QIAcube HT User Manual


HB-2120-004 1109028 IAS QCHT UM 0920 WW
QIAcube HT User Manual

September 2020

For use with the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software

Sample to Insight

1 Introd..u..c.t.i.o..n.....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Pro.v.i.d.e..d...u.s..e..r..m..a..n..u..a.l.s............................................................................1-2 1.2 Abo.u..t.t.h..i.s..u..s..e.r..m...a..n.u..a..l...........................................................................1-2 1.3 Gen..e.r.a..l..in..f.o..r.m..a..t.i.o.n.................................................................................1-3 1.3.1 Techn.i.c.a..l..a.s..s..i.s.t.a..n..c.e...................................................................1-3 1.3.2 Policy.s..t.a..te..m...e..n.t.........................................................................1-3 1.3.3 Versio.n...m...a.n..a..g..e.m...e..n..t.................................................................1-3 1.4 Inte.n..d.e..d...u.s..e...o.f..t.h.e...Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T.................................................................1-3 1.5 Req..u.i.r.e..m...e.n..t.s..f.o..r..Q..I.A.c..u..b.e...H..T...u.s..e..r.s..........................................................1-4 1.6 Req..u.i.r.e..m...e.n..t.s..f.o..r..s.o..m...e..k..i.ts......................................................................1-4
2 Safe.ty..i.n..f.o.r.m...a..t.io..n.............................................................................................2-1 2.1 Pro.p.e..r..u..s.e.............................................................................................2-2 2.2 Elec..t.r.ic..a..l .s..a..fe..t.y......................................................................................2-4 2.3 Biol.o..g..ic..a..l .s..a..fe..t.y.....................................................................................2-5 2.3.1 Samp.l.e.s....................................................................................2-5 2.4 Che..m..i.c..a.l.s.............................................................................................2-5 2.4.1 Toxic f.u..m...e.s................................................................................2-6 2.5 Was..t.e..d..i.s..p.o..s..a..l .....................................................................................2-6 2.6 Mec.h..a..n..ic..a..l .h..a..z.a..r.d.s.................................................................................2-6 2.7 Mai.n.t.e..n..a.n..c..e..s..a..fe..t.y.................................................................................2-7 2.8 Sym..b..o.l.s...o.n...t.h.e...Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T......................................................................2-9
3 Gene..r.a..l .d..e..s.c..r.i.p.t.i.o..n..........................................................................................3-1 3.1 QIA.c.u..b..e..H..T...i.n.s..t.r.u..m..e..n..t...........................................................................3-3 3.1.1 Lid .......................................................................................3-4 3.1.2 Feet .......................................................................................3-4 3.1.3 Tip ch.u..te....................................................................................3-5

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3.1.4 Tip dis..p..o.s..a..l.b..o..x.........................................................................3-5 3.1.5 HEPA.f.i.l.te..r.................................................................................3-6 3.1.6 UV lam...p....................................................................................3-6 3.1.7 Pipetto..r..h..e.a..d...a.n..d...r.o.b..o..t.ic...a.r.m.........................................................3-7 3.1.8 Workta..b..l.e..................................................................................3-7 3.1.9 Acces.s..o.r.y..p..a..n..e.l.........................................................................3-8 3.1.10 Vacuu.m....c.h..a..m..b..e..r.......................................................................3-9 3.1.11 Vacu.u..m...c..o..n.t.r.o..l.s..t.a..ti.o..n..a..n..d..w...a.s..t.e..b..o..t.tl.e........................................3-11 3.1.12 Pinch...v.a..l.v.e...............................................................................3-14 3.1.13 Intern..a..l.f.e..a..tu..r.e..s..o..f..th..e...Q..I.A.c..u..b.e...H..T...............................................3-15 3.2 Co..m..p..u..t.e.r............................................................................................3-17
4 Insta.l.l.a.t.i.o..n..p..r.o..c.e..d..u.r.e..s......................................................................................4-1 4.1 Sys.t.e.m....d..e.l.i.v.e..r.y......................................................................................4-2 4.2 Req..u.i.r.e..m...e.n..t.s........................................................................................4-3 4.2.1 Install.a..ti.o..n..s..i.t.e...........................................................................4-3 4.2.2 Power..r.e..q..u.i.r.e..m...e.n..t.s....................................................................4-4 4.2.3 Groun.d..i.n.g...r.e..q.u..i.r.e..m..e..n..t.s..............................................................4-4 4.3 Unp..a.c..k.i.n..g..a..n..d..i.n..s..ta..l.l.a.t.i.o..n.......................................................................4-5 4.3.1 Unpac..k.i.n..g..t.h..e..Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H...T...........................................................4-5 Releasing tra.n..s..p.o..r.t..lo..c..k.s.............................................................4-5 4.3.2 Install.a..ti.o..n..o..f..v.a..c.u..u..m...c..o.n..t.r.o..l .s..t.a.t.i.o..n..............................................4-7 4.3.3 Insta.l.l.a.t.i.o..n..o..f.p..i.n..c.h...v.a..lv..e............................................................4-10 4.3.4 Insta.l.l.a.t.i.o..n..o..f.t.i.p..d..i.s..p.o..s..a..l .b..o..x..h.o..l.d..e.r............................................4-10 4.3.5 UV la..m..p...................................................................................4-11 4.3.6 Insta.l.l.a.t.i.o..n..o..f.A..C...p..o..w..e..r.c..o..r.d.......................................................4-11 4.3.7 Conn..e..c.t.i.n.g...t.h.e...c.o..m...p..u.t.e..r..to...t.h.e...Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T...................................4-12 4.4 So.f.t.w..a..r.e..i.n..s..ta..l.l.a.t.i.o..n..............................................................................4-12 4.4.1 Insta.l.l.in..g...Q..I.A.c..u..b.e...H..T...P..r.e.p...M..a..n..a.g..e..r..S..o.f.t.w..a..r.e................................4-13 4.4.2 Unin.s..ta..l.l.in..g...Q..I.A.c..u..b.e...H..T...P..r.e.p...M..a..n..a.g..e..r..S..o.f.t.w..a..r.e............................4-14 4.4.3 Upda..t.in..g...Q..I.A.c..u..b.e...H..T...P..r.e.p...M..a..n..a.g..e..r..S..o.f.t.w..a..r.e................................4-14

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4.4.4 4.4.5

Upgr.a..d..in..g...fr.o..m....le..g..a..c.y..Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H...T..S..o..f.tw...a.r.e..................................4-16 Ins ta.l.l.in..g...a.d..d..i.ti.o..n..a.l..k.i.t.s..............................................................4-16

5 Getti.n.g...s..ta..r.t.e..d.................................................................................................5-1 5.1 Star.t..t.h.e...s..o.f.t.w..a..r.e....................................................................................5-2 5.2 Cus..to..m...i.z.i.n.g...g..lo..b..a..l .s..e..tt.i.n..g.s......................................................................5-3 5.3 Cus..to..m...i.z.e..u..s..e..r.s..e..t.ti.n..g..s..........................................................................5-7 5.4 Man..a.g..i.n..g..u..s..e.r.s......................................................................................5-9 5.4.1 Chan..g..in..g...p.a..s..s..w..o..r.d..................................................................5-15 5.5 Ma..n.a..g..i.n.g...l.a.b..w..a..r.e.................................................................................5-16 5.6 As.s..e..m..b..l.i.n.g...t.h.e...v.a..c.u..u..m...c..h..a.m...b..e..r...........................................................5-18 5.6.1 Asse.m...b..l.y..fo..r..c.a..l.i.b.r.a..t.i.o.n..............................................................5-19 5.6.2 Asse.m...b..l.y..fo..r..s..ta..n..d..a.r.d...p..u.r.i.f.i.c.a..t.io..n...p.r.o..t.o..c.o..l.s..................................5-21 5.7 Ins..t.r.u.m...e..n..t.c..a.l.i.b..r.a.t.i.o..n............................................................................5-23 5.7.1 Calib..r.a.t.e...v.o..lu..m...e..s.....................................................................5-25 5.7.2 Calib..r.a.t.i.o..n..p..o..s.i.t.i.o.n..i.n..g..b..u..tt.o..n..s....................................................5-27 5.7.3 Calib..r.a.t.e...ti.p...r.a.c..k.s......................................................................5-28 5.7.4 Calib..r.a.t.e...la..b..w..a..r.e......................................................................5-30 Select labwa..r.e..t.o...c.a..l.ib..r.a..t.e..........................................................5-30 Prepare wor.k..ta..b..l.e..f.o..r.l.a..b..w..a..r.e..c..a.l.i.b..r.a.t.i.o..n......................................5-34 Calibrate X-.a..n..d..Y..-.a..x.i.s...............................................................5-36 Calibrate Z-a..x.i.s.........................................................................5-38 5.7.5 Savin..g..a..n..d..i.m...p..o.r.t.i.n..g..c..a.l.i.b..r.a.t.i.o..n..d..a..ta............................................5-40

6 Oper.a..t.in..g...p.r.o..c..e.d..u..r.e..s.......................................................................................6-1 6.1 Star.t.i.n..g..a...r.u.n..........................................................................................6-2 6.1.1 Setup.s..t.e..p.................................................................................6-3 6.1.2 Labwa..r.e..s..e..l.e.c..t.io..n...s.t.e..p................................................................6-5 Select other in..p..u..t.l.a..b.w...a.r.e.............................................................6-8 6.1.3 Assig..n..m...e.n..t.............................................................................6-11 Assigning s.a.m...p..l.e.s....................................................................6-12

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Removing a.s..s.i.g..n..m..e..n..t..............................................................6-13 Blocking out.p..u..t.p..o..s.i.t.i.o.n..s............................................................6-13 6.1.4 Work.t.a..b..le...s..te..p..........................................................................6-13 Preparing th.e...w..o..r.k.t.a..b.l.e..............................................................6-16 Checking th.e..w..a..s..t.e..b..o..tt.l.e..s..t.a..tu..s..................................................6-17 Preparing tip...c.h..u..te...a..n.d...t.ip...d..is..p..o..s.a..l..b.o..x........................................6-18 Preparing th.e...v.a..c.u..u..m...c..h.a..m...b..e.r...................................................6-20 Loading tips.............................................................................6-20 Loading rea.g..e.n..t.s..a..n..d..s..a..m...p.l.e..s...................................................6-23 Starting a ru.n............................................................................6-24 6.1.5 Run .s..te..p..................................................................................6-24 Open system...t.e..s..t.....................................................................6-25 Plate detecti.o..n..t.e..s..t...................................................................6-25 Paus ing/Sto.p..p..in..g...a..r.u..n..............................................................6-26 Vacuum per.f.o.r.m...a..n..c.e...c.h..e..c.k........................................................6-27 Run comple.t.i.o.n.........................................................................6-29 6.2 Fin..i.s.h..i.n..g..w..o..r.k..a..n..d..s..h..u..tt.i.n..g..d..o..w..n............................................................6-30
7 QIAc.u.b..e...H..T..P..r.e..p...M..a..n.a..g..e..r.S..o..f.t.w..a..r.e....................................................................7-1 7.1 Bas.i.c..c..o..n.c..e..p.t.s...a.n..d...g.e..n..e..r.a.l..s..o.f.t.w..a..r.e..u..s..a..g.e................................................7-2 7.1.1 Conce..p.t.s...................................................................................7-2 User roles co.n..c.e..p..t.....................................................................7-2 Experiments .a.n..d...te..m...p..la..t.e..s..........................................................7-3 Protection of f.i.l.e.s.........................................................................7-5 7.1.2 Gener.a..l.s..o..f.tw...a.r.e...u..s.a..g..e...............................................................7-5 Controlling th.e..m...o..u..s.e..................................................................7-5 Use of color .............................................................................7-6 Displaying er.r.o.r.s...a..n.d...w..a..r.n..in..g..s.....................................................7-7 Entering data.............................................................................7-8 Working with...ta..b..l.e.s....................................................................7-10 Selecting sa.m...p..l.e.s.....................................................................7-11

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7.1.3 Gene..r.a..l .e..l.e.m...e..n..ts......................................................................7-13



Main toolbar.............................................................................7-16

Button bar .............................................................................7-18

Status bar .............................................................................7-18

File dialog .............................................................................7-19

Scan plate b.a..r.c..o.d..e...d.i.a..l.o.g...........................................................7-23

7.1.4 Envir.o..n..m..e..n..t.s...........................................................................7-23

Home .............................................................................7-24

Experim ents.............................................................................7-25

Service .............................................................................7-27


7.1.5 Getti.n.g...h..e.l.p..............................................................................7-29

7.2 Wo..r.k..in..g...w..i.th...e..x.p..e.r.i.m...e..n.t.s.......................................................................7-31

7.2.1 Mana..g..e..e..x.p..e..r.im...e..n..ts...a..n.d...t.e.m...p..l.a.t.e..s.............................................7-31

Create a tem..p..l.a.t.e......................................................................7-31

Manage favo..r.it.e...te..m...p..la..t.e..s..........................................................7-32

View recent .e..x.p..e.r.i.m...e..n.t.s.............................................................7-34

7.2.2 Crea.t.i.n.g...a..n..e..x.p..e..r.im...e..n..t.............................................................7-35

Create an em...p..t.y..e.x..p.e..r.i.m...e.n..t.......................................................7-36

Create an ex..p.e..r.i.m...e.n..t..u.s..i.n..g..a...te..m...p..la..t.e.........................................7-37

Cexrpeearteimaennet x..p.e..r.i.m...e.n..t..fr.o..m....a.n...e..x.i.s.t.i.n..g..........................................7-38 7.3 Re..p.o..r.t................................................................................................7-39

7.4 Ad.m...i.n.i.s..t.r.a.t.i.v.e...ta..s..k.s...............................................................................7-43

7.4.1 Conf.i.g.u..r.i.n..g..Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H...T.............................................................7-43

7.4.2 View.i.n.g...s..o.f.t.w..a..r.e..v..e.r.s..i.o..n............................................................7-44

7.4.3 View..s.y..s.t.e..m...a..u..d..it..t.r.a.i.l...............................................................7-44

8 Main.t.e.n..a..n..c.e...p.r.o..c..e.d..u..r.e..s...................................................................................8-1 8.1 Cle.a.n..i.n..g..a..g..e.n..t.s.....................................................................................8-2

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8.2 Ser.v.i.c.i.n..g...............................................................................................8-4 8.3 Reg..u.l.a..r..m..a..i.n..te..n..a..n.c..e..............................................................................8-4
8.3.1 Clean.i.n.g...t.h.e...i.n.s..t.r.u..m..e..n..t.a..f.t.e.r..c..o.m...p..l.e.t.i.n..g..a...r.u.n.................................8-4 8.3.2 Clean.i.n.g...t.h.e...i.n.s..t.r.u..m..e..n..t.b..e..f.o.r.e...s..h.u..t.t.in..g...d.o..w..n..................................8-5 8.3.3 Clean.i.n.g...t.h.e...l.id...........................................................................8-6 8.3.4 Empty.i.n..g..t.h..e..w..a..s..t.e..b..o..tt.l.e.............................................................8-7 8.3.5 Clean.i.n.g...a..c.c..e.s..s..o..r.ie..s..................................................................8-7 8.3.6 Using..U..V..l.a..m...p...........................................................................8-9 8.4 Pe.r.i.o..d..ic...m..a..i.n..te..n..a..n.c..e............................................................................8-10 8.4.1 Main.t.e.n..a..n..c.e...o.f..t.h.e...Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T...i.n.s..t.r.u..m..e..n..t...................................8-11 8.4.2 Main.t.e.n..a..n..c.e...s.c..h..e.d..u..l.e...............................................................8-11 8.4.3 Main.t.e.n..a..n..c.e...o.f..t.h.e...Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T...p..ip..e..t.to..r........................................8-14 8.4.4 Repl.a..c.i.n..g..t.h..e..H..E..P..A...f.il.t.e..r.s..........................................................8-14 8.4.5 Repl.a..c.i.n..g..f.i.lt.e..r.s..o..n...v.a..c.u..u..m...s..t.a.t.i.o..n..............................................8-17
9 Trou.b.l.e..s..h.o..o..t.in..g...............................................................................................9-1 9.1 Sup.p..o..r.t.p..a..c.k..a..g.e..s...................................................................................9-3 9.2 Sys.t.e.m....s..e.t.u..p.........................................................................................9-6 9.3 Ope..r.a.t.i.o..n..............................................................................................9-9 9.4 Se.l.f.-.d..ia..g..n..o.s..t.i.c..t.o.o..l.s..............................................................................9-11 9.4.1 Conn..e..c.t.i.o.n...c.h..e..c.k......................................................................9-12 9.4.2 Cycle...p.i.p..e..tt.o..r..h.e..a..d....................................................................9-12 9.4.3 Chec..k..f.o.r..l.o..s.s...o..f.s..t.e.p..s...............................................................9-13 9.4.4 Chec..k..v.a..c.u..u..m...p..r.e..s..s.u..r.e.............................................................9-13 9.4.5 Chec..k..f.o.r..h..o..m..e..-.o..p..to...a..li.g..n..m..e..n..t..................................................9-14
10 Glo.s..s.a..r.y.......................................................................................................10-1
11 App.e..n..d..ic..e..s...................................................................................................11-1 11.1 Ap.p..e..n.d..i.x..A...........................................................................................11-2 11.1.1 Tech.n..i.c.a..l.d..a..t.a..........................................................................11-2 11.1.2 Envir.o..n..m..e..n..t.a.l..c.o..n..d..it.i.o..n.s............................................................11-2

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Waste Elect.r.ic..a..l .a..n..d..E..l.e..c.t.r.o..n.i.c..a.l..E..q..u.i.p..m...e.n..t.................................11-3 11.1.3 FCC.d..e..c.l.a..r.a..ti.o..n........................................................................11-4 11.1.4 Decl.a.r.a..t.i.o.n...o..f.c..o.n..f.o..r.m..i.t.y............................................................11-4 11.2 Ap.p..e..n.d..i.x..B...........................................................................................11-5 11.2.1 Liabi.l.i.ty..c..l.a.u..s..e..........................................................................11-5 11.3 Ap.p..e..n.d..i.x..C...C..o..n..s.i.g..n..e.s...d..e..s..é..c.u..r.i.té...........................................................11-5 11.3.1 Utilis.a..t.i.o.n...a..p.p..r.o..p..r.ié..e.................................................................11-5 11.3.2 Sécu.r.i.t.é..é..l.e..c.t.r.i.q.u..e.....................................................................11-7 11.3.3 Sécu.r.i.t.é..b..i.o..lo..g..i.q.u..e....................................................................11-8
Échantillons.............................................................................11-9 11.3.4 Pro.d..u.i.t.s..c..h..im...i.q..u.e..s..................................................................11-10
Vapeurs to.x.i.q..u.e..s.....................................................................11-10 11.3.5 Tra.it.e..m...e.n..t..d.e..s...d.é..c..h.e..t.s............................................................11-10 11.3.6 Dan..g..e.r.s...m...é.c..a..n.i.q..u..e.s...............................................................11-11 11.3.7 Séc.u..r.i.t.é..r.e..l.a.t.i.v.e...à..l.a..m...a..i.n.t.e..n..a.n..c..e..............................................11-12 11.3.8 Sym..b..o..le..s...s.u..r..l.e..Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H...T.....................................................11-14 11.4 A.p..p..e.n..d..i.x..D...S..ic..h..e.r.h..e..i.ts..h..i.n.w...e.i.s..e............................................................11-15 11.4.1 Sac.h..g..e..m..ä..ß..e...H..a..n.d..h..a..b.u..n..g.......................................................11-15 11.4.2 Ele.k.t.r.i.s.c..h..e..S..i.c.h..e..r.h..e.i.t..............................................................11-17 11.4.3 Bio.lo..g..i.s.c..h..e..S..i.c.h..e..r.h..e.i.t.............................................................11-18
Proben .............................................................................11-18 11.4.4 Che..m...ik..a..li.e..n...........................................................................11-18
Giftige Däm..p..f.e........................................................................11-19 11.4.5 Abfa..l.l.e.n..t.s..o.r.g..u..n..g.....................................................................11-19 11.4.6 Gef.a..h.r.e..n...d.u..r.c..h..m...e..c.h..a..n.i.s..c.h..e...T.e..i.l.e............................................11-19 11.4.7 Sich..e..r.h..e.i.t.s..h.i.n..w..e..i.s.e...­..W...a..r.t.u.n..g..s..a.r.b..e..i.te..n.....................................11-20 11.4.8 Sym..b..o..le...a..u.f..d..e.m....Q..I.A..c.u..b..e..H..T....................................................11-22 11.5 A.p..p..e.n..d..i.x..E.........................................................................................11-23 11.5.1 QIA.c.u..b..e..H...T..A..c.c..e..s.s..o..r.i.e.s...........................................................11-23 11.6 A.p..p..e.n..d..i.x..F.........................................................................................11-25

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11.6.1 Lice..n..s.e...T..e.r.m...s........................................................................11-25 11.6.2 Cop..y.r.i.g..h.t..i.n.f.o..r.m...a.t.i.o..n...............................................................11-62 12 Doc..u.m...e..n..t.R..e..v.i.s..i.o.n...H..i.s..to..r.y..............................................................................12-1

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QIAcube HT User Manual 09/2020


1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing the QIAcube® HT. We are confident it will become an integral part of your laboratory. Before using the QIAcube HT, it is essential that you read this user m anual carefully and pay particular attention to the safety inform ation. The instructions and safety inform ation in this user m anual m ust be followed to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to maintain the instrument in a safe condition.
1.1 Provided user manuals
This user manual is applicable to the QIAcube HT instruments using the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software. This user manual is also applicable to the QIAxtractor® instruments that have been upgraded to QIAcube HT using the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
1.2 About this user manual
This manual provides information about the QIAcube HT in the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Safety information 3. General description 4. Installation procedures 5. Getting started 6. Operating procedures 7. QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software 8. Maintenance procedures 9. Troubleshooting 10. Glossary 11. Appendix
The Appendices contain the following: Appendix A:
· Technical data · Environmental conditions · Waste disposal · FCC declaration · Declaration of conformity Appendix B: Liability clause Appendix C: French (FR) translation of Safety Inform ation Appendix D: Germ an (DE) translation of Safety Inform ation

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Appendix E: QIAcube HT Accessories Appendix F:
· Copyright information · Licenses
1.3 General information
1.3.1 Technical assistance
At QIAGEN we pride ourselves on the quality and availability of our technical support. Our Technical Services Departm ents are staffed by experienced scientists with extensive practical and theoretical expertise in sam ple and assay technologies and the use of QIAGEN products. If you have any questions or experience any difficulties regarding the QIAcube HT or QIAGEN products in general, do not hesitate to contact us. QIAGEN customers are a major source of information regarding advanced or specialized uses of our products. This information is helpful to other scientists as well as to the researchers at QIAGEN. We therefore encourage you to contact us if you have any suggestions about product perform ance or new applications and techniques. For technical assistance and more information, please see our Technical Support Center at w w w .support.qiagen.com.
1.3.2 Policy statement
It is the policy of QIAGEN to im prove products as new techniques and com ponents becom e available. QIAGEN reserves the right to change specifications at any tim e. In an effort to produce useful and appropriate documentation, we appreciate your comments on this user manual. Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
1.3.3 Version management
This document is thQeIAcub e HT User Manual , version 4.0. This user manual is for the operation of the QIAcube HT instrument with the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software. Check w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT for a newer version of the user manual.
1.4 Intended use of the QIAcube HT
The QIAcube HT is intended to perform automated, medium- to high-throughput purification of nucleic acids. The QIAcube HT is intended for m olecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease. The QIAcube HT instrum ent is intended to be used only in com bination with QIAcube HT Kits for applications described in the respective kit handbooks. The QIAcube HT instrum ent is intended for use by professional users trained in m olecular biological techniques and the operation of the QIAcube HT instrument.

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1.5 Requirements for QIAcube HT users
This table covers the general level of com petence and training necessary for transportation, installation, use, maintenance and servicing of the QIAcube HT.

Tas k

Per s onnel

Training and experience


No special requirem ents

No special requirements

Ins tallation

Laboratory technicians or equivalent

Appropriately trained and experienced personnel familiar with use of computers and automation in general

Routine use


(running experiments) technicians or


Appropriately trained and experienced personnel familiar with use of computers and automation in general

Servicing and annual preventive m aintenance

QIAGEN Field Service Regularly trained, certified and authorized by

Specialists only


1.6 Requirements for some kits
For more information about available kits and protocols for the QIAcube HT, please visit w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT or contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

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Safety information

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2 Safety information
Before using the QIAcube HT, it is essential that you read this user m anual carefully and pay particular attention to the safety inform ation. The instructions and safety inform ation in the user m anual m ust be followed to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to maintain the instrument in a safe condition. Note: Translations of the Safety Inform ation are available in French and Germ an in Appendix C and Appendix D, res pectively.
The following types of safety inform ation appear throughout this m anual:


The term WARNING is used to inform you about situations that could result in personal injury to you or other persons.
Details about these circum stances are given in a box like this one.


The term CAUTION is used to inform you about situations that could result in damage to the instrument or other equipment.
Details about these circum stances are given in a box like this one.

The advice given in this m anual is intended to supplem ent, not supersede, the norm al safety requirem ents prevailing in the user's country.
2.1 Proper use


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W1]
Im proper use of the QIAcube HT m ay cause personal injuries or dam age to the ins trum ent.
The QIAcube HT m ust only be operated by qualified personnel who have been appropriately trained.
Servicing of the QIAcube HT m ust only be perform ed by QIAGEN Field Service Specialis ts .


Risk of overheating [W2]
To ensure proper ventilation, maintain a minimum clearance of 10 cm at the sides and rear of the QIAcube HT.
Slits and openings that ensure the ventilation of the QIAcube HT must not be covered.

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Risk of personal injury and material damage [W3]
The QIAcube HT is too heavy to be lifted by one person. To avoid personal injury or damage to the instrument, do not lift the instrument alone.


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W4] Do not attempt to move the QIAcube HT during operation.


Explosive atmosphere [W5] The QIAcube HT is not designed for use in an explosive atmosphere.


Risk of explosion [W6]
The QIAcube HT is intended for use with reagents and substances supplied with QIAGEN kits.
Use of other reagents and substances m ay lead to fire or explosion.


Damage to the instrument [C1] Direct sunlight m ay bleach parts of the instrum ent and cause dam age to plastic parts. The QIAcube HT must be located out of direct sunlight.


Damage to the instrument [C2]
Avoid spilling water or chem icals onto the QIAcube HT. Dam age caused by water or chemical spillage will void your warranty.

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Risk of personal injury [W7]
The robotic arm moves during position calibration while the instrument lid is raised. Never click any buttons while parts of your body are within the instrum ent workspace

In case of emergency, switch off the QIAcube HT at the power switch at the rear of the instrument and unplug the power cord from the power outlet.
2.2 Electrical safety
Disconnect the line power cord from the power outlet before servicing.


Electrical hazard [W8]
Any interruption of the protective conductor (earth/ground lead) inside or outside the instrum ent or disconnection of the protective conductor term inal is likely to m ake the instrument dangerous.
Intentional interruption is prohibited.
Lethal voltages inside the instrument
When the instrum ent is connected to line power, term inals m ay be live, and opening covers or rem oving parts is likely to expose live parts.


UV irradiation hazard [W9]
An electronic lid sensor ensures that the instrument lid must be closed for operation of the UV lam p. Under no circum s tances s hould this lid s ens or be dis abled.
If the lid sensor is not functioning correctly, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

To ensure satis factory and safe operation of the QIAcube HT: · Connect the line power cord to a line power outlet that has a protective conductor (earth/ground). · Do not adjust or replace internal parts of the instrument. · Do not operate the instrument with any covers or parts removed. · If liquid has spilled inside the instrument, switch off the instrument, disconnect it from the power outlet and contact
QIAGEN Technical Services.
If the instrum ent becom es electrically unsafe, prevent other personnel from operating it, and contact QIAGEN Technical Services. The instrum ent m ay be electrically unsafe when: · The line power cord appears to be damaged.

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· It has been stored for a prolonged period of time in conditions which are outside of the "Storage Conditions" outlined in Appendix A.
· It has been subjected to severe transport stresses.
2.3 Biological safety

Specim ens and reagents containing m aterials from hum ans should be treated as potentially infectious. Use safe laboratory procedures as outlined in publications such as Biosafety in Microbiological and Biom edical Laboratories, HHS (w w w .cdc.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/biosfty.htm).

2.3.1 Samples

Sam ples m ay contain infectious agents. You should be aware of the health hazard presented by such agents and should use, store, and dispose of such sam ples according to the required safety regulations.


Samples containing infectious agents [W10]
Som e sam ples used with this instrum ent m ay contain infectious agents. Handle such samples with the greatest of care and in accordance with the required safety regulations .
Always wear safety glasses, 2 pairs of gloves, and a lab coat.
The responsible body (e.g., laboratory m anager) m ust take the necessary precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe and that the instrument operators are not exposed to hazardous levels of infectious agents as defined in the applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) or OSHA,* ACGIH or COSHH documents.
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.

* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (United States of Am erica).  ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (United States of America).  COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (United Kingdom).
2.4 Chemicals


Hazardous chemicals [W11]
Som e chem icals used with this instrum ent m ay be hazardous or m ay becom e hazardous after completion of the protocol run.
Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a lab coat.
The responsible body (e.g., laboratory m anager) m ust take the necessary precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe and that the instrument operators are not exposed to hazardous levels of toxic substances (chemical or biological) as defined in the applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) or OSHA,* ACGIH or COSHH docum ents .
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.

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* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (United States of Am erica).  ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (United States of America).  COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (United Kingdom). 2.4.1 Toxic fumes
If working with volatile solvents or toxic substances, you m ust provide an efficient laboratory ventilation system to rem ove vapors that m ay be produced.
2.5 Waste disposal
Used plasticware and containers m ay contain hazardous chem icals or contagious/biohazardous m aterials. Such wastes m ust be collected and disposed of properly according to local safety regulations. For information on use of the tip disposal box, please see Tip disposal box. For inform ation about how to dispose of the QIAcube HT, see Appendix A.
2.6 Mechanical hazards


Moving parts [W12]
Avoid contact with moving parts during operation of the QIAcube HT. Under no circumstances should you place your hands under the pipetting arm when it is lowering. Do not attem pt to m ove any plates or tubes while the instrum ent is operating.


Moving parts [W15]
To avoid contact with moving parts during operation of the QIAcube HT, the instrument must be operated with the lid closed.
If the lid sensor is not functioning correctly, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.


Damage to the instrument [C3]
Do not apply any m anual force to the Y-arm (i.e., the pipetting head).
We strongly recom m end restarting the system if the Y-arm was accidentally m anually m oved.

To ensure satis factory and safe operation of the QIAcube HT, follow the guidelines below:
· Only use recommended tips and tip racks. · Keep the instrument lid closed whenever possible. · When calibrating with the lid open, always stand clear of the instrument when making adjustments. The lid sensor
is disabled during calibration. Therefore, do not click with the m ouse or press any of the keys on the keyboard

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when looking closely at calibrations. Wait until the robotic arm has com pleted its m ovem ents before m oving any plates or tubes. · Do not place any items onto the robotic arm. During a run, click on the Pause button to pause the instrument before removing plates or tubes from the worktable. Wait until the robotic arm has com pleted the current m ovem ent. This m ay take up to 10 seconds.
2.7 Maintenance safety
Perform the maintenance as described in Section Maintenance procedures. QIAGEN charges for repairs that are required due to incorrect maintenance.


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W13] Only perform m aintenance that is specifically described in this user m anual.


Risk of electric shock [W14] Do not open any panels on the QIAcube HT. Risk of personal injury and material damage. Only perform m aintenance that is specifically described in this user m anual.


Damage to the instrument [C4]
Do not use solvents, or reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the QIAcube HT.


Damage to the instrument [C9]
Do not use spray bottles containing alcohol or disinfectant to clean surfaces of the QIAcube HT.


Damage to the QIAcube HT lid [C5]
Do not use alcohol, solvents, reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the instrument lid. Alcohol will damage the lid. To clean the lid, use distilled water only.

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Damage to the QIAcube HT side panels [C6] Never clean the instrument side panels with alcohol or alcohol-based solutions.


Risk of fire [W16] When cleaning QIAcube HT instruments with alcohol-based disinfectant, leave the instrument hoods open to allow flammable vapors to disperse.


Damage to transfer carriage [C7]
Under no circumstances should the transfer carriage for use with filter plates be autoclaved.


Relocating the QIAcube HT [C10]
The most important component of the packaging is the wooden support that immobilizes the Y-arm. This support must be used when the QIAcube HT is moved. Failure to do so will void the warranty.

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2.8 Symbols on the QIAcube HT

Sym bol

Worktable and near the type plate

Des c r ipt ion Warning symbol

Worktable and near the tip chute Biohazard symbol outlet


Squeezing warning symbol

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

CE mark for European Conformity

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

CSA lis ting m ark for Canada and the USA

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

Legal manufacturer

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent
Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

FCC mark of the United States Federal Communications Commission
RCM m ark for Australia and New Zealand

Type plate on the back of the ins trum ent

RoHS mark for China (the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipm ent)
Consult instructions for use

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General description

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3 General description
QIAcube HT enables automated mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format using silica m em brane technology. Us ers can quickly and eas ily purify DNA, RNA and m iRNA from alm os t any type of s am ple ­ including cells, tissues and food material, as well as from bacteria and viruses in animal and human samples. Autom ated protocols and dedicated QIAcube HT purification kits and plasticware increase reliability and convenience and save valuable tim e. The system provides the sam e high-quality results as other trusted QIAGEN purification technologies .
For more information about available kits and protocols for the QIAcube HT, please visit w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT or contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

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3.1 QIAcube HT instrument

The QIAcube HT: 1 Lid 2 UV lamp 3 Pipettor head (robotic arm) 4 Tip chute 5 Tip racks 6 Reagent plate SBS and troughs


Reagent plate R1 and troughs


Lysis plate


Vacuum chamber with filter plate


HEPA filter


Accessory panel



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3.1.1 Lid


Damage to the QIAcube HT lid [C5]
Do not use alcohol, solvents, reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the instrument lid. Alcohol will damage the lid. To clean the lid, use distilled water only.

The lid of the ins trum ent provides both an isolated enclosure for perform ing purification and a safety m echanism .
The instrument lid incorporates a magnetic sensor to determine whether the lid is closed or not. Under no circumstances should this sensor be bypassed.
The instrument lid must be closed for a run to proceed. Opening the instrument lid while the instrument is performing a run will cause the run to pause.
The instrum ent lid m ay rem ain open during calibration. Do not interfere with robotic arm m ovem ent during these calibrations and keep all body parts out of reach of the robotic arm while it is m oving.
Important: Care should be taken when opening the lid during a run because it takes up to 10 seconds for the instrument to complete the current movement and for the pause to take effect. Under no circumstances should the sensor be bypassed.
3.1.2 Feet
The feet of the instrum ent have a non-slip base to ensure that the QIAcube HT rem ains securely positioned on a laboratory bench. Do not attem pt to slide the instrum ent on a bench. Always lift the instrum ent to avoid dam age to the base of the feet.

