ADC Telecommunications PSM07U2D FlexWave(TM) Prism-700MHz Upper C MIMO User Manual

ADC Telecommunications Inc FlexWave(TM) Prism-700MHz Upper C MIMO

User Manual

ADC FlexWave® PrismElement Management System 7.1User ManualD-620749-0-20 Rev AAntennaAntennaAntennaQuad BandRemote UnitHost UnitAntenna77073-001ADCP-77-177  Issue 1  July 2011
Copyright© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information contained in this document is company private to ADC Telecommunications, Inc. and shall not be modified, used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of ADC.Trademark InformationADC and FlexWave are registered trademarks, and InterReach Spectrum and Universal Radio Head are trademarks of ADC Telecommunications, Inc. No right, license, or interest to such trademarks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such trademark.Other product names mentioned in this practice are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Disclaimer of LiabilityContents herein are current as of the date of publication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. Should the content of printed user documentation shipped with product differ from documentation provided on a product CD (inclusive of the associated Help modules), the printed user documentation supersedes the documentation on the product CD. In no event shall ADC be liable for any damages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and ADC further disclaims any and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages. This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period.Specific Disclaimer for High-Risk ActivitiesThis Software Product is not specifically designed, manufactured, tested or intended for use in high-risk activities including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, on-line control of aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. ADC (including its affiliates) and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for such purposes or any other purposes.Screenshots in User DocumentationDue to concurrent development of this documentation, artwork, and the FlexWave Prism EMS product, there may be some minor discrepancies between screenshots contained in this documentation and those actually displayed in the FlexWave Prism EMS. These discrepancies will generally be few and minor and should not affect your understanding of FlexWave Prism EMS.
FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page iiiADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 ©2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface __________________________________________________________ixFlexWave Prism User Documentation......................................................................................... xEMS Document Overview .........................................................................................................xiDocument Cautions and Notes.............................................................................................xiDocument Fonts................................................................................................................xiDocument Fonts................................................................................................................xiDocument Graphics ..........................................................................................................xiiAbbreviations/Acronyms ........................................................................................................ xiiiPart  I: FlexWave Prism Hardware _______________________________ 1Prism System Overview _____________________________________________ 3Prism System Overview ...........................................................................................................4Fiber Optic Transport..............................................................................................................10Host Unit Overview ................................................................................................................11Fan Module......................................................................................................................11SeRF II Module ................................................................................................................12SeRF II Module Ports...................................................................................................12SeRF II Module LEDs ...................................................................................................13Host System II Module......................................................................................................14Host System II Module Ports and Connectors..................................................................14Host System II Module LEDs.........................................................................................15DC Power Module .............................................................................................................15Prism Remote Units................................................................................................................16PRU Ports and Connectors (Bottom of PRU)..........................................................................17PRU Status LED (Bottom of PRU)........................................................................................18PRU Components..............................................................................................................19RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation ....................................................................21DART Modules .......................................................................................................................24Host DARTs .....................................................................................................................26Host DART Slots .........................................................................................................27Host DART Connectors and LEDs...................................................................................28Serialized RF (SeRF) Digital Protocol ...................................................................................29Simulcast Groups .............................................................................................................30Use of Multi Fibers............................................................................................................31E911 Support...................................................................................................................32Prism System Specifications ....................................................................................................33
Table of Contents  Page iv FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Part  II: System Setup  ______________________________________ 37Using the Prism EMS_______________________________________________ 39How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface ............................................................................40System Tree....................................................................................................................41System Tree Icons............................................................................................................42EMS View Frame Elements.................................................................................................42Unit Identification.............................................................................................................43Viewing Parameters and Alarms .........................................................................................44Alarm Color Codes ......................................................................................................44Viewing Alarm Details..................................................................................................45Sorting Tables..................................................................................................................46Following the Procedures in this Document................................................................................47Starting a Procedure.........................................................................................................47Modifying Parameters........................................................................................................47Selecting Menu Items........................................................................................................48Using the Help Embedded in the GUI ........................................................................................49Accessing Help.................................................................................................................49Navigating Help................................................................................................................50Using the Contents Tab................................................................................................50Using the Orientation Links and Buttons.........................................................................51Using the Index Tab....................................................................................................52Using the Search Tab ..................................................................................................53Initial FlexWave Prism System Setup__________________________________ 55Minimum EMS System Requirements........................................................................................56Access the EMS .....................................................................................................................57Set Session Timeout...............................................................................................................59Set Date and Time .................................................................................................................60Set Network Connections ........................................................................................................63Configure Basic Host Unit Properties.........................................................................................64Label the PRU/URU.................................................................................................................66Label the Host Optical Ports.....................................................................................................67Label PRU/URU Optical Ports ...................................................................................................70Configure DART Links.............................................................................................................71Classic DART Models .........................................................................................................75800 APAC iDEN Classic DART........................................................................................75800 SMR Classic DART.................................................................................................75900 SMR Classic .........................................................................................................762100 AWS Classic DART...............................................................................................76Cellular Classic DART...................................................................................................77PCS Classic DART........................................................................................................77SuperDART Models ...........................................................................................................79700 Lower ABC SuperDART ..........................................................................................79700 UpperC SuperDART...............................................................................................792100 AWS SuperDART.................................................................................................79EGSM 900 SuperDART.................................................................................................79GSM 1800 SuperDART.................................................................................................80PCS SuperDART..........................................................................................................80UMTS SuperDART .......................................................................................................80DART Start and Stop Frequencies .......................................................................................81Set the Forward and Reverse Delays.........................................................................................82Using the Linked DARTs Delay Table ...................................................................................83Filtering the Linked DARTs Delay Table................................................................................84Configure Host Forward Gain...................................................................................................85Configure Host Reverse Gain ...................................................................................................88Configure Remote Forward Gain...............................................................................................91Configure Reverse Input Power Levels ......................................................................................94
Table of ContentsFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page vADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Part  III: System Management ________________________________ 97System Information _______________________________________________ 99Get Information...................................................................................................................100Accessing System Reports ...............................................................................................101Viewing the Software/Firmware Report ........................................................................101Viewing the Hardware Inventory Report.......................................................................102Viewing the Network Report .......................................................................................104Viewing the Linked DARTs Report................................................................................105Viewing the Delay Report...........................................................................................106Viewing the Fiber Report............................................................................................107Viewing the Host RF Report........................................................................................108Viewing the Remote RF Report....................................................................................109Viewing the Alarms Report .........................................................................................110IFEU + RAU Report ...................................................................................................111Viewing the All Report ...............................................................................................112Downloading a Report.....................................................................................................113Get Optics Information .........................................................................................................116Get Logs.............................................................................................................................118System Management _____________________________________________ 121Moving or Reconfiguring Fibers ..............................................................................................122Edit the Properties of All Units in the System ...........................................................................123Reset All Units to Factory Default ...........................................................................................124Backing Up a System Configuration........................................................................................126Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration...........................................................................128Perform System Test............................................................................................................131Schedule System Test ..........................................................................................................135Schedule System Tests by Date and Time..........................................................................135Disable a Scheduled System Test......................................................................................137Set SNMP Trap Managers......................................................................................................138Adding an SNMP Trap Manager.........................................................................................139Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager.....................................................................................141Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager.......................................................................................142Setup SNMP .......................................................................................................................144Activate Optional Features ....................................................................................................145Managing Units__________________________________________________ 147Basic Unit Views ..................................................................................................................148View Optical Ports................................................................................................................149Viewing DARTs ....................................................................................................................151Viewing Network Statistics ....................................................................................................152Editing Unit Properties..........................................................................................................153Configuring Optical Ports.......................................................................................................153Viewing the Status of the Host Unit ........................................................................................154Viewing the Status of a Remote Unit.......................................................................................156Module Status Table .......................................................................................................156DART Status Table ....................................................................................................157LNA Status Table ......................................................................................................158LPA Status Table.......................................................................................................158PD Status Table........................................................................................................159Optical Status Table........................................................................................................159Remote Status Table.......................................................................................................160Remote Unit Capacity and Temperature.............................................................................160Clearing DART Configurations................................................................................................161Set the Capacity for a New Remote Unit RSI Board...................................................................162Using the EMS GUI to Change the Remote Unit Capacity......................................................162Using Telnet or ssh to Change the Remote Unit Capacity......................................................163Rebooting a Unit..................................................................................................................164Resetting an LPA..................................................................................................................165
