shunde Md Microwave Oven EG8525X-Y Microwave Oven User Manual Users manual

shunde Md Microwave Oven Manufactory Co., ltd. Microwave Oven Users manual

Users manual

I~. ~~ 0 ~ol attempt .to operate this oven with C. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged.
l t~e dqpr or;'en.c$ince open-door ope~ation It is panicularly importan~that the oven door
:i,.. I "anresuft Inharmfuj exposllre to microwave close properly and that there is no damage to
!jte~ergy. i~portant ~ol to deieat or the (1 } Door (bent), (2) hinges and latches
tamper\vlththe safety Interlocks. (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and
'8'0 I . b saaling surfaces~~. 9 notp ace any object etween .
; [~ven frontfac? and the door or allow D. The oven should not be adjusted or repaired
,; cf~oiJ'!Jrcteac~er residue to accumulate on by anyone except properly qualified service
1 ;saaftng sunaces. personnel.
-- 0 - - 0- . Lccc-
c .
service facility for examination, repair or replacement
Do not attempt to service OT repair this appliance.
, O. Do not cover or block any openings on the
appliance. Do not store items on top of microwave
oven if there are louvers on top of oven.
1'. Do not store this appiiance outdoors. Do not
use this product near water for example. near
a kitchen sink, in a wet basement, or near a.
swimming pool, and the like.
i 2. Do no[ immerse cord or plug in water.
i 3. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.-
14. Do not let cord hang over edge or table or counter.
15. When cleailino surfaces of door and oven ths.t
come together on dosing the door, use only miid,
nonabrasive soaps or detergents applied with a
sponge or soft cloth.
16. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cs.Vity:
a. Do not overcook iood. esp~ia1ly sta~'y
items such as potatoes and fatty items such
as bacon. Carefully attend appfiance if paper,
plastic. or other combustible materials are
.placed inside the oven to facilitat.e cooking.
b. Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plastic
-. . .
bag beroreplac,lng bag In oven.
c. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep
oven door closed, turn oven oft, and disconnect
the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or
circuit breaker panel.
d. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes.
Do nQt leave paper products; cooking ulensils,
or food in the cavity when nol in use.
e. Do nol put metal inside the oven, except as
speciiicallydescnbed In Ihe manual or
cookbook if supplied \vilh this oven.
- -- -
When \.1sing electric:! appliances. basic safe~
pre?~utions should be follov/ed. including the following:
Vy~.RN1NG~!o reduce Ihe risk of bums, electrical.
Si1oc~.. firs, Injury to persons or exposure to excessive
,-. ,-ApoUANC'-
. I Mc.. c:.
2.;RJad:and follow the sDe!:iiic -?rer...autions ~o avoid
, .
:pos~ibleexposure to excessive mic..owave energy-
, . .
3.:T~is appliance must be grounded and properiy
. P9,ca~z.e? Conneotonly to ~ properly.grounded and
po'~fe-:1 olitIeL S:e -Grounotng Instrudons- on page 3.
4.lnst~lIor locaie this appiiance only in ac:ordance
'vlitl1 the installation instructions described in this
: r"
5.iSomeproducts such as Y/hole eggs and sealed
i i::ohtainers. such as closed glass jars, may explode
.;anki shouid not be heated in this oven.
6. ; Vfie t~is 2.~piiance only for its intended
de$cnoed In the manual. 00 not use corrosIVe
'!cn~ry1.1cals or vapqrs in this appliance. This type of
,ovenls specifically designed to heat. cook, dry, or
: o~irost food. It is noL desioned for industrial.
'!a~br~tory. orcommerdal-use. It i~ intended fo~
!"hdi}1euse only. 09 not use for drying dothes. linens,
n~wspaper, or similar non-lood type items.
7 .j Make~:sure- that all persons using this appliance. .
~speciajly chlidren, are closaly supervised and
propsriyinstructed on how to usa this appliance.
I 8. D~:n6t operate thj~ appliance i.i it h2S a damaged
rC~d prplug. ii i: isnOI working properly, or if it has
j.b~~n oamaocd ororopped.
f\.tf,H~s.~ppiiarice Should be serviced onl}' by qu~l!fied
i 5e~lc~ personnel. Contact the neares: authonzed
cl!use contents paae
00 Introduction and Safety precautions
Safety Precautions
Exploded Views
Schematic Diagrams
Parts List
Heating Principle of Microwave 6
Trou bleshooting Procedures 7
Common breakdown and means of repairing 12
Critical Parts Servicing 13
important things to do prior to critical parts servicing
interlock assembly replacement and adjustment
door and hinge replacement and adjustment
magnetron replace ment
Safety checks and tests after servicing 14
constructional checks
insulation resistance test
microwave leakage test
~is Microwave Oven Service Manual is printed in a loose leaf fonnat. Each part is
qivided into sections relating to a general group of components and each section is
s\ibdivided into various parts descn"bing a particular component or service procedure,
The subdividing of the subject matter plus the loose leaf form Will facilitate the updating
of the manual as new or revised components and service procedures are introduced.
