scemtec Transponder Technology SIR-2720 Midrange Reader System User Manual

scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH Midrange Reader System

User Manual

State: 2010-03-01   Vers. no.: 1.10   m. dudde hochfrequenz-technik     Rottland 5a    D-51429   Bergisch Gladbach/ Germany    Tel. +49 2207-96890    Fax  +49 2207 968920       Annex no. 5  Functional Description / User Manual
© scemtec transponder technology GmbH · Gewerbeparkstr. 20 · D-51580 Reichshof  Manual and Specification         SIR-2720   (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)                                       Project: System version Document version SIR-2720 0.1.1  0.04 Creation date Author Revised Author 24 Nov. 2010  M. Radermacher  31 Jan. 2011  M.Radermacher Last date printed Number of pages 31 Jan. 2011  14 Path: p:\sir-2720\spezifikation (manual)\manual & specification\sir-2720_manual_engl._v.0.04.doc Document number 0000.0000.2720 Project manager Development manager Managing director  M. Radermacher  Jürgen Kalbitzer  Rudolf Schmitz
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  2 of 14  Table of Contents 1 Introduction___________________________________________________________________ 3 2 System Description ____________________________________________________________ 4 3 Block Diagram_________________________________________________________________ 5 4 Operating Modes ______________________________________________________________ 5 4.1 Self-Test (Diagnosis) and STAND-BY Operation_____________________________________ 5 4.2 Reading / Writing Tags_________________________________________________________ 6 4.3 EAS Antitheft ________________________________________________________________ 6 5 Hardware _____________________________________________________________________ 6 5.1 Voltage Supply _______________________________________________________________ 6 5.2 Safeguarding, fuse-requirements_________________________________________________ 6 5.3 HF Unit _____________________________________________________________________ 6 5.4 External Antenna _____________________________________________________________ 7 5.5 Digital Signal Processing _______________________________________________________ 7 5.5.1 Processor _______________________________________________________ 7 5.5.2 Memory_________________________________________________________ 7 5.6 Interfaces ___________________________________________________________________ 7 5.6.1 RS232__________________________________________________________ 7 5.6.2 Ethernet ________________________________________________________ 8 5.6.3 USB ___________________________________________________________ 8 5.7 Inputs / Outputs ______________________________________________________________ 8 5.7.1 Binary Inputs_____________________________________________________ 8 5.7.2 Binary outputs____________________________________________________ 9 6 Software_____________________________________________________________________ 10 6.1 Firmware for the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader _____________________________ 10 6.2 STX / ETX Interface Protocol ___________________________________________________ 10 7 Diagnosis____________________________________________________________________ 11 7.1 Self-Test (POST) ____________________________________________________________ 11 7.2 LEDs______________________________________________________________________ 11 7.2.1 External Diagnosis LEDs __________________________________________ 11 7.3 Label / Type Plate____________________________________________________________ 11 8 Mechanical Data / Housing _____________________________________________________ 11 9 Electrical Data ________________________________________________________________ 12 10 Conformity___________________________________________________________________ 13 10.1 CE Conformity ______________________________________________________________ 13 10.2 FCC  Conformity: Information for USA____________________________________________ 13 11 Delivery Scope / Optional Equipment and Accessories ______________________________ 14 11.1 Manual, CD-ROM, Test Software, Protocol Description ______________________________ 14 11.2 Optional Accessories / External Antenna(s)________________________________________ 14 12 Datasheet____________________________________________________________________ 14 13 Related Documents / Document History __________________________________________ 14 13.1 Document History____________________________________________________________ 14
