u blox Malmo 090103L Serial Port Adapter User Manual Part 2

u-blox Malmo AB Serial Port Adapter Users Manual Part 2


Users Manual Part 2

Serial Port Adapter™
Version 2 and 3
AT Commands
Serial Port Adapter™
Version 2 and 3
AT Commands
Copyright © 2003 connectBlue AB.
The contents of this document can be changed by connectBlue AB without prior
notice and do not constitute any binding undertakings from connectBlue AB.
connectBlue AB is not responsible under any circumstances for direct, indirect,
unexpected damage or consequent damage that is caused by this document.
All rights reserved.
Release: 0510
Document version: 3.2
Document number: cBProject-0501-11 (6)
Printed in Sweden.
The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by their proprietor and used by con-
nectBlue under license.
Third party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
1. Introduction 8
1.1 Related Documents ...........................................................................8
2. Data Mode and AT Mode 9
3. Baud Rate 10
4. Configuration and Operation 11
4.1 LED Indication .................................................................................11
4.2 Bluetooth Settings............................................................................11
4.3 Searching for Other Bluetooth Devices ...........................................11
4.4 Searching for Services.....................................................................12
4.5 Creating Serial Connections and Sending Data..............................12
How to Select What Profile to Use ..............................................12
Client or Server............................................................................12
Wireless Multidrop™ ...................................................................12
Connection Establishment – Server ............................................12
Connection Establishment – Client..............................................13
4.6 Master/Slave Handling.....................................................................13
4.7 Bluetooth Security............................................................................14
Security Modes............................................................................14
Bonding and Pairing ....................................................................14
5. Power Save Modes 16
5.1 How to Use the Stop Mode Feature ................................................16
6. Restoring Default Configuration 17
6.1 Serial Settings..................................................................................17
6.2 Factory Settings...............................................................................17
7. AT Commands Over Bluetooth 18
8. Version 3 vs. Version 2 19
9. Syntax 20
9.1 Command Line Format....................................................................20
9.2 Data Types ......................................................................................20
String 21
Integer 21
10. AT Commands Reference 22
10.1 Standard AT Commands .................................................................22
Command “AT” ............................................................................22
Command “AT*........................................................................... 22
Command “ATZ”.......................................................................... 22
Command “AT&F” ....................................................................... 23
Command “ATS2”........................................................................ 23
Command “ATE”.......................................................................... 23
10.2 GAP Commands.............................................................................. 24
Read_Discoverability_Mode (AT*AGDM?) ................................. 24
Write_Discoverability_Mode (AT*AGDM=) ................................. 24
Read_Connectability_Mode (AT*AGCM?).................................. 25
Write_Connectability_Mode (AT*AGCM=).................................. 25
Read_Pairing_Mode (AT*AGPM?).............................................. 26
Write_Pairing_Mode (AT*AGPM=).............................................. 26
Read_Security_Mode (AT*AGSM?)............................................ 26
Write_Security_Mode (AT*AGSM=)............................................ 27
Name_Discovery (AT*AGND=)................................................... 27
Device_Discovery (AT*AGDD=).................................................. 28
Inquiry (AT*AGI=)........................................................................ 29
Bond (AT*AGB=)......................................................................... 29
Un_Bond (AT*AGUB=)................................................................30
Read_Bonded_Devices (AT*AGBD?)......................................... 30
Read_Fixed_PIN (AT*AGFP?).................................................... 31
Write_Fixed_PIN (AT*AGFP=).................................................... 31
Read_Local_Name (AT*AGLN?) ................................................ 32
Write_Local_Name (AT*AGLN=) ................................................ 32
Read_Local_COD (AT*AGLC?).................................................. 33
Write_Local_COD (AT*AGLC=) .................................................. 33
Get_MasterSlaveRole (AT*AGGMSR=)...................................... 34
Change_MasterSlaveRole (AT*AGCMSR=)............................... 35
Read_MasterSlaveRole_Policy (AT*AGMSP?) .......................... 35
Write_MasterSlaveRole_Policy (AT*AGMSP=) .......................... 36
Get_RSSI (AT*AGRSS=) ............................................................ 36
10.3 Service Search Commands............................................................. 37
Service_Search (AT*ARSS=)...................................................... 37
10.4 Data Mode Commands.................................................................... 39
Data_Mode (AT*ADDM).............................................................. 39
Connect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode (AT*ADCP=) ............. 39
Close_Serial_Connection_Data_Mode (AT*ADCC=) ................. 40
Read_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP?)............................... 40
Write_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP=)............................... 41
Read_Default_Server_Profile (AT*ADDSP?).............................. 41
Write_Default_Server_Profile (AT*ADDSP=).............................. 42
Read_Max_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADMRP?).................... 43
Read_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADNRP?) ............................. 43
Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADNRP=) ............................. 43
Read_Default_Remote_Peer (AT*ADRDRP=) ........................... 44
Write_Default_Remote_Peer (AT*ADWDRP=)........................... 45
Read_Inactivity_Tick (AT*ADIT?)................................................ 46
Write_Inactivity_Tick (AT*ADIT=)................................................ 46
Read_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration (AT*ADWM?)............. 47
Write_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration (AT*ADWM=)............. 48
10.5 Informational Commands ................................................................ 49
Read_Local_BD_ADDR (AT*AILBA?) ........................................ 49
Read_Local_Version_Information (AT*AILVI?)........................... 49
10.6 Miscellaneous Commands .............................................................. 49
Read_RS232_Settings (AT*AMRS?).......................................... 49
Write_RS232_Settings (AT*AMRS=) .......................................... 50
Read_Serial_Interface_Type (AT*AMSIT?)................................ 51
Write_Serial_Interface_Type (AT*AMSIT=) ................................ 51
Read_Favorites (AT*ACF?) ........................................................ 52
Add_Change_Favorite (AT*ACACF=).........................................52
Delete_Favorite (AT*ACDF=)......................................................53
Read_Allow_Configuration_Over_Bluetooth (AT*ACCB?) .........53
Write_Allow_Configuration_Over_Bluetooth (AT*ACCB=) .........54
Read_Controller_Power_Save_Mode (AT*AMPM?)...................54
Write_Controller_Power_Save_Mode (AT*AMPM=)...................55
Read_Max_Output_Power (AT*AMMP?)....................................55
Write_Max_Output_Power (AT*AMMP=)....................................56
Read_Esc_Sequence_Timing (AT*AMET?) ...............................57
Write_Esc_Sequence_Timing (AT*AMET=)................................57
Read_Button_Operation_Mode (AT*AMBOR=)..........................57
Write_Button_Operation_Mode (AT*AMBO=).............................58
Read_LED_Operation_Mode (AT*AMLO?) ................................59
Write_LED_Operation_Mode (AT*AMLO=).................................59
Store_Factory_Settings (AT*AMSF)............................................60
Read_Watchdog_Settings (AT*AMWS?) ....................................60
Write_Watchdog_Settings (AT*AMWS=) ....................................61
Read_DTR_DSR_Settings (AT*AMDS?) ....................................62
Write_DTR_DSR_Settings (AT*AMDS=) ....................................63
Read_Link_Policy (AT*AMLP?)...................................................63
Write_Link_Policy (AT*AMLP=)...................................................64
10.7 Events 65
Serial_Connection_Data_Mode_Closed (*ADCCO) ...................65
11. Model Compatibility 66
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: Related Documents
Chapter 1
1.1 Related Documents
The Serial Port Adapter AT Commands document, this document,
contains a description of the AT commands supported in the Serial Port
Adapter. It also contains information on how to use the AT commands
to create Bluetooth applications.
The OEM Serial Port Adapter Electrical & Mechanical Datasheet
contains important information about the OEM Serial Port Adapter.
Read this document if you are using the OEM Serial Port Adapter.
1.1: Related Documents Chapter 2: Data Mode and AT Mode
Chapter 2
Data Mode and AT Mode
The Serial Port Adapter can be in two different modes AT mode and data mode.
