Automated and manual grinders and polishers with the broadest range of consumables for any lab. ... Shelf Life, 2021 Microstructure Calendar Submissions, Index 2 20 30 56 70 90. iii AMERICAS • Lake Bluff, Illinois United States (Buehler Partner Centers are also available in Ohio,
Shelf Life, 2021 Microstructure Calendar ... Simple Setup for Efficient Cuts ... Minimize setup time by rapid visual alignment with the IsoMet.
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Document DocumentPRODUCT CATALOG 20 20 Full Lab Solutions Sectioning | Mounting Grinding & Polishing Imaging & Analysis Hardness Testing Strong Partner, Reliable Solutions ABOUT BUEHLER Buehler is a division of Illinois Tool Works (ITW) and is based in Lake Bluff, Illinois. ITW is a global, Fortune 200 company and global industrial manufacturer of value added consumables and specialty equipment with related service businesses. Buehler is a premier manufacturer of scientific equipment and supplies for use in materials analysis with offices in nine countries, sales distribution in over 40 countries, and over 45 Expert Solutions Centers. Buehler was founded in 1936 by Swiss immigrant, Adolph I. Buehler, who saw a need for metallographic sample preparation equipment and optical inspection instruments for the steel and automotive industries in the Midwest USA. Buehler is well established as the world's leading supplier of materials preparation and analysis instruments, equipment, consumable supplies and application solutions. The year 2020 marks a century of the Wilson brand of hardness equipment. Buehler is proud to be part of the legacy that has created the hardness testing standards for the market. We are also proud of where we have taken Wilson. Our hardness product innovations include equipment, software and test blocks. They are all available within the Hardness section of this catalog. Buehler remains steadfast in providing the metallographic solutions, applications, service and innovations for industry. When you purchase Buehler products, you also partner with our team of professionals dedicated to understanding your needs and market space. Buehler maintains its legacy of industry partnership with affiliations such as the ASM International, American Society for Testing and Materials and International Metallographic Society. Dear Valued Customer, Buehler is proud to offer the complete Full Lab Solution from sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing, and analysis to hardness testing. They are all designed and manufactured by Buehler to ensure the highest quality and reliability for your lab. Whether you are operating in a high volume Quality Control environment or conducting advanced Research & Development activities, our recognized and proven products will meet your most demanding needs. Buehler's customer-back approach to innovation supports the active development of new products that satisfy the priorities of any experienced or novice user. We are fortunate and proud to count over 40,000 customers located in 93 different countries around the world that use our equipment, consumables, and services. With our global footprint, partner centers, and multi-sites service and warehouse capabilities, Buehler is best suited to provide unparalleled support and expertise this comes from working with customers across all industries in both research and quality control laboratories to develop the best and most reliable quality sample analysis solutions. Buehler's local teams are focused on making customer satisfaction a priority by building strong partnerships and delivering reliable solutions every time. I am now pleased to introduce the 2020 Buehler Product Catalog, the most comprehensive product guide for materials characterization and analysis. Julien Noel Vice President & General Manager Buehler Global We hope you find what you are looking for in these pages and strongly encourage you to reach out to the Buehler sales and applications experts to answer any questions and assist with application testing. They will assure you not only get the right products, but also the right methods that ensure quality and reliability of results. Thank you for considering Buehler and please let us know how we can further support your material preparation and hardness testing needs. Table of CONTENTS INTRODUCTION About Buehler, Customer Care, Expert Lab Solutions, Service, LabConnect, Shop Online 2 SECTIONING A full range of abrasive and precision saws, blades, and vises for cutting any material. 20 MOUNTING Automated compression mounting presses, vacuum systems and over 20 types of mounting media. 30 GRINDING & POLISHING Automated and manual grinders and polishers with the broadest range of consumables for any lab. 56 IMAGING & ANALYSIS OmniMetTM delivers powerful image analysis possibilities combined with flexible database functionality. 70 HARDNESS TESTING Wilson® hardness testers cover all major hardness scales including dedicated Rockwell®, Knoop/Vickers, and Brinell as well as multi-scale Universal machines. 90 CONCLUSION Shelf Life, 2021 Microstructure Calendar Submissions, Index ii Buehler Application Solutions Partner with Buehler for Your Success Buehler's Material Scientists are available to provide custom solutions for your application. Buehler experts provide technical assistance on metallographic and metallurgical topics and processes. Buehler provides many resources to help with your lab questions: · SumMet Materials Preparation Guide · TechNotes and SumNotes · Safety Data Sheets · Seminars, Webinars and Classes · One-to-One Consultations TECHNotes Published by Buehler, a division of Illinois Tool Works Volume 6, Issue 1 Efficient Sample Preparation and Analysis of Ferrous Materials Introduction Many thousands of years ago ferrous materials were mainly found in naturally occurring forms, such as debris from meteorites. The first known working of iron was in c.1500 BCE by the Hittites (centered in what is now Turkey). It took another 500 years before the process of early steel manufacture in simple furnaces was discovered, and that quenching could improve hardness. This sparked the growth of steel and the end of the Bronze Age. As late as the 1800's, processing of steel was arduous. Bulk processing was possible, mainly using the "cementation" process - heating bars of iron with charcoal for days on end, a process that was both inefficient and inconsistent. In 1856 Bessemer developed his converter, closely followed by the Siemens Open Hearth process, allowing the removal of carbon and other elements from the iron and the true control of the elements in steel began. Today, there are several hundred varieties of steel with as many applications. To meet modern demands, the chemistry and properties of the steel need to be tightly controlled. Metallographic processes and analysis techniques have needed to develop in line with these increasingly demanding applications. This paper discusses sample preparation and analysis on a variety of today's often used ferrous materials using the latest equipment and consumables. Background Heat Treatment of Ferrous Materials Sample preparation and analysis was established for process control, failure analysis and R&D. Highly stressed materials need to have the corresponding mechanical properties to ensure reliability, flexibility, elasticity or durability depending on the application. Heat treatment is generally defined as the controlled heating and cooling of solid metal or alloys to obtain specific properties by changing the microstructure. There are many different components to heat treatment, including normalizing, annealing, quenching, tempering and stress relieving. These treatments can affect many properties simultaneously, but improving one can be detrimental to others. In some cases components need to have varying properties in different areas and in these cases localized techniques can be used. For example, gear wheels need to be hard and wear-resistant at the surface, but maintain the ductility and toughness to endure high loads without breaking. Surface treatments to create this hard layer involve using heat and exposure to chemical elements such as carbon or nitrogen to modify the surface properties. These include By: Matthias Pascher SUMNotes processes such as carburizing, nitriding and induction hardening. Induction hardening uses a high frequency alternating current to rapidly heat the surface of the work piece. Quenching results in a mPUaBrtLeISnHsEiDticBYstBrUuEcHtLuErRe, AbeDiInVIgSIOmNaOinFtIaLiLnINeOdISinTOtOhaL tWaOrReKaS, which is significantly harder than the core material. The depth of the hardened VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 REPLICATING MEDIA layer depends on the operating frequency used. by Dr. E. MOGIRE Carburizing and nitriding involve heating the sample in an environ- msccRgmauaoneeasrnefnedtpcadistolecriicantneerhaitp,cioertshriaafnoahtnegiidanodtnuwrnmgdtcaohieoeens-endsfpeaiitanetdahhrrgerteeiienssdssirdgryuueeeesslpqcdttteeotuadhmemmiirllsedfeopodtmoedhorpfieanefnetyltneheonisntnmendo,gt-sssledciudnhotaerhtiannsffseiantd.ertcguismmemicnuitoeagcpiv,tnroeoettwrnehsiitmanehcrlvuiospcce.cnehhstTtreutaiahitm-rcteeuti.srterIyannatdth-angettlaGrhhlsooleeeooawonvidnedgsde, eixnmatoesetrycnnhsianeilossspn,uaefralcfsasttitceoaennbseialorintsfydacoonmfdmtehpgaeleseuarxerrepotmebliecjeeatnhcit.tsso,nfseiunccetehsrsa-asry Cisiashpaaeppcvlkipictialnaieltgidoqtnuhwaaiinlttihtmysvueceroftraaynlclthueriorgtglrhiesctapaetrlpm/em.ceiansBtitoeosnrtihh.oaTlohvhegaerrbdamenpeeehdnsicsiacitonfeirsnsrptediencsctgl-yapnedrfooprmt-viocNealduol msherilnokssagdeurdinugrinagppploiclyamtioenrizeantsiounringguagroaondtedesimneonetxioanmsi,nfaatiliuorneoafntdhefomreicnrsoicstirnuvcetustriegaatrieonusseadn.dBmoethtroolfotghyese reqsuioirneal stability parmopoenrgmoetthaellrosg. raphic preparation to ensure accurate results. Sample Preparation Sectioning The first step in the preparation of most samples for metallographic examination is the removal of a representative sample from a larger component. It is important to ensure that the sample is not exposed to excessive heat or mechanical damage during sectioning. Saws designed specifically for metallographic purposes should be used. The machine itself is usually selected on the basis of capacity and level of as they automation. Specialist abrasive provide excellent cutting speeds wwhitehemls ianriemnaol rdmamallaygue-cs.eaTdrrri,ibeodlooguyt and surface roughness assessment are to determine the wear characteristics of TutFyhingpeduerasesme1hle.ao1cguTtweilododnpbsaopertfessctielhiilmceeocnectenoer,drerpaetlsicoctawtsaiuoebniltrlmaatshesidveoieapmwatanihmdteeidezriisilanpilsegbncsseripniitngeicgegaducln.utotTe-hnaesluuamrbinriangmtsoaiavaoinetsliinngg surfaces surfaces as as well as shown general below visual inspection of most effective for ferrous materials. In addition, the strength of the bBounedhhleorldreinpglitchaetianbgramsievdeiianhthaes wunhieqeuleisfveeartyuirmesp,oirttiasnt. Hard mate- rsiaulisteredqtuoirediaffsehrearnpt abrerasivoef ianpoprldicearttioncsutwehfefercet;ively. If the abrasive is- Hheigldh tmooicrsotrnonagcclyuirnactyheiswahreeeqlu, iirtewmiellnntostuwcheaarsainnd expose fresh pmarictircolesstr.ucTthuirsaclaannalelyasdistoofgelnagziinngeeorfintghecowmhpeeoln, eenxttsended cutting tliomoeksinagndatexdcaemssaivgeehaesasteossrmdeefnotrsmcaatuiosendinbtyhecrpeaerpt. Conversely, too sdoeftfoarbmoantidocna, nmliecarod-toanedxcmesascivroe-wcrhaeceklfworemara.tiToons, implify selection, Bfuateighlueer pfarioluvrideessina mraantginegosfuwrfhaeceelss sfruocmh awshoicnhgtehaerusser can readily saenledctb. olItfscutting components with a variable properties, such as surface treated steels, a wheel suited to the hardest material pres- ent should be selected. Table 1 shows recommended wheels for different ferrous materials and corresponding parameters for the AbrasiMaticTM 300 using 12in [305mm] abrasive wheels. Figure 1.3 illustrates (a) stamping tool (b), the analysed replica surface and (c) inverse image of the depth profile of the observed surface features. - Good resistance to chemical, mechanical and heat exposure to a maximum of 120°C with the ability to retain shape after exposure Strong Partner, Reliable Solutions Figure 1.2 above illustrates how the media is applied on a polished and etched surface. (A) Shows the actual microstructure and (B) the extracted replica, fine submicron details are easily discernible - Details of tool marks, imprint evidence and tyre marks are required to be replicated for further macroscopical comparison with known tools used in criminal activities BUEHLER Worldwide Headquarters North America-South America Offices 41 Waukegan Road Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044-1699 USA P: 800 BUEHLER (800-283-4537) P: (847) 295-6500 | © 2015 BUEHLER, a division of Illinois Tool Works Inc. Printed in U.S.A. European Headquarters BUEHLER Germany BUEHLER France BUEHLER United Kingdom BUEHLER China BUEHLER Japan BUEHLER Asia-Pacific Buehler's global Material Science team includes PhD's and over a dozen Material Scientists to support our customers Buehler Solutions Centers Buehler Solutions Centers are operated by our esteemed scientists. They provide materials preparation and analysis techniques and training to our customers worldwide. Our mission is to deliver valuable application solutions by applying Buehler products and methodologies. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in quality and service. Buehler Solutions Centers AMERICAS · Lake Bluff, Illinois United States (Buehler Partner Centers are also available in Ohio, Massachusetts, Virginia and Canada.) EUROPE · Düsseldorf, Germany · Esslingen, Germany · Lyon, France · Warwick, United Kingdom ASIA · Shanghai, China · Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia · Singapore, Sinapore · Tokyo, Japan iii Our Team is Here for You! Buehler is committed to excellent customer care. We are available to support our customers with any questions, concerns or issues. Our team of customer support professionals, application experts, service engineers, technical sales, and in-house design and manufacturing are at your disposal. · Materials Science PhDs can assist you with material preparation applications · Industry leading hardness testing experts can assist to train, install or troubleshoot any hardness testers · Dedicated software support expertise for any software questions · Support for product returns or questions · Repair, calibration, installations, and maintenance of equipment Committed to Quality Buehler employees and operations are committed to delivering quality and environmentally responsible products guided by ISO 9001 Quality Management Principles and ISO 14001 Environmental Managements Systems. Buehler innovates solutions and offers expert service and support throughout the materials preparation and analysis market. Buehler adheres to ASTM, NVLAP, A2LA, NADCAP, DIN, ISO, MIL standards Global Associates and Partners Ready to Assist You No matter where you are located, Buehler has associates or partners ready to handle your inquiry. We have improved our response times through an online submission format. Visit for prompt attention to your request for a quotation, lab solutions, service support, customer service or general feedback. To reach our regional offices for general information contact: North and South America T: +1 847 295 6500 Toll Free: 1 800 - BUEHLER E: Europe, Middle East and Africa T: + 49 0711 4904690-0 E: Asia T: + 86 400 111 8693 E: iv Our Global Service Teams are Committed to You As a valued customer, we appreciate your partnership and are here to support you with repair services and spare parts under warranty and beyond. For regions covered by our distributor network, please contact your area distributor. Reduce Unplanned Downtime On-Site Repair Services Buehler provides on-site or factory expert repairs performed by our certified technicians. In-House Repair Services Certified technicians will inspect and repair machines on-site or at one of Buehler's Global Service Facilities. Americas repairs are completed directly at Buehler's Headquarters in Lake Bluff, IL. Ensure Consistent Results Experienced Technicians Technicians have collectively over 100 years of experience with average tenure of 10+ years with Buehler. Compliance Calibration services for hardness testers & microscopes according to ISO 17025. Accredited for direct or indirect verification. Protect Your Investment Genuine Spare Parts Buehler supplies parts for all equipment, including obsolete machines for a minimum of 5 years after discontinuation. Preventative Maintenance Buehler offers on-site or factory inspection, cleaning and replacement of wear parts to ensure optimal performance. Technical Support & Training Buehler service technicians are available through our online case management platform eServiceDesk; requests for support can be submitted online at, via email to, or by calling into your designated Buehler office. Once the ticket has been generated, our coordinators match the request to a technician highly skilled in troubleshooting your unique case. For software issues, we can often remote into PC's to quickly and efficiently solve issues. v Preventative Maintenance Protect your investment and ensure consistent performance, minimize downtime and reduce the costly repairs with Buehler Preventative Maintenance and Calibration Services. Our service department can also assist with NADCAP audit and accreditiation preparation services. Optical verifications for microscopes and reticles are also available which are traceable to NIST certified stage micrometers. Preventative Maintenance Service Plan Ensures Consistent and Reliable Results · Annual visit includes Wear Parts Kit and 20 Point Maintenance Check list · Trained technicians able to perform Preventative Maintenance on multiple machines in one visit · Unlimited Phone Support · 10% Replacement Part Discount CERT#2237.01 - CALIBRATION Ensure Consistent Performance Ensure compliance with A2LA Accredited & ISO-17025 indirect & direct hardness verifications following both ASTM or ISO standards. Indirect verifications include two scales and additional scales can be purchased. Identify Your Equipment - Select its Preventative Maintenance Machine AbrasiMetTM 250 Preventative Maintenance Number 10101SRV AbrasiMaticTM 300 10219SRV AbrasiMaticTM 450 10100SRV AbrasiMetTM M 1010107SRV AbrasiMetTM XL Pro 102320SRV AutoMetTM 250* 49725SRV AutoMetTM 300* 49726SRV * formerly referred to as EcoMet/AutoMet Machine Delta Manual Delta Medium Delta Large EcoMetTM 30 Manual EcoMetTM 30 Semi-Auto IsoMetTM Low Speed IsoMetTM 1000 Preventative Maintenance Number 102213SRV 102218SRV 102318SRV 4910070SRV 4910075SRV 11128SRV 11218SRV Machine IsoMetTM 4000/5000 IsoMetTM High Speed PlanarMetTM 300 PetroThinTM VanguardTM MetaServTM 250 SimpliMetTM 3000 SimpliMetTM 4000 Preventative Maintenance Number 11268SRV 11260SRV 491000SRV 38145SRV 63200SRV 49100SRV 20143SRV 20011SRV eServiceDesk is Buehler Service's case management system. This system, developed specifically for Buehler Service, allows for a unified communication channel between our customers and our service department through the online portal or e-mail. eServiceDesk allows customers to submit service requests, share large pictures and video with our service department allow multiple technicians and service coordinators to simultaneously coordinate a repair. This ability to collaborate in real time with eServiceDesk has led to increased customer satisfaction and faster service response times. Visit vi Buehler and Distributors Make Online Consumable Shopping Easy As more and more brick and mortar stores convert too online shopping so has Buehler and some of our Distributors are also leading the way with enhanced shopping portals. Buehler's online stores offer direct ordering of metallographic consumables for Sectioning, Mounting, Grinding and Polishing, Hardness Testing and Image & Analysis. North America eShop In the United States purchase consumables through Buehler or through distributor online stores. Check with Customer Service which eShop is ideal for your organization. eShop Europe Webshops · Specifications, Inventory Status Compare, SDS Sheets Register for an account, get approved and you are ready to shop consumables as easy as 1,2,3. · Easy Search Options · Simple Filter of products · Quick Search · Checkout made easy United Kingdom - Germany - France - · Shipping Advice Select which address · Easy Payment - Credit Card or Purchase Order · Review past orders Search Your Way Simple Filter Use the product specific filter to narrow down your search results or Quick Search Find your product by a quick search by using the part number or the name of the product Checkout Made Easy Completing an order has become easier with our new checkout feature Shipping Advice Choose an existing address or quickly enter a new address for the order. Easy Payment Pay with a credit card or enter a Purchase Order for invoicing. vii Intuitive software solution to maximize the uptime of your laboratory Ordering Information Item Number: 54-1000 Description: One year license for LabConnect software solution. Note: LabConnect requires computer hardware. Currently only available in the United States. viii Buehler Lab Solutions Full Lab Solution Delivered Fast Strong Partner, Reliable Solutions Partner with Buehler, we are dedicated to providing solutions for the most demanding industries. Buehler meets the needs of new or growing labs with the most innovative, intuitive and dependable equipment that ships fast. So, if you are building from scratch or adding on, consult your Buehler representative to order the right equipment for your lab. Buehler Material Scientists are available to assist in customizing and improving your sample preparation process too. Quick Ship Equipment and Consumables Buehler Team Delivers These Products Fast · IsoMetTM High Speed Precision Cutter · SimpliMetTM 4000 Mounting Press · AutoMetTM Semi-Automatic Grinder Polishers · Burst Dispensing Systems · EcoMetTM Grinder Polishers · Hardness and Imaging Software · Test Blocks and Consumables Shop Consumables 24/7 with fast online ordering, check with your local representative for online shopping address. ix Social Responsibility It is not enough to achieve our mission to be the premier provider of solutions for our market. We feel strongly that part of our responsibility is to our community and global environmental sustainability. Buehler has adopted the Corporate Social Responsibility vision of our parent company ITW. · We operate our business with a demonstrated commitment to the highest level of ethical conduct, everywhere in the company and every day. · We have a commitment to fair, ethical and honest business dealings, robust governance, and compliance with applicable laws, while demonstrating respect for human rights at Buehler and throughout our supply chain. · We strive to create diverse and inclusive workplaces where all of our colleagues can perform to their full potential. · We strive every day to foster a proactive safety culture through the execution of our Enterprise Safety Strategy, with a shared goal of zero accidents. We encourage and support our colleagues globally in their efforts to make positive contributions to the communities where they work and live. · As a company we are committed to supporting programs and initiatives to improve access to a high-quality education and workforce/career preparation for youth in under-served communities, both in greater Chicago and around the world. · Throughout the year we support corporate citizenship programs such as Junior Achievement and United Way Worldwide. Buehler is committed to operating our business in a way that demonstrates our dedication to global environmental sustainability. · We work with suppliers who operate with similar dedication to global environmental sustainability · We partner with our customers in innovating solutions that address their needs for environmentally responsible products. · We are involved with the LovetheOceans, a non-profit marine conservation organization that promotes sustainable fishing and protecting endangered species. · We improve our environmental performance on an ongoing basis. This includes participation in a robust recycling program that prevents nearly 110,000 pounds of waste from entering landfills and conserves electricity, oil and water. x SECTIONING A full range of abrasive and precision saws, blades, and vises for cutting any material Specimen preparation for microstructural examination starts with a quality cut. The proper equipment with firm and stable vising minimizes the depth of deformation on the sample surface. The abrasive and precision saws save time by