spring model electronics co A3102 Small fly rods User Manual

Shenzhen spring model electronics co .ltd Small fly rods

User Manual

A3102说 明 书A3102深圳市宝安区福永街道白石厦龙王庙工业区1栋4楼4/F,Bid 1,Longwangmiao Industrial Park,Baishixia Community Fuyong Town.Baoan District,Shenzhen China
飞机构件名称13425主翼螺旋桨 方向舵脚架 水平尾翼1 3425遥控器部件名称编号13247586109No.1名 称 功   能电源开关 拨向右–开, 拨向左–关指示灯 正常常亮/低电压慢闪/对频快闪235CH/对频键 5通道控制及对频组合键4通道设置键 1-3号为对应通道反向设置,4号为大小舵设置5左操纵杆6右操纵杆水平尾翼控制(纵向)7油门微调 可微小调整油门大小8方向微调 可微小调整方向舵控制行程9升降微调 可微小调整升降舵控制行程遥控器部件名称与功能 MODE 1No.1名 称 功   能电源开关 拨向右–开, 拨向左–关指示灯 正常常亮/低电压慢闪/对频快闪235CH/对频键 5通道控制及对频组合键4通道设置键 1-3号为对应通道反向设置,4号为大小舵设置5左操纵杆6右操纵杆 水平尾翼控制(纵向)/方向舵控制(横向)油门(纵向)9油门微调 可微小调整油门大小8方向微调 可微小调整方向舵控制行程7升降微调 可微小调整升降舵控制行程遥控器部件名称与功能 MODE 2油门(纵向)/方向舵控制(横向)13425WingPropeller Rudder Landing gear Elevator1 342513247586109No.1Name Description(Function)Power Switch Switch to right - ON, left - OFFIndicator Normal:all bright ,Low voltage:flash slowly ,Binding:flash fast235CH/Binding key 5CH control/Binding combination key4 Channel setting No1-3 is the relating channel reverse setting,No4 is the rudder setting5Left hand control stick6Right hand control stickControl the horizontal tail(Longitudinal)7 Throttle trim Trim for throttle level8Rudder trim Trims rudder travel9Elevator trim Trims elevator travelThe name and  function of  Radio Control  parts(MODE 1)Control  throttle(Longitudinal) / rudder (Transverse)Airplane parts  name                                RC parts name&numberNo.1Name Description(Function)Power Switch Switch to right - ON, left - OFFIndicator Normal:all bright ,Low voltage:flash slowly ,Binding:flash fast235CH Binding key 5CH control/Binding combination key4 Channel setting No1-3 is the relating channel reverse setting,No4 is the rudder setting5Left hand control stick6Right hand control stick789The name and  function of  Radio Control  parts(MODE 2)Elevator trim Trims elevator travelRudder trim Trims rudder travelThrottle trim Trim for throttle levelControl throttle (longitudinal)Control the horizontal (longitudinal) / rudder (Transverse)22
    第三步: 油门大小试操纵:用手握住机身(请注意避开螺旋桨)然后将油门操纵杆从最低慢慢往上推,一直到最高点,此时为马达最高转速最大出力。再慢慢往下拉,油门減低出力直到最低点马达停止转动(提示:测试油门时如尚未解锁启动保护,须将油门杆推到最底端后才能进行上述油门测试)。飞场地选择及飞行条件    找一块空旷无障礙物的地方, 半径至少50公尺以上, 附近没有高的建筑物,沒有人群聚集。切记不可以在高压电塔、飞机场附近或公路边放飞,要选择无风或微风天天放飞,不要在刮风、下雨、雷电等坏天气飞行, 不要在建筑物之间乱流区飞行, 不要在下风边飞行, 不要飞越人群。第一次飞行MODE1 MODE1MODE2 MODE2MODE1MODE1 MODE2 MODE2    起飞的方式有两种:第一种地面起飞,如果你找到平坦的地面就可选择从地面起飞, 把飞机正对风吹来的方向放在地上, 控制舵面置于中立点位置, 慢慢把油门推杆向上推增加动力一直到最高点        Step 3. Throttle test Use your hand holding the plane (Please pay attention to avoid the propellers), then slowly push the throttle stick from the bottom to up, when  it reaches to the peak power, stick much be pushed to the top end. Pull back the stick to reduce power to stop propeller when it reaches to the lowest end.