
2021. Prospectus. Not-for-Profit Industry. Conference. June 7–9. Gaylord National Harbor, ... Logo in pre-event app download instruction email to all attendees.

Not-for-Profit Industry

Conference June 7–9 Gaylord National Harbor, National Harbor, MD, and live online

PDF 2021 NOT Prospectus
Not-for-Profit Industry Conference
June 7­9 Gaylord National Harbor, National Harbor, MD, and live online

0 2021 Prospectus

Moving forward in 2021
Not-for-Profit Industry Conference
June 7­9 Gaylord National Harbor, National Harbor, MD, and live online

Be a sponsor


Reach executive-level status 4

Speaking sponsorships


Technology sponsorships 6

Material sponsorships


Networking sponsorships 10

Reserve your booth


Enhance your experience


Moving forward in 2021
The Not-for-Profit Conference offers you the opportunity to make solid contacts, build long-lasting relationships and generate qualified sales leads with NFP finance and accounting professionals.
We invite you to reach NFP financial executives, including CFOs, CEOs/executive directors, controllers, directors of finance and board trustees, and other financial managers with not-for-profit clients ready to learn about new products and solutions to enhance their businesses at the AICPA.

of attendees have attended the NFP Industry Conference in the past

Attendee demographics

Business Category

Top titles

Public accounting 48% Business and industry 43% Education 3% Other 6%
Firm size
Sole practitioner 6% 2­9 employees 15% 10­50 employees 37% 51­100 employees 13% 101­500 employees 16% 501­1,000 employees 6% 1,000+ employees 7%

Partner 21% Accounting/Financial Reporting­Director/ Manager/Staff 16% CFO/Controller/ Comptroller 20% Staff 11% Manager 13% Senior Manager 5% Managing Director/ Director 4% Shareholder/Owner 3% Sole Practitioner 3% Other 4%

of attendees have more than 20 years as a CPA
of attendees are decision-makers in their firm

2021 Not-for-Profit Conference Prospectus |3

Reimagine leadership
Be a sponsor

Strategically build your custom sponsorship package from our à la carte offerings!
Sponsor benefits · Logo on intermission slides played between sessions on-site and online · Sponsor recognition on-site and online · Company profile on mobile app with link to company website · Company listing on Sponsor & Exhibitor Directory post-conference · Pre- and post-conference attendee list with USPS mailing addresses for one-time use · Access to promotional marketing code offering a $100 discount off registration for your clients and prospects · Invitation to attend all on-site food and beverage functions and online activities with attendees (does not
include private events) · Option to purchase additional discounted CPE badges
Reach executive-level status.
Easily become an executive-level sponsor based on your total spend and earn exclusive brand-building perks!

Platinum $32,500

Gold $21,500

Silver $18,500

Bronze $15,500

Executive-level sponsor benefits All above sponsor benefits Sponsor ad in intermission slides played between sessions on-site and online  Bingo! participation Premium booth location/placement (near entrance, on corner or near networking areas) Additional on-site Expo-only badges (1 per 10x10) Additional CPE badges (3 platinum, 2 gold, 1 silver)

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Speaking sponsorships

$1 0,000
Solution session*

Present an educational topic in your area of expertise.
· 50-minute live speaking opportunity worth 1 CPE credit · Featured on main agenda reaching attendees on-site and online · Session attendee contact information (includes email addresses) · Session listed on main agenda on website,
and mobile app · Session recording available on Archives page
for one year post-event · Two (2) CPE badges · One (1) CPE speaker registration

$8 ,500
Education lab*

Host a TED Talk-style presentation with an educational focus.
· 20-minute live speaking opportunity · Featured in Exhibit Hall during networking event and streamed live online · Session attendee contact information (includes email addresses) · Session listed on main agenda on website,
and mobile app · Two (2) CPE badges · One (1) CPE speaker registration

*Session title, speaker and content subject to committee pre-approval

"This conference consistently provides top quality speakers and the most current content available. It is by far the best conference I attend all year"
-- Not-for-Profit 2020 attendee

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Technology sponsorships

$1 5,000
$1 2,500
Virtual streaming
$1 0,000
Closed captioning
$1 0,000
Mobile app