Table of Contents  Page vi FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Alarms ________________________________________________________ 167View Current Alarms.............................................................................................................168Clear Current Alarms............................................................................................................170View Alarm History...............................................................................................................170Clearing Alarm History..........................................................................................................172Filtering the Alarm History.....................................................................................................172Manage Alarms....................................................................................................................174Enable and Disable Host and Remote Unit Alarms ...............................................................178Set RF Power Low Threshold............................................................................................180Antenna Disconnect Alarm...............................................................................................181Manage Contact Alarms ........................................................................................................182Acknowledge All Alarms........................................................................................................183Clear All Disconnect Alarms...................................................................................................184Troubleshooting Alarms ........................................................................................................185Major Alarms—Host Unit..................................................................................................185Major Alarms—Host Unit DARTs........................................................................................185Major Alarms—Host SeRF Modules....................................................................................187Major Alarms—Host Unit SFPs ..........................................................................................188Major Alarms—Remote Units............................................................................................189Major Alarms—PRU/URU DARTs........................................................................................189Major Alarms—PRU/URU SeRF Modules..............................................................................191Major Alarms—PRU/URU SFPs ..........................................................................................193Major Alarms—PRU or URU Duplexer.................................................................................194Major Alarms—PRU or URU LNA........................................................................................194Major Alarms—PRU or URU LPA ........................................................................................195Major Alarms—PRU or URU Power Detector........................................................................196Minor Alarms—Host Unit DARTs........................................................................................197Minor Alarms—Host Unit SeRF Module...............................................................................197Minor Alarms—Host Unit SFPs ..........................................................................................198Minor Alarms—PRU/URU DARTs........................................................................................198Minor Alarms—PRU/URU SeRF Modules..............................................................................199Minor Alarms—PRU/URU SFPs ..........................................................................................200Minor Alarms—PRU or URU LPAs.......................................................................................200Contact Alarms—Host System Card...................................................................................201Contact Alarms—Remote Unit ..........................................................................................201Users _________________________________________________________ 203Understanding FlexWave EMS User Accounts ...........................................................................204Manage Users Page..............................................................................................................205Add a New User .............................................................................................................205Change a User’s Access Level...........................................................................................207Change a User Password .................................................................................................208Change Your Personal Password.............................................................................................210Recovering a Password.........................................................................................................211Delete a User ......................................................................................................................212Upgrading the System and Units ____________________________________ 213Upload the Upgrade Files ......................................................................................................214Updating a Prism System......................................................................................................216Commit the Upgrade ............................................................................................................219Abort an Update ..................................................................................................................220Updating Individual Units......................................................................................................221Special Features _________________________________________________ 225Run Script...........................................................................................................................226Run Command.....................................................................................................................226Configure Feature ................................................................................................................227
Table of ContentsFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page viiADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Using an SNMP Interface __________________________________________ 229SNMP Overview ...................................................................................................................230Working with Prism MIB Files.................................................................................................231Accessing Prism MIBs......................................................................................................233System Date and Time MIB Format...................................................................................234Band Types ...................................................................................................................235Prism MIB Objects................................................................................................................236Parameters in ADC-FLEXWAVE-URH-MIB ...........................................................................237System-Level Parameters ..........................................................................................237Host Unit Parameters ................................................................................................239Host Parameters..................................................................................................239Host SeRF Card Parameters..................................................................................240Host SeRF Optics Parameters................................................................................243Host SeRF ENET Switch Parameters .......................................................................245Host SeRF FPGA Parameters .................................................................................247Host List of Remotes Parameters ...........................................................................247Host DART Module Parameters ..............................................................................248Host System Card Parameters...............................................................................252Remote Unit Parameters............................................................................................254Remote Parameters.............................................................................................254Prism Remote System Card...................................................................................256Prism Remote SeRF General..................................................................................257Prism Remote SeRF Optics....................................................................................260Prism Remote SeRF ENET Switch...........................................................................262Prism Remote SeRF FPGA.....................................................................................264Prism Remote DART.............................................................................................264Prism Remote LPA ...............................................................................................270Prism Remote Power Detector...............................................................................272Prism Remote LNA/Duplexer.................................................................................273Prism Remote RDI Card........................................................................................274Prism Remote RSI Card........................................................................................275Common Managed Objects.........................................................................................276Prism DART Mapping............................................................................................276Schedule System Link Test ...................................................................................278SNMP Settings ....................................................................................................279Register SNMP Trap Manager ................................................................................280Geographic Locations ................................................................................................281GEO Objects.......................................................................................................281GEO Table Objects...............................................................................................282Managed Objects for Traps.........................................................................................283Prism Input Contact Alarm Management Table.........................................................283System Active Alarm Table ...................................................................................284Alarm Management Table.....................................................................................287Alarm Enable Table..............................................................................................288Static Alarms Table..............................................................................................288Working with SNMP Traps .....................................................................................................290View the Traps...............................................................................................................290Managing Traps..............................................................................................................291Date and Time Stamps in Traps........................................................................................292Variable Bindings............................................................................................................293Appendix A: Upgrading an LPA______________________________________ 295Appendix B: Duplexer Programming Utility ____________________________ 297Appendix C: Contacting ADC/TE Connectivity __________________________ 299Index _________________________________________________________ 301Index of Alarms _________________________________________________ 323Index of MIB Objects _____________________________________________ 327
Table of Contents  Page viii FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Intentionally Blank Page
FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page ixADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 ©2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PREFACEFlexWave Prism User Documentation......................................................................................... xEMS Document Overview .........................................................................................................xiDocument Cautions and Notes.............................................................................................xiDocument Fonts................................................................................................................xiDocument Fonts................................................................................................................xiDocument Graphics ..........................................................................................................xiiAbbreviations/Acronyms ........................................................................................................ xiiiThe information in this document guides you through configuring an ADC® FlexWave® Prism system through its web-based Element Management System (EMS) Release 7.1. The EMS is an embedded software application that runs on the Host and that may be accessed via an internet connection using a web browser.CAUTION! The instructions in this document assume that you have already installed the FlexWave Prism units as described in their respective installation guides (see Table 1).The Preface describes how to use the FlexWave Prism user documentation.Topics Page
FlexWave Prism User Documentation  Page x FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011FLEXWAVE PRISM USER DOCUMENTATIONFlexWave Prism documentation is intended for system administrators, engineers and installers responsible for planning, administering, configuring, and maintaining FlexWave Prism systems. The following table lists the manuals that correspond to this FlexWave Prism release.Title ADCP Number FlexWave Prism Host Unit II Installation Guide 77-089FlexWave Prism Host Unit II Module Replacement Guide 77-090FlexWave Prism Remote Unit Installation Guide 77-072FlexWave Prism Remote Mounting Kit Installation Instructions 77-077FlexWave Prism Remote RF Module Installation Instructions 77-079FlexWave Prism External CWDM Enclosure Installation Guide 77-151FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual 77-177Accessing User Documentation on the Customer Portal1Click on the following URL link or enter the URL into your web browser, and then press ENTER on your keyboard: NOTE: Access to the Customer Portal requires a user account and password. If you do not have an account, click on the registration link on the Log In page.2On the Customer Portal Home page, click Manuals & Spec Sheets.3On the Manuals & Spec Sheets page, click on the title of the manual that you wish to open or download.Document Cautions and NotesTwo types of messages, identified below, appear in the text:CAUTION! Caution text indicates operations or steps that could cause personal injury, induce a safety problem in a managed device, destroy or corrupt information, or interrupt or stop services.NOTE: Note text contains information about special circumstances.
PrefaceFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page xiADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Document FontsYou will find the following font conventions in use throughout the document.•This font represents a reference to a EMS dialog box, menu item, configuration option, or other parameter.•<This Font> in angle brackets represents a reference to a EMS dialog box, menu item, configuration option, or other parameter that is a variable. The text within the angle brackets changes according to a get or set command. For example:–The Password for <username> has been changed message displays.–The Password for JohnSmith has been changed message displays.•This font represents non-variable text that you type at a prompt.•THIS FONT represents keys that you need to press on your keyboard.
FlexWave Prism User Documentation  Page xii FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Document GraphicsThis manual documents an EMS, the features of which display in a web browser window, as described in “How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface” on page 40. To display the entire web browser would reduce the image size in this document, which would reduce the document’s usability. The screen graphics will therefore focus on the element of the web page under discussion. In most instances, this will be the current view in the EMS View frame, which is encircled in red in Figure 1.Figure 1. EMS in Web BrowserFor example, when discussing the Edit Unit Properties page shown in Figure 1, only the Edit Unit Properties panel will be illustrated (see Figure 2).Figure 2. Edit Unit Properties Panel
PrefaceFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page xiiiADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSThis section defines abbreviations/acronyms used in this manual.Abbreviations/Acronyms DefinitionAC Alternating CurrentBDA Bi-Directional AmplifierBER Bit Error RateBTS Base Transceiver Station COM CommonCWDM Coarse Wavelength Division MultiplexerDART Digital/Analog Radio TransceiverDAS Distributed Antenna Systemdb DecibelsdBm decibel measured in reference to milliwattsDC Direct CurrentEMS Element Management SystemFLM Forward Link MonitoringFWD ForwardGUI Graphical User InterfaceId IdentificationIF Intermediate FrequencyLNA Low Noise AmplifierLPA Linear Power AmplifierMHz MegahertzMMW Millimeter WavesMicrosecondsNC Normally ClosedNIC Network-Interface Connectionnm NanometerNO Normally OpenOSP Outside PlantPkt PacketPLL Phase-Locked LoopPRU Prism Remote UnitRDI Remote DART InterfaceREV ReverseRF Radio FrequencyRLM Reverse Link MonitoringRSI Remote SeRF InterfaceRX ReceiveSeRF Serialized RFSFP Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Abbreviations/Acronyms  Page xiv FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011SNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolTX TransmitUPS Uninterruptible Power SupplyURU URH Remote UnitVLAN Virtual Local Area NetworkVSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioWDM Wavelength Division MultiplexerAbbreviations/Acronyms Definition
FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 1ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PART IFLEXWAVE PRISM HARDWARE
 Page 2 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Intentionally Blank Page
FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 3ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 ©2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PRISM SYSTEM OVERVIEWPrism System Overview ...........................................................................................................4Fiber Optic Transport..............................................................................................................10Host Unit Overview ................................................................................................................11Fan Module......................................................................................................................11SeRF II Module ................................................................................................................12SeRF II Module Ports...................................................................................................12SeRF II Module LEDs ...................................................................................................13Host System II Module......................................................................................................14Host System II Module Ports and Connectors..................................................................14Host System II Module LEDs.........................................................................................15DC Power Module .............................................................................................................15Prism Remote Units................................................................................................................16PRU Ports and Connectors (Bottom of PRU)..........................................................................17PRU Status LED (Bottom of PRU)........................................................................................18PRU Components..............................................................................................................19RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation ....................................................................21DART Modules .......................................................................................................................24Host DARTs .....................................................................................................................26Host DART Slots .........................................................................................................27Host DART Connectors and LEDs...................................................................................28Serialized RF (SeRF) Digital Protocol ...................................................................................29Simulcast Groups .............................................................................................................30Use of Multi Fibers............................................................................................................31E911 Support...................................................................................................................32Prism System Specifications ....................................................................................................33This section provides a basic description of an ADC® FlexWave® Prism system.Topics Page
Prism System Overview  Page 4 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011PRISM SYSTEM OVERVIEWADC’s FlexWave® Prism is a compact radio head utilized for precision and macro gap coverage, which supports up to four frequency bands, while delivering high-performance coverage with end-to-end management. FlexWave Prism is ideal for enhancing outdoor and indoor coverage in urban, suburban, canyons, tunnels, campuses, stadiums and other public venues.A Prism system offers the following features:•ADC’s patented RF-over-fiber transport eliminates installation-dependent gain or fiber length adjustments •Improved manageability for installation and upgrades •Smaller size to ease placement and zoning approvals •4G readiness with Four Band remote, which is ideal for incorporating 2G and 3G services with needs of 4G technologies such as LTE •The unique capability to support digital RF as well as baseband compatibility into a single fiber pair and remote radiating point •Support for millimeter wave backhaul •With its unique use of wideband digital RF transport, FlexWave Prism delivers reliable and consistent performance in all environments. Signals are not affected by reflection, dispersion, or frequency attenuation over fiber. FlexWave Prism delivers a reliable signal at every remote location. The ADC FlexWave Prism family of products is a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) that provides ADC’s patented technology—bidirectional transport of digitized RF spectrum over fiber. The high-speed digitalization of a wideband portion of spectrum allows for transport of RF signals over extended distances, without the RF degradation that normally results when analog systems are impacted by optical effects. The basic function of the FlexWave Prism platform is to transport via fiber optic cable RF signals from a Base Transceiver Station (BTS) to an antenna interface allowing communication to a mobile device. Multiple BTS communication paths are allowed over a single Prism system. A very basic Prism system consists of a Host Unit (Host) and a Prism Remote Unit (PRU).•The Host is a three rack unit high chassis with multiple cards that mounts in a standard equipment rack.•The PRU consists of multiple electronic and optical modules mounted in an outdoor enclosure. On an optional basis, the Prism system supports reverse path diversity. In addition, various accessory items such as a passive Wavelength Division Multiplexer (WDM) system and a Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer (CWDM) system are available as accessories.Control and monitoring functions are provided by the FlexWave Element Management System (EMS).
