E.H. Scott Philharmonic in the Warrington Cabinet

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E.H. Scott Philharmonic in the Warrington Cabinet
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December 2012 Volume 29 Number 12 The International Publication for Buyers and Sellers of
Old Radios and Related Items - Published Monthly www.antiqueradio.com

3 Publisher's Comments
4 The EH Scott 30 -Tube Philharmonic Radio Receiver by Richard Majestic
10 Repairing RCA Victor's 45rpm Record Changer 45J2
by Phil Vourtsis

12 The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut
18 Classified Advertisements
28 Coming Radio Events
36 Radio Clubs

Antique Radio Classified (ISSN:8750-7471) is published monthly, 12 times per year, by Vmtage
Radio Publishing, LLC, PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050. Periodicals postage paid at Port Washington, NY, and additional mailing offices.
Annual subscription rates: U.S. - $36.00 by Periodicals mail, $48.00 by First Class mail; Canada - $50.00; Mexico - $60.00; other foreign countries - $70.00. Web Only - $30.00. For multiple year rates see website.
© 2012 by Vintage Radio Publishing, LLC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Antique Radio Classified, PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050. Printed in U.S.A.
PURPOSE - Antique Radio Classified is published for people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to stimulate growth of the hobby through the buying, selling and trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly forum for the interchange of ideas and information. Publisher: Jon Kummer; Layout: Maureen Schwarz; Publisher/Editor Emeritus: John Terrey; Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B. Schneider; Contributing Editor: John Terrey; Contributing Writers & Consultants: Mike
Adams, Ray Bintliff, Ray Chase, Dave Crocker, Alan Douglas, Richard Foster, Daniel Schoo, John Vuolu.
All correspondence should be sent to: A.R.C., PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050 Telephone: (866) 371-0512; Fax: (516) 883-1077
Email: ARC@antiqueradio.com Web: www.antiqueradio.com

Unfortunately, A.R.C. is not staffed to answer all letters with questions about antique radios or requests for advice. HoweverA.R.C. does solicit letters of interest from its readers and publishes them as space permits.
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ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS: All paid subscribers receive a FREE classified ad of up to 50 words in each issue.


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Publisher's Comments

Many of our readers take pride in the diversity of what they collect. Some collect only battery sets,
others collect transistor radios, others enjoy televisions of the 1940s. What ever you collect A.R.C. will always have something
for every type of enthusiast.
This month we have some exciting
articles for our readers. It takes courage to work on a large 30
tube consoles such as those manufactured
by E.H. Scott. This month Richard Majestic shows us his restoration of the E.H. Scott Philharmonic. Richard discusses the circuits as well as replacing close to 100 capacitors in the chassis.
Also this month, welcome back to Phil Vourtsis. Phil talks about the repair and restoration of the RCA Model 45J2 45 RPM record changer. Many of us are good with electronic circuits but Phil is a master
at the mechanical.
A.R.C. visits the Vintage Radio and Communications in Windsor, CT. This is one of the best museums I have seen other then the AWA museum in upstate New York. Windsor, CT is about 20 minutes north of the capital city of Hartford. It is well worth the visit if you are ever in north central Connecticut. The museum has exhibits covering everything from
telegraph to television to their own amateur radio station. This months article covers their 20 year quest through tons of red tape for a permanent location.
Thanks to all of you who add notes to your classified ads or renewals. We really appreciate the kind and encouraging words. I know that we are still sending out the issues about 2 months behind but it will get better. This issue will be mailed about 20 days after the November issue was mailed.

Do you know that each month the A.R.C.
send out 3 emails? One email tells the recipient that the new issue is now online.
The second email is a list of Coming Events (radio meets) for the coming month. The third email lets everyone know about the newest books in the A.R.C. Marketplace store of books. If you're not receiving the emails just send us your email address at arc @antiqueradio.com.
Anniversary The December 2012 issue will mark the 2 year anniversary since I purchased A.R.C. It hasn't been easy. As I said earlier, I really appreciate all the encouragement and kind words from the readers. Rarely a day goes by that someone thanks us for keeping the magazine in business.
Radio Meets Don't forget to attend your local radio meet. There is no better way to support our hobby by going to a meet and getting to know your fellow collectors. In February A.R.C. will attend 2 meets. One will be at the Connecticut Radio and Communications museum and the other will be at the New England Antique Radio Club in Wesford, MA. That's all for now. Happy collecting to everyone!
Jon Kummer Antique Radio Classified
On The Cover
The E.H. Scott Philharmonic in the Warrington cabinet. This month Richard Majestic discusses the restoration of this rare and valuable console radio.


The EH Scott 30 -Tube Philharmonic Radio Receiver

The 1937 EH Scott 30 -tube Philharmonic receiver included a lot of features, as standard it had a continuously variable intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth for 'high fidelity' frequency response, two independent AGC circuits, a
20dB bass boost circuit, a volume expander, a phonograph scratch and noise reduction circuit and push-pull parallel 6L6 audio output circuit with negative feedback. The Philharmonic had two tuned radio frequency (RF) stages, one is switched out on the highest short wave (SW) band and four IF stages. The audio IF response was continuously variable and claimed to be flat topped at all points, from between 4 kHz and 32 kHz band width; this allowed 16 kHz audio bandwidth. Sensitivity was claimed to be 0.5 microvolts on all but the highest SW band. The IF band width was front -panel adjusted by a control mechanically linked to variable capacitors on each of four IF

stage transformers, that changed the center frequency of each IF's primary and secondary, to accomplish stagger tuning. The Philharmonic employed both amplified IF automatic gain control (AGC) and delayed RF AGC. Each AGC voltage was separately derived by an amplified IF frequency tuned gain stage and rectifier. The use of IF tuned AGC amplifiers reduces the distortion effects of tuned station modulation of the IF AGC voltage. Dial calibration was claimed to be 0.2 per cent. The 1937 Scott Philharmonic, was quite advanced for 1937; EH Scott the master marketer was trying to out -feature Zenith, McMurdo Silver and to some degree Midwest.
Audio processing was employed in the Scott Philharmonic. Besides the usual bass and treble controls and loudness compensated volume control, there was also a dynamic range expander and an automatic noise reduction system for the phonograph input.

Top view of Philharmonic receiver chassis.

Bottom view of the chassis after most of the capacitors were replaced

The tone controls are +-20 dB bass boost and -15dB control and 0 to -15dB treble cut control. The Philharmonic also has a 60 Hz notch filter to minimize hum when the bass boosted. The dynamic volume range expander is continuously variable and uses a "Magic Eye" tube to indicate the degree of expansion. And many electronics article described the 1937 EH Scott Radio Laboratory Automatic Needle Scratch Suppressor noise reduction system for the phonograph input as state-of-the-art. Other audio features of the Philharmonic were a 10 kHz audio notch filter, a 40 -watt class -A power amp employing push-pull parallel 6L6 output tubes, and a speaker system employing a 15 -in. Magnavox woofer and two five inch Jensen cone tweeters.
The set was constructed on two welded, heavy gauge steel, chrome -plated chassis, one for the tuner and control section and the other for the power supply amplifier section. Later versions included a third chassis, which contained an inductor -capacitor (LC) crossover network.
It should also be pointed out here that in 1936 EH Scott had, in limited production a tri-amplified receiver, one channel was used for 30-125 Hz, 100-600 Hz, and 3-16 kHz

Oscilloscope view of detected audio before modifications.
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Oscilloscope view of detected audio after modifications.


frequency bands. This set was the 40 -tube unit, later a 48 -tube, and still later a 57 -tube, called the Quaranta. It employed an 18 inch woofer, two 12 inch midranges and three tweeters. A few Quarantas came equipped with a disc -cutting lathe and ribbon microphone and cost up to $5,000 in 1936-37. The Quaranta's production was very limited. It should be noted that the Quaranta AM receiver started out as the All Wave 23, but with the additional audio circuits (tone, expander, noise reduction, recorder circuits, and microphone preamplifiers), two additional power amplifiers and additional speakers and some of the most magnificent cabinets ever found in console radios.
The All Wave 23 also had the variable bandwidth that was transplanted into the Philharmonic and also had 4 IF amplifier stages but only one RF amplifier. It also used the new mutual coupling IF transformers, that also were utilized in the Philharmonic while the All Wave 12 and 15 used the capacitive coupled IF transformers. The only advantage to mutual coupling IF transformers are the ability to incorporate variable stagger tuning for variable bandwidth because both primary and secondary coils are in the same can and on top of the chassis, whereas the secondary was on top of the chassis in a can and the primary, most unturned below the chassis in the All Wave
12 and 15.
So where did all the New `Feature ideas' Come From?
The use of multi -amplified AGC came from early communications receivers and was used as early as 1934 in the high end Zenith 1000Z Stratosphere radio that sold for $750. Overload of the 1st detector (mixer) was a common problem when strong local stations were tuned producing birdies or image like interference. The use of the pentagrid vacuum tube made electron beam mixing of the local oscillator (LO) with the incoming RF very distortion free but the LO level was constant but the incoming RF level was all over the place but the mixer needs close to equal levels to minimize distortion or spurious harmonics, so the RF section AGC was needed. It should be noted that the All Wave 23 used 2nd detector AGC for

the IF strip and amplifier AGC for the single RF amplifier stage.
Variable and wide bandwidth IF stages were first used in a 1933/34 Hammarlund receiver and in was used in the 1934 Zenith 1000Z Stratosphere radio. Both used the variable IF coupling transformers, the tuned secondary was moved closer or further away from the tuned primary. In 1936 McMurdo Silver was delivering a selectable IF bandwidth radio, 15 kHz and the narrow 3.5 kHz bandwidths. For the 15 kHz wide bandwidth McMurdo used stagger tuning of a T3 and T4 IF transformers. EH Scott in the All Wave 23 and Philharmonic took stagger tuning one step further with continuously variable bandwidth IF, 3 kHz to 16
kHz. In the Philharmonic T1 and T4 were primary and secondary stagger tuned, one up the other down, while T2 and T3 both the primary and secondary were de -tuned, T2 up and T3 down in frequency. Scott used a jack shaft that ran under the four IF transformers, the shaft connected to variable air dielectric capacitors and setup so that some meshed and others un-meshed as the shaft is turned. This bandwidth shaft also adjusts a pot that is used to vary the AGC voltage in an attempt to keep the IF strip gain constant as the bandwidth is varied. Good in theory but I've never seen it work correctly. Zenith's Stratosphere used the secondary amplified IF AGC to somewhat correct for the gain change with bandwidth. Another problem the Philharmonic has is the secondary amplified IF AGC is tapped off at the secondary of T3 IF transformer making the AGC less effective for gain equalization. In 1937/38 McMurdo Silver 1517 used three selectable bandwidths, accomplished by selecting three additional IF coil windings in the three primary and secondary IF transformers and used amplified AGC to compensate for the gain change with bandwidth.
The Bass Boost circuit used in the 1934 Zenith Stratosphere used inductors and capacitors tuned below 600 Hz and by mixing added or subtracted to the inter -stage audio transformer's output, to provide bass boost or cut. The Philharmonic design is electrically identical for bass boost and they used variable resistance to load the audio coupling capacitor to provide bass cut. The Bass control is a dual pot, one for the boost and the other for cut, the center of rotation being flat response.
The volume expander was first shown in


1933 in some high -end radios but the identical design used by Scott was used in the 1935/36 McMurdo Silver Masterpiece V and used a pair of pentagrid tubes, in pushpin to modulate the audio level. The expander feature was incorporated to reverse the effect of audio compression being used by all broadcasters during this period.
The dynamic scratch and noise reduction for record playing was probably a first in consumer radio/phonographs and a first for Scott. Essentially the way it works is to detect fast rise time impulse noise and reduce the audio gain. The scratch filter dynamically reduces the high frequency response when high frequency noise is detected.

How Well does the EH Scott Philharmonic Actually Perform

Recently I have restored three Philharmonic radios, two Beam -of -Light dial from 1940, one an AM/FM from 1941, the AM section is identical to the AM only radios. However, some engineering changes were made in the way the variable IF bandwidth was configured. One change that should have been made was the volume control which has the AC power switch and the Philharmonic consumes almost 400Watts so the switch fails and most radio shops don't bother to put in the correct replacement volume control in that had a 20% tap, used for loudness compensation.
With two RF and four IF amplifier tubes, this radio is noisy unless the tubes, three 6K7G, two 6U7G and one 6B8G are new and selected noise free. I've been able to measure 0.5uV with 20dB S/N but this is after trying many NOS tubes looking for low noise tubes. The RF design and mechanical implementation is very good and the sensitivity across all bands is good. Typically I measure lOuV with a 30dB S/N. one of the claims -to -fame for EH Scott receivers dating back to 1932 was its immunity to external electrical noise, the Philharmonic is well shielded also and uses a beautifully designed shielded antenna coupling system that continues that early tradition.
The Philharmonic uses regulated 150VDC for the triode local oscillator but didn't use any temperature compensation or the best oscillator circuit design so the radio

E.H. Scott Philharmonic in the Warrington Cabinet.
drifts in the first ten minutes or so. Zenith and McMurdo Silver used temperature compensation capacitors and they have no drift.
The bass boost is a 2 -pole filter design (12dB per octave) and is very effective and does sound very good. As a two pole filter the bass boost has less effect on the mid frequencies while increasing the low bass below 600Hz. The 20dB maximum bass boost was incorporated to compete with the Zenith Stratosphere which had great booming bass from the two 12" Jensen A 1 2s and the 50Watt triode power amplifier.
Engineering Corrections that will Make Your
Philharmonic a Pleasure to Listen Too
One major problem I've encountered when restoring these Philharmonics is the
very high audio distortion from the detector, typically greater than 15% total harmonic distortion (THD). In looking into this problem with a 400MHz. oscilloscope connected to the plates of the IF strip, I found that on strong signal levels (greater than 100uV) the third IF amplifier overloads badly distorting the IF envelope. This happens because the amplified IF AGC circuit is ineffective in reducing the gain of IF signal to prevent over -


/5 inch Magnavox speaker containing the crossover network for the tweeters.

loading the third and fourth IF stages. The [F signal level is so high that the grid is driven into grid conduction causing non -symmetrical IFsignal clipping or compression, the now distorted envelope is again amplified and further distorted in the fourth IF amplifier/final audio detector.
The cure, I borrowed from Mr. McMurdo
Silver who encountered the same issue with his Masterpiece H and III which had three IF amplifiers and the simple 2nd detector AGC circuit; he put 100k resistors in se-

ries with each of the three IF amplifier grids which prevents over driving te grids which causes IF envelope distortion but does not reduce the overall IF strip gain with weak radio signals. So what I did was put three 100K resistors in the grid circuit of the three 6K7G IF amplifiers and re -align the IF entire IF section. This simple change reduces overall audio THD to less than 3%, this reduction is a very audible improvement.
In the three Philharmonics I recently restored I've found the IF AGC circuits do not


work as intended even though the AGC voltage rises to greater than -35VDC on midlevel RF signals (100uV) and without serious redesign I doubt this design would ever work correctly. The chief reason for this problem comes about because the replacement metalized polyester film capacitors I use are significantly better capacitors (lower ESR, lower inductance)than the cheap wax capacitors EH Scott used from 1937 to 1948. The better capacitors increases IF circuit gain, which is not needed. I did notice that Scott engineers changed the bypass capacitor design by putting the three bypass capacitors in series instead of each all going to ground. Additionally, the IF transformers are so well designed they have high "Q". In other words, their excellent engineering of those beautiful IF transformers created a problem for them and now the restorers. Take a look at my scope pictures, before and after my modification of the IF grids with moderate antenna RF signal level.
The 100k grid series resistor trick does solve one issue but the overall problem, the poor amplified AGC circuit is still a problem, unlike the McMurdo Silver Masterpiece V, VI and 1517 which has a better design. EH Scott tried to correct this problem by removing B+ from the one of the RF amplifier screens when the bandwidth control is increased, thinking the listener will want lower distortion and not need high RF gain, this not only improves the bandwidth of the RF amplifier strip but it also reduces the RF amplifier gain which reduces the IF signal level reducing the audio distortion too. Reducing the overall gain of the RF or IF strip is not the answer since that will reduce the overall sensitivity of the radio but improvement in the amplified AGC circuit or improved vacuum tubes that have better gain control range would help to cure this design problem.
It's also a historical fact that during this period the EH Scott company was having financial troubles and I'm sure unable to put additional engineering effort into correcting these design problems.
Final Review Comments
I recently had a McMurdo Silver 1517 on the bench and it outperformed the Philharmonic in selectivity, sensitivity, distortion and noise. The Philharmonic has more audio power but the original field coil 15" Jensen used by McMurdo in the 1517 does sound better than the original 15" Magnavox used in the Philharmonic.

