ACSS an L 3 Communications and Thales 4061400 Mode S Transponder User Manual 00201001 tif
ACSS an L-3 Communications and Thales Company Mode S Transponder 00201001 tif
Test Instructions
SECURITY NOTATION SPEC ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION NO. IT4061400-907 CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR THIS TITLE PAGE CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. DOCUMENT TYPE CLASS INTEGRATED TEST DIVISION DEPARTMENT NO. AES DV 5237 INITIAL RELEASE DATE PRODUCTLINENO. 8 JUL 93 CONTRACT NO. 3834 TITLE INTEGRATED TEST SPECIFICATION FOR MODE S TRANSPONDER, PART NO. 4061400-9XX PREPARED BY: DATE B. Gardner 93-07-02 APPROVED FOR SCM DATE REF AWAEB/PSAEB NO. CHECKER 4055000 R. APPROVED BY TECHNICAL MANAGER J. Finnegan DATE APPROVED BY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MANAGER DATE APPROVED BY: DATE 93-07-02 APPROVED FOR SQA DATE PRODUCT DESIGN CHECKER (FOR REF, SPCL CONT PER EPM 1-A-40) COGNIZANCE OF QE SUPVR (FOR REF, SPCL CONT PER EPM t-A40) Scott Jones 93-07-08 FOR PAGE INDEX, SEE PAGE CR-2. REVISION RECORD FOLLOWS PAGE INDEX. PROPRIETARY NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT AND THEINFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN ARE PROPRIETARY DATA OF HONEYWELLINTERNATIONALINC. N E I T H E R T H I S D O C U M E N T N O R T H E I N F O R M A T I O N CONTAINED HEREIN S H A L L B E REPRODUCED, USED, OR DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTENAUTHORIZATION OFHONEYWELLINTERNATIONALINC. NOTICE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (5 USC 552) AND DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENCE INFORMATION GENERALLY (18 USC 1905) THIS DOCUMENT IS BEING FURNISHED IN CONFIDENCE BY HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN FALLS WITHIN EXEMPTION (b) (4) OF 5 USC 552 AND THE PROHIBITIONS OF 18 USC 1905. C o p y r i g h t 2001 Honeywell International Inc. All Rights Reserved AW/CRITICAL NOTATION Honeywell z,t, SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCASASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES)HONEYWELLINTERNATIONALINC. CR-1 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION SPEC NO. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION C A GE CODE IT4061400-907 58960 REVLTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. THE LATEST REVISION OF EACH SHEET IS INDICATED ON THE PAGE INDEX. Page Rev Ltr Title CR-1 Page Index CR-2 Revision Record CR-3 Table of Contents ii 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Page Rev Ltr 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Hone well Page Rev Ltr 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Appendix A A-0 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 Page A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37 A-38 A-39 A-40 A-41 A-42 A-43 TOTAL PAGES: Rev Ltr Page Rev Ltr 144 A W / C R I T I C A L NOTATION PAGE INDEX SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCASASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV07/1812000 -OFC97-DATASERVICES)HONEYWELL INTERNATIONALINC. CR-2 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR PAGE DESCRIPTION DATE AND APPROVAL SEE REV F FOR PREVIOUS REVISION INFORMATION. DOCUMENT CONVERTED TO LATEST FORMAT. SEE PAGE INDEX SHEETCR-2 CO 21761 (NA) SEE PAGE INDEX SHEETCR-2 C.O. 25583 (NA) D. Zinda 5 MAR 01 o2. - 0 1 - IS" AW/CRITICAL Hone NOTATION vell . v,s,o.. co.Ds SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. CR-3 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table of Contents Title Page 1. SCOPE ...................................................................................................................1 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS....................................................................................1 3. GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................1 4. POWER REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 18 5. TEST EQUIPMENT................................................................................................ 18 5.1 HONEYWELL TEST EQUIPMENT ................................................................................ 18 5.2 COMMERCIAL TEST EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 18 6. TEST SETUP ........................................................................................................ 19 7. TEST REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 19 8. TEST PROCEDURE .............................................................................................. 23 APPENDIX A ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURE FOR PC EMULATION SYSTEM........... A-0 AW/CRITICAL NOTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Title Page List of Figures Figure 1. Initial Test Equipment Setup..............................................................................................................20 Figure 2. Timing Diagrams ...............................................................................................................................21 List of Tables Table 1. Initial IFR ATC-1400A Control Settings ................................................................................................6 Initial IFR S-1403 Control Settings ......................................................................................................................6 Table 2. Initial Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration .................................................................................7 Table 3. Complemented Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration ...............................................................10 Table 4. Initial Setup For Internal RF Self-Test ................................................................................................13 Table 5. Initial Settings For Mode S And Atcrbs (Mode S Sw Running) ..........................................................14 Table 6. Initial 429 Setup (Internal Wrap) .........................................................................................................16 Table 6.1. Walking 1s 429 Setup (Internal Wrap).............................................................................................16 Table 7. Initial 429 Setup (External Wrap)........................................................................................................16 Table 8. Initial 429 I/O Interconnects (Mode S Interface Panel).......................................................................17 AW/CRITICAL NOTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. ii PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR TITLE: INTEGRATED TEST SPECIFICATION FOR MODE S TRANSPONDER, PART NO. 4061400-9XX 1. SCOPE This Integrated Test Specification (IT) establishes the manufacturing and operational requirements that the Mode S Transponder, Part No. 4061400-9XX, must meet to ensure that the unit is in proper operating condition. 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS These reference documents are not required for performance of the test procedure. The purpose of listing these documents is to provide an aid for troubleshooting should any discrepancies occur during the performance of the test procedure. 3. 3.1 4061400-9XX End Item Drawing - Mode S Transponder 4061401 Outline and Installation Drawing 64980-90912 HP 64000 System Overview Reference 64980-90928 HP 64000 System Software Reference 1002-6801-000 IFR 1403 Operation/Maintenance Manual C35-3641-05 System Control Panel User's Manual GENERAL INFORMATION All tests shall be performed under the following conditions: Temperature = 25 ± 5 C Relative humidity = 95% maximum Pressure = between 20 and 32 inHg 3.2 Tests 1 thru 10 shall be performed with the HP 64000/UDE or PC/CPI emulation system attached to the top connector of the unit under test (UUT) A1 CCA (refer to figure 1). All subsequent tests shall be performed in a stand-alone configuration with the emulation system removed or deactivated. Power to the UUT shall be removed before attaching or removing any interconnecting systems. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 3.3 Notes on operating the HP 64000 emulation system are as follows: 3.3.1 All tests requiring the HP 64000 emulation system shall be performed while executing the SDP-185 monitor software. In the engineering environment, the monitor is invoked by executing the 'HW' command file from within the MODESP user ID of the HP 64000 system. 3.3.2 All address and data information should be entered in Hex with a leading 0 and trailing H (the H indicates the data is in hexadecimal). See example in 3.3.3. 3.3.3 Most emulation commands are invoked by pressing HP 64000 softkeys, found directly below the CRT. Only hexadecimal addresses and data are typed using the standard typewriter keypad of the HP 64000. For example, to change the contents of location C000 (Hex) to the value AAAA (Hex), the following HP 64000 command would be entered: modify memory 0C000H to 0AAAAH In this example, the words (modify, memory, and to) are entered with single-keystroke softkeys. 3.4 Notes on operation of the PC emulation system are as follows: 3.4.1 All tests requiring the PC emulation system shall be performed while executing the SDP-185 monitor software. In the engineering environment, the monitor is invoked by executing the 'SCP MDS' command file. 3.4.2 All address and data information should be entered in Hex with a leading 0/# for CACHE locations and a leading 1# for local memory. See example in 3.4.3. 3.4.3 Most emulation commands are invoked by pressing the softkeys. Only addresses, data, and 'MDS' are typed using the standard typewriter keys. For example, to change the contents of location C000 (Hex) to the value AAAA (Hex), the following PC command would be entered: modify memory MDS word 0/#C0/0/0/ to AAAA In this example, the words (modify, memory, word, and to) are entered with single-keystroke softkeys. 3.5 When testing diversity, the two antenna signals are referred to as ANT A and ANT B. This conversion is consistent with that used by the IFR transponder test equipment and does not need to be correlated to the actual top and bottom antenna signals. In other words, the TOP ANT cable can be connected to either ANT A port or ANT B port of the IFR equipment. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 3.6 Standard rate and power for ATCRBS and Mode S interrogations are defined as follows: ATCRBS: Mode S: 3.7 Input discrete signal standards are as follows: GND OPEN +5V +28V 3.8 450 Hz, -50 dBm 45 Hz, -50 dBm <3.5 V at 100 mA >100k ohms 5 ± 1 V dc at 20 mA >18 V dc Output discrete signal standards are as follows: GND - <3.5 V dc OPEN - >100k ohms +28V - >18 V dc 3.9 Notes on entering data into the IFR S-1403 are listed below: 3.9.1 Data is entered by use of the cursor keys, slew knob, and numeric keypad. Use the cursor keys to move between input fields (the cursor will not move to an output/display field). Once in the desired field, use the slew knob and/or numeric keypad to alter the data. 3.9.2 Some fields require the data to toggle through one or more states (for example, the SPR: ON/OFF field). Use the ON/CAL button to toggle such fields. 3.9.3 Some input fields can be moved through a range of numeric values (for example, the Dv=CAL field). These fields must first be toggled out of the CAL state and into the data entry mode. The slew knob and numeric keypad can then be used to provide the desired value. 3.9.4 Some fields require the ENTER key to be pressed after the required data has been selected (for example, the UF= field). 3.10 Notes and a list of HP 64000 command files (Honeywell Part No. MT4061400-902) are as follows: 3.10.1 The total execution time of this Integrated Test Procedure may be greatly reduced by using the HP 64000 command files listed in paragraph 3.10.3. These command files automatically execute many keystrokes found in certain tests and match statement-for-statement (excluding 'wait' statements) the steps found in the IT work steps. 3.10.2 After executing the 'HW' batch file (see paragraph 3.3), execute the command file by typing the filename (using all caps) into the HP 64000 and pressing RETURN. Most command files pause to allow the operator to record data. Press any key to resume command file execution. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 3.10.3 IT Test No. 10 11 HP 64000 Command Filename IT10 IT20 IT30 (See note 1.) IT40 IT50 IT60 IT70 (Shall be executed twice to complete test 7.) IT80 IT81 IT90 IT100 (See note 2.) NOTE 1: Before running IT30, test 3 must be performed. IT30 must also be performed at the completion of the IT to clear E . NOTE 2: Before running IT100, end out of emulation mode by entering "END" into the HP 64000. 3.11 Notes and a list of PC command files (Honeywell Part No. MT4061400-101, Revision A) are as follows: 3.11.1 The total execution time of this Integrated Test Procedure may be greatly reduced by using the PC command files listed in paragraph 3.11.3. These command files automatically execute many keystrokes found in certain tests and match statement-for-statement (excluding 'pause' statements) the steps found in the IT work steps. 3.11.2 After executing the 'SCP MDS' batch file (see paragraph 3.4), execute the command file by typing the filename (using all caps) into the PC and pressing ENTER. Most command files pause to allow the operator to record data. Press any key to resume command file execution. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 3.11.3 IT Test No. 8.1 10 PC Command Filename IT10 IT20 IT30 (See note 1.) IT40 IT50 IT60 IT70 (Shall be executed twice to complete test 7.) IT80 IT81 IT90 IT100 (See note 2.) NOTE 1: Before running IT30, test A3 must be performed. IT30 must also be performed at the completion of the IT to clear E2. NOTE 2: Before running IT100, end out of emulation mode by entering "END" into the PC. (Resume testing at test 10.13.) 3.12 This IT conforms to Specification ATLAS ATP SA4061400-905, Revision A or later. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 1. Initial IFR ATC-1400A Control Settings Switch Initial Setting RF LEVEL control -70 dBm CW/NORM/OFF switch OFF SUPPRESSOR ON/OFF switch OFF SLS/ECHO ON/OFF switch OFF XPDR PULSE WIDTH VAR/CAL switch CAL FREQ STEP RATE control OFF MAN/AUTO/MAN STEP switch MAN XPDR DEV P3/CAL switch CAL 1.0µs/1.45µs switch 1.45 µs XPDR DEV P2/CAL switch CAL TO/TAC/TD switch TD PRF/SQTR ON/OFF switch ON F2/P2 F1/P1 switch F2/P2 XPDR MODE control DISPLAY SELECT control FREQ MHz PRF/SQTR thumbwheels 45 Hz DBL INTERR/INTERF PULSE thumbwheels 047.9 µs XPDR P2/P3 DEV thumbwheels 0.20 µs FREQ/FUNCTION SELECT thumbwheels 1030 MHz XPDR DELTA F thumbwheels 0.00 MHz XPDR PULSE WIDTH thumbwheels 0.00 µs SLS/ECHO thumbwheels +0 dB DECODER (at rear of unit) NARROW OFF OFF NOTE: If unit is cold, provide a 5-minute warmup period. Adjust the FREQ and DELTA F thumbwheels until the FREQ DISPLAY indicates 1030.00 MHz. Initial IFR S-1403 Control Settings Menu Sub-Menu/Field Initial Settings Sequence S01 UF = 5 ADD = 25252525 Control Menu 1 S02 thru S16: OFF Func: 1 ATC (ATCRBS) RF Lvl: +0.0 AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 2. Initial Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) Switch Position Signal Sense UUT Rear Connector Pin No. A1 OPEN J1B-1A A2 GND J1B-1B A3 OPEN J1B-1C A4 GND J1B-1D A5 OPEN J1B-1E A6 GND J1B-1F A7 OPEN J1B-1G A8 GND J1B-1H A9 OPEN J1B-1J A10 GND J1B-1K A11 OPEN J1B-2A A12 GND J1B-2B A13 OPEN J1B-2C A14 GND J1B-2D A15 OPEN J1B-2E A16 GND J1B-2F A17 OPEN J1B-2G A18 GND J1B-2H A19 OPEN J1B-2J A20 GND J1B-2K A21 OPEN J1B-3A A22 GND J1B-3B A23 OPEN J1B-3C A24 GND J1B-3D Signal Name MODE S ADDRESS AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 2(Cont). Initial Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name ANT PGM ANT CABLE DLY GILHAM ALT 1 GILHAM ALT 2 ANT BITE T/B Switch Position Signal Sense UUT Rear Connector Pin No. OPEN J1A-6K GND J1A-3C BOT OPEN J1A-3D GND J1A-3E A1 GND J1B-4A A2 OPEN J1B-4B A4 GND J1B-4C B1 OPEN J1B-4D B2 GND J1B-4E B4 OPEN J1B-4F C1 GND J1B-4G C2 OPEN J1B-4H C4 GND J1B-4J D2 OPEN J1B-4K D1 GND J1B-5K A1 OPEN J1A-1A A2 GND J1A-1B A4 OPEN J1A-1C B1 GND J1A-1D B2 OPEN J1A-1E B4 GND J1A-1F C1 OPEN J1A-1G C2 GND J1A-1H C4 OPEN J1A-1J D2 GND J1A-1K D4 OPEN J1A-2K ON GND J1B-5J AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 2(Cont). Initial Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) UUT Rear Connector Pin No. Signal Name Switch Position FUNC TEST ON GND J1B-3H STBY/ON ON OPEN J1A-7G SYNC ALT FLAG No. 1 INV OPEN J1A-4J SYNC ALT FLAG No. 2 VLD +18 V J1B-7J ALT COMP ON GND J1B-5G OPEN J1B-6E OPEN J1B-6F GND J1B-6G 15 OPEN J1A-5A 16 GND J1A-5B 17 OPEN J1A-5C OPEN J1A-3G GND J1A-3H DATA LINK DLP GND J1B-5H CNTL PNL OPEN J1A-7D AIR/GND No. 1 AIR OPEN J1A-5K AIR/GND No. 2 AIR OPEN J1A-5J ALT SRC ALT TYP SEL MAX AIRSPEED SDI Signal Sense AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 3. Complemented Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name MODE S ADDRESS Switch Position Signal Sense A1 GND A2 OPEN A3 GND A4 OPEN A5 GND A6 OPEN A7 GND A8 OPEN A9 GND A10 OPEN A11 GND A12 OPEN A13 GND A14 OPEN A15 GND A16 OPEN A17 GND A18 OPEN A19 GND A20 OPEN A21 GND A22 OPEN A23 GND A24 OPEN AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 10 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 3(Cont). Complemented Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name Switch Position Signal Sense GND TOP OPEN GND OPEN A1 OPEN A2 GND A4 OPEN B1 GND B2 OPEN B4 GND C1 OPEN C2 GND C4 OPEN D2 GND D4 OPEN A1 GND A2 OPEN A4 GND B1 OPEN B2 GND B4 OPEN C1 GND C2 OPEN C4 GND D2 OPEN D4 GND ANT PGM ANT CABLE DLY GILHAM ALT 1 GILHAM ALT 2 T/B AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 11 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 3(Cont). Complemented Mode S Transponder (UUT) Configuration (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name Switch Position Signal Sense ANT BITE OFF OPEN FUNC TEST OFF OPEN STBY/ON STBY GND SYNC ALT FLAG No. 1 VLD +18 V SYNC ALT FLAG No. 2 INV OPEN ALT COMP OFF OPEN GND GND OPEN 15 GND 16 OPEN 17 GND GND OPEN DATA LINK DL OPEN CNTL PNL GND AIR/GND No. 1 GROUND GND AIR/GND No. 2 GROUND GND ALT SRC ALT TYP SEL MAX AIRSPEED SDI AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 12 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 4. Initial Setup For Internal RF Self-Test Address Modify to C000H thru C006H 0000H C007H thru C00DH 5555H C00EH D457H C00FH AAAAH C01FH FFFFH C020H AAAAH C021H AAAAH C022H 5555H C023H 5555H C024H 000DH C025H 009EH C026H 00BFH C028H 002AH C02AH 5500H C02BH FFAAH C02FH 0007H NOTE 1: Read 1DW4 (location 0D604). NOTE 2: Copy bits 0 thru 3 of 1DW4 into bits 4 thru 7 and write the value 7H into bits 0 thru 3 of RF 0DW15 (location 0C027). NOTE 3: Copy bits 4 thru 7 of 1DW4 plus 01DH into bits 0 thru 5 of RF 0DW17(location 0C029). AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 13 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 5. Initial Settings For Mode S And ATCRBS (Mode S SW Running) (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name MODE S ADDRESS A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 ANT PGM ANT CABLE DELAY ANT BITE FUNC TEST STBY/ON T/B Switch Position Signal Sense OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN GND OPEN BOT OPEN OPEN OPEN ON OFF ON GND OPEN OPEN AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 14 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 5(Cont). Initial Settings For Mode S And ATCRBS (Mode S SW Running) (Mode S Interface Panel) Signal Name Switch Position Signal Sense OFF OPEN GND OPEN OPEN OPEN ALT COMP ALT SRC SEL ALT TYPE SEL CNTL PNL AIR/GND GROUND GND AIR/GND AIR OPEN NOTE 1: Disconnect all wires from MAINT DATA OUT A, B jacks on the Mode S interface panel. NOTE 2: Set up two ARINC sources as shown (can be provided by one 429 source with dual-label capability): SOURCE 1 Transmit speed: Transmit parity: Transmit rate: 429 Label: 429 Data: Connect to: (On MDS interface panel) LOW ODD 168 ms 016 (octal) 1FFE48 (Hex) CNTL DATA B SOURCE 2 LOW ODD 50 ms 203 (octal) 627740 (Hex) 429 ADC 1 and 429 ADC 2 NOTE 3: Run Mode S software by removing or disabling the UDE or CPI interface from the UUT and reenergizing the unit. NOTE 4: The UDE or CPI must be removed or disabled to allow LRU software to operate. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 15 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 6. Initial 429 Setup (Internal Wrap) Config Reg Address Modify To 0D218H 08888H 0D21AH 08888H 0D21CH 00000H 0D400H 0FFE0H N/A 0D220H thru 0D22EH 0FFAAH Table 6.1. Walking 1S 429 Setup (Internal Wrap) Config Reg Address Modify To 0D218H 08888H 0D21AH 08888H 0D21CH 00000H 0D400H 0FFE0H N/A 0D220H thru 0D22EH 00000H Table 7. Initial 429 Setup (External Wrap) Config Reg Address Modify To 0D218H 08888H 0D21AH 088AAH 0D21CH 00090H 0D400H 0FF76H N/A 0D220H thru 0D22EH 0FF00H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 16 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Table 8. Initial 429 I/O Interconnects (Mode S Interface Panel) From UUT Rear Connector Pin No. Signal Name J1B-5E DATA LINK IN J1B-5F J1A-5G J1A-5H J1B-6A J1B-6B J1B-6C J1B-6D J1A-7H J1A-7J J1B-5A J1B-5B J1A-6A J1A-6B J1A-7A J1A-7B Signal Name DATA LINK OUT XT COORD MAINT DATA IN MAINT DATA OUT 429 ADC #1 429 ADC #2 FLT ID CNTL DATA A To TX COORD FLT ID MAINT DATA IN CNTL DATA A CNTL DATA B CNTL DATA A CNTL DATA B UUT Rear Connector Pin No. J1A-2A J1A-2B J1A-5E J1A-5F J1A-6A J1A-6B J1A-6A J1A-6B J1A-7A J1A-7B J1A-7E J1A-7F J1A-7A J1A-7B J1A-7E J1A-7F AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 17 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 4. POWER REQUIREMENTS 115 ± 5 V ac, 400 ± 10 Hz 115 ± 5 V ac or 230 ± 10 V ac, 48 to 66 Hz 5. 5.1 5.2 TEST EQUIPMENT Honeywell Test Equipment 4066423-902 CPI (modified with connector board, Part No. 4067220) 4067839 Mode S Interface Panel 4067841-901 RF Cable 4067841-902 RF Cable 4067842 M-S LRU Cooling Tray 4067846 SDP-185 UDE MT4061400-902 HP 64000/UDE Test Software MT4061400-101 PC/CPI Test Software Commercial Test Equipment IEEE-488 Cable, 10833A IFR ATC-1400A Transponder Tester IFR S-1403 Mode S Tester HP 64000 System, or equivalent JCAir 429E ARINC 429 Analyzer, or equivalent Tektronix 2432A Digital Oscilloscope, or equivalent Digital Voltmeter, Fluke 77, or equivalent Omni Spectra, 2021-1314-02, or equivalent zero ohm terminator Omni Spectra, 3082-2240-00, Type N-SMA or equivalent connector IBM PC, or equivalent, with a Ziatech IEEE-488 interface card, ZT1444A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 18 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 6. TEST SETUP 6.1 Turn on the commercial test equipment and allow it to warm up. Verify that the test equipment used is calibrated and working properly. 6.2 Connect the UUT to the IFR test equipment, Mode S interface panel, and HP 64000 system. (See figure 1.) 7. 7.1 TEST REQUIREMENTS The IFR equipment requires a 5-minute warmup period. No other warmup is required before testing the Mode S Transponder. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 19 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Figure 1. Initial Test Equipment Setup AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 20 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR Figure 2. Timing Diagrams AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 21 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 7.2 The test steps shall be performed in the order listed. In the event of a failure and repair, the test must be performed again from the beginning. 7.3 All control settings that are altered during the course of a specific test should be returned to their initial settings before starting a new procedure. 7.4 This procedure is intended to be performed by a knowledgeable technician or engineer. It is assumed that the equipment will be energized and deenergized as appropriate when changing connections and setups. 7.5 Individual column definitions are as follows: Description Column Rev Ltr Revision letters are used to identify revised material. Test No. Tests are numbered in sequence. Opr Limits Unit under test (UUT) shall meet these limits when tested at other than the manufacturing facility. When an item is marked OPTIONAL, the corresponding test is not required except as an aid in troubleshooting. Test Description These items are the parameters to which the UUT was designed and aid in troubleshooting by specifying the input and output signal terminals. All conditions required are not repeated for each test, and conditions established in previous tests also apply. Switch Pos Positions to which switches must be set are listed in required order and are grouped to correspond to applicable work steps. Work Steps This column defines the operations necessary to perform a test and achieve a result. Set switches to designated positions before performing corresponding work step. Mfg Limits UUT shall meet these limits at final buyoff before customer delivery. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 22 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR 8. TEST PROCEDURE 8.1 Perform tests 1 thru 28 if using the HP 64000 emulation system. 8.2 Perform tests A1 thru A10 in Appendix A if using the PC/CPI emulation system. 8.3 When alternative tests A1 thru A10 are completed, perform tests 11 thru 28 to complete the test procedures. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 23 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SOFTWARE LOAD SOFTWARE LOAD While running the SDP-185 monitor program (refer to paragraph 3.3.1), modify the following SDP-185 registers as shown: Modify register CACHE to 1. Modify register EPROM_EN to 1. Run the SDP-185 monitor program (refer to paragraph 3.3.1). Modify the following SDP-185 registers as shown: Enter "modify register CACHE to 1" "modify register EPROM_EN to 1" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 1.1 7FDE:580D 7FDF:EEE0 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -902. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -902. 7FDE:580D 7FDF:EEE0 1.2 7FDE:718F 7FDF:3150 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -903. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -903. 7FDE:718F 7FDF:3150 1.3 7FDE:0E2D 7FDF:F202 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -904. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be a specified for a -904. 7FDE:0E2D 7FDF:F202 1.4 7FDE:4353 7FDF:F5DF Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -905 not MOD E. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -905 not MOD E. 7FDE:4353 7FDF:F5DF 1.5 7FDE:6C8B 7FDF:BA1D Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -905 MOD E. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -905 MOD E. 7FDE:6C8B 7FDF:BA1D AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 24 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 2.1.1 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 2.1 SPEC NO. N/A 0000H thru 3FFFH PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS CACHE RAM CACHE RAM Modify register CACHE to 0. Modify register CACHE to 0. If this IT is being performed using an automated test facility, complete test 2.1. If this IT is being performed using an automated test facility, complete test 2.1. If this IT is being performed using the manual test fixture, complete test 2.2. If this IT is being performed using the manual test fixture, complete test 2.2. Automated Procedure Automated Procedure Write the cache RAM address (0000H thru 3FFFH) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Write the cache RAM address (0000H thru 3FFFH) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Verify that each cache RAM location contains the correct data. Verify that each cache 0000H thru RAM location contains the 3FFFH correct data. Write the complement of each cache RAM address (FFFFH thru C000H) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Write the complement of each cache RAM address (FFFFH thru C000H) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). N/A 2.1.2 FFFFH thru C000H Verify that each cache RAM location contains the correct data. FFFFH thru Verify that each cache RAM location contains the C000H correct data. 2.2 N/A Manual Test Procedure Manual Test Procedure Enter "modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 0AAAAH" Enter "modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 0AAAAH" Enter "display memory 20000H thru 2007FH" Enter "display memory 20000H thru 2007FH" Enter "modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 05555H" Enter "modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 05555H" 2.2.1 AAAAH N/A AAAAH AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 25 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 2.2.2 5555H Enter "display memory 20000H thru 2007FH" Enter "display memory 20000H thru 2007FH" 5555H 2.2.3 5555H Enter "display memory 23E80H thru 23FFFH" Enter "display memory 23E80H thru 23FFFH" 5555H N/A EEPROM EEPROM N/A Enter "modify register CACHE TO 0" Enter "modify register CACHE to 0" Write LRU dash and serial numbers to the EEPROM locations 9FC0H to 9FCAH respectively. D/N stands for dash number and S/N stands for serial number. Enter "modify memory 20000H thru 2000AH to (1st digit of D/N). (2nd digit of D/N). (3rd digit of D/N). (1st digit of S/N). (2nd digit of S/N). (3rd digit of S/N). (4th digit of S/N). (5th digit of S/N). (6th digit of S/N). (7th digit of S/N). (8th digit of S/N)." D/N stands for dash number and S/N for serial number. Enter "END" Switch HBDIS* on UDE (LED shall be illuminated). AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 26 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 3.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS N/A WORK STEPS Enter "SW IT30P" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Enter "run from startup" NOTE: EEPROM is only 8 bits wide, instead of 16. If 16 bits of data are specified, only the least significant 8 bits are used. Thus, FE34H is the same as 34H. Write the EEPROM address (00H thru FFH) to each location in EEPROM (8000H thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. Program will take several minutes to complete. Front panel LEDs shall flash in a repetitive pattern while the program is executing. When the program is complete all six LEDs shall be illuminated. Write the complement of each EEPROM address (FFH thru 00H) to each location in EEPROM (8000H thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. Write the value FFH to each location in EEPROM (8000H thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. Write the LRU dash and serial numbers, in ISO-5 format, to the EEPROM locations 9FC0H to 9FCAH. Enter "modify register CACHE to 0" 3.2 PASS Enter "display memory 20010H thru 20011H" Look in the ASCII decode display for the Pass/Fail indicator. Status shall be as indicated. PASS Enter "modify register CACHE to 1" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 27 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 3.3 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PASS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Verify that each 8-bit word in locations 9FC0H thru 9FCAH contains the proper dash and serial numbers. WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS PASS Enter "display memory 9FC0H thru 9FCAH" Look in the ASCII decode display and verify that each 8-bit word contains the proper dash and serial numbers. Enter "END" Switch HBDIS* on VDE (LED shall not illuminate). Enter "HW" VIDEO RAM VIDEO RAM Write the video RAM address (C000H thru C00FH) to each location in video RAM (C000H thru C00FH). Enter "modify register CACHE to 1" Enter "modify memory 0C000H thru 0C003H to 0C000H, 0C001H, 0C002H, 0C003H" Enter "modify memory 0C004H thru 0C007H to 0C004H, 0C005H, 0C006H, 0C007H" Enter "modify memory 0C008H thru 0C00BH to 0C008H, 0C009H, 0C00AH, 0C00BH" Enter "modify memory 0C00CH thru 0C00FH to 0C00CH, 0C00DH, 0C00EH, 0C00FH" Enter "display memory 0C000H thru 0C00FH" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 28 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 4.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS C000H thru C00FH PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Verify that each video RAM location contains the correct data. Verify that each video C000H thru RAM location contains the C00FH correct data. Write the complement of each video RAM address (3FFFH thru 3FF0H) to each location in video RAM (C000H thru C00FH). Enter "modify memory 0C000H thru 0C003H to 3FFFH, 3FFEH, 3FFDH, 3FFCH" Enter "modify memory 0C004H thru 0C007H to 3FFBH, 3FFAH, 3FF9H, 3FF8H" Enter "modify memory 0C008H thru 0C00BH to 3FF7H, 3FF6H, 3FF5H, 3FF4H" Enter "modify memory 0C00CH thru 0C00FH to 3FF3H, 3FF2H, 3FF1H, 3FF0H" Enter "display memory 0C000H thru 0C00FH" 4.2 3FFFH thru 3FF0H Verify that each video RAM location contains the correct data. 3FFFH thru Verify that each video RAM location contains the 3FF0H correct data. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 29 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS INPUT DISCRETES INPUT DISCRETES Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup for the transponder interface panel in accordance with table 2. Read the following memory locations: Enter "modify register CACHE to 1" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Enter "display memory 0D600H thru 0D605H repetitively" The memory locations shall indicate as follows: (X = don't care) 5.1 X355H or XB55H X4AAH or XCAAH 5555H 55XXH 6AXXH XABFH, bit 12 = 0 0D600H 0D600H 0D601H 0D601H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H Complement all of the discrete input stimuli to the UUT. 5.2 X4AAH or XCAAH X355H or XB55H AAAAH AAXXH 95XXH X744H, bit 12 = 1 Mode S Interface Panel Table 3 X355H or XB55H X4AAH or XCAAH 5555H 55XXH 6AXXH XABFH, bit 12 = 0 Complement all of the discrete input stimuli to the UUT by performing test setup in accordance with table 3. Read the following memory locations: The memory locations shall indicate as follows: (X = don't care) 0D600H 0D600H 0D601H 0D601H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H X4AAH or XCAAH X355H or XB55H AAAAH AAXXH 95XXH X744H, bit 12 = 1 AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 30 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 5.3 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS X5XXH 6.1 SPEC NO. on off off on off on PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS While pressing the Push To Test button on the front panel of the UUT, read memory location D605H. The value shall be as indicated. (X = don't care) While pressing the Push X5XXH To Test button on the front panel of the UUT, enter "display memory 0D605H". The value shall be as indicated. (X = don't care) OUTPUT DISCRETES OUTPUT DISCRETES Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address 0D607H 0D400H Address 0D607H 0D400H Data 0012H 2A00H Data 0012H 2A00H Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Signal Name Signal Name XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG Verify the following signals. The signal sense shall be as specified. Verify the following signals. The indicator lamps on the Mode S interface panel (or the signals themselves) shall be as specified. on off off on off on AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 31 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 6.2 6.3 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp OPN/ON (Green) GND/OFF OPN/OFF GND/ON (Green) ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 OPN/ON (Green) GND/OFF OPN/OFF GND/ON (Green) Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address 0D607H 0D400H Address 0D607H 0D400H off on on off on off Data 0001H 1500H Data 0001H 1500H Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Signal Name Signal Name XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG Verify the following signals. The signal sense shall be as specified. Verify the following signals. The indicator lamps on the Mode S interface panel (or the signals themselves) shall be as specified. off on on off on off AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 32 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 6.4 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Sig/Lamp Signal Name Signal Name Sig/Lamp GND/OFF OPN/ON (Red) +5V/ON (Red) OPN/OFF ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 2 GND/OFF OPN/ON (Red) +5V/ON (Red) OPN/OFF SYNCHRO ALTITUDE SYNCHRO ALTITUDE Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Stimulate the UUT SYNCHRO REF H and SYNCHRO REF C signals with a 26 V ac, 400 Hz sinusoidal waveform. Mode S Interface Panel 26 VAC POL =+ Stimulate the UUT synchro altitude inputs with a second 400 Hz sinusoid that is synchronous with the reference signal (above). Apply this signal across the following UUT synchro inputs with the negative side of the signal connected to the Z input: SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT On the Mode S interface panel, connect the 26 V ac REF + and - signals to the Sync Alt 1/2 RH and RC signals. Connect the TEST VAC + signal to the FX, FY, CX, and CY signals. Connect the TEST VAC - signal to the FZ and CZ signals. Adjust the amplitude of the TEST VAC signal to 9 V rms. FINE X-Z FINE Y-Z CRSE X-Z CRSE Y-Z FINE X-Z FINE Y-Z CRSE X-Z CRSE Y-Z AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 33 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 1. Adjust the amplitude of this signal to 9 V rms. Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Wait at least 75 µs. 3. Read location D606H. 4. Record the value. 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Enter "modify memory 0D607H to" 3. Enter "display memory 0D606H thru 0D606H" 4. Record the value. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 34 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS Write To D607H 7.1 CD5 ± 6FH 0H CD5 ± 6FH 1H CD5 ± 6FH 2H CD5 ± 6FH 3H CD5 ± 6FH 4H CD5 ± 6FH 5H CD5 ± 6FH 6H CD5 ± 6FH 7H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Source Being Tested SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS Write To D607H Mode S Interface Panel 26 VAC POL =- Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: MFG LIMITS Source Being Tested 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01A0H ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01C0H ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01E0H ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01A0H ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01C0H ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01E0H ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) Reverse the phase 180 degrees on the SYNCHRO REFERENCE input to the UUT. CD5 ± 6FH 0H CD5 ± 6FH 1H CD5 ± 6FH 2H CD5 ± 6FH 3H CD5 ± 6FH 4H CD5 ± 6FH 5H CD5 ± 6FH 6H CD5 ± 6FH 7H Reverse the phase 180 degrees on the SYNCHRO REFERENCE input to the UUT. Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 35 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 7.2 329 ± 6FH 0H 329 ± 6FH 1H 329 ± 6FH 2H 329 ± 6FH 3H 329 ± 6FH 4H 329 ± 6FH 5H 329 ± 6FH 6H 329 ± 6FH 7H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Wait at least 75 µs. 3. Read location D606H. 4. Record the value. 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Enter "modify memory 0D607H to " 3. Enter "display memory D606H" 4. Record the value. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. Write To D607H Write To D607H Source Being Tested 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01A0H ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01C0H ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01E0H ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) MFG LIMITS Source Being Tested 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01A0H ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01C0H ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01E0H ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 329 ± 6FH 0H 329 ± 6FH 1H 329 ± 6FH 2H 329 ± 6FH 3H 329 ± 6FH 4H 329 ± 6FH 5H 329 ± 6FH 6H 329 ± 6FH 7H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 36 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS 429 RECEIVER TESTS (INTERNAL) WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 429 RECEIVER TESTS (INTERNAL) Internal wrap on receiver 0 thru 7. 8.1 8.2 8.3 N/A AAAAH 2AAAH N/A Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. (Accept AAH label with no masking) (Accept AAH label with no masking) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6. Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even Locations Odd Locations Even Locations Odd Locations (Reject even parity data, no label qualification) (Reject even parity data, no label qualification) Perform initial setup per table 6 except: Address Data 0D21CH 0249H 0D220H 0D22EH 0044H Perform initial setup per table 6 except: Address Data 0D21CH 0249H 0D220H 0D22EH 0044H Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" N/A AAAAH 2AAAH N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 37 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) Even Locations Odd Locations Even Locations Odd Locations (Reject nonmatching labels) (Reject nonmatching labels) N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D220H 0D22EH EF44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D220H 0D22EH EF44H Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) Even Locations Odd Locations Even Locations Odd Locations (Reject due to disable feature) (Reject due to disable feature) N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D218H 0000H 0D21AH 0000H 0D220H 0D22EH EE44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D218H 0000H 0D21AH 0000H 0D220H 0D22EH EE44H Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) N/A AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 38 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.8 8.9 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH (no change) N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Even Locations Odd Locations Even Locations Odd Locations (Accept valid data and label) (Accept valid data and label) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D220H 0D22EH EE44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 0D220H 0D22EH EE44H Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 3D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH (no change) N/A 8.10 5555H D555H Even Locations Odd Locations Even Locations Odd Locations 8.11 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 8000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 8000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.12 8000H 0000H 5555H D555H 8000H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 39 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.13 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 4000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 4000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.14 4000H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 4000H 0000H 8.15 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 2000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 2000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.16 2000H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.17 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 1000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 1000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.18 1000H 0000H 2000H 0000H 1000H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 40 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.19 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0800H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0800H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.20 0800H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0800H 0000H 8.21 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0400H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0400H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.22 0400H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.23 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0200H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0200H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.24 0200H 0000H 0400H 0000H 0200H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 41 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.25 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0100H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0100H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.26 0100H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0100H 0000H 8.27 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0080H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0080H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.28 0080H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.29 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0040H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0040H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.30 0040H 0000H 0080H 0000H 0040H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 42 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.31 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0020H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0020H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.32 0020H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0020H 0000H 8.33 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0010H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0010H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.34 0010H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.35 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0008H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0008H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.36 0008H 0000H 0010H 0000H 0008H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 43 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.37 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0004H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0004H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.38 0004H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0004H 0000H 8.39 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0002H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0002H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.40 0002H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.41 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0001H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0001H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.42 0001H 0000H 0002H 0000H 0001H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 44 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.43 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 8000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 8000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.44 0000H 8000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 8000H 8.45 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 4000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 4000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.46 0000H 4000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.47 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 2000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 2000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.48 0000H 2000H 0000H 4000H 0000H 2000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 45 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.49 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 1000H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 1000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.50 0000H 1000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 1000H 8.51 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0800H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0800H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.52 0000H 0800H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.53 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0400H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0400H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.54 0000H 0400H 0000H 0800H 0000H 0400H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 46 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.55 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0200H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0200H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.56 0000H 0200H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0200H 8.57 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0100H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0100H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.58 0000H 0100H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.59 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0080H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0080H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.60 0000H 0080H 0000H 0100H 0000H 0080H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 47 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.61 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0040H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0040H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.62 0000H 0040H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0040H 8.63 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0020H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0020H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.64 0000H 0020H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.65 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0010H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0010H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.66 0000H 0010H 0000H 0020H 0000H 0010H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 48 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.67 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0008H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0008H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.68 0000H 0008H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0008H 8.69 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0004H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0004H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" 8.70 0000H 0004H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.71 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0002H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0002H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 8.72 0000H 0002H 0000H 0004H 0000H 0002H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 49 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 8.73 8.74 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A 0000H 0001H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0001H Enter "modify memory 0D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0D211H to 0001H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 429 RECEIVER/ TRANSMITTER TESTS (EXTERNAL) 429 RECEIVER/ TRANSMITTER TESTS (EXTERNAL) Perform test setup in accordance with tables 2 and 8. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 2 and 8. 0000H 0001H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 50 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Xmtr 0/Rcvr 0 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 0 (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 1) (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 1) SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Connect Xmtr 0 (Maint Data Out) to Rcvr 0 (429 Air Data 1). Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D220H FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D220H to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" Enter "display memory 0D200 thru 0D201H" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 51 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.2 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0D200H 0D201H 0D200H 0D201H On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #1 and reconnect on 575 ADC #1. On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #1 and reconnect on 575 ADC #1. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D220H FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D220H to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D200H thru 0D201H" 9.3 5555H D555H Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D200H 0D201H 0D200H 0D201H 5555H D555H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 52 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.4 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Xmtr 0/Rcvr 1 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 1 (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 2) (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 2) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D222H FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D222H to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Enter "display memory 0D202H thru 0D203H" 9.5 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D202H 0D203H 0D202H 0D203H On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #2 and reconnect on 575 ADC #2. On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #2 and reconnect on 575 ADC #2. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D222H FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D222H to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D202H thru 0D203H" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 53 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.6 9.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Address Address 0D202H 0D203H 0D202H 0D203H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 2 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 2 (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL DATA B) (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL N/A DATA B) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D224H FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D224H to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" 5555H D555H Enter "display memory 0D204H thru 0D205H" 9.8 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D204H 0D205H 0D204H 0D205H Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D224H FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D224H to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D204H thru 0D205H" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 54 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.9 9.10 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0D204H 0D205H 0D204H 0D205H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 3 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 3 (MAINT DATA OUT/MAINT DATA IN) (MAINT DATA OUT/MAINT DATA IN) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D226H FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D226H to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory 0D206H thru 0D207H" 9.11 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D206H 0D207H 0D206H 0D207H Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D226H FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D226H to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D206H thru 0D207H" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 55 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.12 9.13 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0D206H 0D207H 0D206H 0D207H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 6 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 6 (MAINT DATA OUT/FLIGHT ID) (MAINT DATA OUT/FLIGHT ID) Perform setup in accordance with table 7. Perform setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22CH FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D22CH to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory 0D20CH thru 0D20DH" 9.14 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D20CH 0D20DH 0D20CH 0D20DH Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22CH FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D22CH to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D20CH thru 0D20DH" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 56 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.15 9.16 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Address Address 0D20CH 0D20DH 0D20CH 0D20DH Xmtr 0/Rcvr 7 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 7 (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL DATA A) (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL N/A DATA A) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22EH FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D22EH to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H AAAAH 0D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to AAAAH" 5555H D555H Enter "display memory 0D20EH thru 0D20FH" 9.17 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D20EH 0D20FH 0D20EH 0D20FH Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22EH FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D22EH to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D210H 5555H 0D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D210H thru 0D211H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D20EH thru 0D20FH" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 57 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.18 9.19 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Address Address 0D20EH 0D20FH 0D20EH 0D20FH Xmtr 1/Rcvr 4 Xmtr 1/Rcvr 4 (XT COORD/TX COORD) (XT COORD/TX COORD) N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D228H FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D228H to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D212H AAAAH 0D213H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D212H thru 0D213H to AAAAH" 5555H D555H Enter "display memory 0D208H thru 0D209H" 9.20 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D208H 0D209H 0D208H 0D209H Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D228H FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D228H to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D212H 5555H 0D213H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D212H thru 0D213H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D208H thru 0D209H" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 58 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.21 9.22 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0D208H 0D209H 0D208H 0D209H Xmtr 2/Rcvr 5 Xmtr 2/Rcvr 5 (DATA LINK OUT/DATA LINK IN) (DATA LINK OUT/DATA LINK IN) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22AH FFAAH Enter "modify memory 0D22AH to FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D214H AAAAH 0D215H AAAAH Enter "modify memory 0D214H thru 0D215H to AAAAH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory 0D20AH thru 0D20BH" 9.23 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address 0D20AH 0D20BH 0D20AH 0D20BH Modify receiver label: Address Data 0D22AH FF55H Enter "modify memory 0D22AH to FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data 0D214H 5555H 0D215H 5555H Enter "modify memory 0D214H thru 0D215H to 5555H" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory 0D20AH thru 0D20BH" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 59 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 9.24 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H 10 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0D20AH 0D20BH 0D20AH 0D20BH INTERNAL RF SELF-TEST INTERNAL RF SELF-TEST Perform test setup in accordance with table 4. Set up video ASIC according to table 4. Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H Perform test setup in accordance with table 4. Enter "END" Disable heartbeat by switching HBDIS* switch on the UDE (LED should be illuminated). Enter "SWIT100P" Enter "trace about address FINISHED break_on measurement_complete" Enter "run from STARTUP". Program takes only a fraction of a second to run. When all six front panel LEDs are illuminated, program is complete. Enter "modify register CACHE to 1" 10.1 N/A Short Mode S Bottom Antenna Short Mode S Bottom Antenna Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 0031H Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 0031H" The received interrogation data shall be as shown. N/A Enter "display memory 0C000H thru 0C003H" Data shall indicate as follows: AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 60 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 10.2 10.3 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Address Address 0C000H thru 0C003H 0C000H thru 0C003H Long Mode S Top Antenna Long Mode S Top Antenna Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C007H thru 0C00DH AAAAH 0C02EH 0037H Enter "modify memory 0C007H thru 0C00DH to AAAAH" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H N/A Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 0037H" Enter "display memory 0C000H thru 0C007H" The received interrogation data shall be as shown. 10.4 10.5 AAAAH N/A Data shall indicate as follows: Address Address 0C000H thru 0C006H 0C000H thru 0C006H Mode S Long Squitter Top Antenna Pwr Vld Mode S Long Squitter Top Antenna Pwr Vld Set up reply data by writing to memory as shown. (Send preamble pulses only.) Address Data 0C007H F000H 0C008H thru 0C00DH 0000H Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 003FH Enter "modify memory 0C007H to F000H" AAAAH N/A Enter "modify memory 0C008H thru 0C00DH to 0000H" Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 003FH" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 61 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 10.6 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS XXX8H bits 4 and 5=1 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION WORK STEPS Enter "display memory 0C011H thru 0C011H" Location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) Mode S Long Squitter Bot Antenna Pwr Vld Mode S Long Squitter Bot Antenna Pwr Vld Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS XXX8H bits 4 and 5=1 Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 003DH" N/A Observe the bottom antenna power valid signal by reading the selftest status word, address 0C011H. This word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory 0C011H thru 0C011H" This location shall be as specified. XXXX4H bits 4 and 5=1 (X = don't care) (X = don't care) ATCRBS Mode A Top Antenna ATCRBS Mode A Top Antenna Set up interrogation data for Mode A. Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H E000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0000H 0C00DH 0000H Modify memory according N/A to the following table: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H E000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0000H 0C00DH 0000H Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 0036H Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 0036H" N/A Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 003DH 10.8 XXXX4H bits 4 and 5=1 N/A SWITCH POS Observe the top antenna power valid signal by reading the self-test status word, address 0C011H. This word shall be as specified. 10.7 10.9 SPEC NO. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 62 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 10.10 10.11 10.12 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS XXX2H N/A XXX1H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Observe the Mode A signal by reading the selftest status word, address 0C011H. Word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory 0C011H thru 0C011H" This location shall be as specified. XXX2H (X = don't care) (X = don't care) ATCRBS Mode C Bot Antenna ATCRBS Mode C Bot Antenna Set up interrogation data for Mode C. Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H 0000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0E00H 0C00DH 0000H Modify memory according N/A to the following table: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H 0000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0E00H 0C00DH 0000H Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 0030H Enter "modify memory 0C02EH to 0030H" Observe the Mode A signal by reading the self-test status word, address 0C011H. Word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory 0C011H thru 0C011H" This location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) XXX1H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 63 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 10.13 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Perform test setup in accordance with table 1. WORK STEPS Perform test setup in accordance with table 1. STBY/ON discrete (hardware path) S-1403 FUNC 1 Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate and power. ATC-1400A XPDR MODE PRF: 0450 RF Lvl: -50 CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Turn XPDR MODE control knob to A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON 10.14 >90% Observe the ATCRBS % reply. The value shall be as specified. Switch the UUT to STANDBY mode. 10.15 <10% Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. Mode S Inteface Panel STBY/ON: STBY Observe the ATCRBS % reply. The value shall be as specified. >98% On the Mode S interface panel, toggle the STBY/ON switch to the STBY position. Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 64 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 11 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS ATCRBS MTL, REPLY FREQUENCY, DELAY, AND POWER Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5, except set CNTL DATA B source as shown. WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS ATCRBS MTL, REPLY FREQUENCY, DELAY, AND POWER CNTL DATA B 429 source settings SPD: low PAR: odd RATE: 168 ms LBL: 016 DATA: 007E38 Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5, except set CNTL DATA B source as shown. S-1403 FUNC 1 Remove the HP 64000 emulation system by performing the following steps: Remove the emulation system from the UUT. Turn on the UUT. 1. Type "END" on the HP 64000 keyboard. 2. Turn off UUT. 3. Remove UDE connector from the UUT. 4. Turn on UUT. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate. 11.1 N/A ATC-1400A XPDR MDE A PRF: 0450 Turn XPDR MODE control to MODE A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. ATCRBS MTL at 1029.8 MHz ATCRBS MTL at 1029.8 MHz Set the interrogation ATC-1400A frequency to 1029.8 MHz. DSPLY SEL: FREQ FREQ and DELTA F: as required Turn thumbwheels on FREQ SELECT and DELTA F until FREQ DISPLAY indicates 1029.80 MHz. Set the interrogation level ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. RF Lvl: -70 Set ATC-1400A RF level to -70 dBm. N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 65 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 11.2 ID 0077 Observe the 4096 code returned by the UUT. Code shall be as specified. ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM DPLY SEL: XPDR CODE Observe the XPDR CODE ID 0077 display. Display shall indicate as specified. 11.3 250 TO 630 Watts Measure and record the bottom antenna F1 pulse power. The power shall be within the limits specified. ATC-1400A F2/P2 F1/P1: F1 280 to 550 On the ATC-1400A, Watts observe and record the XMTR PWR display. This measurement is the bottom antenna F1 power, and shall be within the limits specified. 11.4 -76 ± 4 dBm Slowly decrement the interrogation level in 1-dB steps until the % reply is less than 90%, then increment by 1 dB. The interrogation level shall be as specified. Record the value. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate. 11.4.1 N/A 11.4.2 ID 0077 Slowly decrement the RF -76 ± 4 dBm LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply indicates less than 90%, then increment the RF level by 1 dB. The RF level shall indicate as specified. Record the value. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE A PRF: 0450 Turn XPDR MODE control to MODE A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. ATCRBS MTL at 1030.0 MHz ATCRBS MTL at 1030.0 MHz Set the interrogation ATC-1400A frequency to 1030.0 MHz. DSPLY SEL: FREQ FREQ and DELTA F: as required Turn thumbwheels on FREQ SELECT and DELTA F until FREQ DISPLAY indicates 1030.00 MHz. Set the interrogation level ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. RF Lvl: -70 Set ATC-1400A RF level to -70 dBm. Observe the 4096 code returned by the UUT. Code shall be as specified. Observe the XPDR CODE ID 0077 display. Display shall indicate as specified. ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM DPLY SEL: XPDR CODE N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 66 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION 11.4.3 -76 ± 4 dBm Slowly decrement the interrogation level in 1-dB steps until the % reply is less than 90%, then increment by 1 dB. The interrogation level shall be as specified. Record the value. 11.4.4 N/A Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode C interrogation at the standard rate. SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Slowly decrement the RF -76 ± 4 dBm LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply indicates less than 90%, then increment the RF level by 1 dB. The RF level shall indicate as specified. Record the value. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE C CW/NORM: NORM Turn XPDR MODE control N/A to MODE C position, CW/NORM/OFF to NORM. Set the interrogation level ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. RF Lvl: -70 Set ATC-1400A RF level to -70 dBm. 11.4.5 -76 ± 4 dBm Slowly decrement the interrogation level in 1-dB steps until the % reply is less than 90%, then increment by 1 dB. The interrogation level shall be as specified. Record the value. Slowly decrement the RF -76 ± 4 dBm LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply indicates less than 90%, then increment the RF level by 1 dB. The RF level shall indicate as specified. Record the value. 11.4.6 <1.0 dB Compare values obtained in tests 11.4.3 and 11.4.5. Value obtained in 11.4.3 shall be equal to that obtained in 11.4.5 ±1.0 dB. Compare values obtained <1.0 dB in tests 11.4.3 and 11.4.5. Value obtained in 11.4.3 shall be equal to that obtained in 11.4.5 ±1.0 dB. ATCRBS MTL at 1030.2 MHZ, Top and Bottom Antennas Switched ATCRBS MTL at 1030.2 MHZ, Top and Bottom Antennas Switched AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 67 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 11.5 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION 7710 SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Disable interrogations and ATC-1400A turn off the UUT. CW/NORM: OFF Turn CW/NORM/OFF N/A switch to OFF position on the ATC-1400A and turn off the UUT. Reverse the antenna cables connected to the Mode S test equipment. Reverse the antenna cables connected to the IFR ANT A and ANT B ports. Turn on the UUT. Turn on UUT. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode C interrogation at the standard rate. 11.6 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE C CW/NORM: NORM Turn XPDR MODE control to MODE C position, CW/NORM/OFF to NORM. Set the interrogation ATC-1400A frequency to 1030.2 MHz. DSPLY SEL: FREQ FREQ and DELTA F: as required Turn thumbwheels on FREQ SELECT and DELTA F until FREQ DISPLAY indicates 1030.20 MHz. Set the interrogation level ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. RF Lvl: -70 Set ATC-1400A RF level to -70 dBm. Observe the altitude code ATC-1400A returned by the UUT. DSPLY SEL: Code shall be as XPDR CODE specified. Observe the XPDR CODE 7710 display. Display shall indicate as specified. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 68 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 11.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS -76 ± 4 dBm PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Slowly decrement the RF -76 ± 4 dBm LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply indicates less than 90%, then increment the RF level by 1 dB. The RF level shall indicate as specified. Record the value. Slowly decrement the interrogation level in 1-dB steps until the % reply is less than 90%, then increment by 1 dB. The interrogation level shall be as specified. Record the value. Return the interrogation level to -50 dBm. ATC-1400A RF Lvl: -50 Set ATC-1400A RF level to -50 dBm. Return the interrogation DSPLY SEL: frequency to 1030.0 MHz. FREQ Turn thumbwheels on FREQ SELECT and DELTA F until FREQ DISPLAY indicates 1030.00 MHz. ATCRBS Reply Frequency ATCRBS Reply Frequency 11.8 N/A Change the 429 Cntl Data B source to provide an all 1s (7777) Mode A reply with SPI (ident). Cntl Data B 429 source settings SPD: low PAR: odd RATE: 168 ms LBL: 016 DATA: 1FFE48 Change the 429 Cntl Data N/A B source to provide an all 1s (7777) Mode A reply with SPI (ident). 11.9 1090 ± 1 MHz Measure and record the reply frequency. Frequency shall be as specified. ATC-1400A Observe the XMTR FREQ 1090 ± 1 MHz display on the ATC-1400A. Display shall indicate as specified. Record the value. XPDR MDE A ATCRBS Reply Delay 11.10 N/A ATCRBS Reply Delay This test measures the reply delay. N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 69 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 11.11 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 2.5 to 3.5 µs PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Measure and record the reply delay. Delay shall be as specified. Observe the reply delay 2.5 to 3.5 µs field on the S-1403. Field shall indicate as specified. Record the value. ATCRBS Reply Power ATCRBS Reply Power 11.12 N/A This test measures the reply power. 11.13 250 to 630 Watts Measure and record the peak reply power of the F1 pulse. N/A ATC-1400A F2/P2 F1/P1: F1 On the ATC-1400A, select 280 to 550 Watts the F1 pulse for power detection. Observe and record the XMTR PWR display. Display shall indicate as shown. Select the ATCRBS F2 S-1403 pulse for power detection. CONTROL MENU 2, Pulse Power Gate: F2 On the S-1403, change the pulse power gate (PPG) field to F2. On the ATC-1400A, select 280 to 550 Watts the F2 pulse for power detection. Observe and record the XMTR PWR display. This measurement is the top antenna F2 pulse power. 11.14 250 to 630 Watts Measure and record the top antenna F2 pulse power. 11.15 <1 dB Calculate and record the absolute value of the transmitter droop (in dB), using the following formula: Droop = ABS [10(Log10 P1 - Log10 P2)], where P1 and P2 are the power measurements taken in tests 11.13 and 11.14, respectively. The droop shall not exceed the specified limits. ATC-1400A F2/P2 F1/P1: F2 Calculate and record the <1 dB absolute value of the transmitter droop (in dB), using the following formula: Droop = ABS [10(Log10 P1 - Log10 P2)], where P1 and P2 are the power measurements taken in tests 11.13 and 11.14, respectively. The droop shall not exceed the specified limits. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 70 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 12 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION >90% >90% <10% SWITCH POS WORK STEPS ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE WIDTH TOLERANCE ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE WIDTH TOLERANCE Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation with variable P1, P3 pulse width. Interrogate at the standard rate. 12.1 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE A PRF: 0450 XPDR PLSE WDTH: VAR Use the following table to set the P1, P3 pulse widths (on ATC-1400A, adjust the XPDR PULSE WIDTH thumbwheels). The % ATCRBS reply shall indicate as specified. P1, P3 Pulse Width 0.70 µs 0.90 µs 0.30 µs P1, P3 Pulse Width 0.70 µs 0.90 µs 0.30 µs ATC-1400A XPDR PLSE WDTH: CAL MFG LIMITS Turn DISPLAY SELECT control to MODE A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Set the XPDR PULSE WIDTH switch to VAR. Use the following table to ATC-1400A set the P1, P3 pulse CW/NORM/ widths. The % ATCRBS OFF: NORM reply shall be as specified. Return the P1, P3 pulse width to the nominal setting. SPECIFICATION >98% >98% <2% On the ATC-1400A, return the XPDR PULSE WIDTH switch to the CAL position. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 71 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 13 13.1 SPEC NO. >90% >90% <10% <10% PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE POSITION TOLERANCE (MODE A) ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE POSITION TOLERANCE (MODE A) Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with ATC-1400A an ATCRBS Mode A XPDR MDE A interrogation at the PRF: 0450 standard rate, with adjustable P1-P3 spacing. Turn XPDR MODE control to the A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Use the following table to ATC-1400A set the spacing of the CW/NORM/ P1-P3 pulses. The resulting ATCRBS % reply OFF: NORM shall be as specified. Use the following table to set the XPDR P2/P3 DEV thumbwheels and P3 switch on the ATC-1400A. The resulting ATCRBS % reply shall be as specified. Dev 0.20 0.20 1.00 1.00 Dev 0.20 0.20 1.00 1.00 Delta P1-P3 7.8 µs 8.2 µs 9.0 µs 7.0 µs Delta P1-P3 7.8 µs 8.2 µs 9.0 µs 7.0 µs MFG LIMITS >98% >98% <2% <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 72 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 15 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 14 14.1 SPEC NO. >90% >90% <10% <10% PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE POSITION TOLERANCE (MODE C) ATCRBS INTERROGATION PULSE POSITION TOLERANCE (MODE C) Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with ATC-1400A an ATCRBS Mode C XPDR MDE C interrogation at the PRF: 0450 standard rate, with adjustable P1-P3 spacing. Turn XPDR MODE control to the C position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Use the following table to ATC-1400A set the spacing of the P1- CW/NORM/ P3 pulses. The resulting OFF: NORM ATCRBS % reply shall be as specified. Use the following table to set the XPDR P2/P3 DEV thumbwheels and P3 switch on the ATC-1400A. The resulting ATCRBS % reply shall be as specified. Dev 0.20 0.20 1.00 1.00 Dev 0.20 0.20 1.00 1.00 Delta P1-P3 20.8 µs 21.2 µs 22.0 µs 20.0 µs Delta P1-P3 20.8 µs 21.2 µs 22.0 µs 20.0 µs ATCRBS REPLY RATE CAPABILITY ATCRBS REPLY RATE CAPABILITY Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. MFG LIMITS >98% >98% <2% <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 73 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 15.