Each page of this service manual will be identified in the lower right hand comer 8nd as
dew or revised pages are published it will be easy to keep the manual up to date by
following the filing instruc~ions on the cover letter.
This Service Manual is a valuable service tool and .care should be taken to keep it up to
date by prompt and proper filling of subsequent pages as they are issued.
Microwave Is one kind or radio wave wll()Se wayelenctll is yery soort, rrequency is yery high. Therefore, it is called uitrahi~h
frequency electromagnetic wave. Microwave can hcat f()()(1 mainly result in the mutual affect or the food in the microwave field
and the Dlicrowavc field ilsclf.
tinder the affect of microwave field, the II\Crmal efr«1 olcchanism prcxJuccd from tile mutual .rrea of the microwave and Ihe
fncMi Includes two aspects ~ One is Dlelcctrlc I~s of pIlar molecule, the oll~r is CIJRducti.e IUS5 of ion.
Usually, focxl is cvl1stitulc of nrganisnl( plant and animal). Tile org:.nism i~ fornlcd by all kinds of (KJlar -:water IIwlecule. polar
protein molecule, and all sorts "f salt ion. Tile center uf ~ra"ity or the positive and negatiYc charge in the molecule Is not coin-
cide. In normal condition, tile mulcculc Is in irrCI'llar Ilrder due tl) its thernlal acliun, thlls the food do not appear (KJlarily.
(FIG.. - la). Under Illc actiOlI or uuter electric fieill. lIte pclSitiye end of the IJ('lar molecule trend to the negative electric
rield. tbe negative end or I1Olar moleculc trend to the positive electric field. and sonlcwhat arrange In order thruugJI the direc-
tion of the electric ficld( Fl<i.1 - Ic). Tltis pltenolnel14ln usually be called MTORQUE POLARITY". WIlen thc outer electric
ricld apply for the up~itc IJ('larily, the (XIlar DIOlcculc llacn arrange an ol'(XIsite directloo order accordingJY( FIG. I -Ib). If
tile direction or tlte outer clcctric neld changed repeatcilly. the (XIlar molecule WIMlld repeatedly sway accordingly. During the
swayi"l. it is understalKlllIg that the polar molecule Wllliitl produce heal duc to sclmewhal sllnilar friction anlOl1& them. When
, the electric neld is applicd for ultrahigh rrequenl lulcruwave neld from the outside. its direction would change tens billion
times per second. so do the mulccule" This kind or nlfllccutc ~wa)'ing prooucing Ninlilar frictiuo.l heat frlllll the interference
and block of the action strength anions tile mt)lecule. and,chanKed to mocr()Scopic mlcnJwave hcating. Micr(lwave heating mlt
only concerned thc nature or the nlatter itself. but Dls" cklSCdly connected with thc electric field strength and rrequency. When
the frequency Is Inw, thc molecule swaying: rate and the ncute degree of the mutual friction amo~ the nlOlccule Is low, and
would produce much heat. When the frequency is too Iligh. a~ the swinJ or the polar molecule is witll nltating inertia. it made
the swlnl do not in line with the changin~ rhythm of the electric field because of the frlctiur. drag. thus. actually lowed tile po-
lar molecule swaying speed. l"he friction draglng degree is concerning about the magnelcctric wave frequency. polar moJeculc
~"ape, and the matter's sticky degree. To difrcrentJllattcr' s nloleculc. IIlCre arc different -'lJecial rrcquency lone. Those aho
absorb nticrowave energy rmm fhe.~e zonc are nlost call1lhie to turn nlicrUWHVC ener~y to lleat energy.
Apart from the above said action. there Is another acticln which Is clectric ion under tIle action or micn~wave field. act nercely
accompanied with the acceleration or clcctric field. Tllc J1OSitlve 1011 transfcr to thc negative Plliarlt, or the field while the 11eg-
atiye Ion do opposite. Accompaning with the ch8"lin~ elcclric field. the elcctric Ion chancing acccwdingly. During the trans-
fcrinl, heat !'n,)duced wi'th the crash anHJng Ihe ion. This kind or 8cti(NI take the nlain erfect tu those Inlcrowaye hulinl or
.llllh salt molecule.
No m.Uer It Is the polar molecule swayin. M the ion transrerinl. they both are turniRi the n11crnwave encrJY which the heat.
ins lD8Uer lOt from Ihe Rllerow"ye field to heat enerJY. I'rool the analasis or IIlcory, we c.n draw luch . cuncl1l8ioD that the
power which. unit or volume Dlatler ab8O1"bed from tile Inlcrnwaye field 8-' the foUowinl ronlula:
P. - KE lEct~o
Pa Standi for the lXJWer the heated matter absorbed ff'N" tile loicfowave field.