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3.1.3 Tip chute

Used tips are discarded through the tip chute. Located at the left hand side of the QIAcube HT, the tip chute is held in place by a locating block, allowing easy placem ent and rem oval for cleaning.
3.1.4 Tip disposal box
Discarded tips are collected in a tip disposal box, located at the side of the QIAcube HT. To ensure correct positioning under the tip chute, the tip disposal box is held in place by the tip disposal box holder. The tip disposal box has a capacity of approxim ately 350 tips. Discard the tip disposal box after each run together with the used tips according to local safety regulations.

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Lock the tip disposal box holder with the instrum ent's feet on the left side of the instrum ent, and then place the tip disposal box into the tip disposal box holder.

Alignm ent of tip disposal box holder to the instrum ent and the tip disposal box.
3.1.5 HEPA filter
The HEPA filter s ys tem provides pos itive clean air pres s ure on the worktable beneath the lid. The HEPA filter s ys tem cons is ts of two HEPA filter cartridges .

3.1.6 UV lamp
A UV lam p in the ins trum ent lid provides efficient worktable decontam ination and helps to prevent contam ination. Note: Before us ing the UV lam p, the tip chute m us t be covered with the Tip Chute Protective Cap and placed into the ins trum ent. For increas ed s afety, an electronic lid s ens or ens ures that the UV lam p operates only when the ins trum ent lid is closed. Under no circumstances should the sensor be bypassed.

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During UV irradiation, the robotic arm m oves . All item s m us t be rem oved from the ins trum ent to ens ure the worktable is fully exposed. The UV lam p does not irradiate certain areas , including the pipettor head, due to cons truction cons traints . To operate the UV lam p, the UV lam p bulb needs to be connected to the UV plug. For m ore details , s ee s ection Us ing UV lamp.
3.1.7 Pipettor head and robotic arm
Liquid-handling tasks are perform ed by the m ultichannel pipettor head, which provides a m otor-driven, backlashcompensated pipetting mechanism. Tips attach to the pipettor pistons of the pipettor head. The robotic arm controls the movement of the pipettor head in the X-, Y- and Z-directions. The Y-axis arm of the robotic arm provides support for the pipettor head. Under no circum stances should any force be applied to the Y-arm . This m ay m isalign the arm and cause pipetting errors. Note: To prevent accidental damage, the wooden Y-arm support should always be fixed or locked before the QIAcube HT is moved.
3.1.8 Worktable
The worktable is the instrument surface upon which items, such as adapters, labware and tips are placed. The different worktable positions are named as follows: · TC: where the tip chute is placed · A1, A2: the positions of the vacuum chamber · R1: where reagents can be placed using the reagent through adapter · B1, B2, C1, C2: where tips, plates and reagents can be placed
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager autom atically calculates the worktable layout before each run.

Em pty QIAcube HT worktable

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The QIAcube HT employs several locating mechanisms to ensure that items placed on the worktable are positioned correctly. For exam ple, the reagent trough adapter is located by pins which serve to orientate the adapter correctly and ensure that the s upported troughs are positioned correctly. Sim ilarly, plates and tip racks are secured by a positioning mechanism and clamps on the table rails. Care must be taken with some plates to ensure that correct orientation is m aintained.
The preceding picture of the QIAcube HT worktable shows the usual positions of the clamps: clamp II between B1 and B2, and clamp I between C1 and C2 with the open side towards C1.
Note: The Reagent Plate SBS adapter needs more space than e.g. a QIAGEN S-block 96 Well or a tip rack. Therefore, it can be placed only on worktable position C1 next to the open side of a clam p I. If for a protocol the adapter needs to be placed on another position, the clamps must be adjusted. Follow the instructions in the kit handbook for the specific protocol for further information.
Note: Tip racks need always to be secured by a clam p, either a clam p II, or the closed side of a clam p I. In the picture above tip racks could be placed at B1, B2 or C2.
3.1.9 Accessory panel
All connectors are located on the accessory panel on the rear of the QIAcube HT.

QIAcube HT accessory panel 1 Accessory 1 2 Accessory 2 3 Accessory 3 4 Serial RS-232 socket 5 USB socket

6 Accessory power outlet 7 Main power input socket 8 Power switch 9 Access to the pinch valve
(via an opening below the serial RS 232 s ocket)

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3.1.10 Vacuum chamber

Em pty vacuum cham ber, channeling adapter, and riser block EMTR.
The QIAcube HT vacuum chamber is composed of two separate chambers for waste (left) and elution (right). This configuration is one of m any m easures to m inim ize sam ple cross-contam ination during purification. For details about the assembling of the vacuum chamber, see Section Assembling the vacuum chamber. The waste and elution chambers of the vacuum chamber are connected to the waste bottle via silicone hoses that pass from the blue connectors underneath the vacuum chamber through the pinch valve. The vacuum chamber hoses and the Y-hose connector are fitted to the instrument before delivery. For information about installation, see Section Installation of vacuum control station.

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Vacuum hoses must not be modified (e.g., shortened or lengthened).
The transfer carriage provides a platform for transporting the filter plate between the waste and elution chambers of the vacuum chamber.

Transfer carriage for use with filter plates (e.g., QIAamp 96 plate)

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3.1.11 Vacuum control station and waste bottle Vacuum control station.

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Side view of vacuum control station.

1 15-pin cable connector 2 Green LED (running) 3 Red LED (standby)

4 Restart 5 Accessory power port 6 Power switch

The vacuum control station, an integral component of the QIAcube HT, provides vacuum to the vacuum chamber for processing. Vacuum pressure is precisely controlled by the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
A 4-liter was te bottle is hous ed in the vacuum control s tation. The was te bottle is connected to the vacuum cham ber by a silicone hos e that branches just before passing through the pinch valve.
When the bottle fills with 3 liters of waste, the liquid com es into contact sim ultaneously with 2 Teflon® coated sensor electrodes within the waste bottle. When this occurs, the software pauses the run until the waste bottle is emptied.

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The waste bottle volum e is estim ated by the software based on volum es of liquids dispensed to the filter plate while in the waste position during processing. Prior to each run the waste bottle volume level is indicated as one of three states in the software worktable screen. When the state is "green" or "yellow," a run can be started. When the state is "red," the user will be prom pted to em pty the was te bottle before being able to start the run.
To em pty the bottle, follow the procedure described in section Em ptying the waste bottle.

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3.1.12 Pinch valve

Pinch valve (base) and silicone hoses.


Silicone hoses

2 Pinch bar

Pinch valve (front).


15-pin cable connector


Manual override button

3 Green LED 4 Recessed pressure switch

The pinch valve controls application of vacuum to the different vacuum chambers for waste and elution during proces s ing.

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The pinch valve can be set to the following positions: · Waste chamber open; elution chamber closed · Elution chamber open; waste chamber closed · Both chambers open
By default, both cham bers of the vacuum cham ber are open (autom atically selected when the pinch valve is switched on). This position protects the silicone hoses controlled by the pinch valve from potential dam age caused by constant pressure when the instrument is inactive or turned off. The pinch valve is equipped with manual override buttons located below the 15-pin connector port on the front of the pinch valve. Pressing either button moves the pinch valve in the direction that the button is pushed, opening the vacuum to the opposite station. Pressing both buttons sim ultaneously m oves the pinch valve to the center position, opening the vacuum to both stations. IMPORTANT: In case of protocol failure, do not push override during processing.
3.1.13 Internal features of the QIAcube HT

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1 X-axis 2 Y-axis 3 Z-axis 4 Pipettor head 5 Vacuum elution chamber 6 Vacuum waste chamber

7 Worktable 8 Reagent plate SBS and troughs 9 Reagent plate R1 and troughs 10 Tip racks and tips 11 Y-arm 12 Tip chute

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Par t X-axis Y-axis Z-axis Tip chute
Pipettor head

Des c r ipt ion
The X-axis directs the left/right movement of the pipettor head.
The Y-axis directs the forwards/backwards movement of the pipettor head.
The Z-axis directs the upwards/downwards movement of the pipettor head.
Through the tip chute tips are ejected into the Tip Disposal Box, to prevent waste accumulation in the clean workspace.
The pipettor head is an eight channel, able to pipette 20­200 µl. The pipettor head consists of a motor driven backlash-compensated pipetting mechanism.
The Y-arm supports the pipetting head. Under no circum stances should the user apply force to the Y-arm . This m ay m isalign the Y-arm and cause pipetting errors.
The worktable has 4 SBS positions (127.76 m m x 85.48 m m ) in which adapters and labware can be placed and a vacuum chamber to perform bind­wash­elute procedure during sample purification. In addition, the worktable supports a special Reagent plate for R1 position.

3.2 Computer
The QIAcube HT is operated via a com puter. A laptop with the correct s pecification for operation of the QIAcube HT and QIAcube HT Prep Manager is supplied as part of the QIAcube HT System. However, if a different computer is used to operate the QIAcube HT or to run the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, then a computer hosting system with the following specifications is recommended.

Computer specifications · Windows® 7 Professional (32 or 64 bit) with service pack 1 or higher; Windows 10 (64 bit) with minimum required
version 1607 · At least 2.3 GHz CPU · At least 4 GB RAM · USB 2.0 port · DVD/CD-ROM · Minimum 80 GB free hard drive capacity · At least 1360 x 768 screen resolution · Pointer device (mouse or similar)

The com puter connects to the QIAcube HT by the following interfacing option: · USB (computer) ­ USB (QIAcube HT), recommended by QIAGEN Do not connect any other device to the com puter's RS-232 port (serial port) while operating the QIAcube HT.

To view reports in PDF format, a PDF reader must be installed on the computer. Adobe® Reader® can be downloaded at w w w .adobe.com.

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Additional configuration steps: · Turn off all automatic processes or services such as indexing or similar, which could produce a high workload. · Ensure that energy saving options, hibernation and screen saver are deactivated during the operating times of the
QIAcube HT. · For Windows 10 only ­ if UEFI Boot is used, the Secure Boot option must be disabled. Otherwise, the Windows
Device Driver Installation of the QIAcube HT device driver will fail during installation of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. Note: In case of any concern regarding the Windows configuration, please contact your local IT support.
If connecting the computer to a network, be sure to consider the following: · Ensure that update processes are scheduled to download and install only outside the operating times of the
QIAcube HT. · Turn off auto-restart after an installation of Windows security patches to prevent automatic computer restart during
the operating times of the QIAcube HT. Note: In order to com plete a security update installation, perform a m anual restart later.
If virus protection software is required, ensure that the following tasks are scheduled to run outside the operating times of the QIAcube HT: · Scans (also ensure that files that are created by the QIAcube HT Prep Manager are not scanned during creation or
on access) · All kind of updates Note: Some virus protection software might interfere with QIAcube HT Prep Manager and cause the software to run very slowly.
Note: The QIAcube HT Prep Manager is tested by QIAGEN using the original im age supplied with your laptop without connecting the laptop to the internet. Updates on your operating system might lead to unexpected behavior of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. In such cases, please contact your local IT support. Note: The minimal screen resolution can be used in combination with small fonts. However, medium size fonts can be used in combination with an improved resolution (e.g., the medium font size (125%) setting in Windows 7 requires a m inim um screen resolution of 1680 x 1050). Larger font sizes are not supported.

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Installation procedures

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4 Installation procedures
This section provides instructions on unpacking and installing the QIAcube HT. Note: For your own safety and to prevent dam age to the instrum ent, observe the safety instructions.
4.1 System delivery
The following items are delivered: · QIAcube HT instrument · Vacuum control station and waste bottle · Laptop · QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software and user manual on CD · Unpacking instructions (printed version) · Accessories Note: We recommend checking the packing list before installation.
Adapters The QIAcube HT is supplied with the following adapters: · 1x Transfer Carriage · 1x Riser Block, EMTR · 1x Channeling Adapter · 1x Adapter, Reagent Trough R1 Position · 1x Adapter, Reagent Trough SBS Plate The first three adapters are intended to be used in the vacuum chamber to hold a filter plate and to ensure optimal liquid flowthrough and elution during extraction procedure. The last two adapters are intended to hold reagent troughs. The SBS reagent trough adapter can be used on other QIAGEN instruments, such as the QIAgility®.
Troughs and Plates A s et of labware can be us ed with the QIAcube HT that is already pre-ins talled in the s oftware and can be found in the Labware manager. The following labware are supplied with the instrument: · S-Blocks · Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR) · Reagent Trough (with lid), 70 ml · Reagent Trough (with lid), 170 ml Reagent troughs are non-reusable and are m ade from high-quality m aterial. Up to 8 troughs can be placed on the worktable using the reagent trough adapters: 2 x 170 m l and 6 x 70 m l.

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The trough arrangement for the QIAcube HT specific reagent trough adapter is shown below.

Reagent trough layout for the QIAcube HT specific reagent trough adapter.
Tips 200 µl Filtered Tips can be used on QIAcube HT. Supplied tips are filtered and hold in single compartments in the tip rack. Important: Do not use tips from other suppliers.
4.2 Requirements
QIAcube HT has specific requirements regarding the installation site. These requirements are explained in the following chapter.
4.2.1 Installation site
Ins trum ent Choos e the pos ition for the QIAcube HT carefully. A change in pos ition neces s itates a recalibration. Place the QIAcube HT in its final position. The requirements for the QIAcube HT location and position are given below: · The location must have sufficient space to accommodate the QIAcube HT. Refer to Appendix A for instrument
dimensions and operating conditions (temperature and humidity). · The QIAcube HT must be placed near 3 properly grounded (earthed) AC power outlets. The power lines to the
instrument should be voltage regulated and surge protected. · The QIAcube HT can be installed on any level and sturdy laboratory bench or table. There should be space below
for the vacuum control station and space adjacent for the laptop. · Ensure that the switch and the main power input socket at the rear of the instrument are easily reachable. Maintain
sufficient clearance at the rear to unplug the power line from the main power input socket. · Ensure that the instrument lid can fully open upwards without obstruction. · The QIAcube HT must not be installed near generators of static electricity (e.g., ionizers, large-screen televisions).

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· The QIAcube HT should be installed in a laboratory environment that is free of excessive airborne dust.
Vacuum control station The vacuum control station is best placed directly under the laboratory table upon which the instrum ent is placed. Note: It is m andatory that the vacuum control station is placed at a position lower than the vacuum cham ber such that liquids easily flow from the vacuum cham ber to the vacuum control station and not backward.


Risk of overheating [W2]
To ensure proper ventilation, maintain a minimum clearance of 10 cm at the sides and rear of the QIAcube HT.
Slits and openings that ensure the ventilation of the QIAcube HT must not be covered.


Damage to the instrument [C1] Direct sunlight m ay bleach parts of the instrum ent and cause dam age to plastic parts. The QIAcube HT must be located out of direct sunlight.

4.2.2 Power requirements
The QIAcube HT operates at thes e power conditions : 100­240 V, 250 VA, 50­60 Hz, T5A 250V fus e. Make sure the voltage rating of the QIAcube HT and laptop are compatible with the AC voltage available at the installation site. Main supply voltage fluctuations should not exceed ±10% of nom inal supply voltages.
4.2.3 Grounding requirements
To protect operating personnel, ensure that the QIAcube HT is correctly grounded (earthed). The instrum ent is equipped with a 3-conductor AC power cord that, when connected to an appropriate AC power outlet, grounds (earths) the instrument. To preserve this protection feature, do not operate the instrument from an AC power outlet that has no ground (earth) connection.

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4.3 Unpacking and installation
4.3.1 Unpacking the QIAcube HT
Important: For unpacking of the QIAcube HT, refer the unpacking instructions delivered with the instrument. The unpacking instructions can also be downloaded at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT. Before unpacking the QIAcube HT, move the package to the site of installation and check whether the package is damaged. In case of damage, contact the transporter of the package. · If you have any questions about the unpacking procedure, contact QIAGEN Technical Services or your local
distributor (visit w w w .qiagen.com). · A packing list is shipped with the instrument. After unpacking, use the packing list to ensure that all parts have
been delivered. · Follow these instructions in reverse order to pack the instrument for transport. The instrument needs to be
cleaned before it can be packed for transport.


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W3]
The QIAcube HT is too heavy to be lifted by one person. To avoid personal injury or damage to the instrument, do not lift the instrument alone.

1. Remove the lid from the QIAcube HT shipping container.
2. Check that the QIAcube HT is not damaged and that there are no loose parts. If anything is damaged, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
3. Read the packing list to check that you have received all items (see System delivery). If anything is missing, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
4. Keep the package in case you need to transport or ship the QIAcube HT in the future.
5. Carefully place the QIAcube HT onto the workbench where it will be used. For site requirements, refer to section Installation site. When lifting the QIAcube HT, slide your fingers under both sides of the instrument and keep your back straight.
6. Follow the instructions in the following sections to complete the installation.

Releasing transport locks


Relocating the QIAcube HT [C10]
The most important component of the packaging is the wooden support that immobilizes the Y-arm. This support must be used when the QIAcube HT is moved. Failure to do so will void the warranty.

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Im por tant: The instrum ent packaging m ay be updated over tim e. In case the transport locks on your instrum ent are different from the images below, refer the unpacking instructions delivered with the instrument. The latest unpacking instructions can also be downloaded at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT.
If you have any questions about this procedure, contact QIAGEN Technical Services or your local distributor.
To release the transport locks:
1. Open the lid.
2. Unscrew the two screws marked A and B, and remove the horizontal bar.

3. Move the pipettor head to the right, and remove the transport lock from the worktable.
Note: The pipettor head m ay slide down while m oving. Make sure the pipettor head does not crash into the Y-arm s upport.

Important: The wooden support must be kept and used again whenever the QIAcube HT is moved.

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4.3.2 Installation of vacuum control station
The vacuum control station is best placed directly below the laboratory table upon which the instrum ent is placed. Note: The vacuum control station must be placed at a position that is lower than the vacuum chamber so that liquids easily flow from the vacuum cham ber to the vacuum control station.
1. Unpack the vacuum station. Note: For transportation, the vacuum pump motor is locked into place within the vacuum station.
2. To unlock the vacuum pump motor, turn the vacuum station onto its side and remove the 4 indicated screws that secure the vacuum pump during transportation.

3. Unpack the waste bottle with lead assembly.
4. Place the waste bottle into the correct opening on the vacuum station.
5. Connect the vacuum waste hose between the silicone hose under the instrument cover and the lead assembly of the waste bottle.
To protect the vacuum cham ber hoses and Y-hose connector from dam age, they are coiled up inside the rear cover of the instrument.

Stored hoses visible in the rear cover of the instrument.
Note: If the instrum ent needs to be repacked for any reason, the Y-hose connector and vacuum cham ber hoses should be stowed behind the rear cover to prevent damage.

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To retrieve the Y-hose connector of the vacuum waste hoses, use one hand to reach under the cover to the left (when facing the back of the instrument) of the pinch valve and locate one of the hoses. While pulling the hose down, use the other hand to reach through the pinch valve opening and push the hoses down through the gap between the rear cover and the pinch valve.
Hoses visible in the gap between the rear cover and the pinch valve. Make sure that the hoses are not twisted and that they exit from under the rear cover without kinking.
Hose exiting from the rear cover.

Hose exiting from the pinch valve.

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Attach the vacuum waste hose by pushing the end that does not have an attachm ent onto the Y-hose connector. 6. Plug the Polycap filter into the correct opening on the vacuum station. 7. Connect the hoses between the Polycap filter, vacuum station and waste bottle cap. 8. Connect the cable between the vacuum station and waste bottle cap.
9. Plug the Carbon-Cap filter into the correct opening on the vacuum station. Be sure to position the filter with the labeling upside down.

10. Place the vacuum control station beneath the instrument.

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11. Connect the one end of the 15-pin accessory cable to the accessory power port on the accessory panel of the instrum ent (see section Accessory panel) and the other end into the power port on the vacuum control station.
12. Connect one end of the AC power cord (standard 3-wire IEC mains cable) to the power connector of the vacuum control station, and the other end to the AC power outlet.
4.3.3 Installation of pinch valve
The pinch valve is m ounted behind the instrum ent below the accessory panel.

QIAcube HT accessory panel 1 Accessory 1 2 Accessory 2 3 Accessory 3 4 Serial RS-232 socket 5 USB socket

6 Accessory power outlet 7 Main power input socket 8 Power switch 9 Access to the pinch valve
(via an opening below the serial RS 232 s ocket)

1. Connect one end of the accessory cable to an unused accessory port on the rear panel of the instrument (1­3 in the preceding figure).
2. Insert the other end through the pinch valve opening in the rear panel and connect it to the accessory port on the pinch valve unit (9 in the preceding figure).

4.3.4 Installation of tip disposal box holder

The tip disposal box is held in place by the tip disposal box holder to ensure the correct positioning of the tip disposal box under the tip chute.
Lock the tip disposal box holder with the instrum ent's feet on the left side of the instrum ent.

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Alignm ent of tip disposal box holder to the instrum ent and the tip disposal box.
4.3.5 UV lamp The UV plug is integrated within the lid. To connect the UV lam p proceed as follows : 1. Open the lid. 2. Connect the delivered UV lamp bulb into the UV plug and turn it by 90°. Note: Hold the UV lam p bulb at both ends when fixing into the UV plug. Always wear s afety gloves .


UV irradiation hazard [W9]
An electronic lid sensor ensures that the instrument lid must be closed for operation of the UV lam p. Under no circum s tances s hould this lid s ens or be dis abled.
If the lid sensor is not functioning correctly, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

4.3.6 Installation of AC power cord
Connect the QIAcube HT to the power outlet as follows: 1. Ensure that the power switch of the QIAcube HT is set to the "Off" position. 2. Plug the power cord into the main power input socket.

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3. Plug the power cord into a grounded power outlet. Im por tant: The wall socket should be easily accessible. Important: The QIAcube HT Prep Manager must be installed on the computer before the QIAcube HT is switched on (see section Software installation).
4.3.7 Connecting the computer to the QIAcube HT
Before attempting to connect the QIAcube HT to the laptop, ensure the following conditions have been met: · The QIAcube HT has been properly set up and is in its final location (see section Unpacking the QIAcube HT). · The laptop is in its final location near the instrument. Note: Before connecting the QIAcube HT to the computer for the first time, ensure that the QIAcube HT Prep Manager has been installed (see section Software installation). Note: The laptop that is supplied with the QIAcube HT supports USB connections. We recommend connecting the QIAcube HT to the laptop via USB.
To connect via the USB interface: Connect the USB cable between the USB port on the instrument and the USB port on the computer.

USB cable attached to the accessory panel. Note: The QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software recognizes connection to the QIAcube HT as a USB device even when the instrument is switched off.
4.4 Software installation
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager version 1.1 is the first version supporting Windows 10 (64 bit). The QIAcube HT Prep Manager must be installed before the QIAcube HT is connected to the laptop for the first time. The software will generally be ins talled on the laptop by a QIAGEN Field Service Specialist on the day of instrum ent installation, if the QIAcube HT was purchas ed with ins tallation and s tartup training. A us er with Windows adm inis trator privileges is required to install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, but such privileges are required for software installation only. If the QIAcube HT was purchased without installation and startup training, follow the steps below to install the software:
For computer system requirements, see section Computer. 1. Set up the computer as described in the computer installation instructions provided with the computer.

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2. Before installing the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, shut down all other software and make sure that the QIAcube HT is not connected to the computer.
3. If a previous version of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software is already installed on the computer, refer to Updating QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software. Otherwise, follow the instructions in Installing QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software. If the QIAcube HT Software 4.17 or earlier is installed on the computer, refer to Upgrading from legacy QIAcube HT Software.
Note: We recommend having no other software installed on the laptop that controls the QIAcube HT other than the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. In particular, the QIAcube HT Software 4.17 or earlier must not be installed.
Note: Default settings are recommended where appropriate for all installation steps.
4.4.1 Installing QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
Things to do before starting:
1. Ensure that the computer meets the minimum requirements (see Computer).
2. Use a Windows account with administrator privileges.
Note: Windows administrator privileges are required for software installation only. 3. Close any programs running on the computer and make sure that the QIAcube HT is not connected to the
computer (i.e., unplug the USB cable from the computer).
To install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager from CD:
4. Insert the QIAcube HT Prep Manager CD into the CD-ROM of the computer. The setup wizard automatically opens the QIAcube HT Prep Manager setup window. Proceed to step 7.
Note: If the setup does not start automatically, double-click the setup.exe file in the CD drive folder. Proceed to step 7.
Note: Depending on the Windows configuration, there m ay be a pop-up m essage asking if you want to allow the program to install. Allow the program to install.
To install the softw are from w eb dow nload:
QIAcube HT Prep Manager is available for download at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT. Before installing, read the information provided on the web page.
4. Download the installation package .zip file.
Note: If the computer running the QIAcube HT Prep Manager is not connected to network, download the installation package from another com puter to a USB stick. Copy the installation package to the QIAcube HT Prep Manager com puter.
5. Extract the installation package .zip file.
6. Double-click on the setup.exe file. Proceed to step 7.
Note: Depending on the Windows configuration, there m ay be a pop-up m essage asking you if you want to allow the program to install. Allow the program to install. 7. The appropriate version of the Microsoft .NET Framework will be installed during setup if it is not already present.
In this case, another dialog opens. Click Yes to install the Microsoft .NET Fram ework. This m ay take som e tim e. If you click No, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be able to operate.
8. The appropriate version of the Microsoft SQL Server will be installed during setup if it is not already present. In this case, another dialog opens. Click Yes to install the Microsoft SQL Server. This m ay take som e tim e. If you click No, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be able to operate.

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9. Click Next to start the installation. 10. Follow the instructions that appear in the setup wizard. Note: Default settings are recommended where appropriate for all installation steps. 11. Before the installation is completed, the Device Driver Installation Wizard will open. Click Next to proceed. A
Windows security confirm ation m essage is displayed to indicate that QIAGEN Gm bH is attem pting to install drivers. Click Install to install the QIAcube HT driver. After driver installation, click Finish in the Device Driver Installation Wizard. Note: If you do not install the driver software, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be able to operate the QIAcube HT. 12. After installation, click Exit Setup in the CD menu, or Finish in the wizard. 13. Connect the QIAcube HT to the computer. 14. The QIAcube HT Prep Manager can now be started.
Note: If the com puter is connected to a network, network policy settings m ay prevent you from com pleting this procedure. For more information, contact your system administrator. Note: In case other messages are displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section System setup.
4.4.2 Uninstalling QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
Important: During uninstallation of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, all experiments, templates, reports, saved output files, etc. that have been saved in any subfolders of C:\User s\Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT will be rem oved too. We recommend moving all user files to another location outside C:\Users\Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT before uninstalling the software.
To autom atically uninstall the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, follow these steps. 1. In the Window s Start menu, select: All Programs / QIAGEN / QIAcubeHT / Uninstall QIAcube HT Prep Manager. 2. Follow the instructions of the installer to uninstall the software.
To m anually uninstall the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel by clicking on the Window s Start menu and selecting Control Panel. 2. Depending on your layout settings either click Programs and Features or Programs / Uninstall Programs. 3. Select QIAcube HT Prep Manager to be uninstalled and click Uninstall/Change.
Note: Depending on the Windows configuration, there m ay be a pop-up m essage asking if you want to allow the program to install. Allow the program to install. 4. Follow the instructions of the installer to uninstall.
4.4.3 Updating QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
If a previous vers ion of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager is already installed, it can be updated using the software package that is available at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT. Before updating, read the information provided on the web page. Experiments and user settings will be preserved.

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Things to do before starting:
1. Ensure that the computer meets the minimum requirements (see Computer).
2. Use a Windows account with administrator privileges.
Note: Windows administrator privileges are required for software installation only. 3. Close any programs running on the computer and make sure that the QIAcube HT is not connected to the
computer (i.e., unplug the USB cable from the computer).
To install the softw are from w eb dow nload:
QIAcube HT Prep Manager is available for download at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT. Before installing, read the information provided on the web page.
4. Download the installation package .zip file.
Note: If the computer running the QIAcube HT Prep Manager is not connected to network, download the installation package from another com puter to a USB stick. Copy the installation package to the QIAcube HT Prep Manager com puter.
5. Extract the installation package .zip file.
6. Double-click on the setup.exe file. Proceed to step 7.
Note: Depending on the Windows configuration, there m ay be a pop-up m essage asking you if you want to allow the program to install. Allow the program to install. 7. The appropriate version of the Microsoft .NET Framework will be installed during setup if it is not already present.
In this case, another dialog opens. Click Yes to install the Microsoft .NET Fram ework. This m ay take som e tim e. If you click No, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be able to operate.
8. Click Next to start the installation.
9. If you are updating from QIAcube HT Prep Manager version 1.0, a message will appear to inform you that a wrong SiLabs USB driver version has been detected and will be replaced during installation by the new driver version. This new driver version is required to operate the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. Click OK to proceed with the ins tallation.
10. Follow the instructions that appear in the setup wizard.
All new software components will be installed. User profiles, labware settings and calibrations created before the update will be available after the update. Experiments, reports and sample files will also be available.
Note: Default settings are recommended where appropriate for all installation steps.
Note: A m es s age will appear to inform you that s om e files that need to be updated by the s etup are s till in us e by the QIAcube HT Core Engine Service. The QIAcube HT Core Engine Service is a service of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager that always runs on the computer. Select the option Close the applications and attempt to restart them. The setup will stop and restart the QIAcube HT Core Engine Service during installation. If you select the option Do not close applications . A reboot will be required, the ins tallation will continue, but it will only be com pleted after the com puter is rebooted.
Note: If you are updating from version 1.0, a m essage m ay appear to inform you that during uninstallation of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, all experiments, templates, reports, saved output files, etc. that have been saved in any subfolders of C:\Users\Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT will be removed. Click OK to acknowledge the message. Despite the message, these items will still be available after the setup.
11. If the message appeared at the beginning of installation to inform you that the SiLabs USB driver will be replaced by a new driver vers ion, the Device Driver Ins tallation Wizard will open. Click Next to proceed. A s ecurity

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confirmation message is shown that QIAGEN GmbH drivers attempt to be installed. Click Install to install the driver. After driver installation click Finish in the Device Driver Installation Wizard. Note: If you do not install the new driver version, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager might not be able to operate the QIAcube HT properly. 12. After installation, click Finish in the wizard. Note: If you selected the option Do not close applications during installation, a reboot will be required. You must restart the com puter before the QIAcube HT Prep Manager is ready to operate. 13. Connect the QIAcube HT to the computer. 14. The QIAcube HT Prep Manager can now be started. 15. Use one of the previously created user IDs for login. Note: If the com puter is connected to a network, network policy settings m ay prevent you from com pleting this procedure. For more information, contact your system administrator. Note: In case of other messages displayed, refer to the troubleshooting section System setup.
4.4.4 Upgrading from legacy QIAcube HT Software
Before upgrading from old versions of the QIAcube HT Software (version 4.17 or earlier) to the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, you m ust first uninstall version 4.17 or earlier. It is not possible to have both the legacy version of the QIAcube HT Software and the QIAcube HT Prep Manager installed on the same computer. Data migration of protocols from old to new software is not possible and not provided. After the successful uninstallation, install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager as described in section Installing QIAcubeHT Prep Manager Software. Note: When installing the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software after uninstalling the legacy QIAcube HT Software, a message will show up that a wrong SiLabs USB driver version has been detected on the computer. Allow the installer to update the driver to the version needed by the QIAcube HT Prep Manager.
4.4.5 Installing additional kits
More kits will be made available over time. Please check the QIAcube HT website at w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT for additional information. Note: Follow the com patibility instructions. 1. Download the kit installation package .zip file.
Note: If the computer running the QIAcube HT Prep Manager is not connected to the internet, download the installation package from another com puter to a USB stick. Copy the installation package to the QIAcube HT Prep Manager computer. 2. Use a Windows account with administrator privileges. 3. Close any programs running on the computer and make sure that the QIAcube HT is not connected to the com puter. 4. Extract the kit installation package .zip file.

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5. Double-click on the ConfigurationInstaller.exe file, and follow the instructions in the setup wizard. Note: Depending on the Windows configuration, there m ay be a pop-up m essage asking if you want to allow the program to install. Allow the program to install.
6. After the installation has finished, reconnect the QIAcube HT to the computer.
After the kit has been installed, the kit's wizard will be available in the Home environment. Note: One kit ins tallation package m ay provide m ore than one kit.

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Getting started

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5 Getting started
This chapter provides information about basic configuration that needs to be completed before the QIAcube HT can be used for runs. Some of the tasks need to be repeated occasionally, such as instrument calibration after servicing of the QIAcube HT or labware management and labware calibration when changing labware or supplier.
5.1 Start the software
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager can always be started without having the instrument connected or switched on, for example, to prepare experiments for the next day. However, in this case, certain areas of the software that require the instrument to be switched on will not be available, such as worktable and run step for experiments, calibration or system checks. The order in which you should switch on the QIAcube HT and the QIAcube HT Prep Manager depends on how the instrument is connected to the computer: · If the QIAcube HT is connected to the computer via USB, you can switch on the QIAcube HT later after the software
has already started. The QIAcube HT autom atically connects to the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. This m ay take around 5 to 10 seconds.
To start the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, proceed as follows: 1. Double-click on the PrepM desktop icon, or open the Window s Start menu and select: All Programs / QIAGEN /
QIAcube HT / QIAcube HT Prep Manager.
2. The software starts and displays the login dialog. Note: Authentication is always required.
3. If you are starting the software for the first time after installation, log in by entering the user name admin into the User ID field and entering the password admin into the Passw ord field. Click OK. Otherwise, log in with your user ID and password.
4. The software opens in the Home environment. 5. If you are starting the software for the first time, continue with Customizing settings.
Note: The QIAcube HT will not initialize when the software is started; however, it will initialize when someone attempts to use the instrument. ThQeIAcub e HT User Manual (this publication) can be accessed at any time from within the software by pressing the F1 key or by clicking the Help button located above the m ain toolbar.

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5.2 Customizing global settings
The Global Settings tab of the Configuration screen enables users to define general settings such as default directories, e-mail server details (for e-mail notifications), printing and password options and more.

Maintenance options Specify the settings for the cleaning procedures.

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Des c r ipt ion

UV lam p cleaning duration

Enter the tim e duration for the UV lam p cleaning procedure. QIAGEN recom m ends a duration of 30 minutes.

The UV lam p cleaning procedure can be initiated from the Cleaning Pr oc edur e tab of the Service environment.

Decontamination time

Enter the tim e duration for decontam ination of the worktable during the daily cleaning procedure. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for disinfectant.

The cleaning procedure can be initiated from the Cleaning Procedure tab of the Service environment.

Confirm cleaning after run

If this option is checked the software displays a message after each run which reminds to start the procedure Cleaning after run from the Cleaning Procedure tab of the Service environment.

Confirm cleaning before shut If this option is checked, the software switches to the Daily cleaning procedure wizard


when the software shall be closed.

Security options Specify the security and authentication settings in the Secur ity section of the window.

Option Password policy
Deactivate user account

Des c r ipt ion There are two different options for the password policy: · Standard policy (8­40 arbitrary characters): select this option if authentication is
· No policy (0­40 characters): select this option if no authentication is required. This policy allows you to use short passwords or even to use an em pty pas s word.
Specify whether the user account should be deactivated after failed login attem pts: · Never: select this option if an account should never be deactivated.
· After failed login: select this option if a user account should be deactivated after a certain number of failed login attempts. Enter the number in the field below.