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  3 of 14   1  Introduction    As  with  all  electronic  systems,  the  system  described  hereafter  may  also  not  be  used  for  any applications  critical  for  maintaining  safety.  This  means,  the  products  may  not  used  in  life support  applications  or  any  other  life  critical  applications  that  could  involve  potential  risk  of death, personal injury or severe property or environmental damage. The  user/operator  is  solely  responsible  for  any  damages  resulting  from  an  improper  or unintended utilization of the system.  scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH (STT) reserves the right to make changes or to discontinue its products or services at any time without notice.  STT  takes no responsibility for customer applications, products, or performance relating to systems or applications incorporating with STT products.  STT assumes no liability and is not responsible for infringement of patents and/or any other intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties, which may result from assistance provided by STT.  The Windows® logo is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.  All  other  products  mentioned  in  this  document  might  be  brands  or  brand  names  of  the  different suppliers.  Copyright © 2007 scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH (STT)    General:  As this technology is based on radio frequency, one must exercise the following operational and mounting instructions to achieve best operation:  •  Metal affects radio signals. Normally the antenna has to be as far away as possible from any metal object and it’s damping influence on the magnetic field. Only this leads to the best distribution of the magnetic field in the reading range. Very important as well is not to have “short circuits”, in the vicinity of the antenna, damping the magnetic field. A “short circuit” is any metal near the antenna, building a “metallic ring”, so that currents introduced by the RF-field can flow, destroying the energy needed for the tag to operate.  •  Care must be exercised to reduce or eliminate unwanted signals (so called interference or noise) from external sources. The reading range may be reduced by following noise sources:  •  portable two way radio •  cellular phones •  switching power supplies •  computer monitors •  frequency converters (e.g. motor control systems)  •  The read range is depending upon •  performance of the reader •  size of the antenna •  size of the tag (the bigger the better) •  orientation of the tag antenna plane to the reader antenna plane •  quality of the tag •  matching of reader antenna size and tag (-antenna) size •  environmental, electrical noise •  If influence of metal can not be fully avoided a tuning of the antenna is required and will improve reading range
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  4 of 14   2  System Description                 The "SIR-2720  13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System" is hereafter referred to as "Reader."  This manual describes the SIR-2720  13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System, Reader for short.  This SIR-2720 Midrange Reader System is designed as a multi-tag system to read and write information stored  on  transponders  (tags).  The  operating  frequency of  13.56  MHz  yields  a relatively wide  reading range of up to 700 mm depending on antenna system (mainly with larger externally attached antennas) and transponder -type  and -size. This first  generation of  SIR-27xx  Midrange Readers is  based on the hardware  developed  by    scemtec  Transponder  Technology    featuring  an  RF  transmitting  power  of max. 1.4W @ 50Ω-load. The SIR-2720  13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System is the second product in the SIR-27xx product family. The transmission of data between the reader and a host computer via the asynchronous  RS232  interface  can  be  up  to  115200 baud. A USB 2.0 full speed compatible interface and an Ethernet port is available as well.    The reader is compatible with standards ISO/IEC 15693- 2 and ISO18000-3 "A."
