ASUSTeK Computer WL500GPV2 ASUS WIRELESS ROUTER User Manual WL 500gP V2 UserMan


users manual 1

User ManualWL-500gP V2 Wireless RouterE3209/ April 2007®WL500gP_Manual.indd   1 2007.4.19   5:05:28 PM
Manufacturer Contact Information$6867H.&20387(5,1&$VLD3DFLÀFCompany address: 15 Li-Te Road, Beitou, Taipei 11259General (tel): +886-2-2894-3447 Web site address: (fax): +886-2-2894-7798 General email:$686&20387(5,17(51$7,21$/$PHULFDCompany address: 44370 Nobel Drive, Fremont, CA 94538, USAGeneral (fax): +1-510-608-4555 Web site address: usa.asus.comTechnical supportGeneral support: +1-502-995-0883 Support (fax): +1-502-933-8713Online support:$686&20387(5*PE+*HUPDQ\$XVWULDCompany address: Harkort Str. 25, D-40880 Ratingen, GermanyGeneral (tel): +49-2102-95990 Web site address: www.asuscom.deGeneral (fax): +49-2102-959911 Online contact: supportComponents: +49-2102-95990 Online support: +49-2102-959910 Support (fax): +49-2102-959911WL500gP_Manual.indd   2 2007.4.19   5:05:28 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual1Table of contents1. Package contents.................................................................................32. Connecting ADSL modem and wireless router .................................31) Cable connection ...............................................................................32) Status indicators ................................................................................43) Wall mount option ..............................................................................43. Getting started......................................................................................51) Wired connection ............................................................................... 52) Wireless Connection..........................................................................53) Setting IP address for wired or wireless client ...................................5&RQÀJXULQJWKHZLUHOHVVURXWHU ..........................................................65) Quick setup .......................................................................................74. Wireless router features .................................................................... 121) Choosing an appropriate operation mode .......................................122) Setting up wireless encryption  ........................................................133) Setting up virtual server in your LAN ............................................... 144) Setting up virtual DMZ in your LAN .................................................155) Setting up DDNS .............................................................................156) Setting up Bandwidth Management.................................................215. Application features ...........................................................................231) Sharing USB storage .......................................................................232) Setting up FTP site ..........................................................................253) Web camera ....................................................................................264) Sharing USB printer.........................................................................285) Playing stream media on Xbox360 ..................................................316. Setting up using ASUS utility ................................................................ 341) Utility Installation for WL-500gP V2 ................................................. 342) EZSetup...........................................................................................35WL500gP_Manual.indd   1 2007.4.19   5:05:29 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual27. Troubleshooting .................................................................................378. Appendix .............................................................................................39WL500gP_Manual.indd   2 2007.4.19   5:05:29 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual32. Connecting ADSL modem and wireless router1. Package contents• WL-500gP V2 wireless router x 1• Power adapter x 1• Utility CD x 1• RJ45 cable x 1• Quick Start Guide x 1 &DEOHFRQQHFWLRQ1ModemWall telephone outletWall power outletPhonePower2Wall power outletASUS Wireless RouterLAN3ModemWall telephone outletWall power outletLANPowerPhonePowerASUS Wireless RouterWANPowerWL500gP_Manual.indd   3 2007.4.19   5:05:32 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual46WDWXVLQGLFDWRUV3:53RZHU   Off       No powerOn       System readyFlashing-slow Firmware upgrade failedFlashing-quick EZsetup processing$,5:LUHOHVV1HWZRUNOff       