A Scott Classic Breed Collection Auction





VOLUME 14 14

· SEPTEMBER 19199797


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Antique Radio Classified {ISSN:8750-7471} is published monlhly. 12 times per year, by John V T e r r e y , One River Road, P.O. B o x 2, Carlisle, M A 01741. Periodicals postage paid at C a d i s l e , M A , and additional mailing offices. Telephone: (508) 3 7 K 0 5 1 2 , 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM E T weekdays; machine answers phone at other times.
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© Copyright 1997 by John V Terrey. P O S T M A S T E R : Send address changes to Antique Radio Classified, P . O . Box 2, Carlisle, M A 01741.
Printed in U.S.A.
STAFF: Publisher and Editor: John V Terrey Production Manager: Scott J. Young Office Manager: Lisa A . Friedrichs Advertising Manager: Cindie P. Bryan Managing Editor: Dorothy Schecter Publishing & Editorial Staff: Ray Bintliff, Peggy Brink, Dave Crocker, Dick Desjarlais, Bobby Lyman, Jean Meldonian Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B . Schneider Contributing Writers: Mike Adams, Richard L . Arnold, Ray Bintliff, Ron Boucher, Paul J. Bourbin, Norman S. Braithwaite, Dave Crocker, Alan S. Douglas, Richard C . Foster, Fred Geer, Jim Kreuzer. Ron Ramirez, Henry Rogers, Ian L . Sanders, Gary B. Schneider, Daniel Schoo, Dwane Stevens, Frank R. White, Ralph Williams
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No question about it the big season of radio events is underway. Reports of meets and auctions abound in ourfiles, and we try to get them out there as soon as possible for all of you to savor
But once in awhile, an event stands out as something unique, or at least extra special, and we must give it precedence. The Breed Collection auction reported in this issue strucl< me as one such event for many reasons. First, it is the largest private collection up for auction in my recent memory; second, its proceeds will go to a good cause -- scholarships at two educational institutions; and third, its owners, Arie and Catherine Breed, are still enjoying an active life and can participate in the recipients' pleasure in their generosity.
In addition, this remarkable auction seemed to contain something for nearly everyone breadboards, rare horns, novelty sets, Catalins, etc. In our report, you will note one very special category
over 100 Zenith radios, including consoles, chairside, tombstones, and cathedrals, with one splendid Zenith Louis XV Model 15U273 selling for over $4,000.
Small wonderthat so many at the Elgin, Illinois, Radiofest asked me when the Breed auction would be reported in A . R . C . Obviously this is an event everyone wants to know more about, and so we have done our best to give you the full flavor of a memorable day for the collectors lucky enough to have been there.
We also report on the smaller Boccelli auction in nearby Watertown, Mass. The A.R.C. "radio boys," Dick Desjarlais and Ray Bintliff, remind us not to forget to check out the estate auction ads because that's where they found 100 or more radios on the block. Unfortunately, many others read the same ad. Still, as we all know, such is the up-and-down life of a "radiophile."
On the up-side is Ted Depto's significant auction find a Modernola Delano Sheraton which also resulted in an article for A . R . C . readers. After successfully purchasing the Delano Sheraton 5-tube set, Ted researched the Modernola Company and even found that the factory building w a s still standing. An old newspaper ad for the set was a nice find too. He shares his research with us this month.
We're always glad to have Ian Sanders back with another British crystal set article this time, on the Fuller Sparta crystal set. Among the unusual features of this set were the availability of three colors, a s well a s long wave coils and a 1 tube amplifier
For AC set collectors, Richard Arnold describes the General Electric Model S-22, 8-tube, tombstone radio, ca. 1930s. This early G E set was manufactured when RCA was marketing G E sets.
Arvin "Rhythm" sets seem to have caught the

A . R . C . readers' fancy. After a letter in our June issue on the Rhythm Belle, a follow-up letter appears this month. And Ted Depto sent in a short piece on the Rhythm Maid, which we include as well.
Photo Review shows a surprise Hallicrafters set not a "boat anchor" communications receiver but a sleek plastic table model with 2 bands. A rare Kodel 2-tube portable set and a radio card game are also shown.
Daniel Schoo presents another of his detailed repair articles testing and replacing selenium rectifiers. From 1938 to the late 1960s, these plate-type rectifiers were used in radios. However today, they are very expensive when they have to be replaced. A sidebar by Blake Dietze adds to Schoo's discussion of the replacement of the selenium rectifier with the less expensive and easier-to-find silicon rectifier
Radio Miscellanea is doing its job when it contains feedback on earlier articles, a s well as an exchange of ideas about how to make sales transactions better with clearer information and common courtesy. Alton DuBois has built Gary Strelow's tube substitutes (A.R.C. February 1996), while Dave Gonshor opens a discussion about whether a set is priced with or without tubes. We're also glad to report that services advertised in A.R.C. are successful and that the pleasures of radio collecting are as far-reaching as Japan.
Coming Radio Events, With the Elgin, Illinois Radiofest '97 just past (we will report on this very successful meet in a future issue), collectors are looking forward to the September 5-day, Antique Wireless Association Conference in Rochester, New York. Over 1,000 are expected to attend this event which includes the requisite flea market, plus seminars, banquets, museum visits, equipment contest, and 4 auctions. This is a show not to be missed.
And October brings the 3-day, Dallas area Vintage Radio and Phonograph Society Convention '97 A.R.C. will be at both of these events, so I hope that you will look us up and say, "Hi." Of course, there are dozens of other late summer and fall events all across the country. Since something is near everyone, there is almost no excuse not to get out and meet with your fellow collectors!
Happy Collecting! John V Terrey, Editor
Our cover features a Scott Philharmonic 30-tube receiver in a Warrington console cabinet from the Arie and Catherine Breed Collection. This classic sold for $6,050 at the auction held by the Tom Harris Auction Co. in Pella, Iowa, on April 26. Many beautiful examples of radio cabinetry were in evidence at this event, which truly offered "the best of the best."



The Modernola Delano Sheraton
A Thoroughly Modern Modernola


Ted Depto's story of his unexpected find of a Delano Sheraton radio, ca. 1920s, in beautiful condition is a lesson to us all. Never dismiss the potential of a seemingly innocuous auction ad. You may find one of your greatest treasures. (Editor)

Just when you think all of the

good, early radios have been

located, an event comes along

to prove otherwise. Such was

my good fortune when I noticed

an auction ad in the local daily

paper Midway in a 7" advertise-

ment for a two-day auction, I

noticed the listing of a "Delano

Sheraton" battery radio. I thought

it was a misprint and really meant

Figure 1 Front view of the Delano Sheraton ca. 1926.

"Deico or Detrola." However, I

decided to check it out anyway

since I previously had found a

Phiico 90 cathedral at an auc-

tion whose ad read simply, "A

Phiico table radio."

The auction was held on a

Friday and Saturday with the

radios, furniture and larger items

scheduled for Saturday. The lo-

cation in an upscale section of

Westmont Boro, a suburb of the

city of Johnstown, Pennsylva-

nia, was about 25 miles from my

home. Upon arriving in the early

morning with my chair and um- V

- t

brella (there w a s a threat of rain), Figure 2. The Modernola Company factory, Johnstown, Pa., as it

I noticed many out-of-state li- stands today

cense plates and assumed the auction would be rather heated since quality items

was a Delano Sheraton with five 01-As. Best of

were being offered.

all, it was built right there in Johnstown by the

Previewed were two nice Stromberg-Carlson consoles, ca. 1938 -- one with a record player and

Modernola Company, and it was in superb condition, as shown in Figure 1

the other in a custom cabinet of Chippendale design. Also in this display were several unused Corbett radio cabinets.
Then I saw the Delano Sheraton sitting on a low table next to the fireplace in one of the larger rooms. Its doors were closed, and at first glance, it appeared to be only a fancy sewing cabinet or maybe a dinner utensil cabinet. Sure enough, It

I decided to bid whatever it would take to acquire this desirable radio. Since many people expressed interest in the radio now that the doors were open, I anticipated some serious competition. When the radio came up for bid, I started at half a hundred, and it went from there. Needless


Figure 3. A rear view of the Utah horn located above the radio chassis.
to say, I was ecstatic to have bought the radio at a much better price than I had projected. My guess is that most of the auction attendees who showed an interest in the Modernola did so out of curiosity and because it was displayed with other quality items. These people, however did not grasp the significance of this find.
According to my research (with the assistance of the Johnstown Public Library), the Modernola Company originally formed as a business venture to make phonographs and console talking machines. It was incorporated on April 29, 1874, with an initial capital stock of $10,000.
The principals of the company were H.M. Farr, Guy McCormick, and D.H. Wendell. It is uncertain where the company was first located perhaps on Stony Street; however the 1922 and 1923 Johnstown business directory, page 743, lists the location of the Modernola Company at 105 Station Street in the city's Ferndale section.
The building, a s shown in Figure 2, still stands. I could find no existing records showing the year the company began to build radio receiving sets or production figures.
It is unclear whether the Modernola Company failed due to the stock crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed or due to market pressures that closed the company. What is clear is that the company, noted for its round phonographs with a lamp and shade built in, made a novel departure from traditionally-designed phonographs of the day.
McMahon's Radio Collectors'Guide 1921-1932 lists the "Delano," the "Sheraton" and a "Caddy" as 1926 models. The Delano sold for $135, while the Caddy sold for $50, and the Delano Sheraton sold for $75. An advertisement from the Dec. 18, 1926, Johnstown Tribune shows four models in the Modernola line. My radio is identified as a Delano Sheraton A-1 Also shown are two highboy models the Delano B2 and Delano B3 and a table model the Delano Sheraton B2.
I am not certain whether any other Delano radios are still in existence, but I am certain that

this radio was produced in some quantity; perhaps other styles are yet to be found. Although I have collected radios for some time now, until this auction, I had never heard of a radio named "Delano."
A quality radio throughout, the Delano Sheraton is a 5-tube T R F , not unlike other radios of the period. The dimensions of the cabinet are 18" x 15" X 13y4" It boasts a built-in Utah horn, as shown in Figure 3.
The radio's tuning range is 500 kHz to 1400 kHz. Tuning is accomplished by two variable capacitors and a variocoupler Note the inverted vacuum tubes in the underside of the radio shown in Figure 4. The battery terminals are located at the rear apron of the chassis. Storage space is provided for all batteries except for the 6-volt storage battery.
The beautifully engraved front panel and the well balanced design make this radio one of my
Figure 4. An underside view of the Delano Sheraton shows the radio's tubes and chassis components.
greatly prized possessions. There is no serial number stamped on the chassis; however, there is a chalk mark inscribed in the bottom frame of the cabinet indicating that the radio number might be 00037
I can just imagine adjusting the selector on the Delano Sheraton in the 1920s and hearing the opera rebroadcast every Saturday evening at 8 over Station W H C B located in Johnstown. In its day, the Delano Sheraton was certainly "a thoroughly modern Modernola!"
(Continued on following page)


(Modernola Delano Sheraton, continued)
Additional Pennsylvania manufacturers of radios and related items: Pennsylvania Wireless Company Equitable Radio Company, Hughesville, Pa. Keller-Fuller Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Corbett Cabinet Works, St. Mary's, Pa. Hamburg Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. Radio Apparatus Co., Pottsville, Pa. S. R. Leutz Co., Altoona, Pa.
References: Cambria Co. DeedBoo/c(Incorporation D. B. 80),
p. 603. J A C O News Flyer Johnstown Automobile Com-
pany, October 1926. Johnstown Tribune, Johnstown, P a . , J a n . 14,
1922, p.14; Dec. 18, 1926. McMahon, Morgan E., Ed. Radio Coliector's Guide
1921-1932, revised edition. Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif.. Vintage Radio, p. 119.
(Theodore P Depto, 913 Fifth Ave., Patton, PA 16668)
Ted Depto, a registered professionai engineer in ttiree states, is a consultant in engineering design. Involved in radio for most of tils life, he has an extensive collection of cathedral and early battery radios, but admits to a fondness for Phiico. He holds a General Class F^adiotelephone License which dates back to his sen/ice with the U.S. Army Signal Corps in the Korean conflict.

The author's adaptation of a Delano advertisement created in the style of the 1920s.

Arvin Model 617B -- Rhythm Maid


The Arvin Model 617B tombstone radio, shown in Figure 1 was bought at an auction of the contents of an old country grocery store in Central Pennsylvania, which had closed long ago. The radio was discovered along with many radio-related items. Some were new and never sold, and others, I suppose, belonged to the store's owners for personal use.
The set's dimensions are a large 22y4" high x 16"
Figure 1 The Arvin Model 617B Rhythm Maid.

wide X 12" deep a pretty hefty radio in anyone's lexicon. It is a 6-tube, battery-operated radio, which was the mainstay for the rural community for news and entertainment before commercial electrical power came to the neighborhood. Manufactured by Noblitt-Sparks Industries Inc. in 1936, the set boasts a 7" airplane dial in four colors and covers the frequency range of 535 kilocycles through 18.5 megacycles in three bands. The set also has an 8" dynamic speaker and is relatively heavy for its cabinet size.
This particular radio carries a serial number of 102131 See Rider's Volume VII for more information.
When I began to restore the set, I found that the bandswitch was frozen on its shaft, so I applied a little heat plus some WD-40. The shaft freed itself, and now the switching mechanism clicks flawlessly. I cleaned the tone and volume controls and replaced about half of the paper capacitors along with the necessary new filter caps. I added Quietrole into the bearings of the tuning capacitor and minor touchup of the trimmers got the set working as well as new.
An/in was noted as much for its automobile heaters and defroster fans as for its radios. The 1936 line included such names as "Rhythm Baby," "Rhythm King," and "Rhythm Queen."
(Theodore P. Depto, 913 Fifth Ave., Patton, PA 16668)
Eight 1936Arvin "Rhythm" radios maybe seen on page 58 of 'Flick of the Switch." Commentary on the "Rhythm Belle"and the "Rhythm Maid"may be found in the June A.R.C. "Radio Miscellanea," as well as in this issue. (Editor)



The General Electric Model S-22


According to the book Invention and Innovation in the Radio Industry, the General Electric Company did not begin to sell the radios it manufactured until 1935. Up to that time, the radios that G E made were marketed through R C A . One of these models was the G E S-22, shown in Figure 1, which was manufactured by G E in 1931-1932, and marketed by RCA during a period of negotiations with the Department of Justice.
These negotiations concerned an antitrust action brought in 1930 by the Department of Justice vs. RCA, G E , and Westinghouse. The defendants were said to have some 4,000 patents on radio apparatus that allowed them to dictate terms that were unfavorable to their competitors.
After 18 months of negotiations, G E and Westinghouse agreed to release certain interests in RCA. They also agreed to a time frame of 2V2 years during which they would not sell or make any radios, thereby allowing RCA to establish itself as an independent company. Given the fact that G E and RCA were virtually one and the same company in the early '30s, it is not surprising that the G E S-22 has the same chassis as the RCA R-7 and R-9. The R-7 is a 1931 table model, while the R-9 is a 1931 console. The DC-operated versions R-7DC and R-9DC correspond to the G E S-22A.
The G E S-22 te a large, unusually styled tombstone with a cabinet measuring 19'/2" x 14" x 10" The brass handle at the top is best used for decoration, as the radio is quite heavy. Lifting this set by

Figure 2. The radio lying on its side shows the unusually convenient access to the basic trimmers.
its handle could cause some structural damage. The speaker is covered with an embroidered
grille cloth having a basket/floral design, but without the protection of any wooden grille work. A colorful photo of the S-22 on a decorative stand appears in Bunis' The Collector's Guide to Antique Radios, 2nd Edition, on page 91
The deep chassis of this 8-tube superhet, as with other early G E sets, has a wraparound metal enclosure over the sides and bottom to protect the components from the elements and possibly to act as a shielding unit. The tube types include the following: 35 (2), 27 (2), 24 (1), 45 (2), and 80 (1).
The three wooden knobs are for volume control, station selection, and tone control. The on/off switch is located on the upper right-hand side of the cabinet. In Figure 2, note the convenient access to the RF, the detector and oscillator trimmers on the bottom of the set, and the IF trimmers on the rear face of the chassis. This is a very well built radio and a good addition to your collection of 1930s radios.

References: Bunis, Marty and Sue. The Collector's Guide to
Antique Radios, Second Edition. Paducah, Ky.. Collectors Books, 1992. Maclaurin, W. Rupert. Invention and Innovation in the Radio Industry. New York: The MacMIIIan Co., 1949. RCA Victor Sen/ice Notes, Vol. 1, 1923-1937 Camden, N. J . . R C A Victor Division of Radio Corporation of America, First Edition, 1941

(Richard Arnold, P.O. Box 275, Lone Grove, OK 73443)

Figure 1. The GE Model S-22's unusual features are the brass handle and the open grille cloth area.

Richard Arnold has been collecting radios since 1985. His interest is primarily in cathedrals and 1920s battery sets, and his collection ranges from crystal sets to a 1928 American Bosch in a Pooley cabinet. His prize is the 1932 Jackson Bell Peter Pan featured in the June 1991 A.R.C.


The Fuller Sparta Crystal Set
"Fuller Sparta Radio Apparatus covers a complete range of up-to-date accessories, mechanically and electrically perfect. ..You can rely on it." (Advertisement appearing in "Amateur Wireless" magazine, October 1924)
The "Sparta" trademark was used extensively by Fuller's United Electric Works, Limited, of E s sex, England, for its range of receivers, kits, loudspeakers, batteries and components offered during the early to mid-1920s. Like many companies of the period. Fuller's produced a single crystal set design. The Sparta set however produced in July 1924, is of particular interest because of its


Figure 2. The control panels of the Sparta models were colored to match the case; shown here is the brown version.

Figure 1. The Sparta crystal receiver was available in three colors black, brown or gray.

unusual detector arrangement and unconventional

longwave coil design. A matching one-valve am-

plifier was also offered.



tors are unusual in that the aerial socket accepts a plug which can be connected directly to the removable socket of the earth terminal, intended as a safety feature for protection against lightning. Two earth sockets were provided: one (S) for use when the antenna was between 30-50 feet in length, and another (L) for antenna lengths between 50-100 feet.
The wavelength range is the standard 300-500

The Sparta crystal receiver is shown in Figures 1 and 2. It was constructed in a compact wooden case with a lid, measuring 6'/? x A% x 3 inches. Finished in imitation morocco leather with the Sparta trademark imprinted on the lid, the set was available in at least three colors black, brown and gray. The ebonite control panel and the removable loading coil were also colored to match the case. Black, however is the most common color to be found today and, therefore, was probably produced in the greatest numbers. All of the fittings are heavily nickel-plated and are of extremely high quality.
The aerial and earth oonnec-

Figure 3. The two Sparta long'-wave coils (right), measuring only PA inches in diameter, are shown in contrast to a larger conventional coil


Figure 5. Close-up of the detector showing rearpivoted detector arm and crystal holder with cover.

Figure 4. The long-wave coil in place at the top left of panel.
meters, but could be extended to cover the BBC's 1600 meter long-wave station by means of an atypically small plug-in coil; see Figure 3. Measuring just 1% inches in diameter the coil pins are made of heavy-gauge wire instead of the common split-pin and socket arrangement. The coil replaced a removable shorting link (also made of heavy-gauge wire) located at the top left of the panel; see Figure 4.
Although the detector is the standard catwhisker/galena type, it has a novel design, as shown in Figure 5. The swivel arrangement is doublepivoted at the rear of the detector arm, rather more in continental European style than in the contemporary British style of crystal detectors. The crystal itself is held in place by a springloaded plunger, and the unit is fitted with a retractable cup cover
Another unusual feature is that the control panel is sealed in the case. All Sparta products carried a oneyear warranty, but the manufacturer warned that"... no responsibility for defects will be taken if the seals are broken."
In 1924, the Sparta crystal set sold for one pound, one shilling (£1.05) an amount known at that time as one guinea. Hence, the Sparta was often advertised as the "guinea Crystal Set." The long-wave coil was an additional three shillings and six pence (£0.175).

dull-emittertype, requiring only 0.06Aforthe filament. Even so, it was probably not a good idea to operate the unit with the lid closed.
There is no control panel, and because of space limitations, the input/output and battery terminals are located around the sides of the c a s e . T h e only adjustment is a filament rheostat. All of the fittings are nickel-plated to match the crystal set.
The amplifier sold for three pounds, three shillings (£3.15), less valve and batteries, and was also subject to a Marconi royalty.
References: Amateur Wireless and Electrics, Vol. V No. 122.
October 4, 1924, p. 434. The ELR Company 1925-26 Wireless Catalogue.
East London Rubber Co. Hill, Jonathan. Radio! Radiol. Devon, England:
Sunrise Press, 1986. Popular Wireless and Wireless Review, Vol. V
No. 120. September 13, 1924, p. ii.
(lanL. Sanders, 16715 Wild Oak Way Morgan Hill, CA 95037)
Ian Sanders has been collecting and restoring early 1920s crystal and battery receivers since 1974. He specializes in British sets of this period, and would be happy to try to answer any readers' inquiries on this subject.

The Sparta one-valve amplifier was a companion to the Sparta crystal set, and was built in a matching case; see Figure 6. The component layout is necessarily cramped given the size of the enclosure and would have generated considerable heat if operated with a "bright-emitter" type valve. For this reason it was designed for use with a low-current

L.'r K i \ c d T L . n n i r m l -- >

J>.'r. D r y 'i'crininal


Il.T Tciminnls

Figure 6. The Sparta one-valve amplifier was built in a case to match the crystal receiver.


This column presents in pictorial form many of the more unusual radios, speakers, tubes, advertising, and other old radio-related items from our readers' collections. The photos are meant to help increase awareness of what's available in the radio collecting hobby. Send in any size photos from your collection. Photos must be sharp in detail, contain a single item, and preferably have a light-colored background. A short, deschptive paragraph MUST be included with each photo. Please note that receipt of photos is not acknowledged, publishing is not guaranteed, and photos are not returned.

PARKER BROTHERS RADIO GAME -- This radio game, copyright 1923 by Parker Brothers, uses 56 cards with station call letters and plays similar to rummy. (Don Howland - Spokane, WA)

H A L L I C R A F T E R S MODEL 621 - This 6-tube, 2-band plastic receiver c a . 1955, is goodlooking enough for any room in the house. Its dimensions are 8" x 13%" x 7" A Model 612, cosmetically and electronically similar to the 621 exists but possibly with different colors. Does anyone know what those colors are? (Bob Perry - Painted Post, NY)

EMERSON MODEL AX212 - This tiny 5-tube superhetrodyne w a s made in either maple or walnut finish. The cabinet is distinguished by the large wooden "bullseye" over the speaker The chassis is similar to many small Emerson Catalins. (Donald M. Maurer - Lebanon, PA)
CLAPP-EASTHAM MODEL HR - While the original owner might have grafted the Atwater Kent 2-step amplifier onto his Clapp-Eastham HR, department stores were known to have sold similar combinations in order to dispose of outdated stock. I could easily restore the HR, but it tells a much better story this way. (Alan S. Douglas - Pocasset, MA)

SILVERTONE UNKNOWN - This remarkably well-preserved A C set w a s unearthed at a North Carolina antique shop in June 1996. Resembling a 1930s era console with the bottom sawed off (actually, the speaker is built-in to the top), it's a strong performer on both the AM (550-1700 kHz) and shortwave (2.5-7 MHz) bands, yet uses only 5 tubes (Types 42, 75, 80, 6D6, and 6A7). The bottom of the wooden case is stamped "MAR 24, 1936." The same set is pictured in Evolution of the Radio, Volume 2, and is similarly identified. Can anyone tell me the model number and year of production? {Douglas D. Fox - St. Charles, IL)



This rare set,

purchased in a Vienna flea market in 1994,

carries a round white label below the lid clasp

which reads: "Arnold Lederer Prague." (Erwin

Macho Vienna, Austria)


KODEL MODEL P2 - This leatherette portable radio, c a . 1925, uses two Type 199 tubes. There is room inside the case for the A and B batteries, a s well a s the headphones. (Wally Worth - Wollaston, MA)

C R O S L E Y MODEL 61 - This 5-tube, 1934 tombstone has two bands broadcast and shortwave. Except for the filter condensers and the P.M. replacement speakers, all components are original or direct substitutes. (Anton George - Kenosha, Wl)



Breed Collection Auction Tom Harris Auction Company
Pella, Iowa -- April 26, 1997


The sale of the collection of Arie and Catherine Breed gives us the chance to report on an event significant both for the quality of the items and for the generosity of the owners the Breeds donated the considerable proceeds to educational institutions. We salute them, and we thant< them for this opportunity to share in the auction of their impressive collection. (Editor)

The radio collection of Arie and Catherine Breed was auctioned off on Saturday, April 26 1997, at the Kuyper Gymnasium in Pella, Iowa. Tom Harris Auction Company of Marshalltown, Iowa, arranged and conducted the auction of over 300 rare radios. There were 181 bidding numbers registered to buyers from the United States, Canada, England, Germany and Korea. Twenty-two U.S. states were represented from as far away as New York, California, Florida and Minnesota.
All monies raised from this radio auction will go to the "Benefit Scholarship Programs" for the Central College of Pella in Pella, Iowa, and the Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Of the 10 percent buyer's premium charged, half will also go to these institutions. The 308 items sold for an impressive total of close to $100,000. The top dollar sale of the auction was a Scott Philharmonic 30-tube console in an excellent Warrington cabinet, selling at $6,050, including the 10 percent buyer's premium.
Other highlights included a 1938 Zenith top-ofthe-line Louis XV Model 15U273 in excellent condition selling at $4,400; another 1938 Zenith Georgian Model 15U272 burled walnut, black-dial console with sliding doors, at $4,125; a 1938 Zenith Model 7S261 black-dial console with bookshelves at $2,530; a 1938 Zenith, Model 15U270, console at $1,870; and a 1938 Zenith Model 15U269 clock-
A warning: Auction prices are not current values. A listing such as this cannot adequately include Ihe condition of cabinets, chassis, transformers, tubes, the operating status of the set, and the inclusion of incorrect, restored or replica components, etc. Auction prices are the result of the excitement of the auction process, the skill of the auctioneer and the specific interests of the participants. Nevertheless, auction prices serve as useful references and as another element in the value determining process. The possibility of error always exists, and if we are notified, corrections will be reported.

This Federal l\Aodel 61, ca. 1924, sold for $1 100.

dial console at $2,310. Two other 1938 Zeniths brought good prices a Walton Model 9S232 black-dial tombstone at $2,750 and a Walton Model 7S232 black-dial tombstone at $1,870.
Commanding a bid of $1,430 was a 1937 Zenith Model 10S157 Zephyr black-dial console, partially restored. A 1937 Zenith Model 8A137 Zephyr black-dial tombstone went for $1,870. Other 1937 Zeniths included a Model 12U159 console radio at $1,100; a Model 12S235 blackdial, chairside radio with lift-top side compartments at $1 155; and the Model 10S130 blackdial tombstone at $1,540.
Finding a new home at $2,750 was a 1940 Zenith Model 12S475 console. An Emerson Model AU-190 butterscotch Catalin radio sold at $1,540. A rare Timbretone wooden horn speaker with violin base went for a surprising $1,870.
An Atwater Kent 12 (4910) breaddboard, very clean, sold at $1,430. Also going for $1,430 was a 1938 Phiico Model 38-690 20-tube console with tambour door
For $1,210 you could buy a 1936 Zenith Model 12A58 multi-color dial console, or a Zenith Model S-829 chrome-front Art Deco tombstone.
All prices shown in this article include a 10% buyer's premium.

e/r=electrically restored, o/f=original finish, ref=refinished, BBT=brass-based, tipped, unk=unknown

Airline 54-BR-1503B


Airline 84-KR-1520B, metal



Airline 93-BR-421B


Arvin 54-OT metal


Arvin 341 T metal, (2)

44, 66

Arvin 444A, metal


Arvin 451-TL


Atwater Kent 10A (4560) breadboard,

original, unrestored with tags


Atwater Kent, 10A (4560) breadboard,

clean, BBT


Atwater Kent 10C breadboard, clean


Atwater Kent 12 (4910) breadboard, clean 1,430

Atwater Kent 19


Atwater Kent 32


Atwater Kent 33, battery, wooden case


Atwater Kent 52


Atwater Kent 55, Kiel table, e/r ref


Atwater Kent Type L horn speaker


Atwater Kent Type M horn speaker (2) ... 55, 77

Belmont 41 cathedral, e/r o/f


Bendix 65-P4


Bendix 300


Bendix 526 MC, green and black Catalin,

(as is, side damage)


Bendix 526-A


Bendix 0526-E


Bendix 526-MB


Browning Drake, battery, wooden, (new top)


Cap w/visor Radio Station KMA 960


Clapp-Eastham Radak Type R-4


Coca Cola bottle radio, plastic


Coca Cola machine novelty radio


Coca Cola mini-cooler novelty radio, w/box ... 55

Collins No Battery flashlight, 1924


Coors beer can novelty radio


Crosley 4-29


This 1938 Zenith Model 15U273 in an ornate, carved, burled walnut cabinet brought $4,400!

Crosley 10-135


Crosley 10-136-E


Crosley 10-137


Crosley 10-138


Crosley 10-140


Crosley 11-101-U, (2) Crosley 11-106-U Crosley 11-107U Crosley 11-108-U Crosley 52, needs work Crosley 56-TD, cream plastic radio Crosley 56-TD, maroon plastic radio

88, 88 27 22 33 49 66 77

(Continued on foiiowing page)

This unique Zenith "Georgian" Model 15U272 console with sliding doors won a bid of $4,125.

Thanks from the Breeds
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who attended our radio auction on April 26, 1997 It was a truly memorable day for Catherine and me, and it enabled us to see many old friends and meet many new people. We sincerely hope that those who purchased radios will enjoy them as much as we have.
This auction will enable us to meet and perhaps exceed our goal of providing a named scholarship at Central College, Pella, Iowa, and Iowa State, Ames, Iowa. Again, thanks to all who attended.
Sincerely, Arie and Catherine Breed The Breeds are to be commended for their foresight in planning for the future of their collection. In addition to knowing that their treasures are in willing hands, they are also able to enjoy the pleasure ofgiving scholarships to grateful sudents in the years to come. (Editor)

(Breed Collection Auction, continued)

Crosley 58, Buddy Boy Repwood


Crosley 58-TK


Crosley D-10-BE


Crosley D-25-CE, clock radio


Crosley D-25-GN clock radio


Crosley D-25-MN clock radio


Crosley E-15-BE, E-15-SL

110 each

Crosley E-15-TN


Crosley E-15-WE


Crosley E-20-GN, E-20-GY

18 each

Crosley E-20-MN


Crosley Musicone B, cone speaker


Crosley VI


Day-Fan 5


Dictogrand, mantle speaker, wooden


Elkay Super Selector, w/advertisement


Emerson 504-A, small hairline, as


Emerson 547-A, (2)

22, 38

Emerson 587 Series B


Emerson 652


Emerson 811


Emerson AU-190, butterscotch Catalin 1,540

Emerson BA-201


Emerson Gemini 8, transistor radio


Federal 61 ref

1 100

Freed Eisemann NR-7


Freshman Masterpiece, w/integral speaker... 66

G E L-571, butterscotch Catalin, e/r

small hairline on grille, as is


G E 114W


G E 115


GE 400


GE 422


G E 5 1 6 - F clock radio


G E 517 clock radio


G E 518 clock radio


GE 518-F clock radio, off-white plastic/chrome....22

Gloritone 27 tombstone, o/f


Grunow 5-B, metal front, wooden case


Guild Country Belle 556, wall phone radio 44

Hallicrafters 5-R-30A


Hallicrafters Continental 5-R-31A


Herald horn speaker, w/non-metal bell


Hoffman, transistor radio, solar/battery powered 126

Howard S-G-A console, o/f


Knight in armor on horseback novelty radio... 55

Two Timbretone speal<ers. The rare wooden horn at the top with the violin base sold for $1,870. The rectangular horn at the bottom sold for $440.

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dino-Matic novelty radio 11

Microphone novelty AM/FM radio in box


Miller beer can novelty radio


Mitchell 1260, Lumitone lamp radio


Montgomery Ward (Tri-City) 63-645


Mork from Ork Eggship novelty radio


Motorola 5-A7R, metal


Motorola 5-M-1U


Motorola 48-L-11


Motorola 55-L-24


Music Master horn speaker, p


Newcombe Hawley mantle speaker wooden .. 33

Peerless cathedral-style speaker


Phiico 38-690 console, e/r


Phiico 39-55 remote control console


Phiico 39-55 remote control unit


Phiico 46-131


Phiico 46-420


Phiico 48-250


Phiico 48-460


Phiico 52-541


Phiico 53-561 (2)


Phiico 76, console, tapestry speaker panel, o/f.... 121

Phiico car radio, steering column controls 55

This Zenith Ivlodel brought $2,750.


ThisZenith l^odel 12U159 brought $1,100.

This 1937 Zenith Zephyr Model 10S 157 console sold for $1,430.

Phiico B-572


Phiico J r 80 cathedral, e/r ref


Phiico PT-25, no knobs, as is


Phiico PT-46, no knobs, as is


Phiico Transitone 49-500


Phiico Transitone 50-522


Philmore Super Radio Crystal Set, w/headset,

in original boxes


Radio Girl perfume bottles, (5) and (1) Avon 27

RCA 100-B speaker metal. Art Deco


RCA B-411


RCA Radiola horn speaker


RCA Radiola II, w/headset


RCA Victor dealer pocket pen set


Scott Philharmonic 30-tube console in

excellent Warrington cabinet,e/r, o/f.... 6,050

Sentinel 284-NI, butterscotch Catalin, e/r.... 577

Signal 341-T snakeskin style, Silvertone 1 ... 16

Silver Marshall 60 console, e/r o/r


Silvertone 2016


Silvertone 3005


Silvertone 6408


Silvertone 9022


Silvertone WLS horn speaker (cracked horn)... 44

Skin-So-Soft bottle novelty radio, w/box


Slide tuner crystal set, (as is)


Snoopy novelty radio


Stewart-Warner 206-FA


Stewart-Warner A-61-PI radio


Stromberg-Cadson 1500-H


Thorola 4 horn speaker Bakelite


Timbretone speaker rectangular wooden... 440

Timbretone horn speaker wooden,

w/violin base, rare!


Timbretone speaker wooden


Tower Meistersinger horn speaker


Trav-Ler 5054, (2), (as is)

22, 49

Truetone 636, (damaged)


Van Camp 571 novelty radio


Westinghouse Aeriola Sr amplifier


Westinghouse Aehola Sr receiver


This Zenith Model S529 chrome front Deco tombstone received a final bid of $1,210.

A 1937 Zenith black dial Model 8A137 Zephyr. This table model sold for $1,870.

Zenith 4B106, boat and trailer radio,

w/matching speaker 6-volt


Zenith 5J217 e/r, ref


Zenith 5R216, e/r ref


Zenith 5R226 tombstone, child's radio, e/r, ref 605

Zenith 5R236 chairside, e/r ref


Zenith 5S119, 1937,e/r ref


Zenith 5S126 table,e/r ref


Zenith 5S127 tombstone, e/r ref


Zenith 5S220,e/r o/f


Zenith 5S222,e/ro/f


Zenith 5S228 tombstone, e/r ref


Zenith 5S237 chairside,e/r, ref


Zenith 5S250 console


Zenith 5S29 tombstone, o/f


Zenith 5S56 console, e/r, o/f


Zenith 6S52 console, 1936, e/r o/f


Zenith 6B107 boat and trailer radio,

w/matching speaker 6-volt


Zenith 6D015


Zenith 6D029


Zenith 6D030


Zenith 6D117


Zenith 6D219, 1938


Zenith 6D311


Zenith 6D315, "Wavematic"


Zenith 6S128 tombstone, e/r ref


Zenith 68152 console, e/r


Zenith 6S223, e/r ref


Zenith 6S229 tombstone, e/r o/f


Zenith 6S238 chairside,e/r, ref


Zenith 6S239 chairside, e/r o/f


Zenith 6S241 bar/chairside, e/r ref


Zenith 6S254 console, e/r o/f


Zenith 6S256 console, e/r, ref


Zenith 6S27 tombstone, e/r o/f


Zenith 6S275, console, e/r ref


Zenith 7H920


Zenith 7J259, console, e/r o/f


(Continued on following page)


The Emerson Model AU-190 butterscotch Catalin (left) brought $1,540, while the Sentinel Model 284-NI butterscotch Catalin (right) brought $577

This 1938 Zenith Model 9S232 Walton radio won a bid of $2,750.

(Breed Collection Auction, continued)

Zenith 7S28-A tombstone, o/f, e/r


Zenith 7S53, console, e/r o/f


Zenith 7S232 Walton tombstone, e/r o/f... 1,870

Zenith 7S240, e/r o/f


Zenith 7S242, Zephyr chairside, e/r o/f 550

Zenith 7S258 console, e/r, ref


Zenith 7S260, console, e/r ref


Zenith 7S261 with bookshelf console, e/r, o/f... 2,530

Zenith 8A137 Zephyr tombstone, e/r o/f... 1,870

Zenith 8S129 tombstone, e/r, ref


Zenith 8S154 console, o/f, e/r


Zenith 8S154W white console, e/r ref


Zenith 9S30 tombstone, e/r o/f


Zenith 9S54 console e/r, ref


Zenith 9S55console, e/r, o/f

770 J

Zen7tTrgS204 consoleTpRSnograph, e/r ref 7T5

Zenith 9S232 Walton tombstone, e/r o/f... 2,750

Zenith 9S244 chairside, e/r, o/f


Zenith 9S262 console, o/f, e/r


Zenith 9S263 console, e/r, o/f


Zenith 9S264 console, ref, e/r


Zenith 10H571 console (piano style), o/f 770

Zenith 10S130 tombstone, e/r, o/f


Zenith 10S147 Zephyr chairside, e/r o/f 550

Zenith 10S153 console, e/r ref


Zenith 10S 155 console, e/r o/f


Zenith 10S156 console, e/r o/f


Zenith 10S157 Zephyr console, e/r, partly ref... 1,430

Zenith 10S160 console, e/r ref


Zenith 10S470 console


Zenith 12A57 console, e/r, o/f


Zenith 12A58 console, o/f, e/r


Zenith 12S245 chairside, w/lift top

side compartments, e/r ref

1 155

Zenith 12S265, 1938, e/r o/f


Zenith 12S266 console, e/r ref


Zenith 12S268 console, e/r, ref


Zenith 12S475 console radio, o/f, e/r


Zenith 12U158 console, e/r o/f


Zenith 12U159, e/r o/f

1 100

Zenith 15S373A console, 25 cycle,

push buttons, e/r ref

1 100

Zenith 15U269 console, e/r o/f


Zenith 15U270, o/f, e/r


Zenith 15U272 Georgian console, e/r o/f, e ...4,125

Zenith 15U273 console, Louis XV ornate,

carved burled walnut, e/r, o/f


Zenith 807 tombstone, e/r ref


Zenith 808 tombstone, e/r ref


Zenith 809 tombstone, chrome front, e/r, ref.. 825

Zenith 811 tombstone. Art Deco, e/r ref 990

Zenith 975, 6-legged console, ref


Zenith G274


Zenith H511F


Zenith H511G


Zenith H511W


Zenith H724


Zenith H725, e/r


Zenith J615


Zenith K526


Zenith R-615


Zenith S-829 tombstone, chrome front,

Art Deco, e/r ref


Zenith S-8501 wood case, wireless phono 203

Zenith, 6' long cloth curtain w/emblems, old .. 77

This Zenith Model 12S245 unusual chairside brought a bid of $1 155.

(Tom Harris, Tom Harris Auction Company, 105 N. 2nd Ave., Marshalltown, lA 50158. 515753-3865)


Sharon Boccelli and Company Auction
June 4, 1997 -- Watertown, Massachusetts

The auction notice read: "Sharon Boccelli and Company presents an Auction of the Contents of Several Area Estates." Such a heading would stir the juices of any radiophile, but what made this auction a must was this following announcement: "An extensive single collection of radios to be sold at 5 P.M."
Armed with the radio auction listing, we trotted down to the Hibernian Hall in Watertown, Massachusetts, on June 4, 1997 to take part in the action. We knew in advance that all of the radios were to be auctioned off before the main auction at 6 P.M. This was to our advantage, of course, but the crowd waiting for the main event made it difficult to hear the auctioneer and to concentrate on what was happening.
Approximately 120 radios, plus 5 cone speakers, were auctioned off in just under an hour as auctioneer Sharon Boccelli proceeded at a brisk but professional pace. In several instances, radios were sold in lots ranging from 2 to 10 radios in one lot. This speeded up the auction, but it also meant that if a bidder was interested in just one radio in the lot, he or she had to bid on the entire lot. This practice, although common enough, did not appeal to some of the 35 or so radio-active bidders present, who had interest in only one item in a lot. Admittedly, selling each of the auction items singly would have taken longer but it might have resulted in more bidders spending more money. The radio auction took in $5,550.
The highlights of the auction included an E merson "Strad" table radio selling at $330, an R C A Radiola V at $350, a Phiico Model 70 chairside at $90, a Federal Orthosonic Type H at $105, and a Browning Drake 6A at $120. A 1 0 percent buyer's premium was charged, but is not included in the auction price listing.

vg=very good, g=good, f=fair WT=with tubes, BBT=brass based, tipped, unk=unknown

Admiral 5Y22AN American Bosch 28, g Atwater Kent 30, speakers F4 & E, g Atwater Kent 55, 42, g Atwater Kent 60 console, g Atwater Kent 318 console, g Blaupunkt 431390, g Browning Drake 6A, g Brunswick 6KR, g Crosley 56-TV-O, g Emerson "Strad," g Emerson 507 522 Emerson 517 F182 Fada 177, World Radio, g Federal Orthosonic, Type H, g Freed-Eisemann NR6, g G E A-63, replacement PM speaker g GES2, g Grundig 1070, R250, vg

$20 85
160 95 95 95 30
120 75 40
330 60 40
130 105
85 185
75 45

Grunow 6D, g


This chairside version of the Phiico Model 70 went for $90.



Motorola 6Y


Motorola 68X11 A, g


Motorola 581 radio-phono, g


Motorola 678X13


Phiico 18 console


Phiico 38-15,37-610


Phiico 70 chairside, g


Phiico 70 console


Phiico 511 Atwater Kent 42, g


RCA 55X, g


R C A 125, good cabinet, dirty chassis, g


RCA Radiola 18, w/hood, g


RCA Radiola V WT B B T g


RCA T60, T62, g


Silvertone 3561 f


Skypower 740


Sonera RCU208, g


Splitdorf 21035


Standardyne, AC, some cabinet scratches, vg .. 75

Stewart-Warner A61P1


Stromberg-Cadson 925H


Stromberg-Carlson 6531 g


Thompson 570


Westinghouse: WR209, WR260, f-g


Wilcox-Gay Recordio, vg


Zenith Trans-Oceanic, g


(Dick Desjarlais, Ray Bintliff, c/o A.R.C, PO Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741)

(Sharon Boccelli and Co. Auctioneers, 358 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139. 617-354-7919)



Testing and Replacing Selenium Rectifiers


Many collectible radios and TV sets use sele-

nium rectifiers. This article describes their devel-

opment and application. Also included is practi-

cal information for testing and replacing these



Radios and home entertainment electronics must h a v e direct current to operate. Since the power available in your h o u s e is alternating current, s o m e m e a n s must be employed to convert the alternating current into direct current to operate the circuits in the radio. T h e most common w a y of doing this is through the u s e of a device called a rectifier
T h e r e are m a n y types of rectifiers, but they all do the s a m e thing. T h e y convert A C to D C by allowing current to p a s s through in one direction with a low resistance and not letting the current p a s s in the opposite direction. T h i s property is called asymmetric conduction. When the alternating current from a household wall receptacle, which switches from positive to negative and back again 6 0 times a s e c o n d , is connected to a rectifier the rectifier allows the current to flow only when the polarity is the correct value to operate the radio. T h e rectifier stops the current when the polarity is not the correct value.
Many types of rectifiers h a v e been developed for power conversion. For many years vacuum tubes were most often used to perform this function in radios. T o d a y the silicon diode is the dominant type of rectifier
O n e of the earliest solid-state metallic rectifiers used to convert alternating current into direct current for power is the selenium cell. In 1877 Werner Siemens studied selenium cells and discovered their ability to rectify. In 1883, C . T Fritts w a s experimenting with the photoelectric sensitivity of selenium cells, but also noted their ability to conduct current much better in one direction than in the other. His design of a selenium cell w a s , in many w a y s , similar to the construction of modern selenium rectifiers. His interest in this property of a s y m metric conduction prompted him to write that some d a y it might b e useful in converting "to a n d fro currents into uni-directional current."
T h e first practical application of s e l e n i u m c e l l s a s a rectifier w e r e reported by Pochettino in 1909. Even though a practical rectifier w a s demonstrated using selenium, for m a n y y e a r s much of the interest in selenium cells w a s focused more on their photoelectric characteristics. T h e first commercial selenium rectifiers w e r e made in 1924. In

1928, improved v e r s i o n s w e r e available in G e r many. T h e y w e r e not marketed in the United States until the Federal Telephone and Radio C o m p a n y introduced them in 1938. In 1 9 4 6 , F e d eral marketed a selenium rectifier stack designed for use in radio a n d television r e c e i v e r s . S e l e n i ums became a popular device and were used extensively in home entertainment equipment until the decline of the v a c u u m tube in the late 1960s.
When transistors replaced tubes on a large scale, silicon rectifiers replaced seleniums bec a u s e of their smaller size, better performance and much better reliability. Selenium rectifiers continue to be manufactured a s replacement c o m ponents for older industrial equipment. In the mid-1960s, a small replacement rectifier for a table radio would cost about 75 cents. B e c a u s e of the s m a l l volume of s a l e s , newly m a n u f a c t u r e d rectifiers of this s i z e n o w cost about thirty dollars.
T h e physical construction of a selenium rectifier is relatively simple. Various manufacturers have slightly different methods, but the general manufacturing process is the same. A slightly roughened b a s e plate, usually of aluminum but s o m e times s t e e l , is c o a t e d with a thin film of pure s e l e n i u m to w h i c h a s m a l l a m o u n t of a halogenlike chlorine or bromine h a s been added. This plate will become the anode of the cell.
Heat treating the b a s e c a u s e s the selenium to convert into the metallic crystalline state. A barrier layer is then formed over the selenium film by oxidation or the application of a special coating. T h e final layer is formed by applying a coating of cadmium or an alloy of tin, cadmium or bismuth over the barrier layer This coating becomes the c a t h o d e , a n d the t e r m i n a l c o n n e c t e d to it is u s u ally marked with a red dot or + sign.
In o r d e r for the c e l l to w o r k properly, it m u s t b e formed much like an electrolytic capacitor to reduce the reverse leakage current. A voltage is applied to the cell in the reverse direction until the leakage current drops down below an acceptable level. This c a n take from one hour to more than 24 hours, depending on the construction and application.
After construction and forming, the cells are a s s e m b l e d into stacks. T h e smaller very low current ones are assembled simply by stacking one on another the larger ones use spacers and connection terminals. T h e final stacked assembly is covered with a protective coating of paint or varnish to prevent moisture a n d contamination from interacting with the layers and causing dam-


made of fiberboard or s o m e -

times glass. Metal caps, some-

times with solid connecting wires

attached, are installed on the

ends, making the assembly look

very much like a cylindrical pre-

cision power resistor A diode

symbol or + sign on the body

usually lets you know that the

component is a rectifier and not

a resistor.

S o m e rectifiers a r e potted in

small cubical blocks. The posi-

tive terminal is marked with a red

spot or + symbol to indicate po-

larity. Not all stacks are single

diode type. Some are assembled

a s full w a v e or bridge rectifiers.

T h e s e look similar to the single

type but have three or four con-

Figure 1 Some examples of selenium Type 35W4 vacuum tube rectifier

rectifiers compared

In size to a

necting terminals. The largest example, shown in the background of Figure 1 , is a bridge

stack used for charging lead acid

age. Mercury vapor is particularly damaging to selenium rectifiers, and even the coating is not very good protection from mercury damage. Some s t a c k s a r e e n c a p s u l a t e d in potting compound or sealed in hermetic containers for use in s e v e r e environmental conditions.

batteries in a fire alarm s y s t e m . Selenium rectifiers were u s e d in m a n y applications where A C power w a s required to be converted to D C to operate equipment. T h e radio collector will s e e them primarily in radios m a n u factured from the 1940s up through the mid1960s. Selenium rectifiers w e r e also used in tele-

S e l e n i u m rectifiers c a m e in a variety of s h a p e s and sizes depending on the voltage and current ratings. Figure 1 s h o w s a sampling of commonly used rectifiers. T h e 3 5 W 4 v a c u u m tube rectifier in the photograph gives a reference for judging relative s i z e . Most rectifiers in small radios are of the open plate type, a s shown in Figure 2. T h e s e are made of a s t a c k of s i x plates about 1 " to 1 '/2" s q u a r e with about VB" of s p a c e b e t w e e n t h e m .

vision sets for the main power rectifiers. Small low current cylindrical cartridge types were used for C R T focus rectifiers. Large rectifiers were u s e d in lead acid battery c h a r g e r s , power s u p plies for electroplating, and D C motors for operating elevators and cranes.
Power supplies for electronic air cleaners and other applications where a high voltage at a low current w a s needed used stacks containing sometimes hundreds of cells. Another related u s e is for relay contact protectors and arc suppression.

Some smaller rectifiers are made with the plates stacked one on the other with no spacing. For


high voltage/low current applications, small circular p l a t e s from Ve" to VA" in d i a m e t e r a r e tightly

Other types of metallic rectifiers that are similar in a p p e a r a n c e to the s e l e n i u m a r e m a g n e s i u m

stacked and a s s e m b l e d into an insulating tube

copper sulfide and copper oxide. Magnesium cop-

per sulfide rectifiers were used mostly in small

low voltage power supplies c a p a b l e of s e v e r a l

amperes such a s a battery charger An example

of a magnesium copper sulfide rectifier is shown

in the photo of a small power supply in Figure 3 .

While asymmetric conduction w a s discovered

in s e l e n i u m c e l l s y e a r s before it w a s d i s c o v e r e d

in copper oxide, c o m m e r c i a l rectifiers using cop-

per oxide were developed before seleniums. Cop-

per oxide rectifiers w e r e u s e d in m a n y of the

same applications as seleniums. Copper oxide

rectifiers were popular a s small instrument rectifi-

ers for metering circuits a n d s o m e t i m e s in field

coil power supplies in early radio s p e a k e r s . T h e y

w e r e rarely if e v e r u s e d in radio r e c e i v e r s .

Figure 2. A radio and its selenium rectifier

Unlike vacuum tubes or silicon rectifiers, the rating of a s e l e n i u m rectifier c a n be determined to a fairly c l o s e d e g r e e by looking at it. T h e n u m b e r
(Continued on following page)


(Selenium Rectifiers, continued)

of plates determines the reverse voltage rating.

T h e typical voltage rating for each plate is about

35 volts peak.

Although silicon rectifiers are always rated for

the peak reverse voltage that they can safely

block, the more common rating for selenium is

not peak voltage but by the applied A C R M S

voltage. This is the maximum A C operating volt-

age to be applied to the rectifier Single plate

rectifiers are usually rated at about 20 to 25 volts

R M S . T h e most c o m m o n rectifier s t a c k s found in

radio and television sets are 6 plates and 8 plates,

rated typically at 130 and 160 A C volts R M S .

Current ratings for selenium cells are based on

several factors mostly having to do with the for-

ward voltage drop and the amount of heat dissi-

pated. Rectifiers with fewer plates can safely

handle more current because the voltage drop is

smaller for fewer plates and the heat generated is

more easily dissipated around fewer sources. Rectifiers with large plates spaced widely apart
can handle more current than smaller ones with

Figure 3. A power suppiy tfiat utilizes a magnesium copper sulfide rectifier

closely spaced plates. Wider spacing between

the plates improves air flow a n d helps to dissi-

pate the heat. A rough estimate of the current

teristics of a selenium cell." A s the cell gets older

handling capability of a n unknown cell c a n be

the forward r e s i s t a n c e tends to increase.

determined by measuring the size and spacing of

There are several guidelines for defining the

the plates. T a b l e I s h o w s the current capacities of

point where a rectifier is bad. O n e common in-

c o m mon rectifiers depending on the number of

dustry guideline for cell life s u g g e s t s that when

plates and their size and spacing.

the cell has aged to the point where its forward

T h e size of the plates is approximate to the

resistance has become two or more times higher

nearest eighth, and the spacing is approximate to

than it w a s w h e n it w a s n e w , it s h o u l d b e r e -

the nearest 16th. These should be used as a

placed. T h e noticeable effect of aging is reduced

guide and are only rough approximations for re-

output voltage.

placement and testing purposes.



T e s t i n g a rectifier before putting it into s e r v i c e

Selenium rectifiers fail by three m eans : exces-

again is an important step before powering up an

sive voltage, excessive heat and aging. Operat-

old radio. S i n c e the s e l e n i u m rectifiers found in

ing the rectifier at higher than rated voltage caus-

most radios today have been there for better than

e s a greater leakage current that generates heat.

3 0 y e a r s , it is highly likely that the f o r w a r d r e s i s -

If t h e v o l t a g e is high e n o u g h , the barrier l a y e r will

tance h a s increased to the point where the rectifi-

break down. Short low energy breakdowns will

er should be replaced. Often the radio will work

c a u s e a failure in a small a r e a which will self-heal.

only marginally or not at all.

