ADC Telecommunications PSM07U2D FlexWave(TM) Prism-700MHz Upper C MIMO User Manual
ADC Telecommunications Inc FlexWave(TM) Prism-700MHz Upper C MIMO
User Manual
ADC FlexWave® Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual ADCP-77-177 Issue 1 July 2011 Quad Band Remote Unit Host Unit Antenna Antenna Antenna 77073-001 Antenna D-620749-0-20 Rev A Copyr igh t © 20 11 ADC Telecom m unications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Inform ation contained in this docum ent is com pany private to ADC Telecom m unications, Inc. and shall not be m odified, used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of ADC. Tr a de m a r k I n for m a t ion ADC and FlexWave are registered tradem arks, and InterReach Spectrum and Universal Radio Head are tradem arks of ADC Telecom m unications, Inc. No right, license, or interest to such tradem arks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such tradem ark. Other product nam es m entioned in this practice are used for identification purposes only and m ay be tradem arks or registered tradem arks of their respective com panies. D iscla im e r of Lia bilit y Contents herein are current as of the date of publication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. Should the content of printed user docum entation shipped with product differ from docum entation provided on a product CD (inclusive of the associated Help m odules), the printed user docum entation supersedes the docum entation on the product CD. In no event shall ADC be liable for any dam ages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and ADC further disclaim s any and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other sim ilar dam ages. This disclaim er of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period. Spe cific D iscla im e r for H igh - Risk Act ivit ie s This Software Product is not specifically designed, m anufactured, tested or intended for use in high-risk activities including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, on-line control of aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft com munications; or in the design, construction, operation or m aintenance of any nuclear facility. ADC (including its affiliates) and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or im plied warranty of fitness for such purposes or any other purposes. Scr e e n sh ot s in Use r D ocum e nt a t ion Due to concurrent developm ent of th is docum entation, artwork, and the FlexWave Prism EMS product, there m ay be som e m inor discrepancies between screenshots contained in this docum entation and those actually displayed in the FlexWave Prism EMS. These discrepancies will generally be few and m inor and should not affect your understanding of FlexWave Prism EMS. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pr e fa ce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ix FlexWave Prism User Docum ent at ion ......................................................................................... x EMS Docum ent Overview ......................................................................................................... xi Docum ent Caut ions and Not es............................................................................................. xi Docum ent Font s ................................................................................................................ xi Docum ent Font s ................................................................................................................ xi Docum ent Graphics .......................................................................................................... xii Abbreviat ions/ Acronym s ........................................................................................................ xiii Pa r t I : Fle x W a ve Pr ism H a r dw a r e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Pr ism Syst e m Ove r v ie w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Prism Syst em Overview ........................................................................................................... 4 Fiber Opt ic Transport .............................................................................................................. 10 Host Unit Overview ................................................................................................................ 11 Fan Module ...................................................................................................................... 11 SeRF I I Module ................................................................................................................ 12 SeRF I I Module Port s ................................................................................................... 12 SeRF I I Module LEDs ................................................................................................... 13 Host Syst em I I Module ...................................................................................................... 14 Host Syst em I I Module Port s and Connect ors .................................................................. 14 Host Syst em I I Module LEDs......................................................................................... 15 DC Power Module ............................................................................................................. 15 Prism Rem ot e Unit s ................................................................................................................ 16 PRU Port s and Connect ors ( Bot t om of PRU) .......................................................................... 17 PRU St at us LED ( Bot t om of PRU) ........................................................................................ 18 PRU Com ponent s.............................................................................................................. 19 RF Module Capabilit ies and GUI Represent at ion .................................................................... 21 DART Modules ....................................................................................................................... 24 Host DARTs .....................................................................................................................26 Host DART Slot s ......................................................................................................... 27 Host DART Connect ors and LEDs ................................................................................... 28 Serialized RF ( SeRF) Digit al Prot ocol ................................................................................... 29 Sim ulcast Groups ............................................................................................................. 30 Use of Mult i Fibers ............................................................................................................31 E911 Support ...................................................................................................................32 Prism Syst em Specificat ions .................................................................................................... 33 FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page iii © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. Table of Cont ent s Pa r t I I : Syst e m Se t u p ______________________________________ 37 Usin g t h e Pr ism EM S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 9 How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface ............................................................................ 40 Syst em Tree ....................................................................................................................41 Syst em Tree I cons............................................................................................................ 42 EMS View Fram e Elem ent s ................................................................................................. 42 Unit I dent ificat ion ............................................................................................................. 43 Viewing Param et ers and Alarm s ......................................................................................... 44 Alarm Color Codes ...................................................................................................... 44 Viewing Alarm Det ails .................................................................................................. 45 Sort ing Tables.................................................................................................................. 46 Following t he Procedures in t his Docum ent ................................................................................ 47 St art ing a Procedure ......................................................................................................... 47 Modifying Param et ers........................................................................................................ 47 Select ing Menu I t em s........................................................................................................ 48 Using t he Help Em bedded in t he GUI ........................................................................................ 49 Accessing Help .................................................................................................................49 Navigat ing Help ................................................................................................................50 Using t he Cont ent s Tab ................................................................................................ 50 Using t he Orient at ion Links and But t ons ......................................................................... 51 Using t he I ndex Tab .................................................................................................... 52 Using t he Search Tab .................................................................................................. 53 I n it ia l Fle x W a ve Pr ism Syst e m Se t u p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 5 Minim um EMS Syst em Requirem ent s ........................................................................................ 56 Access t he EMS ..................................................................................................................... 57 Set Session Tim eout ............................................................................................................... 59 Set Dat e and Tim e ................................................................................................................. 60 Set Net work Connect ions ........................................................................................................63 Configure Basic Host Unit Propert ies ......................................................................................... 64 Label t he PRU/ URU................................................................................................................. 66 Label t he Host Opt ical Port s..................................................................................................... 67 Label PRU/ URU Opt ical Port s ................................................................................................... 70 Configure DART Links ............................................................................................................. 71 Classic DART Models ......................................................................................................... 75 800 APAC iDEN Classic DART ........................................................................................ 75 800 SMR Classic DART ................................................................................................. 