K ~t.nd$ for a canstanl
E Stand f,. nai~rowave field strength
r Stands for the microwave frequency.
to:" ~bnd. 'tV' lna. .".1- , ..1 .h. k__'..A -.'..r~
1~W8 ~~ullq a mkI'owayc oyca. 7OU.houid Juctp the '"-kdown and the cauae ~cctl,. tIleD JOU can repair It with
~~ ..'1. The oycrhaula,. DlU8t be pcoceed la order. an, ba8t, conclU81on II DoC r~_~ble. OCbcrwl8e OY 1~~IWOUId be dWIC when rcpalr. The aalcrowa.e 0." ala' ~ cor.1pow1d brcakdowa due 80 aU kJadI 01 dlrrercnt
\rJ.-;:~ tbul. wbea oycrbaui. &bey all lbould be t8kc Into coD8k1cratlon. :5peclalaUentioa mult be Ii..n 80 the microw..e
IJkap !alMi the electric bIIulaUoo wheD U8mlDe beeau.e the7 may do harar.ful to the rcpalrlnl Ita".
I .
~.ou.m1ne a alluowa.e DYeD .Ith breakdown? A bettcr mana which dcmOllltrated In practical operat ~
Insp.c:tlna .nd II.tcnlna. Oa the bull orlarle amount. or pereeptU81 knowledle. JOU can Judp and 8.17111 tbe break.
I '
doWn quickly and correctl.
I. las~lol1.
t~pect whctber the oven shape Is disordered and wher~ is the disordered position. Ifany. lC is IQ'mal If the cabinet
d'liordued a little. but abn«malll the oyel1. the door disordered. the dcxw hook broken, the dOOI' crooked. w there are
t~ lauch looscnas between Che door and the oven after the door Is closed.
2. UtteRIng.
~Cenlnl to the yoice or the oyen operating and Che noise 01 Che Ian aftu IC conducted. Minor "weo wen" ~e. crcU",
Mbla" noise and "shishl" noise should be considcr as normal. But it is abnormal II the followlnl noise occured:
, (.1) SOund "wen wen" nolle.
(~) Lana tunc "shishl- noise.
, (13) StrIke yoice like "plpa llipa-.
a. Examine the mlcrowaye Insulatlnl resistance.
Measure the Insutatlnl rCiiscance with a aYOIlieter or a melaohmnleler rIle value ahould not leis tban 2 mepohm. Oth-
""e. part umlnatloo should be taken at once. Such as checklna whether the motor, the thermal cutout, the trans-
fonDer or the capacllw are electricIty laklnl.
I2. £Uml~tlon or the resistance value 01 the mlcrowaye oycn.
CtoIe tbe door, aet the time, (the oyen Is at opcratlnl condition but the power plul havn' t baD pluged In). .easurc
, the two lect (L- N) 01 the power plug wllh Rx I Ifade of a ayomeCer. the realatance yaJue should be abCMIC ~.5 ohm.
U OIleR circuit occurcd. Chen you must check whelbu the SA fuse II broken. Che primary wlndlna of the Crans former Is
~ circuli. Che thermal cutout is open circuit or not, 1011 must check whether the Interlockdeylce II put Chroup or
~U the plull are connected well. If sllOft cIrcuit occured or lhe r~lst&nce lesl Cban 1.5 obm. 1OU .bould cbeck wbeCher
tbc primary wladlna 01 tile power transformer is short - clrculled or part Ihort - circuited.
3. Sumlnatlon of mlcrowa.e leaPle.
Mulure the mlcrowa.e leakale wllh a mlcrowaye leakale measure. Place a Ifaduate of 275ml water aC the middle of
the alUI tra1 01 the o.en (fiG. 5 - 1). Close the door, power lel bllh, time seC Co 3 minutes, preu tbe scartln. button
t~~ate the oven. Aftu recitlned Ihe microwave lea kale measure. measure around tbe door crack, those hole poll.
~Icxa of the window and the air yent at fwr sides of the oyen with lhe probe of the measure. Wilen measure. che moylna
~Peed of tbe probe shwld not exceed 15mm per second. and Che mersurlnB direction should be Che same wllh the outlnl
dlrmioa or tbe microwave leakale (FIG. 5 - 2) .
.. c
~a1 measuriBI. the ultimate value of microwave leakage or all the measured position should not exceed I mllllwa«'
_a. or .bould be consldued as abnormal.
4. ~mlne when the oven at operatlnc. but the food 'can't be heated.
(1) Examine when the lam&) is on. t~ Ila.s tra1 is c1cllns. the fan operating In normal:
Take off the cabinet. sl8rtlnl the o.en, measure tbe pluS of the transformer wllh a ayometu to see whether It II e.
DOUIb to 110v. Ir It is enoulh to 110Y. then the secondary blBh voltaic of the transformer lhould be examined as
FIG.S - 3.
Measure It with the 2S00V alt~rnatlnsr.rade of model 500 avometer. One r~ of the avometer connect the Iroo core
of the transformer. the other t~ coonect the secondary high voltage plug (FIG. S - 4). The avometC1' reading
should be about 2100V (when measure. be careful with the hip voltage). If no voltage at all. it Indicates that the
traps former has broken. and should be replaced by a new one. If It I, enough to 2100V. then eheck the filament
voltage of the transrorll1er with alternating IOV grade of a avometer. the value should be about 3.4V (FIG. S - S).