limiting the number of steps needed to analyze samples after sectioning. Featured Microstructure: Surface of a 300nm BaTiO3 thin film deposited by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Silicon. The Fresnoite (Ba2TiSi2O8) formed during deposition was imaged at 200x mag. under cross polarized light. ~ Angelika Bobrowski; Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH; Düsseldorf, Germany Product Comparison Wheel Diameter AbrasiMetTM M 10in [254mm] 12in [305mm] Abrasive Cutters AbrasiMaticTM 300 Delta Manual 12in [305mm] 14in [350mm] AbrasiMetTM XL Pro 14in [356mm] 16in [406mm] 18in [457mm] Cut Types Chop Chop Y-Feed with Pulsing Chop Chop, Y-feed, Planar Pulsing Manual Movement Z-axis X-axis*, Y-axis, Z-axis Automated Movement Y-axis Maxium Part Size in Chamber 25 x 13 x 4.3in [636 x 330 x 109mm] 16 x 6 x 3.75in [406 x 152 x 95mm] Cutting Capacity 4.3in** [109mm] 3.75in [95mm] *Optional Items **Maximum cutting capacity assumes largest size blade with smallest flange. Z-axis 26 x 24 x 5in [660 x 610 x 127mm] 5.00in** [127mm] Precision Cutters Y-axis, Z-axis X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis 49 x 24 x 7in [1245 x 610 x 178mm] 7in [178mm] Maximum Wheel Diameter Cut Style Sample Movement Wheel Movement IsoMetTM Low Speed 5in [127mm] Gravity Fed X-axis, Z-axis IsoMetTM 1000 7in [178mm] Gravity Fed X-axis, Z-axis IsoMetTM High Speed 8in [203mm] Y-Feed X-axis, Y-axis Maximum Cutting Capacity** 1.77in [45mm] 2.5in [64mm] 2.8in [76mm]; 2 x 6.5 x 1in [51 x 165 x 25mm] **Maximum cutting capacity assumes largest size blade with smallest flange. IsoMetTM High Speed Pro 8in [203mm] PetroThinTM Thin Sectioning System 8in [203mm] Y-Feed Manual X-axis, Z-axis X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis 2.8in [76mm]; 2 x 6.5 x 1in [51 x 165 x 25mm] Petrographic Glass Slides: 1.06 x 1.81in [27x46mm] or 3 x 1in [76.2 x 25.4mm] Cutting Style and Wheel Path Chop Cutting The traditional form of machine operation. Wheel contact arc is governed by sample size. Generally a struggle with large/ difficult parts. Chop Cutting with Pulsing Wheel contact still governed by sample size. The pulsing action pauses the feed rate in short intervals enabling coolant to wash away swarf and dissipate heat. 4 Wheel Path Sample Y-Feed Cut The abrasive wheel is stationary and the cutting table moves forward completing a one time cut into the sample. Wheel contact arc is governed by sample size. Y-Feed Cut with Pulsing Wheel Contact arc is still governed by sample size. The pulsing action pauses the feed rate in short intervals enabling coolant to wash away swarf and dissipate heat. Planar Cut Like Y-feed, the abrasive wheel is stationary and the cutting table moves into the blade to complete a cut into the sample. In Planar mode, the Y-feed cut is completed in successive vertical steps. Abrasive Cutters Simple Setup for Efficient Cuts The AbrasiMet M is an easy to use, manual, tabletop cutter that provides excellent cutting results. SECTIONING AbrasiMetTM M The AbrasiMet M is a benchtop manual cutting machine for 10in [254mm] and 12in [305mm] blades that provides consistent sectioning results. Easy to Cut and Maintain · No tools required to change blades · Adjustable cutting arm to maximize ergonomics · Recirculation tank with filter minimizes the frequency and time required to clean the recirculation tank Durable Machine with Versatile Performance · Powerful motor cuts through challenging materials with ease · Dual blade feature performs two cuts in a single cycle Part Number Voltage/Frequency 10-10107-200 200 - 240VAC, 50-60Hz 10-10107-400 380 - 460VAC, 50-60Hz 10-10107-200C CSA 200-240VAC, 50-60Hz Dimensions: 31.1in [791mm] W x 27.3in [694mm] Dx 36.2in [979mm] H open 25.7in [653mm] H closed Weight: 309 lb [140 kg] Recirculation Tank (Required) The advanced Recirculation tank features a nested tank design with a filter screen that makes regular debris removal fast and simple, extending the time in between cleaning the system. The standard recirculation tank does not feature the filtering option, but comes at a more economical price. All tanks are 30 gal[113L] 10-2166-200 Advanced Recirculation Tank 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz 10-2166-400 Advanced Recirculation Tank 380-460VAC, 50/60Hz 10-2166-205 Standard Recirculation Tank 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz 10-2166-405 Standard Recirculation Tank 380-460VAC, 50/60Hz Visit for ordering information. 5 Abrasive Cutters Highly Reproducible Results Our line of abrasive cutters are built for high volume environments. Our cutters combine speed with advanced features without compromising cut quality. AbrasiMaticTM 300 The AbrasiMatic 300 is a benchtop cutting machine for 12in [305mm] blades that provides both manual and automatic cutting capabilities. These capabilities provide versatility in sectioning to suit a wide variety of needs. Two Axis Cutting Y & Z-axis Part Number 10-2190-260 10-2190-460 10-2190-250 10-2190-400 Voltage 200-240VAC, 60Hz 440-480VAC, 60Hz 200-240VAC, 50Hz 380-400VAC, 50Hz Dimensions: 34in [864mm] x 27in [686mm] x 41in [1041mm] open 24in [610mm] closed Weight: 350lb [165kg] Three Axis Cutting X, Y & Z-axis Part Number 10-2193-260 10-2193-460 10-2193-250 10-2193-400 Voltage 200-240VAC, 60Hz 440-480VAC, 60Hz 200-240VAC, 50Hz 380-400VAC, 50Hz Dimensions: 34in [864mm] x 27in [686mm] x 41in [1041mm] open 24in [610mm] closed Weight: 350lb [165kg] Delta Manual The Delta Manual is a floor standing manual abrasive cutter for 14in [350mm] blades. This cutter's high powered motor, large chamber and versatile vising options enable simple, quick and easy positioning of samples for sectioning. Part Number Voltage 10-2213EB-260 200-240VAC, 60Hz 10-2213EB-460 10-2213EB-400 440-480VAC, 60Hz 380-415VAC, 50Hz *Recircualtion tank is included 81.5in [2070mm]H open Dimensions: 33in [838mm]W x 48in [1212mm]D x 64in [1626mm]H closed Weight: 800lb [365kg] Accessories 10-2327 T-Slot Bed, 12mm, Y-axis Slots 6 Abrasive Cutters Robust Machine with Intuitive Features The durable design and intuitive features of the AbrasiMet XL Pro make it the ideal machine for high volume environments that require the highest levels of cut quality, flexibility and consistency. SECTIONING AbrasiMetTM XL Pro The AbrasiMetTM XL Pro is a floor standing automatic abrasive cutting machine for 14in [356mm] to 18in [457mm] blades that provides consistent and repeatable cut quality for larger diameter samples. Intuitive and Quick to Operate · Quickly set up for a cut by positioning the blade and table with the joystick and laser alignment · Save cutting methods to ensure repeatability and consistency. · Filtration recirculation tank with vibration motor continuously filters the coolant to minimize cleaning frequency and time. Powerful Machine for Demanding Environments · Ideal for heavy duty, repetitive use in the toughest environments · Efficiently cut through hard and difficult materials with the powerful 13.4hp [10kW] motor and optimized cutting arm. Part Number 10-2320-400 Voltage/Frequency 380-480VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 54in [1372mm] W x 50.7in [1288mm] D x 75in [1905mm] H Weight: 1750 lb [800 kg] Accessories Mist Extractor Recommended to use the mist extractor listed below or connect the machine to a facility exhaust system 10-2343-400 Mist Extractor See page 8 for vise with 12mm T-nuts Visit for ordering information. 7 Abrasive Cutter Vises Accessories Single Piece Sliding Vises Speed Clamping Vise Size: Medium Part Numbers: Left: 10-3544 Right: 10-3545 Max Opening: 2.75" [70mm] Clamping Plate: 3.2" x 1.4" [80 x 35mm] T-Nuts: 12mm or 14mm Size: Large Part Numbers: Left: 10-3546 Right: 10-3547 Max Opening: 7.3" [185mm] Clamping Plate: 3.1" x 3.5" [78 x 89mm] T-Nuts: 12mm or 14mm MetKlamp VIII Part Numbers: Left: 95-C1821 Right: 95-C1822 Max Opening: 3.125" [80mm] Clamping Plate: 1.75" x 2.25" [45 x 58mm] T-Nuts: 12mm Two Piece Sliding Vises Sliding Vise Kit Size: Medium Part Numbers: Left: 10-3540 Right: 10-3541 Clamping Plate: 2.36"x 3" [60x76 mm] T-Nuts: 12mm* Specialty Vises Chain Clamping Kit Application: For clamping very large or irregularly shaped samples Part Number: 46-0030 Size: Large Part Numbers: Left: 10-3542 Right: 10-3543 Clamping Plate: 2.95" x 4.23" [74 x 107mm] T-Nuts: 12mm* *14mm conversion kits are available Medium: 10-3548 Large: 10-3549 Fastener Vise Application: For longitudinal sectioning of fasteners. Must be held by left hand sliding vise. Max Opening: 1.6" [40.6mm] Part Number: 95-C1702 Vertical Clamping Vises Vertical Clamping Kit Size: Small Part Numbers: 10-3531 Clamping Height: 2.3" [58mm] Reach: 2.1" [54mm] T-Nuts: 12mm Size: Large Part Numbers: 10-3523 Clamping Height: 4" [102mm] Reach: 2.4" [61mm] + 3.5" [90mm] with extension (included) T-Nuts: 12mm and 14mm Riser Blocks Small: 10-3532; 2.4" [60mm] Large: 10-3528; 2.9" [74mm] Vee Block Clamp Kit T-Nuts: 12mm and 14mm Part Number:10-3527 Horizontal Clamp T-Nuts: 12mm and 14mm Part Number: 10-3526 Adjustable Vee Blocks T-Nuts: 12mm and 14mm Part Number: 10-3525 See Vising Guide for More Information 8 SECTIONING Recirculating Systems Recirculating System 30 gal [113L] For AbrasiMetTM M 27 W x 26 D x 24in H 686 W x 660 D x 610mm H 10-2166-200 [Adv 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz] 10-2166-205 [Std 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz] 10-2166-400 [Adv 380-460VAC, 50/60Hz] 10-2166-405 [Std 380-460VAC, 50/60Hz] Cool 3 Fluid Water miscible fluid concentrate. Dilute coolant to 1:25 to 2:25, with water. 10-6001 33.8oz [1L] 10-6004 1gal [4L] 10-6010 2.6gal [10L] Recirculating System Part Numbers Description 10-2431-400 42 gal [160L] with sloped filter for AbrasiMatic 300 and Delta 30 W x 25.5 D x 24in H 762 W x 648 D x 610mm H Recirculating System 22 gal [90L] For AbrasiMatic 300 26.5 W x 18.25 D x 26.5in H 674 W x 464 D x 674mm H (22.5in [572mm]H w/o wheels) 10-2332-260 [200-240VAC, 60Hz] 10-2332-460 [440-480VAC, 60Hz] 10-2332-250 [200-240VAC, 50Hz] 10-2332-400 [380-400VAC, 50Hz] Base Cabinet For AbrasiMet M and AbrasiMatic 300 36 W x 30 D x 36in H [910 W x 760 D x 910mm H] 80-10001 SECTIONING Diamond & CBN Blades for Abrasive Cutters [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] 1.25in [32mm] Arbor (Qty 1) Recommended Use General Use Hard Materials Ceramic and Petrographic samples Plastics and Polymers General use, hardened steel, HRC55 and Up * 230mm Ø Blade Type Diamond Diamond 8in [200mm] 114608E 0.047in [1.2mm] 114808E 0.047in [1.2mm] Diamond Diamond CBN 10in [250mm] 114610E 0.051in [1.3mm] 114810E 0.047in [1.2mm] 114710E 0.047in [1.2mm] 102557 0.049in [1.25mm] 12in 14in [300mm] [350mm] 103056 0.055in [1.4mm] 103053 0.087in [2.2mm] 114814E 0.059in [1.5mm] 114714E 0.059in [1.5mm] 103551 0.079in [2mm] Visit for ordering information. 9 Abrasive Cutter Consumables Abrasive Blades Buehler's Abrasive Blades are designed to provide high quality sectioning results with no burning and minimal surface deformation. This can reduce the amount of grinding & polishing required later in the preparation process. Efficient Cutting with Extended Life An abrasive blade wears down during cutting to expose new abrasive particles and maintain efficient cutting. However, too fast of a wear rate leads to shortened blade life. Buehler's blades have been designed to balance this wear rate to maintain efficient cutting while extending blade life. Resin Bond vs Rubber Bond Buehler's line of abrasive blades includes both rubber bonded and resin bonded blades. While both provide high quality cutting, there are some differences between them. Rubber bonded blades may be thinner for some applications, but emit a burnt rubber odor while cutting. Resin bonded blades offer similar performance with a reduced odor. Abrasive Blades Selection, 1.25in [32mm] Arbor (Qty 10) [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] Rubber Bond = · Resin Bond = * Recommended Use Superalloys, General Steel, Non-Ferrous Ferrous materials >HRC60 Ferrous materials HRC50-60 Ferrous materials HRC35-50 Ferrous materials HRC15-35 High Speed Steel, Stainless Steel, Carburized Steel Delicate Cutting 10in [254mm] Chop/Linear 12-4205-010· 0.051in [1.3mm] 10-4210-010· 0.083in [2.1mm] 102509P* 0.06in [1.5mm] 10-4212-010· 0.083in [2.1mm] 10-31014-010 0.06in [1.5mm] 10-4216-010· 0.083in [2.1mm] 10-31014-010* 0.06in [1.5mm] 10-4220-010· 0.067in [1.7mm] 102511P* 0.06in [1.5mm] 102508P* 0.063in [1.6mm] 10-4227-010· 0.032in [0.8mm] 12in [305mm] Chop/Linear 12-4405-010· 0.055in [1.4mm] 10-31205-010 0.08in [2mm] 12-4110-010· 0.09in [2.3mm] 10-31218-010* 0.08in [2mm] 10-4412-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 10-31212-010* 0.08in [2mm] 12-4116-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 10-31218-010* 0.08in [2mm] 12-4120-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 103011P* 0.079in [2mm] 103008P* 0.079in [2mm] 14in [356mm] Chop/Linear 12-4305-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 10-4310-010· 0.075in [1.9mm] 103509P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 10-4312-010· 0.09in [2.3mm] 103509P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 12-4305-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 103510P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 12-4305-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 103511P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 103508P* 0.102in [2.6mm] Titanium Alloys, Zirconium Alloys, Ductile Materials Non-Ferrous Materials (Aluminum, Copper, Brass), Very Soft Ferrous Materials 10-4245-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 102507P* 0.06in [1.5mm] 10-4250-010· 0.063 in [1.6mm] 102512P* 0.06in [1.5mm] 12-4145-010· 0.087in [2.2mm] 103007P* 0.079in [2mm] 103012P* 0.079in [2mm] 10-4345-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 103507P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 10-4350-010· 0.087in [2.2mm] 103512P* 0.098in [2.5mm] 16in [406mm] Chop/Linear 10-31605-010* 0.125in [3mm] 10-31610-010 0.125in [3mm] 10-31612-010 0.125in [3mm] 10-31616-010 0.125in [3mm] 10-31650-010 0.125in [3mm] 10 AcuThinTM Blades (Qty 10) For certain applications, it is important to minimize the amount of damage done to the sample during sectioning. The AcuThin series offers thin blades that have been developed to minimize the area of cutting thus reducing the amount of damage to the sample. These blades utilize a rubber bond and allow for precise, delicate abrasive sectioning with minimal surface damage. [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] Recommended Use General Use <HRC45 Ferrous Materials >HRC45 9in [230mm] 102301 0.032in [0.8mm] 10-4161-010 0.025in [0.635mm] 10in [254mm] 102501 0.04in [1mm] 10-4261-010 0.025in [0.635mm] 12in [305mm] Chop 10-4360-010 0.032in [0.8mm] 10-4361-010 0.025in [0.635mm] 14in [356mm] Chop 10-3501 0.063in [1.6mm] 103502 0.105in [2.7mm] Abrasive Blades Selection, 1.25in [32mm] Arbor (Qty 10) [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] Rubber Bond = · Resin Bond = * Recommended Use 12in [305mm] Orbital 14in [356mm] Orbital 16in [406mm] Orbital Superalloys, General Steel, Non-Ferrous 12-4405-010· 0.055in [1.4mm] 12-4305-010· 0.063in [1.6mm] 12-5605-010· 0.075in [1.9mm] Ferrous materials >HRC60 12-4410-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-4310-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-5610-010· 0.125in [3mm] Ferrous materials HRC50-60 12-4410-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-4310-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-5612-010· 0.125in [3mm] Ferrous materials HRC35-50 12-4416-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-4316-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-5616-010· 0.125in [3mm] Ferrous materials HRC15-35 Titanium Alloys, Zirconium Alloys, Ductile Materials 12-4420-010· 0.105in [2.7mm] 12-4320-010· 0.087in [2.2mm] 12-5616-010· 0.125in [3mm] 12-5645-010· 0.075in [1.9mm] 18in [455mm] Orbital 12-5805-010· 0.1in [2.5mm] 12-5810-010· 0.153in [3.8mm] 12-5816-010· 0.153in [3.8mm] 12-5816-010· 0.153in [3.8mm] 12-5816-010· 0.153in [3.8mm] 12-5845-010· 0.1in [2.5mm] SECTIONING See Blade Guide for More Information Visit for ordering information. 11 Precision Cutters Excellent Cut Quality for Delicate Samples Sectioning tools capable of cutting virtually any material including metals, composites, cements, laminates, plastics, electronic devices and biomaterials. IsoMetTM High Speed The IsoMet High Speed and IsoMet High Speed Pro are benchtop precision cutters. These machines enable variety in sample preparation to best fit each sample process with automatic cutting capabilities. Quick sample placement or adjustments are achieved in seconds with the rapid rail and tool-less vising system. Sample capacity is 2.8in [71mm] diameter with blade speeds of 200-5000 RPM. Additional IsoMet High Speed Pro Features Automatic Dressing System · Maintain consistent cut quality between and during cutting with the automatic dressing system. Rapid Alignment Laser · Minimize setup time by rapid visual alignment with the IsoMet High Speed Laser. Precise Cut Alignment [Z-Axis] · Align precise cuts quickly by using the 3 axis variable movement of the blade. Model Part Number Voltage/Frequency IsoMetTM High Speed Pro 11-2700 100 - 240VAC, 50-60Hz IsoMetTM High Speed 11-2600 100 - 240VAC, 50-60Hz 36in [914.4mm]H open Dimensions: 24in [609.6mm]W x 30in [762mm]D x 19in [482.6mm]H closed Weight: 157lbs [71kg] 12 Precision Cutters Precision with Flexibility The IsoMet product family is capable of cutting with precision via a gravity fed or automatic movement. The IsoMet family provides great versatility in holding all types of sample shapes and configurations. IsoMetTM 1000 The IsoMet 1000 is a precision sectioning saw is designed for cutting various types of materials with minimal deformation. Targeted for delicate parts by only using gravity fed force. *6in diamond blade, 3in flanges, single saddle chuck and mount chuck included IsoMetTM Low Speed The IsoMet Low Speed is a precision sectioning saw designed for cutting various types of materials with minimal deformation. Targeted for delicate parts by only using gravity fed force. Includes 4in IsoMet Blade, assorted weights, dressing stick, flanges and the following chucks: single saddle, irregular specimen and wafer SECTIONING RPM ranges from 100-975 to provide cut quality for varied materials Part Number Voltage 11-2180 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz 24.5in [622mm]H open Dimensions: 15.5in [394mm]W x 20.25in [514mm]D x 12in [305mm]H closed Weight: 56lbs [25kg] RPM ranges from 0-300 to provide cut quality for varied materials Part Number Voltage Units 11-1280-160 115VAC, 50/60Hz Inches 11-1280-170 115VAC, 50/60Hz Millimeters 11-1280-250 230VAC, 50/60Hz Millimeters Dimensions: 10.5in [267mm]W x 12in [305mm]D x 25.5in [571mm]H Weight: 25lbs [11.3kg] Tips, Tricks & Techniques For the best performance from your Precision Cutter System: · Always tightly clamp your sample · Use double saddle chucks for long parts such as rods · Do not hand dress blades · Mount spheres, unusual shapes and friable materials · Use the largest flange for your blade and specimen · Soft, gummy materials can build up on the blade during the cut and may require dressing while sectioning these materials. Visit for ordering information. 13 Precision Cutter Accessories IsoMetTM Low Speed Cutter Accessories Goniometer Manual Feed Control Dressing Chuck Splash Guard Kit Positions specimen along 3 axis 11-2381 Enables blade dressing without removing the sample fixture 11-1196 Prevents lubricant from splashing out of saw 11-1199 IsoMetTM Low Speed Cutter & 1000 Accessories Swivel Arm Assembly Bar & Tube Chuck Wafer Chuck Vacuum Chuck Swivels to position specimen cutting surface perpendicular to blade (replaces support arm provided with cutter) 11-1181 Securely holds end of a bar tube up to 2in [50mm] long and 0.5in [13mm] in diameter 11-1184 Use mounting wax, 40-8150 or 40-8145 to glue specimens to wafer chuck 1.125 x 2in [29 x 51mm] 11-1186 Holds specimens mounted to glass slides to chuck with vacuum force 11-1188 Small Bone Chuck Double Saddle Chuck Irregular Specimen Chuck Single Saddle Chuck Ideal for clamping bone, plastics, or other semi-rigid solids up to 1.5in [32mm] in diameter 11-1194 Small Double Saddle Chuck that securely holds specimen up to 0.875in [22mm] from 2 points 11-1183 Adjusts to hold irregular shaped specimens up to 1in [25mm] in diameter 11-1185 Holds specimens up to 0.75in [19mm] in diameter 11-1187 Mount Chuck Aluminum chuck holds mounted samples 1-1.25in [25-32mm] 11-1189 14 Precision Cutter Accessories IsoMetTM 1000 Accessories Rotating Chuck Assembly Table Saw Attachment 800 gram Weight Set Goniometer Rotates specimen chuck to increase the maximum cutting depth of the blade 11-2181 Table Saw Splash Guard Transforms gravity fed IsoMet Additional weights for gravity fed 1000 into convenient table saw saws Positions specimen along 3 axis 11-2182 Fastener Chuck 11-2183 Swivel Arm Accessory 11-2185 Double Saddle Chuck SECTIONING Catches splashing lubricant when used in conjunction with the Table Saw Attachment (11-2182) 11-2186 Holds specimen from 0.96in [24.5mm] to 2in [50mm] for longitudinal sectioning 11-2482 Swivels to position specimen Large Double Saddle Chuck that cutting surface perpendicular to securely holds specimen up to blade (replaces provided support arm) 1.5in [38mm] from 2 points 11-2184 11-2483 Glass Slide Chuck Wafer Chuck Single Saddle Chuck Glass Slide Chuck Holds 27 x 46mm, 1 x 2in, or 1 x 3in glass slides 11-2484 Use mounting wax (40-8150) to glue specimens to wafer chuck 1.75 x 2.5in [44 x 64mm] 11-2486 Medium Single Saddle Chuck holds up to 1in [25mm] specimen Holds 2 x 3in glass slides 11-2487 11-2488 Mount Chuck Holds mounted samples 1.5in [40mm] 11-2489 Visit for ordering information. 15 Precision Cutter Accessories IsoMetTM High Speed Cutter Accessories Single Saddle Chuck Double Saddle Chuck Mount Chuck Fastener Chuck Large Single Saddle Chuck holds specimens up to 1.5in [38mm] from 2 point Securely holds specimens up to 1.5in [38mm] from 2 points 11-2661 11-2662 Large Bone Chuck T-Slot Bed Stainless steel chuck holds mounted samples 11-2666 1.25in [30mm] 11-2667 1.5in [40mm] Sliding Vise Holds specimens from 0.04in [1mm] to 2in [50mm] for longitudinal sectioning 11-2687 Rapid Rail Post Ideal for clamping bone, plastics, or other semi-rigid specimens up to 2in [50mm] in diameter 11-2494 Additional T-slot for positioning vises 11-2707 6in [152mm] maximum opening, use requires flange to be 2in [50mm] or less, requires T-slot bed Use with Rapid Rail 11-2669 11-2660 Small Vertical Clamp Irregular Specimen Chuck Recirculating System 7gal [27L] Clamps specimens up to 58mm in height 460022 Adjusts to hold irregular shaped specimens up to 1in [25mm] in diameter 11-1185 Increases cutting fluid capacity to 7gal [27L] at 1.25gal/min [4.7L/min] 16in [406mm]W x 20in [508mm]D x 15in [381mm]H 11-2640 IsoMetTM Precision Cutter Flanges Aluminum Flange Set 11-1192 11-1191 11-2679 11-2282 11-2283 11-2284 1.38in [35mm] 1.75in [44mm] 2.5in [64mm] 3in [76mm] 4in [102mm] 5in [127mm] Stainless Steel Flange Set 11-2688* 3in [76mm] 11-2689* 4in [102mm] *Recommended for the IsoMet High Speed 16 Precision Cutter Consumables Precision Sectioning Blades for IsoMetTM Cutters, 0.5in [12.7mm] Arbor (Qty 1) [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] Recommended Use Use with Saws IsoMet 30HC - Polymers Rubber, Soft Gummy Materials IsoMet 20HC - Aggressive Sectioning of Metals IsoMet 15HC - Metal Matrix Composite, PCBs, Bone, Ti, TSC IsoMet 20LC - Hard tough Materials, Structural Ceramics IsoMet 15LC - Hard Brittle Materials, Glass, Al2O3, ZrO3, Concrete IsoMet 10LC - Medium to Soft Ceramics, Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites IsoMet 5LC - Soft, Friable Ceramics, Composites with Fine Reinforcing, CaF2, MgF2, Carbon Composites 3in [76mm] All 11-4243 0.006in [0.15mm] 11-4253 0.006in [0.15mm] 11-4283 0.006in [0.15mm] 11-4293 0.006in [0.15mm] 4in [102mm] All 11-4244 0.012in [0.3mm] 11-4254 0.012in [0.3mm] 5in [127mm] All 11-4239 0.030in [0.76mm] 11-4215 0.020in [0.5mm] 11-4245 0.015in [0.4mm] 11-4225 0.02in [0.5mm] 11-4255 0.015in [0.4mm] 11-4285 0.015in [0.4mm] 6in [152mm] 1000 IsoMet High Speed 11-4246 0.02in [0.5mm] 11-4276 0.02in [0.5mm] 11-4295 0.015in [0.4mm] IsoCut CBN - Fe, Co, Ni based alloys andsuperalloys 11-4263 0.006in [0.15mm] 11-5264 0.012in [0.3mm] 11-5265 0.015in [0.4mm] 11-5266 0.02in [0.5mm] Cup Grinder for Ceramic & Geological Materials (IsoMet 5000 only) 11-2740 * All Blades (Except 30HC) come with a Dressing Stick included. The Part Numbers shown in the table can be used for re-ordering the Dressing Sticks. SECTIONING Recommended Use 7in [178mm] 8in [203mm] Dressing Stick* Use with Saws 1000 IsoMet High Speed IsoMet High Speed Pro only IsoMet 30HC - Polymers Rubber, Soft Gummy Materials 11-4241 11-4242 0.035in 0.03in [0.76mm] [0.9mm], Blade should not be dressed IsoMet 20HC - Aggressive Sectioning of Metals 11-4237 0.025in [0.6mm] 11-4238 0.035in [0.9mm] 11-1190 11-2490 IsoMet 15HC - Metal Matrix Composite, PCBs, Bone, Ti, TSC 11-4247 0.025in [0.6mm] 11-4248 0.035in [0.9mm] 11-1190 11-2490 IsoMet 20LC - Hard tough Materials, Structural Ceramics 11-4227 0.025in [0.6mm] 11-4228 0.035in [0.9mm] 11-1190 11-2490 IsoMet 15LC - Hard Brittle Materials, Glass, Al2O3, ZrO3, Concrete 11-4277 0.025in [0.6mm] 11-4279 0.045in [1.1mm] 11-1190 11-2490 IsoMet 10LC - Medium to Soft Ceramics, Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites 11-4287 0.02in [0.5mm] 11-4288 0.045in [1.1mm] 11-1290 IsoMet 5LC - Soft, Friable Ceramics, Composites with Fine Reinforcing, CaF2, MgF2, Carbon Composites IsoCut CBN - Fe, Co, Ni based alloys andsuperalloys 11-5267 0.025in [0.6mm] 11-5268 0.035in [0.9mm] 11-1290 11-1190 11-2490 Cup Grinder for Ceramic & Geological Materials (IsoMet 5000 only) * All Blades (Except 30HC) come with a Dressing Stick included. The Part Numbers shown in the table can be used for re-ordering the Dressing Sticks. Visit for ordering information. 