The Serial Port Adapter starts up in data mode and can be requested to move
to AT mode by sending an escape sequence. The default escape sequence
consists of three consecutive forward slash characters ‘/’. The escape sequence
character can be changed using the ATS2 command. Pressing the restore-
button on the Serial Port Adapter, when it is powered up, restores the default
escape character.
The following criteria must be met for the Serial Port Adapter to interpret the se-
quence as a valid escape sequence:
Before the escape sequence there must be silence for 1 second. This time
can be changed using the AT*AMET command.
After the escape sequence there must be silence for 1 second. This time
can be changed using the AT*AMET command.
The entire escape sequence must be sent within 200 ms.
To move from AT mode to data mode, use the “AT*ADDM” command.
data mode
AT mode
AT escape
1.1: Related Documents Chapter 3: Baud Rate
Chapter 3
Baud Rate
The Serial Port Adapter does not support auto baud rate. The baud rate is set
using the “Write_RS232_Settings” command.
The default RS232 settings are 57600 bits/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit,
and hardware flow control. Pressing the restore-button on the Serial Port
Adapter, when it is powered up, restores the default serial settings.
Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation 4.1: LED Indication
Chapter 4
Configuration and Operation
This chapter gives some guidelines on how to perform basic configuration and
There are several request packets that can be used to configure the Serial Port
Adapter. Many of these request packets take a boolean parameter called
<store_in_startup_database>. If this parameter is set to 1 the setting will be ap-
plied immediately and also when the Serial Port Adapter starts up in the next
power cycle. If this parameter is set to 0 the setting will be applied immediately
but it will not be applied when the Serial Port Adapter starts up in the next power
Note that for some of the version 3 modules there is a constraint on some AT
commands, which means that the module must be restarted for the command to
take affect. For those commands the <store_in_startup_database> parameter
must always be 1.
4.1 LED Indication
The LED indicates what mode is currently active and what activity that is cur-
rently in progress.
The following color indications are used.
Green: The current mode is data mode and no connection attempt is in pro-
Orange: The current mode is AT mode.
Purple: A connection attempt is in progress.
Blue: A connection is currently active.
Blue Blinking: A connection is active and data is transmitted or received over
Red Blinking: Data error detected on UART.
4.2 Bluetooth Settings
A Bluetooth device can be in several different operation modes. The operation
mode determines whether or not a device can be connected to and whether or
not other devices performing searches can discover a device. Use the
“Write_Discoverability_Mode” and “Write_Connectability_Mode” commands to
set the operation mode.
All Bluetooth devices have a user-friendly name. Use the “Write_Local_Name”
command to set the local device name.
All Bluetooth devices have a ‘class-of-device’ indicator that can be discovered
by other devices when they are performing searches. Use the
Write_Local_COD” command to set the ‘class-of-device’.
4.3 Searching for Other Bluetooth Devices
4.4: Searching for Services Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation
Two commands are available to search for other devices:
The “Device Discovery” command returns the Bluetooth device ad-
dress, the class of device and the name of all the devices in the vicinity
that are in discoverable mode.
The “Inquiry” command returns the Bluetooth device address and the
class of device of all the devices in the vicinity that are in discoverable
The “Inquiry” command is faster than the “Device_Discovery” command.
4.4 Searching for Services
It is possible to search for services on remote devices. A service search is per-
formed using the “Service_Search” command.
4.5 Creating Serial Connections and Send-
ing Data
Serial connections are Bluetooth connections based on the Serial Port Profile,
the Dial-up Networking Profile and the LAN Access Profile.
How to Select What Profile to Use
It is important that the same profile is used on both devices wanting to commu-
nicate. If the remote device is not a Serial Port Adapter, refer to the documenta-
tion of that device to determine what profile it uses or to find out how to select
what profile to use.
Client or Server
First decide if your device is supposed to act as a client (initiator of connec-
tions), a server (acceptor of connections) or both.
Wireless Multidrop™
The Wireless Multidrop™ feature allows the Serial Port Adapter to simultane-
ously communicate with several devices even when it is in data mode. If Wire-
less Multidrop™ is used all data sent to the Serial Port Adapter via the serial in-
terface will be forwarded to all connected devices. All data received from any of
the connected devices will be forwarded on the serial interface in the order that
the data was received.
The Wireless Multidrop™ feature can be used if the Serial Port Adapter has
been configured as a server as well as if it has been configured as a client.
When configured as a server several devices are able to connect to your Serial
Port Adapter and join the wireless multidrop network. If configured as a client
you must tell the Serial Port Adapter which devices to connect to.
Exactly how to configure for Wireless Multidrop™ see Connection Establish-
ment – Server and Connection Establishment – Client.
Connection Establishment – Server
In AT mode, use the “Write_Default_Server_Profile” command to select what
profile to use when acting as a server.
4.6: Master/Slave Handling Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation
If you want to use the Wireless Multidrop™ feature and allow several devices to
simultaneously connect to your device you must enable Wireless Multidrop™
using the “Write_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration” command. In addition, the
Serial Port Adapter must be configured to perform a master/slave switch every
time a device connects to it. This is done using the
“Write_MasterSlaveRole_Policy” command.
After configuring the Serial Port Adapter for server operation, move to data
Connection Establishment – Client
For clients there are two methods that can be used to create connections to a
remote device:
1. Establish the connection in AT mode using the “Con-
nect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode” command. Then move to data mode
and utilize the connection as a transparent data mode connection. It is pos-
sible to utilize the Wireless Multidrop™ feature and connect to several de-
vices. Note that Wireless Multidrop™ must be enabled to be able to connect
to more than one device.
2. Configure the Serial Port Adapter in AT mode then move to data mode.
a. Select the number of devices to connect to using the
“Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers” command. Select 1 for point-to-point
operation and more than 1 for Wireless Multidrop™ operation. Note
that Wireless Multidrop™ must be enabled to be able to use a value
higher than 1. The maximum number of remote peers can be de-
termined by calling the “Read_Max_No_Of_Remote_Peers” com-
b. Select what device(s) to communicate with using the
“Write_Default_Remote_Peer” command.
c. Then use the “Write_Default_Client_Profile” command to select
what profile to use when connecting to the selected default remote
d. Finally move to data mode and send data. The Serial Port Adapter
will connect to the selected remote peer(s) using the selected pro-
file according to the connect scheme setting (connect on data, al-
ways connected or connect on external signal).
Specify zero number of remote peers using the “Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers”
command if you do not want to act as a client.
4.6 Master/Slave Handling
When a device communicates with several other devices it is called the master.
The other devices are called slaves.
4.7: Bluetooth Security Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation
A master can:
Setup a connection to another device.
Perform searches.
Accept connections from other devices.
A slave cannot:
Connect to another device.
Perform searches.
Accept connections from other devices.
There are a few settings and parameters that affect how the roles master and
slave are assigned to the devices communicating.
First, it is possible for a device to request to become the master when another
device connects to it. This setting is called the master/slave role policy. Use the
Write_MasterSlaveRole_Policy” command to set the policy to either:
0, the device will request to become the master every time another de-
vice tries to connect.
1, the device will become the slave every time another device tries to
Second, when connecting to another device using the “Con-
nect_To_Serial_Service” command the parameter <must_be_master> indicates
whether or not the connecting device allows the server to become the master of
the connection.
NOTE: If <must_be_master> is 1 and the server has set master/slave role pol-
icy to 0 (become master) the connection will not be established.
If you do not specifically need to become the master the <must_be_master> pa-
rameter should be set to 0 to allow the server to select which role to take.
4.7 Bluetooth Security
Bluetooth has support for security. The Bluetooth security is based on authenti-
cation during connection establishment and encryption of sent and received
Security Modes
A Bluetooth device can be in two different security modes, security enabled (au-
thentication and encryption turned on) and security disabled (authentication and
encryption turned off). If at least one of the two devices wanting to communicate
has security enabled, security will be used. Use the “Write_Security_Mode
command to set the security mode for the device.
Bonding and Pairing
To be able to communicate if security has been enabled, bonding has to be per-
formed. The bonding procedure creates a link key, valid between two devices,
which is used during the authentication procedure. Once bonded the two de-
vices can establish connections with each other using security enabled.
During bonding both devices must be in pairable mode (able to accept bonding).