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 5ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Examples of FlexWave Prism Systems are shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 on page 6, and Figure 3 on page 7.Figure 1. Three Bands to One PRU (No Simulcast)Base Transceiver StationsFrequency Band ARFAntennaFrequency Band AAntennaFrequency Band BAntennaFrequency Band CHost UnitTri-Band Remote UnitFrequency Band BRFFrequency Band CRF
Prism System Overview  Page 6 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Figure 2. Multiple Point-to-Point Configuration(One Band per PRU, Three Nodes)Host UnitRFBase Transceiver StationsFrequency Band ASector GFrequency Band ASector BFrequency Band ASector ARFRFAntennaFrequency Band ASector GAntennaFrequency Band ASector BAntennaFrequency Band ASector AThree Single-Band Remotes
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 7ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Figure 3. Four PRU Simulcast, Three Frequency BandsEach link consists of a Host that provides the interface between the base station RF ports and the optical fiber, and at least one Remote that provides the interface between the optical fiber and the remote antenna.RFRFHost UnitBase Transceiver StationsFrequency Band BFrequency Band AFour Tri-Band RemotesAntenna FrequencyBand AAntenna FrequencyBand BAntenna FrequencyBand CAntenna FrequencyBand AAntenna FrequencyBand BAntenna FrequencyBand CAntenna FrequencyBand AAntenna FrequencyBand BAntenna FrequencyBand CAntenna FrequencyBand AAntenna FrequencyBand BAntenna FrequencyBand CRFFrequency Band C
Prism System Overview  Page 8 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011A block diagram of a point-to-point system is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. FlexWave Tri-Band Prism Block DiagramFlexWaveHostFWD RF INREV RF OUTBTS 1AntennaInterfaceBTS 1BTS 2BTS 3AntennaInterfaceBTS 2AntennaInterfaceBTS 3NON-DIVERSITYFWD RF INREV RF OUTBTS 1AntennaInterfaceBTS 1BTS 2BTS 3AntennaInterfaceBTS 2AntennaInterfaceBTS 3DIVERSITYREV DIV RF OUT REV DIV RF INREV DIV RF INREV DIV RF INFWD RF INREV RF OUTREV DIV RF OUTFWD RF INREV RF OUTREV DIV RF OUTFWD RF INREV RF OUTFWD RF INREV RF OUTFlexWaveHostFlexWaveRemoteFlexWaveRemoteFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF IN
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 9ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.The basic function of FlexWave Prism simulcast (point-to-multipoint) is to transport, via fiber optic cable, RF signals from a BTS to multiple antenna interfaces allowing communication to a mobile device (see Figure 5). Up to 8 simulcast Remote Units are supported by each Host Unit.Figure 5. System Block Diagram for Eight-Way SimulcastFlexWaveHostFWD RF INREV RF OUTBTS 1BTS 2BTS 3FWD RF INREV RF OUTFWD RF INREV RF OUTFlexWaveRemote 1AntennaInterfaceBTS 1FWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFWD RF OUTREV RF INFlexWaveRemote 2FlexWaveRemote 8AntennaInterfaceBTS 2AntennaInterfaceBTS 3AntennaInterfaceBTS 1AntennaInterfaceBTS 2AntennaInterfaceBTS 3AntennaInterfaceBTS 1AntennaInterfaceBTS 2AntennaInterfaceBTS 8
Fiber Optic Transport  Page 10 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011FIBER OPTIC TRANSPORTIn a FlexWave Prism system, each BTS provides the RF channel inputs and outputs for a designated sector. Each Host may be interfaced with one or more Base Transceiver Station (BTS). On the forward path, the Host receives Analog RF signals from the BTS, digitizes the designated RF bands, and then transports them over single-mode fiber to up to 8 Remote Units. The Remote Unit(s) receives the digitized spectrum from the Host and converts the spectrum back into an analog RF signal to be distributed via an externally mounted antenna system.On the reverse path, the Remote Unit digitizes the designated RF spectrum and digitally transports it over single mode fiber or Millimeter Wave (MMW) to the Host. The Host receives the digitized RF signals from the Remote Unit and converts them back to Analog RF for the BTS.In a typical Prism system the Host is connected to the Remote using two single-mode optical fibers. One fiber is used to transport the forward path optical signal and a second fiber is used to transport the reverse path optical signal. Because the optical signal is digital, the input and output RF signal levels at the Host or the Remote are not dependent on the level of the optical signal or the length of the optical fiber. A diagram of the standard fiber optic transport system for both a non-diversity and diversity system is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Standard Fiber Optic Transport ApplicationThe maximum length of the optical links is dependent on the loss specifications of the optical fiber and the losses imposed by the various connectors and splices. The system provides an optical budget of 25 dB (typical) when used with 9/125 single-mode fiber. There must be at least 10 dB of optical loss to prevent over-driving and possible damage to the optical receiver. NOTE: The RF modulation used determines the maximum fiber length between the Host and Remote units, which is dependent on how much delay that modulation type will handle.77073-008RemoteUnitForward PathReverse PathNon-Diversity Fiber Optic LinkForward PathDiversity Fiber Optic LinkReverse PathAndDiversity Reverse PathHostUnitRemoteUnitUp ToEight
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 11ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.HOST UNIT OVERVIEWThe rack-mountable Host is typically located with the RF source—a Base Transceiver Station (BTS). The Host is DC powered and supports up to eight BTS interfaces through DART (Digital/Analog Radio Transceiver) cards. (For further information on DART Modules, see “DART Modules” on page 24.)The Host is designed for use within a non-condensing indoor environment, such as inside a base-station shelter, Central Office, wiring closet, or a controlled-environment cabinet. It is installed into a 19- or 23-inch, rack-mounted chassis, that is 9-inches deep and can hold up to three units. All controls, connectors, and indicators, except for the grounding point, are accessible on front of the Host. Figure 7 shows the main elements of the Host.Figure 7. Host Front PanelNOTE: The Host comprises a Fan Assembly, a SeRF II Board Module, a Host System II Module, and a DC Power Module. These modules are pre assembled in the Host chassis at the factory. This document describes them as separate modules for reference only. Fan ModuleThe Fan Module, mounted on the left side of the Host, continuously blows cool air into the Host enclosure, and vents hot air out of the chassis on the right. An alarm is generated if a high-temperature condition occurs. The Fan Module is field replaceable (see the Prism Host Unit Installation Guide, ADCP-77-089).FanAssemblySeRF IIModuleSystem IIBoard ModuleDC PowerModuleSlots 1 - 8 for DART cards(Slots 1 - 4 are occupied)
Host Unit Overview  Page 12 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011SeRF II ModuleThe SeRF II Module:•manages communications and alarms•receives digitized signals from the DART and sends the digitized RF bands to the designated PRU•receives digitized RF signals from the PRU and sends the digitized RF signal to the DART for conversion from Digital RF to Analog RF for the BTS/BDA•supports eight Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) optical transceivers•provides two Ethernet interfaces.SeRF II Module PortsRef # Component Device Function1Network port RJ-45 jack (female) Networking access to an external DHCP server2TX/RX Optical port(1–8)LC (flat-polished) connector (single-mode)Input/output connection points for Ports 1 through 8 Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX) optical fiber pairs 3Craft port RJ-45 jack (female) Local Ethernet access to the Host123
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 13ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.SeRF II Module LEDsRef # LED LED Color Description1SFP TX •OFF• GREEN•RED• No Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) present• SFP is present and the FPGA internal Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is locked• SFP is present and the FPGA internal PLL is not lockedSFP RX •OFF• GREEN•AMBER•RED• No SFP present• Receiver has locked and framed to the incoming signal• Receiver has light, but is not locked to the incoming frequency or not framed• Receiver has no light2ALARM • GREEN • No major alarm is present in the system• RED • Initial bootup sequence, or a major alarm is present in the system3SYNTH • GREEN • Locked• RED • Unlocked4STATUS• GREEN • No alarm for the SeRF II Module• RED • Initial bootup sequence and should become GREEN within 1 minute; if RED after bootup, a Major alarm exists for the SeRF II Module5POWER• GREEN • Power OK and operating properly• RED • Power supply out of tolerance• OFF • No power presentSFP8Tx RxSFP7TxRxLEDs for SFP in top port 12345LEDs for SFP in bottom port