The shadow dial on the Philharmonic is very nice and makes tuning a frequency easy and parallax free.
One major service problem is the 77 film capacitors and 10 electrolytics used in the Philharmonic, Scott used the cheapest capacitors made and they become leaky and often short -out. A good number of these capacitors are in the IF transformer cans on top of the chassis and not easy to change. Another group of capacitors are in the bass boost circuit and in a group of seven 0.47uF bypass capacitors Scott put in boxes that are potted with tar, good luck with changing those. Note in the picture the new bass boost components below the chassis.
Because the Philharmonic uses so many amplified stages it gets noisy as the tubes age and the noise reduces the effective sensitivity or usefulness of the radio for DXing. In broadcast band use this may not be an issue if the bandwidth control is advanced a
bit. The chrome on everything makes this ra-
dio a standout, but don't handle the radio without wearing gloves. If you do touch the chrome with your hands, get the Windex out, spray the chrome and wipe it dry with a new paper towel, this is the only way to keep a Scott, McMurdo or Zenith chrome beautiful and corrosion free for another 76
years. Tech Note: I measure the radio's distor-
tion using a HP 606A RF generator audio modulation from a Tektronix SG -505 oscillator set to 80% and the distortion measured with a Tektronix AA -501 distortion analyzer. Oscilloscope used is a Tektronix 2465 400MHz. The HP RF generator is 50 Ohms terminated and connected to the antenna input posts and the audio distortion analyzer is connected across the voice coil and the VC audio voltage set to 0.775VAC RMS with the volume control.
Richard Majestic has more than 30 years' experience in broadcast television engineering system design and engineering management. He holds ten patents for digital servo system designs, cryogenic instrumentation, and low noise analog circuit designs. Richard and his wife recently unemployed (retired) moved to Las Cruces New Mexico, was elected
President of the New Mexico Radio Collectors
Club, a group of engineers and scientist dedi-
cated to preserving early radio, television and computer products. Richard can be contacted
at rmajestic@msn.com or 575 521-0018


Repairing RCA Victor's
45rpm Record Changer 45J2

/t 's hard to believe that the inexpensive 45 rpm record changer has been around over 60 years now. While they were very popular with kids and teens during the 50s and 60s, they seemed to lose popularity once stereo long playing records were introduced in the late 50s. But now we aging 'Baby Boomers' enjoy hearing those old hits on the machine we grew up with. Problem is, those 60 year old record changers don't function very well anymore. Let's see what's involved with bringing these machines back to working condition.
The first generation 45J had been designed in the early 1940s although it was not made available until 1949.
The second generation 45J2 was made available in 1950 and is much more modern
looking with a smoother reject cycle thanks to the use of a rubber cycling cam.
However, while rubber helps with smooth-
er quiet operation, it has the drawback of turn-
ing rock hard after years have passed. Usually all the rubber parts in the record changer will be either rock hard or disintegrating. This includes the cycling cam, the idler wheel, the motor suspension grommets and the rubber cones that hold the motor board in position. Let's take these one at a time to see the effects they cause.

Worn out rubber parts and leaking crystal cartridge.
When the cycling cam gets hard, it no longer rotates or only partially rotates during the reject cycle. Either the tonearm will not reject at all, or it will attempt to raise the tonearm, stop and stutter in that position.
When the idler wheel gets rock hard, it does not make good contact with the motor shaft which can effect the speed of the turntable. Then when the reject cycle starts, the added load will cause the turntable to stall. Another phenomenon that occurs after the record changer is abandoned for years in a hot attic is the development of a fiat spot where the idler wheel is contacting the motor shaft. While many record changers disengage the idler from the motor shaft automatically or provide a neutral position, RCA Victor did not provide this feature, thus the flat spot problem.

Firm .14ellenlli011 45 RPM 'mu:Rine designed in the early 1940s.

Second generation 45 RPM machine. This one has
a very rare see-through spindle cap.
The motor suspension grommets usually completely disintegrate over the years, leaving the motor hanging in a position where the idler does not make good contact with the motor shaft. Vibration also becomes an issue because the motor is now coming in direct contact with other metal parts. Some of the 45J2 changers installed in complete record players use rubber cones to support the changer's motor board. The cones usually sag after many years, allowing the motor board to contact the cabinet causing noise from vibration.
The next area of trouble is the phonograph cartridge. Most of the 45J2 changers were fitted with crystal cartridges. These cartridges were very sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. In my experience 98% of the crystal cartridges found in these machines will be dead. They also tend to leak, as you can see in the photo. Lanolin was used to fill the cartridge. Another complication is that the mounting holes for the cartridge are farther apart than many of the cartridges used in other record changers. Starting in 1955 RCA Victor used a ceramic cartridge in their higher fidelity models. These cartridges are usually still working after 60 years. When deciding on whether to rebuild an original cartridge or installing a more modem one, keep in mind these machines were designed to play monophonic records, not stereo records. So using or rebuilding an original cartridge will only work well when playing monophonic records. As soon as you start playing stereo records the needle will tend to pop out of the groove on louder music passages because stereo records require the stylus to handle upward movement. So to play all types of 45s a modern cartridge should be used.

The last area where problems occur is the old grease solidifying on the changer's moving parts. The best way to remedy this is to take the changer completely apart, clean the offending pieces, relub them with quality grease, and then reassemble the changer. Also if the motor is running slow or is completely frozen up, the same tear down procedure and lub will usually bring the motor back to full potential.
So where do I get these replacement parts and information on how to tear down these changers? Luckily there are a few good folks who are now manufacturing these parts or providing new rubber for the old parts.
Willie Bosco (707.923.3897)- Low Rider replacement cartridge, new idler wheels, new rubber kit for cycling cam.
Voice of Music (248.478.0990) - Relines original idler wheel, relines original cycling cam, cartridge kits.
Vintage Elecronics (601.264.4755) - Rebuild original cartridge, relines original idler and cycling cam
West Tech Services (740.732.6056) - Rebuild original cartridge, relines original idler and cycling cam
Phil Vourtsis (732.208.4284) is the Author of 'The Fabulous Victrola 45', Schiffer Publishing LTD. Book describes the history that brought about the 45rpm system of recorded music, color pictures and prices of hundreds
of 45 rpm phonographs. Lastly the book shows in detail how to repair and restore the
record changers and the amplifiers.
Bottom view 0.1 45J2. Grease is essential to keep sliding metal pieces working smoothly.

Attention Subscribers: You can access a color version of this article on the A.R.C. website at www.antiqueradio.com.


The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut

The Vintage Radio and Communication Museum of Connecticut first opened its doors to the public on Arch Street in New Britain in September 1990. The museum was dedicated to the
preservation of old-time communications equipment and to educating the public about this wonderful history. The facility was very small (less than 500 square feet) and was in a fairly rough neighborhood, but it was a start. During the two years of operation at that location, close to 2000 people from all parts of the country toured the displays.
The original museum housed a permanent display called "Five Decades of Radio" which featured a sampling of radios from the 1920's through the 60's. For variety, feature exhibits were rotated every two months and included the history of telephone, television, battery set radios, cathedral radios, brightly colored plastics from the 40's and 50's, movie projection equipment, and more. Many activities developed as a result of the museum including a vintage radio collectors club, basic antique radio repair classes and old radio swap meets, which were attended by people from all over New England.
Looking for Bigger Space
In June of 1992, it was decided that the museum needed more space, but volunteers were hampered by a lack of funding for a larger building. A few new locations were explored but no permanent location was found. After

careful consideration by the board of directors, the difficult decision was made to shut the New Britain location down and move the museum's contents into storage in a barn in Avon. Even though time constraints hampered the availability of many of the museum's guiding members, interest remained high during the next two years. Phone calls asking about the museum or looking for information
on old radios streamed in weekly. Some museum volunteers also hosted classes on old radio repair under the auspices of the continuing education program at Manchester Community Technical College.
Beginning in May of 1994, work began in earnest on reorganizing and relocating the museum. Letters were sent out to a group of members who had become regulars at the New Britain location. A core of about twelve people began meeting every other Friday night in an effort to find a new home for the museum, raise funds and organize the collection, which had continued to grow since closing the New Britain location. Donations of all kinds came in from a variety of sources, including some strategic finds by die-hard members at tag sales and flea markets. We knew that what we had in the collection constituted
a world -class museum display - all we needed was the space.
As the members of the group traveled throughout Central Connecticut, they looked for vacant buildings that would be appropri-
ate for a museum location. When a promising

The Radio Museum building.

spot was found, the mayor or first -selectman of the town would be contacted and a meeting arranged. Presentations were given to town officials throughout the area, but little interest was shown in the idea until Mayor Robert DeCrescenzo of East Hartford realized the museum would be an asset to his city's downtown revitalization program. After a few meetings, the town offered the museum 1620 -square feet of space in a turn -of -the -century, threestory, multiple storefront building called the Comstock Building.

The Comstock Years
Volunteers began work in November of 1995 to turn the very rough interior space of the Comstock Building into a beautiful environment for the museum. The volunteer effort was greater than anyone could have imagined! The talent, supplies, time and efforts that were donated by members and museum supporters was truly inspirational and indicative of the sweat -equity that the museum would pay to a
number of its future locations. In February of 1996, display pieces were
transferred out of storage and into the new museum. On Saturday, February 24, 1996, a grand opening was held and the museum reopened to the public. The facility included displays of radio, TV, motion picture projection equipment and telephones. A small video viewing theater, library and sound effects room rounded out the space. Although the space was less than what the board of directors had hoped for, the museum prospered in this location sponsoring swap meets and special events. The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum became an informative, fun and exciting place that added much to the culture and history of the Central Connecticut area. One of the most memorable events was the appearance of local radio legend Bob Steele, who hosted a morning show on WTICAM for over five decades.
During this time the museum also applied for and received its 501(c)3 tax status from the IRS, making us an official non-profit organization.

Tour guide showing a DeForest receiver.
ue soared and it became a viable investment property. Once the sale went through, it became obvious that the museum's time at the Comstock Building was limited.
The building's buyer owned a real estate firm in West Hartford and stated plans to move the firm to the third floor of the Comstock Building and rehab the second floor for law offices. No mention was made of any changes on the first floor where the museum was located. Our biggest concern was that we had not been able to keep up with our monthly rent to the city, so they had, in a sense, been subsidizing our existence. We were afraid that a private owner would not be willing to do that.
Upon hearing the terms of the sale, our board of directors took a whole new direction on how the museum should be housed. We realized that the future could be much more secure and our financial status more stable, if we owned our own building. However, securing funds for the purchase of a building proved to be very difficult.
Something short of a miracle occurred for the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum in the New Year of 1998. On December 6, 1997, during an indoor swap meet in St. John's Rectory social hall across the street

Another Move
In October of 1997, the Town of East Hartford sold the Comstock Building to private
investors. Because of the work that the museum and other building tenants had done on the Comstock Building, the property val-

A collection of spark equipment.

from the museum, we were notified by our new landlord that our rent would double as of January first. We knew that we would need to find a new location quickly.
As fate would have it, the day before we received the notice, the museum had been put in contact with the owner of the old International House of Pancakes building which was located some 1000 feet up the street at 1231 Main Street. The IHOP building's owner told the museum if it ran into any problems in the future in finding facilities, that he may be able to help. The very next Monday, we called him back and arranged to rent the IHOP building, which had been vacant for over five years We had only three weeks to prepare the new location and move the entire collection! For the next two weekends, approximately 20 volunteers worked at a frenzied pace fixing ceilings, installing light bulbs, paneling walls, patching the roof, cleaning, fixing plumbing, and finally shampooing the rugs, to make the space presentable. On the third Saturday, December 27th, two days after Christmas, and in a light snow storm, 50 volunteers descended on the museum and took a little under three hours to move over 600 pieces up the street to the new location. It was a phenomenal demonstration of community spirit and volunteerism.
Putting the display in some sort of order took weeks. But against all odds, the museum stayed open and continued to serve the public. Two days after the move, in the middle of

the week, some of the volunteers were working on the display when two groups of people walked in, one from Nashville, Tennessee and the other from Ohio. The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut was alive and well.
Another Move
Unfortunately, history has a habit of repeating itself and our experience with the Comstock Building occurred again at the IHOP building in early 1999. During our time at the IHOP building, the museum poured an extensive amount of sweat equity into the building, which included cleaning the building's grounds, painting the building's metal roof, and external decorations to brighten up the surroundings. The effort turned the building into a more marketable piece of real estate and when the improvements were coupled with the development of a new CVS across the street, the building finally sold after more than six years on the market.
Faced with another move (the third in three years), the museum put out an appeal through the media for help in finding a new location. Museum board members also met with East Hartford officials in hopes of finding a new location. Amazingly enough, another building that had been vacant for a few years was located down the street. After meeting with the building's owner, a very gracious rent scheme was agreed upon and the Vintage Radio and

An audio equipment display.

A nice collection of television sets.