Use the “Write_Pairing_Mode” command to set the device(s) in pairable mode.
During bonding a pin code is used. Use the “Write_Fixed_PIN” command to set
the PIN code to use.
To perform bonding use one of the following methods:
4.7: Bluetooth Security Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation
On one device use the “Bond” command.
Create a connection. If authentication or encryption is turned on, on ei-
ther device, bonding will be performed automatically.
It is possible for the Serial Port Adapter to store link keys for several devices at
the same time. Use the “Read_Bonded_Devices” command to get a list of the
currently bonded devices.
It is also possible to remove a device from the list of bonded devices. To do this,
use the “Un_Bond” command.
5.1: How to Use the Stop Mode Feature Chapter 5: Power Save Modes
Chapter 5
Power Save Modes
The Serial Port Adapter is optimized to consume as little power as possible.
However, the deepest power save mode, called stop mode, is not turned on by
default. Instead an AT command (AT*AMPM) is available to allow the host sys-
tem to turn on the stop mode feature.
When the Serial Port Adapter is in stop mode:
It can accept incoming connections over Bluetooth.
The host system cannot send data to the Serial Port Adapter.
The Serial Port Adapter will only enter stop mode if:
The stop mode feature has been turned on using the AT*AMPM AT
The DSR pin on the Serial Port Adapter is not active (low RS232 level).
If there is no Bluetooth connection.
If the "Always connected" feature has not been turned on.
The Serial Port Adapter will exit mode if:
A Bluetooth connection is established from a remote device.
The host system moves the DSR pin from non-active (low RS232 level)
to active (high RS232 level).
Note: The Serial Port Adapter needs 10 ms to leave stop mode. As a con-
sequence the host system must not send data to the Serial Port Adapter
until 10 ms after the host system has activated the DSR pin.
5.1 How to Use the Stop Mode Feature
If your device only acts as a server (accepts incoming connections), the stop
mode feature can be used without the host having to toggle the DSR pin before
sending data to the Serial Port Adapter. The reason for this is that while in stop
mode, the Serial Port Adapter can accept incoming connections. In addition,
when the Bluetooth connection is established the Serial Port Adapter automati-
cally leaves stop mode and only returns to stop mode after the Bluetooth con-
nection has been disconnected. However, in this scenario, it is important that
the host system keeps the DSR pin in the non-active state at all times. Other-
wise the Serial Port Adapter will not enter stop mode at all.
If your device acts as a client (establishes connections) or client and server, the
stop mode feature cannot be used without the use of the DSR pin. The reason
for this is that once in stop mode, the Serial Port Adapter has to be told to leave
stop mode before the host system can send data to the Serial Port Adapter.
When the host system has nothing to send to the Serial Port Adapter, it may set
the DSR pin to the non-active state to tell the Serial Port Adapter that it may en-
ter stop mode if it is able to.
6.1: Serial Settings Chapter 6: Restoring Default Configuration
Chapter 6
Restoring Default Configuration
6.1 Serial Settings
In some situations it is necessary to restore some settings to their default val-
ues. The following settings can be restored using the procedure described be-
Serial settings: 57600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, hardware flow
Serial interface type: RS232.
AT escape sequence: ‘///’.
Escape sequence timing: 1000 ms of no data transmission required before
and after the escape sequence for the escape sequence to be valid.
1. Remove power from the Serial Port Adapter.
2. Press and hold the default settings button on the Serial Port Adapter.
3. Apply power to the Serial Port Adapter.
When powered up the default settings will be stored in the Serial Port Adapter.
6.2 Factory Settings
The factory setting is the configuration of the serial port adapter when it is pro-
duced. For some modules it may be possible to set a new factory setting con-
figuration by using the “Store_Factory_Settings” command.
To restore the factory setting configuration use the “AT&F” command or perform
the following procedure. The latter only applies to version 3 Serial Port Adapt-
1. Remove power from the OEM Serial Port Adapter.
2. Press and hold both the Default settings and Function buttons on the OEM
Serial Port Adapter.
4. Apply power to the OEM Serial Port Adapter.
6.2: Factory Settings Chapter 7: AT Commands Over Bluetooth
Chapter 7
AT Commands Over Bluetooth
It is possible to configure and control a remote Serial Port Adapter via Bluetooth
using AT commands.
Criteria for using AT commands over Bluetooth:
A Bluetooth connection to the remote device (the device to configure) must
exist. The Bluetooth connection can e.g. be established using another Serial
Port Adapter, a device with a PC-card/compact flash or a device with em-
bedded Bluetooth support.
The remote Serial Port Adapter must have turned on the support for configu-
ration over Bluetooth, for more information see the
Write_Allow_Configuration_Over_Bluetooth” command.
Once the connection has been established, the escape sequence must be
sent over the Bluetooth connection to the remote Serial Port Adapter to
move it into AT mode.
oThe same escape sequence rules apply to AT over Bluetooth as for
AT over cable, for more information see the section about Data
Mode and AT Mode.
oNote that the same escape sequence is used for cable and Blue-
tooth. Therefore, if you are using two Serial Port Adapters one of the
Serial Port Adapters must have its escape sequence changed using
the ATS2 command. This is to keep the first Serial Port Adapter to
enter AT mode instead of the remote Serial Port Adapter.
6.2: Factory Settings Chapter 8: Version 3 vs. Version 2
Chapter 8
Version 3 vs. Version 2
If you are migrating from using the version 2 (second generation) of Serial Port
Adapters from connectBlue to version 3 there are some AT commands/events
that have been changed, added or removed. Each AT command description will
include a table to clarify what the differences are (if any) between different mod-
Specifically some version 3 models (cB-OEMSPA311, cB-OEMSPA331, cB-
OEMSPA312, cB-OEMSPA332) do not support multipoint connections. Hence
wireless multidrop is not supported.
9.1: Command Line Format Chapter 9: Syntax
Chapter 9
9.1 Command Line Format
Each command line sent from the DTE to the DCE is made up of a prefix, body
and terminator. As prefix for the Serial Port Adapter AT commands, only “AT”
(ASCII 065, 084) and “at” (ASCII 097, 116) can be used. There is no distinction
between upper and lower case characters. The body is a string of characters in
the range ASCII 032-255. Control characters other than <CR> (carriage return;
ASCII 013) and <BS> (back space; ASCII 008) in a command line are ignored.
The terminator is <CR>.
Commands denoted with a *” character are extended AT commands, i.e. Serial
Port Adapter specific AT commands.
S-registers are not used and not supported, except for the S2 register.
Multiple commands in the same command line are not supported. Each com-
mand has to be terminated by a <CR> before a new command can be sent. A
command must not be larger than 300 characters.
A command can either be:
Read commands without parameters:
Write commands without parameters:
Read and write commands with parameters:
AT<command>=<parameter1>, parameter2>, …<parameterN><CR>
Responses are sent back to the host and can be any of the following:
Successful final message:
Successful intermediate/final message with parameters follows an OK mes-
sage in some commands. In these cases the OK message works as a con-
firm message only.
<CR><LF><result_response>:<parameter1>, parameter2>,
Error message:
9.2 Data Types
The definition of each command specifies the data types used for values asso-
ciated with the command.
There are four data types:
Bluetooth Device Address
9.2: Data Types Chapter 9: Syntax
A string shall consist of a sequence of displayable characters from the ISO
8859-1 (8-bit ASCII) character set, except for characters “\” and “"“ and charac-
ters below 32 (space). A string constant shall be delimited by two double-qoute
(“"“) characters, e.g. “Donald Duck”. If the double-quote character (“"“) is to be
used within a string, e.g. "My friend "Bono" is a singer", they have to be repre-
sented as “\22”. If the back-slash character (“\”) is to be used within a string
constant, it has to be represented as “\5C”. An empty string is represented by
two adjacent delimiters, "".
An integer value consists of a sequence of characters all in the range {0..9}.
Numeric constants are expressed in decimal format only.
An enumerator value is actually an integer, where all its possible values are
specified in each case. Only the defined values are accepted for the command
in question.