75 900 SMR Classic ......................................................................................................... 76 2100 AWS Classic DART............................................................................................... 76 Cellular Classic DART................................................................................................... 77 PCS Classic DART........................................................................................................ 77 SuperDART Models ........................................................................................................... 79 700 Lower ABC SuperDART .......................................................................................... 79 700 UpperC SuperDART ............................................................................................... 79 2100 AWS SuperDART ................................................................................................. 79 EGSM 900 SuperDART ................................................................................................. 79 GSM 1800 SuperDART ................................................................................................. 80 PCS SuperDART .......................................................................................................... 80 UMTS SuperDART ....................................................................................................... 80 DART St art and St op Frequencies ....................................................................................... 81 Set t he Forward and Reverse Delays......................................................................................... 82 Using t he Linked DARTs Delay Table ................................................................................... 83 Filt ering t he Linked DARTs Delay Table ................................................................................ 84 Configure Host Forward Gain ................................................................................................... 85 Configure Host Reverse Gain ................................................................................................... 88 Configure Rem ot e Forward Gain ............................................................................................... 91 Configure Reverse I nput Power Levels ...................................................................................... 94 Page iv © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Table of Cont ent s Pa r t I I I : Syst e m M a n a ge m e n t ________________________________ 97 Sy st e m I n for m a t ion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 9 Get I nform at ion ................................................................................................................... 100 Accessing Syst em Report s ............................................................................................... 101 Viewing t he Soft ware/ Firm ware Report ........................................................................ 101 Viewing t he Hardware I nvent ory Report ....................................................................... 102 Viewing t he Net work Report ....................................................................................... 104 Viewing t he Linked DARTs Report ................................................................................ 105 Viewing t he Delay Report ........................................................................................... 106 Viewing t he Fiber Report ............................................................................................ 107 Viewing t he Host RF Report ........................................................................................ 108 Viewing t he Rem ot e RF Report .................................................................................... 109 Viewing t he Alarm s Report ......................................................................................... 110 I FEU + RAU Report ................................................................................................... 111 Viewing t he All Report ............................................................................................... 112 Downloading a Report ..................................................................................................... 113 Get Opt ics I nform at ion ......................................................................................................... 116 Get Logs ............................................................................................................................. 118 Sy st e m M a n a ge m e n t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 1 Moving or Reconfiguring Fibers .............................................................................................. 122 Edit t he Propert ies of All Unit s in t he Syst em ........................................................................... 123 Reset All Unit s t o Fact ory Default ........................................................................................... 124 Backing Up a Syst em Configurat ion ........................................................................................ 126 Rest oring a Backed Up Syst em Configurat ion ........................................................................... 128 Perform Syst em Test ............................................................................................................ 131 Schedule Syst em Test .......................................................................................................... 135 Schedule Syst em Test s by Dat e and Tim e .......................................................................... 135 Disable a Scheduled Syst em Test ...................................................................................... 137 Set SNMP Trap Managers ...................................................................................................... 138 Adding an SNMP Trap Manager ......................................................................................... 139 Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager ..................................................................................... 141 Delet ing an SNMP Trap Manager ....................................................................................... 142 Set up SNMP ....................................................................................................................... 144 Act ivat e Opt ional Feat ures .................................................................................................... 145 M a n a gin g Unit s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4 7 Basic Unit Views .................................................................................................................. 148 View Opt ical Port s ................................................................................................................ 149 Viewing DARTs .................................................................................................................... 151 Viewing Net work St at ist ics .................................................................................................... 152 Edit ing Unit Propert ies .......................................................................................................... 153 Configuring Opt ical Port s....................................................................................................... 153 Viewing t he St at us of t he Host Unit ........................................................................................ 154 Viewing t he St at us of a Rem ot e Unit ....................................................................................... 156 Module St at us Table ....................................................................................................... 156 DART St at us Table .................................................................................................... 157 LNA St at us Table ...................................................................................................... 158 LPA St at us Table....................................................................................................... 158 PD St at us Table ........................................................................................................ 159 Opt ical St at us Table ........................................................................................................ 159 Rem ot e St at us Table....................................................................................................... 160 Rem ot e Unit Capacit y and Tem perat ure ............................................................................. 160 Clearing DART Configurat ions ................................................................................................ 161 Set t he Capacit y for a New Rem ot e Unit RSI Board ................................................................... 162 Using t he EMS GUI t o Change t he Rem ot e Unit Capacit y ...................................................... 162 Using Telnet or ssh t o Change t he Rem ot e Unit Capacit y ...................................................... 163 Reboot ing a Unit .................................................................................................................. 164 Reset t ing an LPA.................................................................................................................. 165 FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page v © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Table of Cont ent s Ala r m s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 6 7 View Current Alarm s............................................................................................................. 168 Clear Current Alarm s ............................................................................................................ 170 View Alarm Hist ory ............................................................................................................... 170 Clearing Alarm Hist ory .......................................................................................................... 172 Filt ering t he Alarm Hist ory ..................................................................................................... 172 Manage Alarm s .................................................................................................................... 174 Enable and Disable Host and Rem ot e Unit Alarm s ............................................................... 178 Set RF Power Low Threshold ............................................................................................ 180 Ant enna Disconnect Alarm ............................................................................................... 181 Manage Cont act Alarm s ........................................................................................................ 182 Acknowledge All Alarm s ........................................................................................................ 183 Clear All Disconnect Alarm s ................................................................................................... 184 Troubleshoot ing Alarm s ........................................................................................................ 185 Maj or Alarm s—Host Unit .................................................................................................. 185 Maj or Alarm s—Host Unit DARTs........................................................................................ 185 Maj or Alarm s—Host SeRF Modules .................................................................................... 