Larger amou n ts of energy will create a n arc and burn a larger a r e a that will result in a permanent short. Excessive heat caused by insufficient ventilation or e x c e s s i v e current will c a u s e premature a g i n g a n d , if e x t r e m e , will c a u s e the cell c o a t i n g s to melt, thus leading to immediate failure.

E v e n if the radio w o r k s , this is not a good indication of whether the rectifier is suitable for s e r v i c e or not. Many times the radio will continue to work at what might s e e m to be normal performance even though the rectifier has deteriorated badly.
T h e r e are good r e a s o n s to replace the rectifier

T h e most c o m m o n c a u s e of eventual failure is aging. Aging is defined a s "any permanent change (except failure) in the fonward or r e v e r s e c h a r a c -

even though the set s e e m s to be operating well. B a d rectifiers tend to run hotter than normal and can completely fail by shorting without warning.

Table I
Approximate Ratings for Square Plate Selenium Rectifiers

Also, just like electrolytic c a pacitors, selenium rectifiers develop increased reverse leakage current after years



of disuse. Applying power c a n c a u s e a bad rectifier to heat


N O N E 1/2" 200mA +25mA for each additional 1/8" up to 3' up a n d fail within m i n u t e s .


N O N E 3/4" 5 0 m A + 2 5 m A for each additional 1/8" up to 3"

W h e n a rectifier fails by


1 /8"

1 /2" 50mA +25mA for each additional 1 /8" up to 3" shorting, the result is u n p l e a s -



1/2" 100mA ·i-25mA for each additional 1 /8" up to 3' ant. In addition to the electri-



1" 50mA+25mAforeachadditional1/8"upto3"

cal d a m a g e that c a n occur to



1/2" 5 0 m A + 2 5 m A tor each additional 1/8" up to 3"

the radio components when



1/2" 7 5 m A + 2 5 m A for each additional 1/8" up to 3"

the rectifier s h o r t c i r c u i t s , it

will release a large quantity



ohm, 10-watt ballast resistor in s e r i e s with it to limit t h e c u r r e n t to a safe value.
A volt-ohm-milliammetercan be used to measure the voltage and current. If you do not h a v e a bench supply, you can build a simple power supply for testing. Figure 6 shows a suggested circuit for an easy-to-build test setup.


TEST METHODS T o test a rectifier you must

first determine the rated current.

You can do this by looking for

identifying markings, by check-

ing the reference material on the


model rectifier that you want to test, or by measuring the physi-

· MfTH*

cal dimensions. You can also

g u e s s the approximate rating of

the rectifier from the value for the

Figure 4. Ttie Jackson Model 710 selenium rectifier tester. Note tfie normal D C p o w e r supply current

meter's "Bad-Good" scale and AC line voltage setting.

indicated on the schematic for

the radio it w a s u s e d in.

Once you know the current

of very foul smelling s m o k e . T h i s s m o k e contains

rating, connect the rectifier to the power source.

a quantity of selenium compounds which c a n be

Set the voltage control to the minimum setting.

toxic and should not be inhaled.

Turn on the power and measure the fonward


current. Adjust the voltage control upward until the current is at the rated v a l u e of t h e rectifier If

In the m i d - 1 9 5 0 s , the J a c k s o n Electrical In-

you advance the adjustment all the way up and

strument Company made the Model 710 seleni-

cannot get to the rated value, the rectifier is so

um rectifier tester s h o w n in Figure 4. T h e tester

bad that the fonward resistance is too high to be

originally s o l d for $ 2 9 . 5 0 . It c a m e with a h a n d y


little ruler c a l l e d a " S e l e - R a t e r " If y o u did not

After you h a v e the current adjusted to the

know the rating of a rectifier that you wanted to

proper level, measure the voltage drop directly

test, you measured the physical size and spacing

across the rectifier T a k e the measurement right

of the plates with the S e l e - R a t e r a n d read out the

away, and do not leave the current on for very

approximate current rating on a special scale.

long. T h e rectifier will begin to heat up, especially

You then used that information to set up the

if it h a s a high fonward drop, a n d t h e v o l t a g e will

instrument for testing. Figure 5 shows a full-size

c h a n g e a s it d o e s .

reproduction of my own s c a l e that you c a n u s e to

Now that you know what the forward drop is,

determine the a p p r o x i m a t e current rating of a n

you c a n decide whether the rectifier needs to be

unknown rectifier

replaced. A new rectifier will have a forward drop

The Model 710 measured the voltage drop

of a b o u t 1 volt for e a c h plate w h e n it is c o n d u c t i n g

across the rectifier at a known current. T h e meter

the rated current. A new 6-plate rectifier will be

scale w a s calibrated with a B A D / G O O D scale

about 5 to 7 volts and an 8-plate will be about 8 to

similar to tube testers. T h e higher the drop, the

9 volts. If t h e fora/ard drop is a volt or m o r e b e l o w

worse the reading w a s . T h e Model 7 1 0 did not

normal, one or more of the plates is shorted and

measure reverse leakage, but a low resistance

the rectifier s h o u l d b e r e p l a c e d . If t h e v o l t a g e

shorted rectifier would c a u s e the needle to sit at

drop is more than about 1 7 volts for a single

the lower end of the B A D s c a l e and vibrate at the

plate, 10 volts for a 6-plate or 16 volts for an 8-

line frequency indicating a fault. A silicon rectifier

plate rectifier it s h o u l d b e r e p l a c e d .

tested on the 7 1 0 c a u s e s the needle to peg

If y o u h a v e a radio that h a s b e e n o p e r a t i n g a n d

beyond the top of the good s c a l e , a n indication of

want to do a quick test of the rectifier you c a n do

the great difference in the fonward resistance

it without r e m o v i n g t h e rectifier from t h e radio.

between a selenium and a silicon rectifier

Measure the B+ supply at the output of the recti-


fier and note the voltage reading. This will be the terminal which is connected to the electrolytic

You do not need a special instrument like the

filter capacitor either directly or through a low

Jackson Model 710 to test your rectifiers. A sim-

value resistor Unplug the radio, wait for the filter

ple test of the fonward voltage drop and reverse

capacitor to discharge, and connect a 1N4005 or

l e a k a g e is m o r e t h a n e n o u g h to d e t e r m i n e if a

equivalent silicon rectifier directly across the s e -

rectifier is still serviceable. An e a s y and effective w a y to test a rectifier is to p a s s its rated current ^ r o u g h it a n d m e a s u r e t h e v o l t a g e drop a c r o s s it. rou can obtain the current from an adjustable 0 ro 24-volt b e n c h p o w e r s u p p l y . C o n n e c t a 2 5 -

lenium. B e careful to match the polarity and attach the banded cathode end of tfie silicon rectifier to the + side of the s e l e n i u m , w h i c h is, in turn, connected to the first filter capacitor Apply power
(Continued on following page)




rectifier is excessively leaky and the test should be terminated. A period of several

·8 P U T E S -- --

minutes to several hours m a y be required

"6 P L M E S -- --

while the leakage current drops to allow the

rectifier to form. Watch for the rectifier leak-


a g e to drop bel ow 5 0 m i c r o a m p s . If it n e v e r does, the rectifier should be replaced.




To replace a selenium rectifier you could

put in an exact duplicate. T h e s e a r e available

but n e w o n e s a r e v e r y e x p e n s i v e . If y o u h a v e

them, old stock replacement rectifiers should



be tested to s e e if they a r e still functional. Unless there is a special reason for keeping



O 00 o>

:x] CO PO

:x] m


the radio exactly a s built, like maintaining the originality of a s pec i al collectors radio, the best substitute is a silicon rectifier diode. These diodes make excellent replacements but do not have quite the s a m e cfiaracteristics a s the

mm m

original rectifier Simply dropping in a silicon

II ' ^ ' ^ _ II II II


diode will frequently work, but in many c a s e s a series resistor should be added to maintain the B+ supply voltage at the proper level.

^ O) CJ M pOOCn

In choosing a suitable replacement, any common diode like a 1N4005 will work. T h e s e


400MA '

diodes can safely pass 1 ampere and block 600 volts. T h e s e characteristics are far better than any small selenium rectifier and the

silicon diode can be bought for a few cents.


H W t/) (/)


T h e only thing left to do is to add a small amount of resistance to m a k e up for the lower forward resistance of the silicon diode. A small

6-plate selenium rectifier rated at 150 milliam-

peres, common in many small radios, has about

Figure 5. A liandy scale for estimating thie current 8 to 15 o h m s of d y n a m i c r e s i s t a n c e . B y adding

rating of a selenium rectifier

a 10-ohm, 2-watt resistor in series with a sili-

con diode, you can approximate the character-

(Selenium Rectifiers, continued)

istics of the s e l e n i u m that y o u r e p l a c e . Even with the 10-ohm resistor, the fora/ard

to the radio, a n d m e a s u r e t h e B + s u p p l y a g a i n . If

voltage drop will be several volts lower for a

the supply voltage has increased by more than

silicon diode replacement. An almost perfect

10 volts, then the selenium rectifier should be

match for a 6-plate rectifier can be made by


connecting 5 silicon diodes in series along with

If t h e rectifier p a s s e s the fonward v ol t age test,

the 10-ohm resistor This arrangement is almost

then the reverse leakage test should be done.

n e v e r n e c e s s a r y , but it is a v e r y c l o s e substitute

C o n n e c t the rectifier to the test setup in the oppo-

for critical applications like bias supplies.

site direction. Apply power and slowly run the

After you replace the rectifier, be sure to be

control up until you have about 24 volts across

aware that the old electrolytic filter capacitor may

the rectifier A large single-plate rectifier like the

not stand up to the strain of the higher voltage

battery charging type in Figure 1 may normally

p r o d u c e d by a n e w silicon rectifier It w o u l d be

p a s s s e v e r a l tens of milliamps.

best to bring up the voltage slowly using a vari-

S m a l l e r 6-plate rectifiers typically found in radi-

a b l e t r a n s f o r m e r a n d reform the c a p a c i t o r . If the

o s should h a v e l e s s than 2 0 0 m i c r o a m p s of initial

radio h a s not been in use for a long time, the

l e a k a g e . If t h e c u r r e n t is h i g h e r it m e a n s that the

electrolytic will probably h a v e to be replaced too.




120 volt to 35 volt


Figure 6. A sctiematic diagram of a selenium 22

rectifier tester tliat you can



Troubleshooting selenium rectifier circuits Is simple once you know how they work and how they fail. A selenium rectifier is a simple but elegant device that continues to s e r v e the industry in older equipment. Like so many other things in the electronics industry, improvements and a d v a n c e s in device manufacture lead to better components. Transistors replaced tubes; silicon devices replaced tubes and other metallic rectifiers. Even though many of the s el eni um rectifiers have aged to the point of failure, the radios that they powered c a n live on with modern components.


Federal Selenium Rectifier Handbook, 2nd Edition.

Federal Radio and Telephone Company, 1953.

International Rectifier Cartridge


lenuim Rectifiers, Data Sheet


International Rectifier Semiconductors


SR-900, 1 9 6 1

J a c k s o n , S t u a r t P Selection and Application of

IVIetallic Rectifiers. K/lcGraw-Hill, 1 9 5 7

fJletalllc Rectifier Ivtanual. B r a d l e y L a b o r a t o r i e s ,

Inc., 1954.

Radio's Master Reference and Buying, 18th Edi-

tion. U n i t e d C a t a l o g P u b l i s h e r s , I n c . , 1 9 5 4 .

Sarkes Tarzlan Selenium Rectifier


Guide, 1 9 5 4 .

Seletron Selenium Rectifiers Bulletin No. 104.

(Daniel Schoo, 526 Colonial Dr., DeKalb, IL 60115)

Daniel Schoo Is an electronics design engineer with a lifetime interest in antique technology, especially radio and television equipment. In addition to his collection of '30s and '40s radios and videocassette recorders, he has a collection of vintage vacuum tubes and neon lamps, as well as tube data books.

More on the Selenium Rectifier

B Y B L A K E M. D I B T Z E

Since selenium rectifiers are no longer readily available, the radio restorer must use a viable alternative. The replacement of a s e l e n i u m rectifier is usually achieved by substituting the selenium stack with a single silicon diode. The wiring diagram for a s e l e n i u m rectifier is s h o w n in Figure 1, and its equivalent circuit consisting of a diode and resistor is shown in the center of Figure 2.
D u e to the nature of the simple power supplies in which seleniums were used, the silicon diode substitute should have a Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) rating of at least 500 volts and a forward current carrying capability of 1 amp or better. My choice is the 1N4005 (600V PIV @1 amp) which is available at most electronic stores for less than a dollar. [The 2-ohm resistor i s added to approximate the internal resistance of the selenium rectifier.] T h e strip mounting method s h o w n at the bottom of Figure 3 is a clean and simple way to replace the failed s e l e n i u m rectifier. It i s not a good idea to bridge the new diode across the failed selenium, although I have seen many replacements performed this way.
One final note in closing; something probably c a u s e d the s e l e n i u m rectifier to fail. L o o k tor shorts in the power supply, notably the filter capacitors, and don't forget the safety rules that apply to working on power supplies, especially the A C / D C t j ^ e c h a s s i s w h e r e s e l e n i u m s are often found.
(Blake M. Dietze, 3201 Augusta Drive, Flower Mound, TX 75028)


Figure 1. Wiring diagram for a selenium rectifier


2 n Resistor

Figure 2. The equivalent circuit of a selenium rectifier


A C /N
/ · ·

T n r» r


O Qo



Figure 3. Terminal strip mounting of the silicon diode and resistor



"Radio Misceilanea" includes items of general interest selected from A.R.C. 's incoming correspondence, "in Tlie Marketplace" Items are based on information submitted by the businesses themselves. "From The Internet" items are obtained from internet newsgroups and other internet resources Submitted items should be verified for accuracy; Items may be edited by A.R.C. for publication, and publication is not guaranteed. See the masthead for more details.

More on the Arvin Rhythm Belle
Dear Editor: In response to Mr Lopes' "An/in Rhythm Mystery" in the June issue, I offer the following: I have an Arvin 617 Rhythm IVIaid. All five knobs are functional; there are no dummies. T h e functions are on/off, volume, tone, band, and tuning. A collector friend has a 1939 Fada 913, which is a huge 13-tube tombstone with six knobs on the front panel. Two of these are dummy knobs. John Pelham, Suwanee, GA
Prices With or Without Tubes
Dear Editor: Convention s e e m s to be that battery sets from the 1920s are priced without tubes. However, price guides such a s IVIarty and S u e Bunis' guide imply that the listed prices are for complete radios, including tubes. This can make a huge difference. For example, a Western Electric 7A amplifier lists for up to $500. T h i s amplifier uses three tennis ball-type Western Electric 216A tubes, which might run $100 each if functional. S o , the tubes alone are worth around half the listed price of the item! It s e e m s a s if spokesmen for the hobby, such as Antique Radio Classified, could do the hobby a sen/ice by helping to establish a consistent convention on this subject. Dave Gonshor Littleton, C O
Although establishing a consistent convention regarding tubes in battery sets is a good Idea, insuring that over 8,000 readers follow it is next to impossible. Our suggestion is to verify always with the seller whether or not tubes are Included, and whether they are good tubes or duds, before agreeing to a purchase.
Of course, all of the other issuesof mail-order buying should be clarified as well, such as set condition, operating status, who pays for packing, shipping and insurance, how the item will be packed, payment policy and refund/return policy Since these are usually discussed in a telephone call, make sure to restate In writing your understanding of the terms of the purchase when sending your payment (Editor)
Envies U.S. Radio Activities
Dear Editor Once again, I tell you how much I have enjoyed Antique Radio Classified. There are no such man/elous societies of classic radio lovers like yours in J a p a n . I am envious of your activities. I have twenty sets of classic radios with tubes, and repairing them is consuming my spare time. When I have the chance to visit the U. S . , I would like to find some of the shops that appear in your books and attend the meetings of some of the clubs. A. Mizote, Nara City, Japan
We're sure Mr Mizote will have an open invitation to all our radio activities when he visits the U. S. (Editor)

Strelow Tube Substitutes Work
Dear Editor: I finally built six of Gary Strelow's "tube substitutes that glow" a s described in the February 1996 A . R . C . and installed them in my Atwater Kent Model 33. It works beautifully. With the scarcity and high price of 01-A tubes and power supplies, Strelow's substitutes are a great innovation, making operation of these radio gems feasible. All the parts I used came from Radio Shack. The only change I made was to eliminate the lamp socket and solder directly to the lamp. I showed the result to the Radio Shack manager, and he was excited about it. Of course, we had to rig an antenna because he had none in his shop. Alton A. DuBois, Queensbury, NY
In the Marketplace
Sonoran Publishing announces the availability of a new computer program called Tubedata. This is the most comprehensive listing of vacuum tubes and data ever produced, covering over 25,000 tube types from the U. S . , Canada, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Russia, and other countries. Both receiving and transmitting tubes are included, ranging from antique to modern, with military and foreign designations a s well. This is an ideal aid for tube collectors, circuit designers, historians, and anyone making tube substitutions in vacuum tube equipment. Tubedata retails for $39.95 and is supplied on a S'/z" diskette for IBM compatible computers. Check with A . R . C . and other dealers forthis Sonoran product.
Common Courtesy-
Dear Editor:
Maybe you could mention something about people calling asking you to hold an item and then not following through. Thanks.
Michael Grain, Han/eys Lake, PA The other side of this coin Is people agreeing to sell you an item and then reneging on the deaf In both cases. If common courtesy prevailed, collecting would be even more enjoyable. (Editor)
Good Services in A.R.C.
Dear Editor: I just wanted to let you and your other subscribers know that I purchased some test equipment from Boca Electro Magnetic Labs, one of your advertisers. The equipment, sen/ice, and price were all excellent. I also did some business with Wendell Hall through your classfieds. His calibration on my Hickok tube tester w a s excellent and his information very helpful. I would recommend both of these businesses to any subscriber who wants honest sen/ice and fair prices. I am a new subscriber and want you to know that I enjoy your magazine. Mike Piskunoff, Olmsted, OH

WANTED: WWII J a p a n e s e military radio of any kind; anything WWII Japanese hardware, aircraft related. Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 011-8145-301-8069. E-mail: takadoi@kk.iij4u.or.jp
WANTED: Plastic cylinderstation band for ZenithTransOceanic 7000, Chassis No. 182T40Z3. Bruce Ralg, 10005 Bay Pines Blvd. #642, St. Petersburg, F L 33708. (813) 398-0966
WANTED: U H F channel selector knob (P/N X-4020705-0) for Sony T V Model TV-121 a 1979 12" B&W. Write: Earl Friedman, 27 N.E. 5th Ave., Hialeah, F L 33010-5014. (305) 884-2175, answering machine
WANTED: Amateur Radio Handbooks, 1950 and back. I have to trade Aduls New Electric Library, 12 books printed in 1935, very good cond. Industrial Training Institute of Chicago, 60 lessons in three hardbook covers. This covers complete radio. Have other books on radio. A.R. Terry, R R # 3, Box 19, Ellington, MO 63638. (573) 663-7935. E-mail: Terrye3@juno.com
WANTED: Zenith T-Os, Royal 7000 and military tube models. Buy or trade for tube audio equipment. B. Brown, 26315 486th Ave., Valley Springs, SD 570687308. (605) 582-6762
WANTED: Allen brand radio ( a s in Bunis 3, p. 22), external condition most important. Dale B. Allen, 606 Third St., Hemdon, VA 20170. (703) 904-9895. E-mail: radiodale@dclink.com
WANTED: Any factory advertising, manuals for Midwest Radio, Munston 1510 signal generator. George Harris, 3212 36th St., Lubbock, T X 79413. (806) 799-2589. E mail: gharris@juno.com
WANTED: Mini-tombstones from 1930s. Randy Giles, 4020 San Ardo Cove, San Diego, CA 92130. (619) 7927376 Fax: (619) 794-7682
WANTED: Crystal sets. Crystal detectors or crystal set literature, top dollar paid. Hal Kravig, 2615 Juneway Dr., Memphis, TN 38134. (901) 388-2857 Fax: (901) 3885102
WANTED: Headphones, very serious money paid for select sets. Send your list. Include prices, appearance. Specify if working. Bob S u k o s k y , 62 Strong St., Manchester, C T 06040
WANTED: Mcintosh: tube amps, all tuners, parts, cabinets, whole systems; factory 15" Karlson Karlsonite cabinets; Thorens 124, Garrard 301, Linn turntables, Altec VOTcabinets, 604 B, C, factory cabs. Walt Fleming, 182 Plain Hill R d . , Nonwich, C T 0 6 3 6 0 . (860)889-1957 9p^n E S T best
WANTED: Old reflection/mirror television. Fair to poor condition O K if priced accordingly. Also instructions, documentation, etc. for Supreme Model 85 tube tester Julian Brook, PO Box 130307 Birmingham, AL 35213. (205) 879-1191 Fax: (205) 870-9255

WANTED: Tube hi-fi/commercial amps, preamps, mixers, compressors, tuners, etc. Altec, Mcintosh, Marantz, IPC, Ampex, Leak, Fisher, Scott, Dynaco, Western Electric. Sonny Goldson, 1413 Magnolia Ln., Midwest City, OK 73110. (405) 737-3312. Fax: (405) 737-3355
WANTED: Football helmet radios of the N.F.L. I am looking for New York Jets, New York Giants, Phila. Eagles and S a n Diego Chargers only. I'll pay top $ and won't squawk. Scottie McElroy, KC5MTM, 2309 Driftwood, Apt. 1007 Mesquite, T X 75150. (972) 2796138, anytime


A . R . C . Advertising Policy



Sellers and Buyers, Please Note!


· Advertising is accepted only for early items ·

I related to radio, communication, etc. All I

I items must be described fairly; reproduc- J

· tions, reprints and not-original items must be ·

I so identified. Advertisers must agree to re- ·

· spend promptly to inquiries and orders, to *

· resolve problems promptly if the buyer is not ·

I satisfied, and to comply with a buyer's ·

I refund request on unaltered returned items. .

WANTED: At Rochester show in September. Bendix 115 or 114, Belmont 6D111 1950's Crosleys like 10135, 11-101U, 11-115U, D-25-E, Detrola (Super) Pee Wee,Philco49-501 Steriing Deluxe, SonoraSonorette, cracked, chipped or good Catalin/beetle/Plaskon radios, Japanese pocket tube radios, reverse plastic Japanese transistors like Zephyr, Crown, Global, and chrome jukebox remote units. Will purchase outright, but would prefertotrade my early wooden setslikeClapp-Eastham, Crosley, Stromberg-Carison, old 3-dialers and home brews. Also have many early tubes and literature for sale or trade. You won't be disappointed. Look for the Radio Orphanage sign. See you there! Bruce Phillips, 127 Bunker Hill Ave., Stratham, NH 03885. (603) 7727516, after 5 pm
WANTED: Rider books: Sen/icing by Signal Tracing; Servicing Superheterodynes, etc. Army TM's on Synchros & Selsyns, Servicing hydraulic equipment, etc. Bill Johnston, K5ZI, Box 370, White Sands, NM 88002. (505) 382-7804
WANTED: NBC chimes on wooden board, Marconi radios, advertising & related items. Barry A. Janov, 2454 Dempster St., Suite 416, Des Plaines, IL 60016. (847) 827-9100
WANTED: Small transistor reel-to-reel tape recorders & T R mics from 50s/60s. Bob Davidson, 310 Main St., Concord, MA 01742. (508) 369-2007
WANTED: Mint condition: Hallicrafters S-120; Zenith Y 6 0 0 L T - O , leather need not be working; Sony T R - 7 1 4 , grey. Jeff Wayne, 61 Allendale Dr., North Haven, C T 06473. (203) 281-6038. E-mail: wayne4@snet.net


F O R S A L E : C o p i e s of pamphlets: C a r e and Straightening of Warped Records - $10. VOM & V T V M Usage 101 Ways - $10. Tube Substitution Guide - $5. Radio Hookups 100 (1923) - $10. Radio Set Analyzer Usage (1931) - $10. Radio Stations and Stars of 1933 - $10. Sams Dial Restringing Guides DC1 - $15; DC2, DC4, DC6, DCS - $10 ea. Sams TP1 Radio Tube Replacement Guide (1938-1948) 1880 sets - $20. Profitable Transistor Radio Service by Motorola - $10. 1924 Course Practice and Theory of Modern Radio, 20 Lessons - $30. Radio Dial Belt Guide - $10. Plus shipping. Book list send L S A S E w/55(S postage. J . J . Papovich, 53 Magnolia Ave., Pitman, NJ 08071 (609) 582-8279. E-mail: jjpapo@juno.com

F O R S A L E / T R A D E : Morse keys; unique collection of (105) keys: British, American, Russian, German, Japanese, Czech; various types, straight, two-lever paddle, bug, W.T 8 amp - offers or trade early Marconi gear Jim Taylor, G 4 E R U , No. 5, Luther Rd., Winton, Bournemouth, England BH9 1LH. Tel/fax: -1-44-1202510400
FOR S A L E : Send for list. Radio books, test equipment, 40s and 50s radios. S A S E please. Specify which list. Robert J . Stone, 721 Fisk Street, Piqua, OH 453563729

FOR S A L E : Magnavox horn s p e a k e r - $ 1 0 0 . Victor VV VI oak - $200, mahogany - $260, Midwest 18 tube, needs restored - $135. Mac tuner - $450. Victor credenza, brass reproducer - $850. Phiico 20 - $225. E V S R O 15 - BO. Busy Bee grand hom - $125. RADA no tube sockets - $150. (2) N.I.B. R C A 211s - $150. WANTED: Cards for Hickock automatic tube tester, craneforTriumph "D" 1 - to 3-tube radios. Mike Fletcher, 1204 Cedar St., Niles, Ml 49120. (616) 684-2174

FOR S A L E : My personal super delux Zenith TransOceanic Model R600 chassis 6R40, original schematic, instruction and log manuals, cosmetic excellent, worked when put away years ago, now with broken dial cord and no B+ - B O . Also stack of 1950 vintage radio and T V news magazines. Frank Thomas, PO Box 3271, Bristol, TN 37625. (423) 764-9725
FOR S A L E : Books. We'll be at AWA Rochester this September, indoors opposite the auction room. Frank Bequaert, Rainy Day Books, PO Box 775, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447 (603)585-3448
FOR S A L E : Amateur, S W L , stereo, test equipment, manuals, parts, l i s t - $ 1 and S A S E . Joseph Bedlovies, PO Box 139, Stratford, C T 06497
H o w to M a k e A
Neutrodpie Receiver
hy FF Wehb
j Inexpensive reprint of 1925 how-
ito booklet on building, adjusting and using a neutrodyne receiver. Includes details on winding the "neutroformers" assembling the set, neutral' izing it, troubleshooting and more. 5x7 softcover 64 pages only $7.95 postpaid · Be sure to request a free catalog of unusual technical reprints. A l l books guaranteed! Visa 6?MC
Lindsay Publications
PO Box 538-WH5, Bradley IL 60915-0538
www.keynet.net/~lindsay fax 815/935-5477

F O R S A L E : Atwater Kent 84 cathedral, all onginal, plays - $375. Seaburg 100 O-matic chrome jukebox selector- $400. The Hallicrafters S-41 w/ cream, nice, p l a y s - $ 1 3 5 . K M - A C K - R O S T 8" all chrome fan, excellent - $150. Polar cub 6" fan, green - $75. Cardinal 9" fan, nice - $100. Barber Coleman Co. 10" 2-blade, Bakelite base & motor - $85. Will trade fans for radios. Buissy B 8" 2blade, all black, eady - $100, for jukebox or radio. Wall loudspeaker MI-12414 R C A wood wall speaker 14" x 18" x at top 6" deep bottom, 4" slant front 50" cord, finish nice - $200. T h o m a s Edison s m a l l round battery oil bottle, 4 1/2 tall - $ 2 5 . If included other item. Torpedo red and white $100. (3) 12" brass elect, fans, will trade fans for radios. Edison Mabry, 715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (419) 526-1175
FOR S A L E : Books for radio people. Paul W a s h a , 4916 Three Points Blvd., Mound, MN 55364-1245
FOR S A L E : Crystal radio book with color photos of 74 models, novelties, rockets, and pocket sets from 1929 to 1966, many shown with original boxes, with price guide. Title: Toy Crystal Radios - $19.95 includes postage. Eric Wrobbel, Dept. A, 20802 Exhibit Ct., Woodland Hills, C A 91367 (818) 884-2282
FOR S A L E : Zenith wood table 6D630, not working, knobs warped - $40. Zenith plastic table H-724, looks, works good - $25. Silver-Marshall Model 30, console chassis & speaker, untried, spkr needs reconed - $60. Plus shipping. Raymond Humphreys, 904 Jackson, Macon, MO 63552. (816) 385-2821
FOR S A L E : Tubes, new and used: TV, radio, W E , N.E. Also, some radios. Gall weekends. Pete Raidt, 45 Maria St., Clinton, Ontario, C a n a d a NOM 1L0. (519) 482-7920
FOR S A L E : Electronic and technical military manuals for sale. Basic electricity, basic electronics, antenna theory and mechanical books. Write or call for listing: Art's Book Worid, Inc., 6822 22nd Ave. N, Ste. 175, St. Petersburg, FL 33710. (813) 525-4880; 1-888-414B O O K , toll free. E-mail: abw@ix.netcom.com; http:// artsbookworld.com


WANTED: J a p a n e s e - m a d e tube portable radios but no g(jn battery compartment; Japanese-made early type
transistor radios like Crown, N E C , Koyo, Sony, Mitsubishi, and so on. Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 011-8145-3018069. E-mail: taka-doi@kk.iij4u.orip
WANTED: Hi-fi/theatre/commercial speakers, corner speakers, coax/triax. Altec, Western Electric, ElectroVoice, JBL, Tannoy, Goodmans, Jensen, RCA (LC/A). Driver's, horns, woofers, crossovers, parts, etc. Sonny Goldson, 1413 Magnolia Ln., Midwest City, OK 73110. (405) 737-3312. Fax: (405) 737-3355
WANTED: Looking to build missing power supply section for National Carbon Everready Model 2. C a n anyone supply me the component values? Also looking for pointer/cable assembly for Phiico 41230 and metal dial e s c u t c h e o n for Phiico 570. Tony Herzing, 402 Walnut St., Ridgeway, PA 15853. (814) 772-5256
WANTED: Hallicrafters R46, R46B speakers, S38, and the cover only for S X 1 0 0 S meter H.I. Stark, K9UBL, 3215 S . Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46217 (317) 7881210
WANTED: Emerson BA-199, original, no cracks, with back (Bunis 4, p. 80). Karen McCoy, 8104 N.W. 114th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73162. (405) 722-0595
It h a s If y o u r m a i l i n g l a b e l r e a d s "EXP=SEP97" or earlier. Renew now!
BONUS: Renew before your "EXP" month and receive 13 issues per year instead of 12!
Renewal rates are: $38.95 for Periodicals Mailing $55.95 for First-Class Mailing (Two-year renewals are twice above rates.)
WANTED: National NC-98TS, NC-125TS, and NTS-1 speakers. Gene Williams, 2184 E, Linker Rd., Columbia City, IN 46725. (219) 691-2323
WANTED: R C A Type UV-201A or Cunningham Type C-301A tubes. Seeking composition base, short pins. Dennis Craft, 10513 E. Clinton, Scottsdale, AZ 85259. (g0g)j60-8951 after5pmMST
WANTED: Original advertisement, owners manual and dial face for Stromberg-Carison 231 - F radio. Joseph Di Caro, 4155 Lastrada Hts., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada l £ £ 3 y i (905)848-7759
WANTED: White's Radio Log, Broadcasting Yearbook, other radio station lists before 1980 (including Pnotocopies). Ralph Marson, 8070 Busch, Centeriine, lyijgOlS. (810) 754-3808
WANTED: Atwater Kent Model 6 0 C chassis with speaker, also Zenith Model 7 S 363 push buttons. John Humphries, 233 Lofton Rd., Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 (540) 337-2566

'Unquestionably the most comprehensive
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FOR S A L E : Listen to those 78 records in style with a commercial type 3-speed portable phonograph w/8" speaker, power transformer power supply - $50 plus shipping. J . J . Papovich, 53 Magnolia Ave., Pitman, NJ 08071 (609) 582-8279. E-mail: jjpapo@juno.com
FOR S A L E : Speakers & radios from the 1920s. Send for list. S A S E please. Robert J . Stone, 721 Fisk St., Piqua, OH 45356-3729
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters radio Model S38, works OK $65, Hallicrafters radio Model S-38E - $60. Phiico radio Model 40-115 - $40. Radiola Model 100, speaker tapestry good - $65. Jackson Model 648-1 tube tester, works and roll chart good - $40. Acme Electric Corp. isolation trans, with A C meter - $15. Sencore color bar generator Model C G 1 2 6 , w o r k s - $ 1 5 . (6) rolls Silvertone recording wire, 7,500 ft. per roll - $10 e a . roll. S a m s Photofacts misc. Numbers 902 through 1377 - $35 for all. Plus shipping on all things. Don Chandler, Don's Electronics, 907 W. 15th, Lexington, NE 68850. (308) 324-3301
FOR S A L E : Used 807 tubes, tested and guaranteed $5ea.plus$3 priority mail. J a m e s T Schliestett, W4IMQ, PO Box 93, Cedartown, GA 30125. (770) 748-5968. Email: imq@bellsouth.net
FOR SALE: Transistors: Realtone Comet TR-1088 (cover M.I.J.) black. Universal PTR-62B, aqua with original case, box, paperwork, etc. Vista (like Fleetwood in M.I.J, p. 6 7 ) , red with c a s e . Mike Sullivan, 2 1 2 Beechwood Ln., Coppell, T X 75019. (972) 393-5084
FOR S A L E : Zenith radios. Send for list. S A S E please. Robert J . Stone, 721 Fisk St., Piqua, OH 45356-3729
FOR S A L E : Transistorized Zenith Trans-Oceanic Model 3001, excellent condition, charts and A C adapter included, asking - $13^. Hank Trabold, 2058 Nakiska Ct., Toms River NJ 08755. (908) 244-2345. E-mail: trabold@exit109.com
Coming to AWA?
Vintage Radio Emporium is selling everything
(by appointment only)
September lst-5th, 1 9 9 7
Located at 97 Edinburgh Street Rochester, NY 14608
Tel. (716) 546-6383 or, Fax (716) 454-5067
Sorry to say, thai after 50 years of ' sales and service, "it's quittin' time." \
An accumulation of early battery & AC sets, TV sets from 1959-, TV picture tubes, manuals, signs and all that's necessary for a repair shop, must go. 1928 player piano & 200+ single play r o l l s .

FOR S A L E : Gecophone BC3000, one-tube s e t - $650. Adey one-tube suitcase radio-$450. B.T.H. one-tube amplifier-$375.B.T.H, twin crystal s e t - $ 4 5 0 . Steriing 3-tube R1589A open panel set. Rare Pure Oil Co. 5tube doll's house radio, 1 9 3 4 - $ 6 5 0 . Amplion A R 1 9 oak petal hom, superb - $850. Jim Taylor, G 4 E R U , No. 5, Luther Rd., Winton, Bournemouth, United Kingdom BH9 1LH. Tel/fax: -r44-1202-510400
FOR S A L E : Used globe tubes: R C A Radiotron 82 & UX-281 Cunningham X-32,301 A, 310, all for-$75 incl. U P S . H. Andreoni, c/o 250-D So. Lyon Ave., Hemet, CA 92543
FOR S A L E : Test equipment Sensitive Research Corporation universal measuring test set Model U T S #501546 circa 1954 large (18.5 x 25") with leads and instructions, oak case, e x c but no handle, 50 lb. shipping weight! - $ 1 5 0 . Accurate Instrument Co. transistor radio tester Model 158 with probes, exc condition, 1950's $100, add estimated U P S . P R Novelty, PO Box 140, Milwaukee, Wl 53201
FOR S A L E : One tube, Montgomery Ward, T R I City mtg. radio; two tube Pfanstiehl, Seria! #36, same a s Montgomery Ward P2; AK Mode! 3925, coupled circuit tuner variometer, 2-tube detector-amplifier; A K 10C, restored; Ace V Crosley; Westinghouse RA receiver tuner and DA detector/amplifier; Montgomery Ward Airiine J r 1-tube, with repro instr. book, Airiine 201A tube, Airiine headset; A K Model 30, with tubes; Zenith 6S532, 1941 refinished; Fada 1000 bullet, wine with butterscotch trim and handle; Fada table piastic Model 740, wht, small stress line on grille; Automatic B44 Tom Thumb metal bike radio, 1949; Phiico Jr. 80, black; Grantline 502, 1947 wht Art Deco table radio; Utah metal speaker' Sonochorde spkr, needs paint touch up; RCA 103 spkr, original cover, siight tear WANTED: Emerson Strad; Emerson Patriot; Western Electric radio; prefer trade for items listed above. All work & plus S&H. Send S A S E for list of early radio books or contact via email. Dan Clayton, 12441 Coconut Creek Ct., Fort Myers, F L 33908. (941) 466-6644. E-mail: dpclayton@aoi.com
FOR S A L E : Beginner's radio repair guides, charts and repair information. Send S A S E for list. Charies Ahr, 2291 Sylved Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45238
FOR S A L E : Victor Victrola 1-1 excellent original finish and condition - $265. John Poore, 1120 Driftwood Dr., Lincoln, NE 68510. (402) 489-8648
FOR S A L E : Sparton Bluebird - $ 3 , 0 0 0 . Federal Mod 59 - $1 100. Both excellent - call. Mike Greene, 19113 Alpenglow Ln., Brookevilie, MD 20833. (301) 774-3203
W e stock more than 1,000 types of New Old Stock vacuum tubes including scarce G types. Also selected used tubes. Write for latest price list.
ANTIQUE TRIODE 653 Commercial St., Farnham, NY 14061
Fax 716-549-3823


M/ANTED: Japanese Koyo-made subminiature tube Dortable radios; Japanese-made early type transistor radios Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 011-8145-301-8069. Eniaii: taka-doi@kk.iii4u.or.ip
WANTED: Mics: Shure 705, CR88, CR80, 520/440, 707A EV638/641/605. Astatic T-3. Also parts & elements. Tom Ellis, PO Box 140093, Dallas, T X 75214. (214) 328-3225. F a x (214) 328-4217 E-mail: 74053.3164@Compuserve.com
WANTED: Paying $$$ for Art Deco style sets 19301940s, especially with chrome or metal grilles, trim. Adam Schooisky, 15149 S.W. Cabernet Dr., Tigard, OR 97224. (505) 579-1080. Email: Adam@ArtDeco.com, http://www.ArtDeco.com
WANTED: Hallicrafters S-29 or S-39. Would pay $100 for complete radio. Bill Gustavson, 1819 Green T r e e Ln., Duncanville, T X 75137 (214) 981-3310, work
WANTED: FisherSOO gold faceplate, antenna assembly, operating manual. Sansui 500 antenna assembly. Soterios Gardiakos, 63 S. Broadway Ave., Aurora, !L 60505-3325. (630) 844-0590. Fax: (630) 844-0591
WANTED: Radio mail order catalogs from 1930 to 1959 for Allied, Lafayette, Radoiek, Bursteen-Appiebee, Montgomery Ward, others. I pay top dollar for catalogs I don't have. Also buying any radio product line brochures for brand names or off brands. Tell what you have! Mark V. Stein, 2109 Caterdale Rd., Baltimore, MD 21209. Fax: (410) 466-0815. E-mail: radioman@crosslink.net

WANTED: Old guitars/guitar amps, effects pedals. Vox, Gibson, Gretsch, Rickenbacker, Fender, Univibe, Fuzzface, Selmer, Marshall. Sonny Goldson, 1413 Magnolia Ln., Midwest City, OK 73110. (405) 737-3312. Fax: (405) 737-3355
WANTED: Phiico 54C, excellent condition and original finish. Jacob Voelker, 144 Concord St., Indiana, PA 15701. (412) 463-6474
WANTED: Chassis punches, any round sizes. Buying alum, chassis various sizes. Byron Tatum, WA5THJ, Rt. 9, Box 163, Aivin, T X 77511 (713) 331 -2956
WANTED: Motorola T V s VT-105, 12VF4, G E Models 800, 803. Michael Storey, 412 10A St. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1W8. (403) 283-3746
WANTED: Juvenile books Walter and the Wireless and Billy Whiskers and the Radio. Robert Stapleford, 1800 S.W. Randolph Ave., Topeka, K S 66604-3158
WANTED: Electron tubes, ball bearings, radio & aircraft receivers & transmitters, connectors, lamps, relays, switches, breakers. Hy Ness Company, 709B Delair Rd., Cranbury, NJ 08512-4212. Phone: (609) 3951116. Fax: (609) 395-1117
WANTED: Emerson 707-B, red only. Clint Miller, 1604 N. Harrison St., Little Rock, A R 72207 (501) 664-8424
WANTED: Need a copy of "His Master's Voice in America." John Pisarski, 114 Evans Rd., Norristown, PA 19403. (610) 539-0756
WANTED: Freed-Eisemann B C - S W circa 1937 dial glass measures 3 1 /8" round. Lee Baumlin, 129 Azalea Dr., Hanwich, MA 02645. (508) 430-0197
WANTED: Old microphones, AM/FM Bakelite radios, Firestone 4-A-12, Aircastle WEU-262, etc. Deco Bakelite radios. Motorola 41 A, Fada 263, etc. Steve Puryea, 1310 Osprey Ave., Oriando, FL32803. (407) 894-7743

A. G . T a n n e n b a u m
Electronic Service Data
PO Box 386, Ambler, PA 19002 Phone: (215) 540-8055 Fax: (215) 540-8327
FOR Vintage Parts & Service Data
1920's - Present
Free Catalog Credit Cards Welcome
B r o w s e our web page at www.agtannenbaum.com

$20 per yard (51" x 36") for any quantity of yards of these patterns: #15,16A, 17,19A, 20, 2 1 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 until gone.
$15 per yard for #11 until sold out.
4 ] \ e w Patterns!
#30 and 3 1 are not wliat I expected so I'm selling them cheap to recover my costs - S 1 2 /
yard! (36" x 44"). (If you can use a low cost generic look, this works.) #32 is a rust-colored Phiico 90 type pattern for late 30's Zenith. #33
is for Buddy Boy, Kennedy tombstone and Temple speaker, and others.
Send 550 LSASE (4"xl0") for full set of samples.
S E A F O R D , N Y 11783 (516) 781-6202 ( E V E N I N G S A V K - E N D S )


FOR S A L E : S a m s Photofacts for Automotive Radio's, many 1950s types, send S A S E tor large list. Zenith nice circa 1952 poster, full colorshows maroon A(^/FM clock radio and green AM clock radio, really nice condition $55. P R Novelty, PO Box 140, Milwaukee, Wl 53201
FOR S A L E : (2) Weston wood meters, 8 chan. video mixer & fader, Akai 2 chan. tape recorder, R C A laser discVLP F.H. Montgomery,505Congress,#710, Havre de Grace, MD 21078-3043. (410) 939-2099
FOR S A L E : 1946 Packard Bell console. Model 1391, phono/radio recorder with microphone, manuals, blank records and much more, e x c - $ 2 5 0 . Norton Thompson, PO Box 422, Paonia, CO 81428
FOR S A L E : Used t u b e s - $ 1 ea. 1V 1 C 7 G , 6 K 7 , 6 Q 7 6D6, 6CD6, 6A4LA, 78,1626. James 8. Looney, Rt. 1 Box 54, Grundy, VA 24614. (540) 531-8677

FOR S A L E : (1) set of (8) Goldenvoice speakers: (2) 12" (2) 5 1/2" (4) 3 1/2" - $ 5 0 -1- S / H . (1) Sencore P S , 148 working with manual, no probe - $50 + S / H . (1) Feiler electronic stethoscope, looks nice, untested $25 -I- S/H. Carlos Gimenez, 15091 Shamrock Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33912. (941) 482-0198
FOR S A L E : Thousands of tested tubes w/warranty! Buy xmit, rec or audio spare tubes for your unit. Tubes are used, tested at about 1/3 of new, many are around $1 Bunches of octal, 7- and 9-pin tubes. All tubes are tested on TV-7D/U tester and then boxed. 30-day replacement or refund warranty. Send wants or S A S E with two stamps for list. S E R V I C E S : Repair/calibration of T V - 7 tube testers. Contact tor arrangements. Repair starts at $45 + U-pay shipping. Daniel Nelson, 1025 E. Desert Ln., Phoenix, AZ 85040. (602) 243-7421 machine/evenings. E-mail: djn@goodnet.com

FOR S A L E : Stromberg-Carison 30-watt A-432, hi-fi control center, (2) 12AX7 6 0 B A , 6L4, 5 T 4 , Z7027 not tested - $50 plus postage. Elmer H. Jorgensen, 3535 E . Cook Lot 181 Springfield, IL 62703
FOR S A L E : Victor Model R E 57 radio, phonograph, recorder w/microphone, fancy tonearm - $500. Jim Allen, 420 S. 46th, Lincoln, NE 68510
FOR SALE: N.O.S. knobs, G R R - G R C Series, R-392, etc. - $1.25 e a . or $5/5 $3 S&H. John Eickhof, PO Box 258, Wendell, ID 83355
FOR S A L E : Replacement castings forautomatic Victrola phonograph mechanisms: Models 10-50,51 70 and 955. Charlie Weatherbee, 2120 The Crescent, Clermont, FL 34711 E-mail: wd4cgx@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Garage sale: radios, laboratory test equipment, books, tubes, parts, ham gear By appointment. C a s h and carry. Stuart T Carter, II, W4NHC, 680 Femwood Dr, Melbourne, F L 32904. (407) 727-3015

FOR S A L E : (3) curved glasses for DeWald 501 Model 51 - $125 each. Come to Rochester. G . F a a s s e n , Heideweg 1 5953 T L Reuver, Holland. Fax: 0031-77474-6683
FOR S A L E : Marconi crystal set, marked "Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.", No. 19394, in mahogany case. Photo, details. Alescander Koppen, Vintage Radio Apparatus, 197 Onslow Rd., Shenton Pk. 6008, West Australia, Ph/fax: 08-9381-6336. E-mail: atap@tempest.com.all
FOR S A L E : World 5-tube battery set, vg - $70. Crystal set in wood box - $55. Browning & Drake 4 R , vg, engraved panel - $95. Large 4- tube HB, cabinet very good - $50. Phiico 84 cathedral, plays - $85. Sonera hom speaker in cabinet, good - $ 5 5 . Crosley 5-50, slant front - $65. Hickock tester & VOM, metal box - $50. Crosley 51 with tubes - $85. Sylvania TR86, early transistor, playing - $18. Wally Worth, 2 W. Elm Ave., Wollaston, MA 02170. (617) 479-4512, please call before 9pm


FOR S A L E : Grundig TK45 tube type reel-to-reel tape recorder - BO. Robert Gerber 636 W. Wildrose, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. (619) 375-6912



Direct Interelectrode Capacitances: Grid to PUte (with tube ahield)


. .

U«Kimum Over-aU Leznth.

Muimum Diameter


Sylvania Tube Manual

FOR S A L E : Presto K10 record cutter - $245. Presto 7 5 A 1 6 " record cutter, port case, 1C 8 ohm head - $ 2 4 5 . Ampex 620 tape recorder & 622 speaker/amp, mono, Sampsonite cases, exc - $300. Ampex 601 7" mono tape recorder, needs work - $50. Ampex 620-2 7" stereo tape recorder, needs work - $75. Dytronics 242MML phase sensitive volt meter, manual - $50. Potter Blumfield octal plug-in relays, 6v D P D T (10) $10 ea. Alan C. Graves, PO Box 5469, Eugene, OR 97405. (541) 345-3991

Complete reprint of the 1937 Sylvania Technical Manual. Complete details on S T tubes as w e l l as the new metal octals. A l s o references to earlier tubes such o i A , 2A5 12A, many others and special tubes for Majestic sets. Sample schematics. Biasing tables. Valuable reference! Only $15.95 postpaid · Be sure to request a free catalog of unusual technical reprints. A l l books guaranteed! V i s a fe? M C
Lindsay Publications
P O Box 538-WH4, Bradley IL 60915-0538
www.keynet.net/~lindsay fax 815/935-5477

Electricity Telegraphy Telephony
Television Radio Wireless
Books and Literature
Bought and Sold
Send for our catalog
Old Authors
PO Box 403 Morrisburg ON Canada KOC 1X0 Tel: (613) 543-3337 Fax: (613) 543-2380 e-mail: authors@mor-net.on.ca


<r F R E E That's rightl We are that proud of our Rider's on CD set. Try them in the comfort of your own home ABSOLUTELY FREE. If you like them - keep them. If you don't - return them. It's that easy! 35,000 Pages At The Click of A Button! Easy & Fun To Use.
Volumes One through Twenty-three - Complete
Check Out These Exciting Features:
· View any page on your screen. · Print any page. · Zoom-in, zoom-out. · Flip tlirough pages with
lightning speed. · Go directly to any page. · Complete Rider indexes - included! · Rider updates - included! · Auto radios, records players &
changers - included!
Great For The Non-Technical Collector Too!
Identify unknown radios bv:
· Picture · Cabinet design · Tube layout · Chassis numbers · Production numbers
Don't Delay -- Order Today -- (210) 546-6913 Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express, or mail
check or money order in the amount of $249.00 to:
BPS, INC., 164 Winter Haven Brownsville, TX 78521

FOR S A L E : Electromagnetic radiation report, H A A R P G W E N , E L F - $5. H. Andreoni, c/o 250-D So. Lyon Ave., Hemet, CA 92543
FOR SALE: Parts Western Electric transistor N.O.S. circa 1959, original boxes marked "#2114" on transistor, boxes marked in pen "2114 yellow" - $10 e a . Carbon film resistors half watt size a s low a s - 6(6 ea., F P can capacitors - $3 ea. Send S A S E for lists. P R Novelty, PO Box 140, Milwaukee, Wl 53201
12:00 NOON ON T H E 10th O F E A C H MONTH
FOR S A L E : (185) 78 records, assorted big bands of 1930s, some 20s - $50 plus freight. David S . Kendall, 401 Himes, Huntington, IN 46750. (219) 356-5096. E mail: ke9wi@fwi.com
FOR S A L E : Have (6) Thomas Edison original phonograph records - Best Offer. Robert F. Fermazin, 26053 Highland Palm Dr, Homeland, CA 92548. (909) 926-3354
FOR S A L E : Bogen M0100 tube power amplifier, 100 watts, 2-6550 G E power tubes, exc cond. - $200. Mark Schackow, 307 4th Ave. E, Lemmon, S D 57638. (605) 374-3424
FOR S A L E : Ancient (30s-40s) neons, one-watt 110v size11/4-inch globe-$5ea.,$7.50fortwo etc. Request info. Charles Graham, 4 Fieldwood D r , Bedford Hills, NY 10507 (914)666-4523
FOR S A L E : (1) Eico 324 signal generator near mint $65 + S / H , (1) Weston Model 772 analyzer in oak case with all plugs, adapters, cables, etc. - $65 + S/H. Carlos Gimenez, 15091 Shamrock Dr., Fort Myers, F L 33912. (941) 482-0198

FOR S A L E : R C A radios. Send for list. S A S E please. Robert J . Stone, 721 Fisk St., Piqua, OH 45356-3729
FOR S A L E : (2) Phiico cat. Model 89 W T light and hum, refinished cabinet as is - $180 ea. + S/H. (1) Phiico cabinet Model 91 as found, fair $40 + S/H. (1) C B radio Bogen, not tested - $30 + S / H . (1) Columbia suitcase record player Model 512 - $35 + S/H. Carlos Gimenez, 15091 Shamrock Dr.,'Fort Myers, F L 33912. (941) 4820198
FOR S A L E : Atlas radio horn - $90. Emerson Model AX211 white, miniature - $55. Silvertone Model 7024, hums - $55. Emerson Model 336, plays - $45. Gary Nitkin, 102 Long Highway, Little Compton, Rl 02837 (401) 635-2816
FOR SALE: Books: Radios The Golden Age, Collins, hardcover-$23. Radio Redux, Collins, softcover-$15. Collecting Phonographs & Gramophones, hardcover$15. Gemsback's Radio Encyclopedia 1927 - $8. All above mint. T h e Cat's Whisker (50 Y e a r s of Wireless Design), Hill - $15. E x . Vintage Radio 1887-1929, McMahon - $10. Flick of the Switch, McMahon, f a i r $6. Add $2 shipping. Maureen Martin, 1407 Memory Ln., Lutz, FL 33549. (813) 949-1835
FOR S A L E : Atwater Kent, Model 32, receiving set, 7 tube, looks good! - $95. Bill De Vries, PO Box 376, Dixfield, ME 04224-0376. (207) 562-7066
FOR S A L E : Tube stereo recorders. Voice of Music 722, Lafayette RK-140 - $50 ea. plus shipping. Greg Jones, 26 Greenman Ave., Westerly, Rl 02891 (860) 5996104
FOR S A L E : Clean-out time. S a v e me the time to make lists, pack, run to U P S or post office - call, stop by. Buy cash. Sets, tubes N.O.S. and box lots. Sets, test eqpt., sen/ice manuals, magazines, parts, plus 1000's other items. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. F . Krantz, 100 O s a g e Ave., Somerdale, NJ 08083-1136. (609) 783-0400

New Jersey Antique Radio Club Antique Radio Swap Meet

Saturday, September 27, 8:00 AM -1:00 PM*


New Location:

National Guard Armory, Freehold N.J. ^

N J A R C p r e s e n t s its S u m m e r a l l - i n d o o r s w a p m e e t in a s p a c i o u s , n e w location with v e n d o r s displaying a spectrum of collectible old-time radios, military and civilian communication equipment, audio equipment, phonographs, and associated parts and literature. Convenient, ground level a c c e s s for vendors; s n a c k s are available. Buyer admission is $2.00 to help defer rental fee. E v e r y o n e is welcome! Reservations are required to guarantee a space. NOTE: Tables will not be provided; floor space is ample and clean.