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Support package Set the standard export path for the support package by clicking the Brow se button. This path will be used as the initial path when a support package is created from the Support package tab of the Service environment.
Bar code printing Use this option if you intend to print a bar code for output labware. Select the bar code type that fits your needs. Select the bar code printer by clicking Selec t.... A dialog offers a lis t of printers that are available from the com puter, i.e., all printers which have been configured in Windows. Select No printer if you do not want to use this option. Bar code printing is then not available.

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E-mail notifications If you would like to be informed via e-mail about certain instrument events, such as errors or finish of a run, activate the Enable notifications option. The actual notification options can be found in the User Settings of the individual plug-ins . The general network settings for the m ail server and an optional proxy server m ust to be entered in order for the email notification to function. In case you do not know these details, contact your network administrator.

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5.3 Customize user settings
The Configuration environment provides settings that are specific for a user.

Report / Export


Des c r ipt ion

Display report after saving Check this option to automatically open the report after it has been created.

Note: The report will always be saved first and then opened.

Note: To view reports, a PDF reader must be installed on the computer.

Report type

The QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides a Basic report and an Advanced report. For details, refer to section Report.

Report format

Select the paper format: A4 or US Letter.

Report path

Select Save to or igin exper im ent dir ector y if you want to save the report side by side with the experiment file.

Select Save to standard directory if you want to save all reports together in a defined directory. See below for directory configuration.

Note: This selection serves as a starting point for the file dialog that opens when you create a report.

Sample output file path

Select Save to or igin exper im ent dir ector y if you want to save the output file side by side with the experiment file.

Select Save to standard directory if you want to save all output files together in a defined directory. See below for directory configuration.

Note: This selection serves as a starting point for the file dialog that opens, when you save the output file.

Select XSLT file

If you need the output file in another format than the QDEF format, an .xslt file can be selected that defines a transformation from the QDEF format to another format. If an .xslt file has been selected, every tim e you save an output file from the Run screen (see Run com pletion), autom atically the transform ation will be started based on the created QDEF file using the selected .xslt file. As a result, two output files will be created: one in QDEF form at, and one in the form at defined by the .xslt file. The file created by the .xslt will have the sam e file nam e as the QDEF file, but with extension .csv. It will be saved side by side with the QDEF file.

As an example, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides one .xslt file that transforms the output file in a .csv file:

C:\Us ers \Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT

\QIAcubeHTData\KitConfiguration\QCHT_Sam pleInform ationFile.xs lt

Standard directories To change a standard directory, press the Brow se button in the appropriate row.

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Subjec t Experim ent
Tem plate Reports Sample input files
Sample output files

Des c r ipt ion
The selected directory serves as a starting point for the file dialog when you save an experim ent.
Note: When opening an experiment from Home environment with the Open other experiment button, for the first time after software start the starting point is C:\.
The selected directory serves as a starting point for the file dialog when creating an experiment from a template from Home environment with the Create from other template button.
The selected directory serves as a starting point for the file dialog that opens when you create a report, if the Save to standard directory option has been selected for the report path (see above).
The selected directory serves as a starting point for the file dialog that opens when you load a sample input file or an output file in the Labw are Selection step.
Also, when you scan the input or output labware bar code, the software will search in this directory for a file to load.
The selected directory serves as a starting point for the file dialog that opens when you save an output file after the run.

Initially, the standard directories are defined to be subfolders of C:\Users\Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT.

Not if ic at ion
Two kinds of notifications can be configured: a sound notification or a notification via e-mail, for various kinds of events .

A s ound will be played when the run is com plete, or during the run to indicate errors and situations that require user interaction (e.g., refill tips).
Note: E-m ail notification options are only enabled if the following have been perform ed by the software adm inistrator in the Global Settings (see chapter Customizing global settings): · The e-mail notifications have been enabled and configured, and · An e-mail address for the user account has been configured.

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Option E-mail notification
Sound notification

Des c r ipt ion
To enable e-m ail notification for a certain event, check the corresponding checkbox in the E-mail column.
To enable sound notification for a certain event, check the corresponding checkbox in the Sound colum n. If the checkbox is checked, a drop-down m enu becom es available, allowing you to select different sounds.

HEPA filter Option Switch on HEPA filter during run
Switch off after run

Des c r ipt ion
Select this option if you want to us e the HEPA filter for runs . The HEPA filter will be us ed for every run as long as this option is selected.
Note: Consider that all options are user specific. If another user also wants to use the HEPA filter during runs , that us e als o needs to s elect this option.
Enabled only if the option Sw itch on HEPA filter during run has been selected.
Select Im m ediately to s witch off the HEPA jus t after the las t run action of the QIAcube HT.
Select When the lid is opened for the fir s t tim e, if you want to continue the HEPA filter until you open the lid for the first time after the run.

5.4 Managing users
When starting the QIAcube HT Prep Manager for the first time, we recommend that you change the password from the default admin, and create user profiles to suit your needs. Users assigned the adm inistrator role are able to add new user profiles or activate, deactivate and m odify existing user profiles. User profiles can be deleted, if necessary. Manage users in the User Manager tab of the Configuration environment. 1. Click Configuration in the main toolbar. 2. Click the User Manager tab.

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3. The User Manager screen is displayed.
Users table in the User Manager Creating a user Note: To configure the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, a user profile with administrator role is required. To operate the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, the user role operator is sufficient. The initially provided user adm in has the user role administrator and is sufficient to configure and operate the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. For details refer to the user roles concept. Note: If an audit trail is required, create individual user profiles with user role operator for each person working with the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. Additionally, ensure that the standard password policy has been configured in the Global Settings. We recommend to create two user profiles with role administrator. 1. Click the New user button on the bottom right. 2. The Add user dialog is shown:

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3. Enter the first name, last name, e-mail and a user ID in the corresponding fields.

Note: E-m ail is m andatory for adm inistrators, but optional for operators.

Note: The following restrictions apply to the User ID and the Fir st nam e and Last nam e fields:


Res t r ic t ion

User ID

Must be unique for each user

May not be em pty

May not contain m ore than 40 characters

Numerical and non-numerical characters are allowed

Must contain at least one non-numerical character

Spaces are not allowed (in general, blank spaces are not allowed)

Once the user profile has been created, the field can no longer be changed

Firs t/Las t name

May not contain m ore than 50 characters Numerical and non-numerical characters are allowed

May not be em pty

4. Enter a password in the Passw ord field, and enter it again in the Confirm passw ord field.
Note: As long as the entered password does not meet the configured password policy, the field will remain yellow and a hint will be shown in a tooltip. The Confirm passw ord field will remain yellow if it differs from the Passw ord field.

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5. The Activate user check box ( be used for the next login.

) is checked by default. This m eans that the created user profile m ay

Note: To prepare a user profile for later use, create a deactivated user profile by rem oving the check from this check box. To activate it later, follow the steps below for activating/deactivating a user.

6. Activate the check box in the Roles table that should be assigned to the user.

Note: At least one role must be assigned.

7. Click OK.

8. The Add user dialog closes and the new user is added to the Registered users table.

Modifying a user
The data, password and roles of a user can be modified using the Edit user icon in the Actions row of the Registered users table.

1. Open the User Management screen by clicking Configuration in the main toolbar and then clicking the User Manager tab.
2. Click the Edit user icon ( ) in the Actions row for the user you want to change.

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3. The Edit User dialog is opened:

4. Modify the user data as needed. Note: The User ID can no longer be modified. Note: The password fields show 8 bullets and not the actual password. If you click in the password field, both fields will becom e em pty and you will need to enter and confirm a new password that m eets the configured password policy. In case you clicked in the password field and do not want to change the password, click Cancel.
5. Click OK. 6. The changes to the user's data are saved.
Deleting a user This will perm anently delete a user. As an alternative to the perm anent deletion, you can tem porarily deactivate a us er. 1. Open the User Management screen by clicking Configuration in the main toolbar and then clicking the User
Manager tab. 2. Click the Delete user icon in the Actions row for the user you want to delete.
3. The following confirmation dialog is opened:

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4. Click OK to permanently delete the user.

Activating/deactivating a user

A us er profile can tem porarily be deactivated and be activated later.

1. Open the User Management screen by clicking Configuration in the main toolbar and then clicking the User Manager tab.

2. Click the Edit user icon ( ) in the Actions row for the user you want to change.

3. The Edit User dialog is opened.

4. Use the Activate user check box (

) to activate or deactivate a user:

To activate a user:

Add a check to the check box

To deactivate a user:

Remove the check from the check box

5. Click OK. 6. The user will be activated or deactivated according to your changes.

There is an option on the User Manager screen to show only activated user profiles. Add or rem ove the check from the check box to activate or deactivate the option, respectively:

Note: If you deactivate a user profile while this option is activated, the user profile will not be listed in the Registered user s table. To show the deactivated user, you m ust first rem ove the check from this box to deactivate this option.

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5.4.1 Changing password
User passwords m ay be changed by following the steps below. Each user m ay change his or her own password. 1. From the File menu select Change passw ord. 2. The Change passw ord dialogs opens.

Change password dialog 3. Enter the current password into the Old passw ord field. 4. Enter a new password into the New passw ord field, and enter it again in the Confirm new passw ord field.
Note: As long as the entered password does not meet the configured password policy, the New passw ord field will remain yellow and a hint will be shown in a tooltip. The Confirm new passw ord field will remain yellow if the contents differ from the New passw ord field. Note: The No policy option allows users to set and save an em pty password. To set an em pty password, leave the New passw ord and Confirm new passw ord fields empty. However, if the New passw ord field remains yellow, this indicates that the Standar d policy is configured and an em pty password is not allowed. 5. Click OK to save the new password.
Use the new password for the next login. If an empty password has been set, leave the Passw ord field empty during login.

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5.5 Managing labware
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager contains a labware library that includes all labware supported by the QIAcube HT. During run setup, the software autom atically plans the worktable for the run. As the basis for this plan, you m ust first indicate which labware (e.g., plates, troughs) is available in your laboratory. This information is managed in the Labw are Manager. Access the Labw are Manager by clicking the Labw are Manager tab in the Configuration environment.

The Labw are Manager screen contains a step marker with three steps (Adapter, Plates, Tubes) on the left. The software distinguishes between the different labware types, because they m ust be treated differently during worktable planning:
· Adapter: An adapter is placed on the worktable in order to hold other labware.
· Plates: For example, 96-well plates, 96-well filter plates. Plates occupy an entire worktable position.
· Tubes: 170 ml and 70 ml reagent troughs. Troughs always need an adapter to be placed on the worktable.
The Filter options area in the middle is used to search for a specific labware.
The Select adapter, Select plates or Select tubes area on the right shows the search results together with a picture and further details.

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Use the Add button to confirm and add the selected labware to the Available in laboratory list. The Next and Back buttons in the button bar allow you to advance or move backwards one screen.

Defining a specific labw are as available

1. Click Configuration to change to the Configuration screen.

2. Click the Labw are Manager tab.

3. The Labw are Manager screen will be displayed and the Adapter step will be active. However, since all adapters that can be used with the QIAcube HT are by default present in the Available in labor ator y list, this step can be s kipped.

4. To proceed to the Plates step click Next in the button bar or click directly on the Plates step.

5. Click Apply filter to list all supported plates or use the options in the Filter options area to filter for a specific plate.

The available filter options are:


Des c r ipt ion


Labware category, such as Standard 96-well, filter plate


Labware name

Part number

Catalog number of the labware

Socket (available in Adapter step only)

Labware suitable for a specific position on the worktable

Manufacturer (not available in Adapter step)

List of labware manufacturers

Tube/Well size (not available in Adapter step)

Always use the default option All

Click Apply filter to commit your filter query. 6. All plates matching your query are listed in the Select plate area. 7. Click on the desired plate and then click Add to add it to your Available in laboratory list. 8. The selected plate is added to the Plates available in laboratory list at the bottom. 9. Click Save to save the list of available plates.

Im por tant: Different plates m ay have slightly different dim ensions, despite a sim ilar appearance. Such differences can significantly affect the calibration settings. Therefore, it is im portant to select the correct plates. We recom m end that once a particular plate type is chosen, to always purchase that consumable to avoid frequent recalibration.
The Tubes step can usually be skipped, since both troughs are by default present in the Tubes available in laboratory list.
Before the labware can be used, instrument calibration is required.

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Removing labw are permanently or temporarily
Use the interactive buttons in the Available in labor ator y list to tem porarily or perm anently rem ove a labware. Use the tem porary deactivation if a labware is out of stock but will be available later. Rem ove it perm anently if you will not be using this labware in the future. If you perm anently rem ove a labware and then change your m ind, you can add the labware again.

To temporarily remove a labware 1. Deactivate the check box in the Currently available column.
2. The icon changes from to . 3. The selected labware will be deactivated and will no longer be available in
the Experiment environment. To reactivate the labware, sim ply activate the check box again. To permanently remove a labware 1. Click the Remove labw are icon ( ) in the column of the labware you want to
rem ove. 2. A confirmation dialog will be shown (the text may vary depending on whether
you are removing a plate or tube). 3. Click OK to permanently remove the selected labware.
Im por tant: Do not rem ove the adapters tem porarily or perm anently, because this would result in failure during worktable planning. All adapter types are delivered with instrum ent, and there are only a few run configurations in which the R1 adapter or the SBS adapter could be omitted. In most cases, both are required for a run to have enough positions available for placing the reagents. Note: The worktable planning might fail if you remove the large trough. In some situations, there might be not sufficient worktable positions to place the necessary num ber of sm all troughs.
5.6 Assembling the vacuum chamber
The assem bly of the vacuum cham ber differs for run and calibration. · Assembly for calibration. · Assembly for standard purification protocols.

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5.6.1 Assembly for calibration The following figure illustrates the assem bly of the vacuum cham ber for calibration.

Loading w orktable position A1 1. Insert the channeling block holder (2) into the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber (1). 2. Push it firmly downwards to engage the outlet into the drain. The channeling block holder (2) is held firmly in place
by a rubber O-ring on the outlet. 3. Place the channeling block (3) into the channeling block holder (2).

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Note: For worktable position A1, the calibration needs to be perform ed into the channeling adapter only (i.e., without a filter plate) to increase calibration precision.

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5.6.2 Assembly for standard purification protocols The following figure illustrates the assem bly of the vacuum cham ber for standard purification protocols.

Loading w orktable position A1 1. Insert the channeling block holder (2) into the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber (1). 2. Push it firmly downwards to engage the outlet into the drain. The channeling block holder (2) is held firmly in place
by a rubber O-ring on the outlet. 3. Place the channeling block (3) into the channeling block holder (2).

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4. Place the transfer carriage (4) onto the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber (1). Ensure that the transfer carriage is positioned to the left inside the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber.
5. If not all positions will be used during the run, cover the unused wells with a tape sheet. Ensure that the unused positions are com pletely sealed.
6. Load the filter plate (5) into the transfer carriage (4). Ensure that the filter plate (5) is aligned to the upper left inside the transfer carriage (4) and is com pletely lying on the transfer carriage gasket.
Loading w orktable position A2
7. Place the riser block EMTR (6) in the right (elution) side of the vacuum chamber (1) with the pin of the riser block EMTR in the right top position.
8. Remove the cap from the elution microtubes rack (EMTR) (7) and load the rack into the right (elution) chamber of the vacuum chamber (1).

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5.7 Instrument calibration
An instrument calibration must be performed before the QIAcube HT can be used, to ensure precision positioning and pipetting. No runs can be started if the required calibrations have not been performed.
Calibration includes:
· Volume calibration The actual volum e calibration is perform ed at the m anufacturer's site and only requires that the user enters the measured calibration data. Volum e calibration defines the num ber of units that the P-axis m otor m ust m ove to accurately deliver a given volume of liquid.
· XY- and Z-axis calibration The XY- and Z-axis calibration must be performed at the user´s site and is required for the tip racks and all labware used on the QIAcube HT.
X- and Y- axis calibration defines the distinct position of a labware on the worktable to ensure proper operation of the instrument. Z-axis calibration defines the worktable height of each labware item to ensure precision of liquid transfers. Before using any item s on the worktable, XY- and Z-axis calibration m ust be perform ed for each labware item to be used at the desired worktable position.
The electronic lid sensor is disabled during calibration. The robotic arm will move during calibration even if the lid is rais ed.


Risk of personal injury [W7]
The robotic arm moves during position calibration while the instrument lid is raised. Never click any buttons while parts of your body are within the instrum ent workspace


Moving parts [W12]
Avoid contact with moving parts during operation of the QIAcube HT. Under no circumstances should you place your hands under the pipetting arm when it is lowering. Do not attem pt to m ove any plates or tubes while the instrum ent is operating.

Im por tant: Clicking on Per for m calibr ation or a positioning button will im m ediately m ove the robotic arm in the selected direction for a specific movement step.
To ensure your personal safety:
· Always stand clear of the instrument when starting calibration or making adjustments. · Do not click any of the software buttons with the mouse or press any of the keys on the keyboard while parts of
your body are within the instrum ent worktable or when looking closely at calibration positions.
· Wait until the robotic arm has completed its movements before moving any plates or troughs.

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The calibration tasks are bundled in the Calibration tab of the Configuration environment. All calibration steps are built in a wizard-style format that allows you to move forward or backward one screen using the Next or Back button in the button bar, respectively.

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The calibration comprises the following steps:

Calibration step

Des c r ipt ion

Enter the volume calibration data that was shipped with the instrument in the

calibration report. No further interaction is required. See Calibrate volumes.

Perform and m anually correct the XY- axis calibration of the tip rack. See Calibrate tip racks.
Perform XY- and Z-axis calibration for all labware that will be used on the QIAcube HT. See Calibrate labware.
Select the labware, the corresponding adapter(s) and the worktable position for which the labware should be calibrated, and add to a calibration work list. Based on the work list, the labware calibration wizard will guide you through all XY-axis calibrations, followed by the Z-axis calibrations for each selected labware.
Manually correct the XY-axis calibration for each XY-axis calibration step.
It is strongly recom m ended to perform the Z-axis calibration autom atically whenever possible. However, the software also provides the possibility to perform Z-axis calibration manually.

Note: QIAGEN recommends that you follow the steps from top to bottom starting with the Volume calibration and finishing with the Labw are calibration step. For the first calibration, this order is required, and the next step will only be available after the previous step has been completed.
Note: If the QIAcube HT is moved, we recommend recalibration, starting from step Tip Rack. Click on the Tip Rack step to start there.
Note: After servicing the pipettor head, recalibration is required, starting from step Volume.
Note: Calibration data can be saved and restored for backup purposes using the Export calibration data and Import buttons at the bottom of the screen. For details, see Saving and restoring calibration data.
5.7.1 Calibrate volumes
Volum e calibration defines the num ber of units that the P-axis m otor m ust m ove to accurately deliver a given volum e of liquid.
The QIAcube HT is shipped with a calibration report. The data in this calibration report have been measured and adjusted by the m anufacturer individually for each individual pipettor head to ensure accuracy of volum es. The data in the calibration report must be entered in the software before the QIAcube HT can be used.

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Follow these steps to enter the volume calibration data: 1. Click on Configuration to change to the Configuration screen. 2. Click on the Calibration tab.

Note: If the instrument is not connected, there will be a warning sign on the Calibration tab:


When you click it, a message will be displayed that the instrument needs to be connected first. The volume step

will be displayed without the pipettor head serial number and with the column Value (P-axis units) empty. No

calibration functionality will be available, because all calibration inform ation is related to an individual pipettor

head. In this case, connect the instrument and relaunch the software.

3. The Volume step is displayed by default.

4. Enter the pipettor head serial number from the calibration report into the Pipettor head serial number field. Ensure that the calibration report shows the same serial number.

Note: If no volume calibration data has been saved yet for this pipettor head, the cells of the Value column are em pty. They are displayed in yellow to indicate that a value is m andatory.

5. For the first target volume entry in the table (20 µl) enter the corresponding P-axis value from the calibration report to the Value colum n. Press the Enter key to confirm and to navigate to the next entry.

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6. Repeat the previous step for all volumes from 50 µl to 200 µl. 7. Click Save values to save the data or click Cancel to cancel the volume data input and revert any values to their
previous values.
Click the Next button to continue with Tip Rack calibration. Note: The Next button is available only if volum e calibration data for the current pipettor head have been saved. 5.7.2 Calibration positioning buttons For corrections to calibration positions, the software provides several positioning buttons. The positioning buttons are arranged in two groups, one for the Z-axis and one for the XY-axis.

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The following table shows the movement steps for the positioning buttons:

Z-ax is

XY-ax is


Movem ent Moves up to the highest possible position (Z-home) Slow up
Slow down
Fast up
Fast down


Movem ent Slow left / slow right Fast left / fast right Slow forward Slow backward
Fast forward Fast backward

5.7.3 Calibrate tip racks
The tip rack calibration is essential to ensure a reliable pickup of tips. Tip rack calibration is available only if the volum e calibration has already been perform ed.

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Proceed as follows: 1. Carefully place full tip racks in worktable positions B2 and C2. 2. If not activated, click B2 from the worktable selector:
3. Keep the lid open during the calibration procedure. 4. Click Perform calibration to start the calibration. The pipettor head starts to move and positions itself above
column 1 of the rack in worktable position B2. 5. Carefully inspect whether the pipettor head is positioned over the center of the tips in column 1. Look from the front
and from the side. In case you have difficulties seeing the position, use the buttons of the Z-axis position control to lift and lower the pipettor head. 6. Adjust the XY-positioning manually. Use the buttons of the XY-axis control to position the pipettor head directly centered just above the positions of column 1. For details about the buttons, refer to Calibration positioning buttons .

7. Click Save XY-Position to save the calibration data for tips at worktable position B2. 8. A message pops up indicating that the pipettor will move to the home position. Confirm and stand clear of the
instrument while the pipettor is moving. 9. To test if the calibration was successful, click Test tip pickup (see below). 10. Click the Next button in the button bar or C2 from the worktable selector and repeat steps 4 to 9 for the tip rack at
worktable position C2. 11. Continue with the next calibration step either by clicking Next in the button bar or Labw are in the step marker. Note: For tip racks no Z-calibration is performed.
Testing the tip rack calibration The following procedure starts a test to determine whether the calibration of the tip rack was successful. During the test, the pipettor head moves to the tip rack, picks up a column of tips and drops them at the tip chute. 1. If not activated, click the worktable position you want to test: B2 or C2. 2. Click the Test tip pickup button to start the test.
Note: The button is active only if a calibration has been already perform ed on that worktable position.

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3. The pipettor head moves to the tip chute, ejects the attached tips and picks up the next available column of tips from the tip rack at the selected worktable position.
4. Confirm the message with OK. If the tip pickup failed, repeat the tip rack calibration for the selected worktable position. If the instrument picked up the tips successfully, continue with the next calibration.

5.7.4 Calibrate labware

All labware and adapters m ust be calibrated before they can be used, to ensure that the pipettor knows their exact positions on the worktable. In addition, if a certain labware will be used on several worktable positions, it must be calibrated on all of these worktable positions.
Labware calibration is performed in the software using a convenient wizard, which guides users through all necessary steps for the set of labware to be calibrated.
The first step of labware calibration is to select the set of labware (or labware/adapter combinations) and the worktable positions on which the labware will be calibrated. This information is collected in the work list. See Select labware to calibrate. The calibration wizard will then guide the user through the following calibration steps.
The second step is the preparation of the worktable, i.e., placing required tips. See Prepare worktable for labware calibration.
In several steps, all labware and labware/adapter combinations will be XY-axis calibrated on the worktable positions as defined in the work list, one step for each labware or labware/adapter combination in a specific worktable position. The user will correct the XY-positioning m anually and save the calibration data for each step, before continuing with the next step. See Calibrate X- and Y-axis.
Afterwards, in several steps, all labware and labware/adapter combinations, except for filter plates, will be Z-axis calibrated, one step for each labware and labware/adapter combination in the work list. For most labware, the software provides an automatic Z-axis calibration function, which should be used whenever possible. However, it is also possible to decide on each step individually to calibrate the Z-axis m anually. Calibration data needs to be saved for each step, before continuing with the next step. See Calibrate Z-axis.

Select labware to calibrate

The first step of labware calibration is to select a set of labware along with the adapters and worktable positions on which the labware will be calibrated in the work list. Initially, the work list is empty.
The labware calibration step will only be available if all previous calibration steps have been previously perform ed.
All labware that has already been calibrated for the currently connected instrum ent will be listed in the Calibr ation history table. Initially, the table is empty.
Note: The calibration history will also be em pty after the pipettor head has been changed, because calibration data are individual for an instrument and a pipettor head.

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Follow these steps to define the list of labware that should be calibrated: 1. Select the desired labware from the Select labw are list. Only one item can be selected.
Note: The list contains all labware that has been made available in the Labw are Manager. If a labware item is missing, make it available in the Labw are Manager first. For details refer to chapter Managing labware.

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2. If the selected labware requires an adapter, select the desired adapter from the Select adapter list. Only one item can be selected.
3. Select the worktable position in which the selected labware will be used. Only one position can be selected.
4. Click Add to w ork list to save the selected combination of labware, adapter (optional) and position to the work list. The combination is added to the Work list table:
5. Repeat steps 1­4 for all labware, adapter and worktable position combinations to be calibrated together in a session.
6. Finally, click Start calibration to start the calibration wizard. Based on the work list, the wizard creates the necessary XY-axis and Z-axis calibrations. After all calibration steps have been perform ed, all item s from the work list will appear in the calibration history table, and the work list will be em pty. Note: If the calibration wizard is canceled, the work list will still contain the items that have not been completely calibrated.
Note: A labware item is correctly calibrated only if both XY- and Z-calibration have been perform ed. When creating the work list, take into account the time required for a complete calibration. Sometimes it is better to create a smaller work list and to calibrate the labware in subsets. Note: Filter plates do not need Z-axis calibration.

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It is not necessary to calibrate every labware on every worktable position. As a starting point, use the following recommendations as a guide: Note: For special positioning requirements refer to the kit handbook of the kit you intend to use. · Calibrate labware that will contain the samples (input) on worktable position B1. Most protocols use B1 as sample
input position. · Select one of the filter plates to be calibrated on A1.
Note: Worktable position A1 needs to be XY-calibrated only once. To increase calibration precision the calibration will be perform ed into the channeling adapter, only (see Assem bly for calibration). Note: Filter plates will not be Z-calibrated to avoid damage of the filter. · Calibrate both kinds of troughs on worktable position R1 with the Reagent Plate R1 adapter and on worktable position C1 with the Reagent Plate SBS adapter. Note: 170 m l troughs will not be XY-calibrated them selves, but will be replaced by 70m l troughs during XYcalibration, instead. However, during Z-calibration, again the 170 ml will be used.
Note: No labware needs to be calibrated on worktable position A2, because this is already covered by calibration of position A1.

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Prepare worktable for labware calibration

The worktable must be prepared with tip racks before the labware calibration can be started. The required number of tips will be displayed in the Requir ed colum n of the Wor ktable pr epar ation dialog. Use the tip availability buttons at the bottom right of the dialog to define the available tip positions.

Worktable preparation dialog. Tips on 6­12 are set as available. Tips at 5 are selected to refine their availability.
Preparing the w orktable 1. Place the tip rack containing a sufficient number of tips in worktable position B2.
The dialog displays the required number of tips in the Required column of the table. Initially, the button B2 is displayed in yellow to indicate that the num ber of available tips, initially set to zero, is insufficient and that the loaded state has not yet been confirmed.

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2. A visualization of the tip rack is displayed on the right. Use the tip availability buttons below the rack graphic to set the availability of the rack.


Required action

To set all tips to available

Click on:

To set all tips to unavailable

Click on:

To set selected tips to available To set the selected tips to unavailable

Select the desired tip columns (use drag and drop and hold the CTRL key to select single tip colum ns). Then click on:
Click on:

Available tip positions are displayed in dark color (columns 6­12 in the screen above), and unavailable positions are displayed in grey (colum ns 1­5). Selected tips are surrounded by a light blue circle (colum n 5). Note: Ensure that the visualization on the screen is identical to the actual tip loading of the tip rack on the worktable. 3. Click the Loaded check box in the last column of the tip rack table on the left to confirm that you have loaded the tip rack onto the worktable. The color changes from yellow to blue:
Note: The Loaded check box is enabled only, if a full tip rack or a tip rack with a sufficient num ber of tips has been placed. 4. If more than 96 tips are required, or if you want to load an additional tip rack, click C2 in the worktable position:
5. Place the tip rack into worktable position C2. 6. Repeat steps 2­3 for the tip rack at position C2.

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7. Once you have placed a sufficient number of available tips and have confirmed the Loaded state at least for tip rack on B2, the Next button will be activated.
8. Click Next to continue to the next step, the XY-axis calibration of the labware.

Calibrate X- and Y-axis

Each individual XY-axis calibration step is provided in a separate screen.
The calibration positioning buttons are displayed on the left side of the window, along with advice and notifications regarding the calibration. An image of the labware or labware/adapter combination to be calibrated in this step is displayed in the center. The name of the labware or names of the labware/adapter combination is displayed on the right side. The graphic on the right shows a schematic of the labware with the position used for the calibration marked with cros s hairs . A progres s bar is dis played at the bottom left indicating the num ber of calibration s teps rem aining for the actual work list.

To perform XY-axis calibration for one labware item, follow the steps below:
1. Place the labware, adapter or accessory listed at the top right onto the worktable position indicated in the worktable indicator:

For worktable position A1, follow the loading instruction described in Assem bly for calibration.

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Note: For worktable position A1, the calibration needs to be perform ed into the channeling adapter, only (i.e., without a filter plate) to increase calibration precision.
Note: Although a 170 ml trough has been selected for calibration, the software will prompt you to place a 70 ml trough for the XY-calibration step. This is because it is easier see whether the pipettor head is centered using the sm aller trough, increasing the accuracy of the calibration.
2. Click Perform calibration to start the XY-axis calibration.
3. The pipettor head starts moving and positions itself above the dedicated calibration position (marked with crosshairs in the schematic).
4. Optional step: If no tips are attached to the pipettor head, click Get new tip. The pipettor head picks up the next column of tips and returns to the dedicated calibration position.
5. Carefully inspect whether the pipettor head is positioned in the center of the marked position. Look from the front
and from the side. In case you have difficulties seeing the positioning, use the buttons of the Z-axis position control to lift and lower the pipettor head. Adjust the XY-positioning manually. Use the buttons of the XY-axis control to position the pipettor head directly centered above the calibration position. For details about the buttons, refer to Calibration positioning buttons.

Note: For worktable position A1 it is im portant that you lower the tips to carefully center in the first colum n of the channeling block.
6. Click Save XY-position to save the XY-calibration position. A message will be displayed, and the pipettor head will move to the home position, while keeping an attached tip. Alternatively, click Cancel and repeat from step 2 on.
Note: For worktable position A1, only one XY-calibration value will be saved. This m eans that any following XYcalibration for any labware on A1 will overwrite this calibration value.
7. Click Next to move forward to the next calibration step.
Note: The Next button will only be activated after the Save XY-position button has been clicked.
Note: If the work list contains rem aining XY-calibrations for any labware, the next step will be the XY-calibration for the next labware item . The first Z-calibration step will only be displayed once all XY-calibration steps for the work list have been performed.
Note: If the worklist contained only filter plates, no Z-calibration step will follow to avoid dam age of the filters. Then after the last XY-calibration step, click the Close button to finish the labware calibration wizard.
You can return to the previous calibration step by clicking the Back button. From the first calibration step, this will lead back to the initial screen of the labware calibration (work list).
You can stop the labware calibration by clicking the Close button on the bottom right. In this case, none of the labware item s from the work list are com pletely calibrated, because all Z-calibrations m ust still be perform ed. The labware calibration wizard will be closed and the initial labware calibration screen will be shown. All labware items will remain in the work list, allowing you to start calibration again at a later time.

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Calibrate Z-axis

Each individual Z-axis calibration step is provided in a separate screen. The first Z-calibration step will only be displayed after all of the XY-calibration steps for the work list have been performed.
The screen is very sim ilar to the XY-calibration screen. The graphic on the right shows a schem atic of the labware with the positions used for the calibration marked with crosshairs.

Example in which two different positions are used for Z-axis calibration.
To perform Z-axis calibration for one labware item, follow the steps below: 1. Place the labware and adapter listed at the top right onto the worktable position indicated in the worktable
indicator. For troughs, ensure that troughs are placed in all positions marked with crosshairs in the schematic. Use the scroll bars of the schematic to scroll down, in case some labware positions are not visible.

2. You can either perform an automatic calibration by leaving the check box next to Automatic activated or make a m anual calibration by deactivating the option. We recom m end using the autom atic calibration option whenever possible.
Automatic variant selected. 3. Click the Perform calibration... button. The pipettor head ejects the tips, picks up a new column of tips and moves
to the calibration position. 4. The pipettor head automatically moves down to the bottom of the labware and repeats this procedure with a new
column of tips for all calibration positions marked with crosshairs.

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5. Click Save Z-position to save the Z-axis calibration data.
6. Click Next to move forward to the next Z-calibration step, or click Close if this was the last calibration step. To determine if this was the last calibration step, look at the progress bar in the lower left of the window.
Note: The Next button will only be activated after clicking the Save Z-position button, if there is a following Zcalibration step. The Next button is not activated after the last step.
You can return to the previous calibration step by clicking the Back button. From the first calibration step, this will lead back to the initial screen of the labware calibration (work list).
You can stop the labware calibration by clicking the Close button at the bottom right. Only the labware item s from the work list for which both the XY- and Z-calibrations have been perform ed are com pletely calibrated. The labware calibration wizard will be closed and the initial labware calibration screen will be shown. All labware items which have not been com pletely calibrated will rem ain in the work list, allowing you to start calibration again at a later tim e.
Note: Filter plates will not be Z-calibrated to avoid damage of the filter.
Manual calibration
Note: We recommend using the automatic calibration option whenever possible.
1. Click the Perform calibration... button. The pipettor head ejects the tips and picks up a new column of tips.
2. The pipettor head moves to the calibration position. There is only one calibration position for the manual calibration procedure. The Z-axis positioning buttons become activated.
3. Click Get new tip. The pipettor head picks up the next column of tips and returns to the calibration position.
4. Use the Z-axis positioning buttons to carefully lower the tip so that it is close to the base of the trough or well (approxim ately 0.5 m m above trough or well base). The distance m ay be checked by carefully lifting the well from its support. In case a tip is damaged, click Get new tip and repeat to ensure a good calibration result.

5. Click Save Z-Position to save the Z-axis calibration data. Alternatively, click Cancel and repeat from step 3 on.
6. Click Next to move forward to the next Z-calibration step, or click Close if this was the last calibration step. To determine if this was the last calibration step, look at the progress bar in the lower left of the window.
Note: The Next button will only be activated after clicking the Save Z-position button, if there is a following Zcalibration step. The Next button is not activated after the last step.