Host Unit Overview  Page 14 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Host System II ModuleThe Host System II Module:•provides output dry alarm contacts for reporting alarms to an external management system•can output the reference clock to a daisy-chained Host.Host System II Module Ports and ConnectorsRef # Component Device Function1REF IN connector QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector 10 MHz reference clock input that may be used to synchronize between multiple Hosts in a daisy-chain configuration.2REF OUT connector QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector 10 MHz reference clock output that may be used to synchronize between multiple Hosts in a daisy-chain configuration.3COM LINK connector  DB9 female connector Not applicable to the Prism Host. The COM Link is only used when the System II Board is configured as a Remote System II Board.4Alarm Outputs—PRU Twelve position terminal block. Screw-type terminal connector (14–26 AWG)Connection points for a major and minor dry alarm contacts. Includes normally closed (NC), common (COM), and normally open (NO) wiring connections.5Alarm Outputs—Host6Alarm InputsTwo contact closure inputs Connection points for monitoring external devices, which allows the Alarm connector to monitor the output contact closures from an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) or a Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA). This feature is currently not supported by Prism systems.12 3 4 5 6
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 15ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Host System II Module LEDsDC Power ModuleThe DC Power Module converts ±24 - ±48 VDC to the DC voltages used by the Host modules.Ref # LED LED Color Description1REF IN• Green • An external reference has been selected in the Prism Element Management System GUI. Once this selection has been made in the GUI, the REF IN LED is green, regardless of the presence of a signal on the REF IN connector.• Off • No external reference has been selected in the Prism Element Management System GUI.230.72 MHz Off For this release, this LED will always be off in a Prism Host Unit.310 MHz• Green • The system is configured to output a 10MHz signal on the Ref Out connector. (The input of an external 10MHz clock on the Ref In connector is indicated by the REF In LED.)• Off • External 10 MHz reference disabled.4PWR • Green • Host System II board is receiving power.• Off • Host System II board is not receiving power.Ref # Component Device Function1ON/OFF Switch Rocker switch Turns Host power on/off2POWER connector Three position connector 10A connector for DC power wiring; FCC qualification meets 21-60 VDCRef # LED LED Color Description3PWR • Green • DC Power Supply OK• Red • DC Power Supply Fault1234123
Prism Remote Units  Page 16 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011PRISM REMOTE UNITSThe Prism Remote Unit (PRU), shown in Figure 8, controls RF emissions, interfaces with the FlexWave Host and performs the optical to electrical conversions for transport to the antennas. The PRU is an IP-65 rated enclosure that houses the electronic assemblies such as the RF Module Group, SeRF assembly and AC/DC power supplies, and seals out dirt and moisture. The PRU uses fans located on the top of each unit to cool the chassis. The antenna cable connectors, fiber connectors, AC power connector, and the unit status indicator are located on the bottom of the unit.Figure 8. Prism Remote Units (PRUs)The FlexWave Remote receives on the forward path the digitized spectrum from the Host and converts the spectrum back into an RF signal to be distributed via an externally mounted antenna system. On the reverse path, the Remote digitizes the designated RF spectrum and digitally transports it over single-mode fiber or Millimeter Wave (MMW) to the Host. The PRU also provides RF interface (antenna port) for the antennas, and accepts AC power input.Single-BandRemoteDual-BandRemoteTri-BandRemoteQuad-BandRemote77152-007
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 17ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PRU Ports and Connectors (Bottom of PRU)Ref # Component Device Function1Aux Connector Four contact closure inputs Connection points for external alarm inputs.2Antenna Connectors Eight 50 N-Type (female) connectors • Connection points between the PRU and up to four antennas are labeled as Mod X TXO/RXO (where the first X can be A, B, C, or D).• Connection points between the PRU and Diversity receive for RF power from the antenna are labeled as Mod X RX1 (where the first X can be A, B, C, or D).3Fiber Connectors ProAx connectors that provide four BX5 connectorsConnection points between the PRU and the Outside Plant (OSP) box.4Dual-Ground Connector Ground connector Grounds the PRU. 5AC Power Port Sealed 3-pin port Connection point between the PRU and an AC power junction box.6Network Connector PortRJ-45 female connector IP servicing between the Host and PRU(s); allows communications with the internal processor and transfer of service data to the optical protocol.NETWORKAUX.MOD ARX1MOD ATX0/RX0FIBER 1FIBER 2MOD BTX0/RX0MOD BRX1MOD CTX0/RX0MOD DTX0/RX0MOD CRX1MOD DRX1POWER100-240 VAC50-60 Hz16 AMPSBottom of a PRU653412
Prism Remote Units  Page 18 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011PRU Status LED (Bottom of PRU)The PRU has a single red Status LED that is located on the bottom of the chassis. At system startup, the PRU Status LED is red to indicate that the PRU is powering up and that the SeRF processor does not yet control the PRU. After start up, if the PRU Status LED is red, it indicates the presence of major alarm(s) on the PRU. The PRU Status LED stays red until all the major alarm conditions that exist on the PRU clear. (For information on alarms that pertain to the PRU, see “Troubleshooting Alarms” on page 185.)NETWORKAUX.MOD ARX1MOD ATX0/RX0FIBER 1FIBER 2MOD BTX0/RX0MOD BRX1MOD CTX0/RX0MOD DTX0/RX0MOD CRX1MOD DRX1POWER100-240 VAC50-60 Hz16 AMPSStatus LED—Bottom of a PRUStaus LED
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 19ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PRU ComponentsThe PRU chassis is an outdoor-rated enclosure that comprises the following components:•Power Supplies•SeRF Module•Fans•Interface connections as described in “PRU Ports and Connectors (Bottom of PRU)” on page 17•External Status LED (see “PRU Status LED (Bottom of PRU)” on page 18)•Remote (AC) power and RF Module (DC) power switchesPRUs ship with specified RF Modules pre-installed. The Prism RF Modules comprise: •DARTs•Linear Power Amplifier (LPA)•Duplexer with one or two Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) and a Power Detector (PD)•Remote DART Interface (RDI) ModuleFor further information on the RF Modules, see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation” on page 21.
Prism Remote Units  Page 20 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Figure 9 shows components within the Remote Unit chassis. Figure 9. Prism Remote Unit (PRU) ComponentsSeRF ModuleAC Power switchLinearPowerAmplifierCable connectors and Status LEDDART card(one or two oneach RF Module)Remote DART Interface (RDI)(one on each RF Module)DuplexerDC Power switchesfor RF ModulesRF Module(one of four in thisQuad-Band Prism)77072-009
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 21ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.RF Module Capabilities and GUI RepresentationA PRU comprises from one to four RF Module slots. Each RF Module can comprise any of the following DART combinations:•one Classic DART or one Single SuperDART•two Classic DARTs•two Single SuperDARTs•one Dual SuperDART.A PRU can therefore comprise up to eight single-slot DARTS or up to four Dual SuperDARTs, dependent on the Remote chassis size and the number of RF Modules installed. To link the Remote Unit DARTs to the DARTs in a Host Unit, the DARTs must be the same type (such as, PCS to PCS).NOTE: PRU RF Modules are not field serviceable. To replace a DART within a PRU, you must replace the RF Module.