Gain digital recognition for helping on-site attendees stay connected.
· Logo on back of each attendee badge with Wi-Fi information · Logo listed in mobile app FAQs · Sponsorship recognition on on-site signage · Two (2) CPE badges
Gain maximum exposure with a comprehensive digital marketing bundle.
· One (1) 45-second commercial streamed on-site and online before one (1) general session
· Two (2) additional commercial plays throughout the event · Banner ad with hyperlink on
Event Summary page · Dedicated tab with hyperlink on navigation bar · Logo on digital step and repeat background on
My Itinerary page · Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to all attendees · Two (2) CPE badges · Commercial session selection is subject to availability and approval
Maximize your brand with this multi-channel package providing visibility in all online sessions.
· Sponsor recognition in text closed captioning message before every online session
· One (1) 30-second commercial play per day streamed on-site and online · Logo with hyperlink on Event Summary page · Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to attendees · Two (2) CPE badges · Commercial session selection is subject to availability and approval
Increase your visibility pre-event with the launch of the app and post-event with year-long access.
· Logo on app splash screen · Logo in pre-event app download instruction email to all attendees · Logo on virtual lobby help desk with direct link to booth · Rotating banner ad · Sponsorship recognition on on-site signage · Two (2) CPE badges

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Technology sponsorships

$1 0,000
$9 ,500
$9 ,500
Technical support

Stand out to prospective clients as attendees re-visit their favorite sessions.
· Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to attendees · Logo with hyperlink in post-event archive email to attendees · Banner ad with hyperlink on Archives page · Logo on digital step and repeat background on
Archives page · Two (2) CPE badges
Reach attendees each time they reference event materials.
· Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to attendees · Banner ad with hyperlink on Handouts page · Logo on digital step and repeat background on
Handouts page · Two (2) CPE badges
Enhance brand recognition while attendees find online support and assistance.
· Banner ad with hyperlink on Technical Support page
· Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to attendees · Logo on virtual lobby help desk with direct link to booth · Logo on digital step and repeat background on
Technical Support page · Two (2) CPE badges

$8 ,500

Increase exposure to online customers and prospects through music.
· Sponsor recognition in text welcome window of each online session · Dedicated music sponsor slide displayed before all sessions · Logo with hyperlink in pre-event access email to attendees · Two (2) CPE badges

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Material sponsorships

$1 5,000
Step challenge
$1 2,000
Face mask
$1 0,000

Build health and wellness while promoting your brand.
· AICPA to send a custom branded email to attendees with challenge instructions
· Logo listed in mobile app FAQs · Logo on step data collection survey · Mobile app push notifications promoting challenge and
announcing winner · AICPA provided prize on behalf of sponsor ­ 2022 conference
registration · Two (2) CPE badges · Optional: additional sponsor-provided prize
Receive unlimited brand exposure with every on-site attendee.
· AICPA-provided face mask with sponsor logo · Included in welcome kit distributed to all on-site attendees at registration · Sponsorship recognition at on-site safety station · Two (2) CPE badges
Promote your brand throughout the entire event with one of the most popular on-site sponsorships.
· Logo displayed on AICPA provided lanyards · Sponsorship recognition on on-site signage · Two (2) CPE badges

"Very informative and relevant to the day and time. Would highly recommend."
-- Not-for-Profit 2020 Attendee
2021 Not-for-Profit Conference Prospectus |8

Material sponsorships

$1 0,000
Hand-sanitizer stations
$7 ,500
Safety products
Bingo! sponsor

Place your brand directly in the hands of on-site attendees.
· Logo on hand-sanitizer stations placed throughout the conference center and exhibit hall
· Up to three (3) branded exposure points with sponsorship recognition · Two (2) CPE badges
Promote your brand on-site while supporting attendees' well-being.
· AICPA-provided safety products with sponsor branding · One (1) of the following examples: hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes,
door pull · Included in welcome kit distributed to all on-site attendees at registration · Sponsorship recognition at on-site safety station · Two (2) CPE badges
Attract attendees to your booth with this popular game.
· A fun and engaging game to bring attendees to your on-site and virtual booth
· Attendees are entered into drawings for donated raffle prizes · Sponsor supplied prize of $100 minimum value · Logo on signage promoting Bingo! in virtual lobby and on-site Exhibit Hall · Sponsor recognition on online leaderboard and on-site Bingo! cards · Two (2) CPE badges

"Outstanding, effective and entertaining! Looking forward to next year!"
-- Not-for-Profit 2020 attendee
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Networking sponsorships