187 Maj or Alarm s—Host Unit SFPs .......................................................................................... 188 Maj or Alarm s—Rem ot e Unit s ............................................................................................ 189 Maj or Alarm s—PRU/ URU DARTs........................................................................................ 189 Maj or Alarm s—PRU/ URU SeRF Modules.............................................................................. 191 Maj or Alarm s—PRU/ URU SFPs .......................................................................................... 193 Maj or Alarm s—PRU or URU Duplexer ................................................................................. 194 Maj or Alarm s—PRU or URU LNA ........................................................................................ 194 Maj or Alarm s—PRU or URU LPA ........................................................................................ 195 Maj or Alarm s—PRU or URU Power Det ect or ........................................................................ 196 Minor Alarm s—Host Unit DARTs ........................................................................................ 197 Minor Alarm s—Host Unit SeRF Module ............................................................................... 197 Minor Alarm s—Host Unit SFPs .......................................................................................... 198 Minor Alarm s—PRU/ URU DARTs ........................................................................................ 198 Minor Alarm s—PRU/ URU SeRF Modules.............................................................................. 199 Minor Alarm s—PRU/ URU SFPs .......................................................................................... 200 Minor Alarm s—PRU or URU LPAs ....................................................................................... 200 Cont act Alarm s—Host Syst em Card ................................................................................... 201 Cont act Alarm s—Rem ot e Unit .......................................................................................... 201 Use r s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 0 3 Underst anding FlexWave EMS User Account s ........................................................................... 204 Manage Users Page .............................................................................................................. 205 Add a New User ............................................................................................................. 205 Change a User’s Access Level ........................................................................................... 207 Change a User Password ................................................................................................. 208 Change Your Personal Password ............................................................................................. 210 Recovering a Password ......................................................................................................... 211 Delet e a User ...................................................................................................................... 212 Upgr a din g t h e Syst e m a n d Un it s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 1 3 Upload t he Upgrade Files ...................................................................................................... 214 Updat ing a Prism Syst em ...................................................................................................... 216 Com m it t he Upgrade ............................................................................................................ 219 Abort an Updat e .................................................................................................................. 220 Updat ing I ndividual Unit s ...................................................................................................... 221 Spe cia l Fe a t u r e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 5 Run Script ........................................................................................................................... 226 Run Com m and ..................................................................................................................... 226 Configure Feat ure ................................................................................................................ 227 Page vi © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Table of Cont ent s Usin g a n SN M P I n t e r fa ce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 9 SNMP Overview ................................................................................................................... 230 Working wit h Prism MI B Files................................................................................................. 231 Accessing Prism MI Bs...................................................................................................... 233 Syst em Dat e and Tim e MI B Form at ................................................................................... 234 Band Types ................................................................................................................... 235 Prism MI B Obj ect s................................................................................................................ 236 Param et ers in ADC- FLEXWAVE- URH- MI B ........................................................................... 237 Syst em - Level Param et ers .......................................................................................... 237 Host Unit Param et ers ................................................................................................ 239 Host Param et ers.................................................................................................. 239 Host SeRF Card Param et ers .................................................................................. 240 Host SeRF Opt ics Param et ers ................................................................................ 243 Host SeRF ENET Swit ch Param et ers ....................................................................... 245 Host SeRF FPGA Param et ers ................................................................................. 247 Host List of Rem ot es Param et ers ........................................................................... 247 Host DART Module Param et ers .............................................................................. 248 Host Syst em Card Param et ers ............................................................................... 252 Rem ot e Unit Param et ers ............................................................................................ 254 Rem ot e Param et ers ............................................................................................. 254 Prism Rem ot e Syst em Card................................................................................... 256 Prism Rem ot e SeRF General.................................................................................. 257 Prism Rem ot e SeRF Opt ics.................................................................................... 260 Prism Rem ot e SeRF ENET Swit ch ........................................................................... 262 Prism Rem ot e SeRF FPGA ..................................................................................... 264 Prism Rem ot e DART............................................................................................. 264 Prism Rem ot e LPA ............................................................................................... 270 Prism Rem ot e Power Det ect or ............................................................................... 272 Prism Rem ot e LNA/ Duplexer ................................................................................. 273 Prism Rem ot e RDI Card ........................................................................................ 274 Prism Rem ot e RSI Card ........................................................................................ 275 Com m on Managed Obj ect s ......................................................................................... 276 Prism DART Mapping ............................................................................................ 276 Schedule Syst em Link Test ................................................................................... 278 SNMP Set t ings .................................................................................................... 279 Regist er SNMP Trap Manager ................................................................................ 280 Geographic Locat ions ................................................................................................ 281 GEO Obj ect s ....................................................................................................... 281 GEO Table Obj ect s............................................................................................... 282 Managed Obj ect s for Traps ......................................................................................... 283 Prism I nput Cont act Alarm Managem ent Table......................................................... 283 Syst em Act ive Alarm Table ................................................................................... 284 Alarm Managem ent Table ..................................................................................... 287 Alarm Enable Table .............................................................................................. 288 St at ic Alarm s Table.............................................................................................. 288 Working wit h SNMP Traps ..................................................................................................... 290 View t he Traps ............................................................................................................... 290 Managing Traps.............................................................................................................. 291 Dat e and Tim e St am ps in Traps ........................................................................................ 292 Variable Bindings............................................................................................................ 293 Appe n dix A: Upgr a din g a n LPA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 9 5 Appe n dix B: D u ple x e r Pr ogr a m m in g Ut ilit y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 9 7 Appe n dix C: Con t a ct in g AD C/ TE Con n e ct iv it y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 9 9 I n de x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 1 I n de x of Ala r m s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 2 3 I n de x of M I B Obj e ct s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 2 7 FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page vii © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Table of Cont ent s I nt ent ionally Blank Page Page viii © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 PREFACE Topics Page FlexWave Prism User Docum ent at ion ......................................................................................... x EMS Docum ent Overview ......................................................................................................... xi Docum ent Caut ions and Not es............................................................................................. xi Docum ent Font s ................................................................................................................ xi Docum ent Font s ................................................................................................................ xi Docum ent Graphics .......................................................................................................... xii Abbreviat ions/ Acronym s ........................................................................................................ xiii The inform at ion in t his docum ent guides you t hrough configuring an ADC® FlexWave ® Prism syst em t hrough it s web- based Elem ent Managem ent Syst em ( EMS) Release 7.1. The EMS is an em bedded soft ware applicat ion t hat runs on t he Host and t hat m ay be accessed via an int ernet connect ion using a web browser. CAUTION! The instructions in this document assume that you have already installed the FlexWave Prism units as described in their respective installation guides (see Table 1). The Preface describes how t o use t he FlexWave Prism user docum ent at ion. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page ix © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. FlexWave Prism User Docum ent at ion F LEX W AVE P RISM U SER D OCUMENTATION FlexWave Prism docum ent at ion is int ended for syst em adm inist rat ors, engineers and inst allers responsible for planning, adm inist ering, configuring, and m aint aining FlexWave Prism syst em s. The following t able list s t he m anuals t hat correspond t o t his FlexWave Prism release. Title ADCP Number FlexWave Prism Host Unit II Installation Guide 77-089 FlexWave Prism Host Unit II Module Replacement Guide 77-090 FlexWave Prism Remote Unit Installation Guide 77-072 FlexWave Prism Remote Mounting Kit Installation Instructions 77-077 FlexWave Prism Remote RF Module Installation Instructions 77-079 FlexWave Prism External CWDM Enclosure Installation Guide 77-151 FlexWave Prism Element Management System 7.1 User Manual 77-177 Accessing User Documentation on the Customer Portal Click on t he following URL link or ent er t he URL int o your web browser, and t hen press ENTER on your keyboard: NOTE: Access to the Customer Portal requires a user account and password. If you do not have an account, click on the registration link on the Log In page. On t he Customer Portal Home page, click Manuals & Spec Sheets. On t he Manuals & Spec Sheets page, click on t he t it le of t he m anual t hat you wish t o open or download. Document Cautions and Notes Two t ypes of m essages, ident ified below, appear in t he t ext : CAUTION! Caution text indicates operations or steps that could cause personal injury, induce a safety problem in a managed device, destroy or corrupt information, or interrupt or stop services. NOTE: Note text contains information about special circumstances. Page x © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Preface Document Fonts You will find t he following font convent ions in use t hroughout t he docum ent . • This font represent s a reference t o a EMS dialog box, m enu it em , configurat ion opt ion, or ot her param et er. •in angle bracket s represent s a reference t o a EMS dialog box, m enu it em , configurat ion opt ion, or ot her param et er t hat is a variable. The t ext wit hin t he angle bracket s changes according t o a get or set com m and. For exam ple: – The Password for has been changed m essage displays. – The Password for JohnSmith has been changed m essage displays. • This font represent s non- variable t ext t hat you t ype at a prom pt . • THIS FONT represent s keys t hat you need t o press on your keyboard. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page xi © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. FlexWave Prism User Docum ent at ion Document Graphics This m anual docum ent s an EMS, t he feat ures of which display in a web browser window, as described in “ How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface” on page 40. To display t he ent ire web browser would reduce t he im age size in t his docum ent , which would reduce t he docum ent ’s usabilit y. The screen graphics will t herefore focus on t he elem ent of t he web page under discussion. I n m ost inst ances, t his will be t he current view in t he EMS View fram e, which is encircled in red in Figure 1. Figure 1. EMS in Web Browser For exam ple, when discussing t he Edit Unit Properties page shown in Figure 1, only t he Edit Unit Properties panel will be illust rat ed ( see Figure 2) . Figure 2. Edit Unit Properties Panel Page xii © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Preface ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS This sect ion defines abbreviat ions/ acronym s used in t his m anual. Abbreviations/Acronyms Definition AC Alternating Current BDA Bi-Directional Amplifier BER Bit Error Rate BTS Base Transceiver Station COM Common CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer DART Digital/Analog Radio Transceiver DAS Distributed Antenna System db Decibels dBm decibel measured in reference to milliwatts DC Direct Current EMS Element Management System FLM Forward Link Monitoring FWD Forward GUI Graphical User Interface Id Identification IF Intermediate Frequency LNA Low Noise Amplifier LPA Linear Power Amplifier MHz Megahertz MMW Millimeter Wave s Microseconds NC Normally Closed NIC Network-Interface Connection nm Nanometer NO Normally Open OSP Outside Plant Pkt Packet PLL Phase-Locked Loop PRU Prism Remote Unit RDI Remote DART Interface REV Reverse RF Radio Frequency RLM Reverse Link Monitoring RSI Remote SeRF Interface RX Receive SeRF Serialized RF SFP Small Form-Factor Pluggable FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page xiii © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Abbreviat ions/ Acronym s Abbreviations/Acronyms Definition SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol TX Transmit UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URU URH Remote Unit VLAN Virtual Local Area Network VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexer Page xiv © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 P ART I FLEXWAVE PRISM HARDWARE FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 1 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. I nt ent ionally Blank Page Page 2 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 PRISM SYSTEM OVERVIEW Topics Page Prism Syst em Overview ........................................................................................................... 4 Fiber Opt ic Transport .............................................................................................................. 10 Host Unit Overview ................................................................................................................ 11 Fan Module ...................................................................................................................... 11 SeRF I I Module ................................................................................................................ 12 SeRF I I Module Port s ................................................................................................... 12 SeRF I I Module LEDs ................................................................................................... 13 Host Syst em I I Module ...................................................................................................... 14 Host Syst em I I Module Port s and Connect ors .................................................................. 14 Host Syst em I I Module LEDs......................................................................................... 15 DC Power Module ............................................................................................................. 15 Prism Rem ot e Unit s ................................................................................................................ 16 PRU Port s and Connect ors ( Bot t om of PRU) .......................................................................... 17 PRU St at us LED ( Bot t om of PRU) ........................................................................................ 18 PRU Com ponent s.............................................................................................................. 19 RF Module Capabilit ies and GUI Represent at ion .................................................................... 21 DART Modules ....................................................................................................................... 24 Host DARTs .....................................................................................................................26 Host DART Slot s ......................................................................................................... 27 Host DART Connect ors and LEDs ................................................................................... 28 Serialized RF ( SeRF) Digit al Prot ocol ................................................................................... 29 Sim ulcast Groups ............................................................................................................. 30 Use of Mult i Fibers ............................................................................................................31 E911 Support ...................................................................................................................32 Prism Syst em Specificat ions .................................................................................................... 33 This sect ion provides a basic descript ion of an ADC® FlexWave ® Prism syst em . FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 3 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. Prism Syst em Overview P RISM S YSTEM O VERVIEW ADC’s FlexWave ® Prism is a com pact radio head ut ilized for precision and m acro gap coverage, which support s up t o four frequency bands, while delivering high- perform ance coverage wit h end- t o- end m anagem ent . FlexWave Prism is ideal for enhancing out door and indoor coverage in urban, suburban, canyons, t unnels, cam puses, st adium s and ot her public venues. A Prism syst em offers t he following feat ures: • ADC’s pat ent ed RF- over- fiber t ransport elim inat es inst allat ion- dependent gain or fiber lengt h adj ust m ent s • I m proved m anageabilit y for inst allat ion and upgrades • Sm aller size t o ease placem ent and zoning approvals • 4G readiness wit h Four Band rem ot e, which is ideal for incorporat ing 2G and 3G services wit h needs of 4G t echnologies such as LTE • The unique capabilit y t o support digit al RF as well as baseband com pat ibilit y int o a single fiber pair and rem ot e radiat ing point • Support for m illim et er wave backhaul • Wit h it s unique use of wideband digit al RF t ransport , FlexWave Prism delivers reliable and consist ent perform ance in all environm ent s. Signals are not affect ed by reflect ion, dispersion, or frequency at t enuat ion over fiber. FlexWave Prism delivers a reliable signal at every rem ot e locat ion. The ADC FlexWave Prism fam ily of product s is a Dist ribut ed Ant enna Syst em ( DAS) t hat provides ADC’s pat ent ed t echnology—bidirect ional t ransport of digit ized RF spect rum over fiber. The high- speed digit alizat ion of a wideband port ion of spect rum allows for t ransport of RF signals over ext ended dist ances, wit hout t he RF degradat ion t hat norm ally result s when analog syst em s are im pact ed by opt ical effect s. The basic funct ion of t he FlexWave Prism plat form is t o t ransport via fiber opt ic cable RF signals from a Base Transceiver St at ion ( BTS) t o an ant enna int erface allowing com m unicat ion t o a m obile device. Mult iple BTS com m unicat ion pat hs are allowed over a single Prism syst em . A very basic Prism syst em consist s of a Host Unit ( Host ) and a Prism Rem ot e Unit ( PRU) . • The Host is a t hree rack unit high chassis wit