D I R E C T I O N S : F r o m the North: N.J. Turnpike Exit 8A to Route 5 2 2 E a s t ; in Freehold, take Route 79 South for about 1 mile to B U S I N E S S R O U T E 3 3 (Park Ave.) E a s t - T h e Armory is about a block E a s t of Route 7 9 on B U S I N E S S R O U T E 3 3 . F r o m the S o u t h : N . J . Turnpike Exit 8 to Route 3 3 E a s t for about 10 miles; continue on B U S I N E S S R O U T E 33 (Park Ave.) through Freehold - T h e Armory is about a block E a s t of Route 7 9 on B U S I N E S S R O U T E 3 3 .

RATES: N i NJARC members $15/space; non-members $20/space.



Marv Beeferman, 2265 Emeralda Park Drive, Forked River j NJ 08731 (609-693-9430). James Whartenby, 120 W. Franklin I St., Bound Brook, NJ 08805 (908-271-7701)

'Vendors set up at 7:00; no early admittance!


WANTED: All microphones, cheapies OK, guitars, guitar amps effect, catalogues, etc. Alex Pepiak, 330 Third y\ve., Bellmawr, NJ 08031 E-mail: alpep@aol.com
WANTED: Black tuning knob for Silvertone 4500. Bob Turner 11632 Co. Rd. 48, Fairhope, AL 36532. (334) 928-0051 E-mail: RadioColl@aol.com
WANTED: Round dial glass and coverfor Phiico 38-38. HankTrabold, 2058 Nakiska Ct., Toms River, NJ 08755. (908) 244-2345. E-mail: trabold@exit109.com
WANTED: Chairside radios, poor condition sets OK. R J . Dial, 2709 Vista Diablo Ct., Pleasanton, CA 94566. (510) 426-1470
WANTED: Electron tubes, ball bearings, radio & aircraft receivers & transmitters, connectors, lamps, relays, switches, breakers. Hy Ness Company, 709B Delair Rd., Cranbury, NJ 08512-4212. (609) 395-1116. Fax: (609) 395-1117
WANTED: E L - 3 7 , N.O.S. or used; pre-recorded reel tapes; Talisman alchemist phono cartridge; unbuilt amp kits Bill South, 13101 Foster Rd., Anchorage, A K 99516 (907) 345-9006
WANTED: Hallicrafters portable radio TW-1200, and Grundig Ocean Boy 209, xint/mint only. Ed Kalpa, 4622 Melboume Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213) 6611221
WANTED: Turquoise Bulova 620, red Sony TR-63, German transistors, transistor components, related advertising. Rudi Herzog, PO Box 140 108, 30959 Hemmingen, Germany. Phone: 01149-5045-7464 Fax: Oil 49-5101-5100
WANTED: Top price paid for catalog of G P L broadcast television camera equipment of the 1950s. Also want GPL image orthicon camera, lenses, etc. Can arrange shipping. Andy Emmerson, G8PTH, 71 Falcutt Way, Northampton, NN2 8 P H , England. Fax: 011-44-1604821647 E-mail: midshires@cix.co.uk

WANTED: Crosley radios from 50's like D25, E 1 0 B E , E15TN, 11-104 and so on. Radio should be original, excellent condition and working. Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 0118145-301-8069. E-mail: taka-doi@kk.iij4u.or.)p
WANTED: Emerson Catalin radios. Would you believe that my mother's last request is that I gather every known example of this radio ever made. I guess she wanted me to suffer a long time. Please write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603)427-1384 WANTED: Dial glass Phiico 41-260. Bill Johnson, 34 Springlake PI. NW, Atlanta, G A 30318 WANTED: Knobs for Arvin 444. Need complete c h a s s i s (all tube shields, etc.) and speakers for the following: Phiico 57, Phiico 620, Atwater Kent 60 (no speaker needed for this one). Cabinets for RCA T61, Phiico 38-89 with intact photo finish. Coil winder. Ed Martin, 485 Benwood Hill Rd., Benwood, WV 26031-1336. E-mail: ebm@prodigy.net WANTED: For Airiine 62-357 console: whatever goes in center of the telephone dial ring. Chuck Regen, 2724 N. 27th St.. Sheboygan, Wl 53083 WANTED: Tuning knob for Crosley Model 11-114U radio. Erich von Gaertner 27808 Espinoza, Mission Viejo, CA 92692. (714) 859-7595 WANTED: Centralab replacement switch #K-157 Fred Cranshaw, 1624 Bitter Ck., Gariand, T X 75040. (972) 494-4099

WANTED: Pocket lighter(s) with radio station call letters ' W R A Y ' above microphone on the side. Randy Ray Massey, 20937 Indiana, Brownstown, Ml 48183

WANTED: Emerson Model 556 pictured, working or not. Richard W. Gleitz, 2390 Grandview Dr., York, PA 27403. E-mail: rgleitz@netrax.net
WANTED: Metal back for 10' Admiral Bakelite console television. Steve Cavell, 30144 Torry Ave., Flat Rock, M[48134. (313) 379-3254. E-mail: cavell@wdl.net
WANTED: E.H. Scott Laureate Grande Allwave 23, good chrome, tweeters, good cabinet, working?-$4,000. Robert Alexander, 20 Haycamp Rd., St. Paul, MN £5127 (612) 483-6177
WANTED: Bogen H010 audio amp any condition, has green chassis, Grommes 216BA with chrome chassis, and EICO HF52 integrated amp, any condition. Purchase or swap. Michael Payne, 803 S . Taylor, Alvin, T X 77511 (281)331-9217 Fax: (281 585-2727

WANTED: Stancortransformers PC8412 and PS8415. Also looking for Western Electric transformers and chokes. Michael Payne, 803 S. Taylor, Alvin, T X 77511 (281)331-9217 Fax:(281) 585-2727
WANTED: IC: LA5112N, (ECG1479), (SK9188) Sears part #46-13237-3. Bob Shenwood, 202 D St. S W , Miami, OK 74354. (918) 542-6058
WANTED: For plating operation: 12Vdc, 0-1OOA (or higher) power supply, 120 or 240 V A C . R. van Gaalen, 218 Sandpiper Portland, T X 78374. (512) 643-1589
WANTED: Crosley headphones, good or better condition. Jim Bollman, 3323 Eaton Rd., Williamson, NY 14589. (315) 589-8815. E-mail: bollman@wrc.xerox.com
WANTED: Payphones: three slot. Gray, Western Electric, Automatic Electric. I pay highest prices. Stanley Schreier, 350 Hendrickson Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563. (516) 887-4966. Fax: (516) 887-4780


FOR SALE: Consoles: Crosley 72CA, RCA's 111K, 17K, all play - $100 ea. Table: Zenith 7H820Z, G725 $45 ea. Bendix 0526A, 0526B - $60 ea. Sentinel 241T - $35. Phiico H765124 - $60. Chassis: Sentinel 68B136S, no speaker - $45. Clarion 280 lowboy 2 s p e a k e r s - $ 8 0 . B u z z Miller, 725 Mt. R o c k R d . , Carlisle, PA 17013. (717) 776-3279
FOR SALE: Zenith Trans-Oceanic 3000-1, working, has some pits and bubbles on c a s e - $100. J i m Montague, 1907 S . Stanley Ln., Spokane, WA 99212. (509) 535-9576
FOR S A L E : WWII aircraft radio collection. ARN-7 A P N - 1 , BC-348 and control boxes - $300 for all. Chris Cross, Box 94, McConnell, IL 61050. (815) 868-2323
FOR S A L E : National NC-1830, condition unknown $125, plus U P S , very heavy. Jack Shaymow, Vintique Electronics, 52-C Tilford, Deerfield Beach, F L 33442. (954) 427-1222
FOR SALEA'RADE: Restored Phiico 70-$395, plus S/H. Mark Murphy, 1400 Chicago Ave. #802, Evanston, IL 60201. (847) 328-5036
FOR S A L E : Astatic D-102 microphone with stand - $30 plus shipping. Floyd Paul, 1545 Raymond, Glendale, CA 91201 (818)242-8961
FOR S A L E : Audio and recording: Heathkit W4-AM, W5M amplifiers; SonyTC-200stereo recorder, microphone and speakers; Revere T-2200 stereo recorderCompanion T2200 stereo tape amp; Turner 500, 600, 211 microphones. Bill Coolahan, 1450 Miami Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, lA 52402-2933. (319) 393-8075
FOR S A L E : New Johnson Viking II, Model 122 Hy-Gain multiband verticals, low pass R T filter 52 ohms, pick up only - $950. John Nosbaum, W 9 B J P , 2743 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, IL 60091 (847) 256-0547
F O R S A L E : Attention dealers and repairmen. Want to sell off large group power and audio transformers low voltage power supplies. Test equipment, (60) boxes radio tubes, other repair sen/ice parts, PM electro dy speakers, AM/FM tuners, amps, transistor types, small table radios. No single items; buyer picks up, cash deal. Phone. F. Krantz, 100 Osage Ave., Somerdale, NJ 08083-1136. (609) 783-0400
FOR S A L E : Have (84) transistors, (40) tube sets, (22) novelties, L S A S E . Specify interest. H.B. McMahan, 313 W. Shaw, Tyler T X 75701 (903) 593-5433
FOR SALE: Leader LB0310A 3" oscilloscope - $99, plus shipping. ClarkTrissell, 3530 Pawnee, Lincoln, NE 68506. (402) 488-5263

FOR S A L E : Tubes, good emission. C X I 2 and WX-12, used-$25. UX120, used-$18, N.I.B.-$26. UV199, u s e d - $ 2 0 , N.I.B. - $ 2 8 , B B T - $ 5 0 . UX199, u s e d $16, N.I.B. - $ 2 4 . UX200, 200A N.I.B. - $18. UX201A N.I.B.-$17.50.UX112A, N.I.B.-$20. Plus postage. Ed Bell, 5311 Woodsdale Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606. Fax/ph: (919) 851-1517
FOR SALE/TRADE: Offers? Zenith 6-D-219 blackface, very nice - $150. Crestline, vg in box w/leather case $30. Realistic 90LX661 multiband, e x c - $ 1 0 . Novelties for sale, trades welcomed: "Fred Flintstone" B P L #86, N.I.B. - $ 1 0 0 ; "Scooby Doo" B P L #103, good, works but MBC - $4-$5; "Mark Twain" Riverboat B P L 41 exc $50; Wristwatch B P L #493, exc - $50. Fada bullet reproduction AM/FM alarm clock, M.I.B. - $35; Joe Camel Raft radio, full size floating raft with built in radio camel, cigarette promo M.I.B. - $85, Coke radio with flashing red icon on top w/wood base M.I.B. - $50; full size Coke cooler B&B PL#215 M.I.B. - $ 9 0 , new limited edition "Pepsi cathedral radio" with Pepsi logo embroidered intogrille M.I.B.-$50; Lady Bug radio B P L #199 N.I.B. - $ 4 0 ; Spirit of St. Louis repro large 1946 Wurlitzerjukeboxrepro, M.I.B. was - $ 8 5 , (1)left-$45; Mickey Mouse B P L #109 MBC, good - $15, very rare Marlboro advertising radio, (see picture and description on p. 134, Bunis 3rd ed.); solid-state R C A radio, vg condition, works - $600 or BO; "Annie and Sandy" B P L #67 very rare, exc - $45; "Computer Radio" (looks like PC) M.I.B. - $15; Cadillac "Cad-1" B P L #10 M.I.B. $50; Coke mini cooler B&B PL216 M.I.B. - $40; Sony T R I 829 desktop radio, exc - $30; Kodak instant color film B&B PL#175, rare, good M B C - $45; baseball, exc - $15; Barbie in Convertible, AM/FM digital alarm clock, very pretty, coral/blue M.I.B. - $50; Exxon Uniflo B P L #26, excellent - $50; (2) '57 Chevy rear end B&B PL #551 pinkorblackM.I.B.,yourchoice-$75ea., Pound puppy B P L #130, excellent - $10; Tropicana orange M . I . B . - $ 1 5 ; Havoline oil can B&B P L #30 M . I . B . - $ 3 0 ; Hamburger Helper radio B P L #284, exc - $40; Tire B&B PL587 (not working) NIB, exc - $45; Coor's can B P L #342, exc - $25; Love Is, for Us B P L #205, rare, exc $45; Pet Milk B P L #374 M.I.B. - $30; Welch's grape juice can B P L #354, exc - $30; Simplex B P L #2 M.I.B. - $40. All plus S/H, MC, Visa, Amex accepted by phone, days 10am-6pm E S T Free J P E G picture of any radio, available by e-mail, just ask. Dan Phelan, Consolidated Electronics, 2709 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624. (716) 247-2540. Fax: (716) 247-2314. E-mail: dansworld-o-radios@worldnet.att.net
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters SX-101A - $200. WANTED: Central Electronics 100-V Robert Braza, N1PRS, 23 Harvard St., Pawtucket, Rl 02860. (401) 723-1603


Amrad 3670 as shown, any condition. Also a Type E crystal set, 3500-2 and other pre-1926 Amrad sets & parts.

Andrew Mooradian, 5 Priscilla Lane

Winchester, l\/lassachusetts


tel. 617-729-1873

after 7 pm





· Many of your old time radio favorites are *

· available on quality cassettes at a reasonable *

· cost. You select the shows you want a n d pur- *

· chase them by the hour. Fast, friendly service *

· too. S e n d for our catalog listing over 5,400 *

· shows arranged by show category & title, *

· many including original broadcast dates.


· Only $ 2 . 0 0 (P & H). Send request to: *



P E A B O D Y , M A 01960



John S a k a s po box 4124 So. Hackensack NJ 07606-4124
Phone (201)794-0437 ~ Fax 24 Hours (201)794-8359 visit our web site at http://www.radiocraze.com

niR K i n G f K Y I C R B P E R I

paying $12.500·00-^ for near mint condition red or blue

$8.000.00-^ for green, lavender or yellow

$3000,00+ for black and J 2 0 0 M 0 + for white or brown

I also buy parts sets, thay don't have to be MINT





paying $2500.00-^ for any mint one and

56000,00-1-for mint cond. red, green, orchid, blue or gray








=_ E



Brown Bakelite / white trim. Untested $475.00 Brown Bakelite / Brown trim, Untested $395.00

K.B. T O A S T E R White Bakelite, Untested $225.00

TUBES--TUBES--TUBES Bakelite Base used UX-201A $9.00 each Bakelite Base used UX-200A $8.00 each

Bakelite Base used UX-200 $8,00 each

Brass Base & Tipped used UX-201 A $45.00 each

paying $ 6 0 0 + for mint cond. black, white JlOOOjtfor beatle, gray, salt & pepper
$ 2 0 0 0 00+ for red, blue $3000.+ for green or lavender
WANTED ANY CATALIN RADIO FADA 115, \\6, 200, 1000, all yellow $575 1)0, maroon & yellow $(575.00
vcUow & red $800.00, pea green $900.00, blue & yellow $2,000.00 E M E R S O N AU 190& BT245, yellow $1,200.00. green Sl.700.00
dark red $2,250.00, blue $4,250.00. brightred $11,000.00 FADA L56, F55, 52, 5F50, 5r60,136, 53X, yellow $900.00 'i8l« green $1,350.00 maroon & yellow $1,500.00, yellow & blue Jl.700.00
yellow & red $2,400.00, yellow & bright green $2500.00, blue & yellow $5,500.00, emerald green & yellow $5,750.00
HALSON any color $ 1,500,00 to $5,000.00 SPARTON CLOISOrVNE any color $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 MOTOROLA 5IIXC green & yellow ( t W R E S T O R E D O N L Y ) $4,250.00
E M E R S O N BM 258 yellow $750 00, green $ 1,350.00 red $ 1,850.00, blue $3,000.00
DeWALD A501 (HARP) brown $300.00, yellow $400.00. red S1,000.00 ARVIN 532 any color combiiialion $1,350,00, E M E R S O N 520 S60.00

Brass Base & Tipped used UX-200A $40.00 each Brass Base & Tipped used UX-200 $38.00 each
Bakelite Base used UX-199 $15.00 each Bakelite Base used UX-120 $15.00 each
224A used Globes $3.00 each 226 used Globes $5.00 each 227 used Globes $4,00 each ALL TUBES ARE TESTED GOOD I have other tubes not on this list that are for sale

always buying any catalin or pre-war colored bakelite radios

we will buy one piece or entire collection


watch out there's a new guy in town



FOR S A L E : Two Acme A-2 audios, good - $ 1 5 ea. Four



PO BX 28572 DALLAS TX 75228 U.S.A. PHONES 214-321-0927 w/ANS. MACHINE
214-327-8721 WITH FAX



01-A tube sockets, Bakelite - $3 e a . Two honeycomb coils, one w/tickler - $10. Two Gratco tuners w/BMS metal dials w/verniers - $10 ea. Classic Radio & Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 61 Augusta, ME 04330. (207) 623-2059
FOR S A L E : Regulated 5-volt power supply rated at 3 amps and O V P set at 6 volts - $25, plus U P S . Jim Sinwell,511 NewportDr.,Greensburg, PA15601 (412) 834-0763


FOR S A L E : Zenith 8S586 chassis with tubes - $35. Crosley 646 chassis with speaker and battery eliminator - $ 5 5 . Plus UPS. M.B. Gaskins, WB4MNZ, 227 Risen Ave., Campbellsville, KY 42718. (502) 465-3755


FOR S A L E : Vintage radio, tube audio, ham, C B . Send S A S E for photo catalog of over (120) items. Vintage Electronics, PO Box 436, Fallston, MD 21047


FOR SALE/TRADE: Rek-O-Kut, Garrard, Miracord, Collaro, Cobra (double!), Fairchild, Gray, Grado. WANTED: Arborphones, Internationals, Kadettes. Nevins Museum of Radio, Ken Nevins, 406 Jipson St., Blissfield, Ml 49228. (517) 486-3019, evenings please

JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1997 SCHEDULED TO EXPIRE 30 SEPTEMBER (997 - BUT FOR S A L E : Marantz 8, nice - $1,250. Mao MC240,
SUBJECT TO EXPIRATION WITHOUT NOTICE. mint - $1,700. J e n s e n G P 8 0 5 cabinet (1940s) with



XP101 horn and MI285 Concert Vibranto 18" woofer $1,000. E.H. Scott Phantom Deluxe BFM 5-band with 3


Scott speakers, nice chrome, no cabinet - BO. Fluke

WITH EXCEPTION OF TUBES WHICH ARE OUT OF ST3O0 1CCK. regulated high voltage power supply, supplies






up to


at 500mA.




(2) DIVIDE BY 2 TO RECEIVE 50% DISCOUNT any stereo 845 or 211 triode amp; or pair of Mac MI200

t3} (4}









per hundred

MERCHANDISE TO DETERMINE YOUR SHIPPING CsOhSipT. Paid. Garard 301 - $500. Vitavox horn and 12"


FwROo oMf






C500 class

A triode


(5} TEXAS RESIDENTS ADD 8.25% STATE SALES TcAhXrome amps - $750/pr. Weco 124 amp, no tubes -

BY STATE LAW APPLICABLE TO TOTAL OF MERCHAN$D1,I0S0E0. Many H P G R , Textronix cats. - $25 e a . Ship






me your


on these.




Altec 436A, 438C tube compressor-limiters - BO.

WILL BE ACCEPTED IN COMBINATION WITH THIMS cintosh quack medical high frequency apparatus,


contains Tesia and Ouidin coils and sparkgap Model


8085 - BO. Fluke 97 scopemeter - $1,000. British



10" fullrange

in original




- BO. E . S . Greeley straight key and sounder, dated


Dec. 26, 1882 - BO. Mac MI200 - $2,000. Altec


condenser power supplies 526,527 - $200 ea. Hickock 600A, 6000A tube tester-$125, $150. Weco KS16607LI


amps - $600 pr. Data Precision-Analogic data 6000 digital, computerized signal analyzer for audio, R F $3,500. Radiomasters catalogs - $25 ea. New solder


mount 820UF 450Vdc caps - $7.50 e a . Sound


Technology 1500A taperecorder calibrator - $1,500. Sonoradio-RCA 1926 radio with UV199 tubes and

mechanical windup phonograph in a console - B O . Urei



drivers, s a m e a s 375 but plastic diaphragm good, up to

TESTS ON VARIOUS RECEIVERS. AND MUCH MOR5EkIHz - $500 pr. Bruel & Kjaer 2801 condenser power


supplies - $200. Many black anodized aluminum rackmount faceplates, n e w - $ 5 - $ 1 0 . Pair original J B L


(1960s) boxes with D130, 075 - $1,250/pr. (18) pes. modulation transformers - $400. Sansui 10OOA output trans, the best for low power, single-ended amps -


$200/pr. Taking best written offers on UTC, Acrosound, Dynaoo, Weco, Peeriess transformers. Don't call on lowbuck items. Write. Don't call and only leave your number; leave a detailed, complete message. Vernon

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP - $15. SUMMER SPECIAL $7V. ogt, 3 3 0 S . W . 43rd St. #247 Ronton, W A 9 8 0 5 5 . (206) 382-5571


WANTED: Bendix radios, ads, signs, etc. Radios need not work. Aaron Mall, 903 Dropleaf Ct., Baltimore, MD 21208.(410) 486-8813

WANTED: Collections, bulk and estate s a l e s of

radios, tubes, literature, advertising, etc. John &

Kathy Slusser, Radio Daze, PO Box 144, Mendon,

NY 14506. (716) 624-9755. Fax: (716) 624-7857. E -


® radiodaze.coin

WANTED: Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell radios and appliances. Many models still needed. Thanksl Appreciatively. Lee Mitchell, The Mitchell Collector, 175 E Delaware, 8209, Chicago, IL 60611 (800)869-7869 or (312) 337-3123

WANTED: Phiico help, need working chassis and speaker for Phiico Model 37-620 round dial Cathedral. Many thanks. Loren H. Dudley, 14 Valley Rd., Bath, ME 04530-2811 (207)442-8419
WANTED: Zenith chairside '38 (or '39), 7 or more tubes, working, cabinet, etc. in fair to good condition. For Phiico 37-166-122, set of station call letters and very good cabinet. Dick Friedman, 1502 Elmwood, Wilmette, IL 60091 (847)803-3050
WANTED: Static electricity rotating disk machines, Wimshurst or Hoitz machine, Crooke's or Geissler tubes. Louie Scribner, 510 Linden Rd., Pinehurst, NC 28374. (910) 295-8050. E-mail: louie@pinehurst.net

WANTED: Knight DX-er. Dick Lowe, P O Box 296, Santa Clara, CA 95052-0296. (408) 984-1555

WANTED: McElroy Mac Keys, key boxes, oscillators, catalogs, correspondence. Tom French, W1IMQ, "The McElroy Collector" 151 Barton Rd., Stow, MA 01775. (508) 562-5573

WANTED: Fairbanks Morse console. Model 9C or 128 preferred. Charies E. Patterson, 2621 Sweetwater Rd., SP#33, National City, CA 91950. (619) 475-7141

WANTED: Cassette tapes of ' T h e Big Broadcast" radio

WANTED: F a d a Catalins. I like 'em perfect or in pieces - w h a t e v e r you have to offer Don't humiliate yourself by letting some other "big shot" collector take advantage of

show with Rich Conaty from 1560 W Q E W , N.Y.C. Also copies of his new show on 90.7 in N.Y.C. E v a n J . C h a s e , 108 Cass St., Swanton, OH 43558. (419) 826-3776

you. Go ahead and use me. Uh oh! Please write or call

WANTED: Miniature tube plastic portable radios.

collect: Rain BuHignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth,

Attractive specimens purchased, even those with

NH 03801 (603)427-1384

damage. Also collecting transistor phonographs

WANTED: S p e a k e r a n d chassis for Crosley Buddy Boy Model 58. Dick Grogg, 206 N. Walnut, Newton, IL /

and attractive hearing aids. Mike Brooks, 7335 Skyline, Oakland, CA 94611. (510) 339-1751

62448.(618) 783-3514

W WANTED: A K 9-posts or A K 9A-cable types factory

\ o r i g i n a l with tags. P a y i n g $ 1 , 4 0 0 if nice. David

WANTED: Always looking for Espey table radios,' Vlabermehl, 516 W. Randle, Lebanon, IL 62254. (618)

advertising, literature. Also, colcf-waT~eTa-stuff, C D ' 937-6785, eves.

posters, helmets, early A-bomb photos and press.

Vintage microphones, R C A 77A, 4 A P box camera,


other film and broadcast mics, tube audio equipment,

mic preamps, compressors, audio amps, buy or trade.

We also have several Webcor wire recorders from

restored to parts, for sale or trade. Ward Kremer, 5807

Papaya Dr., Ft. Pierce, F L 34982. Ph/fax: (561) 468-

7732. E-mail: WKremer798@aol.com




WANTED: 1920s or 30s massive, huge, tall, any style^ floor model console radios. Or with phonograph combination. T h e bigger the better! Will pick up anywhere. Pay your price. Keith Cenedella, PO Box 6763, Thousand Oaks, C A 91359-6763. (805) 4927111

Industrial · Power · Receiving Special Purpose · CRT's

-- \/cist



Contact: Donna - Sales Mgr.

(201) 751-2591 / (800) 526-1275

Fax -> (201) 481-1524

United Electronics Co. Est. 1935 Tube Manufacturing Equipment For Sale
Assorted Tube Bases For Sale


Top prices paid for prewar plastic radios by Air King, Kadette, Detrola, RCA, etc.
Jim Meehan P.O. Box 102 . Centerbrook, CT 0 6 4 0 9



FOR S A L E : (40) magazines of Radio and T V News of 1950s + (8) of Radio Electronics of 1950s - $2 e a . + S / H. Cados Gimenez, 15091 Shamrock Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33912. (941) 482-0198

Harold N Cones, Ph.D. and
John H Bryant, FAIA
with Martin Blanl<insiiip & William Wade
The authors of "The Zenith Trans-Oceanic: The Royalty of Radios" are pleased to present their new book, "Zenith Radio, The Early Years: 1919-1935." T h i s first of a planned three-book series tells for the first time the Jiilly documented story of Zenith radio and company development, and presents a wealth of never before published photographs, documents and information. Highlighting the book are 110 black and white photographs, 68 other illustrations and 120 color portrait photographs of many of the rarest and most beautitiil Zenith radios of the era. Complimenting the Zenith story is an Illustrated Catalog with images of nearly every Chicago Radio Laboratory and Zenith radio model produced between 1919 an 1935. The Catalog is followed by a Database with valuable-and some unique-information covering every radio produced by the company during this period.
This Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 224 page, highly illustrated, landscape formatted, book is available for $29.95 + $2 S&H ($3 Canada) from:

FOR S A L E : Original owners manuals forCrosley Model 26, Majestic91 and 92, Phiico 19 Series. Testequipment manuals: RCA Senior Voltohmyst, RCA Scope W091 and B&K Scope 1461 - $ 1 5 ea. plus $3 postage. Maurer Television, 29 S . 4th St., Lebanon, PA 17042. (717) 272-2481
FOR S A L E : EICO tube tester 667 - $55. Hallicrafters TW2000 brown leatherette - $150. TW500 green leatherette-$125. R C A 3 8 X 6 7 1 brown leather-$150. R C A 78X10 brown leather - $125. Royal 3000-2 w/o top lid - $80. All plus ship. W A N T E D : Hallicrafters: TW1200, Phillips multiband, and military T - 0 R-520/ URR. Denis Burke, 308 Person St., Runnells, lA 50237 (515) 966-2871 E-mail: zeenith@msn.oom
FOR S A L E : Capacitors: Twislok, coupling, bypass, high voltage, mica, and military. (16) pages free for 550 + S A S E . Chuck Vaccaro, 708 Booth Ln. # S , Ambler PA 19002. (215) 646-3641
FOR S A L E : Bowman car radio C B , AM/FM, all in one $45. W E candlestick phone. Norman Landis, 1315 Marbendale Ct., Kirkwood, MO 63122-6932. (314) 821 7933
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Will sell or trade 20s vintage battery sets. WANTED: Catalin clocks and radios in any condition. Jim Leckrone, 12174 Lynn St., Bear Lake, Ml 49614. (616) 864-3365
FOR S A L E : Used Scotch recording tape, (9) 3600 ft. 10 1/2 aluminum reels - $27 plus U P S . Louis J . Philipp, 502 Greenwich Ave., Paulsboro, NJ 08066. (609) 4234306
FOR S A L E : Crosley 1929 Jewel Box parts radio, complete, NT - $50 plus postage. David Buck, 3630 Wilcox St., San Diego, CA 92106. (619) 224-5821 EMail: whnf46a@prodigy.com

The Radio Professors P.O. Box 592
Stillwater, O K 74076

FOR S A L E : Rider's Volumes 7-14 - $20 ea. or all for - $120 plus shipping. Larry Dowell, 8490 Hurdle Mills Road, Hurdle Mills, NC 27541 (910) 364-2756
FOR S A L E : Early R C A 44 mic with stand - $1,300. 77DX with plain stand - $1 100. Mike Dupuis, 116 First Ave., Tuckerton, NJ 08087 (609) 296-4883

Y o u r purchase direct from the authors supports further research on Zenith plus provides you an autographed and numbered copy of this important new book. Y o u will also receive a catalog of Zenith authorized memorabilia available for purchase and your name will be added to our mailing list for early notification when new books in this series are available.

FOR S A L E : Two plastic radios, no cracks, all knobs. R C A black & white Model 4RA41 - $10. Silvertone brown Model 2 5 - $ 1 2 . Zorro wristwatch 1950s, running with leather band - $60. All items plus U P S . Phone or write: Thomas Burnside, 4838 S . Westhaven Dr., Jackson, MS 39209. (601) 922-2235
FOR SALE: Sams Servicing Transistor Radios Volumes 10 to 22. (643) models, pictures and service data and TSMs 24-26,41-50,59-69. (24) books. Both BO + ship. R.F. Haworth, 112 Tilford Rd., Somerdale, NJ 08083. (609)783-4175

FOR S A L E : British and Japanese valve and transistor sets. Enrico Tedesohi, 54 Easthill Dr., Brighton 8N41 2FD, United Kingdom. E-mail: www.brighton-uk.com

FOR SALE: Two sets Riders manuals, 1 -16 - $150,1 21 - $350. Pick up only. Willie Carr, N 4 X E , 2739 Colonial Ave., Roanoke, VA 24015-3835. (540) 3435606

The Radio Collector's Directory and Price Guide, 1921-1965, 2nd Ed,
by Robert E. Grinder


20,000+ M o d e l s


U.S. models manufactured from 1921-1965. Listing includes:
Model Name, Year of Production, Type of Power, Cabinet Style, and Current Market Value Range.

Rewritten Chapters On:
Early Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasting Regulation, Advances Made in Receivers, The Evolution of Radio Cabinet Styles.

$26.95 - Softcover
U.S. Orders Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or MasterCard, include name on card, card number and expiration date. Send payment witti order. Mass. residents add 5/0 sales tax. Money back return policy. Softcover unless stated othenvlse. Most orders shipped the same day received, butaiiow2-4 weeks to receive order Foreign orders - write for shipping costs, cruse credit card and specify air or surface (allow 2-3 months for surface shipping).

A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512

Fax: (508) 371-7129

Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/


FOR S A L E : Ampex AG-350 full track R/R solid-state amplifier - $375. Ampex 600 portable R/R - $150, w/ manuals. Danny Brou, 212 Wainwright Rd., Pineville, LA 71360. (318) 445-4843
FOR S A L E : G E ' s table radios - $30 ea. Models: 50, 517,114,200,480. Dave Pewowaruk, 931 23rd St. S E , Rochester MN 55904. (507) 280-5975. E-mail: hp95@aol.com
FOR S A L E : 55(6 L S A S E for list of new/used receiving/ transmitting tubes. Sell or trade for old or unusual tubes or related material for my collection. John H.Walker, Jr., 16112 W. 125th St., Olathe, KS66062. (913) 782-6455. E-mail: johnh.walker@alliedsignal.com
FOR S A L E : N.I.B. tubes (4) 816 Marconi - $14, (1) 2050 - $10, (1) 2051 - $5, (3) 884 - $ 4 , ( 1 ) 7360 R C A - $25, (1) 7377 Amperex - $35, (70) 1 pF 10OOVdc' Q - $3.25 e a . Plus $3. shipping. Dana Parsons, P O Bo"! 55426 Bridgeport, C T 06610-5426. (203) 333-0659
FOR S A L E : Freshman Masterpiece console 6 F 3 or 4? cabinet water damage - $90. Phiico 18 cathedral $225. Transistors, Zenith Royal 800, black - $175. Airiine Gem 1245A - $10. Portables, Zenith 6G001Y $20. Jewell 801 Trixie, cracked face plate - $30. Silvertone 225 - $15. R C A 9Y510, 45 player - $50, Garrard RC88/4 - $45. Olympic Bakelite LP213 - $55. Puritan 506, cabinet needs help - $35.1955 Ford auto radio, solid-state, vibrator - $75. Pair E E 8 field phones, original manual and mintwire reel-$100. Guy Forstrom, P O Box 159, Quinnesec, Ml 49876. (906) 774-8116
FOR S A L E : Industrial Instruments DK-10 Capacitance Decade box, 3-dial, oak c a s e , .0001-.111 pf - $32 + U P S . Alan J . Kriss, 1872 Portsmouth Way, Union, NJ 07083. (908) 688-2092
FOR S A L E : New copy of Radios Redux by Collins ($17.95 list) - $12. J . Finkelstein, 205 Alapocas Dr., Wilmington, D E 19803

FOR SALE: Heath CR-1 headphones, manual - $100. Zenith 4V32, restored, perfect - $150. Zenith speaker #49-312, excellent - $45. Grommes Little Jewel L J - 5 , excellent - $100. Tektronix Waveform monitor Model 528, excellent - $150. R C A jumbo tube sockets Model UT-541 green porcelain - $15 ea. George M. Bonanno, K2XL, 34 Charles St., Clifton, NJ 07013. (201) 7465953. E-mail: K2xl@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : G E P911AA transistor untested, fine cosmetically-$50; SuperiorTV 11 tube tester working - $75; S A S E for photos of above and list of (15) radios and radio ads. Gasper Gilardi, 181 Berkeley Ave., Harahan, LA 70123. (504) 738-1415
FOR S A L E : Marine S - S HF Rigs, radio record players. S A S E . H.N. Felder, 7517 Granada Dr., Bethesda, I 20817
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters: SX101 S X 1 6 , S X 1 4 ( S X speaker,)S.38.B.C.D., SX71 + speaker SXlTO + speaker SX130 + speaker, S I 20, SX99, WR4000, WR1000. National: SP600, NC240D + speaker N C I 8 3 +speaker, HQ129X, HQ140+speaker, NC46 + speaker, W R R 2 , R390A. (6) off, restored + meters & covers. Phillips B4X23A, Saaba Villingen 2, Kortiwa Billy, Bernou Naven (Bedin) #1, Grundig 1042, Allied SX190, Knight R100, R55, StarRoamer, Howard 437, Howard Deco 225, Corona Model 209? Deco, E.H. Scott S L R M . National HRO Sr. + coils & CN, xmtr + power supply. Lots of T r a n s - O c e a n i c s , no junk or parts. Phiico 960 mahogany & leather, a collection of C W buttons, paddles, bugs & repeaters & some microphones, and much more. Alan Carpenter, 524 Ponderosa Dr., Estes Park, CO 80517 (970)577-0677
FOR S A L E : Over (400) books and catalogs on radio, wireless, telegraphy, television, electricity, etc. Roger Hart, Old Authors, Gibson Ln., Box 403, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada KOC 1X0. (613) 543-3337 Internet: http://www.abebooks.com/home/oldauthors


TUBES: Over 3500 receiving, transmitting, audio and industrial types in stock, including many foreign and early types,
TRANSFORMERS: Hard to find power, filament and output transformers as well as filter chokes for tube equipment. We feature HAMMOND performance transformers as well as many new old stock transformers.

PARTS: Resistors, tube sockets, potentiometers, knobs, dial belt lamps, diodes, speakers, wire, phonograph needles and cartridges and much more.
LITERATURE: Extensive selection of literature and books on antique radios, tubes, circuits diagrams, communication gear and hi-fi equipment. Some items not available elsewhere!

CAPACITORS: High voltage electrolytic and mylar capacitors, multi-section capacitors and more for tube circuits.

SUPPLIES: Grill cloth, cabinet restoration supplies, batteries, chemicals, tools, test meters, gifts and kits.


6 2 2 1 S. MAPLE AVE. · TEMPE. AZ B 5 2 8 3 · ( 6 0 2 1 8 2 0 - 5 4 1 1 · FAX (602) B 2 C M B 4 3 or [BOO) 7 0 6 - 6 7 8 9

WANTED: Hallicrafters Models S / S X 4, 5, 6, 9 or 10. Grebe synchrophase Models 5, 6, or 7 Crosley small cathedral, Models 125-A, 131 or 125. All should be in nice/vg condition. Bob Allington,lsco, Inc., 4700 Superior St., Lincoln, NE 68504. (402) 464-0231 days. Fax: (402) 464-4543. E-mail: boba@isco.com
WANTED: Deco radios: Catalins, Fada, Emerson, Detrola, Kadette, Garod, Motorola, Tom Thumb, Air King RossLitrenta,POBox41 Eastchester NY 107090041^ Tel/Fax: (914) 337-7176
WANTED: Crystal sets, crystal detectors or crystal set literature - top dollar paid. Hal Kravig, 2615 Juneway Dr., Memphis, T N 38134. (901) 388-2857 Fax: (901) 388-5102
WANTED: 1951 RCAModel A-101 inmahoganyfinish. Thank you. Mark Minks, Mid-America Antique Radio ' Store, 233 S. Tulane, Liberal, K S 67901
WANTED: Crosley center bullseye radio in clean original condition. Bill Jewell, 3800 RIdgehaven Rd., Fort Worth, TX76116. (817) 377-4664. E-mail: oldradios@aol.com

WANTED: Rider's Volume X X ; Radio Manufacturer's of the 1920s, Volume 3; Wilcox-Gay information of any kind; factory service material, catalogues, misc. Book: The Boy Electrician. FOR S A L E : Sams sets, most from 200s-500s - $5 ea. set, includes postage. Doug Hershberger, 12 LockportAve., North Tonawanda, NY 14120. (716) 692-7836
WANTED: Victor Hyperion radio/ptiono. Also other Victor Electrola's Models 9-25, 8-60,10-51,10-70, Tuscany and others! Have some radio trades. Jeff Lendaro, 1107 Logan St., Noblesville, IN 460602346.(317)773-3969. E-mail: lendaroj@indy.tce.com
WANTED: Windup horn phonographs, related items, parts. Picture records. Bediner, Johnson 78 rpm discs. James J . McGrath, W2I0J, 2 Centerview Ln., West Seneca, NY 14224-2124
WANTED: Working driver for a Rola horn speaker. E . J . Reed, PO Box 427 Union, OR 97883. (541) 562-5967 E-mail: Skinner@uclnet.com
WANTED: Phiico 70 cabinet w/original finish. Michael Harrington, PO Box 250995, Little Rock, A R 72225

WANTED: Sentinel 400 television, complete, unrestored; knobs and plastic C R T front for Predicta H3408C. Frank Johnson, 530 Elford Rd., Faidess Hills, PA 19030. (215) 943-8295

WANTED: J B L 2231A 15" woofer Will buy 1 or pair, dead or alive. Russell Hulme, 8504 Soneto Ln., L a s Vegas, NV 89117 (702) 233-1379. Fax: (702) 2423857

WANTED: Kadette pictured, Detrola, RCA, Air King, etc. prewar plastics. I am newto the field of collecting but have plenty of money to live with big mistakes. Please write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 427-1384

WANTED: Good pictures inside IP501A audio portion, measurements, parts info, any help appreciated. Marc Gottlieb, Box 1112, South San Francisco, C A 940831112
WANTED: 1950's, 1960's blonde T V sets. Keith Domijan, 8040 Dale, Center Line, Ml 48015. (810) 781-2628, days; Fax: (810) 781-3912, 24 hrs.

WANTED: Small size Q S T binder R . J . Eastwick, N2AWC, 224 Chestnut St., Haddonfield, NJ 08033. (609) 429-2477
WANTED: H-65/m headphones or equivalent with 4K impedance and pin terminations. Harold S . Meltzer 592 Loma Verde Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. (415) 4931016. E-mail: techni@netcom.com
WANTED: Push-pull knobs for Zenithite 9 S 3 6 9 , 1 1/4" long with hook on end. Also need iron-shaped icons for
lg21°' tone pad. Louis deGonzague, 15 Gail Ln., Latham, NY E-mail: Zenithite@aol.com
WANTED: Fisher 5 0 0 C in any condition, must have ^591 lubes, on/off volume control. Rich Blanchard, f g ^ l A l l a Vista, Newport Beach, CA 92660

WANTED: Catalin radios, don't have to be perfect, just presentable. Don Moody, 1600-M Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 27608. (919) 821-3530. E-mail: Don21480@aol.com
WANTED: Emerson dealer displays, clocks, lights, signs. Top prices paid. Cad R. Shiriey, 824 Fainwood Dr., Columbia, S C 29209. (803) 776-6850. E-mail: shldeyc@garnet.cla.sc.edu
WANTED: Amrad 3366 Reflex (see p. 11 Aug. '97 A.R.C.). Also Connecticut J113 rheostat. J . C . Woychowski, 81 Penn. Ave., Niantic, C T 06357 (860) 739-6579

WANTED: Lionel J-36 identification plate from parts unit, or loaner for reproduction. Thank youl Robert Mno?^""' 1985 S. Cape Way, Lakewood, CO 80227 (gg3)988j089
Sl^i^'^'ED: VibroplexZephyr, McElroy bug. Early Collins TMaio equipment, memorabilia, promotional items, signal ^agazines. Brian Roberts, K9VKY 130 Tara Dr., lI2!!]3g!i:_PA 16123. (412) 758-2688
WANTED: Speaker for a Phiico 90 cathedral. Edgar
721 3 0 2 " " * ^' '^^^'^^

Booth Set-up In Our On-line Collectibles Mall
http://www.octonet.com/~brianh/techcoll Y o u r custom booth will have full graphics and
text advertising your collectible items.
Low Monthly Update fees from $20Contactusat (250)595-2829 E-mail: Brianh@octonet.com


FOR S A L E : Crystal sets: Automotive Specialty Co. $150; Philmore Selective - $165; Western Tinytone toy - $145. Dick Kowalski, KB8IVIR, 32823 Gloede Dr., Warren, Ml 48093. (810) 294-4117
FOR S A L E : Phiico 116 15-tube deluxe mint - $600. Zenith 98367 mint - $575. Zenith 7S633, excellent $225. Gerry Harmon, 10704Callanish, Austin, T X 78750. (512)219-0499
FOR S A L E : R C A cathedral - $195. Airline metal set $55. Zenith 555 Suncharger, brand new - $150. Tube stereo gear by Scott and H-K. Restored floor model Predicta. I need a chassis for any Air King tombstone, from Model 6 6 , 1 0 0 or 120. Got one? I'll buy or trade for it. Brad J o n e s , 4801 Crofton Springs Ct., Greensboro, NC 27407 (910)547-1919
FOR S A L E : Fada 652 Temple butterscotch Catalin $600. Fada 652 Temple butterscotch Catalin, new, case only - $400. Fada 740, ivory - $100. Atwater Kent 82 cathedral - $450. AK 725 tombstone - $160. G E S 22 Junior tombstone - $225. G E J-83 tombstone $225. Gulbrasen 130 cathedral - $325. Kadette 41 Jewell - $195. Phiico 90 cathedral - $400. Phiico 66 tombstone, clean - $120. R C A Radiola 60 - $ 1 5 0 . R C A R-7 tombstone - $150. Zenith LH Zenette cathedral $300. J . Gary Cameron, 824 Andrews St., Southington, C T 06489. (860) 276-9200
FOR S A L E : Great new book on the Zenith Royal 500 Owl E y e s radios. Lots of pictures and charts. For your copy, send - $10 to: Eldon A. Horton, 8187 LaHabra Ln., Indianapolis, IN 46236. (317) 823-6374. E-mail: radio@inetdirect.net
FOR SALE: Tubes, 12AH7,12BQ6,1632,1291,25AV5, 233A, 6ST7,6SD7,4523,6BJ6,5963,5915,9006,636, 1P5G, 1D7G, 1P5G, 1Q5G, 1F6,1A4,1LC5,3LF4 - $1 ea. (25 ·^) free ship. Kelly Nichols, R D 1 , Box 103K, Greenwood, D E 19950. Ph/fax: (302) 349-5059
A Broadcast Quality Transmitter For The Antique Radio Enthusiast
Entertain your friends with authentic, "on the air" radio demonstrations!
Selectable Flat/Phonograph Inputs High Fidelity, 100% Modulation Peak Modulation Limiter 800 KHz Ceramic Oscillator Antenna Matching Network Compact, Solid State Construction Rugged P E T Linear Amplifier
Call or write today for technical and delivery information.

FOR SALE: Used tubes: 83 Radiatron, CX-310 Cunningham, 807 Amperex, appear new. (2) Radiatron, Noreico, 5692 red, RCA, all-$100 plus U P S $ 1 0 ? Hank Andreoni, c/o 250-D So. Lyon Ave., Hemel, C A 92543
FOR S A L E : Microphones: Realistic Highball #33-985 $12, Astatic D104 with G-stand - $35 plus U P S . E d Povraznik, 9606 Biddulph Rd., Brooklyn, OH 44144. (216) 661-0032
FOR SALE: Microphones; R C A 77DX - $1,200. 2Astatic D104 - $80 ea. Shure 315 ribbon - $300. Shure 708A ribbon - $250. E V 638 - $80. E V 726 - $150. Shure 520 crystal - $80. Amplifiers; Bogen M0100 watt 6550 tubes - $150. Rauland Borg 40 watt - $100. Mark Schackow, 307 4th Ave. E, Lemmon, S D 57638. (605) 374-3424

FOR S A L E : Western Electric plus others. Sockets: 10OA, 10OL, 10OM, 10OM with resistor mounting, 112A, very large 119Aandasimilarmarked D-76671 Following similar but not marked with Western Electric name: 10OR, 125A, 131 A, 134A. A Federal #14. Transformers: Kellogg audio code 507, also audio insulating, both have bad secondary. W E 2 3 4 C input, 1 side no continuity, W E Radio Co. good, W E 127D, appears new, unused - Best Offer one or all. Michael Grain, 3 Hillside Ave., Harveys Lake, PA 18618-9782. (717) 639-2794. Email: mcrain1952@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Zenith 8H034. WANTED: Correspondence with Grunow 1101 remote control set owner. Motorola S-10. Curt Schreiber, 3923 E. Latoka St., Springfield, MO 65809. (417) 887-5184, collect. E-mail: Curtradio@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Old Timer by Guild, mantle clock radio, vg - $125. French phone tube radio, wood, vg - $55. Plus shipping. S A S E - list of novelties. Dan Sipola, 2840 Copeland Rd., Maple Plain, MN 55359. (612) 972-8214. E-mail: philco90@minn.net
Vintage Mics, Tube Gear & More!
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Radio Restoration Parts



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Also f is 00, OOA, 01,201 A, 301 A, 12,112, WD12, 40,71,171 20,120,X120,UX120,30,X130,UX130

Vacuum Tube Repair Wafers
These tube repair wafers are solid-state devices for quick and easy repair o f early vacuum tubes. T h e wafer is installed by simply sliding it over the tube pins and reinserting the tube into its socket. I f t h e filament i s i n t a c t , b u t t h e r e i s l i t t l e o r n o e m i s s i o n , t h e filament m a y b e l i t f o r b e s t v i s u a l e f f e c t . H o w e v e r , t h e t u b e c a n b e o p e n filament.
No change in radio operating voltages is required. A n y number of tubes m a ybe repaired in a radio. If wafers areinstalled on all tubes, the B + voltage may usually bereduced without sacrificing volume or sensitivity Performance will vary between radio models.
$10.00/each ($7.50/ea. 3 or more)

New Atwater Kent Breadboard Switch

Exact 9-9Cand all additional



10' lOA · lOB'


models with board mounted


N e w l y m a n u f a c t u r e d u n d e r h i g h p r e s s u r e h e a t fi-om t h e s a m e type brown thermoset resin used in theoriginal. Beryllium copper spring contacts are used for long, trouble-free life. Custom built knurl is used to exactly reproduce the original.

Active Antenna
Allows antique radios which were designed for a long wire outdoor antenna to operate on a 4 2 " indoor whip anterma. Portable, operates from a 9 volt battery
Only $34.95

Order from: P T I , 7925 Mabelvale Cutoff, Mabelvale, AR 72103

Orders stripped U P S , prepaid in continental U.S. Please allow 3 weeks for delivery.

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Send check or money order to: E C Designs, Inc., P.O. Box 33, Genesee Depot, W I 53127

FOR S A L E : Working wood radio. Fada 192A W T $100; Aidine 62-425 - $90; Deico R-1157 - $35; Phiico P T - 3 - $25; Wilcox-Gay Model ? looks like Model 7A5 but only B C - $35. All plus shipping. Bill Lindley, 4265 Pont Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044. (314) 739-0722
FOR S A L E : Phiico cathedrals. Mod 80, 84 - $100 ea. Mod 4 4 , 6 0 , 3 7 - 8 9 , 5 0 , 8 9 - $135 ea. Mod 19,91 - $250 ea. Other Philcos, Mod 42-350 - $85; Mod 54 - $105. General Electnc tombstones E-81 A-82, F E - 8 2 , M-61 $195ea. A-63-$150; A-52, M-52-$125. RCAMod 143 - $275. Majestic Mod 20 - $125. Floor models; can be delivered to Rochester. Atwater Kent: Mod 52, 53, 55, 60, 66, 89, 89 w/phono, 96, 99, 112, 188, 310, 310 w/ doors, 328, 376,435, 456, 469,480,510,612,976, keil table w/model 60, P w/phono. Philcos: 20, 71 90 w/ doors, 212, 40-190. R C A s : 62, 80, 82,240, 280, G E H51 Majestic 50 on thin legs, GM radio/phono w/Queen Anne legs. Transistors: Hitachi: WH-829 - $40. WH817 - $50. Toshiba: 7TP30 w/metal box - $45,6P-15 $40. 6TP-314A - $95. 9TL-365S - $55. Sony TFM8 2 5 L - $ 2 5 . Panasonic R-1000-$50. Channel Master, following are nice in original boxes: 6514, red - $50; 6501, red - $50; 6503, red - $40; 6516, black - $30; 6506A (chipped) - $10; 6515, black - $30; 6515, red $40. Emersons: 888s, Explorers, turquoise, mint $125; black, gray - $90. Vanguards: red, turquoise $95; gray, black, white - $75. Pioneers: gray, black, white - $75; red, green - $90; turquoise, cracked - $35. No-names: red - $110; white, black - $100; green, chipped - $35. Atlas, white - $75. 899 Mercury - $25. 31P58 Gemini, N.I.B. - $35; 808 red - $30; 31P62, N.I.B. - $25. John Kern, 2320 Rosedale Rd., Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 538-2128. E-mail: rqvh12a@prodigy.com
FOR S A L E : Majestic tombstone, vintage 3 1 , rough $80. Temple '29 vintage tuner and P S chassis - $70, Cabinetforpickup only. Hickocktube testers: Cardmatic 118B, an excellent tester with full card set, calibrated, manuals, government cost $5,000, but now - $230. Hickock 123 cardmatic with large set of cards, manual, as is, but decent - $110. G e n R a d 3 decade capacitor box - $75. Tek 453 portable dual channel 50 MHz oscilloscope, solid-state, triggered, delayed sweep $150. Tek 7834 analog storage scope frame - $100. N.O.S. NiCad battery pack, 21 F cells in plastic c a s e , F cells are 7AH. These also charge like new. Case can hold 3 more cells for 24v - $45. T e k 1105 hand carry 10Ow 115v inverter, with NOW NiCad p a c k - $ 9 5 . N.I.B. 6336 tubes - $25. All of above in good condition and completely functional. Plus shipping. FOR TRADE: Swap: T368 xmtr N.I.B, 6000 tube for good T368 knob with crank, plus high voltage spring connector clip. Note: Sorry to have been absent for last 8 months due to severe lead/cadmium/++poisoning, nasty stuff, plus the treatment. Stan Krumme, K 0 6 Y B , 16432 Lakemont Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 841-5866, evenings
FOR S A L E : Attention Midwest owners: 1936 full-line brochure copies, 40 pps., shows all models - $32 ea. ppd. 1931-1938 Midwest service manual copies, in binders - $25 e a . ppd., only (10) to sell. Atwater Kent manual copies - $20 ea. We are your source for factory original schematics, most only $4. Send your model # & brand or a chassis layout. We also offer discount fresfi stock capacitors and the only real wood repro knobs sold nationally. Send S A S E for free flyer. Antique Audio, 253 Blanche St., Plymouth, Ml 48170. (313) 20-RADlO

WANTED: Confidence Brand tube testers and other Arkansas Mfg. test equipment. Tom Burgess, 9 Belle lyleadow Ln., Little Rock A R 72210. (501) 455-0773

WANTED: Crystal sets, toy crystal radios, diode radios and BC14A Signal Corp field crystal radio. The Crystal Radio Guy, Galen Feight, 3104 S . E . 20th, Portland, OR 97202. (503) 231-9708

WANTED: NRI Radio C o u r s e l<its; unused preferred. Must have building manual in either case. Art Sabin, 315 Plymouth, Chicago, IL 60604

WANTED: Cathedrals of the 1930s to be lovingly

restored and prominently displayed in a new collection.