$1 3,500
$1 2,000
$8 ,000
Virtual reception

Receive prominent recognition as attendees and exhibitors mingle throughout the on-site Exhibit Hall.
· Priority bar placement near your exhibit booth · Sponsorship recognition throughout reception · Logo printed on napkins placed on food and beverage stations · Logo in agenda on mobile app · Mobile app push notification promoting reception and sponsor · Two (2) CPE badges
Gain exposure while on-site attendees network over lunch.
· Sponsorship recognition throughout lunch · Logo in agenda in mobile app · Mobile app push notification promoting lunch and sponsor · Two (2) CPE badges
Bring fun to online attendees with this high-visibility activity.
· Host a virtual reception activity (trivia, dueling pianos, mixologist, etc.) · Opportunity to welcome online attendees to the reception · One (1) 30-second online commercial played before one (1) session · Logo in agenda in mobile app · Logo on signage in virtual Networking Lounge · Two (2) CPE badges · Commercial session selection is subject to availability and approval

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Networking sponsorships

$8 ,500
Signature drink
$8 ,500
Afternoon break
$7 ,500
Morning break

Get creative with an on-site specialty drink named after your company.
· Custom cocktail or beverage served during the on-site networking reception
· Available at bar placed near your booth · Sponsorship recognition on designated bar · Mobile app push notification promoting signature drink and sponsor · Two (2) CPE badges · Optional: sponsor-provided branded napkins and/or stirrers
Stay top of mind by keeping on-site attendees refueled and refreshed.
· Themed food station (ice cream, popcorn, assorted cookies, trail mix, etc.) · Sponsorship recognition on each station · Logo in agenda on mobile app · Placement near exhibit booth · Two (2) CPE badges · Optional: sponsor-provided branded napkins
Build brand recognition as on-site attendees grab a beverage between sessions.
· Sponsorship recognition on each beverage station · Logo in agenda on mobile app · Placement near exhibit booth · Two (2) CPE badges · Optional: sponsor-provided coffee sleeves and/or stirrers

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Reserve your booth

Package 1:
On-site and 3D virtual booth

Package 2:
3D virtual booth only

4,700 $

10x10 booth

On-site booth per 10x10 space:
· One (1) lead retrieval license · Two (2) CPE badges · One (1) 6-foot skirted table · Two (2) chairs · One (1) wastebasket · One (1) booth ID sign · Pipe and drape · Carpeted flooring

Includes 3D virtual booth!

3,000 $

Virtual booth only

3D virtual booth:
· Customizable branding opportunities (logo, graphic images, banner ad, etc.)
· Video upload · Resources/handouts · Personalized contacts list · Live private video chat · Live public text chat · Metrics and contact information with email
addresses for users, visits, and downloads · Two (2) CPE online badges

Additional exhibitor benefits:

 Company profile on mobile app with a link to the company website  Company listing on Sponsor & Exhibitor Directory post-conference  Pre- and post-conference attendee list with USPS mailing addresses for one-time use  Access to promotional marketing code offering a $100 discount off
registration for your clients and prospects  Invitation to attend all on-site food and beverage functions and online activities
with attendees (does not include private events)  Option to purchase additional discounted CPE badges or on-site Expo-only badges
2021 Not-for-Profit Conference Prospectus |12

Enhance your experience
Exhibit booth add-ons:

$3 00

A fun and engaging game to bring attendees to your on-site and virtual booth. Points are earned while moving throughout the exhibit hall, visiting each participating exhibitor and learning about your products/services.
Attendees are entered into drawings for donated raffle prizes. · Participant supplies prize of $100 minimum value · Recognition on virtual leaderboard · Recognition on Bingo! on-site signage

$3 ,000
Commercial package

Deliver your targeted message to a captive audience.
· One (1) 30-second commercial play before one (1) session streamed on-site and online (excludes keynotes)
· Commercial visible by all attendees via archives page (added 4­6 weeks post-event)
· Logo on online pre-session window · Logo on post-session email sent to all online session participants · One (1) online session handout · Commercial session selection is subject to availability and approval

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Ready to get started? Have questions? Other sponsorship ideas?
Contact us today! Jessica Erickson
Sponsor & Exhibit Sales Manager 800.504.4749, Ext. 102
Start here
Founded by AICPA and CIMA, the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants powers leaders in accounting and finance around the globe.
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