h m ult iple cards t hat m ount s in a st andard equipm ent rack. • The PRU consist s of m ult iple elect ronic and opt ical m odules m ount ed in an out door enclosure. On an opt ional basis, t he Prism syst em support s reverse pat h diversit y. I n addit ion, various accessory it em s such as a passive Wavelengt h Division Mult iplexer ( WDM) syst em and a Coarse Wavelengt h Division Mult iplexer ( CWDM) syst em are available as accessories. Cont rol and m onit oring funct ions are provided by t he FlexWave Elem ent Managem ent Syst em ( EMS) . Page 4 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Exam ples of FlexWave Prism Syst em s are shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 on page 6, and Figure 3 on page 7. Host Unit Antenna Frequency Band A Antenna Frequency Band B RF Antenna Frequency Band C RF RF Frequency Band A Frequency Band B Tri-Band Remote Unit Frequency Band C Base Transceiver Stations Figure 1. Three Bands to One PRU (No Simulcast) FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 5 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Syst em Overview Antenna Frequency Band A Sector A Antenna Frequency Band A Sector B Host Unit RF RF RF Frequency Band A Sector A Frequency Band A Sector B Antenna Frequency Band A Sector G Frequency Band A Sector G Base Transceiver Stations Three Single-Band Remotes Figure 2. Multiple Point-to-Point Configuration (One Band per PRU, Three Nodes) Page 6 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Four Tri-Band Remotes Antenna Frequency Band A Antenna Frequency Band A Antenna Frequency Band B Antenna Frequency Band B Antenna Frequency Band C Antenna Frequency Band C Antenna Frequency Band A Antenna Frequency Band A Antenna Frequency Band B Antenna Frequency Band B Antenna Frequency Band C Antenna Frequency Band C Host Unit RF RF RF Frequency Band A Base Transceiver Stations Frequency Band B Frequency Band C Figure 3. Four PRU Simulcast, Three Frequency Bands Each link consist s of a Host t hat provides t he int erface bet ween t he base st at ion RF port s and t he opt ical fiber, and at least one Rem ot e t hat provides t he int erface bet ween t he opt ical fiber and t he rem ot e ant enna. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 7 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Syst em Overview A block diagram of a point - t o- point syst em is shown in Figure 4. FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 1 REV RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 2 REV RF OUT REV RF IN FlexWave Host FlexWave Remote FWD RF IN BTS 3 FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FWD RF OUT REV RF OUT REV RF IN Antenna Interface BTS 1 Antenna Interface BTS 2 Antenna Interface BTS 3 NON-DIVERSITY FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 1 REV RF OUT REV RF IN REV DIV RF OUT REV DIV RF IN FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 2 REV RF OUT REV DIV RF OUT FlexWave Host FlexWave Remote REV RF IN REV DIV RF IN Antenna Interface BTS 2 FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 3 Antenna Interface BTS 1 REV RF OUT REV RF IN REV DIV RF IN REV DIV RF OUT Antenna Interface BTS 3 DIVERSITY Figure 4. FlexWave Tri-Band Prism Block Diagram Page 8 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview The basic funct ion of FlexWave Prism sim ulcast ( point - t o- m ult ipoint ) is t o t ransport , via fiber opt ic cable, RF signals from a BTS t o m ult iple ant enna int erfaces allowing com m unicat ion t o a m obile device ( see Figure 5) . Up t o 8 sim ulcast Rem ot e Unit s are support ed by each Host Unit . FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FlexWave Remote 1 FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 1 REV RF IN REV RF OUT FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FWD RF IN BTS 2 REV RF OUT FlexWave Host FlexWave Remote 2 FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FWD RF OUT FWD RF IN BTS 3 REV RF IN Antenna Interface BTS 1 Antenna Interface BTS 2 Antenna Interface BTS 3 Antenna Interface BTS 1 Antenna Interface BTS 2 Antenna Interface BTS 3 REV RF OUT FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FlexWave Remote 8 FWD RF OUT REV RF IN FWD RF OUT REV RF IN Antenna Interface BTS 1 Antenna Interface BTS 2 Antenna Interface BTS 8 Figure 5. System Block Diagram for Eight-Way Simulcast FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 9 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Fiber Opt ic Transport FIBER OPTIC TRANSPORT I n a FlexWave Prism syst em , each BTS provides t he RF channel input s and out put s for a designat ed sect or. Each Host m ay be int erfaced wit h one or m ore Base Transceiver St at ion ( BTS) . On t he forward pat h, t he Host receives Analog RF signals from t he BTS, digit izes t he designat ed RF bands, and t hen t ransport s t hem over single- m ode fiber t o up t o 8 Rem ot e Unit s. The Rem ot e Unit ( s) receives t he digit ized spect rum from t he Host and convert s t he spect rum back int o an analog RF signal t o be dist ribut ed via an ext ernally m ount ed ant enna syst em . On t he reverse pat h, t he Rem ot e Unit digit izes t he designat ed RF spect rum and digit ally t ransport s it over single m ode fiber or Millim et er Wave ( MMW) t o t he Host . The Host receives t he digit ized RF signals from t he Rem ot e Unit and convert s t hem back t o Analog RF for t he BTS. I n a t ypical Prism syst em t he Host is connect ed t o t he Rem ot e using t wo single- m ode opt ical fibers. One fiber is used t o t ransport t he for w a r d pa t h opt ical signal and a second fiber is used t o t ransport t he r e ve r se pa t h opt ical signal. Because t he opt ical signal is digit al, t he input and out put RF signal levels at t he Host or t he Rem ot e are not dependent on t he level of t he opt ical signal or t he lengt h of t he opt ical fiber. A diagram of t he st andard fiber opt ic t ransport syst em for bot h a non- diversit y and diversit y syst em is shown in Figure 6. Non-Diversity Fiber Optic Link Forward Path Reverse Path Host Unit Remote Unit Up To Eight Diversity Fiber Optic Link Forward Path Reverse Path And Diversity Reverse Path Remote Unit 77073-008 Figure 6. Standard Fiber Optic Transport Application The m axim um lengt h of t he opt ical links is dependent on t he loss specificat ions of t he opt ical fiber and t he losses im posed by t he various connect ors and splices. The syst em provides an opt ical budget of 2 5 dB ( t ypical) when used wit h 9/ 125 single- m ode fiber. There m ust be at least 10 dB of opt ical loss t o prevent over- driving and possible dam age t o t he opt ical receiver. NOTE: The RF modulation used determines the maximum fiber length between the Host and Remote units, which is dependent on how much delay that modulation type will handle. Page 10 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview H OST U NIT O VERVIEW The rack- m ount able Host is t ypically locat ed wit h t he RF source—a Base Transceiver St at ion ( BTS) . The Host is DC powered and support s up t o eight BTS int erfaces t hrough DART ( Digit al/ Analog Radio Transceiver) cards. ( For furt her inform at ion on DART Modules, see “ DART Modules” on page 24.) The Host is designed for use wit hin a non- condensing indoor environm ent , such as inside a base- st at ion shelt er, Cent ral Office, wiring closet , or a cont rolled- environm ent cabinet . I t is inst alled int o a 19- or 23- inch, rack- m ount ed chassis, t hat is 9- inches deep and can hold up t o t hree unit s. All cont rols, connect ors, and indicat ors, except for t he grounding point , are accessible on front of t he Host . Figure 7 shows t he m ain elem ent s of t he Host . Fan Assembly SeRF II Module System II Board Module DC Power Module Slots 1 - 8 for DART cards (Slots 1 - 4 are occupied) Figure 7. Host Front Panel NOTE: The Host comprises a Fan Assembly, a SeRF II Board Module, a Host System II Module, and a DC Power Module. These modules are pre assembled in the Host chassis at the factory. This document describes them as separate modules for reference only. Fan Module The Fan Module, m ount ed on t he left side of t he Host , cont inuously blows cool air int o t he Host enclosure, and vent s hot air out of t he chassis on t he right . An alarm is generat ed if a high- t em perat ure condit ion occurs. The Fan Module is field replaceable ( see t he Prism Host Unit I nst allat ion Guide, ADCP- 77- 089) . FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 11 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Host Unit Overview SeRF II Module The SeRF I I Module: • m anages com m unicat ions and alarm s • receives digit ized signals from t he DART and sends t he digit ized RF bands t o t he designat ed PRU • receives digit ized RF signals from t he PRU and sends t he digit ized RF signal t o t he DART for conversion from Digit al RF t o Analog RF for t he BTS/ BDA • support s eight Sm all Form - fact or Pluggable ( SFP) opt ical t ransceivers • provides t wo Et hernet int erfaces. SeRF II Module Ports Ref # Component Device Function Network port RJ-45 jack (female) Networking access to an external DHCP server TX/RX Optical port LC (flat-polished) connector (1–8) (single-mode) Input/output connection points for Ports 1 through 8 Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX) optical fiber pairs Craft port Local Ethernet access to the Host RJ-45 jack (female) Page 12 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview SeRF II Module LEDs SFP8 Tx Rx Rx Tx LEDs for SFP in top port LEDs for SFP in bottom port SFP7 Ref # LED SFP TX LED Color • • • SFP RX • • • • • ALARM • • SYNTH • • STATUS • POWER OFF GREEN RED OFF GREEN AMBER RED GREEN RED GREEN RED GREEN RED • GREEN • RED • OFF Description • • • • • • • • • • • • • No Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) present SFP is present and the FPGA internal Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is locked SFP is present and the FPGA internal PLL is not locked No SFP present Receiver has locked and framed to the incoming signal Receiver has light, but is not locked to the incoming frequency or not framed Receiver has no light No major alarm is present in the system Initial bootup sequence, or a major alarm is present in the system Locked Unlocked No alarm for the SeRF II Module Initial bootup sequence and should become GREEN within 1 minute; if RED after bootup, a Major alarm exists for the SeRF II Module • Power OK and operating properly • Power supply out of tolerance • No power present FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 13 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Host Unit Overview Host System II Module The Host Syst em I I Module: • provides out put dry alarm cont act s for report ing alarm s t o an ext ernal m anagem ent syst em • can out put t he reference clock t o a daisy- chained Host . Host System II Module Ports and Connectors Ref # Component Device Function REF IN connector QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector 10 MHz reference clock input that may be used to synchronize between multiple Hosts in a daisy-chain configuration. REF OUT connector QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector 10 MHz reference clock output that may be used to synchronize between multiple Hosts in a daisy-chain configuration. COM LINK connector DB9 female connector Not applicable to the Prism Host. The COM Link is only used when the System II Board is configured as a Remote System II Board. Alarm Outputs—PRU Twelve position terminal block. Screw-type terminal connector (14–26 AWG) Connection points for a major and minor dry alarm contacts. Includes normally closed (NC), common (COM), and normally open (NO) wiring connections. Two contact closure inputs Connection points for monitoring external devices, which allows the Alarm connector to monitor the output contact closures from an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) or a Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA). This feature is currently not supported by Prism systems. Alarm Outputs—Host Alarm Inputs Page 14 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Host System II Module LEDs Ref # LED LED Color Description • Green • An external reference has been selected in the Prism Element Management System GUI. Once this selection has been made in the GUI, the REF IN LED is green, regardless of the presence of a signal on the REF IN connector. • No external reference has been selected in the Prism Element Management System GUI. For this release, this LED will always be off in a Prism Host Unit. REF IN • Off 30.72 MHz Off • Green • The system is configured to output a 10MHz signal on the Ref Out connector. (The input of an external 10MHz clock on the Ref In connector is indicated by the REF In LED.) • External 10 MHz reference disabled. • Host System II board is receiving power. • Host System II board is not receiving power. 