tighten an additional 1/4 turn. If using a soapy water solution, flush again with clear water. Allow time for the water to fully drain. Mechanical over-tightening can distort the threads or damage the filter element seal. NOTE: Recommendations on filter replacements and fill rates can be found on the Engine Data Sheet. 12. Reconnect the engine heater coolant hose and close the drain petcock on the lower coolant tube. NOTE: During filling, air must be vented from the engine coolant passages. The air vents through the coolant filler port. The fill rate can be found in the Engine Data Sheet. 13. Fill the coolant tanks with the proper antifreeze. Use a mixture of 50% water and 50% ethylene-glycol base or propylene-glycol antifreeze (or pre-mixed solution) to protect the engine to -37 °C (-34 °F) yeararound. Use soft or distilled water in the coolant mixture. Contaminants in hard water neutralize the corrosion inhibitor components. Water must not exceed 300 ppm hardness or contain more than 100 ppm of either chloride or sulfate. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 87 Maintenance Never use a sealing additive to stop leaks in the cooling system. This can result in cooling system blockage or restricted coolant flow, causing the engine to overheat. NOTE: Cummins recommends using Fleetguard® ES COMPLEATTM Ethylene-Glycol (EG) or Fleetguard® Propylene-Glycol (PG) PlusTM Antifreeze/Coolants. Both products are available in concentrated or pre-mixed formulations. Use a 50% concentration level (40% to 60% range) of ethylene-glycol or propylene-glycol and Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) required for wet-sleeved engines in most climates. Contact your local Cummins Authorized Repair Location for additional information. Ethylene-Glycol 40% = -23° C (-10° F) 50% = -37° C (-34° F) 60% = -54° C (-65° F) 68% = -71° C (-96° F) Propylene-Glycol 40% = -21° C (-6° F) 50% = -33° C (-27° F) 60% = -54° C (-65° F) 68% = -63° C (-82° F) The system must be filled properly to prevent air locks. During filling, air must be vented from the engine coolant passages. 14. Check the condition of the pressure/fill cap. a. If the pressure/fill cap seal is worn, damaged, missing, or the pressure spring is damaged or shows signs of sticking, replace the filler cap. b. Re-install the expansion tank fill cap. 15. Re-install the heater wiring. 16. Reinstall the battery cables; attach the negative (-) battery cable last. 17. Operate the engine until it reaches a temperature of 82 °C (180 °F), and check for coolant leaks. 18. Ensure that the coolant level is just below the fill neck and that the coolant heater is reconnected. 5.6 Every four years All maintenance checks and inspections listed in previous maintenance intervals must also be performed at this time. Cummins recommends performing maintenance on valve lash settings. Disconnect both batteries (negative cable first) before performing service on the fire pump drive engine or on any of its controls. Wear safety glasses when disconnecting batteries! Valve lash maintenance should be performed by a skilled technician. Improper maintenance can damage the engine or cause severe personal injury. Contact your local Cummins Authorized Repair Location before performing any extensive maintenance. 88 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Maintenance 5.6.1 Coolant thermostat removal/installation The thermostat regulates the temperature of the engine coolant circulating through the engine cooling system. Refer to the engine manual for complete instructions. Always use the correct thermostat, and never operate the engine without a thermostat installed. The engine can overheat if operated without a thermostat because the path of least resistance for the coolant is through the bypass to the pump inlet. 1. As shown in Figure 5-9, remove the upper coolant hose clamps and upper coolant hose at the thermostat housing. 1. Hose clamps 2. Upper coolant hose 3. Thermostat housing 3 2 1 Figure 5-9 Typical thermostat housing 2. Remove the (2) thermostat housing flange cap screws and the thermostat flange. 3. Remove the thermostat and gasket from the housing. 4. Clean the housing flange faces of dirt buildup, oxidation, and sludge. 5. If still in good condition, re-install the thermostat in the housing. IMPORTANT: Inspect the seal on the thermostat housing flange surface and - if damaged or cracked - apply a new seal. NOTE: Recommendations on thermostat replacement components can be found on the engine data sheet. 6. Replace the thermostat flange and cap screws. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 89 Maintenance 5.6.2 Coolant pump/alternator belt replacement Replace the coolant pump/alternator belt if it is cracked, frayed, or has pieces of material missing. 1. Remove the belt guard. 2. Use a 3/8" drive ratchet or breaker bar to rotate the tensioner arm away from the belt and remove the belt. 3. Check the belt tensioner cap screw torque. For recommended torque values, refer to the torque tables. 4. Check the tensioner arm, pulley, and stops for cracks. If any cracks are noticed, the tensioner must be replaced. 5. Verify that the tensioner arm stop is not in contact with the spring casing stop. If either stop is touching, the tensioner must be replaced. 6. Inspect the tensioner for evidence of the tensioner arm contacting the tensioner cap. 7. If there is evidence of the two areas making contact, the pivot tube bushing has failed and the tensioner must be replaced. 8. Check the tensioner bearing. 9. Rotate the belt tensioner pulley. The pulley should spin freely with no mechanical binding, eccentric motion, or excessive end-play. 10. If the arm rotates with mechanical binding, eccentric movement, or excessive end play, replace the tensioner. 11. Inspect the clearance between the tensioner spring case and the tensioner arm for uneven bearing wear. 12. If the clearance exceeds 3 mm (0.12 in) at any point, the tensioner must be replaced as a complete assembly. Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location for replacement. NOTE: Experience has shown that tensioners generally will show a larger clearance gap near the lower portion of the spring case, resulting in the upper portion rubbing against the tensioner arm. Always replace the belt when a tensioner is replaced. 13. After checking the torque, use a 3/8" drive ratchet or breaker bar to rotate the tensioner slowly away from the area of belt contact. 14. Install the replacement drive belt. To prevent pulley or belt damage, do not roll a belt over the pulley or pry it on with a tool. Move the tensioner arm away from the belt area before installing the drive belt. 15. Check the location of the drive belt on the belt tensioner pulley. The belt should be centered on, or cen- tered close to, the middle of the pulley. 