ASUSTeK Computer M303 M303 GSM Camera Phone User Manual M303 UserMan

ASUSTeK Computer Inc M303 GSM Camera Phone M303 UserMan

Part 3

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Document DescriptionPart 3
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted2005-01-26 00:00:00
Date Available2005-01-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-01-10 10:00:10
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Document Lastmod2005-01-17 17:42:06
Document TitleM303 UserMan.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: jennifer

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) ............................................. 180
Composing an MMS message ................................................... 180
Launching the MMS message editor .................................. 180
Choosing the message recipient(s) .................................. 180
Entering the message subject .......................................... 182
Adding text to the MMS message ..................................... 182
Adding an image to the MMS message ............................. 184
Adding an audio file to the MMS message ........................ 186
Adding another slide(s) .................................................... 188
Adjusting the slide duration .............................................. 189
Previewing the MMS message ........................................... 189
Sending the MMS message ...................................................... 190
Saving the MMS message ......................................................... 190
Managing the MMS Inbox .......................................................... 191
Using the MMS Inbox menu ............................................... 191
Managing the MMS Outbox ...................................................... 192
Using the MMS Outbox menu ............................................ 192
Changing the MMS message settings ...................................... 193
Changing the MMS validity period ..................................... 194
Delaying the MMS message delivery ................................. 195
Activating the Read Report function ................................ 196
Activating the delivery report ........................................... 197
Auto downloading MMS messages .................................... 198
Activating the sender visibility ......................................... 198
Viewing the MMS memory status ............................................ 199
Messaging features
The phone is capable of creating, sending, and receiving both multimedia
messaging service (MMS) or short message service (SMS) messages to
and from other mobile phones. MMS allows you to send text messages
with audio and image attachments to an MMS-enabled mobile phone or
e-mail. SMS, on the other hand, allows you to send short text messages
to any mobile phone.
Ask your phone operator on how to activate the MMS feature. Only
mobile phones with MMS feature can send/receive MMS messages.
To access the M e s s a g e menu:
1. Put the phone in idle mode, then press
to display the main menu.
2. Use the navigation keys to select the M e s s a g e icon
to display the M e s s a g e menu.
to display the M e s s a g e menu.
, then press
The display shows the SMS menu by default. You can switch from
SMS to MMS, or vice-versa, by clicking
Short Message Service (SMS)
The phone allows you to compose and send Short Message Service
(SMS) or text message to another mobile phone.
Composing and sending an SMS message
Launching the SMS message editor
To launch the SMS message editor, use the
(up) or
(down) button to select E d i t S M S
S, then press . The SMS
message editor screen appears.
Choosing the message recipient(s)
To choose the recipient(s):
1. In the Edit MMS screen, highlight the T o : field then press
A Phone Number window appears.
2. Key-in the phone
number of the recipient,
then press .
(Names) to
open the Phonebook
select a phone book
entry(ies), then
press .
3. The recipient’s name
or number appears in
the T o field.
Highlight the
C o n t e n t field, then
press to compose
the SMS message.
Composing the SMS message
To compose the SMS message:
1. Use the keypad to
compose the SMS
to insert a common
word, or copy text
from the clipboard.
2. When finished,
press to return to
the E d i t S M S
message count
Your SMS message may contain up to 670 characters. Use the character/message counter
below the message field to determine how many characters you have keyed-in and how
many SMS messages you have composed.
Sending the SMS message
To send the SMS message:
1. From the E d i t S M S
screen, press
(Option), select
S e n dd, then
press .
2. Press
(Yes) when
a confirmation
screen appears.
Otherwise, select
S a v e to store the
A Sent
message appears to
indicate that the SMS
message was sent to
the recipients.
3. The phone prompts
you to save the SMS
message to the S M S
O u t b o xx.
(Yes) to
save the message or
(No) to cancel.
Saving the SMS message
Save an SMS message to the SMS Outbox if you want to edit it or send it
To save an SMS message:
1. Compose an SMS message following the instructions in the previous
2. In the Edit SMS window, press
(Option), then select S a v ee.
A Saved successfully
successfully! message appears indicating that you have
saved the SMS message to the SMS Outbox. The display returns to
the Edit SMS window.
Viewing an SMS message
When the phone is in idle mode and you receive an SMS message, the
screen displays an animated letter enevelope. Press
(View) to open
and view the message. Otherwise, press any other key to close the
Received Message window.
appears on the icon bar of the idle main
A new SMS message icon
display when you choose to ignore the new SMS message.