10 MHz PWR • Off • Green • Off DC Power Module The DC Power Module convert s ± 24 - ± 48 VDC t o t he DC volt ages used by t he Host m odules. Ref # Component Device Function ON/OFF Switch Rocker switch Turns Host power on/off POWER connector Three position connector 10A connector for DC power wiring; FCC qualification meets 21-60 VDC Ref # LED LED Color Description • Green • Red • DC Power Supply OK • DC Power Supply Fault PWR FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 15 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Rem ot e Unit s PRISM REMOTE UNITS The Prism Rem ot e Unit ( PRU) , shown in Figure 8, cont rols RF em issions, int erfaces wit h t he FlexWave Host and perform s t he opt ical t o elect rical conversions for t ransport t o t he ant ennas. The PRU is an I P- 65 rat ed enclosure t hat houses t he elect ronic assem blies such as t he RF Module Group, SeRF assem bly and AC/ DC power supplies, and seals out dirt and m oist ure. The PRU uses fans locat ed on t he t op of each unit t o cool t he chassis. The ant enna cable connect ors, fiber connect ors, AC power connect or, and t he unit st at us indicat or are locat ed on t he bot t om of t he unit . Single-Band Remote Dual-Band Remote Tri-Band Remote Quad-Band Remote 77152-007 Figure 8. Prism Remote Units (PRUs) The FlexWave Rem ot e receives on t he forward pat h t he digit ized spect rum from t he Host and convert s t he spect rum back int o an RF signal t o be dist ribut ed via an ext ernally m ount ed ant enna syst em . On t he reverse pat h, t he Rem ot e digit izes t he designat ed RF spect rum and digit ally t ransport s it over single- m ode fiber or Millim et er Wave ( MMW) t o t he Host . The PRU also provides RF int erface ( ant enna port ) for t he ant ennas, and accept s AC power input . Page 16 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview PRU Ports and Connectors (Bottom of PRU) NETWORK AUX. MOD A RX1 MOD A TX0/RX0 FIBER 1 MOD D TX0/RX0 MOD D RX1 MOD C TX0/RX0 MOD C RX1 MOD B TX0/RX0 MOD B RX1 FIBER 2 POWER 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz 16 AMPS Bottom of a PRU Ref # Component Device Function Aux Connector Four contact closure inputs Connection points for external alarm inputs. Antenna Connectors Eight 50 N-Type (female) connectors • Connection points between the PRU and up to four antennas are labeled as Mod X TXO/RXO (where the first X can be A, B, C, or D). Fiber Connectors ProAx connectors that provide four BX5 connectors • Connection points between the PRU and Diversity receive for RF power from the antenna are labeled as Mod X RX1 (where the first X can be A, B, C, or D). Connection points between the PRU and the Outside Plant (OSP) box. Dual-Ground Connector Ground connector Grounds the PRU. Sealed 3-pin port Connection point between the PRU and an AC power junction box. RJ-45 female connector IP servicing between the Host and PRU(s); allows communications with the internal processor and transfer of service data to the optical protocol. AC Power Port Network Connector Port FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 17 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Rem ot e Unit s PRU Status LED (Bottom of PRU) NETWORK AUX. MOD A RX1 MOD A TX0/RX0 FIBER 1 MOD D TX0/RX0 Staus LED MOD D RX1 MOD C TX0/RX0 MOD C RX1 MOD B TX0/RX0 MOD B RX1 FIBER 2 POWER 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz 16 AMPS Status LED—Bottom of a PRU The PRU has a single red St at us LED t hat is locat ed on t he bot t om of t he chassis. At syst em st art up, t he PRU St at us LED is red t o indicat e t hat t he PRU is powering up and t hat t he SeRF processor does not yet cont rol t he PRU. Aft er st art up, if t he PRU St at us LED is red, it indicat es t he presence of m aj or alarm ( s) on t he PRU. The PRU St at us LED st ays red unt il all t he m aj or alarm condit ions t hat exist on t he PRU clear. ( For inform at ion on alarm s t hat pert ain t o t he PRU, see “ Troubleshoot ing Alarm s” on page 185.) Page 18 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview PRU Components The PRU chassis is an out door- rat ed enclosure t hat com prises t he following com ponent s: • Power Supplies • SeRF Module • Fans • I nt erface connect ions as described in “ PRU Port s and Connect ors ( Bot t om of PRU) ” on page 17 • Ext ernal St at us LED ( see “ PRU St at us LED ( Bot t om of PRU) ” on page 18) • Rem ot e ( AC) power and RF Module ( DC) power swit ches PRUs ship wit h specified RF Modules pre- inst alled. The Prism RF Modules com prise: • DARTs • Linear Power Am plifier ( LPA) • Duplexer wit h one or t wo Low Noise Am plifiers ( LNAs) and a Power Det ect or ( PD) • Rem ot e DART I nt erface ( RDI ) Module For furt her inform at ion on t he RF Modules, see “ RF Module Capabilit ies and GUI Represent at ion” on page 21. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 19 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Rem ot e Unit s Figure 9 shows com ponent s wit hin t he Rem ot e Unit chassis. RF Module (one of four in this Quad-Band Prism) Duplexer Linear Power Amplifier Remote DART Interface (RDI) (one on each RF Module) DART card (one or two on each RF Module) DC Power switches for RF Modules SeRF Module AC Power switch Cable connectors and Status LED 77072-009 Figure 9. Prism Remote Unit (PRU) Components Page 20 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation A PRU com prises from one t o four RF Module slot s. Each RF Module can com prise any of t he following DART com binat ions: • one Classic DART or one Single SuperDART • t wo Classic DARTs • t wo Single SuperDARTs • one Dual SuperDART. A PRU can t herefore com prise up t o eight single- slot DARTS or up t o four Dual SuperDARTs, dependent on t he Rem ot e chassis size and t he num ber of RF Modules inst alled. To link t he Rem ot e Unit DARTs t o t he DARTs in a Host Unit , t he DARTs m ust be t he sam e t ype ( such as, PCS t o PCS) . NOTE: PRU RF Modules are not field serviceable. To replace a DART within a PRU, you must replace the RF Module. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 21 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Rem ot e Unit s Table 1 and Figure 10 on page 23 describe how t he EMS references t he RF group assignm ent s and corresponding com ponent s of each RF Module. Table 1. Remote RF Group Assignments (from Top/Down) Physical RF Slot RF Group DART Number LPA Number Primary Diversity Power Detector Number LNA Number SeRF Board NOTE: In a dual-LPA system, the Configure Remote Forward Gain page shows two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting the LPA applies to both LPAs at the same time. For further information on setting the LPA Mode, see “Configure Remote Forward Gain” on page 91. For further information on resetting an LPA, see “Resetting an LPA” on page 165. Page 22 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview DART 7 Group D DART 8 DART 5 Group C DART 6 DART 3 Group B DART 4 DART 1 Group A DART 2 SeRF Module 77152-010 Figure 10. DART RF Groups in a Prism Remote Unit FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 23 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. DART Modules DART MODULES DART Modules: • am plify, down- convert , filt er and digit ize t he incom ing RF signal • convert incom ing digit al signal from t he SeRF t o analog, filt er, am plify and up- convert t he frequency from I nt erm ediat e Frequency ( I F) t o RF • provide a bi- direct ional int erface bet ween RF and t he SeRF board ( via FPGA, D/ A convert er, and A/ D convert er) • provide uplink gain • support Sim plex RF int erfacing t o/ from t he BTS • perform adj ust able delay processing. Prism support s t he following t ypes of DART Modules: • Classic DARTs are 6- t im eslot DARTs t hat support up t o 35 MHz cont iguous bandwidt h ( see Table 2) . • Single SuperDARTs are 6- t im eslot DARTs t hat support t wo non- cont iguous bands in t he ent ire frequency range of t he DART, but cannot exceed 35 MHz t ot al RF bandwidt h ( see Table 3 on page 25) . • Single SuperDARTs t hat can support 70/ 75 MHz bandwidt h in posit ions 1 or 3 when inst alled in a Host Unit I I t hat has bot h a SeRF I I Module and a Backplane I I chassis inst alled. ( See Table 4 on page 25.) • Dual SuperDARTs are 12- t im eslot DARTs t hat support up t o 70/ 75MHz wit h t wo non- cont iguous bands ( see Table 4 on page 25) . NOTE: Industry Canada PCS 20 dB nominal bandwidth is less than 61.5 MHz. NOTE: Industry Canada AWS 20 dB nominal bandwidth is less than 47.2 MHz Table 2. Single-Slot Classic DARTs DART Name Page 24 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc Maximum Bandwidth (MHz) Number of Fiber Slots 800 APAC iDEN Classic 19 800 SMR Classic 18 850 Classic 25 900 SMR Classic FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Table 3. Single-Slot SuperDARTs (1) Maximum Frequency Span (MHz) Maximum Bandwidth (MHz) Maximum Fiber Slots 1800 SGL SuperDART 75 39 1900 PCS SGL SuperDART 70 39 2100 SGL AWS SuperDART 45 39 2100 SGL UMTS SuperDART 60 39 700 LowerABC SGL SuperDART 18 700 UpperC SGL SuperDART 10 900 EGSM SGL SuperDART 35 DART Name (1) When using a Host Unit II with both the SeRF II and System Board II modules, the bandwidths and fiber slots shown are only available in Host DART Slots 1 and 3 for Single-Slot SuperDARTs. Table 4. Dual-Slot SuperDARTs DART Name Maximum Bandwidth (MHz) Number of Fiber Slots 1800 DL SuperDART 75 12 1900 PCS DL SuperDART 70 12 2100 DL AWS SuperDART 45 2100 DL UMTS SuperDART 60 12 For furt her inform at ion on DART Modules, see also “ Host DARTs” on page 26 and “ RF Module Capabilit ies and GUI Represent at ion” on page 21 ( Rem ot e RF Modules cont ain Rem ot e DARTs) . FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 25 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. DART Modules Host DARTs The Host can support up t o eight Classic DARTS and/ or Single SuperDARTs or up t o four Dual SuperDARTs. Figure 11 provides generic represent at ions of Classic DARTS or Single SuperDARTs and Dual SuperDARTs. Generic representation of a Classic DART or Single SuperDART Generic representation of a Dual SuperDART 77073-076 Figure 11. DART Modules Figure 12 shows a Host t hat is fully loaded wit h Dual SuperDART Modules. Fan Assembly SeRF Card Dual SuperDART in Slots 1 and 3 Dual SuperDART in Slots 2 And 4 Dual SuperDART in Slots 5 And 7 Dual SuperDART in Slots 6 And 8 System Card Power Supply 77073-078 Figure 12. Host with Dual SuperDARTs Page 26 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Host DART Slots Figure 13 shows t he possible slot assignm ent s for Single and Dual SuperDARTs, and where slot - divider bars are locat ed. Fan Assembly SeRF Card System Card Power Supply Single-Slot DART in Slot 1 Single-Slot DART in Slot 2 Single-Slot DART in Slot 3 Single-Slot DART in Slot 4 Single-Slot DART in Slot 5 Single-Slot DART in Slot 6 Single-Slot DART in Slot 7 Single-Slot DART in Slot 8 Dual-Slot DART in Slots 1 and 3 Dual-Slot DART in Slots 2 and 4 Divider bars between Slots 1 and 3 and Slots 2 and 4 Divider bars between Slots 5 and 7 and Slots 6 and 8 Fan Assembly SeRF Card System Card Power Supply Single-Slot DART in Slot 5 Single-Slot DART in Slot 6 Single-Slot DART in Slot 7 Single-Slot DART in Slot 8 Divider bars between Slots 1 and 3 and Slots 2 and 4 removed to accommodate Dual-Slot DARTs 77073-077 Figure 13. DART Slot Assignments in Host Chassis Possible slot assignm ent s for Single and Dual SuperDARTs are list ed below. • A Classic DART or Single SuperDART can be inst alled in each of t he eight slot s in t he Host . • Single- Slot SuperDARTs plugged int o slot s 1 or 3 of a Host t hat has bot h a SeRF I I Module and a Backplane I I chassis inst alled can pass 12 fiber slot s like a dual- slot SuperDART. • Dual SuperDARTs require t hat slot divider bars be rem oved as t heir size requires t wo- slot com binat ions, which are available in t he following vert ical groupings: – Slot s 1 and 3 – Slot s 2 and 4 – Slot s 5 and 7 – Slot s 6 and 8. • Dual SuperDARTs cannot occupy horizont al slot com binat ions: – Slot s 3 and 5 – Slot s 4 and 6. • Any com binat ion of DARTs m ay be inst alled. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 27 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. DART Modules Host DART Connectors and LEDs Only RF DART Modules can be inst alled in t he Host Unit . Host RF DART S-DART FWD 925-960 REV 880-915 PWR REV RF OUT FWD RF IN STATUS FWD NOT TO EXCEED +5 dBm DART Type Ref # Component Device Function Host RF FWD RF IN QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector Input connection point for the forward path RF coaxial cable to the BTS REV RF OUT QMA-Type female RF coaxial connector Output connection point for the reverse path RF coaxial cable to the BTS Ref # LED Page 28 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc PWR LED Color • • • STATUS • • • Green Red Off Green Red Yellow Description • • • • • • Card is powered. Problem with onboard power No power present at card. OK Major Alarm Automatic Level Control active FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Serialized RF (SeRF) Digital Protocol The SeRF ( Serialized RF) digit al prot ocol consist s of digit ized RF, Fast Et hernet , and Host t o Rem ot e com m unicat ion and m anagem ent . The prot ocol provides you wit h full access t o t he 100BASE- T ( Et hernet ) connect ion bet ween t he Host and each Rem ot e, and t he abilit y t o provision t he RF spect rum of t he DARTs. The digit ized RF port ion of t he SeRF prot ocol is divided int o 12 t im eslot s, wit h each t im eslot represent ing roughly 5 MHz of digit ized RF spect rum . Ut ilizing t he full 12 t im eslot s yields bet ween 60 and 75 MHz of t ot al digit ized RF on each SeRF Sm all Form - Fact or Pluggable ( SFP) laser connect ion ( single fiber pair) . The available RF bandwidt h per t im eslot is shown in Table 5. Table 5. Number of Timeslots Available RF Bandwidth Maximum Contiguous RF Bandwidth (MHz) Classic DARTs Single and Dual SuperDARTs 12.5 12 20 18 25 25 35 39 --- 45 12 --- 60-75 For exam ple, a user who wishes t o t ransport PCS A block, Cellular A, and AWS B block, t he syst em would require t he following: PCS A 15MHz, 3 t im eslot s Cellular A 10MHz, 2 t im eslot s AWS B 10MHz, 2 t im eslot s __________________________ Tot al = 35MHz, 7 t im eslot s Each fiber pair support s 12 t im eslot s, or up t o 75 MHz of bandwidt h. Table 5 shows t he m axim um bandwidt h versus t he num ber of t im eslot s. I f m ore t han 70 MHz is required per Rem ot e, up t o t hree addit ional fiber pairs can be brought t o t he Rem ot e t o get up t o up t o 280MHz per Rem ot e ( or 300MHz if all four are GSM- 1800) . FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 29 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. DART Modules Simulcast Groups Sim ulcast com bining occurs when m ore t han one Rem ot e DART is linked t o t he sam e Host DART. The gains of t he reverse signals are reduced before sum m at ion t o prevent over- flow when t he digit al signals are added t oget her. This sim ulcast gain reduct ion is accom plished as a funct ion of t he num ber of Rem ot e DARTs linked t o t he Host DART ( N) and t he select ed Reverse Gain Mode: • Mode 1 (Noise Floor Matching)—uses an algorit hm t hat norm alizes t he noise floor of all Rem ot e Unit s. • Mode 2 (Legacy Prism/URH)—reduces t he gain by 20* log10( N) . • Mode 1 (Noise Floor Matching) uses an algorit hm t hat norm alizes t he noise floor of all Rem ot e Unit s. • Mode 2 (Legacy Prism/URH)—reduces t he gain by 20* log10( N) . Table 6 illust rat es gain reduct ion for Mode 1 and Mode 2. Table 6. Reverse Gain Mode and Gain Reduction Reduction (dB) # Remote DARTs Mode 1 Mode 2 3.0 6.0 4.7 9.5 6.0 12.0 7.0 14.0 7.8 15.6 8.3 16.9 9.0 18.0 Sim ulcast groups are rest rict ed t o using t he sam e t im eslot s on t he fibers t o each Rem ot e. For exam ple, if t he first link est ablished in a sim ulcast group is using t im eslot s 1- 3 on a fiber for t he PCS A passband, t im eslot s 1- 3 m ust be used for t hat passband on each of t he ot her Rem ot es in t he sim ulcast group. I f t im eslot s 1- 3 are not available on a Rem ot e's fiber, t he Rem ot e cannot be added t o t he sim ulcast group. To m inim ize t im eslot conflict s, sim ulcast groups should be configured before ot her passbands. I f a conflict occurs while at t em pt ing t o link a DART, an error m essage displays indicat ing t hat t he DART linking failed. The DART using t he conflict ing t im eslot s m ust be unlinked t o allow t he DART in t he sim ulcast group t o be linked. Page 30 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Use of Multi Fibers The EMS provides t he abilit y t o inst all “ m ult i fibers” bet ween a Host and Rem ot e. This m eans t hat , in addit ion t o t he m inim um single fiber pair ( RX and TX) in t he Host t o Rem ot e connect ion, one or m ore addit ional fiber pairs are inst alled. This is done t o increase t he bandwidt h or num ber of t im eslot s bet ween t he Host and Rem ot e. Each fiber pair can handle approxim at ely 75 MHz of RF bandwidt h and each fiber is capable of support ing 12 t im eslot s, as described in “ DART Modules” on page 24. When a Host DART is linked t o a Rem ot e DART in a m ult i- fibers configurat ion, t he EMS uses t he first fiber ( in num erical order) on which t he required num ber of t im eslot s is available for t he passband being linked. The EMS will not divide up t he t im eslot s bet ween t wo fibers. So, for exam ple, if t he passband requires eight t im eslot s, and only six t im eslot s are available on t he first fiber, t he EMS will bypass t he first fiber and assign all eight t im eslot s t o t he second fiber, leaving four t im eslot s unused on t he second fiber. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 31 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. DART Modules E911 Support The DART t ype det erm ines t he m axim um num ber of links, where t here can be up up t o 8 Classic DARTs or Single SuperDARTs t hat support 35MHz each, or up t o 4 Dual SuperDARTs t hat support up t o 75MHz each. E911 support m ay be achieved by using a configurat ion sim ilar t o t he one shown in Figure 14. Rem ot e sim ulcast ing in t his configurat ion requires analog split t ing and com bining t o and from t he individual Host DARTs. Ext ernal analog split t ing/ com bining ensures t hat t he E911 syst em receives uplink signals from each Rem ot e locat ion before t hey are com bined wit h uplink signals from t he ot her Rem ot es in t he sim ulcast . DART Board (1) 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter DART Board (2) 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter DART Board (3) 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter DART Board (4) DART Board (5) DART Board (6) DART Board (7) DART Board (8) 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 8:1 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter 2:1 Splitter BTS FWD E911 E911 E911 E911 E911 8:1 BTS REV E911 E911 E911 77152-003 SeRF Board System Board Power Board Fan Assembly Figure 14. 8:1 Analog Simulcast U-TDoA E911 Support Diagram NOTE: When external E911 equipment is required, simulcasting must be accomplished via external RF splitting and combining. The DARTs will then be in a point-to-point configuration, as opposed to point-to-multipoint. Page 32 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview PRISM SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Table 7. RF and Optical Specifications Specification a Parameter Remarks RF Specifications Supported Frequency Blocks 1-8 per Host Unit Bandwidth 1.5 to 75 MHz non-contiguous Supported Frequency Bands • • • • • • • • • 850 Cellular 1900 PCS 700 LowerABC 700 UpperC 2100 AWS 800/900 E-SMR 900 GSM 1800 DCS 2100 UMTS Propagation Delay System Delay <12 microseconds Delay Management Digital Manual or Automatic Reverse Path Noise Figure Noise Figure Input Typical Maximum IP3 Normal Mode 5 dB 6 dB >-8 dBm High Gain Mode - Classic DARTs 4 dB 5 dB >-12 dBm High Gain Mode - SuperDARTs 3 dB 4 dB >-14 dBm Standard Mode High Gain Mode Classic DARTs 36 dB 38 dB SuperDARTs 30 dB 36 dB Standard Optional 26 dB 13 dB System Gain –6 Optical Budget for optical BER of 10 Digital Transport Rate 3.072 Gbps Optical power levels Minimum Maximum Intermediate Range Launch Power -5 dBm 1 dBm Intermediate Range Receive Power -18 dBm 1 dBm Long Range Launch Power -2 dBm 3 dBm Long Range Receive Power -27 dBm -9 dBm Transceiver Wavelengths Transmits 1550 nm signal Receives 1550 or 1310 nm signal FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 For information on transceiver transmissions with a CWDM, see the ADC FlexWave Prism Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer User Manual (ADCP-75-353). Page 33 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Syst em Specificat ions Table 7. RF and Optical Specifications (Cont.) Parameter Specification a Optical - Host II and Remote Units Fiber type 9/125, single-mode Remarks up to 75 MHz RF per fiber pair (or fiber if using WDM). Number of fibers required Assumes RF bandwidth does not exceed 3 Gbps data rate capacity of the fiber. Optical - WDM WDM Passband 1310 nm ± 20 nm 1550 nm ± 20 nm Forward path insertion loss Host WDM 0.7 dB Remote WDM 0.3 dB Does not include connector loss Reverse path insertion loss Host WDM 0.3 dB Remote WDM 0.7 dB Does not include connector loss Isolation > 30 dB minimum Return loss (Reflectance) < –50 dB All input ports All specifications apply after a five minute warm-up period. Table 8. Parameter Host Unit II Technical Specifications Specification Notes Power DC Power ±21 – ±60 Vdc floating Power consumption Maximum: 320 Watts Nominal: 202 Watts Current rating for maximum system (eight DARTs and eight SFPs) 7.5 Amps @ 48Vdc 15 Amps @ 24Vdc Connectors and Ports RF coaxial cable connectors 50 ohm QMA – type (female) Network and Craft connectors RJ–45 jack 50 ohms input/output impedance External alarm connector Screw-type terminals Normally Open (NO), Common (COM), and Normally Closed (NC) relay contacts Optical ports SFP transceivers Industry standard LC (UPC); Host and WDM Height x Width x Depth Inches 5.17 17.26 9.5 Millimeters 131.3 438.4 241.3 Width dimension does not include the mounting brackets for 19- or 23-inch racks. Physical Specifications Dimensions Mounting 19- or 23-inch rack Weight 20 lbs. (9.1 kg) Environmental EIA or WECO Environmentally controlled outdoor cabinet Weather resistance Indoor installation only Operating temperature 0º to 50º C (32º to 122ºF) Storage temperature –40º to 70º C (–40º to 158ºF) Humidity 10% to 90% No condensation Reliability