17 Precision Cutter Consumables AcuThinTM Abrasive Blades for IsoMetTM Precision Cutters, 0.5in [12.7mm] Arbor (Qty 10) [Blade Thickness is listed under Part Number] Recommended Use Use with Saws Tool Steel, hard steel, HRC45 & Up Medium hard, soft steel, HRC45 & Below Steel, Stainless Steel Hard, soft non-ferrous materials Tough materials and general use 5in [127mm] IsoMet High Speed 10-4060-010 0.019in [0.48mm] 10-4061-010 0.019in [0.48mm] 7in [178mm] IsoMet High Speed 11-4207-010 0.030in [0.76mm] 11-4217-010 0.030in [0.76mm] 150mm IsoMet High Speed 200mm IsoMet High Speed Pro Only 1015998E 1mm 1020998E 1.5mm IsoCutTM Fluid Glossy ReciCleanTM Oil based coolant only for use with the IsoMet Low Speed Saw or any saw with a maximum speed of 500rpm 11-1193-032 1qt [0.95L] 11-1193-128 1gal [3.8L] Clear paste for keeping cutter windows clear 109003 2oz [60mL] Cleaner for recirculation systems 109004 1.25gal [4.75L] Cool 3 Fluid Water miscible fluid concentrate. Dilute coolant to 1:25 to 2:25, with water. 10-6001 33.8oz [1L] 10-6004 1gal [4L] 10-6010 2.6gal [10L] Dressing Wheel For IsoMet High Speed and High Speed Pro 11-2655 20 HC, 15HC, 20LC,15LC, CBN HC, and CBN LC blades 11-2656 10 LC and 5LC blades Dressing Sticks 11-1190 3 x 0.5 x 0.5in [76 x 13 x 13mm] for 20HC, 15HC, 20LC, 15LC, CBN LC and CBN HC precision blades 11-2490 11-1290 3 x 1 x 1in [76 x 25 x 25mm] for 20HC, 15HC, 20LC, 15LC, CBN LC and CBN HC precision blades 3 x 0.5 x 0.5in [76 x 13 x 13mm] for 10LC and 5LC precision blades 18 Petrography Excellent cut quality for delicate samples Buehler offers a complete solution for preparation of thin sections, bulk mounts, or as a powder such as mineral tailings. Each preparation method is dependent on the type of material and the examination method, and starts with proper sample sectioning and mounting. PetroThin The PetroThin Thin Sectioning System is a precise, easy-to-use instrument for re-sectioning and thinning a wide variety of samples, such as rocks and minerals, ceramics, concrete, bone, and teeth for performing materials characterization. Precise cut location control · Two precision micrometers are used for controlling re-sectioning and thinning · Precision of resections and grinds material within ±5µm Increase accuracy and parallelism of samples · To avoid the need to remove the glass slide between steps with a diamond cutting blade and a diamond grinding cup wheel · Single spindle design ensures parallelism of sample by eliminating the need to remove the glass slide between steps *8in diamond blade and an 8in diamond grinding cup included Part Number 38-1450-160 Voltage/Frequency 115VAC, 60Hz 38-1450-250 220VAC, 50Hz Dimensions: 23.5in [597mm] x 19in [483mm] x 16in [406mm] Weight: 94lbs [43kg] PetroBondTM Thin Section Bonding Fixture Assists in bonding specimens to glass slides, accurately controlling the thickness of the bonding media. Applies continuous pressure until sample has completely cured. Controls adhesive thickness by evenly distributing adhesive. Can hold up to 12 slides. Part Number 38-1490 SECTIONING PetroVueTM Thin Section Viewer Polarized light allows monitoring of thickness & uniformity of the specimen. Part Number 30-8050-220 Voltage/Frequency 220VAC, 50/60Hz PetroThin Consumables Part Number 11-4278 40-4508 40-4510 Description Continuous Rim Diamond Blade 8 x 0.045 x 1in [203 x 1 x 25mm] Diamond Cup Grinding Wheel 8 x 0.25 x 1in [203 x 6 x 25mm] Dressing Stick 0.5 x 0.5 x 4in [13 x 13 x 102mm] Visit for ordering information. 19 MOUNTING Automated compression mounting presses, vacuum systems and over 20 types of mounting media Mounting your specimens is important for ease of handling and preservation of the sample edge. When deciding on which mounting technique to use, consider the size and geometry of your part, the part's susceptibility to heat and pressure, and the desired throughput. Featured Microstructure: 3D printed maraging steel, color etched, viewed at 50x mag. under polarized light ~ Lukasz Boron; Foundry Research Institute in Kraków; Kraków, Poland Epoxy Mounting Systems High Performance Choices Buehler epoxies are formulated to excel in a wide variety of applications. Whether the priority is speed, pore penetration, or low curing temperature, there is a Buehler epoxy suited for every sample type. EpoKwickTM FC EpoxiCureTM 2 Spend less time preparing and more time analyzing. · Combines very low viscosity and extremely low shrinkage with good hardness and a fast cure. · Obtain the best sample prep quality even with highly porous samples. · Recommended for aerospace coatings and other applications with porous samples. General purpose epoxy system optimized for routine application · A balanced formula providing good hardness and low shrinkage · Can be used with larger mounting cups EpoThinTM 2 EpoHeatTM CLR Protect samples with this gentle low cure temperature epoxy · Combines low viscosity and low cure temperature · Provides strong adherence and good pore penetration. · Recommended for electronic boards and heat sensitive materials Save time with long pot life · Can remain mixed at room temperature for 3 hours and cures in 60 minutes in the oven. · Water-like viscosity when heated · Recommended for samples requiring maximum pore penetration and/or easy sample removal from mold. Material EpoKwickTM FC EpoThinTM 2 EpoxiCureTM 2 Cure Time 2hrs @ room temperature 9hrs @ room temperature 6hrs @ room temperatures EpoHeatTM CLR 1hr @ 149° F(65°C) *values compared with other epoxies Product Specifications Viscosity* Shrinkage* Best Best Better Better Good Better Best Good Shore D Hardness ~82 Peak Exotherm· 250°F [121°C] ~78 149°F [65°C] ~80 104°F [40°C] ~82 324°F [162°C] Ordering Information Small Resin & Hardener Material Resin Hardener EpoKwickTM FC mix ratio 4:1 by volume EpoThinTM 2 mix ratio 2:1 by volume 20-3440-032 32oz [0.95L] 20-3442-016 16oz [0.48L] EpoxiCureTM 2 mix ratio 4:1 by volume 20-3430-064 64oz [1.9L] 20-3432-016 16oz [0.48L] EpoHeatTM CLR mix ratio 4:1 by volume 20-3423-064 64oz [1.9L] Restricted article, requires special packaging 20-3424-016 16oz [0.48L] ·Peak exotherm is for 20g cured at 70° F Resin Large Resin & Hardener Hardener 20-3453-128 128oz [3.8L] 20-3453-032 32oz [0.95L] 20-3440-128 128oz [3.8L] 20-3442-064 64oz [1.9L] 20-3430-128 128oz [3.8L] 20-3432-032 32oz [0.95L] 22 Acrylic Mounting Systems Increased Mounting Throughput With cure times as low as 5 minutes, our line of acrylics is designed to increase throughput in your mounting process while providing consistent results. SamplKwickTM SamplKwick offers quick cure times and excellent wetting characteristics making it ideal for electronics and PWB applications. VariKleerTM VariKleer produces a crystal clear mount when cured under pressure making it ideal for applications where clarity is required. MOUNTING VariDurTM 10 VariDur 10 is a general purpose acrylic system offering a semitransparent mount with a reduced odor while curing. VariDurTM 200 VariDur 200 is a quick curing acrylic with good edge retention that is ideal for mounting hard materials. VariDurTM 3003 VariDur 3003 is a threepart acrylic with minimal shrinkage and high hardness making it ideal for edge retention applications. Material SamplKwickTM VariKleerTM VariDurTM 10 VariDur 200 VariDur 3003 Cure Time 5-8min @ room temperature 5-15min @ room temperature 8min @ room temperature 5-8min @ room temperature 15-30min @ room temperature Product Specifications Viscosity* Shrinkage* Better Good Better Good Good Good Good Better Good Best Shore D Hardness ~85 Peak Exotherm· ~179°F [81°C] ~84 ~212°F [100°C] ~80 ~212°F [100°C] ~85 ~212°F [100°C] ~90 ~252°F [122°C] *values compared with other acrylics Ordering Information Powder Liquid Kit Material Part Number Size Part Number Size Part Number Size SamplKwickTM 20-3562 20-3566 20-3562-025 20-3562-100 1 lb [0.45kg] 5 lbs [2.3kg] 25 lbs [11.3kg] 100 lb [45kg] 20-3564 20-3568 20-3564-320 20-3564-640 12oz [0.36L] 64oz [1.9L] 2.5gal [9.5L] 5gal [19L] 20-3560 Powder 1 lb [0.45kg] Liquid 12oz [0.36L] VariKleerTM 20-3591 20-3591-002 20-3591-010 2.2 lbs [1kg] 4.4 lbs [2kg] 22 lbs [10kg] 20-3592 20-3592-001 20-3592-005 16.9oz [500mL] 33.8oz [1L] 1.3gal [5L] 20-3590 Powder 2.2 lbs [1kg] Liquid 16.9oz [500mL] VariDur 10 11-1027 11-1031 2.2 lbs [1kg] 22 lbs [10kg] 11-1029 11-1033 16.9oz [500mL] 1.3gal [5L] 11-1037 Powder 2.2 lbs [1kg] Liquid 500mL VariDur 200 11-1030 11-1034 2.2 lbs [1kg] 22 lbs [10kg] 11-1029 11-1033 16.9oz [500mL] 1.3gal [5L] 11-1039 Powder 2.2 lbs [1kg] Liquid 16.9oz [500mL] VariDur 3003 20-3531 3-part system 20-3534 3.3 lbs [1.5kg] 16.5 lbs [7.5kg] 20-3535 20-3536 .65gal [2.5L] Liquid 1 1.3gal [5L] Liquid 2 20-3530 Restricted article, requires special packaging 20-3532 Kit Contains: 16.9oz [500mL] Liquid 1 33.8oz [1L] Liquid 2 ·Peak exotherm is for 20g cured at 70° F Powder 1.7 lbs [750g] Liquid 1 8.4oz [250mL] Liquid 2 16.9oz [500mL] Visit for ordering information. 23 Vacuum Systems,Consumables & Accessories SimpliVacTM Our new vacuum system offers excellent pore impregnation in a compact format. Using your compressed air source, this system quickly and efficiently pulls a vacuum to evacuate trapped air from any porous samples, resulting in optimized edge retention and additional support for processing delicate samples. Vacuum Chamber Dimensions: 12.8in (325 mm) H X 19.2in (488 mm) D X 18.6in (472 mm) W Weight: 51lb (23 kg) High efficiency · Large chamber diameter allows for a high volume of samples to be processed, while the sample tray also provides ample room for larger samples to fit easily in the chamber. Simple Dispensing · Use dispensing tubes and the built-in rotating turn table to dispense epoxy while under vacuum. Programmability · Set the number of cycles, vacuum level and time under vacuum · Allows for multiple cycles to run without user interference, creating consistency while reducing active user time to process samples Part Number 20-1500 Voltage/Frequency 100-240 VAC/ 50-60 HZ, Single Phase 20-1551 20-1553 20-1555 Accessories Dispensing tubes (Qty 100) Vacuum Bowl Liner (Qty 100) Vacuum Tray Liner (Qty 100) Ring Forms & Castable Molds Disposable Mounting Cups Best for mounting low exotherm castable systems like EpoxiCureTM 2 and EpoThinTM 2. Also great for specimen storage (Qty 50) 20-8280 1in x 1in H 20-8281 1.25in x 1in H 20-8282 1.5in x 1in H Plastic Ring Forms Provides a stronger fit of the castable mount to the sample holder for polishing in central force mode. (Qty 100) 20-8151-100 20-8152-100 20-8153-100 20-8154-100 1in 1.25in 1.5in 2in 24 SamplKupTM Reusable with best dimensional stability and suitable for use with all Buehler castable systems. (Qty 12) *not for use in ovens 20-9178 1in x 1in H 20-9177 25mm x 1in H 20-8180 1.25in x 1in H 20-9179 30mm x 1in H 20-9181 1.5in x 1in H 20-9182 40mm x 1in H 20-9184 2in x 1in H 20-9183 50mm x 1in H EPDM Round & Rectangular Molds Suitable for use with all Buehler castable systems. Best choice for large, rectangular mounts and for curing mounts in ovens EPDM Round Molds (Qty 5) 20-8181 20-8182 20-8183 20-8184 20-7183 1in dia x 5/8in H 1.25in dia x 5/8in H 1.5in dia x 5/8in H 2in dia x 1in H 40mm dia x 31mm H 20-7184 50mm dia x 31mm H EPDM Rectangular Molds (Qty 1) 20-7185 20-6185 20-7186 20-6186 20-6187 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.9in [55 x 30 x 22mm] 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.8in [63 x 25 x 46mm] 2.8 x 1.6 x 0.9in [70 x 40 x 22mm] 6 x 4 x 2in [150 x 100 x 50mm] 6 x 3 x 1in [150 x 76 x 25mm] Consumables & Accessories Mounting Consumables & Accessories Pigments Release Agent Mold Release Spray Mold Release Powder Use with castable resins for color coding or creating contrast 20-8505 Black, 1.5oz [45mL] 20-8506 Red, 1.5oz [45mL] 20-8507 Blue, 1.5oz [45mL] Liquid release agent for easier removal of mounts from castable molds or compression mounting presses 20-8186-004 4oz [120mL] 20-8186-032 32oz [950mL] Less hazardous spray release agent for use on castable mounting molds 20-3050-008 8oz [0.24L] Powder release agent for use on mounting presses 20-3048 2oz [45g] SamplKlip SamplKlip I Specimen Support Clip UniClip Support Clip MOUNTING Stainless Steel support clip for use with all mounting systems.* 0.25 H x 0.550 W x 0.350in L [6 x 14 x 9mm] 0.575g 20-4000-100 (Qty 100) Plastic support clip best for castable mounting systems.* 0.25 H x 0.475 W x 0.3in L [~6 x 12 x 8mm] 0.230g 20-4100-100 (Qty 100) 0.25 H x 0.425 W x 0.25in L [~6 x 11 x 6mm] 0.230g 20-4100-100S (Qty 100) Plastic Mixing Cup Paper Mixing Cup Plastic support clip best for castable mount systems.· 0.25 H x 0.290 W x 0.375in L [6 x 7 x 9.5mm] 0.145g 20-4001-000 (Qty 1000) Plastic support clip for use with all mounting systems. 0.4 H x 0.360 W x 0.500in L [10 x 9 x 13mm] 0.290g 20-5100-100 113043 Clear (Qty100) Black (Qty 100) Stirring Sticks MetKleerTM Adhesive Bases Graduated Plastic Mixing cup for mixing castable mounting systems. 8.5oz [250mL] (Qty 100) 20-8176-100 Non Graduated Paper Mixing cup for mixing castable mounting systems. 5oz [148mL] (Qty 100) 20-8177-100 For stirring castable mounting systems. (Qty 1000) 20-8175 For use with ring forms and castable systems. 4 x 5in [102 x 127mm] (Qty 10) 20-8188 Conductive Filler Flat Edge Filler Thermoplastic Cement Crystalbond Mounting Wax Nickel-based filler makes castable mounting systems conductive 20-8500 2 lb [0.9kg] Enhances edge retention in castable mounting systems by increasing hardness of mount 20-8196 1 lb [0.45kg] For adhering samples to glass slides or other specialty holders 40-8100 Use at 266° F [130°C] (Qty 12) For adhering samples to glass slides or other specialty holders 40-8150 Use at 257°F [125°C] 20-8145 Use at 127°F[53°C] * Compatible with specimens up to 0.200in [5mm] thick Restricted article, requires special packaging · Compatible with specimens between 0.0035 0.090in [0.9 2.3mm] Visit for ordering information. 25 Compression Mounting Protect the integrity of your samples Compression Mounting is the preferred method for optimal edge preservation and highest throughput. Buehler carries compression mounting systems and mounting compounds designed to fit the varying needs of different labs. SimpliMetTM 4000 Mounting Press The fastest mounting press designed for 24/7 use. Eliminate bottlenecks at the mounting stage, rapidly transforming your cut samples to specimens ready for grinding and polishing. Part Number 20-1011-5001 20-1011-5025 20-1011-5125 20-1011-5030 20-1011-5150 20-1011-5040 Mold Assembly with 1in Mold with 25mm Mold with 1.25in Mold with 30mm Mold with 1.5in Mold with 40mm Mold High reliability in 24/7 use environments The SimpliMet 4000 was tested in extreme conditions and simulated the duty cycle of the busiest labs in the world. This machine provides high reliability in continuous use environments. Optimize productivity in your space The SimpliMet 4000 packs fast mounting cycles into limited bench space, optimizing productivity. Fast duplex mounting allows two mounts to be made during the same cycle with minimal increase in cycle time. 20-1011-5050 with 50mm Mold Ease of use saves time and protects sample quality Dimensions:12.25in [311mm]W x 26in [662mm]D x 20.62in [524mm] open 12.25in [311mm]W x 26in [662mm]D x 19.62in [498mm] closed Voltage/Frequency: 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Weight: 120lb [54kg] The simple user interface limits errors and protects the quality of your sample prep. Everything you need is right on the front panel. Use the Simplimet 4000 out of the box without the wait. Comfortable to use The single handed closure mechanism engages quickly, Chamfer Ram moving you right into your next task Increase your grinding and polishing efficiency with a Chamfer Ram. Chamfer rams eliminate sharp edges by creating a beveled edge around the working face of the sample. This saves time and consumable costs during your grinding step. Part Number 2011122 2011123 Description 1.25in Chamfer ram and spacer 30mm Chamfer ram and spacer Part Number 2011124 2011125 2011127 Description 1.5in Chamfer ram and spacer 40mm Chamfer ram and spacer 50mm Chamfer ram and spacer 26 Compression Mounting Compounds Compression mounting compounds utilize heat and pressure to encapsulate a specimen. Buehler's compounds minimize shrinkage while protecting and preserving sample edges during the preparation process. Wide Portfolio for Every Application The choice of a mounting compound depends on the goals of the lab and requirements of final analysis. See below for the many different compounds that are available to meet the needs of a lab. Excellent Edge Retention EpoMet offers excellent edge retention making it ideal for processing harder materials. The fine particle size of EpoMet F is great for intricate structures and penetration while the granular size of EpoMet G is easier and cleaner to use. Quick Cycle Set-Up with No Mess Save time and maximize cleanliness by eliminating the measuring and pouring of powder. Simply place a PhenoCure premold into the mounting chamber and the cycle is ready to begin. Material Recommended Use PhenoCureTM General purpose metallography Diallyl Phthalate Mineral Filled Diallyl Phthalate Glass Filled EpoMetTM G (Granular) EpoMetTM F (Fine) TransOpticTM KonductoMetTM ProbeMetTM Moderately hard material Moderately hard material for etching Very hard material Very hard material with complex geometries When transparency of the mount is useful SEM analysis when carbon is not the object of analysis SEM analysis when copper is not of interest. Great for electropolishing Color Black, Red, Green Blue Blue Black Black Clear Black Copper Hardness (Shore D) ~88 Edge Retention Good ~91 Better ~91 Better ~94 Best ~94 Best ~80 Good ~88 Good ~94 Better General Purpose Compounds PhenoCureTM & PhenoCure LP Powder* PhenoCureTM Premold MOUNTING A wood-flour phenolic thermoset resin that provides good edge retention and moderate shrinkage. * A wood-flour thermoset resin that provides good edge retention and moderate shrinkage with less hazardous ingredients. Size 5 lbs [2.3kg] 25 lbs [11.3kg] 40 lbs [18.1kg] Black 20-3100-080 20-6100-080* 20-3100-400 20-6100-400* 20-3100-500 20-6100-500* Red Green 20-3200-080 20-3300-080 20-3200-400 20-3300-400 20-3200-500 20-3300-500 Premolds reduce mess and save time. Simply place the premold over the specimen in the mold cylinder. Premolds are sold 500/pack. Size 1in [25mm] 1.25in [32mm] 1.5in [38mm] 1.75in [45mm] Black 20-3111-501 20-3112-501 20-3113-501 20-10090 Red 20-3212-501 20-3213-501 Green 20-3312-501 20-3313-501 Visit for ordering information. 27 Compression Mounting Compounds General Purpose Compounds Black EpoMetTM G (Granular) A mineral filled epoxy thermoset with excellent edge retention for mounting hard materials. 20-3380-064 20-3380-160 20-3380-400 20-3380-500 4 lbs [1.8kg] 10 lbs [4.5kg] 25 lbs [11.3kg] 40 lbs [18.1kg] Blue Specialty Compounds Black EpoMetTM F (Fine) A mineral filled epoxy thermoset with fine particles and excellent edge retention for mounting hard materials with complex geometries. 20-3381-070 20-3381-160 20-3381-400 4 lbs [1.8kg] 10 lbs [4.5kg] 25 lbs [11.3kg] Clear Diallyl Phthalate A filled thermoset resin recommended for mounting moderately hard materials. Choose glass filled for etching or mineral filled for better abrasion resistance. 20-3330-080 Mineral Filled, 5 lbs [2.3kg] 20-3340-080 Glass Filled, 5 lbs [2.3kg] TransOptic A transparent thermoplastic acrylic that allows the user to easily extract the specimen from the mount with reheating. Requires a special cooling cycle available on the SimpliMetTM 4000. 20-3400-080 5 lbs [2.3kg] Black KonductoMet A graphite and mineral filled phenolic thermoset recommended for SEM analysis of specimens when carbon is not the object of analysis. 20-3375-016 1 lbs [0.45kg] 20-3375-400 25 lbs [11.3kg] Copper ProbeMet A copper and mineral filled phenolic thermoset recommended for SEM analysis of specimens when copper is not the object of analysis. Note: Can cause a Cu-Al galvanic corrosion on aluminum specimen. 20-3385-064 4 lbs [1.8kg] Compression Mounting Tips You can minimize shrinkage and improve edge retention by cooling the mount to room temperature under pressure before removing it from the mounting press. Uncured mounts can be caused by excess moisture in the mounting compound. Make sure to properly close the container between uses. Radial splitting of mounts is often caused by sharp edges on the sample, by samples that are too large for the mold or samples that are too close to the mold wall. Round off sharp corners and move the specimen farther from the edge of the mount. Bulging or soft mounts are a result of insufficient cure times. Increase the cure time. Unfused or frosted mounting compound is often a sign of insufficient molding temperatures or pressures. Ensure the temperature and pressure settings on the mounting press match the recommendations for the compression compound being using. 28 Mounting Tips Castable Mounting Tips Epoxy Tips · Some epoxies can be cured more quickly by gently heating, typically at 30-40° C. Use caution as higher cure temperatures can cause excessive heating during curing. · When mixing, tilt the cup containing the resin and hardener slightly and gently work the resin and hardener together using a lift and stir motion. · To get the best results, use a vacuum system to evacuate air trapped in epoxy systems and samples. This reduces or eliminates the gap at the sample/epoxy interface, fills pores in the specimen with epoxy and enhances the end result. · Epoxies are sensitive to the ratio of resin and hardener. Be sure to follow the recommended mass ratio for each product. Acrylic Tips · Acrylics cure quickly so it is highly recommended to pour the mixture into the mold immediately after mixing to prevent "gelling". · Acrylic system are not for use with Vacuum Systems because the vapor released can eliminate the vacuum nor are they for use with Disposable Mounting Cups because the heat of the reaction will degrade the plastic cup and produce a bad mount edge. · To improve edge retention for acrylic systems, coat the sample in the liquid hardener before pouring in mixed compound. See Mounting Guide for More Information MOUNTING Visit for ordering information. 