16. Reinstall the belt guard. Unaligned belts, either too far forward or backward, can cause belt wear, belt roll-off failures or increase uneven tensioner bushing wear. 90 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 6 - Troubleshooting 6.1 Introduction The following information is intended as a guide for some common non-technical equipment problems. The first part of this section includes troubleshooting charts that cross-reference the problem, the possible cause, and the solution. The second section includes complete Fault Code charts outlining a numerical listing of fault codes and their descriptions. Many problems can be resolved using corrective maintenance, adjustment, or minor repair. Refer to the vendor supplied literature, electrical schematics, and mechanical prints for additional information. For engine-related issues, refer to the engine Operation and Maintenance Manual or contact the Cummins Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-CUMMINS (1-800-286-6467). The status checks should be performed ONLY by a qualified technician. Contact with exposed electrical components could cause extreme personal injury or death. Before equipment operation, ALL guards, covers, and protective devices MUST BE in place and securely fastened. Serious personal injury could result from contact with exposed or moving components. AVOID SERVICING complex components such as: printed circuit boards, programmable controllers, and ECMs not specifically authorized by Cummins. Contact the Cummins Customer Service Department toll free at 1-800-343-7357 before performing any extensive maintenance. Never climb or stand on the equipment frame, guards, or enclosures. Contact with exposed or moving components can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 91 Troubleshooting 6.2 Engine Will Not Start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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 6.3 Engine Cranks But Will Not Start Troubleshooting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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 93 Troubleshooting Engine Cranks But Will Not Start (cont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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 6.4 Engine Starts But Continues to Crank Troubleshooting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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 95 Troubleshooting 6.5 Engine Will Not Stop 7267237+((1*,1( 7XUQWKHILUHSXPS RIIDWWKHILUHSXPS FRQWUROOHU 3UHVVWKH 67235(6(7 EXWWRQRQWKH)LUH 3XPS'LJLWDO3DQHO )3'3 3UHVVDQGhold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oc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 6.6 Low Battery Voltage Troubleshooting 352%/(0/2:%$77(5<92/7$*( 6<037207KH)LUH3XPS'LJLWDO3DQHO)3'3ZLOOPRPHWDULO\EOLQNXSRQVWDUWLQJRUWKH ILUHSXPSGULYHHQJLQHLVVORZWRFUDQN7KHUHLVDKLJKSUREDELOLW\WKDWWKHHQJLQHZLOOQRW VWDUW :LWKWKHHQJLQHVWRSSHGLVWKHFKDUJLQJYROWDJH UHDGLQJRQWKH)3'3" 1R <HV 6WRSWKHHQJLQH3ODFHWKHILUHSXPSFRQWUROOHULQ WKH2))SRVLWLRQDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHILUHSXPS FRQWUROOHUEDWWHU\FKDUJHUV &RQWDFWWKHILUHSXPSFRQWUROOHUPDQXIDFWXUHURUWKH LQVWDOOLQJFRQWUDFWRU 8VHDEDWWHU\K\GURPHWHUWRFKHFNWKHVSHFLILF ,IWKHYROWDJHLV JUDYLW\RIWKHHOHFWURO\WHLQHDFKEDWWHU\FHOO$IXOO\ &KHFNWKDWERWKEDWWHU\YROWPHWHUVLQGLFDWH9'& IRUVWDQGDUGRU9'&IRURSWLRQDORSHUDWLQJ V\VWHPV EHORZRU YROWV FKDUJHGEDWWHU\ZLOOKDYHDVSHFLILFJUDYLW\RI &KDUJHWKHEDWWHU\LIWKHVSHFLILFJUDYLW\UHDGLQJLV EHORZ &KHFNWKHHOHFWURO\WHOHYHOLQWKHEDWWHULHVPRQWKO\,I ORZILOOWKHEDWWHU\FHOOVWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHILOOHUQHFN ZLWKGLVWLOOHGZDWHU ,IWKHEDWWHU\YROWDJHOLVWHGRQWKH)3'3LVEHORZ YROWVUHSODFHWKHEDWWHU\ &KHFNIRUFRQWLQXLW\EHWZHHQWHUPLQDOVXVLQJDGLJLWDO PXOWLPHWHURURWKHUWHVWHTXLSPHQW$OVRFKHFNWKH LQVXODWLRQUHVLVWDQFHWRJURXQG&RUUHFWDQ\HOHFWULFDO IDXOWV ,IWKHYROWDJHLVDW RUYROWV &KHFNWKHEDWWHU\ZLULQJDQGFDEOHFRQQHFWLRQVIRU ORRVHFRUURGHGZRUQRUGDPDJHGFDEOHV&KHFNERWK FRQQHFWRUVDWWKHDOWHUQDWRUEDWWHU\FRQQHFWLRQVDQG HQJLQHJURXQGLQJOXJQHDUWKHVWDUWHUPRWRU 3HUIRUPDORDGWHVWRQWKHEDWWHU\LHV&KDUJHWKH EDWWHU\LHV 6WDUWWKHHQJLQHIURPWKH)3'3'LGWKHYROWDJH UHDGLQJRQWKH)3'3LQFUHDVH" $VLQGLFDWHGRQWKH)3'3 GLVSOD\YROWDJHLQGLFDWLRQV GLIIHU 1RUPDOGLIIHUHQFHVDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRSHUFHQWLQ EDWWHU\FRQGLWLRQPD\FDXVHGLIIHUHQFHVLQLQGLFDWLRQ 7KHVHDUHQRUPDOGLIIHUHQFHVDQGUHTXLUHQRDFWLRQ $VLQGLFDWHGRQWKH)3'3 GLVSOD\RQO\RQHEDWWHU\LV FKDUJLQJ ,IRQHRIWKHEDWWHULHVGRHVQRWFKDUJHZLWKWKHHQJLQH UXQQLQJFKHFNWKHFRQQHFWLRQVDWWKHEDWWHU\LVRODWRU $VLQGLFDWHGRQWKH)3'3 GLVSOD\QHLWKHUEDWWHU\LV FKDUJLQJ ,IRQHRUERWKEDWWHULHVGRQRWFKDUJHZLWKWKHHQJLQH UXQQLQJFKHFNWKHFRQQHFWLRQVDWWKHDOWHUQDWRUDQGWKH EDWWHU\LVRODWRU &RQWDFWD&XPPLQV$XWKRUL]HG5HSDLU)DFLOLW\ Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 97 Troubleshooting 6.7 Fault Code Charts - CFP15E/EVS, CFP23E/EVS, CFP30E, and CFP60E The following tables specify the fault codes and their meanings for the CFP15E/EVS, CFP23E/EVS, CFP30E, and CFP60E model fire pump drive engines: FAULT CODE (LAMP) 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 131 132 133 133 Table 6-1. CFP15E, CFP23E, CFP30E, CFP60E FAULT CODES SPN FMI LAMP CUMMINS DESCRIPTION FIM FAULT ECM AUTO COLOR SWITCH 629 12 RED Engine Control Module - Critical internal failure X 635 7 RED Engine Timing Actuator is not responding to ECM commands 635 3 YELLOW Engine Timing Actuator Circuit - shorted high 635 4 YELLOW Engine Timing Actuator Circuit - shorted low 190 2 RED Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit - lost both X of two signals from the magnetic pickup sensor 156 3 RED Fuel Timing Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted X high 156 4 RED Fuel Timing Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low X 135 3 YELLOW Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - X shorted high 135 4 YELLOW Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - X shorted low 190 10 YELLOW Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit - lost one of X two signals from the magnetic pickup sensor 102 3 YELLOW Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor #1 Circuit - shorted high 102 4 YELLOW Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor #1 Circuit - shorted low 102 16 YELLOW High Intake Manifold Pressure Left Bank 102 18 Low Intake Manifold Pressure Left Bank 1129 16 YELLOW High Intake Manifold Pressure Right Bank 1129 18 Low Intake Manifold Pressure Left Bank 1129 3 1129 4 91 3 91 4 974 3 29 3 Right Bank Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High Right Bank Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low RED Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted high RED Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted low RED Remote Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted high RED Remote Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted high 98 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Troubleshooting 134 974 4 RED Remote Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted low 134 29 4 RED Remote Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - shorted low 135 100 3 YELLOW Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted high 136 1208 3 Pre Filter Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High 137 1208 4 Pre Filter Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low 141 100 4 YELLOW Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low 143 100 18 YELLOW Engine Oil Pressure Low - Warning 143 100 1 RED Engine Oil Pressure Low - Warning 144 110 3 YELLOW Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted high 145 110 4 YELLOW Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted low 147 91 8 RED Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - low frequency 148 91 8 RED Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit - high frequency 151 110 0 RED Engine Coolant Temperature High - Critical 153 105 3 YELLOW Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit - shorted high 154 105 4 YELLOW Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor #1 Circuit - shorted low 155 105 0 RED Intake Manifold Temperature #1 High - Critical 166 733 3 YELLOW Rack Position Sensor #1 Circuit - shorted high 172 638 6 RED Rack Actuator Position #1 Circuit - grounded circuit 173 638 7 YELLOW Rack Actuator - mechanically stuck open 184 609 2 YELLOW Engine Control Module Identification Input State X Error 185 639 2 YELLOW Engine Control Module Network Communication X Error 187 620 4 YELLOW Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit - shorted low 211 1484 31 Additional OEM/Vehicle Diagnostic Codes have been logged. 