Communications Museum of Connecticut was on the move again.
The old Town Hall Hardware Building was located at 711 Main Street and was about a mile down the road from the IHOP location. The building was much bigger than any of our previous homes at approximately 7000 -square feet. Its size allowed the museum to set up further displays, using donated pieces that had been in storage. A library area was created, as well as a radio repair facility. Museum members repaired the building's roof and facade, insulated the brick walls, installed new lighting fixtures and repaired the cracked floor.
Volunteers also restarted hosting radio repair classes through Manchester Community College and became active in East Hartford's Main Street Plus revitalization group. But things were not to stay settled for too long.
In late 2000, the museum was told that the 711 Main Street location would soon be torn down by the State of Connecticut to make way for a wider 1-84. The museum searched in vain for a new location in East Hartford, but the museum had grown so large that no site that was easily affordable could be found. That's when the town of Windsor, just over the Connecticut River, started to express interest.
33 Mechanic Street
In downtown Windsor, an 85,000 -square foot factory building had been on the market for some time and the town was looking for a

catalyst to spark a revitalization in Windsor's historic downtown area. After a failed attempt to form a partnership with a developer, the museum made an offer on the building and the owner, Mr. John Moynahan, graciously agreed to not only sell the building for an extremely low rate to the museum, but self -mortgaged the property for five years. In November 2001, the museum officially became owners of 33 Mechanic Street in Windsor.
The museum worked with the Town of Windsor to negotiate a deal with a real estate developer to convert the building into a new home for the museum and housing. However
the negotiations proved difficult with all of the developers saying the museum would have to leave the building in order for housing to be built. After almost two years of looking, the museum reached a deal with the Corporation for Independent Living, which purchased the building from the museum for a price that allowed the museum to concentrate on its next, and hopefully final, move.
115 Pierson Lane
During the negotiations for the sale of the Mechanic Street location, the museum worked with the Town of Windsor to find another, more manageable location for the museum. This new location was about one mile from Mechanic Street, a 20,000 square foot building that offered the museum one level for easy display setup.


The arduous move of the collection took place from September to November 2005, with volunteers helping with trucks and an 18 -wheeler donated by Woodland Moving and Storage of Hartford, CT. The museum finalized the purchase 115 Pierson Lane for $600,000 in February of 2006 and throughout 2006 and 2007, volunteers and contractors paid by a state grant, helped turn the bare insides of the building into a space fitting for the museum's expanding collections.
The museum during this time also adopted new bylaws and formulated a new board of directors, allowing volunteers to concentrate on getting the museum up and running rather than spending time on administrative issues.
A New Direction

From its inception, the museum, like most radio museums, was a collector's museum. Radios were grouped together, usually by style: all the consoles, all the cathedrals, the tombstones, etc. Radios, telephones, televisions, etc. had their own floor space independent of other display categories. Now, faced
with the financial obligations imposed by having to maintain its own facility, the board recognized it needed to attract a wider audience than just collectors.
The board came up with the concept of showing the evolution of electric communications, starting with the telegraph, through

The Crosley Shelvador refrigerator.
sound recording, the telephone, wireless radio, and so on. The time line was divided into decades, from the mid 1800s through the 1970s. A mission statement was drafted: "To show how communications has changed our lives." Besides talking about the articles themselves, docents expanded their explanation to

A wall of battery set radios.

show how one development led to another, how the invention impacted our society, and so on.
A gala was held in 2007 to celebrate the official opening of the museum to the public. Town officials, radio history aficionados and others embraced the new museum with enthusiasm. Windsor did indeed have a genuine tourist attraction .
The museum's volunteers who were amateur radio operators had formed a club at the Mechanic St. location but had no space at that facility for a ham station. Now at Pierson Lane, they built a working station, obtained license WI VCM (for Vintage Communications Museum), and erected a beam antenna alongside the building, thanks to a grant from the American Radio Relay League. The station is on the air most weekends, giving the museum a presence on the air as the hams talk with stations around the world.
In 2008, a recreation of a broadcast studio typical of those during the Golden Age of Radio was built with a grant from the DeGeorge Foundation. The studio attracted the attention of The Radio Workshop Players, a local group of amateur and professional performers who acted out actual radio scripts from the 1940s, as well as putting on shows of their own creation. In addition to live recording, the studio can convert vintage recording media (records, Edison cylinders, wire recordings, etc.), to modern digital formats.
Amateur radio equipment.

A small section of the library shelving showing Photofacts.
In 2008, Ed Sax, retired engineer, museum volunteer, and visionary, developed an energy -saving concept adaptable to a wall as well as a sloped roof. He obtained a grant to build his "solar adaptive wall" along the exterior wall of the museum. The passive solar installation uses the sun's energy to help cool the building in the summer and warm it in the winter. Completed in 2010, the wall has made a measurable impact on the museum's utility bills and has attracted the attention of ecologically -minded parties from around the region who have been impressed with Ed's project.
The Future
When the Pierson Lane building was acquired, a decision was made to build out only the front half in order to open as quickly as possible, leaving the back area for storage. In 2012, work was begun to expand the display area, which will create more space for computers and other forms of digital communication. Plans also call for the space to include a lecture room, offices, a radio repair facility, a room for the museum's collection of saleable vacuum tubes and a record library.
The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut
115 Pierson Lane Windsor, CT 06095 860-683-2903 www.vrcmct.org




FOR SALE: RCA Radiola-Ill & Ill -A parts. Have a lot more parts than you see in the photo. What do you need? Dave Crocker, 35 Santuit Pond Rd., #4B, Mashpee, Cape Cod, MA 02649.
Tel. (508) 477-1578, before 9 p.m. (EST) please. Thanx.
FOR SALE: Mint Sangean ATS-909X (white) SW portable in original box. Used less than 2 hours. $150 shipped. Harry Schools K3HS, 1091 Penn Circle, Apt. GT15, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
FOR SALE: John Rider: Perpetual Troubleshooters Manuals Volume 1 through 22. All pages in excellent condition. $240 pick up only. Stephen Bonin, 107 Georgetown Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028. (858) 881-0244. E-mail: slbonino524@comcast.com.
FOR SALE: Victor Victrola talking machine VV9016128. Perfect working condition, all original parts from 1921. Crank works, includes 78s and many extra needles. Original wood in good shape. Make offer. Pick up in Wilton, CT only. Erwin Ruckel, 24 Bittersweet Trail, Wilton, CT 06897. (203) 762-0689. E-mail: ruckel6@optonline.net.
FOR SALE: Yaesu FTI000-D 13 years old. Used only at 100 watts output. Includes MD -1 desk mike, MH- I bb hand mike, SP -5 external speaker with LL5 phone patch installed. Kept under dust cover in non smoking environment. $1500 plus shipping. Everett McCulloch WR5A, 1701 Westside Dr., Sherman, TX 75092. (903) 892-9074.
FOR SALE: Collection of radio magazines. Books early as 1926. Including first issue October 1954 NRI Books. Howard Felder, 7517 Granada Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817. (301) 320-3028.
FOR SALE: Philco model 91 chassis complete with tubes and large 3 -tube shield and tuning shadow device. Clean, original, no usual Philco chassis corrosion. With knobs and the original two speakers ( if desired ) Has newer filter capacitors cans properly installed. This radio chassis works. $85 OBO. David Boyle, 1058 Colt Cr., Castle Rock, CO 80109. (303) 681-3258. E-mail: djboylesr@msn.com.

FOR SALE: STAND BY! magazines, 155 from 1934 and 1935, the WLS Chicago listener weekly magazine. Pretty good shape. $200 for all, or best offer plus shipping. Andy Ooms, 121 Calle Mayor, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. (310) 375-1768. Email: oomspine@msn.com.
FOR SALE: Huge Quantities, Tubes, Picture Tubes, Needles, Cartridges, Zenith Parts, Semiconductors, Data, Radios, Phonographs, Televisions and Test Equipment. Collector, Restorer and Volume Pricing. Sales support our self -funded Sunshine Radio Museum. Ray Seppeler, SunRad, 8 East Main St., Sodus, NY 14551. (315) 483-8451. E-mail: sunshine.radio@ sunrad.com. Web: http://radios.sunrad.com.
FOR SALE: Riders Perpetual Trouble Shooter's Manuals, most editions #1 thru #20,
$19 ea. Manuals for all kits...Heath, EICO, Knight, Paco, Lafayette, RCA, Ameco, others. Magazines Popular Electronics, Radio -Electronics, Radio World, Electronics Illustrated, Short Wave Craft, Radio Craft, Radio Age, Radio News, Radio -TV
Experimenter, others. A.J. Bernard, P.O. Box 690098, Orlando, FL 32869. (407) 351-5536. E-mail: ni4q@ juno.com.
FOR SALE: "BOAT -ANCHOR TRANSMITTER OWNERS: Direct -Digital VFO Kits With Companion Buffer Amplifier for Tube Rigs. Hagerty Radio Company, 64 Nonquit Ln., Tiverton, RI 02878. (401) 624-4739. E-mail: j.hgerty@att.net. Web: www. WA1FFL.com.
FOR SALE: FADA catalin, 202 Series, maroon with butterscotch knobs, top handle missing, no breaks or cracks, $1750; Mod. 740 Sky Rover wooden table top w/ knobs and good speaker, cabinet rough, parts or repair, $75; NC 57 parts; Stromburg-Carlson 130-H chassis and speaker, as is, $50; StromburgCarlson 6 I -H radio w/ wooden knobs, grill cloth torn, $185; Montgomery Ward Airline, Mod. 62304 battery, left curve table top, good speaker/knobs, rough cabinet and chassis, $45; lots of T.O. parts, mostly solid state; SX 100 chassis parts; Hammarlund and Hallicrafters parts, various radios, call with wants; Ron Crowe, P.O. Box 117, Handley, WV 25101(304) 442-8179 (H). (304) 550-1973 (C).
FOR SALE: E.H.SCOTT LAB 23 tube, High Fidelity, All -Wave, 1936 receiver. AKA Imperial All -Wave. Excellent condition but missing two tweeters. It is the late model with seven knobs. We will be accepting bids in 2013. Jack Holfeld, 5681 W. Johnny Mullins Dr., Prescott, AZ 86305. Pictures at WWW.AZVintageRadio.comor e-mail info@azvintageradio.com.


FOR SALE: Hammarlund Comet (1930's console), Early Hammarlund AC Radio chassis, RCA Radiola 17, 18, 60 & 100A Speakers, others. Philco Consoles (several, also parts), Zenith 5808, others, parts too, inquire. Silvertone 6102, others, Stromberg Carlson 600H, Philco 620 & other Philco's for parts, send "wants". Stromberg Carlson cone speaker 1920's vintage, many more radios and parts. Send all your updated "want" lists. Look up my old ads. I have most of those items here still. Wanted: Buying: Radio Collections, Accumulations and leftovers. Wilbur Gilroy, PO Box 459, Lake Winola, PA 18625. (570) 378-2508. E -Mail: radiowilbur@frontiemetnet
FOR SALE: Now on website, V -M tone arm rest posts! Motor mounts and chassis mounting cones for RCA and V -M 45 players. Phono and tape recorder wheels, belts for most brands. Phono needles, cartridges, 45 adapters, centerposts. AC cords with plugs for record changers! Gary Stork, 37530 E. Meadowhill, Northville, MI 48167. (248) 478- 0990. Visit www.thevoiceofmusic.com or email info@thevoiceofmusic.com
FOR SALE: American Bosch console ra-
dio Model 58, 1930's serial no. 47967 44"Hx28"Wx13"D, $40 obo, see pictures at, www. buyat.20m.com. Alex Taranko, 3515 Old Yorktown Rd., Yorktown Heights NY 10598. (914) 962-2350. E-mail: sci983art@aol.com.
FOR SALE: See items at http://antiqueradioexchange.com/ sold by richsequip, most listed under
TEST EQUIPMENT with photos & detailed descriptions. Many seldom offered for sale & going back as far as 1936. Richard Flaws, 212 Mondovi Dr., Oswego, IL 60543. (630) 554-9207 (Before 9pm CT). E-mail: flaws2@attnet
FOR SALE: FSOT, CM PD, FOR SALE OR TRADE, CONSIDER MERE PAPER DOLLARS!: Heathkit DX 100 super clean original outside and inside; Heath Apache also very nice; BC 375 E working with several tuning units and PE 73 Dynamotor/cables. GRC 9, very good, working with DY 88, cables, and T17 mic. All you need is a ticket. Hammarlund SP 600 in case, very nice, works fine; HRO RAS Navy version, several coils and power supply; BC 654, nice all original and working, also have new/old stock PE 103 Dynamotor; Collins 323 V nice, working; BC 669 transceiver with original power supply; Drake TR7 with PS 7, very nice and working; HRO 50T1, rackmount, nice working, have several coil sets; HRO 50T1 cabinet model, has been recapped, was working fine, now need to find error in recapping! Several coils available. HRO Senior rackmount power supply, several coils; Webcor 210-1-C collectible early Webcor wire. ALWAYS BUYING: Early and interesting wire and tape recorders, disc cutters, broadcast and recording mics, tube pre -amps, compressors, early hi-fi, cash or trade for any of above. Prefer pick-up on heavy items, but can ship. Ward Kremer, KI4JHA, 57262 Poppy Rd., South Bend, IN 46619. (574) 204-2877. E-mail: witzend99@comcast.net, website: http://www.radioattic.com/lcremer
FOR SALE: Antique radio schematics $4, TV $5 postpaid. Joseph R. Forth, 119 Long Vue Acres Rd., Wheeling, WV 26003.

