

Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 1 of 19   WLAN-Bluetooth SiP W2CBW003AST-PDT-DOC Revision 1.1 October 20, 2006
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 2 of 19   Table of Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................................................2 1 Revision History..................................................................................................................3 2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................4 3 General Features..................................................................................................................4 4 System Description..............................................................................................................5 4.1 Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................5 4.2 Pin Description ....................................................................................................................6 4.3  Pin Map (Top View)............................................................................................................7 5 Electrical Characteristics.....................................................................................................8 6  Coexistence Test Results...................................................................................................107  WLAN External Interfaces................................................................................................12 7.1 SDIO Interface...................................................................................................................12 7.2 G-SPI Interface..................................................................................................................12 8  Bluetooth External Interfaces............................................................................................13 8.1 UART Interface.................................................................................................................13 8.2 USB Interface ....................................................................................................................14 8.3 PCM Interface....................................................................................................................14 8.4 SPI Interface ......................................................................................................................15 9  Antenna and Clock ............................................................................................................1510 Software Specifications.....................................................................................................1510.1 Wireless  LAN....................................................................................................................15 10.2 Bluetooth ...........................................................................................................................16 11 Manufacturing Notes.........................................................................................................1711.1 Physical Dimensions and Pin Locations............................................................................17 11.2 Recommended Reflow Profile...........................................................................................18 12 Certifications .....................................................................................................................18 13 References .........................................................................................................................19 13.1 Specifications.....................................................................................................................19 13.2 Trademarks, Patents and Licenses.....................................................................................19 13.3 Other..................................................................................................................................19 List of Figures: Figure 1: Block Diagram ............................................................................................................5 Figure 2: UART Break Signal ..................................................................................................14Figure 3: Physical Dimensions and Pin Locations ...................................................................17 Figure 4: Recommended Reflow Profile ..................................................................................18 List of Tables: Table 1: Pin Description .............................................................................................................6 Table 2: Electrical Characteristics ..............................................................................................8 Table 3: SDIO Pin Map ............................................................................................................12 Table 4: UART Baud Rates......................................................................................................13