29 GRINDING & POLISHING Automated and manual grinders and polishers with a broad range of consumables for any lab The goal of the grinding and polishing steps is to prepare a final polished specimen that is free of deformation and suitable for analysis. This can be achieved in multiple ways depending on the overall goals of the lab. Whether a lab is looking for the quickest overall process, the best surface finish or versatility to prepare many different materials, Buehler has a solution for the grinding and polishing needs. Featured Microstructure: Alumina coating on steel substrate at 500x mag. in darkfield ~ David DeLagrave and Jean Michel Lamarre; Conseil national de recherches Canada; Boucherville, Québec, Canada Product Comparison A Grinder-Polisher Solution for Any Lab With the launch of the AutoMet Grinder-Polisher, Buehler now offers a full line of easy-to-use machines. Choose from the EcoMet30 or AutoMet grinder-polishers to provide the perfect solution for your lab. EcoMetTM 30 Manual EcoMetTM 30 Semi-Auto EcoMet 30 Manual is a cost effective grinder-polisher with the essential functions. It has quick clean features to save time and effort, and is made from a durable metal casting for robustness and stability. It has an ergonomic splash ring for comfortable manual use. Available with two platens. AutoMetTM 250 EcoMet 30 Semi-Auto is an entry level grinderpolisher with an emphasis on simplicity. All functions are easily accessible on an uncomplicated touch screen interface. It's compatible with a dispensing system to go hands-free during the polishing process and improve repeatability. AutoMetTM 250 Pro AutoMet 250 is an advanced grinder-polisher with more power to accommodate a greater capacity for high volume environments. The straightforward controls remove complexity from the grinding and polishing process. AutoMet 250 Pro has additional premium features. The enhanced programmability is highly intuitive with easy method storage. Improve repeatability with the automated dispensing system. The machine has z axis removal capabilities for grinding and polishing by depth. AutoMetTM 300 Pro AutoMet 300 Pro is similar to the AutoMet 250 Pro, with a stronger motor and larger platen size to accommodate larger samples. It's also compatible with accessories such as PC-Met and PWB Met for PCB grinding and polishing. If you need further assistance in selecting the best GrinderPolisher for your application, please reach out to your local Buehler Sales Engineer or visit Style Platen Count Platen Sizes Controls Dispensing Capability Method Storage Removal by Depth Rinse & Spin Single Force Max Capacity Central Force Max Capacity Specimen Max Size EcoMet 30 Manual Manual Single or Twin 8", 10", or 12" Knobs EcoMet 30 Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Single or Twin 8", 10", or 12" Touch screen Dispensing (3 max) X 4 12 40mm AutoMet 250 Semi-Auto Single 8" or 10" Membrane 6 12 40mm 32 AutoMet 250 Pro Semi-Auto Single 8" or 10" Touch screen Dispensing (5 Max) Methods Z axis removal X 6 12 40mm AutoMet 300 Pro Semi-Auto Single 10" or 12" Touch screen Dispensing (5 max) Methods Z axis removal X 6 12 50mm AutoMetTM Grinder - Polisher Designed for Demanding Production Lab Environments Easily accommodate many applications with this versatile line of Grinder-Polishers. All products have durable construction for reliability in high use environments, unique quick cleaning features, and plenty of enhancements for user friendly operation. GRINDING & POLISHING AutoMetTM Grinder-Polisher The AutoMet grinder-polisher is a high performance machine, designed for reliability, flexibility, and ease of use. Upgrade to a Pro model for intelligent programming that makes advanced functionality easy with highly reproducible results. AutoMet Features · Built tough for high volume use. · Save time with quick clean features including a retractable water hose, disposable bowl liner and integrated 360 degree bowl rinse. · AutoMet 300 12" platen size provides a larger working area for faster grinding or to accommodate large samples. · AutoMet 250 8" and 10" platen size choice optimizes the cost of paper and diamond when a larger unit isn't required. AutoMet Pro Features · Color touch screen controls add functionality needed for advanced methods, such as method creation/storage and Z-axis material removal by depth. · Improve productivity and consistency by integrating with a Burst Dispensing System (see page 36). Model AutoMet 250 AutoMet 250 Pro AutoMet 300 Pro Part Number Voltage/Frequency 49-7257 100 - 240VAC, 50-60Hz 49-7258 100 - 240VAC, 50-60Hz 49-7268 170-240 VAC, 50-60Hz Accessories AutoMet 250 & 250 Pro 40-4061 8in [203mm] Aluminum Platen 40-0500 10in [254mm] Aluminum Platen 60-9080 Disposable Bowl Liner (Qty 5) 49-1250 Lid for AutoMet 250 49-2250 Splash Guard Kit for AutoMet 250 AutoMet 300 40-0500 10in [254mm] Aluminum Platen 49-1777 12in [305mm] Aluminum Platen 60-9081 Disposable Bowl Liners (Qty 5) 4961-300 Splash guard for AutoMet 300 49-1300 Lid for AutoMet 300 Visit for ordering information. 33 EcoMetTM 30 Grinder - Polisher Grinding & Polishing Made Simple The EcoMet 30 is an entry level grinder-polisher and an excellent choice for any lab that values simplicity. Best suited for low variety environments or those with a dedicated machine for each grinding-polishing step. EcoMet 30 Manual Grinder Polisher The EcoMet 30 provides simple operation for manual grinding and polishing. The comfortable splash guard design allows for excellent control while holding a part. Easy to use and easy to clean. Durability tested over 2500 hours and flexible enough to be compatible with 8in [203mm], 10in [254mm] and 12in [305mm] platens. EcoMet 30 Manual EcoMet 30 Twin Manual Model Single Part Number 49-10070 Voltage/Frequency 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 19.7in [500mm] L x 25.6in [650mm] D x 17.7in [450mm] H Weight: 102lbs [46kg] Model Twin Part Number 49-10072 Voltage/Frequency 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 37.4in [950mm] L x 26in [660mm] D x 17.7in [450mm] H Weight: 154lbs [70kg] Ergonomic Manual Polish · Large flat work space and ergonomic bowl height provides better control and more comfort · Additional control improves sample quality and reduces grinding time · Low force on/off knob Easy to Clean · Easy to remove platens allows for fast deep cleaning · Large straight path draining system Accessories Platen Kit (Required) Each Kit includes a platen, splash ring and cover 49-1008 8in [203mm] Aluminum Platen 49-1010 10in [254mm] Aluminum Platen 49-1012 12in [305mm] Auminum Platen Replacement Bowl Liners All EcoMet 30's include one bowl liner per bowl. Remove and wash the liner for quick bowl cleaning. 49-1005 Qty 5 34 EcoMetTM 30 Grinder - Polisher GRINDING & POLISHING EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic Grinder Polisher The EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic provides simple operation for routine grinding and polishing. The user-friendly touchscreen interface puts all regularly used functions on the front screen with no complicated menus that can add time to the process. Ideal for users who have a dedicated machine for each step in their process, the EcoMet 30 saves time with advanced cleaning features. Durability tested over 2500 hours and flexible enough to be compatible with 8in [203mm], 10in [254mm] and 12in [305mm] platens. EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic Model Single Part Number 49-10075 Voltage/Frequency 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 19.7in [500mm] L x 25.6in [650mm] D x 25.6in [650mm] H Weight: 165lbs [75kg] Routine Grinding and Polishing Made Easy · Intuitive touchscreen interface · No complicated menus · Focus on everyday use features Easy to Clean · User selectable rinse and spin function · Easy to remove platens · Large straight path draining system EcoMet 30 Twin Semi-Automatic Model Twin Part Number 49-10076 Voltage/Frequency 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 37.4in [950mm] L x 26in [660mm] D x 25.6in [650mm] H Weight: 232lbs [105kg] Burst Dispensing · The EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic units can be connected to the Burst Dispensing System for increased throughput in the lab · The Burst will automatically dispense during the cycle allowing a user to operate other machines during the polishing process Thoughtful Design Elements · Touchscreen location and angle is easy to see and easy to reach for users of various heights · All cast aluminum design adds stability and durability Visit for ordering information. 35 Grinder Polisher Accessories Burst Dispensing System The Burst Dispensing System is a flexible, easy to operate dispensing system for all diamond and final polishing suspensions. This product improves both productivity and consistency by dispensing suspensions at fixed intervals and configurable rates. Choose from two different Burst Configurations Fully Integrated The Grinder-Polisher controls the start/stop function and the volume rate. (AutoMet 250 Pro shown with 5 burst modules and a stadium seating module.) Independent The Burst Module Control Panel is used to control dispensing stop/start and volume rate. Compatible with EcoMet 30 AutoMet 250 Pro, AutoMet 300 Pro How to configure the fully integrated burst system for AutoMet 250 and AutoMet 250 Pro: Choose up to 5 burst modules (Part Number 40-10005) - Add stadium seating module (Part Number 40-10004) - Add dispensing arm (Part Number 40-10006) - Add optional stir bar (Part Number 00-10100) How to configure the fully integrated burst system with EcoMet 30: Choose up to 3 burst modules (Part Number 40-100005) - Add cable to control start/stop function (Part Number 40-2704) - Add optional stir bar (Part Number 00-10100) Accessories 40-10004 Stadium Seating Module A compact and efficient method to hold up to 5 burst modules 40-10006 Dispensing Arm for AutoMetTM 250/300 The dispensing arm attaches the AutoMet Pro Grinder-Polisher to the burst dispensing system. Outlet tubing from the burst system is secured neatly into the arm. Outlet nozzles dispense suspension on to the platen. 00-10100 Stir Bar Magnetically driven stir bars prevents settling of suspension. Use one for each module. 36 Compatible with all Grinder-Polishers How to configure independent burst modules: Choose burst module (Part Number 40-10005) - Up to 5 modules can be connected to one electrical power source; requires cable for connecting module to module (Part Number 40-2832) - Add optional stir bar (Part Number 00-10100) - Add optional hand switch (Part Number 40-2823) 40-2832 Accessories Cable for connecting module to module For connecting more than 1 burst module in the independent configuration. Up to 5 modules can be connected together. Requires one cable for each module added to the first module. 40-2823 Hand Switch Used to control the start/stop function. 00-10100 Stir Bar Magnetically driven stir bars prevents settling of suspension. Use one for each module. 40-2704 Cable to Control Start/Stop Function For controlling start/stop function of Burst from the AutoMet 250/300 & EcoMet 30 GRINDING & POLISHING Planar Grinder PlanarMetTM 300 Planar Grinder The PlanarMet 300 bench top planar grinding machine with a high torque, continuous duty, 5.7Hp motor has an aggressive material removal rate normally seen in much larger, more expensive floor model machines. Convenience features such as an integrated auto wheel dressing and built in cooling make it easy to get consistent results. High Quality Results · Auto Dressing System ensures fresh consistent abrasive surface giving consistent results. · Controlled material depth removal (Z-axis) is programmable and accurate to 0.0004in or0.1mm. · High water flow and unique manifold keeps specimens cool, minimizing subsurface damage Save space · Compact format that is just as powerful as a large, floor standing model · Bench top design ideal for direct integration to bench top polishing steps Flexibility to adapt to changing needs · Choice of grinding stones available for almost any material application · Timed cycle provides flexibility in methods Benefits of planar grinders · Reduce process steps and grind 4X faster compared to SiC paper · Go from 3 grinding steps to just 1 step Part Number 49-10000-250 49-10000-260 49-10000-450 49-10000-460 Voltage/Frequency 208-240VAC, 50Hz, 3-Phase 208-240VAC, 60Hz, 3-Phase 380-480VAC, 50Hz, 3-Phase 380-480VAC, 60Hz, 3-Phase Dimensions: 21.25in [539mm]W x 31in [787mm]D x 29.75 [755mm]H Weight: 275 lbs [125 kg] Accessories & Consumables for PlanarMet 300 Grinding Stones Planar Grinding Stones are multi-use abrasive discs designed for the PlanarMet 300. They provide high material removal rates and consistent scratch patterns. Size: 12in [305mm], 1in [25mm] thickness Part Number Description 49-7280 Alumina Grinding Stone for Ferrous & Superalloy 49-7281 SiC Grinding Stone for Non-Ferrous & Ti Alloys 49-100 Replacement Dressing Stick, Metal-Matrix Diamond 49-1001 Chuck adaptor for legacy specimen holders Recirculation System Recirculation tank on wheels for use with PlanarMetTM 300. Part Number 56-0026 56-0027 Capacity 12gal [60L] 12gal [60L] Voltage/Frequency 380-400VAC, 50/60Hz 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz Visit for ordering information. 37 Grinder Polisher Accessories Sample holders are designed for use with Buehler's grinder-polishers to facilitate process automation and optimization. Many options for different sample sizes and shapes are available depending on the shapes, sizes, and capacities required. Single Force Specimen Holders Round/Barrel Rectangle Slides EcoMet 30 Power Head Part Number Style 60-10060 For use with 60-9005 Drive Adapter Size Capacity Additional Accessories 1in 4 63-1022 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-10061 1.25in 4 63-1023 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-10063 25mm 4 63-1022 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-10064 30mm 4 63-1023 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-10065 40mm 4 63-1024 Retaining Rings (Qty 3pk) AutoMetTM 250 Power Head Part Number Style 60-9010 For use with 60-9005 Drive Adapter. Size Capacity Additional Accessories 63-1022 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-9100 27 x 46mm Glass Slide Holder 1in 6 60-9120 1 x 3in Glass Slide Holder 60-9140 28 x 48mm Glass Slide Holder 60-9130 2 x 3in Glass Slide Holder 60-9011 1.25in 6 63-1023 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-9012 1.5in 6 63-1024 Retaining Rings (Qty 3pk) 60-9020 25mm 6 63-1022 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-9021 30mm 6 63-1023 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-9022 40mm 6 63-1024 Retaining Rings (Qty 3pk) AutoMetTM 300 Power Head For use with 60-9005 Drive Adapter. Part Number Style 60-9060 Size 1in Capacity Additional Accessories 63-1022 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 6 60-9120 1 x 3in Glass Slide Holder 60-9130 2 x 3in Glass Slide Holder 60-9100 27 x 46mm Glass Slide Holder 60-9140 28 x 48mm Glass Slide Holder 60-9061 1.25in 6 63-1023 Retaining Rings (Qty 6pk) 60-9062 1.5in 6 63-1024 Retaining Rings (Qty 3pk) 60-9063 2in 6 60-9070 25mm 6 63-1022 Retaining Rings 60-9071 30mm 6 63-1023 Retaining Rings 60-9072 40mm 6 63-1024 Retaining Rings 60-9073 60-9049 50mm 6 For Target Holders 3 38 Grinder Polisher Accessories Central Force Specimen Holders Round/Barrel Rectangle AutoMet 300 Power Head For use with 60-9000 Drive Adapter. Uses Loading Plates 60-2412 or 60-2413 181mm diameter for 12" platens Teardrop AutoMet 250 and EcoMet 30 Power Heads For use with 60-9000 Drive Adapters Uses Loading Plates 60-2411 or 60-2413 130mm diameter for 8", 10" or 12" platens Part Number Style Size Capacity Part Number Style Size 60-5281 1in 10 60-2482 1in Capacity 6 60-5282 60-5252 60-5287 60-5283 60-5253 60-5288 60-5299 60-5296 60-5245 60-5297 60-5298 1.25in 10 1.25in or 30mm 9 30mm 10 1.5in 6 1.5in or 40mm 6 40mm 6 2in 5 2in or 50mm 5 2 x 1.38in [50 x 35mm] 5 55 x 30mm 5 70 x 40mm 3 60-2483 60-2422 60-2485 1.25in 6 1.25in [32mm] 6 1.5in 3 60-2486 30mm 6 60-2487 40mm 3 60-2409 1 x 1.25in [25.4 x 31.75mm] 4 Uses loading plates 60-2411 or 60-2412 157mm diameter for 10" or 12" platens 60-8240 18 - 51mm 5 60-8210 12 - 40mm 6 60-8262 10 - 25mm 12 60-8254 55 x 30mm 5 60-8255 70 x 40mm 3 Accessories for Specimen Holders Loading Fixtures and Plates Used for loading Central Force Specimen Holders to ensure planar samples. Part Number 60-2410 60-2411 60-2412 60-2413 Description Loading Fixture Loading Plate for 130mm and 157mm diameter Loading Plate for 157mm and 181mm diameter Loading Plate for 130mm and 181mm diameter GRINDING & POLISHING Drive Adapters Pairs specimen holders to the chuck of the automatic head Part Number 60-9000 Central Force 60-9005 Single Force Compatible With AutoMet 250/300 PlanarMet 300, EcoMet 30 AutoMet 250/300, EcoMet 30 Target Holders Designed for precise material removal to specified depths. Includes one ceramic and one steel stop ring. Part Number 60-8100 60-8101 60-8102 60-8112 60-8113 60-9049 Description For 28 x 48mm glass slide (histologic holder) For 1in [25mm] mounted specimens For 1.25in [32mm] mounted specimens For 30mm mounted specimens For 40mm mounted specimens Specimen Holder for Target Holders (Drive Adapter 60-9005 required) Visit for ordering information. 39 Grinder Polisher Accessories Blank Specimen Holders For use with 60-9000 Drive Adapter. Slide Holders & Glass Slides Glass Slide Size 1 x 3in 2 x 3in 27 x 46mm 27 x 46mm 28 x 48mm Slide Holder 60-9120 (max 3 per specimen holder) 60-9130 (max 2 per specimen holder) 60-9100 (max 3 per specimen holder) 30-8005 hand-held holder 60-9140 (max 3 per specimen holder) Part Number 60-2408 60-5254 Diameter 5.12in [130mm] for 8", 10" or 12" platens 7.12in [181mm] for 12" platens only Power Head EcoMetTM 30, AutoMetTM 250 AutoMet 300 Single Force Specimen Holder 60-9010 for AutoMet 250 60-9060 for AutoMet 300 60-9060 for AutoMet 300 60-9010 for AutoMet 250 60-9060 for AutoMet 300 60-9010 for AutoMet 250 60-9060 for AutoMet 300 Glass Slides 40-8000-001 (Qty 144) 40-8000-010 (Qty 1440) 40-8000-001 (Qty 144) 40-8000-010 (Qty 1440) PC-MetTM Precision High Volume Printed Wiring Board Accessory · High volume printed wiring board preparation system · Prepares up to 36 coupons simultaneously · Prepares reproducible cross-sections of through-holes down to 0.008in · For use with AutoMet 300 Part Number 60-5090 Contents Indexing pins, carbide and diamond stops, pin loader, dial indicator, gauge blocks and wooden case 60-5053 60-5067 60-9000 Accessories Coupon Pins 1.0625in [27mm] long (Qty 1000) Cup, Extended Upper Mold Plate, 0.8in (Qty 6) Central Force Drive Adapter for AutoMetTM 250/300 PWB MetTM Small Hole Accessory · High volume printed wiring board preparation system · Prepares up to 18 coupons simultaneously · Prepares reproducible cross-sections of through-holes down to 0.004in · For use with EcoMet 30 and AutoMet 300 Part Number 60-5175 Contents Indexing pins, polycrystalline diamond stops, Pin loader, dial indicator calibration gauge, silicone mold release spray, gauge blocks, sample extractor and wooden case 60-5186 60-5084 Accessories PWB Met Short Pin Loader 0.375in [10mm] long, PWB Met Pins 0.375in [10mm] long (Qty 3000) 40 Grinder Polisher Specialty & Support Equipment MiniMetTM 1000 A low volume, single specimen machine capable of preparing a wide variety of materials. Space saving design employs geometric action, increasing specimen consistency. Easy to use · Simple operations ideal for low volume applications Save space and lower costs · Designed to use 2.875in [73mm] abrasive paper and polishing cloths Part Number Voltage/Frequency 69-1100 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 7in [180mm]W x 16in [400mm]D x 8in [200mm]H Weight: 25 lbs [11 kg] GRINDING & POLISHING 69-1111 69-1112 69-1500 69-1562 69-1566 69-1567 69-1580 Accessories Caged Specimen Holder, for 1in [25mm] or 1.25in [32mm] Mounted Specimens Caged Specimen Holder, for 1.5in [38mm] Mounted Specimens Polishing Bowls, 4in [100mm] Diameter (1 each Black, White, Blue) Glass Circular Slides, 0.5in [13mm] Diameter (Qty 50) MiniMet 1000 Precision Thinning Attachment Glass Disc, 2.145in [55mm] Diameter (Qty 5) MiniMet Thin Section Attachment (includes 3 bowls, glass and section holder) 69-1581 69-1582 69-1583 69-1590 69-1502 69-1510 69-1550 69-1552 Thin Section Bowls, 4.75in [121mm] (1 each Black, White, Blue) Thin Section Glass Platens, 4in [100mm] (Qty 3) (replacement) MiniMet Thin Section Slide Holder, 46 x 27mm MiniMet Wafer Polishing Attachment Storage Caddie for MiniMet Bowls (Qty 3) Glass Platen (Qty of 3) MiniMet Alignment Fixture with 3 Drill Bits Set of 3 Drill Bits (replacement) Grinding & Polishing Consumables for MiniMet 1000 Silicon Carbide Paper, PSA Backed, 2.875in [73mm] (Qty 100) CarbiMetTM MicroCutTM Grit Size ANSI [FEPA] Micron Part Number Grit Size - ANSI [FEPA] Micron 120 [P120] 127 36-02-0120 800 [P1500] 13 180 [P180] 78 36-02-0180 1200 [P2500] 8 240 [P280] 52 36-02-0240 320 [P400] 35 36-02-0320 400 [P800] 22 36-02-0400 600 [P1200] 15 36-02-0600 Part Number 36-02-0800 36-02-1200 Premium Polishing Cloths, PSA Backed, 2.875in [73mm] (Qty 20) Cloth UltraPolTM Nylon TexMetTM C TriDentTM Stage Coarse Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Part Number 40-7442 40-7052 40-1102 40-7502 Cloth MicroClothTM MasterTexTM ChemoMetTM Stage Fine Fine Fine Part Number 40-7212 40-7702 40-7902 Visit for ordering information. 41 Grinder Polisher Specialty & Support Equipment VibroMetTM 2 Vibratory Polisher VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher is designed to prepare high quality polished surfaces on a wide variety of materials, including EBSD applications. The 7200 cycles per minute horizontal motion produces a very effective polishing action, providing superior results, exceptional flatness and less deformation. Safe and effective results · Vibratory polisher removes minor deformation remaining after mechanical preparation, revealing the stress-free surface without need for the hazardous electrolytes required by electro-polishers. High quality surface finish · Combine the VibroMet 2 with MasterMetTM Colloidal Silica to chemomechanically polish a specimen to a surface finish suitable for electron-backscatter diffraction (EBSD). 67-1525 67-1526 67-1527 67-1528 Part Number Voltage/Frequency 67-1635-160 115VAC, 60Hz 67-1635-250 220VAC, 50Hz Dimensions: 21.5in [546mm]W x 23in [584mm]D x 14.5in [368mm]H Accessories Specimen Holder, 2in [50mm] (Qty 3) Specimen Holder, 1in [25mm] (Qty 3) Specimen Holder, 1.25in [32mm] (Qty 3) Specimen Holder, 1.5in [38mm] (Qty 3) 67-1530 67-1529 67-1541 67-1540 Polishing Bowl Accessory Specimen Weights (Qty 9) Loading Fixture, 2in and 50mm Loading Fixture, 1in [25mm], 1.25in [32mm], 1.5in [38mm] Electropolishing & Etching Systems The ElectroMet 4 and PoliMat 2 systems provide both electropolishing and etching capabilities to enable efficient sample preparation. ElectroMetTM 4 PoliMatTM 2 ElectroMet 4 includes ElectroMet 4 Power Source, Polishing Cell and Etching Cell. Products not available in Europe Part Number Voltage/Frequency 70-1830-115 115VAC, 60Hz 70-1830-220 220-240VAC, 50Hz Dimensions: 13.125in [333mm]W x 18.5in [470mm]D x 9in [229mm]H 70-1832 70-2015 70-2100 70-2105 70-3100 Accessories ElectroMet 4 Polishing Cell Masks (Qty 5) Stainless Steel Cathodes Copper Cathode Etching Cell 42 Includes controller, complete polishing cell and 4 masks Product only available in Europe Part Number Voltage/Frequency 511000 230VAC, 50/60Hz Dimensions: 19.7in [500mm]W x 11.8in [300mm]D x 9.8in [250mm]H 510010 510100 Accessories Complete polishing cell Set of masks (1cm2, 2cm2, 10cm2, and without hole) Grinder Polisher Specialty & Support Equipment EnvironMetTM System Filtration and recirculation systems compatible with all grinder-polishers. The recirculating version removes down to 1µm particulates. The filter version removes down to 100µm particulates. The system requires no electrical connections and has a 6gal [23L] capacity. *Requires compressed air Part Number 49-2500 Recirculating Filter System (1µm Filter) 49-2501 Filter System (100µm Filter) Dimensions: 25.5in [648mm]W x 20.5in [521mm]D x 16.8in [425mm]H 49-2510 49-2520 49-2530 Accessories Replacement 1µm Filter Paper (Qty 100) Replacement 100 µm Swarf Bag Castor Kit GRINDING & POLISHING Visit for ordering information. 43 Grinding & Polishing Consumables The choice of grinding and polishing consumables is a key factor that impacts the preparation process. Buehler's consumables are designed to improve efficiency and ensure repeatability within the process. With a wide variety of products, there is a Buehler consumable that can improve your materials preparation process. CarbiMet Silicon Carbide Paper CarbiMet is a specialized silicon carbide grinding paper that offers quick and efficient material removal with minimal surface damage. Premium Polishing Cloths The selection of a polishing cloth depends on the material being processed and the requirements for the final analysis. With a variety of fabrics, weaves and naps, there is a high quality Buehler cloth to fit every application. MetaDi Diamond Suspension & Paste MetaDi is the premier line of diamond suspensions and pastes that ensures consistency in the polishing process. A variety of types and micron sizes are available to fit any application. 