4IPNET WHG301L001 WLAN Controller User Manual 2 of 2

4IPNET, INC. WLAN Controller 2 of 2


User manual 2 of 2

 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 93 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.1 Network Address Translation Set the configuration for DMZ, Public Accessible Server and Port and Redirect.   Ÿ  DMZ The system supports up to 40 sets of Internal IP address (LAN) to External IP address (WAN) mapping in the Static Assignments. The External IP Address of the Automatic WAN IP Assignment is the IP address of External Interface (WAN1) that will change dynamically if WAN1 Interface is Dynamic. When Automatic WAN IP Assignments is enabled, the entered Internal IP Address of Automatic WAN IP Assignment will be bound with WAN1 interface. Each Static Assignment could be bound with the chosen External Interface, WAN1 or WAN2. There are 40 sets of static Internal IP Address and External IP Address available. Enter Internal and External IP Addresses as a set. After the setup, accessing the WAN will be mapped to access the Internal IP Address. These settings will become effective immediately after clicking the Apply button.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 94 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Public Accessible Server This function allows the administrator to set 40 virtual servers at most, so that client devices outside the managed network can access these servers within the managed network. Different virtual servers can be configured for different sets of physical services, such as TCP and UDP services in general. Enter the “External Service Port”, “Local Server IP Address” and “Local Server Port”. Select “TCP” or “UDP” for the service’s type. In the Enable column, check the desired server to enable. These settings will become effective immediately after clicking the Apply button.   Ÿ  Port and IP Redirect This function allows the administrator to set 40 sets of the IP addresses at most for redirection purpose. When the user attempts to connect to a destination IP address listed here, the connection packet will be converted and redirected to the corresponding destination. Please enter the “IP Address” and “Port” of Destination, and the “IP Address” and “Port” of Translated to Destination. Select “TCP” or “UDP” for the service’s type. These settings will become effective immediately after clicking Apply.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 95 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 96 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.2 Privilege List Set the configuration for Privilege IP Address List and Privilege MAC Address List.   Ÿ  Privilege IP Address List If there are workstations inside the managed network that need to access the network without authentication, enter the IP addresses of these workstations in the “Privilege IP Address List”. The “Remark” field is not necessary but is useful to keep track. WHG301 allows 100 privilege IP addresses at most. These settings will become effective immediately after clicking Apply.    Permitting specific IP addresses to have network access rights without going through standard authentication process at the controlled port may cause security problems.  Ÿ  Privilege MAC Address List In addition to the IP address, the MAC address of the workstations that need to access the network without authentication can also be set in the “Privilege MAC Address List”. WHG301 allows 100 privilege MAC addresses at most. When manually creating the list, enter the MAC address (the format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) as well as the remark (not necessary). These settings will become effective immediately after clicking Apply.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 97 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    Permitting specific MAC addresses to have network access rights without going through standard authentication process at the controlled port may cause security problems
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 98 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.3 Monitor IP List WHG301 will send out a packet periodically to monitor the connection status of the IP addresses on the list. If the monitored IP address does not respond, the system will send an e-mail to notify the administrator that such destination is not reachable. After entering the necessary information, click Apply to save the settings. Click Monitor to check the current status of all the monitored IP. The system supports monitoring on 40 IP addresses listed in the “Monitor IP List”.  On each monitored item with a WEB server running, administrators may add a link for the easy access by selecting a protocol, http or https, and click the Add button. After clicking Add button, the IP address will become a hyperlink, and administrators can easily access the host by clicking the hyperlink remotely. Click the Del button to remove the setting.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 99 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.4 Walled Garden List This function provides certain free services for users to access the websites listed here before login and authentication. Up to 20 addresses or domain names of the websites can be defined in this list. Users without the network access right can still have a chance to experience the actual network service free of charge. Enter the website IP Address or Domain Name in the list and click Apply to save the settings.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 100 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.5 Proxy Server Properties WHG301 supports Internal Proxy Server and External Proxy Server functions.    Ÿ  External Proxy Server: Under the security management of WHG301, the system will match the External Proxy Server list to the clients’ proxy settings. If there is not a match, the clients will not be able to reach the login page and thus unable to access the network. If there is a match, the clients will be directed to the system for authentication. After a successful authentication, the clients will be redirected back to the desired proxy servers depending on different situations.  Ÿ  Internal Proxy Server: WHG301 has a built-in proxy server. If this function is enabled, the clients will be forced to treat WHG301 as the proxy server regardless of their original proxy settings.  For more details about how to set up the proxy servers, please refer to Appendix D. Proxy Setting.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 101 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.6 Dynamic DNS Before activating this function, you must have your Dynamic DNS hostname registered with a Dynamic DNS provider. WHG301 supports DNS function to alias the dynamic IP address for the WAN port to a static domain name, allowing the administrator to easily access WHG301’s WAN. If the dynamic DHCP is activated at the WAN port, it will update the IP address of the DNS server periodically. These settings will become effective immediately after clicking Apply.   Ÿ  DDNS: Enable or disable this function. Ÿ  Provider: Select the DNS provider. Ÿ  Host name: The IP address/domain name of the WAN port. Ÿ  Username/E-mail: The register ID (username or e-mail) for the DNS provider. Ÿ  Password/Key: The register password for the DNS provider.  8 Note: To apply for free Dynamic DNS service, you may go to http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/howto.html.      4.4.7 IP Mobility WHG301 supports IP PNP function.   At the user end, a static IP address can be used to connect to the system. Regardless of what the IP address at the user end is, authentication can still be performed through WHG301.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 102 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.4.8 VPN Configuration Virtual Private Network, or VPN, a type of technology designed to increase the security of information transferred over the Internet. VPN can work with either wired or wireless networks, as well as with dial-up connections over POTS. VPN creates a private encrypted tunnel from the end user's computer, through the local wireless network, through the Internet, all the way to the corporate servers and database.   Local VPN: Local VPN allows to create the VPN tunnel between a user's device and WHG301, to encrypt the data transmission. In addition, only when this function is enabled (Active) here do users of the entire system are able to use Local VPN. Local VPN users can also be isolated from each other when VPN Client Isolation is enabled.   For more information about Local VPN, please see Appendix H. Local VPN.  Remote VPN: When the setting is enabled, the system allows the VPN tunnel between a remote client and the system to encrypt the data transmission via PPTP. The system’s VPN supports end-users’ device under Windows 2000, Windows XP SP1, SP2 and Windows Vista. Start IP field must be entered when enabled. The supported Authentication Servers, Group Permission, Client Policy, and the Remote VPN login page also can be configured here. The system supports up to 10 PPTP connections.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 103 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   Site-to-site VPN: When the setting is enabled, the system enables the IPSec VPN tunnel between two remote networks/sites to encrypt the data transmission. Click Add A Remote Site button to set configuration about remote VPN capable devices such as VPN gateway. Click Add A Local Site button to set configuration about local site.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 104 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5 Utilities This section provides four utilities to customize and maintain the system including Change Password, Backup/Restore Settings, Firmware Upgrade, Restart and Network Utilities.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 105 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5.1 Change Password There are three levels of authorities: admin, manager or operator. The default usernames and passwords are as follows: Admin: The administrator can access all configuration pages of WHG301. User Name: admin Password: admin Manager: The manager can only access the configuration pages under User Authentication to manage the user accounts, but without permission to change the settings of the profiles of Firewall, Specific Route and Schedule.  User Name: manager Password: manager Operator: The operator can only access the configuration page of Create On-demand User to create new on-demand user accounts and print out the on-demand user account receipts.  User Name: operator Password: operator The administrator can change the passwords here. Please enter the current password and then enter the new password twice to verify. Click Apply to activate this new password.     If the administrator’s password is lost, the administrator’s password still can be changed through the text mode management interface at the serial console port.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 106 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5.2 Backup/Restore Settings This function is used to backup/restore the 4ipnet WHG301 settings. Also, WHG301 can be restored to the factory default settings here.   Ÿ  Backup current system settings: Click Backup to create a .db database backup file and save it on disk.   Ÿ  Restore system settings: Click Browse to search for a .db database backup file created by WHG301 and click Restore to restore to the same settings at the time when the backup file was saved. Ÿ  Reset to the factory-default settings: Click Reset to load the factory default settings of WHG301.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 107 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5.3 Firmware Upgrade The administrator can download the latest firmware from website and upgrade the system here. Click Browse to search for the firmware file and click Apply for the firmware upgrade. It might take a few minutes before the upgrade process completes and the system needs to be restarted afterwards to activate the new firmware.    1. Firmware upgrade may cause the loss of some data. Please refer to the release notes for the limitation before upgrading.  2. Please restart the system after upgrading the firmware. Do not power on/off the system during the upgrade or restart process. It may damage the system and cause malfunction.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 108 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5.4 Restart This function allows the administrator to safely restart 4ipnet WHG301, and the process might take approximately three minutes. Click YES to restart WHG301; click NO to go back to the previous screen. If the power needs to be turned off, it is highly recommended to restart WHG301 first and then turn off the power after completing the restart process.    The connection of all online users of the system will be disconnected when system is in the process of restarting.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 109 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.5.5 Network Utilities This function allows the administrators to manage functions including Wake-on-LAN, Ping, Trace Route, and showing ARP Table by entering IP or Domain Name.  Ø Wake on LAN: It allows the system to remotely boot up a power-down computer with Wake-On-LAN feature enabled and is on the LAN side. Enter the MAC Address of the desired device and click Wake Up button to execute this function. Ø Ping: It allows administrator to detect a device using IP address or Host domain name to see if it is alive or not. Ø Trace Route: It allows administrator to find out the real path of packets from the gateway to a destination using IP address or Host domain name. Ø ARP Table: It allows administrator to view the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol (ARP).