Domi Sanchez, 902 Orange Dr., Silver Spring, MD






WANTED: Tubes: 75TH, 6528 (octal); 7242,813 sized, no plate cap. Manual and/or schematic to T 3 6 8 D , the "0" version. Stan Krumme, K 0 6 Y B , 16432 Lakemont Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 841-5866, evenings

WANTED: Y a e s u F P - 8 0 0 H D ; cash or swap mint F P 757HD plus ? ? ? Have available HP-200CD A F o s c , HP-330B distortion analyzer long list components, panel meters (over 1001), other accumulated stuff. S A S E for list. Also want manuals for 330B, Micromatch 263 S W R meter. George Goldstone, W8AP 1010 Bumham, Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48304. (248) 647-3399

WANTED: Robot IM4U, have IM1 & IR12 for trades. Need chassis for Addison 5 F . Steve Lange, 1351 N. 58 St., Milwaukee, Wl 53208. (414) 259-1031

WANTED: Coronado (or Gamble-Skogmo) wood console radio. Steve Danielson, 7630 Grand Oaks Cir., Lincoln, NE 68516. (402) 472-8693. E-mail: sdd@unlinfo.unl.edu

WANTED: Tubes, 5881 12AX7 5AR4, GL6GC, 7027 G550 7591,6973. Jensen AInico speakers, good/blown. John McGrath 29 Ripley Rd., Belmont, MA02178. (617) 484-0515, eves. Fax: (617) 484-6180
WANTED: E.H. Scott, McMurdo Silver radios. Call before Rochester AWAmeetforcashoffer. MikeGreene, 19113 Alpenglow Ln., Brookeville, MD 20833. (301 774-3203
WANTED: Phiico 70 or 90, RCA 143, Atwater Kent 356 and Stewart-Warner R-1301-A, excellent condition, and original finish. Mark Murphy, 1400 Chicago Ave., #802, Evanston, IL 60201. (847) 3285036
WANTED: General Television tabletop radios. Thank you. Robert Lutz, 9041 Gillette St., Lenexa, K S 66215. (9^894-1327
WANTED: T h e base and attaching clamp for a Burns, American Electric, horn speaker Chades Combs, 508 E. Daniel, Albany, MO 64402. Ph/fax: (816) 7263038
WANTED: Collections or singles of radio reception ^enfication stamps, 1920s/40s, Ekko, others. Doug Messimer, Box 2162, Richmond, VA 23218-2162. (804) lgg:]553, weekdays 8 am-3 pm
WANTED: Magnavox 18 in. horn for R-2C driver. Bruce grange, 420 Eastridge Dr., Lincoln, N E 68510. (402) ''89-0499, days

WANTED: 245/345 tubes, N.I.B. - $50, good used $25. H. Kato, c/o Mr T Kato, 6868 C h e l s e a R d . , McLean, VA 22101
WANTED: Catalin parts: paying $20- $100/knob; grilles - $100; handles - $50-1-; c h a s s i s - $100-$200. R a y Carroll, 158 Oakwood Dr., Wayne, NJ 07470. (973) 696-1149
WANTED: Deforest grid leaks & vernier condenser in glass case. Rob Looser 390 Beech St., South Hempstead, NY 11550. (516) 483-0463
WANTED: Wood radios with metal grilles or trim. J a y Malkin, 1250 Galapago #206, Denver, C O 80204. (303) 623-6451
WANTED: Silver Marshall coils Type 131 T U and V colls. Have UX250 to trade and/or c a s h . Kenny Millis, 1324 W. Shore Dr., Lancaster, S C 29720. (803) 2834046
WANTED: Air King Skyscaper radios with tuning eye, not the unbearably ugly model with the clock that resembles an alarm clockl Sound familiar? Don Niess, 133 N. 17th St., Wheeling, W V 26003. E-mail: donniess@aol.com
WANTED: Garrard record changers: RC-30, RC-20, RC-10. J o h n T Meredith, 2462 Stantonsburg Rd., Suite 152, Greenville, NC 27834. (919) 551-1882
WANTED: B r a s s ring to mount horn to Music Master base, approx. 5" diameter. 958A tube for project. Ted Depto, The Phiico Collector, 913 5th Ave., Fatten, PA 16668. (814) 674-8834
WANTED: For R C A C R 9 1 A (similar to A R 8 8 ) cabinet, R C A button logo, good copy circuit diagram. Brian Cauthery. R R # 1 Caledon, Ontario, C a n a d a LON I C O . (519) 927-5858
WANTED: Catalogs: WRL1952,1953,1963; BA1950, 1951 1952,1953,1955,1958,1959,1960. A. J . Bernard, PO Box 690098, Oriando, FL 32869-0098. (407) 3515536
WANTED: Emerson Mae West, Phiico 70 speaker, European 4V octal or 4-pin tubes. Jiri Placek, 60 Applewood Ln., Boyertown, PA 19512. (610) 367-0861
WANTED: Single plate 2A3; Pilotone AA-901 Garrard 301; factory prerecorded open reel tapes, Richard Brown, PO Box 686, Farmington, C T 06034. (860) 677-4828
WANTED: Knobs for Eveready 42 console, Phiico 37 both dial and push-button bezels for G E H-73, handle pattern for Phiico 46-350. Thanks. Ron Lockwood, R R 1 Box 230, Mt. Vernon, M E 04352. (207) 293-3150, eves.
W A N T E D : 7-Inch T V sets & junkers, knobs for Hallicrafters T-54 TV Bryan Durbal, 1164 Ladd Rd., Walled Lake, Ml 48390. (800) 654-8991

FOR S A L E : Tubes, parts, books, radios. Pink Emerson 9 1 5 - S B , Emerson 547A, Crosley F-51Y M.W. Aidine 93BK-423B Radiola 16, others. 2-stamp L S A S E , 16 page lists. W. F. Horn, 13110 Marsh Rd., Bealeton, VA 22712. (540) 439-9781
FOR S A L E : Zenith Trans-Oceanic G-500, working, good condition - $ 1 7 5 ; L-600 with book, working - $ 1 3 0 . Ted Demski, 5806-225 PI. SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043. Phone/fax: (425) 778-7100
FOR S A L E : Drake SW-4A - $150. Knight R-100A $60. Kenwood R-600 - $200. Hallicrafters S-38D - $35. Mike Brillhart, 12551 Maiden Creek Rd., Abingdon, VA 24210.(540) 944-4387 9-11pm E S T
FOR S A L E : A K 206, original, very good condition $300. Phiico 70 console, good cabinet, needs grille cloth, complete - $125. Phiico 42-355 chassis/speaker, WT - $30. Stewart-Wamer A61P3, AC/DC/portable, looks like a small Trans-Oceanic - $45. Classic Radio & Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 61 Augusta, M E 04330. (207) 623-2059
FOR SALE: Tubes: (45) N.I.O.B. - $ 5 0 ea,, (45) u s e d $20 ea., 5U4G, N.I.O.B. - $15 ea., 807 used - $5 ea., Arcturus Blue 124,127 used - $10 ea., 6AS7G, used $9 ea., 6AS7G, N.I.O.B. - $20 ea., 829, used - $12 ea. Plus shipping. Special tube l i s t - L S A S E . J . J . Papovich, 53 Magnolia Ave., Pitman, NJ 08071 (609) 582-8279. E-mail: jjpapo@june.oom
FOR S A L E : Atwater Kent #3529 variocoupler, N.O.S. in original box w/logo on cover & knob - $250. Gilfillian Bros. Inc. variocouplers N.O.S. with mtg. template $50. Langbean Kaufman, New Haven, Conn, variocoupler, exc - $35. F&H Laboratories resonator w/ knob, e x c - $30. Zenith Royal 500 with leatherette case, works, 1" chunk out of side - $60. All above + U P S . Phil Guinan, 106 Page Rd., Litchfield, NH 03052. (603) 8896213
Carr trie CHRS Hotrine: 415/821-9800
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#·All this and more for $20 per year Califomia Historical Radio Society PO Box 31659 San Francisco, CA 94131 http://www.wp.com/chrs

FOR SALE: Clough-Brengle capacity and resistance bridge Model CLB-60007 circa 1942 for Navy - $40. Andrew Mitz, W A 3 L T J , 4207 Ambler Dr., Kensington, MD 20895. (301)897-5531 E-mail: arm@helix.nlh.gov
FOR S A L E : Electronic magazines & b o o k s - S A S E with 550 postage or will e-mail, Harry Pewowaruk, 1535 N. 8th A v e . , St. Cloud, MN 56303. E-mail: hpewowaruk@aol.com
FOR SALE/TRADE: Original Marconi wireless stock cert. - $45 ea. Sears wireless cat. 1916 ? - $40; game Prof. Mike Krophone radio question game, using a wooden stand, microphone, 1938 Parker Bros., complete - $150; Conn. T e l . & T e l . toy microphone in original box - $75; radio game, Milton Bradley, cover of box has picture of 3 dial radio, complete - $100. Radio related toys, U.S. Navy bulkhead blinker with J 3 8 key. No. 26B1, code learning device ? - $ 8 0 ; earphones. Federal Brush, Victor, etc., assorted radio maps, log books & call books from mid 2 0 s - $ 1 0 0 / a l l . Telegraph key & sounder AM radio - $100; bronze paper weight, 3" diam. David Sarnoff 50th anniversary 1956 - $100; RCA Radiotron doll, needs work - $325; R C A tags, 2" diam. - $25. Bob Fuschetto, 1758 Michael Dr., Whitehall, P A 18052. (610) 435-8944, call between 7-9PM

FOR S A L E : Phiico 51 c h a s s i s - $15. Medical device in case, unknown function, ca. 1 9 0 0 - $ 2 5 . Bowman wallmount wire/hose reel r a c k - $ 1 4 . S p r a g u e T 0 4 capacitor tester - $88. Hickok 288X sig. gen., manual - $88. Heath IT12 signal tracer, manual - $39. E I C O 955 in circuit capacitor tester m a n u a l - $ 3 3 . RCA, Raytheon tube caddies - $20-$40. T V 2 C / U tube tester - $325. Lots of reasonably priced test equipment, 10-page list L S A S E . Kirk Ellis, K K 4 Y P 203 Edgebrook Dr., Pikeville, NC 27863. (919) 242-6000, evenings

FOR SALE: Bumper car radios, N.I.B., AM/FM, red/ white - $88; teal/white - $99. Ray Palmer, N7MFG, 6523 S. Roosevelt St., Tempo, AZ 85283. (602) 8311149. E-mail: bumpercar@asu.edu

FOR SALE/TRADE: Collins 75A-2, beautiful - $450.

Viking Challenger - $125. Working command sets -

$50. S A S E . Sam Timberlake, PO Box 161 Dadeville,



(205) 825-7305.



FOR S A L E : N.O.S. tubes: Type 4 X 1 5 0 A - $ 2 5 ; Type 4125/4D21 - $ 6 0 . Bob Putnak, 1507 4th St., Monongahela, PA 15063. (412) 258-6236

FOR S A L E : Plastic Nipper salt and pepper shakers (1) N.I.B., (1) used, Radiotron Designer's Handbook, poor cover - $30. Angelo Pallotta, 1367 D'Angelo Dr., N. Tonawanda, NY 14120. (716) 695-0329




W.E. 101F, 205D, F, Tennis Ball, 274B, 300B, 211,845,

KT66, 77 88. EL34, PX25, 280, 245, 250, Telefunken,

Mullard, Bugle Boy E C C 8 1 , 82, 83, 801S, 802S, 803S.

--AUDIO EQUIPMENT WANTED-- Mcintosh, Marantz, U T C , W . E . Trans, Black Beauty, A & B Resistor etc

Flat B, 37/F, Block 5, Greenfield Garden, Tsing Yi, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 24349466 Fax: (852) 24344963 http://www.jeis.com/~fullrang/


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55 different nriodeis from 25 manufacturers are extensively covered. Included for each is a description, the year of manufacture, dimensions, colors found and photos illustrating the various colors and variations. A 15-page introduction describes the growth of Catalin radio collecting, the Catalin material itself the "Catalin" style, rarity and value, and colors and restoration. The introduction contains an additional eighteen photos, twelve In full color.

Softcover*-$19.95 *Remainder Copies Complete, slight mark on bottom edge indicating that they are remainders.

L'.S. Orders Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or MasterCard, include name on card, card number and expiration date. Send payment with order. Mass. residents add 5% sates tax. l^oney back return policy. Softcover unless stated otherwise. Most orders shipped the same day received, but allow 2-4 weeks to receive order. Foreign orders write for shipping costs, or use credit card and specify air or surface (allow 2-3 months for surface shipping).

A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512


Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/


FOR S A L E : All items this ad, picl< up only, cash. (6) floor model sets. (40) boxes pull out tubes-$7/box. Record player changers - $10/unit. Radio record players table models - $27 ea. Phiico 1001 10" T V - $100. Motorola 7" port T V - $45. Lots of small AM clock AM/FM table sets. Boxes of parts. Large old Electro D Y speakers. Reel-to-reel 2-4 track recorder players - $20 to $60. AM/FM stereo transistor tuners amps. PM speakers, mixed sizes tube caddys. Test eqpt., test eqpt. as parts units, 3" to 8" s c o p e s . Lab quality test eqpt. S C wireless 19 Mark II tank radio. R A K - 8 low freq. mil rec. and power unit - $100. Will be adding more items to this list. Some photo items. Buyers call first. Not always here. F. Krantz, 100 Osage Ave., Somerdale, NJ 08083-1136. (609) 783-0400
FOR SALE: Zenith 500, hand-wired - $150; Sparton 410 Jr - $215; Zenith 6D315 - $195. John Lyie, 1161 S.W. Mulvane, Topeka, K S 66604-1456. (913) 2320128
FOR S A L E : Atwater Kent Model 5 (parts are mint) $6,800. Zenith 6S-254 console, nice-$425. StrombergCarison 140L, super mint - $375. Phiico 60 cathedrals - $255 ea. Phiico 89 cathedrals - $275 ea. Phiico 39-31 console, m i n t - $ 2 2 5 . General Electric H-116 10-tube console - $175. R C A 121 cathedral - $225. Can deliver AWA Rochester show. Call for free pictures. Harvey Daniel Rieff, P O Box M-372, 659 1st St., Hoboken, NJ 07030. (201) 659-0401 work or (201) 262-9466, home
FOR S A L E : (80) pages-$2firstclass. Books, catalogs, manuals, radios, televisions, amateur, scientific, photographic, military. Francis H.Yonker P.E.,W2IBH, 1229 Inverary PL, State College, PA 16801. (814) 8671400
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters S-38E comm. rcvr, complete original, works AM, untested S W - $35. Donald Sochurek, W191 S7500 Richdorf Dr., Muskego, WI 53150. (414) 679-0212

FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Any radio for electric, battery, or water fans, porcelain toasters, and electnc heaters. Richard D. Padron, Jr., 1005 E . Idlewild Ave., T a m p a , FL 33604. (813) 238-8535
FOR S A L E : Zenith 15U269, clean, complete, original, 81/2 on 10 scale, electrically untested, photos available - $ 1 , 4 0 0 . Ron Kudasik, 2235Tanya Dr., Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717)267-9468, 3-11 pm. Eastern
FOR S A L E : Transistor Trans-Oceanic 1000, original box, sales info, manual, complete, operates, charts, wave magnet - BO. Sam Hevener, W8KBF, 3583 Everett Rd., Richfield, OH 44286. (216) 659-3244
FOR S A L E : 1913 Stutz Bearcat radio in original box, mint; horn elbow made by Reichmann - accepting offers. WANTED: Plastic trim for push buttons on a Truetone D-714, series A; owners manual for same; automatic changer for a Zenith 12H090. Norm Secor, 3333 Grand Ave., #361, Des Moines, lA 50312. (515 277-4243
FOR S A L E : Rider's Vol. 1 -20, with index - $300, plus freight. C & R Audio Video, 625 E. Main St., Turiock, CA 95380.(209) 632-3921
FOR SALE: Rider's VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV XV, XVI - $35, plus S/H. Ed Crockett, Vintage Electronics, 128 Buccaneer Dr., Hattiesburg, MS 39402. (601) 264-4755. Fax: (601) 264-0226
FOR SALE: Rider Radio 1-3,5-$150; 6,12,13-$15. Supreme radio 1926-1942 - $60. Richard L. Bednarcik, 28 Steele Ave., Lincoln Park, NJ 07035. (201) 694-6374
FOR S A L E : Radio books, manuals, printed materials, parts and junk. Send S A S E for list. P Majewski, P O Box 92, Tamaqua, PA 18252
FOR S A L E : Tubes, radio, TV, 40s through 50s, S A S E forlist Lee C. Dickinson, 401 -3Talcottville Rd., Vernon, CT 06066

Fridav. Seoternhfir ?R



The Annual Fall Mega-Meet
In Atlanta!

"No host" dinner

7:00 p.m.

(Ho Jo Midtown Hotel)



Atlanta Radio theater 8:30 p.m. Players (an excellent

"Golden Age" radio



'f^. ,n!!! HowardJohnson Midtown Loca(FteodrmaeAt,rtllya1n7tht5ae0,CGCaAosmtl3em0ga3e1terc8eHDotreivle) NW

Event Registration/Set up Flea Market

SeptemhRr ?7
Time 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. (all day)

Phiico Display/contests All day

Fee Schedule

In Advance

Vendor Space* (First space, table provided) Additional Space (table provided) Registration (per family)

$15.00 8.00 5.00

'Vendor space includes registration fee

At Door
$17.50 10.00 7.50


There wilt be no buying, selling or trading ol merchandise before 8:00 a.m. on Saturday-Entorcedt

WANTED: Midwest consoles and tabletop radios from 1933 to 1939. Looking for the strong Deco ones. I can roordinate shipping anywhere in the U.S., so don't hpsitate to call! Mark V Stein, 2109 Carterdale R d . , Baltimore, MD 21209. (410) 466-2814. Fax: (410) 4660815- E-mail: radioman@crosslink.net
WANTED: Going to radio swaps, meets or flea tnarl<ets? Please s e n d a stamped envelope for tlie hiqh prices I pay for 1950s tiny tube portables and toy crystal radios. M]ke Brool<s, 7335 Sl<yline, Oakland, CA 94611
WANTED: Free catalogs that list old antique radios and repair supplies. Lloyd M. Page, Rt. 4, Mullins, S C 29574-9359

WANTED: A working four-track tape player of any make or model. Stephen Mauck, 428 S . Purdy, Lyons, K S 67554. (316) 257-5582
WANTED: Prewar Japanese QSL cards; spark transmitter and loose coupler-type crystal receiver Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 011-8145-301-8069. E-mail: takadoi@kk.iij4u.or.jp
WANTED: Audio transformers, Peeriess G252Q and S265Q, H S 2 5 triad, and HA137 by U T C . Also looking for Western Electric transformers, etc, Michael Payne, 803 S. Taylor Alvin, T X 77511 (281)331-9217 Fax: (281) 585-2727

WANTED: Schematic and service information for the Phiico Model 41-226, code 121 Richard J . LaMark, 6822Tuckahoe Rd., Williamson, NY 14589-9589. (315) 589-2552

WANTED: Phiico PT61 .Still looking for this table radio. Must be in good condition with original knobs, back, etc., as well a s restorable. (Listed Bunis 2, p. 141 for $95.) I will pay $175, plus shipping. Rod Kennedy, 2 Teodora Ct., Moraga, CA 94556. (510) 376-7885

WANTED: R C A WC-528B Quicktester, (Q.ST., 2/75, p. 51). Louis D'Antuono, 8802 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, NY 11209. (718) 748-9612, after 6pm
WANTED: Sammy Kaye and Sunday Serenade radio transcriptions (big 16 in. records). Anything Sammy Kaye: photos, memoribilia, magazine articles and other big bands for Worid's Only "Big Band Hall of F a m e " Robert DeMars, 222 Lakeview Ave., Suite 160/256, W. Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 844-7434. Fax: (561) 844-1493. E-Mail: BigBandHoF@aol.com

WANTED: Prewar plastics by Detrola, Kadette, R C A , Phiico, etc. My cousin Vinny and I we w a s thinking, "Hey, we got the cash," (a cool mil, to be exact), "so let's spend some before dem giris gets hold of it." You know what I'm saying? Please write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 427-1384
One Month Free!

WANTED: For 1937 Stromberg-Carlson 1.40 M, dial scale, hexagonal glass. Other models the same? Glenn Bubenheimer, 27851 Terrence, Livonia, Ml 48154. (313) 421-5574
WANTED: Phiico 70 w/original finish and brass escutheon. Michael Harrington, PO Box 250995, Little Rock, AR 72225
WANTED: Atwater Kent speakers, horn for 10 C and conefor20, good condition, Vern Lang, 619 Sunrise Cr., Muscatine, IA 52761 (319)263-2697

If y o u r e n e w b e f o r e the m o n t h s h o w n on your mailing label (your expiration month),
you will receive an extra month on your subscription: 13 m o n t h s instead of 12!
26 months for an early 2-year renewal!
WANTED: Manual receiverType R1451A/WLR6. Harry A. Weber, 4845 W. 107th St., Oak Lawn, IL 60453-5252
WANTED: Zenith chairside Model 9S244, 9 S 2 4 2 or 7S242, in nice condition. Larry Bosher P O Box 193, Palo Pinto, T X 76484. (940) 325-5333


WANTED: One yellow Catalin DeWald pinwheel knob; Kadette Classic in nice condition; Kadette Copper. Peter Fee, 26 Smull Ave., Caldwell, NJ 07006. (201) 403-8913
WANTED: Housing/cabinet for Crosley Victory Model 63TA. Bryon Bernor, 33855 McEnnery Cyn., Acton, CA 93510. (805) 269-5459

WANTED: Seeking any brand of blue, red, yellow, orange or green radios. Also buying microphones, 60s & 70s space-age design T V s , radio tubes and parts. Specializing in buying F a d a radios, speakers and literature. Tom Meers, 773 Cariisle Club Dr., Stone j ^ n t a i n , GA 30083. Phone: 800-777-1452
WANTED: Dead metallic and Bakelite crystal phono cartridges. Will pay $1 ea. plus postage. West-Tech, PO Box 1415, Sebring, FL 33871

WANTED: Antique medical and scientific devices, especially very early, ornate or unusual. Richard Cane, 1333 N.W. 127th Dr., Sunrise, F L 33323. (954) 8467116
WANTED: Special 6.3 V A C lamps for VU meters used in T E A C & Sony tapecorders. They must have pigtails on either end and measure approx. 1/2" long x 1/8" dia. Ray Barnes, 38 Woodmere Rd., Framingham, MA 01701


FOR S A L E : Elements of Radio, M a r c u s - $ 1 2 , Radio Pfiysics Course, Ghirardi-$20, Radio Station Treasury, 1900-1946-$8, Tlie Transistor Radio Handbook-$12, Elements of Radio Servicing, Marcus & Levy - $20, Zenith 3000-1 Manual (ex. copy) - $6, Novelty radios, testers, manuals, catalogs, magazines, my 33 plus page list - $1 & 2 stamps - $1 refund with your order Ben Martin, 18334 Pepper St., Castro Valley, CA 94546. (510) 582-6804

FOR SALE: Phiico 66 - $100. Dewald 563 wood - $30. RCA X51 - $20. Hallicrafters S38C - $35. Paul Roche, 9914 Indian Ln., Silver Spring, MD 20901 (301) 7543608

FOR SALE/TRADE: Beautiful Saba Freudenstadt 7 large table top radio, not working - $55, plus U P S . Paul Fulton, 711 Jacquelyn Rd., Westwood, NJ 07675. (201) 664-5260

FOR SALE/TRADE: Many N.I.B. Japanese transistor and novelty radios from 1960s. Trade for HP calculators, old marbles. Free list, L S A S E . Bill Hyde, 34 Cerrado Loop, Santa Fe, NM 87505. (505) 466-6613
FOR S A L E : G E M61 tombstone, nice cabinet, needs knobs, 1934, shouldered, B E , SW, A C - $50. Dave Pewowaruk, 931 23rd St. SW, Rochester MN 55904. (507) 280-5975. E-mail: HP95@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Standard Micro Ruby SR-H436 with shell box, dark brown, a real beauty, works - $115. Norman M. Landis, 1315 Marbendale Ct., St. Louis, MO 631226932. (314) 821-7933
FOR SALE/TRADE: Beautiful aqua 1964 3" reel/reel recorder (O.M.G.S., Model 1778), approx. T x 8" x 21/2" perfect cosmetics/operation, in original box, w/manual $150 ortrade for novelty radio(s). Many novelties/pockets for sale/trade. S A S E for list. Ray Weaver, 1047 Bunker Hill Rd., Columbus, G A 31907 (706) 687-1733
FOR S A L E : A C power cords. Stock up now. Brown, 62 inch, polarized, 18gal. (25) pieces-$10,plus shipping - $ 2 . 5 0 . 1 hope to see you at Rochester Gerald Cromer, K4NHN, 1014 Summerland Dr., Cayce, S C 29033. (803) 794-1483
uou Come MtC Mteet
Radio personality at WTIC AM in Hartford, C T for fix decado»!l
Saturday September 6th
11AM to 12PM at the

FOR SALE: Emerson Catalin case, excellent - $550. Deico white radio R-1230A, excellent - $75. Arvin black midget 4-tube 6" x 5" - $40. R C A dog and music windup player, the two music box and dog - $200. Edison Pathe phonograph made for Silvertone, plays disk, nice oak case, works, open top excellent - $250. Sylvania clock antique sign, excellent metal back, old - $255. Thomas A. Edison cylinder, 20, nice - $200. Western Elect telephone switchboard, nice wood case, nice, complete - $250. Drum metal radio speaker in iron frame 14" - $65. R C A Victor tan cowhide case, seven band, portable, like Zenith Oceanic, five knob control radio - $100. Zenith Trans-Oceanic H-500, nice - $125. Stromberg-Carison amplifier Model AU-42 portable metal, old - $55. Wards Airiine aira/ave loop system aerial 7-tube 22" x 12" x 14" 4-knobs, six push buttons, dial 4" X 6" left end rounded, built-out grille with seven wood slats, complete beautiful two-tone bud. wood $135. All radios play. Will trade fans for book radios or breadboards. Phiico Model 20 cathedral baft, type, doesn't play, finish nice-$55. Phiico Model 40-155 slant frontwood, push buttons-$55, Packard Bell, white, mint in box - $40. B K T V analyst 1076. Hercules 12" 6 brass blade wall mount fan, polished - $ 2 0 0 , will trade for book radios. Temple tan metal, plays - $40. Howard 201 A, white Bakelite - $40. Airiine Bakelite 6-button AM Model 84BR-1518A ivory 14", n i c e - $ 4 0 . Airiine 5 push buttons, cream Bakelite-$35. Briston horn speaker, black, brass bell, polished - $125. Seeburg Colette 120 selections stereo, chrome nice jukebox selector- $250. The Gyroy ceiling two-motor fan - $4,000. Will trade fan for breadboard radios. A C Dayton Model XL-5 table, glass 1925 plate glass see-through case, 5-tube battery, this is a rare set, underpriced in books, excellent - $1,800. Crosley Model 50, portable soft wood leatherette, black, very, very rare, never put on market, only two known $11,000. General Elect. 16° elect, fan brass, polished $300. Peeriess 12" fan brass, five 1/2" holes around outside of base, eariy - $450. Century 12" brass large open ends, cast motor, excellent-$300. Westinghouse 12" 6-blade brass - $200. Emerson 10" brass blades, iron telescoping stand - $375. WANTED: Radios look like one book or like set of books, tube ortransistors type, eariy light bulbs. Edison Mabry, 715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (419) 526-1175

1 1 7 3 Main Street East Hartford, CT Admission will be charged Call (860) 675-9916 for iofo

FOR SALE: Grandfather clock radio Playtime 124, vg cond., no ship, will help 250 miles P U . Buzz Miller, 725 Mt. Rock Rd., Cariisle, P A 17013. (717) 776-3279
FOR S A L E : Kennedy shortwave converter Model 53, real nice-$125 plus shipping. E d Bell, 5311 Woodsdale Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606. Fax/ph: (919) 851-1517







FFATURES Program Druen By Database Search Engine? Installation IVogram On CD-Rom? Each CD Set (ie. Vol 1-4) A Stand-Alone Program? Can Read And Print Smallest Printed Schematics?
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FOR S A L E : R C A Victor Model 3-US-5 radio/record player, AM, A C / D C - $50, plus shipping. Leroy Neal, 603 Butterworth, Dyersburg, TN 38024. (901) 285-5120
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Cool military stuff, W W I I J a p a n e s e field telephone, beautifully made, excellent condition. Teal< c a s e , lots of bnght work, J a p a n e s e "Megger" magneto driven galvanometer, for detecting cracks in hulls of subs. Condition of both pieces, very good/ excellent. Offers of trade or c a s h on both pieces. V\fWII U.S. airplane gauges. Navy tachometer, 3 inches. General Electnc Mark V excellent - $75. G a s gauge, 2 inches, reads gas, 54 gallon max number. Oil pressure gauge, 2 inches, reads to 200 lbs. per sq. in., with white paint mark at 60 lbs., guessing from small aircraft. Also, Navy - $25 ea. Make offer on all three. Navy 3 inch oscilloscope O S - 8 0 in C V - 8 4 5 U case, cool slant front, nice condition, works, uses 9 pin tubes - $85. Meters, Weston Volt meter, 10 inches, nickel, scroll faced, pre1900, excellent - $125 OBO. Westinghouse 7 inch am meter to 80 amps, 2 0 s / 3 0 s type - $35 O B O . Still have lots of c a m e r a stuff, s e e p. 28, Aug. A . R . C , Offers of c a s h or trade accepted on all stuff. Always looking for vintage mics, tube audio, R C A memorabilia, advertising, etc. Always looking for Espey table radios, literature, advertising. Ward Kremer, 5807 Papaya Dr., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. Ph/fax: (561 468-7732. E-mail: WKremer798@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Toshiba 8TM-294 - $45. Magazines from the 50s, Radio Electronics & Radio and T V News. Jim Charney, 4007 Monroe, Dearborn Heights, Ml 48125. (313) 274-7766
FOR S A L E : Sylvania Thunderbird radio, inner plastic cover has crack - $175 ppd. Larry Brososky, 15514 WindoverTri., Ft. W a y n e , IN 46845. (219) 637-5339
FOR S A L E : Tubes, old car radios! Grab boxes and specials! S A S E , please, for lists. Mitchell Thermionics, 211 Argosy Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20878

FOR S A L E : Reproduction dials tor Belmont 6 D 1 1 1 , S6tchell-Carlson417 427-Trav-Ler #5061 Phiico PT 4 1 - $ 2 4 e a . ppd. Reproduction light c o v e r s emblem for Air Rite - $32 ppd. Doyle Roberts, HC63, Box 236-1, Clinton, A R 72031 (501) 745-6690. E-mail: drob@artelco.com
FOR S A L E : Books: Motorola Semiconductor Databook, 1968, HB,21/2" thick-$25. Catalog: Lafayette transistor T 4 - 5 6 - $ 1 0 . Fundamentals of Television E n g . , 1955, HB - $10. Bulletin: Ballantine Electronic A C voltmeter 300A-300B, 1939, 12 pp. - $15. Pop. Mechanics, 12, 1924-1933, not a s e t - $ 1 0 0 . Bemie Samek, 113 Old Palmer Rd., Brimfield, MA 01010. (413)245-7174. Fax0441
FOR S A L E : Assortments of used radio tubes postpaid! (100) petals - $39, (50) loctals - $25, (100) 4-5-6 pin $70. Evan J . Chase, 108 C a s s St., Swanton, OH 43558. (419) 826-3776
FOR S A L E : Scott#1510 c h a s s i s - $ 8 0 . Zenith HSOOfor parts - $25. Zenith #160D portable - $80. (2) Sony cassette recorders-$15. Victor Japan #6A-2605 radio - $45. Radio Amateur's Handbook - $8. Stancor #752 power supply - $10. A T R D C to A C Inverter #32 - $8. Aiwa R/R #TP-801 recorder - $20. R C A #WO-37A oscilloscope - $15. Zenith Royal 500 - $50. Zenith #G503Y portable - $40. Craig 7-band portable - $30. Lloyds #9NZ4 portable - $50. Universal Color tube tester - $10. Tom Thumb cathedral - $40. B&K #960 transistor tester - $10. Gloritone #27S cathedral $140. Phaostron #MA-1 VOM - $20. Zenith #X347 stereo radio - $50. WANTED: Phiico cabinet and chassis for Crosley Elf # 48. Walt Wrabek, Rt. 4, Box 370, Menahga, MN 56464. (218) 564-4623
FOR SALE: Empire Grenadier 9000 speakers. American, 15" woofers, marble tops - $550 pick-up please. Walter Bernd, 99 Parkwood Dr., Fairfield, C T 06430. (203) 254-8140

New Wireless Pioneers

Books, Magazines, Literature

Bought and Sold

N e w Wireless Pioneers buys and sells books, catalogs, magazines and other literature from the 1800's to 1950 that deal w i t h early radio, wireless and electricity. A selection from our list of specialties:

Pre-1900 Electricity Pre-1925 Radio or Wireless
Pre-1950 Computers

Pre-1900 Telegraphy Pre-1940 Television
Early X-Ray

Magazines, Catalogs, Autographs or E p h e m e r a related to the above topics. Also: Pre-1920 Wireless andTelegraph Apparatus - Radio-Related Novelties and Advertising - Early Vacuum Tubes and Electrical Devices.
Some items available in other technical subject areas also.

Several catalogs featuring items for sale are published each year. New Wireless Pioneers - Jim & Felicia Kreuzer P.O. Box 398, E l m a , N Y 14059 P h o n e : (716) 681-3186 Fax: (716) 681-4540


WANTED: Military grey rackmount headphone amp i M 4 3 C by United Television C o . Michael Payne, 803 S . Taylor Alvin, T X 77511 (281) 331-9217 Fax: (281) 585f727

WANTED: Voice of Music (VM), reel and cassette Reorders. Also VM literature, demo records. Gary Stork, 37530 E . Meadowhill, Northville, Ml 48167 (248) 478-



WANTED: Adapter E l 05 to test 829-B and 832 tubes in my T V - 7 D / U military tester Robert B. Toenjes, 1724 2nd Ave. NW, Waverly, IA 50677 (319) 352-3321

WANTED: Emerson, help, desperately wanted Emerson Model AX-240 working chassis and speaker for my newly acquired Emerson bookcase style cabinet. It came with wrong radio and speaker. Many thanks. Loren H. Dudley, 14 Valley Rd., Bath, M E 04530-2811 (207)442-8419

WANTED: Sparktransmitter P4type, Amrad crystal set ID tags, information on Radak R 4 . Paul Recupero, 265 Union St., Portsmouth, Rl 02871-2209

WANTED: Ivory plastic knobs for tuning & volume

control. Zenith 7 - S - 3 6 3 , ( B u n i s 1 , p. 1 6 8 ) . Marv

Glassman, 19300 Romar St., Northridge, C A 91324. (818) 993-4560. Fax: (818) 886-7101

W A N T E D : Symphony and Detrola Catalins. If only you knew how necessary these radios are to my very

WANTED: Front panel, tuning dial, tube socket for Grebe CR-5. Radiocraft dials (white). Bob Nicholson, 3423 S . E . Long St., Topeka, K S 66605-2486. (785) 266-9473
WANTED: Will pay top price for Crosley 50 amplifier, Crosley 50 portable, Crosley VI, Crosley Audio detector, Crosley Radio frequency tuned amplifier Rider's 23. Bill Moss Settle, 120 Clarksdale Cir., Glasgow, K Y 42141

existence. G e e , if you knew that you'd probably never call and hope I'd wither a w a y ending once and for all these stupid ads. Please write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 427-1384
WANTED: General Electric Model 7-4135 wood radio, made in eariy 1980s. B . J . C o x , P O Box 272, Kiowa, K S 67070. (316)825-4816

(502) 651-6525

WANTED: I will pay $200-f for Western Electric 205

WANTED: BC-342-N and R-274. Michael Harrington, PO Box 250995, Little Rock, A R 72225

D (tennis baii shape) u s e d . S^50·^ for Western Electric 274 A/B (engraved base) used. $450+ for Western Electric 300 A/B (engraved base) used.

WANTED: Eariy crystal sets, detectors. One-tube sets with exposed tube. Unusual horn and cone speakers.

$100+ for 2A3 (single plate) u s e d . If you have any questions, please call. Don Singerhouse, 350 W. 3rd

Scarcer, pre-1925 battery sets. Will buy one piece or an

St., New Richmond, WI 54017. (715) 246-3899

entire collection. E d Bell, 5311 Woodsdale Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606. Fax/ph: (919) 851-1517

WANTED: Tuning shaft or var cap Phiico #31-1172; ten inch spkr with voice coil, field coil and pot assembly

WANTED: Heathkit manual for signal tracer. Model T 4 , photocopy OK. Michael Durand, 21 Le Grande Ave.,

for Phiico 118H. Burt Werthman, R D 2 , Little Falls, NY 13365. (315) 866-4854

Tarrytown, NY 10591 (914)631-0493

WANTED: Dial pointer and dial lens for a 1946 Fada

bullet Model 1000, reproductions O K . F O R S A L E :

Gloritone Model 27 cabinet, needs some reveneering -

$25 + U P S or trade for General Electric Model K-43

> cabinet. Douglas Wright, 625 Rolling Hills Dr., Canyon Lake, T X 78133. (830) 899-5800, after 5 pm WANTED: 3000-1 Trans-Oceanic parts sets. Also want

parts or neariWtS^etsofttTe-WestinghaQse Little Jewel

radio. Jim Montague, 1907 S . Stanley Ln., Spokane,

WA 99212. (509) 535-9576

WANTED: Pilot set pictured and similar, also Pilots with drum-type dials. P a y to $1,500 or have trades. P a y finders fee for information leading to purchase. Shipping from anywhere no problem. Thanking everyone in advance. Bill Moore, 3049 Box Canyon Rd,, Huntsville, AL 35803. (205) 880-1207
WANTED: Hallicrafters, Collins, complete radios or parts. What have you? Call: John R. Suker, W I TX, 216 Grove St., Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 775-6732. E-Mail: w1txjohn@aol.com
WANTED: Pilotone AA-901 ;Grommes50PG; classical/ jazz reel-to-reel tapes. Richard Brown, P O Box 686, Farmington, C T 06034. (860) 677-4828

WANTED: Cartridge shell and manual play spindle for Dual 1258 turntable; manual and auto spindle for 1019. Alexander Kruedener, 161 E. 89 St., Apt. 4E, New York, NY 10128. (212) 831-0662

WANTED: Phiico PT-84or41 -81, Minerva W117 Detra

219. Ichiro Yamada, 10-21 Chiyodadai-cho Kawachi

Nagano-shi, Osaka, Japan 586. Phone/fax: 011-81-





yamadnri @ osk.threewebnet.or.jp

WANTED: R C A vintage microphones wanted: 44-BX, 77-DX, KU-3A. Also R C A "On Air" lights, "recording" lights, mic. Flags, signs & station clocks w/call letters. Top prices paid. Bill Bryant Management, 2601 Hillsboro, Ste. G12, Nashville, T N 37212. (615) 269-6131 Fax: (615) 292-3434


Order These Popular Books From Antique Radio Classified

The Collector's Guide to Antique R a dios 4th E d i t i o n by Marty &. Sue B u n i s . 8,500+ Battery & AC sets from the '20s to the '60s. Updated prices. Many new photos. 1996. Shipping Now. $18.95
The Collector's Guide to Transistor Radios 2nd Edition by Marty & Sue B u nis. This book will help you identify the most sought-after vintage transistor radios. Over 2,900 models, all with current prices. Includes radio club listing. 375 all new color photos, 320 pages. 1996. $16.95


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Fixing Up Nice Old Radios by E d Romney. Written by a retired radio instructor Plastic binding. 300+figures, 185 pages. $29.00

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theory and practical operation of

antique and classic radios. 200 il-

lustrations, 256 pages.


U.S. Orders Enciose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate sliipping if total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or fJlasterCard, include name on card, card number and expiration date. Send payment with order. fJiass. residents add 5% sales tax. IVIoney back return policy Softcover unless stated othenvise. Most orders shipped the same day received, butaliow2-4 weeks to receive order. Foreign orders - write for shipping costs, or use creditcardand specify air orsudace (allow 2-3 months for sudace shipping).

] A . R . C , P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512

Fax: (508) 371-7129

Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/




(or if it will soon) Please fill out the coupon and mail with your payment to:
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Call: (508) 371-0512, or Fax: (508) 371-7129

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L'.S. Orders Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00. if using VISA or MasterCard, include name on card, card number and expiration date. Send payment with order. Mass. residents add S% sales tax Money back return policy Softcover unless stated othenvlse. Most orders shipped the same day received, 5ut allow 2-4 weeks to receive order. Foreign orders - write for shipping costs, or use credit card and specify air or sudace (allow 2-3 months for sudace shipping).

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antique and classic radios. 200 il-

lustrations, 256 pages.


U.S. Orders Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or hAasterCard, include name on card, card number and expiration date. Send payment with order. Mass. residents add 5% sales tax Money back return policy Softcover unless stated othenvlse. Most orders shipped the same day received, but allow 2-4 weeks to receive order. Foreign orders - write for shipping costs, or use credit card and specify air or sudace (allow 2-3 months for sudace shipping).

A . R . C , P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512


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F i x i n g U p Nice Old R a d i o s by E d Romney. Written by a retired radio instructor Plastic binding. 300+figures, 185 pages. $29.00
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Communications Receivers, 3rd E d . by Ray Moore. Information on vacuum tube receivers by 66 manufacturers. 402 radios illustrated, 115 pages. $19.95


WS. Orders Enclose $3 00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or MasterCard, include name on card card number and expiration date. Send payment with order. Mass. residents add s /o sales tax. Money back return policy Softcover unless stated othenvise. Most orders shipped the same day received
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F a x : (508) 3 7 1 - 7 1 2 9 W e b : h t t p : / / w w w . a n t l q u e r a d i o . c o m /

FOR S A L E : 1950's record directories/catalogs for 33, 45 & 78 records. DanGutowski, 12132 Cavell, Livonia, Ml 48150. (313) 261-5058
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Beautiful Atwater Kent Mod 90 cathedral - $600. R C A Mod 19 cathedral - $200. J a x cathedral ( a s s e e n on p. 16, E . O . R . l l ) - $ 3 0 0 . Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 2726030 or fax: (203) 2 7 2 - 2 0 0 2 . E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Huntron Tracker semiconductor analyzer, with service manual and probes - $250. Tom Bump, 4127 142nd Ave., NE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258. (425) 334-4732. E-mail: tbump86857@aol.com
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Radiola Super VIII, chassis only, no tubes or speaker; has knobs, dials, and pointers, some rust. Also Phiico Model 87 chassis only, no knobs; has tubes and speaker, some rust. Looking for good condition Zenith Golden Triangle or Regency T R 1 or offers. S&H extra. Danny Sertich, 5870 Brookgreen Rd., Atlanta, GA 30328. (404) 255-6761
FOR S A L E : 2 1 ' Phiico Predicta tandem w/25" cord, working-$850. Philco#90,exc-$400. Edison standard cyi. phono w/large horn plus crane - $ 6 5 0 . AK #84, exc - $375. GM "Little General" - $290. Phiico 70 - $275. Tabletop louvered Columbia Graphonola-$225. Victor 1 -2 small crank phono - $150. Scott 2220 stereo tube amp - $110. Pair Mcintosh #ML 10 spkrs, refoamed, exc - $350. Westinghouse RO (RA-DA) - $275. Call: J.L. Acciavatti, P C Box 806, Upton, MA 01568. (508) 476-3229
FOR S A L E : Two 7027A tubes; unique 1960s wall radio, built into a 23" x 17" picture. Charles Harper 2000 Jackstown Rd., Paris, KY 40361 (606) 484-9393
FOR S A L E : Mitchell Lumitone lamp radio, case restored, chassis rebuilt, new shade - $300. Alvin Heckard, RD1 Box 88, Lewistown, PA 17044

FOR S A L E : Zenith T r a n s - 0 H500, vg+-f, original $160. (3) small metal sets - $79. Stromberg stereo 8 amp-$79. Dyna; PAM 1- $ 3 5 ; FM 1- $ 4 0 ; FM 3-$50. Rob Taylor, P C Box 161 Frankfort, Ml 49635. (616) 352-7672
FOR S A L E : (1) Altec IIA attachment for 639, N.I.B. $45. (1) RCA 44BX Sain and Umber, vg - $800. Marcel Vallee, 703 Boul Saint-Germain, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada G5L 3S6
FOR SALE: S-7B4, S-7B8, S-7A6,8-7A8, N.O.S. - $ 1 5 + tax. Louis L. Veltre, 643A Sherwood, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-4207 (908) 657-7592
FOR SALE: FM receivers: Realistic R P 30/50 - $15; Lafayette PF175 L F / H F - $20; Patrolman PR03A LF/ H F / U H F - $ 3 0 . Dave Fearing, 1072 S e a St., Quincy MA 02169. (617) 773-6436
FOR SALE: Used 807 tubes, tested OK, guaranteed $5 ea. + $3 priority mail. J a m e s T Schliestett, W4iMQ, PO Box 93, Oedartown, GA 30125. (770) 748-5968. Email: imq@bellsouth.net
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Pilot Model T-502, B C and S W white Plaskon cabinet w/biack wraparound grille and large gold face dial - $500. Vogue pedestal speaker, emerald green w/goid leaf Repwood grille & base $600. Limited edition Amplion horn speaker in blackand brass cathedral metal cabinet (the most beautiful version I've ever seen) - $700. Midget Co. cone pedestal speaker, approx. 6" in diameter, N.I.B. - $200. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, OT 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : DeForest, (3) honeycomb coils with crown mounting - $45. (3) Edison battery oil bottles - $8 ea. (18) Little Wonder records, pat. 1909 - BO. Herman Fothe, 5292 Tiffany Ann., West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561)688-2794



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rll buy single pieces or whole collecfions. Top prices paid.
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The Collector's Guide To Antique Radios - 4th Edition
By Marty & Sue Bunis

8,500+ Battery & AC sets from the '20s - '60s 400+ color photographs Updated prices
$18.95 - Softcover
There are no transistor radios listed in the fourth edition. You will find them in The Collector's Guide to Transistor Radios available from A . R . C . for $16.95.

t/.S. Orders Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping if total order is under $35.00 If using VISA or MasterCard, Include name on card card number and expiration date. Send payment with order Mass. residents add ^/"^ales tax. Money back return policy Softcover unless stated otherwise. Most orders shipped the same day received but allow 2-4 weeks to receive order. Foreign orders - write for shipping costs, or use credit card and specify air or surface {allow 2-3 months for surface shipping).

A . R . C , P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512


Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/



FOR S A L E : Used tubes: 5U4GB (40)-$2.50 ea.; 6BK4 (50) - $4 ea,, 6JB6/6LQ6 (85) - $15 ea., 5965 (284), equal to 12AV7 - $1 e a . All tubes tested good. Gall, fax or write to: George Stagakis, 1714A 41st St., North Bergen, NJ 07047 (201) 867-9136. Fax: (201) 8674044

FOR SALE: Good used tubes. One UX171 A - $ 1 5 . One

71 A - $20. Four UX226 - $7 ea. One OX 3 2 6 - $ 1 0 . One

37 globe - $10. Two Majestic 27s - $8 ea. One 5Y-227

- $5. One UY-227 - $5. One Y-227 - $5. Classic Radio

& Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 61 Augusta, ME

/, 04330. (207) 623-2059


FOR S A L E : Master violet ray, in box - $25. Nice B&O / Beomaster 3000 - $225. B&K 707 - $65. Precision 612 - $30. B&K color & B/W rejuvenators - $40 & $25. Akai X-200D 3-motor deck, x-field - $60. Heath AA-141A preamp - $40. Display of Recoton needles, #90-1- - B O /

FOR S A L E : 1 Malone-Lemmon Model C Stenola Supreme cabinet, vg - BO. 2, Freshman Masterpiece Model 6F6,1926, cabinet only, v g - $ 2 5 , Espey portable 1938? ModelTommy Dorsey, vg - $ 3 0 . GilbertSimpson, 18 Beechwood Dr., Ansonia, C T 06401 (203) 734-4085

all. B&H & Heath scopes - $20 & $35. B-B RCA 201 V

N.I.B. & B-B Gunniningham C-300 w/tip, N.I.B. stickers

on both - 8 0 . J V C port V C R - $20. Morel S A S E for 5

pp. list. WANTED: Zenith #5619 chassis, Emerson 520

or similar back, transistor trades. Thanks! Michael L.