If you receive an SMS message while in other phone modes, you can view
the SMS messages by following this instructions.
1. From the SMS menu, use
I n b o xx, then press .
(up) or
(down) to select S M S
2. Use
(up) or
(down) to select the unread message, then
press to view. An unread message saved in the SIM memory is
. An unread message saved in the phone
preceded by this icon
memory is preceded by this icon
Refer to the section “Managing the SMS Inbox” for details.
Managing the SMS Inbox
The phone saves all SMS messages received in the SMS Inbox. You can
view, reply, forward, or delete the messages stored in the SMS Inbox.
Take note of the following icons preceding a message.
Indicates that the SMS message
received by the phone has already been read
received by the SIM card has already been read
received by the phone has not been read
received by the SIM card has not been read
Using the SMS Inbox menu
When in the SMS Inbox
Inbox, press
(Option) to display a pop-up menu
containing the options for the selected message or multiple messages.
Save to Handset
Save all to Handset
Delete SIM
Delete Handset
Save Number
Allows you to
Read the selected message
Save the selected message to the phone memory
Save all messages to the phone memory
Delete the selected message
Delete all messages saved in the SIM memory
Delete all messages saved in the phone memory
Save the phone number of the message sender
Managing the SMS Outbox
The SMS Outbox contains all saved and draft messages. You can view,
send, or delete the messages stored in the SMS Outbox. Take note of
the following icons preceding messages in the SMS Outbox.
Indicates that the SMS message
stored in the phone memory has already been sent
stored in the SIM memory has already been sent
stored in the phone memory has not been sent
stored in the SIM memory has not been sent
Using the SMS Outbox menu
When in the SMS Outbox
Outbox, press
(Option) to display a pop-up menu
containing the options for the selected message or multiple messages.
Save to Handset
Save all to Handset
Delete SIM
Delete Handset
Allows you to
Read the selected message
Save the selected message to the phone memory
Save all messages to the phone memory
Delete the selected message
Delete all messages saved in the SIM memory
Delete all messages saved in the phone memory
Changing the SMS message settings
To access the S M S S e t t i n g s menu:
From the S M S menu, use
S e t t i n g ss, then press .
(up) or
(down) to select S M S
to display the SMS Settings menu.
The SMS Settings menu consists of seven menu options that you can
select using
(up) or
Refer to the table below for a brief description of each menu item.
Service Center
Send format
Selects the SMS service center.*
Sets the SMS message format to Implicit, Text, Fax,
ERMES, Paging, X400, or E-mail.
Validity Period
Sets the the validity period for SMS messages to
one hour, six hours, one day, three days, one week,
or maximum period.
Common Words
View, edit, or delete common messages.
Delivery Report
Activates or deactivates the delivery report feature.
When activated, an SMS message notifies you that
the sent SMS message reached its recipient.
Reply Path
Activates or deactivates the reply path.
Auto Move to Handset Saves all incoming messages to the handset.
Changing the service center number
Obtain the correct service center number from your phone operator
before you change this item.
To change the SMS service center number:
1. Highlight Service Center from theSMS Settings menu, then press
2. Select the service center from the list, then press
3. Key-in the service center number that you obtained from your phone
operator, then press
4. The display returns to the previous menu with the new service
center number.
5. Press
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings menu.
Be careful when changing the service center number. SMS
messaging fails when you set an incorrect service center number.
Changing the message format
To select a message format:
1. Highlight Send Format from the SMS Settings menu, then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight the format, then press to
2. Use
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings
Inquire with your phone operator if the available message formats
are supported by their network.
Changing the SMS validity period
The SMS validity period is the time period that you allow the phone
operator to send your SMS message until it reaches the recipients. For
example, if you sent an SMS message to a mobile phone that is not in
the coverage area, the phoe operator continuously sends the SMS
message to that mobile phone within the duration you specified.
To select a message format:
1. Highlight V a l i d i t y P e r i o d from the SMS Settings menu, then
press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight the validity period for the
2. Use
SMS message sending, then press to select.
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings
The default message validity period depends on the SIM card
setting. Read the SIM card documentation for details.
Creating common message(s)
For your convenience, you can create and store Common Messages
in your phone. You can easily retrieve these messages when you want to
send a quick note.
You can create up to eight can messages, each with a maximum of
26 characters.