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5.7.5 Saving and importing calibration data
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager includes a function to save and restore the calibration data. Use this function if for any reason another computer will be used to control the QIAcube HT, or if the QIAcube HT Prep Manager must be reins talled. Calibration data files have the file extension *.xcd.
Saving calibration data 1. Click the Export calibration data button in the button bar. 2. The file dialog is shown. 3. Select the target directory and enter a file name. 4. Optional step: Select the desired information to be saved by activating the corresponding check boxes:

Option Volume calibration Instrument calibration
Labware calibration

Des c r ipt ion Include volume calibration data. Include general instrument calibration data (e.g., for tip rack) Note: Instrum ent calibration data can only be saved together with volum e calibration data. Include labware calibration data. Note: Labware calibration data can only be saved together with volum e and general instrument calibration data.

Note: If you intend to change the laptop that controls the QIAcube HT or if the QIAcube HT Prep Manager needs to be reinstalled, check all options.
5. Click OK to confirm and close the file dialog.
6. The calibration data will be saved under the provided file name with the file extension .xcd.

Importing calibration data
To im port calibration data that was previously saved on another laptop for the currently connected QIAcube HT, proceed as follows.
Note: The im port function will only be available if volum e calibration has already been perform ed. This ensures that only calibration data that m atch the current instrum ent and pipettor head are im ported.

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1. Click on Import in the button bar. 2. The file dialog is shown. 3. Navigate to the directory containing the calibration data file and select it. 4. From the options area of the file dialog, select the calibration data you want to import by activating the
corresponding check boxes.

Option Volume calibration Instrument calibration
Labware calibration

Des c r ipt ion
Include volume calibration data
Include general instrument calibration data (e.g., for tip rack)
Note: Instrum ent calibration data can only be im ported together with volum e calibration data.
Include labware calibration data.
Note: Labware calibration data can only be im ported together with volum e and general instrument calibration data.
Im por tant: If you have already calibrated labware using this laptop before importing, use this option cautiously. Importing the labware calibration data may result in a situation in which data for labware items that are not part of the file will be kept, and calibration data for labware items that are part of the file will be replaced.

Note: If you changed the laptop that controls the QIAcube HT or if the QIAcube HT Prep Manager has been reinstalled, check all options.
5. Click Open to import the selected calibration data set from the selected calibration file.
Note: If the selected calibration data file to be imported does not correspond to the current instrument and pipettor head, the import will be declined.
Note: During import, the selected calibration data will be read from the file, and will replace the current data as appropriate.
6. The selected calibration data will be imported and will be used for subsequent runs.

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Operating procedures

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6 Operating procedures
This section describes how to operate the QIAcube HT.
Before proceeding, we recom m end that you fam iliarize yourself with the features of the QIAcube HT by referring to the sections General description and QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
The QIAcube HT lid m ust rem ain closed during operation of the instrum ent. Only open the lid when the instrum ent is not operating or when instructed to do so by the software.
Note: Opening the lid during operation of the QIAcube HT will cause the system to pause. The instrument will com plete the current m ovem ent, which m ay take up to 10 seconds.


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W4] Do not attempt to move the QIAcube HT during operation.


Moving parts [W12]
Avoid contact with moving parts during operation of the QIAcube HT. Under no circumstances should you place your hands under the pipetting arm when it is lowering. Do not attem pt to m ove any plates or tubes while the instrum ent is operating.


Moving parts [W15]
To avoid contact with moving parts during operation of the QIAcube HT, the instrument must be operated with the lid closed.
If the lid sensor is not functioning correctly, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

6.1 Starting a run
Before starting a run, read the kit handbook for the kit that will be used. To start a new run, proceed as follows: 1. Start the QIAcube HT Prep Manager (see Start the software) if it is not yet operating.
Note: For the first steps, the instrument does not need to be switched on. 2. If the Home screen is not visible, click on the Home icon from the main tool bar.
Note: Refer to section Working with experiments for more information how to work with the Home screen. 3. Create a new experiment using one of the following alternatives:
a) Create a new empty experiment by clicking an entry in the Create Experiment list. For details refer to Create an em pty experim ent.

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b) Use a template to create an experiment by clicking on it from the Favorite Templates list. If the desired template is not listed here, click on the Create from other template button at the bottom to open the file dialog. For details refer to Create an experiment using a template.
c) Use a saved experiment as the starting point for the new experiment. In the Recent Experiments list, position the mouse pointer over the name of the desired experiment and select the Use as template for new experiment option from the context menu icon that appears. For details refer to Create an experiment from an existing experiment.
The new experiment will be created and displayed in the Experiment environment. Refer to section Experiments for information about the screen.
4. Proceed with the instructions described in section Setup step.
6.1.1 Setup step
The Setup step is used to make basic selections such as the sample type and the protocol to be used. When you create a new experim ent, the Setup step will be the only active step.

1. If not yet selected, select the kit from the Select kit drop-down menu. 2. The Kit information, Sample type, Pre-treatment and Select protocol fields are displayed.

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3. Optionally, enter the Lot number and the Kit expiry date in the corresponding fields for documentation purposes. Note: You can use the date picker ( ) to open an interactive calendar for entering the dates.
4. Select the sample type from the Sample type drop-down menu. 5. Select a pre-treatment from the Pre-treatment drop-down menu. The entries in this menu are kit-dependent.
Refer to the kit handbook for more information. 6. Select a protocol from the Select protocol drop-down menu. The entries in this menu are kit-dependent. Refer to
the kit handbook for more information.
Below, a short description about the selected protocol is displayed. After you selected the protocol, at the right an Optional steps pane is shown.

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7. Optionally, activate the desired options from the Optional steps pane. The number and type of these optional steps are kit-dependent, for details refer to the kit handbook:
For information about the vacuum performance check refer to Vacuum performance check. 8. Click Next to continue to the next step Labware Selection.
Advanced options QIAGEN does not recom m end to m odify any of the param eters found in the "Advanced options" section. These param eters were optim ized for the applied kit and only these param eters guarantee accurate and valid experim ent results. QIAGEN is not responsible and does not support experiment with modified advanced options. You are acting on your own risk if you change these options. Refer to the kit handbook for information how the selected protocol makes use of the parameters. Note: A warning icon and a corres ponding warning m es s age will be dis played if you change any param eter. The warning text contains the recommended value. If you return to the recommended value, the warning message dis appears . 6.1.2 Labware selection step Use the Labware Selection screen m ainly to define the sam ple inform ation (sam ple ID, description). Enter the sam ple IDs m anually using the Sam ple editor or add the sam ple inform ation by im porting it from a sam ple input file. The screen is split into two similar panels: define the input labware on the left side and define the output labware on the right side.

Labware Selection step
To define the samples on the input labw are: 1. Check the option Use sample IDs or existing sample input file.

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2. Select either Enter sample IDs to auto-generate sample IDs or to define sample IDs manually using the Sample editor (description starts with step 4).
Alternatively, select Load existing sample file to use a sample input file (description starts with step 9).
3. If the Input labw are type menu is colored yellow, check if the labware which is mentioned in the kit handbook is available in the Labware Manager. To select another labware, follow the instructions in Select other input labware. Ensure to select a labware with the sam e or higher volum e capacity like the input labware that is described in the kit handbook. Then proceed to step 4 or 9, respectively.
To define samples manually:
4. Check the option Auto-generate sample IDs for all samples if the software shall generate sample IDs autom atically for all 96 pos itions . Sam ple IDs will be generated in the following waSya: m ple 1 for pos ition A1,
Sample 2 for position B1, .... If you want to view or edit the generated sample information in the Sample editor, proceed to step 5, otherwise proceed to step 13.
5. Alternatively, click Define samples to define samples individually.
6. The Sample editor will be opened and the Sample ID fields will be colored yellow to indicate that this information is required.

7. Enter each sample ID and optionally, enter a sample description. Sample names for at least one column are required.
If you click a cell (C1 in the picture above), you can start editing in that cell. However, all cells that belong to the sam e plate colum n are autom atically selected.
Alternatively, you can autom atically generate sam ple IDs using the context m enu. Select the relevant cells of a colum n. Press the SHIFT key and left-click to select cells of m ultiple adjacent colum ns or press the CTRL key and left-click to select cells of multiple non-adjacent columns. Then right-click to open the context menu and click on Auto-gener ate sam ple nam es. Sam ple nam es are generated autom atically for the selected cells by taking the text in the selected cell and adding an incrementing number to the text.
Note: By instrum ent design, you can process com plete plate colum ns, only. Therefore, you need to enter sam ple names for all positions of a column. The remaining positions of a column are displayed yellow and the OK button is disabled, until sample names for all positions of the column are entered.
Note: For more details about the sample editor refer to the section Working with tables.
8. Click OK to close the Sample editor. Proceed to step 13.

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To define samples by using a sample input file: 9. The Load sample file and Scan labw are barcode buttons are enabled, if the option Load existing sample file
had been checked.
10. Click the Load sample file button and select the desired sample file. For details, refer to File dialog. 11. Alternatively, if you would like to load the sample information based on the bar code on the labware, click the Scan
labw are barcode button. The Scan plate barcode dialog opens. Scan the labware bar code and click OK to confirm . The software will autom atically search for a sam ple inform ation file in the directory of sam ple input files (as defined in the user settings). For details, refer to Scan labware barcode dialog. 12. The software loads the sample information from the sample file and displays the sample editor. Optionally, edit the sample information. Then click OK to confirm. Note: If the sample file contains a labware type that is different than the labware type displayed in the Input labw are type drop-down menu, an error message is shown and the file cannot be loaded. This is only possible for files in QDEF format.
To define the output labw are: 13. The option Use empty output labw are is initially selected and can be used for most runs. The output labware in
the Output labw are type menu on the right is determined by the protocol and cannot be changed anymore. Proceed to step 19. Note: The next Assignm ent step provides the possibility to m anually m ark output positions as blocked. Alternatively, load a labw are file for the output labw are: In som e rare cases, one run m ight not be sufficient to com pletely fill an output labware. If this is required, you can perform m ore than one run to com pletely fill the output labware. When doing this, the output file needs to be saved after the first run. Then the output file from the first run can be loaded and used as a starting point for the second run. After the second run, the information from both runs can be saved in the output file.
To set up the second run properly: 14. Select the Use existing output labw are option. The Load output labw are file and Scan labw are barcode buttons
are enabled.

Note: It is required that you have saved the output file after the previous run of the output labware. If you have not yet saved the file, open the corresponding experiment in parallel, navigate to the Run step and click Save output file.

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15. Click the Load output labw are file button and select the desired labware file. For details, refer to File dialog. The positions that were used with this labware for a previous run will be displayed as blocked in the Assignment step.
Note: If the labware type from the loaded file does not m atch the output labware type as required by the protocol, the file cannot be loaded.
16. Alternatively, click the Scan labw are barcode button. In the Scan labw are barcode dialog, scan the bar code and confirm by clicking OK. For details, refer to Scan plate barcode dialog. The software autom atically searches for a QDEF form at file describing the output labware in the Sam ple output files directory (defined in the user settings). Using the information from the loaded file, the software will automatically select the Output labw are type. In addition, the positions that were used with this labware for a previous run will be blocked.
17. Click Next to proceed to the next step Assignment.

Select other input labware

The input labware type needs to be selected m anually only in the case if the input labware determ ined in the protocol is not indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager (see Managing labware). In this case, the Input labw are type menu on the Labw are Selection screen is colored yellow to indicate that this information is required.

1. Click on the Input labw are type drop-down menu. 2. All previously selected labware types will be listed. The Choose other labw are option will be listed last.

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3. Select your input labware in the drop-down list. Ensure to select a labware with the same or higher volume capacity like the input labware that is described in the kit handbook. If it is not listed, click Choose other labw are to open the Labw are brow ser.

4. In the Filter options area on the left, keep the initial labware category All selected from the Category drop-down menu. Find a description of all filter options below.
5. Select the option Show s available labw are only.
Note: For the run, only labware that has been indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager can be used. Refer to Managing labware for information how to indicate labware as available.
6. Click Apply filter. The software displays all available labware of the selected category in the Labw are and Labw are adapter area in the middle of the screen.
Note: Apply filter must be clicked to populate the view in the middle of the screen.
7. In the middle of the screen, select the desired labware from the list at the top. The software displays a picture and further details about the selected labware on the right. Ensure to select a labware with the same or higher volume capacity like the input labware that is described in the kit handbook.
If the desired labware is not listed, either select another available labware, or uncheck the Show s available labw are only option to search it among all supported labware. You can use the Advanced filter options to restrict the search by other criteria.
Note: Before you can use the labware for a run, it must be indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager. If the labware has never been used before on the QIAcube HT, it also must be calibrated.

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8. If the selected labware requires an adapter, the software will list all adapters that can be used with the selected labware in the Labw are adapter area below. Select the adapter. The software displays a picture and further details about the selected adapter on the right.
Note: If the option Show s available labw are only has been checked, the software lists only adapters that have been indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager.
If none of the matching adapters has been indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager, the list will be em pty and the OK button will rem ain disabled. Either choose another available labware or indicate one of the adapters as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager.
9. Click OK to confirm the selection and to close the Labw are Brow ser. The selected labware will be displayed and added to the Input labw are types drop-down menu.
Note: The OK button will only be enabled if a labware has been selected. In addition, if the labware requires an adapter (see the details area of the selected labware), the OK button will become enabled after you have selected an adapter from the Labw are adapter area.
Im por tant: Troughs or plates m ay have slightly different dim ensions, despite a sim ilar appearance. Such differences can significantly affect the calibration settings, in particular the height calibration (Z-axis calibration). Therefore, it is important to select the correct plates and troughs.

Filter options in the Labw are brow ser


Des c r ipt ion


Labware category, such as Standard 96-well.

Shows available labware only

If checked, the search will be restricted to labware that has been indicated as Available in the laboratory in the Labw are Manager.

Note: The option applies also to the Labw are adapter area.

Uncheck the option if a desired labware is supported in general, but does not appear in the list if the option is checked.

Advanced options

Check to enable the advanced filter options.

Enter or select details only for those advanced options for that you want to restrict the search. Leave all other options empty/unselected.

Name of labware

Labware name

Part number

Catalog number of the labware


List of labware manufacturers

Well size

Well size range from <0.5 ml to >2 ml

Reset filter

If you click the button, the software clears all filter options to the initial state.

Apply filter

If you click the button, the software lists all labware that matches the search criteria.

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6.1.3 Assignment The Assignment step screen shows a graphic visualization of the input labware on the left and the output labware on the right. It is designed to support flexible and intuitive assignment of samples to the output labware.
Assignment step. All input samples selected. The Graphic tab of the Input panel on the left side of the screen shows all sample positions on the input labware. Use the List tab of the input panel to view or edit the sample definition again. The Graphic tab of the Output panel on the right side of the screen shows all sample positions on the output labware. Initially, the output labware only displays em pty positions. Colum ns on the output labware can be blocked to prevent specific columns from being used. If you hover the mouse pointer over an output position, the software displays the sample ID for that position. Use the List tab of the output panel to view the sample definitions that have been assigned.

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Description of the symbols: Input graphic Position for which a sample ID has been defined (either using the Sample editor or from a sample file). Position for which no sample IDs have been defined. The position cannot be used for the run. The sam ple has already been assigned to the output labware. This symbol is not used in the input graphic.
Currently selected, em pty position. It cannot be assigned.
Currently selected sam ple that has not yet been assigned. Currently selected, already assigned sam ple.
This symbol is not used in the input graphic.

Output graphic This symbol is not used in the output graphic.
Em pty and assignable position.
This position has been assigned and will be used in the run. Blocked position. No input column can be assigned. Currently selected em pty and assignable position. Before starting assignment, the position can be marked as blocked. This symbol is not used in the output graphic.
Currently selected, already assigned position. The assignment can be removed. Currently selected blocked position. Before starting assignment, the position can be marked as assignable.

Assigning samples

Proceed as follow s:
1. From the Input panel select the sample columns you want to run.
Note: To select multiple columns, either press SHIFT and left-click with the mouse to select adjacent columns, CTRL and left-click with the mouse to select multiple, nonadjacent columns, or drag the mouse to select adjacent columns in a rectangle. Samples are processed in columns, it is not possible to handle single sample positions.
2. Click Assign.
3. The software assigns the samples to the output labware. Below each assigned column of the output labware, the column number of the input labware is displayed from which the samples have been assigned.
Note: If you assign single input colum ns to the output labware, they will be assigned to the next free colum n (from the left) on the output labware.
Note: In case that you assigned an input column to another column on the output labware, for example assigning input column 1 to column 2 on the output labware, a warning is displayed on the Output panel.
Note: It is possible to assign the same sample column multiple times to the output labware. Also in this case a warning is displayed.
4. Repeat the steps until all columns of the output side have been defined for the planned run.
5. If the QIAcube HT instrument is not yet connected, switch it on now. Wait until the instrument has connected with the software (indicated by the instrum ent icon at the upper right corner of the screen).

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6. Close the lid.
7. Click Next to proceed to the next step Worktable. If the instrument has not been used before, it will initialize.
Note: While entering the Wor ktable step, the software autom atically plans the worktable and checks the instrum ent calibration status. This m ay take som e tim e. Worktable planning is repeated every tim e you enter the Worktable step.

Removing assignment

To remove an assigned column from the output side:
1. Select the desired column on the Output side. Selecting multiple columns is possible by pressing SHIFT and leftclicking with the mouse to select adjacent columns or CTRL and left-clicking with the mouse to select multiple, nonadjacent columns.
2. Click on Remove assignment. The assignment will be removed, and the sample position will be cleared from the output side.

Blocking output positions

To block a column on the output side:
1. Select the desired column on the Output side. Selecting multiple columns is possible by pressing SHIFT and leftclicking with the mouse to select adjacent columns or CTRL and left-clicking with the mouse to select multiple, nonadjacent columns.
2. Click Blocked. The software displays the selected columns as blocked.

To mark a blocked column again as assignable:
1. Select the blocked column on the Output side. Selecting multiple columns is possible by pressing SHIFT and leftclicking with the mouse to select adjacent columns or CTRL and left-clicking with the mouse to select multiple, nonadjacent columns.
2. Click Assignable. The software displays the selected columns as assignable.

Note: Output colum ns can be m arked as blocked or as assignable only before starting assignm ent. If sam ple colum ns have been already assigned, rem ove the assignm ents first.
6.1.4 Worktable step
Note: The instrument must be switched on and connected to the software before entering the Worktable step. While entering the Wor ktable step, the software autom atically plans the worktable and checks the instrum ent calibration status. The Worktable step supports you in loading the worktable, step-by-step, for each worktable position. The Worktable selector at the top shows a visualization of the worktable positions to be loaded. To navigate, use the Next and Back buttons or just click on a position in the Worktable selector.

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Worktable selector

· Waste bottle status (green, yellow, red). For details, refer to Checking the waste bottle status.
· Position with black border: worktable position for which the loading details are displayed. (in the example picture: R1)
· Yellow position: worktable position that still needs to be loaded. The run cannot be started if any yellow positions rem ain. (in the exam ple picture: R1)
· Blue position: worktable positions that have already been loaded. (in the example picture: TC, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)
· White worktable positions are not used for the run (not pictured).

Note: The run cannot be started if any worktable positions rem ain yellow.
For a step-by-step instruction, refer to the following chapters, starting with Preparing the worktable.
The software displays the labware and required amount of reagents to be loaded in a table located in the middle of the screen. If several throughs need to be loaded to the worktable position, the table will display one row for each trough. You m us t confirm that the labware has been loaded by checking the box in the Loaded colum n.

Table of troughs to be loaded to the worktable position R1.

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For better orientation, a schematic graphic at the right of the screen highlights the positions to be loaded.

Schematic graphic for R1.
For tip rack positions, an interactive rack is displayed. The software tracks the tip usage during operation and displays the tip availability accordingly. However, the software cannot detect whether tip racks have been replaced or rem oved in the meantime. Therefore, you must set singular, multiple or all tips To available or To unavailable in the interactive tip rack according to the available tips on the tip rack on the worktable. For details, refer to Loading tips.

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Interactive rack to define tip availability.

If a labware type has not yet been calibrated on the required worktable position, you must first perform a labware calibration. This will be indicated by a yellow Calibrate labw are button.

Preparing the worktable

For general information about the worktable step, refer to chapter Worktable. 1. Open the instrument lid. 2. Depending on the worktable position for which the loading details are displayed, follow the instructions in the
following chapters, accordingly: · For the waste bottle refer to Checking the waste bottle status. · For the tip chute refer to Preparing tip chute and tip disposal box. · For worktable positions with tips refer to Loading tips. · For worktable positions A1 and A2 refer to Preparing the vacuum chamber. · For all other positions refer to Loading reagents and samples. 3. Repeat step 2 for all worktable positions that need to be loaded. To navigate, use the Next and Back buttons, or just click on a position in the Worktable selector. 4. After you have confirmed that all worktable positions have been loaded, the Start run button and the Run step will be activated. Proceed with the instructions described in Starting a run.

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Note: You can start the run as soon as the Start run button is activated, either from the Worktable step or from the Run step.
Note: If any labware has not yet been calibrated, or if the loading of any position has not yet been confirm ed, the run cannot be started, and the Start run button and the Run step will remain deactivated. The software will indicate the affected worktable position with a yellow button in the worktable selector.
For information about the Run step, refer to Run step.

Checking the waste bottle status

The worktable preparation starts with the status of the waste bottle.
The software tracks the volume in the waste bottle during operation and displays the waste bottle status accordingly. However, the software cannot detect whether the waste bottle has been emptied in the meantime, not using the m aintenance wizard. For inform ation how to em pty the waste bottle refer to chapter Em ptying the waste bottle.
Note: Click the Em ptied checkbox only if you just have em ptied the waste bottle. Clicking the checkbox serves as a starting point for tracking the waste volume in the software.

The calculated volume in the waste bottle results in three possible fill states. Proceed according to the appropriate s ituation.

The waste bottle is em pty or filled a little. There is enough rem aining em pty volum e for the run. 1. Only if you have just emptied the waste bottle, click the Emptied checkbox. 2. Click Next to proceed to the next worktable position Tip chute.

The calculated rem aining volum e in the waste bottle will very likely not be sufficient for the run. If you start the run anyway, the run will be paused when the sensor detects that the waste bottle is full. We recommend that you empty the waste bottle before run.
1. Empty the waste bottle.
2. Click Emptied.
3. Click Next to proceed to the next worktable position Tip chute.

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The waste bottle is full. 1. Empty the waste bottle. 2. Click Emptied. 3. Click Next to proceed to the next worktable position Tip chute. Note: The position in the worktable selector remains invalid and the run cannot be started as long as the waste bottle has not been emptied.

Preparing tip chute and tip disposal box

Tips used on the worktable are discarded through the tip chute into the tip disposal box. The tip chute is located at the rear-left of the QIAcube HT and held in place by a locating block. The tip disposal box is held in place by the tip disposal box holder to ensure correct positioning under the tip chute. Lock the tip disposal box holder with the instrum ent's feet on the left side of the instrum ent, then place the tip disposal box into the tip disposal box holder.
1. Place the tip chute at the rear-left of the QIAcube HT into the locating block so that the chute is over the tip disposal box. Ens ure that the tip chute is open and unblocked. Rem ove the UV protective cap from the tip chute.
2. Ensure that the tip disposal box holder is locked with the instrument's feet on the left side of the instrument.
3. Place an empty tip disposal box into the tip disposal box holder. Make sure that the opening is aligned with the tip chute.
4. Either check the box next to Loaded in the table or click on Confirm all to confirm.
5. Click Next to continue with the next worktable position.

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Tip chute.

Alignm ent of tip disposal box holder to the instrum ent and the tip disposal box.

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Preparing the vacuum chamber

If the selected protocol includes vacuum steps, the vacuum chamber needs to be prepared (worktable positions A1 and A2). Refer to the kit handbook for information which type of vacuum chamber assembling is required for the selected protocol.
1. Assemble the vacuum chamber as described in Assembly for standard purification protocols.
If fewer than 12 columns are to be processed, seal the unused columns of the filter plate with adhesive tape. Unused wells m ust be sealed to ensure proper vacuum operation. Trim any excess tape.
Note: A yellow Calibrate labw are button below the schematic indicates that the worktable position A1 has not yet been calibrated. The worktable position must be calibrated before the run can be started.
Before clicking the button, remove all filled labware from the worktable position. Then click the Calibrate labw are button. The s oftware autom atically prepares a labware calibration worklist containing all labware that is required for that worktable position for the current run and starts the labware calibration wizard. Assemble the vacuum cham ber as described in Assem bly for calibration. Follow the instructions of the wizard. For details, refer to the sub-chapters of section Calibrate labware.
After the calibration steps have been completed, the worktable screen will be displayed again.
2. Confirm that the position has been loaded by checking the box in the Loaded column or click Confirm all to confirm all positions.
Note: If not all columns will be used during run, a message will pop up to remind you to seal the unused columns of the filter plate.
3. Click Next to continue with the next worktable position.

Loading tips

A full tip rack has been loaded on B2.
1. Check that the number of tips is sufficient. If not, load additional tips. Ensure that the lids have been removed from the tip boxes. For detailed information about the Required and Available number of tips, see below.

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2. Check that the interactive graphic on the right side of the screen shows the tips available are the same as the tips present on the tip rack on the worktable. If not, adjust the tip availability in the interactive graphic. For details about tip availability, see below. Note: For an accurate run, the software requires that the actual tips on the worktable are the same as those displayed in the interactive graphic.
3. Either check the box next to Loaded in the table or click on Confirm all to confirm. 4. Click Next to continue with the next worktable position. 5. Repeat steps 1­4 for all tip rack positions.
Note: If the num ber of tips loaded in other tip racks is already sufficient, you don't need to load an additional tip rack. To indicate that no tip rack is loaded at a particular worktable position, uncheck the Loaded check box for the position. If the Loaded check box is still yellow, ensure that all tip positions on the graphic at the right have been set To Unavailable.
Required number of tips The required number of tips for the run is displayed in the Required column. Load a tip rack containing at least the required number of tips. Note: For some runs, more than 96 tips will be required. If possible, the software will plan an additional worktable position for tips. Note that the software always displays the total number of required tips for the run. In these cases, load a full tip rack.
Tip availability During operation the software tracks the tip usage. The interactive graphic on the right side of the screen shows the current tip availability according to that tracking. However, the software cannot detect if tip racks have been reloaded or removed in the mean time. For the run, the software relies on the information displayed in the graphic. Therefore, it is important to set the same tips available in the graphic as the tips that are placed on the tip rack on the worktable. Use the tip availability buttons below the rack graphic to set the availability of the rack.

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Option To set all tips to available To set all tips to unavailable
To set selected tips to available
To set the selected tips to unavailable

Required action Click on:
Click on:
Select the desired tip positions (use drag and drop and hold the CTRL key to select single tip positions). Then click on:
Click on:

Available tip positions are displayed in dark color (columns 8­12) and unavailable positions are displayed in grey (colum ns 1­7). Selected tips are surrounded by a light blue circle.

Available number of tips
According to the settings selected in the tip rack graphic on the right, the software will display the num ber of available tips of that tip type in the column Available.

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Note: Again, if m ore than 96 tips are required for the run, the software will display the total num ber of available tips, summarizing the available tips from all worktable positions.
Note: You can start the run, even if it is not possible to load enough tips. During the run, the software will prompt you to replace em pty tip racks with new tip racks. However, the num ber of available tips m ust be sufficient at least up to and including the lysate transfer task. Otherwise the run cannot be started.

Confirm loading Confirm that: · you have loaded the tip rack, and · you have correctly set the tip availability in the graphic on the right. To confirm , either check the box next to Loaded in the table or click on Confir m all.

Loading reagents and samples

For worktable positions for reagents and samples proceed as follows:
1. Optional step: A yellow Calibrate labw are button below the schematic indicates that the required labware has not yet been calibrated on the worktable position. The labware must be calibrated before the run can be started.
Before clicking the button, remove all filled labware from the worktable position. Then click the Calibrate labw are button. The s oftware autom atically prepares a labware calibration worklist containing all labware that is required for that worktable position for the current run and starts the labware calibration wizard. Follow the instructions of the wizard. For details, refer to the sub-chapters of section Calibrate labware.
After the calibration steps have been completed, the worktable screen will be displayed again. Load (or reload) all positions that are displayed in the table.
Note: Ensure that you have the em pty labware available for the calibration.
2. If an adapter is required for this worktable position, the adapter name will be displayed above the graphic on the
right side of the screen. Load the adapter to the worktable position.
3. Perform the following steps for each row in the table:
· For reagents: Check that the correct amount of the listed reagent is provided in the correct trough type. Load the trough in the correct position of the adapter. For orientation, refer to the graphic on the right side of the screen.
· For empty labware: Place the labware in the correct position. For orientation, refer to the graphic on the right side of the screen.
· For samples: Ensure that samples are loaded using the correct labware type. Check that the samples are placed in the positions as defined in the sample list of the Labware selection
4. Confirm that the position has been loaded by checking the box in the Loaded column or click Confirm all to confirm all positions.
5. Click Next to continue with the next worktable position.

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Starting a run

1. Close the lid. 2. Ensure that the tip disposal box is empty. 3. If the experiment has not yet been saved, save it now by clicking the Save button in the button bar. The file dialog
opens. Select a folder and enter a name. Note: If an experim ent has been saved before, the software will always autom atically save the latest changes to the experiment when the run is started. 4. Click the Start run button to start the run. 5. The run will start and the progress will be displayed in the Run step.

6.1.5 Run step

The run progress can be monitored in the Run step of the Experiment environment. Single tasks and their progress are listed in a table.
The instrument icon in the main toolbar as well as the progress indicator on the run step show the overall run progres s .

During run.

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Actions during run:
· For every run which uses the vacuum pump, tests are performed automatically to verify correct setup of the vacuum s ubs ys tem and the vacuum cham ber. The tes ts are lis ted in the tas k lis t at the beginning of the run. A m es s age is shown, if one of the tests failed. Refer to chapters Open system test and Plate detection test for more information.
· A run can be paused or canceled at any time. For details, refer to chapter Pausing/Stopping a run.
· If in the Setup step the optional step Vacuum performance check has been selected, the software will show a Vacuum performance check dialog after defined vacuum steps. Refer to chapter Vacuum performance check for details .
· The name of the operator and a comment field are displayed on the right. This comment field will be part of the report. You m ay enter the com m ent during or after the run.
During a run it is possible to set up and save another experim ent. However, only one experim ent can be run at the same time. Therefore, the worktable screen and the run screen will not be available while the current run is still in progress. While preparing the next experim ent, you can return to the run page at any tim e by selecting the experim ent's tab in the Exper im ent environm ent or by clicking the instrum ent icon.

Open system test

For every protocol run that uses the vacuum pum p, an open system test is perform ed autom atically at the beginning of the run. The intention of this step is to verify correct setup of the vacuum subsystem , ensuring that the bottle and tubing are correctly connected. During this test, the software applies a specific vacuum pressure and m onitors the achieved value.
· If the achieved pressure is too high, this implies a blockage in the filter, a kinked hose, an incorrect connection with the bottle or some other constriction of the air flow.
· If the achieved pressure is too low, this implies a leak, perhaps due to poor connections or incorrect fitting of the bottle cap.
When the test fails, a warning dialog box appears. After attem pting the suggested corrections from the dialog box, if the problem persists, contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance.

Plate detection test

For every protocol run that uses the vacuum pum p, a plate detection test is also perform ed. The intention of this test is to verify the correct setup of the vacuum cham ber.
During this test, the software applies a specific vacuum pressure and monitors the achieved value.
If the achieved pres s ure is too low, this im plies incorrect as s em bly of the vacuum cham ber. A m es s age will be displayed and prom pt you to properly align the filter plate to the left com partm ent of the vacuum cham ber. After adjustment, click Retry to initiate the test again.
Note: If not all columns will be used during run, ensure that the unused columns of the filter plate have been com pletely sealed.
Note: The lid sensor is disabled during the plate detection test, allowing the lid to be raised and the filter plate alignm ent to be m anually adjusted while the vacuum pum p is operating.

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Pausing/Stopping a run

A run can be paus ed or canceled at any tim e from the Run s tep of the Ex per im ent environm ent.

Pausing and resuming a run Every pause of a run will be recorded and listed in the Exceptions section of the report.

To pause a run 1. Click the Pause button. 2. The instrument will complete the current movement, which may take up to 10 seconds. Before opening the lid,
wait until the movement has finished! When a run is paused, the Pause button will change its label to Resume.

To resume the run 1. Ensure that the lid is closed. 2. Click the Resume button. 3. The Resume button will change back to Pause. The run continues.
Stopping a run If a run is stopped, it cannot be continued or recovered. It is not possible to restart the run from the point at which it was stopped.
To stop a run 1. Click the Stop run button in the button bar. 2. A confirmation message will be displayed asking whether you really want to stop the run now. Click OK to confirm
to stop the run now. Otherwise, click Cancel to keep the run running. 3. If you clicked OK, the instrument will complete the current movement, which may take up to 10 seconds. Before
opening the lid, wait until the movement has finished!

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If there are used tips still parked on a tip rack, the software will ask you if the instrument should discard these used tips autom atically. If you click OK, the instrum ent will discard the used tips autom atically and then stop the run. If you click Cancel, the run will be stopped and you will need to discard the used tips manually.

Vacuum performance check

If in the Setup step, the optional step Vacuum performance check, user interaction required has been selected, a dialog box appears after defined vacuum steps. The software lists these planned user interactions in the task list with their estimated time.

Task list with task for vacuum performance check.
In the dialog that appears (see im age below), positions in the filter plate can be m arked, for exam ple, if they have been clogged. The marked positions will be marked in the report as well. To mark a single position in the filter plate: 1. Open the lid.
Note: The lid sensor is disabled during the vacuum performance check, allowing to observe the wells during vacuum . 2. Check the wells on the filter plate. 3. If no liquid is visible in the wells after vacuum, click Proceed to continue the run.

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4. Otherwise, refer to the kit handbook for further information. The following options are possible:
5. You can click the Re-do vacuum button to apply the same vacuum pressure again. The vacuum will be kept for a certain time or until you press the now present Stop vacuum button.
6. You may mark affected wells in the dialog. This will be part of the report.
To mark a well, select the position in the dialog.
Note: To select multiple positions, either press SHIFT and left-click with the mouse to select adjacent positions, CTRL and left-click with the mouse to select multiple, nonadjacent positions, or drag the mouse to select adjacent samples in a rectangle.
From the pos ition table at the right, check the box next to Mar ked. The selected position on the filter plate will be displayed as marked (see picture below).
Note: To undo m arked positions, select the positions and uncheck the box next to Mar ked.
7. Then press either Proceed to continue the run, or press Stop run to stop the run.
Note: If a m em brane has been clogged, it m ight be necessary that you pause the run again later (after liquid tasks) by opening the lid and pipetting the liquid out of the clogged wells to ensure that no liquid spills over.

Well B2 has been marked. Columns 7-12 are not used during the run.