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 3 of 19   1 Revision History Document Type:   Product SpecificationDocument Control Number   AST-PDT-DOC Revision    1.1 Date     October 20, 2006 Initiator    Kathleen Ciampossin Change HistoryRevision Revision Date  Originator  Changes 1.0 9/29/2006  Kathleen Ciampossin First release 1.1  10/20/2006  Dhiraj Sogani  First official release; Added the missing content and changed formatting.
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 4 of 19   2 Scope This specification provides a general guideline on the performance and the integration of Wi2Wi’s  802.11b/g + Bluetooth System in Package (SiP) Solution. The SiP, P/N W2CBW003, is targeted to assist companies to easily integrate both WLAN and Bluetooth functionally into their products. This is accomplished by reducing their development times and cost by using a complete, small form factor, low power, ready to integrate Radio System Solution. The specification maximum and minimum limits presented herein are those guaranteed when the unit is integrated into the Wi2Wi’s W2CBW003-DEV Development System. These limits are to serve as the representative performance characteristics of the W2CBW003 when properly designed into a customer’s product. Wi2Wi makes no warranty, implied or otherwise specified, with respect to a customers design and the performance characteristics presented in this specification. The latest revision of this document supersedes all previous versions of this document. Wi2Wi reserves the right to change this specification without notice. 3 General Features xCompact design for easy integration: 12mm x 12mm x 1.4mm xSystem-in-Package LGA with 100 pins xWLAN technology based on Marvell’s 88W8686 xBluetooth technology based on CSR BC04-ROM xCertified dual mode radio xOptimized RF and electrical design for better performance in co-existence with other wireless standards xDual-antenna design with separate antennae for Bluetooth and WLAN xOperates in 2.4GHz ISM band xROHS Compliant xSingle supply of 3.3V xFully integrated coexistence solution xWLAN Specific Features oSDIO 1.1 and G-SPI interfaces oProgrammable GPIOs for applications o50-Ohm antenna launch oSupport for WinCE and Linux (can be ported to other operating systems) o1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps data rates for 802.11b (DSSS/CCK modulation) o6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mpbs data rates for 802.11g (OFDM modulation) xBluetooth Specific Features oUART, USB, PCM audio interfaces oSPI interface for integration, test and diagnostics
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 5 of 19   oProgrammable GPIOs for applications o50-Ohm antenna launch oSupport for WinCE and Linux (can be ported to other operating systems) oGFSK modulation for Bluetooth version 2.0 oS/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK modulation for Bluetooth EDR oData rate upto 1Mbps for Bluetooth version 2.0 oData rate upto 3 Mbps for Bluetooth EDR 4System DescriptionW2CBW003 is a complete system-in-package combination of 88W8686 802.11b/g and CSR Bluetooth BC04 ROM. It includes all the components to operate both the radio. It preserves the characteristics from individual Marvell and CSR chipsets while providing the optimized the system level functionality and performance. 4.1 Block Diagram Figure #1 shows the detailed block diagram of W2CBW003 along with the interfaces. Figure 1: Block DiagramBT_RESET2.4GHz ANTENNA2.4G TX2.4GBALUNSPDTSWITCHBLUETOOTHWLAN (802.11 b/g)3.3V to 1.8VREGUART 2.4GBALUNBPFSIP2.4GHz ANTENNAUSBAUDIORESETnEEPROMPAMCU_WAKEUPnEEPROM2.4G RX26MHz CXOSDIO88W8686 2.4GBPFBC04-ROM
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 6 of 19   4.2 Pin Description Table 1: Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name Type DescriptionWLAN PinsE2 WF_RESETn I/O WLAN Reset (active low)K9 WF_ANT RF WLAN RF port to AntennaH3 WF_SDIO_CMD I/O Standard SDIO command lineF1 WF_SDIO_DATA_3 I/O Standard SDIO data busJ4 WF_SDIO_CLK I/O Standard SDIO clock lineF4 WF_SDIO_DATA_1 I/O Standard SDIO data busK6 WF_SDIO_DATA_2 I/O Standard SDIO data busJ5 WF_SDIO_DATA_0 I/O Standard SDIO data busJ2 WF_TDO OJTAG Test Data Input, external 5GHz LNA output, reset configuration of XOSCK7 WF_TR_N OTransmit Switch Control Negative Output, reset configuration of internal/external 1.2V regulatorK4 WF_ANT_SEL_N ODifferential antenna select negative output, reset configuration of host interface selectJ3 WF_ANT_SEL_P O Differential antenna select positive outputK3 WF_PA_PE_G OPA Power Enable Control (802.11g mode), reset configuration of host interface selectG2 WF_GPIO0 I/O