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 110 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6 Status This section includes System Status, Interface Status, Routing Table, Current Users, Traffic History, and Notification Configuration to provide system status information and online user status.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 111 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.1 System Status This section provides an overview of the system for the administrator.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 112 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  The description of the above-mentioned table is as follows:  Item  Description Current Firmware Version  The present firmware version of WHG301 Build  The current build number. System Name  The system name. The default is WHG301 Home Page  The page the users are directed to after initial login success. Syslog server-Traffic History  The IP address and port number of the external Syslog Server. N/A means that it is not configured. Syslog server-On demand User log  The IP address and port number of the external Syslog Server. N/A means that it is not configured. Proxy Server  Enabled/disabled stands for that the system is currently using the proxy server or not. Warning of Internet Disconnection Enabled/Disabled stands for the connection at WAN is normal or abnormal (Internet Connection Detection) and all online users are allowed/disallowed to log in the network. WAN Failover  Enabled/Disabled stands for the function currently being used or not. Load Balancing  Enabled/Disabled stands for the function currently being used or not. SNMP  Enabled/disabled stands for the current status of the SNMP management function. Retained Days The maximum number of days for the system to retain the users’ information. History Email To  The email address to which the traffic history or user ’s traffic history information will be sent. NTP Server  The network time server that the system is set to align. Time Date Time  The system time is shown as the local time. Idle Timer  The minutes allowed for the users to be inactive before their account expires automatically. User Multiple Login Enabled/disabled stands for the current setting to allow/disallow multiple logins form the same account. Preferred DNS Server  IP address of the preferred DNS Server. DNS  Alternate DNS Server  IP address of the alternate DNS Server.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 113 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.2 Interface Status This section provides an overview of the interface for the administrator including WAN1, WAN2, SZ Default~8.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 114 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  The description of the above-mentioned table is as follows: Item  Description MAC Address  The MAC address of the WAN1 port. IP Address  The IP address of the WAN1 port. WAN1 Subnet Mask  The Subnet Mask of the WAN1 port. MAC Address  The MAC address of the WAN2 port. IP Address  The IP address of the WAN2 port. WAN2 Subnet Mask  The Subnet Mask of the WAN2 port. Packets In  The total accumulated packets in through this WAN port since the gateway boots up. The delta shows the difference between the numbers from last time this Interface Status page is visited. Packets Out  The total accumulated packets out through this WAN port since the gateway boots up. The delta shows the difference between the numbers from last time this Interface Status page is visited. Bytes In  The total accumulated bytes in through this WAN port since the gateway boots up. The delta shows the difference between the numbers from last time this Interface Status page is visited. Bytes Out  The total accumulated packets out through this WAN port since the gateway boots up. The delta shows the difference between the numbers from last time this Interface Status page is visited. Status  Enable/disable stands for status of the DHCP server in Default Service Zone WINS IP Address  The WINS server IP on DHCP server. N/A means that it is not configured. Start IP Address  The start IP address of the DHCP IP range. End IP address  The end IP address of the DHCP IP range. Service Zone - Default DHCP Server Lease Time  Minutes of the lease time of the IP address. Mode  The operation mode of the default SZ. MAC Address  The MAC address of the default SZ. IP Address  The IP address of the default SZ. Service Zone – Default  Subnet Mask  The Subnet Mask of the default SZ.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 115 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.3 Routing Table  All the Policy Route rules and Global Policy Route rules will be listed here. Also it will show the System Route rules specified by each interface.   Ÿ  Policy 1~12: Shows the information of the individual Policy from 1 to 12. Ÿ  Global Policy: Shows the information of the Global Policy. Ÿ  System: Shows the information of the system administration. Ø Destination: The destination IP address of the device. Ø Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask IP address of the port. Ø Gateway: The Gateway IP address of the port. Ø Interface: The choice of interface network, including WAN1, WAN2, Default, or the named Service Zones to be applied for the traffic interface.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 116 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.4 Current Users In this function, each online user’s information including Username, IP, MAC, Pkts In, Bytes In, Pkts Out, Bytes Out, Idle, Location and Kick Out will be shown. Administrators can force out a specific online user by clicking the hyperlink of ”Logout” and check the user access AP status by clicking the hyperlink of the AP name for “Location.” Click Refresh is to update the current users list.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 117 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.5 Traffic History This function is used to check the traffic history of 4ipnet WHG301. The history of each day will be saved separately in the DRAM for at least 3 days (72 full hours). The system also keeps a cumulated record of the traffic data generated by each user in the latest 2 calendar months.   Since the history is saved in the DRAM, if you need to restart the system, and at the same time, keep the history, please manually copy and save the traffic history information before restarting.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 118 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   If the History Email has been entered under the Notify Configuration page, the system will automatically send out the history information to that specified email address.  Ÿ  Traffic History All activities occur on the system within the nearest 72 hours are recorded; in date and time order. As shown in the following figure, each line is a traffic history record consisting of 9 fields, Date, Type, Name, IP, MAC, Pkts In, Bytes In, Pkts Out and Bytes Out of the user activities.   Ÿ  On-demand User Log As shown in the following figure, each line is a on-demand user log record consisting of 13 fields, Date, System Name, Type, Name, IP, MAC, Pkts In, Bytes In, Pkts Out, Bytes Out, 1st Login Expiration Time, Account Valid Through and Remark, of user activities.   Ÿ  Roaming Out Traffic History As shown in the following figure, each line is a roaming out traffic history record consisting of 14 fields, Date, Type, Name, NSID, NASIP, NASPort, UserMAC, SessionID, SessionTime, Bytes in, Bytes Out, Pkts In, Pkts Out and Message, of user activities.   Ÿ  Roaming In Traffic History As shown in the following figure, each line is a roaming in traffic history record consisting of 15 fields, Date, Type, Name, NSID, NASIP, NASPort, UserMAC, UserIP, SessionID, SessionTime, Bytes in, Bytes Out, Pkts In, Pkts Out and Message, of user activities.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 119 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  SIP Call Usage Log The log provides the login and logout activities of SIP clients (device and soft clients) such as Start Time, Caller, Callee and Duration (seconds)   Ÿ  Monthly Network Usage of Local User The system keeps a cumulated record of the traffic data generated by each user in the latest 2 calendar months. As shown in the following figure, each line in a monthly network usage of local user record consists of 6 fields, System Name, Connection Time Usage, Packets In, Bytes In, Packets Out and Bytes Out of user activities.  o  Username: Username of the local user account. o  Connection Time Usage: The total time used by the user. o  Pkts In/ Pkts Out: The total number of packets received and sent by the user. o  Bytes In/ Bytes Out: The total number of bytes received and sent by the user.  Ø  Download Monthly Network Usage of Local User: Click on the Download button for outputting the report manually to a local database.   A warning message will then appear. Click Save to download the record into .txt format.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 120 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.6.6 Notify Configuration WHG301 can automatically send the notification of Monitor IP Report, Traffic History, On-demand User Log, Session Log and AP status to up to 3 particular e-mail address. The notification of AP Status is triggered by the event when a managed AP becomes unreachable while the other types of emails are sent periodically in given intervals such as 1 hour. A trial email is provided by the system for validation. In addition, the system supports recording Syslog of Traffic History, On-demand User Log and Session Log via external Syslog servers. In addition, the Session Log can be sent to a specified FTP server. Enter the related information and select the desired items and then apply the settings.   Ÿ  E-mail Notification Configuration: Ø Send To: Up to 3 e-mail address can be set up to receive the notification. These are the receiver’s e-mail addresses. There are four kinds of notification to selection -- Monitor IP Report, Traffic History, On-demand User Log and AP Status, and check which type of notification to be sent. Ø Interval: The time interval to send the e-mail report. Ø Send Test Email: To test the settings immediately. Ø Send From: The e-mail address of the administrator in charge of the monitoring. This will show up as the