To create a common message:
1. Highlight Common Words from the SMS Settings menu, then
press .
2. Use
(up) or
(down) to highlight an ( E M P T Y ) common
message, then press
3. Select E d i t from the pop-up menu, then press
4. Use the keypad to key-in the common message, then press
5. The created common message now appears in the C o m m o n
W o r d s list.
6. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings
Use the D e l e t e or D e l e t e A l l command from the C o m m o n
W o r d s pop-up menu to delete a common message.
Activating delivery reports
If you wish to know that the messages you sent are delivered to the
recipient, enable the Delivery Rpt. option.
To activate delivery report:
1. Highlight D e l i v e r y R p t . from the SMS Settings menu, then
press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight O nn,
2. To enable the feature, use
then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight O f ff, then
To disable, use
press .
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings
3. When finished, press
Activating the reply path
Activating the reply path allows the SMS message recipient to reply to
your SMS message, using the embedded service center number.
To activate the reply path:
1. Highlight Reply Path from the SMS Settings menu, then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight O nn,
2. To enable the feature, use
then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight O f ff, then
To disable, use
press .
(Back) to return to the SMS Settings
3. When finished, press
Auto moving SMS messages to the handset
Activating the Auto Move to Handset feature allows you to transfer
all incoming SMS messages from the SIM card to the handset
To activate this feature:
1. Highlight Auto Move to Handset from the SMS Settings
menu, then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight
2. To enable the feature, use
O nn, then press .
(up) or
(down) to highlight O f ff, then
To disable, use
press .
(Back) to return to the S M S
3. When finished, press
Settings menu.
Viewing the SMS memory status
To view the phone and SIM SMS memory status:
From the S M S menu, use
M e m o r yy, then press .
(up) or
(down) to select S M S
to display the SMS Memory
The screen shows the used SMS memory over the total available
(Back) to return to
memory in both the handset and SIM card. Press
the S M S menu.
Adjusting the slide duration
To adjust the slide duration:
1. Select the slide from
the C o m p o s e r
2. Press
select S l i d e
D u r a t i o nn, then
press .
3. Adjust the slide
duration using the
keypad, then press .
The display returns
to the C o m p o s e r
Previewing the MMS message
To preview the MMS message:
1. In the C o m p o s e r
window, press
(Option), select
w, then
press .
2. The MMS message
plays on screen.
(Pause) to
pause or
to stop the preview.
After previewing.
(Back) to
return to the
C o m p o s e r window.
Sending the MMS message
To send the MMS message:
1. When in the
C o m p o s e r window,
(Back) to
return to the E d i t
M M S window.
2. Press
select Send from the
pop-up menu, then
press .
The MMS message is uploaded to the MMS server of your phone operator for sending to
the message recipients. The display returns to the Edit MMS window.
Saving the MMS message
To save the MMS message:
1. In the E d i t M M S
window, press
(Option), select S a v e
from the pop-up
menu, then press .
A Saved
window appears to
indicate that the
MMS message is
saved to the MMS
Managing the MMS Inbox
The phone saves all downloaded MMS messages in the MMS Inbox. You
can view, review, forward, or delete the messages stored in the MMS
Inbox. Take note of the following icons preceding an MMS message.
Indicates that the MMS message
received has been successfully downloaded to the phone
has not been read
has been read
notification has not been read
notification has already been read
Using the MMS Inbox menu
When in the MMS Inbox
Inbox, press
(Option) to display a pop-up menu
containing the options for the selected message or multiple messages.
Delete All
Call Out
Allows you to
View the selected message
Delete the selected message
Delete all messages in the MMS Inbox
Dial the number of the MMS sender
Managing the MMS Outbox
The MMS Outbox contains all saved and draft MMS messages. You can
view, review, forward, or delete the messages stored in the MMS Outbox.
Take note of the following icons preceding a message.
Indicates that the MMS message
is a saved MMS message draft
was sent and stored in the MMS Outbox
saved in the MMS Outbox has not been sent
received has been forwarded to another recipient
received has been replied
Using the MMS Outbox menu
When in the M MS Outbox
Outbox, press
(Option) to display a pop-up menu
containing the options for the selected message or multiple messages.
Delete All
Allows you to
View the selected message
Send the selected message to another recipient
Delete the selected message
Delete all messages in the MMS Outbox
Changing the MMS message settings
To access the M M S S e t t i n g s menu:
From the M M S menu, use
S e t t i n g ss, then press .