This type is used to represent the Bluetooth Device Address. The type is com-
posed of six fields, each representing a hexadecimal value using two charac-
ters. For example, the Bluetooth Device Address 0x112233AABBCC is repre-
sented as 112233AABBCC or 112233aabbcc. Note that the Bluetooth Device
Address is not delimited with by two double-qoute (“"“) characters.
10.1: Standard AT Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Chapter 10
AT Commands Reference
10.1 Standard AT Commands
Command “AT”
AT Command Description
AT<CR> Attention command determining the presence of a DCE, i.e. the
Serial Port Adapter.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Command “AT*”
AT Command Description
AT*<CR> Lists the supported AT commands.
Responses Description
<CR><LF><command> This response is sent to the host for every sup-
ported command.
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Command “ATZ”
AT Command Description
ATZ<CR> Does nothing.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
10.1: Standard AT Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Command “AT&F”
AT Command Description
AT&F<CR> If the command Store_Factory_Settings has been used to fill the
factory settings database then this command will restore all the
settings to the factory settings.
If the command Store_Factory_Settings has not been used to fill
the factory settings database then this command will do nothing.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
The Store_Factory_Settings are not available. Instead, the
command will restore production settings. After the AT&F com-
mand has been sent, the module must be reset for the restored
settings to take affect.
Command “ATS2”
AT Command Description
ATS2=<esc_char><CR> Changes the escape character to esc_char.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Description
esc_char integer esc_char is the ASCII value of the new escape
character. E.g. 47 equals ‘/’.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Command “ATE”
AT Command Description
ATE<echo><CR> Set whether or not the Serial Port Adapter shall echo incoming
Command Pa-
rameters Type Description
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
echo integer 0: Incoming characters will not be echoed.
1: Incoming characters will be echoed.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
10.2 GAP Commands
Read_Discoverability_Mode (AT*AGDM?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGDM?<CR> This command reads the current GAP discoverability mode.
Responses Description
><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Response Pa-
rameters Type Value
discoverability_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-discoverable mode
2: GAP limited discoverable mode
3: GAP general discoverable mode
Write_Discoverability_Mode (AT*AGDM=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command writes the current GAP discoverability
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
discoverability_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-discoverable mode
2: GAP limited discoverable mode
3: GAP general discoverable mode
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the
current power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember
the setting between power cycles. The
settings database in the Serial Port
Adapter will be updated.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Limited discoverability mode not supported.
Read_Connectability_Mode (AT*AGCM?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGCM?<CR> This command reads the current GAP connectability
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGCM:<connectability_mode><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Result Pa-
rameters Type Value
connectablilty_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-connectable mode
2: GAP connectable mode
Write_Connectability_Mode (AT*AGCM=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the GAP connectability mode.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
connectablilty_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-connectable mode
2: GAP connectable mode
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Read_Pairing_Mode (AT*AGPM?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGPM?<CR> Reads the pairing mode.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGPM:<pairing_mode><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Result Pa-
rameters Type Value
pairing_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-pairing mode
2: GAP pairing mode
Write_Pairing_Mode (AT*AGPM=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGPM=<pairing_mode>,<store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the GAP pairing
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
pairing_mode enumerator 1: GAP non-pairable mode.
2: GAP pairable mode.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Read_Security_Mode (AT*AGSM?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGSM?<CR> Reads the GAP security mode.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGSM:<security_mode><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Result Pa-
rameters Type Value
security_mode enumerator 1: Link level authentication and encryption dis-
abled (GAP security mode 1 with encryption
2: Link level authentication and encryption en-
abled (GAP security mode 3 with encryption
Write_Security_Mode (AT*AGSM=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGSM=<security_mode>,<store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the GAP security
Parameters Type Value
security_mode enumerator 1: Link level authentication and encryption dis-
abled (GAP security mode 1 with encryption
2: Link level authentication and encryption en-
abled (GAP security mode 3 with encryption
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be up-
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Name_Discovery (AT*AGND=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGND=<bd_addr><CR> Retrieves the device name of a remote device given its
Bluetooth device address.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device from which
to retrieve the name.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGND:<device_name><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
device_name string Null terminated string of maximum 240 characters
(8-bit ASCII).
Model Constraint
Device names longer than 31 bytes will be truncated.
Device_Discovery (AT*AGDD=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGDD=<inquiry_Type>,<inquiry_length><CR> Performs device discovery.
Parameters Type Description
inquiry_type enumerator 1: Limited inquiry
2: General inquiry
inquiry_length integer Maximum amount of time specified before the
inquiry is halted.
Range: 8-48
Time = inquiry_length*1.28 seconds
Range in seconds: 10.24-61.44
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGDD: <no_of_devices><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
*AGDDE:<bd_addr>, <cod>, <device_name_valid>, <de-
vice_name><CR><LF> This response is sent for
every found device.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
no_of_devices integer Value in range {0..255}.
Number of devices discovered during the inquiry
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of a discovered device.
cod integer See Read_Local_COD command.
device_name_valid enumerator 1: device_Name parameter valid.
0: Device was discovered, but its name could not
be retrieved. device_name is parameter invalid and
should be ignored.
device_name string Name of discovered device. ASCII represented
string of maximum 240 bytes.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
Not supported. Instead use the Inquiry and Name_Discovery
Inquiry (AT*AGI=)
AT Command Description
<max_no_of_devices_to_find><CR> Performs an inquiry procedure to find
any discoverable devices in the vicin-
Command Pa-
rameters Type Description
inquiry_type enumerator 1: Limited inquiry
2: General inquiry
inquiry_length integer Maximum amount of time specified before the
inquiry is halted.
Range: 1-48
Time = inquiry_length*1.28 seconds
Range in seconds: 1.28-61.44
max_no_of_devices_to_find integer 0: No limitation on the number of devices to find.
1-255: Maximum number of devices to find.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGI:<bd_addr>,<cod> This response is sent for every found device.
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
Bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of a found device.
cod integer See Read_Local_COD command.
Model Constraint
If more than 20 devices are found, then devices may be listed
several times.
Bond (AT*AGB=)
AT Command Description
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
AT*AGB=<bd_addr><CR> Performs a GAP bond procedure with another Blue-
tooth device.
During the bonding procedure the fixed PIN code is
used, see the Write_Fixed_PIN and Read_Fixed_PIN
commands. Note that to be able to perform bonding
the remote device must be in pairable mode.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device to bond
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported. Bonding is automatic when connecting if either of
the sides enforces security. The link keys are stored in a FIFO of
size five.
Un_Bond (AT*AGUB=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGUB=<bd_addr><CR> This command un-bonds a previously bonded device.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device subject to
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Read_Bonded_Devices (AT*AGBD?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGBD?<CR> Read the bonded devices.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGBD:<no_of_devices><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
bd addr
device name valid
device name
This response is sent for
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<CR><LF> every found device.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
no_of_bonded_devices integer Number of bonded devices.
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device from which
to retrieve the name.
device_name_valid enumerator 0: device_Name parameter valid.
1: Device is bonded but its name is not available.
Device_Name is parameter invalid.
device_name string Name of discovered device. Null terminated ASCII
represented string.
Model Constraint
The command will always return an empty string as device name
with the device_name_valid parameter always set to 1.
Read_Fixed_PIN (AT*AGFP?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGFP?<CR> Read the fixed PIN code used by the Serial Port
Adapter during bond and pairing.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGFP:<pin_code><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
pin_code string The PIN code is a string of maximum 16 charac-
ters in range {0..9}, e.g.
Write_Fixed_PIN (AT*AGFP=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the fixed PIN code used by the Serial Port
Adapter during bond.
Parameters Type Value
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
pin_code string The PIN code is a string of maximum 16 charac-
ters in range {0..9}, e.g.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be up-
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Read_Local_Name (AT*AGLN?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGLN?<CR> Reads the local Bluetooth device name.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGLN:<device_name><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
device_name string Max 240 characters.
Write_Local_Name (AT*AGLN=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGLN=<device_name>, <store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the local Bluetooth
device name.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
device_name string Max 240 characters.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
The name is limited to a maximum of 31 characters.