External oscillator control/SLEEPnH2 WF_GPIO1  I/O Transmit power or receive ready LEDF3 WF_GPIO2 I/OUART RTS output, reset configuration of JTAG/function modeG1 WF_GPIO3 I/O UART DSR inputG4 WF_GPIO4 I/O WLAN MAC wake-up input/interrupt inputD1 WF_GPIO5 I/O UART DTR output, reset configuration of XOSCE1 WF_GPIO6 I/OUART SOUT output, reset configuration of XOSCA3 CLK_SOURCE I External CLK source if no internal OSC in SIPF2 WF_SLEEP CLK IExternal Sleep clock source if not use internal sleep clockG3 WF_PDn I Full power down, connect to power down pin of host or 1.8VPower PinsC1, C3, G6, F7, A8, B8, G8, H8, J8, K8, B9, G9, J9, A10, B10, J10, K10 GND Ground GroundA1, B1, C2, D2, D3, E3, F5, J6, G7, H7, J7, F8, H9, G10 3V3_W Power 3.3V Power supply for WLANB4, F6, E7, E8, E9, C10, D10, E10 3V3_B Power 3.3V Power supply for Bluetooth
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 7 of 19   Pin Number Pin Name Type DescriptionBluetooth PinsA9 BT_ANT RF Bluetooth RF port for antennaC5 BT_PCM_CLK I/O Synchronous data clockC4 BT_PCM_IN I Synchronous data inputC8 BT_PCM_OUT O Synchronous data outputB6 BT_PCM_SYNC I/O Synchronous data syncD8 BT_UART_RX I UART data inputE5 BT_UART_TX O UART data outputE4 BT_UART_RTS O UART data request to sendC7 BT_UART_CTS I UART data clear to sendD6 BT_USB_DN I/O USB dataD7 BT_USB_DP I/O USB dataA2 BT_SPI_CSB I Chip select for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)B3 BT_SPI_MOSI I SPI data input into BlueCoreD5 BT_SPI_CLK I SPI clockA4 BT_SPI_MISO O SPI data output from BlueCoreB2 BT_RESETn I/O Bluetooth reset if low > 5msB7 BT_GPIO10 I/O Programmable I/OReserved Pins (leave unconnected)H4, H6, H5, G5, D4, D9, C6, E6, J1, K2, H1, K1, K5, H10, A7, A6, A5, C9, B5, F9, F10 RESERVED TEST POINT For debugging purposes4.3  Pin Map (Top View) W2CBW003 10/20/06 12345678910A3V3_W BT_SPI_CSB CLK_SOURCE BT_SPI_MISO NC NC NC GND BT_ANT GNDB3V3_W BT_RESET BT_SPI_MOSI 3V3_B NC BT_PCM_SYNCBT_PIO_10 GND GND GNDCGND 3V3_W GND BT_PCM_IN BT_PCM_CLK NC BT_UART_CTS BT_PCM_OUT NC 3V3_BDGPIO5 3V3_W 3V3_W NC BT_SPI_CLK BT_USB_DN BT_USB_DP BT_UART_RX NC 3V3_BEGPIO6 RESETN 3V3_W BT_UART_RTS BT_UART_TX NC 3V3_B 3V3_B 3V3_B 3V3_BFSD_D3 CLK_OUT GPIO2 SD_D1 3V3_W 3V3_B GND 3V3_W NC NCGGPIO3 GPIO0 PDN GPIO4 NC GND 3V3_W GND GND 3V3_WHNC GPIO1 SD_CMD NC NC NC 3V3_W GND 3V3_W NCJNC TDO ANT_SEL_P SD_CLK SD_D0 3V3_W 3V3_W GND GND GNDKNC NC PA_PE_G ANT_SEL_N NC SD_D2 TR_N GND 11B/G_ANT GND
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 8 of 19   5 Electrical Characteristics Table 2: Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Test Condition MIN TYP MAX UNITS Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature     -40    85  °C Supply Voltage +3V_IO       3.3  4.2  V Recommended Operating Conditions Operating Temperature     -20    75  °C Supply Voltage +3V_IO     3  3.3  3.6  V 802.11b Current Consumption Initialization Current       100    mA Continuous Transmit Mode  @11Mbps  190  210  230  mA Continuous Receive Mode  @11Mbps 160 180 190 mA IEEE 802.11 Power Save Mode       2    mA 802.11b RF System Specifications Transmit Power Output       16    dBm 1 Mbps, 8% PER    -84    dBm 2 Mbps, 8% PER    -85    dBm 5.5 Mbps, 8% PER    -85    dBm Receive Sensitivity 11 Mbps, 8% PER    -82    dBm Maximum Receive Level  PER<8%    IEEECompliant  dBm Transmit Frequency Offset  Low, Middle, High Channels    ±10    PPM -40@fc±11MHz Spectral Mask  Max. TX Power  -60@fc±22MHz  dBc Error Vector Magnitude  Max. TX Power @ 11Mbps    -30    dB Carrier Suppression  Max. TX Power    -25    dBc Adjacent Channel Rejection Desired channel is 3dB above sensitivity, 11Mbps, PER<8%  48  dBc 802.11g Current Consumption Initialization Current       100    mA Continuous Transmit Mode  @54Mbps  220  230  240  mA Continuous Receive Mode  @54Mbps 200 210 220 mA IEEE 802.11 Power Save Mode       2    mA 802.11g RF System Specifications Transmit Power Output       15    dBm
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 9 of 19   6 Mbps, 10% PER    -81    dBm 9 Mbps, 10% PER    -81    dBm 12 Mbps, 10% PER    -81    dBm 18 Mbps, 10% PER    -78    dBm 24 Mbps, 10% PER    -74    dBm 36 Mbps, 10% PER    -73    dBm 48 Mbps, 10% PER    -68    dBm Receive Sensitivity 54 Mbps, 10% PER    -67    dBm Maximum Receive Level  PER<10%    IEEECompliant  dBm Transmit Frequency Offset  Low, Middle, High Channels    ±10    PPM -30@fc±11MHz -40@fc±20MHz  Spectral Mask  Max. TX Power -50@fc±30MHz  dBc Error Vector Magnitude  Max. TX Power @ 11Mbps    -30    dB Carrier Suppression  Max. TX Power    -25    dBc Adjacent Channel Rejection  Desired channel is 3dB above sensitivity, 11Mbps, PER<8%  15  dBc Bluetooth Current Consumption Initialization Current       20    mA Continuous Transmit Mode     45  50  59  mA Continuous Receive Mode     32  36  42  mA IEEE 802.11 Power Save Mode     4  mA Bluetooth RF System Specifications Transmit Power Output     1.5  3  4  dBm 1 Mbps, 0.1% BER    -84    dBm 2 Mbps, 0.1% BER    -87    dBm Receive Sensitivity 3 Mbps, 0.1% BER    -80    dBm Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance     5  kHz Drift Rate       10    kHz Drift (single slot packet)       10    kHz Drift (five slot packet)       13    kHz Carrier Frequency Drift Rate, DH5     13  kHz ǻf1avg Maximum Modulation       165   kHz ǻf2max Minimum Modulation       168   kHz ǻf2 avg /ǻf1 avg       1.02 20dB Bandwidth       654    kHz
