The Billboard 1921-04-23: Vol 33 Iss 17

The Billboard 1921-04-23: Vol 33 Iss 17

BillBoard · ']



April 23, 1921




in i
1!I 8r iP V


A Weekly

: i

Theatrical Digest




li ii

Review of tU Show World


APRIL 23, 1921


Nol Over

IS*«ler -
|sMlrv **
Hornftb? HorfMby

A Bate Hit roe.2Sc trade

A IWm Hit ·· AAc ··
, ADaMHlI ·* Wc "

2 i ABMeHlf ** 2Sc **


** Sc **

B ABmcHU * P ABamHII **
2B«MHit **
AB»MHit ·
ABnmHii -

lAc * IAc -*
lAc ^
IAc **

bMt S«le RcceivM

$1.00 in trade.

Sore Tickets Wilk Taam's Ham

OopluAlA to the oBt AAder PcomaI also Refoteti S2000 IMPORTED Mantel Clock S20.00

A New Quick-Action
Cleanup Salesboard
A Little Board Full of Premiums The Open Punch Clock Puts
Pep in the Play The Clock Under Seal Cleans
Up the Board Quickly
Board takes in.$40.00 | Pays out in trade. 8.00 I
$32.00 Cost Retailers.20.00
Profit .$12.00 Profit on Trade. 3.00
$15.00 JOBBERS and Operators' price: $12.00. Pay your sales¬ men's traveling expense with profits from this little board. Easy to carry. Only measures 4%xl2. Only takes a minute to explain, and it
Grant Mercantile Go.

Kahniine Goods Mean Quick Turnovers (TRY AND BE CONVINCED)


SI'iemr»il.»lun IAvoMrytmNt Vr. k ('haliia. U JK. .tpiinU.AWA

UalnLF.uiiriarldildtlmreleiedddrlaa.n''eRRllDnKISS'gKplpraeriee.e.dciaAU.Ha\lalaresoaaosudIarr12tt2eeKN. Kdd,.r.rkII1''Iee//(2rr2'h(0H(tltliihhrlruiusa.aaH(aiA..o.i..llt.dd.-,

-ACt.iCyAu QJ.7IeJ

2PF4hroaprttmce.da SUaImlnapalteaHlA lunipilaoeapaulaantrdmcHouloltlrs..Doc$1Pe0gn.d0qa0qnt

GGflElanaeos.itn-la.dhth'-splaG. attWreodtsahstcehrK.. enmiva1er8ks-,aSbizlyewhloiTlwehinprtihceMeyodeLfocosflc.G.lDCDoUAld NeFtdccWie.C,.elllnffz#ostrpaenMPrldoaitslhltTuzremifmieeinrnyUDneSzHstlecrenifdl.elilrraaHn,Htesea.addtG. WlaSostsrokneerTsa-sSaaeeltla*as»*


891 Bread Street.



^r.r.K.T:Tn?i- ® = : IJkl
|mB,UU,,<H| I^^U Iw^l iia BaillIshJ
H m


>- 'm^11
^ I

loc A. sale:
Itl-Hole Boerd, C10 Rfl 12 PilloNS.0 I

n' \

i,iet-Hoi8 Beard. COnDD
MN d DoS lls. «12 W Pilblowws., ^UZ\U }B :^


balance t.. it. It. S^nci 25 p^r ernt irifh order,

$ C1 lI ..77I*5$ D UUAOA7L.
$18.00- Gross



i??-Bldg. LA-- EAT HER CO.


P. O BOX 484.



502-- SHOPPING BAG. .kn vx vll.-iit item fur prvmluin, Mhrdrovn, etc. .\n UD-tu-<l»te i-J prictU'al item that la in demaiKl. Made id l>u* Puiit Kahrlkuid Stuck. Louka and «iars like real leather. Thia hag cunaista of re-enfurced arlre tops. Size. S'-ixlS inches Single sample, poitpaid, 60r. Quantity price, $4.50 dozen.
503-- SHOPPING BAG--Sire. lO'.xlI', Inrliis. Sample, postpaid, 85c. Quantity price, $7.75 per dozen.
504 --As shore. Size. imxl2'< inches. Sample nostpaid, 90c. Quantity price, $9.00 per dozen.

i?r iJitfe `'it-u*

>%1th A clock movenicijt. aikJ After wIikIiuk
it RhlmnUeA life-like for a XNTiod of twenty to Uiirty

minutcA. MAde uf unbreAk-

Aldc <«im(M)sitlon And mo*

hAlr wic!«.

13H inch*

eA. Single simnle. post*

paid $3.50 each. Quantity price. $3.00 each.

Hula-Hula Dancer

All donca up in her PAiiTc

KArb. Wind her up And

tbcii VAU'h licr thAke Iter

hips. MAdc uf Mme cum-

pusiUon AA Shimmle HhAker


13*2 lri<`b(«A hljib

SAmple. $3.50 eAcl!, post*

paid. Quantity price, $3.25 each.

M. L. KA.HIM &. CO., 1014 Arcti St.,' Ptilladelptila. Ra.

The sensational 1921 novelty for carnivals and street shows. An exceptionally hand¬ some and orn:imental Electric Laimp, com¬ plete with S-ft. silk cord, connections and separable attachments. Dressetl in rich brocades and chiffons, with gilt and floral trimmings. Heal mohair wigs, in Hlonde, Auburn. Dark or Colonial White. Heiglit,
15 inches. All orders shipjied on <lay of receipt.
Write for quantity price, catalogue and other interesting information.
Stock carried in San Francisco by KINDEl A GRAHAM
Fleischaker & Baum
45 Greene Street, New York City

TIi« largest concastion tent manif facturcra wrest of Kansas City. QUICK SERVICE - PRICES RIGHT WORKMANSHIP THE BEST

I.argpst and Flashipat liox on the Market, Filled with Hrer Itahhit Kiswa.
Shipments .same day received. .''»0% with order. Hal. C. (). 1).
BRER RABBIT CANDY CO., 4(50 St. Aubin Ave., Detroit, Mich.



_a a_

one-man publicity name ettr Irifcnted.

Spearmint and oth«r flavors at eld pricas

raed In e?ery line of bimiiieaa. Wiite pNiay for plioUi


I I |U| SALCSBOARD AND | ''^1 information. Thia la a bualiM-aa proposition. No


VX W IT! give-away GUMS !

paid to ixtitai cards or K. K in.


It ysa Me M is The BIIMarS. tell ·

WANTED A Small Cleaa Caralval. Firtnrre EihIblUon of W. Tran. Fur itetri. rlr., write JAM. II. JUBDAN. Bery., R. No. «, Jo'kKn, Trntimre.
tl.SS per too Perka(<s In lota of I.SOO I'ai-kam NEWPORT SUai CO.. Nawssrl, Kaelucky.


'rile fur mir t .\ r.\l

.`Hi at


oiir line of Tt»Y U'l-

anil all aurle uf I'l''

nival Nuvriljr ((i.<h|h :iir<l

sli>n» with onr u'lily

Will iiruarni .run wliii nuiiir'

ttiine that evuiy liiiyiT uf

thia line will In* Klad tuhava

Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co.

I7N EHt SL, CiBciBMti, Ohw

APRIL 23. 1921

X ti e B 111 b o a p d





and Numerous Other Items

and Many Other Items that will Surprise Them



$55.00 per Thousand. 200 to Carton, $11.00. Express Prepaid



1327. Main Street,




I Carnivals.^ Wheel IVIenI







I looks Like a Ten Cent Package $15.00 PER THOUSAND BOXES 5 Pieces to the Box |





Deposit IVIust Accompany Opdcp. =

I A. W. DYE CANDY CO., . Kansas City, Mo. I



T e Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921




NM««Mrlly ···<. kteauM
Made In Grand Rapids, the Furniture City.

4U Colored Musicians On All Horns
Must trail and fake. Alao want Cotni'illana. Prtlormrts. Cliai^rr for two nreka. .Mao Novelty AcU. Oiir allow a day. Two weeks* ataiida. Lkia> <ity work. \Vr pay i-atfarr aflrr yilidng. You pay all your own Mprnmr. stair all In first answer Also salary rspn-lnl. Don't nilstitiriarnt. Tlila almw hat'iU behind It. WORLD'S MEDICINE COMPANY. Addnsa DR. ROSS DYAR, Box 291. Indiaaapelit. Indlaaa

for EilJle Collliif* Big Revue. Over five feet ali
Ini-iica Lead numlxra and have up-to-date wardrobe plenty of It. no eliei-k tulll, booze or dialects Sneak English Scrlid glut Ad Lib. Musical Block. Wire prepaid. EDDIE II. COLLINS, General Delivery Sault ste Marie. Ontario, Canada. Show never clooea Cii< place small Cliotus Girl.

Low prices on quality foods.


prlRt ar ikattH tar PrM Saatlai Plaa.


OspL B,

Grand Rapids, Michigan

NEW YORK CITY--Albert E. Baba. 28 E. 228 St.
CHARLOTTE. N. C.--LawUa 0. Jardaa. 208 Tnitl Bldg
PINE BLUFF. ARK_Sauthar* Fllai A Saaaly Ca.
KANSAS CITY. MO.--Opara Sup. C«.. Ml Shukart Bldg.

WANTED Higti Diving Girls
Man Clown Diver. Two shows daily. Send photo and all Information. OR. W. F. CARVER, Billboard, 35 South Dearborn, Chicago, III.

Complete outfit; 50, with two forUea; dramatic end ten-foot wall, stage 18x38. 22-faot opening, pmscrnlum, miniuee. bluet, resrrvet. wiring, gnttchbosrd 4 sett aci-nery, steel polra. Itakrs, prop, boxes, dreasini room lockers, piano. In fact eveo'thing ready to tri up. Orixinai eoal over 87.000.00. All In fair condi¬ tion. Top good for a long teatoo. First twelve hun¬ dred takes It, or will consider putting It out with reliable man. JACK PARSONS. El Dorado. Ark

Dlam<wid Dra. Oil or Watar Colarp. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO.


Colored Performert In all Unri. Those doubling Brass clven prefrrrnce. This la not a ramlvpl. but tbr

bUfent and best equipped Colured Minstrel Show on Uie road. Want to hear from all my peopk. Tickets tf

nut tuo far. Ivimu Concesaioni pUll open. Want to buy Minstrel Wardrobe. State condition and price of

same. Erirybody wire.

N. N. (GABE) HARRELL. Ntw Harlan Hotel. Harlaa. Ky.

one that can double on Trombone or Saxophone. Must transpose and trranxe. Also can use Talker capi'ds of openlni and handle front of a real feature attrsi thm. All useful people that double on stage ai,il brass write your lowest. Pay your own. Also eiperlenced Chorus Glrla Sliow opens May 2 under canvas Be able to join by srire. ClIAS. THOMAS, Korv Theatre. McAlester, Oklahoma.


AMELIA GRAIN. PhlladalgMa.


For All Occasions

aira devTlpUon of what la wantrd. alte of ataga.

aad write for trima.


Bax 70S.

Haverhill. Maw.

All kinds for Kema's Platform Show. Oi>eii May 1. A-1 Blackface Comedian to put on Acta. Sketch Teamg. S<ing and Dance, 51uslcal and Novelty Acts. All season engaRement at top salary. Address
V. R. REM A, General Delivery, Scrantoa, PefinaylvaPla.


to bear from versatile talent at aU times.


Det Moiitdt URivdfsity,

Dtt MoiRdt

407 Eatt 9th Street. KANSAS CITY. MO.





Plano Plaj'rr that can double Band prefesred. Trom¬

I'roducing Comedian. Prefer one who can do sure-fire Specialties. Also want bone. litrltune. lady or geoL Good Rep. People vrbo

Sinking' and










double Rand write. Beat of treatment and sure ulary. Tent show. Opens Miy 10. Address B<'R.

People, all lines; Vaudeville Teams that can change three times a week and TON'S PLAT'ERS. Harry F. Burton, Mgr., Box t;,

I Vature Acts of all kinds for the Yankee Doodle Girls, playing Stock. Address Columbia City. Indiana.


HARRY FELDMAN. Elks' Club. El Dorado. Ark^_


32 N. Stb St.. Philadelphia. Pa.

^trythlng on list packed ready to ship the day yonr order comep. Lit! free. NKLSDN ST'l'PLY* HOUSE.


Musicisns lEDiompims Elwin strong Co. Wants People in all llnee with SpectatUe* NOW We play houses In Kansas and Nehtiska all tummet.

Mi E. 1th St.. .So. Boston. 25. Mass.

Addreaa "TED" NORTH. Oralnfltld. Kan.. April 21



Two Cornets, two Trombones, one Clarinet, Trap Drummer and Flute. All 23; Oakley, Kan., April 24-27; Morland to foIlo" week stands. Top salary, with first-class accommodations. Write or wire.

Addrres SlCKiNO MI-XJ. CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio.


Freeman Ave..

_EDW. YOUNGHAS, Bandmaster,





Wanted "Med. Performers Re sure and send for our REWISED PRICE LIST and samples of paper before stirtlr.g out for the aeston

OR VAIDEVILLE-A-No. 1 Vrraatlle Baruo Player and all-round Comedian. Can etiance for two weekf.

In all line* that can do Singles and Doublet. Sketch Team. Musical Act. Plano Player can do Straight In .\cts Wanted to hear from 5 Indians. Don't ml<represeiit, for you won't last Salary no limit, but you must make good. Open May 2. HAMMOND MED. CO., 1303 W. 89th St.. Cleveland, Ohio.

Due £<wda are the moat reliable and our paper th* finest ever put out by any supply bouse. The best It the cheapest. Write at once for our propositloc. ORE¬
GON 1NI)IA.N MEDICINE CO.. Disk A, Corry. Ps

Do Straight or Cumrdy in all aeta. Lady Piano Play¬ er. Can read, fake or transtmae. Can Jidn on wire. 'Hekela If not tie< far. ISLAND AND COLLINS. 39 Winnilred Ave.. Toronto. Ontario.

Wanted-Lady Musicians-at Once. WANTED: A MAN capable of handling and presenting a Dog and Poo;


SAXOPHONE. CORNET. CELLO, .SINGERS. Must he wllUng to learn Hirmony Parte on Xylophone for Vaudeville Act plajing best time. Must have warilrolie. Address, with pliutos,
CHAS. LOGAN. Billboard. Chicage, III.

Art Must be rellahle. No otlieri need apply .tlv> would like to hear frum elderly Man or Woman thif ran take charge of small pet animals, at the I. >me of PAMAHA8IKA PETS. Address GEO. E. IlOIl BRTS. 2324 X. Fatf^ll 8L. Philadelphia. Pa.

Experienced, young. Good appetrxnee on and off. Deidre joint engiEcment at firat-rlass auraraer reunrL SUU your beat offer. THE LYO.V SISTERS, Eddyvllla, Kentucky


Piano Player and DEEP RIVER wants lo

Sketch Team

Also n rent Bangv Player, also Eddie GUI and a reel

QUAKER HERB CO.. Claeianati. Ohto. Jau CornrL Good tone ritintlal. Steady, prrmenrot

YLALPIl--JuvenlUv M.LKIE--Uhorua. l.rad numberg

job. Wlie WILLARD ROBINSON. Box 682, Okll-

and llnea, aliiglnc and dancing &i'rclaU:es. Addreaa RALPH HAE. 30 E. 4th At*., Columhiia, Ohio.


Iioma City, Ok.
WANT MUSICIANS for Small Band. No parailc. Easy progvim .-^lUrv.


Experienced all llnea.


Plenty OptBlngs, Numbers, etc. Union man. State aalxry limit Can join Immediately. Also Comedian, Soubrette and experb-nerd Cborua Girls. Addnss
HARRY J. REA, 311 Culbertsen Bldg.. Oklahtma City, Okla.

$15 ots

and all, 120 if you play parti aiiil vaudeville people write.

or aiK-iIxItliOiie-niglit


Open early |ii May. Wni. Pattan, Gen. Dal., Lima. 0.

houae preferred. Union. AL PLLIXO, Murrette Theatre. Klchnior.d. Ind.
AT LIBERTY, First-Class Violinist Leader
Have six hundred luunda of standard and popular muile. Play In tunc with a pleasing tone for raudeTliu or picture theatre. Wire VIOLINIST, Sunflower Theatre, Peabody, Kansas

Vaudeville or pteturea Jlin and wife. Young, reflni-d. efficient and experienced. Pixy anything from Yankee Doodle to Chinese laundry allps. If In need of the lirst. communicate with
CHAS. L. DARROW, 195 8. 91h St., Nebleivllle, Ind.

(Man and Wife) at Ubeity April 30 accoui.' '-arllmlnatlnc orcheatra. lYilon. Joint or ,;"tl,' KENT B. DIEHL. Murrette Theatre. Richmond, In-i
WANTED Mason's Undo Tom's Cabin

--At Liberty--Moving Picture Pianist At Liberty--DAVE ELMAN

I'an place tmmeillalrly strong Cornet for Ha'id t'cl Orchestra or lltiol and Stage. .kdilrrss 51.tsi)N e
I N< I.E TOM'S CAItl.N CO.. 62f> Chiatiiut St .

Tht Jcwiih Boy and Hit Laughing Saxophone. Tih.

Louts, Mo

Of Muaioil Comedy. Jew and Cliaracter Cunii ily. The Capable handling vaudeville or musical tab. Union Man. Understand opiratlng I'uto-Plxyn. State

three cssciituls. Age, 21; beUht, 5 ft.. 4 in.; weL-ht. salary and boura Can join Immediately. .Lddreas


13S Ibv Kili-nils. wriu-. Salary your best Care Billboard, CInciruatl. Ubk>.

HARRY J. REA, 311 Culbertsnn Bld|.. Oklahtma City, Okla.

dians, Muslilana Must have wirdriit» and be able lo change foe week. Under ranvav

and platform. Bert Bennett, write.
COTTOM BLaOSSOM SHOW BOAT MKDICINK CO.. ChllUeolhe. Ohio. AT LIBERTY--FIRST-CLASS ' <11 place at on.-e. or within thi neat two w.-rki. c >m,<llan, with up-to-Uie-mlnute Siailalllee; Trap



WANTED, PIANO PLAYER Dnimnnt. with ttie goods; Teams, ilouhllng Parta or Ori-hestra. Want real troupera W» ptay about 3
blits dutlug season. Stan- aalaty AMress

Sight reader. Double. Feature Mental Mlnif Reading
Act. Ou anywhere. MADAM B.'^PNOLA. 407 E. 14th .M., Kansaa Ulty. Mo. (Forward).

D. OTTO HITNER,* Agril 23. Brandenburg, Ky.; April 25. Mauckpart, Ind.
W ante d--IVIusicians--

and all kinds of Acts for kledldne Slum Troiil : · maker sive sltfnps, you won't last here. Play spiun i (jrrensburg, I'a . all summer. Answer iiiib k. Stile
lowest. HR JEFF HOGAN, Oreensburg, Pi.

Grand Opera Baritone
for Band Tnirs. Summer Parka Address SINGER. Blillwxrd. Cincinnati.

For John N. Grlffin'a All-American Band Can place Tromlione and Bb Clarinet. Addresa JOHN N GRIFFIN, care Smith Creatar ShowY, Asheville, N. C.
Wanted, Competent Pianist

Guitar and can Sing, to work with car on street corner. Tell all and loweat saliry In first letter Prefer one wlio hat aorae eiie-rli'm e run¬
ning a l-Vrd car. THCRHKR dc YEO MEIGClNb CO., Cambridge, Ohio,

AT LIBERTY--A-l Jazz Orummar. Y'ears of experi¬ ence. Can stiow you better ttian 1 can tell you. Name liigh' st salary. Wire ticket Will xiln at once. A. F. of M. R. Borduax. 709 Tyler St.. Amarillo, Tax.
AT LIBERTY--The Lsandoi--Harry and Ida--Novelty Contortlonlsta. Wagon xbowa write. HARRY LEANDO. 817 Western Ave., N. 8., Pittsburg. Pa.
WANTED--GlrL little experience In Contortion, Trapeze or any kind of Gymnastic Work, for Novelty Act Good propoattioo for amateur. Steady work. State a e, heigtit. weight. Also want Plano Player, b. JORD.kN, care BlUboard. Cincinnati, Ohio.
THE PRICE OF S1.25 ptT too Packaget. In Iota of 1.200 Packagat.
NEWPORT ^M CO.. Nawpart, Kentucky.
M UN 88i It IB TIa BUkoarU. tall tki* 88i.

for Vaudeville and Pctuir Tl..aUe. Six-day week A. U. of M. .Salary. S39.0O. Addresa. giving age ex-

perieniu anil relermces.

JOSEF SAMUELS. Leader, Majeatic Theitrt. Elmira, N. T.

Wanted lor Carl Clark's Trained Animal Circus

Coniei, Baritone, Trombone, People that double Concert I'^v- n pri fen-ncr. No parailea. Good uarful people


CARL H. CLARK, Chamberaburg. PtnntyWanla.

Published weekly at 25-27 fi rn Place. Cincinnati, O. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. HOO PER YEAR.
Entered as aecond-class mail matter June 4, 1897, at Poet Office, Cln> cinnati, under act of March 3, 1879.
124 pages. Vol. XXXllI. No. 11. April 23. 1921. PRICE, 15 CENTS.
This issue contains 6U per cent reading matter and 4 I per cent advertising.

lAf AMTPn All kruund .Sketch Team doinx Sln-


Doubles amt can pul on

acts and make them xo. Preferenco given one playing

piano. Week aland platform almw. Htsle all In first

letter. Don't misrepresenL Tlcketjf If I know you.

Musiguawkle Indian Med. Cn.. Ovsrton, Nebraska.

Man for Blue Shirt Lead; Muilrlans, Band and Or¬ chestra. Htate aalaiy. I pay all expenira Addreca J. M. COLK Tioga. Pennaylvanla.
WANTED--Partner, to Invest teven hundred dollars In Uncle Tom's CaMn Stiow. under canvas. All vesdy lo Ois-ii Wire or write. MANAGER TOM HIIO'V. Ilsyloii Ilulel. FUiit. Mlrti FOR BALE--50-fL ILnmd Top. poles, stakes. 10 lengths jacks and stringers. tl5b.

\A|AMTPn Uonoertmaster and S^.liig Bass b't

Majestic Orcbvstr^ 8prlngfl'`l<l.

Ohio. Pictures. Htandaril music, ."'rice right to

the right roan. Address W, U. tg.'ERMOEULl.N.

Lagdtr. (Untoo.)


Endeavors ever to serve the Profession, honestly, intelligently and tiseftilly'
CopTTlsht 1921. bj Tlie Billboard Publlshlrc ComptOT.



Larry Hyatt Announces Big Increase in Table Time--Expects To Give Shows 100 or More Weeks by September 1--Addition2d Time Starts in Ohio and Ex¬ tends to New England

Owner and general manager of the Con

T, Kennedy Shows, which began their

tour last week in Leavenworth, Kan. 










I n P Em I VC I I _ Em I

I I Ilk 


n k

n 11 O I 1^ r O O K 11^1 la f ^ ^ 1/ W w I ll k W


rU|l| AMIl

I |v ll I fl Iw 11
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n M RI




I# k I


I 1^ I Ib 111
|0 I ^

Chicago. April 16.--Of unusual signiflcance is the announcement this work by Larry Hyatt, of the Hyatt Booking Exchange, that fifty to sixty

gethcr with polite service. Next, we encourage the producers to give us a better show than the other fellow by giving him the best and most profit-

weeks more tabloid time wiil h'»ve been able outlet for his Investment; in other added to the Hyatt Wheel with the words, by giving his show the favor opening of the coming season. By that it merits."

September 1 the Hyatt Wheel, accord- That the past year has shown a big ing to Mr. Hyatt, will bo able to give improvement In productions playing

shows one hundred or more weeks'

Wheel, that the personnel of the

work. During the past year the Hyatt actors has been vastly strengthened, Wheel has extended over a territory, that stagecraft, settings, lines, music,

roughly speaking, from Lansing, Mich., finish, all have manifested a great for-

to Tulsa, Ok., and playing choice the- ward step, and that for once in history atrical properties in the States of company managers, house managers

Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, ^nd actors all agree on one subject-- North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri. Kani?as, the advantages of the Wheel--is em-

Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi. Ten- phatically claimed by Mr. Hyatt.

nessee and Kentucky.

"We try to merit the confidence of

With the beginning of the coming theater managers and company mana¬ season the additional time will start in pers and hold It," he said. "We do

Ohio, and Include select "spots" in not overcharge the theaters, and, as West Virginia. Maryland, Pennsyl- the house managers are much more

vanla. New Jersey, New York, Con- concerned over the merit of the show nectlcut, Massachusetts, New Hamp- they arc as to Its cost, wc are






Owner ai

Walter L.

at Havre


Industrial Crisis Brings About Critical Situation

Clayton-Lusk Measure Now Goes to the Governor

Minister of Transport Prom¬ ises All Possible Aid

Regarded as Certain That It Will Become a Law

Rumor That Gulliver Wants To Sell Suburban Houses

Commission of Three To Be Appointed by Governor

List Week's Issue of The Billboard Contained 1,544 Classified Ads, Totaling 7,010 Lines, and 791 Display Ads, Totaling 32,113 Lines, 2,335 Ads, Occupying 39,123 Lines in All
The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 66,000


APRIL 23, 1921
Will Close Season May 10--Plans for Next Season Already Well Under Way

Twenty New Applications for Membership in shuberts again active

Organization Recently Launched at Hotel




C ·




Astor Meeting--Suite of Offices Secured



W TT eco stl

1Fu orrtivj -F1 i1f11t1h1


Atlantic City, April 16.--The Sliubcrts
showing unprecedented activity after their
Three pram.
for otrly opening hare bt`en planted here
i>nnk Ircl-Ide "The^i»I.ra«'iitserTValtr."

New York, April !8.--Kred S. Murray, pretl- sereu firma that deal Ir. stage e<iuipmcnt, light,

dent of the Associated Theatrical Hoard of ing, transportation, costuming, etc. Since the

Trade, which baa estah'lahed headiinartera at meeting at the Hotel Aaior twenty new up-

229 West Forly-flfth street, haa sent <uit the iilicatious have been rcelved, among them the

following notice to theatrical iutereata informa, following: Armstrong & Mayer, c<.>slumet; I.

tlve of the aima and purposes of the organl- Miller, shta-a; \V. F. Irish Company, electrical


supplica; Itlalto Stage Lighting Company; II.

".\s pi.-siOent of the Associated Theatrical Itohert Law, si'enic studios. I'odine Spanger

Board of Trade, I wish to acquaint you wito Company, scenic consiruetlon; I. Satge Tsffse,

our pfigresB since the general meeting held scenic artist: Cain's Transfer Company,

at the Hotel Astor on March 20, 192L

Mis.s Hurley was for sixteen years private

· We have secured a suite of offices at 220 aeerelary of C. A. Bird, then with the Actors'

Weft Forty^fth street, third Boor, which are njellly League as office manager from the

being furnished In a manner that will render them presi ntahle fur managers and memliers to hold confeienie.
"The oflice will be under tbe direct aupervision of N. M. Hurley, who has been as* socialed wHb the business side of theairlral

time of the actors' strike until February last, In tbe interval she was In the office of Daniel Fiohman. She pridet herself on knowing every manager, actor, stage hand, musician and bill poster in tbe theatrleal world,

Detroit, April 13.--The Strom Moving Pic¬ ture censorship bill, which passed the house by a vote of 84 to 10 la receiving rough treat¬ ment Jo the Senate at Lansing. A monster petition tolled Into the Senate Tlniradiy bear

enterprises for the last twelve years, and woo baa a pers-mal ac<iualntacre with managers and


tbeii represen*stives,

·`Sidney F. Kata, representing our attorneys,

Ernst, Fox &. Cane, will l>e at the cffice of the

asaoeistlon at all times to render professional

aetvices to the members.

·'We want you now to avail yourself of your

membership lo tbe association, either with ref.

erence to Information coni-erning managers of

pro'InctioD. or any other purpose that will help

you in avoiding the pitfalls that canso b>s.'C!>.

·`We are preparing a classified alphabetical

and craft directory to be furnished managers

and motion picture directors, and would there¬

fore ask that you forward the attaelied slip

to tbe office of the association so that there

may be uo errors or emissions. Tours very

FRED S. MCKRAT. President."

Coincident to this announcement Miss liurlcy haa made the following statement public:
"The Assoiated Theatrical Board of Trade is row Dinftioi.lng and has received prom sea of full cooperation from the profession. We have our suite of oBices in the same building as t. < I'nlted M.anapors* Protective Association, and have meniberahlp from every branch of tlie equipment side of the theatrical enterprise.
"We have proveil by organiiatlon that we are as united as managers and actors, and that CUT interests are fundamentally mutual. We -ce not satisfied vrith our 73 per cent memberahlp, however; we want every one to Join."
Flxty-seven paid initiations now comprise the membcraliip of the board. These represent sixty.


Thru the theater and the phonograph reeord these hoys have tKccme song fixtures vrith the American IxibUc. The picture doia not sliuir tlum with their "pal." the piano, which Scbeuck plays In a etyle all bis own.

Chas. S. Gilpin, the Negro star In O'Neill's "Emperor Jones." has had a run of more than 130 performances and bids fair to continue at
the Princess Theater. New York, for the summer.
Mr. Gilpin has been a much sought after man for special appearances and by the pro¬ ducers of the me-hanlcais. He announces that he Is under contract to appear In a series of Him productions under the direction of J. A. Fitzgerald for the Eureka Film Company. Fixreel comedies are to be prndi red with a com¬ pany composed ontirely of colored artists.
Mr. Gilpin has already recorded two talking numbers for the Reynard Electric Phonograph Company, of 210 Fifth avenue. New York. The offerings are Bre'r Gardner's lectures on "Pro¬ hibition" and upon ``The Evolution of Man." The pontracts for these are on a royalty b.isls.
On }»unday, April 24, he will appiear with a big program of eolored artists at the Town Hail, Forly-tlilrd s'reet. New York, in the Interest of s fund for the esUbllshment of a Negro musical conservatory.

j,, Memory of C. Haddon Chambers
New York, April 16.--Scores of stagcfolk gathered In the Church of the Transfiguration-- Little Church Around the Comer--on Friday of last week, lo pay trl'jule to the memory of C. Haddon Chambers, the playwright who died recently in London. Tlie service was aa Iniprcs. aive one. De Wolf Hopper delivered the eulogy. He said:
·'We of the theatrical profession owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Chambers, who was a wonderfully gifted man with an exquisite, keen wit that was never accompanied by an \;nkindly sting. lie was pos es-cd of true a'tnrsm. a fine culture and a d'gr.lty that marked all hi« work. He has gone on ahead of us but he has left an enduring Impressi.m upon the dtama."
Tlie music, which Inc'uded "Abide With Me" and "T.,ead, Kindly Light," waa sung by mem¬ bers of the Ijimbs' Club. They were John Hendricks, Scott Welsh, Erae»t Torrence, John Millard, Frank Belcher, Harry Allen, Irving Fisher. Aubrey Yates and Harrl'on Rrockbank.
Among those who attended the service were Daniel Frolimnn. Mr. and Mrs. .\ngustua Thomas. Charlei B Dillinghsm, Edward Mor¬ dant, Wilton laicVaye, Mrs. Floren-e Zlegfetd .Ti . Grant Rtf.»var*. Mr;. B-ady Harris. John Drew, George Marion. Tna Claire. Tjiura Hope Cr* ws and George Herbert.
The ushers were I.lonel Atwrill. Fred G. T..athau], Lionel Barrymore, John Emerson, tBruce Mcfftae, Ntirman Trevor. H. Rii-vesSmlth, Arthur Byron. R. H. Rumslde, Mark A.

hibitors' Association, which has a n; of 5.'>0 thniout thv. State is putting nj fight against the proposed measure,
On Trip to California
~-- New York, April 18.--Frank Giilmc "'e secretary of the Actors' Equity A '``f* here today on a trip to Callfoi ^lUn'.t're will be away about two t
spend most of the time in ly tiesling wHIi the motion picture sltua
ad Iress a miss meeting of n b
h «·

New York, April IS.--Rchearaala last Sunday at the Broadhurst Theater under the direction of Hassard Short for tbe forthcoming "Equity Show" at tbe Metropolitan Opera House. They will continue all week and right np to the dny of the performance. Among tbe big features ef the show will l>e a spectacular musical number eapeciallT for this performance. Belle }*'ory, Grace LaRue, Tessa Kosta, Vivienne Segal, Marguerite Sylva, May Nandain, Adele Rowland and Dorothy Uirdon will appear In It.
The motion picture section of E'lnity will be represented this year by EI<le Ferguson, Richard Barthelmesa, Thomas Meighan, Madge Kennedy, Virginia Pearson, Sheldon I.A-wis and Hope Hampton.
Another feature of the ``show" will be the appearance of the Rarrymore-Drew family. F.thel Rarrymore, John Barrymore, Lionel Barry¬ more. John Drew and Louise Drew will ap¬ pear together for the first time.
An auction sale of seats for the ``ehow'' will be held at tbe Globe Theater on April 22.

Illinois Exhibitors' Alliance Now Mo tion Picture Theater Owners of Illinois

plcfnrM by the Harold nell Wright Pirtiire Corporation. The pie'orea, nhen ofonplot*')!, wjil he releaced at the rate of one to two a year and to be exclnalvely handled by Mr. Ha-kell. The phenomenal sueceas of the ··Shepherd of tie


Closes in Difficulties--Paul Oulizell Explains Case

The new executive eonimlttee Is composed of Fred Ihirtniann. J'weph llopp. II. Von Meeleren, V It. T/irgdon. E J. Hsile.v, J. B. DPielkn. M. o Wells. GeifCge Ilopkinson, H. D. Koffman and (ieorge Bnimley, ft Chleago; W. D Burf- rd. .turera; -M M. Ilufiens. Joliet; Charles Ijimh, Itiskfonl; Dee Rohinsor. Peoria; B. F. I'ran, Msttmei; l>on B-stor, Kankakee, and Ralph Crocker Elgin.
« The original and only '`Hsmlicne Jone^' com¬ pany. featuring S. H Gray and Virginia Litton. IS at the Liberty Theater. Chattanooga, this week. MIvs Liston it well known In Chatta¬ nooga and the people sre glad to see he*-. Bv popular request FTank Montgomery'a ··Bdlo. 1P21" Company ia playing a n-ti:rn engsgem.nt at the Bijou Theater, Nasiivllle, Tenn., this week and judging by the opening i>erform lacc is making good. The Palace Tlieater, Merophia, Tenn., is playing Tim Moora's "Chicago Polliee" this week. A wonderful show, Chii H T-rpln of the Booker Washington Tbr.iter. St Tionli. ia this week playing the McCirr-DeGaston ''Ragtime Steppers" com p;iny. A very clever bunch. The theater goers of Louisville. Ky., are ni last to have the pleaaure of seeing the so much talked of Sandy Bums* Company. It is renlly a wonderful organization and the Lincoln Theater In Lonlsville will no doubt be packed nightly this week "Fisher's Fun Featlwal" is playing what promises to b'- a very aucceaaful engagement at the Dreamland Theater, Okmnlgee, Ok., thla week.

Ililla" film under Mr. Goakell'a managenient during the paat two years Is well known.
'Ihe popularity of the altore film eontinuess without abatement. Mark .Vngola, Ind . wrote Joe Cohen, of the liaskidl oHiei-s. that while the film was being shown b.v him last week the llghta went out at 7:.'`>0 o'clock. Tiie audience wait'd until the liglits went on at 10 to and the entwii of eight hundred people sat thru the show until 1 a m. A'cordieg to Mr. ('o' en. the nest M'right film to he shown will prolMildy t-e ·`When a M«n's a .Man." w' ieh will bristle with Western atmosphere.

New Tork, April 16 --Ilarland Dixon, who is

sulrstiliitlng for Fred .Slone in "Tip-Top" at

the Glrhe Tlieatev antll the latter recovers

from the Injnty to his toe which he sustained

last week, is doing all rite Stone stunts with the

exception of a "teeter-I-oard'' bit, the whip

erieklng and rifle shooting He has made

business is holding up

very well. There are some vacant seats in

the theater but Imainesa has not suffered nearl.v

aa much as Broadway predicted it would when

It learned Stone would not be able to appear.

( ..i< Igo, Apnl 15,--Fitzpatrick A McElroy, of < hieug ), hive hee-i awiided the contract for tlie ere' til.n in I'* uton Ilarltor, Mich., of a new j.iSiO-seat theater to tost $:..V),(SM). W. C. Mi-llatison will nanage the new h"Use. Filzpntrick A-. McElroy control a cliain of thirty theaters in .'tiehigan, Illinois. Wisconsin and I- Ilia. Tlu-.v own tlie Princess, Bijou and Bell in Benton Harhor
·N -w York, .\pril 16.--John Emerson, presi¬ dent of the Actors' Equity Association, is in the P-'st Graduate Ilosidtal, following an op¬ eration for double hernia, it was stated last nig.It. The operation, performed hy Dr. J. Bentley Sq-iier, was entirely successful and it is eiperted that Mr. Emerson will be on his feet within three weeks.
New York, . April 16.--Kehearsals will begin next week on » muslcsl revue with Weber and Fields and Nora Lajea as co-stars, according to Broadway gossip. It is said that the show ia planned for opening the latter

·New Tork, April 16.--"It's T'p To You," the
William Moore I'atch musical oome«1y which ha.s heen pla.ving at the Casino here, closes to¬
night. The sliow has l>epn in difTh'iiltieB and the Act.irs' Kipilty Asstaiiation was called In by ita
members in the company to straighten them out.
The situation with this show is finite coin-
plicated and The Billboard asked I'anl Dullzell to explain its intricaeies. Mr. Dullzell, the n.ssistant eecretary of the Edulty made the following statement regarding it:
·`It's I'p To You" '·ompan.r, William Moore ITiteh. prfslueer, closed in rroridence. It. I., late in .March Owing a week^s salary. The piece opened at the Casino Theater in New York two weeks later. The first week played I re the peo; le receited their salaries for the I'roridence week. Patch came to the Equity otb-e telling a plausihle story and submitting a lot of box office stalementa to slmw that the piece ha'b already lost over $ltw»,(HX>. He asked for our eo-operatlon In not pressing him for the salaries. .\s the niemhers of the company
(Continued on psge 114)
Atlantic City, April l.'i.--Sunday night saw
the first performance of "The Tenth Man," a


Tampa, Fla., April 16.--Judge Henry T. Titus, <»f Daytona, who operates several photoplay houses In that section, has plans and will let the contract sixin for a new JTO.dOO theater for

by Michael Morton, and produced by Sam Har

Somerset Maugham comedy of bnslneas in its crookedest form with political Intrigue mingled, at Woods. Mr. Maugham labeled his article
Trag-Comedy." Tragedy was predom¬ inant.
The play was unevenly acted, with Montagu

Daytona. The new hoore will be equipped to rls, made Its debut at the Apollo Monday night, Love in a prominent role for whii-h ha Is ill

hat die any kind of a show and will seat 1,000 It tevesled a comglomeiatlon of country char- fitted. Edward Emery, as a crabld elderly baron, living on the ingenuity of his crooked

son-in-law, finished bis portrait of this inter¬


esting mie with a clearly defined Insight into the character. Helen Freeman, emotional lu

eveiy fibre, besimke the troubled wife of the

Member of Parliament with crooked heart and

soul, and Sydney Herbert offered an effective

part as the "Tenth Man." who p-oves the

buffer to the chief character's theory that "nine

men out of fen have their price."

More perfectly acted, with several changes

In cast, thereby polished to a thoro state of

Maugham arls*ocracy. the play will be In an

enjoyable state.

Celebrities who saw the opening were I/mls

Cline, Lee Shuhert, Frederick Stanhope, Marc

Klaw, WiBam A. Brady, Prank Bacon. Arch

Selwyn and Sam Harris.

.The patrona of Ihe Lyceum Theater, Cincin¬ nati. are very pleased with Mary Mtok'a "Merry Makers of Mirth." which la playing


at that houae this week.

New Tork, April 16.--Claim for $43.(X)0


against the city of New Tork has been Bled in Supreme Court by the Academy of Music. 'Brooklyn, for taking its courtyard rights in

proceeding to widen an adjacent thorofare. It

Schenectady, N. T., April 16.--Mayor Oeoige

is contended by the playhouse thst as a result

n. I.umi disclaims responsibility for police

it wag made necessary to remove its steam

action which prevented the showing of "Ma

boilers and rearrange its healing system. Fol¬

donnas and Men,'' here April .I. He was away

lowing a hearing before Justice Benedict, this

at the time, he says, and the order was Issued

week, decision was reserved.

by the puMte safety commIssU ner who has since tdmitted, it is said, he did not see the film, but


·topped a showing of it because the advance advertisements promised a dltplay of "Roman lust," and gave the impression of a "shocker" with a sex appeal and murder as accompanlments. The official held that the ban prevented a case of showing an indecent film or of obtain¬ ing money under false pretenses, it is said. The picture was shown on Monday, and the rest of Ihe week, the house playing up the fact thst the police had Interfered. Mayor Lunn. while dead set against censorship, contends thifl "raw" advertising matter, aa in this ctse, furnished ted fire propaganda for the reformers who are clamoring for censorship. It it said ths; he disapproved the safety cothmlssloner's trilnn on the "Madonnas and Men" film.


Sutherland and Ann nainllton before leaving the Yorkyllle Theater. New York, cut flowers contributed by the audienco for dlstrlbutiou to Yorkvillo hospitals.


acters of the usual type, who talked and talked and then talked some more. lYhen they were not talking they were running around at full speed--usually all at once.
The oldtlme adventures of rural comedy were all placed here. There were the male singers, the bunco game, the country purchaser of wild cat securities, the honest b<)y who robs the hank, the rescue 'neverything that belongs there¬ with. As an adventure it was a decided step backward with the interest running in the same direction.

Tiffin, O., April 14.--Tiffin moving pictura theater owners were found guilty of the .Nunday closing law violation in Probate Court. Adam J. Ritzier and Daniel H. Kirwan of Lima, owners of the Grand Theater here, and Ralph 'W. I.«wrence of this city, their manager, were fined $-TO each. A fine of $75 was imposed on Harry Mickey, owner of the Majestic Theater in Fojtoria. Motions in arrest of judgment were overruled. Execution of sentence was suspended In each case to permit carrying the cases to the npper court on error,
Edm-inton, fan., April 14.--Kitbleen Parlow,


violiniste, played to an Immense audience here on .4pril 8. This was her first appearance here

in seven years. Much interert was attached

i Tt Hi:ror, Mich., April 14.--C4>Dtra> tt will he let within a few weeks for the construction of a n-w k'.tsXVsent theater here for Herbert 1« Well, who, a few months ago. sold out bis entire interests in the F'aniily, Msjestic, Re gent and American tlieaters. Organtzatbin of a new theater ci-mpany wts effecte>l this week. The ofi'eers and directors are as follows: Presld'ft. John W. FV>sd; vice-president. Burt D. Fadj: general matisger. Herliert I,. Well; James J. Haynes, Senator John W. Smllh, Charles L. Kendrh-k. All of the above are prominently Idenllfl.-d with the business and sw-lal life of Burt Huron.

The new theater will lie constrnrted In the

heart ef the biisiness section and it Is claimed

tt will |,e one of the finest in the State. A con

·tat la now being condneted to choose a name



Chicago, .April 13.--The proposed movie ordinance sp.msoreil by Timothy Hurley, a former Justice of th" peace, passeil out with a gasp yesterday. It wad announced, with the Isst business session of the present cutinril. The ordinance sought to reduce the n'Juiber of movie censors from eleven to three and to take Its control swsy from Chief of Police Fltzmorrls.

\tUntic City, April 16.--At the Globe on Monday a delightful musical production, "Prinre.s» Virtue." was offi- ed by Gerald Bacon. Frank Moiilan. Hugh ('..meron, Jules Eppailly. .Alan Fagan, Earl Foxc, Roliert Pitkin and Frank Green* are important rompers In it. The music by B. C. Hilliam and Gitz-Rice is chiefly notal-lc for the pleasant s-mgs Inter¬ sperslng the action at frequent Intervals,
The proiluctlon is above the average, set with colorful and decorative costumes, but is defleient in its feminine cast from chorus to principals,
New York. .April tt. --The T company, n'presenting Fain F. d tills week took tit'e to the propei

to Miss Parlow's visit as she was born and spent her early years in the nelgliborlng city of Calgary. During her stay here she and her mother were guests of the lieutenant governor at Government H mse.


Chicago, .April 1.3.--The Mace Theater Build the striii lure oi-cupied liy t' Ing, Irving Park Boulevard and Cranford ave- rcs'aiirant now stands, at IlO-lFJ

ntie. on the northwest side, was sold this week ninth ·'treet. Tne plot measure

by Charles O. Rare to Roy S. Sebree, for a snd will occupied by n new tk ywood. Csl., May 1, to take general retiorte-l $450,.KK), subject to $I45.0tio. The The proi>erty was conveyed s.ihjeci

of the making and releasing of new property contains a 1.400-soat playhouse, oper fo- $t17,.'>00.

APRIL 23, 1921

I V I The Latest News and This Week's Reviews



involved in the deal l» one of

iiinty-one j>ro|K`rties left by the late Mr. Eno,

who died in li'l.'i, iueluded in the I'etition to

the surroBsite lor i.eriiiiMsion to ii<|uidiite the

estate iiiid the iirst t<i he sold. The present

(hill has been petiditJB sinoe iteeemtier. The

piusoi-i tive otvners. who will b<` given title In

American Artiitea' Federation PI Series of Mass Meetings--Date of First One Changed to April 28

a few weeks, ate nieuiiwhile perfeetiug their

Justice Delehanty Decides in Favor of Defend

plans for the opetalion, duatieial ariangements for whleh have already been elosed.
The property will be devehuted with a flfteen-

New York, .tpril 10.--Wi.h ever> iniiieateni pointing towards tlili government adoi>tiog lui peace resolution, which will put an end to t..f

ants. Ruling That Plaintiffs in Instigating Suits story theater, store and otihe building.

teennieal s'ate of warfare now existing between the United States and Germany, soiuclime wif

Against Orpheum and Loew Corporations


in the coming week. Ilie .Xmericati Atll>te«' I'rderatioD is on'e more laying plans to tsWe

Did Not Act in Good Faith

an active stand for itnlonisui in tlio vaudetill, profession. This became ktiown last week when

Hairy Moun*ford, executive aecretaiy of the

New Tork, Apill 17.--.Supreme Court Justice The former justice declared that the plaintiffs

I'rai.eis R. Iielelianty has denied the motion of iiossessed but one share of stock each in the

Harry .Mounlfopil, Wiliam P. Conley and otbera defendants corporations as against 8r«fi0,00ti in

for a tempor.try rujiinclion, rcatr.iiuing the Or- shares outstanding In the Uuew's, Inc., aud

pheum (Irciiit, lur., and I/tw's Inc., from

eontributliig of the lx>x-officc receipts of the

matinee performances of April 8, last, to the

National Vaudeville Ait sta, Inc. Justice fielehanty bnacl the decision on the O'linlon that


'be plaiutiffa. in instigating suit againat the

liOew and Orph'-um l oriHir.itions, did not act in

good faith

Mountforl and ''onlcy as minority stock-

linideia `n leiih eorporail'Uis based their actions

on the i-ontenilon that to turn over the moneys

In quosti'in to Hie N. V. A., Inc., would, l>e

Rtogal and In viol ition of the chaitcrs of the

defendant eoTKir-jiious. To this Justice Ddo-

I'anty says;

"The only Inference that can be drawn from

the papers proscuteil in these motions, ia that

till- sinie or shaies of stock standing in the

names of the plaintiffs were obtained for the

l>ur|Hs><> of harussi-.g and annoying the de

fendants, and so far as the corporations

nnil their BtocWlioIders arc com-cmed, the plain-

lifla are lOt acting in good faith.

·`Assuming, however, that the actions were

Itona tide, the corporations would not be en¬

joined from turning over the fimda in question

for the sick and death lieneht of the vuu<ievills

artists referrpil to herein, for the reason that

such donations are rlearly Incident to the rier-

clae of the corporate powers of the defendanta."


A. A. F., set April 21 as the date for the tir-.t of a series of mass cieetinga of the actors' DDlon.
At the time of announcing that date it war expected that peace would already have bees estsblished, but iluri.-ig the past week Congress failed to act upon the messnre. Acoordlngly the meeting has been postponed to Thursday evening. April 28. Neither the time nor the place has yet been decided upon, but will latai be announced in The Billboard.
Wlien Ibis country entcri'd the world's wst tUe A. A F.. then the "'hlte Rais .\' tois' Union and Aswa ltted A'-ttesses of ,\meri>-a, d> cided to susriend activities until alter all dif ferences betwr'en this government and the na ttons it was waring sgvitiat had b<<'n settled.
At a meeting of the ·audeville actors' union on April 0. lOlt, :i resolution in support ol this decision was unsi.imously endorsed. TLit resolution will no longer be eCfectlve once th» United States has estahlislied relations on > basis between Germany and the countro ` allied with It daring the war. The irtolntion follows:
^tTiereaa. the Tnited States of .Vineriea, out country, baa entered into a war whose gravity cannot be moaaured;
And, whereas, it is tlie duty of every citizen to see that onr country la not divide') >'1 factional or civic atrife of any character what ever, go that the full efforts of all mny hr devoted to bring the war to a succesafi.l conelution:
And, whereas more so ia it the duty of or-

At the law oOires of Dess Sc Kahn, attorneys for the pla.ntffa, it was claimed that the decision of Justice Delchauty does not in any way affect or determine the merita of the case. Altbo the attorneys refused to say whether Or not ·hey h»d lieen Instructed to exercise their right to try the ease in open court, it nnderatood that such procedure will In all prot>ability bt' resorted to.
"Judge Delchanty's decision upon the tempo¬ rary Injunrtion does cot in any way affect or determine the merits of the case," said Lawyer Kahn.
"The real object of this action as wo are in structed by our clients, and with which we are personally in complete sympathy, is to see tliat tbia money goes to the actors. Until that is ac¬ complished wc shall not desist in our efforts nor leave any stone nnturnod to acconiplisb this purpose, and the resources of the law are by Do means yet exhausted."
IHEARING REFOIIE JUSTICE DELEHANTY When on Weilnesday of last week argument
for an<| against the granting of an injnnction was heard before Jnstlee lielehanty, in Ei]ulty term of the Supreme Court. Lawyer Kahn de¬ clared that the offleerH of the defendant eorporationi had no right to vote to donate the money in question without consent of the stockholdeis. He stated that the beneflidary of the performances was a luicial club, known as the N. V. A., Inc., w-itb wliieh the oSi'-era of Hie d-ferdant coriioratlons were affiliated as memtx rs of the V. M. I*. A.
He asserted that to turn over the moneys :n question wouid t<e illegal and a violation of the corporate charter rights of the defendant corporations would work injury to many persons bolding stock in both the Orpheum and Loew circuits.
Former Supieroe Cenrt Justice Edward MeCali, well known in political circle*, and once Tammany Hall candidate for the mayoralty, appeared In fiehalf of the defendants. He gave a history of the N. V. A., Inc., and explained

g.inized labor, whleh has been so rlearly set

forth when tlie Cotmcll of National Detenso

ad.ipted nnanimiMisly tire rv-ommendatloD ol

the Advisory rommiselon of Lalwr of which Mr.

Ekimnel Oompera is cha'tman;

And, whereaa the White lists ActoVs* Union

and Associated Actresses of Aroerles are a

component part of the .American Fi-deratlon ol

I.atmr of which Mr. Samuel Gompers la presi¬


And, whereat the White Rita Aetora' Union

and Aasoclited Aetresa-'s of .\inerlca are at

preaent conducting a strike In sixty tbeatert In

varlotit parts of the country In eonstspience

Of a lockout ordered by the 'Vandevllle Man¬

agers' Protective Asaoclatlon in all vaodeviUs

theaters In ths country;

.tnJ, wheresa the While Rata .\rt'>ra' Unloo

and Aasocisted Actresses of America Is de¬

Onf of the rpKxhs ot the S.-.^HSUSicuko Itall.'f(,. pii sntr.l foi tlic flret time recently at a private sliow. lug St tils Cvnltal Otets llmiS', .\t-x Votk, lire tluatrlt-al iiieii, uiw.qiapir ciltii-s aud art coiiuuliia-uis.

sirous of releasing its metiit'era for sii< h ai-rvlrf ns the nation may require so that they may

devote their undivided energies of the defensv

Ray Thralls, director aud baritone, and Harry E. Ureen, ac-coiid tenor, of tlie Coloninl Stellar Quartet, last scas-m with John W. Vogel's Black and White Revue, were Bill¬ board callers last week, .\fter a day's visit in Cincinnati they returned to Cleveland, fioni

and for half an hour or so he was tinconscluus. He was rushed to the hotel where lie was stopping, and was contined to his lied for a week. Fi<im Cleveland The Duttons went to Uolumhiis for t.'ie following week, hut did not Work, altlio they appeared at each performaui-e after an aDnoiinceinent had been made

of their country: TIIKKEFORE RR IT RRSOLVET).
That, at s proof of tbs patriotism and loyalty to tha TJnitod States of America of the White Rats Actors' Union and Assooiated AetresiOi of America, and its alloflance to the cause ot orgsnlxod labor, the international b<>s>^ international offiuers of the White Rata Actors'

which city the Cohmial .Stellar Quartet will of Mr. Dutton's injuries. Mr. Dutton atill Union and Associated Actresses of America do

commence its chautamiua work. Next s<-ason feels the tffe<-t* of the fall--and will con¬ hereby declare anoh strike tuspandsd until oui

the quartet will be with E. B. Clark's "A tinue to fcL-1 them for proliably weeks to rome-- ration Is once more at peace, and further

Night With the Poets," on the U. B. 0. Time. C. C. Metzger sings bass aud Jack Davies, first tenof.
*New Tork, April 15.--Surrogate Jamea A. Foley thia week approved the bid of 81.2.50,tXK), made by the Stanley Maatbaum interests of I'hlladelphia, for the proiierty of the Amos F. Eno estate, at Nos. 15.5*1 and 1558 Broadway, adjourning the Palace Tlieater, and exteuding to 1.57 to 1*55 West Korty-slxtb street. The

t'lit the wonderful ciirrying art -went over great, as iisual, in Cinciniiati, the home of the cpiestrlaiis par excellence. Mr. Dutton stated that everything possible was done hy the U. B. 0. executives for ills care and comfort during his lay-off. He was kept very busy during his Cincinnati visit making new friends and renewing old acqiiaiutances. He also gave The Billboard two or tliree calls, something be never fails to do wlien in Cliicy.

pledget their undivldad support in every way potsibls to President Wilson and their conn, try.
Signed: Jimie McTree. James Marco. Jnhimy Rell. Arthur WIDlams. Will P r<>nley. Ermsl Cirr, Joe Rimes, Barry ronners, Otto Slelneri. Robert Henry II'Hlge, Frank North. Edw.ird Clark, intrmatlimal vice-president: Harry Mountford, International executive and serre tary-treasnrer, and Jamea ritrpatflck, interns tlonal president.

that It was a lieneOt clnb, organized to care for the tick and needy acton, and for the promotion of general welfare among Ita members, Be said that the N. V. A., Inc., upon the death of one of ita metnben gave a f1,*i00 benefit to the deceaaed actor's family.

Mastbaum people are intereat)-d witb the Rrothera Bbubert, in the latter'a advanced vaudeville project, and It ia strongly Inttniated that the theater which the I'hiladelpliia concern plana to erect on thla aita will bonae CRiabert vaadeville.

Eulalin Young, lately with C. B. Maddox's ··<i;en8," aud Gi-orge Jliirks, of varloiia Freidlander productiona, have formerl a partnership. They are now rehearsing an act written for them by George Rockwell which wRI la- ready to open io one of the Keith hooses April 2S.

New York, April 10.--It became known this week that George Cohan plana to rewrite Taylor Qranville'a act, "The American Ace," Into a play, which he will present to Broad¬ way. OranTlIIe eame east from Chicago this
week to go over the matter with Cohan-


APRIL 23, 1921

T ti e Billboard


Majestic, Chicago
(Seviewed Monday Matinee, April 18)

Palace, Chicago
(Reviewed Monday Matinee, April 18)

liuth lioucll Iiu-> oiw-niHl tiu- UIl with an out-of-H'f riH v;nM> ,,( utri il fetls tliut won lota of appluiiao for an u|>eiilng spot, closing very atrni.if. Klgiit iiiiiiulc#; two bowa.
I ive l!o!h atarlril in with a vocal effort that was an Infliction. IK* alriKS wrlth a na.sal catHi cfTcct tliat 1» as near music aa a cornclick Udillo ever g'ls. At ilie piano be la v.ry clever and does aome uncommonly cStttive ftunta, as far as teebnique goes, but he never oreicaire Ills laior start. Ills one-wtrlng fiddle

(Reviewetl Monday Matinee, .\prll 18)

A picasine bill, with thu Courtney Sisters aliuwiii;; u new act and suiuetliini; different in stage orchestras, drew u good crowd to the op¬ ener today.
Johnson, Baker and Johnson, opening '.vith the usual line uf hut throwing and a few tariations. Baker proved to ha a genuine comic without ef¬ fort and drew as many spontaneous laughs as any of Ills peers have this season. Seven min¬ utes, full stage; three bows.

wat almost musical, but in all lie did there

Bigelow and Clinton followed with a singing

was a saniencsa that seemed unnble to rise to a climax, lie danced no better than lie played, tmt It waa far more effective. Twelve min-
Qtes. Georgette and Capitola De Wolf hive an ev-
cry-wpnian, stereotyped opening that gave them ·0 excuse to wear clothes, if nothing else. They do a nuuilier of dances and some home talent, village choir singing that is not ninch help to their dancing, which is good. As "(jn,, (;,,o. B.vfd J.irrailnos" Hicy cl.use Tse Idues away. SevenliN-n minntes. with enough court-bowing

This Is Music Week at the Palace. To mark the occasion Fred Daab and his orchestra contributed more than their usual quota of false notes. Charles D. Isaacson, editor of "Our Family Music" page of The New York Globe and a special contributo" to The Billboard, was the speaker. He echoed the sentiments voiced on several occasions in these columns as to music and its potency as an entertainment factor. "Music is the greatest en¬ tertainment God has given man," Mr. Isaacson declared. There is no de¬

act, one of the pair playing tlie piano and do¬ ing the nut stuff and the otlier straight. These need only tlie spark of genius to be head¬ lined, as they have a nifty line of songs and deliver them well. A little more dash, more orig¬ inality and they will clean up. Sixteen minutes, in one; four hows.

nying this fact. In our opinion no truer statement was ever made. Let the Long Tack Sam, assisted by eight other al¬

Palace co-operate with those who are bending every effort to raise the stand¬ mond-eyed Orientals, has deiia -d riom his magic

ard of appreciation for good music by making the musical programs at this show and Introduced more acroi>ati.-8 with norel

house a worthwhile feature.

appeal. Be does a magic group to open and

to throne a new Czar in Uus>ia ami about as

The outstanding hit of this afternoon's bill was scored by Jack Rose, then leavi t the Held open for lil- assistants, who


a "nut" comedian. For years this chap's one ambition in life has been do Juggling, balancing, contortions and some

Margaret T-uing. with a number of Imper¬ to play the Palace, At last that ambition has been realized. To say that wonderful horizontal bar work. lnters«icrs'd with

sonations, nioie or less alike in manner, method Jack Rose was a riot would be putting It mildly. He was a cyclonic sen¬ his water spinning and comed.v. The horizontal

and psrcholocy of auggestlveness. But they sation. The applause accorded this chap was perhaps the greatest ever re¬ bar work is different and better than atiyli ng we

tre fairly well received and < Icverly executed. corded at this house. He stopped the show cold, and was obliged to mak'e have seen, and puIP d a half dozen curtains and

She wound up with a sollj hit. Eighteen mln- three curtain speeches. But .lack Rose wasn't the only person who stopped a speech for Clilna and Sliantung. Applauded


the show on Monday afternoon. That honor also fell to Claude Anderson heartily. Twenty-five minutes.

Frank Wilcox, In ··P.ih n.*' with Edward and Leona Yvel, in opening, and Mollie and Charles King, late of the musical Bell Montrose. In "Her Only Chance,'' does

Minnery, Orris Hollai.d, Marg.Tret Lewis, Char¬ comedy stage.

the awkward beginner bit, assisted by an audi¬

lotte Ilobcrison and J me Haven, started off with a legulatlon foundry^made-after-pnttem type of viudeville skit, using the telephone to open the conversation, but when they got down to work the playlet was diffeient, and full of fosny lines ml screaming sltnatior.s. The fun wis fart and unusually well presented. They were all clever people. Twenty mlnufee.
Mel Kee is properly Itlllod In "Just s Ltngb.'* for that Is al<out ail he drew from an

Following a rather ragged rendition of Herold's "Zampa Overture," and a newsy reel of Klnograms, came Anderson and Yvel. offering a novel roller skating routine. 'This act is well staged and run off at a snappy tempo. The volplanes executed by this clever team are the most sensational the writer has ever seen. The hand that greeted their efforts was well deserved. They are "roller" artists par excellence.
Jack Ryan and Earl Bronson, one a nice, clean-cut appearing boy with a light tenor voice and the other just as nice appearing, but suffering from the opinion that he is a comedian, followed and cleaned up a neat hand.

ence plant. Much naive comedy and studied clumsiness of mind and body. Twelve minutes; four bows.
The Cansinos, Spanish dancers. In five prth grammed groups, with William Schaeffer directIng in the pit. Always favorites here as eve^where, hcoause of their wholesome pers -nalltlea and physical charm. Worked fast and bartl, are faultless In teclmhiue, and four bows were

oserwerked effort and a Jaded audience. Ills Their specialty Is songs. Except for the comedy nvimbers, which we have deserved and given. Twel-e minutes.

mateiisl is about as fresh as a tVn Franklin heard sung to better effect by others, their vocal efforts brought pleasing Kenney and nollls, in ' Tlio Two Doctors."

almanac. Bis payrhologr is as fresh as a fiib results.

AH Kenney still needs is a g- cd f eder and ho

ma'.ket oa a FS-id.-iy in August. Be held the

Sallle Fisher, erstwhile musical comedy star, in "The Choir Rehearsal," would land big. A nut-curtain brings the

boards for seventeen minute*. William and tJ.inltm Dooley, in "Two Va-
frsnts,'* have a rather airhttlous act that la a combination of many varletiea of entertain¬ ment. They do their aturt with a clever fresh. BCas that makes a hit In all they attempt. They have a regular musical tablolj and some ontmal bnrlesqnes. Fbrty-flve minutes.
Natl BilUuinlta does a number of Spanish dances, etch one a classic of its kind She is a very peculiar entertalrrr. She has a strange power to please those who llte that particular Style of dancing SClie was rewarded with gen¬ erous applause by thove wi o stared to the end. Thirteen mtnutej is too long for that spot.-- FEED HIGB.
Keith's, Cincinnati
(Earlswed Monday Matinee, April 18)
Sybil Vane sang herself to first honors with little diffiruliy on the new bill, an average one, to an enthusiastic getaway attiodan e.
Director Jacob Bi>hrer and h * musicians got a band on the prdnde number, "Wang Wang Blnet.''
Among topical events flashed In Klnograms were Interesting scenes from big circuses now SlayiDf.
Bits of Juggling, bicycling and gymnattict are offered by William and Jeanetta

came next. Clare Kummer is responsible for th's sketch. There Is some¬ thing strongly reminiscent about "The Choir Rehearsal." VTe wouldn't be surprified if it wasn't some relation to "The Lights of Duxbury,'' a three-act comedy by the same author, which enjoyed ever so short a run last season. There is some rather good singing in the sketch.
Next came Jack Rose, and the cyclone of applause broke. As usual Jack destroyed a half score or more straw top pieces and acted for all the world as if the prop trees were full of squirrels It was the crowning hour of his career. Hurrah for Jack Rose! He's great!
Seldom outside the walls of our lecitimate playhouses does one see so excellent a sketch as "The Gossipy Sex," which came next. Let it be said at the start that It is not a sex play in the generally accepted sense of the word, not b.v a long shot. "The Gossipy Sex" is a cleverly written, cleverly acted playlet, with clean, wholesome dialog and diverting situation. It Is a satirical gem. Robert Emmet Keane, who heretofore has been hiding his light under a bushel as a monologist, shone forth in the title role. Claire Whitney also displayed no mean histrionic prowess.
Taxie, the canine thespian, hit the applause meter a wallop following in¬ termission, in a novelty playlet, in which he is supported by his trainer, Ed Allen. The latter is a veteran of the big top and one of the foremost animal men in the country. This act is, without doubt, the best "dog" turn in vaude¬ ville It was a decided applause hit on Monday afternoon.
Mollie and Charles King, who have been allied, according to the program, for a brief engagement, came next, offering a diverting routine of songs, dances and imitations Vaudeville could profit by more alliances of this sort. Theirs
was a good hand. Billy B. Van and James J. Corbett garnered some hearty laughs in next
to closing. The Ford Revue, described as a "Song and Dance Carnival." with the Astor
Sisters. Southern Sisters, Trado Twins and Roy Barton, closed the show.--

laughs before the boys enter and Kenney springs a good line of original gags. wM- h eo.aipel laughter. The straight sings his lines to the gallery and Kenney tries to grab the opening. Baker and Beil Montro o helped put t'.e finish oyer fot them, drawing the applause and giving them credit for a strong finish. .Seventeen minutes, in one.
ray and riorence Courlne.v, assisted by fire of Benson's Musicians, in a series of old and new popular songs. Of their new songs. "Orievlng for Yon*' was the favorite, lieranse of the rare ability of Kay Courtney as a comcdl nne, making of this pc-inliir cnliuret sob a Idt of earicator* which made it a smashing bit. The string ensemblo did some work so excellent it went over the heads of the jazz fans who think of an or¬ chestra as a saxophone and drums. Kay Court¬ ney did a straiglit song, "Castle of Rnmance," in fine voice, and Klorence foiled expertly thruout. Tliirty-oae minutes. Stopped the show. Two speeches.
Mang and Snyder closed the show with flu* Ishcd strong man stuff, doing band and body balancing and some thrilling tlirows. Klve min¬ utes; two bows.--LOUIS 0. RUNNER.
Cincinnati Manager Wins Favor of Patrons Thru Kindly Method

Oinvlnl for rl> ven minutes. In four, four I'ows. Fred snd J.ick I'lkina and Joe Fay vocalized,
Boofed and syncopated with a plaao, tamlniorine and bones. Elevon minutes. In one; four bows.
The "1921 Bevue'* of Arthur MeWutters and Grace Tyson proved a travisty of drama sand¬ wiched with song. Miss TyNOn'e voice, manner* to*, facial expreas ons and cliange of flashy towns helped considerably in landing the eu* tored talk by her partner. Seventeen minutes, interior. In four; foui bows.
Flstfl and Jolinson offer their tnirhanged "So, It bis come to this."* "echo'* and ·`ghosl" black. Isce stuff before their same wo-d scene dr p In one. r.fiecn iiiiiiuict; two boWi.
"The farcical improbaiillHy'* of Bonier B. Mason and Marguerite Keeler, assisted by Waller 8. Howe, lasted twenty mluulea, and Is futiny in wiuts. Siioeial Interior, in f-.ur; three curtslns.
The fans seemed to reeeguizo ability and sat up when Sybil Vane came on. A petite, bol.haired brunet with abundant persivnality and a Wonderful voice, tdie Is programm d * ('e'ebrated Welah I'rlma Uonua." Leon Boiixiue lent perlect aceonipnninieiit at the ] lano and also shnw.'d himself capable of swaying the atidl· e e vvlth two nutubprs. Miss Vane's voenllsm Is powerful, and her mnnclntbu la no).<( dlatinet. She Iro.ited with opera s< lections In English and foreign tongue. After putt log over "My Mammy'* for an eni ore she was re¬ called and exprtsaed heartfelt thanks lo a few choice words. Fifteen mlaiScs, In one.

Another unchanged "oldtlmer" was put on hy A1 Lydell and Carleton Macy, but so good are they in "Old Cronies'* that the material was enjoyed *hy the initiated the same as by "firstfimeri" The artist who 8un'»s*es A1 Lydell as a portrayer of an old crony hasn't been seen at ihli theater. I Ida Keah supt'or s favorably. Kifieen minutes before apei-ial drop In one;
three bows. "Walt for this treat" was the house tlt»
on the act In which Johnny Muld-cn and Pearl Kranklyn feature And the few who Ignored missed a neat, clever and fast working p-iir of novelty dancer*. Lew Rose rendered several song* snd an unpr gramraed chap accompanied

on the piano. Fifteen minutes, pretty draplngs in fonf. Earned an en'ore, but sufficed with bow bt'cause of position.--JOB KOLLINO.
The Harmony Four, with Jack Denning at the piano, have Just closed a four-month engage¬ ment at Margaret's Chocolate Shop, Canton, O.
Burlington, la., April 16.--A new vaudeville the.nter is projected heie by the Orpheum In¬ terests. and plans have already been drawn for the structure.

American Artistes^ Federation
To Hold Open Mass Meeting at Bij'ou Theater, New York, Midnight, April 28.


Cincinnati audiences are generally nu-ognlzed by the profession--particularly Iq- artists ot the vaudeville department--as among the fairest In the country. At tlie same time, however, variety fans of the Queen C.ty have heeo guilty of the fault, prevalent in other cities, of walking out oo the closing spot of a hilL
Some Taudevllle theater managers, in fair¬ ness to performers and jiatrons, recently have come to adopt a policy to "go b foie the last act starts or remain until Its completion" by barring the exits to fans when the windup turn begins.
Ned Hastings, in charge of the Keith Theater, Cincinnati, however, is olilalning results, e<]aal in comparison to those found in ho ses where the enforcement rule is in cffe< t, by a co-operative method.
D*uring the past couple of w< eks he has kindly asked of the patron*, thru ni ety wonled an¬ nouncements in the program, that they remain seated until the close of the show, at the same time arranging the order so iliut a go^ d finale act is offered.
Fcr a while people in a.-ts, not usually put at the tall end of a bill, w ill be deprived of some extra applause and hows, but the purpose In which they lend a part will sooner or later l>e accomplished and make possitile the re-esta iislimcut of the longtime poll'y. Tli's goal will he reached quh Ver if the thing Ned Hastings is doing U practiced by every blg-tlme vaudeville bouse manager.

Sarah Fadden and Company in '`Putting It

New York, A|irll 15.--The Wlzardu' <'Iiib of New York lias Uunelied  mrmlH-raliip earn*

Over." Reviewed Thursday afternoon, April

paigu. Itoth anialeiir and pnifeahional niaKii iana

14. at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theater,

are l>elnK Bought aa luemhera. The folhiHlng

New York City.

l>roa|ie<'iiia, outlining (he acoiie and uellvillea of

It has been suid that Sarah I'udricii is one of the few actreaseg in vaudeville to maintain a lieadllne iioeitiun wiili a dramatic sket< li. Whether nr not ehc will lontiiiue to maintain that iioeition with her iireM-iit elarnng vebh lc is problematical. It is s trite, jMiurly con¬ structed and iKKirly acted akeiib of the |>ennydrcsdful type, called "I'uftiug It Over." ``I'lilting It 0\er is good," but we doubt if any first class stidiencp will stand for it.
A mure highl.v iiii|>iol>aii|<- sitiiulioii than that act forth 111 this sketeb would be bard to con¬ ceive, and a more faulty ez|ioKition and treat¬ ment of theme would lie dittieult to find. The action lakes iilai-e in a hotel bedroom and Ims all to do with a young lady wlio has eommitted murder to save her brother, and who seeks succor from the occupant. The latter, it de. velnpg, is the son of the isiliee commissioner, and a friend of the murderrss' hrother. In a longwinded rx|>lanatiin of the crime, the girl disi'loNes that the deed was done in self defense. The young mao then confesses that he loves her, and being impi'lled by a strong sense of duty he sentences her to life--a life of wedlock
or one thing we are sure, the author who committed this atrui'iuus sketch should be aenteneed for life, or at least placed under observation. There Is no denying that Miss Padden is an actress of excellent histrionic prowess, but even a very exceileut actress can¬ not liu|ie to put over material which lacks even semblance of merit. The less said about the su|ii)urtiug company the better.
The running time of the,sketch Is held within the bounds of fifteen minutes.--E. 11.
Ftorenoe Oast and Company, in fifteen min¬ utes of song and dance. Beviewed at Proctor's Twenty-third Street, Kew York City, Thursday aftoiToon, April 14.
Weill Florence Oast. Who let you in? It is tmly remarkable how some people man¬ age to get booked. For Instance this young lady, or rather girl. She is a sweet, unsnpliisticated looking little lady, who ought to be in boarding acbool, or some equally safe place. Sbe aurely does not belong in vaadcville. It Is true she has talent. But It is talent of the parlor entertainment or church sociable order. Bhe dances prettily, bat not cleverly; she sings fairly, but not ingratiatingly. Ilowever, Florence is not all to blame. Good gracious, no. She has a pianist, and a more careless and Indifferent musician would be bard to find.--E. H.

file organization, liaa been rotiit>iled Ij the

memlienihi|i runimittee;

·'Mr Miigh ian --

"The piitiMme of tbla little rirrular la to

f>ro\e to >uu that It la to your beoebt to Join

the Wizuida' Club of New York (Tty, the

lite»t niagnal oiganizatlon In eilatrnee now.

"Founded in II1I8, It now nuiulo-ia among

ita meuilters anme of the elty's heal known

Includmi War Tax.

anialeur and profeaaional magieiaiia, aa well aa

Flve-yrsr guzrtiitce. No catalog issued. Mall orders prompt¬ ly nil.'.l.





magiciana In laiioiia parta of Ihe t'niled i'ilatea

and in Kngland

"Thru ita altlllatlon with the H. A.


ISe<-ret Aaa4H-iation of Auieiiiun .Mugieianal, the

IVizarda* Club la in a position to offer you

more than any other organization ihargiiig the

same diiea. and more than many < barging more.

DELIVERIES OF COSTUMES, "It offeia you: Firat --Meiiilierahip in the Wizarda* Cluli .'Seeund --Membership in the 8.


A. M. Thlid--I'ree siihsi ripiion to the `Oreato,' the private pulilicaiion of the S A.

.Manufacturers and renters of costumes--all descrip¬ tions. Amateur shows and minstrels our specialty,

.A M. Fourth --A handsome niemherahip eer> tiflrate, auiiahle for fianiing. Fifili--The friendship and companionaUip of 'regutar

.lust received fine, fresh stock of Silkolene Tighta, silk fellowa.'

and mercerized Opera Hose, in white, flesh and black, all sizes. Write for Price List

"It offers you many other g<aal things, loo numerous to be enumerated here, und you ran* not afford to remain out of the Wizatda Club


any lunger, ··At preaent we are charging a joining fee

116-120 N. Franklin Street, (New Address).



Phone State 6780.

of $1 00 and annual dues of

Ou, hut the

joining fee will ba inrreaaed shortly, riaiis are

now under way whereby, just as soon as we


have a memlierabip of from t)0 to 75, we will

o|<en our own elulirooiua In some centrally

Iwated disiriit, wheie members cm drop In any

time any day, bring their friends, rehearse their


arts, receive mail, etc. --in sliort, they will have all the privileges and conveniences of the large fraternal organizations. I'reaent plans call frr i'I>en bouse practically six nights a week,


ludies' night once a week with dancing and refreahmenta, weekly vaudeville shows, a


library, etc, ·'When tills la accomplished active memliership

Always ready to negotiate Attractions, .\merican Representative

will cost Sl> per annum, payable quarterly, with a joining fee of nut less than $5, Is an

A. BEN FULLER. Room 461, Delter Bldg., 1005 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. organization of that type worth joining? If yon

believe that it is. Join now, while the low

rates are still in effect, and help us make

these plans materialize.


"Meetings at present are being held in oar temporary quarters at the Ilornmann Magle Co. othces, 304 West 34th street. New Yoik City, on the second and fourth Thursday eve¬

nings of each month at 8 p. m. Prospective




membere are cordially Invited to attend one of these meetings, if they so desire, before Joining.
·'HeqiiiremenTs for membership are very sim¬

ple. All aiqilicanta must Iw over eighteen


years of age. of good moral character, of the while, or Caucasian, race, and capable of giv¬

kMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii^* ing a ten-minute magical performance if called
uiion. .Nothing more is required.
iWRIXXEIM XO ORDER! `·Application blanks may he obtained at any time from the secretary, Maurice Ullaa, l.'>77



= Third avenue. New York City, or at the nom-

" I'p to the minute. Original and Exclusive MatcrlaL Write for Liberal Terms Now. Our Material ^ maun .Magic Co. offices." -

H Will Assure Bookings Old Acta Made New. Weak Acta Made Strong. We also have a numb« of _

Z Sketches and AcU to lease on royalty basis if in the city, call.






" Suits 232 1400 Broadway, Knickerbocker Theatrs Bldg. (Phans. FItzroy 8175), NEW YORK CITY. S ·`Yours Merrily" John R. Rogers, known the

Vino and Tomple, eleven minute, of song
and talk. In one. Beviewed at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theater, New York City, Thursday afternoon, April 14.


to be a habit even among gu»d perI. Miss Temple is plump and boisterous, ngs as if suffering from hlccougbs,

Frederick Wllkcr, formerly a ticket taker at the lh'*ater, resold $110 worth of tickets on .Novcmlier 10. 1918, to the theater which bad

country over for bit connection with varlout theatrical enteiprisea, hai invented what be calls the '·Mystic Rosrd," a device which be predlcti will become popular with those who like novel games.

There is little to recommend this act. The comedy, such as it is, is coarse and silly. There is a difference between being silly and
fnnny, and Vine and Temple are it. It la
not beneath Vine to make several appeals to the
audience for applause. For this, however, he should not be censured too harshly, for It has

y both would make good In the
_Chieago, April 16.--Horen'-e Walton, the
made the defendant In a suit for

been sold once. Wilker has already pleaded guilty to the
charge. B. S. Moss, owner of the theater, declared at the time of Wllker's arrest that the two men had been working together for more than a year and that the loss amounted In the aggregate to lielween (-rijUiiO and $6,ii<V).

New York, April 16.--The eonsunimailon of a deal between the Pathe Company and tbs Keith Circuit, whereby the latter will Nok the I'athe News In moat of Ha theaters, be¬ ginning May 1, was announced this week

sri,isK> filed today in the County Court on be-


AmiMig the honses tliat will show the Pathe


half of K. H. Younglove. vice president of the

events are thi>se of the Orpheum, Proctor, Musa,


.Tohns-Manville Company. Miss Walton, who IB aiq.earing In the Majestic Theater, la alleged to have injured Mr. and Mrs. Younglove thru a collision of automoMlea.

Duluth, Minn., April 15.--CTiester Sotton, who baa been manager of the -New Grand Theater here for the last sixteen months, bss
transferred by Ftnkelsteln & Ituhen to Twin Cities. Stanley Brown, formerly

Poll and Wllmer A Vincent Circuits. It Is expected that the Pathe News will gain be¬ tween 2,500 and 3,000 daya booking thru tbit deal.


manager of the New I'alai-e, the F. A IC. House in Superior, Wia., baa succeeded him.



Chicago, April 16.--R. E. Mack baa written The Billlxjsrd that he will open R. F,. Mack's Vaudeville Exchange, In the New Allen Thea¬ ter Building, Windsor. Ont., shout May 1. Mr. Mack wrote that after looking over con¬ ditions in Cleveland he concluded not to open an office in that city at present.

Tpoo leaving Duluth Mr. Hutton was lionor guest at a banquet attended by Iheatrieal and ncwspa{>er men who have worked with him there. Mr. Brown's first Innovation here will be amateur nights.

Ganta Rarhtra, Cal., April 15.--The Am-


bassador Hotel, one of the largest bostelriea on


the Pacific coast, and which was quite a Slop-

New York, April 15.--Bob Luden, publicity ping place for theatrical folks, was destroyed

liianuger of the McKinley Music Publishlog Co., by fire Wednesday. The loss la placed at

iiluy>-d one of the principal roles in the Wood $1,-500,000.

Be Wise. Bend for This. A delightful summer home ind >..,-eilged iDvestmert for the price of a lay-off at a resork Easy terms.

A Wyde act, at the Orpheum on Monday evening of this week. Ludera says be waa a "tremendou. auccesa. etc."



14._r«« a. MeVoy,

Theater, now known as the Cayuga, bat

THEATER TICKET SWINDLE taken over the Temple Theater, Geneva, N. Y.,


X)mine throueh

Theater, Canal


t · L*

No 601 too Di^.

New York, Aptil 16.--Frank Powell, thlrtyfour, former manager of the Jefferson Theater

fifteenth street, was srre.ted yesterday deleitiveH on s beoeh warrant charging

nim with grand larceny. He wsa locked up


Tombs prison.

Fowell was Indicted more than two years ago

on the charge that he, acting In concert with

I'Yed A. Vnllea, manager of B. Z. PolPa Palace Theater at Hartford, Conn., will sail for England on the Aquittnia May 8. He will visit England, Ftancs and Italy and will mtnm In Angnst.


Tsill, Tss-ttsp, Fti-TrtI, Oottisf, Bstrtnitsd Is III.
· STAGS OANCINO · Back, dig, Charas, Skirt, Ttsekara
iVtrk, Etc. TaagM Qalcklf.
by P. J. RIDGE

IsMicat Btiilatl Taachar


Okloags, in.

Bump fee reply, sw




Kditof Hie Hillboard: sir It 1« K.iKTiilly .on.-.ilcfl thiit tliP many

llilni:* In

`>f tbe arliet that Imii-

111 the la** ·'""P'® y®""- "I-''".*""''

1,1' 111.' ' ''

·' "'*


.lire an- <lin- to the ih.11. Ira and aila. talUa

Vi j.

Ill K.mral of Marry M.jiintfunl

Vh V at.- hy artlata Rmorally aa

iJi.i- III.- lii.imti'.- for till- iiiaiiaicrra' a.-tioiiH

\\ .11.- 111.- inajori'y "f "'<·'2 "``"V* ''``rM..m.tfor<l f»r rfforta (lii prlval.-).

,h.-r ...Ill to t>« aaliHllod to n-iip the bom-tlta of

M, a-tmiia. and KO alonic h.i.ini? that tlo-

rl.antc of li.nrt of the inanaR.-ra will in tinu-

Kmovo the ohjectioiiahle featurea that atlll exlat.

.11 h aa --how diti-s." "tryoiila ' at ni. jHly

ulartrr hiah nrh-ed romniiaaiona and the oth.-r

la i and -llv I think the majority of tli.'ir. like to are Moiintfonfa poll'iea pn-Tail. ih.-y did not have to take a chan.-e

then-.el', a The main reaaon thi-y now J..ln S V A. I think la to avail _ th<-nia.-lvi-a

of the

inaiiran.-e thing. That was a

amart nio'*- on the part of tlip instigators,

Yiai can hardly e»pi-' t acts who have Imen

ilttlns an.iind the "I'e l.uxe" cliih. ruhhing .hould.ra «iih the p,o. that be. listening to

the iHina of ··let's as.hake hands and make uti,"

ta forret a.. <nii.-kly, the aetor's

TiDity. Also pl.-aae reniemlier that the tsctl.-s

are · han years ai;.

I- to what they were a few a, they hung around b.siktiiS


greeted with a snarl NOW,

they are .veleonie at tlie offlees. given a pat

on the ha.-k, Ix.lh there and at the ·V-lub."

are kid.hd ahmg and made to feel that the

onlT rea»..n they are not working la hecatiae

the ·'bo..ka are pongi-ated" or some other stall

But it is done nowadays In a diplomatic way

Pleaae ren.<-:nlH-r that the performers of

were tl-.- kids of a few aeaaons ago. who

aever knew the har.Nhipa. the har*! treatment

perforni.-ra were aiihje.-teil to. Nowadays if

Binv of them work I.'. weeka a w-aaon they

have' had a w..nderful year. They make mneh

more nn-ney than they could in a year at manual

labor or out of the hiisinesa (where many of

them IM-I-iigl. The la-o- of the Artlates" Ted

eratlon in Kngland Is often cited in conn>ari-

aon to i-iir-. I'leuae ren.emlier that In Knyland

before a t.. n>..n can Join the F<-d<-rati..n he

must he an artist, not a hasher or a hut ton-

hole nakir butting in. Another thing, phase

rememh.-r. la that. In bringing the Keith Hook¬

ing (Idl e UP to the powerful organization It

has g't to he. where Mr. Altiee can dictate to

the Mar-us I.H-ws. I'antagea and other fel-

lowt. the efflee b<.yn of that de.-ade are the

hookera. et-- . of |. day. They re.-eive.l ih.-lr

education in the `'old a.-hool.'' M hy does Mr.

Albee. the V. M T A . the -N V. A or the

artist espe. t the leopard to change Ha alH'ta.

eape.-lt1ly over night? i-ersonally I think Mr.

Albee has built np an organization that la it-

·elf crushing him Ills ideals, that la those

of late years, no doubt swskened by Hie cy.-le

of time. I.'gether with the policies and actlvl-

tiea of II M . are having a hard time being put

into effei-t. as they are at direct variance with

Chicago Fire Prevention Bureau To In sist on Observance of Rule

Chicago, April 12.--J. C. OTSr.nnell. f'hicf of

the Bureau of Fire I'rcvcntion and riibllc

Safety, of Chicago, has mailed Tlic Billboard

a communication of inten-st to actors, read¬

ing as follows:

Ii.-ar Sir: Your attention is .-alle'l to paragraph (r) .'4

of the City Ordiiian-e go.eiiiiug this Bureau,

wlii.h is as follows;

"So scenery, draperies or stage parapher¬

nalia of any s.irt sl.all he us. .1 upon the

stage of any theater unle.-is su.-h scenery and

paraphernalia sliall ha'e tieeu treii'ed with a

paint or elieiui.-al solution wliieli sliall make

it non-intlauHiiahle. nor unl.-ss sia h treated

s.-ener.T and stage paraphernalia has heen tested

and approved by the Cliief of Fire I're.entlon

and I'uhlie Safety, and if f.iiind to he inflam-

malile he shall require same to he fireproofed

witliout delay."

We are experiencing considerahle trouble with

acta using velvet, plush an.l oilier delicate

fahrles, some trimine.I witli silv.-r, gold and

tinsel, tin- us.-rs of vvlii.-li claim the apiilication

of fire-resisting snliiiions would he ruinous.

Some years ago wc adopted a compromising

rule to tliu

that instead of insisting on

liaving tliose il.-liouie fabrics treated directly

with fire-resisting solution, we would accept

and pass them if fully barked witli a denim ha. king thoroly tr.-ate.l us re.jnired for or¬

dinary Scenery.

These acts are li.Hik.d into some of our

Cliii-ago theaters, prin.-iiially In vaudeville

houses, some for a week and some for only a

few days. It seems a hardsliip after their

arrival, apparently in ignoram-e of our laws

and regulations, to require them to do one of

four things, namely: Kitlier fireproof the

fabrics; provide llie firepr.iof.-d ha.-klng; show

with house or homwed scenery, or cancel their


This is to notify yon that on and after Mon¬

day. .\itril IS. Itt'JI. the ordinan.-e and rule

above referred to w ill he enfor. ed absolutely.

May wo exi.ect your co-(>|ieration in preserv¬

ing this measure of safety, and at the same

lime doing justice to your own craft.

Y'ours vf-rv truly.

(Signed) J. C McDONNET.B. Chief.

Bureau of Fire Frevention and Fubllc Safety.


WTki Is buck in Viudcvllle and breaking le.' in ail Isjiiaes. Etlnge's rt markable ta.'te In gi.wiis si d stage aittuigs la quite outUie on tt;a tour, and the Ohs a..d .\hs w lit lach appear¬ ance prove the p-jt llc still d v.-ted to the so-.alleJ · fla Jsoniest Woman on tin- Stage." After tour of tlie Keith lh>ust-s Mr. KItl:ige will start work on .v screen ver-.vm of his oU play, `'The Fa-K-hiatliig Willow." Mr. Is at tire Palace, New Y'utk, this week.

hligations to the manager. Ilis ou with its, L-eiiettts can take
·r doesii t want charily in the tay wlieit lie d'-«`sn'l work. He le wi rk.iig days at a reasonable iv fo( all extra work tliat lie Ills pay for his WORK, not at he diH-sn't do. If Mr. Albee ings INTO KFFECT. MB will A1 DBVILl.B. If he do«-sii't the - U to have the M.'.JOKITY of in vaudeville as artists get toY' and u-.ake him do it. iditions. the class of peojile who ludeville ABTIST.-t are (not real
sense usually alluded to). I is tiid protiatile that they will ik II. M. is sincere, clever and

all that. Tlie only thing he needs to put it over right is enough support by the majority, and l ilt afraid he can't g- t it. from tlie genoral attitude as sliovvn by tlie artists themselves. 1 have made Ih.s up.el a long one 1 nee. hut I have simply rnn along as the different thoughts came to me. This letter is you personally. Should there he anything in it of interest to you use it over the signatore of HAPPY-GO LFCKY.
While the talk of the Shubert vandevllle Is stroi.g. all performers 1 have talked to seem to welcome oi>iHisition, so long as it will boost salaries, hut the majority want to see some of the other artists work for .-Jhuhert for the first year to see how it (lans out--without putting themselves in had with the U. B. O. in ease the ^huberts Hop.
(Signodl lIArFY'-GO-LCCKY".

Baton E. Mason writes from Omaha, Neb., that he and II. n. Sappington are producing a new vehicle to carry four people over the variety routes. Rehearsals are being held at Ak-Sar-Ben Den, Omaha. This art. says Mason, is new, original, a real novelty and one that gives promise of success. Scenery is by ITanck Wolff of the Strand Theater. Omaha; costumes by Chicago Costume Co., Theo. Lleben. and shoes by Woas i Co.. Philadelphia.
.San Francisco, April 12.--Colonel Charles E. Bray, western representatire of the Orpbenm Circuit, whose headquarters are in this city, has left here for a two weeks' visit In New York. Company business Is the reason for bis departure.



Ariel O'Conner and June Vime have Joined the Lila White act.
Caroline Dlrich is now in the cast of the Moore and Migley act.
I..eslie Dslnton has l>oen added to the cast of the William Wolfe set.

Dick Bennett ia rehearsing a second com¬ pany for the Four Marks Brothers' old act to be known as "Uome Again No. 2."
·Arthur ··Bigboy" Flume, motorcycle patrol¬ man of Kansas City, Kan., has resigned to
a accept a vaudeville offer. Flume is musician
hy profession.

A high-powered comedy book hitting on every cylinder. Contains an aliundance of Monoloeues. Vaudeville .tots. I*aroilles. Toasts, Tf|<>. Comedy Poems. .Musical and Burlesque Hits." Comedy Songs. Wit, Uumor, Musics! Comedy Tabloid, etc.


(Canada. $2.50)

(Canada. $2.50)

Frank C. Queen, 1601 Cone St., Toledo, Ohio.
P. S --Book of (70 pagesl `'hits." $10.00 $50 "liokem" and character songs. Send for list (stamp).

Helen Oaks is now with the Fals ' art, playing Foil time.

"Two IJttle

Weadick and Flores LaDue, in "Ropin' and Gad" will close their season the middle of May and return to their ranch in Canada


It is undemliMHl that Alexander Fantages hat heen meeting acts personally in New Yitrk

for the summer,
Olympia rVsvall and Co., are touring the Foil Circuit for the first time. Their trained

lADIES;'-.l, $3,50: plain, $2.75. GENTS: $2.00 and $2.75.
219 W«t 381h Street. NEW YORK.

theatrical glide

and Moving Picture DIRECTORY

I'ntiln, full pirtlnilara of all Theatres In the rntte.l

n. Ii*.'"!

k-fl.005 MoTine Picture Tbealiis

nJearir n.hlat (sr JllOO' NEW YORK CITY

Dick Fitzgerald and Dick Carroll, well known in hurlesque, are gidng well in vaiido-
'Siiiillng" Johnny Ringer writes that he has left the "Bight Syncopalers" in I and has re-

horses and dogs, especially the four Russian wolfhounds are a big hit.


Terms for a Stamp

L. L. GAMBLE, Playwright,






eelved offers from several Hn'udway pnslucers.
Babbie Fifellc. recently with Jack Merris' rulqi GlrF' act. is now appearing in single

·Vlcxander Pantages visited his new Toronto theater. The sitar, recently and announced him¬ self as being in favor of clean entertainment of all kinds. In part he says: "The Fantages

RICTON,S100 Reward
for $3,700. Prove olhenvls.'. TON. Cincinnati. Olilo.

Beward's yours.




Ralft: $4. $5 and $8 us Per Wssk.

-..^Boqn'* el'-sn an.l ciunfortaMc


Propristor, FLA. Phoae.


gn uis Srit-eUM Novelty Actt. Writ* tn your egten

It Is rumored Jaekle CiHvgan, Charlie Chap¬ lin's protege in bis latest e*>medy, "The Kid." is going into vaudeville.
The Orpheum Theater. New close a successful si asoii May 1. put in shape for the winter.
Billy Mack, with Madam Zuiieku and lYevI l.inden, in an equestrian act touring the Fan Circuit ta mer-Hng with soccesa.

cin-iiit IS eliminating entirely every piisslble detail tliat could l-c i-cnstruod as being sug¬ gestive."
lieiH'rfs from Indiana cities eredlt Joe ` Jazz'' Williams Trio with serving a syncopated salad llml will fickle the entertainment palate of any vatidi-ville audience. Williams, a vicUnist and eccentric dancer of aloiity is ably gnpporttHl by Feggy Glynn and Cleo McKenzie, both of whom possess charm and good voices.

Mi-iderate Btti-s--Newly Furninhed. Dearborn SL. bet. Madison A Monroe, Chicato,



(Re'-cgniseJ rstih;Wi(sl)

2SI6 E. loth.

Indianapolis, Indlass.

731 Temsis St.



T ti e Billboard

APRIL 28. 1921


Paul Wall ace Confident of Success if He Can Raise Funds for Attorney

Paul 'Vt'alla **, H til. iiiSt-r of tin- p

who if ('ojiilti.-.l in il-.. Indiana


ft Mlrhl-vin ( ity, Im-

TJi.' i.»

Billboard Office, 18 Charing Cross Road, W. C. 2

Rmrllab act^ are not reiiulred to "cotM arroaa" until they get over her*. When they "get over" they ·`come acroaa."
There was a "sketch" at Proctor's Fifth

mate anmln-r appt'al '·< 'h*- prc ff-nlon 'o a-i

blir with fnnd* in li »

for frci 'Inm. .Soii<<*


Avenue, New York, a abort time ago that was a aort'er, dramatic, comedy, tragic melo¬

time aco an appeal naa pi:MI-h.(l. b'lt the fnnia se.-nred were not a'jfH' lent to employ an attorney, hen'T »\hen \V.i!Ia~eN c are came be¬ fore the pardon bot" I ho 1 .id r« loir-il ropreei-ntstive and the ra-e waa d.-elled afiain't him.
Waltaoe v.fatea that M'lo Il.-nncH of the Pennett Kfidiaii:; Neil S''.i!T`.r of the "Whirl of Mirth" rotiioatiT, Ida Ih-aiiforf Knlm. former¬ ly of the Si'\en Wlilte K'.liri; reoyl I^irarne, to Wh<»ci Walla -e i- etie:iK>-,l, and a nunitirr of otheri have wri't..n tlovernor McCray, ae! In)f Wallaee'f re'c-i-e. It will be neceasary, however, fir M'alla^e to earry his ca-e t.i the Supreme Ti.iirt and this will re'pilre Tie taka mcmticra of the profeiaion to aatigt him in ralalne thin amount. .tnvone wialilns te rootrlhnfe ia aak'-d to tend whatever SDoact they can to Milo nennett, care ^ennett'f Eichanite, "8 W. Randolph afreet, ChictfO.

"'.e Stage, a theatriial ncw«pai>er, <arries a whole page ailviTtlsenient reprwluclng in

fae s u.ile Harry MounIfenI a rnM lii|>e ami letter of Man h 2'. t.. the Or|iheiim Circuit proteMling agsir-t the <liverah.!i of the proeeiMls of a matliiee perTennauce to the N, \, .\. Tlie page la <ai.iioi...t ·from the Relf-stylrd Friend of tlio Actor'." with the letterpress wilfull.v «11«torling

Mouiitfor.fs attitude and suggesting that he U lighlliig the managers thru lilltiiig the charity

funds. Wl.lle Moiintford'a signature api>ears Itoldly hi< cpiauieiits are afraid to print tiy whose

.suitior'itv tile advertisement Is Issinsl tir paid for. Itrllisti vautleartlMts wonder whv, considenug

that t ic l.ave no ijuarrel with .Mountford. Am.ri.ans sli.iiild a.lvertiae their damestle grievances

in Ei.glaid. On the other hand, despite all rumors to the lontrarv. the Variety ArtistiV Ke.1era-

fioti is still alliliati'd with the American .Vrtlslus' Fed.-'all.ui. and the \ ariel.v Artistes' lediTS-

lion's otlh-Uls n-alire that but for Mountford's iinn milting w.irk ami agitation .kraerk-an vaudeailistis would ii'it now l>e in laissession of Hie various "concessions'* so much managerislly ad-

v.rtisrsl. Anvwav. Mountford and James William Kltr.I'atrlrk are the Iwst Judges, but perhaps

I'lt Casey wonl.ln't like It. altho lie really shoiil In't be oivnsniteil. as they don't allow ten per

,1 ufors on the i'.rltish Entertalnnients National Indu.trial Conncil anywa.v and are not consulted



The "I'eep Show" was proilmed at the Hippodrome on .kpril 11, and heartiest congratulatIona are being expressed to R. 11. tiill. spie amt Wvlie .V. Fate for their pluck in presenting the show in the present unprecedented gbaini. The show is tip top and ought to be a big winner.


"Faust on Toast" has been pfistponi-d. owing to the present crisis. It was to have been produed last night (Saturday, -kpril I'il, hut is now si'heduled for .\pril 1ft at the Gaiety.

dramatic revue. The best thing in It, by the leading comic, waa to rest bis on a sofa pillow thrown at him by a dignified dramatic actress playing the Tlie act "got over"--to Passaic, N. J.

done head moat lead.

Jnlius Tannen has had that bit in his moonlog altout the lanndrles "not washing collars"but "they Jnat sharpen them" long enoakdi new. He almold consult a comedy specialist before he plays the B. P. Keith Palaco agiln.

Joe Darcey is a black-face singer that hat Eddie Leoosrd beaten a mile when it eoaes to making an audience take his "stnir' whether the mtjoriiy want it or not. He sang, sang, sang and talked and talked and latk)4. Told the audience he waa booked to return te two weeks. One woman In the audience ventored to remark last Friday night at Proctor'a Fifth



The Actors' Asso<-lation and tlic Vari.-ty Artistes' Federation are making a finatelTort to

Chicago, April 1.1.--Rol<crt T. Richarda it very ancccaafully performlnij Ed llolder'a ·'Ehenerer, the Ham Tree Mule" art. havlni; oponed on Carrell time, February 7. and the act being hooked tmt'I May l.^. Mr. Holder, this week, told The Rillhoard that a letter from W. J. Marcellus' Sioux City hooking

rrctniiii* the clncnjt crowtl w<»rK«»r<, ^Im>, truth t*^

doii t relish bolnc or^antte«1. The inror-

t'orati'd Kinematograpli ManufaiinrerK' .\ss.irinll"n will negotiate provided 21 per cent of

the organized crowd workers are regnltrs of it tiy May.


The Actors' Asso< lslion has approaih.-,! the National A-sor- ation of Theatrical Employeea

t^ith the Hiipi^efitioa that

handti ami tlie Actor*'* A'***ociation federates ind after an inter-

view with the N. A. T. E. committee the -V**t«»r*«* Ass^xiallon met the N. A. T. E. and the Anaai-

oflice, fella him the "Ehenexer" act la hooked solid for all of the Marcellos fair datca. Mr. Holder will take bla "Holder's Mule" act

RHinated MuFloiana* Union, when it was h-ncffested that three delejtatea each from the Actors Awi^'eittion, the X. A. T. E., the A. >r V. uud the Variety Artiaten* K.`deratlon meet to dlari^ f*Hieratin?. The Variety Artiates* Kederation deeUned, eon^'iderina that the present constitution of the Joint committee aiipiilleK sll ff.llllics ne.essary (>r dt'^ired for the dl«cns»loo of mattera of

over the Colorohla Wheera hurlet<ine time, mutual interest. In this r*-s|H*et it is ,-tirions to rote that since Norman McKinnetl a succeaaion

Augnat 1, in Irons & Clamage'a produetiona. He Is busy now engaging park time in betweei. Owing to tha biirlcsiine engagement

by Fisher,White the .Vetors* Assoi-iatl.m has Iwen a Ivan, log to the extreme left wing as against

Its extreme conservatl-m. The Varbtv Arli-t.-s' IVderat on has fhruoiit preached the doctrine of


ro-operation befw*'rn the A»'tnr«' A»»'`<m lation and the \arictr Artlutea Federation, but

resolutely refuses anv federating with m'lisietans. stxge hands or nshera. The nnderlvlnc PoUj'J

"Holder's Mule'* will not be available for of the Actors' Association is evidcnilv to «enire the a.-tive support of N. A T. E and A. M I .


in the Actors' .kssociation's fight to enforce the -tardard contract. The aasoclatloii abonid

Avenue, New York, that at far as the wa« concerned he had already played hit two weeks. He Is a mighty clever boy and some ooe In his confidence should tell him where to pot the period In his offering.
Charles Paike. the musical comedian, once had a song. "Oh Keith and Proctor,** be sang some years sen. The little bird told na he it going to rhange it next season to "Oh Lee snd Jake."
One vaudeville organization with a coaB'-ience and hraint at Its head that ran gain the confidence of the vaiideTltle actor la ontt# enongh The big educational movement now la. "eductfe the gang's boss." The "boas" te all such casea most mean "leader."

recollect that history repeats itself and remember Paneg. lt.

New York, April 16.--M's. Julli Kelly, of 877 Sliver street. South Boeton, Masa., baa tsktfl The BUboard to help her In locating her SOD. Jark. The latter left borne some six weeks ago. aceordlng to hii mother, to join the Bowman Pros. Minatrela. Be h.aa not l«eD beard from sinre,
"I fear aometlilng dreadful has htppefied to my ton." writes Mrs. Kelly. "He was ilwaya a good boy and never neglected writing to me."
New York, April 16.--I.ew Herman will tall for Eun^'e May 12. In the Interest of the Lew Cantor Agency. Mr. Herman will be accompanied by his wife, Marlon Joy, and will visit the international show marts. In aearch of foreign novelltea, which the Cantor Agency plana to present here naxt season.
Nina Sun. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orw Sun, who is at the Christ Hospital, Cindanati, continues to improve. Mrs. Sun has taken a suite of rooms at the Oihson Hotel, asd will remain in Cincinnati, being constantly at her daughter's bedside nntil her daughter's caadttlon has improved sufliciently for her to ha removed to her home In Springfleld, Ohio.
Elaborate engraved invitations have been acet OQt by W. S. Ruiterfleld. Michigan theatrical magnate, reading as follows:
"W. S. Bnttertleld. the president of the Lansing Arcade and Theater Company, reqnetta the honor of your presence at the dedication of the Strand Theater. Lansing. Mich., Tbnrtday evening, April 21. 1021, st
New York, April 1.8.--George E. Kann, former assistant to Michael Glynne and direetur of poWicIty for the Ward and Olynne Theatr'eal Enterprises, has been ai<pointed resident man¬ ager of the Alhambra Theater, Halsey street and Knickerbocker avenue, Brooklyn. The honae Is to nndergo extensive remodeling and repairs.

Violet Vanbrugh gives London a production of Ethel Pell'a "Knave of Dtamonds" at the Globe Theater April 23.
Albert DeCourvllle breaks back into the mtnaremenk of the Royalty The.ster on May 8 wltn a revue. "Pina and Needles," by himself and Wal l ink and featuring .klfred Lester and Ed¬ mund Gwen.
Felix Adler and Frances Ro^s open at the Victoria Fala.-e on- April 19. Norman McKiuuell is rehearsing "A Matter of Fact" to replai-e "The Ninth Earl" at the Comedy Theater.
The bill for the prohibition of performing animals gets its third reading to the Honae of Comm.jna on April 18. If passed, which is imiirobable, it will prohibit all olrcna animal acta In this country.
Altho Goldsmith's story was first published In 1706, the first dramatic version did not see stage production until IMft. since when there have b«'en many veralons. Including two operatic ones, the most celebrated being the four-act version by W. <i, Willla, wbica was produced by the John Hare management at the Court Theater March 30. 1879. In this Ellen Terry was the Olivia. Herman Voiln the I>r. Primrose. William Terris, Rqnire Thognhlll. and Norman Forbes the Moses. When Henry Irving revived It at the Lyceum on May 29. 1881, he played the Vicar, with Ellen Terry repeating her former suer-ess, with Terris and Norman Korhes In their original parts aud Winifred Emery as Fophia. The latter is now playing In "The Betrothal" at the Gaiety Theater, and it ia curious to remcni1u>r that the also played the Olivia In October, 1881. and that Gladys Cooper, who is now playing the fsl-wnrd-cum-thrf-e hours' show in "The Betrothal" at the Gaiety, will be the new Olivia. Norman Forbes is the new Vicar.
As already mentioned in these columns, the hayseed memhers of the Chamher of IVputlea have refusTKl the extra grant of 700,000 franca to k*-ep the Opera House going, and tx>atei|iiently Director lloiirhe is nineli perturi.ed as to H.e future. It certainly la illogical with regards to these State-aided theaters that the vast inultitinle who do not care for opi-ra should have to be taxed Just to please eight or ten thousand p<-o{>Ie who IK) like op<-ra. The suggestion that pic¬ ture entertainments should be given on the off afternoons has Is-en turned down as a kind of a eacrilege--l.ut altho that may he--wh.-it shout Hammersteln'a Opera House In lamdonT That was going to beat I-ond<.n like Hammeistein d d with the Manliattau Opera House, only poor Oscar re<-okened without the puli of the I.ondon Sm iety. Now Stoll has made a clorloiis snccesa of It as a movie palace. The talk that the Paris house will try s<Miie lighter style of show, such as revues, is said to be vetoed also.
Genevieve Ward, still hale and hearty, was made a Dame Comroander of the Order of the Rrltish Empire on the occasion of her 81th birthday. Despite that baudieap she la vigoroiia tn mind and body, and during the Shakespearean Commemoration week st the Old Vic in the Water|.io Road she will play tyueen Margaret in "Richard III" She first played this character with Sir Henry Irving and also app<-arcd as the Queen with Sir Frank llensnn in Manebester last year.
Worthing--.k. C. Aator's home town by adoption--has after some disniaalon aucceeded in getting its two local cinemas ItceDs<-d for seven dsvs a week. Hitherto ts-rmisslon to open on Sundays has been eonfined to the winter months. The application was strongly opposed by the religious bodies, but the I-abor Party supisirted the opening.
The rnlverslty of Liveriiool has appointed Mr. Darker to a piihlle lectureship in the Art of the Tbester. A wealthy benefaetor and supporter of the I,iTerp<sil Itep<-rtory Company and also of the I'nlverslt.v has made this iMjssihle, and it la the first bridging of the universty and the stage. The lectures will commem-e next fall.
The closing of "The Garden of Allah" having relca-'-d Godfrey Tearle, Fagan has secured him for the name part of the above, which la alatr-d to o|M-n any day lietween April 2.1 and 30. Madge Tlthcrldge, who lila.ved o|.posile him In the Drury leiie show, will lie the lh->detiionn and Mary Grey Emilia. Basil Bathbone will l>e the lago. The run of "Henry IV" flniabea on April 23.
Commencing April 28 and lasting for four weeks kV. Krldgea Adams will enndnet the Hhakeapearean Festival with the a-«8l<tauee of MlKsea t.nren Richardson, Dorothy Green. Rosa Burgess and Margaret Feudamore; Messrs. Baliol Hollowa.v, Etliuiind Willard, Georgs Zucco and I.eslla Frith.

Confidence cannot be gained wlthoot a wlllingnesf on the part of the leader to make per¬ sonal sacrifices ftw the good of the oratnteatlon. even to the point of sharing pohllcliy with the organlxatlon.
New Bronx Theater Cost fl.OOOJXX) and la One of Finest in Neighborhood Group
New York, April 15 --B. F. Keith's Fordbam Theater, at Fordhara road and Valentine nveBoa. the Bronx, was formally opened laat night. The tnangural of the new millloe dollar neigh¬ borhood theater waa attended by Broni Bora nfflcials and the chief executives of th# Keith Circuit. It 11 a two-floor stmetnre bollt so the most modem lines, and baa a aeatlBg capacity of 2,500.
The policy will he alx acta of vandevllle with a first run pbotodrama, with tha programa changed hl-weekly. The opening MR included Harry Howard's Animal Opectaels. Fred Miller and Bert Capman, Paol Decker and Company, Pressler and Klalsa, Clayton and Edwards and Harry Carroll and Oompaay.
Reattle, April 16 --Rainier Nohle Post, Feattie, this week passed a resolution condemning Jack Dempsey, world's rhamploo heavyweight as a person nnflt to hold honorary membetsbip In the American I-eginn. Press dlapatchea stated that Dempsey waa thus honored by a Wlacoasln post of the legion. Members attending a local theater where Dempaey was appearing in a vaudeville turn were asked not to appland
Matter Bobby Connelly and Baby Dot WUlent. Juvenile ph-lnre alars. htva gone llitn vaudeville and broke In their comedy playlet, "Man and Wife," at the Capitol Theatar, Hartford, Conn., where they received a Mg reception.
Cbii-ago, April 1.1.--Harry Holman, vaude¬ ville headliner, has turned over one of bla new acta to Evelyn Watson and la rebcaralng the act himself.

New York, April l-l.--Edward Lnek htg ac(jnlred the producing rights to Marty Brooks' "Betty Behave" act. and has placed It In re¬ hearsal with Ylola Cooke (Mrs. Lack) la the featured role. Others ia the cast are: "Eroi," Pan! Daveaport, Betty Barrows, Floren e Boberta. Ireae Newtoa, Kvetyn Dowalog sad LOIIaa Bswltt

Basil Dean has loft for Algiers to get loeal color for bis prodnetion next fall of Elroy Flerker'a spectacular drama, "llassan," taking with him G. W. Ilarrla. the Reandeao scenic designer.


Animated reading nwma provincial clubs of high news films are screened show the Patbe Gazette

for clubs are the latest novelty. A number, of iKmdon and degree now have their own kinema Installations where daily. A well known country cinb has arranged to and the innovatioa la apreadlng. At pressat tha Mea

(Continoed oo page IM)

.New York. April 18.--Lethea Qraot. wife of Rert Gran*, song writer, riled Sunday from an overdose of sleeping powi'ers. Mrs. Grant had lieen aulTering from Inaoninia and took powders to relieve It. Tha coroner's verdict was ac¬ cidental polaoning.
Mrs. Oraat waa tho widow of tbo Mta Jnnia McOee.

APRIL 23, 1921

iunimef season of film feiitures will begin. AI srd Nan DilMniif, presenting their tui:eful
oddity entitled "Harmony Avenue," are "doing time" cn the Amalgamated Circuit with Foil to follow.
Charles C.ilroy. of Gilroy, Dolan and Corrlell, was luTering fr>m an Infection of the leg and bad to undergo an op«'ratlon. He is sod hopes to 1)C working soon.
Ned Hastings, the popular manager of Keith's ThMter, Cincinnati, is a very ronsiderate man. He haa bad a score board installed bark siagn On which the baselrall results are recorded eatb inning.
Joan Gibson had to be carried from the stage tt Wamaw, Mich., and nishod to a hoepital,
where it was found she was suffering from appendicitis. She is out of the hospital now and la reported In excellent condltlen.
PrlD.-eas Wab-Let-Ka, who does a mlndtcadlng act, after finishing the Keith Time at Halifax, N. 8., Jumped to Hartford. Conn., and la playing week stands on the I oil Circuit. Early In June fhe la scheduled to sail for England.
Martin Dunn, band and orchestra leader of Waihiogten, D. C., haa written EUia Doyle Smith, music publisher. 59 East Van Bnren street. Chicago, that be Is playing six to eight encores of "In Candy Land With You."
New York, .April 17.--The setato Senate yeattrdiy pasted a law compelling all persona deal¬ ing In theater tirketa to take out licenses. These still coat $100 per year and may be resoked by the Commlicioner of Licenses when public tn> terests so demand. The purpose of the bill is to curb tpecuIatl(>o in theater tickets.

nj^  m IWI

Made by HERKERT & MEISEL of St. Loull.
Can notv be bought in /\eic York City

III Prices Reduced, $55 Up



Utcd Trunks and shopworn samples of all standard makes always on hand. Hartman, Indestructo, Briber, Oshkosh. Taylor, Murphy, Neverbreak, Bal, etc.


fSE "r.l,r

531 Seventh Avenue, NEW YORK CITY.

Phono Greeley 0620.

Between SOth and 39th Streets.

Dealers and Performers, get this great Song,
When Sundays Are Blue


4445 N. Drake Ave., Chicago,

nere'f the WslU Ballad of tender appeal tbit will win you great applause.

Where There Is Mother It's Home, Sweet Home



Published by WORLD MUSIC PUB. CORP., 250 West 46th Strset, New York City

Sensational Broadway Song Hit. Lyric by DICK SANFORD. Music by T. F. CORNELL.

Otcbeatratlons and profaulonals ate ready.






 Continued from p.igc >)
more than $1,000.CH) in t!ip Orplieuin Circuit. Ine. He figured the amount of liann that would be worked to the plaintiffs by the gift as slight¬ ly less than two cents.
He stated that Mountford had brought suit for the sol" purpo^^ of harassing the defendant corporations and that Conley was merely his tool in aiding him to accomplish this purpose, lie said that Mountford wis a self-confessed destructionlst.
.\fter listening to the former justice's argu¬ ment why injunction should not be granted Justice Delehnnty reserved decision, denying the attorney for the plaintiffs the right of rebuttal argument.
Jfoticn for injunction was denied on Saturday of last week.
Harry Mountford, when seen at the office of
the American Artistes' Federation, of which be Is executive secretary, said; "This is only preliminary. It was an application for a pre¬ liminary injunction, and It Is but the first step.
"The actors must remember that an applica¬ tion for an injunction is but the first step towards a trial,, and if Messrs. Hess & Kahn, my attorneys, decide to try this in open court, or if they decide to appeal it, or if they decide to transfer the case to the Federal Courts, one of the many avenues which are open to them, I can promise the readers of The Billboard some ex traordinary disclosures.
"Up to the present this action has achieved all I set out tu obtain. It has driven the fierce light of publicity on this affair and has given us much ground work ard ammunition for fur¬ ther battle.
"The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. And In spite of thonsards of dollars spent In advertising and of letters written by foolish actors to obtain the last three days of next week, the cam¬ paign will go on.
"It Is very gratifying and It would sur¬ prise some actors if they could see the hundreds of letters In my mall, applauding and en¬ couraging me in the position I have taken in this crasade."


Port Hotoo, Mich., April 18.--W. S. Butter¬ field bat just completed an loai>ectlon of bU two Port Huron bouses, the Family and Majestic thratera, and announcea that during the aummrt the hfijeatlc trill be remodeled at a coat of

SE-kTINO 400. FOB RENT. Beautifully located on Peoria Lake and In a live park. Addieaa ARTHUR R. WILBER. Mar. AI Fretea Park, Bex 263, Peeria, ML_
nui oor.slder propealtlon fium party who will furnith outfit on percecuge basis with carnival or slmUar atttactiim. Want bright yoong Lady Assistant; prefer ana with dramatic experience. Address Care billboa.-d. New Yerk.

A twenfy-peorle Musical Show. Managers with ro-'d tummer stock locations let me beer from you. "Our reference is our route." This week: Park Theatre, Htnnibal. 3lo. (return engagement).


Wants Pianist. B. F. S. and D. Tomlc. Sibnt .kct, Sketch Team. Vieful Tent Show Performers write. £.1 Ackvr. write or a:ain. Wrote you W Montgomery, Ale. Letter returned. Everybody change for

week. Pay own Suit sjUiy.

FRANK X. LEONARD, Burkeville. Va.

MffiiriANR-AlI inarrumrnts. PERFORMFR!*--

Tvtma and .Singles carabl* ot working to white peo-

rU We fut'iUh slatvrocini aociimiuoilttlcni, pay sal¬

aries every Wel'osJay. I.i-nc a, asiiu. r,.»'il tveafinent.

Write or wire H L. BENSON. J. F. Murplty Stiowk,

Clurlottrsville, Va . we,k April IS; Staunt'm. Va..

Week April 25 Following pi nple wr'le Tom Scott

and wife, winie lloilsnn. MatiLa Wiluams and all

Poeple with fne befote.


HELP WANTED- Muitclane wanted at once, A-I .alntt; ai.-ht reailer. Play Concert
' Mutt he prppy. Alto topnotrbcT Saxoplfc'ne, eCUniiet. Sln;rr prr'etied. AH I'liniMs. Sas.itt, aiui I'larinrtitta write or wire. Salary retu-
Slitr all In fiist. GAVITTY DANA OIICUESMidlaon. S D.

JJrity wilti amg Ten rvnta per copy, poalp ar»p prnfesalonal copies. Ftes orrhrttratl^s on ijpeit only. SENNIE. 322 West 20th Street. New Ysrk City. N

A oompifte Drimatle Tent Rhow, HvludHiw. 40x100 ft. This Is nimplrti- sn.l
r'^ijouAJO* To^a`*wril'worih'ilie' nionirj

$40,000. 'The gallery will bo eliminated, the luivony remodeled and a largo projection booth will be Inetallod. The ooating capacity will bo Incroaaod to 1,250.
, Faye Brand, well known as a concert pianiAt and a former Cincinnati ColUgo of Music student, haa returned to Toledo, O., to spend the summer with her family after a most successful concert tour thru the South and Weat, where it is said ehe haa I'een acclaimed an artiste of high attainments.
_ New Orlears, Apill 11.--The first portable iiioing picture tbealer In the btate has bem installed by I'oitite Coupe© parish and baa begun its tour of the country. The first pub¬ lic performance was gDan \VTil s in New B'>Bd*. and others will W- nnide in school houses uuil churches no matter bow tiir ri-mi.\id from a railroad or electrlcll.v. Ibe "tin Iiasie'' Ihst carries the the.-,ter also runs it, lor a pi>rtable generator is altacheil to the ear's englue Ic pnitid© the current. The parish of Fointa

wlih the moving picture outfit for educational work.
The use of motion picture machines for visual instruction in rural schools will soon be wide¬ spread turnout the State. Tbo Extension Department of the Louisiana State University is
.p, eo-operating with the vsiioua school boards. «|cirjrv eFRinil<%LV II I CHAPLINS KID SERIOUSLY ILL
York, April 17.--Jackie Coogan, the famous "kid" In the Chaplin photoplay of that Qanie, is dangerously ill with acute bronchitis at the Hotel Biltmore here. Pbjrsleiana in at-

The ^condition of Jackie Coogan, alx-year-old ecroen star, la reported as somewhat improved. Dr. Jeffe Ueiman, attending physician, has issued the following bulletin:

"While hia temperature is not yet normal


crisis is not passed the little fellow la

making a game fight and the chancea arc fair

for recovery


Cleveland, O., April 14.--With a haul from the Hanna Tlieater of move than $2,000, and close to 1^7. iXf. more from tlie CarlU'n `Terrai-e Hestnurant, auto bandits made it known this week tiiat they are not timid about invading the Loiigaore S<j»are of Cleveland. The mid took place early Sunday morning after · record attendance at both establishments.

^JUj^vsic Company*
J32 · J SOUTH fiffOVW* lOS ANCaES.
at liberty---Lidv IManlst. Completing svason plxyins pictures ian.1 K.-Ilh vainlevllle. Mouse dosing. Large libiaiy. I'a!! handle or ^ruall orchestra. PIANIST. HI*· Central .Vv... St. I'l t-rshurg. na.
Fw Palmer's Uncle Tom's Company. Man for Tbm, to double QairU. Others write. WM. HEAP. Coboori. Ontart*.


T ti e Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921



Marjorie R. Davis, Former Member of "Maytime." Seeks Enlightenment on Present Stock Conditions
Marjorie R. Davis, industrial secretary of

the Y. W. C. A. of Hamiltuo, (O,) Branch,

Communications to Our Cincinnati OfTioes

was in Cincinnati one day last wi-ck in the interest of that organUatioo. and while in the

Concludes Run in New Orleans
Fear of Approaching Warm Weather and Threatened Street Car Trouble Given as Reasons

play. Henry Lon>dalP. as Pi< k Ileldar. played bis part with cleTerncas and later, after r<>ni pletely losinfr his eyesight, in the diirioiilt n>le of the Mind man he S' hie\ed .a marked cess. The role of Ollhert Torpenho^v. friend of Hiek Heldar, was adtnirnhiy played by Ver non Portes< iie, and hVederioW lo'Ss as the "NH jrhai" gave the part an interesting Imi'eraona tlon. The Are tear f^)rresT>ondents were Rert Randall, Hodgon Taylor, Hilliard Voa, Godfrey Ward and Edward Cooper. rer'.:T R r-tt. R.-sale Broke, Dorothy Beeves and Mllllcent Hallatt were exeellent.

on tour nnd In New York In support nf John Ilarrymore, Thomas Ross, Frank Bacon and .Amelia Bingham. In "The Masterpiece'' she will play the role of the young wife. Eleanor Rjan. another new member who has Joined the company, will play the trained nurse. J.nmcg p. 'Burtis has been added and Frances Rted and Edmund Roberts--old stock favorites who were added to the cast recently--have excellent roles.
"Tlie Ma'terplece" Is a comedy by Jfargot Case Hall, wife of John S. Hall, resident rep¬ resentative of the bhnbert interests. Several representatives of New York producers are ex¬ pected to attend the premiere, and It la more

eliy visited The Billboard ofllc# to actiuilnt her. self with present to<Ac conditions, Inilmatlrg with much force her fasclnatlun fw that liae of work, also expressing the |)oaslbllity of h.-r entering thst parth ular field as a future means of livelihood. Her present duties are that of educational worker among Indnstrlal gl-1s. and to point out to her sex the value of iir..-i Journey and sneees.sful living. Miss Darii. a charming girl with looks, mannerisms and pereonallfy, appeared last season with the Messrs. Shnherfa ".Msytlme," In which the made s most favorable Impression.

New Orleans, April 16.--With tonight's performanre, the eDgagement of the ishemian Stork Company, whieh has delighted many thoosands of New Orleans theatergoers, came to an end to the regret of the patrons and friends, both of the management and the in¬ dividual memheis of the company.
Robert Sbetman wan ably assisted in the Tentnre by Abe Cobn as business manager, who. thru hard work, brought the company up to itt high standard. Only the best of plays were presented, which were ably In¬ terpreted h.v the company.
Mr. Sherman left for Chicago April 12, on U bnsiness trip and It la expected that he will return the beginning of the coming week.
SBr. Cohn gives as a reason for the sudden closlne the fear of the approaching warm weather and the mnrh-ta1ked-of street ear ritnatton. which will come to a climax In a few weeks, resniting In a complete tie-up of traffic, which might be supplemented by a walk-ont at the power house, thereby shutting

than likely that follow lug its Im-al showing
Offer "The High Cost of Loving"--Late It will have a Broadway presentation. Broadway Releases in Preparation

·Akron, O., April 15.--"The High Cost of Txrving" la this week's offering of the Pauline Maci.ean Players at Arnsle Hall. Francis Saries is seen in the leading male role.
The three-act eomedv, "(Vme Ont of the Kitchen,'' proved snccessful last week. "Up

Elmira, N. T., April H.--<Bose Snowden, a colored woman, was given a verdict of |10R In city court hy Acting City Judge Joseph Lynch against Harold 0. Ilevia, former lessee


To Open in Albany, N. Y., April 13-- Cast Announced
Albany. N. Y., .April 14.--The Fassett Pity, ers win open a stock season at Harratnns Cleecker Hall. Monday, April 18. Malcolm Faisett it the leading man and Beth Merrill the leading woman. Other members of the com¬ pany are; Walter Connolly, who hat Jnst closed a long season with Margaret Anglin in "The Woman of Bronze;" Oertrnde Bartlett, of Helen Hayes company in "Babe." who will share Ingenus roles with Mildred Cheshire, and Julia Morton will do rharseter roles. Nedda TTsrrigan win have second leads. Earl Mitchell, of leo DItrichsteln's Company, will he stage di¬ rector. and Willlsra A. .Amsdell, who eordiictcd the Colonis! Players In Albany last sumnisr. will he stage manager.
The opening play srlll be ".Adam and Ere." a modem comedy by Coy Bolton and George Middleton. The play for the second week win he Bita Welmau's drama, "The AcquIttaL"

off current In all bouses. But he that as It may, the Sherman Stock
Company made a good Impression In this city,


and the amn«ement loving public will welcome t)oth Managers Sherman and Cohn with what¬ ever attraction they may have In the future, ae their names will he a guarantee of good¬ ness--and to the individual members of th'' company the same welcome will be extended.
The staff Included; Robert Sherman, lessee and manager; Abe Cohn, business manager; Oeo. A. Beane, stage director; Bruce L. Miller, stage manager; Jacques Freeman, musical di¬ rector: R. Deljipouade. scenle artist; Mortimer Johnson, master mechanic; Wm. T. Neel, elec¬ trician technician; Jake Bhtel. master of pri>-i. ertles; Albert Meyers, agent. Members of the acting cast were: Tva Shepard, Robert L. Keith. P. D. Rarhat, Rose Morris. Bnice L. tMllIer, Vincent J. Dennis, Helena Shipman, louls Tji Valle, Jessie Stewart, Chas. Coons, Arthur 01ml and James Nelson.
·"nie Olrl Without a Chance," a stirring

Seattle, April 18.--The lease on the Wilkes Theater. Westlake avenue aud Pine street, ex¬ pires June 1 and a new Wilkes Theater will he built for the Wilkes Players this year. The Greater Theaters Corporation (Jensen A Von TIerherg) has secured a long-time lease on the property, the deal Involving something over $100,000. About S.'iO.OOO will be spent in remodeling and refumisbings. A WurlltrerTlope Jones organ will be installed. Jenvn A Von Hetherg, at the beginning of their nieteortc career. Iea*ed this boa«e In 1912 and operated It as their first hie photoplay theater in Seattle, then one of the flne't in the country. It wts then known as the Alhambra and eontinned under that name with one season of Orpheum vaudeville, after the Jensen A Von Herberg lease expired. The Wilkes Is a Class A fireproof, concrete struc¬

melod'ama of the white slave traffic, this

ture, and was built In 1909 by George McLaren.

week's offering of the Sherman Stock Company, was an tnstantaneoas hit, and the applause


of the andlenee often Interfered with the work

of the comnsny. Helena Shipman, as Mag. and

Chicago, April 14.--Sherman Kelly, of the

'tohert Kei'h as the protector of the poor

ftherman Kelly Players, hat mailed The BlH-

working girl, won much applause. Iva Shep¬

l.nsrd a card describing his prtigrtm for the

ard made the mo«t of her part, as also Rose Morris, .Arthur Oiral. Vincent J. Dennis, Charles Coons and James Nelson.
Manager Cohn says Mr. Sherman will take out a tent show this summer, starting from Chicago. Miss Shepard will leave Immediate¬ ly for her home In New Yortc.

Miss Shepard hat been leading lady with the Shertnan Slock Compai.y at the St. ChatVs Tlaatcr, New
Orleans. Her ii.Ieii.iid acting and engaging perjuiiality lias made her a general favurlle. and the
preM of New Orleans has be<n generous In Its praise of this capable actress. Speaking of Iwr work In ` Within the Law" The 8tat<-a says; "Miss Shepard came Into her own in Hie pait of Mary Turner. Uie
heroine of the play. She pioved up as a capahle actresa. playing tlie dlfflcult role with ease and In¬ terpreting ita varied shades ot feeling with the authority thst comes of ripe rxperlunce in such jiarta.*' Of "Usddy Long-Legs" tl.a reviewer said: "Iva Stn-psrd brouglit added praise to lier capable self by Iwr admirable charicurlratlon of Judy, undoubtedly one of the most diffb-ult rolea slie liai played." Uer acting In "Farlor, Bedroom and Bath" and other plays also was buhly praised.

reason. The playera are headed by Mr. Kelly and Marjorie Garrett, supported hy  company of sixteen. The plays to be given are "When Dre.vms Come True," "T'slr of Queens." "Dad¬ dy I/Mig Legs." "Toll Gate Inn." ".Along Came Ruth." "Keep Her Smiling*' and "Divorce a s Carte." The vandevllle speeisitles Include the Burtons. Marjorie and Harry; the Afalds of


the Beau .Monde, four of them. 1n r1ss«le in Mabel's Boom," and i-everal other recent and manager of the Mozart Theater here, on dances, and the Temples, Dee* and Raymond

Finishes Twenty Weeks Ohio

in Zanesville,

®rc«adway luccesaea, the Lilley obtained while in are now In rehearsal.

right of which Mr. New lortt recently,

her allegation that the theater manager refused to aell her teats in the orchestra circle downstairs.

The Cnlverssl stndios of (Tiieagu hnllt the scener.T. WI«coiisln, Minnesota, South Dakota. Iowa and Illinois Time wilt he played This

Zanesville. 0., April 14.--The Jack Ball Stock Comiiany, which has been active at the Weller Theater here for twenty weeka. will open at the Herald Square Theater, Stenbenvllle, O., Monday night, April 18, for a abort run. Tlie pla.vers start their regular summer season at the Victory Theater, Wheeling, W. Va., immediately thereafter. The cast will he headed hy Miss Ijcslie Rice and Geo. Whit¬ aker, leads; Percy Kilbride, comedian; Eve Surgent, se<-ond woman; Mae Gennette, char¬ acters; Clhas. Green, stage manager; Geo. Bel¬ los, Bceoic artist, and Louis I^ytton, director.

To Have Premiere by Prospect Playera --Cast To Be Augmented
"The Masterpiece" is to be given Its first presentation on any stage at the I'r<>tp<-rt Theater, Cleveland, O., beginning Monday night, April 18, with an augmented cast. One of the members is l>entu rulwell, daughter of George rulwell. manager of the Colonial Hotel, who is well known to Clevelanders. In past seasons Mist Uulwell has appeared in Cleve¬ land In various stock offerings. She has been

Ruth Renich, ingenue at the Wilkes Theater, Seattle, for several season, and a former news writer on s Scsttie dalty paper. Is appesrlng this week at a Seattle photoplay honse in a S'-reen version of .Augustus Thomas* play, "nie Witching Hour."
The American Pity Company, Inc., of New York, has Just released "The Aeqnittal," a gripping mystery drama hy Bita Welman, for atock use In all territory.

organization will tour tinder the msnsgement of Burdick and Ijirsen Productions. Chicago.
In "A Voice in the Dark"--Buainea* Continues About the Same

MHwrankee, Wla.. April

"A A'oice In the

Dsrk." by Ralph Dyar. is thiv week's offering

at Manager NIggemeyer's Milwaukee street

playhouse. Tt Is a mystery drams and 1" ·

trifle eompliestcd. Tt requires ten a-ene» to

unfold the plot, and Director O'Shea snd the

·tage crew deserve credit for a series of light¬

English Playerc Close in Toronto
Toronto, April 14.--The fifth and last week of the English Players started at the Grand Opera House here Monday night. In a virM portrayal of Sir Johnstone Forbes-Robert son'a famous drama, "The Light That Failed." The English Players sboired their ability to inter¬ pret the strong rharartera which appear In the


For All Classes of Attractions: Dramatic, Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Uncia Tom Carried in Stock Ready for Immediata Shipmen .


Cetaloaue and Data Books

Froo of Chare#


ning changes--changes that arc really quite
remarkable for stock. None of the parts requires much effort to
play and none of the plsvers expended much. Fvther Evsns. as a qneniloiiv old deaf woman, was very good, and WIBiam Jiile, as the Mind
man, is also worthy of praise. Bnsineaa continues ahont the name. Next week. "The Olrl Id the Umoualae."--
n. (B.

APRIL 23, 1921


Sterno Stove
FOLDS UP FLAT AS A PANCAKE Send IIS "jOo for two of the larpe size Eronomy Cans Strmo Canned Heat, and wc will send you the stove fre<`. Any eookinp utensil can lie used with the new Sterno Stove. Handy in the dressinp room; use it to heat make-up. Just what you need for hot water, coffee, ejyrs, c hops, etc., at the hotel or on the train.

"Mldrbannel.** She bad also played the role oo the speaking stage.
After another brief visit to New York she was again summoned to the PaclOc Coast to play the role of Hannah in Thomas Wilkes* produrtion of St. John Irvine's notable play, "John Ferguson.'* Frank Keenan played the male lead In the piece, and the rompany enjoyed notable prosperity for six weeks, at the end of which period Mr. Wilkes sent her to Dearer to follow Miss Wooldridge.
Gregory Kelly Stock Company Opens in Indianapolis, Ind., April 11

STERNO CORPORATION, 9 East 37th Street, New York

Indianapolis, Ind., April 14.--The Gregory Kelly Stock Company opened Its summer sea¬ son here, Monday evening, April 11, at the



Wanted for Martins Ferry, O.

A Company of eight or ten people for the summer season of 1921. Com¬

pany must be of highest class, present only first-class royalty bills and

be highly recommended. Reply immediately, stating very best terms--

either salary or commission.


English Theater, with what Mr. Kelly claims a Broadway prodnctlon at one-third of the Broadway prices.
The company opened with that delightful and pleasing farce comedy, "Clarence," and from all points of view the audience that packed the theater proved to Mr. Kelly that its stamp of approval was Immediately placed npon him¬ self. his people and their work. That was the message In the applause that greeted Mr. Kelly, his wife and the other members of the com¬ pany In "Clarence.** "1 don't know what you people think about it out there," snld Mr. Kelly, In answer to the applause at the close of the third act, "but we hack here think this is the greatest event in history since the French revolution.**
That was all Gregory Kelly said to the big


To Cloie San Diego Activities April 23 --Strand Owners To Continue Stock Policy
Stn THrgo, Cal., April 14.--Virginia Brlsaac, who for the paat thrrr yrara and throe monthv



One or two bin* a week. Company fully organized, capable of producing the best. Addieas Al G. Doherty, Msr.

Suiquehanna, Pa.


lias hotdod her own company, the Brlvsac Play¬

er* at the Strand Theater, bring* her engage-

mfn* *0 a rlo«e on .April

John GrlfTlth Wray,

producer of Strand playa, now with the Ince

Strdio* In 1.0* .Angele* a* director, will alao eevar hl» eoiinectlon with the company at the ·line Mine, a* well a* Ijiwrence Marsh, manager of the Rrlsnac Player*.
Podge and Hayward, owner* of the Strand, announce that they will continue the ftock policy and will give the same rla»* of perforinancea aa have been given by the Prl*«ae Tlaveri.

Dramatic Stock. Open May 15. Report one week prior. Young, good looking

Heavy Man, tall Woman for Second Business and some Leads, General Busi¬

ness People. Photo and full particulars. City Stock. Long engagement to

right people. Address F. L. MADDOCKS, Majestic Theatre, Birmingham, Ala.



PcTlc. ill lines, for No. 2 Co. Top salirles. Permanent stock. Never close. Address C. 0. PERUCHI,

Gattonia. North Carolina.


>fi«« Brl**ae 1* going to Join her hu^and.

Mr Wray, In Idle Angele*. and take a tr.nch-

York, where ehe played In the original com¬

needed reat from the stage. The record set

panies of "The Woman In Boom 13** and

by Mia* Brl»«ae of three year* and three tnontha Tempest,

"Scandal.** She also played with Maxine ElUott

will undoubtedly *tand for a long time. Her ghe acori

In "Trimmed In Scarlet.'*

engagement opened here In Fehmarr, WIT


From New York she went to Loa Angelea to

do some work in pictures, acting the part of


Ethel in support of Clara Kimball Young in

audience as he stepped for a brief second out of the character of Clarence, the soldier hero beetle expert of Booth Tarkington's master comedy.
LMr. Kelly's company consists of Byron Beasly, Percy Helton, Willard Barton, Owen Meecb, Howard Hill, Harry Southern. Ruth Gordon, Tera Fuller Melllsh, .tngela Odgen, Beulah Bondy, Florence NBirphy, Elixabetb Black and Harry Wagstatf Glhhle.
Next week Maude Adams* great success, "Tbe I-lttle Minister,'* will he offered.
W P. Hickman, writing for The Indianapolis Time*, says: "Gregory Kelly la offering a gold mine of real entertainment for the money. It Is hard to see how he can do ranch from a <iuar» ter to a dollar for the best seats.**
Of Tablet Commemorating Famous Theater
New York, April 17.--The presence of men and women prominent in stage and civic life yester¬ day lent dignity to the dedication of the bronze ta'.det that Is to commemorate the site of the old John Street Theater, now 13 .lohn street. The theater was operated In Revolutionary Wat tln'e*. George Washington was among the

niiciro, April 14.--^Blo««oin Baird and Frank Rooney are back from the Metropolitan Thealer stock In St. Paul Stanley Prhe. old fhlcigo actor, ·* with the Vers Gordon act In the Palace Theater Ihla week.
Ethel Holhurn. of the Holhiirn-Davlet Corapany. 1* In rhlcago thia week. She aigned Rnh Burton and Marjorie Garrett for the sea¬ son.
Frank Peer*, once manager of the Whitney Opera Hon^e, and more recently manager of the New IVtrott Theater In the Michigan mefrop* olli. will have charge of the Evanston Musical Festival.
·R W Manrlce. manager of th* Li Fayette Family Theater, la Fayette, Tnd . !« organlrIng a atnek. with the ca«t being filled hr Ethel Bennett. Later In the aeavm the company will he taken to South Bend for a stock rnn.
George S. Rohhln* ha* Joined the Jack Bea*ey stock, in TVeatnr. HI. Afr. Bobbin* was featured and ro-«tarred In Fanny Vetter's "Show Me" rompany. In the Ea*t the past season.


notables of that day who attended performances there. Celebrities at yesterday's ceremony were John Drew. Guy Nichols, Elizabeth Marbury. Mrs. Ethel Watts. Munford Grant, R. H. Bernside. Albert rilman and Prof. George C. D. Odell of Coliimt-la University. The taMet will be on exhibition at the Players* Club until placed on the famous playhouse property.
James Tliatcher. general manager of the Poll Stock Companies, is engaging the cast for the Poll Players, which will open a sea¬ son of dramatic stock In May at the Palace Theater, Hartford, Conn. Stork has not been played In Hartford for two years.
Vaughan Glaser, old stock favorite, played on Important role in the revival of "Nick of the Woods" at the Taimh's gamhol. Glevelsnd. Sunday night, April 10.

Has Had Varied Stage Career
Denver, Col., April 14 --.4n almost uncaun.v rhain of rolDcidencra bolda together the leading women who come to the Wllkea Playrra at the Denham Theater. I.onlae Orth followed n<irrs Wonidtidge In the leading role of "The Wanderer" |q the Eaat, then the two met again in Denver recently, and now rnmea Eileen Iloliln-


Syracuse. N. Y., .\pril

--The Empire

Theater, where the Knickerbocker Plavers are

now playing an engagement of stock, will show

pictures <?undays. Howard Biimsey. manager

of the stock company, holds the lease on the



Evokes Much Laughter--Large Audi cnce Proves Steady Growth in Favor of Lyric Players

·Uh plrter, Mjwrienc, Oood aalary. Rua.Iy pe 14 Ifattwa BuildlV. Chleat*. mBTBT*MK.NT CO.

Grnulne ability, versatility and realism arr evliicnt In tlie characterizations of J. at preaeiit playtua character nilea with the I'aoiiiie MacLs'an Player*. Akruii, O. Mr. y an ripcdaity food Impreialon In the patta created bv 1 rank Bacon.

·Vllentown. Pa., April 14.--The Lyri- ?totk Company opened Monday night 'n "Here Omies the Bride" as Its third week's prodneiiim which proved a farce of the most s-dendid Imiehing .iii.anties. The audience was a large one. evidencing the steaov growth in favor of the I.yrlo Players and thdr excellent pre-enlations The audience was also again trcaterl to a splendid offering scenlcally, a feature ihet has marked the presentations since they have
(Contluued on page '.S)

APRIL 23, 1921

Putting Out Two Shows This Sessoi Big Show To "Make" Coast-- Opening Date April 28

Uootge EugoMcr. Kith a ctjupe of eighteen

IMM'ple, is now pieparing In SI. Peter, Minn.,

Communications to Our Cincinnati Offices

the details for bis biggest year on the road. Kbirh Mill eventually eairy hlin to the Paciflc Coast. Mr and Mrs. Engesser arrived In 8t.

Starts Movement To Organ!
Points Out Vital Need of Tent Show Managers' Protective Association --W ants Others' Opinions
A movement has been started by Ed Copeland,

the views of every man in this branch of the .Vdclaids Stevens, second woman; Charles Buni,


ron.cdian; fjarles McDon.iId, heavies; Gus

"If it 111 practical and can be arranged, why Ho-.vard. g"neril liu«in-ss, and a working crew

net arrange a meeting, say next January ^-r of two nieu. The conipany will play st<»ck com*

Fehniary In Chicago, or other central point inenclng lu June

where all the rjan.igera can meet, frst*rni'e and form an association for the muta.vl pro'.-c


lion and general wclfaie of this branch of ti.e slio-.v bosine^s?
"If this meets with your approval, write

Belle Barchus Players at Michigan Headquarters

a ·lj/.e»i or more letters at on<m. Let us sec if it IS a p< polar move at this time. Find out what your friends think about It. Express your views in the columns of The Billboard, where every man operating n dramatic tent show can read and express his own views. Let's get together."

The Belle Barchus Pl...vers have returned to their Miihigin heaili|ii.-irlcn< follonirg a busy winter in the S<-ut!i. The memigi-mcnt Is now making preparations for It* third season und> r canv.iK. Tlic eanvas Is a kh.iki trimmed In red, newly furnished by the D. M. Kerr Tent & .Vwnlng Company of Chle.igo, The personnel snd

Peter the early part of April from the "Twin

fllies," MDere they spent the winter months,

ami are now making preparations for the open¬

ing at Bine Earth, Minn.. April

I mo

shows will be put into the held this year by

Mr. Engesser He will personally manage the

big road slioM', while bis brother. Albert

Engesser, will manage a truek show which

will make the smnller towns. Both Imnpee will

carry their own tent and other necessary para

pbcrnalia. The big show will tour Sonthera

.Miinesota, Iowa, Netirasks, .`®i>uth and North

Hakuta, Montana, Ttyoming, Washington, Ore¬

gon and California. This will be their longest

trip, and It is eiiwcted to cover a perif>d of niiie

months The itinerary of the smaller outflt

bus not been determined as yet, but it expects

to take the road about May 1, traveling by

of Copeland Bros.' Stuck Company, toward the organUathm of a tent "Hep.'* protective managera* asno< iation. Mr. Copeland bis appealed

LAUDS JACK BCSSEY CO, Big Demand for Reservations, Says

equipment will be moved by motor.

moior truck. The St. IVter map has Invested a large sum
of money in hla builnets the past season. He

to aeveral of bla acquaintauees in the tent *'Kep." business in this behalf. At his re<Jue^t and for the !l·nefif of those whose at¬ tention has n-if lieen called to thit matter, we

House Manager
__ The Billboard is in receipt of a iaodatory letter from Manager Wm. Dufficld, of the Prln-

. ^


An appeal has been received by The Billboard

from Isaac Wuldrip, asking aid in Iw-ating

hi* brother, Tom D. Waldrip, who was last

hat parrb.ased an (*>,h00 Pullman rompartroent car `0 cairy hit troupe, which. Incidentally, Is the largest be haa ever carried- In addition to his regnlar cast of irerformera, he will carry

quote hla letter;

a lil-piece band. lie will irresent "Let Ole Do

"Haa it ever <s-curred to you that nearly every branch of show biisiness as well as every other Imtiness that ii carried on successfully in the I'nlted States except the dramatic tent show, has an assts-ialion for self ·protection and mutual understanding?
"Yon may |s* a member of 'CDMA' or 'Equity* or like oigaiiirstlons and no doubt see where you derive aome lienefits from such memliersbip, for they arc all good, but you cannot expect ·be benefits from them that you would receive from an asso-lation made up entirely of dra¬ matic tent show managers.
"The dramatic lent show bss become a real factor In the Hmuscmcct field. We. who have spent a great part of our lives with the 'Rep.* under canvas, have seen the business grow from a few scattered tents in different sections of


It," which was written and staged by be and his wife Tbia is the first season In five years that he baa carried bla original phy. '.le hat already made arrangements for his stops in Minnesota and Iowa thru his advance man, Frank M- a well-known publicity di¬ rector from Gtlveaton. Tei. Mr. Swan was formerly with the Gentry Bros.* Circus In s similar capacity.
Mr. Engesser has had much sneresv lu the show businrsa. He first became Interested In vaudeville as a piano player some thirteen years ago. He and bit wife eondneted their first show, "Let Ole Do It," eleven years ago. and have progressed rapidly since. Their project involves large investments and Is yielding similar retomt.

the country to hundreds of beautiful outfits operated in every se< tion of the Cnited State*.


* Bo great has this branch of theatricnls be¬

come that every otlier branch of amusements feela oiir weight and the week stand 'Hep.* show under canvas is the biggest opposition the picture show, the carnival or simiUr amuse, roents have.
"At the present time powerful financial as we.n as political Influence is being bronght to bear In the legislatures of numerous Btafes to enact prohibitive tax laws to keep the dra¬ matic tent out
"Who do you suppose Is behind such iegialatlon?
"You may be prepared to meet and combat the evangelist who starts bis union meeting the Sunday before you open, or the motion pic¬ ture man who rents all the available lots, sees

The Wallace Bruce Players are back in Kiosas, having emerged from a several weeka* tour of Texas and Oklahoma. The company, a strong Equity nrganUatloo, is under the direction of Eugene Phelps, and includes: Beatrice Chap¬ man. U-adt; Bobby Bruce, ingenue; Ethel Regan, characters; Vivian Flske, piano; Clyde Davi*. leads; Wallace Bruce, comedian; Eugene Piielps, cli:ir.icter* anj heavies; R. K. Brewer, ger.eril litis'ness and heavies, and Dale Cozad. general business. The company, wh'ch is said to he lionked solid for ths summer, is offering s repertoire of bigh-clis* plays, well staged, with vaudeville specialtiea between the acta R. R. Brewer is Equity deputy.

to It that the fire limits are extended out into the country or such local opposition, but are you


prepared, single handed, to fight an organ:xatioD that is barked by millions, whose set porpose la to sweep alt opjiositioc from its

Given Child Actreaa in Akron (0.) Dailies

path, which is spending thousands in lobbying in the ca:>ital -rf every State in tlie union to frame laws that will ultimately pnt the dr;w matio tent slmw out of business? I don't believe you are. I KNOW we are not.
"There are hundreds of men with thousunds of dollars invested offering employment to hun drrds of people engaged in the tent `re;i.*
"Equity brought about a better undeistaiidir.g betweej tuc manager and the performer. COMA had your parking charges out if you are a car owner, but has any one tried to find out why you had to set your tent six blocks from the

Mis* namkltton, in prlvite life .Mr*. 3. S. Krltehfli-ia, Is lesdlue ladj with llie J. s KritehflrlJ Dra¬ matic Co., now playing m tlw Bouth. Slw i* an arc.,tiiriis1i<a a< tress and quite i^qiular.

No little publicity was given in tlie .Akron, O., dailies, heralding the coming of Baby Myrtle t>clma. five year-old <laugbler of M'. and Mr*Walter Grell, as the heidllne act on the bill Jt tlie Colonial Theater week of April II. This liltle recruit frem the rri'ertoire ranks IS a big hit in vaudeville, offering talk song* III. I "Dolly Dumplin." na she Is affectionately known, is billed a* "The Little Rut,away." and haa appeared in the t^ig cltie* of the East, where she haa been aoeorded no end of praise.

square in the town where the Chautauqua set Us tent On the Court House lawn and the car¬ nival erected a tent on ever.v business corner in town? Did ni>y one try to find out why you paid more State, county and city tax for the privilege of showing u week than the picture or vaudeville theater paid for » year? No! No one tried, for no one was Interested, or had time, or can-d Do you know w-by'; ITS ItECAfSE Y«U AI:E NOT OKGAM/.ED.
"The tent dramatic siiowman sliould be n'p resented He suould sr-p to it tliat he is granted every eonecssh'n tliat other branches of business receive. He sliuiild have a man on the spot in the IDate capital to offer bis side of the argnment wlien bills are framed to put him out of business. He should have legal representation to adjust irregularities and stop shake downs. There should be hu caiergcncy fund, tlierrsbotild be an annual meeting, tl>ere should be a set of rules and regulations and an obligation that would bind the members together ulrli

cess Iheater, Canton. HI., dated April 4. mying in part: "The Jack Bessey Company is one of the Uggest tlrawing cards of the season here. The telepnone rings constantly in request for reservations for Sunday and other performances tbruout the week. Even at this early date the demand is so great that it ie quires someone in the box-office from early morning until quite late at night nn-iw-n i.iz ctlla.*'
T'.ie Jack Bessey Company was to Lave opent-d at the Princess Tbestcr, Sunday, April 17.
Latter To Organize Own Show in Canada Some Time in May
Phil York, agent of the National Stock Company, is authority for the infoimalion Mi. .Yntonino and Joseph YVrigUt hare disaolvpd purtnsmbip. Mr. Antonino, aceoiding to Mr.

heard ftoir. while touring the Wt Emma Warren Dramatic Company, drip's addres* ii CrawfordsvUle, of the Police Department,
Harry V. Winslow wishes to inform Blllltoiird lealers tliut the statement wl'ich ajipearcd in till- .Aoril !) issue that his wife, Kitty KIrX was a memb) r of the N'irtli Bum * Stock Com pany of ^iringficld, t»., was not correct. Mr. Winslow tells us that liis wife lias not lieen with that oiganiz.atioq, in fart is confined iit prvsent in the .American Hoiipital, fbioago, where an operation was performed on her for apiieudlcllls April
Frank n Thompson's No, 1 Sliow ofiened un

Doc M. L. Raker offers a word of praise in liehalf of the Jack King Comedians, which l>a ran across in Bessemer City, N. C., the early part of .April. "King has one of the cleaneat tent shows I have ever had the pleasn'C ol seeing, and tliat city will always welcome him back with open arms,** writea the well-known show mar.
A postcard tells of the sun'ess of the Mason StM'k Company, and the strength of Mabel Ma sou's (Mipu'arlty with her singing and dancing specialties. She is assisted hy Anna Canova at the piano. Tommie (Hats) Redway. in char¬ acter fonicdy. is also one of the powers of the Mxson Company.

fraternal tie*, so that tliey would 'slick' to the ^ ork. will leave for t'.ii.ada In M.ay to organize der cai.vas at Bellaville, Wi»., .April 1(1. The

finish when a orotner manager met with a bis own show. The rosier of the .Nstloiial Stock No. 2 Compaay, with I.Ma A. ThompNon. will Bert I (iagiivn. manager of the Gagnon-


Coiiipaiij, wliKb opened at Fli-iutiigton, N. Y., open May 1 -it Ylaiden Rock. Wls., while the Pollock f*to<k Company, is in Chicago, after s

*'If this suggestkm appeals to you take np April I, includes; Joc YVright, owner and mai.a- .N'o. 3 show, with Ww. Tlioinpson in clisrge, winter run in Key West, Fla. Mr. Gagnon

tbe matter with the tent managers in your ger; Edmund Condon and Charlotte Moe, leads; will op<n at or near Victory, Wla., almut May will open with two tent abows in Wisconsin

sectioD and of your acquaintance. Let's get Al DuPont, characters; Betty .Mcltaa, soubrat; 5

snd Michigan.

APRIL 23. 1921

Is Another Strong Advocate for Mana* gets* Protective Organization



IVople in all lines, incluiling small child. Director with some script. Preference for Specialties and those that can be useful in Band. Pianist

Leading Man and Family Narrowly Escape Death in Hotel Fire

L. II. Gerrard, manaser of the Gcrrarl Com¬ edy Players, has recently piirrhaned a home at New Port Ulchey, Fla., considered one of the most beantiful spots in the "Flower" State. Mr. Gerrard, in his letter from Tamna, ofTers some Interestlnjc detslls of bis winter hiberna¬ tion in that city and delichts in describinz his farcinstlOD for the tisbing sports. lie was especially pleased with Ijiwrence RiiSKelFs rtirle lo the t*rtloz Speclul, entitled "The Tented Dr.ima "
"Wh'le It ii a very short article, be baa It all summcil up In a nut shell In regard to the tent show ninnagers orennizinK," writes Mr. Cifrrsrd. "Why can't It lie done? It can. It must, for our own protection and for the protection of the actor. 1 he tent show to,lny employ* more actor* than all other theatrirals ron-blned, I said aetora--not motion picture players .tnd do the manacer* tiy and work in harmony with each other? No! They are forever try ng to cut one another's throat; lome of them actually boosting licenses in good towns in hopes of keeping other shows out. That la

to double Band and Musicians for Band and Orchestra. Salary sure and must be .roa.sonable. Address C. R. RENO, Room 736, 1402 Broadway, New York City.

Must either double Orche.stra or Specialties. Also real Ingenue, some Leads and Specialties. Can use a

rrackerjack Specialty Team that doubles Parts. Can place Versatile Rep. People always. Wire; don't

write. State kiweit. Pay yours, I pay mine.

JACK KING. Lincointon. North Carolina.


The Martin Sisters' Company opened the tent season at Jayton. Te.v., the second week in March to very good business in spite of the low price of cotton and bad weather, according to Mana¬ ger Gabe Garrett. Spur, Crosbyton and Lub¬ bock, all Texas, followed with very good busl ness. "The outlook for the cotton country so far seems to be very slim compared with what
It was a year ago," says Mr. Garrett. "Busi¬
ness in the Southwest since Christmas has been
light as a whole and only the compact organiza¬
tions seem to have been getting by. Close or¬ ganization and light overhead aliould be the watchword for this season.''
While playing Clinton. Ok., recently, Johnnie Sullivan, leading man, and wife and baby natrowly escaped death when the Hotel Grace waa burned to the ground. Fire broke out in the lower part of the house at 4 a.m., and the guests were all awakened by smoke and rushed from tbelr rooms to find the fire escapes locked. Those who were fortunate enough to escape climbed out windows end were helped to the ground. Mr. STuIlivan lost nearly all of his personal

Bot good business, and It Is playing rlg'at in

the hands of the town opposition. Wbat wo


want is an organization of managera that wui WANTS

tiMrsK-a* rsAiuvrikc:



IMMEDIATELY--General Business Man and Woman

belongings. The ladles of the company began work at once making wearing apparel for little Jimmie, the mascot of the show.

work In harmony, protect themselves against Anything east. Comedian and Min for Juvenile and Heavies. All must do good Specialties. State all in

high license, unreliable performers, slow mil- first, aamlng lowest salary. Long pleasant season to good people. Wire or write.

rotd t.-an«r>orfalloii and a hiirdn-d otlier Impost.

GERRARD, Otleiby, Texas.



Reports have it that business with the Belgarde Stock Company, now In its second week

ur recent ad.. It being impossible to reply to all per- R* 1^6 Richerson Theater, Oswego, N. Y., Is

as we will be In need of new people about June L good. Goodwin and Goodwin, versatile sing¬

ing and dancirg team, who have been with the


attraction since Cbristmas, are being warmly received at every performance. J. B. Hurd Is


company manager.

Bepertolre People with Specialties. Bed Lot Spodalty Team, diange for week; play St



To Open May 12--Much Activity Around Winter Quarters

Plated en the walle and scenery In many ef the old opera honses thmont the Mid-Western States ma.r atill be found cuts, programs and llthos of the "rep." shows that were popular two or three decades ago; time-dimmed mementos of plays and players that are swiftly ·Upplof thm the flngere of time into the atadow of yesler years.
The Peyton Comedy company with Corse Pey¬ ton; the Rpooners, with Ed and Allle; the Sharpley Theater Company, with Ada Lawrence; the
Morey Stock Com"any, with Lni (ompt and Fiesher, the Ferris ( Dick Ferris and Grace Hayward reft Cor-pany, with Juno Barr* Henderson; the Lyceum Theater Ella Grosjean; the Curtin Coi

Plano Player doubling Tuba, Trombone or Baiitonei Heavy Woman. Agent. Wire Baton Rouge thia week, OUier I'setul People wrtta.
People for Rep. Week stand. Cndee eaiivas. Rehearsals May 2. Plano Player, double Band Director; Cen. Bus. .Mm, Novelty .lets or Strong Spx-laltles. People that double Band. Musicians write. One Canvas and Seat Man. Take full charge of outfit. Tell all in first. Name lowest salary. Pay your own.
BOX 97. Columbia City. Indiana.

ticket If I don't know yon.

J. DOUG MORGAN, Texarkana, Arkansas,

WANTED AT ONCE--Juvenile Leading Man
with Specialties, also good General Business Man with Specialties. Both must have wardrobe on and off. Can place llMcialty Team to double Small Parts. Wire; don't write. Must loin at once. Address
ONA DEMOREST, Greer, 8. C.


for Second Comedy

There Is m time for idle gossiping around the winter qnarters of the McCord Players In Belvldere. Neb., for everyone is busy getting things In sb.ape for the season's opening on May 13. There, loo, is the boss. Fred McCord (and yon can't tell him from any of the rest) in workman's attire i>alnt!ng or doing ether odd Jobs. Mr. McCord .a not sparing any ex¬ pense in seonring the best in every department. He has all his people engaged, all of whom have been identified with recognized stock uttnartions. It is said The plays are all late sueeesses and royalty bills, with complete scenic productions. Mr. McCord Is reported to
have remarked that be rereived more answers
frim his last ad in The Billboard than be has frem any one ad in bis twenty-seven years In the show business.
Freddie Lytell, late of the Peagin Stock Company, passed thru Cincinnati. April 17, eo rente to Join the Johnny J. WIlUamB Show at Columbus, Ga.


Dramatic Actress Goes East


Owing to disappointment want Woman for Tepsy, Child or Small Woman for Eva, Man for Tom, Marks, cornet and Baritone. Show open. llrM week tn May under c.nv,,.^ "oUNT. M.ddl.towa, Ohio.
Corcfiiiin for Topsy, Useful People in all lines. Versatile Med. People write. I pay alL Lire on lot. S>tate lowest qulok. Long- sea-so- n low, sure falarles, THOS, L. FINN, Heosick Falll, N. V*

An unfamiliar face showed np in The Billboard office on Thursday of last week. In the yterson of .Anna Hills, her first visit to the home office. Miss Hills is the wife of Mr. Stoddard. TRiideartlst, and who api.e.tred at the Palace 'Theater, Cincinnati, last wyek. She played all last summer with Edward Namby's dramatic sketch, "Camouflage," at Luna Park. New York. A delve Into her past activities disclosed her as a dramatic actress of emotional qualiflcatlons and capable of doing apeclsltles. Miss Hill told The Billboard that she would leave Cincinnati
(Continued on page 19)



BILLY TERRELL'S COMEDIANS Plino Plaver. two G.iictal Itusiness .V-tors, double Band ingenue Women with Specialty. Other useful

Pi>oplo. Wrtk slant! tci.t sltow. .ttldrcss

L. HERBERT KIDD, Trey, Tenn.

General Business People with Specialties. Musicians

Eddie and Alice Loop, for Tab

for Orchestrs. Hlgh-clsss Tent Attraction. Can use a real Advsnee Agent Must have wardrobe and be able to act State lowest salirv. It Is sure every wrek.

Wife, Chorus. Myself. I lt-f or iH'St salat y. KobAiilc nuiu ers

fund Comedy Spuijlties.

Both .vouiit.

Best of reference.

Also want 3 Canvastnen. NOTE--This Is not a Sun¬ State your day School organization. Come on aiid loin a real one.


EDDIE LOOP. 52J Ha per St., Elmira, New York.



LaPlata. Missouri.

-Ir. I.Ioyd is a ch.aructer actor, this scan apprurlng with the Newton-Llvliigstou loiiicdy Hraniiitlc <'oiii|iuny. lie Is a viter-

an or tha stage, h.ivliig mode IiIh first up-

fwaranre at Keru-iii's Central Theater, llaltlmore, Md., on Octolier Irt. ISTtl, when he


y*'*'"" `tl'I. "* a iiieuilH'r of the

* I'Afl'cr. ''The Amalgamateil Mu-


Young General Business Man,

One doing Specialty preferred. Other people writ,. Will buy Diamatlc Outfit compiete If icasor.abk.



Berkley, W. Va.

.Malta-cr with cvpcrlenoc. not afral.l of work ac I that

cat. I rodiirc. Will lonsider Partner with small or-

R.aoizeil U.p. Company with g.-'.l

f .r one a^d

two Weeks State full I'artlcular.i. TENT

SHOW. BlllKiard. New York.

Ben Wilkes Tent Show ^Yau!`Ia.^o®pu>erTmIwo?
female. Preference given those dmihling Uraso, Week atand. Pay own. liehrarsal* .April 20. Open April 30 Albion. IIL Tom Olson, wire.

APRIL 23, 1921

(Conlini^d from page 15) b>'sun. The aerr^id act fiettiDg. depicting a room in »be borne of a rich yoting New Yorker, brought forth the unprecedented incident of applause for the setting alone. >ries Dunting appeared as Ethel and offered a delight ^ fill portrayal of the role. Balpb Sprag'ie. .iTile, does hi« best work in the part. Walf'-r Lewis war .-eon as the dashing young Carlton. Margot I.ohn .m appeared as Nora Sinclair, a sister of Eihei. liobert Smiley played the father, while M nna Phillips appeared as "The Bride" and en.'i.ed much good comedy out «' the part. Arthur Rltehie, as Judge Huselton. caused mu'h laughter with his unique method of performing the matrimonial ceremony. Mar¬ cella line,.Hon played Maria Tile and Frank narrington as Roberto .ttevier. the conspirators, who get Tile into all the trouble. John Tood la lawyer Benson. J. Clayton Earle interpreted
two parts, that of Mooney and illawklns. James Morrison was Thomas Ashley, young Tile's friend and assistant.


ENOLISn FOLK SONGS--Collected and ar¬ ranged, with pianoforte arcouipaniment, by Cecil J. Sharp. London: Norello 4 Co., Ltd. Two Tola., ISa net each.
These two good-looking booki contain all the folk a<inca in Mr. Sharp'a collection "moat chararteriatlc and moat anltable for tba purpoaea of publication." Few of ua who like a gfH>d tune will be able to reaiat the books, for many of the tunea (and the words to them) are capital. But it will be because they are good tunes and good words, and not because they are folk songa, that we turn to them.
In a recent issue of The Manchester Gnardtao, of I.ooduD, a reviewer says of the book:
"We believe Mr. Sharp imagines that folk song would serve as the basla of an authentic ('om]<otltloa thru which the Eogllah people might eiprraa their mutical aonl. Surely this ia eiccaa of seal. The melodic atuff of big mnalc moat have what might be called aympbonic po¬ tentiality; that la to aay, the tnoea of a great compoaitlon carry a power towards influlte mn-

(TiiB. (Kid) Kostcr, clnua and burlesque sgent, is at Mt, Clemens. Mich., taking the baths, and expects to remain there for some tlma.

tatloo; they throw off shoots which in tom aasnroe a like fruitfulneaa. Tbla argument might t>e illustrated by an examination of the batic motif of the flrat movement of the 'Erolca* aym-

New York, April 17.--John Golden, theatrical producer, baa been made honorary Colonel by Governor Morrow of Kentucky In recogniiion of hla services to the atage.

This popular orehestrs has tn-cn cfitertaiiitne patrons of the Nueces Hotel, Corpus Chrtstl, Tex . for the past four months The pivtto was sent to The Kllltiusrii liy W. M. Otoom. pssu^r of the First Bap¬ tist Chureh lu Corpus Clu-lstl. wlw commends ttiese muslclaiis highly for their st'lendld execution of both classical and popular music. The otvbeatia is now on lour.

pbony and a romparisou of that marvelonaly fe¬ cund phraae with any tone in Mr. Sharp'a collec¬ tion. The Beethoven tune baa a power in it that does not Ond complete expression In individual atalemcDt; it soggeata divine mutations and resolutloos. But the moat charming of Mr. Sharp's folk-songs bsve flnsllty written all over them. They are of that species of mnilc which Oscar

Chicago, April 13.--"Way Down Eait" moved from the Wooda Theater to the Auditorium April 10, for a two weeks' run. The Chicago rogagemeot of the Griffith picture will cud at that tlma.

Wilde would not live with because It revealed Its secret far too soon."
TDB PERTINENT WAGNERITE--By B. N. Stelgman. Publiahed by Thomas Seltaer of New York.
In this volume Mr. Stelgman makes what be

New York. April 14--Evelyn Gosnell baa purchased the William Parkinson estate at Plandome, L. I. It is one of the show places of that section and overlooks Manbasset Bay.


calls "a plea for the complete restoration of Wagner's mnalc dramaa in their original lan¬ guage to the repertoire of the Metropolitan Op¬ era House." While many good Americana will

Chicago, April 20.--Edith Zlegfeld. niece cf Florent Zlegfeld. Jr., of "Follies'' fame, starred in "Mias Cherry Blossoms," a Japanese-American fantasy, presented in the Austin Matonlc Temple Tuesday evening by the young people of the Warren Avenue Church.

N'ew York, -April 18.--Official denial was made of the report circulated along Broadway last week to the effect that Tito Fehipa, tenor of the Chicago Opera Company, had been engaged for the Metropolitan next season by Manager Gatti-Casazza.

New York. -April 18--The Hotel Calvert, famous Broadway hostelry catering to theatrical people, closed Its doors yesterday at noon. The Calvert has been In operation since 1870. It will he converted into an office haildlng.

agree that a great deal of injaatlce haa been done Wagner in banishing hit worka from the New York a'age, they will donbtlets reaent the atlitade aaaumed by Stelgman, whose flippancy is more apt to arouse oppoalticm than to convert anyone to hla way of thinking. Stelgman has attempted to ha brilliant in his writing, but baa only aucceeded in assuming a auperiority that is

Chicago, April 18.--"Auto Follies in Dixie," win be staged in Aryan Temple Grotto the first week In May by the automobile dealers in co-operation with the Illinois Automobile Club. The production Is said to be a new musical comedy with parodies on i>opuUr songs and dances. All cf the parts will be taken by employees along "automobile row," many hav¬ ing participated in tbe first follies a yeat ago.

Given by Young Toe Dancers at Town Hall
_ New York, April 17.--An evening of ballet dlvertlasementa by young toe dancers wax glren at the Town Hall last n);ht by Stanlslaw
Portapoviteh. formerly of Warsaw. There were
two score names appearing In the bill and among the dances, which ranged from the

* Nervoue Breakdown -
New York, April 18.--Ruth Terry of "The Gold Diggers," suffered a nervoua break-down on Saturday night. She has beer ordered out of the cast for a weedi'a rest. Thia will
be the flrat time that Miss Terry hat ral*aed
a performance since the show opened two yean ago.

New Torlc, April 18.--Mile. Cedle Sorel, cele¬ brated actress of the Comedie Francalse, caused · dlaturbance yesterday at the Salon dee


Pittsburg, Pa , April 10.--Eddie Ctator and most of the stars of hit company, "The Mid night Bounders." playing at the Alvin Tbesler thia week and next, visited the Marine Hospital Friday afternoon and gave a performance for the disabled world war veterans there. Cantor sang a number of his biggest song bits, Nhn Halperln, I>`w Hern and other stars cootrlbnted ··pe> isHles. and the performance made * big hit it was arranged thru the .`tunshlne Cluh. the chief aim of which is staging enterialiinirnts for the benefit of unfortunates and chatitable Institntlona.


"SOCIAL MAIDS" >nPSF8 BLAKE AND O'DONNELIe--"Dixieland." "Pretty Kitty Kelley." EI.INORE WIl.KON--"Honolnln Eyes." "Whispering." "Harvest Moon." HELEN SPENCER--"Marcelle," "Hose of Spain," "Strutting the Stuff,
Blues." NIBI.0 AND O'DONNELL--"Back Home." "Operatic Travesty." NIliLO. SPENCER AND O'DONNELI.--"Old Black Joe." NIBLO. O'lKlNNELL. BLAKE AND 0'DONNELT.^"SlppIng Cider." MABEL BLAKE--"ParlBoIa." "A Wee Bit of Scotch." NIBLO AND RPENFEIb--Dancing Specialty. JOHNNY O'DONNELI^Roft Shoe Dance MFRRAY BEKNABD--"My I,ady of the I-amp." GENE HALLY--Musical Director.


New A'ork, April IS.--"Princess Vlrtne," a mutical roinedy by B. C. IlllUam and GitxRlce, will l>e preaented at the Central Theater on Monday night, Mhy 2.

"JAZZ BABIES" MAT DeLIRLE--"Apple Blossom Time," "Mandy and Me " BONNIE LLOYD--"Maaon for Georgia Carolioa," "M*nkey .Around." "Rtrnttlng Tour
Stuff." "Mammy's Aprm Strings." RENA VIVIENNE--"My Virginia Rose." "Sweet September." "Karavan." "rhinatown."
"Fold Me in Vour Living Arma" DON CLARK--"Kentucky Bloea." "Early To Bed." CLARK, MARKWOOD AND HART--"Scotch High Ball."




GAYETY THEATER--Philadelphia, Pa.
BURLESQUE STOCK COMPANY DORIS CI.AIRE--"Bamboo Isle." "Reltave .Me," "Uel>c<<a," "Florida Blues. MLI.E. LIDriTE-- Mriilting With Lixzie," "Mammy," ".'<eatle In Daddy's EDDIE MCRKE--"Kentuiky Bluea." MABEL 1.A MONIER--"Cave Man," "Oh. What a Pal."

Leading woman with Toby'a Plajrcra and wallknown acUeaa.


THE MIESSNER, A Special Tent Piano
Small height, 3 ft. 7 inches; Small width, 4 ft. 6 inches; Small depth, 2 ft.; Small weight, 385 pounds.

Baok With Elwin Strong Attraction*-- Show To Open at Fremont, Neb^ May 2
After motinr Katph Dnnbar'e "Mlktflo** th** entire eeaton, > mlisloo that took him as far weal an l<>-uw'r and aouth to Mobile and back, Uarrj Budde U back aa general agent for, the Eluln Strtmg Attractions. This show goes out this Tear with an ail-new ateel train, aeren care In all. painted white and lettered In green and gold, Mr. tludde aajra. Mr. Strong will re¬ tain hla livlnir q lartera In the new private car "Fremont," the band will be housed In the "Nebraska." while the "Equity" will ba as¬ signed to the performers for hooting accomfflodatloos. The new lop will be the big f^ature, and a line of royalty playa will be offered The Jane (owl piece, "Smllln* Thru," srill bo

VMder caarts. People In all lines of tbs Dramatic Business. Those doing Specialties gleen prefersDoe. If you can't act don't write, as yon won't last here. You must have good wardrobe on and off. Money sure and good treatment to real people. Must be able to Join on wire, 'ncketst Th. Can use a taw more Canvaa Hen that can Utlve trucks. No pets carried. Address
WM. F. LEWIS, Winter Ouarters. Belvidare, Nebraska.
Man tor Characters ind neavles, also koo<I Comedian ard Piano Player, those doubling following Instni* mcnts; CorneL Tuba. Trombone. Clarinet. No paradea Week stands under canvas, houses in winter. Rebearsal May 11 In Ohio. Rliow opens near Clclfland 23d. Forty weeks' work. Wire HARRY LA REANE STOCK CO.. Keatville. Nova Scotia. 20-21; Trure, Nova Scotia, 23; Sprint Hill. New Brunskrick, 25-26; New Cattle, New Brunswick, 27-28; f^ampbeMtan, New Brunswick, 29-30; Newton Falls, Ohio, May S, 6, 7. John Jrllifte, Burt Weir. l.ew Kraner and Dick Carhart. write or wire.
Wanted for one of the finest and best equipped Tent Organizations in the country

Leon Finch, who la billed nnder the nom <)a plume of "The Boy With a Smile." and who has been popular in stock and re{>ertolre circles in the East during the past four year*, has (dianged his teason's routine. In former years Mr. Finch baa been active In the East during the summer and West In the winter, but this year he Is appearing with the J. Doug Morgan No. 2 Show, which will tour tbe Middle Welt. Mr. Slater, who has been Mr, Finch's pianist on his vaudeville tours, is musical director with the show. Mr. Finch contributes tbe followliig notes from Jefferson, Tex., ueder date of April 13; "Mr. and Mrs J. Doug Morgan ate vuttlng ns this week in their private car `Dallas.* Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, of the Moigan No, 1 Compiny, dropped over between trains to visit Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, and incidentally to look over the No. 2 outfit, which ia new from top to

the feature<l play. Betides tbe big top, two small shuwa, two
ridel, twenty concessions and two free a<'ta. will be oo tbe lot. with absolutely no wheels or gimes of chance of any kind to deter from the merit of thla organizetlon'a high atandarl policy. A alileen-plece concert band and four¬ teen-piece orchestra will also be carried. The staff includes the following; Elwin Strong, owner and manager; Sam FTlnt, anperintendent; Harry Bndde, general agent; Larry Duahker. special agent; Fred Merrlt. trainmaster; Edward

Repertoire People In all Un-s (eieept Dlroctor). Week stands. Rehearsals May 8. A long, pleasant aeaton order reUahle manaermert. Please else pcrtlcidars and lowest salary first letter. Beliablsi depend* able people wUl be appreciated oo thli company. Want 3 or 4-Piece Ladles' Orchestra.
CHA8. F. RANEY. Mar.. 420 E. Monroe St.. Springfield, III.
PEOPLE ALL LINES--DRAMATIC AND MfSIC.AL COMEDY PEOPLE--If at Uberty or you expect to bo noon write this olfire. Qivo rompble description of wliat you do. age, baght and weight. Send photos If pxtaible for oltlco reference. Dramatic leople state if jou do speclaltlee. There are still a few Tent Shows who need people, so write qul' k. I'nilke our competitor, this office don't have to Invite managers to become our regular clients, as our ttraiglitforward husinees methods and prompt service have been the means of se¬ curing the business of practically every reliable manager in this section of the country. Ask the leading managers through this territory where they secure their people and tliey will tell you at the London Theat¬ rical Exchange. Dur would-be competitor laid off us as s>iou as we began to state facts, and the reason why w-as he knew we had It on him and was lust getting a goo<l start, and as tire bums--he didn't want to get burned--being singed was enough. Lpndon Theatrical Exchange, Oaarfc Bldg., Kansas City, Me. Ed F. Feist. Manager.

bottom. W'e have an added feature this week In Zenith, billed as `The Mental Marvel.* With the No. 1 and 2 companies now well in band, Mr. Jlorgan is some busy person getting the N'o. 3 company together. 'This is tbe flftb week of the No. 2 company and everyone Is `still' on speaking terms. Vernon Gallicotte and Peggy Williams arc closing with the Balpb Nichols Company aud are to Join the CaaaParker-Rlchford Company, which rehearses and opens In Waterloo, Ja. Hugh Mi'Cormtck and wife, Anne Ilenne, will also be with tbe same

Toiingbant, band leader; Clark Berry, orcheatra

company, this being their second season with

leader, and Eddie Morria. electrician. Tbe ahow will open at Fremont, Neb., May 2.
To Open at Missouri Valley, la^ May 9, and Play Week Stands

Wanted for Pansy Williams Stock Co.

A012JT. Tall Oea Bus. Team doubling SpedalUes or Plano. House* all season In Northern Michigan.

Tell all first lettev. Address

H. RAY SNEDAKER. Bui. Mgr.. Jackses. Mich.


it. Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Demlng have dis¬ continued their o\jn cimipany and are at present
with one of the North Bros.' .Shows. Donna Leo
and G!en .M'-Cord have deserted repertoire for
musical comed.v and are now with Harry Bvana
and bis Rainbow Girls, playing a stock engage¬
ment in Casper. Wyo. We anticipate a pleas¬
ant gabfest Sunday, as the two Morgan shows

Aulger Brntber* are changing their policy this season and are putting out a week-stand reper¬ toire *bow to open May 0 at Mlasourl Valley, la. Tiiey have bad a one-nlgbt-atand (twocar) .iramntic show for the past fourteen year*. The east Includes; Harrison Aulger, Jet* and Nell Hue, Warren Oouldln and Maxlae Miles, Harry Leigh and Emily .Mae Lindsey, WrlnWei and Jease Hyatt and Fred It. Hemlman. They

EDDIE MOORE--Band and Orchestra Leader. Comet and Violin. Bits, Small Parts and 2 Specialties If required. HAROLD J. WARD--A-1 Pianist, ^ubllng Bass Drum. Joint engagement ooly. Both are card men (Fnlo*). Btpeitoire Managers address
EDDIE MOORE. 311 West 8th St.. Little Rock, Aitsnus.
Man with Musirtl. Magic or good Novelty Si>eciaIUes who plays Parts. Man for Gen. Bus, with Special, tie* I'anvaiman to take charge new top; p-efer one familiar with Fords. Three-night stands. Motorized ahow. Third leaion Open here early In May. State salary. Pay own. Molllston. write. Springsort Michigan.

are scheduled to meet,"
Is Opening Date of Beach-Jones Co.
Extensive plans are t>elng made for the open¬ ing of the summer stock season of tbe Be^Jones Company at tbe La Crosse Theater, Le Crosse. Wis., May 1. Among the plays an¬

will carry a fourteen-piece hand and an eightpiece orcheatra, and will tour Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota. The Aulger Brothers sre Kansas Cltlani. hsTlng made that city thelt iiiadqiiarlers for the past four years.
Jimmie Wllltamp hai returned to Kantag City from Butte, Moot,, where he enjoygd a guc-

PFIJ-MAN ACCO5IM0DATT0NS, Ouraeter Man, Beavy Man. Gen. Bus. Man, one more Agent Prefer thuas doubUng Band or Specialties. Salary. $30.00 a week and alL Address
(PadM' Canvaai--A-1 Trombone, B and O; Orchestra Leader (Violin), to double in Band, General Buslnem Men donbllng Brash write. Slaton. Texas, 18th snd week. Wire GABE GARRETT.

nounced for early production are "Sknllln' Through," ''Pollyanna," "Which One Shall I Marry,'* "(Hieating Cheaters" and "Patsy After AIL" A complete scenic production wlU be given of each, particular attention being paid to details in properties and lighting. The sum. mer stock season will run until about August 1, following which the company Is booked solid in repertoire until May 1. 10'22, thruout Wis¬ consin, Minnesota and Northern Michigan.

fe*»rul four mootbg* engagement with the Broadway riayers. a* heavy mao. He wilt lay



fir a fortnight In K. C.. then Join the Peggy Pramatlo Bid. with 45-fool Uiddle. All complete; rotdy for

rcrfcct oendtUoo. Bo^n »et up threa

(Continued from page 17)

Normand Playera aa leading man. Mr. Wll Um«4. Pricf* right,

BELMONT THEATRE, Etdonda, Ktntif.

during the current week for her home, 231 B.

llama writes that Montana la very quiet at rresent. aa a result of tbe copper and ellrer mine* rlowltig.

strong Comet. It sn.l O. Muslcltn dvwibling Stage or Specialties. Prescott. Arkansas, week of April 18. RAY C. HOWELL. Mansger.

Thirty-seventh street. New York, to take care
of the influx of answers she is expecting aa a
reault of her ad In "Billyboy."

For the eyebrows and eyelashes
Complete with mirror and bniah, 76c.


Owing to (llsappointmrnt, JuvNille LMiUnx Man, Join on wlra Don't write. Address

LLOYD L. CONNELLY, Mgr, Msc Stock Co..






The Ow««o ThesUe. Moncelono. Midi., now heliif remodeled, will bo reody for booklngi about May 1&.

Best obow town In Nurtliern MIchiian. Ground floor houae, 350 seats, good atago. new scenery, no Dteturs

nf'cooiuoo. Capadty bouses every nlgbL Arrange date* now.


Stein Cosmetic Co., New York Mnniifacturers of


Players. Mr. Prlmroso expects to put out two. shows next season.


C. S. I*r1mrose of Oak Park. 111., has leased "On* Girl's Experience" snd "Doder the

"(XimlDg Soon" blotters are being sent ont

For the boudoir--For the stafce. B-o^ okw let Ua pos n Request.


Harvest Moon" to the Jack Bessey Htock Com¬ pany, Graham fftock Company, Frank Glnnlvan Dramatic Company, Edgar Jones' Playera, Wal

freely by tbe Emerson Show Boat, Golden Rod. The boat ahow opened recently at Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., and la reported aa doing a fair basiness

ter SavMgc. Ocorga Roberson and tbe Olffoed coming down the Ohio.

Telephone, Main 615
CJonfidential Investigations and Efficient Detective Service. Write, call or wire.
Kings County Detective Bureau
50 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


Ttie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921

Then, too, non sequlturs have a con-

taprioua viciousness that must be care-

fuliy considered. I am convinced that

the bad example of the proIoR in Mr.

Drinkwater's play has Infected not

nercly the writers for the magazines and

the papers, but the papers themselves.

A recent edition of a periodical devoted

to physical culture--one of "Why

a Thirteen Collar When by Following

Our System of Exercise a Nineteen and a

Half Size Will Not Fit You in Ten Days'

Time?" things--has a cover design of

WE will now open the morning's reason this page occasionally attacks. WAS SUPPRESSED. The credit for a beautiful maiden, dre.ssed in a Thanis


Let us take a case in point.

her dismissal is believed by those who shift, prancing like a circus horse, with

S< wi< kley. Pa., April 1.1, 1921. Dpnr I' J.--Y<iu gut fuunlrr and funnier ail the time. I have read your

know to belong to a "king" of the busi¬ no place to prance upon. Immediately THE GREENWICH Village Theater ness the activities of whose frfends she beside her are these winged words: is a place which offers employment to was hampering. Certainly there is

diaa-ounk' un the ·enaorKliip in the Km-

actors, opjHjrtunity for playwrights .sutficlent power in the police arm to


pire State, and I am f<>r<-ed to send you ni.r meiitul picture of yourself. It is in

and entertainment to people who need enforce the law in the cause of de¬


the form of a limerick printed in

it. That is what it should be. What cency--not prudery or fanaticism--but Now there is no connexion. I can see.

"Mfe'' years »ro:

is it? By reason of the character of when is It exercised, and against whom, between lovely ladies prancing In verv

tlig offerings which have been made and why?

short shifts and adenoids and tonsils.

Said the Reverend Jabez Mc-

there lately it is becoming the manure

Unless, of course. It is that one feels


heap of the New York theatrical world. WHAT an awful toodle-oo Our Set is like prancing while having them out

"The dance of the Devil's begot¬

We had to see "Youth" and "The Sur¬ making over John Drinkwater's dra¬ Nevertheless there Is quits as much


vival of the Fittest" (tho that was so matic non sequitur, "Marie Stuart." The connexion between the gamboling

Said Bly to Miss Fly: "Don't

bad it was funny) and other things of turmoil has evidently reached Mr. Drink- damsel and the text on the physical

you mind the old guy.

like quality. I.a8t week it housed a xvatcr's ears, because he is quoted as culture magazine cover as there is

To the jiure almost everything's

show' wlilch forever destroys the v.alue saying that he can not understand how between the prolog and the play of


of the statement in "The Wearing of the critics missed the connexion be¬ "Marie Stuart." Mr. Drinkwater may

the Green" that Ireland Is

tween the Prolog and the after-piece. not have intended "any direct compari¬

Thanks for making me laugh.

"the most distressful country that It would Ih» more to the point if he said son whatever." but he made one Just


ever you have seen."

he could not understand the critics. He the same. There is something to be

In this vale of tears a little consola¬ tion goes a long ways. If I have been the unconscious cause of provoking the

A female dancer appeared on tho stage so naked above the waist as to he completely uncovered. She was well on in years, ugly to look upon and

makes the mistake they made--with reverse English. They took "Marie Stuart" seriously. He takes them seri¬ ously. He says he ne'ver intended to

said for him however. He Is not tho first man who did not know it was loaded.

risibles of any native of Sewickley, I'a., totally unnecessary. The review w'hich make "any direct comparison what¬

love's labor has been anything but lost. was written about the show was dic¬ ever" between the young man who

However. 1 can not resist the tempta¬ tated by the necessity of stating a case complains tq his bachelor elder that

tion of further tickling the humorous which necfh, consideration. If it were his wife has confessed a perfect love

rib--and 1 trust for the sake of pro- not for that no notice would liave been for another man. tho she avers in the

lurlety that M. A. Bringardner is not a paid to It. Those who went to tho »:ame breath that she loves him with

lady--of my correspondent by qtioting Greenwich Village Theater thinking equal perfection.

the aphorism of the old farmer as he they would see something at least tol¬ "It can't be done!" storms the husband

half filled the milk cans with water erable were forced to get out after tho in the prolog.

from the old oaken bucket: "To the first act. They will think a long time "Oh. yes it can!" declares the bach¬

pure all things are pure."

before they will Jeopardize their di¬ elor elder, who has doubtless clung to

gestive apparatus by going down there his single blessedness because he was

POR the sake of clarity let me make again. As a result of letting the play¬ unwilling to try out his theory In his myself clear. It is not the purpose or house to anyone who can pay the rent, own life. function of this page to serve as A the place has lost all claim to consid¬ "I don't believe it. My wife's heart
Ouide to A Christian Rife or to turn eration by anyone who contemplates is like a quart fiask. How can you get its columns into a proving ground for going to the theater. For those unfor¬ two quarts of liquid into a flask whose the principles of moral theology. Tliat tunates who have experienced some of capacity Is only 0.9464 liters?" argues

MORE mail bag stuff!:
My Petr Mr. Jamei: :>boald tbit rracb you la Ua« to go to
rretii for the rurreot week's Uaue. I would apprerltte It eery moeb If you would publUb it. 1 tblak It  baft Joke, tod DO doubt will prore very Id terettlBf to the reader* of The Billboard and any other actor like layaeir, eeperially tboae with Irltta blood Is their reiaa. aot aabamed to acknowledge It-
I waa aent from an agent to taterrlrw Mlaa Jeatle Bmley regarding a part te a TaodeTlIlc act which aba la about to rrodotr. Mia* Bosley tbongbt I waa too young for the part at fltai, but de¬ rided to arrange an Isterrlcw for la* with the author, Edgar Allan Woolf. 1 walled while Mias Bnaley triad to gat

faculty belongs to the religious press. its recent offerings tho Greenwich Vil¬ the husband.

My objection to pornographic exhibi¬ lage Theater is stricken from the list And before the bachelor can answer

tions in the theater are based on some¬ in the matter of choosing where to the lights go out and the bone of con¬

thing besides ethics, altho I object to spend the evening. Thus one more tention is whisked to Holyrood Castle,

them on that point--privately. Any at¬ place for actors to work is brought into xvhere Rizzio Is murdered after an hour

tack which Is made on indecent spec¬ disrepute, one more stage is closed to or so of talk. >Tr. Drinkwater's ap¬

tacles, or plavs, or films, or dialog. Is playwrights seeking a field for their parent Intention was to use the Queen

launched because such things are a work, and one more showhouse ceases of Scots as a support for the thesis

menace to the Institution of the stage to he a sound business venture. It that you can pul two quarts of beans

as an artistic, econornic, social element is deplorable, but nothing can be done in a quart measure without spilling

in the mere matter of living. What¬ about It 80 long as theaters are run for them. Rut why drag in "Marie Stuart"

ever. or whoever, drags the theater in¬ revenue only, by men who have no as an'expert witness? There are other

to disrepute, suspicion or public oppro¬ sense of public responsibility and little ladies of history whose count of male

brium is undermining the lix'elihood of or no moral or artistic conscience.

scalps was considerably higher than

thousands of men and women in whose

hers. Phryne or Mesalllna, for Instance.

careers, happiness and well being The THE STATEMENT has been made Why use any historical personage at

Mr. Woolf oo th* telephooe, and while waltlna for bt* return message a dlscnsslon arute between Mis* Bnrity and tba other two members of her company re¬ garding tbe ever discussed IRISH QUESTION. I was listening; MIm Busley turned to me and asked me my na¬ tionality. I told her that I was of Irish parentage, a bora American dtlten. She asked me If I was a SINN ITtNKR I told her NO--I did not know enough of th* prlnctplea and atm* of tbe party to know whether I could even say (hat I bellered In them, but I did aay, unhesitatingly, that I was a Rrm believer In the cause of Irish free¬ dom. That led to the eiprestion of oth¬ er view*, and tbe interview esme to an

Billboard is vitally interested. The repeatedly that censorship--any form all?

end shortly after.

presentation of a filthy film, or a rotten of censorship--is not needed, because >fr. Drinkwater is reported to be on

Miss Busley called me the same eeen-

play, or an over-exposed musical spec¬ there is sufficient power in the police the high seas, loaded to the gunwales

ing. and said she was sorry, but tbit

tacle, drives a certain percentage of arm to correct conditions. For the with Southern atmosphere for his per¬


patrons away from the theateiv They sake of argument let us grant that. spective drama about Robert E. Lee-- think twice before they come b.srk. Who directs the iwlice power? The and a ropy of Wordsworth for a tonic. Their sense of security is shaken. They politicians. Who directs the politicians? It might- be well for him to remember feel that when they Invite friends, or The Man of Money. The police do that the same "below the Mason-Dlxon bring their children, or merely go what the politicians tell them. The line" stuff ho has accumulated for his themselves, that they are "taking a ]iolitie|5ins do as the Man of Money can be applied with equal pro¬ chance," The spirit of gambling never orders them. And when the profits of priety to Stonewall J.aekson. Jeb Stuart

Just where Mist Busley gets her ides I do not know, but as an American citlaen. with the freedom of *(>eech that she

makes for soundness in any business. the Man of Money are Involved he or .Tubal A. Early. I'erhaps he will

enjoys still a right of mine as like¬

The public, seeing actors and actresses gives his orders and the politician have a Prolog for General I<ee as he

wise hers, I fall utterly to ace why I

In such offerings, is led to the con¬ tells the police to "lay off."

has for lovey Mary. "May I not" sug¬

should not speak In defense of a cause

clusion. justly or not. that the men Not long ago in New York a woman gest a row In a restaurant between and women who appear are like the Deputy Police Commissioner was forced two trenchermen over the proper way to things in which they play. The result out of office because she was "a trouble fry chicken a la Maryl.and \\Tien the of the conclusion means the inevitable maker." She had exercised a conscien¬ disputants commence to fling dishes relegation of players into the class of tious superx'ision over motion picture at each other--dark change--and social outcasts from which they have theaters in the tenement house dis¬ Robert E. I>>e appears! The trouble with comparative recentness emerged. tricts of the city. She had had poured with these non sequlturs is that they

she claims equal rights In denying, or decrying.
I have never had reason to be ashamed of the land of my forefather*--I hope nerer to have reason to he so. and If It eoats me every engagement that I ever seek 1 will boast hereafter that I am of pure Irish blood, jnst one generation

The true nobility of life of many men Into her ears the stories of boys and are apt to be funny. I remember lis¬

removed from the land of their birth.

and women of the theater, their spirit girls who had fallen victims to vicious tening one night to a story about a

When an artist of onr own stage, an

of unselfishness when others are in dis- conditions in a too common type of man who had thrown his bride down

American, will go so far as to deny tbe

tress, their instant response to any motion picture theater. She w'ent out three flights of stairs on their wedding

right uf working and living by that work

movement which has for its end the and fought the evil. Naturally she betterment ` of human beinps, their antagonized the people whose traffic In really holy spirit of self-sacrifice for degradation waa being injured. She those dependent on them, has been the «;ame between them and their consti¬ cause of elevatlni? the actor's social tutional right "to life, liberty and the standing--I use "aoclal" in Its broad pursuit of happiness." In other words sense. Anything, or anyone, who con-^ she touched their pockets. They com¬

night In an argument over a pair of French heeled slippers. Tho cnish of the lady breaking all her legs--and five of her ribs--had scnreely died away when another listener, who had followed the details with that Insatiate Interest possible only in a life-long

in the land of his birth, and here also Juat hecaiite he Is tymi>athetlo to a canse which at the prenent time baa the eye* of the world eentered u|>on It, and the vympalhy of many who realire that the caiiee is Juat, I think It about time that something was aald and something done about It.

tributes to the breaking down of that plained, and their powerful business husband, broke up the gathering by

My adrtre to any aetoc who may be so

position is a menace to the men and associates were summoned to get this declaring In a solemn tone: "Yen, and

fortonate at to have Irish blood in bis

women of the theater. That is another terrible woman suppressed AND SHE James O'Neill is at death's door!"

(Continued on page 21)

APRIL 28, 1921

Ttie Billboard


nable. The entire first act was a mass Ing burned at the stake, her naivete in

of inarticulations. Eugene Powers, her respon£.e8 to the question of her

with a most effective makeup as the hostile Judges, her triumphant and in¬

Cardinal of England, acted like Lewis domitable return to conviction in the

.Alorri.son in his best, "Meet Me To- divine source of her Voices, and her


canonized Maid on the altar of dra- night at the Brink of the Brocken" clear and lovely voice contributed to
matic expediency, a thing which the manner. Henry Hull, who was loaned make an experience which deserves film version of her life failed to do-- by the Shuberts at short notice to to live in the memory of everyone


and suffered In consequence. The play the Earl of Warwick, was an who knows real acting, who loves Idea that Bedford was actuated in his eyesore and an earache. He Jerked genuine Artistry and who respects an attitude towards his prisoner by the his words out like a singer of syncopa- ambition to make something of the

Translated by Astrld Argyll from the French of Emile Moreau
Musical setting from Tschalkowsky's opera, "The Maid of Orleans"
(In the Order of Their Api>earance) DeUfootalne, Blahop'a Ccniniisaarr .
. Juaepb Mattbewfl William UaltoD, Clerk tg the Duke of Ii«d-
fort 7.'...7'..T..,T..*.,.T.r.'Byrw Fv^oigcr MaMieu. cierioal BrgUtrar _ Maronl Olsen Eiri ot stkfford. Lord Constable .

"love" motive, which might have been made much of by callous hands, ls merely suggested. The prompt physical retort of the harassed Regent to the insinuation is not only effective dramatically, but categorically. The drawing which M. Moreau has made of Cauchon, the villainous
of Beauvais, la open to argument. The playwright makes him a man of good intentions fundamental-

tion and Jerked his body like a victim of St. Vitus dance. He 'h'as al¬ most inaudible and never impressive, Mr. Hull's ability as an actor is too limited despite the fact that he is being catapulted into stardom to make anything of a great part except a very ten-cent melodramatic vlllain. Sydney Mather was very good as the fanatical rector of the Unlverslty of Paris, one of Joan's chief

theater besides a playhouse for empt' ideas to rattle about in like dried peas in a tin bucket. The program contains a clear, interesting, faithful history of the case of Joan. "The Woman of Bronze" is hereby forgot¬ ten. The Maid of Orleans, St. Jeanne d'Arc, has taken her place indefinitely. --PATTERSON JAMES,

.;. Chmrlet Webstet jy, but too weak to fight against the antagonists. He was Incisive In his JeiD M rrau. a Buig'itr -- Cameroo Mattbewa promptings of ambition and the speech, restrained in his manner and


*"** *'**^**^**° " ?"*^ WlMbeiter!'CardiDVi' of Engi^ Md*Grlat "*
iDfie cf ii^'nry VI. Eufene powerh Eari of Warwick, Captain of tbe Engiitb

punch of the mailed Engllsh-Bur-

Kundian fist at his back. Beauvais in


.<»econd to Joan her-

self in pathetic appeal. This char-

natural. Albert Gran made a slightly Teutonic Bishop of Beauvais, but he interpreted M. Moreau's characterization of Joan's execrated Judge falth-

(With apologies to all for paying at¬ tention to either.--P. J.)

forr«a at Bouea . Henry Hull Duke of Bedford. Begect of France and
Uncle of Henry VI . Fred Krio p«ge of B.*dford ............. William stroet


**** ^Aiiwri^Gran

acterlzatlon requires some stronger support to be accepted as historically accurate, since there is grave reason to hold that Cauchon was only a time-
thoroly-bad ecclesiastic. His

fully and effectively. Fred Eric, with the exception of
the scene in which Joan's trial is deelded upon, was strong, human and
sane. His momentary lapse into "act-

What can happen in a playhouse was demonstrated at the Greenwich Village Theater last Monday light when there was presented a night¬ mare entertainment consisting of an

Jetn Beaupem. Bector of tbe Cnleeraity of----------- operetta in one act called "Hubby in

Paris . Sydney Mather

Distress," followed by a humorous

Henry VI, King of England . . Katherine Bobertt
Queen Caiberlne, Mother of Henry VI .... . Marlon Barney
D'Eativet . Lark Taylor Loyaeleur, a Canon of Rooen .. Ralph Boeder Lemalttre. Viee-Inqatelter .... Howard Kyle Mtnrbon. Registrae . William Henry Tumhard, Pominlcan FTiar .... Lenos Po;>« Vernon, a Canon . William Stree t John Grey. Sgnlre to Bedford .... Glenn Cooltrt Jeanne D'Are .Miae Anglin iVl/nembourg, Blfbop of Tberouanne _
. Cameron Mattbewa

A New Musical Comedy in Three Acts,
Book and Lyrics by Raymond W. Peck. Music by Percy Wenrich. Staged by Walter Wilson. Dances by David Bennett. Orches¬ tra tinder direction of J. .Albert Browne. (Entire score orchestrated by Arthur Lange.)
In spit* of the butcher who walks down the aisles shouting be¬ tween acts, "Candies of all kinds, assorted chocolates and pepper¬ mints!" the stupid and inadequate dancing numbers by David Bennett

sketch in one act, also called "Hubby In Distress." and a "Revue of the Classics." It was a distressful evening which bogan to be distressing the minute the curtain went up. A fat man in a colonial suit plowed to th" center of the stage and erupted Into the Prolog from "Pagllaccl." He was accompanied by a female pianist who referred to her "notes" constantly, and was further assisted In his Im¬ personation by a white wig quite in¬

GoodaU ^

Hatry Ashford

and the section of the book which has done yeoman service in the

adequate to cover most of his back





Ralph G.. Krmirr* Jack Jackman

burlesque shows for ages, "The Right Girl" is pleasant and diverting entertainment. Thanks are due to Percy Wenrich, who has written

and much of his side hair. He was encouraged to burst into song again,

LeparmeDtier, Torturer . William F. CanOcId Ladle* In-Waitiog--Mary Fowler and Mildred
Placber. Doctor*--Me*tr«. Brenoan. Jackma*. Wolf, Ro-
laod, Stewart and Samaon. Prteita--Meaara. Wclaer, Berud. Tiedale, W-*-
cott, Graham and Kemmet. A*te*aor«--Mc«*ra. Brooks, Ooodrlcb and Rot>-

some extremely pretty, tuneful music, to Dolly Connolly, who knows how to sing a song so as to get the uttermost value out of it without forcing herself into apoplexy and her audience into deafness, and to Robert Woolsey, an amusing and agreeable funmaker. Miss Connolly has serA'ed a long apprenticeship in the varieties, where they will not have you unless what you have to say, or sing, can be heard. She knows her business, which is projecting the words, as well as the melody, of a number across the footlights into the auditorium, and she has a likable personality, which is intimate without being offensive.

but as the applause was only half what it should have been, the Colonial Gent merely repeated the chorus Perhaps he was too distressed to add more to the feelings of the chair holders in the auditorium, or else he knew what was to follow and said to himself. "Enough is too much!"

Mes-at Arma--Meaer*. Mile*, liarceUua, Calla-

Also, she has a set of teeth which make Cecil Lean's molars look like

'The female pianiste forthwith played

ban and Letts.

a collection of mossy tombstones. Her rendition of "Vou'lil "Giet

a ver>', very long selection which

Torch Better*--Mrs«r*. Booen and Eorle.

Torturer'* AMi*taDt*--Me**!*. Triat aod Gardnor



Act I.--Boom in the caetle of Pbilippc Angn»te.

Nothing From Me" is a study in saleswomanship, clarity of enuncia¬ tion, and attractiveness. Mr. Woolsey is a spectacled comedian. He has a dry manner, a direct method and a of comedy that in'dlcates also the possession of initiative. He dances well enough and he is clean, for which much thanks. Rapley Holmes is, as always, slyly humorous. "The Right Girl" is all right, and Miss Connolly l.s

might have been Beatemupskl's "Rhapsodie Hongrolse, No. 11,982." In the front row sat a gentleman who had either been cleaning out the family stovepipes or else he was a

Ant 11--A Hall In tba Castle.

the right girl. I hope the candy peddler does not forget himself some

blackface comedian from some of the

Act HI.--A Punceou to the Castle.

night and ad llh "Peanuts, popcorn, chewing gum, crackerjack--and

nearby vaudeville treadmills who Just

Act IV.--11*11, at the Chief Bailie'*, com¬

RED LEMON.ADE." It would not surprise me much, if he did. You

dashed in between shows for a little

manding a view of the Old Market Place.
The most wnrth while offering of this season so far is Margaret Anglin in "The Trial of Joan of .\rc.'' One of the most distressing evenings T spent In the theater last winter was the night I was inundated bv the teaV-

can never tell nowadays they are selling in the theaters. It is apt to be almost anything except entertainment.--PA'TTERSON JAMES.
refusal to allow Joan's appeal to the ing" in the section mentioned was Judgment in her moment of probably due to the bad example set

relaxation and forgot to wash his hands. On third consideration he must have been an automobile me¬ chanic, because he never took his eyes off the female planlste's feet while she worked the pedals. He was prob¬ ably admiring tbe way she used the

ful ocean ral.sed by Miss Anglin in danger because he knew that such an by Mr. Hull and Mr. Powers. Maroni piano clutch. Then three or four men

"The Woman of Bronze." The plnv nPP®al ^'ould re5^''lt in her freedom Olsen, cast in a relatively small part, appeared on the stage, wrestled with j

and Miss Anglin's performance were of the charge of witchcraft, and his was excellent especially so In the the grand piano--it w.^s all of being

an irritating bore to me. Strange to

deposition and punlsb- parting bit with Joan. T.ittle Katherine grand--and tried to place two chairs

fay. that effect did not prevent the ment by the church, is fairly good Roberts as the boy king was remark¬ and two music stands in their ordered

piece from doing a most satisfactorv business " of Arc" took nil mv

b^P^ving that M. Moreau able to relate, altogether unlike a positions. The orders came audiblv `be whitewash brush in extenso. stage child, and made a figure of gen¬ from the winsrs. A female cellist and

Irritation awav. Il.andicapped by

^ subject which offers pos- uine appeal. My hat Is off to Miss A female violinist sauntered on, moved

Physlcal limitations in living up to ."ibnities for much worse distortion Katherine! Marion Barney was an the chairs and stands which had been

the idealistic picture of the Maid of `be natural Inclination of a French- audible and sincere Queen Catherine, moved <»even or eight times bv the

Orleans. we Imagine tbe shepherd man to ehift all the burden of re- and Charles Webster played the Earl three or four men, and when the fe¬

saint of Domremy as a fragile body eponslbility In Joan's case across the of Stafford, tbe T.ord Constable, with male pianist, who had been restored

iniimlnated and sustained bv a eolos- `'bannel can be forgiven. In almost a- -- fine suggestion of a- rrogance to normalcy after her battle with tbe

Bal inspiration--Miss Anglin, by sheer ®very other phase of the story M. The mounting of the play was done Rhapsodie, came forth all three sat

histrionic genius, gave a performance that silences criticism of her anatomlral fitness for the part. Her work Is a triumph of Intelligence, of penetrating apprehension of Joan's iplrltual side and of sustained, appealing technique. It is Miss Anglin who matters In "The 'Trial of Joan
Arc." The pl.ay Itself has small v^iue as a contribution to dramatic literature. One thing to be thankful for however. Is the truthful attltude which Emile Moreau has taken towsrds Joan. He has avoided beau-

Moreau exhibits an uncommon and r®fr®fblng truthfulness,
Tbe play has to do with Joan's trial by the local Ecclesiastical Court, her convietlon, her momentary abJuration of her voices, her upsurging, Instantaneous recantation of that action and her burning, which is accomplished off stage In a finelymanaged bit. the swirling smoke from the faggot heap hiding the consplrators groveling and terrified in its murky folds as the curtain falls. With the exception of Miss Anglin and one

In good taste, the stage pictures were colorful and well managed and the
musical setting from Tschaikowsky's Maid of Orleans faithfully and ple.asIngly played. But Miss Anglin, when everjithlng Is done and said. Is the
great compensation. She has caught a grreat deal of the spiritual element in Joan's character, and she .suggests unobtrusively, but certainly, the fact that the Maid was not only a war¬ rior, but, above all, a saint. Her exposition of Joans heart reaching defenselessness, her momentary wom-

down and gfft ready to play. The cur¬ tain was Immediately lowered and the audience yelled in sore distress. After some back stage oratorical re¬ marks, which percolated thru the front drop, the curtain was lifted, tbe lights turned on, and oh, what a pic¬ ture was there! A "ladjr" named Thanls stole out from the folds of the cyclorama enclosing the stage and did "Interpretive dancing." The dance was un-named. It should have been labeled "Psycho In Search of Her Shirt." One gossamer layer of trans-

tlfully the temptation to sacrlflco the or two others, the acting was aboml- anly shrinking from the thought of be-

(Oontloaed <m ftg* 2S)

For Green Room Club Election

N«w York, April 16.--Tbe nomlnatloai foi

oOlrvrR of tbe Grven Room Club bare been

rotniileted and two tirkrts are In the field.