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  5 of 14   3  Block Diagram  13.56 MHz Midrange Reader System:  Power supply12 V =/DCexternalantenna(via BNC-connector)Mod- UnitFILTERPower Switching UnitFILTERMIXEROSZ13,56 MHzDemod- UnitA / D ConverterDigitalInputsOutputsUSBRS 232Ethernet25MHz18,432MHzDSPEEProm  Interface18,432MHzBlock - Diagramm      SIR - 2720     13,56 MHz Midrange Reader SystemPAAnalogDigital   4  Operating Modes 4.1  Self-Test (Diagnosis) and STAND-BY Operation After the main power supply has been switched on, a green LED labeled POWER lights up, which also supplies  power  to  the  CPU  unit.  The  reader  is  ready  for  operation  after  a  short  self-test.  The  reader carries out a short self-test each time it is switched on. This tests all key components and functions of the  reader.  Once  the  diagnosis  routines  have  completed  successfully,  the  software  switches  to  IDLE mode, i.e. the program waits for input via one of the three described ports of the interface to switch to a different operating mode.  At this time, the antenna does not yet transmit since the carrier is still switched off. The hardware is in STANDBY  operating  mode,  the  carrier  is  not  active,  and  the  energy  consumption  of  the  reader  is minimal. The  carrier  is  automatically  switched on once the reader receives a command from the host sent across the interface, which the reader can only carry out with activated carrier. If there is no input for  a  longer  period  of  time  after  executing  the  command,  the  carrier  is  switched  off  again  and  the hardware enters the STANDBY mode again as well. The time until the carrier is switched off can be set with the software.  It is also possible to set the carrier to a stable on or off state using the software.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  6 of 14   4.2  Reading / Writing Tags Several  tags  in  the  field  can  be  read  or  written  simultaneously  (anti-collision). The  duration  of  the reading/writing process depends on the number of tags in the field. Generally, there is no max. number of tags that are permitted in the field at the same time.  4.3  EAS Antitheft EAS is an abbreviation of Electronic Article Surveillance. This operating mode serves to monitor items or articles  electronically.  The  tags  in  the  field  are  neither  read  nor  written.  The  only  thing  determined  is whether a  tag  is  in the field  with a  set  EAS  mode  flag.  This  mode  allows for  greater  ranges  than  the read/write mode. When using an external antenna such as the scemtec SAT-A40-LR-O-13MHz with an edge length of 400 mm (available as optional equipment), the detection range can be expanded up to max. 700 mm.   Note: EAS mode is not supported by all silicon and transponder manufacturers.   5  Hardware 5.1  Voltage Supply   The  standard  version  of  the  SIR-2720  reader  in  standard  housing  is  designded  for  an  input  voltage range  of  12  Volt  /  =DC  and  a  tolerance  of    +/_  1Volt  .  The  following  input  voltage  ranges  are  thus possible with the rated current consumptions in different operating modes:    Input voltage ranges:  = DC /  direct current 12 volt  Input voltage - tolerance +/_ 1 volt  Current consumption of the different operating modes:   in STANDBY mode:           @12 V / DC power supply  ≤ 150 mA while operating(carrier on):@12 V / DC power supply                                    ≤ 800 mA    For  the  SIR-2720  reader  system  is  a  suitable  wall  plug  12  volt  =DC  /  1000mA  power  supply  also  as optional accessory available and contactable to the SIR-2720 over a 2.1-mm standard barrel connector.  5.2  Safeguarding, fuse-requirements Regarding the safety requirements for the SIR-2720 a standard TR5-fuse T1A / 250V (slow blow fuse) is used to protect the complete electronics inside against short circuits or overcurrent .  It is required that this fuse should only be changed by trained technician or skilled personnel !   5.3  HF Unit The carrier frequency of 13.56 MHz is generated in the HF unit. The final stage generates an output of max. 1.4 watt on nominal ZF = 50 Ω.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  7 of 14   5.4  External Antenna The  reader  is  only  operational  with  an  external  antenna.  The  operating  frequency  f0  amounts  to 13.56MHz with a max. RF output of 1.4W on nominal ZF = 50 Ω. Some key parameters of the reader such  as  range,  for  example,  depend  on  the  used  antenna,  the  used  transponder  type  and  size  and quality,  and  the  resulting  magnetic  coupling  between  the  transponder  resonant  circuit  and  the transmission/receiver antenna. Normaly only one external antenna can be connected with a BNC plug connection located on the front of the  cable  inlet  side  (see  port  labeled  “Antenna  out”).  Optional  the  SIR-2720  reader  system  can  be delivered in the max. increment with two external antenna ports and cyclically multiplexed via software (host-controlled  or  autarc  in  combi-mode).  