.~ s.c.-d8ry .W'"
Tranl[- y,or..
., ..~ \r
Pri-rJ wl8618.
Fia.5 - 4
PII.5 - 3
FIs.5 - 7
Fil' 5 - 5 FiB. 5 - 6
If there is no voltage at all, it indicates the transformer has broken, and should be replaced by a new one. If it is
enough to 3.4 V, check the filament resistance of the magnetron, measure the filament plug with the R x 1 Irade
of a avometer (FIG. S - 6). If It is open - circ~ited, it indicates the magnetron has broken, and should be replaced
by a new one. It is normal if the resistance value is very small. Then check whether the magnetron .teel has
brocken, If broken, replace with a new magnetron.
U there is no problem with the magnetron, check the high voltage diode then. Measure the diode with R x 10K
srade of a avometer. the" + " rod end or the avometer connect the cathode of the diode, the" - " rod end of the
avometer connect the anode of the diode (FIG. S - 7). The avometer reading sboold be about 150 thousand ohm.
Then change the rod to different electrode, the reading should be .. ~". If the reading is very small, and near to
short circuit. it indicates tile high voltage diode has been punctured, and should be replaced by a new one.
FII-5 - 9
FiB. 5 - 8
If the high vmlaBe dlcMJe Is OK. -then check the forwardjna plua of the tranlformer to lee whether It il enCMIp to
120v, If It I. not enclClgh. check'the micro- switch of the time and (XJwer distrIbuter. Connect the two rOO of the
avC)lneter to the 1.1 place of thc timer with RX IK grade. It is norm. I If the rcadlqll wOwwhcn It tu& offtondl.
tlCMI,' If the readiq iJ W ~", It Indicates the micro switch has broken. and the timer lhould be replaced by a new
c)ne. If all the aoove. examination shows normal. then check whether tllc terminal pluS of the magnetron .nd the ca-
pacitor have «x)5ed. If It I. l(M)Sed. pinch II IIShlly with a pliers.
S. ~mloe the startloB and the
i Pull out the ~wer plUI. take off the cabinet, dlscharae the <:8P8cltor. measure the rcsllta~e .lluc or the primary
wlndina .nd the lecondary wlndlns of the tranlformer wIth a avometer (FIG. 5 - 10 and FIG. 5 - 9). The reslltance
.alue of the prImary wlndinB should be about 2.2 ohm. Ihe secondary windlns shwld be alMJul130 ohm. oCherwlse, il
Indicatcs the transformer has brokcn. and should be replaced by a new one. -
Prl_, wtadl.
FI..S - 12 Fia.5 - 10
Fla. 5 -I
If the transformer is nOl'mal, then the hASh voltage ~pacitor should be checked. Pull wt the connect I 111 pluS of the ~-
pacitor, and mealure It with R x I grade of a avometer, the two rod of the avCHneter cooocct the two polarity or the~-
pacltor. When they jUit connected, the readlnl of the avCHneter Ihwld be zero, then enlarle to nine mepohm Ilowly.
Chanse the roo to different polarity. the readinl repeat from zero to nine mepohm (FIG. S - 11), it meaM the ~pacl.
tor Is normal. If the indi~tor of the avometer ~n't.point out from zero to nine mepohm, It Indiatea the hiah YOltale
~pacitor bal broken, and lhould be replaced by a new one.
U It il normal between the two pole of the capacitor, then the IMulatioo between the ~p8citOl' pole and the ~blnet
lhould be measured with R x IOK grade of a avometer. The reilitance value IbouJd be M -" (FIG. S - 12). Ir It Is
short circuited or have a number readinl, It indl~tel that the capacitor has been punctured or electricity lceked, and
Ihwld be replaced by a lame mooel, same capacity one.
If the reliltance value of the capacitor' I two pole are" -", the capacitor II norn,al. Then check the earth or the mal-
netroo'l two filament to sce whether they are short - circuited (FIG. S - 13). If they are short - circuited and the fila.
meat strikes the Ihell or the magnetron, It Indl~tes the magnetron hal broken, and should be replaced by a new, lame
model ooe.
If the magnet roo Is allo normal, then test the pilot switch. Pull out the two plup or the switch. Masure It with the R
x 1 grade or a a vometer , the two roo cooocct the plug or the switch, the reslltance value should be .. m" ( FIG. S - 8) .
Then pre.s down the pilot switch with a screwdriver, If the radlnB of the avometer pointed to zero, It Indicates the pi-
lot switch has broken, and should replace It with a new, saIne model ooe.
... Repair when there ~~URd lafle amounts microwave leakage. There are many facton which may cause microwave
leeklng. Followlq mentioned may be the main cause of ml~rowaYe leakale:
(1) The door deformed. the hlnae looscd or damaged that caused the door Qn not ~I~ tilfltly.
(2) The d~ pmslDB cover or tbe embed piece damaBed or come off.
(3) ObylCMII dam-Ie or uneven of Ihe oven.
(4) There are filth bel ween the dCXJr and the oven.