A department of news and opinions
(All communications, Patterson James, Billboard, 1493 Broadway, New York, N. Y.)

There Is a prurlalun In the club constitution that two tickets must contest tbe election and there > always a `'ret^iilar" and an "up|>ositioD'* ticket in the field. Gossip around the club

predicts the election of the ·`regular" ticket.

Three Score Ten and Not Ashamed of It--Wants Broad¬
way To Be More Exclusive --Believes in Censors
Bora in Beterborough, Vorkabira, Eng¬ land. May 18. 1851.
Plater of Charles F. Coghlan. famous comedian.
First appearance on any stige at 14 at Theater Royal Greenock in ''Macbeth.'·
First appearance on Ixmdon stage at Gaiety Theater under John HoIIingaliead in 1860 as Bippo in Linda of ``Chamonni."
First appearance In America in 1872 In New York in "A Happy Pair."
Married to tbe late John O. Salllvan, ·etot.
'Was Lester Wallack's leading woman for 8 year*.
Has appeared in: "The Life Chase," "Dnele Dick's Darling," "Wat Tyler, M. P.," "Nell Gwynne," "Dotheboy's Hall," Ixloo." "Rea of Ice," "Exile." "Kentlworth.*' "Our American Conain," "Brother Sam," "Durdreary Married and Settled.'' "The School for Scandal," "Twelfth iME BFRLESQFi; DIFI ERENT

"My auccess? Let me see. I ahould attribute

But Misa Coghlan took great pains to eM'l>lti it to a number of things. In the first place,

to me tlWit burlesque fifty years ago was not ] have a

I erilage. 1 come of sturdy,

burlcMiue of today. In those day* burlesque heatlby stock. My youth was siH-nt out of

tequIreU fine <onie(l.v and a versatility that few where then' was plenty of sunsliire and

of our dramatic actors and actresses possess. cMuntry. I've wor'.ed bard all my life and

Its one object was amu-cment, and there was Fve studied all my life I've had only one

nothing vulgar or obacene in Its presentation, real vscutlon cf any length that I can remem-

That was before the days of abbreviated akirts te since 1 went on tbe stage, and that was

and the permanent wave. .V burlesque show almost 50 years ago. I think It's my work

was a burlesque or a caricature gen 'rally of wliieh has kept me young. When I was a girl

some dramatie play. Is there anything wlileli

fiad more time to study. We didn't have

re<piires more finesse than a travesty on the matinees In those days, (if course, I tm for-

serious? Miir must have a thoro nnderstinding tunato in having a very good voice. And 1

of the technique of the drama before one can have made It iny business to get under the

give an amusing parialy on it, according to sklu of every tnc of the parts which I play

Miss Coghlan.


``I don't come of a theatrical family," she ''The girl who wants to go on the stage has

stated by way of Introduction, "altho many pco- go- to grst decide what she wants and then

pie are under tliat Impreaalon. To the con- to go after it, whlrb means that she must

traiy, when my brother. Charles, went on the ,]pcote every rffert towards suceets. She can't

stage my family bitterly opposed him. And afford to be frivolous. If possible, she ought


_ to go to a good dramatie school. I lielievc in


schools for want of the training which mana¬ gers of small repertory companies of my d.iys

had lime to give to their players. She ought

to have some stork eaperlence.

·`My greatest criticism with the young peo¬

ple of the modem school la the voice. They

strive sobard to be natural that theyaneceed in

making themselves Inaudible. There's no art

in being natural. The art is to appear natural

even when one isn't! I'm not deaf by any

means, but if I don't watch the stage every

moment of a performance 1 can't hear. They

mumble their words--it's probably the fault of

our schools. Children should be taught to

The ··regular'' ticket is headed by Frank Hacon, for I*romrtcr; Hal Riiggs. Call Boy; J. Frank Stephens, Angel, and Chris O. Brown, Copyist. The other ticket has Frank Wunder-
for I'rotnt>ter; John M. Washburn, Call Boy: George Trimble. Angel, and Doty Hobart, Copyist.
For the Board of Supers there Is no oppo> sition. Fifteen men who receive the highest vote will be chosen from twice that number of candidates. The candidates are: E. Cort Alltertson, David Burton, . I'hil Blsho(>, llal Crane, Richard Carlyle. Warren Cook, Charles Clark, Ralph Delraore, Kdward Gormely, Caryl S. inemlng, William F. Granger, Victor Sutherland, A1 Hall, William S. Harkins, Ur. George W. I.ewla, Kollo Lloyd. Ralph Stuart, George Lcssey, Hannon MacGregor, Sam Mc¬ Kee, James O'Neill, Jack I'rlngle, I.angdon McCormick, Bernard Randall, Harry Relchenbach, Ira Cass. Jerome Siegel, John Washburn, Stanley Whiting and Walter Woodal.
The Board of Trustees: Chester l^e Vonde. Fletcher Harvey, Burton King. Sidney Mason, Mario Majeroni, Eugene Bowers, Edward O. Robinson, George L. Sargent, IMdie Sturgis, Harold Selman, Wellington Walton and C. Jay Williams.
Ralph Delmore is chairman of the nominating committee. The polls will be oi>en on the first Sunday In May and will he closed at noon on Sunday, May 15.
New York, April 15.--The Authors' League of .\merica bat enlarged its scope to allirw

Night," "East l.ynnc," "Self," "All For

into Ita membership ranks dramatists, sceuario

Her," "Abel Drake,'' "A Sheep In Wolf's

writers, painters, sculpiurs, writers and regu¬

nothing," "Lost in Ixmdon,** "Blp Van Winkle," "Marriage," "False Shame."


lar contributors to magazines. At its banquet Monday night many famoua people were preaent.

"Diplomacy." ``Clarissa Harlow," "Our

Motion pictures were taken of the members

Club," "My Son,'' "At Last," "Spell¬

and guests aa they entered the huge ballroom

bound," "A Scrap of Paper,*' "The Snow¬

at the Hotel Commodore: and the pictures

ball.** "Beacued." "Loula XI," "Forget-

were shown the same evening.

Me-Not,** ``Camille,** "The Money Si'in-

.\mnng those eleeted to membership at the

ner." "Youth.'· "La Bello Russe,'* "The

annual meeting of the I>eague Wednesday were:

Queen'a Shilling," "The Silver King,'*

Thompson Buchanan, E. J. Bnsenbark, A.

"Masks and Facea,'* "Moths,'* "Ijidy

Helene Carter. George Creel, Ruth Eastman,

Clare," "London -kssuranee," "Impnlse,"

('. R. Falls, Henry James Foreman, Thomas

"Our Joan," "The Mousetrap,** "A Fool'a

Geraghty, John E. Slieridan, Maravene Tbomp-

Paradlae," "Caste,*' "Town and Country,"

s-iii, Henry Rydnor Harrison. Rupert Hughes,

"Money,'· "Victor Durand." "Merry Wives

Charles Kenyon, Henry Gallup Paine, William

of Windsor," "Brincesa Olga," "The Idol

Mcla-od Ralne, Luther Reed, .kibert T. Reid,

of the Hour," "Jocelyn," "Dorothy's Bilemma," "Nance Oldfield,'* "Lady Bar¬ ter," "A Woman of No Importance," "The

Miss Coghlan, in "Relf." who has just cclebratvd tfir srvcuUeth biithday.

E, Lloyd Rhcldon, Walter D. Teague and Waldemar Young.
An .\utbora' I.s'Sgue fund was established for

Check Book," "Beg Woffiington." "To Neme¬ sis," "For the Crown," "Madame,'' "The White Heather." "The Sporting Duchess," "Mile, nil." "The Great Kuby," "Clyseea," "The Greatest Thing in the World." "Second Mrs. Tanqueray," "Alice of Old Tlncennea," "The Ace of Trumps," "The Duke of Killieorankie," "The Ace of Spades," "Tbe Higher Law," "Mrs. War¬ ren's Profession," "Jack Straw," and

when I went on they took it for granted that I had gone to the devil, and held ap<'. ial family prayers for my benefit.
"I was a big girl for my age and at fourteen played one of the witches in 'Macbeth.' That waa my first appearance. After that tliey couldn't keep me back. Brother ('lias, thought 1 was too young to start a stage tare<T. so he scot me back to mother. I promptly ran away and Joined Bella Bateman's stuck com¬ pany in Jersey, Channel Isles. Eng. My next step Was burlesiine, where I receixed my iruin¬ ing. At eighteen 1 played in Ixinjlun. .\fter

the purpose of giving aid to needy anthora, artists, dramatists and compasers. whirb Is mainly atipported by yearly contrlbutlona from members of the Ix>ague.
.A benefit performance for the Actors' Fund was given Sunday night at the Montauk Thea¬ ter, Brooklyn, N. Y. Many well known players npiieared. An introductory address was made by Mrs. Flake. Those on the pragram In¬ cluded Franclne Ijirrimore, Norman Trevor, RolKTt Ames, .Allee Brady, George Arllsa,

Tbe first thing we learned to do when we got out of lollege was to unlearn alt we bad learned. Ifi fart, this it tbe most important part of any

three years I ran away again and came to America. I was always running away! That was in 1872. I went back to England again in

Mils Coghlan. in 'Foreet Me Not." now placing in "Deburau, at IW Uclatoo Theater, New York.

Helen Ware, Herbert Cortbell, Olive Wyndham, Conway Tearle, John Drew, Grant Mitch¬ ell, Ijinra Hope Crews, Blanche Yrukt,

oae*a education. However, there is a disad¬ '77, and was there for seven years, after wliieh

Jeanne Eagela, Robert Warwick. Maclyn Ar-

vantage. You ran generally absorb a i-ollege 1 came to .America again and I have lieen here

buckle, Edmund I-owe, I'rances Starr, John

edneation in three or four years, but it is im¬ ever since."

rectors put so much stress on acting nutuiall.v Craig, Edmund Rrecae, VIngent Serrano. Frank

possible to unlearn it all in tbe same length of

Miss Coghlan deplores the fact that there ihat almost every one but the actress of much Bacon, Adele Rowland, Ada Mae Weeks. Tom

time. So that the curse cf learning follows you is no longer the tigid training these days natural ability becomes almost too natural

lewis. Merle Maddern, Catherine Roberts,

thru the years, and there is but cue conaola- whicii was required of the star in her day. Tbe

Alice neniing. Bartley Ilundington. Charles

tkn--the burden bei-omes lighter as the years young aetresi of a half century ago had a

AllthofT. Robert T. Huines, Frederick Truei-

become heavier.

definite road to travel. Rbe had to go thru

Ilcr apartment, in tbe heart of the theater deli, I'aul Everton, and Mare MacDermott.

Daring cne of our lurid periods in our sopho¬ more year they told us that age was ugly. And to prove It they quoted aphoristic Greek

certain stages of iirogresi liefore she could hope to star. And Miss Coghlan believes that tho actresses of this period are the losers thercliy.

district, is delightfully uid-fasbiuned, with bn>called furniture of the Victorian periwl, and is a treasure troxe of old pictures. When I

The bill was under the peiwcMial nianagcment of Daniel Frohman and was staged by .Alexander I-efwlch.

philosophers, Chinese proverlis and Berslan wise

"These days every one comes to New York rem.irked i Ikhii the latter she nisided her bead

men. We bellevol it--Wing a sophomore. -And and expei'ts to step right into leadii.g parts a bit Impatiently and culled my attentlou to


now we find that *tis another one of those on Broadway. Bd like to sec New York more the watch she was wearing. Rile was as naive as

ex< Iiibive," slie said. things we needs must unlearn. -We apologize

".\n appearance on a clilld over a new toy in her frai.k pleasure.

Oileago, April 16. --Reorganization of the

profusely, but you see we had never before met ·Broadwa^ ought to mean that an actor or Tiie iiieiiiliers of the Dehurau Company had Allied .Amusement Association was effected this

Rose Coghlan--beautiful at 70, and standing actress has arrive<l. New York ought to lie presente.l it to her on her lUlh birthday.

week with Betar J. Schaefer, of Jones, I.lnick

out in relief from her glorloua backdrop which the ultimate aim of one's career. Instead

And I think tint Is the si-eret of her youth-- A Sehaefer, remaining as president. Dr. Ram

everybaiy starts on Broadway. represents fifty-five years of accomplishment on

They talk sbe has never quite grown up!--MYKIAM Atkinson will remain as business iiiansger of

tbe stage. Hence we may ar-claim with all alroiit eensors I think they need censors-- hi EVE.

tbe organizatloa.

certainly for some of the plays and movies tbe dictum of the pedant we have unlearned
I've seen lately. They hi'en't any value and another lie, and our logical conclusion is that


onieers will be maintained In the same rooms in the Consumers Ruilding. BresIdenI Schaeferj

age is beautifnl. Indeed it cannot W snytliing elae when it la accompanied by achievement.
Perhaps the :noet remarkable thing about Rose Coghlan's rareer, ootside of its length, is that

they are corrupting tbe voimg pi-ojile. The world is in the hands of the voung folks these days-- perhaps It's iK-lter, I <an't say. At .sny rate, jiMing folks rowsdaya know mose than they ever did Ix'fore, and we ought to censor sonio

Edward Waldmai aiqiear in a series nt the !.of!gacre T In "The Mcr'liaiit

has announced that 'Jtkt members are now orij

the rolls. Fnder the reorganization .Allied will

make settlements la eontroverslei for Its nientl

hers only, according to Mr. Schaefer,


the received her training in burlesque. She belonged to Lydia Thompson's troupe, and her fontemtiorariea in that school were Ada Cav¬ endish and Marie Wilton.

of the ImpressloDS rtiey get fhrn tisd plays and movlea." Rlie atojqH-d suddenly. I railiet think she felt that sne had said loo nineh for discretion.


playing I

Walker Mqiears as

followed by "TamI

let," and "Romeo

t'liarlea Purcell made liia first appearance in

"The Right Girl" at the Times Square Tbe-

ater. New York, Monday niglit, .April li, aue-

eeedlng Earl Ilenliaia aa leading man.


APRIL 23, 1W-

X fi e Billboard

motion pictam. Sbe in at present playing a part in a picture rendering nf nalpb Connor's


· Sky Pliot."

Chicago, April 13.--The Wiliiam Owens show

;l Ao OUCl A1 lUlN OrdntSWtCor&tVcS.c

W.47""5t Tcl. BRyANT.2l4I-a Paul N.Turncr, Counsel


f'ranVLGillmorc, Treasurer

To Fill Unexpired Term of Richard A. Purdy
Richard A. Purdy has resigned as treasurer of tbe Actors' Equity Assoidation, owing to stress of business, which ab-oltifely prevented him from devoting any time to if. Frank Gill-

reports that it collided with the blue laws in a small North Dakota city last Sfunday night. The aiilhorities are said to have waited until the house was filled with patrons and then forbaile tlie show to give a performanc^e. The sum of 32."> was refunded to the patrons by the management of the show. Mr. Owens wrote Chicago friends that business in general is excellent.

Members should nerer make out rbe< ks nod moroy orders to indirlduals in the uiUce, liiit always to the Actors' Equity Assu<iatiun.
Ad ai-tor gave his notice and the fare of his auccetsor was deducted from the actor's luit salary, hut the aucceasor did uut join for six weeks after, so we recovered from the uiunager the amount of fare. The auccesaur's fare cau only he withheld when the successor takes up. without a break, the work of the actor he fol¬ lows. It is frequently very hard on ao actor who is compelled to leave a company to pay his successor's fare. The cost of same may lie so high as to make it practically impussihle in which case the unfortunate actor has to remain on week after week wlieu he shimld

Evans, Cecil Falil, Marie Goff, Justine Hart, Stanley iluglies, J. I*, ilunlley, John il. Irwin, Eunice Kathryn l,auibert, Francia M. I-elUer, Vega Ling, Agnes Marc, Milton Nultleii, Jr., Homer V. Oldtield. I'aul O'Neill, George E. I'rlce, Cliarli's Komuno. ,\gnes Smith, Mar¬ guerite Siiiiih, .\niie Terry, Ralph Walker, -Mae West.
Members Without Vote. Junior Members: Clins. I'enuiaii, Lewis J. Weltzman, Elizabeth R. Weils.
CHICAGO OFFICE Regular Members: Helen Forrester Ardmore, Vlelvine .Ardmore, Ruby Davis, Randolph il. Gray, Reginald C. Knorr, Genevieve Munk, Eleanor Randall, Mildreil Van, Ethel VValson, George Wells. Jatk B. Williams.

more, the executive secretary of the assta ialion and who lias been the assl-tant treasurer for a long time, has been aiipoiiitcd by the Council to fill Mr. Purdy's unexplred term, wliich runs until aliont the first of June, when the general election will take place.
Cliicago, .Aptil 14.--Fred W. Ze<ldies, 70 years old, who for forty years has been head usher in Colian's Grand and one or two preceding theaters on the seme site, 1« to go on the stage as an actor, the ceiitriil character in .i ucw comedv by Georee M. Jlr. Zeddies is periiain known to more persons than any other uslier In .America. He Is supposed to be able to meet and ask more persons if they

Do you want to know anythiag about BookaT
Our new Uterary Service Department will help yon out.
The name of the best Book for your needa and the nearest place you can get tt wiU be sent on request.
Let ns be your Literary advisers. A'ou have always found us dependable and anxious to serve you. Lean on us now. You will find our support quick and strong.

be elsewhere. Vet our ruling is just and cuu-

We have installed thla new department

not he changed. VVa have to look at the

for you and await your questions. We are

situation from both aides Tbe manager has t
booked hit route, has ordered his printing and has gone to other expenses and he miiat not be penaUxed by making it ponsible for half of tbe company to quit a tlious.ind miles fr»iu tbe organization point. But, an we said before,


straining at the leash to serve you. Nbw. then, "it's up to you!" You can't
come too fast or too often! Our nets are caat for questions and we hope for a big haul. Are you with us?
Address Literary Service Department The

tbe amount of tbe successor'a fare must he

Billboard. 1493 Broadway, New York Cliff.

csi-d (or an Immediate tueecssor; otherwise n minsger eouid put on some ahort-east bills (we are speaking of stix-k work) and save much u luey. The manager ia entitled to do this SO lung as he does not farther iweil 'his profits at the expense of the actor who has just left.
·'DELINQUENT" MEANS A NOX-MF.XlBEn We trust all our members will understand
that a delinquent is on the same footing ns a not. uiemlK-r in so far as the "Equity .Shoti" is concerned. Tbe semi-annual duet periodi are November 1 and May 1. One month a grace ic allowpt) but if by May 31 and November 30 you have not paid np then your fellow mem¬ bers will refuse to play with you. We have known thnee who have boasted of their mem¬ bership in the A. E. A. and yet were carrying cards over a year old. Of course, they were not really memtiers any more than they would be members of a club under tbe same con¬ ditions.
We bare just returned from our monthly

If you have not already oast your vote In the Dictionary Contest, do .so at once. This is your last chance.
We invite an exiiression of preference not only from legritimate actors and actresses, but vaudeville artists, platform speakers, burlesque players, lecturers, announcers; in fact, any and all members of the profession who are in any way Interested in orthoepy.
Frederic Tonkin votes in favor of Funk & Wagnalls' Standard and says: "I am playing in the .South with a permanent stock company, and the combination of dialects is proof, to me, of an urgent need of standardization of pronunciation. I am a director and favor the Stand¬ ard because it seems to combine clear meaning, adhesion to root and dlctional rhythm. I hope your movement will be countrywide."
is needed--and especially greater agreement on what constitutes it. Players, producers, directors, platfotm speakers and artists are in¬
vited to cut out. fill out and sign the voting coupon printed below, and mail it to The Billboard, 1493 Broadway, New York. Mark "Dictionary Vote" on the envelope:
My choice of dictionaries is indicated by the X set opposite same

BRITISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA OF TOD.VY--Outlines for their study, by Barrett H. Clurk. Stewart Kidd Company. Cinciunati. Net 2.50.
I'liis volume contains suggestions, biographies and bihliographies. together with historical sketches, for use la connection with the Im¬ portant plays of Finero. Jones, Wilde, Shaw, Bulker. Hankin, Chanibeis, Davies. Galsworthy, Masefield, Ervine. Fitch, Moody, Mackxye, Biieldon, Walter, etc. In a few pages devoteij to each play Mr. Clark indicates in a way highly suggestive how the skilled dramatists construct tneir plays, plan their varions drsniitic effects and deal with various problems of technic. The volume is intended to be osed in reading tbe plays themselves, but it alto
makes a strong appeal to the general reader
who desires merely to acquaint himself with

visit to (hicago, where we found business

the spirit of modem drama. To classes study¬

booming. A dress rehearsal of the Equity Annnal Show


ing tbe drama in clubs and colleges the TOlnme will be a valuable and stimulating guide.

will be given for Equity members the after¬ noon of Sunday, May 1, at tbe Metropolitan Opera Bonse. Admission only to those carrying paid-up cards.
We had a case in court because a member testified to soniethlog he could not swear to of his own kiinw ledge. In other words, be was


CHIEF CONTEMPORARY DRAMATISTS. Second series. Selected and edited by Thomas H. Dickinson. Published by Houghton, Mif¬ flin 4 Company of Boston.
Tbe authors and dramas included in Pro¬ fessor Dickinson's two volumes, the first of which was Issued five years ago, may justly

offering hearsay evidence. One can be morally

be called representative of the best that has

sure of a thing and yet at tbe same time not legally sure.


been written for the stage in England, on the continent and in America during the last quar¬


ter of a century.

Tbe following checks were received during

The names of but two Americans, Eugene

fbe week in settlement of claims:

Walter, represented by his almost great play,

WOU--(III account of non-fulfillment of the guaranteed period.
I8S--For one week's salary due for re¬ hearsals.
25--On a-iwunt. the total muck larger. 110-lD full settlement of an old claim.
--For extra performances for a member who understudied.
WO--For two members on account. 426--On account for a member of a com¬ pany recently closed. 225--On account of Central "Scandal" Company. 19 26--For fare of successor Imptopcrly de-
dneted.--FRANK OILLMORE, Executive Sec¬ retary.
NEW CANDIDATES Regolar Members: Hilda Bennett, Maxine V. Browne, Rex Carter, Florence Dixon, Blanche Tlooglaa. lou Edwards. Alice Elliot, Jane Acks

note_To make their choice clear and unmistakable, they may, if they wish, scratch out the names of the two works they do not approve.
NOTE--Those who do not want to mutilate their paper may write
us a letter indicating their choice.

Members Without Vote. Junior Members: Everett A. Roles, Donne Voorhees.
MOTION riCTL'RE SECTION Begnlar Members: Blanche Davenport. Pauline Dempsey, Jane Emerson. June Furgueson, Emil Sohonberg, Irma L. Clisse. Members Without Vote: Marjorie Connolly.

enjoyed tbe show as they leave tbe theater than any one man living. He is quoted as saying be has no (fi>jeetiona to going on tbe stage, bat had hoped to finish out, as nsher, tbe remaliing lease of twenty years yet which tbe theater bolds.

Ilobert E. Burns, Gertrude Castlewood. Wm.
n. Davis, Joe B. Evans, Janies F. Green. Mel¬
ba HIrkman, J. Howard Johnston, W. H. Montague, Isabel B. Page, Pearl I'almer. I'endleton Page, I.ittle I'at Roouey and A. Sehw.artz.
Members Without Vote: Clementina Over-

New Orleans, .April 17 --The Tulane Theater closed for the season last (Saturday) night, with the plcinre "Way Down East." Accord¬ ing to Col. Campbell, manager of the house, the season has been exeepttonally good. Both the Colonel and · Mrs. Campbell will leave In a short time for tbeir annual antomobillng

"The Easiest Way." and Josephine Prestoo Pe.sbody, whose "Tbe Piper" Is reproduced, appear in the list unless Edward Knoblock to classed as an American because of bis blrtb in this country. "Milestones." written by Mr. Knoblock and Arnold Bennett, is the first play in the volume. In the first series there appeared these natives; William Vaughn Moody with "The Great Divide." Clyde Fitch with "The Truth," Augustus Thomas with "ThS Witching Hour" and Percy MacKaye with "The Scateorow," selections with which there ciu» be no legitimate quarrel.
In the present voinnie some newly produced plays appear, such as Drlnkwater's "Abraham Lincoln" and St. John G. Ervlne's "Mixed Marriage"-- why not "Jotin Ferguson" Instead? The range goes as far back as Rostand's mas¬ terpiece, "Cynno de Bergerac," and de Poflo Rlcbe's "Amoreuse."


trip thru tbe Northern and Northeastern Slates. The Tulane will reopen again about

Ws esny In stock til hooks rwlvwvd In Ths Billboard

Offers rompletv and thoro tralalag Is Blocntlon, Drnmitlc Art. Public Speak¬ ing. Play Productions. Rdurttlosal DrsMtlrs. Pnhlle Students' Perforinsoees. iBooklet) 106 Puller Bldg., "Dept B," Pblladriphia, Pa. Phnu*. Spruce SOM.

Viola Benard's Colored Face Creams

Tewsia SU


Toronto, Can., April 14. -- Rev. Dr. W. G. Mllarr, pastor of the Bond Street Congregational Church, ha» pieaenteil hl» resignation of that charge with a view to entering Into histrionie work either with a motion pii turn eonoern in Ix>s Angeles or on the lliealrl> al stage in Sflia'-espearean roles. Dr. Milarr lius for some years been a close student of the plays of .Shakespeare, and has given reeltals thnioiit tlie rnltod States.
For some time IV. Mllarr has oontemplsted making his home In rnllfornla. where one of bis daugbtera u engaged as an actress for the

tbe middle of September.
Chicago, April 14.--Karl Gardner, who has been ill for a long time In tbe American Tbe atrical Hospital, is convslesoent and some of his friends have arranged a benefit for Mm at (he Olympic Theater. Mr. Gardner was an actor for forty-flre years and to now 73 years old Tlic benefit, in charge of Harry J. BiUingt., will be held May S.

By Jaairt H. Stoddsrt. with an Introduction by William Winter and nu¬ merous pivrtralfs. .An exceedlnglv Interesting ac¬ count of the stage life of this veteran player.
Prirt, $1.50. aostpald. to any addrsM.
(BookV'llora to the Pnrfooalss)
128 Wffst 45th St.. New York. N. V.




Bt. Mew hoA


T ti e Olllboard

ipRIV 23, 1921

At Naples, Italy, With Assistance of Mascagni, the Composer


'`OEBTIE'9 GARTEU"--A new farce In three acts, by Wilson Colllaoo and Avery Hopwood. StasiMl b.r Bertram Bairlaon. 1`re-

Advic<-ff frnin Kome state that Pietro Matrasnl. the 0|>eratic comiioser, la entbuaiastic about the new organization, the Neapolitan Artistic Co-operative Between Theater Workers, which he recently helped to form at Naples,
and believes it eonn will be In a financial poeition to take o«er the management of the San Carlo Tliealer. This is one of the largest theaters in Riinipo and was founded by Charles Ml. in 17:17.
·'The monient this i« possible," he said on his return frotii Na|>les to Rome, "the profits going to theater workers will be sueb that they will be spurred to produce to their best sblllty. We slisll be helped by the fact that the SsD Carlo Theater is municipal property. Tlie great problem which »c have to solve today ill Italy as elsewliere is that of changing the slat us of the laboring classes and giving them a deep Interest in the success of the enterprises In whleh they are engaged
`'That is what I tried and auci-eeded In doing at I/eghom (Mascagni's native city), when the men occupied the works there. I wan acriised of Ixung a Bolshevik because T pat mywif at their bead, remembering that I am myself the son of n working man and that I have risen to my present position only thru work. 1 preached the ascred dut.v of labor. whleh alone can regenerate humanity and those men performed mlraclea."


Note to Our Readers; Haven't you a little incident to relate abont yourself which would fit iato this oolnmnt Or
if it Isn't about yourself it may be of some friend or acquaintance of yours--aomethins humorous
or pathetic and of human interest to others. 'We don't want any muckraklns, and wo know that you don't either. We won't use names if you don't want ua to. We should like to hoar from you no matter where you are or what it is about. Come on, let's pet acquainted. Address oom* munleationa to MARGIE PAXTL, 1493 Broadway, The BiUboard, New York City.

A GOOU-NATI KED PI.OB It was outside of a big movie theater and the Hue that stoml waiting to get In stretched s block in length. I recognized the stsr of the feature also awaiting his turn at the ticket window. There came along a youth--coat bvlli-d iu tightly, cane, waied mustache--you know the kind, with a young ralciniined nose thing ou each side. I've seen both of them innumerable times on Broadway. ·'('hee. we've got a swell chance of getting In." pii«ed Satin Cost.  "You wait here In the lobby." said Johnny. i'll get in line," "Aw, you dou't hafter do tliat," objeited Ibiblusl Hair. "I'lck out some poor lioob whit's near the ticket winder and ask him to get the tickets for you." She glanceti down the line. "There." she pointed to the movie star. "Ask him! He looks like a good-natured slob!" Jolmny hesitated uot a moment, and with an air of doing him a great favor he approached the .toiing man designated. "Certainly," answered the "good-natured slob." taking the money. "I'll get thcni." I knew lliHt the movie hero bad heard Bobbed Hair's remark. True to bia word he ap¬ peared with the tickets and joined the waiting three. ".\h." he remarked casually. "I aee you

want an extra man I'll he glad to Join }ou. My name s O'lJrlen." .\nd liefore the paralyzed John i-ould say a word he had grtsried his baud. Niw«-d to the ladies, and the.v all went in togelher. 1 was directly behind then, and when the usher saw us he took it for granted that we Bve were together and he ushered us to a box.

Til** news fiU'tiiii* was on. The movie hero wau the master of the sltuatlOD. Staife-noor

Johiin,v was ill at ease. The girls giggled a gri*at d**al and were frankly enjoying the adventure, Movie heroes <an be entertaining off the screen as well as on it--a thing which I had never

known before.


The lights went up for a few moments, while the orchestra pla.ved an overture, Then the

feature was dashed upon the screen. The star's name aiqieared in large lettera.

'I think he's Just grand!" guslosl Bohlied Hair, tnming to her unknown escort. "Don't you7"

"No. I don't," replied that person flatly. "I think he's Ju«t a gooilnatured alob!"

sented at the Woods Theater. Chlcaso, week of April 11.

TIIK CAST--Pattle Walrick. Dorothy Mack.iye; Billy Kelton, Lorin Raker. .Nanette. Adde Rulland; Gertie Darllnc (a bride). Hazel
Dann; Allen. Walter Jones; Ken Walrick
(I'sttle's husband), Donald MacDonald; Teddy liarllng (f)ertle'e husband), Louis Klmbalf; llarbara Kelton (Billy's wife and Teddy's aiaier), Mleano- Dawn; Algy Riggs (Fattie's brotherl! Kaymoiid Walbnm.

··(Jerlle'i Carter" pla.ved to rapacity bnslne<>

the flnt week.

No review of the farce can be made along prescritied lines. ,\a drama it is brazen piosti tutlon of the functions of the theater. Ac fsree it Is iDdellcate, elumsy, uncouth and funry only in its suggest'veneaa. At for s'lg ing. It is Ingeniont lint nut uiasterly.

BUT as a typical .41 Woo<ls farce comedy ot the liedrooui t)'pe witliout the bednxim It >

getting arrosa with a wallop. This wallo;i U

parked by a faithful mlsa, Dorothy Mackaye.

^j,o opens, permeates, and dominates the entlie


. whose nniln-elv evir · r...


the close leavea a w^k ending which

sorely needs her presence, LX)nD Raker aid*

and ahela her as the diminutive eo-res[s>niient

,ije luis chosen to "coropnimiae" her and enable

lo aronae the ire of her mate. Her mati

is the donor of the misrhievona garter and her

eoirpromlser Is married to the bridegroom' sister. Adele Rolland does the French maid

Cfaicago, April 12.--Mrs. Tliomas W'. df. fen.. said to be America's oldest actress in point of

The girl cast him a suspicious glam e--bia wonis bad a strangely familiar ring. But she turned back to the picture without comment. The star was being Introdui-ed in a closeup..
She gave a start. At the same time realization came to Johnny and Satin Coat. Simnltaneously they turned to look at their aelf-lnvited guest. But he had softly and swiftly dla^pppired.

well. Hazel Dawn la the bride end original recipleot of the garter. Walter Jones does the butler In excellent manner. Tlie other mcm bert are acccfitable.

eervice. was given a Chinese tea Monday on the stage of the Princess Theater, liy her

"My Gawd!" breathed the John. "Aw shut up!" snapped BoWied Hair.

As suggested above we ran only review tbs show In ronnectloB with others of Its type. The

only rival In length of aerviee. Mrs. Elizabeth

And she wouldn't speak to him the rest of the evening.

type may ha 'q^n 'o objection by some. Lines

Hudson Collier. Mrs. Benjamin II. Mnrshall led a party of society women in pouring tea for the
guests, among whom were the leading women

The most thrilling feat Jane Oaker. who plavs the fsvcinating vaudeville dancer in "Light^xer performed was when she was 12 years old. Since then nothing in her stage career

wltR doable meanings, delivered ·arlth tbs spotlight 00 the suggestlvs aide, lead only to nol«y laiigha and ribald appreciation. But

from the theatrical companies playing in Ciil- hgg seemed difPcuIt by comparison. Jane was visiting her roiiains, who owned a cow. and she Just as Woods found with bis "Woman T'<

cago. Mrs. WhHTen. who has Just cloeed liei eucceedi-d in staying on the hack of the bovine quadruped for three successive minutes. They Woman" at the Pliyliouse, sveu Cht'ag<

local appearance in "Just Suppose." at the zzj the cow gave sour milk forever after.

erlMca. _seem_ to prefer noisy rough stuff Is'ighs

Blaekatone Theater, has been playing since _'-TT


KW*. when ahe made her first apiiearance at yesrs straight may have lent a hit of color to the story.

`XJrbtnln* Bill Jones" for three

flraii.ifle eiceilence. so

cannot blame th*

niultltndo Phapely calfa, stunning lingeris

the age of 20. Mrs. ColUer has been playing

q-|-p pQp tat

worn by Hazel Dawn, and as atrandance of

S2 years and has one of the moat aetive parts

He was a fat. Jolly person, and he was having an awfully good time at the matinee. Most low comedy assure the immediate finsneial

in "The Bat," now current at the Princess everyone had fome to expc'-t the hearty, infectious laugh which rang above the other laughter aurceaa of the play. It is the type of farce


toason for amusement. But the lady in front with the hatchet face didn't murmured something that didn't sound very eompllmentary, but

i«ad« to bursting of anapeader lujltosa ,1..


which seemed 10 have no effect at all on the gentleman to whom it was directed. At last she turned sqiiarelv abont In her seat. "Stop your laughing!" ahe esciaimed vlo-



vent of our moders e|vll|rtfli>.i and

Los Angeles April 14.-Addi.on Pitt, who

i.i--. ,

< «e

cuima to Iw a fli^.cnoeni or twelve generatiotia

of actors, is gaining more than local prominence





The man who was having such a good time gszed at her for a moment in utter astonishment,

guffawed again, this time more heartily than ever: "Haw! Haw!" he said, addrewiing

those about him "Here'a another blue law gloom. She wants to put the muzzle on my iangbt

I*"""* in s period of flntnelal depressten A1 Woods

has pl.nne.1 with an attentive eye to the box-

mnnrt. Tim.

.cti/m- nn. hnn. ta

by his stage directorship of the Majestic Tbea- Haw! Haw! "

*7*, `^,1!,-, J o of-v'vw?'


ter here.

And I am sure that the folks on the stage are still wondering whst the deuce there was in


Prominent among the members of the family ^^e play that got such a big inugh from the matinee crowd that day.


were Mia. Phllll,*. reputed to have been the
first actress to play the part of a woman on the English stage; (harlea Pitt, who appeared in America In IklO as the melancholy Jaeqnei

hardly seems postlble that the art of Rachel, tragedienne of a century ago. is completely forgotten. Yet the 100th anniversary of her birth this month was apparently neglected not only in this country, but abroad as well. It was of her that Anna Cora Mowett, famous American

Dally News; "The A. H. Woods Theater sever )tesrd more langha to the second than 'Gartle'a Garter* registered."
Chicago Journal: " 'Gertie's Garter* teems to

in "As Ton Like It." and H. M. Pitt, father actress of Rachel's time, said: "From the moment she came on the stage I was always under the aiiggeat that the corset, garter end nnderwear

of 4ddlson Pitt, who made bia first appearance

of a spell. Her eyes had the power of a baslllsk'a upon me. 1 never expect to see the drama baa gone to teed."

na Orlando in New York with the famous ·`'ting equaled-to surpass it In Impa^loned force and grandeur ap^ara to me impossible."

Chicago Tribune. "I woqld have liked It bet-

1, m. ,1


Rachel was bom of German-Jewish parents in Switzerland. Her father, a peddler, bora

,, ,

n-,.., ·· .


l.ester Mallaek Company.

xritb a taste for the finer things, was much interested in the drama, and he was a discerning ' ^ *'"* **

funnier. What it teems to need

critic of actors and actresses. Tho the sordid ghetto robbed Rachel of a sunlit childhood and "


n name as an epithet. '

REMODELING ELKINS THEATER left its mark upon her physically, it could not take away from her the inherited love of good Herald-Esamlner: "Little Drothy Mackaye


plays and good hooka and beautiful poetry. Before ahe was 10 she could recite with much feeling walked away srith the show."

Klklns W Vs Anril 14 --A lam. force of _ ,
men baa atarted to work remodeling the Grand
Theater on Davis avenue, w'aicb will take the


French plays of the claasic stage.

Indeed, it seemed as tho the tragic heritage of her race was in that frail figure, which could

,orth with a power that stirred the emotions and passion, of her hearers. Rachel Orr said

of her: "It is thru sheer natural genius, rather than artifice, that abe was able to master a

New Toik, April 10.--Frank Tours will coo-

greater part of tlie summer to complete. Thneo stage Is being set bsck about 50 feet and is alIsso being widened, which will give more apace
the entire bnlldlng After these alterations are

great auudience anda boeanda uit xtoo hner winll.." At 17 ahe made her first ancecesa, creating a- n extraord..inary sensation at the C- omedte _Francalse
in "Les Horaces," in which she appeared aa Camille. At 20 she had Ixmdon at her feet. It was
in London that Fanny Kemble--from whom, by the way, two of our young actresses on the
Amprlcan stage at priwnt are descended, Violet'Kemble r''>oper and Greta "Kemble Cwiper-^^fe

music of ""Ctlalir fdie Lune," which

a^rii ia for

^ \

'«>e Empir. Theater. April M, lor

*" cl*nt weeks ^engagement with Ethel an

Barrymore 'n the east. Toots hat besn

rOMpWM. which bIro Includes new ·oenery and

jij 1R41: "Everybody here Is now ravine alnint RHchel. Her appearunee la very atrlklng; conducting `'Mecca** this scison.

deecrationa, the Grand will have a seating capacity of aliout 1,A00, and showa that have
not been able to come here on acoonnt of the sUe of the txillding will be booked

abe is of very good height, too thin for beauty, but not for dignity or grace; her want of chest and breadth, indeed, almost suggest a tendency to pulmonary disease, coupled with her pallor and
l*rr youth.'* Fanny Kemble's words proved to be a prophecy. The beat of care and luxury In aduit life

· ' -
Chicago, April 14.--Word comet from Pal-

Manager RR. H H. TTaallbbcctttt iiss nnooww bliokoikningg aaoom mee blrtb. "***

dread disease to which her shabby, starved childhood in the alums had given mvra, Mo., that Miller Fprague, of the Savoy

of the finest showa on the road.

came to New York In 1M.5.

She waa 84 then and at the height of her exquisite art.









new "for

Chicago. April 14--Mrs. John J. Garrlty. wife

In Philadelphia her delicate health gave way. and she wa. ordered South. She appeared in Charleston, 8. C.. then went to Cuba, and finally returned to France. A trip to Egypt failed to
^Der a lingering Illness for three yearn she died in her S7tb year at Cannes. France. George Henry Lewes, seeking to pay the highest tribute to Edmund Kean, said that be
B*chel. only "who was aa a woman what he was aa a man."

v*®*" regular attractions and plcfnrea.
"lahmael," a four-act cxrmedy drama, waa presented Saturday night, April 16 at the

of the Shuberla' Weatern representative, oe-
eaaionally returns to the stage for a brief period in Chicago when managers simply won't tike no for an answer. Just now she is with "East Is West." at the Garrick. Three timea ahe has played for a period in local casts, and, they aay, each time increased box-office receipts have
marked her advent.

ARTISTIC NOVELTY CO. Masiifartursra st


Bhlnestons and Paarl Trimmlnca Special ordart promptly filled.

Catalot ffnbmitted Upon Keqnest

901 Watt STtll St..






Amatsiw Plava Carraetlv CoWumMi

e*Ar»i jx ta/iiAvi

_ __

·· Tsaiu)

TML. 1929 Mujanaaak -49 Ualaa Mo Nsw VuNb



going to be at ail fashionable your evening gown must be of silver, or It moat

have a silver trimming, or t girdle, or thonlder strsiis, at least, of silver. One of the best

looking_gowns Uv^seen of this type was worn by Francioe Larrlmore, the little redheaded star of

"Nice People." The underskirt was of silver eloth, and over it came a delightfully bouffant

skirt of silver net, with bands of silx'er braid. A simple bandeau of silver made np the waist,

whleh was outlined with a narrow piping of Jade green. A nr-e. made of silver cloth and Jade,

waa to the left of the waist line. The shoulder straps were of rhincAtoiics

Katlierine Cornell in this play wore a ebarming suit of fawn-exdored 1`olret twill. The bog

coat swung smartly when she walked and was fastened with <ine button. The mandarin sleeves

were three-quarter length and finished with a turnbaek cuff, as was the bottom of the coat. The

neck waa rut rather low, so that a good part of the blouse worn underiieatb showed. The skirt

bad a panel In the bark, underneath whleh was a slit. Miss Cornell bad on strap pumps and

Stockings to miteh, and ^e wore a Jaunty brown Milan bat, with brown grusgrain ribbon wings,

with this costume.

A long, eirrular cape of gray, shimmering satin, made of Tallulah Bankhead, quite irre¬

sistible. despite her thaukleas rule. This waa trimmed with lline four-ineh bands of cartridge

dating of the same material, running horizontally about the ea|)e. The shawl collar waa gathered

In the back and bordered with the fluting. This was topp<d off by a deep rose satin hat of

uncertain shape, and a curled ostrich band of the same color, which bung down a little ou one aide.


skipped merrily op the many afeps of the Shulierts' bark stage, expecting to find Mms.

Ilaverstlrk when we bad climbed high enough. But a stranger confronted us on the top lamlinff.

***''* ***'*

warilrube mistress," we explained.

wardrobe mistress." quoth the atrnger coldly. "Mme. Haveratirk la no looger here."

She didn't know where Madame bad gone, she said.

Bo now we are seeking the lady who can tell more good stories--sod true ones--and la the

recipient of more confidieocee than anyone else in New York. Who knows where wa can find her}

Rnighta of Columbaa Hall. New Orleans, by the Alcasar Players, tnelndlng William Dowell. Richard Dowling, W. F. I/>an. John M. Bacl-
''··ch, P. D. Maaalcot, Ow-ar Hell. Betty Fin nin, Laura Pierson, Thelma O'Brien and Marlon Draper. Tba Alcazar Players ia a local organtxatioa devoting its time and talents to charitable benefits and la officered by I- JAnderson, hnalneaa manager; William D<iwrll, stage manager; and George T. Gronan, atalatant manafer.

cjilgb. A.CXI1MG




' 43 W. 724 9t.. Nasr Caatral Park Wait


Ntw York City. Telephona 6225 t'lrrls.

CslabrlUta who studied under Ur. Alvltne Ilarn PB-

ctr, Annette Bellermann, Nora Bayea. Mary Fuller.

Mary PIckford. Orrtruda Huffman, Fays klaitie. Alias

Joyea. Kleanor Painter, Taylor Uolmct. Joseph Sant-

Irr. Dolly blatort, Floranrs and Mary Nash. Mile

Iiailt. and many other rtaowned ortlsta. Day and

Kveotag Onuraaa. PubUe SUidenta* Performs

Wrlto^ IBWIH. MotaUry, for frat eaUlogua.

itrakiE aludr

APRIL 23, 1921


Edna Hibbard haa been engaged for the lead-

lug friuiniiie rolt; of ·`The I'oppy Ood.**

^ "ry",

.. . w ..

John Wenger, the Buaalan artlat. baa been

engaged to provide the scenic and lighting

effects for ``The Poppy God.

The Duncans, Raymond, Isadora and the former'a aon, Menalkaa, hare left Parla for
·o`Xl> according to the latect reports. BayIn ^ speech, is quoted aa calling Parla,
dirtiest city In the world, bar none. Hence imsty retreat.

A play entitled "The Sacrifice" will be produced at the Greenwich Village Theater, New York, on May 2 by Harry J. Thomas.
-The California Manuscript Company, San Plcgo. Cal., advlaes that It has Just secured the comedy drama. ` Smiles," by J. S. Angell.
Mijorie Bamhean tea bonght a ranch near Fresno. Cal. She paid $25,000 for 100 acres of land and will Improve the property with a home.
-- The seaeon at the Grand Theater, CinclnnatL wlU close the week of May 7 when Otla Skinner will I'rcsent his latest socceas, "At the

^ "Mra. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," which
preaented recently at the Hiulton Theater, Schenectady, N. Y., by the drama department of the Women`s Club, was repeated there FVlday night, April 15, for the benefit of the houae fund which local American l.egion posit are raising.
___ TaUln* Shop,** by Michael Morton, baaed on Stephen Leacock's "Sunshine Sketches,'* was opened In Atlantic City, Mooday, by Sam H. Harris. The cast Includes Bobert MeWade, Robert Cnmmings, Elmer Graodln, Blanche Frederlcl. Gladys Gilbert, Leonard Doyle, and Escamlllo Fernandez.

Ore of the Selwyns earliest prodnctlona of the forthconilrg waaon will he "ftonny." tlie new comedy by George V. n<>hart, which has already hid a tiyoiit.

The students of Prof. George P. Baker's course in tba drama at Harvard gave two matinee performances at the Moroeco Theater. New York, April 18 and 19. The lint day

be left the Clare Kommer matlaeee which pUred for a time at the Punch and Jodj.


(Continned fmm page 20)
eloa, or vrho mar feel a bit of aym*
pathr in their cauae, la not to go near
Miaa Jetale Bnalej to try and aecnre an



Terr truly youra, ' DILLON M. DEASY.

My Dear Mr Deasy *

` I think `it is highly amusing, vastly

illuminating, and, if true, greatly to be

deplored, But since the Star-Spangled

Banner has been expurgated I have

declded to abandon my membership on

the Foreign Relations Committee. Also

in the present state of vaudeville an

Inscrutable Providence may have Inter-

vened in your behalf. Why not look at

It that way? Timorously yours,


AND Still the letters come:
Thursday, April 5, 1021. Dear Sir:--
Brery time I read a theatrical paper I see something about "Anti-Semite."

ance. and that both Mr. Belasco, Mr. Guitry, Mr. Atwill and "Deburau" are doing Well. Also Alfred Head, General press Representative of DAVID BE¬ LASCO.
liUwV i l_H I O (Oontlnoed from page 21)
Patency was all Thanls had on her Structure to cover her stark
nakedness. The gossamer could easlly be noticed by use of the Lick Op^^vatory telescope. It was harder
than the umpty-billion consteldimmest reaches of the
would be for the unashopeleas victim of
Thanis danced and danced danced, if that is what you call The message she "interpreted"
Can Get Away With Anything if You Only Have the Galll"
delivered her message without

Dore Davldaon. playing In "Hollo's Wild Oat." Is planning to give a terlee of public readings this summer of his own play, "The Jodgment of King Solomon."
"Veronica's Veil." .tmerica's Paition play, still he presented at the Tiilane Theater, New Orleans, May 7 and 8 Instead of the dates prerlonsly announced at the Athenaeum.
Walter nam;>den presented "Macheth" Tuesday night at the Broadhurat Theater. New York. Mary Hall was Lady Macbeth. Mr. Hampden plana to give hla whole repertoire.
Five memben of the Barrymore family-- EtheL Lionel and John Barryuuore and John tad Loolse Drew--will appear together at the Equity annval show at the Metropolitan on May L
"Elng Rene's Daughter," an old English playlet of the 15lb century, was presented by hUad girla Saturday at the Lighthouse of the N. T. Aaeoclatloo for the Blind, 111 East SOtb street.
Tony Sarg'a Marionettes were preaented at the Y. M. C A . Troy, .N. Y , Saturday afterneon and evening, April 18. under the auspices of the local alumni of Simmons College of Boston.
Dorothy Roos of Syracuse. N. Y.. has been aelected for the lead iu "Harlenquade," a new play to he staged by Granville Barker In the Neighborhood riayhoose In New York City about May 1.
The Drama Cofteri are to stage three oneact plays next month. They are "Bird's Neat," by Tracy D. Mygatt; "Another Way Ont," by Lawrence lungner: and "Boccacclo'a Cntold Tale," by Harry Kemp.
Madsm niga Petrova has signed a long term contract with the SeI.^yna thru her agent, Jennie Jacobs. She will h^lo her atsoclatlon with the Belwyna In S.>pteuiher when she will appear In a new play by a new author.


Vnkar ti eenaaontiTa parfonaaaoaa up te and la^udiag Saturday, April 1$.


Bad Maa. Tka.

Bat. Ika.

Biekaa WIm. Tka....

..... 48tk Street.

OkaaploB. Tka.

... Gnat Mitchell.Longa ere.

t'lair de Luae.

Etlisl A John Barrymore Emj^e.

Dear Ma.

I. La Rue-Hamllton.Rcpohllc.


... Lionel Atwill.Belasco..

DiS'raat (apes, mata) Emperor Jones.
Enter. Madam. Pint Tear. The. Ghost Betweeo, The... OoM Dlggen. The....

Chat. R. Gilpin. Vareal-Trevori.
Artbnr Byron, iLa Claire...

.... PrlncsM. ... Princess. .... Pulton. .... UtUe. ..... S8tb Street.. .Lyceum.

Greet Adventure. Green Goddeea, The... In the Night Wetch...

George Arlisa.

.... Neigh. Playhouse. .... Booth.. .... Century..

Ladles' Night..

.... ElUnge.

Uttla Old Kaw York. tMarheib. Mary Stuart.

Prank Bacon.

.... Gaiety.. Plymouth.

Walter Hampden


.... Rita.

Miae Lula Bett.


Mized Marriage (spec. mat.).

.... Punch A Jndy...

·Mr. Plm Paaset By.

.... Garrick.


.... Hudson.

Nlca People.. Francine Larrlmore).... Klaw. Peg of My Heart. Laurette Taylor....... Cort.

RoUo'e Wild Oat.

.... Pnneb A Jndy...

5*inn(>th As Mlk. Spanish Lowe. Ttwera, The..

Doria Keane. Willard Mack.

.... Playhooae.
.... Frazee. ....Maxine Elliott... .... Geo. M. Cobau...

Three Live Qbostt.... TPto. Trial of Joan of Arc tWake r?. Jonathan.
Welcome Stranger...

.... Nora Bayea. Leo Ditrichstela.. .... BI)oq. Margaret Anglin .... Shuhert. am. Plake. ....Henry Miller....
..... Sam Harris.

·Moves Henry Miller April IS.

tCloaed April 18.

Aug. SO.. Aug. 23.. Now. 29.. Jan. 8.. Apr. 18.. Jan. 17.. Dec. 23..

Bab. Beggar's Opera,
Bat. Tka. >Dul<p. lUst la West. Gertie's Garter. uMary. Shavings. Tavern. Ttie....


Helen Hayes. Blackatose....

..  . . OPeidnntz ceuals...

Lynn Pontanne.Cort.

Pay Balnter.Garrick.

 .Woodg. 4. · J...

I '


Harry Bereaford.Powers.

 -- .Oobtn'a Grand.

··Richellen*' will ho presented by the Jesuit Alumni at the Athenaeum, New Orleans, May 1.8 and 14, for the benefit of the Catholic Women's Home. The performance hae been endorsed by Archbishop Shaw.
"The Merchant of Venice" will he given in a eerlea of matinees at the Loogaere Theater, New York, beginning April 2ft. Laura Walker of "Ihe Ghost Between'* will play Portia and Edward Waldman will he Shylock.
The right to the title "It's Cp To Ton" haa been bmught to court by the "It'e Up To You" Con'orallon against William Moore Patch, pro¬ ducer of the musical comedy by that name, now playing at Ihe Casino, New York.
"The Mascot" Is to be produced In .MIsnItc City at a d.iie In May by an amateur orgtnlration conducted hy A. E. Weedon, organist of the Ascenatno Church. Mr. Weeden has been prominent In amatenr mnalcal productions for many years.
vCatablUhod 20 Vearal


v...n, Frsf.ul.a.l Aet.r^

Siagari, Muticlaaa,

·rjmiara Coarhatl and Ptaerd. All Rranrhrai

) WuJertlla Wrmnx Stagln. Producing^

three playlets were presented, namely: "Torchet," by Kenneth Baiabeck; "Cooks and Cardinals," hy Norman l.Indau; and "Mia* Mercy," by Louise Bray. The second day, "A Punch for Judy." hy Philip Barry, a play in three acts, was given.
william Hodge haa written himself another play called "Beware of Dogs," which will open in about a month under Lee Shuhert's direction. Edward Eisner will stage the prodnctlon. In Mr. Hodge's snpi>ort will be Mary Lawton, Lucille LaVema, Ann Patla. Marian Vantlne, Charles Mason. Oeorgo Barbier, Leighton Stark, Philip Duunlug and Harold Heaton.
' -- E. A. Hemphill is booking Frank Jooea in "SI Perkins" to tour Pennsyltanla and other States. The bill has been re-wrItten and a prolog added, making four acts and a proIog, with country dances, quartets and the big fair Beene. Yfr. Hemphill states that a clever cast will iiipport Mr. Jones, several members already haring been engaged.

pillntore. .later of, daughter

of Frank Gllluiore, aorretary of A. £. A.g

Into the leadlnc

of **RoIlo*i Wild

^^en I-otu. Bobh fell III. and gave  ror-

Now I am a Clown, playing on the

road, and as a Clown I use quite a bit

of grease and cold cream, hut lately

the stuff has been very had. Please

tell me thru .vonr paper where 1 can

purchase a can of this "Anti-Semite,"

as I am annoyed vrith Goose-Flesh.

Thanking yon In advance, I am sin¬



Help! Help! Help!

LONG live the virtue of Persever¬ ance.
General Press Representative, DAVID BELASCO, Belasi-o Theater, New York]
David Belnsco's production of "Deburan," the ootnedy from the French of Sacha Guitry, adopted by Granville Barker, with Lionel .\twlll In the title robe, will roach its 125th performance In the Bel8s<'o Theater tonight, with ca¬ pacity audienoea still prevailing.

SUfs Uirretur and Plays* SuppIleA^

prlslngly subtle performance. Mlaa Olllmor^

BTMfitray. Raoai 422 (Bryaat D42). Naw Vait. baa been the underatody of Mias Robb since buran" has reached its 125th perform-


tmt row fans tad addms todsy. Don't amd a MBar.

W«EVUl MndfoufrM. either of

iioHtf cold line*

Mt with *jr«nuiDft DIAMIDC. weichinc tbeut · canC

DIAMIOBS ara Uia wr«>ate«t cema tT»r made bf

Tb«r axcMx] both in bai^neMand lo brilltanra all jewela,

·leapt tha diamond. Thai ara mora diAcult to malt tl^

piatUmiD^Do known acid can mar them Tbaj ara BMP*

·cniettMa, their bnliianca laata forever

Writ* TaHav YVniC looay

tall oa whkb rinr yoowlab qr/o^wa*) Wheotharioc

ladallaarad pay tha poatmao |4 9^ Nothlnp more to cay Wa eaan pay poetape ano tax It you can tab It tram m diamond aand It bach asd we will refood aaary cant of your mooey at ooca Yoadooot riak a

pacuty. Orte today. 6a aura to aand tingar aaa#

Crass ft Ca. 909 W. AiUm St . Dee. 2304 lOiots. a

A Thorough Train Inc School for the Sttet and Platform. Vocal Eirrcibra Oi-en all tbs year round. Hackay'f "AUT OF ACTING" for sala at Conaervitory. Rssai 711. I4S W. 4Stll St.. Ntw Yark. N. V.

AFRIl 23, 1921

and American Endeavor in Grand Opera, Symphony and.Chamber Music and Classic Dancing


S to March 26, InrlailTe, while Albert Coatee, conductor of the Londoo Symphony Orcheatra, will, at gucit condurtor. direct all coocerta given from December 29 to February 26, Inclo* eiee.

Given Impetus Thru Enterprise of Mrs. George S. Richards, Concert Manager

Young Singer From St. Louis
Wins Engagement With Metropolitan Opera

Festival To Be Held June 1-3 at Green wood, Ind.

For aereral yeara Mra. George 8. Blcharda bat been actlrely Identified with the mualctl deTelopment of Duluth and turrounding territory. During the time the wat State pretldent of the National Federation of Mutic Clubt, Mra. Rirb-

in Less Than Two Years After Coming

arda organlaed email mualc cluba thruout Mlnhat announced neaota, and londucted tbe firat State Mualc Con-

to New York

poaern' Fettiral tett held for tbe Federation In 8t. Paul. At tbe mortal BuiMing, result of ber work In the Interest of mualc, Mrt. ind 3. As pub- Rlcbarda. In tbe early fall of 1016, annouared

irizea In the In- an All-SUr Concert Courae la Dulutb, and. thru

Draama do come true aometimea; but, when they do, it it usually because one baa naed determination, perseveranee and bard work to bring about the desired goal. Thia la particularly true of Marion Telva, a contralto, who, tho but 22 years old, has realized her eberished dream, namely, to sing with tbe Metrui>olltan Opera Comiiany, aa she has a contract aud bus been alugiug with the organization aince lust Dei ecu her.
Aa a small girl Marion Telva waa interested In mush, aud this interest developed into a de¬ sire to become a singer. Her family was not

appearances with tbe Metropolitan Opera Company, therefore Marlon Telva has reaa<jn to be proud and bap(iy over her aueceaa. Ktndllnesa and friendliness are two eharacteriatica which

dIant So festival, art song fur the


warded at this
100 for tbe btat art aong, 1100 for second beat

· *tell directed campaign, brought tbla courae to tbe attention of mualc lorera In Northern Minnesota and Wlacootin, with the outcome that many, many people were afforded an opportunity of hearing celebrated artlata and attractiona at a price within the reach of every one, at Mrt. Blcharda gave aftecial rates to atudenti of mualc, tcboola, teachers and bnaineaa women.

During tbe war period Mra. Blcharda continued

to preaent. thru tbe All-Star Course, excellent

musical programa, altbo many concerts were

given at a heavy loss. Tbe last two aeaaoct,

however, Mra. Blcharda has met with great

financially able to expend tbe necessary money

for a muaical education such as she felt she

needed, but this did out daunt her, and she

derided to leave high school to earn money for

ber mualc lessons. Uaving studied atenogruphy

at school she accepted a position as stenographer

and worked for four years and when she left

tit. Louts to come East she waa aecretsry for

tbe Town Club, a large club In that city. All

her leisure time waa devoted to ber music, and

she obtained a potltion aa aoloiat at the Secoud

Presbyterian Church. Tbe Chairman of the

Mualc Committee of this church became Inter¬

ested In her atruggle fur a place In the muaical

world and arranged for Mme. Schiimaun-lleink

to bear ber ting. Tbe famoue contralto told

Mias Telva that anyone investing money In her

voice to tbe extent of giving her an excellent

musical education would not lose one penny.

Learning of the verdict two big-hearted men in

St. Louis, Charles Wlggioa and Benjamin Uratz,

agreed to pay for her tuition with one of the

beat vocal instructors of New York, provided

Mlaa Telva could take care of ber living ex-


Feeling confident she could obtain sufficient

work to suiply ber with funds fur her living

expenaet she came to New York, determined

that If bard work and perseverance ·'ounted for

anything she would briug to fulfillment the

prophecy of Sebumann-Ueink and would become

a member of tbe Metroimlltan Opera Company.

She arrived in tbe Big City in April of 1919.

and placed herself under the instructiou of

Madame Caroline Mibr-Ilardy, with whom she ia

atlll atudyiug. Tbe tea<hing she had received


from Mias Eugenie Gettuer of St. Louis gave her aa excellent basis on which to work, and

Opens Campaign for Funda

after eighteen months' study under Mme. MibrHardy tbe latter arranged for ber pupil an audition at the Metropolitan Opera House before

Chicago. April 15. The Chicago Band Alsoelation has oi>ened a campaign for an additional

Artur Bodansky. Tbe audition took place iu

$125,000. This ia a clrtc Institution Incorpo.

October. 1920, and after bearing Miss Telva

rated not for profit. Ward S. Terry, presi¬

·ing Mr. Bodansky asked ber to wait a few minutes, and when be returned be brought with him Gattl-Casazza, and after listening to a

Young St. Louisan, who has met with success in this ber flrit season with the Metropolitan Opera Co. --Study by Oeorse M. Kvaalere, U. T.

dent of the association, states that there baa been no great oresaion in Chicago during the past ten years at which tbe Chicago Band has

few songs tbe great impresario instructed ber to learn several rules which she would slog for him In two weeka.
Instead of two weeks she received notice in two days to again sing for him, and this bearing resulted in obtainiog for Marion Telva a contract with tbe Metroi>olitan Oi>era Company and ber first aiiearance waa on De<'ember 31, 1920, in "Manoo Leacant,'* aa the musician, and

show forth almost as soon as one talks with her and ber eyes B|iurkle aa she tells yon of her plans for the future--bard study, bard work, yea--but she still builds air caatlea. which she feels will come true. A typical American girl. una|>oiIed by ber success, and we hojie she will attain to tbe topmost rung of the ladder of fame.

ballad, and two prizes each for $25 for an art sung and a ballad from tbe Junior Club members of thi c<-Dtei State and ebjne;

not particl{iated, and Its excellent concerts are familiar to all Chicagoans. The organization plays In parks, bospltsls, settlements, industrial

ber first big part was aa "Brangoeoa." in "Tris¬ tan and Isolde," on January 29, 1921, in which she achieved aucceat. Since then Miss Telv. baa appeared in a number of roles, both in New York City and tbe Tueaday evening perform¬ ances given by tbe Metropolitan Company in Philadelphia, and baa been given a contract to go on tour with the orgaoUatioo when it gives a week of grand u|>era in Atlanta, Ga., and she baa also been assigned several interesting parts for next season.
Tbla young singer baa. during tbe season, been singing aa aoloiat In one of tbe New York churches, and appeared alao as soloist at a namher of concerts given by musical urganizationa, among them tbe New Y'ork Banka Ole. Club, tbe Friends of Music and others.
Not often does an unknown singer attain in a period, leaa than two yeara, a contract and


To Sing in Cincinnati Latter Part of Thia Month


ruder the auspices of the Delta Omicrom So¬

Now an American Citizen

rority, ef the Couaervatory of Music and the College of Mualc, Cincinnati. O., Reinald Werrenraih will give a concert in Emery Andltorlum

Detroit, April 16--Ossip Gabrilowttach, con- 1° '^at city on Thursday eveniDg, April 28. Tbe doctor of the Detroit Symphony Ordieatra. Is I'ro<eeda of this concert will be devoted to the

DOW a rull-fiedged American ritizen. as in tbe scholarship fund of the Sorority.

Federal Court last week be formally renounced all allegiance to Kiisaia or to any <if tlie inde¬


pendent stales that were formerly a part of Russia and pledged hla alleglanie lo tbe I'nited Siatea of America. The solemn fiaih waa admin-

To Give Concert in Columbue for Scot¬ tish Society

istered in a <oiirt room filled with apectatom, and at tbe roncluaion of the ceremony Judge Tuttle congratulated Mr. Gabrilowilsi'h upon be¬ coming an American citlxen.

Under the aiiapicea of the St. .tndrew Scot¬ tish Society, Joar^ih lilalop, tenor of the Chi¬ cago (ipera Company, will give a concert in Columbus, O , the evening of April 22.

APRIL 23, 1921

many celebrated soloists

To Be Heard at Spring Music Festival in Pittsburg, Kan.

nttshurg. Kan., Apr. 16.--The Spring Music

Kculiial this year, April 33 to

promiseH to

tx one of the most Interesilng the State Normal

S, liml has ever held. Bean (j. W. Trout, gen¬

eral manager of the Festival, and Walter Mi--

I I ,1. .horiia conductor and head of the music

department, have arranged a series of interest-

mg i fegrains and engaged as aoloista many cele-

braled artists, among them being Florence Mac-

lie'll. Ho.tal Badmiin, Allen McQubae, Ix>tta

Madden. Cllcn Itunisey, Klwin Smith, the Ham-

bourg Trio and J. ramphell-McIunesa. The fee

tital oiH'iis with a special entertainment hy

ni< ml'. IS ef the Normal School the evening of

April 3.3, followed hy a concert rei-ltal the neit

aftero'sin. Tuesdur eveninc the concert will

be deioted to u presentation of "Iliawatha'a

Wedding Feast," hy Elwin Smith, and "DIanta-

tion Songs." On Wednesday afternoon occurs

the High School Contest in 8oi</.< at.d that even-

ing a concert will be given hy the Ilambourg

Trio, with J. Campbell-McInneBS as soloist. The

High Sibool Contest in Musical Organization

takes place la the afternoon of Thuniday. and

in the evening Florence Macbeth will be present-

ed in a concert recital for which this noted sing-

er has selected an ezcelleat program. FViday.

April 2P. brings Hie .\rtlst Recital. In which

will appear IP Dadniiin, htriione; .\Ileii Me-

Quhae, tenor; I.otia Madden, soprano, and Ellen

Rumsey, <i>ntrallo. and these artists will als,> he

the soloists in the evening, when the Brand

Cboms of the state Normal Training School will

slng ``The Messiah" under the direction of

Walter McCriv and this performani-e will mark

the closing of the Spring Music Festival.

ItK coDrert, which is to b«* i^iveo In Cartitgie Hall the eveniiiR of Aiiril J7. Mi-^s IVltrson will Bing three groups of songs. The Choral S<s ieiy, composed of li.» voices and diri-cted hy < harles N. Boyd, will present a pn)gram made up from works hy Spanish, Itussian, Unglisb and American comiiosers.


Ig Soloist for Rainy Day Club


For the concert given recently by the Rainy

Bay Cliih of New York City, at the Hotel .tutor,

one of the soloists was Minnie Carey Stine, the

contralto, who la rupldly advancing in the music

world. Mias Stine was accorded entliiislaKtlc

applause ai a result of her artistic inlerpreta-

tion of her songs. During thy month of May she

will apiiear In a number of concerts in


York City and nearby cities,

~ --
Presents Final Concert of Season `
12 --Birected by I'ercy RecStephens, tliu Schumann Club closed Its sea*·*' ^''rnlng with an evening of compfwl-
l>y American composers. Ttie featnre oh ***** Program was Samuel Richard Oaines' "\ ^'l^ntas.v on a Russian Folk Song," which was "warded the first prize in the International CornP< Htion offered last year by the club. The work
***** ohoriis was ndnilrahle In this number and Particularly so In Beems Taylor's arrangement of Borotliy Herliert's "After Sunset.'* Mr. Stephens conducted other choral pieces hy Vic*or TTarrls, IT. T. Burleigh. Howard Brockwav and .1. B. Fox, .\sslstlng the chortts was the New York Chamber Music Society, under the di-

this noted orrhestra, has accepted an InTitation to conduct one of the concerts of the Congress of the British Music Society, on June 10, and on this occasion will present American comi«>sitions. The well-known conductor, accompanied hy his wife and daughters, sails for France on April 30.
Gives Last Concert of Season
New Toik, Apri* 10.--At the Longacre Thea¬ ter last Sunday Frederic Warren gave bis last ballad concert of the season. Those assisting Mr Wurnii wero Jeanne laival, contralto: Olga Warren, soprano; Williams Simmons, baritone; Meta Schumann and Francis Moore, pianisrs. .Mr. Warren was heard for the first time in the reries and with his associates presented an in¬ teresting program, the accompaniments being ably played hy Mr. Moore. The series will be continued next season.


Leaves $50,000 to People'r Symphony of New York City
New York, April 13.--Annie Louise Carey, noted American singer, who pu»»ed sway re¬ cently St her home in Norwalk, Conn.. left sev. ertl bequests to various institutions, the largest amount of which was $,V).OiKV which she Inslrnrted be paid to the I'eople's Symphony Or¬ chestra of -New York. Miss Cary, who In pri¬ vate life was the wife of Charles M. Ra.viiii>iid. was one of the first -American singers to win an international reputation in grand opera, and in the course of her career accumulated a fortune whi- h, since her retirement, has reached an amount estlmati'd at over $-'>.36 6>I6, and it is partlcnlirly appropriate that she has left a large portion of this estate to aid a musical or¬ ganization as worthy as the PeotHe'a Symphony Orchestra of New York City.
To Be Soloist With Pittsburg Choral Society
Vlftaburf, April 13.--The Pittaburg Choral So<i*ty bi« engaged May Petertoa aa aoloiat for


Used in Recitals Given in New York City During April

4 Invoeation to St. Cecilia . 4 Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Chile 4 I'an . 4 Fantasy on a Ruasian Folk Song . 4 A rragio Tale .  After Sunset .
:4 I'lantation I-ove Song .
4 The Romaika . T For I.ove and Thee.  Ballad of Trees and the Master (Lanier) .
My I.awd What a Mornin' . Japanese Death Song .
J When I Bring 3'ou Colored Toys . T Long Ago, Sweetheart Mine. T The Swan Bent l.ow .
7 A >raid Sings Light .
J Iris .1. 7 Song of the Open . 7 The Wee Butterfly . I Bes Silhouettes .
? Minor and Major .
T The Cave . T The Sleep That Flits on Baby's Eves .
I Spooks .

.'Victor Harris
.n. T. Burleigh
. ..Bavid Stanley Smith Samuel Richard Gaines .J. Bertram Fox .Dorothy Herbert .Deems Taylor ...Edna Ro.-'allnd I'ark .Oley Speaks .G. 'W. Chadwick . H. T. Burleigh ..Earl Cranston Sharpe ..John .\ldpn Carpenter _Edward MaeDowell .Edward MaeDowell .Edward MaeDowell .Harriet Ware .Frank LaForge .Mana Zurca .John Alden Carpenter . ..Chss. Gilbert Spross .Edward Schneider ..John .\lden Carpenter .Frank LaForge

E. J. Dnnstedter, formerly organist at the Capitol Theater in St. Raul, Minn., la now la charge of the organ in the New Oarrick Thea¬ ter in Minneapolis.
Oliver C. Wallace will be the organist at the New Granada Theater in San Francisco, when the theater opens next August. Mr. Wallace is ranked as one of the best orchestral organists, and prior to hU engagement for the New Oran ada bad been organist at the Rialto Theater in IjOs Angeles and also at the Liberty Theater In Seattle.
Don't forget that if you are having trouble with your organ, or are contemplating pur¬ chasing a new one, T. Scott Buhrman, editor of The American Organist, is willing at all times to give you. entirely free of charge, suggestions and advice whi'-h will aid in elim¬ inating difficulties and avoiding mistakes.
Hugo^ Riesenfeld is using four trumpeters to announce the opening of each performance at the Rlvoll Theater, New York City, this week.
Charles D. Isaai-son, secretary of the Asso¬ ciation of Motion I'lcture and Musical Interests, at the invitation of the Klneto Co., will give In their projection room during New York's Music Week u lecture to the exhibitors of the city on the subject, "Music for Short Film Sub. Jetts."
Winifred Marshall, soprano, who is well known to motion picture audienres of New York City, appeared in a number of concerts during Music Week.

Have you looked thru the I.,etter List In this issue? There may he a letter advertised for you.


N Original Plays and Folk


Tales in Costume

Y Address 1744 BROADWAY, N. Y.C.

Add Power and Influenes to your personal eharnia. A Secret of the Milters rlren In our rouri* on "HOW TO DEVELOP A PERFECT VOICE." With thla sj'stem Salesmen, Public Speakers and Ringers ran. In a surprisingly sliort time, grrstly Improve their Totee to 4 richness of tone and expression which aids them to Sueceaa and Popularity. Thla course le short, sdenUflo and easy to master. Guaranteed or money bad. Complete. $1.00. Send your order today.
ZONE THERAPY CO.. Deal X. t»a Agialss. CalK.
Mile. Marcia Sumelska
Taaehar ef Vocal Art
rnrmerly Soprano Cetitury end Manhattan Opera Companies. Special rates for Summer Classes. STI'DIO. Carnegie Hall, 57th St. and 7th Ave.. Suite 825, New York. Phone, 3467 Circle.

J. Bradford Campbell it an Amerlcin eorapnscr who has br"»me very well known thru hla ea ellent coiniiosltloin. which hare been highly enm'nrT.d'd tw the best mualclaiia and crttica. Be has wrtllen about one hundred and twenty farted songs, ballads, anthrma. piano forte piece*, etc., whl'-h have been publlslird by such firms as
Wilrmer. DIttoii. Si-lmivrth. B.><ton Muele foinr*H7> S. linildl. Tltunipron ami othcri. Mr. CampIWII III addition to lielii* a I'omisMrr !· a plaiiiit SU.iii**. ·"** *· ·*·' · niember of the American
B***!'****. Amerliwn Kediratlon of Mu·iriaaa and Natiunal Asauclatlun of Orgaiilita,

rection of the founder. Miss Carolyn Beebe. The eooiety played "Through the Ixtokiug Glass," hy Deems Taylor, after which Mr. Taylor was made to resi'ord. with the society, to the gener¬ ous aiqilauso given the number.

Minneapolis Armory. The organizations are un¬ der the direction of HJalmar Nilsson and John Dahle.
On Sunday afternoon, April 24, Alfred Mirovltch will give a piano recital in Symphony Hail, Boaton, thla being bis first appearance in that city.



Mat A. VALENCIA, 120 B. 31th. New York Cltr.

PIANIST. COArn. ArrOMPANIST Clubs. Theatrical Rehraruls Address 4.H W. i2la(
81, New Ysrk. Telephons, Morningside, 3388.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Asso ciation Postpones Season
The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Associa¬ tion has announced that the season of grand 0|<rra which had been planned for the month of May hat been postponed until fall in order to t>crnilt of adetuate training of the chorus. The cliorua haa br'en drawn from the ranks of Iwal singers, and as tlicrc has not been sufficient time to liave the necessary rehearsals the postpone¬ ment lias been made and the contracts with the soloists extended.
And the Little Symphony To Give Pro gram in Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City. April 1-1.--Adoli>h Bohm and his Ballet Intlme. and the Little Symphony, un¬ der the direction of Curloa Saizcdo, noted harp¬ ist, will be a doulilc attraction at the Salt T.ake Theater on May 20. A program of exceptional interest la t>roml«ed on thla oi'caslon.
To Present Program of American Com positions to London Audience
.Announcement haa been received from the of¬ fices of the Now York Symphony On-heatra to the effect that Walter Dnmrosih. conductor of

The Minneapolis School of Mnsic has an¬ nounced the opening of its regular snmmer ses¬ sion for June 20, same to continne for a period of sis weeks. Private lessons in all the branehes will be given.
Two post-season performances will be given by the Metropolitan fon-es on May 6 and 7. when ".\ida" and "Madame Butterfly" will be pre8enti>d for the henefit of the Maaouic Club of New York and the Soldiers* and Sailors' Hos¬ pital of Utica.
One of the attractive features of H. W. Grif¬ fith's new pirture, "Dream Street," which opened at the Ccniral Theater, New Y'ork City, last week, is the beautiful musical setting wliii'h accompanies the picture, adapted by Louis Silvers.



Address I4S Audubon Ave., New York CHy.

Telephone. Wadsworth 0330.

DRAMATIC MEZZO SOPRANO. Phone. Aud. 7755. Addrru 176 W. imh Strsri, New York City.

Cellitt--Cone«rto Chambfr. Solo. BinKhamtoo MoroInx Sun says; ''Ho wll] stfe of hit bfst In each placo and those who hsTe beard him play say that beet U
worth hearinif.'* EirluslTo direction LOU18 nRNSTElN. 61 Broadway. New York City.

The Kansas City Grand Opera Company, un¬ der the direction of John Aroella, will give a wi*ck of opera in the Grand Theater, that city, beginning May t>. The operas to be presented will be "Faust," "Lucia dl I-ammermoor," "11 Trovatore'' and "Bohemian Girl."
Miss Louise Homer, daughter of S'dney Homer and Mme. I.ouise Honicr, was married last week to Ernest V. Stlros, son of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Stires, in New York City. Miss Homer is well known ou the concert stage, hav¬ ing appeared in Joint recitals with her mother.

The National Festival Chorus is being organ¬

ized in Buffalo. N. Y., to be under the direction

of Setb Clark. The chorus is to be limited

to two hundred and fifty voicea, and all efforts

are to be inatitotiim.

forth to make the cborns a civic

SOPRANO. Conrprt. Opora, Mjft. ANNIE FRIEDBEKO. lrJ5 Broadway.
SOPRANO. AT HOMES. CLUBS. CONCERT, RECITAL. ORATORIO. Would be plcss.-<l to ring for all I'. S. Managers tnterejled .Vildresa 119 W. 80th. New York. Tel.. Schuyler 9079.



Arp'lntmenta by letter only


225 Cwitral Park. W., New York CItY

47 WeVT 42d' s'tr^.
,crppt*'a*"un too 1921-1922.

e B

MARCH 28.1821





apeetfnlly requested to make remittance on Pe^nn^^yyllTTBBnn^ia and New Yoldi, thence wenkt characterizing lamp shades of many and varied


litanda all summer in Canadas: Ida Blanchard, barnionizlng hues, which were a revelation of

Rcjtored to Circuit -- --

Bill Hilbert will orgManlillate a baawebball df luub m i«nuilbirei: r.\*a lI.-.i<iniqf)aann, Ilncg»ef^iue; Jim Pr*e-atrrll,. the mofliate'a art. A table bit le<J op to tbe from amonit the members, and anyone desirinK conilc; W. II. Webber, straiftht, and eight rlnKf of the ahow.

New York. April 14.--Negotlationa will in to participate will kindly commonieate ulfh <hori«ter«.


alIlI prcdriablililty be closed prior to the end oo*' Mr. Uiillll>ieert, nlbio prooip)OoMM*s to challenge other Col. Bob Dcady's btirlesfiue stock will oi>en Scenery up to the satandard, and gfoowwnas and

tbe week wheri-bv I. H. Herk and his th» strical n<so--i8teg will aisiime a ."i-year leav of the Van Curler Opera n«>ose, Schenecradr.
N. T. Cnder the new regime the Van Curler n1H
present on* and thre«nlght dramatic and muslcal comedy ·howa en tour, and the other three nights still b« giten over to the .Vnitrican

theatrical orgauiutions to meet the borlesqners on th" diannind.
When memliers were called upon to say hometbing for the gofid of the club the quesilon of actor members was brought up and disrii«spd. with the result that President H.'rk advised that as they arc bnrleaquers they are not only welcome, but desirable as members;

at the Tna adero Theater. Philadelphia, April with Dolly Webb, primn donna, and a
largeI rcaanst of principals and choristers,.
Pittsburg, Pa,, April 14. Manager J. l-ieberman, of tbe Academ.v, intend' to run

costumes arc far almve the average. A wellbalanced company of talented entertainers, vrbo bandied the comwdy aud daneing specialties
escefitionally well, and a i>rima donna that la a big asset, artiatlcally and personally, to tbe presentatloa.--NELSK.
"JAZZ B.tBIE.P * With Mickey Msrkwood

Borles-ioe Clrrult attraction.. With Edl-«>n and l ord .omhlning to t.ring
thoasanda of skilled vrorkers to their Oreen laland factories, there will be an inerease in give them repre-^entatlon on the various boards and committee., which In Itself votild encourage other actor, to beconte mem her., who now are under the Impr^s-ion 'bat

k burles-|ue during the summer montbi. be-

cinn'n? immediately after the rto.e of the

regular season. .Ipril

when fleorge JsITey

"'Bl' ` Dardanella * will be the attraction.

Presented by Peck & Jennings, an Amerl ran Cilrcnlt attractioo. at tbe OIljmplic Theater, New York, wweeee4kt of April 11.
.  .

ppooppuullaattiioonn aanndd »vu.iiirrIleeaafq|uoee jji.aatlrroonnaaggee IInn SSrrhhee-DnoOcCtataddyy that warrants Hthie ni:jve of I 11. Ilerlt ttoo OonnDnCeTr BScchheeniieeccttaaddyy..
New York, .4pril 14.--tJeorge Dressellbouse. Is bis exeenlive offices In the Colnmbiv Thei tor Building St n<»>n tfidsy, verllled the rei>oTt tbot Rud K. I?yn1<*a, Clnctnnari pftlltiAat
leader eand theatrical marnate and the Coliuim-.
bta Amusement Company, treasurer, and I 11.

the elnh Is one for producers, nvinagers and agents only, whereas It U Jnst what Irs name implies. The Burleaque Club, a comfortable and convenient rendezvous of burleaquers. who are actively enraged In burlesque
Pittsbarg. .\prll 14>--The Ciyety Theater closes for the se.V'von Saturday evening, .kprll
.V). with Jvo,,e Tn,,lnrrtt|leg-'s, ""O Oiirrllss DDee TTyy>uodkiss."'' TThhIiaa
eyrTer than In oVherT.ra. but

p7^n/^ol'`Vrrr"Yp.r."" PmLtTnTB HE CCAASSTT---BBoonnnnliee LLllooyydd.. RReennaa VVllrrlleenonnee..

''`UT l.aylis, joe terry, vesta Kliloft, rrank

Del.iale, Ernest Stone, Dot M. Clark,

Camming. Sim Rendley. Dorothy Dougla., Ethel

Bartlett and End Purcell, with a chorua of

twenfT elrl«.

_ .


afClbaai.1nn. gffec1 aooff atbhiillll Mwwniillll he %m m 4 atdda,^e

weekly, aud It is the Intention of House Mans-

(;<H.rge Han. Mirkey Markw.>ud


Marjorie 'M'elrose,

rialre, % IoIa Crtbire^, Ilmira jBcksoo, riari Himtltofi. Almt KIdC.
Lillian Penner. Mema Rus.ell, Lo Hate. Morgle

ger Lleberman to keep tbe hou'*e open all sum- Murphv. ib.ldi- Mann, I.eona Edwards, Eva

mer, or until tbe regular season opens in Lo l>ac, Blanche Rose.







The opening act was a colorful wood oceo* «o · bo,el `b.t harbored fe^e.

Herk. president of the American Rur1e«-p.e

Pittsburg play-


·"<1 `be femlnln^n-

Aooociation. have entered Into a partnership

nationwide bull-

York, April 14 -lEd E. Daley, of tbe


to produce and present burlesque shows, vis : -Encb one win hare, two show, on the ColumbU Clrenlt. under their own enterprise.

depression snd Manager D. J Furev eon- Arm of Dave Kraus A Ed E Daley, presenting 17'*^

!! !"*.".* ,


clone earlier and canceled `he "Kandy KMs With lyna Daley" on the

" T**' '


American OSrcolt. says that next season the `bat harmonized.

1***" 7®"'* W'f- ^ ·«»'> Tocnliam

·Twinkle Toes." "Harvest Time." "Fslr

Lee Wrothe and bis "Best Show" can- attrsotion will Im. billed as "I>ena Daley and

BeListc. a slender-f. rined damael. with

BDd ··J!nfl«, Jinglf*.*'

thR ww* of April 18, and

··8t»rlal Her Fam<''js Kindr Kids,*' and that he fans

appeared to be a blond wif. aan^ »er

Jean Bedinl has been enrsged to produce ·Tvrinkle Toes." "Harvest Time" and "(Flair Week/* while 1. H. Herk will personally auporvUo the production of "Jingle. Jingle."
Jean Bedinl will also produce hla own show, tbo new ·*Peek-a-Boo." which opens at the Ootamhla Theater. Slew Y'ork Pity, for a anmxner run, commencing May 16.
George Dreessxscciihhoovuiae will act as general mana-
ger ooff tbhe various attractions from hlias offl'og
In the Colnafflibla Theater RBuilding.

Brooklyn to fill In the played to fair business.--REX
New York, April 14.--Louis at li!» agency In the Coinmbia Theater BtilidlDg rei>or,s engagementa, viz.: Sidney Rogers and Bob Girard, comics:; Burns and Clark, comic and ingenne; Burton Carr, straight; Elsie IJorgher, sonbret; prima to fAill, for the Gayety Stooiivdkt, Phiillaaddeell¬phila, week of .A\pprrlil 18. and the Follvy Stock,
PBaultiimore., week of .^tpprrnli :Cr".'.
For Joe Splegolhcrg. tfi* .\tlanta agent for

re engaged John O. C.rant. Babe Healey. Jean l a Brun. and 9l«o engaged Jutes Jacol.s
as a comic for nneexxtt season. When Manager naley recelvel his Irooklngs for two nUhts In
Heading. Pa., aomc of the wiseacre, .aid he was crazy, but 1,'s very ap'.nrent that the loi al manager knows the drawing powers of Smiling




Ed Daley, no, 8a,l-.-fied with playing two '!»?» to Reading, Pa., week of April 18. booked

iu Isvng Branch for Monday, Allentown for

by BotoIc

l''®r<l. «n unmlifakable blonde of the Bah* Tour type, and tbe v"l·vavcliovusia, Bnoonnoiier ad.iudun't.
audtenoe an opportunity to forget her.

*'b*` »«· t»P »«"> " «

the atart to

show in aonga. acrobatics, and to

acenes, and the more we saw of BotoIc the

better we liked her, for ohe Is an example that

other soubrets can follow with profit to them

selves x>er«<'nally and the show generally.

Bena Vivienne, a typical bnrlesqne prima.

Mog 1" go.s, voice and worked well to acenes

`hmout the performanre. Dot Clark, the

likable, graybalre<l, juvenilis,ic straight, to

Detroit, April 14.--The close of the present mu'icsl tabs, playing Southern Time: Ytadgc Tuesday. Trenton for Friday and Saturday. natty attire, first pnt over a song number In

eeasOT wltl witness the passing of the old Stewart, sOThret; Boh Duncan, characters;

·''ni Morris, author and stage director, like, good Toiee. and then, like the able atralgb*

Avenue Theater, as the home of the Irons A .lean Girard and May High, choristers.

wise doctor of bnrlesqne, who has vrritfen no- that he Is, kept the comlrs on the Jump with

damage itoJk hDrI««:ne productions. The house, which Producer .Arthur damage fondly ffills his "workshop." wlH tundefigo tho^o overhauling, preparatory to becoming the home of American Wheel shows, beginning to Angnst. Tbe Cadlllae Theater, where the .Ameri¬ can shows have been playing, passes to Shubert control June 1. and henceforth will be Dtiltzed by tbc-m to house their smaller prodretlOTs.
The old Avenne Tlieatcr proved t profitable holding for Irons A Clatuare. The honse was practlcollj .dead when they took i, several years ago. opening to stock burlesque. For

For "A Night With the Stars," a musical eomedy show, playing K. & E. Time thru _

merotis hooka for bnrlesqne producing managers. (Continued on page 58)


'*S0C1A1» IfAJDS" with STWo and Spencer--

Presented by Joe Hnrtlg, a Columbia Cir-

. .. _ ,

-- .

cult attraetlOT, at the Casino Tlicater,

Brooklyn, N. Y., week of April 11.

make a pretty stage picture to their Ingenue sonbret costumes and shapely forms.
Joe Mack la _ no., programmed. aa a comedian, _neverthrl,eas we concejde h,,im to hke one who is highly entertaining in liia putty nose, straight Duteli comedy. Murry Bernard is a likable

I'lv rapid-fire patter. Ernest Stone, as a ddiiggnniiffiieedd hhnnttlleerr,, w wiitthh ttyyppiiccaall ssttddeebbnnrmoat.. ppllaayywedd the role well in scenes of the first part OtnBdd worked equally well as a Juvenile straight la the second par,.
A pistol shot off stage heralded the oocomtor of the comics In the persona of Hickey
Markwood. a tall tramp, and George Dart, a
abort one. (Vmte Hart started a "good time" Mt with Souhret Lloyd. Comic Markwood
worked the "Banana Split" with the entire company. SOThret IJoyd. as "the wrortd'a greatest klaacr," pnt it over with Hart aad I'""- Bn'Ier Stone Introduced Daigg and

a time It was uphill going. Mr. damage recrnlted clever principals and huilt up a good, anappy choma around them He "dl«hed" up

CAST--George Nlhlo, Johnny O'Donnell, Elinore Wilaoii, Murry Bernard. Wm. Wain-
-Mabel Blake, .Anna O'Donnell.

straight, with a distinct dollrery of tines that adds much to the performance. William Wainwriglit, as a Juvenile straight, and in a

Hslgg. Johnnie Walker and WI1«ot. thafo aU, I" `Itc per«OTS of Dot, Maikwnod and Hart, ^ho appeared In kilts for a song nnmher and

a new bo<A each week and gave tbe patrons new scenery for every hill. Business becsn to pick np, and a, tlie end of the third year earnings from the Avenue stock enterprise had netted Irons A damage a sum In the neigh¬ borhood of Finn.OoO. Prom stock the firm ex¬ panded. leasing a burlesque house In Chicago, and now has several shows in the Mg wheels.-- BDTTON.
-- ' -
New Tetk, April 11 --There was a rsenlar
montbly meeting of the club held to the eltib-
hotise April .8, with a goodly attendance of
members. President I. IT. Herk called the meeting to order and the usual formalities followed In their regular order.
It was announced that a committee on pithllclty and arrangements for the second annual

"r^OR^^^ecile Reed, Irene Gardner, Rhoda I'reed. MIth Heed, Florence .Maek, l,ee Freed, t'eeile George, Jean I>e Vea, Marion I.AMahr,

Mesuda, Jerry Stradford, Blanche Marloe, Grace Austin, May Hart and Helene Hally.



. _

Nihlo and Spencer are l,eing featured, and

they merit the position. George Niblo la a short-

statured fellow with a sort of trahip make-up

and various changes of grotesque attire. He sings, and dano-s better, and his work in

denotes more than usual burirsque abll-

*`y' Helen Spencer i. a typical brunet, with ,.n
adImmilrraabble fa.-''oo and form, who makes many
ebsiiges of <'<mliini'*s. from a aoulwet in tigbis to

Pariaian gowns of attractiveness, wliieli are

further eoban'-ed by her Frenchifl'-d mannerism.

Miaa Spencer also vocalizes pleasingly, but her

Pfcnch count character, is all that can be asked for
The chorus of eighteen ineludes eight prancing ponies and eight more than iisiinlly attractive
show girls. There are three scenes to the first part, with a garden set for the opening enoBccmmble and a dis<'Ourse on plavying post-office between Ihit.h Mack and Prima W Wiillssoonn.,

Count Wainwright's love-m.iking session with the Climes Spem-er and WilKon, Comic Nlhlo rough-housing Prima AVilsun's hat into orchestra. Straight IliTuard's drilling of Turkish Soldiers Mbio and O'ltonncll. Miss Spencer's colle<flons

'''"r;- ''`7


O^lonnell s operatic

travesty one and all were highly entertaining

and led to the finale.

There were three scenes in Part Two, which 'S'cni-d with a Isiulevard set with a feminine en-

S'otch patterlngs to I'rlma A''vienBe. Don's rehearsing the 'comics snd sonbret to o movie

drama led op to a roiighhoiise wrestling hoot

between Markwood and Sonbret Lloyd thot WSB

er.<mred repeatedly.


opened with a roof garden to Spain.

feminines ma'le an attracflvo ataga

pblure In their colorful costumes. Comic

Markwood was a wine-huying fall gny fOF

Vamping Prima A'lvlenno, who eopped tho wtoo

for friend husband. Comic Har, pnt over a

water splashing narrative to Comic iMYrkwood.

.kiraight Dot le, the comlca gyp him for a |t0

ncte. and then handed oul a "long story" with ·a"n "all't<oYgteetihWer ditfTfcreOsTif, fronmt usual ending.,

which was followed by the trio in the "biggeot

He" Cleopatra Vivienne. In a mnmmy cabi¬

net. was the last Ml to go over for langba.

Daring the se<-ond part Sonbret Lloyd gars

,he ehmlsters ample opp»>rfunlty fo demoo-

Jamboree wotild soon be appointed. Alt dues are payable on May 1, and menaben gre re*

daucing excels all other things that she does excels most feminine dancers in burletsiue.
Johnny O'Dunnell atre<-ts a light haired, some, what boobiOed characterization that be main-

sembte drilling until the Misses Blake and " Inmnell enhau'-ed 1, wiili a song and neat 'lance. Strnighi^ IJernard, rehearsing the comI''* to adilresain'g French girls, was followed

atrate their Individual talent to the amusement of the audience, which rewarded them with numerous encores,






tsins ihriiout the show, and hla dancing activitiea with Niblo make for clever team work; Mith men are fast and funny to thelr every Hue and artioD.
Elinore Wllsou. tbo prima donna, la a stately. ever-amillng, anharn-baired vocalist and actreoa of exceptional ability and an attractive asset to the ahow. Mabel Blake and Anna 0*DoonetI are brnnets who can sing to baimony, and both

by Miss 8|'encer In a glittering golden bodice a"'! white tights In a dani-e with Comic Mhio `·'·t cause<l the audlenr-e to encore them repeatedly.
In tbe Cafe de Paris Straight Bernard appeared in evening dress, with a wblte-Hned ojiera cape, and sang "My I.ady of the Ijiinp," thereby introdnclnf oomething altogether new In borlesqne, for tbe todlvldual ehorlstera came on

Hrenery, gowns and coatnoiea np to `ko standard The company, one and all alike, hard
con'clentlons workers, who haDdl<<d tbe material In a clever manner and kept Iho
(Continued on i>age 106)

f 1012 0602111 S liOlOrBU r2C6 016201$

7SI Ttaipla tt..

LLOOtt A AN NhhllliKraf,, 0OAALLIFi«r.-t



APRIL ^ 1921


Conducted by GORDON WHYTE

k Fashioning of Librettos
Good and Sufficient Reason for General Weakness, Says Charles Pike Sawyer
Charles Plk* Sawyer recently published some very pertinent paragraphs in tha New Vork Evening Post about musical comedy librettos. Mr. Sawyer, as always, speaks with a great deal of sense on the aubject and with no little feeling. All who have the musical stage in tbrlr mind and hrarlH deplore the vapidity of the average librello and anything that will bring about the writing of better ooea la worthy of atieniiun. Mr. Sawyer saya:
"Much has lieen written about the general weakness--to say the least--of the libn-itos for operettas Hilliert ia dead and has left no accessor. Perhaps, however, there la good and uQlcieot reason fur this weakness. A wall from the afflicted makes it appear sa `1* U the critical fashion,' one says, `to trr. * tbt alary of every light opera or musical comedy with coiitennit. as tbo the author were a dramatist pure and simple, working In the comparatively free conditions of the dramatist, and to be blamed lievause be does not attain to the dramaiisi's reaulta. But the cocditiont nnder which the siory of a musical play has to be designed are by no means free.
'' `In the first place, it is aometbing written for singers and with notion suitable for ac¬ companiment by song. That makes it a special art, at any one will discover who aits down to fit words to a simple music ball dltiy. Tlivn the action must be devised aud the words chosen to suit the idlosyncratiea of the tingers concerned. Tbo whims of the star must be kept In mind. She must have the most conplcoous entrances and exits, to'.ot at the right moment and opportunities for rest between them.
" `Tbat'a only the beginning, and by the time the star baa been auiied, if the librettii-t hat any brains left, the oiliera must be served. The comedian mutt have his due, and so must the tenor, and others in the cast who have a ''puU.'' Then the stage manager comes In. The story must admit of the fre,|ucDt in¬ vasion of the chorus, which must not he kept waiting too long In the wings, and they must hive time out to change costumes, perhaps half a dozen times. The wonder of it all is not that librettos are so unsatisfactory as a role, but that they are written at all.'
"Which la all very well in its way, hut doea any librettiat believe that stars, come¬ dians, tenors, or stage managera ever tor¬ tured Gilbert? Il'i dollars to doughnuts that DO Diemliera of a comi>any drilled by that great librettist ever dared to bat an eyelash. The operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan were written, and the actors and singers had to fit them--it was up to them to do as they were told or ijult, and there is no record of quitters. Some day. perhaps, another pair will appear on the scene and operettas will be written, and produced as written, and the


New Tork, April 10.--``June I./)ve`* will open

at tlie .tpcilo Theater, .Vthintlc City, in Mon¬

day and will come to the Knickerbocker

Theater here May

following "Mary." The

nuitc of "June Love" U by Hiirtolph Fritnl.

Else Alder, Johnny Dooley, Fiarrmco Nord¬

strom. I.01.H .lo-o-^ihine, William Davidson,

Bertee Beaumonte, James Billings and Lionel

Pape are Jirominent In the c.sst ticorge

Vivian is staging the piece,


New York, April 15--Gerald Bucon ojient-d "I'rini'esa Virtue" this week at Atlantic City. The (ilece it by B. C. Hilliam and Uitz Rice and was slugvil by Leon Errol. In the oust are: Nancy Gibbs, Frank Muulan, Sarah Edwardes, Alice Maiaon, Sylvia Elias. Jiil-w Eppailly, Alan Fagan, Bradford Klrkbride, Hugh Cameron, Zella Itambeau, Earle Foxe, .Vnna I'agt . Cliavie* ILill, Boliert I'ltkin, P* nny Rowland, Sally Berry, Beth Meakins, Bessie Gniss. Wilma Bruce. Merem MiS'kins. Mari*B-'oedlcf, Grace Russell. Edna Ma.v, J «!<· Howe, Eleanor Wallace, France* stone, Ar*len

He baa been in charge of the "Pollies'* pub¬ licity for the last thirteen years.
Dallas Welford will have a comedy role in the forthcoming production of "TTie I-ast Walts.''
Hany I'ender, Nstalie Manning and Florence Morrison have iwcn engaged for ``The laist Walts."
Warren Proetor. last seen In ''Ermine." has Ihm u add-d to the cast of '`Phoebe of Quality Street."
'Kileen." the Victor Herbert comic r>i>era, i- to have a run in Chb-ago at the Auditorium, beginning May 15.
Mary Callahan has been engaged by Charles Dillingham to app<-ar in a dance with liarland Dixon in ''Tip-Toi'."
I.ew Morton will stage the revival of "The r.elle of New Vork." He was the producer of the original production.
·kleta, the diminutive dancer In "The Rose Olrl," is doing a new dance in Ihe show cslled "The Dance df the Raindrops."
"Good Times" has passed the record of the first two productions made at the New Tork ' Hip" under the Dlllinghum regime.
Anna tlands, last seen as the prima donna of "The Poor Little Rlts Girl,'* has been add-d to the cast of "Love Birds."
Be.-atise of her ownership of over *1.*>,000 worth of nn-perty in Seattle and a near-by


Mombar of oonaecatiT* performance! np to and incluliag Saturday, April Id.


·Bine Eyes. TTelds-King.

Good Times.


Hubby In Distress. Irene. H s Up To You.

--- .  - -- .

Lady Billy. Mitzl.

Love Birds. llomey-ncat

Mary.. . ..

Passing Show of 19`J1.


Right Girl, The.

-- .

Bose Girl, The. .. .

Sally. MUIer-Errol.

Tip-Top.Fred Stone.

Zlegfeld Midnight Frolic.

- ..

·Closed April 0.

Shnbert.Feb. 21. Hippodrome.Aug. 9. Greenwich Village. Apr. II VanderUlt.Nov. 18 Casino. Mar. 28. IJberty. Dec. 14. .Vpollo.Mar. 14. Knickerbocker.Git. 18. Winter Garden... I*ec. Si. Titnva Square.Mar. 14. Ambassador.Feb. 11. New Amsterdam.. Dec. 21. Globe.Get. 5. New Amsterdam B Feb. 9.




IJngcr-Lmger-Lietty.Charlotte Grcenwoo.1. -ilyrnpic...

PUter Patter.Err.e-<t ITne*. Plavhoiiae.,

Tickle Me. Frank Tinney. Illlnoia....

Benllan, Beih Carpenter, Alma Monilfiore. Lu¬ cille Wallace, Hazel Mack, Ethel ?;dwards, Jean Forsythel. Vera Rossander, Clara Burton, Katherine Valentine, Josephine Doaue, Yvonne La Grange. Yvette Currier, Dorothy Stakes and Opal Essent.

farm, the will of the late Anna Held was filed in the King county court at .`Seattle by Charles F. Hanlon, of San Francisco, the ex¬ ecutor of the estate.

Virgil Randolph is the owner of "The Right Girl." The show was billed as being jinv duced by "Gleerich I'roductiocs, Inc."

"C'oeer Uti. Mabel" closed at Franklin, Pa..

Saturday, April

George Wlntz, owner of

the show, will ojien an airdome in Kittanning,

Pa., for the summer. Tommy Moran, of the

"Cheer Up, Mabel" show, stopped off In Cin¬

cinnati en route to Chicago, to visit friends.

He will be with the show again next season,

New Tork. April 16--That a twenty-five j>ef cent cut In salaries has been ordered for the principals appearing in the Pat Rooney and Marlon Brent "lojve Birds" show, was the report heard in several offices this week. It Is understiH-d that the Actors' Uiinlty has aanctioned the cut.

Francis X. Heimessy, of the cant of -·Eileen." paid The Billboard a pleasant visit last week when the attraction played the Grand Opera house, Cincinnati. Mr. Hennesisy is well knowm in both the indoor and outdoor show world, and. altho in his <54th year, says he feels like he is 21. A good old "youngster," with personality p'us.
Madeline Van. one of the girl principals in "Hitchy-Koo of 1('21." is a Detroit product. Mil- is a graduate of Central High School and the Strassbnrg Dancing .Xcadeniy .and made her debut in stis'k at the Garrick Theater, Detroit, under Jessie Bunstelle. Later CHiarlea Dillingham gave her place in "Chin CTiow" where her talent as a duucer brought her im-


·rlcks has Joined "Love Birds."

« Ellsworth.


fi-d Lorraine and Rex Carter have

for "The Ijist Waltz"

dalr, Mary McCord nml .Marie

e latest additions to the cast

f Quality Street."

vn will Join the cast of "The

epiacing Carolyn Thomson as the

isn has been re-engaged by F. as general press representatlTa.

recognition. Manager "Ty" Cobb of the Tigers and Manager Gleason of the White Sox together with the members of Itoth teams, were guests of Joe H. Brown, featimsl menilier of "Jim Jam Jems" at a (lerforiuanoe last week at the Shubert Detroit Theater, Detroit. Brown, who halls from Toledo, is a ball player of no mean ability and played several weeks with the Bos¬ ton Red Sox last summer. He was offered a contract with the same club for this season, hot decided to continue hla stag* work.




comedy in three acts.

Presented at the Manhattan Opera House, New

Vork, by Gua Hill, April 11.

THE CAST--Jiggs, Walter Vernon; Maggie .Irgga, Miss Louise Earl; Kitty, Nellie Randall, Itiiily Miiore, Frank M. Christie: 1`atrirla MowuiguD, Marian Ilollaiul: Tom .Mahoney, Shei'ard Kline; Patrick .Mogulsky, Harry Har%'ey; Bill, .Norman McCourl; llec. l,o<'kliarts, Frank Pow¬
ers; Julia, Anna Uaudall; Fee Fee, Phil Smithel te.

Gus Hill is giving New Yorkers a chance to

see his brand of ultractiuns by bringing in 'Bringing Up Father .\t The Seashore." It Is

a hokum musical comedy with a lot of langUs

and is god value for the admission price. The

book is an isld-Iot assortment of time-tried

material and is. for t!ie greater part, well

handled by the plu.vers.

The principal comedy part Is In the bands of

Walter Vernon, wlio jilays .liggs. Mr. Vemon

plays the low-comedy Irishman eieellently.

lie gets the Ic.iighs. plays a tiu whistle and

dances a Jig splendidly. Louise Earl plays bis

wife and does it v»ell. She sang a couple of

songs In fho last act to great ai)plau8e. Nel-

Ilandall and Marian Holland both looked well and sang pleasingly. Frank M. Christie

a ill cl and aheiicd Xt ii.on with the comedy

and got away with it in go<id style. Harry

Harvey played a comedy Jew and Shepard Kline was the Juveoile.

The audience liked the show, laughing heartily at the comedy and apiilauding the

musical numbers. The faults of ibe production are those of the management and not the

actors. The scenery is very bad and the first

Seventeen new members Joined the ChOTM Equity in t.'io past week.
The New Vork `'Irene" cliorua is eighty pe* cent Equity. As both of the road companies of "Ireno" are one hundred per cent we hope to have the same report tu make for the New York production soon.
The "It's Up to You" chorus is one hundred per cent Equity.
In last week's deputy report the statement was made that the Equity Annual Show would bo given at the Manhattan Oiiera House. Thl* was an error. The show will be stagi-d at the Metropolitan Opera House, as It was last year.
The diqiuties of tlie iniisicul comedy com¬ panies now playing in New lork have lieeo. asked to convey the invitation of the enter¬ tainment committee to all Chorus Equity members in their companies to take part in the annual show. If, for any reason, tho deputy does not get anmnd to you i-ome to this office apd give your name as one who is Willing to serve anyway. The show is tor the benefit of your organization and anything that helps the organization lieliis you. Every chorus girl and l>oy in New York should bo in the show.
A certain manager who puts out practically all one night stand rompauies boasted that he was going to lia'e a liundrisl per cent nonEquity chorus. In some way he managed to do it. A short time ago the production got near enough New York to get a notice In the New York papers. It wasn't exaelly on Broadway but it was near enough. Gne paper said, "This company reminds yon of the old burlesque days when no girl was too old, too homely or had too bad a voice to get in the chorus." This Is tha best the manager could do when he got a non-Eqiilty cboros.
You have only two more weeks In which to vote on the Equity shop. If you have not yet sent in your ballot do so at once.
\Ve are bolding checks for Miss Vivian West, Doris Warner. Violet Winter, Anna Crawford, Evelyn Warr and lone Ritchie.
How many Chorus Equity members have yoo In your company? What are yoa doing to
(Continued on page in2>


Ttie Billl>oarcl

APWfL 23, 1921

Representing more Theatres than all other Tabloid Circuits combined. For bookings address ENSLEY BARBOUR, 3rd Floor Metropolitan Bldg., MUSKOGEE, OKLA.



36 W. Randolph, CHICAGO

ben were written by Irving BIIk), of the 1/hj Feist Music Publishing Co., New York. Sjh-. i;il scenery has been designed and painted liy the Maurice Goldsn Studios of New York a:ii| Brooklyn. The costumes, new creations. wlMi

WE ARE STILL AWAITING the arTtval of Eddie (t.ew) Kramrr and wife in Cinrinnati. The Kramera liiTald>-d their coming March 11.
CHARLIE GOLDEN ia rebear'iing a harmony trio in the Eaat, Theae boya ore vocaliata of ability, cnlle<'t|\oly and individually, they say.
TOM MEREDITH haa enirrgi-d hia Hawaiian Review to 1.'.% rtciiple. Earl Root and wife left tbe show and were replaced by Bill Ockeolander and wife.
THERE ARE SOME SHOWMEN who aeem to think tbe beat way to gain prestige and aucceaa ta by knocking their rompetitora. Let'a elim¬ inate thia feeling from tabdom.
JACK HARLEV ANH BILL DAVIS have ter¬ minated their atoek ruq at the Arcade Theater, Brownaville, Da., and at present have their orfnnization rehearaing to open in stock at Pittatrarg. Pa.
COR.A F.tNrilEIt, Juat recovered from an operation, iwijiped Into The Rilltmard home of¬


Pull size Wardrobe Trunks, clnaed tops, for 10 to H gown*. $31.50--regular $65.00.

Wardrobe Trunks for 6 to 8 gowns, $24.50--regulsr price, $51.00.

TItrse are standard makes, guaranteed for five years. Made of best material, as

Veneer Bs8sw(sid. lurd Fibre construcllnn, slioe pockets and hat box.

No caUiogs are issued. Mall orders are filled promptly. Deposit with each order.


1436 Broadway,

(Largest Dealers in tbe United States),


Sinking Straight Man, medium Chorus Girls. Can use good Team. Other use¬ ful people. Wire quick.
BERT HUMPHREYS, Orpheum Theatre, Ottumwa, Iowa.
two small (Hiorus Girls. Nothing to buy or furnish. Four numbers. Three shows dilly. No Sunday work. Stuck sliow. Never ckisea. Address EDDIE COLLINS. General Delivery, Sault Ste. Mario, Ontario.

bright, ratchy colon, were made hy Madame

Talnler. Boston, Mass.

Mary Keane will

be festiireil with the No. 1 Show, and will !>e

supported by an excellent cast. Including Fnd

Ryan and Harold Ross, principal comedians;

William Henry Rice, juvenile and light roint-

dians; Toma Sargent, cliararters; Blly Little,

ssuhret; Nan Keane, chancier comedy parts,

and a beautiful chorus. The company will carry

a novelty feature act, and also its own musical

director. Mr. Alley, who will be manager, w,u  so work In the cast.

CUES DAY'IS opened bis tent show at Pails,

Tenn., April 12. The roster includes Roy

Hughes, Charles Williams, Buddy Wood. Cf

Rbinehart, Paul Randrum. Henry White, And/

Duncan, Margie Vaughn. Rieka Hughes, Dolly

White, Fmma Williams. Mabel Floory. the Ciis-

cent City Five, including Stanley YVhlte, Phlly

Dooley, Patty Ryan. Billy McGill and Clyde

Floory: F.dna McOllI, tickets, and Riihy Ander¬

son. Rub.v Self, I.pota Iliillinger, I.eota Pitingsr.

fice recently with a cheery ``hello." Mian Pancher looks and feels well, and states that aha la ready for the grind again.

Iheatie Orchestra At liberty

Mary Raskin, Kitty Duncan, Ethel Murray, Helen Sletz. Tessie Ryan. Grace la Marr. RUly Kuster. The Great GlUtert. hypnotist, is an added attractinn, A g'Kid season is an.irlaaietl.

ing with the conditiona of the Metropolitan Thea¬ This Is absolutely a flrst-rlsss (krdiestra. thoroughly experienced in the proper cueing of feature plcturca.

ter, Gilmore City, la., and the treatment aa-

Have excelleot library.

House must be union aird employ six or more musicians. Address E. W, T. LEADER, care Billboard, Ciooinnati. Ohio.

anted the profession hy the management and

EDDIE Cni.I.lN.^' "Rig Revue." whl' h has won much prestige in Canada dnring the past two seasons, ta not booked indefinitely at Sault

honae employees. The honsg haa been remodeU'd tbreont, and the accommodations are flrat class.
DAVE AND RrSTE MORRIS, after a long silence, write that they are offering their

AT LIBERTY, Union Carpenter

Rte. Marie, Ylich., as was erroneously statid in these columns in the April 9 issue. The item in question also stated that there had been, but one rbange made in the personnel in the past

war<*a with J. Leslie Spahn'a ``Girla From the Golden West." The Morrises cloeed with Le

DAVE CAMPION, 305 Ferguson St., Lansing, Miohigan.

three years, that being the arquiaitinn of Ed "Pop" I-owry. On the I'ontrar.v. there have been

Roy Oshome's "Oh. My l.ady," Company at Oklahoma City, Ok., April 3.
ART GlI.BERTS, of the revue hearing hla name, exchangi-d handshakes at The Btllhoard headquarters laat week, en route from Florida to

Sketch Teams. 'Single and Dimhlo Novelty Acts and Cook. Rest of accommodations. Work winter and summer. Money sure. A reliable ahow for reliable people that mind their own liusincss. Ylust be fast set workers. Lx-managers and dlsotganlzers keep awn). L<ldle SIh-s. Tom D<*e, write.
J, FRANK MACKEY, Delmont, Pa.. WestpMreland Co,

several changes made in the show, according to Mr. Collins, who states that Mr. I-owry it sim¬ ply filling a spring engagement. Furthermore, the company numbers twelve people and not fifteen, as was quoted in the previous nolhe.

New York, on a business mission. Mr. Gilberta reports that hualness la all that could he ex¬ pected with both bis shows.
J. IJ/OYn DEARTH, formerly of the Persh¬ ing Theaters at Galveston and Ft. Worth. Tex . and one of the original Pershing Players. la now in charge of the press department of Pantagea' New Theater at Memphis. Tenn. Mr. Dearth ia also holding down the assistant mantger'a desk.
TABLOIDS arc still being offered at the Em¬ press Theater. Lansing, Mich. Daring the flrat two weeks of April Hazel Heaton's "Ginger Girls" was the attraetion. followed by Billy Band's ``Girla From Joyland." which opened Ronday. April 10.
WE BEG OF YOr POLKS, abotjld yoa "desire to hear from friends,'' to write them in care of The Billheard. and we, in turn, will adv-crtlae the letters for you In the I.etter List, for whleh there will be no charge. In case of death. 111nesa or in need, we will publish your moasage is tbe eoliimn.
CLAIRE ILLINGTON, female Impersonator with the Billings Bo«>th Musical Comedy Com¬ pany, postcards that in all due respect to Princess Flozarl his performance of the "Dane* de Incense, ' which resulted in his arrest by Texas authorities some weeka ago, was purely the result of immodest apparel worn hy him.
MASTER BURTON, JR . son of Mr and Mrs. Burton E. Lamb, of tbe team of Lamb and I..amh. begs to announce bis arrival at 414 W. Lafayette Boalevard, Detroit. Mich., on March 31. Weight, 3V4 pounds. Mother and child are doing well. The proud father is comedian with Harold Brown's ahow in the "Auto" City.
BERT HUMPHREY' and her Dancing Buddies report good business in Iowa. The show will open April 17 for an Indefinite run at the Orpbeum Theater, Ottumwa, la., Ylisa Ilomphrey'a company includes .\rt L. Selby, Larry Mack, Cal

Le Vance, Gene Meyers. Marie Dc Voe, Mar¬ garet ('laig, Tillie Stock, Ruth I'ettijolm and Lucile Albright.
"AN EXTRA GOOD TAB. SHOW" is Manager J. Jones' way of exyiresaing his opinion of Oeno Cobb'o "Iloney Gals Muxiral Comedy" Company, whleh opened a two weeks' engagement at bis theater, the Crystal, San Angelo, Tex., .Vprii 4. The company carries a personnel of fourteen. Mr. Jones, in particular, highly praised Mr. Cobb's lini>crs<*nations of a Negro woman.
THE SHERLEY LEWIS REVUE, under the management of Gore Bros, and Sol Lesser, con¬ tinue to hold forth at the Hippodrome Theater, Bakersfield. Cal., with good financial returns. Members of the organization are; A1 Bruce, Claude Allen, Nat Wentworth, Jerry Eaton, Babe Yrnold, Is'ibel Groves, Annabel Marlow and a chorus of fourteen girls. The show wilt move to Venice, Csl., in July for a run.
EV.\ GR.YI1.3M, prima donna with Billy Grady's show, now playing rotary stork in Clnry, threatens to lea'e tlie show soon to Join her husband in St. lainis. Mo. Denver Day, a chor¬ ister with the above show, is also about to exit, and will be replae. d by Bobbie Carr. Miss Day, it ia nnderstotjd. is atf.ieted with lung trouble and has been advised by Iier attending physician to give up any physical str.sin.
MANAGERS ARE EARNESTLY requested to co-o|)eiaie more with the route editor. It has been discovered in the past that some managers have allowed their rou'es to api>ear in the route department aevcral weeks after the ex¬ piration. This applies in partieular to indefinite stoj-k engagements. While we offer yon tills service, abstjliitely fr»e of cost, we feel obli.'st <1 in calling your attention to the foregoing. Let's remedy this condition.
LAURA DIEHL'S MUSICAL REVUE is up¬ holding its reputstion on the Sun Time, and is playing Pennsylvania and Ohio terrilory to go< d business. The roster is as follows: f.a lira Diehl. George B. Tyman, Rene Vincent, Harry KITpy, Nancy Martin, Frank Lepp, Ben Burns and a singing and dancing beauty chorus. Miss Diehl is contemplating Increasing the personnel to eighteen people for a summer park engagement. Al Clarkson is manager.
THE OHIO theatrical PRODUCING CO. of rincinnatl, O.. U rnnning full sway. Including the No. 1, 2 and 3 companies, viz.: Gus Rspler's "Pslm Rescb Girls," Jim Btivs's "Curley Heads," and Rilly Grady's "Daff.vdlIl Girls." Tbe company report good business with all thn-e shows. It ia arranging to ''put over" a eauinicr stock engagement for Grady's Shtiw. Harry Rut. too, mnsiral director, is still active with Bryan A Howell's forces, and has seemingly caoceletf hla rootemplated trip to Detroit.
THE BARBOUR BOOKING AOENrV has purchaaed the Beater A Paul Hawaiian Rhow at a

flat salary for twelve weeks' work in the larger towns of the circuit. This ir'iui>e of native mu¬ sicians lias among its members Richard Renter, a famous ball player in Honolulu and who is said to have been one of the very few fmm that country to make the big leagues. Other mem¬ bers of the troupe are: Al Kalaui, steel guitar; Eunice .Vlapa, dancer, and the Mlintaa Family, Johnny, (jiieen and .Ylico, who joined tbe or¬ ganization at Los Angeles, wliere, it is said, they have posed for the silver sheet. In siiiiport of Jack I'ickford. E. L. Paul is business mana¬ ger.
HOW MANY TABLOID ORGANIZATIONS are there--on the road and playing stock? And. how many have changtid their titles this year? Keep us posted on your activities. Send iia your rosters, and don't forget the names of the chorus personnel--they belong to the fold. la*i's hear from all, and more from all, of yon. "Big hiisiness,'' "breaking bouse records," "wonderderfiilly successful," ct cetra, are statemetits most frequently Included In ctirresjiondcni e from lab. folks. This is cheerful news, indeed, hut avoid prevarication. Social activities, mar¬ riages, births, deaths, or an exehange of ideas are also interesting. .Ynd, above all. don't fall to properly sign ycur communications. Under¬ stand that more than your initials sre required to insure publication. Be brief.
A FI RI'RI.tE PARTY was given by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schneller at Doyle's No. 1 Hall. Court and Central avenue, Cincinnati, on Fatiird.ay night. April 0, in honor of the twenty-first birlliday anniversary of their son, Ig^sfer I-aMont, female Imciersonator, who was the recip¬ ient of many handsome presents. The westher did not Interfere and, despite the rsln and cold, all those Invited were present or aci-ounted for. Am the frolic advanced members Interrupted with individual fun. The merry.mnkers indulged in the bounteous feast, whieb included everything from soup to nuts. Refreshments were also servisl. A dance roncluded the evening's fun, and the gtiests tripped the light fantastic until the snia' hours of the morning. Among those present were: Sylvan Reeh« and wife, Robert Diesel. George Talliot, Walter Reihfln, Mr. and Mrs. JIra Bovs. Carl Frank, Elsie Wig¬ gins, Charlie Murray, Sam Ward. Morris Jones, the Newitisn Kiddles, Pauline Y'okiim, Girdle Murray, .Yrllngton P.aehe, Marie Dougherty, Bes¬ sie M< Kenzie and Katie Johnson.
T. C. ALLEY and Msry Keane, of the Casino Amusement <k>., of New York City, will launeb two musiesi comedy shows In Yfsy, to play the Koutbem TIftie. A Hawaltan musical extrava¬ ganza, entitled "Isle of .No Man," and "Wliy Keep Me Waiting," mnsiral hit from the pen of the well-known anlbors, Charles L. Yonng and Roily Nsftel. have been added to their already extewlTe repertoire. Tbe maalcal nnm-

GUS FIAIG, writing from Joplin, Mo., says business in the Southwest has been normal, while tbe oil country is at a standstill at tha present time, and money it tight. Mr. Flalg'a how, "Hits and Misses 1921." owned by the Bartmur Booking Ollh-e, opened its season at the Broadway Theater, Tulsa. Ok. The show car¬ ries twenty-two peo;>le, a forty-foot Illuminated runway, a full crew, plenty of scenerr, with special novelties and electric effects. The fea¬ ture bill it entitled ''The land of the Moon," with a iite fout illuminated mwin adding na¬ ture's effect. An electrical storm I" siso seen In action. Tlie rtmfer Ineludei Doc lAirman, (Thle Briemont, Iloyf Smith, Vic Y'ernon. Vida Story, Ijinva l4i Marr, Gus Flalg, Geo. Walsh, Eater DrlsdsI, Hulta Briemont, Kevltfe Sisters, Rne Arleen, l4>uise laiRue, Viola Harding. May Rhea, Helen Mare, Chle Williams. Carrie Rcs5man. Joe Williams, eleefriclan; Geo. Ray. car¬ penter: Chuck Rodman and Nellie Sterling. The organization will play Texas and Oklahoma bouses for the summer.
"THE FRISCO REI.I.ES" COMPANY closed Saturday night, April 2, at the Pastime Thea¬ ter, New Wilson, Ok. The company, according to a report, had been do'ng very hid business of la'e in Oklahoma and Texas. On the night of the closing TIney Renter and Valetta Palmer, members of the company, served an sttsehment against Pete Seymour and Jack Rutile, for salnrlet due them, prior to the night show, delay¬ ing the performance about fifteen or twenty min¬ utes. After the show Mr. Renter and Miss Pslmer made a compromise and received the greater jiarf of their s-slarles. Mr. Renler, Miss Pal¬ mer and Bert Culkin left for Oklahoma City. Crystal Duncan and Eve Wilson ndumed to their homes In Sapulpa, Ok. Pete Seymour and wife, Mamie Yohe and ton, Pete, Jr., aemalned In New Wilson to settle np financial dlfflenltles, U
(Continued on page 114)

House Managers Attention

Write ns for Booklnzs for *oo<l `rablold Shows and

Vandnille Arts.


Phone. Olive 4033.

6?0 CHESTNUT 87.,




Retail and wholnailr. Prnd for price UaL Minstrel

Cmtiimes Slid Supi'lles


Bn 705.


Haverhill, Massaehueettt.

Quality flrst 1,000 either Bnvrloprf, Cards, SHxSti LeUerhtado, tie., $3.50; LetterhMda, $4.50. Let us
n.uic uii su>tiUu<. i-stapiee for ilamp TUB UOIK BU MHlQWtW. lOWL


The facts revealed in the answering affidavits in my action for injunction against the Loew Circuit and the Orpheum Cir¬ cuit to prevent them from paying over the proceeds of the socalled National Vaudeville Artists' Matinees are of such inter¬ est for the Vaudeville Actor and Vaudeville Actress that I am going to quote at some length to show them what is really occurring.

As all those who studied the article of mine in The Bill¬ board called "IN IIIS TRUE COLORS'' know, the so-called National Vaudeville Artists' Matinees were given because of a resolution passed by the V. M. P, A. on April 17, 1020, which resolution states that ALL receipts of the theaters on the second Friday of April of each year should be turned over to the National Vaudeville Actors' Benefit Fund.

t showed and proved by_ means of quotations from sworn testimony in the Federal Investigation that the N. V. A. Benefit Fund was administered by Messrs. Casey, Goodman and Mur¬ dock.

Several Actors have written to me, stating that they can't believe it and asked for more proof. Here it is in a quotation from the lease agreement between the National \'audeville Artists, Inc., and the 220 West 4f)th Street Corporation of which Mr. J. J. Murdock is the President and about which Mr. Ches¬ terfield, Secretary of the N. V. A., swore that in his dealings with it the only persons he dealt w-ith were Mr. Albee and Jilr. Goo<lman.

". . . Tho Vaudeville >IanaRei"s* Protective Association hereinbefore referred to. having heretofore mnnasred and condiii'tetl u benetlt theatrical iHTforinance for the b<`nefit of the lessee, tlirouirh which iw'rforinance CI-M{T\rX AlONKYS WKKF KXISI.D AXI> WHICH AHF XOW HKLD BY SAID Y.WDKYII.I.F MAXAGFItS* I'KOTFCTIYF. AS.«!0. CIATIOX AS Fl'XD . . . and Intending to conduct and manage other theatrical performances for the lu'ncflt of the lessee (the N. Y. A,), from which further sums are exp<'<ted to 1x5 raised, it Is mutually agreed that . . . for any purpose hereunder, the said lessor (229 West Forty-sivth Street Cor¬ poration) win resort to the fiimls In tlie said X. Y. A. I>eneflt fund and the same .shall be used and devoted to such other purposes, and the lessor (THF: 229 WFST IfiTH STHFFT COUPORATIOX) is hereby authorized, empowered and dlre<ted to HUAW YPOX SA11> X. Y. .\. BFXFFIT FFXl) FOB THF I'l'BPOSFS. In addition, of the purchase of any fnipplles, liquor, cigars, cigarettes, or any other articles or things."

This lease containing this contract and agreement is signed by the N. V. A. and the 229 West 46th Street Corporation by their different officers.

This conclusively shows that the V. M. P. A. handles the monev from all the.'^e benefits.
The affidavits made in this action reveal figures which will be startling to the .Actors.
Mr. T.eopold Friedman, an attorney and the Secretary of the Loew Circuit, swears as follows:

"The resolution passed on .Xpril 17, 1920. As a result of

that rt'soliition there was paid by the (icfpndant Comp.-iny to

the X. Y.

... all of the re<vlpts of vaudeville theaters

etuilrolhMl by It on the day set aside In 1920 by .sjtld resolution,

approvimatcly tlvc sum of $«..a00.00."

T want cverv \'audevillc Actor and .`\ctress to see the full force of that. The Secretarv of the T.oew's Circuit swears that ALT. THE receipts OF AT.T. the T.oow's Circuit of that Friday in 1020 were approximately the sum of $6.3(30.
·Another attorney. Mr. Benjamin B. Kahane, is the Secre¬ tary-Treasurer of the Orpheum Circuit. He swears:

. . o%vners of Yaiidollle Tlteaf«*rs have ngre***! to de¬ vote and donate THF FXTIHF HI TFIPTS for the performaiu'e to ghen at the various TheaPTs ownu^l hy them. . . .
``That the aggregate amount «loiiated hy the various i'or|>orallonH «>p<'rating ThiNifers that ·ompose the OrplM'um FIreidl from the lienetit performanee given In .Xpril, 1920, W.\S M'S.S THAN SIO.OOO."
*`Tl»e amount exixxded to be «loii,'it»'d from the Itenefit I*erformanee (of tbe Orplienm Clreull) on A|>rll 8fb. 1021. will not exeee<l tids amount nn<l from present Indications will In all probability be less tban S7.a00.00."

T want cverv A'andcvillc .Actor and .Actress to sec the full force of that. The Sccrctarv-Trca'^nror of the Orphenm Cir¬ cuit swears that .AT.T. the receipts of .AT T. the Orpheum Thea¬ ters of that Friday in T020 were less tlian Sio.cxDO, and tliat Friday, .April 8, will only bring $7.5(30.

To make it more simple: The receipts of all of Loew's Theaters and all the Orpheum Theaters in the United States and Canada on the second h'riday afternoon in April, 1920, ac¬ cording to the sworn testimony of their Secretaries and Treas¬ urer. were not $16,300.
If U makes the Actors of this country laugh, as much a,s it made me, when I read that, this is the biggest laugh of the year, so far.
Of course, Pat Casey had to swear to an affidavit. He refers at length to the \Vhite Rats' Strike of 1917, and then `Swears that "since the strike the relation between them (them, being the X'audcville Managers and Vaudeville Artists) has been more harmonious.''
r'ven Casey admits that the strike brought about harmonious relations, though Casey's idea of harmonious relations is not exactly my idea.
And of course Henry Chesterfield had to swear to an affi¬ davit and in his affidavit I find the following paragrapTi:
`Tie furtber state*? that there Is no alllanee tHTw-i'cn the X'. V. -X. and an organization known as the X'. >1. I*. .X."
Well, a great deal depends on what you call an "alliance." Mr. Chesterfield testified in the Federal Investigation that the money to start the X. A'. A. was borrowed from the Vaude¬ ville Managers' Protective Association and the figures prove that the N. V. A. still owes money to the V. M. P. .A. We all know that the nominal officers of the N. V. A., Ed¬ ward Davis, President, and Chesterfield, Secretary, do not con¬ trol the organization of which they are the chief officers. To those who know this fact but will not admit it, let me quote a letter of Mr. Albee to some Actors, dated March 16, 1921, (not one month ago).
These are exact quotations from Albee's letter:
``.March 16. 1921. `·X'our letter received. ... `·Having iK'cn delegated to represent the V'aiidevlIIe Afanagers' Protective .\'*so<`latlon and with the work of the X'ational Yandeville Artists. Ine., at tlie present time essentiully In niy care, . . . ".'Some people say. `Is this an artists* <`hib and Is It run hv artists?*. I will sav to yon frankly.XT TIIFI PHKS*FXT TIMF. IT IS BFIXG HUX BY ALBEE."--(.Signed) E. F. .MJIFF..
Mr. .Albee says that he has been delegated by the Vaude¬ ville Managers' Protective .Association, and that he is running tlie N. y. .A. Now if he is running it, of what use are the Presi¬ dent and Secretarv, Chc.sterficld. except as a camouflage, except to conceal from 'the public THE FACT THAT THIS AC¬ TORS' ORGANIZATION (?) TS RON BY A MANAGER?
There are a lot of other amusing statements in Mr. .Albee's last letter which I will take up later on, as space forbids just now.
If these benefits were really for the benefit of the .Actor, I would sav nothing, hut they are merely to keep the Actor in a state of content. .Assuming that the entire amount of $16,300 is carried as an insurance fund, how much protection does that provide for the Actor?
The only insurance that is worth a moment's thought is where the Actor insures himself, where the Actor takes care of himself.
"Heaven helps those who help themselves," not those whom Albee helps.
The only way the .Actor can help himself is hy helping other .Actors. The only way he can insure his profe"'ion and himself while he lives is by joining the AM1?RICAN ARTISTES' FEDFR.ATTON.
The only way he can insure himself when he dies is by joining an Inmrance Society. The Equitable, The Mutual, The Postal, The Fidelity, The Travelers, The New York I.ife, etc., etc., are all good Insurance Societies when yon die.
The onlv Insurance Societv for the Actor while he lives is the AMERICAN ARTISTES' FEDERATION.


This is Irving Bilto, one of the melody writers on the staff of Leo Feist, Inc. Mr. Bibo eomes fltuu California, from whence came Faul White. man. Art Ilieanian, Max FlB.-her and other "muslo niiikerx'' wli.ise tneloilies are tickling

Hartlp; compositions by other Setttle writers srerp nsed. but the autUors were unable to ittend the eonreutlon.


New Tork, .tpril lc Milts. pre«idei.t of

Jack Mills. Ine., report* from San Franclsi-o that the 84Mig `Muiie" i* featured In revues

and Ireing played niebtiy by leuding orcbesiras


return beye. expeete.)

<t eirelirg




ill* business.

to honso h«>r publishinc basiness.
designed after the EngUsb typo of «'i'l b"* sllua'ed on bleb ground an
^iew of the IloIIywod bills,



( RKAVSl tov lUVt 's^Cy i(n'l\ ways I




the earn of Ameriesn public right now. Ilia latest number Is "Cherle," a composition wbleh looka like a whale of a hit. Before long you wtU be whistling it and you won't annoy the Delgbbors If you do. Fbr they will be doing tbe rame thl^.

Waco. Tex., April 15.--"M.v Rose." a waltz ballad of exceptional merit, and ''Why Don't You IMck a WlnnerT" a real novelty num¬ ber. suitable for song and music arts, are this month's releases of tbe .tnglo-Americau Music Dublishing Corp. At the firm's offices, 1123



South Fifth street, this city, most encouraging word was gireo on business to date and for

Paris, April 16.--"Mon Homme,'* the latest French Jazz craze, gained for American Jazs

New York, April 15.--The Robert Norton Oo., poUiaher of "Fooling Me." Informs the Melody

the future. Two new numbers will be offered regularly each month.

roFal ezDctlOD and pertlcipetlon. At the recent oivening of Harry Pilcer's new
dancing establishment here, Lady Patricia Bam-

Mart editor that the Stanley Company's chain of theaters is featuring that number in all the houses this week. It is alto being played

New Tork. April 15.--Dorothy Dickson and

sey. better known a« Princesa Pat, and her at the Rialto Theater here for a comedy fea- Carl Hyson introduced the reigning FYench

hnabtnd. Commander Ramsey, cavorted thru tbe tore. The Norton people have Just released dance craze, the "Mon Homme (My Man) Grab."

etepe of tbe shimmy to tbe strains of Pilcer's another number called "Secrets," of which they to Broadway tbit week. It it an apache foz-

own triumph, "Mon Homme," with the audible ezpect big things.

trot baaej on tbe theme of the song ''Mod

encouragement and approval of the Infanta

Homme." Tbe melody hza already wron tbe

Ealalie and Infante Louis, her sons, both of


heels of dancing clrclea in New York and iti

tbe Spanish Royal Family.


vogue la sweeping westward with velocity only


Detroit orders actresses to wear clotbcA To which a New York exchange replies: The next

by the fameut "Castle Walk."

New York. April 16.--^Ben Selvin and his Jazz Kings are featuring a new Oriental fox¬ trot song, "Algereeka of Algeria." at the Moulin Rouge restaurant. This number has scored quite a hit throout the East and may be beard nightly at leading botela, theaters, cafes and dance halls. "Algereeka" la different from the general run of Oriental numbers in that it la
a distinct novelty and has a catchy tempo, with a lyric that has a humorous twist. Many

thing you know some city will be demanding that they act,
' Loe Angeles, April 10.--Mrs. Carrie Jacobs Bond, nationally known song writer and publiaber, is erecting a new building at Hollywood

-A report from Allan's Pi'hllthing C«., Fargo, N. D., baa It that "Rose of Golden West," the firm's brand new fong. Is catching on fast with
orchestras and vaudeartlsts. Mechanical companics also are said to ba interested in tbe number, profesiional copies of wbirh are now ready.

vaadevllle acts are using it.


Pace & Handy Music Co., Inc.
: 232 West 46th Street :
Joj Capktf

New Tork, April 10.--Tbe Cornell Roll Co., 1547 Broadway, this week released "No One


Evee Pliys With Me," written by JosepQi

Capute. .The song promises to be one of the 1921 sensations. "Saraauar." by Ed Bernard, ie to be released next week snd will be fol¬ lowed cloeely by "My American Rose'' and "Blonore." Jane Smith la responsible for tbe last two pieces and it is believed they will be her most popular songs. In sheet form these numbers are put out by the Stork Music Publlsbtng Co., this city.

Jack Robbins, professional manager for tbe Richmond Music Company, is a good Judge of popular songs, and is always on tbe lookout for hits. He picked and made "Tell Me" and "Smiles." and put Lee Roberts on tbe musical map. When Robbins takes a number, be doesn't care if all the publisbera in tbe world have already turned it down.
Some time ago a man who has a Jazz band, plays for the phonogmpha, and writes in tbe

"It's a piece of cbeeae a CIbicafo bird wrote. But don't waste time on It. 1 aneeze bettor tnnea."
"It's a bit," Jack Instated. ''Wberc eon I get It?"
"If you're crazy enough to pnbUsb It, 1 can get It for yon."
A week later Robbins bad secured tbe pub-
Hshlng rights to tbe piece of cheese. He '·>'rd in a lyric writer, who. after hearins


bargain, askevl Jack to listen to some of bis the melody, shook hla bead, saying It was

Chicago, April 15.--Williams & Piron's dance new numbers. RobMns did. but conbln't see · piece of cheese,

number, "Ronmanla." is being use.! extensively anything. Then tbe jazzer played an enr.i-e "Write a lyric fot It." aaid Jack. "I'll give

here for a new craze called the "Roumanla for tbe dani'cra Jack Jiimived to bis feet, you an advance, and a royalty."

Glide." Thursday night an exhibition was "Tbat'a my tune! What is il'/", be a**ed


,, , ,, i

k. w <k.

given by ten couples for the Pompeian Cascadea "It's a piece of cheeiie written by aoiiie nut


i k

under the leadership of Clarence Williams, the in Cblcsgo." tbe jazzer replied. "I have a lead

f ,



sheet and oc.aslon.lly play It for .a encore." "Play it xgaln, ' Jack srggesled
Disgusted, tbe man refused, and Robbins Uft the cabaret.

* *"* *®

relumed; be .aid;



·· adody.

*· outright. No one will ever

Ellensburg, Wash., April 10.--`The Washing A few days later another rjuger. hIio writea,

* vopf. ""d for the love of Mike, don't

ton State Music Association convention was held Invited Jsck to his apartment to listen lo some ***** name on if."

here laxt week. Fifty of tbe leading muairluns new songs. He played twenty five, but Jack KoUdna adjusted matteta wttb the 0yrlc

of tbe State were *n attendance. Thursilay's was cold to all.

writer and Ibrn bad orcbeat rat Iona made. He

(itogram consUted in its entirety of tompositlona "They're Just tunen," said Robtilni "Noth- had fattb In the numbar and kept plugglDg It.

by Seattle musicians. Among the composers on Ing outstanding."

A abort time after Remlck'a man came and

the progrnm were: Claude Madden, Carl Paige Tbe man made a face, turned to the piano, offered him a record price for It, which hn

Wood. Paul Pierce McNeeley, Mrs. Adelina and be0aD to play somethkng elnri Jarik accepted.

A(>pleton. Daisy Wood Hildreth, Mrs. Amy sprang to his feat "That's aj tnne! What No doubt, yon'sa hoard tha aang by this

Worth. Lucy Cole (colored palnlate). Mrs. dam la Itr*

m H la entitlid "Ia Taada.**

"OKEATEST `KID' 8UNO In Um Isit ton years The Sanford Twins and Dolly Dumpies ate uatnz this with great succna." *'
BelMied oo Cornell Muaio BoUa.
1547 Broadway. NEW YORK. N. Y.
16- Send for my Guaranteed Prm

APRIL 2)>, 1921



Odd Question Raised in Songright Suit Against Movie Owner
8ratt)«, Wash., April 1C.--Does the playlofi of a DDOiber on an electric piano conttitote a fliQglcal performance? This qnesttun, un to railed Slates District Judse Jeremiah Neterer, grows out of a copyrlaht infringement suit filed here In Pedenil Court liy the publishers of "Dard.inella" against U. T. Nelson, proprietor of the Kamil/ Theater. Mr. Nelson claims the pla/log of the piece wai free in conjunction with a notion picture show, that no musical performance was claimed and that the admission ckarges were solely for the prlrllege of viewing a cinema entertainment. It is also claimed by him that the music roll had no copyright notices on it and he wan unaware of the eiiatence of a copyright. The publishera claim a mneical performance was offered when their composition was played. Family Theater patrons, it ie tkoogbt, will offer tbemaclvea as voluntary witBesses to uphold Mr. Nelson's contention.

iBtredueed by Kisi Moody la Solli-Flote CIrent. ONE-STEP SONG
Full Orch. and Piano, Including Saxophonas, 2Se. f^^Ortfa. Leaders, be sire to get this. c^VaudeYiile Singers, send for Prof. Copy.

Lands "Clair De Lune Waltzes"
New York, .\pril 13.--John and Ethel Barry¬ more will appear here next w.'ek at the Em¬ pire Theater as co-stars in Michael Strange's new play. "Clair de Lune," in which melodies will lie woven thrnout the principal scenes.
The main muslral theme is repeated many times, it ia said, during the performance and has been named "Clair dc Lune Waltzes'* hy Mr. Strange.
To the Edward B. Mark.s Music Co. has bean entmated the publication and sale of "Clair do Lune Waltzes'* and two other musical num¬ bers of the play. The music will ''.te issued in the form of a Barrymore souvenir edition and best a picture of John and Ethel Barrymore on the frontispiece.
The splendid sale of "Madrigal of May,'' from "The Jest,'' and "No More at Evening," from "Redemption," previous Barrymore successea, will be surpassed by the demand for "Clair de Lnae Waltzes," Judging from the orders al¬ ready coming in to the Mirks headquarters, 102-RH W. 3''th street, this city. Copies wfll he ready for the opening performance and on the market at the usual operatic prlcei.


Orchestrations, 25c Each
By jperlal arranttment with the excluWve aellthe Bdw. B. Marks Music Co., for
wo are enabled to oftir -he Dance Orateatratloo of this number free If you loin our
Send US SI .00 (Canada SI .25) and we will mall you all our dance number* for m year.
Goodman g Rose, he.
234 W. 46th St., NEW YORK CITY

Use it-^t will be a real hit for you. Some Fox-Trot, All arrangements ready.

Detroit, AprlK 15.--A new theater to be known as the Northern is to be built at Woodward avenue and Six 3nie road, within a stoue'a throw of Henry Ford's great auto plant. The house is to cost $.'>.`>0,000 and will seat 2,300l Detroit and Highland Park business men are financially interested in the project. The new theater will be devoted to vaudeville and mo¬ tion pictures. The stage will he 2Rx80 feet, with a 40-foot proscenium. Ground will be bro¬ ken fOr the Btmetnre May 1.


Chicago, April 12.--George Kohler has been made musical and presentation director of the Aacher Bros.* Theaters with headquarters



Something new in a Mother Ballad.

McKinley music company

NEW YORK: 14$ W. 4$th SL

CHICAGO: Grand Opera Hoise Bldg.

in Portage Park Theater.
Hudaon-Bemstein & Co. have mailed The Bill¬ board (Chicago office) a professional copy of their new song, "Mothe- Mine.''
A1 Fox tells ns that "My Mother's Lnllaby" la fast becoming a big dance and orcheatra favorite and "The Purple Poppy W.iltz" has de¬ veloped into a standard seller, being "hot'' with the movie players.
Louis E. Zoeller says Sophie Tucker's de¬ livery of "I Ain't Glvin' Nothin' Away" has 'em talking to New York and that the number will sweep the country.

Professional Copies and Orchestrations ready. We want every good Orchestra


in the States to have this great Song and Foz-TroL It's going big and getting lU "Naughty in a Nice Way" | bigger. Orchestra Club, $1.00.


BURDICK PUB. CO., Loiskport, N. Y.

An the latest: "Deviri Garden." "Mv "Margie." eta GREAT COMEDY KFXrrVTIW

FREK List of moooloiia and acu on request ACTORS

SERVICE BUREAU, 405K, ISI W. 39th. W. Y. City.

By HEWITT 4> CORNELL. Wo bate pubUsbed somo dandy sonta within the last year, but never a better number Utaa Uda With lU mtnmclng melody and wonderful Mory it la a marked "hlL" If you caa use this dandy ·end tor U. Ptofo»:l.>iials and Otcheetratiooa in 3'our key are ready.
STORK MUSIC PUB. CO., 1547 Broadway. New York.

n 111n1 ilm llln llilnI'Ln*

1921 oopwigMed parody material la a aeiisatlon. Tan

|w II |#l II11 f* \ funny paroiltea on "Hroadway

II lHlliIlvl IlI/II1U1IUII gBioes,e".'*"F"eWatlhilespr erYlnogu.r" N"Mesatr,"-

·Talesteena." "Old Pal," "It's All Over .Now" a^

thr.-e others, all for One Dollar. For sale only by

OTTIE COLBURN. 13 Clinton Ave., Brockton, Mast.


Victor Arden, J. Buasel Bobinaon. Petr Wendting. Max Kortiander and Z«z Confrey appeared.

Latest song hit to fox-trot mu^ Pro/essionoJ copies free.
PibIM by A. FISHEB, Barttaili. U


You all know MAMIE SMITH and know that her OKEH records are the sensation of the Talking Machine World. Everyone of these numbers is sung by MAMIE SMITH and all are HITS.



It costs you only ONE DOLLAR to join for six months and you get nothing but hits. For instance, we publish







You can't beat these numbers anywhere. Sure-fire successes every one of them. Send your DOLLAR and get your six months' supply of hits.

PERRY BRADFORD, Inc., 1547 Droadway, New York City

23, 1921

T li e Billboard




Special single and double male and female versions now ready. Write the nearest office for your copy.


A Spring Tonic for that Act of Yours. Special Double Versions and a Great Patter Churus.

Refiular Piano Copy (tvords and music), 30 cents.

Dance Orchestration {10 parts. Piano and

Sax.), 25 cents.




CHICAGO Grand Optra House Bldg.

BOSTON 181 Trcmont St.

PHILADELPHIA Globe Theetre Bldg.

TORONTO 193 Vonge St



Pantagca Thtatre Bldg. Gayoty Theatre Bldg.

ST. LOUIS Calumet Bldg.

MINNEAPOLIS Lyric Theatre Bldg.



Ttie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921

YESy this is the Oriental Fox-Trot Song Hit that has New York Dance Crazy.




Gaiety Theatre Bldg., N. Y, Citf

iMtK C. Tolbert'* Variety Orchestra will aniBer at Bound Heaj Lake, O.

$3,000,000 WORtH OF MELODY!!!
Creating a Furore!!

four marches, then a hike to the lot and a coupla piece* outside. Then Inside and *o forth until tbe program started. Then followed tbe concerL When it was all over there wa* a raca to pot away the instruments and get out¬ side to see If `she* wa* still waiting or if It was another case of `stung*.*·

··Why do jars lausiciaBs time op their intrtuneata?" Becent beadiin* in Deorer' Post.

Jack Tamer ha« a emnll concert band on the ··Matt and Jeff" Company now tearing Texas.

Bob L, Sickles is director of the llftecn-picce band nn Brunk's Comedians No. I. Standard oerrtares, mttchea. popular and norelty num¬ ber* are played in the daily concerts.

If all the jau music played in the T. S.


was moulded info one note it would

ba loud co'-ugh to go to the moon and back.

Bat why bring it back'--"O. H."

It has bora calculated that if all the sasopboaes in the country were placed end to end they would reach from Elkhart. Ind., to some other eiiy--other city not as yet decided.

The Ohio Sysco Band, going good in the Buckeya 9Uta. expect* to head Southwest soon. Bred Vf. klilla. piano and sax., la manager; liar.
oM Willi*, piano; Willis Wolfe, clarinet and
nT.| Femaad Brassejr, riolin and trombouc,
id Bhlph Webster, singing drummer.

VMeads of Kd (Plek) Power*, bass fid. of f xatrai rep. and more recently of the Lyric 'xweater. Huntington. W. Ta., can spread some ouablne by ahooting him a line at Mayo Bp'>8.* Baapi'al. Rochester, Mfhn., where he is nadergalBy treatmaut for stomach trouble.

Bob Foster closed with Weldemeycr'a SaxopRoae Orchestra and is pla.^ing in PhillT. His pitca la filled by Kid McCoy of Clncy, formerly with Walter D*xiils<>c. The Weidemeyer organ!zatlne, now rn tour down Itixie way. will be featared at the opening of the Camden Park, Buntingtoa, W. Va., anj The Cliffsidc, Ash¬ land, Ky.. next month.

The Quinn Pep Player* w'll serre syncopntlra for the summer at Preamland Pavilion, Buckeye l«ke. Ohio. F. H. Quinn, marimba and drums, is manager; Iwwrence Webl>er, xio lin; E. Ar-ber. clarloet-kxx.; Bex O'Neal, banjo; Marguerite Hansen, piano; Ginger Murray, en¬ tertainer and utility player, f. Rro.-k»ty, exalastrel man, t* owner, and Al Levy, tab. and theater manager, is pavilion manager.
The eighteen-piece band of O. A. Gibson on Palmer Bros * Circus is receiving rompliment# of the press and public as one of the best a* serebled concert organization* plavirg thru Texas, according »o word from S»weetwater. Mr, Glbson't arrangement for the great speotaele. ··Queen ef the Orient,'· haa proved a great tuecea*, it ts said.
The Gilmore Orehedim closed a tweaty-fourweek Western tour at Miller. Neb., April !t. A. B. Pearson, saxophonist, and Glen Burgeos. drummer, went to thrir Minnesota homes. W. Prank Gilmore and the Mrs. Joined the Brnnk No. 4 show two day* later at Atchison, Kan. Mr. Gilmore has charge of the orchestra, play¬ ing Tiolln. and will do corcet In the band, while hit wife handles the piano.
Tbe page* of anrient history tell ti* that about the year 323, B. C.. the first eomplaint against JaxT was made by ArtUtotle. In denouncing some bad acton of tragedy whose gestures were too violent tha Greek philosopher said, among other things: ·`They are like bad flut* playcn who WbM thnoMclvea around aa if they xrould im-

Tm On MyWayToHifSwanee River Home"
iisi"Wliispering"'?''Rnnimine"i) all III Worn
$.25 for any orchestration. Prof, copies upon request Send $1.00 to Join our Orchestra Club for One Year
ATLAS MUSIC CO l E*tctxarxcle Buffalo, N. Y.

One of the hundreda of case* xrhera a trooper has quit tho road to aettlo down and cash la on tb* worldly experience gained from travellng up and dvwn and acroaa the continent la re¬ flected la the story of George fonder*. B* trouped for year* tad was with Gov. Jack Itoblnaon** Big Ten bark In the eighties. Be took up retidenre in Centerville, It., and toon had a band together which had 'em talklag In the We>t, Tbe Commercial Club of Cltrlnda recognlted the ability of Mr. lanler* twelve years ago and brought him to that town. A* privat* Inttrui'tor he did well. Be alto went ahead organizing bands, and today Cltriodt if proud to be known as "the borne of Georgs Landers* Band.'* Too. he ha* a musl- store, which supplies a goodly portion ef lostrumentB and sheet music for that sectioo. But the thing which will long perpetuate his name is th* bill recently adopted, which allows all Iowa munteipalltes to support banda with public money. Minneaota. California, Ktns.xs and ladiina bav* similar laws. There are many State* whtre such legslatioB can be adopted for the good of music and musicians and to the benefit of the pnblle. Indivlduala or organizatioaa interested ta such a movement for their respective State* may procure data on the Iowa law upon request to George Landers.

Hm Important matter of tuning Is ffrestly

neglected by many musicians. Some of them

An ARTHUR Lyric, an ARTHUR Melody, an ARTHUR Arrangement make
ivia-ggie: o' mine

tune up once and Imagln* they can leave It there regardles* of change In temperatuix*. This might do rewmably well in a theater, hot In a tent show It :* qnlte different. In dty


CHAS. A. ARTHUR, Music Publisher, 901 LaSalle Aec., DETROIT, MICH.


time It ta warm and you have to draw out, while the piano gor* down. At night |t gets cool, the piano goe* up and you must poah In. a half Inch or more. Of coiirae. In band W' r

you all go up or dosm alike and there nesi

not he any change in your timing allde. Th*


FREE--ORCHESTRA LEADERS-FREE XVe *atit iX.oeo name* of prcmlnwit Orch-wtr* I-csders f<e <>ur ''I/esUirs' I'rHerred l.lst " Send
vntir nsmr and addreat. *Isi> those of six leader friiiid*. XX'e will setid yi»u our new nunit)ers ss
t*M ss puHtslicd. FttEE OF CIIAKGE.

mIv difference lielwi-en mnalc and nol*c 1* that

one la In time and the oilier 1* not. The main

diffarenoe between a good band and a rotten

One la that the good one la to tune.


Being In tune I* an exf-t mathematical prop-



ealilon. not mere approximatloa or gne** work. Bach tone miiat vibrate In exact ratio to th*

Others or there ran bs no harmony. For In¬

stance, the triail of the eommon chord. C-F 0.


must stand In the relatloa of X-.'i-d to each other: no other relation will harmonize. It H

tn arnd fer Prr# Information regarding my Course in Composing *nd Beilina So-ic*. Surorssful sons* aiiMply a law of nature--the asme a* In eheailcsl

nuke big mouey. Can you write tbcmf And sell Uvnit Let ror tell yen iiow t--lay.

eomblnatiuns. 1120 la agiia pur* provided there


EO CHENETTE. CwItMi. MiansMta.

era ao adulleratinn* In the water. The air we

itale the motion of the dlscnii." While writ*

ten over

years ago this has a prc.M'nt

d.iy tiavor. Hand Aribtotle's whirling flute

player a saxophone and you have an up-to-d.itr

Jaxz pla.ver whoso contortkwn afford delight to

some and pain to others.

sunny clime of California will lure him back to the Golden State and old acijuaintances next winter.
"To*. I re.x<l Mualcal Miialnga and, like a great many others, have thought of helping the

breathe muat contain oxygen, hydrogen and at tMgea la certain proportion* In i'lder to aut'aln Ilf*. If thl* wtulllbrium become* dWarranged It Is no longer pure air; become* aoroclhlaf else, unfit for breathing
Juat ao with roual-wl soundt. If the l"ne* are not In exart mathematical ratio to each

columns along." writes Tom Hall from Wella- other tbe result It not mualc. but merely aolse.

Joe Torreano, veteran and one of the best burg, W. Vt.. ``but as I am of a retiring nature Th* lm;>orfanre of being la tune r»n not h*

known bass drummer* and cymbal wizards in I've always let tbe idea slip by till now. Am over eatimaled. All great artist* realize thla

Canada and the tTiiited States, left tbe Standard an oldtiuier in a way, and can recall the days of and all real miislrlsna are < arcril of thl* lO'

Oil Band of Klclimond, CaL. to join Bertmrt th* one-ring wagon shows when 'rop Corn* tonattau. Many rechtea* trouper* Ignore th*

Clark's sixty-flxe-piece Imud at Huntsville, Ont., Gi-· Il.xll. r. H B'tsco, r.d it.-Do and a few imp.Wtanee of being in tune. I've tee* One or

Can. Joe's musical «x,reer date* tiack to bis In¬ others used to hold forth In Wisconsin, tltin<ii* two good muslclaa* who would forget to

fancy in Calumet, Mich. ``Dnm" wa* the and Iowa. A five or six o'clock rail on tbe lot their tnn'ng slide* In th* cxs'l of th*

first xvord hi* mother heard him say and of in the morning If you wanted liienkfast wiili evening. Thl* la the fault of the leader. Be

coiirae resulted in a drum being one of Baby tho -ook wagon and tvind-carry all tbe last to ahould rail their attentloo to it.

Torreano's firsf toya. With ercflit he haa I«o<'d leave the lot. rain or shine. Those were the I onee aaw a trouping hand--a new bainch

idectiflcHl with the Kiltiea Band, the Bsmuin happy days. l*aradesT Yes, with a good bsnd Juat gotten together -commence to play with¬

and Rlngliag band* and variona road and home at the opening and then close in the fall with out tuning up. You c*n Imagln* th* rvunK

organlxatloa*. F. S. ``Pop" Crow* Is one of a few of the faithful--three or four mouth- It wa* atroclooa. sad the leader wn* eatlraty

many moslcian friends of Mr. Torreano'a who plcees and b*aa drum. If you were lurky It to Mam*. I railed hi* atteDllon to it, bat b*

finds (ielight in entertaining a hunch that the would be drums. Op town at nlgkt, three or

(Ooutlnned on page 4.1)

APRIL 23, 1921

successor to

^Sherman.Hay & Ca

By MARTIN C. BRENNAN, 228 Fitt street, Sydney

"PUBLISHERS OF POPULAR. HERITABLE MUSIC." 1124 South Fifth St.. Ware, Texas.
"MY ROSE"--The Prettiest Waltz Yet "WHY DON'T YOU PICK A WINNER?"--A Real Novelty

fur over a ;ear. Ue will be eern on the boardt again abortly.
Hoj Muri'by, formpriy booking agent for tb« Fuller firm, Is back here.
Prank Littlejohn, the American Juggler oalng the diamond aet in his act, la now [ilaylng the J. and N. Tait panto, with a new partner, hla wife haring died In the Eaat aonie time ago.

Muealloned as to hia rcaigoetlon, Mr. lioriinore stated that hia extensive liilorrita In other directions led to the step. These interests will be capitalized to the extent of £1,V.'ai.O«»(i. The retiring director will still ndain hla interests In the Haymarket I'lcture Theaters in this 'Ity. It U anticipated that D'Dunoghiie, who haa been right-hand nian to I.orlnuire, will still remain in the capacity of general manager of the former's present interests.
The New Z.ealand Censorship Board haa an¬ nounced Its intention of entirely deleting all flimt that feature atroi-ioua murders, thieving and other actions calculated to diaturh the mind of the Juvenile. This action will, no doubt, extend to AiiatralU. and. If followed out ·horoly. will prove the death knell of aerials, many of which are rridete in senaationaliam of a somewhat naiiacatling and Injurious order.
I lie diN'triiie of rnitcrsal I'ilnis is now being prearhed In New Zi'aland, where James V. Bryson haa U-en for some thri'e months. Ho will ·horlly return to Analralta. leaving Mr. C.urney in charge of Dominion alTaira.
The centraliking of many Him exchanges is now an eatabllahed fact. In one building in 1 Ilf street, the following rompantea have their brad'iuartera: Fox Film, Nelr.nick, Frasers, and  `rogresalve Films.
Film renters are making another attempt to feorgantze, hui they will nei-d a go,sl man at the brail of affairs in order to achieve aiicceaa
»N MY MAII.INO MS BERT, 17 Carlaaa 8t., 8. W,


Scud money order for 25 cents--Improve S'cmr rpp<-rl<iirc.

It.KKKY l.nVlS, Presidont.

_ TOWNSCND, Manager.


.Music dealiTS. get in touch with us NOW

Walter Jobnaon, American tabloid producer. In bark again with the hbillera and on the New Zealand time.
"Chn Chin Chow" la proving a revelation la Melbourne, and nothing in the light of a apectacular production haa hitherto been aeen in that city. "The I.ilac Domino" ia alao proving very ucccaaful here. Doth productiona are under the direction of II. D. Meintoah.


MuskPrimers West of New York

*'f^^urnished onAnythinq in Music



BAYNER DALHEIM fe Co.-^054-2060 W.Lake Si.Chicaqo.lll.

Ben J. Puller ia e.ttending hia activitlea thruout the amuaenient world of Auairnlla At ^ preaent he haa three pantomimea running--two here and one in Melbourne. The `'Itluebeard" citraraganza haa been ataged on a a<ale of great magnificence, and haa been eminently aucreaaful.
perry, the Prog, ia back in tbia country after a period of eighteen yeara. Ilia work la aa good as ever, and the act ia the big feature in Pnller'a "Bluebeard" pantomime.

To make a ain'i'esa of raaTkrUng your own compiisitlon. a liook covering all easential points is published. Con¬ tains over too pa. is of taluabln Inforniation, Including lists of tcu-cent sUires. music j<ibb,-r8. re.-ord and piano roll nianufactiin-ra. music dealers, muslcsl macaziiirs. ete. Positively tlie best and up-to-the-timei book ever offered. H.OO, pi'etpald. and if not as claimed will refund money. .Send for detail.

Jules Jordan ia making a big hit here In "Welcome, Stranger." with .lohn D. O'Hara sharing the top-line honors. The Tait firm did not wish it to be known that Jordan was formerely here with the Jordan and Harvey vaudeTille team, but the former had left so many friends in this c-ojntry that It was impossible to keep the fart aub rosa.

edilicea an' far too costly, and can never hope to be a financial auci-raa at the amount of businesa being done.
"Ilunioresiiue" has been tlio film success of the past twelve monilis and la still going very strong.
.Mex lAWimore tendered a garden party to the Ijisky-I'aramount representative, C- J. Clraham. A few daya later the resignation of "The JeiIlcoe of the Films." as Isirlmore was referred to, came aa a great aurpriso to many, altbo

there were some who proiihesied it two yeara ago.
First National is now here and ahortly will oceuiiy [lermanent premises. Harry Musgrove is in charge, and will be well remembered as fornierly an executive of Auatrallan J-'eafure Films and t'nion Tbeatera. Ltd. Musgrove is popular with all. and the small showmen are already flocking around him.
Tom Uaverly, the Irish-American actor, ia still In tbia country, but has beeo on the retired lilt

John D. O'Hara, who haa been a big favorite here since his first appearance in "Lightnio'," has signed on for another year in this country.
Bob Mills, the lengthly clarinet player, who has been in the Tivoli orchestra for a iiuarter of a century, recently had a leg amputated, owing to an insidious malady. He is back st bis poet, much benefited by the operation.
VIOLINIST--$1 00 Lugen t'ryiUl E .Strings, per dot. *1.00. Bernhardt's Stiver Steel E tlmporUd), lier d»)Z, 11.00. Send tor sample and wholetale price list of for all InstrueaentaL OILRERT A KBt'EOEB, 421 Ctu St, Milwaukee, Wlsooaaln.


APRIL 23, 1921




2305 7th Avenue,




(Address sU oommunlctUons for this department to New York ofiSos)

AM (ogether, Ivys and girls. Three cheers for Lejng Island (^ty. It is now a big lime "full week ' with no rip in salaries. The "I.^t Them t<«-e It" Joint had to give way to a regular theater.
. If I>ong Island City will support a big-time, full-week vaudeville theater it stands to reason that the larger dtiei will support them.
tiatoline is cmly used by vaudeville actors to take spots out of their clothes. Those in the business end or soft part of the game use it in their big motor cars.
The car that is used most by vaudeville ai tors is the day c(«ch on the night trains.
No more the har flies B<ent the amell of cheese, Into the cellars now they have to squceic.
They no more hesr the tickler Where they used to get their likker. And the world la gr<'Wing sadder by degrees.
The atraight man in a vacdeville act who Is not going any place in particular Is different fnim the rest for the simple reason that he works bis cars when singing.
Four weeks of ''tryout" work and four split weeks mean eight weeks' o;ien time. It is more expensive to pisy ''tryout" time than it ia to lay off.
The only thing that is free In a ''tryout' house is the service of the setor.

room and ralaea oniona and radishes in a box «.f dirt on the window aill.

Boating, batlilng, fishing, dancing, golf, motoring and tennis blend<-d together make a good vaudeville smoke if you do not pull too strong

on the pipe, 

number of vaudeville summer homes con-

sist of ball r'vjms with attachments over the

p^g jp,g

,o jo cooking,

Cinrge Sidney, i>laying In '"Welcome Stranger," wants to know how long it will take a man to laugh bis h* :gl off. licly way for tJeo. to find that out is to try and break into vaudeville. The ''tryout" circ-jlt will band liltu the l*c8t humh of laughs be ever had.

livery performer in vaudeville is waitiag for the Shiibcrts to unwrap their vaudeville cir¬ cuit in order to see what it bmks like. If it is going to tie two-thirds '"ir.vout" and one-
third vaudeville it would lie better for every one If they would let it rciiiaiii in the bundle.

.. , ,, ,, , , , ,


.\dcle Ilollanil, playing in · I-sdies Night.' is

thinking of liiiving tlie .Vngora cat that 5am

llarria gave her made over and use it for a

neck piece.

Vera Gordon is doing a ''lullahye" in vaudeville, and she is putting it over as well as anything she ever did in pictures.

Poppy loie in vaudeville sometimes makes a dog out of a man.
It dof-s not take long for an act to play its way into the vaudeville cemetery.
A mannftctnrer was arrested on Thirty seventh stn-et for working on Sunday, it being against the law. If the old slouch who did the pinching will throw his lamps around in the vaudeville theaters any Sunday he will find a hunch of vaudeville actors shattering the Sun¬ day laws and doing it for nothing in most of them.

Vaudeville acfnr tried to get time for an act called '"Trutli" and was turned down. They have no use for ''Truth" in vaudeville.
I.arry Clifford is bark in vaudeville after a brief warmup in burlesque. I'ginoipal oomedians in burlesque can make things tough for clever comedians who do not stand In.
I.ltfle "Mitrl," playing in ''I.ady Rilly." purchased, the other day, an imported d:tg that is lialf pup and half (>ocket book.

Nfw ^ork

Joint f'llee house hi* In-

stalled a rudder In the renter of the duinji to separate the hlg from the small time acts.

Vacderille time is either behind time or

ahead of lime. The double cross has been worked 80 often in vauderille that it has com-

menced to look like the head of a milk can.

-An act that had onl.T one week booked la-t

scasin canceled the week in order to lay off

and rest up.


livening Telegram headline reads. "Vegc'shles in Variety,'* Knew if those truck farmers kept at it they Vrould produce tometbing for vaudeville.

Big time vaudeville is supposed to be done on a dark stage with a spot light f'laying the principal part.

Van noven is the best left hand blank cariridge shot in vaudeville. He had to go to Kuroi>e to he dis<-overed. No one in this country was capable of telling that be was big time.
Fomedy trampoline act lost its time because it was boisterous and made ihe audience latiglx too much. Should have carried a pall of tears
with them.

Trixie Friganra is quite a large girl and she has an act twenty times as large as she is.
Polly Connely. playing in ''The Right flirl'' at the Times Square Theater, sa.vs a raisin is an old maid grape.

Rabe Cross ate twenty-five hard boiled eggs on a wager and then licked up the shells for dessert. l?lie is called the Rabe Ruth of the egg eaters' league. She can eat 'em harder than Rabe Ruth can bit 'em.
Small time manager announces that his next w,>ek's bill is an all star castic.
New York surgeon stood before a mirror and cut out his own api>endix. If he will do that in «ine of our ''tryout" houses three or four times a day he might get a chance to show his act some place.
 Vaudeville actor told his fricad that he was discouraged by tlie way he was lieing treated by tlie managers He said he was doing a good act and they would not give him a bsik in. In fait, be said he was gning np stairs and take a thirty calitH*r revolver and end it all. His friend stopped him and salil: '"You have been in vaudeville all of your life, old boy. and you should play the game sijuare. If you really Intend to kill yourself, do it with a twentytwo and send your agent the other ten.

pi,,. in the hoi rifBoe of a Taudevill,. theater after the matinee burned up the bouse mans(ter's rut outs. The acts were r<mipelhd to w'irk that night without haTing their acts butchered.
.\fier watrhing the Hippodrome girls shimmy all season Julie, the elephant with the show, haa learned the trick. When she learns to' shake herself all over she will be read; for vaudeville.
_ . Besiker of a small time circuit writes in to say he does not plav priie fighters. Thought I had read Jimmy Itritt's name plastered all oMT the houses a couple of tlmea. Be careful. Jack liempsey and Jim (orbett, when you are ready for the small time.
miver Twist was not a contortionist That ijn^ of work was written by Ferry th# Frog Man.
I.lghtning calcnlators have figured themselves out of vaudeville. The only figures that count on the platform now are female figures
Farmer engaged an actor to work oa bis farm and fired him after the first week He said he was a mighty goc«d actor,
Advertisement In a Canadian i.a[>er reads:  For sale, cow that gives eight quarts of milk a da.v. .Mso a grind stone, open face watch nnd set of china eggs." If she could do ore more trick she could grab some of the '`try.
time, ~'~"
Holdup man robbed a vaudeville actor and then demanded a dollar and a half for turning the trick. Must have been on that it is easy to make the beys give up.
There are vaudeville arts idle this scss-n that have never worked before.
Many plays are being written from the labels of canned fi"id. Most of them are Just sbogt as substantial.
" Frank Tinney, of ''Tickle Me," Is training bis pet gold fish to act in the movies. It 1« i girl fish and. of c-ourse, it will do a vamp,
----· Frances White has packed np and left Bmad nay and the old street does not look like the great ''While Way."
Bonbled-volced female singer lost one of her voices last week and was compelled to work on one cylinder.
I.ooks as tho all of the vaudeville aces have Wen pl.vyed and that deuces are the highest csrds in the deck.

A theater was built in Union Hill. N. J.. lor ''tryout' punioses. It worked ao well that all of the houses were made "tryout" bouses.
The only time that vaudeville actors are not ''trying out" now" is when they are asleep.

Mr. Chas. V. Kemp, Cleveland, O.--The late Frank Forrestt-r iirodiiced a burlesque sl.ow under the title '"Forrester's Riirlesquers." with tile late (!eo. Fuller Gold.'n and Frank Qiiigg principal ooniedians. The last heard of Frank tjuigg he was an inmate of the Alms House in St. lavuis. Mo., his home town.

Trained goat ate mi tho string Instruments of a Hawaiian ori lu str,i. "flic thing should be ready for the big lime now if they could
get a musician to play him.
-1 Ferformers who were using their street clethes to lay off in are now laying off in their stage

Girl act that Just closed was so weak it

i euld not stand up in the storage warehouse,


Man who owns a dog art ate to much rabbit

stew out West he was afraid to go near his


- .

Consider silence your answer in vaudeville. Many salary envelopes are filled with it.
If an actor gets gets a swelled nooiile In vaude¬ ville a few aplit weeks will take the awclllns out of it.
Small time acfnr living in a hall room on Thirty-aixtli street is doing a little small time farming. He has a ihicken incubator in his

Miss Cad. .kdair, London, Eng.--Yes. There is room in tliis country for an act on the order of I'eggy I'ryde. However, you should not come over here W"ithout any iKmking. You would be senten<"ed to the ''tryout" housea and that meant the "works."
Was speaking to a vaudeville aetor ahnnt I'aul Revere s ride. He wanted to know if be ever nslc at Madison Square Garden.



Y audeville actor who trb'd to hum all of ills hridges behind him must have done a fire act.

fTiorns girt had a ship tattisied and has been sea sick ever since.

Rlack face comedian had his fare poisoned while getting shared. Must have shaved him with a split week contract.


other night that must have

Is'en written in a subway rush. How they ever dragged it into the theater without anyone sceing it ia a mystery. If that was a vaudeville

act. 1 am a deep sea direr.

Vsndevllle performer complaining about be Ing idle was told to pray for work. He said lie did pray two wei'ks ago. ||c was told to pray
iig.nln He said: "No, 1 am going to wait Ijcw until 1 bear from lay last prayer."

-- . .\-C .J...












240 \Mest 46th Street,


w e B
iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiririiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiu




OrchMtrations Are Now Ready.






*TliaA tke Rrofeteion May


Real mniical directors know how to coach and teach singers to "put over" music.


(Signed) L. C. HAFF. Chicago. 111., April 5. 1921.

*Por oft-timMVIEWS are liveet NEWS*

Editor The Billboard: I think that no one thing could be of more

benefit to the stage than your campaign in be¬

la't II · fMt Out !&· klBd if

rw Sad aMt UUr*«lac tad rttdtMa la Ihi Mt that art aueh

u ·

m ·atdal KiMb fwMwa ·Mmim tta polak Brtttty U tha ml wH-ssS It aakM let

·m. BfiM.

half of better pronunciation. Mr. Mountford'a article In your Issue of March 26 ia most prac¬ tical, and until all dietlonarles agree no director
or actor will have authority to back up his


Editor The Billboard: 1 anderitand there ia a part; aiing m; name.
1 with to state that I am the only and original Bad 1/ozier, a bone soloist and tambourine artist. 1 sm fifty five year* old, and have been with practically every minstrel organization ou the road. If there is a party using my name I aak him to kindly stop it.
(Signed) BAU LOZIKU.

Editor The Billboard:

Koanoke, Va.

yllle, Tetm , where most of them live. I made

the openings on tbe shows and put on a free

act on tbe slack wire and did my baton act

on the inside. I did not take a cent off what

we took In as 1 wanted to see all get bai k t >


Saturday night I did my act with three tordo.(

batons and took in about

This I held

myself. 1 come fron Bridgeport, Conn., ami

wish to let all tbe show world know I am

honest. 1 have given my case to the American

Artistes' Kederatlon.


The late Herbert Gresham used to say "Worcester for spelling and Oxford for pro¬ nunciation" Whether that was merely bis per¬ sonal opinion, or whether be bad some well founded aiiibority, I do not know. Possibly some one else does.
It must l>e seen, however, that we cannot split hairs like the stage director who became very pedantic and informed roe that it was "Keltic'' and not "Celtic." After having re¬ hearsed under the direction of several pro¬ ducers In snecessioti one feels like Omar, who "came out at the ssme door wherein he went." Still it is possible that all of them are right.

la theie an .kctors and .ketrcssca* Golf .ksso-


Ciation of .\merica? If not, why noff E'ery

Kansas City, Mo.. April 11, lOil.

week someone In vaudeville comes thru heie with the rlnlw and all enthuaeil.
The English have such an association ami are now having a tournament.
Truly, won't we show them that not only
are we farther advancv^ in the profeasiun, but also up in the great outdoor recreation?
(Signed) A.\THO.\T CAlMlOli.

New Orleans, L*.

Editor The Billboard:

I have for the past six weeks been holding

myself down from writing to you. At the

present time If Is impossible for me to do

so. Wbat 1 am trying to tell you Is tbig: If

I had read nothing else In The Bill¬

board hut Tattersoo James' "Off the Hocord"

I would feel perfectly satisfied that I bad re¬

ceived full value for my money.

Wi-hinj your Journal continued snece,-s. per¬

mit me to remain.

Smcerclv voiirs.

I Signed) GEO PR miOIT,

Manager and Piteclor lie Droit's Military Band

and Orchestra.

nitrr The Billboard

ThorolJ, Out.,`Can.

D< ir Sir--T..rre is a hard feeling in England

today against .\merlcan films. The newspap<Ts

are at the t.aek of it all. They have the Idea

that reehiiol can proiuce aupcrlor picture playa.

No one can argue with them alout their wonlerfHl. liistoi'ical scenery, but we can about

'heir prnloetlona. They seem very crude; the  ton and aefressea fall at every point to

register the facial eipresalon re<iolred So far

the British films have failed to entertain the

Editor The Billboard;

I have lust returned here fiom .a winter tour

of Texas and must say the stories beard about

the financial depression, doe to stagnation of thu

cotton market thruont the Sbutb, have not been

exaggeratsd. They are quite true.


jus' n`'W 'a making progress in the city of

jt.iliss to induce citzena to buy a little cotton

material on May 1 and. It is said, if every

woman in the United States would buy, soy

three dollars' worth of cotton cloth on that

date, the cotton In farmers' bands would jump

to about figbteen cents a pound. I want to

awaken our world--the show world--to th s

niovemcnt; not the women alone, but the men.

Wc can all find uaa for some cotton giM>. s.

Let's invest in It the first of May even tho it

be no more than a dozen handkerehlefs


(Signed) OSCAR V. no\VL\ND.

Duquoin, III., April 4, 1021. Editor The Billboard:
Hurrah for Patterson James for hfs virile. roursgeotiB artielo on "Showtly Managers." who. becauae they have "za mor.ey" and a "busine-.s Instinct" and have "manager" on lliclr eiirdr and programs, will "butt in" on musical and other artistic departments of which they know as much as a blacksmith knows of sbov'making. Why, Ob why, can't they stick to the front or mone.T end and keep their managerial ( . » noses out of things way beyond their tinderstanding? Keep at them until yon can get under their thick skulls to stick to their "last" and give a free hand to the experts in charge of their respective departments.
By the way. why not a column for musical directors and crtsltt for their work, piobably the most miaiinderstrod and under rated of all?

Boston. Mass., April 6. 1921. Editor The Billboard:
I saw a targe auto truck this noon labeled as follows: "National Vaudeville .Vriists, speeial niatinee, Friday. Stb, 1 p.ra. TTie auto, dec¬ orated with two trumpeters and numerous artists an 1 aeiresses. drew op 'o the curb and a mounted I>oliceman said so-aiething to them which made them mad. ,it least I a.ssume it "peeved" them, bO' 3u«e the.v drove away.
Liter on I made some cautions inquiries without much success until, on Howard street, I cleaned SMiiething like this: "The pro1 eeds ff t'le special matinee are to lie applied to tile inviiranee fund and to the N. V. A. club hocse, wliieh can cecommodate forty per cent of the meitibers who are in New York.''
Will some kind per'cc please set me right In my impres-iio-i that thei "insurance" was given
as a "pii-'e" with each and every contract signed ?
; differ from B. II. C. Bye in that, instead of "ail day living to find it" in the "Fpring Spe¬ cial " I b.ive been a month trying and "haint" founik the item yet.
t:?igned) N.vrOLEON' L. WHITE.

Oklahoma City, Ok., April 9, 1921.

Editor Tlia Biilheard'

i'ermit me to thank you for the .\pril 2 cli-

tlon of your paper and its vyrilers, Patterson

Jaracs. LInier Tenley and Harry .Mountford.

Dear old lighting Il.irry Mountford--God bless

him and James and Tenley. I often hear the

actor complain of not having a paper to care

for hlk aide of the story. The April 2 edition

should ratisfy the most wanting mind. Meunt-


(Continued on page 43)

motion picture fana of this countrv. Youra


l.tittreH, lenn, April ·!. lP:i. Editor The Billboard:
I the otiginal "Juggling lU.vmond.'* came on here fr-m Hlchmond, Ind to Join the W K. Morgan >th.iw and upon arrival found that Mr. Morgan had left town. We gave shows Thiiraday and Eiiday in order to get money to eat ""'1 *'*· ssr the people of I.uttrell are surely fooil. Saturday the troupers went back to Knox-

who play Cornet, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Alto, Clarinet or Saxophone and troubled with High Tone*, Low Tones, Weak Lips, Pressure, Sluggish Tongue, Clean Staccato in fast

passages, Poor Tone, Jazzing, Transposition and any

Ludwig Drums Traps other troubles, should get our



Nam* Instrument- Beginner or Advanced.


Buffalo, N. Y.

Good for single or double and soft shoe ^ncing. Great one-step.
A fine soubrette number. An irresistible fox-trot.
Peer of Irish love ballads. Waltz tempo.
Professional copies now ready.
Dance orchestration arranged by Harry L. Alford.
Eliza Doyle Smith
59 E Van Buren Street CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS
B, iht qaickm tad mint (yiicnt in ihs World. Tcachci you (II Irickt and pointer! lor playing cor¬ rect BASS, which ia luai what yem need. Aayoac caa leara la a week.
Writ! F, W. LITTLE. Bax M. Araanal Sta, Pittiburgb. Pa.

II ^'^-7.'.!''",'

$3.50 Dnimmor. AA t A


uacala »t.


of Anything in Music by any process. Eslimaies gladly furnished. 43 years experience m music piinhng. Largest plant west of New York. |
EsloMghcd 0TT0ZIMMERM7\N S SONCo. Oncmnoti.


A mirerMfiil munc compoarr and piildlahrr writes a hook riplalning how to make money ptibllahlnx tn':i;ii

lontenls (Virrertlng Tour Kaults, WrlUng a Melody. Directing the Ambitious Young ('uropoaw. Placing Yi ur

Bodss llefurs tlia Pubbr. 1 isla 'Var MM) Music Dealers--200 Band aod Orchestra Dialers. You need this

Muaic book. Only oua of Its klotl ou tha marksL OnD Sl.oo, [loupald. Mnnrv hack tr vnu m, ao. Send for rlrrular


CO.. CtoatuatL Okio.

The softest piano and hiudeE forte can ba oOtclnrd with the same pair of
POLE TYMPANI STICKS. Mailed anywhere In L'ulUd States, $2.00 pair.
Manufacturers o< Pole Tyiiifanl.
PIANO PLAYING TAUGHT BEGINNERS III TO LESSONS ADVANCED COURSE FOR PLAYERS Under personal direction of Axel Christen, sen, Amenra'a Premier Ragtime Pianist.
i*hriat«ni»#n SrboGls in most ef(*·· poor pheo* dirprtorr-^r writ* for fr»« bookirt aIh^ our AplMdld ranJI c<>ur»«. PIaiw t«ncbrrs In os* occupied cities write for ettrarttve propoelCleaa CHRimMCM SCMOOt Of POFUUhll MUM

APRIL 23, 1921

wooden l»(f. He hat [lecged tlon* unlit tvlj. he it a tunetaful laKyei at Juliet,

John fiat rrurlied In the niloea at the tamo

lime that Dare loat bit arm and Irg, but In

refuted to give up. He learned to knit a>« ka

for a living Dave told the arieka that John

knit and Anally John beiame a telegraph 0[ier

g i


ator. He it today in charge of the telegraph offi' e at Mtreator.

William, another brother, it wealthy, and

Chickens Come Home To Roost

Andy Anderson Was Inspired by Oratory and Music--He Left the Dungeon, Became a Printer's Devil and Now Specializes on Lyceum and Chautauqua Printing

Tb« lyreum and cliiutauqua claim at their real reaaoD for e\isleDee ilic work that th^y do for the uplruildiug of ·eiumitieet and tire bettering of ao< ial c<*u<litiona for the people, For yeara we have read a great deal about tbia great uplift work aa it haa inspired indivtilualt to Iretter elTorta. We have always de, lighted in setting foilh living examples of men, women, placet, commiiuilies and aectiona that have received their ii.spiralloiial urge from this

of a busy season on a mni ert in h.« territory In tlie Southwest he wrote to .Vnrt.v Andcracn and said: "You have forty window raids on a certain cour'ert company." .Vtid when .\ndy counted the raids on hand he had thirty aix. Turner said that he never dreame<| that the count would show that his printer, who shipped these ejrds out to 1<<0 towns, would show such exact deiaih-d compliance with his orilers.
But that is Andy's habit of life, .kcniiacy

If he cannot give better service and meet the prices of hit conjiKlitort. he cannot hold the trade even if he .hould get it. He baa aliidiod out the needs of hit I'alrons, and he reniert a s'Tvhe that it Iiji'd to heat. Tbrae are the k.. rela of liit tuecets.
.\ndy .\i,deraon has made enough money out <'f llic printing buaineat to take life eaay. He did more than that. He haa taken bia pleatiirn while he worked. He haa trotted into Chicago to hi'ar Klllielik. Caill Cure!, John McCormick, the Chicago iSympliony ttreUetlra. firand Opera and other auch events. He lias done more than that. He hat taken into nit own hands to hear great riiUkic:r1 ewntt. He haa helixd to bring MO h oiganirationa tt the Minneapolis S.vuiphony orihoirs nnd the Chh ago Symphony Orchestra to Sireator. His best friends My lliat he < njeys a home talent play in Streator more than lie >drw>a Grand Opera in Chicago, but ha also enjoys a symphony concert better io Streator than he does In Chicago.
He nctuall.if laid down his tools and made a trip to Ciurvirp, traveling thru r.ngland. Scotland,

praitiiea law at Joliet.

thit aort of th'wi

that .\Ldy It right when he aayt that It ««

ieirn in him.

Hut whether It wat br'rn io Andy or wurk>>1

out of him it a matter that we are not par

ti' iilarl.T inieretie.1 In. Our reaaon for · ailing

your attention to .kndy Anderton and hit printing

buvinett at thia tlire la thit: We are rertiia

that the lyreum and ohautamiua U developing

allltd Interevlt. Thit it one of them A retl

I.vreimi printer who makea thit field a itody

and ratera to ilt needt it an evidence of t ,»

elaltilily of thit movement.

We are developing our own lent manafarturrrv

Yet. men who know rhautaut]ua needt Cir they are getting the Chautauqua butlne«*.

Why? The reaton it eatlly underalood.

We are fat* developing an inilda on certtb

linea of mualc. Muahal Inatrument make-v

are finding our people need a teptrate and

dlvtlnrt kind of aalea talk. Thete facta tr-

of real Interett to thoto who are engtg>d

thit work at a profeaaloa and tboa« who are

interetted in the chautatiqua etforit at


smirce. We believe in the power of example, is another word for honesty with him. If rr.ince. Ilelgiiim .md Cerman.v, and knew his

There are thousands of individuals wlio have

found their inspiration in music, orator.T, liteiatore and aeng. We might say there are millions



of Anieiiiaiis wlio have received their urge from

Charles W. Ferguson, who wss formerly «·

these coiuniOD sounes. We hope that thia work

the head of the old Cooperative Lyceum Bn

Will rontinue to prosi>er and that millioDs more

rean and later with the Chautauqua Maniterv'

will be numbered among those who will receive

.\-«-«`latlon. Is now reveling In real es'ive

new hope and faith in life thru these efforts.

Ibv-vers Park, on the Nor'h Shore. Chi

For a number of jears past we have known

where several yeara ago he bought a if .

· busy printer, Andy Anderson, of ,«treator.

part of the prairie and fnrned It Info cho

III. The first six yeara of this ten we km w

· i'T property. He has develo-'ed one o'

blm by leputatioa, and that reputation was

iiu''t ]'ri«aperous and progressive secr|ons ef< h;

gained bees use he bad forced his printing shop

· hgo and has annexed so m'uh of vtlti* to hi«

on the attentiim of the lyreum and chouiau'iua

own bank account that even the robbers «> d

f>eople. He not only forced it on the altiuition of the bureau ronnager and the artist, but ho has kept it there.

.1 hold up gang spotted him and rc'-ently he'd him and his wife up at the point of a couple of runs. But t'harlela had learned a lot of

We were giailiially led b.v sheer cutiosily

tricks of his own while In the chautaiiqus is-e

to inquire into tbit man'a aoillty to force bis way luto tlie Inner circles, where lip seemed

to lisve the knack of gatliering in the contracts

and walking off with the Job, whether Idg or

little. "11.iw ihM-s he do It?" many asked.

·'Who is !ie?" was one of the questiona that

confronted us

A. H. .koderaon was the first man we met

on our scar'h, liut it wasn't long before he

became Just plain "Andy." He waa doing so

much printing for various lyi-cum and Chau¬

tauqua people that his name kept constantly

foniing up everywhere businesi affairs were

discussed. In lycpiiin and chautainiua circles

from Maine to Texas snd from Florida to ttregon

h« put Streator on the lyceum aid Chautauqua

nxap. The luisiness map.

Tears ago .kndrew Anderson was a poor boy

digging coal for a living. He went to work in

the pit when be was but a lad of eleven years

of age, and he stuck to the pit until he was

nineteen. Nolhc we said he stuek to his job --

that la one of his greatest cbaraeteriatics. He

sticks to whatever he sets out to do until if is

done or until he sets to work to do something

bigger and greater.

When a mere lad working in the coal pH lie

had that inborn desire to do and make more

of himself. He spent bis idle moments in study

and contemplation, lie patronized those places

where the mind is cultivated and the spirit

stimulated. He heard lyceum lectures and mu-

abal numbers. He laid a foundation for life,

and, aa he threw himself into the work of min¬

ing coal, be dreamed of the time when he could

help bring pleasure and profit to others by

getting back of the better things that need

help, lots of hard work and some financial

assistauce. That is what put Andy Anderson

in the printing business.

Yes, lie started at

a week. He workerl

in the shop during the day and bunked there

at night. That was a good start. He learne.l

the Tilue of money, not b.v what it would buy

but by doing without things that he might have

liovight if lie !iad had money.

Anyway he learned the printing bnsineas. He

Stirator, HI., ta
anil I'rintiic <'"mpsiiy cuatunicia. "Aiulj" ,k

, tlie !j turn anil rhiutauiiua shipping point for prli'ting. A M Andrrou this »*irk. Sixty tier criit of the firm's husltios Is fr.mi oiit-of-luwn rcsl«iii»il)lc for tills happy stale of affairs.

and so. when all was over, the robber* were worth less and had less freedom than when they started in PH tbe Job. Mr. Fergus'n hs« built one of the finest suburban vhea'ers In Chlragii, the Howard. If plays hUh cIisv d'"' ing pictures. Louis O. Banner and the wr 'er dropped In on Friend Ferguson a fewr days ago and h^ waved all sales aside and talk d oreold timet. He has Just been elected pre,ident o' The 'nogera Park Klwanis Club lie * i live wire in all business affairs that sffc I the North Shore. A few years ago he tried 'eH us a hoiise for $7 .VO and that same bouse Is now on the market at f1s.,VtP. Still wc had s great vNif with the Ileal Estate King, who ··a.-ted out as an advance agent for a jubilee c< mi'sny. and It wasn't long until If wss I'erru'on's Jubilee Company, all of whhh reminds us of the old song; "If Isn't Whs* You ">re. It's What Yon .\re Today '·
Sylvester .k. I/ong. who for years was one of the very best known lyceum snd rha itauq la Icturers on the platform. Is now In business at Wifchlla. Kan. He Is In partnership. *1'" firm being Ixvrg A .krnold They have the Ibdco I.ight System as their Kpe.ialty sad cover the farms of Kansas with their effor's until on thousands of farms they have lurnel dnrkness into day. I.img's Ic-eture *ub(eci w '» "T.lghtnlng and Tooth PI* ks " He ha* * u' *· ' the tooth picks, except for regulating purpose*, and has developed the lightning until he is s i authority on electric power. Yes, he know* how to sell Deleos. He learned the selling er 1 of his huslnesi when he learned how to at vertlse and market hia leiltires. Sylvester ' now sleeps in a hed. eats at home. ·Iri>>' a couple of antomoMlea. He rides around K.;,  sas as tho gasoline were as free ss the waters in Ijike Michigan. But he haa never lost his m terest in the lyreum and .haiitauqua and Iieople who are In the work. What Is mor**. he can make a heller speech today then cvir before in his life. Don't let Sylveater k. Ismg slip off your calling list. He la a man worth knowing.

started a newspaper and later devoted himself

There la alwaya a great deal of Interest In

exclusively to the Job printing business. And

the oldtimer*. those who were om'e prominent

it is the Job printer that we are Interested in. He does lyreum and cliautauqua printing on a

In Iy*'eum and ehaiitauqua. but who have mad** their exit. Some of these are lumstanlly lomi-

large scole. He recently received one order for

Ing to our attention and some have dropiieil

a million elr-ulars. A S.viti-h iiiinibler recently stated in a public
address that his idea of an optimist is a man who would try to buy from a Jew and sell

from our thoughts entirely We would like to hsve a short sket* h of sny whom you kn*'>v who should be reported In this department.

to a Scotchman. We can give him one alxnit

as good. An optimist is a lyceum conimlftee-

man who would buy attractions from Mike

'rtirncr, of Dallas, Tex., who gets his window

card* printed at tbe A- H. Anderson Printing

.sliop at .Streator. III., and expect to get an

extra card on tbe deal. Friend Turner has an uncanny way of keeping

fab. on bis affairs. Last spring after tbe close

APRIL 28, 1921






Mr. Musician*


w *. M MM--tlw mtmj IklM* vMth tarM BwiaMM* ·MMMtiL wsimS kr ·THi OlCASO
UBEtTTTOLa «--«»«t

The ijttie pj,, of South HaTPu. Mich., made
* ^<'>'7 positive demonstration of the fact this winter that the people will support a future Course with a vim when the course Is made up of talent of the ripht caliber.
For four years there had heen no Chautannua or Lyeeum in South Tlaven. Whenever the busi¬

ness men were approached there with such a

pVoJect they remembered too vividly the repeated

failures of their Phautanquas, owinc to "pe-

Lady Cellist Wanted Immediately
Long Chatauqua tour, Orchestra and Solo work. Only refined, capable musicians considered. State all in first letter. Send small photo.
N. C. £., care Billboard, 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.

enliar eonditions" and the number of times that they had been forced to go into their pockets to the tune of from eighteen to thirty dollars apiece to cover debts.
Ray Morton Hardy went to South Haven three years ago as iMInlster of the local Congresstlonal Church. Mr. Hardy believed thoroly in

the Chautauqua and Lyceum ideal and purpose.

T.Aist summer he persuaded thirty-eight of the


local business men to underwrite a Lyceum Course of five members, the total cost of which was to be Sl.C.OO. The first number on the


course was Margaret Romaine, a priraa donna soprano from the Metropolitan Opera House, whose concert alone costs more than the aver¬


Banjos, Banjo-Mandolins, Tenor Banjos and Guitar-Banjos

S for VauilcvlIIe. Concert and Orchestra. ARE THE WORI.U S BE.ST. TlwusAnd* In use. Write

z fur cataloKue.

RETTBER6 A LANGE. East 24th St., near 2d Ave., New York.

age entire Lyceum Course. Other niirahers on the course were Harry Fogleman. expert on salesmanship and the science of husineas; Irene

'Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli Jttolofskl and her company; Mr. Klias Day. eminent eharaeterlst, and Dr. S. Parkes Cad-

Va. Va.
y, Va.
'JVa. Va Va Md Md la !· .Md Va! F*1'.

whether they care to know that this is the h,-st traveling and routing I ever had--and I've been hopi>ing 20 year-, t giie-s il's 2.'. 'But I enjoy every minute. 1 --it on the train like little Matiel with her fm-e ag.Tinst the pane. Cee! I h«i>e I'm not saying anythiag th.xt will lead the hiireaii to think 1 ought to travel on
less The bureau fellows have s rotten f® *** op there in the attic of the Broad-
w.iy Building among the cohwehs .snd count "'''*'**7 Willie I am k.s-ed by the clouds and
''i'tf amid scenerr that it took the -Mmighty .Ml Crestion to build.
"1* this Lyceum tcritory? I'll -.ay she docs. In a week 1 came thru Bureau and Chaiit.iuqua. ' bought a cigar at Talent today and go by nuraorlat (Washington) next week
"Copiously your fr.end.

Finn D.LY--.Vfternoon; Concert prelude. The Alexander Trio. I..ecture, "The Wonders of the Mind." Dr. E. L. House. Evening: Junior i-liaiitauqiia play hour. Concert prelude, The .Mexander Trio. Lecture, "The Deatroyen and Builders of Health," Dr. E. L. House, noted author and psychologist.
si.XTH DAT--Afternoon: Concert prelude. v.i-y .\ lcl Hays' Grand Opera Singers. Lecture, .--rhp noi;se We Uve In." V. I. Shepherd. Evening: Junior chantanqua play hour. Closing roucert, Mary .\del Hays' Grand Opera Singers. notable musical organization headed by Mary Adel Hays, ,\mcTican coloratura soprano.
jjjp Grand Canyon Fives, 119 towns strong, entered the field .April 18.
ITRST D.AT--.Afternoon: Opening Announce¬ ments of the Week. Chautauqua Director; .Music and Entertainment, The .Apollo Duo; Orgarizirg Junior Chautauqua.
Evening; Afuaic and Entertainment, The .AikyIIo Duo; Character Sketches sul Impeisonafions, .A. Mather HUbnrn.

man, of Brooklyn. The experiment was entirely auccesaful.
When the second number hsd appeared there was money enough In the treasury to pay every bOI connected with the course snd a com¬ fortable surplus besides. The course of enter¬ tainments was eondneted in the attrsetive lit¬ tle theater recently completed bv ex-Senator Burrell Tripp. So Impres ed was Senator Tripp with the sucreas of the project that he volun¬ tarily purchased an eight-number course for IP21 and 1922, for whh-h he paid a little over
This course will iaelude one prima donna from the Metropolitan Opera Company and seven other concert groiips of national and International reputation. Tt places South Hsven baclt upon the map of I'lo T.Tcpnm world and demonstrates beyond the question of a douht that when towns romo to re.-ogniso the Impor tance of paying a real price for real service that the roceess of I.yeeum and ('hautaqq'in will be assured.
IMr. Hardy, in putting this course over. se. cured the co-operation of every institution civic, religious and educational--in thcentirecity. ITls I.yeeum eommittee was made up of one representative from each lodge, church. City Council, Board of Education, Chamber of Com

merce and the literary clubs. This placed every

civic organization on rocord aa favoring the

course snd put them hack of it to such a de¬

gree that the course simply could not fail. Nht

only that, but it gave birth in that city to

the community idea and a community elnh has

recently been organized whose purpose is to

co-ordinate the interests of every element In

the eommnnlty snd the surrounding farming

section for many miles for the building of a

finer snd better fSoiith Haven.

Mr. Hardy has recently resigned the pastorate

and for the next few years will give his en¬

tire time to the Fhautaupua and Lyceum field,

lecturing irpon the subject of Community and

Social Rfflcicncy. He begins s thirty weeks*

tour under the direction of the BsdcHff Chau¬

tauqua on April IS. Immediately following

that totir he will spend several weeks in the

State of Minnesota under the direction of

the tTnlverslty of Minnesota. Mr. Hardy is al¬

so in great demand as a speaker on community

building under the auspices of the Association

of Commerce, Elwanis and Rotary Clubs In

nous comedy sncccs.s, "It Evening: Concert--Witeps-kie's Concert Orpresented by the keighlcy chestra, Olive McCormick, noted Coloratura So¬

larger cities,




oM clrH. Movlnjf plctnn*

scenery, balmy weather, ninonlight and old

girls. Cherry hlosnoms, peach blossoms snd

some of my very best old girts. The best

hotels I prer had In 20 years At Spokane-

pronounced like tin can. please. Easterners -

met one of the first girls I ever had--tonight

one of the last. Why do 1 have to ytop at

the raltfornta line? Is It season down there?


Organizsd 1911. Has mads Concert Twira In 11 Statsi.

ToMi and Inatrumcntal Enicrtalnsri.


309 MeCaacs Btack.

Sevanth Ava. and Smithfltid Btrest.


Prepirlng rmall comranlcs for Lyceum snd Chau-

tuaqua work.



'·RInecrety this Is a wonderfni trip. Ellison^hlte can never e<iual It again, for they have Fiven me the best they hate--this Is a picnic stid not a routing if some Eve tempts me with sn app,p ,

vacancy. Harry T. Mco'ct
n.sslscll. were a hi ,,|,,.rp Kricn(

-tiy In this paradise ...d Just fill one date And scenery! Ye tl.nls of ttlymplan M.oin-
tains! Even a humorist cotild hnnkriipt the Fngllsh l«n,«nd other »<cnery .. w.-UI'm not going to rosst these styles any more "'CT are all right as far aa I ran s.-c and I see them In the right light out here.

,,,,,,,Io , ,, ,1''^,"

HI . Rot ,... ' n*

"·''''''r 'Ing

It « full springtime here and 'a young mnii's fancy lightly turna' and I'm dirty. 1 ·Iiiiino' whether a bureau hat a heart that caret or thlnka when a fellow la plopping thru mud and wheerlng thm blizzards or

Charles l.dward i Ra'i'fl Stcinmon. KImha'I Hall. Chic recclvt'd. It was Florence J. Hoover.


Fine Arts Building,


80REN C. SORENSEN. Maaaitr. Alwaya la the market for good talent, good agsnta. Book two hundred courtes a year In Ohio. Theta la a raatoB.



Ttie B 1111> o a r d

APRIL 23, 1921


--jEF MINSTRELSY W- SHOW PRINTING Best Workmanship--Prompt Service L05LML .NICATIO.NS TO C1.\CI.N.\AT1 OFFICE. TYPE and BLOCK WORK I. 1> .Su attvutiou will be given anonymous 'Tbe company played a week's ccgascuient ut


Dates, Cariis, Heialds and Banners lct'<'r> Your name will be withbeld if re- the Du(|uesne Theater. Pittsburgh. Pa., begin¬

(jaegted, bet WE must know it.

ning April 11.


Stock Pictorial Paper for practi¬

J. W. West telegrapbfd Tbe Billboard April

Authority tella us that Cleon Coffin tendered

9 that illness baa prevenlfd his further ac¬ a bnn'i'iet to a number of intimate friendM at

cally every attraction.

OlctnUe collertlon of 132 p»sr* of new, bncht and orlcinal Comedy Material for MuderUle ataca «u», embra/-in« eretrthir.e that ran ba of uaa to the i^f-'/rmer no matter what aort of an art. mor.'''''Vje. par'irly or flll-in bita he may rarjutrn. Notwl'hs'anlmg that MeNalliCe Bulletin Na. 6 ta bister in o'^amlty and bet¬ ter In quality than ever hef- re the priee ramalna ta alwaya, tl.OO per copy. It 'ontalna tha foUoatlnt cllt-erlse, up-to-date Comedy Material
Earth one a poaittra hit. All klnda. Including Habraw, Irlah. Nut. Wop. Kid, Temperanrta. Black and tMiltefare. Female, TVamp and Stump Speerh
Rach act an applauae winner.
11 OrifiMl Acts lor Male and Female
They'll maka t'-oi on any bill.
oo all of Broadway'! latest song hltA Saab OPS la full o' pep
for tbrt« males. This act la a 24-karat suraflra hit
for two males and two famalet Thia act la allrs with humor cf the rlb-Uck:t.g kind.

tivities with tbe Huntington Minstrels and until bis ooedition warrants his return to the show he will be at borne, 717 CUnton street. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Have you coon delineators cast your vote in The Billboard's Dictionary I'ontestir If not, get buay! Cut out the voting coupon printed in another section of this issue and mail it to tbe Editor, Dictionary Contest, The Billboard, New Tork ofiBce.
A1 J. Palmer maintains tbat the AI G. Field Minstrels is abaolutely tbe greatest in the country speaking from every angle. Palmer, who was with the Field troupe for four sea¬ sons, is permanently located at -'1218 M. Mc¬ Kinley street, Oklahoma City, Ok.
An authority on good voice lauds the efforts of the "Carolina Four," last season with John W. Viigel's Black and White Bevue.'' The quartet is made up of four Durham (N. C.) (haps. Charles Cash, tenor, and Boy lli-ss. Soprano, have fully recovered from their re¬ cent illocss.

the Adams Hotel, Iios*on, Mass., recently, on

wbicb occasion much merriment was bad by

those present. We bear, t<iO, that "Sheriff'*

Coffin has fallen heir to bia uncle's entire es¬

tate amonutlDR to

oni. dne of the guests

Inqiiirt-d of tbe minstrel celebrity during the

festivitbn if the rumor lliat he was con¬

sidering launching his own show next season

was tiiie. He replied that his car had l>een

dtilteD'd and that be bad a few performers

lined up.

diaries E. Hunt rather vividly recalls the iniprehsioiis of the youth of a generation ago created l>y the cldtime minstrel stars in an article, headed `'The Oldtime Minstrels," in The Se.itllo (Wash.) Post-Intelligencer of re¬ cent date. In part he says: "What l>ec me of the oldtimc minstrel show? .Ynd the first part, where the white darkles sat In two half circles on wooden chairs that bad Isen camouflaged under the white cotton covers? .\nd the clog dancers in silk tron era, knee length, and white flnCTy shirts and hair parted witli il.e accuracy of a toupee, and clogs in the Instep of shot feet that could not keep quiet?