When  operating  with  the  external  antenna,  this  antenna should be configured for the optimal resonance frequency of 13.56MHz with ohmic adjustment (nominal ZF = 50 Ω) to ensure the best possible adjustment to the SIR-2720 13.56MHz Midrange Reader System.   Recommended external antennas are scemtec antenna models:    SAT-A11-LR-O-13MHz   600 mm diameter   Loop antenna   SAT-A40-LR-O-13MHz   400 mm * 400 mm   Loop antenna   SAT-A4-LR-P-13MHz    200 mm * 200 mm  Loop antenna  5.5  Digital Signal Processing 5.5.1  Processor A Texas Instruments digital signal processor (DSP) is utilized. 5.5.2  Memory The utilized memory consists of flash memory. The flash memory firmware can be updated at any time using  one  of  the three  interfaces  to be  activated. A  serial  EEPROM  to  store the  configuration data is standard equipment.  5.6  Interfaces   Interface-connectors of the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Mid-Range Reader System 5.6.1  RS232 The RS232 interface serves to connect the SIR-2720 13.56MHz Midrange Reader System with a host computer. The connection is made using the 9-terminal D-SUB plug labeled RS232. Each data transfer starts with a start bit followed by eight data bits and one stop bit. Parity is configured as no parity. Please consult  the  current  scemtec  STX/ETX  protocol  description  and  specification  for  additional  information about the interface protocol. The speed at which the entire reader system and the host computer are working is significantly affected by the data transfer between reader and host. This data transfer rate is adjustable using the software of the SIR-2720 13.56MHz Midrange Reader System. This involves a standard RS232 interface cable.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  8 of 14     Configurable Data Transfer Rates   1200 bits/sec 2400 bits/sec 4800 bits/sec 9600 bits/sec 19200 bits/sec 38400 bits/sec 57600 bits/sec 115200 bits/sec  5.6.2  Ethernet The 13.56MHz Midrange Reader System SIR-2720 is equipped with a 10/100 T-Ethernet interface.  5.6.3  USB  The SIR-2720 13.56MHz Midrange Reader System is equipped with a USB 2.0 full speed (12 Mbits/sec) port.  Please consult the separate SEC-1500 interface-specification for additional details!   5.7  Inputs / Outputs     Inputs/outputs of the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Mid-Range Reader System  5.7.1  Binary Inputs Two  binary  inputs  are  available  for  customer-specific  tasks.  Both  inputs  are  accessible  with  indirect-connected  optoisolators  and  screw  terminals  (see  terminal  description  below).  Both  inputs  pins (photodiode) of  the optoisolator are  direct routed to  the screw terminals. This means the input current should amount to at least 5 mA and max. 10 mA with a defined input voltage of up to max. 24 VDC using a suitable dropping resistor. For example, this results in a dropping resistor value of approx. 4.7 kOhm, which must be still terminated externally, for an input voltage of 24 VDC and a required input current of the photodiode of 5 mA. The  state  of  both  binary  inputs  must  be  imported  unambiguously  using  the  software;  see  software description STX/ETX protocol.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  9 of 14     Terminal assignment:  Input designation:  Terminal designation:  Internal photodiode assignment: I 1 + (A)  Anode of the optoisolator input 1  Input 1 I 1 – (K)  Cathode of the optoisolator input 1 I 2 + (A)  Anode of the optoisolator input 2  Input 2 I 2 – (K)  Cathode of the optoisolator input 2  All screw terminals are clearly marked with  their specific terminal designation using a  suitable label at the terminal. The screw terminals make possible contact via a wire cross section of max. 2.5mm².   Electrical data:  Parameter: Input: Symbol: Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input voltage Input 1 I1 5  -  24  Volt / DC Input current Input 1 I1 5  7,5  10  mA Input voltage Input 2 I2 5  -  24  Volt / DC Input current Input 2 I2 5  7,5  10  mA  5.7.2  Binary outputs  Two binary outputs in the form of potential-free contacts are available for customer-specific tasks. Both outputs  are  accessible  with  indirect-connected  relays  and  screw  terminals  (see  terminal  description below). They are freely configurable with the software; see software description STX/ETX protocol.  The following  tables describes the terminal assignments and the electrical data (e.g. contact rating) of the individual contacts.   Terminal assignment:  Input designation:  Terminal designation:  Internal photodiode assignment: O 1 (no)  Make contact output of the potential-free contact of output 1   Output 1 O 1(com)  Ref. point for make contact output of the potential-free contact output 1 O 2 (nc)  Break contact output of the potential-free contact of output 2   Output 2 O 2(com)  Ref. point for break contact output of the potential-free contact output 2  All screw terminals are clearly marked with  their specific terminal designation using a  suitable label at the terminal. The screw terminals make possible contact via a wire cross section of max. 2.5mm².