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 10 of 19   6  Coexistence Test Results W2CBW003 has an integrated coexistence mechanism. The following is a summary of the test results for six different use cases. General Test Configuration xTwo antennae 2.6 inches apart (one for WLAN and one for Bluetooth) xOpen environment testing with no shielding xWindows XP platform xToshiba laptop with SDIO slot for WLAN and USB for Bluetooth xIBM laptop for Access Point xWLAN transmission throughput measurements with “iperf” xBluetooth transmission using Toshiba setup xCo-existence enabled on Bluetooth and WLAN xAFH enabled on BluetoothxA2DP profile on Bluetooth. xSkype on PC. Case 1: Data transfer over WLAN with simultaneous data transfer over Bluetooth Case specific test configuration: Bluetooth ACL Link  WLAN Data Throughput Bluetooth Data Throughput WLAN Data Transfer Only  ~17 Mbps  - Bluetooth Data Transfer Only  -  1.073 Mbps Simultaneous Bluetooth and WLAN Data Transfer  ~16 Mbps  128 kbps Case 2: Data transfer over WLAN with simultaneous voice over Bluetooth headset Case specific test configuration: Bluetooth SCO Link  WLAN Data Throughput Bluetooth Audio Quality WLAN Data Transfer Only  ~16 Mbps  - Bluetooth Voice Only  -  Voice is Clear WLAN Data Transfer with Voice Over Bluetooth  ~10 Mbps  Voice is clear
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 11 of 19   Case 3:  Data over WLAN while using Bluetooth Human Input Device (HID). Case specific test configuration: Bluetooth ACL Link  WLAN Data Throughput Bluetooth Mouse Speed WLAN Data Transfer Only  ~16 Mbps  - Bluetooth Mouse Only  -  BT mouse moving speed is acceptableWLAN Data Transfer with Simultaneous Bluetooth Mouse  ~14 Mbps  BT mouse moving speed is acceptable Case 4: Streaming media over WLAN with stereo audio over BT. Case specific test configuration:xBluetooth ACL link and with A2DP profile xAccess point connected to Internet xWLAN client connected to Access Point for streaming media Stereo Audio Quality   Very Good  Video Quality  Clear with no breaks in video Case 5: VoIP call over WLAN with Bluetooth headset. Case specific test configuration:xBluetooth SCO link xAccess Point connected  to internet xWLAN client connected to Access Point  and using VOIP application (Skype) on PC to make a callVoice Quality  ClearCase 6: VoIP call over WLAN on PC with simultaneous Data transfer over Bluetooth . Case Specific Test Configuration:xBluetooth ACL  link xAccess Point connected to internet
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 12 of 19   xWLAN client connected to AP and using VOIP application (Skype) on PC to make a call VoIP Voice Quality  Clear BT transfer data ( bit rate)  780 Kbps 7 WLAN External Interfaces W2CBW003 supports SDIO and G-SPI interfaces for WLAN. 7.1 SDIO Interface W2CBW003 supports SDIO device interface that conforms to the industry standard SDIO Full-Speed card specification and allows a host controller using the SDIO bus protocol to access the WLAN device.  The SDIO interface contains interface circuitry between an external SDIO bus and the internal shared bus.W2CBW003 acts as a device on the SDIO bus.  The host unit can access registers of the SDIO interface directly and can access shared memory in the device through the use of BARs and a DMA engine. The SDIO device interface main features include: xOn-chip memory used for CIS xSupports SPI, 1-bit SDIO, and 4-bit SDIO transfer modes at the full clock range of 0 to 50 MHz xSpecial interrupt register for information exchange xAllows card to interrupt host Table 3: SDIO Pin Map W2CBW003 Pin Name SDIO Specification Pin Name Type DescriptionWF_SDIO_DATA_3 DAT3 I/O Data Line Bit 3WF_SDIO_DATA_2 DAT2 I/O Data Line Bit 2WF_SDIO_DATA_1 DAT1 I/O Data Line Bit 1WF_SDIO_DATA_0 DAT0 I/O Data Line Bit 0WF_SDIO_CLK CLK I/O ClockWF_SDIO_CMD CMD I/O Command/Response7.2 G-SPI Interface W2CBW003 supports a generic, half-duplex, DMA-assisted SPI host interface (G-SPI) that allows a host controller using a generic SPI bus protocol to access the WLAN device.  The G-SPI interface contains interface circuitry between an external SPI bus and the internal shared bus. The 88W8686 acts as the device on the SPI bus.  The host unit can access the G-SPI registers directly and can access shared memory in the device through the use of BARs and a DMA engine.
