shunde Md Microwave Oven EG8525X-Y Microwave Oven User Manual Users manual
shunde Md Microwave Oven Manufactory Co., ltd. Microwave Oven Users manual
Users manual
MODEL: EG8525X- Y ~~~V ~ VE POSS I~. ~~ 0 ~ol attempt .tooperatethisovenwith l t~e dqpr or;'en.c$ince open-doorope~ation :i,.. I !j ~~. C. Do not operatetheovenif it is damaged. It is panicularly importan~thatthe oven door "anresuft Inharmfuj exposllreto microwave te~ergy.It..isi~portant ~ol to deieator tamper\vlththesafetyInterlocks. notp I ace any object . close properlyandthatthereis no damageto the (1} Door(bent),(2) hingesandlatches (brokenor loosened), (3)doorsealsand b etween saaling ; [~venfrontfac? and the dooror allow ,; cf~oiJ'!Jrcteac~er residueto accumulateon 1 ;saaftngsunaces. surfaces D. The oven shouldnot be adjustedor repaired by anyoneexceptproperlyqualifiedservice personnel. SAVE -'-HESEINSTRUCTIONS -- -- When \.1singelectric:! appliances.basicsafe~ pre?~utionsshould be follov/ed.includingthe following: Vy~.RN1NG~!o reduce Ihe riskof bums,electrical. Injury to persons or exposure to excessive mit:-6~v2veene~y: i.tR~.OALL.TH=INSTRUCT1ONS SEFOREUSING . I Mc..ApoUANC c:. ,-.,- '- follow the sDe!:iiic -?rer...autions ~oavoid :pos~ibleexposure to excessive mic..owave energy, . . ;.ounoaoove. 3.:T~is appliancemust be groundedandproperiy P9,ca~z.e? Conneotonlyto ~ properly.grounded and po'~fe-:1olitIeLS:e -Grounotng Instrudonsonpage3. 4.lnst~lIor locaie this appiianceonlyin ac:ordance 'vlitl1the installationinstructionsdescribedin this :.manual. r" 5.iSomeproducts such as Y/holeeggsandsealed i i::ohtainers.such as closedglassjars, mayexplode .;anki shouid not be heatedin this oven. 6. ; Vfie t~is 2.~piiance only for its intended 2.;RJad:and de$cnoed In the manual. 00 not use corrosIVe '!cn~ry1.1cals or vapqrs in this appliance.This type of ,ovenls specifically designed to heat. cook, dry, or : o~irost food. It is noLdesioned for industrial. '!a~br~tory. orcommerdal-use. It i~ intendedfo~ !"hdi}1euse only. 09 not use for drying dothes. linens, n~wspaper, or similar non-lood type items. 7 .j Make~:sure-that all persons using this appliance. . ~speciajly chlidren, are closaly supervisedand propsriyinstructed on how to usa this appliance. Lccc- NSTRUCTIONS SAFETY MPQ)RTA~T Si1oc~.. firs, 0 - - 0- 8. D~:n6toperate thj~appliancei.iit h2Sa damaged rC~d prplug. ii i: isnOI working properly,or if it has j.b~~n oamaocd ororopped. f\.tf,H~s.~ppiiarice Should be serviced onl}' by qu~l!fied i 5e~lc~ personnel. Contact the neares: authonzed c. service facilityfor examination,repairor replacement Do not attempt to service OTrepair this appliance. O. Do not coveror block any openingson the appliance.Do not store items on topof microwave oven if there are louvers on top of oven. 1'. Do not store this appiianceoutdoors.Do not use this product near water for example. near a kitchen sink, in a wet basement,or near a. swimming pool, and the like. i 2. Do no[ immerse cord or plug in water. i 3. Keep cord awayfrom heated surfaces.14. Do not let cord hang over edge or table or counter. 15. When cleailino surfaces of door and oven ths.t come togetherondosing thedoor, useonly miid, nonabrasive soaps or detergentsapplied with a sponge or soft cloth. 16. To reducethe riskof fire in theovencs.Vity: a. Do not overcookiood. esp~ia1lysta~'y items such as potatoes and fatty items such as bacon. Carefullyattend appfianceif paper, plastic. or other combustiblematerials are .placed inside the oven to facilitat.ecooking. b. Remove from -. wire twist-ties . paper or plastic bag beroreplac,lng bag In oven. c. If materialsinsidethe ovenshouldignite,keep oven doorclosed,turnovenoft,and disconnect the powercord,or shutoff powerat the fuse or circuit breakerpanel. d. Do not usethecavityfor storagepurposes. Do nQtleavepaperproducts;cookingulensils, or food in thecavitywhennol in use. e. Do nol put metalinsidetheoven,exceptas speciiicallydescnbed In Ihemanualor cookbookif supplied\vilh thisoven. TABLE OF CONTENTS cl!use 00 contents paae Introduction and Safety precautions Introduction Safety Precautions Exploded Views Schematic Diagrams Parts List Heating Principle of Microwave Trou bleshooting Procedures Common breakdown and means of repairing 12 Critical Parts Servicing 13 important things to do prior to critical parts servicing interlock assembly replacementand adjustment door and hinge replacementand adjustment magnetron replacement 13 13 13 13 Safety checks and tests after servicing 14 constructional checks insulation resistance test microwave leakage test 14 14 15 IN,TRO~UCTION ~is