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 121 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  sender’s e-mail. Ø SMTP: The IP address of the sender’s SMTP server. Ø Auth Method: The system provides four authentication methods, Plain, Login, CRAM-MD5 and NTLMv1, or “None” to use none of the above. Depending on which authentication method selected, enter the Account Name, Password and Domain. o  NTLMv1 is not currently available for general use.  o  Plain and CRAM-MD5 are standardized authentication mechanisms while Login and NTLMv1 are Microsoft proprietary mechanisms. Only Plain and Login can use the UNIX login password. Netscape uses Plain. Outlook and Outlook express use Login as default, although they can be set to use NTLMv1.  o  Pegasus uses CRAM-MD5 or Login but which method to be used can not be configured.   Ÿ  Syslog Configuration: There are 3 types of Syslog supported: System Log, On-demand User Log, and Session Log. Enter the IP address and Port number to specify which and from where the report should be sent to.  8 Note: When the number of a user’s session (TCP and UDP) reaches the session limit specified in the policy, a record will be logged to this Syslog server.  Ÿ  FTP Server Settings Session Log: Log each connection created by users and tracking the source IP and destination IP. If Syslog is enabled, Session Log will be sent to the Syslog server automatically during every defined interval in Session Log email notification. Session Log allows uploading the log file to a FTP server periodically. The maximum log file size is 256K. The log file will be sent to the FTP server once the file size reaches its maximum size or periodical time interval.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 122 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.7 Help On the screen, the Help button is on the upper right corner.  Click Help to the Online Help window and then click the hyperlink of the items to get the information.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 123 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix A.  Accepting Payment via Authorize.Net This section is to show independent Hotspot owners how to configure related settings in order to accept credit card payments via Authorize.Net, making the Hotspot an e-commerce environment for clients to pay for and obtain Internet access using their credit cards.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 124 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 125 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  1. Setting Up 1.1 Open Accounts To set up 4ipnet WHG301 to process credit card billing, the merchant owner will need two accounts (Internet Merchant account and Authorize.Net account). If you are looking for a merchant account or Internet payment gateway to process transactions, you can fill out the Inquiry Form on http://www.authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/merchantinquiryform/.   1.2 Configure 4ipnet WHG301 using an Authorize.Net account Please log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server name On-demand User >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select Authorize.Net
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 126 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Some major fields are required: Setting Description Merchant Login ID  This is the “Login ID” that comes with the Authorize.Net account. Merchant Transaction Key To get a new key, please log in Authorize.Net >> Click Settings and Profile >> Go to the “Security” section >> Click Obtain Transaction Key >> Enter “Secret Answer” >> Click Submit. Payment Gateway URL  https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll (default gateway address) MD5 Hash  To enhance the transaction security, merchant owner can choose to enable this function and enter a value in the text box: “MD5 Hash Value”.  8 Note: For detailed description, please see Authentication Method – On-demand User.   1.3 Configure the Authorize.Net Merchant Account to Match the Configuration of 4ipnet WHG301 Settings of the merchant account on Authorize.Net should be matched with the configuration of 4ipnet WHG301: Setting Description MD5 Hash To configure “MD5 Hash Value”, please log in Authorize.Net >> Click Settings and Profile >> Go to the “Security” section >> Click MD5 Hash >> Enter “New Hash Value” & “Confirm Hash Value” >> Click Submit. Required Card Code If the “Card Code” is set up as a required field, please log in Authorize.Net >> Click Settings and Profile >> Go to the “Security” section >> Click Card Code Verification >> Check the Does NOT Match (N) box >> Click Submit. Required Address Fields After setting up the required address fields on the “Credit Card Payment Page Billing Configuration” section of 4ipnet WHG301, the same requirements must be set on Authorize.Net. To do so, please log in Authorize.Net >> Click Settings and Profile >> Go to the “Security” section >> Click Address Verification System (AVS) >> Check the boxes accordingly >> Click Submit.  1.4 Test The Credit Card Payment via Authorize.Net To test the connection between 4ipnet WHG301 and Authorize.Net, please log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select Authorize.Net >> Go to “Authorize.Net Payment Page Configuration” section >> Enable the “Test Mode” >> Click Try Test and follow the instructions
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 127 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  2. Basic Maintenance In order to maintain the operation, merchant owners will have to manage the accounts and transactions via Authorize.Net as well as 4ipnet WHG301.  2.1 Void A Transaction and Remove the On-demand Account Generated on 4ipnet WHG301 Sometimes, a transaction (as well as the related user account on 4ipnet WHG301) may have to be canceled before it has been settled with the bank. a. To void an unsettled transaction, please log in Authorize.Net. Click Unsettled Transactions >> Locate the specific transaction record on the “List of Unsettled Transactions” >> Click the Trans ID number >> Confirm and click Void.  8 Note: To find the on-demand account name, click Show Itemized Order Information on the “Order Information” page >> Username can be found in the “Item Description”.  b. To remove the specific account from 4ipnet WHG301, please log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> On-demand Account List >> Click View >> On-demand Account List >> Click Delete on the record with the account name. Click Delete All to delete all users at once.   2.2 Refund A Settled Transaction and Remove the On-demand Account Generated on 4ipnet WHG301 a. To refund a credit card payment, please log in Authorize.Net. Click Virtual Terminal >> Select a Payment Method >> Click Refund a Credit Card >> Payment/Authorization Information >> Type information in at least three fields: Card Number, Expiration Date, and Amount >> Confirm and click Submit. b. To remove the specific account from 4ipnet WHG301, please log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> On-demand Account List >> Click View >> On-demand Account List >> Click Delete on the record with the account name.  2.3 Find the Username and Password for A Specific Customer Please log in Authorize.Net. Click Unsettled Transactions >> Try to locate the specific transaction record on the “List of Unsettled Transactions” >> Click the Trans ID number >> Click Show Itemized Order Information in the “Order Information” section >> Username and Password can be found in the “Item Description”.  2.4 Send An Email Receipt to A Customer If a valid email address is provided, an email receipt with payment details for each successful transaction will be automatically sent to the customer via Authorize.Net. To change the information on the receipt for customer, please
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 128 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select Authorize.NET >> Scroll down to Client's Purchasing Record section of the page >> Type in information in the text boxes: “Description” and “E-mail Header” >> Confirm and click Apply.    2.5 Send an Email Receipt for Each Transaction to the Merchant Owner A copy of email receipt with payment details for each successful transaction will also be automatically sent to the merchant owner/administrator via Authorize.Net. To configure the contact person who will receive a receipt for each transaction, please log in Authorize.Net. Click Settings and Profile >> Go to the “General” section >> Click Manage Contacts >> Click Add New Contact to >> Enter necessary contact information on this page >> Check the “Transaction Receipt” box >> Click Submit.  3. Reporting During normal operation, the following steps will be necessary to generate transaction reports.  3.1 Transaction Statistics by Credit Card Type during the Period. Please log in Authorize.Net. >> Click Reports >> Check “Statistics by Settlement Date” radio button >> Select “Transaction Type”, “Start Date”, and “End Date” as the criteria >> Click Run Report.  3.2 Transaction Statistics by Different Location a. To deploy more than one 4ipnet WHG301, the way to distinguish transactions from different locations is to make the invoice numbers different. To change the invoice setting, please log in 4ipnet WHG301. User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select Authorize.NET >> Scroll down to “Client's Purchasing Record” section of the page >> Check the “Reset” box >> A location-specific ID (for example, Hotspot-A) can be used as the first part of “Invoice Number” >> Confirm and click Apply.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 129 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  b. Please log in Authorize.Net >> Click Search and Download >> Specify the transaction period (or ALL Settled, Unsettled) in “Settlement Date” section >> Go to “Transaction” section >> Enter the first part of invoice number plus an asterisk character (for example, Hotspot-A*) in the “Invoice #” text box >> Click Search >> If transaction records can be found, the number of accounts sold is the number of search results >> Or, click  Download To File to download records and then use MS Excel to generate more detailed reports.  3.3 Search for The Transaction Details for A Specific Customer Please log in Authorize.Net. Click Search and Download >> Enter the information for a specific customer as criteria >> Click Search >> Click the Trans ID number to view the transaction details.  8 Note: For more information about Authorize.Net, please see http://www.authorize.net.  4. Examples of Making Payment for End Users Step 1: Click the link below the login window to pay for the service by credit card via Authorize.Net.   