212 175 3 YELLOW Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted high 213 175 4 YELLOW Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted low 214 175 0 RED Engine Oil Temperature High - Critical 221 108 3 YELLOW Ambient Air Pressure Sensor circuit - shorted high 222 108 4 YELLOW Ambient Air Pressure Sensor circuit - shorted low Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 99 Troubleshooting 223 1265 225 1266 227 620 231 109 232 109 233 109 233 109 234 190 235 111 237 644 241 84 242 84 245 647 254 632 255 632 259 632 261 174 263 174 265 174 284 1043 285 639 286 639 287 91 288 974 292 1083 293 1083 294 1083 295 108 4 YELLOW Engine Oil Burn Valve Solenoid Circuit - shorted low 4 YELLOW Engine Oil Replacement Valve Solenoid Circuit - shorted low 3 YELLOW Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit - shorted high 3 YELLOW Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted high 4 YELLOW Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low 1 RED Engine Coolant Pressure Low - Warning 18 YELLOW Engine Coolant Pressure Low - Warning 0 RED Engine Speed High - Critical X 1 RED Engine Coolant Level Low - Critical 2 YELLOW External Speed Input (Multiple Unit Sychronization) - data incorrect 2 YELLOW Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit - data incorrect X 10 YELLOW Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit - tampering has X been detected 4 YELLOW Fan Clutch Circuit - shorted low 4 RED Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit - shorted low X 3 YELLOW Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit - shorted high X 7 RED Fuel Shutoff Valve - Stuck Open X 0 RED Fuel Temperature High - Warning X 3 YELLOW Fuel Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted high X 4 YELLOW Fuel Temperature Sensor Circuit - shorted low X 4 YELLOW Engine Speed / Position Sensor #1 (Crankshaft) X Supply Voltage Circuit - shorted low 9 YELLOW SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN Timeout Error 13 YELLOW SAE J1939 Multiplexing Configuration Error 19 RED SAE J1939 Multiplexing Accelerator Pedal Sensor System Error 19 RED SAE J1939 Multiplexing Remote Throttle Data Error 14 RED Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input #1 Engine Protection - Critical 3 YELLOW Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input #1 Circuit - shorted high 4 YELLOW Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input #1 Circuit - shorted low 2 YELLOW Ambient Air Pressure Sensor Circuit - data incorrect 100 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Troubleshooting 296 1084 14 RED Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input #2 Engine Protection - Critical 297 1084 3 YELLOW Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input #2 Circuit - shorted high 298 1084 4 YELLOW Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input #2 Circuit - 299 1384 31 shorted low Engine Shutdown Commanded by J1939 311 651 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #1 Circuit - X grounded circuit 312 655 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #5 Circuit - X grounded circuit 313 653 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #3 Circuit - X grounded circuit 314 656 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #6 Circuit - X grounded circuit 315 652 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #2 Circuit - X grounded circuit 316 931 3 YELLOW Fuel Supply Pump Actuator Circuit - shorted high X 318 931 7 YELLOW Fuel Supply Pump Actuator - mechanically stuck X 319 251 2 Real Time Clock - Power Interrupt 321 654 6 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #4 Circuit - X grounded circuit 322 651 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #1 Circuit - open X circuit 323 655 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #5 Circuit - open X circuit 324 653 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #3 Circuit - open X circuit 325 656 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #6 Circuit - open X circuit 331 652 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #2 Circuit - open X circuit 332 654 5 YELLOW Injector Solenoid Valve Cylinder #4 Circuit - open X circuit 341 630 2 YELLOW Engine Control Module - data lost X 342 630 13 RED Engine Control Module - Out of Calibration X 343 629 12 YELLOW Engine Control Module - Warning Internal X Hardware Failure 346 630 12 YELLOW Engine Control Module - Warning Software error 349 191 16 YELLOW Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft) Speed High - Warning 349 191 0 YELLOW Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft) Speed High - Warning 352 1079 4 YELLOW Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit - shorted low 378 633 5 YELLOW Fueling Actuator #1 Circuit - Open Circuit X Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 101 Troubleshooting 379 633 6 YELLOW Fueling Actuator #1 Circuit - Grounded Circuit X 384 626 11 YELLOW Start Assist Device Control Circuit Error (Ether Injection) 386 1079 3 YELLOW Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit - shorted high 387 1043 3 YELLOW Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit - shorted high 394 635 5 YELLOW Timing Actuator #1 Circuit - Open Circuit 395 635 6 YELLOW Timing Actuator #1 Circuit - grounded circuit 396 1244 5 YELLOW Fueling Actuator #2 Circuit - open circuit X 397 1244 6 YELLOW Fueling Actuator #2 Circuit - grounded circuit X 398 1245 5 YELLOW Timing Actuator #2 Circuit - open circuit 399 1245 6 YELLOW Timing Actuator #2 Circuit - Grounded Circuit 414 608 9 YELLOW Data Communication error over the J1587 data link circuit 415 100 1 RED Engine Oil Pressure Low - Critical 418 97 15 Water in Fuel Indicator High - Maintenance 419 1319 2 YELLOW Intake Manifold Boost Pressure Imbalance 422 111 2 YELLOW Engine Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - data incorrect 423 156 2 YELLOW Fuel Timing Pressure or Timing Actuator stuck X 426 639 2 SAE J1939 datalink - cannot transmit X 427 639 9 SAE J1939 not fast enough X 428 97 3 YELLOW Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - shorted high 429 97 4 YELLOW Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - shorted low 431 558 2 YELLOW Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - data incorrect 431 91 2 YELLOW Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - data incorrect 432 558 13 RED Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - Our of Calibration 432 91 13 RED Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - Our of Calibration 433 102 2 YELLOW Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - data incorrect 434 627 2 YELLOW Power Lost without Ignition Off 435 100 2 YELLOW Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - data incorrect 441 168 18 YELLOW Battery #1 Voltage Low - Warning 441 168 1 Battery #1 Voltage Low - Warning 442 168 16 YELLOW Battery #1 Voltage High- Warning 102 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Troubleshooting 443 1043 4 YELLOW Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit - shorted low 449 94 16 YELLOW Fuel Pressure High - Warning X 451 157 3 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit X - Shorted High 452 157 4 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit X - Shorted Low 455 633 3 RED Fuel Control Valve Circuit - shorted high X 466 1188 4 YELLOW Turbocharger #1 Wastegate Control Circuit - shorted low 467 635 2 YELLOW Timing Rail Actuator Circuit - data incorrect 468 633 2 YELLOW Fuel Rail Actuator Circuit - data incorrect X 479 1318 9 Exhaust Port Temperature Bank Imbalance 482 94 18 YELLOW Fuel Pressure Low - Warning X 483 1349 3 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #2 Pressure Sensor Circuit X - Shorted High 484 1349 4 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #2 Pressure Sensor Circuit X - Shorted Low 485 1349 16 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #2 Pressure High - X Warning 486 1349 18 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #2 Pressure Low - Warning X 487 626 1 Start Assist Device - Canister Empty (Ether Injection) 489 191 18 YELLOW Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft) Speed Low - Warning 489 191 1 YELLOW Transmission Output Shaft (Tailshaft) Speed Low - Warning 496 1043 11 YELLOW Engine Speed/Position Sensor #2 (Camshaft) X Supply Voltage 497 1377 2 YELLOW Multiple Unit Sychronization