No powerOn       Wireless system readyFlashing    Transmitting or receiving data (wireless):$1:LGH$UHD1HWZRUNOff       No power or no physical connectionOn       Has physical connection to an Ethernet networkFlashing    Transmitting or receiving data (through Ethernet cable)/$1/RFDO$UHD1HWZRUNOff       No power or no physical connectionOn       Has physical connection to an Ethernet networkFlashing    Transmitting or receiving data (through Ethernet cable):DOOPRXQWRSWLRQOut of the box, ASUS WL-500gP V2 Wireless 5RXWHULVGHVLJQHGWRVLWRQDUDLVHGÁDWVXUIDFHOLNHD ÀOH FDELQHW RU ERRN VKHOI 7KH XQLW PD\ DOVR EHconverted for mounting to a wall or ceiling.Follow these steps to mount the ASUS Wireless Router to a  wall:1. Look on the underside for the two mounting hooks. 0DUNWZRXSSHUKROHVLQDÁDWVXUIDFH3. Tighten two screws until only 1/4'' is showing.4. Latch the hooks of the ASUS Wireless Router onto the screws.Note: Re-adjust the screws if you cannot latch the ASUS Wireless Router onto the screws or if it is too loose.PWRAIR WANLANWL500gP_Manual.indd   4 2007.4.19   5:05:34 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual5The ASUS WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router can meet various working scenarios with proper FRQÀJXUDWLRQ 7KH GHIDXOW VHWWLQJV RI WKH ZLUHOHVV URXWHU PD\ QHHG FKDQJH VR DV WR PHHW \RXUindividual needs. Therefore, before using the ASUS Wireless Router, check the basic settings to make sure they all work in your environment. $686SURYLGHVDXWLOLW\QDPHG(=6HWXSIRUIDVWZLUHOHVVFRQÀJXUDWLRQ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRXVH(=6HWXSIRU\RXUZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNFRQÀJXUDWLRQUHIHUWRFKDSWHUIRUGHWDLOVNote:  :LUHG FRQQHFWLRQ IRU LQLWLDO FRQÀJXUDWLRQ LV UHFRPPHQGHG WR DYRLG SRVVLEOHsetup problems due to wireless uncertainty. :LUHG FRQQHFWLRQired connectionThe ASUS WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router is supplied with an Ethernet cable in the package. Since the ASUS Wireless Router has integrated auto-crossover function, therefore, you can use either straight-through or crossover cable for wired connection. Plug one end of the cable to the LAN port on the rear panel of the router and the other end to the Ethernet port on your PC.:LUHOHVV&RQQHFWLRQFor establishing wireless connection, you need an IEEE 802.11b/g compatible WLAN card. ReferReferto your wireless adapter user manual for wireless connection procedures. By default, the SSID of ASUS Wireless Router is “default” (in lower case), encryption is disabled and open system authentication is used. 6HWWLQJ,3DGGUHVVIRUZLUHGRUZLUHOHVVFOLHQWTo access WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router, you must have correct TCP/IP settings on your wired or wireless clients. Set the IP addresses of the clients within the same subnet of WL-500gP V2.Getting IP address AutomaticallyThe ASUS Wireless Router integrates DHCP server functions, therefore, you can make your PC get IP address automatically from the ASUS Wirelesss Router.Note: Before rebooting your PC, switch ON the wireless router and make sure the router is in ready state.Setting up IP address ManuallyTo set IP address manually, you need to know the default settings of the ASUS Wireless Router:• IP address• Subnet Mask Getting startedWL500gP_Manual.indd   5 2007.4.19   5:05:35 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual6To set up the connection with a manually assigned IP address, the address of your PC and the wireless router must be within the same subnet:• IP address: (xxx can be any number between 2 and 254. Make sure the IP address is not used by other device)• Subnet Mask: (same as WL-500gP V2)• Gateway: (IP address of WL-500gP V2)• DNS: (WL-500gP V2), or assign a known DNS server in your network.&RQÀJXULQJWKHZLUHOHVVURXWHU)ROORZWKHVWHSVEHORZWRHQWHUWKH:HEFRQÀJXUDWLRQLQWHUIDFHRI:/J39DefaultsUser name: admin Password: adminEnter the following address in your web browser: logging in, you can see the ASUS Wireless Router home page.7KHKRPHSDJHGLVSOD\VTXLFNOLQNVWRFRQÀJXUHWKHPDLQIHDWXUHVRIWKHZLUHOHVVURXWHU213WL500gP_Manual.indd   6 2007.4.19   5:05:38 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual71. Select your time zone and click Next.4XLFNVHWXSTo start quick setup, click Next to enter the “Quick Setup” page. Follow the instructions to setup the ASUS Wireless Router.2. ASUS wireless router supports five types of ISP services: cable, PPPoE, PPTP, static WAN IP, and Telstra BigPond.  