Read_Local_COD (AT*AGLC?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGLC?<CR> Reads the Local Class Of Device code.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGLC:<cod><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
cod integer Valid values for this parameter are specified in
the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers Document,
www.bluetooth.com. The parameter has been
divided into three segments, a service class
segment, a major device class segment and a
minor device class segment (bits 2-7).
Extract from the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers
Service class (bit mask, bits 13-23):
Bit 16: Positioning (Location identification)
Bit 17: Networking (LAN, Ad hoc, etc)
Bit 18: Rendering (Printing, Speaker, etc)
Bit 19: Capturing (Scanner, Microphone, etc)
Bit 20: Object Transfer (v-Inbox, v-Folder, etc)
Bit 21: Audio (Speaker, Microphone, Headset
service, etc)
Bit 22: Telephony (Cordless telephony, Modem,
Headset service)
Bit 23: Information (WEB-server, WAP-server,
Major device class (number, bits 12-8):
00000: Miscellaneous
00001: Computer (desktop, notebook, PDA, etc)
00010: Phone (cellular, cordless, modem, etc)
00011: LAN/Network Access point
00100: Audio/Video (headset, speaker, stereo,
video display, VCR)
00101: Peripheral (mouse, joystick, keyboards)
00110: Imaging (printing, scanner, camera, etc)
11111: Uncategorized, specific device code not
For the minor device class field please refer to
Write_Local_COD (AT*AGLC=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGLC=<cod>, <store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the Local Class Of Device
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Parameters Type Value
cod integer See Read_Local_COD command.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Get_MasterSlaveRole (AT*AGGMSR=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGGMSR=<bd_addr><CR> Read the local master-slave role.
Returns the role of the Serial Port Adapter, master or
slave, for the connection between the Serial Port
Adapter and the remote device identified by the
‘bd_addr’ parameter.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Identifies a device that the Serial Port Adapter is
currently communicating with.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGGMSR:<role><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
role enumerator 0: Slave
1: Master
Model Constraint
Not supported. The module always allows a master slave switch
if requested by the remote side.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Change_MasterSlaveRole (AT*AGCMSR=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGCMSR=<bd_addr>,<role><CR> Changes the master-slave role.
Changes the role of the Serial Port Adapter, master or
slave, for the connection between the Serial Port
Adapter and the remote device identified by the
‘bd_addr’ parameter.
Note that the remote device does not have to accept
the master/slave switch.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Identifies a device that the Serial Port
Adapter is currently communicating with.
The role will be changed on the connec-
tion to this device.
role enumerator 0: Slave
1: Master
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Not supported. The module always allows a master slave switch
if requested by the remote side.
Read_MasterSlaveRole_Policy (AT*AGMSP?)
AT Command Description
AT*AGMSP?<CR> Reads the role policy of the device.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGMSP:<role_policy><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
role_policy enumerator 0: Always attempt to become master on incoming
1: Always let the connecting device select mas-
ter/slave role on incoming connections.
10.2: GAP Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
Not supported. The module always allows a master slave switch
if requested by the remote side.
Write_MasterSlaveRole_Policy (AT*AGMSP=)
AT Command Description
AT*AGMSP=<role_policy>,<store_in_startup_database><CR> Writes the role policy of the
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
role_policy enumerator 0: Always attempt to become master on incom-
ing connections.
1: Always let the connecting device select
master/slave role on incoming connections.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Not supported. The module always allows a master slave switch
if requested by the remote side.
AT Command Description
AT*AGRSS=<bd_addr><CR> This request returns the current received signal
strength, RSSI, for the connection between the ECI
Controller and the remote device identified by the
‘bd_addr’ parameter.
Note that this command can only be used on an exist-
ing connection that has been established using the
Connect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode command
and only while still in AT mode.
Command Type Value
10.3: Service Search Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
bd_addr Bd_Addr Identifies a device that the Serial Port Adapter is
currently communicating with.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AGRSS:<rssi><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
rssi integer < 128: The received signal strength is
128-RSSI dB below the optimal signal
128: The received signal strength is
within the optimal signal range.
>128: The received signal strength is
RSSI-128 dB above the optimal signal
Model Constraint
Not supported.
10.3 Service Search Commands
Service_Search (AT*ARSS=)
AT Command Description
<max_nbr_of_results><CR> Search for services on a remote device.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device on
which to search for services.
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
max_nbr_of_results integer The maximum number of services to be
Responses Description
><LF>OK<LR><CR> Successful response
bd addr
rfcomm server chan
This response is the result of a device B
10.3: Service Search Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
service_name_valid >, <service_name><CR><LF> serial port profile service search.
*ARSRDUN:<bd_addr>, <rfcomm_server_chan>,
<service_name_valid >, <service_name>, <au-
dio_feedback_support_valid>, <au-
This response is the result of a GW dial-
up networking profile service search.
*ARSRLAN:<bd_addr>, <rfcomm_server_chan>, <
service_name_valid>, <service_name>, <ser-
vice_description_valid>, <service_description>,
<service_availability_valid> <service_availability>,
<ip_subnet_valid>, <ip_subnet><CR><LF>
This response is the result of a LAP LAN
access profile service search.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Pa-
rameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device on
which to search for services.
matching_service_records integer The number of matching service records.
Range 0 to 255.
rfcomm_server_chan integer RFCOMM server channel number on
which this service can be found. It is used
when connecting to a profile. Range 1 to
service_name_valid enumerator 0: The service_name parameter could not
be retrieved from the remote device and
the value is not valid.
1: The service_name parameter could be
retrieved from the remote device and the
value is valid.
service_name string Service name.
audio_feedback_support_valid enumerator 0: The audio_feedback_support parame-
ter could not be retrieved from the remote
device and the value is not valid.
1: The audio_feedback_support parame-
ter could be retrieved from the remote
device and the value is valid.
audio_feedback_support enumerator 0: No, device does not support audio
1: Yes, device supports audio feedback.
service_description_valid enumerator 0: The service_description parameter
could not be retrieved from the remote
device and the value is not valid.
1: The service_description parameter
could be retrieved from the remote device
and the value is valid.
service_description string Manufacturer description of the services a
product can provide.
service_ availability_valid enumerator 0: The service_availability parameter
could not be retrieved from the remote
device and the value is not valid.
1: The service_availability parameter
could be retrieved from the remote device
and the value is valid.
service_availability integer The service availability parameter avail-
able in the LAN Access Profile service
Ip_subnet_valid enumerator 0: The Ip_subnet parameter could not be
retrieved from the remote device and the
value is not valid.
1: The Ip_subnet parameter could be
retrieved from the remote device and the
value is valid.
Ip_subnet string IP subnet mask to reach the device on the
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
Only supports serial port and dial-up networking profiles and not
LAN access profile.
10.4 Data Mode Commands
Data_Mode (AT*ADDM)
AT Command Description
AT*ADDM<CR> Request the Serial Port Adapter to move to data mode. After a
successful response the Serial Port Adapter will leave AT-mode
and enter data mode.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Connect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode (AT*ADCP=)
AT Command Description
AT*ADCP=<bd_addr>, <role_and_profile>,
Connect to a serial service enabled on a
remote device. This request is used to
connect to profiles based on the Serial
Port Profile.
The connection shall be used in data
When the host connects to a service on a
remote device it implicitly registers to
receive the Se-
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the device to
connect to.
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
rfcomm_server_chan enumerator RFCOMM server channel number on which this
service can be found.
0: Service search will be performed
automatically and the first available
<role_and_profile> will be connected.
1-30: RFCOMM server channel number.
This server channel number can be retrieved
using a service search operation.
31-255: Invalid values.
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
must_be_master enumerator 0: The remote device may choose to become
master or slave.
1: This device must be master of the new
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*ADCP:<connection_handle><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
connection_handle integer The connection handle identifies the connection.
The connection handle is used when closing the
Model Constraint
Only supports serial port and dial-up networking profiles and not
LAN access profile.
Close_Serial_Connection_Data_Mode (AT*ADCC=)
AT Command Description
AT*ADCC=<connection_handle><CR> Close an existing data mode connection.