C5) The door and the oven are serious loosed after the door closed.
(6) The crack or the dOOt" shleldinB net cover.
Before repairina. check whether the above listed point are existed. Ir not. caD)'OO start the microwave oven. Place
a Braduate of about 275ml w.ter at the middle or the glass tr.y. close the door. time set .t 3 minutes. power.t
hlah. make the oven Of'Cr.ting in normal. Recitify the leaDle measure. measure the amount of the
microwave leakage around the oven with Its probe. If there are places which the exceed the standard re-
quirement. then rePair them acCtWdlngly. If the leakaBe amount exceed 1 .t the left dOOt" crack.
then pull oot the fM>wcr plug. take down the cabinet. adjust the screwel of the hinle( up and low) as fiBureS - 14
to less the gap between the door and the oven. TI.en measure .pln. the leak.le .mount should less than 1 milli.
watt/cmz. Generally. It should be controled beloW' 0.75 mUliwatt/cm1 with Iome allowance.
0- ~... p8rt .. rtpt ... -
IL kfew
~~ <.)
0- MkN 8W'~
~ (M) Ic.-
~ .-w.. ~rt 8. riPc MJ8W
FII.5-14 FiI.S- IS
If the leakage occured at the right d<MJr ~rack, adJuat the IcreWel which fix the Interlock bolder a'" the hcxJk. Ir
the leable II on tbe larger aide at the right - above or the oyen, then adjuat the upper screw ., FIG. 5 - IS.
~en out the screw, push the door close to the oyen to hook the door hCMJk with the plutic p.rtl, tben tilhtcu the
Screw .pin. If the leakage II iarger at the rliht - below, then adjust tbe lower screw al FIG.5 - 15. LCMJSen the
Icrew, push the door close to the oyen to hook the door hook with the switch holder tightly, thcu tighten the screw
apln. and open a'" close the door repeatedly to check wbether the door can operate flexibly, whether the --
and the .wltch are In their DOI'maI po8UI~. If it i8 not In p.ltiCRI, then .dJu.t the dOOI' hook and tbe switch holder
repealedly to _ke theln to &he normal posltloo, to put tbroulh the InterlCM:u, to cut orr the pilot Iwltch, to lal
the ltMJ8e between the door and the oven, then measure the with mlcrowaye leab. ma.ure again.
Ir tbe leakale still exceed standard requirement, then Inlpect whether the rllht oven b eyen 01' oot. Ir not, lau»th
It. Then adjust the door .nd the oven to eliminate their l(M)Se to the ultim.te.
If there Itlll exist microwave lea,kase. mealure near the maanetron with the probe of the microwave leaDle mea.
lure. H the leakale Is larJer. the oven should be turned off and check whether the four screws which n. the mas-
netrocn have been loosed. if loosed. twist them tlShtly with locket wrench. If the r~r screws are fI.edly. then the
maanetron should be take down to check the copl1er filament weaved washer of the magetron has been placed well
or whether the wave guide houslnl cooplinl hal been oxidized or lacquer on it. If do haye. lCl"apc the oxi-
dized layer or the lacquer off. when fix the magnetron. the copper filament weaved wuher must be placed well.
the screws must be twist tllhtly. Thea tun on the oven and measure alaln until It comply with the requll'emeat.
If the microwave leakage Is larger at those hole ~Itlon of the window board. the oven Ih«MIld be turned off to In-
spect whether there are crack among them (fig. 5 - 17). If several holes formed a crack. It w~ld eal.fle the mi-
crowave leakasc. If that II the calC. It indicates the dfXJr bas broken. and lhoold be replaced with a new dfXJr.
1. Means of repair when the oven can heat. but the turntable Iials can' t move
, Fintly. check whether the turntable holder Is placed correctly. If It Is correct. tben .ruJl «MIt the power plul and take
down the turntable combination. measure the relistance val~ of the turntable motor with R X 1 K lrade of a avometer.
If it I. oren - circuited. It Indicates the turntable motor haJI broken. and should be replaced by a new, same mcxlel
one. If the rellstance value Is between IS -11K. it Indlcatel the turntable motor II normal. then check the connectlnl
shaft weave. If the plaslics which the shaft Insert In has bruken. 8 new shart weaye should replace It. .
3. Repair when the oven can IIeat. but the lamp is not on.
Pull out the power nlu.. take down the cabinet and discharge the capacitor.
Pull «MIt the two terminal plUIS of the lamp. measure the two plul' of the lamp with the R X 100 Irade of a avometer.
If It Is open - circuited. It Indlcales the lamp has broken, 8nd should be replaced by a same m«.tel ooc.
~;;:;: - ~, ~..