(Pls note:if the Start protect system haven’t been open when you testing the throttle,you need to push the throttle stick to the bottom end,then the above throttle testing can beginning .)Before flying        Choose an open field to fly your plane, better to have area radius 50m  at least, no obstacle, no tall buildings nor congested area nearby. Do not fly over power lines, or over traffic areas. Do not fly in strong wind condition, or bad weather. Do not fly in turbulent area between buildings, lee wind side. Never fly over people or over crowded place. Your first flightMODE1 MODE1MODE2 MODE2MODE1MODE1 MODE2 MODE2        There are two ways to take off, if you are lucky enough to have a paved runway, it is easily to take off from the ground. Put the plane on the ground and face to wind, set all control in neutral place, gradually push forward the throttle stick to increase power till it reaches its peak power on top position., once the power is applied, the plane will start to roll on the ground, use rudder control to maintain its straight heading to the wind, the plane will lift off the ground in seconds, then apply a little up elevator, it will airborne.Do not fly it too far,at 44
LandingControl tips▲Always apply a little bit of up-elevator when you apply rudder for a turn. Do not hold the rudder control for a long time, if you hold it long the plane will enter into spiral, Apply rudder control in short sequences to make it a gentle turn. The same rule applies to elevator control. If you hold the elevator control for a long time, the plane will stall of dive fast.Notes on R/C system binding        The transmitter and receiver are matched well at factory; however, if there is requirement for binding, here is the procedure(eg:Mode1):1, turn off the transmitter, and push the left control stick (Mode2 please use rightcontrol stick) to the left side corner place as well as push 5CH for binding at the same time.2, turn on the transmitter, flashing of the LED light means a binding is going on.3, push the receiver’s binding button, flashing of the LED light means a binding is going on.4, the binding is completed when the LED lights are on at a normal condition.        restart the plane, and it get on to the track for normal working, not binding is needed in further.降落:    飞行数分种后或是你感觉到动力输出已经降低,就要准备降落请逆风对正风向,后拉油门控制杆(收油门),使飞机进入直线下滑,同时操控升降舵和方向舵,以保持平稳的下滑角直到飞机平稳的触地降落。请注意油门不要一下子收太多太急,否则飞机可能会因突然减速过多,而难以控制甚至造成失速坠地。降落操纵的要点:▲操纵起飞时,升降舵拉杆量不宜过大过急,否则飞机会难以控制甚至失速坠地。▲操纵转弯打方向舵時要带一点上舵(升降舵拉杆),以保持飞机不掉高度。▲方向舵操纵杆请勿压到底不放, 若压着不放飞机会进入螺旋下墜用间歇打舵的方式可避免进入螺旋而达到转弯的目的。升降舵也不要长时间向后拉或向前推到底,這样会造成失速或向下俯冲的狀況使飞机难以控制。遥控器对频:    通常遥控器在出厂前已經完成对频设定,当接通收发设备电源后,LED指示灯长亮, 表示系统工作正常。 若万一发生不能工作之状况(接收机LED闪烁),MODE1模式请照下列顺序操作对頻:第一步:关闭发射机电源,将左操纵杆(MODE2模式为右操纵杆斜)斜拉至左下角,同时按下5CH/对频键;第二步:打开发射机电源,此时电源/对频指示灯快速闪烁,表示发射机进入对频状态;第三步:按下接收机对频键,接收机LED开始快速闪烁,表示接收机已进入对频状态;第四步:待LED指示灯长亮后关闭发射机,至此对频已全部完成。    重新开机后可正常使用,一次完成对频后,以后开机使用无须再重复对频动作。66
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