Parameters Type Value
connection_handle integer The connection handle identifies the connection.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Read_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADDCP?<CR> This command reads the default client profile. The default client
profile is the profile that the Serial Port Adapter uses when it
establishes a connection, in data mode, to the default remote
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*ADDCP:<role_and_profile><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile
Write_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command reads the default client profile. The de-
fault client profile is the profile that the Serial Port
Adapter uses when it establishes a connection, in data
mode, to the default remote peer(s).
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
The LAN access profile is not supported.
Read_Default_Server_Profile (AT*ADDSP?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADDSP?<CR> This command reads the default server profile. The default server
profile is the profile that other devices can connect to when the
Serial Port Adapter is in data mode. The default server profile is
activated when the Serial Port Adapter is moved to data mode if
no connection exists. The default server profile is deactivated
when the Serial Port Adapter is moved from data mode to AT
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*ADDSP:<role_and_profile><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Parameters Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile
Write_Default_Server_Profile (AT*ADDSP=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command writes the default server profile. The
default server profile is the profile that other devices
can connect to when the Serial Port Adapter is in data
mode. The default server profile is activated when the
Serial Port Adapter is moved to data mode if no con-
nection exists. The default server profile is deactivated
when the Serial Port Adapter is moved from data mode
to packet mode.
Parameters Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
The LAN access profile is not supported.
If the current default server profile is “255: No profile”, the “store
in startup database” parameter must be 1 and the module must
be restarted for the command to take affect.
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Read_Max_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADMRP?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADMRP?<CR> For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible to have more
than one remote peer defined. This command reads the
maximum number of allowed remote peers.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Response Pa-
rameters Type Value
max_no_of_remote_peers integer The maximum number of allowed re-
mote peers.
Model Constraint
Not supported. The parameter always has the value of one.
Read_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADNRP?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADNRP?<CR> For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible
to have more than one remote peer defined.
This command reads the number of remote
peers defined.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Response Pa-
rameters Type Value
no_of_remote_peers integer The number of remote peers currently defined.
Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers (AT*ADNRP=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command writes the number of remote
peers defined. The number of remote peers may
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Read_Max_No_Of_Remote_Peers command.
After writing the number of remote peers the
host must use the Write_Default_Remote_Peer
command to write all the remote peers to the
Serial Port Adapter.
For more information see
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
no_of_remote_peers integer The number of remote peers.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be up-
Responses Description
<CR><LF >OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Read_Default_Remote_Peer (AT*ADRDRP=)
AT Command Description
AT*ADRDRP=< peer_id ><CR>
This command reads the Bluetooth device address and
device name of the selected default remote peer (peer id).
Parameters Type Value
peer_id integer The peer ID can be between 0 and the value
written by the Write_No_Of_Peers command –1
or read by the Read_No_Of_Peers command –1.
Responses Description
<update_remote_peer_on_incoming>, <de-
Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Response Pa-
rameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the default remote
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
connect_scheme integer This parameter is a bit field. Bit 0 is the least
significant bit. Each bit is defined as follows:
Bit 0: Try to connect to default remote peer on
data traffic.
Bit 1: Always try to be connected to the default
remote peer when in data mode.
Bit 2: Try to connect to default remote peer on
external signal. The external signal is imple-
mentation specific, e.g. some Serial Port Adapt-
ers might have a button.
Bit 3: On reset, try to connect to a device with
the name given by the <device_name> parame-
ter. The <device_name> may specify a part of,
or the full name of the remote device. The SPA
will at reset perform an inquiry followed by
name requests on devices found during inquiry
until a matching device is found. If no matching
device is found the SPA will stop this procedure
and operate as normal. If a matching device is
found, the SPA will try to connect to this device.
If no matching device is found, this is seen as
an LED error indication.
Bit 4-7: Reserved for future use.
enumerator 1: Every time a remote device connects to the
selected DefaultServerProfile, update the re-
mote peer device address to the device address
of the connecting device. The new remote peer
device address will be stored in the startup
database. Only one of all the remote peers can
use this feature.
0: Do not update the remote peer device ad-
dress on incoming connections.
device_name string Maximum 240 characters.
Write_Default_Remote_Peer (AT*ADWDRP=)
AT Command Description
<connect_scheme>, <up-
date_remote_peer_on_incoming>, <de-
This command writes the Bluetooth device ad-
dress, connect scheme and device name of the
currently selected default remote peer.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
peer_id integer The peer ID can be between 0 and the
value written by the Write_No_Of_Peers
command –1 or read by the
Read_No_Of_Peers command –1.
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the default
remote peer.
connect_scheme integer See Read_Default_Remote_Peer.
update_remote_peer_on_incoming enumerator See Read_Default_Remote_Peer.
device_name string See Read_Default_Remote_Peer.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the
current power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember
the setting between power cycles. The
settings database in the Serial Port
Adapter will be updated.
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
The parameter <device_name> is only used when bit 3 in the
connect scheme is set. Max length is 32 characters.
Connect to name functionality is not supported. This means that
bit 3 in the connect scheme parameter is ignored.
Read_Inactivity_Tick (AT*ADIT?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADIT?<CR> This command reads the current inactivity tick setting. If there is
no data activity between two consecutive ticks the Serial Port
Adapter will automatically disconnect the current data mode
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*ADIT:<inactivity_tick><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
inactivety_tick integer 0: no inactivity tick.
1-255: the period (in minutes) of the inactivity
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Write_Inactivity_Tick (AT*ADIT=)
AT Command Description
This command writes a new inactivity tick setting. If there is no
data activity between two consecutive ticks the Serial Port
Adapter will automatically disconnect the current connection(s).
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Parameters Type Value
inactivety_tick integer 0: no inactivity tick.
1-255: the period (in minutes) of the inactivity
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Read_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration (AT*ADWM?)
AT Com-
mand Description
AT*ADWM?<CR> This request returns whether or not the Wireless Multidrop™ fea-
ture has been enabled.
When the Wireless Multidrop™ has been enabled; all data sent to
the Serial Port Adapter in data mode will be forwarded to all con-
nected devices. Data received from a remote device will be for-
warded to the host. If the Auto_Forward parameter is set to TRUE
is will also forward all received data to all the other connected
Connections to remote devices can be established using three
Let the Serial Port Adapter connect to the desired de-
vices when it is in data mode. The host uses the request
Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers and
Write_Default_Remote_Peer to tell the Serial Port
Adapter how many devices to connect to, which devices
to connect to and when to connect to the defined de-
A server has been enabled using the request
Write_Default_Server_Profile and one or several devices
connect to this server.
One or several connections are established in packet
mode using the request Con-
nect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode. After all desired
connection have been setup by the host it moves to data
When the Wireless Multidrop™ has been disabled; only one con-
nection at a time can be established. A maximum of one remote
peer can be defined.
Responses Description
10.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<auto_forward><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
enabled enumerator 0: Wireless Multidrop™ disabled.
1: Wireless Multidrop™ enabled.
auto_forward enumerator 0: Data received from a connected device will
only be forwarded to the host.
1: Reserved for future use.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Write_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration (AT*ADWM=)
AT Command Description
AT*ADWM=<enable>, <auto_forward>,
<store_in_startup_database><CR> See
Parameters Type Value
enabled enumerator See Read_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration.
auto_forward enumerator See Read_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
10.5: Informational Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
10.5 Informational Commands
Read_Local_BD_ADDR (AT*AILBA?)
AT Command Description
AT*AILBA?<CR> Reads the Bluetooth Device Address of the local
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AILBA:<bd_addr>,<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Local Bluetooth device address.
Read_Local_Version_Information (AT*AILVI?)
AT Command Description
AT*AILVI?<CR> This command reads the local version information to
the Serial Port Adapter.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AILVI:<eci_controller_man>, <eci_controller_sw_ver>,
<host_stack_sw_ver>, <link_manager_sw_ver>, <blue-
Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
eci_controller_man string Serial Port Adapter manufacturer.
eci_controller_sw_ver string Serial Port Adapter software ver-
host_stack sw_ver string Bluetooth host stack version.
link_manager_sw_ver string Bluetooth link manager version.
bluetooth_hardware_manufacturer string Bluetooth hardware manufacturer.