44 Grinding & Polishing Consumables Platen Systems The choice of platen system depends on the goals of the lab and the products being used in the preparation process. The Magnetic system can be adapted for use with nearly all products while the Apex S system provides the fastest solution for changing between grinding papers. Magnetic System PSA Backed Surface Magnetic Backed Surface Carrier Plate Magnet Platen · Versatile system that allows easy removal and storage of grinding and polishing consumables · First, adhere a PSA backed magnet to the aluminum platen. · Directly apply magnetic backed surfaces for use or utilize a carrier plate for PSA backed surfaces. GRINDING & POLISHING Magnet Selection - to convert a standard platen to a magnetic platen Type Description Apex M Magnet PSA Backed (Qty 1) Contains tabs for easier plate removal MagnoFix Magnet PSA Backed (Qty 1) Standard magnet 8in [203mm] 41-2739-608-001 16-2070 10in [254mm] 41-2739-610-001 16-2570 Carrier Plate Selection Type Description MagnoPad Teflon Coated Carrier Plate (Qty 5) For easier removal of PSA surfaces Apex B Carrier Plate (Qty 1) Prevents adherence of magnetic particles via bimetallic plate MagnoMet Carrier Plate (Qty 5) Standard stainless steel carrier plate 8in [203mm] 16-2073 10in [254mm] 16-2573 41-2739-208-001 16-2072 41-2739-210-001 16-2572 12in [305mm] 41-2739-612-001 16-3070 12in [305mm] 16-3073 41-2739-212-001 16-3072 CarbiMet S or MicroCut S Apex S Film Magnetic Backed Magnet Platen Apex S Film PSA Backed Apex S System · High friction backing system that is the ideal choice to reduce changeover times between grinding paper steps · Choose the PSA backed film for use directly on aluminum platen or the magnetic backed film for use with a magnetic system. Type Apex S Film PSA backed (Qty 2) Apex S Film Magnetic backed (Qty 2) Description For application directly to platen For use with magnetic system 8in [203mm] 16-2075 16-2074 10in [254mm] 16-2575 16-2574 12in [305mm] 16-3075 16-3074 Visit for ordering information. 45 Grinding & Polishing Consumables CarbiMetTM & MicroCut Silicon Carbide Grinding Papers CarbiMet & MicroCut Silicon Carbide Grinding Papers are the premier line of grinding papers offering efficient material removal and minimal surface damage. They are available in 3 different backing systems depending on the needs of a lab. High Material Removal with Superior Surface Finish CarbiMet offers quick grinding times with minimal surface damage during the grinding process. Since there is less damage to remove, the amount of subsequent processing may be reduced, saving valuable time in the preparation process. Quick Change-Overs Apex S backing allows for fast changeovers between CarbiMet steps. Simply remove the previous paper and apply the next stage without needing to remove any backings or liners. Delicate Preparation MicroCut papers provide gentle material removal with superior surface finish, which is ideal for processing delicate or sensitive materials. ApexTM S Backed (Qty 100) High friction backing allows for easy & fast changeovers between grinding steps CarbiMet Grit Size ANSI [FEPA] 60 [P60] 80 [P80] 120 [P120] 180 [P180] 220 [P240] 240 [P280] 280 [P320] 320 [P400] 360 [P600] 400 [P800] 500 [P1000] 600 [P1200] 1000 [P2500] 800 [P1500] Approx. Micron Size 260 188 127 78 58 52 46 35 26 22 18 15 8.4 13 1200 [P2500] 8 P4000 5 *Contains 50 pcs 8in [203mm] 16-08-0060* 16-08-0080 16-08-0120 16-08-0180 16-08-0220 16-08-0240 16-08-0280 16-08-0320 16-08-0360 16-08-0400 16-08-0500 16-08-0600 16-08-1000 16-08-0800 16-08-1200 16-08-4000 10in [254mm] 16-10-0060* 16-10-0080 16-10-0120 16-10-0180 16-10-0220 16-10-0240 16-10-0280 16-10-0320 16-10-0360 16-10-0400 16-10-0500 16-10-0600 16-10-1000 16-10-0800 16-10-1200 16-10-4000 12in [305mm] 16-12-0060* 16-12-0080 16-12-0120 16-12-0180 16-12-0220 16-12-0240 16-12-0280 16-12-0320 16-12-0360 16-12-0400 16-12-0500 16-12-0600 16-12-1000 16-12-0800 16-12-1200 16-12-4000 MicroCut CarbiMet and MicroCut Accessories · Apex S film is applied to a platen for use with CarbiMet S or MicroCut S · MetGrip liners are used with plain backed CarbiMet or MicroCut when holding bands are not used Description Apex S Carrier Film magnetic backed (Qty 2) Apex S Carrier Film PSA backed (Qty 2) MetGripTM Liners (Qty 10) 8in [203mm] 16-2074 16-2075 30-8508 10in [254mm] 16-2574 16-2575 30-8510 12in [305mm] 16-3074 16-3075 30-8512 46 Grinding & Polishing Consumables PSA Backed (Qty 100) Pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) backing for easy application directly to platen. CarbiMet Grit Size - ANSI [FEPA] 60 [P60] 80 [P80] 120 [P120] 180 [P180] 220 [P240] 240 [P280] 280 [P320] 320 [P400] 360 [P600] 400 [P800] 500 [P1000] 600 [P1200] 1000 [P2500] 800 [P1500] 1200 [P2500] P4000 *Contains 50 pcs Approx. Micron Size 260 188 127 78 58 52 46 35 26 22 18 15 8.4 13 8 5 8in [203mm] 36-08-0060* 36-08-0080 36-08-0120 36-08-0180 36-08-0220 36-08-0240 36-08-0280 36-08-0320 36-08-0360 36-08-0400 36-08-0500 36-08-0600 36-08-1000 36-08-0800 36-08-1200 36-08-4000 10in [254mm] 36-10-0060* 36-10-0080 36-10-0120 36-10-0180 36-10-0220 36-10-0240 36-10-0280 36-10-0320 36-10-0360 36-10-0400 36-10-0500 36-10-0600 36-10-1000 36-10-0800 36-10-1200 36-10-4000 MicroCut Plain Backed (Qty 100) Plain backing requires the use of an adhesive liner or holding band. CarbiMet Grit Size - ANSI [FEPA] 60 [P60] 80 [P80] 120 [P120] 180 [P180] 220 [P240] 240 [P280] 280 [P320] 320 [P400] 360 [P600] 400 [P800] 500 [P1000] 600 [P1200] 1000 [P2500] 800 [P1500] 1200 [P2500] P4000 *Contains 50 pcs Approx. Micron Size 260 188 127 78 58 52 46 35 26 22 18 15 8.4 13 8 5 8in [200mm] 30-08-0060* 30-08-0080 30-08-0120 30-08-0180 30-08-0220 30-08-0240 30-08-0280 30-08-0320 30-08-0360 30-08-0400 30-08-0500 30-08-0600 30-08-1000 30-08-0800 30-08-1200 30-08-4000 MicroCut 10in [250mm] 30-10-0060* 30-10-0080 30-10-0120 30-10-0180 30-10-0220 30-10-0240 30-10-0280 30-10-0320 30-10-0360 30-10-0400 30-10-0500 30-10-0600 30-10-1000 30-10-0800 30-10-1200 30-10-4000 Visit for ordering information. 12in [305mm] 36-12-0060* 36-12-0080 36-12-0120 36-12-0180 36-12-0220 36-12-0240 36-12-0280 36-12-0320 36-12-0360 36-12-0400 36-12-0500 36-12-0600 36-12-1000 36-12-0800 36-12-1200 36-12-4000 12in [300mm] 30-12-0060* 30-12-0080 30-12-0120 30-12-0180 30-12-0220 30-12-0240 30-12-0280 30-12-0320 30-12-0360 30-12-0400 30-12-0500 30-12-0600 30-12-1000 30-12-0800 30-12-1200 30-12-4000 47 GRINDING & POLISHING Grinding & Polishing Consumables Diamond Grinding Discs Diamond grinding discs offer a long-wear surface that provides excellent surface flatness for a wide variety of materials. Buehler offers multiple different types of products depending on the material being processed. Long Life with Consistent Results Fixed diamond particles provide consistent removal rates and extended lifetime with only an occasional dressing to maintain the surface. Ideal Solution for Automation Diamond Grinding Discs offer superb edge retention and excellent flatness making them the perfect choice for controlled material removal on automated systems. Process a Variety of Materials Grinding hard materials requires a different type of surface than grinding softer materials. Buehler's Diamond Grinding Discs offer customized solutions for different material types to ensure efficient and consistent grinding. DGD MosaicTM (Diamond Grinding Discs) (Qty 1) · Combines high material removal rate with good recovery to reduce prep time · Available with magnetic backing Grit Size Approx. ANSI [FEPA] Micron Size 8in [203mm] 10in [254mm] 12in [305mm] 120 [P120] 125µm 41-708-0120 41-710-0120 41-712-0120 220 [P240] 60µm 41-708-0220 41-710-0220 41-712-0220 320 [P400] 40µm 41-708-0320 41-710-0320 41-712-0320 400 [P800] 30µm 41-708-0400 41-710-0400 41-712-0400 1000 [P2500] 10µm 41-708-1000 41-710-1000 41-712-1000 *All DGD Mosaic discs includes dressing stick 11-1190 (Requires dressing before intial use) Application Methods for DGD Mosaic Material Low Hardness Surface Treated Steels Medium Hard Surface Treated Steels Very Hard Surface Treated Steels >60 HRC Steel 50-60 HRC Steel 40-50 HRC Steel Low Carbon Steel Cast Irons Nodular Cast Irons (SG) White Cast Iron High Alloy Steels Iron Based Superalloy 120 grit · · · 220 grit · · · · · · 320 grit · · · 400 grit 1000 grit High Strength Alloy Steel · Nickel · Cobalt · Thermal Spray Coatings · Silicon, Boron, and Sintered Carbides · · Capacitors, Diodes and Si Wafers · ·=recommendation #1 =recommendation #2 Note: Recomendation may vary based on specific material and desired surface finish Accessories Dressing Stick for Diamond Grinding Discs 1 x 1 x 6in 15-6190 Dressing Stick for Diamond Grinding Discs 0.5 x 0.5 x 3 in 11-1190 48 Grinding & Polishing Consumables DGD Color (Diamond Grinding Discs) (Qty 1) · Utilize a specially formulated resin bond for consistent material removal · Ideal for most engineering metals · Available with PSA or Magnetic backing Color Micron Green 240µm Black 125µm Red 75µm Purple 55µm Yellow 35µm White 15µm Blue 8µm 8in [203mm] PSA Magnetic 41-3308 414308D 41-3408 414408D 41-3508 414508D 41-3608 414608D 41-3708 414708D 41-3808 414808D 41-3908 414908D 10in [254mm] PSA Magnetic 41-3310 414310D 41-3410 414410D 41-3510 414510D 41-3610 414610D 41-3710 414710D 41-3810 414810D 41-3910 414910D 12in [305mm] PSA Magnetic 41-3312 414312D 41-3412 414412D 41-3512 414512D 41-3612 414612D 41-3712 414712D 41-3812 414812D 41-3912 414912D GRINDING & POLISHING DGD Terra (Qty 1) · Provides consistent material removal with excellent flatness · Ideal for brittle and hard materials such as ceramics and glass · Available with PSA or Magnetic backing Micron 165µm 125µm 70µm 45µm 30µm 15µm 9µm 6µm 3µm 0.5µm 8in [203mm] PSA Magnetic 41-5008 416008D 41-5108 416108D 41-5208 416208D 41-5308 416308D 41-5408 416408D 41-5508 416508D 41-5608 416608D 41-5708 416708D 41-5808 416808D 41-5908 416908D 10in [254mm] PSA Magnetic 41-5010 416010D 41-5110 416110D 41-5210 416210D 41-5310 416310D 41-5410 416410D 41-5510 416510D 41-5610 416610D 41-5710 416710D 41-5810 416810D 41-5910 416910D 12in [305mm] PSA Magnetic 41-5012 416012D 41-5112 416112D 41-5212 416212D 41-5312 416312D 41-5412 416412D 41-5512 416512D 41-5612 416612D 41-5712 416712D 41-5812 416812D 41-5912 416912D DGD Ultra (Qty 1) · Designed for initial grinding steps of mixed hardness materials · Available with PSA backing Color Black Red Yellow White Blue Purple Micron 125µm 70µm 45µm 15µm 9µm 6µm 8in [203mm] 15-6199 15-6170 15-6145 15-6115 15-6109 15-6106 10in [254mm] 14-2581 14-2582 14-2583 14-2585 12in [305mm] 15-6299 15-6270 15-6245 15-6215 15-6209 15-6206 Visit for ordering information. 49 Grinding Consumables Premium Polishing Cloths Buehler's premium performance cloths are for all material applications and are engineered for long life & superior surface finish. Easy to Use Magnetic Backing Utilize the magnetic backing for an efficient and easy-to-use solution. The durable magnetic backed cloth provides consistent polishing results while reducing the changeover time between cloths. A Cloth for Every Application The type of cloth used depends heavily on the material being processed and the requirements for the final analysis. With a variety of fabrics, weaves and naps, there is a cloth to fit every application. Reliable Preparation Results Buehler's cloths are thoroughly tested and developed with MetaDi Diamond to provide a complete solution that delivers reliable results for each sample processed. Polishing Cloth Selection Guide COARSE INTERMEDIATE Cloth UltraPadTM UltraPolTM TexMetTM P Nylon TexMet C TriDentTM VerduTex VelTex WhiteFeltTM PoliCloth MicroClothTM MicroFloc MasterTexTM ChemoMetTM Backing PSA Magnetic PSA Quantity 10 5 10 8in [203mm] 40-7118 42-3008 40-7448 10in [254mm] 12in [305mm] Description 40-7120 42-3010 40-7122 42-3012 Hard woven, no nap 40-7450 40-7452 Hard woven, non-aggressive silk PSA 5 40-7638 40-7640 40-7642 Hard non-woven, perforated PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 PSA 10 Magnetic 5 40-7068 42-3108 40-1108 42-3208 40-7518 42-3308 40-8018 42-3408 40-8218 42-3508 16-2002 40-8418 42-3608 40-7218 42-3708 40-8318 42-3808 40-7738 42-3908 40-7918 42-4008 40-7070 42-3110 40-1110 42-3210 40-7520 42-3310 40-8020 42-3410 40-8220 42-3510 16-2502 40-8420 42-3610 40-7220 42-3710 40-8320 42-3810 40-7740 42-3910 40-7920 42-4010 40-7072 42-3112 40-1112 42-3212 40-7522 42-3312 40-8022 42-3412 40-8222 42-3512 16-3002 40-8422 42-3612 40-7222 42-3712 40-8322 42-3812 40-7742 42-3912 40-7922 42-4012 Medium hard woven, oil resistant, no nap Non-woven, pressed Soft woven synthetic, no nap Medium hard, synthetic silk Short nap, synthetic velvet Soft, durable, matted wool Medium hard, woven wool Soft synthetic rayon, long nap Soft, long nap Soft synthetic velvet, low nap Soft synthetic, porous, chemically resistant FINE UltraPadTM TexMetTM P UltraPolTM 50 Nylon TriDentTM VerduTexTM TexMetTM C Grinding Consumables ApexTM Hercules · Magnetic backed resin surface that provides excellent flatness and edge retention · Use with MetaDiTM Diamond Suspension Type Apex Hercules H For materials HRC20 Apex Hercules S For materials < HRC20 8in [203mm] 41-2740-308-001 41-2740-408-001 10in [254mm] 41-2740-310-001 41-2740-410-001 12in [305mm] 41-2740-312-001 41-2740-412-001 Recommended Micron Size 6m & Up 6m & Up 6m & Up 6m & Up 15 - 0.02m 15- 0.02m 9 - 1m 9 - 1m 6 - 0.02m 6 - 1m 5- 0.02m 3 - 0.02m 1 - 0.05m 1 - 0.02m Abrasive Type Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond, AI2O3, SiO2 Diamond, AI2O3 Diamond Diamond Diamond, AI2O3, SiO2 Diamond Diamond, AI2O3, SiO2 Diamond, AI2O3, SiO2 AI2O3, SiO2 AI2O3, SiO2 Applications Ferrous materials and thermal spray coatings Minerals, coals, ceramics, inclusion retention in steels, and refractory metals Electronics, ceramics, carbides, petrographic, hard metals, glass, and metal matrix composites Ferrous materials, sintered carbides and cast irons Ferrous and nonferrous metals, ceramics, electronics, PCB's, thermal spray coatings, cast irons, cermets, minerals, composites, plastics Ferrous and nonferrous metals, microelectronics, polymer matrix composites, coatings Ferrous and nonferrous metals, microelectronics, coatings Soft metals Ferrous and nonferrous metals Cast iron, copper and aluminum alloys Ferrous and nonferrous metals, ceramics, composites, PCBs, cast irons, cermets, plastics, electronics Ferrous and nonferrous materials Soft nonferrous and microelectronics Titanium, stainless steel, lead/tin, solders, electronics, soft nonferrous metals, plastics GRINDING & POLISHING VelTexTM PoliClothTM MicroFloc ChemoMetTM WhiteFeltTM MicroClothTM MasterTexTM Visit for ordering information. 51 Grinding & Polishing Consumables Diamond Polishing Suspensions & Pastes MetaDi Diamond Suspensions and Pastes are high-quality diamond polishing products that provide repeatable performance and deliver exceptional surface quality. Repeatable Polishing Results Fast Preparation Time Processing Unique Materials Buehler's MetaDi Diamond products are tightly controlled to prevent any deviations in particle size or concentrations. This ensures repeatable polishing results and a high quality surface finish for every sample processed. MetaDi Supreme Suspension offers a high material removal rate and minimal deformation making it the product of choice for most materials. The high concentration of polycrystalline diamonds offers numerous sharp cutting faces to efficiently remove material and polish the surface. Some materials are not compatible with traditional water-based suspensions due to water-sensitivity or diamond embedding. The Oil-Based MetaDi Monocrystalline Suspension as well as MetaDi pastes offer multiple options when working with water-sensitive materials. MetaDiTM Diamond Suspensions MetaDi Supreme Polycrystalline Suspension Polycrystalline suspension provides the fastest material removal with minimal subsurface deformation. Color Charcoal Grey Blue Blue Green Green Yellow Deep Red Brown Orange Purple Diamond Size 0.05µm 0.25µm 1µm 1µm Fine 3µm 3µm Fine 6µm 9µm 15µm 30µm 45µm 8oz [0.24L]* 40-6627 40-6629 40-6630 40-6630F 40-6631 40-6631F 40-6632 40-6633 40-6634 40-6635 40-6636 32oz [0.95L] 40-6630-032 40-6630F-032 40-6631-032 40-6631F-032 40-6632-032 40-6633-032 40-6634-032 40-6635-032 1gal [3.8L] 40-6629-128 40-6630-128 40-6630F-128 40-6631-128 40-6631F-128 40-6632-128 40-6633-128 40-6634-128 40-6635-128 MetaDi Monocrystalline Suspension Monocrystalline suspension provides good material removal for most materials. Color Blue Green Yellow Deep Red Brown Diamond Size 1µm 3µm 6µm 9µm 15µm 16oz [0.47L]* 40-6530 40-6531 40-6532 40-6533 40-6534 32oz [0.95L] 40-6530-032 40-6531-032 40-6532-032 40-6533-032 40-6534-032 1gal [3.8L] 40-6530-128 40-6531-128 40-6532-128 40-6533-128 40-6534-128 Dye-Free MetaDi Supreme Polycrystalline Suspension Ideal for materials that may absorb dye and affect image analysis. Diamond Size 1µm 3µm 6µm 9µm 8oz [0.24L]* 40-6730 40-6731 40-6732 40-6733 MetaDi Monocrystalline Suspension Oil Based Ideal for processing materials that are water-sensitive. Color Blue Green Yellow Deep Red Brown Diamond Size 1µm 3µm 6µm 9µm 15µm 16oz* [0.47L] 40-6540 40-6541 40-6542 40-6543 40-6544 52 MetaDi Combo, Suspension & Extender Combination of monocrystalline suspension and extender fluid to maintain consistency when using automated dosing systems. Color Diamond Size 32oz [0.95L] Blue 1µm 40-5530-032 Green 3µm 40-5531-032 Yellow 6µm 40-5532-032 Deep Red 9µm 40-5534-032 *8oz and 16oz are supplied with spray nozzle. Grinding & Polishing Consumables MetaDiTM Diamond Pastes MetaDi Ultra Polycrystalline Paste Polycrystalline paste provides efficient material removal for soft materials that may be prone to diamond embedding. Use with MetaDi Fluid or AutoMet Oil. Color Diamond Size 20g Blue 1µm 40-1-6301 Green 3µm 40-1-6303 Yellow 6µm 40-1-6305 Deep Red 9µm 40-1-6307 Brown 15µm 40-1-6309 This product is grey in color with color coded packaging MetaDi Monocrystalline Paste Natural monocrystalline diamond paste for materials that are prone to diamond embedding. Use with MetaDi Fluid or AutoMet Oil. Color Diamond Size Grey 0.25µm Blue 1µm Green 3µm Yellow 6µm Deep Red 9µm Brown 15µm 5g 40-6112 40-6138 40-6152 40-6172 40-6192 40-6212 20g 40-6102 40-6128 40-6142 40-6162 40-6182 40-6202 MetaDi II Monocrystalline Paste Synthetic monocrystalline diamond paste for materials that are very prone to diamond embedding. Use with MetaDi Fluid or AutoMet Oil. Color Grey Blue Diamond Size 0.25µm 1µm 5g 40-6241 40-6244 20g 40-6240 40-6243 Green Yellow Deep Red Brown 3µm 6µm 9µm 15µm 40-6247 40-6250 40-6253 40-6256 40-6246 40-6249 40-6252 40-6255 Polishing Lubricants MetaDi Fluid is a water soluble lubricant for use with pastes and suspensions. AutoMet Oil is recommended for use with water sensitive materials. Part Number Description 40-6016 40-6032 40-6064-085 60-3250-006 60-3250-128 MetaDi Fluid, 16oz [0.47L] MetaDi Fluid, 32oz [0.95L] MetaDi Fluid, 85oz [2.5L] AutoMetTM Oil, 6oz [0.18L] AutoMet Oil, 1gal [3.8L] Differences between Polycrystalline and Monocrystalline Diamonds Angular, polycrystalline diamonds provide numerous cutting facets on the particle surface, resulting in less deformation. Sharp edges of monocrystalline diamonds ensure clean and efficient cutting action. GRINDING & POLISHING Visit for ordering information. 53 Grinding & Polishing Consumables Final Polishing Suspensions Final polishing suspensions are designed to remove the final layer of surface deformation and prepare a sample for analysis. A variety of alumina and silica products are offered to meet many different application needs. Excellent Surface Finish While the final layer of deformation is often invisible to the naked eye, it must be removed for some analysis techniques. Application Specific Solutions Alumina suspensions and powders along with colloidal silica suspensions offer a solution for the wide variety of materials being processed in today's world. MasterPrep Alumina MasterMet Colloidal Silica MasterMet 2 Colloidal Silica Sol-gel alumina suspension (0.05µm, ~8.5pH) is excellent for minerals, ferrous metals, carbides, precious metals, PWB's and electronics. 63-6377-006 40-6377-032 40-6377-064 6oz [0.18L] 32oz [0.95L] 64oz [1.9L] MasterPolish Final Polish Amorphous colloidal silica suspension (0.06µm, ~10pH) that provides chemomechanical polishing and is excellent for metals, minerals, ceramics and polymers. 40-6370-006 40-6370-064 6oz [0.18L] 64oz [1.9L] MasterPolish 2 Final Polish Non-crystallizing amorphous colloidal silica suspension (0.02µm, ~10.5pH) that provides chemo-mechanical polishing action and is excellent for metals, minerals, ceramics and polymers. 40-6380-006 6oz [0.18L] 40-6380-064 64oz [1.9L] MicroPolish Alumina Suspension Blend of high purity alumina and colloidal silica (0.05µm, ~9pH) that contains minimal water and is optimal for water sensitive materials. 40-10084 32oz [0.95L] MicroPolish Alumina Powder Iron oxide suspension (0.06µm, ~10pH) that provides chemo-mechanical polishing and is excellent for sapphire, glass, alumina, silicon nitride and metal/ceramic composites. 40-6376-032 32oz [0.95L] MicroPolish II Alumina Powder Agglomerated alumina suspensions offering high removal rates and suitable for use on pure and alloyed lead and magnesium. 40-10083 40-10082 40-10081 0.05µm 6oz [0.18L] 0.3µm 6oz [0.18L] 1µm 6oz [0.18L] Agglomerated alumina powders offering high removal rates and suitable for use on pure and alloyed lead and magnesium. 40-10075 40-10076 40-10077 40-10078 40-10079 40-10080 0.05µm 1lb [0.45kg] 0.05µm 5lb [2.3kg] 0.3µm 1lb [0.45kg] 0.3µm 5lb [2.3kg] 1µm 1lb [0.45kg] 1µm 5lb [2.3kg] 54 High quality deagglomerated alumina powders offering good surface finish and suitable for most minerals and metals. 40-6322-016 1µm 1lb [0.45kg] Grinding & Polishing Consumables FibrMetTM Abrasive Discs (Qty 50) FibrMet Abrasive Discs are for fine grinding applications on glass, epoxy or polymers and produce a fine surface finish. FibrMet Discs use aluminum oxide and are available with PSA backing. Micron 0.3µm 1µm 3µm 9µm 12µm 4in [102mm] 69-3104 69-3103 69-3102 69-3101 69-3100 8in [203mm] 69-3174 69-3173 69-3172 69-3171 69-3170 12in [305mm] 69-3124 69-3123 69-3122 69-3121 69-3120 UltraPrepTM Diamond Lapping Films (Qty 5) UltraPrep Diamond Lapping Films are for fine grinding of hard materials such as ceramics. They provide a fine surface finish and gentle material removal. Micron 0.1µm 0.5µm 1µm 3µm 6µm 9µm 15µm 30µm 8in [203mm] PSA Backed 15-6791 15-6795 15-6801 15-6803 15-6806 15-6809 15-6815 15-6830 8in [203mm] Plain Backed 15-6792 15-6796 15-6802 15-6804 15-6807 15-6810 15-6816 15-6831 GRINDING & POLISHING Visit for ordering information. 55 IMAGING & ANALYSIS OmniMetTM delivers powerful image analysis possibilities combined with flexible database functionality. OmniMetTM delivers powerful image analysis possibilities combined with flexible database functionality. Customize OmniMet with intuitive user friendly point-and-click measurement possibilities, preprogrammed analysis routines, or with capabilities for running user programmable analysis scripts. The database utilizes a multi-tiered approach to logically organize numerous users and image data with unprecedented ease. The OmniMet system offers seamless point-and-click integration of microscopes, cameras, and image analysis software via an intuitive Microsoft® Windows® interface. In general, any standard format image may be viewed directly from a calibrated microscope or be imported into OmniMet for analysis. OmniMet software is offered at different levels of flexibility, functionality, and analytical power to meet the metrology needs of every laboratory requiring image data archiving and quantitative image analysis. Featured Microstructure: TiAl fracture surface viewed at 8x mag with reflected light ~ Melissa Galant; General Motors; Warren, Michigan, United States OmniMetTM Modular Digital Imaging System Designed for Demanding Production Lab Environments Flexible Flexible platform with preconfigured software or hardware packages and optional accessories. Optional Capture and Measurement Modules available to customize software solution. Powerful Any standard format image may be viewed directly from a calibrated microscope or be imported into OmniMet for analysis. Local Area Network (LAN) support offered by OmniMet Viewer Module. Systems* Software** Editions 86-1-1001 86-1-1000 Omnimet Viewer allows networked users to view and modify images and information in an Omnimet database on the same network 86-1-1010 OmniMet Capture N' Measure (CnM) enables image capture with basic measurement functions and scale bar (without database functions). Measuring tools include length, parallel lines, curved line, area, perimeter, radius, angle and count. Images can be saved in common formats. Results can be burnt into the image but cannot be stored or exported to Excel®. 86-1-1003 86-1-1002 OmniMet Basic includes everything in Capture `N Measure, and also adds databasing functionality for archiving as well as MS Office report templates for presenting results. Optional Capture Modules may be added for specific applications 86-1-1005 86-1-1004 OmniMet Advanced includes everything in OmniMet Basic, and also adds enhanced measurements capabilities. Measurements can be saved in the database, or interactively to Excel worksheets. Built in statistical analysis streamlines interpretation of results and reporting. Optional Capture Modules and Advanced Measurement Modules may be added for specific applications. 