Fla. 5 - 17
FiJ.5 -16
4. MUM of repair when the ovco atop worklD8 .frer aever.1 minutes",
The phenomcnon Indlates the therm.1 cut(XIt la pl.ylns Ita protective role. .nd you ahould check whether the ran Is
worklna In normal. Turn off the oven. pullout the power plu.. take down the ablnet. dlsch.fle the apecltor . then
turn the f.n with l18nd to see whether It la mavins flexibly. If not. It indlc.ta that the 011 bearlnl of the f.n motor has
nlD off the oU, and should down the fan comblnatlom to repair the motor. Loosen the two screws whJch nx the
burinl out the ahaft and the bearinl. and rinse them with kuOlene (ATTENTION: The bearina aD only be wiped
with a sUk which moistened with kerosene rather than be washed In the kerosene because there are felt m It. 11 the felt
are aoaked with kerosene. then the enllne 011 an not be lucked up. ). After the beariDI helnl cleaned. the felt Ihwld
be refuled fully with engine oU (ror whco the oven i, operatldJ. the en&inc 041 empty into t~ oil burlna slowly). Fix
tbe bearing cover with twn screws. turn the ran around till It can move nexlbly. Then Install them to the oyen. and
plug In the two termioal plup.
If the ran can move flexibly. then the wiodina or the ran motor lhould be examined. Mealure the wind I,. wltb R x 100
ande of a avometer. ir it Is open - circuited. It Indiata the winding of the ran motor has broken. arMIshould be re-
oIaccd by a new. same modd me.
IWhen starting the oven. the
Ilamp I. ,not on. the turntable
~ray can t rotate and the r«Xxl
,can't be heated
J. Change a new fuse.
2. Change a new transformer
3. Chanle a new capacitor.
4. Change a new pilot switch
s. Change a new Interlock
6. Adjust the connection or
replace It by a new one.
7. Chanae a new hook.
1. fuse broken.
". The primary and secondary winding of the
transformer are short - circuited.
3. The earthlnl or the polarity of the capacitor
is punctured.
4. The pilot switch can't cut off.
5. The Interlock switch haven't closed.
6. The power plug alKl tile socket are Dot in
locxI connection.
7. The door hook broken.
~. iWhen startinK the oven, the
~amp, is on, the turntable rotat-
.lng, the £an cycling but the £cxxl
can t be huted.
I. Change a new transformer.
2. Change the magnetron.
3. Change the time power dls.
tributer or the mlcro- swItch.
4. Fix them.
3. the f(M)d can be heated. but the
! I~mp I, not 00
1. The primary and secondary winding. the m-
ament of the transformer arc open - circuil-
2. The magnetron fIIan,cnt is open - circuited.
the magnetic Iteel of the magnetron broken
or the magnetron is air leeking.
~. Time and power distributer broken.
4. The plugs of the magnetron or the capacitor
--- -
1. The lamp broken
2. The plUI fall orf. 1. Chal\le a new lamp
Z. Insert the plug alain
4. the food can be heated but the
t.umtable tray Is not rotating. 1. Chanle the turntable motor
2. insert the plug securely
3. Change the wea'Ye
1. The turntable motor broken
2. The plug fall off
3. Connecting shaft weave broken
1. Change the fan motor
2. Chanle the fan
3. Insert the plug
4. Overhaulinl them
S. Repairing It
-'. The oven can heat within 2 - 3
! minutes. but can not heat from
: the f~th minutes
1. The winding of the fan motor In open - clr.
1. The fan falls off
3. The plug of the fan nlotor falls ofr
4. The turnatable shaft ugripcd with the mo.
tor bearln
S. The cooling vent blocked
6. When startlnl the oven, It can't
I " .. "
~eat, and with wenwen noise. The high voltage diooe was punctured
~but with
rrhe ove~ c81,! heat.
~nd "shlshl noise Tile Iron core of the transformer 1000ed
Chanle a new diode
CI\8nae a new Iran.rOl"mer
.I Larl.e amount of nlicrowave
1. TM door deformed
2. The dOOt" metal net cracked '
3. The sap of the dOOt" crack Is too large
4. The welding point or the oven fall off
S. The screws which Cis the magnetron loosed
6. The wave guide connection osidized.
7. The magnetron copper filament washer Is too
. thin cause the wave guide opening not in
good earth.
1. Mend the door
2. Change the door
3. Adjust the gap
4. Chaqe the oven
S. Tighten the screws
6. Scrape the oxidized and tighten
the screws
7. Thick the copper filament
1. Adjust the hinle to rectify the
position of the door.
2. Change the hook.
! .
9,. 'fhe dOOr can t open
I. After long time' using. the wear and the rust
- eaten enlarled the lap 01 the door sflart
and the shaft hole. thus cause the door
crOOked .
2. The door hook broken.
--- --
Weared and aled artu kina time operatlnl Overhaul It or renew It
10. iThc door release button fall off
Test where is the leaking place.
then repair It 01' change those
-1 "
The earthing insulation resistance of all the
motors or the trasformer are less than 2
Iii. jElectrklty leaking
o...CpOR T.-\NT ~GS TO DO PRIOR To. CRmC.o\L P .A.RTS sa Vt~G
11\~ l"o"o,vin~ insU'Uc:ions ~U CRmCAL to tJ\c O\YUC"s glc"-"!. Bc ~1fC to l'oIIO\y ~1 me insauciaas. Contact the
~uQc:urc: or ciisUloutor if you ho1vc ~! qUdUOn.