Microwave Oven ServiceManual is printed in a loose leaf fonnat. Each part is qivided into sectionsrelating to a generalgroup of componentsand each section is s\ibdivided into various parts descn"binga particular componentor service procedure, The subdividing of the subject matter plus the loose leaf form Will facilitate the updating of the manual as new or revised componentsand service proceduresare introduced. Eachpageof this service manual will be identified in the lower right hand comer 8nd as dew or revised pagesare published it will be easyto keep the manual up to date by following the filing instruc~ionson the cover letter. This ServiceManual is a valuable servicetool and.careshould be taken to keep it up to dateby prompt and proper filling of subsequentpagesas they are issued. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS T~IS ~A~UAL, AS WELL AS THE INFORMATIONCONTAINED IN IT, IS TO BE USED ONLY BY AN AUTHOR'iZEDSERVICE TECHNICIAN FAMILIAR WITH AND KNOWLEDGEABLE OF P~O~RSAFETY AND SERVICING PROCEDURES AND POSSESSING HIGH QUALITY TEST E~U1PMENTASSOCIATED WITH MICROWAVEAND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIR. ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO ATTEMPT REPAIRS BY IMPROPER MEANS OR ADJUSTMENT, S~BJECT THEMSELVES AND OTHERS TO THE RISK OF SERIOUS OR FATAL INJURY. THE HEATING PRINCIPLE OF MICROWAVE Microwave Is one kind or radio wave wll()Se wayelenctll is yery soort, rrequency is yery high. Therefore, it is called uitrahi~h frequency electromagnetic wave. Microwave can hcat f()()(1mainly result in the mutual affect or the food in the microwave field and the Dlicrowavc field ilsclf. tinder the affect of microwave field, the II\Crmal efr«1 olcchanism prcxJuccdfrom tile mutual .rrea of the microwave and Ihe fncMiIncludes two aspects~ One is Dlelcctrlc I~s of pIlar molecule, the oll~r is CIJRducti.e IUS5of ion. Usually, focxl is cvl1stitulc of nrganisnl( plant and animal). Tile org:.nism i~ fornlcd by all kinds of (KJlar-:waterIIwlecule. polar protein molecule, and all sorts "f salt ion. Tile center uf ~ra"ity or the positive and negatiYc charge in the molecule Is not coincide. In normal condition, tile mulcculc Is in irrCI'llar Ilrder due tl) its thernlal acliun, thlls the food do not appear (KJlarily. (FIG.. - la). Under Illc actiOlI or uuter electric fieill. lIte pclSitiye end of the IJ('lar molecule trend to the negative electric rield. tbe negative end or I1Olarmoleculc trend to the positive electric field. and sonlcwhat arrange In order thruugJI the direction of the electric ficld( Flwcrplug. take down the cabinet. adjust the screwel of the hinle( up and low) as fiBureS - 14 to less the gap between the door and the oven. TI.en measure .pln. the leak.le .mount should less than 1 milli. watt/cmz. Generally. It should be controled beloW'0.75 mUliwatt/cm1 with Iome allowance. 0- ~... p8rt .. rtpt... ~~ IL kfew <.) 0- MkN 8W'~ ,~ (M) .-w.. Ic.- ~rt 8. riPc MJ8W FiI.S- IS FII.5-14 If the leakage occured at the right d n.door.or hiDl~= ~ pRte: ~i.=. or :cd}UStd..~mico~YC~ AS Coi1owsmUSt be T~t iJu'a\m\C\tS ICuirc:: 3!1 :-At-'..::.EoilGot," M.iC:O\\""C s~: rJ.lil0 or e;w'o:Jc:: 600ml ~r: -!., -->.- P:c=uu OM: 1ium thcpo\VC'olT(or \D1pluatbr. 0\-=) imm~y ~~ Piuc me ova pG\VC' cord intOthe pG\VC' ~tadc. 314 Turn i-' 3l5 fill the rlnss bc:k(:' with liS (+/. I's.,ml CD the MiCV\\~Ye se!~.ion) 011 -FAST. tUm~bte p~ 3t6 Lc:bI: Me'.=:' aDd WDm1 oCcold iIthc 0"= raUs&histat. \m tor o1l test 10 1DiJlwes. ~ \'VU1c:'o1ndp~ the bckc: the Me::- :COODSC Clilte: in the CQte' or mc plAte. C~ose the Ova1 dOOC'.Sct me bmC- ~\ .S mm~~. Sc: thc .oO\Vc:' L~e! At -HIGh- or ~100%- and ~ the o~tion. ;;.~ Hol..!(by \1IC!~K1lc ~rtlo,'11h~ ~ Move tI,c ~robc ~I ~ ~~ il) 2) ~) .&) ~) 6) ;;) ,cone~~) pC:'pc:\Ui..-uw10111c Imdc: t=t for Rf crussions oi no WI':: mm I inch pc: ~llci 11\C.1rCS Wldt.f tct = "iiIC amum"c.~cc or thc .JOQdQviC:"' SdL 'I\C ~r~ o(U,c door SC"='IIIC ~rc of 1;on~1 p3nCt 'ilIC~ ncr line Co')Cd" AU ~t ~in;s. All Qbin~~ ~ O'llc $\~-:t ~ poinL bold the probc SQUon:y unal ~ StCdy $We AI1CV~i .. 0 S~t ~ M~=:- R=-PO'~ 10-SlOW"" ~n::nc:sureIhc 1ck.1;~ ~L\hc pomt ot' ~..amum l~c l~d LD SlC?7~,S ~bovc.r=ord ~ ~Iuc ~\Il kgcion o( ~ m:a.\iIDUID lcko1JcmCS\U'CDat with the mctC' ~DSC on -SLOW-. ~., -I f.l: IocUOI1s in Ill< Yi~.nicyO(c:ci1high l~c \~Uc is occ.~cdon theSur.'c:tMc:.c:,ObSC'\'c the~'(imwn lcbJc ~ ~ ll\C .-n.1.'timLIm R..f:c:ninioa ncCJ~\ mould be aI.OmW/C:D2or I~ ~~n until it ~ &J,~~ 15 l~tioa.. trnot. invcsUplC =d r'C?4irthe OVc:1
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