86-1-1007 86-1-1006 OmniMet Express includes everything in OmniMet Advanced, with the added capability of running automated Scripts. Scripts are application specific image analysis packages to provide best efficiency and reproducibility for repeat analysis in high throughput environments. Optional Capture Modules, Advanced Measurement Modules and pre-programmed Application Specific Scripts may be added. 86-1-1009 86-1-1008 OmniMet Enterprise includes everything in OmniMet Express, with the added capability of writing and editing Scripts. Fully customizable Scripts allow the user complete control of analysis solutions. Comes with 8 commonly used Application Specific Scripts. Optional Capture Modules, Advanced Measurement Modules and additional Application Specific Scripts may be added. * System Package includes software pre-installed on a Windows 10, 64-bit workstation and mousepad. Includes keyboard and mouse, does not include a monitor. ** Software Only package includes software, mousepad and is compatible with Windows 10 computer, (64-bit). 58 OmniMetTM Modular Digital Imaging System OmniMetTM Software Modules & Features Software Description Capture Load and Save Brightness, Auto-White Balance, Color Correction Digital Zoom, Rotate, Calibration & Annotation Camera Interface (USB, EEE I394, Capture Cards, DirectShow, Twain, etc.) Motorized Stage Controller Capture Modules (optional) Measure Standard Measurements: Length, Area, Radius, Count, Parallel Lines Advanced Measurements: 3-point Circle, Adj. Angle, Polygon Advanced Measurement Modules (optional) Color Threshold (size, intensity), 16 Bitplanes Automation Capable: Read & Run Scripts ScriptEditor: Write, and Edit Scripts Application Specific Scripts (optional) Report Report Data, Report Generator (requires Microsoft® Office) Results Window with measurements log Organize Database Interface Database Creation & Administration · Included with package Optional module (purchased separately) * OmniMet Enterprise comes with a selection of Scripts. Viewer CnM Basic Advanced Express Enterprise · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · * · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · IMAGING & ANALYSIS Capture and Advanced Measurement Modules (optional) Capture Modules 86-4130 OmniMet Multi-Focal Images - Used to create focused images from multiple images of the same specimen when the viewing surface exists in different focal planes. Beneficial for removing edge rounding or viewing rougher surfaces when sharply focused images are required for analysis. 86-4140 OmniMet Mosaic Multiple Image Stitching - Used to stitch multiple images together to create one large, calibrated stitched image. Measurements are possible on the stitched image. Useful for documenting features larger than one field of view. A motorized stage is not required. Advanced Measurement Modules 86-4110 OmniMet Object Analysis - `Single phase' image analysis for measurements of image features and field characteristics: Area Fraction, Area Position, Number of Objects, Perimeter, Compactness, Length, Feret Diameter, Center of Gravity, Inclusion and Exclusion of Objects by Size. 86-4115 OmniMet Weld - Measurement Tools for determining weld characteristics. Use a circle radius to determine effective weld depth, angular A-measurements, or full weld outline characterization to determine effective depth, penetration and area. 86-4120 OmniMet Hardness - Measure Vickers and Knoop indentations interactively, quickly, and easily. Allows load force in gf or kgf and delivers accurate HV/HK values along with the diagonal indent dimensions. 86-4125 OmniMet Grain Size - Measure grain size interactively using ASTM-E112 methodology with linear intercept or circle intercept methods. Visit for ordering information. 59 OmniMetTM Modular Digital Imaging System Application Specific Scripts (optional) 86-3050* Manual Interactive - Thickness Measurements of line lengths with statistics for length and thickness measurements. 86-3100* Grain Size - Automated grain size measurements in accordance with ASTM E112. Average grain size by intercept methods and grain size distributions using areas are delivered. Additional processing identifies ALA grain size and duplex populations in accordance to ASTM E930 and ASTM E1181 where appropriate. ISO 643 compliant. 86-3150 86-3310 86-3350 Intercept Grain Size - Automated grain size determination delivering average grain size per field using straight line and circular intercept methods in accordance with ASTM E112. Surface Roughness - Surface roughness measurements in accordance with ASME B46.1-02. Decarburization Depth Assessment - Determines depth of total or partial decarburization according to the relative amount of free ferrite present according to ASTM E1077. 86-3300* Coating Layer - Thickness Measures coating, plating or layer thickness of cross-sectioned samples in compliance with ASTM B487. 86-3400* 86-3500* 86-3550* Graphite in Cast Iron - Automated analysis of graphite in cast iron in accordance with ASTM A247. Measures size and class count of graphite nodules and area percentages of ferrite graphite and pearlite. For gray iron graphite length is also provided. Particle Sizing - Detects and measures particles in a field of view providing statistics on quantity and size distribution. Suitable for non-agglomerated particulates, precipitates, and powders. Porosity Assessment - Provides automated measurements of fine holes or pores in a material. 86-3750* 86-3200* Dendritic Arm Spacing - Delivers measurements of lengths between dendrite arms in cast aluminum alloys. Phase Area Percent - Determines phase area and percentage area of multiple phases in accordance with ASTM 562. 86-3525 86-3600 86-3700 86-3850 Cleanliness Assessment - Provides cleanliness assessment of particles on filter paper meeting the requirements of ISO 4406. Indentation Hardness - Provides the capability to measure and analyze Knoop and Vickers indents in accordance with ASTM E384. Reports can be exported in HK, HV, HRC, and HRB scales with graphical displays of the hardness profile. Banding Assessment - Determines the degree of microstructural banding in conformance with ASTM E1268. Delivers quantitative information on the degree of orientation, anisotropy index, and mean feature spacing. Inclusion Rating - Determines area percentage, mean free path distances, and average numbers of intercepts for oxide and sulfide stringers in ferrous metals in accordance with ASTM E1245. * Included with OmniMetTM Enterprise Upgrades and Updates Existing customers may update their OmniMet software to the latest versions. Additionally lower level OmniMet software packages may be upgraded to higher level packages for increased functionality. Upgrade OmniMet to a higher functional level: Customer license number and site ID MUST BE INCLUDED with purchase order. Update OmniMet to the latest software release: 86-4202 Update Basic 86-4204 Update Advanced 86-4205 Update Viewer 86-4206 Update Capture N' Measure 86-4201 Update Express 86-4203 Update Enterprise Upgrade From / To Capture N' Measure Capture Basic Capture Advanced Express Basic Advanced Express Enterprise 86-5006 86-4006 86-3006 86-1006 x 86-4002 86-3002 86-1002 x x 86-3004 86-1004 x x x 86-1003 60 Microscopy Microscopes offered by Buehler generally fall into the categories of stereo microscopes, upright microscopes, or inverted microscopes. Inverted microscopes are commonly referred to as metallurgical microscopes. Microscopes may offer episcopic (reflected light) observation, diascopic (transmitted light) observation, or both possibilities. Illumination may be delivered in bright field mode (BF) or dark field mode (DF), and several techniques such as differential interference contrast (DIC) and polarized light microscopy make use of the nature of light to reveal specific pieces of information when studying materials. Large FOV Needed · Large Samples · 3D Parts · Macro imaging · Multi-focal imaging SMZ800N STEREO SMZ18 IMAGING & ANALYSIS · BF/Reflected Only · 8:1 Zoom Ratio · LED Illumination · BF/Reflected Only · 18:1 Zoom Ratio · LED Illumination High Magnification Needed · Require DF, DIC, or POL · Mounted / Flat Samples · May need transmitted light · More sample variety COMPOUND YES Inverted Primarily View Mounted/Flat Samples with Reflected Light? MA100N MA200 NO Upright LV150N · Reflected Only · BF/POL Only · LED · Reflected Only · BF/DF/DIC/POL · Halogen Only · Reflected Only · BF/DF/DIC/ POL · Halogen/LED Visit for ordering information. 61 Stereo Microscopes Nikon SMZ800N Zoom Stereo Microscope Zoom Stereo Microscopes from Nikon with high resolution and macro magnification of parts. Perfect for large sample analysis and multi-focal imaging. · High resolution and magnification stereoscope ideal for weld analysis and macro imaging · 1-8X zoom range (with 1/2/3/4/6/8x click stops) · 5x - 160x magnification range with 10x eyepieces (dependent upon objective and camera adapter selection) · LED fiber illumination available with epi coaxial, ringlight and flexible light pipe options for a variety of applications. · Double nosepiece accessory enables on-axis viewing, extended depth of focus, and quick rotation between multiple objectives. · Trinocular body tubes enables built-in access for camera adapter, camera, and OmniMetTM integration Part Number 8741-01 8741-02 Configuration Nikon SMZ800N with 1x Objective - on plain stand with 50/50 trinocular body tube with camera port (requires camera adapter), 10x eyepieces, 1x objective, LED illuminator, flexible light pipes, ¼ Lambda plate, and dust cover. Nikon SMZ800N with 0.5x Objective - on plain stand with 50/50 trinocular body tube with camera port (requires camera adapter), 10x eyepieces, 0.5x objective, LED illuminator, flexible light pipes, ¼ Lambda plate, and dust cover. Nikon SMZ800N Objectives and Accessories Nikon SMZ800N Objectives Manual Rotatable Nosepiece Camera Adapter NIMNH54050 - 0.5x NIMNH54075 - 0.75x NIMNH54100 - 1x NIMNH54150* - 1.5x NIMNH54200 - 2x *Cannot use with ¼ Lambda Plate Cannot use with ringlight, Coax illuminators or ¼ Lambda Plate Camera Adapter Rotatable nosepiece for 2 objectives (Choose a 2nd objective for this option) 8741-61 Camera Adapter Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 1x, LV-TV 8749-13 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.55x, LV-TV 8749-11 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.7x, LV-TV 8749-12 62 Stereo Microscopes Nikon SMZ18 Zoom Stereo Microscope Zoom Stereo Microscopes from Nikon with high resolution and macro magnification of parts. Perfect for large sample analysis and multi-focal imaging. · Ease of creating higher resolution, contrast, and zoom ratio images for electronics and other 3D parts · High zoom range (0.75 - 13.5x with 0.75/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/10/12/13.5x click stops · 3.75 - 270x magnification range with 10x eyepieces (dependent upon objective and camera adapter selection) · LED fiber illumination available with epi coaxial, ringlight, and flexible light pipe options for a variety of applications · Double nosepiece accessory enables on-axis viewing, extended depth of focus, and quick rotation between multiple objectives. · Trinocular body tubes enables built-in access for camera adapter, camera, and OmniMetTM integration Part Number 8742-01 Configuration Nikon SMZ18 with 1x Objective - on plain base with 105mm of Z travel, 50/50 trinocular body tube with camera port (requires camera adapter), 10x eyepieces, 1x objective, LED illuminator, fiber optic ringlight, ¼ Lambda plate, and dust cover Nikon SMZ18 Objectives and Accessories Nikon SMZ800N Objectives Camera Adapter Camera Adapter IMAGING & ANALYSIS NIMNH55050 - 0.5x NIMNH55160* - 1.5x NIMNH55100 - 1x NIMNH55200* - 2x *Cannot use with Coax or ringlight Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.55x, LV-TV 8749-11 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.7x, LV-TV 8749-12 Camera Adapter Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 1x, LV-TV 8749-13 Visit for ordering information. 63 Inverted Industrial Microscopes Nikon Eclipse MA100N Inverted Microscope Inverted Microscopes are compact, durable and used for high magnification needs. They are ideal for mount sample analysis with flat sample surfaces and are equipped to use multiple light sources for analysis variation. · The MA100N is a compact inverted microscope designated for bright field and simple polarizing observations. · This model offers cost-effective solution to manufacturing and QA QC situations in industries, such as automotive/electronics and industrial machinery/tools. · This simple but durable microscope enables high contrast image observation and capture. Part Number 8743-03 Configuration Nikon MA100N inverted LED Microscope - with ISO camera port (0.63x camera adapter incl.), LED illuminator, 10x eyepieces, manual XY stage (50x50mm), 5 position turret, includes 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x TU Epi Plan objectives, dust cover. Nikon Eclipse MA100N Objectives and Accessories Nikon Eclipse MA100N Objectives Polarizer/Analyzer Stage Insert NIMUE12010* - 1x NIMUD00200 - 20x NIMUE12030* - 2.5x NIMUD00500 - 50x NIMUD00050 - 5x NIMUD00900 - 100x NIMUD00100 - 10x *Polarizer Required Polarizer/Analyzer set for MA100N 874365 Camera Adapter Camera Adapter Includes 1in,1.125in, 1.5in stage inserts 8743-63 Includes 25mm, 30mm, 40mm stage inserts 8743-64 Grain Size Reticle Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.7x, ISO 8749-14 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 1x, ISO 8749-15 8743-62 For eyepiece 64 Inverted Industrial Microscopes Nikon Eclipse MA200 Inverted Microscope Inverted Microscopes are compact, durable and used for high magnification needs. They are ideal for mount sample analysis with flat sample surfaces and are equipped to use multiple light sources from BF, DF, DIC & POL for analysis variation. · Compact, durable, inverted microscope ideal for mounted, flat samples. · Available in BF, DF, DIC, & POL with Halogen illumination (50W). · Ergonomic design with all controls easily accessible from the front. · DIC configuration includes intelligent nose-piece which displays objective position on front. · Slider slots available for Grain Size and Dial Size reticle which show up on camera as well as through the eyepiece. Part Number 8744-01 8744-02 8744-03 Configuration Nikon MA200 BF Inverted Microscope - with stationary trinocular body tube, 10x eyepieces, LV-TV camera ports on body and trinocular head (requires camera adapter), halogen lamphouse with 50W bulb, manual XY stage with insert (50 x 50mm travel), 6-position nosepiece with 5x, 10x, 20x, and 50x Epi Plan Fluor BF objectives, and dust cover. Nikon MA200 BD/DF Inverted Microscope - with stationary trinocular body tube, 10x eyepieces, LV-TV camera ports on body and trinocular head (requires camera adapter), halogen lamphouse with 50W bulb, manual XY stage with insert (50 x 50mm travel), 5-position nosepiece with 5x, 10x, 20x, and 50x Epi Plan Fluor BF objectives, and dust cover. Nikon MA200 BF/DF/DIC Inverted Microscope - with stationary trinocular body tube, 10x eyepieces, LV-TV camera ports on body and trinocular head (requires camera adapter), halogen lamphouse with 50W bulb, manual XY stage with insert (50 x 50mm travel), polarizer and analyzer set, DIC slider, 5-position nosepiece with 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x Epi Plan Fluor BD objectives and dust cover. Nikon Eclipse MA200 Objectives Brightfield Objectives NIMUE12010* - 1x NIMUE12030* - 2.5x NIMUE12050 - 5x *Polarizer Required NIMUE12100 - 10x NIMUE12200 - 20x NIMUE00400 - 40x Darkfield/DIC Objectives NIMUE42050 - 5x NIMUE42100 - 10x NIMUE42200 - 20x NIMUE42500 - 50x NIMUE12500 - 50x NIMUE12900 - 100x NIMUE42900 - 100x IMAGING & ANALYSIS Visit for ordering information. 65 Inverted Industrial Microscopes Nikon Eclipse MA200 Accessories Polarizer/Analyzer Grain Size Reticle Slider Scale Dial Slider Stage Insert Included with DIC Package 8744-61 Slider for grain size analysis 8744-62 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x 8744-63 Includes 1in,1.125in, 1.5in stage inserts 8744-64 Stage Insert Camera Adapter Camera Adapter Camera Adapter Includes 25mm, 30mm, 40mm stage inserts 8744-65 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.55x, LV-TV, for 1/2" chip size cameras 8749-11 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, .7x, LV-TV, for 2/3" chip size cameras 8749-12 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 1x, LV-TV, for 1" chip size cameras 8749-13 ViewMetTM Inverted Microscope Entry level, inverted microscope for general purpose applications. Part Number 0760-0100 Configuration Includes main body, trinocular head, c-mount, mechanical stage with 15 x 15mm XY travel, 6V/30W illumination, a pair of 10x eyepieces and 5x, 10x, 20x and 50x Plan Achromat objectives, diffusion, yellow, green and blue filters, power cord, instruction manual and dust cover. Brightfield Objectives 0750-0005 5x Plan Achromat Objectives Lens, NA 0.12, W.D. 18.3mm 0750-0010 10x Plan Achromat Objective Lens, NA 0.25, W.D. 8.9mm 0750-0020 20x Plan Achromat Objective Lens, NA 0.40, W.D. 8.7mm 0750-0050 50x Plan Achromat Objective Lens, NA 0.70, W.D. 2.02mm 0750-0080 80x Plan Achromat Objective Lens, NA 0.80, W.D. 0.96mm 0750-0100 100x Plan Achromat Objective Lens, NA 1.25, oil, W.D. 0.36mm 66 Upright Industrial Microscopes Nikon Eclipse LV150N Upright Microscope Upright Industrial Microscopes are versatile upright microscopes suitable for reflected and/or transmitted light applications. Perfect for high magnification needs with samples that are not flat or mounted. · Versatile upright microscope suitable for reflected light applications · Available with LED illumination for BF applications · Available with Halogen (50W) illumination for BF, DF, DIC, & POL · Epi Plan Fluor objectives provide superior chromatic aberration performance, high numerical apertures, and long working distance at all magnifications Part Number 8745-01 8745-02 Configuration Nikon LV150NL BF Upright LED Microscope - with stationary trinocular body tube, 10x eyepieces, LVTV camera port (requires camera adapter), LED illumination, manual 3 x 2in [76 x 51mm] mechanical stage, 6-position nosepiece with 5x, 10x, 20x and 50x Epi Plan Fluor BF objectives, and dust cover. Nikon LV150N BF/DF/DIC Upright Halogen Microscope - with stationary trinocular body tube, 10x eyepieces, LV-TV camera port (requires camera adapter), Halogen illumination with 50W bulb, NCB11 and ND4 filters, 3 x 2in [76 x 51mm] mechanical stage, 5-position nosepiece with 5x, 10x, 20x and 50x Epi Plan Fluor BF objectives, rotating polarizer/analyzer, DIC slider, and dust cover. Nikon LV150N Objectives & Accessories Nikon LV150N Optional Objectives Brightfield Objectives NIMUE12010* - 1x NIMUE12030* - 2.5x NIMUE12050 - 5x *Polarizer Required Darkfield/DIC Objectives NIMUE42050 - 5x NIMUE42100 - 10x NIMUE12100 - 10x NIMUE12200 - 20x NIMUE00400 - 40x NIMUE42200 - 20x NIMUE42500 - 50x NIMUE12500 - 50x NIMUE12900 - 100x NIMUE42900 - 100x Polarizer/Analyzer Polarizer/Analyzer Camera Adapter IMAGING & ANALYSIS For LV150N Halogen 8745-61 Camera Adapter For LV150NL LED 8745-62 Camera Adapter Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 1x, LV-TV 8749-13 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, 0.55x, LV-TV 8749-11 Camera Adapter, C-Mount, .7x, LV-TV 8749-12 Visit for ordering information. 67 Microscopy Accessories Digital Cameras LE Edition Part Number 86-0274 86-0270 86-0358 86-0337 Model uEye 1460SE-C uEye 1460LE-C uEye 3580LE uEye 3370CP Mega pixels 3.1 3.1 5 4 Chip Size 0.5in 0.5in 0.5in 1in Resolution (w x h) 2048 x 1536 2048 x 1536 2560 x 1920 2048 x 2048 Frame Rate (fps) 11.2 11.2 15.2 80 Image Sensor CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS Interface USB2.0 USB2.0 USB3.0 USB3.0 SE Edition Stage Micrometer Part Number 8749-21 8749-22 8749-23 Description Stage Micrometer, mm-Inch NIST Certified Stage Micrometer, Metal, 1mm/0.01mm Stage Micrometer, Metal, 1mm/0.01mm with UKAS certificate Monitors Part Number 85-0135 Description 24in Touch Monitor, LCD with 1920 x 1200 display capability Leveling Accessories for all Upright Microscopes Part Number 8749-31 8749-34 8749-35 Description Leveling Press Metal Slides, Set of 5, 75mm x 25 mm Metal Slides, Set of 2, 1in x 3in 68 Imaging Tips Microscope Factors - Aperture Diaphragm Almost all compound microscopes have an aperture diaphragm. This device modifies the size of an aperture in the light path of the microscope, and modifies the amount of light passing through as well as affecting focal depth, resolution and contrast. Many operators are not aware of the correct use of this function, but it can have a significant effect on measurement. When resolution is reduced, darker areas appear to `grow' and thresholding (defining the boundary between light and dark) becomes more difficult. The images below shows the same field of view on a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite specimen with the aperture fully open (a) and closed (b). A B IMAGING & ANALYSIS C D Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite specimen at 50x objective magnification: (a) aperture open; (b) aperture closed; (c) digitally magnified area from (a); (d) digitally magnified area from (b) Digitally enhancing these images shows some visible difference in contrast and resolution fine scratches from 0.3µm alumina can be seen in the polymer matrix in (d). However, when we take a measurement from these images the linear distance shown in (d) is 4% shorter than the line shown in (c) even though the measurement itself appears the same. This is attributable to the difference in resolution from the change in aperture setting. The recommendation for best practice is thankfully straightforward. The aperture diaphragm should generally be open when making measurements to maximize optical resolution. Other important criteria to optimize resolution are centering and set-up of the lighting and a good maintenance/cleaning schedule. Additional Tips · Ensure the microscope has high quality lighting (Koehler illumination) and lenses (particularly numerical aperture rating) · Optimize resolution of the microscope using good maintenance and adjusting correctly. · Avoid changing the captured image. Create contrast with the specimen and microscope, and not through digital enhancement. · Understand the tools and processes being used to avoid unnecessary error. Read the complete"Error and Uncertainty Metallographic Measurement" TechNote in the "Solutions" Section of the Buehler website Visit for ordering information. 69 HARDNESS TESTING Wilson® hardness testers include a comprehensive range of hardness testers from Rockwell®, Knoop, Vickers, and Brinell Wilson® hardness testers include a comprehensive range of hardness testers from Rockwell®, Vickers-Knoop, and Brinell to fully automatic production systems. Our testers are complemented by a range of test blocks, accessories, and fixtures. Our calibration laboratory is recognized as the global leader in the production of premium test blocks and indenters. Providing service and support that is dedicated to ensuring the highest quality calibration, verification, and service throughout the world and our applications support combines years of experience with unparalleled expertise. Featured Microstructure: Case hardened gear wheel, CHD test with HV0.5 Vickers scale, image taken with polarized light and DIC filter ~Buehler DiaMetTM Hardness Software DiaMet - Hardness Testing Made Easy Navigation within the DiaMetTM Software is made easy by its clean design and is supported by simple and intuitive gestures. Virtual tabs on top of the screen let you navigate between to Home, Program, Testing and Reporting. Comprehensive feedback is shown on the status bar, which makes interactions clear and efficient. Being designed for touch panel use, with an entirely new look and feel, DiaMet is simple, useful, and smart to work with! Easy To Operate by touch, mouse or keyboard. DiaMet Enterprise options let you Scan, Stitch and edge detect your sample to find exact locations where you can drop in pre-configured testing templates to speed up your operation. Wilson® DiaMetTM Multisample 72 HARDNESS TESTING DiaMetTM Hardness Software DiaMet - Automation Packages Automated Microindentation system available with different levels of automation. All control of the hardness instrument can be handled through comprehensive software. Automatically test and measure indentations, as well as set up and run automatic testing sequences and generate reports through export of data with minimal operator interaction. All parameters of the test, such as load monitoring, dwell times, and focusing are controlled through the software providing a very user friendly system. Hardness conversion into other scales is supported. DiaMet Features Manual Indent Measure Auto Indent Measure Barcode Scanner Interface Statistics, Reporting & Export tools K1c Testing Weld Testing Auto-illumination Digital zoom Motorized XY-stage control Multi Sample Testing Auto-focus Edge detection Contour, Scanning & stitching Hardness mapping Specimen templates Manual (Cam Only) Basic Semi-Automatic Full-Automatic Enterprise Weld Testing Weld testing has never been easier. Use the intuitive weld pattern generator in the program section and align your pattern on each weld section within seconds. Color Mapping Mapping gives an indication of the hardness distribution across a region of interest. Especially helpful for surface treated materials. Geometric Functions Basic measurements support you across the board of hardness testing. Make simple length or angle measurements, circle or area calculations with our geometry tool. Visit for ordering information. 