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Run completion

After the run has finished, the progress indicator bar on the run screen shows the run completion time, and the progress indicator below the instrument icon and the Stop run button in the button bar disappear. If a notification has been configured in the user settings, a sound or e-mail notification occurs.
After the run, perform the following steps.
1. Cover the elution plate with the lid and remove from the elution compartment.
2. Optionally, enter a comment into the Comment field. It will be part of the report. You may enter the comment already during the run.
3. Optionally, click the Print barcode button to print a bar code for the output labware.
Note: The option is available only if a printer has been selected in the Global Settings tab of the Configur ation environm ent.
4. Optionally, click the Save output file button to save the result in an output file in .xml format, in particular the QDEF format, containing information about the output labware, the run and the content of each labware position (for example, the sample ID).
A file dialog opens to s elect directory and file nam e of the .xm l file. Refer to Cus tom ize us er s ettings to define a standard directory.
The file m ay serve as sam ple input file for the QIAgility operated with the QIAgility Setup Manager software. The .xm l file can also be used by a LIMS (Laboratory Inform ation Managem ent System ). Find exam ples of output files in the "Examples" folder provided with the software: C:\Us ers \Public\QIAGEN\QIAcubeHT\Exam ples .
Note: Refer to Customize user settings or contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you need another file format.
Note: Use this option also in case one run is not sufficient to com pletely fill the output labware. In these situations, you can perform m ore than one run to com pletely fill the output labware. Save the output file after the first run. To set up the second run properly, you must select the option that you are Using an existing output labw are in the Labw are Selection step, and load this file from the first run as the starting point for the output labware of the second run. After the second run, the information from both runs can be saved in an output file.
5. Optionally, click the Create report button to create a report in PDF format for documentation purposes. Refer to the user settings to configure the report options. For detailed information about reports refer to Report.
6. Follow the instructions of the Cleaning after run procedure. The software will display a reminding message with the option to directly switch to the Cleaning after r un task in the Ser vice screen when you attem pt to leave the Run screen, if the option Confirm cleaning after run has been selected in the settings.

The options are available in the right side of the Run step screen.

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Options after the run.

The options will still be available if you reopen the experiment later. It is still possible to create a report or to save the output file.
6.2 Finishing work and shutting down
Before closing the software, you should save your experiments. Note: The software cannot be closed if a run is still active. In this case, the software will display an error m essage.

If the instrument has been used, it must be cleaned before shut down:
1. Click Service in the main toolbar to switch to the Service environment. On the Cleaning Procedure tab select the task Daily cleaning procedure.
2. Click Start. Follow the instructions of the software. For detailed information refer to Regular maintenance and Cleaning the QIAcube HT.
3. After the daily cleaning procedure has been completed, close the instrument lid and click on the UV lamp task. Start the UV lamp task with either Start or Start and shut dow n.
If Start and shut dow n has been selected, the software will automatically perform steps 6-7 after the UV lamp task has been finished, but the instrument will remain switched on until you switch it off manually.

To shut down the software and the instrument:

4. Click

in the top right corner of the screen or select Exit from the File menu to close the software.

5. The software shows a confirmation message if there are any unsaved changes in experiments. If you are unsure, click Cancel and save the changes first. Otherwise, click OK to confirm that the software should discard all changes and shut down.

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6. If the pipettor head has not yet been moved to the home position, the instrument discards tips and completes the homing routine.
7. The software displays a message for a few seconds once it is safe to switch the instrument off. Then the software clos es .
8. Switch the instrument off now.
9. The X and Y ins trum ent axes are dis engaged and can be m oved freely.
Note: We recommend that you close the software at the end of the working day.
Note: Normally, you should not switch off the instrument without closing the software. If the pipettor head holds tips, they will not be discarded. However, if it is necessary to switch off the instrum ent without closing the software, this will not damage the instrument.
In the settings, the software provides the option Confirm cleaning before shut dow n. If it has been enabled, the software autom atically switches to the Ser vice environm ent to the Daily Cleaning Pr ocedur e task when you click
in the top right corner of the screen or select Exit from the File menu to close the software.

Note: To s kip the cleaning procedure or the UV lam p tas k and s hut down im m ediately, click corner of the screen or select Exit from the File menu.

in the top right

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QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software

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7 QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software

QIAcube HT Prep Manager is an easy to use application with a m odern user interface to assist with your purification workflow. It has been specially developed for use with the QIAcube HT instrum ent and uses a m odern task-focused graphical user interface (GUI) designed to facilitate your interactions with the software.
QIAcube HT Prep Manager is optimized for the use with QIAGEN purification kits.
For detailed information about supported kits and protocols for the QIAcube HT, please visit w w w .qiagen.com/QIAcubeHT.

7.1 Basic concepts and general software usage

The next chapters provide an insight into the underlying concepts and the general software usage.

7.1.1 Concepts

The following concepts are essential for understanding how QIAcube HT Prep Manager works and getting the most out of your workflow: · User roles · Experiments and templates · Protection of files

User roles concept

Us er roles are an es s ential concept in the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. A us er role defines the rights and perm is s ions of a user. At leas t one user role m ust be assigned to every user. There are two user roles in the QIAcube HT Prep Manager:
· Operator
· Administrator

The user roles define the rights and permissions a user can have in the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. The following table describes the permissions required to enter the tabs for specific environments:

Operator Adm inis trator

Home Experiment

Conf igur at ion

Ins t r um ent

User Manager

Labware Manager



üü û ü ü ü ü



Volum e)


Set t ings )

üü ü ü ü ü ü

QIAcube HT User Manual 09/2020


Operator Adm inis trator

Cleaning Procedure

Ser vic e
Maintenance System Check Support Package
ü üü
(except Replace HEPA Filter and Replace Vacuum
Filt er )
ü üü

Audit Trail

The user role is assigned when a new user is created.
Note: Multiple us er roles can be as s igned to a us er. A s pecific us er can have both operator and adm inis trator us er roles. However, in this case, use the administrator user role.
Note: For the initial instrument setup, it is convenient to work with a user who has the administrator user role assigned.

Experiments and templates

To facilitate the process of defining experiments, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides the option to use templates.
The general workflow is to select a kit from the Home environment, define the experiment in the Experiment environm ent and finally s tart the run. It is not neces s ary to finis h the definition of an experim ent in one s tep. A s ave function is available at any tim e, allowing you to save your progress and continue later. To facilitate the experim ent definition, you can use tem plates or reuse previously run experim ents.
· Save an experiment as a template for later reuse. Tem plates are previously saved experim ents that inherit the data of the experim ent but not the assignm ent information. The software allows you to save the experiment as template at different steps. For more details, refer to Create a tem plate. Experim ents created us ing a tem plate will autom atically be populated with data from the tem plate. Us e this function to facilitate frequently perform ed runs with the sam e experim ent setup.
· Use a previously saved experiment to create a new experiment. Use this function if you want to repeat the same experiment again. For more details, refer to Create an experiment from an existing experiment. If you often create an experiment based on the same experiment, consider creating a template and to adding it to the favorite templates list.

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The following graphic explains these functions:

Experiments and templates have different file extensions. The file extension for experiments is *.qpmx, and for templates *.qpmt (QIAcube HT Prep Manager Experiment and Template, respectively).
Templates and experiments can be selected from the Home environment, for setting up a new experiment based on the experiment data in the selected template.

To use a template, click on the tem plate entry in the Favor ite Templates area or click on the context menu that appears during a mouse-over and click Create experiment from template.
For details, refer to Create an experiment using a template.

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To use an existing experiment as the starting point for a new experiment, click on the desired experim ent entry in the Recent Experiments area. Then, click on the context menu that appears during a mouse-over and select Use as template for new experiment.
For details, refer to Create an experiment from an existing experim ent.

Protection of files

QIAcube HT Prep Manager guarantees the protection of records. The system ensures that no user can m odify or delete any record.
Files, configuration files and experiments are protected using checksum, which enables detection of inappropriate m odifications . A checks um is a num erical value as s igned to a file by the QIAcube HT Prep Manager that is bas ed on the content of the file. The file is invalid if the checksum does not match the file's content or is missing.
In the event that a file is modified outside the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, the file can no longer be used. If the modified file is a configuration file, it is possible that the software can no longer be used (in the worst case). If the modified file is an experiment, the experiment can no longer be loaded.

7.1.2 General software usage

The following section describes the GUI (graphical user interface) and the user interaction provided in the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. Fundamental topics such as entering data and working with tables are explained: · Use of color · Displaying errors and warnings · Entering data · Working with tables · Selecting samples

Controlling the mouse

The following terms for controlling the mouse are used in this manual:


Click with the left mouse button.


Click with the left mouse button.


Click with the right mouse button.

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Use of color

For an optimal user interaction, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses a dedicated color concept for presenting information. The coloring assists you in your workflow.

Following is an overview of the different colors used in the software and their meanings:


Des c r ipt ion

Light blue

The field is interactive and clickable.

Dark blue

The field is selected or focused.


The field is read-only and can neither be selected nor activated.


The field requires input.

The following examples give an explanation of the color concept. Example 1

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Example 2
During experim ent setup and instrum ent calibration, a step m arker guides you through the necessary steps. The coloring concept of the step buttons is illustrated in the graphic below:

The active Worktable step (in the right part of the example) still requires missing values. Because the Worktable step is required before the run can be started, the following step Run is still disabled and inactive. Once the Worktable s tep contains all m andatory entries , it changes to a blue color and the next s tep Run will becom e available. A s tep will remain yellow as long as there are missing, but required entries.

Displaying errors and warnings

Errors and warnings are essential information that indicate a problem or an erroneous situation. QIAcube HT Prep Manager differentiates between 4 different problem levels:

Pr ior it y

Nam e

Ic on

Description of the functionality User action


System error

A com bination of unacceptable incidents

User interaction required


Validation error

An error that occurs due to a missing or invalid user input

User interaction required



Situation could be optimized by further input

User interaction possible, but not m andatory


Inform ation

A message containing additional User interaction not possible information about the current s ituation

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The general structure of an error message is described below. When communicating with QIAGEN Technical Services, provide the error ID, which is unique and unam biguously characterizes the error situation. If you receive a message that contains a Help button, click on it to get more information.

Entering data

Shor t c ut s The following hot keys are available in QIAcube HT Prep Manager: · F1 to open the help file · Copy and paste operations (CTRL + C and CTRL + V) · Navigation (tab key, cursor keys)

While entering data, the following keyboard shortcuts can be used: · Escape to cancel the input · Return to commit an input

Identifying interactive fields in tables
In tables, all interactive fields into which data can be entered are marked with a black triangle symbol ( ) in their upper right corner. Left-click in the field with the mouse and then enter data.

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The following example is taken from the volume calibration step in the Configuration environment:

Date picker: entering date in date fields Dates can either be entered m anually into date fields using the keyboard or by using an interactive date picker in the form of a pop-up calendar ( ). A calendar icon is positioned to the right of every date field. Clicking on the calendar icon opens the pop-up calendar.

Change to the previous or next m onth by clicking the arrow icons ( and ). Hovering over the year label displays additional control arrows, which can be used to quickly jum p to the next (up arrow) or previous year (down arrow):

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Step-by-step procedure to enter a date using the date picker

1. Click on the calendar icon ( ) next to the date field. The calendar pop-up is shown.

2. Continue using the following scheme:

In order to:

Perform these steps:

Change the year

Hover the mouse pointer over the year.

Date is displayed in blue. Additional control arrows are shown.

Click the up arrow to change to the next year.

Click the down arrow to change to the previous year.

Change the month/day

Click the left arrow to change to the previous month.

Click the right arrow to change to the next month.

Click the date of the desired day.

3. The date picker disappears and the date field is populated with the selected date.

Working with tables

Tables are an essential elem ent of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. They are widely used to display and enter data. The interactive icon ( ) marks cells in which you can enter data.

Example: Table to enter sample names

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Entering data: · To enter data into one cell, left-click in the cell and then enter the data. · To move to the right cell, press the Tab key.
This table has a context menu that is opened when you right-click on a cell:

Option Copy Pas te
Auto-generate sample names

Des c r ipt ion Copy the content of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard Paste the clipboard content to active table cell(s). If the clipboard contains data from m ultiple cells, the table cells will be consecutively filled with the pasted data. Sam ple nam es are generated autom atically for the selected cells by taking the text in the selected cell and adding an incrementing number to the text. Example: If a cell contains "Sample," then the sample IDs Sample 1, Sample 2, etc. are generated.

Selecting samples

You can use left-clicking in combination with the Shift and the Control keys to make selections in a table or in a sample graphic:

Shift + Left-click

To select adjacent table cells, first click on the starting cell for the selection, hold down the Shift key, move the cursor to the last cell in the selection, left-click, and release the Shift key.

Control + Left-click

To select singular cells, hold down the Contr ol key while left-clicking on the desired cells. The selected cells will be added to the selection.

Left-click and drag

To select a rectangular area of adjacent wells in a sample graphic, first click on the starting well for the selection, hold down the left m ouse key and drag to the last well on the opposite site of the rectangular area to be selected.

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Because the QIAcube HT always handles 8 samples in a column simultaneously, in the Sample editor and most sample graphics samples are selected column-wise. An exception is the Check vacuum performance dialog, where wells can be marked individually.

Left-click on cursor position selects all samples on plate column 1. The field on cursor position can be edited.

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Left-click on A1 selects samples of the whole column.

7.1.3 General elements

QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses a modern task-focused GUI design to facilitate the user's interaction with the application. The following general user interface elements are described in this section: Menu Main toolbar Button bar Status bar


The main menu has four menu entries: · File · Edit · View · Help

Main menu.

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File menu

Option Create new experiment
Create new experiment from tem plate
Open experiment Save
Save as Login Logout Change password
Service login Exit

Des c r ipt ion
Create a new experim ent without any data. The default experim ent nam e is set to Experim ent_MM_DD_YYYY.
Create a new experim ent by selecting a previously saved tem plate file with the file extension *.qpmt. The data of the new experiment will be populated with all available experiment data from the template file; sample information will not be included.
Open an experiment.
Save the current experiment. If you have not changed the default name (Experiment_MM_DD_YYYY), the file selection dialog is displayed in which you can enter the new file name along with an optional comment.
Save the current experiment under a new file name.
Log in to the application. This option is only available after software start or logout.
Log out of the application. The login screen will be shown.
Change your current password. The Change passw ord dialog is shown in which you will enter your current password and the new password.
This login is used by QIAGEN service personnel only.
Close the application.

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Edit menu

Option Undo Redo

Des c r ipt ion Undo the last operation. Redo the last operation.

Note: As an alternative to using the Edit m enu, you can use the undo and redo com m ands by clicking on the following icons in the menu:

View menu
Option Go to home screen

Des c r ipt ion Change to the home screen.

Note: As an alternative to using the View menu to change to the Home screen, you can also use the Home and Experiment buttons from the main toolbar to switch between these two environments.

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Help menu

Option About

Des c r ipt ion
Opens the About dialog with the copyright notice and version number (at the top right) of the software.
Opens the software help file.

Main toolbar

The main toolbar contains two areas: · Environment icons · Instrument icons

You can switch to another environm ent by clicking the appropriate button from the m ain toolbar. The icon of the currently active environm ent is highlighted.

Envir onm ent

Des c r ipt ion
Used to jump to the home screen. From here, you can create or open experiments. See Home for details.

Used to set up experiments. See Experiments for details

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Bundles tasks for maintenance, system check and support of QIAcube HT. See Service for details.
Bundles the tasks' custom settings, user and labware management, and calibration. See Configuration for details.

Instrument icons The instrument icon is placed on the right of the toolbar. Use it to inspect the connection, running and maintenance status of the instrument. If you click the instrument icon, the software switches to: · the run screen of the running experiment, if a run is in progress · the maintenance schedule, if no run is in progress

Sym bol

Des c r ipt ion Instrument connected.

Ac t ion A run can be s tarted.

Instrument not connected.
Instrument running. The progress bar below the icon shows the overall run progress.
Run has just finished. The progress bar shows run completion.

Prior to starting a run, switch on the ins trum ent.
Note: It can take some time until the software connects to the instrument. For details refer to Start the software.
Note: The icon cannot be clicked.
If you are in the process of setting up the next experiment, you can click the icon to switch to the run step of the running experiment.
To return to the setup, click the experiment name of the experiment you worked on.
The same as for running instrument.

An error occurred during the run.

Click the icon to switch to the run step of the current experiment to show the error message.

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The instrum ent is not fully calibrated.

Before you can start a run, instrument calibration needs to be performed or com pleted.

A service task is due. After the reminder, the If no run is in progress, click the icon to switch symbol persists until the service task has been to the maintenance schedule for details. completed successfully.

Button bar

The button bar is placed at the bottom of the screen. It contains buttons specific for the selected screen of an environment. Generally, the buttons for saving, exporting and importing can be found here.

Status bar

The status bar is always visible and gives an overview about the session status.

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Display item Date User name Log out button

Des c r ipt ion Shows the current date. Shows first and last nam e of the user who is currently logged in. Logs out the current user. If there are unsaved data, a warning will appear.

File dialog

The file dialog is used in various situations to open or save experiments or templates, to import sample information or to save a report or an output file after a run.

File dialog to save an experiment.
Path indicates the current path. The initial path shown when the file dialog opens can be configured in the user s ettings . Note: When the file dialog opens for the first time after clicking the Open other experiment or Create from other template button from the Home screen, the initial path will be C:.

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The list in the middle of the dialog shows the sub folders of the current path and all files with the extension selected in the File type menu.

List of sub folders.

To open a file: 1. Navigate to the folder where the file is stored.

Use the

button to navigate to the parent folder.

The Look in m enu provides the option to select another drive by clicking the drive letter or to select one of the parent folders by clicking it. The list shows all drive letters that are configured in the Windows file explorer.

To navigate to a sub folder, either left-click the sub folder name in the list and then click Open or double-click the name.

The Path changes to the sub folder and the list shows the content of the selected sub folder.

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2. Ensure that the correct file type is selected. The File type menu lists all file extensions that are available for the current situation. The various file extensions are described further below.

If you change the selected file type, the list of files will be updated to show all files of the newly selected file type. 3. To open the file, either left-click the file name in the list and then click Open or double-click the file name to open
the file.
To save a file: 1. Navigate to the folder where you want to store the file. Use the navigation options described above. 2. Ensure that the correct file type is selected. 3. Enter the file name into the File name field. 4. Click OK to save the file.

File extension *.qpm x *.qpm t *.xml, *.csv, *.txt
*.xm l *.pdf

Des c r ipt ion
Experim ent
Tem plate
For sample input files
Note: Find examples in the folder: <%DEFAULT_PATH_EXAMPLES%>
Note: For *.csv and *.txt files it is im portant to adhere to the syntax. In general, the file represents a comma separated table (CSV), where each line in the file represents a row in the table and a comma (,) represents the cell border to the next column. Like in a table, it is possible to leave the content of a table cell empty, but you cannot omit the commas in a line.
For saving an output file
For reports

The QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides the option to use UNC syntax to open files from and save files to network shares that are not directly known in the Windows file explorer.

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1. In the file dialog, click UNC path. 2. Enter the path to the network share using the UNC syntax (e.g., \\path\to\network\share). 3. Press the Test UNC path button to test whether the entered path is valid and can be accessed. 4. Enter the file name without the file extension into the File name field. 5. Select the file extension from the File type menu. 6. Optionally, enter a short description of the file. 7. Click Open or OK to open or save the file, respectively. If you encounter issues accessing the network share, contact your network administrator and ensure that the path has been entered correctly and is accessible.

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Scan plate barcode dialog

To define samples, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides the option to load the sample information based on the barcode on the labware. Click the Scan labw are barcode button to open the Scan plate barcode dialog.

Scan plate barcode dialog.

1. Scan the labware barcode. Alternatively, you can enter the labware ID manually.
Note: The software supports 1-D and 2-D barcodes. 2-D barcodes are supported if they encode a string that is used as labware ID.
2. Click OK to confirm.
3. For input labware, the software will automatically search for a sample information file in the Sample input files directory (defined in the user settings). The software loads the sam ple inform ation from the sam ple file.
Note: The software will first search for an *.xml file in QDEF format, which defines the samples for the labware. It is not required that the *.xml file has the labware barcode as its file name. The software looks into the file and compares the labware barcode with the plate ID described in the file. If no file in QDEF format is present, the software will then search for a *.csv file which has the labware barcode as its file name.
4. For output labware, the software automatically searches for a QDEF format file (*.xml) describing the output labware in the Sam ple output files directory (defined in the user settings). Based on the inform ation from the loaded file, the software will automatically select the Output labw are type. In addition, the positions that were used with this labware for a previous run will be blocked.

7.1.4 Environments
QIAcube HT Prep Manager contains 4 different environments. You can switch to another environm ent by clicking the appropriate button from the m ain toolbar. The icon of the currently active environm ent is highlighted.

Envir onm ent

Des c r ipt ion

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Used to jump to the home screen. From here, you can create or open experiments. See Home for details.

Used to set up experiments. See Experiments for details

Bundles tasks for maintenance, system check and support of QIAcube HT. See Service for details.

Bundles the tasks' custom settings, user and labware management, and calibration. See Configuration for details.


The Home environment bundles all tasks for creating and opening of experiments and for working with templates.

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The Home environment is divided in three areas:
Creates an experim ent using the wizard. The new experim ent is em pty and does not contain any data. Most data fields are em pty, except those that are prefilled by the wizard.
Use this to start an experiment from scratch. For details, refer to Create an em pty experim ent.
Creates an experim ent using a previously saved tem plate. All data fields in the new experiment are populated with existing data from the template. For details, refer to Create an experiment using a template.
All favorite templates are listed in tabular form below the headline. For information regarding how to add a template to the list, refer to Manage favorite templates.
Click the button Create from other template to look for a template that is not in the list using the file dialog.
Opens a previously saved experim ent. Use this to m odify or adapt a saved experiment or alternatively, use it to set up a new experiment that inherits the data from an old experiment. For details, refer to View recent experiments or Create an experiment from an existing experiment, respectively.
All recently saved experim ents are listed in tabular form below the headline.
Click the button Open other experiment to look for an experiment that is not in the list using the file dialog.


The Experiment environment is the environment in which all user interaction with experiments takes place. This is where experiments are set up and run and reports are created. In order to interact with an experiment, the experiment m ust be opened. If a new experim ent is created, it is open by default.
All changes to an experiment are performed in the computer's memory. In order to make them permanent, it is necessary to save the experim ent. Before a run is started, the corresponding experim ent m ust be saved.
The maximum number of experiments that can be opened at a time is 8. Attempting to open more than 8 experiments will result in a warning message.

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The screen of the Experiment environment has four main areas:

Ar ea

Des c r ipt ion

Experim ent tab list

The experiment tab control is displayed at the top of the Experiment environment. It shows all currently open experim ents and offers basic experim ent m anagem ent.

A s eparate tab is dis played for each open experim ent. If an experim ent nam e is too long to be displayed within the available space, the displayed name will be truncated, and ellipses (...) will be shown at the end of the nam e. In order to display the full nam e, sim ply let the m ouse pointer rem ain over the experim ent nam e for a few s econds . A tooltip will dis play the full nam e of the experim ent.

When you m ake m odifications in any step, an asterisk sym bol (*) will be displayed in front of the experiment name. This is a visual reminder for you that there are modifications that have not yet been saved. When you save the experiment, the asterisk symbol disappears.

Clicking on the cross to the right of an experim ent nam e will close the experim ent. If any m odifications have not been saved, then you will be asked whether the experim ent should really be closed. Closing the experiment without saving the modifications will result in loss of the modifications.

The following icon appears on the far right of the tab list: . This is a shortcut to open an experiment; clicking this displays a file selection dialog that allows you to open an experiment.

Step markers

Step markers allow you to navigate between different aspects of one experiment. The step markers control the content of the main panel; each step marker is associated with a certain content of the main panel. To switch to another step, click on the step marker step or use the Back and Next buttons in the button bar.

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Main panel Button bar

Note: It is not required to follow the steps in order, but it is recom m ended. You can jum p any active step at any tim e.
All experiment-specific information is shown and selected in the main panel. The content depends on the selected step marker.
The button bar is displayed at the bottom of the Experiment environment. It contains buttons for experiment management functions that are not related to a specific step marker, including Back, Next, Save and Start run.
The Star t r un button is only enabled if all requirem ents for a new run are m et (e.g., all required values have been defined during setup) and if the experim ent has not already been run. For details regarding a run, refer to Starting a run.
Selecting the Save button will save the current experiment. If the experiment has not yet been named, a dialog will be shown, prompting you to enter a name for the experiment. If the experiment already has a name (for example, if an existing experiment was opened), the existing experiment will be overwritten.
The Save button also has a sub-function: Save experiment as. Clicking on the small arrow to the right of the button will display a m enu with the additional choice. The Save exper im ent/tem plate as file dialog allows you to enter a new experiment name and save the experiment with the new name. Use this option to also create a tem plate from the current experim ent by selecting the file extens ion *.qpmt in the file dialog.


The Service environment bundles all tasks needed to check and maintain the QIAcube HT, along with tools to facilitate the communication with QIAGEN Technical Services for technical assistance.

This environm ent is organized in five different tabs. You can switch between these tabs by clicking on the respective button in the tab bar.

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Tab Cleaning Procedure
Maintenance System check
Support Package Audit Trail

Des c r ipt ion
Provides support for cleaning procedures:
· Wizard for the cleaning after run procedure, to be performed after each run. · Empty waste bottle. Screen to view the waste bottle status as it is tracked by the software and
to acknowledge if the user emptied the waste bottle. Set the waste bottle status to "empty" in the software after emptying to ensure correct tracking.
· Wizard for the Cleaning the QIAcube HT, to be performed at the end of a working day. · Offers to start the UV lamp as the last step of the daily cleaning procedure. The UV radiation
cleans possible biological contaminations on the worktable.
Maintenance s cheduler keeps track of s ervice tas ks . Additionally, HEPA filter replacem ent can be managed here.
Provides several self-diagnostic tools:
· Checking the connection between computer and instrument and within the instrument itself · Cycling the pipettor head · Checking for movement reliability · Checking the reliability of the liquid-level sensor Create a support package to assist your communication with QIAGEN Technical Services, in case you have an issue.
Allows you to view the system audit trail. This tab is only available for users with adm inistrator user role.


The Configuration environment bundles all tasks to customize the instrument for your needs. You can set application settings, select the labware available in your laboratory, perform the instrument calibration and manage users.

This environm ent is organized in four different tabs. You can switch between these tabs by clicking on the respective button in the tab bar.

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Tab Settings
Labware Manager Calibration
User Manager

Des c r ipt ion Specify general settings including directories for experim ents and report custom ization, set the password policy and e-m ail notifications, etc. Select the labware (adapter, plates, tubes) available in your laboratory. Perform an instrument calibration, which is essential for accurate and reliable res ults . Manage users: · Create and modify users and their roles · Activate and deactivate users

7.1.5 Getting help

QIAcube HT Prep Manager comes with a detailed help system. The help is provided as both a user manual in PDF

format and also as a context-sensitive help system. To access the context-sensitive help, click the top right of the s oftware window or press the F1 key while you are viewing screens or dialogs.

button at the

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The help file contains two functional areas: · Toolbar · Tabs

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

Nam e

Ic on

Des c r ipt ion

Hide or Show

Hides the left-hand side navigation tab. To display the navigation tab again, click Show . This button appears instead of Hide.


Returns to the previous screen.


Returns to the screen displayed before using the Back button.

Print Options

Provides two options: · Print the selected topic. · Print the selected heading and all subtopics. Select one option and confirm with OK or select Cancel to go back. Opens the Options menu with the following entries:

The navigation tab contains the following tabs:

Nam e

Des c r ipt ion


In the Contents tab the help content can be browsed by topics.


Specific help topics can be found by entering search term s.


Shortcuts to individual help topics can be added and managed.

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7.2 Working with experiments
The Home environment bundles all tasks for creating and opening experiments and for working with templates. It offers the following functions: · Creating a new, empty experiment from the Create Experiment section · Creating a new experiment from a template from the Favorite Template section · Creating a new experiment from a previously run experiment from the Recent Experiments section

The general workflow is to select a kit from the Home environment, define the experiment in the Experiment environm ent and finally s tart the run. It is not neces s ary to finis h the definition of an experim ent in one s tep. A s ave function is available at any tim e, allowing you to save your progress and continue later. To facilitate the experim ent definition, you can use tem plates or reuse previously run experim ents.

7.2.1 Manage experiments and templates

Experiments and templates are managed in the Home environment. The following sections describe how to work with them :
For details about the template concept, refer to Experiments and templates.

Create a template

An experiment can be saved as a template for future reuse. Use this function if you plan to enter the same values for experim ent setup for several experim ents (e.g., for routinely perform ed experim ents or for a series of runs).
Prepare an experiment as the basis for the template:
1. Create a new empty experiment. Alternatively, create an experiment from an existing experiment.
2. Enter all values in the template that should be available for reuse.
Note: If you created the experiment from an existing experiment, remove all values that should not be reused. When using the template, it is easier to recognize that some values are still missing than to recognize that some values should be changed.

To save an open experiment as a template: 1. Click on the small arrow to the right of the Save button in the button bar. From the displayed menu select Save
experiment as. 2. The Save experiment/template as file dialog opens. 3. Select the directory where the template should be saved. 4. Enter a name for the template. 5. Select the file extension .qpmt for a template. 6. Click Save. 7. Add the created template to the favorite templates section.

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Manage favorite templates

The software offers the possibility to m anage favorite tem plates in the Favor ite Tem plates list of the Hom e environment. For information about how to create a template, refer to Create a template.

A m axim um of 11 tem plates can be dis played. When this lim it is reached, the oldes t tem plate will be rem oved from the list. The template name will be truncated if the available space is exceeded, and ellipses (...) will be shown at the end of the tem plate nam e. To display the full nam e, m ove the m ouse pointer over the experim ent nam e, and after a few seconds, a tooltip will be displayed showing the full name. Templates can be added or removed from this list, and new experiments can be created based on these templates. In addition, this section offers the option to create experiments based on templates that are not contained in the list of favorite templates.
Adding a template 1. Click on the Home icon in the main toolbar to change to the Home environment. 2. The Favorite Templates list in the middle will display all favorite templates.

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3. Click on the plus icon in the list header:
4. Select the template with file extension *.qpmt you would like to add. 5. The selected template will be added to the Favorite Templates list.
Removing a template 1. Click on the Home icon in the main toolbar to change to the Home environment. 2. The Favorite Templates list in the middle displays all favorite templates. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the template name. 4. The context menu icon appears ( ). 5. Click on the icon. 6. The context menu is shown. 7. Click on the Remove from favorites command. 8. The selected template is removed from the Favorite Templates list. Note: Rem oving a tem plate using the steps above will not physically delete or m odify the tem plate file. It will only be removed from the Favorite Templates list.

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View recent experiments

When an experim ent is saved or run, it is autom atically added to the Recent Exper im ents table in the Hom e environm ent:

The m os t recent experim ent appears at the top of the lis t. A m axim um of 11 experim ents can be dis played. When this limit is reached, the oldest experiment will be removed from the list. The experiment name will be truncated if the available space is exceeded, and ellipses will be shown at the end of the experim ent nam e. To display the full nam e, m ove the m ouse pointer over the experim ent nam e, and after a few seconds, a tooltip will appear with the full name.
Opening an existing experiment 1. Click on the Home icon in the main toolbar to change to the Home environment. 2. The Recent Experiments table on the right displays all recent experiments. 3. Click on the experiment name you want to open. Alternatively, position the mouse pointer over the experiment
name. Click on the context menu icon that appears ( ) and select Open experiment. Optional step: If the experim ent is not listed because it has been pushed off the list by newer experim ents, click on the Open other experiment button at the bottom and select the experiment from the file dialog.

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4. The experiment is opened in the Experiment environment. Note: Alternatively, you can use the Open experiment command from the File menu to open an experiment.

Removing an experiment from the list of recent experiments Follow these instructions to remove an experiment from the Recent Experiments list: 1. Click on the Home icon in the main toolbar to change to the Home environment. 2. The Recent Experiments table on the right displays all recent experiments. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the experiment name you want to remove.
4. The context menu icon ( ) is displayed.
5. Click on the context menu icon to open the context menu. 6. Select the Remove experiment from recent list command. 7. The selected experiment is removed from the recent experiments list.
Note: The experiment will still be available via the Open other experiment button.
7.2.2 Creating an experiment
You can create an experiment in two different ways: · create a new, blank experiment without any data, or · create an experiment with data inherited from a previously saved experiment or template.

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Create an empty experiment

There are two ways to create an em pty experim ent:
· Using the Home environment In the Home environment, all supported kits are listed in the Create Experiment list. Move the mouse pointer over one of the kit entries and click on it. The new experiment is created and displayed in the Experiment environment.

· Using the File menu
To create a new experiment using the main menu, select File from the main menu and move the mouse pointer over the Create New Experiment command. Select QIAcube HT from the submenu to create a new, blank experim ent.

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Create an experiment using a template

There are two ways to create an experiment based on a template:
· Using the Home environment
In the Home environment, favorite templates are listed in the Favorite Templates list. You can either click on one of the listed templates, or if the desired template is not listed, click on the Create from other template button at the bottom. This opens the file dialog that allows you to select a template. In both cases, a new experiment will be created containing all data from the selected template.

For details on how to add a template to the favorite list, refer to Manage favorite templates.

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· Using the File menu
To create a new template-based experiment using the main menu, select File from the main menu and click on the Create New Experiment from Template command. The File Open dialog is opened, allowing you to select a template. When you confirm the file dialog, a new experiment will be created containing all data from the template.

For details of the template concept, refer to Experiments and templates.

Create an experiment from an existing experiment

To use an existing experiment as a starting point to create a new experiment, follow this procedure: 1. Change to the Home environment. 2. Move the mouse pointer to the desired experiment in the Recent Experiments list.
Note: In case the desired experiment is not listed here, click on the Open other experiment button at the bottom to open it once using the file dialog that appears. Now the experiment will be listed in the Recent Experiments list. Close it and start again with step 1. 3. Hold the mouse pointer over the desired experiment.
4. The context menu icon ( ) appears. 5. Click on it. 6. The context menu is opened.

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7. Click on Use as template for new experiment. 8. A new experiment will be created based on the data from the selected experiment (excluding the sample
information and assignment) and will be displayed in the Experiment environment.
7.3 Report
The QIAcube HT Prep Manager offers two types of reports: a basic report that gives a short overview and an advanced report that contains all details. The Basic report contains: · General information · Comment · Sample information · Exceptions · Detailed run information
The Advanced report contains: · General information · Comment · Kit information · Sample information · Exceptions/Pauses · Worktable information · Detailed run information · Advanced instrument information
Descriptions of the sections that are part of both report types are below.

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General information
Some general information is provided at the beginning of the report. This includes information such as the name of the kit, the experim ent file and the output file (if any has been saved), the instrum ent serial num ber and the date, tim e and duration of the run.

Com m ent The comment that has been entered on the Run screen.

Sample information

The following table and an overview graphic are shown, visualizing each position on the output plate:

Sym bol

Des c r ipt ion


The position was processed without any exceptions.


The position was processed with exceptions that allowed further processing (e.g., tip failure). If the position have been marked during the run in the Vacuum performance check dialog, it will also be indicated with this symbol. The exceptions are listed in the Exceptions chapter below.