FOR SALE: Books on Wireless & Pre 1920 Radio, Medical Electricity and X -Rays. Also books by and about Nikola Testa and Tesla Coils. To see our listings, visit our web page www.beqboolcs.com Direct orders get 10% discount. BEQUAERT OLD BOOKS, PO Box 775, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447. (603) 585-3448. E-mail: info@beqbooks.com
FOR SALE: Federal 8, 9, 55, 56 reproduction cabinets. For details, contact John Terrey, Old Tech Books & Things, PO Box 803, Carlisle, MA 01741. E-mail: jvt@oldtech.com.
FOR SALE: New list of German table top radios. Excellent to near mint examples and affordable prices. Grundig, Telefunken, Saba, Blaupunkt, etc. Parts too. Ed Kalpa, 4622 Melbourne Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027. (310) 795-7925.
FOR SALE: Replacement plastic dials: Charlie McCarthy, Melody Cruiser, etc. Send email address for jpeg photos. Price: $23.95 postage paid. Bill Manny, Box 1366, Pendleton, OR 97801. (541)-969-7649. Email: bmanny@oregontrail.net. Web: http://personal. my180.net/--bmanny/mccarthydial.jpg.
FOR SALE: Grab bag 50 plus TV/Radio knobs $10.00. Chassis's complete with tubes and knobs: Airline 62-386 6V $15.00, Silvertone 8102 $15.00. Amphenol 58-MEA-6 magic eye shield, mounting
bracket and eye tube NIB $65.00. All plus s/h. Francis Mannino, PO Box 207, Newtown Square PA 19073. E-mail: suesam1956@verizon.net.
FOR SALE: Airline DC -6 battery set, Kennedy 66B chassis, AK 55C chassis, GE model 250 fliptop with wet cell, Philco 42-355, Record players for: Sparton model 7-46, for Magnavox model 43 (CR-151, CPAR389), Girrard Model RC -80M. John Zima, 1360 Reed Rd., Churchville, NY 14428. (585) 293-3023. E-mail: jfz_rhy@yahoo.com.
FOR SALE: Collection of radio magazines. Books early as 1926. Including first issue October 1954 NRI Books. Howard Felder, 7517 Granada Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817. (301) 320-3028.
FOR SALE: Admiral 5X1 I table model $29.95; KLH model FM21 table model $89.96; RCA 100A speaker working. Bob Fuererer, Holly Farm, 813 Route 12A, Surry, NH 03431.
FOR SALE: Philco 46-480 push button assembly #31-6479-1; Speakers: 12" Dumont, 12" 8 ohm, 10" 8 ohm; B&K 400 CRT tester with C40 adapter; 16 Wallace Teleaids TV 1947-1956; JAN 5fP7A CRT; Power supply professionally built with 3 meters, adj bias, 6.3 vac output. Robert Rossi, 10936 Melbourne Ave., Allen Park, MI 48101.
FOR SALE: 60 years collecting! 80 plus table radios (wood & Bakelite), 15 plus floor consoles. Tube type audio, hifi speakers, amplifiers, i.e. Altec Lansing, University, Electro Voice, McIntosh, Williamson, test equipment, tubes, tape recorders, C.B. units, 40 plus years of QST (complete), and much more. Pick up only. No shipping. James Cole K4HRO, 240 Gillespie Dr., Abingdon, VA 24210. (276) 628-2835.


WANTED: (Photo above) RCA 143 tombstone. Mark Murphy, 931 Village Blvd., Ste. 905-381,
West Palm Beach, FL 33409; (561) 801-1478; Email: markmmurphy@att.net.
WANTED: Hello, My name is Mark Vess and I am looking for two, (audio, not RF), iron core interstage transformers. They need not be even close to the originals in form. I will pay a good
price for these items. I will pay $50 to $150 each if they measure up to my size and resistance requirements. I need to rely on the resistance measurements as that is what the schematic calls out. These transformers are for the first and second audio stages of an Atwater Kent Model 5 receiver, #4333 that I am restoring to working condition. The first transformer needs to fit into a space of 3 inches by 2 inches by 2 inches. This does not include the mounting lugs as I will cut them off. The second transformer needs to fit into a space of 3 inches by 2 inches by 2 inches. This does not include the mounting lugs as I will cut them off as well. The first transformer measures 35 ohms on the primary and 1000 ohms on the secondary. The second transformer measures 55 ohms on the primary and 1800 ohms on the secondary. Tolerance is +/- 10%. Flying leads, solder tabs, binding posts, solid or stranded leads are all acceptable. Open core, mounted core and potted transformers are also acceptable. Original A -K units will get top dollar. I intend to sell these to my fellow collectors if they work well. These transformers are the missing link for many A -K Model 5 projects. You may benefit from my project if this works. My results will be shared with anyone who requests them. Thank you very much for reading my email. I hope you can help my radio come to life and make you some money doing it! Mark A. Vess, 303 High St., Hanson, MA 02341. (781) 294-1647. E-mail: vessmuseumtech@aol.com.
WANTED: Dial scale glass for a Philco model #40 - 195 Radio. It is 10"X3" and has 3 band scales on it that are painted on the back of the
glass, my are chipping off. Melvin Breyfogle, Estherville, IA 51334. (712) 362-4704 Days, (712) 362-5353 Evening. Email: mbrey@rconnect.com.
WANTED: Do you have so many vacuum tubes
that you don'y know what to do with them? Before you trash those tubes call me and I'll try to find a home for them. Jeff Amdt, 4021 S Parker Way, De Pere, WI 54115. (920) 323-6789.
WANTED: Looking for any Andrea radio working or not.
Francisco Martinho, 3511 Rowley Dr., San Jose, CA 95132.
(408) 946-2041. E-mail: martinho67@earthlink.net.

WANTED: Mallory Radio Service Encyclope-
dia, 6th edition, 1948; also Mallory-Yaxley Radio Service Encyclopedia, 4th edition, 1941. Gary A. Mcanek, 226 Henry Ave., Manchester, MO 63011. (636) 227-7046. E-mail: micanek@att.net.
WANTED: Looking to buy shortwave/ham/cb ra-
dio collections, any condition in NY tri-state area, cash paid ASAP. Juan Remus KC2ZTE, 2 Spring briar Ln., Kings Park, NY 11754. (631) 697-5850. E-mail: stocpro47@yahoo.com
WANTED: Stereo/Hifi/Commercial Tube Gear,
Amps/Speakers/Parts/etc, Guitars, Guitar amps/ Pedals/Parts, Tube Testers and Audio Tubes. Sonny Goldson, 520 Pocahontas Dr., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547. (850) 314-0321. E-mail: sonnysound@aol.com.
FOR SALE/TRADE: Classic Hi-Fi era speakers, one ea.: Bozak 302A, Electro Voice "Marquis", Electro Voice "Klipch" style corner horn with brass bars on grille, all loaded with 12' drivers / tweeters sounding great - possible radio show delivery. See my previous ads for many great consoles still available. WANTED: Airite/Kadette Deskset and/or pen & clock. C.R. Nevins Museum of Radio, Ken Nevins, 406 Jipson St., Blissfield, MI 49228. (517) 486-3019 evenings. E-mail: ken@kennevins.com.
WANTED: Vintage Movie Posters, Lobby Cards, still photos, Live Music Posters. All Sizes, Any Condition. Will buy entire collections! Ralph DeLuca, 157 Park Ave., Madison, NJ 07940. (800)
392-4050. E-mail: Ralph@ralphdeluca.com.
WANTED: Philco Chevron Grille Cloth, Silvetone 1650 speaker, Zenith 12 S 265 outer dial shell, Silvertone 4792 dial bezel & Insert,
Breting 14 cover. Keith Park, 31 Barkwood Ln, Clifton Park, NY 12065. (518) 373-0417. E-mail: topnotch@nycap.rr.com.
WANTED: Someone to test e -tubes from my 1929
Victor Console Radio, made by Sherman Clay & Co. UY-224, UV224, UV227, UF245, UX280. Any references for testor? Also, best place to buy necessary tube replacements? Salvatore Spa no, 665 Placerville Dr., Placerville, CA 95667. E-mail: salspano@gmail.com.
WANTED: Up -close photo of Pilot model 23 or Pilot model G674 dial face. Previous dial face
badly damaged and needs to be reproduced. I'd love to bring this radio back to life. Joe Koebel, 964 Keep Way Loop, Oviedo, FL 32765. (407) 443-6283. E-mail: jwksmb@aol.com.
WANTED: Dial scale glass for a Philco model #40 - 195 Radio. It is 10"X3" and has 3 band scales on it that are painted on the back of the glass, my are chipping off. Melvin Breyfogle, Estherville, IA 51334. (712) 362-4704 Days, (712)
362-5353 Evening. E-mail: mbrey@rconnect.com
WANTED: Nice clean portable or single unit
table top 8 track player in excellent working condition. Also 1942 Motorola portable radio (model 61L11 or 61L12) in excellent cosmetic condition. Send photos and complete description. M. Hanke, PO Box 773, Wausau, WI 54402.


SERVICES: Repairs to vintage tube equipment including home receivers, phonographs, and auto radios. South Bay Radio, 7187 Lakeshore Rd., Cicero, NY 13039. (315) 699-7341.
SERVICES: All American table radio restoration specials: 5 -tube $49.99; 6 -tube $59.99. Other flat rate restorations for larger radios, car rdios & TVs. Send Email, write, call, or visit my web sites for details. Dave's Antique Radio and 1'V Restorations, PO Box 285, Liverpool, NY 13088. E-mail: dave2@dreamscape.com or dave2@tubesandtransistorsandmore.com. Web sites: www.dreamscape.com/dave2/daves.htm or www.tube-
sandtransistorsandmore.com. (315) 944 0265.
SERVICES: Logan's TV & Radio Repair. Logan's has over 3,000 rare radio tubes for sale. We also repair old radios, through our repair and ship service. Please contact: George for further details at Logan's, Rear 526 Mt. Pleasant St., Greensburg, PA 15601. (724) 836-2163 or (724) 837-5580.
SERVICES: Since 1987 Sound Remedy has specialized in reconing vintage loudspeakers used in antique radios, automobiles, jukeboxes and musical instruments as well as stereo and high -power Pro speakers. Our repair work is meticulous and guaranteed. Contact Sound Remedy, 331 Virginia Ave, Collingswood, NJ 08108. (856) 869-0238. E-mail: soundremedy@aol.com.
SERVICES: Antique Radio of Iowa & vintage furniture restorations. All bands electronic chassis repair. Sorry, no foreign units or conversions. Speaker service wood & veneer cabinet restoration. Plasti/balcelite repair and painting. Vintage auto radio repair. Tybe hybrid, all transistor, 8 track, 1930s to 1960s. Check out my eBay Store: iowacollectablesusa. PayPal and cashiers check welcome. 7 days a week. Don Nordboe, 3131 Avenue A, Council Bluffs, IA 51501. (712) 322-2255. E-mail: dnordboe@ aol.com. Web: www.antiqueradioofiowa.com
SERVICES: Repair of old radio, car radio, audio, stereo. Free estimate, reasonable cost, #1 Google "Vintage HiFi repair". Mike Urban, 37 Elm St., Windsor, CT 06095. (203) 877-2409. Web: www.urban-antiqueradio.com
SERVICES: Utah Reconing your full service speaker reconing and repair shop. Fast turn around specializing in antique radio speakers as well as a full service reconer. 22 years experience, reasonable prices, quick turn around. Matt Shelton, Utah Reconing, 7120 Camelot Way, West Jordan, UT 84084. (801) 694-0166. E-mail: redmatt2@juno.com.
SERVICES: Northern Arizona sales, service, and parts for tube radios, amplifiers, auto radios. Vintage Radio, 440 W. Palomino Dr., Chino Valley, AZ 86323 next to our Radio Shack store. (928) 636-5140. E-mail: info@ azvintageradio.com. www.azvintageradio.com.
SERVICES: Tube radio and some instrument repairs for the Rocky Mm. region. For Sale: Selection of repaired, refurbished, and calibrated radio and TV test equipment. Includes RCA, EICO, Heathkit, PACO, etc. David Boyle 1058 Colt Cir. Castle Rock, CO, 80109, (303) 681-3258, djboylesr@msn.com
SERVICES: Do you need your test equipment repaired or calibrated? I can help. Very reasonable rates. Rod Galloway, 2961 SE 152nd Ave., Morriston, FL 32668. (352) 528-9499. E-mail: rodgall@wildblue.net



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Got Something
to Say?

Amateur Radio

Why not say it in the pages of Antique Radio Classified?

We love to hear from our readers. We may even want to publish your articles, club news, letters to the editor. Send your photos, too! Be a real part of A.R.C. Contact us at editor* antique radio.com
Send us your story!
Attention Subscribers!

CQ is devoted entirely to the things that Hams care about. It's a fine blend of technical ideas and projects, news and reviews of new Ham products and operating information, written and edited by a group of people who are absolutely crazy about this hobby!

A.R.C.'s classified section is the place
to connect with buyers and sellers
of all sorts of equipment. Advertise your collectibles for
sale, or add to your collection by picking up a great buy. Place your classified ad today at arc@antiqueradio.com.




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CQ Amateur Radio
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Antique Radio Charlotte
March 21-22-23
Thursday -Friday -Saturday
At the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel
1-85 South at Exit 33, The Billy Graham Parkway
Charlotte, North Carolina
Featuring a Giant 2 day flea market (starting Friday morning). Old Equipment Contest, interesting programs and two great auctions.

New for 2013, we are expanding the Thursday program schedule to fill the entire day.
Programs will start at 9am, the morning sessions will concentrate on preservation/restoration with talks given by Joe Koster,
Robert Lozier and Ron Lawrence. Plus, if time allows, there will be an open question and answer session.
Following the morning session will be our "Kick Off Luncheon" at 12 noon. The afternoon programs will include Nick "Navy Radio"
England, Kirk Cline, John Kilks and a CC-AWA membership meeting. Thursday evening dinner will be at 6:30pm followed by
an open house to view the auction and contest entries. This year we will be auctioning the collection of our old friend
Ted Miller. Ted has decided that due to serious health problems he will let his collection go. It is mostly very nice early battery sets and some early 30s radios. There are a number of very nice horn and cone speakers including several
Tower sailing ship and castle cone speakers. Friday will be our normal flea market in the morning and auction in the afternoon. Photos are on the conference web page.
If you have attended our conference in the last four years, you will be mailed a brochure. For detailed Conference schedule, registration information nd a printable Pre -registration form, please visit our web page at CC-AWA.org

Send Pre-Registraion to. CC-AWA 2013 c/o Chip McFalls 742 Southern High School Rd.
Graham, NC 27253

To request a conference brochure. Ron Lawrence, Conference Chairman
704-289-1166 email: w4ron@caronlina.rr.com


Got Something to Say?
Why not say it in the pages of Antique Radio Classified?
We love to hear from our readers. We may even want to publish your articles, club news, letters to the editor. Send your photos, too! Be a real part of A.R. C. Contact us at editor@antique radio.com
Send us your story!

IA knobs

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s&h. California residents add 9.75% sales tax.

oldtimerep@aol.com. wwwantiqueradioknobs.com


Thank you for making Antique Radio Classified the world's largest magazine
serving the antique and vintage radio community!
Renew Today!
Mail your information or renew online with your credit card or PayPal
Periodical Mail First Class Mail 1 Year: $36.00 1 Year: $48.00 U 2 Years: $68.00 2 Years: $92.00
U 3 Years: $96.00 U 3 Years: $132.00

PO Box 1558 Port Washington, NY 11050 www.antiqueradio.com arc@antiqueradio.com
Tel: (866) 371-0512 Fax: (516) 883-1077


Are you tired of plastic modem radios that you can't work on and are hard to understand? Are you looking for information on restoration of quality vintage receivers and transmitters? Electric Radio is the magazine for you! In print since May, 1989, we also have the largest vintage only Ham classified section available. Please send $1 for a sample copy to:
ER, PO Box 242, Bailey CO, 80421 720-924-0171 email: leditor2Oindra.com

Join the AWA


Publishes AWA Journal with:

- Battery and AC receiver restoration

- Vacuum -tube history and collecting

- Old-time amateur -radio contests
- Communications receivers ,:z00.N.,

- Free want -sell -swap ads

- Early television - Horn loudspeakers


- Reviews of current books

- Keys and land -line telegraphy

- News of U. S. and foreign clubs

- Information on public radio musuems.