73 Vickers Hardness Testers Wilson® All-in-One VH3100 Vickers Hardness Tester The best pre-configured full automatic Vickers hardness tester on the market. The All-in-One Wilson VH3100 has all you need for your production control hardness testing requirements. This machine setup is configured to perform easiest operation but with advanced software solutions DiaMet Enterprise. Wilson All-in-One VH3100 - 125mm Vertical Capacity Part Number - VH3100 Description Hardness scales ISO and ASTM certified Vickers indenter Loads HV0.05-HV0.1-HV0.2-HV0.3-HV0.5-HV1-HV2HV3-HV5-HV10 Objectives 10x and 50x long working distance objective for measurments and navigation Stage Overview camera Motorized 180x180mm stage (travel 110x140mm) Bright field overview camera with 13x13mm FOV, for navigation, scanning or stitching DiaMet Enterprise All software features you need including mapping, edge detection, scanning, stitching of overview image, CHD calculations, statistics, weld testing, exporting and barcode scanner interface DiaMet workstation High performance PC with 24" FullHD and montior touchmonitor 74 Please select the correct sample holder for your sample diameter or clamping device additionally. Vickers-Knoop Hardness Accessories Sample Holders and Accessories A good sample holder keeps your specimen stationary and provides support during testing. Buehler sample holders also level tapered samples to ensure that the test surface is perfectly perpendicular to the indenter. This ensures an accurate and problem free execution of your test job. Leveling Vise 4 Fold Leveling Vise 6 Fold Leveling Vise Self leveling vise for one round mounted sample up to 40mm (requires additional insert), incl. magnets 886164 Self leveling vise for a single 50mm round mounted sample, no inserts applicable. Incl. 886167 magnets. Universal Leveling Vise Self leveling vise for four round mounted samples up to 40mm (requires additional inserts). Incl. magnets. 886169 Self leveling vise for four 50mm round mounted sample, no inserts applicable. Incl. 886175 magnets. EZ Clamp Self leveling vise for six round mounted samples up to 40mm (requires additional 886178 inserts). Incl. magnets. Sample Holder Insert HARDNESS TESTING Universal clamping & leveling vise. Can be used to hold tapered pieces, wires and mounted samples. 900086323 Precision Vise Single mount canister 9100575 Canister (requires cap selection) 9100570 Mount Cap for 1in mounts 9100571 Mount Cap for 1.25in mounts 9100572 Mount Cap for 1.5in mounts 9100576 Mount Cap for 2in mounts 9100574 Magnetic Stop and Stage Mount *Mount Cap requires the Canister Anti-Vibration Table Sample holders 886164, 886169 and 886178 require one insert ring per slot. 886170 886171 886172 886173 886174 Ø 1in [25mm] insert Ø 30mm insert Ø 40mm insert Ø 1.25in insert Ø 1.5in insert Passive Platform Opening max 45mm 9100258 Active anti-vibration table 600 x 600mm [24 x 24in] 9100906 Passive Vibration Isolation Platform 18 x 24in [610 x 460mm] 9100904 for VH3300 and Rockwell Testers 9100905 for VH3100 and VH1000 series For more sample holders and supports please contact our technical sales team. Visit for ordering information. 75 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Testers Wilson® VH3100-3300 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Tester The Wilson Fully Automated Hardness Testing System provides a fully integrated platform for your complete Vickers and Knoop hardness testing needs. From leading edge modular frame, stage, and optic designs to a fully featured User Interface, our VH3100 and VH3300 Testers can be built to meet your Application needs today, tomorrow, and into the future. Ease of use · Focus on a fast and simple operation to satisfy the needs of novice operators, while maintaining the flexibility and complexity of features required by expert users with DiaMet operation software. Flexibility · With a 6 position vertical turret (Buehler patent), the VH3300 offers the flexibility to configure the tester for the complete 10gf 50kgf load range or just a section of this. · The zero-offset overview optics housed in the turret and is both illuminated and calibrated. · Designed for Vickers testing to conform to international standards ASTM E384 & E92; ISO 6507, 9385, 4546. Increase up-time & reduce service costs · Collision Resistant System - prevents indenter or objective damage. · All components and software are completely designed, manufactured and integrated by Buehler. Dimensions 13.39in [340mm]W x 23.62in [600mm]D Vertical Test Capacity VH3100 choose: 4.92in [125mm], 6.69in [170mm] or 8.46in [215mm] VH3300 choose: 4.1in [105mm] or 6.1in [155mm] Horizontal Test Capacity 9.23in [235mm] System Configurations Start by selecting either the VH3100 or VH3300 and continue on to create a customized Vickers-Knoop Hardness tester Main Unit Wilson VH3100 · 3+1 position virtual turret · 0.050 - 10kgf load range · Includes DiaMet workstation and 24" monitor W3111 Wilson VH3300 · 3+3 position motorized turret · 0.010 - 50kgf load range* · Includes DiaMet workstation and 24" monitor *depending on configuration W3210 Software Options DiaMet Full-Automatic software package W3100A03 DiaMet Enterprise software package W3100A15 Motorized Stages Standard size · 180 x 180mm W3100C02 Large size · 300 x 180mm W3100C03 Standard size · 180 x 180mm W3200C02 Large size · 300 x 180mm W3200C03 76 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Testers System Configurations (Continued) Wilson VH3100 Vertical Test Capacity W3100D01 - height 125mm W3100D02 - height 170mm W3100D03 - height 215mm Wilson VH3300 W3200D01 - height 105mm W3200D02 - height 155mm Load Cell select one for VH3100, select between one and three for VH3300 W3100E02 - 100N loadcell W3210E01 - 10N loadcell W3200E02 - 100N loadcell W3200E04 - 500N loadcell Scales HK0.01 HK0.025 HK0.05 HK0.1 HK0.2 HK0.3 HK0.5 HK1 HK2 HV0.01 HV0.025 HV0.05 HV0.1 HV0.2 HV0.3 HV0.5 HV1 HV2 HV3 HV5 HV10 HV20 HV30 HV50 Wilson VH3100 Wilson VH3300 Loadcell W3100E02 W3210E01 W3200E02 W3200E04 Overview Camera · Separate overview camera · Includes Scan & Stitch function in the DiaMet software W3110F01 · Turret integrated overview · Includes Scan & Stitch function in the DiaMet software W3200F01 Additional Accessories For Indenters select one Indenter per Load Cell. For Long Working Distance Objectives select up to two for VH3100, select two or three for VH3300 Objectives Indenter Holder* Vickers Indenter Knoop Indenter HARDNESS TESTING Part Number W5XLWD W10XLWD W20XLWD W40XLWD W50XLWD W100XLWD Native Mag. 5x 10x 20x 40x 50x 100x Max. Field of View 3600µm 1800µm 900µm 450µm 360µm 180µm *for VH3100 Only Standard holder W3100G01 SnapGrip Holder W3100G02 Vickers Indenter, ISO & ASTM Certified W9100687 Knoop Indenter, ISO & ASTM Certified W9100684 Please select your sample holder on page 78 Visit for ordering information. 77 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Testers Wilson® VH1102-1202 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Tester The VH1102 and VH1202 offer a versatile, affordable, and reliable solution for accurate micro-hardness testing, both for quality control and for metallurgical research applications. The VH1X02-series allows its operator to take measurements using the digital eyepiece in standalone mode or by using an optional integrated high-resolution camera and the powerful DiaMetTM software. Best in Class Optics · This high quality optical system, with proprietary components, provides an unparalleled image. · The optional digital camera is integrated inside the housing, keeping it safe from dust and dirt as well as preventing it from getting misaligned. Automatic Load Selection · Designed for Vickers and Knoop testing to conform to international standards ISO 6507, ISO 4545 and ASTM E384 · The wide load range with 9 individual load steps, offer testing capabilities from 10gf up to 2kgf VH1102 Standalone Tester Part Number - W1102D01 for Vickers W1102D02 for Knoop Description Hardness scales HV or HK Main-load 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 - 2kgf Objectives 10x and 50x Long Working Distance Sample Support Dimensions 9.8in [250mm]W x 20.4in [520mm]D x 26.3in [670mm]H Vertical Test Capacity 5.1in [130mm with XY-stage 3.7in [95mm] Horizontal Test Capacity 5.1in [130mm] Flat anvil & manual XY Stage VH1202 Standalone Tester Part Number - W1202D01 Description Hardness scales HV & HK Main-load 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 - 2kgf Objectives Sample Support 5x, 10x and 50x Long Working Distance Flat anvil & manual XY Stage VH1102-1202 with DiaMet Automation Software DiaMet worksation and 24" monitor included with VH1102-1202 Hardness Tester Testers DiaMet Basic DiaMet Basic DiaMet DiaMet DiaMet Manual (Analog) Manual (Digital) Semi Auto Full Auto Enterprise VH1102 Vickers W1102D31 W1102D33 W1102D35 W1102D37 W1102D45 VH1102 Knoop W1102D32 W1102D34 W1102D36 W1102D38 W1102D46 VH1202 Vickers & Knoop W1202D31 W1202D33 W1202D35 W1202D37 W1202D45 78 Vickers-Knoop Hardness Testers Wilson® VH1150 Macro Vickers Hardness Tester The Wilson VH1150 is the ultimate evolution of the deadweight Vickers hardness tester with a unique load range, 300gf 50kgf, combined in one machine. The automatic load selection eliminates the need for a hard to operate manual selector knob, and opens new possibilities in semi-automation applications. Functions like multi-scale conversion, shape correction and USB data export, make hardness testing easier and help you focus on your actual process control. Experience the flexibility of a segment leading wide load range · The manual load selector knob is replaced with a durable motor to change the loads automatically. · The fast & quiet motorized turret is integrated as part of completely automatic test cycle. One push of the start button is all it takes. Versatile · Designed for Vickers, testing conforms to international standards ISO 6507 and ASTM E384. · Segment leading load range - 0.3 - 50 kgf load range over ten individual load steps. HARDNESS TESTING Dimensions 9in [230mm]W x 25in [625mm]D x 30in [760mm]H Vertical Test Capacity 8.2in [210mm with standard flat anvil Horizontal Test Capacity 6.3in [160mm] VH1150 Standalone Tester Part Number - W1151D01 Description Hardness scales HV Main-load 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50kgf Objectives Sample Support 10x and 20x Long Working Distance Flat anvil & manual XY Stage VH1150 with DiaMet Automation Software DiaMet worksation and 24" monitor included with VH1102-1202 Hardness Tester DiaMet Basic DiaMet Basic DiaMet Testers Manual (Analog) Manual (Digital) Semi Auto VH1150 W1151D31 W1151D33 W1151D35 DiaMet Full Auto DiaMet Enterprise W1151D37 W1151D45 Accessories Indenters for VH1102-1202-1150 W9100687 Vickers indenter, includes ASTM & ISO certificate W9100684 Knoop indenter, includes ASTM & ISO certificate Manual Stages 9170506 XY-stage with analog metric micrometers 9170507 XY-stage with digital micrometers Objectives for VH1102-1202-1150 W5XLWD 5x Long Working Distance objective W10XLWD 10x Long Working Distance objective W20XLWD 20x Long Working Distance objective W40XLWD 40x Long Working Distance objective W50XLWD 50x Long Working Distance objective W100XLWD 100x Long Working Distance objective Visit for ordering information. 79 Universal Hardness Testers Wilson® UH4000 Series Hardness Testers The UH4000 series universal hardness tester is designed for high volume production labs and production floor. It is available in two different configurations, the UH4250 and UH4750. Universal hardness testers are designed to perform several hardness scales with one machine, in most cases for higher loads (>5kgf). The UH4000 series testers contain all standardized and usual hardness testing methods between 0.5-250kgf and 3-750kgf, according to ISO 6506, 6507, 6508 and 4545 and ASTM E18, E10 & E92. Additionally, plastics and carbon testing can be performed according to ISO2039 and DIN51917. Ease of use · Focus on a fast and simple operation to satisfy the needs of novice operators, while maintaining the flexibility and complexity of features required by expert users with DiaMet operation software. Flexibility · The optional clamping tool will ensure stability during the test process. · 8 position turret to have all objectives and indenters you need. · Laser for easy test location targetting and a ringlight for best Brinell measurement accuracy Increase up-time & reduce service costs · Steel casting provides full protection for production environments. Dimensions 28in [704mm]W x 21in [534mm]H x 39.2in [995mm]D Maximum Specimen Height 11.8in [300mm] Test Stage Dimensions T-slot stage with 12mm slot width, 11.8in [300mm] x 15.7in [400mm] System Configurations Start by selecting either the UH4250 or UH4750 and continue on to create a customized Universal Hardness tester Main Unit Wilson UH4250 · Load Range 0.5-250kgf, Standard Monitor 24" W4250 · Load Range 0.5-250kgf , Touchscreen 15" W4251 Wilson UH4750 · Load Range 3 - 750kgf, Standard Monitor 24" W4750 · Load Range 3 - 750kgf, Touchscreen 15" W4751 Configure Turret Select up to 8 different items Objectives W4100X2 2.5x Objective, optional with Ringlight W4100X5 5x Objective W4100X10 10x Objective W4100X20 20x Objective W4100X40 40x Objective W4100X50 50x Objective Laser W4100L Positioning Laser Indenters W4100K Knoop Indenter with turret adapter W4100V W4100B1 W4100B2 Vickers Indenter with turret adapter Brinell Indenter 1mm with turret adapter Brinell Indenter 2.5mm with turret adapter W4100B5 Brinell Indenter 5mm with turret adapter W4100B10 Brinell Indenter 10mm with turret adapter W4100R120 Rockwell Diamond Cone Indenter W4100R16 Rockwell Indenter 1/16" Ball W4100R8 W4100R4 W4100R2 Rockwell Indenter 1/8" Ball Rockwell Indenter 1/4" Ball Rockwell Indenter 1/2" Ball 80 Universal Hardness Testers Additional Accessories Ring Light Ringlight for 2.5x objective (improves reading of soft Brinell indents) W4100RL Auto Clamping Device The unique clamping device for the UH4000 series hardness testers ensures that workpieces will be fixed properly during testing. The device is designed to adapt different types of clamping forks. Clamping width: 35mm [1.37in] W4100CL Workbench Workbench with Drawers 1000 x 700 x 800mm [30 x 27 x 31in] with spindle hole 944872 HARDNESS TESTING Anvils All anvils fit on testers with 25mm pinhole. V anvil for max. 45mm diameter cylindric workpieces 740096 10mm spot anvil for small workpieces 740160 Test anvil flat 80mm diameter 740191 V anvil for max. 85mm diameter cylindric workpieces 740095 Auto-leveling anvil Planoflex flat 60mm diameter 740587 Test anvil flat 190mm diameter 740101 Visit for ordering information. 81 Rockwell Hardness Testers Wilson® Rockwell® 574 The 574 Series Rockwell Hardness Testers offer quality, durability, and an industry leading Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R) making this hardness testing instrument best in class. This system is available in Regular, Superficial or Twin Scale models and capable of testing in all of the regular and superficial Rockwell hardness scales and can accommodate a wide variety of applications. Dimensions 11.53in [292mm]W x 22.3in [566mm]D x 36.83in [934mm]H Vertical Test Capacity 11.43in [289mm] without accessories Horizontal Test Capacity 6.12in [155mm] at the bottom; 6.93in [175mm] at the top Segment Leading GR&R Performance · High precision depth measurement system for accurate and repeatable testing. · Auto preload brake and automated main load test cycle ensure repeatability. Ease of Use · Powerful auto-braking system on preload ensures a seamless operation. · Built in USB port offers rapid data transfer to Microsoft® Excel® or other applications. Robust · Proven robust design with all stainless steel internal components. 574R Regular - for all Regular test scales Part Number - WH574R Description Pre-load 10kgf Main-load Hardness scales 60, 100, 150kgf HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, HRH, HRK, HRL, HRM, HRP, HRR, HRS, HRV 574T Twin - for all Regular and Superficial test scales Part Number - WH574T Description Pre-load 3, 10kgf Main-load 15, 30, 45, 60, 100, 150kgf Hardness scales HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, HRH, HRK, HRL, HRM, HRP, HRR, HRS, HRV, 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T, 45T, 15W, 30W, 45W, 15X, 30X, 45X, 15Y, 30Y, 45Y 82 HARDNESS TESTING Rockwell Hardness Testers Wilson® Rockwell® 2000 The Rockwell 2000 Series Hardness Testers achieve the highest level of depth measurement accuracy and resolution available and as a result has the best GR&R performance in the industry. This instrument is offered in two sizes, 10 - 14 in vertical capacity, to accommodate varying sample sizes and is available in three different variations of Rockwell Regular, Superficial, or Twin hardness scales. Industry Leading GR&R Performance · Load cell force application ensures fast, precise, and reliable testing. Highly accurate "in-line" depth measuring scale. Ease of Use · One button start tester controls load application speed and dwell times. · A flexible and user friendly LCD control panel for method set up and configuration. Flexible · Available in two sizes ranging from 10 - 14 in (254 356 mm) to accommodate varying sample sizes. · Available in three different variations: Regular, Superficial, or Twin hardness scales. Dimensions13.5in [343mm]W x 23.2in [590mm]D x 48.5 [1232mm]H Vertical Test Capacity Size 2: 10in [254mm] Size 3: 14in [356mm] Horizontal Test Capacity 8.5in [216mm] 2002R & 2003R Regular - for all Regular test scales Part Numbers - Size 2: WH2002R, Size 3: WH2003R Description Pre-load 10kgf Main-load Hardness scales 60, 100, 150kgf HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, HRH, HRK, HRL, HRM, HRP, HRR, HRS, HRV 2002S & 2003S Superficial - for all Superficial test scales Part Numbers - Size 2: WH2002S, Size 3: WH2003S Description Pre-load 3kgf Main-load Hardness scales 15, 30, 45kgf 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T, 45T, 5W, 30W, 45W, 15X, 30X, 45X, 15Y, 30Y, 45Y 2002T & 2003T Twin - for all Regular and Superficial test scales Part Numbers - Size 2: WH2002T, Size 3: WH2003T Description Pre-load 3, 10kgf Main-load 15, 30, 45, 60, 100, 150kgf Hardness scales HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, HRH, HRK, HRL, HRM, HRP, HRR, HRS, HRV, 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T, 45T, 15W, 30W, 45W, 15X, 30X, 45X, 15Y, 30Y, 45Y Visit for ordering information. 83 Rockwell Hardness Testers Accessories Rockwell® Indenters All indenters fit on Wilson R574 and RB2000 testers. The indenter shaft length is 11,1mm and 6,34mm in diameter. Part Number Description 9100401 Rockwell indenter C scale , 120° diamond cone, ASTM certified 9100402 Rockwell indenter C, D, A, N scales, 120° diamond cone, ASTM certified 9100431 Rockwell indenter C, A, D scales, 120° diamond cone, ISO and ASTM certified 9100432 Rockwell indenter N scales, 120° diamond cone, ISO and ASTM certified 9100434 Rockwell indenter C,A,D,N scales, 120° diamond cone, ISO and ASTM certified 900003405 Rockwell indenter A scale for Carbides, 120° diamond cone, ASTM certified 900002015 Rockwell indenter N scale, 120° diamond cone, ASTM certified 9100405 Rockwell indenter 1/16" WC ball with 4 spare balls, ASTM and ISO certified 9100406 Rockwell indenter 1/16" WC ball with 4 spare balls, ASTM and ISO certified 9100407 Rockwell indenter 1/4" WC ball with 1 spare ball, ASTM and ISO certified 9100408 Rockwell indenter 1/2" WC ball with 1 spare ball, ASTM and ISO certified 9100422 1/16" Diameter WC Balls, 5 pcs, ASTM and ISO certified 9100423 1/8" Diameter WC Balls, 5 pcs, ASTM and ISO certified 9100424 1/4" Diameter WC Balls, 3 pcs, ASTM and ISO certified 9100425 1/2" Diameter WC Ball, 1 pcs, ASTM and ISO certified * C, D and A scales refer to regular Rockwell scales, N scales refer to superficial Rockwell scales ** WC = tungsten carbide Rockwell® Verification Kits The kits contain recommended indenters and blocks for the dedicated scales. Part Number A582143 A58239 A582144 Description Rockwell Regular Kit includes Rockwell C Indenter, 25 HRC, 63 HRC and 80 HRB test blocks Rockwell Superficial Kit includes Rockwell N Indenter, 46 HR30N, 80 HR30N and 70 HR30T test blocks Rockwell Twin Kit includes Rockwell C and N Indenters, 25 HRC, 63 HRC, 80 HRB, 80 HR30N and 70 HR30T test blocks Rockwell® Anvils All anvils fit on testers with 19mm pinhole. Flat anvil 2.5" [63mm] 900001236 Flat anvil 7.5" [190mm] W741246 V Anvil Shallow 0.5" [12.7mm] stem height for cylindrical parts < 0.25" [6,3mm] 900007388 V Anvil Shallow 1" [25mm] stem height for cylindrical parts < 0.25" [6,3mm] 900007195 V Anvil Standard For cylindrical parts > 0.25" [6,3mm] 900030797 Anvil Cylindron Jr. For cylindrical parts 0.25-3" [6-76mm] 900007425 Anvil Cylindron For cylindrical parts 2-8" [50-203mm] 900007147 Anvil for Ball Testing For cylindrical parts 1/16"-1" [1,6-25mm] 900001371 Eyeball Anvil For pieces with slight taper (to mount on spindle) 900007088 Pedestal spot Anvil 0.5" [12,7mm] stem height, 0.27" [7mm] spot diameter 900007387 Pedestal spot Anvil 1" [25mm] stem height, 0.27" [7mm] spot diameter 900007156 Diamond spot anvil For HR30T scale, 0.39" [10mm] spot diameter 900007400 84 Proper Indent Spacing Proper Indent Spacing When making indentations on a test block, the hardness of the material immediately surrounding an indentation will usually increase due to the residual stress and work hardening caused by the indentation process. If an indentation is made too close to the edge of a test piece, there may be insufficient material to constrain the deformation around the indentation. Both of these scenarios can lead to inaccurate hardness readings. To prevent incorrect readings, recommended spacing has been defined in the standards for each type of hardness test. To ensure proper spacing is followed, Buehler offers pattern engraving on the surface of test blocks. Rockwell & Brinell According to ASTM and ISO Standards: The distance between the centers of two adjacent indentations shall be at least three times the diameter (d) of the indentation. The distance from the center of any indentation to an edge of the test piece shall be at least two and a half times the diameter of the indentation. Vickers According to ASTM Standards: The distance between two indents or an indent and the edge of the test piece shall be at least two and a half times the diagonal (dV) of the indentation. According to ISO Standards: The distance between the centers of two indents shall be at least three times the diagonal (dV) of the indent for steel, copper and copper alloys, and at least six times for light metals, lead and tin and their alloys. The distance between the center of an indent and the edge of the test piece shall be at least two and a half times the diagonal (dV) for steel, copper and copper alloys, and at least three times for light metals, lead and tin and their alloys. dV= Vickers Diagonal Knoop According to ASTM Standards: The distance between two indents shall be at least two times the diagonal (dK) of the indentation and two and a half times the width (dW) of the indentation. The distance between the center of an indentation and the edge of a test piece shall be at least one diagonal (dK) or two and a half times the width (dW) of the indentation. * For steel, copper and copper alloys · For light metals, lead, tin and their alloys According to ISO Standards: The distance between two indents shall be at least two times the diagonal (dK) of the indentation and three and a half times the width (dW) of the indentation. The distance between the center of an indentation and the edge of a test piece shall be at least one diagonal (dK) or three and a half times the width (dW) of the indentation. HARDNESS TESTING dK = Knoop Long Diagonal dW = Knoop Short Diagonal Visit for ordering information. 