Switch Circuit - data incorrect 514 633 7 RED Fuel Control Valve - mechanically stuck X 524 113 2 YELLOW OEM Alternate Droop Switch Validation - data incorrect 527 702 3 YELLOW Auxiliary Input/Output #2 Circuit - shorted high 528 93 2 YELLOW OEM Alternate torque validation switch - data incorrect 529 703 3 YELLOW Auxiliary Input/Output #3 Circuit - shorted high 546 94 3 YELLOW Fuel Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted X high 547 94 4 YELLOW Fuel Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted X low 551 558 4 YELLOW Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - shorted low Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 103 Troubleshooting 551 91 553 157 554 157 555 1264 555 1264 581 1381 582 1381 583 1381 595 103 596 167 597 167 598 167 611 1383 612 99 617 1172 621 1137 622 1138 623 1139 624 1140 625 1141 626 1142 631 1329 632 1329 633 1329 634 1329 635 1329 636 1329 641 1137 642 1138 643 1139 4 RED Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Circuit - shorted low 16 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure High - X Warning Level 2 YELLOW Fuel Pressure Sensor Error X 16 YELLOW Engine Blowby - Warning Level 0 RED Engine Blowby - Warning Level 3 YELLOW Fuel Supply Pump Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit - X shorted high 4 YELLOW Fuel Supply Pump Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit - X shorted low 18 YELLOW Fuel Supply Pump Inlet Pressure Low - warning X level 16 YELLOW Turbocharger #1 Speed High - warning level 16 YELLOW Electrical Charging System Voltage High - warning level 18 YELLOW Electrical Charging System Voltage Low - warning level 1 RED Electrical Charging System Voltage Low - critical level 31 Engine Hot Shutdown 1 RED High Lubricating Oil Filter Restrication 0 High Turbo Compressor Inlet Temperature LB 18 YELLOW Low #1 LB Cylinder Power 18 YELLOW Low #2 LB Cylinder Power 18 YELLOW Low #3 LB Cylinder Power 18 YELLOW Low #4 LB Cylinder Power 18 YELLOW Low #5 LB Cylinder Power 18 YELLOW Low #6 LB Cylinder Power 1 YELLOW Low #1 RB Cylindar Power 1 YELLOW Low #2 RB Cylinder Power 1 YELLOW Low #3 RB Cylinder Power 1 YELLOW Low #4 RB Cylinder Power 1 YELLOW Low #5 RB Cylinder Power 1 YELLOW Low #6 RB Cylinder Power 0 RED High #1 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 0 RED High #2 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 0 RED High #3 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 104 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Troubleshooting 644 1140 0 RED High #4 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 645 1141 0 RED High #5 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 646 1142 0 RED High #6 LB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 649 1378 0 Change Lubricating Oil and Filter 651 1143 0 RED High #1 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1145 0 RED 652 1144 0 RED High #2 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1146 0 RED 653 1145 0 RED High #3 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1147 0 RED 654 1146 0 RED High #4 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1148 0 RED 655 1147 0 RED High #5 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1149 0 RED 656 1148 0 RED High #6 RB Cylinder Exhaust Temperature 1149 0 RED 661 1323 0 YELLOW High #1 LB Cylinder Power 662 1324 0 YELLOW High #2 LB Cylinder Power 663 1325 0 YELLOW High #3 LB Cylinder Power 664 1326 0 YELLOW High #4 LB Cylinder Power 665 1327 0 YELLOW High #5 LB Cylinder Power 666 1328 0 YELLOW High #6 LB Cylinder Power 671 1137 4 672 1138 4 673 1139 4 674 1140 4 675 1141 4 676 1142 4 691 1172 3 692 1172 4 Cylinder #1 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low Cylinder #2 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low Cylinder #3 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low Cylinder #4 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low Cylinder #5 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low Cylinder #6 LB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low LBF Turbo Comp Inlet Temperature Sensor Failed High LBF Turbo Comp Inlet Temperature Sensor Failed Low Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 105 Troubleshooting 711 712 713 714 715 716 719 721 722 723 724 725 726 729 753 758 951 2155 1329 0 YELLOW High #1 RB Cylinder Power 1330 0 YELLOW High #2 RB Cylinder Power 1331 0 YELLOW High #3 RB Cylinder Power 1332 0 YELLOW High #4 RB Cylinder Power 1333 0 YELLOW High #5 RB Cylinder Power 1334 0 YELLOW High #6 RB Cylinder Power 1264 1143 1145 3 YELLOW Crankcase Blowby Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted high 4 Cylinder #1 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 4 1144 4 1146 4 Cylinder #2 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 1145 4 1147 4 Cylinder #3 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 1146 4 1148 4 Cylinder #4 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 1147 4 1149 4 Cylinder #5 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 1148 4 1149 4 Cylinder #6 RB Exhaust Temperature Sensor Failed Low 1264 4 YELLOW Crankcase Blowby Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low 723 2 Engine Speed/Position #2 - Cam sync error X 1349 7 YELLOW Injector Metering Rail #2 Pressure Malfunction X 166 2 Cylinder Power Imbalance between cylinders 611 4 Post-Filter Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low Table 6-2. 106 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 7 - Component parts and assemblies 7.1 Repairs and technical service Personnel at Cummins Authorized Repair Locations can assist you with the correct operation and service of your engine. Cummins has a worldwide service network of more than 5,000 Distributors and Dealers who have been trained to provide sound advice, expert service, and complete parts support. Check the telephone directory yellow pages or refer to the directory in this section for the nearest Cummins Authorized Repair Location. Outside of North America, contact your regional office. Telephone numbers and addresses are listed in the International Directory. If assistance is required, call toll-free: 1-800-CUMMINS. Includes all 50 states, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. The Cummins Customer Assistance Center provides 24-hour assistance to aid in technical and emergency service when a Cummins Authorized Repair Location cannot be reached or is unable to resolve an issue with a Cummins product. Refer also to the Cummins Inc. website at 7.2 Recommended spare parts inventory To minimize downtime and increase productivity, Cummins Inc. recommends maintaining a stock of spare parts critical to uninterrupted engine operation. Shipping costs can be lower using ground transportation rather than overnight or next day air freight. For this reason, Cummins Inc. can provide a list of recommended spare parts. Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location for additional information. 7.3 Ordering parts Replacement parts for the Cummins Inc. equipment are manufactured to the same quality standards and specifications as the original equipment. Unapproved substitution may result in poor performance, reduced service life, lost production, or unsafe operation. Cummins Inc. relies on the best and most cost effective shipping methods, unless specific instructions or requirements are requested by the customer. When ordering parts, please be prepared to provide the following information: · Model and serial number · Part description by name · Quantity required · Purchase order number NOTE: A purchase order number is desirable, even if the part(s) are supplied on a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) issue number. A purchase order number helps Cummins and its customer track the parts and necessary credits. 