Hagan, 428 Sharron Dr., Woodway, T X 76712. (254)


FORSALE:Tubes:(3)GE6CA7-$25ea.(2)GE6550A - $20 ea. (2) 45 - $40. (4) 6 J E 6 / 6 L a 6 - $30. (2) 6L6G - $18. (1) 813 - $25. (1) 171A - $35. Have many 12AU7A - $3. 12AX7A - $6. 6BQ5 - $7 6FQ7 - $7 6SN7GTB-$5.12BE6,12BE635W4,50C5-$2.6EA7 - $ 1 . 5 0 . 6 E N 4 - $ 3 . Above all N.I.B. Used tested: (2) 10/ VT25 - $25. 8 0 S T - $4. Globe 2 8 0 - $20. Have many others and lots of sweep tubes. Call or write: Tony Rinaldo, 308 Lenox Ave., Oneida, NY 13421 (315) 3633644
FOR S A L E : New tubes: two 6146B - $12 ea., two 8156 - $8 ea., one 12DW7/7247 - $14; one 866A - $8; one 2 0 5 0 - $ 7 ' one 7 1 8 9 - $8; five 6 A L 5 s - $4 for all. Classic Radio&Television,541 Riverside Dr., Box61 Augusta, ME 04330. (207) 623-2059
FOR SALE: Rider's Troubleshooter's Manuals, Vol. 1 or 22 - $300. R C A 45 rpm record player Model 45-J-2, with new cartridge. Harry Kundrat, 29 Walton Ave., New Providence, NJ 07974. (908) 665-1873

FOR S A L E : Spirit of St. Louis 1940's military style receiver whose ancestors once reported troop movements on the Western Front. You flip on the toggle switch, the indicator light turns on, and you leap forward into the 21st century. T u n e the lighted airplane dial to your favorite AM or FM station, fine tune the loop antenna with the rotory dial and sit back. You'll enjoy the great sound and tone. Beautifully constructed with its wood cabinet, chiseled aluminum dash, AM-FM, TV-1 & TV-2, weather band, cassette. Four side handles, portable A C / D C with adapter included, batteries not included. Units dimensions are: 15 1 /2H x 14 3/4W x 8 1/2D - $99.95 inc. S&H. Send your check or money order to: Ben Martin, 20885 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley, CA 94546. (510) 582-6804

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FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters portables: TW-1000 - $125. TW-500 - $100. S-72 - $75. S-140, complete station; HT-40, HA-5 VFO, and attached DowTR switch - $200. S-86 receiver-$100. Please add shipping and handling to each item above. Loren H. Dudley, 14 Valley Rd., Bath, ME 04530-2811 (207) 442-8419
FOR S A L E : National H R O 5 0 - $ 2 9 5 . N C 1 0 9 - $ 1 1 5 . RME45speaker-$85. HallicraftersSX-71 -$195; SX100 - $250. Gonset G-11 - $75. Heath DX-40 - $85. Ameco T X - 8 6 - $95. Conar 400 - $45. New list - free! Richard Prester, 131 Ridge Rd., West Milford, NJ 07480. (973) 728-2454
FOR S A L E : Play those oldies on this professional 4speed phonograph with treble, bass and pause controls, 6 x 9 speaker, aux. inputs and outputs - $39. John Walch, 381 County Route 17 Bernhards Bay, NY 13028. (315) 675-8135. E-mail: Jwalch@juno.com
FOR S A L E : Ampex SP300 tape recorder, seven channels, transport similar to 350 - $400. Vintage plastic/Bakelite phono collection, approx. 10 pieces, prefer to sell a s one lot Zenith H664, twin-seven, etc. - $475. Phil Van Praag, W282 S3580 Ringneck Ct,, Waukesha, Wl 53188. (414) 524-9856, please call before 8 pm G S T
FOR S A L E : Audio limiters: R C A BA-6, Collins 26W, Gates SA-39B, Gates Sta-Level -Offers? JohnTiedeck, 212 Grandview Rd., Media, PA 19063. (610) 566-8049


WANTED: Large Amperextube manual from the 1950s/ 1960s. Also, odd or unusual tube types. Will pay $100 for E i m a c 5 0 0 T tube. J o h n H. Walker J r . , 16112 W. 125th St., Olathe, K S 66062. (913) 782-6455. E-mail: johnh.walker@alliedsignal.com
WANTED: Knobs and escutcheon for Grunow Mod 501 radio, (see Stein's Machine Age, Vol. 1 pg. 112). Jeff Hoskins, 824 E. Madison Ave., Stuart, FL 34996. (561) 283-2291 after 7 pm

WANTED: Phiico help, need working chassis for Phiico consolette Model 20 or power transformer for same. Many thanks. Loren H. Dudley, 14 Valley Rd., Bath, ME 04530-2811 (207) 442-8419
WANTED: Atwater Kent items. AK display lamps, AK green horn, AK 12, AK 10 w/green cans. All items must be original and in excellent condition. P a y your price. Keith Cenedella, PO Box 6763, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6763. (805) 492-7111

WANTED: For 1950 Chevrolet truck radio Model 986443. Combination power, volume and tone switch part number 7256188, N.O.S. or good used. Gregg Humanic, 540 Wicklow Ln., Monroe, OH 45050. (513) 539-8926

WANTED: Almost all Western Electric tubes, 205D/E, tennis ball shape only - $350, 300A/B - $650. 252A $675. Etc., other brands, balloon shape only, 10,45,50, 80. Call, fax, or write to: George Stagakis, c/o George's Antique T V & Radio Repair 1714A 41st St., North Bergen, NJ 07047 (201) 867-9136. Fax: (201) 8674044

WANTED: Motorola Catalins. I have been commissioned by the Almighty Himself to gather a s many of these wonderful jewels for preservation before judgment day is upon us. Forsake these worldly objects before it's too late! I pay cash. P l e a s e write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603)427-1384
WANTED: Yaesu FRG-7 shortwave receiver. FOR SALE: 1954 radio handbook - $15. Daniel Seidler 3721 W. 80 St., Chicago, IL 60652-2415. (773) 2848221
WANTED: Knobs for Victor radio Model No. R35. Jack Ghere, 1753 Community Beach Rd., Odin, IL 62870. (618) 532-5548
WANTED: Phiico cathedral cabinet Model 80-202, good working 37-84 chassis & speaker, F . E . Oswald, 711 Call Ave., Altoona, PA 16602. (814) 944-7199

WANTED: Eucharistic minister seeking Catalins, beetle, Plaskon, Detrolas, Kadettes, Fada, Addison, transistors. Bob Masterson, Box 172, Valley Cottage, NY 10989. (914) 353-3151 E-mail: BMradio@aol,com
WANTED: Bakelite radio panels, blank 7" x 19" or other sizes. Bob Mattson, K C 2 L K , 10 Jane Wood Rd., Highland, NY 12528-2607 (914) 691-6247 E-mail: bobmattson@juno,com
WANTED: E.H. Scott! E.H. Scott! E.H. Scott! Interested in Scott battery and A . C . sets, military, accessories, advertising and literature. John & Kathy Slusser, Radio Daze, PO Box 144, Mendon, NY 14506. (716) 624-9755. Fax: (716) 624-7857. E-mail: info@radlodaze.com
WANTED: Supreme Publicationsvolumes(schematics) for 1949,1954 and 1955. Zach Taylor, 1413 Broadway, Lincoln, IL 62656. (217) 735-3772

WANTED: Information on Feldstern-McCusker Co., Philadelphia and their 1927 "Electron" battery radio. Mike Parker K B 7 R S S , 945 S . E . Linn St., Portland, OR 97202-7027
WANTED: Phonograph related items: best prices for Vogue picture records, Edison, Columbia, and any wax cylinder records, toy phonographs, needle tins and cutters, Nipper, record dusters, puzzles, fans, calendars, pocketadvertising mirrors, dealerlapel pins, phonograph toys, posters, broadsides, original dealer advertising items from Edison, Victor and Columbia.Thank you. Bernie Seinberg, 714 Moredon Rd., Meadowbrook, PA 19046-1907 (215) 886-6124, E-mail: phonomanbernie@worldnet.att.net
WANTED: Operation/technical manuals: Scopes, Hickok 675, R C A - W 0 3 3 A , Tektronix RM503; Hickok 156 traceometer, Lafayette T E 2 5 C R analyzer Generators: RCA WR59B, Precision E200C, Eico 324; HP 51 OB meter. Noel S . Ilg, 228 Beck Rd., Avon Lake, 2H44012. (440) 933-5668. Fax: (440) 933-8864
WANTED: Used Western Electric 350B - $110, mesh 252A - $800,300A - $300,104D - $50, National Union 350B - $50, S P 2A3 - $60. New tubes higher. WE2A power supply with tubes - $310. Ming Yang, 1995 University Ave., #119, Berkeley, CA 94704. (510) 3764220. Fax: (510) 376-8861 E-mail: zoldtubes@aol.com

WANTED: Book showing the Pooley cabinets that were made for A K radios in the 2 0 s . Bill Schultz, 7213 Donet Ct. N E , Rio Rancho, NM 87124. (505) 867-8178
WANTED: Zenith Stratosphere 25-tube, Crosley WLW (large console with 4 chassis), E . H . Scott Philharmonic w/cabinet & good chrome. Grant Steger, 627 N. Main St., J u n e a u , Wl 53039. (920) 386-2575, 5 to 9 pm
WANTED: Tubes. 6SK7WGT EZ900, 6BL5, 2160, Sylvania gold brand 6X4W. Tom Miller, P O Box 20138, London Terrace Station, New York, NY 10011 (212) 675-7704, eves.




Michael Lawlor



P.O. Box 179


J | ^ " < ^ Barbara, CA


a (805) 6S2-Z336


FOR S A L E : (1) Grundig R/R tape recorder Model T K 35, original, no scratches, clean, untested - $150 + 8 / H. Carlos Gimenez, 15091 Shamrock Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33912. (941) 482-0198
FIRST 20 WORDS FREE! Cash or stamps OK for small amounts. Your payment helps to keep A.R.C. healthy!
FOR S A L E : R C A 4 5 45EY2 player & amp untested - $ 3 7 4 5 J 45 early, no amp - $25. 45J2 45, no amp - $25. 2tube R C A amp and 2 parts units 45 pans, all - $20. (50) assd. binding posts and c l i p s - $ 8 . Meissner signal shifter Model E X , no outer case, untested - $45. Flash photo bulbs, single contact type - 150 ea. Eico 950-A rescap bridge w/papers - $27.50. Superior 76 C R bridge and signal tracer - $25. Eico 214 VTVM, large 6 1 /2" meter $25.MixedTVknobs, 1 lb.-$5.Mixl lb.resistors-$7,50. RCA VTVM WV 77-E, clean, papers - $20. Still have some Simpson 260 VOM as parts units - $6 ea. Some Heath-Eico VTVM and some parts units. Heath Vectorscope 10-101 for T V - $25. Have scopes 3" to 8" RCA 100-A speaker, only-$10. Lot dial drive parts shafts for Phiico, 1930 sets - $10. Mix of 50. Volume-tone bias controls - $10. Dial scale mix - $10/10.25 assd. sockets - $5. (4) VOMs parts units - $18. (5) VOMs parts units $18. Emud Junior 196 radio Rekord, wood cab needs clean up - $30. Small round case avoid trans. 5 assd. $10. Superior genemeter TV 50-A signal gen. - $30. 50 watt 1 5 0 n rheostat - $4. Pair Shure hand mics, both $20. Lot 7-CB hand mics, all - $21 RCA 3BX671 batt-AC port leather case, knob missing, needs some service $60. Nordmende Transita export port AM/FM 2 S W bands - $30. Zenith Royal 3000-1 port, plating has some pitting-$65. Watch c a s e meters, list S A S E . Radio World, (6) copies, 1922 - $24. (5) small AM/FM sets, all - $20. (5) assd. AM small sets transt., all - $20. Have (1,000s) of unlisted items. All plus shipping. Write wants, L S A S E . Min. orders - $8. Have a tube and paper list, S A S E ea. F. Krantz, 100 Osage Ave., Somerdale, NJ 08083-1136. (609) 783-0400
FOR S A L E : Browning RJ-20A AM/FM tuner - $75; Granco UHF T V audio receiver - $15. Glenn Hendrix, HC70, Box 117, Ardmore, O K 73401 (405) 226-4644 or (405) 223-6709
F O R S A L E : Panasonic T R - 1 0 0 0 P 1 1/2" C R T T V , in box - $175 plus shipping. Richard Jendrucko, 458 Hillvale Turn East, Knoxville, T N 37919. (423) 523-7323
FOR S A L E : R C A power amp Model Ml -12236, w/cage - $ 8 5 . Norton Thompson, Box 422, Paonia, C O 81428. (970) 527-3017

F O R S A L E : Want your radio shop to have that 1930s look? Buy these three pieces of antique test equipment, all large black cabinets: NRI Signal Tracer, NRl Resistor Capacitor Tester and E M Multimeter - $100 plus shipping. MaurerTelevislon, 29 S . 4th St., Lebanon, PA 17042. (717) 272-2481
F O R S A L E : N.I.B. Sylvania 2A3-$53ppd.(130)issues A.R.C. 09/86 through 0 6 / 9 7 - $ 1 0 0 . Al Haasken, 8422 Berea Dr., Vienna, VA 22180. (703) 560-4869
FOR S A L E : Phiico S I 930 light green plastic, no cracks, half round dial on top - $ 7 5 . M. Leopold, 7 8 8 Duxbury Ln., Bartlett, IL 60103. (630) 289-8788
FOR S A L E : National 1-10 receiver - $150-1-. National NC-101X, various equipment, tubes, parts, coils. Hundreds of books/catalogs/old Q S T s - S A S E for list. John Travis, 66 Willowbrook Rd., Asheville, NC 28805. (704) 298-1847
FOR S A L E : Stromberg-Carlson stereo tube amp & preamp Models A S E - 8 & A S P - 8 0 , rated at 40 watts/ch, vg condition. Asking - $143 -^ shipping. Sheldon Kane, 360 Rhinecliff Dr., Rochester N Y 14618. (716) 4426338. E-mail: Auxch@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Dynaco PAT-4 pre-amplifier, Dynaco stereo 120 amplifier, H.H. Scott FM broadcast monitor tuner 4312, and Tandberg 64 reel-to-reel tape recorder. See you at the V R P S / A W A convention in Dallas in October. Thomas Peters, PO Box 3925, McAllen, T X 78502
FOR S A L E : Craftsman C-250 tube amp and CT-3 tuner - $100. Viking 85RMQ deck and tube electronics - $ 9 0 . Charles Johnson, 21 Holly Hill Dr., Mercer Island, WA 98040. (206) 232-2040
FORSALE: Regency MR-10B1 hi-bandreceiver-$25. Zenith 6D612, black dial table model - $40. Jim Ligouri, 7 Sycamore Ct., Atkinson, NH 03811 (603) 362-5712. E-mail: j-ligouri@aol.com
F O R S A L E : Taking bids. Radiola 111 with tubes, headset & original instruction booklet. Bids close 9/15. Tom Tamberelli, 106 Carpenter St., Muncy, PA 17756. (717) 546-6515
FOR SALE: Tubes, new, used, W E , Arcturus, Lighthouse, (60,000) others. S A S E with wants, fast response. Joe Pratt, Tube Central, 53 Liberty St., Clark, NJ 07066
FOR S A L E : Fisher KX100 amplifier - $75. R C A BX6 portable - $15. WANTED: R C A 2XF941 AM/FM. All items plus U P S . Jon Andreasen, PO Box 22, Newton, NJ 07860. (973) 579-6261 6-9 pm Eastern. E-mail: jdjaandreasen @ Compuserve.com

Listen to the entire world! This unusual shortwave radio, 7 X1 y. X Z'A inches, is one of the smallest and most sensitive radios ever built. It has AM/FM/MV/and 7 shortwave bands; you can listen to the entire world! It uses only two AA batteries or 3-volt adapter (not included). The cost including shipping and insurance is: Only $35.00 per set N.I.B. 12, 9, 3 bands also available. If you purchase 2 or more, 10% discount will apply! E-mail: rgbent6aol.com.
Call 908-607-0299, Fax 908-679-8524. Mail your check or money order to; R.G.B. Enterprises, Dept. 71
P.O. Box 5367, Old Bridge, N.J. 08857, U.S.A.




TUBES: Telefunken, Genalex, RCA, Radiotron,

etc. General Electric, Amperex, JAN, Sylvania,

G E C , National Union

IWclntosh, Marantz, Dynaco, J e n s e n , Linn,

Levinson, Fisher, Leak, Tannoy, Altec, EV,

Thorens, EMT J B L . . . Amps, Spkrs., Turntables


12325 Ashcroft, Houston, TX 77035

Tel: (713) 728-4343

Fax: (713) 723-1301


WANTED: Fada Catalin Model 652, 1000 and so on. Radio should be original, excellent condition and working. Takashi Doi, 1-21-4, Minamidai, Seyaku, Yokohama, 246 Japan. Fax: 011-8145-301-8069. E-mail: takadoi@kk.iij4u.or.jp
WANTED: Info, schematic for National receiver high freq., Type H R O , 9-tube. Joe Wood, 6511 Chester Hodgkins, IL 60526
WANTED: Anything on "The Chicago Theater of the Air" or Marion Claire. Eric Beheim, 25114 Oak Ln., Descanso,CA 91916

WANTED: I need the R C A Red Book Annual Volumes for 1 9 3 3 , 1 9 3 4 , 1 9 3 5 , 1 9 4 1 and 1942. I am willing to pay $25 for each edition in nice condition. Also buying pre and postwar Radio Retailing ($10 and $5/issue respectively). Radio Today, Radio-Music Merchant, Radio Record and other trade magazines. Tell me what you have! Mark V Stein, 21 OOCarterdale Rd., Baltimore, MD 21209. F a x : ( 4 1 0 ) 4 6 6 - 0 8 1 5 . E-mail: radioman@crosslink.net

WANTED: Homebrew or kit regenerative receivers from the 1920s. One to three tubes preferred. Doug Fox, 603 S. 12th Ave., St. Charles, IL60174, (630)584-5915

WANTED: Pre-war television receiver, electronic and/ or mechanical. I would also like to meet and correspond with others who are interested in collecting vintage T V s . 1 work an odd rotating schedule, so please write or leave message when rates are cheap. I will call back at your convenience. Thanks. Mike Drown, P O Box 2101 Imperial, MO 63052. (312) 942-1387
WANTED: Dial assembly and/or chassis for Silvertone Model 1981 console radio, also powersupply transformer with 5v & 2.5v f.l. windings for Silver-Marshall radio. Craig Huffman, 5020 West Ave., Ashtabula, OH 44004. (216)992-0562
WANTED: 1950s Teletype/font sets. Write for samples required. Top dollar paid. Consider entire machine. Bill Clement, 3400 Quirt, Lubbock, T X 79404. (806) 7479005. Fax (806) 747-8602
WANTED: Zenith 6 - S - 6 5 6 c h a s s i s in working condition. Don't need tubes, knobs or speaker R o s s W. Hoff, 1510 Rolling Meadows, Vermilion, OH 44089. (216) 9677591

WANTED: Air King Skyscrapers, wealthy extraterrestrial s e e k s examples of this architectural marvel for new intergalactic communications museum. Please write or call collect: Rain Buttignol, 214 State St., #7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 427-1384
WANTED: Detrola radio/phonograph with push buttons. Detrola wood tabletops and consoles. Scott Flaugher, 41100 Plymouth Rd., Plymouth, Ml 48170. (313) 4 5 1 4221 E-mail: scottflaugher@unn.unisys.com
F R E E - 20WORD ADE A C H MONTH To get your free 20 words,
include your SUB# with your Ad. Additional words are 270 each.
Read inside back cover for details. MANY THANKS!!!!!

WANTED: Patterson radios, from crystal sets to consoles. Also communication receivers PR-15 or Deluxe 16. Randy Patterson, 9104 E. Farm Rd. 116, Strafford, MO 65757 (417) 736-2354

WANTED: Brightson "True-Blue" UV-201A tubes. Top dollar paid for good or duds. Ernie Hite, 2625 Colecreek Ln., Rock Hill, SO 29732. (803) 366-9998
WANTED: Fresh 3000- and 6000-volt capacitors to repair 1940s T V 7 J P 4 C R T Wilbert K. Kimple, 3015 Kelsey Creek Rd., Spartanburg, SO 29302. E-mail: WKKimple@aol.com

WANTED: Small Japanese shirt-pocket transistor radios. Roger Handy, Box 24527 Los Angeles, C A 90024. (310) 451-4040

WANTED: Chassis for Majestic 71 back panels for Emerson 504, Regal 205. Chades Phillips, 8607 Rembrandt Cir., Newark, D E 19702. (302) 832-9592

WANTED: This and other metal framed speakers especially Pathe, Grecian and Tower (as shown on page 13 Feb. 1996 A . R . C ) ; also Tower Castle and Tower Pirate Ship speakers (pictured on pages 6 & 7 Sept. 1993 A.R.C). Richard Howarth, P O Box 9, Junortoun 3551 Victoria, Australia. Phone/fax: (3) 54493207
WANTED: Tube setup information, Triplett (3214) newer setting, power transformer for B&K 606 tester. Larry Cook, 362 E. South St., Richland Center, Wl 535812721
WANTED: Crystal sets, crystal radio kits, toy crystal sets and pocket crystal radios. Enwin Macho, Ambrosweg i''/A/8, A-1230 Vienna, Austria

WANTED: Zenith 5G500 Universal good cond. & working. Scott Julius, 3 Haley St., Mystic, C T 06355. (860) 442-5767 E-mail: fredehl@uconect.net
W A N T E D : E . H . Scott Model 8 0 0 B record player in a Scott cabinet. Paul Capito, 637 W. 21st St., Erie, PA 16502
WANTED: Clean and complete Crosley 40S chassis, less tubes, and with good transformers. Martin Piepenburg, P O R R 1 Box 5 6 B , Monterey, IN 46960. (219) 542-2591
WANTED: New Zenith deluxe Chinese radio, (Vintage Radio, p. 114; Douglas 3, p. 2 5 7 ) . Gerald Schneider, 3101 BluefordRd., Kensington, MD 20895-2726. (301) 929-8593


FOR S A L E / T R A D E : N.I.B. tinial tubes for globe Champion T X Mod 300 and 350, Amperex 9909 aka Amperex 6083 Arizona list - $120 ea., my price - $50. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Rider's Troubleshooters, Volumes 13 and 14 - $30 ea. plus. Elwood Hunt, 308 Georgetown Rd., Carneys Point, NJ 08069-2512. (609) 299-5259
FOR S A L E : Phiico, R C A , signs and wall banners for your collection. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 2722002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Graetz 4 R 1 4 1 7 - $ 1 0 0 . Hallicrafters5R1 OA - $85. Hallicrafters S X 2 4 , mint - $150. Zenith 1600 $85. NorelcoB4X12A/54, nice-$100. Ernest Odeneal, K5QJF, 2710 Lee, Greenville, TX 75401 (903) 4552113 or 5788
FOR S A L E : Dual electrolytic capacitors. 50-30 mPd at 160 Vdc - $375 ea. for 4 or more, includes P&H. Many other types in stock. Write, phone, or fax for free flyer DH Distributors, PO Box 48623, Wichita, K S 67201 Phone/fax: (316) 684-0050
FOR S A L E : Vibroplex Champion, mint in original box BO. Rek-O-Kut T12 turntable w/16" gray arm - $75. Electro-Voice S P 1 2 B - $ 8 5 / p r Mcintosh MR 66 AM/FM mono - $75-125. Walt Fleming, 182 Plain Hill Rd., NoHA/ich, C T 06360. (860) 889-1957
FOR S A L E : Phiico 48-1256 (see 46-1203, Bunis 3, p. 164), SWR/field strength meter Recoton Cat #CB177C & Archer antenna matcher - $25. Fada 740, missing one knob - $110, Lafayette Comstat 23, Mark 6, tube C B unit. Bearcat 250 (needs repair). Wilbur Gilroy, PO Box 459, Lake Winola, PA 18625. E-mail: wlbrg@aol.com
FOR S A L E : N.O.S. tubes: VT4C, loose packed - $35 ea. VT127, boxed - $15 ea. Fred Watson, KF8BP 581 W. Summit St., McClure, OH 43534. (419) 748-8798
FOR S A L E : Atwater Kent Model 110 radio - $65. Speaker R C A 100-A - $55. B&K Dyna Jet Model 707 tube tester with manual & tube chart - $45. Tube caddy 2 2 1 / 2 " X 1 1 1/2" X 8", very nice - $ 4 0 . Paul M. Williams, 2364 Beaver Valley Pike, New Providence, PA 175609266. (717) 786-3803
WANTED: T E L E - T O N E S radios model # 117, 117A wood with grill holes or slots, 1946-50 E M E R S O N wood radios with front speaker perforations, # 503, 507 513,517 519, 535, etc. R C A VICTOR 78 record players in ALUMINUM C A S E or parts, S T E P H E N S floor speakers 1956-64 wooden cabinet on metal legs with formica on front. Also WANT plastic Z E N I T H Radio Nurse and boxes or parts. Steven Cabelia / mod. I. 500 R e d Hill Ave. S a n Anselmo, C A 94960 415-461-6810

FOR S A L E : Mint Sony T R - 6 1 0 - $120. Arvin 540T $60. Sony 3F-61 - $25. Emerson Atlas 88 - $75 Detrola 194 - Offer. Tube testers: U.S. Navy Model OQ2 (Weston Model 788), each function adjustable, minimum offer - $150, wt 39 e a . Dynjet 707 - $55' Hickock Models 530, 539C, 560 - $115 ea. Knight 600 - $60. Triumph 400 - $45. Hickock 540 - $115. Also, Airline tombstone 62-177 - $125 and GE-M62 - $125' All plus U P S . Charies R. Boiler, 3108 N.W. 91st St Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 782-8318
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Hallicrafters SX-28, beautiful condition - $500. 1958 Hallicrafters S R 3 4 transmitter/ receiver - $300. Clean, Hammarlund S P 600 w/bud cabinet, works great-$575. National 183D w/speaker - $475. Hammariund HQ 170 w/matching speaker $450. Hammarlund HQ 180 w/speaker and clock $475. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Recent acquisition, selling extras! Gernsback Manuals I - $35; II - $45; III - $45; Vol. I! Supplements V & VI - $7- Ghirardi's Troubleshooter's Manual, 1 st ed. - $ 2 0 ; RiderTube Substitution #1 - $ 1 0 ; Motorola Service Manuals: 1931 -42 auto/home & 193742 home - $20 ea.. Rare supplement to Modern Radio Sen/icing, Radio Field Servicing-$20.Heathkit catalogs fall/winter, 1962 - $15; & 1962 Supplements 1 2 & 3 $7 ea.. Radio Amateur (1936 & 62 license manuals, 1979 handbook, 1968 hints & kinks, 1965 UHFmanual); Allied Dictionary of Electronics 1970 - $10 ea.. Fisher KS-1A spkr instructions - $5; Hallicrafters SR-40 - $30. N.O.S. Windsor tube cartons - 500 ea. Deforest 01-A tipped ceramic dud - $35. Dan Gutowski, 12132 Cavell, Livonia, Ml 48150. (313) 261-5058
FOR SALE: N.O.S. tubes: (10) Sylvania 6L6GC - $25 ea., (10) Tung-Sol 5881 - $ 2 5 ea., (20) Sylvania 7025 -$10ea.,(10)GE7027-$30ea., (3)Telefunken E C C 8015-Call. DeForest Audion DL7 DV3, DV5, DL5, and (5) Brightson True Blue tubes (in a flip-top display case) - Best Offer (3) 1L6 - $20 ea., (20) G E 6201 - $5 ea., (3) Sylvania 7199 - $20 ea., Mcintosh 2505 - $400; Mcintosh 2205 - $ 8 0 0 BO. Steve Harrell, 1179 Boylston St., #30, Boston, MA 02215. Phone/fax: (617) 247-0672
FOR S A L E : Antique radios & T V s . C a n deliver to Rochester. Keith Park, 795 Grooms Rd., Rexford, NY 12148. (518) 373-0417 Web: http://members.aol.com/ radiorest/index.html
FOR S A L E : National HRO 500 receiver, with LF-10 preselector - $950 OBO. Zenith 3000-1 WANTED: Manual & schematicfor Heathkit IT-11 capacitorchecker, Irv Sanders, R D 3, Box FA53, Harrisburg, P A 17112. (717) 469-2185
FOR S A L E : Tubes N.I.B., new bulk, used tested, large stock. Send stamp for list. David Boardman, 10 Lemaistre, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada G2G 1B4. (418) 877-1316, evenings
WANTED: Collins Radio Company Catalogs, promotional literature, manuals 1933-1983. Jim Stitzinger, 23800 Via Irana, Valencia, CA 91355. 1805-259-2011
FOR S A L E : Radio tubes, many New Old Stock. Send large S A S E (64 cents) for large list. P R Novelty, P O Box 140, Milwaukee, Wl 53201


WANTED: Westinghouse WL-461 Taylor833,deForest 433 through 440 tubes, duds OK. John H. Walker, Jr., *6112 W. 125th St., Olathe, KS66062. (913) 782-6455. E-mail: johnh.walker@alliedsignal.com

WANTED: Radio Boys book: Air Patrol by Breokenridge, Jeff Hoskins, 824 E . Madison Ave., Stuart, F L 34996. (561) 283-2291 after 7 pm.

WANTED: Stromberg-Carlson radios. Model 240-R or 420-R, in good working condition. Call me collect after 5nm or write to: Arnie Sanchez, 9615 Rockhurst, Houston, T X 77080. (713) 939-9221

WANTED: Thordarson spark coil (such a s 8508.6 in July A . R . C , p. 13), Dionne Quintuplets and Zenith 805 cases, Sorber cathedral and AK 165 chesses. Richard B. Jehlik, 14441 N. River R d . , Omaha, N E 68112. (402) 457-4604, after 7pm Central.

WANTED: Victor Electrolas/Radiolas, Including parts sets. Especially need RCA power amplifiers AP-736 and AP-777, riglit-handed magnetic pickup and Radiola 64 drawer/cliassis for V E 9-54. Jeff Lendaro, 1107 Logan St., Noblesville, IN 460602346. (317)773-3969. E-mail: lendaro| @ indy.tce.com

WANTED: Copy of manual for General Radio Type 1360-A microwave oscillator. Ross Wollrab, 229 N. Oakcrest Ave., Decatur, IL 62522-1810. (217) 4287385

WANTED: Photo and dimensions of lid for Detrola 1932 Treasure Chest; someone please help. Dennis Smith, Box 113, Trenton, Ml 48183. (313) 675-5847

WANTED: Knight Ocean Hopper, Crosby and Madison

Fielding stereo receivers. Realistic 214 tuner and 212

preamp. ThordarsonT-90513 outputandT-15R03 power

x f r m r s . C h a r l e s D. M a p l e s , 1 6 2 3 S a d d l e Dr.,

Murfreesboro, TN 37130-3410. (615) 893-0255


WANTED: 1924 Radiola Super VIII, 1926 Fada 480-A, 1928 Brunswick 5N0, Federal E-10 and G10-60. Ken Martin, 12667 Eckard Way, Auburn, C A 95603. (916) 885-0243

WANTED: Transistor radios, buying more early Japanese pocket transistor radios. Ken Wong, 1460 Belleville Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 735-1815

WANTED: Detector coil and externally mounted 16 meter detector coil for 6-S-52 or 6-S-27 Zenith or junker chassis with same. Clifford G . Berthelsen, 5305 W. McSwain Rd., Merced, CA 95340. (209) 384-0993, days; (209) 722-1819, nights

WANTED: Unbuilt radio kits by Heathkit, Knight K17, etc. Gene Peroni, Box 58003, Philadelphia, PA 19103. g15) 665-6182

WANTED: Outside horn phonographs, horns, boxes or parts. Also Zenith #6-S-27 chassis & Bezel F/Zenith #123471 Thanks. J.L. Acciavatti, PO Box 806, Upton, MA 01568. (508) 476-3229

ANTIQUE RADIO RESTORATION Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ray Sanders, 342 South Third, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. 541-942-0866

WANTED: Music Master21" bell horn speaker Will buy or trade with 14" bell with money. Severin T Dvorsky, 380 Morrison Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15216. (412) 3446633
WANTED: Original or replica dial timepieces for Phiico 39-116, 42-1010, and Firestone 4-A-30 consoles. Tom Stiefel, ABOER, Box 376, Yutan, NE 68073. (402) 6252144

WANTED: Phiico 41-230, 41-240, 41-235, 41-245, entire radio or chassis and speaker for parts. D.W. Donaghu, 19791 Lombardy Ln., Yorba Linda, CA 92886. (714) 693-8632

WANTED: 2nd IF for Majestic Model 390, R C A 10T tombstone, nice shape. Bob Gidney, 411 W. Spruce St., West, TX 76691 (254)826-5105
WANTED: R D P panadaptor, any condition, and/or manual. John A. Benyo, 25 Schley St., Garfield, NJ 07026
WANTED: Paying $$$ for Art Deco style sets 19301940s, especially with chrome or metal grilles, trim. Adam Schoolsky, 15149 S.W. Cabernet Dr., Tigard, OR 97224. (505) 579-1080. E-mail: Adam@ArtDeco.com; http://www.ArtDeco.com

WANTED: Upper bass and treble push buttons for Zenith 6G-537, 6S-556, etc. Need complete units, working or not. Good power transformers for Phiico 65 and Zenith 9S-262. Still looking for 8" speaker for A K cathedral. A . R . C . is the only way I have to get these parts. Please respond. Ralston Bailey, Rt. 1 Box 479, Benton, TN 37307 (423) 338-5923

iJiAWJED: Eveready radios, speakers. Old flashlights,

related items~Fiashlight Newsletter - $12/year. Bill

Utiey, P O Box 4095, Tustin, CA 92781 .(714) 730-1252.

E-mail: flashiights@woridnet.att.net


WANTED: Restorable cabinet and speaker for AK 82 and speaker for Jackson Bell 62. Also, dial pointer for Crosley 6 6 T C , brass dial escutcheon for Gilfillan 510, 520, and component mounting clips. Claude J . Deilevar, Jr., 13009 Maclay St., Siymar, CA 91342. (818) 3651629
WANTED: 1927 Eria chassis S-50, C-12 battery model, 1926 Stewart-Warner chassis Model 325. David Buck, 3630 Wilcox St., San Diego, CA 92106. (619) 224-5821 E-mail: whnf46a@prodigy.com

WANTED: Zenith wooden table Model 6 S 3 2 2 in nice condition. Larry Bosher, PO Box 193, Palo Pinto, T X 76484. (940) 325-5333

Vlctrola Repair Service: Windup phonograph repairs, parts, springs, needles via U.P.S. Rod Lauman, 19 Cliff St., St. Johnsbury, V T 05819. (800) 239-4188, eves.

WANTED, ANY CONDITION: R B Y , Hallicrafters S 35, PR-1 Collins 478R-1, Squires-Sanders SS-1V panadaptors; also schematics, manuals, ads, articles, technical data on them. John A. Benyo, 25 Schley Street, Garfield, NJ 07026

PHONO NEEDLES & CARTRIDGES: (Ceramic & magnetic) What do you need? Send S A S E . J . J . Papovloh, 53 Magnolia Ave., Pitman, NJ 08071 (609) 582-8279

DONN'S ANTIQUE RADIOS - IF you have nice quality Phiico radios for sale, please call. Also buying some Crosleys and FADAs. Donn Frederick, 8402 Hwy. 30 S E , Chatfield, MN 55923. (507) 867-4868


FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Kenwood ham station consisting of the following T R - 7 4 0 0 A , T S - 4 3 0 S , T S - 4 4 0 S , T S 820S, AT-250. Take all these near mint beautiful condition items, with all manuals and microphones f o r $2,650 or will consider selling individual units. Also complete Collins S-line w/round emblems, includes all manuals, like new condition - $ 2 , 4 5 0 . Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 272-6030or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Detrola S W #568-1 - $75. Atomic #568-1 - $ 8 5 . Radiola A R - 8 1 2 - $ 1 7 5 . Cathedral s p k r - $ 7 5 . Dial glasses & projector bulbs. Zenith transistors, Emest Odeneal, K5QJF, 2710 Lee, Greenville, T X 75401 (903) 455-2113 or 5788
FOR S A L E : Phiico 52 cathedral - $250. Phiico 89 cathedral - $145. Phiico 37-620 tombstone - $60. Phiico 20's, deluxe - $275; regular - $200; parts - $75. Sparton Jr. cathedral - $150. General Electric K-64 cathedral - $325. G E J-70 cathedral, nice - $275. G E E-81 tombstone - $165. R C A 120 cathedral, needs wood work - $100. Echophone S-5 cathedral, needs veneer repair-$275. Radiola 17, with hood-$85. U.S. Apex 32 cathedral, large with burl woods - $225. Zenith 9-S-367 excellent with spectacular veneers - $400. E . H . Scott Allwave 23 in a New Wellington, Gothic Grand, cabinet, fully restored-$4,500.McMurdo Silver II, no cabinet - $850. Western Electric 10-D driver, works - $85. Standardyne single dial battery set - $85. Bremer Tully Counterphase 70K37 early AC set - $75. 5-tube 3-dial kit, nice - $75. Two 1 -tube home brews $35 ea. Crosley 51 - $150. Emerson B J 200 - $75. Noreico B5X98A, works - $100. RCA AR812 and AG814 matching loop antenna, n i c e - $ 2 2 5 . Automatic Radio Tom Thumb portable, with built-in camera $150. Capehart Amperion, circa 1930, large, coin-op radio/phonograph - $1,800. Victor oak horn - $1,200. Victor 240 exceptional original - $200. Edison suitcase home with 14-inch brass horn, nice original - $750. Edison B80 table top diamond disc - $175. Cylinder records: 2-minute - $6; 4-minute - $4; diamond discs $3. Rochester delivery possible. WANTED: Garrard Model 6 complete phonograph changer, parts, or a spindle. John Hayes, 27 Highland Dr., Henniker, NH 03242. (603) 428-3053. Fax: (603) 428-8315. E-mail: JHayesamfm @ aol .com
FOR S A L E : 30's-50's radios, some working some not. Send S A S E for list. Barbara White, 13171 Woodrose Way, Grass Valley, CA 95945
WANTED: 1930101942 Police Radiocommunciations equipment. Any 6 V D C mobile communication equipment. Raymond Miller 953N. IstSt., Albemarle, NC 28001 (704)982-0228
MILLEN ORIGINAL PARTS, manuals, equipment. New and used. Bought and sold. James Millen Electronic Equipment IVIfg., P O B o x 4 2 1 5 , Andover, MA 01810-0814. (508) 975-2711. Fax at (508) 4748949

FOR S A L E : Sweep/ham tubes: New 6 J B 6 A - $1o6 K D 6 - $ 1 8 ; used 5894 (Amperex) - $18; 802 - $5; VT' 136 (1625) - $ 3 ; 5933 - $ 5 ; 807 - $5; 6 1 4 6 - $10; 6 J E 6 6JS6C, 6LX6, 6LF6, 20LF6 - $10 ea. Dan Gutowski' 12132 Cavell, Livonia, Ml 48150. (313) 261-5058
FOR S A L E : Reproduction Zenith dial glass. Lexan polycarb. 6 3/4" x 7" and 5 3/4" X 7" - $14 ppd. DH Distributors, PO Box 48623, Wichita, K S 67201 Phone/ fax: (316) 684-0050
FOR S A L E : Thorens 124 replacement turntable bases, improved performance, available in walnut teak, mahogany - Call. 124 blank arm boards - $20. I'll buy 124 turntables, parts. Walt Fleming, 182 Plain Hill Rd., Nonwich, C T 06360. (860) 889-1957
FOR SALE/TRADE: Brand new R F audio transformers for Federal 58, 59 and 61 - $100 e a . Also brand new Remler audio transformers - $100 ea. Plus Rasia, Acme, and many other brands N.I.B. audio R F transformers - $50. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr. Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 2722002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Western Electric M98 battery-powered volt/ohm/ammeter - $25. Weston Model 45 DC voltmeter, wood case, circa 1929 - $35. Zenith TransOceanic A600, very good condition, with schematic, station charts - $85. Interesting home brew (Tesia?) transmitter, needs 811 's - $20. McMurdo Silver V T V M , needs work - $8. Superior TV-11 tube tester, needs adjustment-$16. Powertransformers 370/0/370,5&6 volt, for 5 A R 4 / 6 L 6 G C - $15 ea. 10 lb. grab bags: connectors, terminals, sockets, shields, resistors, capacitors, e t c . - $ 1 5 e a . Massive 6/12 volt transformer, 30 lbs.! - $9. (35) misc. metal tubes, tested - $10/a!!. C D E vibrator #03 - $4. N.O.S. tubes: Mullard 6W6GT 12SQ7GT RCA JAN 12SK7 - $4; KenRad JAN 12SA7Y - $3; R C A 12V6GT - $6; Hallicrafters 35L6 - $9; RCA 1R5, 1U4 - $2. All plus shipping. C . J . Poulos, 29 Doubleday Rd., Columbia, C T 06237 (860) 228-7680. Fax: 228-7681
FOR S A L E : Heathkit Mohican S W receiver w/original manual - $45 -i- shipping. George Wright, 4181 Enders Way, Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 997-4144
FOR S A L E : 20s Capehart Amperion w/chain-drive, flipoverchanger visible mechanism - Best Offer. Greetings to Dave's Antiques in sunny T u c s o n ! J a m e s Burtnett, 640 Mason, 702, San Francisco, CA 94108-3801 (415) 433-1930
FOR S A L E : Assortments, turntables, changers, test equipment, speakers, components, much more. WANTED: Klipschorn. Gerald Shirley, 133 Sagamore Rd., #A9, Tuskahoe, NY 10707 (914) 395-1169, 6-9 am or pm E S T
E L E C T R O N T U B E S : Over 1 Million T u b e s in Stock. Buy & Sell. Daily Electronics, 10914 NE 39th St. #B6, Vancouver WA 98682. 800-346-6667 360-896-8856. 360-896-5476, fax

VINTAGE MANUALS A V A I L A B L E for amateur, audio, and radio-related equipment. Quality is number one customer priority. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send three $.32 stamps for catalog. Pete Markavage, THE MANUAL MAN, 27 Walling St., Sayreville, N J 088721818. (908) 238-8964

WANTED: Broadcast-type MICROPHONES. Early

carbon, condenser, ribbons, etc. Cash ortrade. James

Steele, P.O. Box 620, Kingsland, GA 31548-0620.

(912) 729-2242. E-mail: JSteele@k-bay106.com.

Microphone coliectors





...ANTED: Following Raytheon "RK" series tubes: RK15,

Uk\6 R K 2 5 A , R K 2 5 B , R K 3 0 , R K 3 2 , R K 4 1 R K 4 4 ,

SK45' R K 4 6 , R K 5 3 , R K 5 6 , R K 5 8 , R K 6 3 A , R K 1 0 0 .

i-hn H Walker, Jr., 16112 W. 125th St., Olathe, K S






WANTED: Original, perfect red or blue knobs &/or handle for Eijierson Patriot. Al Wirtenberg, 15 Wilson Rd,, Weston, C T 06883. (203) 544-9270. E-mail; mswaw@mail.snet.net

WANTED: Antique and novelty tube and transistor radios. We buy complete collections or quality Individual pieces. Also tubes, parts, literature, magazines and advertising. Call or send list John & Kathy Slusser, Radio Daze, PO Box 144, Mendon, NY 14506. (716) 624-9755. Fax: (716) 624-7857. E mall: info@radiodaze.com

WANTED: Literature for Heath FMO-1 oscillator and Leader LSG230 FM stereo generator. John Lomas, 253 Elm Ave., Glen Riddle, PA 19063-5739. (610) 4590186, home
WANTED: Tuning mechanism (al! or part) for AK#318. Jim Regan, PO Box 880752, San Francisco, CA 94188. (415) 664-7814

WANTED: Black tuning knob for Silvertone 4500. Bob Turner 11632 Co. Rd. 48, Falrhope, AL 36532. (334) 928-0051 E-mail: radiocoll@aol.com

WANTED: Air King c h a s s i s , wil! fit plastic Model 66 or wood Models 100 and 120. If you've got anything that will work, I'll buy it in any condition. Brad J o n e s , 4801 Crofton Springs Ct., Greensboro, NC 27407 (910) 5471919

WANTED: Prepay watthour meters or earlier, slide rules, calculator watches. Bill Peterson, 3722 Swift Dr., Raleigh, NC 27606

WANTED: Parts for Continental piano radio. Escutcheon and dial glass R C A K80 or similar. FOR S A L E : Crosley 515 - $45. Phiico 42-380 cabinet and speaker Matt Hussey, 31 Linden St., Rochester, NH 03867 (603) 332-9927

WANTED: Pre-WWII aircraft radios and flight gearsuch as helmets, goggles and parachutes. James Treherne, 11909 Chapel Rd., Clifton, VA 20124. (703) 830-6272

WANTED: Hallicrafters Models S-2, S-33, S-35, E P 132, HT-2, HT-3, HT-8, HT-12, HT-14, and R-8 console speakers. For descriptions see my book "Radios By Hallicrafters." Chuck Dachis, "The Haliicrafter Collector," 4500 Russell Drive, Austin, Texas 78745, 512-443-5027
WANTED HAMMARLUND: Comet, Comet Pro, HQ-66, HQ-88, HQ-225, S-200 and any other Hammarlund rarities. Charles P. Jedlicka, N9S0R, 1611 Clemens Rd., Darien, IL 605613510. (630)515-1836. E-mail: sp600@aol.com. Hammarlund site http://home.aol.com/sp600
WANTED: F A C T O R Y S E R V I C E MANUAL for Panasonic R S 4 6 0 S Radio/Tape. Original Preferred. Copy Acceptable. No S a m s Please. J a m e s M. Craft, 604 W, Michigan Ave., J a c k s o n , Ml 49201 (517) 7870077

WANTED: Tuning knob for Arvin Model 242T, or 243T (Bunis 3, p. 28). Need one knob for Emerson 6 1 5 B , (in Machine Age Book 2, p. 42). Need four knobs for Motorola Mode! 65T21 Ail help would be appreciated. Thank you. Joe DeBari, 194 Ramal Church Rd., Barnesville, GA 30204 WANTED: Book for Scope K 1 K V 5 V 1 5 5 5 G . T h a n k y o u . Edward S. Krawozyk, 64 Old Chimney Rd., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. (201) 825-3828
WANTED: Lionel telegraph key, prefer N.I.B. Donald B. MacLean, PO Box 2025, Toluca, CA 91619. Ph/fax: (805) 947-7149 WANTED: Panasonic RF-9000. Offering finder's fee. Daryl Jorud, R#1 Box 180, Battle Lake, MN 56515. (218) 864-5725 WANTED: Built-in antenna for R C A Victor K105 console. Please help my restoration project! Phil Brunais, 14185 Pleasanton Hwy., Bear Lake, Ml 49614. (616) 864-3143
WANTED: Volume knob for 1942 Zenith table Mode! 6S632, black with brass. Igor Golioto, 17 Addison Dr., Fairfield, NJ 07004. (201) 386-4284. E-mail: igolioto@atsmai!.gc.iucent.com
WANTED: Schematics for a Bogen Model MX60Atube PA amplifier, circa 1966. David Brown, 22520 S.W. Hells Canyon Rd., Sherwood, OR 97140. E-mail: djbrow@pacifier.com
BOXED CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! This is a boxed classified ad. These ads can be run more than two months. S e e the inside back cover for details. Boxed ad deadline: the 1st of the month.
WANTED: Tube Hi-Fi components & commercial amplifiers by Marantz, Mcintosh, Tannoy, Acrosound, Brook, Brociner, Fairchild, Hadley and others. Also want Western Electric theater amplifiers, speakers, tubes, & microphones. Richard Sharisky, PO Box 521 Belmont, MA 02178. Phone (617) 484-5784. Fax (617) 489-6592
WANTED: Vintage Electronic Music Synthesizers and modules by the following manufacturers, especially the listed models. Aires Modular, System III. ARP 2500. Buchia Modular 100, 400. E-mu Modular EML Electrocomp 100,101,200. EMS Synthi A, Synthi A K S , V C S 3 . Korg Modular PS-3100, P S 3200, PS-3300. Moog Theremin, Modular, Series 15, 35, 55. Oberheim S E M modules, 2-, 4- & 8-Voice Systems. Pala Modular 2700,4700. Roland Modular Systems 100, 700. Serge Modulars, System 79. Synton Modular System. Call and surprise me; make my day! John V Terrey, 498 Cross St., Cariisle, MA 01741 (508) 369-9770. Fax: (508) 371-7129.


FOR S A L E : Kenwood R-5000 spkr/Am filter - $595. Joel Levy, 8 Waterloo, Morris Plains, N J 07950-1438 (201)285-0233
FOR S A L E : Edison spark plugs. Type 2 , 3 , 4 3 , 45, look unused, in box - $12 e a . Shure mic ring 3 in., ID - $15; Sterling midget tube reactivator in walnut carry case, looks new - $50; Schranz and Bieber Little Mike, looks NIB - $5; Lafayette Radio telegraph set, one wire and gnd. connector N.I.B. - $ 5 0 ; Aeriola Sr., vg, good paper -$185;WD-11 duds, phenolic b a s e - $ 1 8 ; W D - 1 1 dud, B B T T , with p a p e r - $40; 01A duds - $2 ea. Calrad mic. Model 500C, desk stand, vvg - $75. Shipping extra. Richard A. Botzum, R.D. 2, Box 419, Morgantown, PA 19543. (610) 286-0047 Fax; (610) 286-5315
FOR S A L E : Late arrivals: Fischer 800 B, beautiful, deluxe tube AM/FM receiver separate AM/FM dials, band width on AM, multiplex output, center channel output, etc. Definitely the big cahuna for that year, uses 7591 output tubes - $150 O B O . Pioneer 202-W reverb unit, early 70s, clean, works fine. Garrard RG-98-L, vary speed record changer - $50 OBO. Garrard lab 80 turntable, fair restore or parts - $25 OBO. Crescent Bakelite 45 record player, plugs into radio set - $25. R C A Bakelite 45 record player, same. Both very early 45s, unusual - $ 2 5 . Ward Kremer, 5807 Papaya Dr., Ft. Pierce, F L 34982. Ph/fax: (561) 468-7732. E-mail: WKremer798@aol.com
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : R C A U.S. Navy RAC-7 military receiver w/separate power supply in perfect condition w/manual-$300. Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. Email: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Transistor radios! Channel Master 6503 $20; Hitachi TH-627R - $20; Standard Micronic Ruby $30; Sceptre 2 transistor - $20; Aurora (Sony 610 look aiike) - $ 2 0 . Bob Furtado, 23 Garden Rd., Alameda, CA 94502. (510) 521-3084

F O R S A L E : An/in 7 4 7 - P tube portable, like 746-P, but has small windup clock in center of grille, perfect - $95, Motorola 62X, ivory, nice - $35. Zenith H615, nice $35. Classic Radio & Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 61 Augusta, ME 04330. (207) 623-2059
FOR SALE: Four volumes: Frederick Manuals. Specs of military contract test equipment - $85 -t- shipping. Alien Jochem, 2205 Broadway, Quincy, IL 62301 (217) 223-6751
FOR S A L E ; Very nice Radiola III with good WD-11 s $250, Don Rowland, 4621 W. Shawnee, Spokane, WA 99208. (509) 466-0939
FOR S A L E : Vintage Hallicrafters transmitter Model HT37 10OW10-80M AM-CW-SSB, vgc - $150. James Kroegel, KE8VP, 856 Old Farm Rd., Columbus, OH 43213. (614) 864-8327
FOR SALE: Fada 652 - $350. Sentinel 284 - $375. Deico 1107 - $115. G E S-22 - $85. Emerson Violin $500. Crosley 5 6 T D - $ 1 2 5 . Belmont 6D111 - $ 1 6 5 ; 6D121 - $160; 6D1K0 - $130. Detrola 568-1 - $85, Philco40-140-$60;39-30-$110. Transistors: Emerson 888 Vanguards, Minivox watch radio - $125. Crosley J M 8 B K - $ 1 7 5 . PhiicoT 1 0 0 0 - 1 2 4 - $ 9 0 . G E 6 7 6 , red - $110. New, large photo list - $1 + L S A S E 2 stamps. WANTED: Kadette, Detrola, Fada, Addison, Catalin, beetle, Plaskon, transistors. Bob Masterson, Box 172 Valley Cottage, N Y 10989. (914) 353-3151 E-mail: BMradio@aol.com
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Atwater Kent Mod One breadboard in exquisite working and cosmetic condition - $1,550. Also 1931 dual dial E.H, Scott Allwave 12 w/power supply and original manual and al! coils, chrome is excellent - $950, Connecticut Sodion Model D-6 w / S 13tube-$1,800. Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410, (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E mail: theradioman@webtv.net



> ^ ^ l l e Cloths

the 41st Pattern:

Philco's large chevron ("V") used on most slant-front consoles

* Generic console patterns for Phiico, Zenith and others
·k 2 Silver/black deco patterns * 12 Phiico patterns + 8 Zenith patterns ^ Plus Stromberg, GE, RCA,
Westinghouse, and Scott patterns
Send a SSif LSASE for samples and info to: John Okolowicz, N3VSR 624 Cedar Hill Rd. Ambler, PA 19002

SEE T H E M ALL ON THE WEB @ http://www.Grillecloth.com
E-mail: GriIlecloth@compuserve.com


Big, 10 inch wall clock with black "radio" dial face and brass colored bezel. Quartz controlled movement, sweep second hand, acrylic dial crystal and bezel. Battery included. $19.95 includes shipping anywhere in the U.S. via Priority Mail. Massachusetts residents please add $1 sales tax. Send check with order, please.
Antique Radio 835-A Pleasant Street Framingtiam, MA 01701 Tel: 508-879-2778

lA/ANTED: W e buy tubes of all types. Please fax or send in list and we will promptly send our offer. Leeds
ctctronics, 68 N. 7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) Qfifi-1764. Fax: (718) 963-1963
;«ANTED/FOR S A L E : Mini mics, wire and tape Reorders. Jon Golden, Box 205, Waban, MA 02168. |g-|7) 332-5460, E-mail: 3dman@ziplink.net
WANTED: Zenith 811, 835, 5R317, 12S267 R C A QiiK John Pelham, W1JA, 1185 Bend Creek Tri., Suwanee, G A 30024, (770) 476-0473. E-mail: ioelham@mindspring.com
WANTED: Knobs for Crosley 02CA console. Thanks! Mark Cowart, N 4 F B L , P O Box 550766, Jacksonville, F L 32255-0766. (904) 724-1364
WANTED: Qutpaying foreign collectors for Japanese transistors. Keep 'em here in the states. Also 1.5" to 5" TVs Fax or write: Tom Christopher 45 Boway Rd., South Salem, NY 10590. Fax: (914) 763-5936
WANTED: Fairchild 670 tube limiter, UREl, Collins, Pultec, Westrex, Scully, Ampex, disk recording blanks. Kim Gutzke, 713415th Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55423. (612)869-4963
WANTED: J I L S X 4 0 0 scanner parts; looking for parts sets, schematics, auxiliary converters, info. John Black, KB5AG, 330 S. Main St,, Wake Forest, NC27587 (919) 556-2445. E-mail: jblack@radiomail.net
WANTED: Zenith table Model 8S443, 10S443, or 12S445 for Mother's birthday, Restorable, working or not. Jon Lyons, 16 Southworth St,, Deep River, C T 06417 (860) 526-9032. E-mail: imlyons@snet.net
WANTED: Main tuning knob for Hallicrafters SX-100. Original manuals, amateur audio, and radio-related. Pete Markavage, The Manual Man, 27 Walling St., Sayreville, NJ 08872-1818, (732) 238-8964. E-mail: manualman@juno.com

WANTED: 12-tube Zenith black dial console Model 12U159, 12S371 or 1 2 S 4 7 1 Mark Hewitt, 6659 Tipperary Trail, Roscoe, IL 61073. (815) 623-8729
WANTED: DeForest unit panels ( 4 1 / 2 in. s q . Bakelite). Richard Bury, PO Box 25, Gumee, IL 60031 (847) 6237746, E-mail: pabury@aol.com
FIRST 20 W O R D S F R E E ! Cash or stamps OK for small amounts. Your payment helps to keep A.R.C. healthy!
WANTED: Mint 1950s plastic tube radios by Phiico, Motorola and Emerson, plus saies fliers, catalogs and instructions, KLH 8, plus accessories and instructions. Mcintosh MC225 tube cage. Marantz, Acrosound, Fairchild, Fisher, Hadley, Karg, R E L , etc., tube hi-fi equipment, plus instructions, accessories and sales iiterature. Unusual tube hi-fi equipment. 1950-1965 hifi books, magazines and catalogs. 1930s-1950s clocks by General Electric, Telechron, Lawson, Lackner, Herman Miller, Howard Miller, etc. Old fountain pens by Parker Waterman, Sheaffer Eversharp, Conklin, Chilton, etc. Paul Creasy, 6216 Worlington Rd., Bloomfield Township, Ml 48301 (248) 737-0429, E mail: good2go@compuserve.com
WANTED: Arvin Rhythm series tombstones. Johnny Johnson, 7075 W. 32nd Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. (303) 274-5474
WANTED: Need scope and sedat receiver for old time radio station. FOR S A L E : Old Weston meters. Henry Weiland, 8946 W. Grantosa Dr., Milwaukee, Wl 53225. (414) 463-4681
WANTED: Tuning knobs for Hammariund HQ129X. Richard K. Daggett, KOPSH, 204 S . Hudson, Spring Valley, MN 55975. (507) 346-2983. E-mail: kOpsh @ deskmedia.com

We urgently need the following tubes. All tubes must be well known brands such as G E , R C A , Sylvania, Tung-Sol, Phillips, etc. of U . S . or W . E u r o p e manufacture. N e w tubes must be in their original b o x e s . All t u b e s a r e subject to inspection. Ship by U P S (ground); we'll mail a check to you upon receipt and testing at prices shown plus your shipping charges. Call or f a x for buying p r o c e d u r e s a n d complete bid list. C a l l before s e n d i n g more than 10 p i e c e s of one type of tube.