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  10 of 14   Electrical data:  Parameter: Output: Symbol: Min. Typ. Max. Unit Output switching voltage Output 1 O 1 -  24  40  Volt  AC / DC Output switching current Output 1 O 1 -  50  100  mA Output switching voltage Output 2 O 2 -  24  40  Volt  AC / DC Output switching current Output 2 O 2 -  50  100  mA Contact ratings of the output contacts Output 1 / 2 O 1 / O 2 -  500  800  mWatt Internal resistance of the output contacts Output 1 / 2 O 1 / O 2 -  25  35  Ω/Ohm   Connection options for binary inputs/outputs and HF antenna:        6  Software 6.1  Firmware for the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader    The firmware for the SIR-2720 13.56 MHz Midrange Reader contains all basic functions for reading and writing of tags of different manufacturers (air protocol), numerous control functions, as well as different diagnosis routines. These routines are used to test the key components and functions of the reader.  A demo software for Windows is included on the CD-ROM delivered together with the device.  6.2  STX / ETX Interface Protocol  A  special  transfer  protocol  is  available  for  the  SIR-2720  13.56  MHz  Midrange  Reader  System documented in the scemtec STX / ETX protocol. The required STX/ETX protocol description is included on the CD-ROM delivered together with the device.   BNC connector for external antenna Binary outputs Binary inputs
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  11 of 14   7  Diagnosis 7.1  Self-Test (POST) A selftest POST (Power On Self Test) is carried out automatically after turning on or connecting to the mains power supply.  This also includes testing the key components and functions of the reader. Should a  malfunction  occur  while  using  the  SIR-2720  13.56  MHz  Midrange  Reader  System,  simply  load  the POST  diagnosis by turning the unit (or  the mains  power supply) off and then on again.  The  displayed error message then helps in solving the problem quickly and reliably. Numerous software commands for a targeted diagnosis are available as well.  7.2  LEDs 7.2.1  External Diagnosis LEDs Three external LEDs provide users with a diagnosis of the most important monitoring functions "Power" , "Tag Detect"  and “EAS”  Three external LEDs to indicate important operating states  LED  Color  Designation  Description 1  GREEN  Power   The voltage supply for the CPU is ensured 2  YELLOW  Tag Detect  A read or write process for the transponders in the magn. field has concluded successfully 3  RED  EAS  EAS is an abbreviation of Electronic Article Surveillance  7.3  Label / Type Plate   The  SIR-2720 13.56 MHz  Midrange  Reader System  features  a  system  label that provides  information about the specific scemtec system number "220.2720" and the consecutive serial number (four digits), e.g. "0001" of the production lot.    8  Mechanical Data / Housing An  aluminum  housing  protection  type  IP  20  (in  acc.  with  DIN  EN  60529)  is  used.  This  housing  is equipped with two lateral covers attached with screws. Four screw channels and two installed fastening rails (lugs) are used to mount the housing to the wall.   Case dimensions (exterior)  Length  185 mm  Width  130 mm  Height  44 mm  Color   Natural matte aluminum   The following chapter lists the exact housing dimensions and detailed installation information.