Select your connection type and click Next to continue.Cable or dynamic IP userIf you are using services provided by cable ISP, select Cable Modem or other connection that gets IP automatically.If your ISP provides you hostname, MAC address, and heartbeat server address, fill these information into the boxes on the setting page; if not, click Next to skip this step.PPPoE userIf you use PPPoE service, select ADSL connection that requires username and password. It is known as PPPoE. You need to input the username and password provided by your ISP. Click Next to continue.WL500gP_Manual.indd   7 2007.4.19   5:05:40 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual8PPTP userIf you are using PPTP services, select ADSL connection that requires username, password and IP address. Fill in the username, password and IP address provided by your ISP into the fields. Click Next to continue.Static IP userIf you are using ADSL or other connection type that uses static IP address, select ADSL or other connection type that uses static IP address. Input the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway provided by your ISP. You can specify DNS servers, or get DNS information automatically.herk036@adsl-comfort3. After the connection type setting is complete, you are to set up your wireless interface. Specify to your wireless router an SSID (Service Set Identifier), which LVDXQLTXHLGHQWLÀHUDWWDFKHGWRSDFNHWVVHQWRYHU:/$17KLVLGHQWLÀHUHPXODWHVa password when a device attempts to communicate with your wireless router via WLAN. If you want to protect transmitted data, select a Security Level to enable encryption methods. Medium: Only users with the same WEP key settings can connect to your wireless router and transmit data using 64bits or 128bits WEP key encryption. High: Only users with the same WPA pre-shared key settings can connect to your wireless router and transmit data using TKIP encryption.WL500gP_Manual.indd   8 2007.4.19   5:05:41 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual94. Input four sets of WEP keys in the WEP Key fields (10 hexadecimal digits for WEP 64bits, 26 hexadecimal digits for WEP 128bits). You can also let the system generate the keys by inputting a Passphrase. Record the PassphraseRecord the Passphrase and the WEP keys in your notebook, then click Finish. For example, if we select WEP 64bitsFor example, if we select WEP 64bits encryption mode and input 11111 as the Passphrase, the WEP Keys are generated automatically. 5. Click Save&Restart to restart the wireless router and activate the new settings.6. Connect to the wireless router via wireless.To connect the wireless router from a wireless client, you can use Windows® Wireless =HUR&RQÀJXUDWLRQVHUYLFHWRVHWXSWKHFRQQHFWLRQ,I\RXXVH$686 :LUHOHVV&DUGRQyour computer, you can use the One Touch Wizard utility supplied in WLAN Card support CD for wireless connection.&RQÀJXULQJ$686:/$1&DUGZLWK2QH7RXFK:L]DUGIf you have installed ASUS wireless card together with its utilities and drives on your PC, click Start!3URJUDPHV !$6868WLOLW\!:/$1 &DUG!2QH 7RXFK :L]DUG to launch the One Touch Wizard utility.WL500gP_Manual.indd   9 2007.4.19   5:05:42 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual103) Set the authentication and encryption of your WLAN card the same with those at WL-500gP V2. In the previous steps the Key Length is 64 bits,Passphrase is 11111 Click Next to continue.1) Select Connect to an existing wireless /$16WDWLRQ radio button and click Next to continue.2) One Touch Wizard searches and displays the available APs in the Available Networks list. Select WL-500gP V2 and press Next to continue.4) It takes several seconds for the wireless card to associate with WL-500gP V2. Press Next to setup TCP/IP for your WLAN Card.5) Setup the IP address of the WLAN Card according to your network condition. After the setup is complete, click Finishto exit the One Touch Wizard.WL500gP_Manual.indd   10 2007.4.19   5:05:43 PM
WL-500gP V2 Wireless Router User Manual11 &RQÀJXULQJDGYDQFHGIHDWXUHVTo view and adjust other settings of the wireless router, enter the Web configuration page of WL-500gP V2. Click on items on the menu to open a submenu and follow the instructions to setup the router. Tips show up when you move your cursor over each item.&RQÀJXULQJ:/$1FDUGZLWK:LQGRZV:=&VHUYLFHIf you use non-ASUS wireless card, you can set up the wireless connection with Windows®:LUHOHVV=HUR&RQÀJXUDWLRQ:=&VHUYLFH2) Input the 10-digit keys you have set on the wireless router and click Connect.The connection is complete within several seconds.1) Double-click the wireless network icon on the task bar to view available networks.Select your wireless router and click Connect.WL500gP_Manual.indd   11 2007.4.19   5:05:44 PM

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