Maintains unique radio -TV museum.

Produces the annual Rochester meet.

- Co-sponsors local meets.

Publishes the annual AWA Review.

Membership is only $25 per year U.S.A. ($30 per year elsewhere). Write to:
AWA Membership Director PO Box 421, Bloomfield, NY 14469-0421










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A.G. Tannenbaum
Electronic Service Data
2043 Empire Central Dallas, Texas 75235 Phone 214-654-0033

The A.R.C. Book Store has over 55 books...
...on vintage and antique radios, radio manufacturers, tube audio, restoration, tube manuals, speakers, phonographs, crystal sets, ham
products, telegraph keys, tube
testers, military radio gear, and radio history.
Visit us today on the Web at
www.antiqueradio.com and click on the "Marketplace" button.

Service Data - 1920's - Present Newly Expanded Library Now setting tubes, equipment,
test equipment and much more Browse our expanded web offerings at

A 2,000 sq. ft. museum is not enough space for my 1000+ set collection. And, hundreds of boxes await either space in the museum or sale. Some things must go! Choices must be made. As the late Dr. Muchow said, "As collectors, we truly are temporary caretakers of these historical artifacts."
Items for sale are either duplicates or the result of fine-tuning the scope of my collection.
For details on these items and much more, visit:
or contact: John Terrey Old Tech - Books & Things P.O. Box 803, Carlisle, MA 01741 jvt@oldtech.com - (978) 369-9770

For Sale
Western Electric Items 6004-B Radio Receiving Outfit (rare)
(4B Radio Receiver, Loop Antenna, 10-A Battery Box) 6204-D Radio Receiving Outfit (rare)
(4D Radio Receiver, 2-B Tuning Unit, 20-A Filter)
38 Radio Receiver 4C Radio Receiver
2-A Tuning Unit 2-A Current Supply
7-A Amplifier 14-A Ampifier/Speaker "STANRAD" 1 -tube RF Amp matches the W.E. Radio Receivers 3A Radio Receiver -SOLD 24-8 Amplifier -SOLD Marconi of America Items Type CM294A Receiver Magnetic Detector Type 122 -SOLD
RCA Items 106D (Factory Conversion from 106C)


TEXAS - December
Christmas Party TBA Info: Ed Engelken - EdEngel@ gv tc.com
(830) 899-3864 Web Site: www.gvtc.com/-edengel/TARC.htm
CALIFORNIA - December 1
General Meeting & Holiday Social - 12Noon KRE Building, Berkeley, CA
Info: www.californiahistoricalradio.com
CONNECTICUT - December 1
Indoor Winter Swap Meet - 8:00am 115 Pierson Ln., Windsor, CT Info: Iv v. w.v ranclorg
WEST VIRGINIA - December 2
1640 Florence Ace., Huntington. WV Info: 304-525-8890
Web Site: w ww.mrtw v.org

December 8
Club Meeting & Holiday Luncheon 10:00am to 2:00pm
Large tube count radios Brentwood Presbyterian Church 3725 Brownsville Rd., Brentwood, PA Info: Chris Wells (724) 942-1113
Regis Flaherty (724) 969-0643 Web site: www.pittantiqueradios.org
TEXAS - December 8
Christmas Party Garden and Arts Building -
5:00pm to II:00pm Irving, TX
Info: (817) 292-7435 Web Site: www.vrps.org
GEORGIA - December 10
Meeting - 6:30pm Norcross, GA - Fire Mountain Rest.
Jimmy Carter Blvd. Info: Rich Rodgers - (678) 591-3619
Web site: www.sarsradio.com

NEW YORK - December 2
Swap Meet & Meeting Long Island, NY - Seaford Train Station
Parking Lot -7 am - 11 am Info: Jim Koehler - (516) 623-0035
Rich Lee - (914) 589-3751 Web site: www.nyantiqueradio.org
ILLINOIS - December 2
ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB OF ILLINOIS Indoor Swap Meet 7:00am - II:00am
Inside Business Meeting 10:00am American Legion Hall, Carol Stream, IL
Info: www.antique-radios.org

OHIO - December 11
(SPARK) Meeting Kettering, OH Parkview Comm. Ctr
4100 Glenheath 7:30 pm Info: Dan Casey (513) 265-8466 E-mail: dansradioland@gmail.com
MISSOURI - December 11
III S. Geyer Rd., Room 201-A 7:30 pm Meeting, Show & Tell, Swap Table
Info: Joe Tauser - (314) 616-0745 joe@jtauser.com
Web site: www.archradiocluh.com


December 11
Monthly Meeting - Holiday Dinner Party 7:30pm
Telford Community Center, Telford, PA Info: www.dvhrc.info
NEW YORK - December 21
HUDSON VALLEY ANTIQUE RADIO & PHONOGRAPH SOCIETY Club Meeting Episcopal Church of Suffern 65 Washington Street 7:30pm Info: Dale Cranston (845) 357-1615

NEW YORK - January 6
Seaford, NY Train Station Parking Lot 7 am - 11 am
Info: Jim Koehler - (516) 623-0035 Rich Lee - (914) 589-3751
Web site: www.nyantiqueradio.org
OHIO - January 7
Comm. Ctr 4100 Glenheath 7:30 pm Info: Dan Casey (513) 265-8466 E-mail: dansradioland@gmail.com

NEW YORK - December 23
St. Roses College, Madison Ave. Albany, NY - 12Noon
Info: Louis DeGonzague E-mail: zenith6@verizon.net
ALABAMA - December 24
Meeting, Birmingham, AL Alabama Power Bldg.
1801 Abraham Woods Blvd. - 7:00 pm Info: Dee Haynes (205) 841.4630

MISSOURI - January 8
ANTIQUE RADIO COLL. & HIST. OF GREATER ST. LOUIS MEETING Kirkwood, MO - Kirkwood Comm. Ctr 111 S. Geyer Rd., Room 201-A
7:30 pm Meeting, Show & Tell, Swap Table Info: Joe Tauser - (314) 616-0745 joe@jtauser.com Web site: www.archradioclub.com
January 8
Telford Community Building, Telford, PA Info: www.dvhrc.info

VIRGINIA - December 25
Club Meeting - 7pm Norfolk, VA - Pretlow Library, Ocean View
Info: Barry Callis (757) 427-9667 E-mail: betty3689@aol.com
TEXAS - January 5
Christmas Holiday Party Monument Inn
Info: Bill Werzner (731) 721-2242 E-mail: werz1943@gmail.com Web Site: www.hvra.org

NEW JERSEY - January 11
Wall, NJ - InfoAge Science Bldg. L -9032A 2201 Marconi Rd. - 7:30 pm
Info: Mary Beeferman (609) 693-9430 Rich Lee (914) 589-3751
E-mail: radiorich@prodigy.net Join us on our live webcast: www.njarc.org
OREGON - January 12
Meeting & Tailgate Swap Oregon City, OR - Abernethy Grange Hall
15745 S. Harley Ave. Tailgate: 8:30 am - Meeting: 10 am
Info: www.nwvrs.org


OKLAHOMA - January 12
Oklahoma City, OK Swadleys BBQ 3900 N Rockwell, Bethany
Dinner 6:00pm, Meeting 7:00pm Info: Jim Collings - (405) 755-4139 jrcradio@cox.net - www.okvrc.org
COLORADO - January 13
Bemis Public Library, Littonton, CO Info: David Boyle - (303) 681-3258
djboylesr@msn.com - www.radioace.com
NEW MEXICO - January 13
Albuquerque, NM - Kaseman Presb. Hospital 8300 Constitution Ave. (W. of Wyoming)
Info: www.newmexicoradiocollectorsclub.com

MICHIGAN - January 19
MICHIGAN ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB MARC Winter Meet - 9:00am to 2:00pm Farmington Hills, MI - Costick Center
28600 W Mile Rd Info: Robert Murrell (248) 399-2149 Web Site: www.michiganantiqueradio.org
TEXAS - January 19
Senter East Center - 1pm to 5pm Irving, TX
Info: (817) 292-7435 Web Site: www.vrps.org
TEXAS - January 19
Kyle, TX - Railroad BBQ 9:30 am Info: Ed Engelken - EdEngel@gvtc.com
(830) 899-3864 Web Site: www.tarc.gvtcwebspace.net

GEORGIA - January 14
Meeting - 6:30pm Southern Buffet & Grill, Norcross, GA
Info: Rich Rodgers - (678) 591-3619 web site: www.sarsradio.com
VIRGINIA - January 15
Club Meeting - 7pm Norfolk, VA- Pretlow Library, Ocean View
Info: Barry Callis (757) 427-9667 E-mail: betty3689@aol.com
NEW YORK - January 18
65 Washington Street 7:30pm Info: Dale Cranston (845) 357-1615

WISCONSIN - January 20
Swap Meet 8:00am to 11:00am Richmond Chalot, Hubertus, WI
Info: www.warci.org
MARYLAND - January 20
Davidsonville, MD Davidsonville Family Recreational Center
Tailgating: 11:30 - Meeting: 1:30 pm Info: Geoff Shearer - (703) 818-2686 web
site: www.maarc.org
WASHINGTON - January 20
Seattle, WA - Seattle Scottish Rite Masonic Center
1207 N. 152nd, Seattle 10:00 am - 12 noon: Tailgate Swap 12 noon: Meeting, Program, Show & Tell Info: Lynda Glaspey (425) 478-3643 http://www.eskimo.com/-hhagen/psara


FLORIDA - January 21
Monthly Meeting 7:30pm Countryside Village Clubhouse,
19060 Beach Blvd. Info: Sean Olin (904) 386-8332 Web Site: www.jarsradioclub.com
OHIO - January 21
Leawood Elementary School 7:30am to 10:30am
Info: http://www.members.tripod. com/-COARA/indez.html
OHIO - January 23
Fairfield Pavillion, Rte 4, Fairfield, OH Info: Bob Pohl E-mail: bobpohl@fuse.net
TEXAS - January 26
Bayland Park Community Center Info: Bill Werzner (281) 721-2242
E-mail: werz1943@gmail.com Web Site: www.hvra.org
NEW YORK - January 27
St. Roses College, Madison Ave., Albany, NY - 12Noon
Info: Louis DeGonzague E-mail: zenith6@verizon.net
ALABAMA - January 28
Birmingham, AL - Alabama Power Bldg. 1801 Abraham Woods Blvd. - 7:00 pm Info: Dee Haynes - (205) 841-4630 www.alabamahistoricalradiosociety.org
CALIFORNIA - February 2
California Historical Radio Society Swap Meet 9:00am
KRE Building, Berkeley, CA Info: www.californiahistoricalradio.com

February 2
Vintage Radio & Comm. Museum of Connecticut
Indoor Winter Swap Meet - 8:00am 115 Pierson Ln., Windsor, CT Info: www.vrcmct.org
NEW YORK - February 3
Greater New York Vintage Wireless Association Swap Meet & Meeting
Long Island, NY - Seaford Train Station Parking Lot
7 am - 11 am Info: Jim Koehler (516) 623-0035
Rich Lee - (914) 589-3751 Web site: www.nyantiqueradio.org
NEW JERSEY - February 8
New Jersey Antique Radio Club Princeton, NJ - Bowen Hall 70 Prospect Ave. - 7:30 pm
Info: Mary Beeferman (609) 693-9430 Rich Lee (914) 589-3751
E-mail: radiorich@prodigy.net Join us on our live webcast: www.njarc.org
TEXAS - February 8-9
Houston Vintage Radio Association HVRA Annual Convention
Greenspoint Marriott, Houston, TX Info: Bill Werzner (713) 721-2242
Web Site: www.hvra.org
OKLAHOMA - February 9
Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors Meeting Oklahoma City, OK Swadley's BBQ 3900 N.W. 63rd St. Dinner 6:00pm, Meeting 7:00pm Info: Jim Collings - (405) 755-4139 jrcradio@cox.net - www.okvrc.org
P OREGON - February 9
Northwest Vintage Radio Society Meeting & Tailgate Swap
Oregon City, OR - Abernethy Grange Hall 15745 S. Harley Ave. Tailgate: 8:30 am -
Meeting: 10 am Info: www.nwvrs.org
ILLINOIS - February 10
Antique Radio Club of Illinois Indoor Swap Meet, People's Choice Contest,
Officers Meeting - 9:00am American Legion Hall, Carol Stream, IL
Info: www.antique-radios.org


February 10
New Mexico Radio Collectors Club Meet Albuquerque, NM - Kaseman Presb. Hospital
8300 Constitution Ave. (W. of Wyoming) Info: www.newmexicoradiocollectorsclub.com
OREGON - February 11
Northwest Vintage Radio Society Meeting & Tailgate Swap
Oregon City, OR - Abernethy Grange Hall 15745 S. Harley Ave. Tailgate: 8:30 am Meeting: 10 am Info: www.nwvrs.org
MISSOURI - February 12
Antique Radio Coll. & Hist. of Greater St. Louis Meeting
Kirkwood, MO - Kirkwood Comm. Ctr 111 S. Geyer Rd., Room 201-A
7:30 pm Meeting, Show & Tell, Swap Table Info: Joe Tauser - (314) 616-0745 joe@jtauser.com Web site: www.archradioclub.com
February 12
New Mexico Radio Collectors Club Meet Albuquerque, NM - Kaseman Presb. Hospital
8300 Constitution Ave. (W of Wyoming) Info: www.newmexicoradiocollectorsclub.com
OHIO - February 12
Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio Knowledge
(SPARK) Meeting Kettering, OH Parkview Comm. Ctr
4100 Glenheath 7:30 pm Info: Dan Casey (513) 265-8466 E-mail:
GEORGIA - February 13
Southeastern Antique Radio Society Meeting - 6:30pm
Norcross, GA - Fire Mountain Rest. Jimmy Carter Blvd.
Info: Rich Rodgers - (678) 591-3619 web site: www.sarsradio.com
OHIO - February 14
Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio Knowledge
(SPARK) Meeting Kettering, OH - Parkview Comm. Ctr
4100 Glenheath 7:30 pm Info: Dan Casey (513) 265-8466 E-mail:

February 14
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club Monthly Meeting - Member Auction -
7:30pm Telford Community Center, Telford, PA
Info: www.dvhrc.info
NEW YORK - February 15
Hudson Valley Antique Radio & Phonograph Society Club Meeting
Episcopal Church of Suffern 65 Washington Street 7:30pm Info: Dale Cranston (845) 357-1615
CALIFORNIA - February 16
Southern California Antique Radio Society SCARS Auction - 7:30am
First Presbyterian Church of Orange 146 N. Grand St., Orange, CA Info: www.antiqueradios.org
TEXAS - February 16
Vintage Radio & Phonograph Society Meeting Garden and Arts Building - 1pm to 5pm Irving, TX
Info: (817) 292-7435 - Web Site: www.vrps.org
MARYLAND - February 17
Mid -Atlantic Antique Radio Club Meeting Davidsonville, MD
Davidsonville Family Recreational Center Tailgating: 11:30 - Meeting: 1:30 pm Info: Geoff Shearer - (703) 818-2686 website: www.maarc.org
February 17
Radio XLIV - Show/Flea Market - 8:00am - 12noon
New England Antique Radio Club Westford, MA - Westford Regency Inn
Info: www.nearc.net Bruce Phillips (603)772-7516
MINNESOTA - February 17
Northland Antique Radio Club Workshop & Outdoor Mini Swap Meet Museum of Broadcasting, St. Louis Park Info: www.northlandantiqueradioclub.com


TEXAS - February 17
Texas Antique Radio Club Meeting Schertz, TX - VFW Hall - 2pm
Info: Ed Engelken - EdEngel@gvtc.com (830) 899-3864
Web Site: www.gvtc.comt-edengel/TARC.htm

INDIANA - February 23
Indiana Historical Radio Society Winter Meet - 8:00am to 11:00am Lawrence Park Community Center Info: Fred Prohl (812) 988-1761 Dr. Ed
Taylor (317) 638-1641 www.indianahistoricalradio.org

February 17
Puget Sound Antique Radio Assn. Meeting Seattle, WA - Seattle Scottish Rite Masonic Center 1207 N. 152nd, Seattle 10:00 am - 12 noon: Tailgate Swap
12 noon: Meeting, Program, Show & Tel Info: Lynda Glaspey (425) 478-3643
FLORIDA - February 18
Jacksonville Antique Radio Society Monthly Meeting 7:30pm
Countryside Village Clubhouse, 19060 Beach Blvd.
Info: Sean Olin - (904) 386-8332 Web Site: www.jarsradioclub.com
VIRGINIA - February 19
Tidewater Antique Radio & Phonograph Assoc. (TARPA)
Club Meeting - 7pm Norfolk, VA - Pretlow Library, Ocean View Info: Barry Callis (757) 427-9667 E-mail:
GEORGIA - February 23
Southeastern Antique Radio Society Radiorama - 8:00am
Jim Miller Park, Marietta, GA Info: Rich Rogers (678)591-3619

MISSOURI - February 23
Mid -America Antique Radio Club Club Meet
Hickman Mills Church 5809 E Red Bridge Rd
Kansas City, MO Info: Claude Chafin 816-786-2313
NEW YORK - February 24
Schenectady Antique Radio Club St. Roses College, Madison Ave., Albany,
NY - 12Noon Info: Louis DeGonzague E-mail: zenith6@verizon.net
ALABAMA - February 25
Alabama Historical Radio Society Meeting Birmingham, AL - Alabama Power Bldg.
1801 Abraham Woods Blvd. - 7:00 pm Info: Dee Haynes - (205) 841-4630
TEXAS - February 25
Houston Vintage Radio Association Monthly Meeting - 9:30am
Bayland Park Community Center 6400 Bissonnet, Houston, TX
Info: Bill Werzner (713) 721-2242 E-mail: werz1943@gmail.com
Web Site: www.hvra.org
OHIO - February 27
Cincinnati Antique Radio Society Club Meeting
Fairfield Pavilion, Rte 4, Fairfield, OH Info: Bob Pohl E-mail: bobpohl@fuse.net

NOTE: Changes, cancellations and errors do occur. To avoid disappointment, verify place, date and time, especially for events which are new to you.

Attention All Radio Clubs!
Publicize your upcoming event for free. Send the details to A.R.C. today at arc@amiqueradio.com.

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Toll Free: (866) 371-0512 Fax (516) 883-1077
E-mail: ARC@antiqueradio.com Web: www.antiqueradio.com

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A.R.C., PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050 Toll Free: (866) 371-0512 Fax: (516) 883-1077 E-mail: ARC@antiqueradio.com Web: www.antiqueradio.com

Order today. We gladly accept:


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$3.00 shipping & handling on all US. orders (typical US. order will be received within 7 days, but allow 2-3 weeks). Non -US. orders, write for shipping costs, or use credit card. Most orders shipped by next business day. If using credit card, include name on ard, card number and expiration dare. Send payment with order. New York residents must add sales tax.

Everything stocked & shipped promptly. Radio is our middle name.


Featured Manufacturer -

Houston Vintage Radio Association
34th Annual Convention
February 8-9, 2013

Estate auction Gulf Coast Electronics
Museum includes: WWII vintage radios, tubes, cameras, meters

EVENTS Three Auctions
Swap Meet
Old Equipment Contest
Technical Sessions Marconi and the Titanic Collins Radio History Wireless, Steam, Marconi
Awards Banquet Speaker: Wayne Dolcefino,
KTRK Investigative Reporter

Who to contact:
Bill Werzner, President -713-721-2242 Jim Calbeck, VP & Convention Chairman 832 -338-8585

Old Equipment Contest Awards: (Cash awards)
Best of Show Best Restoration Peoples Choice

Check out the HVRA web site for complete details, event schedule, photos, radio manifest, and more
Houston Marriott North at Greenspoint 255 North Sam Houston Parkway East
Houston 1X 281-875-4000 or 1-800-228-9290
Rate: S79

CLUBS: Send antique radio club and meet information to A.R.C. for free listing here, as space permits. Sorry, we don't have room for hamfests. Always send a SASE when writing to clubs!
Antique Wireless Association (AWA). PO Box 421, Bloomfield, NY 14469. Pub: The AWA Journal, quarterly. Dues: $25(U.S.A) $30 (elsewhere). National annual conference and regional meets. Museum. www.antiquewireless.org. AWA World Convention: http://awamuseum.org/
Alabama Historical Radio Society (AHRS). PO Box 131418, Birmingham, AL 35213. Pub: The Superflex, monthly. Dues: $20. Meetings, Every Sat. morning and 4th Mon. evening each month but Dec., annual show/ swap meet. Don Kresge Radio Museum, Lobby of the Alabama Power Bldg., 600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203. Contact Dee Haynes (205) 841-4630. www.alabamahistoricalradiosociety.org.
Antique Radio Club of Illinois (ARCI). PO Box 1139, LaGrange Park, IL 60526. Art Bitski (630) 739-1060. Pubs: ARCI News, monthly and ARCI Update, periodically. Dues $20. Annual August Radiofest and bimonthly swap meets. www.antique-radios.org. clubinfo@ antique-radios.org.
Antique Radio Collectors Club of Ft. Smith, Arkansas (ARCC). Paul Tucker 479-7828178, 4700 N. "N" St., Fort Smith, AR 72904. Dues: $10. Meets first Thursday of month.
Antique Radio Collectors & Historians (ARCH) of Greater St. Louis. Joe Tauser,
joe@jtauser.com. Dues: $15. Monthly newsletter and meetings, annual picnic/swap meet. www.archradioclub.com.
Antique Radio Collectors of Ohio (ARCO). Karl Koogle, 2929 Hazelwood Ave., Dayton, OH 45419. E-mail: karlkrad@gmail.com.

Arizona Antique Radio Club (AZARC).
1080 E. Pecos Rd., Suite 18, PMB 105, Chandler, AZ 85225-2426. Pub: The Arizona Antique Radio Club News, quarterly. Dues: $20. Meetings, swap meets, Arizona Radio Roundup. www.azarc.org.
Buckeye Antique Radio and Phonograph Club (BARPC). Jon Jansma, 31051 Fox Hollow Dr., Pepper Pike, OH 44124. (216) 591-0121. Pub: Soundings, bimonthly. Dues: $10.00. Monthly meetings in Akron, Spring and Fall auctions, April joint meeting with
California Historical Radio Society (CHRS). Bay Area Radio Museum (BARM) and the Society of Wireless Pioneers (SOWP). CHRS, PO Box 31659, San Francisco, CA 94131. CHRS Hotline: (415) 821-9800. Steve Kushman, President kushseal@flash. net. Pubs: CHRS Journal, Hints and Kinks: 20 Years of CHRS free with membership. 13 events per year. Dues: $30. www.california historicalradio.com.
CHRS/Central Valley Chapter. Monthly meetings, Eddie Enrique fantomradio@sbc
global.net, www.cvantiqueradio.com.
CHRS/Sacramento Chapter (CHRS). Monthly meetings, Dale Tucker, chairman
daletucker@ surewest.net.
Carolinas Chapter/AWA (CC-AWA). Ron Lawrence, PO Box 3015, Matthews, NC 28106. Pub: Radio Daze, quarterly. Dues: $10. Quarterly swapmeets. www.cc-awa.org.
Central Ohio Antique Radio Association (COARA). Dave Poland, Westerville,OH
(614) 890-5422. E-mail: dcp944@yahoo. com. Quartly meetings in March, June, September, and December. January Cabin Fever & July Tailgate Meet. Dues: $12. www.members.tripod.comi-COARA/index.hunl.
Cincinnati Antique Radio Society. (CARS) Cheri Schuster E-mail: besomvlx@hotmail. com. Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month.


Colorado Radio Collectors (CRC). David Boyle, 1058 Colt Cir., Castle Rock, CO 80109. (303) 681-3258. Newsletter "The
Flash", bimonthly starting in Jan. Dues: $20. Annual Spring Show & Fall BBQ/Auction. www.radioace.com.
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club
(DVHRC). DVHRC PO Box 5053, New Britain, PA 18901. Pub: The Oscillator, monthly. Dues: $20. Monthly meetings with swap meet in July. Sponsors twice -yearly Kutztown Radio Show (May and Sept). Web site: www. dvhrc.info.
Greater New York Vintage Wireless Association (GNYVWA). Jim Koehler 516-6230035, Rich Lee 914-589-3751. Swap meet first Sunday of the month at Seaford, NY Long Island Rail Road Parking Lot. Web site: www.nyantiqueradio.org.
Heartland Antique Radio Association (HLARA). Gene Vickery, 7201 E. 64th St., Tulsa, OK 74133. E-mail: gene.vickery@ hlara.org. Dues $15. See Web site for more info. www.hlara.org.
Houston Vintage Radio Association
(HVRA). PO Box 31276, Houston, TX 77231-1276. Membership info: Tom Burs-
lem, tomburslem@yahoo.com. Pub: The Grid Leak, bi-monthly. Dues: $20. Monthly meetings and auctions held 4th Saturday of each month. Web site: www.hvra.org.
Hudson Valley Antique Radio and Phonograph Society-AWA (HARPS). meets third Friday of the month at the Episcopal Church of Suffern, 65 Washington St., Suffern, NY 10901. Info: Dale Cranston (845) 357-1615 dale.cranston@gmail.com.
Indiana Historical Radio Society (IHRS). 245 N. Oakland Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46201-3360. Pub: IHRS Bulletin, quarterly. Dues: $15 per year. Quarterly swap meets in various areas of the state. Web site: www. indiana historicalradio.org.
Iowa Antique Radio Club and Historical
Society (IARCHS). Dwight Baker, President. E-mail: vtaudio@hotmail.com. Pub: IARCHS Newsletter, quarterly. Dues: $10. Annual Radiofest. www.iowa-antique-radio-club.com.
Jacksonville Antique Radio Society (JARS). Sean Olin (904) 386-8332, oldradios@bellsouth.net. www.jarsradioclub.com.

Long Island Radio and TV Historical Society (LIRTVHS). 43 Sayville Blvd., Sayville, NY 11782. Membership $25 per year. E-mail: liwhs@gmail.com. Web site: www. lirtvhs.org.
Memphis Antique Radio Club (MARC). President, Ray Eaton, 459 Second St., Henderson, TN 38340. E-mail: MARCMemphis
Michigan Antique Radio Club (MARC). Don Colbert, MARC, membership@michiganantiqueradio.org. Pub: The Michigan Antique Radio Chronicle, quarterly. Dues: $20. Annual Extravaganza and other quarterly
meets. www.michiganantiqueradio.org.
Mid -America Antique Radio Club (MAARC). Claude Chafin, 4223 E. 42nd St. Way, Independence, MO 64055. Pub: The Broadcaster, quarterly. Dues: $15. Semi-annual auctions and swap meets. http://sites.google. com/site/midamericaantiqueradioclub/.
Mid -Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC). Geoff Shearer, 14408 Brook mere Dr., Centreville, VA 20120 (703) 8182686. E-mail: gshearer2@verizon.net. Pub: Radio Age, monthly. Dues: $20. Monthly meetings. www.maarc.org.
Mid -South Antique Radio Collectors (MSARC). Terry Layman, 130 Saint Margaret Dr., Lexington, KY 40502. E-mail: layvinrad@insightbb.com. Meets last Saturday in April and October.
Military Radio Collectors Association (MRCA). Pete Hamersma, PO Box 467, Holdemess, NH 03245. Web site: www.mrca. ar88.net.
Military Radio Collector's Group (MRCG). Lynn Fielding KE6JZD, PO Box 11322, Torrance, CA 90501-1322. lfielding@elcamino. edu; Web site: www.syzen.com/milradio/.
Museum of Broadcast Communications, 360 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60654. Dues: $30. (312) 2458200. Web site: www.museum.tv.
Museum of Radio & Technology. 1640 Florence Ave., Huntington, WV 25701. Web site: www. mrtwv.org.
Nashville Vintage Radio Club (NVRC). 514 E. Kings Rd., Smyrna, TN 37167. (615) 355-2005. Web site: www.musiccityvintage


New England Antique Radio Club (NE -
ARC). Info: (603) 772-7516. Bruce Phillips President. Pub: Radio News, quarterly. Dues: $12/year by mail, $6/year by internet. Three swap meets a year in Februry, April, and September. Web site: www.nearc.net.
New Jersey Antique Radio Club (NJARC). Richard Lee - President (914) 589-3751; radio rich@prodigy.net. Membership: Marsha Sim kin, 33 Lakeland Dr., Barnegat, NJ 08005. Meetings are 2nd Friday of the month from 7 to 10 pm alternating between Info Age, 2201 Marconi Rd., Wall Township, NJ 07719 and Bowen Hall, Princeton University. Monthly newsletter "The Jersey Broadcaster." Dues $20. 3 swap meets and 4 repair clinics a year. December holiday party. Web site: www. njarc.org.
New Mexico Radio Collectors Club (NMRCC). Contact Ron Monty at ronmonty@comcast.net. Pub: New Mexico Radio Collectors Club Newsletter, monthly. Dues: $20. Annual Sale & Show and monthly meetings. Web site: www.newmexicoradio
Niagara Frontier Wireless Association (NFWA). Gary Parzy, 135 Autumnwood, Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Regional meets.
Display at the Amherst Museum, Amherst, NY.
Northland Antique Radio Club (NARC). PO Box 18362, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Pub: The NARC Newsletter, four/year. Dues: $10. Four meets (including 2 swap meets) per year and Radio Daze event. Web site: www.northlandantiqueradioclub.com.
Northwest Vintage Radio Society (NWVRS). PO Box 82379, Portland, OR 97282-0379. Pub: The Call Letter, monthly. Dues: $25 a year. Monthly meetings. http://nwvrs.org.
Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors, OK
City Chapter (OKVRC). Jim Collings, jrcradio @cox.net, PO Box 50625, Midwest City, OK 73140-5625. Pub: OKVRC Broadcast News, monthly. Dues: $15 per year. Monthly meetings, spring and fall swap meets. For more information, vist http://www.okvrc.org.
Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc
(PARS). Chris Wells, 110 Fawn Valley Dr., McMurray, PA 15317. (724) 942-1113. Pub: The Pittsburgh Oscillator, quarterly. Dues: $10. Eight meets a year including the April Tri State Radio Fest. www.pittantiqueradios.org.