The Donaldson Litho Co.
Heralds, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cards, Half - Sheets. OneSheets, Three-Sheets, Cloth Banners, Card Heralds. Letterheads, Envelopes, Etc. Type Work Only. No Stock Pa¬ per. Everything Made to Order. Don't order from old price lists. Save delay and misunderstanding by writing for present prices on the forms you want. GAZETTE SHOW PRINT, Mattoon.lll.

tBllUad "Thera's One Bom E>ery Minute * It's a scream from start to finish.
QtmI Tabloid Comedy and Burlotquo wtJUed *'A Night la Paris*' It's hrlghl, brgasy gad bubbles orer adth arlt
It MINHREL FIRST-PARTI with slds-tpUttlng lakes and hr>t-ahot imasfira gaga
GRAND MINSTREL FINALE sntltled "MaglcAl Bonea" 11 will kaagi tha gudte&og ytUing.
HUNDREDS gf eranker-lsek Cross-Firs Jakes and Osgs. which oaa bs used for gldswalk eonrwgatlim for two males and male and fwaala

-Al Plnsrd, Jr., grandson of 6eo. It. Guy and '·.ife, enjoyed home life In .Springfield, Mas:-., last week, ns a result of Mr. Guy's "watermelon party,'* an act playing the Poll houses, laying off during that i)eri('(l. They will visit Mr. Pinard's folks in Co!>ourg, Ont., ('an., this sumtuer.
J Hamilton, blackface, spread much Joy at the Broadway Theater, Camden, N. J., t'Kj ( srly part of .Vpril for the benefit of the strikers of the Cramps shipyards and their families. Eight other Ligli-cUss vaudeville- acts were do¬ nated by Edward F. Callahan, the well-known vaudeville and club agent, for this event.
Grief over the passing of the late Al G. Field, of whom he was a great admirer. Is

Those Jolly good fellowg, Georjfc "Pop" and C. C. Sank, who have been doing a thriving business as amateur minstrel producers and costumors, were callers at The Billboard head¬ quarters last week. They discussed the demise of Al G. Field and like many others were shocked to Icam of his passing. A healthy heap of "eerlury** hills was displayed by the minstrel men from Columbus as a result of the Eagles* big show, wbicb they staged at the Jefferson Theater, Hamilton, 0., Wednesday and Thursday nights, April G and 7. A Hamil¬ ton critic considered it the best benefit show that bad ever been put on by a local fraternal order. Carl I,ehmkubl deserves great praise for his tirelc.sB efforts to make the mlnsfre! a winner. He was assisted by G.- rce J. Tmy,

AND THE SHOW WORLD. Tha pri'tolype ef Tbe Itillisjard In the ar.t'.pod-a li now tbe rec-'cnlrej orun of tbe exhibitors of A-istralla and New ZeaUr.d. a: -1 the text adTertleir.x medluia tot
Mevins Picture Praducart and Oiitributari. It alao dealt brieflr with Drama. Clrcutet. Fairs. PurSf arid Kaclng. .Vdvertlilr ( rates on appllrstloo l-i The Klllls.snl ,V11 r> mmunlcsUont to BRFNNAN L KERR, 230 Pitt St. Sydney. Australia. .Vll pttert a<1'lre««ed to Auitrella atH.ubl bear 6c In itin;« f. r ea b bait ounce or fractl.-n therrof.
As Chaplain cf tha Actors' Church Alllanct la Omaha. Nelratka. I rate- d a rcyal and cordial walo ma to all memberi < t the Thettrlrwl rrerettiun cx>m!· * to our cltr. Call cion me for ar.y ar .1 etery a-rvi -a within the p-wrr of my ability to rer.dey. 1 so your frier.d ur.der every cir-unutat.ce. The dcra of St. Martin'! Epiavpal Church. Ztth and J Stt. Oma¬ ha. art wide open to you at all timet l>rrp in at my residence. 2311*: JT S- t. at any lime. Phone Scutb 3S0I. BEV. C. EDWIN BROWN. Eplacoptl PrletL

olhrr eoasdy materlti which If nsMul to tht raudarlUs performer
Bametnber the litloe of MsNALLV'B BULLCTIN NO. 6 la only Ons Dollar per oopf; with money back guaranua
81 Cast 125th Straet, New York

thought to have figured in the death of "Jim Dandy," colored minstrel, who died April 7 in Savannah, Ga. A fund was collected to de¬ fray funeral expenses and also to secure a hand to attend the funeral. "Jim Dandy" used to head many of the minstrel parades In Savannah, playing a trombone or beating a drum. Burial totdi place Sunday, .April 10.

Joseph J. Prune, Lawrence Herbers, Carl Bnick, Fred Krogman and Wm. Manifold, a well-cboaen


executive committee.
The Hobha & I>i>ncend]^e Minstrels gave a benefit performance to I'mf. C. It. Snyder, rlarlnclist in the hand anfl orchestra, who 1..1S lie-'ii n iMtli-nt at CanilTidge <Md ) Hoa-

TRI.VL OFi'ER--Send u« your phrvto and $1.00 moiey

rrilrr a'd «e will make y <u 12 Photo Post Card-i and

21 .Vilnlatuie Plmto Slick-ri, or 5 »xl0 laihty inK lay

Ph- U S. VV> make a'-y k · 1 of Theatrical or Adftr-

t stn* Ph-t-'crit bs fn m your i-le to or CfgstlTe. Wrtte

for our l'.*21 price ll«L


634 Edmund St.,

St. Paul. MianaMta.

rital for sixteen weeks, suffering wi'h typhoid

Tbe passing of tbe late .M G. Field was fe'er. I'lie performance was given in Wright's whispered to Eddie Leonard in the wings of .V-iilitiirium, Seaford, Del., the home of the


aranttng new dancea. RAVE a profetalonal PIT (ham on for you. DANCINO MARTEH8 wantlnt BOW routines FOR your arhorrli. CAI.t and sea ma 1 hare taucht aereral «)F ttie danrdn* masUra WHO were In conreiitlon here in ACOITST. Will fumtah names on reuueat. I'RIMA DONNAS must know how to danr-e, JL'VRN'II.ES, tinrie and gouM dances SPECIALTT dances alao. OlRtS, don't stay In tha rhurut. LEARN specialty dan¬ cing. MANY danrtt.g itara bare been In tha dx^a. CLASS and prtrata letaru.a for beglnnera and amateur shows put on. 1 ran place competent pupils with Broadway showa 232 West Slat St. New York City. Phona Cirols 0130.
Prsducar of Sltga Dancto. WBraorly Dyeing Master for Oeo. M. Cobgn A
Zlagfeld FslUaa

Keith's Theater, Colnmbua, Sunday aftcmrxvn, Atiril 3. The sad news was a great shock to the inimitable "coon" delineator, who, nft*r rendering the first song be sanjj with a niinetrel show, entitled "A Minstrel B'-y Semiading His Mother," gave a brief Inspiring address to the audience, telling of his Just learning of Mr. Field's parting, and suggested that nil bow in prayer as a token of respect, which was done.
Many wild rumors regarding tbe fate of tbe Bowman Bnjthcra' Minstrels have been current on Broadway for over a week. Bnptures be¬ tween tbe financial man and the management have resulted in the Bowman Brothers be¬ coming sole owners, according to information given The Billboard. They encountered a "run

It. .V: I,., and alHiiit three bnudred dollars was

turned over to the minstrel brother. Ix>Catea,

one of the principal fnnmskcrs, made a wonder¬

ful hit with his song. "Ob Gee, Say G(>e. Y'-m

Ought To See My Gee From the Fiji Isle." The Main feature vvaa tbe five-year-old prodigy,

little Miss Gwendolyn, daughter of Cart-H<nist

·I.i-l-siin, who (iroved herself an artist of much

aiilllty with her lands-ape drawing In eelora

of a "perfect day." Her father, who Is a

cartoonist with the minstrels, also gave a fine

exhibition of his talent, reeelrlng mueh ap-

plauae. Another feature which hrouglit forth

mueh comment was tbe oriental dance by Ab

JaekHon, a new meml>er of the company. Av.

IIoblB and Bill I/ingendyke ecored a great bit

with their interpretation of "Moonshtne on the

MiKinsliine." The 11. &

will close the sea¬

No. is now In c-iurse of actire preparation an-t will he res ly shortly. I'rlce aa here¬ tofore. (INI* IMti.E.AK Watch ads in BlUe BOAKD. JAMES MADISON, 1052 Tlird Avenue, New York.
PLAYS LargeLiatKew
I'rofessional and Amateur I Vaudeville Acts, Stage Mooologs, [New Minstrel Material. Joke^
I Hand-Books. Oparettaa, Falk
Dances, MiisicalReadiBga.Speakara. RacilatioBS. Special EDtcrtaiamcBts, Tableaus. Orilla. Dialogs. Wift. Baarde. Croase Paints and Other Make mm Goads. CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE NOW. T. B. DENISON A CO.. DCFT. IS . CHICAGO

Ar.j 9it0 for any purr-o^r; rrip datef for theatre!; 3. 4. 6. Ra In


theel: eery prompt

ah' ta Prirea. date liook KKKE.


in*' with officials at Pittston, Pa., It is said, bectnse of a fight at the car between one of the members of tbe company and a tocallte.

son after three or four more datea. Mr. Snyder will go to tbe mountains in Pennaylvanla to re. cuT-erafe.

^ ^ tiudi to order and in $tock. Mail or-




Any wording. Stamps or M. O. Quantity uaera
Swrite. 5.000 2x4 lielivery Labels. $R 00. (Try to du¬
plliocfatUte' thmis order $ii1u0..u0v0..1i Ii. Du. WOLF, Sta. E, Desk ; 4, PhiUdtlpliia. Penntylvanit.


Any One Wording

100,000 for

der$ recehft prompt attairtion
654 8th Av*.. N. Y. City

fit E. 6th Street, Oklahomi City, OkU.



10.000 for $4.50. 20.000 for $7.50. SOJHK) for $10 00.


Pcetilc end t.uhtlns FtITiMla Bi.-rythlng In Minstrel Supplies. S-'ii-l 0 (-rnts In stamps for our 1921 "'Mlnstjel SiigR.-etlmn ·' lllUtKI-ni-IUlWK (XISTl'ME 4'(t.MPANY, Box T05. llavt-rhill. Msssariiusefts

Material that kicks like a mule. Whether vaude¬ ville. burlfwque, musical comedy or grand opera. Tea. I vrrite exidusive senfs.

AD eolora la Stare Pumps. Speelallite ta Ballet and
Torods sDnanpcrionmg pStlUy ppfielrlaed.Mall


UP A Wabeah Ava.


Assistant to Ned Wayburn and formerly dancing master for Ziegfeld Follies and Capitol Theatre.
Van Dyck Bldg., 939 8th Ave., near56thSt., N. Y.City, Circle 6130,8290.

After luring tuggnl in-l milid through tlie turmoil of the rii*il life fur Iw. lre years the s-lxt-rtlser kaowi Ihiht an-l will take pleasure In treating you right We cater Li tlto-ie (-HiHe-ially who want to feel ·! lumie. TIIK NRTTI.ns. Miiakogee. Oklahnnia.
·35 North Clark Strait. OHICAOO. flva Blnutsa from tha Uw*. RitiMk tl.R0 iSt

APRIL 23, 1921

e B

a r <1


(I. A. T. 8. E. ard M P. M. O.) By WLSLtY TKOUT


N- V., on I. A. orvaoiEvr is tUU,

jni to .-.elilo Honip lltflr Iroi'ble.

Thp liilHculty with the Crystal Thpolof in >(. .I<fi'i>h. Mo., has hosn aucrpsatully aettlcd. wr loarn.
St rn:il I Minn.) I,o«'al Union .'I.VI reiiorta that thr .iirrint ypar'a ··onlmcln havo lo'on aiKnod hr all mnnaRprs. and that tbp mon harp a aery C d '·'.III'
r ly'binp InoLa (ood in tlip South for tlip local r A. unlona. All trouble la pretty well III lui.d and the brothcrB report they are cumins alous flrat rate.

Mi'i'iniunt. Tex.--The "open ahon" ilirhrt still luniiiiM here. The strugKle will pontinue cnl·l|t>>l nniil sU'h time as an adjnataient la rpa<l.`<l. ohlch is not far diatait.
Moriun. Ind . reports that the trouble has j,,,,I, ,,|t|,.(i \ury hHiisfactiirily to all parties thcro I he meiiilM r« are <|uite hapiiy over the Diiti I ae. llrothera are all busy these dii.t
An 1 .K iiriranl.-pr. we hoar, is In Fargo. N. T). U M. uu liuvu no ri'i'orts yet that tlip truiihlp it Mill'll, wp will learn in a few diiys ahoiit siinie \\p hope that they will come to a Kailsfsriu.-y Kittlpment.
.\.'W Ibiven. Conn.--\ general of the 1. \ has rtM-eiitly successfully cleiin-il up a sllirhi mi. iiiiliTKianil iig here. I'ue ln-il iitpIuu in Will grotiiiileil and is conse'`rl'velv man ag.'l hy 111, very able prei'd'nt busini-KK 8 gen I
.MallanI r Zwan; Is the chief operator at till' l.yric Theater, Sheldim, la. He la thinkIn? alMiiii joining the union. Kwang Is getting terv g-'ll .. ri'un results with late tyi'p i'r<u ierlrrs ··Small town but big buslncsK," lo¬ ur.:''
Brother (ieo J. Uonirr Is the chief proiprtiuni't Hi the tiranil Theater, Mankato. Minn. He writes lli.vl all is well around that part of the ei'nnlr.T. Up has the agon.-y for \V. Trn:.t'«  I r'Jpclion Illnta^' for thp Stale of ·Mlnii. M'is

tirlrn iFlah) I/jcal No. .l.-.s reports it e.n t.ry siicppssful In getting its now pprlrr ·, signed, and giMHl news also ponips ihit hr'Vtllle, Tenn., has h,"«'n very suPepSK'ful 'n getting Itip piirn-nt year s pontra- ts slgr-'d C.'kI business li reinirted in both Sisips.

Perry .1 Sherman.^ ··the projetlonist who knows. ' IS at Corpus Christl. Tex Me Is a proJprtlonUt of unusual ability, having writ¬ ten many dandy articles on and also on eameras. I|,* is the rhlef p-ojeetlnnlst of the Flllutt Tlnaier there. ··Ruslness Is fair sruiind tlnse parts," he writes

Wichita, Kan--Brother Seth Barres Is still

`'shooting plcluis's'' at the s-reen li the new

Pair e Theaitr here. He g.'ts very g<>*.l re¬

sults with S;mti|px pMjc'lors and a motor

genera', r set. .V late style si-re.-n. Wicuita

hp.thers are along first rnte. .Most all

the brothers are operating in the

and aeiiip

In il'v .iiialler towns. They are geii ng a reiy

goisl s.'ale with th,* new increase.

At a Tiipetliig of I

Ix,'al .TO. New Orleans,

rpcenili 1',,. following .ifTi. . rs were plei'le.l to

Serf f'*r ftip I'.uiilng term: President. .lai*oh

1.. lil.'hl ci'e-presisiient. M lllekey; record¬

ing .e -el iry.

J Skanen: financial secretary,

.Innns In nipsey; sergeant at-arms. Jos. Thomns.

flip ne., .. al,. will .'unip before tlip union parlv

in M,v sni it N wsld thst no dlfflcully will

evperienea.l In Its reaigning at the present fig':ris

Tl.. MMe Uk.iI, stage hands and ruotlon pleliitp oi.r.'itors, ptijovcd Its F.asler<iuel on i.'e pieni'ig of Murch 'J'. In the headiinarters
of I'le otg.'inlr.itlon on Horst street, foil..wing the iwrl.mimee uf "Thr. e Wls.. P.s.Is" at the I.Tie rin.'iier. Mrs. Tsylor. motlier of Mana¬ ger P'.'V layltir of Mont. Piirk. was in eh.irge o. 111,. , iiterlng an.I presente,] the bora with e Ir nte.ii., nienu Pinll nines, presblert of the St .gp hands' l<n.;il. prosblpd Ccpsts for I-,', '"''''tig w.rp thp road crew from the
1 hri'P Wls,. Ktsilp'* slotw.

New York City--Heoently eomniitlees ri'Pie

'' i.iiiig '1,,. \,.,v Volk Theutrb al Protcelire


'· ·ind I o.-al I'nion. No. rtlh) twhi-h

t^ tlie

iiN-aM. of New York met al the

g'' · 111 ..111 I S i.f (h,, J

p,,,j pap.-nfod an

''koi'ioiit protlding for llip alisorpllon of I.,v

tn!.,n. No fat. hy Jan-al Inlon. No 1. tiilor thp lerins of agrroment we lonni

nieiobt-rs In c.mhI standing of I.oeal

I nioD -Ht v,in obligated by l.oeal No. 1. and

"ii v ,,in i,,.



ho |.reMi|,.nt and liusinoss agent will koe^i in'lr oitl. o until tlip expimtlon of their term.

LIHrell Ik the ehief pi

Rt flip n«*w SiippHtn T!ipnf»r ]

t\\t» late typp Motio>;niph pr<»jppf»


rrmilfH. 1

. "

It hifia ty|M* Mixty Hmppfp NIpn ii

· U` IU·ptlfl|*r nrid n npw pro.fprtloii A'lmi. T"!

· thnifcr h;i)t Imtii « nuiplrt*'!y rf'iiiiHli'lt'd n

`u npilpnirnt liiKtnllnl. iiinkitttf If «»tip »>f t

· M ·`injiii hIiowr In

ultli n rimhI j»rs

Mir'.plinrir*' in or

· p»*n rpntii. \ »`ry

rroH<lM nttPinl Ik

nuitinpp atid

rIiowk. From

· 'K'lii ropiR nrp run


John ^rmlot'k reronlly I'loitpd hU Hpn«<ui w

tI'i `'*'*·'***'0 **Pp In MAtHd*a Hfmin** (Vinipni

fair \ !**«· '*. ***** ihinl Mpnflon nn «tfigp iiiHiim

In. L*'


Mr. F. I

w! .1

**lhHl tho Apnm>n pnivod f'» i

·* 'VMinif.|fn|

l,im (>otiip o\rr lO

o. iiot A cent now--jnat tell ot which rin» to send (Ladies* or Gents') and we Will mail it'K-«

prepaid to your door. Wear it a foil your own eyes. No obligatioo. If

10 days. you can

teSlel ethieuSsypnatrbkeliznfgrofimre-irteaabl rdiilalimanotndb,eareuttuyrwn iItth.


Ulus 1

Synihcs fam.

AltDoal I kAnt


·tguiaiUly neb Mltinc-

NawMt atrU iBO'intinc.

SoSid iroldno<tbAD<l*BAdA,


Like a Genuine Diamond
Flawlessly set in the latest style solid
goldring. Cutliken diamond--atsndt teat of acid, fire and diamond file. Guaranteed a lifetime.

C«ats' Rlag He, 2
Genuine 87ntbex Gem. AliDMt 1 kATAt in wetfbt. Solid fold Aiountinf. ^ DroQf AetUne to hold Hone ·ecarelf. WideflAtbAnd.

Grd^ Tndntt Thootatida ordered Synthex Gems at higher prices. Only 10.000 offered st this


*".*^ds. Don't send one cent

--lost came and address--also slip of psper which meets exactly aroand second ioint of ring 6n

it arrives, depoait diamond, return it

only t4A0 with postman and wear ring and back comes year money. If yon decidlee

lrtOod'b, soy-ys,.mIefrey-loyop. ao-yrltya2no.ykonl nseemccoaannotttbeellOlDittUfrIo1m6.7aS

hM been paid, Eaaiest terms ever made. Send quick--Today Be sore to send ring size.

STNTHEX GEM CO., Dept, tl, aACSA. ChicAfo

Mfcra of special dealens la Novelty Wardrobs for Tsudsvtlle and Productions. Big stock of IfuAesl i'umedy Wardrobe. Get our pricca Something new all the tune. ISO W. Wathiaiten St.. CHICAGO.


Ki»R TERRY'S 2-rAR UNCLE TOM'S CABIN TEs'T SHOW--23-Plece Band. Other useful people write.



Little Sioux. Iowa.

210 W. 44th St., NEW YORK. _28 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO.

folk sinre we have won the strike. We have giuwu iiior.- s... isM.. and lia'e U-oome tirotliers and sisters luoro ever. D'lring the course of ar , we ha l four oi five get-together atfaiis wliii'li were heartily approved by our iiiun.'iger. Have I'osner. who remarkc'l at one s,h lal affair Unit it was the l.o-.t liuin li of pisiple lie had e\er had the pleasure of being associated with, and we ail riiurncd the com¬ pliment."
(Continued from page 39)
ford civet tl;e lK,nest-to-(!<M| facts, which most of us want to 4uow I do not think there is a raemiier of tlie N. V. ,V. who do,'S not know. They don't want to know. 'I have l-een so used to agreeing with the .Viliee-Murdock-Casey clan it has le-.iime a habit with them.
U'Od grant some day tlie actor will have the guts of the nii'st liiiuilde bread earner. When 1 s.ay actor lu tills case I mean the men who are the ".ves men" of the -.M.-U. clan. FImor Tenely tells If to lliem In his article to Hr. Ur.ine. an.l In ''Tlie Fault" facts are tum¬ bling each otlier. Etery actor who has this profession at heart a;:d "who is not wrapped up in his pt-rpendiciilar pronoun" should get The Billboard of April J and road It. Then «cL
(Signed) I'ERKIP E.\T0X.

Editor Tlie Billboard: Much could lie said alsitit phonology of words
ar-I correct use of English, but a* this Is n"t

an I'du.'Bflonal Journal it w. 'ilil inrhaps be out <.f plac- to go deeply into the subject in those


I hate read wifb mu h Inteiest th" .article bv Mr. .Mounifoni on this topic and wish to take

i"ue with him as to which is the correct .and

most thorcly .Viiu ricau luoiiiiiit iation of such ns .luke. duty, rue'day, etc.

It Is Illy I'pinion that In is giving ns the

English pronunciation of these words rather than

the Anierlciii. I am .p ile sure that the ni:i-

J 'iilv of iiltiiie.l .\moricins do not say `'d.vuty."

·'liikc" or " I \ ·ii's.biv

Such r,`pr."i'nta.i'c

.\nieiiciiiis as Taft. Uiioscvelt or Champ Clark

ilid II.f '.!> at'"luti!y" iT "conslitiitioTi.''

No, ilu'V pioiniiii'. - 1 Mi'll words In the rog'ilur

.Miieib'iin wav. Wh.s-v.T heard any American

sav · s.tiiit of clotbcs"? Thp dirilonai.w 'annot always bo taken as

the high,'St authority in such rases. Imt rither

the Opinion of the majority of cultured Ameri¬ cans, atiil I find that most of them pronounce the

alstvo words in the regular American way--not

the Vingllsh way. I low,'ter. I do not say that one is In error

when he sounds the "11" as In beautiful. It is inerelv a m.'.tler of taste as to which yon pre-

Icr It is Pirgclv a matter of environment and lieri'dlly. riie deciding is the people

themselves. Th,* town of Hutoti, N. M.. 1* called **1101000*'
bv the people w lo live lliere: so we must con-

CTle that "Hatisui" is corrr, t. nn.l so with many

oili.r w.irds ill oiir language.

Tile W'Sv in which the ina.lorlty of cnlturp.i

pe.'pip elioose to pron.nince it is tiie correct

way. or will bei'onte ilie correct wa.v. no matter

what the dielionarv savs alx.nt It.

(iTigned) l>.


Denter. t'olo., I'.VJI.
Editor The Itillhoalil; I read wllli onlovuieni the aiHcle rii page dJ
of riie llilllKiard of Maivli -V'. t'.v H iriy Mountf.i.l. on · I'l.oii.'bi'g.v." .mil. while the article is \orv gis.,1, with .ill due resp,>et to Mr. Vbiiiiilfi'iil. whose iiiialifications as a piihlic spi'.iker. 'otili-r of nieii, etc., ar,* all that ma.v I',, dcsirod. I f,'1 tluit, 1. iiig an aelor and also a siilosinaii who h'ls inado ow-r tiv,» years* ex* baitsiiv,. .'.iiipa 1 ati\,. siiiilv of various ,1iolioiiarlos of III,. Engllsli I.inguago. I may lirirg out soil',- points ho iiiav iiul 1*,* familiar witli.
,\s the Ceiiliirv Is in Ion tolimies. al'o in six voImiii'S. and their'iiie ,'iiition is iiianimolli, 1 can see tvliy he ridicules niiy at¬ tempt to carry that nnuind. l.ikewise the ist-.nilartl. In "lie Tdume. is Iimi biilk.v. But as Ml iTlani WcNtcr'a New liitcriialional is in

· onipact form--a little over two Inches in thick ness-^ne can easily carry it in the end of a suit cas.' or roadily find siuice for it in a tniiik and lliiis have at hand this one-volume library. It rei ords the thoughts of all minds S'l one may accept that which meets his daily need from the angle of the .\merican or Engli-sh standards of pronunciation, because the .Merriam Wetister gives tiic usage, e'c.. prevalent In England and British possessions, in addition to our own U. jJ. A.
In conclusion may 1 mention that the func¬ tion of a dictionary is not to "set up a stand¬ ard." but raliier to record what the usage is of words and thereby assist the individual in determining which is proper for his
In connection with the comments of Mr. Mountford on slovenly pronunciations In New York theaters It will pay one to read the ^itorial in The Christian Science Monitor cf March 19, 1921. on the 'lictlon of the artor.
Why not have someone write an article for The Billlsiard On the style of diction of Geo. Fuller ('.olden, or say Fred NiWo and other well-known stage characters who are famed for correct db.'tion?
rii.mking .von for the privilege of assisting In this forward movement toward higher bumau expression.
(Signed) STA.\LBY TTATJ..
Edw.ard Haffel. The Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio.
near ^^r. Haffel--There are lota of readers of The Billboard outside of the theatrical pro¬ fession. I am one of them. I am also a mem¬ ber of the American Ix-gion.
I read in The Billboard yonr criticism of an act that was presented at the Palace Theater. New Yor'g. called the "Yip Yip Yap Hankers," in which .voii insinuate that war plays are passe., I beg to differ with you and your criti¬ cism; 'the way it is worded it is a direct slam against the boys who fought and bled for YOU over there. It is all in the point of view. Yon have a right to your opinion, hut if is ON'B MAN'S OPINION. 1 do not believe that it Is the right opinion and I be¬ lieve m.v brothers will coincide with me in my views on this subject I especially (dtject to that part of .vour criticism remling "A per¬ former in army nnlforin being the signal for wild applause has long since passed. Now please let me ask yon some questions.
Vre WE. who spilled our life's blood, to beso soon forgotten?
Do yon realise that WE. who have served over there and suffered, have that human weak¬ ness to brag about onr exploits, r'cife our narnow escapes, glory in onr conquests, and. when we go to a theater with our parenta. friends, sweethearts o'* relatives and see a play that brings these scene* to them, swell mi with pride? \iid it gives ns a ihanre ti> Ihe oxer again the most awful, fascinating, dangerous and natriotle period in our lives. Should this he taken awny from us hy stieh rrltlcs as yon?
Tlie tales of war are never passe to the old veteran of the civil war. Neither is It a here to the friends, sweethearts, parents nnd relatives of the bov who has gone thru the WOHI.n'S C.HFATEST WAR.
T have not se,'n "Yip Yip Tap Hankers'' They may hear erltielsm of the proper sort. .Ml 1 ohject to Is fho wording of your erifleism. which is to say the least, a slight upon the heroes who de-erve more consideration for the suffering they have gone thru.
A'ours tmlT. (Signed* FABT. C. .TOHNSON. SS, X. .American Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Manistee, Mich. Editor The Blllhoard;
Tn S' nniilng tlie "Open T.etters'* column T itotIc,.il an article which was pnhllshed In ··Tavern Talk." a hotel Journal, headed: "Show people hnrt hotels."
I have been In Ihe theatrical hiisiness for some time and have always stood for Ihe bet¬ terment and npllft of the profession nnd I feel what I write Is not a "knock" hnt a gentle

reminder to those whom the shoe (Its. The writer of the article is not altogether wrong in most of his statements. I know of many instances that arc Just as he says they are.
How often have I heard some member of the profession come into the office of a hotel and iiak (not in an undertone): *'What's your theatrical rate?" or ("What rate do you glxe the profession?" Not giving a thought to the fact that there are half a dozen or more saleainen in the office who arc paying the regular price and not getting a rate.
I'liis ia the one thing th/lt "cheapens" the profi'Hsiim in the eyes of many a hotel mana¬ ger us well as the hotel guert, whether he be salesman or otherwise.
ITien again I ask any real honest performer who hat been with an organization where some lad.v and soiiielinies a gentleman carries a pel, gciierall.v a d"g. The hotel man who believes in sanitation and hygiene will perlnps say (not always in a polite manneri; *`\Ve do not allow diats in the riHims." But Mr. or Mrs. Artist grabs "il'ido" or "Ciitie'' hy the collar, chucks him in the do-g basket or grip and does a monolog free of charge for the benefit of the guests, ending up with: "If y.iu can't keep the dog In the room with me, you ran't keep me," or something to that effect.
Vow if these self-same people who carry dogs and other pets were lo ask some one where they could find a hotel and this part.v directed them to a dog-kennel, they would feel very much ns If they had been insulti-d Yet they wish to turn the hotel into a dogkennel. I pm very fond of dogs personally, but If I ever cared to carry a dog 1 should most assuredly ask the hotel if I could keep him in a store room or some fit place for animals.
Thc^ we do have the class who eiK,k, eat and sleep in their rfH«ms iiind tliey do it on the hotel proprietor's gas or ,`Ieetrieity). Many times have I wandered down the hall and called on Mr. and Mrs. A -tor who were busily engaged cooking cabbage on tlielr trunk. Y'es. I might add on several tieeasioiis I have had the privilege to look in these rwuis when they had departed nnd oh! what a lovely, dlrt.v me-'S one would find.
I might also add that the disappearance of towels and sometimes silverware hnpp,'ns to be an art with some of our fellow-arlisis (?( performers (?) and actors i ?). .An-itlier thing, have you ever (perhaps your hearing is badi heard the company coming in tlic licit,d after the show? Tliere are a few people who pay the regular rate and want to sleep a hit and get their mone.v's worth. But oh, such a noise and general racket. Enough to rouse the dead from their slumbers. This class seem to think if the.y are not so noiay some people might not suspect that they are in the theatrical pro¬ fession.
Igistly, but not least, the "three sheeter" who continually talks .shop so loud that every, body knows be Is an artist (?i. actor (?). performer <?).
I.«t ns form clubs or little "gangs" on th( yarions shows or attractions and make it a rule to try and be a credit to the profession by stamping out these evils (and they do exist).
I trust that I will not be misunderstood In any manner. I do not approve of the ·'Tavern Talks" artieles or rather their method of di¬ rectly insulting the profession, hut every hon¬ est fellow actor or artist will agree that such cases do exist.
1 also wish to thank Mr. Uamphell for the stand he takes and for his friendship toward the profession.
Yours for a clean, upright, honest and admlf* able profession.
(Signed) AL. CT.TFTOtRD.
(Continued from page .'50)
eemed to consider it a trivial matter. On
one occasion, when I Joined a show band--now
this is almost unliellevable--I found part of the
hand In high pitch and i art in low. And they
had been playing that way all season np to
the time I Joined. The manager fold me hi*
band was awfully bad, hut he didn't know whar
the trouble was, tnl asked me to "try end
straighten it ont a Httie." Well, helieve It or
not. three of the home were in low pitch, four
of them were In high, and the baritone, a good
musician, was Just between. "Tried to meet
them half way," he said. Well, we had to
do a little amputating of pipe on some horns,
had to get the clarinet out down by a gun¬
smith and then we sounded pr-'tty go's!. The
manager, Mr. Teagarden a fine ol.I man, came
to me a few days later and s.ald: "Mr. Ee'er
son. yon have made a wonderful improvement in
my band. How In the world did you do HV"
'.'No trick at all." was my answer. **I Just
tuned them up, Mr. Teagarlen. that's all "


Bseause It ia the offlrial ora an ot th" Vartrtv Artistes' Ffderatlon and all other Variety otgtn-


TMI ThSI* What You Have To Sril Throu»h an Ad. In Our Columns

Wholo .. Half Pago . Third Pago . Quarter Page . Sixth Page . Eighth Page . Wide Colums. oer Inch .. Narrow Column, per inch.

. $52.00
27.50 .. 21.00 ...16 50
.. 15.00 .. 10.50
.. 3.00 .. 2.50

The PERFORMER It filed it all THE BILL¬ BOARD Ofllrea In America.
HEAD OFFICE: 18, Charing Crou Road, Loildoo.
W. C.. 2 SCOTTISH OFFICE: 141 Bath Straat, Glatpow.


T ti e O 1111> o a r d

APRIL 23, 1921


wart you to ei|Mct a .V>-ernl entertainment, for that is lire* Isely what you will rei-elve for our sJunasion price." A list of emlorsenieiils fnim School superintendents in North Ctrdina and



EtfiM *1 tiM Ctatltnatl 0«Mi af Tha Blllfeatrtf. Whara Lattara tad Newt Itaait Will ka Gntafally Raeaivtd.

\ irginia classes the attraction as one of clean end wholesome entertainment.





We are a»ke<l: "What baa bacoaie of Pro-

tftsor Vonzuelo, the chap who worked Uiod'X)

in store windows about twenty-five year* ago?"




Congratulations are in order for the illustrioua

Harry kellar for becoming ottii iai Dean of tha

tlo<'ieiy of American Magicians.

aibilities. ability.''

TrK'its, a bit of noDsense and some




Word from P>aym<j|]d F. Amusn, the ludianapolis mystie, reports a goodly suppl.v of magi< al
entertainment in the Hoosier caiiitsi during the past month or so. .tluong tliose who hate *>-

Turuaway htisioe-s was registered by Rich¬ ards during Ills eng.agenient at Kirbmond, Ind., and his -how already has booked for a play next sea-on at the Wa-hington Theater. On May I.'* Rieliards will open at Kalamazoo, Mich., for a play of ta-n fiill-vveek stands on the Butterfield Cir. uil for what Is said to be the highest figure pud any niagi< piodiietion

Inks, Shinsrs, Strippers, Slick Acts, Books, Etc.
Goods sent by mail C. O. D. if 60c is Bent With Order. Quick Service and




Gotham mystery workers have accepted on

tight the intention of Trutzuwski, whiib is a

colored ball change in tut>e of hit own mann-


terlaiued at different lioiixes there he names

Jack Merlin, .kli Itaja and fompany. Van Iloven. the Choy I-ing Toy Troupe, Janson. Ilex and Thurston.




on that time. Mr. Iiiihaids will enlarge hit show with new illi -ions. featuring "The l*iiy and the Tiger.'' in wliiih a fiill-zrown nyal Bengal tiger will be u-ed .k full seventy foot carload of baggage will b" ' urried. .k. T. II. Dempsey,

satisfaction guaranteed. Catalog Free.
B. B. SMYTH E CO., Newark, Mo.




Be Mont, we are told, will put in the summer

with a prominent show and pr idu''e his own up-

to-the-minute magical attra tion next fall for

a tour of the Middle West.




Joe Kiley. "The Gilt-Kdge .Magician.'' will do

With much anxiety. Hurry Opel, magician ^iil juggler. telU u-. ilu- m.-'to s and ccult fans of Toleio. (· , aw.vit tiie coming of tbe Thurifo.i abow. The Opels' ".k Night in Woulerlanl" will take leave within the next week or so · n its fifteenth tour. .k e week

formerly with Ilia 'ketone, is now ou the

Richards executive -laT.



Dr. Samuel T. Knsggs is believed to be the

or.g nal spiritualistic ex

of .kustralia. as

Wi ll as the first to d ipin ate and iirescnt the

New Bee 67 and Bicycle Readers
This Work can b« had only from u*. Deelvrd by leading mafletint to be the smartest and fivtest work ever devised. This is the Isteet on the market and better than anything offered btrrtofote.

Jaunt of one nig'.iter* is planned. magic, Pun'h and lecturing in .\. K. Water-

... "weird Clairvoyance" of I'mf. S. S and Clara

nan'a 10-in-l on the Williams litandard .>li'>w's. pUirs of the scarcity of magical av;» at T\>- Bildwin, which he did with the assistance of

Gapped Transparent Dice

opening at Paterson. N. J,. April 30.




lcl> vaudeville houses.




Mathe-w Daws<>n. Dr. Kn.iggs was a magician, niindreadi-r and exiioneiit of spiritual mysteries,

Car: cf work Is the latest and best work on Trsnapsrent Dice. OrUlnttors of this and mak¬ ing our own capped work, we are able to tell bet¬

"Gnesi what I'm going to do if you can?" was

Indisna was a recent liof lied for m.igic and and enlightened .kustralians as to tlie luethnds

ter work at a lower price than others. Outrin-

the parting shot of (ieorge Wagner to friends oieQtal acts. Ki.'hards, the Wizard, en'erluin-d :. 1 «itid by "Dr ' Siade, with whom he had two

teed gold and platinum InMde work, machinetrued dice, earda ti.ks. etc. Order from tbe most

in New York recently when he left to Join the at the Washington Theater, RirUmo:id. and s.f'ngs Dr. Kuazgs deteried the trickery of oomplrte line in tbe F. 9. Immediate deliveries

Joe Ferari Carnival for the outdoor season.




On bla recent swing of the Central Slatea as

Hope rdeii and I'reseott topped the bill at the Miirra.v Theater in the same town; Ilex's at. Itjetioa was at the Broadway. Indianapoi;-, a: d

til.* famous .kmerican slate writing medium withe It ari.ising the s'lspicinn of the stnioki.i:s.-r. In the 'sos he presented the Indian


"Safety Kirit Mage ian." under auspices of the .klla .kxinm was featured at the Terra^'e The.i- `·is'»et stunt in .kiistrali.x for the first time

612 Wyindetts Strest


B. A O. Itailread. .Vrthur D. (Ians corralled an even fhio apple anti for membership in the 9.

ler in Danville, HI., Just acro-s the Ini ana line.

there, and the tejUstj.- effei t resulted in a horr T stricken aiidien e.

A. M.










Two weeks at the same iiouso in Indianapoli-.

Thru the late i«s'je of M. C. M., the Society

Sixty children of the Kplipheta Schmjl for the this wccli in Columbus, O.. and Cincinnati as of .kmeri-an Magicians' Monthly, edited by


Deaf witncafcd one of the matinee pcrformin' Cf the next stop, proves eonelusively that Bex, l'res.d''nt Harry H 'Udini, we learn that a cam-


of the Thiirat'm show in Chi'-ago as guests of "The Mental Wizard.'' can put his show on in pi:gn has been launched for a Magiciana' t'lnbThe Chicago .Cmcri'-an. They were taxied to cities with the degree of sU'-eess that marked ho'ise with an initial rollection pledge of

A anent'.Se dice lluuld that dries QulekB forming a ciatlng of rubberized celluloid. '% nut sticky and Is guarinteed.

the theater and home.




Dr. G. T. Compton has hern made president of

the Golden Gate .Assembly of the S.

M.; H.

8. Dusenberry, vicc-prcaidcnt; II. II. Jacobs,

·ecrctary; Monte Rcrhan. treasurer, and Dr. C.

Edward Nixon, si rgrant-at-arms.

his play in Southern towns. C. Dan I'leieher, who is stepping ahead of the R.-x attraction,

was in the Queen t'ity last week and paid a visit to the department. He reported enthusiastieaiiy on future bookings.



The Great Melhmald Birch, "Master Ma¬

si.o'iO. The donors to this worthy cause and their amounts: Harry Kellar. *l"t»; Ilotidini. f-l'iO; Hardeen. *l's>; IlcHcr. .41<si; Berryman. SlfVt; Werner. Jl'*'; Ttsh. XHsi; Van Dien. $lfiO; B M. T.. Brnst. xjor.; p. F. Rinn. Fioo. and finsby,
C'lnipoers (ieorge W. Heller and Berryman

S-ei. Bettis, with Oireettest. Brush and Pellsh. tiO.OO.
2-«z. Bettle, with Dlrsctlen. SS M Write today for llSl Catalog of Sheet Work. Tned-I'p Dice. Platinum Loads. Cards, etc Capped Celluloid Dice, any size or oolor, $12 00 per Pair. Itealert wrl'.e for wh-vletale price Utt.



gician and Cry.stal Gazer," whose show reeentl.v were prime movers in t.'ie cause. The latter al¬ wound up a successful six months' tour in Ten¬ ready is dickering with realtors for a auitable

"The Heuse of Overnight Stnrlee,''

1617 BlMcker St.,


The first presentation of tbe real Indian basket nessee, is r*fi>orted to he in Chicago aisiuiiing location, which will be. of courso. in New York

feat was performed by Colonel Stodare on April new effects for another tour of Dixieland next City. "The happy prospect of eomfortahle ipiar-

17, 1865. This ii a real thriller that has died season. His Chinese act is said to be out of out in late years, but is strong enough to go the ordinary and very nicely staged, tine of his

ti-rs with prifier facilities to give 'thrilling' magieal [lerforniances, ' states M. f. M.,

POOLE'S PROFESSIONAL JNAQ. 1C--"NEW KTAOE ILLCSfONR.'' cataloging 55 Illualona S5e. Blue

big if some bird will give It a comeback,




The aland of Khaym. "The White Mahomet.''

novel advertising stunfa is the swinging of the head of one of his lady .assistants in a picture frame in a store window a few hours hefori-

'sh 'iild help sw-Il the  offers of the fund"




Prlota to Build any llluilon, SI up. CRYSTAL GAZING ACT (Fjaranteedl apparatus, stage alz« razing hall. Il.OOO-wnrd tnatru'-

and his seven-people show at Durham. X. last week marked the attraction's twenty-eighth

each performance, which, 'tis cl.iimed, flocks 'em to the theater.''

.kleiandcr's ... iiig.igcment at the Bronx Unns. 115. MA.STER MIND ACT.

opera House, New kork, was made the u<'eas,on

only one-man mindreadmg act using NO APSIe .kXT on market today, protected devlee. $10 SPIRIT

vreek of consecutive showing on the Sun Time. Quite a few house rc-ords are claimed.




"Crysomsory," with Princesi Zulicka. "the

nigh PriesfesB of Mysticism." assisted by

Prince I.uiziili. "the psychic Marvel of the -Cge.''

went over big. we are told, in its three-day

CDfigemcnt at the Wilson Theater, West New

Tork, N. J.




Max Milini, magician, gave two sucreaaful




The Great Gault, formerly known as "Monial-

vio, the Great,'' who rciently suffered an «|ifieat

illness, paid us a visit last week. Tho one eye

is sightless, and he oeeasionally is able to enjoy

very slight vision with th* other, Mr. Gault is

high in spirits and has great faith in the re-

suits of an o[>eration' he is to undergo in Coliim-

bus. 0., in a couple of raonihs. lie <'nntiiiueK to

put on programs at independent houses in the

Buckeye State and refrains from revealing his

of an honorary haikst.ige visit to "The Man Wlio Knows'' h.v a flci k of s. .k. M's, among them Horai e tioldin, l.elloy. DeMont. Frank I'aiil, Maltese. Bresnaham. Dunninger. Mrs. Horneman and tii-orge Wagner. Tlie romr>eers. of .oiirse, first viewed the pi-rformance. Their vcrdi'i. Bresnaliam apprises, was "a nally wonderful show h.v an .k-No. 1 showmtan anil capable assistants.'' Fnim a press report we get this i.ufo : ".klexander. Tlie Man Wlio Knows.' the famous man of mystery, whose denioiistratious in psyehie phenomena have baf

PK'Tl'RES, 11x14 (no assistant), lit HeadQuarteri in F. S. A. for Spirit Effects. Ust. 5o Only Hu'r House run by PROFESSIONALS (members N. V. A.I. with acts of their own on the road. Bull'a great book.
Twenty-Four Methods of Costal Gazing and Mini Reading" iinid at $51, $2. to profeaslonals only. POOLE BROS. STORE. ItSS Breadway. New Yart.
We are headquarters for Mkgleil Goods. Jokes. NorelUea SensaUonal Bscapes, Illuitonk Bonks, in fact Show Goods of all kinds

public entertainmenta Wednesday and Thursday condition to an audience, as he sa.vs: "I want lied the sharpest eyes of science, is more than of last week in the Florentine Room of the my work itself to stand or fall by their favor" pleasing audiences at the Bronx Opera House

Our big catalog mailed to y> " free.
Wanted To Buy--Magical (Joont.

Coogresi Hotel, Chicago. The affairs were en¬ hanced by the presence of Fran<-iaco Daddi,




His is an all-new show of wonders, a program

I.ast week's mailbag brought some interesting of novelties in magic, his famed Simla Seance,

Sensational Elacapea. IlluslonA Side¬ show .kttraetlona We pay cash or trade. Write to lu. aeodlng lilt of

opera singer, and Ferdinand Steindl's Orchestra, readers on the the D'Esta Rhoads Tent Show. or irysial gazing, and original Oriental dancra,

your goods




The Mr. is credited an able ventrilo<|uiKt and inferiireled by I.illiun .Marlon and the Narlell

MAGIC CO.. Desk I. Berlin. Wltceaiia

rinkelle. ''So< icty Trixter," is averaging four nights a week at lodges, clubs, smokers and private entertainnients thru WIsconiin. He will offer "merr.v monierls of magical mirth'' at

magician, and his wife a great worker with the marioneta. This note is i-arried on the ''to¬ night" dodger. "We do not want you to bane criticism of this attraction on our prices. kVe

Twins, beautiful exponents of the subtle art of the Far Fast, with all the mys¬ tery of the ancient art of the priestcsacs of Siva and the other gods and gisldessos of India "


the big two nights' doings of Wie Elks at the

Orpheum Theater, tlroen Bay, this week



If it's magical literature, the Thayer Manu¬

facturing Co., of l-Ais .\ngeles. Cal., has it. is

our couciusion from studying the catalog just

received from this firm, .\bout JOO books and

bookleti are listed, and every subject and trick

and effect is touchrd on. Every magical worker

should have one.




Some of the things claimed by Finkelle in

his folder are; ''Manipulative dexterity and

card peri'lexifies. Effei-ts with coins, billiard

THF, MkGIC.kl. BCI.I-ITTIN k Migszlne of Magic for Maglelant New Trleha · very month, .ka a.i liiduivmi nf in a>''iiiaint ymi wllli our iHiblleatlo", we offer
four bai-k numlvera, all diffi'ient, (M)e value, for t'V in Htampa Send for ovir late Magical Bonk hist.



334 So. San Pedro St.,



TRICKS. BOOKS AND BUPPLIdh Feature A>'1s In Mind Beading ar1

Spirltiialtam Large stock. Best u'lil-

Ity. Prompt shipments Large III'Ji

trated ProfetiloDtl Catalog. lOe


Oegt. 0. 140 8. Oearbera St..





MAGIC Dice. $ . cards. $ .25; Inka so. MuRIRblls ^luld for TranwitenU. SS.06. flllek A'.

Cards. II 25; Factory Readers. $1.25. Bale. BoifU. etc. These goods are for Magical purposes o''Ir-


874 West Mtilsoh Street.

Chleas*. Illh··>·-

balls, eggs and handkep-hiefs. Brain teasing
and pleasing presentations of seemingly impot-
HAN0CUFF8. LEG IRONS. MAIL BAGS. STRAIGHT Jackets. Milk rsns--every¬ thing in tbs Eaesps Uns. We sre headuusrtrrs for Msgii'Sl Goods. Novelties. Tricks. Bonks. Punles. etc. Big Illustrated piofsaslonsl raUlog free. Writ* today
OARB MAGICAL CO.. Dsyt. 546. Othkesh. WIs.
ILLUSIONS For Stage and Pideihowi. Plush Drop!. Ezelualre Mind Reading Effects. MysUe Rlriill sad Usm. SSa DL'NNINOER. 816 Jackson Ayrnue. New Tork.
BOOKS ON MIND READINO. MAQIC. VE.NTRILOQIISM AND ES¬ CAPES. List L>ee. . W. D0ID6E. 16 Elm St.. Sameryina (42). Mata.

Thr OIHrst Mnfiiral Supply llouAr in the IK S.

...MAGIC... JAPANESE MAGIC AND NOVELTY STORC.24 Yenge Street Arcade, Tarento. Out. timall Catalogue free. I.arge Catalvigue, 2V.


Magic Trioka for the pocket, parlor and stage. I«rgrit aaaertmmt In tbe world.

InimenM etnrk and Imme-liite vtiii-mrnt». I.ajge (aondwfully IlluelraledI I'rofestlonal

Calalugue, 2a eenta. Xliiiir} will tie refuiideil with flr>t <>nter nf $1 or ranra.

Send a 2-cent stamp for 50-|>age Illuvtraled Catalngiie Hunk nf Card lYIcka. 25s

I iivtpald. Ttiurston'i Book of Pocket Trleks. 25r t>o>t|>ald Tr1i-k Park Carda, 50o

iratpatd. Rubscribe for Felsman'a Magical Rerlew, a moothly magic magasbia, fl.dl

|ef veer




HHIglun r. rtkOniHn, 3234



nInn Crooked Games eii'owni

III I L Learn how eaatls you mt'



SwBfiton, Ohio



Headquartert for Magic Hooka, ('ard Trli'ka. Tran*-

parent Cards and Nowelllea for Maglelant towll

Full line of samples. 25c, Csuloguo free. (JIIAB.

V. LEE. 115 n S3d 8L. Nsw York.

APRIL 23, 1321

Authoritative Announcement Is Made

thp mRny who hMTP c-Iiilmcrt to rpprPHent Jars Join*"!!, now ri'Ahlent In lycRvonworth rr the guPAt >'t <l"' nation, the following authentic in¬ forms lion la offl TMl.
Jirk'a term piplioR on July !i. Thorc nre a(fpn' |p» at work whh h. if iic<-»*8aful, may |i ·loinplii-h his rrleuBe at any date prior to tli il
Thp ai knowlodgod insnagcr of .Mr. Johns ti's fiiliire titlrltles is KImer Tenley, llSKl lif aitway. New York. Mr. Tenley has Just retiirncil from* a visit to his protege at Leavenworth, and reports that Jack is in ekeellent physical eondltion and in high spirits.
After considering many proposals for the ptihlie appearance of Jj' k after his rclesse. Mr. Tenley announces that he has accepted an off » /oim the Continental Rase Rati League, engaging

In The Interest Of The Colored Actor, Actress And Musicievn OfAmerica.
rhaacd grriund and are planning to build a fiist' iRas Negro thiater; In Oklahoma, the On aiuland Theater is i-aterlng to an inc reased patron¬ sge; in Cincinneti Messrs Gray and Johiisiin will build a Jl'O.OOO theater, eonier I.iniMln avenue and Alms Place, In Walnut Hills, and Mesari. T. Miinday and Dr. E, R. Gray have formed a SoO.iXiO corpor.ition, knowa as The Eagle Amiiscmont Company, and plan to build · >»rgp Negro office building to Include a theater, near Fifth and John streets.


Reports on "Shuffle Along'



The latest r.a e photoplay. "The Oiinsaulns

Mystery." In seven reels, produced by Oscar Mlehesux. Is the feature attraction st the Lafiyettp Theater. New Y rk. f r one week, com-

mcnclng Monday, April 1*^. The l.jfjyette Timatcr has selected by the Mlchariix Film Corprail n .is the desirable house in tlm

Enlted States for the premiere presentation of


unusual mvstery play.

#oc principals in ' The Guns.iuliis Mystery"

sre Fvelyn Prerr. I»b k Abrsms. Lawrence I'h-nsuit and I.. TVRulger.
This pi' ture ws ; filmed In New York studios, snd In the Isrge supporting rsst sre several

wpllkn'wn New York pe->ple. Including Mrs.

Ressye Beardm. Eilward Brown, Ethal Wil¬

liams and Ethel W»tts_ An added attraction to the program during
the wt»k of the engagement of "The Gunsnuliis

a! I.rstery" will he the Mallory Sisters' Quartet, It '^r the direction of Prof. J. Lawrence Free-


on V'c "Swtnee Recreation Grounds. Inc.," Is th ^ name of a Negro corporation, capitalized st StgiOO.noO, which has been organized to purchase
I fourteen-acre seaside hotel and prrk thuf con¬ stitute a complete summer resort. It is rep<'rfcd that the corporation will take title to the property before May 1.
The name selected for the new resort la "Joyland Beach." Besides the nstisl hotel and pl'-nlc facilities, the company Intends to grant x'ncessl. ns to members of the race for devices ^4 features that are strictly clean and whose > perat 'rs arc responsible. The office of tho company la at 2340 Seventh avenue. New York.

Starts New Production
Ths first scenes of the latest I.incoln prodtictien, the first of a scries of sli, were filmed list Saturday afternoon, when scenes of the big city High Scliof.l track meet were slsit at Occl<1»ntlal College. The meet was remarkable In»'far as the colored sprinters entered carried ' ff first, second and third prizes In Iho lOil-yard dtsh, the feature event of the meet. Scenes fAf tho event, with the lo.oort cheering audience, will he shown In the new I.incoln production.


Dr. Shelly H. Georg*, proprietor and manager ef the Hiawatha Tlieatcr, I'adiicah, Ky., has expressed himself as willing to aecept the ·4 n as minister to Halil, tentatively offered to him after the of Col. llenr.v Lincoln Johnson, of Georgia, to aci-rpt the post.
In Paramount Special

fine show and the house Is sold f.rr the week."

The Philadelphia Inijuirer says in part; ".V

east of colonsl comodlins, singers and dancers,

*vho kept the ball rolling at airplane speed. It

i* clean and a very high average of entertain-

ment. An altogether enjoyable production."

The company Is st the Colonial. R.iltimore,

tinring the week of April IS. It is said that It


Greenwich Tlllsga in .New York

,,rHF R| Ar.l^ niNTV"

Earnest Frederick Morrison, better known av ''Sunshine Sammv." and whose remark.ible talent has won him the name of "The Rl.a-k Dinty," recently renewed his contract with Hal. Ro.ach for a term of three years ss co-star with Harold Lloyd and "Snub" Pollard.
Wants Tented Attractions
A letter from the secretary of the Real Estate Board of Charleston, W. Vs., invites tented minBtrel attractions to play the city. The inforroatlon Is vouchsafed that the city has 50.000

A. H. Woods will o,oen bis production of "The Pink Slip," a musical comedy by Walter De I-eon, starring Bert Williams, In Asbury Park. August 13. and coming to the Central, New York, Labor Day for a run.
The company will consist of ten principals and eight chorus girls. Charles Urban is paint¬ ing the scenery.
Mr. Williams will be as heretofore the only ra' c member of the compsny.
The AI G. Barnes Circus opened 1*8 JOL'l sea¬ son last month at Pomona, Cal., followed by a week's stand at Los Angeles. The race is well represented in all departments of this organtzation, with Lovelace's Georgia Mlnstrela
Darktown Follies feitured in the side-show, and quite a number of colored members in the main show, including two or three clowns, who attract favorable attention by their humorous antloa in their attempts to ride the backin, mule.


Anna Map Reynolds and Joseph Jones, former the rare, or for that matter In the country.

Ingenue and leading man, respectively, of the people gave rapt attention to their work.

Hard Tack Jackson Show, severed their rcia- I.o.-aI papers gave high praise,

tlons with that company April 0, and organized


the vaudeville team of Reynolds and Jonea.

Ebil Worde announces that professional copies

They are booked solid over the Dudley Time.

of "I'll Get Even with You" and "To You

-- -- --

With Love'l'Tom Me" are ready for delivery at

Robert Miles, billed as the "Imp of Satan," gn norlda Avenue, N. W.. tVashlngton, D. C.

0|>cna as a feature of the 10-ln-l Show, with

tho Williams Standard Shows, .April 25, doing « The Hotel I'leasant, Lynchburg, Va., and An¬

a mystic act. He is doing as a card the wash¬ derson's rooming house at 1142 Penns. Ave¬

ing of bis hands in boiling water.

nue. Baltimore, are two more stopping places en¬

dorsed by performers. Eddie IIuDlrr, Leroy Randall and Nina Seno-

rita ai> meeting with success on their first trip over the I'oll Time, in s singing, dancing sml
comed.v sketch, entitled "On the Border of Mexico." They have Just returned from 

The Lincoln Motion Picture Compsny has de¬ clined an offer from Jacksonville cspltallsts to locate its studio in Florida.

long vaiidevllla tour on the Coast.

.Tames Audrey Bailey, blHed as the "Black

Herbert's Minstrels Inform us that they have Streak of Ragtime," is in snd around New York

sent a contribution of f.34 30 toward the assist¬ working for the Mg offices. He spent the last

ance of George Byrd, in Virginia State prison. half of the week of April 1 at the Harlem.

Mr. Herbert led off with J10, and the '27 mem¬

bers of the company gave In equitable propor¬

E. B. Dudley, the owner of the Vanilette

tion. Space pn-venis the listing of the names Theater. Detroit, has always been a hard man

of these generous fo'ks at this time. They to interest in any but the very biggest of en-

have certainly lived up to the unselfish tradi¬ tcri>risc8. This time it is a fifteen-pound boy,

tions of our noble profession.

born .April 1. Mother and son are doing nicely, 'riiere is no truth in the rumor that the theater

Joe Martin, one of onr own. has an Im¬ billing will rca-l "Dudley and Son." It will

portant part Jn the big serial. "The Invisible be at least another season before the young


man takes over the active diitiea of the man¬

agement of the house.

"Stmt MIsa Lizzie," by Creamer A Layfon,

la proving to be a big onhestrt hit.

The Maurice Film C^mj'an.v, of Detroit, is now

ready to release its second production, "The

Return of Black Hawk."



The ''I.ncky Boy Minstrels'' la the name of

I'rince an-l I`rince!is Mysterla have .sdopte<J tile sub-title "The iirient.rl Mystics'' for theli billing.
Ryron Rros ' .'^.aio. Ranj has contracted for a fcries of numbers to i>e recorded for the Pace I'loncigraph Company. Tlieir season with Dare Marion's big show closes May 1.
Joe Jalvin, one of the ticst Jugglers in tbs cciuntry, is laying off .at licdianapolis. He is too good an artist f'>r minagcra to permit of his idling long.
The Negro n "i tno to be liosti to 1 ic b I'c .Musicians at th" clllv·I The ses.slons v.ill h" Fisk I.'niversity, .mil Tennessee A. A: i. Concert" will i»c one convention.
The DOW Mlchcau.v picture,  'iho Giinsautus Mystery," Is the ofTcring .i' i' " I.afayette, New York, this week. On Ain I j". the Billy Kina .Musical Comedy Company op- u.s for a sis weeks' run.
Cleo Desmond and .^ndr-w Bishop, with the company playing "Turn to the Right," are In Washington tbo weeks uf .\prll `.*5 and June 1'Tbey win also present `'The Ninety and Nine."
The Evelyn ElHs Company Ls offering "The Dawn of the Mountain" at the Dunbar, Philadelphta, the week of April is, with "The Byea of Youth" the following week.
Cress Simmons, assistant manager of the Dunliar .und in charge of the vaudeville butean. Is staging a midnight show in that bouse every 'nuirsd.iy night and is Jamming the house at 12:30 every show night. The class of the nine acts selected for the performance Is responsibis for the big "draw."
Mrs. .Anderson and Sydney Kirkpatrick, with Buch support as Miss Shisle Sutton, Miss Bow¬ man and -A. B. DeComlthere, are still present¬ ing dramas at the Avenue, Chicago.

Distributed by




Little Joe Miller has 'charge of the band 1th the "Florida Blossoma" show.
The A. Jack Thomas Band, one of the beat In

`''P <^''''''<1 attractions. It has liern quite favorabl.v rcported upon by the reviewers who saw the oi>en-


carnival company,

South St., at 12th. PUylni hlsh-cluvs Vaudeville, Novelties. Musical Comeilv. Ilnut Slmws. John T. Gibson, Sole Owner-Dlrtctlns Msr.. Philadelphia, Pa.

le country, under the din-itlon of Ex-Lleut. homas, U. S. A., gave a highly anccesaDil con>rt In Baltimore April 4. The Instramentaon of tbU band la one of the best balanced io

When the Coldwyn picture, "Temple Diiit," was presented at the Capitol, New York, our group waa represented by Wesley Jenkins In

Broad and Lanbard M.. Pblladtiphia, Pa. Pitying first-class Musical Sbovra. VaudevlUe. Dramaa,



X li e Billboard

APRIL 23. 1921



*<nie larfeit circulation of anr tbcatrlcal ;^apci

in the tvorld. I'Ublislifd oicry week
By The Billboard Publishing Company,

W. H. DONALDSON. President.

In Its <mn iilant at aaii BILLBOAKU BCILDING.
Upera I'lace,

I'lnclnnati, Ohio.,



'I'lione, Canal

Cable and Telegraph Addrras, cinoati.


U. S. A.

"`Billyboy," Cin-

Phone, Bryant 8470. 1401 Broadway.
rhoop. Central 8480. t'rilly BulldlnR, Monroe and Dearborn Stieata.
I'hone, Tioga 85115. ft08 W. Sterner St.
Phone, Olire 1733. Oainhle Building, 020 Chestnut Street.
65 Pantagea Theater Building.

satisfactory the outcome. This is cer¬ lie is just a well-bred, well-educated

tainly true as far as the victor is con¬ and well-read man. who in early life


was of that peculiar disposition, »`n-

Name - calling, false accusation, dowed with those traits and charac-

slander, libel and vile abuse arc foul tc ristics and possc'ssed of those prc'-

blows in fighting.

dilections, leanings and tastes tliat

P.oth sides in the vaudeville scrap have turned many a young man to tlie

have been criticised for resorting to stage.

tlic m in the past.

He has not acted for ye ars, but he

· * * · · Why not cut them out"

is still an .-letor, with most of the actor's good icoints and his full .share

Ne.xt to .1 lover, all the world loves of the actor's faults, limitations and

a fighter.'


Mr. Mountford is a fighter from "w'ay He distinctly is not a red-radical


nor a fire-brand nor a demagogue.

And so is Mr. Albee, every inch of He absolutely is not prompted solely


by ``.selfish considerations" nor "in it

It will gain nothing for the former for the coin to he made out of It."

if his followers traduce and revile the He has made hit full share of mis¬

latter, and the latter In turn will ob¬ takes. He may make more, but they

tain no advantage If his seconds, back¬ will be far fewer than ho has made in

ers and clientele paint the former a the past, because he is now over fifty

Stygian black and heap obloquy upon years old, his head is not as hot as it


iisi-d to he, and the years have brought

Mr. Alhee is in no great degree much him discretion

better or any worse than the average

business man would be If placed in the Rightly or wrongly, wc believe that

same position and confronted with the the next few months will witness

same opportunities Tie has been en¬ another sharp struggle over the issue

gaged in business and has played the of unionism in the vaudeville field.


T. V.--Claire \Vhi*n,!y la the wife of HolK-r' Luimrtt Keane, ai lor.
Beaa--``One giih-t Teir" la the tranalallnn ef ``1 He Kurtoa l.i::riiiifIroiii Diiiii/.>-iH\ "l.'ICIlbir d'Armore."
Herb. S. -- (I| .Ntnii-sla U pronoiir'fd .\eni'e aia; accent on nrel avllable, liiei , .m m pen, Bcconil e uh in )irii<lent and I aa In Ida*. 421 Hetrihutive Jiiall, e or the ftoddeaa thereof^
V. V.-- Irrcviv rible ;a ] p>Of>uncc,| Irio- oVa Me or Ir rev'-I. La Me. n^ cent on IV,. aiMnn | lyllahle, accnrdinir to all Put one of the dl tionariea and It eani tinna it aa a a.. c .<,11.
Arch S. It.--Iphlscnla la pronoiini cd If 1 te-nl'-a --lira! I na in it. ai'iimd I na in , ni{ini' <· aa in ]ct. Hurd I na in pine, and a aa in prelat,. or coiiraxe. 7 lie principal atreaa la on the fourth ayllahle, the secondary on Pe first.
.A. N. r--We cheerfully admit Mr. Alliee ;a a Me man, has always Men for dean vanderllle. la princely in hla · harp lea and la a real ahowiuan. We even (to further and i-onfeas a sincere admlratioo for tralta of bin that you do nol enuaierale, vlr., hia intereat -ii.d joy In the catne Pie la not loi.kinc forward to retirement), |iln «punk and UghtiDg aplrlt, hla lailrtnest, nia aiiptlcailnn and iiia driring fore fiilneaa. Imt we fall to see why these clrirrcter!at|ca place him atiove ··r beyoncl criliciam. Hi'W about the war time lUt In arilata* salaries; why no reatoratlon, to aay nolhina of an In' crease which was urgently needed and Is still, owing to raorld'anf railroad and hotel rit<«. and the deplorably low grade of vaiidevlll.. hills? .Are these not legitimate laaiu a f< r criticism?

Phone, Harrison 3057. 1117 Commerce Building.

Phone, Kegent 1775. 18 Charing Cmaa Road, W. O. 2.


Atlanta, Ga.. P. 0. Box 1671. Birmingham. Ala., 1007 The Woodward. Itoston, Nfasa., .37 Paul St., Watertown Tl.
Cleveland, O., Hipp. Annex. Denver. Col., 430 Symea Bldg Ixw Angeles, Cal.. 411 Chamber of Commerce
Building. New Orleans, I.a., 2632 Dumalne Street. Omaha, Neh. 216 Brandeis Theater Building. Pittaburg. Pa.. 316 Kellerman Building. SMltle, Wash.. lOlO id Ave. Washington, D. C., 508 The Highlands.

ADVERTISING RATES -- Forty cents per Une. agate meaaiirement. Whole page, $380; half page. $140; quarter page. $7t>. No adver¬ tisement measuring leas than four lines ac¬

cepted. Last advertising form goes to press 12 M.
Monday. No telegraphed advertisements accepted un¬
less remittance la telegraphed or mailed so as to reach publication office before Monday noon.


U. 8. & Can. Fsralsn.

Oaa Vaar*. Six Months. Thraa Months.

$4.00 2.25 1.25

tS.M 2.7S 1.50

Remittances should be made by post-office or expreim m^mey order, pr registered letter, ad¬
dressed or made payable to The Billboard Pufblisbing Co.
The editor can not undertake to return un¬ solicited manuscripts. Correspondents should keep copy.
The Billboard reserves the right to edit all advertising copy.

So ran the headlines on t!ie series of adverti.sements which were re¬ cently run in most of the theatrical trade papers in an endeavor to hold Mr. Mountford up to the scorn and reprobation of vaudeville artists.
Did the advertisements accomplish their purpose? We think not to any ver.v great or wide extent, because the vaude¬ ville artists of America are too well informed on the whole, and because, furthermore, they have of late formed the habit of thinking things over carefull.v and logically before jumping to conolusions. The thinking artists will .say to themselves: ``.Xdvertisomonts. eh? Ads must ho paid for Wlio pai<1 for these? Why?" And the answer must be that the ads were written, inserted and paid for by .some per¬ son or persons who had something to gain in thus attempting to dis¬ credit Mr. .Mnuntfortl and direct against him the execration and de¬ nunciation of the profession. That alone would be sufficient to give the judicious artists pause and send them scurrying after the real facts, and, as a matter of facL that is exactly the manner in which the great majority of them reacted to the advertising onslaught. And what did they learn? Simply that Mr. Mountford had pulled and successfully put over another stunt! As the nature of the coup dawned on them, as they gradually dis¬ cerned the real motives that prompted it and realized what It promiBed, their criticism ceased, their impatience was dissipated, their faces lit up with understanding which rapidly changed into admiration. His devoted and unquestioning followers, his proponents who accept his doctrines but reject his leadership, that considerable contingent that is willing to be shown, and even many of his out-and-out opponents, with one accord, all united in saying: "Very, very clever," And so also says The Billboard. We know that Mr. Mountford has by no means the unlimited* re¬ sources of the interests he is fighting--that ho is compelled to resort to stunts from sheer economic necessity and utter inability to compete In monetary outlay, and his resourcefulness, inventive genius and strategical expertness command our most unqualified admiration. He contrives to keep his cause alive, to keep It before--and right before--the artists all the time in spite of disadvantages, discourage¬ ments, delays, defeats and handicaps that would have dismayed and ^topped any other man we can think of long since. He is white, he is true blue to his adherents, and he is a red-blooded
fighter. His colors are all right.

New Theaters
T.yons, Kan , la to have a $25,000 mor|e the ater, to lie built next summer.
Sam Elio has opened a new theater in Me I/nid. Ilk.
.A. Zursro la to build * |2.*>.'S10 picture tliea ter in Ft. Worth, Tex.
L. Aoiff will anon open his new theater In Stanifoid. Tlwhich be has equlppeil in an up-to-date fashion.
J. I, .'aad Is bnllding a romblneil picture and Taudevllle theater at Pikerille, Ky., with a S'-atlne capacity of S-'iO.
The new $0o,iav» picture playhouse in l.o, L hart, Te\ , la d'dng l>ig liuaiiwsa, the .s It it. sign being frequently displayed.
Philadelphia is to have a new $t10.noo m' vie theater, to be erected at the sonihwesf comer of Itiilng Bun Lane and Fanahawe street.
Material is t>elng collected for the erection of a new opera bouse it llamea Pity, Is., by Dunlap A laon. The bouse will seat about 5(S>.
Malone. N, T., Is to have a new theater, to be built by the Malone Grand Theater Company at a coat of $75,000 and with a sealing capacity of 1,000.
.Arrangements are under way to erei-t an audi¬ torium with a seating rapailiy of rt.taio to be used for ronventi'ina, etc., at Audubon Park, New Orleans, La.
Preparations for the new show house to he erected *t Pauls Valley, Ok., the A'lclory, are M'lng s|>epdily completed Tile building will eover a spare of 44ixl'A» feet.
A new theater to be known as the Parkway U to t>e erected in Oshk'wh, WIs. The seat¬ ing capacity will be l.tssi, r W. Van Nor¬ man will manage the new houae.



No. 17

Editorial Comment

Vaudeville lias obtained the center of the stage and the calcium once more.
flood! r.ut why must this prove the signal for turning on streams of personal abuse and vilification? To let in the .sunlight is well. Light is needed, but when it is applied with burning glasses it only makes the vic¬ tims squirm, jump and curse. Argument leads somewhere. Name-calling is idle, vain and profit¬ less. It helps no person and it aids no cause. Fighting never proved the right or wrong, the justice or the injustice of any issue, but when disputants will not argue and will not arbitrate it provides the only w'ay to a settlement. The settlement is seldom enduring. As a rule it lasts only as long a.s It takes the loser to recuperate and ag.iln get Into fighting trim. There is reason to believe, however, that the fairer and cleaner the fight is made the more

business game successfully, ` following rules" far more scrupulously than many of|our other great American cap¬ tains of industry. The same goes 'for Mr. Murdock, Mr. Goodman, .Mr. Casey and the balance of his chief aides and lieutenants.
True, he has built a machine that is marvelous In its mechanism, awful in its strength, power and eai»arity, and terrible in its efficiency, hut even in this he was instigated, taught and en¬ couraged by the actor and aided in developing and perfecting it.
The fact remains, as ve liave re¬ peatedly asserted, that he himself is just a shrewd and very sueeessful bus¬ iness man. with most of the virfue.s and few if any more of the vices of his kind, and to picture him otherwise is folly. Nothing will be gained by it.
On the other hand, the recent fusil¬ lade of defamatory fire from his camp directed against Mr. Mountford. is ex¬ tremely reprehensible and highly dis¬ creditable.
Mr. Mountford Is none of the things he is called--not at all the odious person he is described.

Everything points that way. We have hot been tii>ped off. We have not had the slightest hint from any official or reliable source. Wo vi'iilure the prediction solely because in our estimation conditions and events are rapidly ripening that will force a light. ,\nd, moved by this belief, we plead for clean and fair fighting, not only for the honor and reputation of the prfifession, hut that victory, even tho it go (as it nej'ds musti to tho stronger will nevertheless go to .a f.alr fighter. There Is a chance that .a fair fighter will triumph fairly and fairly with the vanquished thereafter. Rut if the liout is won on a foul or by resort to unfair means no good will acefue to anybody, the winner least of all. The only outcome will he the waste, havo<` and loss of time and money. Nothing will have been settled, nothing advanced and notliing gained.
The Petit Tliexler, Ilnniin.T, ok,, wax rerenlly eiiened. Tlila Iiouae haa lieen ronalnieterl nliinii the moat mrxlem lines, anil liaa a aeatlnfc <-a pae.'ly of l.raK). Vt reproaenta an outlay of ahont flSO.OUO.

The Marine National Company, Ine., of the I'nderhill Building. BufTalo, NT. has sent letters to a numts-r of proininenl realdenta ol Batavia, N. y., announeing that It |dans to
ereet a new theater there.

The Danphtne Th.>ater In Mobile. .M.i . N t.. be remtelebd Into a large iip-lo date vaudeville
house. Mobile la sorely In ne.-d of aueh a hoiim1'he remndeling will l>o d-ne by the Bijou .Amusement Company of that city.

A new Flatliiisli movie theater is la'ltig

plapne<l, the prdialde site lielng on · liiireli

svenne, ne,ir ."Snstnind. Brookivn. N.


rilniland Players. It.e., I(i;l Kiillon street, are

avid to Im* the liiillders.

The Eastern l'o»i»trii.tlon Conipnn.v. a new rorlioration in P.alliuion, Md . Is idnnnlng a largo motion i>lciiire il,e.n*er f -r that .-il.v .An
ordinanee will be IntDMlueed In the city eoiinell and will DO doubt meot the apiimval of that Imdy.

Oklahoma City has another fine new motion pic¬ ture house, the I'apitid, oil the site of the old Dreamland Theater. The new house means inlle a Idt to iiLbihoiiiH City, not only ns a jdnee of aniuseineni, but In a ttuslness way. I'llo tol-il eosi Is esllmiled at $2<st.O<«l. It IS
(oiiiplete In oTot.y detail aiij e<mtains i>raelleally every modern eonvenlence known to tbeiter t.uillers. .Seating capaelty is 1,000.

The Crrstal 'Tlirater. .Allusineritne, N. M.. whleh has tiei-n closed for over a year, will Booo be made Into an iip-todate opera house, one Albuquerque esn be proud of. secordlng to Joc Barnett, owner of the building.

APRIL 23, 1921

By W. W.
WllKN "n* upeaki nf a circna lot the pic¬ ture of a vacant Odd, pirhapa don-n by the railroad tracka. or Ilia roiumona ju^t tx'.Toitd the school bouiie, or maybe the fair cro'in'ls at the edge of town, come to mind. Iliai'a where the city of billowy canvai usual¬ ly ariaea 9<>me sunny morning in the old home iciMi uVn the show is out on the road.
Hut not so when the seunon opens In Ne>v York i'lty and the Itlngllng lleos.-B.'irnum A: lisiler Combined Shows auspiciously start their
tour. It is then that thn time honored, historical old structure. .Madison Sqti.ire G.irden, I* fbr the time being turned into a t ircuf "lot." Instead of the big top. luenagcile, side-show, dressing, and numerous other tents, if is all under one high vaulted roof, with C Triilers and side rooms, subterrauean tKisenients and winding stairs. Instead of the flapping side walls huge piles of stone and hriek line tbe si.Ie streets, weather Stained and dingy; a stene pillan-d arcade runs along the .Madison square inenue side and above all rises the con¬ spicuous tower with the one word ··firens" cinMaioned in electric lights.
Across from the tower is Madison 8<iuare, a breathing spot In the Mg elty that skirts Broadway from Vorly third to Twenty-sixth street, rainod iu story and song, a grass plot In a fori't of sky-sc'apeis, worn, trouking benches alwa.vs occupied la fair weather hy idlers, derelli ts and weary men. always shifting, everchaugliig. as far from the wiiirl of bol.v city life as tho on a deseit is the nearest ap;ro.ich to a olntis lot that the metropolis ran t>oast of.
Contr.'st lids with the aver.ige location on tbe read where the lot usually skirts a city street nr dusty road. Where the crowds swarm over the r<ugb tufts of grass, stumbling across nneven stretiln s. kicking up the dust or cinders, unronsrlnns of ctindltbins underfoot Iiecanse the eyes and mind are fixed on tbe sea of eaDv.-is ihrad lioMlng untold wonders, the gaudy sideshow hanners, the red and g"ld wagons and above all the tdare of the liands and the happy chatter of the pb-jrure seeking crowds.
In New York the crowds arrive by surface, elevated or subway trains. Other hunrtrels slight from is vis and town cars. Oroups of merry cbildien chap¬ eroned h.v wealthy. indulgent part nts or over-arjlcus niirsee, are assisted from luanrlous llriousines in front of the arehed entrance bv liveried gtotmis. They mingle with the lines of ticket puo'lasers and all flock up the stone steps ef the garden together. Inside they are separated Info the boxes, choice reserved sec¬ tions. or clamber to the cbesper loeaflens high up In the loji galleries.
You know whit the ``back door" of the big sli'w is nut on the road; the feature acts with their (ory hiingaliw tents, the Mg dressing ten's with thfir rows and rows of trunks el.'Se together; dividing canvas walls for privacy: the I'anil top. the horse tents; the prop wsgons, all snro'unded by a sagging side wall n> l more than wsist high but siiftb lent to keep out the . iirinns At the garden the back door might be ths entrsDoe to any waiadiouse, and aside fioui a fluiuing eigbi-shect floated near the disw and I'le few atlai hea lounging near the door keeper, there it nothing to indiiate a ctrens Tlmu-aiids I'.iss on the Fourth .\veiiue ears, or In autos, witliiuji giving the liullding a glance Wore It the canvas city we see on the, trsftle vv iM i.e Ktalb'd In one minute.
Thrti the grated windowa on the Twentysivtli .11.1 Twonty-seventh alreef sides a unlfermrd rmployee may be aeen oiTasb.n.ully, a I' lr fom the animal eagea down stairs is hesrj snd the trumpeting of tlie eloplianls ar-
u'tinllon. but there Is soarcely enough stniosphrn' of the show lot to make the average pislisirian pause In his hurrying along the · d. walk. \ few fry to peek in at liie strange .panta that make the garden their home for several weeks at the afart of the season, iuit
has to i.e at the front entrance where tho loci: lines of ticket htiyera form early e.i h d -
git the real < irv iia siilrlt. "nic Inside it la differsnf. Oeorge Smith, allpenn'endent of the front door, la affable, r uite. e's and 'uisliieas-llke, and with liU corps of tr.ainel tickot takers handlea the autging ir-wds with remarkable tail and speed t'p the ·Itg'it Incline past the brass rails and then I'lru to tile right brings one to the "I.and of Strange ... ' tile side show when on the road. I ew ^ affalde and lelsmalr as always, iuinis-ulately attired in hla ``fown-hall-tonlght" dress suit and silk hat. greets one eonilallr and "'·* how thlnss are "out In fjod's country." 1 ·T eatne from Indiana, and however mm h he
y be accllmatod to life In the "roaring 1 "rlica`* and In the garden, aa well as on the "ud, is the peer of all circus announcers ami ··'ill retalna a kindly thought for the folks out
H'loalerdom. 'itif New York Pity folks don't see Ia>w at his '''' lie la ton much of a grand opera Im¬


Following the crowds that are surging toward the big arena at tba suggestion of A1 White, who flutters around "moving 'em in," as busy

as any old hen with a trcod of ducks, we ooxe


past the draiMTies of the main entrance. The first objects that catch the eye and impress

one are the three immense, massive, specially

presario in the garden. The crowds are ad¬ mitted to his attractions on one general ticket. He dca^sn't have to coax them. They are al¬ ready sold. To see him at Ills best catch him at work some broiling hot summer afternoon on a sandy lot out in .Michigan, in Ills I'alm Bca< h suit and a I'anama hat, his silk shirt open at the throat, or a hankerchief tucked around his collar, hia hands tunned and sunhurned, with a (1st full or yellow paatebo.'irds and the ends of a few crlB[) greenbacks trailing thru his Ungers. When lie leans forward from his high box in front of the Annex, adjusts his sun timhrella at a more protecting angle, fixes his eagle eye <-n some siisreptllile group at tlie edge of a curi¬ ous crowd and begins to extol the wonders lectured on the bellying banners back of him. When be starts the side-show spiel In that jM-iietrating, resonant voice of his, every note vibrating with tense sincerity and overwhelm¬ ing conviction, then is when you want to ``gather in a little closer, neighbors."

tunstructed steel .arenas that tower upward from each of the three ring banks. Covered with strong netting drawn to a peak above, with heavily barred sectional tunnels ready to be rushed into place connecting the cages of the new trained animal acts with the arenas, there is an appearance of perfect security, so far as the spectator is concerned.
But the second iiniircssion is that there is 8 world of grief in store for somebody on the ro.nd this summer. Mickey Graves bss a large and clflcient crew of iiroperty men who moved like clock work in the garden when it came to dismantleir.g the steel set. But im¬ agine a wet night on a muddy lot and a long haul, and this mess of steel grating to be loaded, to say nothing of the cages of priceless trained occiii ants that cannot be replaced, and if Fred Warrell, general superintendent, doesn't add a few more grey hairs to his already fair acciiiiiulation it will be because luck is with liitii all tbe time.

Then is when he tells the natives they are There gws Fred Brandon's whistle as the "standing In their own light, depriving them¬ opening signal and Merle Evans' twenty-elght-

selves of one final heaven-sent op|)ortunlty to I'lete band beads the tableau procession around investigate the marvels of the sea and earth the hi:i[W)drome track. The drum major is

tliat have been brought to their very doors"--if they fall to enter. In language that would make any college professor or orator of ancient r.reece writhe with envy, he depicts in graphic details the delights of investigating the m.vstertous regions beyond the canvas walls and of persi>nally meeting each and every one of this entire congress of curious people. Then it is only the stony hearted yap or the diiige who has spent his last thin dime at a snurk stand who can resist the temptation to go in.

Gisnt George Auger in a flaming uniform that is doubly conspicuous on account of his size. The iingeant is a well selected and gorgeous prelude to two hours and a half of circus en¬ tertainment, the pick of the world of track, ring, stage and aerial acts, at times confusing and bewildering to the spectstor on account of the multitude of Indirld'Jal features, but pre¬ sented in a masterly and orderly fashion that indicates many exjiert guiding hands and a life¬ time arranging experience.

\ genuine novelty and one that has already caused no end of talk and newspaper comment is I,oreIIo, the man with the revolving head, nis neck dislivatlun 1? something marvelous and is performed with ajiparently little effort and none of the grewsorae effects that might easily make an act of the kind objectionable. There is Irene Waldron, an armless phenom¬ enon; liosc Foster, another half lady rivaling Mile. A. Gabrielli; Miss Igiura, a towering giantess; the three brothers Ilohne. "world's fattest trio, ' snd a dozen other new attrac¬ tions secured at least for tlie garden engage¬ ment, ultl.o Some of them may not he taken on the road.
.''haring honors with the human freaks, and in fnct taking the headline position on the An¬ nex MU. is John Daniel, the only genuine gorilla in capitlvity. We were there one morn¬ ing while Jolin was having his picture taken and ho certainly is a contnry cuss. He will make the finest kind of copy for the press boys. The New Y'ork papers have already carried feature stories on his crossing the At¬ lantic as the sole occupant of s steamer sfaterism; how he must have his brandy toddy regul.xrly; his Inrlinntion to undress and go to bed whenever be has company, and a thousand other angles of the doings of this man-formed

With the circus performance in full swing, every box occnpled by wrell-dressed, cultured and attentive spectators, every seat taken in the rows upon rows of reserves, every gallery jammed clear to the top-most section, high up in the girders, the garden makes an impressive showing. The building has never been so bril¬ liantly illnmicated ss this season. The ti<mendous arc lamps and countless rows of mazdas have been supplemented by dozens of flam¬ ing arcs and spotted along each side of the first balconies are clusters of powerful spot¬ lights that accentuate the illumination of th» feature acts. No flag decorations are used this season and none are needed. The garden, gr^iwn gray and dingy thru years of service for all sorts of public gatherings, never looks quite BO gay and festive as when the circus comes to town.
But in spite of the colossal collection of arenic s'tlendurs that the Bingling Brothers spread be¬ fore the metropolitan audiences each season there is something lacking, and the atmosphere of the road shew, the city of canvas, the thrill of the big top, isn't there. The city chap may sit in the same box that a Y'anderbilt or a Gould may have occupied at the horse show, tut he misses a lot that his country consln gets when be squats on tbe blues out in South Bond,

lirute with an almost human brain.

(Continued on page 07)





What sienic artist could paint a scene as heautifni as the ime we saw April IH--the open¬ ing game and the home team (Cincy) winning7
We have been wondering who painted the srent^** in Gritfith's prinluction of "Way Down i:a-<t.`' i:«iio« tally the peaceful rural scenes and the thrilling' snowstorm.
Cm Belgler. scenic artist with the I'atilir.e Ma< I eiin Fb'vers, I' doing tine work according to I dward rinrke I.illey. head of tho comiiany. who ss.'s: `-Tills is Mr. I'.eigler's second year with ns and we are well pb-nsed with his woik" The I'aiiline Macl.ean players are in tbetr eighth month at l-Tber A- Shea's Music Hall. Akron. O.
loseph T'r'tnn. the famous de-lgner of scenery for Flo Zierfeld's Folllc'. will again design the wonderful gardens, rural seenes. pnlaees or wliatever the Follies of Ifi'Jl rails for. No matter what seenes will be nsed, it is safe to say that 'Mr Frhan will iw.xluee something new and fascinating, for hls work in the Follies of Hie past gave evidences of a master artist.
How's this for a roaIi«tie si enie effort? Von glrohclm is sa'd to h:i\c siage-l a tire s. ene In the production `·I'lsdish Wives" at FnI'oisal Filv. Cal., so real ami with su h finesse that two aetors had to retire to the hos;>ltaI to 1h' treated for severe hums. Tlie two mi fortunfltes were "stnnt men." who were to leap from a seventy-foot tower when the tlame« reaehisl s certain point. For some reason the sti etching of a net some five feet from the

ground was delayed and the two aetors were forced to wait, with almost disastrous results. However, when the net wss ready they did not argue about who was to go first. They both went down together. Y'on Stroheim eluinis the phoiographis effect attained was worth a dozen bums.
With all the new theaters going up this spring, with all the builders spending large siiina of money to get the proper scenic sffeets. oven to the ^tallest detail, there Is no reason as far as w4- ran see why the scenic artists should have any leisure time. What little time they have could he very profitably spent and with gratifying results In sending news of their activities to the editor of the Scenic Artists' Colnmn. We have the i-olumn started-- let's keep it going and going strong!

n. Robert Law. scenic artist, was awarded

Judgment In the City Court. NV-w Y'ork, reeeut-

ly, against John Cort in two suits brought for

a total snm of $'.·.'{'1

which was claimed

by the plaintiff for scenery supplied for the Iirodnotions of Cort in recent years. The suits

were the result of Cort's alleged refusal to

pay for scenery designed for "I-'iddlers Three."

··Co-elte." "Flo Flo" and "`Roly Boly Eyes"

inns', si shows pnalnccd hy Cort. (Y'rt pleaded ih.if the Studies held slm-k In the corpora-

tlons identified with the pr.slnclng of the

shows and. for that reason. Cort. as an indi¬

vidual. eonid not he he'd r«'S]ionsfMe f.'r the

money duo the plaintiff for designing the scenery. But the Jury, after hearing the testi¬

mony in the eases, decided that Cort was re¬


TheatricaJ Briefs
A. B. Kaylor, of Appalaebla. Va.. a short time ago purchased the Columbia Theater at Bristol, Tenn.
Harry Cawley, manager of the Colonial The¬ ater, St. Joseph, Mo., was held up recently, and upwards of $,"eT0 taken from him.
F. V. Peterson of Baudette, Minn., recently closed a deal for the purchase of the Loyalty The.iter, International E'alls, Minn.
The Little Theater. 416 .Pike atreet, Seattle, Wash., remains dark, as a result of a con¬ troversy over the sale of the house by Joe Danz.
The motiun picture theater at Pyrites, N. T., owned by Mary Piaane and operated by Frank Sands, was destroyed by fire. The bouse was ins'jrcd for $4,000.
D. J. Shepard is new manager of the Brant¬ ford, a tiig picture house at Newark, N. J. .''hepard foinierly managed the Palace Theater, East OrUDge, N. J.
One of the oldest picture houses in Fniontown. Fa., the Lyric, closed April 2. and work of Mizlng it was begun. \ new theater wilt be erected in place of the old Lyric to occupy both the site of the old one and property adjoin¬ ing.
The Cape Cottage Theater, whleh has long been a summer aniusenient haven near Portland, Me . was pure'i9s>-d hy Elislia Seaman of Port land, from tlie I'ortliind Railroad Company, recently. Seaman owns the theater only, the lard lieing retained liy the Kailrond Company and only leased by him.
y. Real, of Judsonia, .Ark., will assume the management of the Jackson Theater at Hot Springs, Ark., soon. Mr. Beal bought the building a few months ago. but he could not get possession until the lease had expired. He will make aome Improvements in tbe boose at once.
The Orpheum Thea'er, Minneapolis. Minn., has entered tbe ranks of movie houses. The maragement has booked first run ydetures. The lobl-y of the theater haa been renovated and other Improvements will he made as soon as possible. Tbe house housts of a flrst-claas or chectra.
n. J. Donavan, manager of the Puller Opera
House, Madison. Wis., has accepted s tem¬ porary position at the Colonial Theater In Chi¬ cago. During his absence the Opera House will be closed and remodeled. Mr. Donsvan will return to Madison as soon as the work on the theater la completed.
The old Terry Opera Hnnse, Terry, Moot . has been sold by .Alfred Wright to the Ameri¬ can Legion, Prairie Post No. 23. Tbe open house for years was the center of attraction for the community, and Terry's first picture show, established by L. YV, Lamb, was pre¬ sented in this ball.
Tbe A. 4 Q. Amusement Co., headed by Gross A Ecker. has secured a twenty-year lease on the Ijkevlew Theater. Cleveland. 0., from Martin Poloar for a rental said to be approx¬ imately $ for the entire term. The house has a seating rapacity of 1,000 and will be redecorated thruout.
Cearce & Son, who some time ago controlled practically all the downtown movie houses In New Orleans, but were obliged to close on ac¬ count of commercial Infereats obtaining leases to their properties, are said to be reaching ont for many neighborhtMHl housi-s snd will soon have a chain of theaters in that city aa an outlet for films controlled by them.
A. L. Goldman, of I.ynn, Alass , been engaged aa the manager of the Graiilile Theater, Bangor, Me. Goldman is a man of twenty years' exiierience and also a lawyer, hav¬ ing acted as counsel for the Theater Managers' Assoi-iatlon, of Lowell, Mass. The new mana¬ ger will provide for the Graphic patrons a firstclass line of screen entertainment.
Mr. Foy of th» Fny Theaters, Dallas. Tex.. Is somewhat of an advertisirg genius. Judging l.y the way he advertised "The Devil" while showing in one of his theaters. His best stunt was using a street ear dlspla.ving on each side in large, bold letters the words: "Go to the Devil." The niotorman was eosfiimed a la devil.
The management and part of the owmerahip of People's Theater. 5?uperlor. Wis . has changed hands. 'Tlie deal took place .April 1 3'he new ntaiiager is Harver ('. Tlucli:in;in. who lias de¬ voted much of his time to theatrical enter¬ prises in Superior. Mr. Biicpanan bought rait N. T.ePuge. former half owner and manager. Mr. I^ePage's partner, .A. D*uplalse. retains hls interest in the house.
The policy of the Apollo Theater. Atartins bnrg. W. Va.. has been ehanged to feature photoplays or road attraetlons the first three days of the week, and five arts of vaudeville and a feature plefitrc the last. Geroge Ciirr«n Is miis'eal director; H. E. Burns, stage earpenter; H-tward Knnggs. property man; Albert Kearns, flyman; Charles Boyles. ple<-trlclan. The stage crew is union, belonging to the I. .A T. S. E. No. r.oi.
A. R. Thomas, who manages the Pershing and I.yric theaters at Burkburneit, Tex , has pnrehased the Dreamland Theater also in that elty, from Dr. I'armley. Jack Holman will !>· the house manager for the Dreamland, th* policy of which will be flrst-run photoplays
Charles II. Tliomsa. whose success as mana¬ ger of the Dark Theater. In Path N Y'.. has stamped him as a theatrical man of more than ordinary ability, has been offered and has accepted the management of the moving pictors house in DansTlIIe, N. Y., which he will coodiict In connection with the work in Bath.

T ti e Billboard

APRIL 23, 1021


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' «»« Cr«"t *w..




-.o, San Francitca, Calit.

Boat Bare. Cahill Bron., 51!> W 45th, N. T. C. Brlant Spec. Co., 3« E. Georgia. Indlanainilin. Byfleld, Berry Seheel Con.truction Co.. fttOO S.

ilii,2lien Basket Co., I.''i4 NN'. laike st..Cltieago,111.


,, ^

H cVrn.-A C^?15M W. Adam. st .Chlcago. i*S- P- KANE, 311 Parkway Bid,- Philadelahia. Pa.

, wh de or of M-^md line u^ed, or $ji.(ni
:i tour. 'I'ho Itilllioard and two-line name and address, under one lieading, #J4.dO a year.

Chas. A. Ito.vle* A tfon, < olumhta, Ta.

Cook Candy Co.. .134 W. Court nt.. Cincinnati. O.

Ciiiliss C-anily Co., 43:t l·el.lw.lre. Knn. City, Mo.

.N. W. liye Candy 4 o.. 1.;'.'7 Main. Kan. City.Mo.

II. C. Ftans iL < >.. T.'rjv W .\danis nt,. Chleago.

· dllnian Hron., .'Il-tt llenneidn ate. Minneapniin.

firaineri y Choiol.tte Co., TK'4 Walln nt., N.V.C.

i ako<r Itron.. 322 Market. l*liiladel|ihi i. Ha.

Mmnte Miindy Cainly Co., 20<»1 N liet. Milwaukee

A. .f Ki|»p. 41»»

Kanw;iH < itj, M«

W. Nt*M A: ri>.. l!»Jl \lirt. Milwiukro, WlR


I'uritan Choetdate Co.. CT einnati, Ohio.

^ A ILI IT ^ No- 10--13.50 per 100, NNOo..

O A IN b. O r'-»' no pee 100. No. :o-

pet 100. I. Eitenstein A $C1 o5.0. 6p9i5-r B10ro0a. dNwoa.y, N--. $V10. .0C0.

I a




*" i"`» n



Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo. Ohio.


Ailnsia Mere. Supply Co., 179 N. Wella at.. Cblevgo,

K. .4. Dawnon, 4irand Central Halaee, N. Y. City.

F'liir Jr Canil'nl Supply

120 .Mh ave.. NYp'.

Ilenr.v lnip< rting to.. 2<st7 2d ave., Seattle.

IiniHirlern' llraiieh, 11.32 Finn Nat'l Bk. Bldg.

t liieagn.


loe Co . Vb'toria. H C

Oriental Art Ca.. I42<> Walnut St.. Cineinnati. O.


Cook Cand.T Co.. 324 W. Court at., Cineinnati.D.

Fnir .k Carnival Supply Cu . I2« .5th eve.. NTO.

" J

Iliiwart, «17 So. Iteeaernbeo.rrnn .a1t..,, vCubiiee.ago.III.


G1 ii-gegpcftt, ^A M aiyveemm. .\N,w tw Ylo'orrkk C4 tlttyv.



Jahn Engineering Co., 3910 Reisertown Rd.. Biltimfire, Md.
Miller 4 Baker, P. 0. Box 427, Baltimore, Md. O. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. Puhllc Amuse. Co., Box 427. Baltimore, Md. The Spillman Engr. Corp.. No. Tonawanda.N.Y. Sycamore Nov. Co., 132'> Syeamore nt.. Cineinnati
Wm. Bartela <`o., 42 Cortland nt., N Y City. Buffalo Bird Store. B.3 Genesee nt.. Buffalo.N Y. Brown. Snake Fatm, Box 275 Brownnville, 'fev. nint'i Porcupine F'arm. North Waterford, Me, Max Gelaler, 2S Cooper Sq . N. T. C.
nireet Importern and deolern In WILT* ANIMALS, BIRDS AND REPTILES. KANSAS CITY. MO.

Kiudel A4 Graham. 7Ssr5,-S7 Mission., SS.avnn Fran.

Lr.eevin Bros.. Terre Haute. Ir.d

Krauas 4 I'o., 11-13 W. Houston st.. New 5'ork. NV. sPhhuure 4 f» '.. 237 W M.-idiiw'n st.. Chircaacg^o.

K. C. Novelty Mfgrs., 615 E. Sth Kan. City.Mo. ,s'Jiinngger Bros., .S5S3'6i-.5'i.S3S Broadway., New York Ciitt;y.


.4 4 4 4 4 4 4-4-4-4-4.4^ 4 4 4 4 4  4-4 4   4 4 4  4 4 4 4  4h»^ 




X 4


T * J

I.a*<>k anil soo if your line of business Is lisloil in this Hireetory. If not. you are niissinc

  t I 4


a rrally Fireat service by not havinc your name ^4

and address properly elassitiod where your cus- 44

toineJTr,,hseaunsde aolfsi othnisewPiorneeestoeryanisreeaodnitliynefdinmd oysotluy.

 ^ 4 J

H I"'. ' 60 W.vek. 26*3 I oleraln Cincinnati. O.
J. C. Goes Co., Detroit. Mich.
N. Y. T-nt 4 Tarpaulin Co., 388 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn.
Begga Wagon Co.. Kansas City. Mo
Chi'-ago Costume Wks., 1D5 N Franklin, rblctfo.
Il'-'ker Howe C<»stutue C.i.. Haverhill. .Mast
.totors' Ihitd of America, B'wiy-t'lh. N. V C. Actors' Equit.c .*s«n . 11,5 West 47lh at.. N. T .tmatcur fVimedr Club. 1V> East 36th at.. N. Y .Vmirican Arti-tes' Fed.. 14*0 Broadway.N Y C Am,,erican SoYi-olrekty. <if Composers. 56 W. 43lb

Horne'a Zoo Arena. 318 K. 4 P., Kansaa City. 4

W. Odell I-earn 4 C«>., 600 Dolorosa at., San 4

Antonio. Tex.


I-oula Ruhe, 3,51 Bowery. New York City.


"Snake King.'' Brownsville, Tex.


' iMMayy ' ,1

to advertiser.-! who liave sometliitiK to soil to I Asfc.iiatcd Actora qnd .Artiatea ef America.

sliow people. Tb*' I'.ilUtoard is tlie Inisiness pa- I 1440 Broadway, N. T. C.

jier of tlie rntprietors, Manacers. .Apents, Actors I .Author*' Ciwh, Carnegie Hall, N. T.

and Actresses and followers of the show busi-


.Authors' I/cague, 41 I'nton Square. N. T. Burlesque Club, 125 Wear 47th at,, N. Y'.

ANIMALS (Sea Lions)


Capt. Geo. M. YI'Guire, Santa Barbara, Cal. ^



·-- --- 

in i '

This list diroets the buyer to the source of suppl.v. He ean refer tt* the lieadinps almost iuf*tantly to fill bis wants. It is easy for the

T i'horus Equity Assn.. 229 W 51*1. New York. T Catholic Actors' Guild, 2'29 West 40th st., N. Y.
I Colored Theatrical 4 Professional Club, 10 E.
T t2<l Kt.. N. T.
T Colored Vaudeville Bencfldal Assn., 120 W.

ARTinCIAL FLOWERS for All Kinds $Utc Settinf$ *

Natural Plant Presarvert Co., 233 5th Ava., New York. *

Phene: Madieen Square 7597.




Goropean Supply, 60.5 Wylie ave., Pittsburg, Pa. T



Ameli# Grain, 819 Spring Garden at., Pbiladel* 4

pbla. Pa.



I buyer to Hud you and your poods.


These papes show what llie trade is buyinp,


-'j 1'Bt there is still room for other lines of poods

dij' Pflf ' 5' '
* "

'* ·

There are eoncerns that are usinp from one

I0 fifteen headinps. of, your sales arc

increased in proportion to the number of head¬

ings you use.

Ono line, name and address (52 issiiesi, $12.00. Two lines, name and address 152 issues), $21.00.

J noth st., N Y.
T Drama 1-eague of America. 7 E. 42nd at.. N. Y. 5 l*rama .Society, 1.31 Bast 15th st . N. Y. I Ttressing l:«im Club., 2<a* W 1.39lh st.. N. T  Film Players' Club. 1.38 tyest 46th gt.. N. Y*. t Friirs' Club, 110 West 48th at . N. Y. T Green Room Club. 1.39 West 47lh at., N. T.
T Forest Dramatic .Assn.. 2*VO W. 45tb st., N. Y.
t L -A. T. S. E l/ica! .35. 1547 Broadway. N. T. t The Ijmbs. F-'S West 44fh at . N. Y. t The Little Club. 216 West 44th st.. N. T. T M. P. Operators' I/iH-al .30*i, l.'>47 B'way. N. Y, t Miisleal Art b.K-lety, .33 W 44th st.. N. Y.

Brlant Spec. Co., 36 E. Georgia, Indianapolis. T


T Music I.eague of .Amcr'ea. 1 \A' 34lh st., N. T.

A. L. Uti. R alto. Cal.


T Musical Mutual Prot. I'nion. 201 E 8<>th. N Y'.

North Tonawanda Muairal Instrument Works, North Tonawanda, N. Y'.
A. R. Hunkins. Patentee, Mason City, la.

(No two alikr.l IScnd for caulug ) 0O1RIENTAL IMPORTING CO., Seqttle. Wartiingtcn. 

C. W. Parker, Ix'svenworth. Kan.

Music Publishers' Prot. Assn., 56 W. 45lh.N.Y. -- Musical Fniuii, N. Y. Fed., 1'25.3 I-enox ave.,N.T.
Photo Play League of Am., 18.5 Madison aT.,N'.Y The Players, 16 Gramercy I'lrk, N. Y'. Prof'l Women's I.eague, 144 W 55th, N. Y. C. Road Men's Aa<'sriatioD, 076 8th ave., N. Y. Stage Society of N. 5'., 8 West 40tb at., N. T.



Pair 4 t'anilval Supply Co., 12*1 olh ave.. NYO. Stage Women's War Relief, 336 Mh arc., N. T.

E. ·oddltergi-r, 149 WuostiT. .New Y'ork City.

Theat. Il*Trootteecctlvye Union No. 1., 1482 BB''waayy..NN.Y.i.

Fair 4 Carnival Supply Co., 126 5th are., NTO. WABASH BASKET COMPANY, Marion, Indiana. CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW




Dayton Pun-ll.iu*e 4 R D Mfg. Co.. Dayton. O.

Abbot Flag Co., 115 Nassau st.. New York City.

Eagle Regalia 1l^. KK*rraiuust,®11334j

Co., 115 Nasifau st.. N. CClhinntotnois^ts..r^Nwew'VYoorrkk

cCYVit.y*C. *it^y.'




Baker 4 L.e Lwood. 7ih 4 AVysn'te, Kansas City

-J Albert. -320 Market.
MaeB,11A1.,ZutAAHaR-kSet A<N0 D

San Franeiseo. Cat.


S1C6 EPLroEgBr. RsaATPiItOtsNbi_ rg. oSiIw ONisM AIiRrvEtSo'



w WRriITteE FfoORr OoUuRr CcAatTaAlLoOgGuUeE..

Raoul Blala < oneert Bureau. 2'20 W. 42d.N.T.0.
Talbot Mfg. to., 1325 fhestnut at.. Kt. UJutP. Mo.

Cammall Badge Co.. 3'!9 Washington. Boston. Eastern Slates Supply Co.. New Haven. Conn.





695 B''wway tIPheoneas Sprina 8288 and 8045), New York, j j floward. 617 80. Dearb -rn at.. ChlftfO. Ill.

Waiter G.^
Briant 8Spec. COoo.,. 36 E. Gecoirrggia, I.idianapolia. Wm. C. Eck 4 Co.., 125 E 12lh HBtt...CCI:nnccllnnnnaattii,O0. H. O. Evana 4 Co., 1528 W. Adams, Chicago.
Hooker-Howe Coitume Co., Ilaverbil), Mast.
P. O. Sejfang. 1466 Broadway, N. T. O-
(For Exhibition FUght.) Northweftern Balloon Co., 1635 Fullerton, CLgo. TTiompton Br<6. Balloon Co., Aurora, III.
Alro Balloon CotP-. 603 3d ave.. N. T. C. D. O. HIH, 42:{ Delaware at., Kansas City. Mo. Kindel A Graham. 78.',-87 Mission, San Pran. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind TIpp Novelty Co., Tippecanoe Ctty. O. 8p^. 8alea Co.. 1623 Westlake. Seattle. Wash. N Shure Co.. 2.37 241 W. Madison st . Chlcsgo. Singer Broe., 536-.5.38 Broadway, New York City. H. H. Tammtn Co., Denver, Colorado. Vixman 4 I'earlman. 62() Penn ave., nttshurg.
Lodwig A Ludwig, 1614 N. Lincoln at., Chicago.
NertA Tonawanda Mnairal Inatrument Works, Mortk Tonawanda, N. T.



.ve., NYO.


RUDtOLPH TOY 4 NOVD. kCMO..r.f.i,,ki.

508 Market St..

rniiaoeip la. ra.


(For Conccaaiont)

iE'.d'wl".. 11. Condon, 12 I'earl at., Boariiii, Maps.

Miimion Bead Co., l/os Angele-. < .d


_, .,

MDaextPG'iteliIls'tbi -rd!r!.

S^2t8oreC. o2o:|iiel r

Michigan. S|.. N.

Detroit, Y, C.


*I'·e'*t KShDo..pp,. 2..:Lij'L.5 01i$e at.. .SI, l^.uis. Mo.
The Peptoast < 0.. 415 E. 148th, New York City.


Eindt-l 4 Graham, 785 S7 Mission, San Pran. niiDM-r rr*Qic BUKIVI LeUHlN
(Hilcagoq Costume Wka., 116 N. Franklin, Chicago. B R DIUU IIQ4bbIlIN lKIM N FIFt<t& QbtQ CbS O OPD PPPDO O DDH H RRTITTUUIIIIIIN M N MIIIITIl III Ftt<bL4
Talbot Mfg. «<0o., 1325 C('ihne-t-itiiM i'it !.. S'.,. CAI CIIIM I ICUX L<MI.UIUIVI l-iuri I
Erker Brot., 6(el Dlive *i.. .>-1. l/.u s. Mo. Philadelphia Calcinm Light Co.. I'liiEia, Pa. St. L. Calcium Light Co.. 516 Elm st., .84. I/>uls. Twin City Cal. Light Co.. M,nDea|Hilis, Minn.

Atlanta Merc. Supply Co , 179 S'. Wt lla, Chl'go.

rI.^-nisstern Staattees, Supply O(Vo.., New Haven,. Conna


-   ---- ' -- ...

. -. Wm. R. Jobnaon, 72 Columbia, Sealtip, Wafh.

FFA»IlRRTTRRADAI0Nm G GCOC.,0I,HnlCcn.,- e--.ii-'"|!,:',;'"»?w" ''3" a-costumes

silvermre anda L, ampa UtS 5ili . Ave. l>ii-al and `K."Hong Chicago Coatuma Wki., 116 N. Franklin, Cblcai^.

n,,).,,,,,. phoiie. Stiiyveunt 2(f5i77.5. Nie-w 5Y'ork.

Ilarrelson Costume t o.. 9I<>* Masin. Kan. Ct.,. Mo

Kampmann r<'atu. Wka.. S. fligb. Columbut, O.

I'atilns Bros., Inc.

S. Dcsrtiorn st., (5ilcago. I esii r C -.tume Co , Mate l.ake Bldg , Chicago

(i . le City Slut. 4 Doll Co.. I.'IIK Va. st . K.C..M0. Miller, '236 .S. Ilth. I'hilsdelphla. 1*1.

.T. .M. Kells, 331 Manlon ave.. I*rovldence, R. I. Western Costume Co.. !*08 So. Broadway, Lo»

l.eiin Bros.. Terre Haute, Ind.

Angelep. I at.

|Huave wYou 0Seen Our CniHlAa Rr>Msa DfkOMLiLiSss?"
mplc. »iih v»lg. $1 50. Wlllmiit »1«. $1.00. Mutual Doll Co., Inc., 37-43 Grpfiio 8t., New York City.

COSTUMES (Minitrel)
Chicago costume Wks., I16N. Fraoklln, CblctfO.
Ilooker lli we Costume Co.. Haverhill. Mast.


''ca'ilo.'HUnola. " "

IVills, llasketa. niinketa and other Toys.



508 Market 81..

Phlladatphla. Pa.


Jtii`|ol|iii loy .V Nov. (o, .'.10, Market at., I'lilla Billy Mel,ean, 722 TYemonI st., QdlveatiXI, TCI-

<lcl|iliia. I a.

.Minnesota Statuary Co., 1213 WaabIngtoD ave.,

-S., MinneapoIIp, Minn.

SSIIL LV VE ER RW WA AR RE E -riiPin noi f^-

aa'rdd Manicure SS-,tsi for the VVIwu--o«l|. OG Bit. W. WAYNE

VwUrlU UV.fUl.d


at 37lh .8L. New York City,

J. ALISTO MFG. CO.. 1446 Walaut 8«.. ClaalaMtt. P.

*T*'.· II. S8:tianni|cy. IDk-]I 1I'`rraallrle., Ir'rroovvllddeenncce,. R. I ."'linger BBrr..««.. .-32.316 .5.18 Broasdwavy. New York City.
SStandard Wlhiilp CCoo., Wi-stlleld., .M5faaa.
;,4 Vi-.r Bros, c.i, , 7;,4 s l.o* .Vi,- , l,.>os Angelea.
Ye Towne Gossip, 1412 I'owell, satnn Fran., Lnl.
/C^*AArR»So /(rR». rR» .)\
HIlbouston R. R. Car Co.. Box 5.56, DoutloD, Tex. SBoouutthheermn Iron 4 E<|uuiippmmccDnt Co., Atlanta, Ga.





Baker 4 loM-kwood, 7lh Wyandotte. Kan Citr

Chieugo Flag Deco. (\>., 132.5 S Wabash. Ch'go

The Ib-me Deco. Co.. .53.3 S. Wahash. Chlcar*-

Papier Mach* Art Bbop. 3443 8. Hill. Lot An-

geirs. Cal.

Sllvrr'a Decorating Co., Box 57, Newport, N. J.

APRIL 23, 1921

e B


dolls and teddy bears

^ air Sc Carnival Siipplr C»>..

.Mh avr., N. T. irihur Hopkina, nymouth Theater. S. Y. City. V, G. Lemaafer. Secy.-Treaa, 107 W. iOth.N.Y.

tiluHia Merc. Supply C'o-i 17!> N. Wrila, I'hl'KO. I (· l-^ans A- <«., 1V."J W. Ailama at , 'hlcaeo.


. .\<|o|ph Klaubcr. 110 W. -IJi at.. .N. Y. City Marc Kliiw. li.",l Broaiway, N. Y. O.

Jap. Lemke. Org. Sc Claim Depth., 107 \V. iotii. New York City.

lair A l arnlval Supply Co . I, .;..Mtirr(!rr lO
r»05 Mark«»t st.. I hlla<)elptiU, T a.

Paloiil applinl RUDOLPH TOY & NOV. CO., M-niy Miller. Henry Miller Theater. N. Y. C. Chaa. C. Shay, I'res., 107 W. 46th, N. Y. City

50* Market St., Philadelphia. Pa.

`iliver Morosi'o, Monaeo Theater. N. Y. City. Henry W. Savage, Cohan A Harrih Theater,?*'.Y.O


kiMlrliV tlrahnni,

N7 Miwion, San Fran<`i«po.

li'un Hr..a . Trrra lUuto. Ini

nni I «ACK5

Selv.yn & Co.. Selwyn Theater New York City. M. Schacmbh. 612 Metropolitan «v .Brooklyn.XY & J. J .'^hubert, Shub^rt Theater. N. T. 0.


/ ·

M i Wrat Hair Ihill Factory, 620 E. 81h, Kan- Hm. C li' k. r_*.*» K. rjth at., f'inr-innati O. Ki«*b;ir«l W.ilton Tiilly, 14^'J Hroadway, N. T. C,

aaa ·'ity Mo.

f"**' * Carnival Supply Co.. 12*; -Mh avo.. NYC. Weniell I'billlpa Drelge, 110 W. 42n<l at., N.Y.O.




(W ,, )

ivrfc'tlon'lloll Co., llii Cambrirtyr arc., Chi- Spillman Kncr Corp., .North -S. Y. \ 1111. \vVv.<HhKkJJ>s. ll.iltt'.riiieget TThheeaatteerr. .XN. Y1. C Uittyr.

AClacpoitaClonCeonCe oC.,o.4, 820*».'NS . 2BI-thronatt,.. M Saeemrapmhiesn, tof.Celairl

<5initrr'Hr'>a.. MB-MS Broadway, New York City. I S. Tent-Awn. lo.. 2.t* .N, lA-aplainea, Chi Ro.

Ameriean. .\ Dale, critic; John Mar^Iahon,

DRUMS (Snare and Bass)
Barry Drum Nffg. Co.. .3426 Market st., rhila.Ta. I.uchvig Si I.udwig. 1*114 .N. IjD'-oln .et., Chicago.

OCoiook Caanndiy Co., 3322-44 \WV. Court Sat.., Cineinnati. <*. Perfection Cone St C. Co., 285 J«y.Brooklyn.N.3'.

Mlsh'a .Mere. .Supply fo.. I'tl N. Wells, Chi'go. 'f.v,li,«..'a> lHlrr''hh AA <<oo.. 77II>*44 W W M Maaiinn.. IIxxiiuuii-^<vvlmllee.. .I ^irrnnii^vBili «Svi F* ia»»i»r Poll Co.. 1816 S Keiile_ . Ch_ i'go.



ir OU/nlQ


_C » --

rj I · Se per Mil! MaratMu Mnnilir hoop suk Or»»»»v. *40.OC
mUllflll P«r 100 A. CORENSON.
---- Loti Aaijeclea. Calitornmta

«lr.amatie eiitur, 2;:S William st.. N. Y. City. «Call. `lo'"ulihs o(loorrniy. 1i1i2j rFoouurrtthh aavvee.... N.> Yi .. Ct ity. 8oNmomwerr1iaorIW MC'ilalyi . 11. Z. T-rr.s. .38 Dark Row,
Ih'ily .News Uecri. Kelrey Allen. Hotel Her-
rnitjge. Times Square, New York C'ty. J .nrtial of Commerce. Frank T. I'ope, 140.3
IHtrnc.cauicllwwaayy., New York City.

Regers Drum Head * 0.. Farmingdalc, N. J.
J. S. Mead Mfg., 4 W. Canal. Cineinnati, It.
Maurice I^evy, l:i<t .\twcxid st., Fittsburg, Fa.

W. II. Barten, Gordon, Neb.
II Pine St.. New York City. Weather, Liability. Fire. Marine and Hpetdal Forms.

News lllluatrateil. Miss McEIliott, 23 City


Hallaa I>"11 Mfg. Co., 22I814 .Main, Pillaa. Tei.

Hall Flare. New York City.


" Sun oni .New 1 ork Herali, I.awrenee Reamer. Ccobaass., .N>eeww-tifoenn., o3*-*s0, W weesstt 1i..i3ttnh aatt,,,, .N>.. Yi.. CCiittyy..

Dazian's Theatrieal Emp., 142 W. 44. N. Y. C.


I^CVA/DIP rvc-vwric.

t XA/ir^S wwiVca.J

ROBT. DAVISON. 600 Blue lllind Ave., Chiraae.

Iicll.-rift < <. cef Am.. 110 Ac adeiii}. N. w.irk N .I.

KaMprn Stttoa


r.ihraliar Doll Co . 6.3 NfaiUon st .NYwark.N.J.

critic : jehn I/tcgan. dramatic e<litor, 2S0
It way. New York City, Times. Aleiacder Woolleott. crlfir; George S.
Raufman, dramatie ec|iic>r. 217 Weet 43(j
. .New Yccrk City. Tr biine. Heyw.Hci R,. Min, rpjtlr.
TrlrKrtrb. Hpnnr.M Wolf. Ei(fhlh are. Ani 60tb ,, Vew lork City.

I nited Fain* Risking .\asoeiation. 402-3-4-5.6 'jarii-k Theater F.Idz.. *'4 W. Randolph at., c< hhiiiittig -. III.
F. t,. Gilbert. F. B 1113.3 S. Irving at., Chicago,

* Carnival Supply Co., 126 5tchhia-vage.o, , NHYIO. . Ia>vin Bros.., Terre Haute. Iml N. Shure Co.. 2;:7-'241 W. Madison at.. < hieago. Singer Bros., 536-5.'t8 Broadway, New York City.

H H.ihk»*t I'n., I.k4 \N. lask**

' ^



IA8 P KANE. 311 Parkway* Bids.. Philadelphia. Ps.

V K as ""·T Belmmt ave.. Clileafo. HI. Ml h l.ubv Doll Co.. `2721 Rivard at.. Detroit. ' _____
Simple with wli. *1.50. Wltliout wig. $1.00. Mubtuiall Doll C«o.., lac.. 37-43 Greene 81., New York City.

K. C. Novelty Mftra.. <;i.3 K. 8th. Kan. City.Mo.

The National Toy Mfg. Co., 415 Market, I'hlla.

Faelfle Coaft Statuary Co., Ijo* .Angeles, Cal.

- - -- --




Bunrij'iy''nni*i"rn"` Ti'} Jl'enrv'Street'^^New^Yark


rriti**; <^iiinn


dramatic iditor. Pulit/f'r Hldjj , N. V. City.

yyoorrkk rrvveenniinngg ffaaffeerr..''??

Daily Women's Wear. Keleey Allen. Hotel Hermitage. Times S.piare. New York City.
Evening l ost. J. Ranken Tnwse. rr:tir; Chas. D. .lawyer, dramatic editor. 20 Vesey st., New York City.

Evening Telegram. Robert Gilbert Welch, Herald Scipuiare. New York City.
Evening Globe. Kenneth MaeGowan. eritlc; Mlsa Allison Smith, dramatic editor, 7-3 I%y at.. New Y'ork City.
Erenlng Journal. C. F. Zlttel. 1482 Broadway, New York City.


I^'oning World, * harles D.nrnt-n. <-ri*ie; Bide Dudley, dramatic editor: Fulitzer Bldg., New

III. Di-\Viit fisters. `Irand F.lvd. & E. Prairie ATC.,
F.altlc Creek. Mi* h.
W. P. Shaw, 115 Ditmaa ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
(Manufacturer?. Dealers in and Rental Bureaus) A. Luther Chocklett. Roanoke, Va.
.American-Tta'iau F*'*w rka Co.. Dunbar, Pa. N. R. Barmilia Fireworks Mfg. Co., New
Roohelle. N, Y'. Fireworks Co., 127 N. Dcar-
li'irn st., Chicago, III. Gordi'n Fireworks Co.. 100 N. .8tatc at.. Chieago. Hilt Firevv* rks Co.. .32'.`4 37th ave., .'cattle. Illinois F-ren..-ks Display Co.. Danyllle, Ill. Imperial Firen-orks Co. of Amerh-a, Inc., Bo*
*>12. Sebene< tj'l.y. N. Y. international Fireworks Co., main «-(Iii-c Jr. Sq.

Su.'f.uvors to Siegman * Weil. 18 and 20 East 27th St.. New York City.
Vantus Bros., In*-., .323 Dearb<irn st.. Chicago.
Fair & Carnival Supply Co.. 1`26 r>fh ave.. NYC. Florence Art Co.. 28<io 2Ut st., San Frati'-isio. Kindel & Graham, 78.3 87 Mission, San Francisco.
riecht. Cohen & Co.. 201 W. Madison, Chicago .To.s. Hagii Co., 3110 W. Mailison, Cbieago. HI. N. .8hure Co., 2.37 241 W Mailison st.. Chh'ago. ilinger Bros., 53*>-538 Broadway, New York City.
Kindel Sc Graham, 78.3-87 Mission, San Fran. , Asspe .
(Delia and NoTelty* Atlasla Merc. Supply co.. 17!» X. Wells, «_'hl*go.

Republic D'dHl 4& TTooy ('oorrpp.., 1l--i322 W YYoooosatteerr., N,. YY'.,
FOR BEST DOLLS CGET^ININ***T*OT0UU**CVHh*"wW**rT!H D RKec,.lllii:aa.kboU llee nDu»ooIilIm lUhonou.u..ssAee 1'c2CH42hlcicSAeadGgooow,!i'c^kLillS^lt.;..



^J.*''*'*'"!!'' ^


. v

Chicago Herald and Ejaminer. Ashton ^tcyfns. DV; W. Washington at., Chi-ago.

The Chicago Daily JoUrn-al, D. 1.. Hall. 15 S.

Bldg.. Summit .\ve. st.-iii>*n. .D-rsey City. N.
J.; Br. Offi.-e, to Park Fla.-e. New York City.
THE INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS CO.. H*nr» Bottlert. Pr»sident. Established is>" Selentlfi*Manufacturers of Py's>ieo+vil<4 Noyelticd. kOb-sOK Consress St., Schenectady, New Yoik.

.. j

n-.j i? v r.

.> r-ki....,,. m

"'`J'*' ''

' f Virago. III.


B.>nton Bag to.. 76 Dorrsn* e. Fr<*vidence. B. I.
,LEr-A A-TwHLiEtrRrs Aa NeiiD-v AaiLUiiM sjiIaNiUiisMs

Muir .Art Co., .306 W. M.i'lison st . ('hieago, HI.

Beiiittful. low prlifd. Meany styyllrrat and sizzeeA*
1172 South Mala Street. Fall RWor, Maiaaohuiettt.

dolls (Unbreaksble^ 16 IN.

Silk raetM rod

dresses: curU on «U.. *14.50

doz. Royal Wi| 1 Doll Ca.. 103 Greene 8t., N. Y. C.

M. Shapir* . 418 Market nt., Fhlladelphia, Fa. S'Dger Itri'S., 3".6-.3;i8 Broadway, N Y' C. .8. K. X.ivelty Co., ,391 Watkins. Brooklyn.X.Y*. r. S. Trot 4 A. Oo., 231 Deiplalnea. Chicago. _I_[_ IIUODCtIfkDI r nni I C J5e platn. 50c with hair. UNdKcAbAdLC dolls f-p,a,i;r than PIsster Dolls, Write for eiUlo*. FNGER DOLL 4 TOT CO.. 509-11 Pe-ond Are., Mllw-aukee, Wli
Vixman 4 Fearlman. 620 Penn ave.. Pittsburg. Western Doll 4 Toy Mfg. O., Los -Angelea, Cal. M. B. Young, 126 Market, St. I/>nis. Mo.

$5.00 asr Hundred.

/ilndel 4 Graham. 78.3 87 Mieslnn, Svri Fran.
Solielk RlOicbbonC, wDith CFoancy153BraUindhs,ilt*180t 00 Nperwr a1r0k0, NSainJ Pie. iPe. C. D. Co.. 153 Unlan 8t.. Newark. N. J.

Thc*fhicaVo'Dai'ly*^Ncvvs. Amy l-eslle. 15 5th
ave.. North. Chloago. The Chicago Evening Feat, Charles Collins, 13
Market *t., Chicago.

^he Chicagi Evening American, 'The Optimist,'*

'V. Madison at.. Chicago,

BDSTOX MOBXIX*; FAI ERSBoston F*>st. Edward II. <'r<'sbr. B'>ston. Maes,

B*>ston Herald, I hilio Hale. BosPm.'Masa.


_ ,

.w- - t

i, . vi

h«tt«r>ne Lyons. IV.s*on. Mass. Boston .American. Ired J. Molsaac. B-ist- n, Mass.

B>`*tou Be<'ord. F. H, Ciis-iman. B >!»toD. Mss*. Ih.ston Transcript. H. T. l aiker. Boston. Mass.

BOSTON MOBXING .WD EVENING FAFERS Boston Globe. Charles Howard, B ston. Mass.

BOSTON MORN IN*; and SCNDAY FA FEUS Boston Advcrtlaer, E'red J. Harkins, Bostin,



The American. Mice I/vulse Mall*vy. Baltimore, 3Id.
The Sun (no one especially assigned to dramatic criticism), Baltimore, Maryland.


Tlie Evening Sun, John Oldmlxon Lambdin. Bal timore, Md.
The News. Norman (^lark, Baltimore. Md. The Star, Miss May Irene Coppinger, Baltimore,
Md. -.A'TTLL.A.ANNTTIICC CCIITTYY ((NV. JJ..)l M .MOHRR.NMI.NXGG P1 AAPEERR.HS <jazette-Ueview. Arthur G. Walker, Atlantic
City. N. J.
ID>aail`yilP?rie'riV s, W wiinll Cassteboom,. Jr.,. Atlantic Cciittyy.,

Martin's Fireworks. Fi'rt D*s!ge. la. Newton Fireworks Co.. 2-3 N. Dearborn, (Tiicago. N. A. Fireworks Co.. State-Lake BMg., ('hieago. Pain's Manhattan B'h Flrew ks. IS Pk. P1.,N.Y'. Pittsburgh Firewvrks Co., New Castle, Pa. Potts Fireworks Display Co., Franklin Park,Ill. Schenectady Fireworks Co., behenectady, N. Y'. Thearle-Dutficld Fireworks Display Co., .'!*j ,8,
.'tate st., Chicago, HI. I'nexcelled Mfg. Co.. 22 Park PL, N. T. O. M. Wagner Displays. -34 Park 13ace, N. Y.
.Abbot Flag Co.. 115 Nassau st.. N. Y*. City. .\>-ina Flag 4 Banner Co., Inc., 125 E. 23dN.Y'.C. .Amerii-an Hag Mfg. Co.. Easton. Fa. C. L. Liudh. Inc., .312 N. 9th. Philadelphia, Fa.
.Annin t Co., 99 Fulton st.. New Y'ork City.
(Trade Wrinkles & Secret Proceaaes)
S5. &Si n. Mf.g., Laboratories,. Boylston Bldg., Ccm hi¬cago. HI.
\\"h`''tou"4 Co.. New Bedford, Mass.. tJ. 8. A.
Ira Barnett, 61 Beckman, New York. L. V n F-r. -... Terre ILiute. Ind. C. .1. M .Nally. 21 -Ann st.. New York.l
Y . Mercantile Trading Co.. D'.7 t'anal.N.Y'.C. shure A Co . 237 W. Ma*1is<'n st.. Chieago. .s,nger Bn-s., 536-5.38 Broadway, New York CDy. M Sttaannddaarrdd FFeenn CCoo,,.. EEvvaannssvviillllee. Iinndd..

J. Frankel, 224 North AA'ells st , Chicago, HI. Little Wonder Light ('*> . Terre Haute, Ind. C. Hupi-kert, 2IOO N. L.arrahee. Chicago. Fnlversal Motor I o.. Oshkosh. Wis, Waxham Light Co., H 1.3. .'t.'kY W. 12nd, N. Y. J. T. Win.lliorst & Co., 106 N 1.3th, 8t. Louis.
Eagle Post Card Co., 441 F.roatlway, N. Y. City.
Arthur P. Felsman. .32.34 Harrison. Chicago. Chicago .Alagic Co.. I4*> S. Dearborn et., Chic'go. B. L. Gilbert. B B 111-35 S. Irving at., Cbh-ago,
HI. Thayer Magic Mfg. Co., 334 S. San Pedro ·*.,
L'S Angeles, Cal.
S. S. Adams. Asbury Park, N. J.
.Tos. H.ign Co.. .3*>6 W Madison st., Chicago, III. Singer Bros., .336-538 Broadway, New York City.

Jas. Bailey ('o., *W)6 Blue ls'an*l ave.. Chieago.


Beache's Wonder Remedy Co.. Columbia, S. C. DeA'ore Mfg. Co.. 274 S. High. Columhiit. Ohio, Indian Herb Drug Co., Spartanburg, S. Carolina. The Quaker Herb Co.. Cincinnati. 0 3T'hhee SSuutttteerr CChheem miiecaall CCoo..,. AAllttoooonnaa,. Fa.



Ferris. Ill. High Point.



silk Dr.-sseo, Fur Trimmed. Pomethin* new. HUGHES BASKET CO.. 154 W. Lake 8t.. Chirapo, III.
)3o«er«. silks and Tlbt)ous L'west rrIcvA S. KIRSHBAUM. IAS Filth Ave.. - New York.

K. C. Novoliy Alfzrs.. 61.3 K. 8tli. Ran. ('ity..Mo.
the doll DRESS WITH THE FLASH, *5. $«. $7. *· and *10 per 100. Siuctal price In larger iiuanlitlxi. STBJLK A I.IV.ACDAIS. S'.'.'S Dumalne SL. New Orleans, lx>ulslauB

CREPE P/TpER marabou dresses

A. K0S8.

2819-27 Balmont Ava.. Chlrapa.

------^ I rger D* II A Toy po.. .Mil* 2d av., Milwaukee.AA'ls

^'rkiLirhC'D rx/M t
van-) e . - Drr^S)f. JS.OO per too. aswirte.l.

Iv. C. Niivelly Mfgri.. *'>15 E. Slh, Kan, City.'lo.

N. J. NEW H.AVBN ((TiNN.) F.VENI.VG FAPEBs Tlmea-I^tader. C. W. Pickett, New Haven. Conn. Journal Courier, .Arthur J. .sioane. New Haven
v »· . AIJAAANNYY (N. Y.) MORNING PP..AiFI EERRS The .Arguuos,. Wra. 11. Ilatxll. 41 Chestnut st.., .Albany. N. V. Knickerbocker Press, -Miss MyrcttA Chatham, IS Beaver. .Albany, N'. Y.
'rimes I'nion, Miss .Alarle .A. Myers, 10 Magnolia Ti'rrace, .Albany, X, Y'.
vNiEW vv iHiAvaVfEXS .Ui''ODN NV N a) AMIDORRNNING F.A.FERS The Register, Dramatic Editors, Frank H. Smith
mid Stanley J. tJarvey, New Haven. r<'nn.
washingivn morning f.afers 'flip Fort. Frank F. Marse. Post Bldg., Wash-
ingli'ii, D. C. 3'*'e Herald. Earle Dorsey. AVashIngton. D. C.
WAhHIXGTDX EVENING PAPERS Philander Johnson, IKH) Penn, ate.,
AVashIngton. D. ('.

rzz.dl Corp., 2 Rector st.. New York City.


FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS tv. f. Mangels Co.. Coney Isl.ind, N. Y'.

l air A Carnival Supply Co.. F26 5th ave., NYO. C. W. Parker. Leavenworth. Kan.

Lints .Amusement Co., .398 ElIiCiMt. Buff.llo.N.Y.

The Spillman Engr. Corp.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y.

FOR STAGE AND PRIVATE USE ^Afex'can Diamond Impf. (D .D'. Cruces.NM

Wm. Birns, 103 \\\ 37th st.. New York.




I'-iyt-sn Fun-Ilouse 4 K. D Mfg. ('o.. nayton. O. YVm. C. Eok 4 Co.. 125 E. 12th st., Fincinnati.O.
11. C. Evans 4 Co . 1.322 \A Adams st.. Chicago,

r. F. Kay. 326 5th ave . New York City
Chas. L. Ia>wi9. 4'29 Uichmond st., Cincinnati. O.

Bright l ight Mantle <'* rp . 147 1.31 B.ixter.N.Y".

Bayner. Dalheim 4 Co . 2^34 AV Lake. Chicago, H. S. Talbott 4 V'o.. 2.i.;l Fl-urney, Chieago.

Waxh.ini Light Co . It 1.3 - ui AV. 42d st.. N.Y.
Crystal Gazing Sup. Co., Sta B. Kan. C., ilo.

Carl Fiacher, .'iG Cooper Sduore. N A'. City.

Forster Musir Fuh.,

Knd Bldg . Chicago.

Williams 4 Flnm. loop Hud BMg . Chicago. Ill.


B. n. .Mayland, 54 Willoughby. Brooklyn, N. Y.


-The I'inies, Harry C. Ixinghorst, -Muasey Bldg.,


AA'rlte for prli-ep. A. KDSS. 2819-2827 Belniont
Areiiiie. ftihago_


K C NovbIW Maniltirllirarc

F ***' street.

n. b. llOteiiy MinUTiClUr6(S Kanvaa City, Mo.


$1^.00 p«*r hut>ilr«'il. ln»i«»*tt*'A|

MI'l»e» AWAattvrrtdl HlUaiir, |*;2:..330 atnudt $*2.75 ilum-rt rpoouunnd.

;IM 3°P"OTRTEE0D cCUuRrLlyY m MOoHhAaIiRr w WIiGgsS, with Veilllst.,

Wimlir v Ames. Little Theater N Y. City, An.lcrs..n A AVeber. I.nnga. re rheater. N. Y.


riit»jtrr, N*'\v


AWAiTirH.^'.iaimu .AA. Bnrr..tvdi>lj. IM 'l.nvyhooiunsne'. N .Nio'ww- W Yoirk City.

v;;,,Ks) |Blrrii>>aaddhlniirst. Bro.ulhiirst Theater. X. T, C.

Ir' KUnyv CC..-mm-te.eekk. Friu.ess Theater. N Y City.

H. LAUBER. 9 E. Court St.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
(Makeup Boxes. Cold Cream, Etc.) I-Vonomy Faint Stiek Co.. 2.3,3 E. 5(*lh N. Y. O. ZailderBros . Die, 113 AV 48th st.. N. Y. City.
Singer Bros , .336 .3:18 Broadway. New York City.

A. Brauneiss, 1012 Napier ave., Kirbmond mil, N, Y.
(Automatic 4 Hand Played)
^ADI C I C ^ U C D Ilea.luuarters for L/MitL. r l3wriC.rv| i^erything in Mu¬ sic. We apeelallze In Drummers' OutSta 45-54 Cooper Square. New York.

Mm Civ.i'VI!'. J" '


^iV.^^^ra.*'cV M.jJu?."''""-

'' _



a.Novelty lamia. Write for Catahu*L MELTZER CO.. 21* B*. OMrbdni 8t.. CMrdl*.

Mill v orl 1476 Ur...i.lvv av. New A rk City.

A . Bi^iuger. New Ams,er,lam Theater,N A .C. II II. I'rari-e, 1141 Broadvv.iy. N, Y. ( ily. _

Goel/i I'luat, Enterprises. 1482 B'vvay. N.Y.L'. Morris Gist. * . ntiiry Tlii-.vt.-r. N. A. City

liXA John *!olden. Hudson Theater Bldg., X. Y. C.

Anluir Hanimersti-in,

\V. 40th st . X. T. C.

AVlIlalm lUrrls Jr. Hud»*'n

· C.

Alf Hayman. Lmplrc Theater, New York City.

Victor inventions Co., Portland. Ore.
Spillman Etigr. ('>irp.. Nertli I'onawanda. N. A'.
I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. OPERATORS
Film Flayers' Club. 1.38 W. 46tli st.. New York. Tboi. F. Gamble. 110 W. loth it.. New York.

Jenkins .Muslo Co., 101.3 AA'alnut. Kan. City. Mo.

 rrn ii7*ii9 w. aeth street,



In the Heart el the Theatrieal District._

(Continued on page 50)


T li e Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921


Tlrsdshaw Co. i'.fj Creciiwich at.. N Y. City. W. H. H. P. No. 3, .\rn:'ah"C, Neb.

Sicking Mfg. Co., 1331 I'rccinan are., Cin'tl, O.

Robert Dlekle, 4.V> W. Kith, .N'ew Y'ork City.

*»hio I'eprern '. Ity.i'h Crty. t>

Bayless Bros, .k C.. 7oi W. M.lin, liOUiBTlIle. THEATRICAL COSTUME SUPPLIES

(Ccutlnucd from page 40)

J. G. I'eppard Seed Co.. 1101 W sth. K. C .Mo.

.`^hoiwell Mfg. «'> .

W .\ilams, Ch I'agv.

I'.iimiK Br.'S . Ire . r.'J3 S Ii.arlvorn st.. Cli'cago. C. llemicr, ;i'3 .N. .'itli St.. I'liiliidelphla, Pit.

Chi<ugo Coetiime Wks., 116 N. Franklin, Chicago. Dar.lan'a Theatrical Kmp., 142 W. 41th. N.Y',0.

(> imji ;n»T A<fv«Tti5ing Co.. 7J9 7th avp..N.V.O.

Ji. It. W 7.

. . - ..I i

B' X <j»s. (I,,j .Neb.

I...Tig  i;<76 High a- . .'i'lringftoM, O.

"Sr.ike Kii'g  Itr .w n-'\ ilic Tex



Ohio Popeom Co., Beach City, O.


I.rc Bro*.. 145a E. S.Td st.. New York.
.\.vwfn Toy fi Not. Corj'.. 4;t4 Broadway, N.T.C. Boarolman & Co.. A. C.. i*A 5th ave.. N. T.

I'ratt M.I. h:i;i' l o. 3 Hi-*.-. :! >t.. J^iict, Ill. Tallait .Mfg. C".. 133."i Clnslniit ><1., St. I.ooic,
POPCORN SPECIALTIES MFRS. I'opcorn Cn., I'.aG Gcar.v si . I'ran-

S N A K E^iTTn G~
.Vrn>w Novelty Co., K)H E. 16lli st,, N. Y'. City.

Erncat Chandler. 32 Reekman at., S. Y'. City. Chas. A. Soliabury, 61 Ann at.. New York.
Harold Roaslter Music Co., .331 W. Maditoo at., Chlrago, Ill.

I ifo.

FRATERNITY AND ARMY PILLOWS Flash}', tidily MnbroldfTrii. Kratomlty. $2100 dntmi;





Burnt Leather Goods.





Army, IIR.OO dr.tdi. BOCLEIN ARI) L.\CE EMB. CO., Dft>C C.. Wrat New York. New Jerse}-.

i - .In as" n\i*!* Ill


Kovritirs Sweet bra» bavkitv and Giati Noveltiiv Ktandard Slide Cor;>., 309 W 48th at . N. Y. C.




Fantua Broa.. Inc., 6'J5 S. Dearborn at., Chicag-',



Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte at., Kan- Tramill Portable .'^kating Itink Co 1333 Agnes

Ms City, Mo.

et.. Kansas City. Mo.


J.'hn Brunton Studios. j30 W. 4l8t it., N. Y. C.

Joa. Ilagn Co., 300 W. Yladiaon, Chicago, III, Karr & Auerbach, 415 Market. lliiUde'.phia. I'a.


It Frankil. .30 E 3iit;i st . New York. J. a Ilagn Co . .;oii W Chicago, Ill.

Ansell Ticket Co., T3i) N. Franklin, Chicago. Elliott Ticket Co . 1619 .vaDS<im, I'hila., I'a

Harry Kelner A Son., 36 Bowery, New York.

Daydark Spec. Co., Daydark Bldg., St- I^ouli. .'ijnger Bros., .>36.5.',a Broadway, New Y'ork City. Globe Ticket Co., 113 N. 13th at.. I'hila., Fa.

liCTln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Nickel Merc. Co., 813 N. Broadway, St. Douia. Al, Shapiro, 418 Market, rhiladel{>bia, I'a. N. Shure Co., 2.'17'341 W. Madiaiin at.. Chicago. Singer Broa.. 536-538 Broadway, New York City. Zorn Novelty Co , ·'>34 .Market at., I'hila., I'a.
W, G. Bretrfield, 13'i7 Itroail^wa.v, N. Y. C. Chicago C<«tiime Wka.. 116 N. Franklin, Chicago.

 Iross, Onard Co.. 333 K. 33.1 New York City. I'h' to A Art !'»l:ll Card Co. 444 B'way.N. Y.C. I'hoio-Roto, KM Olh avc.. New 4.ok City.



Paydark Si-vialty 1 <

iMytlsiik BMp., St.


I..igle Souvenir Co., 411 Broadway, .v.


.Vrthur B. .\lhcrCs Co.. 7 Fulton st . B'ooklyn. Chicago Costume Wka., 116 N. Franklin, Chicago.


Arthur B. Albertis Co.. 7 I'ulton at . Brooklyn W. G. Bretzfleld Co.. 1367 Broadway. N Y' C Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin, Cblcsgo. Daztan's Theatrical Emp., 142 W. 44t3}. tt. Y. C
Sueresvers to Slegman A Well. ·

Singer Bros., .i36-.'>'|S Broadway. N V C

Boston Radge Co., 3.ta Wash. el.. Boston. Miis.s.
Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin, Chicago.

Chair Exchange, A Vine ati.. ITiila., I'a.


C. B. Flood, 7830 Decker ave.. ('leveland, O.

Eagle Ucgalia Co . ll.'i NassMii st. N \ C'fy.

i''Uci'eft,sors to .^leCTnan A Wfil. 18 and 20 East 27th St.. Naw York Ctty.
J. n. Clancy, 100 W. Belden. Syracuse, N. Y'.

18 and 20 Catt 27lh St.. N*w Vark City.
E. Goldberger, 1(9 Wo,.eter. New Y'ork City Singei Bro« , .536-538 Broadway, New York City.


RINGS, BROOCHES, SCARF PINS, Jacob A Josef Kohn. Inc., 'J.'i 37 W'. 33nd st., Eagle Rubber Co., Ashhmd, Ohio.

American Fruit I'rodiieta Co., .New Haven, Conn. Charlea Orangeade Co.. Mad.son at., Kostner,
Chicago. III.
CTiaa. T. Morrissey Co., 4417 Yfadlaon, Chicago.

Jos. Ilagn Co.. .300-i'.is; W Madia..n st . C'licago.

N. y. C., iin.l 1414 It"- S Waba-b are..Chi'go.
Arthur It .Miiert.a Co . 7 15)1100, Brooklyn.N Y.

Karr Sc .Auerbach, 415 Market, Philadelphia. Pa. Novelty Sales Co.. Tribune Annex, M'nneapolit. Rex Rubber 4 N-'V. tV., The House of BalhMins,
96 W.irren st . New Y .rk.

Orange Powder, $3.90 for AO-Gallon Can. H. LAUBER, . S E. Court St., Cincinnati, Ohio

l>uu.TM*«nn I.ith*'prni'h

Niwnrt Kv.



C.sik Candy Co., 334 W. Court st.. Cin<innati. O.

P^ lay .<lage Tight. C ... 314 W. 44lh. N. Y. C.

Clifton U. Isaacs. Dio W. 4.5th st.. N.


KIhgl Bros.. 340 W. r»0th st.. New Y'ork City.

Chas. Newton, 306 West 15th st.. N. Y. City.

C. H. Rosa, 136 E. Washington, IndianapoIls.Ind. M. Shapiro, 41S Market, Philadelphia, i'a. N. Shure A C<' . '317 W' Madiaon st., CfairsfO. Singer Bros., 636.33S Broadway. N. V. C.

JoS Ilagn Co.. 300-.3is! W. Madieon. Chicago. I'nlversal Electric btage Lighting Co., Klicgl


Puritan Cliem , W ka , 4016 W. Monroe. Chicago. Taltiot Mfg. Co., 1333 Chestnut st.. sr. Lsiuis,
ORGANS (Folding)
A. I<. Wlilte Mfg. Co., 215 W. 63.1 I'l Chicago.
lintearaMs Cardboard Muate. ratalog. _211 Waal 2imt Bt. Waw Yart._
.lohaiinrs S. Gebhardt Co., Tacony. Pbila., I'a. Max Ilellcr. B. F. H., Macedonia. Ohio. TonaWanda Mualc Inat. Wks., Nth Tonawanda.
New York
Bernard I,. Mich.iel, l.V) E 135th st.. N. Y. O.

Hecht, Cohen A, Co. 301 W. Ma lis .n. Chicago


Hoodwln Co..' 2<M9 W. Van Buren. Chi'go.

Iliighua Biitiki't Co.. 1.54 W, Like a*.. Cliii-ag.'.IIl.

O. A. Johnson A Co., 1547 N. Wells, Chicago.

K. C. Novelty Mfgra.. 613 8th. Kan. City, .Mo,


II. I,. Moody A Co.. l/>ulKviIIc, Kv .'-inger Bros., .5.36.5.'b. Broadway, New York City.

WAYNE COa Specialists in Salasboards and Pre¬ 7m'i"u"m! G4 oods. Silverwere, Rirort.

Jewelry, Cutlery end Novelties.




Bros., 340 W. .50th at , New York City.
B. L. Oibert, B B lli:'..5 b*. Irving at., Chicago, III.
Jutli Toy Mfg. Co.. 4i>4 Oakland st., B'klyn.N.Y.
Kavv Vnllcv Fruit pr-'d Co.. .`.(lO W. 5. K.C..MO.
YVest 8i'Io )^t .rage Co.. Cleveland.
Pantus I'.i. s . In,'.. .535 S D.'arborn st., Chlrago. G.ihlherc Jevveliy Co., 810 Wyandotte st., Kan¬
sas C'ty. M >.
.'os, llign C.... 300 W. Madison. Chlcagi. III.
Karr Sc .\t.( rbarh, 415 Market, Philadelphia, Pa. la-vin r.ros,, Terre Haute, Ind.
N. 8hurc Co., 3.'1T-'341 W. Mad's.«n st.. ChiiWgO.

Nifty Novelty & Tey Co.. Newark, N. J.
Eisen Truck Mfg. Co., sup Main at.. K. O., Mo. Bure Trun,- Co.. 614 Delaware st., Kansas City. M inroe Trunk Co.. 1.396 Bivadway. N. T. City. Newton & Son, 56 Elm rt.. Cortland. N. Y.
JI. V. Bright, I'roapect Bldg , Cleveland, O Dam 'n-Cbapman Co., 334 Mill. RoebeMer, N Y. I'erey Mfg. Co., Inc., 30 Church at.. N. Y. City. Visible ColP Stile  tt., 1334 E. lllth, Clevelant.
Corcni Typewriter Co.. .547 Market. San Francisco. Cal.
Jiammend Portable -Aluminum. 540 E. 09, N. T.
Klndell & Graham, 78.'i-87 Mission, San Fran.

II. Frank, 3711 E. Uayenswood are.. Chicago, III.
Fair & Carnival Supply Co., 136 .5th ave., NYO. Vixman A I'larlman, 630 I'enn ave.. Pittahurg. Geo. Zorn. Jr.. Mfr.. .534 M.irket st., I'hila . Pa.
Amelia Grain. 810 Spring Garden at.. Pbila., Pa. Papier Mache Art Shop. .3443 S. Hill at.. Lot
Angelea, Cal
Northwestern Balloon Co., 1635 Fulle-fon. Chgo.

Martin Studios, 04.5 S. L. A. st., L09 Angeles.
881-583-585 South Hl|h St.. Columbus. Ohio.
Tell ua what you need and get oar Prices and IlL Oat ENKEBOLL ART CO., Omaha Ncbratka.
PcheU's Scenic Studio, 381 8. High. Columbus.O.

Singer Bres.. .5.'.6.53'« I'.'vvay. N Y' C.
M. W. Ansterburg. Homer, .Mich.
tspillman Engr. C.irp . North T 'nawanda. N. Y.
E. GoMhe-g.-r. 140 W.sister. New Y'ork.
Mr. Joseph l'3eischman. Tampa. Fla.
Ed Kcnnard. '340 West S^ih st . N. Y'. City.




The Troy Sunahade Co., Ih x I>, Troy, Ohio.


Amberoid Comb Co.. I.eomlnater. Maat. Gotham Comb Co . 1.36 Eaat aith at., N. T. 0. Ohio Comb Si Novelty Co,. Orrvllle, O.


37. Klein Sc Broa.. 719 Arch at., rhiladelphta. Da Moulin Broa. Sc Co , Dept. 10, Greenville, III. R. W. Stocklcy Sc Co.. 718 B. Walnut at., I'hila.


0. Catanxaro A Sons. Penn A 23d, Pittiburg.Pa.

t'niversal .tcenlc Artist Studios. 1507 No. Clark SWAGGERS--Genuine Bullet, top and bottom. 58.50

st., Chicago. III.

per 1-0--0. l-Y- eneh P- hoto Swagger, $-10- .00 p»T 100. Gen¬

Baylets Broa. Sc Co., 7<>4 W vllle, Ky.

Main at., Lo'jla-

American Pennant Co., 66 Hanover st., Boaton.


uine Bullet Swa.;ger atid Cow Bell, $10.00 per 100.


Bradford A Co.. Inc., St. Joseph, Mich.

Amelia Grain. 810 lipring Garden at., Phihl. I. E1.8ENSTEIN A CO., 695 Broadway, N. Y. City. Bert Levey. Alcazar Bldg . .'»jn Franrlaro.

_»24 South 2d 8L. PMIadelthla. Pa._

Hooker-Howe Costume Co., Haverhill, Mass.
Hemaley Scenic Studios, B. 657, Shreveport, La. John H. Young. .5.'16 \Y'. 2i>th st., N. Y. City. National Scenic Studio, Box 417. Cincinnati.

Chas, Wagner. 30.S Bowery. New Y'ork City.
Edwin E. Br.'wn. 5o.3 Bridge at,, N W.. Grand

f'.. L. Gtlberl, B B 11135 .S. Irving at., Chicago.
III. Theo. Mack A Son. 70C W. Harriaon at., Chicago.

I!. C. Evans A Co., 1532 W. Adams st., Chicago. The New Y'ork .Studios. .338 W 30th st.. N.Y'.C.

llapids. M et)._


Vulr Art Co., 306 West Madison st.. Chicago. Werbe Scenic Studio. 1713 Central. K. O., Kan.

Wm. Fgech A Co.. Maple Shade, N. J.

Pacific Pennant A Adv. Co.. I-os .Vngeles. Cal.


Singer Bros . .536..538 Broadway. New York City. American Banner Co., Inc.. 76 Summer, Boaton.


West. Art Leather Co.. 433 Tabor Bldg., Denver. Baylesg Bros. Sc Co , l.oui«vil>, Ky.

10 A II Chatham Sg.. and 208 B«wtry, N. Y, City.



Central Engraving Co.. Opera Place Cincinnati.
The Evans Sanger Co.. 17 N KiSallc st.. Chi'go,
Standard Art Co . 34.3 W 34fh st , New Y'ork.

Fair 4 Carnival Supply Co.. 126 .5th ave.. NYC.

Schulman I'Yinfing Co., IW Wert 8th. N. Y'. City

T. H. Shanley, IHl Prairie ave. I.

Smith Printing Co.. 1331 Vine st.. Cincinnati, O.

Standard Whip Co., We):tfi**ld. Mass.

Y'ixman A l'<MrImsn. 630 I'enti avc Pittsburg.


J. T. Dickman Co., Inc., 345

Main st., Ix>s

Angeles. Cal.

I'ref. S. H. I.ingermsn 70.5 N 5th st , I'hll'iihia.
(Phone Hands Free) Kallajian Hand .Yppliances, 19.30 YVaghlngtoD
at., Boston, Mass.
American Tcnt-.Ywn. Co.. .Minneapolis. Minn.

141 Watt 42d St.. Ntw Yark. VIoUna. old and new. Ihtwa. Strli.KS. Bcpalrlr.c.
M. Gerlier, .505 Market st., I'hila.Ii'lpliia. I'a. J' S Ilagn Co . .3<S>3i« W Madi».>n-t . Chicago. C. J MacNally, 21 Ann at.. New York

S. Cohen A. Son, 834 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Pa.
Max Schonfcld. 77 Grcenpolnt. Brooklyn. N. Y.

E. R. Hoffmann Sc Son, 3317 South Irving ave., Chicago, 111.

Anchor Supply Co., Water at., Evanavllle, Ind. Baker A I/M-kwood. 7th-Wyamlolte, Kan. C.,Mo.


Ernest Chandler, 23 Beckman. New Y'ork.

Miniifs'iiirrr ami

of WatHwi an«i

E. R. HOFFMANN & SON~ |i"\viii)> Briis.. 614 S. San I'eilro, lavs Angeles. nUurn Si)f(ialtlr». 21-23 MaidPii Lawf, Hew York.

_824 South 2d 81. Phlladtithii. Pa._
M. I>. Drcyta.'h, 4>>3 Broome st.. N. Y. C. Karr A Auerbach. 416 Market. I'hiladeiphia, Pa. Muir Art Co.. .306 W. Madiaon. Chicago. M Shapiro. 418 Market, I'hiladeiphia. Pa. Singer Bros., .536-.5.38 Broadway, New York City.


5317 South Irvlni Avenus,

Chloaco, III.

W. F. Mangels, Coney Island. New Y'ork.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. 3247 W. Van Buna St.. Chicago. III.


Pultun Bag Sc Cotton Mills. .Ythanta, Ga.

.1 C. Gokh a Co., Detroit. .Mich

\ s'^tiuriv J.:T J-II U' -Madiii-m Rt., 4'huaiIo

Hendrix l.iiehhert Mfg. Co., .326 Howard, San yinK«T Hnni.,

.ViM Broadway> New Yorfc IMty.

rranclsio. ''al. C. e.1 T C . , .52 S Market st.. BoSton.'Mass. D. M. Kerr Mfg. <5. . int(7 W Mad son st .Ch'go C K. I.indh, In.'., .513 .'8. 9lti, I'liilsdelphia, I'a.

Manufacturers and Impotlera of Wiichea and mlum Speelaltlei. 121 Canal 9t.. New York.


N. Y'. Tent A Tarpaulin Co.. .388 Atlantic ave., Bro'klyn. N. Y


L. Niekerson Tent. .Ywnlng A Cover Co., 173 Robeson PreSirvo Prodiirti Co., Port Huron.

Hate et . Bofct'Ui, .M«hs


St. 1,. Tent A»:i. Co., 1ul2 Market. SI. Ix>uia.


139 Ntrftik 8t..



NEW YORK CITY. ,MIcs Printing Co , 334 E 4th. I, m Angelea.

Highest nuality and service at lowest prices.

American Show Print. Milwaukee. Wla.

Dallas Show I'rint, 17t>4'i Commen e, Dallas, Ter

I*. .'^iH'Ins. .38 Walker st.. New Y'ork City. 'I'he .8li:iw C" . Bh>omlngl<in, Illinois. Talbot .Mfg. Co., 1335 Chestnut el.. SI. I.oiiis,

Brlant Spec. Co., 36 E. Georgia, Indunapolla.

Fnlqne Pillow Top Co., 16 E. 13th tt.. New Y'ork. D<>naIdsoD I.ith'graph Co., Newport. Ky.


Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin. Chlrago.

r. S. Tcnt-.kwn. Co., 3'30 N. Deaplaines. Chi'go. V'xman A Pearlman, 620 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Western Art I,cather Co., 423 Tabor Opera
Bldg . Denver. Col
A. Beavenutl, C43 Toledo ave., Detroit, Mich. P. A I*. Statuarv Co.. 413 Delaware, Kan.'C..'Mo
Century I'lay Co . 1400 B'wav N. Y.
Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 126 .5th ave.. NYC.
N. Shure Co.. 337-241 W. Madison at.. Chicago. Stager Bros., 536-538 Broadway, New York City.
Tlzman A Pearlmu, 020 Fcaa «Te., Pittsburg.

Enleri>ri*e Show I'rint. Ronleaii, Sask., Can. The Francis-Y'alentine Co.. 777 Mlstlon st., San
Francisc*). Cal. Gillc .'<h'. w I'tg Co.. 830 Mission. San E'rancisco. ll-nn.-gan A Co.. 311 Genesee. Cincinnati, O.




I'loneer Printing Co., 4th Marion. Seattle, Waah. ItolMTt WiluiaiiH. Dallas, Texas
B. J. Hayden A Co.. Ine iOil B'd'y, Brooklyn.
SILVERWARE Fair & Carnival Supply Co.. 120 Sth ave., NYC.

1'. 8. Tenl-Awn Co . 3'J9 \. Devrilaines Chicago.
(And for Sale) F. J. Burch Mfg Ce . Puelil.i C. I
C.I'oIr Exchange, ilih A V.:..., I'liiladel|ihla, Pa. fl. neral Sentinc .Y c.i . 3'> P 23d.N.YC
(Roll and Reserved Seat Coupon) .Yn-'cll Tieket <'<>.. 7;o7K» N I'rankiin st..Ch'go. Nalionil Tieket Co . Sh.amokin. Pa
Uees Ticket Co., Kt Hiniey st.. Itmulia, Neb. Weldon, Will!nm>i .V i i. t Ft Sm Ih Ark.
THEATRICAL SHOWS h Amusement ('o.. Box 1332, Sudbury, Ont., Canada.

Alex M.irks. Cerj II Hlh ave. at 43d at.. N. Y' O. G Miln lh< liii .V Sou lis.r W 4'lth. N. Y. C. Zander Bi. s . In.- . 113 W 48th st . N V City.


rha-!pt r, Shlplry, Kanmm C'itt. M.i

V.mll', Sf.Mk Saddle Vr,., jllT M;irkrt.




Sam'l Uim. n Mfg I o.. <'.16 Flaiit st . I to n. N.Y.

Jtiergmii Jpwclrv <'<»., J r.«ld\. Pruvltlt'nA'e. R I


E. R. Etreet, 28 Bris k at., Hartford, Cou.

APRIL 23, 1921

at liberty CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS COLORED rieiiCTd In playln* for Plant. Show. Can loin on wire. JOB WILUAMS. 1217 0*o St. Corpus ChrlsO.



WANT SITUATION I'^^lAMarket Place for Buyer and Sdler. and Want Ad Department

piano, drums; $170.00 a" week.' C C. ' OWENs'



3020 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Tel. .'iSlt Douglas.

la WORD. CASH (FIrit Lint and Namt Black Tyyt) It WORD. CASH (Set In Small Tyyt) (No Adv. Lett Thin 25c)


Ing «ni| clown jiDduclng. See I'bins and



AT LIBERTY--Acrobat, toproounti-r for band to

hind. I'rebr Clrcui. WJl. HYMELL, 102 So. Key¬

stone Ave.. Siyte, I'a.



Agents and Managers
M WORD. CASH (First Lint and Namt Black Tyyt) It WORD, CASH (Bit in Bmiil Typt) (Nn Adv. Ltu Than 25e)



Per Word. I

p^f yford.

Ayrntt and Solititoit Wanted... Anlmalx. Blr^ and Pett.

.3c Instrurtiont and Plant .


3o I r.lixrellaneous (or Sale. i "!'! "!.4o

plkaf ."i o


.^jMuxical Inttrumcnti (Second-Hand). .3c

isooks * ** Of®"'*''"** (Seven*·P· ie ft or Mjrri

3c Partnert Wanted for Act* (No Investment).3e



Boordiny Houtet (Theatrical)

; Piayi afid Acts.Jo


CMcKiianx '


43 Pri.ileoet for Salt.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'sc Readert' Notices or Intormaticn Wanted.3c

Exchanoe oV'swaa.
For Rent 5r Lease Property
For Sain Ads (New Goods). For Sale Ads (Second-Hand Coeds) Formulas . Furnished Rooms . Motels (Theatrical) . Help Wanted .

I''®'* S»'® In Schools (Dramatic. Musical and Dancing).Ic





3e I®****r` .'®J[ .. ,.3c Theatrical Printiny .3c

..Ic Typewriters .3t,

..ic Wanted Partner (Capital Investment).4c

Sc* Wanted To Buy.3c

!· WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Blaek Type) )e WORD. CASH (Set in Small Type) (No Adv. Less Than 25c)
LEO.VTOS. Kemile Imprrjnnator Extraordinary. OrlCiiiai L>ancer or me nignest class for clubs, theatre
or smokers. Go anywhere. Wardrobe extensive and most beautiful. If you are de.sirous of gMng your patrons something above the ordinary, get In touch with LELAXD MeXAMEE, 6310 White Ate.. Cleve¬ land. Ohio. Kosedale 1188-W.
Dramatic Artists
U WORD, CASH (First Une and Nama Blaell Type) le WORD. CASH (Set In Small Type) <Na Adv. Less Than 2Se)




ASSIST. MANAGER WANTS POSITION IN theitre, picture house or dance hall; several Calcium Liihts


Per Word.

Per Word.

5c Moving Pirture Accessories for Sale (Second-Hand).5o

plays piano, banjo, specialty. Rruokline, Massarhusetta.


v.ars practical experience In managing some of the best theatres In England; vicinity of >,>*· Y'ork preferred: alalc terms, P. F.

Films (Of Sale (Second-Hand). ic Theaters for Sale.5c Films (or Sale (New) .5c Wanted To Buy.3o
Far Rent. Least or Salt Property.Sc

A-l SPECIALTIES -- (STRAIGHT, RUBE, Souse. Kid, Doubles); Hokum Song to close;

* 1

PARKER. Hunlavllle, Ontario. I'anadn apr23


$1.00. HALL PAYNE, Vcrmontville, Michigan. r,

Per Word. ,

Per Word.

aprSO J

YOUNG MAN; TWENTY-FIVE; GOOD EDUCA. lion, gtx'd at>pearanre: with exiierience jilc-

At Liberty (Set in Small Type).Ic I At Liberty (Future Date).2c At Liberty (Display First Line and Name in Black).2e I Your Ad in the Lists. Set in Attractive Display-3c


treasurer or similar work; biiiikiiig experience


hard worker; «f references:

Ixsikkeeiier and fast Ivpisi; stale salary paid If fuMv

bi*. com



AT or

LIBERTY--t'seful Couple, good rep. Man: 35; 5 ft..

for 9H


years' experience. Play as cast; trained bass voice;

well educated; playwright, director; own sketches and

scripts. Laely; 23; medium site; beginner; attractive

and willing; small wardrobe. Go anywhere. Fair

iwtent. WORKER, care The Billboard, Cin¬ ! Advertisements sent by telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired salary. Reliable managers only. Address O. B..

cinnati, Ohio.


with copy.


We r«-»i-rve the right to reject any advertisement and revise copy.

101 SL Hotolph St., Boston. Massachusetts. AT LIBERTY--GKiieral Business. Violin; state your

agent or M.XN.kOER AT UBERTY--'nioroughly capable and reliable; fully expciifiii-fd In every
brim-h of the buxlnets: ran handle anything; a  bwo vunlra.Iv'T and llr-i-iU-* rrrsa man; !' yearn' expeririire. Atblrv-e, "TllK.VTRIl'AL," Hotel Otburot,

All copy for adi in this department must rrsch us by Thursday. 6 p m., for Insertion in the follonlng salary. GEO. WELLS, 410 N. Springfield Ave.,

steek'y Issue.

THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.. 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Chicago. Illinois.

AT LIBERTY--Experienced Gen. Bus. Actor, for MANAGING DIRECTOR--ORCHESTRA CON- GEORGE HOWABD-ELSIE WRIGHT--Burles.)ue, summer stock, one bill a week or rep. No special¬

New Orlednt. L* ulsiaiia.

ductor with eigni yeariv evjMjrictwe in moti<n stis'k or reliable tab. comedian; Jewish, Irish, ties or band. Height. 5 ft.. 11 In.; weight. 160 lbs.;

picture work wish*-* in make a change. Capable Dutch; lead numbers: prima donna: good soprano age, 30. Join on wire. Salary your limit. Ticket)

BUSINESS MA.NAGER WANTED by three national¬ ly known long ditlanre runneva; can run any dis¬
tance frrm one to Iwrnty-flve mtled. Address C. M., rire TTie Billboard. Cinrinnatl. Ubio.

of preparing high grade musical aetting*. pieparing and preventing prologue.. Will enter tain no proponition that doe* not offer best sal¬ ary. and a bmlget of adc'in.xte amount to prop¬ erly finance high-grade musical pregrara. Or¬

voice, harmony singer; good wardrobe; single and double; specialtl-s; 1 dh experience and reliable: pay wires: 1 pay mine. CEO. A. HOW.kRI). King James Hotel, Eighth and Vine Sts., Philadelphia. Pa,

Yes. Eoulty. Adilress F. A.. Room 261. General Forbes Hotel. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.


Circus and Carnival riBCfS AOFTNT. Publlclly Man. Local Contractor. 24-Hour Man. Handle any attrariion. Join on wltv. Sate lalary. ROBERT SAUL. S-JS Front

chestra must be of size ani! ability ·· iiar. 'Ie beat of programs. H. H., care The Lllllioard, <'inelnnatl. Ohio.

1« WORD. CASH (First L|n* and Nama Blook Typ*)

M WORD. CASH (Firat Une APd Ntmp BIppS TMiI It WORD. CASH (Set in Small Type) 'Na Adv. Leu Th«n 2S«)

stieeL Adrian, Michigan.


I* WORD. CASH (Set in Small Typt)

THE.tTRE MAN.kOEH Eiperienrrd in straight plclumi and ccmbinatir.n xaudrvllle and pirturre:
ftmlhor vilth all mnnry-makmg mrthovls; know the buBneoa: rtUabla. Write W. C. MoGUINESS, 98 Wi.-irtn Avenue. Minmairlls, Minnet.- a.
Bands and Orchestras
It WBRO. CASH (Fbtl Litt ltd Ntmt BItek Tyyt) )t WORD. CASH (St4 ! Small Typt) (Ny Adv. Lttt Tima 25t)

AT LIBERTY MAY 1 FOR HOTEL OR SUMmer retort; Jack Norton's llarmon.v Bo.vt;
4 to C piecet at desire); atate all in lirtt let¬ ter if Interested. JACK NORTON, 216.'. Klyalan Plary. Clifton Heights. Cincinnati, iihio. apT23


rhratra; dealroua of high-claat tumnirr resort

eogagement; hotel or pavilion; dance niutic

aupreme. tip toj) entertainers; song tnd banjo

epe<Ialties; yonth; refinement; talent; violin,

l>anJo. saxophone, piano, dreraa; write or wire.

D. ROOT, IGlb Main St., La Crosee, Wlscon-



AT LIBERTY AFTER MAT I--CRITERION Jaiz Kaiid; .V. K. M ; oi-en for summer en-
gsgemrnt; everything In snappy Jaxx and stand¬ ard ci'mpositlon: references; five, nix or seven men at desired: pinv anywhere In East from Milne to ITurida "Everfladen". If you con¬ sider having something different drop ua a line. Write J. FAGAN, 68 Waverly at., Worcester, MasMcbusetls.

at LIBERTY--EXPERIENCED FIVE-PIECE girl orchestra, hotel wT'a ; referred. Write
or wire ELIZABETH THOMSON, aUJU S. 3rd St , lavulsvllle, Kentucky.

AT LIBERTY--8TE WART-WHltTE 0BCHE8· ra; vhino, violin, v-omel. auxophone and
drums Five yoiieg men of clasa and appear anre and can dellve- Siiniiiier resort work .\f lil'city June M STEWART-WHITE ORCHES TRA, III I,a Salle ST., .\urora. Illinois


ly tir. licstra; four <>r five piece dance orches¬

tra- ollege slndciilM; neat, rehned; want iwiel

tion fur Slimmer: resort or steamer jireferred;

violin, piano, sax., doubles cornel, tromlwine

and driiina; nieniliers

F. of M. Write

ERNEST WOLFE, Carlinvillc, Illinois,

AT LIBERTY--BAND LEADER; LIBRARY. pla.v trumpet, clarinet, saaopbope .kiMicss

CLARINETIST A, core The LIIIlHvard, Ctiieln-

B»'l. Ohio.


BAND AND ORCHESTRA LEADER--FIRSTclaaa men. with lilgli-rlaas musical tsliieallon;
violin soloist; double cornel; also giK>d teacher fer all Instruments; Mg library for or hesira; rxperlenri'd In all linos; can furiilsli best of refereiices; A. F of M Want g<"Hl posllbvii' VWiie particulars iimbr C. E W. H. 41. Tho Blllhoaril. Cincinnati. Dliio.

DAVIS NELSON ALL FFH* BUNCH--FOURplec* dunce orchestra, banjo, sax., pian'i.
drums, open for summer rngageineol; like to

ORGANIZED LADIES' ORCHESTRA--SIX pieces; competent, experienced, union; de-
slrt> position In first-class moving picture thea¬ tre or hotel. Address ISOBEL JUNOERMAIi,

(Nu Adv. Lao* Than 25*)
AT LIBERTY--SPIELER--MR. CARNIVAL OR t'lteus .Manager: Do you want a high-class

AT LIBERTY--DUE TO CLOSING A FULLY qualified Treasurer and Ticket-Seller ip open
fur a iiusition. .kddress R. £., care The Billbuard. New York City.

Mn«i<*al Director, lUalto Theatre, Hamilton. spicier, or business man? Am a professional


apr'JT aiirtioneer. with ten years of experience; have ATTENTION. MANAGERS AND SHOWMEN--

made a success; any sale season is through the

See my ad below. Can't tell all in adver¬

rose Axe., Ifetrolt Mich. Hem. 2302-J. apr23
MURRILL'S SIX JAZZ ARTI ITS AT LIBertv June 10; snappy .-ombination; stale all In
first letter MURRILL'S ORCHESTRA, I'ortsmouth, Ohio.

winter months, which leaves me at liberty for the summer months; spieling preferred, but will consider any good i>ositiun where a man with strong personality is wainted; go anywhere till il.'tuber 1; state what you hare and wages in first letter; can give references by the armload. COL. J. W. WONDERLY, Greeley, Colorado.

tisement. Write me. ALFRED HOLZEL, ^5

W. 143rd street. New York.


DRIVER--Truck or tractor; good mechanlo; 4 years' experience; have own tools. J. BCTLER, care The
Billboard. Chicago.
MIND BEADING--Two-man act We never worked professionally, except private entertainments. Would

AT LIBERTY--A real snappy Jazi Orv-hestra. for summer rcnort. bv>:el. dance, etc. Plano, Violin.
Bonjerine and Drum*, ('an furnish more. Address

-No rif', nor st<Kk: state your best. Yes ELMER M. EOLKER, 407 E. IliHhester, Indiana.

Ticket? 12th St..

like suggestions for joining good oUtflL WILLIAM OEBTLE. care Brandt, 3050 Perry Ave., New York.
YOl'XO MAN--19; excellent atipearance. good voice

D. LOGKWUOU, 16 Dlvliion St, Uioversvilic, N Y

and talker, desirous of traveling with ^nw or act;

apr30 CRACKERJACK BUTTERED CORN--I MAKE possessor of pep. personality and ambition and want

an .\-I article; considered a good kettle man; to all three of rhise qualities; Ultle experlemoe;

.4T LIBERTY M.VY 27--Leo Hannon's Orchestra: nn ler.stand Delenbarger, Klngery and Dunbar referencM, Look at advertisement above. ALFRED

A. r. M.; oivn for a hlgh-cla*» aummer efigaae- poppers; have worked Juice; some experience HOLZEL. 615 West 113d St.. New York.


ment; hotel resort or dance i.Vll; no grind. H you

vsant a real live cr.hestra vvTite at to Leo

Hannon. Mgt., U Winter Street Fitchburg. Mts-



on griddle; tackle an.Tthing In concession line; am married; salary your limit; in return, the lest I can give you; Ohio preferred. Address EDWIN MARSH, Gen. Pel., Toledo, Ohio.

YOI'NO if.lN, 19; excellent appearance; fair eoloa;
wishes opp-^rtunlty to join a singing quartette OD the stage. No experience. Easy to learn after few rehearsals. State all on first reply. CEXHL DAMES,

ORCHESTRA AT LIBERTY JINB 1, 1921--Four to six plei>e for mi tloii picture house or sumnur re¬
sort; arge library of standard classical and popular music; exptilenerd and reliable; references 1( de¬ sired. Address THEH. A. BARBIE. 161 S. Brough¬

BROADUS, care The Billboard, New York City.

137 E. Front St, Dunkirk. New York.
M. P. Operators

ton SL. Urangebubrg. South CaroUni,


SOT. BROWN'S NOVELTY J.4ZZ FIVE--Plir.o, trombone, coniet, viclin, drums. Hotel, rrsogt or
dance. Colorrd. Cio anjwhtre. Only reliable en-
tigrmer.U consldrrvd. 36 Beaver SL, Danbury, Conn.

MAN. 32 TRS.; 8 FT.. 8, TALL; 170 LBS.;

would like a chance to be a clown: no experi¬

ence. CHARLIE HOFFMAN, 600 W. Madison

St., Chicago. llUooif.


2e WORD. CASH (FIrrt Llae aad Name BlaaB TEM) le WORD. CASH (Set la Small TyN> (No Adv. Ltu Than 25e)
WANTED POSITION BY OPERATOR--TEV years' experience; any e<|uipmeDt; will go any¬

YOUNG MAN--MARRIED; SO TEARS OLD; OF where; prefer traveling show; age, 27. PAT

8TRTNO ORCHESTRA, compoaed of university stu¬

dents. desires to tiook No. 1 hotel or summer re-

sorL No boglnnera If you can't afford to go wrong

on your music, wrltev I can furnish references. C.

H. WOODBl'FF. 48 W. Wov'drufl Ava, Columbus.



integrity; personality; have seven years' ex¬ perience with outdoor shows: open for proposi¬ tion as ticket-sellers on the road or running con¬ cessions at some resort thia summer. ROBERT RIDLEY, 25.V2 E. I4th St., Sbeepshead Bay, New York.

MALLOY, Box 327. Hennettsville. S. C. apt^T
AT LIBERTY' MAY 10--Prr.JertionIst: thoroughly e perlenred on all equipment; wife, pianist and o
gantst of ability; cues, reads, fakes and transposed I'refer Minnesota or adjoining State, State it all.

B >th union. Address ''A-l." care The Billboard.
Burlesque and Musical Comedy -AT LIBERTY--Top Mounter, for hand-to-hand act; Cinrinnatl.

la WORD. CASH (First Une aad Name Blank Type) Is WORD. CASH (Sat III Small Type)

will join partner or ait; weigh 128, stripped; w,»i-
derfiil muscular development; height, 5. 2. YVrite EXPERIBD.'rEI) PROJBiTIOXIST--Dependable, a .InIIN UEYERICB. care The BUIhoard, Ollly Bldg.. slicker, wants position anywhere. Capxble on all

(Nt Adv. Laid Than 25e)

Chhago. IIIinoL*.

equipments. References. Write or wire. PBOJECTIOXIST. 'JllOA College .Uc.. St. Ixmls. Mo.


AT UBERTY--A 1 FAST STRAIGHT MAN OR I'rudui-iiig luiiiidiaii; extensive high-' lavs ward
robe; lead niiiiilH'rs; positively seventy-live ture-flre script bills; Join at once; wire

good carnival or park for season. 50-50 basis. Wheels, no grli;d stores. Hard worker; dependable 23 years old: neat: conslJered goxl looking. Give full GLADYS L. CAYLEL Gen. Del., Grand Rapids. Miehigan.


with ten years' experience at liberty on aoextunt Gov¬

ernment work closing. Can handle anything. Union.

J. M. STUTTS. Sheffield, Alabama.


or write; go anywhere. CAL LeVANCE, Gar

den The.ilre. .Mason CHy. l»wa.

TWO III STI FUS AT LIBERTY--Man and Wife. OPERATOR--lAjng experience on all equipment. Per¬ Have Marie. Sensational Escape, Mind Reading, fect protection. Prefer West or North. State all

Rii.ldlia. · Gu.'in; .\ is Csii maiiaie. lecture, In first. GLENN SMITH. Leslie. Arka.nsaa. apr23

SMALL COMEDIAN AT LIBERTY--MUSICAL sell tickets, grind and In any capacity Can

Ciimevly or big S'l; experienced showman: A 1

specially. llesi>onsible managers write or wire.

EDDIE BIGELOW. Iisol Grilling avenue. Cleve¬

land. Ohio.


tr.sme a'sive a t* In aiiy manner desiri 1 Tickets preferable. State be*t salaries. .4-1 character and references. Write "E.VSTERN." 2212 East tit.. Northaide, I'itt.sburgh, FemiSjlvanla.

OPBR.ATOR AX'D ELECTRICIAN desires poslUon at hotel or summer resort Hght years' experience.
Expert projection. Will travel If neces.sary OLIVES DB FREITAS. 1939 Madison Ave.. New York City.


.\T I.IBKRTT Al'RlL 16--llank Hathaway: age. 37; ('r rep., musical ouuMv. med . ilo character*,
character-comedy, gen. but., ipeclaltles; put on act* for ninivrls; .5 ft.. 8(4 in.; weigh* 115 Iba Need
tu'ki'l. KI'UKKA. MICH. Allow time for mail to Le

Colored Performers
Is WORD. CASH (First Lint and Namt Blitk Tyyt) Ic WORD, CASH (Set in Small Type) (No Adv. Leu Than 25e)

|g WORD, CASH (Firit Line and Name Blaek Tyga) It WORD. CASH (Set in Small Type)



(No Adv. Lese Than 25e)

W.VNTEIF-For musical comeity, burlesque, by Young Mail. g.H'd tenor voice. pUy small part*; some ex-
pirlccc,'. ulUIng vverker; hi'l.:bl. 4 ft . 9 In.; weight, no I* i:.l .Xallsburv. write HERBERT HII.EY, .8)4 Brvnk .Vve., New Bedford, Mamachusv'ttA

Un, piano, drums with xylophones; for hotels, cabaret or theatre. Theatre a si>erialty. Tears of experien'-e in vaudeville and stock. Sight rciiders. large n-pertoire. MAUD (lUARLES, Ml N. 3rd St., Dept. B. Richmond, Y'a.


baes string; full experience; wishen steady

work: not travoling. JULIETTE MONSSON, Strand Theatre, ·'01 Ann St., I'arkershurg, West




·""'"'·-r retort. DAVIS NF.L80N

novelty ORCHFRTwt., FirivUle, Illinois roayT

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.


A-1 BAKJOIST TEKOB--JAZZ OHCHESTBA pr»f»rr«Hl; Io<-a*e or trarel. TOM WILSON,
Brooklino. Maksarhuactta


»ar«'eaperi^nr^; yours ··M;

s; j nu'iit in

coniliiiialioo or ronoart baml;

state inakn and .i/e of oritii.; sMie liiiflieat. Iiandle anvtliiiiK; af,

union; alsHit M»y l.'i.

Address ORGANIST,  me UilUxMird. t lil> sro

OORNETIST. 10 S. :»rd Are., Markhalltown, la.

AT LIBERTT--Arrordlon Player: tor sbosr or raudt* vlllr. PLAYKR. care The lllUboard, Nm York.
AT UnCKTT-A-1 VlollnUt. A. F. ol M ; yrarr nf r>|aTirn(( In all liiiri of theatre aurk. WM.
KKi'K. rare The llilltHiard. Clnclniiati, Ohio.



union: di'sirea iMmiiion in firsi-rlass niovInK

furfiire or< h*-atra. .Vdilreas MAUDE HILL, Jef.

fersun llie.itre Dullding, liauiiltun, Uhlo.

A-I DRUMMER AT LIBERTY--EOR DANCE. th"aiie ir loUel (Trliestia; lia\e tx-IK and
Tylopbones and (day iheni. sleht reader; A K. of M . and hate had long ei(U'rieore in all lines; nothing under i4'i h**r a'eek eoDKideri-d; write full details, do not wire. .Address DRUMMER,

AT LIBERTY--CLARINETIST. A. F. OF M.. April I'lti. »<oount theatre tiosing; evptii
etieisl in all 'ines; use D-d-n clarinet only; will hs-ate t.r tiou,H>; write or wiie. WALTER HOLT.
Valker P.ats, IIjiuIIioii. iMiio.

LADY VIOLINIST LEADER -- LARGE LI. hrary; eapahle, eiperienetKl; deairea position
in hrst-elask moving |ii< lure tbeaire. can furnish  .'llr niusn iaiih --< uruet, tlaiinei. druiiimer w ith \t1o;diones and lodls. .Address ISOBEL JUNG.
ERMAN, Rialto Ibeatre, llamiltun. Ohio.

II05 till. Kmerson, Denver, Colorado.



alto sal : eiperlenred istork and pietureai;

inarrl<.d; union; house eloaing; steady JtAi pre.

ferred OSWALD WEISER, Olympic Theater,

Newport News. A'irginia.


A l VIOLINIST--DOUBLE TENOR BANJO; AT liberty: desires position with show or dance or-

AT LIBERTY--MUSICAL DIRECTOR; DE·ires p.iKilien at leader of pu t tire house or-
chesira; nienilier .A i'. of M ; eii'erienced in aeuring for Uoivlng imdiires, own ininieiise li¬ brary of music; soner and reliutde; goisl appear¬ ance; have directed grand <i|iera. oriilorio, etc ; finest references, pianist, orgaiiiKt, coui|si'er and eipert arranger, at pr-seiit engaged in high  lass vaudeTille; ready for neve iHisitiun by Mae l.'dh; slate best salary. .Address MUSICAL DIREC¬ TOR, 1IIJ7 W. Jefferaou Street, Loniarille, Ky.

TROMBONE AT LIBERTY--EXPERIENCED IN all liiie>; prefer vaudeville, will , oiisider flrat-
 la'N daiic,. or. Iiesiiii; cupu:ile and reliable E, L. ROBINSON, .Vi liarmim SI . r.lmiia, N. V.
TROMBONE--NO AMATEUR. AND CAN ABSOl;,ie!,v delivei; uupn; waul Job to o|ien about
iiinldle of .May or later; uuly firat-clata theatre w<.|^ lonsidcicd. pi< liiiea or vaudeville, but preier large on licsira; young and reliable; muat

rhestta; young, reliable and experienrtKl, with

|M.sitivtdy be a l<)ii-not< h job. Further informa-

lots of snap and pep: read, fake and jazz: beat referenrea: state all in first letter. HOLLAND STEYER (Orpheum Ur h ), Caatlewood. S. D.

CELLIST AT LIBERTY--EXPERIENCED CON. cert orcbectra, Indcl. pit lines or v.vudeville;
uniiHi. Address 'CELLIST, Itj Wells Ave., N.

lien write "SLIDE,'* care The Billbourd, Cio` innati. Ohio.

W.. Roanoke, Virginia.






er, wisliing to makt a change, desires hrst-

vaudeville, pictures, dances, or teaehing;

age. ;mi VICTOR COURVILLE, Palace, Oiean,

New Jerk


class the.vlre. hotel or re>i.n eiigageiiieut; age.

IP.; Icn .ve.-irs' ··spenenoe in t«.>l iheuires; pre¬ VIOLINIST--WISHES ENGAGEMENT IN SUM-

AT LIBERTY--DANCE ORCHESTRA; ANT romtilaatioa desired for suiuiuer resort. Lady
piaalat, real men rmicert or Jazz. Address MAX'ADAMS. Coates Hotel, Kansas City, Mo
AT LIBERTY--ITALIAN BANDMASTER, DIrsotor and organizer; teach all band instru¬
ments; desire to locate in good live town. Ad¬ dress BANDMASTER, oars S. Meeka, KUbmond,

fer Middle West .-^tale.; write Mill particBlani

and lost sril.ny. ORCHESTRA CELLIST, eare

'1 lie ItilllMiard. Kansas City, Miss,,uri.



periencd and lompt ieiit; feature iiictiire thea¬

tre or concert band preferred. lairatiuo only.

Address CLARINET, care Vining, It. R. No. 4.

Dayton, Ohio.


uier re> irt. Write A. KNIEXIEMEN, Jersey

City lleigliis. New Jersey.


VIOLINIST -- JUST FINISHED SYMPHONY seas.'n, desires position at side insu lu g's'd
tliealre Ilt;le'Irll er us leader In p|. lure bouse lu some siiiull town; de'ire to lo<ate. !.taie best salary. laoirs. etc. .Vddiest CONRAD PAUL¬ SEN, .{;;I4 .ild St.. No., Minneapolis, Miunesoia.

Kentucky, B. K. 2.


or summer lesort. LeVIUNE NELSON, tare

M : jS Tears' cxiieneii.e; any |>Uce. any-

AT LIBERTY MAY 1--B-FLAT TENOR SAXO. Cook Cafe, Rochester, Minnesota.

I where, laie THE BILLBOARD, CiuviBnati, U.

phone (cello parta); double viola; age, iiO;

Ai^le; union. Addresa "MUSICIAN," P. 0.

8. Daytona lirai-h, Florida.


BARTON SHIPLEYS StMTirfY ENTERTAIN KR.4 al liberty; flist opto time tines last August, five
prtide, two young ladies, ihrer lorn. Violin, idann ifliigO, taio|h<aie, iloublliig banjo, Ud> drummer, also Dot auprano singer; banjo, doubling aaguplmns and lings. Twn sm al sotolsls and baimoi y singing Kina apjstaraace. willing workers; clean-rut, >oung rcoide; alrirtly i rofi selonal. No ancatrura or rnllegs atudecta Men wear Tuiedoa. ladlet erenlng gowns Just closed Imirteeti werkt* eiigagimrnt In IndianaiellA liiwullful. band-colonil loiby plinlog. No jtu hand; real ffluilctiiia. I'p-to-dats mutlc and waidrobe. Dealie tbralie or summer hotil rngagrmrnl. ThI.s ailrttlloii Imludcw Barton .Shipley, tbs well-known saiurhone aoloUt. Am not oten for cheap ofltrs. as this ailrtctlon It first class, to make your offrit arrorjingly. Don't write; wire, but make ytsir salary aittattlre. Ad<irmia BAKTUN SinPLET, Plaza lioiel. Indilaoaiolis, Indiana.
CLARINET. DOI'BLE B TENOB 8AX0PI10NK. Cello. L« an) iwria. tiprrienretl pirturca and rsude-'
rIDe. preTer hsttiun Cu.ttal Sltiea. CLABINETTST The Bi;:bosrtl tilf. r, cbuago. llllnata.
CLAKINETIST--12 years' etpetleocs, TbtaUlctI or picture work. NICK DeVITO, 4JT W. Main St..
Stamford. Connecticut.
EXPERIENCED CORNET desires permanent loca¬ tion. Married, with fimlty. Mutlc at a whole or
side line eonsidrrrti AddirM MUSICIAN. 405 East Cary -St.. KichntonJ, Virginia.
Pllt.ST-Cl.ASB VIOLINI.ST wlihes sUady. good ps)lug poutiun lu live Southern town. Married, liui..
unhNi; gooil lihriry: tpleiidid tone. Know how to fratuir pieluTts W'lll (mum at leader. Dances, etc.. It ritra work considered. Mutt give aoUce. Addrrtt .SCHULTZ. James Street. Bristol, Virginia.
GUUD BUSINESS TUEATBlCAL TBUMPBT wants prrmaneut kx-atlaij. Weil up all llnsa builneas.
Iso band; .1. F. of M. Many yeari' esperlrncs Prefer picturra, etc. (I,Kid salary eatentlal. Write full iHUtlculara Addirta "TKl'MPEV," care Bill¬ board. Cii.iii'tiatl, Uhlo.
PIANIST--Clasalcal or movla work. Prefer icnmpany voliw or vIoUn or movie work. Salary your
Bmit. Ticket CLIFFOBD FLYNN. 928 Phoenix. Ihnith Haven. Michigan.
PIPE ORGANIST AND PIA.V18T (male. 2TI. Can play all styles and makea of organs for pictnrsa
only. Play alona. Well experteoced. Cua plctur'S perfw'tly. Great Improvtaer. Behtbla and blthlv recommended. U. M.. Box 295, Tupelo, Mlldialppi

AT LIBERTY -- CLEAN-CUT TOUNO MAN Trombon'at; experience In alt lines theatre;
lao good jaizer; union; will go anywhere, pro¬ viding good aalary. Address THE TROMBON¬ IST, 168 Grove St., New Britain. Connai tieut.

The Pirin Opera is in a bad way. but as French finances tare In an even worse one there it no hope of help for it from the Government. As an increased subsidy it nuf of the question, the direetors nf the Opera have had to think of other ways snd means.

SN.XRE and trap PRfMJtEB AT LIBEBTY MAY KITH--3 years' experience. Prefer week stands In
a carnival band. Write immediately. B. W, MANUS, Bunker Hill. Indiana.
TROMDONlST AT LIBERTT--Theatre or dines. Fiperler.ced. AdJrem TROMBONIST. 4S3 Magnolta
Ave.. Daytona. Ktorlda.


rien< ed soloist; also some orchestra exp«-rl-

eoce; desires position with theatre orchestra or

eatabliabed vaudeville art; grsid -wardrobe; ref-


fiirnialied. Address HARPIST,

Calumet .Ave.. Cliicago.


AT UBERTY--A.l (UNION) FLUTE AND Pierolo Player desires permanent location in
flrat-claaa vudvil or picture theatre with a good orrbeatra that plays high-grade music. Address BOX 812, Medford, Wiacuntin.

Nowadays there seems to be only ouc tlcit is certain of success, snd it wss pp-posed in the shape of kinema shows on eeitain sfternoons of the week. I'robably earnest muiciana would have regarded tiiis fate as a just punishment, for the p<sT Ui>era has never niaraged t» till its magiiifieent self for anything save ancient and unprogressiva spec¬ tacles like Gounod's `'Faust.** However, it has respectable aanociations with nerioua art, and these, it has Inh-d doided. are not to l>e trespassed on b.v tlie triumphant march of the film industry. Moreover. It appears that it la not quite certain tlwit ppifanation would pay. The sheeP magnificence of the theater, it is thought, would dwarf the moat ambitions "mevie'*--the smile of Miss ilary Pickford herself would be lost among ao much msrble and so many mirrors.
The odd thing is that the accomplished magnificence of the Paris Opera it very much like the would-l>e magnificence of the modem picture palace. Years ago, when the Opera was a much newer w<iild's wonder than it la at present, F'rederic Harrison rose up and

VIOLINIST--Experienced all lines, wants to kmu ta

a small town of about 10,000 aomewbtrs In th*

Middle Weal, where ha can play In a theater and

have good proRv-ctg for teaclung 00 the aide. Will

play with a 8-Blece oumblnatioo if neevaary. Good

tone, best training, minds his own bualneM. bse

library. Write K. L. M.. care Billboard. San Fran-

I dsoo. CiUomla.



Dance VtolmlsL Doubis batllooe or tuba In band.

Mandolin or guitar In dub. TVivma 1.500 opwardv

wrnta Prearrve this addrra for future rMtrence.

LOCK BOX 52. Shelby. MlchUSh.


AT LIBERTY IMMEDIATELY--VIOUN LEAD. er ur aide man; thoroughly experienced in pic.
tures; Urpheum, Inter-Statp and Pantagea vaiideTllle; now leading I'antagea; ean deliver; union; married, want permanent location; hare good library: can join on wire. C. R. KELI,EY, Strand Theatre, Port Arthur, Texas.

wrote B"me very rude things about it and the tinsel splendors of the last days of Na¬ poleon the Third, which are pretty fairly typified in the Corinthian profusion of the Opera and its furniture. Probably Mr. Harrison would be Just an little pleased by the nvodern picture palace, but the point is that the picture palace tries to do on a few thousands wbat the Opera did on a million and a half, and with such etpensive aucceka that most erlticism ia overwhelmed by the result. It is certainly rather Ironical that the "iBOvies,'* when at last they looked like being within teach of their ideal ``furnished house.** should be advised, for their own sake, to keep clear of premlaea, that they havs done their boat to imitate.--MANCHESTER GUARDIAN.

YOUNG MAN--Tennr saxophone; double no tnuapet; play jaxi, retd and fake; unloo. Addraa C L
WARD. 5<).l3 Lake Park Ava.. Chicago.
Parks and Fairs
la WORD. CASH (First Lias sad Naas Dlash Wvol Is WORD. CASH (Set hi Oasll Tyss) (Ns AS*. Leas Tkas 2ks>

AT LIBERTY--FIRST-CLASS JAZZ; ALTO Saxupboiiisi. for summer resort or permanent; d. fake, memorize, improve; originality;
ouble Bb jazz dariuet; young, neat, pep, abil¬ ity; exi>eriea< ed in dance, l afe, hotel and stage work: eluse present job April :t0; must pay go^ alary. Address A. S. PAYNE, l.'lo Floyd St., Lonlavllle, Kentmky.


dsiue work; references in either line; good

exp-Tienced in all theatre work; largs library;

outfit; tympania, etc.; can atao furnish trombene; cue pi- tures correctly. VIOLINIST, The Pines.

·oih young an<) anxious to locate with a goud ll'JO Muro St., Manhattan, Kansas.



teeth act. The man with the iron jaw; gond

for fairs, cirrus, vaudeville and parka; also fre*

exhibitions; pulling fi-seated auto by teeth.

NICK SKALROS, 600 Grand Are., Milwaukee.



AT LIBERTT FOR SUMMER--LADY FLUTIST and <-«llist; desire pusitioa with orcheaira; in
fitat-clase hotel ur summer resert; ur can furnish trio of piano, violm and cello (mure if desired). G. STONE, SO Elmdurf Ave., Kuebester, N. 'Y.

reliable party; joint or separate; ronaider any thing with g<H>d money; strictly union; stuie full particulars in first letter. LARRY KING, JefieiHon Theatre. Auburn. New Y'ork.

YOUNG LADY FLUTIST-DESIRES FIRSTrlasa oositiun; comiietent and reliable. BOX
383, Marion, Kentucky.

BALLOONIST NOW BOOKING SEASON INI; tmlloun sacensluna and pataebute drops, three
iMill.ams. lady aud gent ridera; t>all<K.n races a specialty; 1 use the latest patent bold downs an I inlatora and can iiae ciwirt bouse or park lawni with no damage thereto; write for iurtlculara; ln-]uirlca t.y mail or wire given

AT LIBERTY MAY 1ST--A-l PIANO AND Drum Team: prefer hutel or dance orebeatra;
Library; drummer baa xyluphoiiea, bells, traps; and also sings; uuiun; five years* experience to¬

TkEATM picture tbevlre. THEATRE TEAM, vare Billl-oard, Cincinnati, uhh).

^ yTlJS oVcheMra.

will U«cl T^o


[jri-srnt oichcstra. Union. Personal appearance fil

conduct the beat. Always on the jot. H. W,

DAHNKB. 387 Mh Ave.. Ho., Nashville, 'Tenn.

prompt Bltenthm. B. C. THURMAN, .Balioonitt, 410 Fast Walnut Bt., IndlanapullS, Ind., Tel. ilain 7094.
MAN AND Wire AT LIBEBTY--Work at anything

gether; satisfaction guaranteed; both young and single; go anywhere. Address £. W., care The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.
VT LIBERTY--TROMBONE AND TUBA; JOIN together. H. H. MYERS, Valley Center, Kan. sprao
AT LIBERTY--A-l CORNETIST AND DRUMmer, with bells and xylophone; A. F'. of M.;
prefer work together, but uot essential; refer¬

EXPERIENCED TROMBONIST--WANT JOB IN theater, .tddresa S. T., eare The Billboard,
Cincinnati, fihio.


dlata engagement; side man; absolutely com¬

petent; goud tight reader: exiieriemed in all

Ilnta: union. Address VIOLINIST, 1467 Wabash

Ave., Kansas City, Missouri.


AT LIBERTY--Eb *ruba, B. and O,. or double rsxrrvet for dramsihv week or one-nlgbler. Experi¬
enced trouier. Izing jumps )« kilo not wanted. Ivm't wire, write. Tell all. fwin'l ask my knrevt .ktate salary, etc. BEHV POTTEB, Routo 2. Harper. Kan.
AT LIBEUTV .Isxz Bs»» Drummer snd Trcaiper. W. MONTGOMEHY. 529 Moss 8t. Beading. Pa.
AT I4BFBTT--Usrlione; member 4. F M ; experi¬ enced trouper. W. B. ROBSON. (Tienikee. Kan.

In which gaud irrvics will be appreclited. Illuiloiii, SlKiwt. CuiMYSsloo Agents. Ticket HeBsr. Urloder, Mtnace. Lrctura. Rides or assist in any capacity. Uaee areeial Hlde-Hhow Mystery Acts. State salaries. Tickets prrierted. Best referencea Write "WALLACE." 2210 East 8t., Northalde. PIUSturgh. Periiiisles'iia.
WELL-KNOWN AM.\TEUR MARATHON BUN.NEB (or any -llilance from 5 to 20 miles) wishes In
ivuiriH-t with proinoter or fair circuit management to run profiwiiotisl. either In cnmpellUon or In ex¬ hibition. B. 8AYLOK. 22'JI Howard 8L. DetrolL Michigan.

ence. Address RUTH SINGER, eumetiat, Ri¬ alto Theatre, llamiltun, Ohio.
AT LIBEBTY--A-l ORGANIST AND PIANIST: Musi-al Direi'tor; on account of aessun clos¬
ing; reliable married man; desires (>ermauent location; highest class work, top salary and gcsKl organ essential; tiest references. JACK M. LEWIS, Orpheum Theatre, Jackson, Mich.


mer at lilwrty; Just closed I'loridn eiigiigeiiieut

with Wel-er a Band. PETER RAUBINOER,

S6 Mulberry, Ciuriunati, Ohio.


LADY VIOLINIST LEADER; LARGE LIBRA. ly: experienced: uipaMe. 'l-nrea orchestra
position ia flrst-clasa motioD pii I'-rr* ilicaire'. can si.|;ilv other musicians, .td-lress ISOBEL
JUNGERltAN, 401 N. 2d St.. Hamilicn. Ohio

AT UBMUTY-Lady Drummer; diairtw piwitiofl, wlili smalt orihfwua: ladles rreferrevl; in .rlcture house,
hctri or dsnee work, ur With iJsno and druius skme, Houth preferred. Addrecg MISS K BAKER, 511 W. I72d FI . New Turk till.
AT LIBERTT--A-l Comeelat; eiis-nMirecI In band and c«it,eslia work, desires position with traveling
crgaulzaihai. WAYNB tOlJ!, 1*. O. Box 81, Gistoovllle. Keviosylvanla.

Piano Players
la WORD, CASH (First Lias sad Naaia Blask TyM> It WORD. CASH (8«t la Small TyM> (Na Ad*. Ltia Tkaa 25cl
A-I MALE JAZZ PIANIST--DESIRES IMMEdiale ciiDDertloo with fast dance ori'beetra:
union; age, 23; A-l appearauie; full of |>e<>;


ilean-eui; |>ositlTely deliver giHala; no crab or


AT LIBEKTY--Vbdlolst: noa-ur.lon. da;.co. movie, bum; refereocra; atate luilarc and full varlie-

mer wilu l-ells, aul A-l clarinet; are experi

enced in theatre work; are both union men,

state .ill in first letter. Addresa HARRY L.

DALTON, bis East tttb 8t.. Little Rock. Aikan




STRING BASS--18 MONTHS IN PRESENT IHSiithm wiilx cotK-exI <^>hei>lra dc.irca lu
IcMiitd wHb g'cal pictiir- Louse; SViiilh piefem-d. l-ut will consider any IcMaiiun; state fully all particulars, wages and coDditionK; also if any extra work. A. F. M., 310 Tnic-man, Alhao.T, Georgia.

car* ur,ruad show - reliable, voung g<a.l aptwarance. Ticker U far. stale alt II BAHKEB. 29.>8 3lil Ave. So., MirI'ceicais. Minnewaa.
AT LIBERTY--Saxoiihonr. Flute and Plcvolo, yuuna man, 31 years oil. flist <4s«s muvhian, IS ytarr
expriince. read, jars. fikr. Will lorate or travek If. T. Box 47. Jefferaiin City. MiimurL

ulars. Write; don't wire. PIANIST, I*. O. Bog

7ir<. MadiNon, South Dakota.


AT LIBERTY--A-l DANCE PIANIST: DEHirr-a work with dance ur< heatra, playing firat-
claaa auuiiiier rc-nort or hotel; three years' experletioe to dance work; cimk) sight reader; union;

Iseilat who la an A-l piano tuner, would like

21 years old; neat aiiiM-arliig and c-oogenlal.

locatKio where there is plenty of bualneM at

Send ticket; state walnry and full partlrulara.

In An«werini^ Clasiified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. both. Address CLARINETIST, c*te of the Bill-
Board, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Write or wire. ARTHUR WILLMERB. 835 W. 14tb 8t., Dubuque, Iowa.


APRIL 23. 1M1

Ttie Billboard

AT LIBEBTY--LADT PIANIST: POUB TEABB' ripcricncr pUyiiiK piciiirps; piano alone, or

MAOICIAX--HAVE AH ACT OF SMALL MAGIC · bat la a reel noveItT; U> 10 inineii s, » a'e

.40ENT3--Wonderful seller; 96c profit every dollar cab*. License unnecessary. No stock to carry.

NEEDLES--Embroidery Hand Sewtn*, Needle Book. Self-Threading; 3 Samples, 15 cenU; 5 Samples.

would like <o leurn ordii'oira work; lurge It- hlgliest aalsry in first letf.e, OLIVER KXN. Simp'.e free. MISSION BE.4D CO.. Office L, Los 25 cents, and wholesale pricrfi. SVN SPECI.ALTIES.


apio-araiice. Addn-aa PIANIST, .100 DALL, Madiaon, Wlsc-onsin. les, California.

91 Noble Slrcct, Brooklyn. New York.

Bolling SI., (·reeuy itle, .Mabauia.

aprJ.l ---1 AGENTS WANTED-Male and female, to sell a BUBBER JAZZ BABIES--Real pep hoys. Fast sellera.

AT MRBRTY--WIr* Walker: Mf). 19; wdght,

ui-lque Fortune Telling Design. A guaragteed seller Sire of postcard Prepaid sample. 35c; dozen, J2.0'i.

AT LIBERTY--GOOD JAZZ PIANIST; PREFER tratelMig dunce or resort or<heatra; read; can
Join a' once. M. U. PAUL, Boa 481, Biamank,

pouQ<ia, r^«Mi apc^earanrr. WoiiM Uk« Xi» jiin

troupe or partner. FKANK BVBRS. U» Atexai. kr

Hi., N^ark« New Je^y,


North Dakota.


AT LIREKTY--Hlackfae^ rom.*Jlan; for metJ rhnvt

1 np In ail acti; mn ainz; bu'ii


In all countries. .Absolutely original. A drawing room ANDREWS NOVELTY CO., 188 Shaw St,, New

O'naraent. Instructive and amusing, ."ale price, three London. Connecticut.


(loll.irs. A lifelong article and keeps the family at

Ifom#* Adilrrsa "Vnuts Nf^rrlly ** JOll^ R ROGBR^ SELL "PEACEilAKERS." the new 5c package Mint,

care HllllHiard, New York.

tfo ; at fairs, carnivals or to retail stores. rnhino

features, good profitt Send 50c for 81 retail package


lo hdn arul will do useful t nign on liK.NKY RKAYH>UaU* 401 K. M»chanlc» Mar-

AGENTS Sell Dice Rings and Charm-s; five samples, and proposition. THE O.-U. COMPANY, 13 Park II. postpaid. OI^caR CASTBOP, Box 20. Ironlon. Bow, New 5'ork City.

Directiir I union t; for luiiaii al comedy, Tahloid Wip liliDoU.



or vaudeville. Addresa DIRECTOR, The BiU-

oiiAia, niiinji I a

rwi.u---i se .-'iiav-

I'oard. .New York.
DANCE PIANIST-REAL MUSICIAN OF ARIL. li.r. rrlehea to connect rrllh fon-l dance or

AT LIBERTY--M'diclne Team, man aril woman;* tingles and douLlo. change strung for week, six
good doubles. Slid ruan does ala siiizles. and three strung ails of mail", fan put rm si ii and make tic m fo. Must hsve tlcl..-ts. HillUic'i fir reltreiiee.