7.4 Engine data and torque values The following pages outline applicable reference material that represents the engine data for the CFP23E and all its ratings at the time of this printing. For a complete, up-to-date, Model Specification Sheet, refer to Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 107 Component parts and assemblies CFP23E/EVS F15-F35 and CFP23E F10-F70 Air induction system Maximum temperature rise between ambient air and engine air inlet Maximum inlet restriction with dirty filter Recommended air cleaner element - (standard) 63 °F (35 °C) 25 in. H2O (635 mm H2O) (1) primary element AF25544; (1) secondary element AF25545 Lubrication system Oil pressure range at rated Oil capacity of pan (high - low) Total system capacity Recommended lube oil filter 50-65 PSI (345-448 kPa) 60-48 qt. (57-45 L) 16.1 gal. (61 L) (2) Cummins Filtration LF9325 Cooling system* Raw water working pressure range at heat exchanger 60 PSI (413 kPa) MAX Recommended minimum water supply pipe size to heat exchanger 1.25 in. (31.75 mm) Recommended minimum water discharge pipe size from heat exchanger 1.50 in. (38.10 mm) Coolant water capacity (engine only) 17.3 gal. (65.5 L) Standard thermostat - type Modulating Standard thermostat - range 170-194 °F (76.5-90 °C) Normal Operating Temperature 180-212 °F (82-100 °C) Minimum raw water flow: - with water temperatures to 60 °F (16 °C) 28 GPM (1.77 L/sec) - with water temperatures to 80 °F (27 °C) 33 GPM (2.08 L/sec) - with water temperatures to 100 °F (38 °C) 38 GPM (2.40 L/sec) Recommended cooling water filter (1) Cummins Filtration WF2076 * A jacket water heater is mandatory on this engine. The recommended heater wattage is 3000 down to 40 °F (4 °C) 5DZ:DWHU)ORZ>*30@ &)3(&RROLQJ/RRS 5DZ:DWHU7HPSHUDWXUH>)@ Exhaust system Maximum allowable back pressure by complete exhaust system Exhaust pipe size normally acceptable 108 40.8 in. H2O (10.2 kPa) 8 in. (203 mm) Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Component parts and assemblies Noise emissions - The noise emission values are estimated sound pressure levels at 3.3 ft. (1 m). Top Right side Left side Front Exhaust 104.4 dBa 105.0 dBa 105.0 dBa 103.0 dBa 121.0 dBa Fuel supply/drain system Operating speed in RPM CFP23E F10 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E/EVS F15 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F20 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E/EVS F25 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F30 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E/EVS F35 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F40 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F50 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F60 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) CFP23E F70 fuel rate - gal/hr (L/hr) 1470 32.9 (124.7) 31.8 (120) 34.0 (128.6) 34.2 (129.5) 37.2 (140.7) 38.8 (146.7) 1760 32.6 (123.6) 33.9 (128) 35.2 (133.3) 34.8 (132) 37.5 (141.8) 35.7 (135) 39.7 (150.5) 43.3 (163.7) 46.8 (177.0) 50.3 (190.3) 1900 34.6 (131) 35.5 (135) 36.5 (138) 2100 36.3 (138) 37.3 (141) 38.2 (145) Fuel type Minimum supply line size Minimum drain line size Maximum fuel line length between supply tank and fuel pump Maximum fuel height above C/L fuel pump Recommended fuel filter - primary Recommended fuel filter - secondary Maximum restriction @ lift pump-inlet - with clean filter CFP23E F15-F35 Maximum restriction @ lift pump-inlet - with clean filter CFP23E F10-F70 Maximum restriction @ lift pump-inlet - with dirty filter CFP23E F15-F35 Maximum restriction @ lift pump-inlet - with dirty filter CFP23E F10-F70 Maximum return line restriction - with check valves CFP23E F15-F35 Maximum return line restriction - with check valves CFP23E F10-F70 Minimum fuel tank vent capability Maximum fuel temperature @ lift pump inlet CFP23E F15-F35 Maximum fuel temperature @ lift pump inlet CFP23E F10-F70 No. 2 diesel only 1 in. (25.40 mm) 1 in. (25.40 mm) 40 ft. (12 m) 96 in. (2.4 m) (2) Cummins Filtration FS1006 None 5.0 in. Hg (127 mm Hg) 4.0 in. Hg (102 mm Hg) 9.0 in. Hg (229 mm Hg) 8.0 in. Hg (203 mm Hg) 10 in. Hg (254 mm Hg) 9 in. Hg (229 mm Hg) 100 ft3/hr (3 m3/hr) 160 °F (71 °C) 158 °F (70 °C) Starting and electrical system Minimum recommended battery capacity - cold soak at 0 °F (-18 °C) or above Engine only - cold cranking amperes Engine only - reserve capacity *Based on FM requirement for a minimum of 900 CCA and 430 reserve capacity minutes 24V 1400 CCA* 460 minutes* Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 109 Component parts and assemblies Battery cable size - minimum of 2/0 AWG and maximum cable length not to exceed 6 ft. (1.5 m) Maximum resistance of starting circuit Typical cranking speed Alternator (standard), internally regulated CFP23E F15-F35 Alternator (standard), internally regulated CFP23E F10-F70 Operating conditions 24V 0.002 Ohms 100 RPM 75 amps 35 amps Operating speed in RPM CFP23E F-10 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E/EVS F-15 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-20 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E/EVS F-25 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-30 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) 1470 1760 1900 2100 698 1203 2842 990 7668 2605 (521) (568) (1341) (532) (135) (46) 698 1581 4103 904 9265 3833 (521) (746) (1937) (485) (163) (67) 722 1709 4334 904 9736 4012 (539) (807) (2045) (485) (171) (71) 751 1892 4663 904 10410 4267 (560) (893) (2201) (485) (183) (75) 753 1393 3289 990 8876 3015 (562) (657) (1,553) (532) (156) (53) 755 1581 4103 904 9265 3833 (563) (746) (1937) (485) (163) (67) 774 1709 4334 904 9736 4012 (577) (807) (2045) (485) (171) (71) 801 1892 4663 904 10410 4267 (598) (893) (2201) (485) (183) (75) 724 1204 3351 990 8579 2578 (540) (568) (1582) (532) (151) (45) 801 1547 3655 990 9862 3351 (598) (730) (1725) (532) (173) (59) 110 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Component parts and assemblies CFP23E/EVS F-35 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-40 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-50 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-60 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) CFP23E F-70 Output - BHP (kW) Ventilation air required - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas flow - CFM (litre/sec) Exhaust gas temperature - °F (°C) Heat rejection to coolant - BTU/min. (kW) Heat rejection to ambient - BTU/min. (kW) 700 1316 3626 904 8288 3463 (522) (621) (1711) (485) (146) (61) 770 1581 4103 904 9265 3833 (574) (746) (1937) (485) (163) (67) 798 1709 4334 904 9736 4012 (595) (807) (2045) (485) (171) (71) 840 1892 4663 904 10410 4267 (627) (893) (2201) (485) (183) (75) 747 1327 3692 990 9451 2840 (557) (626) (1743) (532) (166) (50) 850 1705 4026 990 10864 3691 (634) (805) (1900) (532) (191) (65) 752 1475 4104 990 10506 3157 (561) (696) (1937) (532) (185) (55) 925 1895 4476 990 12078 4103 (690) (894) (2113) (532) (212) (72) 817 1600 4452 990 11397 3425 (609) (755) (2101) (532) (200) (60) 1000 2056 4856 990 13102 4451 (746) (970) (2292) (532) (230) (78) 852 1720 4786 990 12252 3682 (636) (812) (2259) (532) (215) (65) 1075 2210 5220 990 14085 4785 (802) (1043) (2464) (532) (248) (84) Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 111 Component parts and assemblies 7.5 Cap screw markings and torque values Always use a cap screw of the same measurement and strength as the cap screw being replaced. Using the wrong cap screws can result in engine damage. Always use the torque values listed in the following tables when specific torque values are not available. When the ft-lb value is less than 10, convert the ft-lb value to in-lb to obtain a better torque with an in-lb torque wrench. Example: 6 ft-lb equals 72 in-lb. 7.5.1 Cap screw identification Metric cap screw identification and head markings Sample: Value: Meaning: M8-1.25 x 25 M8 Major thread diameter in millimeters 1.25 Distance between threads in millimeters X 25 Length in millimeters Metric cap screws and nuts are identified by the grade