Puget Sound Antique Radio Association
(PSARA). PO Box 7567, Tacoma, WA 98417. Contact Linda Glaspey (425) 478-3643. Pub: The Horn of Plenty, monthly. Dues: $25 per year. Monthly meetings & swap meets, Nov.
show & Aug. swap meet. www.eskimo.
Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound (REPS). REPS Membership, 17334 Densmore Ave. N, Shoreline, WA 98133. Pub: Air Check, 9 times a year. Dues: $20 per year. Monthly meetings, annual Radio Showcase. www.repsonline.org.
Radio History Society, Inc. (RHS). Radio & Television Museum, 2608 Mitchellville Rd., Bowie MD 20716. Rusty Wallace, Membership Chair. Quarterly publication: Dials and Channels. Dues: $25 per year. Email: radiotvmuseum@verizon.net. www. radiohistory.org.
Schenectady Antique Radio Club (SARC). Louis DeGonzague, 15 Gail Ln., Latham, NY 12110. (518) 391-9239. E-mail: zenith6@ verizon.net. Dues: $3. Meets the 4th Sunday of each month at St. Roses College, Madison Ave., Albany, NY at 12 noon.
Society for the Preservation of Antique
Radio Knowledge (SPARK). Dues: $15. Annual Swap Meet, Monthly meeting, 7:30 pm Parkview Community Center, Kettering, OH. Contact: Dan Casey (513) 265-8466; E-mail: dansradioland@gmail.com. www.antiqueradios. com/spark.
Southeastern Antique Radio Society (SARS). Rich Rodgers, President, 113 Laurel Ridge Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30004. Pub: Newsletter, quarterly. Dues: $16. Spring, Fall and Winter swap meets. Monthly dinner meetings, 2nd Monday of each month, in Norcross, GA. www.sarsradio.com.
Southern California Antique Radio Society (SCARS). Jim Garrett, 15621 Fox Hills St., Westminster, CA 92683. (714) 891-1689. wa6yos@juno.com. Pub: SCARS Gazette, quarterly. Dues: $20. Web site: www.antique
Texas Antique Radio Club (TARC). Ed Engelken, 680 Lake Forest, Canyon Lake, TX 78133. Pub: Lone Star Waveform, monthly. Monthly meetings. Web site: www.tarc.gvtc webspace.net.


Texas Panhandle Vintage Radio Society
(TPVRS). Eloy A. Heras, 4086 Business Park Dr., Amarillo, TX 79110. Dues: $5. Quarterly meetings.
Tidewater Antique Radio and Phonograph Association (TARPA). Barry Callis, 3689 N. Landstown Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23456. (757) 427-9667. E-mail: betty3689@aol.com. Meets last Tuesday of each month at the Mary Pretlow Library.
Vintage Radio & Communications Museum (VRCM). 115 Pierson Ln., Windsor, CT 06095. (860) 683-2903. Web site: www.
Vintage Radio & Phonograph Society
(VRPS). PO Box 165345, Irving, TX 75016. Pub: The Soundwaves is published quarterly. Dues: $20.00 annually. Monthly meetings, swap meets, Spring auction, annual convention. More information at Web site: www. vrps.org.
W. Va. Chapter, AWA (AWA-WVC). Geoff Bourne, 405 8th Ave., St. Albans, WV 25177. Newsletter, monthly. Dues: $25.00 (includes museum membership). Quarterly meets, monthly meetings, classes.
Wisconsin Antique Radio Club, Inc. (WAR CI). Bill Engaas, 18265 W. Thornapple Ln., New Berlin, WI 53146. Dues: $15. Web site: www.warci.org.
A Special Invitation to International Clubs...
A.R.C. wants to highlight your club and its events. Let our readers know what you're up to. Contact us today with
your story.
Send an email to: editor@antiqueradio.com

(A.R.C. would like to hear about other international antique radio clubs.)
Australia: Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA). Membership Secretary, PO Box 2283, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149, Australia. Pub: Radio Waves, quarterly. Dues: $35 Australian. Monthly Meetings. http://hrsa.asn.au.
Australia: Historical Wireless Society of South East Queensland (HWS of SEQ). Pub:
Wireless Review, quarterly. Membership: membership@hws.org.au. Web: www.hws.org.au.
Australia: Vintage Radio Club of North Eastern Victoria. Meetings 4th Saturday of
the month. Alternate between R.I.S.E. Special Needs Centre, Shepparton, Vic. and Uniting Chruch Benalla Vic. (no December meeting). Info: Marcus Chick, PO Box 637, Wangaratta, Vic 3676. 03 5725 3276. Web: chickmbv@ bigpond.com.
Australia: Australia Vintage Radio Society Inc. Monthly meetings, workshops, tech. assistance, etc. Bi-monthly newsletter. Overseas memberships are $35pa + $5 joining fee. AVRS Secretary, PO Box 3099, Syndal LPO, Victoria, Australia 3150. Web: www.
Belgium: Belgische Radio Club. Fran-
cois Marschang, Kromvendreef 53, B-2900, Schoten, Belgium.
Belgium: Vlaamse Liefhebbers Van Der Historiche Radiotechniek (VLHR). Rudi
Sillen, Limberg 31, B-2230, Herselt, Belgium. Pub: Retro-Radio, quarterly. Dues: $20.
Bosnia: Radio Historijsko Udruzenje Jelah. Web: www.rhu.jelah.ba.
Brazil: Antique Radios in Brazil. Joao Mello, PO Box 101, Sao Roque, Brazil 18130-000.
Canada: Canadian Vintage Radio Society (CVRS). CVRS, 10271 Algonquin Dr., Richmond, British Columbia V7A 3A5. membership@canadianvintageradio.com. Newsletter is available by print or email. See web site for dues. www.canadianvintageradio.com.
Alberta Chapter/CVRS, Rick Williams,
rich@canadianvintageradio.com. Secretary CVRS Alberta, 9611 142 St., Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2M8.
British Columbia Chapter/CVRS, Bill
West -Sells, westsells@telus.net.


Manitoba Chapter/CVRS, volunteer needed, vactube@hotmail.com.
New Brunswick Chapter/CVRS, W.H.
Gentleman, bill@canadianvintageradio.com. 17 Maple Cresc., Rothesay, New Brunswick E2E 2A4.
Newfoundland Chapter/CVRS, John Bray, john@canadianvintageradio.com.
Nova Scotia Chapter/CVRS, Brian McKeigan, brian@canadianvintageradio.com. 4 Baird St., North Sydney, Nova Scotia B2A 2B3.
Ontario Chapter/CVRS, Paul Martin,
paul marti n8 @yahoo.com.
Saskatchewan Chapter/CVRS, Stan Marlin, smarlin@sasktel.net.
Yukon and NWT Chapter/CVRS, volunteer needed.
Canada, British Columbia: Antique Radio Club of Victoria, BC. Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at Pluto's, 1150 Cook St., Victo-
ria, BC 7:00pm to 8:30pm. http://groups.yahoo. com/groupNicRadioGroup/.
Canada: Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada (SPARC). Bruce Winter, 4757 London Green Pl., Delta, BC V4K4X1 Canada E-mail: winter@dcnet.com. Pub: Periodic newsletters. Dues: $20. Annual open house and show, periodic shows and displays, and museum. www3.bc.sympatico.ca/radiomuseumi.
Canada, Ontario: London Vintage Radio Club (LVRC). Davd Noon, 19 Honeysuckle Crescent, London, ON N5Y4P3, Canada Email: va3dn@execulink.com. Pub: LVRC Newsletter "The Loudspeaker," bimonthly. Dues: $15 Canadian. Six meetings yearly.
Canada, Ontario: Ottawa Vintage Radio Club (OVRC). Lea Barker, barker@ca.inter.net. Pub: OVRC. Monthly meetings. www.ovrc.org.
Canada, Ontario: Ontario Vintage Radio
Association (OVRA). Ted Catton. www.ovra. ca.
Canada, Quebec: Quebec Society for Vintage Radio Collectors (QSVRC). SQCRA, Daniel Labelle, 538 Judd, St-Eustache, Quebec, Canada J7R 4N8. Pub: Radiophilie Quebec, bimonthly.www.sqcra.qc.ca.
Czech Republic: Historicy Radioclub Ceskoslovensky (HRCS). Nadrazni 1394/53, CZ 589 01 Trest. Pub: Radiojournal, 3 per year. Meetings: 4 per year. Dues: 25 Euro/Year. Web: www.radiojournal.cz.

England: British Vintage Wireless Society (BVWS). Mike Barker, Pound Cottage, Coate, Devizes, Wiltshire SNIO 3LG, Eng-
land. Pubs: BVWS Bulletin, quarterly; BVWS Newsletter, five times/year. Dues: £25. Meetings and swap. www.bvws.org.uk.
England: Eddystone User Group (EUG). Online only. Web Site: www.eddystoneuser-
Finland: Suomen Radiohistoriallinen Seura ry (SRHS). PO Box 32, FI-40101 Jyvaskyla, Finland, Pub: Radiot, Amateur radio station: OG6M, Museum: www.radiomuseo.fi, Web site: www.radiohistoria.fi.
France: Association des Amis du Musee de l'Electro-Acoustique les Radiophiles Francais (A.E.A.). Jean-Claude Montagne, President, 35 rue Salvador Allende, F92220,
Bagneux, France. Pub: Bulletin of the A.E.A. Dues: $46. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/clubaea/ gindex.htm.
France: Club Histoire et Collection Radio (CHCR). Chez Gilbert Gorin, 3 rue Capitaine H. Maizan, 80160 Plachy-Buyon,
France. Pub: Telegraphic et Telephonic Sans Fil Electricite Ancienne, quarterly. Library. Annual May event in Riquewihr, Sept. Bar Le Duc event, meetings. Website: www.chcr. asso.fr.
France: Radiofil. Jean -Paul Delattre, Secretaire general, 2 Rue de la Clairiere, 54425, Pulnoy, France. Email: secretaire-general@ radiofil.com. Pub: Radiofil Magazine, 6 issues/year. Dues: euro 39/year. http://www. radiofil.com.
Germany: Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens e.V. (German Society of Wireless History). Germany's
largest radio and tube collectors and historians association with app. 2500 members) Publication: Funkgeschichte, bimonthly, many events, website: www.gfgf.org.
Hungary: Hungarian Radio Collectors Club. Laszlo Koger, H-8900 Szekesfehervar Sajo U 9. Meetings twice a year, bi-monthly news.
Ireland: Irish Vintage Radio & Sound Society. Irish Vintage Radio & Sound Society. www .irishvintageradio.com.
Israel: Antique Radio and Broadcasting
Museum. Museum in Tel -Aviv. Bruno Pinto, 24 Remez St., #7, Tel -Aviv, Israel 62192.


Italy: Associazione Italiana per la Radio
d'Epoca (AIRE). Nerio Neri, President, Museo della Comunicazione, via de Ricasoli 22, 52100 Arezzo, Italy. Pub: La Scala Parlante, bimonthly. Web site: http://www.aireradio.org.
Japan: Antique Wireless Club (AWC).
Noriyoshi Tezuka, JA1NTF, Secretary AWC, Telephone: +81-45-949-3195, Kagahara 1-246-115, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0055, Japan. Monthly meetings and newsletter. Email: n-tezuka@popl6.odn.ne.jp. Web site: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/vrc-tezuka.
Netherlands: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Historie van de Radio (NVHR). Van Aduardstraat 21, 6671 ZD Zetten, The Netherlands. www.nvhr.nl.
New Zealand: New Zealand V'mtage Radio Society (NZVRS). David Crozier, PO Box 13873, Onehunga, Auckland, New 7ealand 1643. NZVRS Bulletin, quarterly, monthly meetings. Dues: $15. www.nzvrs.pl.net.
Norway: The Norwegian Radiohistoric Society. Mekanikerveien 32, N-0683 Oslo,
Norway. Pub.: Hallo Hallo, quarterly. Dues: $40. Regular meetings every Tuesday; Auctions a couple of times per year. Web site: www.nrhf.no.

Romania: Pro Radio Antic. P -tat Acad. Caius lacob, Nr.4, B1.R, Sc.A, Et.8, Ap.29; 310136 Arad, Romania. wvvw.proradioantic.ro.
Spain: Spanish Vintage Wireless Club (Associacio Cultural Amicos de la Radio). Rei Jaume, 55, 08840 Cardedeu, Spain. http:// rt00117m.eresmas.net/amg-2.htm.
Sweden: The Radio History Society of West Sweden. Anders Carlssons, Gata 2,
SE -417 55 Gothenburg, Sweden. Pub: Audionen. Amateur radio station: SK6RM. Museum: www.radiomuseet.se. E-mail: info@ radiomuseet.se.
Sweden: Sveriges Radio Historiska Forening (SRHF). Contact Johan van der Levin: johan@ johansoldradios.se. www.radiohistoriska.se.
Switzerland: Club der Radio-und Gram-
mosanunler (CRGS). Johannes M. Gutekunst, Lenzhardstrasse 22, 5102 Rupperswil, Switzerland. Quarterly newsletter. www.crgs.ch/.
Tube Collectors Association. PO Box 636, Ashland, OR 97520 USA. Pub: Tube Collector, 6 times a year. Dues: $20 per year to the US and Canada. See the web site for multiple year dues and foreign membership dues. www.tubecollectors.org.
Copyright 2011 Vintage Radio Publishing LLC.

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Knobs Parts Advertising Antiques Collectibles

Alan Jesperson 5200 Bloomington Ave. S. Minneapolis. MN 55417

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$53 for 3 months - $90 for 6
months Don't have one? Send an extra $7 and we will typeset one for you.



200 Meter and Down - The Story of Amateur Radio. DeSoto.

Originally published in 1936, this book chronicles the exciting

evolution of Amateur Radio from the pioneers who perfected the

wireless art, through the technical advances of the mid -1930s.

