TACLANE-1G (KG-175G) Encryptor

D-TAC1G-10-0719 000901 - 7- 2PRI TACLANE-1G (KG-175G) Encryptor nnDiscovery nGeneric Discovery Client nStatic Routing nIM PEPD nHAIPE IS Secure Dynamic Discovery nnForeign Interoperability nAlgorithm Agile – Simultaneous Suite A/B/AES EFF/IPMEIR without manual intervention P3, S2, Q2 Ease of Use and Management Tools

TACLANE -1G (KG-175G) Encryptor - General Dynamics ...

HAIPE IS Secure Dynamic Discovery. ▫ Foreign Interoperability. ▫ Algorithm Agile – Simultaneous Suite A/B/AES. EFF/IPMEIR without manual intervention P3 , ...

EFF/IPMEIR without manual intervention P3, S2, Q2 Ease of Use and Management Tools nnGEM One Encryptor Management nManage a network of TACLANE encryptors remotely from a central location nnGeneric Discovery Server (GDS) nAutomatically discovers HAIPE devices nnQuick Start Wizard nAssists users with the initial configuration of the TACLANE device

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TACLANE®-1G (KG-175G) Encryptor

The First Cyber Defense-Capable HAIPE® at Gigabit Speeds

Remotely Managed by:
Cyber Defense & VLAN Agile Capable NSA Certified for Top Secret and Below
Low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) Simultaneous HAIPE® / IPMEIR

Networks today carry more traffic, are connected to more devices and are under siege from cyber attacks more than ever before. In response to these evolving cyber security threats, General Dynamics has developed a smaller, more power efficient high speed encryptor. The TACLANE-1G is capable of accepting additional software options such as agile VLAN and TACLANE Trusted Sensor Software to increase network efficiency and situational awareness.
Network Security ­ Core to Edge
Increased end user processing speeds at the edge of the network (such as your desktop), drive the need for increased throughput at the network core or backbone. TACLANE-1G provides robust encryption for either application.
Features at a Glance
nnSimultaneous HAIPE v4.2.5 and IPMEIR 1.0 compliant
nnSimultaneous Suite A/B without user intervention
nn2 Gb/s aggregate throughput
nnMIL-STD ruggedized
nnLow latency
nnVLAN capable to support load balancing and redundant fail over
nnCyber defense-capable to support trusted packet sensing and reporting
nnSuite B IPMEIR providing interoperability with commercial encryptors
nnSupported by GEM® One remote management
nnFamiliar TACLANE user interface
nnRack mountable (2 across in standard 19" rack)
nnField tamper recoverable
nnSafe Keying Features (CDGSK and KMI OTNK)
nnACC Compliant

Advanced Cryptographic Capabilities (ACC) and Over-the-Network Keying (OTNK)

TACLANE-1G (KG-175G) Encryptor

Optional Features
Agile Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN): Enables use of HAIPE security features on Layer 2 VLAN tagged / Non-IP Ethernet traffic while simultaneously supporting standard HAIPE encryption of IP traffic. Benefits include:
nnElimination of GRE Tunnels
nnLoad Balancing
TACLANE Trusted Sensor Software: The new Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) in-line sensing capability enables networks to filter for malicious data within the traffic. This in-depth inspection aids network administrators in understanding the overall health of the system. DPI filtering gives administrators the ability to tune their network filtering based on either open standard or Government classified rule sets and to issue Type 1 encrypted alerts to monitor any network point.
Technical Specifications
nnDimensions: 1.71" (1U) H x 8.6" Wx 12.5" D 19" Rack Mountable, 2 Across, 1U
nnWeight: < 8 lbs
nnPower: < 40 Watts
nnPerformance: 2 Gb/s IP Throughput (Aggregate) Supports Jumbo Packets Supports 4096, duplex Security Associations Supports 16,000, Remote Networks/Hosts
nnEnvironmental Operating Temp: -40°C to +52°C Storage Temp: -40°C to +71°C Humidity: 95% RH, Non-condensing, +30°C to +60°C Shock / Vibration: àà20g shock, 11ms ààTransportation Vibration ààGeneral Vibration, Category 4 Altitude: ààStorage/transit: 1,500 ft, below sea level to 60,000 ft, above sea level ààOperational: 1,500 ft, below sea level to 50,000 ft, above sea level Sand: 20 mph winds Dust: 40 mph winds Rain: Drip, Flow Rate 280 liters/meter2/hour

nnEMI / TEMPEST: In accordance with NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92 Level 1
nnReliability: 250,000 Hrs Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
nnInterfaces: PT and CT Data Ports: 10/100/1000 Base-T (RJ-45) 1000 Base-SX (LC) Standard KG-175GM (MultiMode optics) 1000 Base-LX (LC) Optional KG-175GS (Single Mode optics, Intermediate Range)
nnConsole: 10/100 Base-T (RJ-45)
nnStandards Compliance: HAIPE v4.2.5 IPMEIR v1.0 HAIPE VLAN ACC and KMI OTNK
nnManagement Perform locally via connected front console, or remote via CT or PT interface
nnLocal Management Web-based using standard browser Retains TACLANE menu structure and commands
nnKeying Supports HAIPE to HAIPE Keying, APPK/ PPK, FIREFLY, Enhanced FIREFLY, Internet Key Exchange (IKE) v1/v2, Unclassified/Classified Device Generated Shared Key (DGSK), ACC, OTNK (KMI enabled)
nnNetwork Protocols Ethernet IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Layer 2 Frame Encapsulation (VLAN Mode) IPv6 neighbor discovery and address resolution Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) (v1/ v2/v3) Queries/Reports Multicast Listener Discovery (v1/v2) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) RIP Listener/Speaker
nnNAT Support NAT-T Automated Security Association Extension
nnReachability Peer HAIPE Reachability Detection (PHRD) Peer Destination Unreachability Notification (PDUN)

nnDiscovery Generic Discovery Client Static Routing IM PEPD HAIPE IS Secure Dynamic Discovery
nnForeign Interoperability Algorithm Agile ­ Simultaneous Suite A/B/AES EFF/IPMEIR without manual intervention P3, S2, Q2
Ease of Use and Management Tools
nnGEM One Encryptor Management Manage a network of TACLANE encryptors remotely from a central location
nnGeneric Discovery Server (GDS) Automatically discovers HAIPE devices
nnQuick Start Wizard Assists users with the initial configuration of the TACLANE device
nnTACLANE Configuration Tool Assists users with the software upgrade and configuration process
Interoperable with all HAIPE compliant encryptors
nnAvailable to order through IDIQ & General Dynamics
nnNSN # 5810-01-619-6583 (Multi-Mode) 5810-01-628-7468 (Single Mode)

Designed for 1U Rack Slot
at 1.75"


12.5" 8.6"

gdmissionsystems.com/cyber · infosec@gd-ms.com Phone: 781-410-9400 · Toll-free: 888-Type1-4-U (888-897-3148) · Fax: 781-410-9863

© 2019 General Dynamics. All rights reserved. TACLANE and GEM are trademarks of General Dynamics. HAIPE is a registered trademark of the National Security Agency. All other product and service names are the property

of their respective owners. ® Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. General Dynamics reserves the right to make changes in its products and specifications at anytime and without notice. The Type 1 encryption provided by the TACLANE

is part of the Department of Defense, Defense in Depth strategy. Type 1 encryption is only one portion of the overall defense in depth. A comprehensive network Information Assurance strategy involving Defense in Depth is

required to ensure secure and reliable protection for sensitive and classified information.



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