AGENTS--Sell Eio.ira Silrer Plate and Polish: won¬

derful sriler and nxrater; i-artKUlars frte NEW


mit .\Tc , New Ite-iloid. Massaihuielts.


ene, the magic sharing powder; s;mply mix with water, apply to beard, wash off and you hare a <'!· an share. Guaranteed harmless, absolutely safe to use. This method is Quicker, better, safer and much cheaper. Package, enough for 5 shaves, 35c; dozen,

 hciitra; exiierlenced; good roice: 20 years' old Writ* for iiartlculars. R. X. 8ENTZ, 311 Rum
roers 8t., lilnton. Writ Vlrglitla.

lU RT AND MA.MIE BE.NNETT. Billboard. St. tou.v


cc.iriiig s.ason;

juiiiiilp IT llglit i-nnied; ; age. 25; > fee'. 0 iiKlnv.

AGENTS. .STHEETMEN. DEMONSTRATORS, PITCH JIEN--Money getter selling Razor Paste. Guaran-
t'W'U. Mure Ilian double your mosey. Repeater. Sam¬
ple. full partieiilars, 25c, prepaid. HARRY RUSSELL,

12 25. Take back ail you can't sell. HENRY B. srilLOEN, 128 East Thirty-eighth St., New York, No postals answered.

w. u[hl. 11".; 1 yiai'a tiienenrt; hare 'he ability le-wagiac, Michigan.

mmyll f>IG.NSV--idTertislng Cardboard Si*rj; fast seUrrs.


houset; aot>er, reliable, good appearance, etc.;

clasay picture bouse preferred

F. J. 1a-

PIERRE, UeB. Del.. Pueblo, Colorado.

and aiHsaranre. Wife. ]ur-nlle .w ooond bu«lnei>; a«e, 21; 5 leet. 2. weight, 125; very pretty and altraittre; 6 m-mtha' esjs'iience; Trry amldtbus a 1 willing; both tan druble tkaeis. WHEATDN .\M) NkJi-(lN, t.en. IHI.. Hitmingham. .\laotraa.

AGE.NTS--Make and s>Il Aluminum Plumbers' Com¬

mon Solders; three Fotmuiaa. guaranteed. 50 cents.

ACME .SUPPLY to., 1104 E. Leafiand, Decatur.



Sample, 10 cents; catalog free. SUN SPECIAL¬ TIES. 01 Noble Street, Brooklyn. New York.
START A MAIL ORDER BUSINESS AT HOME-I tell you bow to make, where to buy material, how

j. ^


; r


K ^

jf »


· *

lady OBGANIST-PIANIST--THOROLY CA pable fur bisi class picture tbeaier Inter-
pretalluo perfect Detroit or riereland tern tnry preferiel I. M, McEARL, Box A, 331 Brentwood. JavkaonvUle. ITa.


hotel engagement; union; read or fake for

diBC* or light concert-, neat apiienranee; ex¬

cellent refereneea. PIANO MAN, Blllhoard.

Cinclonatl. Ohio.


PIANO PLAYER: UNION AND RELTABIE; tight reader, tianaiawe; lab. show; preferred,
show cloaing ran«e if this ad W, P, MILLER, 92i McAIntont. I.ittir Kot-k. Arkanaai.

PIANI8T.LEADER AT LIBERTY-FOR 8UMmer engagement; loot esperiroce In inusb al
cenaedy. Taudevllle, pictures; I arrange, Iranspoae, play at sight, etc.; \. E" of M ; steady and teltahle. CKAS. JANKE, IK) King St., Bur-

AT IJHERTT. ANTHONT Dl'KA!*, the Boy With the Edu< sled Feel, two feet of nuerlty stag- dau-
<lng. fond aii.grr and com. llan; will accept engageBent In Tiudrville or irusical comeily; good wardru'w on and off. salary. y< ur limit. Address ANTHO.NY Dl'KAtf. cars Bi iigs B-x kii.g Fiebange, 819 I.o'ci> ^ Healy Building. 64 E Jaiksiat Blsd.. (^icago.
FEMALE IMPER.'^ONATOR AT LIBERTY--Mu¬ sical show; or es'ab.,slM<l a t; singing, dani mg;
5 ft. 5 in; w».g;ii. 10 iba. Write "IMPEdt8ONAT0R.'* care The Billboard, ChicafO. llUiioia
lYLMALE IMPEHSO.N.kTiia -- Oneolal specialty; widiea engagenHiit with, tabloid show
tbo'ueh.-ut sunitr.r er eflasg. mna St res.«t; will Bibmlt photo. PAldLEY DAWN, care T'ae Blllboird. New Voak.
WaNTF.D by Y'Ol'NQ M.\N for TmuieTiUe or any reL-ogmaed act: good singer: imor voice: height. 4
ft. 9 In.; weight. Ill) Iba HKIIBEUT RILEY, 844 Bruk Avr., New Bedford, Mas-a<.huceita
YOI NO MAN-ITAU AN COMOTIAN: top baritone ·l''>grT; can do Hebrew, blackface; wi-;b»i to yHn

hare a sample fur you. Just a card brings It. BYNOR LABUHATOKIES. Box 161. Columbus. Ohio.


l-rs fur women; Invlxlble when worn: complete sell-

hig outfit. Including 24 pairs display csrdig etc., $2.00.

K1.NMKBI T UUBBfcR COiU'ANY. 8 Vsnvragenen.

Newark. Ntw Jersey.


for I'SERS OF CANNED MILK--A new Tod. open*

a cau m one aeoond. Put back on the can it arala

airtight Wuuld'he ager.ta. send 15c for one. Ml'L-

LANE .'JTAMPINO WORKS. Uept M, 1522 I5th St.

MoUn*. llUnola


FREE .SAMPLES OF "NU-LIFE"--OUT TOtTM; make $25 daily, part time or full; 24 fast-aclling
8pec;a:tleig direct from manufacturer; everybody buyi; exclusive territory almost gone; answer QUirkly. N'U-
UFE AID CORPORATION. Hartford. ConnectlcuL Jun4

FRFE AGENTS' SAiTPlE CA.SE, FREB-IS 00 to $15.00 a day aaaily made selling better grade pop-

to advertise and aell your product. Guaranteed
money-maker for $1.00. KENNETH KLUGU. Kldgway. Pennsylvania.

TRA.NSKER INITIALS for moiwgramirig autos: send

$1.00 for outfit, consl'ting of 55 assorted letters,

cement, brush and directions. Write for wholesale

prices. MONOGRAAI IXmAL CO.. Jersey City,

New Jersey.


TUBE-KURE--.4 rubber preservative; immense aeDer;

car owners buy on demonziration; 83 ."ample Can,

poetlwld, 81; territory oieii; azt quick. TUBE-KURR

chemical CO., San Diego, California.


WANTED--Men and wioraen to sell Self-Threading Needles. A blind man can thread them. A sale
In every heme. Piy 85 a day. No experlenes re¬ quired. Send 10 Cents for sample Needle and par¬ ticulars .J. TALERICO, Box 1018, MillvlUe. N. J.

WHITE STONE WORKERS. SLUM HUSTLERS-- Twelve assorted sample! of ntute Stone Rings and
Scarf Pint with lowest wholesale prices. Remember, we sell for less or we'll refund your dullar. Mailed prepaid for $1.00. WHITE STONE KINO. Dept. 612. 333 S. Dearborn, Chicago._may It

Bnflon, 5'trmont.
PIANIST (MALE) -- EXPERIENCED; ALL linra; played beat kooaee; toorltl botela. etc..

panner or recognized vaudeville art sirea-ly hooked, AJclreea BOX 48. care The BiUboani. .New Yv»k.

ular-priced Un* of Rubber Aprcsia and Sanitary SpwialtJeR Write now. B. & G. RUBBESl CO. 618 Pma Atr, Dept. 23, Plttsburgb. Penn. apr23

810 A DAT E.4SILT--Monogramlng autos by transfer method; great demand; no expeiienc-o necessary.
Send 82 for outfit. Be convinced. C. W. RAMSEY, care Billboard Pub. Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio.

North or Rotitb; reliable; good api<earance. etc ; State beat offer. Address RELIABLE PIANIST, car# The Billboard. ClBriaaati. Ohio.
AT IIBERTT--Plaalit: cnloa. Prrfee yaudevitle oe thrater west of Mtsslssjpil. Addreta ri.VNIST,
SI S. Chlcagov Lot Anatlea. CaUfoaata.

The White Elephants Yon Have'
Most every person has stored away in his factory, store, office or

$15.00 DAILY selling Bill Trade Salesboarda Every

merchant buys Quick revest. STOLTZE. 1709

Madison, St Loutt. Missouri.


Animals, Birds and Pets

AT UBCBTT--Xaperleneed Dinee Pfanist; nnlon. PlMH ihore or perh In New York or New Jersey.
Addrrw BONNELL, 203 North Asa. Plalnfleld. N. J

home, or. perhaps, in full view, ever>'day merchandise or odd articles,
called "White Elephants," that are eating up space and not improving by age.

ALIVE--Two nonstroui Porcupines. $10; great bally¬

hoo. FLINT, North Waterford, Maine.



LADT, TBMdle aged, flrst-clasa Planlite. drsirea planlita posttloa with travettng show Please write
tsa M L . Billboard. ClnetnnaU. Ohio.

There Is alwavs someone who can find a new use for the very ar¬ ticle tha^ you have discarded if they know about it.
There is no l>etter way to sell used or nearly new goods than thru the classified columns of The Billboard. This department is now u.sed by the seller and buyer to enormous extent by dealers of show mer¬

English Bull Bitch. 150.00, 54Tiite Spitz Bitch. 835.00; English Setter Bitch, 825.00; Brlndle and M'hite Engll.vh Bull Terrier Dog. $20.00; Toy l-'oi Terrier Bitch. $15.00; large White Puodlle I»og. 810.00; small IMilte .Silk Male Poodles. 810.00; Fe¬ males, 87.50; Fox Terrier Bitches, 8-5.00; Half Wolf,
Half Dog. rare specimen, $25 00. Live Pea Fowla.

PIANIST. A-I. dcatrea playing Slocw or with trap druffliaer. Cue tho pictures at alaht; retd, iiupm-
Tlaa; II yeari' expertencer; top salary, reliable: two
yaart at last theatre Addrsta J. N. GILGEN. Bill¬

chandise in every line. Make up a list of goods that you want to dispose of, put a fair sale
price on them and watch the inquiries.

Pheasants. Turkeys, Geese. Hawks. Owls. Ostriches. We buy everything. DETROIT BIRD STORE. Detroit. Michigan.

board, Cincinnati. Ohio.


PIANIST, A-1--I cut the pictures ta they thould

bo; read, improvtse: reliable, two years last thra-

trs; 16 yesia' ciperiem-e; top salary; gnivl p'ai.o

ssamm Addresa JACK EB.NNEI)T. The Bdl-

moard. Ctnrtri.att. Ohio.


Give a concise, intelligent and truthful statement in your advertise¬ ment. and you will find a market for serviceable goods even if they are not new, but don't advertise junk.
State what heading you want your ad to appear under, and count the words in copy, figure the rate per word and send remittance.

BFLLDOGS. Afexlcan Hairless; Canaries, femaleg.

812.00 dozen. Booklet. 10c. BBEXHIER'S EX¬

CHANGE. Minneapolis. Minnesota.


FOR SALE--Three one-yeir-old Gray Wolves; well tamed; 850. F. A. LK.NST. Holton. Kamtas.

' FOB S.4LE--DOGS--Six Great Danee, males and

PIANIKT--Kiperb-need playing tor plctureo. or vrlll XKn dance orcheslrt. Prefer position In New 5'ork
nty. W QI'EDNAr. Sir Vandervoort RL, North Tooawandt. New York.

Vaudeville Artists
a WORD. CAIH (Ftrat Llat aad Naaia Blaah TVpa) la WORD. CASH iSat la laiaM Typo)
(No Ad*. Ltat Tkaa 2I«>



Street, Philadelphia.


A^nts and Solicitors Wanted

AOENTB. PITTHMEN -Sell IVJMle s Setf-Diagnovlc

rttan Restoraiiro Moeream'a Rcnsarkahle. No

raoro Mg doctor btlki. TTca* ymiraelf. RAD I'fB

i'O., Bi«i .564. San Diego, i sliLwnla.


AGENTS--106% peoftt. Bamboo Fburtaln Pen. strti't-

tr new item, vronderful seller. Send 81 for sam-

.plea and partlcularsi INl'Bl'SH, HIK1D.4 A CO..

Dept. 10. 312 So. Wabash .%vv.. Chicago.


GVTT THh L4TBST and faMwt eeller m the mar¬

ket WYlsoo'a Orteptal Rug Machine ooeta you! 25c, jieila for 81.00. .Send 50e for Aam(<la and par-

tUTiIara A. H. KIRBY A SON, 1028 Market St .

·San Pranciaco.



GET INTO PATINO BPSINTflS--Write for our tpe-

ctal 8100 week Gum Machine proposition. HALL,

253 Chadwick Are., Newark, N. J.


HE-tTLESS TBOrSEB PRESS. I1 50. D. ISRAEL COMPANY. General Poat Offlot Box 1S9. New Yaporr3k0.,

females: 'TOtr Spitz Females. French Bull. Boston

Terriers. Toy Black and Tana. Italian Greyhound,

-Airedales, St. Bernarda. Irish Terrier. Angora Cats,

Parrots. Parakeets. Cockatoos, Australian Phatangers.

tame Coon, two FV>x Terriers, broke for hind foot

work; Wire Walking Poodle, with rigging; R-.IIIng

Basket, Revolving Table. Shetland Ponies; Giant

Rhesus Monkey, broke for clothes, also feeding act;

also small Monkeys. BOFUEVABI) PET SHOP.

1010 5'ine St. ClDclnnatl, Ohio.


8TTTTED ALLI0.4T0RS, 81.50 up. according ilsao.

JOS. FLXI8CHMAN. 1105 FrtnkUn St. Tampo.



LIVE WILD ANIMALS and Birds for sale; all pur-
poses. CHARLES C. GARLAND. Old Town. Me. oprM

AT UBEBTY--CHARLIE GOLDEN. SINGING Hebrew (omli-; age, 31; height, S ft.. 7 In.;

AGENTS--make btg money telling patented Solder. Sttnda all testa. Sample. 25c. SOLDER CO.. 127 S

IP YOn CAN SELL 82.50 worth at merchandise for 2Sc, send us your name and addreoa Inclose 2Sc1 MONKEYS. Wild Cats. Polecats. Wolves. Bean. Fox
for agent's sample. Bounded on your order. H. and Black Squirrels, Opu-siinn. Kaivoons. Foxes.

Velgb 140; reliable mgr. only. M PRATT So. 20tb at., Blrmlntham. Alahaiua.

}un4 miller agency. KenseU. Arkansas.

apr301 Carles. Hares. Japanese Waltzing .Mice. Macaws.

ST., Buffalo, New York.

Cockatoos. Cockatlllos. Parrots. Parrakeets. Japanese

brew and Burnt Cork ComediaiV wishea to coanect with rerne or join an ac7; aing. and

AGENTS--S504I nroflt. Our artjele sella on sight. Ex¬

cellent for fairs, rsmlrals. etc. Send IIV for llb-

rrU samplo and parUcuIara. H. KRKSTAN, 214

Atlantic .8L. Elizabeth, New Jetaey.


1CDNertemuCsr-RelsnnlEntx.g.4SbAaEunsuidtnYoemOsCTsoabBfriolienr IaNyBoCRuoOdresyM meloEfv.P--eorlG.Misehatk.AeIlnlALuiftqlohouuenirdtomboRlfalaendutihafTeitocosp-er.,: guaranteed Fo-mulas, 83; any two for 82. We give,

Robins. Bull Finches. Gold Finches. Canaries. Importations from Eneland. (lermany evti) week. Fancy Pigeons, Fancy Fowls. Snakes. Alligat'irs. Turtles. W buy everything. DETROIT BIRD STORE. Detroit Michigan.

play piano also, York.


AGENTS. STREFTMEN, DEMONSTB.VTOBS--S-artling inrenlii-n. make 20# peg cent; l>eready Mend¬
ing Stick, instantly solders til metals; wonderful teller; atlrmiiirely labeled Orosi. 16 00; Samples.

oimplete instructions how to get started and where to buy all materials. MUSCATINE SPECIALTY; C(X, Muscatine, Iowa.

WANTED TO RTT--Freak Animals and Blrda of all

kinds, alive and mounted. EVANS A GORDON.

White City Park, Chicago, llUnolf.


AT LIBERTY--A-I CLASRY, REFINED FEmale Impersonator; make-up and wardrobe par

15 cents, pottpaid MODERN CO.. Htgaman, New York.



JOKERS* NOVO-TIBS -- Outfit (16 aamples). 10c. CHAMBERS PRINT WORKS, Kalamazoo. Mich. apr23

WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS--Stock your pit shows and menageries with the finest specimens.

PXcelleare; fair alnging roice and good talking

Get In line, boys, for the best. That's ua 105VA

voice; taudevllle, mus`ral comedy parta and Trcuittea CHARLES BRU8LE, SIS Eagle St., Terre Haute, Indiana.

AOENT»-SeIl the new German Silrer Dice Charm.

direct from manufa* turir; 81 #0 seller. Sample.

5«f; 8t8 0# per gr >.1 'niF. OITU SPECI.VLn' < 0 .

281 West 15(ith Sire«<. New York.


MAIL ORDER LEADER--Mllllona ahould be soldi
"Conilng--the Six-Hour Day." booklet. Quoting authorltira to prore that big employrra must grant workers slvvrt day, or orerproductlon, with resulting

PET FARM. Dept. C, Husslyr,. Virginia.
S'n'TT-'ED ALLI0.4TORS AND FISH--Bat Flab, Balloon Fish, Cow ETsh. Porcupine Fish, Sea Horse

iinrmplovmrnt. "panlct," discontent. (Time, etc., will Fish. 81 etch. Large sire Bottle Fish. 84 each.


ballc coat iiing and rlowh producing. }*·-

Plana and Inatructlona.


AGENTS, STREirrME3t, DEMONSTR.4TORS--Tie fastest selling Rau'r on the market. Send fifty
c«ita for sample and prarlculara. Exclusire territory
to real agenta. 4-S-R.4ZOR CO.. Hutobtnson, Kan.

undermine drillration. Sample copy, terms to dealers,

and Information how to com money selling this by

mall. 15o, posptald. Nothing free. J.kCK P.4NSY

(BBi. 10 W. 2,sth St., New York.


Stuffed alllgaUirs. 81.50 up. according alma JOS. PLBISCHMAN, 1105 FrankUn St. Tampa, Florida.

AT LIBERTY APRIL tSTH -- JUVENILE; height, .5, 'Jij; weight, 13.5 Ihs ; dark t.rpe;

AtlENTS MAKE 5CC'e TROUT handling Auto Momarrams. New Talrioiio Plitures. Windiwe Let¬

MAKE 150 DAILY. SOMETHING NEW!--400 per cent profit. All buslnraa. profesalonal men need it.
Sella 85. Costa 81. Brooks, Texas, aold 20 first

At Liberty at Future Date

· ge. IH; rx|>erlenre In raudevllle, 3 year*. Also wme sto«-k on film work; would like an engage¬ ment with a reliable slot k Co . or dramatic vauderllle act; reliable people wr'te: salarr no

ters. Transfer Klagi and Noveliy Signs Catalog free HINTtiN CO.. Star City, Indiana.
AGTA'TS--110 dally stamping namea on kry chteka

day; profit. 860. Big weekly repeater. Sella Quickly.

Bipertence unnecessary. Write today for territory

wanted. Sample outfit free. FEDERAL ASSOCIA¬

TION, 71 F. Asylum St.. Hartford, Conn.


CORXETIST AT LIBERTY JUNE Ij--IxK-ate. 9 yearV experience: B. anJ O.; <x)lMe graduate.
Band leader 3 years: chautauQua 3 years. Age. 23. A-I reft fences on character and ability. C. B.

cbject. want experience Addrewa JUVENILE, Tlrasant work. Sample Chc-k with your name and

ANDREWS, Albion. Michigan.

care The HIIINvard. Cincinnati, Ohio.

addresa 25c. JB5VEI.I- KEYCHECK CO., Shelby. O MAN In each town to reSntah chandellert. brati

aprSO beda. automobiles, by new method; 810 dally wlth-

(rat capital or exptrlenc*. Write GllNMErAL CO.,

Attractions Wanted

phot4.piajr iorcfn, etc. EMIL WALTER. Clnrlnnail, Ohio.

AGENTS- lOO'":- profit on nationally advertised Ava G, Decatur, Illtnola


Sni<>keT«' .\rllclf* aid Housitui'd Specialties to

cotiviiroiTS and stores. Retail 10 to 7-5 cenia Live MONEY IN THE MAIL ORDER BTSINES.S--Nim(w

Wire* wanted Imraeillateiv. E. M. KEHNllARDT, I of 35 supply bcu-es hw 25& PENNELL COM¬

148 Chamhera St. Now York Cits.

PANY, CoTl^on, Kcntuidiy.

AI.L VIRGINIA AND NEARBY PL.AYHOl'SES-- Submit date, terms to MGR. IIELKIO. Lycdiburg,


McDermott. ·304 Caat .Vllh Sl.. New York In Answering: Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

(Continued on Page 54)

Ttie Dlllt>oar<l

APRIL 23. 1921

ATTRAmONS WANTH) for Modfrn Woodmen tos Koiiii.g and Hlrnlc, June 30-Ju]y 1-2, 1921: Swing.
Khow's bf all kind lhat arv clean, and rnncrasion-.
Eieclrlc liglita aiid waitr on grounds. W« get the crowd. Kkt funhtr tnformatlcn addrcu FRANK I.4--

WITH MY BOOK AND CHART jrm can alt iknro and May Mano ulthout notes or music. I'rice
comMete. fl.OO. JOll.N WAUNKH. Box 771. Haltl-
more. Marylai.d.

SEND ANYTIIINQ IN COSTCMES you don't wtnl to KKTON. He will send you money order at once.
Exchange or Swap

OITERS TO BtTEB.'t-Manuficture AB Unite of

fair and carnival hasketa. AildreM NATIONAL

BAHKCT MFC.. Ct».. 614 East 5lh St. .New York

Phone Dry Dock 2440.


ROT. Sec- . Stlglt r. Oklalixoa.

ma-.T YOCR 20-WORD AD In 100 Magasln-s for only 11.00. Extra words. 5c. List free. THOMPSON


REVOLtn.NO BIUJARD. $600.00. Dlfferetit frign raetng. Entirely new game, ehootlng movahlw

COREY SHOWS WANTS organlied Dramatic Shows.

Shows. Rides and Conccsalona Address 1020 Askew

Am.. Kansas (Tty. Mlsaourl.


Pt'BLlSHING CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
125 TRICKS WITH CARDS OR SI.incHT OK-11 AND. 25 cents. H. T. 0KEF:NFIBI.D. 2103 E. (irind

5VB BIT. SEU^ EXCHANGE all kinds Slot Vend¬

ing Mxchines VICTOR SMORCIl. 44 Delswsrs

Ave, BilTsK New York


tirgri.s, which combine aklll, aclence, fun and ex¬ citement Fa-steet mimcy getter. Will fumlsb you a twelve-player mac hlne and share with you on a liercrntige ImsIs If you have a I2xl2-h. locaUon.

GOOD. CI.EAN SHOWS and Concessions wanted for le . .^t. L-uir. Mi.v.r url.

SIW30 37 MAGIC TRICKS, with Instructions. List for Al.ll\AVI>LTt. 315 2Uth St.. Brooklyn. New York.

4th of July week. Extra large crowds, .tusplcra

stamp. A. \V. DOWNS. Mtrthsll, .Michigan.


Anierlcran Legion. Wtite C. R. BARNES. Post Adjutant. Montl'TlIo. Indiana.

Business Opportunities

EXCHANGE- -All kinds Slot Michlnca. Electric Pl¬ SO.MVmilNtl NEW FOR CItNCKSSIONAIRES--Rr-

GR1RGSVILLE FAIR (successors to Illinois Valley


ano. Ten-PImwtt Alley. Want--Turkish Musette, Inforced Composition Orninients. In Homan and Saxophone. go<rd Violin. Tents, or what have you? green gold finish. Candlesticks. $5 00 per dox.; in-

Fair), Origgsrllle. HI., August 30 to Seiitember 3.

wants small Carniral I'ompaiiy with two Kldea Ad-

drem R. P. KAHRANli. Secretary.


horo. III., wants Carnivals. Shows, Rides, Amuscinmt Iievlcea, clean Conces-stons. 35.000 to draw
hom Inuturban service. Upeus May IsL Addtrss

CONCESSIONS TO RENT IN MOt'.NTAINS at Gray's Casino, White Lake, SulUvan Co., N. Y.:
Daiue Hall. Cahatet. 8 Ri wlliig Alleys, 3 Pco) Tables,
large Fruntalu, Ijim b Counter. Souvenir Cuunler. Mclor Launch, scaling 40; Cigar, Candy CounUr. Pliotrtrai.'.v s Stmllo, Bailwr S1hm>. Bath Itouscs. MITTIA;B, 8 B. 110th SL. New TTork.

K. McCOHMlCK. Palestine, Illlnolt


TRI'NKS of all kinds for Slmw Property Tel.. Ikirchest.r 7«0!l CHICAGO THEATRE WRECKING
EXCHANGE Offl>-e. 1517 E. 57lh St.. Chicago.
Dept B.

cenv Burners. $4 00 per doz.; Hook Ends, $5.50

|hT doz prs. Will send sample to reliable parllrt.

THOMAS G. KOELLE CO.. 251 FalrUwn Ave..

Elyria. Ohio.


SPEARMINT GCil--ReUlls 2 or more So. Boyal Five, delicious 5-sllcii standard package. Case of
5.000 parkages. $50.00 F. O. B. Newark factory;


apr30 LAKE MICHIGAN PARK, Muske-:on. Mich.. wanU


only 1 cvnt per package. FNIVERSAL GUM COi-

POR.CnoN. Kansaa City and Newark.


WANTED--Carnivals, Tent Shows. Medicine Rhowa

Oil town of 3.000. 10.000 to draw from. Open ev-

fp day of the year. Write W. B. DIIXON, Parks.



to hear from owner of first-clan Mcrry-Go-Round.

Have proposition of rental or peerentage basis in Urge

rlr.ulsr huililitig. now compirtid Kuoro L-r P iinv

Arcade in oonnectlon. Long-term lease. Write GKO.



ANT MONEY MAKING FXIRMl'LA. $1 CO. Not the cheapest, tut the best Rest assured all are re-

ST.AGE SCENERA' of all kindt for Show Property,
Theatre Trunks, also (Rivernroent surplus of all sizrx .4 pcxtal card brings bulletin In detalla TcL.
Ulickstone 7668. MIDLAND SCENIC STI'DIO. Jack-


-- RINKS' Reunion. Mammoth Spring. Ark.. Aug. 8-

18th. Shows. Rides and Attractions: ausplcea Amer¬

ican Lrgion Post. E. E. Sterling. Secy.


P.ATENT NO. 1327389--Sanitary Measure and ITinncI comhlutd. Will sell outright or have same manu-
faclured un royalty. J. T. .lOlINSON, 512 South
Conception St., Mobile. Alabama.

liable. No Junk. State your reuulremcnts. SPE¬ CIALTY SERVICE. 655 Preston. Louisville, Ky.
AVSTRALIAN CEMETCT--Known aa 'The Monkey Grip." absolutely fire, water, add proof; mends

·on Park ArUst Ckiluoy. Stoney Island and S7th bt. Chicago.
TA'mxi I>f:siC.NS--4 fine Cheat Destgim. colorea $1.50. H.UtUY L.4WS<LN. Box 31. NogfoUi. Va.

Wan EI>- Whip, Kerns t\Tic»I, Wivec Hunan

B( ..Ate. .Aeroplane Swing anil Concca.iona for the

beet ,..rk In the beat dty In Louisiana. Shreveport

Pair Park. (I|/ens May I'dh. AJdieee MANALKK.

TaJr Park. Shreveport, l/ulslana.


WANTED AT ALL TIMES--Vaudeville and Free Attractloiia WESTERN ROOKlNfi AC.ENCY, 410
ODlbertsoii RIdg.. Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. apr23

SHOOTING GAIJ.KKY--la border and soldier camp tonii; just opentAl. Rcaeon for sellingl Going on
road soon. Price, flOO.OO. WYlte fir particulars. E. B. CHAPMAN, Eagle Piss, Texas.

TATTOOERS. LOOK--4 real fine Urge Sbouldrr De-

Ngns. II 00. UAltRY LAWSON. Box 31, Nor¬

folk, Virginia.


ctiliia. glass, wood, porcelain. Ivory. Iron. Un. rub¬ ber. leather; quickly made: guaranteed Formula, 50c.


8 & 11. MA,\T'FACTirBINO ItcyRum Building, Chicago.


TATYtiOING SrPPlJES. MACHINES. Designs. Inks. Stencils, Needles and Appliances. Price list

BE IN'DEPHTS'DEXT--Earn $50.00 to $100.00 a work

Rc.sllvering Mlrrora. Formula and complete in-

strucilouk 50<3. JOSQ^ll W1LL1A5LS. Box 1662.

Moljlle. Alabama.



free. "How To Da Tattooing." sold by atheti; we rite free wich every cmiflt. Special on Needles No. 11 or 12 $2 75 per th.nieand. nH'OB'nNG TAT'DIG SI PPLY. 526 Main St., Norfolk, Virginia.

Wanted Roid Shows; percenuge; good show town. PA 'IME THE.ATKE. Palmyra, Illinois mayl4

WANTEIk--At Newark. Ohio, first-class Carnivsl ' Company, week of July 4th to 9th, under ausplcrt Loyal Order of Moose, at Mound Buildera Park, big time. Address WM. J. DEEDIM, Newark, Ohio.

TYANTBD--Merry-Go-Round. Street and Freak Shows

for 4tb of July Celebration at llairtaon. Ohio.

Address SECRETARY. Harrison FUe Co. No. 1.

Harrison. Ohio.



WE START YOU IN Bl'SINBSS. furnish every thing: men and women. $30.00 to $100.00 weekly
operating our "New System Specialty Candy Fac¬
tories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime; booklet free. RAGSDALE CO., Drawer 96, East Orange, N. J. may?

1,000 TRl'NK.S of all makes and dimensions, new and used; Government surplus Included: aa low at
$5 cash. A postal card brings complete lists. Tel.. Dorchester 7668. CHICAGO THEATRE WRECKING EXCHANGE. Office, 1517 E. 57th St. Chicago. Dept. B.

WILL BIT ALL or one-half Interert In a Museum

or good BuslneH Proposltloo. PBOPOSTTION. Bill¬

board. ClndnnaU.


BIO MONEY MAKER-Rfillvtrlng Mlrrort Formu¬ la. 50c. Ten rare Perfume Formulas, contilnlng
valual le tips on home manufacturing. 25c. DAt'K,
411 Third Street, Brooklyn, New York.

BOYS. HERE THEY ARB--"Silver Plating nuld."

"X-rell-All Furtilture PoUsh." Razor PssU.

"lightning liniment" Brass I'ollslitng Powders. All

for $3.00 (M. 0.1. Will furniek you F>rmulss for

anything at $1,00 each. F. G. IIAKSTON, 716 klar-

ket SL, Shreveport, Loulsiaiia.


EVEKTBODA* GET MY HAMBI ROER FORMI LAAbsolutely new. Use less beef; improve flavor. Ue-
pc*sters fure. Fifty cents gets It. No stampa ORIGINATOR. 308 LeUnd St., Topeka. Kin. api30

For Sale--Second-Hand Goods
AMERICAN IMPROVED BOX-BALL ALLEYS--Sell 6 for the price of one. Act quick. ROSENTHAL.
516 .id Are.. .New A'ork City.
ANATOMY STBIBCTS. Wax Flgurea Vwitrtloqulst Flgurea Emiaie stamp. S1L4W, Victoria. Mo. maylt
AVTOMA'nC CARD PRF-«8 AND or'TFIT--Extra baidcxi. thousands cf blank ctrcli; everything good
as new $125. FUnTD DBYTT'SE. Point PItce. To¬ ledo. < Ihlc*.



FIVE FORMl'LAS. $1.00~Three-Mlnute Com Re¬ mover. Snake OH (LlidmuntI, Instant Cement.

B.4LLOON. few tiolea; 3 Parachutes; prsctlcslly new.

Mends .411 Solder. CiiT-t KOPP CO., 3000 First $50 00 ukes aU. CUA8. T. HUNT. Arling¬

Csllfomia Ave.. N. 3. PUtsburgh, Pa.

apr30 ton. Manland.

BI'HINKSSf If so, send stamp for our many in4ee<'Stlng propcsillons. Thiy arc winners. THOMP¬ SON PI BUMllNfJ CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio.

CARTOONS MADE TO ORI>ER--Why don't you have

your set catUwnedT me know what you want

J.tCK r.ARK. Cartoonist. Room 405. 1531 Broadway

New York. New York.


FORMl'LAS--Orangeade Both '25c. W.4LTEB

and l.emonide Powder. MORTENSEN. Texarkana,

B.4LL(K1NS, Parachutei. Inflatera, Rope Ladders for plane changing. State fully your rrcjulremeota and
weight THOMPSON BROS. BALLOON (XL, Aurorg. llUoolt.

ATTENTIONI--HarUfleld'a Mall Order World and

* Bprx-Ul Rrrrlrn Magazine show you how to latah'bdi

·Riiltable buNneia of your own. Manufacturing. Mall

Order, local, aurt spare time. Sample optre. 23e:

1 year. 11.50. HARTSni'3jy Pl.'BLISinNG CO..

tS9 W. 2Sd SL. New York.



Ht-rb Doctor. 10c. Dclsnn Herald. 15c. contains

Mfre. and Big Mall Directory. 36 Laberty St, Brouk-

1^. New York.


HOOKLETT--Pttchman'a Spiel, Gomle Saylnga at d

BuNneas Talk worth hundred. Selling. Collect or

Q^d. t1. postpaid. snUiER CO.. 127H Bo. 20lh

BL, Birmingham, AUhama.



Samples. 10c. BALDA ART SERVICE. Oshkosh



Concessions Wanted
WANTED--For Amusement Park, East lUddam, Conn., all kinds of Concessions. Moving Pictures.
Mcriy-(Jo-Roui;ds. Scenic Hallway, etc., on percer.tsge hr sis. Big summer bungalow colony. Only place o', smusemc-nt. EDW. F. Kl'SH, 105 W'. 77th St, New Yoik.


Florida fairs this winter. Expense small, profits

large. Formulas, two dimes each. ORIGINATOR.

308 Leland 3L. Topeka, Kansaa.


M.4KE AND SELL your own Soft Drink Extract Big money. Absolutely new. Formula, a dollar bill.
JOll.N KEMIS, 6 N. Hth St.. St Lohls. Mo. apr23

LOOK. BOVS--Formula for sugarene. a auhitllute for sugar; fine for cold drinks or any kind: send 25c; urth mure. AGENT SUPPLY CO.. Oxnard. CiL

LOOK HERE--Can you beat It? 17 Autr Specialty Fc'rmulas, all for $1.00--"nulT sed." Slip a dol¬
lar .siatts' WSJ--now. SL.4TTS' SERVICE. Park

BARGAIN--Trunk full Shnw Ooocte, Ladles', Gents' nothing. $25.00. Dupllratlng Dcvlres. Fur
Prince Alberts. "BOLLYN." 1716 No. La Sslte. ('Ill ago.

BARC.AINR-Arcade Machines--Begins Muilc Bot.

$22.00; Sralco. $20.00; little Dresnm. $5 00; Bess-

hsil klaehlnes. $20 (jO; Deweys. I'ucks, Elka, MuUP

seihes. Reels. Fnriuns Trllers, Drop Picture. Phooo-

graplm. etc, ADAMS NOVELTY CO.. IziwrU. Mass.



BUTn:RKIST POPCORN MACinNB--A-l condition,

$100 Cm; three Sav*o Cone Irons, $10.00. E. BLAIR.

75 Worthen St., l/iwrll. Massichutetta.


CANDY MAKER, tl. M. PLAVCAN. Box 115, San W.4NTED--Live Park Concessions. Glrlk Wa open Falls, Wiscoijiln.


Fraiuis>o. t'slifumia.


Alay 1. Write P. O. BOX 292, Akron. Ohio. aptSO


MEN AND WOMEN--ilanufacture "Snowdrift" Van- SCOPE PARTS illri-ct from the manufacturer, the

clowning FOR CLOWNS--See Plans and Instiuc-




ture free CHAMBERS PRINT WORKS. Kalama-

·eo. Mlchlgzn.


WANTED--Carnival, for the Fourteenth CongreMlonal
DisHlct Reunion of the American Legion Posts of Monmuuih, Macvmb, Roseville. La Hirpe, BlandlnsVI lie, .Avon and Bushnell. IIL To be held on the streets of Bushnell dutitig the week of July 4tlu An up to the minute Carnival Company of not than
twenty cars. Will be blllrd like a ctrcxnia. AJdreas

Isldng Cream, Beautificr and Bleach; also Bando¬ line Hair Dr.rslng. Formula^ $1.00 each. W. CODY, 199 E. First St. Okwego. New York.


UL.4. Don't wTlte, just mall $1. F. J., Ilex 11,

Grandview, Texas. _

_ apr30

only one In the Uiiittd Stales and the largest reel

concern In the world, sud sive for yourself the


REEL CO.. 157 Sixth St. Hoboken. .N. J.


DTE SCENERY (Drops) chgtp. Send stamp. FAIXS, Chltteningo, New Turk.

1;K to all MEDICINE MEN--A Dlagnos'i Chart

the Body to (Ik'ih* that will buy my Medicine 'a I'our for ll.-IO. GEO. SIMS NOVELTY

4611 Lowell Ave.. Chicago, Illinuls.


;E--I'pon request I will lend you llluttrated liter¬

ature describing the following named hooka As-

$rology Character Reading. Clairvoyance. Concentra¬

tion. ESntertalnments. Healing, Hypnotlim. Mechan-

tea, Mediumahlp. Meamrritm, Mystlclaro. Occultism,

Famnal Mtgiretism Sucrris. Salesmanship. Seership,

Will. Yogi Philosophy, ate. A. W. MARTENS. B.

274, Builingtofi. Icua


11. R. HORNBAKER. Buslmtll. IlUnols.

Costumes, Wardrobes and

BARG.AINS--Soubrrlte Wardrobe, swell Male Outfit

Several Thc-atrleal Halftcinea. Feature Fllma. etc.

BOX 1155, Tampa. Florida.


BARE.ST FX)R>n'LA8--Uterature free. OlAHBERS PRINT WORKS. KaUmazoo. MIefa. apr23

THRBB-MINtrrB CORN CURB--Removes bard corni,

»)ft ooms between the Uiea. callouirs oo bottom of

fe^ like magic, without pain; guaranteed formula,

$1. S. A U. manufacturing LABORATORIBS.

UoyUtoo Building. Chicago.


TR.4,\SFBBI:NB FORMULA--Good for streetmen or; make mone. with this. 25c Sample,
AGENT SUI'l'LY CO., Oxnard. CallfonUm


fire, wateifalls. spuHlghta, stereoptlenn, rhenatata.

atudio lights, eondenaers, lenses. NE44'TON, 305

West 15th St. .New York.


FOR SALE--A-l Library of Standard orchestra Music. with trunk; all In good oondltlon. Good line of
ituff for picture house. Will sell reaanniMe. A. B.
NELSON, 301 Pine St. St Peter. MlnnisoU. apt23

FOB SALE--Khaki Tent. like new. 10x16: 7-foot wafl; $20 00. MILO BUTTS, Ne w Oxford, Pennsylvania.

KtSc. including "Thomieon'x AdveniBer." a 16-i>ar#
Acentv' Magarlne Hundreds of moncv-roaklng ipcimtloiis. You'll be delighted. Addrt-cs THOMPN PVBLIS'IIVC, CO.. D-23. Clncmnsti. Ohio.

tONDREADING--Any dlsUnce; simply wonderful.

; yet ironderfully simple. 30<^ Success guaranWid.

·'How to HiTnotlne" riileve diseases. Give asbiund-

tag eihlMtiona 126 pages Illustrated, $1 00 ' Uypotic Wonders" free. .SCIENCE I.NSTl'n'T^ BBS 135

North Clark. Chicago.


MONEY-MAKING OI'POHTTNmKS for ih« Ms'iiea Is the title of a bc.nkleg Just cT the press. Send
·of your free copy. RIGGk PRESi4. Vevay. Indiana. apr23

INDI.4N REGALL4, Female, new. $10; one at $8. Indian Suit, Male. $6. Jacket, $3, new. flashy; Full
Dress, size 38. $7.50; Full Dress Shirts. 5'lc; Dress Suit Cases, 40e; White Vests, some- Full Dn^. 50e, Scersuefcer Costs. 50c; Prince Albert Costs. $1.50. Brown Street Suit. $3, Light Street Suit $2.50; He¬ brew Outfit $5. We make anything. RICTO.N.

BLUB UXII'ORM COATS for bands, red or blue

tending. $3.50 each. All tlzca 3ANDORF, 740

West End Ave., New York.


CHORUS WARDROBE--Gcacd oondltlon. # blue Silk Novelty. $12, fi Baby. $12; 6 .Satin Bealtd Sou-
brette, $6; 6 Sateen, Soubrettes. $6; 5 Military Coats, new, $3; 6 ClotU Novelty Pants Suits. $6; 6 new
Clioriis, $1; 6 Hawsiians. $18. Money order to
KICTO.V, 111% 'V. 7th. Clnclnnstl, Ohio.

YOl R OPPORTI NITI'--.XIIVCT Plalltig Powder, Best Furniture Pi.lleh. Itazor Pasie, lightning liniment
iSnake till). Brajs PulPlilng Powders. All-I'urjiosa Cement. Cari-t Cleaner; all tor $1.00. One Formula, 20C. HEX CO.. Box 247, Peiirla, llllnoia
25 GOOD FORMULAS. Trade SecreU of all klnda. 2Sc. D. LOWE. Cbemlat Box 463, Uutcatlne. la. aprJ3
For Sale or Trade
TRUNKS of all kindi for Shetw Proiifriy. TeL, Dorch-iter 7666. CHICAGO THUXTRR WRECKING
KX( IlANGi; OBice. 1517 E. 5:th St. Chicago. Dept B.

FOR SALE-MHU Wooden Cabinet Bells. $35 00, In

good cvncUtlun. Can supply you with is many as

you want. A few Iron Belli it $25.00 eacli. OwK

Deweys. Uno, Big Six DeweyetteS, Puiks. $25.00 escll.

1-3 deposit, balance C. O. D. Order from this sd.

No cslslogue. We buy up Slot Machinea Send us

your list and lowest prtcra Tsiget Prsotlce Machines

wanted. Must be cheap. NOVELTY S.4L1ES CO .

Kulpmont, I'innsylvinla.


FUR S,4I,B--.4 flashy Hindu Msglclin Banner. 8x10, U S. make, for $12.00. Also Side-Show Magician's
.4fvrsscirlcs. 466 Msjlc Rooks, 382 ('hinging Cards, Give-.Sway Cards; all for $5 00. irostpald. B.
M.4KCKLLIKE, 29'J Columbia St, Caralirldge. Mass.

FOR S.4I E 6 Band rosfi and Caps, ten doIUrA John .41tN. Bux 62. Mayavllle, Kentucky.

NOVELTY CATALOG SAMPIXF-Exploding Air¬ ship Ncwelllea. Hclf-Spinning Wcjnder Toiw. 15r|
Agents' NovHir Directory, dime. I'NITEU LMPORT^BS. Philadeliiila.

COSTUM$:S RECEIVEIt--They arc perfect fit ana beautiful. MRS. ELLA EDWARDS (Plsnlsl)
Wren's Mc'dtcine Show, Cleves. Oluo.

Et'ENIN'G GOWNS, like new. allks, Mtlns, $7. ChtMBVELTY BUYERS' DIRECTORY. 10 eta; Crying new G'.wiis, $1: Head Gears, JOc; Soubrette Dresses,
Cat Noveiiy, sen'-Miun, Slick fea'hc-s Bombs. Cata- I $5: Military Dirss, $1, worth $20; Old Maid Di* ss. kte. 15 cts. NOVELTY IMl-ORTEKk. Philadelphia. I 50c; Jlaby Drew for Rjubrette. $2; Bius and (ic.Id

Hoiihrr-tte. $3; Satin Pants Suit, wits Blouse, $2; Ha¬

OP. BOTSI-Join the goat Hubi booh of nileg and

raguUUocis. IV. WILBAR COMPANY. Bm 22

IJehree Station. Norlolk. Vuginia.


waiian, $4; Oriental, $4; Kbermers. SOc; new Velvet Mexlcwn. $16; new Clowni, $3 50. new Plivcrtt, $1; new
Devil. $5. RICTON. 114% W. 7th .NX.. CincInnaU, O. Anything made to order. One-third with all nrderi,

rest C. O D. Stamp 'or atiswer

TATTOOERS' DESGGV BOOKS, properly shided and

opiorrd. Send stamp. PROF. Baixkdph St. Detroit. Michigan.

WATERS. 1050 may?

SIX SHORT ORANGE AND BLUB SATEl^v' DRESSES, six red and grew Sateen Dreisea, all

Mack and white SMeen Pants Suits. $35. alt slmrl

SEN DIFFl-IKENT MAIL ORDER PAPERS. 5rag»- Cretonne Drews. $li(. six sliorl La>w Urew-w

 ginea. tl.Oci value tor 25c. PENNRI-L COMPANY, silk trlmmi'd. $11. AR new. never used. ED LIHI-

OoniigtoD, Kentucky.

MAN. 1311 Vlnia Cincinnati, (Milo.

For Sale--New Goods

COMI'Ii.TE STLRWIl'TICONS. full lire, $21.00;

Ar> lluinir, Kbe.eizt. lO-ft. Cord and Plug. til.liO;

altaih to llO-vnkrt; buy from maluT at fadury cost;

m-ii-y hack if dh.vatlslncl; send for cuts. GIIO.N-

'G He; .MFG. CG. 1911 W. Monroe St.. Chlcigo, II-



CX)NCE.SSI0N'AIHI4.6--The Downanhsek, a real game fur this acaviiu $16. f5ir|<,sa a stamp with imjulry.
SINGI.R BKOIHER.S. 805 .N. Church St, KaUmazoo, 5lli1i.gati.

IKH t.lkNUT 5P.\CIMNE.S--Gem. Make doughnuts liy turnii'ii Clank Sell |n parks, fairs nr wlmkiw dls-
MHNT ro . 1116 lUat 0th .St. Kaiista City. »lo.

FOR SALE--30z60 Tent. 200 Folding Canvas Chairs;
all in givid condition. STAB THEATER. Lodi. Ohio.

FOR S.4LB-Oue act of Ten Pina Ball Game. $5.00: one Pfvfumc Spindle or Needle Game, $3 00. C. (I
MORHOW, 405 Carter St, Kokomo, IncUana. apr23

FDR HALE--Slightly utrd Laughing Mirrors, cheap.

BOX 8C.. Flyiia. Obiu


FOR SALK CH$:AP 3 Sets Scenery, 14-ft Flatz. with practical cbairs, wUidcnva and French wIiicIims
and arclu's, coinpicle. inejutre klGlt (II'ER.4 HOUSE. Paola, Kansas.

FOB SALE--Complete Bcuiuty Parlor Outfit, heat of ocmdltlcm. Shamism taiard. rlialr, tank, aterlllzer.
facial rtialr, facial cup, high chair, foot abad. Urge liedcslal. hair dryer, plate gliaa mtiiletirliig table with Mciol and chair, 2-cr1l hattery, 2 gai burners for cut ling lions, rhilhct rack. Price, $250.00. E. L. MGKHSCH, Agt, Ftecanalra, Michigan.

THE TRUE SIX RET OP MINIk READING, as lerflormed by tiu- Zaiirigs. Carter-Price MagU'lana anc
Ofiiert. made clear fur proftsaioiials and amateuia Tklls all: How mind readers tell names, iiumlirrs, btfth date, name objects, eta Complete bound book,
fl.n0: mailed sealed. OAKS HAGICAD COMPANY, Dtfit. 500, Oshkosh. Wlaconsln.

THEATRICAL COflTl'MBS, Hair (}oo<te and Tlghte (Nlft H.4LIS -U. ft Tarpaulins, twelve by fifteen,

fur aale. When In Detroit atop In. 1336 Uriisli 10 07. : $13.95, prepaid. GAUDIN A RIEXILITZ

at Gratiot No catalogues.

junv Vevay, Indlaj.a.


In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

FOB SALE AT BARGAIN--250 pairs Roller .SkatM

and Band Organ. In gcxhl condition. Must bo cash.

AiMrckS CARL FUCHS, MtIUrd, Iowa.


FOR SALK Eight Punch Uoadt (DtW). ILOa BOX

73. Fiuctsoii. Nebraska.


APRIL 28» 1921

Ttie 0illt>oarcl

It)R SALE riTEAF--Hoopla Outflt oomptoU, tmt, portable frame and rTorTthltif necreaarir. Write
and I "HI «!'· fs" parllculara L. W. ill' HOIS, B.1I SOI. Kent. Waalilnaloii.

SAl W. SSTH ST --Well funiWiM a^ljolnln* Tooin«; piano; houa<>kon)lri( prlrllrcet; rrry central location,
EIiWAHDS, Apt, 2 W.. New York. Call from 2-4. n,,yy

nut S.AI.B - Wrlgley'a i'lat tlum and Wllliur'a Chor'O-

tile, fluniploti and Hiedc MaclUnet 4 colurtina, n,.l,i fionta. 112; mirror fronta, 115. ala cluinn.

HPm iwflTlt.Prt eacip TV cvuta;u

Kyrdo. large mirror fronta. $25; one M-oulumn Cliam- te WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se.

lion. Urge mirror front. $50. worth double. 25 I'lr------

fiotlon Hall (Jum Maohinea at $5 each, airoe nen-r AKKIAI. TEAM--Also Single Novelty I'-rformer. do-

uard: Liberty Hell Hanka. TV, rosi $1. The l<irJ'a In* two or more acta Sle>w op.!js 2'<lh JA5JES

I'ratrr. enararrJ on head of pin. In liotlle and Hauai h n. tl'NEILL'S SHOWS. Carlyle, llluiois.

A l/iinb inliioaixipe; a large Hanner. coating $100 to ----

?r\:?`ti«`r`a;`''at"ri':d % i^:`nt^"'*Th^`?mr.f.!l^ llible In the World coca with pin outfit. A new A,me I'otUble .Machine Outfit, atiel taaith; Uaed 4 tiiuea at Hiurotui. allowing the I'aaalon 1`lav. 3 reela and 30 other reela of film, outfit coat $500 Make offer. HKKKH K SALk^ CO.. 323 W. 3rd SL, Cheater. Peiuiaylranla.
roR SALE--On# Tent. T.5l55 and one SO-foot middle pviT' bale and ring; two fine center polea and aide
icles. Tent la In eery good condition, and with I little rrpatr. will laat two aeaaona nicely. Klrat }20n 00 takea aamr. Write or arlxe. OllXY TER¬ RELL. PeriT. IlllnoliL
KOR SALE--One Talbot Sugar Puff Waflle Outflt. .'.raplete with Tent. 8gl2. Fsed only 3 weeks.
Ilinrsk forces me to sell. H. P. SABLON. 72 Elm Stfret. Glrtii Falls. New York.


"*ot year-rmind ie*lllon for gti-a-iy workman AA

Plknt Auto truck. Write, atatlng eip.riencp. age.


Columhla St.. Hangor. Maine



DKAMATIC COMPANY, forming In Philadelphia.

wanta two .Male ArtUta and one Lady, to take part

In a aerlea of new Irish idays Stale terms, dying

ace. height and weight. I will conaiiler advai.ced

students In dramatic art. Thoae callable ot Itlah

dialect prefeired Eu lose picture. JAMES KEEN.AN,

1110 South Allison Street. W. I'hlladelpbla.

HELP W.ANTT^D -- Male; splindbl rlerlctl work op-

l·«rlunlly'; spare or whole time; no'cinva.ssing. good

money. CIlAlTACyiA iasiN>:.'»S 1)1 1U)EKS.

Jamestoiwn. New York.


FOR SALE-Two-Abreagt Dentxrt Carousel; bi>rsai

lo^ like new. hindy for rarnlval and good tor a

park FRED CHRISTIANSEN, 2722 W. Pletcber St..

Phtladelilila. Prtinsylvanla


P(>R S.\LE--Ona Rlchardnn Lthsrty Boot Bear Barrel, excellent oondlUon, uaed one seaaoQ, owner

will hr able U> deliver on or before May 1. Addreaa

F MAXtVElX, JB.. P. O. Box DM, St. Peteraburg.



ONE 36-I.NCH TAT1.0R TRl'NK. twelve dollara MAE E. WILSON. Cbotetu. Montana.

MEN WANTED--For detectlre work. Experience uniwcissary Write .1 (;,\.\DR. former C, S. Eovt
Defective. 116, St. l/iuls.
OKIENTAI. D.A.\Crit.s P'^slng and Chorus (Jirls Wire. pretisM; sia'e aaUrv: operdng April 2Nt,
Br'«,kvllle. Pennsylvania. JOHN KEA, Urookville. IVnasylvanla
ROPE SPIN'NER and fair All Arour.d Man or Woman. Show out six months, playing week stands
MONT.AN.A FHANK, 1106 North Are,, Milwaukee. Wlsrvinsln.

PHI EFFKR B-FLAT. L. P , ROEHM SYSTEM CLARINET, m good condition; just overhauled, no
checks, In tlouble case; $40,00 C. 0. D, W'. HOLT#
Hoi 173. Hamilton. Ohio.

KEELS EXCHANQETy--Don't discard your old

Mutoscope Reela We will eichange them for you

at a reasonable price. This opportunity will only

lilt for the month of .April. INTirU.N.ATiONAL

MITOSCOPE keel CO.. 157 Sixth St.. Hobi.ken.

New Jersey.


THREE fJROl'ND Tl'MBLEB.s--Must be able to do twistera Can use one or two amateurs. Address
E.VR1. WRIOHT. Blllboi.-d, New York City.
WANT HANDY MAN AROFND SHOW tr> hanille small lent: up anj down; full charge cf scats. lights
--keep all in good repair. Rep. ahow, week stands. Hiiie If you can double band. C O. TAYL/iR Columbia City. Indiana.

WANTED--Negro Feature: must be all Negro cast'

no Junk rewind eiamlnation W A. C.tHl'ENTEK

care Maji-stic TTiealre. Waco. Tevas


WANTED--For Kay'a Auto Trui-k Show aeaaon 1921. ·Novelty Ads of all kio'l-. doing two or more luriie.
Contortionist. Juggl.r*. Wire Trapa, Magic with Crys¬ tal Oaring, Sketch Tam that plays Plano preferred. Disitibe acts fully and aiale salary; one-night stands, email towns. C. E. R.\5'. 226 Washington Are., N.. .Minneapolis. Minnesota ·

WANTED--To rommunbate with A-1 Saxirphone Player; double banjo Wlio would be Interested in
joining yauileville ad. with pianis' and drummer. ·Must be young, single g's.d appearance and rengcnlal. Address E. W.. Th» Hillbcard. Cincinnati.

WANTED MOVING 1>I( TI KE: OPERATOR, with eii-erltnce. with Puileis maihine: one who
can hanille Blls.s cr Cal<ium light, as I [lay small
I'.wiiH where th-re is no (timnt. .Also Organist; want people who are not afraid of work; will open ii'uler canvas al-wit .Mav 15. S'ale all In flrst letter. Address DB. CHAHLES F. COOK, Box 442, Viola. \Vis<c!isin.

WANTED MTniIi INK L^ 'n'Iira--To work from

platform and tbrcwigh drug stiwes; must be able to

dellviT tile goods: irvwi.v no <aijei t If you are qualtflnl

R. C. CLIITON. Clinton, North Carolina.


W.ANTED--Lady to assist In Illusion .Act. Experleti'-e not necessary. Stall weight, heiglit and age
PlKjto retuna-d If not sat '6.d. \VM GEUMANAS. 1236 2nd St.. Detroit. Michigan

WRESTLER WANTED--Start May flrst. 1010 .Aurora Me.. St. Paul. Minnesota.


Help Wanted -Musicians

CLARINETISTS AND SAXOPHONISTS WANTED-- To send 25 i-ents for package of Imported Kicneh
Banboulet (La Seine Hushes). All great clarinetists use tliem to fix their n-eds. The only article ever dlsixivered that, as by magic, rubs and polishes the reed at the same time. Safe as a safety razor;
doesn't riln your reeds as sand paper does. F. RAMOS. 18 Day Ave., 3. W.. Boaiioke. Virginia.

FLITE AND CLARINET--For picture house; A. P.

of M.; ei-iv playing hours. JOHN B. A5I10, Royal

Theater. Atchison. Kansas.


W.\NTED--Violinist, for pictures and yaudevllle; must be arerage sight reader; thlrty-fira per week,
no Sunday work, position permanent to rellatde man. .tddress LEADER. Ort heum Theatre. Craitd Korka. North Dakota.

WANTED-Beal, live wire .Muaiclaiia: for dance com-

bltiallosia; drums, pianos, banjos, violins, clar¬

inets saxophones, trombones and comets: preferably

these who double or sing. Must have ability, per-

goriality appearance and lx- able to produce; real

protAisitions to th'«e who can qualify Address IJC.S

J'OE. care fiirlT Dnhestras. Krie Pa.


W.ANTKD MTSICIANS--For novelty jazz band A-1 Banjoist, who doubles, and Pianist for novelty real
jazz organization- permanent, pleasant; local and road work state full Information. SELLERS. 920 Austell Rldg . Atlanta. GtorBta.

WANTED--Experienced Vauderllle Drummer; pay. $30; for evenings and Sunday mat.; lotig season;
prefiT roarrii-tl man. who has trade; most beautiful city In Wlsconsbi Write or wire. F. H. JEKE. 740 College Ate. Appleton. Wisconsin

Instructions and Plans
ACROB.ATS. GYMNASTS AND CLOWNS--Coaching and Instruction In all rlasses of Acrobatic and
Clown Acts for a small fee. Results of years of ai-tual experience. Let me frame up some real comedy for your act that will get over Get mv latest manuscript Clowning for Clowns Contains ten Walkarounds and two Big Stops I'se for ilOAn alley or your novelty ai-t. Price. $1 00, (Here la something else that will Interest vqu ) I hiv lust completed a course of Instruction on advanced Ground Tumbling, to Instruct you how to do eome of the most difficult feaU In this line A lot of these tricks will be useful to eccentric dancers, clowms and routine tumblers This course consists of Instruction for fifteen good tricks, and it Is only going to cost $2 00. Take It from me. boys, it cost me more than a couple of dollars to learn them. Amateurs, get on my advisory list and save yourself time and money Membership fee of two dollars a month entitles you to two lessons on a'-robatlc work, how to arrange your act. how to get started: In fact, any advice you desire. Just let me know how far you have advanced and remit t'wo dollars JINGLE HAMMOND, 257 Norton Are., Pontiac. Mich. apr30

A HYr"Nnnc show oirrs ittb money--.send

$1 for X. LaRue's Short Method of Hypnotizing,

ten lessons: no books. A. C. RU47H. Publisher, Win¬

chester. Tennessee.


SKEE BALL. Bridge Ball. Roi Ball Alleya. two eaeh; also Funnel Game; good working condition. M.
M BROtlKE. 149 Broadway, New York.

BLOT MACHINES--Rend for prlea Uat. Bargatna.

Box 174. Madlll. Oklahoma.


MJ'T MACHINES Callle Spring Scale*. $25 00:

Rullhead Perfume Macbliiet, $7 00. New Style

Rlio.'krri. $6.00; 5 Ball Gum, $4.00 each. HAL C.

.sUirDV, Dannlle. Illinois


BLOT MACniN'E SPBCIAL--Big cut In prices. Wt

buy. aell, lease, repair and exchange Blot Ma-

ehlnra of all kinda. We have for Imro-Nllate de¬

livery Mills O. K Venders, counter and fVior atyle;

IVsrya Briwmlet, Check Boya, Opesator Bella

Callle Jack Pi>U. Pucks and Silver Cups. Wstllng

Rrosrnlea. O K. Ven lcra and Bella. Jenntnga or In-

duatrj Nnvrlty. O K. Gum Vendera, alao many other

atylea ar.d makes that are too numerous to mention.

Write for lllusuated and deacripUre UtL Our re¬

pair drpanment ia most complete and up-to-date for

any kmd uf mactiine work; lat us repair your old ma-

china We guarantee to give aabMaction. Wc have

·-me bag bargatna In Salasboard Aaaortmenu which

ws are oloaing out cheap. Addreoa P. O. BOX 17$.

N. S. Statioo, Plttaburgh.



Quartet Play Jennings Liberty Bell Mactunea. lika

ness, anly $-.<5 each. Big anaa, QL'ST. BlSTAl',

Kaukiuna. Wisconsin.



of acriirry. See BILLIE Kl'RTZMAN. property

nan Indiana Tbeaur, 43rd and Indiana Are., Chi-

eago, liiinoia


BeaivnaNy or unreasonably, the kiremt has been accused of many sins, but there sounds a food deal ot truth in a new charge that is bp'iight by the offlclal organ of the Variety Artietes' Federation. It seems that people are tar less ready to clap perfnrrasneeg which may. for all their silence, have left them quite well pleased. It Is a serious matter for the perf rmer--from his point · f view the theater becomes a real "Heart¬ break House" if those in favor fail to "signify their approval in the nsual mranner." .Ipplause in the right plaee ia a real part of the suijc essful stage spectacle, and unless w'e are to remodel our whole conception of the theater it is not fair to the actor to with¬ in Id it.
The new charge against the kinema is that, in effe<'t. it is remodeling our concep¬ tion of the theater. There ia no p int in applauding a photogr:iph of something that happened six months ago at Isis Angeles, and the "movies" had not been long cstabllslied In our midst before even those wli.' were deeply moved by them discovered that there was s metbing a little ridii nloiis about letting emotion overflow Into applause. So the kinenm ac tor -- or the transferred sliade < f him--agonizes most strenuously, and the result is taken in (-'niplncent silence. This is tiie tradition that is being carried forward Into the real theaters and music halls, says the variety perforn:er. and this is why. Judging bv applause. It Is geting far m' re dlllicult to shake an audience from Its new stolidity. ' The aiidieii. e is leariili.g. in f.'ct. to take everything and give nothing in D'turn--which scctinds very i»r-cbable indeed, seeing how much tempestuous action and emotion is offered by the kinema without any expectatl'-n of applause. But with the thtvater the bargain Is a bad one for b- th s.des of the fc-otlights a cold house de¬ serves, and frequently gels, a cold performance. The kinema seems, in fact, to be a blacker sheep In the theatrical world than had been suspected. It not only takes for good as many theaters as it can from the poor actor, but is making It impossible for him to play with satisfaction In those that are left.--MANCHESTER GCAKDIAN,

A REAL OPPORTENlTT--One thousand iWT cent

profit made on an investment of one dollar. That

is my guarantee: bust proposition for quick rrlurns.

Send $1 00 for Complete ITan and everything neevled

to start you with. .Money returned tf not as I say.

P.EKT I-AVEIUZ. no Blue Hill Avenue, lloxhuo'.



BANJO TAl'r.HT BY XLtIL. in five lessons, f'V 50r.

PROF LEON.AJID. Glens Falls. .N. Y


practical and indispensable to theatrical scene paint¬ ers. Interior decorators, house managrra stage di¬ rectors. etc. Newest Ideas In stage decorations, transparer.rtes and up-to-date effecta Tf Interested ·nd stamps for des<Tipttve catalogue. Order before prices advance. EXKEBOLL ART CO., Omaha, Neb.
BEAl nm, MEN'S CHROCHETED SILK NECKUes. $.5.00 each, or my Simple Instructions, wltli
Sample Crochet fur making them at home. 50 centa ·MRS. ANNA FELL, 255 Cleveland St., llarrlmao, Pennsylvania.


Bi.tertaln In vauderllle, at cluba falra etc. Send

$1 09 for 23 Comic Trick Drawings with patter and

Ir.etructlons by a professional cartoonliL BALDA

ART SERVICE. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.



tlons $1.00. "Magic I,etter" plan, $1.00. "CDd-

lets-Orders" plan, $I 00 All $2.00. Satisfaction

guaranteed. ' Hypnotism's Wonders" free. BCIENCB

I INSTITLTE. B6435 North Clark. Chicago.


SIG.AR PVFF waffle machine--ratio Outflt: big money-maker, flrst-claaa coodltino: for ITliit-
rr's Material or Job Press. M. O. MABSII. Prlntor. Box 633, Uununllr. Alabama.


PBU.NOGRAP11S--All bwn overhauled, good 5,TM- ».;»»» ntiw today. $150 One or all for $45 eai

Gl ST RISTAU. Kaukauna. Wlacunam.


TENTS AND BIDE WALL FOR BALE--4.000 ft., S and 9 ft. RlJewall. standard drill; 2.000 fl 10-ft.
T-f* duck, all roird by hand; flrsl-rlavs g-chla, bidr Price*. New Tents. 30x50. 30x60, S5i65, 40x70. 50x 60 and gvxid second hand. 60x90. Also large rtock C-i^easdn and other small TVnU. D M. KEUH
·Ml-O. CO., 1007 W. Msdtxon Sg., Chicago. apr30

WIIX SELL .NEW RED A.VD BL.ACK SPINDLE, oo hinges, thit folds up, nerer been usevl. flrst money
cider f.r $5.00 take* H. T. I'. HOCKSTATTER. t»x>`td. Kineae.


TAl-LY hall TABLK Farrorr'i make.

384 Howard A?k, Hn^ikiyii. N. Y.


*"'*6 $6 00 each, on* or tIL OUST.

wibTAl . Kaukauna, Wltcunaln.


3'^ Ol'EH.A CHAIHS-Strel and cast Dime: no Junk wnir good as new and guarjntreJ No mat¬
ter what you want In this line art quotations aid
lialf J. 1*. HEDIN'G rUN. Svvintuii. I'a mayll

*5 RE»K\A Four-minute Nlrkrl in thf «k>t Phono-

frtpn^ AH bmi overhauleit ahU reAnliihrd. like

lAND OO.e KAukauoA.

OfK^. BIHTAP 4pr30


three BALL COLOR BOl'LBTTE M.irillNES Run a abort ume Coal new

Jiui.n.'"n',·.n"fm»ou"ti'D«.' *30 eaeh. H. J. LOPA3. m Foaryeallt

Furnished Rooms
·a WDRD. CASH. NO AO. Lltt THAN tia.

RlfTON'S F1'R.N'ISIIED ROOMS--A houaes, Ctndn-

I'atl. Ohio Canal 3M2-L or 114'k W 7lh M

··rsnd, l'«Uo« shonfoUs slop with

"in`»D, llosrkrN I'lng rooms also.


COMFORTABUB. my quiet; rnmns nwerTtal

to adyanoa. rumlshed ronna. alao light hmuae

aeeptnf. Htcam hsaL al(s*rl<ltT, movliwi impriwe-

ee'R'erlal.l*. mwonahl* rati« J. M-


'67 Hast Main St . Rorhnater, New York. l>v-

·ee aama m Rialto Thaatrr.


WANTED--Advance .Agent: ni'iit use brush and drive Ford car; one fimllar with small towns in Mlnnc-
aota and Dakotas in-fi-rrcd. C. E. BAY, 226 Wasliliigton Are.. N.. MinueapoUa, Minnesota.

Player. Jlust read. Prefer novelty man that dou¬
bles stage Sute lowest. I pay aH Best equipped med siiow ui:der canvas. Tell all flrst letter GERALD KENYON, Manager, Bogersvlllo, Mo. apr30

WANTED-10 Cborua Glrla for 'musical oimnly. f.'SO and B. R. fare. Send photos and state all In
letter. Tlcketif 5'ee. If 1 know you. HEX CLAKK!4t)N. Vaughn Hotel. Lebanon. Kentucky.

xnT.i.ElfS riRCFB W.VNTS iluddans. all Instru¬

ments CHAS. B. BAfUTEls Bandmaster. Wilton.



WANTED -To hear from good, experienced Palm'.d. lady or gentleman. .Must be able to ahow results.
EDNA CLAYTON, care Heinx Broi,' Shows. Lan¬
caster. Missouri.

WANTED--Psrformers. male and femile. for pist/orm lut-dlelne ah.vw; week-stand citlea, small Pvwna and
hamleti In Michigan. Address MELNOTTB, the AA'oiider Worker. Grand Haren. Michigan.


for the stage to tram for nrwelty vaudeville acts.

Addriws JOE TRENDALL. Box 54. East Windsor.

New Yvvrk


WANTED FOR COWTIHY AND THE GIRL CO.-- Musbians fur band and tr.he.-vtra. state wry low-
ewt salary; I pay all rxisnsos. under canvas; oi>co April .loth. I'eoi'le In all lines write; for A-1 \Ve.-«teni ah.Tw. A.ldre^a J. M COLE. Tioga. Peiui.s.vlvania.

WANTED--Tram, for mrdtetne slk-m. Man do B. F., Wife work acts. to« J prop'sltton U> right party.
Stavw opens April 23rd. E. 11. BOWERS, College Conirr. tllilo.

W.tNTEl>--To hear fri'ra avrae peravn who can build Meehanleal City on the order of Kempf's. GEORGE
M TAYLOR. Sandyville. OlUo.

WANTED IMMEDTATEI.T--A-1 Pianist Organist

Stjlc M Seeburg Instrument Experienced In play¬

ing pictures and vaudevtlla Must bo flrtt-clasi

musician with large up-to-date library. No Sun¬

days Two matinees a week. VaudovlUo two days.

Reply quick to THE NOBLS THEATRE. Prtnoeton.



WANTED--Pianists. OrgsalsU: learn pipe organ theatre pUytng; exceptional opportunity; positions.
Address TIIE.\TBE. care Billboard. New York City. apr23

W.ANTED Pianist, for orchsetra. yaudevllle and pic¬ tures; four hours a day. seven days; $40.00 per
week. J. H. LCTZ. Hipp.>drome. Joplin, MlsaiurL

W.ANTED--Y'oung Dance Muslciana. for snappy dance oreht>^Ua. Violin. Tromlione. Cornet. Banx>, Sax .
Clarinet. Drums and Pla:.o. Four months' sea.son. starting May lat Mu-t be yoimg. pleasing personalItv neat dresser. Must fake and must double Iravs an.l string, state all In first letter and Inclose plwtograph. DOWLING SYXCOPATORS, 412 Searer
St., Eiu Claire. Wlsivnsln.

W.ANTED--Violin. Cornet, doubling Saxophone; Trnmlione. douWlng Saxophone. Report April 18. Must
tie unUvn. Addresa FULLER'S SEKENADERS. 621 3. Iowa Ave.. Washington, Iowa.

WANTED--To join here May 15; long seaavi. med alHiw. a Single .VvTubatlc NovelD' Man, a Magh lan.
doing Vent., using knee figures: one Mall Sign I'aliiter, one gvsxl Canvasniaii. change. Week ataiula Olliers write. Name lowest. 1 pay all "SIvool
quick answ.r." DH. C. S. MICK. Rvu-k Islaiul. Ill,

WANTED--Strong Rally and Med. Performer that

can lecture profecred. PROF. SUTTON, 406 Portage

Ave. Miiiiiiieg. Manihg'a


W.ANTED--Good Banjo Player, dance orchestra. Slate k'wvst WILL UOLBBOOK. 803 Franklin Street
Waterloo. Iowa.
\V.\\TEI1--Saxophone and comet for State Hospital Orchestra. $15 per miuith, board, room and
laundry. Extra money for muslciana 8 hours light ituties on vvarda Address SUPERINTENDENT, State llospltai. Peorta, IHinola


fl>r (he stage to tram for no>vlt.v vaiidevdle a.ts

A.Mres* JOB niENDAU.. Box 54, East Wtndwvr.

Ni<v* Y'vgk.


W.ANTED--Vo.'aItsts and Instrameotallgts In all

lines (or LyiNum and Chautauqua. Send all Infor¬

mation. H. L. BLAND. Des Moines University. Des

Moines. Iowa.


In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

BONA-FIDE ORIENTAL SECRETS, from $1.00 to $10.00. H. J. BUSSELL, Box 128, Packwaukee,

COST ME $1.00--Sella for $20.00. Secret. 60e. HANFLIO. 180 Lffnch St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. apr3l


letters dally, each cvn.talnlng a dime? Nearly all

promt Fascinating, legitimate, sure. You can do It

--anywhere. Let us tell you more about It. Write

CUOVER. Box 492. m Paso. Texas.


I HAVE WELL-KNOWN STUDIO DIHECTOB'S Seieiitiflc I'ormula to test Iho eamcra values of any
face tnrough raatheniatieally determined measuremenu, which accurately decides one's success photo* grapliiv-ally for movie acting, girl mirrie fans and tlemaamls of other asiurants to fame and fortune in the movies gladly pay 25 - to |1 DO per copy; re¬ markable bow the orders come In from a three-Uno
"ad." You can muliigrjigi 1,000 copies for $3.00 and
clean up a l>ank roll .vi<nd $2 00 for i\vy of I'ormula. de«,Tii>Uve letter and "ad ' to use. Gel yours wh-.le It's n.w. C EARL WIIJJA.MS, 4525 .South
Benton, Kansas City. .Mn-isouri

INSTRUCTIONS to make Btuirtha Papers and Ink, 25c; how to make an SilO Printing Press at a cos4
of $2.00 or less, 25c, hviw to make the "Sex Do-
tector" 25c. MYERS. Box 161. DeKalh. 111.


mafe business and iwmut the uae ot my Sao

Franctseo address on your stationery aa your oor*

resjwxident f«w $3 00 a month. Aldross your ordar

to WARNEP.'S SERVICE 172 Sixth SL, Bsui Frtn-

alscfi. Calli'omla.


LEARN MIND READING--My complete copyrighted act for two people covers five different "elfecta";
only $5.00. Send stamp for particulars to PROF. ZAEANO, Tyrone. New York.

LE.ARN 51ITT READING-Tell fortunes. Illustrated Chart, 25c. LOUIS IKONS. Terre Haute. Ind.


--Complete InstrucUons. working outflt and sell¬

ing plans for $3.50 ($8 OO value). J. P. WHITE,

·Artist. 4161) EUis .Ave.. Chicago. Illinois.



wiilioiit itiatrunieiit or t.-aeher; never befovo r»s8l-

ble. WorM's griwtesl roujical invention. Partleulari

fn-e. SKIJ-TL.VCHEB. 1545 N. Wells SL, ChkagOw



(Cootinucd OD P&g6 56}

^ 56

aa e B

a r d

APRIL 23, 1921


I'OI-TOS «rKri.\L TROMBONE-BfiM. hlfh and lu» pltrh. $35 00. K. fOl'l UMAN. IIIoo. N. T.




three feet, aeeen tnchea hlfh. Player can look orer I -pA'ASRSSOONN" JO Dl'RNlNO--Adrlle wberrabouts;

tn{> Wetf hs Stt pounda--two men can carry. Tone I TATTOO REMOV15R.V Sit Fomiulas that arlU re

nneerriiwwssaarry eettle mothrr'a ratate. Cnuununkate C.'

mirea Tattoo Marka Prtre, $1.00. HARRY V n`bu.Ja"ckU`^`7'OMPaJ??`£1i^^^^

`"aTrwl "

LAR'SON. Boi 31, Norfolk. Ta.


NEVKJIKAIL BLACKHEAD AND PIMBLE HEmorer; will rid jour face of thoae uii»lKhtly blem-
1-Jiet in 2 or 3 dijs; aafe. Full CnmlilnaMuii Tieatnirnt. 25c (ttamps), pcslpald. H. H. DISOSWAY. Drugalgt and Chemist. Lafayette and Fluytc-

Musical Instrumenti

aant Asea., Brooklyn, Niw York.

mayll Bh. I»w pmn BOEHM SYS'n;M CLARINET--

i RICTON. the World's Grealeat Medicine Show Slnwman. Wllllm to Instruct otliers. If Interested

r»ed three montha. t^ $90. M^IO'e for $15; tint Utter lakce It . C. O. D. A. J. BU.<^1CA, Box 62.3.

write HICTtIN. IHVi W. Tth St., ClncliuiaU, Ohio. lUriitslHtrc. Petinsvlcaiila

SAXOPHONE JAZZING, Rafflnf and 'Trlple-'IVinrue-

ing almpliflcd. Complete exturae, $1.00. STE21L1NG

SYSTEM STCDIOS, Mount jety. Pa.


IJ.LND INSTKCME.NT'^ FOR SALB at frea'ly re-

iJuccd rrices. Stinl for lift. PrUet will aurprlse



Bilou --


CO , Greenrille,

llli-nIo. ia.

SONG WRI'TFItS--You can make acme money cn HASS CLAIllNET (BulTel). H plhh; A-l condition;

l.VON A llE.tLY E flat Alto Brass Saxophone, wi:h case; A I ,s.ndliitn. $> do^. $S0 C. O. D..
»uh)e<t to exsnilnatlon. Duphi Drum. lOxt, with two new Luilwif head, and nianti'ne tnarra; nrrer us.d; $13 SA.XOI'HONIST. Pwxtm 2«2 Hotel Wlscousin, Milwaukee. WiMoiisln.
PORTABLE FOLDING ORG.tN Fire octarex. loud tone, like new; only usd two werks for Paisloa
Play. Cost $113 Guaranteed In perfect condl* tlon. Sellx for $30, with Uarevlinj citr. "'OHOAN1ST," Box 295. Tupelo, Mi.aiswppi.

SATIS BT rWNO IfT "Peraonal Barrloe" TPlth

12 year*' enterlence In all daaaea of Secret Serr-

jg, |

prtxluca the fooda at amall ooat WAR.

SEBTICC. 1T2 Sixth Bt, San rranelam



Plays and Acts
ACTS--Real acta In real theatrea uae my materlil Hare a<>ld atuff to macaxlnea like Jucliie. Motlin
Picture. Claxalc. Pbutotilay. etc. For two dcHlan srlll aend laufh-maklnc materlaL Including aome of my parodlra, the fumUeat atuff out. OTTIE COLBURN. 13 Clinton Are.. Brockton, Maaaacbuartta.

lyrilca you write. Let us ahnw you In Are rcthaapptteerrs, I f"''. or neareesrt offer. V. COl'KVIIA,^ Palace. RUDOU»H TSTKUTZER AUTOMATIC AND hXBC- ,



Inslructtonx. $1.00. McDANIEL SERVICE. Boa 301. | Glean, New York.


Newbem, North Carolina.



oak finish; latest m'sh I 6 mu-lc rnll ctiinger. allfhttr

mlnutci' acrramlng nut talk OD League of NtUoni.

I BOF.H5I FU TE W'. S. Hiynea D-Flat Band SU- | used: ixMt $2.hOO; lerfert rcmdltlun guaranteed; ault- WooMu'a T'ote. Blue Lawa. etc.. $1 00. ACTORS' rcr, low pltrh; like new, $100 00; also O Melody able f'w any b'>ma or biisin c.. aa'Tia«. $1,230 rath SERVICB BLB&AU. 405, 1416 Broadway. New Tiwk.

RUSINE.SS--Plant free. CHAMBBBS PRINT¬ Saic^ihone. low pitch. Set Uedy Kettle Drums, ehrap. *hJ 30 music rolU. A HOFFMANN. 1102 Washing- |_apr30

WORKS, Kalamaioo. Michigan.

apr23 t HAS. H GHOire. T16 Pine. St. XmU. SUesourl.

hat Are . lOMh St , Hr nx, Vw V..rk_ALONF/'-Ncw. up-to-dau. mire-fir. blark-

SI'CCESS IS YOUH.S with my eystem; $70 00 week¬ I FOR SALE--Complete TVap Drummrr't ScL with

1. I ly; Complete Plan. 10c. CHARLES COLEMAN, 19

irayfHhf trunk. A real bargain. Send for a plc-

IVtsiilngton Are,, Eiidlcutt, New York.

m·uaa}}ll44 I turo and deecnptlon. LANG BASS, Laurel, Miss.

SAVE $15 00 TO $20 00 on new C. Melody Saxophonra Rargaiiia In teoond-hand band Inatrumrnta.
J, T, FRENCH, $38 Waat Orore Place. Toledo. Ohio. may21

fa^* miwiolog; If you know how to get gonel atuff orrr get this one; Ifa a "corker." Stick a Ckylltr bill In ymir letter and I'U ruah It right back. Uil of o'brra (any character) for alanux BERNARD HIN

WITH MY BOOK AND CHART you can alt down





-- KLE. P. O. Box 901, Drnrrr. Colorado.


'  "


nMletr'tr^i.otHl`oo''"3oni`MW!`AAGrNNEFRR. `'B'^o!xl'`1r2., BBxl7lUtl^m!o"ree*. II SALB-G i.,»enno,ullnik.e Snteewge. r IAn ABo-1ng eM h»at-heo.gaJnUyit 6-tifnt

thing for picture allow; $150 00. C. J A NOVELTY

$100 A MONTH B.ASY In apare time at home on $1.00 CO.. 2917 Sheffield Are., Chicago. IlUnola.


new; u»ed twice; with rate; paid $60. will aril at A PLAY OK LOVE AND REVENGE, with manr

sairiflce for $10; ernt C

uhject to exam- i humoroua and dramtile Recltallona, rtluahle i >

Home adJreas, DON GRONER. 53 Broad- 1 erwy perfonnrr. The Daixlar Book ta poatUrrly parkr l

way, .Bangor. Pennxylrtnla.

with wanted materlaL Get tbea* Happy llowh.

capItaL Juit mall out my dollar-pulllng letters and k.ip the (1 >IUrs. Send $1.00 for liiO letters and copy of ad to uae. J. B. CO.. 1230 50th Are.. Oak-

y-m* hatj* imntrAV tyidd fnjn- 0.^1 twn 1



%5alzJ e. ? goodu carr* ying XratRe.


extra *s1e1?t


W'ANTEIV-Oood 3 or wood. Itexgan or L- red-y.

3H-octare C- ash, but

Marlmbaphone. roust be cheap.

Number Two, T5e; Numbera One and Twu $1

TRE.ND PL'S. CO.. 652 'nurtj-Dlnth Street. Brook

lyti. New York.


land, California.


^ ^ NELSON. 301 C. C. SMITH, 1231 Rural St.. Emporia. Kansas.

Pine St.. St. Peter, klinnesota.




ATTENTION!--^Wrlte today for our lateat Bat of Mon-

Magical Apparatus

WANTIJ) BBb IPRIGHT or Helicon Bass, standard ologs. Dmiblea. etc. We hare the gootki ACTOR-S' FOR S.ALE--Buffet A and Bb Clarlneta. low pitch, I make, hare ra*sh FFUIYT) BUTLER 111 So. Union SERVICE BUREAU. 405. 1116 Bnoadway. New York

FOR SALE. (Nearly New and Cut Friaad)

in case; Buffet Bb Clarinet, Boehm, high pltrh. I SLt.. Kokomo. IlinudUiaana.

Prices will surprlie you. IlUnola.

1 H. C. DIEHL. Greenville.' WURLITZER PIANO ORCHESTRA. ^Ih Mandolin, Plano, Bass snd Snare Drums, Bella Xylophone,

bB PREPARED WITH OO-OVEB MATBRIAL--Arts and Mocic.hwuei to order Now writing for Ico

Tromhcmc. Flute Pipe, etc., roll chanter. Original tt-hiiV "wakcr WU and oihTra (InXrview hv

A LUCK CHARM that will mike you lucky at any- douh

cost $3,200; In good condition, for $500. at Bmpreaa

1 FTiniF o-i^NNOR 15V1 uTlIT

thing, alio lucky numbers. WALTER L. E. phonei.

Theatre. 4108 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio.


v^k '


BBOADU8. care Billboard, New York City.

FOR RALE- New Spirit Seance. Oomedy Miglr Act. Animated Drawing Illutinfi, Handcuff Art. Mall
Bag. Plllnry Fheepe. Cabinet, Mind Rewdlng Art. Second Sight Art, Msglrlan'a Outfit. Tables, TTunk. Muslrtl Flinnels, and many twher btrcalns. IMm for atamp. GEO. A. RJCB, Auburn, N. T. aprSO
HAI'NTED ROCKING CHAIR, rocks or stops cn command. $35.00; Electric Mind Reading Act,
$20 00; Alextnilcr Dark Trumpet Seance. $1.00; Wtreleaa Mind Reading. $20,00. H. J. RUSSF.LL, Pickwtukee, WTiKYinMn.

How Idle U is to brood in regretfulness over the mistakes of the past. TVhat a waste of time It is to hnrl>er thoughts of bitterness about the things we might have done. Regret is the first aeeel of diseonragement and despemdener.

BOOK PIJ1T8 FOR SALE--Royalty Playi for Uaar

Bend atamp for list. EaUMIahed tn 1891. AIK

nnmplete line lavckwood'a Theatrical Makeup BCf-

NETT R DRAMATIC r.XrilA.N'OE. 36 W. Bandolph

Pt., Chicago. A. Milo Beonatl. Manager.


DRU8H UP A-VD LOOK SMART!--' Burlcaque Blla '

vrill brighten your act. ''Rcataurant." "Bocae.*''

"Gheeta." etc, IS for II 16). Number TVo, with

No. 1. 12.15. My ''Broadway Brand" Beript Uat

fer the asking 3TN SULLIVAN', 652 Thirty-ninth

Street, Brooklyn, New A'ork


nmiAN PRODUtTION SCREEN ILHSION. big Caldron Illusion, large Production Cabinet, two
Stage Pfdcstila. Oriental, and other Magic. But erer. All fur first $10. JACK PEAR. Station A, LIncotn. Nebraska.

We sometimes ait and think for hours about the unkind word we have spoken to another. We dwell at lengtli on our ncglei t of opportunity when it cams our way. Broken hearts and hn>ken promises concern us greatly. There is the feeling that we have not done all we could for the betterment of our fellows. We believe we have been absolute failures hecatise of our indifference to the comfort and the suecesa of others.


Bketchea and mono tort writtai to otdar. Tlmelx,

anappy, sure-fire Mttrrtsl guaranteed. Beasontble

prteea. J. C. BRADLEY, 557 Ortanwldt 8L. New



MAGIC FtlR SALE AT BARG.MN-Chinese Unk¬ ing Rings, 8-Inch. Beiscmer steel rlrxa. best qual¬
ity; the w.nd.rfni Die Box Hick, the wonderful
FUblng Trilk (gold fish trick), dmp; the wonderful Bird Cage Truk, tlie wonderful Welsh Rarebit Trick (alwaya goo,!), the worjdtrful Bctlle Trick (remedy trick that takes), the wonderful Dlsapptaring Article

We let eonscience lash our being until we begin to believe in the nothlngnesa of life and the uaelessncii» of continuing the battle. We become slaves of regret
Most people get the regret habit by believing they <ire expressing sorrow for the commission of acts lower than the best they know. It la one thing to be aorrcwful for a wrong, and quite another to regret having done it. Literally, regret impilea a desire to go back and make another try, to return for another chance, to look hack with diaeatisfaction or longing, while sorrow denotea a mental suffering because of the act. To

EXCLUSIVE VAUDEV1U.E 5UTEBIAL vrrttten to order. Write for terms. M. WAI^ BROWN,
Grand Theatre. Raleigh. North Carolina.


wriuta to order; Uva wlrat. MKBBITT 8CHAUB.

DouglaA Oaorgla.


Box (gocnl-bye ribbit), the wonderful money Catch¬
ing TTlckt (all the latest), the wonderful Wand Tri<kt (aU the la tet). the wonderful Flag Tricks (lilk flags), the wonderful Hindoo Sark E.«catie (nov¬ elty). the wonderful Handcuff Trick (new hand¬ cuffs). the wenderful Sword Trick. Egg Bag Trick;

regret having done a wrong does not necessarily mean that we are sorry ws did It. Vain regret, therefore, docs not do us any giK>d in the matter of building character, un¬ less we harbor it in teritis of helpfulness in the matter of future conduct.
It is always manly to regret wn act which makes suffering for our fellows, but to lie dciwn and let regret get the better of our mental strength, instead of making our

FOR $2.00 I wtu amid sou a buodb of Material thil

will build up any act Contalaa nuraercui Aci.a.

Monotogn Jokaat Witty Storlaa. alei You Dead thla

aura-fire MaterlaL J. C. BBADUT, 057 Oreaiwlcb

8t. New York.


the wcntlerful Magic Table or black art table, with rxcdlent drape, romgdete. Othek tJlcka too numerooi to mention. Instructions for all irlcke; anycue rary do them with little iricllce. Eviry trick practically new. and best quality aiparatus. Apparatus and lnalrucilon.s will be boxed canfully. First moneyorder of ftts.on takes all; or $10.00 down and bal¬

wrong act a guide in our future conduct, is a show of weakness. What we need most is the mental capacity to hold all the errors of our past and
keep them ever before us <as lights to our feet in the progress we are making toward better manla-od. We should not hold them at regrets, hut as sign posts to higher idesit.
Make every occasion for regret a festival of rejoicing for the ·pportunity of mental growth In ideal manhood.--LEAVENWORTH NEW ERA.

FI N Dl.^TRIBUTFJtS-I've )u»t firiiahed the furnieat straight or character monologue; two roar;'g
Parodiea. Sidewalk Bits. Funny Vcriea, 4wo origlr-kl Senga. and a very huraovoua Trlephooe Monologue,
all for $l.C6 MAURICE BATTISTA. 292 East 155th
St, New York City.

ance ('. O. D. Hurry if you want the beat.

MAGICIAN A. M. J., Box 253, care State College.

Brookings. Scuth Dakota.


"OOD BLESS MY LANDLORD." a anappy, up-todate Monologue; any character, male or female.
$I 00. puatpald TED KRUEGER. 428 Ralph Street.

I to find out what you wiah to know. WALTER L.
F. BROADl S, care Billboard. New York City.

RALB-Deisan No *70 Xylophone, ln_ good shipping cftse; fine oordUion; $75 00 ctsh. Deposit
required. DBl'MMCB. Bex 234. GrlAn. Oeorgis.


Brooklyn. New York.


HELLO-Get My Ccmual Friend,. 'Tasaldy." the Irish Stories. AIk Get ·'Baatus." the Old Negro
Storleg. $1.66 each. EDDIE O'CO.N'NOR. I'JI


K BOOKH. 'Trick Cards

Novelties giQB SALE--Deagan Xylophone. 3H octavea. with

Broadway, New York.

for sie.lIliung ppuurrpp<o>!i>>ccss.. F. hJimromie D1^o1l1l$s,, Dirmtu Cards. resonitors. No. 870. and cart.vlTig ca»c; good as ATTENTION!--"Boat'a Gotta Wonderful Mtofalna.*'

X-Biy Tubes, etc Lewcat wholesale prices and new; used about three monttia. with *,ft bammera. Be the flrat W to uae thia aerram of 'Tillateena.'' HIRAM ON A PULLMAN--Sure-fire rube monotogua

samples. ICc. SYLATAN S .MAGIC SHOP, 178 Edily. First $100.00 takes It $10 00 with order,

Providence. Kliode Island.

apr30 I c. O. D. J. L SMITH. Hanover. Illinola

balance IOan"y'where Good enougchhofrouraethae Pwaliallce atoPpricthee. $a1h0o0w. |I Broad, snappy, funny IiVvnd mimlnnutuoa». l1i3.9a0a. (PositlvelT not included In 15 for $100 offer 1 ACT-IMiaKturt.


OlUf SERVICE BURBA!'. 405x. 131 Weet 39th.

if.trSALB--Metophone. Wurlltzer Lyrkt, silver- New YY'oortkk. "It choosers atral title they can't write


LOWENTHAL. plated, almuat n«w and in file condition. High and

eomedy )

,3 East 1.0th M.. New York titj.

pitch with all ofooka. Complete In leather-covered!

pluali-lli.ed Ciae. Manufacturer'a price. $<2 00; will SIDE-SHOW MAGKIIANS--Elsht-page Trick Book, sell foe $10.00. W. A. LEONARD. Cambeldge, N. Y.
$3.00 per LOIO. Changing Cards. $3 00 per 1.000.

Partners Wanted for Acts

V QLACKENBt.H. Big Flats. New York.

FOR .''ALB-Gnod 10-tuna St Pla'to G ; hand or r«wWurliiaer Dtgan. Style 17, 41 keys. 8 tun.*;


"HIS MARRIFD IJhT,''-An exceptionally clevefull-atage art. (or aUalght man and woman; original,
clean, up-to-date; new theme with a big "kirk" ii> the finish; It'a new; just out Pin a dollar to your letter and get yuun today. List of oehera (any rharaetetal (or aiamp BEK.S'ARD HINKLE. P O
Box 901, Deovvr, Colorado.

PLATS FOR SALE--Forty ScrlpU at one dollar ta.'h.

SUDINO DICE BOXE.S- No tv; nwhosany wished. nVK^ltr'ssnra. Grmi^PenntoiVuiU. **"*^"' ccmpleie. $2 i.O. THUS. H. WOOD. RIl High. St

L.tTiT CORNFT PLATER that can talk foe a viuda- I or entire lot for awenty-five dollaris. Hat for stamp villa acL wrtttra by Elmer Tenley. originator oft MAE W'lLSUN. Choteau, Montana.

Louis. MUwourl.

apr2S jroR SALE--Chimea. Banjos. Clarlneta, Sakophone. "Bokavi and B'-wa." Addreaa FTNNEGAN, care

v-.o.. ..



TALKINQ 3 A. E, Paaae Bottle, Wonder Plant, large

TI RK lilCE. Milford C. ent. er. Otda

Tl.a- I- lillN- 'srd. C- ldcago. I- llinola.

, FLATS--MuMeal ComadlM. VaudavUle Ada Mln-

m^-.^^*.*.^^***..^****^ | atrala New catalcgue iuat off the piwBa · Od one

ttock Magic and llluaiona, alau Cuatumet. Lists FOR SALE--C Melody. Bb Tivior and "Buffet" Alto _ _


.1 a.--a a.ernt

VFwr tdrx PUiT RUREAD.

free. ZELO. 198 West 89Ui St.. New York.

S.xophc^ Boehm Flute, wicaed O. Albert .Clarinet. 16 krya. 4 rings and rollers: two Dochm j _ jJV '·^"7-^Jtound.

X 42, cart The Billboard, j *«» Dwwtur Ave.. N New^T Yoirik

® ^14

TRICK.S, Puzxks. Jokes, Magical .tpparatua, Atind-I Clarineti. II kr>a, 7 rings each: ail In raxes, low IGnio. reading Acta and .Scvisational Escapes. Send for I lutch and In piacUcally new cnoditioa. Also have a
blig Illustrated 11121 .-atalo^ Free. OAKS M.VOICAL genuine old Marlin Guitar. All cheap for cash, with REFINED LADY



PROFESSIONALS. ATTENTION--2 Bla.-kfac* Monoyears. ioguea. 1 Blackfa,c"ewD,`ia'*lo"gu'le-, Jt.w'So aan'lcd^l^eta ID aDrgouiv-

CO., Dept. 501. Oshkosh. WlsconNn.




pririUge of eiamlnatieB. GILLEN SCHOOIAWIE' IN- enele. Mud be A-1 tsiker. to demonatrate jewelry

Munoluitie 1 Sketch male and female, title

- » 8TBUME.NTAL Ml SIC. 50 E ''W ^taltoo Place. Chi- in ·ayyndlcale orf stores,. W woonodernfuil iwopoailtton to ona "The ' niSilrrtt"; alK other u'saeeftul Material Included

1jmUr;swc/seAll1l«a«nieeyeovsusws lor bCaniloe.

Iw 'c*a*g"o·. IDllli'ulioollr..

Pliouinic. Fuupteerritr -

3634 .

--- --... may!

who quin-shfleae. Ri.ferecocr rreeqquuirlerd^. Pleraswe steend plhtoto,. s«aame wimll hlas retumrnie-d,. and slate eveerryythilng In delalL

j^^d H$1000 for all jthhe, oshhove manuaiTltpU,. cevnimmppleli. Written It ptotecaatonal with 26 yeeaarrs.' eiperieoee.


FOR SALB--Holton RevriiUon. Trombone and ciae.

Address bduie CGX. 2026 College. St. Louli. S41a«ourl.

nDeeatrrilTy o.-w uu«.rU,i rtclit wi^v.erkkit; oolixailtireUd braxss:; prrrUic*er., GHIENTAL GEM EMi'OHIl M. Hrrmlnle. Pa.

TATTOOING-Send lOc and get mv luat out. HARRY V. LAWSON.
folk. Virginia.

1921 Box

Price Ual 31. Nor-

dolUrt A1«o I'otin tifw Vk*Uir Cornrt.
Hated gold belL tow pitch; «mpie4» to eaa^ tow; seventy dollars. EkIIL KLCBEB, I Tlwatra, UanUaUau, Kausaa

ailT*i br*nd

w'ANTEFD never Girl, to Kme kind of specialty.

aaal.t magician and doe Seful small p.'too. THE Thurston't World'a Mu- I

Favorttea;" rnllre collertlon. 11.00 Ipcvjonally tyi* written); Shooting Dan .McGrew, Kid'a Ito.t Fight. Rota. Bhie Velvet Band, Guiiga Din. Jim Blud.o.

FOB SALE--Tattoo Sliop, on Montreal'a Midway. In FOR &ALB---liaiid 2na*rumcnta: closing out coraHele front window alHxdlng gallery; eeveo dkja a week; gfc,im.,*w o01f wi.'ccoonnda-hnainid Anda new. ajlil makKeisi., at tcoost

kPf2S I Barmovn Floor. Laara, Killy's Dream. 3 Pagn. Jnket. Slnrlei. E,, T^l,k--a. opening -- tiinj-ou-n-'e-m--enw

PprGiccee;; 5 Bimxlun Clartneti. 23 Alb.rt.., all low W.YNTED-Lady Partner. MuM be good athlete, for

·'.If*',, touHable fur exc ualve Single A.HI.

Billy KEI.LEA, .iO St. Lawrenew Alain, Montreal, ppnil.-'hfi; 4(f0i Cuorueto auii TYruuiinnppeclIl, 12 Sfllc.le VTrrrravunhhuoioieae. ncivellv teeth ail. Able to trxvel. NICK HKAL-

Ttmnrt dv»i<'V<i a. ra.

- ·- --

200 for 88 00** 4<)9 fnuiraBtoaM. 85.00; Machlnea, V.60. 2 foe $900 Send lOr for coangdete prlw
2m. HARRY V. LAWSO.N. Bob 31, Nwfolk, Va.



J3 naarrittuocoKtBa. 6 Raesca » french Uernms,. 60 Vlen--sat grade KGS. 6<I9 Grand Avenue. Milwaukee. Wla

apr30 ***5*;J_ f.V,?®.

* o 1?-'

Snare Druras. aU sUtv' 5 compute Tray Inum dutfiu.-EI.BERT IIGIJ.Y.N. 1714 .No I-a SaUe. tht.ago. III.


TSTen"d lijf nHhaiti., JAMES hSlIhSTTEEKK.. 11221189 Broadway.

»t lloev^'.llkanndd-. OOhhiioo.


FYO'OI fR-(OHCTTA.WVE DE.AVGGAN XY'LLOOIf''IlIlGNBE- I.*arrgge., profeutooal rondel. No. 872. never uo.l' gisal as tiew; ?iM)'` g^'if ^'ILyT m7ij^*k'^1003'`St' 1003 SC

I ''""hcra. w'ANTEIh--Girl Partner for vaudeville art. for work ...median Dne with good ajuaklng ability
and roust Iw good sp get. Are. 2U to 25 Good appearance tiece.Mry Aniatenr. ineit not apply Prefer one In Illinola to reheii-e In fhU-ago. Rend pphhoottoo mall. AA.. MM.. M MAARithK.N NU O.. .pNniaaggaarraa HuooiteaLi.

TvkSaMiiT"tlifil,lnteun*eMauamt'tlrlrnAeenilUciaaxatatmlOi,eeittiaK,,cccn,.`M, dAuiANioHmDliAiagRiWucRucKarYg. I.TfBSAok.rclAIGcn.hwLteoeYsra.aNt .'pNBrY.ioclaei.4nsg0aangieiPvNsaVUoavuPadearledot¬ye


New York.

Box .32, New London. ConnecUcut.


* G"'"' Tviaa.

apr23 IVorla, llllitola


TATr<X)IN'0--Rock on Hoev To Do Tattookir «-

plaiiM everything. Price, $2.00. HARRT LAW-

SON, Bob 31. Norfolk. TUgiitla.



,S. . . .

am ws.aav


In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

Jokes, Htnvlew, Monnlogura, IN>rma; suitable for any
chara.trra. Singles. Teara... Nut Arts, MiSKdogue*.
'SSS.W mo n^l. »ito; ctK "·"*


APRIL 23, 1921



I \L<> II »"*

10^ write a "Ullor-miiie" m fur

, i M WARD IIHOWN. Balrlch, NV.rih Cirullna.

"TUB COMEDIAN'S BrUJITIN'' ttr^e I'>«nt price* `11 niw. ut> tu'ilale HiiKk aiiJ Ei< lu?iiTe Act*.
M g». Talili l't», SoiiKi. riars, *2 ;jpe Book
rf Bit* tS. Jictt nut. "Whm tbe Blue I^w> Are t'. 1 t>'r." wieiti anil mualr, JOc.; lOO othie aure(r,. ll Aum Comcdr c<'iiK.a. Send 2c. alatnp 1i>r lliill. ii ami I.l»n. BKKNAJID lONKU:. Il<« 901.
|i nr. C»lceado.

tub pboof or tub pcddino is in tub eat-

I\i; Tim m»>f of an a t la t'le way It r'W* or.'r.

Oct rlcM material and b*T* rraulta. We riTht erery-

^d; with write material. From Jaza h> Opera. SuDf;*

with mutlc If you want tt. Anything that make* an

art wr hare It ORIFF OOBDON. 618 Baat Sixth

8t, Oklalioma City.


TAT.UIID acts, comedy SKETCIIl.S. Dial.aructl. '-. ml S'ng Nuntltcra a<"l oth r yainhTlIlr mairrial
written to order M WAHD BROWN. Qrand ThcaIII Kalciyh. .N'orth CaiuUna.

VAI DEVILLE ACT-Oaga. Irlah atteiea. ermedy aong. recitalluti original (laradT, 82.00 mi niy onler, money
I'trk guarantee nctllK. 3119 Grand Rircr, Srtond E; .-r. Detroit. Mhlilgan.

FOR RALE--25x80 Hip Roof Tent, laced top. In 4 SWia.L MUSICAL COMEDY LITHOGRAPHS--Coit

plerta; no imlcii or side-wall; heayy canyaa; 445, take $25. quick. FALE8. Chittenaugo, - N. T.

8«0I'0. Two 12x12. 3-ft. WaU Tenta. with fliea.

8..>.00_. All abut* uied one aeaaon. Inttrior. Street TEAT. 20x10; .\natomy WaA Figures, Bannera.

and Front Dri^i. 8x16: oil. rolla. repe*. batons: Bne

Lights, .Show Gooils. VentrlInquUt Figures, Bamier

Khaiie; 825 00. 8-h. p. 2-cyUMder Cushman Electric Poles. 8B.AW. Victoria. MlssourL


LIrlit Plant; 40 ampere cnerator, 60 direct, large

cooling lank, gasoline tai.k. 50-fr. pliable cable, TENTS--90x140, 90x180, 100x180; all in good con-

-tale ewtii hboariL y dt ni ter. ammeter, rbeustai; dlti'u; bargain far quick gale. PEARL VAN.

mrunleil on akiili; fine condition; guaranteeil to run Ni.illixlllc, New York. like new ; haxe |Jn tr..; Jl.MI.OO. Mollograph Maxing


Picture Madilne. Mh magazines, autematir shuttre, TWO-ABREAST CARROT SELLS. Conderman Ferris Itlcscoplc Ifsa. electric burner, gas burner, adjustable Wheel. Miniature Railway. FroRc, Double WThlrl. rheostat, go. I as new. 8I3.'..00, 20 reels Kllir. one, Jasln Flying Jtnner, Ocean Waxe, Balloon and Para¬

I'xo and lliree-fel si let led subiccti. plenty of lltho- chute, Candy Race Tracks, numerous other Game*.

graphs: good eciidUlon. 875.00. Slock of Medicine. St>ap, Mrd. Boxes. Formulas; matter of coirespondttire; anything su'd teiatalcly; abore shipped examlnatbMi on depo-il. PrI. c, net. J. M. I..a VERB. I'rop. Caroella Cuncert & Mtd. Co., llorrlstown. Tvntunsrc.

Illuslona, Noxelty M'lalcal Instruments, Band Or¬
gans. Tents for all purpose#. Scanery and Baimeri. used and made Pi order: Cushman Portable Light Plant, MuPisoopra, Crazy House, Portable Prize MuxInc Air Rifle Sliootlng Gallery, Chinese Fawn 8but>. otner used Show Property, too lung to Hat. Manu¬
facturers of all Park and Carnival Supplies. Write


Parker 7`/*-k

Carruustelle, w. fcnpratfsT,

65-h. p., on truck.

us your wants in detail and we are pleased to quote attractlTe prices. OUlMt and most reliable house of Its kind in -America. Our Dolls topped them all

! MUkfk- Painted last fall. last Seaton. We buy and sell anything In the show tU &1.AIIAN. 9.13 Progress St.. N. 8., Pittsburg, Pa business. Address nearest oIBce. WE.s^BN SHOW

PROPKRTIBS COMJ'ANY. 518 Delaware SL. Kan¬

FtiR HALE Tents. Triit'k.s. PIriure Machine Heads. sas City, 5Io.: 2033 N. Broadway. Ixis Angeles, Cal.

K.ta.l Machines. Films. 81.f'0 up; Llihograplis, Ir

earh: Wirdnaie. Banners; anything In stetw line. CP TGW.N WAGON ON TWO TON MACK TRU K--

Theatrical Printing


terheads (8x11). 100 Enyek>i>ea, postpaid. $1.69;

Heralds. Dodgers. To-nighicrs cheap. Liberal Sam¬

ples. 10c. CLIPPER PRE.SS, 56 South Third SL,

''hllailclphla. Penii-sylvaala.


BOOKING CONTRACTS. PASSES. CAUTION LA¬ BELS. ate.; tamplea frac. BOX 1159, Tampa. Fla.
CARDS, Letterheads, Envelopes, Statements, Tags, 100 for 75c; 250, $1.50. W. J. STUMPF. 58 South
Twentieth Street. East Orange. New Jersey. apr30

CHEAP--Quick, good Prlca Ltot CURTISS, Con-

tlnentaL Ohio.


COLORED BOND LETTERHEADS and Blxelopes: blue, pink, canary, goldenrod, green: 250
either Bixelopes or Letterheads, $1.75; 500 4x9 Tonlghters. $1.30, Careful work. Llsta. 2 cents. BLANCH¬ ARD PRINT SHOP. Hopklnton, Iowa.

DF. LUXE BUSINESS CARDS--Stamp for aamptoa

CHAS. UTTEUt. Pekin, llllnola


WARNING--Ottle Colburn's ten big hit Sung Parodies are a wnratlon ThU material la cottnehted ai.d
all rlthti reaerte-l fir the th<attUal pTofes,iiin Any¬ one iiutUthInc ir selling thia material without my permiyuon Is subject to the law. Play safe. OTTIE cOEni KN 13 CUntoo Aye.. Braiktoa, Alas*.


\I'iKiloga, 50c ; New Joke Rook. 25c.: 100 ddTermt

C'lmlc and Dramatic Recltatlona. 25r ; new make-up

Bo< k I.V.. or send 81 for all. Including 150 Farodi's

m popular aongs catalog free A. K KQ.M. 3N18

North Are.. Mtiwaukee. WUoonsIn



STEVENS sriiiw SlPl'LY, 814 High Street. .St. LclIs Missouri.

ET*R PAI.F/--Some Fist Otira ind rhocolste Msdilnes, .Mlriur fro' Is and metal fronts. In good
wrkli'g condition. Riede and Champloti Machines for Wilbur ClMxMlate and Wrlgley'a E'lat Gum DEL¬ AWARE CO VENDING CO.. 323 W. 3d 8L, Ches¬ ter. Pennsylyanlg

FOR S.U.E--.Sexen Pit Coyers. 37 feet long; nearly


ea.-h. Double-Headed Olant and Ban-

rer. IJSOn. Freak Pig. 8x10 Banner; $30.00. Ticket

Box. 85 00. The following Banners, 812 00 each;

MIdxet. Electric Chair. Main Entrance. Slerieic Lady.

CHANT, 34 Wayne Ats., Youn^alown. Ohio.

FOR SALE--Cookhouse Tent, with pln-hlnge frame,

Platfiwm, 14x29 feet; meat complete car erei built;

worth $1,500.00; first $600.00 and storage (about

SK'.OO) takes It. THE BEVERLY CO., Louisville.



3 SETS PONT TRAPPINGS--Good condition; price, $12.00. K. COCCUMAN. lllon. New York.

Songs for Sale

FOR THOSE WHO C.ARE--We believe that aorae of

you actor folks want better printing than the kind

advertlstd to be given away. Let us help you get

up some work worth while st the right prli-es. Tell

us your wants and we will quote prices. OLD CRIS

PRESS, Crlsfleld, Maryland.


KORKER THEATRICAL ADVERTISING NOVEL¬ TIES--7 samples. lOo. Printing samples frea.
CHAMBERS FRINTERY, Kalamazoo. Mich. apr33


A BIG BARGAIN 1--Fifteen Real Parodies. $1.00.

.All the lattat, "DeTirs Garden," "My Mammy."

"Margie." etc. Great Coroidy Recitation free. List

rf acts on request. .ACTOR.S' SERATCE BTREAU.

405M. 131 W. 39th. New York.


LETTERHE.ADa AND EN\TnX)rE.S. 50 og saeh. $1. postpaid. STANLEY BENT, Hofiklntao. loxra.
PBINTINO BARGAINS--250 Letterheads. $1.50; 500, $2.85; 1.000. $5 Oil; Emelopi'S same price. To-
nlghters. 500. 81.50; 1.000. 82.50. Careful work.


12x18. with trunk, teat, jacks, some dishes; will not

NEWS PRINT SHOP, Foraker. Oklahoma.


lesk. First 875.nO takes It. JACK MAH.ADY. 215 BA.NTk ANT) ORCHESTRA ia'SIC--33 numbers.

Culumbua Axe., N. W., Cinton. Ohio.

81.00; 83.00 numbers count 6, double numbers 2. SPECIAL OFFER--100 Bund letterheads. 100 En¬

STAGE DANCING CLASS, 10 lestort. 810. to ladles,

.1 17 RACICOT, Little E'alls, Minnesota.

Jun4 velopes. printed two colors, 82.00. prepaid. Other

W'rdnrsdty and E'rlday; gents. Thursday: rhildrin, Silurdty .tlso prlxjte InstruiUon Buck and Wing. WtItr Clor, Sift Shoe. larcentrlc. Fancy Chorus, tte. ron.plrle acts taught and booked. Partner furnished. E'otir r hesisal ro- ms Professionals taught. See HARVEY THOMAS iTwenly Years on ttie Sure),
5. East Van Burro Street, Chlcaso, III. Phone, Wa¬

FOR SALE--Kbikt Tent, bale ring round top. 60x90,
reinforced In red canyas: waterproofed; Drrd.s repairs: oomplete aide wall. 10 ft. high, gund con¬ dition. E'Irst 8110.00 takes all to save atoraxe. HEiFE'-
NER-VTNSON STOCK CO.. Monterey, Tenn. Referroce. Bank of Monterey.

"HOW LONG SINCE YOU WROTE TO MOTHER," "The Petris They Glimmer Ever Bright," Send ad-
xarco orders to MB. ALLAN SMITH, 919 N. Taylor Ave.. St, Louis, Mo. Price, $7.00 per 100 coplea


TY CO.. Leonla, New Jersey.


100 LETTERHEAD.s, gHxll (or 200 Lettpvheads.

5Hx6H). and 100 Envelopes. 1100. Four lines

type. DELTA PRINT SHOP. 1512 Germantown Ave-

ue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


bash :S9L

150 LETTERHEADS and 150 Enyelope?. 82.00, pre-

AMATEURS INSTHUfTED Able leschrra Cpportuni'T f'T lady stars In new drsmsflc i>lay« A

pild. Samples for stamp. Other printing. JOS. SIKORA. 2403 So. 62d .Axe . Cicero. Illinois, may2i



Theaters for Sale

ST.AGE TRAINING prepares you for Viudexllle or

Miistcal Comedy In a i^rt time .Singing and Novelty

SUjre Dtuclng taurht. An opening guaranteed to tR


22 Ijon A Hraly Bldg., Chlcsgo, Illinois



maU. $1 Iiseon. S«nd money order, stamp# or

dollar bill H.ARVET `niO.ALAS, 59 Eaat Van Bureii

St . ( be age. IlUiiOls.


As the locisLstlvp power* tl-at be eyidentlf have determined to establish a ccngorship of the muTles, and as they have the power te rarrr out their determination, evidently nothing can he ae'-otnpUsbed hy repeating the reasons that should prevent them from rtelng it. Still, the probltm is an interesting one. even after it has been settled, and there is something of satisfaetinn in prophesying the ditlienlfies that the censors are going to eni-dtiDter and the I'ertainty that they will bring abciit no real improvement In the qiialit.T. as regards elHur nnvrals or taste, of the pictures displayed. In the first place ix'b^v with an .xpproath to real competenee fur such work--if there are any siieh

BARGAIN Will sacrifli e fully equlpicd theatre, 300 stats. CIIABLE'S AA'EL.sH, 932 Wall St., Tolctlo,
F'OB SALE--I'iciiire Tliealer. fully equipped, msklng money; well located, grotvlr-g . Iiy, iwer lO.Of'O;
fplcnilld opportunity. BOX 277, Dothan. Alabama.

VAl DEX ILLE At T SCHOOL--Coaching and train¬ ing; profcaNunils and beginners, for the stage;
riage darning taught, all stjlee. buck. dug. softeb,r. etc.: acta cf -tery desi'ip'lon wriifen. coached and prfduced. EOCITT VAUDEVIIJj: SCHOOL. 84 .Au'Utorlum Thtaire BMg . Chicago. Illinois. P. K --Speilal Mall Course on Stage Dancing. 85.00.
THOMAS' STAGE SCHOOL--Dancing. Burk and

iwrsona, whieh is something mere than doubtful--would undertake the task. The best and all that anybody eoti'd bring to the performance of the task would be good Intentlona--always a p<ior reliance--and pers<'nal opinh ns on questions concerning which there is and ran be no general and fix.-d agreement. There are vehement disputes, and between people exjiially reputable, too. as to what eorstiluies a thing as eomparativel.v simple as "indeceney." When it comes to deciding what is and what is rot "immoral, inhuman, sacrilegious .r of su. It rloaracfer Hint tl.eir eihihition would tend to corrupt morals or Incite to crime," the controversies will be simply innumerable, and the censers will find

FOB sale--Suburban Theatre. Denver. Building, PTOp-rty. 2 bits and equipment leases for $150.(10
per month. Price. $12,500. 3730 Walnut SL, Def,xer, Colorado.
FDR S.ALE--Grand Theatre, fully equipped, playing road shows, vaudeville, moving plrtures. $15,000.00
win handle deal. M.ATTHEW REINHARDT. Owner, Lincoln. Illinois.

M'Ing. Soft Shoe. E.-r."iirlc. etc. ViudevlHe Acts xTTitfen. Dramatic Sketches coached. An able staff of Instructors to tike care of exery want S;eHiI-- Send 8'2.00 for Book. How To Get In Vsu.lexllle After you hive seen the rest, see the best TIIOM.AS

themselves the constant ohjects of dcnuneiatl' n or rid'ciile--for the most part well de¬ served. To put on the movies any restrictions from which books, the speaking Stage, painting and sculpture are exempt will be logically indefensible and practically im-

THEATRES FOR SALE--Florida, $7,500; Kansas. 811.000; Illinois. $3,500; Nebraska. 810 500; Wis¬
consin. 82.200: Minnesota, 82,500. Particulars on
requesL HANNAH A MARTIN. Nelllsville. Wls.

STAGE SCHOOL. 59 East Van Bureo SL, Chicago.

The censors themselves will need censoring much more than do the movies, and--

lUlnola Plione. Wabash 2391.

well, the public will s*'e that they get at least frank criticism and occasional rebement protest.--NEW YORK TIMES.

Tricks and Toys


Bd-Hand Show Prop, for Sale



MFTTAL TOT .SOLDIER--Novelty for Ptlxe gouxe-

nlrs. Year-round wonderful seller. $7 per 1,000

rONfESStON TENTS (NEM)--KhaU. with wall. awning and coui.trr curtalnt; alie. 8x10; rrhv,
832 50: Ball Gamy Hooda (urw), 825 00 A fiw Uird Hoods, 819.00. .All wonderful bargtlns Cuncession Tents, all alzea. at wonderful low prices, made to order. Get a Cot Tent If you want to save room reuL Let us ktum what yxiu need and sell us what you don't need. RAY SHOW PROPERTY K-XUUANGK 1945 N. Htuadwty, SL Luuta, Mtssuurl.
nECTHlC LIGHT I'lJANTS (poTlaMr): for morIng pirturr run uses and general illuminating. Also
full line of generators, rheoslata, wwltrhes, Inztruniftits. Ford front and power aitadimriil. to run your generator fur nbiure mathine and for lighting

FOR SALE- Hindoo Sword Mystery, wriih han'iir.

8.50.00; Siamese Twins, and 1 aimer. 825 00; Side-

Slu»w Hannevt, made by I' S. Tent A Awning Co.,

con-lsting of snake charmer. alllgati>r5; gila mor..stiT,

ele.trlc laely; all 8 ft. hy 10 ft., at 810 00 each.

EirrMtdng In A-1 condllKHi. Perm, address. MBS.

MFIIL EVANS, lire Anderson A Sradex Shows

Hasilnts. Nebraaka.


ONE >X'K BIG ·niM CAT BACK--Complete, ready to do huslnrsa wilh. Including table, kliaki back-
yew rcles, fence f'V belly cloth; 820.CO. W, C. WEYOINT. Nellch. N*briskt.

COMEDIANS. Monologists. Specialty Artlsta. Viude-

Tilliai.s. Chautauqua Entertainers--List of seventy

clean, surefire Hokum Comedy Songs free. Words

and music (not parodleil. Positive applause win¬

ners. .Always go big. LARRY POWERS. Billboard.

anclnnaU. Ohio.



regarding selling same. JOHN J. KENNY, H<v

boken. New Jersey.


MAKE OFFEK-Worda for best song ever, "Adam. Exe an.l the Serpent." SONG "'RXTER, Box 257,
Chlllieotlie. Illlnola.

up. (Catalogue free. SUNBEAM TOY, 1925 Callowbill SL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Wanted Partner
P.ARTNER, witii four hundred dollars, for an 18-foot store on a big showw. This will be worth flvt thou¬
sand dollars clea to us this season. I have already iMuxht four hundred dollars worth of the slock neeiled. Work flfty-flfty. Quick action Is nwessary Address CONCESSIO.VAIRE. Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio.

vonr ebow. Slate lully 'itquiremeniz. THOMl'SDN lIUOS. 85 Ltsual St. Auriira. lllutota

tIN'E iJtRGE M>:R1!Y-C.0 ROUND ORC..VN. also 28 W'- .i, n II '-I S f. r ir rrv go-ruund. P B
SCilARFENBERGH. 1341 SeJgewick SL, Chicago, HI.

NEW SONO HIT. lust out. U'twn Sundays Are Blua. P.ART5',, w'th small amour.t of cash or Ford or Beo
I'^srtntiinr melody. 5*en<J LV for copy. Dealers, clostd truck, to take half Interest In privileges on write for prices Professional copies for performera. small motorized circus. 5lh scas^in out. Exceptional

FEW MOKE TENTS LEFT AT PRE-WAR PRICFJt One m rs Light Clrrle Swing. 8»t rt Cunioselon
Tops, Wrestling MaL Spidora. Mrrry-Uo-Hound. 5 K \V. Generttor. I'ondfvman Whes 1. B ad I'n lure Show, romi'let. with Films. Ftby* Trunks, romplele I'urtable Iluiler Rinks. Dnima. Baiutees. Miiielrrl Fri.nt. Athletic Top. Front and Arens osnpl-Ae, I'sU Game Ib-als, Arkan-as Klib>. Slat Rack. KM i.f Cuplc liolls. plenty Chinese Ilsskets on hand. 84 50 per next; I'o«« and S' Ouiflis Ask foe what you want No catabiguea ROCKY MOUNTAIN .SHOW .SUITI.Y buys ainl icUa enryliHuf. Hailruad Building. Dmrer. Colnrada
rOR SALE--Khaki Tent hale ring round top. 60x96. reliifnr('nl In red eanvas. waterprtHifrd; needs some
rerairx. cumplcle alili' wall, 10 fL high. giKid co.litb'n. Klr«l 8110 00 takes all. to asve slurige. HEI'FNF.K-VINSGN KTtH'K I'O . ktonlerry. Tenn. Rcfi-r· tuv, iUftk of Mdnti-rrv

OPERA AND FOLDING CHAIR-S. new and second¬

hand. Immediate delivery. ATLAS SK.AT1NO COM¬

PANY, 10 East 42d SL. New York.


ONE EVANS POP-IN. 3 sections; 12-ft.: slore, gas pipe stand: all In ahlrixlug crate: In good ivndi-
tlon. exMt $40.00, all for $15.00. W. C. WEYGINT.
Nebgti. Nelira.'ka

PIT SHOW property-Five PH Clcilis. 4x28 ft..

t"! and kliaki: marly mw; 88 ea h. Five lit

cimhs; red: 2ii5 ft.; while filium: 8.i each. Two

Milt Banners. IiIO fL; foisl .umlilion. 85 each

Fortune Teller Banner; like new; $7

size XilU.

Twn Steamer Tniiike. with irajy; ccxl shaiie; 85

1 at h Two Cir'us Sile Triiitk*. 81 rS'h. Ita>rt

Drum. 18i'28 in. tu-e; extra go'.l hiads. 820; Snare

Drum, 12x17 In. lies: bailer heads: 88. Handcuffs.

Magic Ooo'ls and; all .heap Tents, all

sizes MURPHY SHOW t O.. 315 So. Broa.l»ay. St.

W. H. DREXI.ER. 4415 N. Drake Are.. Chicago.

pa1.r1*o1 dy"R.SroINad'OwEaBy.'t--RTuesne."funPnyilePsti.reondal.e"i

for $1.00. "Ylirgle."

"Whispering." 'Tealher Tour NesL" "in Apple

Bloxsum Time." "Hold Me," "Tripoli." 'rOld Pal

(Why Don't You Answer MeTl." "It'a All Over

Now." The stuff for ysudevllle. mlDStr-ls. clubs.

Reliable, quick serxlca For Parodies write OTTIE

COLBURN. 13 Clinton Axe.. Brockton. Massachusetts.

p XR.iDIKS-T. n on Popular Songs. $100. SAM MARIJ-.T. 253 W 39th SL. New York City.


Place Where Love and Honor Dwell." "1 Had a

Baby. I Had a Doll." "Silling, Sailing to ""here the

Irish Colleens Are." Sentiment, patlios, melody.

Rest offer gets them. D. SULLIVAN, Box 211, Lmg-

Tllle, Ixulsiaua.


opportunity for ambitious man. If you mean business address CIRCUS I'RI VILEOB.S. General Delivery, Trenton. New .leiscy.
W.ANTED--Ijdy, with capilal. acquainted with the¬ atrical people, ele.. for prctitahle business. DEN¬
NING. 320 E 12.5th St.. New York.
Wanted To Buy, Lease or Rent
cated. we will bu.v your goods for ca.-h and pay fair prlcesi Longest culahllshed and mewl reliable and largest dcal-rs In ii..'e<l Show irroperty In Amerlra. Write ilefails of what you hxve. WT-iSTlUlN SHOW PROPF.RTIE.S CO., 519 Delaware. Kansas Oty. Ma: Lu* Angeles' Cal . 2027-33 No Broadway.

laiFUtf. MIhmhiH.

"SHE FOUND HIM (Guess Where She F'ound Him)"

For 8\LI' till, cf the and ilieai-at Rulx I'Cfure the public. Jaxa Swing. Can he handled hy
wo jie< i |e and luaihd on a one-l. n truck. Fur l li  lit'I, faus. parka and any gilherliiga Can lie put up In a few hours ainl tiown In Iras. Also giasl. eleati and safe money getter Doll Hark, Air Rifle Sh'«8lng Gallery, Troupe of 4 niee. young King
Dexes; will wwk any place and plesae sU ells'" a,


ma.'hlne, large maiarlnva. tluxiefat. lenses, re-

wluder. eto. Outfit same as new. the bew that money

will buy. Pack In two Bal txuiika Thli outfit la

one uf Anuette Kcllermanii road show outfiU. If you

ran use a Arsi-. la-s .mlfll. wnie Ql E)-N FEATl RE

BEHVICEs lUrmlnghom. Alahaiaa.


--The funniest song published; plenty of extra choniaes; loeallze anywhere. Title page copy. 15c. OTTIE COLBURN. 13 Clinton Axe.. Brockton, Mass.
· WE SHALT. NOT FORGFrT FRANCE"--Just the sung ffur patriotic o.-ca»tuna 20 mils per coepy.
PiiMIshed bv THE RIVIERA MUSIC CO., 3810 Broadway. Chicago. Illlnola

MARQUEE AND ISIIOSCENIUM WANTED--Suitable fofr a 10x80 top. Also Scenery. W. H. DeVAUL,
Homer. New York.
SANISCO POPCORN. Cotton Candy. Doughnut snd Sugar Puff Waffle Outflta. SUPITRIOK SERVICE.

with all prupa. ri>ady fur work. IIAHKY' SMITH. Grata. I'ennsvlxanla
for SAIX-Complrle Arkanaas Kid Rack, only usril cue Miaun. In gia <1 ciMiditlon, made by Sprllig-
neld sIh>w Supply. Nuf Sul. And fifty niw klda. at I <01X111 A'l'lieea ED REDDING. 245 Cbrttuut Axe., Strlntfleld. Ghia
It'll SALE. BANNERS Fat Girl, AllIgslOf Firm.

"IvAPE OF BELGII'M" SHOW -'WapleJe. All reailT

to art up ami .lo biisinfs.a. Will .se'l .h.ap if

taken at oiicec JOHN U. COSR 149 Francis At*

Ibitaflel'l. MaMa.biUi.xls.


SIIOOTINO GM.IFHY, PORTAHLE for nOAD Smtrd a Mjersdtie. Pa.: 8200 00 geta It complete,
tn.Iuiluig two Itcniiiigli'ii an.l l»» "ii'.heai.r rifles. Fir parllciilars write ARTUFIl STl'AHTS, Plegaaut-
xille. New York.

WT M VKE PLAYER PIANO ROLLS OF YOUR SONG-One roll. $ri 00; two. 80 60; .<lx rolls. 810.90.
Send copy and money order at once. Prompt dellxery. Spec'll arrangement. F.tDY-Hl'NT MUSIC ROIA CO.. 17S West Exrhange St., Akron. Ohio.
3 SONGS INn.UDlNO "MANUJt BAT." 25c stimi«. IVA CARTWRIGHT, 332 Dlvliloo St.
Oshkosh, Wlsi'onsln,

TinRTT BY FTITI* OUTnT C05n'IJ7ri>-''BER NARlHl." Oler Farm. PImlloo. Marvlantl. aprSO
WANT TO IfU5' Armadllliis. Badgers. Chinese Drag¬ ons: anything, arilmate or Inanimate, suitable pit
Otuw. E. O B.VRBETT. 110 llayrrarket Sq.. Bangor, Maine.
WAjrrilv-Phiih Drop and Dye Scenery MAIODXO. 936 6Stb BL. Overbtook. Pennsylvanlt aplS

"lid Man, Vaudeville. Hippodrome. Cltlue.a#

Dt.'X.ii, 17.uo rS'h. It 815 Icr the !· 1 I Dexll ^«h-Tank. Banner, Pit. «tc.-$30. B O. BAB

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

IFTT no Haymarket Sq. Bangor, Maine.

(Continued on Page 58)


Tlie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1021


Arc«de for carousel bultdinc: alto

arare to let; earl; aeaaon. BOX 212, llerun, Con-



SPECIAL TOATnUBS--From Single to 8-ReeI Sub-

jetta. Big stars Write for my complete list. Bar¬

gains U. B. JOHNSTON, 538 8. Uesrbom St..



POTATR'S RIIEOST.VT. {15: Bliss Qas Outfit, $20; 5 reels geHXl Film, {10, OPEH.V HOT SE, Fluyd,

weather, judging fruin the audleneei that appear there daily. Harriet Nolan haa been replaced by F'ranrra Cumell ai priina, Joe Itoae will not exit

WANTED TO Bl'Y-aianii)l(in reiiiiy «.uin M*-

rbln«^. liOns KHKIU.E, 1313 S«ts»»«le St..

Wllkinalurs, rmnsylrania.


WANTins Tliri-e lots of 'nii itr*- Nats. 7*Hi, tr.o and 300. Must br iti Ktssl t uiiiUtlfMi. lloscrlhe fiill>

THE IMPOSTOR. 5-reeIer, In very good condition. «ilh i-lfidv of IS! r; Th.- Inrentir, I reel, no paper,
giaxl e«inditU)ii; {1,50 takes all. or I will exchange,
wiiat have >.u! MR. .lOSEPlI F. ROWUNS. 1149 llnad SI.. Ilarifor.l. Coniin li< ut.

REBT'ILT AND GOt*D AS NVNV--Power'! 6-A and late model Mellogvaph: Ixi'h euuli>petl with new
variable spesd. 110-voll. 60-iTrcIe nxitors. large niaga/.lne and Guiidlieli lens; $275.00 and $240.00 each. 11. M. EVEllSZ. Apt. 306, 1536 Jai Salle Avc.. Min¬
neapolis, Minnesika.

until July 1. I. B. Hump and Shirley 5IaHetle, at the end of the rv'Rular aeagon with Strouao &. FYanklyn'a `·Hound the Town" Coiiiimny, on the American Clnuit, will become meniberi of the L'nion S«iuare Stm-k.

BOX 134, Bristol. T*»iii< a*<'f.


4VANTED- -I'owi r's 611 Ktaiula. 6A Stands, riundlach
I,rDart In all siros. Urse Sein-lilljht. BOX 231. Bristol. Tfiinefscf.

TIIOCS.XNDS Ob' UEEI.S. {3 up. Best Films for least money, Helen lUdme.s, $5; Ham and Bud
Ciinicdles. {?: Fatty .trhiickle. {15; Charlie Chaplin,
{20; Triangle KeysPine I'oniediea. 2 reels, {10 each; Fairbauks. 3 reels, {35; Hart, 2 reels. |25; odd reels

HOAD SHOW PKO.IECTOllS. $65 to $175; Home Projee-tor. {CO. KxUa leliW'S. Hewlnders. KeeD.
Guaraiilis-d .Api'srstiis. lowest prleea. RAY, 326 Fifth .Xvemie. New York_

Harry tioldberg, forincrly a life taver. hut of late a peace preaerver at the Ulym|>ic Theater, New York City, liaa turned liia talenti to otner methods of preaerving humanity hy aunexliijc

WANTED TO HEVT-IMair for morle sliow.* .MISS N. E. DARI.I.VtlTON. T W. {'. A.. Missoula.
WANTED SiTlrt of "A SfrJi-'Rle for l.lfc." moiety mriodraroa, oast 6 and 3. -Mso will buy DUtnoml
Dye Drops In tiuod oindltioii. Ltd me know wliat you hare and prloe. N. Al.tARE/. I'enn Yan. N. Y.
WANTED Three lots of Ns'ncry. In rood rondltion. for ataxea. Ml. 30 and 25 ft wide. Name wliat you
hare, make and oonditiun. BOX 234. Bristol. Teiiiu
WANTED TO BT'Y--Suapender Bella or Eiiulpment to manufacture the aanie. W. MII.LKK, 8Vi Rebeora
8t., Hamilton, Canada.
WANTED Deagan rna-Knn; will pay rash, or trade PlclwHit Pony: must be good. BONES D<)(« &
PONT SHOW. Xenia. Ohio.
WANTED t'sed Orehe^tra Manic; reasonable. Send Hat and price. K. VAN ZANDT. Anverpaii Tliea-
trr, Enid. Oklahoma.
WANTED XfEllRT-GO-ROL'ND for entire season. Addrtaa 0. E'. IKKIA.VS. 6 No. 3rd St., Hamilton.

Triangle Featuri a. {5. H.XV, 326 FTfth Avenue. New York.
2d-Hand M. P. Access, for Sale


magarJnes, electric burner, lenstw. coirplete, $125.

Subjee-t eiamlnstlon on guarsnlee of eipreti

ways VANIHIKN. Bergen Pike. Rlilgefield Park.

.New .lorsi'y.



AA RO.ADMEN--Get your Machine now few the
BununeT. Piwver'a 5 and Ediwm rebuilt, euusl 'o neve, with SftO watt limp and riileebw for aivy naUce motor drive; 70 and 8.5 dollars. Also Simpl-xeo a d 6.\s BIU.NK5L\N. 116 West 49th St,, .New Yo k


Lists free. H COLEMAN. 414 .Mather Building.

Wa-liingit.n. Distrlet of Colutrhia.

may 11

THK.VTRE OR ROM) SHOW MACHINES--Electric. cal.'turn at.d ma;: la Ilgtd 200 reels of fine Flirua
Siippliiw aiel Slidis. Extra Lanipliouaet. new, at lialf price. Bargain lists free N.XTIONAL EMUIPMI-AT COMPANY. 4')9 West Vlietdgan SUeet, Duluth. Mliinev.da._apr23
FSED ONLY SHORT TIME--2 Power's 6-B Maelitnes; complete, wlih laigc niaga/ints; llC-voll. A
»' raider; will ga. riUee fv-r Qiilek sale at { each. RHTIAHD Bl IICH. 815 S. Wabash Avc., C!ileago. lllitiois.

ATTENTION!--New and rebuilt Motlograph. Power and Simplex Macbliies hand and motor drive, 5Iiii-
iisa SiTis'iis. Tents. Compensares. National Carlsms. Ol era and Folding chairs. Electric Power Plants, tlas Outttts. Maxtla equipments, supplies and etmiplete stationary or road shows. Ltiwest prices. Write for bargain list We save you money. MO.N.VRCH TIIE.VTRE SFPPLY CO.. 424 Market St, St. Louis. 5lo.
ALL MOI)EI.J4 of all makes of Horing Plckure Msehines It pricis leM than you can buy elsewhere;

WONDERFFL ASSORTMENT or rebiUlt Fiiulpnient ImmiMlIate shipment. Six Power's 6\ Motor
Drive, three I'ower's No. 6 Hand Drive, oi.e .v-iraplex Hand Drive, Mntlo.'raphs. all models, hand or motor drive; Mercury .Arc Bis'tlflers. Martin Rotary Converter, I'ushman 60-ToIt. 1-h. p., 2-k. w. Electric Plant complete. Wurlltter Player Piano, Chairs, etc.; 3.000 reels of Film, variety of subjects. All ciulpment oumplete: guaranteed excellent nindltlon. TV'rlte for
price list. MONARCH THEATRE SFPPLY CO., Ih-pt. BC. 22% Fnlon -Avc., Memphis, Tennessee.

the restaurant in connection with Frank's The atrleal Hotel on l.'lth atrei`t, near Third are., where Harry will aupervlae the work of ehef and waitreag in the serving of epicurean dishes to hungry show folks. Harry saya that tliey are going to get a run of eats for their money, for he iao't in the profiteering class.
Harry Hastings has a rhauffeur named Wil¬ lie Mahoney, who kee|vs Harry on the aerge of nervous prostration, due to the fact that Willie disregards the si>ecd laws, and while doing so kv-eps the s|veedometer in darkness, or at least he did until one night recently when, for some unknown reason to Harr.y, hu kept the spot liglit on it continuously, and Harry wondered wh.v, until we ^marked that it was due to the pres¬ ence of Mrs. Harry in the ear, and now Harry is enllghten<vd.
ike WelM-r, with a facial registration of sen¬ timent. was caught in the act of typing a communication to Itrother Joe, who is aummer-

WANTED--Tent, about forty by sixty, ball ring atyle, complete: oblong or S'juare end. Descrllte
eeaditlon truthfully, height of center poles, side wall, etc. Can use Kemrved Seat Plan, Canvas Benches, Bahy Plano and other Tent Slmw Stuff. Name lowtst caih price. MANAGER, Medicine Show. Arling¬ ton, Vermont.

good rebuilt oumplete Machines for road or amall town use as low as $35.00; Compensarca. Gas Making Outfits. Opera and FMIdlng Chairs: Film for road men. We buy and sell everything used by theatre
and rival men WL>TER\ SHOW PROPERTIES CO., 518 Delaware St., Kansas City, Mo.; 2027-33 No. Broadway. Los Angeles. California.

WRITE MB TOT'D NEEDS on ntwv or aertrid 'ntnd mact.lniw and auppUn. Bargain for quirfc aal& H.
B. JOH.NSTtlN. 53k S. Dearlvum St . Chicsgo atir23
3 POWER'S 6-B MOTORS cheap, also 1,000 Trunks, ranging In prices from $3.50 up. Some are
Government aureus Trunks, various sliea. .A postal

ing at lake Saranac for his health. Verily ac. tions speak louder than words.
Joe Howard, manager of the Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, while a visitor to the Columbia Theater Building, stated that with the close of the season of the .American CIreiilt shows

WII.L BT'Y--(!ut Wood or I,eg Drops, two or three Bunch Lights. Grass Matts, aLsu Velvet or Plush
Curtain. AL LI TTHINOEK, Broadway Theatre. Chelsea, Maisaehusetts.


wvme with paptr; {3.00 to }5.00 A reel: 25 per

rent ilrposlt with order. TOMLIN, 1810 Commerce

SI., Dallas, Texas.


brings complete hulletln. prices, etc Tel . Dor¬ chester 7668. CHlC.AtK) THE.ATRB WRECKING EXCHANGE Otfice, 1547 E 5:th St.. Chicago, Dept. B.

week of April 18 the house would con¬ tinue open with burlesque stock, commeneing April 25.

AVILL PAY CASH tor 14x11 Khaki Top. Side Wall and Frame, or 14x12. Must be In good condition.
Or will trade for Score Ball; perfect order, used one day; value, $45. EDWARD u WAKNOCK. Northfield. Maatarhusetta.


Calcium Lights

BLI8S OXY-ACETA'I.ENE and Oxy-Hydrocet Lights

for projection. The only gaslight that rlrals elec-

tilrity. No oione nor ether. Best grade Pastils. S.

A. BLISS LIGHT CO.. 1329 N. GTen Oak Avee., Pe¬

oria. Illinois.


Films for Sale--Second-Hand

A-A SINGLE REES, COMEDIES and 2, 3 and 4-

reel Dramaa, $2 reel and up. Write for list of

Mg super eight and nine-reel Features BRIN'KMAN,

115 Watt 49th St., Nmr York.


A LARGE ASSOKTMTrx'T of Singles to five-reel Fea¬ tures, Including posters, reasonable. George Ovey
Snd Mil Linder Comedies. 1. 8. FISHER, 729 7tb Ata.. New York.

BILLY ST'NDAY IN ACTTON, $20. FALES, Chltteosngo. New York.

Every man Interested in the promotion of outdoor entertainment is seeking the answ«`r to that question. The fair secretary, the park mana¬ ger, the lyceum and Chautauqua promoter, all must figure rain as an ele¬ ment of more or less cost in outdoor entertainment. But this question, as well as thousands of others as imivortant. are answered in The Billltoard. You may learn how, in spite of rain, the balance was on the right aide of the ledger.
Prove this to your satisfaction hy looking thru the current issue, or, better still, send in your subscription and save the difference in the cost. You will need The Billboard ever.v week during the summer season. It's the ready reference of the show world.
. 1921
HE BILLBOARD PUB. CO Cincinnati, O.:
Please send The Billboaril for.months,
i for which I enclose S.

lioula Martin, the |iopular treasurer of the Gayety Theater, will hold hta annual "Big Nite" testimonial benefit on June 2 and, beliere
as, there will be ROME show, and Loult has a
boat of friends from all ox-rr the town and country.
That I'hilly will hare a Itrga preaentatioo this summer of stuck shows is atleetrd by the follow¬ ing miort: Colonel John F. Walsh will run as usual his fine shows gt the Gayety Theater, with giMvd prinelpals and hli famous ehorua of Gayety tveautioa and novelty apeeialtlea. Aud. by the way, the Colonel and bis eharming daugh¬ ter, Mary Walsh, after their strenuous weeks at the theater, are often seen promenading At¬ lantic City boardwalk on week-end trips.
Colonel Hubert E. Heady announeea that begin¬ ning week of .Vprll 2.'5 hla popular Troetdero Theater xxill 0(>en with stork shows, and will continue tbroughont the summer season. The Colonel will have nothing b'Jt the best of showland and a rhorus of picked beauties that will make them alt and notice. And the (joloael knows a prinriiial and a ehorua when be aeea one.--ULUtIcn.
In Matsena, N. Y.

inn.IT WEST. Slave. Villain. 2-reelers. $25 each; ' Charlie ChapUn, Knockout. 2 reell. 140; Trystlng Place, 2 reelv, $30; Laughing Gis. 1 reel, $15. 5L
LEAA'IS, 145 W. 45th 8t.. New York City.

ONE YEAR, $4.00. SIX MONTHS, $2,25. THREE MONTHS, $1.25.

"EAST LYN.VE." 6 reela, perfect condition; posters;

$160.00. H. B. JOHNSTON. 538 .S. Dearborn St,


apr23 BIO BARGAIN--FI. Warn* Convvrtar. 3-phaac. Just

aompl«t«>ly overhauled from factory. Ouarauteed ag

Wanted To Buy

FILM RENTERS AN'D BFYERS--Will meet you on gnid u new. $250.00. Act quickly. H. B. JOHNS¬

any fair prnpusitlon; unlimited stock of every de- TON. 538 S. Dcarbon: SL, Chicago.


M. P. Accessories--Films

acrlptlon; perfect condition. State requirements. METROPOLITAN MOTION PICTI RE CO.. 25 Bran¬ ford Place, Newark. New Jersey,
FILM FOB SALE--"War on the Plains.'' four-reel

FtlR QT'ICK SALE--One Power'g and one Standard. ooroplete with leiiaea; $75.00 and $50.00 each; both,
{115.(in. Mechanicafly iierfevL MR. U. ML'RKELI.,, 33(8 OUre St.. St. Loula. Xlissouit.

WANT--Motion Picture Tent. Must he In guaran¬ teed miulltiun Slid priced right C. HALES, Orange

feature; eicellent cotidlUon. Send $5.00 deposit, balance C. O. D. $2fl 00. MORRIS L. ABRAMS, Z,ake City, South Carolina.
FEATCRES AND COMEDIES--All lengths; promi¬

FOR SALE--Power's, Simplex. Motlograph Machines; Theatre Chairs. Screens. Spotlights. Compensarca.
THE-XTRE WRECKING LXJl lPMIiNT EX.. 128 No. La Sail# St., Chicago. Illinois

City, Iowa.
WANTED--Moving IMctuia Mtcldnta sad Tbetra Chairs Wa pay most What have pout WEST-

nent stars: plenty adwruslng. Send for li>U.

ECONOMY FILil CO., 1238 Vine SL, Phllidelplili,



FOR SALE -Power's No. 5 Machine, with Bliss WANTED--Machines and eztra Hrada, Films and Burner, lotnpitle; first $10 deposit gets It. balance. E-julpment Full partlculara and low set cash price
$50, C. O. D. ROY H. ClBBONS, Btnllty, Illlnuls. first letter. NATIONAL E<Jl,'IPMI'2xT COMI'ANT.

FEATCRES--Civilization, 8 reels, $70. List free.

Duluth. Minnesota.


. CLAIRE. 1751 E. 93d St.. Brooklyn. New York. OENCINB BARGAIN--$250.00 each Ukes 1915 and

1M6 Model .XlbtlogTiplia, motor driven, large maga¬ WANTED--Festurei. Ctimedles and Short Subjects,

FILMS FDR SALE--Features and Slnglee. Complete zine and; outxide shutter. J. ST.XIAc In good condition, with pa(>cr, BOX 234, Bristol,

list upon request Attention. Bxhlbltnra--We can ING.-i, 2304 Galena St . Milwaukee. Wisconsin.


·uttply you an exlrtcrdinary service of Featuree and

Tartety Programs at $1.00 per reel. F7rtt-clast ref- GOING OT'T OF RT'SINESS-$275 CO each takes my W.XNTED--Two 1`ower's 6.\ Heads, two Rheostats,

arcficrs required when ordering. NATIONAL FILM two Power's 6-.\ Machines, IlO-volt. 60-rycle, A. Ft. Wayne Motor-Getieralor. large Typhoon Fan. BROKERS. 4040 Penn Street. Kansae City. Mo. iun25 C. motors: nearly new. D. K. SMITH. 933 N. BOX 231, Bristol, Teniieaiee.

Meridian St . Indianapolis. Indiana.


WE WILL HUY I'SED KHAfS, with or vrilhnut pa-

Btngla-Rael Comcdlaa. No Junk, ^'ant Bong Ranis. MOTION PKTI'RES of every description bought, aold |ier. What have you? We want Keaturea. Comedies.

CRE8CENT C1TT FILM EXCHANbB, Naw Orleana. and exchanged. M. >1. P. CO.. 116 Market 8t.. XVivierns, Carbejiia and Edueationals. No Weekliiw

XonulSlana. Ibtabllahad 1908.

majf Newark. New Jersey.

or News Itiela. Slate loweat rash prieo. vrtih list.

In firat letter. SERVICE FILM CO.MPANY. 65

NBPTl'NE'S DArOHTER. 6 reels, featuring Annette OPERA CHAIRS--500 19-ln. veneered Opera Chtlrt. Martin Bldg., rtlei. New TortL

KeHermann. dlring beauty; also other Road Show

200 2n-ln u-hoisttretl. XVrile for tikes. GENKIIAl,

Features, 2-reeI Weaterna. Comedies. Scenlca. QITEEN SPECIALTY CO., 409 Morgan. 8L Loult. CITY FEATI RE FILM CO.. 2212 Gilbert Ave..



CtnrJnnatl. Ohio.

PICTTRE MACHINFSS--All makes and prices Opera

Chain. Folding Chalrt; plenty of one. two. three

(Continued from pago 28)

ONE TO FIVB-REEl, SIT!JECTS--$5.00 per reel up.


Birmingham, Alabama


ROADMEN--Special Features, Chaplin Cnmedlet, well-filled reels, all titles; excellent oondltlOD: plenty

and Features up to seven-rerleri. from $2.00 per reel to $50 00. We fit complete road alwiwt. ROCKY MOI'NTAIN SHOW SUPPLY. BalUoad Building. Denver, Colorado.
PICTURE MACHINES $10.00 up; Fllmi, SUreoptl-

ta now mtahloth) d In the offleea of E. Tboi. Beatty, on thu tenth floor of the Columbia Thea¬ ter Hiiilding, where Sam ia preparing aumcllilng out of the usual run for next aeaaon.

{taper. Write for list Junk peddlers, save gtampa cena. Bliss laglit, I't-wer's Head. Powir's Magazlnrt.

CBAS. BAKER. Page, Nebraska.

apr3p Supplies. Stamp. I'.anni I'hiMingraph, cheap. FRED

Down at It F. Kahn's Cnion H<|iiare Theater

L. SMITH, AmstCTdam, .New York,

the hiiHlneKa is nut being affected much hy the


TVaturea. Many like new, with paper. Bargain


4M Weat Mlehlgtn Street. Duluth. Mina.


In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

When Jjoalt Dolheck. manager of the Play-

bouse at Ti<'undcr<qta.

Y., addressed a letter

to James Morris, Krausemeyer'a Alley, Mas-

sena. N. Y , he assumed that Jlnimlr Morris,

the advance agent of I'atenuin Ulllle Watson's

''Krsusemeyer's Alley" Company, would receive

the letter, and answer, but the letter was re¬

turned, with the notation, ''No auch afreet In

this town --relumed for belter addresa" And

the iKist-ofllce officials at Massrna were sur¬

prised when Jimmie railed at the General De¬

livery for hla mall, to learn that "Krausemey-

er'a Alley'' waa a show.


Commended n Detroit

New York, .tprll l.T --.L special rejiort to The nillhoard makes It very apparent that huricsqnera In Detroit have set an example for the musical comedy companies and cahareters to follow, for I'ollc^ Censor Hotter Is out after the musical comedy and cabaret shows for permitting their iierformrrt to apprav on the stage with hare calves, knees and thighs, where¬ as the hiirlpsiiners have i-overed thenis.'lvea In allkei. tighta, thereby comidylng with g<M>d taste and the law. Verily, buslesque la on the uplift and it behooves performers In all lines to look burles(|ue over occasionally and be<-ome morally modernized.

Chicago. April 12.--Getting married again Is a new Hialto game. The latest reports are that $'lo Jacobson, singer, and Frank Clark were re¬ cently wtsided in I he Hast. .Next la the rumor that Ernie Young, hooking agent, la to marry hla former wife, 5frs. Pearl Young.

Look thro the Letter lAet la thifi IfSOfi.


APRIL 23, 1921

Manasers and performwa ara rrspsctfiillv requeated to eontrDnito their dates to this department. Boutes mutt reach The Blllboerd not later than Friday of each week to Insure publication.
The Billboard forwarda all mall to profeaetonals free of charee. Members of the professlnn are Invited, ·tille on the toad, to have thetr mall addretsed In eara of The Billboard, and It will be forwarded promptly.

Brower Trio (Jefferson) Dallas. Tex.. 21-23. Brown A O Donnell iCobJiiiul) New York. Brown. Marie, * Geo (.Novelty) Topeka. Kan.,
21-23; (Princess) Wichita 25-27; (New Mid¬ land) Hutchinson 29-30. Brown A Elaine i<7randl Atlanta 21-2.3. Brown. Hank iHiptc) Baltimore 21-23. Brown. Gardner A BameO (I'alare) Rockford. I'l , 21-23; (Enioress) Cliicago 25-27; (Virgin¬ ian) Kenosha. \Vis.. 28 30. Browne. Will* A Harold i Palace) Danville. 111.. 21-23: (Dipheum) 1`eoria 25-27; (Orpheum)

Cleveland & Faye (Orphcum> ftiotix Falla, 3^ O-, 21-3tS; (Empresai Omaba, Neb., 25-27: (Uberly> Linculn 2S-30.
Cleveland. Claude & Marion (Odeon) Bartles¬ ville, Ok . 25-27; (Cook) Okmulgee 2S-30.
Cleveland & Dowry (I'antaReR) Winnipeg, Can.,
(1`antages) Saakatixin 28 50. llilTord. Edith lOrplieiim) Oakland, Cal.; (Or-
pheuiu) Frcano 2«-3<i
Clifton, Ethel t.slst St.) New York.
Clinton Sistera (Keith) rhiladel|>bia. Coden & I.tiken Dummies (I'oli) Worccater 21-2g.

When no date is given the week of
April 18-23 is to be supplied.
.\cea. Four (I,yrlc) Hamilton, Can. .Vitair. Jean (Keith) Lowell, Mass. .Ydaiiis A Gritnth (Psisce) .Milwaukee. Adams A Robinson (Warwjck) Bro<iklyn 21-2S. Adler. l.olya. Co.. (Oriiheuni) Portland, Ore.;
(Orphenm) San Francisco 25.30. .\dler A Dunbar (Majealic) Ft. Worth. Tex. Adonis A Co (Ilialto) Elgin. 111., 21-23; (Ki-d-
tle) Chli-ago 2.5.27: (Palace) Hoi-kford 28-30. ford 28 :U). Adrnis Bros. (Keith) Dayton. O. Ahearn A I'ederson (Culonlul) Erie, I's. Abeam, Dsn (Empress) Omaha, Neh., 28..30. .Ajax Family (Jefferson) Dallas, Tex., 21-2.3. Alanson (Psniages) Simkane; (Panlsges) Se¬
attle `2-5 30 Alex (Gr.ind) S( lio'ils 21-23; (Majestic) Spring-
field. Ill . 28-30. Alexander Bros. A Evelyn (Bushwick) Brooklyn. All .AlKisrd (Bijou) New Haven 21-23. Allman A Nevliis (Coluinhla) St. I»ui* 21-23. Alvin A Kenny (Liberty) Cleveland 21-23. -Ambler Bros. Thrim (Paiituge*) Edmonton,
Can.: (Pantages) Calgary 25.30. Atnes A Winthrop (Kallh) Toledo, ().; (Palace)
Chicago -25 .'iO. Amoroa A Jeanette (Loew) Holyoke, Mass., 21-
Amnriius A Obey (Pantages) Des Moines, la. -An Arttsllc Trent (Ortdieuui) St. Louis (.Ma¬
jestic) Milwaukee 2.5-:)0. Anderson A Y'el (i'alace) New Y'ork. .Anilerson A Gomes ((Sipe) Kokomo, Ind . 21-23. Andersi'n A Burt iKei(h) Indianapolis. -Angel A Fiill»r (Capital) Clinton. HI., 21-'23. Anger A pai ker (Palace) .Milwaukee; (Orpiieuni)
St Louis 25-30 Anger A .Adelon iHipp.) Bsitimore 21.2.3. Ankers. TAiree (Empress) Chieugo 21-23; (Ia>-
gan 8q ) Chicago 25-27; (Ulolio) Racine, Wis., 28 30 Anthony A Arnold (Prince) Houston, Tex., 2128. Apide Blos.som Time (Hoyt) Long Beach, Cal.; (Pantages) Salt loike City 23-.30. Aren Bios (Palace) Flint, Mich . 21-2:1. Ardell, Frtnklyc, Co (Orpheum) San Fran claco; (Orpheum) Oakland ·25-3(i Arlington, Billv iMaJesti' l Wichita Falls. Tex. Armatrong. Billy (Pantagea) Butte, Ylont , 2328 Armstrong A Jamea (American) New Y'ork 21·23 Arseloia Sisters (Princess) AA'Ieblta, Kan., 2123; (Od'on) Bartlesville. Ok.. 25-27; (Cook) Okmulgee 28-30 Aab A Hyama (Orphenm) lots Angeles; (Orpheum) Salt Ijke City. 2500, Aurora A Co lOdeon) Bartlesville, Ok., 21-23; (Grand) Si. Louis 252(0 Austin A .Allen (Pantages) Salt Lake City; (Orphenro) Ogden 2.5-10 Avallona. File iSlate I.ake) Chicago 2.5-.30 Avery. A'an A Carrie (Orpheum) New Y'ork. 2123. Babcock A Dolly (Majestic) Anatin, Tex., '21-'23. Baker, Belle lOivheum) Brooklyn. Baker. Bert. Co. (Palace) Milwaukee (Palace) Chicago 25-30. Baker A Kogers (Orpheum) Detroit.

Bcnuelt, Murray (Enl1>rc^i^) Cliiiazo 21-23: (Or(ilieum) MuiliKun. Wis., 25-27: Tltialto) Elgin. Ill , 28 ?r».
Bennington A Scott (Grand) St, I>ouIs 2.'»-.3(». Benwa>, Happy i Royal) New York; (Bush-
wlck) Br<H>klyn 25-30. Bergere, Valerie, A Co. (Keith) Washington. Bernard A (Jarry (Royal) -New Y'ork. Bernard A Scant (l'ala<'e) New Haven 21-2.3. Berii.S(d \ Kerris (Grand) Cenrralia. Ill., 21-23;
(Wasblnglon) Granite CDy, 111.. 25-`27; (Hipp.) Alton `28-:'a>. Bernard A Meyers (Mi Vicker) Chicago 21-23. Bernice, I.aBar A Beaux (McVlcker) Chicago 21-23. Items, Sol (I'l.ti.wn) Toronto 21-2.3. ' Berry A .Nickerson (Lyceum) llttsburg 21-23. Berry, Harry, A .Miss (New ('ryslall .Milwaukee; (.New Garrbk) Fond du loo, Wis.. 28-Mav 1. Bevan A Flint (Majestic) Cedar Baiiids, 'la.. 21-23: K'oluiul'ia) Duvetiis-rt, la., 25-27; (Orplieum) .Madison. Wis., 28-30. Big City Four (Keith) ludiauatiolis. Big Three, 3'he (I'laza) Brldgi (sirt 21-2.3. Bigelow A Clinton (Palace) Cliicag.i; (.'.lujestIc) Spriiigtiel,! 25 27; iFilui) i: .-it l.oiii.s 28-;:ii. Bill, Genevieve A Waller iKeithi) ihiyton. 0." Biiirg A Burt (Odeon) Bartlesville, ok.. 21-23; (.M ij.sti ) sprlnglleld. Ill., 25 27; lErlier) E. St. ).·'.iiM 28-30. Bits A 1`leies (Oridieum) TuKa. Ok. Black A o'Boniiell: l.incolii. Neh.. 21-2:'.; (Glidw) Kansas City 25-27, (Noveliv) Topeka Kan., 28-;:0 Black .A WliBe Ravue (F.rher) L'. 8't. Louis 21-23; (Majestl. ) .Springfield, ill., 25-27; (Or pheum) Peoria 28-30. Bla<`kw'ell, Carlyle (Begent) New Y'lirk. Blighty Girls. Thrte (Hipp.) Terre Haute, Inil., 21.'2.3.
Bhindell, Ed, Co. (Pantages) Minneapolis, .Minn.; (Pantages) Winnipeg 25-30.

Joliet 28 30. Browne. Botbwell. A fo. (Orjiheum) Peoria.
III.. 21-23: (Columbia) Daveniwrrt. la., 28-30. Browning. B< s.'ie (Orphenm) Denver; (Orplie-
um) Lincoln. Neb., 2-5-30, Brewniiig. Joe (Orpheum) Vancouver. Can.;
(Orplieum) Seattle 25-30. Browning A Davis (Oridieum) Ogden, Utah;
(Empress) Denver 25-30. Brown's, Tom, Indiana (Grand) Massillon, O.,


_. . .

T^'irke A looliey (Miles) Cleveland.

Burke, .Mabel, A Co. (Poli) Waterbury 21-23.

I'.iirke, John (Orpheum) Lincoln. Neb.

Bmke A Betty (Orpheum) Des .Moines, la.;

lOriiheiim) Sioux ( By 25 27.

Burke A Whiteside tBroadway) New York.

Burton A Dwyer i Pantages) (^algary. Can.

Bu>linian A Bayne (Shea) Buffalo,

Butters, Charles A Mayme (I'antages) Calgary,


Biizzell A Parker (Keith) Toledo. O.

Byrd A Allen (Coluiiihiu) Davenport. la., 28-30.

Ilynn .V Haig (Orpheunil Madison, Wis., 21-23;

(Kedzie) Chicago 25-27; (Empress) adcago


Cahill, Marie (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.

Callahan A Bliss (Vendome) Nashville 21-23.

Callun A Kenyon (Loew) Ottawa, Can., 21-23.

Cameo Girls (Orpheum) Jackson, Mich.. 21-23.

Can emu A Rogers (Hiiip.) Terre Haute, Ind.,


Cameron Fisters i Orpheum) South Bend, Ind.,


Camidiell, Craig (Keith) Syracuse.

Campbell, Georgia (Keith) Boston.

('am«ihells. Casting (Broadway) New York.

Cui'Sin-'s, The (Palace) Chicago.

Cantor's Minstrels (loiew) Spokane 21-23.

Capps Family (Pantages) San Francisco 26-30.

Send us your route for publication in this list to reach Cincinnati Office by Friday. Cards mailed upon request.






















Coffman & Carroll (Empire) Fall Biver, Maas., 21-2:j.
Coleman. Ooetz Co. tl'antagea) Seattle; (Pantages) Vancouver 25-30.
Coleman, Claudia (Temple) Rocbeater. Collins & Ll*unl>ar iNutiunal) New York 21-2S. Collins & Hail (Palace) Danville, ill., 21-23. Colo Ac Gage t Bijou) New Haven 21-23. (?omhe A: .Nevina (.Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. Corner^ Larry (Orpheutn) Portland, Ore.; (Or
Itheiim) San Francisco 25-30. Couiey Harry J., & Co. (State-Lake) Chicago
2.-.-.30. Conlln, Roy (Orplieum) Denver; (Orpheum)
Lincoln, Neh., 25-30. Conlln Ac Glass (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. Connell, Leona Ac Zippy (Orpheum) (juincy. 111 .
25-27; (ttrpheum) Galesburg 28-30. Connolly, Bobbie, Ac Co. (Poll) Scranton 21-23. Connors Ac Boyne (Delanccy St.) New York 21-
23. Conrad, E. & B. (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum)
Portland 25-3«. Conroy Ac Howard (OTtbeum) St. Paul. Conway, Jack (Davis) Pittsburg. C<H>gan Ac Casey (Poli) Waterbury 21-23. Co<jk, Joe (Busliwi4k) Brooklyn. Cook Ac Valdare (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, la..
25 27; tColunibia) Davenitort 28-30. Cooiier Ac La''.v (Davis) Pittsburg. Cis>| er, I>'w (Palace) Ft Wayne, Ind., 21-23;
(Majestic) .Milwaukee 25-30 Corradtui's Auimals (Majestic) Austin, TeX.,
21 23. Cortez Sisters (Sipe) Kok<tmo, Ind.. 21-2.3. Courtney Slst'-rs Ac Band (Palace) Chicago; (Ri¬
alto) St. Lutis 25-3(t. Cramptor, Rlioda (Pantages) Saskatoon, Can.,
21-23: (PantaaesI Edmonton 25-.30. Crandall's Brazilian Circus (Cecil) Mason City,
la , 25-27. Crane Sisters ( '.merican) New York 21-23. Creole Fashion Plate (Keith) Toledo, O. Creole Cocktail (Palace) New Haven 21-23. Cressy Ac Deyne iOrpheum) Los Angeles; (Or
pheum) Salt Ijjke City 25-30. Cross. Wellington. 4 Co. (Majestic) Chicago
25-30. Cummings, Ralph (Pantages) Y'ictoria, Can.;
(Pantages) Tacoma 2.5-30. Cummins & White (Orplieum) San Franclscii;
(Oniheum) Oakland 25-30. Curtis, Julia (Garden) Kansas City 21-23. Curzon Sisters (Orpheum) Winnilpeg, Can.;
(Orpheum) Calgary 28.30. Cy Ac Cy (Colonial) Detroit 21-2.3. Dainty .Marie (Keith) Boston. Pale, Fred Ac Margie (Regent) Detroit. Dale Ac Burch (.Ylhamhra) New York. Paley Ac Berlew (Colonial) New Y'ork. I>al(un Ac Craig (Plaza) Worcester 21-23. Daly, Vinie (Shea) Toronto. Dameral Ac Vail (Kedzie) Chicago 21-`23; (Hi|>p i
Terre Haute, Ind.. 25 27; (Grand) Evans¬ ville. Ind., 28-30. Dance Originalitiea (Dayton) Payton, O.. 21-23. Panoe Festival (Loew) Hamilton. Can., 21-23.
Dancers Supreme i.\venue B) New York 21-23. Dancers Pe Luxe I Garden) Kansas City 21-23. Daniels & W.ilters (Orpheum) Madison, Wis .
Dare Pros. (Palace) Fort Wayne, Ind., 21-23 Darling's Circus (Pantages) Edmontoo, Can.:
(Pantages) Calgary 25-.30. Darrell, Emily (Majestic) Wichita Falla, Tex.

Ball, Rae E (Jefferson) New Y'ork.


Daveys, The (Bijou) Birmingham 21-23.

Ballyhoo Trio (Poll) Scranton 21-23.


Davis A Darnell (Shea) Toronto.

Bandit, The (Regent) Detroit. Barat, Arthur (I'oIh Bridgeport 21-2.1. Bairea. Stuart lOrpheum) Omaha. Barr Twins iState-Like) Chicago.
Bartow A Marte (Palace) Springfleld, 21-23.

I ? i
Ylaaa., ~ «

Davis A Pelle (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpbanm) New Orleans 25-30.
Davis A Chadwick (Grand) St. Lcmla 21-23; (Grand) Centralis. Ill . 25-27.
Davis, Bert (Cncle Hiram A; Aunt Loeindy): (Roundup) Wichita Falls, Tex.

Barlow, Banka A Gay (Y'ictorU) New York 21-



Dawson, Lenigan A Covert (Poll) Wllkea-Baire 21-2.3.

Barrett. Pat A Nora (American) New York 2123.

21- De Bourg Slaters (Murray) BlclnnoDd, Ind., 21-23.

Harry, Mr A Mrs J. (Keith) Syracnae


Barry A lAytitu (Majestic) Houston, Tex.

Barton A Sparling (Pantages) Edmonton; (Pan- p

tagea) Calgarv 25 10


Bariram A Saxtun  Rireralde) New York.

in., Dellaven A Nice (Orphenm) Memphii; (Or¬ pheum) New Orleans 25-30.
DpKo<'h Trio (Hipp.) Cleveland. DeLacey, Leigh, Co. (Boulevard) New York 21.

Baxley A poftr loipipum) Marlon, o. 2I-2t p

Bayes A Field (orpheum) South Bend. Ind , p 28-27.

Bayle A Paiav (Liberty) Lincoln. Neb. 21-2.3; p

iGlolc) Kaiisaa City 25-27; (Novelty) TVpeka



Beard. Biilv lOrpheumi San Francisco; (Or- p

(·heumi Oakland 25-30


Realty .v Eie vn lOrphri'm) I'eoria. HI . 21-23; p

(Orpheum) Joltet 25-27, (Columlda) Haven-

PTt. la . 2' ki


Beauni'iot A King (I'ptown) Toronto 21 2,3.

Btt'k A Sllllwell (Empress) Omaha, Neb, 21- b

23. il.iberl.v) Lin -dn N'eb, 2.'> 27. (Globe) I'liy .M > , 2' .30


Bt k .V Stone I AA'asliiogicn) Belleville, *111., n 21 23.

B< k A Rector (Temple) 'Rorhealer


Bflell (Novelty) To|H>ka. Kan., 2I.23; (Prin-

essi Wlrhlla 2.5 27. (New Midland) Ilutvh- B mum 2'9 30.

B.dint's IVtgt A Horses (Oroheuro) Ogden. Dtab;

I r.mpresa) Denver ·.*5-30


B'-enian A Grace (Majestic) l.ltfle Hock. Ark., 1'

21 21


Beem. I,eo (KUKo) RTcine. Wla . 212.3; (Or

phenmi south Bend. Ind.. 25-27; (orpheum) B Peoria. III.. 2H-.10.

Begga. I-ee (Empire) Fall River. Altas . Ul.2.3.

Belfordi, Six (.Novelty) Toiteka, Kan.. 21-23: B

(Prinresv) Wichita 2.5-27, (New Midland)

Hutchinson L'U-ito.

Bell A Belgravp (Garden) Kansaa City 21-23.


Brilira Duo (Davisi I'ltlaburg


Bellinga. Clemenso. Co. iPanlagesI Toronto.


Ktlmonis, Threo (Princess) Montreal.


Bender A Herr (Psniag.-«) xtiDncapoIls; (Pao-

t.igesi Winnipeg 25 30.


Ptal Hair, Iriiti, Jew, Dutch Comsdiaa. tl.M so.; Na«ro. 30c; Na|reu. SI; Gaubratta Wl|. S2: Tights. SI.2S. Imaort. I'tmeue Astae Wigs. $2.3(>: by mall. 25e more. Catal. fri^ Qua Kliaaart. Mfr.. 4« Ceotar Sc. N. TwS.

APRIL 28, 1821

DoDsId Siatm (Keltb) Lowell. Mas*,

boner. Kitty (IlHtp.) Cleveland.

Donoxan &

(tirpbeum) in. i'aol; (Orpbeum)


D<K*ley It i«tory (Slice) DufTalo.

buoiey, Wm. A Gordon iMojeatic) Cbicago;

(Orpbeuui) St. IaiuIk 'JS-SO.

Dooley, Jed. A (o. ((> pliciim) Champaign, III,

21-;^- (Orpbeum) Peoria 25-27; (Erber) E.

St, Ixxiis 2S-3(|.>

Port-e'a t'elebrlties (Emery) Providence 21-23.

lioree'a OiM-ralog (Princess) Montreal.

Dotson (lieith) Boston.

bomuing A Bunin Sisters (Hipp.) Baltimore 21.


Doyle, Bart (Victoria) New York 21-23.

Drew. Marion iLlbeilyv Uncoln. N'eii.. 28-30.

breyer, L A B. il'emple) Uts beater.

buBois. Wilfred (Oiplieum) Omaha; (Orpbeum)

Sioux City, la., 25-27.

Ducos Broa (Ori>beum) Vant^t-uver, Can.; (Or-

plieiim) Seattle 25-30.

Duffett, Bruce, Co. (Pantages) Portland,* Ore. Duffy A Maun (Keith) Boston

Dugan A Baymond (Keltb) Syracuse.

Duncan, Sammy (Pantagea) Taioma, Wash.)

(Pantages) 1`ortland, Ore., 25-2')0.

Freda, Steve (I.<)ew) llolyuke. Maas.. 21-22. Freddy, Slivers k Fuller tBIJuu) Birmingbam
2123. Fresrott A Hope Eden (Orpbeum) Jackson,
Freville, Durotby, & Co. (I`alare) Hartford 2211-2233. '
FrlUedlainid. A.knoatol, Co. i(M MaaJjestilce) Musknogee., Ok.., 21-23; AnatuoIl ilHliiIppi)i).) 'TI'eerrte Haute,
Friend A& Tiownlng (PI'alarel Hartford 22112-.J'.)). FIrriiggaann//as, Trivie l(OriiddiieeiuimIl l\\jjiuitt>.jst City; (Or-
pheuni) iIV vss .Moiiiis 2..''>i 3(> Frisceon A Co. (iHlloonniilton)I New York., Krist'oe, Sig. (On>ibbte-um) Smt. Paul; (Orpbeum)
MiniiesiMilUis 25 33<0i. Fulton A Mack (Regent) Detroit. Furnain A Nash (llipii.) Youngstown, 0. Gabby Bros. (Uptown) Toronto 21-23. Gaby, Frank iKeitb) Boston. Gallaglier A Kullcy illi|>p.) Cleveland. Gallerinl Sistera (Pantages) Saskatoon, Can.,
21-23: ll'antagea) Edmonton 2.">..'.0 Gallettl A Kokin (Oridieum) Brooklyn. Gallettl'a Monkeys t Keltb) Columbus, O. Qarclnetti Bros. (Majestic) Blormington, HI.,
2123; (Ort'lioum) Sontb Bend, lud., 2.V27; (Amerlctn) ('bicago 28-30. Garden, George A Lilly (Poll) Worcester 21-23.

Ilarklna, J. & M. (Temple) Itwbeeter. Ilarrab, Itoy, ('o. iMaJeatlr) Austin, Tel., 21*
2:1. Ilnrrlngton. Ilirel. & Co. (IIlip) Terre Uaute,

IflMrC C lillDnif

JHIwl EiO ba I1MI1UY



,,,,| ,.,tcrlaln Now booking

J'AHKS and K.VlllS l>rruiaiiriit address. TIta Bill-

bsirS. Ciaciasati, Ohia.

llarris, Bobby. A (V iOrplieum) tJalesbiirg, HI., 21-23; (Maje'«.ltlic) Bbaimlngtnti 25-2277; ((Irpheiini) S'liilh lb i.d. Ind.. 2S-3t).
Hama, lia'e < Il.iro Park I llri"'klyn. Harrison, Jo-Jo (Broadway) Spriogfleld. Mass.,
21 23. Harrison, Benny (Pantages) Stoikane 25-30. iiarriaon, Dakin A Hogue (Vovelty) Topeka,
Kan., 21-23; (Princess) VVii liila '25-27; (New Midland) Hutchinson 29 3U. Harmon (Urgent) Hamilton, ()., 21-'23. Harmony laind (Pantages) 'forooto. Harmony Kings, Four (Poll) Wilkes-Bam 21-23. IHlaa''uuev. Ben (itrplieum) San I'nioclam; (Orplieum) Oakland 2,'i2!0.

Imlioir, Cioiia A t'oilne (Majeotlc) Spitev. Held, III., 21-23; (Aoierlcaa) Chicago 231^; (l.lneolo) Clilcago 20-30.
Itiglla, Jack tKelth) Syraroae. Innis Bros. (Keltb) Columbna, O. Irnin, Cbaa (Orpbeum) (Jail I.jike CItJ. mblkawa Bros. iIH|>p ) Alton. HI.. 21.28;
(Washington) RelleTllla. HI.. 25-27; IColumbit) St. l^>ula 28-30.
i'* J U® Jack A Iona (Urand) Duluth 21-28. Jb< kley, Helen tKmpIre) Fall Rlvat. llaat., 21-
Jane, Nora, A Co. (Palace) Danville, 111., 21 23.
Janet of France (Orpbeum) Kanaaa City; (Or pbeuffl) Dea Moines 2i-30.
Jardon, Duruiby (Keltb) I'blladeipbla. Jarvis A Harrison (Pantages) Dea Molnea, la. Jan is Whirl of Mirth (Pantages) Toronto. Jatzland Naval Octette (Orpbeum) UalealHlra
'III., 21-23: (Majestic) Dioomingloo 2527; (Orpbeum) Joliet 28-10. Jean A Jacqura (Palais D'Ete) BruaseN, Bel¬ gium. May 2-14; (Albambra) Paria, lYanca.
Itf-iime 11. Jed's Vacation O'antages) Seattle; (Pantagesl
Vancouver 25-30.

T-rvfiic nviaf-4-vn

r'Viavw Gordner. Grant (Orpbeum) S>attle; (On'beum) Hart A Heleue (McVicker) ( hicago 21-23.

82OIIIS VTUCITIJIi W OriQ S V^ Portland 25 .10.

Jennler Broa. tIMgtmont) Cheater. Pa.. 21-2.1. Jeoninga A Mtck (On'heum) Jackaon. Mb'b ,

ptoo high and all-round Jumper; booking parka, Gsacolgnea, Royal (Temple) Roii-'hesterr. fairs and vaudeville theaters. Perm, addres. ti:as|.er. .Marie (Colonial) Erie. Pa.

'T/vm oev/l `nnoacc--cc--ttAa XXTTaaTTTvAaras


X OIU OXIiU iJCSSSalC XX XaayyCcSdy \.rU OUl~ Jennings A Dorman (Palace) Ilartford 21-2 3.

OABE THE BILLBOARD, ('liiclnn.-ili, it. tnuyl I
Dunham A IVilliams i(irplieum) Seattle; (Orpbeum) Portland 25-30.
Dtinlay A MerrlM (Globe) Kansas City, Mo.. 21-23; (Novelty) Topeka. Kan., 25-27; (Prin¬ cess) Wichita, Kan., 28-10
Dunn, Arthur (Strand) Washington 21-23. Duttons, The (Mary Anderson) Ixiniaville;
(Keith) IndianaiKills 2.1-;)0. Dyer, Hubert tMajestic) Ft. Worth. Tex. Earle, Paul (Fulton) Brwiklyn 21-2.1. Eha. Wm. (Keith) I'ortlind. Me. Edwards. The (Murray) Itirhmond, Ind., 21-23;
(Empress) Chicago 2.'«-27; (Ixigan Sq.) Chi¬ cago 28 :{0. Edwards Trio (Majestic) Paterson, N. J. El Cleve (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. El Key bisters (Orphenm) Calgary, Can., 2128; (Orplieum) Vancouver 25-80. Eldlidge, Barlow A KIdridge (Palace) Minn*apolia 21-23. Elinore A Williams (State-Lake) Chicago. Elkina, Fav A Elkins (Keith) Cincinnati. Ellis. Harry (Hipp ) Alton, HI.. 25-`27. Elly A t'o. (Gtand) St. Louis 21-23; (Washington) Betlevllle. Ill., 2.'i-27: (Hipp.) Alton, 28-30. Elmore, Marie (DligliJ Kalem, Ore., 21-2.1. Bltlnge. Julian (Maryland) Baltimore. Elvers Sislera (Hlp|i.) Toronto.
Elvidge. Juue (Orpbeum) MlnueapoUg:- (Orpbeum) Duluth 25-30.
Cneraon A Baldwin (Orpbeum) Denver; (Orttbeum) Llm-olu 25-30
Emersons. Marvelous (Rei) Auburn, Neb.; (Magic) 8. Omaha 24-30.

Gaudsrhmldta, The (Hoyt) Lung Reach, Cal.; (Pantages) Salt Lake City 2.1-30.
Gaxton, Win., A Co. (Orpbeum) South Bend, Ind., 21-23.
Gene A Menette (Orpbeum) Waco. Tex., 21-23.

George, P. (Majestic) Houston, Tex. George, Edwin (81st St.) New York. Gilisun A Connebi (Majestic) Houston, Tex Gifford Kistera (Deluncey St.) New York 2I-2S. Gifford, George (.kuierican) New York 21-23. Gilliert A Saul (Bijou) Battle Creek, Mich.,
21 23; (I'alace) Ilockford. III.. 28-10.
Gilfoyle, Emmett, A I-ong (Poll) Wilkes-Barre 21-23.
Gillette, Lucy (Keith) Syraciiae. Gilmore A Castle (New Midland) Hutchinson,
Kun.. 21-2;i: (Cook) (Ikmulgee, Ok., 25-27; (OdeoD) Bartlesville 2*-3<i. Girl in the Air tl'antages) Toronto. flluson. Billy (Orplieum) Brooklyn. Glenn A Jenkins iJefferaon) New York. (Jbs kers, 'file tMiles) Cleveland. Godfrey A Henderson (Lincoln) Chicago 25-: Golden Troupe (Orpheum) Sioux (Ity, la., 212.1; (Empress) Omaha, Neb., 25-27; (Liberty_ ). IJncoln 28-:iO. Golden Bird tSl|)*) Kokomo. Ind.. 21-23. Golden. Clnndo (Kialto) gt. Louis; (State-Lake) Cbicago 25-30.


Donsrv ^Iovtav*

XVCtti XNCU AlUl XJttnjU * myci

·* liberty; thoroughly ezpedenced; perfect

harmony, rhythm and syncopation; play melody

or harmony, or both; also fake good piano or

double; very goo,) api>earnnce; wire or write at

Iiination double trapeze ring and wire acta:

two acta; we have all riggings; a platform re-

guired: open for ail outdoor affairs. For terms.

descriptions, press notices write Sandusky,

M Miicehbigasn.


Hart, I>eroy A Mabel (Pantages) Vk-toria, Can.; (Pantages) Ta`oma 25-30.

Hart. Wagner A Eltis (Orpbeum) Madison. Wis. 21-23; (I'slae.i norkfurd. Ill., 25-'27: (orpiieiim) Peoria 28-;«>.
HTTaHrtSmtmaann .Strt Meeker i(GGoorrddoonnV) Middletown., OO...

Harvey, Chick A Tiny (Ixtew) Montreal 21-23.

Harvey, Ixtu A Graoe iLitierty) Cleveland 21-23 Hatrrvveeyy--DceVora Trio (I.,so)eew) Indlaonapolla 2'211--223. IHlaarrvvey., W. S. (Bijou) New Haven 21-23.
Hawthorne A Cruu.-.ikk (Loew) Otltiatwwa. Cann., 21-23.

Hayatake Broiliera- (Empress) Omaha, Nebb..,

21;is23I:'llv(L, ibMerot.y, )

Lincoln 28-30




Hayden. Goodwi'n A Howe (Cecil) Mason CItv. la.. 21-'2:1; (.Majevtic) Dea Molnea 25-277; (Orr-

plieum) Ifioux City 2S-.30. Hayes, Grace, Co. (Pautages) Butte. M(»Itt..,. 23-

Haynes, Mary (Lyric) Hamilton, Can. Healy A · rou<sa (Orpbeum) Duluth. Hector'i Dogs (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.;:

(I'antages) Portland 2S-.30. Ht^ley Trio (Empress) Grand Rapids

Henlere, Hershel (Maryland) Baltimore. nennessy, F. X. (Grandl Kansas City; (Amer-

liocoan) St. Louis 2.5-30. Henry's. Cbaa.. Peis iStste-Lake) Ctdcsg·on.. Uenshaw, BoMy, Co. (Warwick) Brooklyn, S.
V., 21-23. "

Jenny, Joe, Trio (Grand) 8t. Loula 21-23; (Er Iwr) E. bt. Louis. HI., 25-27; (Columtusl B*- 1a>u1*. -Mo.,
Jerome A Francis (Palace) Hartford 21-23 Jeesssseel'lk'<L George,. Itevne (Orpbeum) SDeeiattle,
(Orpheum) Portland 25-80.
·*'··*'* Hubert (Orpheum) Bloux FkDa, 8. D.. (Kmpreas) Omaha. Neb.. 25-27; (Lih

Jewell A itamoed (Majestic) Dea Moines, Is., 2l-2;t; (te.ll) Mason CTty 2.5-27; (Orpheum) Sioux Falls. S. 1)., 28-.)0,
Johnson Br.Hi. A Jnbnaoo (Jefferson) Dallas.

Tei., 21-23; (Liberty) Oklahoma City, Ok , 2><


Johnson. J. Rosamond (Davis) Pitlsburg. Johnson. Baker A John^ (Palace) Chicago;


<»)rpheum) Peoria

. 38-30.

_. .

Jobntoo. Great (Palace) Chicago 25-»o.

Jones, Doc, A Oirla (Lleolrlc) Joidln, Mo.. 21 23

Jones A Jonet (Pantagea) S|iokane; (Pantagesl Seattle 25-.10.
Jordan Girls (Keith) WaaliiogioD

Jofce, Jack (Hamiltoa) New York. Juliet tShea) Buffalo.

Julnar of the Sea (Empresa) Denyer. Jupiter Trio (Globe) Kansas City. Mo., 21.J3:

(Novelty) Topeka. Kan.. 25-27; (Princeaa) Wichita 28-30.

Kaisha A

(Loew) Ottawa. Can., 21-23.

Ksjiyama (Keltb) Pbliad>iiibia.

Rail*- Arman, C«. (Orpheum) Los Argelea. (·irpbeuffl) ^It Lake City 25-3ti.

Karbc, Willie (Loew) Memphis 21-23.

Kanaiawa Boys (Crescent) N*w Orleaus 21 21 Kanue A Herman (Alhambra) New York.

Emmett, J. K. (Grand) Duluth 21-23. Emmett, Eugene tLo<>w) .Montreal 21-2.1. Emmy's, KtrL Pets (Hamilton) New York. Engle A Marshall (I'antages) Vancouver, Can.;
(Pantages) Victoria 25-:{0. Brford's Golden Whirl iBruadway) bpringdeld,
Mass., 21-2:1. Ergotti A Herman (Palace) Superior. Wia., 21.
Btbella. Vera, A Co. (Liberty) Terre Haute. Ind., 21-23.
Evans A Perez (Albambra) New York. Evans, Ernest, Co. (Boyal) New York. Evani A Sidney (Palace) 21-2.1. Everest's Circus 1 Orpheum) I'resno, Cal., 21-
28; tOrpheum) Loa Angeles 25-30. Everyniau I Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Eyes of Buddlia 1 I'antages) Minneapolia; (Pan-
tiges) Winnipeg 25-30. Fagan, Rayniond (Keith) Syraense. Fagin, Noodles (Miles) Detroit. Falcons. Three (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Fall of Eve 1 Orpheum) Vancouver, Can., (Or>. pheum) Seattle 25-30. Vl'allett, Marcelle (Coliseum) New York, n 11 Hon A Shirley (Hipp.) YouDgstovrn, 0. n'autinot. Four (Orpbeum) Detroit. Farrell. Alfred, Co. (Orpheum) Salt Lake City;
(Orpbeum) Denver 25-30. IVnIon A Fields (Mary Anderson) Ixtulsville. Ferguson A Sunderland (Logan Sq.) Cbicago
25-27; (Orpheum) Peoria, III., 28-30. Fern A Marie (Princess) Montreal. Fern. Bigelow A King (Pantages) Spokane;
(Pantages) Seattle 25-30. Fields, A) (Strand) Washington 21-23. Fink's Mnlec (Keith) Wasblngtoo.
Orchestra At Liberty, Five
ple.c.i after Msv tat: park, hotel or dance pavilion; ternm .(ddreas "ORCHESTRA." 604
E. Cary .St., Kichmond. Virginia,

once and state highest salary HOBART KENNEDY, (GSeen. Del., IndianapoPa, Innddii-iinna.

Goldie. Jack (Liberty) Oklahoma City, Ok., 21-

Gonne A Albert (Crescent) New Orleans 21-28.

Gordon A Ford (Keith) Portland, Me.

Gordon. Vera. A Co. (Grand) Evansville. Ind

21-23; (Orpheum) Madison, Wia.. 25-27; (Or-

pbeum) Boutu Bend. Ind.. 28-:)0.

Gordon A Delmar (Einpresa) Decatur. 111., 21-

23; (Majestic) gpringOeld 25-27; (Orpheum)

Champaign 28-30.


Gordon Duo (Strand) Washington 21-2.1.

Gordon. Jean, Players (Loew) Ottawa. Can.,


Gordon A Gordon (Garden) Kansas City 21-23.

Gordon A Day (Pantages) San Francisco 25-30. Gordon, Kitty (ITatbnah) New York.

Gordone, Robbie (Flatbnsh) New York.

Gordon's Circus (Orpbeum) St. Paul; (Orpheum)

Madison, Wis., 25-27; (Palace) Rockford, Hi.. 28-30.

Gorgailt Trio (Lyceum) Pittsburg 21-23.

Gosiar A Lusby (Lioeoln) Cbicago 21-23; (Pal

ace) Rockford 25-27; (Orpbeum) 'Madison,


Coseips Four (Orpbeum) Portland, Ore.; (Orpbeum) San Francisco 25-30.

Grady, Jas.. A Co. (Columbia) Davenport. la.. 25-27; (Majestic) Cedar Rapids 28-30.

Graham A Benson (American) (Tblcago 25-27.

Granese, Jean (Fordbam) Sew York.

Sidney (Orpheum) Duluth; (Orpheum) Winnipeg 25-30.

Grant, Alf (Loew) Windsor, Can., 21-23.

Gravel. George L. (Pantages) Loa Angeles; (Savoy) San Diego 25-30.
Gray A Askin (Pantages) Spokane; (Pantages)

Grazer A lAwlor (I«ew) Memphia '.'1.2.1. Green, Hazel, A Band (American) New York 21

, .. « LarPil Ct

,, Cati.;

Heras A Preston (I>oew) Holyvoke, Mass . 21-23. Herbert, Bert (Bligh) Salleemm', Ore., 21-23. Herbert Duo (St. Denis) Montreal. Herbert, Hugh, Co. lOrpheum) Dnintb: (Or-
pbeum) Winnipeg 25-30. Herbert's Dogs (Orpheum) Mlnneapotla; (Or-
pbeum) Duluth 25-:>0. Herman A Sblrley (Empress) Clilcago 21-23. Heron, Eddie (Colonial) Detroit 21-23. Hiatt, Ernest (Pantagea) VlctorU, Can.; (Pan-
tages) Tacoma 23-.10. HitibUt A Malle (ilrplieum) Calgary, Can., '21-
03. lorivheum) I'ancouver 25-.10.
Hickman Bros. (Pantages) Vanroaver, Can.; (Pantages) Victoria 25-.10.
Higgins A Bates (Riverside)«New York. Hill, Mr. A Mrs. Waller (Liberty) Cleveland
21-23. Hill A Quinnell (Novelty) Topeka. Kan.. 21-23;
(Princess) Wiebita 25-27; (New Midland)
Hutebinson 29-:)0. Hilton, Dora. A Co. (Orphenm) Sioux City,
la.. 21-2;!; (Orpheum) De.v Molnea 2.5-30. Hinkle A May (Pantages) Oakltnd, Cal.; (Pan-
tages) Iais Angeles 25-.10. Hoag A Hoag (Plaza) Worcester 21-23. Hobson A Betty (Keith) Toledo. O. Holllt Sisters (Pantages) Des Moines. la
Holman, Harry, Co. tOrpUeum) St. Louis; (Palfioe) Milwaukee 2.5-3)>.
Holmes A LaVerc (Orpheum) Frenno. Cal., 212:); (Orpbeum) I>>s .Yngeles 25-.10.
Holt. Dan, A Co. iMaJcsili ) Des Molnea, la.. 21-23: (Cecil) Mason city 25-27; (Orpheum) Sioux Falls. S. D.. '28-10.
Horl A Nagami (Ixiew) Siiokane 21-2.1. Houase of David Baund (I'antages) San FI'lrancilstco
"The Melodians" Five, Six or
seven-piece Jazz orchestra: Ivanjo. saxophone. piano, c. ome. t, cl. arine. t, v. iolin a. nd . dru. ms. . All fjonbllDlt to form Tfcriuus romMnattOfi*. IVrma*

Kane. Morey A Moores tPIlaza) Worcester 21-2231,. Kabne, Harry ((Olrrip>hbeeuum) Liuculu. Neb.; (Odr
pheum) Omaha 2.55.-3300. Kauffman, Walter (Loew) Knoxville, Tenn.. 21

Kavtinaugh A Evegett (Palace) YL.wsuWee 25-30.
Kay, Dolly (Hamilton) New York. Kay, Uamlln A Kar lorpbeum) Jolie*. HI..
1tl1--2233;: (Orpheum) Galesburg 25-'2J7; (Oiiibeuuaini Quincy 28-3<).
Keegan A O'Rourke (Majestic) Houston, Tex. Kesne, Robt. Emmet, A Claire Whitney iPsb
see) New York.
Keane A Williams (Royall New York. Keane. Johnny (Cecil) YUsun City, la.. 21 '.'1

Kellam A O'Dtre (Majestb ) Sin Antonio. Tex

Kellogg, Nora A Sidney (Luew) Spokane 21-23.

Kelly, Harry A Kilty (Keith) Portland. Me.

Kelly, Billy (Majentic) Patemon. N. J

Kelly A Stone KJolambla) Detroit; (Priacllli)

Cleveland 25-30.

Kelly, Tom (Hoyt)

B-'Seh, Cal.; (Pan-

Kelly A Pollock (nathosh) Brooklyn.

Kelly A Mseky (Odeon) Bartlesville, ok., 21-23.

(Columbia) 8t. Lonls, Me , 28-30.

tages) Salt Lake City 25-10.

Kenna Sistera. Three (Vendome) Natbvllla 21-


Ker.oedy A Nelson (Majestic) Cedsr Rapids,

la.. 21-23.

Kennedy, F>snres (Orphenm) Minneapolia; (Or¬

pheum) S(. Paul 25-.Vi.

Kennedys, Dancing (Rialto) St. Ixiu's; (Grand)

St. Ixi'ils '.'5 30.

Kenney A Hollis (Palace) C%>''ago; (Rialto)

Rt. Louis 25 .10

Kent, Billy (Orphenm) Brooklyn.

Kerr, Donald (Hipp ) Cleveland.


Kiddies' Kaharet (Capitol) Hartford 21-23. Kimberly, Page A Co. il.Inrola) Chlcigo 21 23;
(Rialto) K.vcine, Wis.. 2.5-27; (Orpheaml

FInu A S:i»\er (Orplieum) Salt Ijike Cltv. (Oi-

(Pantages) Calgary 25-:)0.

nent position for the summer desired. Must Champaign, HI , 2830.

pbeum) Denver ·.·.5-."3).

oreen A Dean (Rialto) St L-mIs; ((.rand) 1,, flrst-elaaa place. Addresa DATNE KFN- King Itri^is (Ixiew) Ixmdon. Can , 21-23.

Flther A Hoyd (Boulevard) New York 21-2.1. Fitzgerald \ .kr.dersi'n (Oipheum) Grand Rap-
Ids. Mich; Greenville. <>., 28-1(0'. Fitegibbon. Perl iHipu ) Terre Haute. Ind.. 21-
2:t; ( Anieri. iiti) t'bU-iigo 25 JT; (Kt-dzie) Cblcago 283d.
Five of Clubs (I'atit.-ices) Siiokane 2.5-30. Flashes Revue (Rnsbvvicki ftrooklyn. Flirtation (Hli>p.) Youngstown, O. Foley A O'Neil (I'oll) Bridgeport 21-23.

Foley A l.aToiir (On'iieiiiu) Des Moineik la.; (tirpheijm) Minneapolis 2-5-10.


/.'I ·

21-23; (MaJesHc RIoommgbnJ 25-.'7; (Or-

For Pity's SaTi'.On^uto) t.m.b.; (Orpheum)

Kansas City 25-3d. F'ord A runningliam (Davis) Pittsburg. I-'ord Sisters (Palace) New York. Fords, F'our. Revue (Orplieum) Oakland,
(Orpheum) FVestio '28-80. Fortune (Jueen 1 Orpheum) Boston 21-28.


' T

(Orpheum) .Madisoa. Wis.,

Fradkin A Jean Tell (Orplieum) .Salt Laike City; (Orpbeum) Denver 2.5-30.
FTanklin, Irene (Oriiheum) Calgary, Can., 21-23; (Orphenm) Vam onver 25-10.
FVanklyn Bros. (Miles) Detroit.
Fraxier A Reck (Orpheum) Madlar^ Wia., 21> 23; (Palaoef Rockford, III., 25-27,
Frear, Baggett A FYear (Grand) Evaoavllle, la^ 25-Jn: (Hi^.) Icne Haute 28-30.

1*^- letuls 'Xi Id. Grey, Bud A Jessie (MaJfWtIc) .Siiringfiekl,

Grey A Byron (I'antages) Toronto.

Grey A <Hd Ro*-: (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb.

(Orttheum) Kansas City 25-30. Gygl A Vadle itirplieum) Wlnniiieg, Can.; (Or

pheum) Calgary 2k 30.

Ilias, Chuck (Pautages) Minneapolis; (Pan'

tages) Winnipeg 25-10.

H Uncekett A Delmar 1(RRialto) .'X»(t. Louis; (.Mvia-

JJeessttihc)) CChhiiccaaggoo 22..55--3300,.

Haig. Haalloo.,'

Emma W vi illie.

(F'oorrddlliiaiu) New 5Y'ork. A Itro. (Orpheum) New


Hall, Bob (Kellh) IiidianaiM.lis.

Hall *A `S`h'`a'.ppilrroo ((HHIipppp.)) CClleevveellaanndd..

Hall A Guilds (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or-

pheum) Denver 25-10.

Hall. Ermine A Brice (Rialto) Elgin, III., 21-21; (.kmeric.-iii) Chicago ·.'8-10.

Halley A Noble (Greeley Sq.) New 5'orlc 21-23.

Hanild, George, Troupe (Dn'heum) Ogdeu, Utah;

(Empress) Denver `2.5-10.

HaiiiiliKlto.ani,. Dixie (LUmK--w; ir St 1Ixtuis 21-21. ,l-«utagesl Saskattmu. Can.,

21 23; (Pantagea) Ihlmontou 2.5-.:«h»l.

Haniiltoa, .5Hee (Grind) St. (.oiils 221I 2;ji; (Washington) Rellevllle, HI.. 255--''2277-; ((tt>>rraanndd)) Evansville. Ind.. 2*-10
Haralia A Mack (Pantages) Vancouver., Can.; (Pantagea) 5'ictoria 25-30.
Hampton A Blake (Orpheum) OOm maahhaa;; l(OOrr¬pheum) Kansat City 25-30.
Ilanlex. Inez (Plaza) Bridgeport 21-23.

NEDT, Manager, 23 North 2d 8t.. liamllton. Ohio.

Howard A Lewis (I..vceum) Pittsburg 21-23. llowsnl A -Mkins (Glnbe) Kansas Ci(y, Mo.,
21-2:1; (Noveltyr Topeka, Kan., 2.'K'27; (Prln. cess) Wichita 2830. Howard A Si-ott (I'lsza) Bridgetiort 21-21. Howard's, Joe, Revue (Jefferson) New 5'ork. Howell, Ruth, Ituo (Majestic) Chicago; (Orpheum) St. I.ouls 25 3o.
Hutier. Chad A Monte (I'antag.a) Mlaneapolia; (Pantages) Winnipeg '25-10.
ii,i,iHon. B-rt K (Heath) Newburg, Wit.; iHiJon) Hinglinin ·2.5-Msy 7.
Hiidaon, Ixirimer, Co. (Ilititi ) Cleveland.

H iff. Iit-w (Orpheum) .New 5ork 2l-'23. Hnfford. M-'k (PrlH-r) E St. Liiila. 111., 21-23;
(Rialto) Ht leiiiia 25-30. I'liglien A I8-hrow (I'rincesa) Mimtreal.
Hughes. F'red. A Co. (Palace) Flint, Mich., 21 2:1.
Iluglics, Mis Gene. Co (MrI »M' ) Mtiwsiikcc. Hume, Eddie. A Co. (I'aliice Hartford '21-'2.T Iluiigsriaii R: :ii'>-"dy ((»r|iliciini) Dea .Moines,
la : (MaJ. sl.. | Cedar R.pida 25-27; (Co-

0 ··


ll"n'er A Rosa (Garrick) Builington. It.

llnnting A Kranrea (American) Cblcaao 2I-23; (I/ogan Sq ) Chicago 25.'27; (Majeatlc)

SpringfleM 28 W). _ (Mary Anderaon) lAulavilla.
Hymer, John B., Co. (Temple) Itoebeater. Indoor Sporta (Broadway) New York.

King, Rosa. Trio (Pantagea) Salt Lake Citfi lOrphi-um) Ogden 25.10.
King, Mollle A Charlea 1 Palace) New York Kilnggasltviuury A Miinsatoin (Ottrrpplliieevimli Sioux Falllss,.
S. )D> ,, '"22)1-21; (FEbniiipprreess) Dmaha. Seb,. 25-2277; (Liberty) Lincoln '28-10. KInkald Klllllilccat (1 Boulevard) New 5''oork 21-28 KIrkamilh Sliasticeras (Orpheum) Minneapolis, (OOrr¬ pheunm) D iMuilluilth '25 310. Klasa A Brilliant (State.Idike) rtilcago; (Ked zie) Chicago 25-27; (Logan S<| ) ( bicago 28-
Kleiat, Paul (Pantagea) Oakland. Cal ; (Paatages) lava Angriea '25-10.
Kite. Mel (Majestir) Chicago; (Orplieum) St. Louts 25-30.
Kr^ht'a, Billy, Itootora (Etupresa) Chicago 21-
Kramer A Patterson (Ixiew) Windaor, Caa., 2V 23.
Krana A White (Davial I'ltlaluirg Kreaa, Rose, Duo. (Orpheum) .tnulh Bend. Ind ,
21-28; (Orplieum) MadiMin. Wia , 25-27.
I/sCnatr A Itoiiawe ll-ia-w) Hamilton, Can., 21* 23.
TstBIIId.inlts ,iM MaaJJees.(dlce)) nfl.illccsaggoo.. !lA' Delias,. Two (Goidon) Middletown, O., 21*
j2-1j . lAdora A Re<-kniaD (Keith) Indlianai>olls. l^dy Allce'a I'eia (Hipp.) Y'oungatown, O
UFYance Broa. (Keltb) Columbna. 0.; (Kaltk) Toledo 2.V10.
Lailoen A Du|ireece (Warwick) Brookija. N. Tw 21-28.

APRIL 23. 1921


l^inov & Tullman (Fulton) Druuklfn, N. Y., 21-
|jiinl>iTt & Hull (Kvltli) roliiinliuu, O. I^iiilxTi Hniu. (I'oll) Wllkfu-Hurro 21-2.'). l.iiii.tu. Four (ailing lOriiliruinl ^.-w Oilconx. Ijiiie ^ IliirixT (drplirum) Jut'kaiin, Yiirli., 21*

May 4 Co. (Lllierty) Terre Haute, Ind , 21-23.
Mayer, loittlc, Co. (i'antagea) Vancouver, Can.; (Pantagea) V)< (oria 25-.'10.
Mayos, ITying (Orplieum) Idncoln, Nih ; (<>r plieum) Onialia 2.>-.'t0.
Mi'llunna, Juggling tOriihenm) TuNa, (»k. McConnell 4 Went tEmery) Provnlen'-o 21-2^1.

Nolan, Paul, Co. (Orpbenm) Loa Angeles; (Or¬ pheum)' Salt Lake City 25-30.
Noriou, Ruliy (Slat St ) New Y'ork. .Norton 4 .Melnolte iBushwick) Brooklyn. .Norton 4 Nicholson (Oridieum) St. Paul; (Or-
plienm) MiDnea|H>lla 2.5-.'!0. Noi'veiloa, The (I'auluges) San Francisco; (Pan¬

J^vRayi Pearl, 4 Hand (Jefferson) New Y'ork Rebn, Marva (Pantages) Los Augelcs, (.Savoy)
San Diego 25-30. Reilly, Chas. (Colonial) Detroit 21-23 Remple, Harriet, Co. (Oriiheuin) c'lcsno, CuL,
21-23; (Orpheum) Los Angeles '25 30 Remple, Bessie, 4 Co. (Cioik) Okmulgee, Ok.,

UiiiK'I'uia. '·'lie (Orplit-um) VancouT*T, Cun., M(Connell Rlatera (Ordn-um) Pan Francisco;

tages) Oiikland 25-'iO.


2 . »·

(··rpbeum) Oakland 25.30.

Norworth. Ned. Co. lOrpheum) Portland, Ore.; Renard 4 West (Jefferson) Dallas, 'I'ev , 21-`23.

l^niigfoMl 4 I'rixlcrlrka (Orpliriim) OiampalKn, McConngll * .Yimlin (Vendoiiie) Nanhvllle 21-2.',.

(Grpbeiim) .San Fraii'iioo 2.'i-.'iO.

Rennie 4 Florence (Grand) .ni. I.iilo Ji-J.i;

III., 21 2.'l: (Diplifiini) I'coria 25-27; (Amerl- .McCoy 4 Walton (I.m-w) Inilmnaiiulni 21-2i;.

.StoiseB, Six Miiaical (Strand) Washington 21-23.

IGrand) Centralla. III., 28-;!ii.

. nil CliU'Ugo 2'»;!<»

McCullough. Carl IDridieuiu) Deu .Moinen, la.; Not Yet, .'larie (I'aniages) Butte, Mont., 23-26. Resiata (Dominion) Ottawa, Cun

lui i'firl, Kuy (··rplifiim) IVorla. Ill., 21-23;

(Oriiiieum) (iioaba 2.'>,':(i.

Novelle Broa. (iirpheunj) Joliet, 111., 25-27; Reynolds Trio (hist St.) New Vijr'.

(Knu.rcaa) Chloago 25-27.
Ijirrtiu Hroi. (OirlifU®) Hfirolt. ijiHt Mulii (·'<«'"y) Sun Hifgo. Cul.; (Hoyt)
I.oiig lit'Urh 25 W. I.ntfll. Alfiol Co. ((yrphfiim) DonTer; (Or-
plifiiini I.ioooln. N>b., 2.'>-30. I y I'uoka. I'liil (I'anliigra) Suakutnon, Cun., 21"
2.1; (r:iiilag<-al Knionlon 25.10.