Reprint, soft cover, 184 pages


A. Atwater Kent - The Man, The Manufacturer. Compilation of

articles by Ralph Williams and John P. Wolkonowicz on Atwater

Kent sets from the 1920s. 108 pgs


The All-American Five Radio. McWhorter. Ideal for radio collec-

tors and anybody wanting to learn how radio receivers work and

how to repair them. 96 pages


ARRI!s Vintage Radio. ARRL's Vintage Radio is a collection of

articles published in QST magazine describing vintage equipment

and restoration. 192 pages


Audio Amateur Power Amp Projects. This profusely illustrated

handbook features 26 of the best articles on power amps published

between 1970 and 1989 (mostly solid state.). 205 pages, soft cover


Audio Measurements. Crowhurst A classic reprint that is a complete

compendium of measurement and testing techniques for audio equip-

ment including discussions of all the instruments needed to use them.

233 pages


Basic Theory & Application of Electron Tubes. US Army. Reprint of 1952 Army and Air Force manual from U.S. Government.

Electronics training manual originally used to teach electronics to

U.S. Army and Air Force members. Soft cover, 215 pages


Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics, Traister & tisk. Takes

you step by step through every phase of understanding and using

electronic circuit diagrams or schematics. 129 pages, soft cover


Cathedral and Tombstone Radios. Stein. For identification of

1,500 cathedral & tombstone sets. Soft cover, 288 pages $29.95

Classic Cones, Chidester. Pictorial reference & value guide for

1920s radio cone speakers. 100s of color photos. 2001. 122 pgs


Collector's Vacuum Tube Handbook Millard. Hard -to -find electrical data on 200+ tube types that pre -date the RMA stan-

dardized numbering system. 196 pgs


Compleat Talking Machine. Reiss. A guide to antique phono-

graphs. Revised price guide. Covers construction, cleaning and

repairing of pars and cabinets. 249 pages


The Complete Price Guide to Antique Radios: Sears Silvertone

Catalogs 1930-1942, Stein. 1,000+ radios. Original advertising

options, specs & pricing. Full model cross reference matrix with

tube & band counts, variations. 240 pgs


Crystal Clear- Vintage American Crystal Sets, Crystal Detectors and Crystals, Sievers.

Vol. 1 - Comprehensive reference with 750 illustrations, 570

crystal sets, 341 detectors, 207 crystals, 282 pgs


Vol. 2 - 479 all new & different illustrations, more crystal sets,

detectors and crystals identified, 252 pgs


Early Radio Development in Canada 1901-1930. Murray.

Illustrated history of Canada's radio pioneers, broadcast receiver

manufacturers and their products,154 pages


E.H. Scott - The Dean of DX. Hobbs. Expanded, new edition of the

definitive book on E.H. Scott. Additional chapters plus a 24 -page

color photo section. Softcover, 240 pages


Electric Guitar Amplifier Handbook. Dare New reprint of the

fourth edition, originally published in 1973. Everything you need

to know about how each part of the amp works and what to do

about it if it doesn't work Soft cover, 384 pages


Fabulous Victrola "45". Vourtsis. History of the "45" record players

with descriptions and a price guide. 176 pgs


Genuine Plastic Radios of the Mid Century, Jupp & Oina. Colorful

and collectable, mid-century table radio are examples of popular

culture and industrial design, 439 color photos. 208 pages $39.95

Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes. Tomer. Classic book

originally published in 1960 that covers the types and causes of

tube failures, what to expect from tubes, and testing methods.

Soft Cover 160 pages


Heathkit -A Guide to the Amateur Radio Products. Pennon Docu-

mentation of all Heathkit's amateur products. 200+ sharp photos.

Soft cover, 328 pages.


The Idea Factory: Bell labs and the Great Age of American Innova-

tion. Gertner. A history of Bell Laboratories and its influence on

modern technology. 442 pages. Hard cover


Inside the Vacuum Tube. Rider. The classic book by John Rider originally published in 1945. This reprint is one of the most thorough

books ever written on the way vacuum tubes function. Soft cover,

407 pages


Lee de Forest - King of Radio, Television, and Film. Adams. A fasci-

nating view into the early role he played in the development of mass

media. 2011


Mil Spec Radio Gear. Francis. From the publishers of CQ Magazine a

book on military radio gear. 235 pages


Most Often Needed Radio Diagrams 1926 to 1938. Beitman. A

reprint of the Supreme Publications book with 600 diagrams. Soft

cover, 240 pages


Mallard Tube Circuits for Audio Amplifiers. Beautiful reprint of

the 1959 classic book. Complete guide to building eleven power

and control amps for a sound system with vacuum tubes. Soft

cover, 136 pages


Old -Thee Radios! Restoration and Repair, Carr. How to repair

vacuum -tube and transistor radios. A self -paced training guide.

200 illustrations, 256 pgs


Perera's Telegraph Collectors Guide, Perera. Basic info & reference

material, 300 pictures, descriptions & current prices.

104 pgs


Philco Condensers and More, Fourth Edition, Bintliff Updated

and expanded service data. 300 ilustrations, 74 pgs $18.95

Philco Radio: 1928-1942. 2nd Ed., Ramirez. Reference book on

Philco. Shows receivers and company history by year. 464 color

photos, 364 B d W photos and drawings. 160 pgs


A.R.C., PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050 Toll Free: (866) 371-0512 Fax: (516) 883-1077 E-mail: ARC@antiqueradio.com; Web: www.antiqueradio.com

Everything stocked & shipped promptly. Radio is our middle name.


Phonographica. Frabrizio & Paul. The early history of recorded

sound, Mr. Edison's most marvelous achievement, brimmed

with graphic imagery - elegant, dazzling and delightful.

Softcover, 224 pages.


Practical Radio Repair, A Handbook for Radio Collectors,

Bintliff. Provides practical information on how to repair and

restore vacuum tube radios and related electronic devices. More

than 270 illustrations & tables, 140 pgs


Practical Radio Repair, Volume II. Bintliff. This book comple-

ments Volume I and provides additional information regarding

special tools, test adapters, supplies, chemicals, and shop set-up.

An excellent reference for both the experienced restorer as well as the novice learning repair. Soft cover, 126 pages, 315



Radio Craft - 50 Years of Radio (reprint). March 1938 issue of

Radio Craft magazine. Numerous articles on the development

of radio, then 50 years old don early radio pioneers.

144 pgs


Radio Dial Belts, 2nd Ed., Bintliff. Guide to selection and replace-

ment of dial belts in radios from the 1930s &1940s


Radio Manufacturers of the 1920's, Douglas. 3 volumes.

VoL 1: A -C Dayton thru Ferguson, 225 pgs


VoL 2: Freed-Eisemann thru Priess. 266 pgs


Vol. 3: RCA thru Zenith. 292 pgs


Radiola - The Golden Age of RCA, 1919-1929, Wenaas. Documents & pictures every radio receiver & the major accessories

sold by RCA during the first decade. 700 color photos, 485 pgs.



Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis. From the 1930s until the 1980s Hallicrafters led the shortwave radio boom with innovative

design and cutting edge technology. Over 1,000 photos and

225 pages


RCA Cunningham Radiotron Tube Manual RC -I2. This is a nice reprint of the RCA Cunningham Radiotron Tube Manual RC -

12. Originally published in 1934. 154 pages, soft cover $16.95

RCA Receiving Tube Manual RC -14. This is a nice reprint of the

RCA Receiving Tube Manual RC -14 originally published in

1940. 255 pages


RCA Receiving Tube Manual RC -30. A high -quality reprint of

the 1973 RCA Receiving Tube Manual Soft cover,

760 pages.


RCA Transmitting Tubes Manual TT -4. This is a nice reprint of

the RCA Transmitting Tubes Manual 7T-4 dated 1956.

257 pages


S. Gernsback Radio Encytdopedia (reprint). 1927 classic ency-

clopedia on radio. From "A" battery to Zirconium, with 1000s of

entries in between. 100s of illustrations, 175 pgs


Speaker Building 201, Alden. Learn the concepts you need or choose

any of the eleven tested and proven speaker designs included in this

book 153 pages


The LP is Back. From the pages of Audio Amateur magazine and

other sources, absolutely everything you need to get the most

out of your vintage LPs or new audiophile quality pressings.

Soft coven 160 pages.


Transistor Radios 1954-1968. Smith. Packed with over 460 full

color photographs, this book provides an overview of the end-

less variety of transistor radio types, sizes, and styles produced

during the prolific early years of their development. Softcover,

160 pages.


Tubes Testers & Classic Electronic Test Gear. Douglas. Overview

of pre -1970 radio test equipment. Over 300 photos and illustrations

from 23 different manufacturers. 166 pages


Understanding Hi-Fi Circuits. Crowhurst. Reprinted classic

from one of the greatest authors to write on the subject of hi-fi.

Soft cover, 224 pages


Western Electric Tube Data. Hard to find data for 44 Western

Electric tube types for audio use and early tube collecting. Soft

cover, 240 pages


Where Discovery Sparks Imagination. Jenkins. Highlights the

collection in the American Museum of Radio and Electricity in

Bellingham, WA. 218 pages


WRTH Handbook 2012. World Radio TV Handbook. 66th

Edition. Up-to-date information on mediumwave, shortwave,

and FM broadcasts and broadcasters. Soft cover,

672 pages.


Zenith The Early Years, 1919-1935, Cones, Bryant & Blankin-

ship. Explains the Zenith story. Discover never published pho-

tos, documents and information. 300 photos and illustrations,

120 in color 224 pages


Zenith The Glory Years, 1936-1945, Cones, Bryant & Blankin-

ship. Illustrated Catalog de Database, 520 B & W images,

182 pages


Zenith The Glory Years, 1936-1945, Cones, Bryant & Blankin-

ship. History and products, 180 color photos, 183 B & W photos,

256 pages


The Zenith Tran-Oceanic, Bryant & Cones. The untold story of

the Zenith Tran-Oceanic now in a newly revised and expanded

edition. A wealth of never before published photos. 226 photos

with price guide, 128 pages, soft cover


Zenith Transistor Radios, Evolution of a Classic, Smith A

complete listing of all transistor radio models created by Zenith

during the "Magic Years" from 1955-65. Color photos and price

guide. 1998. 160 pgs


Order today. We gladly accept:



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E-mail: arc@antiqueradio.com

Web: www.antiqueradio.com


Estes Auctions

--p A144144

Specializing in Vintage Radios

Complete Auction Appraisal Service

The Leamon Brooks Estate Collection
From Littleton Colorado
Vintage Radio Auction
Saturday, February 16, 2013 - 10Am EST

At the Expo Auction Center 8157 Garman Rd., Burbank Ohio From 1-71 Exit #204 turn south on SR #83 then turn left at the Love's gas station on to Garman Rd.,follow it ''/ mile to the auction.

We are pleased to offer this wonderful radio collection at our auction, and you will find many of the pieces that very seldom come to the market for sale included in this auction, to include: The 15 Panel Deforest Unit interuanel Set, Deforest type MR -200 interpanel set, Deforest D-10, Deforest- D-17 w/loop, Grebe CR-5, Grebe CR-8, Grebe CR-9, Grebe Rork, Grebe Rom, Zenith 3R, Zenith 4R, Kennedy 220, Kennedy 525, Kennedy 110, Kennedy type 5 VERY RARE Atwater Kent Model 5 Breadboard Radio, Amrad VT Detector 2771, AMRAD VT2776, Amrad RF Receiver 3500, Amrad tuner 3475. John Firth True 35B, Federal type 61, Federal 110, Clapp Eastham type HR, Clapp Eastham type HZ.
CRYSTAL SETS Mesco crystal sets, Martian Special crystal set, Martian Beauty, Martian Big 4 crystal set, Martian 3 tube amp. Pink -A -Tone crystal set, Radiola Detour crystal set, Kodel crystal set, Pandora crystal set.
RABIN CROSI,EY SETS: Crosley "Pup," Crosley 50, Crosley V, Crosley 51, Crosley 52D, Crosley Trirdyne, Crosley 60, Crosley X, CrosleyVI.
SPF.AKFRE: Tower ship speaker, Orthocone, Auditorium, Large Music Master horn speaker, Magnavox large horn R-2, Speaker, Dictogram in red, Statue of Liberty (frame only) Atwater Kent, Magnavox, RCA, many more.
CONSOI,F, RADIOS: Beautiful E.H. Scott All Wave model 23, Philco 38-690 super nice console with shutter cover, Capehart 406F with phonograph, Majestic model 20 Grandfather Clock model, Crosley 'model 124 Grandfather Clock model, Radiola model with records and correct album holders, RCA Victor console and others.
RADIOLA: Radiola III, Radiola IIIA, Radiola V, Radiola 24 whoop, Radiola 26 wfbattery box, Radiola 16, Radiola Senior RF, Radiola VI, Radiola
ADAMS MORGAN: Paragon type RA -10, Paragon DA -2 REEIRER 1916 Detector with Audion kit style unit, Paramount amp, Paramount receiver General Radio BC -14A World War I receiver, National Air Phone I tube, Bristol type A, Echophone model JA, Echophone model A, Klitzen 3 tube, many other early sets all in excellent condition.
The sale also includes a nice variety of cathedral style and the tombstone style radios and will include Echopohne, Philco, RCA, Atwater -Kent, General Electric, Simplex, Stewart Warner, US Radio, Airline, FADA BENDIX, and others.
TUBES: A large selection of tubes some early types that we will test for filament and emission, many common tubes to sell in bulk lots.
A selection of Amateur Radio items from Virginia and Ohio transmitters, receivers, amateur handbooks, manuals, also transmitting tubes, speakers, some military radio pieces. A large collection of table radios, wood and Bakelite type from southern Ohio will be included in this sale.
RECORDS: Large selection of Edison cylinder records, Edison diamond disc records, other records and console phonographs. BOOKS & MAGAZINES: Many books dedicated to radio and radio related individuals, magazines to include early QSTS, Radio Craft, Radio News, Electrical Experimenter, and many others. This sale will offer radio parts, knobs, capacitors, resistors, some hardware.
TEST EOUIPMENT: Many pieces tube checkers, scopes, signal generators, volt ohmmeters, cap. checkers, and other items. We will also have an early sale from 8:30 AM until 10 AM, featuring part sets, test equipment, radios to restore, tubes, books & magazines. A nice clean sale with something for every radio collector. We hope you plan to attend this special auction.
7404 Ryan Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Ph: 330-769-4992 Toll Free: 888-769-4992 Fax: 330-769-4116
www.estesauctions.com Email: estesauctions*nol.com
Terms: Cash/CheckNiss./MasterCard; 5% Gallery Fee Richard Estes, Auctioneer -- Radio Call Sign K8LRY John Estes, Auctioneer - Radio Call Sign KB8GEC
CkAe Este,- Auctiomer Mork Doha.- boctionorr Cindy Broom - Auctiaarr Bob Dobush Tubes Bob While - Tubes Kim Garb- Tech. Alan Faris - Set up Call Us to Sell One Radio or Your Entire Collection! We Offer pick-up service for your collection.
auctlonzip.com k20507


A.R.C., PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050



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