The position could not be processed as required due to an exception that did not allow further processing (i.e., the run was stopped due to an error). The exception is listed in the Exceptions chapter below.

em pty

The position is empty. The position has not been used during the run.

not used

This sym bol is only used if an output file has been loaded as a starting point for the output plate (e.g., when using several runs to fill the output labware). The symbol represents a position that was not part of this run, although it is not empty.

Note: If no input or output file has been loaded, the software autom atically creates identifiers for the input and output labware.

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A table lis ting the run res ult for each proces s ed pos ition on the output labware is als o s hown.

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion

Pos. output plate

The position on the output labware.


Specifies the sample ID.


Shows the status of the position: either ok, warning or error, corresponding to the symbols of the graphic.

Note: The table contains only those positions on the output labware that were subject to this run. Em pty or unused positions are listed for reference below the table.

Ex c ept ions

This section lists all events, if any, in a table:

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion


The event that has been displayed during run. Or User marked w ell in case that the user marked a position in the Vacuum performance check dialog during run.

Pos ition/Duration

Lists the positions that were affected by the exception.

First, the position is listed for which the exception occurred. After "Destination," all positions are listed that could not be completed as a result of the exception, especially all affected positions on the output plate.

The @ symbol is used to address positions. Consecutive positions are listed columnwise.

Exam ples :

· "filter plate @ B2 Destination: output plate @ B2": The exception (e.g., User marked well) occurred on filter plate at position B2 which impacted the output position B2.

· "filter plate Destination: output plate @ A1-H6": The exception (e.g., a vacuum problem) occurred on the filter plate which impacted all output positions A1-H6 (e.g., columns 1-6).

For some exceptions the time is listed when the exception occurred, if for example, the lid has been opened during run.

User response

A s hort form indicating which option (button) of the m es s age dialog was pres s ed.

Note: The Basic report does not list pauses. If you would also like to have pauses listed, use the Advanced report ins tead.

Detailed run information
This section lists all tasks of the run as they were displayed on the Run step.
In case of changes that are not recommended (e.g., values have been changed in the Advanced options section on the Setup screen or assignments have been made on the Assignment screen that are not recommended), the following m essage will be shown: "Changes were program m ed that are not recom m ended or tested by QIAGEN."

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Descriptions of the sections that are only included in the Advanced report are below.

General information
Instrument and kit information are not listed in this section in the Advanced report. Instead, this information is provided in more detail in separate sections.

Kit information
Kit nam e, lot num ber and expiration date are included if they were entered on the setup screen during run setup. Sample pre-treatment, sample type and run script as selected on setup screen are also included, along with comments provided with the kit.
Note: The Advanced report does not repeat this information in the General information section.

Sample information table of the Advanced report

In addition to information provided in the Basic report, the Sample information table of the Advanced report contains one additional column:

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion

Des cription

Lists the sample description as entered in sample editor.

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Exceptions/Pauses of the Advanced report

In contrast to the Basic report, this section not only lists all events but also any pauses that m ay have occurred during the run:

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion


The event or pause that has been displayed during run.

Pos ition/Duration

For an event:

Lists the positions that were affected by the exception.

First, the position is listed for which the exception occurred. After "Destination," all positions are listed that could not be completed as a result of the exception, including all affected positions on the output plate.

The @ symbol is used to address positions. Consecutive positions are listed columnwise.

Exam ples :

· "filter plate @ B2 Destination: output plate @ B2": The exception (e.g., User marked well) occurred on filter plate at position B2, and this impacted the output position B2.

· "filter plate Destination: output plate @ A1-H6": The exception (e.g., a vacuum problem) occurred on the filter plate and this impacted all output positions A1-H6 (e.g., columns 1-6).

For some exceptions the time is listed when the exception occurred, if for example, the lid has been opened during run.

For a pause: the duration of the pause.

User response

A s hort form indicating which option (button) of the m es s age dialog was pres s ed.

Worktable information Lists for each worktable position the liquids that have been placed there. Additionally, lists the waste bottle status and that the loading of the tip chute has been acknowledged.
Advanced instrument information This section lists not only the series num bers of the QIAcube HT and the pipettor head, but also inform ation about HEPA filter us age, s ervice due dates and volum e calibration.
7.4 Administrative tasks
This section describes various administrative tasks for the QIAcube HT.
7.4.1 Configuring QIAcube HT To set up the QIAcube HT, follow the instructions in the following sections in the order listed below: 1. Unpacking and installation 2. Software installation 3. Managing users

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4. Customizing settings 5. Labware manager 6. Instrument calibration
7.4.2 Viewing software version
When you contact QIAGEN Technical Services for support purposes, you m ay be asked to provide the software version number of your installation. To see the version number, click on Help from the main menu and select the About command. The About dialog will be displayed and the current version number will be displayed at the top right of the dialog.
7.4.3 View system audit trail
The audit trail is a versatile tool to keep track of events that occur in the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. You can filter for specific events using the date or date ranges and user criteria. Results matching the criteria are displayed and can be exported to a PDF file. Note: This function is only available for users with adm inistrator user role.
Relevant events are: · Starting a run · Completion of a run · Stopping a run · Creating a report

The audit trail is placed as separate tab in the "Service" environment.

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You can apply filters from the Filter options group box on the left to find audit trail entries that m eet specific criteria. Criteria you can use are specific dates, date ranges or specific users. All audit trail entries that meet the criteria are listed in the Result table on the right of the screen. You can also generate a PDF file of the results.

To filter for specific audit trail entries:

1. Click on the Audit Trail tab in the Service environment.

2. The Audit Trail is displayed.

3. From the Filter options group box on the left, select the filter criteria.

Note: You can combine time/date filter and user filter for more advanced queries:

Time/date filter

Enter the desired date/time to the Date from/Time from and Date to/Time to fields:

User filter

Note: You can use the date picker ( ) to open an interactive calendar for entering the dates
Select one of the three options to filter for all users, the current user or a specific user. In the latter case, select a user name from the User name drop-down menu below:

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4. Click on Apply filter to apply the selected filter. 5. All entries in the audit trail that meet the selected filter will be displayed in the Result table on the right of the
s creen.
Exporting filter results To export the results of a specific filter, click on the Print to PDF button at the bottom right. A PDF will be created and opened, displaying the current result table. Note: To view reports generated in PDF format, a PDF reader must be installed on the computer, see Computer.

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Maintenance procedures

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8 Maintenance procedures
Two types of maintenance procedures are required. Follow these procedures to ensure optimum performance of your QIAcube HT instrument. · Regular maintenance · Periodic maintenance
Before undertaking any m aintenance procedures, we recom m end that you fam iliarize yourself with the safety inform ation by referring to section Maintenance safety.


Risk of personal injury and material damage [W13] Only perform m aintenance that is specifically described in this user m anual.


Risk of electric shock [W14] Do not open any panels on the QIAcube HT. Risk of personal injury and material damage. Only perform m aintenance that is specifically described in this user m anual.

· Discard waste according to local safety regulations. · Switch the instrument off and disconnect the line power cord of the QIAcube HT and of the vacuum station from the
power outlet before maintenance and servicing.
8.1 Cleaning agents
· Follow manufacturer's safety instructions for handling cleaning agents. · Follow manufacturer's instructions for soaking time and concentration of the cleaning agents. Immersing for
longer than the recommended soak time can harm the instrument. The following disinfectants and detergents are recommended for cleaning the QIAcube HT. Note: If using disinfectants different from those recommended, ensure that their compositions are similar to those described below. General cleaning of the QIAcube HT:
· Mild detergents · 70% ethanol (except for the QIAcube HT lid, refer to Cleaning the lid) · Mikrozid® Liquid (Schülke & Mayr GmbH)

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Dis inf ec t ion · Ethanol-based disinfectants can be used for disinfection of surfaces, such as the worktable: Mikrozid Liquid,
Mikrozid Wipes. Do not use ethanol-based disinfectants to clean the lid. · Disinfectants based on glyoxal and quaternary ammonium salt can be used for submerging worktable items,
such as adapters and tip ejector: Lysetol® AF (Gigasept® Instru AF in Europe, Schülke & Mayr GmbH; or DECONQUAT® 100, Veltek Associates, Inc., in the USA)
Removal of nucleic acid contamination · DNA-ExitusPlusTM (AppliChem) can be used for cleaning surfaces and to soak worktable items · ANIGENE (formerly TriGene, Medichem International) can be used for soaking worktable items


Damage to the instrument [C4]
Do not use solvents, or reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the QIAcube HT.


Damage to the instrument [C9]
Do not use spray bottles containing alcohol or disinfectant to clean surfaces of the QIAcube HT.


Damage to the QIAcube HT lid [C5]
Do not use alcohol, solvents, reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the instrument lid. Alcohol will damage the lid. To clean the lid, use distilled water only.


Damage to the QIAcube HT side panels [C6] Never clean the instrument side panels with alcohol or alcohol-based solutions.

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Risk of fire [W16] When cleaning QIAcube HT instruments with alcohol-based disinfectant, leave the instrument hoods open to allow flammable vapors to disperse.

8.2 Servicing
Ser vic ing The QIAcube HT is supplied with a warranty that lasts for one year, beginning on the date of shipm ent. The warranty includes all repairs due to mechanical breakdown. Application development, software upgrades, accessories and disposable items are not included in the warranty. QIAGEN offers com prehensive Service Support Agreem ents, including Warranty Extensions, Full Cover Support Agreements, and system/application training, including on-site installation and annual preventive maintenance. Service Support Agreem ents m axim ize productivity and ensure high perform ance from your system . In addition, service histories are fully docum ented and all parts are certified and guaranteed. Contact your local QIAGEN Field Service Specialist or your local distributor for more information about flexible Service Support Agreements from QIAGEN.
8.3 Regular maintenance
8.3.1 Cleaning the instrument after completing a run
When the run has been completed: 1. Cover the output plate with the lid and remove it from the worktable. 2. Cover tip racks containing only unused tips with the lid and remove them from the worktable. 3. Cover used fractions of partly used tip racks with an adhesive tape. Cover the tip racks with the lid and remove
from the worktable. Discard em pty tip racks. If the run has been stopped and the instrument did not remove all used tips, remove them now and discard. 4. Remove all reagent troughs and discard them. Note: We recommend not reusing reagents in multiple runs. 5. Remove the input plate. 6. Discard the filter plate or keep partially used filter plates for reuse. In this case, cover used fractions with an adhesive tape. 7. Remove the tip chute and all adapters from the worktable. From the vacuum chamber remove the carriage, channeling adapter and riser block. Clean all parts and the reagent trough lids according to the instructions in Cleaning accessories. 8. Discard the tip disposal box. 9. Clean any reagent that may have spilled on the instrument worktable or vacuum chamber with a damp cloth. 10. Discard waste according to local safety regulations.

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Hazardous chemicals [W11]
Som e chem icals used with this instrum ent m ay be hazardous or m ay becom e hazardous after completion of the protocol run.
Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a lab coat.
The responsible body (e.g., laboratory m anager) m ust take the necessary precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe and that the instrument operators are not exposed to hazardous levels of toxic substances (chemical or biological) as defined in the applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) or OSHA, ACGIH or COSHH docum ents.
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.

8.3.2 Cleaning the instrument before shutting down


Risk of fire [W16] When cleaning QIAcube HT instruments with alcohol-based disinfectant, leave the instrument hoods open to allow flammable vapors to disperse.


Damage to the instrument [C9]
Do not use spray bottles containing alcohol or disinfectant to clean surfaces of the QIAcube HT.


Hazardous chemicals [W11]
Som e chem icals used with this instrum ent m ay be hazardous or m ay becom e hazardous after completion of the protocol run.
Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and a lab coat.
The responsible body (e.g., laboratory m anager) m ust take the necessary precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe and that the instrument operators are not exposed to hazardous levels of toxic substances (chemical or biological) as defined in the applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) or OSHA, ACGIH or COSHH docum ents.
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.

To clean the QIAcube HT:
1. In the main toolbar click Service to switch to the Service environment. On the Cleaning procedure tab, select Daily cleaning procedure.

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2. Click Start to start the procedure. The first wizard step is displayed: 3. If not yet done, cover the output plate with the lid and remove it from the worktable. 4. Cover tip racks containing only unused tips with the lid and remove them from the worktable. 5. Click Next to proceed to the next wizard step. 6. Cover used fractions of partly used tip racks with an adhesive tape. Cover the tip racks with the lid and remove
from the worktable. Discard em pty tip racks. If the run has been stopped and the instrument did not remove all used tips, remove them now and discard. 7. Remove all reagent troughs and discard them. Note: We recommend not reusing reagents in multiple runs. 8. Remove the input plate. 9. Discard the filter plate or keep partially used filter plates for reuse. In this case, cover used fractions with an adhesive tape. 10. Remove the tip chute and all adapters from the worktable. Remove the carriage, channeling adapter and riser block from the vacuum chamber. Clean all parts and the reagent trough lids according to the instructions in Cleaning accessories. 11. Discard the tip disposal box. 12. Click Next to proceed to the next wizard step. 13. Pour 20 ml water into the waste chamber (left hand side of the vacuum chamber). Click Done. Wait while the instrum ent cycles the pum p and flushes the lines. Then the software autom atically displays the next step of the wizard. 14. Wipe the worktable and vacuum chamber inside the instrument using a soft cloth moistened with ethanol-based disinfectant and click Done to leave for a certain time. This time span is configurable in the settings. When the designated time has elapsed, the software displays the next wizard step. 15. Wipe excess liquid with clean paper towels. 16. Wipe the instrument with a damp cloth only. 17. Click Done to complete the cleaning procedure. 18. Proceed with the UV lamp task.
Note: Do not wipe the rails. These rails support the pipettor head and allow it to slide backwards and forwards easily. Wiping the rails will remove the grease and make them more susceptible to rust.
8.3.3 Cleaning the lid
The ins trum ent lid is m anufactured from a s pecial acrylic glas s , which is an UV abs orbent. · Do not use alcohol solvents, reagents containing acids, alkalis or abrasives to clean the instrument lid as this
could damage the hood and its absorbing capacity. · If solvents or saline, acidic, or alkaline solutions are spilled on the QIAcube HT or if QIAGEN buffers splash the
instrum ent lid, wipe the liquid away im m ediately. Clean the instrum ent lid only with distilled water and a clean, soft cloth.

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Alternatively, a cleaning product specifically designed to clean acrylic glass can be used. Any cleaning product should be tested on a small inconspicuous section of the instrument lid first.
8.3.4 Emptying the waste bottle
Every tim e the waste bottle is em ptied, the waste volum e estim ated by the software needs to be reset in order to allow correct waste tracking.
You can em pty the waste bottle at any tim e from the Ser vice environm ent, if no run or m aintenance task is in progres s : 1. Click Service in the main toolbar to switch to the Service environment. 2. If not yet selected, click on the Cleaning procedure tab header. Select Empty w aste bottle. 3. The waste volume as estimated by the software is displayed in the graphic. 4. Disconnect the waste bottle and discard the waste according to the local safety regulations. 5. Replace and reconnect the waste bottle. 6. Click Bottle emptied in order to reset the estimated waste volume in the software.
Alternatively, the waste bottle can be emptied when preparing a run on the Waste bottle screen of the Worktable step. 1. Disconnect the waste bottle and discard the waste according to the local safety regulations. 2. Replace and reconnect the waste bottle. 3. Check the Emptied check box in the table in the middle of the screen in order to reset the estimated waste volume
in the software.
If the software pauses a run because the waste bottle is full, a m essage is displayed that prom pts you to em pty the waste bottle. 1. Disconnect the waste bottle and discard the waste according to the local safety regulations. 2. Replace and reconnect the waste bottle. 3. Click OK in order to reset the estimated waste volume in the software and to continue the run.
8.3.5 Cleaning accessories
Cleaning adapters and Tip chute · Do not use a dishwasher to clean adapters, as this damages the anodization of the parts. · Do not allow household bleach to come in contact with anodized parts. 1. Wash shortly in a quaternary ammonium based solution. 2. Rinse with room temperature, deionized water and allow to drain and dry.

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Greasing the O-ring
A tube containing vacuum greas e is provided with the ins trum ent for this purpos e. Greas ing facilitates the placem ent and removal of the adapters from the vacuum chamber.
1. Apply a thin film of grease to the O-ring on the channeling block holder as indicated with a red arrow in the following figure.

Channeling block holder O-ring.
Cleaning air bleed holes The QIAcube HT has air bleed holes positioned at strategic points on the vacuum chamber, as shown in the following figures .

Air bleed holes of the vacuum chamber.
Each of these air bleeds has a sm all stainless steel aperture inserted in the hole to specifically control the rate of air flow. The air bleed holes serve two purposes: · Provide a positive air flow towards the waste chamber · Allow chamber to equilibrate to atmospheric pressure after the application of a vacuum

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IMPORTANT: Air bleed holes should be kept clean and clear of blockages. 1. To clean air bleed holes, flush with a squirt bottle containing deionized water.
Cleaning the guide rails The X, Y and Z guide rails are the coated hardened s teel rails that s upport the linear bearings that allow the robotic arm to slide back and forth easily. Do not wipe these guide rails with a cloth as doing so removes the grease. 1. Check for splashed reagents daily. 2. Wipe only the areas which have splashed reagent on them and then move the robotic arm back and forth over the
axis to redistribute the grease. The linear bearings incorporate seals to keep the bearings free of dust or grit.
8.3.6 Using UV lamp
The UV lam p function is located in the Ser vic e environm ent under the Cleaning Pr oc edur e tab.

UV lam p function in "Service" environm ent

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UV irradiation hazard [W9]
An electronic lid sensor ensures that the instrument lid must be closed for operation of the UV lam p. Under no circum s tances s hould this lid s ens or be dis abled.
If the lid sensor is not functioning correctly, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

To us e the UV lam p, follow the ins tructions below. 1. Click on the Service environment button. If not yet selected, click on the Cleaning Procedure tab header. Click on
UV lamp. 2. Empty the worktable!
During UV irradiation, the robotic arm m oves to ens ure the worktable is fully expos ed. 3. Place the UV protective cap onto the tip chute!
The tip chute m us t be in place and covered with the UV protective cap, to prevent expos ure to UV irradiation outside the instrument. 4. Close the lid. 5. There are two options to start the UV lamp operation: a) Click Start to switch on the UV lamp for the configured operation time. After the time has elapsed, the UV lamp
will be switched off automatically. b) Click Start and shut dow n, to switch on the UV lamp for the configured operation time. After the time has
elaps ed, the UV lam p will be s witched off autom atically and the s oftware will autom atically clos e. The instrum ent itself does not autom atically switch off.
Note: During UV irradiation, the pipettor head m oves . All item s m us t be rem oved from the worktable to ens ure the worktable is fully expos ed. The UV lam p does not irradiate certain areas , including the pipettor head, due to construction constraints. Note: The operating tim e of the UV lam p can be configured by the adm inis trator in the Settings .
8.4 Periodic maintenance
QIAGEN recommends that a regular preventive maintenance service is carried out on the QIAcube HT. The service should be perform ed by a trained QIAGEN Field Service Specialist. Contact your local QIAGEN Field Service Specialist or your local distributor for more information. We recom m end regular servicing of the pipettor. The recom m endation will be displayed by the m aintenance schedule. As P-axis m ovem ents and the date of pipettor installation are tracked by the software, the software will rem ind you with a m essage. In addition, the instrum ent icon will display a screwdriver as long as the m aintenance is due. The pipettor head m aintenance task can only be acknowledged by QIAGEN Field Service Specialist.

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8.4.1 Maintenance of the QIAcube HT instrument
To rem ove DNA/RNA from the worktable and to prevent cros s -contam ination, the QIAcube HT m us t be routinely decontaminated. Proceed as follows: 1. Remove all adapters and the tip chute from the worktable. Wash the adapters in detergent and rinse with clean
water. 2. Place the clean items into the quaternary ammonium based solution and soak for an appropriate time following
the manufacturer's instructions. 3. Thoroughly rinse the components in nucleic acid-free water. 4. Briefly rinse with ethanol and dry with a soft paper towel. 5. Dampen the instrument worktable with one of the recommended cleaning agents and incubate as appropriate
according to the m anufacturer's instructions. Wipe dry with clean paper towels. 6. Dampen the worktable with nucleic acid-free water and wipe dry with clean paper towels. Repeat 3 times. 7. Return all components to the worktable and close the lid. 8. Place the tip chute UV protective cap onto the tip chute. 9. Switch on UV lamp. Note: The operating tim e of the UV lam p can be configured by the adm inis trator in the Settings .
8.4.2 Maintenance schedule
QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides a maintenance tracking tool to give you an overview of scheduled upcoming service tasks and recent tasks. You can find this tool in the Regular Schedule step of the Maintenance tab in the Service environment:

Scheduled tasks (upper table) and recent tasks (lower table)

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The m aintenance s cheduler lis ts the periodic tas ks for m aintenance of the pinch valve, pipettor head, HEPA filters and vacuum filter, and consists of the two tables described below:
· Scheduled service tasks · Last service tasks

Scheduled service tasks table

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion

First column

If the task is due, a maintenance symbol is displayed. If the task is due because the service period has been reached, a screwdriver will be displayed. If the task is due because the number of operations between services has been exceeded, a part of a large screwdriver will be displayed.

Note: The number of operations is counted for the pinch valve and the P-axis movements of the pipettor head only.

Tas k

Description of the task

Due date

Date the task is due

Last service date

Date the task was last performed


Current status of the task. The cell is em pty if the task is not due. If the task is due, the reason why the task is due will be displayed: because the service period has been exceeded or if the number of operations between services has been exceeded, or both.

View icon ( )

Opens the View service task dialog with detailed information; see below

Note: If one task is due, the software indicates this also with a screwdriver symbol on the instrument icon. Additionally, a m essage is s hown if a task becom es due (the m essage is shown only once).

Last service tasks table

Colum n

Des c r ipt ion


Date the task is due

Tas k

Description of the task


Which user performed the task

Com m ents

Com m ent noted by the QIAGEN Field Service Specialist

View icon ( )

Opens the View service task dialog with detailed information; see below

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The View icon ( ) has the identical functionality in both tables: it opens the View service task dialog with detailed inform ation.

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Field Service task Schedule due date Operations since last service
Ins trum ent Period between services Operations between services

Des c r ipt ion Description of the task Date the task is due Number of operations (e.g., number of P-Axis movements of the pipettor head) that have been performed since the last service Note: This field is only displayed for the pipettor head m aintenance task. Note: This field is not available from the Last service tasks table. Serial number of the instrument Proposed period between two service dates Recommended number of operations between two services Note: This field is only displayed for the pipettor head m aintenance task. Note: This field is not available from the Last service tasks table.

Comment Acknowledge date Acknowledge by

Result of the service task: whether or not the task has been completed s ucces s fully Com m ent noted by the QIAGEN Field Service Specialist Date the task has been performed User ID who has acknowledged the task

8.4.3 Maintenance of the QIAcube HT pipettor
QIAGEN recommends that a regular preventive maintenance service is carried out on the QIAcube HT. The service should be perform ed by a trained QIAGEN Field Service Specialist. Contact your local QIAGEN Field Service Specialist or your local distributor for more information.
We recom m end regular servicing of the pipettor. The recom m endation will be displayed by the m aintenance schedule. As P-axis m ovem ents and the date of pipettor installation are tracked by the software, the software will rem ind you with a m essage. In addition, the instrum ent icon will display a screwdriver as long as the m aintenance is due.
The pipettor head m aintenance task can only be acknowledged by QIAGEN Field Service Specialist.
8.4.4 Replacing the HEPA filters
HEPA filters s hould be replaced on a regular bas is . The QIAcube HT Prep Manager will rem ind you when it is tim e to replace the HEPA filters . Additionally, the ins trum ent icon will dis play a s crewdriver as long as the m aintenance is due.
The s oftware provides a s tep-by-s tep wizard to guide you through all s teps to replace the HEPA filter. The wizard can be accessed by users with user role Adm inistr ator via the Replace HEPA filter step in the Maintenance tab of the Service environment.

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Follow the instructions displayed in every step. After you confirm that you have com pleted the instructions in a step, click Done to continue to the next step. The next s tep will only be displayed once you have successfully com pleted the instruction and no errors have occurred. While the wizard is active, all other parts of the software become unavailable.
To leave the wizard without completion, click Cancel.

Step-by-s tep wizard for replacing the HEPA filters
To exchange the HEPA filters : 1. Click the Service button in the main toolbar to switch to the Service environment. Click on the Maintenance tab
and then click on the Replace HEPA filter step. Note: The step is available for users with user role Administrator only. 2. Click Start to start the procedure now. The next step will be displayed. 3. If the instrument is still switched on, you will be prompted to switch it off. Empty the worktable. If the pipettor head is holding a tip, m anually rem ove it. Then switch off the instrum ent and disconnect the line power cord from the power outlet. Finally, click Done to proceed. Note: When the instrum ent is switched off, the pipettor head will drop approxim ately 70 m m . 4. Lift the HEPA filter cover and remove it.

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5. Unscrew the four thumb screws. See schematic in the step-by-step wizard. 6. Remove the H frame. 7. Remove the old HEPA filters. 8. Insert new HEPA filters with the arrows down. 9. Reassemble the H frame. 10. Screw the four thumb screws tight. 11. Re-assemble the cover onto the instrument. 12. Click Done to finish the task. The software automatically acknowledges the task as successfully completed. The
task will be listed in the Last service tasks table of the Regular Schedule. In the task details the task will be m arked as s uccessfully com pleted.
Note: If you leave the wizard by clicking Cancel, the task will still be listed in the Last ser vice tasks table. However, in the task details, the task will be m arked as not successfully com pleted. The service task rem ains due, indicated in the Scheduled service tasks table and on the instrument icon.

Perform ed HEPA filter exchange is lis ted in the "Las t s ervice tas ks " table.

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If you click the View button on the right side of the task, the detailed view opens:

Details of the perform ed HEPA filter tas k.
8.4.5 Replacing filters on vacuum station
Vacuum filters should be replaced on a regular basis. The QIAcube HT Prep Manager will remind you when it is time to replace the vacuum filters. Additionally, the instrum ent icon will display a screwdriver as long as the m aintenance is due.
The software provides a step-by-step wizard to guide you through all steps to replace the vacuum filter. The wizard can be accessed by users with user role Administrator via the Replace vacuum filter step in the Maintenance tab of the Service environment.
Follow the instructions displayed in every step. After you confirm that you have com pleted the instructions in a step, click Done to continue to the next step. The next s tep will only be displayed once you have successfully com pleted the instruction and no errors have occurred. While the wizard is active, all other parts of the software become unavailable.
To leave the wizard without completion, click Cancel.

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Step-by-step wizard for replacing the vacuum filters
To exchange the vacuum filters: 1. Click the Service button in the main toolbar to switch to the Service environment. Click on the Maintenance tab
and then click on the Replace HEPA filter step. Note: The step is available for users with user role Administrator only. 2. Click Start to start the procedure now. The next step will be displayed. 3. If the instrument is still switched on, you will be prompted to switch it off. Then switch off the instrument and disconnect the line power cord from the power outlet. Finally, click Done to proceed. 4. Remove all hoses from the Polycap filter. 5. Unplug the Polycap and the Carbon-Cap filters from the vacuum station.

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Vacuum station with Polycap and carbon filter.
6. Plug the new Polycap filter into the correct opening on the vacuum station.
7. Connect the hoses between the Polycap filter and waste bottle cap.
8. Plug the new Carbon-Cap filter into the correct opening on the vacuum station. Be sure to position the filter with the labeling upside down.
9. Click Done to finish the task. The software automatically acknowledges the task as successfully completed. The task will be listed in the Last service tasks table of the Regular Schedule. In the task details the task will be m arked as s uccessfully com pleted.
Note: If you leave the wizard by clicking Cancel, the task will still be listed in the Last service tasks table. However, in the task details, the task will be m arked as not successfully com pleted. The service task rem ains due, indicated in the Scheduled service tasks table and on the instrument icon.
Note: For ordering inform ation for the QIAcube HT vacuum filters, see Appendix E.
For waste disposal of the used filters of the vacuum station, follow procedures in accordance with your local regulations .

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9 Troubleshooting
If you need to contact QIAGEN Technical Services for technical assistance, note down the steps that occurred leading up to the issue. Alternatively, save or choose the applicable support package from the run, and then send this to QIAGEN Technical Services. This will help the QIAGEN Field Service Specialist resolve the issue. It is also possible to export support packages, even if the instrument is powered down. A warning will be is s ued when an error, s uch as ins ufficient tips , is encountered during the run; the error will als o be listed in the report. If you receive a software warning or error message that contains a Help button, click on it to get more information. Ex am ple:
Run out of tip message during a run. Click on the Help button in the message dialog.

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After clicking the messages' Help button.
Click the Close button to return to the message dialog.
9.1 Support packages
Support packages are folders containing multiple files that help QIAGEN Technical Services to analyze issues that might have been observed. The function to export support packages is located in the Support Package tab in the Service environment:

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Screen to export support packages. Use the filter options to search for support packages created between specific start and end dates. The right part of the screen consists of two tables that list support packages created from experiment runs and support packages created from performed system checks. Click on Export selected package(s) to export the selected support packages to a definable directory. Support packages are exported for reporting different information, including: · An issue during a run · The results of performed system checks · Instrument issues Note: Support packages older than 90 days will be autom atically deleted.
Exporting a support package 1. Click on the Support Package tab in the Service environment. 2. The Support Package screen will be displayed. 3. To filter for support packages created within a specific date range:
a) Enter a start date and an end date, or use the icon to interactively select a date. Ensure that the range covers the date the run or the system test was performed. b) Click on Apply filter. 4. All available support package information created within the selected date range will be displayed in the Support packages from experiments table and the Support packages from system checks table, listing the run experiments and the test results, respectively.

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5. Activate the check boxes for the support package you want to export. Activate the check box of the experim ent(s) if you want to report issues during run. Activate the check box of the performed system test to report the results. Note: If you don't select any experim ent run or system test result, the support package will contain the currently available log files only.
6. Click on Export selected package(s). 7. The Select folder file dialog is opened. 8. Select/create the target directory and click on OK. 9. The support package is exported to the selected directory. 10. Navigate to the newly created directory and send all files in it to QIAGEN Technical Services.
The directory contains the support packages of the selected experim ents and/or system test results, including plug-in specific files, user information, settings, labware database and instrument specific data combined in a zip file. Additionally, current log files and the audit trail are copied to the destination directory (unzipped). Even if the software stops due to a program failure during a run, the support package will be completed when the software is restarted. The file name of the support package file for an experiment run is generated from a time stamp, instrument and experiment data according to the following naming scheme: Time stamp_Instrument type_Instrument serial number_Experiment name_Experiment status.zip Log files are created for analysis by QIAGEN Technical Services only.

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9.2 System setup
Instrument does not run

Comments and suggestions

a) Power cord not connected

Check the power connection.

b) Fuse blown

Replace the fuse according to the following procedure:

1. Switch off the QIAcube HT using the main power switch.

2. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet and from the rear of the instrument.

3. Use a small flat-bladed screwdriver to remove the fuse-carrier assem bly located directly to the right of the area where the cord connector enters into the inlet.

4. Replace the fuse. Replace only with the type of fuse indicated in Appendix A or on the ins trum ent type plate.

5. Reinsert the fuse-carrier assem bly and plug in the power cord.

6. Turn on the power and check the instrument for normal operation. If the instrum ent does not function norm ally or continues to blow fuses, unplug the system and contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

c) Instrument does not initialize on software start

The instrument does not initialize on software start. It initializes just before use, e.g., before calibration or during worktable planning before a run.

Computer softw are cannot communicate w ith QIAcube HT

a) USB cable not connected between the computer and the instrument
b) Instrument is not switched on
c) A com m unication problem occurred
QIAcube HT Prep Manager does not launch

Check the connection of the USB cable. See section Connecting the computer to the QIAcube HT.
Switch the instrument on. If the instrument is connected to the com puter via the USB cable, the software autom atically connects to the instrument. This can take a few seconds. If the instructions of a) and b) have already been followed, but the software does not connect to the instrument, restart the computer. If the problem persists, collect the support package and contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

a) QIAcube HT Prep Manager not installed b) Old version of Microsoft Windows

Install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager. See section Software ins tallation.
See section Computer.

QIAcube HT Prep Manager cannot be installed

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a) Message during installation: Wrong SiLabs USB driver version has been detected on the com puter.

Comments and suggestions The wrong driver version m ay have been installed by another QIAGEN software, e.g. the old QIAcube HT Software. If the message shows up, allow the installer to update the driver to the version needed by QIAcube HT Prep Manager. Otherwise, QIAcube HT Prep Manager cannot be installed. However, the other software m ay becom e inoperable with this driver version. It is not possible to have both an old version of QIAcube HT software and the QIAcube HT Prep Manager installed on the same computer.

b) Message during installation: .NET Framework needs to be installed has been answered with No

The appropriate version of the Microsoft .NET Framework will be installed during setup if it is not already present. In this case, another dialog opens. Click Yes to install the Microsoft .NET Fram ework. This m ay take som e tim e. If you click No, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be installed.

c) Message during installation ­ Windows 7 only: Installation of .NET Framework failed.

On computers with Windows 7, ensure that the Windows Service Pack 1 has been installed. To check if the Service Pack 1 has been installed, click the Window s Start icon at the bottom left of the Windows screen. Then right-click on the entry Com puter in the right bar and select Properties from the appearing context menu. Check that the Service Pack 1 is mentioned in the Window s edition section.

d) Message during installation: SQL Server needs to be installed has been answered with No

The appropriate version of the Microsoft SQL Server will be installed during setup if it is not already present. In this case, another dialog opens. Click Yes to install the Microsoft SQL Server. This m ay take som e tim e. If you click No, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager will not be installed.

e) Policy prevents software installation from an Unknown Publisher
f) On Windows 10 only. An update installation fails at step "Stopping services."

Contact your local IT administrator.
On Windows 10 only, when updating from QIAcube HT Prep Manager 1.0. Please note that QIAcube HT Prep Manager version 1.1 is the first version that can be used on Windows 10.

To get the new version installed:

1. Take a backup of your experiments, reports and output files.

2. Uninstall the previous version.

3. Install the new version.

Window s security message show n during the Device Driver Installation Wizard

a) A Windows s ecurity confirm ation m es s age is shown during QIAcube HT Prep Manager driver installation: QIAGEN GmbH drivers attempt to be ins talled

Click Install to install the QIAcube HT driver.
If you do not install the driver software, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager
a) will not be able to operate the QIAcube HT if you install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager for the first time, or

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b) A s ecurity warning m es s age is s hown during driver installation of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager: Unknown publisher of driver software
c) Policy prevents driver installation from an Unknown Publisher Device Driver Installation Wizard fails

Comments and suggestions b) m ight not be able to operate the QIAcube HT correctly in case of an update installation because an older driver version remains active on the computer.
If the message is shown in the context of an installation of the QIAcube HT Prep Manager, allow to install the driver anyway.
If you do not install the driver software, the QIAcube HT Prep Manager
a) will not be able to operate the QIAcube HT if you install the QIAcube HT Prep Manager for the first time, or
b) m ight not be able to operate the QIAcube HT correctly in case of an update installation because an older driver version remains active on the computer.
Contact your local IT administrator

On Windows 10, the Secure Boot option is used If you use UEFI Boot, the Secure Boot option must be disabled. together with UEFI Boot

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9.3 Operation
Tip errors

Comments and suggestions

a) Tip ejection failed b) Tip pickup failed

Tips m ay m e staggered in the tip chute. Clean the tip chute and em pty the waste box.
If tip pickup fails repeatedly, repeat the calibration for tip racks.