(up) or
(down) to select M M S
to display the SMS Settings menu.
The MMS Settings menu consists of six menu options that you can
select using
Refer to the table below for a brief description of each menu item.
Validity Period
Delay Delivery
Delivery Report
Read Report
Auto Download
Sender Visibility
Sets the the validity period for MMS messages to
one hour, six hours, one day, three days, one week,
or maximum period.
Delays the delivery of the MMS message to the
intended recipients by immediate, one hour, six
hours, one day, three days, or one week.
Activates or deactivates the delivery report feature.
When activated, an MMS message notifies you that
the sent MMS message has reached its recipient.
Enables or disables the read repaort feature.
Activates or deactivates the auto-download feature.
Activates or deactivates the sender visibility feature.
Allows you to select the network profile to use for
MMS messaging.
Changing the MMS validity period
The MMS validity period is the time period that you allow the phone
operator to send your MMS message until it reaches the recipients. For
example, if you sent an MMS message to a mobile phone that is not in
the coverage area, the phone operator continuously sends the MMS
message to that mobile phone within the duration you specified.
To set the validity period for your MMS messages:
1. Highlight V a l i d i t y P e r i o d from the MMS Settings menu, then
press .
2. Use
(up) or
(down) to highlight the validity period for the
MMS message sending, then press to select.
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the MMS Settings
The default message validity period depends on your phone
Delaying the MMS message delivery
You can delay the sending of the MMS message using this item.
To delay the MMS message delivery:
1. Highlight Delay Delivery from the MMS Settings menu, then
press .
2. Use
(up) or
(down) to highlight the delay period for the MMS
message sending, then press to select.
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the MMS Settings
Activating the Read Report function
The Read Report function notifies you everytime the phone receives an
MMS message.
To activate the read report function:
1. Highlight R e a d R e p o r t from the MMS Settings menu, then
press .
(up) or
(down) to select highlight O nn, then press .
2. Use
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the MMS Settings
Activating the delivery report
The Delivery Report function lets you know that the message recipients
have received the sent MMS message. When activated, your phone
receives a delivery report everytime a message recipient downloads the
MMS message.
To activate the delivery report:
1. Highlight Delivery Report from the MMS Settings menu, then
press .
(up) or
(down) to select highlight O nn, then press .
2. Use
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return to the MMS Settings
Auto downloading MMS messages
Auto download allows the phone to immediately download from the phone operator MMS
server all MMS messages received.
To activate the auto download function:
1. Highlight A u t o
D o w n l o a d from the
MMS Settings menu,
then press .
(up) or
2. Use
(down) to highlight
O nn, then press .
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return
to the M M S
Settings menu.
Activating the sender visibility
To activate the delivery report:
1. Highlight S e n d e r
Visibility from the
MMS Settings menu,
then press .
2. Use
(up) or
(down) to highlight
O nn, then press .
3. When finished, press
(Back) to return
to the M M S
Settings menu.
Viewing the MMS memory status
To view the phone MMS memory status:
From the M M S menu, use
M e m o r yy, then press .
(down) to select M M S
(up) or
to display the MMS Memory
The screen shows the total used and available MMS memory. Press
(Next) to view the total memory used by inbox and sent messages.
(Next) to view the total memory used by draft and unsent
messages. Refer to the screen captures below.
Memory used by
inbox and sent
Memory used by
draft and unsent
This chapter provides information on
how to capture photos and videos
using the camera.
Capturing Moments
Chapter summary
Camera ............................................................................................ 204
Capture ........................................................................................... 205
Capture display ........................................................................ 205
Key definition ........................................................................... 206
Basic camera settings .............................................................. 207
Capturing a photo .................................................................... 208
Changing the camera settings ................................................. 209
Viewing your photos ................................................................ 216
Using the photo options .......................................................... 217
Editing your photos .................................................................. 218
Adding preview effects to your photo ..................................... 219
Adding frames to your photo .................................................. 220
Using the external display for self-capture .............................. 221
Using the capture timer ........................................................... 222
Using multi-capture .................................................................. 224
AVI Recorder ................................................................................... 226
Recorder mode display ............................................................. 226
Capturing videos ...................................................................... 227
Adding preview effects to your video ..................................... 228
Adjusting the video brightness and contrast ........................... 229
Viewing your videos ................................................................. 231
Using the video options ........................................................... 232
Listening to MP3 music files .................................................... 233
The phone comes with a 300K pixel built-in camera and flash that allows
you to capture, edit, and share photos and videos. The following
sections tell how to use the camera and its features.