M'liei uiotl. Hilly (Anicrban) Chicago 21-23. M< Iionoiigli, Ethel t Keith) Dayton, O. Ml Farland Siutera (Maryland) Hallimore. Mcl'arlaiid 4 Palace) (Poll) Bridgeport 21-23, Met arlane, flen. iColunilHaY Itavenport, Ja.,
21-'.'.'1; ipal.i'e) Chicago 2.3-'M). McGiveney. tiwen (Hialto) ,st. t ouia; (Owihe-
uml Cham; aigii. III.. 25-27; (Majeatic) Spring-

(Rialto) Racine, Wis.. 28 30. Ncvdty 'Trio (Liberty) Lincoln, Neb., 2.'-`27. Uak.-s 4 DeLoiir tUr|iheum) Duluth; (Palace)
t hicago `2.5-;io. Gi'kland, Will I.Mhamhra) New York. O'Brien, Nan, 4 Co. (Bijou) .New Haven 21-23. O'Donnell 4 Hlair (State-loike) Chicago; (Ma¬
jestic) Milwaukee 25-'10,

Rhinebard 4 Duff (Pantages) Poitluiid, Ore. Rials, The (Uushwiik) linsiklyu Rialto's IcOOk (Lyric) Hamiltuu. Can. Rice Pudding (Majestic) Duliuuuc, la., 25-27;
(Palace) Rockfonl, HL, 2S-30. Rice 4 Newton (Oridieuiii) Lincoln, Neb.; (Or¬
pbeum) Omaha 25-iiU.

luT^'wr. Hal>v (lan-w) M<-ini>liia 21-23. Lauru-. J>h' iiirpliruui) .Mlunrupolui; (Drpheum)
Hulutli 2* .'Ml.

Held 28 10. MrInlot;i 4 'Liida (Ko.val) New York. -McKay 4 .YrLie iPalacel .Miluau'.ee.

O'lb.nnell. Vince((t (Keith) Washington. Odiia 4 .Seals (11111(1.) Hultiniore 2123. O'Hara 4 Neeley (Orpheum) .Madison, Wis.,



I3 Vuil. Fill (ItrgfnI) Hamilton, O.. 21-23. l.yiVli-1, Juik (iiiplii'UUi) Ytruiphia; (OlY'brum)
S.w .111. Ilia 2.'i 30.
lu-ui'li Walliii Trio (liOVW) Rt. LouU 21-2,3.

.McKee 4 Day Uaiewl S(iokane 21-2.'l. Mcl.allen 4 ( amon ilirplieum) Dea Moinea, la.;
(Mujenllc) ( liii ago 2.'<- lii.
McMahon Siatera iCreacent) New Orleans 21-2X

21 23. Old Black Joeland (Grand) St. Louis 25-.30. Oliver 4 Olp (Empress) Chicago, III., 21-23.
Oliver, Hclle (I'antagea) San Francisco 25-30.

Highest Aerial Act in the vrnrld. Two other Big Airta For time, terms and particulars address ETTHEL ROBINSON. 202 South SUte St, Chl(»C0. lIUnolL

IxT Clillilri ii tSlu-ul Toronto. Le Gniha. 1tir lErbrr) E. Kt. Liouls, III., 2l
;a; i Kiallol St. Ixinin 2ft 30. Ijiurrl (ruluca) Mliwuukri- 26-.30.
Ia'f«-»re, tiro. 4 Mue llK.minion) (ttttwa, ('un. Lelghlnrr Slalora 4 Air*. Hiriihrum) .Mrmpbia;
(lliplii-uni) N'rw Orlouna 2."».3«) liTigbtuni. Tbo iKellb) riilladi lphla. Leon 4 .Mllal tralai-e) Rt. Haul 21.23. laxinard 4 I'ornijr (National) New York 21-23. Leonard 4 Willard (I'antag'ea) Hutte, Mont.,
2.3-20. Letinard. Eddie, 4 Co. (HIpp ) Y'oungatown, O. Leiter. Al (L,a-») Toronto 21-23. Iu-\ey. Elliel I .Ylliamliru) .New York I.evy. Ethel, Trio (Uuyton) liayiuo, O., 21-23.
Iu`\y, Herl iJeffera«in) New lork. Lery. Jack, 4 Ryuipbuny Uirla (Coluniliia) St.
luiiiia; itituiid) ienlrulia, ill . .5 27
lu-wia 4 Tburutoo tLiberty) Uklahuiaa City,
Ok , 21-2.'l. Lewia .V ilendileka (Enipreaat t blrago 21-23. Lewli 4 Norton (Strand) Uiuuiug, Mub., 21-
2:i. Lewia, Flo Co (Orpheoai) Lincoln, Neb.; (Or-
pheuiu) Omaha 25-30. Litierly GIrla (I'antagea) Seattle; (I'antagea)
Vancomer 25 ;I0. Liddell 4 Uit«on (Foil) Worceater 21-23. Lieb. ileruian. Co. (.\venue Hi -New York 21-23. Ulllan'a iHiga (Majeatiri San Antonio, Tex.
Lindaay. Cedric (BroadwayI SprinfBeld. Maas.,
·21 23. IJndaey, Fred ijxeithi S.vraeuae.
Ling 4 long (I'alace) .YlinneapoUa 21-23.
Linn, Ben t Boulevard) New York 21-'23. Linn 4 Howland (Lyric) iiamiHon, Can. LIppard, M (Colonial) New York. Little Cinderella (Victoria) New York 21-23. Lloyd 4 Goode (Majettlc) Houaton, Tex. Lloyd, Chailei 4 Co. (Orpbeuiu) Sioux Falla,
S. D., 25 2>7. Uoyd, .Mice lOrpbeum) Lot Angelea 18-30. Ixxkhardt 4 Laddie i Palace) .Minneapolla 21-23. Lohae 4 Sterling (Jefferaon) New Y'ork.
Lo. .Marla tColonial) New Y'ork. Long Talk Sam (Palace) Chicago; (Orpbeum)
St. Louie 25-,30. Lord 4 Miller iMaJeatic) Milwaukee. LorJena, Tbiee iColuuibta) St. Louis 21-23;
(Majeatic) Chicago 25-30. Lorenx 4 Wood (Pantagea) Toronto. Lorelta'a Beara (Capitol) Hartford 21-23. Lnuiae 4 .Mitchell (Pordham) New Tork.

MeWattera 4 Tyson I Keith) Cincinnati.

OImt, John 4 Nellie (Grand) Evansville, Ind.,

McWilliams, Jim (Colonial) .New York.

21-2.3: (Riallo) St I»tii» J.'.-.'iO

Mclilinger, .Yrlie iFnlton) llmoklyn 21 '23.

OIf.n ic J'lhnaon iilrpbeuin) Madison, Wis.. 21-

Mellon 4 Henn 1 Regent) New York.

2.1; (Rialto) Uacioe 25-27; (Palace) Rock-

Melody Carden iKeiih) Portland. Me.

ford. HI , 28-.'«).

Melody Fealival iGrand) Atlanta, Ca., 21-23.

O'Meara. T 4 K. I.Mhamhra) New Y'ork.

Melnme, Bert i(lnilieum) Oakland, Cal.; (Or- time a Thief lOridieuint Memphis.

pheum) Fresno 2i«-30.

O'.Neii, Bobby, Co. (Orpheum) Los Angeles 18-

Mclroy Siatera -iMcVIcker) Chicago 21-23.


Mclva Slaters (Iiominion) Ottawa. Can.

O'Neill .Sisters (Loew) Knoxville, Tenn., 21-2.3.

Melvin Hroa., Three iWaahlngton) Kelleville, On Fifth Ave. (Oridieum) St Paul; lOrpheum)

III., 21 21; (Grand) St. lajuia 2.3 30.

Onri. Archie (Auditorium) Quebec, Can.

Melvin, Joe (Columbia) Davenport, la., 2>-27;

Minneaiiolis 25-30.

(Llncidn) Chicago 28-30.

Ordway, I^urie (Orpheum) New Y'ork 21-23.

Merle, Margaret (Jefferaon) Dallas. Tex., 21-23. Orr 4 Hager (Graii(l) Minneaiiolis; (Lyric) Vlr-

Meroff, Kuniu (Metro(>(>litun| Hrouklyn 21-2'!.

ginia 2H-30.

Meieilltb 4 Sn (Orpheum) Chniniiaigii, III., Orren 4- Drew (Columbia) Davenport, la . 21-

25-27; (.Majestic) Springfield 'JS-Sn.

23; (Palace) Ro-kford, HI . 25 27; (Orpheum)

Merrlman CIrls (New Midland) Hutchinaon.

Madison, Wis . 28-30

Kan., 21-23; (Waxulngton) Granite City. Ill . Osborne Trio (Ilipp ) Y'oungstown, 0.


Osterman, Jack (Regent) New Torit.

Meyers, Bnms 4 O'Brien (Pantagea) San rVan- Otto Bros. (Empress) Denver.

Cisco; (Pantagea) Oakland 25-.'IO.

Ortons. F'onr (Proctor) Troy, N. Y., 21-23;

Meyers, Ernestine, 4 Co. (Palace) New Haven

(Keith) Portland. Me., 25-30.


Ovandos, The (Broadway) Springfield, Mass.,

Middleton 4 Siwllmeyer (Parthenon) Ham¬ 21-23.

mond Ind., 21-23. Mljirles, The (Oridieiim) Vancouver, Can.; (Or¬
pheum) Seattle 25-30.
Miller 4 Mack (Shea) Toronto. Miller, Jessie (I'aniages) Loa Angeles; (Savoy)
Ran Diego 25-30. Miller 4 Bradford iMaJeatIc) Dallas, Tex. Milna, Ftonr (New Midland) Hutclilnsoo, Kan.,
21-23; (took) okmnlgee. ok., 25-27; (Odeon) Bartleavllle 28-30 Mills 4 Rmitb (Orpheum) Beaton 21-33. Miner A Evans (I'litowni Toronto 21-23. Miniatnre Revue (Orpheum) Des Moines. Is.; (Oiy.heum) Slouv Falls, S H .( V*- .3'* Mirano. Trio (Or-henm) los Angeles;
(Orpheum) Salt Lake CItj 25 .30. Mitchell 4 Markham iPoli) Scranton 31-23. Mitchell, Jas. 4 Etta lOri'beum) South Bend
25-27; I American) Chicago 28-.'t0. Mivtnres (Majestic) Des Moines 35-37; (Em¬
press) Om.aha. Neb.. 38-30. Moffat, Gladys (Majestic) Austin. Tex., 21-33. Molera Revue (Pantages) Oakland, CaL; (Pan-
(ages) 1-08 .Yngelea 35-30. Monroe Bros. (Palure) Milwaukee; (.Ymerican)
Chicago 25 37; i Lincoln Chicago Montambty 4 Nap (Liberty) Oklahoma City, Ok.,

Overseas Revue (Loew) Toronto 21-23. 1'sdult, Margaret (Keith) Philadelphia. Page A Green (Orpheum) Denver; (Orpbeum)
Lincoln. Neb., 25 30 Paldrons. Four (Pantages) Y'ictorls, Can.;
(Pantages) Tacoma 25 .30. I'alermo's Canines (Orpheum) Waco, Tex., 21-23. Palo 4 Palet (Sbea) Buffalo. Paramo (Prince) Honston, Tex., 21-23. Paramount Four (Pantages) Spokane 25-30.
Parks, Eddie 4 Grace (Palace) Superior, Wis., 21-23.
Patricola 4 Delroy (Dominion) Ottawa. Can. Patricola (Oriibeum) St. Louis; (Majestic) Chi¬
cago 25-30. Patton. 'W'. B.. A Co. (Globe) Kansas Cltr
21-23; (Novelty) Topeks. Kan., 25-27: (Prin¬ cess) Wichlts 28-30. Pant A Pauline (Loew) Yfontreal 21-23. Paul, Levan A Miller (State-Lake) Chicago. I'ayton A Ward 1 Pantages) S-altle; (Pantages) Y'ancouver 25-30. Pearl, Beulah (Bljpn) Birmingham 21-23. Pearl's Gypsies (IJberty) Lincoln. Neb.. 21SS; (Rlaito) Elgin. HI . 28-30. Pearson, Newport A Pearson (Maryland) Balti¬ more. Pedrick & DeVere (.Ymerican) New York 21-23.

Rio 4 Helmar (Majestii ) Wichita Falls, Tex. Rilion, Alf (Oridieum) Waco, Tex., 21-23. Rising Generation (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind.,
21-23. Roatina 4 Barrett (Empress) Denver. Robert 4 Roliert (Poll) Scranton 21-23. Roberts, Joe (I'aniages) Winnipeg. Can.; (Pan¬
tages) SaskatixiD 28-30 Robinson-McCabe Trio (Lincoln Svj.) New Y'ork
Robinson, Bill (Palace) Rockford, III , 2123; (Palace) .Milwaukee '25.30.
Robinson's Baboons (Palace) Superior, Wis., 2123.
Rogalenetian Five (Plaza) Bridgeiiort 21-23. Ridls 4 Boyce iKi-illi) I.iiwell, Mass.
Rome & Gaut (Keith) Portlanil, Me. Roinaiiie, Homer (Mary .Yiiderson) Louisville. Rovf Garden 'Lrio (Orpheum) Cbampaigo, III.,
28-30. Rusaires, The (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.;
(i'antagea) Portland 25-30. Rose Revue (Liberty) Okluhoma City, Ok., 21-
Rose, Ellis 4 Rose (Pantages) Portland, Ore. Ruse 4 Dell 1 Victoria) New York 21-23. Rose Garden (Palace) Minneapolis 21-23. Rose, Jack (Palace) New York. Rosener, George M. (Maryland) Baltimore. Roshier, Jock 4 Muff (Rialto) Racine, Wis.,
21-'2.3; (Virgintau) Kenosha 25-27; (Orpheumi Madison 28-30. Ross, Eddie (Keith) Lowell, Mass. Ross, )>em 4 Blanehe (Palace) Rockford, HL. 21-23: (Orpheum) Madison, Wis., 25-27. Roth, Dave (Majestic) Chicago.
Rounder of Broadway (Prince) Houston, Tex., 21 23.
Royal Harmony Five (Loew) Montreal 21-2.3. Royal's Elephants (Pantages) Portland. Ore. Royce, Mary 4 Al (Capitol) Hartford 21-23. Roye, Ruth (Hipp.) Cleveland. Roye 4 Rudac (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. Rubeville (Majestic) Austin, Tex., 21-23. Ruby, Lillian (Pantages) Des Moines, la. Rutfies (Majestic) Cedar Rapida. la., 21 23:
(Orpheum) Quincy, III., 25-27; (Orpbeum) Galesburg 28-30. Russell 4 Devitt (Keith) Syracuse. Russell, Jack, & Co. (.New Midland) Hutebineon, Kan., 21-23; (Odeon) Bartlesville, Ok., 25 27; (Cook) Okmulgee 28 30. Russo. Ties 4 Russo (Grand) Duluth 21-23. Ryan ft Weber (Orpheum) New York 21-23.

Love Tangle (Orpbeum) Detroit.

Monte 4 Lyons (Grand) Duluth 31-23.

Peerless Trio (Oniheum) Ogden. Ctsh; (Em¬ Ryan, Elsa, Co. (Bushwlck) Brooklyn.

Love 4 Wilbur (Pantuget) Loa .Yngelea; (Savoy) Montgomery. Billy, 4 .Mien 1 Rialto) St. Lonis;

press) Denver 25-30.

Ryan ft Bronson (Palace) New Y'ork.

Kan Diego ·2.V80.

(Grand) Evansville, Ind.. 35-37.

Pep-O-Mint Revue (Orpbeum) Waco, Tex., 21- Sabast'an 4 .Myra Sisters (Rialto) Racine, Wis.,

Love Shop, The (Pantagea) Saakatoon, Ctn., 21- Montgomery, Marshall iPriucesu) Montreal.


21-23; (Orplieum) Peoria, III., 25-27; (Ked-

23; 1 Pantagea) Edmonton 2S-.'<0.

Montrose. Belle (Palace! Chicago: (Palace) Pepper & Stoddard (Grand) Grafton, W. Vs.

xie) Chicago 28-30.

Lovenberg Sialera 4 Neary (Sbea) Toronto.

Milwaukee `25-30.

Perex 4 LaFlor (Palace) Pans. HI., 23; (Grand) Saint 4 Sinner (Miles) Cleveland.

Lowcnateln, Y'b tor ilielaucey SI.) New York 21- Mo<dy4 Duncan lOrpheum) Omaha; (Orplietim)

Alton 24-27: (Garrick) Burlington, la., 28-30. Salle 4 Robles (Empire) F'all River, Mass., 21-


Kan-as City '.'5 30.

Pemiaine 4 Shelly (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; 2.'L

Lowry 4 Prince (Bijoa) Rattle Creek, Micb., Motinliglit (Orpheum) Denver; (Orpheum) Lin¬

(Pantages) Los Angeles 25-30.

Sar.'ar.vff 4 Sonia (Col'imbia) St. Louis, Mo.,


coln, Neb., 28-.30.

retching. Paul (Ssvoy) San Diego, CaL; (Hoyt)

23 27.

I.ucai 4 Inex (Keith) Philadelphia.

Moore, Geo. .Yiistin iMufcstlc) Milwaukee:

Ixing Beai h 25-30.

Samoyoa (Shea) Toronto.

l.U'aa. Jimmy (Majeatic) Auatin, Ti x., 214'3.

(State-I^ke) Chicago S.'-.'u*.

Peters 4 I.eHuff iHipp.) Baltimore 21-23.

Sampsel-Leonbard Co. (Hoyt) Long Beach, Cal.)

Lucca, l.ucianna iVirginian) Kemwlia, YVU., 2S- Morgan. Beatrice (Hamilton) New Y'ork.

Petrowars Five (Pantages) Salt Lake* City; (Or¬

(Pantages) Salt Lake City 25-.30.


Moore, Victor. Co. (Majeatic) Dallas. Tex.

pheum) Ogden 25-30.

Sampsim 4 Douglas (Ortibeum) Minneapolis;

Lutgent, Hugo (Pantagea) ('algary. Can. I .vdell 4 MacT (Keith) Cln< Iniiat). Lyndall 4 laurel tlxww) Meuipbla 21-23. I yona, Jimmy il.lle-r(y) Cleieland 21-23. Lyons 4 1 wa<ai (Poll) Scranlim 21-23. Mmk 4 SiOle M;,.r.l<.i,i MMlUt' on, o.. 21-23. Mark \ (Male-tic) Sprniglieltl, III., 21-'23:
iiirpiii'iiiiiI I'UvuiiMign 2.', .7, tiAigan tk;.)

Morris 4 Towne (Princess) San .Yntonjo 21 33.

Morris 4 Cam(>bell (Broadway) New York.

Moss .Y Frye (Orpbenm) Fresno. CaL. 21-33;

(Orplieum 1

.Ynjelea 35-.30.

Morton 4 Glass (Orplieum) Winnipeg. Can.;

(Orpheum) (algary 2R-,30.

Morton, Janu's ('.. Co. (Orpheum) Oakland,

CaL; (Otplieunii FYe»oO 38.30.

Phesay 4 Powell (Princess) Wichita. Kan , 2123.
Phlllys A Ebby (Metropolitan) Brooklyn 21-2.3. Plerpont, l-aura, Co. (Majestic) Austin, Tex.,
21-23. nicer A Douglas (Keith) Dayton, 0. Pistel 4 Johnson (Keith) Cinrinnati. Iltzer A Daye (Lllierty) Lincoln. Neb., 2.3-27.

(Orpheum) Duluth 25-:!0. Samson 4 Delila (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpbeum)
Portland 25-.81 Samuels. Rse (Orplieum) Winnipeg, Can.; (0
pheum) Calgary 28 30. Santley, Zelda i I'aniages) Salt Lake City; (0
pheum) Ogden 25';0 Santos & Hayes' Revue (Riverside) New York

t he igii 24-3-'. Ma, k. J. C , 4 Co. (Poll) Itridgi'|Kirt 21-23. 'lack 4 Janiea (al»i s* ) .New York. 'Ii' k .Y WiIImmih iPuiiiHgcai \\ uini|>eg. Can.;
iPaiitageal Sjakattam 2s-:Mi. 'I.o ka. .akating ilaM-wl Knoxillle, Tetin.. 21-23;
iilrandl Aiinniu. Ci . 2.V27; (Hijou) Rirmink'linrn, Ala . 'Ja to 'If ka. Act ml Iiiri'eley .S.|.) New York 21-23. 'lae .Y Hill iGiandl .Ytalnla. Ha.. 2I '23. 'laglr iUaara ipal.ic. i I I. Wayne, liid . 21-2.3; I Crber) C St l,o'ila 2S-.3" 'l.'ihoncy .Y Cei ll (Palace) .at I'aul 21-23. 'Iak(ng Muvi<-a  Puniitgcai Wmiiiixg, Can.; iPantagca) Saakaltam 2S 3li. Mai dell. Win.. Co iilr|>beuiii) Rt. lamia; (lllallol St Ionia ·25.:i(). 'Ling ,k snid-r (Palace) Chic, go (Ort brum) SI. laiuia X> ;m>. 'lankin (Prill, caa) San .Ynlonlo 21-23.
'lanncra 4 Lowry i('oloni;il) IVIrolt 21-2.3. 'lanlell'a Manikina iPatuicI I'tii, ago. 'larMc. Mary. Co '1.iJ>".|icI San .Yntonle. Marciiii 4 Maley I'lajealn l Hullua. TeV 'laigaret ,Y Yliarer iOi|ihenm) LYeano, OaL,
.`I '23; ti'rplieum) law .Yngelea 2'i 3ii Margoi 4 I 'rancola i Fulton I Rnaiklyn '21-23. 'larlciie'a Marlonciii-a iKiieraidct New York. Marlin, Jim 4 Irene iVrinlome) .N'aahvllle 21-2.3.

Mulcahy 4 Buckley (Palace) Brooklyn 31-3.3. Muldoon. FVanklin 4 Rose (Keith) Cincinnati;
(State-Lake) Chicago 35-30. Mullen A Francis iFmpreas) De,-atur, III . 31-
'23; (Malesilc) ^rlngfleld `2.V27: tLim-oln)
Chicago 38-30. Miimford 4 Stanley (Princess) San .Yntonlo 21-
23. Yfiinson, Ona (Kel(h> Philadelphia. Miirt'hy 4 White (Ma.tesCc) Wichita Falls. TeX. Mnrtihy, Senator F'. (Oriiiienm) Des Moines, la. Morrav A Popkova (OtTheum) Green Bay. Wis.,
·21 2.3 Mnrray Girls (Orpheum) Oakland, CaL; (Or¬
pheum) I'icsno 3n 30. My Soul Male (<'r.ind) Tjinsing. Mich., 31 33. Mvstlc Hanson Trio (Colonial) Detroit 31-'2.3. Mvstic Garden (Orphenm) tireen Bay. Wis.,
2133. ' Nagyfya, The (Oia>hcum> Silt Ijike City: (Or-
plieuni) Denver 2." 30. Nal Tal T.vl. Pilnccss (Grand) Evansville. Ind.,
35-31; (Hlpp ) Terre Haute 2' Nalo A Rirro iM.ijesti,') Des 'lollies m . 28 30.
.Nararro. Nat, Jr., 4 Bard (Ccli.acum) New
York. Nearly a Prince (Cpfown) Toronto 31-2.3 Nertow, Hlle 4 Co (Poll) Worceater 21-23. Nellis, Daisv (Oriiheum) Seattle; (Orpheum)
Portland 25-30

PosteFs Pleimfs (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (PantagesI Saskatism 28.30.
Pot Ponrri (Miles) Detroit Powell Troupe 1 Miles) Cteveland Powers A YV.Hlace (Hipp ) Terre Haute. Ind.,
2.V27; (Washington) Granite City, III., 2830. Prevost ft Goulet (Empress) Denver. Price it Bemte (Majestic) Dallas. Tex Primrose Minstrels (Pantages) Salt Lake City; (Orpheum) Ogden 25-30. Princeton 4 Watson (Palace) Milwaukee Pritohard, Oanci-s (Orpheum) Minneaiudis; (Or¬ pheum I Duluth 25-!0. Prosper ft Moret (Oriiheum) Portland. Ore.; (tlriheiim) San Francisco 25-30. Prvisoerily iPptown) Toronto 21-2.3.
Qiiillan. Buster il'antages) San Francisco; (Pan¬ tages) Oakland 25-30.
Oiilnn, Jack. 4 Teddy (Colonial) Toledo, O. (juinn 4 Caverly (Pantages) Los Angeles; (Sa¬
voy) San Diego 25 .'10 Qiiixey Four (Princess) Montreal. Kahn 4 Beck (Oriiheum) Ogden, TTtah; (Em-
prv ss) Denver 25 ,30. R'lincs 4 .Yvey (Grand) Duluth 21-23. Ranall. George (National) New York 21-'i3. R»!i'all. Hobby (Empress) Decatur, Ill., 21-`23;
(Kcdtle) Chicago 25-27; (Majestic) Springfield 28-30.

Santry, Henry, & Band 1 Majestic) Milwaukee IState-I.ake) Clii'Ugo 25-:!U
Santry 4 Norton il.oew) St. Louis 21-2.3. Saperslein, I>avid (Orplnum) Winnipeg. Can
(Orplieum) Calgary 28.:;(>. Sargent Bros. 1 .Miierlraii) Chicago 21-'2.'! Sauls, King (Glule-) Kansas City 21-23; (No
elty) Topeka. Kan.. 2."-27. Sax O-Tetie I Pani.agcs) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pa
tnges) Portland 25-.30. Faxrn & Sister 1 Palace) Ft. Wayne, Im
21 '2.3. Saxton 4 Farrell (Ori'hciim) Tiilsa. Ok. Sehepp's Comedy Cir'us iLils-riy) Lini'oln
Nell, 21-'23; (Globe) Kansas t ity 25 27; (Novelty) Topeka. Kan., .'8,30.

Moving Picture Operator,

iiian.xger for show in town not less than

five thousand; nothing considered leas tlian l.'a

weekly; or would like 10 work in city with

chance to Join union. E E. STEWiRT, lovslle,



Schoen. Billy (Majestic) Ssn Yntonlo. Kersnton. H ft A (Bijou) Battle Creek. Mich .
21-23 Seahury, Wm., Co. (Statc-Ioike) Clil<'ago; (Ma-
Jeatic) Milwaukee '25-30.

Marmein Siatcra 4 Scinadcr ^l·llll·eHln 1 Sioux City, la . 2a to.

NeKop 4 Itnilcy (Cipltal) Clinton, HI., 31-2.3; (Grand) Rt I eiils 25 "O.

Rns. b. Albertina. Co. (Orpheum) Denver; (Gr¬ id.i-umi I.inciiln, Neb., 25-30.

Sealo (Mii.leslii ) Milwaukee; (Statc-I.ake) Chi¬ cago 25..'!0.

Mara-..n ,Y 'Linlcv It mu) S|N>kano 21-23. Martel) iMiJeaii.) c.dii |{ i|.,da. la. 2121;
l'Li|e.-lic| liiiliinine 2.', 27; tCecHI Maaon CHy 2a ,11
Miirielia. Thre,. (Airniie It) New York 21-23.

Nelson, Mark (Savoy) San Diego, CaL; (Hoyt) I ong Beach 35 '!(>
Nelson. Cilia. (Majestic) Cedar Ra)>ids. la..
25 27. Nevina 4 Mack iKcdaie) Chicago 21-23; (Lin¬

Hay ft Fox (Pantages) San F'rancisco; (Pan'a;>'Sl Oakland 25 iiO. .Y- Yrdinr (Orphenm) Madison. YVIh., 21-2.'l; (Palsi-e) Rockford, Ill . `25'27; (Majestic) Ce¬

Seeley. Blossom. Co (Gr ·lieiiin 1 I'orGtind. Ore.; (Orplieum) San I'nincisco 25-30.
SePuni .V Grovini iKi iilii 1 no iniia'i Seliiinl ft Nagel (Orpheum) Portland. Ore.;

Marlin 4 Courtney tlyceiim) Plltahurg 21-23.

coln) Chicago 22i-27. (Rialto) Racli.i', Y\';n.,

dar Rapids, la.. 28 30.

Selina's Cin ns (Isiew) Indianapolis 21-23.

Maaoii 4 |{iK>tiey (Mllea) Cleveland. Maaon 4 Ke<>ler 1 Keith) Cincinnati.

2S 30. Newell 4 Moat (On'hetim) Calgary, Can., 31-2,3;

P -ddy. Ja'k (Grand) Atlanta 21-23.


Betiford t Winclicater (IJm-olu) Chicago 21-

(Orpheum) .San LTancisco 2.3-30 September Mi'on (Pantages) I.os -Yngeles; (Sa¬

Maaon, Harry (llljoit) Ilirniincham 21-23. Maaiera 4 Kraft iColonlal) Erie. I'a.

· Orpheum) Y'uncoiiver 25-30. N'evvman, Gertrude (Hlpp ) Terre Haute, Ind.,

23; (Rialto) R.icine, Wis., 25-27; tOrpbeum)

voy) San Diego 2.3 'll)

Souttv Hend, Ind., `28 30.

Serras, The (Warwick) Brooklyn 21-23.

Malhewa ,Y Itlakeney 1 Y'irginlain) Kenoaha,

·2I-`J3; (Kedrte) Chicago 25-27; (Lincoln) Reed 4 Tucker I Majestic) San Antonia

Seymour. Harry ft .Ynna (Majestic) Milwaukee;

'Via., 21-23; 1 Eiiipreaa) Chicago 2ft-27; (Kedxlr)

Chicago ·20-3(1.

Reeder 4 Armstrong (Princess) San Antonio

(State-I.ake) Chicago 25-30.

Chicago 2S-.10.

New|iort 4 Stirk (I-oew) Hamilton. Can., 21-23.


Shaw A Campbell (Erber) E. St. Louis. HL, 21-

Maxoo 4 Morris (Garden) Kansas City 21-23. Nteko Japa (Capitol) Hartford 21-21.

Rcegen, Jay, 4 Ca (PaUc«) New Ham 21-23. 23; (Colambla) St. Louie. Mo.. 25-27.


Ttie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921

Shaw, Ulllan (Keith) Syracuse. Kbaw's Circus IPantagee) Victoria. Can.; (PanShendan A Otto (Ort>heum) Fresno. Cal., H1-H3:
(Orpheum) Salt I.Ake ITiy 2.'i-30. Sherman, Mayl>elle (bushwick) brooklyn Siegel A Ir'ing (Lincoln 8q.) New York H1H.1.

Trarpy, ralmrr & Traopy (PaDtagos) Calgary, *'an
TH'Mlini, l:Minia (Tln>la( pittabiirg Trj|> lu liiUand (Orplieuni) Omaha, (Orplicum)
City Trj|«.li Trm (Ktuvln ) Pali IMvrr, Maas , 1^1 HI.

Wolfard A Stevens (Bushwick) Brooklyn. Work A Msek ((»r|di<'Uin) boston 21 H.'t Wood, Britt (PantugcMl San I'Yancisio 2.5.30. Worth, Charlotte (I'alare) Sn|icritir. Wta., 21-
J3. W-igl.t & Dietrn h (Teniide) Itix hester.

Tiddle-de-WInks: (Majestic) Scrantoo, Pa.. 1823.
Tittle Tatlle; (Cohen) Newbarg, N. T., 18-20; (Cohen) I'ougbkeeptle 21-23.
Whirl of Mirth; (Century) Kanaat City 18-23. White, I'at, Show; (Star) Brooklyn 18-23.

Sinclair A Oray (Metropolitan) brooklyn Hl-HTl. 1ri>\»t<» il'ala>'>`) SiiiMTior, \V1h., HI I'.'J

Wright A Wilroii (I'lii'-vi Providetee 21-23.

Singer's Midgets (Or;>heum) Duluth; (Oryheuin) Winnlt>eg 25-30.
Sirens. The (Kmpreas) Chicago 28-30. SIsto, Wm I Empress) Chicago 2h-3(J. Skelly A Belt Uevue (Bijou) Birmingham, 21-
23. Fmalt A Sistera (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind..
21 23. Smith, Ben (Princess) Montreal. Smith, billy (Savoy) San Diego, Cal.; (Hoyt)

Tsiila, Harry (OUiIk-* Kansas < ity, >!·> , H'>-'T; (Noveltyj Toppka, Kan., Hh'{ii
Tiisrano ISrua. (Oriibfum) Kansas City: (llijip ) r<Tri' Ilautr, Ind.. HTi JT; (Uraiidl PiansMlIn Hh-:iO.
I'lidcr the AiTlf Tree (Mary Anders'n ) l/mia* atllo.
I'ngaro & Itnniann (AnK'riranl Npw York Hl-H.T. L'shor, Clando A Paniii<' (Oriilx-um) Kansas
City; (OrpliPiini) Dos Moinos H." MV

Wynne A f'..iiinii t.MiiJcitilci bliMiiningtoti, III, i'l 23; ((trpVctini) (Ulcshiirg 2.% '.'7; (ttriiheuui)
Cjuiucy 'js-'id Noiliill (Pan'iigiNl Calgary, Can. Yates A Kced xliaioll I'vansville, Ind., 21-23;
(Lrlior) K. St L -iiis, 111 , 25 27. Veotran. Ceor/c (Ondiciiml Calgary, Can., 21-
2'!; (Orphctiiii I \ .m. oiirer 2.5-30. Vr-B. My Dcir il'unt.iges) Spokane; (Pantages)
Sea (lie 2.5 '-O.

PKNN. CIHCCIT Johnstown, Pa , Monday. Cumberland Md . Tuesday. Altoona, Pa.. Wedoetday. WilllamaiKirt, Pa., Thursday. I anraater. Pa., Friday and fiaturday. 8t. Joiepb, Mo., Week--Sunday at Rt. Joseph
and ooe-nlghtert, Ttireday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday and Saturday.

Ixmg Beach 25-30. Smith, Tom, Co. (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.; (Or¬
pheum) Fresno 28-30. Smith A Inman IColuniMa) St. Louis 21-33. Bnell A Vernon (Majestic) Springtield, HI., 21-
23; (Orpheum) Champaign 28-30. Know, bay (Orandi St. I»uit 21-23; (Hlpp.)
Altor, III., 25 27; (Waabiogton) bellevllle 28-30. Snyder, bud (Keith) Indianapolis. Soaman A Sloan (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.; (Psntages) Portland 25-30.
- BtotTord, Frank, A Co. (Logan 8<j.) Chicago 21-'23: (Kmpress) Chicago 25-27; (Kedxie) ChiCigo 28-30. Staley A Birheck i Pantages) S|K)kane 25-.30.
(ages) Tacoma 25-30. Stamm, Drvllle iSavoy) San Diego, Cal.; (Hoyt)
Long beach 252(0. Rianley Bros. (Prince) Houston, Tex., 21-23. Htarley, May lOrpheum) Waco, Tex., 21-23. Htanley A Birnes (Kedzie) Chicago 21-23;

Valda 4 Co (Kiiii'oln Sc| I .Vow ^ nrk HI H'!. Valonliiio, Holi A I'ogjy <l\oiili( I.owoll. .Mass. Valentino A lioll (< irpiiouni t Slo|i\ < ity, la,
Hl-lHl: (Orjilioimi) St Paul nr. .'{<> Valjda. Hose (tlniliounu Iloston HJ Van Cleve A Polo (Ji tlorson) Xow York. Van A Corliolt (Palaool New Y<irk. Van A Kmorson iMar>Iiiiidl Haltiiiiore. Van Hoven (Keith) Toledo. O. Vane, Sybil (Keith) Cincinnati. Vardon A I'erry (Pantagos) Vancouver, Can.;
Ipantages) Victoria HT, ao. Vincent A Franklyn (Prince) Houston, Tel.,
\ lolin Misses, Five (Pantagi-a) Salt lAke City; (ttrtiheiim) Ogdon HS-.'tO.
Y'Irginia belles (Princess) San Antonio, Tex., HI H3.
Vivian. Anna (Pantagos) butte, Mont., 23-HC. Voelk, ili'try (tiriiheum) Clinton. la.. HI H-l;
(Orpheiiuii ktiiincy, HI.. H5-H7; (Orpheum) Calesliurg HV-.'to

York's Dogs (Diphentn) Fulsa, Ok.; (Columbia) St. I.oi'is. Mo js 3(1.
Young, Margaret (Majestic) Chicago; (Orpheuni) St l.oiiis 2."> `lt>
Zardo (Ilipp ) Cleveland Zola Duo (Majestic ( San Antonio. Tex. Zulieka, Madum t Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.;
(Pantages) Portland 25-30.
best Show in Town: (Empire) Albany lS-23; Klayely) boston 25-;tO^
big Wonder Show: (Gayety) Detroit 18-23; (Gayety) Toronto 25 30
bon Tons; (CoIiiU)bi:iI Chicago lS-23; (berchel) Des Muioes. la 25 27.
F-ostooisns: (bas'able) Syracuse 18.20; (Giyety) I'tlca 21-2); tCavety) Montreal 25-30.

Abraham lancoln, with Frank Mctllynn, Wm lUrria. Jr, mgr.; (broad) Philadelphia April 4. liidef.
Adim and Eva, with Molly McIntyre, C>>mstock A G.'st. mgrs.: (Adviphi) I'iilladelphia April 4, ludef.
bah, with Helen Hayes: (blarkstone) Chicago April 10. indef.
bad .Man, The with Holbrook Bilan: (Comady) .New York. Indef.
bat. The: (I'rineess) Cbleago Dee. 26, tndaf. Bat, The iMorosco) New York, ludef. beggar a (Ipera, The: (Ceutral) Chicago March
20. indef Blotsitm Time, The Shuberta, mgrs.; '(Wilhnrl
bo-ton .YprII II, indef.

(State Lake) Chicago 25-30.

Yokes A DoiT ((Xo.heum) Kansua City; (Orphe-

buries |uera; tl'a^Iace) Baltimore 18-23; Broadway Hastui (Irvin C- Yllller'a); (Grand)



urn) Des Moines '.'.5-30. Volunteers. Four (Li'uoln) Cbleago 21-23; (.Ma¬
jestic) Ced-ir baiiids, la., 2`--'h»

ayely) Wusiilngton 25-.30.

Chicago April 18. Indef.

riushlighta of 1821; (Eui|iire) Newark, N. J.. Broadway Brevllles. with

18 23; (Casino) Pl.iladclphla 25 ·'·'>

(Lrrlc) Cincinnati 17-23.




YVaak A le-wand Trio (Lilo-rty) Lincoln, Neh ,
Wall la-tka, I'riiuesa (Palace) Siiringlleld. Mass.. 21 23

FoIlie.s of the Day: (Casino) Philadelphia 18J'l; (Hurtig A Seanion) New Y'ork 25-30.
Folly 'Town: (Miners Bronx) New York 18-23; iCzsino) brrHiklyn 2.5-;i0.

Broken Wing: (48th St ) New Tork Noe. M. Indef
Call the Doctor (David BeUaco'al. A. E. Morgan, mgr.: (Oliloi (Teveland 18-23; (New I>e-

Rtanton, V. A K. (Keith) Philadelphia. PtantoD. YVill. A Co. (Empress) Decatur, HI.,
21-23; (Majestic) Springtield 2.`i-27; (Or|>heum) Champaign 28-30.
Rtaplea. Helen (Capital) Clinton, III., 21-23. Rtedman. Al A Fannie lOrpheum) St. I»iils. Steed Septette lOrand) St. Ixiuis 21-23; (Rialto)
Blgln. III.. 25 27; (bialto) Karine, Wla., 28-SO.
Sterling Sax. Four (Hoyt) Long Beach, Cal.; (Pantages) Salt lAke City 25 80.
Sterling-Iloae Trio (l>«ew) 'Toronto 21-23. Sterers A Lovejoy (Pantages) Oaklaud, CaL;
(Pantagea) Ixia Angelet 25-30. Htewarl A Mercer (Poll) Waterhury 21-'J3. Httlea. Vernon (Orpheum) Brooklyn. Stoddard, Marie (Majestic) Dallas. Tex. Ktory A Clark (Columbia) Davenport, la., 21-
23; (Majestic) C*dar Raidda, la., 25-27; I Kedzie) Chiiago 28-30. Kulllvan, Arthur (Crescent) New Orleans 21-23. Sullivan A Mark iKrber) E. St. Ixzula, III., 21-
· 28.
Sully A Houghton (bushwick) Brooklyn.

Waimaii A berry (Majestic) D,.s Moin.-s, la . 21-23; (DridieuniI Sioux I'slls, S. D., 25'.'7; (Kiii|iress) ((mails. Neti., 2S-3<(,
YVaiters Wanted (Itlaltot Itaciue, Wls , 25-27: (Virginiaiii Keniatha .''.To
Walker, Lillian (Orpheimi) ( tiampalgn. III, 21-"3; ((iridieiini) South Bend, lud.. 25-27; (.\merleari) Chicago 28-30.
Wally, bleliard (Delancey St.) New Y'ork 21-23. Walmaley A Keating (Orpheum) South Beml,
Ind., 21-23.
Walsh A Edwards (Orpheum) brooklyn. Walsh A Austin · Lincoln) Chicago 21-23 Waller, Hopkins A Churchill (Kialto) Racine.
Wia., 21-21: (Virginian) KenosliU 25 27 Walters A Walters (Hipp.) Youngstown. O. Walters. Flo A tlllie (Orpheum) Kansas City;
(OrpheumI Sioux City. la., 25-27; (Oriiheum) Sioux Falls. S I).. 28-30 Walton, Hamilton (New Midland) Hutchinson. Kan., 2l-'23; (Grandi Ceniri.lla. III., 28-30. Walton. Buddie (Orpheum) Y'aneouver, Can.; lOrpheum) .s«-attle 25-30. Wanda A Seals (Davtonl Dayton, O.. 21-23. Ward, Solly, A Co. (Keith) Columbus. O.

Glrls de Liniks: (Gayety) Washington 18-'23; (Gayety) Pitlshurg 2.5-30.
Gills of I'. S. .V.; (Star) Cleveland 18-23; (Em¬ pire i Toledo 2'5 3(1,
Girls from H.sppyland: Open week lS-23; (Gayeiy) St. laniis 25-.3«l.
Golden Crooks: (Gayety) buffalo 18-23; aeason ends.
Ilastlnca. Harry. Show; (Casino) Boston 18-23; (Grand) Hartford. Conn., 25.3(>.
Hip. Hip, Hooray Girls; (Gayety) Montreal IS23; tEuipire) Albany, N. Y.. '25-30.
Hits A P.iis: (Gayetyl Boston 18.2'l; (Colum¬
bia) New York 25-3(', Howe's,, Jollities of 1021: (Hurtig A Sea-
mon) New Y'ork 18-'23: season ends Jingle, Jingle; (Gayety) Kansas City 16-23;
open week 25-30; (Gayety) St. Loins 2-7. Kelly's. la-w. Show; (Empire) Brooklyn 18-23;
(Eniidre) Newark, N. .1., 25..3<l. Mauls of .\merica: Diien week 18-23; (Miner's
Bronx) New Y'ork 25-30. Marion's. Dave, siiow: (Elniplre) Providence 18-
·23; (Casino) boston 25-;ii Million Dollar Dolls: (Ohuipir) Cincinnati 18-
23; (ColumbiaI Chb ago 25 .'in

,roit O. H ) Detroit 25
Champion. The. with Giant Mitchell; (Longaert) New York Jan. 3. InJef
Cbatterton, Kutb, L'has. Frohman, Inc., mgrs.: (Prince-ai Toronto. Can.. 18'2S
. Clair de Lune, with Ethel and John Barrymore: (Emi'lrel New Y'ork, April 18 Indef
Dear Me. with LaKue A Hamilton; iKepublle) .New Tork Jan 17. Inlef
Dehuraa with Lionel! Atwlll: (Beltaco) 1199 Y'ork Dec. 23, Indef.
PlTrenl. iSpe«ial mallaeea) (Princess) Naw Y'ork. Indef.
Ditrichsteln, Leo: (Bijou) New Tork March 21. indef.
Dulry, with Lynn Fontanne; (Cort) Chlctge Feb. 20. Indef
F.ast Is West, with Fay Batnter: (Garrick) Chi¬ cago Mar'b 7. Indef.
Eileen: (Grand) Kansas City, (Mo., 18-33; (Amerh-ani St. Ixiols 25-30.
Emperor Jones: (I'riD'eaal .New Tork. Indaf. Enter. Midam: (Fiiltonl New Tork, Indef
I'amoiit Mia Fair with Henry Miller A Blanche Lates: (Hdlia bt.) lU-stun April 4. Indef.

Sultan (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.; (Orphenm) Ward A liisiley (Kedzie) Chicago 2'L23.

I'arlslan Whirl; (Gavetv) Rorhealer 18.23; (Baa. Tatichon A Marco .Satires of ';o». A. L. Bern-

Calgary 28 rio Kommerttme (Pala*'e) Rotjhford, HI.,
lOrpbeiinil Sioux City, la., '28-30.


Ward, YVill J., A Girls (Empress) Grand bapids.
Ward A Wilson (Lincoln Sq.) New Y'ork 21-2.3.

table) Syracuse 25-27: (Gayety) Ftlca 28-.30. Peek-a-boo; (Gayety) St. IaiDIs 18 23; aeason

ateln, gen. mgr.: (Euclid O. H > Cleveland 18.23; .\kron 25-20; Canton 27-28; Toungttewn 28 .3o.

Kuratt. Y'aleska, Co. (Orpheum) Salt L«ke City; Warden A Dirnoourt (Lincoln S^.) New York 21- pewder Puff Revne: (Majestic) Jersey City 18- ·'.rtt Year, The: (Little) New Tork. Get SO

(Orpheum) Denver 25-30. Kvengali (Pantages) San lYanrlaco; (Pantagea)
Oakland 25-30.

Warwick A Leigh Trio (Columbia) St. Louis, Mo.. 25-27.

2'J: (Empire) Piv-vldenee 2.5-'3ii. Reeves. .Y1. Joy belles: (Gayety) Omaha 16-22;
(Gayety) Kansas (Ity 2-5-30.

Indef. Flowers of Frani-e (Scott A Llppert't), Geo. 0.
Dailey, mgr.: (Elite) Film. Mich., 21-22;

Sweet Sixteen (Miles) Detroit. Swor A Weatbrrok (lAric) Hamilton, Can. Kwor Bros. (I'niprea>i) DecaDir. III., 21-23.

Watasika A Seal (O.Tihcnm) Marlon, O., 21-23. Watson Sisters (Keith) boston. Watson's I8igs (I'alaee) ILartford 21-23.

Revnobls, .\be. Revue; (Park) Youngstowii. O., 18-20; (Grand) Akron 21 23; (Star) Cleveland 25-Si>

(LTrIci Davion. o . '.'3-24; (Cioloalal) Albany,
N. Y- '2.5-·7. Gertie's Garter: (Woods) Chicago April 11, ta-

Sykes. Harry (Vendoniel Nashville 21-2.3.

Walton' Bert A Lottie (Parthenon) Hammond. Roscland Girls; (Empire) Toledo is 23; (Lyric)


Sylvester Family (Ortdieiim) San Francisco;

Ind., 21-23.

Dayton 23..30.


, Ghost between. The, with Arthur Byron: (SOtk

(Oivheiini) Oakland 25-30.

Wayne, Clifford, Trio (Pantages) Pcs Moinea. Sirger's, .fuck. Show: (Orpheum) Paterson, N. St.) New Tork March 22, Indef.

Tale of Three Cities (Grand) Centralia. III., 21-23; (Erlwr) E. St. I.ouls 25-27; (Colum¬ bia) St. Loiiia, Mo., 28-30.
Taonen, Julius (Royal) New Tork._

Weadick, Guy. A Flores I.aniie (Palace) Flint, Mich., 21-23; (Jeffers-Strund) Saginaw 24-27; (Regent) Kalamazoo 28-30.

J., 18-23; (Majestic) Jersey City 25-30, &i.nppy Snaps: Stamford. Corn., 20; (Park)
Bridgeport 21-'23; (Empire) Providence 25 .30.

G<'M Diggers, with Ina t'lalra. David BalttM, mgr: (Lyreumi New Y'ork. In-lef.
Good Times: (Hippodrome) New Tork City, IS-

Jeatic) Cedar Rapids Telaak, Will A Irene (I/oew) Hamilton, Car.,
21 '23. Tempest A Sunshine (Hamilton) New Y'ork. Temple Four i I'un'iigea) Victoria. Can.; (Pan-
tages) Tacoma 25-30. Templetons. The (Palace) New Haven 21-2S. Terry, Frank (Greeley Sq.) New Y'ork 21-23. Terry, Sheila. Co. (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Ma¬
jestic) Chicago 25-:i0. Tetry, Arthur (Majestic) Cedar Rapida, la.,
Teachow'a Cats (Grand) Evansville. Ind., 21-23; (Palace) Milwaukee 25-30.
Texans, Two (Jefferson) Goshen, Ind., 22-23; (Bucklen) Elkhart 24-'25; (Temple) Grand Rapids, Mich . 28-30.
Texas Comedy Four (Palace) Minneapolis 21-23. Texas A Walker (Riverside) New Tork. Texaa Duo (Poll) Waterhury 21-23. Thirty Pink Toes (Princess) YY'ichlta, Kan ,
21-23; (Erber) E St. Louis. Hi. l»-'27; -- (WaabIngtoD) Belleville 28-30. Thomton-F3ynn Co. (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.;
(Pantages) Caigsry '25--30 Tighe A Leedum (Keith) Philadelphia. Tilton, Corinne, Revue (Majeatie) Houston.
Tlmherg. Herman (Capitol) Hartford 21-23. Timely Revue (Greeley S<| ) New York 21-23. Tip-Tops. Six (Loew) Ottawa, Can., 21-23. Togo, Sensational (St. Denis) Montreal. Tompkins, Susan (Orpheum) Tulsa, Ok. Toomer, Henry B (Empress) Grand Rapida. Toone. Leon (Rex) Ironwood, Mich., 21-23;
(Grand) Mlnneapolia 24-30. "Yoney A Norman (Riveraide) Ne'W Tork. Torelll'a Circut (Hoyt) Long Beech, Cat; (Pen- tages) Salt Lake City 25-30. Toto (Dominion) Ottawa, Can. Towle, Joe (Oniheum) Memphis; (Orpheum)
New Orleans 25-30.
Townsend A Wilbur (Dayton) Dayt(m. O., 21-23. -Toy Shop (Loew) Holyoke, Mass., 21-23. Toyama Japs (Grand) bt. Loula 21-23; (Er-
bar) E- St. Lcuit, III., 2.5-27; (Grand) Cen¬ tralia 28 30 Tracy A McBride ((^Inmbia) Davenport, la., 21-23; (Majestic) Cedar Rapida 25-27; (MaJeetle) Bloomington, III., 28-30. Drmlnor. Jack (M«jestle) Moakogee Ok.. 21-23; (Globe) Kansas (?lty. Ho.. 2.5-27; (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.. 28-30.

III., 2l-`23; (Majestic) Bloomingtcn 28..->rt

Toronto Hello.' Rufus. L«.n liong, luia. mgr : Ironton.

Weston, Celia (Emeraon) Providence 21-23. Weston A Eline (Ixiew) St. Igniis 21-23. Westson'a Models (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, la .
21-23; (Orpheum) Sioux Falls, S. D., 25-27; (Empress) Omaha, Neb.. 28 30. Wheeler, B. A B. (Ori'heura) Ixis .Vngeles; (Or¬ pheum) Salt I..ake City ·JS-.W. Whipple-Houston Co. itlriiheum) brooklyn. W'hite. Al U. (.Ymerican) New York 21-2.3. White Hussars, .Nine (Kedzie) Chicago 21-23. YY'hlte Bros. (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; (Pan¬ tages) I.os Angeles 25-30. White. Elsie, A Co. ((Irand) Evansville, Ind.,

Town Scarwlals: (p.erehel) Des Moinea. la., 18 20; (Gatety) Omaha 23-20.
Twinkle Toes; i.Ntar A Garter) Chicago 18 23; (Gayety) Detroit 2.5.30.
Victory Belles; (Lyric) Dayton 18-23; (Olympic) Cincinnati 25 30,
VY'llllams. Mullie, ' Show: (Grand) Hartford, s'onn., IS '23; open week 2fr2»: (Miner's Bronx) New York
Wrothe. Ed Lee. A His Best SDiow: (Gayety)
Pittehnrg 18-23; (Park) Toiingatown. O., 2527; (Grand) Akron 28-30.

^ . 2'

llumlngtoti, W. Va.. 25 30.

Hetiert. Onier. Mush at Revue: iLyrlci Dayton,

O.. 17'.`3: (Olympic) Cincinnati 24 30.

Hodge. Wm.: (Broad Street) Newark, N. J.,

18 .V'3 r-ui Honey (,lrl

(Park Square) Boatoo, April IS,

Honey Dew, Joe Webjr. mgr.: (Majestic) Bos¬

ton \pril 4, Indef.

'".1'*' 26, indef.

(f'eotnry) New Tork Jaa

Irene: (Y'anderbllt) New Y'ork Nov. 18, indef.

Irene: (Stuijebtker) Chicago Nov 2®, Indef.

21-23; (Palace) Chicago 2.5-.')0. Whitefleld A Ireland (Mary Anderson) Louta-


It's I'p To You; ((mslno) New Y'ork March 28. Indef.


Jim Jam Jems, J. R. Port, mgr.: (Hanna)

Whitehead, Ralph (Crescent) Sew Orleans 21-23. YY'hltelaw, Arthur (Keith) Columbus, O. Whiting A Burt (Broadway) New Y'ork. Who's My Wife (Poll) Wilkes Rarre 21-23. Wilbur A Adams (Keith) Toledo. O. Wilbur A- I.yke (MeY'bkcr) Chicago 21-23.

(Season Cloaca Week April 18-23)
All Jazz Ilevne; (.Yeademy) Buffalo 18-2,1. Bathing Beauties: (New Capitol) Washington
18-23. Beauty Revue; (Englewood) Chicago 18-23.

Cleveland IS-'-'S; Chicago '25-30 faYlarr, Harry, (^o.: Garden City, La., 18 23;
Baldwin 2.5-.';0. T-adtea' Night. (Eltinge) New Y'ork lodaf. Lady Billy, with .Mint: (Idlierty) New Y'ork.
Iter 14. Indef

Wilcox. Frank, Co. (Majestic) Chicago; (Grand) Evansville, Ind., 2.5-2" (Ilipp.) Terre Haute 28-30
Wilde,' Mr. A Mrs. G (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Orpheum) Minneapolis 25-30.
Wilhat Trio (Majeslici Houston, Tex.; (Grand) Galveston 24 26; (Majestic) Austin 28-30.
Wilkens A Wilkens (Savoy) San Diego, Cal.; (Hoyt) Long Beach 25-30.
Will A Bloody (Palace) Springflcld, Mass., 21-

Beiiuty Tnist: (Gayety) Baltimore 18-23.

Bio.-idway Belles: (Empire) Cleveland 18-23.

Cabarei Girld; St Joseph week IS 2Y

< ute Cutiea: (Bijou) Philadelphia 18-23.

Follies of Pleasure: (Troeadero) Philadelphia


French Frolics; (Cadillae) Detroit 18-23.

Girls from Joyland: (Howard) Boston 18-23.

^^'`Mjas^- ''"8 23"''

`®"*"**> Worcester.

I^lber, iPrItz: (Grand O. H.) Cincinnati 17-23. IJglilnIn', with Frank Bacon, John D. Goldta.
mgr : (G.itety) New York, Indef. Linger I/inger, I^elly, with Chtrlolle Green¬
wood, Roy Seibert, mgr.: (Olympic) Cklcago. April 10, Indef.
Little Old New York: (Plymouth) Naw Tork. Indef
lyve Rlrds. with Rooney A Bent: (Apollo) New


'slt;Vk"' N ·


oV-lo'l^r' A B Marcus, mgr.:

Willlama A Wolfua (Orpheum) Fresno, CaL, 2123; (Orpheum) Loa .Yngeles 2.5-30.
Williams. Ed A Mack (Palace) Milwaukee; (Majestic) Chicago 25-30.
Williama A Pierce iOrpheum) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland 25-30.
Wilson. Frank (Keith) Toledo. 0. Wilson, Jack (Flatbuah) Brooklyn. Wilson, elms iColumbla) Davenport. It., 21-
23; iprpbenm) South Rend, Ind., 28-30. Wilton Sistera i Keith) Columbus, O. WInlon Bros, itlntheum) Calgary, Can , 21-23;

Rider?-,.{/aW) `^MsbI'uU;r*g IM-it* Kandy Kld«, with I^-na Daly; Reading, I'a., 21;
(Grand, Trenton. N. J , 22-'A3. T.ld Lifters- (ftlyniplei New Y'ork 18-23. Ml-chief Makers: (Haymarket) Chicago 18-23.
Monte Carlo Glrla; (Gayety) .Milwaukee 1823.
Naughty Naughty: (Star) Trronto 18.23. Parisian Flirts; (Gayety) I,oiilsv|lle )k.23.
Razzle Dazzle; (park) Indianapolis 18-23. Record Bre.ikera: (Standard) S*t. I/>iiia 18-23. Hoend the Town: New Bcdfortl, Mr.aa., 18-'2(i;

24 .30.


Miiy. (KnlrkerWker) New York Oct. IS, Indef.

Mary: (Colonial) Clilrago April 3. Indef.

Mary Stuart; (Ritz) New Y'ork Mtrh 21, In¬ def.

Maaqiierader. The, with Guy Balea Poet; (Audi¬

torium) Baltimore 18'23.

Midnight l{ouiiders, with Ed<11e Cantor: (Alrin)

pilt-liiirg 18 '2.3

Ulan I.ula Bett: (Belmont) Naw Tork Doe. STIndef

(Orpheum) V.meouver 25-30.

Fall River 2l-'23.

YVirth. May. A Co. (Colonial) New York. YY'ise, Tom, Co. (Orjiheum) Brooklyn Withers, Chaa., A Co. ,81st St.) New York

Sr.-nl Follies; (L.veeum) Coliimhiia. O.. 18-23. f»r,me Show: RInglianiton. N. Y., 18'JO; Elmira
Magiira Falla 22 23

KILPATRICK'S $5.00 and $20.00

Wrrrden Brothers (Cook) Okronigee. (ik . 21-23; St^ine A IMna'rd's Show: Penn Clreiilt 18-23

Accident Itifuraiira ProUcta SIhiw Tolko.

(Grand) f-'nlralla. III., 25 27; (Waa.^ington) Sweet Sweeties: (Empress) Clnelnnatl 18-23

Belleville 28-30.

jjd uKa of 1021: ((jayety) St. Paul 18-23.



APRIL 28, 1921

Hound and Square Designs that get the play.

Send for illuslraled circular and prices

Wc'vp cot the stock and the price and we "ive you the same prompt bcrviee and stjuare dealing as on our pillows.
19 East Cedar St., CHICAGO, ILL.

NcelN. Ctrl: Oxford, Md.. 18-23; St. Nflrhaelt


Niles', C. H., Orcb. (Orpheiiin) Clinton, It.,


oriKinal Cum Sah Orch.: iHall's Dancing Acad¬


Jui,c i<i.

Oiley't Entertainers: (Tlie Martincjue) New¬

port Newt, Va., until Apr 30.

liaspillaire'a Orch.: Sistersville, W. Va.. 20-21.

lioyal .Serenaders: (Ritz) .New York, April 4,


Saxy't Melody Fads: (Bayat Cabaret) Orlando,

Fla., to May 20.

S>'attle .Jazz Wonders: Hillsboro. 111., 21;

Carlinville 22; 5?t. Louis, Mo., 23 24, Vjin

dalia. Ill,, 2.^; Decatur 26; Beloit, Wi- 27.

Serenaders, The Dance Orch., T. D Kemn,

.Tr., mgr.: (O'Tlenry Hotel) Greensboro.

C.. April 11, Indef.

Star's, Leo: laioi aster. Mo., 21-28; Keokuk. Is..

2.5 .m

Twentieth Century Boyt. Paul B. Goes, mgr .

IBelridere Cafe) St. Ixiuis, Mo., March 21.


Weidemeyer Saxophone Orch.: Washington, N.

C , 21; Greensboro 22 23; Durham M, Hun¬

tington, W. Va., 26-28; Logan 29.

Victor's Band, John F. Victor, dir.; (Baby)

Breekenridge, Tex., Indef.

Will's Serenaders, R. G. Wilson, mgr.: (Eagle

Restaurant) Springfield, Mats., March 28, In¬





.Alda. Frances Salt Lake Ciiy 21.

Braaltu. Su|>:iir: t.AudiioiiiiaiI Clio ago 21

Chicago CrsDd Opera Co : .8an Franci-.o 112.3;

Itenver 26 .30. lallH iiri'i. .Amelia

Hoiinoo. Tei.. Co.

lianz. Riidol|-li Cho ago .Y).

Graveiire. I/mh.: (Carneg r Hall) New York 20.

Hifli'P Jt-s'idi' Ci-lunilius, (».. 22. Jones, Ada. Con. ert (« ; Seymour, Ind . 20:

Norih A'ernon 21; lolnmhns 22; Greenwood

23; Bali-aville 24; Greeratuirg 25, (·ynthinna,

Ky., I'd; Paris 27; Lexington 28; A'ersaillea

'21); Frankfort ,30.

Metropolitan 0;iera Co.; .Atlanta, Ga., 25s30.

Mirmitih. .Alfrtd Boston 24

I'hilharmonl,' Symphony Onh: San F>ancla<-o 2.3.

San Carlo Grand Ojiera Co : I'itlshurg 18.23. Werrenrath. Rcinald (Enury .Siidilorlum) Cin¬
cinnati 2'S.

Broadway Polliep (Bijou) ('. Is .>3; (Imperial) .Au-
D, Co,. Rotil. y. Ia*e. mgr.: . 18.'23; Ro- ky Mount, Va ,
r Gals: (Gaiety) Dallas. Tc..

Revue, Al Clarkson, mgr:

TJalld Ma:ds (Vale, Ok.



Song and Dance Revue; (.Ar-

An. 2'5"2.i.; (W I'aM'iime)V VVI ac'

. ......


p Slone * Gtbbv. mgre ; (Or-

lint, X. C-. teriew: |prla<-tlla( {qevelanil

lie. Kasi steptiers (Reliable)
ipiil IS. indef Maurice J Casli * Co . mgra :
Neb. Indef


Buy Direct From the Manufacturers.



EVER PLAY WITH THREE ACES? Well, you will be in the same position when you use the 3-St:ir IMllows. We are hipher in quality and lower in price than any other Pillow manufac¬ turers. Send $5.50 for six assorted -samples. Write for Price List.


139 Norfolk St.,


-e) g , la)
ry, 25I


Irtdemy Players: (Academy) ilaTerbill, Maas., indef
·Alhee Stock Co.: Providence. R I . indef. Alratar Players: (Alcatar) San Francisco, Is-
dcf. Allen Players: (Hipp.) Tacoma, Wash., Indaf, Arlington I'Uyera: (Arlington) Boston, Mass.,
Indef. Auditorium Players- Malden. Mass., Indef. Ball. Jack. .'Jto, k Co.: (AA'ellcr) Zanesville. O.,
Peb. 7. indef. Blancy Players: (Strand) Hoboken, N. J. indef. Claney riayera; (Gotham) New York City. In-
def eianay Stock Co.: (PYoapact) Bronx. Ha- York,
Sept. 1, Indef. Blaney Playtri: (Torkvillc) New York, Indaf. Briasac. A'trginia. Players: (Stmnd) San Diego,
('a1., indef. Broadway Plavcrs; (Warrington) Gak Park,
III . Indef Brownell. Mabel StoA- Co.: (Victory) Day-
ton. O., -April 18, Indef. Buckley 4 Sullivan Playara: (WarburtOD) Yonk-
era. S' T . indef
CMrter Dramatic Co. J. E. Carter, mgr.: Joppa.
HI.. 18--23. (Virago Stock Co.. Chas, n Rosskam. mgr.;
Port Jervis, N. Y . 18-23; Middletown '25 50 Colonial riayetv I awrence M is" . Indef. rorat Payton Stock Co.: (Amphlon) Br-oklyn,
f( y xug. 16. Indef.




' G.lne.vllle, Fla .

Faeselt Plavers; illarmanus Bleecker TTall) vibanr. V Y . April IS. indef
F'ostcr. Howard. Stoi-k Co.: (Rose, Everett,

GHser Vaughan. Stock Co.: Rochester. N Y., indef

JefTeraon Stork Co.: (Jefferaon) Portland. Me.,


Jawett. Hanry, Playara: (Ooplay) Boatoa,


.. ^ ,

Keith Players: (Hudson) Pnion Hill. H. J.,


Mc-.trdle, Clyde, Players: SomerTllle, Mass.. In¬ def
MacLtan. Paallne. Players (Music Hall) Akron, O., Sept. 6, Indef.
Maddocks-Park I'layers (Msjestir) Birmingham, Ala., indef.
Majestic Stork Co.: I-os .tngeles. Cal., Indef. -Marks, Arlle. Co : Kamloops, D. C., Can., 21-
23; Revelstoke 25-27. Marshall's Players, dl. B. Marshall, mgr.; I»st
Nation. Iowa. 1^23; Oxf rd Junction 25-30. Morosro Stock Co.; (Morosoo) Lus Angeles, CsL,
Indef. National Theater Stock Co.: Chicago, Ill., Aug.
22. Indef
·New Garrick Players: (New Garrick) St. Paul, Minn., indef.
North Bros.' Stock Co.; (Sun) Springfield, O , March 14. indef.
Oliver, Otis, (0.: (Metropolitan) St. Paul March 20, indef.
Orpheum .^tock Co.: Germantown, Phlladelphi*. Pa . indef.
Poll Stock Co.: Bridgeport, Conn., indef. I'rnepect Players: Cleveland, O., indef. Shannon Stock Co.; Welch. W. Va., 18-23. Sbeuerman Stock Co.: (Empress) Butte, Mont..
Sept. 6. indef. Sherman, Robert, Stork Co.: (St. Charles) Sew
Orleans. La., indef. Shuhert Playe's: (Shubert) Milwaukee. Wls..
indef. Simpson's. Karl. Comedians: Brownell. Kan.,
2123: McCracken 25-27; La Cro-^se 28-S.30. S- mervllle Theater Players: 1 Somerville) Boston.
Mass . indef. Wilkes Players: (Denham) Denver. Col., Indef. Wilkes Stock Co.: (WiUcs) Seattle, Wash ,
Aug. 31, Indef. Williams, Ed, Stock Co.: (Orpbaum) Racine, , Wls,. indef. W,>><lward Players: (Woodwtrdi Spokane,
Wa«h . Ang. 28. Indef Wright's National Rep Co, Joe Wright, mgr ;
Tewlstown. Pa . 18-25 Young. Karl, 81,vk tV. Earl Young, mgr.:
.Maninetie, Mich , 18-23: Ishpeming 2.5-30.



.Mpetre's: le'banon. Pa . 18.23-. Reading 25-30. Brooks', C. . .American: Brookfield, Mo., 18-23;
Hannibal 25-80. Brownlee's Novelty Orchestra: (Pier) Detroit,
Mich., indef.

Cotton's. Billie. Girls' Orchestra; (Hotal Hanry)

Pittsburg. I'a.. indef

Defola's Ixiiiis j.: Carrollton, Mo., lS-23;

KirksvlIIe 25 30. Fingerluit's. John, .American; Glassmere, Pa.,

2.5 Mav 7.

Fink's. F Howard: Peoria, HI., 18-23.

i. jij, r iscner .\ 111


Orch : Vicksbnrg, Mich.,

;X); AUncelona '1: Rccd City 22: Hattie

Creel ;3; Ypsilantl 26; Cedar Springs 27;


2.8; FTcmont, 0., 20; White

1 igcon. Mich . .30.

E Flanga, mgr.: Orange, N. J.,

Allen's, C. B , Big I.eague Shows: Greenfield, Ma-;*.. 23-.'50.
Allied Shows: liebanon, O., 28-30. Amerii-an Ettio. .Sliows. Ketr,ltum i Lapp,
mgrs : Newburgh, N. T., 16-23. \merlcan I'rogresslve Sliuws. Glenn .Miller,
mgr.; Douglasvllle, Ga., 18 23; Rockmart 25-
will bnr.k Fern.s Wheel and a few more Con'esslofU. 4129 I.anzland St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Anderson-Srader Shows; Hastings, Neb., 23-30. Barkoot, K. G., Shows; Dayton, 0., 21-30. P.endles 4 Epstine Shows: Dickson City. Pa..
23 30. Bi'fanr Inter-Ooean .tftracflons: Orange. N. J..
16 2,r Boekus. Curtis L. Shows: Revere, Mass., lb-
23: Clinton 25-30. lirirht Light Shows. Frank West, mgr.: Golds¬
boro, .V. C., 18-23. Bnindage. S. W . .Shows: Okmulgee, Ok., IS
2.5; Pittsburg, 'van , 2.5-.30. BiiTtis Gre.aler Shows: Liwrenceburg, Ind., 16-
23; Hamilton, O., 25.30.
f'lilifornia Shows; Quincy, Mass . 2.3 .'10. Camac Greater Shows; Philadelphia 15-23. Cooper Rialto Shows: Y'oungstown, 0., 2130. Copping. Harry, Shows: ReynoldavlRe, Pa., :
Cramer's L'nitcd Shows: Consbohocken, Pa., 21-
Cronin. .T L,, Shows: Athens. O.. 18-23; Gloutter 25 30.
Dt'Kreko Bros.' .Shows: San Marcos, Tex., 19-28. Diifonr, Lew, Show-s; np-hmond, Va . 19-23;
Washington. D. ('.. 2.5-'Mny 7. I'ndr Evpo, Shows: N'orristown, I'a , 16-2,3. Evans Greater Slinws, Ed. .A Evans, mgr.:
Ottaw-a. Kan., 18-23.
Pairly. Noble C., Shows; I.eavcnworth. Kan , 18 23.
Fashion Plate .Shows. Welder Fields, mgra,; Ro-ovtlle. 0. 2.3-.30.
Ferarl. Jos. G., Shows: Danbury. Conn., 23-SO. Fjnregun .4 M.-Daniela 3'en Bros' Shows;
Pennington Gan. A a., 18 23; Appalachia '25-
Francia. John. Shows: Cleveland, Ok . 18-23, Fraser, S. FT , Shows; Dcs Afoines. Ta , 21-30 Frisco Expo Show-.; .Amarillo. Tci , 18-23;
Trinidad. fVIo . 25 3i> Frcivl. IT..T. Expo; Galesburg. HI, 14 28. Ge-ard's Greater Shows; Bridgeport, Conn.. Ida
BUCKEYE AMUSEMENT COMPANY row hocking Shows and roni-rMlons for Season of 191!. Free ftcrage Address EDWARDS 4 CHAN¬ NEL. 233 N Buckeye Street. Wooster. Ohio.
Gifford a M del Shows. .Al Gifford, mgr . Strong City. . IS 2:1; flurlinganie 2-5-30
Glolh's Greater Sliows; A't'rona. Pa . 33-30. Gold Med.1I Shows. Marrv E Billick. mgr.:
Brookfield, Mo., 18 23; Hinnihal 25-30. Gray Shows, Roy Grav, mgr.; NaslivUIc, Tenn ,
18-23. Great Biickevp .Amusement Co.: Mansfield, O.,
23 30
Now honking Shows and Conceaslona. Address all mall SAM ANDERSON. 75 Attur St.. Boston, Mtsa.
Great Middle West Shows, II T Pierson, mgr. Armorv Park. Toledo, 0.. 16 2.3
Great Patterson Shows: Piola. Kan , 25-30. (Continued on page 112)


1 l e'i .o. ("r^T.e^, (Iklalmm*

e| ta

a ^

> 6

3; (Irin.essi Ardiimre

(ernarional Revue: (AAenonah)

' Wm!' P,,. Iii.ev Aohoro . (Vni. Co.: (Rex) Auburn,

.. .S e,

,01. Cl

^rry Malda Co.: (Caalno) Cln-

V Belles: (Htrand)


te. (Yieerun OIrla:



Grafton, (Alvin)

Y'^^"urcir'^28V*n<W '

Irmce De, Players: (PeoiHe's) Sacramento. (HI InUfr
Tp^i,' Gene-Worth, Olga, Stock Co.: (Park) nn. jan 9. Indef

Lcwls. Jack. X. Players; (Jefferaon) Roanoke, Va Indef.

1 uttringer. Al. Sduk Co: (Broadway) Chelsia.



L.Tnn. Jack. Stock Co . Adam W. Friend, mgr.:

IVt^rhoro N. H .


I,yrle Stock 28 Indef.

(Lyric) Allentown, Pa., March

I'liHer'v Fog Trot F re (Terrace Garden Inn) GaWo.ig Jll . '20: AlexN 2t: Galva -22; 1l S ICSDIl t C «·>.
puller's Pox Trot Five (Terrace Carden Inn) Appleton. Wls. indef.
iiirris'. Kv . syueopaiors: (Casino) Chicopee. Mass. M.-ir.-h 21. indef
Hsrtiell'a N'veltr Five; (Country Club) Orl,nd». FM . (ndef.
Jespenien's. C. H ; Birmingbara, -Vja . 18 23. Lanfdon**<»' Orrhewtra. Harold Hartley,
mgr.: (Brooklawni Bridg^rt, Conn. Indef Nasca's: Norfolk. Aa, 18-'23.



Forformln* the Ur^rst

ict In the arnuM*

m^nt world, combination Death Trap Ixiop and Flume

Art Permanent address. S Sturgli St . Wtnthrop.


Tlie Olllt>oar<l

APRIL 23, 1921

And his majesty, the trouper







MPPlT Mfe. rmnomlnl and handy llcbtlDt fadUtlea for Clitniara. Falra. CarnlTala. Plrture Bouana. etr. Write for Bulletin No. M today. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., Oihkoih, Wit.
4 Sleeping Gars 1 Stateroom Gar 10bservation and Sleeper
Located our shops, Atlanta. Suitable for fast passenror
Southern Iron & Equipment Co.



The Ball y-H o n Musical Inetru-
iiient Supreme I'Uved same as pi aim, but Kith oneflfth the weUthf. oiie-tenth the lire.
)<'t fifty Umet the t Illume.
Write for CataloR F, Uluftratlni and deacrlbInc LATEST MODELS.
J. C. DEAGAN, INC.. Bldg.. IfftO Berteau Ave., CHICAGO.

that will meet the most exacting requirements of any Outdoor Amusement Knterprise. Material, Workmanship and service the best. Call or write
529 Magazine St., New Orleans, La


Havre de Grace Populace Attends in Great Num¬ bers--Circus One of Quality, Quantity suid Features--Paraphernalia All New


Havre de Grace. Md., April 16.--Tlie Walter friends and help out in the rush after the doors

261-267 Canal Street, New York

L. Main ivliowa opened their season here luday first oiH-ncd.

to rapacity at both shows, it proved to he a Pr.imptly at 11:4.1 the parade left the aliow

show of qiialiiy as well as qi amity, and fea¬ grounds and was reviewed by what was believed

ture rather than llll-in acts predciuinated. to be the largest crowd ever seen In Havre

The seaeoast town was overrun with people, a KOid per cent of tliein atlrui li'd hy tlie oii.'iiini; )f the show, but as the races al«<> started today seveial tliiiussiid followers of llie ponies weie

de Grace. It w is a magnificent pageant, with an elstiorate disphiy of new and costly ward1 d 1, nut only worn by the riding cootingeDt, but cM'iy driver w:is in new uniform, and the band-


in rviilenee from points as fur north as New no ii s|H>ited handsome red coals and helmets.

York and sonlli as .New Orlejus. Tlieir pressMi, e Pollcwing the parade ·'Doc'' Ogden mounted helped out llie nl*tit atleidanee, as did the the stand-in front of the side-show and orated


soldiers from the two reservations at Perryville and Alterneen.
Ever.riliina was in readiness for the opening. The new canvas had been up for a week, water¬

(CuutlDUed on page CT)

Nashville Tent & Awning Co.

proofed and waitinir for the first audionees of the season. .All of the stock had been

Billing San FranciTco for April 22

H. 0. HUSBAND, My., NitNviHe, TenP.

eaeroised and was tn the pink of condition, an'l

the Mam show horses this season will come in for much favorable eomment from lovers of ;tood horse flesh. The new eleetric liclit plant arrived in time to he (tiven a tlioro tryout and as a precautionary measure an auillary plant also was provided and is kept In reserve. Both i)itants have been placnd In specialty constructed wasons, built at the quarters the past winter.
The show Is praeticallv all new this season. The tram is made up of six Pullmans, two of them stateroom cars, and fourteen new stoi-ks .and flats. The entire train has been painted in oranfte and red with silver leaf letters and presents a most attractive appearance. Six new hARfage wagons were bnilt under the super¬

San Frtnclaco. April 13.--F. G. Barker, brigade manager of Howe's Great London Sh.iwa, has been a visitor in San Francisco for the past few days and with an able corps of assistants has been busily engaged in billing the show, which is 8<he<luled to arrive here .\prtl :12. The brigade has accomplished its mission well, for on all sides ilowe'a billing is to be seen.
Tl'e following men are with Mr. Barker: Joe Hawley, official banner squarcr; Jack Rosent! .1. \V. Gaynor. W. J. Morrison. James Igiharlcn, L. Maxin, L. J. Cluse. Jack Harris, lUy r-uiith and Ray Justin, who Joined the brigade In this eliy.

Room 614, 332 S. Michigan Ave,, CHICAGD.
Have a few 60-ft. Baggage Cars equipped to run in high sjteed trains. F'or rent and sale.

vision of flcorgc Coy. There were no disappointments today. Tverv


set under contract and every bandnian was on
the Job ant the shows were run off in an hour Secures Albermarle Motel, New York

and fifty minutes under the wntchful eye of Ilnnestrtan Director Hay <)'W»sncy.
"Governor'* Downle was a busy man. looking after every little detail and shaking hands with vIsDlng friends. He wore a happy smile as he received a steady stream of congratulations and goo.1 wishes. Mrs. Andrew Dnwnie was also lontiniially sought after and had little time to attend to her privileges, hut her capable .isslstants, Florence PMrrcsler and Sellle ITughes, were there to watt on the ertwd and the cash register ladl .tingled incrrll.y all day
Visitors were present from all parts of the country.
The front door was tn charge of Hums O'SnIlIvsn and Fletcher Smith. Andrew Downle and "Peck'' Arasden were on hand to greet

New York. .Sprit 15.--rxmphell tc Boland, st-

toriicys for the New Y «rk Hotel Aaso<'lallon.

Willi wtil.'h KilKSrl .\rlingion Is connected,

have le.iacd the Hotel Altiemarle at Brojdws.v

and .11th street, eo" erlng a period up to IbKh for

a rental of over F'-' it is the intention

of the new owner to remodel

of the rooms

into single room suites catering to business


Mr. recently a< quirei Marbury Ilstl

on 71th street, and will uDlmsfely operate

a smsil clisin of hotels In rciitrat Park rone,

the west side hotel sectiun.

rhas. C. Ruff was the broker representing the
vendor, rhas. P. Zantjll, in the transfer.


Playing lllinoia Territory



no 10«





aoo N. Ssesad Strsst,



Sella Half Interest in Little Jungle Showa to Rex M. Ingham
Washington. D. C.. April IS.--W. L. Holitruucr, owner of the I.ittic Juuglo Shows, has Mild half of his Interest in the show to Rex M Ingbxm, of Rosslyn, Va. Mr. Ingham la the senior memtisr of the company, owning the Iowa Pet Farm at Rosslyn. and is well knuwn to circus folks thru his import.itlons of wild sntmsls. Messrs. Ingham and Ilolbrnner are working hard to get things tn shape for the opening. May 1, and expect to hit the road wltn one of the best frsmed shows of Its sire on the road. Kvcryihlng will he now this year. The menagerie has ticen slocked wDh all new anim iN. the latest lUTf'sl Iw-inq a young .African IhneKS. Fharles t*lieldv, an perlntendent at winter quarters, ta hnsy on new Cigea. The show Is tiuoke.i in om^ of the lw«st parks In tliia part of the eoi.ntrv until the eativ fall, when it will Ik* motorD-ed ami play celehratiors and fairs.

The Atterhury Bros.* Show Is now In its fourth week, playing Illinois territory to fair husinesa. It will continue in this territory for the neat four weeks. Business tn Kentucky and TennesiM-e was also fair. · Billy Mai-k and wife visited at Cairo. III. He informed tlic Atterhury hunch that he la organ¬ izing a sm,all wagon show «nd Wild West, which will s'Kin take to the road.
Van Jerome, contortionist, la a rr*-ent addition to the program. Dell Simmons, principal clown, will Join .\pril IS. He has been ill for the past tliree weeks. Vincent Galllghcr took charge of the elephant and animals at the opening of the season, t'apt. Snyder haring retnmed to Mem¬ phis.--W. A. ALLEN (Show ReprcteDtatlve).
(hi* ago, April 13.--Harry La Vail, of the H.irry I.a Vail and Sister act, acrlaMfla, wat a Billlaiird <aller this week. The act has recent¬ ly -et iin<-d from F'nro|ie .and was on its way frrmi tlie Cosst to New York. The IJi Vaila will retui'a to Luio|ie in Octolier.



lit ·sath 4Mi Mragt.





201 Aniahstt Avaaua.


KITOKR WET OB DRY. Ws will trrat you right.

BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS. Ws hava pirtiijr Siiaara. Send cash with ordar.

Send for Catalof end Second-Hand liat ^iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii VIOI-.A-BE!NARD*S


-- E

TTlc BCSX Show Tent House In the World

" E ~

t- XlLORED 731 Tampla St.,


Beautiful,flashySideShow Banners S ACROBATS Waattd te Wtar a Htaiaiead Suggarttc ~ for comfort and safety. A money pocket on each one. -- PrlOB, 32 50, postpaid to yuur addresa. (OIw walat



_ maasure.l Haiaaiaad. 257 Nartaa Ava.. Paatlaa, Mich.

Snakes fixed to handle. 50c per pound. Why pay morel PAN-AMERICAN SNAKE FARM. Laredo. Tex.

TENTS mide by The Beyerly Tompany are aultataiiUal as the lUx-k of Gibraltar I

Chicago, April 14.--P, II. Gentry, well-known circus man, waa a Billboard caller tbia week.

Send for FREE Number 50

Chinese Baskets -Dolls -Pillow Tops

Mr. Gentry said be bad closed the final details of bis expired contract with the Sella-Moto .Shown, and will return to hla home In llloomlng-



ton, lU.

R.H. ARMBRUSTER MFG. CO., Sprngfielil, IN.


220-222 W.

Main Street.



Phono, Main 1594


Gkarlet RinttlDf, after attending to tba de¬

m. It VM sw R la n# Binbeard. toll tbaa


tails of the upculng of the Show, departed for Florida.



C-O-N-C-E-S-S-l-O-N T-E-N-T-S!






BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOWI Send for pricesl Write for our new and second-hand BANNER LIST, We have won¬ derful bargains to offer in TENTS. Let us quote youl



Ptione. Haymarket 444

CHICAGO. » * --

EOW. P. NEUMANN, Presikiit





Ilex Wllftoo baa Joined the John Ibjblnaun Shown at i;4-bour man.

Joe Bowen will be with the Uagenbeck-Wal* lacG Circua In clown allej.

W. 11. Tadlock, clown, will be wrlth tlif llasenbetk-Wallace Circu*.
The Pour Ereotls. aorol>at« from Europe, rii-enll; Joined the KinKling-Barnum Show.
J. Ila.vmoDd Morrin will I e found on the .No. ;; car of the Kingllng-Bamum .Show.

Ed Doyle who ia lo<-ated at Joplin, Mu , informa Solly that be will not troupe thia aeason.
The Itlngllng-Barnum Sliow L. well patronised at Mad'ton Square Harden, many aell-outa being rerorde,!.

Harrr Paxton will again be asaiatunt to ii. H. WitUam»on with the John Rohinaon Circua.
Henry Meaaer, tromboniat, en route with Detbie Hroa.' Minatrela. wrltca that be will be umler the white topa thin aeaaon.

D. M. Sptyd baa Joined the Rboda Royal t'lr-UB ta mail agent. He waa on the No. 2 car of Sella-Floto laat aeaaon.

fieorge Merrett, juggler, will be with Bing* ling Bamum Circua in Brooklyn when the abow opeaa under canraa, aaya Jimmy Orr.
Billy Bowaer la getting Ms overland show reidy for opening, Miy 1. He haa juat pur chtaed a uew big top.

F. W. R --Andrew Dnwnle la the owTier of the Walter L. Main Cireiia, wifh the exception of
the title, which he haa lesaed from Walter L. Main.

Charlea F, Fick, a fanner trouper, opened a general merrhandiae atore recently at Hoyt, iKtDaaa. hick atill baa liia Iwrber shop in Topeka. Kan.

Sam FYeed will eloae with the "Kandy Kid." Company at Trenton. N. J.. and Join Lincoln Bro..' Circus, nith which be aaya bo will be boa* ti'ket aeller.

Mrs. George L. Erana waa a recent Billboard eislmr In Cinrinn.ati and advised ua that her husband got fi'eai worth of ada for the Rhoda iUyal Circua program at Montgomery, Ala.
When speaking of aiicce.aful circua men who have gone Into other linea one ahould not fail to mention Edward .Arlington, Albemarle Hotel, Broadway and Fifty-fourth street. New York.
J. B. Clutter writea that when he was wdtb
the .Milea Orton Circua the late AI «J. Field was clowning and Jug;;llng on the show. Glut ter aaya that Al G. waa a great friend of bit.
Waller MeGlnlcy, an oldttme circua man, of the Forepaugh daya. but who haa been iu the oil buslnesa In Ix>. Angelea for .tears, was s<en enjoying the Rarnea show: in that city.
·I II Percy, veteran rlreiis man, haa left the Rhoda Royal Show. White In Cincinnati recently he viaited .lohnry Wilson, who was with the Jolin Robinson ^l^'us years ago, and als) gave The ItiHboard a call.
L- Ij. I., aenla thl. to SoIIy: "Who rcmeinbiTS when Col. Hugh Hairi.on waa manager and talker On P. T, Rarnum's and hail ·laTiiea .Morrow. Art Ilunman and Ihdilue Kano as ticket menl"
Charlft Ward, at one time with the F. A. lUlduni and Sig Saiiielle Shows, has closed with DeRue Bros.' Minstrels and will be a member of clowm alley with Linct'ln Hroa.' CIvcu*.

J. W. Hartigan, Jr., and Pr. E. Mullen Harris will float a ten-wagon miHlIcIne ahow this season. We venture the assertion that there "111 tie "sonic" i-ircua atmosphere around this "trick."
George Mun'hy. who was with the Tankee lloMnaon Circua for tlie last seven years at 'link on the dining will not troupe this season, aa he Is in loisinosa for himself at Uoalioro park. Col , opersilng a n-.lour int and · e cream parlor.

Hilly Raw. for tii*v*Tul BrNBODN tirneV^«*por

Ih^ (tollnijir

an<1 for oiit»



Show, recentljr movci] to a fine fBrro


^·Nt of Oi^rOQ, lU.g tnd will tin the noil the


Successors to Tho Bolto Mfg. Co.
Portable Circus Lights, Beacons. Blow Torches, Gasoline Stores, Lanterns, Mantles and Hollow Wire Systems, Etc.
2100 Larrabee Street, - - - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS


FBAcf Wf 




Ready To Stilp
Order filled same day received. $10.00 Dens and Up
Address RIO GRANDE SNAKE CO., P. 0. Box 743, Brownsville, Tex.


Weatherproof Materials, Altractive Trimmings, Thorough Workmanship

a *14



12 a 20




210 W. 44th St., NEW YORK.

28 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO.

W. E. Brown, an old trouper. 71 yc ira of ago, ia u»w li iMg at I'eiullilon. "le. Fiuiy .veins ago he w.ia u j-u-v un the John Robinson I ir CHS and In the eighties was an acrolmtic clown with the P.ainum l»liow. For eleven years he was with Jack Haverly's Minstrels. He his .-·No l.-en etinnectftl wi'ii the .\1 li. ItHrne!* t ircua Brown it now billposting In Pendleton.
Boater of Rhod.i Royal ( in us Adv i nr 2: Jai'k L. Bledsoe, msrager; H. S. .Maddy, s^lal agent; Dan .'Spayd. agent; I). Evans, in charge of pap.-r; Jack Wisely, chef; Orr steward; W. A. Morin, \ Irgil Post. Jack Hartnett, James Savage. J. M. Skinner. C. Vlckerman. 1.m A. Gnnnelle. W. A. Arnold. Henry Riley und Frank iloiaer.
W. A. .Atkins of Elgin. HI., writea that the Elgin Watch Factory is running full «ajiacity. as are the twj big publishing houaes. He Irellevea business coiiditions in Klein are iH'tter than any other ao.tsio population eiiy. .VlUina thlnka a circus co.tM do well there, even during May. The farmer., on ncc.uni of their nearness to Chicago markets, arc also in good shape
Janies W. Bresnahan and Isaac Woodcock, oraployeea of the Avon Theater. Watertown. .N. Y , have taken to the road. Wotnlcork has Joined tho John Robinson Circua, while Btea-

nahnn has signed up with the Ferarl carnival :is .adv.M rising agrnt and advance man. Woodcoi-k has wirkcil w-iih the Robinson SViw before, while Presnahnn has b«-en on the road with the Walter L. Mam and the lUioda Royal Shown.
E. C. McPherson, well known In circus circles and formerly wiib Hagenlieck-Wallace and other eliows, ac.-iiiniianicd by .\Ira McPherson, passed till II Clniiiinali last week and called on The IKblssinl The .McPhersons were on their way from the Coast to Havre de Grace, Md.. to open with the Waller L Main Shows, with which Mack is to do announcing and assist Doe Ogd.'n In the side-show, while the Missus will also lie in the annex.
Touts Enright, of Stamford. Conn., sent ua a co;iy Of an advertisement of the Forepaugh CIri-ua of 1.<W7. which glvea the executive ttafl and the names of some of the performers. The staff included A S. Forepaugh, sole proprietor; W. H. 1 ears, treasurer; F. M. Kelsh. manager; C H. Castle, general agent; Dr. Richard I*. Jones, dire, for oublicafions. Performers Inrli-.iicd James Iteniott and his ch-ld artist. Mas¬ ter Charlie; Mile. Joaevhine. emotional equeairionne; Thomas King. .Mile. Virginia, Heny .vtagrlno. Mens Perrile. James Ward, clown; Theodore Tournlare, George Wanibold, Matt GeMer, clown, and the I.orenio Brothers. The price of admission waa SO ccota tor adulta and 23 cents for cblldrea.

Widely Advertised in Frisco--Many New Faces With Show
San Francisco, April 12.--.\1 G. Barnes* big four-ring wild animal circus comes to thia city next Wednesday and, thanks to a busy brigade and the good work of Frank Cassidy and Tom Ileeney with the local press, every man, woman and child in Sail Francisco knows of It and is anxiously awaiting the cirrus' ar¬ rival.
That AI G. Barnes* advent here this year will lie crowned with buocess is an assured fact, foi San Francisco is "cirrus hungry,'* us are all the cities of this secti.m of tlie i?tate. ThU fact was amply deiiiniisiriied Saturday at Oakland, Just across the bay, where, in order to accommodate all comers, it was necessary for the AI G. Barnes Show to give four per¬ formances, two matinees and two In the even¬ ing.
While the show played Oakland a Urge number of San ITan-'lsi-o people availed them¬ selves of the opportunity to get an advance peek at it and were well rewarded for their effort, for never in its history has the Al G. Barnes Circus come up to the standard that It maintains this year.
As last year '`Alice in Jungleland." a gorgeous spectacle in which the entire com¬ pany takea part, is one of the outstanding features of the big ahow, and with Martha Florine In the role of Alice proved a source; of delight to the Oakland audiences. Mabel SfwW with her fourteen trained Bengal tigers la, as always, the one feature atlracfion of the show and furnishes a real thrill when she con¬ cludes her hair-raising act hy wrestling with* "Rajah.** one of the largest and fieroeat of the animals.
There are many new faces in the Barnes aggregation this year, tho the old fimiliar ones are still In evidence. Clieerful Gardner haa entirely revised hia art. whicn is more entertaining than ever, .\usttn R. King demon strates with his rebras 11i.n these animals are wonderfully capable actors, despite the general belief to the contrary.
Vera Venable presents another hair-raising act with her trained pumas, and Martha Flcrine with the linns prot ea herself a won¬ derful misfresB of these sa'aee animals. Pearl Hamilton manages the leopards In a capable manner and furnishes her quota of thrills to the cirrus patrons.
And here must lie said that under the capable direction of Kdward A. W'oe<-kener, Al G. Barnes* Circus possesses an excellent band. Mr. W.ierkerer himself a most rapalde musician, haa surrnundeil himself with a galavy of musical talent, producing a band that compares ftvorabl.v with the biggest and best concert bands of the country. He Is deserving of much credit for his arhievement
One more feature of the Barnes, Show is the singing of Bessie Harvc.v, "prims' donna of the white tops." who won round after round «-f applause at each of the Oakland per fornian* es. She has In her voice a quality that thrills her aitdtenres and n>oiinted on a big white horae presents a striking figure.
As heretofore, the famous Barnes trained sea Hons preve an entertaining feature of the show this veiir under ilm direction of Captain Daniel Williams, while the Itear act under A. C. King is at its best.
Captain Ricardo furnishes more thrills when he battles twelve huge .Nubian lions In the big arena, ending his dailng performance by Jump ing the Inioiense beasts over tlie hurdles
Clown alley was augmented when Jack Klip pel Joined the show in (iiUland and presents a array of talent lliat comes up to the wildes exyiectations of tlie sm.ill boy patrons of the show.
"ffklnny" Dawson, who ia handling the press wifh the show, is meeting with much success Judging from the numtier of notices in the Oakland papers, and has won scores of friends among the newspaper men of that city.
Among the recent visitors at the quarters ol the Lombard & Hathaway Shows at I,exingfoB, Mass, were Tommy G-'rmin. Tommy Veasy, Jimmie Ta ng. Johnnie Mack, A- B- Christie and C. P. Farrington, general agent of tlie Lin coin Bros.* Circus. Among the new arrivals at quarters are Cliarb'S Miller and his rougli riders, with twelve horses, w'lo will put on the Wild West concert. The hln w will open at Lexing'on M.iy 2.
Johnnie Mack has one of the nenlest framed side-shows the writer has ever seen on the Koiabapl .tr Hathaway Shows. He has all bis people booked for the seasim.
Temmy Brown and John J. Harmon have left the city to lain the No. 1 car of the John Robinson Circus. The boys in the Donnelly shop presented Brown with .i gold watch, and Harmon with a diamond stick pin.
Warren J. Sullivan, laat season on the No. 3 ear cf the Ringliiig.Barni'm Show, has recehed hia call for May 2. lie is one of the "sheet 'em np" boyo of the old school.--FOREPADOD wniiia

% -<56

T ti e Bllll>oar*l

APRIL 28, 1921


Blues, Reserves, Poles, Stakes, Rigging and Ticket Boxes


Send for Bargain Book for Used Tents

! i





Q. B. ChiK*. vrbo win with the 101 Ranch Show in lOlti, recently became the proud father of a IS pound habr l>oy. Mr. Chaae married "Toots" Butler. wt*o has many friends in the nhow business.
* Charles Miller, tirho says he -was 'with the Buffalo Bill Show in the "nineties" with his trained horse. asHlHled by Mattel Pooler, lunl a tryout with his Western art at a Boston Theater recently.
B. 0. Carlisle (Wichita Jack) was at Keith's Theater, Bustoo, recently, and visited his oldtime friend, 1... F. Foster, who claims to have perfected the spinning rope. lie is to play the fairs the rocnlnf season.
Montana Jack Ray--The Chicago office of The BllllM«rd advisea that aome allegis] information Waa left there last week which might prove or importance and interest to you. Address · letter to Fred Holman for details.

The Kansas CUy Rallssy Eouipment Company. U»nm 150 I'nton Station, Kansas City, Mo., with its full complement of Kitchen and Dinlnf Carii, Its complete Commis'iary Department and cump<<<ent crews of Chets and porters, who have been succesetully examined by mc.llcal doctors, is In position to htndio prlvsta parties, eicurslons, abowa, csmlrsls or land parties on tciciraihic notlos. You Uruefa the wire sod we will have cars ready e<4Uipped with ami and piiwislons for the trip.




<'AN PLACE a few Concessions, and can use folVo»ln<; fjcful Circus Performers, Muticlsns for P.lg Sliow Band, one strong Cornet, Clowns. Cook and Worklnemen in all departnumts. Will lease Candy stands to responslblo party, also have very attractive proposition to party who can furnish Side-Show com¬
plete. Conce^on Men, Notice: This Is a high-class circus playing one-day stands, and you have a dif¬ ferent crowd to work to every day, whU-h means every dar a big one. Musicians address llARKY HEIL¬ MAN. 310 Penn St.. Reading. Pa. Workingmen address tVM. WITT (Gin Mill). 113 Maple Aw., Chflun. S. I.. New York. All others address ENGEL A ELDRIDGE SHOWS, 128 Benringer Ava., New Brightsa, S. I.. New York. Show opens May 2. Camp opens April 30.

Direct from the Factory and Save the Dealrr'a ProfiL WE MAKE TRUNKS AND CARRYING CASES TO ORDER.

Al G. Field passed to "Other Shore" at the matinee hour. Sunday, April 3, HCJl. The next day, George Kelley, old circus Iea{)er, took eter¬ nal departure, .\nd then came earthly end for ' Tncle Ben" Wallace, eln ua magnate of the old S' Ih'Ol. What a Trinity of Men.
^Of "fncle .\1." I Bald gisal words and true. Kow I pay tribute of remembrance to the other two.
The w.irld nev.-r laid claim to a more polished and flnislied p.-rformer. on ground and In air. than George Kelley. He was an acknowledged champion. His daring, intrepid but graceful flight, from springboard, high over the harks ef gayly bedecked horses, eamela and elephants, and hit flight thru mid air. d 'ifi-d with »'racrsaults. marvelously thrilling, lives in the mem¬ ory of thousands as the greatest sight to them, when in happy rhildhoisl's environment at the circus. .Vn.Tone who pleases, instructs and im¬ presses children is great and mighty--hat a heart that's right, and dcservi-s and receives the best which God hands out. Gcrge Kelley was a kind pi'ieon. not rich In m'>ney or pMp<Tty,

but a moltt-mllllunalre and more In Honor,

Lola B. Parr writes a friend in Boston that ·he is very busy adding to her extensive ward¬ robe for the coming season. "Miss Parr,'* writes the Boatooian. "is noted as one of the ·wellest dressed ladies in the Wild West game. She will ride huckers. as usual."

WUd Wait People In aU lines. Address all mUl to GERALD FRANZ. 1667 Baker St.. DetreK. Michlga*.

I»TaIty and Truth. "The OM I.eaper" waa the

frst dear pal of the "Minstrel King" to say

acroaa "The Divide." "Good morning. .\I." .\nd

then came "The llieisler Rage" to join them both

In rest and haIIow.*d j«.r.


B. E. Wallace ('Tncle Ben." circus dan

calletl him) had pecullaritiea. and three of the»'

Billy Binder, of Wild West fame, left hla in the city and working out on Mr. Burnett's low allow! beer as medicine now, go. as I ain't were; Amusing the Public, Making Money and

home In Nebraska early In March In a "side ranch, near Iowa Tark, where he has 2:,ort0 feclin* none too well today, will wind up fer Doing Things. ,\II humans score mistakes. "B

door Pullman"--with his household goods, farm acres for them to romp over while conditioning this time.--SOBER SAM.

E." was no ex'-eptloa. Those he made at this

Implements and two horxes--and is now located themselves for the contest.

hour we consign to Crucible of Truth, and find

on the hanks of the Hudson River, near Albany,


that then the floldcn Rule of his hiiay life em-

N. Y., on a farm, where he will enjoy the ·Imple life. No more show business for Billy, ·O aaya Mrs. Binder, and what she says most generally goes.

The Trlangle-F Ranch Wild West opened the season with the L'on T. Kennedy Shows at I.eavenworth, Kan., April 9. Tlio the weather was a little cold, the opening was nported very

blaxons all, removea the tarnish of the same

Visit Al. G. Barnes' Show at Fraino. and sounds forth the glad acclaim; "Saved b;


the Grace of laove." Here are · trio of ahowfnik realm--Gone.

A. L. J. writes: "Sty, please keep 'Sohcf ^am* alive and healthy. Some of the stuff he
Is off is worth the price of The ltil1tH»ard -- B timea over. I wonder what some of those inning.catch, eawdust range hands would do if they pulled It on a calf off a hi>rse? I think

good. The lineup with the Triangle-F' follows: Alberta Jim, owner and manager, with his rifle shooting and big loop catehes; Sandy Warner, star bronk rider and fancy roper; Texas 1 eroy. bareback bronk rider; Montana Kate and her high jumping horse. Silver; Cheyenne Flo.vd, trick rider; Joe Manning and his funny bueking

Barry Gray writes from Selma, Cal., that be and bis wife (both oldtimers of the white tops), vi>ited the Al. <5. Barnes* Show at Fresno, Cal., April .'i, attending the show as invited guests of the management. They not only enj'iyi-d the performance, but load the pleaaure of meeting many of their oldtime frienda with the show,

Paswd On. The three troiipod together, visited together, all by the "three WTe and ten" mark of life, each a type unto himself and each leaving a rllfferent harttage, or example, or lesson to the mass of living who knew them lovingly and well. They almost died together; all crossel over within three davt' time. T*

I would fall over backwards and break my other mule; Minnie Garry and her beautiful .trabian ' iz.: Manager .\. ?,. Sands, Skinny Dawson, human sense. Iv'w strange that the figure "8"

(good) leg to see them do it.*s see them menage horae, Wiehita; Jack Dalton, tickets; John R. Fowler. Butch Kvana, Al Flosao, Grace figured much In the earthly passage of these

heel a steer once in a while. 'Sober Sam,' Pm "Kastua," bead groom; Juanita Smith, chef; Gilbert, Madam Burilion and her boxing midgets loved and loving apostles of tented field. The

for yon.'*

Fat I'atteraon, head waiter; Harry Walker, l>oss I King and I'rlnce), and Dick Wayne and wife, Initial start of each In the "White Top" world


who have the .N'o. 2 side-show, the "Oklahoma waa on the "third of the month." and their

Outlawa* Exhibition,** Quoting Mr, Gray: "I greatest accsmpllshmenis are recorded thus:

Jack King's I. X. I,. Ranch Wild West seem* to be getting bigger and better each year, and there la no danger of the Wild West show losing its poll when shows like Jack's are produced for the public, is the report from Rubin A Cherry Shows. "King is a t.vplcal Wild West hhowman," contlDiiea the statement, "knowing every inch of the game, and able, should ne¬ cessity arise, to practically give the whole show himself. This year he has a flock of oowhoya. cowgirls, horsee, itonlea and steers, and hla ·bow ia one of the most pretentious with Rubin Ac Cherry Shows. Inc."
"Bill" Sherman pronounred Cy Compton'i bBnch of Wild Westers on the Ringllng-Barnum

Dear Rowdy--Say. maybe you can help me out. A feller asked me the other day If an up-to-date Wild West performance meant cowboys bein' dressed in white duck er wliitu tl.inncl (ants, wearin' rubber canvas sneaks, doin' their "death-defyln' " atunts. This feller claims that he bets a ranch that hires that kind of help must have cement trails an' shoe their saddle ponies with rubber pads. He says that the piililic goin' to see a cowboy show expe -'s
to see cowboys dressed like they do on the job at home. I tried to explain to him that a
banch of fellers walkin' In the arena, parkin* pitchforks, an' another fl'ick of 'em ridin' on a mower er a binder would not be near as sen¬

muat voice my approval of the ahnw. its sm'sith and entertaining presentation, and the aatisfying effect in Ita each and every department. The clown work in the big ahow waa `fresh' and eniovahlc, especially the 'hit' done by Bonea Hnrizell. His <sin'epti"n of the 'lone pugilist was extremely funny, and reminded me much of the 'baseball stent' of the late Silvers Oak¬ ley. There Is a 'homelike' atmosphere around the Rarnea Show that is aeld- m seen with big shows, due. they tell me, to the fair and eoiirleoiis treatment by the management toward all conne<-ted with the aggr<>gatlon." Albert Willdner, the man with live fae«-a, joined the side-show at Fresno.

Three hetfer. every way considered, never lived. They did much good. On the "Shore of H'mewherc," I'm sure, they're together, chatting. Tlsltlng, tptiiping over again the old days by "wagon, boat and rail." Bless their memory. Ever keep It green with tffe<'t|.in and esteem of those they amused, those they did klndness«`S for, of relatives and friends. If I had the say, I'd lay their tired ont, pulseless bodies side by side, where the circus comes often, and on a monument of marble I'd Inscribe; "The World Will Never Have Tiielr E<|ual.**

·how of the right sort to put on a erackerjack ·ihibiiion. when he (Text saw the show in Madison i^uare Garden a couple of weeks ago. He gives the list as followg: Trick riders; Hank Diimell, Art Boden and Kenneth Maynard, and Madeline Durnell, Fanny Neilson, Billie Mack and Miss Smith Trirk ropers: Hank Dumelt, Art Boden, Frank Smith, Kenneth Maynard and Johnny Rufus. Bronk riders; Frank Gusky, riding them harebaek (with aureingle); Bud (Whltle) Herlin, riding them backwards, four being ridden at each performance. Madeline Dnmell, aaya Sherman, ia really an all-round performer and rides Roman atanding, naing two fiery horaes.
lAie reports have it that Tom L. Burnett and Bryan Roach are preparing to repeat the success of last season at the Wichita Falls Koundii|>,

sational as a hoy daahin' out all dressed up In a golf suit, siftin' luickwards in liis s.uddlp, wav-n* his hat an' hollerin'; "let 'erbiick!" \
man told me in Tulsa. f)k.. not long ago that he was goin' to put out a Wild West show, festiinii' file "cliampeen oil driller" of that State. Said It had never been done an' ouglif to make a bit of money. Wliy ia It that all "f them "suretiling'' birds that are ao sniart in their own line of btzness always pick on the Wild West show er eontest hizness to work on the pulilic when they wouldn't know a atrs k hand from a pros(leetor if they met him in broud daylight? I'm goin' to see a movin' picture tonight here that iidtertises Hoot Giiison. Now tiiere's a Nebraska
kid that don't have to have anyliod.y double fer him when he rides a hronk. That boy. fer his size an* weight, la purty mean on Tidin' a bronk--aome bulldogger, an' has tiet n to a lot tif contests and gathered In purses. Of etjurse,


Somorvillo, Mann , .\pril l^^.'^Ei'orfono

ur'Yiind tlie qTiarfoni

hxiny ifottinjf fho Bfl*

Tnf»nt RroF · Shf»wN In xhape fo <»pi*n May

M.i'or KnjrliAh and Eddto Craham havo tha

t|rk»'t nrifl

paintril and Irttpp'd.

and will now Snlsb un thn buKLMffo wajrmiN, T1m»

Ri`»(*k ia in

''ondIMon. A! I/Tn.Tn ht»N iho

Ikid show* and will Itavf' f*l7lit pira and a brand

n»*w lin<» nf l)urn4»r< IVid ('(M'lirtne baa fhn iiand and ?! C. rdak<^ will In* roniraf'tinir asf^Qt.

li. Farlind will hav<* fho ranrna. Harry Sfcarnea

will mannjo ttif* atanda and *'on»'<'aKlona, an<l

1»aTr rnrrdl wiU a^'t oa aaalftant mai'NRrr and

aTip«*rtntf>ndf'nt.--J. O. LOMflAHD LSbow


I: il'lmerc, .\pill ir. --The Monnuental City fa enjoying some real clr-tis wesflier and every shots man here is pn-paring to hit the trail Recent visitors to the city were I><»c and Ben Cline, of aide sluisv faiiir, on their way to join the Walter 1. Main ( lints
Work Is progressing at the u.mrters of Hunt's New MiHlern SIiows In re, and M.ini ger ('has. T. llii'it iiredicts a prosocroii* season with hla oterl.-'iid aggn-gatlon I'lie iitttnt will consist of flfte.-n wagons back with the allow, and » touring car In adtsnee. Tl-e Dakota Kids Wild Hast will be a feature In the roncort.
Jerome and Tetii ILirrIinan will leave her# Atiril lU for Beni. Ind., to Join Hie Jiilin Roliln son rirniB. Totii will again lie among the fea fiire aeta on the big sbow program, while Jerome will lie cashb r of candy stands
T'srney Ddusrest nod his hl-ii jumping horses will open a six weeks' engagement at Lllwriy

April 2R, 29 and 30. Arrangements are being he's handicaiped a whole lot in makin' Western

fhicigo. April 12--W. J. (Stiui) Allen, of Heights T'lirk ,\prll Id

made for several thousand additional seating pictures, cause he don't write the storlea an* t'i« S'lowmi n's I^oigiie of .tiiierlea, returned

IM BilliiiS'by. Kc.ison on the Main Show,

··parity. The seating capacity last year not has to do what the director tells him, but he from H!'>im`ngton. 111., Monday, where he look wi'l 1h> with the Joiin Hoblnsnn Show this

being enough' to handle the crowds, resulted In C.W do real cowboy stunts an' not fake them. t'e lK,dy of llrnest .K Lane, of Hie nyiiig aexKon.

·eretel thousand being turned away and eaiised That's a lot more tlian many of them "wild- Wards .ict who d>''d of Injuries sii'^crcrt last

Frank Myres. formerly treasurer of the John

performance, the last day, to come to an men of the movies," as that feller who wrote w-e.'k wliile working in with Hie Roblns'in CIr'iis. and his liroHicr, Jolin. arr

·bnipt end when one of the upright beams of "Texas Jack" Sullivan calls 'em. ran do. Did 'Vlis-riofo rirciis In Hie i olbi-.iii. Burial In the ailctloiioerlng business lieie.

the uterloaded grand stand cracked, and a seri¬ you ever hear yet whether "Texas Jack" had was had In Bark Hill Hemefery Ithsinilngton.

Bob Ileniiieail of RJi.irks show fame. Is In

ous disaster was narrowly averted Fog Horn got his ambition to move In that "social at¬ Resident show iHo;i!e and Hie .tm -t'can Legiop. tho eltv after spending Hie winter In llminoke.

Clancy Is secretary of the ronndnp and has mosphere" he craves? That boy means well, of Hie Illinoig rllv, had rliarge of the fll'iertl, Vn . and Washington, D. C, Bob lias bit ball

ettabliahed offices in the city and ia waging a but be ought to go at It sort of <|ulet; he'll w lilch oeciirri'd trslay. Flowers were aent l»y the giiiiie placed tn one of the parks here for

relentless publicity campaign In an effort to get the boys a laughin' so hard at him that he'll nis'iagement of tht- Sells-Floto Cirrus, by dif¬ til- siimmiT neintlis

make the affair the biggest thing ever staged In be a comedy flimer instead of s "wlldman" If ferent performem and by H. R. Gentry, mana¬ Tile M.'CasIlii Bi-erlesi Sliows open the aeaaoo

the "OU City." Many contest bands are alreafiy he sticks to the ideas he wrote about. Well, the ger.

near here .\prll 23.

APRIL 23, 1921


Writes Interestingly of His Travels in Foreign Countries

Harry Friedman, who rei-ently returned to

.Vi w Viirk from Europe and the Far Feist, In-


1 he Billlsiard as to eondltioiia in tli"se

. ... iiirlcH. Says Mr. F'rlislman: "As one of the

..i.l.,.t I'uloiilal elreuB and theatrleal managers

liiMllhg, and having Just arrived here after a

liitir ( .`'oiiili Africa, Australia, India, ('hina.

Julian. Java and the rnntlnent of Europe, It

Qj.ii .'f lnlcii-st to your renders to know ths

r.,ndiih>ns in those countries at the present

i ^ i J H ' |||l |g||j

HID nl|| eWniW

.lustraill Is undoubtedly the moat pb'sper>1 country of all the colonies. The re-
(·Hi ts arc alMiiit double to what they were about forty liars ago, when I first started there in the ''hen business as lithographer for ('ooper A liaihy's Hreat Amerli*an Circus, and afteroarl I' manager with F'rank M. Clark's Ameri¬ can coni|isnieB. Williamson. controls 'he b.eo ilie.itcrs and its productions are of the h,»r In vaudeville the acts are poor and noth¬ ing like »e had over thiity years ago, nor the
nildnstions we had from America, like ildly Kmnson's Minstrels, Clark A Hyman MinftrcN Fields A Hanson. Cogll Bros., Ouda Caretia. Wilson A Cameron. May A Yohee, who
were under my management. · In the circus line, WIrth Bros, are there
w'at Itinglirg Bros, ate In this country. They CM' Idg shows and have a great reputation.
S tiih .\frlca Is only good for a elreus, as all the theaters are under the control of a trusi,
) C .rsniuently. difflcult to obtain dates by s ti.iiring lompany. except for com-ert parties. a- till re Is a Municipal Town liall in every town whl.h .'an be hin-d. It Is eicellent for
a elreus. ss there are over fi.tSlP.ttOtl nativss and ab ut I tssi OttO Dutch, who only patronlxe a circus. I Intend taking one there this year.
I1 have been. a-ss.- cl,atcd . with ,every circus that has tu en till re during the past thirty ycant



(Continued from page IH

`"nvlncingly upon the long list of

inside. "Doc'' sure turned the crie

Herron with his pit show, luy Mi '*`e ··Iking, and John Metz with 1

®` elreus

and freaks, had

«nd s'eady patronage all c

pn; .hhqW PF.lirill;.M.\.N

., ,


Interior of the big top

paintedh''*"w*r .iite. Twenty I*le*n''*g i^^ked reserv-ul seats proved in

In the F.a*t ' J* .. ,w,I!,,i.ftn/ts small

alrlial sh'«ws. as I

t B


hut there is a


I have lately been thru

It vtl Italian ('Ir-us Hate

h'lstness was pt.en .menal. We played twic#

diilr, inf'IiMlnf Sunday*, for ttn w^k* Id C*i-

"Utt» and twelve

In H<»inb#r,

"I would not re*'onimend japan nndcr tny

HrruTn«?nn''ea. It ia the only raee during all

my truYfla that I could not deal with.

"On the continent of Furope I found in TIuo*

CtfT. Anatrl* and Oermany that the theater*

actoBiniodste the crowds, especiall '* "f tile race horse people i

'he spectators, augmentei

hundred soldiers from .\tKrrdeen. s

`he tent as soon as the doors v

o'Wesney proved a masterfii

director ind under liis ckiDful dircci

pt< srtm

run off without a hit

Smith officiated aa announeer and

audience oiaAcd a single a

Kowler'a Hand rendered a half-1

and then the tfraud entry filled th#

track and the rinita Thia form


leader; Jerry Martin and his hand of 14 inn airians. singers and dancers; rrinerss Marie. Medusa, Millie DeLang, Oriental department,
iiig Show Band: \V. B. Fowler, director; F Diehl, L. M. I.,aBree. Wiihur Btiiigliman.
ij. M. MeNany, C. K. Ixmg. Jim Ward, F, it \\ eisenharger, Albert Nolze, Sam Sn.vder. Fliarles Deidrick. Frank Stevens, (lien Ballou, A D. Cresky, M. Cl, Sherman. Billy Iticharls and
Klmer Price.

Will Appear at Police Picnic at NevV Orleans




More '..jli shout bulls, ss etcphsnts are cstted

*'r* UP

Altho Jumho an Afrt* an


hr waa

tame 'I'here waa an

li.iit owned by the W. W t'ole Show for

"ly vesrs, .'sllcd Ssmson. snd tddtlmcrs that

b.iih JiimlKi and leimson cislmcii. If

Hnlig. that .Ssmson wss the heavier of Ihs

1' W I'olc, I r'lli.i iiy the rc llc·l clr-tis '  III the world at the f'ine of his diMili. s» ld
1 lcl|rvr, to Bsmuin «V Bsllcy Sain-

'I'Hill from India, and auiiposid to lie very ·III on the war palh acvoral Ituii s and

-· I lots of tro' M*' w-s Iioroi'il to dcatli

J *.

' I

siilinal hi'iisc at Arc years sf >


waa dc-

* " * I s*vii.-it III tell nl'oot was itic time


· gr. at. .t .. .irr t i n.r I fc In init I

'· tallll.g

;|... f,...,, ,,f S:i,|l |,Mkl...-l'» etc-

>nt show-, a carnival attruilon V«c had

It aliowa oil the last day i'>alurdi)) at

tre llaiilr, Ind .Ml t>f us were tired out.

· n vipreas car was cngsgi-d on the aiding to

I thr tiulta to thr next town tiwing to ao

''·y mtc. rnd rata In the barn ww had kept

r · ullt In at Terrr ilauts. Ham thought w#

(Continued on page Tl)

It Is clalroMl that ttw Tory l..'wsiidc t'lrnc floutli Anii-rlca. Tin- sIhiw Is run on the .Vuicrlc tnaitlvw years (not n twiua) witliuut olosmg.


Tlie Dtllboard

APRIL 23, 1921


Amusements and privileges at

Of Interest to Denes Pavilion Pro¬ prietors


Thr Trcanury I>rpar)mrnt at Waablnctoe, taaTlru; nilt-d that <>n ladlra' tirkrta of admls> aiim In dannr iiaTflmn', wlirn aold at a lrat«r

price than that < hara<-d Ic men, the aame las


mint be rollei'led on the ladlea' llrketa aa that rollerted on the srntleinen'a IKketa. aa aa-

noiinred In The illlllHiard, lasue of April 9. the


latest design in which the turna in previous rides are eliminated. In addition an esiiecially designed old mill is being installed.

nes* for the entertainment of the public. Sunday, but the weather was so dl«agree'ible- It was evident that few people would visit the

followlnf rorreapondenre between L H H< hlnaa,
Keneral manaser of lilen Keho Park, Waaliinston, I>. 1^'.,^ and the ufllee of the «Cvorm.umiulia--ltouner
Internal Hevenue, bearing date of April 11,

A mammoth Kerrla wheel is to be erected jiark. hence the jmsiponement.


of importsnee to smusement park operatora.

Has Pre-Season Opening

also a meiry-go-round. The Central I'ark orchestra will again furulih music for dancing.
In addition to the new device* the nmial Hhows and eoncegsions will he In >>v1d"nce. M»y

The park, in<-liiding grounds and tmuscmcnls, has been put in tine condition and It is annouicd that everylliiug will be in operation Sunday provided flic vvc.stlii r mau dues not sgaln In nd
out u blizrard.

--xir. James >1. Haker,

"Deputy Conimlsioner of Internal Revenue,

"Washington, D. C.

"Dear Sir--I'nder dates of January


Kebruary -'H. lll.'l (your file numlier ST tftiW).

i;8 is the day set for tlie opening <'f ihe park,
Pittsburg Park Has Been Thoro- and it is expected that all improvements will

_._ ,

you Informed me In reply to my Inquiry of
·lanuary 2. 0, addressed to Ct ommissioner Williams,

he completed by that time.

as follows; Hist for dancing at Glen Echo

ly Overhauled, Attractions
Added and Many Picnics
Pittsburg, Pa. April 18.--Westvlew Park opened Sunday, April 17, after having been tboroly repuiutcd, new at*raclions added, and a large parking space of leu acres, oidasiite the main entrance, installed. Resides, walks have been all resurfaced with a granulated alag, wbiih practically makes a coucrele surlace; while Ihe |>urking space inside the park and the new space outside have hc-eu coverc-d with cinders. Now the parking apace can accommo¬ date mure than 5iai autos.
The |iark niunugemeiit has Inxckcd mure- than twice uH many picnic* us in loriuer year*, ana some of llie liest fraternal, (calnotii, civic and religious scaieiies in Allegheny (.'ounty will bo guests of tlie park, besides a number of churches, public and Sunday school picnics.
Besides llie fiunday hand cHiucerts in April and May, |criur to the ulticial uiH-uing on May 211, they will run a scries of Saturday dances under the auspices of the American Legion.
C. L. Bcures is president of the Westvlew Park Association, Walter Williams secretary and treasurer, and P. 11. looker manager and publicity promuter. The latter la now in Europe looking over amusement parks and attractions ·`broad, with llie purpose of introducing new Xeas in the park upon bis return May ,10.

Atlantic City, April 15.--May 28 has been act as the opening date for the new Uendezvoii* Park with Its whole blm k of attractions, mskIng the first park to figure prominently as an nttraction at the shore. Manager and President Oscar C. -Turney is making every possible de¬ tail of arrangement for the big date.
riementon, V. J.. April 12.--M. Michebon, proprietor and nianaser of I'lemenion Park, riementon, N. J., is elated over the in-lalialion in his park cif the first "DcTby Ya-lit Itace" machine plac-*>d in the Es-t. "I feel that this attraction will note than meet tlie approval of my pstron*. We al*i> have a Noah's Ark with a new feature showing Ml. .trarat. which gives the ark adde-d sltractivene< Mr. 'Michelaon The Derby Yacht Race and Noah'f .\rk are creations of the Kentucky Derby Co.
rharleston. TV. Va., April 11 -^ohn Crow¬ ley, who for the last eight years has owned a rnntjrilling interest in Luna Park and who actively managed the popular Oharleston amiiserai-nt center during the summer, has sold the controlling shares of slock to other Intereats, said to he beaded by S. .\. Moore.
It is planned to open the park this season

New York, April 15 --11 .T Sinken. publicity niuiiiiger of Golden City Dark. Canarale, states that the park is going to take Its pls'e among the leader* this season. Messrs. Hosentbal pros., owner* of the park, are making elaborate preparations for a big season, according to Mr. Sinken.
"The park i* situated on Sand Bay. "n the beatitiful shores of I'anatsle." says the pub¬ licity man. "and there will be no more Barren Island, a* the channel Is being dredgcnl to allow large boats to land at the new pier that i» bemg built by the Messrs Rcenth-ll Brc« to allow picTcie parlies to Isncl right on the slcores of ('.marsic, where free chairs and tcbles will be- fnrnisliecl for patrons. .Virll 10 was a big day and every car coming down into Canarsie was pac kcHl."
Mr. Sinken gives the following list of conce sions at the park: Root beer iisrrel and skee bail, fliarle* Polish; V'vans' auto », Harry Kaufman; Rosenberg's dancing dolls. K'rank Dickens; goat ride, ranarsle i.ut eollcge. funny house, Rosenthal Bros ; rotter coaster. L. D. Tee; stnsiting gallery. Mr. Noon; whip, flying ships, old mill, carousel, dance hall and a number of other*
New Orleans. .Vpril 16.--Hydroplane ridea over Lake Ponfeharirain will be a special feature of the summer season at Spaaish lort, which opens Sunday, April 24 The T'rollc, a new riding devi.-e, is also being installed at

Park, where I have made the established price

for gentlemen at 4V and for ladles at 20c, the

lax for each would be .V. In accordance with

that ruling. I have had my ticketa printed and

those prices will prevail for the single admis¬

sion tickets for ladles and gentlemen when

purchased singly. In addition thereto. In or¬

der to farilltate handling our patrons and to

relieve congestion to the danre pavilion. I de¬

sire to sell one ticket admitting both lady and

-gentleman. 1/ '

Eor thisj ticket Ihe establt^sb>ed



when the one ticket is purchased to admit both

the lady and gentleman.

"May 1 re<iiie<l information whether or not I am ·otlecilng the proper tax on ibis panic

iilnr combination tlrke't that would admit tbe

lady and gentleman!

"80 that 1 can place an order for this sly!,-

of ticket, may I ask for an immediate rnlit.g

covering the mafferV'

The reply to the above communication, sign, 1

A. C. Hoiden. .\cling Deiuity Commissioner

read*' "Refererce is made to your letter o-

April 11, 19.*1. In which yon make Inquiry re¬

garding tax on tbketa sold a* follow*: \|an,

4.5c: lady, 2f>c; couple, RH.-. The tax on these

ticket* should be .5e on the ticket for * man.

.5c on the ticket sold to a lady, even llio ii 1* said for only '-'V. and 7e for ticket ai'mitiing

a couple. It therefore appears that >oor con¬

clusions in the matter are correct ·'

Tnder the former scale of admla-mn price*,

the park would receive 65c net, hut by tillliz-

fcig a ticket admitting both ladv and c-ntle-

man, the net to the park totals 68c, an aadi*


about May 1.5. Selection of a manager will the park and other roncessions are springing tlonal 3e per couple.

be announred soon, -nd it will probably be

up. "Happy'' Schiller's Jazz Band will furnish

Preparing for Opening on May 15

Charleston man. All of the old features of the music this season. the park will be retained and Ihe construction


Davenport, la., April 14.--The management of Forest Park has taken full advantage of the fine weather to put the 'finiabiog touches on the paik for the opening, which will take place May 15.
Ueo. B. Williama will again be in charge of couceasitm*, unle-s he decides to permanently remove to Mexico, where he is now. In the meantinne Burt (urban is going right ahead with the Ills, ing of his carousel and rhooting gallery, hit'll, with ten other concessions that have been cuiitractei] fur by him, will make
a good sliuvviug ill ibe park.
The park management has made several chances in Ihe ts)uipment and buildings, re¬ pairing and repainting until tbe old place looms up brighll.y.

of a swimming pool, along with other modern improvements, is being planned.


Columbus, 0.. April 15.--On account ef snow and freezing weather last Sunday the preseason opening of Olentangy Park was postponed until April 17. Everything was in read!-

The British government, shocked ly the models of 1921 bathing suits for women, baa decided upon government control of women's bathing costumes. A bathing rostume controller has been appointed--Dr. Addison, Minister of Public Health, and he aitks that eostumea extend from the nedt to within four tnebea of
the knee,


.\kron. O.. April 14 --<* I, Eiaier. po .qlar

Akron showman, has acce;,tcd the m.;n*cc:i-cnt

of the Summit Beach Casino for the l`.>21 sea

son. Elsler wsa manager of the G and uper*

House for several year* and recently ha* heen

aasociated with the roanseement of the Hippo

drome anq Ar-ad* Th»tter Co He lia* l>een

In the rhow tumliie** more tl an 25 te.ars. Mu

b1c*1 comely *nd van,1evllle will 1, Die house

policy and the opening wi'i take pl'i. c M*morlal Day. Herman tnroui  es il.:. tl,.' fren*

of the theater will he rel.u.ll

Benurlellng of HilaHly Hr,II. tl-r l.ig fun

house at the park, will b.* eonipl.t,,! in 'ln>e for the opening of the *e.i«<in  .. April 5i>

Mary imnro-ementa are ii-d'T wav in, In,tire

the installation of a new fun de

It,at will

especially api>eal to the chiHren

.riiy Hall

The toiisier is being overhauled and painted uii for bu'iiiess and will probably start run¬ ning in a week or ten days, as an in -reasing number of people are visiting the park every day.
While It Is tnie that fully 50 per cent of the workmen of the Tri-Cilies are out of work, still all moving picture houses and dance halls in Davenport are doing capacity business, and from the way dates for pienles are coming in

In the heart of the dty of Wllllunsrort. called the Riverside Park. About half a mile of river frontage, good bathing beach, lota of shade. Rurround.d by 60.000 people witliln the ra.Bus iif sli miles, street car line within one block, also High School and Athletic Park within a block. Electric light In the park. The Ponnsylvana, New York Centra] and Philadelphia A Reading R K have aide tracks there. Would lease It to party that has some g.rod outfits (or amusemenL O00.I
place for circuses. Would sell all or part of it. The prni)erty may be leased very reasonable fur this year. The party that owns it now la too old to bother with it. Any other information wilt be given on Inquiry. Address

FISCHER'S RIVERSIDE PARK, care Upde{rapli Hotel,

Williamsport, Pennsylvan'ia.

wa* built two years ago Lloyd I,ow1her. manager ,»f tl.
will bring to Akmn this ·rnsfifastest skaters of the country ( races

Her rink, le of the
RCllc* of


Manager Watkins looks for the best season since

A big casino. 70x90 feet, is to h,- crr,'ltd on

be opened the park five years ago.

Cri>,-ent Bearb on Ealero Islanl -u .lea*ure


re*ort for Fort M'yers, Fla H w.ll U- a twostory frame strurliire with dre«*iiig loom* ou

the ground floor along with ccaice-* ,,n tu*»lh*

Nlpw Y'ork. April 12.--Arnold Neble. of Ihe Kentucky Derby Company, state* that he has Juit been api,ri*ed of a bill that was rvuenlly introduced in tbe New York Assembly that is

"Race in the Jungle

and a realaiirant. On the upper tl'* r will tie a dancing paTlIion.

of vital Importance to amusement device luannfactarer* and operators. This bill wa* ir.lrodured on March 7 last, and is known as As¬



sembly Bill 124,5, Int. 1121. "1 feel that every showman in the jand.
particularly those in New 5'ork State, ahnuld get a copy of this proposed law and then voire their protests again-l same to their resiieclive

Made pnrUMe or statlanarr. BIG FT.ASH. Tlita game is no experimeot. BIO FLASH. Don't wait. Write today for full information
Sale Agent. A. H. B0RNKES8EL. 1448 Culver Road. Rschattar. New Vetli.
Do not fall to are the machine in operation at the factory of the I'illLAURLI'niA TOliOGG.VN CO., 130 East UuTSl St.. Germantown, I'lilladelplila.

State Senators and Assemblymen. Park owners,

especially those owning ride*, etc., uho'ild lake

especial note of this matter. This is one of

those `do it now' propositions and should mark

the beginning of greater alertness on the lart

of showmen to protect their Interesta.''


W CSsrc* ktrert

Nte Verk CNy.

New York. April 14.--Consummation of the deal between John J. Stock, inventor of the Gadabout riding device, and Con T. Kenn*-dy, Tom W. Allen and their associates of Ihe Gada¬ bout Distributing (.Mrporatitm of Kansas City. Mo., aecoiints for extension of the crlglnal manufacturing plans to provide for the ct-mard already evidenced. Ijrge contracts for motors have been placed with the General Electric ('tiinpany. which ha* designed espeeisUy effi¬ cient t.vpea for the puniose. The Ameri,`an Car 'B<sly ('orporalion's Philadelphia plant has ae, iired contracts for supplying the Gadabout bodies.
Rockford. HI.. .4prll 16.--^The wortt of pre¬ paring Central Park Gardens for the eummer months is pogresaing ratiidly. A force of men is cleaning and grading the grounds for the erection of various new rides and shows. Tbe management la erecting a giant coaster of tbe

THE MONEY-MAKING RIDE. Carry capacity, 1,500 personH per hour. Sparc required, 80 ft. In diameter.
Write for particulars. WHIRLPOOL CONSTRUCTION CO,, INC., 30 Church St., New York City.
OI'KHATING TIIUfiirOHOUT AMKUICA. For complete information address our Kxecutive OfTlces OVER THE FALLS CO., INC., · · 1403 Lytton Bldg., CHICAGO. E. J. KILPATRICK, Prssidant. Telephone, Harrison 1500.

Mr. Hull la pii'tlilrtit and manager of White City Park, Hull*, IdalM), and wall known ilB»Mlf park men of Um Northwest.


^TATinNADV nr PHOTARI T 30 Dodgem Rides Now Sold for Early 1921 Delivery. Write or Wlr«

OlnllUrinnl W rUnlHDLL

Now. The Output for This Season It Positively Umited.

NOTE--This is not a pencil sketch nor a revival of a past bloomer, but a proven, b^actical Dodp^em, in actual operation to the public. Don't get tied up with persons infringing and lose your ride besides paying damages. We know what our rights are and we intend to enforce them. See Patent No. IdTdlOS held by the l)odg«*m ('orporation. \ few more early deliveries can 1)(* guaranteed. Investigate this propositioi\thoroughly. The latest Dodgem ride sf)ld is 20 ears to (leorge J. Cleveland, for Venice, Cal. Also 1921 Dodgem rides now in operation at South Beach, Staten Island, N. Y., by Henry Tirelli; Calveston Beach, (lalveston, Texas, by .\rnold Neble.

First 1921 Dodgem owned by Henry Tirelli, South Beach, Staten Island, New York. Opened March 27th.

MAIN OFFICE: 706 Bay State Building, LAWRENCE. MASS.
Authorind Rortsintitives: BERTHA GREENBUR6, NEW YORK OFFICE: Rooms 801 to 806 Longacre Build¬ ing. 1472 Broadway. Phonr; Bryant 7835. MILLER, BAKER & McKEE, Box 427, BALTIMORE. MARYLAND.



T'aiiirr Hci< lirnthnlrr. Writer known r n tlin

Bowvry nn

ban drnion.trnted bln idr-

lorial palDiInc nrllntry on tbr front of Abe

fli>ldenlM*rp'n Uoy Uei-h bn. n IwrlTe-dr.* act tbal in . oti-

crdini to be eX'eptionaUy well prem-n'-d w ttb

the ass.'inii.e of Hob, Fred Honker and

Billy Snell. Doc Miller aaya tliat Ilappe Holden, formerly

of Luna I'ark, U now general agent at Ibe I'nt-

temon Show:*. Fooey I'land'n large altendanre for the pant

two s'lindavx bu. bad vl»ible effect on the

patronage of Bnxiklyn Then ter*. Texan Coo'^er in iMioked for fb# Ilagenbeck-

Wallace rara for the *ummer. Joe Short, the midget wrbo formerly appeared

In "A Trip to the Moon" and `·Midvet City,"

ha* joined the B. A H. Show, likewise an¬

nexed a wife, Harry Nforrln. formerly a talker at Cci ey

Island, has the elrens side show with the

Superior Shows and Wtfey Hese is there to

handle the bank account, Buddha Harry Sloan, the English lingttlst,

fammis W Itls oratorical nddrenses In heralding

rarioos attractions at Coney. 1* now on the

Paclflc Coa-t. Wonder If Harpy recalls our

bally-boo for the lUlf Woman-Half Flab? Blnie Olrndorf, publicity promoter eitraop-

dinary for ''noc" |{eniy`s Band, says that

··poc" will not play st the Sltelhonme Hotel

the coming summer, ss he will tike hit bar-

monl-ts into xaudctlllc. where ".\rrow" Pop.

per and >111 L»" Flynn will make the audl-

rn-e sit up. notice and applaud their aetlrltles.

Jimmie Orr reports that Frank Bch.sfer la

building the new aiitomatlr ride at Hamptoti,

N II., that will be 'me and a half rol'ex long

with a dip of 108 feet.

Charlie I.Indau blew In from Rendezrout

Park, Atlantic City, and TisIted bis old pats

at Coney Island and Incidentally wlaed them

what Boas Oa.-ar C. Jumey 1* doing at the

City by the Sea.


Cspt. Rmith will base a nose! show at I.uii* w th midget actor*.
Warren BIcbarda, last summer at Luna and during the winter treasurer at the Academy. BreoklTn. intends apendlng hta anmmer In sun and tea batbt on Coney'a bearb.
Speaking of himself. Hoc aars that he la booked to boost a rarniTal In Philadelphia un¬ til the attrartiont of Coney attrart him Islandward.
Walter Sibley, who handles ererythlng re. Rulred In tbowdom. ofttimea refer* to the guod times when Tayloe'* Walk was the Coney mklwiy.
Arthur T/palle, aerording to tba latest retxvta. will again act aa auperrlsor of ca*hlcra and ticket taker* at Taina.
John Branch will l·e(-<>me an actlre partlrtpant at Jimmy Kingl'a Clrni* Side Show.

Ready for Delivery On or Before Inly 1st




A few of th* abore are ready for Immediate thipmeut. Thew are In oourw of construction, together with our regular orders. 40 In number. Ttie "Derby Yacht Bace" a:'.d the ".StOTte Coutest" are new creations of oura and are constructed and operated ou tlie same principle as the Derby. Those now In operation
hare prored oonclualrtly they will outshine in popularity even the great Derby,


for the Penny Arcade and Dance nail Man we hare for quick and near future delirery 6 LOOP-THE-


KENTUCKY DERBY CO, Inc, 10( John Street, New York Ctty.

I RIVERVIEW PARK, Located Three Blocks

»omtb« heart of


WHY? Seeand Richest City ia

HAS 76


manufactories. 250,000 

U, S.

drawing population. M

W.4NTt» Rides. Games a-id Concessloiis of any kind that are legitimate. Park opens May 7, 192L 

Bierj Caoctisiontlre at Blrerslew. Ll;.rla. naade big monry last season. Get In now. Write

PARK MANAGER. Bax tB7. Elyria, Ohio. 


of erery kind and dewrlptton at JOYL-'N'D PARK. .Atlantic Hiirhlands. N J. Prlrllege and Concessionistf wanted. Flat rental and percentage. ALEX 8. FISCHER. Gea I Mgr.. Joyland Park. Atlantic Highlands. N. J.

A. D. Mattfeldt "will Introduce "Frozen Sweet*" to Cooey Ultndere and A. D. is not at all alow aa an Introducer, for he nailed "Xelae" to the cro«* at the Casino on Tue day last.
George Smith, formerly of - AI Reeres' hup leaque show snd more recently at Keeney's Theater, Brooklyn. N. Y'.. will have his usual concession at I'cHman's.
Dan O'Brien, the funny clown, all dolled up and no place to go, jumped to Fooey to re¬ new acqiiaintan.-e* and. take it from "Noise," I'an Is there with the gecls any ways you lake him. professionally or sorially.
"1110 fhandler Building is the land of Hope for numerous aspirants to cooeeesion* and en¬ gagements for Luna Park.
Charlie (not Pool Miller, the peer of all

eomhination ticket sellers, is slated for a front l"\ at Luna.
That I.ur.i will he safe from fire Is a fore¬ gone contlusion, for Chief Higgins will be on the jo)> again thia summer with his efficient tire brigade.
Al Cooper tells us that he would have copped the coin with hia randy ronfeetlons if the cops had not copjied his concessions.
Director* of the Pineinnati Zoological Park Association hare re-elected these officers: Pre-ident. Charles P. Taft; vice-president, C. J. I.ivingood; freasnrer. C. 11. Uembold; sec¬ retary, C O. Miller. Sir, .Miller is also busiresa manager of the Zoo.

Being Made at Al Fresco Park
Workmen have started repairing buildings and placing new slruiliiies ami landscape gardners are busy beautifying Al P'resco I'ark. Peoria, 111. A line of high-class coiiceasiuna and big outdoor attractions bate been booked. Among the tree attraetinna booked is Uare-UeTil Do herly, in bis leap-the-gup thru flaiiiea, and oilier well-known features. A number of big fireworks disidays liave also been arranged for. The annual regatta will be held in front of the park as usual, on the Illinois River and Peoria laike. Kdsel Ford, son of Uenry Ford, It among this season's contestants. There are numerous summer cottages in the vicinity of the park, and the Illinois Yacht and Canoe Club and the I'eoria Yacht Club, adjoining the park, are among its steady patrons.
R. W. Bennett has purchased 'Kissengen Springs, a resort outside of Bartow, Fla., and is in.slalling new chutes and other features to make th^ place one of the finest pleasure re¬ sorts in the Slate. J. J. Cannon, Bartow, baa the restaurant concession.
Chester Park. Cincinnati, had its "First lxH>k Day" Sunday, April 10. and altho the weather was rather disagreeable quite a num¬ ber of park enthusiasts were on hand afternoon and evening and all rides, etc., were in opera¬ tion. Dare Devil Doherty furnished thrills for the crowds with hi* daring ride down a long incline on a bicycle.
The Menorab ITospital Association has leased property at Surf avenue and 21.'nd street. Coney Island. N". Y., for use a* a hospital during the summer months, pending Ita application for a rehearing concerning a charter for a new hospital.
Arnold Neble, president of the Kentnrky Derby Company, reports great activities In the parks in and about Providence. "Bverythlag look* rosy in `Little Rhody,' " say* this little hustler of the amusement world.
-Among the recent visitor* to .Tohn J. Stock's "Xiadaboul" factory in Philadelphia were (jOB T. Kenntsly. Tom W. Allen. Harry J!. Tudor, Joseph Mercedes, Paul D. Hnwse and Captain Bertram Mills and *on of London, Eng.
T.. I.. Campbell, manager of the Casting Campbells, writes that Managers Golden and Stone of Paragon Park. Boston, Vaai., have bofiked the Ca-ting Campbella for three weeks at the park, June 18 to July 6, inclusive.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN OR INTEREST! I have taken up with my patent attorneys' counsel, Munn, Anderson & Munn, of New York, Chicago and
Washington, the question of infringement as relating to
They inform me that as at present advised THERE IS NO EXISTING PATENT infringed by the Oadabout. ON THE CONTRARY, they advise me that a competing attraction, which has been extensively advertised, constitutes an INFRINGEMENT OF MY PATENT. Within a week or ten days look for important developments in this situation. (Signed) JNO. J. STOCK, Sole Inventor and Patentee of The Gadabout.


T ti e Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921

1117 Commerce Bld(.
Horr.e Phone, Kerriton S6£7.

r. M. Viriioii. formerly agent for the iiast

three aeasoiiH with llie Miir<p|tolitan Sliowa, wan

in K. C. for a half day, .\i>ril <1. beaded for St.

Fant. Minn , where be was to aaKUine the imwi-

fioii of general agent for the Capital City Sliowa.

Mr. Vernon -qieni ii abort time of tbe I'eriod be

was in K

at our office.

C. S. Brook>. of BriHika* .Vll-American, .VIIEnion Band, on Harry E. Billick a Hold Medal Hbowa. and .V. It. Uicharda. a muaieian wTib Mr. Brooks, came in to see ua Saturday after¬ noon and give our viffire '·the on-e over" Both -Mr. Brooks and Mr. Richards call K. C. borne, aa they both lia'e relatives liere and make tliia "headqnariets." Mr, Ri-liarda has tlie drums and trvinilMine on the Br'sika Baiid. Tlie Bissiks Band is a feature with Harry E. Hilli> k's Held
Medal Shows.

E. W. Farker. concessioner with the Kehoe A Davla Kliows. waK In K (' .Vpril It puri basing some supliea for hia concessUma. of which he baa four, namely, two doll 11.01018, ham ana bacon and landies. Mr 1 aiker was a caller at
this olli' e.

r. .S. BtedabI, formerly with Huy Johnson on the World's Fair Shows, and bis wile, were in K. C. April .N for a few l.oiits. and came up to our office and made us a u e little visit. 'They were en route lo llieir lioiiie In it. Fgul.

Ifr. John E. Haldemuii. well-known magician, and owner of tbe show known us tlie Imiierial Entertainers, was in K. C last week, and, iu
eomiiany with hie wife, failed at our office.

"reatlnf.** after flniahini some time for flir r II. O. Mr. Yuuna bae algncd fur the eumiucr Keaetm with Earl (Jurdlnler, leaving here at>out the middle of April, aa rebearaalt fur this rum panjr start then at .\ut>um. 111., for tbe u)M'(iitie about the first of May.

Crank Hedmoud and wife, formerly outuee>i<.ii pe<i>le with Wurlluiirs .Memo Shows, hate liecii in town since tbe tlrst of the year, comliii: I ton, Snu rrancisi-o. Mr. and Mrs. Itedniond trill noi t;o out this season. They are mitkliia K (' ilou permanent home, u- Mr |{,Mlnioiol is inalins'ei of tile Itadiuin l>ye <'oni|>nn,v Here.

Millurtl Turner, the iianitle..s ttoio|«r, tttiiis ns from ttelina. .\la., that lo- has Iril tlo- .l< .miit .1 .lont's Ciposition. unit o)m n*si with ri,',t Weidenian's Pit Sliotv INI I'oln. k llro. · .'ii 1'.;^.
M'orld at iioiiie Sliows at .Mobile, .Via , Vi.ii h lie WHS tvllh .Mr. Weldenian last seas n.

Jess Hoe and Nell Roe. hia wife, left here .Vpril IJ for Miasiiiiri Valley, la., where they start rehearsals with the .Vnlger Bnsi * Company. Mr. Roe railed at our otflce fre<|iientty.

This Arausrmwit Ride Is moderate in cost, eitlly Installed and operated and a rrrat fiTortte with your patrons. Nothing can equal tbe Famous Snap of * THE WHIP" We can make prompt dellrerles.
W. F. MANGELS CO.. Caaty Itlaad, N. Y.

Tlie .Vulger Rrotheia left us .Vt>ril 10 for Missouri Valley, la., where they start reliearsala for this show at otn e. ready for the njienliii;, May 1». Roth these yonui; men are very inter¬ esting and entertaining to m«et, and we always eujoyed their rails to our olll. e K. C has t>een the Aulger Hroa.' home for tbe iiast four year*, and they are |>Ianning on returning here just as stsin as the tent season la tlniahed
Penvacoli. Fla , .Vpril 14 .v Coaster and Ocean Wave have arrived and are being ae' up in Bay View, Fi-nsacola's gulf beach re sort. Th.a le'orl will be Improved in vther ways In-fore the summer seta in debnltely.

8. J. Edwards, owner of Edwaids* Congress vif Wonders iL'Oin 1 ebowt. 011 IFiiiy E. Blllick'a Hold Medal Shows. Ed I'.Ied'oe, tbe tall boy, measuring S ft . 2 iuebes, and only l!i years of age. and I><m- Hrs.rge Ilaiiimond. talker for Mr. Edwards, were all callers at our office last week when the ebow tilayed Rosedale, Kan
Stanley Carter, musician with -V. U. Esiick's Band on the Con T. Kennedy Shows, came in to bid ua giHst-liy .Vpril .'1, as he left K. C. that day for I.eavenworih to Join tlie Kennedy organ¬ ization, opening In Leavenworth April 0.
Ray Smith, pianist with -V. !>. (Rod) Murray's Girl Show-, with Con T. Kennedy, also left K C. A|iril 5 lo join these shows.
J. C. Gage, organizer of the improved Order of iN'er. eaiiie into ilie offii e seeking informa¬ tion. Mr. Gage is from Spokane, Wwli . tint has been here for the imat year, and for the last sti weeks baa been organizing the above fraternal order, which is a distributing station where nieuiliers can obtain groceries, supplies and everything at wholesale prices. It ia nut a "ahoW' fraternity, but hag members in the profetaioD.
J. C. Gates, press representative for Harry E. Billick's Hold Medal Shows, spent a brief half hour with us, April 8, on his way to St. Joseph. Mo . the show's stand, after" leaving here. Mr. Gates ia a very interesting conver¬ sationalist.
J. J. Conley, last year with the BackmanTinach Shows, wag Been at the Coates House last week.
George H. MeSparron arrived in K. 0. last i week, after a tour of Kansas with hia band from 'Christmas time until the first of April. Mr.
MeSparron is one of our most welcome callers and makes our office his headquarters.
G. W. Fletcher will be one of the musiciana with a band Heorge H. MeSparron will have on a Dubinsky Show, and arrived in town -Vpril 4 from Flttaborg, Kan.
8. H. Fraser, of Des Moines, la., writes that bia CarniTal of Nice will open there .Vpril 21,



Can be "ect up on the lot without a bolt.*'


There rldee are made portable for Camlrala ae well as for Parks.


2 Reefer 8t.





Alan I'zzell Biplane Aeroplane Cars for Circle Swin*.

Spanish Fort Park
Opening of Park, Commenc¬ ing on April 24, 1921
Would like to hear from all hlgh-clau Ofier.alr Free Arts who may have oi>eii dates to suit our conyenlence between April 1 and Ort, 1. IMl. BOOSTERS' ASSN.. SPANISH FORT PARK. INC., cart New Orleans Railroad A Light Co., Baraant and Ctatmon St., New Orleans, La.




Poppinq and--rRoasIinq


Get the Money!
Action creates interest
Lot o' pep! Attaboy! See it revolve and roll out that beautiful white pop-corn. Oh, man! Deliciou.'?--I'll say so! Mm-m-m. Look at those folks crowd around! And l-Miy! Say they can't get there quick enough. And you making great--big prohts.
This Kingery Pop'Corn Popper

Voiingsli wn, O. .Vpill H -So numerous ' been the rettuesis f,.r resertations at tbe Idors Park dance parlllnn that this feature will open the last week In .Vpril instead of the Brat week in May. Tbe regular park season will begin Sunday, May 22.
II (j. Tyrwbltt'Drake a memlter of the Junior ( arltun Club, old Charierhouse t>oy, and director of four compaolea, is In log In a rararaD at tbe World's Fair, Royal .Vgricultural llall, Isllngton, England, looking after hla mmakerle and two freak shows In which he is Interested. "Tbit work is my bobby," be said. "I bate lieen doing it for twelve years. .Vbout iwelie years ago 1 bought a puma, then I followed with a lloneaa and aoiue W"Uea. i now have alomt the third largest rollection of wild animala in tbe country. I have Dearly 2U0 of them, including nine lioca. aeten bears, leopards, hyenas, vultures, os¬ triches, wolves, monkeys, eagles and llamst I have trained lions for ray own amusement and have taught them to stand on pedestals, alt lo chairs and Jump over my hand 1 hive here, besides my menagerie, a colle< lion of freak animals, and also 1 am interested In another aide show, a mysterious woman, who apparently only has a bead banging In tbe renter of a well" 1 yrwhiit-Iirake it a former Mayor of Maidatone.
Ben Mays, former Hagenbeck-Wallace Mller, was In retry, la., recently on hualnens He la traveling auditor for tbe Moose Lodge, with headquarters in Chicago While in Ferry Maya called on Horace I)e tlrush, now advertising manager foe R M. Harvey's I>tlly Chief, and Falmer Robinson, wbo la in the rlotblng bualncaa. They were on J. E. Eviafon's No. 1 Car <,f the H.-W. 8bow four years ago

Always Attracts the Crowds


Why? Because it is full of life--handsome--beau-


^ t fully made for junt such purposes as fairs, camiv'als, circusca, amiLsement parks, picnica, ball urounds, etc. You'll be delighted. Each revolution

Climb Jacob's Ladder

of the cylinder ejects the popped corn. The unKingery Popper i\o. 2j0, popjyed remains. No buminR or breaking of corn.

Climb the lad¬ der and get a

A labor saver and money-maker. Don't fail to investigate.

Cuple Poll It louka eas) Hang

It on a pole nr


trm and you are nady fur hual-

popping and peanut-roasting machines to fit in with every line of business-- DruR, Grocery, Cigar, Fruit, WhoIe<5ale and Retail Confectionery, Moving Picture Theatres, General Stores, etc. Write today.

inse And they all try it, for It looki raay. You can learn to rllmh It in 3 nr

KINGERY MFG. CO., Cwi; Cincinnati, Ohio.
Established 1881.

and win present the beat in American and Eu¬ ropean Midway amusements.
Blaine A. Young arrived here .Vpril 8 from Chicago, and will be here a abort while liefore going out with a carnival. Mr. Voting had an Monition on hia eye, altoiit a month ago, in

J. C. Moore, press represents tire fer the Ron¬ ald McHn-gor Kliowa, baa sent ua a rllpplDg from The Mr.Vlesler .Newa-Capital, giving an arcoiint of tbe two weeks' siieresafiil engagement tlir-re of the MrHregor Hbowa under tbe auspices of the American I-egion.


4 lioura-
furnish the Wisile game --
laihh-r, rhtlr.t. algo and cuple lioll -- all you have to ilo la to tlml Uie isile and you aie rrady fi-r h u # 1 n e a a
ITb-e. M2.00. Half cash with
U. (iiilrr. balancw C.

Itis-hester, Minn., but la now Itaiking and feelg "bt.'* Ue was a caller at our office.
H. W. Herderahot will he with MvSparron'a Blind tills season on the Siegriat-Sillioii Sliows. Mrs. Hendersbot will liuve a ueatly framed conc( ssiou with this allow.
I-'ord .Vgm-w airired in K. C last week from

Jolin T. Chick arrived in K. C. April 2 from ( liicago, where lie flniah<-d a very aatlafartory vaudeville engageiiient with an art on the Hippodr-iiiie Time- Mr. Chick and assis-lalea (ireaented a four-i>eiqile art, known ns "Hmithy'a Finish," a sketch hitroducitig novelty painlliig Mr. cliick will !·« In K. C. until almut May 1, as he is organizing a sliuw of liia own to go ont under · aiiv as.

Merry-Ho-Hound, Ferrli Wheel. Whip or Arroplar.e ('·ruusaell*. Few wqierla open. Alsu waul othn Conrrasloiia If you're looking for a live ai«>l lct'» P»rk up and go to Klvi-rslde Fark, Janravlll*. Wll Fark op-i.a May 13. Writo or wire B. J. JONES.

s». laniiH. He will je with M<-s'i>arroii'a Hand. T>i> k Colliiia, liallooniat, will liave an art out Circle Swin|s Chanted to Captive Aeroplanes

Fred Ixirber arrived In town April t» from Miami, (Ik., and call<-d at o<ir otln e. Mr. lairber sold bia lluwaiian Show- to a (lliii <-ii liange of .Miami, which ia sending it out with Hawaiian pictiina. Ilu is now making aMangenietiia to

shoitly to be known as Colima A U<-<-d a Flying < .r< ua. Mr. Collliia lias l.een in K. C. the last few weeks, after some vaudeville engageiiienta, iii.d lit and bia wife drop into our office la-caalonali.r.

Our Arroi Isiis rer. lpft arf, from (wo to live tlrovs tisiae of Cirri* Kwlngt HKNI) for CIUCfl-Ah N*w Ciptlr* Arrot i|ulrkly fnrnlahrd. HAHVET A MI¬ NKS. Mfra. 20«7 Ikiston Hoad. .New York City.

connei-t with a carnival or circus, and ezpecta
to be in K. C. alxnit a week. This ia Mr. Lorber's home town.

Tot Vouug was another welcome caller at 22-Pi*oa Ualfaratfd Csactrt Saad tor Park work. Uo the office last week. This la Mr. Young's home avunrhrr*. Hist* salary Addreit all letters to town, and he baa been here four or flee weeks ACUCHT KOHI'I. Buz Vt. Houdtn. lilnnatoU.


APRIL 23, 1921


ril'Il.'lt.s IS TWtl MII.K CMAMI'

i. I!. .li . V I'l l> r« I1"W l«u mile rbaiiiplon rdler · i.\ni.g «uii iln title fr-'iii Kulaiid Cloiil

,1, , · bniil rate at tin- raHuiliiiiii Itiii*. St.


... 11 gill, .\firil II. 'ITie fullo»|ng

. ,1 iPe V.l'llil» lieell li l-Hed from W .\.

i,i:i <. - re'.vry of the .Mlssuiiri AsstKialiuii <>r

IP '..r k.i'.is;

l b. iMiiiuile rhaniplonsh p ra. e roe. t Just

,1 ' ibe rallailiuiii llink. M l>iiil». ».i* the


lae meet ever lield hele I he

, . «,1 el laeiiig fail- liat Iiirind < ut lo see the

jia ,1 »s^ Ml great that it p«> paid

fet Hie The t lal co I of the meet, in-

1 ` rc railiuad far. B and Hal pr re- |iaid out

I,, k 1 kkairs, bei. des the purses put up,

a: ::i.i.d to about |1..'4X). I here were alM> two

l,,«ii'.liil . . donated by Hie Cbleago Skate

(. I. .11.} and the Itiebardson Hkate Company.

Mill !i M. iii to fipil and s.v nd men. Rodney

I'et. r-. the M inner. Maa given his choice of the

e.e-. a'.l t' hi was award d ibe other.

' About .l.issi ex. ited fans thronged the beau-

liliil iii.k aii.l wlial ...uld be more appropriate

t; ,n I"

a li.iiiie )»')' carry ot? the honors?

A faliu* leport eanie out that Citmi won the

. .i:m|. .1 « p iri.iu I'.'t.ra in Chi.ago in Ibis,

Mil. I. I', lets Mas siipi.OM.d to have been fouled

1.} I'l.M an.I .|ml tiu' meet. We all know tliat

( 1. "ii M.'ii llir > liam|.ii.iii.liip several years before

t>. It II..'. I SI..I 11 M..iild l>e uus|H.rtHUisullke to

all. \v K.uh a re.aift t.i go Ull.'.>ntested. Ci.ini

M:.- and SI.II in. a ebampion. Me only

|i.>. » · I M.. mile . Iiaiu,.i.>ushlp to I'et. rs.

·'Hut niiiih iredlt ran not be given I'et.-rs (or li:» M'.o.l. rful f erforaianee. Me Maa ready to (.. in I'.'ife. t condill.ui, an.l when It.Nlney is |. .J) t.> g.> iiu akatrr in the M.>rld ati..uld
'a* af! .. I ..1 1.. t.ave l.eeti t»'aleii by liim. for be IS a M..;..l. r. l...t!i f. r abilily and generalrliip. He M.'ti Ibe graii.l bnal in Mlist 1 believe it r....l.l time .1. a Hat tra. k- ' A''.

·'Uliver a youngster from Newark, N. J . M k Hi. k.nsalK.U of H.e meet. Mis pac« In the giaiiil 'inal wa» killing, in whl. b I believe all Hie I-. k will agr. e with me. This boy,
Miili a liiMe more i xperiern e. Is sure to cop the rbaiir,.i<.ni.hip of the world for noe of the dirtin ek Kd.lie hrahn did some real skating ilk... rbampii.n or no rhsniplnn, th.y all have l» travel s..:ue t.i beat the midget. Mogie Culkton l.H.ked very good all week, also Jack W -dHorlh, Ii it this lad Walters, with bis temllr w e, it and his peculiar stride, had Hie whole B. Id spread out and off stroke. Jackie Clatk. '.sJ me bad Sfiilla during the week, and WilKiii. a fast boy from Columbus, Just could Dot gi t going.

"The rek'jiis of the semi-finals were as fol¬ lows:
·.M.' night. Woodworth, IxiQand, Matenhour, lime, 1. 1.5.
`Tues<liiy night: I'eters, Walters, Clarke; titse. H ill
··Wednekdav night: Ciool, Colston. Krthn; time. *1 11
··Thuixlsy night; Krahn. Walters Johnson; tlise, li.UC
"lYidsy night: Walters. Colston, Wilson; time, rt iki
··Saturday night: Colston. Wilson, Clarke; time, tiT:!.
"Sunday night: (Jiiarter-mlle against time: Cisikt-n. 44 4 .'.: Wllwm. 44; Krahn, 45; Clarke. 4'i. Cionl, 4.` 4 .'i
"tJrsnd final: reters. Cl.inl. Kribn, Wallers. Colkti.n. W.ssiwurib; time, 5.4S.''

arf used by all the RIO Rinks In CHI¬ CAGO.
MADISON GARDENS....2,400 Pairs RtVERVIEW PARK.... 2.200 Pairs WHITE CITY.2.100 Pairs
Wliy not profit by these operators' ex¬ it aiid uso ''CHICAGO" Skates?

Good Bargains in Rebuilt Organs

ary, ISPS. This record sHU stands, as do others for 30 and S<U miles, which be made that year, lo Ibsp iHmoliue went to Molliiiid 'Itnd won the two-mile title in *' -4. making a new world's record. Me went abroad again in 1800 and defeated the Iwst skaters in England, Sweden. lienmark, Holland, tlermany and Rus¬ sia. .At the rai-es in Mollaud he won all four iotrroaHonal events.
The first ofll<'lal act of the Illinois Roller Skating Asso<iatlon, which is a member of the Satiunal League of Roller Skaters, was to in¬ vestigate the applications of Claude Anderson, Herbert Gulhman and John Schuknecht for re¬ instatement as amateurs. President Alien I. Blanchard, after hearing the evidence, refused lo allow the applications.
C. P. Farr, manager of the Naval Station Rink. Rockland, Me., has been added to the Board of Governors of the National I-eague, repn-scnllng hia State.
E. W. Con wav, 1011 FlTcr Third street, Evansville, ind., is on the Board of Govemoro, representing his State.
Freddie Martin, IT. Worth. Tex., has en¬ thusiastically nndrrtaken the Jot> of organixing the Texas Assis-iation and will take care of any inquiries relative to the new league.
I.ILI.A.V TAYT/IU WORLD'S CHAMPION Cleveland, O.. has another world's champion on Its roBter. for on the night of April 13 at Luna Park Rink. Lilian Taylor, city champion roller skater, annexed the world's roller skat¬ ing title for ladles by defeating Faina Reynolds of Detroit. Originally Mis« Taylor was booked to race Minnie Fournier, but in the meantime Miss FMumler lost her title lo MI'S Reynolds. Afiss Taylor will be at laina Park Rink all summer and hoi es to meet a number of the fastest lady skaters.
CIXJSES ONE RINK--OPENS SEVER.At Chas. Sixelove closed his Dreambxnd Rink in ^in Franciaco after a flftecn-monlh run and it

now operating rinks at Gilroy, Bonecla, Fairfield. Modesto and Capltola Beach, Cal., ac¬ cording to a letter received from him. T. A. Turner is his manager. Me slays a week at each r.nk, Hysleuiglizing advertising and exhibitions. Sizelove's tliree children give exhibitions at the various rinks on .Saturdays and Sundays.
Tlie Ilollenlrome Rink. In charge of Billy rar!.enter. has been moved from Sunbnry to Cbamhershnrg, Pa. Carf.enter writes that he has Is-gun the ere. tion of a building in Cbamti'Tshurg and expects to have it ready by April L*t'..
SKATING NOTES Biverview Rink, Chicago, closed its season Sunday. .April 17. Frank Mess defeated John Repsing and Roy S.hlafer in a mile race at Music Ilall Rink, Cin.'innati, .\pril 1». Marry Reeves of Montpelier, Ind., writes that he will meet Earl Ball at the Campbell Rink, Mancie, Ind., in a quarter-mile, half-mile and mile race on May 8. The Franklin Skating and Athletic Club, Chicago, will have its amateur street roller handicap race on the aftenioon of May 15. The Opal Athletic Club, also of Chicago, will hold ^8 annual 15-mile amateur street race on May
To Purchase The Billboard
. To what length a trouper will go to get a copy of The Billboard is shown in the following from It. J. .Moss, of Amherst, Wis.: "A few yeais ago I was on an overland show, playing Hie sticks near Detroit. I mss desirous of novIng for several reas.vns, but oouM not get hold of a Billboard. Finally I decided to walk to Detroit to buy one. Went around to the boys and managed to get the sum of 25 cents, This W.1B the best 1 could do. so you can understand why I wanted to Uave the show. The distance wis 27 miles. 1 started out at 8 a m., arrived in Detroit at 5 p.m., walking every step of the Journey. Secured a Billboard, ate a flfteen-cent lunch and started back to the ehew. where 1 had left my family. The rhow ·lad movrC 13 miles further away, which made the distance 67 miles, a^ ail for a Billboard, n It I would hive done the same thing if it I i l beet, 100 miles. You cm readily tee that I am a diligent reader at HM Billyb-'y.'*

rile (onditions tlieatrlcuU; In St. laiuis .ire gieid in stiots, but as in most cities tliose tiiui lill up the cheaper parts of the theaters artnut atteuding, as it is plainly visible when atteDdiiig a perrorniance that the lower Hour has the largest patronage. The balcony is rarely filled at any time. The picture houses are more fortunate, as the higher priced huuseil out on Graud avenue are mostly doing capacity business at 50 rents a seat, and this is not in spots, it is general. The warm weather is approaching and this will make a noticeable dilTerence in the attendant e.
The Pershing Opera Company, which close.! It local season April 10, probably will present a summer season of musical comedies and operettas in either Dallas, Tex., or Indianapolis, Ind., according to Director Roger Gray. Gray aaid: "Our plane are not yet definitely made. .Should the deal be completed fur a season in Dallas or Indianapolis 1 shall take the eomiiany with me nearly as it new stands. It la not likely we will have a season in }»t. Louis next winter. The Pershing Theater will again be operated as a motion pi. ture house."
Steve Woods dropped into St Louia, making eontracts for the Wortham Shows. The big show will play Granite City. III., about the middle of Slay, Jumping from Wichita, Kan , for the dale. Steve has moved bis household efleets to California and next month will be a resident of that State.
John A. Pollltt was in i?t. Louis, having charge of the Bubinson Elephants at the big Police Circus at the Coliseum.
Fifty years ago .April 5 said a news dispatch: "Barnum'a Circus is about to leave New York for the road. It will have an eight-cage menagerie, the largest yet to travel. Since the new theory of Mr. Darwin much Interest Is now to bo attaehed to the monkeys. Barrum advertises that each day after the circus gets under way a colored man will be fed to the alligatois, in full view of the crowds."
The former home of Grace Van .Ttuddlford, musical comedy star, in St. Louis County, was destroyed by fire. 'Hie home wis named "AtLast-A-Place" by the stir and was one of the handsomest in this section. The loss is estlmated at fi-TS.OOO. No water connection was responsible for the total loss.
 -- Harold Bushea came In from Cleveland, where lie attended the funeral of a dear friend, and left for Kansas City to lie present at the opening of the Slegrist-^lbon Shows.
- Twenty-five years ago Daniel Frohman contraded to pay Richard Mansfield $100,000 a yesr for three years. Mansfield was yet to reach the height of hUs career, which came two or three years later when theatergoers said hi* produoti.-n of Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" was the acme of stagecraft.
The New Capital Theater at Sixth and Chestnut streets opened its doors to the public April
H will piay on the First National Circuit of service. The house Is one of the handsomest In the down town section and was built from Gte ground no. Every modern convenience has been Incorporated and the decorations are beautl-

Inrstlsbly the fucasxfnl ruik owner fumlihrs ids pstruns with the N<st skitn mtde--RICHARDS<*\'a .since the first t air of IUchsrdvoo*l skates were tested Richirdson's skates hive rstabllshed an enviable rerutiUon for depeodablllty and service.
Write for Cittloc.
H09 Belsiaat Aveaue, Ckiraee

\VY L W 1

Exhibitional Aviation

I If
V- ^ tM

Ballooning and Parachute Jumping

Floyd Smith, head of the parachute niannfactnring company tn-iring his name, has compiled during the last five years some interesting data upon airplane aceidenis and how the lives of pilots might have been saved. Me has oolleeled Bew'spaiier stories of every fatal airi'lane ac¬ cident that has orctirrod since V.Hd. Each ac¬ cident Is listed under one of three captions, which the cvillcctor has termed "useless,'' ·'doubtful" and "could have saved." meaning that in the first case the life of the aviator rould not have been saved by a ehule. that in the seiond case the n'sult would have been

according to a statement made by the Informa¬ tion bureau of the post-olBce department.
Mrs. U. R. Cnilkshank, wife of the veteran balloonist and parachute expert, and daughter were recent visitors to The Billboard beadquarters. Mrs. Cruikshank did not state her husband's plans for this season, but assured tho aviation editor of a sun'rise In the near future. j-he and the baby Ju«t returned from a several weeks' sojourn out West,
Eddie Hubbard, air postman flying between Seattle, Wash., and Victoria. iB. C., April 8, carried a specially made gold pencil fnm the Seattle port eommission to Morinobu Ulrota, Jwnanose Consul. Mirola left on the Suvva Mam steamship at lit a.m., two hours before tbe Jeweler had the pencil engraved. Hubbard overlook the ve'^sel at Victoria and ptesentiMl Hie pencil to the consul.

Bo. 125 oro'lo^R

200 SCOUT "SHIPS' Ordered by U. S. Government

Involce.l M.nroh 10. Never been operteil. $1,150 00 outfit.
PRICE. $850.00.
Terms: Cush wllli onler, F. O. B. shippInK iMilnt.


Some twenty aviation coiiipanves. engagiM in coniiiierclal tlylug, are now operating in .Aus-
tralla. .since the establishment of Hie delivery s.vs-
lein three rears ago. 21 air mail plaiica in use by the I'nlli-d Stales air mail service have fiown more than 1..5<a*.iaio miles, and have carried In the ocIghhorhiKMl of 4O.lX)O,0iKi letters,

QTIIIA1T4? ' uv-t o vj o
Veme Trent, of Hie Dol.uxe .Air Service, Vvi.iiiy Park. N. .1., has i-oHn'lcted the overlianlli.g of Hip company's aircraft, which numbers eight pieces, and no doubt Lieut, Treat will lie doing stunts again sovm.


T ti e O 1111> o a r d

APRIL 23, 1921

^^7 pWi

A Department Devoted to the Musical and AmusementEnd of
TF?AAITR'nSC AAN'iD.TTEvXI?VP'On/^SCITT'TITO/^N\TCS' In Conjunction With Their Privileges and Concessions.



They Informed The Billboard that they hare a promise of 800 coach loads of folks coming from Milwiiiikee during the session. Chlpi>ew.i Falls has Ki.iHiO isipulation and vim enough for a much linger city. The Elks have chipt>ed

Secretary Rowland has also booked some excel¬ lent free attractions.
rro*|>ects for clalairale displays of agricul¬ tural prsluctw were never brighter and the m.'inagemei,t < f tlie fair la-llevea that the show

Plans Interesting Manufacturing hibits


Proves Welcome Innovation

In and added It.iHHi additional seats to their next full will set a new ncoid for the ba'al

grand stand which already seat* 7,t*"ti. Tlie exposition.

Louisville. Ky . Apiil l.'i.--line of the most

Billlioard has alreidy printed stories about

Intereatiiig exhibita planued lor the Kentucky

their amusement program. It will print more later.


State Fair is that of a local printing tsxticcrn which will publish a ^italc fair newspaper In

Co-Operation of County Com¬ munity Councils in Michigan
Has Added to Pleasures
of the County Fair
The fair In Kent County, Mioh., ia no longer merely a fair, l.ast year it beeaiiie the Hlun uf ilel.chtriil Ku< lal Katheriugs, and the reunion of old frieuda. Moreover, mote entire familieH attended it than had ever done ho be¬ fore. And more yet will attend it thia year. be. eauae mure iieujde will have had the upiiurtuiiity to learn of the infurination l>ooth, with ita pareel eheeking aerviee, and public telephone*, and writing facilitiea, and uf the speeiai proviaiuna made for picnic partiea.
IVrhapg no one is in a position to appreciate

Is To Be Feature of Canadian National Exhibition
Toronto, Cm., April 14.--For the first time in its history the Canadian National Exhibition is to have a music day on the program of this year's fair. It is fixed for Thursday. Septem¬ ber 1. and wPI share the dav with the women, wbo have b<'en honop'-l for some years in having a dny set .apart for them.
Plans have lieen ma<le by the ·llrectora for siieeial music feiitiiies on this day. Iieading «Iniirs of the city ar<* to atqtear in the evening III the grand stand peiformance and sirg popu¬ lar melodies. There will be recitals ami mu¬ sical demonstrations uf -various kinds and tbs singing competition is to begin on that day.
It is also Intended to have a competition for briiss bands which will be national in Its scope. Tills will be nn innovation at the fair. Eventual¬ ly the r. N. E. directors to have a great

For Opelika, Ala.--Officers Chosen
Opelika, .Ala., April 14.--It la now an assured fact that iipelika w:II put on an agricultunil fair next fall. .As mentn'ncd in a recent Issue, a corporation capitalized at $I0.«0O has been organized and will be known as the East .Alaliania Fsir Asso'Utlon. N. B. Renfro has la-en elected preslileiit; W. E. Pavis. vice-president; Walter Wilson, aecretary, and C M. Cannon, treisurer. N. P. Renfro, Steve Hollingsworth. C. M. Cannon, J. F. Williams, I/oul* Hickson. Walter Wilson, W. E. Havls. 1. J. Horsey and V. H. Cherry were rained dlrwlors.
The coming Ogle County Fair at Oregon, III . September fill, bears every evldenea of being one of the greatest events of ita kind ever held in N'oithem Hlinoit.
With the purchase of 28 pure bred gllta by the association, which were given out to the boy* and girls of the county, the fair has add-'il

the new mcr< liaiits' ai d uianufaclureis' buildlug now In (siiirse of cic<-ti<in at Hie Slate fair grounds. A linot.vpe mscliine ami piess will 1)0 In operation. It la also planned to show the maniifuctiiie of paper from the loiigli log to tbe tinislird b'lok. iltlier nianiiracturers aie idanuitig equally interesting exliliilta.
The new nierelianis' aud ninnnfacturers' iMlibliog, which Is to cost fllUi.tNN), vvlll Iw ready for the ·rpenlng of the fair on Se|iteuiber 13. The of the exiilbit room are HiOxltK) feet, and Secretary Cl. Carney Cross htaiea lie 1* infuiraeil it it the largeat buiblliig of ita kind in the country. It is to be uf conI'reie and sicel cunatruclion, with a .'id fisit balcony running around the entire Imibling Se. lelnry Cross statea that more than half the exhibit space ha* already In-en r)-sene<l and that it looks a* tlio even this treniendouM building will lie inadeijuate to bouse the ex¬ hibits of manufacturers and merchants.
The Johnny J. Junes Ex|)ualtion ha* been engaged for tbe Kentucky Slate Fair.

more than the mothers the rest teuts where they may go and lie down for awhile, or the op¬ portunity to bathe their faces, comb their hair and shake the wrinkles from their skirts before inerting their families and friends fur luncheon. Perhaps no one more than they appreciates the opportunity of turning the little tuts over to story tellers. Here they are held breathless with delight instead of being dragged over dusty roadways until, at the end of the day, both they and their purents are utterly fatigued.
Nut the least uf the innovations is the lost children service. If a curious youngster should stray away from its elders now, instead of bay¬ ing to search annmg the throngs for, perhaps, hours together, with all sorts of frantic thoughts running thru their miuds, the parents go direct to the iDforniation booth. If^the child has not already been found and turned over to women who are there for the purpose of taking him in charge and entertaining him, be will soon put in an appearame. At the fair, ail roads for crying children lead to the information booth.
Then there Is the playground. Just back of tha Information isioth, where older children Join In miperilsed play and games. And altho it it
primarily for the boys and girls everybody cornea back to it sooner or Inter--parimts, teachers and nil--^because the exiiert recreation director will bo demonstrating the simple but Interesting t.Iay equipment, and teaching all aorts of athletic stunts and group games that may be put on on the playground back home, or even out in the bam lot, without special equip¬
ment, and giving talks on the yalue of recrea¬ tion.
"It's mighty queer, to me,'' an old man was beard to mutter, last year, when he happened to notice the crowds pnessing in around the play¬ ground <0 watch a spirited g.amc. But it wasn't BO queer after all, coming to think of it. The

By Nat S. Green
Have yon ever walked around a fair grounds, and walked, and walked, and walked until your tongue lolled out--and you couldn't find a drink of cold water anywhere?
Have you ever seen a perspiring, womout mother doing her levs! best to pacify n couple of tired. Irritable and crying tot*--and no place for her to turn for rest?
Have you ever wanted to find nut when the next train left for Blank--and no one on the grounds seemed to know ANYTHING?
So hav^e we, brother; so have we. -Aud it didn't put us in a frame of mind to enjoy the fair or go awwy with a favorable Impression. Quite the contrary.
But Buch occurrences are bef-omlng less frequent, thanks to the development of an "enlightened aelfisUnesa." The social side of the fair, or rather the social service side, ]s receiving more and more attention. Few fairs ignore it entirely, and many of them are giving special attention to its devekipinect, to the lasting benefit of patrons and the lair itself.
Rest rooms, children's playgrounds, Informstion booths, lost children service--these are -.lome of the visible results of the aocislizatbrn of the fair. And it is not only the big fairs that are making steady progress along this line. In fact, some of the "big city" fairs are far behind their smaller brethren in this respect. But wherever the socializing service has been properly applied tbe results have been so unmistakably beneficial at to convince the most skeptical. Mothers know that they, with their children, can enjoy the day instead of going home worn out from the day's exertions. And, knowing this, they are apt to spend two or three afternoons at the fair, where formerly they went only one (lay, or cot at all. Everyone feels tbe effects of the new order of things. It conduces to good hui^r and aix-lahility, tends patrons home in a happy frame of mind-- and bringa them hack tbe next day.
Read the article on this page that tells 'wliat S'me of the Michigan fairs have been doing, and digest ita tast par.aeratih; "I used to get all tuckered out, but it ii as easy now to go to the fair as to visit old friends.''

Honsl'lsonvIHe, La . .April 13.--Preparations for an exceptionally fine fair are going forward here and tbe minagenieat of the South Louisiana Fair is confident that, the 1921 event will ba of more than usual interest.
Tbe South Louisiana Fair is an edncatloDtl insMtutlon. says the association's literature, or¬ ganized and operated solely in the Interests of tbe farm*, schools, homes, and the generil industrial development of South Louisiana. The plant consista of 23 acres of land. 10 exhibit bulIIlDgs, two grand siinda. a dance pavilion, racing stsbiet, half-mile track, baseball diamond, city water supply, and day and night el-ctrlc (dirrent, which enables the management to put on night show*.
R. Wieder* is aecretary and manager of the fair

Fort Bodge. Ia-, .April 14.--Plans for the rac*

meet which will be bel,t at the Hawkeye County

Fair and Fxposition grounds May 30, 31 and

Jnne 1 and 2 are rapidly nearing completion

and provide for entertainment nnexcelird In

its line. It ia announced that 130 horses, among

Hie fastest in the country, will be entered. Tbe

excellent track and equipment at the Hawkeye

Pair is well known and it is expected that there

will be a large attrndanre.

{ In the bisioriral pageant which will he ;!ven two evenings of splendid entertainment

s promised. Miss Rocknell. field representative

4 of the Thurston Minagement Company of

f Minneapolis, will have charge of the pageant.



T f Held in Atlanta To Promote World's

fair has always been the |ilace where the flneat products of the county have been exhibited, with


the latest and most praetical methods of making them finer still. Here was the human aide ot the fair!
It was net only Hie women and the children in Kent Cot nty who voted the new sort of fair very much werth while. Eierybody was enthu¬ siastic over it. And it was rM only Kent County where the S'M'ial side was developed. In Chippewa County very much the same sort of thing took jilaee. And in tVashtinaw. And in
at least a half dozen other counties. And it will be carried out Jn that many more this year. Michigan ia committed to the get-together idea. The fairs have lieen "socialized" with the co¬ operation of the County Community Councils, thru which Community Service, Incorporated, operates in the .state of Michigan. In Jackson the Idea took such hold that a great "com¬ munity'' tent was erected, with a seating capac¬ ity of .VXi, so that the "folks" could all assemble every day for a soi-ial program and a "sing.'' In at least one other county daily prograina were put on, and in another a quilting tourna¬ ment proved of groat interest to all the women. In most plaees, however, it was the informa¬ tion b<x)th, the department for lost children, the Btory-telliiig and the play ground, the rest tent and the picnicking facilities which made the

music temple near lie center of the grounds and tho program for this yeat's fair has been arranged to show the need and value of such a structure.
Arranged for the Shakopee (Minn.) Fair
Khak<)t>ee. Minn., April 14.--Entertainment galore ia proioiscd fur the antiiftil Scott County Fair to be held here Septeiiiiicr I, 2 and 3. tv. Riea, aecretary of the fair, has announred that he hat contracted with tbe Harrison tireater Showa to furnish the amuscmi-nt fea¬ tures for tlie fai-. There will be right *h ovs and two riding devices he says, aud in addi¬ tion ten free acts.
"A larger amount is being spent for amuse¬ ment than ever before." say* Secretary Kies, "and a* the Harrison Shows come highly recom¬ mended we ean assure fair patrons a worth while program."
}*ecret*ry Itu-s also promises that tbe ex¬

26 most enthusiastic booster*. These gilt* will fanow this month and the boy* and girl* are to rai-e the litters and exhibit them at the fair next fall. Suitable prizi^ will lie given
w tbe liest kbowiag made. On the Inst dsy of file fair there will Ik: a big auction sale at which time three pigs from cich Utter will lie sold by the f.iir ass'Hdiilion, the proceeds from tlie sale going to reimburse them for the original cost of the gilts. The of the -liter and the sow remain the propi-rly of the boy or girl to whom they were originally given.
The sum if Id-.'iflO has been hung up In r-King purses and entries for the early closing events are iHgtnning to come In. Five big free arts ha'e been engaged already, besidea other attraction which are lieing tssiked.
fine special feature of the fair will b* the Wg .'iO-pioce liand of Hie Kable Bros ' To. of Mt Morris III. The management extends a (ordial welcome to all coneetslon pnqile. Secre¬ tary J.sndera atates, and asaiires them of square treatment all the wav thru. No carnival company will be on the grounds or in the city during fair week and no exclusive conccaalons will be sold.

Atlanta, Oa.. April IS.--.A boosters' luncheon was held at the I*eicock Cafe here on .April 12 for the purpose of promoting Interest In the ptx>po-ed wuridja fair In .Atlanta In
The luncheon was attended by many of the leading business and tirufcKsional men of the city and short talks made by men ami women representing many dlfler-i.t lines of endeavor
M. H. Gleason, acting sccrctiry of the world's fair (ximmlttce. states that more than 2(X1 large roriioratlon* and other organizations, including milroada, express compai tes, fraternal onlers, women's rliibx, elvlc and ediic.x tional leaders, labor leaders, ctpitallst*. btislrcsa and profeaBlonal men are directly interested in promoting the world's fair.
Manitowoc, Wis . .April 14 --.At the annual meeting of the Manll iwoc roiinfy Fair Asam lat|on all of the old ofllitr* were reelected, ax followa; I'resblent, F. ('.; aecretary. F. r. Borchenit, Jr.; trcaaiirer. K T. Zrntner; vice preaidenla. John E'vcn and F'x*il Wllsman. A f'Kir-dav fair was d«*eldeil iijum, the d.lle* selected lieing August

difference, described this way by a white- hibits will be up to tbe high standard set in

haired, grandmotherly woman;

previons years. Tbe dairy exhiblla will be



"I used to get all tuckered out, but it Is as pleasant and easy now to go to the fair as to visit old friends."
Visitors From Chippewa Falls, Wis., Tell Billboard of Plans
Chicag*. .April 1".--.V. 1.. Putnam, secretary of tiie W.Ki'oiisin t>iate Fair, and Robert B. Clark, a :iiemlH*r of the fair board, both of Chippewa Falla, visited-The Billlsiivyd this week, chajieroned by W. J. Collins. These gentlemen are a section of the backbone of the great

e-pe*ially complete.
For Southern Iowa Fair--Brundage Shows Engaged
Oskaloosa. Is., April 13.--The Ib'Jl ` Southern Iowa Fair and Exposition will extend thru an entire week, Septerolicr 26 to Oeto`«er 1. If has been announced by Secretary Roy E. Rowland.
The exposition will oi>en oo Monday w-itli a free gate, while admission will be charged on each of the rem.xining da.v*. l'< iir da.vt of harness racing are booked, Tuesday. tVedne*.|ty,

To Hold County Fair at Abingdon, Va.

Ahlnirtjor). Va , April

tx(o«'k I'ornpany

la iH'inic orjcaiii/<*<) In WapliInKton County fot

of h'l'tlnir * o<#unty fair


TI't* roMii*any In to hu known flu* WiiNhIngton

<'onnfy F'.iir A'l'iofiaiItm and will Ih* rotiUH's^'d

of furniom r«*«>idin{( In fiii- county.

The WaAhinffton rrajnty Faim Hiircau U

);tnd the rnovr* and a* It la one of the atrooffioit

nrvanlratiftnA of Iti

In th^ Statw % fair

fi'cmft BMured.


At Huntsville, Ali., Promises Great Improvement
Huntsville. Ain., .April 13. Tin- se<-oiid Maillson t'uunly Fair will lie lield here ii-lol>er H to 13, Inclusive, acixirding to annoiin< ciiu'Ot made by Secretary H. C. Finney. I.iisl year. In spite of the fact that biilldiiiga were IncoiyI>leie, the rai'C trick unfinishcil and poonT graded and the dates Imletlnlte until tste In the summer, the fair was the greatest ever known I ere. With eiervthlng llnlsbed and the dates known month* In ailvaiice it Is iK'lleveil Ihst even greater sueeess will bo achieved thU year.

llUtorlcal Pageant and .Msrdi Graa that the Chippewa Falla Elks are going to hold In that city June 28 to July 4.
The Wisconsin amusement promotert are not doing anything half way. Somebody bolding a ticket will be made a present of the $.300.<K10 Hotel Northern and Elki* Club during the feaat.

Thursday and Friday, while an aMiaeilve pro¬ gram of specialties and noreltes la planned for Saturday.
The S. W, Brundage Sliowa have been engage,] for the week and they promise to furnish an aggregation of attractl<nis of high class. Fire¬ works vrlll be featured at tbe night shows.

riilcago. April 13--R. A. Hsiikln-on. of the TTanklnaon Attractions, wss a t'lihago visitor this week. 'Thu two Hankinson Wiowa will open almiiltaneoiisly, April HI, In Atlanta and ('o-
limibua, fit. The beginning, acrrirdlug to Mr. Ilaiikinton, wilt bo under especially favorable coodltkxia.

All of the hnraes of the TenneBsee-Alal*ainS
rireiilt will Ik- brought here and there will bo Beveral from the Grand (Ireult, It Is annouiieed.
The fair assiH tatliiD has made a (snilract with the MIHer Bros.* Shows, thru their agent. Jaek Oliver, to fumlih the amusement festurea.

APRIL 23. 1921

Ttie Bllltioarcl




Will Be Celebrated at Prairie du Chien,

Arranged for Twelfth Annual Fair at

Wi8., August 10 to September 10, With Spectacular Pageant



Amboy, III.
Amlxvy, 111., Apr! 1.5.--Lee County Fair will

Truiilp flu t'lili*n. Wl*., April Ifi.--AM of the I'nilril Stutrii and parla uf t'anada and Moxlro «lll i.ikp part Id a bi|C driiiunKtration laatinK ,,n.' month -Aiiguat 10 to Srptcmlar l<» It will

For Shows, Farks, Picnics, Ball Gaines, Dances, etc.
Orangeade, Lemonade, Grape Julep

be held thin year August 16-1!), icclusive. This will be the twelfth annual fair, and will bo a day and night event, with many free at¬ tractions, plenty of good races and a fine en¬ tertainment program In general.

|.r in iho form of a siH-ctacunar paRoant roiniijoiatliiR tlio linttli aonlrersarr uf tbr found-


William I,. I>'e«-h, secrelar.v. Is busy with plans for tlie fair, which he thinks will eclipse

iii( of I'rnirlo du C'bU'ti. KlatMiratn plana are brine made for thia

Price Only $2.00 Kund Postpaid

all of its predecessors in quality and quantity of exhibits, in amiisenient features, and In at

oiriit. wbli'h will IH- ki-uwn aa tlir Amrrlran Indian I'ruirnary, and one of the rhirf fruturra uill Im- a iirrat Indian rounrll. Trltx-a of In¬ diana In native Irntrii abodra are to be bnmicht IQ .(>.< lul tiulua fiom tbe \Ve<t and tSouthwe»t I'lftj- aeven aorea of Rround are under

six One Pound packages for $11.00 postpaid.
A pound tnakca almost a barrel. You make 80c clear profit on each dollar you take in. Fancy colored signs free with all orders for a pound or more. Trial package, to make 30 large glasses, for 25c postpaid. I'ut up in one pound cans and 25c packages only. Fully guaranteed under the Pure Food

tendance. Premiums will be offered to the amount of $7.o<.H) and there will be $3,500 In purses. Itaces will be run every day.
The liCe County Fair has the reputation of being :n ever respect a live one. .Secretary La'ech promises that there will be plenty <ff

.ra-e al"liK tbe Miaaiahlppl lElver aa a alte for

Law. Please remit by money order or stamps. No C. O. D.'s or checks.

good clean sh-yws and concessions and two rides,

tbe teiii;K>rar]r city of aeten maniuiotb bulldlnKs, in'linli'K a -17.1 room botel. Stenea of their


a rperry-go round and Ferris wheel. The fair dues not book a carnival.

for. fathers will be enacted by


11-. h.i.k of the celebration say that It will

|.e the lile'Ceat Indian denionatration ever atatred,

Secretaries and Managers of FAIRS and CELEBRATIONS in



Is to be raised to carry tbe project


.Some of the features of tbe proposed pageant

Will Open Week's Program of Races at Illinois State Fair

ar< . .\t least three Indian 0|>oraa. in< liiding one

of r srles 1 adman's works; an Indian dramatic

l·onlI'Iltl.v will clve some plays founded on Indian

l.k'.n.l'; Indian to be depicted In llvlog

pirliiies, tableaus and fiantomlnie Kor one of the big ahtwr a rt^eo will be held under

the .lire, tlon of Drplieus

Soott, who liai a

wide knunlt'ilRe of such alTalrs. Tbe prir.ea,

it Ik aiin.iiiii. ed, will be Itige enuuich to at-

iriot -`niis titors from all over the I'nltei) Mtatea

and Meiho. Western Causda also will repre-

If you Inti rul to UK OUTDOOR ATTRACTIONS It will be to your Interest to get our prices. We bate ererythlng In the amusement line. All kinds of Novelties. Animal Acts end Platform Arts. Flreoii'ks lUki'Uvk a-i «e will di-(0-ale your stnets and bulldingii. "Send for our Illustrated Catalogue." CENTRAL AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE (W. F. HENDERSON, Gen. Mgr.), 208 Scott-Thompson Bldg., Oklaholes City, Okla. Perfurmeit, all kind,, write.
Antelope County Agricultural Fair Ass'n
WANT A FIRST rt..\SS PAKMV.U, CtlMPANY to play their hi' fair, NEMGH, XEbK.tPK.t. SEP-

Springfield, III., April 15.--.Vnnouncement of a Derby Day to ojien the week's program of horse racing at Ihe Illinois Stttt Fair August 19-27 nss been made bv the new general mana ger, W. W. Lindley. Manager LIndley hat also announced arrangements for hurdle races, a feature altogether new to Ihe fftate fair track. The progr'im, be said, had been prepared by W. O. Ireland, of IV.iria, superintendent of Sliced.

trtiied \ crest water ftageant will be held TEMUL'K 13, 11. 15 and IG, licjl. .tddiea.-. and there will be eiclllng can.H* races. A Diini.



r of t.iilTulu will lie broliRbt from one of tbe reseftuiioiis and prulssbly one of the last buf-

WANTED, CARNIVAL AND FREE ACTS> hunts east of tbe Miasissipid Iliver will to play Middle Oeurgia Fair ( Ireult. Four g-wd faira w-ltli slioit jumpa jn.l (Ontinuima time. Nothing

For Plymouth (Wis.) Fair

he staged.

Ihe liulldiniri, arcording to the annotinrement,

will io< Imle the following; Tbe Admiulstratlon

budding: liiawatba I.<n]ge, a temp«irary hotel of

473 rnums. a large auditorium with a seating

capK'ity of ·.'.fas. people; tbe Fine Arts Building,

where Indian i.aintiiigs fiom all over the I'niied

States will

exhibited; the Indian t rafta

building; the Indian Kducattunal Ituilding will

lOnialn the works of the different Indian

attort o( a tru-rar iviuipany will do. Circuit opens Urtulrer 1 and closes (irtober




R. R. TUCKER. Sparta. Georgia.

LAWRENGEBUR6 FAIR--lawrenceburg, ind., aug. ni8i9-20
JOHN E. ZENLR, Seeratary, 905 Chidwlrk Street, Indianapalie, Ind. Four L.g daya and niiliu, lejiariiig new attrartlons. bpace limited. w.kNTEI)--Cuiirtj.'ions. Carnival Compatilrl, Ridea, Slwwi. etc. Ala» want three or four l-'tee Attrarl.ur.s.

Plymouth, Wls.. April 16.--Tbe Sheboygan t'ounly Fair, whicn will be held August 16-26. Ml' lusive, wil! lie known as a ''silver" event this year, as it marks the 25th anniversary of this insiitiition. Secielary Oilo Gaffron has plans un¬ der w.-iy for some big features which he will .snnouDi-e later.

Schools: a large Pageantry Open Air Theater with a seating capacity of k'O.isK) people; ludian Puehliii of the Southwest will be reproduced In Ihe Indian villages; a large cafe and restaursot building to be situated next to the hotel. Recreation will lo. provided for a beautiful recreation building which will t« conairucted for this purpose. Ponceksions are to t.e under tUe direction of M. E Fischer, of Seattle; pubHetty under the dire<'tioa of J. Frederic Thome.

To Be Built for Shelbina (Mo.) Fair
Shelbina, 51o., .\pril 15.--Among tbe plans for improvements at the grounds of tbe Shelby CuuDty Fair Association is a nsw amphitheater to be erected at a convenient point along I'le race track. It is also planned to repair sev¬

(i(s* of The entertainment fund and the As-GaZig Temple will produce the renuiiiing t75.'Joiy.
·Vlready fifty b-iiids and patrols of the Shrine have aii'ang"d to attend the conclave and every indication points to the biggest time the tsiiriners have ev< r had in De* Moines. There will be an elaJeirate entertainment program.

Akron, O., .April 16.--More than 200 entries already are in for .Akron's early spring race meeting at Fountain Park the week of June 13. Secretary Steve Sleinmetz of the Akron Driving I'ark Co. announces. Four days of racing are on the program at tbe half-mile track.
1*1 ires announced by Secretary Steinmetz carry $12,009 in the four dally stake events, besideg the .$2..'5'K) purse in Ihe featuie race.

Tile p«`rr.'nnel of the .nterprise is as follows: Tames Lsltiinore liinirod. president. Noted lecturer and cliuulau<|ua manager and promoter. TTes'dent Southern Cliaiitauiiua .\asemhliet five years. Mr. Ilimrod Is the father of tbe scheme iDd has had it in mind for many years. Kt. Kev. sheroiao t'lvolllge. first vlsepresldent. Panon St John's Cathedral, Denver, noted Arapahoe Indian, For many years preaident of the S'> lely of .tmerlcan Indians. Robert Burbank (rowe, secretary and business mant ger. architect and engineer Cnlverslfy of
Illtiiuia, r.iI3. Had charge of Overseas School of Aftljl I'h.'iography, F. S. A,, during the war. Mrs. Nellie E. Oleson, second vice-president. Piomineiit rlub woman i*. V. Taylor, treas¬ urer. Btnke.* and butlness man of prairie du Chien. Wls. Judge A. It. Peterson, attorney. He will be the local representative in the city of Prsirie du Chien. J. F'rederlck 'Thorne, director of publicity .Kn international authority on all Indian matters. Caryl Sptller, director of art. He is director of the J*t. Paul Institute of .\rt. Has had a wide erperience Id the pageant field. Tbf.mas Wood fftevena, of Pittsburg, noted dramatist and hlatorlan. will write and direct the Pageant. M. E. Fischer,

eral of the buildings and give the grounds a general overhauling with a view to making them second to none in the :>tate. The new amphitheater Is to have much larger seating capacity than the old one which it will replace.
The datej of the 19'Jl fair are .\ugust ;{0 and 31 and Mrotember 1 end 2
Rutton, La., April 15.--The Lancoln Parish Live Block sod .Lgrlcultural Fair wUl be held October 19-22. it u announced. S. Le Barkdale has been chosen president of tbe association and T. A. Green, ngricultnral director of the Ruiton Chamber of Commerce, was made secre¬ tary-manager.
Des Moines, la., .\pril '3.--More than 1123,000 will be spent preparing for and entertaining the 1921 conclave of tbe Nobles of the Mystic Bhrlne in this city June 14. 15 and 10. Repre¬ sentative buslneset men have assumed fs>.-

Toronto, Can . .Apr,! 14.--F. K. Halliday. a Toionto artist, is the winner of the I'unadian Filiibition's poster comi efition for
with a strikingly vigorous sketch emliodying simidirity and syuifiolisni The poster depicts the strong, vital figure of a worker with the shesf, symbolizing agriculture, and the hammer, signifying indus'ry, in his grasp. In his up¬ lifted hand are maple leaves and he is climb¬ ing the heights of achievement.
Dover, 0.. April 16.---Vs the result of the shifting of dale and the entrance of Akron Into the Central Ohio Racing Circuit the Tuscarawas Valley Raring Association will have the only race meet in the State of Ohio on .\ugust 2. 3 and 4. Th-,' former date for the Rover meet was July 26, 27 and 2S This assures that horses entered at the .\kron meet will ap;*ear here. S»`cretary J. S. Karns is alr.'ady re eiving the events and purses.

Watertown, Wis.. April 14.--The leporl Of the secretary-treasurer of the Watertown InterCounty Fair Association shows that the total re¬ ceipts for the 1920 fair were $23,511, leaTing a balance of $v-00 on the right side of the ledger.
Plans are now under way for the 1921 fair, which will be held September 20-23, inclusive. <T. M'. Harte is secretary.
New Tork, .April 16.--Negotiations are under way between the Wirth-Blumenfeld Company, international agents, of this city, and the BeD gian Government, to bring the military band of the famous Princess Clementine Regiment to this country next season for a limited tour of Hie big fair grounds. The band n'tmbers one hundred pieces.

director of concessions. Had charge of conces¬ sions It I.,ewis tc Clark Expctitlon. Portland.



St. IxNiia, lPii4: .Matka-Tukon. Seattle. IfhB; haa also hsd charge of the conceaalont
in more thsn twenty international expoaltlona. Ptrli, IPOO; Turin, tlnent. Glssgow and many othrrs. L. V. McWhorter, director of trans¬ portation. Will have charge of the special trains bringing Indians to and from the reserva¬ tions He has handled the Indians for Pendle¬ ton. Walla Walla and other roundups. Was In charge of the Indian featiiies at the Hudson

-New Tork. .April 14.--A. A S»haw. concession manager for the I-ima (Peru) Exposition, which -ipens there Jul.v 1, Is reported to have arrived from Lima at this port. He will csinfer with many .American showmen and roncesslonslres during his stay in thia country. His arrival was [.receded by letters to over three hundred [lersons in the amusement business, a'cording to information tendered The Itlliboard

Bay Centennial, Astoria, Ore.


Opens Los Angeles Offices

Fartiivalft, ConropKions iiiifl all Oiililoor Acts and Rides for Fairs, write In.
Also Vaudeville Acts, write in for time in Canada. Hooking six weeks--sliort Jumps.
36 Yonge Street Arcade, TORONTO, ONT.
Everything in amusement^ ntertainnentn VERYWHEREFORmBYBODYAUKINDl#



"·ntv Independent Shimi, Hides and Free Acts.

I*" ***·''*· tteptembev 27-:U) Inclusive. Fslr runs 4

*'*' sliows snd rldi'i hitl week dste.

wM. B, LADD, Sseratary,

Klatltsn, Tsssssss*.

lavs Angeles, April 14.--Wm. H P'ckens, who is running the auto races at the Speedway here, has opened offices in this city snd sItUo his chi«f headquarters are in Chicago he will keep his lavs .Angeles offii-es open permanently.
November 1 to .3 is the date selected by the I.e<in Fair Association directors for the
(Continued on page 741


BREGBN, III., SEPT. 6-7-0-9

MorTT-<)o-RtiuPLl aui! reiri* Whfcl. Givxj

or Uub^ Act and Flther

or Colored Quar¬

tette. Concession Pi'ople. keep our dates In mind.

Tt*s KOine to bo a whnprH-r this year

E. D. LANDERS, Sec'y.

I*lKit4>grspli tskvii at ceri'lTUvry of breaking ground for uiw $:'.tie.i>0U Merelisnts and Manufacturers* Kxhibit Ituilding at the Kentucky State Fair. UcsiUng left Ur right: W. C. Hanna. f..mml»loner of .kgrlinilture snd presliicnt of Ihe KeiiliK'ky State Fair; l>svid It. G. Kirsc, chairman State 1-air ^ mill**', IxrulsvUIe lu-ard of Trade; U. Carney Cross. tecreUry Kentucky SUte Fair; Oscar Joseph,
architect of Fair Association.

.viticit .Xtirai-lloiis for I.abor and tiou S,-pt,`mber 3 and 6 .Aiiilress SECRETARY 04 COMMERCIAL CLl B, Parkston. South Dakota.



FREE AT¬ lIome.r«m-

Ing Week OiKTis June 26. Write BOX 220. Bmvllnj

Green. Ohio.


Ttie Billboard

MARCH 20, lOtl

high direr, who iiaja there I* mnrh artirilg at "We hate line Kruiinda. swimming pool, good

the winter quarters of the International Amnae- sliade, rest rvamia for ladles, and other advan-

ment Kxposition at PaMstle, N. J.; K. l.eMan, lakes. We hold out people from morning until

of the I.ieiil. Mark O. Hogiie kerlal Nr>niads; after the night show." The atlendanee at the

Al riarkson. »f Sidney He.TnoKls r.nferprlscs. West Vnioa Pair In 1!*`.*0 was Ti.ntsi.

hu-'y iiutting out the famous orldnal Van Camp

A movement Is on foot to hold a big renlenniai

l.iiiia Park 'Pi* Slide": Oardner Wilson, with and home-roming at Columbus, Miss., neat fall

(Xi;w ToitK oFKir;;)
Jerry Barnett, conceBaloner. Was leaving with a five ton truck for PhllliimlHirg, N. J.. to oiten

forMd* aagcmiiiiimHlisIMrviunfeuelooV" ln*s

for ^


"Fleetrle" F.'eeri

chair cna r

·thinking of buying a ind., in New York. (Jeorgo !l roleluan, geneial

Waller I. Main la't B.-at«n. now handling pubfor I.aurs niebPs musical com<>dles and
Fred (lerner. aililele and skating artist; C. M.

with his coneesslons on It. II. Miii'r's Shows. His agents will be Mr. and Mis. Sol (luld, Henry Marks. .Mrs. Barnett. Mux .Malt aud Felix Kop-

.agent Mighty Doris-lVl. Kraneis Feriiri S ..»s Itoall, owner Charlea Weir a tigers; Ihh> Irled Henry Carlson, of the Curuival and Baraur man. concessiimer. back from Richmond and siippi.v ( oinpjny. Nev Y'oik. Cl.iirlcs Ii Wil o|>cns with Bi'tany's Infer-Ocean Allracllons;


lard, invenfor and luiilder of mecliam ul inm-i'.il William Pauphln. who closed his baruar season

Chaibs il Keudles, in from his wiuter quar¬ notidties. Captain l.euis Soiclio. May pi.t on over on Ix>ng Island and plana going with Itnp-

ters in liii'ks'H Cil.v, I'a. Ilis Big Fli woeel a sliow with Cluiiles H. Willai.i at Coney Isl.iiid. pel (Jreater Shows; Meyer Taxler left for San

and llerseliell .Spillman carousel have arrived. Five shows and nlneleen loneesKions will make

Tin : hne laxier. Tiding d \ i< e op. rJlor on. he. Antonio, Tex., to Join the C. A. Wortham Shows; .Ijmes 1*. M-iipliv ami Hie M.ilHi.-w J. It h-y H M. Marcus, Jsck I'onnelly. Charles llndi-

up the oi-gsni/ttlion for the opening. Si*ven Sliuws. S.iys Im.iU ar»> giH.t luinivals and peih pit show and m'i"enm talker and lecturer;

towns booked now and four more in-uding. .Mercedes, aerompauied by I'.eilraiii Mills and
bit son. t. B. .Mills: Paul 1>. llnwse aud Mer i-edea'aeoretary, Nally Wliilesfone. I'ddie Hay¬ den O'Connor, aiilhur vaudeville tualeilal.
Joseph (i. Kerarl. Stated that he will posi¬ tively sail for Kngland. April 2S. au<l will bring over carnival amuaenients from the oilier tide of the Atlantic. Said George M. Bislany la going over on the same lioat with him
HP llign Rilly Klein lU. ship,n.d hi. high
and was all ready for tl.e opening of tlie In teriistlonal Amnaement Kxposilion in tliiit ciiy. Claims night life there it very "l'ussaic."
Rd R. Holder of mule act fame. Dropped in from Homell, N. T., where Holder's mnles were playing a rsudevllle date. Ilia "llauitree Mnle'* act was playing vaudeville in Fort Wavne. Ind. Says vaudeville ia g<JUd, but if takes a lot of money to move acts over the

hs'k gieni .\dul|.li iiross. To di-munsli
lamp from the fa. lory of i!i

a new d. Il Columhi.i Doll

Cl uipany, wlin h he lei.n-seiits.