number stamped on the head of the cap screw or on the surface of the nuts. Commercial Steel Class 8.8 10.9 12.9 Caps Screw Head Markings US customary cap screw identification and head markings Sample: Value: Meaning: 5/16 x 18 x 1-1/2 5/16 18 Major thread diameter in inches Number of threads per inch 1-1/2 Length in inches U.S. Customary cap screws are identified by radial lines stamped on the head of the cap screw. SAE grade 5 w/three lines SAE grade 8 112 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) Component parts and assemblies 7.5.2 Cap screw torque values Class: Diameter mm 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Table 7-1. Metric Cap Screw Torque Values (lubricated threads) 8.8 Cast Iron Aluminum N·m ft-lb N·m ft-lb 9 5 7 4 14 9 11 7 23 17 18 14 45 33 30 25 80 60 55 40 125 90 90 65 195 140 140 100 280 200 180 135 400 290 -- -- 10.9 Cast Iron Aluminum N·m ft-lb N·m ft-lb 13 10 7 4 18 14 11 7 33 25 18 14 65 50 30 25 115 85 55 40 180 133 90 65 280 200 140 100 390 285 180 135 550 400 -- -- 12.9 Cast Iron Aluminum N·m ft-lb N·m ft-lb 14 9 7 4 23 18 11 7 40 29 18 14 70 50 30 25 125 95 55 40 195 145 90 65 290 210 140 100 400 290 180 135 -- -- -- -- Table 7-2. U.S. Customary Cap Screw Torque Values (lubricated threads) Grade: Cap Screw Body Size 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 1/2-20 9/16-12 9/16-18 5/8-11 5/8-18 3/4-10 3/4-16 7/8-9 7/8-14 1-8 1-14 SAE Grade 5 Cast Iron Aluminum N·m ft-lb N·m ft-lb 9 7 8 6 12 9 9 7 20 15 16 12 23 17 19 14 40 30 25 20 40 30 35 25 60 45 45 35 65 50 55 40 95 70 75 55 100 75 80 60 135 100 110 80 150 110 115 85 180 135 150 110 210 155 160 120 325 240 255 190 365 270 285 210 490 360 380 280 530 390 420 310 720 530 570 420 800 590 650 480 SAE Grade 8 Cast Iron Aluminum N·m ft-lb N·m ft-lb 15 11 8 6 18 13 9 7 30 22 16 12 33 24 19 14 55 40 25 20 60 45 35 25 90 65 45 35 95 70 55 40 130 95 75 55 150 110 80 60 190 140 110 80 210 155 115 85 255 190 150 110 290 215 160 120 460 340 255 190 515 380 285 210 745 550 380 280 825 610 420 310 1100 820 570 420 1200 890 650 480 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) 113 Component parts and assemblies 7.6 CFP23E/EVS Assembly Drawings Please refer to our website at for the most up-to-date information. Drawing No. A042J663 Description General Arrangement, Installation, Fire Pump, CFP23E A042H687 Assembly, Fire Pump, G-Drive CFP23E F10-F70 A042H688 Assembly, Fire Pump, Industrial CFP23E/EVS F15-F25-F35 A042D341 Assembly, Engine, G-Drive, 1760 RPM CFP23E F10-F70 A042D339 Assembly, Engine, G-Drive, 1470 RPM CFP23E F10-F70 A042D338 Assembly, Engine, Industrial, CFP23E/EVS F15-F25-F35 23166 Assembly, Heat Exchanger CFP23E/EVS F10-F70 23762 Assembly, Heat Exchanger CFP23E/EVS F15-F25-F35 17669 Assembly, Air Intake CFP23E/EVS 23293 Assembly, Guarding CFP23E/EVS F10-F70 23784 Assembly, Guarding CFP23E/EVS F15-F25-F35 A042J192 Assembly, Coolant Heater CFP23E/EVS A042H300 Assembly, Sensors and Harnessing, G-Drive, CFP23E/EVS A063F850 Assembly, Sensors and Harnessing, Industrial, CFP23E/EVS A042G363 Assembly, Secondary ECM CFP23E F10-F70 A042J725 Assembly, Secondary ECM CFP23E/EVS F15-F25-F35 21249 Assembly, Control Panel Mounting Assembly, All Components Top-level: A042G185 Assembly, Panel, Digital Electronic 8824-24 Battery Contactors 24V A042A380 Kit, Fuel Lines CFP23E/EVS A042H736 Assembly, Raw Water Cooling Loop, 1 1/4" Vertical CFP23E/EVS A042H737 Assembly, Raw Water Cooling Loop, 1 1/4" Horizontal 24V CFP23E/EVS A042H738 Assembly, Sea Water Cooling Loop, 1 1/4" Vertical CFP23E/EVS A042H739 Assembly, Sea Water Cooling Loop, 1 1/4" Horizontal 24V CFP23E/EVS 16768 A042J126 A042E428 Assembly, Stub Shaft and Guarding, CFP23E Schematic, Overall CFP23E/EVS, GEN II FPDP Assembly, VSPLC (FM-approved option) 114 Doc. A042J564 (Rev. 2) +10V KEYSWITCH ECM ENABLE J1939 SHIELD J1939 J1939 + GROUND TO PUMP CONTROLLER P/N A042C868 TB-6 TB-8 TB-11 P/N A042H302 FPDP GEN II CS P/N A042G185 SS P/N A042G187 TERMINAL BLOCK LEGEND TB1 AUTO/MANUAL TB2 CRANK TERMINATION SWITCH TB3 OVERSPEED SWITCH TB4 LOW LUBRICANT PRESSURE SWITCH TB5 HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE SWITCH TB6 BATTERY 1 POSITIVE P/N A042G196 POWER BOARD TO OVERLAY TO LCD TOUCHSCREEN TB8 TB9 TB10 TB11 TB301 TB302 TB303 TB304 TB310 TB311 TB312 USB BATTERY 2 POSITIVE MAIN BATTERY CONTACT 1 COIL MAIN BATTERY CONTACT 2 COIL COMMON BATTERY 1 AND 2 NEGATIVE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE SWITCH FUEL INJECTION MALFUNCTION ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE WARNING ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE FAILURE RAW WATER HIGH INLET TEMPERATURE CLOGGED RAW WATER COOLANT LOOP STRAINER LOW ENGINE TEMPERATURE SWITCH POWER LED 19 HEARTBEAT LED 20 D72 +3.3V AUTO MODE LED AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON MANUAL MODE LED ECM A LED ECM SELECTOR BUTTON GROUND CRANK BATT A CRANK BATT B RESET / STOP BUTTON ECM B LED GROUND X LEFT Y BOTTOM X RIGHT Y TOP VBUS DD+ GROUND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1234 1234 TO LCD 40 PIN FLEX CABLE U9(P0) K10 LED 14 K11 LED 15 K12 LED 16 K13 LED 17 K14 LED 18 U7(PIN21) LED 7 K15 LED 47 K21 LED 58 K22 LED 59 K23 LED 60 TB-1 TB-2 TB-3 TB-4 TB-5 TB-9 TB-10 TB-301 TB-302 TB-303 TB-304 TB-310 TB-311 TB-312 TB-305 TB-306 TB-307 K17 +10V U14(P3) +10V U17(P1) LED 53 K9 +10V U14(P1) +10V U14(P4) +10V U14(P2) LED 13 P/N 15155 ECM POWER BOARD BATT A +10V U18(P0) +10V U18(P1) +10V U18(P2) VBATT GROUND +10V +10V +10V BATT B K3 U14(P5) +10V U3(P3) LED 3 U14(P6) U14(P7) VBATT D1 D2 +10V VBATT P/N A042J117 JP1 6 4 5 3 2 BATTERY A BATTERY B GROUND GROUND CRANK A J1 C2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J1 C1 1 2 3 4 12 LED 4 LED 5 K4 +3.3V U2(PIN93) U2(PIN76) U2(PIN94) U2(PIN98) U2(PIN77) U2(PIN78) U2(PIN81) U2(PIN82) U2(PIN99) U4(PIN25) U4(PIN26) U4(PIN23) U4(PIN24) U2(PIN54) U4(PIN56) U4(PIN57) POWER LED 1 HEARTBEAT LED 2 P/N A042G195 DISPLAY BOARD P/N A042G207 K35 ECM SWITCH BOARD SELECT +10V J1 50 PIN - ENGINE I/O J2(PIN4) J3(PIN44) TO RELAY COILS K11,K12,K13,K14,K15, K16,K17,K22,K23,K24,K25,K26,K27,K28, K29,K30,K31,K32 AND K36 ON SHT 2&3. SELECT K18 +10V SELECT K33 +10V J2(PIN23) J3(PIN23) J2(PIN22) J3(PIN22) K34 SELECT +10V J2(PIN24) J3(PIN24) J2 50 PIN - ECM A J3 50 PIN - ECM B K37 +10V K38 +10V SELECT K20 +10V K21 +10V +10V U19(A) U19(B) U2(PIN74) U2(PIN66) U2(PIN67) VCC U8(CANH) U8(CANL) CAN GND C13 P/N A042G198 JP1 1 GROUND 2 GROUND 15 GROUND 16 GROUND 3 +10V 4 +10V 13 +10V 14 +10V 19 RS485 SHIELD 17 RS485 + 18 RS485 - 12 MAG PICK-UP 7 SCL 8 SDA 5 VCC 6 VCC 9 R65 10 11 R1 J1939 + J1939 J1939 SHIELD J2(PIN5) & J3(PIN45) J2(PIN25) & J3(PIN25) J2(PIN14) & J3(PIN34) +10V J4 P/N A042G202 7 J1939 SHIELD 8 J1939 - 9 J1939 + 1 +10V 2 KEYSWITCH 3 ECM ENABLE 4 INCREMENT 5 DECREMENT 6 ECM RETURN 11 SB DIABLE 1 12 SB DIABLE 2 10 GROUND +10V **SEE SHEETS 2 & 3 FOR REMAINDER OF ECM SWITCH BOARD SCHEMATIC** J5 1234567 TO ADDITIONAL SWITCH BOARDS JP7 1 2 15 16 3 4 13 14 19 17 18 12 7 8 5 6 9 10 11 +10V SCL SDA VCC JP2 7 8 9 +10V 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 10 +10V U17(P4) +10V U17(P3) K20 LED 56 K19 LED 55 K2 LED 2 K1 LED 1 +10V U3(P4) VBATT K5 U3(P5) OR U7(PIN12) D6 D7 LED 50 U9(P1) D30 LED 8 +10V +10V U9(P2) D31 LED 9 K7 LED 11 K16 LED 52 U14(P0) OR U7(PIN11) U17(P0) VBATT U9(P3) D32 LED 10 U20G IN OUT COM +10V +10V +10V U3(P6) VBATT U3(P2) K6 LED 21 K27 LED 6 +10V U17(P2) K18 LED 54 KEY / FSO OVERRIDE SWITCH VBATT ENGINE STOP VBATT U7 (PIN22) RF1 VCC U7 (PIN23) 1 CRANK B 13 JP6 ALTERNATOR EXCITE 9 14 CONFIGURABLE INPUT 1 4 10 CONFIGURABLE INPUT 2 15 11 CONFIGURABLE INPUT 3 18 19 ASO RELAY GROUND 12 28 11 16 RS485 + 10 21 22 RS485 - 22 VARIABLE SPEED PRESSURE TRANSDUCER B+ 20 24 VARIABLE SPEED PRESSURE SIGNAL 8 29 VARIABLE SPEED PRESSURE TRANSDUCER GND 21 27 COOLING LOOP PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS 5V SUPPLY 23 23 COOLING LOOP PRESSURE PRE SIGNAL 7 25 LED 49 K8 LED 57 ECM OVERRIDE SWITCH +10V