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 13 of 19   The SPI unit supports generic SPI Interface protocols as detailed in the following sections.  The design is capable of 50 MHz operation.   The interface supports the following functionality: xSPI unit bus device operation xSPI unit register read / write xInterrupt generation to internal CPU xInterrupt generation to the SPI unit host xDMA to internal memories xWake Interrupt to the Power Management Unit 8  Bluetooth External Interfaces W2CBW003 supports UART, USB, PCM and SPI interfaces for Bluetooth. 8.1 UART Interface W2CBW003 UART interface provides a simple mechanism for communicating with other serial devices using the RS232 standard. Four signals are used to implement the UART function: xBT_UART_TX xBT_UART_RX xBT_UART_RTS xBT_UART_CTS When W2CBW003 is connected to another digital device, BT_UART_RX and BT_UART_TX transfer data between the two devices.  The remaining two signals, BT_UART_CTS and BT_UART_RTS, can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow control where both are active low indicators.  UART configuration parameters, such as Baud rate and packet format, are set using W2CBW003 PS keys. To communicate with the UART at its maximum data rate using a standard PC, an accelerated serial port adapter card is required for the PC. An external RS232 transceiver chip is also needed. Table 4: UART Baud Rates
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 14 of 19   The UART interface is capable of resetting W2CBW003 upon reception of a break signal.  A break is identified by a continuous logic low (0V) on the BT_UART_RX. Figure 2: UART Break Signal PS Key “PSKEY_UART_BAUD_RATE (0x204)” can be used to set the desired Baud Rate for UART.8.2 USB Interface W2CBW003 contains a full speed (12Mbits/s) USB interface that is capable of driving a USB cable directly.  No external USB transceiver is required.  The device operates as a USB peripheral, responding to requests from a master host controller such as a PC.  Both the OHCI and UHCI standards are supported.  The set of USB endpoints implemented can behave as specified in the USB section of the Bluetooth Specification v2.0 + EDR or alternatively can appear as a set of endpoints appropriate to USB audio devices such as a set of USB speakers.   USB is a master/slave oriented system (in common with other USB peripherals).  W2CBW003 only supports USB slave operation. 8.3 PCM Interface Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is a standard method used to digitize audio (particularly voice) patterns for transmission over digital communication channels. Through its PCM interface, W2CBW003 has hardware support for continual transmission and reception of PCM data, so reducing processor overhead for wireless headset applications. W2CBW003 offers a bi-directional digital audio interface that routes directly into the baseband layer of the on-chip firmware. It does not pass through the HCI protocol layer.Hardware on W2CBW003 allows the data to be sent to and received from a SCO connection. Up to three SCO connections can be supported by the PCM interface at any one time. W2CBW003 can operate as the PCM interface Master generating an output clock of 128, 256 or 512kHz. When configured as PCM interface slave it can operate with an input clock up to 2048kHz. W2CBW003 is compatible with a variety of clock formats, including Long Frame Sync, Short Frame Sync and GCI timing environments.  It supports 13 or 16-bit linear, 8-bit ȝ-law or A-law companded sample formats at 8ksamples/s, and can receive and transmit on any selection of three of the first four slots following PCM_SYNC. The PCM configuration options are enabled by setting the PS Key PS KEY_PCM_CONFIG.
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 15 of 19   W2CBW003 interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following: xQualcomm MSM 3000 series and MSM 5000 series CDMA baseband devices xOKI MSM7705 four channel A-law and ȝ-law CODEC xMotorola MC145481 8-bit A-law and ȝ-law CODEC xMotorola MC145483 13-bit linear CODEC xSTW 5093 and 5094 14-bit linear CODECs xW2CBW003 is also compatible with the Motorola SSI. interface 8.4 SPI Interface W2CBW003 uses a 16-bit data and 16-bit address serial peripheral interface. Transactions may occur when the internal processor is running or is stopped. This section describes the considerations required when interfacing to W2CBW003 via the four dedicated serial peripheral interface terminals. Data can be written or read one word at a time or the auto increment feature can be used to access blocks of data. 9  Antenna and Clock W2CBW003 has two antenna interfaces, one for Bluetooth and one for WLAN.  Both of these interfaces have 50 Ohm impedance. W2CBW003 has an internal crystal oscillator with 26 MHz frequency (frequency stability +/- 20ppm) and requires no external clock source. This crystal provides clock for both WLAN and Bluetooth.  