Prism Remote Units  Page 22 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Table 1 and Figure 10 on page 23 describe how the EMS references the RF group assignments and corresponding components of each RF Module.NOTE: In a dual-LPA system, the Configure Remote Forward Gain page shows two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting the LPA applies to both LPAs at the same time. For further information on setting the LPA Mode, see “Configure Remote Forward Gain” on page 91. For further information on resetting an LPA, see “Resetting an LPA” on page 165.Table 1. Remote RF Group Assignments (from Top/Down)Physical RF SlotRF GroupDART NumberLNA Number LPA NumberPower Detector NumberPrimary DiversityD D 8 8 4 47 7C C 6 6 3 35 5B B 4 4 2 23 3A A 2 2 1 11 1SeRF Board
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 23ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Figure 10. DART RF Groups in a Prism Remote UnitSeRF Module77152-010DART 7DART 8Group DDART 5DART 6Group CDART 3DART 4Group BDART 1DART 2Group A
DART Modules  Page 24 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011DART MODULESDART Modules:•amplify, down-convert, filter and digitize the incoming RF signal•convert incoming digital signal from the SeRF to analog, filter, amplify and up-convert the frequency from Intermediate Frequency (IF) to RF•provide a bi-directional interface between RF and the SeRF board (via FPGA, D/A converter, and A/D converter)•provide uplink gain•support Simplex RF interfacing to/from the BTS•perform adjustable delay processing.Prism supports the following types of DART Modules:•Classic DARTs are 6-timeslot DARTs that support up to 35 MHz contiguous bandwidth (see Table 2).•Single SuperDARTs are 6-timeslot DARTs that support two non-contiguous bands in the entire frequency range of the DART, but cannot exceed 35 MHz total RF bandwidth (see Table 3 on page 25).•Single SuperDARTs that can support 70/75 MHz bandwidth in positions 1 or 3 when installed in a Host Unit II that has both a SeRF II Module and a Backplane II chassis installed. (See Table 4 on page 25.)•Dual SuperDARTs are 12-timeslot DARTs that support up to 70/75MHz with two non-contiguous bands (see Table 4 on page 25).NOTE: Industry Canada PCS 20 dB nominal bandwidth is less than 61.5 MHz.NOTE: Industry Canada AWS 20 dB nominal bandwidth is less than 47.2 MHzTable 2. Single-Slot Classic DARTsDART Name Maximum Bandwidth (MHz)Number of Fiber Slots800 APAC iDEN Classic 19 3800 SMR Classic 18 3850 Classic 25 4900 SMR Classic 5 1
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 25ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.For further information on DART Modules, see also “Host DARTs” on page 26 and “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation” on page 21 (Remote RF Modules contain Remote DARTs).Table 3. Single-Slot SuperDARTs (1) DART Name Maximum Frequency Span (MHz)Maximum Bandwidth (MHz)Maximum Fiber Slots1800 SGL SuperDART 75 39 61900 PCS SGL SuperDART 70 39 62100 SGL AWS SuperDART 45 39 62100 SGL UMTS SuperDART 60 39 6700 LowerABC SGL SuperDART 18 3700 UpperC SGL SuperDART 10 2900 EGSM SGL SuperDART 35 6(1) When using a Host Unit II with both the SeRF II and System Board II modules, the bandwidths and fiber slots shown are only available in Host DART Slots 1 and 3 for Single-Slot SuperDARTs.Table 4. Dual-Slot SuperDARTsDART Name Maximum Bandwidth (MHz)Number of Fiber Slots1800 DL SuperDART 75 121900 PCS DL SuperDART 70 122100 DL AWS SuperDART 45 82100 DL UMTS SuperDART 60 12
DART Modules  Page 26 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Host DARTsThe Host can support up to eight Classic DARTS and/or Single SuperDARTs or up to four Dual SuperDARTs. Figure 11 provides generic representations of Classic DARTS or Single SuperDARTs and Dual SuperDARTs.Figure 11. DART ModulesFigure 12 shows a Host that is fully loaded with Dual SuperDART Modules.Figure 12. Host with Dual SuperDARTsGeneric representation of aClassic DART or Single SuperDARTGeneric representation of aDual SuperDART77073-076SeRF CardSystem CardPower SupplyFan AssemblyDual SuperDARTin Slots 1 and 3Dual SuperDARTin Slots 2 And 4Dual SuperDARTin Slots 5 And 7Dual SuperDARTin Slots 6 And 877073-078
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 27ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Host DART SlotsFigure 13 shows the possible slot assignments for Single and Dual SuperDARTs, and where slot-divider bars are located.Figure 13. DART Slot Assignments in Host ChassisPossible slot assignments for Single and Dual SuperDARTs are listed below.•A Classic DART or Single SuperDART can be installed in each of the eight slots in the Host.•Single-Slot SuperDARTs plugged into slots 1 or 3 of a Host that has both a SeRF II Module and a Backplane II chassis installed can pass 12 fiber slots like a dual-slot SuperDART.•Dual SuperDARTs require that slot divider bars be removed as their size requires two-slot combinations, which are available in the following vertical groupings:–Slots 1 and 3–Slots 2 and 4–Slots 5 and 7–Slots 6 and 8.•Dual SuperDARTs cannot occupy horizontal slot combinations:–Slots 3 and 5–Slots 4 and 6.•Any combination of DARTs may be installed.SeRF CardSystem CardPower SupplySingle-Slot DARTin Slot 1Single-Slot DARTin Slot 3Single-Slot DARTin Slot 2Single-Slot DARTin Slot 4Single-Slot DARTin Slot 7Single-Slot DARTin Slot 5Single-Slot DARTin Slot 8Single-Slot DARTin Slot 6Fan AssemblyDivider bars betweenSlots 1 and 3and Slots 2 and 4Divider bars betweenSlots 5 and 7and Slots 6 and 8SeRF CardSystem CardPower SupplyFan Assembly77073-077Dual-Slot DARTin Slots 1 and 3Dual-Slot DARTin Slots 2 and 4Single-Slot DARTin Slot 7Single-Slot DARTin Slot 5Single-Slot DARTin Slot 8Single-Slot DARTin Slot 6Divider bars betweenSlots 1 and 3 and Slots 2 and 4 removedto accommodateDual-Slot DARTs
DART Modules  Page 28 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Host DART Connectors and LEDsOnly RF DART Modules can be installed in the Host Unit. DART Type Ref # Component Device FunctionHost RF 2FWD RF IN QMA-Type female RF coaxial connectorInput connection point for the forward path RF coaxial cable to the BTS4REV RF OUT QMA-Type female RF coaxial connectorOutput connection point for the reverse path RF coaxial cable to the BTSRef # LED LED Color Description1PWR  • Green • Card is powered.• Red • Problem with onboard power• Off • No power present at card.3STATUS •Green •OK•Red •Major Alarm• Yellow • Automatic Level Control active14 3 2Host RF DARTREVRF OUTFWDRF INPWRSTATUSS-DARTFWD 925-960REV 880-915FWD NOT TOEXCEED +5 dBm
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 29ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Serialized RF (SeRF) Digital ProtocolThe SeRF (Serialized RF) digital protocol consists of digitized RF, Fast Ethernet, and Host to Remote communication and management. The protocol provides you with full access to the 100BASE-T (Ethernet) connection between the Host and each Remote, and the ability to provision the RF spectrum of the DARTs. The digitized RF portion of the SeRF protocol is divided into 12 timeslots, with each timeslot representing roughly 5 MHz of digitized RF spectrum. Utilizing the full 12 timeslots yields between 60 and 75 MHz of total digitized RF on each SeRF Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) laser connection (single fiber pair).The available RF bandwidth per timeslot is shown in Table 5.For example, a user who wishes to transport PCS A block, Cellular A, and AWS B block, the system would require the following:PCS A 15MHz, 3 timeslotsCellular A 10MHz, 2 timeslotsAWS B 10MHz, 2 timeslots__________________________Total = 35MHz, 7 timeslotsEach fiber pair supports 12 timeslots, or up to 75 MHz of bandwidth. Table 5 shows the maximum bandwidth versus the number of timeslots.If more than 70 MHz is required per Remote, up to three additional fiber pairs can be brought to the Remote to get up to up to 280MHz per Remote (or 300MHz if all four are GSM-1800).Table 5. Available RF BandwidthNumber of TimeslotsMaximum ContiguousRF Bandwidth (MHz)Classic DARTsSingle and Dual SuperDARTs1 5 6212.5 123 20 184 25 256 35 398--- 4512 --- 60-75
DART Modules  Page 30 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Simulcast GroupsSimulcast combining occurs when more than one Remote DART is linked to the same Host DART. The gains of the reverse signals are reduced before summation to prevent over-flow when the digital signals are added together. This simulcast gain reduction is accomplished as a function of the number of Remote DARTs linked to the Host DART (N) and the selected Reverse Gain Mode:•Mode 1 (Noise Floor Matching)—uses an algorithm that normalizes the noise floor of all Remote Units.•Mode 2 (Legacy Prism/URH)—reduces the gain by 20*log10(N).•Mode 1 (Noise Floor Matching) uses an algorithm that normalizes the noise floor of all Remote Units. •Mode 2 (Legacy Prism/URH)—reduces the gain by 20*log10(N). Table 6 illustrates gain reduction for Mode 1 and Mode 2.Simulcast groups are restricted to using the same timeslots on the fibers to each Remote. For example, if the first link established in a simulcast group is using timeslots 1-3 on a fiber for the PCS A passband, timeslots 1-3 must be used for that passband on each of the other Remotes in the simulcast group. If timeslots 1-3 are not available on a Remote's fiber, the Remote cannot be added to the simulcast group.To minimize timeslot conflicts, simulcast groups should be configured before other passbands. If a conflict occurs while attempting to link a DART, an error message displays indicating that the DART linking failed. The DART using the conflicting timeslots must be unlinked to allow the DART in the simulcast group to be linked.Table 6. Reverse Gain Mode and Gain Reduction# RemoteDARTsReduction (dB)Mode 1  Mode 21 0 0 23.0 6.0 34.7 9.546.0 12.0 57.0 14.0 67.8 15.6 78.3 16.9 89.0 18.0