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS N/A MFG LIMITS Interrogate the UUT with a ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ burst of 120 ATCRBS Mode A interrogations at a OFF: OFF XPDR MDE A rate of 1200 per second PRF: 1200 and power of -30 dBm. RF Lvl: -30 Turn XPDR MODE control N/A to MODE A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 1200 Hz. Turn RF LEVEL knob to -30 dBm. S-1403 Press BURST 15.3 SPECIFICATION Burst ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM >90% WORK STEPS Burst S-1403 FUNC 7, ATC, 120 15.2 Select FUNC 7 (BURST). Using the cursor keys and slew knob, change the fields in the FUNC 7 menu as follows: FUNC 7 ATC 120. On the S-1403, press the BURST key to initiate the interrogations. Observe the % ATCRBS reply. The value shall be as specified. Read the ATCRBS % >98% reply display on the S-1403. The display shall indicate as specified. Continuous Continuous Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at a rate of 500 per second. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE A PRF: 0500 On the ATC-1400A, turn N/A the XPDR MODE knob to the A position. Adjust the PRF thumbwheels to 500 Hz. S-1403 FUNC 1 On the S-1403, select FUNC 1 (ATCRBS). AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 74 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS >90% ID = 7777 N/A >34% N/A N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Observe the % ATCRBS ATC-1400A reply. The value shall be CW/NORM/ as specified. Data shall OFF: NORM be as specified. Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. Data shall be as specified. Reply Rate Limit Reply Rate Limit Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at a rate of 1500 per second. SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS >98% ID = 7777 ATC-1400A XPDR MDE A PRF: 1500 On the ATC-1400A, turn N/A the XPDR MODE knob to the A position. Adjust the PRF thumbwheels to 1500 Hz. S-1403 FUNC 1 On the S-1403, select FUNC 1 (ATCRBS). Observe and record the % ATC-1400A ATCRBS reply. The value CW/NORM/ shall be as specified. OFF: NORM 43 to 46% Read and record the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. ATCRBS SLS Characteristics ATCRBS SLS Characteristics Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Amplitude Amplitude Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode C interrogation with P2 SLS pulse of adjustable amplitude. Interrogate at the standard rate. ATC-1400A XPDR MDE C PRF: 0450 SLS/ECHO: -0, ON Use the following table to ATC-1400A adjust the interrogation CW/NORM/ RF level. The % ATCRBS OFF: NORM reply for each case shall be as specified. N/A Turn XPDR MODE control N/A to MODE C position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Turn SLS/ECHO switch to ON position. Use the following table to adjust the interrogation RF level. The % ATCRBS reply for each case shall be as specified. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 75 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 15.9 15.10 15.11 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS <10% <10% <10% <10% -1 to -9 dB -1 to -9 dB PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS RF Level -68 dBm -40 dBm -21 dBm -50 dBm RF Level -68 dBm -40 dBm -21 dBm -50 dBm Reduce the amplitude of ATC-1400A P2 in 1-dB steps until the SLS/ECHO: % reply is greater than -X 90%. Adjust the SLS thumbwheels on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply display indicates >90%. Record the amount of P2 attenuation. This value shall be within the limits specified. ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM Record the value shown -1 to -9 dB on the SLS thumbwheels. This value shall be within the limits specified. Adjust the interrogation RF level to -21 dBm. ATC-1400A RF Lvl: -21 SLS/ECHO: -0 Adjust the interrogation RF level to -21 dBm. Reduce the amplitude of ATC-1400A P2 in 1-dB steps until the CW/NORM/ % reply is greater than OFF: NORM 90%. By adjusting the SLS thumbwheels on the ATC-1400A, reduce the amplitude of P2 in 1-dB steps until the % reply display reads >90%. Record the amount of P2 attenuation. This value shall be within the limits specified. Record the value shown -1 to -9 dB on the SLS thumbwheels. This value shall be within the limits specified. <2% <2% <2% <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 76 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Position 15.12 15.13 N/A >90% >90% <10% <10% SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS Position Set the P2 attenuation to 0 dB. ATC-1400A SLS: -0, ON RF Lvl: -50 Set the SLS/ECHO thumbwheels on ATL-1400A to -0, ON. Adjust the position of the ATC-1400A P2 pulse as shown in the CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM following table. P2 Dev indicates the amount by which the P2 position will move, and Delta indicates whether the deviation is added or subtracted (+/-) to the nominal position. The % reply for each position shall be as shown. Adjust the P2 DEV thumbwheels and switch as shown in the following table. P2 Dev indicates the amount by which the P2 position will move, and Delta indicates whether the deviation is added or subtracted (+/-) to the nominal position. The % reply for each position shall be as shown. (Read the % reply on the ATC-1400A.) P2 Dev 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.15 P2 Dev 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.15 Delta Delta N/A >98% >98% <2% <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 77 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 16 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION <10% >90% <10% <10% >90% SWITCH POS WORK STEPS ATCRBS ONLY ALLCALL, SHORT P4 POSITION ATCRBS ONLY ALLCALL, SHORT P4 POSITION Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation with short P4 of adjustable position. Interrogate at the standard rate. 16.1 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A PRF: 0450 SLS/ECHO: OFF XPDR MDE A Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Turn SLS/ECHO switch to OFF position. Turn the XPDR MODE CNTL to the MODE A position. S-1403 FUNC 3, (ACS,A) P4:CAL, Dv = 0 Select FUNC 3 (ACS). Within the FUNC 3 menu, select ACS, A and P4:CAL. Adjust the position of the ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ P4 pulse on S-1403 as shown in the table below. OFF: NORM P4 Dv indicates the amount by which the P4 position will move from nominal. The % ATCRBS reply for each position shall be as shown. On the S-1403, adjust the position of the P4 pulse as shown in the table below. P4 Dv indicates the amount by which the P4 position will move from nominal. The % ATCRBS reply for each position shall be as shown. (Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A.) P4 Dv +0.3 +0.05 -0.05 -0.3 P4 Dv +0.3 +0.05 -0.05 -0.3 µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS <2% >98% <2% <2% >98% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 78 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 17 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION ANTA <10% >90% >90% >90% <10% >90% <10% <10% ANTB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS ATCRBS DIVERSITY ATCRBS DIVERSITY Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Simultaneously interrogate both UUT antennas with an ATCRBS Mode A at standard rate. 17.1 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A PRF: 0450 S-1403 FUNC 1 ANT B: 0 RF Lvl: 0 Set PRF thumbwheels to 0450 on ATC-1400A. In FUNC 1 menu on S-1403, turn on antenna B and ensure RF level is set to zero. See paragraph 3.4. See paragraph 3.4. Use the following table to ATC-1400A set the relative power and CW/NORM/ timing of the two OFF: NORM interrogations. The % ATCRBS reply shall be at the specified value and antenna. Use the following table to set the relative power and timing of the two interrogations. The % ATCRBS reply shall be at the specified value and antenna. Read the % reply on the ATC-1400A. ANT A RF LVL -56 dBm -44 dBm -44 dBm -70 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm ANT A RF LVL -56 dBm -44 dBm -44 dBm -70 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm ANT B DELAY +0.05 µs +0.05 µs +0.45 µs +0.45 µs -0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.45 µs -0.45 µs MFG LIMITS ANT B DELAY +0.05 µs +0.05 µs +0.45 µs +0.45 µs -0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.45 µs -0.45 µs ANTA <2% >98% >98% >98% <2% >98% <2% <2% ANTB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 79 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 18 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS MODE S MTL, REPLY FORMAT, REPLY FREQUENCY, DELAY, POWER, AND SQUITTERS MODE S MTL, REPLY FORMAT, REPLY FREQUENCY, DELAY, POWER, AND SQUITTERS Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with ATC-1400A Mode S UF 5 interrogation PRF: 0045 at the standard rate. Select 0045 on the PRF thumbwheels of the ATC-1400A. S-1403 FUNC 2 ANT B: OFF SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Select FUNC 2 (SEQ MODE S ONLY) on the S-1403. Mode S MTL Mode S MTL 18.1 N/A Set interrogation level to - ATC-1400A 70 dBm. RF Lvl: -70 Set the RF level on the 1400A to -70 dBm. N/A 18.2 DF = 05 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 ID = 7777 ADD = 25252525 Observe the Mode S reply ATC-1400A data. Data shall be as CW/NORM/ specified. OFF: NORM Observe the decoded Mode S reply on the S-1403 sequence menu (S MENU) display. Data shall indicate as specified. DF = 05 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 ID = 7777 ADD = 25252525 18.3 -77 ± 3 dBm Slowly decrement the interrogation level in 1-dB steps until the % reply is less than 90%, then increment by 1 dB. The interrogation level shall be as specified. Record the value. Slowly decrement the RF -77 ± 3 dBm LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A in 1-dB steps until the % reply display indicates less than 90%, then increment the RF level by 1 dB. The RF level shall indicate as specified. Record the value. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 80 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Mode S Reply Format 18.3.1 N/A 18.3.2 DF = 04 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 AC = +20200 ADD = 25252525 18.3.3 DF = 04 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 AC = +20200 ADD = 25252525 WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Mode S Reply Format Return the RF LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. ATC-1400A RF Lvl: -70 dBm Return the RF LEVEL knob on the ATC-1400A to -70 dBm. Interrogate the UUT with a S-1403 Mode S UF 4 UF = 04 interrogation. Select UF#04 on the S-1403. Observe the decoded Mode S reply data. Data shall be as specified. Verify the AC value agrees with the coded altitude measured in paragraph 11.6. (+20200 = 7710 in Gilliam code) Observe the decoded Mode S reply on the S-1403 sequence menu (S MENU) display. Data shall indicate as specified. Verify the AC value agrees with the coded altitude measured in paragraph 11.6. (+20200 = 7710 in Gilliam code) Interrogate the UUT with a S-1403 Mode S UF 20 UF = 20 interrogation. Select UF#20 on the S-1403. Observe the decoded Mode S reply data. Data shall be as specified. Observe the decoded Mode S reply on the S-1403 sequence menu (S MENU) display. Data shall indicate as specified. Interrogate the UUT with a S-1403 Mode S UF 21 UF = 21 interrogation. Select UF#21 on the S-1403. N/A DF = 04 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 AC = +20200 ADD = 25252525 DF = 04 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 AC = +20200 ADD = 25252525 AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 81 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 18.3.4 DF = 05 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 ID = 7777 ADD = 25252525 18.3.5 DF = 11 AA = 25252525 PI = 00000000 CA = 1 for -902 1 for -903 1 for -904 0 for -905 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS DF = 05 FS = 5 DR = 00 UM = 00 ID = 7777 ADD = 25252525 Observe the decoded Mode S reply on the S-1403 sequence menu (S MENU) display. Data shall indicate as specified. Verify that this ID agrees with the ID data in paragraph 15.4. Interrogate the UUT with a S-1403 Mode S UF 11 UF =11 interrogation ADD = 77777777 Select UF#11 on the S-1403. AIR/GND 1 to Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 air or open and 5 except set AIR/GND 1 to AIR. Restore to normal position after this test is completed. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5 except set AIR/GND 1 to AIR. Restore to normal position after this test is completed. Observe the decoded Mode S reply data. Data shall be as specified. Observe the decoded Mode S reply on the S-1403 sequence menu (S MENU) display. Data shall indicate as specified. Mode S Reply Frequency Mode S Reply Frequency This test measures Mode N/A S reply frequency. N/A This test measures Mode S reply frequency. 18.5 1090 ± 1 MHz Measure and record the reply frequency. Frequency shall be as specified. N/A SWITCH POS Observe the decoded Mode S reply data. Data shall be as specified. Verify that this ID agrees with the ID data in paragraph 15.4. 18.4 18.6 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A RF Lvl: -50 Observe and record the XMTR FREQ display on the ATC-1400A. Display shall indicate as shown. DF = 11 AA = 25252525 PI = 00000000 CA = 1 for -902 1 for -903 1 for -904 0 for -905 1090 ± 1 MHz Mode S Reply Delay Mode S Reply Delay This test measures Mode S reply delay. This test measures Mode N/A S reply delay. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 82 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 18.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 128 ± 0.25 µs PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Measure and record the reply delay. Delay shall be as specified. Observe and record the 128 ± reply field on the S-1403. 0.25 µs Field shall indicate as specified. Mode S Reply Power Mode S Reply Power This test measures Mode N/A S reply power. 18.8 N/A This test measures Mode S reply power. 18.9 250 to 630 Watts Measure and record the peak power of the first preamble pulse of the Mode S reply. The power shall be as specified. S-1403 CONTROL MENU 2, Pulse Power Gate: p1 ATC-1400A F2/P2 F1/P1: F2 On the S-1403, change the pulse power gate to p1. Observe and record the XMTR PWR display on the ATC-1400. The display shall indicate as specified. 18.10 250 to 630 Watts Measure and record the peak power of the last data pulse of the Mode S reply. The power shall be a specified. S-1403 CONTROL MENU 2, Pulse Power Gate: P60 ATC-1400A F2/P2 F1/P1: F2 280 to 550 On the S-1403, change Watts the pulse power gate to P60. Observe and record the XMTR PWR display on the ATC-1400. The display shall indicate as specified. 18.11 <2 dB Calculate and record the absolute value of the transmitter droop (in dB), using the following formula: Droop = ABS [10(Log10 P1 - Log10 P2)], where P1 and P2 are the power measurements taken in tests 18.9 and 18.10, respectively. The droop shall not exceed the specified limits. Calculate and record the <2 dB absolute value of the transmitter droop (in dB), using the following formula: Droop = ABS [10(Log10 P1 - Log10 P2)], where P1 and P2 are the power measurements taken in tests 18.9 and 18.10, respectively. The droop shall not exceed the specified limits. Squitter Monitor Squitter Monitor 18.12 N/A S1403 FUNC 2 ANT B: +.00 280 to 550 Watts On S-1403, enter FUNC 2 N/A and turn on ANT B. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 83 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 18.13 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PASS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS PASS Observe the squitter interval on the S-1403 over a period of 10 seconds. The value shall not exceed the limits from 0.8 to 1.2 seconds. Observe the squitter interval over a period of 10 seconds. The value shall not exceed the limits from 0.8 to 1.2 seconds. S-1403 ANT B: OFF 19 MODE S REPLY RATE CAPABILITY MODE S REPLY RATE CAPABILITY Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with a ATC-1400A UF 5 interrogation at a PRF: 0177 rate of 177 per second. On the ATC-1400A, adjust the PRF thumbwheels to 0177. S-1403 FUNC 2 On the S-1403, select FUNC 2 (SEQ - MODE S ONLY). ATC-1400A Observe the following reply characteristics. The CW/NORM/ values shall be as OFF: NORM specified. Observe the following reply characteristics on the ATC-1400A displays. The values shall be as specified. 19.1 PASS Over a period of 10 seconds, the Mode S % reply shall not fall below 90%. Over a period of 10 seconds, the Mode S % reply shall not fall below 98%. PASS 19.2 PASS Reply Frequency 1090 ± 1 MHz Reply Frequency 1090 ± 1 MHz PASS 19.3 PASS Reply Power 250 to 630 Watts Reply Power 280 to 550 Watts PASS AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 84 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 20 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS LONG MODE S Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with a ATC-1400A long Mode S interrogation PRF: 0045 at the standard rate. SLS/ECHO: OFF Turn PFR thumbwheels to 45 Hz, turn SLS/ECHO switch to OFF position. S-MENU: SO1; UF = 16 RL = 1 MU = 06000 0000000 0000001 ADD = 2525 2525 >90% 20.2 20.3 PASS WORK STEPS LONG MODE S S-1403 FUNC 2, ANT B: OFF 20.1 Observe the % Mode S reply. It shall not fall below 90%. ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Select FUNC 2 and set the S-MENU: SO1; UF = 16 RL = 1 MU = 06000000000 00000001 ADD = 25252525 Observe the % Mode S reply. It shall not fall below 98%. With an oscilloscope, look at both the suppression pulse output and the Mode S reply pulse train coming from the UUT. With an oscilloscope look at both the suppression pulse output (Sup Pulse connector on the Mode S interface panel) and the Mode S reply transmitter output on the ATC-1400A. Use a 50-ohm impedance on the transmitter and 1M ohm on the suppression. Verify that the suppression pulse brackets the Mode S reply. Verify that the suppression pulse brackets the Mode S reply. >98% PASS AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 85 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. OPR LIMITS 20.4 500 ± 50 ns IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION 21 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION <10% >90% >90% <10% <10% >90% SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS Measure and record the 50-50% pulse width of the P1 pulse in the Mode S reply. The measurement shall be as specified. 500 ± 40 ns Measure and record the 50-50% pulse width of the P1 pulse in the Mode S reply. The measurement shall be as specified. ATCRBS/MODE S ALLCALL, LONG P4 AMPLITUDE ATCRBS/MODE S ALLCALL, LONG P4 AMPLITUDE AIR/GND 1 to Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 air or open and 5 except set AIR/GND 1 to AIR. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5 except set AIR/GND 1 to AIR. ATC-1400A PRF: 0045 SLS/ECHO: OFF XPDR MDE A Turn PRF thumbwheels to 45 Hz. Turn SLS/ECHO switch to OFF position. Turn the XPDR MODE CONTROL to MODE A. S-1403 FUNC 4, (ACL) P4:VAR, Dv = CAL Select FUNC 4 (ACL). Within the FUNC 4 menu, select ACL and P4:VAR. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation with long P4 of adjustable amplitude. Interrogate at the standard rate. 21.1 SPEC NO. Use the following table to ATC-1400A adjust the interrogation CW/NORM/ RF level and the amount OFF: NORM of P4 attenuation. The % Mode S reply for each case shall be as specified. Use the following table to adjust the interrogation RF level and the amount of P4 attenuation (SLS/ECHO thumbwheels on ATC-1400A). The % Mode S reply for each case shall be as specified. Read the value on the S-1403 Mode S % reply field. RF Level -21 dBm -21 dBm -40 dBm -40 dBm -68 dBm -68 dBm RF Level -21 dBm -21 dBm -40 dBm -40 dBm -68 dBm -68 dBm P4 -6 -1 -1 -6 -6 -1 P4 -6 -1 -1 -6 -6 -1 <2% >98% >98% <2% <2% >98% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 86 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 22 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION <10% >90% >90% <10% SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Return P4 to full S-1403 amplitude (0 attenuation). P4:CAL Return P4 to full amplitude. MODE S SPR POSITION TOLERANCE MODE S SPR POSITION TOLERANCE Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with a ATC-1400A Mode S UF 5 interrogation PRF 0045 at the standard rate and RF Lvl: -50 power. On the ATC-1400A, adjust the PRF thumbwheels to 45 Hz. Use the following table to vary the position of the SPR. The resulting % Mode S reply shall be as shown. 22.1 SPEC NO. S-1403 FUNC 2, SPR, Dv = as indicated ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM SPR Deviation +0.25 µs +0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.25 µs SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Use the following table to move the SPR from its nominal position. (Vary the SPR Dv field of the S-1403.) The resulting % Mode S reply shall be as shown. Read the % reply on the ATC-1400A. SPR Deviation +0.25 µs +0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.25 µs <2% >98% >98% <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 87 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 23 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION ANTA <10% >90% >90% >90% <10% >90% <10% <10% ANTB >90% <10% <10% <10% >90% <10% >90% >90% SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MODE S DIVERSITY MODE S DIVERSITY Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Simultaneously interrogate both UUT antennas with a Mode S UF 5 interrogation at standard rate. 23.1 SPEC NO. ATC-1400A PRF: 0045 S-1403 FUNC 2, ANT B: 0 RF Lvl: 0 Set PRF thumbwheels to 0045 on ATC-1400A. In FUNC 2 menu on S-1403, turn on antenna B and ensure RF level is set to zero. See paragraph 3.4. See paragraph 3.4 Use the following table to set the relative power and timing of the two interrogations. The % Mode S reply shall be at the specified value and antenna. Use the following table to set the relative power and timing of the two interrogations. The % Mode S reply shall be at the specified value and antenna. Read ANT A % reply on the ATC-1400A. Read ANT B % reply on the S-1403. ANT A RF LVL -56 dBm -44 dBm -44 dBm -70 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm ANT A RF LVL -56 dBm -44 dBm -44 dBm -70 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm -56 dBm -44 dBm ANT B DELAY +0.05 µs +0.05 µs +0.45 µs +0.45 µs -0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.45 µs -0.45 µs MFG LIMITS ANT B DELAY +0.05 µs +0.05 µs +0.45 µs +0.45 µs -0.05 µs -0.05 µs -0.45 µs -0.45 µs ANTA <2% >98% >98% >98% <2% >98% <2% <2% ANTB >98% <2% <2% <2% >98% <2% >98% >98% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 88 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 24.3 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION ATCRBS: <10% Mode S: >90% ATCRBS: >90% Mode S: <10% ATCRBS: >90% Mode S: <10% SWITCH POS WORK STEPS TRANSACTION RESET TRANSACTION RESET Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with a Mode S UF 5 interrogation followed 75 µs later by ATCRBS Mode A interrogation. The rate of this double interrogation shall be 45 Hz. 24.2 IT4061400-907 SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 24 24.1 SPEC NO. Observe the % reply for both Mode S and ATCRBS replies. The values shall be shown. ATC-1400A DBL INTER: OFF, 075.0 XPDR MDE A PRF: 0045 On the ATC-1400A, adjust the DBL INTERR/INTRF thumbwheels to 075.0 µs and OFF. Adjust the PRF thumbwheels to 0045. Turn the XPDR MODE knob to A. S-1403 FUNC 6, 1ST = SEQ 2ND = ATC ANT B: OFF On the S-1403, select FUNC 6 (DI). In this menu, select 1ST = SEQ and 2ND = ATC. ATC-1400A CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM Read the % reply fields for both Mode S and ATCRBS on the S-1403 display. The values shall indicate as shown. Change 1 bit of the Mode S-1403 S interrogation address. S01: ADD = 152525 In the sequence menu (S01) of the S-1403, change 1 bit in the interrogation address (ADD = 152525). S-1403 Observe the % reply for both Mode S and FUNC 6 ATCRBS replies. The values shall be as shown. Read the % reply fields for both Mode S and ATCRBS on the S-1403 display. The values shall indicate as shown. Change 1 bit of the Mode S-1403 S interrogation address. S01: ADD = 152521 In the sequence menu (S01) of the S-1403, change 1 bit in the interrogation address (ADD = 152521). S-1403 Observe the % reply for both Mode S and FUNC 6 ATCRBS replies. The values shall be as shown. Read the % reply fields for both Mode S and ATCRBS on the S-1403 display. The values shall indicate as shown. SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS ATCRBS: <2% Mode S: >98% ATCRBS: >98% Mode S: <2% ATCRBS: >98% Mode S: <2% AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 89 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 25 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SUPPRESSION BUS SUPPRESSION BUS Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate and power. S-1403 FUNC 1 ATC-1400A PRF: 0450 XPDR MDE A SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS On the ATC-1400A, set the PRF thumbwheels to 0450 Hz and the XPDR MODE knob to A. With an oscilloscope, look ATC-1400A at both the suppression CW/NORM/ pulse output and the OFF: NORM ATCRBS reply pulse train coming from the UUT. With an oscilloscope, look at both the suppression pulse output (Sup Pulse connector on the Mode S interface panel) and the ATCRBS reply (Xmtr output on the ATC-1400A). Use a 50-ohm impedance to look at the Xmtr output and a 1M ohm impedance for the suppression pulse. 25.1 PASS Verify that the suppression pulse brackets the ATCRBS reply. Verify that the suppression pulse brackets the ATCRBS reply. PASS 25.2 >18 V <32 V Measure and record the amplitude of the suppression pulse. The amplitude shall be as specified. Measure and record the amplitude of the suppression pulse. The amplitude shall be as specified. 28 ± 3 V AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 90 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 26 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS REPLY PULSE CHARACTERISTICS REPLY PULSE CHARACTERISTICS Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate and power. ATC-1400A PRF: 0450 XPDR MDE A On the ATC-1400A, set the PRF thumbwheels to 0450 Hz and the XPDR MODE knob to A. S-1403 FUNC 1 On the S-1403, enter FUNC 1. SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Using an oscilloscope with 50-ohm impedance, look at the XMTR output of the ATC-1400A. Rise: <0.1 µs Fall: <0.2 µs 26.1 Rise: <0.1 µs Fall: <0.2 µs Measure and record the 10% to 90% rise and fall times of the first framing pulse, F1. The measurements shall be as specified. Measure and record the 10% to 90% rise and fall times of the first framing pulse, F1. The measurements shall be as specified. 26.2 450 ± 100 ns Measure and record the 50-50% pulse width of the first framing pulse, F1. The measurement shall be as specified. 450 ± 80 ns Measure and record the 50-50% pulse width of the first framing pulse, F1. The measurement shall be as specified. 26.3 20.3 ± 1 µs Measure and record the spacing between the two framing pulses, F1 and F2. The measurements shall be as specified. Measure and record the spacing between the two framing pulses, F1 and F2. The measurements shall be as specified. 20.3 ± 1 µs AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 91 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 27 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS ANTENNA TEST ANTENNA TEST Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Turn UUT off. Turn UUT off. Remove cable from TOP ANT and terminate the TOP ANT port with an open circuit (infinite ohm) terminator. Remove cable from TOP ANT port on Mode S interface panel, and terminate the TOP ANT port with an open circuit (infinite ohm) terminator. Turn UUT on. Turn UUT on. SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 92 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 27.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS ON PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Verify that TOP ANT and XPDR FAIL indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for any version that is prior to a -905 MOD E. Press the TEST button on ON the UUT. Verify that, on the front panel of the Mode S Transponder, the TOP ANT and XPDR FAIL indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for any version that is prior to a -905 MOD E. Verify that TOP ANT FAIL and XPDR PASS indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for a -905 MOD E. Press the TEST button on the UUT. Verify that, on the front panel of the Mode S Transponder, the TOP ANT FAIL and XPDR PASS indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for a -905 MOD E. Turn UUT off. Turn UUT off. Replace the TOP ANT cable. Remove cable from the BOT ANT port and terminate the BOT ANT port with an open circuit (infinite ohm) terminator. On the Mode S inter-face panel, replace the TOP ANT cable. Remove cable from the BOT ANT port and terminate the port with an open circuit (infinite ohm) terminator. Turn UUT on. Turn UUT on. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 93 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 27.2 28 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS ON PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Verify that the BOT ANT and XPDR FAIL indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for any version that is prior to a -905 MOD E. Press the TEST button on ON the UUT. Verify that, on the front panel of the Mode S Transponder, the BOT ANT and XPDR FAIL indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for any version that is prior to a -905 MOD E. Verify that BOT ANT FAIL and XPDR PASS indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentairly for a -905 MOD E. Press the TEST button on the UUT. Verify that, on the front panel of the Mode S Transponder, the BOT ANT FAIL and XPDR PASS indicator lamps are illuminated when the TEST button is pushed momentarily for a -905 MOD E. Turn off UUT. Turn off UUT. Replace cable on BOT ANT port. On the Mode S interface panel, replace BOT ANT cable. SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM STATUS Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 1 and 5. With Mode S software running, press the TEST button on the front panel of the UUT. INTFC PNL AIR/GND 1: GROUND AIR/GND 2: GROUND Observe the front panel LEDs. They should all illuminate briefly (lamp test), then display as specified. With Mode S software running, press the TEST button on the front panel of the UUT. Observe the front panel LEDs. They should all illuminate briefly (lamp test), then display as specified. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 94 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. 28.1 28.2 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS on off off off off off PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Signal Name XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG WORK STEPS Signal Name XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS on off off off off off Perform test 3 to clear any failures logged in E . END OF TEST END OF TEST AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. 95 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR APPENDIX A ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURE FOR PC EMULATION SYSTEM AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-0 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR APPENDIX A ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURE FOR PC EMULATION SYSTEM A1. Notes on operation of the PC emulation system are as follows: A1.1 All tests requiring the PC emulation system shall be performed while executing the SDP-185 monitor software. In the engineering environment, the monitor is invoked by executing the 'SCP MDS' command file. A1.2 All address and data information should be entered in Hex with a leading # for CACHE locations and a leading 1# for local memory. See example in 3.4.3. A1.3 Most emulation commands are invoked by pressing the softkeys. Only addresses, data, and 'MDS' are typed using the standard typewriter keys. For example, to change the contents of location C000 (Hex) to the value AAAA (Hex), the following PC command would be entered: modify memory MDS word 0/#C0/0/0/ to AAAA In this example, the words (modify, memory, word, and to) are entered with single-keystroke softkeys. A2. Notes and a list of PC command files (Honeywell Part No. MT4061400-101, revision a) are as follows: A2.1 The total execution time of this Integrated Test Procedure may be greatly reduced by using the PC command files listed in paragraph 3.11.3. These command files automatically execute many keystrokes found in certain tests and match statement-for-statement (excluding 'pause' statements) the steps found in the IT work steps. A2.2 After executing the 'SCP MDS' batch file (see paragraph 3.4), execute the command file by typing the filename (using all caps) into the PC and pressing ENTER. Most command files pause to allow the operator to record data. Press any key to resume command file execution. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-1 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. REV LTR A2.3 IT Test No. 8.1 10 PC Command Filename IT10 IT20 IT30 (See note 1.) IT40 IT50 IT60 IT70 (Shall be executed twice to complete test 7.) IT80 IT81 IT90 IT100 (See note 2.) NOTE 1: Before running IT30, test A3 must be performed. IT30 must also be performed at the completion of the IT to clear E . NOTE 2: Before running IT100, end out of emulation mode by entering "END" into the PC. (Resume testing at test 10.13.) AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-2 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A1 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURES ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURES SOFTWARE LOAD SOFTWARE LOAD Run the SCP MDS program (refer to paragraph 3.4.1). Run the SCP MDS program (refer to paragraph 3.4.1). SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A1.1 7FDE:580D 7FDF:EEE0 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -902. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -902. 7FDE:580D 7FDF:EEE0 A1.2 7FDE:718F 7FDF:3150 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -903. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -903. 7FDE:718F 7FDF:3150 A1.3 7FDE:0E2D 7FDF:F202 Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -904. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be a specified for a -904. 7FDE:0E2D 7FDF:F202 A1.4 7FDE:4353 7FDF:F5DF Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -905 not MOD E. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -905 not MOD E. 7FDE:4353 7FDF:F5DF A1.5 7FDE:6C8B 7FDF:BA1D Observe the CRC words in program ROM (memory locations 7FDEH and 7FDFH). The values shall be as specified for a -905 MOD E. Enter "display memory 07FDEH thru 07FDFH" The values shall be as specified for a -905 MOD E. 7FDE:6C8B 7FDF:BA1D AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-3 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A2 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS CACHE RAM WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS CACHE RAM Modify register CACHE to 0. A2.1 A2.1 .1 A2.1 .2 N/A 0000H thru 3FFFH FFFFH thru C000H If this IT is being performed using an automated test facility, complete test 2.1. If this IT is being performed using an automated test facility, complete test 2.1. If this IT is being performed using the manual test fixture, complete test 2.2. If this IT is being performed using the manual test fixture, complete test 2.2. Automated Procedure Automated Procedure Write the cache RAM address (0000H thru 3FFFH) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Write the cache RAM address (0000H thru 3FFFH) to each location in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Verify that each cache RAM location contains the correct data. Verify that each cache 0000H thru RAM location contains the 3FFFH correct data. Write the complement of each cache RAM address (FFFFH thru C000H) to each loca-tion in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Write the complement of each cache RAM address (FFFFH thru C000H) to each loca-tion in cache RAM (20000H thru 23FFFH). Verify that each cache RAM location contains the correct data. FFFFH thru Verify that each cache RAM location contains the C000H correct data. N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-4 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A2.2 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A A2.2 .1 SPEC NO. AAAAH PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Manual Test Procedure Manual Test Procedure Modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 0AAAAH. Enter "modify memory MDS word 0#20000 thru 0#23FFF to AAAA" Display memory 20000H thru 2007FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 0#20000 to 0#23FFF" Modify memory 20000H thru 23FFFH to 5555H. Enter "modify memory MDS word 0#20000 thru 0#23FFF to 5555" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A AAAAH 5555H A2.2 .2 5555H Display memory 20000H thru 2007FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 0#20000 to 0#2007F" A2.2 .3 5555H Display memory 23E80H thru 23FFFH. 5555H Enter "display memory MDS word from 0#23E80 to 0#23FFF" A3 N/A EEPROM EEPROM Write LRU dash and serial numbers to the EEPROM locations 9FCOH to 9FCAH respectively. D/N stands for dash number and S/N stands for serial number. Enter "modify memory MDS word 0#20000 (1st digit of D/N), (2nd digit of D/N), (3rd digit of D/N), (1st digit of S/N), (2nd digit of S/N), (3rd digit of S/N), (4th digit of S/N), (5th digit of S/N), (6th digit of S/N), (7th digit of S/N), (8th digit of S/N)." N/A D/N stands for dash number and S/N for serial number. (Digit space comma space) Example: for unit with dash number 905 and serial number 90100257, enter modify memory MDS word 0#20000 9 , 0 , 5,9,0,1,0,0,2,5, AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-5 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A3.