85 Brinell Hardness Testers Wilson® BH3000 The BH3000 is a durable, 30 kN (3000 kgf) Brinell Hardness Tester ideal for wide range of Brinell loads from 62.5 kgf - 3000 kgf. Designed with rugged construction to withstand harsh environments, the BH3000 combines high rigidity and closed-loop load cell technology to ensure accurate and safe load applications. The standards are ISO 6506, ASTM E10, JIS. Ease of use · Heavy duty clamping and protection Accuracy · Closed-loop system for quick and highly accurate test results. · Integrated hardness calculator and conversions. Flexibility · Wide load range 613N 29.42 KN (62.5 kgf - 3000 kgf.). · Deep reading microscope (order separately). BH3000 Part Number: WH3000BH Description Hardness scales Main-load HB 62.5 - 3000kgf Dimensions 10.4in [265mm]W x 23.9in [608mm]D x 39.5in [1000mm]H Vertical Test Capacity 11in [280mm] Horizontal Test Capacity 5in [130mm] Accessories WHSCOPE20X Brinell microscope 20X with LED light source WHSCOPE40X Brinell microscope 40X with LED light source WHSCOPE60X Brinell microscope 60X with LED light source WHKINGSC4 King Scan IV - Computer Based Automatic Brinell Measurement System 9110-213 Testing table diameter 235mm 9110-123 Indenter 10mm Carbide Ball with certificate 9110-122 9110-121 900000485* 900000595* 900007350* Indenter 5mm Carbide Ball with certificate Indenter 2.5mm Carbide Ball with certificate 10mm Carbide Ball with NVLAP certificate (Qty 2) 5mm Carbide Ball with NVLAP certificate (Qty 2) 10mm Ball Retainer, MJ, L, K, KDR, AP, & CLB3 *Products only available in North America & South America 86 Wilson® Hardness Test Blocks HARDNESS TESTING Wilson Hardness test blocks set the standard for the industry and are made from the highest quality material to insure the most uniform and repeatable blocks available. A comprehensive variety of scales and blocks are available to meet the wide ranges and hardness scales associated with Rockwell®, Brinell, Knoop and Vickers testing. All Wilson test blocks are calibrated in the Wilson Hardness Calibration Laboratory in Binghamton, NY. The Wilson lab is accredited to ISO-IEC 17025 by A2LA and the testers used in the calibration process undergo a stringent monitoring process using NIST traceable devices. For the ultimate accuracy and performance in tester verification, calibration sets are available for most Rockwell scales. · We work directly with the steel and brass mills to specify the chemical composition · Our machining processes (grinding, lapping, polishing) are all done in house, at the site of calibration · 100% inspection to ensure that every single test block meets the physical requirements of ASTM (thickness, flatness, parallelism, surface roughness) Wilson® Rockwell Test Blocks Rockwell A Rockwell B · Rockwell C Part Number 9201110 Nominal Hardness 63HRA 9201150 73HRA 9201190 83HRA 9202050W 9202060W 9202070W 9202080W 9202090W 9202100W 9203111 9203121 9203131 9203141 9203151 9203161 9203171 9203181 9203191 9205010W 9205020W 9205050W 9205060W 9205070W 40HRB 50HRB 60HRB 70HRB 80HRB 95HRB 25HRC 30HRC 35HRC 40HRC 45HRC 50HRC 55HRC 60HRC 63HRC 57HRE 63HRE 81HRE 87HRE 93HRE 9206020W 63HRF 9206050W 80HRF 9206070W 91HRF Superficial Rockwell 15-N Superficial Rockwell 15-T · Part Number 9212110 9212150 9212190 9218020W 9218050W 9218070W 9218090W 9213110 9213130 9213150 9213190 9219050W Nominal Hardness 72HR15N 83HR5N 91HR15N 64HR15T 74HR15T 80HR15T 87HR15T 46HR30N 55HR30N 64HR30N 80HR30N 43HR30T 9219070W 56HR30T 9219090W 70HR30T Superficial Rockwell 30-N Superficial Rockwell 30-T · · Certified using a Tungsten Carbide ball indenter Special Order Items Part Number Description 9201002 9201003 Special value - please provide hardness value and Rockwell scale Special value with grid - please provide hardness value and Rockwell scale 9201006 API compliance - special tolerance - please provide hardness value and Rockwell scale Visit for ordering information. 87 Rockwell F· Rockwell E· Wilson® Hardness Test Blocks Wilson® Vickers-Knoop Test Blocks According to ISO 6507 & ASTM E92 Vickers Test Blocks HV0.05 HV0.1 HV0.2 HV0.3 HV0.5 HV1 HV2 930005930005- 9300193001- 93002- 93003- 9300593002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 93029301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 9300593001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 93029301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- 930005- 93001- 93002- 93003- 93005- 9301- 9302- Item number example: 93003700 for a 700 HV0.3 test block HV3 9303930393039303930393039303930393039303930393039303- HV5 HV10 HV20 HV30 HV50 Value 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 150 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 200 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 250 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 300 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 350 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 400 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 450 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 500 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 550 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 600 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 700 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 775 9305- 9310- 9320- 9330- 9350- 830 not ISO 6507 due to <20µm diagonal length Macro Vickers blocks (2.4in x 0.35in [60mm x 9mm]) Micro Vickers blocks (1.25in x 0.63in [32mm x 16mm]) Knoop Test Blocks Load (kg) HK0.5 Part Number 94-005-225 94-005-315 94-005-440 94-005-540 94-005-630 94-005-730 94-005-850 Nominal Hardness 225 HK 315 HK 440 HK 540 HK 630 HK 730 HK 850 HK Range 200-250 290-340 415-465 515-565 605-655 705-755 825-875 Special Order Items not applicable for Europe, please contact Buehler Europe etc.. Part Number Description 93-000-001* Special block - please provide hardness value and Vickers scale 93-000-002* Special block - please provide hardness value and Vickers scale 94-000-001* Special block - please provide hardness value and Knoop scale 93-000-012· Special block - 2 scales certification - please provide hardness value and Vickers/Knoop scale 93-000-013· Special block - 3 scales certification - please provide hardness value and Vickers/Knoop scale 93-000-014· Special block - 4 scales certification - please provide hardness value and Vickers/Knoop scale *Specify hardness required and load force for calibration ·Specify additional load force for calibration 88 HARDNESS TESTING Wilson® Hardness Test Blocks Wilson® Brinell Test Blocks Brinell reference blocks up to 250kgf load Nominal value Range HBW2.5-62.5 scale HBW2.5-187.5 scale 140 HBW 115-169 WH-140HBW-625 WH-140HBW-1875 200 HBW 170-224 WH-200HBW-625 WH-200HBW-1875 250 HBW 225-274 WH-250HBW-625 WH-250HBW-1875 300 HBW 275-324 WH-300HBW-625 WH-300HBW-1875 350 HBW 325-375 WH-350HBW-625 WH-350HBW-1875 400 HBW 375-449 WH-400HBW-1875 500 HBW 450-525 WH-500HBW-1875 HBW5-250 scale WH-140HBW-250 WH-200HBW-250 WH-250HBW-250 Brinell reference blocks up to 3000kgf load Nominal value Range HBW5-750 scale 140 HBW 115-169 WH-140HBW-750 200 HBW 170-224 WH-200HBW-750 225 HBW 212-238 250 HBW 225-274 WH-250HBW-750 275 HBW 262-288 300 HBW 275-324 WH-300HBW-750 325 HBW 312-338 350 HBW 325-375 WH-350HBW-750 375 HBW 362-388 400 HBW 375-449 WH-400HBW-750 500 HBW 450-525 WH-500HBW-750 HBW10-3000 scale WH-140HBW-3000 WH-200HBW-3000 WH-225HBW-3000 WH-250HBW-3000 WH-275HBW-3000 WH-300HBW-3000 WH-325HBW-3000 WH-350HBW-3000 WH-375HBW-3000 WH-400HBW-3000 WH-500HBW-3000 Other Brinell scales that use 1mm 2.5mm, 5mm or 10mm ball indenters not applicable for Europe, please contact Buehler Europe etc.. Part Number WHSMLBRIN* Description Special block - please provide hardness value and Brinell scale using 1mm or 2.5mm ball indenter Part Number Description WHSPECBRIN* Special block - please provide hardness value and Brinell scale using 5mm or 10mm ball indenter Specify hardness required, load force, and ball indenter size for certification See Test Block Guide for More Information Visit for ordering information. 89 Shelf Life for Consumable Products Shelf life is defined as the length of time listed products are considered best suitable for performance. This does not mean that a product will not perform beyond this time period, nor does it mean that the product will be usable continuously for this time frame. The shelf life is independent of the warranty* period as defined below. The shelf life depends on proper storage - i.e. Abrasive Cut-Off Wheels must be stored lying flat and in a dry location. Stored standing up or in a humid area breaks down the wheel composition. Product Name Shelf Life** Abrasive Cut Off Wheels 2 years CarbiMet Paper, PSA or S Backed 1 year CarbiMet Paper, Plain Backed 2 years Acrylic Systems 1 year Aluminum Oxide Powder 2 years ApexTM Bimetallic Plate 1 year Apex CGD and DGD 1 year Apex Hercules Grinding Disc 1 year Apex Magnetic Disc 1 year Apex S Carrier Films 1 year AutoMetTM Lapping Oil 2 years Cool 3 Fluid 2 years Diallyl Phthalate Powder 2 years Epoxy Systems 1 year EpoMetTM F & G Powder 1 year FibrMetTM Discs PSA Backed 2 years Flat Edge Filler 2 years IsoCutTM Cutting Fluid 1 year KonductoMet Powder 1 year MasterMetTM 2 3 years MasterMet 2 years MasterPolishTM 1 year MasterPrep 2 years MetGripTM Liners 1 year MetaDiTM Fluid 2 years MetaDiTM Suspensions & Pastes 2 years MicroPolish Alumina Suspension & Powder 1 year PhenoCureTM Powder & PreMolds 2 years Pigments for Castable Mounts 1 year Planar Grinding Stones 2 years Polishing Cloths with PSA 1 year Powdered Mold Release 2 years ProbeMetTM Powder 1 year Release Agent 1 year Silicon Carbide Powder 2 years TransOptic Powder 1 year UltraPrepTM Diamond Lapping Film 1 year Wafering Blades 1 year *Warranty depends on Quality Assurance/Lab evaluation on an individual basis **Shelf life starts when product is shipped See Terms & Conditions for warranty information 90 2021 Buehler Microstructure Calendar The Buehler Microstructure Calendar is a recognized forum for excellence in this unique area of technical expertise. Publication in the calendar is open to anyone who has achieved a level of excellence in materials preparation. If you would like to submit an entry for the 2021 edition, please do so according to the following guidelines. GUIDELINES SUBJECT OF PHOTO MICROGRAPH: · Microstructural details or hardness indents of any metallic, non-metallic, geological or bio-related materials · Image must be obtained through the use of a light optical microscope (no SEM or TEM) · Image must not be digitally pseudo colored or enhanced REQUIRED INFORMATION: · Completed entry form · Brief title statement that details the material depicted in the image · The original magnification used to acquire the image · The illumination mode used, such as brightfield, darkfield, polarized light, reflected or transmitted, differential interference contrast (DIC), phase contrast, or any other relevant information concerning the illumination and observation methods · Details of any etchants used to reveal the microstructure, including the chemical formulation where applicable IMAGE REQUIREMENTS (Images not meeting the requirements will not be accepted) · The entry must be uniformly illuminated and have sharp, crisp, in-focus details. · The image cannot have a scale-bar. · Digital files MUST be TIF, JPG or BMP and 120dpi (printed size will be 13in x 9in) · 8in x 10in [200 x 250mm] up to 11in x 14in [275 x 350mm] color photo prints will also be accepted. SEND FILES: ONLINE: · Send your images through our website at · If an alternate method is preferred, please contact us at (847) 295-6500 or for instructions on FTP login DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: August 1st, 2020 WINNERS: If your entry is published, you will receive an honorarium of $200 (USD) per image and the privilege of having your work displayed worldwide. Selected calendar entries become the sole property of Buehler and may be used in other Buehler publications. If you have further questions, please contact us at: (847) 295-6500 or email: 7075 and 6061 Aluminum Weld, etched with Barker's reagent, mag. 50x, polarized light ~Matthew Ryder and Xiangbin Wang; Worcester Polytechnic Institute; iMdc, Worcester, MA USA Aluminum beryllium casting, mag. 200x, viewed with Differential Interference Contrast. ~ Daniel Slates; Materion Brush Performance Alloys; Elmore, Ohio USA Visit for ordering information. 91 INDEX A AbrasiMatic 300........................................6 AbrasiMet M..............................................5 AbrasiMet XL Pro.......................................7 Abrasive Blades............................... 10, 11 Abrasive Blades for Precision Cutters..18 Abrasive Cutter Recirulation....................9 Abrasive Cutters.................................... 5-7 Abrasive Cutter Vising Accessories........8 Abrasive Lapping Film...........................55 Abrasive Papers............................... 46, 47 Abrasive Cutter Vises...............................8 Acrylic Mounting Systems......................23 AcuThin Abrasive Blades................. 11,18 Apex Platen System................................45 Apex S............................................... 45, 46 Automated Hardness.......................72-81 Automatic Abrasive Cutters.................6, 7 AutoMet 250 Grinder-Polisher..............33 AutoMet 300 Grinder-Polisher..............33 AutoMet Oil.............................................53 B Base Cabinet.............................................9 BH3000 Tester........................................86 Blue Mounting Mold..............................24 Brinell Testers..........................................86 Burst Dispensing System.......................36 C C-Mount Adapters............................62-67 Cameras...................................................68 CarbiMet Abrasive Discs................. 46, 47 CarbiMet S...............................................46 Castable Mount Pigment.......................25 Castable Mounting...........................22-25 Castable Mounting Molds.....................24 CBN Blades for Precision Cutters.........17 ChemoMet Polishing Cloth.......41, 50-51 Cloth Guide.......................................50-51 Compression Mounting Equipment.....26 Conductive Filler.....................................25 Conductive Mounting Powders............28 Cool 3 Fluid.........................................9, 18 Crystalbond & Crystalbond LT..............25 Cubic Boron Nitride Blades...............9, 17 Cutting Fluid............................................18 D DeltaManual............................................. 6 DGD Ultra Diamond Discs.....................49 DGD Terra................................................49 Diallyl Phthalate......................................28 DiaMet Hardness Software..............72-73 Diamond Blades for Abrasive Cutters....9 Diamond Grinding Discs................ 48, 49 Diamond Lapping Film..........................55 Diamond Suspensions & Pastes..... 52, 53 Diamond Wafering Blades....................17 Digital Cameras.......................................68 Digital Imaging..................................58-60 Dispensing System.................................36 Disposable Mounting Cups...................24 Dressing Sticks......................17,18, 37, 48 Drive Adapters........................................39 E EcoMet 30 Grinder-Polisher........... 34, 35 ElectroMet Etchers & Accessories........42 EnvironMet Recirculating Filtering System & Accessories.........................43 EPDM Mounting Cups & Molds............24 EpoHeat CLR...........................................22 EpoKwick FC............................................22 EpoMet F Molding Compound.............28 EpoMet G Molding Compound............28 EpoThin 2.................................................22 EpoxiCure 2.............................................22 Epoxy Mounting Systems......................22 EZ Clamp.................................................75 F FibrMet Abrasive Discs..........................55 Final Polishing Suspensions...................54 Flat Edge Filler........................................25 G Glass Slide Holders.................................40 Glass Slides..............................................40 Glossy.......................................................18 Grinding & Polishing........................30-55 Grinding Discs.................................. 48, 49 H Hardness Test Blocks........................87-89 Hardness Tester.................................70-86 I Imaging & Analysis...........................56-69 Inverted Microscopes.......................64-66 IsoCut CBN Wafering Blades................17 IsoCut Fluid.............................................18 IsoMet 1000 & LS Vises ................... 14,15 IsoMet 1000.............................................13 IsoMet High Speed.................................12 IsoMet High Speed Vises.......................16 IsoMet Diamond Wafering Blades .......17 IsoMetLow Speed Cutter......................13 K-L Knoop Test Blocks...................................88 Knoop Testers....................................76-78 KonductoMet Mounting Compound...28 Lapping Films..........................................55 Leveling Press..........................................68 Loading Fixtures & Plates.......................39 M MacroVickers Test Blocks ......................88 Magnetic Disc (Apex).............................45 Manual Abrasive Cutters...................... 5-6 Manual Grinder.......................................34 MasterMet & MasterMet 2.....................54 MasterPolish & MasterPolish 2..............54 MasterPrep...............................................54 MasterTex Polish Cloth...............41, 50-51 MetaDi Diamond Pastes.........................53 MetaDi Diamond Suspensions..............52 MetaDi Fluid............................................53 Metal Bonded Diamond Discs........48-49 MetGrip Liners........................................46 MetKleer Adhesive Bases......................25 MicroCloth Polishing Cloth........41, 50-51 MicroCut ...........................................46-47 MicroCut S...............................................46 MicroFloc Polishing Cloth............... 50, 51 MicroPolish Alumina Powder ................54 MicroPolish II Deagglomerated Alumina Powder .................................54 Microscopes...................................... 61-67 MiniMet Abrasive Discs..........................41 MiniMet Polishing Cloths.......................41 MiniMet1000 Grinder-Polisher ............41 Mold Release Spray & Powder..............25 Monitors...................................................68 Mounting........................................... 20-29 Mounting Cement & Wax......................25 Mounting Clips........................................25 N Nikon Eclipse LV150N............................67 Nikon Eclipse MA100N..........................64 Nikon Eclipse MA200.............................65 Nikon Microscopes...........................61-67 Nikon SMZ18...........................................63 Nikon SMZ800N......................................62 Nylon Polishing Cloth.................41, 50-51 O OmniMet Modular Digital Imaging System ............................58-60 P Paper Cups..............................................25 PC Met......................................................40 PetroBond Thin Section Fixture ............19 PetroThin Accessories............................19 PetroThin..................................................19 PetroVue Thin Section Viewer................19 PhenoCure Mounting Compounds......27 Phenolic Mounting Compounds...........27 92 INDEX Pigments..................................................25 Planar Grinder.........................................37 PlanarMet 300.........................................37 Accessories & Consumables.............37 Platens................................................ 33-34 Plastic Ring Forms...................................24 PoliCloth Polishing Cloth................ 50, 51 PoliMat 2..................................................42 Polishing Cloth Guide..................... 50, 51 Polishing Cloths......................... 41, 50, 51 Polishing Pastes.......................................53 Polishing Suspensions..................... 52, 54 Powered Mold Release..........................25 Precision Cutter Accessories...........14-16 PreMolds..................................................27 Printed Wiring Board & Electronics......40 ProbeMet Mounting Compound..........28 PWB Met..................................................40 Q/R ReciClean.................................................18 Recirculating systems for Abrasive Cutters....................................9 Recirculating System for Precision Cutters.................................16 Release Agent.........................................25 Ring Forms...............................................24 Rockwell 2000.........................................83 Rockwell 574...........................................82 Rockwell Accessories.............................84 Rockwell Hardness Testers..............82-83 Rockwell Indenters.................................84 Rockwell Indenters.................................87 S SamplKlip.................................................25 SamplKup................................................24 SamplKwick Fast Cure Acrylic...............23 Sectioning............................................ 2-19 Silicon Carbide Paper................ 41, 46, 47 Silicone Mold Release ...........................25 SimpliMet4000 Automatic Mounting Press & Accessories..........26 SimpliVac Vacuum System.....................24 Specimen Caps.......................................24 Specimen Holders............................38-40 Specimen Loading Fixture.....................39 Specimen Support Clips........................25 Stage Micrometers.................................68 Stereo Microscopes......................... 62, 63 Stirring Sticks...........................................25 Support Clips & Clamps.........................25 T Target Holders.........................................39 Test Blocks.........................................87-89 TexMet C Polishing Cloth...........41, 50-51 TexMet P Polishing Cloth................ 50, 51 ThermoPlastic Cement...........................25 Thermoplastic Mounting Material........28 Thermosetting Mounting Material.27, 28 TransOptic Mounting Compound........28 TriDent Polishing Cloth..............41, 50-51 U UH4000.............................................. 80-81 UltraPad Polishing Cloth..................50-51 UltraPol Polishing Cloth..............41, 50-51 UltraPrep Diamond Lapping Film ........55 UniClip Support Clips............................25 Universal Tester Accessories.................81 Universal Testers...............................80-81 Upright Industrial Microscopes & Accessories......................................67 V-Z Vacuum System for Epoxy.....................24 VariDur 10 Acrylic System......................23 VariDur 200 Acrylic System....................23 VariDur 3003 Mounting System............23 VariKleer Mounting System...................23 VelTex Polishing Cloth..................... 50, 51 VerduTex Polishing Cloth.......................50 VH1102/1202 Vickers/Knoop Tester....78 VH1150 Vickers/Knoop Tester...............79 VH3100/VH3300 Vickers/Knoop Tester... ......................................................... 74-77 VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher & Accessories......................................42 Vickers Test Blocks..................................88 Vickers Hardness Testers..................74-79 ViewMet...................................................66 Vises for Abrasive Cutters........................8 Wafering Blades......................................17 WhiteFelt Polishing Cloth............... 50, 51 Products in blue are new or improved by Buehler for 2020. For all of our Application Guides please visit our literature web page 93 Buehler Worldwide Locations Lake Bluff, IL, US Binghampton, NY, US Norwood, MA, US Coventry, UK Dardilly, FR Esslingen, DE Ehsan, MY Shanghai, CN Tokyo, JP Solutions for Materials Preparation, Testing and Analysis © 2020 BUEHLER, a division of Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2020 Product Catalog-Rev1 Authorised distributor In Australia: For customer service, call 1300-735-292 To fax an order, use 1800-067-639 To email an order, In New Zealand: For customer service, call 0800-933-966 To fax an order, use 0800-329-246 To email an order, ordersnz@thermofisher.comAdobe InDesign 15.0 (Windows) Adobe PDF Library 15.0