Step 2: Choose I agree to accept the terms of use and click Next.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 130 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Step 3: Please fill out the form and Click Submit to send out this transaction. There will be a confirm dialog box.  Step 4: Please confirm the data and the click OK to go on the transaction or click Cancel to revise the data or cancel this transaction. After clicking OK, there will be another dialog box showing up to confirm this transaction again.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 131 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   Step 5: Click OK to complete the process or click Cancel to revise the data or cancel this transaction.   Step 6: Click Start Internet Access to use the Internet access service.   8 Note: The clients must fill in the correct credit card number and expiration date. Card code is the last 3 digits of the security code located on the back of your credit card. If clients choose to enter the e-mail addresses, clients will receive confirmation letters for reference.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 132 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix B.  Accepting Payment via PayPal This section is to show independent Hotspot owners how to configure related settings in order to accept payments via PayPal, making the Hotspot an e-commerce environment for clients to pay for and obtain Internet access using their PayPal accounts or credit cards.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 133 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  1.  Setting Up As follows are the basic steps to open and configure a “Business Account” on PayPal.  1.1 Open An Account Step 1: Sign up for a PayPal Business Account and login. Here is a link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_registration-run   Step 2: Edit necessary settings in “Website Payment Preferences” Click Profile >> Click Website Payment Preferences in the Selling Preferences section  Administrators should scroll down to edit each setting as shown in the table below. To activate all the changes, please click Save at the end of the page.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 134 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   Settings Screenshots Auto Return (On) Return URL (Redirect Webpage) Type http://www.www.com or other URL.  Payment Data Transfer (On)  Block Non-encrypted Website Payment (Off)  PayPal Account Optional (Off)  Contact Telephone Number (Off) Click Save.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 135 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  1.2 Configure 4ipnet WHG301 with a PayPal Business Account Please log in 4ipnet WHG301: User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select PayPal   Three fields are required: Setting Description Business Account ID  This is the “Login ID” (email address) that is associated with the PayPal Business Account. Payment Gateway URL  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr (default URL for PayPal) Identity Token  Please log in PayPal after saving the above settings >> Click Profile >> Click Website Payment Preferences in the Selling Preferences section >> Scroll down to the section, Payment Data Transfer (optional).  Copy the Identity Token in the above page to the section “PayPal Payment Page Configuration” of 4ipnet WHG301.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 136 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  1.3 Requirements for Building a Secure PayPal-based E-Commerce Site To deploy the PayPal function properly, it is required that the merchant register an Internet domain name (for example, www.StoreName.com) for this subscriber gateway device.   In addition, it is necessary to sign up for a SSL certificate, licensed from a “Certificate Authority” (for example, VeriSign), for this registered Internet domain name. Thus, by meeting these two requirements, it will allow end customers or subscribers to pay for the Internet access in a securer and convenient way.  2.  Basic Maintenance In order to maintain the operation, the merchant owner will have to manage the accounts and payment transactions on PayPal website as well as 4ipnet WHG301.  2.1 Refund a completed payment and remove the on-demand account generated on 4ipnet WHG301 (1) To refund a payment, please log in PayPal >> Click History >> Locate the specific payment listing in the activity history log >> Click Details of the payment listing >> Click Refund Payment at the end of the details page >> Type in information: Gross Refund Amount and/or Optional Note to Buyer >> Click Submit >> Confirm the details and click Process Refund (2) To remove the specific account from 4ipnet WHG301, please log in 4ipnet WHG301: User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> On-demand Account List >> Click View >> On-demand Account List >> Click Delete on the record with the account ID. Click Delete All to delete all users at once.   2.2 Find the username and password for a specific customer (1) To find the username, please log in PayPal >> Click History >> Locate the specific payment listing in the activity history log >> Click Details of the payment listing >> Username can be found in the “Item Title” field (2) To find the password associated with a specific username, please log in 4ipnet WHG301: User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> On-demand Account List >> Click View >> On-demand Account List. Search for the specific username. Password can be found in the same record
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 137 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    8 Note: As stated by PayPal, you can issue a full or partial refund for any reason and for 60 days after the original payment was sent. To find the on-demand account name for a specific payment, click Details of the payment listing in the activity history log >> Username can be found in the “Item Title” field.   2.3 Send an email receipt to a customer If a valid email address is provided, an email receipt with payment details for each successful transaction will be automatically sent to the customer via PayPal. To change the information on the receipt for customer, please log in 4ipnet WHG301: User Authentication >> Authentication Configuration >> Click the server On-demand User >> On-demand User Server Configuration >> External Payment Gateway >> Click Configure >> External Payment Gateway >> Select PayPal >> Go to “Client's Purchasing Record” section >> Type in information in the text boxes: Invoice Number and Description (Item Name) >> Confirm and click Apply   2.4 Send an email receipt for each transaction to the merchant A copy of email receipt with payment details (including available message note from buyer) for each successful transaction will also be automatically sent to the merchant owner/administrator via PayPal.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 138 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  3.  Reporting During normal operation, the following steps will be necessary to generate transaction reports.  3.1 Transaction activity during a period (1) Please log in PayPal >> Click History >> Choose activity type from the Show field as the search criteria >> Specify the dates (From and To fields) for the period >> Click Search   3.2 Search for the transaction details for a specific customer Please log in PayPal >> Click History >> Click Advanced Search >> Enter the name for a specific customer as criteria in the Search For field and Choose Last Name or First Name in the In field >> Specify the time period >> Click Submit >> Click Details to view the transaction details   8 Note: For more information about PayPal, please see http://www.paypal.com.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 139 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.  Examples of Making Payment for End Users Step 1: Click the link below the login window to pay for the service via PayPal.  Step 2: Choose I agree to accept the terms of use and click Next.   Step 3: Please fill out the form and Click Submit to send out this transaction. There will be a confirm dialog box.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 140 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Step 4: You will be redirected to PayPal website to complete the payment process.      Step 5: Click Start Internet Access to use the Internet access service.   8 Note: (a) Payment is accepted via PayPal. PayPal enables you to send payments securely online using PayPal account, a credit card or bank account. Clicking on Buy Now button, you will be redirected to PayPal’s site to make payment. (b) Please do not manually close the browser when you reach PayPal’s payment confirmation page. It takes about 30 seconds or more before you are automatically redirected back to our website with a set of Login ID and Password.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 141 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix C.  Service Zone Deployment Example § Port-Based Service Zone In Port-Based mode, each LAN port can only serve traffic from one Service Zone. An example of network application diagram is shown as below: one Service Zone for Staff and one for Guests.    The switches deployed under WHG301 in Port-Based mode must be Layer 2 switches only.  Ÿ Configuration Steps for Port-Based Service Zones:  Step 1: Configure Service Zone 1 for Guests Assume that LAN1 is assigned to the Service Zone 1 (SZ1) for Guests. Click the System Configuration menu and select the Service Zones tab. Click Configure of SZ1.   Step 2: Configure Basic Settings for SZ1 Check the Enable radio button of Service Zone Status to activate SZ1. Enter a name for SZ1 (e.g. “Guests”) in the Service Zone Name field.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 142 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    Step 3: Configure Authentication Settings for SZ1 Check the Enable radio button to enable Authentication Required for the Zone. Check the Default button and Enabled box of Guest Users to set ONDEMAND authentication method as default. Disable all other authentication options. Then, click Apply to activate the settings made so far. A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Do NOT restart the system until you have completed all the configuration steps.   