Norman, `·The Frog Man." Was leaving for

Woonsocket, It 1., to opt u at tlie iteith liou-e

there week -Yprll 11. Will visit wiin.r quar¬

tets of Lincoln Itios.' Ciiiiis al tin- fair giouuds,

Idem e.

r.uoiu has


a vainival

Ihls summei. Mr. Garrison is of tllie cuce fa-

liioiis v.itidei lile te.iiii of Jnlis aiid Klla Gariison

lie will. Ii is and talker of

leurm-d. a s

a- I .,^v

as ^ju


· « It .h. a me


*''' some


Jubuny J. Kline, owner-manager Johnny J.

Klina Shows; W. J Foster, inatiager C. B Al¬

len's Big League Shows; Cliarles t'ohen, last

season wdth King Karlo on the M. E. Polhill

11 and 11 Wagner, who say they are going to (mniig the real aniusi-ment men al Coney
Island. New York; Ariltur Staley, `·Kentucky rterhy" concessioner; Danny Ryan, clown. go«>a with Hagenbeck'Wallace Circus--refused to dlacess hit trip to Porto Rico; Peter Brody, M. J. ift;i.idy. P Kelley, selling "wlilaiierlng'' mouthpiecet for telephones; I. P. Cr.tft, motion pltturr magnate; II. J. .M.yera, Edward H Tanner and L. H. Fuller, rooceaaloners; William P. Jones, manager a mentallst vaudeville offering; Dnnninger. magician and mind ri>ader; Jerome Betk. dealer In concession nove. lties: II. F Hall, dealer In "Beacon" blankets for com sinners; RI,a.,l.p.,h, Finney, onff tthhee W Wlillllliaatrnaaa Stand¬ ard and Jos. O. Ferarl Showa Intereata; M. E.
Wcssla. aecreiary aud treasurer the Internationtl -kmu-iement ExiH«ltiun; t W, illi«am Je. liam-

... railroada He will visit Coney Island, Luna Beaeon Exposition Shows; Ralph Pt.lL general
Park, KInKlIng-ltirnum Circus and the .New


York Ulppislrorue la-fore returning to Chicago.

George T. Kelling. lurtoonist. Plays enter-

talmnents, vninleville aud in pictures


cr^ited with quite an urigiiiul stage offeiing

Peter Brisly, l-ilker ..u Iulernati..uj| AmiiaetnenI

Expoaition. A E Lin e, repiesenting ` Buddy

Buda", Inc.. .lersey City, N. J. W. J. H-tnley.

· Dodgem" Cotporalloo. I.iwrence. Ma-.* ; C. A laomas, representing the "Winning Post," weekly publication devoted to race horse In-

terentx; Arthur


Doll Co., New York; I^a d'a'n'c'ing

Juggler and botie s-jlnlst; Pdwaid I eroy

Rice, Ixjuls King, who does couicdy for Jug-


e. e,

general manager Coo T.

Kenn,ediy, Sht-ows,


«»>e city on business and to meet Mr. Kennedy,

who was In New Y'ork at the time; Adele Her

ms". "f Gie Sam Bernstein booking «4Biet; Wll Ham F Roeers. Bert Perkins, may go with the

First National Exhihltora eln-nlt! J. Gordon

contracling agent, aeiordli.g to the knowing gling a-t«; Servais U-Itoy, maiter msgician, Bosfock. Tauderllle produrer; Ester Hayekotte.

onea on Bro-id-.vay, again signed to go with who w 11 manage a park over in Vew Jetsey, violinist, playing concerts; Albert Greenland,

llagenlicik 'iVallai-e Ciri us J. Kaymuu.l Mor- where in* lives; F 0. Tlionipson, former aliow- representing the R. S. Trsell Corporation;

rla. billposter, at rived from CliattauiMiga to Join mau, now promoting a big ofli. e building for a "Eagle Jack" .Meagher, of Soodertoa. Pa., and

the advertising department of the Riiigllng Bar

iHim Cireiis. NIrbolas Tice, manager Vlgio'a Restaiiiant,
down to Greenwich Village. Was patttier with


C. Barthei lit the management of `'Riding the
i Kaplda" at Coney Island. N. Y., last season.
He plana to have x device at the ``Island" this
1 aeaaon If arringementa can. be effected to his 1 sa'isfiK lion.

May Rlasaer, snake enchantress, and Alice

F'oley, lady whittler, will be with Blasser'a Cir¬

cus Side SIiow this season.

C. R Allen, owner and manager C. B. Allen's

Big I.,eague Show-. Riqiorta W. J. I'oster. mana¬ ger and five working men at Greeiitield, Mass.,


at work now. The thow o|ieiia there -Ypril '3.1

Al Martin, hypnotist, baa signed to appear in

the side show.

H.. W. Midilleton. lie had Just met Bert

Cole on Broadway. He Is playing in vaudeville

celebration of the eliy'a HiOili anniversary. A centennial eommisslon of flte members is to bo
Tba 'Ioti.iolloonkk ffoorr oounrr ffaaiirr tthbiis. y. ear is. most ·atisfactory and we vie tlgnrlng tm holding the greatest fair in our hisloiy," adtisea Horaee S. Ensign, secretary of the Montana Slate Fait at Helena, SeptemU-r 13-17.
LlalKirale plans are under way to make the Fayette Connty F'alr, Washington C. II , ti , une of the greatest events of the kind held it. the i-ity in recent years. The dates selected are August 17-30.
U C. rill, Jr . who ia prealdeot of the Smith County Fair Atso. iullon. Smith Center, Kan., it also manager of Hie Illgh-S<-bo<il Audllorlom' at Hist place. Mr I'hl ataiea that the fair will have aome extellent attractiona thit year. Th* dales of the fair are Auguat .10, .'il and SeiHem tier 1 and 3.
"Plana for our H»21 fair are progressing rap idly." says A. II. George, tei lelary of the Mis aissippi-Alahama Fair, Meridian, Miaa. Mr George ataiea that he and J W. Roatick, pres dent of the F'alr .\as<s-iation, have set their Itearia on making the fair the very beat In the bisiorv of Meridian.
Harry I.aRreque writes front Santa .%na Cal ; ·Just want to say the Spring Number Was a h_ umd^ inger, tine g_re_ at d_ oings from the pr-t page to Ihe last "iilg show? si'de Vhow'^
Ii'every thing." Incidentally tbe Greater Santa .\na F.xposiilon, .kpiil ·.·Id, under Mr LaBreqtie's direction, was quite t success
Tile Clarendon (la 1 F'alr, Seplemher '32, 3J and 3-4, will be under the direct siqM-rv isn n of Hie i-i.uoty demooairatloB agent and county agrlcultural agent Hils year. It is annuunml. mil an agricultural exhibit of large pr<>|iortloDs it planned raiiiiiiig · Iiibs, community exhildta and similar work will be given especial attenHon. Al usual, there wilt bean e\cetlent enter¬ tainment program, tbe features of which will b« announced later.
The hig Madison County F'sir. Ixmdon 0 will hsTe four ! OdO stake ra. . s H j, an' noun- ed by Secretary I.amar I*. Wilson, who states that so unusual array of aplendid si-eeder* la exjiected to iom|>ele. In addition to the fci-r slake races, which will lie held under the three heat plan, there will be nine claiui events with Hie usual Hlieral purses, making a total of S7 onii that will be bung un for the winners at tbe Ixmdon FYilr next fall.
Bringing logelber fanners' clubs of the southern part of the connty, the .Sf I>oiils County Commnnify Fair Associstlon. Proctor. Minn., has arranged to hold annual compeiiiiTe displays of sgrlrnltaral pnslucta. The hall grounda at Pro. tor will be used for fair parposes. No dates have been selected and no annonneemeot baa been made aa to whether there will bo so entertainment program. Ola Larson has been ele, ted president of the saso. ilation. J. R. Grady Tice-iiresident. Wm. K. F'sy lerrettry and 11. H. Peytim treasurer.

with Billie Burke's "Tango l^lioes."

"Tex.ia" William A. Sherman. Was leaving New York for Havre de Grace, Md.. to join tbe Wallet L. Main Circus. Kd G. Holluiid. twenty-foiir-liour agent Waller L. Main ('in ns Oeotge Rol>erla, theatrical manager and advan. c anot. Charles Neilson, of Omaiia, Neli. Riding ·^ronka" with Cy Compton's Wild West on Rtngling Barnum Circus for the second season. Mrs. iFannyl Neilson, trick rider, is with the same company.
George W. iSteainbott) Stewart, of whistle
fame. Making plans for the summer season. Charles Whyte, Jimmy On. Charles Rolitilns. Ralph Finney, associate manager and owner Williams standard and Joseph G. Ferari Shows. Saya they are about all ready for the grand opening. Fred A Ponly, prominent merchant of Port Cheater, N. Y. Has purchased desirable
water front pro^rty at Rye Rcarh, Rye. N. Y., on which bs will install, high-class carousel
^ oihrr amuarmrnt, and wnccMlons E. C.


Crowd In tbe crand stand waiting for the free arts on ons of the hi: days at the F'alr, Fort Dodge. Iowa.


York; Texas Cooper, working known in



i:.,,,.nheck W.illaco gcnbcck. accompanied by Friti Wegner, grand-

Th« Billboard receives many com¬ plaints from rr.anagara and others against performers and others. It pub¬ lishes below a list of such complaints, with the name and address of the com¬ plaining party, so that persons having a legitimate interest in ths matter may make further inquiries from the com¬ plainants if they desire.
The publication of the list does not imply that the complaint is well founded, and The Billboard assumea no
Vu^ information a. ni«y. be givan by ths complainant to

SrttascI gonl

VeL Wk*

Circus; A. Migdal,^ Jaii.cs J. M -rrison and Jay son of Carl lligenbeck; George W. Trtver. parties inquiring.

M^r^Vviudevine ^

-UeuTd o

aat City, subscription agent. Ixmis Shapiro

(Young) SteckIe'r. wrestler; William J. Wilson, `tet"rtfa,.i'nininlngg'im n 'FF.aDirlbJaiyeeSo','"'N?. J,

do well to make note of thami


roocessioner, left for Cumberland, Md., to Join of C. B. Allen Showa; L. 11. Pbilligis, conres

Perry Martin Sliows.

eloner; Sidne.T Reynolds, of Sidney Reynolda

Alice Walker. .Nays she is still "Tagging" Enterjiriaes. New York; P,la< katooe. mrgician;

(Continued frum page 73)

BLACK. MARJORIE, performer. ComplalLaot, Gordon Shaw,

In the carnival business. Charles Robbins Richard M. Wheel.vnd. manager Warren Llnaigned with Frank J. Murphv Shows. Kemey coin Travis, strong man; 1'. C TIiomp-e>n, amuse- 1S31 Leon Connty FYiir at Tatlabaasee, Fla.

Route 3. Adams Center. N. T.

P. Speedy, high diver. Henry Ray, eomedlan, ment promoter; Jimmy Orr, Wnller .S. Kelley, They plan to make tbe midway even bigger

playing In a vaudeville sketch in blackface--- who will have bis own sliow- wiHi the World tb-in last year and are increasing tbe premium

"Dark Shades of Joy."

of Mirth Show*; N. J. Shelti-n. of editorial Ftsff list.

Jrim R. Rogers. Has decided to give up ths The New Y'ork World, wlio may be press agent tbeatrlenl fleld and 'oas entered a new line, a with a Mg circus or carnival: Yfarsarrt Ga«t,


fortnne-telling design. He is now advertising of Gast-O-Ptne Co., who had a auccessful dem¬

it and hopes to soon have all tbe traveling agents onatratlon at the six day bicyde lace in the The following fair managera and execntlvea

working for him.

Garden; Charles Whyte. ' vande'ille actor; Ed visited New York during tlie past week; Wll-

James J. Morrison and Jay Van, international Zello. W. J. Bloch,' associate m.inager Inter- liard F^inea, from Petersburg. Vs.; M Hunt, comedy entertainers, opened at Bay Ridge Thea- national Amnaement Fixposition; Mrs William representing l/mdon Ontario Fair; J K Psisley,




ter. Brooklyn. April 7, and leport success. Mr. George Everett, who left to Join the Matthew representing Htlawa F'alr. with full committee;

Morrison visited the Blackstone show for three j. Riley Shows; William Rott. maker of coo- C. D. Ross and John Kent. Toronto F'alr.

days at the opening in .Newburg. N. Y. He gession goods; Jessie T. Wh.elen, fortnerly wl*h says Blarkstone is a wonderful artist and hos Huber's Mu-eum and Is going oof with Gerard


a great show Opening day, good; second day. Greater Shows; Jii-<-|ih Krayak, magic and

house (Hied: third day he turned them away and could nave stayed a week there, according t him. Predicts a great season for Blackstone.
Sidney Keynnida. of the Sidney Reynolds Enterprises busy exploiting the famous Van
<~amp. Tama Park, ``Pig Slide." a great concea. Sion novelty for parks rnd carnivala.
George F' Meighan. of the Ringling Broe.*Ramum A Bailey Combined Shows.
Adgir Costello, Hon trainer, says this vaude¬ ville season she Is going to do a monolog, play
her guitar and sing in vaodeville. Senorila roefello is looking for a writer of TaudeTlIIe material who can (It her personality
John J. St'K-k. Says the first "Gadabout" cam will tic ready Mav 1. He has received
answers to his Billboard advertiseroenls from every part of the world and has closed many contracts as  result,

escaoe srti-t; fan'ain I>onia Sort ho. Tom
I-ewis. mnsical comedy snd vaudeville artiat, and once famoiis minstrel comedian; Copenha¬ gen Paul, magician; .41fr«-d Haniiltnn. James F'eurlicht. of roliimbis Doll Co. New Y'ork; Charles T? Beadle-', of Beadles A Epstein Shows; Kid Williams. Adolph Gross, Joe Short, clown; I>eo M. Blstany. owner-manager Bistanv InterOcean Attractions: Walter Wilcox, who will
have two ride* at Walnut B"tch. Conn.; Emily Car'-on, vstidevllle artl«t. planning a dotihle art with a comedian; Fred loinham. now In commer. iai line; Sam Roliinson, of Walter I. Main Circus, Joseph G. Ferari. who said he and Geo. M. Bi-tany are going over to Europe on the Aqnitanin's next trip; T'p-lligh Billy Klein,

Plans are being made for a centennial celehrttioo at Troy, Ala , the week of Jane .`(0.
The firemen of the Stale will hold a hig tournament at the HHnois Stale Fair, Springflcld, Anguat IS and P*
The Allen Parish Fair Associatloti. Oakdale, I a , plana to erect permanent buildings at Its (iiir grounda. to be ready for next aeison.
A big Shrine conclave is to he held at Fort ^Tadis'm, Wis., on May 3!S. with an estimated iWtendance of more than 4.000 people. Governor Kendall ia to lie the honor giieaf
II. M. Stafford is inpertntendent of privileges for the West I'nlon F'alr. West rnlon. Is . the l:*31 dates for whi«h are August 33-'3ii ``West I ninn la one of tlie beat fairs In the State for
I onecssions." says Su[>erinlendent Stafford


, - A;

Rcrvals I.cRny, master magician, saw the per.
formance of Alexander, *`Tlie Man Who Knows.'' St tbe Bronx Opera House He pronounces

Wanted for Northwestern Ohio Firemen's Convention

Alexander a "very great showman."



George Rosen, concessioner, en route from ..




..... i- .

Bt. Petersburg Fla . to Detroit to Join the Merrv-Go-Boiiod. Ferris «1icc1 Whip and AernpUnc Sw-lnri One lllc Feature Show

_ Rverythinc will

Bipwn A Dyer' Shows.


Ke located around the Court House on the l`uhllc S'luare and can trmiln there the balance of the week.

-- .

Can use tereral Big Feature AHa I cannot uic any carnival ivimparv or cnnce-alons of any kind Ad-

Miller. BPcrefary Keystone Shows ^ress .ii rY>mni-jn|citJ-«.s to

1. harry six. ais E. HMh «.. Brysn. Ohis.

Lef' for Lebanon. Ps., to open with them. He kis been m that ohow for teveril seasons.

P. 8.--Can uac A-No. 1 Carnival Cornpanji for laJildl'- >g JuD-

APRIL 23, 1921

Wo are pleased to Inform our CLII'-NTKLK that, we are located In our now home. 636-638 Broadway, with Kroator facilities.
More Lines. Hotter Service. Our NEW CATALOG No. 32
vk'ill be really for distribution within three weeks. A copy will be sent to
EVERY LEGITIMATE USER. Curiosity seekers save your stamps. !!'*, Dnovlt tfqnlrrd on all C. 0. D. Orders
Nats Oor Nasi Addrsu:
536-538 BROADWAY


McCoy, the button worker, aeon in Payton. O purveying 'em to the natives to (air businesa.
Jtcli White, the "Banjo King," la again with Frank II Thompaon'* Tent Show which opened at Uelle'llle, Wis., April 19.
What ·-ay. Jim Ferdon; goln» to soon migrate eastward irom your l»a Angelea h;t>eraiii*n? Several boys have asked for you lately.
Hear "our old friend" Archie Smith la still cleaning up around New York. An hie la said to have become a wonderful button worker and la a-o-m-e fast.

Two med. shown in town, in diffprent balls,

tine threw out heraldse reading: "Free Show "

N'd to he outdone the other company chalked,

in large letters, a'

the front of the build¬

ing: "We charge No .tduiission." The word.  .No." ha'ing to i.e filaci-d on a door--somebody

oj.tiied the door--no show.

Ben F Trejchel wants to know if ''Senator" J F Clohecy. .tl I.ucia and Parry Carson ha'e lost their art of shoo'ing a pipe now and then as he has not seen anything from them In a long time? Ben adds that be la working New 5 elk and Biuoklyn and doing excellent busine-a.

What's thU we hear of the Chern Brothers taking out a five-year lease on a prominent property In I'hilly, and have opened a store on Main street in Norfolk? Some progressive bus¬ tlers, those fellers.
Pr. Kd F. Weise, over in Indians with bis med show, with a good company and doing bus¬ iness. is the report from Indianapolis. I'nderttand Dor Is enlarging his show lor the outd'xir season. Whatsay, uidtimer?
Rumor has It that Prank Adams it arranging to take out ilie Becker-Ward Medicine Show No 2, to open ationt Sr^.tember 1, and troupe toward California hy the Southern route, the show to have Ita own railroad car.

A note fnim New York states that Jimmy Kelley had just returned to town from Brevideni e. and it wag rumored that he had refused a nifty sum. running into hve figures, for tljp patent on his new little "dot back button." Jimmy has certainly made rapid strides the past couple years, and he registers as one of the most aggressive merchants in the novelty game.
Among the knights seen working in Oakland, Cal., of late were Dr Thurber, with med.; Ed¬ die GIui k, tiefutms and collar buttons; Slim Sul¬ livan, with buttons; H. Warren, with fountain pens; Lo< kwood, wire Jewelry, and Steel, with hooks Here is another town that isn't looking for the "whole earth," aciording to the reader given, as an ace, or a sawbuck quarterly.

Mrs. I... C. Marshfield postcards ``everythina going good in Arkansas," and to tell "K. B H." the U sorry, but she can't take a Job. at her eighteen months old "kewple'' takea up all her aparo time.
That hustling. Jovial manufacturer, patentee and seller of the "Electric iSerpentinel Gar¬ ter," E. V. Norris, who hails from Buffalo, wa* am<«g the Dayton |0 > folks last week, doing suoie demoostraiing and working up business.
That old timer, "Dutch'' Lobert, reiently droptied into James Kelley's pisce on Ann stree?. New York, and one of the Ikijs there at tL,e time aayg that Dutrh was looking fine, and opined he will be out among the lads t>n the r<*ail before the warm weather aeason it over.

Harry Shetnlt*. of Sioux City, la., accord¬ ing to 'iiioit, has been made circulation mana¬ ger of one of the leading farm papers of the -Middle West, and at pre-ent has some twentyfive subscription stimulators under his Juris¬ diction. Ed D. Henry, also of Sioux City, according to J. W. Bolander is driving hU teiritory of rural routea.
Doc Johnson and Eddie Sullivan, of razor hone fame and button worker, recently caught a train from Iil* ol' New York for Detroit for the season and taking along 25 gross of hones and .50 gross of Jim Kelley g new button sets. Ijitest retorts have it that Eddie la doing a "land ofii' e" business, and all the bunch around 2t Ann street (.New York) wish him continued success.

A iDCvesaful trip thru Florida and Georgia is repotted from the Doc Gi>rdi n Show, and Mrs. Il'auk II 1 Gordon and the folks have been prac. tically taking a layoff and enjoying themselves of late at lakes in .\1ibama, ntw and then working picture bouses iodependently.
Rome would-be linguist of road vernacular. In the form of a "star" story writer, inn local newspaper of the East, recently tried to deal ont information 17) to hia readers, and which waa a huge Joke, line of bis effosions was that a "lawbuck ' meant one dollar--that's fair enough--for publicity.
The "Famous Dusty Bhodes," coming op the line. Dusty knked in from Decatur. III. lApril 7) that be waa in town, with Capper paper, and tliat hia next stop would be Detroit, and then Into Canada. Now. who's the guy who said this old aubacriptionist wouldn't make it--without a new pair of shoes? Von tellnm, "Famous."

The following note, announcing the passing to the Great B»yi.nd of another member of the fra¬ ternity, was received last week from Oakland, Cal.: "Old Dr. Barbour died -April 2 of ptomaine poison. Dr. Barbour had worked Cali¬ fornia steadily with bis lock since 1!*05. He left a widow and eight children, the oldest child being eighteen and the youngest two years old. He was tU years of age."
It has been some months since we heard from that lijatler, Claude D. Laws, and the Missus who, shout two years ago, returned to "OF l.on'<n" on an extended visit. However, now comes a letter from Claude, mailed at Paris, France I in one of those "funny" envelopes--tear off both ends and one side, and read--on the same paper). Here 'tia: "Have been over here in Europe for some time. My best to the bunch. Met some of the boys over here--Harry Brown and others. Not much doing in France. Eng-
(Continned on page 76)

THE PERFECT INK PENCIL Satitfaction Guaranteed

Hat m a D T adrantaKea crt r k

a Fountaia Pen and m

takea the place of pen and

pencil combined. It can't ^

leak. Carried flat or upaide


down In any pocket or In Br 

a lady't hand-bag. Has

to a ml

14k Solid Gold Point.


Don-corroslTe and ex¬

Mv emudg-

ceedingly durable Made
of the beat Tuloanized hard rubber and the finest possible work- i raai.ship. Write# k
snioutldy and stead- m ily as a lead pet.clL ^ The most adapt- K able and oonven-
lent ink pencil, g ,

wf paper
B/ Four enr'j bon copies
/ can b« made r and retain
the original In Ink. The point can not spread, bend or
break by bearing


TJ heavily: Iniprac t tical with a foun-
r tain pen Send us

ars making i

$1.00 for our $1 50

money telling J


t h a INKO- m

nr we will send one

GRAPH to m

C. O. P Holds suf-


_, ficlent Irk to write

Drug. Ci-

JKV/ 10.000 words without

gar. Jew-

refilling. You will be

elry. Nov-


m' re pleased w 1 t b an

elty and


INKOGRAPH than your fountain pen.


Dealers, Jobbers



' Window Demonstrators

D ETA ILS and CATALOG worth writing for

loona Per gross.
60 Heavy Gas. 6 assorted colors $3-10 per gTois.
Heavy Qas. Puce Gum Transparent, 6 as.vcrt-


Transparent Gas


Balloons. Per


grf«s . $4.50 70 Heavy Gas Balloons. Per
grecs .4.25
70 Heavy Patriotic. 2-color. Per gross .
90 Heavy Ga.s. 6 assorted


colors. Per gros.s. 5.25 150 Large Monster Gas Bal¬
loons. Per gr-iss.12.00 125 I-arge Watennelonj, with
red slice on top. with

valves. per gnwfl.7.00

65 Urge Airship. 25 in.

long. Per gross......JW large Mtmmoth Squawkers. Per gross.B.50

40 Sq'jawkers. Per gross .5a5 Sausage Squawkers. Per gross......4.25

Pltebman and Damonstraters --TBe flashiest on the markat Th« naadia with two points. Tho king of tham all,
Packed aeparatcly, one to each box.

Asurlva'v Hra>vt Whi'ts Strne Dulfri.
Wliy UPC inferior Swiss when wu run ohUiin sliphtly used Walt ha ms, I-'.llfins. Howard, llumiltonp, Rock¬ ford, Hampden, etc.?
Write Ibr prieea. e4o.
Chas. J. MxNally
21-23 Ann Strowt, NEW YORK CITY.

ff m

Send 25o far saniala. Rpsclillsta In RuppUea lor Strwtm-n. t'or.c-sslonalrea and Pitch-
mer Herormtrr. we are head .uarteta tor Fountain Pens

BROTHERS, 543 Broadway.



Buv direct from the VinORT. Manufaetiisors and Orlcmstors of Uw Ambastat r< mbs. They cannot and will not heaak, no matter how thoroughly demonatratad. Ws handle all Imaginahle Oomht on the market.
Send $1.25 for asaortsd aampita, prspaid.

221 Fourtli Ave, New YorR.

iloDogramliig Autos. Trunks. Hind Luggaga, ate., hy transfer meibnd is th). tlggest paring buainesi of tbs day. Great demand; no eiperlaccs necMsary. Over .50 styles, sizi-s and colors to select from. Catalog showing designs In exact col¬ ors and full partlculan free.

Prica SI .86 Par Grow, Prapaid, to Grots $1.65 Par Groat D«po$it rtQHirgd or C O.D. Orders
Sand for Samplo. rDT 64 BEDFORD ST.
'>ti Jfwvlry, Wiitrlu-s, Silverware ami f'lii liry Speclaltie.s. You make biif I' Hits in handllnK our lino. CataloK

Oaiire Side Slilrld. Ctblt Teoiplea AmNr I.enaea. GROSS, $31.50

Btaia SopiKA Best Quality. GROSS, $37.50
123 W. MadiMH St. Chlcat#

Imitation Gold.


B.uind. near White Convex

Ltntea. .511 numhera.

DOZEN, $3.50

If vnn arc making lean than $150 00 r-r week yuvi are lust waallnc your giHid valuable Hme. Just send roe y. iir a.l.(ir!.v and I will Send you the li foTiaatlon on ttie that silUng package ever sprung on the street ami drculais of the better gravle of cheap Fountain Pen«^


C _\ I
\V^11 I

Note the feature that mak ·« a front collar but-SI .·`·t « «td> Yosj get it only in the


Get 'Em Where They're Made
Send I5o for sample
J. S. MEAD. Miff- 4 W. Canal St., Cincinnati 0.



Witolcsale Only.

I ''tire Building, 215 W. Madison Streat,




C Z Snag Links. MLW YORK.

RT CO.. 608 Qraveser.d Ate




Put and Take Tops..*.80c Doz., $9.00 Gr.

Extra Heavy 70 C. M. Transparent Gas Balloons. 3.75 "

Heavy 60 C. M. Gas Balloons. 2.90 "

Heavy 60 C. M, Air Balloons. 2.2B "

Balloon Sticks .

35 "

Number 0 Balls.2.35 "

Number 6 Balls . 2.75 "

Whips ..$3.75, $4.50,* $5.75, $7.50, 9.50 "

Squawkers, Sanitary Stems .$1.75, $3.00, $3.25, 4.00 "

Crawling Mice . 5.50 "

Asst. Crawling Bugs . 5.50 "

Celluloid Doll Badges . 6.50 **

Celluloid Doll Badges, with Bottles & Diaper. .$12.00, $18.00, 24.00 "

1921 Catalogue Ready May 1st. Send for your copy. It's Free.


222 West Madison Street,



inclotiing Dit^lay Case and Free Samples for {Kre-away.
REMEMBER BOYS!! We give you GUAR ANTEED QUALITY and REAL FLASH. EACH SET A MAS¬ TERPIECE. Catalog showing many other seta-- sent on request. Get together with

The llotine nf Quality'

63rd and Harvard




(Cootlnurtf from i>ac« 73)

land lE a k.. but notbinR blp for tho gamr at preaent. Will be over in tlio United State* Roon.'* roroo aaain, Claude H. Several old friends have Iteen inqalrini; about fou.
The Deekcr-Ward Medicine Show reiKtrta do*, ing a anrceaaful early spring season In the Son'll at Bartlesville, Ok , and doing nl<-ely in Kan aas, altbo the weather has bei-n rather coid. Tinpipe further states: "Kay AhiKJtt Joined the show at Bartlesville, and we are in hopes she will be with ns all season, for she is one of the liest, all-around single performers in the business --a real soubret. Fay made a great bit in FarRODS, Kan."
George Taylor, the energetic fountain pen worker, ram'ilrd into Cmcinnati laat week for a few days' "once oter'' in contemplation of plac¬ ing his stock in S'lme of the leading drug stores of the city. Taylor, who had Just worked hi* way from the Eastern State*, is doing no win¬ dow demonstrating or pitching, but works by newspaper ebupons. with strict adherence to exact hours for sales. Ilia carbon^-opy chc kupB, with stores in various cities, show nif'y results.
·'Potato Peeler Whltic" iPersall) says he is In and around Charlotte, N. C., again, but is taking DO more chances on somebody dropping another load of coal on bis keitter-table, while he is at lunch--an incident of a few months ago. Says he won't take said table out of the baggage room. Whitie reports fair results with bia teaching the natives how to conserve vege¬ tables in the cotton milt towns and railroad sliopa in those diggings. He expects to meet bis old friend. ''Hindoo Charlie," during the engagement of the Rubin & Cherry Shows in Charlotte, week of April It. Charlie baa the snake show with Rubin ic Cherry.
Frank E. Lambion. that old vet. of the pitch game, who has handled various specialties and with remunerative results, arrived in Cincinnati laat week from Portsmouth, O., and that aection of the country. Frank E., he it remembered, haa in bygone daya given up the profession to enter business In several cities, The latest being at Memphis, Tenn., and previously in New York. Hia off-the-road activities, however, unfortunate¬ ly proved fruitless, and while at The Billboard office last week he stated he's ''back In the game to stay." He puls the proposli|pn about na follows: ''It is said 'a rolling stone gathers no moss', also 'a sitting hen never gets fat',
but I figure it that success depends a great deal
on what one is acenstomed to, to henceforth it s me for the road." He is working his way toward Kansas.






Made with the


Regulation 30-30

U. S. magazine

rifle cartridge.

tV j*

Each is beautifully

polished and packed in 11 1S

separate carton, complete || gSj

with glass flller.

Guaranteed 2,000 lights

with one filling of ga-so-


line. Nothin* to wear out.

Practically Indestructible. B' cX

A 50c ARTICLE ||.||
Retailer's Profit 100%. Furnished plain or eng^raved H.VRDING, 1921.

Gordon L. Heck & Co.

Ssilt ion Union Central Bld|., CINCINNATI, 0.




Miiny (cat'iri-* lu tvimiwrijon with common Fountain Pens, Ylade of Bamboo Very fight In weight Duiabir. Will make carbon ooplus. Wouderful Novelty Pin. Biggest winner of year.

.Inblvrs and wiiol<-»alprs, write for parllcu- . Acmta and Salesmen, this Is a hic monT

It'S. There is kig piobt. Many territarlea still I maker fur you. Send tl.OO for aamplca and partic-


I ulara.



if it's TOP MONEY you're after as well as something "different from the rest," write for the


Catalog. Describes our patented spin-




TORS. Write us your needs.

Superior Perfume Co. §<



336 West 63d Street,


"Originators of the Perfume Store

Dr. Goo. Reed tells of meeting a right chief in a Pennsylvania town. Geo. aaya the chief
was one of those fellows who treat the boys with consideration, as when he lOeo ) was working to a nice puah up drove a iiopcorn wagon, hauled by a mule, with a seemingly foreign owner, but a localite. The said owner aitually tied bia mule to Reed's light pole, whereupon the doi-iod t»Nl him hi* tor(^ support was not a hitchrs'k, but was told that "It maka no differ-ence, me works here." Anyway Gea probably accidentally overturned a bottle of his liniment--hors« sneezed--ex¬ cited owner. (Tilef told popcorn man medicine man bad paid bia licAse to work and he should take bis wagon and dig out, which he did. "How some homegiiarda try to run the whole town and the officials as well," aaya George.
AIN'T IT THE TRUTH? When s knight geta broke Some trinket he'll aoak To tome friendly bloke; Buy Bome stock--or ''rhoks' --then watch hit smoke.

reads like a sewing needle, works on the (Inert mitertsl without cultliig pulling threads. OetalU on NEW BBAIDIXO RTm'HBK which attract! 00 for Needle and Samples on drest materials or t2 00 with Pillow Top
amped In onlors tud thrtad to work Jnrludod. NfW guanttty prl<\>i quoted
C. THRAILKILL Mfr., 1314 Sedgwiek 81., Chicito, IIL

in different narit of the


Lim and lioeJl

'' I? "5 v

f 4

tne ool/ bad apot. Mj


'*"`7 tber^


17 wifi%^vVTo worttTm,*;:

harder, play 1 little rlo-er to Ihf cushion ami

not rock ibp bMt and everything will adjust It-

Klf. One letter, of a different nature, come*

-- til . -i-Herl»ert Rankin, brother to Andy Rankin.

He I* at a taberculoaii camp a few miles otit

of Tui-son. Arizona, with a good fighting chance

^ Ti-Tirt--I


What he need* moatly are let-

W wm~*

from friends and fellow trouper*. He



c«n he addrcisod Herbert Rankin. Itin 'O '

RAPID MANUFACTURING CO., 10 Fart 140. 8t.. New Yrtk.

u;rth::V wsy he Rt 'p7trlc"'*

CROW tn either Roman or Maltise Crosse* and are aelllng like WILD lUE. A big money fitter
Worn on a NK('KI..\( E or WATCH CHARM. Thousands of iiMinIe are uearlne theca I I'i'icv HTnvtM ana ..a

for a wife. Itoi- didn't say whether Ihe^tHck
*"· 4one by a prle*t or a rahhi. hnt let's all hope they live forever and die happy. One of the oldtimera working here iKl Paaii Tex t I*
· ica., i*

It's htre at laat--the fastest sell¬ ing proposition you ever tackled-- it'll garner the dimes eo fast you'll have to have a change maker.

Cleans them instantly.


Makes the old ones look like new. Everybody wears a straw Ud. They're all your meat.

Easily demonstrated--no equip¬ ment needed. Just a good pair of lungs and quick hands to grab the

You can load every dealer in town with this proposition before you leave. We toll you how.

Costs you $6.00 per gross, shipped parcel posL prepaid to any point in the U. S. A. Territory protection If you give us your route list. Sea¬ son Just opening. ORDER NOW. Shipment by return mail.




I taking order* lor Music
Chcitt. Sooiethlng new. A marveloii* invention. Doe* more than uiaeblnea eoating 20 time* It* price.
Ea*lly carried with you anywhere. Eight and well

GraU Moao $394 sWoek

IW.»J JORT earned over *72«Hn

G months. We paid TED


for five

months work. Easy to

take orders on account of

low price. M a day for

Send for terms--free sample.

THOMAS MFC. COw Cikcat 118 Dayton. Ohio

Chioaoe Offie*; ms Astor St


Tiatyoe*. |k|ix2''i. Pries.$ 7.50 M Tintyges. 2'/iX3Vi. Price.. 15.00 M Plain Backs. 2'ix3'/a. Price. 11.00 M
Post Caros. 2'/ix3'/2. Price. 15.00 M

Mounts. I'ix2'/,. Price.. Mounts. 2',2X3`/j. Pries.
Mounts, Black. 214*3'/,. Prioo. DevtIopefS. Set.

No eattlogua Order from this advertlaemuuL PITT NOVELTY CO.. 407 Fourth Aveauo.


The Only Original PUT & TAKE TOP

Took Chlfa-o like wildfire Uests cards or dice. Handled by leading hotel*, elgir

Quaripre roll In

store*. Dealirs. put a few In yi.ur window and watch the


Hjumaronealljf' burnt lii the wood. dlfTHTtnit colofu and Uien TarnlMted. The toj « Ust a jifetinK*. R^'llq 10 t> 1 betu-r tlun papiv wraiKMHi. 19 50 per ireta. $1.00 per doren. Saaipie. 25c prepaid.


with ordrr. balanrr r. O. I>. Postal ur cizpr«»t9 M. O.

Not Ji'« than Jl itoauu ordera aiivpttd on dozen pih-e.

W Mesas Player Takes All FRYE a CO., Efcliisive Sales Attnlt, IIS N. Clark SL. CHICAGO

I APRIL 23.*1St1




W. H. Grifflth, bead, noielty button, abells tod MiiiTonlr worker, who la doing fair bailneaa and wtsbea to laj bello to pltcbdom, thru `rii>ea.' "


Witii Long Decorated Stick
$7.50 Per Gross
Flyini Bird, with Shtrt Stick. $4-00 Per Gr«u. R. W. B. Cloth Porawl--IB-Inch. S3.S0 Por Ooi.
Runnlni MIro on Strlnti. i>4.M Por Grocf. M, 80--Triniparent Gil Billooni. |3.S0 Per Groii.

Rerelvpd a photo from ,San Olego, Cel., ahnwiiig a dandy filled pi|>n frameup covered with Imnneri with Dir . KiDuey't (of "Easy Hlreet" famei big euto ai a baekfround. And working on tbU frameup, all In white (a la <i|»-rating aurgeonl, la tte said Doc Fin¬ ney. demoaitrating with the aknll of--aomebody. Also a "kid," mounted aboard a bally chair and awaiting the "turn'*--wunder if Doc ia dninir byp. Tbe kid iooki ai tho be waa In a male of at lent nemi-bypnoata--$>robably ye diwior't itroog spell bad worked thought conrenir.atlon even on hii aiaiatant. Don't know who sent the photo but It'i aura tome Joint. Others working in Han Diego are Dad Darker, tranaferlne; Brennan, combt; Casey, Hoap; Wysam, bnttons; Ootlieb, internal batb, and all said to be getting jack.

No SO--l2'/i-0i. Traniiarent Gai Ballooni $4.00 Per Grou.

3S.lnch Whips, with Double Oecoratid Handle. $7.SO Por Grou.

Send for I frustrated Cntalog
No C. O l>. ililpnirnts without 25% drpitlt.


132 Park Flow.




OaaoUne Bill wants to be honest in bta con¬ victions, ao, without any other explanation than that a rerent letter from Dr. Harry Davis, from Durant, Ok., waa accidentally mislaid, hegs llarrj'a pardon, and bear 'tia: "While working down in this neck o' the wimkIs (Diirunt) I ran Into Mr. and Mrs. Eddie MrGovern, and must say they have a nice store and a big Hash of i-ombs and white stones. They are sure getting tbe long green, both having awell fronts, Eddie with a big b. r. and tbe Miaiua with aome real diamonds. J. O. Barricklow, a real trouper, la here with the MrfJoverna. We all worked on tb* main stem and got the kale. Saturday being one of the biggest days 1 ever bad. Sunday we spent In shooting pii>ea and all had a fine time and plenty of gi>u<l eats. I also met Dr. High¬ tower in Fort Towson, running a very nice confectionery atore. Would like a pli>e from Boyle
and his ·'belter half. Dr. Uowae: How are you



Rltowlnc llluitratloni and prli-eo ot


Fare Fowdera

Uitturi. Crrami. Soira. Tolirt Seta,


Small Sirs Sachet. Per 6r...$l.85 Larta Sirr Sachrt. Par Cr... 2.1$ $0.00 Knife Board for.7.2$

II rhoto Knlna on an ^OO-noIe
IL-ariL "No jui.k " itlr* third i-a-h. balariw C. 0. D.)

National Soap & Perfume Company,
ISO North Walla 8L. Chicato. III.

Put and Take or
3 A real urrcT rrttrr Ertrybodj la rlajinc with them. THE LATEST CRAZE.
Comta In lurrtrd ··ok'rs and aallInc hkr wild flir at 2$c.
59,00 Per Gross; 80c Per Dozen.
50% datios'.t rmiulrad on all C O. U orjrra. AU chaifra paid whan raah with order Sample, Paalaaid. 2Sc. Miautirturad By

"J. D ," an ex-county official at Warerly, O., and not only well known, but an esteemed friend among many boya of the road--now operating the local "Dike Studio*'--kicks In with the following from that city:
"Petr BUI--Even distinguished gentlemen who delve In yonr dreams have anniversaries of sorts to be remembered--su^h as cur first stand, the 'funniest* incident that 'ever haspened.* how we 'got ours,* when we were `net looking for it,* and various other sorts that happened two, four or maybe twenty years ago today. These are all `small* when (-ompared with the birth anniversary of any of the ones interested in tl.e telling or making of some tueh stories. So the double celetralun toda.v, .Liirll 10. cf Dr. Harry Neal, who was Just .*>4 years 'young' and his friend, Victor C. Gufh. probably Dike County a rorem<*st piano and music dealer, who waa alto just 45 years old. was bef.tttngly celebrated with one cf the finest feeds ever in these parts. .4 few yams were spun, a novel joke or two, aome real music and a general rehashing of earlier da.vs. The enly drawback waa the amount left on the board after all had eaten. The table really groaned under the weight, and the Dwtor expressed a wish that he was still hungry. Everybody enjoyed snd ipprecialed to the fullest extent all the govd things, and deeds the Doctor placed before them, and thanked and compllmealed the lade on her culinary accomplishmenta. Dr. Neal opens at Cir leville. ().. May 2 for bl* annual tour sriUi bit `CA-NE' rem¬ edies."
Have you locked thro the I,etter List in tbli tsaue? There may be a letter advertised for yoo.



Ordrra filled same day rrraired.
Quit paylrg hold-up prltes for yonr goods Get ctuUty goivlt with quirk service, and all goods put
undrr your own name and addrra tf you wish 5o« IS tlw time to irrange for your suresK-'s goo<)x A pnsptrd sill bring our cauloc THE OtVORE MFC. CO . 274-7$ Narth Hl|h SL. Colaaikut. Ohls. ASK THK StTl F.USKI L MKDH'INE MAN AHOt T I H HE KNOWS

A Big Hit With Agents


WRITE AT ONCE! Lft us unfold our plan to put jrou in a buttness of youf owe, poasitU for 70U to get into this bi^ money-making bualnesa easily.
Earn $100.00 to $150.00 Weekly. Work all or part time
Plrasant. healthful outdoor work. Work anywhere, cltlea or elUagaa. Ba a One-Minuta Photographer. We teach you in twenty minotea* Uma. Our li.atructiona are a.mple. Even a ten-year-old child can undarataod tham.
takea. developa and drlirera four poet card photoa per minute. Subleeti are photographed directly on "MANDBL" Poat Carda. arltbout fllaoa. platee. printing and darkroom. Thla la the greateat photographic Inrantion of tbe century. We are certain that you will maka Mg moDay. therefore we will gtva you four raontha' time to pay for tbe eomplate outfit.

1921 Model Just Out. Weieht. 3 ibt.

1422 W. Randolph St.,


Furnished either plain or wired, complete. Full line of receptacles, wire,

plugs, etc. You can save money by purchasing from us. Write for prices.

CITY WIRE FRAME CO., 726 So. Wabash Avenue, ·
Phono. Wabaib 4253.


Demonstrators, Agents and Dealers Attention
\X'e are MaDufacturen of the Famout Marvel Silver Cleaning Piates; faWest aeiling aibcle and mort proFitable, for either lex; run Demonitiatiouin dept. Mores, oo street eomen and ^ slate and county lain and clean up in the next aix months; get to oo thia now, %vhJc the \ gettuig ia good; we Fumiah complete Demorutrating Outfit, together with liquid foitarauh' ing jJverware, if desired. Clean fascinating work, easy to Demonatiate and aeD; cleans slverware aod jewelry ioatanlly, without rubbing or poUuog:]uM show your audience how the plate cleant dirty, tarnished nlyerware and jewelry, changing it to a fine bnghi luster, Lke brand new and watch the money roil in,'Send 25c to-day. for sample and wholesale pikes. Metal Alloy Producta Co,. 1325-15Ui St., Milwaukoo, Wia.

Shaatx the Colt Auto Cartridics (6 Shots) (.2$ Cal.)


Tlere's an opportunity to get the finest safest, .25 Cal. AUTOMATIC PIbTOL on the market Tills Fi.tol Is practically fool proof against acci¬ dent. a DUUBI.E S.4FETY IKIN'T \V.\IT. Send mrmey order today.
-Yttractlve prot-o-ition tor ilealrrs. a;.er.ts and sales loard operatora We ran also fun.ish .rj Cal. .Yutomatic Pistol for $18.00--(2 magaxtnes-- 18 shuts).





Na. 35D--Amber Pocket Gross. !.$ 8.751 No. 13$--.Ymber Barber. Coarse and fine. Or. Na. 65--Amber Barber Coarse and fine. Or . 16.751 N.ckel blidea for Pocket. Gro-s.
For $1.25 will mail you a complete line of 8 Combs, parcel post prepaid.
GOTHAM COMB CO.. INC. I3S E. 2$th St. New York C

Istfe and odd k'ts of R'.lIfoldA Ordinary vslurs 7TM® D'O'I to $>.00 ler (lox. Now closing out at prr gross. Will alilp Mmplo duacn at St Ot). t lr»t CLinf, first srrvrd
u 8. LEATHER GOODS CO.. 108 W. Laka. Chicaya.

One does work of three. Cooks tetti-r than direct heat bells to bomrs. hotels, cafes, .tc. With our Kwii-ksharp Knife and Scissors Grinder, an Ideal Agents' Line,

NO threading wire RES'JIREO


Tiose sho «rre with me on The Inland FVmer. writs.


hl< tmitury,


Manner fArMtrs* Htat IcuniGl,

Wilktf Butldlnf.

iauItvIlU, Ky.



"» Will show you how to miks pir srrk as TravrIIng Salrtmen. Eiprrleure

parliculara NATIONAL K\TRA(T MFG. t'O., South ItHid. Indiana.

SLOT MACHINES Bought, _H<>ld,_ Re¬ paired. Brila. Dewts,-k I'l'is Fin Msrliiiivs always

PREMIUM BOARDS etc. Rig bargalna At ail Umea.

BannerWriSte PfoEr CCataIkAiguIeT . V

.. .. _

Y LcLI.,

709 Nortk 7th Straat._PHILADELPHIA. PA

1307 Garland Bldi..





Oprrsirs wlwre other

sllmulatcrs cannot. MID-

OtfT <«stf $5.00 each,

brings SlttO. Hump your

own I'rem.ums or we can.

The lit,St' The *nsp-

p|. s< Best tor Candy

and M.lse, It peps up

drsd territory! II sells

'em' Presto! Cash for

Sion tUM-k. Both ends

of Upe tt worked.


1421 2nd Aveaue. North.

_ Stattit. Wash.


Great, St ut. ful metal iiorrlty


l..,ly on sight' No talk ncYSsaryl

Kv.Trtlonil frrr premiums, t rackermck nwnw

.s,nd 4$e now tor pin-sn "'"i'"'-

;;;; "r.L'.V

« ,Te,llttd on or.lrr.



H.J3 Hnu.lnsv. .New \ork t Ity.



Pitchmen, Medicine Men

AGENTS WANTED llutt.'l ..- . .r-e-

niusttitr.l t stsU.g, I'NITKD FllOTO IHTTON CO.,

42 Kast 4th bt. New York City.


Agents, Crew Managers, Demonstrators!
GET INTO THE $500 TO $1,000 A MONTH CLASS. Hovee .belf-Tlireadlng Emhroiderv Needles sell for $1 00 on sight Makes beautiful em, hat«. pillow '..IPS. eu-. One agent sold $2,000,00 worth last two months. Fad surted. radv income. 8o0'"c profit Sample. $1.00. $20.00 per srose. Agenfa outfit free with
HOVER NOVELTY CO., 4740 N. Clark St., Chicago

WANTED--Male and Female Agents to sell a unique device to amuse, interest and Instruct

In the most fascinating wav.


"YOURS MERRILY** JOHN R. ROGERS, care Billbeard. New Yerk City.

Send u card for your sumple of NuPop.

It'a free t«y vou.


P« 0. Box 161,

Columbus, Ohio,

BIO PROFITS selling Duplex Transformers. Eefry

auto owner nrr,1s ihrm, bares gas. Baiii^

J ll'/S

trouble Kicliislye territory Wrltr ,|Ul,'k. Jl BlLr.t

MFO t'O.. Ilf-'. Sts. f. Omshs. Nohraska._

'*®*'*** books--(Saeclal Issue)--Kncyelopedla


Sons, t'onialiia romlc. ariitlmpi.Ul

.u ·

H*<'llsll.u,s. etc. bemt t5c for ssm-

1 tf**'* Psttleulste. WOlU.U'B DI B t tt . D$ N. Tenth, Bt LouIa Missouri


Bit Money and Fast SslU- kht-ry owner

burs tlokl Inltljlr for his suto. Y,hi charge $1.50;

maks 11.3$. Ten or>l«s dally easy. Write for rar-

ttciilars and fri-e samples. NOVELTY MONOGRAM

CO.. Oryt. C., 192 Market St., Newark. N. J.



APRIL 28. 1921



Messrs. Freed and Duke on tbe grounds, and they worked, oi>erated and built until May 1. and then made their grand opening at South Milwaukee, with an organization having a ros¬

JOS. Q. FERARI SHOWS Enlarged for Coming Season--Open




ter of one hundred t>eopIe. But their bird work was to rontinue--tbe train was to be gotten, more building had to be done, various details must b« attended. And this they ai'complished

at Danbury, Conn., April 23
Dantairy, Cnnn., April 13.--Tbe Joa. G. Fertri

in six mure weeks, and (he II. T. FTeed Expo¬ Rhows have been enlarged for tbelr coming

sition moved on its own train June 14.

tour. E»w being a twenty-flve-car organization

Curtis and Elmer Velare's Aggregation Has Good Start at Peoria, IlL--Midway One of Neat¬ ness, Shows and Personnel of High

I'hru Tbe Billboard'a channel of distributing news one by one capable men began to cast their lot with this show, and la th» sam« way the reaponslble jiositiuos began to be filled, hut It was not until late in July that tbe last one was taken. Thii was wlu-n George Fuut joined at Clinton, la., and took rharge of tbe business office. Ftam that day on Mr. Freed baa lieen able to truthfully boast of having accumn-

Laat season only fifteen qara wen- uaed l< tnnaport theae ahowa.
General .Manager Ben Williams atatea that lohas enlarged all departmenta, bat signed ser eral I4g attractions and baa purchased new eiiulpuient. as well aa ten low cars for lliu show train.
The seaaon for the Jos. (}. Ferari Shows opens In this city on April 2.3.

Standard and Equipment Excellent

lated in that short space of time one of the most efficient staffs ever under one banner in


the carnival field.

Id  bU/.i* uf lixlit atiii glory, tlio Nat Itfiaa Showi, uii'lor flip (liipciion of Cnrllx aud £lmer VeUre. oOiolall, </|>pnpil thp apaaon at PporUl, III.. TImrwiaj iiiKlx, Apill M. on tiip livpr front, two l)l(M ka froiii iiip ( oiiit Housp s<|uarp. Aftor tbrpp nioiitliK \\or>iii: (ilip Inst tivp wppka day and niglil) all liip altraotioiiK and mips wpip ready for tlM` oppniug tlomisli of I'rtif. Kink's AIl-Amprican Baod. Tlip Nat |{plsa Shows bavp ·Iwaya enjoyed an pD%i.ildp rp|>utaiion. and (his year everytbina went out from winter quarters mueh iniptoved oeer any former seasiin. The sratehword of the managenient is "aprviee*' and the freah bsik of ettry atlraition tiorp PTldence of tbe tluip, thought and munpy put in by Meaara. Vplare on tbla show, whieb, while not tbe biggeat on tbe road, st.suds eniineut as regarda exppllenee of equipment and high standard «f abows and rersoonel.
Fourteen abows, three free a<ta. beaded by Capt. Matt Gsy, high diver; Fink's Famous AllAtnerlran Band and four up to-date rides, all Wilek and span with unifornied employees, and a niee lineup of poneesaiona, ojiened to a crowd of about J,i»si (leople. The management and ndlvidoal showmen and coneessr-uiers were more than pleased with tbe bnainess transacted the opening night. Tills amusement enterprise ia (-ooaideied a reori,i institution and the man¬ agement and members of the company have

I'alare of Wonders (side show). Walter White: Fashion Show and Revue (musical comedy), Fr.iiik Hefl>y; It.inft's Society Circus and Horse Show. ('.Ipt, Itaiifl; Big Six Siile-Show, A. Barker; Peerless Platform .SIuiws, Walter White; Athletic Arena, Thoa. Pavi-uiHTt; I'rary House, C. 11. Johnson: Jolly Jester. Geo. Elser; Temple of Mirth. Harry Itunson; White's Bathing Beau, ties Walter White; Sl;ooting the Rapids, Ben¬ nett Stevens,
Galesburg, III., April 12.-^ust one year ago last week (to be exact, .\pril 7) the H. T. KTeed Exposition first ojiened. which event took place in Milwaukee, Wis. At the time it eonsisted of Freed s mammoth carousel, Ferris wheel, one concession and a brand new ·'Whip." The staff consisted of M. T. Freed, in charge, assisted by the hustling young man, L. E. Duke, and Charles F. Watmuff, as general agent. To these three men. lielongs whuteier i redit is due this urganixation--also to The Billboard, thru which valuable medium Mr. Freed secured this capable assittani-e. These three men then started to work early and late, Mr. Watmuft attending to the entire advance and

During all uf this time Mr. Watmuff had skillfully hsndled tbe entire advance work of the show, and Messrs. Frex-d and Duke never had a minute of their own up to this time. But from here on their labors iH-came lighter until late in November, when the show pulled Into winter quarters on tbe dUtriet fair grounds of tins city, t-ompleting one uf the moat suci-esaful seasons enjoyed liy u new show, and an enviable reputation tor clean amusement and honurahle dealings which Mr. Treed may well be proud to aekoowledge.
After a brief rest tbe trio went at it again with "hammer and tonga," with tbe result that on Thursday. April 14. this show will embark on its sei-ond annual tour at a 15-car ontfit, and an enlarged staff.--llAKRY ROW (Show RepresentatiTe).
A letter from John L. Fehr atates that ha hast resigned at general agent of the Burnt Greater Shows an.I has accepted a like posi¬ tion with lloss-Hay'a Enited Shows, and that be is already busy with hit duties with the Utter organization.
Hive you looked thru the Letter List in this issue? There may be a letter advertised for yon.

Quanah, Tex., April 12.--Tbe old naying, that "an honevt confesaioa is good fur tbe Honl," might Well he apiilied in reference to the hnal neoa dune by the Frisco ExiKiailloa Show* at Ibiwie. Tex., last week. and. while thoae on the committee were workers, the eltlzenx of the town mure than amicable tuwarda the ihon and it* peu|de, the midway crowded nightly, and the xbowi admired, the simple truth of the matter it that the town wa* in no condition, finanrlall.T, to aup]M>rt an attraction uf tbit alze, yet it cannot be ajioken of in tbe nature of a bl<.«>mer, aa. taking all i-noditloax into conalderation, it eould have been worae
This week fiodx the ahuw at Quanah. Iie-ateil no a beautlfnl lot right near the heart of tbe buaineaa center, and, after having showed on tho streeta, it la a pleasure to see the attrac¬ tions with their many beautiful fronts grouped aa only Superintendent Caraoii haa a natural tact of duing. Buatneaa opened fair here Irtt night, but at this writing the weather It cold. Cloudy and threatening. This is the last amall town for this outfit, aa from here on the ahowa Jump right Into the larger ritiei. where they belong, aa the outfit it in every re«pect a big city prodnetipn.
"Col. Zack Mulhtll." the star bit-king ateer on the Burrougha Wild Weat, added another Ttctlm to hit list of rataaltiea la«t week hy

made many friends among the biialiiesa men of

throwing Grady Smith and aeverely injnring

tbe city and the iieople generally, who readily spprerdate the money that has been invested, as
well aa the progressive poLieiea and earnest study of the public taste that has been made by


him about the neck and ahoiilders. Smith will be unable to ride for tome time. Prof, Jnllui Martinez will entertain hit many friends to¬ night at a birthday party and dance--all are

the manag'^nient, and that has added twenty ears to the five with which the Velire Brothers began their career as man.sgers a few years ago. This genuinely Inspired confldence aug¬ mented by the host of personal friends of Mana¬ ger Bob Lohmsr, and assisted by thoro billing locally and in the industrial suburbs, together with complimentary press comments from the several daily sheets, was responsible for the attendam-e. patronage and play the opening night. Col. Beckw-lth'a Auto promotion has eieeeded all evpectitiona so far and it has ten days more to run. Ail going to show that there Is plenty of munev for clean amusements proper¬ ly conducted, even tho other lines of business have not aa yet returned to the normal. The ·bows close at Peoria April 23, going to Rock Island
Staff--Messrs. Curtis and Timer Velare. owners and lessees; Robt. Lnbtnar, general manager; F.ail Jordaa, secretary and treasurer;
C. lir. (Billyl Marcus, general agent) and
fralBc manager; Chtls Tlogan, Col. L. 0. Beck¬ with and Percy Junes, adranee; C. H. Johnson, advertising; Prof Fink, musical director; Ben¬ nett Wevons, press rerirescntatlve: .1 h. Ed¬ wards, Jr., chief electrician; C Shephard, as¬ sistant; Adam Kelly, ihandeller m.m; P. Stuckey, mister of transportation; .M Hall and H Benton, special police; Just Wiight, head porter, with four assistants. Free Attractions -- TWrld famous high diver. Cept. Matt Gay. 10«> feet Into tank. T,e Petite Ranft, slack and high wire. Maximo and Maximus, aerial enter tainers. Rides--Foiir abreast carry-us-all, fol. Burd, manager; Giant Fll wheel, Chas Miller: Velare Broa.* whip, Frank Welde; Velare Bros.' derated frolic. Bob I,ee. Shows--Garden of Paradise, riawallan Show. Bussell Thompson;


& looking forward to an enjoyable time. Johnny Martin, the efficient mail and Billboard agent,


keeps hia toft drink aland in an inviting rondltlon at all times. White ia the predomlnat ing color. Elmer rolllna, the congenial aecrefary, ia the proud p<r#ae*aur of a hand»>me gold watch and la at ail times willing to ex¬
plain how he seenred It. Next week la the last atand In Texas, then
Into Colorado.--CLARKE B FELOAR. (S^


All Pure Wool

They carry a flash that has no equal





Cumberland. Md., April 12.--Moat of the peo¬

ple rontracted with Percy Mariln'a Midway

k Shows are now in Cnmberland. and the show's winter quarters on ^ederlck street is a beehira

k of artivlty. The Martin Shows open their season here on

k` April 23 on a downtown street lo<'atlon and go from here to Western Port. General Agent Dix

k Schiller reports aoiiie good buukinga ahead, and everybody connected with the comi'tny seems

In lots of


k k k

anxious for the liond to play the opening con cert, aa all appear optimistic as regards a sue cestful aeaaon. The management haa to far arrangett the following line-up: Five ahowa, three
rides, a 20-pleee hand, free act and about 40 conreaalona.--NELLIE PELEGBIN (Show Repre





25 or more


k Despite the fact that another companr was playing on the tame l«t at Rarileavllle. Ok , the

F. O. B. Chicago or San


k k


Ed A. Kvant Greater Shows, allowing under the auspices of the City Firemen, played to satis fsetury business. Three fiat cars, whh-h were relioUt In the Sante Fe shops at Chanute, Kan , were returned to the slmw at Barllcavltle and two new ones also arriving make It ixisslble

THebmood, 'Va.. April 12.--Despite the In¬ clemency of weather and the fart that there are other shows exhibiting in Richmond at this time, the Lew Dufnur Shows drew their share of the business when they opened here last Matorday nigbt.
Mr. Dufoiir does not have all of his shows on the lot In Richmond, hot has lined up for

·> IT

Sample Blanket sent

prepaid upon re¬ ceipt of

.Every Order Brings


a Repeat

that yon uae tbe CATCSE INDIAN

k k k k

for the management to dlsfienae with tyalem
flats and load on its own cars. Trainmaster J. C- Steward haa closed with
the show and gone over to the Con T Kennedy Shows. Ilia position is now being filled by "Whltle" IHekerson. (V)ffeyvll1e. Kan . was the stand for the week of April 11.--G. E. HAllBIS (Show Repreaentative).

his Washington. D. C.. engagement one of the finest arrays of abows. riding devices and ·r coooessioDS seen this year. Some of the at¬ tractions for the two weeks in Washington, atarting April 25, are as follows: A double set of riding devices. "The Palace of Illusions." IVlniar A I.amdao, managers; "Thtxj the Falls,"

BLANKET for one week on tbe same lot,
same day and date where yon will come la
competition with other blanket*. If yon
nut find that yon have grossed from 30% to 80%
more with the CATFSE INDIAN BLANKBT than
your competitor baa with bia blanket, we will not
solicit your order again this aeaaoii.



k Open April 23 at Greenfield, Mass.


Rafael A Pliillipa, managers; ".irahlan Nlgh*a.'' Mslah Zantour. manager; `IMotordrome," Cliff Munger, manager: ·`Alhletle Arena." .\I Miles, manager: big ·`fTreiis Side Show." Ro-Bo, the Elephant-Faced Bov;" the "I'lantatlon Show," the "Submarine Show," "Wilson's Wild Ani¬ mal Arena." "Ted Mefz'a Ten-In One Dog and Pon.v Show," "Silodrome." "Midget Village," "One-Ring Circus." that strange creature. "Prince Tderl'k." Altogether a splendid llnep and one that will surely please the public. --(Miss) RILLEE MtIRBAT. (Show Repre-




S. W. GLOVER. Manager

k k

GENERAL OFFICE: Room 300 Palmer House, Chicago


k BRANCH OFFICE: A. ALBERT, 320 Market St., San Francisco, Calif.

If* If*

If* if» ir* jr* If* if» ir» ifk if» ffh jfh ifk 11%

C, B. Allen's Rig T,eagDe Shows are all set for the season's o|>enlng at Greenfield. Mass , April 23, under the auapicea of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. ITiey are under the manage¬ ment of Wm. J tl'up) Foster, who la in Greenfield, making the final arrangenienta. l-^illuw Ing will he the staff: C It. Allen. s«*cretsry and treasurer: Wm J. Wilson, general agent. W. M. Brown, advertising agent: Stanley Vinal, electrician: Joatvil Dick, contest agent: Wm Itoorke, trainmaster: James A. Lent, legal ad¬ juster. The llne-np of the Big League Shows ia announced by tbe management as four rtdea,


sight ahowa aatf thirty coaecaaloM.

I^RIL 23, 1921



No. 597--14x46 Gable End Tent, top made of 8-oz. khaki drill, heavily roped,

No. 578--30x90 Oblong Square End Tent, top made in 3 pieces of 14-oz.

' 7-ft., «-oz. white wall, fair condition. Complete, ready


olive drab duck, push pole style, roped every third seam. 8-ft., No. 10

brown duck wall. Good condition. Complete, with ^CCA A A

No. 602--21x42 Oblong Square End Tent, top made of 14-oz. duck, olive

poles and stakes.

drab, roped ridge, eaves, corners 3 times between on sides and once
between on ends, 7-ft.. 8-oz. white walls. Good ^|AO OO

No. 575--40x60 Oblong Round End Tent, top made of 14-oz. olive drab duck, top is stripped, roped on eaves, with guy every third seam. Rail ring

condition. Complete, with poles and stakes.

style. 7 ft.. No. 10 brown duck wall. Good condition. ^OCA A A

fjj,, 417--20x40 Oblong Square End Tent, top made of 12-oz. duck, roped

Complete, ready to use.

ridge, eaves, corners, 3 times between on sides, and once between on

No. 566--80x115 Oblong Round End Tent, top made of 10-oz. double filled

ends. 7-ft., 8-oz. wall. Fair condition. Complete, C|9A AA

khaki duck, roped every third seam. 10-ft., 8-oz, khaki


with poles and stakes.


W'all. Fair condition. Complete, ready to u use se.







^ ^ N» 29
rent AM WAHCC stand 1071®

Thl» li in IllusUitrd price U»t of only pirt nl the TALCO UXB of hlihcjt KtiJe Concession Goods, of irhtcii Ihrre ire maior other nieful ttrmi, lurti it S full Use of Cook House t'tenslls. Lui'.erns. Food Winntri. Confectloneri' Thermometeri. Sausi:e Strameri, Poufhnut Prei-ared Flour, Portal le Root Iteer Birrvla, Ice Crum Bindwlch klicUlncs. Iloney-BlU Portable Standi, Cream WalBe Stands, Hot Scone Stindi. Order* filled direct from alore price UtL A* wo do not Issue a ctneral cataVrsue. it. writing, pleiie came the Items you are Interested in so we can send correct bulletins. Tour Inuuiiles are cor-1 dialiy aoUdted. All orders and mall reretfe immediate attention.
TALBOT MFG. COMPANY, 1I2S Chestnut SL, SL Louis, Missouri.

Write for 8pecificationc

Write for Price*.

Write for prices and terms*

Special folder sent on request.

Type iVo. iS3
Especially adapted for use with a





Factory at North Tonawanda, N. Y.





CONCESSIONS--All IMietds open. Silk Shirts, I-amps, Fruit. Grocer¬ ies, Aluminum and all kinds of Stock Wheels. No exclusives. This show' plays cities, not tanks. Several big celebrations and expositions con¬ tracted. and r«)Uto will bo furnislied interested parties who want to talk business.
SHOWS--Can place Mechanical Show's, Platform Shows and any meritorious Attractions tliat are entertainments. No Girl Show's need Jinswer. Want Fre.ik or best framed I'latform Show', with panel front. Want Cir<'us Acts for Society Circus.
Our tour is positively already contracted to the closing stand, and ci)ntain8 Fairs, Celebrations and several Old Homo Weeks. This show uoe.s to tile and then South into tlio oil fields, tiet aboard tlio "20tli Century Exposition Limited" for your season.
Address all mails and wires to NAT NARDER, Director-General MaExposition Shows. Richmond, Va., week April 18; Washington,
D. C,, week April 25th; Hagerstown, Md., week May 2nd.

These 14-inch DOLLS
$27.50 Per with 3-piece 100 Fancy Dresses

With Wigs and 3-piece 0CI| A A Per 100
L Fancy Dresses yvUaUU

^ Send for our Catalog of " Chinese Baskets, Electric
Lamps, Electric Dolls, Beacon Indian Blankets, Esmond In¬ dian Blankets, Pillow Tops. Plaster Dolls, Unbreakable Dolls. Paper Doll Dresses, Silk Doll Dresses, Grocery Baskets, Wheels and Games. One-half cash with order, balance C. O. D.

"Sauare Deal" Ben Simon, Mgr.


"The Square Deal Douse'*

Long Dittance Tetephnna--Rorkwell 2268




Keefe & Blotner Exposition Shows


W.ENTED--Fmls Wheel. 60-10 basis. Will ray transportation to openlnit sl.rul. r.W PL.ECE one

mow* SIhjw. Mechanical or Illusion. State what you have in tirM letter, no t ine for dickering. lains

season atui the Inst ajxits anaranteid. Can pUt'e a few rai ie itfiiul SUires.

includes eVErytlilng.

Itall lianns.

Ths followin': are open: IVvIl's !L>w|.nj: .\lley. Stjii;^: fiame. Knife R.i. k. jAing

Uainie ai d iMgarette Shooting Irallery, Iluokley-Tluck, Tat Hall Oarut and ralmislry. .Mr. l\HiCe<Sioner,

we will piotect >«»u, Jls we will ivsltivolv carry hut one of each. If you ward to ImtM vour joint we

have leSM-d a larjie biilMlne In North Ahlngton. lumber yard avross the streeL This rUee Is .i

mile from the lot In oivnliig town. Ship >our atulT ri:ht in. We will take «'Are of It till >*»n arrlri

Write, wire or <vme right on. W.\NT Man tluit und»istanda a .New-Wav Engine for Merry-Go-R <1.

AddreM all mall U» WM. J. KEEFE or SAMUEL BLOTNER* Kcef# A Blotner Expasition Shows, UoAn

Ahington* MassachuMtts.


APRIL 23, 1921


Beautiful Attractive


J^i^hest Quality

Prompt SerVtco


When You Meet Competition Then You Will Appreciate
Write for Catalogue.
45-Alr. 12.00

Henry fleyn--Ali is holding a three dollar money order in your fa^<>r. I'lease send your address for a week in advance.
"Jasper" says: "Only a memory--the oldtime side-Kh<iw spieler, who 'euuldn't' make an o|iening without a goodly supply of ·nosepalnt'.''

Saturday, April 21. seems p<s>ular as a starter

of the season this year. Numerous caravans in

the North have announced their openings for that date.

Would like to aeco:iiiiii«lele you, Mrs. K.,

hnl the matter seems of a purely personal na-
tnre. I'lease address a letter to the parties, care of The BilUtuard.
---. Tarson" Jo Purning doing press this season for the World at and I'olack Bros.' 20

Big Shows Combined. < beck off anotlier old timer for Sheik Irving J.'s staff.

The private car of Kussvdl Brothers, which had been praised as one of the tiuest in tbo show business, is announced as the latest additloo to the :?napp Br«)S.' Stiows' train.

-Ml'»p Zeigler, tsmeessioner, last season with

the .killed Shows and other rar.ivans. has eontra'led the eoLiessions of himself and Mrs.

lelsi.n with the International Shows for their

coming tuur.


Knim the winter quarters of Snapp Bros.' Shows roiiii'H word that ajnong recent visitors

there were Steve A Woods. "Bfri" Itlce, John I'ollitt and Eddie Vaughn. AU anld it la to

be "soaie show."

-- What's the idea--Happy HI Hubbard postcarding that he Is en route with the Smith Greater Vnited Slows and that he is springing

this be of the same signiflcance as "solid gold'' leaf on tbo fronts--possible* luxury?
. _-- The news reaches ua that Italpb Ed8<>n. son of Mrs. Edson, the well known coneessloner. was married to I'uuline .'totini at the "Little riiureh .Vtviind the Corner," New York < Ity, on .\piil and at 1.1-1 re|M'rls the newlyweds were siM-uding their liominuMin at one of the leadlug hotels in Washiugl in. I>. C.
J. C. Weer formerly with the C. R. I.eggette Miows and last with Itosmo's Imperial Shows, as secretary, wants to hear from friends, Writing from Ketroit. Mieh., he says he is tsklug treatment at the C. S- Marine nosi>ital there and feels quite loneljr among strangers. .kddress eare of above institution.
-Coincldont with a number .of "planted*' knocks against rarnivals at a whole the past couple of years in particular. It la quite agrc^eable to note that dailies in several im|>ortaDt cities of the Middle West are carrying news that the City Couneila are "re<-<msidering drastic legislation," whieh surely It at it should be.
Sorry, "fleorge." hut the press agent's story of `·the oj^ning'* in the local daily Is pndiably somewhat too closely wiven as to detail-- too long, or toj many unite, essary explanations, let ns say--for slvwfolk* to read and be in¬ terested. Why not have him send in a special Story to The Hilllssird? By the way. there have been several "Georges'* this spring.
--- 11. E. .Smith, special agent of Sol's Cnited Bhowi, opines that any one suffering with s case of "bad dogs" (corns) might get relief by applying to M. W. McQuigg, general agent of that caravan. H. E. admits that "Mack" Is a much better show representative than that of a corn doctor, but adds: "My corns were so bad

Of the fltlfit ii Wb«t the

BIk KU Wheel ban been

throughout the pait

years. Our motto in

"Let ua make rikxIh

dent lord for long aer^lee,"

UD(1 our aiaecesa ban

liroTpu tbta to he true.

Quality of materials suit

skilled workmaushlp baa

niaile the Big KU a aerv

ireable riding devire.

That which tienerres tn

--Burvlves. particulars.

Write for







A Peflch to kx)k at. Wears like iron.
Selkonsiuht. Use them for a leader in these hard times. Hlue, brown or RToen 8t(*ncik*d liorders. Size 27x54, $12.00 per dozen. Sample, $1,50 prepaid. Write for sample or better order a dozen. Retails, $1.75.

The latrst invention and n>>'Sl attractive tniitemet t rtdiiif devl<-s fur Parks. Kairs and Camusis. PiTtsbls or ilathmary. operated by sttbrr citnllns or rleiUrlo ranlur. Writ* kixlajr and lot us tell yon all about U. bUlTU & bkllTlL SbtuigvlUa. bu Co.. N. T.
Carnival Workers, Pitchmen,
Sheetwriters, Demonstrators,
Agents and Peddlers.
It truly was a "white way" that greeted the Scott Greater Shows on the moniing of their opening day at Vian. Ok., recently. It takes tome opUmlM to grin upon awakei.lng and (Indlng an eleveninch Blow after unloading at the fiiat spot of the action, but the show folk did. and tliry are luoUng forward to a most succeastul aeaion.


a new one tbia season, "Lady AgaUa," and a very strong attraction?
Two mighty good entertainers are "Jack and Jill." the fat boys with T. A. Wolfe's Superior Shows. One of these la.Js puts up a dandy lec¬ ture, while the other pulls comedy and the kind that takes, as well.

1 could not walk to the train, and after one dose of `lAic't* corn salve I had to be carried to a taxi."

A letter from Mrs. L. J. Gonltt slates that she la spending a few iguatbs at her home in Klpley. W. Va.. trying to re<-uperste after a serious operation, and that she would ap¬ preciate letters from all ber akowfolk friends.

Write (or catakigus of Chinese Novelty Basket St-

sortments made up for aalestiuard dealers and camlvat

men. With or uitliout candy. Over 100 vaiielici.

Big profits, .kiso write for our new Merchandise Slot

Machine. Sent <tn trial.


mi Market Street


San Fraaoises, Calif.


Perrin Sold $350 One Day


Meisner, STSf in one day

^ Shook.glll oneday Sept. 1920.



rfj H


iT Jwi,



Erwins boy (going to achool) L.^ makes gJS every Sat afternoon.
Erwin nays $6 yields Itt. No theory I No guesswork!

Actual proven record of toccesses. Send for booklet.

Long Eakint Co., 414 High St., Springfitld, Ohio

Said one "Bill K." tn vme "Clifton K." in the .Annex in St. lyiiiis: "She is some real per¬ former and dancer,'' nr words to that effect. Said K. to F.; "You l)et, and you sure are not missing any of it." There you go, gucuaiug again.
That "Big Boy of Mrs. neming's"--"Bill"-- sure is a silent worker, alieod of the Su|u-rlor Shows, as a "-Isnt at the route columns in this issue will show--wlioin'ell. besides W. C. and Tommy Wolfe knew the show was going to play Newport, Ky.?
'Tin said all honors due go to Alberta Cluire for the booking, of the Miller Bros.' Circus Ex¬ position Into Wsyeross, Ga.. snd that reganlb ss of a so-called local "Reformtrs lyagnc," Die show in its entirety filled the date, the hist in town for some time.
Don't worry, the peo(ile of almost any eommunily want outdoor amusements--other than amateur festivities--even if lo<-al business and outside interests are optiosed to tlieir (the peopie's) entertainment and privilege, and majority wins in the end.
How's com we don't bear an much singing the praises of "spending the winter" In the grand and gloriont climate of the "Bunny Boatli'' 1b the spring ss we do in the fsll? Csn

vviii aker. lert Kansas t ity last July with a


aToiT. . ..J 22

carnival company ami trjek of him has Iven

jum KouiuI, pit ..*·**

lost. .Mr. Whitaker atates bis son Is eighteen .No! JOSJ Siuuge, per cross!!!!!!!!!!.

years of age, fair complnlon. blue eyes and No. SOS? .Sauuge, per gross .

Is left handi-d Always keep In toueh with our caUlosue for 1921 will bs ready to mall about

"h-ime. · Biifvrd. aa <Mie never knows at what May 1st. .'Aeiid ns your permanent address and sUt*

time a sorrow may enter the family circle. -

your business and will mill you one as soon aa it If . printed.

Mart Goodwin, known among the followera


of the big white tops snd the caravans as a

iih goods 0. O. I), without s cash depoWL

"real "how puinicr.'* after many years on the

road W'llh ledli circus an.l carnival orgniiUslions,

has conneii<*d liiiiiHelf with the scenic depart-

ment of the Beverly Co., I/misville, Ky., snd

stales that be will in the future devote his en-

Slum Jewelry tiro time *to the painting of banners, scenery,
elr . turned out by lliul eonipany. --

H. M. Taylor, for several seasons with the

'fniver ExiHisition Shows, will lie with the Inter-

Flash and Give-Aways (sr Osmee.

(>· cun Greater Shows with hla big No. fi Ell


wheel and several eotieessions. I(. M. has already arrived on the lot at Bellevue, Ky., and ia gelling his ouifll in slispe Nt the opening. April 2.1. Nirk Bradna has also (Hilled into

Siuplr, prepaid, lOi- each. Send for I'tiiv List. It's free.
Ituv ilirret wliere It's made. SAMUEL POCKAR, 46 Sabin St. Provldeses,

Bellevue with bis string of eoneessions, and la

getting ready for liiisiness. All with the outflt

seem in the best of siiirils.

At Ntshvllle, Tenn., lliere was liaiid.liiiking and many gabfests when Dm- Gn-ater .vHieesley Shows, I.orman (fc Hublnson Shows and Hoy Gray TIiows were all In town, ami when the Imnrb met at "Dad" McHenry's restaurant In that city-all* needed to (Inisb out a gooil lime

Mafic Wand and Buddha Papers
Send four cents for tamplet.
JOS. LEDOUX. 119 WilMa Avs.. Braoklya. N. Y.

after the slmw, was a dance hall. .*fome of

the fnika were of the npinlon that "Dad's"

1 McHenry) feet were "Itcblng" for the road on

If You Want a Book That Contains Everything You Want
-Send For The-






In Your Request for a Catalog, Please State Your Business, as We Sell Goods for Con




printed tn green, and beautiful invitation cardt. Bigued by Fdwin J. Stubbs, i>reaideat *f the
"l>. C. Chapter, 42nd Division."

Some Beemlngly Interested member of the

Kansas City winterers, as pertains to the note

mentioned, writes as follows: "Dear AU--`Any

man, woman or child eoiiid answer the question

somebody aaked of `Fat' Duncan in the Spring

Special edition with that d--

of `Caravans' dof of Jim

(paragraph four) Kutsell'a banking


Leo Mpps, ahead of the Torrens Cnlted ·q>ovr.. is wondering where all ``the general agents are coming from" In Ohio. Rays be met Vieen pilots of caravans In one week. Leo ray* that regardless of the oppoaltlon he baa landed aome promising spots In the Buckeye Stitc for hit orgaaUatton.
Gene Vsdrean certainly has an excellent niwtilan `'theater" on T. A Wolfe's Roperlor Fbow<. Rene make* a wonderfnl opening, takes t leading part In the performance and outside of himself the entertainers, presenting s elean tod hichlf Interesting program, are all i stive Hawallans.
Frink Beno, who has heen spending the past few months In Cincinnati, left for Dayton. O , where be opens with the K. O. Barkoot Shows with Ms wax show for the set-on. Frank says ha U ``on the wagon" and Intends to stick as long It there Is an axle left. He Is looking the picture of good health and Is full of pep and enthnsltvm for the season's grind.
Tom Webb says the genial bookkeeper of the Deo. T. Seott Greater Shows declare* ho hn been taken for a minister, railed a doctor sod other thing*, but he had to migrate to Kansas to he referred to as a ·`KenlO'Ay Colnnel " "Bsker," continaes Webb. "aaTs be tnirht al*© claim kin with the affab'e `Bill.* oelT the latter prrilirs his monniker with `Ossoitae.* optndately forgetting `good ohJ to'n 11kker.' "



Four Ls-aod B«kt.. $9.00 Phr


Top Handio Baskets, $6.50 per

set et Flee.


Two Rings, One Silk TasscI - $3.50 Set Two Rings, Two Silk Tassels · $4.50 Set
Guarantee Rronnpl Deltvery


785*787 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal.
|5m our Announoement on Doll Lamps This Page Next Week

Our Catalogue Will Surprise You



Tony Nasca, whose band opens the aeaaoa with the J. M. Benson Sbowa, tells us be met an old showman in Norfolk, Vs., in the peraoB Of Kennetn 3. Reid, and was somewhat tnrprised to see Kenneth running a restaurant, hat Mng good business. Tony opines that it certainly pays to ``stick," when on" lights. Naaca has a tine musical organization this season, according to all reports; has new uniforms and seems lending every effort to convince any skeptical nativea that there are good bands with carnivals. Incidentally. Tony is also handling Billboards for the folks with the Benson Shows.
News reaches us that a few weeks ago a ball waa g'ven at Alliance, 0., by one of the prom¬ inent women of the city, Mrs. i.Mattie Maklnaon, at which a number of sbowfolks were in¬ vited guests. The affair waa held in the Ar¬ mory, where the Uots-Hay Shows have win¬ tered, and a delightful evening was spent by about fifty couplea, mnslc being famlabed by a flve-plece orcbeatra. Among the show people attendiag the festlvitlea were: Bert Hosa. ``Whitie" Tate, Measrs. Caahmer and Doogue. Robert Markle, Wm. H. Barker. Joe Antbwy, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Onver, IMY. and Mra. Ben Roberts. Mai Tllford, ``Jlappy" Crouch and Bose L«May. Out-of-town troupera attendlnf included Mr. and Mrs. ("Annetta") Jaa. Ma¬ loney, who had jnst dropped into town and were contemplating the placing of their striae of concessions with H. Se H. organliatkm.

PiiMIcify for the engagement of the l..#w Dtjfonr ih''ws In Washington. D. C., tinder tb* insplcrs of the Rainbow Dlrlslon Veterans, ·tsrtlng April 25. has the past few weeks
''een handled and mailed out extensively. Tirlons forma of advertising the event have tnsde their appearance In the NkMon's capital city. Inclndlng hesidea newspaper storlea and
hilling Mottera, tackcards, catch heralda.

Tiy BaHosat, WTiipt, NovtIliM. SyGdikiM. Dl.

No. SO Alt Balloons, ®<r rnsa. $2 4*. No.

CP Hetw Ots nallonna
Kt grosA $3 2*. Ifo 80 UrtVT


Bslhnna. p · i

(TOM. $$.73. No


Gat Bal*

·p""*. per gross. 9 2*. No. 1S5

\ \ jl/

II//// k"·'-"»'·ptli»v

llallnuna p*r grou. H*d italloona, psr

\\\ \\\

12.7$. So, 1 gross. $7.i

j"nfue and fks Balls, per VjKf gn as. $13.'

Jsp Ixmg Gilts Brads, par

grnta. $A<

W'rtincal Huniilng Mice, per gross. $5.7$. Flyl

«lrdt. prr $*.50. $2.50. Brislai* Huutwkr

$7-20. $J 50. StHivrnlr Whljm. per gtti


*'70®- llut.l»r Krturn Balls, i

H 00. Order from this ad a

MW monr, Grclrrs fllhKl atins day recelwd. 8«

C.t.l,.»u» and pries Utt--M>\VI M. BRODY. IIU.||?a a HsIstrO Ot. Cklraae.



S BROADWAY, (At 4tti Street)


.«Cvswlnrf S04S





The Dolls That Get
Top Money
American. Esther. Cupid

$10 ptr'^lOO; sample set, three sizes, 30c. A . DAY, ,39 F,. Alexander St., .\tlanta, Ga.



Write for Prices.


Splendid opening for Shooting Gallery, Penny Arcade. High Striker, Photo

Studio. Portable Skating Kink. Doughnut Stand. Souvenirs. Jap RoU-Down.

·, .Pai.

BowIlng AUeys and Knife Rack. Addreas ARTHUR R. WILBERs

WANTED--Free Attractions. Mgr. Al Fresco Park, Box 203. Peoria,


Trimmed to perfection and priced right.
Send for Illustrated circular and quantity price list.
Afiato Manufacturint Co.
I444.40 WahHit Street. CINCINNATI, OHIO.


All Set and Ready To Start at Verona, Pa., April 23

Wail -- Hesitate -- Speculate

A letter to Tlie Biin>oanl from Gcoerol Man ager Hobcrt Ulotb iper "L. Q.'*) utates that three weeks ago the (iloth Groatar Sliowa varated their winier quarters aud moved to Verona, I'a., lince whirli time the crews ha\e been working on the new frimta and wagons, further advice of the abowa* activities and
plans follow: All shows, rides and oonressions are up and
ready for the opening of the season in Verotu on Saturday. April la, with everything look ing neat. Five new wagons and two stateroiou
ara have been added to the equipment, tien eral Uepreseutative Robert Kline was on a buainef.8 trip to till the remaining dates md yet contracted, he having already booked
a very promising circuit of fairs.

Make Success Sure


Write us NOW for our

special proposition to con¬

Oliver Sprlngt. Tenn.. April 13.--The Central Siatea Exposition Shows are now in ilielr third

cessionaires for the season
of mt.

week of the season, which opeui'd at Colonibus,
Ga.. to a lair businesa. Keallr.iDg that the people of Georgia, because
of the low price of cotton and other staples, have

not as much money to spend for auiuaemeuts


ihia spring aa last, the management of the show deeidid to play tbla city (Oliver Springs) and the coal fields of this section, away from the cotton and peanut country.

The attractions at pn-sen* consist of seven

shows. Minstrel Show, "Kl.!'' ItraswelFe Vaude¬

ville and Marlouets Combined and "Ama.ra"

Sliow, I'lnfold's Wild Animal Show, ··Snakle."'


"Noma" and "Keptina." H II. Woods bus the three-abreast carousel and a Big Kli wheel will Join next week. Of the c-oncesaious G. Swan has seven and is bnlUing more, Mrs. J. T. l·lufoId. ten: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morris, two: "Fat" Bartlett, one; Chic Tilley, one; ``Kid" Black, one: "Ued" Mcyulnu. one. Mr. and

14-inch Wood Fibre Composition.

Mrs. Fletcher have the cookhouse and Juice, and are n>.vking d hit with tlie showfolks, with


good eataldes. The Brown Family Band IR. A. Brown and the "boys'') is scoring with its

Sample, Half Dozen, $7.50.

conceits Tbe writer 1* acting a.s mail an<l llillltuvrvl agent In addition to having the

front of the Minstrel ffiow and ''Wliltle," the

high diving dog, "who" makes a 4<J-foot plunge

311 Parkway Bldg.

into a net as tbe free attraction.--HARRY H. EUBANK (Show Representative).


 Jill I I
Evtedtlly designed for Otmlyil Concessionaires ln» comparable flaali with shades In seven assorted colora Wired complete with Benjaroen plug aockeU Ilk cord and shade. $18.00 per doz $180.00 per grou. Sample, $1 50. Money back if you want H. Boys, don't piss tbta us. Do not judge tbe quality ho the price.
MORE THAN JUST A FLASH. Superior Quality. Attrictlve Boies, for CARNIVALS, CANDY WHEELS. SALES
BOARDS, CONCESSIONAIRES, write for new 1921 Price List.

Baltimore. Md., April 13.--John T. McCaslin, owner and manager of the Peerless Shows, spent a day at winter q^uarters and aeemed very well pleased with ;'.1he finishing touches being applied to his s_ hojws.. which are to o|>en here A_pril 2_3_. _Mr. McCaslin was Just in time to see h.i.a .famouai pet, "..F...ixer," the "smallest horse in the wjrlj," being relieved of its winter coat, after which Mr. McCaslin nia.le tlie as. eertion that Fixer was the "niost perfect pieie of horse flesh he ever saw." Uis assertion was backed ifp by severul visitors who acoin-
panted him. .''am Stricklin has been putting his ponies and
dogs thru the "bit" that tl.e.v are to do wdtli his lao.iety Circus, which will be cue of the ahovw.
Harry Bowen had UIs hunch working hard on a new illusion and whipping liis new teii-inone into shape. Sam Langford with his AllJaxz Plant Show furnishes lots «.f aiuuseineut while rehearsing for the bunch. Mile. l>-.\lair has Just rpcelve.l a nevy sliipmenHof '"fighting rattlers.'*
Andy Tliumser. Joe MeKeiver, -Vi Ridgeway. Henry Kisg, Ilerlx-rt iflein, K.i ICusella. Clias. Willert, A1 Raymond, Chas. Wistling and many other concessioners are busy with their con cessions. Iiuil.ling and painting. James Corwell, the adv.ince man. met with a serious ac¬ cident on a train when a suitcase fell oi.t ot a rack and struck bis back. He is umler a doctor's care, and will not be able to I* on the Job for a few weeks.


Id aU bright shades FOR DOLL DRESSES Very attractive prices.


K Cast 12th St.,


Phone Stuy. 4666

riilladelphiit, April 13.--The I'enn Novell' C.impany, (*08 Buttonwood street, its meeting with fine success with one of Its llr.'l seavon > bill-throwing g.-imcs, called "Shylock," one of the l>eit laughing, money getters ever turned out h.v this well-known firm, "lilt him on the nose" «g tbe object of tlie patrons playing the game, and when once "struck" the antics of the figure waving its hands In tbe most life¬ like manner and the sudden appearance ot the typical "three balls" aigu of the pawn lir.iker make a ballyhoo that la a scream. The figure can be instantly reset by the operator and Is ready for more bail throwing. All in¬ dications point to it being one of the big bits of tbe coming) aeason.
Have you looked thru the I.etier List in this issue? There may be a letter advertised for you.

CG 4n No. IDO--S#i;le tilmmlng with ttvsols. ring, urads, ouliiv, 4 tassels.
$3.35 No. MMA--!tlt.,;le trimming: 5 tass-ls.
W9C No. 101--Double trimming: 2 largest bgskstt trimmed «ilh doutde rings, tassels, to nn No. H)2--Four-legged bsskrss Hi n.wt of 4 baskets.
Sizes 9 in. to 14 In. diameter. FV>r prepaid sample set. aUive price, plus 50c per s«-L *« rash with orders requested. All prices F. O. B.. Los Angeles, Cal., in
any quantity

We have sent samples and shipped orders to more than
of our Wonderful'and Magical

The Tangy Taste That Lingers. They say: "It*s More Than You Claim." If you want others try our





Makea 240 Gallont WINB-BEKBE-Cost.tSM
240 Galkins (3,840 Qlassri--8 ox. each) sell at Cc glass .I2M.4 Total cost . Il.(
N*ET PROnT .S199.4 SIT'.D $4.00 for stinple quart--m^es 60 gallons "WINB-BEHRE**


lALLLi mui I muuuuio uumTAni






, I


''Capyriilited and Fully Prsleeted"
^ Must be seen to be appreciated
Also Have a NEW LAMP DOLL That Is a Knock-Out

Write for our latest catalogue

OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU. OiM-thinl eesh required with all erdar*. Balanoa C. O. D.

ATTENTION, DOLL MANUFACTURERSI-Hava 10,000 yards et vsHing to oNer at 5 cants a yard In lets of 1,000 yards.

Confections i i

naridest Qnt-Away Faikate bb the MvliBi-
New $15.00 Per 1,000 Boxes Special Price ia SJN Late.

CHINESE BASKETS, 6 In a Nest, trimmed with Silk Tassela, Coins, Beads and DOUBLE RINGS, stained Dark Mahogany.
_$4.50 Per Neat. Sio'i lal Price In 25 Lota.

Send for iirlce list of hlih-grade Htnd Dipped Chocolitrs In tbe Fladilest Bozsa oe the Msikrt. OnetiaH cish with order, balance C. O. D. We thip at once.

UX-ATEI) AT SFNNT.kIDE PARK. DETROIT. MICHIGAN. WANTED--Freaks. Curtoiltlre. Sbangr People, Kat People, UidgeU, Magiciar.s, Wonder Workers, Fire Katers. Fireworkers. Snake Cliarmere. I'ndrr Water Workers, Human Fish. 'Tattooed People, Hindoo Wonder Workers. lUusloaltts and Illu'lons. .klhliuii. Ilushmin, Noveltr Arts or aii>thlng that It suitable for a high-class Circus RIde-Shnw. Alan Talkers and Grinders. Want 9>eclal Features that are fraturet and that will eotMtain and hold the crowd. To tui'h attraetloiif can olTer all-year work. Show will be one of the best lo tbe country and will open alKiut tlie middle of May. All summer at .Sunnytide Park, with a few fairs to follow and then mnteum work all winter. State all In* first k-tter ss to salary, wardrolie. etc. Hend plmtne. which will be re¬ turned. Will arrive In DetmlL April 25. Address CAPT. H. LA BELLE. Osnsral Otlivery. Ostrsit. MIeb.


CoBMtslaas of all kinds Hicks, can place your ooncesatuns Two Merchuidlse tVheels open. Want Talkers. Oor or two good AUracUoos for Ten-lti-One Show FYeiks or strong Workhig Act for Platform Show MiMt be a raal entertainer. Will book or buy Ttnto Swings Thle show plays sli weeks In Moutreal--real

vote iiDder tbe auspices of Great War Veutans--Uien Ui cities la Pros, of Quebec and seyi* real (airs

opantog ia August. All mall and lele-rams to

._ ,



. IMPERIAL EXPOSITION SHOWS. IS 8L James 8L. Meatreal. Canada.
9 fit--Want real Snake Show Talker m handle front ot 5n-tL Snake Sbow. Also cu place good Gesk.

Trumlioiie. Rss.* and Bast IHummer. Join oo wtra. Unifonn sod transportation ramiibed Opeoiai

OlaseOMre. Ps.. April 28. Hehesrult April 25. tjarnival senrk Wire

__JOHN FIN6ERHUT, Baadmsttsr. MeCMskey Sliswt. GlatSMsrs, Psastyhiola.


lll| ||Trn IT AII OF ODE

M fl II I P 11 HI llllliP IIKi

a fsnil I s. t# n I WIIWb| VI B
Want mas that bat eiperleucw and can take

'rte diarKtv. Can also uie good Workmen (ot ail Btdea


P. S. MsLA

IN. 27 Nartb Washiaftoa 8t. WINisa-Narrtv PwR-


APRIL 23, 1921


To Be Featured at Chicago's "Pageant of Progress"

Fite to a tft. Dark mahogany color. Very highly rolisned and daboratcly trimated with Silk Tassels, Coins, Beads, etc.

In lots o150 sets.. .55.10 In lots of 25 sets ... 5.25 In smaller quantities, 5.50

In lots of 50 sets ...54.40 In lots of 25 sets .. 4.50 In smaller quantities, 4.75

Before buying Basketa elsewhere send for samples and you will readily be onnvirced why our Badketi art top money on some of tlir largest ai.ows cn the road
TERMS. A deposit required on all nidirs. halatire C. O. It. Our new 19:i Carnival Catalogue, conslatlng of Cindv. Beacon Blankets, Woed Fibre Dolls. Marli-ure !<ets. eU-., It now ready and will be rraihd upon request.
329 Hennepin Ave., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN

Chicago, April 15.--Day by day the propor¬ tions of the I'aceant of I^osress, to be held on the Municipal Pier, July 30 to August 14, are eiianding. This week it was definitely de¬ rided that numerous rheatrioa] spertacles, in¬ cluding the greatest fashion show yet planned in this country, will be given in connection withthe pageant. Spectacular stage effects, under the direction of a committee of leading theat¬ rical managers, will be a feature of thia de¬ partment. Following the selection of Harry Hidings, manager of Cohan's Grand Theater, as chairman of this end of the undertaking, other selections have been announced as fol¬ lows;
Ahe Jacobs, Olympic Theater; A. H. Tal¬ bott, Great Northern Hippodrome; U. J. Her¬ mann, Cort Tlieater; Harry Powers, Jr., Pow¬ ers Theater; Hollo Timponi, Colonial Theater; William Ho<he, Palace Music Hall; William Tisdale, Majestic Theater; H. !>. T>awrence, Columbia Theater; Fred Stuart, T.a Salle Thea¬ ter. This committee met with Mayor William lisle Thompson one day this week to outline plans for the theatrical end of the pageant. It. r. Kelly, general manager of Mandel Bros., attended the meeting and volunteered to fur¬ nish the gowns and models for the fashion show. The theatrical men agreed to furnish the stagecraft.

Are Real Trade Getters.
Write for Prices and Samples.

1217-19 W. Monroe St, CHICAGO.



Mfgrt. of Hair Dolls. Dogs, Vases, etc.

Best collection of latest (lolls

3t74 Rivard,






No. 4--6 inches high.$ 2.00 a Dozen No. 5--10 inches high ... 4.00 a Dozen No. 6--12 inches high ... 7.20 a Dozen No. 7--16 inches high ... 12.00 a Dozen Crepe Paper Bow and Tag .15 a Dozen 'Fhe new sizes arc the result of request from customers desiring to use this most popular novelty on wheels, using intermediate prizes. Ixjt us tell you how it is done! Please send for our free catalogue.
7th and Main, Louisville, K'

The H. W Campbell Cnifed Shows have been meeting with sticcess so far this season. The writer was a visitor at Eastland, Tev., and saw many things of an Interesting nature and a show conducted hy a real showman.
Chief among the attractions thia season is Camphell's Trained Wild .4n!mal Show, in which are eihibited some of the fineit of e<iuine stock, educated dogs and ponies and a most interesting lion act. Herman Q. Smith, general aient, bounced in Wednesday at Eastland and placed upon Theo. Forstall'a Oesk contracts for twelve more fairs. Including Tex¬ arkana. Waco and Paris. >fr. Smith at the
same time notified Mr. Campbell that the loca¬ tion for Port Worth, where the shows are play¬ ing week of .\pril 11. was changed and that the shows would positively be located on the streets, the entrance being on M'ain street, a seemingly unaceompllshable feat and one for whieh Herman Q. deserves eonsiderahle credit. The shows had a dand.y week in Breekenridge, Tex., where a wonderful business was the re¬ sult of Doe Broadwell's extensive advertising sehetne.
The Campbell Fnlted Shows will play Wlehlta Falls. Tex., week of .\pril ?4. anil. If last year's business is any criterion to go by. will surelv have a banner week. The street parade this year Is a "thing of beauty" and is attracting the attention of thousands. Al Ho¬ gan, the snderlnfendent. Is a very hnay man and ran be seen In a doren places within a fejr minutes, looking after the Interest of things in general.--F. G. W.AT.KER, (Rhow

$1.50, $1.60 AND $2,25 PER NEST. Sample of all three, postpaid, on receipt of $5.00. All orders west of
Mississippi 8hipi>od from ChlcaRo. FLORISTS' SUPPLY CO., INC., 6l«-620 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa.
\\ rite for our new prices on Knife Hoards, Jewelry Assort¬ ments and fancy Candy Assortments.
IOWA NOVELTY COMPANY, Mullin Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

rrsneUeo. April 12.--Thoms* J. Hughes, msnufseturer of the famous Hugbes-Hankow line ef Chinese baskets, has planned to leave this city for Chicago this week for the pur¬ pose of taking up the managerial reins of his ffiiicaco offleo. the business ef which has grown to mammoth proportions during the past six months.
Mr. nnehes* two factories In this city will eontinne to operate tinder the direction of 5rr. S. lee. who has been Identified with the Hushes B.ssket Company for a long while.
In the future, however, all business of the Hngbes Basket Company will be transacted from the more centrally located Chicago office, from which, it la reported. Mr. Hughes already contracted to supply a number of large carnival companies now playing the MiddleWestern States.


All Kinds of Boards for All Kinds of Business

iiabcls and elastics attached

Equip Boards With Your Own Knives


COUPON mitiiiiiiMHiiiiiiii

`M luninitiirmii

ind III olliti dccHlUn iltms. SEND FOR COLOR CIRCUUR. Prices arv'ri):ht. R. E. GEBHAROT CO., 311-JI4 W. North Avenue, CHICAGO


Duluth, Minn., April 12.--From indications

Duluth will bo open to carnival and circus en¬

gagements this season, despite efforts made bast

year to keep them out.

measure Is now before

the City Council and will he voted on In the

near future to lighten the license fee and make

their burdens lighter.

It now looks as If several outdoor attractions

would play here and that the Duluth public

feel* that the better class of outdoor amuae-

ineDts should be welcomed here.

Hare yon looked thm the Letter List in this issue I There may be a letter advertised for yon.



Xtie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921














PCf NCSt Of 5 rCI RCil Ul 3,


R fl , ASST

B1Tt"er""sWe"eS" * m"*. LK''''cSocS^St^S''

J U ^ H.




Turms: ·J5`'c diwsit lislance C. O D

FLASH). . $5.50 002. V* POUND NET (BIG FLASH). 2.75 002.

179 No. Wells Street (Cor. Uke)




VERMELTO'S GREATER SHOWS Herald Season's Opening With Big


/: N $1,507 \ IN


BOOTH, $15.50

Street Display at Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grand Bapids, Mh U., April H --Clarence Veruiellu's ealiihitiuus and attrai lions are all placed properly and arllHiieully ou the big show grounds


\^\0NE DAY

Until May 1

F.O.B. Peoria

at F'ulDm and F'roiit stri'els, ri'ady lor Saturda.Vs u|>euing, as diil.y annomn ed by the long

downtown business district and residence street display. The Wild West parade today created


much enthusiasm, lir^ralding the welcome start

of outdoor umusfuients.

This advauerd parade feature was headed by

Prairie Billie and tandem .Vrahian horses and

Vermello s so<iety horse show ; the fani'y auto¬

S lid in your nieasuit -

mobile prize, the big show hand chariot, with rtaiik Arthur IVugau, dirci'ler; A. Bejtula, 1..

4 ft. square, 8 ft. high, Canopy Ex¬ tension on three sides 4 ft. 6 in., with Swing con¬ necting front and

luents and let ua quote M)U price on
W rite for our catalogue on

Holmes and O. (iardner, comets; K. Pava* and I. . Watkins, clarinets; B. Dimuck and B. Boss, allos; .V. Pizzi. 1'. Try and U. Hughes, Iromhoiies; J. Conners, baritone; W. I'Ulam, bass; I.. Kovank and Harry VanBuskirk, drums. Six decorated horses were harnessml to the hand
w agou. 1 hen followed the business staff, in autos, and
Im ludiiig Clarence Vermelto, general manager; Harry \ uu (;order. business manager; Cliaiii s .MiCarthy, general agent; Wm. tllilll Murray. Prank Turley and Don .'taunders. s|>eeial agents;

('·rrlrs 500 people per hour at lOc to J5c. Eoormovit cars operated at higli speed eieate a wonderful sensation ever,where. Price. $1,200 00 to $s,u00.00. Half cash, balance terms. Write fur prupuslUoa. TRAVER ENGINEERING CO.. Beaver Fills. Pa.

side ca nopies. Counter 42 in. Top of 10-oz. khaki, wall of 8 oz.

Used Tents
We have a bargain in Natural Wood Stakes.

II. K. (Puueh) Wheeler, press agent; Dave Stock. sit|>erinl)ndeiit; Claude Kinkade, elec¬ trician; Whitie Smith, trainmaster; B. B. Hyde, Curly Koheitw. \. T. 1..t1o. Ptauk Burns and Vic Miller, d<-partaient managers.
The next large float held the Hawaiian concert people in tostume, aud comprising Ina Awai, manager; Prances Jorcio, I'riniCss Hazel, Sam hUiiika, I~ Jordon. P. Kawekln and I'allkiko.

We manufsctvue Jutt the Ice Cream Cone you want. Write for samples and prices.




Then, on two ·'Plantation'' decorated floats, with Its own brass hand and New Orleans Jazz, oreliestrn. came the tieorgia Minstrels and Old Virginia Jubilee Singers, Billy Baxter, manager; Keseoe Itennelt, Mabel ItreedloTe. Gladys Ban¬ croft. Bohliie Ba.r. May Martin, Pra I'urker, Nellie Baxter, Hill Bay, Walter J.'Ues, Henry Martin, Clias. Washington, Koht. Chaney, Kirk Patrick, Bolitar Julitison and Willie Parker.
Vermello's "Circle V Kate IC' Wild West offered a leiigtli.r display: Tcin .Vtiniann, mana¬


ALCO CONE CO. MEMPHIS. TENN. Lariett Manuficturtrs tf li'« Cream
Conet in tiie Seatti.

Each In 500 Lots. In 100 Lots, $25.00
hair dolls

ger; "Tex" tla-o) Suydi-r. Miss Snyder. Wyom¬ ing .Vntiie, Tex Croiketf, Kuhe Poster, Jack McKay. Hunk IMl, Buck Duncan, John Davidsun. Miss Davidson; using all the bucking horses, twelve head of Western s4(N'k, saddles and plains ei|;ii|>nieut, clown mules, etc.
Ijist and hiiidesT. the calliope, o;>erated by
Ollie Barrett.--I'l'NCH WHKPI.FHl (Show Replesentativc).



Lights lor etorrs. schtwls, churvhrs,

tnits.shuwmen.eic. Park and street

tighu. and Little WtJAder ilAod

Lantmis. Little Wondei ivatenietl

gasolinf^llglitsareRRIUHTKRTIUe BMf B

RLECTRiciTT.tiieaprR TUAi oiLs^HKJy

rhousandsio use everywhere.

igku lur every purpose. We want sellg disiritKitors where we are out repre-^^^^^

French Marcel Hair Dress !!'u.''432C NATIONAL' EXPOSITION SHOWS

·ented. Write far LittU WonderCXitalfi^^u an4 /Viecn


152 8.4U Ru, Tsrrs Ua«U,UA

Each In 500 Lots. In 100 Lots, $45.00

WANTED ATTRACTIONS With the arrival of new canvas and three new
ears, as well as several of the concessioners, at the winter <|iiai'ters ef the National F:x[>osltiun

Sead $10.00 lor All Samples.

With Silk or Paper Shades |


Send One-.third Deposit with Orders



*nAf I MCr rA '

DULL IVlrb. tU.

312 Del3W3re St., K3nS3S City, MO.·


.Shows, and with the ojieuing date hut a coufile weeks distant, renewed activity is nitnh in evldeiK e in preiiuratiou to have everything in readiness for the initial engagement of the sea¬ son, which will he under thu auspices of the Pagles at Barberton, O. Th** isimmittee from Barberton has been over to <|uarters several

for big HOME-COMING CELEBRATION. SIleam Sgrisgi, Ark.. June 23 sad 24.
.\ real money spot for good Sliows and Concesaloni. Addrru W. P. NEELY. Sileasi Sgrisgt, Arkisiai.
®Our Gouda apeak fur tl'ixu


times and go<`s hack Ixsisting harder than ever for the sui'cess of the event. R. C. Shipp and V. F, Knisely are working hard ou an


automuhilo contest, and one of the coiiimittee

Maautaeturars st Iks

NOVELTY MEN AND CONCESSIONAIRES states that body will get rid of 4(),)mni tickets. Recent visitors to winter i|iinrters ini-Iiidi'd J. A, Anthony, Bill Barker, of Hoss.||a.v's Shovvs;

Skootini OalloriM A Ti'(6l$

Harry ('airier. Bill Wertz, Joe Stiirver and

3317 So Irving Ave..

Ne. 60--.Mr Bslloons. Per tress.S 2.41 H'tuni Halls st lowest prlees. No, 00--Seamless Gas RaUuons. Pertross.. 3.50 <'aMry Warbhrs Pit gross.$ 4.50 No. 60 -Gum Gas Balloons. Per gross. 4.00 SI1.-II ffcaliis. Per gross. 12.00 No. IIO--Gas Hgllooiis. Per gross. 7.50 Simplex Wlil.stles. Per gross.60

wife, and .Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Gwens. tieneral Agent BaniToft, who is also part
«iwner of the show, leeently returned lioni a IxMiking tour and hruiight liaek eight fair con¬ tracts, and stall'd that the show will start


Belgian i<<iua«kers. Per gr. $1.75. $2. $2.25. 2.50 ITyliig Birds. Per gross. 4.50 36-lnch Whips. Per gross. 6.75 .lap Canes. Per hundri-d. 1.25 42-Ineh Whips. Per gross. 7.75 Tonrue Balls. Per gross. 9.00 Colored Confetti Duslnrs. Per hundred . .. 1.50 Spring Clollii s Pins. F'er gross. 1.25 Red KuUIkt Thread and Tape. Per pound.. 1.50 Wood ll.iuis Per hundred. 1.50
Thtse are only a few of the numerous Items we handle. Write for liuotatioQS on other g'Hidj or send us .vour orders and »e will guarai.t'e our prltvs to he satisfactory.
Deposit rcijulred on all C. O. I), shipments. ISl'l eatalog will he ready alHjut .lune 1. Wap-li The Billboard for date of Issue. In the

Idaying same tlie aeeond week In August. The organization so far holds contracts for twelve stands.
The roster of the executive staff has under¬ gone some clianges since the Siiring Special edition of Tlie Billlioard and will l»e given when the season ojiens. The attractions and the managers, as at iiresent arranged, are as fol¬

SLUM. AND PLENTY OF IT. ItNllftnriN. Kubtier Italls. Kn-rythlng (or the I'snilval
Optican Bros. st.Joseph,Mo.
_119 North 3d Street._

meantime we util till all orders at lovtest prerailing prices.



lows: Soi'lety (Tr us. Jack Williams; Sliidliim Show, Claude Iluleliinson; .Mi-George's "Toklo Girls Company," Ja'k Simons; Billy Wilkes' Dog and Pony Show. Atlili'tie Show and .Motordrorne. Cliiis. .Metro and Joe Turner; Seriientine and Pire Dance Sliow. Harry Carrier; D»-ln-l, J.




Manuiaeturtn, Whole$alers anC Jobbtrt.

HEAD OFFICE: 1021 Third Avenua, Seattla. Wash.



I Canton. Hongkong and Shanghai. China.

itifflenfeld; I'latforni Sliow, Joe Nailian. Mr. and p4>atala to aell made from any g(MHl plu)to!i at 5D for

Mrs. H. lluffnian's earonsel. '1 lie eoneesiloiiera $1 75; 100, $3 00; 500. $12.50; 1.000 for $:2.00. 5.0IMI.

include H. O. Adams, four; F'rank Deilz., two; $75 00. More than one iN>ae, SOe ritra. Ih'Urrrv

I,. D. Roiierts, one; Stevi* Joiinson and Geo. three ilaya. Lash with ordrr we nay. othrr^lNe. one

Butch, jialmistry; Maiidu Narleii, one; 'riioinaa Ai Co., cisikhouse and Juice. The IjiGorliunis

half cash, balance O. 1). and chargi-a. KAI*1!» PIKrro ('O., (hiwefio. New York.


w'ill furnish tlie fre*- atlraetltin. and Joseph Consalea* nnifortned hand of twelve Ideces Hie iiiiisir. Harry Martell, eutnedy Juggler, and Ills loieking mule, Jennie, will lie witli the Kis iety

WANTED A firnt-dapji rarniTal to play l>··singt"tt rfdor*'*! l air August ITi-VO. 1021 Must l>e «Iran
and iJi> t4> date, riayt^l l!il9 hy Metrotiolltan Slxms. I*layrd l`.il*0 hy Orratrr American 8Ums. J. O.

ITreus.--UAVMGND (ItllOWMl;i GH.CilFMt KtuinhiN. |*r«« ; J. II. S«niegs. Sety., lai xlngt<ui. Ky.

I (Sliow ItjiiresentatlTe).

Percy Martin's Famous Midway Shows VIlUff o
Want Whip or Vorclty Ridr. One more sood money-cettln* Sliow with own outhi. A few WbeHs anlud Grind Stores still oivo. Address PERCY MARTIN, Mgr. Percy Martin's Famous Midway Shows, Comberland, Md.. Aoril 23-30.


riiicaKO, .April 1.1.--The Muir Art ('oini'uny, npiirred on hj itn vantly es|inndiiiK tiiiHiiienii,


`n*" >'* own liiiildintr at 11) Ihiat

street, the atriieture to l>e known na the

Muir Art IltilldliiR. Anionft the lines hundled

la the Muir Art I'lllnw, known to the roticr-nNlon trade tbruout the coaDtry,

NneEwW IiNnVvEcNnTiiIuOnN o'l- gauge for,,|f^or,,,d,,sf..
m. Simli liireHnieiil. Fit. Iimltr terrilfttv fmiaual opiairtiiiilty for aseiiH and sah-meii. Ail.lrrJa SALF^t .MClI., ll)i Sta. tinialia, Neliraaka.

Peerless Corn Popper


3031 Trooa Aw..

, Kaasas City. Mo.

APRIL 23. 1921



5 Silk Tassels 5 Rings 17 Coins, and many Beads


per nest

Double Decoration
7 Silk Tassels 7 Rings 27 Coins, and many Beads
,,Pri.ce $dQ.8p5er oc.

Terms: 2S% Deposit -- Balance C. O. D.'


Battery at IVlarket9

San Francisco, Cal.

KEWPIE DRESSES S8.00 Per 100, Assorted Sampit A«$ortment of Droucs, SOc.


M03 Fifth Av,..


To Open at Portage, Pa., May 4
rorltre, ra., April 14 --Tlir C'^rry Greater 9bowi will open tbtir Man m brro on Maj 4. and tbr raerbaDira and painters hare barn takinc advantafe of the aplrndid weather In arttlnc the paraphernalia ready at winter quarters at Cassaadra. near here.
The exeeutlre staff of the Corey Shows will eomprlse the following: E. 8. Corey, owner and manager; Mrs. Corey, seeretary: Harry Kojan. assistant manager; Nick Farrell, trainmaster; Ray Gamley, lot anperintendent; "Doc'* Erans, Harry Deltree, special agents; Mike Brennan, ele,-irirltn: Tony Barona, musical director. Managers of shows and rides: Capt. Jack .Simp¬ son, ··Preamland'': I'rof. J. R. Miles, Minstrel Show; J. .kdler, "OBy I'aree"; U. H. Thomas, "I'alace of Illusions"; Fred King. "Submarine": Ted Merryfleld. "Stampede." Other ahows will be: Corey's Athletic Show. "Country Circus" and 10-in-l. Bidet: Carousel, "Brownie" Wall; swings, C. B. Sparks; whip. John Atkin* eon; Big KIl wlieel, Tom Nolan. l-Yee arts will he: Dare-Deril Heeny, aerialist, and Tessie Hemphill, high dire. Among eoncesaioner, signed up are: Ci'orge S. I.ukens, Ray Uamley, Harry Kojan, Eagan and Jenninga. Thoa. Fettit, J. Ward, J. C. itooib. Harry Sterenn and Ed¬ ward Johnsrm. All of which is according to Manager Corey.




\ s ^

If Inches Pish. Silk Dress. I'nbreakable and washable, wub 5 fL of cord, ready for use.


Fach fcavii



36 in. round. $2S.OO per 100. Sample, 30o. prepaid.



D rs fO N ILILCs

high, Pressed in

I nbroakable. Patwt^. many styles Plain. _

*1 $13.50 per Dozen. With Wijs. $15.50 and $18.00 per Dozen. Three M

Samples. $3.00, prei aid.


Unbreakable Zp Dolls

Movable Arm Dolls with Drossea, $27.00 pop 100. with wigs and OroasM, SAS OO p«r lOO
THREE-PIECE DOLL DRESSES. Made of PenIson Crepe Paper. $6.00 per 100. Three-Plee* Floral Daaign. $7.00 per 100. Sllp-On Outtt (Press and Cap), $6.00 per 100.
'ompicte liniios of hish-gradp Chinese Baskets. Fancy Market Baskets. Camel I.«mps. Tents, Padi'hleeeels fettc. Write for prices. One-half cash on all orders. Immediate dellverlea.

MELTZER CO., 219 So. Deerbom SL.(4thFloor), CHICAGO.


Manufacturrrt^f *
HERSCHELL-SPILLMAH CO. Carouselles and High Strikers.
carnival men. attentioni r »n dHIfrr lUikrti ill ityiri. Writ* lor prk-r». l.rt nr# »n>il ynu  umi>l«<. W. oarnr · ivf. »li«k of
***lc>.bn*r(l AurinvatA VAcmO rOAHT HAIJX C(»., Iloom 6T llttHIt BldC., rtUf<.nU.
If HM M« It IR Th, Blllb«Mrd. tall tkeia m.

Danrille, Va.. April 1.1.--High Point, N. C., with Hiliv t'lark't Broadway Shows loi'ated on thn old Ball Fark, proved that the Carolina "Furnliiire City" more than lived up to its repuiatiim as one of the best carnival "spots" in the Atlantic Coast states. The weather thninuf the entire week was moderate and bright, and every night, from Monday to Satur¬ day. the midway wag veritably packed with vis-
itora. The Broadway Shows left High Foint over the
Sviuthern for Panvllle, 'a., where, after the usual long haul to Cala Fark, everything w.ns in eomplete readiness, and. altho very cold weather prevailed Sunday and Monday, the Monday opening waa more than gratifying to Manager nilllc Clark. The midway was illuminated at seven o'clock ttpening night, and all shows and concesalons got away to gisxl receipts.
The manner In which the Broadway Shows have been moving "on and off" thus far this season speaks well for the i-ompelent organiza¬ tion Manager Clark has siirroundi-d himself with Panvllle arrangements were made by Speeial .Agent Frank .\shwo<al. and he ue<|uitted himself admirahly. Special Agent Leasman has been in Washington. P. C.. for several days con¬ ferring with OenemI Agent Josselyn, who la aetttng a fast pace ahead of the show.
rhe shows will de|>art Sunday for Waali^ton, D. C., ov«r tha Southern.--HABRV FITS* UEUALD (Show UepresenUtiT,).

Concessionaires Going to Canada and us¬ ing Dolls need not worry about getting them. Wc manufacture 11 and 18-in. Character Dolls J movable arms and open legs, made of wood pulp^ composition, unbreakable.'With hair and flashy >dress. 14-in. $12.50 and $13.50 per dozen, ^Canadian Money.


6 William St.,


Consists of EBypUan Pvc Prop. M»le and Female Hindu Costumes, full E.;uipment aaJ Instructions for working the aeU Can be set up and operated the day received. Will sell enure outfit for $150.00. as 1 have no use for same. Outfit cost four tlmivs as mui-h. not counting worry of cotstructloo. Everything ia good shape Outfit that has helped make $1,000 a week Act quickly. Address
ZANGAR. care BilltMird Pub. Ch., CIOclDBatl, Ohis.
P. 8.--I waat the best EQTPTIAN Dancer (Female) obtaluablev


APRIL 23, 1921




These expertly



Baskets have More Beads,

real silk Man¬

darin or donliio


American Tas-


sols, real C'lii-

' \ neso Coins, and

(j^ }>oautifully o»l-

OfT\ orcU large Kings.


See Mie n, w itrl-

1*1 ic color rnnihiiia-



llardmK niur.

dotihle rInK vrdora mu^t

and taaael aaniple l»e aoeompanled hy


Note the hotter

qimlit.r thri>ii|;hoiit



price, and « e n <1

*il tat for alnttle or

or quautity qiioiatioua. All

de|Hi»il to rei'ehe iittenth n.

JIO Franklin St.. BtTFrAI.0. V Y,


Something New.

Something Different.




Manufacturers. Importers Candy Salcsboard Assortments.



Headquarters ior White Stone Workers

Wf sperlalire and carry a large and c.imph Ir line c! all grades of whItt stone Rings. ?carf I, Kariings. llrooi-hes. La Vallic'es. Watcluf. Itarors, I« ty and Ttarl SlaiuRire SvU, Sllvcrwar#
Write today for our L'-l cotalcg. whii-h lllu-tiatcs



No. 11--Gold filled acid test Ladies' Tifiany Ring, Set with best quality ?i-K. white stone. Per Or.SI2.00 No. 12--tienulne Flatma Gvpsy King, set with b out white stones. Per Gross. II.2S No. 13--Add Test Heavy Belohir. Is-st quality white stone. Pi-r Gross. 16.50 No. 14--Donley Klectrloal Diamond Scurf I'lr s, set with licst quality cut white stone. Pet Gross. 4.00 No. 15--21-Piece Ivory Manicure Set. Dubarry design. Per se t. J2 «5. Per Dor. 30.00
Our Motto has always been
Honest Goods, Honest Prices and Prompt Service


203-205 West Madison Street,


Specially Trimmed with Rings, Reads and Tnssel.s Come in One, Two and Three Sizes.

Order MOW, as|Xtkese Arc Oolng Past.

PRICE WHILE THEY LAST, $1.50 Per Nest of 3.


francisco, cal




Send for CkUlog. specifying whether for Sliootlng Galleries or Carnival Gtexls-

F. C. MUCLLER;C0., 26S2 Elston Ava.,


Quarters Now in Lankershim Hotel, San Francisco
Sun Francisco, April 13.--San I'ranelsco'a now fuiuotia "Amen Corner." established eleven years utfo hy Sam C. Haller, and which, aince that time, has iri>*wn in memhersltli» until now it iiK'ludes all of the pniuilncnt showmen of the West, has ehunjtca its tjuarters.
Duriiii; the entire eleven years the "Amen Corner" oci uiiied si>ace in nn Kills street hotel and was the aath.ring place for visiting cel<>lirities of the show world. With the return here recently of Mr. Haller--"Hig Chief Amen ' _the necessilv fur new quarters hecame aiitiarenf, and. after h.iWiug over p^wsihle head quarters at the downtown hotels, it was decided that the Ijinkersbim, on Fifth street, at Market, offered the most fav,iralde loeatlon.
·kceordingly. the moving iiro.-ess was under¬ taken, and l><lay the "Amen Corner" is c-orlly <'ns< oncsl iu the I.ankersliim lobby, where scores of visiting showfolk will henceforth be wel¬ comed by the "coast defenders" who make up its memherslup.
Among the showmen last week qiiarteied at the Ijinkersliim were: Sam C. Haller, Ceorge Itohinson, general agent Wortham .sbowa: Murrav A. i'enuo<k, general agent A1 G. Hames' Circus; Frank Cassidy, of Al tS. Barnes' Circus; Tom liecney, of tbe .M G. Barnes Circus; Bert Itiitlierford, general agent Howe's tlreat la>ndon .Shows, and Frank <· Donnell, press agent Howe's Great I.ondon Shows
Now that it is lo<-atcd in the T-ankershlm Hotel, the "Amen Corner" Is dire.-tly o|>i>osite the I'nited .states Mint, so visiting showmen, desiring to cut uti old money. »ill hare to booat their figures a bit, or the "Amimers'* will Invlt* them acrosB tlie street to cast their eyes on some real money.
Charlotte, X. C.. April 14.--The Rubin & Cherry Shows got away from .'-iiartunburg. S. C , in good time last Sunday, and the run wna made here without a stop. Under the guidance of "Baldy" Potter the train was rapidly un¬ loaded, and by early Monday morning all the wagons were placed at the bd. which is within easy distance of town. Manager Adolidi Seeroan exi'erieni ed great difliciilty in lo<'ating the vast numlier of shows, concessions, etc., Imt kls masterly touch, acting like the wave of a magic wand, soon brought order out of chaos, and the result is one of the most beautiful mid¬ ways possible to imagine.
I'espite opilosifion in the form of a monster uutoniuhile uhow, the o|iening Monday night was attended by thousands, all the ghows, etc., do¬ ing very giss) business, and, with beautiful watlier predh-ted by the writer from "gating into his crystal." it looks as tho the week will he a big winner.
.All the shuwa are now running smoothly, and many professional visitors have been lavish In their praise of the newness and richnesa of everything from front to bai k.
W. S. Cherry, Tlce-i>reHident of Rubin i Cherry Shows, Inc., was at the opening last week ard exiireased himself by admitting tbat the show was a surprise, even to him, and re¬ marked "that nothing on earth ran Hto|> the Ituhin A Cherry Shows now.'* William and Mrs. iQueenie) Stauffer are new arrivals with a string of ten cumcssioos. pave Sorg, chief elei'trician, is receiving eimgratulations from the city anthorities for his perfect work. W. H. (Bill) Davis' new show, "Hello. Hill," has proved an instant winner, and his smile has tieeoroe more extianslve than ever. Jack King has the tiest Wild Wt-st Show of his eareer. and "Meeea" seems to he attoiit the last word in scenic and ele«trl<al productions.--WILLIAM J. IIILLI.lIt (Show Ite|>resentalive).

A Pocket Edltton of one of world's most iKtpular Games. Numbers are black and red, with 0 and 00.

Sales Boards and n.sstirtments. Sales Board line complete. Best Jewelry and Candy assort¬ ments on the market. We undersell all--all the time. Send for Catalog B.


133 E. 47th St.,



Chicago, April 14.--C. It. (Zehhle) Plaher liaa returned from New York, where he had lieen In < onaultation with liia euniiiany, the Hepuhlie Dell and Toy Corp Mr Fialn-r announeca n new feature, a w`u>d lllier, iinlireakalde camel liiriqi. He haa thia lamp all ready for eoneey`lon trade in thirty dlffen'nt atylea of ahadea.
T lie firat deliveriet wen- made .\iirll « from lx»th the New York olllc-a of the rom|iany and from

448 E. Cearfia Aw., 8a. Wtllinttan Car. MEMPHIS, TENN. Phonv; Wat. 1598.
PLASTER DOLLS. STATUES AND VASES Plain ll-ln Doll. Per barrel.SI5 00 Hair, ll-ln. la.II Pw barrel. 30 00 Hair. SltUii* Doll, luti-lni-h. I'er barrel. 35 00 Hair. Sitting Udl. AS-Inch. Per barrel. 35.00 Plain SIttliic IkdI. AH-ln.-h. Per hamd. 25 00 ETult Vu«-a. IT liielwa. Per ikireii. 8.00

Mr. Ftaher'a ofllcea. rut K.-iat Ijike atreet, Chl- Statue Vaa<'V. 22 liH-lna. Per do/ell. 12.00


ll-liieli Dalla parked AO to a barrel.

loH-liu-h India packed f-O to a tiarrel.


AH Ini-ti Ikilla iiacki'd Ibo to a liarrel.
tlne-ttdrd deposit muat aivsimpany all onlera, balarm- I). D., eiprcaa.

The J. I.. Cronin .Sliowa opened their aeuaon

in ChillIcbllK;, <t , Suturday, Atiril It, with tlie viiri ahinlng ai.d Hie midway cniwded. The Kiltlea Band, led liy Sir Janii-a Weat, gave n I oncert on the niain atreet corner of Chlllicoihe and ai'orea of |H-o|d(, followed the band to the lot. The Hat of allractiona for the initial week will lie funilahi-d for piildb aiton in The Hill

WANTrn twenty (2D) TO THIRTY


(30) car carnival

for Pierce I'niinty Fair, to la- In Id at I'leriv, Neh., Auguvt HO, HI. Heptcinber I and 2. 1921. Gruiiiida only four lihaka fnun ibaNg. HIdewalka tiwl well lluliteil alrrela h> Fair Oiouiida. Write for further Inruiniatlun. F. H. GI.ELYSDN. Herietary.

iMiard later.-E;DWAHD A KAP.ATII tSliow


APRIL 23. 1921

e B



HOOTCH! GREAT WHITE WAY SHOWS Leave Winter Quarters at Luxemburg, Mo.

Agents Making Wads of Money
No House-to-House Canvassing Sales Made to Dealers-- Big Profits for All
If you arc mnklriK lens than $15 a day clear, write for Information about the newest, easiest, quickest seller ever offereil We want active agents to sell Hootch, the new confection with THF3 flavor, to drug stores, candy stores, news and cigar stands, restaurants, cafes, etc. All lime or part time.

With all due rrapr'-t to the ai hioTcmenia of foiuirr je-arr thr flreat Wliilo Way Show blazed forth a flftrrn-rar ahow, graduating out of the ''gilly ahow" olai.a. (arrying iia own flat rara. box ran and Pullmuus, and with the lairat in mrehaaxal hbowa and ridra bandBomrly painted.
The movr from winter quartera at Eaat St. I>iuia to Luxemburg, Mo., where the ahow ia playing under thr I.e May Ferry I.«ague and lni|iroTrmrnt Ansoi iation* auapicea, waa madd uaing iti own triK-ka and wagon*. The I'ration ia Idral, aa the rommittee haa ar< urrd the right to* uae thr park (from Dr. Brinkman, an old iroiHirr and friend of the management i, which it aituatrd nn thr main tborofarr in thr hrart of the city. Thr town haa been thoroly advertiard. and Promoior Kaw ia putting over a ronteat whli h promiaea big retiirna.
The Oreat White Way ··family" I* now very large, and many of the old timen are atill with it and for it, and in the wrlter'a oiiinion no cleaner outfit ran be found on the road. From here the ahowa go to Collinwille, TIL, tinder the auapirea of the ColUngville I'ark AsBoclatlon --JOSEPHINK BLBGPOKF. (Show Repreaentaflve).

$18.00 the First Day


Holzer made $18 the first day out.

Toronto, Can., April 14.--According to Maury Nelat, general manager of the Canadian Victory

Goldsmith sold 7 dealers out of 8. Olson Shuwi, hi! ihowa are all ready fnr their ot>en-

took 12 orders in an hour. Nothing else like this rapid-fire seller. No ef¬ fort at all to gel the order.s. Dealers Just take Hootch away from the agent.

iug wek at Sherbrooke, Que., week of May 2. under Maaonic auapicea. The ahowa will be located during their engagement in the heart of the tity, on the big City Parade tiniiinds. whhb the Mayor and Council have granted V,

Some of our men .say that their stocks 1. Neia*. the promoter of the aggregation, for

are sold before they get around to all the places Hepeat orders come all tlie time. b«`cause the dealers sell it so fast.

the opening atand of the aeaaon The Victory Shuwa will play thru Ontario, quebec and the Northweit.
The winter quartera ia daily thronged with

They pass it out to one man and there's the ahowmen and conresaionera, who hail from

another waiting for his. A man buys and then goes back for more and brings his friends. And these friends bring

both the I'nlted States and Canada. The four ruling devices will shine with a new illumina¬ tion, furnished by their own new electrical equipment.

others. That means a stream of cash The lineup of attraction*, aa at present ar¬

for the agent who takes the dealers* orders. Orders, Orders, Orders and a fat commission on every one of them. Big money, made easy--do you want

ranged, follows: Plving Uirl Hippodrome. Big 20-in-l. Capt. Ainabury a 10-in-l. "Mimic World," "Over the World," Crystal Marc, Beep !<ea Diving Show, "Cave of the Winds." Wild Weat, "Serpentina," "Oalanteena," ''Adgjer,"

it' Then hurry your request for con¬ "Temple of Myatery," "Bagdad," "Sunny

fidential Information and special agents* prices. Don't try to compare this with the old-fashioned agency propositions.

South," "Hawaiian Show," "I'alace of Mirth," "Alligator Arena," "Monkeyland." Reptile Show, "Sunflower Belle," "Oriental .'»how,'' '·fairy la the Globe," Miller's "Patagooian

They all fade away beside this--it's a Show," Austen's Athletic Stadium, `'Ten in

I world-beater--the one best bet today. Number Beauty Show," *'Sea Lion Show," and others. W, J. Murray will be a feature free


attraction, aa will also be Mad-am .'>pray, net high diver. A Boy Scouts' hand will ^ carried

and will give street parades. The show will Territory is being snapped up every¬ move on its own special train of cars.--WAL¬

where. So don't wait--don't put off. TER A. SCHILLING iSbow Bepreaeotative).

No money to send. Just ask us to tell

you the whole story. Particulars are


free. We will toll you how to get in on this without risking a penny. You can't lose--and you are bound to make a roll. Write a post card or letter to¬ day.
229 W. Madison St., Dept. 298, Chicago.

Chicago, April 13.--R. C. Biahop, president of the Pendleton Woolen ifills, Pendleton, Ore., Tiiited Chicago this week on his return west¬ ward from New yorW. Mr. Bishop "isited S. W. Glover, manager of distribution in the United States of th* Cayiise Indian Blanket Company, and the two talked over the business outlook in general.
The "Cayuse Indian Blanket" is a special blanket originally made by Mr. Biahop's com¬ pany for the Indians, but which became so popular among white people that, in response to the growing demand the Pendleton estah llshmenf made arrangement* to sell the blanket universally. Mr. Clover maintains a splendid showroom In the Palmer House, Chicago, where

lapoM Rubbtr Bills,Elt.

N». SS% .spon** Rilla. Per doi.S J.M

Ji». It} .Tontur Rillt. Prr grof$. 12 00

N«. IM Timeur llillt. Prr iroM.20.00

Ne. 1*7--Lion BilU, Inflatrd. Prr (tou. . It 00

No. MS-InOoIrd Hill Prr cro«. 0.00

No. 1040- Potiitrd Bill Prr CTO»».27.50


I'tnny Ralkion. Tor emti. 1.05

No. 60 4iii Billonn. Prr (r»M. 4.00

R'-<l Billriin Stlrko. Prr (iom.50

luml.i Ililloon. Per fruii. 12.00

Jirinrtr Ctnri. Per lOO . LSO

fi'TM noTrItjr. Prr


Merir Wiikm IVill. 10 In. hlfh; wllh wU

·nd trIL Per d.**. 7 00

Br»rh Vimp. «lth i»l». Per dot. 7 00

TS«o i lp., with

. g

"oil. »llh »1». Per di>t . 5.00

im 2'^')*!

I'« too. 17.50

IZ77 SfkfwUI \\\rp Monkey Vm 100 ... 13 50

Tfrmt 25%

with ordff. hattner C. O D.


he carries a full line, showing more than two hundred different designs exclusively for the concession trade. "Cayuse Indisn Blankets" are made of wool, not I'otton. and have proven to be the bigrest money getter on every earnix *I and fair, in fact everywhere they bare been ahown. The Caynse Company alao carries a line of bath robes and scarfs in various at¬ tractive designs.
Sin Francisco, .April 11.--George S. Kogman. proprietor of the George S. Kogman Shows, which for seventy-nine consecutive weeks have been playing near this city, announced last week that ha was preparing for one of the loDgeat Jumps ever made by a "gilley" caml'al company.
The Kogman Shows will go from Sausalito. Cal., to a town in Southern Colorado, arrangementa for their transportation over the Sanfe


Fe having already been completed Ixnal showmen have been `'kidding'' Kogman,
whom they called » "forty-mile man. ' for some

La Salle Harvest

lime because of the romparsflvely small Jumps tie has made wllh hia earnlval, and they are un¬ doubtedly now in for a surprise.

Festival and Carnival


iridT to mikr ennlrtett for I'onevuloni


M'lty Ofl-Rouml. Whip ind oUm So rarnlril oompinT need ippijr. i


AddreiiC. M noOUR. Seen

iitt. Li Sillf llirreit Feitiril A t'lrnlrtl A»»n., Iir

Chicago, April 14.--Joe Sherman, well known concessioner along the Coaat, has joined the tXm-o Showa with an attractive line of ·'Cayuse Indian" blanketa. Joe aaya he ia getting top i-oncesal>*n rotmey.


Write for full Drsrription and Prires.


WE.STERN REPKBSENT.kTIVE.s FOR 'THE KKNTTTKV DERBY." the Greatest Science and Skill Contest Ever Invented. Sample machine on display. Write for full description and price.



1528 West Adams Street,

Chicago, Illinois

Here You Are, Boys
.Another one of our stunner*. You know nliar a swell flash our number* in Dolls make on ail of the Stands.
This one Is "rieited out" In mettallne lotli Pantaloons and Dress, trimmed with marabou, ai d ha* a braided fur bead ilres*. Kihlaitix ad'rn lier wrist*. Fifteen inrhe* i'l hei-rlit and manufa'.'tured of wood fibre lompisition.
Send $1.50 for a sample of this dandy number
Fpon receipt of 515.00 we will send yr>u a group of twelve Sample Dolls. Once you tee our samples we are sure of your future busi¬ ness
257o deposit with order, balance C. O. D.
Manufacturers 142 HENRY STREET. - NEW YORK.

Special number system. Never be¬ fore used. Special Candy Btiards. Large headings. Checkered fronts.
1727 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, 111.



100 holes_$ .12



300 41


400 44


500 44


600 44


700 44


800 44


1000 holes


1200 " .84

1.500 "


`2000 '· .. 1.20

2.500 " ... 1.50

3000 " ... 1.80

3600 " ... 216

4000 " ... 2.40


u. s. Excise Tax to above erica*.


Plenty of room for legitimate Coneesaions. Do not miss this date to get a good start for your 1921 season. Hartford is now in better shape
than any other city in New England. Plenty of money then'. Want good men for WHIP, Merry-Clo-Round and Ferris Wheel. Pay all
you are worth. lx>ng st'ason with this show lussurod. Adilross all mail care of Show, Hartford, Conn.


The Big Invent of the Northwest. 7 Big Days--7 Big Nights, lo De held on Northern Wisconsin State LVir Grounds, June 28-29-30-Julv 1-2-3-4, 1921,
$300,000 Hotel and Elks' Club given away July 4th to someone who buys an admission ticket. S(`ven days of Big Fun, Auto Polo, Boxing, Auto Races, Harness, Derby Races, Ball Games, Fire Works, Mardi Gras Shows, Vaude¬ ville, Pioneer Days, Comedy Circus, Society Auto Contest, Queen Contest, Review of Cavalry and Militia, Fra¬ ternal Parade, Indian Dances, Band Contests, Barbecue and Homecoming. Get your space early. No exclusives. Everything works.
Special excursion trains from all parts of the Northwest. Address all communications to ELKS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Chippewa Falls, Wis.


A Read Flash

lu ihi* lUfaitment will be pubiikbed opinions cf r. iid. rs of Tlie llilltHiard on anj iihaae of the outdoor kliow world. .1$ eridence of good fuiin it la te<|ueKli`d that letters Ite signed and addresses given. .Inonjmoua letters will not be
tolerated, but aignaturea will l>e withheld If requested. Be brief and to the (Hiiat.

Blit there is a difference in KEWPS
$2, oo Per 100. Plain, Inrludlnc wlga and bit, flashy floral, crepe paper dreSM-a. (.la Illustrated.) II In. hub. Send for our new spiing catalog. It`a free, Sample, oomplile, $14)0, prepaid. TeL. Irrloe 934$.


Who Will Aid Us in Obtaining Same?

Ornamental Clock Statues 23 to 26 inches high, hand painted, beautiful natural colors, six differ¬ ent designs, American made clock, gold plated and guarante<*d to kwp gooil time. Terms one-third cash with order, balance C. O. D.
Price, $2.50 Each
F. 0. B, Louisville


^l/ ^'Lce^
/c</^ <u^cJs/OA
A you. vv Krrir Fofj n~-rz>t>A fo Xk /*ieKOt^ r/<F jK^of/A

^^Brite Eyes"

The Original



\\w| \WM Jgg

Ketter results. lllGGEST FLASH IIUSIEST -


oonofMloMirf li pUkinc "Brite Syr*"

\\ thli iruuu. >Miy 'lOt Irt h<-r put t $ $ In YOl'H

<' \\\\ pcH'kcUt Send $5.00 for svnpl. »n<l be oopTlnoed.

V\ \\\\ Write for quantity prices and .lur new Cataluaue, Juit

\\ \\\ · ouL We make all numbers of .Norclty Lamps th.t ,, ' ^ are winners, in addition to our line of I'or.ipotltloii

gCj \



406 NO. CLARK ST*..


Mr. A. C. Hartman,

Lditor The Billboard,

ClaciDoati, O.

Dear Sir--I have your letter of -Mar. h -it

and tbank yon fur your offer to let tia atravlii

en up the facts in the spring number of

KlUboard as repre'eniiMl by Mr. It. S. I'lrell

We would like to have it di>liDctly niider.lisd

that we have no desire *0 injure Mr. I'zzell in

any way. The writer was his partner for many

years and a boyh.Kid friend long before that

lAter on the writer paid jiart of MY. L'zzell's

eipenaes while he was going thm college and

made him a present of a large bloi'k of stuck

when he was invited to New York to work for

the Tiaver Circle Swing Company.

Mr. I'rzell is ambitious and and

A. KOSS we consider these splendid qualities. I'nder
article on page 1(M. of the .Ifar. h 'M Rillhoard. Mr. i'zzell aaja: ·'Before becoming head of that


old maniifarturing concern that bat since lhai with the Lcadtnc Doll. Hair and Coooeoalcn

evolved into the company which lieata my name,

Supply lIuuBF.

with its own I'i-acre tract and shops at Ja¬

OVER $200.00 WEEKLY maica. I/ong Island, I was a factor in the safe
engineering development of that now world-

known ride." We wish lo say emphatically that Mr. Czzell never was the he .id of the IS M. RYAN'S STEADY EARNINGS WITH HIS

Tiaver Circle Swing Company.


That company was organized by the writer

Waflle IVfacliln*

mnlcr the laws of the State of Vew York, and

the writer was president of that (omi>any and

its thief executive and general manager from

ilie dale of its organization -intil ita disaolo-

lion. These faeis are well known to at least

Ifk) park managers thruout Ameri'S.

In Die Niiiaa number of Tlie Billb.<ard. dated

Dio'ember Ik. lliJO, apjo'ars a writeup regard¬

ing the K. S. I'zzell CorjKtration In wlil.-h .Mr.

I'zzell slates that the R. S. I'zrell Corpt.rntion

ii tlie patentee of the eif'le .wing Now the

I'zzell Corporation was onl.v formed alwiiit two

years ago. I`revioo« to that tune Mr. I'zzell

operated under the name of Nov.-Ity Miohine

t'oinpanv. wlil.h eompaiiy was sin-c-s-or to the

Trnter Cir. le .tltviiig Crmpanr. ,\s we wrote

you iM'foie, Mr. I'zzell never had any knowledge

of the ( in le awing or Its deaigns ia'..nla or

otw-rafion until more than one .year af'er the

writer liad built the flr»t circular swing

Now we believe in being fair to oveiyone

and we ask no credit for anything except that wliirh is rightly due tii, but we lielieve that there is no reason whatever to (loud or fog the facta as to who Invented the circle swing and who was engineer In charge of Its design. The flits of the matter ran be easily as(ert.ained by writing to Mr. Iflehard fJarvey. of Carvey A- Mirier, wtio are tiuildlng clnde swings

Mida from sectrt iriitn- and rocUasla wliicli «r teach you. No rxp>-rlrlice or tkll| iinsItU .No apirlilig Is aiitlfiil maclilnr-aaiittary iih'llaHla--and riitlclDC bsika and odor of IM'EE IVAKFT.F>> fotiv tlw aalrt Macliliies shipiied on trial are (siupictc and read) for Imalnrsa. and are prlnsl from $77.5U lo $16'3 50. Write fur full iDluriuatlon.
TALBOT MFC. CO., 1325 Chaataut SL. St. Louis. Ms.

on Boston Road, New York City .Mr. (larvey

wa« the man who put up the noaey in will' h the writer hiiilf the fliSt circle swing. He was familiar with the devlee from the very start.


In fact before the ortzlnal paten's were nyrdled for. He was also the largest stockholder in the Traver Circle Swing Company
Y'on can also get the fa^ is in lli* mntter from J. W. Ely of the J \V ''It Company, White Plains, N. Y.. which is also building

ANSWERING ALL QUESTIONS It la an upright Wheel, It wuiks in any position. Y'ou (-an (^angv the niimlirra and iiallt U>
·ull your rrsiulrcmcats. CUK'K IVIIFIEI. tWN-
EHS--Change your old nails tor new improved ones--tree cf rharga.

clnle swings. Nfr. Ely was also a stock¬ holder in the Trarer Circle Swing Company

Prict. $25 00. F. 0. B. New Yark. ·J5'e wltli orijer, balaine C P I'.

and he, too, la familiar with all of t)ie facts In the ease. Both MY. Ely nnd Mr. Carrey


are active competitors of the rrnver '.ngineerIng Company In building old style circle swings for parks, and we wish to slate right here

Inveatsr and Maaularturtr,

2276 Seventh Ave..


that neither Mr. Ely nor Mr flsrvev have

ever teen lit lo come out In The Ttillhosrd or

elaewhere and misrepresent the fsci« regnrd



Ing the Invention, design and bnltding of the

Pre-War Prices fll elrrle swing. They are b<dh a.iverllsers In
The Btllhoard

Voo ran also get the fiets from I. B. Rchlott, manager of Clen Echo Park In Wash¬ ington, who was manager of Dream le-d at Coney Island for a period before the park wta

IVe have lust bought up an MKWtwins quantity of Tlnlyis- .Supplies and aie
now In a position tu (i(r(>t you merchandlw at tlie same prlees as befove tlie

Jr a #I m

hit II r.

Send far Frse CatalOf.

If I nl

Yon can al«o obtain the farft from Mr. M.



O. Helm, manager of Electric Park at Ktnsaa City. It wta In the old Electric Park that

124 Rhrington Street. New Yark City


the flmt rlrele swing W(is built and ojierated

by Traver A Oarvey In IWIT. Ymt can also get the facta from Mr. Ram


Benjamin, who It now manaenr of F^lrmeant Inqulrt ED lAOIN, 6900 Nat Atm,. WaH MlA «l

1 I

APRIL 23, 1921

5 to a set, dark maluigaiiy color, glossy finish and elaborately trimmed with jade beads, coinsand
In Lots of 100 Sets.$5.10 In Lots of 50 Sets. 5.25 In Lots of 25 Sets.5.40 In Lots of 12 Sets. 5S5 Sample Set . 6.00
Single Decoration
In Lots of 100 Seta.$4.65 In Lott of 50 Seta.4.80 In Lots of 25 Seta.4.90 In Lott of 12 Sets. 5.15 Sample Set . 5-50
Beacon Blankets

I'ark, Kanvaa City, who was oriRinally niai a*

gcr of the old tin lirr Tark under Mr. Heim

when the eir< 1; awiiiK was built and oia'raUd

there by Traver & Garvey.

We do not care to air our opinion on this

subject at all. This is not a matter of oiiinion,

and It is a matter of absolute facts, and tbe

facta ran be very readily ascertained from the

people who are competent to give them to you.

We did not expect that you would print our

letter of .March .'i. as It wa.s not intended for

publication. All we ask is that the facts in

the matter be Qrst ascertained and after you

arc sure that our statements are corre<t we

believe it only fair that you should publish

the necessary facts in plain language and deny

Mr. Uuell's statements. We do nut ask this

·n the ground that we are the largest ad-

vertlaers of rides in The Billboard, :ltbu we

believe that we can make that daim. We

merely S'k it as a matter of Justice.

The writer was out of the business for a

number of yeaia during the war because L'ncle

Kam needed the men and material for war pur-

|MiseM. However, we went into the business

again Inst year with the determination to be¬

come the world's largest ride builders and

we do not intend to allow any man to deliber¬

ately take advantage of Tbe Uillboard's col¬

umns. Whether we ^uccced in our ambition or

not does not matter at this moment, but if we

succeed It is going to be bei ause we have used

our ingenuity in desuning new devices and oiir

enterprise in piisliiug their sale. We Will take

no of any com|>eiiior whether friend¬

ly or nut. 1 wish them all the best luck in tbe

world, hut If they hlioiild siii c,`,.d where we

fail they niiist do it b.v clean methods.

I.asi J-ear we hiiilt and sold $40.UUU worth

of rides. Tins year our sales have already

real bed llTS.lsO. A loo'iderahle measure of

our suc) ess is due to the fact that The ItilT

board has sxiended to us the courtesy of its

columns, will' U we have use<l to splendid ad¬

vantage. We certainly appre<'late eyerylhing

yon have done for U' and we are going to con¬

tinue to give you a very large measure of

business. We ire lertain that in return for

this, and on tbe grounds of pure Justice, you

Will give us a square deal.

We would sugiresi that ymi ascertain the

facts and cuir<-<t the previous i laims of

Mr Ttzell In plain language, if you are not

Willing to do this we think it only fair to

write a lengthy arinie. giving the history of

the circle swing and the seaplane, and give

that article -iilticicnt prominence so that the

park, and carnival men will not fail to get

tbe facts.

Thanking ynsi for your courtesies in this

matter, we are.

Yours very truly.


H. G. Traver, President.

SHIRTS are getting the money
Buy direct from the manufacturer. The flashiest and snappiest designs of Silk and Madras on the market.
Prices: From SIO.OO per dozen for intermediates to S60.00 per.dozen for the heaviest Silk Crepe de Chene. Send SIO.OO for sample assortment.
Terms: One-third with order, bal¬ ance C. 0. D.
110 Fifth Avenue, - - - - New Yo

TERMS: 25~ deposit of amount of order, balance C. O. 0.
Shipped Sime Diy Order Received
Chas. Harris & Co.
230 W. Huron St, Chicago, III.
11TWO I inC. '. TV. 7451.

Bron.on. Tex., .\pril 6. lO'Jl.

Lditor Tbe Rllll>osrd;

In the Spring Si>e. ial Issue of The Bllltmard

I read a write-up by Limit R. Cooke and. be¬

lieve me, enjoyed it vary much, but I will have

to beg Mr. Cuuke's pardou for differing with

him in regard to tbe .ad end of James B.

Hlckn<k. or. as he was better known. Wild Bill.
Wild Bill was a man that was abnolntely fear¬

less and met hit death at followa:

lie drifted into fveadwood,

D . and was

playing cards. His rualon was to take a poti-

lion with hit back to the wall so he could

tee every one in th« bouse, also all new

comers; hnt once. In the late sprliur or early

summer of `TS or '77, h. sat with his ba^ k
to the crowd when a wild and wooll.v, bloi-d-

thirsty, trail worn, dusty gink entert^. This

guy was Jack M<Tall. Me walked the full

length of the gambling hall up to tbe bar and

took a drink, turned and piillisl the well known

4.1 caliber "smoke polo,-- walked to Wild Bill

(up to hts bark, nnderstand). and rocked h.s

gun. Wild Bill beard the eliek and tried to

Throw himself to one side, hot was too lat®.

McCall tired twie., killing Wild Bill instantly.

Now comes one of the most novel trials ever

known Beadwood had no l.sw. so ;ev<.ral of

the old time "Bivae and Cow" thasi-rs gave

·McCall a trial as follows; They Inquire why

M' Oitl shot Wild Bin. M.-Call said Wild Bi I

killed his brother a long time before, so the

verdict was to let McCall get on his horse

and give him 30 .eeonda to start. At the end

of this time four of tbe court, with high-rower

rifles, would open Are on him. If they failed

to hit him he was fiee. Well, they failed to

bit him. for McCall laid close to hit -addle

Then McCall went to Yankton, the eapi'al.

and let the people know that he was "Bi-ter

Jack" from Bitter Creek. Me made it public

that he waa the guy that killed Wild Bill

Yankton the people had a little law, also some

order, and arrested MiTall. They gave him a

fair frlat and he was hanged hy the neck un-

til dead for tbe mnrder of James B Mlckoi-k. (Signed) E. J. GARDNER.

V.w York City, April 10. 1021

O Editor The BlllN>ard: ^ We note In a recent lesne the correetloi, yon

n published regarding the head balancing on balls, which was credited to nt Instead of to the l'ps'de TV'wn Millettee. In the review of the

opening of the Rtngtlng-Bamnm Show. We are

very glad voti published the correction and

pnt the credit where the credit la due. Surely

t world of credit Is due two imeh performers

rite Jor (Juantity Prices

who have such a wonderful and unique novelty, as have the Mlllettes. , We uae a oue-foot-

311 Parkway Bldg

hreak-away for a flnlsh Very trnlv vonra. (Signed) I.ES ZEIUDOS.

See our pric(?8 on silverware and premium goods before buying elsewhere. It will pay you. Wc make prompt shipments.


223*225 W. Madison Street,

Dept. B,

For a large variety of popular priced premiums see our late catalog.

Have yon kwiked thrn the Letter Llett


ChineseTrimmed Baskets


B3.TS per Mest


. 1 Bal. j

M4.SO IMSr Nest

f 9

Dlam*t*r Lag Baikata,

I 2 Rings and Taaaals, $2.00 aaah.

for ^ Sand lO'^v Additlenal Sampla

Wants hlgrh-class Concession Agents. A fifty-flfty proposition to those capable of getting money. Best Concession territory to he played Address RALPH V. RAY, care of Wortham Shows. Stockton, Cal., week of April 18; San Jose, week of April 25; Oakland, week of May 2.

APRIL lo, lUl^l





crouire 13-INCH MOVABLE ARM DOl LS; lots 100 or 10,000, 20 Cts. Each. FLORAL DRESSES, 5 Cts. each. HAIR Dn|pr«


DOLLS, 35 Cts. Each. MOHAIR WIGS, 50 Cts. per Doz.

Ofin W


6-Hour Shipping Service

530-32-34-36-38 W. ELM STREET,. CHICAGO. ILL.

Terms;: One-Half Cash

20c oor


New Vdtrk, Ai*ril U. -T»`cl Miuor, of

^ Miner, iiiaki'is of the *Tai»tive .Virplatie" < ir-

«le hwitijrh. III a iro't.t .all at The HiIllMiaiJ

(ifHce hiHike iiMot tioiiniiht{· ally of the tuiniii;;


thji HilllMian) ailvort:sin»: has

reniiltf'd in okLik ihat fairly snuueU under the

tirm'i ('}i;>acity fur tiirniiix out its lua* hine"',

Icolb for i>aik and ixTtable use. The linn is

iDulalliriK one uioter the directiiu of Itn liaid

(jsrvey in LiiKoin Park. Ia>g Angeles; will phn *·

one on IMIie ('lark's Hroadway Shows; hag Mild

four Olliers ffir iinnitdiat** «I«*livery to jiarks, and

h»*i hidR for s»`V»*ral ne'r*-. <'avit«i| I*aik, lifs

Moines, la . W hite Tity ('ointmiiy, Trenton;

.Mike Nej^ifT, !to. ky Toint iTrk, ITovidetMe, U.

1.; Stem <oihNt«>iii, for I.iixoin Park, Worees-

ter, MiiKs , and U'rhiiian 4^ HuKimitn, laiwreuce.

Mask., are amfitij; thoso wlio will have the

··Captive Alridanea** m oiH*ratUm at the oik.*u-

ing of the KeuMiii.


Chicago, Apnl 1.3 -The .leff li.ill & Toy CO. is now liH uted in huger <|ii:iriers iit lllflO North ( Park avenue, where the I'Ompnny will iirodui e a < iim|>leie line of dolls iiiid doll lamp* for Ihe i-onee-sioiier. The eon< ern la managed by .Anthony H. Woiis, an old-time I oneesKiotier. who has esitibli-hed an eflieii-nt faetorv and shlpjiing department for ipilek eenrice.

Chicago, April 13.--C. W. .Tessop, former Kliowiiiun uniJ manager of Ihe .Tessop Mfg. Co., Connersville, Ind., is in Chicago thif; week, with a dii^ilay In the (ireat Norlliem Hotel. This enmpany maniifarturoa earniial sp<"elallies. in¬ cluding pony coasters, raring ooirster wagons. Junior raeers, auto coasters, children's nntomobiles, pony raoera and other articles for the · onecbsion trude.
Chicago, .April 13.--Beginning April I."; Pacini & Bernl. statuary maniifaeturera. will be lo iiied at 110(5 West Handolph street, oecnpying .1 fOnr-story building for factory, store,' ofEees
and diaplay rooma.

! CHINESE BASKETS CRANDELL CONTRACTS TROY, O. I my. U.. .\i>ril IT.--Crneral .\g<-nt Harry E


Henry Importing

Co.. "*'vi'H^0LE8A"LE'R8.*''"

Crumlell, uf the MotrotHilitun Shuwa, wa» in Trey lu,t wffk, and on .April 0 aigm-d rontrart*

4' .Mailt' in Cliina by expert weavers,
Ji3 frimmeil witli real silk Mandarin tas-
I -si ls. Jade rings, beads and real Chinese I coins. Ueautiful material and work-
manship. Handsomely trimmed, odor¬ less. 3. 4 or 5 set.s to the nest. Quick delivery. Special price to jobbers. We

ulii'rrby the allraclion* be n-xireM-iiia were gruriird till* exiTualve pririU-gea fur the Min...-
Hpring I'VatlTal, to be held here the week of May J3. Tbia Ig the Drat eariilval lo get permUsiuD to exhibit in Troy in over three year,, and, a* the lural Mouae I-odgc la planning many apeeial eventa in connection, a very aurecaHfui we.k Is looked forward lo.

carry a large amount always ready for





C'hieago. .April H--Surgeon I'.eneral High S. I'umming has written Health rnoimls-iuner



John Pill Uuhertson that the I'niled Statea Puh-


F.F. KAN, Sales Mgr.

HENRY GOE Gun. Mgr. llo Health Servlee will lake an aetlve part In the "Paceant of Prugre-*' wlibli n|K<ns on the


IlIIlstNat'IBcnkBldtCHICAGO. ILL..

3 Phone Contral 3793.


'MiinbTpal Pier M«iv 31 Pr K <' Ilobliian. ronsiilting sanitarian, has arrln-d from Wash¬

SEATTLE, WASH^_ ington to m.ake the preliminary aurreya.


Large Variety of Subjecte Indians--Nudes--.\nimals, etc.
Sample Dozen Square Pillows.512.00 Sample Dozen Round Pillows.51630
Quantity IViccs on Request

riiieago. April 13--P. r. Ptlt>oani. of Pil be.ain`s Twentieth Century Motorized .\mii-e
D'ent Company, was a (Tileago visitor last week.
The show will ot>en in Ihe suburb, of lietmit April J.3. Ae.ording lo Mr. Pllheam, he has been issued Ihe first city lieense for a carnival in Dettoii. Twenly-flve Ito-four-ton tniek. will carry the big I*ill>eam Show thi. year. Tliere will be six ,howH and two new Parker rlde«, including the fir,! Parker carry-n.-ali of the new type. Forty roneesslona, Nfr Pilheam said, have l>een booked. He has several subur¬
ban lots in Chlrago "lied up" for June.

BIGGEST FLASH AND BEST QUALITY Manufacturers of Felt Pillows, Pennants
and Moccasins. BL.OOIVI BROS. CO. 25-27-U SecoNd Street, Nerth, MiNHMpofit. Mina.^

Tlere are some more who ml-ved William Jud¬
kins newlffs "nandom namhlera" and want the eolomn restored:
Con T Konni-dy, Frank McIntyre. H. C. Elgin. Jim Donohue. Fred Kre--man. .T. C MeCatfery, Tom W. Allen. A. K. Ealiek, W. A. Miller. Buddie Willi.. J M Sullivan. Movie Hanley, J. H. Johnson, E. B. fJrnbbt, W. J. Kehoe, Hod Krail, Noble C. Fairly, E. D Sfroot, A. D. Murray, Doe C. W. Foster and T. 11. Veasmann.



3^ "SHYLOCK!!" f-,




' n i It '. I II 1

SEE the Silrnt Convrrsation! SEE tlif Funny Artiont of the Armt nnd Handt! SEE Uncir'c Coat of Arms--Three Golden Balli!

""Ir VP*. J
si"'' S
A f 

Vjl/ "HrT".?k",",ir`i5i. Hand,! IT'S A SCREAM!


' W

When the nose i, striK-k three golden hnlla su.ldelily


1 V mm

appear abuut hi, head. Tl'-e arm, and hand, liet-uiue


aiilniat.d ai;d k.ep murine In the mo.t lif.llke maniiei.


A trick that keeps the iTowd, Itughlng and Bpending.

This aetlOD ountinues until the game Is reb^t by the OKtator.

Ke» t l y .me line to front oount.r. 5 ft. 6 In. tall. Built to stand


Nothing to put togrther. Always ready for use. Set up siijAdnte in lire minutes

ing. easiest handled ooncrsa.ou you can own. Pays for Itself first day

jr a'.J abuse. Ftitfst work-


complete, CRATED.


TWO FOR $87.00

Remit ono-third with order. Deduct 3*. if full amount is sent.


Money back If not aa reptoaented. Prompt shipment. Write for Catalogue ot Money-Gettora



Have five cars, all six-wheel trucks. In first-class condition, that I will sell cheap. Subject to prior sale. Also one high-class Private Car. Real bargain.
All Steel, 70 ft.; all wood, 61 ft., or wood, with steel center sills, 61 ft. My prices on all steel cars are at least $.'>00.00 cheaper than the latest quotations. HARRY G. MELVILLE, 902 Ashland Block, Chicago, III. Home Phone, Drexel 7877. Office Phone, Randolph 6887.
Mr. DOLL MAN You Have Tried The Rest


Our S8.00 Assortment of Dressels Has No Equal.




11"' ''lCotOildo. Ulaek ot Tan. Asserted Mies, 13,


V--<ittantUy price, $26..tO per dozettf


Hook your orj. rs r.OA for later d -Ilrer^.

168-70 Fifth St., MILWAUKEE, WIS.

jf ¥. 1. / _

" lit. fur San.i.l Ilf <.ur I.a ly', lla,» in tlie Iale..t styles, from S9.C0 1o S30.00 per Dorrn.


Well Made of Ganuin* Cowhide. Black or Tail.

173 Canal Street,


The best colored atid d<-. (,r:it< d liankets in the I'. S. Kansas City. Five and S<-v«n Rings and Tassels. Klecfric Rulhs. all 8lz«-8. at SO'I less.
BROWN &. WILLIAMS. 18 West 13th Street >

Immediate delivery from Also factory agents for

ConcessionerS"Refreshment Men!
Orangeade and L-enronade In I-»OWDE:rf:d F'ORM
CoDtaiiLM everytliing neceasary to make a pure, d< liri<m.s rlriiik /ntfrinf fy. luRt add

Wanted Cabaret Dancers

sugar and water, then serve. No trouble. No broken liotllea. No bulky packages.

ONE package enough FOR !>0 GALLONS

I'iiiio PUtw, Drumnurr and Haxo|4i<irir. .'<I>oh plairliiK <ivil<-F U-rrIturT. Cm alao uitt real Colored Team:


ORANGEADE.$3.00 muat be sood. Kartj Uollari wrrfc and atabroom. Write or wire HERMAN VOSS. Gold Medal Shows.


BroahSeld. Mo., week May IS: Hamilbal, Me., to tallow.



APRIL 23, 1921

Start With Eight-Day Engagement at Las Cruces, N. M.
t;;i' ·.('I'liloo & MoCart Sliowa plaji'il an l·iahl day Mix'iiinc eiiBam-uient whirb eiariod on April " at I.U' Crurea, N. .M., undtr the auaidi-eH of ilir !.<'>al UrdtT of ilKwao. with Kralifying
I'lie organUatlon now proaonta one of tbp noalc't fTamKl fonr-rar gllly almwa on the road, with everythinR new, iurliidiiiK "la new khaki topa for the ahowa. The lineup also coD'aini* two ridea and Iwentyfltre nlrely (lanii'il ('otiM'*'iou8.
Till- manaui-ment has surrounded Itself with I ijpal-lo staff and personnel, and with Hr. M Carl |iii king *l)e afiota and Mr. I.a-einon ba-k with aiiil iiiunaging the abuw the proajiei-ts · re hiighi for a suecetsful aeasoo. The route IIjis jiar will eoier aix Statea. Texas, New Mt'M'». Kan aa. Oklahoma, Colorado and Ni-hra ka The staff: J. O. McCarl, general itr-m. Wall l.eenion, general manager and tn-is' rer. J II. llloom, aa-iatant manager and charge of roncessioni; Joe Casey, legal adjiisiir; (Tin-. Kerr. Iratnmaaler. The lineup: Ciii-iMi' Side Show, Chris. Kerr and C. 0. McChing. · I'ulMirei'' Show. Kred Keama; Athletic Sli-'W IVI - Itriwii; Snake Show, Hilly Stockwell; ITI Show. Kerr and MeCllng; "Illawallan Village." I- 'f- Jaekaon. .Vmong the principal con. e--ioners are "Shorty" Wells, T. II. liloom, Mr lion ton. Tom Henderson, Don Kennard, Mrs I.eeinon and Mrs. .McCart.
Poliowing the aland at laia Cnieea comes a week's engagement at Carizoro. N. M., which looka iiioniising --I. M. J.VtKSO.N' ISliuw KiTreaenla'i'el.



Here is the
that attracts the Crowds!
^ want to make your concession a howling success this year give away Polly Prim satin camisoles as prizes. A dainty, useful and beautiful gift that will be prized by every woman who is lucky enough to win one. A display of Polly Prim camisoles will draw the crowds to your concession like a magnet.




908 W. St.

Fbona, Tioga 8685. i

Oaic* Hours Until 1 P.X.


I'liilaiieli-hia. Ai-ril l.l.--The uuthiuk for the cuiuing summer in philly in the theatric«l uuti uiiiuseiiienl line ts u biiglit oue, Juilgiiig by the number of places that will l>e ruiiuiu;;. While the uui-mployi-d eomliiitins just n<>iv aie keeu. it ia predicted that ull will he adjusi-j-l by that tiniM.
.Arcordlng to a statement of Merk Wilsoti. press representative of the local Shiihert huuseg. the piojioeed summer run of dramatic stock Ity the Lawrence Shubert Lawrence Players has bei-ii eulled off for the present. Harry McCrea Webster, well-known stege direotor of Hie fo. iiier ('bestnut tftreet tirpheum Stock ComI .my and also director of motion pirture playa, was to be in charge as stage director.
.\I1 the pliotcuilay houses of note will remain open and likewise most of the vaudeville houses. \ new experiment w'll la.- tried in runtiing barIe*iup stork shows in the Trot-adero and Bijou theaters. The (layety with its usual policy ket-iis open all year around, New People's and Casino closing.
The parks. Willow Grove, Woodside and Point Breeze, have many improvements In the way of new amusement devh-es and other attractions, and a most prosperous season is anticipated by the managers.

I made a trip to Alton, III., on April 12 to look oier what John Veal bad provided for

PollyPrim Camisoles

That a big se:ison is predicted by the supply houses for parks, carnivals and fairs is attested by the leaders in that line by their large slock of goods now on hand and wiio are: M. Qerlter, .M. L. Kahn Co., Karr & .Vut-rbach, Rudolph

the I'.tJl aeaaon, and found the Veal Bros*.

Toy Jc .Novelty Co., Slia|iiro. all of whom are

Show- -uaied on a lot known aa the ItiTer

finely equipped hir prompt shipment of orders.

l-'ront |o aiion. It bai<f<ened to be a moonlight night and the river looked like a silver hand aroiii.d the evhihition grounda. Looking at the rariiiial from the top of the hill It was a pretty slgul. as .Nlr. \ eul hna plenty of electri< ity .-.riwinl bia ahow this aeaai.n. an`l. together with 'the vast amount of ]iaint and carved fronts, a fairyland ts the best guess for a de¬ scription. There are -B) conees-lona that incliide everything from dolls and gtooerles to knife and hnckley-huck stands. A new eonceaaion

are shipped to you in individual boxes, tissue wrapped, in perfect shape to make an attractive display. All the latest popular colors and fancy designs. A g-irment that any woman would be glad to p£f^' $3.00 for and consider it a bargain.

12 00 24.00 Price to you in dozen lots,
Per Dozen ..

$ . -$

Each house has handsome display rooms.
"All American Day" proved a tremendoua success here this week. The city was a mass of flags from end to end. and the parade at night w-as a monster demostration at the "I'ntrioilsm of America" and love of country.
Renewed oldtime friendship with Harry Jolson, who was a big bit here this week at the Grand Opera House. Harry and 1 appeared

was that of Itomiro Sugar Package Wheel, two

on the same bill in New York City many years

pounds of atigar to the winner. What a won¬ derful eont easinn this Would have been two years ago.

Sample assortment of 6 designs sent for $10.00. Cash must accom¬ pany order.

ago. And he is the same good fellow well met.

In the wav of ahowa, Veal la well e<iul|>ped: most all the fronts are carved or paneled gnd at- wry aitr.ictlve both In and outside, and consist of Veal's l(V|n-l, 'Motordome, S;iringtime--a girl musical show well costumed and nicely framed tbruout. Dog and Pony Riow a real feature show that ia excellent, old Plantation Show. Jim Eskew's Wild West, Hawaiian V|ll»ce, The Busy City, Dion's Freak .\n m.vl Shows--an Interesting lot of freak animals that are NOT repulsive. .\th-

We can make prompt shipment on all immediate orders. Send yours in today,

Fantl Brothers & Lewis

115-123 So. Market St.,


The business in all theaters about town has fallen off much this week owing to the unemplnyed anil the large number out on strike, but the photoplay bouses are getting the best end of it of what there is.
C. Bonner, well known among the carnival show folks, is buck in town again and has opened his ahow rsom at 32 N. 5th street with cheap jeweliy goods.

letii- Pit Show. rieo. Snake Show, Anona, The

Submarine Show, Mother and Baby >ronkey Pit Sliow. all splendid attractions and the audience seemed to like them immensely. Bidet con¬
sisted of an Eli wheel. New .\llan Herachell ctro-isil--three abreast. Whip and Venetim Boats, which was getting goo.t money, being


BASKETS In Nests of S to a Set

James P. Kane, formerly a comedian, witii various shows nil over the country, as well as an experienced carnival showman, has opened an othce in the Parkway Bldg., room 311, for the business of supplying goods for parks, carnivals and fair i-oncossioaers. .Mr. Kane knows well

S3.25 a Set, new In .\lton. and they were playing It heavy
Prof. Slstoe had a band of 8 pieces working

Single Ring, Single Tassel the wants of folks in this line. Experience counts, and he ts giving his entire time to this

3.50 a Set, - eve-v -ilniite and Mr. Veal stated thit Prof
W. J Jan's Bard of 8 pieces would Join also

- Double Ring, Single Tassel line of bnsine-s, with a line display at the office, and orders are promptly filled aej shipped.

3.75 a Set, at .Vlton. giving him a alxteen-plece hand for
the sea-sin

Double Ring, Double Tassel The Gibson's New St.andard Tlieatcr, John T.

What the business will b* at .\lton. of eoursc, la not available now, hut with J>oor
weather i-onditlons, salary reductions and shut¬


GibsTin, manager, is doing capacity business

wltn his fine v.tudeville. novelties, musical com¬

ANY QUANTITY YOU MAY edy aud road shows. Under 51r. Gibson's able

downs of lib«r, topped off with the exceedingly high railroad rates, the season has not been


directoisbip tlijs house has been made the best paying proposition in its histoty.

profltahle, and whether this condition will ch.-inge will not be known until the season Is

I also have a large quantity of the ATLASTA ADDS TWO FLOORS

Well started Coming out of the South is expens've to all shows this year. Raymond D.
M'ssirore Is a -si.tant manager and secretary.
He certainly ts everything around the show, a gcnl.-'l. gi-ntlemsniy fellow who dot-g every¬ thing to make your visit more pleasant.
.Mr Veal has a good line of attrartlooi and e'emhing In cooeessiona. and a Hath of fronts aii'i ·-iiilpuient thnt it act-ond to none, nit cani and waenna are in line with all the reat.--WILL J r.inr.ET.

4-Legged Baskets in sets of 4 (not nested), 2 Silk Tassels and 2 Standing Rings on each Basket. A. wonderful tlish. Price, $8.00 a set. .\ ilt-iti-slt of 25% reauirr,! wltli all orders, balanca
C. o. I).

Chicago, April 14.--A. F. Sheaban, of the Atlasta iMenantile Supply Company, this week showed a Billboard rt-jiresonialive two addi¬ tional doors which he and Eddie llotk have negotiated in the same building, 179 N'ortb Wells street, where the Atlasta Company is doing business. More room was needed for the expansion of the company, said .Mr. Sheaban, and more was secured accordingly.
Mr. Sheaban pronounced business to be very


Nothin, But Baskets

good and eaid the leading concessioners wei;e

coming in and buying liberally. He also said

235 GOUGH ST.. - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. the Atlasta Company now has all of its de¬

Barhet Baskotg for the small or give-away, $25.00 partments separated and cla-sifled. Mr. .-<hea-

Some few weeks ago an appeal was pohllsbed

In ihi-se columns for donatloni to a fund to

pay for the burial of Ix-ater Beach Powell, an

ly t:oi'p,.r Him

last January In McOnmti,

per too. Sample, 35 Cents.

han said his company formerly took the out¬ put of a few small faetorles, but that now it controls its own plants on leading items, ipcluding camel lamps. He further stid that

>n-s . and whose body has since that time lain In a vault at McConib The undertaker stated hat alnsit l.ta) Has nei-essar.v to cover expensea

s>t&7 "ORIGINAL" SUNFLOWER KIDS the firm has a select stock of (Tiinese baskets on hand, guaranteed perfect in workmanship and sanitation.

"f hiirlal. etc., but he is w-illlng to stand a por¬

tion of the exiM-n-e himat-If. Powell was at »nr itmi- cpilte wt-U known In the outdoor show world, and It would seem that some of his old frlendt might come forward with a little aid to properly lay him to rest. To date tmt . has bt-en received. Anyone wishing to con¬

the best made KID ON THE MARKET
F*plce, $1.50 Elacti



A sample will convince you. Write for 1921 Catalogue.

tribute toward the burial of ptvwell is asked send his contribution to The BillNtard. Cln-

iI k


to enlarge band. Tickets? No. .\d(Jress

clnnsH. t» , and It will l,e pnimptly forwardt-d to lilt- undertaker at McOamb, Mlaa.

1209 Sycamore Street, -


M. DtCHRONIC, O'Brien's Eiposition Shows, r«ABvrD\/ii I r II I




1 irst liino in four yoars. Auspices PuMic S«'rvice (.'oinniissioners. Concessions--Few Whei'ls opt'ii. (trind Stores, come on, will place j'ou. Sliows. Plat form or Mecluinical. Will furnish complete outlit ion lirst-class I'eature Show. Can place 10-pioce organized Band. Join on wire. * *11 account of contliction of date, Comjiany will play lispUm, Pa., date later. All parties contracted, join at Carnegie, Pa., not later than ^'aturday, 40 a. m., April 2:ird. ,\ll mail and wires to JOSEPH GLOTH, Room 403 Lyceum Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa.

APRIL 23, 1921


JOHN KOOET, The Win Who Brought Mu

Telephone, Harlem 6588.



Hop Off at London, O., April 23

Thoruvilif. O.,

14.--Work at wintrr

qoarttfru ot the Wall.i. e Midway Attractions has


on sli.i'e Mar'di 1. and at this dato

the Allan HetiM.h<ll lijr»-r-ahrcast rarousel,

which Iiaa rcr«*i\cd a coat of j^aiiit from top to

bottoiu, ik rt'jdy to Ik*

k * Kldred,

who baa .liaiue of the pamlinir. has done an

excellent j<ih, and the u.a>hine loi.ks like a new

one. Tile A.liU-iic Show is liaxiiiji a new front

bnilt. and the Su.tke sl*ow will be rebuilt. 11.

Becker, of Tostoria. O., will have charge of the Snake Show. MeilrUger has arrived with hia

new cook iionsc. dia.les lournier has his hand

all readj. U. II. fropps engine lor his new

Ell has arr.ved at w liter ijuariers, and the

Big Ell Will be aii.pi.ed dirc< t from the factory

to the opening town. The outlil will leave winter ijaartcrs April !«.

London. O , und. r the .Viaerican Legion, April

28 to at>. Will be the oiieniug stand. Logan, O., Onder auspi.-es of the .\uierieau Laigion, and

Olonceater, u., under auspi.ea of the Sportaiuen

Club, will follow. All of winch is a. cording to

wn announcement made by Manager 1* K. Wal¬



Clark. of the

PaSn. aD ma .AL-pspriol-si1`t'i3TM o.n--TShheowwtnhicerre

quarters is now

open and Monuger J. E. M '' urph**y" having arrived

from Saint Paul v.itli a crew of nicchanica and

painters, the wura of b_ uilding, rebuilding and painting in ptei'.iialion for_the uuiiDg season

la now pri«res«iiig nicely, Tue show <H>ent its

season with an (Oigagement ^ lierec. under the

ansploes of the Aun-ricuu Legion, week of May

2, which coniract was recently arranged by the

writer as general agent. C. L- Silencer, gge::n:e:rral superintendent and
who operates the "sswwiinngg'" and a number of conceaslons, recently arrive at winter quarter* from Chicago. .Mr. Mu . y left a few da.vs ago for another visit to St.. Paul, on buslncaa, and before he returns expei ta to visit his show In Florence, Kan. , which has been playina opera liu .sea nil vvint.T thru the Southern oU

dittrlcts to good business. Manager '.Murphy intends having one Of tbe

neatest and ` biggest" little shows ever on the

road, traveling *ju three baggage- cars and one

Pullman sleeper, and carrying aix shows, two

rides, thirty concessions and two free act*.

All new canvas, secured from the United States

Tent & .Awning Co., arrived at winter qimrters

Itst week, also new banners for the 100-foot

Circus Side Show. The fair dates so far con¬

tracted by the writer comprise some of the

tMst in this section of the country--S. D. HOSE,

(Show Beprescntatlvc.)


real business of the season at Indcpendenc*, La., during a two wi-eks* engagemenU Unfavorable weather has delaycl the straw-
erep, but this con'iition Is now greatly Improved, and things look brighter in this section of the country. Captain Naill pur¬ chased all new tops to start off the new year and the midway now eiresi-nlK a neat appearance.
The big cairy-ns-ail. with Its many artde I fixtures and lights, brings the natives, and they certainly like to "ride "er." The Plantation Show, with a new 28xWj top, made by the Foster Manufacturing Co., is the feature attraction, and under the leadership of Prof. E. B. Beed. A panel front is just being completed for this show Captain (Scotty) DeVar has a neat frame-up in his Animal Hhow. and the arrival of a baby leopard marked the beginning of a cage line that will be added to quite frequently. All ooncessioiis had a good pLty at Independence. Hajipy Gllibs has done fine with bis spot-thespot, at has Mrs. Oiiil>*, with her catrack. An¬ other hustling concessioner is ''Ifad" Reed, who. It seems, has a hard time keeping in stock, but he do)-s it. The management states that the ·bow will continue playing spots for the next few weeks in which the show is well known.-- S. PALMEK (Show Representative).
To Open April 23 at Bellevue, Ky.
The Inter-Ocean Greater Showa are about ready to open their wastoi at -Bellevne, Ky.. April 23 to May 2. Manager Cal Batche is bnaily engaged putting forth his every effort to make hU oi>enir.g engagement a anccess. T. R. Hughes has arrived with his cook bouse and four other ooncpsaions, alao three shows.
Tbe weather has beea fine tbe past several days and the work of preparation will be com-
t aneb earlier than expected. This ahow wUl movo by bvat snd p>sy all river towns.-- HABET A. SeUWAKTZ (Show RepresenUtlve).

A "Gold Mine" for AGENTS!

The Wonder Seiler and Profit-Maker of the Day!

Hundreds of our ARcnts are making a big thing selling the Parisian Perfected Art Needle. It's wonderfully simple and yet simply wonderful! Does French knots and liaised Em¬ broidery--everything from the daintiest work to coarse, heavy rag rug. Easy to use-- interesting to demonstrate--quick to sell.

iviAsKe: $3,000


Othcra are doing It--yon can do It. Acenta and demonatratora of

both jcifi are reaping a big birrett. Handle It alona or put out


demor rtratora and aub-agenta. Juat ahow any woman what thia needle wlU do tad bet dollar la yooral

Send $1.00 for aample needle, with full inatruritona and particulara, together with · rote bod worked iaa*

pie ahowlng the beautiful work. And, better atlll, aer.d $1.25 for agent'a complete working outfit, eonglatlag

of one four-point needle and one full alte pinow, stamped on g.iod material, tinted In oolort to work. 4lM

tour balls best thread to work same, and your pillow started, showing bow lo do tbs work.


208 Traders Trust Bldg., 305 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IllinoU.


W. E. GROFF SHOWS Plays Several Stand* in Lot Angeles

doing businew sts POBTNS & BERGEN .ATTB.ACTIONS with as fine a line-up of Showg, Biding
Device*, Wagons and Oencesslons that eiprtlence, money and time can produo* S50.000 now In¬
vested and mor* as nstded. A long season with a fine string of Falx*.

* 5 or 6-Plece Colored Jsn Dance Orchestra. One with a strong vocalist prtferrsd. Most biva their own instrumtnts and know how to play them, getting over plenty of pep.

HUMAN FREAKS. Rare, living curiosities of the out-of-the-ordlniry kind, wv want yon.

You can draw a salary check here for all you are worth. This Is one of the best Circus Side

Shows In the country. Surroundings and coiulitlons the best. Could use a REAL FAT Woman,

but she must be unusually fat. I'IwSds re<iui`sted and returned. Harry LentlnL write.


TALKERS AND GRINDERS. Men who can stand the gaff of fast work and bard grlnda. If you can't deliver don't answer.

CONCESSION AGENTS who have prospered In the past and look the part now. excellmt prop¬ osition on wrheels. Plenty of flash and an abundance of stock Show loads out at Winter Quarters, Bloomsburg, Ps., Wednesday, May 23.

Everybody address


Los Angeles. Cal., April 12 --"Nelgbbotboods" of Lo* Angeles bav* provided several good weeks with short Jnmps for tbe W. E. Groff Show*. From here the company went to Ana¬ heim. then San Pedro, and then back at 12Ui and Han I'edro streeta here, under the auspices of tbe China Famine Fund Committee. Next, the caravan moved to l*0ib and Central, noder  iistilcea of the `'neighborhood'' Y. M. C. A., which it building a new home, for week of April 11. Huntington Park followa for the American Legion and Intentions are to then go North.
Mrs. Sweeney, last year with tbe Alaino Shows, was a visitor last week. She met many former Alamoltes with tbe Groff Company. Secretary .A. F. Whitney Is in a local boapltal, a sufferer of Bright's disease. Tbe bally flash on l4irry Judge's *`Su|ierba'* Is town talk. Larry is using the magiiiflcent costume* that he used in his vaudeville girl act. and on the stage he utlllxes tbe expensive drops hs used with the act. lie has dressed bla show to conform with the "show beautiful" slogan. Mrs. Judge la muiical director, at tbe piano. Florence Gal¬ vin. formerly of the E. W. Babcoik and ths Con T. Kennedy Shows, has deserted tbe lot for the theater. She la leading numbers at a local musical comedy stock theater, and was with a Mg musical comedy mmiiany the past winter. Fred Wolf, formerly of the Wortham forces, t* still manager of the Burbank Theater, and hit wife, the former Lillian Cooley, known wher¬ ever water shows are known. Is enloylag Ilfs la this "land of climate."--C. M. CASEY' (Show Kepresentative).



biggest fltib of the for Wbeeli, Strikers


Knll-Down or any other


Our factory It In full fon-r
and (au give you Inunedlalc delire^X


In doz. kU. EmIi...$S.N In{fOLAlots. Eali...l.7S InSMItboriRors. EkIi ..-2il

Sample outfit oonNittng of four lamps (one of each oulor), $12.30, prepaid.
Send in your orders today. Terms; H »lth order, bal¬
Iance C. 0. D, A. OSMAN   Gcnaral Salas Mgr.


Chlrtgo, .April 14.--'When the firemen finally subdued the flamev that ravaged the factor of the Western Doll Mfg. Co.. .M14 West Bandolph street, Manh 9. It didn't look much like a bii-ine<s establishment. But thru heroic effort prsluction was resiinied within thirteen days after the fire. It Is bai-k <o normal now. New floors, new concrete boxing around coluirns and other improvements are finished.
The premisea thruout are freshly painted and clean. A. J. Zlv, H. P. Norem and MIks damage am three biisv men and so are their four stenographers. All orders are being filled promptly. The o*licc spare has been Increased, a new sample room added and Jimmy Chase, old carnival showman, who Is superintendent of the factory. Is on the Job full shift, snd, according to tbe owners, mote than msklng good.
Mr. Noretn told The Billboard hnslness bsi opened up remarkably well and helleres a good season wilt follow. He said the firm has · wonderfnl line of dolls and railed sttentloo to the fact that the firm la exe1o«lve Western · gent for the Tip Top Toy Company's ''Rhlmmy'* and "Hnis Hills" dolls, which are both taking a wonderful hold.
Hava you looked thru the Letter Llat In this IssueT There may be a letter advertised for yon.

'HoorrUade" Striker win mike yon BEAL
r the BIG MONEY DATS In the spring. U gives prices on all ilres High Strlkarw ?· jys. etc. Huttlars get in line. Send stsmp IRd GROt,. Nlr*,. UgMC. MlaMnSr^

Tha fitfiml EwofMi Dtlli ii tWi CMMinr
Y®" ·" Inspect our Dolls snd Nwltlrs HO

* FAIB, April I to Msy 1. We sell onb

Augtrtan aunufactuie^^


A CO,.



iPRiC 2X 19t1



For Carnivals, Fairs, Parks, Salesboards, Pitchmen

THIRTV DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS. AU rUur, All flaihy. rrnm 2Vi to Sl.TS. (htv r'v'tn lllustrat* flvo hero. Brand now Idea for Ptddlra. Pl<%outa, Haleaboird*. IniU'U'>Nnis hlL If |oa are not famlliu with these Cire-flie cmabinatlons write to at oace l. r partli-iilaro and prlrea. Pare time and oet-.d in lio on for assorted trial order.

For a llnett'd llroe only and for the small sum of $10.1)0 we will send yon Are full parkacea eidi of* Lucky 'll. Winning '·7," Dainty Violet. Bonanza and Little Gem. Twenty-five regular pai kices--a regular $12.00 value a regular $54 7S sUire value--all ffir the small suio of *T0 »0. On orders of $50.00 anH up we will Include 105» In free goods Only one Sp . ul Offer allowed to each customer. Bush ouupuQ for gulck serrtce.
Costs you 40c. Storo valuo, $ZJZS.

BONAMZA Cottt you 300. Store value, SI.7'

Cuiiilc SOAP

LUCKY 'll--Costs 70c. Retail value, $3.35.

LITTLE GEM Costs you 25c. Store value, $1,25.

Use This Quick Action Speciai Offer Coupon

E. M. DAVIS CO., Dept. 9044. 1315 Carroll Ave., Chicago, III.:
Gentlemen--Enclosed find $10.00, for which please send me five boxes each of Lucky 'll. Win ninar "7," Dainty Violet, Bonanza and Little Gem. Dr. enclosed find $.for articles checked below


1315 Carroll Ave.

'af Dept. 9044, Chicago


.Boxes, @ 40c

.Boxes, @i $1,25

One-third Deposit on Large C. O. D. Orders.


Best Quality-CHOCOLATES--Best Flash

Is*. Packed In H-lh. boxes »-oa. ri.-k.d in S-lh. boiea.

Big flashy box. ane layer, looks like 4-rouiider; SI Mecen; parttUooed.. .Z3e

Cupped In fltshy H-lb. boi<« . »replied In flashy l-lb boata
Wrapped in flathy Mb. boles ...i11!.'I!.'.*.'.'."'.' wrapped in fiathj I-lla hoieu. Cupia-d In fliahy l-lb boiw.i....'.




packa«e; 1* pieces.

Iiy l-lb. box. 2-laycr: looks like a 21b. box; 3t plecet..

Purchased by Steinberg and^ Zotlei Playing Mexico
Tampico, Mrs., April 13.--Me8>r» Stcint>er* and Zoiler, concessioners of the .Vlaino Shows, having purchased the entire outfit of the Gulf Slates Shews, including the rides, fops, etc., have shipped same on the steamer Mantanra from New Orleans to Tampico, where permission has Itecn granted them for the cse of the Circus Plaza.
Mr. 7otIcr will continue with the Alamo Shows and in charge of their concessions, while tir. Steiniterg will he in Mexico. L. L. I.onguet Will have charge of the rides on the new org.anizifi'm. also a number of con-esslons. Several stpots are lifted to follow the engagement at Tampico and a number of fiestas hav* already been contracted. The headuuarfers of the show is at .10 Allaraira street. Tam. ploo, Mex. -All of which inforinatioo is furnitoed b.y Joe Steinberg, one of the new owners of the show.

Twin cylinder, 12 h. p. Mounted on "Eli" steel truck. $250.00 cash, f. o. b. Bloomsburg, Pa. Engine practically new last spring. Some repairs needed. Truck is worth $10000. Engine cost new about $600.00. A big bargain.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
S. Bower Announces NEW HOROSCOPES
Samples of which are r.ow ready. Old customers who have seen advance proofs say they ate winners. AT~f. ORDERS for a few weeks subject to alight delay, aa »o are not yet properly stocked up. Begular and sperdal stuff.



OTTO H. BRUNS, 18 N. Second St., ST. LOUIS, MO

Salesboard Operators!
We Ix'at them all Our FlashliRht Btiard is the Bifmest Thinfi Ever. Twelve Nickelplatcil KI.3.slJight.s, otimplete with batteries, mounted on heavy canllioard pads, with l,0(X)-hi*le l»ard. brings in $.>0. lYice (in any quant it it's'll S12.00.
Our Knife Boards, at $7 .V) each, are the lieet values. Bring iu $40.00. Try them. 25% cash with order, balance C. O. D.


1911 W. Van Buran St.


Oreatest and Grandest
rver teen. It'i Bn^'i Orett CtpL Boytou .Vet wvu tjjaliL My Jlgjs t'onmly ivda. lltnairtt addrvvt
CAPT. BED. BRAY. P. 0. Bax 5*2. Richaaiid. Califuraia.


I'tola. Kan.. April 14 --Mrs. Earl D Sfrout. well known in vaudeville as .Mice Melville, and a member of the original family of Musical Melrilles, will have charge of the "Fantana" Show with the Great Tatterson Shows. Mrs. StTOUf is the proud possessor of a very beauti¬ ful wardrobe. The Arabian costume, which tCK>k drat prize af llie Heart of America Showman's hall In Kansas City recently, was designed and made by hand by Mrs. Strout. Several firms and show owners have made substantial offers for this beautiful guwn. It will be worn by Mrs. Johnny Herron, an accomplished daheer. in one of the principal scenes of the new "Fantana." Other losttimes owned by Mrs. Sfro'it include a handsome gold cloth gown, trimnu-.I In gold lace and insertion; one of a good uual Ity of plum colored satin, and still another of black lace, with a bodice of jet. The .ostnii.-' are 35 In nnml>er. Mrs. Strout has devoted all of her spare time during the past winter to the designing, making and purchasing of the "Pan-
tana" wardrobe. Ed Patterson, of San Diego, Cal. has arrived
In Paula. Mr. Palteison will have charge of the new "Seaplanes." He is a brother of
Janies Patterson. "Young -tmerlca" is going to l>e well pleased
with the Great Patterson Shows this season, as there is an auiple abundance of inniies. monkeys and eli^diants and five riding devices for
their amusement, to say nothing alHuit the nu¬ merous shows which have been designed for the "kiddies."
tieneml Agent Tbad W. Bodecker has ret>orted to the management that the route will include a Btimt'er of spei'ial events and celebrations prerioiis to the opening of the regular fair season Strout's Military Coiu-ert Band will hate two sets of uniforms. For concert work on the lot the regulation design will be used. In the pa¬ rade. which will be given each Tuesday noon,
Boral Hussar uniforms will be worn.-LEODA FOB BO0ECKEB (Show Repreaentatire).




67 Fifth Avenu*.


Haring Bepa 4tth St. Nm

Of Bakersfield, Cal., Rule That Citizens of That City Do Want Carnivals, or `^Carnivals Would Not Come" There

APRIL 23, 1921

ii»n. Woni .^^V**!**
\ .r,!!...

l/i\Vf:i:Y l?UoS.--<;eo. TV T.<»wpry, prop
Mrs. Jitiiiiiio lA*\\vry. u^^t. mgr.; s((r.; Al Smith, msr. side-show:
I>>a (·rsnt. epirs. dir.; Jsmes Hrsnniin. siipt.

rr.»H w n '* `
of Miviir  · *'



><'"'*· tL-LctH;





·'''"'·r. K'lpt- lisUta; Jolm JamoA »np».

J>r im.; Harr>- KiihsoII, annoniu rr; ali motor

ui., ka. .Viiow ojiMii. at C,UI>**rtoii. I'a., May 10.

IMfMAW ni AMU inUIMn DUMrin Tlirw blankrta ii. worm In tru» a,aim tarlrty of oolura


r.AI.n M-II I. \M'ST-!la«n Kny.l and Hunt. '`;`.1I,i'i:?E»»^SK^I>atl. at.t. props.; Ii t. It.iwii. UImsU Itoyal. mars ; Harry r.kHMSMKO. Tliry arr rlalmal



lliiiit, asst, mar : I* X. ltran«on, trena.; Hamlin, ao<'y.; U<.so CollU'r, auditor;

Moll Pan

jsna Ta«. l». Brais lrta. lb ada and ( llrr to Nrat, ikiublo tl»aa on t«

I'rjM'o. (on. act. and r. r.

Allia T. ('lark, )4.TS Per lirat. FUur Irccrd baakeU

laiie To Ri` Puldlsh. 1 ik|iring s,T'ecial)



lis al ion.; Jus. Suvuco, llnrrr Juhnaon, aix'i-lal acts ; Jai k Hli dso.- (, oulra. Hn*), Coo S. K.«l.
d.v tadvuiiif), .><8111 Hanka ilia,k with allow),

.... ,


SyCAnior# Stra«t,


merlean la-gion or tui« city » ,iai a pay tor me ,gage,.lent of the Clare,,, e A Wortham WorhPa ·St tsiiows. The WottliamSlions are on their eond anniia visit t«, rslodd. under the
isplees of the Ami-riran lag,on.

...r-.u t'nit iivi-' i*iv(; CIRCl'!*--Carl
,/'io rk Vroti uig^ Claude Paul,-In, mcr.:

Xewton. t.sst nigr.; Mrs'. " Carl' Ch7rk.


M. r. AVuIIit

Kiine. aud.; 1.. i. Piiinrose. gen. agt.; C. .M.

priss acts.; Jas. \V Bo.ittlo, nigT. aldo-aliow
and anno,in. or'; Trod rolli. r. oiiina. dir.; Dare .Mi't a.r, p*-n. `iipt.;. Jas. p F1i mine, nnjit. prla.; Mtl.y, R. . soM, runs, dir : I.awrulK'o .Arnold,
Bi'|it. loa. s.-.itn; AVm. Warnor. niipt. ranvaa; I lias. HiTtirin. trainmastor; Chan. Itoditnor, supt.

Ntw Yark Branch--2t3 Braoaie 81.

Rakersfleld some tone sgo passed an oniinance, Heiiitzelnian. Jolin Reaver. Itill Sliimion, prI'ss atosk. Isinn honllrr; Harry Marian, niipt. oom.

xIng suih siions A.'uhi a day on tiie tlieory that agts.; Capt. Moss, mgr. side-slutw: I'reil N»*\v-;. I. TV. (Slianfy) Mar.hall, anpt. llehta:

ikersfleld · did not'' want carnivals. However, |,,n_ eipies. dir.; Harrv Wolfenlierger. geii. <». r. Hunipt m, props.; Jim Sianlin, atipf.

lien the Wortlmin Shows e.ime to town Roliert gur.t.; Kiva Wiles, supt! priv.; Perev Karper, rine stiK-k; I'ri'd Shafer, siipt. working rn-w;

nilh, roromandant of tlie local post of the niu«. dir.; Pr. Sliiplev, supt. les. seats; Cliti'. H.ttry .Tidinnon. twenty^our-hour agt.; M'illte

merlean Legion, appearcl tiefore tlie council Reilly, supt. eanvas; Harry Porter, lioss liostler; I-ero.y. supt. elephants;

M'alker, hoaa car-

id asked that the tax lie reniffted to the oilie Porter, supt, er,m. dept.; Pan Shad, siijit. IK-nier; ('apt. I.orenro, supt. animala; Jack

An attorney in the audience rose and offered roteat Mayor Hinman demanded to know hom he represented. He ae.lil he represented
local nrganlxation. The Mayor replied that

lights; (leorge Riddell, supt. liMps ; Itariiey

Cave, BU,.t. ring stock; Harry William, supt.

stmk; E.iiest .'.·i.uirr, supt. working <rr"';

·'-iirii.v Wisik, twenty.four luur agt

I'n .l

Hiiikliart, siiiit. elepliants; James r.riiigli. boss

HledsiH- inicr. adv. car N'o, 1; Jim Savage and Kddie Po.vre, mirrs. adv. brigade; E. S. Hohey, II ar. adv. No .*1; p. C. Dawn, checker up; t liM«. .M, Main n, ."Sam Ranks, legal adjn.; twenty cais.

s reppsented himself. The Mavor fuifher detred that people did want carnivals in Rakerssld, or carnivals would not come here. He ltd that the license should i>e set aside for le American Legion, becauae It came under

cariienfer; Percy Tompkins, supt. aniuials;

James Smitli. blacksmith; .Vug. Wolf, eliecker

up; Jerry Oelwig, Jr., legal adj.; William

Hafer, anrouncer; twenty wagons, opens at Chsmbershurg, Pa., April 2h,


SPENCER, SAM E.. SHOWS--Sam E. Spen. prop., Durr : E. I.,. S.-rlbner, a«Bt. mgr.;
Mm. Annie Si>enccr. treas.; F'rank Scrilmer, gpoy.; J. W. Serilmor. auditor; Rerf N. RonenWger^ gen. agf.; Ceo. Ho>'king, npe'ial agf.:


r.HEAT SAXOER CIRCCS--King Rr roa_.. "Re-f.t Fhigllsh, press aat.; S. E. Sjiencer, gen.


props.; Howard King, mgr.; Clat.d J*anh` oe,. aiipt.; Martin I.nnn. nupf. concesniona; Prof.

.. . Soon after the
tiiat was general ·t In ami a goo<l

trees.; Louie Klein, secy.; Floyd King, gen. agt,: L. R. Greenhaw, special agt.; Foster Hamilton (contracting), Ernest Jones (liack witli show), press agts.; J. D. Fos.s. excursion agt.; Jack Kelly, mgr. side-ahow; Arllinr Re-ry. eqiies. dir.; Frank Satlido, gen. supt.;
Less P. Sturgeon, supt. priy.; Joe Simon, mus. dir.; Robert Abrams, supt. res. seats; Hunt MeXey, supt. canvas; Peter Ijoftus, supt.

Tony (Vperla, mus. dir.; CTtlef Cree. trainmatter; Elmer Fulmer, nupt. liclits J. Itos.n'iera. l_eg_a_l _adjuster; Aiir-hie Wetrell, gen. announcer; f'irfteen car*. Shows open at Brookvllle, P»., .April 23.
TACCART srrnws--M. C. Taggart, prop., mgr.: Sam E. Taggart, secy.; William M. Zim¬ merman. air;it. lights; five c*r«. Shows open

Write and get

-im of the w'trld'* animala and trainmaster; Clinton Johnson,


boss hostler; Eddy James, supt. com. dept.;

light'* the trains Shorty Anderson, supt. lights; Richard Weaver, Torrcik, prop,

le allows exhibited aupt, proiis,; Soldier Johnson, supt. ring stock; T.ippa, gen.

American Ijeglon, Eugene Harris, supt. stock; Geo. Wright, supt. Fred Dudley, six days. The working crew; S. S. Powell, twenty-four-hour concessions;

6 Doz. Lots

:n In that section, agt : Capt. Warren, supt. elephants; Sam Woods, traini ipon as one of the Id'pch, boss csrpenler; Frank LaFontlsee. black- Carion, gen i

$35.00 per doz.

bdtwll DOZEN LOTS) We Defy Any Manufacturer, Wholesaler or Jobber To Beat This Price



with tiHi

flK >hs4e. GoM

trinmH and



Spedtl Pelux Caroeli, $2t.00 f»r Oer. Write for prices on Sultans. rt»o, Dutch Twlin. Moose, Elk, Eu*.
Reeai 1048. 127 Nt. Dtarbara St.. Chicata. III.

Randolph. .Mase., April 16.--The plant of the United States Fireworks Company here was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. A aeries of explosions preceded the fire. The property damage is estimated at IjO.OtiO.



Wandrrful. new article. A knife for every man's key

ring and wmnan't sewing baake«. Fiat as ·a key.

Trad* nark imprinted, if desired. Cigar clipper,

atam ripper, pencil sharpener, onm cutter, doctor's

]n|«ue eu^ Itetalla 2Se. WWte fog quanUty prices.

ofTB to..

K SMI 501 Ava..


OPEXTNO WEEK. : Rull-'Ktn-Powii. Clgi United number. 0<. wftlUi This It a am this wet^ Bllrabstli,

On* 35>Hola Salasboard With Each Set
Wc are hraduuartrrs for Stum, Whitr Htoiir Wetkera, Kalliioiis, Warhleri. Confetti. Serjiciitlne. Jenvlry. tVatches. Salestioirils. Pri-mlum (iiKiila, Toys amt other Items for Fair and CarnlTtl Work era.
Writ* for our roonthty bulletin. Orders filled aamr day rscelsed. 2)% flepoilt required OB aU ordera. baiaiire C. O. p.
Peal with the Old Dowery Ilouse. Out a are not Broadway prlrea.

That is taking the world by fltorm.
11 inrhf'ahiKh, they come in White, Uronze, (lold and Silver tinmh.
(8«ls Mfrt. 4 Ottltatft)

APRIL 23, 1921


within ten elaya wf,rk Is to commence on lyew'a fnion Siiuar" Theater at Powell and I'ejht Rtreeta, aeemdiuK to the announcement of A. C. liliimenthul &. Co., agenta for the property The theater, it ia Raid, will be one of the moat magnificent on the CoaRt, and will be deyded to hiKh-<lisR entertainment--motion pictures and vjiiderilli--fctrl. tly on a reseryed Beat buRia.
According to the present pldns, the building will be completed and ready for occupancy with¬ in seven months.
The property has been leasfd for a term < t fifty years to .\'kermsn A Harris. The build¬ ing will be devi.ted to theater p irposes. offices and high-class stores. The latter are now being leased thru Blumenthal.

I8>lneh "Stelphl" Indettructible Opalescent Pearls,
$2.50 Per String

Attractive Assoiunenti at

BEADS - $3.00 and $5.CC

Gents' Watches, golj plafnl. of every rte>cfipt'i! JI.I5 each and up. I.a'Iles' Strap Watch ', metal. $1.85 each and up. I.aclies" Itr.ic.-.i  Watches of every description. $J.OO each and up.
We carry a complete Hue of Jewelry, t'lsiirnie Cases. Watches, etc.
TEKMS--25'?' deposit, balance C. O. D.
1161 Broadway--2S W. 27th St., NEW YORK

One-Half Pound of Highest Grade Chocolates Looks Like a Pound

The first "made In San Frfincla.y)'' moving picture, "The Kined m of ITuman Hearts," was given its initial showing on any screen at the Savoy Theater last week, ^nd won the approval of pres.s and public alike. The picture, which is ten reels in length, was entirely filmed with¬ in the city and county limits of San Francisco, and the various parts enacted by an all-San Francisco cast, booked thru a local agency.
Andress. DeForest and Company, who opened their magic and mindreading show, featuring Mme. Cassandra, mlndreadine. at Richmond, Cal.,' .\pril 3. report a successful three-day en¬ gagement. 'They have returned to this city and will play three days here before going Sc'Uth en isuite over the hump. In Kansas, which ia the show's ultimate destination, it will be motorized and added to f r an eitenslye West¬ ern tour. It is possible that when the show comes to the Coast ag.iln it will be under canvas.
Mr. DeForest fs one of the best known ma¬ gicians In the West, and Mr. Andress has the dls'inction of being the oldest living practical magician before the American public.

U'ill buy for cash any number up to ten. Must be in good, usable condition and priced right. De¬ scribe fully.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Sheet Writers and
White Stone Worker

George Homer, snake man and oldtimc trouper, is temporarily located at the Ocean Musee on the Beach, near the Cliff House. He is in excellent health after his terrible snake bite experience near Pocatello.

New Address-Notice-New Address
Ttar Tbia Ad. Out for Future Referenet.

Harry Freeman and wife. Mme. Fritnlnl. were visitors In San Francisoo April 11, apd called at The Billboard ofiioe. They report that Levitt A Huggins' Allied Shows with which they are
trareiing. experlenoed a banner week at Vallejo.

osigin«rotnoabasT ouftrhe7w-IN-14

BlllBOOK mi a nesMi.

Ing to Mr. Freeman, that the' show conld have We sre now giving heavier and better stock of

easilT risved another week there had it not


before. Price, $27.00 per Groat--

been for asddvvsannccAe ^ hoi kkiinnggss tmhaatt m maaddee Iut nneecceess-- jB^lgack. Also better Quality (Black only), $42.00 and

sary to close Sunday evening. April 10.