01A 1L6 2A3 2B6 5R4GY/A/B 5U4G 5V4G 5Y3G 6BK4C/6EL4A 6CA7/EL34 6F5G

$9.00 6F6G 8.50 6G5/6U5
24.00 6K5G 6.00 6KD6 3.40 6L6GG 6.70 6LB6 4.70 6LF6/6MH6 3.80 6V6 8.00 6V6G
11.00 10 5.80 12A



$5,20 8.00 5.00 15.00 8.40 7.50 18.60 6.00 6.50 25.00 11.00

12BH7A 12DW7/7247 20LF6 26LX6 35LR6 45 50 71A 80(ST) 211{VT-4C) 274A(WE)


$5.10 9.00
16.00 6.00 6.00 30,00 110.00 8.20 5.60 35.00 110.00

274B(WE) 275A(WE) 300B(WE) 350B{WE) 623 808 805/331A 845 864 5691 5692

$85.00 85,00
250,00 100,00
35.00 16.00
32.00 80.00 5.00 15.00 18.00

6146B/8298A.... $12.00





6550 (ST)
















2A3 5AR4/GZ34 6B4G 6LF6/6I^H6 6V6G

$5,00 10
12,00 12A 6,00 20LF6 6.50 42(GLOBE) 9.20 45(VT-52) 2.10 45 50

$16,00 7,00 7.30 8.00 25.00
11.00 60.00











$7.00 245..


9.30 246


20.00 247


14.50 250


6.20 280


8.50 282


8.50 401-CARDON

845 7591 8417 8950 V201A WD-11 WD-12

$31.00 8,60 8,50
12.30 6.50 35.00 24.00

6221 S, MAPLE AVE, · TEIulPE, AZ 85283 . (802) 820^5411 . FAX [602) 820-4643 or (800) 706 8789

FOR SALE: Crosley 56TU - $60. Emerson 517 - $55, 561 - $60, G E 62, ivory - $60; 512F - $50, 521F, clean - $ 6 0 , Motorola67X13-$60, R C A 9 6 T 4 - $ 7 0 . Radiola 17 - $95, 18 - $95. Silvertone 8010 - $60. J . Gary Cameron, 824 Andrews St., Southington, C T 06489. (860) 276-9200

FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Ttie Internet is great! Send me

your e-mail address for 8 pages of exotic vintage

equiment. I will trade generously for medium format

cameras or turn-of-the-century (the last one) open

frame dynamos and motors. Steve Lipsky, W2VVN, P O

Box 404, Bamegat Light, NJ 08006. Tp; (609) 361-

8175; alt: (215) 884-1817



FOR S A L E : Transceivers, S w a n 350 120/12 volt $350; Yaesu FT101EE - $350; Hammarlund Comet Super Pro - $350; Mcintosh MR71 plays, rusty- $195; Pilot 172/177 speaker - $150; G E int. amp, tubes, A l 320, mono - $150; Marantz receiver 2265B - $150. Bernard Bank, 303 DeVoe Ave., Yonkers, NY 107052709. (914)476-5933

FOR SALE: A K 8 0 - $ 3 2 5 . AK 8 2 - $ 3 2 5 . Clarion A C 60 - $ 1 7 5 . G E K-52 (same as R C A 120) - $ 2 2 5 . Phiico 118 cath. - $275. Phiico 91 oath. - $225. Majestic 31 OA $125. R C A 128 - $250. RCA 40X53 LaSiesta - $425. Guild spice chest - $115. Phiico 90 basket case - $50. Phiico 89 Deco basket c a s e - $25. Large literature list. Send S A S E . Mark Miner 11430 Tuscarora Ln., Clermont, FL 34711 (352) 394-6596

FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters S 4 0 - $ 6 5 . Zenith Inter-Oceanic - $50. Int. amps: Telefunken S 8 2 U - $90; Heathkit E A 3 - $35; Pacemaker (Bell) #2285 - $25; Grommes 55PG - $30; Eico ST-40 NT - $30; Heathkit WA-P2 (w/ man.) - $35. Tuners: Heathkit BC-1A (w/man.) - $22; FM-3A (w/man.) - $22; AJ-41 - $35. Shipping extra. LarsRoose, lOIOOChapalaCt., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505)296-4129

FOR S A L E : Zenith 5S319 - $100, Rider's Index - $15 plusshipping. WANTED: Westinghouse RA/DA "pointer" knob, Claude Chafin, NOFMO, 4223 E . 42nd Way, Independence, MO 64055. (816) 478-4518
FOR S A L E : We have been selling tubes and related components since 1923. September specials: (new) 12BY7A - $8; 5755 (Raytheon) - $5; 5654, 6Y6GT 12AV7 6AQ7 12BE6, 7A8, 6T8A, 12AU6 - $2 ea. Used tube specials: 6 E 5 - $8; 7719, 5751 ( G E 5 Star) - $6; 2E26, 25L6GT 6189, 5V4GA - $2; 6K7 6H6, 6 S H 7 6005, 1 2 S K 7 12SN7 6AU6, 6X4 - $1 e a . No catalog at this time. We stock over 3,000 different types. Leeds Electronics, 68 N. 7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 963-1764, Fax: (718) 963-1963
FOR SALE: BC-611F, WWII walkie-talkies, pair-$250. Dumont RA-104 T V works, with stand - $75. Mark Weidmayer, 10 Devon Dr., Newtown Square, PA 19073, (610) 325-3816
FOR SALE: Guaranteed N,I.B, tubes: 7F8,5755 (420A) - $2.50; 6AZ8 - $3.50; 2-150D - $6. Quantities. Lowell Thomas, K6KC, PO Box 15026, Fresno, CA 93702. (209) 227-1605. E-mail: k6kc@lightspeed,net
FOR S A L E : Novelties, N.I.B,, J a p a n : Santa Maria, golf cart, overlandstagecoach, red-$60ea. Sam Samuelian, 2305 W, Deerfield Dr., Media, PA 19063. (610) 5667248
FOR SALE: Collins 32-S-1 75-S-1,30L1,30S1,312B3, 312B4, SM-2, phone patch 189A2, R-388 (51J-3), with cabinet. Transmitter Hammarlund, four-20 w/coils, near mint. B a c h Simpson Model 7 7 wameter N.I.B. Heathkit SB104 extension card. Gonset Hybrid phone patch G P P - 1 , N,I,B., mint. French tube circa 1919, tennis ball shape Mazda 263 horizontal plate assy, Myers RAC-3, 1921 N.I.B, Rockwell/Collins HF2050. Luc Dugas, 235 Rte. Neigette, St. Anaclet, Quebec, Canada GOK 1H0, (418) 723-9689

Craig L . QraySar Jumiture Wor^s Ltd.
(414) 258-2390 S P E C I A L I S T S IN RESTORING, REPAIRING AND REPRODUCING CLASSIC STYLED ANTIQUE TV, RADIO & PHONOGRAPH CABINETS Send us your plans or your project via UPS for immediate price quotes
1535 S. 84th St. West AIMS, Wl 53214
'"We Turn Ideas Into ^{eirhomJ'

Join the



· Publishes Old Timer's Bulletin with:

Battery and A C receiver restoration Vacuum-tube history and collecting

Old-time amateur-radio contests

Communications receivers

- Free want-sell-swap ads . - ' ^

Early television Horn loudspeakers


Reviews of current books


Keys and land-line telegraphy

News of U . S, and foreign clubs

Information on public radio musuems.

· Maintains unique radio-TV museum.

· Produces the annual Rochester meet.

· Co-sponsors local meets.

" Publishes the annual A W A Review.

Membership is only $15 per year ( $ 2 7 for two

years, $18 per year for overseas). Mail check to:

Antique Wireless Association, Inc. Box E , Breesport, NY 14816


pOB S A L E / T R A D E : Amrad Neutrodyne - $400; neforest F-5-AW - $500; excellent working Grebe Mod Qp.g - $850; Sodion DR-6 rcvr - $1,500; Grebe 5 jg75 Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr,, Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Military A R T - 1 3 in original military packing case - BO. Herb Ellmers, 775 Howard St., Ft. Pierce, F L 34982. (561)466-0926
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters Model SX-111 receiver-$75. Joe Duffin, 4 W. Central Ave., Moorestown, N J 08057 (609[778-1436
FOR S A L E : Coronado radios #806 & 43-8515A. Aidine 64WG 1801C, wood. Arvin 581 -T white Bakelite. Heath T C 2 tube tester Ted Gasiorek, 201 Golden Ave., Briggsville, Wl 53920. (608) 981-2051
FOR S A L E : Bakelite panels, 3/16" thick, cut to size, black, S A S E or postcard for quote. Steve Imms, 51 a Old Shannock Rd., Wakefield, Rl 02879, (401) 783-5387 E-mail: imms@brainiac,com
FOR S A L E : National I V - $ 3 0 , Rider's VI thru X I V - $ 1 5 ea, DeForest N-5-$270, Marion Van Hal, 1328 Orchard, Pella, lA 50219. (515) 628-2347
FOR S A L E : Beginner'svintage radio repairinformation. Repair guides, etc. Send S A S E for list. Charles Ahr, 2291 Sylved Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45238
FOR SALE: Jensen 12" special design speaker - $20, E&L table radio. Mod 2701 (Bunis 3, p. 69) - $ 2 5 . Robert Parke, 504 Essex St., Gloucester City, NJ 08030-1015. (609) 742-8221
FOR S A L E : Midwest 18 tube, power tune w/large ghost dial, impressive cabinet w/doors, restored $795. WANTED: Sparton 1867 console. Grant Steger, 627 N. Main St., J u n e a u , W l 53039. (920) 386-2575, 5 to 9 pm

FOR S A L E : Air condensers with 4" knobs - $9 ea, plus. WANTED: Power supply for AK84. Elwood Hunt, 308 Georgetown Rd., Carneys Point, NJ 08069-2512. (609) 299-5259
FOR SALE/TRADE: E.H. Scott's First Chrome Set. A 1931 (Allwave 12) Deluxe with 12 plug-in coils, separate chrome power supply, excellent chrome, dual dials $800. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr,, Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: Radios/Books SASE. WANTED: Early Radio News magazines; books on telegraphy, wireless, biographies. Steve Russell, 121 Horseshoe Dr., Kalispell, MT 59901 (406)755-3321
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters T,W. 10OOA - $110, 5 R 1 OA $40, S I 08 - $60. All work. FADA 100, nice case, plays, operating instructions-$40. Buzz Miller 725 Mt. Rock Rd., Cadisle, PA 17013. (717) 776-3279
FOR S A L E : Global Model GR711 (see Bunis 2 ) - $ 1 0 0 plus U P S . Novelty radio, plate 50, Breed 94 price update - $70 plus U P S , Have more for sale. Send L S A S E . George Kelsay, 509 23rd S L , Box 4, Niceville, FL 32578. (850) 678-0031
FOR S A L E A ' R A D E : Mcintosh Mod 240 w/cage near mint condition-$1,700; MC-67 t u n e r - $ 6 0 0 ; Lafayette Mod 255 stereo amp - $325; Vintage Mcintosh A-116 (30 watt) power amp - $400, Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Tubes, transistor radios, micro recorder books, old electrical items, much misc. List S A S E . Jim Dill, Box 5044, Greeley, C O 80631
FOR S A L E : General Electric projection television Model 901, their finest postwar set, Craig Roberts, 132 Northway, Greenbelt, MD 20770. (301) 474-3506

Attention Jttiou) Microfhom Cotkctors and "Enthusiasts:
We are pleased to announce that we are assembling a book on microphones. T h e object of this book will be to encompass, not only pictures and data on the microphones themselves, but the stories, experiences, applications and memories of those involved in all facts of using microphones; from the beginning to the present from normal applications to the most bizarre. We wish to include all types of microphones, from the simplest and cheapest, to the most sophisticated and expensive. Anything that has to do with the art and application of microphones.
I f you have a spot in your heart for microphones and wish to submit pictures, stories, etc., anything that you think would be interesting to share with fellow enthusiasts, please don't hesitate to e-mail, fax, or mail your interests. F u l l credit w i l l be given to everyone involved.
Kindest regards and thanks for your attention and support.
^ard LiomiBremer Renter Kjaft and friends
5807 Tapaya (Drive, Jort Tierce, Jbrida 34982 Tfi/fa?(: 561/468-7732
"E-iMaif: WJQ-emer798@ao[.com


FOR SALE/TRADE: E.H. Scott S L R M marine receiver w/tuning eye in beautiful condition - $400. J a m e s Millen Transmatch Mod 9 2 2 0 0 - $ 2 3 5 . Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 272-6030orfax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: Books: TV Theory, Circuits & Servicing, Grob; TV Servicing, Levy & Frankel; TV Sen/icing, Heller & Shulman; T V Simplified, Kiver - $15 ea. or all four for $45. Classic Radio & Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 61 Augusta, ME 04330. (207) 623-2059
F O R S A L E : FourN.I.B.Tung-Sol6550-$300; Marantz 8B, excellent, cageless - $1,300. Mike States, Box 81485, Fairbanks, AK 99708. Ph/fax: (907) 456-3419. E-mail: mstates@polarnet.com
FOR S A L E : Western Electric WWI vintage CW-938 transmitter-receiver, very good condition unmodified. Delivery AWA Rochester 9/97 Daughter getting married! Richard Brewster 145 Little Peconic Bay Rd., Cutchogue, NY 11935. (516) 734-5063
F O R S A L E / T R A D E : A s s e e n in Aug. '97 A . R . C . p. 16, beautiful Crosley Buddy Boy Repwood cathedral $600. Also Crosley Mod 54 New Buddy tombstone $400; and Mod 48 Elf w/o chassis - $275. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 , (203) 2726030 or fax: (203) 2 7 2 - 2 0 0 2 . E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net

FOR S A L E : Tubes N.O.S. and used, tested. Call/fax/ write wants. (1) ea. 803-RCA N.O.S. - $15; (2) ea, VT 166-N.O,S. - $25; (6) ea. 3E29-NOS - $10; (2) ea. 3024 - $25. Kirk Cline, 1818 Walker Ave., Greensboro, NC 27403-1760. Ph/fax: (910) 379-7197
FOR S A L E : TeleMatic color T V jig, 35 adapters for tube/transistor sets - $50. Charles A. Days, PO Box 80205, S . Dartmouth, MA 02748-0205. (508) 979-3758. E-mail: radiodaz@ici.net; http://www.ici.net/cust_pages/ radiodaz/radiodaz.html

New tubes must be well known brands made in U . S . or W. Europe with complete boxes. Used tubes need clear markings and silver color flashing. All must be undamaged and p a s s an electrical inspection. Write or fax for complete bid list.






2A3(SP) 6A3

125.00 14.00

6B4G 6F6G 6P5G

14.00 8.00 8.00









3 5 0 B ( W E ) .. 1 5 0 . 0 0














1 7 1 A ( g l o b e ) .. 1 4 . 0 0



250(g!obe)... 120.00



300A/B(WE) 200.00



ANTIQUE TRIODE 653 Commercial St., Farnham, N Y 14061 Phone 716-549-5379 Fax 716-549-3823

FOR SALE: Dynaco A431 encased - $90. Dukane DUK20lonovac, walnut, 3-wayw/maglctweeter-$400, Fairchild 539G cutting table, heavy, motor OK - $150, Presto K8 record player-cutter, pp45 amp, Jensen P 8 S in carrying c a s e - $175. Presto 8 K pp45 amp - $85. Presto K pp45 amp - $85. Samson RAMI6 working pair, highly stylized 1930 pp210 amps - $800. Sun radio CR10 pp6B4 amps. Thordarson trans hammertone grey pair - $650. Thordarson T30W05 studio mixeramps, Tru Fidelity opts - $700/pr WANTED: Amertran 678,151 CB; Peerless A l 00; Silver Marshal! 692; Sansui H30-5; Summit Sound RA15, MP15; Thordarson T3S22 T 9 0 S 1 3 ; U T C HA135, HA106; other A F T s ; Altec 416^ Jensen R106/RP103 (p/n 220550). Lary Rubins, 172 Bennington Dr., E. Windsor, NJ 08520. (609) 426-9744, before 10pm Eastern please
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Radiola III - $100. R C A AG-814 loopantenna-$125. RCA UZ-1325 horn-$95. EV930 microphone - $25. RCA 74 microphone, excellent Philmore crystal s e t - $ 6 0 . Zenith 5 R 3 1 2 - $ 1 3 5 . Zenith 6S127 large tombstone - $150. Many other items available w / S A S E . WANTED: Unusual horn speakers and telegraph keys. Jerry Finamore, 1374 Stafore Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18017-1633. (610) 861-4660. Fax: (610) 861-0166
FORSALE: SencoreCR143CRTtester,vg-$45. RCA T6-1 T S , vg - $125. Zenith G500 T O , vg - $89. Bob Fuerderer Holly Farm, 813 Rte. 12A, Surry, NH 03431 (603) 352-3005
F O R S A L E : T o s h i b a T R - 1 9 3 lace grille in blue, excelient condition - $285. WANTED: Dial scale for Coca-Cola cooler radio. Gary Milner, 106 Henry Little Cir., Pea Ridge, AR 72751 (501) 451 -1343
FOR SALE/TRADE: Patterson Radio First Co. Allwave Communications receiver Mod P R - 1 0 (made in Los Angeles, Ca.) beautifuliy appointed w/two brass escutcheons, centermeter and excellentchrome chassis with black wrinkle finish cabinet, very rare - $600. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 2 7 2 - 2 0 0 2 . E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Haliicrafters, Hammerlunds, Nationals. S A S E for list. Microphones, novelty radios, no list. Send your wants. Ed Eddy, 1209 E. Geneva Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282. (602) 966-1397
FOR S A L E : Zenith console 1939 Model 15S373, 15 tubes, excellent working condition, very nice radio $1,900. Call coliect after 5pm or write to: Arnie Sanchez, 9615 Rockhurst, Houston, TX 77080. (713) 939-9221
Virginia City
109 So. " F " St. On display Wireless and Radio Apparatus from 1915
through the 1950's. Plus hundreds of accessories, photos and Vintage Ham Radio Station.
Henry (W7BUG) & Sharon ( K K 7 E I ) Rogers, P.O. Box 511, Virginia City, Nevada 89440
Tel: 702-847-9047 or Website: www.tek-majic.coin/radio


FOB S A L E : (1) Phiico Model 37-84, original, hums t l 6 0 * S / H . (3) Phiico 89 chassis, (2) complete, (1) for 'arts - $160 for all + S / H . Carios Gimenez, 15091 ^(lamrock Dr., Fort Myers, F L 33912. (941) 482-0198

FOB S A L E : Mikes: Turner 250 and Shure Bros. CR84.

Tube tester Supreme 85. Large Western Electric tube

354A, Many tube radios, 1950 to 1960 transistors and 'j

novelties. Send want list to: Charies Leahy, Box 336, /

lretoiT,IA 51027 (712) 278-2553


FOR S A L E : Copies of manuals for P A G O , Precision, Simpson, Triplett, Eico and others. Write your needs. Also have tubes, test equipment, scanners and R C A 66X8 red Catalin, mint cabinet, chassis rough - $295. Clayton Mundine, 6112 S. Flores St., San Antonio, T X 78214_

FOR S A L E : Volumes 1 to 8 inclusive S a m s Record Changer Manuals, most 1st editions, include wire recorders, disc recorders and tape recorders - $160 for lot plus shipping. Will include "Pinpoint Record Changer Troubles in 5 Minutes" and other material, covers 1947 to 1956. MaurerTelevislon, 29 S . 4th St., Lebanon, PA 17042. (717) 272-2481
FOR S A L E : Tandberg multiband portable TP41 - $50. Telefunken Concertino-$100. National NC300-$350, Zenith R 7000 - $475. Zenith Royal 755 - $50. Charies '?aigt,94CreTefa'riT5l., Norfolk, MA 02056. (508) 5287928
FOR S A L E : Radio Amateur's Handbook, 1946 edition - $ 1 0 plus U P S . Bob Uhelski, 21015 Meadowlark Dr., Farmington, Ml 48336-5061 (248) 615-1828

FOR S A L E : Weston Model 45 voltmeter in wooden case, manufactured before W W ! ! - $ 4 5 . Richard Lemay, 611 Chades St., Fall River MA 02724. (508) 679-8751

FOR S A L E : Partial Deforest D7A, good cabinet, al! knobs, varioooupler and condenser, not sure if original tap switch like D-7, some hardware - Best written bid; or possible trade? Pat Stewart, W 7 G V C , 1404 Ruth Ave., Walia Walla, WA 99362-3558
FOR S A L E : Tubes. Please check out my tube saies website at http://www.cinternet.net/~vactubes. Jim Cross, Vacuum Tubes Unlimited, 3246 Floridale Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45239-6203. (513) 385-3855. E-mail: vactubes@cinternet.net

FOR S A L E : All radios restored and excelient. Free photos, can bring to Rochester. Phiico cathedrals, rare 52-$325,70 - $335,91 - $450,144 -$435,20 - $225, 71 - $ 3 4 5 , (2) different 60s - $225 ea. Cathedrals: AK84 - $475, Crosley 158 - $325. Phiico tombstones: 625 $275, 116 - $395. R C A tombstones: 8T - $295, 9T $375, 143 - $435, 140 - $395. Plus shipping. Joe Milano, 57 Hillcrest Dr., Wayne, NJ 07470. (201) 6943721

FOR S A L E : Western Electric 597A, mint - $6,000; Marantz 10B, mint, w/very eariy starbird s t a n d - $ 2 , 5 0 0 . Vincent Gallo, 532 LaGuardia PL, #600, New York, NY 10012. (212) 274-0432

FOR S A L E : 1950s Zenith Bakelite table Cobramatic phono-radio (#R566, chassis 5L08),absolute!ybeautiful condition, perfect Bakelite c a s e - $175. P Martone, 303 Franklin St., Melrose, MA 02176. (617) 665-4568, call before 10 pm E S T

FOR S A L E : Sony original sales iiterature/brochures,

late 1960s, all different, large format: - $10/5. Three

early 1970s brochures, including 1st Trinitrons - $10;

large 50-page, late 1960s full line catalog, recording

equipment - $15. Elisworth 0 . Johnson, 364 S, Coeur

d'Alene St., Spokane, WA 99204-1063. (509) 838-


Fax: (509) 838-5159.



FOR SALE: Sams Automanuals: 19-247 (205 manuals). Ail good or better - $125, pick up only. Shidey/Bob Kendall, 1435 Burnley Ct., Columbus, OH 43229. (614) 888-7479
FOR S A L E : Lafayette C B transceiver tube type HB444, white and chrome, vg - $35 plus U P S . Kenneth Miller, 10027Calvin St., Pittsburgh, PA 15235. (412) 242-4701
FOR S A L E : Radios, misc., S A S E list. NRI-33 signaltracer, works - $25 plus UPS. Tom Tetzlaff, 23 Nelson Dr., Silver Bay, MN 55614. (No phone)
FOR S A L E : New experimental dataon crystal detectors, for both well known and unusual types. Measurement results for relative sensitivity are given, and other properties are described. Order Report No. 9 - $4.50, ppd in U.S.A. C r y s T e c h , c/o P.A. Kinzie, P O Box 6805, Kingman, AZ 86402
FOR S A L E : Tubes: al! new and boxed, most R C A at 1/ 2 market price: (3) 5823, (2) 7586, (3) 6012 (no box on 1), (2) 7586, (1) 6JB6, (3) 5751 and (1) 6CW4. F.H. Montgomery, 505 Congress Ave., Apt. 710, Hvre De Grace, MD 21078-3043. (401) 939-2099
FOR S A L E : (200) N.O.S. four digit tubes: e.g. 5894, 6681 6360 and 8106, fifty different types. Stan Martin, Box 1035, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Canada SOH OBO. (306) 642-3824

FOR S A L E : Ferguson - $75; Radiola 18 - $90; U,S. Radio Model 7D - $125; speakers 10OA, 10OB, Pausin - $60 ea. All prices plus S/H, Bud Santoro, 3715 Bower Rd., Roanoke, VA 24018. (540) 774-9153. E-Mail: ^santoro@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Heathkit 14" solid-state portable color T V Mode! G R - 1 6 9 , excellent condition with all manuals. I g M ^ P O Box 363, Rotterdam Jet., NY 12150-0363
FOR S A L E : Rider's Volumes 1 and 2. Union Tube binders, very good - $125 plus U P S . Dale Parsons, 5312 Koontz Dr., Cross Lanes, WV 25313. (304) 7762180. E-mail: dale@wvinter.net

FOR S A L E : New and used eye tubes: G E 5 , 6 G 5 , 6 N 5 , 6V5 plus more. Call or S A S E with your want list. Jeff Amdt, 1215 Division St., Manitowoc, Wl 54220-5734. (414) 684-8830
FOR S A L E : Three Haliicrafters: SX24, S27 and S53A - $50 ea. No shipping. Bil! Truesdell, P O Box 1519, Monrovia, CA 91017-5519. (818) 358-5025
FOR S A L E : Zenith hardback sen/ice binders (5), including (1) 50th anniversary edition. R C A tube caddy, like new, includes over (125) tubes, 9 0 % N.I.B. - $ 5 0 . William L. Clark, 15476 Wellington PI. Dr., Basehor, K S 66007 (913)724-1203


FOR SALEA-RADE: Flawless Federal 59, absolutely beautiful inside and out and works like a new radio, asking - $1,750. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 2722002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: 20,80,120,171 A, 183,199,201 226,381 485, B H , others. Steve lularsh, 20 N. Lake Dr., Hamden, CT06517 (203)288-5183.E-mail:smarsh@ct2.nai.net
FOR S A L E : J F D dial belts, Messiner IF and osc. coils, color glass tubes and 8 page list. L S A S E 55e. Andy Bruck, RR1 Box 356, Cleveland, VA 24225. (540) 8895591
FOR S A L E : Edison T R receiver chassis & 8P power/ audio chassis less tubes. Power xfmr & choke test OK - $ 4 0 -I- ship. Harold D. Wright, R R 1 Box259, Chancellor, AL 36316-9749. (334) 347-0393
FOR S A L E : S a m s , 1001 thru 1171 Best offer plus shipping. Herb Ellmers, 775 Howard St,, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. (561)466-0926
FOR SALE/TRADE: The following Collins: 51J4, near mint - $750; 75A4 w/3 filters; Serial #5533 - $1,250, complete S-line station w/round emblems - $2,450, vintage radio station (line amp) Mod 6X2 - $300. Plus many Collins filters. Send for list. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr,, Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 272-6030orfax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : G E HJ-624 Deco, near mint - $80; Phiico 46-200 Bakelite - $25; Stewart-Warners: 01 -52 wood $50; 2 0 6 F A (Machine Age, p. 190) - $60. St. Regis K617, rough - $30. Dennis Schrank, 3129 S . Quincy Ave., Milwaukee, Wl 53207 (414) 744-3374
F O R S A L E : Federal Mod 59 in excellent condition, including tubes. The set plays; asking - $1,350 plus shipping. David A. Wright, 5225 Pooks Hill Rd. #214N, Bethesda, MD 20814-2032. (301) 530-3587

FOR S A L E : Gold Lion Tubes (5) #Z729 (6267) - $20 ea., (10) #U707 (6X4) - $10, (8) #D717 (6AL5) - $5; University #N3 two-variable control cross-over - $50, Amrad Quenched spark gap 14 4" copper plates cast iron on wood # G 3 serial #127 (on p. 48 Clymer Blue Wireless & Radio). DeForest 3 coil tuner complete $125. William Harder, 911 W. Northrup St., Lansing, Ml 48911-3640. (517) 882-2303
FOR S A L E : Hallicrafters speaker R-46B and Sony TR1000, works - $40 ea. All plus shipping. Ed Kalpa, 4622 Melbourne Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213) 6611221
FOR S A L E : Telefunken Jubilate - $50, Nordmende Stradella - $40. Nordmende Globetraveler S e a B , poor - $ 5 . Don Behrens, 2417 W. Acacia Rd,, Glendale, Wl 53209. (414) 228-1980
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Original Radiola II, w/built-in loop antenna - $500. Radiola III - $175. Radiola Special $750. Radiola IIIA-$250. Phiico 70 (parts set) cathedral - $200. Radiola IV no horn, no cabinet, but works beautiful - $375. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 2722002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Kolster K-20, exc - $125; Emerson 911 transistor-$30. Armand Cote, 6 Sycamore Ct., Atkinson, NH 03811-2727 (603) 362-8715. E-mail: arcote@aol.com
FOR S A L E : N.I.B. Beanee Weenee, Kraft Macaroni and Chesse novelties- $30 ppd. Enlarged copy Majestic 52 instruction manual, including schematic, parts layout and Ghirardi'sTroubleshooting Notes-$9 ppd. Herman Gross, 1705 Gordon Dr., Kokomo, IN 46902. (765) 4598308. E-mail: w9itt@juno.com
FOR S A L E : Packard Bell white Deco table model, green dial, originial and complete - $ 1 8 . Curt Brohard, 1417 Court St., Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 521-4299

Microphones, stands, call letter plates. Tube amplifiers, mixers, compressors, Hi-Fi equipment. Speakers, on-air lights, equalizers. Disk, wire & tape recorders. Blank recording disks. Catalogs, magazines, manuals. 16" transcriptions, turntables, arms, pickups. Early T V cameras & receivers. Elaborate console, deco, plastic, mirror, novelty & wireless radios. Jukeboxes & parts. Acoustic phonographs.
We are looking for all makes of equipment, and especially
Western "Elecmc Telefunken, Neumann and R C A . The
museum contains various duplicates and items surplus to our needs, and many of these articles are available for sale or trade. The collection is located in my Victorian seaside inn. The Caffrey House, situated on a bay next to the ocean, in the Southampton resort area of Long Island. A trade of equipment for a slay al the hotel is always encouraged.
Robert Van Dyke, 2 Squires Ave., East Quogue N Y 11942 516 728 9 8 3 5

Apdl '87 to current issue: Odginals available 32 to too pages e a c h .
Oct. '86 to Mar. '87: Reprints available Reprinted from original artwork; 28 to 32 pgs. ea. Quality & appearance same as an original copy. June '84 to Sept. '86: Photocopies available Not original quality, useful for info., 16 to 28 pages each. Publication of Antique Radio Classified began in 1984 which had only five issues: J u n e , Sept., Oct., Nov. & Dec. 1984. 1985 through current year have had 12 issues e a c h .
$5.00 each - Postpaid to U.S., Canada and Mexico. Orders of 6 issues or more may take a 10% discount Orders for a full calendar year may take a 50% discount. Foreign orders otfier than Canada and Mexico: $8.00 each by air Mass. residents, please add 5% sales tax. A.R.C. UNCUT, UNFOLDED COVERS
J u n e 1991 to the present 9.25" X 12.5" $9.95 e a c h Postpaid to U.S., C a n a d a , & Mexico M a s s . residents, please add 5% sales tax.
Send Order To: A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle MA 01741
Or Call (508) 371-0512


FOB S A L E / T R A D E : T u b e s . Blue Arcturus 101 -A, set of five good emission - $395. DeForest H transmitting tube new - $235. 1919 Weagant valve, excellent «325 E d Bell, 5311 Woodsdale Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606. F a x ^ ( 9 1 9 ) 851-1517
FOB SALE/TRADE: (1) Thordarson C H T driver trans. 15D78 - $115, (1) pair Dyna, A25 speakers - $85, Copies of manuals for sale: Heath, Marantz, H.H. Scott, Oynaco, many others. All plus shipping. WANTED: OTL amps by Futterman, mono or stereo, working or not Greg K. Lee, 2164 Auhuhu St., Pearl City, HI 96782.
) 454-0426. Fax: (808) 484-1540

FOR S A L E : Various values capacitors, resistors for P C _ 50 to 250. Heathkit Q Meter - $25. Sine Square Generator - $35, plus shipping. Guido Montella, 2714 Charleston Dr., Plant City, F L 33565. (813) 752-7174




(508) 371-0512

Best time to call is weekdays:

8:30 am to 6 pm Eastern Time

(Please no classified ads by phone. Thanks!)

FOR S A L E : Microphone book, 300 pages. History of identification. How They Work - $29.95 includes shipping. Victor Bang, Video Tech Service, 7520 S . Rural Rd., #3, Tempe, AZ 85283. (602) 491 -1811

FOR S A L E : Our active, tunable power loop will make your antique radio come alive. Guaranteed - $29.95 + $6.95 shipping. Loomis Labs, 2012 Citrus Ave., Jessup, MD 20794-9785. (410) 799-7763

FOR S A L E : 1926-1956 NBC 30th anniversary section Herald Tribune; books, parts, tubes, ham stuff, much more, S A S E list. Bill Tucker, W 4 F X E , 1965 S . Ocean Dr., Apt. 15-G, Haliandale, F L 33009. (954) 456-1349

FOR S A L E : KWM-380, excellent and loaded, 1 to 18 service bulletins, self study training manual & cassettes. Bill Coolahan, 1450 Miami Dr., NE, Cedar Rapids, lA 52402-2933. (319) 393-8075
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : "Made in J a p a n " by Handy, sharp color pictures of R A R G transistor radios, long out of print, my last few mint copies - $35 e a . Older Eveready radio battery "Point of Sale" rack, nice - $60; Trancel TR60, blue Continental T R 6 8 2 transistors - $65 ea. WANTED: Wooden "black dial" Zeniths, Emerson AX212, "Little Spitfire" horn driver. Regency T R 1 / 1 G , Capehart, Toshiba 8 T P 9 0 transistor radios. S e e my Website, http://members.aol.com/dmradios/index,html for more radios. Donald M. Maurer, 29 S . 4th St., Lebanon, PA 17072. (717) 272-2481 E-mail: DMradios@aol.com
FOR SALE: Rider's Radio Manuals, 1 -5 abridged, Voi. 6-21 with Index - $350, pick up. Four large binders Lafayette service notes, early 70s - $25/al!. Majestic 130A chassis - $25, six-inch stack Toshiba service data - $10, Zenith 6R880R, Admiral 5D32R/RP - $20 ea. Grundig Model 3059, faircondition - $ 3 0 . Zenith 10S690 R / R P - $ 7 5 , pick up. Zenith Z 5 0 8 - R - $ 7 M 5 1 0 - R - $ 1 5 , both cracked, plus shipping. WANTED: Chassis for U.S. Apex 9, GM 250, Westinghouse WR-14cathedrals, Majestic 363, Crosley 1137 cabinet for Radiola Regenoflex. Brian Kurrle, 2222 Nodleigh Ter., Jarrettsville, MD 21084. (410) 692-0450
FOR S A L E : To give me room for other hobbies, many items from my collection of old radios, televisions, transistor military, novelty radios. Hearing aids, telephones, microphones, earphones. Rare medical, science, aviation books, test equipment. Sell ortrade for Catalins. For expanded new list, send two-stamps, LSASE. John Enigl, Sr., K9HJL, 5425 Cherry Ln., Egg Harbor Wl 54209. (920) 743-3672

FOR S A L E : 1937 Zenith 8-S-154 - $375, Zenith TransOceanic Royal 7000-1 fair condition, plays - $100. Brian Morelli, 1932 L a s Gallinas Ave., San Rafael, CA 94903. (415) 472-2866
FOR S A L E : Zenith AM/FM N731 miniature console $35. Radio Fundamentals 1944 army manual TM11455 - $15. Rich Yoch, 22410 Bartlett Dr., Rocky River, OH 44116. (216) 331-9206
FOR SALE: Sony CRF-320A - $300, Haliicrafters S 3 8 E - $ 4 5 . Drake SW8 - $495. Panasonic B-45 L.N., boxed - $115. Aiwa multiband portable - $45. General Electric Superadio II L.N., boxed - $150, Realistic Hyperscan 80 channel pro-2030 scanner - $45. Sony ICF-SW1 L.N., boxed, compiete kit - $250. Al! plus shipping. Gerald Silver, 10863 W. Clairmont Cir.,
gImarac, F L 33321 (954) 720-1972
FOR S A L E : Pickup radios only: nice Zenith consoles, 10S567 - $150,12H689 - $225, ornate Sparton 301 *300, Phiico 37-675 - $250, (2) choice AK84 cathedrals ~ $425 ea., Echophone Commercial - $120. Rare tubes, (WE) VT52 - $70, R C A 210 - $50, 171A - $29, 112- $29. Evan J. Chase, 108 Cass St., Swanton, OH lg558.(419) 826-3776
·"OR S A L E : Rider's T V 1 - $ 2 0 ; 2 - $ 1 5 ; 3 to 6 - $6 8, 15 to 2 3 - $5 e a . S e r v . Man.. Crosley 1928-
1938, Zenith 1928-1938 - $45 e a . plus shipping. Manual list S A S E or fax #. Steve Rosenfeld, P O Box ^87 Ocean Gate, NJ 08740. (732) 269-2022. Fax: (732) 269-2897

FOR S A L E : Heath Kit SB-310 shortwave, like new with SB-600 speaker - $125. Singer #TV6U 5.5" TV - $35. Six spools recording wire - $25. G E millivolt meter 8DP9V-Y51 - $35. Weston footcandle meter 614 - $35. Triplett #10 VOM/amprobe - $20. Triplett #321 VOM/ tube tester - $25. Superior Instrument R F generator, uses two 6A7s - $20. Mike Itzo, 515 77th Ave., Saint Pete Beach, FL 33706. (813) 360-1189. E-mail: Soldradios@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Phiico Mod 38-35 tombstone - $95. Fada Mod 177 large wd4 kn @ 1 0 - $ 9 5 . Zenith M-6S527 B C / S W A / 0 N/D @9 - $70. Phiico M-PT-6 S m WD 2 kn @ 9 - $ 4 0 . S p k r box Majestic M-20w/grille @ 1 0 - $ 3 5 . A K spkrType E, black-$25. Radio City prod. multitesterM662 - $25. Bike radio Motorola M-B150 red, some surface rust, chassis clean, 10" long - $190. Pius P&S. Bernie Samek, 113 Old Palmer Rd., Brimfield, MA 01010. (413) 245-7174. Fax: 0441
FOR S A L E : Plastic dial covers for A K 145, Belmont 6D111 Crosley D-25M clock cover DeIco R-1185, Emerson 375, 400, 520; Fada 200, 1000; Haliicrafters R E - 1 , S-38, S-39; Zenith G-500, Northern Electric 5000, and hundreds of others - $15 ppd. Doyle Roberts, HC63, Box 236-1 Clinton, AR 72031 (501)745-6690. E-mail: drob@artelco.com
FOR S A L E : The Antique Radio Gazette series from Spring of 1990 through final summer edition, 1994, (18) books complete - $50.1 pay postage. Bob Barr, 3130 Beilanca St., Columbus, GA 31909. (706) 322-2180


FOR SALE/TRADE: The following speakers: "Vogue" pedestal, emerald green w/dark brown background plus large goldleaf, ornate Repwood grille and base, two Radiola 103 Tapestry s p e a k e r s - $ 1 7 5 ea. Amplion w/black wrinkle finish elongated goose neckw/ohrome 14" bell and shiny brass base, "Mack" horn speaker w/ 2 horns sprouting out of main horn at base that you attach earphones to obtain sound, rare Magnavox R 2C base in near mint condition, Amplion "cathedral style" cabinet w/large ornate "brass grille" that encloses a genuine Amplion horn and driver, extremely rare, Phiico 1929 round speaker on long curved base that compliments their first A C metal radio. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
SEND ALL A.R.C. MAIL TO Antique Radio Classified
P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741
FOR S A L E : Gonset CD 2-meter communicator, good condition and working-$65 plus shipping. Herb Ellmers, 775 Howard St., Ft. Pierce, PL 34982. (561) 466-0926
FOR S A L E : Signal generator Eico Model 320 with m a n u a l - $ 3 5 plus. Elwood Hunt, 308 Georgetown Rd., Cameys Point, NJ 08069-2512. (609) 299-5259
FOR S A L E : ZenithTrans-Oceanics, original, complete, working, 100% cosmetically restored to showpiece condition: 8G005YT - $195; H-500 - $190; L600 $190. Frank J . Manziano, 82 Monhegon Ave., Oakland, NJ 07436. (201)337-5263
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Immaculate and all original E.H. Scott 15 tube allwave (perfect chrome/working set), inside Wellington cabinet w/original record player, manuals, catalogs, etc. - $1,795. Can ship anywhere. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: 1951 Rockola-$1,100. J B L C-36 s p k r s $650/pr. Scott 4312 - $300. LK-48B - $90. 240 amps
- $750/pr Pilot 232 amp - $300. Fisher FM-100-B $185. Mac MR-65B tuner - $250. Plus EV Altec, HK, J B L stuff. Tim Simpson, 915 Enright Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45205. (513) 471-1916
FOR S A L E : Best offer by Nov. 1, 1997' Breadboard 4340A Radiodyne, (5) rainbow 01-A's, exc shape; breadboard 9, 4445A, (4) tipped tubes, exc shape. S A S E and $1 for photo. Rose Wenum, 3111 Gabler Ave. S E , Buffalo, MN 55313. (612) 477-9023

FOR S A L E : Regency Range Gain I. Earliest version with anodized aluminum front panel, exc - $150. Clyde Powell, 3822 Edwards Ter., Chattanooga, TN 37412 (423) 867-5022
FOR S A L E : Rider's 1-5, abridged - $40. Box of old microphones, mostlyTurnerand American, selling entire box, will not separate - Best Offer. Complete set of Audel's Electric Library - $50. WANTED: Pilot Super Wasp coils. Frank Franowsky, 440-A Jemez Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505)473-4150
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Steinite crystal radio and interference eliminator, Brandes headphones, all-$175/ trade. Dave Gonshor, 7121 S. Jellison St., Littleton, CO 80123. (303) 979-9511
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Large collection of microphones by R C A , Altec, Western Electric, Shure, American, Sony, Turner, Wonderboy, Electro-Voice, etc. Many TV broadcast and radio versions a s well as spring held carbon microphones of the 1920s. S e n d for video tape ($10 refundable) of entire collection. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Received more books, test equipment, plus the usual - 32(f L S A S E for 5+ pages. Stan Lopes, 1201-74 Monument Blvd., Concord, CA 94520-4402. (510) 825-6865. E-mail: splopes@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Phiico 46-350, NT, n/handle - $20. Zenith T505 - $45. Patrick Franzis, 235 Millville Ave., Naugatuck, C T 06770-3848. (203) 723-8976. E-mail: n1ocj@qsl.net
FOR SALE: General coverage receivers Kenwood R600 - $200. Yaesu FRG100 - $350. Hallicrafters S 1 2 0 - $ 2 5 . Realistic S P 1 5 0 s p e a k e r - $ 1 0 ; P R O IIA studio headphones-$20. AN/URM 25G signal generator 10Kc-50Mc - $45. Eico 369 sweep generator - $30. Eico 150 solid-state signal tracer - $25. Eico 625 tube tester - $25. Hewlett Packard 204C audio oscillator $55. Schlumberger Heath SM21A VTVM - $ 4 0 . Isolated, variable 0-130v, metered A C line control box - $55. Heath IT121 in/out circuit transistor checker - $35. WANTED: 3 inch flat face C R T (WA5078P1) for small Eico or R C A oscilloscope. Andrew Gretchenuk, 12233 Rosaro Ave., Warm Mineral Springs, PL 34287 (941) 423-0647
FOR S A L E : Rare 1930 National SW-5 Thrillbox, vg, working, (1) coil set, no P S - $400; WANTED: Nice SX88; have several very rare 1928 National SW-2 receivers in optional cabinets with full coil sets in original boxes to trade. Greg Gore, WA1KBQ, 11528 Watermoss Ln., Charlotte, NC 28262. (704) 549-4719

ARBE-III ~ Universal Battery Eliminator
$149.95 Shipped U S A
'fe=:o Contact: Antique Radios Inc. Box 6352, Jackson, MI 49204
(517) 787-2985 or M Fax (517) 782-7422 «

lam a serious collector and historian interested in all aspects of E. H. Scott.

Please contact . . · · ' " ' ^ J i g ^ me first if iiou are
selling l/our ·'"'j^'^t^ E. H. Scott Radio,

Selec- E · H · - ^ K t l ^ J ' H A U I I) tone

Coils, World's

Record Superhet, or

Scott Transfer- '· i

mer Co. items.

Always interested in any E. H. Scott stock certificates, literature, and military sets.
John T Meredith 2462 Statonsburg Rd., Suite 152 Greenville, NC 27834 -- (919) 551-1882


FOR S A L E : Telephone hookup wire, 500 feet - $15; 2 fni- $25. Mathew W. Lineberger, 295 Grove St., providence, Rl 02909. (401) 831-0976. E-mail:

FOR S A L E : Three chassis for Catalin radios. Fifty more cathedral, gothic, tombstone, wood table models, Bakelites, from 1930s, 1940s. Most all brands, condition is nice to rough - $65 up. Amphenol Dragon horn, Bolex cameras,Ampro8mmprojector BetaVCRs,highquality VMS V C R s , foreign V H S machines, 1970s stereo receivers. Fisher Marantz, others. Test equipment. Closed television store after 33 years, selling everything. Call: Charles Seidel, P C Box 1500, Merlin, OR 97532. (541) 474-2596

FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Marantz tube stereo preamp, very good/excellent, perfect face and knobs, all original caps, no leaks, works a s new - $950 O B O . Dynakit PAS-3, like new, works - $150 OBO. Lafayette stereo 250 tube amp preamp w/four Telefunken E L - 9 6 in outputs, like new, sounds sweet - $175. DBX 224 noise reduction, very nice - $50. Sony TC-8,8-track cassette tape recorder, excellent - $50. Rek-O-Kut M-5 lathe, w/ Presto 1C cutter head, 16 inch turntable, offers. Radiola 26 portable superhet, very good/excellent, missing tube cover, but knobs would work, escutcheons excellent, offers. Three chassis pre-WWII homebrew ham transmitter, made from mostly milspec stuff, pictures available, offers. Test equipment, Hickok 533 tube cliecker, complete, shabby case, roll chart O K , but gears have missing teeth, offers. B&K 175 VTVM, excellent - $20. R C A signal generator from R C A Institutes, excellent - $25. Three inch R C A scope from same - $25. Three inch Navy scope, slant front in case, excellent, w o r k s - $ 8 5 . Ninda Model 207, five inch dual trace scope to 2 microseconds, works - $75. W e have several wire recorders from fully restored to parts machines. Mostly Webcor and Silvertone. Interested in trading, selling, etc. Need mics and accessories for same. Microphone for sale, R C A B K 5-B w/yoke, shockmount, excellent, works - $450. Always looking for vintage mics, R C A advertising, clocks, thermos, chairs, [Curtains, signs, especially neon, E s p e y table radios, literature, advertising, CD/cold war era stuff, helmets, posters, photos of A-bomb, A-bomb press, etc. Offers accepted on anything. Trade or cash. Don't be bashful! ' DLiy too much stuff! M E S S A G E : I received over (25) rails on Heathkit 2 chassis amp. Sorry for not returning TMl calls, guys, but I'll go broke! Ward Kremer, 5807 r^apaya Dr., Ft. Pierce, F L 34982. Ph/fax: (561) 468iigg^mail: WKremer798@aol.com

^ n " ' ^ A L E : Moving, must sell most of my collection:


novelties, tables, consoles, cathedrals,

"l°stones, battery sets, plustest equipment, speakers

phonographs; over (130) units. Send S A S E for list.