at 25ºC MTBF 200,000 hours Excluding fans Page 34 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Prism Syst em Overview Table 9. Remote Unit Technical Specifications Parameter Specification Remarks Enclosure dimensions Height x Width x Depth Single-Band Inches 25.2 Centimeters 64 12.2 30.99 x 11.2 28.45 • Dimension for width includes the mounting brackets. Dual-Band Inches 33.2 Centimeters 84.3 12.2 30.99 x 11.2 28.45 Tri-Band Inches 41.2 Centimeters 104.6 12.2 30.99 x 11.2 28.45 • To have adequate clearance to open the Remote chassis door, allow a minimum of 7 inches at the left, right and front of each Remote. Quad-Band Inches 52.4 Centimeters 133.10 x 12.2 30.99 x 11.2 28.45 Mounting Wall, Pole, Inside Pole, and Vault Weight Unpopulated Populated Single-Band Pounds 65 Kilograms 29 83 38 Dual-Band Pounds 81 Kilograms 37 117 53 kg Tri-Band Pounds 97 Kilograms 44 151 68 kg Quad-Band Pounds 116 Kilograms 53 188 85 kg • “Unpopulated” weight includes the Solar shields, which are always present. • “Populated” weight is the weight of the chassis that has the SeRF Module and RF Modules installed. Outside Ambient Temperature Rating -40° C to +50° C (-40º F to +122º F) Storage Temperature -40° C to +70° C (-40º F to +158º F) Humidity 10% to 90% non-condensing Weather Resistance IP-65 Indoor or outdoor installation Lightning Protection 20kA IEC 1000-45 8/30 ìs Waveform Provided by external lightning protector, which is an accessory. Cooling Fan, IP-55 Operating Voltage Range 10 - 28 Vdc Operating Temperature Range -10 - 70°C (14°F - 158°F) Storage Temperature Range -40 - 70°C (-40°F - 158°F) Connectors Network port RJ-45 female connector AC power connector Sealed 3-pin Connection point for the AC power cord Antenna cable connector 50 ohm N-Type (female) 50 ohms input/output impedance Voltage input 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz Operating range 90 to 265 VAC Current rating 15 AMPS Encapsulation PBT Encapsulated Motor and Control PCB Bearings Abec 3, double shielded, chrome ball bearings Continuous Duty Life-Cycle 50,000 hours at 25°C (77°F) Safety UL/C-UL File E137077, TUV FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 35 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. Prism Syst em Specificat ions I nt ent ionally Blank Page Page 36 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 P ART I I SYSTEM SETUP FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 37 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. I nt ent ionally Blank Page Page 38 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 USING THE PRISM EMS Topics Page How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface ............................................................................ 40 Syst em Tree ....................................................................................................................41 Syst em Tree I cons............................................................................................................ 42 EMS View Fram e Elem ent s ................................................................................................. 42 Unit I dent ificat ion ............................................................................................................. 43 Viewing Param et ers and Alarm s ......................................................................................... 44 Alarm Color Codes ...................................................................................................... 44 Viewing Alarm Det ails .................................................................................................. 45 Sort ing Tables.................................................................................................................. 46 Following t he Procedures in t his Docum ent ................................................................................ 47 St art ing a Procedure ......................................................................................................... 47 Modifying Param et ers........................................................................................................ 47 Select ing Menu I t em s........................................................................................................ 48 Using t he Help Em bedded in t he GUI ........................................................................................ 49 Accessing Help .................................................................................................................49 Navigat ing Help ................................................................................................................50 Using t he Cont ent s Tab ................................................................................................ 50 Using t he Orient at ion Links and But t ons ......................................................................... 51 Using t he I ndex Tab .................................................................................................... 52 Using t he Search Tab .................................................................................................. 53 This sect ion provides a basic descript ion of t he Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em ( EMS) . FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 39 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface H OW TO U SE THE EMS G RAPHICAL U SER I NTERFACE You use a web browser t o access t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface ( GUI ) shown in Figure 15 and described in Table 10. Figure 15. EMS Graphical User Interface Page 40 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Using t he Prism EMS Table 10. GUI Components ID # Component Description System Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view system settings and alarms. System Tree See “System Tree” on page 41. Alarm indicators Provides a visual view of the number of active alarms and their severity level. Execute the command for which the button is labeled: Operational buttons • Apply—Applies your configuration changes without closing the dialog. • Refresh—Updates status information to reflect current conditions. Unit Identifier Identifies which system component is selected in the System Tree. Provides the work space in which you access a Prism EMS web page specific to a unit or function. EMS View Frame NOTE: You can use your keyboard to navigate through the EMS pages: •SPACE key on the keyboard scrolls down by a page •SHIFT+SCROLL scrolls up one page. Provides links that allow you to navigate within the GUI: Orientation links • Home—returns you to the Home page Unit Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view settings and alarms that pertain to the unit that is actively selected in the System Tree. • Logout—logs you out of the EMS. System Tree The Syst em Tree displays a Prism syst em as device icons wit hin a hierarchical t ree t hat is aut om at ically organized by Unit I D: You click on a node t o navigat e t o a web page wit hin t he EMS View Fram e t hat corresponds t o t he select ed unit . The Alarm indicat ors in t he upper- right corner of t he Syst em Tree let you know how m any act ive alarm s t here are, and at what severit y level. I n t he preceding figure, t he Alarm indicat ors show: • 5 act ive Maj or alarm s, as indicat ed by t he red box • 0 act ive Minor alarm s, as indicat ed by t he yellow box. FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 41 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface System Tree Icons Table 11 describes t he icons used in t he Syst em Tree. Table 11. System Tree Icons Icon Unit/State Description Host Host Unit; normal status PRU Prism Remote Unit; normal status URU Universal Radio Head Remote Unit; normal status Minor Alarm State A yellow caution overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active Minor alarm. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged. Major Alarm State A red danger overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active Major alarm. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged. Indicates a Contact Alarm state: Contact Alarm State • Static—the alarm is acknowledged. • Blinking—the alarm is unacknowledged. No Contact Alarm State Indicates a No Contact Alarm state. Disconnect Indicates that the unit is disconnected. Applicable only to PRUs and URUs. Unknown Unit Identifies a unit that the EMS has found but cannot recognize. EMS View Frame Elements Figure 16 and Table 12 describe t he different elem ent s found wit hin t he EMS View Fram e. Figure 16. Elements within a View Frame Page 42 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Using t he Prism EMS Table 12. View Frame Elements ID # Element Description A panel is a grouping of fields or parameters enclosed within a grey box, with the panel title in the upper-left corner. Panel Selection box/Radio button A square box is a selection box that you click on to select or deselect an option. When selected, a checkmark displays in the box. When the option is deselected, the box is empty. If the selection box is round, it is referred to as a radio button. When a radio button is selected, the round “button” is filled in. When a radio button is deselected, its circle is empty. List A menu that lists the options for the corresponding parameter. Click on the down arrow to display the list. Text box A text box allows you to enter custom information for the corresponding field. Operational buttons Execute the command for which the button is labeled. When a button is greyed out, that function is not available. Table A table collects information that corresponds to the EMS View Frame and provides it in table format. The table is enclosed within a panel, with the table title in the upper-left corner. NOTE: The View Frame is designed to update its contents within a web browser approximately every 20 seconds. Unit Identification Figure 17 shows t he Unit I D in t he Syst em Tree. The Unit I D is t he host nam e ( user- defined label) plus t he layer address. The layered address is H- R, so t he Unit I D is < h ost n a m e > H - R, where: • H—Host # is always 1 • R—Rem ot e Unit # ( PRU or URU) , which can be 1 - 8 and is based on t he SFP port num ber t o which t he Rem ot e Unit is connect ed Figure 17. System Tree Unit IDs FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011 Page 43 © 2011 ADC Telecom m unicat ions, I nc. How t o Use t he EMS Graphical User I nt erface Viewing Parameters and Alarms You can view any param et er or alarm by navigat ing t o t he page in which t he param et er or alarm resides. To quickly find inform at ion about a param et er or alarm : • All param et ers are list ed alphabet ically in t his m anual’s I ndex. • All alarm s are list ed alphabet ically in t his m anual’s I ndex of Alarm s. • All t raps are list ed alphabet ically in t his m anual’s I ndex of Traps. Alarm Color Codes Alarm s are color coded in t he GUI according t o t he level of t he alarm : • Green—No alarm • Blue—I nform at ion alarm , which provides inform at ion on a successful user act ion, such as a change in a forward or reverse delay set t ing • Yellow—Minor alarm • Red—Maj or alarm • Gray—t he alarm has been disabled; see “ Enable and Disable Host and Rem ot e Unit Alarm s” on page 178 • Whit e—a device has not been inst alled. For exam ple, in Figure 18, which shows t he Unit Information > View Status page, t he Module Status t able shows t hat a DART has not been inst alled in slot s 3, 7, or 8. The Optical Status t able shows t hat SFPs are not inst alled in Opt ical port s 2 t hrough 8. Figure 18. Understanding Color Codes for Empty Slots Page 44 © 2011 ADC Telecommunications, Inc FlexWave Prism Elem ent Managem ent Syst em 7.1 User Manual ADCP- 77- 177 • I ssue 1 • July 2011
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