Pipetting errors

a) Y-arm has been moved

Restart the experiment.

b) Wrong calibration

Repeat the calibration.

Liquid errors

a) Air bubbles appear in tubes or plates Centrifuge the tubes or plates to remove air bubbles.

b) Vacuum waste bottle is full

Em pty the waste bottle according to your local safety regulations.

c) Vacuum waste bottle is full, but no message is displayed
Softw are stops

Ensure that the cable between the vacuum station and waste bottle cap is connected.

a) Screen savers and power save modes not disabled on the computer
Vacuum errors

Disable screen savers and power save modes on the computer.

a) Vacuum could not be established
b) Vacuum could not be released c) Open system test failed d) Plate detection test failed

1) Adapters and labware used in vacuum chamber are misplaced. For instructions on correct placement refer to Assembling the vacuum cham ber.
2) Unused wells on filter plate are not sealed. Seal unused wells with an adhesive tape.
3) Vacuum station is not installed correctly. For instructions on correct installation refer to Installation of vacuum control station.
Vacuum chamber air bleed holes are blocked. Clean the air bleed holes as stated in Cleaning accessories
Vacuum system m ay have unrestricted air flow. Contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
Adapters and labware used in vacuum chamber are misplaced. For instructions on correct placement refer to Assembling the vacuum chamber or contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

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e) Vacuum pump does not stop if the instrument loses connection to the com puter
Worktable step is not accessible

Comments and suggestions If the instrument loses connection to the computer while the vacuum pump is working, the vacuum pump cannot be stopped. In this case, switch off the instrument. Check the connection of the USB. Restart the computer. See section Connecting the computer to the QIAcube HT.

a) Instrument is not connected b) Mandatory calibrations m issing Softw are is very slow

During run setup, the worktable step can only be accessed if the instrument is connected. Switch the instrument on. If the instrument is connected to the computer via USB cable, the software automatically connects to the instrument after a few seconds.
During run setup, the worktable step can only be accessed if the m andatory calibrations have been perform ed. Follow the instructions in Instrument calibration.

a) Virus scanners running on the com puter
Carriage transfer not successful

Refer to Computer.

a) Calibration on A1 not accurate enough Pur if ic at ion

Repeat the calibration of A1. Select one of the filter plates to calibrate in the Labware calibration step. Ensure you follow the instructions in Assem bly for calibration. Use the z-axis buttons to lower the pipetting head into the channeling block. Ensure that the tips are centered inside the wells.

a) Wrong buffer preparation

Refer to the kit handbook.

b) Wrong pretreatment c) Bad purification results

Refer to the kit handbook. Ensure to select the correct pretreatment in the Setup screen.
Refer to the kit handbook for more details.

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9.4 Self-diagnostic tools
QIAcube HT Prep Manager provides several different checks to verify whether the m ost im portant instrum ent parts are working correctly. The tests are designed to collect inform ation to help with troubleshooting. They are bundled in the System Check tab of the Service environment:
Note: The tests are only available if the instrum ent is connected.

Each check is carried out in a separate step and the steps are independent from each other, so you can start with any test you choose. The checks are built in a step-by-step wizard format. The initial step shows a description of the check, its duration and a Star t button. Click the Star t button to begin the check and to display the instructions for the next step. Follow the instructions on the screen. After you have finished, click Done to proceed to the next step. To cancel a test, click Cancel or Stop.

Check name Connection Check
Cycle Pipettor Head Check for Loss of Steps
Check Vacuum Pressure Check for Home-Opto Alignment

Des c r ipt ion
Checks the connection between computer and instrument and within the instrument itself
Checks the cycling of the pipettor head
Checks whether the pipettor head movement is working correctly
Checks whether the vacuum system is working correctly
Checks if the instrument can perform the homing routine correctly

Im por tant: Before starting a test, read the details first by clicking the link in the table.

Dur at ion 10 min
8 min 40 min
5 min 1 min

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Note: These tes ts should only be perform ed by experienced users.
To perform a test: 1. Click the Service button in the main toolbar and then click the System Check tab to switch to the System Check
tab of the Service environment. 2. Click on the step marker of the test you would like to perform. The description of the test is shown. 3. Click Start to start the test. The next step is displayed.
a) Follow the instructions, if any, and then click Done to confirm and proceed. b) Alternatively, wait while the instrument performs an automatic step. The software will then proceed to the next step automatically. Repeat this for all steps of the test. 4. If the test finished, the software displays the test result as a last step. The test result is automatically saved. To cancel the test, click Cancel or Stop. Wait until the instrument has finished moving before opening the lid. If the test failed, save the Support package now. Ensure that the performed test is listed in the table Support packages from system tests and checked. Click Export selected packages and contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test. Or, click to another part in the software for another task.
9.4.1 Connection check
This test checks the communications links between the computer and the instrument and inside the instrument. 1. In the step marker click Connection Check. The description of the test is shown. 2. Click Start to start the test. The next step is displayed. 3. Wait while the instrument checks the connection links. 4. If the test finished, the software displays the test result as a last step. The test result is automatically saved. To cancel the test, click Cancel or Stop. If the test failed, save the Support package subsequently. Ensure that the performed test is listed in the table Support packages from system tests and checked. Click Export selected packages and contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test. Or, click to another part in the software for another task.
9.4.2 Cycle pipettor head
If the QIAcube HT has not been used for a long period of time, it is recommended to cycle the pipettor head. This helps to distribute the grease evenly. 1. In the step marker, click on Cycle Pipettor head. The description is shown. 2. Click Start. The next step is displayed. 3. Empty the worktable. Remove the tip chute, all plates, tubes, adapters, accessories and tips.
Im por tant: Failure to do this m ay result in perm anent dam age to the pipettor head.

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4. Close the lid. 5. Click Done to confirm and proceed. 6. Wait while the instrument cycles the pipettor head. 7. If the task finished, the software displays the last step. The task result is automatically saved. To cancel the task, click Cancel or Stop. Wait until the instrument has finished moving before opening the lid. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test. Click on the Support Package tab if you want to export the result or click to another part in the software for another task.
9.4.3 Check for loss of steps
This test establishes whether the instrument has reliable movement. 1. In the step marker click on Check for Loss of Steps. The description of the test is shown. 2. Click Start to start the test. The next step is displayed. 3. Empty the worktable. Remove the tip chute, all plates, tubes, accessories, adapters and tips racks.
Im por tant: Failure to do this m ay result in perm anent dam age to the pipettor head. 4. Close the lid. 5. Click Done to confirm and proceed. 6. Wait while the instrument moves the robotic arm to check for home-opto alignment. 7. If the test finished, the software displays the test result in the last step. The test result is automatically saved. To cancel the test, click Cancel or Stop. Wait until the instrument has finished moving before opening the lid. If the test failed, save the Support package now. Ensure that the performed test is listed in the table Support packages from system tests and checked. Click Export selected packages and contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test or click to another part in the software for another task.
9.4.4 Check vacuum pressure
This test establishes whether the pressure system is correctly working. 1. In the step marker click on Check Vacuum Pressure. The description of the test is shown. 2. Click Start to start the test. The next step is displayed with instructions to prepare the worktable.
Note: Steps 3­7 describe the assem bly of the left (waste) cham ber of the vacuum cham ber as for a standard protocol with a filter plate having only unused wells. Refer to Assem bly for standard purification protocols for pictures and assembling details. 3. Insert the channeling block holder into the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber. 4. Place the channeling block into the channeling block holder. 5. Place the transfer carriage onto the left (waste) chamber of the vacuum chamber. 6. Cover an empty filter plate with an adhesive tape. Ensure that all 96 wells are completely sealed to ensure proper vacuum operation. Trim any excess tape.

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7. Place the filter plate onto the carriage. Ensure that the filter plate is aligned to the upper left inside the transfer carriage and is com pletely lying on the transfer carriage gasket. Im por tant: Ensure that you have correctly ass em bled the waste cham ber and com pletely sealed the filter plate to ensure proper vacuum operation.
8. Close the lid. 9. Click Done to confirm and proceed. 10. Wait while the instrument applies pressure several times to check the vacuum system. 11. If the test finished, the software displays the test result in the last step. The test result is automatically saved. To cancel the test, click Cancel or Stop. Wait until the instrument has finished moving before opening the lid. If the test failed, save the Support package now. Ensure that the performed test is listed in the table Support packages from system tests and checked. Click Export selected packages and contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test or click to another part in the software for another task.
9.4.5 Check for home-opto alignment
This test checks if the instrument can perform the homing routine correctly. 1. In the step marker click on Check for Home-Opto Alignment. The description of the test is shown. 2. Click Start to start the test. The next step is displayed. 3. Empty the worktable. Remove the tip chute, all plates, tubes, adapters, accessories and tips.
Im por tant: Failure to do this m ay result in perm anent dam age to the pipettor head. 4. Close the lid. 5. Click Done to confirm and proceed. 6. Wait while the instrument moves the robotic arm. 7. If the test finished, the software displays the test result in the last step. The test result is automatically saved. To cancel the test, click Cancel or Stop. Wait until the instrument has finished moving before opening the lid. If the test failed, save the Support package now. Ensure that the performed test is listed in the table Support packages from system tests and checked. Click Export selected packages and contact QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance. Click Restart if you want to repeat the task. Click on another step marker to perform another test or click to another part in the software for another task.

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10 Glossary
Glossary term s in alphabetical order

A Accessories pack Audit trail
B C Calibration Calibration report
Channeling adapter
D E Eluate Expiry date Extra volume
F Filter plate

Set of adapters used as receptacle for plates with a special function, like channeling liquid waste to the waste bottle (e.g. Channeling adapter) A record of us er actions .
Before the instrument can be used, the locations of work items (e.g. labware) must be determined. This process is termed calibration. The calibration report is a printed document delivered with the QIAcube HT. It defines the alignment of each pipettor head to the volume to be transferred. The values must be entered when configuring QIAcube HT. Adapter that is part of the Accessories pack. The channeling adapter consists of the channeling block holder and the channeling block. Both parts are usually used together to enable optimal waste flowthrough to the vacuum waste bottle. See also Assembling the vacuum chamber.
An eluate consists of purified nucleic acid in a buffered solution. Eluates are the output of a sample preparation. The date after which QIAGEN can no longer guarantee that a kit performs according to its specification. Additional volume that is needed for pipetting. The software automatically calculates the extra volume needed for a run.
Special labware to perform nucleic acid bind-wash-elution purification with.

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H HEPA filter Home position
I J K Kit Kit configuration
L Labware library Labware type Lid Lys ate Log file
M N O P P-Axis Pinch valve

Graphical User Interface (of a software)
Abbreviation for High Efficiency Particulate Airfilter. Air filter to prevent airborne contamination underneath the instrument hood. The position where the pipettor head moves to reset all axis.
Ready-to-use composition of reagents and consumables for a given protocol. A s et of protocols des cribing all pos s ible actions to be perform ed on the ins trum ent based on a kit. For each kit to be used on QIAcube HT, one kit configuration is available.
The labware library is delivered with the software and contains all labware to be used on QIAcube HT instrument. Labware is grouped into types, e.g. 96-well to enhance customer convenience while looking for a specific labware. The instrum ent lid isolates the worktable, m aintaining sam ple integrity and acting as a safety m echanism . Mixture of liquids that result in cell lysis. A log file contains inform ation about (ins trum ent) actions that were perform ed.
The direction of pipetting piston movement. The pinch valve is part of the QIAcube HT instrum ent and enables to apply vacuum only to one cham ber of the vacuum cham ber by pressing one of the vacuum waste hoses.

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Pipettor head Pipetting piston Plate
Power switch Protocol
Q R Reagent Reagent plate Report Riser block, EMTR RS-232
S Sam ple SBS format Support packages
T Tip Tip chute

Part of the instrum ent that is directly involved in the transfer of liquid. See also Pipettor head and robotic arm Part of the pipettor head. Labware with wells that are connected physically and arranged in a two dimensional way. Plates can be placed in an adaptor or as standalone onto the instrument worktable. A button located at the back of the QIAcube HT. It allows the us er to s witch the QIAcube HT on and off. A s et of ins tructions for the ins trum ent des cribing a s pecific s equence of action to be performed during a run. Protocols are part of the kit configuration.
Reagents are dis pens ed to reaction wells that m ight contain s am ples . A reagent can be com bined with other reagents or added individually to a reaction. Special adaptor that can be placed on position R1. The reagent plate is intended to hold two different types of troughs. A report can be generated after each run and contains inform ation on the well contents and run settings. Adapter that is part of the accessories pack. The riser block is usually used in the vacuum elution chamber to raise the elution microtubes to an optimal height. Name for serial communication between the computer and the instrument
Sam ples are s ource liquids (e.g., repres enting m aterial from which DNA/RNA is to be extracted). Sam ples m ay have unique identifiers. Dimensional standard for labware to be used on QIAcube HT. Abbreviation for Society for Biom olecular Sciences. A s upport package contains us eful inform ation about the las t run which is important when contacting QIAGEN Technical Services for technical assistance.
Tips are disposables that are used to pipette liquids. They are provided in tip racks. Used tips are ejected through the tip chute into a tip disposal box at the side of the ins trum ent.

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Tip disposal box Transfer carriage
U V Vacuum chamber Vacuum station
Volume Calibration
W Well Worktable
X XY Calibration
Y Z Z Calibration

The tip disposal box collects used tips at the side of the instrum ent. Adapter that is part of the accessories pack. The transfer carriage usually holds a filter plate and enables transfer of this plate between vacuum waste and elution cham ber. Large liquid container. Two types of troughs are available: troughs for up to 70 ml and troughs for up to 170 ml.
Part of the instrument worktable. The vacuum chamber consists of a waste and an elution chamber, that are both connected via hoses to the vacuum control station. The vacuum station is part of the QIAcube HT. It contains the vacuum pump, a waste bottle and vacuum filters. It is connected to the QIAcube HT bench top unit via waste hoses. Volume calibration defines the number of units that the P-axis motor must move to accurately deliver a given volum e of liquid. Refer to Instrum ent calibration.
A hole in a plate that can contain liquids . The instrument worktable supports tips racks, adapter plates and troughs.
The exact XY-position of each item on the worktable has to be calibrated manually. Refer to Instrument calibration.
The exact height of the trough/well bottoms above the worktable has to be calibrated. Refer to Instrument calibration.

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11 Appendices

11.1 Appendix A

11.1.1 Technical data

QIAGEN reserves the right to change specifications at any tim e. 11.1.2 Environmental conditions

Operating conditions Power
Fus e
Overvoltage category Air temperature Relative humidity Altitude Place of operation Pollution degree Environmental class

100­240 V AC, 50­60 Hz, 250 VA Mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed ±10% of the nom inal supply voltages T5A 250V (ins trum ent) F4A 250V (vacuum pum p) II 15­30ºC (59­86ºF) 40­70% Up to 2000 m (6500 ft.) For indoor use only 2 3K2 (IEC 60721-3-3) 3M2 (IEC 60721-3-3)

Transportation conditions

Air temperature

­25ºC to 60ºC (­13ºF to 140ºF) in manufacturer's package

Relative humidity

Max. 75% (noncondensing)

Environmental class

2K2 (IEC 60721-3-2)

2M2 (IEC 60721-3-2)

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Storage conditions Air temperature Relative humidity Environmental class

15ºC to 30ºC (59ºF to 86ºF) in manufacturer's package Max. 75% (noncondensing) 1K2 (IEC 60721-3-1) 1M2 (IEC 60721-3-1)

Mechanical data and hardw are features


Width: 54 cm (21.3 in.)

Depth: 63 cm (24.8 in.) without cables

72 cm (28.3 in.) with cables

Height: 45 cm (17.7 in.) lid closed

86 cm (33.9 in) lid open

Mas s

41 kg (90.2 lb.) standard configuration


Up to 96 samples per run Waste Electrical and Electronical Equipment
This section provides inform ation about disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipm ent by users.
The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol (see below) indicates that this product must not be disposed of with other waste; it m ust be taken to an approved treatm ent facility or to a designated collection point for recycling, according to local laws and regulations.
The separate collection and recycling of waste electronic equipment at the time of disposal helps to conserve natural resources and ensures that the product is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.

Recycling can be provided by QIAGEN upon request at additional cost. In the European Union, in accordance with the specific WEEE recycling requirem ents and where a replacem ent product is being supplied by QIAGEN, free recycling of its WEEE-marked electronic equipment is provided.
To recycle electronic equipment, contact your local QIAGEN sales office for the required return form. Once the form is subm itted, you will be contacted by QIAGEN either to request follow-up inform ation for scheduling collection of the electronic waste or to provide you with an individual quote.

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11.1.3 FCC declaration
The "United States Federal Communications Commission" (USFCC) (in 47 CRF 15. 105) declared that the users of this product must be informed of the following facts and circumstances.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm ful interference, and (2) this device m ust accept any interference received, including interference that m ay cause undesired operation.
This Clas s A digital apparatus com plies with Canadian ICES-003.
The following statement applies to the products covered in this manual, unless otherwise specified herein. The statement for other products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
NOTE: This equipm ent has been tes ted and found to com ply with the lim its for a Clas s A digital device, purs uant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in a in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

QIAGEN Gm bH, Germ any is not responsible for any radio television interference caused by unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connection cables and equipment other than those specified by QIAGEN Gm bH, Germ any. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized m odification, substitution or attachm ent will be the responsibility of the user.
11.1.4 Declaration of conformity
Name and address of the legal manufacturer: QIAGEN GmbH QIAGEN Strasse 1 40724 Hilden Ger m any
An up-to-date Declaration of Conform ity can be requested from QIAGEN Technical Services.

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11.2 Appendix B
11.2.1 Liability clause
QIAGEN shall be released from all obligations under its warranty in the event repairs or m odifications are m ade by persons other than its own personnel, except in cases where the Com pany has given its written consent to perform such repairs or m odifications. All m aterials replaced under this warranty will be warranted only for the duration of the original warranty period, and in no case beyond the original expiration date of original warranty unless authorized in writing by an officer of the Com pany. Read-out devices, interfacing devices and associated software will be warranted only for the period offered by the original m anufacturer of these products. Representations and warranties m ade by any person, including representatives of QIAGEN, which are inconsistent or in conflict with the conditions in this warranty shall not be binding upon the Com pany unless produced in writing and approved by an officer of QIAGEN.
11.3 Appendix C Consignes de sécurité
Avant d'utiliser le QIAcube HT il est impératif de lire attentivement ce manuel et de porter une attention particulière aux consignes de sécurité. Afin de garantir un fonctionnement de l'appareil en toute sécurité et de maintenir l'appareil en bon état de marche, il est impératif de suivre les instructions et consignes de sécurité fournies dans le présent manuel d'utilisation.
Les types d'informations de sécurité suivants sont fournis tout u long du manuel.


Le terme AVERTISSEMENT signale des situations risquant d'entraîner des accidents corporels dont l'utilisateur, ou d'autres personnes, pourraient être victim e.
Les détails concernant ces circonstances sont donnés dans un encadré identique à celui-ci.


Le terme ATTENTION signale des situations risquant d'entraîner des détériorations de l'appareil ou de tout autre matériel.
Les détails concernant ces circonstances sont donnés dans un encadré identique à celui-ci.

Les conseils donnés dans ce manuel ont pour but de venir compléter les exigences de sécurité habituelles en vigueur dans le pays de l'utilisateur, et non de s'y substituer.
11.3.1 Utilisation appropriée


Risque d'accident corporel et de détérioration du matériel [W1]

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L'utilisation inappropriée du QIAcube HT peut entraîner des accidents corporels ou une détérioration de l'appareil.
L'utilisation du QIAcube HT est exclusivement réservée au personnel qualifié ayant été convenablement formé.
La maintenance du QIAcube HT doit uniquement être effectuée par des spécialistes du Service Après-Vente QIAGEN.


Risque de surchauffe [W2]
Afin de garantir une bonne ventilation, laisser un dégagement d'au moins 10 cm sur les côtés et à l'arrière du QIAcube HT.
Les fentes et les ouvertures qui assurent la ventilation de l'appareil ne doivent pas être obstruées.


Risque d'accident corporel et de détérioration du matériel [W3]
Le QIAcube HT est trop lourd pour être soulevé par une seule personne. Afin d'éviter tout accident corporel et toute détérioration du matériel, ne pas soulever l'appareil seul.


Risque d'accident corporel et de détérioration du matériel [W4]
Ne pas essayer de déplacer le QIAcube HT pendant qu'il est en fonctionnem ent.


Atmosphère explosive [W5]
Le QIAcube HT n'est pas conçu pour être utilisé dans une atmosphère explos ive.


Risque d'explosion [W6]
Le QIAcube HT a été conçu pour l'utilisation des réactifs et substances fournis par les kits QIAGEN.
L'utilisation de réactifs et de substances autres que celles indiquées peut entrainer un risque d'incendie ou d'explosion.

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Détérioration de l'appareil [C1]
La lumière directe du soleil peut décolorer les pièces de l'appareil et abîmer les éléments en plastique.
Tenir le QIAcube HT à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil.


Détérioration de l'appareil [C2]
Éviter de renverser de l'eau ou des produits chimiques sur le QIAcube HT. La détérioration de l'appareil dû au déversement de liquides annule la garantie.


Risque d'accident corporel [W7]
Pendant les étapes de calibration des positions, le bras robotisé se déplace alors que le capot de l'appareil est relevé. Ne jamais actionner ou cliquer sur aucunes touches tant que des parties du corps se trouvent dans l'enceinte de l'appareil.

En cas d'urgence, éteindre le QIAcube HT à l'aide de l'interrupteur d'alimentation situé à l'arrière de l'appareil et débrancher le cordon d'alimentation de la prise de courant.
11.3.2 Sécurité électrique
Avant l'entretien, débrancher le cordon d'alimentation de la prise de courant.


Danger électrique [W8]
Toute interruption du conducteur de protection (conducteur de terre/de masse) à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur de l'appareil ou toute déconnexion de la borne du conducteur de protection est susceptible de rendre l'appareil dangereux. Toute interruption intentionnelle est interdite.
Tensions mortelles à l'intérieur de l'appareil.
Lorsque l'appareil est relié à l'alimentation, les bornes peuvent être sous tension et l'ouverture de capots de l'appareil ou le retrait de pièces risque d'exposer des éléments sous tension.


Danger d'irradiation UV [W9]

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Un capteur de couvercle électronique em pêche la lam pe UV de fonctionner tant que le couvercle de l'instrument est ouvert. Ce capteur de couvercle ne doit en aucun cas être désactivé. Si le capteur de couvercle ne fonctionne pas correctement, prendre contact avec les services techniques de QIAGEN.
Afin que le QIAcube HT fonctionne de manière satisfaisante et en toute sécurité, suivre les conseils suivants: · Le cordon d'alimentation de l'appareil doit être branché sur une prise d'alimentation munie d'un conducteur de
protection (terre/masse). · Ne pas régler ni remplacer les pièces internes à l'instrument. · Ne pas faire fonctionner l'appareil si des capots ou des pièces ont été retirés. · En cas de déversement de liquides à l'intérieur de l'appareil, débrancher celui-ci de la prise d'alimentation et
contacter les Services techniques de QIAGEN.
Si l'appareil présente un danger électrique, empêcher le reste du personnel de s'en servir et contacter les Services Techniques de QIAGEN. L'appareil peut présenter un danger électrique dans les cas suivants: · Le cordon d'alimentation présente des signes de détérioration. · L'appareil a été stocké pendant une longue période dans des conditions non conformes à celles énoncées dans
l'Annexe A. · L'appareil a subi des chocs sévères durant le transport.
11.3.3 Sécurité biologique
Les spécimens et les réactifs contenant des matières provenant d'êtres humains doivent être considérés comme potentiellem ent infectieux. Utilisez des procédures de laboratoire sûres com m e décrit dans des publications telles que Biosafety in Microbiological and Biom edical Laboratories, HHS (www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/biosfty.htm ).

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11-8 Échantillons

Sam ples m ay contain infectious agents. You should be aware of the health hazard presented by such agents, and should use, store and dispose of such sam ples according to the required safety regulations.


Samples containing infectious agents [W10]
Certains échantillons utilisés avec cet appareil peuvent contenir des agents infectieux. Manipulez ces échantillons avec la plus grande précaution et conform ém ent aux règles de sécurité nécessaires. Portez toujours des lunettes de protection, deux paires de gants et une blouse de laboratoire.
La personne responsable (par exemple, le directeur du laboratoire) doit prendre les précautions nécessaires afin de garantir que l'environnement de travail est sûr, que les opérateurs de l'appareil sont convenablement formés et ne sont pas exposés à des niveaux dangereux d'agents infectieux com m e cela est défini dans les fiches techniques santé-sécurité (SDS) ou dans les documents de l'OSHA*, de l'ACGIH ou du COSHH applicables.
L'évacuation des vapeurs et la mise au rebut des déchets doivent s'effectuer conformément à toutes les réglementations et lois nationales, régionales et locales relatives à la santé et à la sécurité.

* OSHA : Occupational Safety and Health Adm inis tration (États -Unis d'Am érique) (Adm inis tration pour la s anté et la sécurité du travail).
 ACGIH : American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (États-Unis d'Amérique) (Conférence américaine des hygiénistes industriels gouvernementaux).
 COSHH : Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Royaume-Uni) (Contrôle des substances dangereuses pour la santé).

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11.3.4 Produits chimiques


Produits chimiques [W11]
Certains produits chimiques utilisés avec cet appareil peuvent être dangereux ou le devenir après l'exécution du cycle du protocole.
Toujours porter des lunettes de protection, des gants et une blouse de laboratoire.
La personne responsable (par exemple, le directeur du laboratoire) doit prendre les précautions nécessaires afin de garantir que le lieu de travail environnant est sûr et que les opérateurs de l'appareil ne sont pas exposés à des niveaux dangereux de substances (chim iques ou biologiques) toxiques comme cela est défini dans les fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) ou dans les documents de l'OSHA*, de l'ACGIH ou du COSHH applicables.
L'évacuation des vapeurs et la mise au rebut des déchets doivent s'effectuer conformément à toutes les réglementations et lois nationales, régionales et locales relatives à la santé et à la sécurité.

* OSHA : Occupational Safety and Health Adm inis tration (États -Unis d'Am érique) (Adm inis tration pour la s anté et la sécurité du travail).
 ACGIH : American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (États-Unis d'Amérique) (Conférence américaine des hygiénistes industriels gouvernementaux).
 COSHH : Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Royaume-Uni) (Contrôle des substances dangereuses pour la santé). Vapeurs toxiques
Si vous travaillez avec des solvants volatils ou des substances toxiques, vous devez disposer d'un systèm e de ventilation de laboratoire efficace afin d'évacuer les vapeurs qui peuvent être générées.

11.3.5 Traitement des déchets
Le matériel en plastique usagé peut contenir des produits chimiques dangereux. Ces déchets doivent être convenablem ent collectés et m is au rebut conform ém ent aux réglem entations de sécurité locales. Pour plus d'informations sur le conteneur d'embouts usagés, consulter la section Tip disposal box. Pour plus d'informations sur la mise au rebut du QIAcube HT, voir l'Annexe A.

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11.3.6 Dangers mécaniques


Pièces mobiles [W12]
Éviter le contact avec les pièces en mouvement lorsque le QIAcube HT est en marche. Ne jamais placer les mains sous le bras robotisé lorsque celui-ci s'abaisse. Ne pas tenter de déplacer des plaques ou des tubes lorsque le bras robotisé est en marche.


Pièces mobiles [W15]
Pour éviter tout contact avec des pièces en mouvement pendant le fonctionnement du QIAcube HT, l'appareil doit être utilisé avec le couvercle ferm é.
Si le capteur de couvercle ne fonctionne pas correctement, prendre contact avec les services techniques de QIAGEN.


Détérioration de l'appareil [C3]
N'appliquer aucune force manuelle sur le bras Y (c'est-à -dire la tête de pipetage).
En cas de déplacement manuel accidentel du bras Y, il est fortement recommandé de redémarrer le système.

Afin que le QIAcube HT fonctionne de manière satisfaisante et en toute sécurité, suivre ces instructions : · Utiliser uniquement les embouts et portoirs d'embouts recommandés. · Dans la mesure du possible, maintenir le couvercle de l'instrument fermé. · Lors de la calibration avec couvercle ouvert, toujours se tenir à l'écart de l'instrument au moment des réglages. Le
capteur de couvercles est désactivé lors de la calibration. Par conséquent, ne pas cliquer avec la souris ni appuyer sur une touche du clavier lors de l'observation de la calibration. Attendre l'arrêt complet du bras robotisé avant de déplacer une plaque ou un tube. · Ne rien poser sur le bras robotisé.
Lors d'une analyse, cliquer sur le bouton « Pause » pour mettre l'instrument en mode de pause avant de retirer des plaques ou des tubes de la table de travail. Attendre l'arrêt complet du bras robotisé. Cela peut prendre jusqu'à 10 s econdes .

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11.3.7 Sécurité relative à la maintenance
Procéder à la maintenance comme décrit à la Maintenance procedures. QIAGEN facture les réparations rendues nécessaires suite à une maintenance inappropriée.


Risque d'accident corporel et de détérioration du matériel [W13] Effectuer uniquement la maintenance spécifiquement décrite dans ce manuel.


Risque de décharge électrique [W14] Ne pas ouvrir les panneaux du QIAcube HT. Risque d'accident corporel et de détérioration du matériel Effectuer uniquement la maintenance spécifiquement décrite dans ce manuel.


Détérioration de l'appareil [C4]
Ne pas utiliser de solvants ni de réactifs contenant des acides, des bases ou des composés abrasifs pour nettoyer le QIAcube HT.


Détérioration de l'appareil [C9]
Ne pas employer de flacons pulvérisateurs contenant de l'alcool ou un agent désinfectant pour nettoyer les surfaces des appareils QIAcube HT.


Détérioration du capot du QIAcube HT [C5]
Ne pas utiliser de solvants ni de réactifs contenant des acides, des bases ou des composés abrasifs pour nettoyer le capot de l'appareil. L'alcool peut endommager le capot. Employer uniquement de l'eau distillée.


Détérioration des panneaux latéraux du QIAcube HT [C6]
Ne jam ais nettoyer le capot ou les panneaux latéraux de l'appareil à l'alcool ou avec une solution à base d'alcool.


Risque d'incendie [W16]

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Lorsque les appareils QIAcube HT sont nettoyés avec un désinfectant à base d'alcool, laisser les capots de l'appareil ouverts pour permettre la dispersion des vapeurs inflammables.


Détérioration du chariot de transfert de la plaque de capture [C7]
En aucun cas le chariot de transfert de la plaque de capture ne doit être autoclavé.


Réinstallation du QIAcube HT [C10]
La pièce la plus importante de l'emballage est le support en bois qui im m obilise le bras Y. Ce support doit être réutilisé si vous déplacez le QIAcube HT. Le non-respect de cette instruction annule la garantie.

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11.3.8 Symboles sur le QIAcube HT

Sym bole

Em plac em ent
Table de travail et près de la plaque signalétique

Des c r ipt ion Symbole de mise en garde

Table de travail et près de la sortie Symbole de danger biologique des tips

Table de travail

Symbole de risque d'écrasement

Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Marque CE l'appareil
Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Label CSA pour le Canada et les États-Unis l'appareil
Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Fabricant légal l'appareil
Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Symbole DEEE l'appareil

Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Label FCC de la Federal Communications


Commission des États-Unis

Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de Label RCM pour l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande l'appareil

Plaque signalétique à l'arrière de l'appareil

Label RoHS pour la Chine (restriction de l'utilisation de certaines substances dangereuses dans l'équipement électrique et électronique)

À l'arrière de l'appareil

Consulter les consignes d'utilisation.

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11.4 Appendix D Sicherheitshinweise
Lesen Sie dieses Handbuch sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie den QIAcube HT benutzen. Beachten Sie dabei insbesondere die Sicherheitshinweise. Die Gebrauchsanweisungen und Sicherheitshinweise im Handbuch müssen befolgt werden, um einen sicheren Betrieb des Geräts zu gewährleisten und das Gerät in einem sicheren Zustand zu erhalten.
In diesem Handbuch werden die folgenden Kategorien von Sicherheitshinweisen verwendet:


Der Begriff ,, WARNUNG" ("WARNING") weist Sie auf Situationen hin, in denen eine Verletzungsgefahr für Sie selbst oder andere Personen besteht.
Nähere Einzelheiten über diese Situationen werden in einem Textfeld wie diesem bes chrieben.


Der Begriff ,, ACHTUNG" ("CAUTION") weist Sie auf Situationen hin, in denen das Gerät oder andere Geräte beschädigt werden könnten.
Nähere Einzelheiten über diese Situationen werden in einem Textfeld wie diesem bes chrieben.

Die in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Hinweise stellen eine Ergänzung und keinen Ersatz der üblichen Sicherheitsanforderungen dar, die im jeweiligen Land gelten.
11.4.1 Sachgemäße Handhabung


Verletzungsgefahr und Beschädigung des Geräts [W1]
Die unsachgemäße Bedienung des QIAcube HT kann zu einer Verletzung des Benutzers oder zur Beschädigung des Geräts führen. Der QIAcube HT darf nur durch qualifiziertes Personal, das entsprechend geschult wurde, bedient werden. Die Instandhaltung des QIAcube HT darf nur durch einen Außendienst-Mitarbeiter des QIAGEN Service durchgeführt werden.


Überhitzungsgefahr [W2]
Vergewissern Sie sich, dass zwischen Wand und QIAcube HT (Rückseite und Seitenteile) ein Mindestabstand von 10 cm eingehalten wird. Das gewährleistet eine ausreichende Belüftung des Gerätes.
Die Lüftungsschlitze und Öffnungen, die für die Be- und Entlüftung des QIAcube HT bestimmt sind, dürfen nicht zugedeckt werden.

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Verletzungsgefahr und Beschädigung des Geräts [W3]
Der QIAcube HT ist zu schwer, um von einer einzelnen Person gehoben zu werden. Zur Vermeidung einer Verletzung oder Beschädigung des Gerätes heben sie das Gerät nicht alleine an.


Verletzungsgefahr und Beschädigung des Geräts [W4] Der QIAcube HT darf auf keinen Fall während des Betriebs fortbewegt werden.


Explosionsfähige Atmosphären [W5]
Der QIAcube HT ist nicht für den Gebrauch in explosionsfähigen Atmosphären vorges ehen.


Explosionsgefahr [W6]
Der QIAcube HT ist ausschließlich mit Reagenzien und Substanzen aus den QIAGEN Kits zu benutzen.
Die Benutzung von anderen Reagenzien oder Substanzen kann Feuer oder eine Explosion auslösen.