Step 4: Configure LAN Port Mapping for SZ1 Select the LAN Port Mapping tab from the System menu to enter the LAN Ports and Service Zone Mapping page. Select Guests from the drop-down list box of LAN1. Click Apply to save the selection.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 143 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Do NOT restart the system until you have completed all the configuration steps.  LAN1 is now configured for Guests.  Step 5: Configure Service Zone 2 for Staff Assume that LAN2 is assigned to the Service Zone 2 (SZ2) for Staff. Select the Service Zones tab and click Configure of SZ2.   Step 6: Configure Basic Settings for SZ2 Check the Enable radio button of Service Zone Status to activate SZ2. Enter a name for SZ2 (e.g. “Staff”) in the Service Zone Name field.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 144 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Step 7: Configure Authentication Settings for SZ2 Check the Enable radio button to enable Authentication Required for the Zone. Check the Default button and Enabled box of Server 1 to set LOCAL authentication method as default. Disable all other authentication options. Then, click Apply to activate the settings made so far. A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Do NOT restart the system until you have completed all the configuration steps.   Step 8: Configure LAN Port Mapping for SZ2 Select the LAN Port Mapping tab from the System menu to enter the LAN Ports and Service Zone Mapping page. Select Staff from the drop-down list box of LAN2. Click Apply to save the selection.  A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Click the hyperlink of Restart to restart the system and activate all configurations.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 145 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    Step 9: Restart the System A confirmation message of “Do you want to restart the system?” will appear. Click Yes to start the restarting process. A confirmation dialog box will then pop out. Click OK to continue.    Please do not interrupt the system during the restarting process.  Once the settings of two Service Zones are completed, the configured result will be displayed in the Service Zone Settings page: SZ1 and SZ2 are both enabled.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 146 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  § Tag-Based Service Zone VLAN tags carried within message frames. An example of network application diagram is shown as below: one Service Zone for Staff and another for Guests.    The switch deployed under WHG301 in Tag-Based mode must be a VLAN switch only.   Ÿ Configuration Steps for Tag-Based Service Zones: The following example assumes the system is in factory default status and just powered up.  Step 1: Set Tag-Based mode Click the System menu and select the LAN Port Mapping tab. Select Tag-Based mode and click Apply. A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Do NOT restart the system until you have completed all the configuration steps.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 147 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Step 2: Configure Service Zone 1 for Staff Select the Service Zones tab and click Configure of SZ1.   Step 3: Configure Basic Settings for SZ1 Check the Enable radio button of Service Zone Status to activate SZ1. Enter a name for SZ1 (e.g. “Employee”) in the Service Zone Name field. Enter a VLAN tag for SZ1 (e.g. “1111”) in the VLAN Tag field.    Step 4: Configure Authentication Settings for SZ1 Check the Enable radio button to enable Authentication Required for the Zone. Check the Default button and Enabled box of Server 1 to set LOCAL authentication method as default. Disable all other authentication options.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 148 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Step 5: Set Policy SZ1 Select Policy 1 from the drop-down list box. Click Apply to activate the settings made so far. A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Do NOT restart the system until you have completed all the configuration steps.   Step 6: Configure Service Zone 2 for Guests Follow Step 2 to Step 5 to configure SZ2.  In the Authentication Settings section, check the Default button and Enable box of Guest Users to set ONDEMAND authentication method as default. Disable all other authentication options.   Step 7: Restart the System Click Apply to activate the settings. A warning message “You should restart the system to activate the changes.” will appear at the bottom of the page. Click the hyperlink of Restart to restart the system and activate all changes you have made.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 149 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  A confirmation message of “Do you want to restart the system?” will appear. Click Yes to start the restarting process. A confirmation dialog box will then pop out. Click OK to continue.    Please do not interrupt the system during the restarting process   Once the settings of two Service Zones are completed, the configured result will be displayed in the Service Zone Settings page: SZ1 and SZ2 are both enabled.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 150 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix D.  Proxy Setting Basically, a proxy server can help clients access the network resources more quickly. This section presents basic examples for configuring the proxy server settings of WHG301. § Using Internet Proxy Server The first scenario is that a proxy server is placed outside the LAN environment or in the Internet. For example, the following diagram shows that a proxy server of an ISP will be used.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 151 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Follow the following steps to complete the proxy configuration: Step 1.  Log into the system by using the admin account. Step 2. Network >> Proxy Server >> External Proxy Servers page. Add the IP address (leaving it blank  means any IP address) and port number of the proxy servers into External Proxy Servers setting.  Enable the Built-in Proxy Server. Click Apply to save the settings.    Step 3.  Make sure that the proxy server settings match with at least one of the proxy server setting of the  system – for example, in this case, matches with blank:3128.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 152 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual     1  It is required that the proxy server setting of the clients match with the proxy server setting of the system. Otherwise, users will not be able to get the Login page for authentication via browsers and it will show an error page in the browser. 2  What the Built-in Proxy Server is enabled, all the outgoing proxy traffic will be automatically redirected to the built-in proxy server.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 153 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  § Using Extranet Proxy Server The second scenario is that a proxy server is placed in the Extranet (such as DMZ), which all users from the Intranet or the Internet are able to access. For example, the following diagram shows that a proxy server of an organization in the DMZ will be used. InternetNotebookNotebookAccess PointAccess PointGatewayDesktopCore SwitchFirewallRouterL2 SwitchProxy ServerWeb ServerMail  ServerDMZ    A special scenario is that a proxy server is placed in a zone like Intranet – where users can reach each other without going through the system. In this case, whenever any one of users in the Intranet has been authenticated and connects to the network via the proxy server, other users using the same proxy setting in their browsers will be able to access the network without any authentication. Therefore, to stop the risk, it is strongly recommended to put all proxy servers outside the Intranet.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 154 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Follow the following steps to complete the proxy configuration: Step 1.  Log in the system by using the admin account. Step 2.  Network >> Proxy Server >> External Proxy Servers page. Add the IP address and port number of the proxy server into External Proxy Servers setting. Click Apply to save the settings. Step 3.  Make sure that clients use the same proxy server settings. Please also configure appropriate exceptions  if there is any traffic which is not needed to go through proxy server – for example, there is no need to  use proxy server for the Default Gateway (     It is required that the proxy server setting of the clients match with the proxy server setting of the system. Otherwise, users will not be able to get the Login page for authentication via browsers and it will show an error page in the browser.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 155 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix E.  Session Limit and Session Log § Session Limit To prevent ill-behaved clients or malicious software from using up the system’s connection resources, the administrator can restrict the number of concurrent sessions that a user can establish. Ø  The maximum number of concurrent sessions (TCP and UDP) for each user can be specified in the Global policy, which applies to authenticated users, users on a non-authenticated port, privileged users, and clients in DMZ zones. Ø  When the number of a user’s sessions reaches the session limit (a choice of Unlimited, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 350 and 500), the user will be implicitly suspended upon receipt of any new connection request. In this case, a record will be logged to a Syslog server. Ø  Since this basic protection mechanism may not be able to protect the system from all malicious DoS attacks, it is strongly recommended to build some immune capabilities (such as IDS or IPS solutions) in network deployment to maintain network operation.  § Session Log The system can record connection details of each user accessing the Internet. In addition, the log data can be sent out to a specified Syslog Server, Email Box or FTP Server based on pre-defined interval time.  Ø  The description of the fields of a session log record is shown as below: Field Description Date and Time The date and time that the session is established Session Type [New]: This is a newly established session. [Blocked]: This session is blocked by a Firewall rule. Username The account name (with postfix) of the user. When it shows “N.A.”, it indicates that the user or device does not need to log in with a username, for example, the user or device is on a non-authenticated port or on the privileged MAC/IP list. Change the account name accordingly, if the name is not identifiable in the record. 8 Note: Only 31 characters are allowed for the combination of Session Type plus Username. Protocol The communication protocol of session: TCP or UDP MAC The MAC address of the user’s computer or device SIP The source IP address of the user’s computer or device SPort The source port number of the user’s computer or device DIP The destination IP address of the user’s computer or device DPort The destination port number of the user’s computer or device