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 31ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Use of Multi FibersThe EMS provides the ability to install “multi fibers” between a Host and Remote. This means that, in addition to the minimum single fiber pair (RX and TX) in the Host to Remote connection, one or more additional fiber pairs are installed. This is done to increase the bandwidth or number of timeslots between the Host and Remote. Each fiber pair can handle approximately 75 MHz of RF bandwidth and each fiber is capable of supporting 12 timeslots, as described in “DART Modules” on page 24.When a Host DART is linked to a Remote DART in a multi-fibers configuration, the EMS uses the first fiber (in numerical order) on which the required number of timeslots is available for the passband being linked. The EMS will not divide up the timeslots between two fibers. So, for example, if the passband requires eight timeslots, and only six timeslots are available on the first fiber, the EMS will bypass the first fiber and assign all eight timeslots to the second fiber, leaving four timeslots unused on the second fiber.
DART Modules  Page 32 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011E911 SupportThe DART type determines the maximum number of links, where there can be up up to 8 Classic DARTs or Single SuperDARTs that support 35MHz each, or up to 4 Dual SuperDARTs that support up to 75MHz each.E911 support may be achieved by using a configuration similar to the one shown in Figure 14. Remote simulcasting in this configuration requires analog splitting and combining to and from the individual Host DARTs. External analog splitting/combining ensures that the E911 system receives uplink signals from each Remote location before they are combined with uplink signals from the other Remotes in the simulcast.Figure 14. 8:1 Analog Simulcast U-TDoA E911 Support DiagramNOTE: When external E911 equipment is required, simulcasting must be accomplished via external RF splitting and combining. The DARTs will then be in a point-to-point configuration, as opposed to point-to-multipoint. 2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter8:18:1DART Board (1)DART Board (2)DART Board (3)DART Board (4)DART Board (5)DART Board (6)DART Board (7)DART Board (8)SeRF Board System Board Power Board Fan Assembly2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 Splitter2:1 SplitterE911E911E911E911E911E911E911E911BACKPLANEBOARDBTS REVBTS FWD77152-003
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 33ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PRISM SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSTable 7. RF and Optical Specifications  Parameter Specification aRemarksRF SpecificationsSupported Frequency Blocks 1-8 per Host UnitBandwidth 1.5 to 75 MHz non-contiguousSupported Frequency Bands • 850 Cellular• 1900 PCS• 700 LowerABC • 700 UpperC • 2100 AWS• 800/900 E-SMR• 900 GSM• 1800 DCS• 2100 UMTSPropagation DelaySystem Delay <12 microsecondsDelay Management Digital Manual or AutomaticReverse Path Noise Figure Noise Figure InputTypical Maximum IP3Normal Mode 5 dB 6 dB >-8 dBmHigh Gain Mode - Classic DARTs 4 dB 5 dB >-12 dBmHigh Gain Mode - SuperDARTs 3 dB 4 dB >-14 dBmSystem Gain Standard High GainMode ModeClassic DARTs 36 dB 38 dBSuperDARTs 30 dB 36 dBOptical Budget for optical BER of 10–6 Standard Optional26 dB 13 dBDigital Transport Rate 3.072 GbpsOptical power levels Minimum MaximumIntermediate Range Launch Power -5 dBm 1 dBmIntermediate Range Receive Power -18 dBm 1 dBmLong Range Launch Power -2 dBm 3 dBmLong Range Receive Power -27 dBm -9 dBmTransceiver Wavelengths For information on transceiver transmissions with a CWDM, see the ADC FlexWave Prism Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer User Manual (ADCP-75-353).Transmits 1550 nm signalReceives 1550 or 1310 nm signal
Prism System Specifications  Page 34 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Optical - Host II and Remote UnitsFiber type 9/125, single-modeNumber of fibers required up to 75 MHz RF per fiber pair (or fiber if using WDM).Assumes RF bandwidth does not exceed 3 Gbps data rate capacity of the fiber.Optical - WDMWDM Passband 1310 nm ± 20 nm1550 nm ± 20 nmForward path insertion loss Host WDM Remote WDM0.7 dB 0.3 dBDoes not include connector lossReverse path insertion loss Host WDM Remote WDM0.3 dB 0.7 dBDoes not include connector lossIsolation > 30 dB minimumReturn loss (Reflectance) < –50 dB All input portsaAll specifications apply after a five minute warm-up period.Table 8. Host Unit II Technical Specifications  Parameter Specification NotesPowerDC Power ±21 – ±60 Vdc floatingPower consumption Maximum: 320 WattsNominal: 202 WattsCurrent rating for maximum system (eight DARTs and eight SFPs)7.5 Amps @ 48Vdc15 Amps @ 24VdcConnectors and PortsRF coaxial cable connectors 50 ohm QMA – type (female) 50 ohms input/output impedanceNetwork and Craft connectors RJ–45 jackExternal alarm connector Screw-type terminals Normally Open (NO), Common (COM), and Normally Closed (NC) relay contactsOptical ports SFP transceivers Industry standard LC (UPC); Host and WDMPhysical SpecificationsDimensionsInchesMillimetersHeight  x Width  x Depth5.17   17.26  9.5131.3   438.4   241.3Width dimension does not include the mounting brackets for 19- or 23-inch racks. Mounting 19- or 23-inch rack EIA or WECOWeight 20 lbs. (9.1 kg)Environmental Environmentally controlled outdoor cabinetWeather resistance Indoor installation onlyOperating temperature 0º to 50º C (32º to 122ºF)Storage temperature –40º to 70º C (–40º to 158ºF)Humidity 10% to 90% No condensationReliability at 25ºC MTBF 200,000 hours Excluding fansTable 7.  RF and Optical Specifications  (Cont.)Parameter Specification aRemarks
Prism System OverviewFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 35ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.Table 9. Remote Unit Technical SpecificationsParameter Specification RemarksEnclosure dimensions Height  x Width  x DepthSingle-Band InchesCentimeters25.2  12.2  11.264 x 30.99 x 28.45• Dimension for width includes the mounting brackets.• To have adequate clearance to open the Remote chassis door, allow a minimum of 7 inches at the left, right and front of each Remote.Dual-Band InchesCentimeters33.2  12.2  11.284.3 x 30.99 x 28.45Tri-Band InchesCentimeters41.2  12.2  11.2104.6 x 30.99 x 28.45Quad-Band InchesCentimeters52.4  12.2  11.2133.10 x 30.99 x 28.45Mounting Wall, Pole, Inside Pole, and VaultWeight  Unpopulated Populated • “Unpopulated” weight includes the Solar shields, which are always present.• “Populated” weight is the weight of the chassis that has the SeRF Module and RF Modules installed. Single-Band PoundsKilograms65 8329 38Dual-Band PoundsKilograms81 11737 53 kgTri-Band PoundsKilograms97 15144 68 kgQuad-Band PoundsKilograms116 18853 85 kgOutside AmbientTemperature Rating -40° C to +50° C (-40º F to +122º F)Storage Temperature -40° C to +70° C (-40º F to +158º F)Humidity 10% to 90% non-condensingWeather Resistance IP-65 Indoor or outdoor installationLightning Protection 20kA IEC 1000-45 8/30 ìs Waveform Provided by external lightning protector, which is an accessory.Cooling Fan, IP-55Operating Voltage Range 10 - 28 VdcOperating Temperature Range -10 - 70°C (14°F - 158°F)Storage Temperature Range -40 - 70°C (-40°F - 158°F)ConnectorsNetwork port RJ-45 female connectorAC power connector Sealed 3-pin Connection point for the AC power cordAntenna cable connector 50 ohm N-Type (female) 50 ohms input/output impedanceVoltage input 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz Operating range 90 to 265 VACCurrent rating 15 AMPSEncapsulation PBT Encapsulated Motor and Control PCB Bearings Abec 3, double shielded, chrome ball bearingsContinuous Duty Life-Cycle 50,000 hours at 25°C (77°F)Safety UL/C-UL File E137077, TUV
Prism System Specifications  Page 36 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Intentionally Blank Page
FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 37ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.PART IISYSTEM SETUP