To access the C a m e r a menu:
1. Put the phone in idle mode, then press
to display the main menu.
2. Use the navigation keys to select the C a m e r a icon
to display the C a m e r a menu.
to display the C a m e r a menu.
, then press
The C a m e r a menu has four options that you can select using
The C a p t u r e function allows you to capture single or multiple photos, edit, and share them
using the MMS messaging feature.
Capture display
Familiarize yourself with the capture display before using the camera. The illustration below
shows the icons that may appear on the display when the phone is in capture mode.
Photo quality
Capture mode
Flash icon
Photo size
Zoom in
Zoom indicator
Zoom out
Option key
Back key
The above display shows the default camera settings. The phone restores these settings
everytime you set the phone to camera mode.
Key definition
The function of the following keys changes when the phone is in Capture
Normal capture mode (Main display)
Press to
zoom in the subject
zoom out the subject
decrease the brightness
increase the brightness
switch to self-capture or return to normal capture mode
turn the flash on or off
select the next image frame
select the previous image frame
remove the image frame
capture the image
The camera uses more battery power than other phone
functions. Make sure the battery is fully charged before using
the camera.
The camera automatically turns off when no key is pressed
within three minutes.
Self capture mode (External display)
Press to
zoom in the subject
zoom out the subject
capture the image
Basic camera settings
The following sections tell you how to change the basic camera settings. Consider the
following settings before taking a photograph.
Photo size
size. The phone supports a maximum photo size of 640x480 pixels (landscape).
You can select from three other photo sizes.
Photo quality
quality. Three photo quality settings are available. The better the photo quality,
the larger the file size.
Capture mode
mode.You can choose from four capture modes: Auto, Night, Indoor, or
Outdoor. Refer to the respective section for details.
Elements. You can adjust the photo brightness and contrast.
Auxiliary lighting
lighting. The phone camera comes with a flash that you can use when taking
photos in areas with poor lighting condition.
Special Effects
Effects. You can choose from six preview effects, 15 special effects, and 20
frame designs to transform your photos into fine works of art or funny photos.
Special features
features. You can use multi-capture when shooting multiple photos, or
self-capture to take a photo of yourself using the external display.
Capturing a photo
DO NOT use the camera on places where picture taking is
prohibited. Take note of local regulations before using the camera.
To capture a photo:
1. Put the camera in C a p t u r e mode to show the capture display.
When the phone is in idle mode, press the capture button
side of the phone to launch the camera.
on the
2. Point the camera to your subject. Make sure your subject fits in the
capture display.
3. Hold the phone firmly, then press
the captured photo.
to capture. The screen displays
(Save) to save the photo to the M y A l b u m folder.
4. Press
Otherwise, press
(Back) to return to the capture display.
The phone automatically assigns a file name to the photo. The file
name is usually a combination of the date and the sequence that
photo was taken (e.g. PIC100705). You can rename the photo file
name in the M y A l b u m folder.
Changing the camera settings
You can change the capture size, quality, mode, brightness, contrast,
multi-capture interval, and flash settings using the capture display menu.
To access the camera settings:
1. From the capture display, press
(up) or
(down) to select S e t t i n g ss, then press .
2. Use
The camera settings menu appears.
3. Use
(up) or
(down) to select a setting, then press
(right) to adjust. Refer to the succeeding sections for details.
Setting the photo size
To set the photo size:
1. Use
(up) or
(down) to highlight Photo Size from the
camera settings menu.
(left) or
(right) to select a photo size. The selected
2. Press
photo size is displayed on top of the soft key bar. Refer to the table
below for a comparison of the photo sizes.
Photo size (pixels)
Display orientation
VGA (640 x 480)
QVGA (320 x 240)
Main Wallpaper (128 x 160)
Portrait (64 x 96)
Photo sizes
The frame changes into a landscape orientation when you select or
photo size. Rotate the phone 90º counterclockwise to properly
view your subject. The default setting is .
3. Press to select the photo size. The screen returns to the capture
You can use portrait images as wallpaper for the external display.
You can find all captured images in the M y A l b u m folder.
Landscape orientation

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Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows)
Author                          : jennifer
Metadata Date                   : 2005:01:17 17:42:06+08:00
Creator                         : jennifer
Title                           : M303 UserMan.pdf
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