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 156 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ø  An example of session log data is shown as below: 31 Aug 12:35:05 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1626 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:05 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1627 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:06 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1628 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:06 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1629 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:07 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1630 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:09 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1631 DIP= DPort=80 31 Aug 12:35:10 2007  [New]user1@local TCP MAC=00:09:6b:cd:83:8c SIP= SPort=1632 DIP= DPort=80
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 157 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix F.  Network Configuration on PC & User Login § Network Configuration on PC After 4ipnet WHG301 is installed, the following configurations must be set up on the PC: Internet Connection Setup and TCP/IP Network Setup.  Ÿ  Internet Connection Setup §  Windows 9x/2000 1) Choose Start >> Control Panel >> Internet Options.           2) Choose the Connections tab, and then click Setup.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 158 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  3) Choose “I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a local Area network (LAN)”, and then click Next.          4) Choose “I connect through a local area network (LAN)” and then click Next.             5)  DO NOT choose any option in the following LAN window for Internet configuration, and just click Next.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 159 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  6) Choose “No” and then click Next.             7) Finally, click Finish to exit the Internet Connection Wizard. Now, the set up is completed.           §  Windows XP  1) Choose Start >> Control Panel >> Internet Option.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 160 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    2) Choose the Connections tab, and then click Setup.             3) When the Welcome to the New Connection Wizard window appears, click Next.           4) Choose “Connect to the Internet” and then click Next.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 161 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   5) Choose “Set up my connection manually” and then click Next.           6) Choose “Connect using a broadband connection that is always on” and then click Next.           7) Finally, click Finish to exit the Connection Wizard. Now, the setup is completed.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 162 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  TCP/IP Network Setup If the operating system of the PC in use is Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, keep the default settings without any changes to directly start/restart the system. With the factory default settings, during the process of starting the system, 4ipnet WHG301 with DHCP function will automatically assign an appropriate IP address and related information for each PC. If the Windows operating system is not a server version, the default settings of the TCP/IP will regard the PC as a DHCP client, and this function is called “Obtain an IP address automatically”. If checking the TCP/IP setup or using the static IP in the LAN1/LAN2 or LAN3/LAN4 section is desired, please follow these steps:  §  Check the TCP/IP Setup of Window 9x/ME 1) Choose Start >> Control Panel >> Network.             2) Click on the Configuration tab and select “TCP/IP >> AMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter (PCI-ISA)”, and then click Properties. Now, you can choose to use DHCP or a specific IP address.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 163 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   3)  Using DHCP: If you want to use DHCP, click on the IP Address tab and choose “Obtain an IP address automatically”, and then click OK. This is also the default setting of Windows. Then, reboot the PC to make sure an IP address is obtained from WHG301.        4)  Using Specific IP Address: If you want to use a specific IP address, acquire the following information from the network administrator: the IP Address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server address provided by your ISP and the Gateway address of WHG301.   If your PC has been set up completely, please inform the network administrator before proceeding to the following steps.  4.1) Click on the IP Address tab and choose “Specify an IP address”. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and then click OK.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 164 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.2) Click on the Gateway tab. Enter the gateway address of WHG301 in the “New gateway” field and click Add. Then, click OK.            4.3) Click on DNS Configuration tab. If the DNS Server field is empty, select “Enable DNS” and enter DNS Server address. Click Add, and then click OK to complete the configuration.           §  Check the TCP/IP Setup of Window 2000 1) Select Start >> Control Panel >> Network and Dial-up Connections.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 165 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   2) Right click on the Local Area Connection icon and select “Properties”.          3) Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and then click Properties. Now, you can choose to use DHCP or a specific IP address.            4)  Using DHCP: If you want to use DHCP, choose “Obtain an IP address automatically”, and then click OK. This is also the default setting of Windows. Then, reboot the PC to make sure an IP address is obtained from WHG301.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 166 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  5)  Using Specific IP Address: If you want to use a specific IP address, acquire the following information from the network administrator: the IP Address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server address provided by your ISP and the Gateway address of WHG301.   If your PC has been set up completely, please inform the network administrator before proceeding to the following steps.  5.1) Choose “Use the following IP address” and enter the IP address, Subnet mask. If the DNS Server field is empty, select “Using the following DNS server addresses” and enter the DNS Server address. Then, click OK. 5.2) Click Advanced to enter the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window.       5.3) Click on the IP Settings tab and click Add below the “Default gateways” column and the TCP/IP Gateway Address window will appear.           5.4) Enter the gateway address of WHG301 in the “Gateway” field, and then click Add. After back to the IP Settings tab, click OK to complete the configuration.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 167 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  §  Check the TCP/IP Setup of Window XP 1) Select Start >> Control Panel >> Network Connection.           2) Right click on the Local Area Connection icon and select “Properties”.           3) Click on the General tab and choose “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”, and then click Properties. Now, you can choose to use DHCP or a specific IP address.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 168 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   4)  Using DHCP: If you want to use DHCP, choose “Obtain an IP address automatically” and click OK. This is also the default setting of Windows. Then, reboot the PC to make sure an IP address is obtained from WHG301.   5)  Using Specific IP Address: If you want to use a specific IP address, acquire the following information from the network administrator: the IP Address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server address provided by your ISP and the Gateway address of WHG301.   If your PC has been set up completely, please inform the network administrator before proceeding to the following steps.  5.1) Choose “Use the following IP address” and enter the IP address, Subnet mask. If the DNS Server field is empty, select “Using the following DNS server addresses” and enter the DNS Server address. Then, click OK. 5.2) Click Advanced to enter the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 169 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   5.3) Click on the IP Settings tab and click Add below the “Default gateways” column and the TCP/IP Gateway Address window will appear.            5.4) Enter the gateway address of WHG301 in the “Gateway” field, and then click Add. After back to the IP Settings tab, click OK to finish the configuration.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 170 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  § An Example of User Login Normally, users will be authenticated before they get network access through WHG301. This section presents the basic authentication flow for end users. Please make sure that the WHG301 is configured properly and network related settings are done.  1. Open an Internet browser and try to connect to any website (in this example, we try to connect to www.google.com). a)  For the first time, if the WHG301 is not using a trusted SSL certificate (for more information, please see 4.2.5 Additional Configuration), there will be a “Certificate Error”, because the browser treats WHG301 as an illegal website.  