U3(P1) +10V U3(P0) U7 (PIN24) COOLING LOOP PRESSURE POST SIGNAL 19 26 U7 (PIN5) 16 2 +10V VBATT U7 (PIN25) 14 U7 (PIN4) 3 5 LED 51 U17(P5) U7 (PIN13) 1 13 VBATT JP11 1 2 3 4 5 COOLING LOOP TEMP SIGNAL FSO B+ OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL COOLANT TEMP SIGNAL RAW WATER SOLENOID B+ MAG PICK-UP + MAG PICK-UP - J1708 + J1708 - J1708 + J1708 GROUND B+ J1939 + J1939 - 17 7 8 9 15 5 6 18 20 C2 G F A B C D E 9 PIN DIAGNOSTIC *NOTE* SEE SHEET 6 FOR BETTER VIEW OF POWER CIRCUITS C9 ECM B+ 1 VBATT SEE SHEET 2 2 VBATT POS NEG BAT A C13 1 GROUND SEE SHEET 2 2 GROUND ECM GROUND POS NEG BAT B S BATTERY ISOLATOR ALT B+ D C5 8 BATTERY A 9 BATTERY B 10 GROUND 11 VBATT 12 VBATT 7 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 1 1 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 2 2 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 3 3 ASO RELAY GROUND 6 RS485 SHIELD 4 RS485 + 5 RS485 - DPEM C8 A VBATT B SIGNAL C GROUND VARIABLE SPEED C10 A 5V SUPPLY C SIGNAL B GROUND C11 A 5V SUPPLY C SIGNAL B GROUND COOLING LOOP PRE PRESSURE COOLING LOOP POST PRESSURE COOLING LOOP GROUND COOLING LOOP WATER TEMPERATURE C3 COOLING LOOP RAW WATER SOLENOID 2 GROUND 1 VBATT NC (ENERGIZE TO RUN) C12 2 1 MAG PICK-UP C4 A J1587 + B J1587 - J1587 SEE SHEET 2 C J1587 SHIELD AUTO CAD P/N A042J135/A063F833 C14 SIGNAL A FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN C C11 SIGNAL A FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN C C8 SIGNAL A TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN C C2 SIGNAL A ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN B C17 SIGNAL A ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN B C6 SUPPLY A TIMING RAIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C13 SUPPLY A FUEL PUMP PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C7 SUPPLY A FUEL RAIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C4 SUPPLY A INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C3 SUPPLY A BAROMETRIC PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C12 SUPPLY A OIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C9 SIGNAL A FUEL TEMPERATURE SENSOR RETURN B C15 SIGNAL A COOLANT TEMPERATURE RETURN B C5 SIGNAL A INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE RETURN B C18 GROUND 1 ENGINE BLOCK GROUND GROUND 2 FSO VALVE SUPPLY FSO VALVE RETURN P/N A042G207 ECM SWITCH BOARD C1 J1 K11 30 50 K12 46 6 K13 5 43 K37 K20 17 28 K38 K21 40 16 K22 49 14 K23 15 39 J2 C1 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR SIGNAL 43 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN 45 P/N A042H301 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR SIGNAL 3 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN 1 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 SIGNAL 10 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN 6 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 SIGNAL 37 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN 28 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 SIGNAL 20 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN 36 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 9 SENSOR 5V RETURN 34 TIMING RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 35 FUEL PUMP PRESSURE SIGNAL 19 K24 31 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 31 K25 35 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 15 42 SENSOR 5V RETURN 2 K26 9 INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SIGNAL 49 38 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SIGNAL 18 7 37 20 19 29 C10 2 DIODE 1 K27 K28 K29 OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 47 FUEL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 17 COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 40 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE 39 FSO VALVE SUPPLY 29 SHT 1 (K35) SHT 1 (K33) SHT 1 (K33) SHT 1 (K34) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 8) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 9) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 7) KEYSWITCH 4 INCREMENT 23 DECREMENT 22 ECM RETURN 24 J1939 - 25 J1939 + 14 J1939 SHIELD 5 ENGINE BLOCK GND C12 J1587+ A J1587- B J1587 SHIELD C SEE SHEET 1 A B C C7 120 OHM C2 VBATT 1 VBATT 2 SEE SHEET 1 C5 11 ECM A FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR SIGNAL 40 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN 3 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR SIGNAL 10 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN 1 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 SIGNAL 20 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN CONNECTOR A 01 C5 27 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 SIGNAL 28 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN 37 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 SIGNAL 38 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN 5 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 18 SENSOR 5V RETURN 33 TIMING RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 32 FUEL PUMP PRESSURE SIGNAL 31 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 6 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 17 SENSOR 5V RETURN 35 INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SIGNAL 34 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SIGNAL 24 OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 26 FUEL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 22 COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 23 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE 30 FSO VALVE SUPPLY 8 GROUND 7 GROUND 14 J1587 + 15 J1587 - C4 10 KEYSWITCH 40 INCREMENT 39 DECREMENT 35 ISC1 22 J1939 32 J1939 + 31 J1939 SHIELD 3 B+ 4 B+ 5 B+ CONNECTOR B 02 C4 AUTO CAD P/N A042J135/A063F833 C14 SIGNAL A FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN C C11 SIGNAL A FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN C C8 SIGNAL A TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN C C2 SIGNAL A ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN B C17 SIGNAL A ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN B C6 SUPPLY A TIMING RAIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C13 SUPPLY A FUEL PUMP PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C7 SUPPLY A FUEL RAIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C4 SUPPLY A INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C3 SUPPLY A BAROMETRIC PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C12 SUPPLY A OIL PRESSURE RETURN B SIGNAL C C9 SIGNAL A FUEL TEMPERATURE SENSOR RETURN B C15 SIGNAL A COOLANT TEMPERATURE RETURN B C5 SIGNAL A INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE RETURN B C18 GROUND 1 ENGINE BLOCK GROUND GROUND 2 FSO VALVE SUPPLY FSO VALVE RETURN P/N A042G207 ECM SWITCH BOARD C1 J1 K11 30 50 K12 46 6 K13 5 43 K37 K20 17 28 K38 K21 40 16 K22 49 14 K23 15 39 J3 C3 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR SIGNAL 30 P/N A042H301 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN 50 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR SIGNAL 46 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN 6 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 SIGNAL 5 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN 43 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 SIGNAL 17 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN 28 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 SIGNAL 40 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN 16 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 49 SENSOR 5V RETURN 14 TIMING RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 15 FUEL PUMP PRESSURE SIGNAL 39 K24 31 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 31 K25 35 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 35 42 SENSOR 5V RETURN 42 K26 9 INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SIGNAL 9 38 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SIGNAL 38 7 