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS N/A WORK STEPS Enter "SCP MDS" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Enter "load verify MDS IT30P.RA" Enter "modify registers MDS E0 80E" Enter "modify registers MDS P 109" Enter "Set discretes MDS to 1FA" Enter "run MDS" NOTE: EEPROM is only 8 bits wide, instead of 16. If 16 bits of data are specified, only the least significant 8 bits are used. Thus, FE34H is the same as 34H. Program will take several minutes to complete. Front panel LEDs shall flash in a repetitive pattern while the program is executing. When the program is complete all six LEDs shall be illuminated. Write the EEPROM address (OOH thru FFH) to each location in EEPROM (8OOOH thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. Write the complement of each EEPROM address (FFH thru OOH) to each location in EEPROM (8OOOH thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. Write the value FFH to each location in EEPROM (8OOOH thru 9FFFH). Verify each location. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-6 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Write the LRU dash and serial numbers, in ISO-5 format, to the EEPROM locations 9FCOH to 9FCAH. A3.2 5041 5353 A3.3 PASS Verify that each 8-bit word in locations 9FCOH thru 9FCAH contains the proper dash and serial numbers. Enter "display memory MDS word from 0#20010 to 0#20011" The memory locations shall be as indicated. 5041 5353 Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#9FC0 to 1#9FCA" PASS Verify that the 8 bits for each word are as follows: - Lower 4 bits from the serial number and dash number of the UUT. - Upper 4 bits contain a 3 Hex. Enter "END" Enter "SCP MDS" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-7 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A4 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS VIDEO RAM VIDEO RAM Write the video RAM address (C000H thru C00FH) to each location in video RAM (C000H thru C00FH). Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C000 0C000, 0C001, 0C002, 0C003" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C0004 0C004, 0C005, 0C006, 0C007" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C00B 0C008, 0C009, 0C00A, 0C00B" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C00C 0C00C, 0C00D, 0C00E, 0C00F" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C000 to 1#C00F A4.1 C000H thru C00FH Verify that each video RAM location contains the correct data. C000H thru Verify that each video RAM location contains the C00FH correct data. Write the complement of each video RAM address (3FFFH thru 3FF0H) to each location in video RAM (C000H thru C00FH). Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C000 3FFF, 3FFE, 3FFD, 3FFC" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C004 3FFB, 3FFA, 3FF9, 3FF8" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C008 3FF7, 3FF6, 3FF5, 3FF4" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C00C 3FF3, 3FF2, 3FF1, 3FF0" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C000 to 1#C00F" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-8 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. OPR LIMITS A4.2 3FFFH thru 3FF0H IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION A5 A5.1 SPEC NO. X355H or XB55H X4AAH or XCAAH 5555H 55XXH 6AXXH XABFH, bit 12 = 0 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Verify that each video RAM location contains the correct data. Verify that each video 3FFFH thru RAM location contains the 3FF0H correct data. INPUT DISCRETES INPUT DISCRETES Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup for the transponder interface panel in accordance with table 2. Read the following memory locations: Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D600 to 1#D605" The memory locations shall indicate as follows: (X = don't care) 0D600H 0D600H 0D601H 0D601H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H Complement all of the discrete input stimuli to the UUT. Mode S Interface Panel Table 3 X355H or XB55H X4AAH or XCAAH 5555H 55XXH 6AXXH XABFH, bit 12 = 0 Complement all of the discrete input stimuli to the UUT by performing test setup in accordance with table 3. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D600 to 1#D605" Read the following memory locations: The memory locations shall indicate as follows: (X = don't care) AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-9 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A5.2 A5.3 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS X4AAH or XCAAH X355H or XB55H AAAAH AAXXH 95XXH X744H, bit 12 = 1 0D600H OD600H 0D601H 0D601H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H 0D602H 0D603H 0D604H 0D605H X5XXH While pressing the Push To Test button on the front panel of the UUT, read memory location D605H. The value shall be as indicated. (X = don't care) While pressing the Push To Test button on the front panel of the UUT, enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D605 to 1#D605" The value shall be as indicated. (X = don't care) OUTPUT DISCRETES OUTPUT DISCRETES Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: (Enter "modify memory MDS word ") Address 0D607H 0D400H Address 1#D607 1#D400 A6 A6.1 SPEC NO. on off off on off on Data 0012H 2A00H MFG LIMITS X4AAH or XCAAH X355H or XB55H AAAAH AAXXH 95XXH X744H, bit 12 = 1 X5XXH Data 0012 2A00 Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Signal Name Signal Name XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG on off off on off on AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-10 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A6.2 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS Verify the following signals. The signal sense shall be as specified. Verify the following signals. The indicator lamps on the Mode S interface panel (or the signals themselves) shall be as specified. Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp Sig/Lamp OPN/ON (Green) GND/OFF OPN/OFF GND/ON (Green) ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 OPN/ON (Green) GND/OFF OPN/OFF GND/ON (Green) Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: Write to Output Data Word 0 and Configuration Register 3 as shown: (Enter "modify memory MDS word ") Address 0D607H 0D400H Address 1#D607 1#D400 Data 0001H 1500H Data 0001 1500 Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Verify the state of the following UUT front panel LEDs: Signal Name Signal Name AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-11 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A6.3 A6.4 A7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS off on on off on off XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG XPDRPASS XPDRFAIL CNTLPNL TOPANT BOTANT ALTSIG Verify the following signals. The signal sense shall be as specified. Verify the following signals. The indicator lamps on the Mode S interface panel (or the signals themselves) shall be as specified. Sig/Lamp Signal Name Signal Name Sig/Lamp GND/OFF OPN/ON(Red) +5V/ON(Red) OPN/OFF ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 ALT FAIL 1 ALT FAIL 2 XPDR FAIL 1 XPDR FAIL 2 GND/OFF OPN/ON(Red) +5V/ON(Red) OPN/OFF SYNCHRO ALTITUDE SYNCHRO ALTITUDE Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. off on on off on off Stimulate the UUT SYNCHRO REF H and SYNCHRO REF C signals with a 26 V ac, 400 Hz sinusoidal waveform. Mode S Interface Panel 26 VAC POL =+ Stimulate the UUT synchro altitude inputs with a second 400 Hz sinusoid that is synchronous with the reference signal (above). Apply this signal across the followng UUT synchro inputs with the negative side of the signal connected to the Z input: On the Mode S Interface Panel, connect the 26 V ac REF + and – signals to the Sync Alt 1/2 RH and RC signals. Connect the TEST VAC + signal to the FX, FY, CX, and CY signals. Connect the TEST VAC – signal to the FZ and CZ signals. Adjust the amplitude of the TEST VAC signal to 9 V rms. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-12 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS MFG LIMITS FINE X-Z FINE Y-Z CRSE X-Z CRSE Y-Z FINE X-Z FINE Y-Z CRSE X-Z CRSE Y-Z 1. Adjust the amplitude of this signal to 9 V rms. Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Wait at least 75 µs. 3. Read location D606H. 4. Record the value. 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D607 " 3. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D606 to 1#D606" 4. Record the value. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. Write To D607H Write To D607H Source Being Tested Source Being Tested AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-13 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A7.1 CD5 ± 6FH OH CD5 ± 6FH 1H CD5 ± 6FH 2H CD5 ± 6FH 3H CD5 ± 6FH 4H CD5 ± 6FH 5H CD5 ± 6FH 6H CD5 ± 6FH 7H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS 0100 ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120 ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140 ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160 ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180 ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01AO ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01CO ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01EO ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01AOH ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01COH ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01EOH ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) Reverse the phase 180 degrees on the SYNCHRO REFERENCE input to the UUT. Mode S Interface Panel 26 VAC POL =- SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS CD5 ± 6FH OH CD5 ± 6FH 1H CD5 ± 6FH 2H CD5 ± 6FH 3H CD5 ± 6FH 4H CD5 ± 6FH 5H CD5 ± 6FH 6H CD5 ± 6FH 7H Reverse the phase 180 degrees on the SYNCHRO REFERENCE input to the UUT. Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: Read the digital value for each synchro source, using the following procedure: 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Wait at least 75 µs. 3. Read location D606H. 4. Record the value. 1. Write the appropriate data (see following table) to memory location D607H. 2. Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D607 " 3. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D606 to 1#D606" 4. Record the value. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-14 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A7.2 329 ± 6FH OH 329 ± 6FH 1H 329 ± 6FH 2H 329 ± 6FH 3H 329 ± 6FH 4H 329 ± 6FH 5H 329 ± 6FH 6H 329 ± 6FH 7H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS SPECIFICATION WORK STEPS The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. The data should fall within the range shown in the Limits. Write To D607H Write To D607H Source Being Tested 0100H ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120H ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140H ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160H ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180H ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01AOH ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01COH ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01EOH ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) MFG LIMITS Source Being Tested 0100 ALT 1 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0120 ALT 1 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0140 ALT 1 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0160 ALT 1 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 0180 ALT 2 FIN X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01AO ALT 2 FIN Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01CO ALT 2 CRS X-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 01EO ALT 2 CRS Y-Z (upper 12 bits) (lower 4 bits) 329 ± 6FH OH 329 ± 6FH 1H 329 ± 6FH 2H 329 ± 6FH 3H 329 ± 6FH 4H 329 ± 6FH 5H 329 ± 6FH 6H 329 ± 6FH 7H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-15 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8 PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS 429 RECEIVER TESTS (INTERNAL) WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 429 RECEIVER TESTS (INTERNAL) Internal wrap on receiver 0 thru 7. A8.1 A8.2 A8.3 N/A AAAAH 2AAAH N/A Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. Perform test setup in accordance with table 2. (Accept AAH label with no masking) (Accept AAH label with no masking) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6. Modify Memory: Address Data OD210H AAAAH OD211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D20F" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations (Reject even parity data, no label qualification) (Reject even parity data, no label qualification) Perform initial setup per table 6 except: Address Data D21CH 0249H D220H D22EH 0044H Perform initial setup per table 6 except: Address Data 1#D21C 0249 1#D220 1#D22E 0044 Modify Memory: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D20F" N/A AAAAH 2AAAH N/A AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-16 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A8.4 A8.5 A8.6 A8.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations (Reject nonmatching labels) (Reject nonmatching labels) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data D220H D22EH EF44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 1#D220 1#D22E EF44 Modify Memory: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D210 to 5555" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D20F" AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations (Reject due to disable feature) (Reject due to disable feature) N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data D218H 0000H D21AH 0000H D220H D22EH EE44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 1#D218 0000 1#D21A 0000 1#D220 1#D22E EE44 Modify Memory: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH N/A Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) N/A AAAAH 2AAAH (no change from test 8.2) N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D20F" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-17 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. OPR LIMITS A8.8 AAAAH 2AAAH (no change) SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations (Accept valid data and label) (Accept valid data and label) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data D220H D22EH EE44H Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6 except: Address Data 1#D220 1#D22E EE44 Modify Memory: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" Read the following block of memory: D200H thru D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D20F" A8.10 5555H D555H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.11 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 8000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 8000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.9 N/A A8.12 8000H 0000H AAAAH 2AAAH (no change) N/A 5555H D555H 8000H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-18 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8.13 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory Address Data 0D210H 4000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 4000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.14 4000H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.15 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 2000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 2000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.16 2000H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.17 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify memory: Address Data 0D210H 1000H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 1000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.18 1000H 0000H 4000H 0000H 2000H 0000H 1000H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-19 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8.19 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0800H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0800H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.20 0800H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.21 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0400H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0400H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.22 0400H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.23 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0200H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0200H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.24 0200H 0000H 0800H 0000H 0400H 0000H 0200H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-20 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8.25 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0100H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0100H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.26 0100H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.27 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0080H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0080H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.28 0080H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.29 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0040H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0040H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.30 0040H 0000H 0100H 0000H 0080H 0000H 0040H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-21 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8.31 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0020H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0020H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.32 0020H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.33 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0010H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0010H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.34 0010H 0000H 0020H 0000H 0010H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-22 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A8.35 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0008H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0008H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.36 0008H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.37 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0004H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0004H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.38 0004H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.39 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0002H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0002H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0008H 0000H 0004H 0000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-23 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.40 0002H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0002H 0000H A8.41 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0001H 0D211H 0000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0001H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.42 0001H 0000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.43 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 8000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 8000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.44 0000H 8000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.45 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 4000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 4000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0001H 0000H 0000H 8000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-24 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.46 0000H 4000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 4000H A8.47 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 