Geräteschäden [C1]
Direktes Sonnenlicht kann zum Ausbleichen von Geräteteilen führen und Schäden an Kunststoffteilen verursachen.
Der QIAcube HT darf nicht direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ausgeliefert werden.


Beschädigung des Geräts [C2]
Vermeiden Sie es, Wasser oder Chemikalien auf der Oberfläche des QIAcube HT zu verschütten. Durch verschüttete Chemikalien oder verschüttetes Wasser verursachte Geräteschäden sind nicht durch die Garantie abgedeckt.


Verletzungsgefahr [W7]
Bei der Kalibrierung der Positionen bewegt sich der Roboterarm bei geöffneter Gerätehaube. Klicken Sie nicht auf die Maus und drücken Sie nicht auf eine Taste der

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Tastatur, während sich Ihre Hände oder andere Körperteile im Arbeitsbereich des Roboterarms befinden.

Schalten Sie im Notfall den QIAcube HT aus (der Netzschalter befindet sich auf der Geräterückseite), und ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose.
11.4.2 Elektrische Sicherheit
Ziehen Sie das Netzanschlusskabel aus der Steckdose, bevor Sie Wartungsarbeiten am Gerät vornehmen.


Gefahr durch Stromschlag [W8]
Jede Unterbrechung des Schutzleiters (Erdungs- bzw. Masseleiter) im Gerät oder außerhalb des Geräts und jede Abtrennung des Schutzleiters am Anschluss der Netzleitung erhöht die Gefahr eines Stromschlags. Eine absichtliche Unterbrechung der Schutzleiterverbindung ist verboten.
Gefährliche Spannung im Gerät
Wenn das Gerät an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen ist, sind die Anschlussstellen spannungsführend. Durch das Öffnen der Abdeckungen oder das Entfernen von Gehäuseteilen können spannungsführende Komponenten freigelegt werden.


Gefahr durch UV-Strahlung [W9]
Ein elektronischer Deckelsensor stellt sicher, dass die Gerätehaube geschlossen sein muss, bevor die UV-Lampe eingeschaltet werden kann. Dieser Deckelsensor sollte auf keinen Fall deaktiviert werden.
Wenn der Deckelsensor nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert, wenden Sie sich an den Technischen Service von QIAGEN.

Um einen zufriedenstellenden und sicheren Betrieb des QIAcube HT zu gewährleisten, befolgenden Sie bitte die nachstehenden Richtlinien:
· Das Netzkabel muss an eine Wechselstrom-Steckdose mit Schutzleiter (Erdungs-/ Masseleiter) angeschlossen werden.
· Nehmen Sie im Geräteinneren keine Einstellungen an Teilen vor und wechseln Sie keine Teile aus.
· Nehmen Sie das Gerät nicht in Betrieb, wenn Abdeckungen oder Teile entfernt worden sind.
· Falls Flüssigkeit auf dem Gerät verschüttet wird und in das Gerät läuft, dann schalten Sie es sofort aus, trennen Sie es von der Netzspannung (Stecker ziehen!) und setzen Sie sich mit dem Technischen Service von QIAGEN in Verbindung.

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Falls die elektrische Sicherheit bei der Bedienung des Geräts nicht mehr gewährleistet werden kann, muss das Gerät gegen unbefugte oder unabsichtliche Benutzung gesichert werden. Kontaktieren Sie anschließend den Technischen Service von QIAGEN. Die elektrische Sicherheit des Geräts ist nicht mehr gegeben, wenn:
· das Netzkabel beschädigt ist;
· das Gerät längere Zeit unter ungünstigen Bedingungen, d. h. unter anderen Bedingungen als in Anhang A angegeben, gelagert wurde;
· das Gerät unsachgemäß transportiert worden ist.

11.4.3 Biologische Sicherheit

Bei Substanzen und Reagenzien, die humanes Untersuchungsmaterial enthalten, sollte immer von einer möglichen Infektionsgefahr ausgegangen werden. Wenden Sie nur sichere Laborverfahren an, wie sie z. B. in Veröffentlichungen wie Biosafety in Microbiological and Biom edical Laboratories (HHS, www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications) beschrieben werden. Proben

Proben können infektiöse Erreger enthalten. Sie sollten sich der Gesundheitsgefahr bewusst sein, die von diesen Erregern ausgeht, und derartige Proben gemäß den erforderlichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen handhaben, lagern und entsorgen.


Proben, die infektiöse Erreger enthalten [W10]
Einige Proben, die mithilfe dieses Geräts verarbeitet werden, können infektiöse Erreger enthalten. Gehen Sie beim Umgang mit diesen Proben mit der größtmöglichen Vorsicht und gemäß den erforderlichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen vor.
Tragen Sie immer eine Schutzbrille, zwei Paar Laborhandschuhe und einen Laborkittel.
Die verantwortliche Person (z. B. der Laborleiter) muss alle erforderlichen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen, um sicherzustellen, dass die unmittelbare Umgebung des Arbeitsplatzes sicher ist und die Bediener des Geräts ausreichend geschult sind. Außerdem dürfen die Grenzwerte in Bezug auf infektiöse Erreger, die in den entsprechenden Sicherheitsdatenblättern (SDS) oder den Vorschriften der OSHA,* ACGIH oder COSHH festgelegt sind, nicht überschritten werden.
Beim Betrieb des Abzugs und bei der Entsorgung von Abfallstoffen müssen alle Bestim m ungen und Gesetze zu Gesundheitsschutz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz auf übernationaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene eingehalten werden.

* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Adm inis tration (Vereinigte Staaten von Am erika).  ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika).  COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Vereinigtes Königreich).
11.4.4 Chemikalien


Gefährliche Chemikalien [W11]
Einige Chemikalien, die mit diesem Gerät verwendet werden, können gefährlich sein oder nach Beendigung eines Protokolllaufs gefährlich werden.
Tragen Sie immer eine Schutzbrille, Laborhandschuhe und einen Laborkittel.

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Die verantwortliche Person (z. B. der Laborleiter) muss alle erforderlichen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen, um sicherzustellen, dass die unmittelbare Umgebung des Arbeitsplatzes sicher ist. Auch dürfen die Grenzwerte in Bezug auf infektiöse Erreger, die in den entsprechenden Sicherheitsdatenblättern (SDS) oder den Vorschriften der OSHA*, ACGIH oder COSHH festgelegt sind, nicht überschritten werden.
Beim Betrieb des Abzugs und bei der Entsorgung von Abfallstoffen müssen alle Bestim m ungen und Gesetze zu Gesundheitsschutz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz auf übernationaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene eingehalten werden.

* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Adm inis tration (Vereinigte Staaten von Am erika).  ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika).  COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Vereinigtes Königreich). Giftige Dämpfe
Alle Arbeiten mit flüchtigen Lösungsmitteln oder toxischen Substanzen müssen unter einem funktionierenden Laborabzugssystem durchgeführt werden, damit die möglicherweise entstehenden Dämpfe abziehen können.
11.4.5 Abfallentsorgung
Benutzte Kunststoff-Laborartikel können gefährliche Chemikalien enthalten. Derartige Abfälle müssen gemäß den geltenden regionalen Sicherheitsbestimmungen gesammelt und entsorgt werden. Informationen zur Verwendung des Abfallbehälters für Pipettenspitzen finden Sie im Abschnitt Tip disposal box. Beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung des QIAcube HT die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zur Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten (siehe Anhang A).
11.4.6 Gefahren durch mechanische Teile


Sich bew egende Geräteteile [W12]
Vermeiden Sie jeglichen Kontakt mit sich bewegenden Geräteteilen, während der QIAcube HT in Betrieb ist. Auf gar keinen Fall dürfen sich Ihre Hände unter dem Roboterarm befinden, wenn dieser herunterfährt. Versuchen Sie nicht, Reaktionsgefäße oder Platten zu entnehmen oder zu bewegen, während der Roboterarm arbeitet.


Sich bew egende Geräteteile [W15]
Um einen Kontakt mit sich bewegenden Teilen beim Betrieb des QIAcube HT zu vermeiden, darf das Gerät nur mit geschlossenem Deckel betrieben werden.
Wenn der Deckelsensor nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert, wenden Sie sich an den Technischen Service von QIAGEN.

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Beschädigung des Geräts [C3]
Bewegen Sie den Y-Arm (den Pipettierkopf) nicht von Hand.
Wir empfehlen dringend, einen Neustart des Systems durchzuführen, falls der Y-Arm versehentlich von Hand bewegt wurde.

Um einen zufriedenstellenden und sicheren Betrieb des QIAcube HT zu gewährleisten, befolgen Sie bitte die nachstehenden Richtlinien: · Verwenden Sie nur die empfohlenen Pipettenspitzen und -Racks. · Halten Sie die Gerätehaube möglichst immer geschlossen. · Wenn bei geöffneter Gerätehaube kalibriert wird, achten Sie darauf, dass Sie Abstand zum Gerät halten, wenn Sie
Justierungen vornehmen. Während der Kalibrierung ist der Deckelsensor deaktiviert. Achten Sie deshalb darauf, nicht mit der Maus zu klicken oder eine der Bedienungstasten auf der Tastatur zu drücken, wenn Sie die Kalibrierungen überprüfen. Warten Sie, bis die Bewegungsabläufe des Roboterarms beendet sind, bevor Sie Reaktionsgefäße oder Platten bewegen. · Stellen Sie keine Gegenstände auf den Roboterarm.
Wählen Sie während eines Laufs die Schaltfläche ,,Pause", um das Gerät anzuhalten, bevor Sie Reaktionsgefäße oder Platten von der Arbeitsplattform entfernen. Warten Sie, bis der Roboterarm die derzeit ablaufende Bewegung beendet hat ­ dies kann bis zu 10 Sekunden dauern.
11.4.7 Sicherheitshinweise ­ Wartungsarbeiten
Führen Sie alle Wartungsarbeiten gemäß den Anweisungen in Abschnitt durch. QIAGEN stellt alle Reparaturen in Rechnung, die nachweislich auf eine inkorrekte Wartung zurückzuführen sind.


Verletzungsgefahr und Beschädigung des Geräts [W13]
Führen Sie nur Wartungsarbeiten durch, die ausdrücklich in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung beschrieben sind.


Gefahr durch Stromschlag [W14] Öffnen Sie keine Gehäuseteile des QIAcube HT. Verletzungsgefahr und Beschädigung des Geräts Führen Sie nur Wartungsarbeiten durch, die ausdrücklich in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung beschrieben sind.

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Beschädigung des Geräts [C4]
Verwenden Sie weder Lösungsmittel noch Reagenzien, die Säuren, Laugen oder Abrasivstoffe enthalten, um das QIAcube HT zu reinigen.


Beschädigung des Geräts [C9]
Verwenden Sie keine Sprühflaschen, die Alkohol oder Desinfektionsmittel enthalten, um die Oberflächen das QIAcube HT zu reinigen.


Beschädigung der QIAcube HT Gerätehaube [C5]
Verwenden Sie weder Alkohol noch Lösungsmittel oder Reagenzien, die Säuren, Laugen oder Abrasivstoffe enthalten, um die QIAcube HT Haube zu reinigen. Alkohol schädigt die Gerätehaube. Verwenden Sie zum Reinigen der Gerätehaube ausschließlich destilliertes Wasser.


Beschädigung der QIAcube HT Seitenw ände [C6]
Reinigung Sie niemals die Gerätehaube und Seitenwände mit Alkohol oder alkoholhaltigen Lösungen.


Brandgefahr [W16]
Lassen Sie nach dem Reinigen der QIAcube HT Geräte mit einem Desinfektionsmittel auf Alkoholbasis die Gerätehaube offen, damit sich entzündliche Dämpfe verflüchtigen können.


Beschädigung des Plattentransfer-Gestells [C7] Das Plattentransfer-Gestell darf auf keinen Fall autoklaviert werden.


Standortw echsel des QIAcube HT [C10]
Der wichtigste Bestandteil der Verpackung ist die Holzstütze, die den Y-Arm fixiert. Diese Stütze muss verwendet werden, wenn der QIAcube HT an einen anderen Standort verlagert wird. Anderenfalls erlischt jeglicher Garantieanspruch.

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11.4.8 Symbole auf dem QIAcube HT

Sym bol

Or t

Bes c hr eibung

Arbeitsplattform und nähe Typenschild Symbol ,,Achtung"

Auf der Arbeitsplattform und nähe ,,Tip Symbol ,,Biogefährdung" ejector" Ausgang

Arbeits plattform

Symbol ,,Quetschgefahr"

Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents
Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents

Symbol der CSA-Zertifizierung in Kanada und den USA

Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents

Hersteller i. S. d. Gesetzes

Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents

WEEE-Kennzeichnung (gemäß europäischer Richtlinien bzw. Elektround Elektronik-AltgeräteVerordnung)

Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents
Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents

FCC-Kennzeichen der Federal Communications Commission der Vereinigten Staaten
RCM-Mark-Zeichen für Australien und Neuseeland

Typenschild auf der Rückseite des Ins trum ents
Auf der Rückseite des Instruments

Markierung gemäß RoHSRichtlinie für China (Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe in Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten)
Bedienungsanleitung beachten

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11.5 Appendix E

11.5.1 QIAcube HT Accessories

Pr oduc t QIAcube HT System

Robotic works tation with UV lam p, HEPA filter, laptop, QIAcube HT operating software, start-up pack, installation and training, 1-year warranty on parts and labor

Plasticw are and accessories

Gasket for Transfer Carriage

Replacement flat gasket (one piece)

QIAcube HT Plasticware

Plasticware for 480 typical preps on QIAcube HT:
5 S-Blocks, 5 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR), 120 x 8-Well Strip Caps for EMTR, 9 x 96 Filter-Tips OnCor C, TapePad

Reagent Trough (with Lid), Box of 20 plus lid; liquid reservoirs; used with Reagent Trough

170 ml

R1 Position Plate and Reagent Trough SBS Plate

Reagent Trough (with Lid), Box of 10 plus lid; liquid reservoirs; used with Reagent Trough

70 ml

R1 Position Plate and Reagent Trough SBS Plate

Adapter, Reagent Trough For holding combinations of 70 ml and 170 ml Reagent

SBS Plate

Troughs in the standard SBS plate positions

Adapter, Reagent Trough For holding combinations of 70 ml and 170 ml Reagent

R1 Position Plate

Troughs in the R1 position on the instrument worktable

Filter-Tips, OnCor C, 200 µl Disposable filter-tips; for use with the QIAcube HT and



Tape Pads (5)

Adhesive tape sheets for sealing multiwell plates and blocks: 25 sheets per pad, 5 pads per pack

S-Blocks (24)

96-well blocks with 2.2 ml wells, 24 per case

Elution Microtubes RS (24 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR) for use with QIAcube HT:

x 96)

24 x 96 Elution Microtubes in racks of 96; includes strip caps

HEPA filter

Replacement cartridge (one filter)

Vacuum Filter, Polycap Filter

Replacement cartridge (one filter)

Cat. no. 9001793
9022975 950067
990556 990554 9018935 9019513 990610
19570 19585 120008 9019486 9019488

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Pr oduc t
Vacuum Filter, Carbon Filter

Contents Replacement cartridge (one filter)

Tip Disposal Box

Box of 10; waste collection box to fit tip ejector chute

Tip Disposal Box Holder

Holds the tip disposal box in place and ensures correct positioning under the tip ejector chute; suitable for QIAcube HT, QIAxtractor and QIAgility instrum ents

Cat. no. 9019483

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11.6 Appendix F
11.6.1 License Terms
Xceed license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses the Xceed library version 4.2.0, which is licensed under the Xceed Software License Agreem ent.
Xceed Software License Agreement Revised January 23rd, 2007
This License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between Xceed Software Inc. ("Xceed"), a Quebec corporation, principally located in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada and you, the user ("Licensee"), is effective the date Licensee installs, downloads, copies or otherwise Uses, in whole or in part, an Xceed software product ("Software"), and is limited to the specific version installed, downloaded, copied or otherwise Used by Licensee. Herein, "Use", "Uses" or "Used" means to access any of the files that are included with the Software, to develop an application that makes use of the Software, to consult any of the documentation included with the Software, or to otherwise benefit from using the Software.
The Software is licensed, not sold. If Licensee has legitimately obtained a registered license for the Software from Xceed or an authorized reseller, Licensee is considered to be an authorized ("Authorized") licensee.

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Xceed grants Licensee royalty-free, non-exclusive license to install the Software on an unlimited number of computers at Licensee's premises and on portable computers operated solely by Licensee. If Licensee is Authorized, the granted installation license is perpetual.
Xceed grants Licensee a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to Use the Software on a single computer at any given time for the sole purpose of developing any number of end user applications that operate in conjunction with the Software. Only a Licensee that is Authorized may Use the Software for a period longer than 60 days after the date the Software was first installed on any computer at Licensee's premises. The license rights granted under this Agreement do not apply to development or distribution of: (1) software development products or toolkits of any kind, including but not limited to any class libraries, components, controls, XML web services, beans, compilers, plugins, adapters, DLLs, APIs or SDKs destined to be used by software developers other than licensees that are Authorized; and (2) software to be licensed or distributed under an open source model, including, without limitation, models similar to GNU's General Public License (GPL), Lesser GPL, the Artistic License (e.g., PERL), the Mozilla Public License, the Netscape Public License, the Sun Community or Industry Source License or the Apache Software license.
If Licensee is Authorized and has purchased a "team", "multi-developer" or "multi-pack" license, the Software may be Used on more than one computer at Licensee's premises by the number of software developers associated with the team, multi-developer or multi-pack license (e.g. a "Team4", "4-developer", or "4-pack" license allows up to four software developers to Use the Software on up to four computers at Licensee's premises).
If Licensee is Authorized and has purchased a "site" or "unlimited" license, the Software may be Used by any number of software developers on any number of computers in up to two physical buildings at Licensee's premises.
If Licensee is Authorized and has purchased an "enterprise-wide site license", the Software may be Used by any number of software developers on any number of computers located at any of the Licensee's premises.
The Software includes certain runtime libraries and binary files intended for duplication and distribution by a Licensee that is Authorized. These runtime

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libraries and binary files are specifically identified in the "Redistributable Files" section of the documentation included with the Software (herein, "Redistributable Files").
If Licensee is Authorized, Xceed grants Licensee a perpetual, royalty-free, nonexclusive license to duplicate the Redistributable Files and to distribute them solely in conjunction with software products developed by Licensee that use them.
The foregoing license is subject to the following conditions: (1) If Licensee has purchased a license specifically labelled "Web-only", then Licensee may only distribute the Redistributable Files as part of software products designed solely for installation and execution on internet and/or intranet servers; (2) If Licensee has purchased a license specifically labelled Web-only, the total number of internet and/or intranet servers (regardless of the number of CPUs on board each server, and excluding up to 1 test server) that Licensee may permit the Redistributable Files to be installed on may not exceed the number of servers associated with the purchased license; and (3) If Licensee distributes the Redistributable Files, Licensee agrees to (i) not supply any means by which end users could incorporate the Software or portions thereof into their own products; (ii) not use Xceed's name, logo or trademarks to market a software product; (iii) include a valid copyright notice on Licensee's software product; (iv) indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Xceed from and against any claims or lawsuits, and reasonable attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use and distribution of Licensee's software product; and (v) not permit further distribution of the Redistributable Files by end user(s) of Licensee's software product.
The source code to portions of the Software is provided by Xceed, in a separate installation package, to any Licensee that is Authorized provided that Licensee has purchased the Blueprint Edition of the Software. The portions of the Software for which source code is provided in the Blueprint Edition (herein, "Source Code") are specifically described in the Source Code Information topic in the documentation included with the Software.
If Licensee is Authorized and has purchased the Blueprint Edition of the Software, Xceed grants Licensee the non-exclusive license to view and modify the Source Code for the sole purposes of education, troubleshooting, and customizing features. If Licensee modifies the Source Code, Licensee may compile the modified Source Code and use and distribute the resulting object code solely as a replacement for the corresponding Redistributable Files the Source Code normally compiles into.

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The foregoing license is subject to the following conditions: (i) Xceed shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to all corrections, modifications and derivative works of the Source Code created by Licensee, including all copyrights subsisting therein, to the extent such corrections, modifications or derivative works contain copyrightable code or expression derived from the Source Code; (ii) Licensee may not distribute or disclose the Source Code, or any portions or modifications or derivative works thereof, to any third party, in source code form; (iii) Licensee acknowledges that the Source Code contains valuable and proprietary trade secrets of Xceed, and agrees to expend every effort to insure its confidentiality; (iv) Under no circumstances may the Source Code be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for creating a product that provides the same, or substantially the same, functionality as any Xceed product; (v) If Licensee distributes a compiled version of the modified Source Code or portions thereof, Licensee must distribute it in accordance with the conditions listed in section 3 ("GRANT OF DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE") regarding the distribution of Redistributable Files; and (vi) Licensee will not request technical support or error corrections from Xceed on issues arising out of any modifications of the Source Code.
In addition to the licenses granted above, Xceed grants Licensee the nonexclusive license to Use, copy and modify the source code version of those portions of the Software identified as Samples or Sample Code or Sample applications (Sample Code) for the sole purposes of designing, developing, and testing Licensee's software product(s). If Licensee is Authorized, Licensee may distribute any software products developed by Licensee that contain the Sample Code or modifications thereof.
The foregoing license is subject to the following conditions: (i) Licensee shall not use Xceed's name, logo, or trademarks to market their software product(s); (ii) Licensee shall include a valid copyright notice on all copies of the Sample Code and any derivative works thereof; (iii) Licensee shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless Xceed from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys' fees, that arise from or result from the use, copying, modification or distribution of the Sample Code and/or derivative works thereof, and (iv) otherwise comply with the terms of this agreement. Licensee shall not permit further distribution of the Sample Code and/or derivative works by third parties.

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Certain portions of The Software may be identified as Customization Code and provided in source code form (Customization Code). Licensees that are not Authorized may not modify or redistribute Customization Code. Licensees that are Authorized must treat Customization Code as Source Code as described in section 4 (GRANT OF SOURCE CODE USE LICENSE) and the Customization Code is subject to the same terms and conditions listed therein, with the exception that nonexclusive license in paragraph 2 of that section is granted to Licensee that is Authorized even if Licensee has not purchased the Blueprint Edition of the Software.
Licensee may make one copy of the Software solely for back-up purposes, as prescribed by Canadian, United States , and international copyright laws. Licensee must reproduce and include the copyright notice on the back-up copy. Licensee may transfer the Software to another party only if the other party agrees to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, and completes and returns registration information (name, address, etc.) to Xceed within 30 days of the transfer. Upon transferring the Software to another party, Licensee must terminate this Agreement by following the instructions in the AGREEMENT TERMS section below.
Licensee acknowledges that the Software, in source code form, remains a confidential trade secret of Xceed and/or its suppliers and therefore Licensee agrees that it shall not modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Software or attempt to do so, except as otherwise permitted in this agreement. Licensee agrees to refrain from disclosing the Software (and to take reasonable measures with its employees to ensure they do not disclose the Software) to any person, firm or entity except as expressly permitted herein.
Licensee may not Use, copy, modify, translate, or transfer the Software, documentation, license key, or any of the files included with the Software except as expressly defined in this agreement. Licensee may not attempt to unlock or bypass any "copy-protection", licensing or authentication algorithm utilized by the Software. Licensee may not remove or modify any copyright notice, nor any About dialog or the method by which it may be invoked. Licensee may not rent or lease the Software. Violations will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.

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The Software is provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any representations or endorsements regarding the use of, the results of, or performance of the product, its appropriateness, accuracy, reliability, or correctness. The entire risk as to the use of this product is assumed by Licensee. Xceed does not assume liability for the use of the Software beyond its original purchase price. In no event will Xceed be liable for additional direct or indirect damages including any lost profits, lost savings, or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising from any defects, or the use or inability to use the Software, even if Xceed has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software may be subject to export restrictions and controls. Licensee agrees and certifies that neither the Software nor any direct product thereof (e.g. any application software product developed by Licensee that uses the Software) is being or will be acquired, shipped, transferred, exported or re-exported, directly or indirectly, into any country prohibited by export restrictions and controls. Licensee bears all responsibility for export law compliance and will indemnify Xceed against all claims based on Licensee's exporting the Software.
This Agreement is effective until terminated. Licensee may terminate it by destroying the Software, all the Redistributable Files Licensee may have distributed, the documentation and copies thereof. This Agreement will also terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement. Licensee agrees upon such termination to destroy all copies of the Software or return them to Xceed for disposal.
If Licensee is executing this Agreement on behalf of an entity, then Licensee represents he or she has the authority to execute this agreement on behalf of such entity.

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The Software is Copyright ©1995-2007 Xceed Software Inc. , all rights reserved. The Software is protected by Canadian and United States copyright laws, international treaties and all other applicable national or international laws.
Except for the limited licenses granted herein, Xceed retains exclusive ownership of all proprietary rights (including all ownership rights, title, and interest) in and to the Software. Licensee agrees not to represent that Xceed is affiliated with or approves of Licensee's software product(s) in any way.
This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced according to the laws of the Province of Quebec, Canada. In the event of any action under this Agreement, the parties agree that federal and provincial courts located in Longueuil , Quebec will have exclusive jurisdiction and that a suit may only be brought in Longueuil , Quebec and Licensee submits itself for the jurisdiction and venue of the provincial and federal courts located in Longueuil , Quebec .
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and may be modified only in writing signed by both parties. No officer, salesman or agent has any authority to obligate Xceed by any terms, stipulations or conditions not expressed in the Agreement.
If any portion of this Agreement is determined to be legally invalid or unenforceable, such portion will be severed from this Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement will continue to be fully enforceable and valid.
iTextSharp license QIAcube HT Prep Manager us es the iTextSharp library vers ion, which is licens ed under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE, version 1.1.
MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1 --------------1. Definitions.

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1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the Covered Code available to a third party.
1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications.
1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications made by that particular Contributor.
1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case including portions thereof.
1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally accepted in the software development community for the electronic transfer of data.
1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source Code.
1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A.
1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
1.8. "License" means this document.
1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a Modification is: A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file containing Original Code or previous Modifications.

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B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or previous Modifications.
1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available for no charge.
1.12. "You" (or "Your") means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. Source Code License.
2.1. The Initial Developer Grant. The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims: (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or as part of a Larger Work; and

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(b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Code (or portions thereof).
(c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes Original Code under the terms of this License.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2) separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
2.2. Contributor Grant. Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of Modifications made by that Contributor either alone and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination).
(c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of the Covered Code.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version; 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of Contributor Version or ii) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by that Contributor.

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3. Distribution Obligations.
3.1. Application of License.
The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include an additional document offering the additional rights described in Section 3.5.
3.2. Availability of Source Code.
Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) months after the date it initially became available, or at least six (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
3.3. Description of Modifications.
You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
(a) Third Party Claims.
If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2, Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will know whom to contact. If

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Contributor obtains such knowledge after the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2, Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
(b) Contributor APIs.
If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must also include this information in the LEGAL file.
(c) Representations.
Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
3.5. Required Notices.
You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely to look for such a notice. If You created one or more Modification(s) You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in Exhibit A. You must also duplicate this License in any documentation for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership rights relating to Covered Code. You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code, and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously

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included in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer.
3.7. Larger Works. You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
5. Application of this License.
This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
6. Versions of the License.
6.1. New Versions.

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Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version will be given a distinguishing version number.
6.2. Effect of New Versions. Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to Covered Code created under this License.
6.3. Derivative Works. If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape", "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this License) and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of this License.)
8.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall survive any termination of this License. Provisions

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which, by their nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License shall survive.
8.2. If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You file such action is referred to as "Participant") alleging that:
(a) such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively, unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i) agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to the Contributor Version against such Participant. If within 60 days of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of the 60 day notice period specified above.
(b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b) and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used, sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that Participant.
8.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or license.
8.4. In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above, all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder prior to termination shall survive termination.

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The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those rights set forth herein.
This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-oflaw provisions. With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License.

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As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as "MultipleLicensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under Your choice of the MPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is ______________________________________.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________. Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______ _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete the provisions

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above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the [___] License."
[NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
SQL Compact ASP.NET Membership, Role and Profile provider license and Extended WPF Toolkit license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses the SQL Compact ASP.NET Membership, Role and Profile provider version 4.0, and the Extended WPF Toolkit version, which are licensed under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL).
Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
1. Definitions
The terms reproduce, reproduction, derivative works, and distribution have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law.
A contribution is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software.
A contributor is any person that distributes its contribution under this license.
Licensed patents are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution.
2. Grant of Rights
(A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its

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contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
(B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software.
3. Conditions and Limitations
(A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
(B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
(C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.
(D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license.
(E) The software is licensed as-is. You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Windows Installer XML (WiX) license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses the Windows Installer XML (WiX) version 3.7.1224.0, which is licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL).

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The WiX toolset is released under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL). A reciprocal license is used to ensure that others who build on the effort of the WiX community give back to the WiX community. Specifically the license changes and improvements to the WiX toolset must be published using the same license.
Sometimes the reciprocal license is incorrectly interpreted to also apply to bundles, packages, custom actions built using the WiX toolset. The Outercurve Foundation has provided this statement to clarify:
The WiX toolset (WiX) is licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (MSRL). The MS-RL governs the distribution of the software licensed under it, as well as derivative works, and incorporates the definition of a derivative work provided in U.S. copyright law. OuterCurve Foundation does not view the installer packages generated by WiX as falling within the definition of a derivative work, merely because they are produced using WiX. Thus, the installer packages generated by WiX will normally fall outside the scope of the MS-RL, and any of your source code, binaries, libraries, routines or other software components that are incorporated in installer packages generated by WiX can be governed by other licensing terms.
The full text of the MS-RL license is reproduced below. It can also be found in the LICENSE.TXT file included with the source code.
Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL)
This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
1. Definitions
The terms reproduce, reproduction, derivative works, and distribution have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law.
A contribution is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software.
A contributor is any person that distributes its contribution under this license.
Licensed patents are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution.
2. Grant of Rights
(A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
(B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-

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exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software.
3. Conditions and Limitations
(A) Reciprocal Grants- For any file you distribute that contains code from the software (in source code or binary format), you must provide recipients the source code to that file along with a copy of this license, which license will govern that file. You may license other files that are entirely your own work and do not contain code from the software under any terms you choose.
(B) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
(C) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
(D) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.
(E) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license.
(F) The software is licensed as-is. You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Lua license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses Lua, which is licensed under the MIT license.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 1994­2015 Lua.org, PUC-Rio.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
NHibernate license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses NHibernate version 3.3, which is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1.
Version 2.1, February 1999
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
the version number 2.1.]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things.

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To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs.
When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library.
We call this license the Lesser General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing nonfree programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library.

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A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system.
Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a work based on the library and a work that uses the library. The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also called this License). Each licensee is addressed as you.
A library means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The Library, below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A work based on the Library means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term modification.)
Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and

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appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you must

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alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a work that uses the Library. Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a work that uses the Library with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a work that uses the library. The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a work that uses the Library uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.

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6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a work that uses the Library with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable work that uses the Library, as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution.
d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the work that uses the Library must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute.

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7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library sideby-side in a single library together with other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

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It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and any later version, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

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The following notice applies to Iesi.Collections: ---------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright © 2002-2004 by Aidant Systems, Inc., and by Jason Smith. Copied from http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/sets.asp#xx703510xx that was posted by JasonSmith 12:13 2 Jan '04 Feel free to use this code any way you want to. As a favor to me, you can leave the copyright in there. You never know when someone might recognize your name! If you do use the code in a commercial product, I would appreciate hearing about it. This message serves as legal notice that I won't be suing you for royalties! The code is in the public domain. On the other hand, I don't provide support. The code is actually simple enough that it shouldn't need it.
ZXing license, Log4Net license, Stateless license, Enterprise license, Unity license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses ZXing version, the Log4Net library version, the Stateless library version, the Microsoft Enterprise Library for .Net version 5.0.414.0, and the Microsoft Unity Application Block version 2.1.505.2, which are licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (Apache).
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/
1. Definitions.

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License shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
Licensor shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.
Legal Entity shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, control means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
You (or Your) shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.
Source form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files.
Object form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
Work shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
Derivative Works shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
Contribution shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, submitted means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the

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Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as Not a Contribution.
Contributor shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution.
You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:

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1. You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
2. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and
3. You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and
4. If the Work includes a NOTICE text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions.
Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks.

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This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability.
In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability.
While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
Report Viewer license QIAcube HT Prep Manager uses the Microsoft Reportviewer 2010, which is licensed under the MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS.

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These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) and you. Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoft * updates, * supplements, * Internet-based services, and * support services for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply. BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below. 1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices. 2. ADDITIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR USE RIGHTS. a. Distributable Code. You are permitted to distribute the software in programs you develop if you comply with the terms below. i. Right to Use and Distribute. The software is "Distributable Code." * Distributable Code. You may copy and distribute the object code form of the software. * Third Party Distribution. You may permit distributors of your programs to copy and distribute the Distributable Code as part of those programs. ii. Distribution Requirements. For any Distributable Code you distribute, you must * add significant primary functionality to it in your programs; * require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement; * display your valid copyright notice on your programs; and * indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft from any claims, including attorneys' fees, related to the distribution or use of your programs. iii. Distribution Restrictions. You may not * alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the Distributable Code;

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* use Microsoft's trademarks in your programs' names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by Microsoft;
* distribute Distributable Code to run on a platform other than the Windows platform;
* include Distributable Code in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs; or
* modify or distribute the source code of any Distributable Code so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. An Excluded License is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification or distribution, that
* the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or
* others have the right to modify it.
3. SCOPE OF LICENSE. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not
* work around any technical limitations in the software;
* reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation;
* make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation;
* publish the software for others to copy;
* rent, lease or lend the software; or
* use the software for commercial software hosting services.
4. BACKUP COPY. You may make one backup copy of the software. You may use it only to reinstall the software.
5. DOCUMENTATION. Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes.
6. TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY. The first user of the software may transfer it and this agreement directly to a third party. Before the transfer, that party must agree that this agreement applies to the transfer and use of the software. The first user must uninstall the software before transferring it separately from the device. The first user may not retain any copies.
7. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see www.microsoft.com/exporting.
8. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is "as is," we may not provide support services for it.

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9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services.
a. United States. If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort.
b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.
11. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so.
This limitation applies to
* anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and
* claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law.
It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages.

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11.6.2 Copyright information
QIAGEN®, Sample to Insight®, QIAcube®, QIAgility®, QIAxtractor® (QIAGEN Group); DECON-QUAT® (Veltek Associates Inc.); Gigasept®, Lysetol®, Mikrozid® (Schülke & Mayr GmbH); Microsoft®, Window s® (Microsoft Corporation); Teflon® (E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company); Adobe®, Reader® (Adobe Systems Inc.). Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in this document, even w hen not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law .
© 2009-2017 QIAGEN, all rights reserved.
1109028 12/2017 HB-2120-003

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Document Revision History

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12 Document Revision History

Document Revision History 4.0

Removed information about unsupported connections to the device.
Updated figures showing the Home screen.

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