7aS- ^I'ogg, 206 N. Walnut, Newton, IL 62448. (618) °o-35i4

FOR S A L E : Knight Mod. KG625 VTVM, gc - $20. Electro-Voice PA horn Mod. P A 3 0 A T - $ 1 5 . McGohan FM tuner Mod. M522B, gc - $20. McGohan 10 w audio amp Mod. M5103, gc - $20. Regency Monitor radio Mod. TM-HZ, g c - $ 1 0 . Wellersoldering kit Mod. 8100K, exc - $18. Zenith Royal 500D, maroon w/case, exc $70. Zenith Royal 500, white w/case, gc - $60. Zenith Royal 275, brown/tan, exc - $35. Zenith Royal 400, black, exc - $40. Hitachi Model TH667 pink, exc - $35. RCA Trans. T2-K, tan, e x c - $ 1 5 . York 12Tran TR-122 pocket, exc - $12. Farnsworth T.M. Mod. GT-061 white, gc - $35. 1947 R C A Mod. X551 TM, brown Bakelite gc - $35. R C A Model 6-BX-63, gray portable, gc - $15. Zenith TM 5F05, brown, plays good - $15. Science Fair A M - S W radio kit Mod. 28-176 - $10. G u s Nianouris, 1316 Richard St., Miamisburg, OH 45342. (937) 866-1865
FOR SALE: Catalins: Stewart-Warner, DeWald Lyre, Fada bullet, Temple, 711 Garod Commander, also a few damaged Catalins. Also, Phiico 90, Emerson Ingraham (Stein I, p. 75 middle), Crosley small bullseyes, ivory Emerson 200, Truetone D101Z, Truetone Boomerang, Hallicrafters 5R1Z blue, red pre-war Emersonette (crack), yellow Weltron space helmet. Also, 888 Explorers, Atlas, hand-wired Royal 500, Catalin S&P, poker chip rack & chips, clocks, red/butterscotch checkers, (3) sets - $50. Xtra-Deco Petipoint iron with fins, Reddy Kilowatt N.O.S. pins/charms. Ted Chronister, 7073 Carlisle Pk. #26, Carlisle, PA 17013. (717) 7666436
FOR S A L E : Wireless radio lamp, Chicago, II., works $750. Wireless slide tuner, transmitter on black board 14" X 16" X 1" complete, very rare - $850. Thomas Edison battery oil bottle - $25. I F included with other item. Edison round cylinder records, 4-minute play, excellent - $200. Diehl ribbon air brown Bakelite fan, nice, runs - $275. Polar cub fan 6" brass blades and 6" black, both - $150. Edison Mabry, 715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (419) 526-1175
FOR S A L E : Silvertone Midget 2001 brown, like new, works - $95, General Electric A-70 tombstone, mint, original - $110. Truetone Aeroscope 361-5Q, brown Bakelite push-button table, mint-$70. R C A grandfather clock cabinet w/clock, no radio (takes Superette R-7), mint, original finish - $95. All plus S / H . F.O.B. Swarthmore. Sam Mannino, PO Box 233, Swarthmore, PA 19081 (610)353-6747
FOR S A L E : Sears Silvertone Model 1928 tombstone battery set - $50. Admiral Model 7T10, wood grain, plastic - $ 4 0 . Sears Silvertone Model 7006 (M.A.J.A. II, p. 270) - $20; Montgomery Ward Airline Model 2 5 B R 1548B clock radio - $35. All work, and are cleaned and restored. Mark Mowrey, 510 S . 12th St., Clear Lake, lA 50428. (515)357-3492


FOR S A L E / T R A D E : High Serial #5533 Collins 75A4 w/ 3 of the most requested filters, 4-tube noise blanker, original manual and nice cond. -$1,275. Collinsamplifier Mod 6X2 (circa 1930) - $300. 30L-1 - $550. Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 0 6 4 1 0 . (203)2726030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: Early transistors: Emerson 555V case bad, chassis good - $25. Arvin 9562,1957, works good -$55. R C A 1 -BT-58 Globe Trotter-$20. Classic Radio & Television, 541 Riverside Dr., Box 6 1 , Augusta, ME 04330. (207) 623-2059
Classified Ad Deadline Noon Sep. 10 for Oct. 1997 Issue Oct. 10 for Nov 1997 Issue
Boxed, Photo, & Display Ads 1st
FOR S A L E : R C A Victor 8" portable T V Model 8 P T 7034, tilt stand, c a s e - $ 1 6 0 + U P S . Paul Harnetty, 4805 Parkmoor Dr., Westerville, OH 43082. (614) 882-1979
FOR S A L E : Grundig 75-WE, small German radio $35. Packard Bell 5-R1 red - $35. G E L6-22, maroon. Arthur Kreitner, 2013 E. Belle Ave., Belleville, IL 62221 (618) 233-5610
FOR S A L E : Table radios in working condition, Crosley 11-104U, black, original w/back, hairline in top - $75. Silvertone midget 6405 - $90, DeIco R1238 - $40. Emerson 544, restored - $55. R C A 120 cathedral, restored - $175. All plus shipping. Stan Ward, 56 Third Ave., Berea, OH 44017 (216) 243-7197
FOR S A L E : Literature and radio collection. Manuals, catalogues, many Rider's, much TV literature. Cathedrals, tombstones, battery sets, crystal sets. Large list S A S E . Bill Rolf, 30131 Center Ridge, Westlake, OH 44145. (216) 871-4547
FOR S A L E : Scarce Dumont RA-346 lattice/clock front - $80. Sonora RWFU-238, small ivory Bakelite, phonograph - $45. John Koop, 48 Wheelbarrow Ln., Wantagh, NY 11793. (516) 731-6711
FOR SALE: Dynamotor DM-21B, missing cover- $10. Sencore T C - 1 3 6 w/book - $15. 23 L e s s o n s in Radio (HC), 1931 - $10. Shipping extra. Patrick Marineau, K9HF, 6300 Kingsway Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123
FOR S A L E : N.O.S. 1 6 G P 4 - $ 4 0 . "Music Mike" Kodel microphone s p e a k e r - $ 2 5 0 . Television Daily Yearbook (1957 Anniversary)-$35. Robert Shuck, 10512 Winston Ln., Fishers, IN 46038. (317) 849-0381
FOR S A L E : Edison trophy cup, awarded 1919, Edison phonograph, works - $75. Phiico 52C - $75. Vance Rayburn, 2718 Homestead Rd., Madison, Wl 53711 (608) 274-3002
FOR S A L E : Radiola Model R-7, tombstone - $125. Transistor, Standard Model SR-F22, plus leather case - $125. Don Sickels, Box 174, Forestville, Wl 54213. (414) 856-6651
FOR S A L E : (2) '50 S T 1 9 R C A N.O.S. beat up boxes emission holds at 5 volts - Offers? Pete Putra, 1429 Lawndale Ave., Racine, Wl 53403. (414) 632-2543
FOR S A L E : 10 amp Variac transformer, exc cond., works & looks great - $40. Vincent Cormier 6096 Pine Hill, Kountze, T X 77625. (409) 246-4318

FOR SALE: Hallicrafters Continental Pink - $34; S700, e x c - $ 7 5 ; T W - 1 0 0 0 , e x c - $ 1 6 5 . Hammarlund HQ 145, nice - $175. Superex Germanium diode pocket, red, cool - $35. Motorola 10Y 3-band floor radio, nice $175. Matsushita T-41, wht/blk w/case - $35. Realistic DX-400, exc - $65. Jade J-1039 in box - $16. Aiwa 3band - $15. Hawkins Elec. Guide 1914, 9 vol. - $45 Zenith Cool Superhet 30s 705-11 - $75. '57 1000D Trans-0, exc - $75. Royal 450 pink - $30. Ross multiband #2311 - $18. Aiwa A R - 8 1 9 3-band in box $37. AR-141 Allwave - $ 2 9 . Panasonic RF-100 MA, exc - $55. Xonex #980-300 in b o x - $ 3 5 . Airline G S L - 1 0 7 9 A like T r a n s - 0 - $55. Heath SB-104, no pwr sup, exc $65. Catron Mini-mini 10-band-$19. Gruen/Guild4506 #31, Elgin AM/FM 12 tran - $27, $9. Aquatron VX-33C stereo AM/FM 8tk"egg"-$36. Midland "Weatherstation" - $19. Motorola # 8 X 2 6 S trans. - $19. Sonotone mini hearing aid 6 tubes, clear Zenith aid - $15 ea. Sylvania Golden Shield #2701 - $35. Huge (60 lb.) Phantom linear amp - $ 7 5 . Delmonico (JVC) mini T V w/pwr- $45 & compact tube 9" T V 8PV-47U, Lafayette KT-195 broadcast amp - $36. Valiant Deluxe Transistor 10 $38.30s Echophone com. rcvr, EC-1 a - $45. Capehart #4 jukebox, missing mech. - $95. Grunow remote tnr #2A - $50. Novelties! Japanese clear ilium, globe radio - $55. 40s tube decanter radio - $95. Solar Hat radio, sealed box - $ 3 3 . '63 Cadillac - $13. Leather Bonefone - $17 Japanese canon - $35. Sears 4-band #2278 $16, Panasonic! Cool 6230 Autotune table, unique $45. Phiico C R - 4 car radio comp - $19. Baby Trinitron - $ 8 5 . ' 8 6 T r i n i t r o n , 1 0 " - $ 9 5 . I C F - 1 5 0 - $ 1 1 5 . Motorola Ranger - $19. Turquoise! Model 56L4 - $45. Sphere clock radio, inop. - $35. Jeff VanAssche, 103 W. Silvermeadow, Midwest City, OK 73110. (405)7325747). Fax: (405)741-0458
FOR S A L E : New large photo catalog - $1 + L S A S E 2 stamps. Bob Masterson, Box 172, Valley Cottage, NY 10989. (914) 353-3151 E-mail: BMradio@aol.com
FOR SALE/TRADE: Mcintosh MC-60 amps - $1,600/ pr. MC 240 - $1,700. Marantz 8-B - $1,550. Scott 340 amp/tuner-$375. S c o t t 3 3 0 - C t u n e r - $ 1 7 5 . (2) David Bogen DB-10 amps - $200. Lafayette super powerful LA-235 stereo 70-watt amp - $400. (2) Fisher Mod 70 mono blocks pure amps-$400/pr. Fisher500-C receiver - $375. Scott 290 amp, 90 watt - $500. Scott Mod 208 stereo power amp. (2) Bogen DB20 amplifiers - $350/ pr Shenwood 8000 r e c e i v e r - $ 3 0 0 . Mcintosh Mod 230 amp - $400. (2) Heath Kit W 5-M power amps w/pair of WA-P1 preamps-$900. Heath KitWM-1 power supply with Heath Kit W 3 M amp - $400. Dynaco S T - 7 0 til upgrade pad - $350. Dynaco PAS-2 and FM 3 tuner $350/both. A pair of original Dyna Kit S T - 7 0 power amps
- $600. Leak Varislope III preamp - $100. Leak Point One Plus preamp - $100. Herman Kardon Citation I Eleven preamp solid-state - $225. Citation II 120-watt power amp - $900. Citation preamp - $425. Scott 355 preamp tuner - $375. Scott 399 AM/FM tuner - $350. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030 or fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Phiico wood table Model PT3, 1940, works - $35. Regency T R 6 , black leather, works $50. Coronet Deluxe Transistor Boy radio, white & black, in original box, works - $ 2 5 . Complete chassis for Phiico 38-4 - $25. All plus shipping. Raymond Humphreys, 904 Jackson St., Macon, MO 63552. (816) 385-2821


cnB S A L E : Musicmaster mahogany horn speaker J275. G G H tortoise shell pyralin (celluloid) horn speakerw/small c r a c k - $ 4 9 5 . Majestic N.I.B. tubes, IF xfmrs and those hard-to-find Deco set knobs. Majestic bank-Si 50. WANTED: Majestic & Grunow advertising, promotional items & chrome-front radios. 1st IF for Ljestic 15. S e e you at Rochester! Chip Taylor, 2223 53rd St., Sarasota, F L 34234. Toll free: (888) 526-5566. (Tgx- (941)359-6778

FOR S A L E : Zenith Royal 400, good - $25. Zentih eariy model, SS, cassette AM/FM - $20. Admiral Clipper 3band transistor-$20. AiwaTP-50 3" R/R, N.I.B. - $ 5 0 . Marconiphone 4140, vgc - $25. Craig Nixie tube calculator #4503 - $100. Hallicrafters HC-100 walkietalkie (1) - $38. American Watch Tool Co. lathe - $78. Heathkit audio analyzer - $40. Boonton capacitance bridge - $50. Telefunken bajazzo TS-105 - $40. Newcomb EL-84 transcription player - $110. RCA Victrola 55-U - $30. All plus ship. Mary Ellen & Roger Ruddick, 33 Emily Ln., Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931. Phone/fax: (941) 463-8887

FOR S A L E : Old volt amp battery No. 6 (Majestic), PA - $55. Rowe AMI jukebox selector, 50 selections, cfirome excellent, clean - $350. Silvertone radio tombstone Model 180, 7-tube, has foreign - $150. Variac General Radio Co. Mass, 2.30v input-$75. Very old Vibroplex Bug K e y No. 82875 6" x 4" x 1/2" base, iron back, tire like covered - $195. Western Elect, sounder -$75. Edison Mabry, 715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (419) 526-1175
FOR S A L E : Radiotron Handbook, 2nd ed. - $25. Tube sub guides, N.O.S. tubes, many $1 specials. Cleaning outall usedtestedtubes: 5 U 4 G B , 6 F Q 7 - $ 1 ; 6 S N 7 G T B - 5 0 j ; many others. Large S A S E for Sept. list of tubes, radios and much misc. Charles D. Blair, 815 N. 5th St., Cambridge, OH 43725. (614) 432-4453, 9-5. E-mail:
FOR S A L E : Majestic 7 1 , R E - 4 5 & R E - 5 7 Electrola, in various condition. Call: Bob Sherman, 105 School St., Lebanon, NH 03766. (603) 448-1015
FOR S A L E : Last list minus 2 5 % . C / K U band 3' dish/ receiver. More tubes/stuff. S A S E . Randy Seifert, Box 45, Middle, lA 52307 F a x : (319) 622-3461
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Cathedrals: Phiico 21 (Ramirez, cover) cabinet only, nice - $150. Phiico 1168, chassis only - $175. Truetone - $125. Chairside, Zenith 7 S 6 8 1 R/RP - $200. Plastic, DeIco R-1231 Ribbon (Bunis 3), Drown, p l a y s - $ 5 0 . Transistor, Emerson 856(looks like 839), original case/instructions - $85. Zenith trades considered. Rochester delivery. Bill Timoszyk, 35283 Leon, Livonia, Ml 48150. (313) 421-2076
Driver w/housing for Model M & Pooley horns (this assembly replaces all pot metal) $65.75 + $4.75 s&h
Driver w/repair ring for Models G, H, & L (repair ring replaces threads in base) $59.85 + $4.75 s&h
All drivers above include diaphragm, gasl<ets, spacer, and spring. All parts are also sold separately. Send SASE for price list.
^ M. Harord E z z o n e , 4901 Park Drive J ^ t Des Moines, lA 50265 -- (515) 221-9447

FOR S A L E : WWII Japanese tubes, all N.O.S., tested and ppd; UZ-30MC for Mod 94 Mark 6 - $80 ea. RH-4 - $30 ea. KH-2 - $30 ea. International Postal Money Order please! WANTED: Japanese tube portable, any model. Noriyoshi Tezuka, 1-11 -2-403 Hiroo, Shibuyaku, Tokyo 150, Japan. Fax: 011-813-3440-8396

FOR SALE: N.I.B. U.S. tubes: (4) R C A 811-A - $90; (20) 7247 - $10 ea., (4) RCA 8005 - $75 ea., (4) R C A 8000 - $65 ea., (3) IL6 - $22 ea., (3) R C A 7027 - $35 ea., (4) S Y L 8417 - $ 1 3 0 ; (7) 7199 - $15 ea., (4) 6973 -$15 ea., (20) 6267/EF86 - $ 1 2 ea., (4) 6B4G - $ 1 0 0 ; (10) 12BH7A - $6 ea., (8) 7868 - $20 ea., (10) R C A 6 C G 7 d e a r top - $9 e a . , (20) 12AU7-12AT7 - $4 ea. Roland Barbeito, 19 Murray Ave., Westfield, MA01085. Phone/fax: (413) 572-4745

FOR S A L E : Ivory Plaskon: Packard Bell 501, top crack

- $35; Pilot T504, minor stress - $220. Unpainted

Bakelite: Silvertone 6 4 0 5 - $ 8 0 ; Northern Electric Midge

double bullseye - $85; R C A 96X2, small bottom chip -

$140; G E 202 - $30; Majestic 5LA5, bottom cracks -

$30; Howard 901 A, ivory paint- $25. Others: RCA clock

4-C-621 Meteor 7000, R C A 4-X-644 - $15 ea. Mike

Stambaugh, 506 W. Springettsbury Ave., York, PA





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300+ S T A L L H O L D E R S will be exhibiting at tiie next
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FOR S A L E : To reference our Zenith models, order our 60-page 11 x 17 Zenith Brochure Bool< - $ 2 8 . 9 5 ppd. 1938 Zenith Georgian 15 tube, very rare. Mint Zenith 15U269. Nice Hoffman solar blacl<, no cracks - $250. Nice original Zenith 68128 Deco tombstone. Zenith 835 chrome-front. Zenith 10S130. N.O.S. Majestic chrome grilles for Mod 161 - $ 1 2 0 ; 4 6 3 - $ 1 0 0 . Two 7G605s: one bomber, one sailboat. Zenith 7S240, chairside. Stromberg 61T tombstone - $235. We have hundreds of radios for sale. Call or refer to last month's ad. Call for current availability of Rider's manuals. Vol. VI or VII $20. Also most Trans-Oceanics. Others available: Zenith, Stromberg, G E , RCA, Fada, Phiico. We can and do ship consoles anywhere and we do it right. Delivery available at Rochester meet. All radios unrestored electrically unless noted. Shipping extra unless noted. Satisfaction guaranteed, highest quality possible assured. Send for our free parts and supply catalog. Electrical restoration service available. Visiting Minneapolis? Visit our store, Great Northern Antiques, 5159 Bloomington Ave., just five minutes from the airport. We accept Visa, Discover and Mastercard. Alan Jesperson/Mike Emery, PO Box 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417 (612) 727-2489. Fax: (612) 727-1908, a n s . mach. after 4 rings, 8 am-8 pm, 7 days. E-mail: mte612@aol.com.
FOR S A L E : Zenith 12-tube shutter dial chassis, 3 bands, 39-40 vintage - $100. Zenith speaker, large $70 OBO. Wavemagnetantenna-$45. HP41OC VTVM with A C probe and manual - $95. Specialty products WWV receiver, all freqs 2.5 to 25 MHz tone filters, speakers - $145. Tek P6046 differential scope probe, 100 MHz, with kit - $250. H P 456 A C clip on current probe - $35. Tek P6019 A C current probe, amp, P S $90. T e k 4 5 3 5 0 MHz dual trace scope. ESI-250DE L C R bridge, small battery powered, high a c c u r a c y - $ 1 5 0 . All plus shipping. WANTED: 7735/A/B vidicon, no burns. StanKrumme, K 0 6 Y B , 16432 LakemontLn., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 841-5866, evenings


tukf compressors, [()'s: Pulter, Lanq,

Teletronix, llrei, Fairrhild, RCA, fK.


818.784.7611 · Fax 8 l 8 . 7 8 i i m ?
Moving Hands Studios Los Angeles. CA

FOR SALE: Signal generators: HP8604B/323 R F signal generator, rugged, in transit c a s e , AM/FM/CW pulse, metered 6 L E D digit frequency display, 0.450 to 52o MHz - $365. HP8604B/3, commercial version of the above /323 model, includes reverse power protection $650. Call for other HP8640 options. H P 8660C R F synth. generator mainframe - $600, HP8660C mainframe parts s e t - $ 2 5 0 . HP8660C with R F and AM/ FM modulator plugins, 0.1 to 110 MHz in 1 Hz steps $1,000. Option 100 moduleforHP8660-$250. HP8601A R F sweeper 0.1 to 110 MHz, AM/FM/CW, metered $180. H P 3 3 3 0 B synth. generator 1 Hz to 13 MHz in O.i Hz steps, output in 0.01 db s t e p s - $375. HP652A, 10 Hz to 10 MHz sine, 50 and 6 0 0 n audio - $95. All good condition, completely functional, except parts set. Plus shipping. Stan Krumme, K 0 6 Y B , 16432 Lakemont Ln., Huntington Beach, C A 9 2 6 4 7 (714)841 -5866, evenings
FAX NUMBER FOR ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED (508) 371-7129 - 24 hours a day Ads - Subscriptions - Book Orders S e e inside front cover for details
FOR S A L E : T u b e s ! Most all radio types in stock. September specials: 24A, 27 77/6C6,78/6D6, and any loctal, except 7AF7 o n l y - $ 3 ea., 01 A, 1 2 A o n l y - $ 9 ea.. Types #83 & 5Z3 only - $8 ea. All tested and guaranteed. $4 ship per order, while they last. Antique Audio, 253 Blanche St., Plymouth, Ml 48170. (313) 20RADIO
FOR S A L E : Wuriitzer Sideman, rhythm attachment, 12" wide X 24" high x 30" deep, wt. 50 lbs., circa 1 9 4 0 $100. E d Davis, B o x 2 0 3 , West Baden, IN 47469. (812) 936-9611
FOR S A L E : SonyTC-106A mono R-R tape recorder$75. Concord #444 stereo R-R tape recorder - $75. RCA VTVM WV97A - $35, Fisher 49T tuner & 49A amp, 2 pc. set - $75. Garrard RC88-4 record changer - $45. Zenith H724 AM/FM radio - $35. R C A 6-B-5-A, 1955, tube r a d i o - $ 3 5 . Bell & Howell 8mm film projector #253AX - $45. Sylvania sign, gold on black, 9" x 45" $25. Fisher 400 FM receiver w/case, working - $125. 15 drawer resistor cabinet loaded with wire-wound power resistors - $30. Heathkit AA-14 stereo amplifier - $20. 60-watt power amp tube-type w/6550's - $125. Heathkit B E - 2 battery eliminator - $45. Heathkit IT5230 color/B&W picture tube tester - $35. Electrolytic capacitor grab bag: Twist prong cans, all N.O.S. most N.I.B., assorted single section up to 4 section caps $20 for (10) pes. All prices plus U P S . Bob Lynn, 26 E. Orchard St., Somerville, NJ 08876. (908) 685-9070
FOR SALE/TRADE: Stylish UK, European, Australian, African radios of all eras/mediums for Catalin, beetle, Plaskon, early novelty, Repwood, cathedrals. Have stunning Kenmac book E R Fone crystal set M.I.B., black & chrome circular Ekco, mirror glass French boudoir radio (with lamp), gold Emor Globe, French Teakettle, Pure Oil Dolls House. Specific wants - yellow/ brown/blue AU190, U5As, Fada 254/260, Baby Addisons, Crosley/Emerson Repwoods, Ozarkas, RCA 121, J Bells, Echophone S5, circularwooden and wooden Catalin sets. May buy small choice collections. Back in UK, more passionate than everl Could deliver swaps/ trades to Rochester. Please fax/call if you would like to meet. Simon Wade, Finchcroft, Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 5 P E , United Kingdom. Telefax: (44)1892 543505


FOR S A L E : NEW!!! Knobs with brass centers for the gOO series Zenith T r a n s - O c e a n i c s - $16 e a . NEW!!! excellent exact wooden reproduction knobs for the 25 tube Stratosphere. W e offer speakerfield coil rewinding and complete speaker repair Call. NEW!!! Color Laser cover/Xerox copy of a Sparton full line catalog showing jtie Nocturne, 558 and many others - $22 ppd. Replica copy 0* Zenith 25 tube Stratosphere owner's manual -
Replica face plate for 1938 Zenith Robot dial, an exact copy of the original - $45 with your restorable trade-in. Call for details. Reproduction 1936 or 1937 Zenith full line poster - $19 ppd. Zenith 7 G 6 0 5 TransOceanic log chart reproduction - $19.95 ppd. Excellent repro knobs, owner's manuals for most Zeniths and other brands, grille cloth and other radio parts. Universal Dial Belt kit - $8.95 ppd. S e n d for free catalog. V i s a , Discover and Mastercard accepted. Alan Jesperson, PO Box 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417 (612) 7272489. Fax only (612) 727-1908. E-mail: mte612@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Stromberg-Carison Mod 1A w/tubes $275. Scott Phantom chassis, amp and speaker-$600. Radiola 103 spkr, vg cond., working - $175. Atwater Kent Mod 2 0 0 no/tubes - $95. Edison Standard repro horn, 3 cylinders, working - $775. Comerce Radio Phone crystal set - $600. We enjoyed seeing everyone at the meets in Lansing and Elgin and are looking fonward to the meet in Rochester. For more info, contact us at: Waves, 110 W. 25 St., Suite 1005, New York, NY 10001 (212) 989-9284. Fax: (201)461-7121 E-mail: c1wave@aol.com
FOR S A L E : Kolster 6-D - $70. Airiine 93BR-460A wood battery set - $45. Stewart-Warner A61-P1 portable, very nice - $40. Zenith T - 0 H500, excellent $125. Instructograph code-practice tapesender,windup -$45. Gloritone 26 cathedral, pristine original condition -$130. Plus UPS. Ernie Nagy, PO Box 822, Elk Rapids, Ml 49629-0822. (616) 264-9412

FOR S A L E : Zenith Mod 53 radio, no cabinet, all parts/ tubes, plays great - $175. Larry Wilson, 310 75th Ave. N #3, Myrtle Beach, S C 29572. Ph/fax: (803) 449-5839
ARC@antiqueradlo.com Ads - Subscriptions - Book Orders
See inside front cover for details
FOR S A L E : Zenith 8G005YT Trans-Oceanic, works well - $ 1 4 5 . Air King 4608A Plaskon Deco mini, crack - $35. Atwater Kent Type F condenser - $45. Radiola IIIA, excellent but no tubes - $125. W F L N Auditron FM promo radio-$55. Accusticon chrome tube hearing aid - $20. Cambridge wooden Thermionic voltmeter - $ 3 5 . Precision E-400 sweep generator - $35. Commodore SX-64 luggable color computerw/printer-$55. HewlettPackard HP-75 pocket computer, M.I.B.+-$125. Royal #5 typewriter - $45. Unbuilt Heathkits: GR-151A transistor radio - $75; IM-18 VTVM - $50; IG-102 R F g e n e r a t o r - $ 3 5 . Science Fair3tr. S W receiver kit, N.I.B. - $55. Transistors: Modernage 612 - $20; Bulova 130 -$45; Marvel AM/FM w/underpaintedtop-$25;Saxton A-982 aircraft pen style mini radio, N.I.B. - $35. Sonys: TFM-825 - $25; TFM-951 AM/FM - $25; TR-710 AM/ S W - $ 3 5 ; Juliette lOtr, true micro in presentation c a s e -$40. WANTED: SonataTR-650transistor name badge and pink Hoffman solar battery door. Jon Hall, 253 Spring Oaks Ln., Ruckersville, VA 22968. (804) 9853827, 8:30-10:30 pm. Fax: (804) 984-3299. E-mail: jon@halls.com
FOR S A L E : Altec #401A 8" speaker, 8 ohm - $20 ea. AlsootherAltecequipment.T Gaida, Box3328, Duluth, MN 55803. (218) 724-4131 F a x : (218) 728-0260
FOR S A L E : 30s Scott Philharmonic Chippendale Grande, excellent condition, pictures - $3,500; offers. R. M. Pierson, 154 W. Prospect St., Hudson, OH 44236. (216) 650-0585


2 ' a 300A/B 301A






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TT n 11 11 n

Tel/Fax: (715) 2 4 6 - 3 8 9 9

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P.O. Box 321, New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017


FOR S A L E : (14) E.H. Scott consoles, including a rare Cliippendale (not Chippendale Grande). Also, photocopies of E . H . Scott catalogs, laser or ? Some originals, also. Call. Call for info. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover. Alan Jesperson, PO Box 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417 (612) 727-2489, 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days. F a x only: (612) 727-1908
FOR SALE: Manuals, catalogs 1960s, 1970s, Fluke, HP Tektronix, Ballantine M412, M513, M881A - $5 ea. More. James Wright, 4307 Hwy. 166N, Maynard, AR 72444. (870) 647-2913
FOR S A L E : Crosley JM-8BN hybrid book radio, excellent - $150. Toshiba 8TM-294B transistor radio, excellent $100. Global GR-711 N.I.B., slight hairline - $175. Suzanne Wyatt, HC67 Box 382, Ash Flat, AR 725139305. (870) 895-4757
FOR S A L E : Zenith 6S322 - $125. Bosch 66 Cruiser $125. Radiola 17 - $75. Zenith 6S137 Zephyr - $225. Crosley show box - $35. Silvertone small metal radio $40. Freshman Masterpiece 3-dial battery set - $75. Meteor cathedral cabinet - $20. Scott service manuals from 1940s - $12. WANTED: Chassis for Pilot Midget and Echophone S-10 cathedrals. Richard Haneline, 3600 Cuba Blvd., Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 323-9657 between 8 am & 6 pm
FOR S A L E : Coronado 501 C O cathedral, rare farm set, good condition, complete - $85 OBO. Mike Lipke, 2177 Violet Ln., New Brighton, MN 55112. (612) 631-1644
FOR S A L E : E.H. Scott including Napier 23, Wellington 15, Warrington 27, S G 9 N.I.B., literature. Jack Sacra, 1720 Solomon Rd., Chariottesville, VA 22901 (804) 293-9985

FOR S A L E : 78 rpm record collection. 1930s-1940s RCA, Decca[?], Columbia, Victor, Musicraft, Carolion, etc. Big Bands, Dixieland, J a z z , blues all in excellent conditon, includes a master tape of all records and Sony combination turntable/amplifier in excellent shape $675. Steve Lazarian, 2645 Nina St., Pasadena, CA 91107 (818) 798-1230
FOR SALE: (3) Altec 1592B mixeramplifiers-$100 ea, Altec 2454 AM/FM stereo tuner - $100. TV-10 - $200. Heathkits AJ21 A J 3 1 IT21 - $75 e a . Multi Elmac CiliFone S S - $75. Fisher 500C - $375. All plus shipping, Bruce Bartoli, 414 Adams Dr., Mt. S h a s t a , C A 96067 (916) 926-3674
FOR S A L E : Novelties: Kent flip-top cigarettes; Superman; Batman, all M.I.B. - $65 ea. Pillsbury Doughboy, M.I.B., Sunoco gas pump M.I.B. - $75 ea. Mercedes grille - $125. Pepsi Cola dispenser - $375. 1 lOv Champion spark plug, M.I.B. - $175. Treesweet orange. Bud beer bottle, Kraft Macaroni, all M.I.B. - $ 3 5 ea. Tropicana orange. Beanie Weenie - $20 ea. Frank Rose, 3701 Crownridge Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 914034820. (818) 789-1106
FOR S A L E : Zenith T O #3000-1, complete, clean, slight blistering, 120/12 volt adapter - $95. Two Michael Jackson/Jacksons 12" picture disc records, 1983-$30. Plus U P S . C. Hill, 6934 Orion Ave., Van Nuys, CA 92406. (818) 787-0376
FOR S A L E : Marconi paper mache bust, lifesize, excellent condition, made in the UK, circa 1 9 3 5 - $ 7 5 0 . British Marconi Wireless and Telegraph Co., Type A, dual crystal set, very rare, original and in mint condition - $ 2 , 8 0 0 . Addison 2, mint, heavy marbleized (Sideli p. 28 bottom) - $ 1 , 6 0 0 . Crosley Pup, original bonzo mascot and matching headset, excellent-$950. British Siemens and Steriing speakers - $ 1 7 5 ea. A.R. Nolf, 539 Kastelic Place, Buriington, Ontario, Canada L7N 3S9. (905) 333-4557 E-mail: arn@globalserve.net


Volt 630 Axial Leads

Part Number Value (UP) *Price/25



$ 6.00



$ 6.25



$ 6.50

.022-630-AL .033-630-AL

.022 .033

$ 7.00 $ 7.25



$ 7.50



$ 8.00



$ 15.00

Each 24e
25(6 26(t 28* 29(S 30e 32C 600

Volt 630 Radial Leads



$ 7.00



Volt 160 Axial Leads



$ 16.00




$ 21.00




$ 24.00


47-450-AL 47-450-AL10

Volt 450 Axial Leads


$ 18.75



$ 28.00

$1 12


$ 45.00



$ 20.00 (per (0) $2.00

To order. Send Check or Money Order to:

BOB'S ANTIQUE RADIOS 111 East 29th Street La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 Telephone: (708) 352-0648 / Fax: (708) 352-0647 Ask About Super Bulk Rates/Sorry No Credit Cards or CO.D.'s
Stiipping & Handling included in price ·Sold in 25 piece lots Wholesale Only No Minimum Order



well, almost.)

This 2 4 " X 3 0 " sepia-tone poster is a great shot of vintage broadcast gear at a 1940s, small-town radio station. W e give these away at trade shows, and you're welcome to pick one up at our factory, free! B u t if y o u c a n ' t make it by, just s e n d us $ 4 (stamps O K ) a n d w e will mail it to you, first-class, rolled in a protective tube.
Inovonics. Inc. samSyoV


poR S A L E : Surplus sale. S W - 3 two pair coils - $265; 1927 Browning-Drake Regeneformer-$180; N C - 9 8 J95; NC-109 - $115; NC-125 - $85; NCX-5 - $75; NC1830 - $ 1 0 0 ; Bud black 8-inch PM speaker- $20. Plus UPS Hank Bredehorst, 2440 Adrian St., Newbury park, CA 91320. (805) 498-8907 E-mail: quailhill@aol-com
FOR S A L E : Recapped working Phiico cathedrals: 16 $300; 90 - $350; 91 - $225; 89 - $150. Not working Phiico 19, e x c - $ 2 2 5 . Others. Mike Schwartzman, 10 Susquehanna Ave., Cooperstown, NY 13326. E-mail: sohwartz@wpe.com

FOR S A L E : Baft: Zenith 3R, needs inside work - $350. Heraldyne T R F 'The Real Family Set" - $200. Chelsea Regen Transcontinental ZR4 - $150. Comm: Comet Pro - $225. Circa 1940 Collins? tabletop xmtr w/813 Final (heavy-pickup) - $300. Wireless: WSA Perikon detector - $275. Rotary gap w/motor - $150-$175. Chelsea enclosed condenser - $50. Blitzen enclosed condenser - $100. A C : Zenith L cathedral (refin, top crack) - $250. Scott 1931 console w/SW coils (pickup only)-$850. Misc: Amrad 1920 Wavemeter-$75; R E L 1926 Wavemeter - $75; DeForest DV-2 can - $50. Richard Groshong, 3725 McGowan Blvd., Marion, lA 52302. (319)377-3144

It has if your mailing label reads ·'EXP=SEP97" or earlier. Renew now! BONUS: Renew before
your "EXP" month and receive 13 issues per year instead of 12!
Renewal rates are: $38.95 for Periodicals Mailing $55.95 for First-Class Mailing (Two-year renewals are twice above rates.)
FOR SALE: 1936 Phiico console #645 - $145. Oak tabletop Victrola #VV-IX - $390. Both in nice working condition. Matthew Hinson, 1663 Bridge St., Merrick, NY 11566. (516)379-3601
FOR S A L E : Tektronix oscilloscopes Mod 7633 & 7633R, 100 MHz dual trace, C R T readout. Bob Lindahl, 10680 S.W. Wedgewood St., Portland, OR97225-5127 (503) 644-9643

FOR SALE: Victor Electrola V E 9-25E serial #789, excellent original condition, 18K gold plate, working, 47 X 44 X 19" sold originally for $1,200 in 1927 - $6,000. Alan Jesperson, P O Box 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417 (612) 727-2489, 8 am-8 pm, C D T Fax only: (612) 7271908. E-mail: mte612@aol.com
FOR SALE: Phiico 49-506 Deco plastic wedge - $75. Emerson 547A, marbled green, slightly cracked - $60. Olympic 6-501 slanted dial, very Deco - $80. Halston 60M, nice wood, beautiful grille, tuning eye - $160. Phiico 42-345, nice wood w/push buttons - $65. All prices plus shipping. WANTED: Phiico 604, any interesting Deco Bakelite sets. Robert Carobene, PO Box 650206, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. (718) 2810504. E-mail: robertc894@aol.com
FOR SALE: Fada 711, restored - $500. (3) crystal sets - $50-$300. Tube piano radio parts, music stands, pedals, etc. Geoff Shearer, 14101 Mesita Cliff Rd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. (505) 293-8544. E-mail: GShea90278@aol.com
FOR SALE/TRADE: Table radios, consoles, tubes, needles. RaySeppeler, Sunshine Radio (founded 1926), 8Main,Sodus, NY 14551 (315) 483-8451 (315) 9265696, evenings. E-mail: sunrad@aiusa.oom

FOR S A L E : W E #360 carbon hom mic - $125. WANTED: W E carbon mic in 1B housing. Frank Hagenbuch, 1040 Bonair Dr., Williamsport, PA 17701 (717) 326-0932
FOR S A L E : Vogues 713-32,732-13 - $300; 730 - $75; 707-$40. Trade forwindup phonographs. Larry Nelson, 1336 Howell, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 (573) 3348618. E-mail: a225bat@semovm.semo.edu
FOR S A L E : Heathkit test equipment, Heathkit S S B , #HW101 Radiola lll-A, AK-40, computers also. Bret Johnson, 13495 102ndTer. N, Largo, F L 3 3 7 7 4 . (813) 595-9287 Iv. message
FOR S A L E : Spartan blue mirror Mod 557, nice condition, taking realistic offers. William Kalcik, 3714 S. Lombard, Benwyn, IL60402. (708) 788-9022, please repeatphone f j w i c e if leaving a message
FOR S A L E : Truetone D2210 Art Deco metal, works 490. AK46 W/F2 speaker works, W T - $80. Mitchell radio/bedlamp 1251 near mint - $65. Morris coil winder ; $35. All plus shipping. Bill Lindley, 4265 Pont Dr., g[idgeton, MO 63044. (314) 739-0722
FOR S A L E : Thorens portable gramophone Excelda *ith instructions, works, spring O K - $ 4 0 0 . T o m Murray,
3J77 Latta Rd., #409, Rochester, NY 14612. Ph/Fax:
('16) 723-1672. E-mail: tomvidtek@aol.com

A Complete Tube Manual on your
Electrical s p e c s for over 1200 tubes.
Includes Octals, Loctals, Miniatures, Subminiatures, Mela! Types, Compactrons, Acorns, Nuvislors, Historic "2Hdigit" and Hi-Fi Audio Types.
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To Order, send $29US (plus $3 S&H) to: 'EPS/Solutions". P.O. Box 862, Broomall, PA. 19008-0862. PA residents please add 6% sales tax. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. IBM-PC and DOS 4.01 or higher required.
See our Web Site for more information:
http ://members .aol .com/EPSweb/vtdata Email: EPSweb@AOL.com

FOR SALE/TRADE: Beautiful R C A (70 watt) movie tfieater power amps - $1 100 for pair- Heattil<it W-6M (70 watt) mono blocl< "pure power" amplifiers - $1,500 for pair- Grommes Mod 1 0 - P G - $200. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Chestiire, CT06410. (203) 2726030, Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Radios for sale. All radios worki Prices do not include shipping. Prices are negotiablel Let's deall Admiral Super 7tan, e x c - $ 2 5 . Admiral Y2272 red, exc. Comet - $25. Admiral 42221 black, exc - $30. A G S 88 aqua, exc - $40. Aiwa AR160 black, good - $20. Arvin 61R19 check mark, charcoal, exc - $30. Bulova 890 ivory, reverse paint, exc - $45. Bulova 672 black, fair, scratches, repaired chips - $25. Channel Master 6506 black, M.I.B., case, nice reverse paint - Sold, Emerson 707 tan, mint-$50. Emerson 888 red, excellent graphics, 1 small chip - $50. Emerson 888 Titan, red, good - $45. Emerson 888 no name, red, exc - $90. Emerson 988 rambler black, exc, nice reverse paint, case - $95. Everplay 1836A grey, mint, like new case - $40. Fuji Denki R B 8 0 4 red & black, HL in reverse, 2 chips, B K c o r - $35. G E 850B black, with display box, exc - $50. G E 807C black, exc - $30. G E P800A white, good - $40. G E P830E grey, exc - $30. Golden Shield 7100 tan & white, nice crest on front, exc - $40. Hitachi 667 blue, small chips, nice reverse paint - $35. Hitachi 627R black, mint, with case - $40. Invicta 6 T R black, horiz., CD marks, exc - $25. Jewel 10TR white, M.I.B. - $50. Jade J162 black, good - $15. Juliette APR205 black, exc, in box - $30. K o w a T R N 8 0 A ivory, exc, AM/SW, c a s e , in box - $55. Lafayette T R 1 6 6 0 blue, exc - $20. Motorola X I 9 A blue, good, nice reverse paint - $45. Motorola X 1 1 B blue, exc - $45. Motorola X 1 1 E black, exc - $45. Motorola X23B blue, missing logo, with case - $20. Motorola 8X26E Power 10, black, exc - $45. Motorola X35B aqua, tiny chip, otherwise exc - $30. Penney's 1130 black, good - $35. Panasonic RL1880 grey, cigarette box radio, good - $30. Penney's 1132 black, exc - $40. Phiico N T 6 0 0 B K G black, mint, with case - $35. R C A 3RH31 black & white, exc - $40. RCA 3RH10 white, exc with case - $50. Realtone 1843 black, gold front, C D marks, exc - $35. Sears 8 T R white, chrome front, reverse dial, exc - $15. Silvertone 4207 beige, exc, with case - $40. Silvertone 4202 black, exc, with case - $35. Silvertone 2203 mint green, good $25. Spica SP7D black, chipped corners, displays nice - $40. Sony 2R21 green, good, hairline cracks - $20. Sony 2R21 grey, exc, with case - $40. Sony TR620 black, mint, with case - $80. Starlite Skymate white, exc - $30. Sylvania 4P19WD tan, exc, with case - $40. Tempest HT6043black, M.I.B. -$45.Tempest HT8041 black, mint, with case - $45. Trancel T11 white, exc $40. Westinghouse Escort black, good, watch radio $25. York T R 8 black, N.I.B. with case - $60. Zenith Royal 200 black, e x c - $ 4 5 . Zenith Royal 250 white, exc - $40. Zenith Royal 275 green two-tone, mint - $40. Zenith Royal 285 black, exc - $40. Zenith Royal 500H black, good, missing stand - $90. Zenith Royal 20 yellow, exc - $35. Zenith Royal 185 black & white, exc - $30. Zenith Royal 50 black & white, exc, with case $35. Zenith Royal 50 brown & white, exc - $35. Novelty radio, Coca-Cola large cooler repro, M.I.B. - $99. Novelty radio, C o c a - C o l a wood with light up globe, M.I.B. - $60. Novelty radio, Pepsi repro cathedral, M.I.B. - $60. WANTED: Lloyd's Hippy, good condition. John Gardner 270 N. Main St., West Hartford, C T 06117 (860)523-4145. E-mail: buggiecar@aol.com

FOR SALE: Rider's Radio, Volumes 7,8,10,12,13,15 - $20 each plus S / H . Also G S T in volumes 1955, '56, '57 '61 BO. Herb Ellmers, 775 Howard St., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. (561)466-0926
FOR S A L E : Dual 1209 turntable w/man. Has a Grade F3-t-head-$100 plus ship. Haveothers. Bill Miller, 3410 Hunnicutt Ln., Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 489-1703
Full Color
Price Guide
FOR S A L E : New book features (67) of the all-time greatest transistor radios made in the U.S. Featuring Zenith, Superex, Admiral, Emerson, Regency, Bell, and many more. Many shown life-size or larger, and all in full color. With model numbers, dates, notes, and current prices - $19.95 includes postage. Eric Wrobbel, Dept. A, 20802 Exhibit Ct., Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 884-2282
FOR SALE/TRADE: Western Electric LTD crystal set w/2 tube optional/attached W E amplifier in museum quality condition. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 2722002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Vacuum tubes, all kinds, (15,000) on hand. Send want list & S A S E for prompt response. Tom Ivas, 2932 W. 99th St., Evergreen Park, IL60805. Phone/fax: (708) 423-0528. E-mail: tivas@ix.netcom.com
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Scott Mod 4310 FM broadcast tuner in like-new condition w/cabinet - $1,250; Scott 208 and 290 amps also available. Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR S A L E : Superior Instrument Co. Model TV-50-A Genometer with manual - $50 plus. Elwood Hunt, 308 Georgetown Rd., Cameys Point, NJ 08069-2512. (609) 299-5259
FOR SALE: Communication receivers: Hammariand HQ129X, Hallicrafters S - 8 5 , S - 4 0 B , or trade for Zenith radios. Frank J . Manziano, 82 Monhegon Ave., Oakland, NJ 07436. (201)337-5263
FOR S A L E : Fisher SA-1000 Stratakit, no cage or bottom cover - $1 100. Mcintosh MA-230, nice but no case - $320, Altec 421A - $80. Chuck Steika, 24 Frederick St., Johnson City, NY 13790. (607) 797-9573
FOR S A L E / T R A D E : Original R C A Victor radio, 12" x 6" plate glasssign, green and red againstblackbackground, absolutely beautiful. This would look great if illuminated - $ 3 7 5 . Call: Larry Drago, 383 Lincoln Dr., Cheshire, C T 06410. (203) 272-6030. Fax: (203) 272-2002. E-mail: theradioman@webtv.net
FOR SALE: RCA speaker 100?A. Radios: Lorenz (German) ZL6150, G E 409, Phiico 38-38, Howard 225, Crosley 546-1228412, Eveready3-W36703. Make offer. Kermit A. Muntman, 529 Spunky Ridge Rd., Meredosia, IL 62665. (217) 584-1780


FOR SALE/TRADE: Arvin 840-T - $40. Novelties: Bert g, Ernie - $12; globe - $35; owl - $7- Manwich - $6; Knights head - $6; Firestone tire - $30; mouse on cheese - $20; S T P oil treatment - $15; tomato soup |-| 5; car battery- $6; Blabbermouth - $ 2 0 ; Radio Shack - $20; Statue of Liberty - $30; cannon - $25; phono w/ morning glory - $25; Alka Seltzer basketball - $10; G E P825A-$12; Phiico wood clocktimer-$25. WANTED: Wilcox Gay A-51 DeWald B401 Sentinel 314W, R C A 1X Mike Anderson, 2040 Mittenwald Dr., #410, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. (719) 599-4208

O n e M o n t h Free!



If y o u r e n e w b e f o r e the month s h o w n on your mailing label (your expiration month),
you will receive an extra month on your subscription: 13 months instead of 12!
26 months for an early 2-year renewal!

FOR S A L E : National Model NC 109 and NC 190. Hoover Noonan, Rt. 1 Box 187 Pineland, S C 29934. (803) 726-5762
FOR S A L E : Seco 1002 tube tester - $95. John Kirby, 298 W. Carmel Dr., Carmel, IN 46032. (317) 843-2212
FOR S A L E : Old battery eliminators. Willard Radio B power unit - $10. Balkite B current supply - $15. Variac Type 200-C 0-135v at 5A and 150 volt panel meter $23. Mervyn Ellsworth, 2309 N. 2 5 S t . , Boise, ID83702. (208) 345-6878
FOR SALE/TRADE: Kennedy 110 receiver, 525 amp. WANTED: Grebe CR6, R O R K Collins 30W, 32A, 32B, 4A 30FX, 32G or 3 2 R A transmitters. Stuart Mount, W2A0, 35 Grand St., Highland, NY 12528. (914) 6917957

FOR SALE: Zenith console 12H670 refinished, restored, excellent - $550. R C A C-13-2 refinished, restored, shutter dial - $350. Gloritone cathedral Mod 2 6 P , recapped, g c - $ 1 5 0 . Stark Classique highboy, recapped throughout, v g c - $ 3 0 0 . Laboratory matched pr EL-346CA7 by Mullard - $100. (4) extra N.O.S. Mullard EL-34-6CA7 - $40 ea. E.H. Scott 800B w/escutcheon, P S & spkr, vg chrome-$500. Masco commercial sound amp Mod MA25N 9-tube - $200. Grundig Mod RTV320 solid-state rcvr, AM-FM-SW, excellent cond., powerful set! - $400. Zenith Trans-Oceanic H-500 vgc, needs filter-$120. Tube manuals: RC-15, 17 19, 22, 2 3 -
$15 ea. Several pwr transformers, one for Phiico 87 84, Stromberg-Carison 64, many others. American Bosch 10", 7" spkrs used as unit for Mod 260 - $85. Good used and N.O.S. tubes for 20s, 30s, 40s radios, reasonable. Jewel Waremaster Mod 5057U black w/ white face, gold dial, excellent - $85. Richard Bruning, 2416 U.S. Hwy. 150N, Rio, IL61472-9681 Phone/fax: (309) 344-1968
FOR SALE/TRADE: Hallicrafters S72R - $200; SX110 w/speaker - $300; S40A - $200; SX133 w/speaker $300. WANTED: DAV/BF Goodrich keychain license tags paying $2 ea. John Williams, Jr., PO Box 1545, Scarborough, ME 04070-1545. (207) 775-4212
FOR S A L E : Radio-O-Rama has a new look and a bunch of new radios for your purchasing pleasure! Mike Stute, 2140 Sequoyah Way, Carrollton, TX 75006. Internet: www.woridwidewatches.com
FOR S A L E : Bulova 100, pink, working - $95. Lifetime crystal radio, working, blue-$50. WANTED: Transistors. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson St., #7-B, Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038. E-mail: davemed@msn.com
FOR S A L E : Zenith Trans-Oceanic Model 8G005-YTZ1, good for parts - $25 plus U P S . Tom Vilov, 603 Homewood Dr., Pocomoke City, MD 21851. (410) 9571407

Tt/Jt>e Lore

A R E F E R E N C E FOR USERS AND C O L L E C T O R S By Ludwell Sibley
For serious tube enthusiasts, a new look into tubes from 1920 to the present: history of design trends, technical data, equivalencies, stocking-up hints, "where-used" information, even recent auction prices. Here's what it contains:
Trends in Tube Design: major styles that shaped the industry acorns, metals, loktals, miniatures and subminis, lighthouse, nuvistors, compactrons. Odd design variants and special "reliable" types.
Receiving and Audio Types: "prehistoric" types from 25 tiny manufacturers as well as the big guys. Information on a lot of collectible tubes in one place. Basic data on lots of later types not found in ordinary tube handbooks, and early CRTs.
Special-Purpose and Transmitting Tubes: covers the familiar ones and lots of unknown types. "Regular" tubes, plus magnetrons, klystrons, thyratrons, ignitrons, camera tubes, etc. Capsulized characteristics on 2300 "specials" from 5512 to, ^ 1 9 . Helps identify that just-found "whatzit.
Military Types: a researched lisi of Signal Corps " V T ' tubes; historic Navy types; coverage of Canadian " R E L " tubes.
Unique Tubes from major makers: De Forest, Eimac, G E , Raytheon, R C A , Sylvania, Westinghouse. A 13-page chapter on Western Electric!
User's Guide: ideas on testing, adapting, repairing, reactivating, reading date codes, detecting the real maker of privatebrand tubes, turning random bagfuls into usable repair stock.
TV Sweep Types: what lubes arc used in eight audio amps and 78 amateur transmittcrs/linears; hints on substituting as the originals get scarcer and more expensive.
Auction Prices: for collectible and audio tubes, from six major tube-rich sales. ^oftbound, 186 pages, S-Vi'xU", $19.95 postpaid in North America or $24.95 air-PPD elsewhere. Orderable from:
Ludwell Sibley, 44C E. Main St., Flemington, NJ 08822. Club discounts available; call (908) 782-4894.

S E R V I C E S : Rita's custom-made clear, plastic dial covers. FOR S A L E : New/used tubes. Rita Hutchings, PO Box 382331, Germantown, TN 38183-2331 (901) 754-5565. E-mail: sally@netten.net

H E L P : Need copy of calibration portion of HM-102 Heath S W R meter manual. William Turner, W2WV 1243 Oakview Ave., Cleanwater, FL 33756. (813) 4477707

S E R V I C E S : Loudspeaker repairs and reconing antique to modern; refoaming edges. J a c k s o n SpeakerService, 217 Grestbrook Dr., J a c k s o n , Ml 49203. (517) 7896400

HELP: Need Zenith Model 970 console. Have only cabinet. Need radio chassis and speakers. Chuck Menard, W B 9 I F E , 232 N. Brashares Dr., Addison, IL 60101 (630)543-4699

SERVICES: Radio sctiematics, Rider/Sams 1920-70 $3 ppd. Send make/model to: Richard A. Lerche, 1561 Bluebell Ct., Livermore, CA 94550. (510) 447-9365. Email: lerche@aimnet.com

S E R V I C E S : Chuck's Radio is now rebuilding Atwater

Kent power supplies. All new parts except transformer

guaranteed - $65 plus shipping and your old power

supply. Chuck's Radio, 167 Lynn Dr., New Haven, WV

^25265. (304) 882-2220


S E R V I C E S : New dial scales: RCA, Phiico, Zenith,' many more. SfeET5r1iS!~Rock-Sea Enterprisesr323 E. Matilija St. #110-241 Ojai, C A 93023. (805) 6467362. E-mail: dials@Juno.com

S E R V I C E S : Free book search, telegraph, wireless^ radio, television. Send author and title to: Jerry Simkin, 10 Avalon L n . , Matawan, N J 07747 E-mail: gsimkln @ monmouth.com

S E R V I C E S : Radio schematics & service info - S A S E $2.50. Steve Rosenfeld, PO Box 387 Ocean Gate, NJ 08740. (732) 269-2022. Fax: (732) 269-2897

S E R V I C E S : Repair/replacement of meters before 1940. WANTED: Old meters before 1910, as is. Ye Olde Meter Cellar, Leonard W. Cartwright, 879 Russet Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 739-6025

S E R V I C E S : Schematics 1920-1960, mailed or faxed $3 - radios; $4 - T V s ppd. Robert Schrantz, 610 E. Juanita Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone/fax: (909) 394-1194

H E L P : Need rebuildable motor for Edison Home Mod D. Also rebuildable Edison and Victor reproducers $40 ea. Charles E. Callahan, 2717 Glendale Rd., Apt. B, Baltimore, MD 21234-5605. (410) 663-0767

H E L P : I need a replacement tuning belt for a Zenith 7000-American. Walt Fleming, 182 Plain Hill Rd., Nonwich, C T 06360. (860) 889-1957

H E L P : Refurbishing A K Model 9 (4145) need info/ source for paint on metal parts. Tips appreciated. Ted Biser, PO Box 2, Lorentz, WV 26229. (304) 472-4202

H E L P : Looking for information on the Kennedy Radio Company, particularly Model #52A. T h a n k s . Mr. M. Bergman, 11 Kensington Heights, Worcester, MA01602. (508) 754-8141

HELP: Business historian seeks contact with people who took correspondence courses in radio repair whether completed or not. Prof. A. Sabin, 315 Plymouth, Chicago, IL 60604. (312) 987-1441

H E L P : Someone to repair my Pyramid P h a s e Three Model 25 powersupply; have schematic. Greg Sheppard, KA3DBG, 4402 Jupiter St., Rockville, MD 20853-3255. (301)946-6460

HELP: What w a s the connection between Emerson and International in 1931-32? Any info welcome. Alan Douglas, Box 225, Pocasset, MA 02559

H E L P : I just purchased a console radio in Plainfield, N.J. I'm looking for someone who is driving to Houston or Dallas, T x . who can bring this radio to me. I will pay fee. Call or write to: Arnie Sanchez, 9615 Rockhurst, Houston, T X 77080. (713) 939-9221
H E L P : Need name, address, telephone for the gentleman who makes and sells new cones for the Tower "Adventurer" ship speaker Carl R. Shirley, 824 Faira/ood Dr., Columbia, S C 2 9 2 0 9 . (803) 776-6850. Email: shirleyc@garnet.cla.sc.edu
SEND ALL A.R.C. MAIL TO Antique Radio Classified
P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741
FOR T R A D E : P 60, July 97 A . R . C , plus more for older BMW motorcyles. Scott Cavalari, 1258 Rt. 94, New Windsor NY 12553. (914) 561 7913. E-mail; araslub@aol.com
FOR T R A D E : Rider's Vol. 10 (N.U. green), trade for Vol. 1-5, abr. in blue. Brad Winder, Box 160, Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada TOB 1W0. (403) 878-3262. E-mail; gmwinder@telusplanet.net
FOR T R A D E : My slide rules and associated books for small wooden table model radios or N.I.B. 6U5/6G5 tubes. A. Bruno, 24 Butternut Dr., New City, NY 10956. (914) 354-8899
FOR T R A D E : My Zenith Spinet, 10H571 recapped for your two 1938 Zenith consoles. A. Bruno, 24 Butternut Dr., New City, NY 10956. (914) 354-8899
FOR TRADE: Crosley blue 11-101U, no cracks Airline 62-425, wood, nice condition. Peter Burnstad, 14508 Magdalen Ores., White Rock, British Columbia, Canada V4B2X7 (604)531-6882
F O R T R A D E : Hallicrafters HCM261 C B radio, excellent. WANTED: S-120, Continental, or similar Jim Stoneback, K4AXF 5300 Holmes Run Pkwy., Alexandria, VA 22304. (703) 370-9857 E-mail: jstoneback@juno.com
FOR T R A D E : DeForest D-10, in nice condition, taking best Catalin offer; Polyrod Capri transistor, nice - $150, all plusshipping. Vern Shatwell, 13721W. 86th, Sapulpa, OK 74066. (918) 224-4551 after 7pm
M E S S A G E : Interested In other early electronics? How about pocket calculators of the '70s? Collect them while they're still inexpensive. Join the only organization for collectors and receive our quarterly newsletter - $16/yr. Sample - $3. International A s s o c i a t i o n of Calculator C o l l e c t o r s , 14561 Livingston St., Tustin, CA 92780-2618
M E S S A G E : Will the person who wrote me on making 1 3/4" pushbuttons for my Phiico 39-25 write again. I lost your address. I want them. Richard Arnold, Box 275, Lone Grove, OK 73443. (405) 657-3319


ggRVICES: S W - 3 , Super Wasp, 4-, 5-, 6-pin plug-in Qoil forms, WD-11 b a s e s , adapters and WD-11 plug-in replacement tubes, battery boards being made a s usual. James Fred, 5355 S . 275 W, Cutler, IN 46920. (765) 2^^2214
SERVICES: Hickok, authorized contact person. Sales, gervice & calibration, most major makes, including military & kits. FOR S A L E : Hickok, Precision, Triplett, Eico & Heath, sig. gen. tube testers VTVM, sig. tracers, cond. testers, etc. Manuals on most major makes, Hickok 500, 600, 6000 Series, T V 7 118 w/cards. WANTED: Good used radio test equipment for repair & calibration & resale. H E L P : Still need quality meter for Hickok 5 3 9 B or parts unit. M E S S A G E : Purging want list, please include your needs, name, address and phone number with all communications. Phone will be answered more hrs. for your convenience. Working to lessen backlog & improve turnaround time. Thanks foryourpatience. Wendell E. Hall, 3Mockingbird Cir., Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Phone/fax: (812) 2829709
SERVICES: Reproduction Phiico cathedral cabinet parts, clockfinials, reproduction 90 cabinets. FOR S A L E : Schematics - $2.75. Books and Rider's Radio and TV manuals - S A S E for list. Dick Oliver, 28604 Schwalm Dr., Elkhart, IN 46517 (219)522-4516
S E R V I C E S : Do you need an old metal part electroplated? How about some Ping-Pong balls gold plated? Can plate with gold, silver, nickel, copper. Use submersible tank method. I'll help you bring that dull metal part back to life againi Reasonable rates. Mark Lang, 4601 Chelsea Ct., Titusville, F L 32796-1440. (407) 268-4697
S E R V I C E S : Repair/replacement of meters before 1940. WANTED: Old meters/galvos before 1910, as is. Leonard W. Cartwright, Ye Olde Meter Cellar, 879 Russet Dr., Sunnyvale, C A 94087 (408) 739-6025

H E L P : Will pay for close up photos, drawings and accurate size measurements for R C A Theremin antennas. R a y Schmidt, 607 1st Ave. S W , Austin, MN 55912. (507) 433-0069 or (507) 433-3250
HELP: Need schematic diagram for Dahlberg pillow speaker radio. Thanks. Ted Hannah, K3CL, 11106 Bybee St., Silver Spring, MD 20902-3204. (301) 6492319
HELP: I need instructions, manuals or any help on how to use a Century C T - 1 condenser tester and a Knight generator to troubleshoot radio repairing. Norm Secor, 3333 Grand Ave., #361 Des Moines, lA 50312. (515) 277-4243
HELP: Still need brass Zenith Eagle insignia, (Bunis 3, p. 262). T h a n k s . David Spivey, #1 Rocky Valley Cove, Little Rock, A R 72212. (800) 505-0621 days
CLASSIFIED AD NOTICE Please check your ads carefully before sending them in. Once ads are received, it i s not a l w a y s p o s s i b l e to refund the amount sent, pull the ad or make changes.
FOR T R A D E : Blue R C A curtains, R C A in black. WANTED: Catalins, tubed novelties, battery sets. Wayne Michiels, 7 Lowrie Cres., Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada N4G 5L4. (519) 688-0964
M E S S A G E : T h e business of Frontier Capacitor is no longer for sale, due to new products and orders. Everett Hoard, Owner, PO Box 218,403 S. Mcintosh St., Lehr, ND 58460. (701) 378-2341 Fax: (701) 378-2551
M E S S A G E : I would like to correspond with anyone who can help provide information on the history of the National NC-100 series and variants. Please write, call or e-mail. Larry Ware, 7436 Fieldcrest Ave., Winter Park, FL 32792. (407) 679-6975. E-mail: lnA(are@pipeline.com



amp = amplifier

PS = power supply, also

BC = broadcast

"pwr sup"

BO = best offer

PL) = pick up only

ca. = circa (approx. date) rcvr = receiver

ea. = each

SASE = self-addressed

F.O.B. = free on board

stamped envelope

IB = instruction book

(send a long, #10,

LSASE = A Long S A S E


(see SASE)

spkr = speaker

LW = long wave

SW = shortwave

M.I.B. = mint in box

UPS = United Parcel

MO = money order


Mod = model

vol. = volume

N.I.B. = new in original

w/ = with


w/o = without

N.O.S. = new old stock

WT = with tubes

(an original, unused

xcvr = transceiver

vintage item)

xfmr = transformer

NT = no tubes

xmtr = transmitter

O B = in original box

xstr = transistor

OBO = or best offer

xtal = crystal

P&H = postage & handling

ppd = postage paid

(shipping included)

( V . R . , p 30) m e a n s Vintage Radio, page 30
Blast = Radio-A Blast From The Past
B u n i s 1 , 2, 3 or 4 = Collector's Guide to Antique Radios, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th editions
Collins = Radios - The Golden Age Douglas V I , V2 or V3 = Radio Manufacturers of
the 1920s, Volumes 1,2 or 3 E . O.R. 1 or 2 = Evolution of the Radio, Volumes
1 or 2 F. O.S. = Flick of the Switch Grinder/Fathauer = Radio Collector's Directory
and Price Guide G . O.R. = Guide to Old Radios J o h n s o n ' s A.R. = Antique Radios - Restoration
& Price Guide M.A.J.A. = tJlachine Age to Jet Age O.T.B. = Old Timer's Bulletin published by
Antique Wireless Association (AWA) Sideli = Classic Plastic Radios V.R. = Vintage Radio


(If good or better mention non-original parts)

p = poor

f = fair

9 = good

vg = very good

exc = excellent

A . R . C . does not encourage abbreviations except those listed here. Please spell out all other words. Special note for hams - most subscribers are not hams so we do not recommend ham-type abbreviations.