2000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 2000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.48 0000H 2000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.49 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 1000H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 1000H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.50 0000H 1000H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.51 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0800H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0800H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0000H 2000H 0000H 1000H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-25 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.52 0000H 0800H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0800H A8.53 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0400H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0400H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.54 0000H 0400H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.55 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0200H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0200H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.56 0000H 0020H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.57 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0100H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0100H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0000H 0400H 0000H 0200H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-26 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.58 0000H 0100H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0100H A8.59 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0080H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0080H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.60 0000H 0080H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.61 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0040H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0040H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.62 0000H 0040H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.63 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0020H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0020H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0000H 0080H 0000H 0040H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-27 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.64 0000H 0020H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0020H A8.65 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0010H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0010H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.66 0000H 0010H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.67 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0008H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0008H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.68 0000H 0008H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.69 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0004H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0004H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" 0000H 0010H 0000H 0008H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-28 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS A8.70 0000H 0004H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations 0000H 0004H A8.71 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0002H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0002H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.72 0000H 0002H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A8.73 N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 6.1. Perform initial setup in N/A accordance with table 6.1. Modify Memory: Address Data 0D210H 0000H 0D211H 0001H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210H to 0000H" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D211H to 0001H" Read the following block of memory: 0D200H thru 0D20FH. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200H thru 1#D20FH" A8.74 0000H 0001H Even locations Odd locations Even locations Odd locations A9 429 RECEIVER/ TRANSMITTER TESTS (EXTERNAL) 429 RECEIVER/ TRANSMITTER TESTS (EXTERNAL) Perform test setup in accordance with tables 2 and 8. Perform test setup in accordance with tables 2 and 8. Xmtr 0/Rcvr 0 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 0 0000H 0002H 0000H 0001H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-29 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A9.1 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 1) WORK STEPS (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 1) SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Connect Xmtr 0 (Maint Data Out) to Rcvr 0 (429 Air Data 1). Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D220H FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D220 FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D201" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-30 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A9.2 A9.3 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH 5555H D555H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS D200H D201H D200H D201H On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #1 and reconnect on 575 ADC #1. On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #1 and reconnect on 575 ADC #1. Modify receiver label: Address Data D220H FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D220 FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D200 to 1#D201" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D200H D201H D200H D201H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 1 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 1 SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS AAAAH 2AAAH 5555H D555H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-31 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A9.4 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 2) (MAINT DATA OUT/AIR DATA 2) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D222H FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D222 FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D202 to 1#D203" A9.5 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D202H D203H D202H D203H On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #2 and reconnect on 575 ADC #2. On Mode S interface panel, remove connections on 429 ADC #2 and reconnect on 575 ADC #2. Modify receiver label: Address Data D222H FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D222 FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D202 to 1#D203" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-32 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A9.6 A9.7 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS D202H D203H D202H D203H 5555H D555H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 2 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 2 (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL DATA B) (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL N/A DATA B) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D224H FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D224 FFAAH" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D204 to 1#D205" A9.8 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D204H D205H D204H D205H Modify receiver label: Address Data D224H FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D224 FF55H" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D201 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D204 to 1#D205" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-33 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A9.9 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS 5555H D555H A9.10 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS D204H D205H D204H D205H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 3 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 3 (MAINT DATA OUT/MAINT DATA IN) (MAINT DATA OUT/MAINT DATA IN) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D226H FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D226 FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D206 to 1#D207" A9.11 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D206H D207H D206H D207H Modify receiver label: Address Data D226H FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D226 FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D206 to 1#D207" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-34 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A9.12 5555H D555H A9.13 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS D206H D207H D206H D207H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 6 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 6 (MAINT DATA OUT/FLIGHT ID) (MAINT DATA OUT/FLIGHT ID) Perform setup in accordance with table 7. Perform setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D22CH FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D22C FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D20C to 1#D20D" A9.14 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D20CH D20DH D20CH D20DH Modify receiver label: Address Data D22CH FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D22C FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D20C to 1#D20D" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-35 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A9.15 5555H D555H A9.16 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS D20CH D20DH D20CH D20DH 5555H D555H Xmtr 0/Rcvr 7 Xmtr 0/Rcvr 7 (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL DATA A) (MAINT DATA OUT/CNTL N/A DATA A) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D22EH FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D22E FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H AAAAH D211H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to AAAA" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D20E to 1#D20F" A9.17 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D20EH D20FH D20EH D20FH Modify receiver label: Address Data D22EH FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D22E FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D210H 5555H D211H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D210 thru 1#D211 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word 1#D20E to 1#D20F" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-36 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A9.18 5555H D555H A9.19 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS D20EH D20FH D20EH D20FH 5555H D555H Xmtr 1/Rcvr 4 Xmtr 1/Rcvr 4 (XT COORD/TX COORD) (XT COORD/TX COORD) N/A Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D228H FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D228 FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D212H AAAAH D213H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D212 thru 1#D213 to AAAA" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D208 to 1#D209" A9.20 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D208H D209H D208H D209H Modify receiver label: Address Data D228H FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D228 FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D212H 5555H D213H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D212 thru 1#D213 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D208 to 1#D209" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-37 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A9.21 5555H D555H A9.22 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS D208H D209H D208H D209H Xmtr 2/Rcvr 5 Xmtr 2/Rcvr 5 (DATA LINK OUT/DATA LINK IN) (DATA LINK OUT/DATA LINK IN) Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Perform initial setup in accordance with table 7. Modify receiver label: Address Data D22AH FFAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0D22A FFAA" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D214H AAAAH D215H AAAAH Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#D214 thru 1#D215 to AAAA" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D20A to 1#D20B" A9.23 AAAAH 2AAAH Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address D20AH D20BH D20AH D20BH Modify receiver label: Address Data D22AH FF55H Enter "modify memory MDS from 1#0D22A FF55" Modify transmitter data: Address Data D214H 5555H D215H 5555H Enter "modify memory MDS from 1#D214 thru 1#D215 to 5555" AAAAH 2AAAH Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#D20A to 1#D20B" Data should read as follows: Data should read as follows: Address Address AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-38 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS A9.24 5555H D555H D20AH D20BH D20AH D20BH A10 INTERNAL RF SELF-TEST INTERNAL RF SELF-TEST Perform test setup in accordance with table 4. Set up video ASIC according to table 4. Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H D555H Perform test setup in accordance with table 4. Enter "END" Enter "SCP MDS" Enter "load verify MDS IT100P.RA" Enter "modify registers MDS E0 80E" Enter "modify registers MDS P 109." Enter "Set discretes MDS to IFA." Enter "run MDS" Program takes only a fraction of a second to run. When all six front panel LEDs are illuminated, program is complete. A10.1 N/A Short Mode S Bottom Antenna Short Mode S Bottom Antenna Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data OC02EH 0031H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0C02E 0031" The received interrogation data shall be as shown. Data shall indicate as follows: Address Address N/A Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C000 to 1#C003" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-39 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A10.2 5555H A10.3 N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS 0C000H thru 0C003H 0C000H thru OC003H Long Mode S Top Antenna Long Mode S Top Antenna Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C007H thru 0C00DH AAAAH 0C02EH 0037H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C007 thru 1#C00D to AAAA" SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS 5555H N/A Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0C02E 0037" Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C000 to 1#C007" A10.4 AAAAH A10.5 N/A The received interrogation data shall be as shown. Data shall indicate as follows: Address Address 0C000H thru 0C006H 0C000H thru 0C006H Mode S Long Squitter Top Antenna Pwr Vld Mode S Long Squitter Top Antenna Pwr Vld Set up reply data by writing to memory as shown. (Send preamble pulses only.) Address Data 0C007H F000H 0C008H thru 0C00DH 0000H Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 003FH AAAAH N/A Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C007 F000" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#C008 thru 1#C00D to 0000" Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0C02E 003F" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-40 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. N/A A10.8 XXXX4H bits 4 and 5=1 A10.9 IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS A10.6 XXX8H bits 4 and 5=1 A10.7 SPEC NO. N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS Observe the top antenna power valid signal by reading the self-test status word, address 0C011H. This word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C011 to 1#C011" Location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) Mode S Long Squitter Bot Antenna Pwr Vld Mode S Long Squitter Bot Antenna Pwr Vld Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 003DH Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS XXX8H bits 4 and 5=1 Enter "modify memory N/A MDS word 1#C02E 003D" XXXX4H bits 4 and 5=1 Observe the bottom antenna power valid signal by reading the selftest status word, address 0C011H. This word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C011 to 1#C011" This location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) ATCRBS Mode A Top Antenna ATCRBS Mode A Top Antenna Set up interrogation data for Mode A. Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H E000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0000H 0C00DH 0000H Modify memory according N/A to the following table: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address Data 1#C007 E000 1#C008 0000 1#C009 E000 1#C00A 0000 1#C00B 0000 1#C00C 0000 1#C00D 0000 Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 0036H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0C02E 0036" AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-41 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A10 .10 A10 .11 A10 .12 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS XXX2H N/A XXX1H PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS WORK STEPS SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS IFR 1400 Observe the Mode A signal by reading the self- CW/NORM/ test status word, address OFF: OFF 0C011H. Word shall be as specified. XXX2H Turn IFR 1400 CW/NORM/OFF Switch to “OFF” position. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C011 to 1#C011" This location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) ATCRBS Mode C Bot Antenna ATCRBS Mode C Bot Antenna Set up interrogation data for Mode C. Address Data 0C007H E000H 0C008H 0000H 0C009H 0000H 0C00AH 0000H 0C00BH 0000H 0C00CH 0E00H 0C00DH 0000H Modify memory according N/A to the following table: (Enter "modify memory to ") Address Data 1#C007 E000 1#C008 0000 1#C009 0000 1#C00A 0000 1#C00B 0000 1#C00C 0E00 1#C00D 0000 Initiate the self-test by writing to memory as shown. Address Data 0C02EH 0030H Enter "modify memory MDS word 1#0C02E 0030" Observe the Mode A signal by reading the selftest status word, address 0C011H. Word shall be as specified. Enter "display memory MDS word from 1#C011 to 1#C011" This location shall be as specified. (X = don't care) (X = don't care) XXX1H AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-42 PAGE SECURITY NOTATION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REV TEST LTR NO. A10 .13 SPEC NO. IT4061400-907 SEE PAGE INDEX FOR THIS SHEET REV LETTER CAGE CODE 58960 REV LTR SEE THE TITLE PAGE FOR PROPRIETARY AND DATA RIGHTS NOTATIONS. SPECIFICATION OPR LIMITS N/A PROCEDURE TEST DESCRIPTION SWITCH POS Perform test setup in accordance with table 1. WORK STEPS Perform test setup in accordance with table 1. STBY/ON discrete (hardware path) S-1403 FUNC 1 Interrogate the UUT with an ATCRBS Mode A interrogation at the standard rate and power. ATC-1400A XPDR MODE PRF: 0450 RF Lvl: -50 CW/NORM/ OFF: NORM SPECIFICATION MFG LIMITS N/A Turn XPDR MODE control knob to A position. Turn PRF thumbwheels to 450 Hz. Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: ON A10 .14 >90% Observe the ATCRBS % reply. The value shall be as specified. Switch the UUT to STANDBY mode. A10 .15 <10% Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. Mode S Interface Panel STBY/ON: STBY Observe the ATCRBS % reply. The value shall be as specified. >98% On the Mode S inter-face panel, toggle the STBY/ON switch to the STBY position. Read the % reply display on the ATC-1400A. The display shall indicate as specified. <2% This is the end of PC/CPI emulation testing. Continue testing UUT with tests 11 thru 28. AW/CRITICAL NOTATION SUPPLEMENTS SECURITY NOTATION 15101-000 (REV 970213 BCAS ASF5900/ENG_SPEC.DOT) (REV 07/18/2000 -OFC97-DATA SERVICES) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. A-43 PAGE
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