10 Software Specifications 10.1 Wireless  LAN xKey Features oWEP encryption (64 bit/128 bit) oIEEE power save mode oDeep sleep mode oInfrastructure and ad-hoc made oRate adaptation oWPA TKIP security oWPA2oBluetooth coexistence xOperating System Support oWinCE 4.2/5.0, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 16 of 19   oLinux: Slakeware 9.1, Fedora Core 1.0; Kernel: 2.4.22 & above oOther operating systems can be supported by request 10.2 Bluetooth This section describes the key features of the BlueCore HCI stack. xBluetooth v2.0 + EDR mandatory functionality oEDR, 2Mbps payload data rate oEDR, 3Mbps payload data rate oSupport 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-DH1, 3-DH3 and 3-DH5 packet types oSupport 2-EV3, 2-EV5, 3-EV3 and 3-EV5 packet types xBluetooth v1.2 mandatory functionality: oAdaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH), including classifier oFaster connection enhanced inquiry scan (immediate FHS response) oLMP improvements oParameter ranges oSupport of AUX1 packet type xOptional v2.0 + EDR functionality supported: oAFH as Master and automatic channel classification oFast connect interlaced inquiry and page scan plus RSSI during inquiry oExtended SCO (escort), eV3 + CRC, eV4, eV5 oSCO handle oSynchronizationxThe firmware has been written against the Bluetooth Core Specification v2.0 + EDR: oBluetooth components: Baseband (including LC), LM and HCI oStandard USB v2.0 (full speed) and UART HCI transport layers oAll standard radio packet types oFull Bluetooth data rate, up to 723.2Kbits/s asymmetric(1)oOperation with up to seven active slaves(1)oScatternet v2.5 operation oMaximum number of simultaneous active ACL connections: 7(2)oMaximum number of simultaneous active SCO connections: 3(2)oOperation with up to three SCO links, routed to one or more slaves oAll standard SCO voice coding, plus .transparent SCO. oStandard operating modes: page, inquiry, page-scan and inquiry-scan oAll standard pairing, authentication, link key and encryption operations oStandard Bluetooth power-saving mechanisms: Hold, Sniff and Park modes, including .Forced Hold. oDynamic control of peers. transmit power via LMP oMaster/slave switch oBroadcastoChannel quality driven data rate
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 17 of 19   oAll standard Bluetooth Test Modes xOperating System Support oWinCE oLinuxoOther operating systems can be supported by request 11 Manufacturing Notes 11.1 Physical Dimensions and Pin Locations xPhysical Size: 12mm x 12mm x 1.4mm xPad Size: 0.4mm X 0.4mm xPad Spacing: 1mm xPin Grid Array: 10 x 10 Figure 3: Physical Dimensions and Pin Locations
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 18 of 19   11.2 Recommended Reflow Profile Figure 4: Recommended Reflow Profile 12 Certifications W2CBW003 shall conform to the following standards when integrated to the W2CBW003-DEV development system.  EMC/Immunity xUnited States: FCC Part 15 xCanada: ICES 033 xEuropean Union: EN 55022, IEC 1004/CISPR 22 xJapan: VCCI - V series xTaiwan: CNS 13438 xPeople’s Republic of China: GB9254 xKorea: MIC Product Safety xUnited States/Canada: UL/CSA 60950, UL 61010, UL 60065, CSA 601,CSA 61010,C22.2 No. 225 xEuropean Union: EN 60950, EN61010, IEC 60065, IEC 60601 xJapan: ARIB STD-T66 xPeople’s Republic of China: CNCA-08C-0312001 xRestriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) 2002/95/EC
Wi2Wi, Inc.Doc No. AST-PDT-DOC Rev.1.1  Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP– W2CBW003 Dated: October 20, 2006 The content of this document is to be treated as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed,  reproduced or used, except as authorized in writing by Wi2Wi, Inc.  Copyright © 2006 Wi2Wi, Inc.     Page 19 of 19   13 References 13.1 Specifications xIEEE 802.11 b/g wireless LAN Specification xSpecification of the Bluetooth System, v2.0+EDR, 04 November 2004xSDIO full-speed card specificationxUniversal Serial Bus Specification, v2.0, 27 April 200013.2 Trademarks, Patents and Licenses xTrademarks: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDR xLicenses: 88W8686 Software from Marvell; BC04-ROM Software from CSR 13.3 Other xW2CBW003-DEV: Development Kit, WLAN-Bluetooth SiP
R50AUltraMobilePCUser Manual
22E3850First Edition May 2008Copyright © 2008 ASUSTeK Computers, Inc. All Rights Reserved.No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the express written permission of ASUS Telecom (“ASUS”).Product warranty or service will not be extended if: (1) the product is repaired, modied or altered, unless such repair, modication of alteration is authorized in writing by ASUS; or (2) the serial number of the product is defaced or missing.ASUS PROVIDES THIS MANUAL “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ASUS, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE OR DATA, INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS AND THE LIKE), EVEN IF ASUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY DEFECT OR ERROR IN THIS MANUAL OR PRODUCT.SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL ARE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATIONAL USE ONLY, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE, AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY ASUS. ASUS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES THAT MAY APPEAR IN THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING THE PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN IT.Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identication or explanation and to the owners’ benet, without intent to infringe.