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  12 of 14   9  Electrical Data  Absolute Max. Parameters No.: Parameter Symbol Value Unit 1  Min. DC input voltage V min 11  Volt 2  Max. DC input voltage V max 13  Volt 3  Max. current consumption / @12Volt DCin I max 850  mA 4  Operating (ambient) temperature range T amb - 10 to 60 °C 5  Storage temperature range T stg - 20 to 70 °C    General Parameters No. Parameter Test condition Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Min / Max values Typ. values  6  Operating frequency Defined in  ISO document F RF -  13.56  -  MHz   X  7  RF output-power 50Ω Terminal resistance 50Ω /25°C P out - 1db 1400  + 1db mW X   8  RF input sensitivity Pout  = 1.4W  T amb = 25°C   -  tbd -  dBm   X  9 Current consumption at U in = 12 Volt RF out =1.4W  T amb = 25°C I in -  700  850  mA (X) X  11  Current consumption at U in = 12 Volt STANDBY mode T amb = 25°C I in -  120  150  mA (X) X  12 Transmission rate RS232 interface Defined in DIN 66020  U in  =12 V/DC T amb = -10°C - 60°C   1200 -  115200  bits/sec X   13 Input current  binary inputs I1/ I2 U in  =24 V/DC R ext. = 4.7kΩ  T amb = -10°C - 60°C I in-High 5  7.5  10  mA X see 5.7.1  14 Input current binary inputs  I1/ I2  U in  =24 V/DC R ext. = 4.7kΩ  T amb = -10°C - 60°C I in-Low -  -  0,5  mA X see 5.7.1  15 Output switching voltage  binary outputs O 1 / O 2 U out  =24 V/DC  T amb = -10°C - 60°C U out (AC/DC) -  24  40  V  X see 5.7.2  16 Output switching current  binary outputs O 1 / O 2 U out  =24 V/DC  T amb = -10°C - 60°C I out  -  50  100  mA X see 5.7.2  17 Output switching output  binary outputs O 1 / O 2 U out  =24 V/DC  T amb = -10°C - 60°C P out -  500  800  mW X see 5.7.2
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  13 of 14   10  Conformity 10.1  CE Conformity The company scemtec Transponder Technology GmbH declares that the product device type 13.56 MHz Mid Range Reader with the type designation     SIR-2720  complies with the basic requirements of Directive         1999/5/EC of the European Council.  The following standards were used as the basis for this evaluation:      EN 300 330 (Part Radiated Spurious Emission)    Available soon:     EN 301 489-1, -3          EN 60950          EN 50364  10.2  FCC  Conformity: Information for USA  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including Interference that may cause undesired operation. Usually this is followed by the following FCC caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  Professional  Installation: To  comply with FCC  part  15  rules in  the  United  States,  the  system  must  be professionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed  in  the  United  States.  The  use  of  the  system  in  any  other  combination  (such  as  co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.
   Manual and Specification  SIR-2720 (13.56 MHz Midrange Reader)  Document No. SIR-2720  Version: 0.04  Page  14 of 14      11  Delivery Scope / Optional Equipment and Accessories 11.1  Manual, CD-ROM, Test Software, Protocol Description 11.2  Optional Accessories / External Antenna(s) For  the  SIR-2720  reader  system  is  a  suitable  wall  plug  12  volt  =DC  /  max.1000mA  power  supply  as optional accessory available and contactable to the SIR-2720 over a 2.1-mm standard barrel connector.  Three standard antenna models are sold by scemtec:  SAT-A40-LR-O-13MHz, SAT-A4-LR-P-13MHz, SAT-A11-LR-O-13MHz   12  Datasheet  See additional document : datasheet  “ SIR-2720 “    13  Related Documents / Document History  [STXETX] STX/ETX Protocol description Scemtec's STX/ETX Protocol description is distributed with every Reader on the product CD   13.1  Document History Version  Date  Changed by  Description 0.01  26.11.2010  Radermacher  Initial Version 0.02  01.12.2010  Radermacher  added safeguarding/fuse-requirements (5.2) 0.03  17.01.2011  Radermacher  added new block diagram, new safeguarding- information and new FCC conformity-information for Class A digital device 0.04  31.01.2011  Radermacher  added professional installation-information  under chapter  10.2  FCC conformity

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