10.6 Miscellaneous Commands
Read_RS232_Settings (AT*AMRS?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMRS?<CR> This command reads current RS232 settings from the
Serial Port Adapter.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMRS:<baud_rate>, <data_bits>, <stop_bits>,
<parity>, <flow_control><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
baud_rate enumerator Standard baud rates:
1: 300
2: 1200
3: 2400
4: 4800
5: 9600
6: 19200
7: 38400
8: 57600
9: 115200
10: 230400
11: 460800
12: 921600
Non standard baud rates:
17: 7200
18: 31250
19: 75000
20: 93750
21: 136000
22: 187500
23: 230000
24: 125000
25: 312500
26: 625000
data_bits enumerator 1: 8 data bits
2: 7 data bits
3: 6 data bits
4: 5 data bits
stop_bits enumerator 1: 1 stop bit
2: 2 stop bits
parity enumerator 1: no parity
2: odd parity
3: even parity
flow_control enumerator 1: CTS/RTS used for flow control
2: CTS/RTS not used.
Model Constraint
For the non-standard baud rates the 312500 and 625000 has an
accuracy of 1.5% and 2.5 %. For all other baud rates the accu-
racy is no worse than 0.5 %.
Write_RS232_Settings (AT*AMRS=)
AT Command Description
AT* AMRS=<baud_rate>, <data_bits>, <stop_bits>,
<parity>, <flow_control>, <change_after_confirm>,
This command applies new RS232
settings to the Serial Port Adapter. If 5,
6 or 7 data bits are selected the Serial
Port Adapter will not change its RS232
settings until the next power cycle
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Parameters Type Value
baud_rate enumerator See Read_RS232_Settings.
data_bits enumerator See Read_RS232_Settings.
stop_bits enumerator See Read_RS232_Settings.
parity enumerator See Read_RS232_Settings.
flow_control enumerator See Read_RS232_Settings.
change_after_confirm enumerator 0: The Serial Port Adapter will not change
RS232 settings until after the next power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will change RS232
settings after it has sent the OK to the ECI
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Read_Serial_Interface_Type (AT*AMSIT?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMSIT?<CR> This command reads the serial interface type currently used.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
serial_interface_type enumerator 1: RS232
2: RS422
3: RS485
4-255: Reserved for future use.
Write_Serial_Interface_Type (AT*AMSIT=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command writes the serial interface type cur-
rently used.
Note that the Serial Port Adapter does not change
serial interface type until the next time it is restarted.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Parameters Type Value
serial_interface_type enumerator See Read_Serial_Interface_Type.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be up-
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Read_Favorites (AT*ACF?)
AT Command Description
AT*ACF?<CR> Read the stored favorites.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
*ACFD:<bd_addr>,<favorite_name><CR><LF> This response is sent for every
found favorite device.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Parameters Type Value
no_of_stored_favorites integer Number of stored favorite devices.
bd_addr string Bluetooth device address of the stored favorite.
favorite_name string Name of favorite.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Add_Change_Favorite (AT*ACACF=)
AT Command Description
AT*ACACF=<bd_addr>,<favorite_name><CR> Add or change a favorite. If the favorite,
identified by its Bluetooth device address
does not exist, it will be created.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the favorite.
favorite_name string Maximum 240 characters (8-bit ASCII).
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Delete_Favorite (AT*ACDF=)
AT Command Description
AT*ACDF=<bd_addr><CR> Deletes a stored favorite.
Parameters Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the stored favorite.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Read_Allow_Configuration_Over_Bluetooth (AT*ACCB?)
AT Command Description
AT*ACCB?<CR> Determine whether or not configuration over Bluetooth
is allowed. Configuration can either be performed
using AT commands or using the ECI protocol.
Responses Description
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
allow_configuration_over_bluetooth enumerator 0: Configuration over Bluetooth is not
1: Configuration over Bluetooth is
Write_Allow_Configuration_Over_Bluetooth (AT*ACCB=)
AT Command Description
AT*ACCB= <al-
See the
Command Parame-
ters Type Value
allow_configuration_over_Bluetooth enumerator See the
etooth command.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for
the current power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will re-
member the setting between power
cycles. The settings database in the
Serial Port Adapter will be updated.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Read_Controller_Power_Save_Mode (AT*AMPM?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMPM?<CR> This command reads the current power save mode
Please study the Serial Port Adapter manual for details
on how to utilize the power save modes.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMPM:<mode> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame- Type Value
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
mode enumerator 1: Allow only online mode. The Serial
Port Adapter will never enter sleep or
stop mode to save power.
2: Allow sleep mode (default value).
The Serial Port Adapter will enter sleep
mode when possible to save power.
3: Allow sleep mode and stop mode.
The Serial Port Adapter will enter sleep
or stop mode when possible to save
4: As online mode except that the
internal clock will always be 32 MHz.
5 – 255: Power modes reserved for
future use.
Write_Controller_Power_Save_Mode (AT*AMPM=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> This command writes a new power save mode
setting to the Serial Port Adapter.
Please study the Serial Port Adapter manual for
details on how to utilize the power save modes.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
mode enumerator See Read_Controller_Power_Save_Mode.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Online 32 MHz mode (4) is not supported.
Stop mode cannot be configured if the DSR mode is 2 (see
Read_Max_Output_Power (AT*AMMP?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMMP?<CR> Read the maximum output power used by the Serial
Port Adapter when communicating. Note that not all
Serial Port Adapter models support output power
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
max_output_power integer 255: Use the highest output power
supported by the Serial Port Adapter as
the maximum output power (default).
128-m: -m dBm (m<30)
128: 0 dBm
128+n: n dBm (n<30)
Model Constraint
Not yet implemented.
Write_Max_Output_Power (AT*AMMP=)
AT Command Description
<store_in_startup_database><CR> Set the maximum output power to be used by
the Serial Port Adapter when communicating.
Note that not all Serial Port Adapter models
support output power control.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
max_output_power integer See Read_Max_Output_Power.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not yet implemented.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Read_Esc_Sequence_Timing (AT*AMET?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMET?<CR> For an escape sequence to be valid, a period of no
data activity is required before and after the escape
sequence. This command reads the minimum time of
no data activity required before and after the escape
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMET:<min_before_time>, <min_after_time>
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
min_before_time integer 50-5000 ms.
min_after_time integer 50-5000 ms.
Write_Esc_Sequence_Timing (AT*AMET=)
AT Command Description
For an escape sequence to be valid, a period of
no data activity is required before and after the
escape sequence. This command sets the
minimum time of no data activity required before
and after the escape sequence.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
min_before_time integer See Read_Esc_Sequence_Timing.
min_after_time integer See Read_Esc_Sequence_Timing.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Read_Button_Operation_Mode (AT*AMBOR=)
AT Command Description
AT*AMBOR=<button_id><CR> For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible to select
the operation that shall be associated with a specific
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
button_id integer Identifies the button to control.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMBOR:<operation_mode>, <gen-
eral_parameter> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
operation_mode integer The button operation mode (1=default).
general_parameter integer The meaning of this parameter de-
pends on the value of the opera-
tion_mode parameter.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Write_Button_Operation_Mode (AT*AMBO=)
AT Command Description
AT*AMBO=<button_id>, <operation_mode>,
For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible to
select the operation that shall be associated with
a specific button.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
button_id integer See Read_Button_Operation_Mode.
operation_mode integer See Read_Button_Operation_Mode.
general_parameter integer See Read_Button_Operation_Mode.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Read_LED_Operation_Mode (AT*AMLO?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMLO?<CR> For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible to select
an alternate operation mode for control of LEDs.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMLO: <operation_mode>, <gen-
eral_parameter><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
operation_mode integer The new LED operation mode
general_parameter integer The meaning of this parameter de-
pends on the value of the opera-
tion_mode parameter.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Write_LED_Operation_Mode (AT*AMLO=)
AT Command Description
AT*AMLO=<operation_mode>, <gen-
For some Serial Port Adapters it is possible to
select an alternate operation mode for control of
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
operation_mode integer See Read_LED_Operation_Mode.
general_parameter integer See Read_LED_Operation_Mode.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Store_Factory_Settings (AT*AMSF)
AT Command Description
AT*AMSF<CR> Store all the current settings in the factory set-
tings database. The factory settings can be
restored using the AT&F command.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Only available in production.