If the o\'ct ~ opcti\'C prior tD St::'\iciRJ. ~ Mic:o\WY( ~k:!t. T dt (3.~ ~~9'e E:nissiou
C~-k) should bcpe1onned prior to scovitiD, me OYe:\. R.:!'co co S«-.iOQ ;..3. Mi~.e ~c Test. for
\11C dr-ailcd c.'\c=k pnx:durCo
in the e'YCtt Wt =y mi~\va'YC OYe:! lound to have miC:'O\\~\"~ c:nissioa,lcvc!. m ~ oi J mW/CI%1.1'hc
CoUowin3 p~um should bc Col1o\v=o:
3.. InCona me dimiOUl«, imponc-. or ~U6C:UrC' &he findinr- R.~rd it in thc Io:boak ~ wc!1.
b. RC?Qir the IDrit ~t DO COSt fD che G\\11e'.
Co U1Vcsti:~LC the O\'ei :ud ~~ Lhc case o( the C=c:ss1\"t i~~
do Hold tht 0~"c:1 in \'O\a' ~c:1itV =~ i~c: :he O\vnc: not to use :he unil until Ihc 0\'= h:s
. .
bt= brou;.~t into compli.1Dc:.
In me C"fc:\t Wt Ihc OYQ opc:-..1CS "id11hc door 0pe:1. 'ii\C iollo\Y\n! ~~ should ~ !oUowc!:
a.. T cn the \ISC' not 10 opc::te t,hc oVC'-
b. Hold me ovc in ~~ ~c=Jiry 1JDui it is by~ptd .ond r~
r.. Caamc: thc :=D~ = C:JRH (FDA) immcdiGte!:
~Inte:iock A$Sc:Dbly Rq~CCJC1t =d Adjusome:-.t
2.1 If ~'Ou ~ dc:~:i\~ rrimary. Je:OUO4r! or monitor tntt..-iock MIC:'~ use ~ur oi1mmc:=- (~fJ.W m'
1n:1l01 t\1)e1 to c ck the c!~cl continuitY.
. .. .
MAke a'C dIc PO'Vt:' card. is pun= out - the hip-~oiC.1!~ CpaClOf is disc~ bc!are the c!ccuiml
coodnuity c.'\c=t.
~ .,
~.J ~ me obmmc:c- \0 '1..ow ~c=- mDJe ad come:: boch lcds CanipfDt"Qps) co me swiIC3
OpC\ &be door =d.DOti= the me:=- rcdiDIo Toc primDt.v or S~"daty iDtd~ swira should show m
"inimitc. ~ \Y'Do the door is opc. R.~iQCc it wi\c:-, it is def~ve. 'The momlar iDldock should
sho\y ~ "zC'O or nCZ' %CV - ~ wbc the door is OpC1. W\= the ~r is closed. me :ca;ft~t W\11 be
U'the 0YC1 ~ bc= rcQr:=d iD~uYC due to me t'aii~ or'the :nonitotd mle:y (pnm.,y =d/ar
sc:oud:Ily) in~od;I I). you should rC;Ilace ~ or U\e monitOr=! we:'! in1e:ioek switcha 2d the monilor
Rc~c 10 ~pIC .J. ~ons J ~d :< lor bO\y 10 Jenove ~nd asscnblc the :n~ock ~ moailOr $\vilC!\cs
AJ'\~~'J ~1'e 10 SCCtian U.4 (or ~~(C wiring ~~In. Monitor mlC:'lock must ~I\~ Dc :ns~1d.
RCj)Ct ~tc" o..!..1 ID ~ c!~:ncl l:onUnuity.
PC:1Om\ m~\"r\o.y ,,~-.:b ~L1 (=&$ ~ ~L:se:iDC'J in CI\:Ipa.::'i '-::"orc rc=in; tbc ovc."1 co d\c oWt\c:-.
DoOr ~\d Hia,~ itq~~1 :I1d AdJusU1\~'t
Pull d1C' po\\'C cord l"rom tile Dutlc... C,~k Ihc door lOr \~ or m.,Jd ~. Check the hiDl~ Cor
broJ;el or \\'0"\ ~ ~ odiC: :rQ .1UQ as ~~kcd IionL flm. bruka door laLcncs. wom/ c:ckd
vic\¥in& ~ =0 C'tC-
A1\cr d~.c:minin~ thc door ~bly sl1ould be rC?l.1c~ Co'\c:k Ihc ~ list for me corrCo:1 pan numbc:. Ail
OYc:1 door componclS mUSt bc: ordc:-tJ dirc:oJy livm mc ~P\~ or itS ~urhorizci disuiourar.
R~~",," ~o ample:.J. Sc:.-uons L fi. ~w m lor bg\v to diS:lSsc:1\olc. mC1\blc =d adj ust the door aDd/or
hi11;~ .
Pc:torm rcquird t.~b :lid (CIS ~ ~C:-:'od ia C1~ptC' i Oc:orc rcicsiDI die OYCl LO rhe O'WDC'.