b)  Please press “Continue to this website” to continue. c)  The default user login page will appear in the browser.   2. Enter the username and password (for example, we use a local user account: test@local here) and then click Submit button. If the Remember Me check box is checked, the browser will remember this user’s name and password so that he/she can just click Submit next time he/she wants to login. Check the Remember Me box to store the username and password on the current computer in order to automatically login to the system at next login. Then, click the Submit button. The Remaining button on the User Login Page is for on-demand users only, where they can check their Remaining Usage time.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 171 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    3. Successful! The Login Successful page appearing means WHG301 has been installed and configured successfully. Now, you are connected to the network and Internet!   8 Note: When On-demand accounts are used (for example, we use 7ksc@ondemand here), the system will display more information, as shown below.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 172 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  4.  Remaining Usage: The remaining quota of this On-demand account that the user can surf the Internet.  5.  Redeem: When the remaining quota is insufficient, the user can add up the quota by purchasing an additional account. Please enter the new username and password in the Redeem Page and click ENTER button to merge the two accounts so that there will be more quota for the original account.   8 Note: The maximum session time/data transfer is 24305 days/9,999,999 Mbytes. If the redeem amount exceeds this number, the system will automatically reject the redeem process.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 173 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix G.  Console Interface Via this port to enter the console interface for the administrator to handle the problems and situations occurred during operation. 1. In order to connect to the console port of 4ipnet WHG301, a console, modem cable and a terminal simulation program, such as the Hyper Terminal are needed.  2. If a Hyper Terminal is used, please set the parameters as 9600,8,n,1.          The main console is a menu-driven text interface with dialog boxes. Please use arrow keys on the keyboard to browse the menu and press the Enter key to make selection or confirm what you enter.  3. Once the console port of 4ipnet WHG301 is connected properly, the console main screen will appear automatically. If the screen does not appear in the terminal simulation program automatically, please try to press the arrow keys, so that the terminal simulation program will send some messages to the system, where the welcome screen or main menu should appear. If the welcome screen or main menu of the console still does not pop up, please check the connection of the cables and the settings of the terminal simulation program.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 174 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Utilities for network debugging The console interface provides several utilities to assist the Administrator to check the system conditions and to debug any problems. The utilities are described as follows:    Ø  Ping host (IP): By sending ICMP echo request to a specified host and wait for the response to test the network status. Ø  Trace routing path: Trace and inquire the routing path to a specific target. Ø  Display interface settings: It displays the information of each network interface setting including the MAC address, IP address, and netmask. Ø  Display the routing table: The internal routing table of the system is displayed, which may help to confirm the Static Route settings. Ø  Display ARP table: The internal ARP table of the system is displayed. Ø  Display system up time: The system live time (time for system being turn on) is displayed. Ø  Check service status: Check and display the status of the system. Ø  Set device into “safe mode”: If the administrator is unable to use Web Management Interface via browser for the system failed inexplicitly. The administrator can choose this utility and set it into safe mode, which enables him to manage this device with browser again. Ø  Synchronize clock with NTP server: Immediately synchronize the clock through the NTP protocol and the specified network time server. Since this interface does not support manual setup for its internal clock, therefore we must reset the internal clock through the NTP. Ø  Print the kernel ring buffer: It is used to examine or control the kernel ring buffer. The program helps users to print out their boot-up messages instead of copying the messages by hand. Ø  Main menu: Go back to the main menu.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 175 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Change admin password Besides supporting the use of console management interface through the connection of null modem, the system also supports the SSH online connection for the setup. When using a null modem to connect to the system console, we do not need to enter administrator’s password to enter the console management interface. But connecting the system by SSH, we have to enter the username and password.   The username is “admin” and the default password is also “admin”, which is the same as for the web management interface. Password can also be changed here. If administrators forget the password and are unable to log in the management interface from the web or the remote end of the SSH, they can still use the null modem to connect the console management interface and set the administrator’s password again.   Although it does not require a username and password for the connection via the serial port, the same management interface can be accessed via SSH. Therefore, we recommend you to immediately change the 4ipnet WHG301 Admin username and password after logging in the system for the first time.  Ÿ  Reload factory default Choosing this option will reset the system configuration to the factory defaults. Ÿ  Restart 4ipnet WHG301 Choosing this option will restart 4ipnet WHG301.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 176 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix H.  Local VPN The system is equipped with IPSec VPN feature. To utilize IPSec VPN supported by Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (with patch) and Windows 2000 operating systems, the system implements IPSec VPN tunneling technology between client’s windows devices and the system itself regardless of wired or wireless network.     By pushing down ActiveX to the client’s Windows device from the system, no extra client software is required to be installed except ActiveX, in which a so-called “clientless” IPSec VPN setting is then configured automatically. At the end of this setup, a build-in IPSec VPN feature will be enabled and ready to serve once it is launched for setup. The goal of this design is to eliminate the configuration difficulty from IPSec VPN users. At the client side, the IPSec VPN implementation of the system is based on ActiveX and the built-in IPSec VPN client of Windows OS.     •  ActiveX Component The ActiveX is a software component running inside Internet Explorer. The ActiveX component can be checked by the following windows.    Windows Internet Explorer:   From the Tools menu, click on Internet Options. Select the Programs tab and click Manage add-ons button to enter the Manage add-ons dialogue box, where you can see VPNClient.ipsec is enabled.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 177 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  During the first-time login to WHG301, Internet Explorer will ask clients to download an ActiveX component of IPSec VPN. Once this ActiveX component is downloaded, it will run in parallel with the “Login Success Page” after the page being brought up successfully. The ActiveX component helps set up individual IPSec VPN tunnels between clients and WHG301 and check the validity of IPSec VPN tunnels between them. If the connection is down, the ActiveX component will detect the broken link and decompose the IPSec tunnel. Once the IPSec VPN tunnel was built, all sent packets will be encrypted. Without connecting to the original IPSec VPN tunnel, a client has no alternative way to gain network connection beyond this. IPSec VPN feature supported by WHG301 directly solves possible data security leak problem between clients and the system via either wireless or wired connections without extra hardware or client software installed.  •  Limitations The limitation on the client side due to ActiveX and Windows OS includes: Ø Internet Connection Firewall of Windows XP or Windows XP SP1 is not compatible with IPSec protocol. It shall be turned off to allow IPSec packets to pass through. Ø Without patch, ICMP (Ping) and PORT command of FTP can not work in Windows XP SP2. Ø The forced termination (through CTRL+ALT+DEL, Task Manager) of the Internet Explorer will stop the running of ActiveX. It causes that IPSec tunnel cannot be cleared properly at client device. A reboot of client device is needed to clear the IPSec tunnel.   Ø The crash of Windows Internet Explorer may cause the same result.  •  Internet Connection Firewall In Windows XP and Windows XP SP1, the Internet Connection Firewall is not compatible with IPSec. Internet Connection Firewall will drop packets from tunneling of IPSec VPN. Please TURN OFF Internet Connection Firewall feature or upgrade the Windows OS into Windows XP SP2.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 178 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  •  ICMP and Active Mode FTP In Windows XP SP2 without patching by KB889527, it will drop ICMP packets from IPSec tunnel. This problem can be fixed by upgrading patch KB889527. Before enabling IPSec VPN function on client devices, please access the patch from Microsoft’s web at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;889527. This patch also fixes the problem of supporting active mode FTP inside IPSec VPN tunnel of Windows XP SP2. Please UPDATE clients’ Windows XP SP2 with this patch.  •  The Termination of ActiveX The ActiveX component for IPSec VPN is running in parallel with the web page of “Login Success”. To ensure that the built-in IPSec VPN tunnel is always alive, unless clients decide to close the session and to disconnect from WHG301, the following conditions or behaviors, which may cause the Internet Explorer to stop the ActiveX, should be avoided.  (1)  The crash of Internet Explorer on running ActiveX.  If it happens, please reboot the client computer. Once Windows service is resumed, go through the login process again. (2)  Termination of the Internet Explorer Task from Windows Task Manager. Do NOT terminate this VPN task of Internet Explorer.  (3)  Execution of instructions given by the following Windows messages: † Close the Windows Internet Explorer. † Click Logout on Login Success page. † Click Back or Refresh of the same Internet Explorer browser page. † Enter a new URL in the same Internet Explorer browser page. † Open a URL from the other application (e.g. email of Outlook) that occupies this existing Internet Explorer. Click Cancel if you do not intend to stop the IPSec VPN connection.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 179 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  •  Non-supported OS and Browser Currently, Windows Internet Explorer is the only browser supported by the system. Windows XP and Windows 2000 are the only two supported OS along with this release.  •  FAQ (1) How to clean IPSec client? ANS:  Open a command prompt window and type the commands as follows. C:\> cd %windir%\system32 C:\> Clean_IPSEC.bat Or C:\> cd %windir%\system32 C:\> ipsec2k.exe stop  (2) How to remove ActiveX component in client’s computer? ANS:  ① Uninstall and delete ActiveX component ② Close all Internet Explorer windows ③ Open a command prompt window and type the commands as follows C:\> cd %windir%\system32 C:\> regsvr32 /u VPNClient_1_5.ocx C:\> del VPNClient_1_5.ocx  (3) What can I do if unable establish IPSec connection for Windows XP SP1? ANS:  Disable Windows XP firewall
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 180 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Appendix I.  Customizable Pages There are five users’ login and logout pages for each service zone that can be customized by administrators.  Go to System Configuration >> Service Zone >> Service Zone Settings Configure >> Custom Pages. Click the button of Configure, the Login (Logout) page will appear, including Login page, Logout Page, Login Success Page, Login Success Page for On-demand User and Logout Success Page. Click the radio button of page selections to have further configuration.   1  Custom Pages >> Login Page The administrator can use the default login page or get the customized login page by setting the template page, uploading the page or downloading from a designated website. After finishing the setting, click Preview to see the login page.  Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Page >> Default Page Choose Default Page to use the default login page.   Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Page >> Template Page Choose Template Page to make a customized login page. Click Select to pick up a color and then fill in all of the blanks. You can also upload a background image file for your template. Click Preview to see the result first.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 181 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Page >> Uploaded Page Choose Uploaded Page and upload a login page.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 182 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  The user-defined login page must include the following HTML codes to provide the necessary fields for user name and password.   And if the user-defined login page includes an image file, the image file path in the HTML code must be the image file to be uploaded.  Remote VPN         : <img src=images/xx.jpg”> Default Service Zone: <img src=images0/xx.jpg”> Service Zone 1     : <img src=images1/xx.jpg”> Service Zone 2     : <img src=images2/xx.jpg”> Service Zone 3     : <img src=images3/xx.jpg”> Service Zone 4     : <img src=images4/xx.jpg”> Click the Browse button to select the file to upload. Then click Submit to complete the upload process. Next, enter or browse the filename of the images to upload in the Upload Images field on the Upload Images Files page and then click Submit. The system will show the used space and the maximum size of the image file of 512K. If the administrator wishes to restore the factory default of the login page, click the Use Default Page button to restore it to default. After the image file is uploaded, the file name will show on the “Existing Image Files” field. Check the file and click Delete to delete the file. After the upload process is completed and applied, the new login page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the button.   Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Pages >> External Page  Choose the External Page selection and get the login page from a designated website. In the External Page Setting, enter the URL of the external login page and then click Apply. After applying the setting, the new login page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom of this page. The user-defined logout page must include the following HTML codes to provide the necessary fields for username and password.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 183 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    2  Custom Pages >> Logout Page The administrator can apply their own logout page in the menu. As the process is similar to that of the Login Page, please refer to the “Login Page >> Uploaded Page” instructions for more details.   8 Note: The different part is the HTML code of the user-defined logout interface must include the following HTML code that the user can enter the username and password. After the upload is completed, the customized logout page can be previewed by clicking Preview at the bottom of this page. If restore to factory default setting is needed for the logout interface, click the “Use Default Page” button.    3  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page The users can apply their own Login Success page in the menu. As the process is similar to that of the Login Page, please refer to the “Login Page” instructions for more details.  Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page >> Default Page Choose Default Page to use the default login success page.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 184 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual   Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page >> Template Page Choose Template Page to make a customized login success page. Click Select to pick up a color and then fill in all of the blanks. Click Preview to see the result first.   Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page >> Uploaded Page Choose Uploaded Page and get the login success page to upload. Click the Browse button to select the file for the login success page upload. Then click Submit to complete the upload process. After the upload process is completed and applied, the new login success page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 185 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual    Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page >> External Page Choose the External Page selection and get the login success page from a designated website. In the External Page Setting, enter URL of the external login page and then click Apply. After applying the setting, the new login success page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom of this page   4  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page for On-demand User The users can apply their own Login Success page for on-demand Users in the menu. As the process is similar to that of the Login Page, please refer to the “Login Page” instructions for more details. Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Page for On-demand Users >> Default Page Choose Default Page to use the default login success page for on-demand account
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 186 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Custom Pages>> Login Success Page for On-demand Users>> Template Page Choose Template to make a customized login success for on-demand account. Click Select to pick up a color and then fill in all of the blanks. Click Preview to see the result.  Ÿ  Custom Pages>> Login Success Pages for On-demand Users>> Uploaded Page Choose Uploaded Page and get the login success page for on-demand users by uploading. Click the Browse button to select the file for the login success page for Instant upload. Then click Submit to complete the upload process.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 187 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Login Success Pages for On-demand Users >> External Page Choose the External Page selection and get the login success page from a designated website. In the External Page Setting, enter URL of the external login page and then click Apply. After applying the setting, the new login success page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom of this page.   5  Custom Pages >> Logout Success Page   The administrator can apply their own Logout Success page for Users in the menu. As the process is similar to that of the Login Page, please refer to the “Login Page” instructions for more details. Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Logout Success Page >> Default Page Choose Default Page to use the default logout success page.  Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Logout Success Page >>Template Page Choose Template Page to make a customized logout success page. Click Select to pick up a color and then fill in all of the blanks. Click Preview to see the result first.
 © 2008 4IPNET, INC. 188 4ipnet WHG301 User’s Manual  Ÿ  Custom Pages >> Logout Success Page >> Uploaded Page Choose Uploaded Page and get the logout success page to upload. Click the Browse button to select the file for the logout success page upload. Then click Submit to complete the upload process. After the upload process is completed and applied, the new logout success page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom.    Ÿ  Custom Pages >>Logout Success Page >> External Page  Choose the External Page selection and get the logout success page from a designated website. Enter the website address in the External Page Setting field and then click Apply. After applying the setting, the new logout success page can be previewed by clicking Preview button at the bottom of this page.       P/N: 10020080124

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