Books. $1.25. Send for new Circulars.

Work on San Franclaco's big beach amnsement park Is rapidly being pushed to completion, and already many of the riding devices and con¬ cessions are in operation and doing a good business. Last week ·'Bagdad," George Hart's jr/iO.OOO cafe, was officially opened to the pub¬ lic, and with this nucleus for the balance of the beach attractions, big crowds can be ex¬
pected daily from now on.

iBsngtiraUng «ur new and Itrcer Quarters with eome new Vase Items, as lllustiatea.
MovaUs Arm Dolls, with wigs and dr-sseu, SOe Meh. Alkirtrd WUs Prompt shIpmentA
Our viiwrt parking prevents breakags. ODc-Udrd deposit with order. baUnce C. O. O.

City Officials of New Albany, Ind., Grant Use of Streets for Engage¬ ment This Week
New Albany.. Ind., Arril I,"!.--Great prepara- \\

and you won't care a cuss who cuts the wires--your QI'ICKV LITF, ELECTRIC L.VXTERN can't be cut off or blown ouL \\ It stays lit and It stays put any Jl old way, any old place. A
If kick over or a knock about. /I and it's still ready for business

tiens are being made here for the Spring Festival and Al Fresco Fete which is being arranged by the New .Llbanv Post of the American legion

\\ ·


\\* ^


' J  Sf/

No Smoke, No Oil,


S'/> IN. HIGH $2.50 Per Ooz. $20 Per 100. Beautifully Paisttd
In 4 Celora.

and which will' tegin on Mond.iy with T. A. tVolfe's Superior Shows a- the main attraction. Doth the citv and the surrounding country have h»>on well billed .vnd a series of popularity contosis Is n^w in f 'll swing, with a number of local girls working hard for the "queen honors'* of the event with which will go a nnrolier of handsi'Tpe prizoa and a new mixlel "Olds-
n-.ohtle'' touring car.

· ' ijfg
\ 7r,\\

No Wick, No Dirt
Pend $7.50, and we will send you p'pp.ild a (JflCK-LlTB ELECTlllO L.VNTEK.N. If after using It ten days you decide for any reasm you don't want It return in good oondlUon and gtt your money bade.

Thrn the courtesy of the mayor and council

I Ji-

periiilssion has been given to the legion com-

RjMir|f>| ITP

r'.ttce for the use of the city streets and with

'II of the legion meml'crs b<K>8ting. indications

i/raouv ct

point to a big week

^60 KEARNY 8T.


Al S. Cole, special agent for the Superior


s*'Ows. has charge of the contests and the votea ere coming in nicely. Ttie local papers are i-teresretl In the event and wrfe been devoting liberal space to the show.
The shows will come here from Ix>nisvl11e where, in spite of rain and cold aneils both shows and rides have had a pn'fltahlo week. To correct an error in last week's story of the Superior Show the writer has been asked to state that Mrs. Fd iJitham ch.vrge of the

Vases and Dolls

car porters on the show train and Joseph

r.Ypt. ,1. P. Rinpons, t'.in place you. Tattooed man for Scully's Pit Show. Two readers for Leona Charter's Temple of Palmistiy, Men for Whip, Seaplane, t'arousel, Ferris Wheel, Swincis. Address
AL T. HOLSTEIN, Box 114, Kansas City, Kansas. April 23-39

Krenzer is rnTrietor of the cook house In place of .loe .Ldams as heretofore stated. More news with more det.vils of business, conditions and developments will l<e sent In for the next issue of the Billboard by SIDNEY WIRE (Show Itci'resentative).

Flesh Tinted Decorated 10-in. Vase, $4.50

10-in. Blimkey



I B_» m m IE^Ib

b4 ( 1 wnm


VW w

Ohio. April 2X All Whrrti op,n. rv.vrt Kr»rlc Will rlv.Y one m.irs SNwr, ulso GEO. W. MATHIS. 4129 Lss.iland St., Clseissiti. Ohio.

ehlcsgu. .$pr!I 1.5.--H. O. Mclvtlln this week *''''<1 seven 01-foirt wooden flat cars to Cur D<><1son. of the World's Fair Shows It is s-vid th.vt

Oixlscn b>»>> "n e^er on ^ven flats st a

``I'.t '''J

than that quoted fiT 'Jf. Mcl-

vine, but after hi- Insj'ector evsmined the Mel-

QCr dOZ. ' -- -- _
,, 16-in.VaSe,

Piinted Dretses,
S35.B0 per 100


Brllhig ami iha mott ·rnnlbl# lUilrAiMiarEl «nir pUt'EAl on tiM* fiurWrl. N«» ln\o!i(ru«`nL Nei r;Mi.


Bii>Hh«r#. If you try one you'll «ii«hr · Uo7rn. Tht» * fTlt!E*h*' S.tlr»Ni«rt) U


lioiriliL lUiitIv W hinillp. .No iUM:cr of

Ai, y b>AT.\. $:.:o T'

9 00. Hjirrial prU'ut In qu8ntlt1r>B A*«nU

AiMrrv* FILRICH CO., Box SM, Richmond, JtK

ville -arv and made a retvirt that they were the best her even at the difference in price Mr 1hvI»on ln'm.>li.vtely took tht-ni
Mr Metvillo h.vs announced that 'he hag made
n connection with one of the biggest steel plants 1u this s.vtion to bu'id .vll-steel flats and vsiwl

P"1 UOi.



abovr rldf**. WANTKI>--HaMirh Untplp^ ru>rr», nliki onp VtM SIhyw of COlsUNt AMUttMINT CO.. 51$ Murray Bldf- GrAWd RMidt, Mich.

flats with gteel center sills, especially fbr the hew tntde. He also said tbst after sevcnil months' figuring he Is now able to quote n t-rice jf $.'ss') to JTitO less than has ti.v>n utiofed on such ears this year. The ste.t flats have a ripaclty of W.CiO pounds and are 70 feet long.

1517 Foihi
iAY "I




Few thin** Rell thenisolve*. Evmi rndl>-*l Im-


jmiv.montA and new, orleinal AlfrAi tluim do not *l>riii^ at eui-e into uinvernal favor and demand.

Oellint; a <arnital under way i* often alow and

dia< ouraKOit; Korliinet have heen waated ua

· ai'ital and otlu-r t liarKea while |>ru*|>ei t*. lom-

mitteea. uu*|'.'<·» and ·.e. reiarlea wi re heiug

Felt costume, assorted eolor.**, with

eiiuratud .Lll thia waete of money, lime and worry van he cut to a ininlmum, for prouipt and effe. live advertiaing. right from the atari, will attain the reeulla your .arnival haa been

five belL«; hand painttHl face, stufft\l

aioWins. hut which you find hard to accompUab.

with kapok. Packed individually. ^Vell matle of pix)d material, and

Making your carnival hett.r known la the flrat ett^< to nducing h<a>kiug coala Tell the lotn* niitieea. ana,111 ea. fair aei-retarlea, etc, how to

exceedingly attractive.

I'lvutaldy U'c your carnival, why to use tt, ao that Ihev w ill f me lo you Inalead of your having

to go to tlieui Make y< ur carnival better

thought of, BO that they will aelect It In pref-

erem e to othera. The poaaiMliltea of increased

etllciency in hooking far exci-eU anything that

ran ha done In pnHluciug your attraction, rather

your carnival. Your coats conalat largely of

nialeriala, e<|ulpnient and labor Involved In get*

ting your show organized--but Iheae are more or

$14.50 PER DOZEN

leas irri (luclhle. However, the selling or the book¬ ing coat, which I would be aafe in saying

Liberal Discount for Quantities

amounts to from 30 to fO per cent of yoor oi>eratlng coat, la more or leas variable. Indicat¬ ing that It is not a fixed cost and ran be re¬

Sample prepaid, $1.50

duced. Advertising of the right kind --not nereeaarily In theatrical trade magailnea alone, hot

Also manufacturers of round and

In a broad tense, will decrease your booking cost,

square pillows in felt, varioihs popuLir designs, kapok filled. Pennants

make your carnival better known and attain the resuitt you are seeking
Just at In buainets of any olber kind, ao la

ptenciletl with any inscription tiesired. Table Mats, Papoose Dells. Novelty lioan Bags, Ibingers and "Pu.«h Them Down. Up They Come Crjing" characters.
Complete Sample Assortment

the legtllmate function of tdeertialn* to brtnf user and buyer of carnival attractions closer together, to enable the producer of the tamival lo educate the user of it. It natnmlly follows that Just aa you and I place our value ut'on an article from what we know and think aNut It, just so w.ll the boi>kers of carnlvalt place their value upon your attraction upon what they know- and think about it. So It's up to yon,

.>ISnkKirst-illklsAm-itwArCiAim l-tslribtBbrlovmrn.mwrthdrvrs.wuUliUm fiulfaItU nicribrit-aiowohrli-ogM ihr.j

s>ia irx ». -b

irosial. >j Wttstlvl and llrid Rin t to maUh E g-

Iht:i n. .li.r W ;g, m sitcrtrd (uloiA

tvcK I fall lo srod for our lam

t'lv kwivtmrnt canMsttng of all


of cur vrTT hvsl svil-rs

of 20 Pieces for $10.00.

Mr. I'arnival Owner, Manager, Triduccr. to ace to it that your intended field it ajfficlcntly and

lUprrwBUtIvv Xrw KntUnd Dol] Co., II DvVDR<

If not satisfied, return, and im¬ mediate refund will be made with¬ out argument.

pnperly informed regarding the carnival yon are trying or going to sell them. That's where you ran and must follow the sigRes'lons given In a ro' ent issue of "Billyl>oy," la tb* Random llamMes column:
"The carnival ovvner who says he has no use for a press agent during the winter

i I'tr Slrrct. H-'smn. Mtis Sard (or our orw rsuKic
We caiTV' a complete line of Genuine Chinese Bxwket.s with single and double nngs. Writ* lor tgecisi M*ccui***iret' grits*

25% deposit; balance C. O. D.

months had better wake np Keep the gen¬ eral agent and the press agent on the Job this winter or the other show will heat y.'O to If." I slni erely believe that a carnival worthy of

Ordrrs xMprvd aamv dsT rvorlvnl tS% dvDOSit Quitrd on all ordvr*. balincr C O It

the name of being rallevl carnival shctlld add

Lsrvstt 0*11 Maastictwrar*.

one more man to its executive staff-an ad¬ vertising manager. True enough, your press

69-73 Bruen Street,

Newark, N.

agent is supposed to get up your paMIrlty sto9

L*c*| aag L*S| Dlitssr* FImrv. Msrk*! tA*.

and land It--but there are ooly a few press

agents in the game who fully understand the

fundamentals of advertising In detail, and that

la why I say you need an advertising man to

advertise right. A man who can aoalyre your

ceols, and then proceed to plan and fill tb<«e

Deeds lo ns near 100 per rent selling sbaf'e as

your amount of capital set aside for advertlatog


Descriptive Circular,
Catalogue and Price List Free.
Write Today. Oor Price List






is So Arranged To Take Care
of the

w w



will allow. I'Dt It up to your proas agent, yuur general agent; they will either prove that be¬ tween them they ran or ran not do the work. If they can't, then get the advertlticg man on the Job, for be can.
In the tatt In the ramival bostnesa there were any ntimher of enmival owners who foil-wed "the cool, sequestered path of life." Their eirnlvajs were running smoothly; ih.-y hoi-ked thru ibetr general agents regalarly, and In many rases making roolracts to suit themseiret. Now,
however, you don't have aurh easy sailing. Yon have to face cotntietltlon, and lots of It; your <om:>eiit<Ts very often are off-ring their cheaper, wlihout-quallty-and-value carnival at "rulnooa'* contracting figures. You can't g< t aw.iy froim It, you've got to fare the music and do a 'luethtng real quirk--that aomethlng la "advertise"' Make the man or organization that wants to book car¬ nivals appreciate yours by advertising its meri¬ torious features all the year 'round That air.rrtlalng will revive the Inteteat of tht«e yoi'vs shown under before and aprrad the gospel of your attrarttou among those you want to "llns up." It will pave the way fi-r your geaeral agent and your press agent, .levelop yotir boriklng tiossibilities and create Ixstklng (siwer

This li  Evw tod rbarvamg tiot* tn Ibv tone of a vrsti-h. hsvlnf urllmltv-d potWhinu-s Is thv various ways <4 voit'kvrl! f it. sffovdin* thv ovr-.iv. whrUirv |i. (s mrsny. at thv rtuh. at Uw rsr-s or a'.n trsirhni, Ibr m.ft vwrisUlr. sCBvikUng ·od lotrtrsUiig mIrrUInramL


Hi 'f ·


by educating the possible user auvpices and forestall competitioo.

Jobbers, >!

Operators or

1 it

Agents. \A

TTTTTT r-_ - T. .jsSSL i

g- Is

212.214 N. ShildMi Strset.
CHICAGO. Ovyt. 3.
E*L 1*00.

This msy sound to you a* a new Idta, but It Isn't entirely so. Home of the really Mg rarnivals today have used this Idea, hut In men-ly a amall way, "Jnat scratched the atirfs'-e," but the day la coming and It's very near now when you'll find the majority of carnival owners

csrrying an advertising manager on their eiecu-

tlTs Staffs.

The* tTi*truotJoni «ltrn with firh


INQ Tour advertising muit he the means of In¬ fluencing romtulLEeea', «·> retarlea', ausplres* minds and thoughts for your ends you muat sow the Ideas and apread hr<«dcaat the lielirfs that

HAnsu lo

l£tbU piK»IIHIlti and YirUtlon.

· frfv*

Ur lotmUtrT**


^ <2*^

hniUU#. rtr. AfiFATH* ^|*Bi'IAL WllOLf^Atr

FKIC'IUS with r«t*Tf MmpU ordK.


will result In a demind for your attrartlon

c. aTwo^am

There are countless metliods lo use. your i>rrss · gent knows some of them, your general agent, knows othera, and what they don't know an advertising man will.
To put upon your general agent all the Intro¬ ductory and ediiiailoiial work Involved In hook¬ ing your carnival Is highly eit>enslve. Adver¬ tising of the right sort la far more economical for the wholesale dlawinlnatlon of Ideas, and

3x12 FT. rCTTH


In their riimuittive effect advertlaemenla, ad¬ vance letters, elrrultra. irtlrlea, tnioklela. blot¬ ters, advertising S|>erialtlra, ralaloga. etc , often



Fat Girl. Magiclin, Clgarrtte n«id. Human Skrlrtoo, Midget*. Any Freak* or Pit AUracUon that can make gooi as thi* abow pixy* nothing but big oelrbratlan*. Bute* and Canada Fairs. Wire or write to J. J. UEJANO. care Wortham Shewi, Sa* Aateai*, Tax.. April I* t* 21; Ft. Werth, Tex., April 23 tt 30.

reach than do the prraonal rails to start with You need a man on your ataff that know* how lo plan and prepare ihia material -a man that has advertising skill and experience. A man who ran multiply the elTccilvenesa and otiTaln tbs dealred res'ilta, but who also doesn't expend more than you have set aside to do this

IMI lr**4Ray, Mtcc* loiWiRi. N*« V*rk Ctty.

with Tbs ways of advertising are loiinlleaa,

B but the resl adverlltlng mao d>e-a not allow ons

WANTED For McBRIDE'S SHOWS opportunity fur favorable piihlirlty to slip by (' without using It. Its uses the orcaalona which < offer and ha brings about olbsrs. He la always

A atudylng for and assklng "new angles of at- ,

0 tack." If you'vs got a rsal press agent your

VobHcllv to tbsM raapsetR will b« wall Ukaa

last CALL! HOMER E. MOORE SHOWS last call!
All jxople holdinn contract for abovo shows kindly a(;knowledK<^ same. Can place Grind Stores, Shows, Crazy House, Mechanical Show, or any show of merit. Want toh(*ar from a Fre«` Act. Iligh dive preferred. Can place real Promoter. Ira Maddox, write. SHOW OPENS AT HEIDELBERG. PA., outside of CARNEGIE. PA., SATURDAY. APRIL 30TH
Address all mail to HOMER E. MOORE SHOW S, 2321 Carson Street, S. S., Pittsburg, Pa,

Hrt It a Lucky PurrNaM tad tau Btatm All Taur
1,500 Cross Brooches With Stones, At SI .25 a Gross

IS IS--Ikivrr detUn, 1,5.- told f-Udi. »«>1wrtf ttona art lo <y< ''t.
ae a card. CROSS, tiA
IS »--Attorted li-. ..<m. '.ttkiut vtoeva
Gross 90c


fl i e r 11 d

OitUmt. Ntun# <yhur.

flntfth. eteli an a

rard. BBOSt. SITS.

BI. )S--Alfa r tad ·tyWv. Brooebet. each aa a card.
Gross 95c

(V:- i-iw>r N '

wblrh U maltrJ to dvalrrt only,

`H'**'* " rlrt* l.ur* of Uoopla

Vkap iMa,

I'v. Pillew T it. and everytliuig la Um ooo-

(vwion hn*.

KRickerbocker Special
11 Im-tiet nich. antwaakable n ^pntiu.'n, driward atuartlvaIv in Bta tiU and laartbnu. hka cut

VV» manuff-turv I#. M a. i I-.|n>y> IW'la at .rrv k-w flgurr* I>.'`v»n.» 0»t la vaf'v t-.j (rt the ebanof o( a 1 '.tliar.
Veg tisss tar Oar Saatlal Aiaartmaatk It Nat SatlaRad Yaw Cat Rvtarw Dollt tad Matey WIN Ba Ralaadad.





of--bat the majority of you ranilTal owntn gtornlly tltp ili* Jub of proM afral to some Torn. Iftck or Harry who wriit-a Dica-aounding Kogllah. and tbat'a why the adrertialog manaager ta Dridt^d aod will aooo be on the real ramlral a'affa. In a future iaaue 1 will give a welldeTelopt'd plan fur rarulval adrertialDg. wblro you ran add to and rearrange to Bt your partirular net^a. The tuaio thing right now la to make up your mdid that you're going to get Tonr caruiral talked about --make It better known, adrertiae put the name of It in every'a mouth who la a i ·enihle "booker'* of It the cooiiog aeaaoo Ihia in an Innurance of fu¬ ture buaineaa. rreatea an intangible but real lalue. (ini-e the rommltteea. aerretarlea, anapl' en are Intereated in you, renown beromea aelfprti|>agating. that la, provided you deliver a
leaa, bonent value, for no propoaltlon ran be made a aur,-ena that doenn't fultlll all promlnea tta advertiaing maaea
Independenct, Kao , April 13 ---With go<id Weather and the [.eople of Oaawatumie khow h .ngry the I'aiteraun-Kllae Sbova opened to hi# huvinraa, and judging from the emile on Mana¬ ger A. K. Kliae'a face, mott aatiafactory tluaniial returna were teai>ed.
It'a aume treat lor a aliowman to be with an organlaatlua that la received with 0(ien arom when It arrivei and all in the City go out of their way to make ita atay la their city a ; leaaabt aa well aa a profitable one, and the rraaun fur thla it that not a ·jueationable feature la carried.
A vlatt to the grouadt would make one think that be wrrt at I'oury Inland, and if there iv a traveling company on the road today that deaervie the title of ULOOM rUA'KK it <-ertainlT It the Patteraon-KIlne Shi'vva. and the tpirit of ''All fur plraaure--plea»ure lot all" la li'cd u,i to In delalL
ludependeate o;>ened up big, but there it n .w a furecaat of oome "April abowert."
At (be preaent writing there have been no rhangea in Ibe line up of the I .-K. Shuwt, but Aaaiklant Manager Rob Kennedy hat made a fly¬ ing trip, and If he iNea up to bit promiae he will bring !>ark at lean two muro attractiont, which will bring the total up to 18.
Tulaa, Ok , la the next ttand. and. judging from the re.-virta tbe advance ta tending bark. It it gulag to be "aome week," a la "MardI lira*." with a ' king" and "queen'' 'n' everytblaf
kfaatger Kline la contemplatiaf a buainett trip Caat In the very aear future, and. if he tueveeda in obialnlng that which be aeekt, !-> k for an anoovDceuieut thru tbeae columna that will "make 'em alt up and tike notice."--W. C. CLYNN (Show Hepiraentatlvel.
To OpRn at Phillipsburg, N. J., April 23

r^^ 1 his IS only one
(v of a big asHort-
ment of lieautif'll Dolls for tbo ' amival and Conf<*Nsiou trade.

Rond S15.00 t'T

1 dogon flashy a.<i.

Nurted Ilolln All



for v'atalog.

rhlll!;sharg. X. J.. April 14.--The Miner Miwlrl Shows will open in I'hilllpeburg. oa tbe I'layground lot, oo Norris street and Syimmlt avenue, for a atay of aeve-» daya. on Saturday, April 23 Thla lot is one of the beat w'u'a in i:.e town Tbe ndea and ahowa were placed on the lot ou April 12. and the (giotrra are putting tbe flnlahlng touchca to the rides K number of *bow men and eoereaalon people have ar¬ rived and are rvadv for the opening.
Prom rbllllpabnrg the ahow *rlU go to Tamaqu*. 1*1., where It will exhibit for the .Amert-tn Hone Oa The outfit thi* yea- looks neat s.> far four "Old U< mt'' WeeLa nave been booued, tiealdea other celebration* The outfit wttt move by truck and train There are three ridea, seven atHiwa and tblrty-Bv* cooceaalooa.
Tbe ahow will move to Tamaqoa on May 1. and after that date will tour acme new territory, until tbe taat of July, when "Italian Fireworks Celebratlona" will b« played.
Manager Miner Is now he-ated in his new h- me. l*tl Chimbep* street. 1`hUllpabnrg.--EP 1MB EtWAKDS tl'reaa Keprescntatlve).


Betting the Big Play. Tho following foe Immodlato Dollvoey,
7.| Last bar Bill, bask* RPECIAL.

1 ^ i.-T?.'; 1; f 1; 1
P` -- atb .«j

Per Cre«t
Chialnt nut MB m m Hillhooks Hsaulsr price tJX III ai.d tlO psr iross
Will sell these-- while thrv 1**1 -*l 128 M asr arat*
These niUlamli* trs la  d · at Ocnulns I e · I h r r iM-tted
*1*111*. Sample. >8o.

Tho U J rielh Rhowf have enjoyed good buillu «* during Ihalr tour of .Alabama, under tbe I rrvalling condition: In fact, much better bnairi--a than was r»pe>'ted.
The writer d wa not want the readers to mivonstrue the above statement aa meaning that the Heth Rbowa hart bnken any reuofda, or en' ved any wunderful business, but that they haven't playid any bloomers yet. during six weeks In Alabama.
A spirit of optimism prevails around tbe entire orgsnitatlon. and all are of the one oi'lnlon--that I... J. Heth. the manager and owner of the 1.. .1 Moth .khons. has -Miked a wonderful route, and mnch credit Is due MrnenI Kcpresenintivc Ihumss F Wiedemann, as well as James F. .Miihetlln. for the success had ao far.
The lineup at present mnaisla of sixteen s' owa, six rides and forty sex an conccsalona, a 2V»-plcce uniformed band, two free arts. During tlie lluntsxtlle t \la I engsgement large crowds were on hand, and all the shows, rld.-a and concesa'ona played to a fair business.--W. 11. PEVOYXB tShuw Representative).

AMfMS FRANK A GEARY. Secy., F. 0. E.. Ill North Miin St., East SL Unis, llUnoit.

^^^SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS for Concessionaires, Sales-Board
Operatora, Premium Dealers



I With Liatherrtte


^ Hia»ed Cover


i Ditalay Box.




Send for Special Circular.


117 Caaal St.,



New Y

Shows, Concessions and All Other People Engaged
IVAXT--0:.e more Bitly-Hoo Show, also Platform or Mechanical Show. WANT--Man to take full chirite of Thru the Falla Mu« be experienced and reliable. WANT--Eli Ferrla Wheel Operator. Must be thoroughly reliable. State salary. Join on wire. Dancrrt for CaL-aret Show. Pullman accommodation*. Concession Agents, male or female; Wlieelf. Dolla. Basket*. Candy. Pop-'Em-Io, Buckley-Buck. WANT--A-No. I PnuDoter. Capable of getting results. WANT--A few more Irgltlmato Coocrsslot.s.
Address LEW HOFFMAN, Gen. Mgr., P. 0. Box 36, St. Paul, Minn. Winter Quarters: Rear 301 Eagle Street.

AT 25c

Price list and catalogue on request






wanted young lady

'irt IVi*

*11 kit'U of NnakfD t

live chameleons

A letter lo Tbe Billboord from Mrs F M llalterai Ler. Ik'ld Chestnut street, Wlluiiugton. IVI., stale* that she ba* written several tiiucs lo her BOO, Jark Burger, who I* *u|i|hk>rd to le with s«>nie show, but has re.-elved no answer Mr*, liaherarker further state* that her hus¬ band. Jack's stepfather, died some time ago. and that she la heraelf In poor health, and. as her *on la now the only one she has to look for cnoifort. the Is extremely anxious to hear frun him, especially a* to whether he I* siek nr out of employment.

High Striker; Floss Candy, Fruit, Grocery, Silk Shirt, Ham and Bacon WluH'ls; Knife Back, Jewelry, Roll l'K)wn, Spot the Spot, .\ddress C.R. LF.GGKTTE, as jx'r route--F.ldorado, Kansas, week .\pril 18--Augasta, Kansas, week April 25--Florence, Kansas, week May 2.



APRIL 23. 1921


Jooea, ha* rrlimiwl from · four wi^kt' Tli.|t to bis pairiiik at Toli^o, O One of liio vikitoi* · I Jai'kaoiix illr was Janira I> Kiirt>rliUr. a

fiiriiiiT wi'irViionii tlii'Htitral uuinaicpr, non'




niutiSKPr of i'li-inli's l.iKal |·o'«tpr Advorlialiiif Co Air Hiirlii i.l.:o i'* iii< for rlpi-lion for I'lijr Coniniissioncr at ilio ruiniiiK plprtloii. I>r. It K. ilanafourilp, managrr of llip I'lorlda Siatp

Fair, aocoiiiiiaiiml by Mr-v. Haiiafoiirilp anil

airine of bis fair direi'lors. paid tlioir roaioTta

to Johnny J. Jones. Miiiiir ('aoiillo, who m ill
Big Organization Gets Under Way at Leaven¬ III Jolinsiown to bop hi' npwly arrivi-d twin', ha' returned. Col \V K. iF^rankliii. tlip oli|-

worthy Kani^ With Long List of Carefully

tiiner rln us general agent, ai rtinipaiiied by the * >!i''us,** wandeied out to the b't to be sliniii'

lull'd with the aroma of the sandii't ere their

Selected Attractions and Up-To-Date

di'iiarlnre for Chleago. C.eorge llirkaman, manager 1`alaee 'nieuler. and Kul J Spark',

general repre'enlalive of the S A. I yni h Theat-


r.i'Bl rmerpriBe . were bI>io weleisne vlailors. The writer was shown a ll't of the Johnny


J. Jones Kapo'iiion lnHiklngt and rau iiiiih

fully say to Ihal "Old Human." Col.


LetTenwortb, Kan., A|iril 14.--The Con T. roiintr.y store. Mr and Ifrs Curley Tboiiias; dull dtar'kiey; "Well diHie, thou gissi and faithful

Kennedy Shows inaiigurateil their aeaaon here wheel, Clete I>oweil.\ ; sisit tlie-sisit, lUib and aerxant." Sleplieii raylon, well known to all in

on the itreets Saturday. April tt. altho the real Edna Blair; l-'ied Bailey llntehiiison. Jr. stock outdoor allow world, has left for San Eranri

opening was not until .Monday, as Saturday was man. Bill Badger has the cook house

··Bad'* flreen has returned to the fold after

more of a get-together day. This year Mr. Ken- The Band: l.ea Esiiek, leader; A. T. Es- one year's absence. Isadore iiMurphy l'airli k 

nedy has surpassed any of his previous efforts, The new fronts (ten of them) are massive in I'onatrurtion. artistic in design and handsomely painted with white and red enamel. The carvings and ligbtiig effects are exquisite, and behind each of these fronts Mr. Kennedy has selected for his attractions only those that will
live up to the past reputation as having only the

lick. Boh Ililta, M. K llanh.r, Frank Bartlett, llenr.v Overstreet, Cleves Jetar, K. I'aterson, Boh Bixon, Clarence Kingston, Jack Worred, Clyde Rogers, C. W. McCulhuigh, Ray Smth, Ed rrice.
The executive staff: Con T. Kennedy, owner and general manager; Mrs. Con T. Kennedy,
owner of rides; J. c. McCalTery. assistant niana-

Fireside has disiKHosl of his hotel Interest at Winnipeg. Neil B'Br.en's Minstrels liad a two night and a matinee engagement to hig receipts.
".Veil" himself came up from his winter home at St. Pelersbuig and "partlelpatod" in the street parade Harry Brown, formerly con-
^m, H;, s Harris' theatrical interests j Fitlshiirg is now manager of the Duval

-Our Unbreakable Wood Fibre--

best. One of the new fronts, of while and Cer; Fred H. Kressmao, sei'retary and treasurer;


gold. Inlaid with sinall mlrriirs, gives an effect K C. Tslbott. general agent; R. C. Elgin, Jaa. to one apiiroai hiiig a huge shell on the outside Biinihiie, special agents; II. J. Fariiuhar, press

James f oster, the noted mU'ical clown, and

stage. Regarding tlie a11ractions; Bed Murray agent; Jack Short, lot siitH-riuteiideiit; John his chamiing vising wife, who 1* * i^***w**^u'


introducing the prim ipals of his "Bagdad." and Braugan, electrician; Joe Redding, train horse woman, recently Joined Mabelle Macks when Mr. Murray lines up his lievy of twelve ter; A. (* ICsIick, hand master; Richard Scott, Hi|»iKHlrome and have made a roost emphatic


pretty girls, all iiiiel.i costumed. It makes a head porter; F. J. McIntyre, ditiitig car

hit. B .Kmulil Heiilt, well known to man.y

lietutiful picture. "M.islerio," with two stages The Con T. Kennedy Shows tliis seasiin will people of the show world, ts publicity mans-

and four pits, introducing "tllrl With a Thou- consist of 18 shows aijd C rides, the nisnsgement ger for the hig moving picture orfiniration


sand Eyes." "ilreat Trunk Mystery," "Spider anmuinces, and will tie transisirted on 30 doii- now nearing completion at the former Camp,v." niagiciaiis and entertainers. Is tinder I'le-lenglli cars, all of which have been newly Johnson. It will be a milllon-and a-lialf-dollar


management of Kslick. Tbe 10-in-l or Side- psinted inside and out and remodeled.

corporation. Tbe Jones train of steel cars

Show of .Myer Myers, featuring Bluey-Bluey, _____


that never-tiring euieitainer', Baby Boll (fat girl), sword walkers, miiidreading and magie, is managed by Sandy Billings, and bas all new , banners and top. The Wild West Show, with Minnie Cary. Albert Jim. and a large troupe of expert ropers, riders, cowlioys and cowgirls.




Wssttrr St., Nt« Ysrk City. Ntw Ysrk

BRANCH: M-60 Ei(t Laks Sf.. CbIttH. Ill

"Tbe Museum" of living, curious freaks from

all parts of tbe globe, featuring Eugene .Arceau,

Where la the fellow who alwayt haa his hammer ready for action every time you

the Frenrli (Slant i8 ft.. 4 in. i. The ''Blind AddIng Machine." the "Australian Biiahman,'' the Lorow Family of glasslilowers, and the I.ilUputlan Bag Pipers. This handsome new front of red and gold, heauiifully lighted, with four masalve paintings on each side, and the interior of plush. Is very picturesque; Duke Mills is mana¬ ger of the Follie Midgets, with a beautful new front and paintings. 'IMy. and Mrs. Newlywed and Ron." the Royal Midgets (three in number),
from all indicalior.s will be the talk of all ·cities visited by the Con T. Kennedy Rhows this season, for they are real entertainers. The Dixieland Minstrels, Joe Callis, manger, wltlumany highclass colored artists. The Water f«ow, Arthur Ross, manager. The fiO-foot front of this attrac¬ tion. of white and gold, beautifully lighted and handsomely decorated, will be one of the fea¬ ture attractions of the Con T. Kennedy Showi. Tbe Hawaiian Village, J. T. Bums, manager, featuring Floreine and a troupe of singers, dan¬ cers and miiscians. Athletic Arena. Billy Ed¬ wards. manager. World's Wtr Museum, Mex¬ ican Village, Motordrome, "Over the Falls" are other attraction'. Tlie rides, owned by Mrs. Con T. Kennedy iMrs. Moseley, tres'ureri, consist of "The Whip," Frank Stuberfield. manager; "Reaplsne Swing." Emil Sontig, manager; mer¬ ry-go-round. Elmer McHloughlln, manager; ·'Fairy I.snd Swing" (for the little folks), yfra. Moseley in charge The mueh-talked-of "Gidahout" will ho added later.
Of the concessions, Harry Brown has fortyfive. with M,\er Rchlom his secretary, and the following agents; Blanket wheel, Bnbe Brown; blanket wheel. Mrs. Boc Bergman: lamp dolls. Bob Balton; camel lamps. Mrs. Robt. Bolton;

mention carnival to him--the fellow who puts showfolk connected therewith in tbe same category as people of the lowest caliber--the fellow who condemns the whole carnival profeaaioo instead of a pruhahle few who have not met with his liking? Direct him this way, please, and have him read the following editorial, which is reprinted from Tbe Spartanburg Journal, of Spartanburg, S. C., dated March
"WHY SPARTANBt'RG LIKES THEM "Latt fall tbe Rubin & ('licrry Shows came to Spartanburg and remained during the week of the County Fair, giving daily exhibitions to the very great enjoyment of the crowds that came to the Fair. The proprietors of the shows were so much pleased with Spartanburg that after the close of the season they went into winter quartera here at Camp Wadsworth, and have grown up Into the habits of the (immunity and become a part of it 'for keet>a,' Rubin & Cherry having adopted Spartanburg and Spartanburg hav¬ ing adopted Rubin & Cherry, and to their mutual satisfaction. Mr. Rubin, whose full name la Rubin Gruberg, la a Southern man. a native of M-mtgomery, Ala., and has achieved high distinction in his pnifession. His i)eople are all W')rthy folk. They have fitted Into the life of this town exactly, and the more tbe natives have teen of them tba better have they liked them. No person is employed hy the company who does pot bring with him testimonials certifying to hia g"od character and efllciency. with the purIioae always kept clearly in mind that only clean people can be depended upon to give clean ahuwa. "Naturally, a policy like that would appeal 4o tbe high moral sense of this com¬ munity and immediately give standing to these people and their attractions. There was another reason why Rubin A Cherry were warmly welcomed to Spartanburg. On arriving here to go into winter quartera they made fat deposits in three of the city banks, and checked againat funds kept in banks in other cities for the current expenses of the shows In vacation and for the construction and repair work g ung on constantly at Camp Wads¬ worth. It is said that tbe pay roll of tbe company during the rest period has been not less than f-.oOO. One lumber concern in Spartanburg ia $3.300 better off In the amount of butlnesB done by It during the last six montlis than It would bare been bad not the Babin A Cherry Shows gone into winter quarters here. "The money spent by them here was 'as welcome as a daisy in a oow'a mouth.' quot¬ ing a famoua aaylng, of course; but one of the most Interesting diioovenet made hy tome of onr own people is that, after all, 'showfolks,* as they are called, are made of very much the same tort of clay at other human creatures. They are bad and they are good, and tbe best of them have been connected vrith the Rubin A Cherry outfit, and the Lord it

WithWiRs.DrrsRiNl in a Van»'ty of C'oetumca Wc feature a high grade line of novelty
dolls Siiei: 11 iaclws Is II isekst StsW Itl.N isf M tusdwnt of six ttMflet.
SatisUctics issnntetW
Home Novelty Co.
84-86 Greene Street, New York, N. Y.
First Anniversary

fnift wheel, Karl Kalansky: cigarette shooting

tka Biahar of them alL* '*

aallerv, I.aVera Kilanaky; ham and haeon, W.

IDIckl Miller; silver wheel, Boc Berger; nn-

breakahte Soils, A. Pass.nrd, Norman Bempsy; bowling alley. Herberf Howe and wife; baskets, Bannele Thompson; teddy bears. Sammie Tap¬ per; dart gallery. Il-irry Phillips; hoop-la. Mra. Jack Neal; candy wheel. Jack Neal; aerial ·wing. Kenneth Buziell; knife rack, Harry Ar nold; cigar rack, Mrs. Harry Arnold; cigaret wheel, Bettv Kressman; pillow wheel. Mrs. BIrk Miller; pocketbook wheel, Herbert McKnight;

Jacksonville, Fla., April 16--When an smii-ement enterprise the magnitude of the Johnny J- Jones Exposition can play four separate eo' gagementa. each of one week's duration within
limit of 33 months and have each one financial sacceaa. It neceasarily follows that such an organization ma»t be a strong favorIta In that locality. Such la the case with Johnny J. Jones' Exposition here at Jackson¬ ville. Tbe week of April 11 was tbe season of 1921 Inaugural doings. The grounds o<cn-

tnd the "Joy Plaza'' were separately pbotogrsplied hy both Fox and I'athe camera men while here, and the big caravan srlll soon he in i>otilion to give "alisent treatment'' to Its legion of friends anxious to nee the 1921 Model Johnny J. Jones Exposition.--EB. R. BALTER (Show Representstlve).
Ship to Lebanon, Pa., for Opening

Henryetta, Okla.

Junt 23-24-25, Best Show Town in the State


SU«*vt ArU of mrrlt ftOpM. * kmn

Rf'iAertnlr^ Tent

<*an oiren up

*fMl 8kln Oimr Artiktt pfotrrvtdil r«»k)Tr»l IVr-

formrrt Doi iianu*<l. A «hltf nian't


Dhoiiry. CoQETMlont for mI« AJJrrt*

lEN C. EASTIN, S«c'y ChaRib«f el CemiMrec

Leavenworth. Kan., April 14.--On Wednesday

the comer of Eighth and Evergreen streets, I..elia;'<>n I'a., April II --ffam Mechanic, aule

night, April 13. Mr. and <Mrs. Con T. Kennedy,

attractioos made a most wonderful owner tnd dlre<'tor general of tbe Keystone Ex-

of tbe Oon T. Kennedy Shows, gave a dance to their many friends and employees after - the show, over 300 people attending. Special cars brought friends from Kansas City, among them

display. * A new feature altraeiion it Tom Js'k, known
as "The Ireland King." T<»ro Jack's work Is all In the open and fe wriggles orut of the

moat all the members of the new Siegrist-Rilhon most exasperating aituati>iar--r<ip»'d, liandniffcd.

beautiful "Good Luck" howshoe floral design was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Kenned.r b.v the members of Siegri't-.Rilhon Rhow, and a neat little speech was mads by Dave Stevens, wishing the Con T. Kennedy Shows a happy and prosperous season. In reply Mr. Kennedy thanked the donors. Mrs. Kennmly was then forced to make a speech, and In a charming manner she wished everyone a happy and prosperous season. Tbe music then started and lasted until the wee hours of morning Everyone pre-^ent had a good time. .Among tho-e present from out of town were Harold Rushes, H R. Tyler and wife, George Howk and wife, Tom Allen and wife, H. L. Cummins and wife. C. J. Redelmayer and wife. Ram B Campbell and wife. C. J. Chapman and wife. J. R.

;h;Y,,;d'"and" e^en^thnmbVr.^wV'l^ Toro Jack

only arrived In America April 6. and preceded

hy 'his manager, Otto lleineman. lame imme

diately to Jacksonville. Mr. lleineman, hit man.

acer, is EMror.ean John Thompson,

ao-gefenNt efwor

Mr. Jonei. York IHpreidrome

fame, has arrivr^ and Ja now ronstructing

the Jones Water Cirrus. ' Bert F.arle'. after

·two we«'ks 'pent in New York and tTjlcago.

has returned to the fold. He wss accompanied

t>.v Leltov Gill, manager of the "War Eshlhlt ''

Mrs. Eddie Vanghn and daughter, Virginia, de¬

parted for Rt. l.ooia. lira. Wm. Rozxell la vis¬

iting her husband, who la managing Jonea' Cir¬

rus Side Rhows. Max YfllTInen ia now In rharge

of the Jonea train of riillmin aleepers Myer

Sweeney and wife. Harry Plstke and wife, Al T. Myers hat returned from a trip to I/>s Angelea.

Holstein. Curtis E Little. G. H MrRparron, M. Alvin Beck, private secretary to Johnny J.

let'itiun Shows. Is a l>ellever is a|>ending money to make money, therefore, considering the run dil.ons in tbe t$,,u>h. Manager Mechanlr sliit |ied bis train and |·s^aphernalla direct ftoTi wlnle- quarters In Isrixiro. .N. C.. to Ictsinou. I'a., nitkng a tliree road movesnent, for oiiening the s<'uson. Si'uida.v. April Hi.
While entering I.clianon a RlieHsnd mare gave


Ir* I.VHm^Iv ' fell«w' It progress1ing nice^ly.` \Mr"is*s

Allen named It "!*:ini lalwnon'' and. after th.

locil p.-ipers rirried the stories, men and women

of all ages and from all walks of life railed

and Iti'iulrc*! of the newr arrival, Mlaa Allen

ftei-ly adadtteii all visitors and a world of

.id. eri isiiig wta deilvert from thia aoiirce "Ram

la 'cin 111." tlie little stallion. Is liy WliBo

t'lo'id. a snow while mare, riid "hia" fallier

Iiiiinond Boy, an

anlninl Misa Allen also

has "Ram l.elsaiiofi'a grandfather." King Jo

Dnrlng the winter the "whip'' and rarouai I

were aert to Mangel'a faetory at Coney Island.

.N. Y., and completely overhanled, and when

J. Ooldstein. G. L. Williams, Boc C. W. Foster,

C. C. tllden, James J. Conley, also many city

The Smith Greater Shows Want and county officials of Leavenworth.
ATTENTION, BALLOON WORKERS! Reed Rtlcki. medium wetcht, good quality, eut 24 Inches long,

svsn lengthi. Shipments no lets than bundle loU,

rrturne<l licre an<l aet iq> they looked at well as when new. New seats and a Idg new ticket l.uf have lu'en Installed un tlie I'erris slieel aed strings Ilf iiieandesi ent and ·M-arelitlghta liare Ih'I'u added til III.- ligliiing ··tiginall.i «m the rlil.'S riie "Froll-" (· aliradv here and within a fiirtnlglit an ''Ai-rutilai'e'' I'ide will tie ad'led 1-1 llir tl-le d-'parliiient. .Already the Ke.taluDC Fv|Misiiii>n Sliimn have been dulda'd the ''f.'itt,'·St I'.xismitinn of Bldra."
lA hen the entire alios is In eperstlon, next Halurdiiv. M will le a thing uf tieaiily Slid siimeihing fur the Isavs to really lie pr'sid of The managemeni stales that 'the |·l·ll·y uf eleanllnisM and mural rhtraeiir sill prevail thia seasun. Senie escelleiit dates l.sve h··en eiuilraeled liy Ceneral Agent Msiirlee loigg. J. C. WOBETSKY' (.Sliuw l(eprrsenlatlvi').
Naahvllle. Tenn., April l.T.--The Greater Rh'iws, wliiih iliwed a siiei essfiil week s ell gsgeiiieni lure Saturday night, had as visllura dining the week: Cul, Weaver, uwner of the Rt. leiiila Amiisemi'nl I'umpaiiy, ('liaa. H. R'ratton, manager of the l-uiman Unhinsuii Hhuwa; Huy Gray, uf tlie Huy (iiuy Sluiws. and J"hn Veal, of Veal Brus ' Hluuv 'rhese prumliienl

12$ lbs. to bundle, at our reduced pries, Sfic It.,
for Immediate acceptance. A deposit must accompany order, tS% upon aMpment Los Aatslst Navtito 4 T«y Ca., 4IS-I1 8t. Im Aatalat St.. Las Aateias, Cal.


Hare oatfit complete. Including Biggaae Wagon. Rverytlilrig ready to mova in. Wirt TNC

GREATER SHOWS, AtbtvHIt, N. C., this waaki

Tsaa,, asxt


shuwmen were ably entertained hy "('aplalu John'' Rheealey and bin alaff. Including AA' H. (Bill) Kl'-e, general repres.-nlallve, whn aiwnt
part of tbe week hack with tbe ahnw.


APRIL 23. 1921

Reidy To Open at "Battle of Flovwera," San Antonio

Floral Parade Decorations



Ti » . April n. --Hi'oily to Jt'»I

- iii'» III ri'uilitK'.* for tlx* foriiml

III.' r.i.'l u.oit, tiiiil wlx-n Ihr I'. A.


iKitki* llirir iliiiui lit-ri* at lli#

 r:. »<*r>t" i-n'ii M'loran ·li>'Hiii.*n

<1. (uriiival kliowa of all ktixU arc

i|i i.'il g'liiig to he utti>i>liilie4. Tlioae ,l all l..·'rliiniiy 'o look heli.n I 'he

kliilr Hint lie'iT dill any uliow

r aiiiioi**iixnl di»ole«-a ailrli wondt-r-

I,. , uoil iieier were Miey pre.ented on

i.i.iitioiiH kiale. iruiidri'da of men

at ». Ik diirliiK the wliitrr moullm;

; d' llara ha»e heen eiix-iideil t.y C.

1. and now Ibul the aonit of the

' 1.liD-n lieaid and aprlii( liaa (nine,

I . Wi.riliaiu Mn wr Is ready to tnauKn-

Ill .I S to he Its grestest anil mnit

a aMin Sotnr of the rholerst fair

||i,' I lilted States anit Canada hare

I .e lot of this l arniral luaitnate, on

ilaay pe.funii.m is harred* and where

1. of o|illiuism preiall.

.lav, A ril I'S, the Fiesta Kan Jacinto

laitle of I' will (ipeu, and this , o.ienini; stand of Worthaui'a World's

I'lpiisliion Shows. Nothing now re*

.e .I' lie hut to haul the pararhemalia

;..'ti wn plazus and to erect the tents

V W'l. li will all he up and ready for

s li.i'g the festivities are formal*

('i.ui ' g cre diri-ct fTnm Kansas City, where he

had It'ii'l iiiiiiiy favcrahle reports, the writer was

Biwi I :· .i-.iiiily Run risrd when he walked into til-w iilcr-p .11'·r«. w iiicli I over a tvxo-acre field,

and f'md It · .iig.-»ted vviili »li- w <-<|iiipment. Not

old fp n'R, ii van.pc.I and repalnlv-d, but brand


ccvcri-vl with g. ld leaf and artistic

painting* Eiiciigb for ilie prcaeiit. There la

M CP li to »<-( ;i. ui.J ».i much lo write about

tlKl Ih:* 1 '.c I. ' III.I I .'id a clian. e ti 1 .like

tile PU!.l'. I'll will give a complete dea<'ri>itiuD


M 1' I'l.liili i.whow ItepreaeDtatiVe).


Leavenwerih., .April 1.1.--From 7 a.m. to

9 pm.. R- eii per week, are the jireaeut

working In r, at tin- f. \V. Parker factory,

and evtr.v nuie ia a busy one.

It II .|ici- ppitiable t'l*. gorgeous fronts turned

<mt f.if lie i.n r. Kennedy Shows will great¬

ly aid ih" era of a new and lieiter-tlian-ever

cirDlval (leri.vd F.riial ed In white eoaoiel, with

)ct: eu.'ug I vVtor to add a litlle life, decorated

with mtry Rpe.-ially designed beveled-edgc

mirrers, m,.! r-i in eUNirate earrings, these

fiwiia rv^-rveent a triumph to the Darker

fac'orv, w

i:.ey bar* been constructe.1.

A.mir.g i!.-» who visited the Darker factory

lec-ntlv w is t'ol >nel Ivanlel Hoff, who la get-

flrg rrs'lv f T the opening of PMreat Park, at

Jlarahad'. wn. Ia While at the factory be

dosed f'.r over tpi.issi worth of amueement fea-

tares ii !*· .i si.illcd ;n t'e |iark this season

Otter -lb s In Pi,!, d Colonel Uillinga, Kingsley

ltd fcgir. Sum WalUa. of the laviils lalcr

Sk'w* ii'... pi.*, .-d his order for a number of Dew · ··'. Ill- d. *ign flat wagons; H. t*. T.vler,

af rair.' i:ri Dirk. Kansas (Tty; W. J. i^.an ioc. .f Ir IlanaiR'lls, who saw bis ·`apeclal"

ttr-e ! CRc a'.rc.iRt tpste.l oot.

TI"' rew ··i*irtir Kslrv Swings'* have,-l

(ffllie a Rti. ;i:,.l a of llii-se were ket u '

It the fa. 'cry kcverrl of which have alrcndy

e ii.'w ti.ree-herse-abreast "Snperlor'*

"I `artv ns all for Siia"p Rpos.* Sh-ovs. and

f n.-tv -'Siiper 'T Pirk Mfsicl" maclilnes fm

1 \V..r"i«m are other Important productiona he PifRcr pUnt.

1« the firm U'hef of all that IS noon aa

tew structural steel (lark nndel machines

» tt".r publli- sptoarane park men

i will quickly ace the advantage

his ivp. ef nis'hlne. In fact, J. A, Ellis,

ler c. : .,1

time In placing his

r f.T I't "f tli< »e new machines, an.t there

b*' at lea*t seven of these structnral steel

I lose 'ii.s In onerailivn during the coming n In niiiiisi'iiient parka. lie iToiii, nil,, of the stenoa. nt the Darker

*. lias ,'ciM-d to be a stdnster, and was

*'l .n 'ck |.> .Arthur, of leaven

li. A- 1 r,.«vv tl e Colonel la trying hard lo

iD.'ltir sti-no to t.ike her place--there are

s stcn.'grapheis kej.t busy at the Parker

* at this litre, and the Colonel hopr's to

one ·who Ir r..,i an.t ugly" to take the

' 'f 'h|. ··|i«i · girl, as he iM-llevra It'a the


G«t Permit To Exhibit in Chattanooga Week of April 18

O'lli.n by the City f ommlaalon of Chat-

l. uu , on .Aiirll Iff, at a continued

of that bmly from the l.recedlng Tiieo-

1 a.·ting on a pelitiun pn Rented tiv \V m

the Mini Greater Shows, which was flmt y "'iiie seventy five biislnems nien of Ihv*

"b a RuiM'leitiriitary addition of fifty the Alaq Grealir Shows perinis-

·vliibll. on private priqierly. In Chatta-

br 111,, w.ek of April IS The -till'tg.

. e.nrrli d wlili It a prov labvn that this

^ exi eptlonal" grant and would not here-

a motion prevloiiRiy on re.-onl and

"y the <-ommlasi<vn, ihia permit being

I tb.. ground that Mr Man was a "real.

'Ills eliy f,,r

years past, and a lax.

r Schack's Floral Parade Book

1921 Winners

100 Decorated Baskets - $80.00 100 Decorated Wall Pockets^ 40.00
Write for Circular C 20




In the Lead Again
The most lieautiful a.s.-6ort men i on the market. .\ brand new lt>-inch a.s.-if)rtment, vviih licautifiil silk picture hats, lone ^ curLs. marabou gold ,\ and silver trimmings, a,s illustrated. Six dif¬ ferent St vies, 20 dif¬ ferent every .v-ix-dozen case.

We also manufacture a complete line of 9, 13. 14 and 19-inch dolls.

complete line of carnival supplies, which includes BLankets. Chinese Bas¬ kets, 5 to nest, Mani¬

cure Sets, Silvenvare, etc.





A new game that pev'ple just stampede to
play. Begular flying circus. Interests sverjbody. One <x..ncessloner writes he took In 11.600 00 in one dsy, another writes he took
In 1165.00 In one hour. The hum of our new special powerful electric motor, with pro¬ peller revolring at a tremendous speed ef 6.000 revolutions per minute, will have the crviwd coming your way all the time while you get the money. The alroplar.e is 3 ft. kmg and revi Ives on toller beirings, is suhstan-

The Majctlc Exposition i?how» are trivelini; Noithwaid niiiilly .lud, allho husint-RS has been far fro'ii sati'faciory. tlie itinerary as contracted Rhould prov.: a real route. Amoni; the roniraets tn Ole in the office of the show are tlie Clarksburi; Industrial Expo.itinn. the sTtaie Cotveation American I.e;ion at FairtuonI, W. Va ; the Spanish War Ve'erans' f;n.aa>piiierit at Wheel inc, W. Vi., and the Ohio State Convention American I^-sjlon at Aslitabula. The I. O. O. E. district assembly at Erie will doubtless pr.ovc a Innuer enirairement.
Gone.-al Director N.irder is away on a Inisiness trip and to Iih>U over the route oontraeied, as well as to spend a portion of his lime with his inf'int son. .Mister Den Albeit, at Pillshuri*. The new route to be *aken by this show leads into the iron ore districts of the Northwest and tlieni'e Southwar.l into the oil tields of (tklahoma and Texas, with seven itkiahoma fairs (ontra-ied, including the P'ree Fair at Poteau and He-rvener
The showe took a vacation at Petersburg rerently, and visited tlie Sparks Circus, where the memt-ers vver? royally entertained by .Man¬ ager .sV'iarks and itis courteoim staff. The visit was evcli.i'n;.'I after Die niglit rIiow and there were :nar.v Sparks" ti} ing from the carousel ami o' atti.u-ti ms.
On tile itaff of tlie sliows are found man.v new¬ comers. the I-ilest add.ti'.n Iteing the writer, fot several seaRons wi'h the Riaff of the Superior Sh'iws and vv lo is nnw holding down the posi¬ tion of secretary. ·`Old Jack" Itiirke is home again. He is so much "at bonie" that he is one of the standhys of the con. ession md of the show anl his string of conc<'Rsiona graces the midway aul receives its share of the businesw. Jack's a liastler; so fast, he stepped off the train recently, en route from Charlotte to Dur¬ ham. resc'icd a .voung lady's purse containiug three -b'llirs snd. hiring an atitomobile, caught the tram at Palishnrv. It liim eight dol¬ lars to rescue the ··three." but leave it to Jack, he had a head fur business. Irving Narder. the assistant secietary. is busy counting the mrney hts concessions are making, but he has tin e 'o I wk after the books and other de¬ tails. E.lwaid K. Johnson, former agent of the Majestic Exposition Shows, and now with Ijiihin A Cherr.v, is a visitor at this writing, --MILDRED MYEHSON (Show Representative),
Chicago. April 14.--W. J. Collins, of the Tliearle-DulHeld Fireworks Display Company, retnrne.1 this week from Chipjiewa Falls, Wis., where he is director of amusementa and page¬ ants for the B. I*. 0. Elks' Mardl Gras and Ilistorical Pageant, to he held June ;;s to July 4. Mr. Collins left during the week for San An¬ tonio. Tel., to attend the opening of the 0. .K. Wortham Shows. He told 'The Billboard that contracts in Chippewa Falls have been closed by the Thearle-Diitfield people, the Cnited Fairs B'loking .Association, the AVorfham Interests and the Federated Flyers, of Milwaukee.


Opens in Milwaukee April 16

As Michigan bira .Athlrtio Shows can give » good Show fv>ur weeks, furnishing tec.t ar.d wtgen front; no Ulrl Shows. AVint a unall IVig ar.d Pony Show. MuslcAar.i. Woridesmen in all devaiUneota. No exclusive on Conccsaloii*. Canada for siimmir. AVire cr write
BROWN A DYER. Norton Hotel. Ootrolt Mich.

The management of Hansher Bros.* Amnse* ment Company advises the show opened its season on .April Iff, phaving at Harrison and Grove streets in Milwaukee .All rides have been re.l.'corated in winter quarters at the Wisconsin State I'air I'ark. The caravan will play four or five weeks in different si>ots in Milwaukee, then go out into Wisconsin, playing hoine.-omings and celebrations until the fair sea ion starts .A large string of fairs is rciH.rtc.i Iss'kod and tlie jlanslier Enterprises will i.lay until well into ttetober Furllier advice is that Jimmy I a ider will again be ahead of the attrai-tions and Claude It. Elllis. well-known Milwnukee newspaper man. has been added to the siarf. to have charge ..f
p.ibli. ity and promotions.

Western Distributor

Save (`xpn'6-age.' i > Prompt h' rvice.
Pull line. Polls, " ('hinc.6t* Pa-kets,
Planter Pogs,


1'ic111 re Hats,


·"(·-cyllmlor. t'oi

fib 00 First 140.00 taki'K It.



C-.m-eoRlons, Vvvk* Owing to dlRiPls'lnlnvint li

llljiukrts. Silk Shirt. Ilam and Bs,x<r. Ju' v

I'sila. Pitch Tlll-Vvvu-\A In. Show i>tvii» Apiil J

New Jerary.


ee Wheels open--TVvHs. Grvx-cTy. Pillows. GslKiv. Knife U.vek. Fish PouJ. llo-p:a.
Sp,>t. Cor. ff.1 *·',! Gr.vnd Sts.. Seeaueus. 12 Saung St., Patrrson. New Jersey.


On atNv'Uiil vif ^ll·spl«'Ultl^enl li.ive ,v ui| outi't Al`'letii. Mmiv. All Win'vls op.n ei.RTt Kfwj'le. Want Iw.i (irbiiUI I<aui-eiii .\K' want Kitil* Wlvevl. Sli»uv opens lAWrland. Ohio. April iiff. Address

all moll l.v 4129 LanolaaO St., Cinclanatl, Ohio.



I' Pi-hos with Fern --a new one;see my Fruit Wheel Intermediate.




C. Price, Mgr., 1014*16 Central Av., Ciiiciinati,(L


T*ri« CeMsadOB OBte dM

sad nunaKemmt of VotertcB of Forelcn Wars. NVe are putting on our Frstlral and Btrrrt Fair tor tho purpoa* of raltlBC (adS tO Mkl · dotbonaWi bU pladied Ita fkianclal aupport. nhlch assures us that our FesUral and Street Fair wUl "Oo Ont Uie Tt){k







A. M. Dp^EpAjarr

In Readiness To Start April 21 at Dayton, O,

(Continued from page 12) baa not reaobed Pall Mai or St. Jamea'. Bonia will aure fall the day tbry bare a prlrata theater for inoTlea Installed at the Athenaeum.

Dayton. O., April !«.--The K. G. Barkoot Shows are In readiness for the opening date, Thursday, April 21 *0 30, Inclualve, and Monday will aee first wagon hauled from winter quar¬ ters, where all of them have been puinti-d and rapalred, to tbe show grounds at Highland Park. The care have been painted orange, with ver¬ milion red trlmminge and the letters in alumi¬ num. Daily visitors are streaming Into winter quarters, admiring the many cars and wagona, among them being tbe abow'a esteemed friend. Doc. Conlln Campbell.
Aa at preaent arranged, the lineup of attraetlona will be aa follows: Capt. Stanley's Sub¬ marine Show, Brown A Grant's Musical Revue, A- F. Sblppey'a Ruaalan Village, Washington A Adams' IMantatlon. Doe thing's Ten-in-Une, Temple of Mystery, T. O. Riley, manager; O. Van Meer'a Wild West, Charley Peterson's Athletic Show, Frink Reno's Wax Show, Palace of Illusions, Ted, Kannlg's Mechanical City, and Cndergniund Chinatown. The rides: Otto F. Ehring'a three-abreast Jumping-horse carousel, Ferris wheel and whip, and Babe Btrkoot's "aeroplane swings."
Frank I. Stone has been working day and night, building and painting bis concessions. Vic. Horowitz has also been a busy man on his concessions. D. D. Rogers, master mechanic, deserves great credit for his wonderful work. The promotions are going big under the personal supervision of Happy Neff.--LEW MARCUSE (Show Kcpresentatlve).
A letter from L. R. McBride, owner and manager of the M' Bride Shows, from Quinton, Ok., autea that bis shows opened their season earlier than had been scheduled, at Moffett, Ok., with a nice lineup of attraetlons and eoncessions and to good business, considering weather conditions. The five-in-one played to extra good business and was the top money attraction. .411 tops are new and of khaki.
While Moffett was the initial engagement, the shows moved to Quinton, where at the time of Mr. McBride's writing they were getting ready for their formal opening of the season with a three-day picnic, the location ho!ng on the Streets. He further stated that he and Mrs. McBride had purchased a 70-foot state¬ room ear, whirb was to be delivered to them at Quinton on April 18; also bad bought a nice home in Fort Smith, .Ark., where they Intend making their future he-adquarters. Everything looks bright around his outfit, be said, and, with hit new electric light plant, he intends furnish¬ ing plenty of Illumination on bis midway.
Bowling Green, Ky., April 14.--Tom Marvin, wrestler and athletic showman, arrived In Bowling Green this week to rejoin Greater Sheesley Shows. \ new top and front have been ordered, and Marvin will open his athletic arena as aoon as the outfit arrives and Is com¬ pleted.
The late John W. Hay. of tbe Hott-! who died tuddmly a faw weekt afOt tala hMeat phetographi

Practically new, on 4 maple shade wagons, booked \sdth

IT. JOHN ERVINE F&AIBES AlCEBICA Errine haa lectured to the Irish Liletary So¬ ciety cn some of bis Impresaluna of America. "I thought of America," said be. *'as a country full of boasting, aaaertlve and rather manorr-

Krause Greater Shows and will positively play 16 fairs that are now' booked and at least half of them never had a Whip. If sold, Whip must stay on show all sea¬ son. Price, eight thousand dollars cash. Address BEN KRAUSE, ^lanager Krause Greater Shows, Jellico, Tenn.

Midland ^11 Co.

is the place for good dolls. All kinds of dolls at low price

merly owner The Detroit Cupid Mfg. Co., Detroit, hlich,

out last and have opened in Chicago. Don't forget i

Look me up. All customers invited.


1015 Orleans Street,

Chicago, 111

WILL BUY ti; EU Perris WheeL Must bo cheap for cash, or vrill book one on good liberal terms. All Concessloni open, except cook house and juice, wlilch bis been sold eiWusive. Flit Jointi, Girl Sbowi ind Forty-Nine Cimps live your stimps. Wint i good StriUht Min for A-No. 1 Tih. Show. A good General Announcer, Tilkers, Grinders, Ticket S5ellers and Ticket Takers. A good man to take charge of one of the eleanest little 8evcn-tn-One Shons ever framed. A Merry-OoBound Crew for a new Parker macbliie. Workingmen in all departments. C. L. Spencer wants a few more good Concession Agents. All Coneisslon Agents address C. L. SPENCER. Clark, B. I). All others address J. E. MURPHY, Clark. South Dakota. This show opens 111 Clark, B. O., tbe 2d day of May under the auspices of tbe Am^lcen Legion.

K-ta people, clotely Intent on making money and convinced that they bad won the war. I discovered very speedily that the average American baa far better mannera than the aver¬ age Eugliabman, and that he does not boast more excessively than he Is entitled to boast, and that he la, on the whole, much more tubmlialve to authority than the Kogllabmau. . . . Love of money seems to me to be among the least of American chatacterialK'a. What one does dis¬ cover In tbe whole population, rich and poor, i« a real love of doing a Job as well as pnasible. The American seems to like work, and be la fascinated by the power which control of tndiietry gives him. An American business man, even a very rich American bualnean man, will be at hit desk in bla office deeply engaged In hit work before nn English busineas man his fin Ished drinking bit early morning cup of tea . . . What we cull .American brag Is tbe out¬ come of a quite Inudable desire to aee things bet¬ ter done Id bis conniry than they are done else¬ where. Civic prhie Is far atrc.nger In .American cities than It la In British ciiiet. When 1 said that Americans are more auhratsslve than Britlahers, I mean that tbev are more willing to ac¬ cept tbe Insolence of persona in office than wa are. Walt Whitman referred to this aspect of their character more than once In bis poems Ws respect the law more than the .Americans do, bnt We bare less respect for politicians and official! than they have." And man.v more nice ibinga did be sav al>out you all, and he la evidently yirg with Harry Lauder to tell you your good " points, because of had ocea he never spoke.
NO LESE MAJESTY IN VIENNA NOW Ctrl Boaaler'a new comedy play produced In Vienna, "The rathetlc Hat." la a pillory of tha Ignorance--according to Bossier--of the former Aiiatrlan generals and the ex-Emperor Karl. Tha title refers not only to the Anstrian crown, but alao to tha crown of the martyr who aulTera for bla tociml ideas, and is capably acted--ao the ptpert aaj--by the "Deutsches Volksthester "
PANTO MANAGEB A3 A COUNT Jlspldly are the ancient prewar customs being revived, and thia year at Bordighera the Prlltsh colony haa resumed the war-lntefriiptcd stunt of running an annual pantomime. Mrs. Reyniour Arnold and Count RIccardl-CubItt are the Joint managers. The Count was originally Thomas Cubitt, but he married the sole represenfatlvi of the ancient and noble Italian family o* Biccardl, assuming by re<|uest the name he now hears, and In order to keep things In the pic¬ ture the King of Italy conferred upon him the title of Count. He haa a lovely home In tho hop growing district of Edenbrldge--the Garden of England. The youngest member of the .lanto crowd at Bordighera will be Ixird Mont¬ gomerie, the alx-year-old sou and heir of Karl of Kgllntoo and Wintoo. The Eart'a fatner left a fortune amounting to nearly three million dol¬ lars.


THEATEBLESS LONDON Somebody with a penchant for figures has been pointing out that virtually as far as our popula¬ tion la concerned Ixmdon Is theaterleaa Wa have only 42 theatera in the West Central or theaterland diatrirt, and aa our last rensua gava ua a return of 7..V1o,liO<» i>eople we thus have only one theater for every ITd.tlOO people. Wa constantly hear of new Iheaters to be built la the charmed radius of one mile of the Stone In Charing Cn*es Hallway Station A'ard--the ra¬ dius being north of the Thames only, but wbera the plots and the money are coming from de¬ ponent aayeth not.

BOA SNAKES, All Sizes.



A woman that can do Trick and Fancy Boplng. Also a good man that ran do Acrobatic Act that can do another turn. Like to heir from Oriental Acta Slai and kc'tp your salary within reaion. TIJs la 30 weekt* work. AdUreat Maaafiald,
INTER-OCEAN GREATER SHOWS OilENING AT BALL PARK. BELLEVUE. KY.. OPPOSITE CINCY, APRIL 23 TO MAY I. Wants Wild West Show on lalarv. Ocean Wave, Whip. Ae-oplane nr Veintlan Swing, Craxy lluuie. Illuslnn or Mechanical Kliowa. and one more Kb<iW with outfit Bare a lew elmice Wlieela and Rill Uimes ellHI open. Want Musicians, Uelp for Bidet. Coneeeelon Agents, lllgti Uln-r with outfit. ('.iiBa on, wire or write.

With a population of about 870,000 Alan Dale's home town has a room mod at Inn In Its theatera, music halls and kinemaa for 82,027 per performance, and as tbe rule is a minimum of two allows a night It will be seen that thera la every possibility that If 8. It. O. la to ba the rule In that town that aome folk will ba getting the amusement habit a very regular thing.
MAX REINHARDT FOR VIENNA Seems like out of tlie frying pan Into the fire. If one looks at It from the viewpoint of th# rate of exchange, but now that Heine'has r«algiied from managing the Burgibeatrr and wlU be aiiri-eeded by Dr. Anton AAihlgena, the opporlnnlly arlsea for lieinhardt to go there to Diaiiag-> e niiiuber of shows, mostly classlce. la whleh he w-lll he easinted by Carl Vullmoeller. The Utter appeared In London at the Ulymple when C. B, CiH'liran brought over "The Mloacle." O. It. Kliaw got some good publlclly re¬ cently be<-auae the above mentioned Heine has put on III* "Ceasar and Cleopatra," he alao playing the part of Ceasar while the new fleo, Frauleln Martens, la rattier unconvincing. Anyway Nliaw'a kirk U that the present rate of eichange Is such that lie la only receiving about $3 73 a week for itiyallles and that he baa sent a reipiest that he he not honored by tha Burgtheeter ('omiiatiy In the pitying of bit property at to naremnneraUva a rata.

APRIL 23, 1921


(Communicatiooa to Clncinnari

Bazaars, Indoor Circuses, Industrial EzposMona, Museums, Arcades, Department Store Amusements, Store Room and Trade Shows.

LENT RESULTS REALIZED in the near future. Due announcement will be



iiiaile In The Billboard.

A few more of the oldtlmers who were clever Jugglers, doing their tricks while walking on wires, standing cn horse back, treading on ladders of swords and balancing on revolving gloliea: KinilonUa, Dunbar, William Orford. Mariells Wirth, The Clarks, Eugene Gaertney, Coma, H. Yotaro, Miss Ishlo, Jimmy Klnkaid, Koana Har'ieck, Yoshlmatl. Harry and Lavarter Lee, Kagami, Sentaro, Inklcbl and Kozero, KorkrusukL

la Me.. Aiirll IJ.--Maine's capital city u'iii line st>le for the Monster Baseball
shicli waa atagwl ou Ibe eveiiluga of I and 8. In the City Hall, to great Several iliou.aiid iloliars was realized head of each bovdli re|>orted tremeudona
rst evening naa devoted to "Girla* Minilie .J«t being ae. iiied loyally, and the 1 and dru,.a from llaverlilll. Mast. The fling was a clash of brllllaut colors. .si wnli special electrical effects. ·«ttnd niichi'K fntertainnifnt ruUHlutetl of id N. II In an artistic sung cycle; liarHale. Wiih com.-dy and song, and the
liiarniiinv singers. All three


_ With all promotion plans snd efforts in York, !'*·· abaudonid on account of tlie Keystone Lxpoaltion Shows very suddenly shifting tbs

Jocne of tha wasonVformal oi>ening to l^ebanon. Harry E. Bunnell higijied into New York

City for a day and then went to Boaton, Mast., in res|ionse to a call from Alex. ITnn, general

manager of the Xew England Amusement SupP'T Co.- which oomem is actively engaged In a

ca^iaign of promoting independent outdoor and

India-r celehralions iu that territory. This is

I romoter Bonuell's second engagement with

Unn, the flmt ···oclRtioo bavinf been


when the latter had on the road with

George Wetterman the World of Pleasure



Chicago, April 1C.--Thomas P. Convey, wlio, with Harry McKay, owns the ''.Xtlantlc City Boardwalk,'' returned from Louisville this week and lolil Tile Billtaiard tliat the Ixiuisville fete was a wonderful success, more than 90,000 per¬ sons having attended the affair. The entertain¬ ment lasted eight days, fMm .\iiril 9. Eighty
Sshops were filled with exhibits and Mr. Convey renounced it the best engagement he and Mr. IcKay have put on.

Dnintb, Minn., April 14.--And Temple, Koights of the Mystic Mhrtne, gave an ali-week frolic, which closed last Saturday night, after

Have yon looked thru the Letter List in this issue? There may be a letter advertised for you.



In the days of ancient Rome the juggler was terme.i a "pillcupus."
After a Juggler has played "physic'* show,, rep. shows, ".kid'* shows and small time vaude¬ ville, and still persists, his rase is hopeless.
From the "Blbllothek des I.lterarlschen Vereins'* in Stuttgart, edited by Bartscb, 1856: "Juggling--.Miscellaneous performances assix-l. atcd with buffoonery. Tne Jugglers lead a wandering and precarious life, hard pressed for foo-l and shelter. They have a ba.i repiita tlon. Many terms of censure are apfilied to them. They are regarded as disreputal-le. emp ty beaded foola, jesters, liars. anti-Christian, tempters, men who throw reasun and moralify aside, sorcerers. Thev Inhabit taverns and gatnble. They do certain kinds of tricks such as throwing and catching balls and knives.*'
During the days of Marcus .\iireliii8 Antoninus there was a poiiular game called ''trigon.'' It lonslsted of throwing and Juggling imltvidiially and collectively, handling from one glass ball to aa high as twelve. The Emperor Nero was a lover of the game. It was also popular with the Oj'eeks and Egyiitlans. Many old coins, in¬ scriptions and monuments b>ar witness to the clever stunts performed. Julius Caesar and Alexander Severua were adepts at it.


Phnidelphla, April 15.--In spite of warm neither i-onditlons and many other counter attrtetloni the Mcrid's Mus*'um contlnnes to be a Fklladelphla popular family reaort, and In addlth* to the > u'tomary array of living cunosltlea Md other novel features thli week there was IB entirely distinct entertainment. The new ittnetinn. a complete show In Itself, la Miller's Dixie 8erensders. coming direct from a road tour to present scenes from the old plantations In the South before the war. The orgsnlxatlnn of clever romedliDs, singers and dancers gives · lively repr-diictlon of old plantation diversions. A feature of the program is a revival of the itlrrlng melodies of "slavery days.''
Chirteteristic musenm features of novel de¬ scription are also on the platfonns. An¬ other "wiirlirs fattest girl'' has been found In Mimie, vho mtiile her first appearance here this week, itob Koy, the albino dislocator; Clayton Jolinwm and I'rlncess laura. In startling feats of IS. td sHallowIng; Charles Campbell, armless aoeder; Professor Usher, in a new magical offerlnr: Mile Eva, second sight; Professor Smith's 'Punch and Judy'* and other diverting ·eta are on the bill.
event at philly success

Philsdetphia. April 1.3.--The American T.erton s Pair snd Itszuar, held under the auspices of Ills American Is-giun Post No. 7 last week, it the Third Regiment .Armory, Camden. N. J..
the able inanaaemeot of Jamea P. Gill, ^o'l kni «n promoter, waa a snecess. despite the conditiotis of a large nnmtier of people "visa out of employment In that district.

Tilers was a b'g attendance nightly, the ar-

ttiury sss tastefully decorated and over fifty

ewucssiuns were spread out in the hall. Fred

tipercsin's llimd of tit pieces gave excellent

·'·eert and dincp programs, as well as play-

the free acts, wlitrh Included Anna Pat-

vsts"` ",

T'liiee I'eteraoiis, doing her inar-

hanging hy her teeth from the tine tu|i of tile builtlltig, at a height of nearly


*t"I "as a sensational attraction nlght-

' I' "* "

·oolde of the bntldlng.

cIs!k'"'' ··"h'tny Ueynolda, annilier sensation,


'""*hle of Hie hiilliling and doing

hisd' fr ' t"'''® anil chair act Inalde; Verno,

'h'lt'if a g(v,Hl escape turn while

fr^ .1*^

*'*" Tt'fL !  roiisiderable height

,,i|i ''f srmury (liwir. The Three Petemons

Ps»« i'"l ·t*'h the John itohlnson Shows at ·Inal's t ' ·''f*' 'hi. -'mis Peterson doing her ··"We Just to nil In the week here.

svsrVil*'',''*''* night of the Fair snd Batsar bad

Aoievic. "*

In sttendsni'e, snd Post No. 7

the .1, " ··*'*''"> Is ··ongrstiilaling Itself ui>on · J* t'l'iMi of Ihp rntrrprlA^.


·t'ToriiiB a ItilllMiard re(treaeota-

e will promote a large affair at Trento*

4-Piece Rogers Silver Plated Tea ^t. Plain or satin finish.
Sheffield Silver Plated Fruit Bowl, gold lined.
We cam' a complete line of Silverware for ConccaBionaircs, Premium Users, Salesboard Operators, Etc.
25% deposit required on all C. O. D. ordera-
'f 1472-1480 Broadway, NEW YORK.

S of all kinds wanted for immediate engagement for World's Museum, s

5 Eleventh and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Living Curiosities S

S and first-class working Platform Acts of every description. Ideal S

E engagement in finest quarters ever occupied by a Museum.


I Address NORMAN JEFFERIES, Real Estite Trust Bldf.,



nEW.tRK of IMITATOKS Ost the "ORTOINAI." ITIKNCH ART EMBROIDERY NEEDLE. None like H on the market Alt nickel plated igivri It tlie flash). It's sharp (uorks on flneat material). It's flat (no tiring ths hands). Easy to thread (no wire used). -All custom.'ra satisfied. Making work a plrsaure. Agents are coining money. Sella Uka Imt cakes for $I 00. FREE--One Steel Adjuatehle Hoop given free with each gross of Needles. Gross lots, $20.00. Spedsl price an larger QuentlUeA Write quirk (or full Infomatlon. Sample Needle. SOc.
- FRENCH ART NuEcEoD.LEc CO, 106 West noth St.. New York.

Announces for 19fl Fair dates October 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Wo are open for eontracta with jsood. clean Carnival, Concession Men,
and also need one or two FVee Acts. COLUMBUS ROBERTS. Pres. 8. A. SPIVEY. Secy.-Trea*. S. G. SIMONS. Mgr.

Harry Otto writes: "Perhaps I am not s Juggler any more, as I am doing quite a bit of magic. Played Ctica, N. Y., recently. Just received fifty-two w-'eks. A I/>ew agent sent me a 1921 calendar.'*
Prom Orval Plrkey; "Thanks for the Inter eating department started. I'm a late arrival in the game, but for a kid battling all ab-ne am coming out o. k. Have made satiifactury arrangements with Mr. Mugivan and will l-e with John Robinson tbij season. Am using the old think box. Some of these days I will pro¬ duce a big one.'*
From Harry Helms: "Juggling and Jugglers la Indeed a. very pleasant suriirise. I consider it a long felt want and Just as important as the magician's column--in a class all by itaelf. I< will bring the Juggler into bis own. I am both a magician and a Juggler. Have been in ever.v branch of the show business since 1883. 1 am Indeed surprised at the list of Jugglers mentioned in the coinmn. Some I knew, some never even beard of. For this reason the col umn is a mighty good thing. It tells us who's who; brings os close together. Let the good work go on.**
From Joseph snd Frooka: "We are bnUding up a bigger and better act for next season and hope to play time which does not give over six or seven shows on Sunday, for when s Juggler does more than that be is laboring. Old Billyboy snre hits the right spot when the Jugglers' Column Is in it. M.ay all Jugglers see the light. A long life and the bMt of luck.**
Owley (formerly Owley and Randall) aaytt "I always said the Jugglers should have an organization. It is a grand Idea. Why not? It takes some one to start It. Keep it op! Good luck to a Jugglers* club. I have been out of the show business for alioiit five years but still keep tab on the show world.
Jim Colino writes; *'1 hate Jngglers! They are always throwing things, (ha ha). Jnat arrived from Australia and looking thru 'The BilliKiard waa greatly Interested in this oolman. .\m an Australian by birth. Over here to ray beat. Expect to be coming East any day from now.'*
Prom Ed Hanley: "I favor an organlMUon of Jugglers. Moat performers are good for only a few years. They they must have a new act or drop out of sight. Organized we could get up good, big, live acts.**
From 5?ld Kerdello: `'TTie ides of co-operation and exchange of ideas In the art of Juggling meets with. I dare say. the approbation of the entire Juggling fraternity.**
Let*8 get together. Send In suggestions. Do not hesitate. Bombard the columns with In teresting news. News is what keeps the world posted on whaCs doing. Don't keep the world in ignorance.
In a letter received fr<'m Hurry TI Lin.l. who started in the business of "catching things'' twenty-five years ago. he states th:it tho he baa retired from the business he still kecs In touch with the art thru the Jugglers' Column^ "I trust that I will see more of tlie .Iiigglers Column and If 1 can help in any wav h-t me know. My many years in the giime might enable me to offer an item" That s the stiirit, H. L. Let us hear from you again.
Rhows en tonr in 1874. arcordlnf to Ches. N. nsrrle, were Van Amberg. Ernst's Royal rollqeum. Rivera's Romau Circus. John H. Mn^ ray's, Barnum, Warner & Henderson, New York snd New Orleans (W. M. Cole's), .Rtevent * Begnns, Baird Howel * Co . Montgomery QuMB. Ths Eastern. Adam Forepsngh. A Roblason, >(cGlnley * Co.. G. G Grady. Hows's, John R.iblnson. Goldenbnrg's. B Chapin A (3o., Hsnillton's. Now York rirciis. G. F. Bailey A Co , Burr Hobins. J. A Gsrrlsh. The Great Inter¬ national (Cooper A Bailey). The Great Metro¬ politan. The Great Enroiesn. A. W Davis. Van Houghton's Illpiiodrcme and John Wllson's.

APRIL 23. 1921


(OoeuenadoatioBf to our New Tnrk OtBoai Rutaam RIdt.. 1493 Broadway.)

Perry Slevena of the Muntauk Theater, Brook¬ lyn, Mill Hgain take up hia aummer quarters at the hlllrixni of the Brighton I'tieater,
Chailee iKidt Koater, foimerly an akeut of burlewpie h:i. JiiKt · Ineed a auccexaful ^eBHon prouioiing pijhiielly for the "Oonuty ITiir" plctere and i< now laying off at Mt. ClemeuK, lliob., indiilgiiiK in hatha, gosalp and other form, of re. leatiun, including the atack of lettera that auait the "Kid" daily at the Gen. Del., P. 0.`

Far be It from ua to accu-.e the Il.tiUU bridtt of being a promoter of preas publicity, but the Indisputable fact remaina that her offer to wed for a Ttioii. and her engayetueut by J. J. Sbnhert to take part in the "Pasalug Shi>w" at the Winter Garden haa gut a fall out of every new.pnper in X. Y. C. and Wa are not Immime.

Jlmniin Murrl. Iihii little Of no time after cloaing wiili I'atieiaon Billie Watsou'a "Krauaneyer'a .tiley" Kho»', fur Jimmie aigned up aa the So-da.v ahead lee.king agent of ."Ikey and Ahey." a >eie-nighler playing thru NVw England Jinnnie will have the aa'i-tanre of two agents and tlie show will stay out all stunmer.


ironliniied from page 2h)

·t new membere? One Chorua Equity mem¬

ber joined a company in which there were

only two meinhera of the organixation in the

chorut. .after the had been with the com¬

pany three weeka the had it one hundred per

cent Equity.--DOROTHY BBY-AXT, Executive




Balpb Gervera, well-known advance man, Infonna The Billboard that he has signed contracta whereby Slgne Fateraon, famous Swed¬ ish dancer, will ap|>ear under bis personal management for the next five yeara. Miss Paterson la now being stirred in an elaborate Prolog which Gerters produced for Elmer J. hlcGovera and which ia being presented in cotijunction with McGovern's photoplay, "The Woman Cntamed."
Signe Paterson was formerly principal conrt dancer to the King of Sweden. She has ap¬ peared at "Ciro's" in Paris; at the New York Winter Garden; with Mitxi In "Pom-Pom;" with the Tohan Revue, and has been headlined over tbe Keith circuit.

New York, April 15.--Eleanor Fainter has been engaged b** the Bbuberts for the piima donna role in "Tlie l4ist Waltz" Miss Fainter was last seen in the "FTorodora" revival.
"Tbe Laat Waltz" went into rehearsal this week under the direction of Frank Smithson. It will open in Atlantic City the latter part Of this month and the Broadway showing is ·cbeduled for early in May.

New York, April 15.--The musical comedy which hai been made from Barrie's "Quality Street" will lie known as "Fboebe of Quality Street " The play will open out of town abortly and will bo biuugbt to New York soon thereafter. Among the newcomers in the cast are Mary McCoy, Marian Batista. Muriel Tindal and the children who apiieared In ·Tlorodora."
The Billboard has received from Rnealind Earle a letter in which abe allcgea that she and others have not been treated fair by Chtilcs n. Wilaon. manager of tbe "Mutt aod Jeff ' company now tonring the west.


New York, April 16.--The two weeka notlca


posted OB tbe Hippodrome call board

next Monday night. The big playhouse will

cioae for the season on Saturday, April *0.

Chicago. April 12.--"Tbe Beggar'a Opera" Pttnrced to tbe Sbabert4^entral Theater lait aiffbt for an indefinite stay, foiioxriiig a week's sagsgemeot in Toronto.



I'Al'A-MAMA, 7 inches hinh. Kverybotly loves PapttMama. Also PEASANT BOY AND GIUU SAKFO AND ItEl'.ECCA Statuette. Send $5.00 for complete assort¬ ment of 18 Novelty Dolls and Statuette.


326 Canal Street,

New York, N. Y.

Primo Light & MIg. Co.
3819 Olive St., ST. LOU IS, MO

complete *45 s»

^MANTLE © lAkTlIM^^-



L jy^

' Lr Grildkt Thit Won'! Wirp oi Shapt ^

Htavy Boiler Steel

*/· Lightl Steel I

I5k30 .$15.00


$ 0.00 ?Ox3a .

l6xJ4 . 10.00

I0.00l24x40 .

PRIMO JUMBO BURNERS hold tin- heat. Made of heavy Lrtxx ciMIr.ea pjckinc h> ciuK up. Can be rr,;uUlra ai kiw aa desired or aa high. Price.

Htavy Bolter Steel .121.00 .24.00
Do nut have aaheatoa

BANDMASTER PARK B. PRENTISS wants a few I'nlon Musicians to complete All-American Concert Band. Boys. Uiit is a rval show and the manaxctnrr.t tealIzra the fact that a good l and is juvt is evsentltl as any otlier (cstute, and there¬ fore hat given me an exclusive car. where we all sleep sin;l» and live just at good as the rest of tbe wurkitiKmen. I need one mure rood Clarinet, Trumbotie, Baritone and Violin to double any instrument except drums. Lone seison. wldch will be as pleaunt as you want u> make it. If you appreciate working for REGl'LAR FOLKS, Ottiev ruusinana pleave write, as there may Ic ra.-anclei later on. Muiiciani report April 27 100 W. BROADWAY. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILLINOIS.

Lee Brothers United Shows
Want a few more CONCESSIONS, Talkers and help in all departments. Also want CREWS for "WHIP," CARROUSELLE andSEAPLANESWINGS. Address LEE SCHAFER, Lee Brothers United Shows, week April 18 to 23, Fred¬ erick, Md; week April 25 to 30, York, Pa.
The West Virginia Industries Exposition
Shows and ronremUiiis, Camniprcul Displays, Sales Urmonabslions, Manufteturert* Ezlilblu, Mualcitns In nimpicte Band, Free Acts. Ciicus and Vaudevilla i'lople, Acroiiati, EiiulUhrlsta, ArrialtMs, Jugglers, Athirtes, GrotfMiue. Aquatic. Msgiclaii. Muilcal. Animal Act. Falimout, U'cat VlrgliUa. to follow, auxpicaa American Leclon. then Fltubiiish territory iraxon. Address
_^XPDSITIDN, 705 GaR Bulldia,. Clarksbur,. West Vlr,l.l..
The Mason City Home Comlnff Festival. August 2, 3 and 4. 1921, wants grant Concession to a flrst-claas Stock Company to give a show In the afternoon and evening of that week. A Carnival Company not desired.
Address THE SECRETARY, Mason City, Nebraska. --
Have own oostiimri. Can use ona Foslng Olrl. Stats salary wanted. Petty, wlra. 24 sSdran BLACKIE HARTMAN, ears BHta Braatar Bbawa, Sbistsak. Oklaasm.

Gu« Hill'a big "Matt and Jeff' comiian; under caovaa ojiened the aiimmer aeaaon Marrh at Ada, Teiaa, to tiirnaway buaincaa, ai'x>rding to reiMirta rereivvd frum Muna«i*r Jack Glinea. There are over 40 |>e<i|>le with tbo company, inrlodiog bund and unheatra. The company trarrla in Ita own private rar. "Cicero." It haa a OO-foot tent with two TO-foot middle plecea. Jack Tomer la lead-.- .,f the band and B. Ynnker in opheatra leader.
Among the membern of the company are the Three SilverUkea. Two Tnraera. la-wu Oairander, Hugh Smathera, Franklyn Ayera. Chief Hamblin, Mr. and Mra. Jack Lami>e and Oo. Beach, the latter featured aa Jeff. The tour ia under the direction of Jack Glinea. Tnai Ollnea ia aaaixtant manairer; Wilbur Crane, irenaurer; AI Lindley, agent, with two men ahead.
Boaton, April IS.--A. L Krlanger'a new niuHoal comedy, "Two Little Girls in Blue." wa. presented for llie flraf time la.t night at the Colonial Theater before a crowded huoae. The book ia by I'led Ju'-kKon, tlie nina.-- I«y l -itil lamnln and Vin. ent Yutitnan and the lyrics hr .\rthur Francla. The ca«t ia beaded by O-car Shaw, Olln Howland. Fred Stanley, the Fairbanka Twlna and Virginia Farle. The -cenea ail take place on an teean liner. The eoroedy will go direct to one of Mt. ErlairJerS New York th.utera for a run.
New York, April 1.*.--Kebeanaie of the forthcoming "Follies of IH.'l" will atart on May 1, under the direction of Kdward Royco. Ziegfeld kuys tliut be veil! t'lek hit lieautiet thia year from girla who have never been on tha attge before and that only thane with natural complexions will do. He alto atatet that he will lianiah chorut men from tbe tkow thit year and uae girla aa aubatltutes.
To Revive "Belle of New York"
New York, April IS.--The Shnberta htra confirmed the rei>ort printed in the laat iasM of The Billboard of their intention to reviva "The Bella of New York." No annotrecement ia forthcoming aa to tbe caat but Gostava Kerker, tha rompoaer of the piece, bat been engaged to take charge of tbe mooic.
Harry Bodges, company manager of "Tbs Beauty Tmat,*> waa taken to tbe general hoapital in Cincinnati. April IS. to undergo an operation for stomach tronhle. He was stricken laat weak when the show was in Cleveland, and rushed to Cincinnati. Mr. Hedges for several years managed tbe Olym¬ pic Theater in the Queen City.
New York, April 15.--The Shuberta annonneed this week that notwilhatanding the sratement of II. H. Ftaxee that he had leased the I.yrie Theater here from the de Koven estate, they will remain In ixisseaaloo of tha bouse till 1925.
Chicago, April 13--H. R. Ray, of the Reuben Ray "A Night , at the Clri ua * com¬ pany, hat written The Rillboard that aorao peracin stole a valuable female monkey from the company, in Edenburg, HI., recently. Mr. Ray offers a reward for the relnm of the animal.
New York. April 15. --Vivienne Segal haa leplaced Juliette Day In ''The Dangeroua Maid." tha new musical comedy by Charles Bell and George Gershwin. The piece Is iilaytng out of town and lomet to New York shortly.
ERLANGER'S NEW SHOW SCORES ·-nv.trx o latw onvvv vxwvr.
^^wo Ml.le Girl, in
Blue," the latest Erlanger muaical production, opened In Boston last Tuesday and from reirorta which reach here, waa a big hit. After tha Boston run the piece will be brought here.
New York, April 16.--Harry Coleman has taken Harry Sbort't place In the caat of "Ifa tJp To You." Short left last week and Ooleman ttepped Into the phew on a few honra notice. Ha rinsed recently with "Kissing Time."
nara yon looked thru the Icettcr I4at la this latusT Tbsro may bo a Isttar adrsrtisedJtayoa. 1

APRIL 23, 1921

burlesque reviews

at the Manabattan Opera nonse, be remarked:

(Coollntiea from page 28)
> imicliing and applauding tb«lr work nlly Mild rollfCtIvvIy thruout. Comlct im) aul Hart ro-<n»erated In tlioir rfTorts
till- aiidU-nre like their comedy, and very upoarent that they aucceeded. An i| Uncliing allow that went over well.


"Lfw Ki'll.v'* Show" will likely pIoh# tho

CtiiBO till*

'he khow being booki-H for

tl,e weeV of Mrv 2. Tlie Nnt Cluh it arrmngIt; a meo'lnK for that week, at I^w Is an

egthn<ia>'l` boo ter for the organltatlno aad a Ilfelorg ·''1'' '
)faf raliloell anil Virginia VaT^tte. welL

kaoirn burl, qiie folk, were In the city last

wffi Tl«li!ng their frienils and relatlvea. Thi#

n fbe home town of fhla popular duo.

Met Sam Howard, aerompanted by hit wife.

proff*«lopsllv known aa T.lliian Norwood. Sam

ftpor" a mo«f rnlovahie aeaaon with few

COOK HOUSE--One that can be termed a first-class Restaurant. If you have something to eat, know how to jirepare it and then know how to serve It, we will let you in at a right pnee.
GENERAL AGENT--One who can ``sit in" fast company and feel at home. If you have never handled a show over Big Time Territory and can't play the game all the way through as a success, don't answer.
SECOND MAN--Prefer a j'oung fellow between 25 and 35 years of age. Must be keen to take advantage of every legitimate and honorable means to advance the Show. Should have some knowledge of adver¬ tising, meeting and addressing committees, closing team contracts, lot conditions, etc. Above all else, must be thoroughly honest and furnish best of references to that effect.
RIDE MEN, Working Foreman and fully experienced Help on Whip. Carouselle, Big Eli and Aeroplane Swings. Name your salary in first letter or come on. All Rides load on specially built wagons. Can use staff on the road NOW. Can use Ride Men in Winter Quarters NOW.
Everybody address

··That reminds me of my daughter, Ethel, when she was with Arthur Pearson's 'Step Lively OIrla,' She received a letter from me in which I enclosed my route, and for the lay¬ offs in Arizona I wrote 'travel,' and. strange to say, she addressed a reply to Travel. Ariz., and, stranger to say. It was forwarded by a wise postmaster to a town in which we were hooked."
Bert McKenzie, the Juvenlllstle publicity pro¬ moter of ``Kara," the classic dancer, la highly elated at the success or David Griffith's four¬ teen ``Way Down East" pictures that Bert Is generally managing in various sections of the country. Verily, Bert is a live-wire artist.
That I. B. Tlamp. who Is producing shows for Stronse 4 Franklyn. likewise being featured with Wifey Shirley Mallette, the smiling souhret In "Round the Town," Is fully deter¬ mined to give burlesque patrons something original next season Is fully demonstrated by the fact that he has engaged Griff Gordon to sTiare neither time nor labor on a new book, and Griff communicates that he is getting out the best ever.

rkinite' I" 'he e*"' "f ''Jollltlea of ItlJO." Helm Tiirr. the atatueaque beauty with Sam
Howe's ali"W, wf> weleomed to Pbllly and Itven an enlhtislasile reception by the bl» JtmiiliT matiri-e audience.

Due to his many activities that do not war¬ rant loss of time in commuting on railroads. James E. Cooper has given up Iiis residimce in Yonkers for one on Riverside Drive, New York City.

Pat White was at the Bijou with hit big ·bow and d d an exeelient biialneaa.
Htrrr Spillman ts receiving the eongratulltlons of h!- friends over the very handaome tad oric'eal seon'e actllng that ho produced It li«t week's meeting of LnT.a Shrine at the Hetroi'oiifan.
Met Sam T ewis. manager of the People's Ibesier. the o'her day and he tella me he Is takinc a well d.'served rest after the atrennons tetlvltlea of the teasoo Just cloned.--J. S. BAtGITMAK.
Hew York. .April H --A commnnleatlon from JlBBle Morris states that the Gotham Amnse-

Merry-Go-Round to join May first. Also any good Bally or Platform Shows. Want good talkers, musicians, second man and promoter, side show acts of all kinds. Address Manager, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, until May first.

Tom ITcward and .Toe Rose, the comics at R P. Kahn's Enion Square, New York, will have the use of house and company for a benefit performance Thursday night, April 28. Tom makes his exit May 28, for a week's visit to his home folks in Phllly and Balti¬ more. thence a bungalow rest at Fair Haven until rehearsals for the Harry Hastings show that will feature Howard on the Columbia Cir-ult. Joe will remain at Kahn's nntil Au¬ gust, when he exits to take his position with 1. H. Herk in the Colnmhia Theater Building.
Fri'd Folletf, house manager of the Empire Theater. Newark, N J.. pi.aylng Columbia Cir¬ cuit attractions, was a recent visitor to Colnm bia Corner, and, from his personal appearance. TYed has had a prosperous season.

fflt Company will pre-ent *'Ikey and Abey** with a cast, Tir r Richard C. Maddox, who

Frank X. Silk has been signed np by James E. Cooper to work opposite Frankie Hunter

wrote the book and tvrioa; Roth Hersh. leading

next season In Cooper's new show, the ``Big

ladv; Mildred Gondfellrtw, Ingenne: DI»glo|i

Jamboree." on the Columbia Circuit.

Cilre, prima dotma: Ben KT"nnert and Eddio

WIil'am K. Wells, the author of books and

Hbtl. comedians; Kerr and Davenport; SM

producer of James E. Cooper's attractions. Is

Platt, character man. and Bert Oates. Jnvenlle

taking a mnoh-needed rest at Jack Cooper's

DW Maddox has written aeveril new song*.

Health Farm, Stamford, Conn.

The teenerr, costnmes, ete., are all new, auH
there are twenty stylea of pictorial printing fw hnilag.

SHOWS--Want two or three more clean, attractive Shows. Lion Arena or Wild Animal Show, Monkey Speedway, Midgets, Fat People or any clean Show. Have swell outfit, complete, for Musical Comedy or

Harry TTarilngr verifle* the report that Baker nd Roger* are no longer on the Haatinga Atttictlou* pavroll. they having exited from the ·`Ranlc Panic" Company on the American Chrnlt at St. Panl. Sam Michaels t» doing the prttripsl comic, and a reference to our review ef the »how when It played the Olympic, New Turk, convince. n» that Mlrhaeta it now where W .honld have been in the early part of the trttoc.

Minstrel Show.

CONCESSIONS--A number of good ones still open, including Fruit, Chinese Baskets. Candy, Ham and Bacon and others, WHEELS SOLD EXCLUSIVE. Some good Grind Stores open also, including Clothes Bins, Cigarette Gallery. Devil's Bowling Alley, Hoop-La, Cane Rack, etc.
Want only one of a kind.

We open in Wooster, Ohio, and are booked solid for ten weeks under good auspices. Also some good Fairs booked.

TAGGART'S SHOWS, 305 Bealle Avenue,



Southern Illinois Amusement Company Is Formed
VYest Trankfort, HI., .April 14.--`A new en¬ terprise has been formed here known as the Sonthem Hlinols Amusement Company, which. It is announced, will build and operate a string of summer theaters thruout the coal belt of Illinois. TY. T. Holland of Marlon is presi¬ dent of the corporation; Harry Zwlck of this city Is first vice-president; E. C. T.ewis of Sesaer, secretary-treasurer, and James Amette.

Gn« Flaigg, formerly of B. F. Kahn'a Tnlon RAMte Stock, commnnlcatea that he ta now 'twi'ila- In Kansas aa manager of "Hlta and BCl'ic. of IPM." ooc of the Barbour Circuit ·Now*. With Gna Is IToc TVirman. formerly of the "nip, nip. Hooray Girl'"; (Tile Brlcmoot, forpicriT of Harry Haatlngf "Kewple Dolle"; llkcw ac iioTt Smith, another Klormcr btirt IcMpicr. Otts further states Barbour'a "Roby Darhv" Company playtvl to $0,500 at the Broadway Theater. T'llsa, Dk.
A Rc'hc.for ncw<papcr. In a review of James E C.mpcr's ··Beat Show in TPwn."

All kinds of Games equipped ready to run.
Most beautiful park In the world, costing over 2% million dollars, cover¬ ing 28 acres. Drawing big crowds Open April 30 to October 1. Long season. Apply GEO. BERNARD, 1985 Boston Road, New York.

general manager. The company Is planning to construct air-
domes In several cities in the "Egyptian" sec¬ tion of Illinois, and It is announced that leases have already been closed for Marion, West Frankfort, Murphysboro, Benton, Zelgler and Hesser. Tbe plan for these alrdomes is that half of the seating space Inside the Inclosnre will be filled with comfortable benches and In the rear half tables and chairs will he arranged where soft drinks will be served. The policy of the houses will be moving pictnres and vaude¬ ville.

·wards the honors of Ita sacress to Comlc-InChlcf Frank Hunter and Souhret Gntslc White


Meyer Harrl. Is hnstly engaged In as.emhlirg

thrs^mn!:; sew, novel and unique electrical
Jean Bodlnl's new 'Tcek a Boo."

tm ahow at »hc Columbia Tnc afer. Vow York.

Wrk Maddn·X. fcrnicrly of Strouse


Ijt't attrs' il'tis. la uow writing a fsr>'e-com-

«dy for tic Gotham .Amusement Company.

The Fight Sfpiig O.IJrla.. a foreign d.snclng ·W'atlon ha« ticen engaged thru the Wirih

Wnnienfehl Ct.·mpany. International agents, for tile Jcaiin r.cdlnl ahow for next seaann. It la

Sade-Finod that they have been handed a forty Weekf contract and that Bedlnt hat put up

*"*<1 of Pnnet to ihh

to cover their traveling ex'n'rr. They are due to ar-

the h this coiintry ahont midsummer.

Charlie Burnt announces that Boss Ben

liaiiti haa given him the Pnion Bqnarr Sto<-k

®*'»l'"ny, with acv al added attractlona. for

· beneflt performance the night of Thuraday,

-!. which may account for the apparent

4kntp«p«·tnnr lieysis«. mofr

Buster at the

when aeesi Olympic,




Joe I<Tnna and Johnny Kane, of D. <P. Rah"'·» Fnlon Square Stock Company, are tn"'titlng the '·'ss of mnch wnrdrolu* that waa »f'ed from their Eighth avenue fiirnUhed tint

· midnight worker.

we narmted ''Rrauaraeyer'a Alley** tn
N. T,, to Walter Vemoa, who la viayiiig "jigga" m ··Bringing Dp Fatkef*'



" ® · *9 -- R


Trcftr thi'se dmibllne^ .- . .

Pockvttiooka. I'almUtry, t'Uarrt bhootlns Uallcrv or any other Coiices^ous. No exclnslvcs. exanJ Coukboiisc. Ctii ubo oiif luofc Sbuw, Olathe, Kansas, week Apnl 18* lodspwdepce. Mo.,

'Elgin, HI.. April 14.--Elgin's beantlfnl new house, the Rialto, opened Monday night. "The Spirit of Mardl Oas," a musical revue with ten people, was the feature act. Other acts were Ward & Dooley In "What We Can Do," and Angel and Fuller In music and chatter Norma Talmadge In "The Passion Flower" was the film offering.
Prank Thielen and Wm. B. Newman .are tn.anagers in the bonse, and it Is their plan to present three good vandeville acts and a picture program at popular prices. The bouse seats 1..X.50 and has a stage large enough to play road shows.
Florence M. Ince, of 45 E. Genesee street. Anhum. X'. Y.. has written The 'muboard in an effort to locate her nnele and aunt. Mr. and 'M'rs. Hnbert Hnbert. or Wi'mot, from whom she has not heard for some time. When last hc.ird from the.v were appearing in vaudeville as trick cyclists, bucxry wheel riders and aerobats, and traveled under the name of the YorkHubert Trio, the third member of the being a consin of Miss Ince. .Anyone know¬ ing the whereabouts of these persons is re Quested to write Mias Ince. as above.


Tlie Billboard

APRIL 28, 1921

» Edited By

pie have paid admission to wUne*a th« aympa-


Misleading Advance Advertising

thetic story, which surely proves beyond ques¬

tion that the piiblie will patronize the good and Of Synchronization Demonstration at

clean In the cinema.

Palace Theater

More Harmful Than Films That Follow--Re¬ quires Censoring as Much as Pictures

So much hat been written about the unclean picture* that the advertising matter which exploit* tliem and is usually posted in coa BplcuoiiB place* preceding the showing of the picture hii* not b«'eii dealt with to tlie extent that It desertes. Mistepresentalioiis hy posters,

picture* min their chance* of winning patronage by the misleading a^rertlsment* -ent out to exploit their wares. I reosll a picture that was prevented from being shown In my home town because the advertising promise<I a plCto,ini display of "Homan lust," the advance

Then we have another type of picture, ``Tho Fonr norsemen of the Apocalypse," which dem¬ onstrates the marvelon* progress made in the silent drama. This picture is destined to lead the way for big and nnitsiial stories of a spec¬ tacular and sensational nature upon the s<-n-en.
We feel that the longevity of the r-ins of these pictures in New York City la eomplete proof that the ptildle desires human stories well played, and will s{>end It* money to pay the advance price* now prevailing in the thea¬ ters mentioned.

The Billboard representative accepted an lavitatioD to witness a private demonstratioo at the Palace Theater, New York, of the newest solentiOc methods related to motion pictures, la which music synchronlros with the action of the rharaciers on the screen Long ago cnid* aitempta were made at talking pictures with people in bark of the screen attempting to re¬ cite the words supi>usrd to lie spoken hy tb* chsracler* In the picture. The imperfections were so gioesly apparent tbst this method was relegated to the discard long ago
l4irge autna of niuney have been spent in yt-srs passed In an effort to perfect photngrapl ic

card* and flaming liilllx.ard Iitliegraphed bills thruout the city have wantonly iiiisiead the public. In many iastanees the Iwillliuitly col¬ ored and sensationally designed ix.stoi* has little or nothing in contiiion with tite picture

notices and other advertising matter* giving the Impression of a ``shocker.*' with sox as the main appeal. This picture lost out on It* own m:srepre>entation. The xoal of the ad¬ vertiser." Mayor Liinn continued, "should al

Cast With Colorsd People
There it no race whose natural humor la so s|Hiot.ineoii* a* the colored race. They are born comtdians In looks, action and Instinct,

synchronization, hut with very poor suoos Tlie latest meihixl shown to ut depicts a man and wointn se.ii,'d and standing before a i>iaD-i singtnt .and playing the instrnment. From the darkened ren «·<* of flie proscenium we heard

Itself, It Ir simply s decoy to attract llie unwaiy and s<'ns.;t,onal i laving yviith by a salacious iippoal. We note sn advertisement in a New York evening newspaper wliieh gives
vivid deserlpiion of a iirominenf pletiire nowshowing in New Yolk, The language of this

ways he ciirl>ed and regulated by truth, honest
and firm desire to co-operate with the gnat ptoliicera If they desire to hold the re*;iect. ms well as the patronage of the Amrrlean fam-

Their inelo.Iles are the sweetest In the world and their powers of mimicry register as perfectly on the screen at on the regnlsr stage,
bouie of the most fauioui artists have tieen recruited from the ranks of color»d p»rforni<r*.

human voice* blending with a fair degre.. of aceiiraey with the singing cbaracteri on the screen.
We may not l>e mnrb of a ludge In (hit msttpr but It was constantly evident that tbo voices were to the left snd proved l-cyend a doubt

advertisement Is e-ionih to dlvgoRf the most

that tlie mechanical arrangement dtd not be¬

callous. Herein women--the mothers of men

long to th* pielnretj people. This promise*

--arc fpi'keii of as `·feiiialc aniinals." and latet a dastardly statement i- made that "womaia has DO greater protilem than this, to hold her mate." meaning that rour mother and my mother and all the other nio'hers of the world lived fof


further development and it seem* quit* prob¬ able that the time will come when synchroniza¬ tion will have reached a perfect state. Aa · supplement to moving pictures its commeiclzl value I* apparent to all

Dothlng more than to satisfy tlie sexual dcstrea of the lower aninials What a commentary on womanhood! What n deliasing idea, wliat a lildeouB, revolting thought to put into the minds of our growing boys r n,] girls! Surely auch ad¬ vertising matter deserves a generous dose of formaldehyde, to say nothing of Interference by the lawmakers of the State
At a titeo* ng of the .tssociaied Motion Pic¬ ture Advertisers held April 11 at the Cafe Potilevard, M.i.vor I.nnn of Scheneetady, 8[>oke feelingly ti;>on clean, ho.aest advertising as re¬ gards motion pictures. In part he said: "Many
Launches New Independent National Organization
The Billboard has received announcement of the Incorporation at Wilmington, I)el., of the

When any boy go** wrong, commits a petty offense or stetls, the motion picture* are Immedlst'ely blamed for his actiou*. As a matter of fact fli* screen h.i* actually helped to avert crime. In congested districts in all large rltle*. espe-'lally In the ten* ment districts, where people are huddled together and deplorable conditions exist, the greatest relief has come thru the medium of showing pictures In the nelghborho-vl then ters on Sundays. The people are then scattered, friction and quarrelsome natures find relief In watching the many scenes that flit before their eyes. They are taken mentally ont of thoir squalid environment, and vision far-off India, tbe South S<»ai. Italy, the Mediterranean and other vlewa of Induatrial scenea. Inspiring them to loftier purposes. IMctures are an Incentive, they excite ambition, courage, heroism. It la rarely that a boy watching motion pictures partakes of the evU side, the natural tendency being towaid the hero, to achieve, attain, climb upward.
It Is far better for boys to spend their time on Sunday in moving picture theater* than to quarrel and fight in back alleyway* or mingle with the rough element on the street. The growing mind It always receptive to good influence. Tbe motion picture has taken children out of harmful Influences and educated tliem thru the medium of the s reen. which siwass a universal language. In the Juvenile courts of our city I litre inlericgated learned Judges a* to the pr>per place for b-'T* on the Sabbath. Almost iinan'moi sly they have agreed that the m-dlon picture theaters have been a blearing rather than a harm to the boys of .VmoiUa. With our overflow and ever tncrcaalng poD.t'.ation In New York, It would prove a calamity to deprive the people of tbe recrea¬ tion and mental stimulns they derive in seeing pictures on Sundsy.
Ke>r the youth of America we make the plew that these place* of amusement be kept
open on Sunday.

Maude Adams, To Make Colored Filme
Maude Adams, for many year* the grestBSt favorlto on tlie American stage, has come out of her seclusion ne<-e*sltated hy a tong period of ill-bealih and bn* turned her abilities to experimenting with a nuw process of colored ph.iTograpliy in motion piclnre*.
.M the General Elei-tric Coniinny In Schenect¬ ady. .V. Y., Mis* .Xdarns Is busily engaged ID developing the t«-chnlral side of plrtores, partlc- · ularly at reganl* lighting effect*. She ha* not idcDtided her-rlf any company, bnt i* working on theories of her own. She expect* to pmduoc a picture which she herself has writ¬ ten. entitled ".\laddln." Wiien matters have progressed further an armory building In tbe Bronx will hotite her acting company.
We ran think of nothing finer than seelcii Miiide Ad.ims in her gi*-at sncceso, "Th*

F. B. Warron Conioration. s motion picture

L,ittle Minister," photographed in color*, which

Bales and dtstrlbntlng organization which will

would ;iei|>ein*te her work on the dramatic

Operate branch exchanges in the twenty or more motion picture distributing centers of the Industry.
Formation of this new o-gantzaflon brings around F. B W,.r>-en, pnweifni prcliper. and financial aOillstions of men ranking at tiie fop Id motion picture production and men of large Interests in the business and industrial life
of the Fnlted Ftates.
Director and produv-er connections Insure an annual output of thirty or more liig proilnctioDS having been and being made, assuring the release of a itowerful iirodu.-tion each week beginning Sunday, S-pteicber 4. Ib21.
Complete distribution will be maintained thru brarcli offices in the Dominion of Canada thru P, B. Warren,, a Canadian corporation, and offices tn Europe will be maint.-iinej in London, Paris. Berlin and Milan. F. H. War¬ ren is president and general manager of the new company. Dwikht S. Perrin, recently resigned from the Associatca Prodiiceis, will
be vice-president of the new corporation.

During these turbulent days of harmful and unclean pictures, which have brought a dissent¬ ing <Ty from the guardians of public morals, it is with iileasiire tliat we cote the cuntiniion* tiin of certain pictures which refute the asser¬ tion that the p-Jblic are the ones who demand unsavory sex stories on the screen. Tlie hig special screen dramas new running in New York we liavc placed on nn honor list in this depart¬ ment. The fact that "Over tbe 11111" has given four hundred eontiniioiis performanies is the highest reeommend for the clean, simpde story which will live so long as the human heart revere* motherhood and respects the de<enrii-8 of life. This picture is also lielug shown In legitimate theaters at regular Ihea-
'"f P*'*'*'* *''> 'he road in the following eities; Washington. D C.. Shuberl Garrlc'a Theater; Ha'timore. Md , Lyceum Thfiiter; Now Haven. Conn , Sam S. Shuhert Tl.oat- r. and other com[itetely equipped comt>anie* util.zing the «erv-
lies of advauee men. press men and other as-

We recall the admirable work of .Vda Overton stage and leave l>*hlnd a visible moment© of

Wulker in the vaudeville held; her verBatile Oils great actress whose name is beloved Id

liiisliaiid. Geo. Walker, and today we still laugb every hnnsrbold in .\merica.

at the well of humor supplied by tbe ever We can but hope that slie will appear before

fiiniir iiert Williums. Others working for big the camera personally, tho at the pix-scnt r

tK-rcen conipaiiio* at piesent are Noble John- ment she appears to be Intereafed only la th*

son, Snu-my Morriaon. Wesley jeukius. Mrs. producing end.

Minos, Edgar Tatum Many have appeared in 'I'Oder Cii:i'son l^kic*." "Intolerance" and


short comedy snldects.


The ir«<d Droducing Coptny, Bohert T>evy, To Present Films--Will Be Shown at

president. la now showing "Fjiort of tbe God*,"

Matinees Only

by I'an! Lawrence Dunbar. The caat is mad*


op of at least thirty colored men and women. There la a peralstent rumor that motion

`he. prlnelpals being Lawrence Chenault, Dick pictures are to lie presented In the Paris Opera

-4hral.ams, I.ueille Harper Brown. Haiti* st matinees only, tor the purp®** of popularla-

* liristian, Ed-.vard Brown and Loon WllllHms.

di,, (-ompany's repertoire, as well a* helping

foeord the succem of tiiese to Increase the revenue necesaary to meet the

Inimltsble artists woose Sense of the comical expenses of the famous theater. M. Kocho. the

brlngs {deasure to the world.

director, has met with a storm of protest*


hut he declares that these picture* will he film versions of the operas presented by th*

AROUSES CRITICISM company. He ha* elected to call these show¬

ing* "fire o'clock*," snd the screen showing

The Big Street is buzzing with comments will be supplemented by musleal srrangemeaL regarding the a* il'm of Lord Beaverlirook of with at least part of the large orchestra plajlnj

A big tempest is brewing in Paris over the exp-?e1ed showing of tieraldme Farrar's picture of the sainted Maid of tlrlears The "Pettit Bleu" veliom-'nllv atla< ks tl.e star as being ·trongly pro-Gemma. It Is rlalmed that during the war M ss I'srrur openlv expressed her sym¬ pathies for the Hohenzollems. France has not forgotten.
Cecil De M-Ile pro-luced ".I ixn, tho Woman.'· founded on the career of "Jenne d'.Vre," storrlng Miss Farrar. She alw appeared in till* country in the screen version of "Carmen " Tbe PVeneh and Belginm rights of "Jeanne fi'Are" have been leased to Francois Matin of
Paris, but Its reception la those countrie* has not been reported oo over here.

sistants will shortly he sent on t<-ur ` Way Down Fast" seems predestined to out-
live the populnrlty of the stage play, for the 44th Street Theater Is still crowded after a VheiioDienal run of 4 41 performances given at tliis house. This is another story of simplicity III d lionie life. Fifteen different companies are touring nil sections of Amerlea, many cities inrld iig tile picture orMp for weeks, playing ti> r. iiird business. Such Is the case In Chicago, roston. Philadelphia, Pittsluirg. Cleveland, .-lan Francisco, Los Angeles, St. Lmis, Toronto, Providence, Brooklyn, Baltimore, Washington
and Cincinnati, and Buffalo and IVtroit are next scheduU-d. In the six months* durst! of d,c ufe of jjjjg picture over five million p«o

London, whose aetion against showing Ainerl- for these occasions.

can films In lomdim has come as a surprise to the industry here. Many wise one* do not


he.-olatn to s.ay that Beaverbrook Is not the moultipiere of the English film Industry. This gentleman owns a number of English news-

Of Vaudeville and Motion Picture*

imptr* ar.d Is associated with niimenn* Hrlflnh Tlie Peerless Booking Company has formed

film concerts beslles. He has Issue,| ordeis to plans whereby the Keith Allied Circuit* will ciie el .Vuieri,:iii ni.ide pictures over his circuit siipplv first inn pictures In most of the Im-

of theaters *i,d inslnnates that every Icmdon portsnt rltle* thmout this country snd Csnad*.

prc'iicer may do likewise. Ills actliMis apiieir George B. Trilling, · nephew of B. 8. Moss

exce.sliiigly nysterlou* to the trade In this of the Keith Interest*. Is the head of the new

Country Sjie.-klng to a number of pro-lDcera orgsnizstloa. Path* 1* expected to release all on Broadway we found them qneatloiilng the pictures thru Its exchange*. It I* stated that advisability of Beaverbrook'* action. Tliere must the Keith Interests will feature motion pie

ulterior motive which has not come tore pmiliicts of the five-reel variety tn all

to light.

tlielr house*, tbo*« on Broadway Incloded.

APRIL 23, 1921

Piii'llla De*n will Hhorlly aptx-sr on nrosdsi-y in her latest picture "Heputatlon.''

WorM'a Largest Exclusive Anusemeot Ticket PUnt

Twenty-Five Years Experience At Your Service

At Stanley Theater--Great Achieve ment for President Mastbaum

I'miinnt little Gladys Walton lias left the hiwpital when* she hid been a patient the last four weeks. She hn* lt"ne to California to leKln work on her next picture.
1 airiee Joy has contr.icted to appear in an original atory by Govemeur .Mnrria tentatively siilltled ·'The Ace of Hcarta."
 lllllott Ilexter ia at present en route York via the I'anama Canal. Hr ex¬ stop 1 few diys at Havana.
It.auilfiil -Vgnes .Vyres played the feminine I.M.: .'I'liosite Wallace Ilei<| In hia next re¬ lease.
.til cx rolliea beauty, Betty Franelico, ri>: last week for an important part in t, Moment.**


Many ningnlflcent str'ictures iwive been erected of late for housing motion plctnrea, but the opening of the New jftanley can he voted the most impressive of them all. The beauty of design, harmony in color scheme, exquisite furnisliines, architecture and varions innova¬ tions liiive made this commodious house the talk of the film industry The mural decorations < over a wide perioil of time emi'raeing many historical subjects. They have been selected with perfect taste and. harniopize with the in¬ herent beauty, of the magnificent interior. The walls are covered with t.npestry. wlilie rich carpets. luxurious lounging rooms and ever.v modern comfort for the visitor has been pro¬ vided. The Stanley is indeed a monument of which the home company can justly feel proud.

I>id you hear what had happened to ·'Dong'* Pairtianks? Why, |io has been elected an bonorsrr iiieniher of the "Nut Club." We do not


know wtielber It Is Braxllian or hnkory, but

judging from liia albletic stunts we sre sure It

IS not a aof' sbelled ^Iniond.

torea (iHohiued with sulisidiary programs of


musical accompaniment Iwfittiiig the high-i lass

llnf splerdi.l cliaracier actor, TuIIy Maratull, inailtution.

N-tievis he is hia own boas, but "the Mlatua'*

rp to the time of the inception of jhis thea-

It (lirvi ting Mm while directing `'Tb* I.ytng ter moving pl. iut. s were rouKidervd cheap Tr.Mi · See what a man gets for marrying entertainment, sulialde only for the less in-

a buslnost woman.

telie. tiul, l.ot M<>e .tur't and the late Mitchel

Sweet, diinty Helen Pollock, looking vastly improvcl in health, paid The Billboard a sur¬ prise dll which waa greatly welconie<I. MIsa Pollock has Just returned from a lengthy tour of Europe with her parenla. having vislt.'d ."iicIlT, .Xtgeri-j. Ecyp*. Italy, Monte Carlo. Paris ind l.ondon In "i.Ile of this she a.iys that I'.'e "Pig Street" looks good to her.

U. Mark, both alert sliowmen with more initiative than tluir tootem|g>mrlea. jdaerd tlielr faith in the silent dianix. They pm miilgaied a whereby lovers of music might find the art of motion pictures happily blended with the liest musical selei lions. We might say that they were the pioneers in plarliig the m'dlon picture draica in the niche the In dettry so richly deserves.

Mary MacL.aroD. we aie glad to letra. bat returned to t|ie serccn. She bat signed to appeir as the .pieen In the "Three Musketeers."

CenseqiienllT the artistic foundation ro tOTii gly started by Messrs Mit< he] and .Moe M.xrk baa liccome universally famous. Their methods have tuen folltwed by thousands of

Jeeeph Kilgour, splendi.l charifter actor of the millionaire villain type, has contracted to ipi>ear with B.'tty Compaon in her fortbeomiBg reteaae.

motion picture t.lealera fhrtiout the country. Joseph L. riunketf. a man of unusual ability,
pctweaslng an Innate love for the progression of motion pictures, holds the reins of general manager at the Sftrand Theater. His belief

know him?--in thit only the best In music and In pictures

islcal comedy, should be prevented to the pcbllc dominates the

Wllh years of poll.»y of the Strand.

lorman tells us The Billboard congratulates the owners on 11 the near fu- this seventh anniversary an.] expresses tha

wish that many more birthdays may ..'me to

the bouse beautiful.

ouslncs formed


ras having Its


rhelher it was

{Several well-known authors and playwrights

··me to ace or have made their first personal screen appearance

e of the many jn

··sU-itar** film entitled "The Non-ltenae

itorlom looke-l

Censorship.*' which has been made for the

luse on a big .N.tioaal Association cf the Motion Picture In-

·h with Ralph dustry. and la now being shown in photopla.v

by the ladles, theaters of States where censorship agitation

rllmpso also of has been aroused by the prof.sslonal reformers.

g In the lobby Dooglaa Kalrt'anks ii the onir regular screen

We heard that Mary Plckford worked on her hirtlalay. Moat women neglect to mention such a day.

kept away from the showing of new proiluctions, wiilch. in its way. might seem to be a compliment to the aJdlity of tlie writer, l>ut it prevents the exhibitor from receiving an honest opinion 0:1 the merits of the picture shown.
We have great faith in the prodmers of this rountry. We believe that they honestly intend to put forth only the finest, and it is our aim and desire to help them to the best of our ability by telling the slmpie, unvarnished truth, We do not clsim to be infallible In our judgement--no one is--but at least we are sincere in our pnrjHise to assist and encourage with our judgeuicut and our experience,
The ditficnity about the general run of reviews is the lack of sincerity of intimate knowledge shown by youthful and Incapable reviewers whose Oippant remarks and iudilferent attitude to the worth of a picture is frequently nbled in the projection rooms,
When a man puts forth his best endeavor. spends his money generously In an effort to produce aometbing worth while, he deserves all
encouragement that an honest criticisiu can Ifive. Even In the worst of pictures there must
some one thing that is worthy of eonjmenda'Ion. We know that there are many atrocl-
pictures on the market, but in tins article wc refer especially to high-grade prodnetiona on Broadway, which merit unstinted prt>i!*e for the lavisbness of their production and
loving care l^xiowed upon tlielr mtnufacture. ,V pert would be critic looks In. then .lashes off a few meaningless lines without a particle of appreciation of the endless toil vvhich the making of a genuinely meritorious P'v'u'-o entails. .<uch ctireless writing is not <*rlticls!u: Again, we come across the most l»"<lalory reviews which mean little but a multiplicall.'n of superlatives. The cxjiibitnr Is entitled to the truth He is miles away from Pr..adwsy. anl if he can rely upon one frnth-
criticism it must bo of inestimable help in ·electing hU program.
The BilIl>oar,l aims to give this service. It has d.'ne so in the past; it will continue to do io In the future.

Alaska as It is and Not aa it is Represente<l." will be the title, of .1 Iravehig now lieing made of the Far North .'onnlry Iiy W. i5. Sloeser. under the auspices of the Seattle Pest-Intelti gencer newspaiier. By means of this travelog Mr. iftoeser liopes to do much toward driving away the false liiirr"Ssions about Alaska which have been circulated thrnoiit the country--the idea that It ia an ice-bound territory whose principal industries are the dance halls anil "wild West" s.itoons.


Marion Fairfax, popular s.-enarloist has made arrangements whereby she will become bead of her own pn-Hliicing unit. Productions will b" mad| at Hollywood. Hugh McCInng will acr ss co-director to Miss Fairfax. Rene Gulssart will h III.Ilf the l aiiiera. .assisted ov Tom Held and our genial Pete Shilih, so long missed from Broadway, will have charge of the publieily campaign.

Albert E. Smith, president of the Vitagraph Company of America, purchased one of the best known ranches in San Diego the past week, known as the d-S cattle ranch, near Del Mar. He coniempiates building one of the finest country homes in i^uiheni California.

In the list of long runs in the issue of .\pril

IS a typographical error credited "Sentimental

Tommy." with a run of 401 times. This sli.uil.l

have b.'en tilaced m'xt to "liver the Hill." wid

"Sentimental Tommy." running



New York, .\prtl 12.--This afteinoon ?. I.. Rolhapfel played host to sixty-two war veterans now under the care of the Federal B.iard of Vo¬ cational training. A fine comedy bill waa pro¬ vided for their entertainment at the Cspitol Theater.

Ann Forrest will piny the lead 'n the r. I'bnilps Oppenheim latest screen story, directed by George Melford.

It la seven years since the Strand Tbealer. New York, was opened to the public. Since then this beautiful photoplay house has mainlilned a sui>erlor form of entertainment geaeroijoly patronir.ed by Ibe better elias of thea tergners. Tho owners. The Mitchel H. Mark Reilfy Company, dedicated the edifice to the artlatlc presentation of high-grade motion pic



-ft. .

^ Eastern Prniiavivtnia. with

£^_*esta. Two Simplex Machines, wortli ll.Soono

Hectrlc Piano, motor driven. A money maker Owner


another State, and will sell

JJf 11.000 00. 11.500.00 down, balance e«s- terms

t n. STEWART. 602 National City BulUi ig Cleve-

lAnat flixlea



The Billliosid acknowle.lges from Mr. (Jraiidin

xlMstuian of W.ishinglon. I> C , a communi¬

cation annouiu'iug llie foiniation of the Fa-

mons Stars I'iciiire Cori>or-»tlun. This Is not

a sto. k iiro)H>silion. but it sound, concrete busi¬

ness organiraiion prislii.iiig high class one-reel

o'mvdies und educational films The headquar¬

ters will he located in Washington, D. C., with

·-xecntlve offices in New York.



For Broadway Showing

Sr Generating Sets
fill the Mil. .'life. EoonomlctL FoolProof. I's* Ksaollne or chesp disttllste. Send for Bulletin No. SO. ,, UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. Osliksth, Wit.
No experlencs needed. Profeswsional Machine and Complets ' Outfits sold on Easy Piymenta. Openlnga everywhere. Start NOW.

Oeat. 700. SJ7 8. Dearborn St.
LEIGH WHIPPER, Charattirs.
I|i W, Mitt SL. N. Y, City. Pbon*. Audaboa St


Ttie Billboard

APRIL 23, 1921

The Billboard Reviewing Service


whltli they had always longed to own. -Ifter sweet and appealing and that is a great deal loved by men and women alike, which la the

reading :i Issik enli'le.l `In the Itisimp'-. Car- nowadays.

highest aitrlhute applied to a lereen star.

story, *r<>Diri> aDJ production by I.oia Wel»-r, Miige,** Ihi'se Iw.# sm lety eiimks h:iil


Lee Scliumwii.v pl.a.ved the kindly-hearted

Itockcliffe Felhiwea enacted the dual role

tlvc iccla. Paramount picturf.

Is'lieve that the mily way to live is hunestl.v. hero, and (leriride tHiiislead made a pretty with a cerlulii for<-e that Implied HE WOFLD

Tins is the tiiought which permeuies the entire r^aily. We may hear nioie of this young lady in thiNQI'ER Tins IIArciiTY IIEAI'TT, but be

Reticwed by MARION RrS^EQ,

fllm. There are no urn'erwoiId scenes shown, the future for her screen acting Is worthy of was at all times the manly hero.

no brutal faces or examples of crime. Only a comment. \ telling hit was contributed by

To the liettor class of trade thia picture will

A lukewarin mushy story which fails of its purpose to entertain. We have al> ways believed in the ability of Lois Weber but we are at loss to understand her selec¬ tion of such an ordinary subject. At a nelcbborhood theater the audience giRRled and laughed Intermittently at the hysterical emotions of the heroine.

light hearted aprierinlion of the bniiioroiis is nppeimost in Peter's mind, thus the isliiini of a crook story is reliev-d and the puldii ha> t.o Isnefit of a terse, cleverly in tisl comedy dr.iTii.i.
\ numher of the settings were inter.ors if a magiiitiient ninnsion and some very < !*S'.v gowns were worn l..v llie society woiiien.
Norii.un Kerry was a suave polislied lierc who bandied the bowildeilng twists of the story

an actor, name not mentioned, in the role of the country judge. lie gave just the right l.Hiches to the siimll part.
r.NTEItTAINMENT VAL1E X'ways pleasing.
A Paramount picture starring Ethel Clayton.

undetiialdy apjieal and spread aatUfaction among the patront.
Camera work, directl-jn and lighting weye r-n a par with the merits of the picture.
Sl'ITABILITT First-clast theaters.

ill an easy manner. The ingenuity by wbich


TUF. flllTlCAL X-ltAY

the situations twirled beck and forth const!

Reviewed bv M.MtI'I.N RCSSELI.

An ariKtocrsiir dHiiKlitcr of a wealthy man luted llie biggest asset of the picture. Miss

Story by Kathleen Norris, camera. work b.t

bis wearied of the polished men in her set anil goes West with her father to a ranch where rough cowlioys are aplenty. She adores tiie uneoutb type if clothed In s flannel shirt and a wide sombrero. Tho his table manners offetid ahe marries bim beiiering in his hon eaty. In the lieginning of their married life dally csaorittion reforms the man, and the diamond in the rough blossoms Into a gentle man of the drawing roem. This transformation

Keefe as the maid also sustained the speed which carried the picture to success.
fJeorge l>. linker ha.-, gripped his siibje.t tigliter and given us a n-ore eoiivincing produc tion than he did in a pievioiis offering.
SCITARllITY clientele will appreciate this pictur*.

We might call this a modern Samion and Delilah story. Our charming star hai one of the best roles of her career. She convevs all the piquant audacity necetiary to make Helen Barston a likable creature. Rockcliffe Fellowet is just the right con¬ trast and dominates with hit masculine superlarity.

William Wagner, directed by William P. S. Earle, atarring Elaine Hammersteln, Selznlck-Select, shown at Broad¬ way Theater, April 3.
Reviewed by MARION RrSSELL
Not a strong story but intelligently pre¬ sented and finely played.

does not please the wife and she drags him bark again to the simple life and their primi tire method of living.
That is all there is to the story, which is too naive to interest a ml::ed audience. The action Itecoroes moiiitonous. Little interest is excited in the doings of the various rharacieis At no time la the story deeply interesting. The earners work of William C. Foster pre¬ sented some I'harBiing vistas of California mountains and ranch lands. The climax wat in sight long Itefore the picture was halt over.
Claire Windsor was the variable heroine. Louis Calhern, the hero, and that clever actor, Edwin jttevena. was one of the bright spots In the mediocre production.
WITABILITT Residential sections.

·Scenario !iy Ceurge Pyper, directed by Rec Eason, starring Reeves Ea.snn. Jr., five reels, fniveisal.
Reviewed by .MARION Rl Ss-ET.I,
A story that will appeal largely to juvenile patrons. Little Reeves Eason, Jr., is an as'onishing screen artist. He simply rides away with the acting honors.
THE I'RITU'.VL X-I{.\Y The simplicity of this story, its  elcuuliiiess and human appeal is its greatest .as.-eis. It

The unliapr-y wife of James Barston is not aware that a cousin beara tbe same name anil is In reality the rightful heir of Barston Manor. England. Finding papers on her dead hus¬ band's body she believes heraelf to be the rightful heiress of the big English estate. Once firmly estublislicd ns the lady of the big house ahe is astonished at the assertion of a man strongly resembling her husband who claims to be the legitimate belr to the property. Not wishing to give up her lUMirieo--so long denied--she defies him to dispivsseaa her, using the family motto, "What I have T bold." as a tantalizing challenge.
man, James Barston, at flrat treats her roughly, then is aniused at her feminine taetb-s. Thereafter it is a challenge of wits between

THF, CniTIC.AL X-RAV like all stories adapted from popular fiction this material d<H-n not lend itself to any strong dramatic situations. It lacks action but it possesses a logical motive and It !· af>out some thing tangible not submerged in vague insinuatinns like so many pictures of a like char¬ acter. It depicts the fidelity and devotion of a .voung Wife whose husband has suffered financial reverses and is also broken in health. She puts her shoulder to the wheel, takes in hoarders and eventually clears up some un pleasant misunderstanding* bringing happiness to them l)oth. There la < omedy relief to off set the sadness of the main idea and many laughs are afforded during the boarding bouse episode, IlumorouB are the cliarscters whose reverses hsve made them "has-beens'* and who



-e--e -e


come to board at the heroine's home, but waste theli time to squabble and steal each other's  reputations.
Miss Hammersteln can be ronsidere.i one of those reliable young start whote dignity, poise

stilly by Frank R Adams, directed by George

and confidence have long been aaserfed. She

n Raker, starring Norman Kerry and Zena

Consecutive Number of Performances Up to and Including April 17

can always be depended upon to give an in

Virginia Keefe. CosmoilHilitan produc¬ tion. Paramount picture, shown at Rivoli week of .^pril 10.
Reviewed by MARION RCS.^ELL
A compelling atory of rereneraticn show¬ ing the gradual matamorpbosia of a former croek.

Way Down Kast (Grirtilh).44th Street . 435

Four Horsemen of the .Apocalypse, The. (Metro), Astor


Connecticut Yankee. .A (Fox).Selwyn .


Queen of Sheeba (Fox)...Lyric .


fiver the Hill (Fo.x).Hroadhurst


Sentimental Tommy ( Paramount».Criterion .


Dream Street (Griffith).Central . 11

J Mother Eternal (Graphic Film).Ca.slno


telligent performance no matter how Inferior

the role. In this Instance she lives up to all

wo expected of her. William DavMson, Warbur

ton Gamble and Ellen CaaslJy lent admirable




Can be shown to any data of patront tod

will win approval.



THE CRITICAL X-RAV There it novelty and a lot of rross-purpuaea fighting for supremacy, with the interest al¬ ways upheld by the clever acting of the fea¬ tured playera Tbe audience jpiieared to en¬ joy the somewhat different atory. Here it an instance where two servants carried the Importance of tbe story with their aristo.ratie employer* holding dewn second place. But It it a lot of fun for the spectator whose Interest is firmly held by the maneuvering of tbe sleek and sblny-halred butler who looks mighty handsciue in eve.'ing dress: in fact, it Is bard to dittlnguisb tbe servant from the matter. Briefly, Peter had a past, the shadow of iron bars clouding his future. His sweet¬ heart la a maid in tbe same establishment; she, too. Is of the light-fingered S|»eciet Determined to go straight be is given a chance by millionalze Darley In whose home he is employed. Ctrlotta Darley, heiress, it affianced to Homer Carlton, but disapproves of his miiiUture stat¬ ure, her inclination favoring tall gentlemen-- like tbe butler. There is an ex-warden named Stover who has social ambitions and aspir-s to the hand of tbe young lady. He also holds an important paper over financeer Parley's head. Itiirlng a smart reception Peter and his accomplice hold up tbe guests at the itoint of a couple of revolvers. SHover ii relieved of tbe important paper and the bag of Jewels stolen from the guests la then returned to tbe individiial owners. In appreciation of what Peter hat accomplished for bis employer Mr. Darley starts the couple on their marriage Journey with a amall road bouse, "Reatbaven,''

BARSAINS--Rebuilt Machines


Ciiiplilfi TkMtre Efii^iits aM SayySet

Write for Catalog.


420 Markat :SAoot

St. LmR. Mo.

may seem incredible to atar a child of not over ten years of age and by his efforts carry forward the continuity of a five reel picture. Rut tbe little chap dm-s this without seeming effort, being ever natural and dramatic when necessary. As a little waif named "Patches," bis only companion a mongrel dog named ·'Mickey," he struggles thru poverty and brutal treatment inflicted by a drunken stepfutiier. Escaping fnjin the clutches of this wretih he it taken by a young attorney to a comfortable farm bouse where he grows strong and happy. Then things begin to happen in a nielodra matic way, supplying an iinubuul amount of suspense and lliriliing situations By his cour¬ age and loyalty to bis newly found friends be saves a young girl from the att.ieks of villainoun hoboes. He also an-akens the lawyer to the fact that he loves the young girl, thus bringing tlie twj together.
Out of this trite a very engaging picture Is developed. Small town loiations will find this entirely to their liking. It is clean.

the pair, who are not aware that they are both falling in love, and it is this heart sentiment that ultimately siraighteii* out the tangle and inarrhage permits them both to share the li puted prdperty.
In this humorous story are many momenta of sparkling comedy which caute spontaneous Isiighter of the audience. There la nothing siri.iig'.y dramatic alHiut the action, which clings tenaciously to the simple narrative, depending largely u|>on the characterization of the prin¬ cipal characters to hold attention. The at¬ mosphere after the first few scenes is a beauti¬ ful country estate, where a number of social functions is licld, permitting a display of smart gowns niiiidst reffned surroundings.
Miss Clayton is alwavs dainty, cool and refresliing to look at. When wat<4iing this blond lieaiity fitting hither and thither it always makes me feel as If I had imbibed n mint-coated ice on a torrid day. This is but jioorly expressive of the soothing influence her presence has ui>on the audience, she la be-



Five Thousands ... $3.00

Ten Thousand, - · · 5.00

Fifteen Thousand, - - 6.50

Twenty-Five Thousand,


Fifty Thousand, - . · 12.50

One Hundred Thousand, - 18.00


Tour own Bpoclal nekst, any color, aocuratcly numijcrtd. overv roll ruaraotc«d. Coupon Tlckrta tor Prlao Drawinics, 5.006, 50 60. Prompt stilpmcnia. Cash with order. Cot tho samplss. Bond dlarram for lUsrrt^ beat Coo-
poo Tlcksta. Stats bow many osU doalrad. atrial or dated. AU tIckaU tD'itl conform to 0'>vMtiaMnt raguUttona and bear rttabUabed price tt admlaaton and tax paid.


Shamoklnp Pa*

A I'hrlity Cabtnne production, atarring Casaon Fergiirson, released thni Robertson Cole.
Reviewed by AfARION RFSSEI.L.
This picture irtll pull heavily with femi¬ nine patrons, hut men will become bored at the many '`baby'* acenet, they having BO particular iatorost la tbe nursery.
THE ORITICAL X-RAY The young ton of a wealthy father marries a sweet small town girl while his fsther wts planning a society wedding for him. He brings his bride to their beautiful home, but It pre vented from acknowledging bis marriage by the dangerous Illness of the fsther. The bride re mains secreted In her suite of rooms trjvstslrs while the husband leads In the social events After the recovery of his father he la forced Into an engagegmenl with a society woman, but the bride, accidentally learning the clrcumattnres. runs away to an old aunt to forget her sorrow. Falling In his endeivor to locato her, his marrisge is annulled, and to please his now dying father he marries the girl picked out for him. She la beartleaa and pleasureloving, and he learns too late that happiness la not for them in wedlock. The bride In a nearby town gives birth to a rbild. Her aunt diet and poverty Is her imrtlon. Being unable to support the baby she la persuaded to take 11 to a wealthy family whose physician prom-
.hS°o moving picture business
Capital Starts Yoa
· B OUT ·Bsp paynaat pka. B«cfa BOW mkI gwt potw aluiiw. W* ·rytluB*. Writ* today.
ailn lltviiM Pfetara OBs

APRIL 23. 1921

T ti e Bllll>o8r<l


ISTfl th«t ilicj will care for the Infant. Ind* drntallr> >*I>* meets her former buxband and he flglitx fnr a re<onrlliatlon while the aorletj* hivlnc wife seeks a divorce, lenvliiu them to p|i k iil> the threads of their shattered romance.
The lavlty with which these characters speak of divorce and annulment of a marriage con* tract ho med to annoy the audience; It trek is the wedded state In a flippant light and de¬ tracted from the sympathy which the characters wmi'd lia\e otherwise received. The story U tnrpinli.ilde, tint Its r-arofiil dlrertlng and aklllftil acting places It In the eategoiy of the rea-ionahly pleasing picture. But we cannot recommend anch an offering to ordinary hotihca <rciucnted by men and boya who do not enthose over longdrawn ont scenes depleting yo'ing motherhood. Nor does an elongated set Of titles seem neee-tsary to convey the srntlinental theme. A eonple of boya next to me reBarked ruefully: ``This la too mnshy. I don't want to see babies all the time." Domestle ipheavals of sueb an Intimate nature are not espe'lally suited for screen presentation.
.fslde from these defects the picture has |)e.<p finely photographed and the skill of Mr. Cahanne's direction was noteworthy thruout.
rasK-m I'crgiison played with as mnch dlsereflon as a man placed In hla pecnilar pre¬ dicament could do. The story was the weak¬ est thing in the presentation.

Itecidentlal especially.

sriTABIMTY sections may like






Story suggested by characters of Thos. Burke, ·ceoaiio by Koy .ciinclair. pbutograpby by Hen¬ drik SartOT, under perscnal direction of D. W. Griffith, shown at Centnil Theater, New Zork, April 12, rnnning time two bonra and a half

save her." That shows how true are the dra¬ matic Bituations, and bow they affect the public.
Presented by Adolph Eukor, directed by Ernest Lobitsch, starring lienny 1`orten and Emil Jannings. Paramount. Shown at Kivoli Theater, New York, April 17
Thif is a big German-made picture of an biaturical English subject. Superbly acted l>y the two principals, but it evidently did not strike a resiionsive note, as the public was not deeply touched by the tragedies of 1521. Rather rumbersnme is the weighty story, with but few relieving touches of a lighter character. Yet true to the times are the characters depicting Intrigue, Jealousy and conapiracy, with a rol¬ licking King playful at timea, yet very vindictive and fickle when opposed. Henry the VIII took his wivL-a like the present-day prohibitionist takes bis nip, with stealth and secrecy--but get them be would at any hazards. The introduction came swiftly, and then the acticn took on some dramatic moments, especially the wedding pro¬ cession of the reluctant Anne Buleyn, who wna forced into marriage with the dreaded King. Many people figured in this vivid scene, as well as in an exciting hunt. The festival and water floats, a lively tournament, a court scene, with settings of the Tudur period, reflected the spirit of the times. Despite the poignant suffering of the illfated Queen the emotions of the audience were not deeply stirred. The house was noisy, and not over attentive, laughter being beard la parts where none was intended--perhaps the New York people were hysterical from watching a wicked old rone dispose of bis family with indifferent Doncbalance. Bnt to lovers of English history the picture undoubtedly appeals. Accuracy and detail were not lacking, and the continuity was perslatently sustained despite the many

Eddy gave one of her tear compelling impersona¬ tions which never fall to register.
Edward Sloman made bia capable direction tell tbruont the picture.
Story by John Fleming, directed by Wesley Buggies, photographed by John B. Seitz, starring .Vlice Lake, six parts, Metro.
It U i:.comprehe.''.sibIe for us to under¬ stand why Alice Lake was thrust into such R mediocre picture. Her natural talents deserve a more coherent story. Instead of featuring the star, blocks of ice and a blizzard hold the center of the stage.
THE CRITICAL X-RAY The story limps thru a couple of reels of domestic infelicity, the main idea of which is Impruliable, and the scenario Is poorly con¬ structed. Then the heroine to test the worth of her scalawag husband accompanies him on a trip to Alaska in search of a gold mine, but be weakens at the hardships confronting him and orders bis boat to return home. An In¬ terested friend with strength of character is also on the same mission and he boards their vessel to give them helpful information. The wife makes a quick decision, and determines to complete the Journey with this man, Frank Underwood. The husband returns to civiliza¬ tion and secures a divorce on the ground of willful desertion. in the Interim the couple continue the Journey into the land of ice and snow. Their ship is overtaken by the rigors of the Alaskan climate; for months they are frozen fast among huge Icebergs. They try to keep their love pure. In the spring the ice

mind must have lost the threads at one time or another. It seemed careles.sly and hastil.v written, or it may be the work of an amateur who. In his eagerness to get a story with plenty of action, painfully overdid the thing? Tliere was a spot where the author showed a sense of the comic, greatly augmented hy the actor who played the part. This was the scene In which the circus manager who arrives in town minus his "Wild Man" makes in¬ quiry at Uncle Jake's newspaper office for n candidate for this job, and is Introduced to Ferdluand Judd, a long, loosely-jointed youth who does not find the prospect of impersonating a man-eating cannibal particularly oxhiiar.atiiig.
Miss Eileen I'ercy we haven't the slightest doubt is a very attractive young lady--off the Si reen. But s!;e hasn't a bit of that precious thing called charm or screen magnetism, for all her beautiful blond curls and attempts at being "cute." We don't mean that Miss I'ercy is not sincere in her efforts, but we can't help thinking that she'd sliine much more brilliantly in musical comedy.
Harry Dunkinson as the circus manager was splendid, but his fiart was so small that we can only say we wish there had tieen more of it. Paul Kamp as the country "boob" we can imagine doing very go'id- work under better direction. The supiiorting cast ns a whole was adequate, but the star, the story and the direction fell far short of the standard set by many others in the moving picture field.
SUITABILITY Small towns where the better pictures tlo not find their way.
Directed by Colin Campbell; cameraman, Frsnk D. Williams, starring Sessue Ilnyakawa; five reels, Kobertson-Cole


The pulUo la the inprema judge, and "Dream Street" will be running In Kew York long after the summer days have come and gone.


Altniwpherc! I'hotography! Acting! Theae

three constitute the trinity which elevates this

at times sordid story to the heights of wonder¬

ful tercen entertainment, in less capable bands

than Wizard Gritfith we would hare been ixTed

by the ic.ceeesion of lowly crowds pasting and

Oiling "Dream Street" with their weird, nn-

tuippy perbonalitiea. But the clash of Good and

Evil, of the Weak and the Strong, of I'urity and

Vice, grips the attention, .after the somewhat

drawnout introduction of the princRial characters

the lure of the picture Increases and Interest is

intenK'ly bold. The men and women are not

merely carioaturea, but sometimea are startling

In their resemblance to life. Mr. Griffith hat

Introduced allegory which interrupts the thread

Of the story--yet again hy utilising symbolism

be conveys the underlying thought of good or evil

a.ouscd or tuhdued by strains of mnsic, dle-

coniant or sweet. The bullying, aggressive,

·troeg brother, exultant In bit youthful prowess, protecting, yet ouldii,., the weakling brother;

the wistful, tender girl, fighting for ber honor;

the subtle Chinese, dreaming of possessing the

Musstim, and the masked creature, who sways

the weak by hIs insinuating music--these per¬

sonalities provide the substance fur this nnusuul



"Dream Street" hae thought and rlTld imag¬ ination, tlio at times the eloee-igva of the dreamyeyed girl and the gnashing leeth of the Impetu¬ ous lover are shown for too long a period, the danger of hysteria on the iiart of the audience being Imminent. But this oddly assorted lot of personallttei is Just what constitutes the big appeal of tha picture--they stand out like basrelief figures--dominating, haunting, faacinatlng ns.

Carol Dempster, as the girl, hat made amaiIrg progress In her work. I'erhaps the used her feel t(HV much, but they were expressive ones-- and besides she was a dancer. Italph Graves, »s tlic tough McKadden. had aume thrilling monients, and be put them ovar with a bang, ills gradual conversion was a fine exampIe>of screen aeting. Charlea Kmmett Mark succeedevi In Snaking the weakling pathetically altrartivc. Ed¬ ward Dell was the sly, running Chinese who coveted a whito girl.

Mueb could be written about the ocraaional lapies of the r-ontlnnlty, of the sudden eolispse of drnmatic sitnallon. hut why quarrel with a charm w-hleh rarely la found upon the screen? To me the i-olored pliotograi>hy, the tnitty per·pectlve, the swell of emotions, the vague yet

tangible ld>aa Implied thru throbbing ronate was ·orth all the misery of watching other mediocre PIcturet that wo are forced to sit thru.
"Dream Street" may not be Grifillh'a greatest picture, but It geta ut. And It enthralls the Cfowda. During a dramatic acene a woman In teek at me (Srisimed fervently; "Oh. Jesus,

List of Fir»t Run Pictures in New York, Week of April 17--Excerpts From Leading Newspapers
mVOLI_"DECEPTION.** "lias many features of high-class historical circus, after the manner of the 'Gfcatest Show on Earth.* **--I1ER.VLD. "It is extraordinarily real.*' --AMERICAN.
RIALTO--EI.S1E FERGUSON, "S.tCRED AND PROFANE LOVE.** "Is an interesting picture, because of presence of so distinguished an actress,"--WORLD, "Your ad¬ miration for Miss Ferguson may help you bear the film."--AMERICAN,
STRAND "THE SKY PILOT." "Corking melodrama."--TIMES. "Sort of plctare which producers should be encouraged to send out."--.VMERICAN.
CAPITOL_"MADE IN HE.ATEN." "Just a pleasing bit of sentiment devoid of villains and adventuresses."--AMERICAN. "Titles very good, but not worked out Inter¬ estingly."--TRIBUNE.

episodes, in which enormons crowds surged back and forth. But thrills were lacking--the action only aroused resentment at the barbaric brutality of the overfed monster whose morals needed censoring. Fortunately the titles were short, crisp and to the point. Photography excellent ail thru. Bemarkable for a consistently lifelike portrayal of poor Boleyn was the work of Miss Hcnny Borten. Beautiful and graceful, she won whatever sympathy the story attracted. Emil Jannings, ai the swaggering, licentious Henry, never lost the conception of the char¬ acter, and hit efforts rcgister»>d success for the actor despite the disagreeable role enacted. While enormoua crowds filled the theater enthu¬ siasm was lacking. It did not seem that the American piildicappreciated the foreign-made pic¬ ture--especially of an unhappy period. But the magnitude of the production and ability of the cast deserved unlimited praise.

floes break up and the ship sinks. With their dog teams they travel over the Iceland until they fail from exhaustion. It is then they eight a ship coming to their rescue. The picture ends at this point.
Had this film been constructed ten of twelve years ago we would not be so sniprised at its inferior quality, but in these modem times we expect logical and entertaining foundation to our pictures. This has neither. It wonld be more suitable to call it a travelog for that is what it resolves itself into. Miss Lake was seriously baudicapped by the limitations of the role and Rudolph Valantiuo was completely lost in a conventional hero part.
Starring Eileen Percy, story and direction by Carl Harbaugh, camera work by Otto Brautigan, five reel Fox picture.

Story by Norah Davis, directed by Edward Sloman, released by W. W. Uodkiason.

A small town tale with some humoront hits, but merely a succession of incidents without a plausible plot to sustain interest. It serves principally as a vehicle to ex. hibit the pranks of the "tomboy" glrL

A dual personality story, not unlike the story of "Other Men's shoot."
THE CRITICAL X-RAT There ia always a certain degree of interest amused by a man whose "second self" leads him into devious paths ciraflng new loves, new prublemt and liairowing coniplloutious. This idea la hy no mentis original, nor Is it nt .til timet an agreeahle snhject, but the players en¬ gaged handle the roles with delicate artistry.
Jerome Bafrlek oiiaeted the deal characteriza¬ tion with admirable represaion. He waa consist, ently chiTalrotit and likable despite the trying sitnationa which clouded his life. Jane Novak waa the fair haired lirmtne, and Helen Jerome

Nearly all the characters so familiar in small town stories are here represented. We have the freckle-faced boob, the' amateur de¬ tective, the designing villain, the handsome stranger and the village belle. We have also many of the thread'oare elements of drama that go to make up such a story, chief of which hero brought in is the unpaid note which the villain holds over the old father's head as d means of forcing the affections of the girl. .\t first ore gets the Impression that it is all about bootleggers and the triumph of the heroine over their sinister influence, whi h is a good theme in its way, but the aiitbur digressid and deviated from this theme so often and injected into the story so many in¬ consequential incidents that tba most astute

Ordinary material, embellished with artistio settings and raised to the accepted stanaard by the artistry of tbo Japanese actor, Sessue Hayakawa.
THE CRITICAL X-RAY The regular moving jiicture formula, with all tbe familiar ingredients, such ns circumstantial evidence, a frame-up, a badger game and the outwitting of a gang of crooks hy the cunning of the hero, constituted tbe make-up of this pic¬ ture. Not that it is without Interest, for in many places the suspense is keenly felt, but the talents of this finished actor demand better working ma¬ terial. There are a few melodramatic thrills in¬ jected, such as a locomotive with an esiaping convict rmsbing thni the barred gatis of the penitentiary, which takes tlic inm t'> liberty, and a search for his kidnapid l>r:d>-. Coin¬ cidental meetings play a conspicticiis part in the unfolding of the story, whiib makes the audi¬ ence turn in their seats and yawn with ennuL Nevertheless, there are no gruesome exblbitlODB of Chinatown traffii kers, even tlio the Japanese bride has been imprisoned in old China¬ town, bnt it is rather thru strategy and clever¬ ness that tbe hero extricates liimself and his bride from the clutches of fate, bet we must say that for a poor gardener he displayed un¬ usual perspicacity in ferreting out the mystery. "Black Roses" takes its name from his ability to transform red roses into black ones. The cast consisted of Miss .\oki. Myrtle Stedman, Andrew Robson and Harry J. Herbert. The settings, lighting, camera and directorial work were commendable.
Mayflower-National Picture. Directed by B. A. Walsb. Shown at the Strand Theater, New York, .4prll 10.
Fairly good entertainment, with strong dramatic element. The cast is good ard fairly well directed. The titles are examples of "fine" writing at its worst. The scenario is poor and logic has been sacrificed to dramatio effect. The photography is good, as are tbe lighting effects.
THE STORY IN SKELETON FORM Minna Hart, daughter of Israel Hart, Jewish banker, is secretly married to Hugh, a
(Continued on page 114)

tarnaln. Wilte for ptrlU-ulars. TRtTTT. 216 Lytle Hldfr . CInrtntiill. Oiiio.

rOD CAI r Edis.)!! Modd I). Power's Maz-


Light E'iiiipraenl, Uewlr.<Ier

and Trunk Sm'en, $175.00. Ten Ue,')s Flint, mostly

educational subjects; new stuff; no p.irer; $20 per

reeL K. A, MEADE, SL Albans, Vermont.


T ti e O 1111> o a r <1

APRIL 23, 1921



here during the week, trying to locate the last resting place of the late Harry Hamilton, who died here aome years ago, while a number of the K. G. Barkoot Shows. Harry Hauiilton waa a prominent talker of the old davs, and waa well known by Imtli Colonel Barry and the writer. Owing to a loss of reixirds in the County Court building the exact location of Hamilton's resting i>lace could not be definitely determined.
I. J. Folsck, Omar Sami and the writer were


Inaugural Engagement Results in Very Satisfac¬ guests to tile Kiwauis and Rotarlans while show¬ ing at Selma last w»-ek. Omar Sami told them

many nice things almiit his home lodge, he being
Sample, ^3^3.50 tory Business--Twenty-Car Organization With a Kutunan, of Streator (Ill.) lajdge. Mrs. Bemle Smuckler. wife of the show's spe¬

Fifteen Paid Attractions, Inclusive of Six

cial agent. Joined her husband here at Anniston. Fditor John Fitrgerald. of The .Anniston Star,

Rides and Prominent Features

paid the show high tribute in hia comments, say¬ ing of the World at Hume attractions: "Its e'luipmeut is clean, fresh and inviting. Its at¬

tractions are not without merit. It is conducted

in a most orderly manner, by pei^ile worthy of

Bowling Green. Ky., April 12.--After a thirty- a wonderful route. Captain Sheesley Is to be consideration. 'There ia an absence of many

hour run over the Atlantic Ooant Line and L. congiaiulated on hit organization.

features that used to make canilvala objec¬

A V. Itailroads, the Greater Sheealey .Shows,

The Greater Sheesley Shows are playing at tionable. They have a most excellent band, and

traveling in twenty cara, arrived in Nashville, Howling Green, Ky., this week, and are pro¬ to it The Anniston Star staff Is indebted for

Tenn., and the railroad e<|uipnient of the show ceeding by easy stages to the Northwest and a most enjoyatile concert that waa tendered be-

being in excellent i*oi»dition, the trip was made on into Canada to play a series of fair dates, fo-e its building Wednesday afternoon.''--

without any delay. The .Nashville encasement contracted early in the year by the fast-steit- ·T'AR.SOS" JO ITURNIXU (I'ubllclty Manager).

of the Greater Sheeley Showa marked the open¬ ping general agent, W. II. (Bill) Rice.

ing of the I'.t.T season and very satisfactory hualnesa was tuiulid on all |>aid attractions and conceasions at its cloae on Saturday night, April V. Visiting showmen who attended the opening were unanimou ly of the opinion that "Captain" Sheesley has one of the finest lineups of attrac¬ tions carried with any twenty-car show on the

The wTlter has spent many years on both circus and carnival enterprises, btit never In all his wide and varied experience has he bad the pleasure of being asaociated with as capable, congenial and loyal ladies and centlemen as Csptain Sheesley has with him this year.--HAKKV E. DIXON (Show Represent¬ ative).

Brookneal, Ta., April 15.--The Sonthern Ex¬ position Shows rasde a flying trip thru North Carolina last Sunday, canceling Iloxboro, N. C., and moving to IlnKikneal, Va., for a week's en¬ gagement. Owner Strode Is hurrying bis show

Patented aed Cepyrlihted

total of fifteen paid attractions, including

III the coal fields.

U. S. A.

all rhlea, in addition to about fifty neat, well- WORLD AT HOME-POLACK BROS stocked eoncess.ons. go to make up one of the

prettiest midways Hint wat ever laid out oa a


lot. A prominent and outstanding feature of Anniston, Ala.. April 1.1.--.\nniston has t>een
the Sheesley Shows Is the fact that Mr. Sliees- fair In business for the VVorld at Ilome-I'olack ley has spared no exiwiise In repairing, Broa.' 20 Big Showa Combined, with the Ktirine

rebnildlng and eijalpplng the various attractions Club as the sponsor for the shows. .\t this writ¬

carried with his company. Many lights are ing (Saturday afternoon) the rain has been fall¬

used, both in the illuiiiination of the various ing continuously since early morning, and the

attractions and the midway.
Prominent among the features are Sheesley's Trained Animal Circus, with the performance In charge of Captain Blondin and the front handled by T. A. West. It ia here that Captain Sheeley's trained wild animals, handled by a competent staff of trainers, present a most pleasing performance. "Jauntoel. the League of Notions," under the personal direction of Brtbhle Bums Murray, is beyond question one of the finest attractions carried with any ex¬

outlook is that the shows will be loaded wet and soggy.
Mr. Morency, assistant manager, has been sway on business pertaining to fall fair dates. Mrs. Morenc,v has roium<*d to the show after a protracted visit to relatives in Louisiana. Mr. Tuckett. former concession manager of the Georgia South Eastern Fair, has been a visitor during the past few days. Mr. C.sllagher, of the Fulton Bag and Tent Co., paid tlie shows a visit here. Colonel "Jim'* Barry spent much time

position company, and Miss Murray can well be

Last week sure was a "red one" for the South·rn Fxpusiticn Shows, while on the streets at I'urham, N. C., the first show to exhibit inside the city limits in fifteen years. Everything was lit up with a mass of bright lights to give an added hue to the many decorations. The thp'ngs of peo;iIe were hapi>y and Joyous.
One strong feature was Trofesaor Arrizzota's 1.1-piece bssd. The auspices was the American Legion. Mr. Strode is going on a trip, and will secure a private car and some more flats.
At the present time there are eight pall shows, two rides and about thirty concessions, and more Joining. W. A. Strode ia the owner and manager and Jay Johnson the general agent. The shows will be located on the downtown lot at Vinton, Va., week of .(pril IS. then for probably the t.iinriVr week of the season at 1`ulaski, Va.--B. L. DAVi.-i (I'rcss Kepresentative).

Construction equal finest watch made.
Guaranteed--Practically Unbreakable.
Owntre aed Dlatrlbutara Baited States aad Caaada.
831 Chestnut St, PhiUdelphia, Pa.
"Setting Up" To Open April 23 at

proad of the masterpiece she has turned out

Altoona, Pa.

as a resullt of her many successful years of

experience In both the carnival and theatrical business. "The I/cacue of Notions'* is housed in a wonderful canvas theater, behind a mo't elaborate double-wagon front, and is presented with most beautiful stage settings and elec-

^'Random Rambles'' Next Week

Altoona. Pa.. April 14.--Everything ia now In readineae fur the grand opening of ilaaaoo Bren.' Sbowe, Saturday night, April 23, here In Altoona. The paid attractUma are now act up and the four big ridea are now being erevted on

trleal effects. Miss Murray Is assisted be a cast of attractive yoting women and an orches¬ tra of young men, and these aided by expert nechaaics.

At the Request of Hundreds of Outdoor Showmen

the lot. Forty conceaalona have arrived to date, and the ol>ening prooiiaea to b* a big tucceaa.
llaanon Brotliera have aec-mbled an excellent, line-up of amuerment feature#. Th« handaomo

NVxt cornea Bce-Ho Gray and his troupe of Wild West people, who pre ent a frontier ex¬

"Random Rambles," by William Judkins Hewitt,

carved and tastily decorated fronts pn-aent a most pleasing sight. Several big noveltlea will

hibition extraordinary. Bee-llo has a fine, new front and Is rsrrying ten head of stock

Will Be Restored to The Billboard Columns, Be¬

be seen with the Ilaaeon Shows. The train of fifteen cars is now on the side¬

and about twelve or fifteen acting people. Sheesley's Famous Georgia Minstrels, tinder

ginning With the Next Issue (April 30)

track and is attracting much attention with i^t coat of orange coloring. Joe Weiah will prescut

the management of Harry, E. Dixon, is next In

a thrilling aerial free act. The hand, under the

line. Regular minstrel bills are offered and_


direction of I'rof. J. Friigalc. is dally rehears¬

ing. Joa Thonet, general agent, wires he bat p'lng ''thir«Hr.''eHon.''" Rmnd" new'`w^drobran'd 'JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIII|||||||U: aoi-ured three more of the beat faira in the East-

stage settings, with a really worth-while perfotmance, are the oiifstaiul'ng features of the


The advanee staff als,* Includes George Merrill and two bill{KWtera.--BERT IjOWE (Show Repre¬

m'nstrel show. The .\ittodrome. managed hy William X. McColllm. with (Mi si Otiie Hager, as isled bv I'hinf.sin Hartlev. as the featured riders. The "House of 1 noo Tronbies," man¬


agement of Mrs. O. K Hager The C'rcn* Ptde Show, management of W. J. Flaherty, and "Through the Falls," "Boh Dover. In addition there are a number of platform shows, well equipped and all did a nice bu 'ne «. The rides Include the "Whip," in charge of Hamv A. Moore, for many years with the Ferarl and the Jones shows; the "Aerial Swing." Harry Haines, manager; Carry-iis-all. Paul Williams, manager: Ferris wheel. W. H. T-immer. mana¬ ger. and last, hnt not least, the "Flying Jenny."
Vrs. E. C. Dart, manager.
Prominent concessioners Iticlnde Phil Neal. Rmlthe Smith, Whltey Richeson. Mike Hurley, Fred Barrett, Henry Curtain and Alec I-evinson Fhester Winters has the cookhouse and Jnlce. and has with him this year the everyotithful and genial Doc Morris, as his asilsiant. Tom Martin has the privilege car and operatea aome concessions on the lot.
Mr. Sheesley. who personally directs the opera¬ tions of hla show, la ably assisted by George McCarthy, superintendent of sliow« and rid a: William' (Red) Hicks, legal adjuster and superintendent of concessions; Ed. C. Dart, treasurer: William (Billy) Owens, aecrefary of conceaslona: William X. McColllm. general announcer: Jack Blakney, chief electrician and imperlntendent of construction; Nick Derose, train master; Eugene Woodworth, master me¬ chanic and Harry E. Dixon, prest rep-egen'atlve, back with the show. W. H. rBilll Rice has charge of the advance, assisted by Harry Bnrke, Dbk Bambrick and Henry Sylvester.
With a really mo«t remarkable show, both from an artistic and entertaining standpoint, with a most efficient staff of executives and with

Newest Number. 16 Inches High.

Anbum. N. Y., April 13.--The $(>5,000 action

Unbreakable composition, lieautifully wiggtxl, dressed and trimmed.
$15.50 PER DOZ.

being beard before George Turner, of Auburn, at Sene<:a Falls this wi*ek, in the case of Msrvelous Emil Melville, world famous acrotiat. of Ithaca and Interlaken, against his mlfe, now Mrs. 11. M. Minor, of Interlaken, was twli* transferred dur¬

Spee'ial Clier--Send $I.SI for Sample Assortment ol Seven Dolls.

ing the last two days. During the week Judge Turner traveled from

Keneca Falls to Interlaken to examine the books

Strictly Hand-Dipped Goods. Only best grade of materials All size.s, put up in handsome boxe.-v, at unlioatable
prices. Write today for the exclusive on your show.
Orders shipped same day recehrtd. 2S% deposh, balance C. 0. D.

<f the bank, to ascertain whether certain finan¬ cial attractions alleged by Melville to have takrn place in the 25 years of hla married life, with his former wife, did happen. Wnlneaday, the court was shifted back to Seneca Falla, and the final session held. The Court reserved decision, pend¬
ing examination of the law and facta. Next week, proliably the latter [lart, the other aide of the case will be heard Judge Turner anld today
Kmll Melvillp and his wife used a eonslderable = |iart of the wealth of the acnihat, who be-
I <ame famous with Itamum Jk Bailey and other big tops, in various enterprises In Interlaken, one of which a as the erection of the Melville Thea¬

Office end Factory:

6S-67 Madison St., Newark, N. J.

E ter, where motion picture# were first ahown In the thriving genera County town.


Melville rlalnis in hla action that his former wife obtained during married life moat of

his savings, which he now denianda returned to



fTilcago. April 1«.--Mrs. William Schwartr. widely known In the park world aa the owner of

in good condition, with two wagons to load in. Now booked with Krause

many big rides, Is visiting her many friends in Chicago again, following her stay of some

Greater Shows, with the understanding that Wiieel remains on show all

time In Detroit, where the la the owner of aev-


season. Positively have sixteen Fairs booked. First Fair starting July 20, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Price $4,000.00 cash. Address

BEN KRAUSE, Mgr., Krause Greater Shown,



eral new riding devirea. The Kchwartx A Gllck ridea In the Michigan melr<>|Milla, three of them, will i^ien .(pril T.t, and will coiislat of a liL<a* whip. Tracer aeaplane and Iloneynusm Fxpreae. While In Chicago .Mra. Kcliwarlz Is getting her

Interesta In sha|>e in Hlvervlew I'srk for Ihe

To Have Large Swimming Pool

park's (giening. She will go to .ttlantlc PHy and will retiini to Chicago May 5. Mrs.

New York, April 14.--.\ large awimming pool will tie built In the center of the arena of Mad-


Kchwartx attended the Kidla Kioto CIrcua, having hern tendered a IhjX at the Instance of Otto Floto, and also stti-ndi-d the dance Saturday night In the Ainlllorlum Annex, given hy the

laon Square Garden, plana having been flied with the Manhattan Diireiiu «'? Buildinga. The pool will be of reinfonod coiicrele. decorated with large urns at the eornera and the aidei with allegorical flgurea out in the ecocrete. The Mad-

Whip, uaad three aeasor.a Can be aeen In operation liere. Sell cheap for rath, or on termi. FEM.\I.E

Khowrmeii's l.eBgue of America to Ihe Sella-FIolo IHHiple.

laon Square Garden Corporation, John Rtngling, president, and George Rickard, Tice-prealdcst, la gtrcD aa the owner.

ELEPHANT: wrlfht, about 8,000 pour,da; does A-1 Sinile Act. Haa good record. Hell for caah only.

Can ha leen here.

W. J. ALLMAN. Caatea HoaM. Kaniat City, Me.

La Crosse, Wla., April 10.--At the last meet¬ ing af the City Oouncii the circus Uccuso was re-

APRIL 23, 1921



AA'lll hive 20 Fairs and Celrbratloni. start rg at Slloam Springs. Ark. Big T)ure-Pay Celebration (in file Strr.'ts, June '2;i, with ons of tiu* tiest 4th o( July spots In the ouuntry. Fait season oissis July
AVinll. III. Kan. First fair In all years; lO.tHiO p.siple npected each day. five big days W.AKlward, Okla., I'ouiily t air. Ilarise t'oiuity Fair. Hear I'ouiPy Fair, liuffalu County Fair, all In OklalHjma. to follow. Tnen ,4ir <il the Iwst Clreulta of Kanaaa Fairs, starting at Lamed. Kan., Sett. 28. Great Utsid County Fair, week GcIoIht 3; IshIko City County Fair, week October 10; Liberal. Kan.. County Fair, week Oetobir 17. and Guyiism, Ukla., County Fair, week Oebilter 24. and one of the beat Armlatiee Celebration AA'eeka
in tlie is.untry. week Notemls r 8 lasiked. The ilwva fatri are In the rietu at part of Uklalioma and Kansas AA'hrat and Cattle Country. 1 liar* hooked all the above apota and know they are the best In the Statee. Can place Ferris AA'bvel, Airplane Swing or AChlp. Htand half of transportation to join and glee same an attraetlre proposition. Good opening for Feature Show. Can plaeo A-1 Fit Hliow Manager. Hare complete outfit srtth tea Baiinrra and Plti for aaine. A-1 AVlId West for fair teaaun

win do big at the alswe fairs. AA'lll place .A-1 Cabaret; one that Is handled right will clean up at

fairs. Have complete outfit for tame. Have Platform for Midget. Fat People, Giant or any good Geek

Can place any g(s.d Grind Sliow. Colored Performers for one of the best Plant. Sliows on the road

Pullman car Ui aleen In. Preference given b) tlKne that double In Band Colored Musicians write

All tlioie with me before an.wver at once. Talker for T'ouug H rmau Athletic Show. Concession Agents

write C. AA'. MOORE. All t.'oneesslor.s open, except Baskets. Blanket AVheel. Ball Games Ckmk House

Drinks and Pop <orn. Fairs will lie a cleanup for Concessions. All AA'heels will work. Help for

Parker ISAlr.g. Help In all lines of sUorf business write. Can place high-class Free Act for ten weeks

of Fairs Sliow oiwr.s Galena. Kan.. May 14. cn streets. Can place high-class Promoter 44 J

HOLTKAMP, Mgr. of Shews; C. W. MOORE, Mgr. Conecsiiong; DOC L. B. HOLTKAMP Gen Ae'eat*



* '

Attend Opening of Walter L. Main Shows at Havre de Grace, Md.
lliTrp «l«* (Irare, Md.. April 10.--M^ny wellkniiMii hhow pi-i«>l<- Hni] rrk-iidH tif nhowfolk* wrr(> Tlmlfm to the \VsIt<T U Main Mhow* when the liiK > in UR inauKUruli'd li» M-aRun Ikti- today. Auionif tliRRe wfie the fiillowlni;: Mrt. K. J, I'riiik, 1'. T. ORwalif. Iinnlel Wheoler and wife, ItuPiTt .'^prara, John liaTlH, Oiford, i'a.; Jennie Ewitr. widow of ('liaR. Kwere, the fainuua rlrcua rider; t'lareiire Farrell, well-known eiri na tn'aRurer. and hln friend, J. J Hickey; tieorye Karla\ahu and wife and .Albert Meyera. of 1`hlladelphia; I'harleR llaaklnR. of Newt S'rTk, and ;<arty, aa Kueaia of IliiniH o'SulllTau; Itoliert Denniead. of Haltlmore; Jerome T. Ilarrlman and wife, and. by intitatlon of Andrew Downie. all of the intalid soldlera from the hoapltal at Terry Toint.
New York, April 1^.--A large party of abow* then wi'l ri»lt the Walter L. Main Clirui at Elizabeth, N. J., Tuewlay.

Interstate Exposition Shows
Oriental Dancer to feature. Husband can manage Show and make open¬ ings. Want one good Wrestler for Athletic Show. Will furnish outfit for organized Musical Comedy or Plant. Show. Will furnish top for any good Show, or book Shows with own outfit. 63-35. Want White Band of eight pieces for IJally Avork Concessions: Wheels. $40.00; Grind, $30.00; no extra gyp. Candy. Basket. Blankets, Groceries, sold excluslA'e. Every¬ thing else, come on. TOM TERRILL, Mgr., Madison, Ind,, week April 18; Vevay, Ind., week April 25; Bellevue, Ky., week May 2.
Man who has managed wheel before.

To Open at Portsmouth, O., April 23
Charleston. W. A'a., April 16.--Capt. Lat lip's Exposition of Riding lievlces will open its season in the heart of Portsmouth. O., on an island (known as ''Coney Island"), .Saturday. -Apiil 2.`5. Tlie engagement ia to run up to and including .April 1(> This island park operates '·n Sunday and n> doubt the rides and oonces aions with the I.atlip organization will get a good start for the season.
As previ'jusly In The BDltioard. it is Capt. Lallip's intention not to carry an.v shows tills season. The advance reports ex cellent resuPo with Isjokings. and doubtless tills caravan will prove an Innovative surprise to the town folks, as each ride will carry its own mu'ic, ml having liand organs. Two more Pel'o electric lighting plants have been added, also rmr trucks. Fifteen con cessions will be carried, one of a kind. Nearly ail the people to teonpe under the Latlip ban ner have arrived in Portsmouth.
I.atlip's Eviiosition of Riding Devices will travel into Kentucky and West Virginia and back into Ohio.-- ROY RE.V iShow Representa tivf).
Opens at Louisville, Ky.. April 30, Then to Cincy for Two Days

Three more good Clowns, Boss Property Man. Comet. Trombone imd Clarionet to strengthen Big Show Band, and Fortune Teller for SideShow Always glad to hear from useful Circus People In all branches. Address PALMER BROS.' WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS, as per route.

The No. X Car of the Hagenbefk-Wailace Cir¬ cus arrived in Cincinnati Saturday. April J."). and began billing the city for May - and 3, the first day in Cumminsville and the second in Norwood. The car ia managed by J. C. I>onahiie. who baa a large crew at the present time H. E. Wallis is also on the car, handling the duties of advance press representative. Mr. W'allis was a f]ill board visitor during the car's sta.v in Cincin¬ nati.
The Flagenbeck-Wallace Circus will leave Its quarters at Peru. Ind., the latter part of next week for I»uisville, Ky . where It begins Its tour .April 30 The Julin Robinson Circus starta cn the same day at Peru
Take Out Citizenship Papers

oiimicM, general msnsgef; .M»rt tv vvescott, general agmt; R F. ChapdU r and Pete Jones, ·peclil agents; "Irlih" Dunworfh. lot super Intendeit; .I.s'k tiwi-ns. tralcmsster; B. B. Braden, 'ecsl adjuster: iHvc MutPsy, presa agent; n G Bmwo. musical director.

Council Grore. Kan. April ift--The Geo. T.

pcott^ Shows are s. heduled to play a

week's enc igecient here, under the auspices of

the I. I el 111.- wile I'.ist of .American le-glon.

and. while the date la Iwlng preceded by a bliz¬

zard. with low tcmixratiiie. a iiange to favor

able wea'her w'll dcib'

p, ipj,

log a gvK'd stand. Engagement starts Monday A few notes of tho shows A'. AY. (Bed)

Squ'res has left f.r Fort «mlih. Ark., where

he will plav wDli that cio'-^ basel all (earn

thla sim-mer WhlL- p1.ivin» at Aloilne Mo .

Mr. and Mrs Scotf, Mr and M-s Miles Peamer.

Mae Hines ami Mr. and Mrs M irro.i motored to

TIowaM, where the foinier have .n large circle

of friends, whn^ always extend t.» th.-m a hearty

they sliouli . tcmce tills 'tiionnikor* huslness r*'

garding winter and summer--change poalfions

with them." Rtaikkeeper Raker sava rn oo'o

ride might he a fii.r thing In r.ilifornla. hut

that he has another term for one over iwme

of the roads In Kansas

- -

-·· of

eookbotise fame, has been <I


ml downtown feeds to the .. \|r.

and Mts. Jack Rvan end little daughter. Teggle have arrived Mr Ryan haa K-en taken over

the Tt*n in on.' Show

A p*.stra**l from the

show's genial pilot. "IVid'' rttrtls. saya that

In Ms estliiiath'P spring Is not llring.up f.t Its

(leorce E'lwsris hss li'ft for rallfornia.

"I'rlvale't Job i Atnrtav has l.-ft f .r parts tin-

known --THtiAI.As AA'ERIt (I'ress nn-l Trom.ttlon Agent).


I'ard reielied a report last week from Ill , when* the factory of the Ell
, matinfactnrer of the famous Ell hs ati d, to the effeet that AA. E.
resident of llic <oiicorn. and well !· nrly every carnival man. had Iwen Ills home for alMUit ten days, because cd i jsc of rhoiiniallsiii and tonsllltia. d to be ninaldersbly lm(<roved howwas expolid to sgain taVr U|« his le ofll. e of the eonip.iiiy within n few

(A Twe tUirKfrAi le-r I A, TH^ MENTALlST,




^U*..**' AnrA6x Features With

tore, has left the city for ?t I.euis with Sells-XToto Circus. Ae will be "hv the annex feature! during the season. /ir-v

closed h.-r company of wonder w>>rkers to


the circue engagement, ard at the close of the

white top seas.n will again head her own .'oni'anv. The will open its outdoor soahon

In i»t. Ixmls on April 26. and Zira will commence

her seisoD on that date.


Wooster. O. April l.A--Manager M. C. Tag¬ gart, of the Taggart Shows, is all activity these days, and from indications he will Lave one ol the finest six-ear shows en route this sea^'n. The lyvening stand will be made in this city,
where the winter quarters is Imated. The painters have just finished with the Mg
eap usel nnd the Kli wheel, and have now gone to the show fronts A1 Breen, the show's boss farp«*ntor, ii* working on » now panrl fn'nt for ihe Palace of Illusions A number of conces¬ sioners are busT framing up Two rides and two I'f the shows will be individually owned by Mr. Tagcart. who slates that the route has been Issikcd up to Jiilv, and that it will be a tong Reason, -SR eight fairs and four celebrations have been contracted for the late summer and 'all.
The roster, as at present arranged, f-illowa: Staff--M C. Taggart, owner and manager; Jack 1 orance, advance; .Al Rreen, lot sui'erintendcnt. T'llly Zimmerman. ele<; John M.Cauley, siij'crintendenl; llershell -Abbott, trainmaster, Tn'fesaor Sherw>s>d. manager cf shows. The Rides--Merrv go round. Joe l.nicci. manager; Ferris wheel, II G Uarrett, manager. The shows
.AIhU'tie .Arena. A oung Gotch; Id ln-1 and the Talace of lllURionR. Sherwood Rrother«; Tit Show. IlerRliell Abbott. Tnifessor Sherwood will furnish the free attraction. Among the conccsaioners will be AVilUaui Stewart, four; Neal MiHire, three; Howard Rros., thriM*; M Aania, hve; Hilly Zimmennan, one: AVallaee Ghannel. two; I'harlea Rodgers, one; llershell AblHitt. one. and others, whose names the writer has not recelved.--AV STEAA'ART (.show Representative),

Thlladelphia. Ta.. April 14.--Regartliiig the a< llvitlea of the Rui>pel Greater Shows, Manager .A .1. Kuppel adv ises as follow s;
AAork in winter i|iiarters has abi'iit been com1 Icicd Hue of tlie new rides airded. nnd 'he tops, all new and being nuolc by llic Fulton
fl,,,^hcd ami deliver, d In time
H'o o|>enlng date. The lliie-n|i doubtless will be om. of the best of its size on the n>ad the

which Captain Fisher will be manager. These two entrrtainers are practically a show In them¬ selves. but will be assisted by Krakab, of magic fume, and nine other attractions Charlie Strand w II have the "Fat Women's Congress." while Harry Beal will have his 5-in-l in the line-up. as will Fdward (Sj'ike) Howard, Athletic Show; Mat Crawn, A audeville Show, with ten people, and an outfit on which Mr. Crawn has not spared expense. Jvdin Duffy has painted a beautiful front for the vaudeville show, and is now build¬ ing a large and elaborate Illusion Show. The Snake Show will contain an excellent collection of reptiles, and in th* Midget A'lHage, under the management of Captain Weiss, will be presented "midget" vaudeville liy four people. One more show will be added to this list, making eight in all. The midway will be a blaze of light and splendor.
Piitsburg. Pa , April 14--The latest arrivals at the vA'oning stand here, of the Gloth K\ poaition Shows, are .\d.a I.ihcrfy and her Fai llirls. and a very big reptile eibibitiun. .\t the presint time all the eoni'essioners are on tin' ground, putting the finishing touches to their frame-ups. almost all of which are being built very large. The three riding devices will be sot up at once, and these, with the line-up of shows, consisting of six. and ever.vthing brand new, and the concessions, will make a remarkably beauti¬ ful midway.
Ji'.seph (lloth baa spent a great amount of both time and tlnan. e to make the Gloth Exposition ."thows one of the neatest caravans of its sire on the road and. with a f.tvorahle break with the w.'ather, there it causo for looking forward to a successful Roasi n.
The first band concert will be given this oven ing at 7 o'clock, and on Saturday evening. .April H>. this brand new organization will make Its de but into the ranks of the outdivir amusement en¬ terprises.--\V J. Ml'llTIlY (Show Representallvel.
VA'm. R. Kirschner advises from Voungstown. O. that an error appeared in a report and atineuiiced in last week's issue ef The Billboard, to the effect that he and Mrs. Kirschner were t iittirg on l.m concessions with the AA'alla. e .All IVnliire Shows. AA'm (Red) states that he ami the M'.ssiis will o;>eii their siring ef ten nue is >i»iis with the Cooper Rialto Shows.

New York, April 16 --Mr and Airs. Doll, height, three feet, s.x in* lies, and three feet. nine inohes, respectively, appearing with the Riogling-Barnuui Shovg at .Madison Square Garden, took out their first citizenship (lapers yesterday Their real names are Kurt and Frieda Schneider They were born at Ste¬ phen. Germany. 2) years ago Kurt weighs .'L'l jiounds and Frieda -io
Tom Dalle.v. manager of Ihe No. 2 advertising car of the Ringling-Barn im Circus, visited New A'orlc City during the circus engsgeinent. This IS :in lunual occurrence for Mr. Dailey, who will soou tike up his duties on the exenrsion lar of the big show. He will open in Philadelphia on May 2.

-- --

orf m the rli.dtceas., I.''oonslistlng ofr merry go-round., Biviig

New YAo.-k, April IS.--Morris Rinsky, circus

Torll. April IB--7.lra, the menUllat, Ell wheel, "swings" and "seaplanes.·' Captain peifmier. wa* yesterday upon his

science eipoocni and revealrr of the fu- Fisher and wife will be with the lO-in-l, of wife's cJwrge of nhaiivIoDaient,

Mr. .May i* owner and manag" nf Maus Gevattr sibows.


. in


Ur opCCIdl Proposition any part of the united states at a low cost

Airo Automatic Balloon Filling Apparatus, $25.00 (SUPPLIED WITH OR WITHOUT GAUGES AS DESIRED)


No. 70 PER GROSS. $4.00

No. 80 PER GROSS. $4.25

No. 110 PER GROSS, $9.00


For one dollar we will send, prepaid, big sample line of Balloons and Whips and credit this amount on your first order.
Write for Price List.
TERMS: 25% Cash with order, balance C. O. D.

We do not handle jobs or sec¬ onds, only fresh, per¬ fect stock


KiifTolk Pun^h and Cljdradale atork hare nerer

bt-rnme poimlar.

A* to otbrr famnua teama:

(lant parkin,

and brrwlcc romiiaoira of tbe Mlildir Writ uard


to art up for rxhlbltion purpoar. (and prrhapa atlll do not altra oomp<^a,M of "mountain draft-

At Poteau, Oklahoma, JULY 4 to 9, 1921

rra" welfblnr a too apirro. I waa at the Lire Stock Show In Cblracu one year when tba

A budget of $12,000 to secure Free Acts. Music, Entettilnromt and to piovlde other means of itatlng this tremoiKhnis celebration has been secured.


No "snide'' company wanted, nathing under a 20-car show. The attendancs oa July 4th alaae will run

25,000. The week will give 50.000 to 75,000. Hundreds of dollars arc being ssent in advertieing this

event. Concesiiuns open. Write or wire.


, _

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, A. D. Manning. Manager. Peteau, Oklahssia.

Pabat alx of ,raya won flmt prlte. It wat

driven by Dick

Prairie--a maater relnanian

TTien there waa the atrawberry roan team ot

t.etre lielglina--four abreaat--owned by a

Providenre, K. I , brewer. Jamea Hanley, and

driven by Billy Wiiet of Chicafo, formerly a

bl, toil driver and a rrackerjack The off-

e heeler weikhed 2.3V» pounds. Thla team ap¬

peared at many horae tbowa. Deaert frel,bt-

Ing In the far Weat, which formerly was dona

with long atr.nga of mnlea. has been ellmlnited


owing to the automobile and the encroacbln, rallmadf.
Tliere waa a veteran driver with the Mighty

Haag aggregation named Emmett, who told

SEPT. 14, 15, 16,17, COALGATE, OKLA.

me he had. when a youngster, determined to eolve every known mrtbod of driving If the

Wants 15 or 20-car Carnival Co., also 3 Frc^e Acts. §10,000 in purses

chroniclet he related were true. I Judge be had nearly aucceede-l. for he had driven bop-

and premiums. L. C. HOUSE, Amusements.

pled pieera on the .\ew Jetvey pumpkin tracka. in'ltrra on the ire at tliiawa. an elght-borae

snow-plow on the Tenth avenue carllae In New

York, a book and ladder tniek la the Kansas

City fire department under Chief Ceerge Hale

llnventof of the water tower*, and aiileen

horaea on a bear«e In Buenos Aire, after twlBg

stranded there with an American clrcnt!



That Can


For an entire aiimmer I drove the celebrated
Cars 2<v-mnle team of the Pacific Coast Rorai Com¬ pany. and wrote a page article, lllattrated. about

the enlerpriae In The New York Herald latua

Address E. HAAG, Woodbury, Tennesseo. of July

lfw>7. Mr Snyder or Billyboy

readers who are Interested can consult The

lle-ald fllei Mr. f«nyd-»r's suggestion that The

Rlllhoard devote a column to news and yarns

regarding drivers `a a g'»s| one. Why not try

for leaaon uf thirty weeks CO-40 basis. Must Iv up to date (or beat Ride Territory In America. Upeni
May 1 In Western Peunajlvaula. Act uuUk A Uluss COREY GREATER SHOWS. Twin Roekf, Cambria Cs., Paanaytvaaia.



Room *.1. Empire Motel, Syracuae, N. T


Ian and Johnny Grant. A Hat of wellknown b»aa hoaticra. otler than thee named, and the outfits they were with at various timeB, should Include Spencer Ilelevan and Charlie Rooney of Bamboo (Kinglingt, Bob Abrams (Hngeubeck-Wallacel, Brown and Kddie Evans (Sells Klolo) and Ur. I'lrlch (I>-on Washburn). Also two of the very long ago, t'harUe Lrana and Billie Connors.

Handling long teams la such a pretty art that 1 wonder press agents of the white tops have not eiploltej it more. Tl:e late Frank Melville, one time equestrian director at the
·New Y'ork Hippodrome, told me be . .maidered Adam Forepaugh. Jr. the greatest long line driver he ever taw, Adam, Jr., of course, only

drove for the \t^i..iiisw u

fun of the thing,

-a.*^ A-


b. ut

.ac,oa rdaln^g

!k ^



the best I can recollect is John Wynn of Rsleigh.

X. C., who bau lled the only lO-borse team with

tbe Eingliogs aome yeua back. Nowadays ten

is about the longeat any clrcut asaemblea, tbo f have leen the wagons "floated" off wet lou uuh eight, and two tl-hori>e "huokroiie" teamt <q either aide, making forty homea In all, and two elcphanta pushing behind. Lynch has only one ten, aa be doesn't believe In them "They make one driver better than another." he eiplains. Formerly all colors might be found In baggsge stock. Many of the big showa now

entirely to graya. The H. W. <?how

used to carry the slogan "Watch the parade of

·*.*, Iheir literature. TTis

''``·lef la that a gray will b*`tter stand the aun


beat and on a dark lot at night

drivers are leas apt to run Into a string of graya.

?* tbelr color l^travi their presence. Years ago

I'iL tDe tninc. OD# aiiiioit n^Trr


Ljnch rmre told

`'I nrT»*r bbw

, buckskin that could pull a bird off a nest'"

Most of these splendidly Intelligent and power-

ful animalt are of Pereberon descent. Belgian,


X*w York, April 16.--.M Butler, oontracting tge/it for the Rlogllng Bamum A Halley CIr cus, has reported for duly. He arrive,] from the f-taat on ,\prll 1' aid will work tinder W. H Conway this anmmer. The big show w-lll have two contracting agents, replacing Nick Petit, who contracted for the combination and fho waa with the Rlngllnga for many years -^^r. Petit has a bllll'<sitlog plant at Minneapolis nd bat given up the clrcua.
In tha advertlaement of A. Rosa, on page R8 (this isvuel, the price for dull illustrated, with wiga and dresacs. abould b« H.'i [ler 100. and plain. $23 per HSi.
New York, .\pril IS.--Tamtval oprningi repor.od for laat .Saturday Include the folFowIng: Internatiooii Amuamrnt Kapoaltlon, Cllftoo; Johnny J Kline, Weft New York; Blatanj't Inter-tbean .\t'ract|ona, tirange, N. J., and tJerard (Jrenter Showa, RridgeiMirt, C«nn. The we.vtber waa not favorable.

Make More Money!

Ltarn to make Show Cardi, Siena. Adrertiaiiic

Potteri and Claw Sicti*. Big demand! IntiTrst-

Ing. srsfltable piofntion. Learn In a few weekt

br unique method Our wonderful enuree Includes

isdlviduBl corressondence Instructiong. Total

coat only $15. including comsicte asMiiment of

finest "MlUerO'e" colors and bruslice--FREE.

«cnu nw munci

$5,ndon firasrtrivleaslsoonsf

and $2 weekly for 5 weeks. Earn enough first

few weeks to pay for course. Send TODAY

2050 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N.Y,

Of Enid. OkUboma, wants Merry-Go-Round for season. Open Jone 1. Good for five mootha. JFNOLE PARK
AJflTSEMENT CO.. 123 South Independenoe. Enid. OMgl>nm»i Hannan Wieot. Manager.

Make big tieairy <oralliig asentt J -Act la our rvtirraentallvr .trtlrla w erlia beat <m demonalratliio. Vwy
·rnaatliinal. Run with broken pliiia It makes them buy. Your I prnrisitloa to |>r<a|«vti to giaxl L they ran not nfuae Hlgn them up and deliver llie givid. One
fJ cell eyatem. I'lenty will went It Kun yiair car cn vtrret covtiera. frnwd gathera. Nu# laid. Pon'l delay, fafra are < unung Write fur our llbrnl tiroiaieltlini
A. C. MFG. CO.
M . Buflels, N. Y. Mention Billboard.
will lie lieM August 23. 34, 35 at Orleans. Neb. Oniicetalnn. atwl Spe.laj Altia.-Uons. Address A. J. OLSON, Secirliry.
300 Pairs of Kolkr Skstee and PotUble Skating Floor, Must be In so»<l aliaiie. Will pay caali. Make II rtieap. BOIIliY WAKHEN. Iloi III, Hubbard. Tel.
BeauUea. $100 each, for June deUvary. FEANS WITTE. BR.. Box 1S6. ClndanatL


l§] B
h, 1 1
1 ' i



No. 70--Extra Heavy Trar.sparent Gas, per Gross... .$4.00 No. 13--Extra Heavy Transparent Airship, per Gross. 4.00 No. 70--Two-Color Gas Flag Design, per Gross.4.25 No. 60--Extra Heavy Gas (bright colors), per Gross.. 3.00

No. 110--Extra Heavy Transparent Gas, per Gross Kewpie Balloons (A New Winner), per Gross.... Kewpie Balloons (Workers), per Dozen.. Large Belgium Squawking Balloons, per Gross....,

We can furnish Transparent Gas Balloons with any Advertisement. Wril Special Discounts on Quantity Orders. Terms: 25% with Order, balance C.


175 cu. ft. Gas Cylinders, sold outright for $35.00. 200 cu. ft. Gas Cylinders, sold outright for $40.00. About 700 Balloons can be inflated with one of these cylinders. READERS AUTO M ATIC BALLOON FI LLING KEY, completely equipped with two gauges (one indicates the pressure for blowing Balloons and the other shows tiie amount of gas in cylinder at all times.) Price, $25.00. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED TO RENT CYLINDERS IN ANY QUANTITY. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS.

S. L. of A. and Auxiliary Dance With Sells-Floto Folk* in Coliaeum,
CblPigo. .\prU 1($ --Fcllowinit a conrerMtlno thl. week brtwren Kdward 1*. Neumann, of the fnltfd .'^tatfa Tent Si Awnlnf Co.. Sam J. of the Inlled Kaira lUK.klnft AawKlatlon. and Jerry Mugiv.n. of the SelU-Hoto Clrrua, and a r» rt CD y<\i h imh mad** to the Showmen*# League of Amori- a laet night. It waa roted to Jp;n with ilie r< u» i ecvle in a danre in tlie Coliaeum Saturday night, at whlrh the league tseml^n and thiir ladiea w»uM he boata to the elr ui peie.iie.
President Tdward K. Carrufbera railed on Steve A. Woods, general agent of the Wortham thtereats. to address the league. Mr. Woodt, after being commanded to come to the front, where the «hcle audience could arc him. com¬ plained that aueb pro.-rdure bad rrsulird in mak. teg him forget a perfe«-tly gc^d ^,eeeh which be could have ai'okm from the rear of the room.
·'Ererybody knows 1 am a pretty busy man.'* be said. `'Hut within two or three weeks I will be in ('bleago a good deal and expert to do a lot of wrwk on the Cemetery Committee, of wblrb 1 am chairman.'*
A. F Sheahan gave final Sgtire. on the lait hall, whlrh were regardi-d as highly aatlsfartory. Chairman Oiarles Krownlng, tn charge of the ballding im: nnruirnts on the Iragne't new bocne, related a .>> ry of dirt and plaster, oak beams, window I'fh'a, plumbing, carpenters and prog¬ ress. Thanks were Totrd the Sells Flolo Cirrus for entertaining the members of the league and auxiliary at the rirrus Wrdnesday night. Mr. Neumann annnunred that .*><>)) ti< keta had been given the league by Mr. Mugivan.
A letter was read from the I.adlea' AnilUary ag^ "Inc to ae.-ept the league's offer to rent ·pare to the ladles at H.taS) a year.
Tbt dsnre following the night performance of the rlr. us was a singularly happy blending of bow folks from the different arms of the amuteICent world. The oerasion was held In the Im¬ mense ball on the second llonr of the Coliseum Annex. An orchestra picked from Don Montgom·IT'a Circus Itand furmshcl the music. Hcxeral boedred guests were pn -eni They came j>ourtag In at three entrances and a Rlllboard repreaentathe rbronh'led some of thosr be saw from the league and auxiliary as follown;
Mr and Mrs Henry iteldrn. Mr. and Mra. J. X Howard. Sam 3. I.evy, Edward Carmtberi, Frank I.ewia. Mr. and Mra. A. F. Sheahan, Mr. and Mrs W. J. (Slim) Allen. Mr and Mra. James (Tiase, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Iloeckner, Charles Hall. Waller Driver. Col and Mra. F. J. Owens, Mr and Mra. Tom Itankine, Mr. and Mra. Edward F Neumann, Charles ti Kllpatrirk, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Faust. Thomas Vollmer, Tboa.



INDIAN DESIGNS. with and without silk binders. From $3.25 to $6.00 each ie Aoue leU.

with single and double rings and tassels. In dozen lota,$4.50aBd $5.00 a oesL

rnbretktble Wood Fibre Illuminating DoIL riefnl and ornamental. Dressed tn beautlfnl assorted shades Complete with cord socket and electric globa. ready to be attached to any lamp socket. It will beautify any room, giving a toft light.
PacAad aas ta a bex sad six dersa ta a east, la dona lots $3.2S caeli. la irost lots $3.00 eaeb.

16-inch high $12.00 and $16.00 dozen.
Send $10.00 for samplee.

16-inch high $12.00 and $16.00 dozen.
Send $10.00 for samples.

Wimlpog, Can., Afrit 15.--The winter rjtjnrtcra of the International Amusement Co., corner King and Logan strieta, in the renter of the wholesale district, presents a very busy scene these days, as most all the shows now contracted for are here and their parjpbeinslia is being made ready.
Man.sger I.avoIe is receiving some nice com¬ pliments fiom the newcomers on the large and spacious work rooms that he has engaged for them. Among the latest shows to be com¬ pleted is R 1 renthy's Wild Animal Show, which will doubtless be the feature attrocthni of the midway. The concessioners are busy paint¬ ing and ·ve.liaiiilng their tents and frames, so that when this show opens It will he one of the best .and neatest-framed gilly shows on the road. Manager Lavuie is probably the flrst to have a show of this nature winter this far North and everybody is watching with interrs*. the outcome of this venture. This is a great outdoor show territory and this will ba tlie first show in this season.
The store show that Manager Lavoie has been operating all winter on Main street continues to draw good crowds. Baby Belle, fat girl, still ho.da forth aa a feature attracCon, as does also a more recent arrival, the Alligator Farm.
The 'ast of April will find everything in readiness for the opening which takes place on May 23, on the old "Happy Land'' lot, with four more "still'' weeks to follow before the show starts on Its fairs.
A partial list of the attractions comprises B. Frenchy's Wild Animal Show, Alberta Frank's Wild West. R. Garvey's Dog and Pony Show, A R Lavoie's merry-go-round and whip. Jimmy Brown's Ferris wheel, J. Hardbottle'a "Si lendora,'' W. SkIvasion's "The World Aflame," "Belle and Boaco,'' Ten-in-one, and Hxrry Walsh's "Big Joyland Show '· All of which is according to the above show's press representative.
New Tork. April 18.--John Daniel, prize gorilla of the Ringling Rroa.-Barnum & Bailey Circus, ( ied Sunday at Madison Si]uare Garden from  complication of maladies, which began as nostalgia and later developed into quick pneamonia The botly will be presented by the cir¬ cus management to the American Museum ot .Natural History.

Id-Tncti nifb rnbreakable DoIIsl Most beautiful aasortment. Same as cuts. One to a box. slz
m to a caw. $12.00 aad $1X00 a daiee. Colanltl Electric IxdL la dorta lets $3.2S eaeb aad la irest lots $3.00 aach. 2S% deposit rtoulred eo all orders, balaaeo C. 0. D. Order stalpped taac day roeotvod.




Bell Phone Lombard 3965

Gentry gave tbe orcbeafra the fhumba down, and Ibe dance closed to "Home, Sweet Homo.**
Just as tbe last atralno of tbe waits closed Mr. Levy mounlt^d a chair and announced tho wrll-wlahea of tbe league to the Sella-Floto peo¬ ple for a prosperous season. Among the fueate were Mias Vera Gordon, motion picture star, who U in the Palace this week; Rose Russell, vaude¬ ville favorite, and othera from the Indoor world.
The expressions from the circus people to mem¬ bers of the league were many and spontaneously warm. The occasion waa a happy one. and notxsiy enjoyed it more than the membera ot Uw leagua tbemaelTM.

Martin, the hypnotist, and bit aiioiatant. Mile. Ktelyne; Mamie Wilson, the fat lady; I'rofesaor Graf, the tattooed man; Profetaor Lee, the oneman jau band, and numerous othera of Kodet's artiata. The Harlem Museum has stood the teat of time and. Judging from its ever-increasing patronage, it's a practical demonatratton that a real showman employing "real'* show people can get tho money anywhere.

New Tort. April 15.--When John Stahl. The nilllHiard "circulator,'' flopped The HillhoarJ auto oar In front of John Kodet's Harlem Museiiui »n I'.'btb street, near Third avenue, one day re.-ently. Manager Kodet mlrlsod lecturer Hud. speth to call an intermtstinn of five minutes in order that everyone rould go out ou tbe sidewalk and take a good view of tbe new, novel and
OAliiue car. la the crowd that came out was A1

Farle Moss, bandmaster of the IlagenbcckWallace Circus, and Rose Ellen Kelly, profes¬ sional dancer of Reanmont, Tex., were married April 11 at LouiavUle, Ky.

Ow-cer and general mar.-ieer of the Ruppal Greater Shows. Mr Kuppel has a large force of niiHi t'usy as leavers at the winter Quarters, Phil¬ adelphia. making everything spick and spaa for the big spring opening. Ue will have ooa at tha best outflu in hli career.

Ttie Billboard
MIAC Dn I Pn vvishesthat all the boys have big openings and JnVi DLLL uU> continued success throughout the season.

Wc KNOW that the boys usinp our goods will pot "money"--we hope the others will. Merchandise of quality only. Stock always on hand--At once service. Are you in on our Profit Sharing Plan? Write for particulars. Send SIO.OO for sample line of assorted Dolls.

25% deposit required on all orders^ balance C. O. D.

Neic catalog note ready.

APRIL 23, 1921

We carry in stock




187 Chfstnut Street

We carry m stock


(Continued from page (53)
Great United Shows. Jack Herman, mgr.: Oarnett, Kau., 18-28.
Great While Way Shows, C. M. Nliro, mgr.: Ijixenbnrg, S. St. Ixuis, Mo., lC-23.
Hasson Itro*.' Shows; .Vllooiia, Ca., 23-30. Heinz llrus.' Show.: Keokuk. la., 25-30. Uosn-llay'a United Shows; Alliance, O., 21-90.
·Ions, Srison 1321. JOHN \VUE2\TLEY. Mtiuger, 8131 N. Cainsc St., PhlUdclpbia, Pcnutylranla.
lagalU, lUrry, Cirons-CarniT-al: Meadow Park, Lynn, Mass., 16-23.
International Amusement Expo., W. J. Bloch, mgr.: Paaaalc, N. J., 16-29.
Inter-Ocean Shows; Bellevue, Ky., 23-30. laler Greater Shows, Louis Isler, mgr.: Chap¬
man, Kan., 25-90. Jones, Johnny J., Expo.: Waycrota, Ga., 18-23.
oomlns season. Address LEW HOFFMAN. P. O. Box Sa, 6t. Paul, Mlnoeaota.
Kennedy, Con T., ffliows; St. Joseph, Mo., 18-23; Topeka, Kan., 25-30.
Kaplan's Greater Showa; Folton, Ky., 18-29; Princeton 25-M.
Kehoe A Daria Shows, W. J. Kehoe, mgr.: Carrollton, Mo., 18-28; KirksrIIle 2.5-80.
Keystone Expo. Shows, Sam Mechanic, mgr.: Lebanon, Pa., 16-23.
Kline, Johnny j., Showa: West New York, N. J.. 16-28.
Kraune Greater Shows, Ben Kranse, mgr.: Blchmond, Ky., 18-23.
Olgaolzed Drsnattfl Show. ConoNslora and AttraeUms. Address 1020 Atkew Are., Kansas City, Zia.
LaOron Rliows: Bradford, Pa., 23-30. LAtlip'a. Cnpt., Expo, of Bides: Portamonth, O.,
28-80. Lee Rr(«.' Sliows; Frederick, Md., 18-23. Leeroon A .Me t art Shows; Tucnmcarl, N. M., 18-
23; Walaeoburg, Col., 2.'>-30. Iseggette, C. It., ^ows: Eldorado. Kan., 18-23;
Augusta 2.5-30. Look, J. George, Showa: nenryetta, Ok., 18-


Now Rooklnx Sbowa and Conorsilona

MK Wt Vernoa Court


Loniian-Kubinaon Shows; Springfield, Tenn., 18-

McClellan. J. T., Showa; Weir, Kan., 18-23. MeLaugblin, P. 8., Shows; Luzerne, Pa.,

Mac'a Greater Shows; Frankford, Phila., Pa., 38-30.
Mary's, J. A., Expo. Showa; Princeton, W. Va.,
18 28. Man Greater Showa: Chattanooga, Tenn., 18-

Martin's Greater Shows, O. C. Martin, mgr.: Johnson City, Tenn., 18 33; Morristown 25-

Domy & Foley Greater Shows
nrday, April 30. BooUng Showa and Coneaaaluns. Addrew 908 Ptorideoee Boad, Scrantoo, Pa.
Martln'a. Percy, Midway Sbowa: Cnmherland, Md.. 23-30.
Miller Bros' Shows: Columbus, Ga., 18-29; Chattanooga, Tenn., 25.10.
Miller's Midway Aliraciiont: Cleveland, Okta., 18-23
Miller, A. B . Shows- Hanover, P*.. 18 2.1. Moonlight Shows: Frankfort, Ky., 23-30. Moore. Homer E., Shows: Heidlersburg, Pa.,
23 30. Mosa Bros ' Shows: Sedalia, Mo.. 18-23. Murphy, J. F., Showa; Charlottesville, Va., 18-

Cloth Greater Shows
and Conccaatnns at all times. Address all oommunU rattooa to P. 0. Box 1121, Pittabursk, Ptaniylvanla.
Murphy, Prank J., Sbowa: Norwich, Conn., 2336.
Null!, Capt. C. W., Showa: Lntcber, La., 1838.
O'Brien's Expo. Show*; Cartervllle, III., lR-23. Patterson A Kline Showa; Tulsa, Mia., 18-23.
GREAT WHITE WAY SHOWS. WIntar Ouartsra. 2ltt and Lynch Ave.. East St. Louia, III. Now booking Shows. Bides and Concesalona. Address all mall to BOX No. S, Eaat 8L Louis, IIUnolA
piibetiin'a 20th Centnry Am. Co.: Detroit, Mich-,
Pitt*hiirg Amnaement Co., J. B. nttaborg. Pa., 23-30.