. ~4
~pc:roD R~I==n~t
Rd"c- to C1~plC' 4. S~ml IV ror :=OY1Dlmd rql~~ Ibe =ID=nD. Che=k for the pr=== or the
\vir: m= psku bc:ore insta1lntio,,"
P=.1.0rm Rquired thC"'-ks =0 t=".5 :s dCSC:O:"oed in C~ptc:' i Detore =c:sinl the oyc to me OWQC'.
Conciuc: iMic:o"~yc !.~c T~t lRC:':: to S~".Jon 7.3);t ~ ~c.:ron ~= prior \0 iDs~ the tap
« ")
Con~Q11ctiont11 Chc'-:s
trmc-;!\Wcl or dc::nal (e!C',;tn)nic) ~ b;\'t. 'bC= ~b~ be SIR to lollo\v th~ toI10\v\n1 SIC",.s:
1. Ci1~k lor COITC'.."t "inn;. ~ci~=t~ u'~cl ~C1ts Olp;uu. md linn COM=O~
.2 Chcc~ (or ~~\So1t~ ~pOW1ding.
1..1 C11c-"..k the lollo\~ ilc:ns before mmml me OYC ON.
P:opco door closiD!. s=J/ chokt ~ and hln!d.
2) No =biDe". d==ge.
3) P:vpc:- m(doc1; :nd monitor ~lions. m~'c: to Steps 6.1.2 LO 6.2.4.)
Insu1:iuon Rcsist.1nc: T cst
If the low vol&.1!~ PO"'c:' supplr ims be:1 r~Air=. use ~ 500 V M~oivnme~ to m~ the ~~c: Oe:wc=:1. the
prim:1r! (Linc =4 Ne:1U'31) or" tile ?O\Ve' piU¥ :nd o~r ~Dlc :nc:o11 pans. The ~cc si\owd be :10 I~
than .1 Megu Ohms. R("'~ir me ovc ~ \vUe., Q~.
Mi~'waYc: ~~ T d.
In tb~
"P~ that =I!'1c:t>n. door. or hiDl~ = ~ ~i.=. or :cd}UStd.. ~ mico~YC ~ AS Coi1ows mUSt be
pRte: ".: I .
3!1 T~t iJu'a\m\C\tS ICuirc::
M.iC:O\\""C s~: :-At-'..::. EoilGot," ~ rJ.lil0 or e;w'o:Jc::
600 ml ~r:
-->.- P:c=uu OM:
1ium thcpo\VC' olT(or \D1plua tbr. 0\-=) imm~y iIthc 0"= raUs &his tat.
~~ Piuc me ova pG\VC' cord intO the pG\VC' ~tadc.
314 Turn CD the MiCV\\~Ye Lc:bI: Me'.=:' aDd WDm1 \m tor o1l test 10 1DiJlwes. ~ the Me::- :COODSC Clilte:
i-' .
se!~.ion) 011 -FAST. .
3l5 fill the rlnss bc:k(:' with liS (+/. I's., ml oC cold ~ \'VU1c:' o1nd p~ the bckc: in the CQte' or mc
tUm~bte p~ plAte.
3t6 C~ose the Ova1 dOOC'. Sct me bmC- ~\ .S mm~~. Sc: thc .oO\Vc:' L~e! At -HIGh- or ~100 %- and ~ the
;;.~ Hol..! (by \1IC !~K1lc ~rtlo,'11h~ ~ ,cone ~~) pC:'pc:\Ui..-uw 10 111c ~ Imdc: t=t for Rf crussions
Move tI,c ~robc ~I ~ ~~ oi no WI':: mm I inch pc: ~llci 11\C .1rCS Wldt.f tct =
"iiIC amum"c.~cc or thc .JOQdQviC:"' SdL
'I\C ~r~ o(U,c door SC"='-
IIIC ~rc of 1;on~1 p3nCt
'ilIC~ ncr line Co')Cd"
AU ~t ~in;s.
All Qbin~~ ~
O'llc $\~-:t ~
;;) AI1CV~i IocUOI1s in Ill< Yi~.nicy O( c:ci1 high l~c poinL bold the probc SQUon:y unal ~ StCdy $We
\~Uc is occ.~cd on the Sur.'c:t Mc:.c:, ObSC'\'c the ~'(imwn lcbJc ~ ~ l~tioa..
.. 0
~., S~t ~ M~=:- R=-PO'~ 10 -SlOW"" ~ n::nc:sure Ihc 1ck.1;~ ~L \hc pomt ot' ~..amum l~c l~d LD
SlC? 7 ~,S ~bovc. r=ord ~ ~Iuc ~\Il kgcion o( ~ m:a.\iIDUID lcko1Jc mCS\U'CDat with the mctC'
~DSC on -SLOW-.
f.l: ll\C .-n.1.'timLIm R..f: c:ninioa ncCJ~\ mould be aI.O mW/C:D2 or I~ trnot. invcsUplC =d r'C?4ir the OVc:1
~~n until it ~ &J,~ ~

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