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FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 39ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 ©2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.USING THE PRISM EMSHow to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface ............................................................................40System Tree....................................................................................................................41System Tree Icons............................................................................................................42EMS View Frame Elements.................................................................................................42Unit Identification.............................................................................................................43Viewing Parameters and Alarms .........................................................................................44Alarm Color Codes ......................................................................................................44Viewing Alarm Details..................................................................................................45Sorting Tables..................................................................................................................46Following the Procedures in this Document................................................................................47Starting a Procedure.........................................................................................................47Modifying Parameters........................................................................................................47Selecting Menu Items........................................................................................................48Using the Help Embedded in the GUI ........................................................................................49Accessing Help.................................................................................................................49Navigating Help................................................................................................................50Using the Contents Tab................................................................................................50Using the Orientation Links and Buttons.........................................................................51Using the Index Tab....................................................................................................52Using the Search Tab ..................................................................................................53This section provides a basic description of the Prism Element Management System (EMS).Topics Page
How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface  Page 40 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011HOW TO USE THE EMS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACEYou use a web browser to access the EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI) shown in Figure 15 and described in Table 10.Figure 15. EMS Graphical User Interface13245876
Using the Prism EMSFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 41ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.System TreeThe System Tree displays a Prism system as device icons within a hierarchical tree that is automatically organized by Unit ID:You click on a node to navigate to a web page within the EMS View Frame that corresponds to the selected unit.The Alarm indicators in the upper-right corner of the System Tree let you know how many active alarms there are, and at what severity level. In the preceding figure, the Alarm indicators show:•5 active Major alarms, as indicated by the red box•0 active Minor alarms, as indicated by the yellow box.Table 10. GUI ComponentsID # Component Description1System Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view system settings and alarms.2System Tree See “System Tree” on page 41.3Alarm indicators Provides a visual view of the number of active alarms and their severity level.4Operational buttonsExecute the command for which the button is labeled:•Apply—Applies your configuration changes without closing the dialog.•Refresh—Updates status information to reflect current conditions.5Unit Identifier Identifies which system component is selected in the System Tree.6EMS View FrameProvides the work space in which you access a Prism EMS web page specific to a unit or function.NOTE: You can use your keyboard to navigate through the EMS pages:•SPACE key on the keyboard scrolls down by a page•SHIFT+SCROLL scrolls up one page.7Orientation linksProvides links that allow you to navigate within the GUI:•Home—returns you to the Home page•Logout—logs you out of the EMS.8Unit Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view settings and alarms that pertain to the unit that is actively selected in the System Tree.
How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface  Page 42 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011System Tree IconsTable 11 describes the icons used in the System Tree.EMS View Frame ElementsFigure 16 and Table 12 describe the different elements found within the EMS View Frame.Figure 16. Elements within a View FrameTable 11. System Tree IconsIcon Unit/State DescriptionHost Host Unit; normal statusPRU Prism Remote Unit; normal statusURU Universal Radio Head Remote Unit; normal statusMinor Alarm State A yellow caution overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active Minor alarm. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged.Major Alarm State A red danger overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active Major alarm. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged.Contact Alarm StateIndicates a Contact Alarm state:• Static—the alarm is acknowledged.• Blinking—the alarm is unacknowledged.No Contact Alarm State Indicates a No Contact Alarm state. Disconnect Indicates that the unit is disconnected. Applicable only to PRUs and URUs.Unknown Unit Identifies a unit that the EMS has found but cannot recognize. 123456
Using the Prism EMSFlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual Page 43ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.NOTE: The View Frame is designed to update its contents within a web browser approximately every 20 seconds.Unit IdentificationFigure 17 shows the Unit ID in the System Tree. The Unit ID is the hostname(user-defined label) plus the layer address. The layered address is H-R, so the Unit ID is <hostname>H-R, where:•H—Host # is always 1•R—Remote Unit # (PRU or URU), which can be 1 - 8 and is based on the SFP port number to which the Remote Unit is connectedFigure 17. System Tree Unit IDsTable 12. View Frame ElementsID # Element Description1Panel A panel is a grouping of fields or parameters enclosed within a grey box, with the panel title in the upper-left corner.2Selection box/Radio buttonA square box is a selection box that you click on to select or deselect an option. When selected, a checkmark displays in the box. When the option is deselected, the box is empty.If the selection box is round, it is referred to as a radio button. When a radio button is selected, the round “button” is filled in. When a radio button is deselected, its circle is empty.3List A menu that lists the options for the corresponding parameter. Click on the down arrow to display the list.4Text box A text box allows you to enter custom information for the corresponding field.5Operational buttons Execute the command for which the button is labeled. When a button is greyed out, that function is not available.6Table A table collects information that corresponds to the EMS View Frame and provides it in table format. The table is enclosed within a panel, with the table title in the upper-left corner.
How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface  Page 44 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual© 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc ADCP-77-177 • Issue 1 • July 2011Viewing Parameters and AlarmsYou can view any parameter or alarm by navigating to the page in which the parameter or alarm resides. To quickly find information about a parameter or alarm:•All parameters are listed alphabetically in this manual’s Index.•All alarms are listed alphabetically in this manual’s Index of Alarms. •All traps are listed alphabetically in this manual’s Index of Traps.Alarm Color CodesAlarms are color coded in the GUI according to the level of the alarm:•Green—No alarm•Blue—Information alarm, which provides information on a successful user action, such as a change in a forward or reverse delay setting•Yellow—Minor alarm•Red—Major alarm•Gray—the alarm has been disabled; see “Enable and Disable Host and Remote Unit Alarms” on page 178•White—a device has not been installed. For example, in Figure 18, which shows the Unit Information > View Status page, the Module Status table shows that a DART has not been installed in slots 3, 7, or 8. The Optical Status table shows that SFPs are not installed in Optical ports 2 through 8.Figure 18. Understanding Color Codes for Empty Slots

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