33Table of ContentsAbout this guide ................................................................5How this guide is organized ....................................................5Conventions used in this guide ...............................................6Safety information .............................................................7Transportation Precautions   ...................................................8R50A specications  .........................................................9Package contents ............................................................10Chapter 1: Getting startedGetting to know your UMPC ...........................................12Front features .......................................................................12Right features .......................................................................15Left features ..........................................................................16Top features ..........................................................................17Bottom features ....................................................................18Back features ........................................................................19Getting your UMPC ready ...............................................20Charging the battery pack .....................................................20Installing/removing a microSD card ......................................21Starting up ........................................................................22Powering on your UMPC ......................................................22Conserving power .................................................................22Chapter 2: Using your UMPCUsing the stylus ...............................................................26Entering data ....................................................................26Using the Tablet PC Input Panel ...........................................26Calibrating the screen .....................................................28Securing your UMPC .......................................................29Enrolling your ngerprint data ...............................................29Conguring the Security Protect Manager ............................30
44Chapter 3: ConnectionsNetwork Connection ........................................................32Wireless LAN Connection ...............................................33Windows Wireless Network Connection .......................34Connecting to a network (Vista) ............................................34Connecting to a network (XP) ...............................................35ASUS Wireless LAN ........................................................36Connecting to a network  ......................................................36Bluetooth Wireless Connection .....................................38AppendicesOptional Accessories ......................................................42More Optional Accessories ............................................43Optional Connections .....................................................44Operating System and Software ....................................47Glossary ...........................................................................48Notices..............................................................................51ASUS Contact information .............................................57
55About this guideThis user guide provides information on the various components of the UltraMobilePC  (UMPC) and how to use them.How this guide is organized•  Chapter 1: Getting started  This chapter describes the features of your UMPC.•  Chapter 2: Using your UMPC This chapter provides you the steps in using your UMPC.•  Chapter 3: Connections This chapter provides you with information on the connectivity features of your UMPC.•  Appendices This chapter provides you with additional information.
66Conventions used in this guideTo make sure that you perform certain tasks properly, take note of the following symbols used throughout this manual.    DANGER/WARNING: Information to prevent injury to yourself    when trying to complete a task.     CAUTION: Information to prevent damage to the components    when trying to complete a task.     NOTE: Tips and additional information to help you complete a    task.    IMPORTANT: Instructions that you MUST follow to complete a    task.
77INPUT RATING: Refer to the rating label on the bottom of the UMPC and ensure that your power adapter complies with the rating.DO NOT throw the UMPC in municipal waste. Check local regulations for disposal of electronic products.Safety informationIMPORTANT!  Disconnect the AC power and remove the battery pack before cleaning Wipe the UMPC using a clean cellulose sponge or chamois cloth dampened with a solution of nonabrasive detergent and a few drops of warm water and remove any extra moisture with a dry cloth.DO NOT expose to or use near liquids, rain, or moisture. DO NOT use the modem during an electrical storm.DO NOT expose to dirty or dusty environments. DO NOT operate during a gas leak.SAFE TEMP: This UMPC should only be used in environments with ambient temperatures between 5°C (41°F) and 35°C (95°F)Battery safety warning:DO NOT throw the battery in re.DO NOT short circuit the contacts.DO NOT disassemble the battery.DO NOT expose to strong magnetic or electrical elds.DO NOT place on uneven or unstable work surfaces. Seek servicing if the casing has been damaged.DO NOT place or drop objects on top and do not shove any foreign objects into the UMPC.DO NOT scratch the display panel. Do not place together with small items that may scratch or enter the UMPC vents. DO NOT leave the UMPC on your lap or any part of the body in order to prevent discomfort or injury from heat exposure.DO NOT carry or cover a UMPC that is powered ON with any materials that will reduce air circulation such as a carrying bag.
88Transportation Precautions  To prepare the UMPC for transport, you should turn it OFF and disconnect all external peripherals to prevent damage to the connectors. The hard disk drive’s head retracts when the power is turned OFF to prevent scratching of the hard disk surface during transport. Therefore, you should not transport the UMPC while the power is still ON. Cover Your UMPCYou can purchase an optional carrying case to protect it from dirt, water, shock, and scratches.CAUTION: The UMPC’s surface is easily dulled if not properly cared for. Be careful not to rub or scrape the UMPC surfaces when transporting your UMPC.Charge Your Batteries  If you intend to use battery power, be sure to fully charge your battery pack and any optional battery packs before going on long trips. Remember that the power adapter charges the battery pack as long as it is plugged into the computer and an AC power source. Be aware that it takes much longer to charge the battery pack when the UMPC is in use.Airplane Precautions  Contact your airline if you want to use the UMPC on the airplane. Most airlines will have restrictions for using electronic devices. Most airlines will allow electronic use only between and not during takeoffs and landings.CAUTION: There are three main types of airport security devices: X-ray machines (used on items placed on conveyor belts), magnetic detectors (used on people walking through security checks), and magnetic wands (hand-held devices used on people or individual items). You can send your UMPC and diskettes through airport X-ray machines. However, it is recommended that you do not send your UMPC or diskettes through airport magnetic detectors or expose them to magnetic wands.