ALABAMA - Aug. 25
Birmingham, A L - Homewood Public Library 1721 Oxmoor Road 7 pm
Info: Earl Ridolphi, 2413 Old Briar Trail Birmingham, A L 35226 - (205) 823-3314
OHIO - Aug. 26
Kettering, OH - Cassano's Pizza 1680 E. Stroop Rd.
7:30 pm - W L W Stories S h o w & Tell: Mystery Night Info: Richard Arter - (513) 932-7721, eves.
IOWA-Aug. 31
8 am-3 pm - Radiofest 3-4 pm - l A R C H S IVleeting Info: Doug Spyrison, 1295 Grove Ter. Dubuque, lA 52001 - (319) 588-2713

VIRGINLA. - Sep. 3
7 pm - Call for location & directions Info: Phil Stroud, 2328 Springfield Ave. Norfolk, VA 23523 - (757) 481-2561, eves.





Fort Smith, AR - St. Luke Lutheran Church

Waldron R o a d , at Free Ferry - 7:30 pm

Info: Paul T u c k e r , 4700 N. "N" Street

Fort Smith, AR 72904 - (501) 782-8178

Please include date, time, place, directions, event details & information/contact person.

NEW YORK - Sep. 3-6
Rochester, NY - Thruway Marriott Easy access from New York State Thruway
(1-90), 1 - 3 9 0 - ( 7 1 6 ) 359-1800 Theme: Television
4- day, 3-Acre Antique Radio Flea Market Sep. 3
6 am - Flea Market 8 am-5 pm - Book Fair 1 pm - Prewar TV by Nat Pendelton 3 pm - Farnsworth's Television, by Bart Lee 4:30 pm - Key & Telegraph by Murray Wilier 7:30 pm - The War Emergency Radio Service (W.E.R.S.), by Robert Grinder 7-9 pm - AWA Museum open
Sep. 4 6 am - Flea Market 8 am-5 pm - Book Fair 9 am - Communication Equipment Auction 10:30 am - Book & Magazine Seminar
by John Terrey and Associates 12 noon - Ladies' Lunch w/Magic Show 1-6 pm - T e l e v i s i o n with d e m o n s t r a t i o n
of the Mirror S c r e w S y s t e m 8 pm - Robert von Lieben and the Electronic Tube by Dr. Franz Pichler
7-10 pm - Main Auction Preview Sep. 5
6 am - Flea Market; 8 am-5 pm - Book Fair 8 am - Auction Preview
8:45 am - Sightseeing Excursion 9 am - Vacuum Tube Auction
10:30± am - Paper Collectibles Auction 11+ am-Noon - General Auction
11 a m - N o o n - Equipment C o n t e s t viewing 1-4:30 pm - General Auction continues 1-5 pm - E q u i p m e n t C o n t e s t viewing
3:30 pm - The Story of the National SW-3 7 pm - Historical and Top Awards Banquet
Malcolm Baird on John Logie Baird 9-11 pm - Equipment Contest viewing
Sep. 6 6 am - Flea Market; 8 am - Book Fair
9 am - Tuska Radios by Dex Deeley 10:30 am - Wireless w/Bruce Kelley Noon - Finale Luncheon w/Contest Awards
2-4 pm - AWA Museum open Sunday (Sep. 7):
2-5 pm - AWA Museum open Info: AWA, Box E, Breesport, NY 14816
Secretary's phone - (607) 739-5443 [If you can go to only one meet, make it to this one. Editor]


Seattle, WA - Queen Anne Library 400 W. Garfield 2 pm
Info: R E P S , 9936 NE 197th Street Bothell, WA 98011 - (206) 488-9518

GEORGIA - Sep. 8
Norcross, GA - Picadilly Cafeteria 3400 Holcomb Bridge Road
6:30 pm - Meeting with S h o w & Tell Info: Gordon Hunter - (770) 475-0713, or S A R S , PO Box 500025 - Atlanta, GA 31150

Salinas, C A - St. Ansgars Lutheran Church, 72 San Joaquin 9 am
Info: C H R S Hotline - (415) 821-9800
Baltimore, MD - Bouni Temple Ballroom Charles Street and Homeland Ave.
7 pm-Midnight - Banquet, Show, & Awards Info: Gene Leitner, 301 Jeanwood Ct. Baltimore, MD 21222 - (410) 477-3051
Bob Steele - Radio personality at WTIC AM East Hartford, C T - 1 1 7 3 Main Street 11 am - 1 2 pm Info: J o h n Elsworth (860) 675-9916 Chris Watts (203) 757-3191

Belleville, IL - Belleville Area College - 7 pm Info: Karl Stegman, 4 Cresthaven Drive Belleville, IL 62221 - (618) 234-7992
St. Louis, MO - Kirkwood Community Center 111 S. Geyer Rd., Room 201-A
7 pm - Meeting, Show & Tell, Swap Table Info: Scott Teichmann, 103 Pleasant St. Jerseyville, IL 62052 - (314) 256-6263
OHIO - Sep. 9
Kettering, OH - National City Bank Basement 4100 Far Hills Ave., at Stroop Rd. 7:30 pm Console & Tombstone Radios Info: Jim C r o s s - (513) 385-3855
ARCO, PO Box 292292, Kettering, OH 45429

NEW YORK - Sep. 7
GREATER NEW YORK VINTAGE WIRELESS ASSN. SWAP M E E T Lake Ronkonkoma, NY - 367 Hawkins Ave. N. of L.I. E x p r e s s w a y , Ig. white h o u s e
9-12 am Info: Chris Lieppert - (516) 471-9526, or
Chris Bacon - (516) 821-7618
NOTE: The Coming Radio Events pages are tabulated from the best information available to A.R.C. However, changes, cancellations and errors do occur. To avoid disappointment, verify place, date and time especially for events which are new to you.

Little Rock, AR - B o o k s A Million Markam & Bowman Rd. 7 pm
Info: Tom B u r g e s s - (501) 455-0773 (Call to confirm details)
DELAWARE VALLEY HISTORIC RADIO CLUB MEETING - SWAP M E E T - AUCTION Souderton, PA - 117 Main St. (Rt. 113) N. P e n n A m u s e m e n t s B I d g . 7:30 pm
Info: DVHRC, PO Box 41031, Philadelphia, PA 19127 - Mike Koste - (215) 646-6488



A u g . 25 - A L , Birmingham - A L H R S IVleeting §*

Aug. 26 - OH, Kettering - S P A R K Meeting §*

Aug. 31 - lA, Dubuque - l A R C H S Radiofest*

Sep. 3 - VA, T B A - TARA Meeting §*

Sep. 3-6 - NY, Rochester - AWA Conference*

Sep. 4 - AR, Fort Smith - A R C C F S Meeting §*

Sep. 6 - WA, Seattle - R E P S Meeting §*

Sep. 6 - C A , Salinas - C H R S Meet*

S e p . 6 - MD, Baltimore - Radio Buffs Banquet*

Sep. 6 - CT, E. Hartford - Museum Program*

S e p . 7 - NY, Lake Ronkonkoma - GNYVWA Swap Meet§*

Sep. 8 - GA, Norcross - S A R S Meeting §*

Sep. 8 - IL, Belleville - B A A R C Meeting §*

Sep. 9 - AR, Little Rock - A A R C Meeting §*

Sep. 9 - MS, Meridian - MHR&BS Meeting §*

Sep. 9 - MO, St. Louis - A R C H Meeting §*

Sep. 9 - OH, Kettering - A R C O Meeting §*

Sep. 9 - PA, Souderton - DVHRC Meeting §*

S e p . 10 - Ontario, Ottawa - O V R C Meeting*

Sep. 12 - NJ, Freehold - N J A R C Meeting §*

Sep. 13 - OK, Okla. City - O K V R C Meeting §*

Sep. 13 - TX, Houston - HVRA Meeting §*

Sep. 13 - Ontario, Guelph - L V R C Meet

Sep. 13 - OR, Oregon C i t y - NWVRS Meeting §*

Sep. 13 - Rl, E. Greenwich - Yankee Steam-up

Sep. 14 - C O , Denver - C R C Auction*

S e p . 16 - C A , N. Highlands - C H R S Meeting §*

Sep. 16 - TBA - Tri-State A R C Fall Swap Meet §*

S e p . 17 - O H , C i n c i n n a t i - C A R S Meeting §*

S e p . 17 - O H , C o l u m b u s - C O A R A Meeting §*

Sep. 18 - NY, G o s h e n - H A R P S Meeting §*

Sep. 20 - CA, Valencia - S C A R F - Radio Fest*

Sep. 20 - PA, Pittsburgh - P A R S - Meet*

Sep. 20 - NE, Lexington N A R C C Auction

S e p . 21 - T X , San Antonio a r e a - T A R C Meeting §*

S e p . 21 - MD, Burtonsville - MAARC Meeting §*

S e p . 21 - NM, Albuquerque - NMRCC Meeting §*

Sep. 21 - TN, Memphis - M A R C Meeting §*

S e p . 21 - WA, N. Seattle - P S A R A S w a p Meet*

Sep. 22 - AL, Birmingham - A L H R S Meeting §*

Sep. 23 - OH, Kettering - S P A R K Meeting §*

t Sep. 2 6 - 2 7 - GA, Atlanta - S A R S Mega Meet*

Sep. 27 - NJ , Freehold - N J A R C - Swap Meet*

S e p . 27 - MO, W. St. Louis Co. - ARCH - Swap Meet*

V _ ( _ S e p ^ - CT, E. Hartford - Museum Swap,Meet'



Sep. 28 - NC, Charlotte - CC-AWA Meeting

Oct. 4 - CA, Redding - CHRS Event

Oct. 4 - KY, Lexington - M S A R C Swap Meet*

Oct. 4 - MD, Arcadia - MAARC Picnic/Meet*

Oct. 4 - PA, Danville - C P A R C C - Swap Meet*

Oct. 11 - C A , S a n Diego - S C A R S Meeting

Oct. 11 - IN, Greenfield - IHRS Fall Meet*

Oct. 11 - NC, Greensboro - Antique Radio Fest'

Oct. 1 2 - W l , M i l w a u k e e - W A R C - S w a p Meet*

Oct. 17-19 - TX, Irving - VRPS/AWA '97*

Oct. 18 - C A , Fairfield - C H R S Picnic/Meet

Oct. 18 - CA, S a n Diego - S C A R S Swap Meet

Oct. 18 - TN, Lebanon - M C V R P S Swap Meet

Oct. 18 - WV, Huntington - Show/Auction

Oct. 19 - IL, Elgin - A R C I Outdoor Meet

Oct. 25 - NH, Nashua - N E A R C Swap Meet

O c t . 25-26 - OH, Cuyahoga Fails - BARPC - Mali Show'

Oct. 26 - IL, OIney - Eric's Auction*

Oct. 26 - UK, Birmingham - NVCF Fair*

Nov. 1 - C A , L o s Altos Hills - C H R S Meet

Nov. 1 - OR, T B A - NWVRS Swap Meet §

Nov. 1 - TX, Houston - HVRA Fall Swap Meet

(Continued at top of next column)

(Continued from bottom left column) Nov. 8 - OH, Huber Heights - S P A R K Meet t Nov. 13-15 - CA, Van Nuys - S C A R S Meeting* Nov. 29 - Ontario, London - L V R C Meeting Dec. 6 - TX, Houston - HVRA Party § Dec. 13 - OR, Oregon City - NWVRS Party § Dec. 14 - IL, Elgin - A R C I Indoor Meet
* See expanded listing this month. § Monthly Meeting t Date changed from original announcement





Meridian, MS - 2412 C Street - 7 pm

Info: Randy Guttery, 2412 C . Street

Meridian, MS 39301 - (601) 693-5958

ONTARIO - Sep. 10
Ottawa, Ontario - Ottawa Citizen Conference Room, 1101 Baxter Rd. 7 pm - Flea Market; 8 pm - Meeting
Info: Lea Barker - (613) 829-1804 OVRC, PO Box 84084, Pinecrest P.O.
Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2C 3Z2
NEW J E R S E Y - Sep. 12
Freehold, NJ - Grace Lutheran Church West Main St. & Park Ave. (old Rt. 33)
7:30-9:30 pm - Meeting & Swap Info: Jim Whartenby - (908) 271-7701

Guelph, Ontario -- Royal Canadian Legion 919 York Rd.
7:30 am -- 2 pm Auction & Contest Info: Dave Noon, 19 Honeysuckle Cr., London, Ontario N5Y 4P3, Canada -- (519) 453-2292
OREGON - Sep. 13
Oregon City, OR - Buena Vista Club House 16th and J a c k s o n Streets 10 am
Info: E d Charman, PO Box 82379 Portland, OR 97282-0379 - (503) 654-7387


^ O K L A H O M A - Sep. 13
Oklahoma City, OK - Oklahoma Station BBQ gpringdale Shopping Center, 4331 NW 50th
6 pm - Meeting Info: Jim Collings - (405) 755-4139, after 6 pm Mike L a p u z z a - (405) 745-3394, after 7 pm
TEXAS - Sep. 13
Houston, TX - Lai Lai Restaurant T i d e s II Hotel, Main at H o l c o m b e
(Medical Center area) 9 am - Repair & Restoration Seminar 1 pm - Auction; 2:30 pm - Program (TBA)
Info: Bill Werzner - (713) 721-2242
E. Greenwich, Rl - 1300 Frenchtown Rd. Radio & Spark Exhibits Open Also With Corliss Chapter #1 N A P E & Fidelity Amateur Radio Club Info: Bob Merriam - (401) 885-0545 Fax: (401)884-0683
COLORADO - Sep. 14
Denver, CO - VectraBank BIdg. 1380 South Federal Ave., rear
11 a m - Registration; 1 pm - Auction Radios, Televisions, Test Equipment, etc.
Info: Rick A m m o n - (970) 221-4001
N. Highlands, C A - SMUD Foothill S e r v i c e Center, R o o m D, corner of Elkhorn & Don Julio
7-9 pm Info: C H R S , P O Box 162612, Sacramento, CA 95816, or Don Steger - (916) 929-8274
N.Y./N.J./L.I./N.E. - Sep. 16
Call for details: Bob Masterson, Box 172 Valley Cottage, NY 10989 - (914) 353-3151

OHIO - Sep. 17
Columbus, OH - DeVry Institute of T e c h . 1350 Alum Creek R d . , 1-70 Exit 103B 7:30 pm
Info: C h u c k / S u e Davis - (614) 792-6237
OHIO - Sep. 17
Cincinnati, OH - Provident Bank 8054 Reading Road 7:30 pm
Info: Ted Lewis - (937) 446-3898
NEW YORK - Sep. 18
HUDSON V A L L E Y ANTIQUE RADIO AND PHONO. SOCIETY/AWA -- MEETING 7:30 10:00 pm - Meeting Info: Peter DeAngelo - (914) 496-5130 (Call to confirm details)
Valencia, C A - Valencia Travel Village 27946 Highway 126 6 am 10:30 am
Info: Byron Bernor - (805) 269-5459
Pittsburgh, PA - Westinghouse Recreation Center Parkway East, Exit 12, S. on Greensburg Pike 10 am - Flea Market 12 pm - Meeting & Auction Info: Sev Dvorsky - (412) 344-6633
NEBRASKA -- Sep. 20
Lexington, N E Knights of C o l u m b u s Hall, 6th and Taft Streets
8 a m Registration; 11 am Auction Info: Gary Reiss - (308) 263-3231
Although non-members are welcome at all events, joining may be required at some. Admission is charged at some events.


TEXAS - Sep. 21




S a n Antonio area, TX - Shertz VFW Hall

2 pm

Info: J o e Koester, 7111 Misty Brook, San Antonio, TX 78250 - (210) 522-1662

MARYLAND - Sep. 21
Burtonsville, MD - New Hope Seventh Day Adventist Church gym - 2 pm
Info: E d Lyon, 11301 Woodland Way Myersville, MD 21773-9133 - (301) 293-1773

NEW MEXICO - Sep. 21
Albuquerque, NM - Desert Springs Bible Church, 7509 Paseo Del Norte 1:30 pm - Tailgate S w a p Meet
2 pm - Program: Fada Products Followed by: Show & Tell & Auction Info: Bill Schultz, 7213 Donet Ct. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 - (505) 867-8178

Methodist Church, 4105 St. Elmo Ave. 2 pm
Info: Mel Urban, 7190 Mimosa Germantown, TN 38138 - (901) 754-6307





North Seattle, WA - Shoreline Museum /

P a r k i n g Lot, N. 175th & L i n d e n A v e n u e /

12 pm - Meeting (Informal Swap Meet Prior to Meeting)
Info: Al Atworth, PO Box 125 Snohomish, WA 98291-0125 - (360) 568-26

ALABAMA - Sep. 22
Birmingham, AL - Homewood Public Library 1721 Oxmoor Road - 7 pm
Info: Earl Ridolphi, 2413 Old Briar Trail Birmingham, A L 35226 - (205) 823-3314

OHIO - Sep. 23
Kettering, OH - Cassano's Pizza 1680 E. Stroop Rd.
7:30 pm - Refinishing Materials S h o w s Tell: Pride Night
Info: Richard Arter - (513) 932-7721, eves.
GEORGIA - Sep. 26-27
Atlanta, GA - Howard Johnson Midtown (formerly Castlegate Hotel), new indoor
location, 1750 C o m m e r c e Dr NW S A R S rates: (404) 351-6100 Sep. 26: 7 pm - Dinner
8:30 pm - Atlanta Radio Theater Players Sep. 27: 7 am - Setup
8 am - Flea Market, all day All day - Phiico Display/Contests Info: Larry Smith, S A R S , PO Box 500025 Atlanta, GA 31150 - (770) 998-1964

MISSOURI - Sep. 27
SWAPMEET & PICNIC West St. Louis County, IMO - M a n c h e s t e r Park
Info: Scott Teichmann, 103 Pleasant St. Jerseyville, IL 62052 - (314) 256-6263

NEW J E R S E Y - Sep. 27
Freehold, NJ - National Guard Armory 8 am 1 pm
Inlpp: Marv B e e f e r m a n , 2265 Emeral'ba P k f O r . orkedRiver, NJ 08805 - (908) 693-*





E. Hartford, C T 1173 Main Street


7:30 am

Info: J o h n Ellsworth (860)675-9916

Attend a radio event near you, learn, meet others in the hobby, and perhaps find an item or two
for your collection!


N. CAROLINA - Sep. 28
MEETING & RADIO STATION WBT TOUR Charlotte, NC - Pioneer Station WBT 1 Julian Price Place 2 pm - Meeting 3 pm - Tour Studios Info: Ron Lawrence, PO Box 3015 Matthews, NC 28106 -- (704) 289-1166
Richmond, B C - Steveston Hotel 12 Noon - Informal Swap Meet 2 pm - Meeting Info: Fred Tutt - (604) 275-2033
OUTDOOR SWAP M E E T & SHOW Danville, PA Cloverleaf Barn Antique & Gift Village, 120 McCracken Rd. - 8 am Info: Frank Hagenbuch - (717) 326-0932
Mike Heffner (717) 546-2907
Arcadia, MD - Arcadia Fairgrounds Info: E d Lyon, 11301 Woodland Way Myersville, MD 21773-9133 - (301) 293-1773
Lexington, KY - Holiday Inn South (502) 826-6600
7:30 am - S w a p Meet Noon - Old Equipment Contest
1:00 pm - Auction Info: Allan Ferris - (502) 543-8233, or
Lewis O w e n s - (606) 233-0376
GREENSBORO ANTIQUE RADIO FEST Greensboro N.C. The Gallery Antiques Cotton Mill S q . , Corner Merritt & Spring Garden
8 am 4 pm Info: Brad J o n e s - ( 9 1 0 ) 547-1919

G r e e n f i e l d , IN - Riley Park, A p p l e Street 7:30 am - S w a p Meet & Equipment Contest;
Noon - Lunch Info: Glen Fitch - (765) 565-6911
Milwaukee, Wl - 5722 W. North Ave. (Parking Lot) - Dawn 12 pm
Info: Dale Boyce, 10230 W. Greenwood Terrace, Milwaukee, Wl 53224 - (414) 353-0734
TEXAS - Oct. 17-19
Irving, TX - Holiday Inn DFW Airport South 4440 W. Airport Freeway
V R P S Rates: (214) 399-1010 Oct. 17
9 am - Registration 11 am - Bill Harris, Radio Servicing
1 pm - Technical Session T B A ? - 6 pm. Contest Viewing
3 pm - Auction #1 - ($10 min.) Tubes, Books/Literature
4:10 pm - Silent Auction (Small Items) 5 pm - Auction #2 - ($10 min.)
(Ham Equip., Transistors, Plastic, Test Equip., Signs, Etc.) Oct. 18 8:30 am - Registration
9 am - Viewing Contest Equipment 10 am - Silent Auction (Small Items) 11 am - Annual Meeting followed by
Auction #3 ($20 min.) (Radios, Consoles,TV, Phonographs,
Wireless, Loudspeakers, etc.) 6:30 pm - Reception (cash bar) 7:30 pm - Annual Awards Banquet Guest Speaker Tyler Cox, WPAB
Oct. 19 8 am - 12 pm. Indoor Flea Market Info: V R P S , PO Box 165345, Irving, TX 75016
OHIO - Oct. 25-26
C u y a h o g a Falls, OH - Chapel Hill Mall B u c h h o l z e r B l v d . , off H o w e Ave., off Rt. 8
Sat., Oct 25: 8:30 am-9 pm Sun., Oct 26: Noon 5 pm Info: Rich Bradley - (216) 842-5937


NATIONAL VINTAGE COMMUNICATIONS FAIR NEC (Birmingham), UK - Hall 11 10:30 am-4 pm
Info: NVCF, 13 Belmont Rd., Exeter, Devon, England - Phone: (01392) 411565

ILLINOIS -- Oct. 26
E R I C S AUCTION BARN 8TH ANNUAL RADIO AUCTION OIney, IL Eric's Auction Barn Hwy. 130 8 - (618) 392-2343 - 11 am
Info: W a y n e Martin, 701 N. Dale Perryville, MO 63775 (573) 547-4292

A free* listing on these pages Is available for each coming radio event. Sponsors should provide description of event, date, time, place, directions, & information/contact person. Since listings are on a "space available" basis, no guarantee of listing is made.

Submission Deadline - 5th of month.


events are listed

free; other events are obtained from adver-

tisements placed elsewhere in A . R . C .

CALIFORNIA -- Nov. 1 4 - 1 5
Van Nuys, C A Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7227 Valjean Ave. - (818) 979-7676
7 am Flea Market, Meetings and Programs Info: Ricki G l a s s m a n , 19300 Roman St., Northridge, C A 91324 - (818) 993-4560


L o o k i n g for early, portable electronic calculators (1970-78)
(Any that have LED or other "lighted" displays)
· Will Trade Transistor Radios (or buy outright) ·
Especially: Busicom, Berkey/Keystone, Calfax, Columbia, C o m m o d o r e , D e c i m o , E d u c a l c , Garrett, Ian J o n e s , J C E , Kingspoint, M.I.T.S., Monroe/Litton, Olympia, Royal, Sanyo, Sinclair, Sperry Remington, Summit, Victor
Guy "Mr. Calculator" Ball Fax-(714) 730-6140 14561 Livingston St., Tustin, CA 92780

Play Things of Past
Sales Service Restoration of vinlagi radios, Ev's, Jukeboxes and electronics.

Retail Sales Store
3552 W. 105lh Si. Cleveland, OH 44111 216-251-37)4 Hours: 6-9PM Wed. 12-6PM Sal. Other limc^ by ch;iiicc

Mail Address
Gary Schneider Play Things of Past 9511 Sunrise Blvd., #J23 Cleveland. Ohio 44133 216-582-3094




Open cvcnday Mulli-dealer Quaiit> antiques

Main Street, Isanti, Minnesota


John Pelham. W1JA 1 185 BEND C r e e k T r a i l
SUWANEE, GA 3 0 1 7 4 (770) 623-0533
· V a c u u m tube radios only
· Call, write or e-mail for information or to s c h e d u l e a repair.

· GRL-NE^IG · SALtA · TE L E F U N K E N · NOIIDMKNDE · P n i u r e · S I E M E N S · S P E C ; I A U Z I N G I N R E P A I R O F EuROPhL^MM I^ADIO S E T S

Collector, Hlstoflon. Seeker of Stromberg Carlson Rodio flpporoCus

The Bavarian R a d i o UUorks

R o s s A. H(X;JISTR.VSSER 161 7) . M 7 - t a 9 9

16^ U E C I A U ST.
\A'HJTMA.\', Ma 0^382

Antique Tube Type Radios
Repairs - $30.00 plus parts Rebuilds - $65.00 plus parts
Guaranteed to w o r k well
167 Lynn Dr., New Haven, W V 25265 Phone (304) 882-2220

JOHN M. eNGlHND Jfi, P.O. Box 59136
Schoumburg, IL 6 0 1 5 9 Ph (847) 823-5287
entrepreneur: Rrt Moderne. StreamNne, Mochlne flge Design
ALTON H. B O W M A N - 4 1 7 2 EAST A V E N U E CANANDAIGUA, NY 14424-9564



Repair of Radios. Communications Receivers & Test Equipment Power Supplies for Battery Sets
RAY BINTLIFF 2 Powder Horn Lane Acton, MA 01720 508 283-7435

Vintage Electronics
Our Specialty Vacuum Tubes Phono Cartridges I Needles
Ed Crockett

128 Buccaneer Drive HatticsburE, MS 39402

Phone (601) 264-4755 Fax (601) 264-0226

TEL; (972) 276-5458 TAX: 1972) 2 7 2 - 1 8 3 1

Buy-Setl'Trade Antique Radios · Tubes * Parts

DICK MORQAn RES: (972) 564-6464

P.O. BOX 4 6 1 4 8 5 OARLAMD, TX 75046-1485

20 Years Experience

Telephone/Fax ·-615-456-2529






· Very large stock of vintage parts

· Can repair most any cone-type speaker

· Field coils rewound · Fast turn-around

· Reasonable prices

Hank Brazea!


39 Lake Point Ct.


Crossville, TN 38555


Since 1936

Repair Buy Sell

Complete Restorations · Prompt Service

425 Court Street Rockwell City, Iowa 50579


did ®rac JtcplicatioiiB





LARRY BORDONARO 5 7 4 4 TOBIAS AVE. VAN NUYS, C A 9 I 4 I 1 P H O N E ( 8 1 8 ) 7 8 6 - 2 5 0 0 FAX ( 8 1 8 ) 9 0 9 - 0 2 4 1


Ken Hubbarid KA9WRN
Repair of Tube and Transistor Ra(dios

P.O. Box 792 Beloit, Wl 53512-0792 (608) 362-1896 6 pm Evenings

Logans TV-Radio
Since 1952 Buy · S e l l · Trade
l O O ' s OF N . O . S . P a r t s a n d T u b e s . S c h e m a t i c Service Available. Restoration Available.
R e a r 526 Mt. Pleasant St., Greensburg, P A 15601


Free Estimates 10 A M - 7 PM EST Tues. Sal,

Tel7Fax(860) 928-2628 E-Mail: radiodoceneca com htip//www.neca.com/radiodoc/






1920 1960 s

·Buy & StCt

Reasonable Rates, Tubes. Professional

Overhauls. Cabinet Refinishing. Service

Fof All Antique Car, Table & Console

Radios. Communicalion Receivers &

Tube Amptiliers,

20 Gary School Road

Pomlret Center. C T 06259





^ . n n d of WW-2 Japanese hardwares - aiiaaft instruments

rsoios, optics, amminiitifins etc



Pax.m-m45-301-8069 '^~Mail:taka-ddektiij4u.or.jp



^ - 4 Minamidai, Seyaku, Ydcobama, 246Japan

Frank A. Johnson 530 E l f o r d Road Fairless Hills, P A 19030
(215) 943-8295 · Vacuum Tube Radios Only · Buy, Sell, Restore






JiTi'SR)! ''^XiS^






Japanese Tubu Portable & Early Transistor Radio Unusual Shaped TV

Boca Electro Magnetic Lab 21218-10 S L Andrews Blvd.
Boca Raton, F L 33433 (561) 750-8911


Noriyoshi Tezuka


1-11-2-403 Hiroo, S h i b u y a k u

Tokyo 150 Japan

Fax : 011-813-3440-8396

78 R P M Cartridges


Dead cartridges rebuilt

right. N e w crystals etc., as needed. A l l o w 3-4 w e e k s . Most

crystal and "horseshoe" magnet types

. .


100 hr. sapphire setscrew needt les (list S 2 . 5 0 ea.) 4 / S 5 . 5 0


Fra8m35in-AghaPmleJ.oaseMaAnStmS0ot1lrs7ek0ei1t eppPInvaorqyeiscunmteaiisrngeineegins.ts:cwlaPu(ni5dltdhe0ea8wso)reree8dtIue7nekr9crnel-u2nd7de7s8. ,

Replacements · Reproductions · Radio · Stereo · Ham · Auto · OEM
/Antique Cadio



Send an S A S E for brochure and list

Rock-Sea Enterprises

Mike Tobin

323 E. Matiljja St. #110-241

(805) 646-7362

Ojai, CA 93023










r/lr. J o h n P. Andolina, Jr.
Collect -'Repair - Restore Edison, Victor, Columbia Cylinder - Disc Records Ptionograph Advertising Quality Repairs Since 1973



Murfrees2b7o0r2o. ATlNban3y71C2t9.


Radio, Telegraph, Historical Instruments, & Books For Sale
Catalogs &L Lists Available

A . a t i q u e s o f S c i e n c e &. T ' c c b n o l o g y

A. of ST Box 1852 Wakcr.eld Ma.01880 U.S.A.

Xel 617 245 2897

Fox 617 245 3572

We Buy, Sell, and Trade


Vintage Guitars, Amps

Stereo Equipment, Alnico Speakers,

and Antique Radios


Tube Equipment Our Specialty


45 Moritz P I . F a i r f i e l d , C t . 06430-3527

l o J e r u IRaJii© L a L o r a i o r i e s
Since 1932

Crystal Set Instructions, Radio Parts, Supplies, Receiving Tubes. M R L Handbooks by Elmer G . Ostcrhoudt published by us.

Catalog $2.00

Miiinmpolis, MN 55414-0902

Carbon Resistors · Capacitors · Vacuum Tubes
Electronic Component Supply 2300 Zanker Road · S a n Jose, C A 95131 Voice (408) 943-9773 · F a x (408) 943-9776
B B S (408) 943-0622 · 24 Hrs. · N-8-1
Call or fax for Catalog




Mcintosh, Marantz, Dynaco, Heath, Altec, Jensen, RCA, Altec, Scon, RCA, Fisher, Craftsman, E,V., Western Electric, Grommes, Fender, Ampex,W.E. Vox, JBLTannoy Brook, Aero, Pultec, Fairchild
Phone: 405-737-3312 or Fax: 105-737-3355 Sonny -1413 Magnolia Ln., Midwest City, OK 73110



Antique Radios

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Fax: (508) 371-7129

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Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/


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Crystal Radio: History, Fundamentals, and Design, Kinzie. Plus crystals for detectors. 121 pgs

$10 95

Crystal Set Projects: 15 Radio Projects You Can Build, The Xtal Set Society. Various designs and difficulty for everyone.

Step-hy-step instructions so you can build and design your own xtal sets no matter what your background. 160 pgs. NEW $14.95

E.H. Scott Radio Collectors Guide, 1925-1946, Clark. The reference for collectors of Scott radios, cabinets and accessories.

Lists original prices of cabinets and accessories. Over 200 photos with descriptions. 88 pgs


Early Radio, In Marconi's Foosteps, Jensen. Realistic description of Marconi's work anil his surroundings. Early construction

projects with diagrams. Color and B&W photographs. 170 pgs

(hardcover only) $39.95

Evolution of the Radio, L-W Books. Radios pictured and priced, plus reproductions of catalog pages and ads.

V o l 1 Eight-hundred + radios. 1991. 227 pgs, 118 pgs. in color


Vol. 2 Totally differentfromvolume one with new photos, etc. 1993. 654 colorphotos. 226 pgs


Firco Radio Equipment, John Firth & Co., Inc. (reprint). Twentif-six-page booklet of the Firth Co


US' Fixing Up Nice Old Radios, Romney. Written by a retired radio instructor, this book cavers Ohm's law, through battery sets,

superhets and communications receivers. 1990. 300+figures, 185 pgs


I S " Flick of the Switch, McMahon. The classic photo reference guidefor 30s '50s radios. 1000+ photos. 263 pgs


Great Radio Personalities (reprint). B&W pics of the golden days of radio - Abbott & Costello, etc. 128 pgs


Guide to Old Radios Pointers, Pictures & Prices, 2nd Ed., Johnson. Introduction to radio collecting. Includes hundreds

of photos and a price guide. 1995. 272 pgs


Hake's Guide to T V Collectibles. Price guide and photos for 1600 TV shows, comic books, etc. 1990.185 pgsZZ'ZZZl. $14.95

Ham Price Guide, Rippen. This hook serves as a price guide and an identification guide. Small print. 36 pgs


Heathkit, A Guide to the Amateur Radio Products, Penson. Documentation of all Heathkit's amateur radio products, a

complete history of the company, 200+ sharp photos. 256 pgs


International Directory of Antique Radio Collectors. Lists collectors, clubs, museums, dealers. 1996. 92 pgs


Inventing American Broadcasting, Douglas. A careful weaving of technology, social forces, and business

decision making from the diiys of Marconi to broadcasting in the 1920s. 198'7. 363 pgs


L. A. Radio Manufacturing, Paul. Radio makers in LA. from 1922-42. Echophone, Gilfillan & 10 others. 88 pgs


Supplement No. 1, Paul. Coverage of additional manufacturers, people and sets. 1993. 48 pgs


The Magnetic Cone Speaker Notebook, Paul. 250+ cone speakersfrom 120+ companies. Photocopy. 1995 58 pgs. NEW $10.90

The Mechanics of TV, Yanczer. Explanation of mechanicalto,details for a working system. 5 V2" by 7 V2" 170 pgs


Most Often Needed 1926-38 Radio Diagrams and Servicing Information (reprint). 600+ diagrams for mostly AC radios

from '26- 38. 240 pgs

° ,.



Old Gramophones, Bergonzi. The development of phonographs and gramophones. 64 photos. 32 pgs


Old Radio Sets, Hill. The development of the radiofromthe late Victorian era until the late 60s 60 photos 32 pgs


Old-Time Radios! Restoration and Repair, Carr. How to repair vacuum-tube and transistor radios. A self-vaced trainim mide.

^ 200 illustrations, 256 w s




Phiico Radio: 1928-1942, Ramirez. A reference book on Phiico. Shows receivers and company history year-by-year. 464 color

photos, 364 black & white photos and drawings. 1993.160 pgs


Phono-Graphics: The Visual Paraphernalia of the Talking Machine, Schwartzman. Shows the collection ofprotlu'cts

associated with the phonograph. Beautiful photosfromArt Noveau to Art Deco era. 1996.119 pgs


The Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment 1946-1980, Miller. A pictorial guide to Collins eauipment and

accessories. 90+ sharp photographs 3'/2"x 7" 108 pages


Portable Radio In Amencan Life, Schiffer. Traces the development of the portable radio and how it affected American culture

^ and society 450 photos and drawings, 259 pgs

(hardcover: $45.00) $24.95

1 rice Guide to Plastic Collectibles, McNulty. Describes types of plastics, etc. (Radio is 8 of 207 pgs.)..


theRadioTaUI^to"^^^ and^Accessories (reprint). Twenty-page booklet summarizing RCA's 1926 product line includin^^ ^

Radio Art, Hawes. A chronological, illustrated history of the technical and stylistic progress of the radio. MostiZBrm^^^^

American sets are featured as well. 250 photos, 150 m color, 128 pgs

(hardcover only) Low Price $9.95




Radio Art Postcard Deck. 30 full-color photographsfromHawes' book


Radio Collector. (Videotape, VHS). Thefive-partEmmy-nominated PBS series combined on one 130-minute videotape. Meet

collectors, see collections, attend swap meets, learn about radio restoration


the Radio Collector's Directory and Price Guide, 1921-1965,2nd Ed. Grinder. Directory of over 20,000 radios by

manufacturer, model number, year, etc., with prices. Radio history, cabinet styles, vacuum tube development chapters. Over

1,200 trade names listed. Thoroughly revised and expanded. 500 pgs


Radio Collector's Guide, McMahon. Listing of 9,000+ radios made by some 1200 companiesfrom1921 to 1932. Gives

manufacturer, year, model name and other info. No photos, 264 pgs


The Radio Collector's Guide to Phiico Bakelite Block Condensers, 2nd Ed., BintHff. A detailed description of Phiico

Bakelite block condensers with illustrations and parts lists. 1995. 57 pgs


Radio Craft - 50 Years of Radio (reprint). March 1938 issue of Radio Craft magazine. Numerous articles on the development

of radio, then 50-years old, and on early radio pioneers. 144 pgs

··· $15.95

Radio Diagram Sourcebook, Gray. Valuable tool for identifying radios Tubes used, replacement dial lamps, and IF. frequency.

Reprint of Sylvania's tube complement guide is included listing almost 10,000 radios. 290 pgs

NEW $18.95

Radio Horn Speaker Encyclopedia, Paul Listing of horn speakers for 320+ manufacturers for the 1920s. Expanded

info, on 10 companies. 145+photos, 80 pgs


Radio Horn Speaker Notebook, Rev. H, Paul. The companion to the Encyclopedia. Over 450 horn picture ads are shown,

over 325 manufacturers are identified. Photocopy. New Index. 1995 72 pgs


US- Radio Manufacturers of the 1920's, Douglas. Three comprehensive volumes

Voi 1 covers A-C Dayton thru Ferguson

(softcover only) $24.95

Vol. 2 covers Freed-Eisemann thru Priess. 266 pgs

(soltcover only) $29.95

Vol. 3 covers RCA thru Zenith. 292 pgs

(hardcover: $39.95) $29.95

Radio Redux, Collins. Subtitled "Listening in Style. This book showcases the sleek lines and luscious colors of over 80 gleaming

setsfromthe collection of Philip Collins. 120 pgs

(hardcover: $29.95) $17.95

RadiolRadio!, 3rd Ed., Hill. Comprehensive coverage of British radiosfromthe 1920s-70s. This expanded edition includes the

previous versions plus 75 new pages and 50 new illustrations. Neio transistor radio section, (hardcover only)NEW $64.95

Radio/TV Finder, Okolowicz. Reference to nearly 7,000 radio and TV pics found in 24 books. No photos, 110 pgs


Radio & T. V. Collector's Guide Book, Biraud. The "Vintage Radio" illustrated guide to European setsfromearly wireless to

the 1930s (a few later). Text is in both French and English. Vol. 1: History & Manufacturers A to P. 256 pre.Vol. 2: P to Z

& T.V., Speakers, Tubes, Loops, Parts & Novelties. 256 pgs

(Per Volume) $49.95

Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis. The most definitive book on the company. Over 600 photos (some color) on everything they made.

An invaluable tool for anyone interested in Hallicrafters 220 pgs


Radios of the Baby Boom Era. Pictures and infofromSams Photofacts 3,494 radios illustrated plus 3,275 additional radios

listed 274 brands. 1946 thru 1960. Six volumes, 300+ pages per volume. Order by volume: Vol 1: Admiral - Clearsonic.

Vol 2-Co-op - Geioso Vol 3: GE - Monitoradio. Vol 4: Motorola - RCA. Vol 5: Realtone - Stratovox. Vol 6: Stromberg-

Carlson - Zenith


(Per Volume) $16.95

Refinishing Old Furniture,Wagoner. Written by a furniture restoration instructor. A step-by-step guide to fiirniture (or radio)

restoration,fromremoval offinishes right up to thefinal polish. 178 pgs


Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne. The development of vacuum tubes 1880 to 1930 From Edison, Thomson and Fleming to

de Forest, Philips, Siemens and many more. 100+ tube photos, 495 pgs


Shortwave Receivers Past & Present, Communications Receivers 1945-1996,2nd Ed., Osterman. For the radio collector,

the informed receiver buyer or anyone interested in the history of shortwave radios. 500+ receivers listed. 350 pgs NEW $19.95

Sound & Vision Yearbook 1995/96. An annual directory of radio & TV collectors, primarily European


S. Gemsback Radio Encyclopedia (reprint). 1927 classic encyclopedia on radio. From "A B'2^ery to Zirconium, with 1000s

of entries in between. 100s of illustrations, 175 vgs


70 Years of Radio Tubes and Valves, Stokes. The story of the radio tubefromthe lab to the public. 247 pgs


75 Years of WE Tube Manufacturing, Magers. A log hook history 750+ WE tubes Illustrated 133 pgs


Tomart's Price Guide to Radio Premium and Cereal Box Collectibles, Tumbusch. Includes comic character, pulp hero,

TV and other premiums 1991, 3,000+ illustrations, 176 pgs


Transistor Radios, A Collector's Encyclopedia and Price Guide, Lane. Identification guide to over 2,500 transistor and

novelty radios. History and key to collecting chapters 1994.170 pgs


Transmitters, Exciters and Power AmpUfiers 1930 1980, Moore. Pictorial and descriptive guide to amateur high frequency

transmitters and amplifiers manufactured in the U.S.A. Over 500 photos. 144 pgs


Tube Lore, Sibley. Trends in tube design, receiving and audio tubes, special-purpose and transmitting tubes, military types,

tips on testing, repairing, adapting various tubes, auction pricesfromsix major sales. 186 pgs

NEW $19.95

Tube Type Transmitters, Rippen. Provides a wealth of information on transmitters and transceivers. Includes ancillary items

such as linear amplifiers, converters, modualtors and VFOs. Over 500 illustrations. 145 pgs


The Weekend Refinisher, Johnson. A complete guide to stains and finshes and tips for setting up your own workshop. A handy

fiirniture "first aid" kit for quick repairs. Illustrated. 296 pgs


Westinghouse Catalog (reprint). 3920s catalog of the RA-DA and other early Westinghouse equipment 8 pgs


Wireless Communication m the U.S., Mayes. Early development of American radio operating companies. Alternators, coherers,

stock promotions, unpublished letters, etc. 160 illustrations, 240 pgs

· $29.95

The Xtal Set Society Newsletter, Anderson. Complete set of the Society's newsletter. Order by volume. Vol. 1: 7/91 to 5/92

Field Strength Meter, EM Xtal Set, Xtal Sets & Wirekss, & more.Vol. 2: 7/92 to 5/93 The Lead Pencil Detector, The

Universal Xtal Set, etc. Vol. 4:1/94 to 11/94 Measuring Coil Capacitance, home-brew headphones and curve tracers, etc.

Vol. 5: AM Receiver Design, Marconi Type 107 Radio Outfit in a Headset, & more

(Per Vol.) $9.95

The Xtal Set Handbook, Anderson. Formulas for coil inductance, a procedure for measuring cod capacitance, circuit matching

theory, & more. Also included is Vol. 3 of the Xtal Set Society Newsletter


Zenith Radio Corporation (reprint). The instructions for installation and operation for Models 39-39A Models 392-392A, and

Electric Zenith Receivers. 3 schematics, 3 photos, 71/2" by 5" 16 pgs

·· ·


The Zenith Trans-Oceanic: The Royalty of Radios, Bryant and Cones. Presents the fascinating story of the development

and use of the Trans-Oceanic. Several photos, documents, ads, etc. 160 pgs


S. Orders - Enclose $3.00 per order for packing & book-rate shipping If total order is under $35.00. If using VISA or MasterCard,

'"<^lude name on card card number and expiration date. Send paymentwith order Mass. residents add 5% sales tax Moneyback

'^tm policy. Soltcover unless stated otherwise. Most orders shipped the same day received, but allow 2-4 weeks to receive order

^sign orders write for shipping costs, or use credit card and specify air or surface (allow 2-3 months for surface shipping).

A . R . C , P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 Tel: (508) 371-0512

Fax: (508) 371-7129

Web: http://www.antiqueradio.com/


Vintage T V sa n d radios

H ^ l ^ l ^ y stereo 3P & qua'liciameras <z>s

\ f O Box 1883 S.Hackensack,NJ07606 I hposter@worldnetattnet 24HrFAX:(201)794-95S3 24HrPhone:(201)794-9606y

Correct time is 2:00 PM WEDNESDAY in the Seneca Room (AWA meet).
See us there on September 3rd. We'll have C B S prototype color wheels, plus C B S color TV photos and Info about theircolor TV systems from 1946-1954!
(Don't forget-it's NOT Thursday)

M E S S A G E : B r i n g i n g B & W o r C O L O R T V s to Rochester this year? Please call us s o w e c a n bring y o u s o m e e x t r a c a s h ! W e ' d like to buy your pre-war T V s , your early or unusual B&W's from 1 9 4 6 to 1 9 7 5 , a n d early color s e t s from 1 9 4 6 to 1955. Plus colorwheels, special C R T s , even empty television cabinets. Call ore-mail today...thanks!

FOR SALE: Zenith
Royal 7000 chassis 18ZT40Z3

IVIarlced: " P a t e n t e d in

C a n a d a in 1961", this 18

F O R S A L E : Homebrew with Eimac 304-TL.

transistor, 11 b a n d radio is 1 5 lbs of quality. N i c e T h i s is either a kit or h o m e b r e w from a local h a m

c o s m e t i c s , a n d c o m p l e t e e x c e p t the log is m i s s - s h a c k . 19" w i d e , 1 0 - 1 / 2 " high, a n d 14" d e e p , it

ing, a n d the plate that held the log is b e n d a bit. It sports two h e a v y t r a n s f o r m e r s . It h a s 2 long air

s e e m s to play on all b a n d s but the v o l u m e control s p a c e d c o n d e n s e r s , a n d it c o m e s with 2 plug-in

is scratchy, s o w e a r e s e l l i n g it c h e a p . . . $ 1 6 1 coils by Barker and Williamson: 1 5 T A a n d I O T E L .

Mickey Mouse

It w e i g h s about 4 0 lbs . . . a n d i t s y o u r s f o r $ 5 8

FOR SALE: Continental Model M-650.

This 1959 white

J a p a n e s e bakelite

portable is a 4-tube

F O R S A L E : Mickey Mice Transistor Radios, or set. The face and

at least that's what I think you call this many tuner a r e reverse


M o u s e s ! A box full of t h e s e , but all a r e missing the painted with gold


battery c o v e r T h e r e a r e 5 of the regular Intoport and black. A nice s e t in good condition-except for

Developments, plus 1 slightly different. This should a small corner crack. Continental Merchandise C o

m a k e great trading stock! 6 M i c e s in all...$59 tube type portable in w h i t e b a k e l i t e ! O n l y ...$57

FOR SALE: Standard

This is an early and unusual J a p a n e s e 3 tube F O R S A L E : M i c k e y M o u s e T r a n s i s t o r R a d i o . portable. Made of soft blue plastic with clear tuner, T h i s is a n unusual vanation which features Mickey's It's a n e a r p h o n e only s e t (no s p e a k e r ) ! It h a s a h e a d without a collar. S e l d o m s e e n - b u t A n n a h a n d wired aluminum c h a s s i s , a n d it's in excellent f o u n d o n e in t h e pantry! No battery c o v e r - $ 2 2 condition, complete with earphones. Price...$108

F O R S A L E : Male C h a u v i n i s t P i g transistor F O R S A L E : G r a y m a r k 512 T r a n s i s t o r kit. This r a d i o - h i s curly little tail is the v o l u m e control A c a m e from a local s c h o o l 3 0 y e a r s a g o ! Kit insmall brown pig with a brown bow, model # 1 3 0 by cludes pc board, parts, c a s e , a n d schematic-parts A r r o w in H o n g K o n g It's in e x c e l l e n t c o n d with tag layout. It h a s a b a g of t r a n s i s t o r s - b u t I c a n ' t tell instructions, a n d e a r p h o n e , in the worn box ...$44 w h i c h g o e s w h e r e . . . T r a n s i s t o r r a d i o kit...$62

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