Read_Watchdog_Settings (AT*AMWS?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMWS?<CR> Read current watchdog settings.
Watchdog settings are only active in data mode and
not AT or ECI mode.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMWS: <bt_write_timeout>,
<bt_inactivity_timeout>, <bt_connect_timeout>,
<bt_disconnect_reset>, <reset><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
bt_write_timeout integer Time in seconds before SPA discon-
nects if out of credits.
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_inactivity_timeout integer Time in seconds before SPA discon-
nects if no activity.
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_connect_timeout integer Max connection time in seconds before
a connection is terminated.
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_disconnect_reset integer 0: Disabled
1: An SPA enabled, as a server will
reset on a terminated connection.
reset integer Will always read a value of 0.
If written, 1 means reset of module.
Other parameters are then ignored.
Model Constraint
Not yet implemented.
Write_Watchdog_Settings (AT*AMWS=)
AT Command Description
<bt_disconnect_reset>, <reset>,
Write watchdog parameters. The watchdog
functionality is only active in data mode and not
AT or ECI mode. Furthermore, the power mode
must also be set to online (see AT*AMPM).
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
bt_write_timeout integer Time in seconds before SPA disconnects if out
of credits.
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_inactivity_timeout integer Time in seconds before SPA disconnects if no
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_connect_timeout integer Max connection time in seconds before a
connection is terminated.
0: Disabled
> 0: Timeout in seconds
bt_disconnect_reset integer 0: Disabled
1: An SPA enabled, as a server will reset on a
terminated connection.
reset integer If set to 1 the SPA will reset immediately. All
other parameters will be ignored.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Only implemented to reset the module. All other parameters are
Read_DTR_DSR_Settings (AT*AMDS?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMDS?<CR> Read current DTR/DSR configuration.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMDS: <dtr_cfg>,
<dsr_cfg><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
dtr_cfg integer Configuration of module behavior on
the UART DTR pin.
1: DTR is activated when module is
2: DTR is active if there is a Bluetooth
connection. If there is no connection,
DTR is inactive.
dsr_cfg integer Configuration of module behavior on
the UART DSR pin.
1: DSR is ignored.
2: If DSR goes from inactive to active,
the module will try to connect to a
remote peer if a remote peer is config-
ured. If DSR goes from active to inac-
tive, the module will disconnect. For the
remote peer, the external connect
scheme must be set.
See Write_Default_Remote_Peer
Model Constraint
DSR mode 2 cannot be configured if module is configured for
stop mode (see AT*AMPM).
Not supported.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Write_DTR_DSR_Settings (AT*AMDS=)
AT Command Description
AT*AMDS=<dtr_cfg>, <dsr_cfg>,
<store_in_startup_database><CR> Write DTR/DSR configuration.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
dtr_cfg integer See Read_DTR_DSR_Settings.
dsr_cfg integer See Read_DTR_DSR_Settings.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Read_Link_Policy (AT*AMLP?)
AT Command Description
AT*AMLP?<CR> Read current Link Policy.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*AMLP: <link_policy>, <parame-
ter><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Response Parame-
ters Type Value
link_policy integer See Write_Link_Policy command.
parameter integer See Write_Link_Policy command.
10.6: Miscellaneous Commands Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
Model Constraint
Not supported.
Write_Link_Policy (AT*AMLP=)
AT Command Description
AT*AMLP=<link_policy>, <parameter>,
<store_in_startup_database><CR> Write link policy.
The link policy can be chosen to optimize the
link for a specific application. The link policy can
be chosen to reduce power consumption, get
faster response times or to optimize the SPA as
either sender or receiver.
Using other link policies than the default
may lead to interoperability problems. Verify
that the chosen link policy works with other
devices your application is intended to inter-
operate with. If not, use the default link pol-
Link policy 3 or 4 gives the shortest response
Link policy 8 combined with stop mode (AMPM:
3) gives the lowest power consumption.
When using a baud rate of 460 kbps or more on
the serial interface, a combination of link policy 1
on the sender and link policy 2 on the receiver
gives the highest throughput. When using a
slower baud rate, then the default link policy
gives equally high throughput.
If the remote device rejects the link policy re-
quested by the SPA, then the red LED gives an
error indication. If the remote device rejects the
link policy, then the default link policy is used.
Command Pa-
rameters Type Value
link_policy integer Link policy configuration.
0: Default, No sniff, All packet sizes.
1: Sender, No sniff, 5 slot packets
2: Receiver, No sniff, 1 slot packets
3: QoS, No sniff, All packet sizes, Short poll
4: Sniff, interval 10ms, 1 slot packets
5: Sniff, interval 50ms, 1 slot packets
6: Sniff, interval 100ms, 1 slot packets
7: Sniff, interval 200ms, 1 slot packets
8: Sniff, interval 500ms, 1 slot packets
The link policies with sniff may be used to get
a link with a specific response time or to de-
crease the power consumption.
10.7: Events Chapter 10: AT Commands Reference
parameter integer Bit 0: Exit sniff on data activity. Only used
when link policy supports sniff.
If set the SPA will try to temporarily exit sniff
when receiving data on the serial interface.
When no data has been received on the serial
interface for 1s, then the link will be put back
into sniff mode. If not set, then the link will
always be in sniff.
Using exit sniff on data activity may be useful
when using longer sniff intervals since these
links have a low throughput.
store_in_startup_database enumerator 0: The setting will only be valid for the current
power cycle.
1: The Serial Port Adapter will remember the
setting between power cycles. The settings
database in the Serial Port Adapter will be
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error message.
Model Constraint
Not supported.
10.7 Events
Serial_Connection_Data_Mode_Closed (*ADCCO)
Event Description
*ADCCO:<connection_handle>,<reason><CR><LF> A connection to a remote device has
been disconnected.
Event Pa-
rameters Type Value
connection_handle integer Identifies the connection.
reason enumerator 0: Disconnected by command
1: Disconnected by link loss
255: Reason unknown
Chapter 11: Model Compatibility 10.7: Events
Chapter 11
Model Compatibility
The following table describes what AT commands different serial port adapter
models supports.
AT Command cB-OEMSPA311
AT Yes Yes Yes
AT* Yes Yes Yes
ATZ No Yes Yes
AT&F Yes Yes Yes
ATS2 Yes Yes Yes
ATE Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGDM Yes* Yes Yes
AT*AGCM Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGPM Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGSM Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGND Yes* Yes Yes
AT*AGDD No Yes Yes
AT*AGI Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGB No Yes Yes
AT*AGUB No Yes Yes
AT*AGBD No Yes Yes
AT*AGFP Yes Yes Yes
AT*AGLN Yes* Yes Yes
AT*AGLC Yes Yes Yes
AT*ARSS Yes* Yes Yes
10.7: Events Chapter 11: Model Compatibility
AT*ADDM Yes Yes Yes
AT*ADCP Yes* Yes Yes
AT*ADCC Yes Yes Yes
AT*ADDCP Yes Yes Yes
AT*ADDCP Yes* Yes Yes
AT*ADDSP Yes* Yes Yes
AT*ADNRP Yes Yes Yes
AT*ADWDRP Yes* Yes Yes
AT*ADIT No Yes Yes
AT*ADWM No Yes Yes
AT*AILBA Yes Yes Yes
AT*AILVI Yes Yes Yes
AT*AMRS Yes Yes Yes
AT*ACF No Yes Yes
AT*ACDF No Yes Yes
AT*ACCB Yes Yes Yes
AT*AMPM Yes* Yes Yes
AT*AMET Yes Yes Yes
AT*AMBO No Yes Yes
AT*AMLO No Yes Yes
AT*AMSF No* Yes Yes
AT*AMWS No* Yes Yes
*ADCCO Yes Yes Yes
*) There is some constraint regarding the AT command. See details for each AT
command. Typically this means that some parameter value is not permitted
such as e.g. LAN profile is not supported and device names are limited to 31

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