The Original Austin Doll Lamp



Genuine hand-made silk shade;

dress and neckband to match;

handsomely decorated with 22-carat gold leaf

and sterling silver braid; solid cast, mov'able arms;

_ Cupid painted lips and eyelashes. Mahogany

finished base; 6 feet silk extension cord; stand-

ard make Benjamin plug and Yost socket.

Height of Lamp, 20 Inches.

100,000 WILL BE SOLD

While They Last, S3 (usually retail at $10.)

Sample sold on money back guarantee anywhere In the U. S., prepaid. $3.50.
Orders filled promptly. One-third deposit, balance


18 East Lake Street,


Pniiiin't, jf. B., Beacoo Shows: Baacao, N. T., 2.-! M.
IVh.i.*. II B.. Shows: Bales. N. M., 18-23: Albuiuerqiie
Hei-d. K B., Rhowi: riorla, N. M., lR-23 Kell*. .<at. Show*; Peoria. HI.. 14-23; Bock
Iiland .'.V30.
Riley. Vatliew J . Sl:owa: nighlandtowo. Balti¬ more. .Mil.. IS 23.

April U-23 St Lynn, rill St., Swisiptestt,

Il- orfo . Ui- po. S-'liowi, C^ S. liooco, mgr.: Mulljoa,

W. \i.. 18-2.3; Berkley 2.5 Ul.


Ro^oe's Imperial Shows: Detroit, Mich., 16"

Knbln A fTierry Shows; Diirhsra. N. C.. 18-23. Buppel Greater Shows: Philadelphia. Pa., 13-

Bmlfh Greater Showa: Asherllle. N. C., 18-28. Smith's Greater United Shows: Ulkios. W. Va..
fVil's United Shows; W. Frankfurd. 111., 18-28.
Sifufhe-n Eipo, Showa: Vinton, Va.. 18-23: Pulatkl 25-90.

Internitionil Amusement Exposition
Now bonktnc ghowa and Concrsslona St.. New Yart.

Scott Greater 58iows: nerington. Kan.. 25-50. Spencer, Sam E., Showa: Brookrllle, Pa., 21-

Torrena, W. J., United Showa: SiTlngfleM. 0,, 16 .30.
Trarer Expa Shows; Bldgefield Park, V. J,, 20-30.
United Amosement Co., J. V. Moratca, mgr.} Point Marion. Pa.. 23-30.
Vermeito'a Greater Shows: Grand Rapids, Mich.,





Concessions of all kinds, that will work for a dime. TIub is the
finest Gilly Show in America. All mail
CHAS. R. STRATTON, Mgr., Springfield, Tenn.

Always booktng. 1431 Broadway, Raeai 214, N. Y,

Wade k May Shoara: UamtramA, Detroit,

Mich.. 16-28.

Wsllace Midway Attractions: London. 0.. 3880; Logan May 2-7.
Wallace Bros  All Featore Shows: Toonga-

town, O.. 21-90.

Wise. David

ohnwa; Prnden, Tenn.. 18-23.

Wolfe'a. T. A.. Superior Showa: NVw Albany,

Ind . 18-28; Newport. Ky.. 28-80.

World at H-tme A P-dack Brot.' Combined

8howi: Birmingham, Alt., 18-28.

n<«k1nc Shows and roncsaslona for 19}1. AddreM Winter Quarteri, Narwich Casnscticut.




Mechanical Show--Platform Show
ATI Concesslona open. No rxcluaiT*. except Cookhnuie, Juice and Palmistry Can place TTleh Striker, PUrh-TUl-Wtn. Buck la Buck, lioop La. Knife Back String Joint The (ullowtng Wlirrla are open; Uam. Bacon. Fruit, Oroeertei, Blanketa. Poultry. We will pay tranap-irlatlon on rKIIIIIH WHEEL. Athenfc Ohio, April IS-iS, auspire* Bed Men; Olouater, Ohio. April JS-JO, auapicea Ammcan Legion. Mlddleport, Ohio, May 2-7, auspices American LckIoii, Point Pleasant, \V. Va., May 9-11, au.iploei Bed Men; BaTenawood, W. Va., May 14-21, autpleta .SetMol Board. All wire J. L. CRONIN.


Wortham's, 0. A., Expo. Shows: San Antonltb Tex., 18-23,
Wortham's World's Best Shows: Stockton, Cal., 18-23.
Wrieht. J. I-awrence. Show*; 5faryland Park, Md . 16 23: Mt. Kalnier 'JS-TO.
Zeldman A Pollle Expo. Show*: Charle*too. W. Va . 18 9f>.
Zclrer. C. F., United Rhowt; Fremont, Nhh., 23 .10.

BAZAARS--Indoor Showi





Corey Bazaar Oo., E. S. (Jorey, mgr.: Portage, Pa , 18-23.
Harlem Museum: 184 R lC8'h *t.. New York, liharty Muaeum, J, Harry Carrier, mgr.: Akron,
GUo. Moosn Oelehratlon and Indoor Fair, Plttahnrf,
Pa.. April 23»» II. J. Prank, secy.. No. 47 NfM-tb Side. Pltlabnrg. TliiirsroD'a ·Mii*eom tk Mystic Temple, Harry Thnrsfnn, gen. mgr.: 60 W. Vadl'vm s*reeL, Ghlrago. III.
World's Mnseiim, Norman Jefferita, mgr.: lit® A Market art., Philadelphia


Wild West. Dog A Pony Show. Illusion, any Show r(f Merit. Prefer Shows that do not confllot with what we bars. (>>iirrxsloiiJ. no cxclusiye, so come on. Excellent proposition for KIdrt. Sea Plane, Whip, Aeronlxiie S»liii!s, Tanro Swines, k-t's hrar from you. "It I* a diMlnriion to Iw uoilei the .14etrop<>litao liaiim-r." Addrt-tt A. M. NASSER, Manaaer, week April IS, Lasdes, Ky.; April 25, Wischetler, Ky.: week May 2, Mayiville, Ky. Newport, Ky., and HasiiltoB, Onts, to fellow.




Manufacturers of fireworks also reply. Concessions to let. Attica always had

large crowds at these affairs. Address correspondence to


Atrerhiiry Ilrrm': Sandoval. Ill , 21; Paloka 22; Shabbonler '23.
I'.i-n.s'. Al G : petalmna. r*l.. 20; Uklab 21; F'< riiiiia Ti: Eiiieka 22.; WIIIII* 24; .Nspa 25: Marysrllle 26. Cblco 27: Wlllowa '28; Ke-t I liilT 2ft; It.vidinr H'
runiphfll Bro*'- t.<-hsnnn. Ore., 23; Bmwp^ vllle 24; Ilfiid `25; llo(i|iner '26; Arlington 27.
Canipliell, Kiilley A lliitclilnson: llurlmiirvillc, Kt., 21.
Gentry Hroa.* fNiow: Muskoaee. Ok. 22. Giept Sanger; Kd-Iyrllle, Ky., 20; Princeton 21.
Main, Waiter I-.: W. Ghesier. Pa . 20; Potta-
fown 21; PolltTUIe 22; I<ebanon 23; I<ewlatown 25; nDnllngtnn 26: Phllllpahnrg 27}
Clnarflnld 28: Dnbola 20; Hlttannlng 30- .

I APRIL 23. 1921

Glotti's Greatea* Shows


Uf ilJTl Can place one or two more Shows, also Motordrome and Platform, or Walk-Through Mechanical Show. All Grind Stores come

nflA nlNi II!· on. Will take care of you. We have closed ten of the Best contracts in Pennsylvania. This Show plays the EEa^glleess State Coonn¬-

vent ion at SteulH'nville, Ohio, so get in touch with us and play the big ones. All mail address from now on to Robert Gloth, in care the


P. S. Have booked Capt. Jack Payne, World's Best Fire Dive.

Pilmrr Iti.*': Kl..«a. Kan.,

Al»a, ok., ;

W ilM.iiil JJ; faii»dlau. Tr\.. Jl; i'auy*** - 'I

T .1 a .'tl I loyl.ula -7; I'laiiivlew


ItinViliiK lir''* '

I'amuni A Kallpy Coniblneij;

iMxlix'ii >*Miiare t.BrJrn) Svw York City

MjT' h .1 April 10.

hli.Oii :.".»al: Jr-Uu-O. Trim . SO; Corbin, Kf., .1;

\\ ,:. In Mi l


Srll« ri''l'>- (Collarum) -CbP a){o 9-24.

Kli pp A IVll.i.: Ilu n>iile KnuMi Ainrrira, IVt

»c!"|i<!>i*. ICt'ailaOa fvl5. Hueui>a Air***, .Vrarii

liLf, iu`lrf. 8nat'r>»': IlMrriwinburu. Va., `JO; I.»xlt»trton .1;
(oilnittoa 22; U.m-i-torte, W. \a., 2.1;

Hr klry 2.V




Franklin, l*a.. 20; .N'r'v Tblla-

drl;liil. 0., 21; Ci>rb.«'liin 22; /aiiraiillr 2*3; 1*1 .l.rrry -*. .VMirl.s .·."i

ranniin `.Irorsia. ArMiiir IHakwald. mgr.;

.Ili.iidwHj-' D.'nvrr. Colo..

Hmildrr 2*5;

I.-.i.aiiirnl 2'>, Crrrlr.v 27; Slrrllug 2'», .North

I'lai'r. Nrb.. 2V; Krainr.T ;mi.

FirM'.. .\l It ; Spriiiicfirld. 111.. 20. I>rt atur

21; D.inille 22; Trrrr llaiilr. lud.. 23 24;

la Farrtir 2.1; Ft Wiyno 2»1; Munrir 2*7;

''2>; F.lLhart 20 Rouih Hand ;o May 1.

IJartry ·. K

N«n»lcli. .N*. V., J»'; Onronia

21. Srhmn lady 22-2.1.

Ibrl-i-rCa. Jr.. C. Ilrrbrrt. m<rr.; la-wUtown.

M.-,f . 21 ·2.*; C.rrat Fall. 2.1-24,

Hi tlrnry*.; UaT.horr, N. Y . 2*0; SayTille 21;

I'«' lr>2iir 22; l.indrnhiir't 2*3.

' 1.1-. idrr'a nixlr Mi»'n. C. W- Srhnrldrr, nHrr.;

I ina OroTo. la., M, Sutherland 21; Jotley

... Fonda 2S-24. t'-' h, K:unirit. MlnatreU (Dnnionti rhilidrl-

p' la. ra . Indef.

.tdan.-., J.imra, Flobilog Theater: Oxford. Md., Is 2.'.. .St. Ml. bael, 2.1-.10.
Oe< k. r M<-dtrlne Show. Be. ker k Ward, mgrs.: oitawa. Kan., 1h-28; Tot.eka 26-30.
Cir.isle*. The wii ;. Craeker*: .San Juan, Porto Kh-o. .\pri| IH-May 21.
("Vie r.rist * Sb"w». No 1, K. R. Coyle, mgr St Uiuli lh-23.
Dame'. B. A., .VTaglcian: Grand Rapids. Mirh.,

I'anghters of Dawn. Photoplay, C. V Heath, bus mgr.; Columbia, 8. C., lS-23
Enimett Ilyjinotlc Co. K. L. WIlUama, iC. S. .\ ) Vancouver. Wash.. 19-21; iHIIgh) Salem, Ore., 22-21
Gllbert'a, R. A . Hynottc Show: Clarksville, Tenn., 18-2.1; Bowling tJreen. Ky . 2-130.
Ileverly, the Great, 4 Co.; R.-veNtoke. B. C.. Can , 2123: Banff. Alla., 25 26.
Khiym; (Majestic) Danvilie. Va., 18-2.1. Kfll'i, I,e.Iie K., Comedians. Gerald le Ken¬
yon, mgr.; Rinrer-vllle, Mo.. 18-'2.1. lathrup. Wayne; Palmyra. 111., '20-21. Lane A- Smith Show; .\mhertt, N. II., 16-22;
Wlll.-n 23-28. ljurey, Tho« F^lmiwe; BKhop. Tex., 2e; Rohs-
town 21: Mathit 2.'; Three Rivera 2.1; Sthina 2*5: Hondo 26; ('.·y«lbl City '27; Carrlio Kpringa 28; .Lahi-rtnn 2'9: Coliilla -"dv. Norwiesl, Duncan .4 Fav Co., with Kasle Fay: Mason niy, la.. 18.2.`l. Osborne Hypnotl,- Show Wood River. HI. 2'223; Dlxim. Mo . 2.1 30. R»x. yfental Wizard (Grand) Colnmbus. O., 17-23: (Boulevard) Clni Innall 24 (Ml Richards, the Wlrard' iGcand) Terre Ilanie, Ind , 17 23; (Palace) Danville. 111.. 24 30 Thurston, Magician: (New Detroit O H.) De¬ troit. Mich., 17-2.1; (Auditorium) Toli-de. O., 24 n Turtle, Wm C. Magician; .\nnawan. HI., l**21
Wvlla.c Magician; Morrlatown. Tenn.. 21-22: 1'"'don 2*'t'-*6; Lenoir City '27-'28: Sweetwater

Wllllamr. O. Homer. Mental Mystic; (Hlpp) tionlavllle. Ky., 18.2'.8


(Recsisfd Too Lats for Claaslflestlon)
Arl»z..ll*a. D.. Band; Vinton. Va . 18-23. Hrighi Light Kliowa. (Correct Ion) Suffolk, Va.,
18 23. I'r'wn'a, Mary, Trtqiical Maids; (Suggs) I'lileka
·Its. Ok.. 18423 I'aiiiclt 4 Seliula Greater Shows: Erin, Tenn ,

$S.OO Rcr Nest
(Lest than 10 nests--S5.2S per nest)
of 6ve baskets, elaborately trimmed and decorated with ilk ta&sels, coins, beads and colored glass rings. Two rings

Harlow, Jesa. Amusenirnt Co.: Albuquerque, -N. M.. 18-23.
I. X. L. Ranch S?how. Jack W. King, mgr.: Durham, N. C., 18-23,
Jerome & Newell (01ym,>la) Newport Newa, Va., 21-23.
Lewis Show: New Willard. Tex., 18-23. .Morgan, J. Ding, Show: Texarkana, Tex., 18-
McClung, C. C., Tattoo I'arlor; Tucumcarl, N, M . JS-23.
Mlchelaen .V Lee: <U. S. A.) A'ancourer, Wash., 24-2C; (Bligh) Salem, Ore., 29-30.
Reynolds 4 Geraldine: (Sheridan .8q.) Pittaburg 21-23.
.Sn'ith, Peter J.; (.'4iigga) Chickaslia. Ok . 18-23.
Starck's, Nick, Band: liog .Angeles, Cal., 18-

on two largest baskets, double A CIRCUS DRIVER'S EXPERIENCE

tassels, 50c extra. All baskets guaranteed free from bamboo worms.

William Percy Lyons, better known at "Hannah Fat,*' relates some of his experiences as a circus drirer. Saji he: "In twenty years of trouping an helper, short and lung btring diirer and b02S bustler I bare had varied ex perience. Many of the boys with the Barnum show, who liked to kid me, remember the night down in Alabama when I hollered, `Mister, please don't shoot,' as a lanky native, full of rorn liquor, blazed away at me with a revolver that looked to be as large aa a cannon. Thanks to the amount of `hootch' be bad aboard--he missed.


25^ deposit required with all orders. Positively no attention paid to orders without deposit. No matter who you arc. No exceptions! I I I


HUGHES BASKET COMPANY, 154 W. Uke SL (2nii Floor), Chicago, III.

"On another occasion 1 was the principal ae tor at a mock lynching by the rest of the drivera. They accused me of being a horse thief on account of my loading a horse of another driver's team in with mine. It was loti of fun for the crowd, but not for me, to be s>-nt up to the bale-ring, feet flrst.
"Several years ago while In Bridgeport. Conn., I was anxious to get an eight-horse team and to show what I could do with one. One day I took an `eight* out to exercise them Kverytbiog was lovely until something hap¬ pened which scared the horses. If they hadn't left the road and wrapped themselves around some trees I think they would be going yet.


"Wbo remembers the morning op in Kingston. Can., when the boys sreuaed me of saying, 'Mr. Apples, plea-e catch 'em'? The bulls fnghtened the horses.

The Arahee Special
16 inches high, wood pulp, unbreakable com¬ position. attractively dressed in an assort¬ ment of silks, malines and metal cloth, trimmed with marabou.
We carry a complete line of 14, 16 and 19inch Composition Dolls at right prices; also Teddy Bears, Pillow Tops, etc.
Our Dolls must be seen to be appreciated. We have no catalog.

"But the worst experience in my career o<-eorred In Seattle while going down that long Third avenue hill la hfll that Is dreaded by every man that ever drove a show team) with the 24 horse band team. The brakes gave way and turned me louse. I always think I was lucky to have my ten-flngered eloves on that day. However, more thru good lurk than good management I made that turn to the right at the bottom, barely missing a street car. 1 cannot give too much credit to my two aasistants on that o'casion. They were Bill Fifield and Doc Whitney.
"In your February 26 Issue I saw an Item by Afr. Murray of a talk he bad with Georgs Curran. 1 am glad to be able to call myself a friend of the same `Red' Curran, or as he used to he called by the boys, the `Infernatlonst Showman,* on aceount of the detailed Informa¬ tion he could give one regarding rircia data, domestic and foreign. He mentioned Tom l.ynrh and Jake Po^ey in glowing terms. I agree with him. What driver who ever worked for Tom Lynch (the daddy of them all) doea not admire him?"

25^^ deposit required on all orders, balance C. O. D.
412-414 Lafayette St, NEW YORK CITY,

Bones recently discovered at a depth of fortyflve feet beneath Regent street. I/ondon, Eng¬ land. proved to be relics of an elephant and tn ox. creatures different from any at preaent existing. Elephants, bigger than any now existing and standing at least fifteen feet to the shoulder, must have been plentiful In England in those days. At Chelsea a few years ago there was dug up a lump of Ivory weighing no leas than sixteen pounds, which, on examination, proved to be s mammoth's tooth. It was fifteen Inches broad, nearly a foot deep and in moat perfect preservation.
Hippopotami of gigantic sire wallowed in tbs shallow water of l/ondon's old lagoons, and there were also smaller animals of the same type, sf which remains have been found under London Cnder Fleet street there was found about twenty years ago the skull of an enormoua rhinoceros, which may be seen In the Natural

She ,s Mtinnlnxly dressed In silks, trimmed with gold and,
luuppcl with five feet of wire. She also '.rears a beautiful bat trimmed 11(1 o«(rU'h leather.

Museum at South Ken.lngton,



iuHalo Avenue,


D A D m IM imported imitation



Earrings Brooches. IV-ad Chains, etc. Will sell ti cost. These are wonderful sellers and treat value for

ths money Oct In touch with us st once. COLl'M-

BIA IMl'OKT CO., 157 K. 12Sth St.. New York City.


MUSEUM OF ANATOMY--Tent and Binners

DsHcs aultable for Negro Amuscmsnt Park. Will b' , IsSM or play prrirentags. Few 7-ln-l Attractions, tent and banners. Both comp!'*-'. ope*. Addrsss A. C. SINCLAIR. 205 NatlSRal Baiilt « CMMSrss BulMlne. Tulsa. Okla. Writs if you have coin. 8UAW, Victoria, Mo

Xl\e Amepicain Exposition Sliows /Want

Concessions of all kinds. No exclusives. Everything runs. Address KETCHUM & LAPP, Newburgh, N. Y., this week; North Adams,

Mass., next week. Wc'are on our way to Canada.


(Continued from page .lO)

it Mid. Tbe re*t of the con^iany i><attered licre

and there.

TUB FX)UX)W1.NG IS TAKKN from The Sat¬

urday Theater

puhliahed at I'.urtlesville,

Oh.: "Ten year* ago, when the aioviDR picture

eihlbitora thought that their offering to the

aiuuaement-loving puhlie had reached the ereat

or i>erfecllon and would Boon he on the wane,

they thought It adv-aable to cull into conKUlta-

tlon the deaiia of ·.Amiineuient I'hysicianii.'

What was nio-ded was a atr'.ng and lasting stim¬

ulant, one that after being injected and with

proper after medieation would so sliuiulate the

boZHitDre patient' that his \iHita would be long

and frequent. Many ao-'ailed 'physiciaus' tried

and failed. The 'ttutient* failiMl to respond.

Klnally entered `lir.' Ensley Harbour, who

bad a |K>st-graduate course In the 'ilia' of amuse¬ ment, He iireaeribed `Musbal Comedy Tabloid,* with the dire<tions. Mo he given daily' two or three times, or as many times a.a the 'patient' craved for it. The iirescription cai.sed an eiddemic. It spread from town to town. `Dr.' barlKiiir waa anowed under with ai'plicationa from t `amnaement sanitarlnma,' those whose 'patients' had deserted them. The prescription was imme¬ diately administered. This waa ten yeara ago. The result: The Harbour Circuit of Theaters. Becognized and nmcedid to be the world's great¬ est and biggest niuaii-al comedy tabb id circuit. So successful has it been that the must firominent and biggest of producers are now leaning toward this . ir nit talent. Just recently a prominent minstrel man, tipou being eomplimented for the g<K>d show that he had, replied: `Yea, I have a good show, but 1 had to get the "tab." actors to put it over. A notice of Febmary 12, In The Uillboard, read: 'The big prodnctug managers contemplate a raid on "tab. ebowa'' for new faces and talent.' And. speaklog of talent, Mr. Harbour has with liia com¬ panies tome of the cleverest stars of the vaude¬ ville and musical comedy stage. Hilly House, lone O'Donnell, Fritz Fields. Jimmy Allard and many others have headlined the beat of bigtime vaudeville bills and have starred with the bigceat and best of musical comedies. The store
roon* theater, which waa brat used at the birth of the circuit, has grown into beautiful, large theaters, with every modern roiivenienoe, both for the liatnma and the performer. Over 7!) cities now get their amusements from the Bar¬ bour Booking Agency, one of these being our own Oklah Theater here in Bartlesville, whl:h la under the able management of Kd C. Hunter. Traveling companies are quU-k to compliment Mr. Hunter for hia congenial and business¬ like management of the Oklah. .And patrons alike are appreciative of the fart that the beat in musical comedy la always to he seen at tbe Oklah. And so, after ten years, the `Dr.' Barboor stioiulant baa lost none of its strength, bat the craving for it has causiMl numerous new 'amnaement sanitariums' to be erected, and many other ones are now in the course of conatrnction.''

JD8T A MOMENT. PLEASE! What has be¬ come of Pauline Hinnman, Dad Smith. Charles I Bud) Reeves, Cora Fancher. Virg Downard, Oracle Riche, Al (^tton, Billy Graves. Frank I.aiwler, Boll Greer. Kobert B Nelson. Morris . H. Lsitber, Eddie Collins, FVank Newman, Billy V steed, Arthur Higgins, DeWitt Kirk, Elmer
[I Wlntz, Ed Klark, Bud Davis. Guy Johnson.
f Harry Feldniap, Pearl King, Billy Fenton, Bud I'balen, Lew Hersbey, Eddie Trout. Billings Booth, Peggy Heed, Lew and Kilty Green, Leon OeVoe, Mabel Shea. Morris DeCostea. Mr. and Mra. Chef K. I'nipleby, Frank Maley, Frank Reed.
.Mary Brown, Ray .Norlohr, `·Jolly'' Jack Ander¬ son, G. Clifford Green, Coulde Pat. Crvstal Bell. Ijlwrenoe P. Wall. .Mrs. H. D Zarrow,' DVm Lannlng, James T. I.ewis. Jack La J'earl, Charles Soladar, Johnny Keenan, Charles Levan, Harry Ackerinsn. Lida Eldridge, Del Kstea. Gretohen Powell, Shorty Yager. Monty Wilkes. Jack Gllck. Katherine Coi, Al Flatiro. Tom Meredith, dies Davla, Billy "Irish'' Lewis, Boh Ott, Charles Morton. Jack .Miller. Frank L Wakifield. Earl Shore. Frank Rich, Billy Russell. Harviy Collins. Jimmy Hodges, Anna Thornton, Leo Francis, the Gibson Sisters, I)ari7 Beverage, Henry Roquermure. Walt Meyer, Hal Thompson. Bert Smith, Bunny Whitlock, Lew Be.krldge, Ray Read. Kirk Bennett, Walter and Agnes St. Clair, Jack Weston, Mai Stewart (how aliout that Coast newaf). Claude Malfhls, Rtlsworth Bcnlow. Jack Staib, Fred Frazer. Tom Leigh. Fern Ashel. At Candler, James Whitehouse, Harry Corday, Lil¬ lian Meek. Moe Parker. Bill Marlin, Eddie Rnatel. Chick Flefoher. Bert Southern. Teddy Harris, Jack Lord. Mack (Jasbo) Mahon, Margaret Wolfe
and "Slim" Joe Wordley? Come on, break that ailence!


Aftar an absenee of seven years the American Playera have returned to Detroit to play Rotary ttock. Tbia organization had a successful run of 21 weeks on Its last visit to the Michigan city.
Joe Van's musical fab. is no more. .Toe has retnrned to the burlesque field, and the re¬ mainder of the aggregation returned to--Ixird knows where.
Lynn and Cairs, after enjoying a lengthy trip thru the E.vat. are now in the "Auto City." After they play this section they contemplate rctui-ning to Chicago.
Billy Malone, who for several seasons sntcessfully toured hia tab. on the Sun Circuit and thru the "sunny** Koutb, is cow playing the local dates.
Bave Newman and family are enjoying a much needed rest at their home in New York. Mr. Newman contemfilatea another tour with hia "Little Cafe'' act In the near future.
Mack Allyn. who has been out of harness for over two years, is In our midst while on a atiU hont for something worth while.

! may he a letter advertised tot you.

list It the most authentic ever presented to the

Think Before You Order!

public. Tbe Informalion contained in this Hat has been ohia.ned from tboroly reliable sources, A staff of people has been employed and baa

Beacon Blankets, in Indian designs, with wonderful colors, $4.50 each. Touraine Chocolates, at Boston prices! A wonderful flash for little
money. Toilet and Manicure Sets, fifty to seventy-flve cents lower than any
other price list for same goods. Also swell Intermediates at Six Dollars Per Doz. Our 16-inch Hair (curls), Silk-Dressed. Fur-Trimmed Twlnnie Doll
is a knockout. A regular $20 Doll at $16.00 Per Doz. Assorted In flve styles, and a Bride Sample, $1.50.
Send for Circulars on our Sure Winners. One-third deposit required
on all orders.
Carnival & Bazaar Supply Co., Vifth^A^v.,^* New York City, N. Y.

l>ccn In eonatant tonch with the mayors of tbe different eitlea, eomniissiooera of license* and secretaries of the chamber of couimeire, to tbe information must be considered as aeciiraie as poaaibly can be olitained. Undunbtedly since tbe compilation of this book there baa been a number of new theaters and ehanget that are not luted. These, however, are already o:. rscord and will appear In the next Uaue.
The thealei* Hated by States show that Ohio leads In number of theaters, with New York and I'ennaylvaola a riose se<-ond and third. Listed by Statei It shows the following moving picture theaters in each State. In addition to which are to Iw added about 2,(iOf. theaters pLaying vaudeville and pictun^a, and 3,tt7:i the¬

aters playing traveling attractions, making a


w JT 

r ~M

Special lor S Cent Wheel

B ASIvEXS $20.00 per lOO


No. 1--$60.00 pep 100

No. 2--$55.00 per 100

total of 23,G70 theaters In tbe United States: Alabama, 191; Arizona. 97; Arkansaa. 2C.3:
Uatifomla, (it>7: Colorado, 273; Conneetlent, 239: Delaware, 35; District of Columbia, fi<»; Florida. 110; Georgia. 220; Idatio, t.'iD; Illinoii, 957; Indiana, 02.5; Iowa, 378; Kansas, 4.'!9; Ken-

We Manufzcture Ovtl Basket*, MS.OO Per 100. No Order too largr or ^ amall CONCESSIONAIRES--If you ntnt to get big money with Baskrts. gat In touch with ua or aend ua a
trial order. We aijo carry Genuine CHINESE BASKETS IN NESTS OF 5. Prompt slilpmviits. 25% Deposit required on all orders, balance C. O. D.

CARL GREENBALM fit SON,, Fancy Baskets.

105 L-ewls Street,






New York City

Local and Lona Distance Phone. Orchard 3521.

tocky. 252; Loolalana, 240; Maine, 277; Mary¬ land, 192; Maiaacbutetts. .5?it; Michigan, 840; Minnesota, 040; Miastssippl. 1.53; Missouri. S44; Montana, 183; Nebraaka, 49k; Nevada, .30; New Hampshire 12k; New Jersey. 40*; New Mexico. Si. New York. 1715; North Carolina, 107; North Dakota. 311; Ohio, 1772; Oklshoma. 349; Oregot,. 24.3; rennsylvanla, 1749; Rhode Island, 49;

South Carolina. 11.5; South Dakota, 242; Tennea-

see. 13S; Texas, 820; Utah, 161; Vermont, Fk;

LOOK- "crIepe'r"" LOOK

Vlrglni.1. 2k.3: Washington. 3.V3; Weal Virginia, 189; Wlsconaln. 524; Wyoming, 07; Territory of Alaska, 28; ^Territory of Hawaii, 44; (^Xnadsa

Something new. Just out Never shown before. Will work where Wheels and Spindles can not Wilt slaiid inspection. Easily handled. Set* flat on table and not fastened In any way. Can be lifted up or slid around. Consists of 5i8-ln. cast base and Urge wooden arrow. Arrow turna on pin. Pin iloea not turn. Up of mn shows above arrow. This new creeper la 100% better than the one 1 worked on road. Price. $50.00. Send deposit SPOT BAYLES. 410 8. Western Ave.. Chicaia. Illinnit.

(»4. Total,'19,981.

"Tbe Lore of tbe Orient** Is the Uteat re

lease of the Aywon Film Corporatlion. Tbe
Wanted QUICK LOMBARD and HATHAWAY SHOWS theme U baaed on the "E.vat I* West'* Idea. Nathan Blr*b bandlea tbe attraetioo.

Circus Arts of all kinds. Ground and Aerial Clown*. Monkey, Dog, Pony, Bear AcU; Colored Jazs Band,


10 ptecea hXlR SIDE-SHOW--^Punoh. Magic. Vent.. Fat Girl and high-clas* Act to Feature. FUR

(Contlnned from page 7)

COOKHOUSE--Cook and Waitera FOR CANVAS--Boss Canvisman, Light Man. Scat Man, Two and FXsur-Uorse Urivera Prlrileset for aale. Tell all first letter. Address
LOMBARD t HATHAWAY SHOWS, Paul Revere Tavern, Laxlnitaa, Mata

bad entered into an agreement with tbe man¬ agement outside of their contract, agreeing to go along in the hooe that when they opened

In New York they wonll be a anccees, we uid

(Coutinued from page 1U7)
gentile. Her father ia wrapped up In hia re¬ ligion and devlarea be would rather aee hia

day, the guests of Jubn Manning, representing David W. Griffith. Mra. N. R. Duff, anperin tendent of tbe homt, and Robert McDougall. president of tbs hoard of tmatees, aided In tbe party.

we would i-o-operafe. On the week of March 4 the members of the
eompany ceme to tbe eonctnaion that tbe piece was nut a sueceaa and demanded talariea. A representative of Equity went to tbe theater to Inquire Into the conditions. He returned,

daughter in her grave than married to a gentile.

made hU reptrt, and he wa* inatneted to bava

Minna aeuds her buabaud to break the news to the father. Colman compromiaea by asking leave to pay court to Miriam, and when this permin-

"THE COUNTY FAIR" Orawing Capacity Crowds in Kansas

the people agree to continue till Saturday. March 9. In the meantime Patch was sent for and we tuul him that the people would have to receive Hielr full salaries for the prerlona

siun is wrathfully refused leaves without reveal¬ ing the true state of affair*. Minna, in a rage, then extra' ta an oath fn.>m him that be will


week with at least fen per rent of their #*1 riet for this week. Tills he agreed to do.

Tbe assistant execntlvg se< retary, on making

Kansas City, .Lptil 13.--The second week of deeper Investigations, came to the conriualoii

neter tell of the marriage. The father ia mur¬ the picture "The County Pliir" started at the that there would be no saUriev for the people,

dered that night, and the fact that Colman was Doric Theater Sunday and atUl the crowds con¬ and decidi-l himself on Saturday to go to the

supposed to bave seen him last leads to bis ar¬

tinue to pack tbe theater.

A record has been

theater and close It. Dullzell calleil np the Shubert uSIre to advise them what Equity In¬

rest. Bound by his oath, be will not tell that establlabeii for the Doric. With a teating ca¬ tended to do. He was Informed that Mr. le-e

be was with hia wife when the murder waa oom- pacity of 1,000, Mr. iaimmona atated to a Khiiliert wa* In Atlantic City, that they would


Neither will Miriam tell it.

In order







get In touch with him and aee what cvuld be done.

to nave Colman, another woman, the wife of a evening .'i.oOO were ta'.cn care of. The S. and

On Saturday night Dnllzell, the aasUtant ex¬

friend, aenaationally declares in court that he T. Film (Company has tbe State right* fir ecutive seiTclary, went to the Casino accom¬

was "in her anna. ' Miriam cooiea to her aenaes in time to tell all, and thus straighten out a had situation all around.

four States on tnia picture, featnring Wetley Barry, and after tbe K. C. engagement it goes to St. Louis. Tbe Doric makes an attractive

panied by a representative, and Mr. Gallagher, represenll-ig the Stiuliert*. wa* there. In oon-
veraation It -'eveloped that Patch owed Mr Hbubert $2,000 for money that had been al

THE CRITICAL X-RAY The plot, while intereitiog, strays from it* Intended course. It hinges upon tbe effect of the intermarriage of Jew and gentile, but so tuiicb else happens that this angle is alm<i*t effaced. Tbe picture depiends chiefly for its ap¬ peal upon its dramatic and emotional acenea. It wa* followed with interest at the Strand, but there were comments which showed that the s|HTtatora were noting the lark of logic. There ia nothing new in a dramatic situation which Is dei>endent upon some one's silence. In this in¬ stance the silence is made more certain by a mutual oath.

showing with its flashy front of the regulation striped tent effect encircling tbe entire front and the |>erDants that slwaya acetxnpany a coou ty fal', in red, white and blue, atriing up to the top of the theater from the canopy entrance, Tbe tent effect pxtendt out to tbe sidewalk, and in passing thru on one'a way to other puluts all tbe thrills of being "inalde" prevail. The ticket taker it seen garbed in country style, snnlionDet and gingham, and the whole ensemble was the presentation of a cunnty fair. The picture itself is a refreshing breath of genuine eomedy and a welcome relief from the firolilem class of pictures, l-ee Hall and hia Jazz hand 'Tube** the atreets at noon each day in ex

Tanced. The only muney on hand waa the Saturday re< .-iiit*. Gallagher said that Slin tiert would waive bis $2,tSl# ao that the people roiilil get Bometbing on their salaries |>m vided Dullzell would agree that tbe coroi>anv would work the week of the 4tb for all the money that might come In al>0Te the fJ.OOo owed to Shulicrt. Dnllxell agreed to this provlalnnally. and the provision wte that
abuiild anv unforaeeD thing develop in the way of Bttaclinients he woul,) dote the theater hecniise be did not feel that the actors should work to satisfy the rr^ltora.
On Momlay new devehAiment* entered Into the case with two or three attachment* showing up, the Bmoka Uniform Company for $2.<>'*·, the man who produ-eii the nunitM-r* for $'>"·> and the author for track royally. Dullzell then Informed .Mr. Gallagher that tbe sgrecnient

Tbe novel of which the picture ia a dramatiza¬ ploitatioD of this picture, and the Coon-Sandera oMild not gu thrn, but as Kliubert wa* In At¬

tion could and probably did make the actions of Jazz orchestra gives tbe music during the pic- lantic City he agreed to allow the performance

characters accord with the story, but tbe tiiie.

to go on to glre iMiubert an opportunity on Kalpb .'^inimons and Harry Taylor are Tuesday to see what he wanted to do lowardi

scenario did not. Some of the prettier scenes ex¬ the members of the S. and T. Film Company protecting hi* Intereaia. On Mondar night an

cited admiring comment. There waa nothing to and both are experienced in the game, Mr. attachment for $2.0.50 wa* levlej on the pro¬

offend either Jew or gentile in the way the prob¬

Mmmons having been formerly mnneeted with

duction of costumes Dullzell tl'cn decided that Rlinbert would have to guarantee the peev-

lem of inter-marriage was handled. Tbe picture the W. W. Iloilkinson Corporation, and Mr. ple their salaries If tbe bouse was to remain

ran too long.

Taylor manager for I'atbe here.



On Tuesd.iy he conferred with him. and after

AN AUTHENTIC M. P. DIRECTORY lengthy diocniainn Shubert agrenl to pay the

This picture Is suitable for most theaters

i'co|iie half s'llariet If they would eontlnne.

where spectators like a good atory, and are not too particular about coherency.



THH JULIUS CAn.\-OD8 HILL THE¬ ATRICAL GUIDE AND MOVING PICTirRE DIRE(!T(>RY In practically exhausted. The book hat met with a tremendous tnccest. Former

This was agreed to, but In order for a per¬ formance to be given on Tuesday night $40ii bad to be paid as an Installment on tbe attachment and 1200 for each performance. Shuliert stand* to lose about $0,000 a week includ¬ ing the $2,000 advanced.

rhicago. April IC.--Fifty oM ladles from Old

subscribers have already tent In dupllrate order*. A Urge film company alone sent In an order for one hundred Uioka. By all people Inlereated In legitimate as well at moving pictures1

We serre noilre now that the Actors' B<|Ully Assccivtion Intend* to drive manager* of un¬ known flnnnclsl responsibility from the the
nfer. I think F.i|ulty ha* proven In tbi* caa*' that the real manager recelrea a* mtich eonald-

Peoples' nome, 4724 Vincennes avenue, saw It Is considered the lieat and moat complete, erstlon as the aeior hr our keeping this theater

"Way Down Eaet,'' in the Anditorim Jester

mailing Ust that has ever been pnMUbed.

open and In giving Mr. Shnivert an opportunity Tbe' to do what we eontlder a rery fair thing. Tbe

,.Mow=v f lash glxs the money badger xoy CO. """"'"Si'rrsr.


MARABOU DRESSES Silk Crrp» P*p«r. M*ribou
and Silk, Hoop no Rufflf, Fluffy Kuffir. Flowrr Scalloptii



6 BO 0O 0 BLUE ISL LA AM ND AVE.., Cor. Halsted St.. CHICAGO, ILL.

PHONE. HAYMARKET 4824. DrCSSet. mill $1._

ncntile will re<-eiT«* half ealnrti'S ntid tli** ftiorim will b«* paid In full. Hj- .sinihert w»ivln»; tlie S"ii(»i» iiwil him a w*-*'k agu the prople nveijial f.irij-five i>er «'fnt on their aiilary for the previous week and the chorus reeeive.1 full 1\ le !· the ilnllii*. If the till now pending at Albany csllng for
tile 1|<*-1M* "f ni-ina|teia js'HB thiu it will l>*` a siilenilid Ihinir for all concerned, for no shoestrlrir mnniuer will he aide to get by and the hnnHine roinaser and theater owner will he prolerlet) aa well as the aelor.
L<iuliy baa apent over $14,000 In brlngini; (traniled eonit uniea home this season alone, snd It N h'Rh time that the theater was pot on a Lusluraa basis. The actor Is the one that iil«..vs Rets the worst of It. lie ts the pivot around which ever.vthinit In the theater re¬ volves. yet when there la any in<«ey to be paid out be la the last consideration. Everycue yeiB theirs, hut the actor la not given a
tboiiRht Iti this unfortunate ease I cannot close wlth-
c'Jt saying a woid of roiiimendation for the writihers of this company wlic' represent the A< tors' F luliy .4awviatlon. Their spirit of f'valty and ti.eir desire to do the right thing for all eoneerned cannot pass nnnotired. They toik their orders from their oiganiratlon without question and seemed to take a pride in the fact that their Interests were lielng taken care of and they need no! act Individually. Such men and women as these made E<inlty a great or¬ ganization and we are honored by their eonfldrnee amt iirond to be able In enr hnmble ira.r to sec that they obtained right and justice.

will be Geraldine Farrar, assisted by Ada .Sataoli, artist, and Edwin Schofield, baritone; Baebmaninoff, Fritz Kreisler, Marguerite Matzenauer and Erika Morini, the young violinist, who made her debut in New York City this eea-

one will be given in the Greek Theater of Berke¬ ley on Saturday evening, April .`iO. The mnslc will be suiiplied by George Barrere'a Little Sym¬ phony, a company of musiiiana of the first rank.



To Be Given by Bolm Ballet in San To Be Principal Attraction at Wiscon¬


sin Convention of Music Clubs

Sbd Francisco, April 15.--Selby 0. Oppenbeimer baa made an anocuncement which ia moat Interesting to the lovers of art In the city of San Francisco, and that ia that the Adolph Bolm Ballet and the Barrere Little Symphony will give three performances in the city. Adolph Bolm and his dancera will give two perform¬ ances at the Colombia Theater May 1 and 8, and

Wansan, Wls., April 16.--Announcement bas been made that the annual convention of tbe State Federation of Music Clubs will be held in this city May 18, 19, 20. The principal at¬ traction will be the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, of New York, nnder the direction of Josef Stransky, and other excellent musical pro¬ grams are promised.

Appreciative Recipients of Convenience and Comfort

To Put on Pageants for Lake Placid Club
New York, April 15.--Marshall Hall, wellknown concert dancer, formerly of the Metro¬ politan Company, has accepted an engagement as director of entertainment and danelng at tbe Lake Placid Club in tbe Adirondacks. He is planning to produce several pageants, for which be will be assisted by musicians from tbe Bos¬ ton Symphony Orchestra. The Lake Placid Clnb is a musical center during the summer months, as many noted musicians make it tbeir beadquarters during the heated term and concerta are frequently given by the Boston Sym¬ phony Ensemble.
To Close With Concert by Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
Denver, April 14.--A. M, Oberfelder, concert manager, bas announced that be bas contracted with tbe Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra to give tbe closing concert of tbe musical season. The concert will be given SaUirduy evening.

New York. April 18.--Business at (Vnjey Island was not good Sunday, owing to tke nnfavorable weather.
Additicnal Concert News
\»w York. .April IS.--President Warren O. TIardIng has aent a me-sage of endorsement and eergratnlafion to New York's Mnalc Week rommltfce. on Its seven-day campaign to make mnslc a stronger Inflnence in the life of the city's people. ni« letter la aa follow-;
"The White Ilonae, Waabington. "My Dear Mr. Tremaine:
"I want to express to yon my bone for tbe complete snc<-esa of New Y'ork'a second Mnsic Week, .April 17 to 24.
"The nntelfl'-h effort of so many foremost citizens In Its behalf certainly wnnld Insore that, and I wish you to know of my Interest In tbe cnitivation of a national taste for an Interest In the best mnslc.
"I have said before that tbe world needs good moilc, and perhaps never needed It more than now. I am sure that yoor efforti will accomplifh mnrh for advancement of this In¬ terest.
"WABBBN a. nAlEDl!tO.*»
Of Chicago Has Intereaiing History

Frepent day abowfolks are appreciative recipients of convenience and comfort! at home and cn tour, which piobably acconnta for tbe numerous communications to Tbe Billboard from the¬ atrical producing managers, agents, artists, and artiaana, likewise those associated with many and varied outdoor shown seeking Information relative to tbe names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., of hotela, apartments, boarding and rooming bouses catering to abowfolks.
Id order to render valuable service t» readers, we will establish a bureau of investigation and Information at our New York office as a ready reference directory of desirable hostelrlet catering t4i abowfolk.
UOTEI-S. APARTMENT, BOARDING and ROOMING H0USE8--If yon desire the patronage of sliowfolk, ever ready and wiUicg to pay for convenience and comfort, we will list you In our card index file free of charge if you will furnish ns the Information desired.
MANAGERS. AGENTS. ARTISTS and ARITSANS--If you desire tbe convenience and com¬ forts of a Hotel, Furnished Apartment, Boarding or Rooming Bouse catering to abowfolk, com¬ municate with ns and wa will furnish tbe information free of charge, in order that you can make your reservation in advance, or phone for full particnlars on your arrival in tbe city, thereby saving you tbe time, labor and expense of visiting numerous placea seeking living accommodations.
Address all communirationa to ALFRED NELSON. The Billboard, 1493 Broadway, New York. N. T.
When we prepared the foregoing copy for publication in the Christmas Number of The Billboard our first and only thought was to procure snd file in onr New York office a list of fiotels. Apartments, Boarding and Famished Room Houses catering to Sbowfolks in order that we could assist Advance Agents. Company Managers, Artists and Artisans in locating desirable that they could phone to on their arrival in town instead of lugging around one or more heavy grips in quest of accommodations.
Had we anticipated the labor that we were saddling on onraelves we would have reneged, for tbe pnblished request bronght to ua an avalanche of mail from Hotels, Apartments, Board¬ ing and Furnished Rroom Houses desiring to be listed. Not only that, hut letters from theatrical folks boosting their favorite stopping places.
For weeks we have been kept bnsy compiling nor list, and by the time this appears In print we hope to have it complete and be in a position to advise Theatrical and Outdoor Showfolks where to find desirable places.
·Numerous inquiries relative to advertising rates under the vaiions headings convince ua that we can render more valuable services to everyone interested in Hotels. .Apartments. BoanlIng and -Famished Room accommodations by establishing a distinct Hotel Directory in The Bill¬ board that will give the names, addresses and phone numbers, thereby saving the abowfolks the nece«slt.v of writing to ua for information.
'Hotels, Apartments, Boarding and Ehmisbed Rooms will be advertised nnder their proper cUaaificatioo, vlx.:
Co-ducted by ALFRED KTISON (OonuDimIctiUoan to our New York Offices, Putnam Building, 1493 Broadway)

May 21. and tbe orchestra, consisting of 70 pieces, will be under tbe direction of Walter Henry Botbwell.
To Give Series of Summer Concerts
Akron, 0., April 17.--The recently organized Akron Ladies' Symphony Band will give a se¬ ries of open-air concerts during the summer. Harry J. Chalmers is director of the twenty players in the band and plans have been made for many interesting programs.
To Give Concert in New York April 3&
The Rnsslan Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Modest .Altschuler, will be beard fot the first time this season at the Metropolitan Opera Honse, New Y'ork, Saturday evening, April 30. The soloists will be William Miliey, tenor, snd Piastro Borisoff, violinist.
Announces Attractions for 1921*1922 Season
Kansas City, April 16.--Of tbe nine attractiona to be presented in the Fritschy Series during tbe coming season announcement has been made that tbe following noted artists will make their appearance: The Flonzaley Quartet, Mario Cbamlee, Hnlda Lashanska, Ignaz Fried¬ man, Emilio de Gogorza, Erika Morini and Jaicha Heifetz.

Tbcrteen years ago there waa organUed In the city of Chicago a small band of volnnteer sing¬ ers and since that time the organization, known ts tbe Sunday Evening Club, has been fomishlng DOsic of an excellent quality every Sunday evening In On-heatra Hall. The first director of the clnb was Clarence Dickinson, well-known composer and now the director of the choir of the Brick Presbyterian Chnn-h on Fifth avenue. New York City. Marlon Green, who originated the title role in Ixvndoo In tbe light opera, "Monsieur Beancalre," and who ia now playing this role in the company on tour In the United Ptatea, also was a conductor of the Sunday Eve¬ ning Club. Another member of the organisa¬ tion who hat breome noted la Arthur Middleton, who formerly sang hast In the quartet of the flub. Diirtog tbe last four years the organisa¬ tion bat been nnder the direction of Edgar A. Nelson, and this year has reached the highest point In Its tiiccesa, aa each Snnday night l^>r the concert there hat been an average avidlence of over persona. The club baa a choir of loo select volcet, taken from the best talent In tbe mualo eollegea of Chicago and the aololats of the city, and thru the excellent programs pre¬ sented every week much good work baa been dvine in the cause for better mnaic.
To Be Held in Milwaukee
Milwaukee, April 10.--Alarinn Andrewrs, concert manager, who has Jnat returned from the K>«t, anninmeea that next year a aerlca of conrerla will he given In the Aiiditorinm and a "lond conrae will ho pri'aented In the Pahat Theater. .At the .Audltortuni the artlata to he presented are John McCormick, 'Alma Gluck, Kfrem ZImliallat and othcra. Flar the aecond
*** Pahat Theater, the artiata ·<T go'



Denver, April 16.--Plans have been made to hold Music Week, beginning May 15, and as all music organizations have promised support every¬ thing points to success for tbe event. Choruses have been organized among the resident repre¬ sentatives of tbe various nations, and it Is ex¬ pected that interesting programs will be pre¬ sented of folk songs and dances of France, Italy, Bnssia, Spain, England, Sweden, Ireland, Poland, Greece, Belgcm and Japan. The con¬ certs will be in charge of Dr. Robert B. Pln(^, and the educational features under the direction of Henry Sachs and Edwin J. Stringbam.

TITH BITUtOARP n'B. CO., 14!« Broadway. N'rw York. N. Y.'
Dear Sir --Eiiclosrd find Post Office Money Order for $4.00, payable to Tbe Billboard Pub¬ lishing I'onii'any.
Kindly Insert my ad in Tlie Billboard Hotel Directory under the clas>ifioation. . for five iaaue.s, couiuieuciug .
Signed .
80e for each Issue. No ad accepted for leas than five lasnea. Payable In advance.

Horace Clark, composer, of Houston, Tex., has had many of bis compositions used in tbe pro¬ grams on Texas Composers' Day, given by many of the musical clubs of Texas in the last few weeks. The Marshall Clnb of Marshall, Tex., used "Spring Dawn'' and "Do Y'ou Remember."
An independent organization has been formed of the *'Y*'* Male Chorus of San Diego, to be known as the Cadman Club, In honor of Charles Wakefield Cadman, noted .American composer. The organization Is now affiliated with the San Diego Comrannily Service, and is under the di¬ rection of Wallace E. Moody, with Mrs. Moody as accompanist.
The free organ recitals in St. James' Epis¬ copal Church, Chicago, instituted at the time of the installation of tbe new $r>0.000 pipe organ last November, will be continued thru the igiring and summer because of the Interest the recitals have created. Herbert E. Hyde, of the Civic Music .Assoi'iation, gave a recital recently.
At the I-Cfflc Theater, Baltimore, the San Carlo Grand Opera Company will play a three days' engagement, beginning May 2, oo which
(Oontinned on page 120)



African sad Euresean Famous Orlflnal Tat* tOMd Man--Tattooed 8csl»--who died la Montreal April 14, I9IA HH Lsvlnt Wits, MRS. BERTHA CLARK.

OOUBTNEY--Eddie, known privately aa Daniel D. Courtney, n vaudeville artor, died April 11 at Saranac Lake, N. Y. He was twen¬ ty-nine years old.
0R06BY--Walter Hull, veteran `tock actor, passed away in New York City .April 14. fol¬ lowing a long lllneas. He appeared in support Of many well-known aetors and aDo was seen In the movies. Surviving are three brothers. Or. Tbeodore, of Grand Rapids, >firb.; Alanson, Of Virginia, and William, Erie, Pa.
CUNNINGHAM--Mrs. Minnie, famous grand opera star of earlier days, died April 11 at

DONOHUE--Joseph, former champion lee

Skater, the first American to hold `hat dis.

tlnetlon, died two weeks ago in a New York

bospltsl. He was fifty years old.

DTNE8--J. S., decorator, said to have been

the oldest In his profession, and a member of

the O. .A. R.. died April 8 at Los Angeles.

The deceased waa yeara old and la

survly^ h^ Ms wife and son.

EI8CHBRICH--Jnllns. ass_ istant direct.o.r at

tho tji«kv Studies snd al*^ assistant to Cecil

B. Demllle, died March 29. following an opera¬

tion. Surviving are bis widow and four chil¬


OARDITER--Mrs. Eleanor, mother of Ws.

Hal Ring (nee Era Gardner!, of the "Quaker

Village Follies," formerly In Tan<1**vnie, elhd

April 3 at the age of forty-five, .'be deceased

was not a professional, bnt oounf<>d many in the

pTofesstno as her dearest friends.

GTBBS--.Tosenh P.. actor, died after a short

I't-iess at St. Luke's Hospital, New York Cltv.

April 14. The deceased was born In England

and eame to this country twenty yeara aeo.

He appeared In many Important roles on the

ptage and the movies. Fie l'.'s- ves a- w--id-- ow,

Violet Fisher, an actress, and a daughter,

ORAND--George, actor. who was sTpesring

at the Comedie Frincals^. Paris. FYsnee. d

recently in

TTiP dfurea-od_ was

Scotchman whose real name was MacCloud.

}--Thomas, formerly

clr. cns I_ ..._

d'ed at h's home. fllS Portv-slxth street.

Idge, N. T. The deceased wts sixty-

KRAlfTZ--Mrs. Katherine. mother-in-law of

Joseph Forrester, editor o


News, a Chicago park publication, died April

11. following an operation.

McADAMS-Ssllle M.. well-known of New Jersey, died April 16, foil o'leratlon at the Lenox Hill Hospital. New York City. For years she taught mnsle and was supervisor of mnsle to the public ·chools *f Booth Amhoy. N. J.

MARKS--Mrs Thomas, mother of the Marks 'troB., theatrical managers In Canada. «1'<*d .<t the homestpad at Christy Lake, near To*-on*o. Can., April 9. The tuirvlvlng sons are Robert. Thomas. Joseph. Ernie, John, who Is In the mining btisiness in British Columbia, and a dsrghter. Mrs. Alorley White, who resides at

APRIL 83, 1921

LouiiTlUe. Ky.. was «trt< kt-a niiddenly and diMi in tiU ro*»ni at 635 N. Cahcrt ilreet, llalllniura Md., April H. Dr. E. O. Welch waa railed and after making an inreitigatiun ktat.>d that man died of natural cauaea. Shortly hornm Ilia dcaili KiddrII, who had liern in Italtlmore
·^""iwmcnta to put hit Khow, a country rircua, on iIm road, waa talking to hla room mate, lerankiin Buckley, discussing matters relating ^ l>ni|ierly and his ahuw anlmala now at Dalil more eipreas i4Hce. It was while the two were talking that itiddcll was alrirken. A will was found made out by the deieased. whereby all
!gU_^rg1nla avenue. lioulsyiiie, Ky.

APRIL 13,1921
Tlie Play it ended--let the rnrtaln fall In solemn silence, as a funeral pall Kscludes the light fp'm the last scene of all. The audience leave to ponder o'er the pl.iy And homeward wander on their cheeiy way. Then act THKIU parts as usual, day tiy day. The Actors sei'k repos*'--TllEIB part ts done in form of tragedy or tear-removing fun-- Applanse is given as applause is won. Behind the scenes the mask Is thrown aside. The old N'oome the yonng--no paint and tinsel hide. No glittering gi'ms of metal can deride The man IllMSEI-F. ... So, let the curtain fall In aniemn allcnos as a funeral pall. Proving that GOD is Manager of AU>.
Theodore Aylward, manager of the Cincinnati Orand Opera House, passed peace* fully away on Wednesday, April 13, after an illness of but four days. For over a quarter of a century he bad been widely known in the Western theatrical world. During that time it was my privilege to know him intimately. He was not a man who carried his heart on his sleeve, hut those wlio knew him best can testllfy that few men were more Ihoroly cv'nscientlous and loyal than "Ed'* Aylward. Pr'phetic aa it may seem, in the last Issue <1 `·Sasby's Magarine," 1 wrote the following;
*T don't know a*iy man who is more conatautly on the job than the indefatigable manager of Cincinnari'a Oraad Opera House. Tliere seems something or other for bim to do every minute of the day. But it does not end with the day. While we are enjoying the show Ed. Aylward has to remain in his offl*-e and look after scores of minor details concerning which the theatergoer knows nothing whitever. Sundays, Holidays. Good Friday, Christmas Day, Fourth of July, election night--in fact, a* all timet the manager of a theater baa to be doing something or other. He must take the blame, too, for everything. If all his patrons can not get front sests he is the man to be Jumped on. If the show Is below par he Is the man who should have known better than to have allowed Its presentatpin. It might be a g'XMl idea, lioweTef, for ns to give him credit for doing bis utmost to please people who could never be pleased under any circumstances."
Some one has wisely said that Death Is an episode and not a tragedy. It la a liberation from the physical body and not the annihilation of the consciousness, Tho death may take from ns our outworn or outgrown bodies. It grants ns the wider freedom of the unseen worlds. Instead of being a dark-robed King of Terrors, It Is a bright Ppesenoe, bearing the blessed key which unlocks the prison-house of the flesh. Death simply comes to our depart*^ friends ns a sweet Benediction. The living have their temporal trouble. The dead are enjoying an Eternal Progresslveness. When sorrow oomes to us we turn to the earth, and It Is barren--to the tky. and It is leaden. The rift In the cloud only Is the hope of Imm 'rtallfy, born with ns. and testified to by every line of Nature that lies about ns like an open book. With this light In our eyes we turn again to the earth, and It Is no longer barren; to the sky, and It ia no longer leadeD. for we read the same voice In the storm, or In the breaking wave--In the nnlet nook around the sunny brook, the same voice of Faith--BE P.ATIEXT--Gc-d reigns, and Immortality is the Jewel of the Soul. Be¬ lieving as I do in Immortality, 1 refuse to look npem death as anything els* but a glorious, Ood-given release, an exchange of pain for Joy, a transition from trouble to permaoent Peace, and I trust we mav nil be able to say with Chsrles Frohmsn as the Lnsltsnla was sinking; "WHY FEAR DEATH? IT IS THE MOST BEAUnFUE ADVENTl'KB IN LIFEl"
I can only think of F.d. .Aylward as one who, in a better world, with renewed youth, has gained Ms reward--·'THE WAGEIS OF GOING OX"--and living a life where. Instead of the strain and stress of earth, there is the easy s"d harmonious eve-ei«e of all the faculties, where the sotil strives without effort, achieves, aud is CONTEXT.
Some time at eve when the tide is low I shall slip my moorings and sail away With no reaponce to the friendly hail Of kindred craft In the busy bay. In the silent hush of the twilight pale. When the night stoops down to embrace the day, .And the voices call in the water's flow-- Rome time at eve when the tide |s low I shall slip my moorings and sail away.
Tlirn the pnrpllng shadows that darkly trail O'er the ebbing tide of the I'nknown Sea I shall fare me away with a dip of sail And a ripple of waters to tell the tale Of a lonely voyager, sailing away To the myatlc isles, where at amlvr Ivy The crafts of those who hsve svlleil t . f re O'er the Unknown Sea to the Unseen Shore.
A few who hare watched me sail away Will miss my craft from the busy hay. R 'me friendly bsrks that were snchortvl near, 8*>me loving souls that piy heart holds dear, In silent sorrow will drop a tear-- And I shall have rH-arefiilly furled my b.ViII In moorings sheltered from nt<jrm or gale. And greet<-d the friends who have sailed t*efore O'er the Unknown Sea to the Unseen Shore.

CEORGE ROSEN, Breara 44 DDymer SShheawws,.
STRANG painter ani


"·I"". MRS.

nuPnr^r `^®"BNER (stat« aaist) BLANCHE

DuPRlC. »ht

tufijr April 21, 191^

Whe lell a tsacf tkal rasT be Riled, and sever will he for,ettea.--LUCILLE SEYMOUR

THARP-.N- orm- an, actor. in this country and abroad, Illness in l.ou- don. Kngland. April 2. 1], was
*hr* K r^V*/Savage Hub in Loodoo ud the Ijimbi' nub. .New York,
forTtAy OyIe.IaArsPIaEi T>R, Adi-- edGaiotv- abnisni,homfaemloausNebwarlYtooorke City A ril 11 The d- e<-es<*ed was tamcos In t^ he roles of Kscamlllo and Valentine.
VORUIS--Arthur, e_ om,poser of ebureh ,,an,,d,, popular music, died at bis home at 1IBB7 West 2L*'*tb BStlPrMeestt, VN'eaawv VYaowrWk City. AA pril «1«1. Frm_ nse_ nil
services were held April U at the Church of the Tran«fl2iirsiion. .New York.
WINDECKER--Sidney, seven ty-seTen-year.old resident of Wisoonvin. of the famotia set of remarkably long lived triplets, died to Milwsa*

BRADFORD PARRY--William Cody Rradforfl and Etheyle Ibirry were married Februry iS. at rasper, Wv.
·FASEN-MieyER-CAREY--A. r inssenmeyer. Jr.. 73q State avenne. nop-professionsl, and Ssds Csrev. well known In Ksnsas City. Mo., as an artistic dansense and snccessfol teacher of aesthetic dancing._ were married to Kansas Cit. y Anrl, l . 11.
nOAn*KRS XFrsm_ TT/RR Ksmncl flompers. pre-ldent of the American Federation Of Ijihor. and Mrs. Gertrude Alnslee Xeiisehler, of New York City, hnt formerlv a resident of Zanes¬ ville, 0.. were married In a hotel in New York City April 16 Mr. Gompert Is T1 years old. Mrs Vnnscbler Is HA
MORTIMK.R T.ANR-WIIIlam B Yfbrtimer. tn ebTtrlcIsn at the Psntages Theater. Ran Fran¬ cisco. snd Helen loins, former wife of Ned Norworth. were married to San FraneVseo reeenflf.
MOORF.-FTOM --Arthur ^flBore and Rtdie Plum, stenogrspber at the O. W. Parker Fsc. tory. T*esvenworth. Kan., were married In that
cltv recentiv
AfOSS KFI.LV-Fsrle Moss, bandmaster of tbe Ilngenbeck Wsllsce Circus, and Rose Ellen Kelly, prefesslonni dancer of Beanmont. Tex., were married 4n*-ll 11 at TovnlsvIIle. Ky.
NATK1R MGOPK--Ton Natele. non-profeaslnnal, and Madge !P*ore. a beantifol blond end twvny witb the ··nou-err Burlesquers," were

MOTT--Samuel C.. for years associated with Cohan A Harris and d'lring Ms career mana¬ ger of N'snee O'Neill. Jas. Corbett, Jim Jeffries and other stage eelehritles, died at h1« home In Oakland Cal . Anrll 6. Mr. Afott was sev-

Wilb Ihe PoUck liro*.' World at Ilotur Attrtc- ing rn Be on My Feet Again." The man¬ ollico here for the diatrihutinn of theater and way in fen years is the artistic transiiion of

and Kdiia Kl*iii|i. of Seattle, Wat'b., a agement accredltH ita adrertlKing In The Bill¬ otlier equipment in Montana, Wyoming and tbe iialey listers, who are oue of the >iar

In ihr ·`Ar.ihiiin M|{hla" utlractlon, board aa no small factor In this big btuinesa. wvf married April 15 at Annlatoo. Ala.

Idaho. They are located at 2708 Montana features in the I'as.sing Show, now at tlic Lyric. lUey have not altogether outlived their con¬

SaiKlI-S-IIOMHK--Kmeat V. Stlrei. t«m of Dr E. M SI Iren, rwtor of St. Thomaa Church, Vew York City, and Loulae IJotner, daofbter

PLANS $200,000 THEATER -


nection with their first lentuie in the amuse¬ ment world, for the medicine show was owned and operated by Dr. William Haley, who was

if Sidney Uomer. AoierloaD compofcer, and Aabtabula, 0.. April 18.--Plans for a fiaotj.OOO


uuae other than their father, and who is still

lime. I.oola*> Homer, noted contralto, were mar¬ ried laat week In Xew York.


to be erected on

Alain street In


Quincy, Ill., April 16.--The Empire t

alive and vigorous. The part which the girls jda.ved in that enterprise was to sing while

center of the buaineaa district, have been an- will dose for the ae.-isoa, with A1 G. K . Id J'a Haley iiansed among the audience ani sold


nonneed by H. W. Johnson, manager of tbe Minstrels, on April 19. The seas ,n is sho.t. r Ins medicinal concoctions at a dollar a liottle. Majestic Theater and president of the com- than usual because of tha scni.'ity of ro.i<l And in those sections of the country thru wliicb

To Mt. and Mrs. E. B. Dudley of Detroit. Mlcb., a flftren-|>uund non, April 1. Mr. Dudley own* the Vaudeiie Theater, Detroit.
To Mr. and Mr«. Sam Kahl, a aon, April 0. Mr. KabI la head booker for the Orpheum Junior
clrnili in the Wear. To Mr. and Mra. Berk, known profeaalonally
aa "Berk and Swan." a boy, in the Ml»erlcordla Hoepltal. New York, April 9.
To Mr. and \fra. John Flanaitan, a eon, Marih 90. The mother wa, formerly Mhry CreiKhfon. of the Three Creighton Siatera, in
Tauderllle. To Mr. and Mra. Bert Crenrh, a dangbter, on
March .11.

pany which will erect the new playhouse.
Others concerned In the enterprise are
Maurice J. Shay, of New York, and C. J. Shulti,
of Clateland.

Planned for lllinoia Cities

Kewanee, III.. April 16.--A new theater will

b' e bnllt here by W. C. Pierce, on Chestnut

'street, ,

to cost at *"<* -

least 9150,000. The house will



a s. .

be Inatalled.

The Monmouth Bill Company, of Galesburg,

Cambridge. O., April 16.--A motion picture theater, coating $45,(XX), wUl be erected on the site of the Conplln Bntlding. It haa boe-n leased tot 66 years by 8. A. Craig.

Vaudeville actreaa refuses to kiss her husband

<"> Mondays, claiming that every time she does

lit*r Ect

not iro >h<» should make bim

-Ilushand Pluggers" and ait

him out in front on m daji.

they passed in their sbaky, old show «a.;'>n, the picturesijue doctor is far more famous ilian the daughters who->e names have since been emblazoned in electric lights on Broadway.
"Their bumble origin, however, is not a source of mortiScaiion to the Haley Sisters. If It were, they would not be so ready to show you copies of old-time photographs of them¬
selves and Dad--photographs which reveal the present comely young women as mere cbtldren, standing, stiff and awkward, in their tawdry evening dresses.
" 'I'he difference between our costumes then and now ia no greater than the difference be¬ tween the soiKm we sang then--and the way we sang tliem--and our present act,' said Lucille Ila'>> 'But the peoi>le seemed to like


us. At least, they applauded us and also bought tbe medicine, which, after ail. was the real test. It was this sort of en'-otirsge-

ment that led ns to try our luck on the stage,

Jamea Stanley Joyce, wealthy lumhenuan of

and, as we look back on it. the old medioine

Ch'.ago, baa broueht ault for annulment of hia marriage to I'eggy llo|>klns. former ehoru* girl, Ther were niarrit-d in Miami, Kla., January J3.


allow was a necessary stepping-stone in our caieer.'
"Although billed as the Four Haley 8iatera.

r .*


John J. Mo«a, Tauderllle performer on the Pp»'tor Circuit, haa Hied auit thru Attorney Raymond Neudecker, of Waablngtoti. D. C., for dlTorce from Ethel May, rauderllle tctreaa. He aeeka cuatody of their year-old aon, John J.,



Adelyn Bu'hnell Borden of Thomaaton. Ma ne, who haa been playing in a aloi-k company at Malden. Masa.. baa aecnred a dlrorce from her hu'band. William F. Boyden, of ·PomcrTllle. Mai<.
Mra. Jame« (Edna) WIIco*. order date of April l.V adTl»ed The Billboard from OoId»horo. N. C.. that "on January 31. 1!>21, In the city of Richmond. Va . ehe war granted an abmlute dlrorce from Jamea WlVoi, known to the *how world aa 'Dare Devil Raymond.' the wrertler. of »w York City."

Milt Tolbert, well-known repertoire show owner and manager, died suddenly at Athena, Tenn., April 17, of acute inikigestiun. His demise came as a great ahewK tu leia tires and frienda, as it was wholly nnexpected.
Mr. Tolbert was bom in Greenville, Tex., August 26, 1876. He sdopted the show bnsiness in lis>|. He was married in 1m99 to Cora I^a Hale, who joined him in hia chosen profession and continned to work with him till his death. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tolberf were connected with tbe W. I. Swain Show from 1908 to 1916. They organized their own company in Dothan, Ala., in 1917, and a scsind company laat seaaon, tbe companies being known onder the name of the Milt Tolbert Show No. 1 and No. 2.
Mr, Tolbert's valuable co-worker and partner in business bas been H. D. Bald, who ia Mra. Tolbert's bri'ther. He is now manager of the No. 2 company. Milt was always proud of the fact that he never was a ''JoiDer." He belonged to no church, lodge or union, with the single exception of COMA. His word was his bond, his competitor his friend, his life pure, brave, useful. Beloved of hia public as well as his company, his chief charactcrisiics were a aquare deal and then some, forgiveness for wrongs, gener¬ osity to a fault. Quirk of de<-islon, always sucressful, be died as he lived, a man.
Jlr. Tolbert Is survived by a brother and three sisters, who live in Greenville, Te,. The body was taken to that place for burial and was a-companled by Mrs Tolbert.

only three of tbe young women in the act are genuine Haleys. They are Lucille, Grace and Bernice. The tall member of the quar¬ tet with the deep, rumbling voice ia billed as Mabel Haley, but her real name Is Mahel Hill and her nickname is 'Slim.' Both on and off the stage, however, she shares all tlio privileges and bears all the responsibilities of a real sla¬ ter to the other three. And she know- how to do It. too, for before going on tlie stage abe taught school in Waterloo, Iowa."
A recent exjilosion from tbe ol' "Lightniog Calculator," C. Edw. Williams; "Dear Uaso.-- Allow me to squiit some gasoline on yonr torch. Just to enlighten the ramblers that the `.Missis¬ sippi, is .still liugging and kissing Hits gey but giddy ol' `St. Louie.' One can shake any old limb--burger coop, and unroost from one to a dozen quips and not half try--some afoot and some in 'bnzz.nd chai'C'--great and grief operators playing the middle against boih ends,



and rever-e and hack up for another head-on or boost the busters off the grass. Yep, part of the green pastures along Market street la

(Contlnoed from page 5)

roped off with `bull priiof' entanglementa and

consequently these fertile fields are so blame

and other eraployeea. Tha principal offlco of the eommlatlon will be located In .kibany, but author¬ ity is granted for the eatabllahment of other of9rca and bureana may be eatabllahed whereyei neceaaary. All expenaea Incurred in carrying out the purpoaea of the law are to be allowed commiaatooera and their eroployeea. Other prorlalone of the law are aa followa:
The commlaalon ahall cauae to be promptly examined erery motion picture film aubmitted to It. and unleaa auch film la "obacene, indecent, ImiLoral. Snliui'ian, auiTlIegioua anl of auch a character that ita exhibition would tend to cor¬ rupt morale or incite to crime," aball itaue a Ucenae therefor.
Tbe commlaalon tball collect from each appli¬ cant for a llcenae a fee of 93 for each 1,000 feet or fraction thereof of original film and U for each additional copy.

Burlesqnedom received a shock on Tuesday. April 12. when a report reached tbs

Columbia Theater Building, New York, that T. W. Dinkins had died the day previous at

his home. 148 Hancock street. Brooklyn. The funeral service vvas held April 13, in Masonic Temple, 23d street and 6th avenue. New Y'ork City.
Mr. Dinkins is survived by hia wife, Lida Wishon Dinkins, formerly known under

the stage name of Lida Dexter. Mr. Dinkins bas s brother. Tyre Jefferson Dinkins, living

at Montclair. N. J. Mr. Dinkins was bom at Sumter, S. C.. and was 60-odd years old. He was never
a performer, bnt was well known for his m.anaKement of the Boq Ton Theater, Jersey City, for over ten years; also as partner of Drew A Campbell, the burlea<iue producing managers; likewise a partner of F. W. Stair in presenting burlesque stock at New Or¬ leans, La., and only a year ago a partner of Corse Payton in dramatic stock at the Crescent Theater, Brooklyn, and the I.exington Opera House. New York City. T. W. Dinkins' ''Innocent Maid's" and ''I'toplana" were well-known bnrles<iue attractions en




Mr. Dinkins was an active member of the Friars', I^smbs* and Green Riytm dubs,

likewise the Theater Managers' Asso. jaiion. Theatrical Police Reserves. Pacific Lodge.

No 233 r 4 A M.; the Nobles of the MysUc Shrine, and the Jersey City Lodge of EUs.

'q. t.' that one can hear a pin drop all along the line, making the whole fraternity look sad, silly and sorry--that they mussed up their nest-egg. But it is hard to get thru this cold, old world without learning a wliole lot-- in spots--but so far between that -ome get to napping when it is easy going only to awak¬ en after the spill and splash--too late to duck. Little did I expect to winter here (St. Lonls), but 1 couldn't rcid my title clear, .N. .s. E. or W,, and as I never go out of my way a few hundred miles for tougher territory 1 cnnclnded tliat this was plenty tough enough without hunting for more trouble, consequently at this writing I'm still 'haar'. Burns also w utered here and guess he banded out job lots of Oriental oil and did the proper caper. Andy Mat'On ran a nose and-nose race with bit `liadow to beat the band of competition and,

Any applicant f' C a llcenae ahall in ca«e of tc*

as a root ('pigordie'i merchant, lias done fine

fnaal hare the right of review by the full com-

financially, which at this time of the game is

Bisalon, whnae de< ition ahall be determined by the concurring rotea of a majority thereof within
ore daya. A determination of auch commlaalon refualog a llcrnto alao aball be reriewable In the courta.
The bill alao appropriatea 970,000 to carry out the proriaiona of the art.

Sam E. Stlckney, 76 years old. veteran circus rider, clown and circus owner, died

going some and then some more. Many medi¬ cine men here. Bailey bas been on tbe round¬ up passing out jewelry at from an ace to a fin, and they come back licking it out o' 'is handa and smacking their Ups for 'moab'-- Je-mi ny. Like lightning out of i clear aky* 'Windy Olds' bumped into me a few weeka ago

April n. in the Psychopathic Hospital, Chicago, of heart failure. The deceased had been

here on Market street looking and feeling fine,

theatrical business in ENG¬ LAND IS BADLY HIT
(Continued from page 0)

retired for twenty yeara, and moat of the time had been a semi-invalid. He lived In the home of hit son. Bob Stickney, at 1353 Weat Lake street, and only recently waa taken

to the hoepltaU



Ur. Stlcknev belonged to the old cirena achool. At different times he worked with

and tbe writer, rooting on tbe bardpan here¬ abouts, had developed a corn-hill--which Windy shot off for fun with his `Lightning Change,' com dynamite. Windy is back in the

of hia tnburban hous<-a, confining himaelf to the Palladium and the riullHime Empire. The ttijn^ ia very dlaconcerting to many itar acta whl*h are under contract to rtulllrer for yeara atierrt It j)|j money, aa the change of ocmpancy
and iioaaeaalon under Iheae rontracta, trade on

all of the noted showa of hit day. He waa with the De Haven Great Eastern. John Robinson, Adam Eorepaugh, and other organUationa, and at one time had his own show
Mr Stickney was a brother of Robert Stickney, who with hia wife and daughter, it on the Rhoda Royal Oinus. He was first married to Ma Sherw^. a prcfesalonal, mot^r of Robert E. Stickney, and is survived by the aoi-ond wife, Mra. Flora Fogg Stickney,

wholesale and pitch game again and, by Um way, if you hear something roaring like a cyclone Just baric up around the corner, especially if the 'cyclone' is readheaded, for that is Big Winly--vep, that's 'im. DoVeil and another have been doing the very proper

the HM.'t arldtratlon awtril, would cancel Iheae

the aon. Robert, and tbe brother.

caper in and out of surrounding verd.nt fields

contrai ta. not only crippling their present aal-

with their caravan hoaplfals. A word about

arl-B but leaving them with hundreds of Im¬

myself: Have been ailing since 1909. (in 1908

mediate w-eeka vacant.

I weighed 227'j pounds and In 1920 143

pounds); felt ' on my feet' and deader

Gasoline Bill Says: ADDING MORE THAN 50 WEEKS will build the new house, which will be modern


io every way.

sitting or lying down. Spent thousands trying to get relief from stomach and intestinal troubles--knowing that baring taken boat

(Continued from pnge S) etlvlnl. fomier Chicago manager and widely knoun showman, haa been apjednted New Eng¬ land repreaentatlve. haring ris-ently resigned r» manager of the T.y.rum Theater, In New I'rlialn. Conn. William Heliert, former pit>omer. actor and manager; Col. J. I-. Davla, veteran ahowman. and Jamea Wallace, one of the heal big time agenta, all are connected with the Hyatt offl.-eii.
I<aporte, Ind., April 17.--Conrlcta In the I.aporte penitentiary, some serving life terms, '·fed a mlnatrri show for the benefit of the

Jerseyvllle, Ill., April 16.--A new theater is projected foe this city by Rosenfleld A Si'bnber of St. Louis. They plan a mo.iem bouse of 500 or more seating capacity and will build at soon as they decide on the location.
Quincy, HI.. April 16.--Peter Pinklenisn and Bert Corey, who operate a chain of four movie honscs here, now have plans for a new theater, to be called the Washington S<iuare Theater

A recent letter from B. H. Pnrvla, down South Carolina way, contained the following; I cannot help but think of the difference in the pitch game of today and the good old daya when ev¬ eryone boosted the 'other fellow's' Interests, in¬ stead of knocking them. I tell yon, boys, it does not pay to wish 'bard luck' upon the 'other fellow' and. for tbe good of tbe buslnesa, don't knock. If you can't aay a good word keep your mouth shut--and yon will be dollars ahead. While not Just at present in the pitch game I do wish to see it back to tbe place it was twenty years ago. when we 'worked to¬ gether' and `helped each other,' instead of try¬ ing to 'cut the other fellow's throat'--as well

loads of various meds. and it's not being able to kill me. I must be i-ombproof and therefore immune, and that should I ever be able to get a failbold on the richf remedy I roiild ea-lly 'fie a knot' to keep from passing thru a knot¬ hole and peg out hale and hearty. But anywa.v, tell all my many friends who have been inter¬ ested in the physical condition of this ol' sager that I have `eureka ed'--by gum!"
The following Is probably the oldest group ever atsembled in the cirnia buslnesa In Kan¬ sas City Harry Weriz, Miles Berry. J. F. I'ennlngton and Bert Chipman got together one evening, and adding up their total number of

antrltlon fund of the Woman's Study Club at the penitentiary chapel. A crowd of nearly two Ibouaand crowded into the priaon chapel at 91 a scat. The show waa a travesty on prla<m life,

Trenton. N. J.. April IS.--Tlie American Amusement Company, of Klliabeth. N. J., flle»l a certificate in the office of the Secretary of

aa our own To my notion tbe real way to gain thia point is to stand together, and should you see or hear of a fellow worker doing that which is not Just right go to him and call bis attention to hia fault, and if this docs not set him right

years In the circus business it was found that exclusive of Mr. I'hlpman's 25 years in the game the other three totaled 136 years "st It." Many were the reminiscences that evening in K. 0.,
and to a Billboard representative it seemed like

and was declared to be a well-ataged |>erfonaUce.

State, allowing that the concern had moved its headquarters from 208 Rrosd street. Elizabeth, to South Morris street. Dover, Morris County. Max Heller Is prtwldent of the concern.

Take bim around the comer and tee if there isn't some other way of 'taking' tbe meanness out of him. What say the hunch! Lets all get together and stay together. Tours for a clean¬ working and no-knocking clau."

a breath of the white lopa, and the parting was with the road uppermost in each one's thoughts. Ha'rry Wertz left K. C. to join Htirlburd's Dog and Pony Show in Pallas. Tex.; Bert Chipman. feneral agent, Coleman Bros.' Shows, at Dallas,

Battle Creek. Mi. Ii.. April HI.--Tbe ITiaa. SUPPLY HOUSE OPENS BRANCH

snd Mr. I'ennington. and Mr. Berry as genersl .A feature .article in The Cincinnati Time-*- agent for Burk's "Oncle Tom's Cabin" shows.

B. Boat MuhIi- Co., tlila city, ro|H>rta that It

Star of .April 4. by Wm. G. Stcgler, paid the

·s getting hundreda of reqneata from profea·wal performers for copies of "Tropical Bliiea"

linings, Mont., Apri'. 16.--S. A. lauils and John Rogers, of the Rialto Theater Supply Com

fulloning tribute lyes. a Iriiiuiei to the Haley Sisf*`is:
"Piom the platform of a ir.aveling medicine

Have .you looked thru the Letter Lift in this

·o4 "Wfern My Skoct Wear Out Erofn Walk- pany, Mlnne.ipolls. have established a bram li hIiow to the Winter Garden stage on Broad¬ issue? 'rherc may be a letter advcrtlaed for yoo.


Xlie Billboard

APRIL 23. 1921

Tr»«, prompt »nil f»r-f»mert, the Mdl F6rw»rdir.c 6»rv3^e of Tho BilllMard itandt tio:ie a« a aafa and aure m«dium thru vhich profeiaiOTial p»op> may have the;r mall

addreaaed Thouaardi of performpra and thowfolk row receive their mall thru thia highly department.

Kail It aonietimet lott and mixupn

reeult borante performers do not write

plainly, do not give correct address

mr forget to give an address at all

when writing for advertised mail.

Others send letters ard write addreii

aad name ao near nostaoe a*amn that

D 1.


It is obmersped iri oance.aiion hy

the postofflee stamping machires. In

eurh eaaei and where au-h letters

bear no return address the letter can

only be forwarded to the Dead le'tter

Omce. Hep The Billboard handle

WMIV mail K« /anfnnlvinv yenr mail by complying with .he fol-

"to?*- /--

-h-- it 1. WTRRT

write for mail wh^ it is ITR5T

MVartiaed. The following ia tho key

te the letter Hat-

Cincinnati. fNo Staral

New York. One Star (·)

rSCCa-thnhicLiaF corouariaga*o.t.-iT T^e . hrw Terlewea eooc SSSstto aautrraan ..n((('8 ·(f ·*·r»o*) ·))))l

Kansas City.- -(K)

If your name appears in the Let.

*er Zsiat vnUh atan before it write

to the offlee holding the mail, which

7eu will know by tho__method outlined above Keep the lUll F^ard-

log Department aopplied with your reaite and mail will be forwarded Without the necesaity of advertising It. Postage Is required only for packAgee--letter aervice la absolutely free.
Mail is held but SO davs, and can

|-- I 1^
| -


<::i"e Mra.


··, Llu'cjrItlle

i;ta<s, Mi't. .1.

"Hray. .Mrs li.

··Hrarll. Kathly

Breiaion. .Mrs. .Mary

Utennct. Dirofliv

M>*f*'" Oem (triee. Mrs. Marg

··llrlckl. y. n ih

"`BrltUan. M .K. M

`Brooks. B- l ' v

··»ru»n. Hnih

iMOUIlf, IbsMf

···itruni et. Bessie

"Bru.iman. Mildred Buila

Bueiinian. Bmllv

`Buckrtdge. Gladys

Bullock. Mrs. T. E.

Burch. itcrke.

JI*,*o;r;i"^; Helm


B'lrnham. Alice

Burke. Illlds

Burni. Malal

""tns. .MarLJtrt

Mr*'***j*^ R



"Burton. Kae

`Burton. Mildred

"Burton. Jessie

Burton. Grace

Mrs E K.


"Dale, Rc' .

French. Lillian

"Jai-kson, Mra A. ··Leairdde, Blanch#

Iiararon. Mrs Ernie j'tench, Mary

"Jackson, Jean & "Lelch. Mihel

IiariKirfiild, K

French, Helva Jane

Babe I.elalilon, Julia

(SI Darling, .MIssC.S. 'Frlti. Mrs Jack Jackson, Rena

Leonard, Helen

·Dare, Dot

(SiFry, Mrs. C. A. `Jaso. .time

`Leonard, Mra J. J.

`"Daulr. Dot

I'urt.-M. Bessie

James. Mis. ArOiur Ler.ij. Mrs llalsi

`Davenport. Mrs E. Davis. Mrs 1) A. Dellaven. Louite
Davenport. Mat I'uvlt. Mrs. O. (K Divls. Bobble

`(Jardner. .Mvrtlc M. JJaumnirefst.. (Jisirgla

IeeK«>)', Deilvy

`(-..T.liier. Bessie M Jameijsi,. .MMrrs KFerillnnas


GGasmmhbilee.. GnUladdyyns

JJefiniinillniwgas.. MMrr*s. MW W..Hn ·la^^Us. Ms**

(Jirmin. Mrts. Walter iJfein.kkiins. KUtliel

LrsU«», Ruth

"··GGaarrrreett. Marjorie ·"·JJerrt'gjerennetoon. JerigrIte



iSloonnijai M»l>el

·`·"·JJeewwrrll., VliTvian

i-ewla, Juai'ita

`·Johhxinnon. .MMrrs. Piearl L«wls. Iai.h!a


GOeinntle., M Mrrsa. R. L ··*·Johliiniaaim)Ui., Prein;g\ Lewis Alma

"Dav. Iona

GOilbhUlsimnta. EKUUztabheth `··"·JJoohhnnaaoon. Mras


"Day. Mra E L. Cibbha,. Mrs Watsono

Frank W. `laTure. Mrs t'lark

iVllart llsri'l "Dellaven. N





JolinV>P. MrS. L J-nes. Mrs T W

lA-HIa Violet Lewis, l.uuU

"DeHaven. Mrs. D D Haven Mrs Oer. IhTray, Minnie DeVere, Vera `Devere. I'armeu DeVere. DolUs

Gilmore. Margaret Joius. lb bblc "Ginn. le-ah Alleoe Jordon, s<'·n3l^ilelerrlln^ee

"Glenn. Estelle

"`Jonea. Elva

·OlIectnior. Tina

"Joseph. Marlion

·"·O(Jooddhhaart. Arlyne `Jioiyce. Evelyn

`·IGbonlon. Belly

Joyce. Ha/el

"`Gordon. Mra Joe lurad. Gene

Lewis. Tliilma Lewla Mra A1 `llllle. I.ucv UtUin. Betty
Ul. hdeld. Mrs. W A. Llvlngsti'i . Isjlirll Long Anna Ellen

DeMelst. Jennie

`·Gorden. Billjlile

"Kaal, Mrs. PPP<ieail

ire. Marie

Gmild. Elasile

Ih ity. Mlat. :.|

"Grace. Alma

`Delauney. Marlene Cramau'. Eatclle

Kahle. Mairrggaret


Kaiihue, Mra H. K. Loretta T^lna

"Karop. Marie

leirialne. Whel

·Delniar. Mrs i' T. Grant. Mrs O B.

DemllriK Ni 11`e

Giay. (arrlrcl

Deiieaii. Matine

"Gray G a.lis

Dennis. Jostpldiic

"Gray. Billy

`Derrick. Kae

·Gray. IsoUl

Kamaiia'. Mra G.

Kaneaiiia. Mrs P.

Kavanaugh. Edytli

Kay. Peggy

Kay. Mra


l.o}d. Mrs C. J. Lovitt. Mra T. J. Lowey. Ilarel

D.stnond.' Marie Desmond. Mile. Plflo Marie


Mabel Fiankle

OOrreeeeiiiiwwaalldd. MMrraa. B.

"·"`Grier. Hortense

Kay, Madam Kiefer, Mrs. Jean
King, riotcliCe King. Bis-

Lowiqr, Juha
Loyd, Vada ISiLucat. Mra M. ·Lurkle. Robbie

Dill. Maude

OGrliOQn., Marie

Kirk. Mrta Wai yne Ludlow. Mrs. 0. A.

Dillon. Mrs I.efUe Grlmslian, Mrs. EI Kirkland. Mis 1111. Lutes. Mis IVic

"Uoeseckle. Ells

(Little Moollyl Knr. Mrs, Harlln Grosavit. Kuu) Kelly, Aiuia Mae!·

·l.nich. Mrs. Belle "Lynns, Mra.

"Mililtwell. T.eala MMllUti--hherllll.. U Ullllinioorr Mra Marie
Molllna HDolly MoniitUague, M Mrs. M M MMoonnUUoommeerryy. JJaacckkiiee M MoonnUtIerrr. MM^rss. EEllllaa M M.'liann. 'Ccilm oieerr ^
M Moooorree'.. A Alliiccee `""`Moore. Jean Mm ooire,. A .tlllli.v
iiK KIIM Moooorree., M Mrraa. M M. ·Moore. Mra Hoalua
M.ore. Mra J. G. Morrell, Dorothy Morsan. Mist W.
Muirls. Mra M. L. Moorla, EXJiel Morae. Mrs. Wm. Vorfot. Mra C. E. "Morgan. Chic
Morris. Sira La "Morrell. Billie ·Morrla Rose ·Morion. Stella Motile. Della MoulUn, llirel
`"llouaer. Anna Mower. Blanc-he Mukulkj, Mri. Ada
Mundy. Mta K L. `Muntrll. Ava Murphy, Mrs. E. ·Murray. Mae K. ·"Murray. Mrs AD. Murray. Itoimie B. ··""M Muurrrraavy.. llaillllllaann ·Murray, lb atnee
"Muri.hy. Mils-i (K(.Murphy. Ma(iel Murpliy, Esther Muth. Gene

··Rrice. Margaret
Relib-. Mae Riley, Rote Htli-y. Mrs. .t It. Rieiihart. .Mta Ja-.-k
"Relniers. Did `"Klee. Evelyn

Taylor. Mary K
`Taylor, Blanche "`Tavlot Mr* Rav `Tepulmer, Hlnna Terry, |;i||m>
Tesas. Prinevas Thank). Helen


mmardimi^ V,li




nV `i'' i ***1 H f'li r('**^"«.^ii Klneharl. .Ulellt



'>134 J.

Thornton, Balie

HIUlH-y. Mrs M 11. To,ld. Elo,en.-e

"`RUeri. Lena O. Tbiwnpaon. l.oretta

y.I'"'"'*'"- 'iii r.le

-,,!*'*'· '·

Thompson. Maliel

TU.rnhurg. G G,

, I"**; I":';'''!..'"""*''

Roche. Marhm



Trainer. Hobby

·Roflilng. .trdell

Trainer. Mra H .S

Rolley. Mra J

·Travellne. Nan

Romani. Mrs, Ales. `Travers. Juii

`Ib.iidoa. Anna

Tnunlile. Do|||.

Rose, lilanehe

Tressler. Lucy

Rose. Klaltoma K.'Se. Babe

Trine, Mlaa Johnny Triissell, Vrhra

Ross. Relty

Tunu-r. Ilarell

Rosa Mmr

`"( bag, Mra R. J,

"Roia. Mlaa Fwiie I'nderwood. Mra L

Roalna. Madam

I tier. Mra Ruth

R<mley, Mra It. 1. tan. Laura

Kurella. Marie

Vann. Marlon

`Koiella. Marla

Vardell. Mra Frank

"Ruby, LlUltn

Vaughn. Gertrude

"·Ruaaell. Bubble Vaughn. Vivian

Riisaell. Mrs. J. J. Vrntrts. Ruth

(SIbkboir. Blale "Venie. Ruth

"Sallow, Elsie

Vernon. Lucy

R«n<-he«. Mrs K M. '.'nioii f.nnen


' oe. Mia. Fred

MrSL_T. \ nnine. Iris ·`Sanger. Mr*. T. `Viands Allee

·Sargent. Edith

`VorUa. Maude

·Saunders. Viola

Widswvirth. Bmlly

Saundert. Mrs, P. Wahtawaaao. Princess

Sau((dera. .Minnie

Wall, Daisy

VKaaiill aedve'rrttliased in thias Iis.«tuie waast "`Butt,ew,nth. G .·-`nDoonr.eey. M Milllddrreldlf "

Bcalied for up bo last Sunday noon. Buzzard. Mrs M L. ··Dorlne'lly Blh.l

llaekney, M:a M.

All roqueiti for mall must ba aigned "' sIlahaK. Opal

*l)orilt. Mri E E Hal(n. Harel

by tha party to whom mall it ad- `"Fampbell, Halite "Draper. .Mrs B. Haight. Mrs Eva

Campliell, Alice

"DougUa. Grave

llsll Mrs. Ada


(KKarel. Babe ··Gallanhan. Opal Carlisle. Hazel
C, ailoK.. Sylvia

Dowa(S. Mrs. J. M. Duke. Vert L'raper., Bani e ·"·DDrreeww, MMaarkiu

"Hall. Lillian

(SllUlIlcer., Maidlrec `Hampton,. Herllceini

Kttslakc. Lll "Kcclrr, N'otine

"`·Hanford. Mra B. `"K_ eja._ Mabel.

.McCurty. Mi» lu-j

Mrs .Nclauii

Mcliilyrc. Helen

·"Neaha. KuUi

. efluviiir. Ilolly

Walklr.a. "^ 'aalllthhaam.


M.-Iid^jre. _ Mra B_ H. Nell. P_ auline

Svynw.iir. Mra (,te.


·AIIob. CaclI. 2e Hugh. H . Se AihlV. Mrs. Sadie "Kial. Pearl. 25c

C'· (airTrmrmaoloennrt.teel.MrsHatEtiledy

"lleew. BolblJe `DuShane. 1DekHls

·"Hannaton. Glaidlyas King. Pauline

"M MooIinnttyyrrAn, Helen `.Verwell. Mra G. A.

Hal ford. Mras W. CG. "King. Mra Hairy MrKeehan., Mras M C. -NNeewwhhaam. Mra. A




Warren. TTirlM

M., le "KoHa, Prliuess be '< arroso. Mae

(SiHudak. Mra M. Hanwini. .MMils«s G. K. "`Klrliwirood. E.

"MacKeiiaiJle. Miia Newman. Norlne

'Vatcrall. Mra A.

Rackar, Earl D. Balk, W. P., 8c

"I.amlve. Jane. 25c Caiuwell. hutlit Liuree, Anna. 4r

Dixie. Prlinceeasas

UHarreilil., BllUe

KUne. Mra Uvaattrrllci*e McMahone, Edna

(KINewasome, NeliUa

.. v"vW.awui*-*h"e*r*a*.^ LLeeoonn*a

Shelfleld. Mary T. Watkina Peggy

*Ballanla. Mrs E . Lesser. la-Koy. 2c

' ~~


Shehlon. Mra Maude Wataon, Veai

Barr. Ura J.. Ic 5c `·L·`lM oyadg. gaRrtte. veI.T..Ic18c - a- a-ta-a-a -a -- a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aaaaaaaaaaiaaatattgt-i-a-a wnwavawavaw avaw aa wawaw avavaw avavaw aa waaa --a--a.-a.

Shea. Minnie

Wataon. Jenn

Shipley. Mra Jaa Tl `"Wat-on, Beryl*

··Barton. Mrs R, Markham. C R . lOc 

T "·Shonbure. MlaaR `"Waulea Mrs Bnl

IV ··Martin. A. B . 15e i



1 A


Actors, Actresses and Artists

Z ·`Shreve. Mra Jack ·"Wavn*. Loult*


"Shuhert. Mae

"Wraver, Ruby

Shuttlewnrth. Nellie "`Webb. Mra C. B*

"Slegrlit, Ada

"'ebb. Mr* Claad*

·Breault. J. t . Ic aMorton. Irving, 6c I



faiD^a*^'iViNeiion' &ii^cc t who pelect to make their permanent adidiress in care of The tIttU illlbboard may, of course, chcoxoise 

Bulledc'has.! 8c ·\«^t!i*'*G«si*r2c  any of OUT branch offices, i. o., New York, Chicatio, ,St. Louis or San FrancLsco, but are ad- t

Sletx. Helen ·Six. Rctale Sizemore. Eatella ·`Skinner. Mr*. W

Webb. Mra J. B. Wrhee. MabrI ·Wetwter. Jao* "We|U. Flo

('iark'°'B<m*''j*` ^ opmi""l "j!c^'

t virini, if thcv arc pn Fouto, to Consider the home office Carefully.


Slarii. .tnni *"Siad*r Helen

Wella. Lucille "Wella Katy

n^s^*T i`^ ·pn*'in"'E'TM 4e


Cincinnati is hut Thirty-one Miles from the Ceofiraphical Center of Popula- t

Slocum. Geneviev* Wentworth, Ruby

SliH-um. Roae

"'rat. Mr* L. F.


-ie ··ATy"'!! R .'7c

·coBini. Prof To^Rekiaw * Middietom

t J

f ion o/t/ic f nifcfl Nfnfc.s arid Cariodfl, and it follows naturally that Icss delay will cnsue in the haiulliiid and forwardiuK of your mail.


Small. Ellrabetb

`Weal. Vivlaa

"Sraalhaood. MlatR. We*t. R.'>**U*

··Smith. Ili^ll*

Wcat. JuD*

f^aV** Kinev*^sc


We want our service to continue to be, a^ it always has been, the very liejtt and prompt- 1

Smith. Ilarel ·`·Smith. Mra

'tert. Betty Jo We*t, Jeaai*

Cortiy. Juns-s. 5c'


I cst, and, therefore, WB rccommend "Permonetif Address^ Care of The Billbitard, Cin- 

c^a*. Am


g A.'. Sc

··Darro. Frank inc (siStokM C H..

f rriirninnuaffii.." X

t 4 


  '60e JJ

IItt iiss uunnnneecceessssaarryy iinn wwrriittiinnpp ffoorr mmuaiili ttoo uussee aa sseellff--aaddddrreesssseedd aanndd ssttaam mpp^^ eennvveellooppee--a 44

DuPree ·`Wf*tcotl. Mra

·"Smith. Beat:*

Mort R.

Sm'lh. E-TInc

Wowllcy. M»ry

Smith. N'rlllt

Whrallvy. UK* I R.

Smith. Adriald*

MTiltc. DoOi*

diani. 2c Ti^Bcv. H- s . 2c

i4 Postal Card uurriillll ddoo.. G Giivvee yyoouurr rroouuttee ffuarr eennoouugghh aahheeaadd ttoo ppeerrm miitt vyoouurr m maaiill ttoo rreeaacchh yyoouu.. ?? Smith. Rvllth

`··White. Iltmlt

·"Doytoi Daly! 8^

"^Biiij. 2c ^J W Wrriittee nnaam meess ooff ttoow wnnss,, ddaatteess aanndd ssiiggnnaattuurree ppllaaiinnllyy..

1 t

·Smith. Hattie ·Smith. V. Ily

Whit*. Kifheryn White. S)` il


*3? vSgcu'Andy. 2c' >·«


flAit`tteterrss Are Held Thirty Days Only, aafftteerr w w''nniicchh,, iiff nnoo aaddddrreessss bbuuss Ilijeceenn oobbttaaiinneedd,, JJ

t tthheeyy aarree sseenntt ttoo tthhee ll>>ooaadd LLeetttteerr OOffffiiccee.. IItt iiss ddeessiirraabbllee ttoo w wrriittee ffoorr m maaiill w whheenn yyoouurr nnaammee//iirr..*sft 4

Smith. Mra Lol* tVhlUng. EUiabtlh

Smith. France*

Wind*. Jackie

·"Smith. Mra A. F. ·`Whllell. Ermine

oardnarni. *B.. 2i

^ aappppeeaarrss iinn tthhee lliisstt.. .A\ddddrreessss yyoouurr ppoossttaall ttoo ""..W Waaiiff F Foorriwcaarrddiinngg S Seerrvriiccee,, T Thhee B itiillllbbooaarrdd..*"' 4

(SiSmlth. /.elrna (SISmIlh. Mr* A

Wilcox. Mia Hrnry Wllcnx. Mr* B

Viravv*. Vi"*E*'*c.ric^^ Zt

R Reeaadd the Explanation at the Head of This List.

^ ^

·".Smith. IxiU B. ·`·Wiley. Mr* 0«e.

Smith. M*mle


Hamilton. Prof. B., ''j:'",**®*-


4 ·Smith. Mra B. B. ·`·WU'lama. Mw L

··Smith. Mra O

(KlMllllam* Chic

·Diamond. Balph. 3c



Someia. Mr* Harold W'HBamt. Mra John

`Hautch. BIm. Sc ·WU»ob. Lc^. 8e


"Snydam. Mrs H.B WHUam* Katberin*

··Hkynag, H., tOe ·Wlckesecr. Buetorr. J. A. 1«

W. F.,3c xcarry, Mias G. M. Dixon,. Edna

·C('aatlceTv. Ruth

(SIlDryiewe, Mrs C.

···Cirry. M»rle

···DuPree. Mr*. J

Caricn. Helto

Durno!:. Mrs Luv .lc

Cauady. Jackie

·l>iil*ree. Corine

Harrington. TTttssMtle ·Hxarrihnigton. L. "IIiitI< Beity
Hirrl*. Estelle "Harrl*. .Cline

Klrrytcchhnect. Florcencve Klilngluller. Rerltiuola Kolleiis. Flofcticr
Kortf, Mr*. A. H. Kramer. June

McNabb. Fk*jyr Mc.NNaally. Bohbhbilve McShei^, He«l*
···M«ct. Grace Mack. Harel

······VVllcchhoollaayy. JJtt UUaa NNllcchhoulki. M Mauragaarmet .Niihle. Roblde Nold. Glyeene ·Noma. Ptinortt

"Southard. NelU*
·Spaun, Mra B. Speer. Ma r Spellman, .knni* ·Speeieet. Fannie

Wllllama. Jean
·William*. JoarpM'e
William*. Mr* Carl MTIIIama. Mrs E ·WTIIItm*. Ruth

··Abbott. Rowe

·Barmore. Pearl

Abomah. Madam ·BanieU. -lewell

Abbott. B^ Abbott. Grace

I " '*· "" ^
Haiti-a M,vrtle

··Acker. Kitty


Adim*. Dode

Mr* Geo.

Adams. Julla&Leota ··Baron. Thresa

Adam*. Mr* Cutly Harflow. Eililli

.5(1ima Etance*

Barstow. Mr«. Ada

Adkn*. Mra I/oul»« Hale*. Margaret

Alrlata. Madam

Bate*. Evelyn

`"Alarkon. Boae B'-ardsley. Jr..


"BRate,ctekll.. BDaboerothy

Allen, Lol*a

Bauer. Katherine

Allen. Mr* E. R. Batter, .Sadie

Allen. Billie Allen. Ethel

·Beeson. Helen ·Bege*. Lo-etta

Cis«ey. Mta Tom a·Craaatuoillo.' Edith CCaattieTr. JJuuaianiiUU

Dushau. Peg;) Dyer. EkSie

Harris. Mrs ('has ·"Kteuger. Marie

Harris. Lamella

·`Krooner, Zetu

Harrlaon. Mra Roi* Kurde*. Delene

··C'eellesate. Paulin* Eagle, Ur* Sunahlk* Harrison. Hazel

LaHerta. Dollle

··Chalk Mra J 1. (KiFUgleaon. May Harriam. Itabell

I-eltean. Mavlt

Chaimmblwerrai. Mr* E1 . ··Earle. Verna

··Harrison. Happy I-allelle. Lucille

"·`CChhaattmman. Mrs.

"Earls. Mr*. K.

·"Harrison. Oail I.ABelle. NelUe

GGeeoo. C. `EatOTi. Pearl

Harristm. Halxy

LaBlaiirh, Mae

··CCTT.'ia-'ididttler. Viiviian ·`·Eaves. Mary

lHUarrrrtisuon. Freda

··Il.«aBI*anc. Nell

CChhiarrnniilloonn., M Maarriiee

E's-tt, Beatrier

···Harrliason. Aninie LnPotile. Margaret

""CChhaatiiim maann.. MMrr*a.

·Edwards. Gertrud# `·Hart Hazel

···LaBoy. Blllle

bGttoo c. (SiEliler. ttoalyn

·"·HHaarrttmman,. Julia

I.aBii ugh Tome

·`CCll,,aalltteerrss. MMil** 1B

(S Elder. Uovie

·"`HHairtman, Phiillllllt LaDell. Blanche

FChbhllQaouuUiltttaai.. Tmhee IDiK^Loltldy

iSiElJrldte. BillieM. Ellis. Hare!


Kae "LaDuc, Mrs Mr*a PI rof LlFayette. Mr*.

E E.

Christ. Kitty

Eliott. Ev.ln

"lla«srellttiiiiii*e. Kath. ·LaOrace. Nina

·"Clark Nellie

Enierson. Plillili

"Hasatlinigt. Sue

LaMar, Stella

Claire. N.*I1

··Knip.y l.eoii*

Hartwick. 5kilrrsi L. T IKlLaMar. Claire

Clarke. Mi* Carl D. Enat. Claudle

`Haydti-tii. Irene

`LsMay. Ftaners

Mai-ey. Bllll*

·Maditnn. Helen

··Madole. Bat*

`"Mahoney, Mra J.

-- .

. *

Maler. MIt* C. L.

Main. Mrs Nellie

Norwood 'Blllle ·`Dhert. Mlaa O'Connee. Kittle Ocooner* D^erthy (·Donell. Mr*. KaU (OVIIKKimnneilLl Mria Ed (>-Nrsl. Babe

Matcher. F^lwardln ··Ozart Irene

`Malvern. Trixie Mamnniilng.MMaarryy MarelLl. Vivian

OpmI. "Mjlr*a AAbe N

`nO'RKiillery. RRi/sve


O Ossbhoornriiee, ' Mrs F

"·Mai'-k. Billy

O(K.ltiorne'. Helenn

Mack,. Georxgtia Machk. Katy

tUidiun.rriie. Katherine Owens. Dot

Markell. Mri Marie iK Owens Mr* C W

Marlow. Betty

Palmer. Arllne

Marshall. Ilea*

Palmer! Bessie

Marshall. Mrs .41 Parrv Mrs Violet

`Martell. Belle A Art "|`atbm Mr* J M

Spulirr* Mr* U B. ··William*. Marg

St Clilt. Rena

"WTIIIam*. Peggy

Stennetta. Lucille W'ullama. Rot nir

·sianler. Margaret Wllllama. Kath«rli.a

···Stanley. Pearl WiHlam* Mrs EW


···William* Mrs S.

Strir* Mr* C H. ··william*. Leons

·Siet herh. I.uclUe Wllll* Ruby

·`·tS'tteenno'iett. Lurial Wllaon. Lillian

""`·SStteven* Peggy Wllaon. Blaneche

Stievrii*. Mrs Dolly ···Wllaon, Ruby

·Steven* Dorothy Wllaon. Ib^nm ma

`·Sstt. wart Dlaiulase

·"`W Wit da* Fay

Stewart. Teraail*e

Wlnnlnggerr., Jeratnier A.

Stewart. Mra F. D. ·Wuiter* Fraiu-e*

Stone. Grace

Winter. Mr* Ruby

Stie>p* Amelia

Wnodt. Mr* Frinkl*

RIotry. Laura

Wnals. Pearl

Stiattoii, lietrn

W<in<1*. Marie

Allen. Nellie

Bv-vt.t. Elide

Clark, Kathmiie

Ei'V Dot

lHlaayyinireas. Laziniora

LaM u.t .Mrs r'zil Martin. Msrie Fi

Pauah, INrlrn

SUret. Mra A. R. Woods. Uertte

Allen. Ruliy

Bell. Franci-s

Clark. Mi* Fred

"`Enman. Betty

`·Hayward. Alice

'LaMont. Mra Bcai Martin. Betty Dawn Paugh, Fern

Htringtrlluw, Marg. Woodworth. Mrs

···Allen. Marie

Kell. Crystal

Claike. Marie

··Ert.ll. 5ta>la

··Heckman. LLIiIlUlian I.amont. Toota

··Martin. IJIllan

··Paulin Miss

·Siuikliari. R.iee

Wuolrldxe. Mr* C

··AloiiZo. Mrs. Joe `"Bclf'lr*!. Mildred ('Urke. Glailv-

(Sikasin-v, D-.t

H. I .Monle. Hlllle R. Martin. Mral W. F. Pauline Mile

Bluckart, Fannie II. Wolla. Mra Karh

Anderson, IKit

`"Belsell. MrsH.F iKiClarke. Mr* F11. `Eetiella. Lulu

·Anderson. Lillian L. ·Ber.ard. Mrs Jere (KlClawson. .NDs ·Evtrell*. Ili-vsie

·Ileleluld. Mr*. J. Lane. Mary I ··Heiideraoei. M T Lancaater. Kuliy

Martin. I.etah ··Martin. Mae

PPffeeuulldd. lBiaabbee PPeennnn NNiinnaa

·Suiter. Mra H. F. ···Worth. Hadlyt

Summer*. Ellirl

Wren. Mr*. W ti

(KlAndersoii. Viola **Benedlct. Florence `i leora. Mile

Eiais. Mr* toncile ·· "IIIndirsoii. M T. LaVellr. Hiliii

·'Miitli. I.llllau

PPeeaarrssoonn. MMrr*a. A.

Summers, Mi* F ···Wright. Jul* V

·Anglin. Irene

`Benjamin. Mrs. E "CUlifffford. Violet

"Anthony, Mrs. Joe B.nnett. Eva

"Cllftoti. Hel.

"Evan* Leellai

Henry. Mrs A. II

Evan*. Mr- Hugh llerlHit Jo»le

LaYoker. Ltlltaii

"Martin. Rlllir

··l.iPlerTe, Mra C, ".Marlin. Izetta

PPeerrlllllloo. BBaalliiee Petius lI.gevoiIla

Sunshine. Pilnivtt ···Wylei. Mabel

Swain. Millie

tVynaafcl. Helen A S.

··A·*e. rsJ.

Bennett. Ruth Bennett. Eleanor

Arlington. Lillian PK-ntolce. Piince<*

·Armstrong. Helen "Bernard. Hissie

Armstrong, Jennie ··Berry. Ann*

Arnold. Betty

"Berry. Toot A It,

Arnold. Bol.lile

··llerry. JIrs. May

"Aaron*. Mr* Ed "Bevan. Lucille

Afberldge. Mabel Birch. Mi«s Durell

· Mkliisoii. Daisy

Blnklor. Florence

Atkinson. Mr* Tom Blscow. Peggy

"Auatin. Mr*. H, Bittner, Mr*. Iltppy

"·Au*tln, Mr*. C. BUckwiIlen. Mr*.

B.iticorit. Mi*. Phil

A. H

litehni. Ml*

Blackburn. Mrs J J.

Rziley. Manila Bay "Black. Mli*s Ben

Bailey. Dutch

'"`Blackman. Els*a

Bailey. Mia* Frankie Blue Cloud. Id*a

Baker. Mit. Ilcrshal Blue. Madam A.

Baker. Mr* Clyton `·`·Bodhan. Ml** J.

·Ballard. Mr* L. F. Boane. Mr*. Dee

·Ballard, Edna

Boswell. Babe

"Bandell. Gale

Bowker. Mras. W. F.

Ranks. Martha

Bovyoce. Billie

Barker, Balie

`·Boyd. M Mrr**. B. H.

Barlow. Emm*. Co. Boyer. Mr*. Helen

Bavlow. Mr*. Pearl Bovd, Louise

·Barlowe. Helle

"·Bore. Myr*

Barclay, Mra H. F. Braileii. Helen

···Bamum. Mrs. K. Biadford. Lillian

Mra T. J. "Bradley. Mra K.

G B. Clifton. Elhel C.jcluati. Li' *C ffee. Mzy C. ff, y. Fay ·Colliuin. Dolly Cole. Mr* L L. ·"Comb*. Adel Condon. Marie
Conner. Jane Copple. Ethel ·Coo|>er. Mi* .lo* Costla, Emily
·Cottrllo, E<liih Coy Mr* Adz (K)lCrzniiddeeBll. Mr*.
F. R. ·*""Crrriawwffoorrd. Berth* (SlCCrneasor. Mrs. 1L1. ('rouisette. Ltll Cummiiiga., Mi* PP ·Cuiirdugliain. Jumotla Curran. Ruth Curtis, Mr*a. lTUUzzz: ie Currv Kulh ···CurUa. Pearl
Cutler, Mra Loolie ···Dale. Viol*
··Dale. Dorothy Tel Dale, Dolly ··Dale, Dolly

Kaneher Cora

Favr< Paulli.e


'Ml e

"Kelt. Mr* AAIIii»-rt (SiFenton. LuIrille

·Fwitoii. Fein

Ei't<",. Iitii

F.rtxr Ml* Nat

·Fla'ief. riorei.<r

·"Fitzgerald. K.

ntzgerald. Kith

F'tzjohn, Mias Veltii

Fleming, Jo--phliie

Fletcher. Nora

Fllnn, Mr* Joa Flcrlne

"·fWrean, Sally

Foley. Helen

Ford Caritea

·"Ford. Katherine

Ford. .Mr* Eddie

Forrt'f. Mr* R L.

Foriester, Mzrie

·Fos»'.,er*«* Thetlm*a ··"·FFooatrilglit. Lucille

Foator. Mrs W N

FonUlne. A'zll*

Frank. Mad lir.e

Franklin. Mis*

'Frazer. Mra Kittle

"Frederick. Mueril

···llrifcliey. Grdda ll:..nizn.|, Peggy II It. 1 Mr* Harry ·M ·lllddllsstoin: P. iart lMliillll--''..o: , Mr- P. zll ·`··KInodltiaini. Stteellla M. MM..lliizon Mr* 11..met HofVmari. Pearl "`·M Hooker. Colr* Hoiloway. Mrtk* Boyd Holly, Stella ··Hope. Jean ·Hopkins, klae Hopkilii*. .Mr* Odeksa
···Horth. Bal ·"HHoorrttoonn. Gertrzuude ···HHoorrttoon. Margairet Ihiamer Helen lloe.aid Annie Howard Marie HuIJiard. Mtudlne Ilurrln*. Lois `Huglied. Mr* Frani k lluvlbie* Sadie ll'ntrmnphhrrllei* Mr* E. H'l'iter, Mr* S*m ··lliintley li-n« `Hyde. Hlkli
Ingram. Mr* Lola Isaac, klra Bonale ·JackiOii. BIQte

·LaPoint, FIor*vice IjHeane. Eva ··Lall..*-. Grare ·· GIz.le-
Mr* W LaKue. Ger.e (KlLsVellr, Ihat II. ··l.aVeri.e,;y Lake. Mr* Pearl ··Lakiwvood. Hazel ·I.amont. Kaiv ··l.Angdon. IJIIltD ···l.arkon. Rosa A. Lztto Be**le
(KlLz»tdIi. Btztrlce
RLazzo. Prtrona ·Leary. A/me t-iltoa. l.tH'IIle Uli'ie. Mtv Pearl ··I.allirte. Hall* "LaVall. Elia ···I.aPearl. Nellie I-eary. Ann Lae. Rtrab ······IIgzs»e MMr* Gower (8lLL«we, Kirs. Harry ··"·IIzzsae. hBilUle Lee. Dorla Lae. BBUilUlie

·Madivi, Mae

···Mattie. India

Maltlae. Mr* J.

M iKIirwa. N-1*

Maiwell. .Monte

·'May. Jolly

·'May, Ethel

Mzvne, Ruby

Mzver. Ruth

Maver. Irene

··.MedUn. Blanche

Meaina. Madam

Mehl, Thelma

Melruy Mra Nick

(SiM. Mon. Mr*. J. M.i.e-ih'*

"Merlfleld. Mr* U

`Meaail. Mrs. J

Metcalf. Bolihle


"Mlddhton Mary

··`Mile*. Blllli

Mllh-r Fizi.eraa `·`Mllbv. Hannah

Miller. Mrz Elil*.

Miller. Miller.


Miller. Delta IIII `Mllli. Margairreett Ultobell. Vlria·a

PPlliillllllllpp**. MMrr** I M. ······IP'hhllllillliiiva, MMiarie ····PPhhilllllilpp*t. MMll*a*t E ·"·PPhhlillllllit..**. I11J*arrirtt Platt. Lz-oit

`Swanaon, Mrs II. Yamal.aka. Mrs G. Sweeney. Beatrice Young, Blllle ·"Sword*. Ura Wm. `Z-eUleT. Mlaa J "Tallman, JacquUoe Zrnno. Mta Beaait
"Zulrk*. 1^118^-**

p.villiia. Mra Jim

(KiPoole. Mrs H Porelte. Caroline


Porrit. Carolina

··Abbott. Jame#

Allen. Cbarle* K

·Portia. Lvv.dMl*

AlHlall*. Allah

Allen. C. W.

·Powell. Helen


"Allen. Bllb

Powell. iDKoirottlhiTy

··Acre#. J T

·Allen. J. C

Powell. Lulu

Ariawaha, Chief

Allen. Wm B.

·"···PPuulllliint. Margie RRaaggaannll.. M Maaii aarreett

Adams. L. W. ISiAdam*. Wm.

Allen. I'rank. Show Allen. Lloyd

···Ilalalon II C.

"Adam*. A. L,

Allen. S. B

"Ralston .Ml** Jack Aiken Faimmt Sliosr* ISI Allen. Ethan

Randall. Hudille

(KiAkers. N W. Allmalne. Walter

Ray. ItorotliT

Alabama. Slick

···Allasbrook. Bunny

Raymond, Mr* D.H. .tihanrse, James

·Kavmond. Babe

(SIAIherl A

H.ed Mr*. J W

Alliert, Prince

Almany. A P Alvarez. lulKi* "Ambark. MoliameJ

R< adirig, Geiirfa

Slls*mas ··Amlrd. Stlto B.

lledfirld. Marie W. Alburtua. Frank

Am-*. Ileiinlr

Urilmon. lymlsr

Allmruta. Dr A S. ·"Anagnotlaraa Ja*

Il·slm<llld. Otine I.r* Aim. Hoern

···Aniler*. Frank L.

Heagw, Mra Ceclle isiAleiamler. F T Aiuleraon. Clrcu*

Reno. La Vera

Albanro, Sabaitlano ···Anderaon. Harry

(KIHswves. Dorothy Alexander. A. P. Anderaon. Par* .

IleeyM. fimma Besaa, Btbel

Allan. Harry Allen, B. T.

(KlAnderaon. (SIAnderaon. JbgglY

APRIL 23, 1921

Ttie Btllt>oarl


And< rmn-Ounn

·Broadiif. L. F.

Conley, Lirry

Barhy. Adam

Gough, Oeo. O.

··Hoi!. Bussell

···Koffler, J. H.

·Maddox. Dick

·Murphy, E. J.

·Ai.'lr**. J f'f- >'^'1 ··Brofkway. L. B.

Aii.linircl. Mmro

I(ii>,lerli-k. J. II.

··Cnnn. Frank rcni.ani. Chta.

·Earl. Bert ·Eaton, K.

···Gould. Bay

UoIIander. Joe

(R)Oould. Hernand (SiHoIllt. John

Kojan. Edw. Kopenhafer, ChAA

Magnor, Thos O. Mahard, G B.

··Murphy. Don O r.furray. Geo. Edgar

· ·· Viiilri-w. K»y



··Brooka. Stewart Iliouka. Fred W.

··Connery. B. B. Connie, Horn

JUlon. B H. Dusty Gourley it Harriet

Elier. Bill

Oowett. E.

Holmes. Benj. HoUclaw. B. J.

Karris, Mike Krause, Simon

Maher. Mickey Mahoney, Eud

··Murray, Joe ·Murray. Trei

Quillen. Clyde Qui-o-y. TIkii.

Wtu-, Ai. lr.'H. "in 1`.

Biouka. Juarph IlriMikther. H L.

Conroy, O. J Ceinway, Capt. I'aL

Eberhirdt. Fred EckUiid. Erick

··Oraliel. V. J. Gradler. Nick

11- raea. .lohn Hooyer. Wm, F.

··Krejensky, W. Krug. Jos. B.

··Maltomey, Jack

Murray, Camero D.

·Malrianil A Lu'tef Murray, Harry

Quine. Geo. W Q'Jtnn. Jack Elroy


·Itr'eeeSU, F

·Cookaey, J R.

Eilehuin. T E.

(Irsham. Hugh

IKiHopkliia. Monro* Kubic. Paul

··Malcolm. Fred'k Murray. Henry

·"Q'iinn. Curley

··Ai'i'lrby. luymiina ···llowera. Ford

Cooper, Allen T.

(SiEd^nrly, Geo.

(SiGraham, Hugh

Hopper, Arthur

Kuntz. W'.

··Manchester. O. A. M' urray. J. L.

Oulnn, J F

··AlliMy. Anjr'T. Mr
An ti<^. Af.-hrr.


(K illinaaeau. F. I
IlroHn. f. I). Brown. V. L. Brown. R B. Brown. Jaa. J.

Cooper. J W. ···Coorter, Oeo. Corbett. Joe ··Corell. Chai. Corkle. Oeo. U.

··Edriwfidaun. Tony Rilmoiiiliuii, T C. ···Eilmundaon, T. C. Edion, Iloht R. Eilwatds. Frank

r:r?bim. J j>. Graridl. .Art Grant. Osblo ·Cra'er. L B. Orafes. Charlie

·Horan. Eildle ·Horne, Joseph ···Iloshmere. E. H. ···House. Per<7 E. House, Ned

Kuster, Mickey IK)Kyle, Boy Kyne. P. M. Kyner. J. H. ·Kyrazolookupel

··Manella. CbaA Hank. Chas Mann. Frank F. Mansfield A Riddle Mansfield. Mack

Murray. J W. Mu'zar, I, Ray Myers. Dock Myers. Riley A, Myaterlous ( onductor

Race, H. E. ' (Doc) Ragland A Korte Rziph. Edw. Rammle. J L
Randolph. Bingo

·Atlry. "illlr Ar.« Ailliur A,nil..' Wondrr
··Ariiisti""*' · »rl U.
Ar!,nl.l. M«r*ln ·A»iiim. Vrnion

Brown. Fred Brown. Bruce Brown. C. M.
·Brown, Tarry ··Brown. Chat. Blai
lirewn. Waliee T.

···Cormera. Billy Cornell-I'rlce Co. ·Correll. C. A.
·Colhern. Walter Colton. Al Cotton, A. R.

fklwarda, I.amery Eldrldse. Burk

E<lwardt. L. R. ··Edwards Shooting

EJilena. Frank


rjray. Barry



Gray. Johnnie 'Gray. Basil

Griyblll. Al

Great Beo Sliow

·H<^s<'r, C. C. Iloinujn, J. Sam (SiHoward, Frariki*
sard. F P. Howe. R. D. Hoase. Harry D.

·Laberge, Phil I.all(rta, Otis LaBow. Charlea
LaFluer, Art I..aGraiige A Gordoo LaMance. Geo. W,

MarfooL Chas. K M.irrtaril. .toe ·'Marlnella. Johnnie Markee. Duke Markert, Chaa V. Marler. Robt. W.

··Naktkeawe, J. K. Nash. Jno. ·.Nason, Raym'-nd H. Nathlson. Louis Nazor. K ···Nea, W. S.

··`RAodoIph, Jai L Ratliff, Geo. K
Baub, Walter VV.
ii'J' '·"n'tina j'adt
"Ray. Otto
·Raymond. Oeo

(SiAytiU-rimn, I'tul ···Browvll, Billy

Cotton. F. H.

Eldridge, Arthur

··iteen. Dudlay

Howell. Alliert H.

LaMar. Jack

**Maro8co. Nathan

Nelson. Clarence

"Raymonds. The

Alkl'V Hob

Bruce. Frank



Bruce. Alfred

···Cotton. Frank Cottrell. Tlioa.

FIdrIdge, Harry ·Eldndse Art

Green. J U. Greenfield, Daee

Hrwtll A Malden Hurhins, Drew

Lamars. The Flying Marr, .lames

Nelson. Harry LeB. Read. R M.

·La.Mert. Lou A Sam (KIMarsh. James B. ,Neto. Varale

R'ader. Fred

xiitiut'iMin. ('ifl

Briiiik. Q

Couch, Jaa. A.

···Elba. Cotton

Greenhaw. L. B.

Hudson. Frank E.

·Lament. Laddie

Marsh, Elmer

··Neuhans. Cihas.

Reading, jt a

·Anflln, ·A'ilton. K II.

Bu'her. Floyd lluchmlller, Albert

Couch, Cash Coughltr. James

Ellis. John ·Kill!. Ralph

(>· eiilril'e. .lark Greetiatein. Louis

HufTlna. C. H. ··Huffman, F. L.

liaMonle. Carliua ··I.altalne, Phil

Marshall. Leori W. ···Marshall. T. D.

jark Newman. R. H.

R"igle. E L. Reaver. Vernon

iyf.v Tooii

lunklln. C V

Court. Wm. I*.

··Ellman. Bed

Gregg. Fred O.

Hiiglies, .A AV.

··LaRue. Tommy

Marshfield, L C,

Newman, Dave

{J' ''

Chief a



I » I>u<>

Hiiclier. Herbert Buehler. ('.

· ··Iti.krr.

···lUillard. O. C.

BilIfT. K<1w.

Btilmer. II.

···Bundy. Thoa

·n»l>T. "n>- »(KllUlrd. r»rl

··Itunae. Walter Bumlifleld. E.

Bikrr. Tom

Burk. Walker Olkn

Bikri. K. O. .B*lt>-T. ><*«· Bi.ton, Will*

II. rk. Bob Burke. A W. Burke, Sllra

Bilirras. I\

···Burke. AA'm.

··B»Ko. M

Burmnutte, James

*Bt!«tii. Johnny

Burrhousi-. SlriKtn

Bir.i-roft. A A.

···Burns, J. P.

Ban(«. R f. BiTtt. Orortf ·Baitirr. H.

Burrs. Howard J. Burria. AVIllIe ···Burros. Clarence

·Bard * Blak»

IliirroiKha, J. O.

Birff. J. ···Bararr. R M. ··Bataff. Johnnl*

···Ilursi.n. C. F. ···Burt. Homer Burton. Sydney

(SiBarkiw. A. U.

Burti n. Joe

Barrrr. H C.

Hurtin. Nat

Bariir«. Jack

·Burton. N.

Barnra. C. J.

··Itualy. Nate

Barnett. Joe E.

Kii* h`r, Burt

Barnett. W. A.

Ruaenhack, Harry

r.arney, .\1

·B lo tiers. Mr.

Barney. Arthur

Hutclier. Enorb

Barno. Joe

Ilob'hir. J. H.

Barr. R. H.

Butler. H S

Barrett. I'r. C. L. Butler. Johnnie

··Barry. Jack

Bullerflfid. F, B.

Bar.t. n. Richard

Bull.n., J, E

Bartlett. John C.

···Butts. Bill

Bartlett. Oeo.

Cable. Crank

·Barton. Lew

'Cahill. Clarenew

IK>Bateman, A. P. Cain. Geo M.

Ba'tey. J.weph C.

Calkins. Fresl

·Barry. Martin

Calltwiy, J. T.

B«ict ra. Arkrtte

Csmoror. Csrl

n.rt Batea. W, S.

Csmm. Chss D.

Baud. AA'm.

CimphsH. Bill

···BauIIo. Nrsiaca

···Camp'iell. J AA'.

Baylor. T. A

Csrarts. A'ldor

Reach-Joces Co.

···Cauterbury, E

ISICoUiney A Irwin ·Ellsworth. Henry

Cowan. WTiltey

···Eilwood. Billy

··Coi. II. I'. ··Col. Jerry

Elwood, Billy ···Fmahlicr. A J.

Cradle. Jack

··Er.gels. Geo. W.

Cratta. Chirlea eraser. Oscar O.

Engle. D. ··Enoi. Rue

Craig and Catio Crain, Claieiice

Enright. Wm Erbe, .Adam

Cramer. H. ·Cramer. Joe D. ·Crandall. Harry F.

··Erford'a AATilrl ··Erwin. Chris Escalante Bros.

Crane Family Cratle. CalUi pe
Crawford. Ham Crawford. Sara N. ···Crawford. Bob

··Eeatcia. Kayraond (KlEspey. Jackie Eubank. H H. Eratis, Bert Elans. FI yd E.
Etana. Gei.e O.

Crlml, Prof. Blaglo E'sha Lester D.

Crlasi. Emilio

Kveans, Jack

···Crooner, Ralph
Crea h. T. A ··Crooks. Sid Cross. Nat Cross A Kants Cnu. N. V. Cullen. Iloyoo Cumb.rlai.d. Cllrer Cumlngs. J. C. Cunning. Arch ·Cunningham, Fred Cunninguam. John Cunningham. J 'A'. g'u'.Mt gham, BillyC.
··Curley ···Curry. Jack Culler Amuse. Ca Cuttln. Louis ··Cuttier. Jo*
Corley, U. H. D'Agnllle, A. Dailey. Jss. E ·Dale, l»aley. Firework*
Daly. Jas H. ··Darby. M. B. Daugtierty. Paul

Everett. Wm. G. Erertun, AA'. T. Exzell, W. H. Falls, n. ···Filr'oank, T. Famum. Curley W. ··Kirr. E T. Farr, E T. ··Farrell. E C. Farrington, James Ftulaner. Boland Faust. A'lc Feldman. Harry ···relUiii. H. (Red) Fenton. Billy Ferguson, Al A Ed Ferrara. J'W.tifa FerrelL Oils Fiber, n \j Flrldt. J. r., Show Fields Frank K.
'Figaro, AA'm. FilUns A Penny ··Finn. James ·Fisher. A. Fisher. Ixxlge Fisher, Jtr. Dottle

B-adle*. Chas ··· Billy

Cantrel. Jack ·Cappa-n. Ralph

IS<Darla. J. L. Dana. H. Sugo

···Fltlgrrild, J. E ··Fleming. Tom

Ibard. All'etl

Cardw- Il. C. \V

Dana. Ned

Flood. Fred

R -ker. Mote

··Carlson. Oscar

··Dana. Frank C.

Fl^d. AA'iIler

Rei-ker. Joe

Carr. Geo.

Davit. Dewey .Al

··Floyd. Jo«

Brekrldge. Ij'w

·Carr. Frank

·Davit. Harry E

Flynn. Barney

n. Berkwtth. W

Carry. H H.

Day. Chai. V.

···FToIey, Leo

·T,' kwlth It T.

(SiCarey, Joseph

De.Amon. Wm. F.

Fluhrer A F'luhrer

lUdell. Edrar

··< arer. Arthur

DeCaa'ro. RohH*

Folks. M M.

·Begar. Harry

··Carry. Chak

IVeCaatello. Jark

·Fooe Clmy. Jack

Rr.delman. Paul E. Cart a. Prof T.

··De ForreaL Allan ·Ford. Jas. E

Rein, H. H. Bell. Jack BeU. Earl Bellomo. Vincent ReltDor.t, Ay-ry Ben All. D.h l>ti*ow, I Isw.rth

Carlton. Tom Carpenter. AA'. L. Carrlaao. W'. Carnw. Don Carroll. Harry ·Carpenter, Mr. Carsey. B. T

Drlltyen. A. Milo ·IVLora. Dick ···DeMryyr. A. ··PePerrlor. Jean ···IVRuy. Billy ·DeSalsn. .A
··IWaie. Percy

Ford. Tom ·Foreman. Harry Foster. I'ad Foster. IVnck F>>ster. Kid Foster. AA'm. R. (SiFountaire. F. C.

l'rii)amlP, E R ·Beraotr. D W'

··Carwm. Fdw. Caraoi . James

DeVoe. BUs-k DeVo'd. Cal

F'owLr. Ed*. E. F'ox. Charley

B 'lcn. Dr R. D.

··Carter. Al

··DeVoll, JulM

Fi x. Dad

··Bento. I>rle B>' yakrr Leo ··Berg. James E ··Bertan. F ·Berger. John B. Berhng. Ill r.e'T.a-1 Floyd R'-y. Jaix ·Bert. Al ··B-aa..rr. Toula BhldW. Frederick Blckfi. Sta' I y Bit Rof I'.ter Hll«" Ilea H ··Binder. E U ··Bl: g. Ar drew Rlr.abw. Frank Riatop. Walter
Bill Blab'p t'n. Shows ·Bjorhsell. J. A nieck. s' M
B'ark. Wm t ·Blaek. J .hnry
Blaokhurn. Hsitt
RlackTlIle Hir. Club Blair. Jesse
··Blake, Jack
··"Blanchard. E D. Rlat 1 Die 1 Bli' i e. E ldle
F. B a: k. · at-ip V.
Bli'k.. K n
n. F. ··lliaier. Miron
Rlein.ei t. .Albert nilch. Ew ··Bl.Mii. Eric BknJln. Leo
``'···Am'iae (V

·t'arler. J W. Car' r. Cecil ·Casey. AA'm, J. Casey. Wm. N. ·i a«a met
IS'i ates. E H. ···Cates. K IL IS'Catri. Bill Casallo, Pietro Celays. Jtek ChstnrsiTUin. ThoA Chambers, laaiah Chamlwrt, Roy Chandler. Dolph Chandler. Lee ·Cbaticrllor. Jack A. Chit ley, Joe
Charmlon, Alfred rhanditr, Chat
·i bapman. LiuU J. ·< barter. Fred Cbaae. Leav Chatham. Jack E Cbrfalo. Juanita Chrlaman, AA'hltry Chrt>tle. Jack
'busty. Kenneth ··Chrlaly. Joe "thronleT, Fred C sou. Ira Claphome. Sam Clare. C. B Clark. R»»ry Clark. H..bby Clark, Frank Clark, Paul E Clark. AAalter E
·Clark. V II. ·Clark. AVm. J

Dean Al Dean. Ray A Qrma
l>rtro. Bert Iteem. Marty ·Iiehart. Edgar ···Deeru.g. Dan
IVfA Tom Ik-gartla, Martin DWand-i-Mjallc ivylaye. C. .A. ·l>e|Court, Geo.
··DWMire. U. DelHoaarlo. Jean* IVming. Arthur t.wiDemiW'y. Jack ··tvan. Tom
Denney, H. Deiwrte. Arrhl# IVrretl, Frank Dearoond. L. E IVevlnnle. M<m1 ···Deitrr. Bert E Dickey, V. B. ···Dlcks-vn. laiihrr Dillon. Thom P. DIo-Jola. Oeo. ··Dlty. Bob Dll. Dan ·I lion. Cliff Diaon. .Allwrt IV.bUrii. AV D ·Docen. Charlea ·Dolan. Harold
Dolint. Al IVnahue. R. P, IkoniiUan, Joe lioiiohue. C. J. IViran. Frank IVtman. I Km*

Fox. Erie Fox M;.''itrela I rank. DuTnl Frank, Montana Frank, A'has. IL Franklin. John .A. Frtnuer. AA'. AV. ··Fr.alertcks. Concert Freevtman. Aleorxe
Freeland. Freddie ·Freeman. Frank
·I>fy. Ben). E Friedman. Dick ··Fronoe, Geo. W. Frye. Leans Fulkerson, Chas. ···Fuller. Ed Fuller. Robert Furatl. Frank Furgusoii. Re<l (SlOaffiicy. Earl ··OallTealh. W. D. ·Gamer. W. F. (SlGircts. A. Girte'url. George Geaton. .Albert GateA Harry C,*usr, AVm. ··Gay. Fred E Gayles A Raymond Cetrlngtr, Wm. Gentry. W. J. George. F. It. George. Frank ···George. N. A'*. Gerard A AA'oKvdt Germain. Karl tJerome. Ralph Grrrard. Dad


"aliirJ. Clark. Vic

·Douaherty. Nell

Gcttli. Harry J.

···R'cgra. Mr. R'l-.a, 1) V.

B.'»fa, Jark A

·'B'later. Daeld Bolbui. Nate C

II .-ne, T m. Show

B*'!h. Elrle

**B"reII, Chea

···Borrougha. Jack Bcatwlik. I.ev«i

R'iwell. F C.

R 'Worth. J,

··B. iicher. Henry B- her AA'm. IL
Ro'ier E w

a ··li.'wen Hugh
R'wker. AV F ·Bbi e(j

c Rover,


··Rule, H A

Bra.|leT. Cliff.wd R'alley, Jewae

"Hiadley Owen llr.-li Terry

.Bramkamp. T F. ba It. Frevl

Clark. AV E

IVwialilll. Arthur

·Gibson. Ira

Clark. Frank M.

··I>»«<lak. E G.

Gibson, Ben

··Clark, Wm. F.

Douglass. Virne

Gifford. Prof R.

Clark. Ited R

I'ovaney. Jam.

··CillbcrL Walter

C'trke A lovrene

·IV'wi ey. G.V r.

Oi'liA Paul

·ClavUin, Robt A

Downing. J«ihn

Gllllaplr. A). R.

Clavbiii, Howard

(SitViyIe, Hugh J.

·Gllliuan, George

CTaytiiii, Jas ··Clajtain. Hilly

IViyle. Ed IVivle. Frank

Gladstone, Eldle IKHlIasco, Uro. E

Clayton. I.em Clrmmony, J C.

Dnrts. lacaala  ·· Dtygcr, Geo.

Gbnny, I<aa ·tlloter. C. O.

Cleveland. 81

Jos, Ixvuls A.

Cliff G. C Jack

Dowd. Owen

(b'ff. Mark 11

·Cliniff. James

DiilWiI*. Ralph

Gohn. Billy E

Cobt). Gentry

Dudley. John B.

iioist.-tn. Al

Cofhn. Cleon R.

Dueprru. Jimmie

G.'mes. .Augustine

Cofiliif. Glenn

Duffy. Barney

··Ouinei. A.

·Cohen. Charlea

·Dull. Clarence

O.-odell. AV AV

··Cole. Clyde

Dumat, F A.

··Goods. Bruoe E

Cole. C D Dad

Duinmus. Bam

Oomrr. G I>.

···Cole. A. P

DuMont. Arthur

i ir.nlea. Ton

·Coleman, AA'm. R. ··Duncan. .A

Gonralee. Leo

Co'hi.a C K

·Duiiean. Jack L,

(i.M .IniJti, Ike

Culliiia. S H

Diiiiegii A Foiter

(i.'iilman. S. 1

Colima, Elmer E

'Diiiilile. AA'm

Ion. Max

Ciilu.i, An

Durant. AA' A. (Cap! IL i<


' ' aban. T K Br.w.y tl. n

··Colvin. Charles I. ··Cumh*. A.blit E

Icna'I Dr Pile DuVtll. Oeo

Goidun, ILib Gotikin. Harry

li;-o,r. Harry E Compatriiici 1. Corrud Dykmin. H. E

Gonkm. Kal|>h E

|>;1. kw-MMlf Chick

··CiMillwar. .Alfred ···Collin*. Dick

Kagan. Oeeirge (SIliagiT. AVllf.*rd

Goidlet. Ilelivy (KIGorman. J»ck

Grey. Wm. S.
Grey, Jack (Smoke) GrifTlQ. Jark U. Grill. A. C. Grimei. L, W'.

Hughes. Ed Ilughes, A. C.
Hughes. Jim & Alice Huil G H HuIrne. 'Pred

LaVall. Geo. LaEell. Dr.
Lx-i'F. "m- B. Laird, Eddie Lake. Fred

·Martelle. J J. Marteile. L. E. ··Martin. Fred Manins Unlttd

M hols. Morris Nixon. John AA'. Noble, Ralph Nolan A Love! Noid. Carl

Gtlmshaw, Ernest Grissom, Ralph
GrondahL Enoch ··Gubbina, Charles ·GutTv. H. G. Gunaallus, C. B. ··Haase. Amo'd Hackelt, M. J. Hagerty, Jimmie ·Mlabn. J.e Haisllp. Clarence Halthcog. J Frank
Hale. AVmie A Bro. (S) Haley. Cha*

Hulme, Frtd ···Humphrey, H. U Humphreyg, Joe
HutL Mgr. J. B. Hurst, R E Hurwood, AA'. O. ···Hurwood. AA'. O. Hutchison. Geo. A'. Hutchinson. R. N. Hydra. AA'llson ···Hyler. G. W. Ingram. Howard
,A*`" e.TM, n

Hall A Lorane

HalU D. D.

Hall. Frank Haller. Joseph HalUtrom. G. E Hamilton, Jack


p H v

·Hamilton. Raymond (KlHamilton, IL W.
Hamilton. C. R. (Kl Hampton. AVe* Ilandre.k. Walter Hanle. Gawrencs' ·Hanley. AA'alter ··Hanley. Bobby Hannon. W. F. Hans- n. BenJ

Jackson, vAvAm'HiIie ···Jackson, E. A. Jaciba. J. F. Ja -obsen. I '>. J. ·Jake A Ford ··Jamelsoc. W. P.
·Jangros. Arthur Jeffries, Lloyd ,Jenki.n.s. /-.W u . ,F·.

(SiHansett, AVm. J. Jarrett. Charles

··Hinacfl. Giistirr Jivon. S.d

Hirbu.-k, Curtis
Haiden. T. H. Harding. Chuck Hardy. Pat A'anco Hirger. Freddie ·Hirnes, Joip

(S)Jeffert, J. S. ··Jefferson. Thus. Jenkir.s. Kaaius Jennings. W.` ··Jerome, A'oa
Jeavell. Wm.

Harper. T f.. Show


·Harrington. Jaa

Jii.kKn^ w. r,

·Uarrlngtona The

·Joe. South Sea

··Lalbertl, Basil Lamar. J. D.

(K) Martin. Blondy ·MarUn, Al

'Lambert. Victor ···lAndy. Jos B. Lane, Eugene N. Lange. A. E. Ltnham. Karl ···Landrum Paul ·Larelar, Alfy Larkins. Carl Larsuii, O. ··Latlne Bros. ···Lawler. Frank LeComple, Fred LeFors. Teddy ·LeMalre. Wm. ···LeMar. A. B.

Martin. Eddie Martin, Jules A. Martin. Richard ·Martin. AV. F. J. Martling. Frii.k Marraln. Gus MarzuIU. James Mason. Wm. Matthews, J. E. Mattingly, Al Mauplne, Bussell ·-Mauilce. .'lax Maurice. RobL J. Max, John ·Maxwell. M.

I>*.Nolr. Jack T. ···LeRue. BilU# Lea, H arry ···Leach. Bed Leasure. C. C. (S» Lederer, Jai. !«. D'Val Lee, G. P. Leektn. Chat, ··lagoos, Edmond ·Leigh. Leater A

Maxwell. Harry Mays, Robt. L. Medolla. Vincent Meeks. James E ·Meely. Joe Metis. Chas. Melnotte, Armand ···Melroy. Nick Meltzer, Ralph E. ··Melvin A Rule Merkle, E

La Grace ··Leigh A Lindsey ··Lelnbach, O. B. Leman. A. E LonvT.t, I'rof. Lentlnl. Francesco Leo. Fred ··Leonard. Louis Lerner, Lou Lemw. Harry O.
·Leroy. Leon
(ii)Leioy. Doc FtuTker

P®."* Merrill. Fred Mertill. Mrayeluus Messer. Henry Meyer. Earl F. (K)Meyers. Raymond Meyers. Fred (SI Mick, D. R. Mickey. Eil H. ··Mickey, Ed MiddeUted. Arthur ^U!I!ln, Billy Miles. Dan

`'ha'B® N'lzzl. Carmelo ··.N'oliele. Ralph Noda. Al ·.Nolan. John Nolle. Geo. ··Norman, Stanley ··-Norman, Harry Norman, Harry Norris. Lee ···Norton. Frank B. ··Novak. John ·Nugent, Harry Nugent. Jno. P. Oberholtz, Dewey ··G'Brl.n. .lack O'Brien. Jno. O'Brvan. Dolly (SiO'Connor. Prof.
J. L. OTonnor, Jimmy O'Dotiall., CliaA ·O'Hara. Fidie O'.Nell. Billie O'Neill. Jack O'Sullivan. Jeremiah O'Sullivan. Burn* ·O'SuIIiTan, .1. Odare. Blackle Odell. Wm, Ollier. E. ···Oliver. Oeo. Ollar. .Syd ·Oliver. Dare-Devil ···O'Meara. M E ···Oppiis. -Alfred ···Opsal. A. N. ·Ormonle. rf. D. ··Orr. Jimmie Osborne. Leroy Osborne. Morrell O'Shea. Dave O.

Harris. Honev ···Harris. Teddy Harris, Jess Harris. Max ·Harrla J. J. ···Harris. Melvin
HarHa Fat'Boy Sam
Harris. Jack E Harrison. Glenn Harrlam. Jack Hamaun. Col H. E Hart. Harry Hartley. F. ··Harvel. H. S. Harvey. Richard Harvey. R L. ··Haaeelraan. Beo ··Hassett. Bill Hasten. A

Island ··Johraon. Harry 1.
Johnson. J. R.-emund

·J» hnson, B*>b


··fohnson. Bcbble Johnson. D. P. Johnson, J-.^ry _

Johnson. Whltey Joa (S) Johnson, Joe AV. JohnaoQ, Chas. Johnson. Geo. W. ··Johnson Broa. or

- .


JoKnson. Ciir^

··Johnson. R. A. ·Johnson. C. E

·Johnson, T. C.

Johnston. Walter

JoniA E S.

Junes. Jack

··Lestelro A Berueta Lester, Noel Levitt. Alden ·Levy, Joe ··Lewln. Ike Lewis A Nortco Lewis. Artie ··Lewis. Dare Lewis, Chester *Lewis, IrTln^ Lewis. L'red Lewis. Jay
Lewli.' Albert E ··Lightfoot. Ar.dr Unccin. 'Vm.
Lindsey, Jack T. O. Llr.A-y. Fred Long. H. C. Erring, Ben Loughrey, Russell

Miles. J. L. Milford. J. B. MHIa F. J. ·Miller. Billy ··.Miller. Curler ··Milhf. Walter H. Miller. John Clayton ··.Miller, Archie ·Miller. W. F. (SIMlller CapL J. Miller, A J. Miller. Ilarl Miller. Frank Miller. J. Miller. J. H. Miller, J«>e X Miller, Stanley Miller. Willie
iUUers. Allert.

··Oshler. A. E Owens. M. J. (SlOwens, Harry E Pace, J. B. Page A Shaw ··Paigley. John Palarc'. Dave
··Palmer, Al Palmer. J. A. Pete ··Palmer. W. F. ··Palmer. I'red J. Pane, Buck ··Pappas. T. Parlser. Harry Parker. E M. ·Parrott. Wm. ··Parton. Mr. Tel ·Parson. Robert V. Partle ^JulTiuaslbert

Hatiuway, James Hastings. Mike Hati." . I'rei.ic Haverslick. O. E Hawkins. Byrun Hawklni, G. D. Hawks, Well* Hawn. Eddie
Hayden. AAm. Hayes. Bam 7 Hayi-s, Charlie HayeA Albert llA'vA Robt. E IlaycA Ei'jL K. ···Hayford, Lee HayneA Eiherl Bays. E S. ···neaburx. J. A. Heaney. Ed A. Heard. Bert T. ···Hearugree. J, J. |")M··ater. David Heath. D. J.

JoneA Montague Jor.eA Karl
J n.S. AA' L\ ·JoneA .Al Jordan, Chits Jordon. R. O. Body JudeVltcE Judy ·'·JuUen. Frank Jupiter. Oeo. (Si.iustUne. Pepe ·Kahikalan. Wm.
·KalU. David E Ktlney. ILram ··KalMn. Mr. Kaley. FL ··Kamaka. Chaa. Kane. Ertby Kane. Bobby Kane, Maxwell Karr. E E ·Kearns. Charles Keasey, lluster ·Keefer A .Alberts ·Keeler. Flying

(SlLowensteln, A.M. Lund. Danny Lund. Fred Lungo. Joe Luongo. Amondlo ··tarrien, Ed laipo, Sam ··Lusby, O. B.
^ Lusby, O.B. ·Luxen. Jack Lyle. Warren E Lylo. A. T. Lynch. Joe A. ·LyncE Joe Lynn, John J. ···LjronA EUli Lyric Show Lvtle, Geo. E
Ljttoo. Ccurtland McAnnallan, Joe McAree. Joe McCall. Rex -A.

·Miller, Ravmoud B«. ··Milbm. Gene Mlnard. F. A. Mines, O. E ·Mlnnls. Frink UiU'hell. Leslie ·Mitchell, Curley MiUhell. W. B. Mitchell". C." (Mitt) MMchell, Wm. D.
Mitchell. M. J. Mitchell. Pianist Mitchell. Pan Mitchell. Jimmy Mitchell. Q. .A. ···Mltchelltree. C.Q. Mixon. B F. ··.Moh<r. Paul Mobley. 8 O. (KiMoel. Roy Moench. C. W. Moersch. Joe ··Mo!>s, Harrv

·Hebron. .Tame* ·Hechlev. Mike E

··Kcene.vD V,,ainJatyckMaids

McCarW. Dixie ··M'S laaky. Jack

Mollica, Tommy Money. Jack

··Heeney. Ja-k

···IveD.' sh'-rty

McChntook. Billy

Monroe. Ed Red

···Heffbrr. Dutch

Kellar. Speed

McCorev, KokomoFat Montague. Jack

(SiHegborn, B. E KeilarJ. E

McCcrkle. Fred

Moody. .Andrew

Heller. GeO.

Keller,. ChaA E

McCoy. Ileal

MoIUca. Tommy

Helm. E K.

KeiLv, L. AV.

AteCracktn. Samuel

Montgorarey. Geek

Pavton. Ro'jt. G Pearl. Jim
Pearson. Will E I'easley, The Peck. Charlie Peckham. Cal Pidding, George ·PecletiiT. I uJecT
·Pilton. Di.k ···'·ercy. Harry IL
PerklnA Rube ·Perkins. Geo. O. Perkins. Geo. A. ·Perkin*. J. B. Perkins. Karl P-rktns, -A. H. ··Perry. Joe Perry. W. G. Peters. Ed (KlPeterman, Pete ··Pettlourd. Bob Pevril. J. C Phclns, Geo. B. Phelps. Verne Phifer. Elmer ··Philip, JoA ·ThtlUps. AIfnal O
PhllllPA Leon Phil ·Phipps. Original Phippe. Glera G.

IlelperL 8am ···"  ert. Sam

Kelly. Spike ··Kelly, Jno.

McCullougE Carl M Cuidy. W P.

··Montgomery. L. ··Plcketis. Leo

·Moore. Scott

···Plckmll. harl

·Helsel. Geo. E

Kelly. Ar.dy

McDade, Eddie

·Moore. Gtv. Aust.xi ··P'erroga. The

·lb II Irlrks, J.sevh


McDade. Oeo.

Moere. R'ger

···Plgg. Eugene

··Henkie. Geo. Henbeasy. M. Q. ·Henney, Texas Ilronlck. W. V. Hinry. J B. Henry Show Co. Henahaw. Charlea

Krlsi'. Shorty ·Kema. Frank ···Kennedy. Jack Kennedy, Oeo. C. Kenner. Jas* Keppler. C. J. ···Kerby. J.ihn C

··McDargh. Oeo. C. McIViiiald. Ballard Mclionough. AA'arJ ··McIXmald. CbiA ·McEwan. J. McFill. R MoFauil. Clarence

Moore, Frank W. Mon. Jerome Moran. Dec ·Moran. Jack ·-Morgan. U. P. ···Morgan, Harry ··Morgan. Fred A.

·Pima. Joe Plni hen. Reg Pink. Wm. Pinkerton. Clarence Plpps. H. H. rissamont. TxmI? Plttl. Bennie

Hena'v. l.aMmanl

Krrkis. Harry

···McFauIl. Clarence MoVr. 'GuIdo

···PliniL Lee

HerberL Bert Herla-rt. II. J.

Kem. H. Kershaw. Harry

(S) McKee Wm E. ·Morlen. M.

McGhee. D. E

· Merlin A Rex

Pole. \V L. ···Polllanl, G. B.

·llerovileA Toung Herman. Max ··Herman. E'W Hertman, Felix llreotlar., Bata Heih. FmI Hcth. R.ibCTt Hrvenrloh. Walter ··Hey.iorih. Jack ··HlcAa. JsA K ···IllckA Hariy Hi'l Harry K ··Hill. John J. Hill. Etw. Hillary. Ctslon C.

Kesacll. Christian (S)K-yes, JvO E
···KeyA D. O. Kidder. C. R (KiKlehn. AViIlls Kllllbten. Preston ···Kimble. AA'. C. ·Kimble. Al King. E>b King, Jack ·King. Uoiner ··King. Frank, ·King. Samuel ·King. H. 8. Kirk. Leroy

M.-GiwvTTi. Fd Y. McOowen. Martin ···McGregor, Donald Mclnnis. Jno
Kay SoiCch Revue *'· Kav. AA'm. McKesson. AA'm. McKinley. Bert ··McLean. Oeo. McMahon Show Co. McMalwn, CluA McMahon. J ·MeNamee, J. McXallv. James McNally. Ttvis

···Morr, Jolm Morrel. A. E Morles. Prof. ··MorrlA Lou ··.Morris, .toe A'orns A C.
··MorrlA Margrel ·Morris. James ··Morris. Chet ·Morrlss. Edgar ·Morrissey, Jack ··Morrison. D. D. ·Morrison. Joe Morse. L. Morrou. Lou E

Pontagel, Chief Pooluhl. Joe ··Poosberhul*. F. P. Perter. Leonard C. Porter. Houaen Porter. Pete ···Potoma. Joe ···Powers. Dowy Phelan. J. Stanley ··Post. Fred ·Potter. " m. Pounds. Charlie Powell. E. T. Powell. G. E Pmwrs. .Alb«rt

Hillman. Sara llimelbiTgcr. Joe
li.pple. A'lyde

Kirk. DeWttt Kitkiand. Monroe Kirmaii, Tomraniy

···McN'eal. Edw. McNarv. L. Al McPherAin. RohL

Morton. Bob Morton. Harley M _ osera. ng H - enry

·PowerA D. J. Preache. Jno. _ I'reca*. Henry

Hit. li. Co '. F

(virlUml. A L.

···McPhllllpA C. E Mullenaux. James B. Preiinan. Joe

·HimEca t'liver B.

·HimIviii. Mr

·lb ITman, I'lgi y


Du cii

II '* nan. H irvey

· * '01.111. I>41-

·lb lan. Itcbi'y

···Klrwln. M J. ··Klaer. E E. ··Kit.iha. Sam ···Klaik. I M. Klein. Bill J ··Klivler. Chvs ··iMUelit, J M.

McRav. .1 C. ··McWilliams. H ··Macaulev. .Allen D. ·MsiGlnleva. The
·'lack, .lohnny Mark. AA'HlaM Mack. Cyclone

MullenA Johnnl Mulligan. Chaa. ·"Mulroy. Steve Mundy, IL C. ·Munn, Dave ··Munler. Fred -A. MurdiX'h. R

Hal Prlckett. Tommy Proi'lor. Rcrt Proctor. Geo. Pryor, .Arthur I'MCh. Frank
Pullen. ChSA E


.. Con

Ki'lPI'le. Larry

·Mack. Gil

Murphy, James Jazz Purl. RlHy

1 uc. Harry

Kn.iw'toii. .Arthur E ·Mack. Larry

··Murphy K J.

PuiswelL ". H.

Hfddick. W. B Read. Jame* Reed. C F Reed. Joe " Reed. Dan Reed. Steve Reedy. Alaynwd Rees. Sam Reeves, James Reeves. Bert Repn, Theo. Reid. Binie

,, Bella. Lew Reno, Geo.

Harold Rhhiehart. Jack

(S) Rhoades, Welter



"Rhodes, dark

RhoadeA CluA Riehle. Chas. (1
Rice. Cecil ·Rice. Mike Rice. Jid Lefoy *Kl(`h, Sajn

Richards. H, H. Rlchardaon, Irwin

Richardson. Mark

."Rltibrnrn. Hairy Rico, T. S.

"·Ridge." o'uss E Ilifiicr. Carl
Ritter A Welas

Roberts. J. stanlgy Roberson. A. C. Roberts, r.'za B

"·Roberts. Rube Ro^rts. ChaA Bed Roberts. Ti-ddy Roihlns. Bfjj

Robbins A Snyder

··Robins. Fred ^****'* *R.)blnson. Bobble
··RoblnA Dave Robinson. Nat Ro*)lnson. C 8 Roekway, Jack Rodgers A Marvin R>k, Phil
·Roden. Wilbur .
···RodzerA Al Ctniy Rodriguez. P. Q Roxers. A. N E'gers. F. Il` RoTrs. .Mans^ Ro.-ers. Wilburn A. Rooney. James Roper. Oeo. "·Bos, Louis Rose. Dan
·Rosenbaum, Eldw. Boa.a. Harry R'.'vs. lujuls Ross. Eddie Roasell, E
"·Ei^smyer. Holly ··Roth. Lee
Rouch. J,
···Rouffus. Sidney Rowe, Dan
Rowley. Ed ·Royce, Charlea Rorell. F A. ··Rudlck, EM Rudolph, Hike Rufus. Johnnie Rul.asl. Jno. Rumage. W J.
Uummel. ChaA C. ··Runyan, Glenn ··Rush, Felix Rusk. John E
·RusmisselL AV. E Russell. J. C.
<KiRussell. E B. Kii'sd! Ira J. Rvan. Ted
(Kl.Sacray. Bobt D. Saettel. C. J. SL (Talr. Ed St. Dennis. .Al · Salisbury, Ed 8alm.'n. Fred Samples, R D Samson. .Arthur Doo ·"Si-udiTs, Joe Sand-r«. Rest E San.Ison. Morris Sangroff, Sam Sarrott. Hal E ··Sa-'ce. niiiie E Schaffer. Ruck Seb.-ffter. .N,ll E. ···Scheumack. D. S.hlff.t, < l.iu (SiS,kii:,<)Ier, rh.1t.
Si hbnmier, 'T E ·Schmlilf. Harry F. ··.Sch'.auff.-r. O. S. Schoene. Frt 1 8. hu': h er. H. S. S hwab. Tb.» Schwartz. Harry Scott. Frank O. S.ottle, Dare Devil S.-roggs. AV, O. S,'e. Billy Selgrlst, ThoA SelMiil A Grovinl Sell. Fred
SettleA Dock Settle. H. E Sewey. Pete Shae BA'ney ···Shaughnessy, J.E Shea. Wm. ·Steele. Ds<'ar Shellds. Pural Shepard. James L. ··'thi'rma . Chester Shields. Dare Devil Sliver. B. AV. S' -'-lizu, K.
Shoat. Jesse ShoMz. Pancake Sh'Kt. Paul 'v Short. IjC I D.

Coney liland Show* linle. Fwlwln

Gvxman. John

Conley. Ja* L.

`Eaglo Horae. Chief Uotihsff, J.

··Holbrook. Billy ·Holder. 1^

(S)Kober. Henry Kaich. W.

Mack. ChaA ··Madden. Bay

Murphy. J. E ···Mutpliy, Jail

,, (Continued on page iJO)

APRIL 23, 1921


MR. V. I. NEISS will be there one week in ad' vance. No more shows wanted. No more rides wanted. Few more concessions. Few more stock wheels open. Magician wanted for Neiss* 20*ln*1 Show--long season.

(Continued from page 113)
date "Toeca'* will be given. ·Thais" la an¬ nounced for the evening of May 3, for the matinee of May 4 ``Kauat" will be beard, and the engagement will close the evening of May I with "rorza del Destino.''
To those of our readers who are lovers of the aongs of Cilhcrt A Sullivan we would direct their attention to a book published by E. P. Dutton & Co., of the title, "Sooeb of Two Savt^ yards." The songs include selections from "Pin¬ afore," "Tlie Pirates of Penzance," "Kuddifore," "Mikado" and otters. The songs are arranged for piano and solo voice, or In some few cases duets or simple parts.
Under the auspices of the Canton Women's Club the operetta, "Springtime," was given at the City Auditorium in Canton, 0., the evenings of April 7 and 8. The entire affair waa pro¬ duced under the direction of the John B. Rog¬ ers Producing Co. of Fustoria, and they also sup¬ plied ail the oostuuies and the scenery. The caat and cborua was composed of residents of Canton and gave a very creditable performance.
Helen Stover will return to the Pacific Oast for a tour which will include coucerts In Seattle and in her home city, Portland, Ore.
J. H. Tbumao, manager of the Cincinnati College of Music, has been elected an honorary member of tha Ohio Federation of Music Clubs.
At the convention of the Indiana Federation of Music Clubs the following ofiicers were re-elected: President, Mrs. Henry Seburmann, Indiantpolia; Miss Ada Bicking, EvsnaVlUe, first vice-president; Miss Anna May JohnBOO, Indianapolis, eorresponding secretary; Mrs. W. H. Book, Bloomington, recording secretary,
end for the treasurer, Mrs. Myrl Sherburne
Beliker was elected. The artists who are appearing with Lucy
Gatei on her tour of the West, where she is pre¬ senting "LaTraviata," are Evangeline Thomas, Melvin Petersen and John W. Summerbays. Miss Gates and her alngers played five performances tn Balt Lake City Just recently, and also ap¬ peared in tha citiee of Provo and lx>gan, Utah.
Ruth Bradley, of Cincinnati, will be one of the BoIoistB at the State Music Teachers' OmyentioD in Springfield, III., April 29, and then Will leave immediately for New York, as she sails for France on May 12.
Amelita Galli-Curci will oppear in a concert at Houston, Tex., on Saturday, April 30.
Lada, the American dancer, appeared recently tn a program of dances at the Greek Theater in Berkeley, Cal.
The song recital, which was to have been given by Mabel Dunning (Mrs. Hugo Riesenfcid) April 19, has bad to be postponed because of ill¬ ness.
Paul Kochanski, violinist, who made his debut In N'ew York City this season and appearetl five times in recital and with the New York Rymphony Orchestra, has sailed for Europe. Be will return to this country in time for bis re¬ cital in Carnegie Hall, New Y'ork, October 9.
The pupils of Herbert Witherspoon, noted inger, will givs a concert in Aeolian Hall, New York City, the evening of April 28.
Clccollnl, grand opera tenor, formerly with the Chicago Opera Association, appeared on the program of the Temple Theater, in Detroit, last week.
Tha annual concert of the Woman's String Orchestra of the Woman'a Orchestral Club will tie given under the direction of Sandor Ilarmati, the afternoon of April 21. at Aeolian Hall, New



Park Opens May 18th

This park has a population of 3,000,000 to draw from. Best transportation around Chicago. Do not apply unless you have clean, up-to-date, legiti*

mate stores.

E. A. HOCK, 179 No. Wells St., Chicago.

WE HAVE S-ABREAST MERRY-GO-ROUNO AND BIG COASTER. WILL LEASE--ResUurant and rabarot. Photoerapher, Penny .\rcide. Boatlnc Privilete and Walk-Thru
Show. Will Biv.' giNHl prop-.ailiona on ibuvr. All oilier Cuucessioua aolj
Midway Electric Park
Has Free Cate. 7 Days. Fre.' .Vttractlons. Band Concerts. Direct Trolley Swvlce, Free Auto Parkiag, Excutiiions, Picnics and SOO.UUU Urawlus Population. Ptik opens Ylay lath. AUdtets
WM. DONNESON, Mfr., Bex 34a, MiddlCtowB, N. V. P. 8.--Have for sale Buck 2-Abreast Carousel cheap.
Additional Chautauqua News

the composer's Sonata, Op. 14.



TlChttg BiWARCk

A big 20-in-l shew with Harry E. Billtck's Gold Medal Shows. Those in the picture are. left to nrht; Harry E. Bllllck, S. J. EkJivirds and Doc George ninunoiid, talker (firjt row); E<l nii'daoe, UII boy, 8 feet. 2 Inches, and 19 years old; Lucy, fat girl; Mr. Guwler, glaia blower; Mra Oowler, to left of Ed. and then Mrs. Helen Edwards, wife of 8. J. Edwards.

Mr. Hanks lost bli bands and bit ryaa wbra he was I'l yearn old while oat proapeetini; for ore. A l>os of dynamite capa, overbeated In the ann, exploded in bii bands and left bin erippicd for life. Montha afterward, when be wag able to leare the hoapital, be went to Kinr'a eebool of oratory, Pittsburg, Pa.
For the last 10 yrira now Mr. Hankt has been lei'tnrlnK and giving rritlral Interpre'ationi of Shakespeare and modem antbora. He goes baok to the same audiences rei>eatedly, which is the heat test of a man's aucceas. Thru It ail he baa kept cheerful and serene, rejoicing In bis good fortune of being able to take care of himself without hands or eyes. For two years >rr. Hanks lectured at I^elaed Ktanford rnlTer«lty. He bat memorized kl.OOO words of .Shakespeare and other authors and has traveled many times from coast to coast, at well as in Mexico and Canada.
Mr. Hanks travels around entirely alone and ran dreae himself, feed himself and perform all other pera<«al functions. His sboea are the elastic sllp-ona and bis clothes hare been made with a minimum of buttons. He can ar¬ range his tie with his teeth and the stubs of hia srrists. When be eats be has a specially made spoon which he fastens to hia wrist.
The man who laughs at fate yesterday visited S R. Parker and E. L. Mogee, roundup direc¬ tor at the Butte Y. M. C. A., and also visited P. L. Wilis at the chamber of commerce. Ha will be a gue-t at the Rotary luncheon in tbs
Bllver Bow mb this noon.--The Anacooda.
Mont., Standard.
From Lyceum Committeen,«n
Blllaboro, Ind., B. O. Wyaoog. reportigg ·· Maynard Lee Daggy's lecture, write*: "W* were more than delighted with bit work. Hr has · plraalng delivery and glTc* folks ·omethlDg to think about.''
Bayfield. Minn., Geo. O. Kattki, tecratary, marks the Frederlcka Ooncert Company 90 p«r cent, and aaya: "Cnder more favorable coDdltlons company would have doo* better."
Kewenee. HI.. Dr. C. P. White, preeldent, write*: "Btolofaky will delight any audlenee, profeetlonal muaiclaaa or the untrained, while the McGregor* ere fer ebOT* the evert ge enter¬ tainers."
Watertown, 0. D., Mre. P. 0. Jeromatad. sec¬ retary, grade* Ada Ward 100 per cent, and aaya: "Thla ia her arcond vlatt. laat aummer In chiitanqua and thla lyceum. A very Ont lecture."
Rock Island, III., T. M. rryaell gradea Mite Ward 00 per cent, and writes: "Peraontlly aha la bard to brat, tho with eoma her aubjecta end vlewa do not find favor."
yiint, Ind., Carroll Arnold gradea tirona Kuonen 80 per cent, and aays: '`He epeke wall, hut the pmple would have liked It better if tbay had beard him during the wtr, for thinge ka spoke on were old."
Sterling. Mich., Supt. Chet. C. Boret writ**: "lAniIng Duo Improving rapidly. 8'irely ertiats In their ability to picaa* a lart*, alxad, critical audience."
Dig F.ill* M'nn , A. E. Gustafson marks the Navarre Trio 100 per cent, and writ**; "!) lighted; excellent; 100 per cent."
Rockwell City, It.. O. W. Bpencer, aacTa'ary. eayt: "The Llndqulet Recital Company la OB* that might be classed with tba faaltleaa."
Jamestown, N. Y., B. Varna Ely marka tha Undquiat Rrrital Company 100 per cent, and writea: "Leonora Allen, ona of the company.


(Continued from page 19)

··Shregy. Stito

Smith. Ralph

Shurart. J E.

Smith. WllUe A

Shultz. C E


··S'bo. John

(K) Smith. Cliff

Sliver, K. W.

Smith. O. O.

Simon, O. J.

Smith. Harry H.

Snni-on .1 e H. ··Smith. A D.

Sima. James

··Smith. Anthony

Simniona. Honey Boy ··Smith, Eddy

···Sing, Mela

(StSmltcr. Chealey

··Singleton, George SofJelet. Henry

Sipes' Animal Show SobUy, Emil

Skeivklo. n.Tman SluH.vkie. Julius

Souls. Joe South. Harry

Skinner. W. D. Slattv. Jack

SpeigeL S. Sloen Sperry. Budge

(S)SIisiman, E H. (SlSperUng. Mr

·Sloan. Harry


Slocum. Catuchia ·gpleth. Oeo.

··Sloop, Loyd P.
Small. Hinafev ··Smallwood. T. Smart. Jack
Smith, Buffalo

Sprigeo, Sunity Spry. Jno K.
E sullworth. E W. Stanley. Mr. ··Stanley, Pete

Smith. Oerrttt Smith. Caa«» Smith. Hermaii ^ Smith. Oeo. J.

··Stanley A Stanli Stanley. Wllford i Stanlon, James E sutoo. W. O.

Smith. J. F.

Stapera .Billy

Snuth. lAwreooa Smith. P. J.

Staunton. Paul A Steahley, Wm.

Fteame. John E.

*8ummeri, Thoa.

·'Thompion, Lloyd

Sli-erna. J. W. Fteblar. J. J.

Sundburg, Otto ·'.'unibr.'n Mim"

Tlaimpiiin. Tummy ··Thonipvon, IL J.

Pteed Billy'

Ruzanetta Ar Clark ··Thompaon. U W.

Steele', Pan

Swain. F. W.

Tlairson. Carl J.

Pteele. Harry

8 ·ii'. Lew L

Tllli y. Boy S.

'Stefanik, Carlo

Sweeney. Norman

Timnion.H. Bn Id

Stegall. Britt

Sweeney. Jot.

Tl'.'Irt. Hal F.

Pfephens, Carl L. Swert, Tom

Uarr>ld B*

i *o i

··Stepleton, Joe

Ptillwell. Llmic Ptlres A R.

S'"',!"*"Sylvester. Dan

···Tlppltt. C. Edw. ···Tli.nett. C. t. Tolle. Karl T' iiiiitti, Jca.
Tni r. Arthur

Permlilar;, John

Tackmaii Arthur L. ··Thomti, Boy

···Stevens. Dave Stevens. Walter

TaUrloo, Sam

··Tliompton, Herb Thors'm. Ctrl J.

tsiste.-ms tc LoeeJoy Talbnt WUllam

·'·Thraslier, R. L.

·Rtevena, Oeo. M. ··Talley, H. J.

Three R/iman Gypsies

Stewart. J. 8.


Tuor.e. Leon

·Stewart. AuguWua

Torr. C. W

··Stlcktiey. K. L,
·Sileref, Harry
Ptlrk, Cliff Stoddard. W. 0. Stokes. Oene Ptory. J. O. Story. A1 O.

(.SiTowne. Chaa. W. Traschutle Co. ·Treharroi. The
Tremaine. If. C. ··Trent, Russell
Trimble. Harold Troyer. How ard

Stover, J. J.
Street. E. B. Stringrr, Don D. Strougnun, Wm.

p jL tinging j Bilaa B.

Tucker, C. P, ···Turner. Paul
W-, W. ·TumcT. Clay
Tut'I#, Wm. C.


···fbag. a L.

rtnan J. Crban Stock Oa^

···Thomaik K. H. ·Fyeda, Kama


·Tbomaa. A- E.

Valeatlae JUUBla

SoiBean Texma Jack Thompaon, Chaa. A. VaSaa. B«t

APRIL 23, 1921

e B



Wanted for TE:Nr BROS. SHOWS
Fliowmon with ability. Wo will furnish you w'ith romplete outfits and book you in real territory that we have showed before and know there is money there. \\ i' don't have to experiment. ESTKCIALLY WANTED--Cabaret Dancing Girl.s. l.">c a rlance. Legitimate Concessions all open, except Cook House and Juice. No exclusive. Concession Workers, Italian Musicians, I'lantation I'erformers <Cleo and Dee and Jazz Warren, come on). Athletic People, Talkers, (iriiiders, American Cabaret Orchestra, Painters, Carpenters, Billposter. Second Man, and, above all, a good show to be with, w'here you are treated human, and real Sliowmen and Gentlemen to deal with. Pennington Gap, Va., Aprd 18-23; St. Charles, Va., April 25-3/); Appalachia, Va., May 2-7. TEN BROS. SHOWS, Finnegan &. McDaniels, Managers. P. S.--W'e are opening Ashland. Ky.. a closed town, on the streets later. W.atch for our ads.

·»'<) rqiiallr i» tlir pralne, and the same ran bf (.lid of Itubt. .Ml IKuiald, pianiat.**
I'fkio, tnd.. Or%l».' Welirr, secretary, aa.vh, "We trade tUr U.-pulilU- Mule Quartet 100 p. i e*nt, N'caunr they dellKhled the andlence."




T edger has this account of tbe second day feu lure: "Metropolitan newspapers tbmout the ''luntry accord most entbnslastic praise to Miss Irene Stolofsky, violinist and feature artist of ihe company."

White Itiven, I'a., J. N. Uoeder, preatdeui. report*: "The first smtearaace of the iletMpoUtiiD Olee Club in town was a pronounced auceeti. The yarird piMtram, us well ua the pleatInf pertonaiitics of the arilds. delighted every-
·ae." roantslD, N. C.. K. It. Beasley, president,
nrki the Metropolitan Uloe Club 90 per cent and aaya; "The Olee Club wat food, bnt there la too much repetition. Each troupe repeats what the former did.'*
B'lmetttTllle, Ind., Florence Shaffer, aecretary, fradra the Copley Quintet KjO per cent, and aay* "Thla atiructlon wat the beat on oar program. Tha audlrnce Tolced iti pleatnre with ekfcra."

" At These

Caadla Power


4-8>16 ..$ai8

32 . 25

All Lamps guaranteed |

75 100 150 200 300 550000

to glv. mUtMtlo.. VW 1,,000

Low Prices i>ica

Edissn Price . .. .$0.75 . ... 1.10 . ...1.55 . ... 2.10 . ... 3.15 .. ... 4.6W0 ;. ;;..;...;.765.500

Our Price $0.49
.72 1.00 1.37 2.05


Edison Price


40-50 _ .$0.40

60 . . A5

100 . . IJM)

Our Price

2.99 | oOnnee--ffoouurth cash with


order, ^batenc

Tne directors of tbe T. M. C. A. are not bucking tbe Redpath Chautauqua up as a money making proposition but solely from the educational and uplifting yiewpolnt. They do ask and expect from the people of Jacksonville eo-operation in making this movement selt-snataining and urge all old and new frienda of the Chautauqua to purchase their tickets be¬ fore opening day, ns it is only the advance sale tickets that help the T. M. C. A. to meet its guarantee. Tickets .are on sale at the Y. -M. C. A., the Public Library. T. W. C. A.. In South Jacksonville Bank, .Marvin Shoe Com¬ pany and by the many friends of tbe ckatv* tatjqua.--Jackson. Fla., Times-Onlon.

Bloomlngdale Ind., Alleen Col, aecretary, trade* the Cardlna t'oocert Trio 00 per cent, sad


writra: "I hu\e h.ard a c,<od many people say 236 West 20th Street.


that tbit flrtt number It the beat yet.** Orltnd. Ind , Ltlltan J. Lncat, aecretary: "Ba-
Joyed the program of the Carolina Trio sod tbocght It well arranged."
Altamont, Kan., T>. L. Katterjohn, president, grtdea the Geneva Players 70 per rent, and aaya: "They did well, but somehow audlenoe expected ore nuale. Fine, clean ladiet."
Uontlcello, Ark., T. N. Whttealde, secretary,

Baritone for Big Show Band. Colored Comet and Slide Trombone for Side-Show Band, two real Novehv Big Show Acta, Four. Six and Eight-Horae Drlrers. al«n Wurklngmen. Addresa WALTER L. MAINS CIRCUS, Agril 21. Pottftown, Pa.; 22, Pottsville. Pa.: 23. Lebanon, Pa.; 24 and 25. Lewistowa, Pa. JX)R S.LLB--Two very flue .'ttauroom Cats. 1 Standard lu-.'^^-ctiou Sleeper, IHO-Foot Baggage Car. All F<iulpped fur fast paaaengir aetxUv.

(lyt: "The Clifford Toote Trio proved a varied and pleating attraction,"
Doe Weat. S. C., Edgar Long, president: "The Btolth-Bprlng-Hnlmea Quintet one of the beat arehertral rompanlea we have bad. Hlgb-rlata aatr by Mgb.rlaBa people."
AMlene, Kan., C. W. Whcl^r, aerretary, grsdea tbe Bmlth-Bprlng-Holmea Company 100 per cent, sad aaya: ''Reronttrurted 1021-*22."
Akeley, Minn., Ifits Alice Sbgelbrstson. rhtlrman. gradea Jeseic Bae Taylor 00 per cent, and saya; "Her voice waa of a remark¬ able range and her Impersonattoca wrrs cgcsiteat.'

PerrytoB, Tex., Sam Herfart, aecretary. gradtv tbe Me^onalA-Cronrder Doo 100 and writea: "Thia nnmber waa a rara treat to ont people A good many told tom tbla waa arortb tka entira aeaaon ticket.**
Spearman, Tex., P. A. lyoB. aecTtUty, sayaJ "McDonald-Crowder Dtio'a program waa varied and cfflclently delivered.**
St. Ptnl. Ind., Helen Ross, ooentorr, wrttssJ "B. C. Kleckncr best nombar of coarse sod en¬ joyed hy ilL**
Mellott, lod., mso Lens Cremly. secfetsry. grades H. C. Kleckner 100 and says; ·*Aodlsnes

very highly pletsed with tbe leetors and pro* Bonneed It vary Inatroctlve.**
If yoa will take the time to study oat tbe history of tbe amasement development of America, yon will see that tbe chaatawina salnte was really evolnfed from tbe circus war cry of "Iley Itobe."
Miss Gretohen Ox has been called Sontb to replace 'Mi-`s Irene Rtolofsky on the Redpath Five-Day De luixe Circuit. The Gaffney, S. C.,

West Ralrigh (North Carolina State Collega),

Did you ever ateg) to think How much the very busy gink. Who manages a "rcp-tlle" abow, la always kept npon tbe got
While actors are emitting norea. He's out and billing all the atoret; Works as lung as it la light. Then has to play a part at night.
Bills the schools--paints tbe walks-- Hands out bills to country gawks: Tacks on poles (where there's no fines). Telephones and rural lines.
He wears ont many palra of aboea While trying hard to spread tbe news Tbe show's in town, hut baa no cbanca To wear tbe seat oat of bia pants.
And 80 it goea day after day. He passes all bis time away By keeping ever on the go-- Tbe manager of a "rep-tlle" show.

I. L. Cloyd, secretary and manager, grades tbs OtUlry Oonerrt Artists 100 per cent, and asys: "0ne of the best attractions we have ever bad.**
Bridgewater, S. D., Oeo. B. Myers gradea the New York Glee Ctnb 100 and aaya: "Tbe Naw York Glee Club art artlsta with a `pnneh.* DaHgktfnl program thraoot.**
IrgiDia, Minn., R. J. McGbes, aecretary, aaya: "J. Smith Damron waa vary well received. One of OUT best isctnres.**
Middle River, Mian., Mta. Katherine Carr, ptetident, grades J. Smith Damron SO and aaya: "We had a veiy stormy night and the andtenea wat not large enongh to be entbnslaatlc."
Medford. Minn., 5tnpt. O. S. Dites says; "Th# Id Salle Quartet pleased In every detail. Would be glad to book It agaia.'*

"*'*7 *** Tears old. this lioy Is an tcci'iti|ui«|i,-,| iiuisi.lsti, uho resits, urltes ami trsna-

P' · niiitir for hi* Msopliuiir aiul has coiiduilrd


iiuiuls-r of lisiids tlw yiHinxrst

and tiand

utclu'ttrat. lie director tnd

la said to taxoptusie

LtUe Houaa of Amxaelrnicead." the aobriquet of "The

1920-1921 LYCEUM COMMITTEE REPORTS Answers Questions Regarding Rail road Charges

Ddlightdd, 100; Wdll Pltatad, 90; Fair, 80; Barely Got By, 70; Unaatisfaetory, 00.

\V. I. 9wain. Chairman I'assenger tomraitteo

of COMA, has received several questions in re-

H- LEO TAYLOR Novi. .MUh. Mortice, Mich. Henderson. Mich.KW
Merrill. Mich. Van Wert. O.i'"* Monith. Mich.lot'
Hadley, Mich.i**' Lansing. Mich.P'O Hudson. Mich.100 Perry, Mich.1*^ Homer. Mich.`O'' Dansvtile. Mich...lO*' WlUlamston. Mich.1"0
Byron. Mich .1^' Lslngsburg. Mich.loii Davison, .Mich.100 Sterling. Mich.lOO Caledonia, Mich.100 Hanover, Mich.lOO New Hudson, Mich.I**' Ortonvllle. Mich....lOd
Merrill. Mich.9'' Holt. Mich.5" Ilenilock, Mich.^
Freeland, Mich. .w'
Onondnea. Mleh. North Star. Mich..^ Xai>oie»«n. Mich.0<i Wetiberville. Mlch.9*' Bancroft, Mich.9** Waterford. Mich.9<> Walled Lake. Mich.90
Otisvillo. Mi'h.90 VIERRA'S HAWA1IAN8
Meridiaii. Ml'* .**^'0 VENETIAN TRIO
L'i» .\nimas. fol. ..9-'
MAUDE WILLI8 Hamilton. Mont.100 Snmmerland. B. C.100 rrin.etoii. It C.lOO White Salni'in, Wash. ...KH) Meridian. Id.Kb)
lledniond. lire.lot' SiM'kaiie. Wash.10*' Havre. Mont. Xt. .\nlhony. Id. 95
luiramie. Wyo.9n

Nashville. Ind.100 LOMBARD ENTERTAINERS card to railroad

and for toe bpneflt of

Manilla, ind.95 Uskaloosa. la.1(X) th'ise who have Inquirt^ and others he tele-

Marco. Ind.9" Asbboro, Ind.90

Miumlaburg. O.lOU Henwick, la.90

giaphed the following data from Crystal Springs, Miss., Monday afternoon, A|)ril 18. for pohlica-

Pimento, ind.9*' Fairlar.d. Ind. Farmersburg. Ind.90
Flat Bock. Ind.9<' i»wltx City, Ind.90 Blooniimrdale. Ind.91* SARAH MILDRED WILLMER Granite City. Ill.lOO Deerlield. Wis.B**' Stratfuid. Wis. .I*""' Brodhead. Wis i.'ld).... 00
EREDEBICK WARDE Ileleia. .Mont.100 Medford, Ore.90
WATTEAU DUO North Bend. Ore.90 Pi'Pler. Mont. . .90
HELEN WAGGONER Grimes. la.'OO .\nseImo. .Neb .100
liico. HI .10*' NED WOODMAN

LAURANT A CO. ^pringfleld. Mo.100 riearfleld. Pa.90
JENNY UND QUARTET Womble, Ark.90 Home. La. .`>0 Ferriday, La.Oo
SIDNEY LANDON Wessington Springs. S. D. 100
LYCEUM SINGERS F.merv. .x I).90
MATHER HILBURN Oiar, S. C.100 Floydada, Tex.90
THE HAWAIIANS (hinil'erland, 0.90
FRANCTS J. HENDRY CO. Booneville, Mlsa.100 Jackson, Miss. .100

tion in The Billboard: "Railroad* must pay interest on all over¬
charges after 50 days! "The Interstate Commerce Commission baa BO
jurisdiction over railroad dining charges. "When two small ears are substitnted for one
large car charge must be made for one car only. Refer to Conference Rulings, page 102, Section
559. "They cannot charge demurrage when stored
on private track. See Conference Rulings, page )9. Section 222, 1. C. C.
"I would suggest that members of COMA get in correspondence with them thru the secrets^, or thru the cairman of tbe brunch tbe complaint must lie tiled under.
"I have a numlier of other Inquiries which I will answer next week. Members write or wire grievances. We will attempt to adjust them by informal bearing*. I will be at Crystal Springs. Miss., this week (.\pril 18-2:J): Hattiesburg next »,eek (Aiiril 25-50)."

Milltown. Wis.90 Century, Fla.100

r, R. WEBER Binford. N. P . 90

Fairhope, Ala.100 Baldwin. Mlaa. .100


Jamestown, \ T.90

Cocoa, Fla.100 Plant City, Fla.lOO Hk-kory Flat. Mlsa.100 West Point. Miss.100

Mr. and Mr*, liarald Mathey, well-known showfolks. who have been spending the winter
at Newark, X. J.. arrived in Cincinnati on Mon¬ day, April 18, and after a day's layover and »


CONCERT CO. HIPPLE CONCERT CO. Kan.90 Paw let Mills. 3. C.100

visit to The llllllioard office left Ihe folloivlng day for Loveland. <>., where thc.v Joined the


Hiitherfordtob, N. C.lOO Allied Shows, \vlii<h open there .\pril 2:1. <}erald

Milford .\ H ..100 Cincinnati, 0.100 and the Missus will operate Hie "Hoime of


Martinsburg, la. .100 il'.uddlia" with Mesara. Mathis and Shades'

Foimtjin Ii n. s. C.90 N.ipoletjn. 0.10() caravan Mr. Mathey also acting on the execu¬


Oskaloos-v. la.100 tive staff as sn|>erintentfenf of lot and chief

Xew riorence. Mo.lO*' tyan la.I'"'

Thoniasville, N. C.100 Johnston. ?. C.90

eletrician. Mr. Mathey

stated while in Cincinnati that

Floyd. la.lO*' 9alem, S- C.

90 the health of himself and wife. Is'th of wliom

.New Hartfunl. la.Oi' ITHACAN QUARTET

were decidediv uniler Ihe weather during the

Geneva. la .90 Clifton, S. C.SO |iast winter was greatly improved, and, witli the

Hound Take. Minn.90


lioyline, I,a .n't'

Winona, M-**


Springfield. Mo.too

environment and fresh air to he gained bv ac¬ tivity in the hig outdoors, they hope to soon bo their old selves again.



ORCHESTRA Arlington, Ky.70


Buhl. Id .90 Sunnyaldo. Ore.90 N'elton, B. ..90 Aahton. Id. 90 Kalispell. Mont. .90 Enderby. B. C.,...90
0. E. WEAVER Paoll. Ind.Ill* .Nl. Paul. Ind.lOO Oaktown, Ind.10*' Koebester. Ind.lOo Jonesboro, Ind.I*"' TunneltoD, Ind.K'O V'reetown, Ind........lOo Bntlervllls, Ind.100 VerssUlaa. Isd. .100


Kvans City, Pa.9" Htcblandi, UU .BO

Willoughbv, 0.90 LANSING DUO
Hanover, Mich.100

JUBILEE CO. Past Corinth,


nanavllle, Mi 'h.90 JONFS-BRAOERS TRIO


PeWir*. la.90

Roll. Ind.1*'" DR. BYRON KING S'llnoc Ind.95 M.ngnetic Springs, 0.10

EDNA LOWE Knox. X I'.10*' Westiioiie. N. D.90
BOOTH LOWREY Rhonie, Tex. .tOO

H. C. KIECKNEB Jonesboro. O.100* Rochester. Ind.1*10' F.airland, Ind.90'


«igk#e»m^ RllsvK

_ _on Troy. Mo, .100

"Whitle" I'ieice. ac.ompanied by Mrs. Fierce

and at the steering wheel of their big auto, m^

tored into Cincinnati on a business trip, .^prll

18, from Hamilton, O . where off and on for

Hie of


they have t'ecn In charge the I'ennsyl'ania Station.

Wliille .anil t ie Missus have again hecome pos-

seS'ed with Hie "spirit of the road" and will

open the season with seypral concessions on

the Allied xiiowg at Ixivelarid, O., April 28.

Their ytslt to the Queen City was for tbe pur-

iiose of purchasing stock. Including owls.

t.askots, etc. While at The Billboard office

Mr. rierce was noncommittal aa to tbeir re-




Send C.E.TAY10RC0






C. E. Taylor Co
`1/ it isn't o Taylor Store it is only imitation oj c Silvertcare H'hevl'

WBi Tmrniuf kutur oniitmi

Here's the secret -- we buy and sell for cash.
14 IliKh-Rrade, double bolster, 2-blade, fancy and rolonid Art Photo Knives. .411 large 8iz«.*a, on an 800-Hole Salesboard.
No. 308, each.$6.95 25 lots, each.6.85 50 lots, each.6.75
25 per cent tcith order, balance C. O. D.
Send lor our new eirculart.
201-203-205 W. Madison St. CHICAGO, ILL.

Two Saturdays, Opening in Bradford, Pa.
A Good, Live Town and Everybody Working.
W'ill book one more Platform Show and furnish good outfit for any good Novelty Show. Will turn over a complete outfit to someone who under¬ stands how to run a good, clean Cabaret Show. Must have their own cos¬ tumes. Conces-sions, come on. Nothing only 10c Stores Positively no grift. Address all mail and wires to STEVE LA GROU, Bradford, Pa.


I am under the impression that you are in business trying to make money, and to be truthful with you, if ever you had any competition and your competitor had his stand (lashed up with my No. 1, 2 and 3 size boxes, and would be working for a nickel, then you would have my sympathy, as he certainly would be getting the play and making money while- you would be standing idle. Or if you try to sell the same amount of  numbers at a nickel and give away pack¬ ages that compare with mine, you would be losing money.
This is what can be done with my packages: You can work a 15-number lay-down at a nickel and give out four of the No. 1 size, two of the No. 2 size and one of the No. 3 size, and then still have a profit of one-half of the money you take in. The concession¬ aires that have seen my packages know they are won¬ derful and attractive, and the quality of the choco¬ lates is one of the biggest considerations. They are hand-dipped, hard and soft centers. The only trouble with them is that they are so good, and the assort¬ ment so great,that you will be compelled to put muz¬ zles on your help to keep them from eating up the
Do you know that this year I want you to be heart and soul with me and give me your support. I am going to give you in return quality, service and price, and at Christmas time I will convert myself into a Santa Claus and share my profits with you. Accord¬ ing to the amount of business you do with me, I will mail to each and every one that lives up to my con¬ tract a check. Now see how big you can make me write it.
My No. 1 size box measures 48x94; No. 2 size,
Gsxlll; No. 3 size, GlxlSl, at the following prices:

No. 1 Size. . .23 Cents

No. 2 Size .

. .38 Cents

No. 3 Size.63 Cents

Also offer you SOCIETY KISSES, the well known give-away package, at Slo.tK) per thousand boxes. A new price list is issuerl the first of every month.
Don't hesitate, its you are losing money every day that you run your concession without my goods. Write today for prices, catalogue, contracts, etc.


617 So. Dearborn Street,

Chicago, 111.

X li e Billboard




12-lncli Iiuinpit? Hair Dolls.35c each
12-ineh Duinpie iJoll.s (no hair).20c each 7-ineh lieach Hair Dulls.30c each . 7-ineh Ih-ach Dolls (no hair).20c eacn 4-inch Ih-ach J'.aby. 5c each
Kloctric I'arlor I..;tnii) Dolls, complete, $2.50 each
Mirror Dulls .60c each

Three-Piece Doll Dresses, complete (sewed tORether ready to slip on), rubbers or pins needed.4c`each
Crepe Paper, assorted, including JapanOriental, all assorted shades, in
100-fold lots.5c per fold Mohair Wigs, complete, with nets, in all
assorted shades .10c each

Tho house of quality and service. One-half deposit required on all C. O. D. orders, All Dolls come packed in new wire- bound caseS; packed as Dolls should be packed.
Send for complete circular on Dolls, Vases and Novelties.





RninEii TON'tjrE kalks I'ft ar.iii

NO 6" TUANSI'.tHKNT llAKIauiNS IVr Or 4 00

NO 7' TK.WSl'AKENT llAKl.OO.NS IVr Or.. 5.00


.M.KPiATOK IlAI,LOONS I*cf Oroig.. 4.50

NO · Ill.OUOl TS IVr GrxM


2 00


NO · AlU ItAl.I.OONS. Prr tlrugg. 2.50 |

.NO I AIK BALLOONS I'rr Gr<iM. 3.00

No >. (IAS IIALI.OUN'S. Per Oroii. 3.75


IVr iJr.iU

. 5.00

NO 70 ItAl.I.OtlNS. t'.AS. P«f Grou. 4.50

NO 50 SAI sage AIKSHIPS. Per GroM .... 4.00

NO 15 SAI sage SUl AWKEK. Per Grogg... 6.50

NO 161' mammoth SUI AWKER. Per Grxii.. 8.00

NO 115 MA.MMOTH IIAI.I.OON Per Groii.. 12.00

NO »0 ASS T ART MIRRORS. Per 100 - 6.00

KEEP llAl.LottN STICKS. Per Grxes.50

NO. 0 Rim UN HALLS. Threided. Per Or.. 4.00

NO ss llETniN IIALL.S. Threaded. Per Or.. 4.75.

NO In Kirn RN HAl.l.S, Tifed Per Or... 7.20

TIR.SI E SHAKERS. Bctutlful Colort. Per 100. 6.00

NO :7 IIEAITY TOY WHIP.S. Per Grogg... 6.50

NO 70 11KAITY TOY WHIPS. Per Gruit... 6.50

NO r IIEAITY TOY WHIPS. Per Groii... 7.50

CONI'irrTl IH STEHS. Pliln. Per 100. 2.00

CONEEm HI STERS. Colored. Per 100 . 5 00


PATRIonc B.. W A B. T-IN. Uornt. Per Gr. 6.00

100 AxsoktEII CANtLS . 8.00

100 ASSoutEH knives.$10.00. $15.00, 25.00


NO 1 IIOI Ml sgCAWKEHS Per Grou... 5.00

NO I'j SM SAGE SQT'AWKERS. Per On'ig . 4 50

NO 4v KOI NO SUl AWKEHS. Per Gruta... 3.50

OWL <11 LINING Gl M 100 Paekggeg. 1.00

ASH TRAYS Per Orxii. 2.00

COMIC MCTAL RlTTtlNS Per Or. ig.75


NllhEl. PI SH PENCILS. Pec Grogg. ZOO

Terioi lUir lUt)oglt llluitrated Catgk>g for SUmp.


641 and 647 WoodIgRd Avenua.


If You Can Tell It From a genuine diamond Send It Bac

T. p

our llur-white MKXIOAN DIAMOND ob v

kc ulne diamond with same D.\7./.Ll> IlMMuiU BIUK. we will send s selected I csrsl ft
In I.a.Ii.v "Solitaire" King Ifat. price. $1 Okl f

Mall Prira ts Intreduee. $i63. or In Uenl.a" Ilea


Il. :, |i,r King (Cat price $6 ·.·6) for $3 26 O


·Hied m.>uMlnga. Ol AKWTKl

. 1 Kills SAND NO MONEY. Just mall postt'S

ni n » l Slate alie. We will mall at .>l..e 0.

p I · ,,| pl,.,*,t return In I daaa for immey ba

u. · J

Write for Free l'ata|.nl Agri



Oral NB Lai Cruces. N. Mca. iKi. lume rtuilrolh

.'·»  DUn-ii.dal

DON'T BE MISLED We are the originators and manufacturers of the FAMOUS "GENUINE COWHIDE"


We manufacture Boston Bags as low as $15.00 per dozen
Our No. 7 "Genuine Cowhide" Boston Bag at $27.50 a Dozen
la made uf tlie fineat (xrwhlde obtainable, and oan not be compared with merchandise of Inferior quality which la on the market. IVwa not i-ric* after conaUnt usage. A aura repeater and profit maker. First-cilia merchandise and abaxlutely guaranteed as such. Compare our merimar.dlse before purchasing elsewhere. Sample wHI be sei.t upon receipt <4 $3 00 M. O.




Operators Are AM Buying From Us

Flaslilest Store on IVfldway

isi n.oo Send for Catalog on Round

Sulk and new Squares.


25% deposit, bal. C. O. D. Round Sateen '


482 Broome St.,


Gold and Silver Sign Letters
For store fronts, office window.^ and glass signs of sll kinds. No exT*erU'nce necessary. Anyone can put them c-ti and maka money right from the mart.
You can sell to nearby traile or Iratel all oter the country. There Is a hig detnand fiT window lettering In erery tow;n. Send for free samples and par¬ ticulars.
Liberal Offer le General Atents.



Wonderful su(Vf8$) ha$ been a<*hieveU by tho!**'

^ ^

%vho have aeen a rt'uT

opportunity with this

Kame. You wlio hesi¬

tate are losing BKAL


The size of complete
Board is 12*«i3H. and the sheet is printed In various colors. The top of the Board is printed in siM'h a manner as to
I represent a lighting ring, with the spectaU>rs sitting around. The lt;side does not
contain numbers, but various fighting terms and remarks, making the play extremely tn*
The l^ard has an

inooroe of $10.00. Payi out $10 00 in trade merchandise, and sells to the retsiler for $1K 00. allowing him a
profit of $14.00 and his
usual profit of $3 00 on the trade merchandise,
giving him a net profit
of $17.00.

The Watch Is a real beaut., highly jeweletl ar.d In a genuine goldfilled pillar, square* sliape case It com¬ mands a $25.00 retail
price. This Watch is displayed on a velvet
pad in a cut-out block oh top of Board, pro¬
tected hy a glass top You will really be
amazed by the hand¬ some appearance t b I f
outfit makes.

who ire illre to i real opportunity ate urged to take immediate adrantace of this new, practically self-aelling Salestioard Deal.
Our price to legitimate Jobbers and saleiboard operators la
$10.00 Complete

your profit being $6.00 on each sale. Absolutely DO effort to sell 10 to 2U deals dally.
Wirt, Phona or Mail Your Order r* Once. ZSCi Deposit on All C. O. D. Orders.
Dept. B, 1034 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.

439 North Clark St. CHICAGO, ILL.


111 tako in $1 00 a minute if properly located. O

oney Irack universal wheels will

11 tiie place wherever wheels cy t






New pale t'lirtaln H
FVnir trt
HImh"I"c 'Ptali'l




114 Adams St..

Toledo. O.



Tha Only American Publication In Brarll.




I dle,! with i.i as at. i rraailoo

abLMit tbe ricluial and mt-it la.SLl:iaU:ig country 19 <

IW sure to nimply with yuur kK-al pruhlbltlon laws. Adding of yesst to this product crestes tUx)-
luil S>i do n»l tk> IL This Juice la fhim esilfomla ripe wine grapcA It rontalns ill the natural grape sugar, fruit
sclda and xilKinal llator uf Hie grapes. Wine gratte Juice unfermeiited. One salloa centalnar, $2.30. S|Hx-lal prices In ca.«e kits tu agents only. Guarantee.! pure by


Dwpt. 30--56 W. Austin Av*., CHICAGO, ILL.

(wo coniliieiita.
SI BSCKII'TION PRU'E. $6.00 A YEAR. (Send for sample copy)
BRAZILIAN AMERICAN, Avaflida Rio Branco 117* 2 Aadar Rio da Janelra. Bratll



.Amusement Enterprises
,, SUBMIT ..

Popular Players

Hj. sidss; C. ABseiasll. UDtTsrssl ibsBtre's CodcbssIsd Cs>, £628 6. Prkniillx) ass., Chleags, 111. '

RssblagtsB. M. April 4, 19S1.

Tours of tho 30th st kaad. *a* kIaA ts host froa psn sghla.

The candy part of tho show this soMsr alll ho handlsd hp sat

of tbs boys, and be will os doabt soon plaes ao order with yoa, for vs

·11 know beyond a shadow of a doabt that tbsrs It only ORB stllor of thlt

type on tho aiarket, and for ae to toll yon that It la

Si^TS" It

absolutely suporfluont. The rest of tbs 'alaott'laltatlont that bars

>0(0 ansucosasfully put on tbs aarkst and '7roitD Sweott" rsalnd as of A

llos that was on tbo old ourtaln at tho Ceatnry Thsatre la St. lenlt,

`*bon l-was one of tbo gallery gods. It wa6:-'7or aen nay eoac, and atn

^3 et, BUT 1 go on forever."

Wishing you thrlce tbs tuooett yoa havt tojoytd la patt ttttonA Rho coalog one, 1 an.

ParAlally yoo^t

A 0R«Rf*O


VhlTtrtal Thnstreest £C'oncrsalOn Co*,






Ssartis* bael: j. ur r»rr»a»n a4i»« Ur.B. 9. **I'`J*' a--nat of o·RaaeesoTToor iIsducaoda thatlo# coossoootrrn t»oo pi romeua FrrooiiooBa oottw woottoo"".. *»hhoo ..hh«Msttrreeat rr«offoorrrr»*4 to tolrg ta» Isfrrt.l.
stal and Prlaeoat, all In tho city of '»u«b*c.


W« With to lBfOT« yott t!»t the reonltt otUlned frc« the mU

of thlo poekairo teeo b#en tre«enioTi» %ad

cod e lure |xa eeen erceodeO

% the moot^tlMlotlo oUteBont* of your ropre»#s'-«tiee. -he publtc ··r to tlfo of purobo*liM5 thlo coofeotloB, tbero DryBreotly beln^ oel*

O^ollty connected ?lth ···· idot lo lrrt«loilbles

The BOTcltlea encloact la th* 'fa ena frotan SwMta* are of sseh Tala# ttat they appeal to any ladlTiaual refariUaa of their eutien to life.
Thla we hare actlced In parDcnlar oaliLf te the fait t at la oar different theatrea we eater to wony elaeaea of people, te all ef ato» ei)e 'Paaoaa PoTien sweeta* aeew to ha»e t!* aaae attraotlaa.

In aaaittcn to belnR the aetoree of enOTWoua aaaitlonal eae to oar tbeetree. ae have alto fcand that the Trojen ha»eta' aaaitlonal attraotlcn for the Booaea as they certainly ao pot pey tha aadienee, potting then In better haaor to recolT'4 the ahoa.

reve* la

tlahlng yoa the greateet of aacoeaa for the aoat ocwtleteat noaey Mkerto oar kncalad^e, that haa ever apyeorea to benefit the wher*

Toure eery Sincerely,

/C, ,





















Can't you feel that Old Travel Tickle in your City Bruised Walk-Overs?
Haven't you got a little private "yearn" for the democracy of the "White Tops" and for the feel of God's Green Earth under your feet?

250 packages, $13.75 500 packages, $27.50

1,000 packages, $55.00

2,500 packages, $117.50

5,000 packages, $275.00

If the "Famous Frozen Sweets'* do not fulfill ALL our representations (you to be the judge), you are at liberty at any time to return any unsold stock for complete refund, we paying all charges.
A Sample Carton of 100 Packages, shipped by Prepaid Express on receipt of.$S.SO


2G and 28 Nortti F^ranklin St.




114 Notre Dame St.. MONTREAL, CANADA. OniOMVaV^, IL-L. 1027 Gates Avenue. BROOKLYN, N.Y.

I F > 1
i a ) i

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