99R50A specications Processor & CacheOperating SystemMain Memory DisplayCameraCard SlotsHard Disk Drive  Connectivity     TV  Battery Pack & Life  Dimensions/Weight GPS Intel Fred (Silverthorne) CPU Z520 1.33GHz, 512L2 cacheMicrosoft Windows® Vista UltimateOn board 1GB DDR2-400 (667 down grade) DRAM design5.6”active matrix TFT, 1024 x 600 pixel2.0 megapixel auto-focus camera1 Micro-SD card slot, push/push typeSSD HDD 32GB SSD HDD 16GB SSD HDD 8GBIntegrated USB 802.11b/g Bluetooth 2.0+EDR Sierra 3G with Voice solution SIM card connector build in under battery is suggested Support Band 4 or 5 with difference antenna depends on mechanical dimension.Optional DVB-T mini-Card TV module support dual      antenna and mobility to 120kM/hr External Antenna for TVOutput : 12V/15W DC Input : 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz universal 3/ 2 pin compact power supply system Optional accessory : 12V cable for car charging199 x 97 x 28.4 (mm) 520 g (for Primary Battery)Built-in GPS One RF connector for external antenna
1010NOTE: If any of the above items is damaged or missing, contact your retailer.Package contentsCheck your device package for the following items:Standard Items•  R50A UMPC •  External ODD Pack*• AC adapter •  GPS Pack*• Headset •  External GPS antenna*• VGA cable •  External TV antenna*• Mini-USB audio cable •  USB mouse*•  Installation CD •  Bluetooth mouse*•  USB tablet bi-fold keyboard with USB   cable*Optional
1111Getting startedChapter 1• Getting to know your UMPC• Getting your device ready• Starting up
1212Getting to know your UMPCFront featuresFeatures1Display PanelThe 5.6-inch active matrix, 1024 x 600 resolution TFT LCD screen provides you with excellent viewing similar to that of desktop monitors.2CameraThe 2.0 megapixel auto-focus built-in camera allows you to take pictures or video clips. This can also be used  for video conferencing and other interactive applications.3Mouse pointerThis a pointing device that mimics the functions of a desktop mouse.4Status indicatorThis indicates the status of your battery, drive activity, WLAN, and Bluetooth. Refer to the section Status indicators on page 16 for more details.5Fingerprint sensorThe built-in ngerprint sensor allows you to use your ngerprint as your identity key for added security.6Arrow/Enter keysThe arrow keys (left, right, up, down) and the enter key have the same functions as  that on the keyboard. 1 2345678910111213
1313Features7Microphone (Built-in)The built-in mono microphone is used for video conferencing, voice narrations, or simple audio recordings.8Sleep/Standby Mode keyPress this key to put your UMPC into Sleep/Standby mode. Slide down the power switch to awaken your UMPC from its Sleep/Standby mode.9LOGIN keyThe LOGIN button sends a [Ctrl][Alt][Del] keyboard combination to the operating system to show Windows Security for logging in/off, locking, shutting down, showing task manager, or changing passwords. This special login feature is also known as Secure Attention Sequence (SAS).10 UMPC Settings keyThis allows you to set the brightness, volume, resolution or power mode of your UMPC.11 Windows® Media Center keyThis launches the Windows® Media Center which allows you to view and play media les such as video clips, music les, or movies.12 Left keyThis key mimics the left-click action of a desktop mouse.13 Right keyThis key mimics the right-click action of a desktop mouse.
1414Status indicatorsIcon LED IndicatorStatus  PowerBlue The UMPC is turned on.Blinking blue The UMPC is in the Sleep/Standby mode. Off The UMPC is turned off or in Hibernation mode.  Battery Red The battery is charging.Blinking red The battery capacity is less than 10%.Off The battery is fully-charged.  HDD Blue Drive Activity IndicatorThe UMPC is accessing the hard disk drive.Blinking blue The UMPC is shutting down.  WLAN On The built-in wireless LAN (WLAN) is enabled.  Bluetooth On The built-in Bluetooth function is activated.
1515Right features12 3Features1USB Bluetooth portThis contains the USB Bluetooth port. Insert a USB Bluetooth dongle to activate the UMPC’s built-in Bluetooth function.2Battery LockKeeps the battery secure. Press up then slide the back cover downward to open the battery. 3USB Port (2.0/1.1)Insert USB2.0 or USB1.1 devices such as keyboards, pointing devices, hard disk drives, printers and scanners into this port.
1616Left features123Features1Power switchTurns on/off the UMPC and puts it on Sleep/Standby or Hibernation mode.2Mini-USB portInsert an external USB keyboard into this port.3MicroSD slotInsert a microSD card into this slot.

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