37 20 19 29 C10 2 DIODE 1 K27 K28 K29 OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 7 FUEL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 37 COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 20 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE 19 FSO VALVE SUPPLY 29 SHT 1 (K35) SHT 1 (K33) SHT 1 (K33) SHT 1 (K34) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 8) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 9) SHT 1 (J4 PIN 7) KEYSWITCH 44 INCREMENT 23 DECREMENT 22 ECM RETURN 24 J1939 - 25 J1939 + 34 J1939 SHIELD 45 ENGINE BLOCK GND C12 A B C SEE SHEET 1 C2 VBATT 1 VBATT 2 SEE SHEET 1 C10 11 ECM B FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR SIGNAL 40 FUEL PUMP ACTUATOR RETURN CONNECTOR A 3 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR SIGNAL 10 FUEL RAIL ACTUATOR RETURN 1 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 SIGNAL 20 TIMING ACTUATOR 1 RETURN 27 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 SIGNAL 28 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 1 RETURN 01 C10 37 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 SIGNAL 38 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR 2 RETURN 5 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 18 SENSOR 5V RETURN 33 TIMING RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 32 FUEL PUMP PRESSURE SIGNAL 31 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 6 SENSOR 5V SUPPLY 17 SENSOR 5V RETURN 35 INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SIGNAL 34 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SIGNAL 24 OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 26 FUEL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 22 COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 23 INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURE 30 FSO VALVE SUPPLY 8 GROUND 7 GROUND 14 J1587 + 15 J1587 - C9 10 KEYSWITCH 40 INCREMENT 39 DECREMENT 35 ISC1 22 J1939 32 J1939 + 31 J1939 SHIELD 3 B+ 4 B+ 5 B+ CONNECTOR B 02 C9 AUTO CAD NO ASO OPTION WITH UP TO 3 SWITCHED INPUTS C1 BATTERY A 8 BATTERY B 9 GROUND 10 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 1 7 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 2 1 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 3 2 *CONNECTS TO DPEM CONNECTOR ON SHEET 1* CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 1 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 2 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 3 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL DPEM OPTION WITH NO ASO WIRE HARNESS C1 BATTERY A 8 BATTERY B 9 GROUND 10 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 1 7 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 2 1 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 3 2 RS485 SHIELD 6 RS485 + 4 RS485 - 5 *CONNECTS TO DPEM CONNECTOR ON SHEET 1* CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 1 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL P/N 18488 C2 J1 21 23 22 24 BATTERY A BATTERY B GROUND GROUND 28 26 27 CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 2 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 3 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL P/N 18487 POWER BOARD JP1 13 D13 14 D14 1 VBATT 2 POWER LED 17 JP8 3 1 2 HEARTBEAT LED 8 U19(A) U19(B) R78 DROP A2 DROP A1 DROP A0 SW1 JP1 TEMPERATURE A 3 16 TEMPERATURE B 5 17 TEMPERATURE C 7 18 PRESSURE A 4 5 PRESSURE B 6 6 PRESSURE C 8 7 PRESSURE D 10 8 PRESSURE E 12 9 PRESSURE F 14 10 SWITCH 1 9 19 SWITCH 2 11 20 SWITCH 3 13 21 SWITCH 4 15 22 U1(PIN2) U1(PIN3) U1(PIN4) U1(PIN21) U1(PIN22) U1(PIN23) U1(PIN24) U1(PIN25) U1(PIN7) U5(P1) D3 LED 3 U5(P2) D5 LED 4 U5(P3) D6 LED 5 U5(P4) D8 LED 6 +10V U15(P3) +10V U15(P2) +10V U15(P1) +10V U15(P7) +10V U15(P6) +10V U15(P5) +10V U9(P3) +10V U9(P2) +10V U9(P1) +10V U9(P7) +10V U9(P6) +10V U9(P5) JP3 +1 -2 U8A TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE EXHAUST TEMPERATURE K10 LED 16 K9 LED 15 K8 LED 14 K7 LED 13 K6 LED 12 K5 LED 11 K4 LED 10 K3 LED 9 K18 LED 25 K17 LED 24 K16 LED 23 K15 LED 22 K14 LED 21 K13 LED 20 K12 LED 19 K11 LED 18 +10V U15(P0) +10V U15(P4) +10V U9(P0) +10V U9(P4) U5(P0) ENERGIZE TO STOP INPUT SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 4 COMMON TB-12 TB-13 TB-14 TB-15 TB-16 TB-17 TEMPERATURE A TEMPERATURE B TEMPERATURE C EXHAUST TEMPERATURE COMMON TB-18 TB-19 TB-20 TB-21 TB-22 PRESSURE A PRESSURE B PRESSURE C PRESSURE D COMMON TB-23 TB-24 TB-25 TB-26 TB-27 PRESSURE E PRESSURE F COMMON TB-28 TB-29 TB-30 TB-31 TB-32 U1(PIN5) CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS DPEM SS P/N 18485 AUTO CAD ASO OPTION WITH UP TO 2 SWITCHED INPUTS C1 BATTERY A 8 BATTERY B 9 GROUND 10 VBATT 11 VBATT 12 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 1 7 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 2 1 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 3 2 ASO RELAY GROUND 3 RS485 SHIELD 6 RS485 + 4 RS485 - 5 *CONNECTS TO DPEM CONNECTOR ON SHEET 1* ASO LIMIT SWITCH 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL ASO RELAY R1 85 86 R1 87 30 87a CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 2 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 3 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL VBATT ASO VALVE GROUND IF AIR SHUT-OFF (ASO) IS SELECTED, THE UL/FM LISTING IS REMOVED AS THIS OPTION IS NOT ALLOWED PER THE STANDARDS. DPEM OPTION WITH ASO WIRE HARNESS C1 BATTERY A 8 BATTERY B 9 GROUND 10 VBATT 11 VBATT 12 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 1 7 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 2 1 CONFIGURABLE SWITCH INPUT 3 2 ASO RELAY GROUND 3 RS485 SHIELD 6 RS485 + 4 RS485 - 5 *CONNECTS TO DPEM CONNECTOR ON SHEET 1* P/N 18488 C2 J1 21 23 22 24 BATTERY A BATTERY B GROUND GROUND ASO LIMIT SWITCH 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL ASO RELAY R1 85 86 R1 87 30 87a VBATT ASO VALVE GROUND 28 26 27 CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 2 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL CONFIG SWITCH INPUT 3 1 GROUND 2 SIGNAL 3 5 7 4 6 8 10 12 14 9 11 13 15 TEMPERATURE A TEMPERATURE B TEMPERATURE C PRESSURE A PRESSURE B PRESSURE C PRESSURE D PRESSURE E PRESSURE F SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 4 P/N 18487 POWER BOARD JP1 13 D13 14 D14 1 VBATT 2 POWER LED 17 JP8 3 1 2 HEARTBEAT LED 8 U19(A) U19(B) R78 DROP A2 DROP A1 DROP A0 SW1 JP1 16 17 18 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 20 21 22 U1(PIN2) U1(PIN3) U1(PIN4) U1(PIN21) U1(PIN22) U1(PIN23) U1(PIN24) U1(PIN25) U1(PIN7) U5(P1) D3 LED 3 U5(P2) D5 LED 4 U5(P3) D6 LED 5 U5(P4) D8 LED 6 +10V U15(P3) +10V U15(P2) +10V U15(P1) +10V U15(P7) +10V U15(P6) +10V U15(P5) +10V U9(P3) +10V U9(P2) +10V U9(P1) +10V U9(P7) +10V U9(P6) +10V U9(P5) JP3 +1 -2 U8A TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE EXHAUST TEMPERATURE K10 LED 16 K9 LED 15 K8 LED 14 K7 LED 13 K6 LED 12 K5 LED 11 K4 LED 10 K3 LED 9 K18 LED 25 K17 LED 24 K16 LED 23 K15 LED 22 K14 LED 21 K13 LED 20 K12 LED 19 K11 LED 18 +10V U15(P0) +10V U15(P4) +10V U9(P0) +10V U9(P4) U5(P0) ENERGIZE TO STOP INPUT SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 4 COMMON TB-12 TB-13 TB-14 TB-15 TB-16 TB-17 TEMPERATURE A TEMPERATURE B TEMPERATURE C EXHAUST TEMPERATURE COMMON TB-18 TB-19 TB-20 TB-21 TB-22 PRESSURE A PRESSURE B PRESSURE C PRESSURE D COMMON TB-23 TB-24 TB-25 TB-26 TB-27 PRESSURE E PRESSURE F COMMON TB-28 TB-29 TB-30 TB-31 TB-32 U1(PIN5) CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS DPEM SS P/N 18485 AUTO CAD P/N A042J117 CRANK A 12 BATTERY A 1 ALTERNATOR EXCITE 14 CRANK B 13 BATTERY B 2 GROUND 3 GROUND 4 P/N 15155 ECM POWER BOARD BATTERY A 1 BATTERY A 2 BATTERY A 3 GROUND 7 GROUND 8 GROUND 9 BATTERY B 10 BATTERY B 11 BATTERY B 12 DPEM GROUND 10 BATTERY A 8 BATTERY B 9 P/N A042C868 TB-6 TB-8 TB-11 POS NEG BAT A POS NEG BAT B BATTERY ISOLATOR ALTERNATOR B+ GND S STARTER B+ GND ENGINE BLOCK AUTO CADAdobe Acrobat Pro DC 19.10.20091