Advance Multimedia Internet Technology CPE-IDUNG-4D1W Wireless 11g Networking product User Manual Part 2

Advance Multimedia Internet Technology Inc. Wireless 11g Networking product Users Manual Part 2


Users Manual Part 2

Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-40  SPI Mode - When enabled, the router records the information, such as IP address, port address, ACK, SEQ number and so on, of the packets that pass through the gateway. The Networking Gateway checks every incoming packet to detect whether it is valid.  DoS Attack Detection - When enabled, the router detects and logs the DoS attack that comes from the Internet. Currently, the Networking Gateway can detect the following DoS attack: SYN Attack, WinNuke, Port Scan, Ping of Death, and Land Attack etc. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-41 NAT Setting The NAT Setting page provides access to configuring the virtual server, special AP, DMZ host and VPN pass through.  Figure 36: NAT Setting Virtual Server Virtual Server enables WWW, FTP and other services on your LAN to be accessible to Internet users.  Figure 37: Virtual Server 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-42 Specify the following parameters for each ID:  Protocol – Select from TCP, UDP, * (all). (the default setting is *).  Service Ports – Enter a port number, or a range of ports.  Server IP – Enter the server IP (the range is 1~254).  Enable – Check to enable the rule. Each rule can be enabled/disabled individually.  Use Rule# - Virtual Server can work with Scheduling Rules. For details, please refer to Schedule Rule on page 3-52. In addition, the Virtual Server page allows to easily select services from a pre-defined list, and to assign to them a pre-defined rule.  Well known services – Select a service from the list of pre-defined services.  Schedule rule – Facilitates the process of selecting a scheduling rule for each ID. Special AP Some applications, such as Internet games, Video conferencing, Internet telephony etc., require multiple connections. Because of the firewall function, these applications cannot work with a pure NAT router. The Special Applications window makes some of these applications work with NAT router.   NOTE    Only one PC at a time can use each Special Application. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration格式化: 字型: 斜體刪除: Schedule Rule刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-43  Figure 38: Special Applications  Trigger – The outbound port number issued by the application.  Incoming Ports – When the trigger packet is detected, the inbound packets to the specified port numbers are allowed to pass through the firewall.  Enable – Check to enable the rule. Each rule can be enabled/disabled individually. Some predefined settings are provided. Select an application from the pre-defined list, select the ID number (1-10) and click Copy to, to add the predefined setting to your list.    NOTE    If Special Applications fails to make an application work, try DMZ host instead. DMZ Host Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Host is a host without the firewall protection. It allows a computer to be exposed to unrestricted 2-way communication for Internet games, Video conferencing, Internet telephony, and other special applications.   CAUTION  This feature exposes your computer and may cause security issues.  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-44  Figure 39: DMZ Host Check the Enable box to enable this feature. One IP address should be set on the subnet of LAN.  VPN Pass Through  Figure 40: VPN Pass Through  VPN PPTP Pass-Through – Check to enable PPTP connection to pass through the device.  VPN IPSec Pass-Through – Check to enable IPSec connection to pass through the device. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-45 Advanced Settings The Advanced Settings menu provides access to configuring additional features, such as System Time, Log, Dynamic DNS, SNMP, Routing and Scheduling Rules.  Figure 41: Advanced Setting System Time The System Time window enables to set the device time.  Figure 42: System Time From the System Time window, you can select one of the following ways to set the date and time of the device: 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-46  Get Date and Time by NTP Protocol - Select if you want to set the device's internal clock using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). ¾ Time Server - Select an NTP time server to consult UTC time. ¾ Time Zone - Select a time zone where this device is located. ¾ Sync Now! - Synchronize system time with network time server (alternatively, synchronization will be performed automatically from time to time).  Set Date and Time using PC's Date and Time – Select if you want the device's internal clock to synchronize with the PC's clock.  Set Date and Time manually - Select if you want to manually set the device's internal clock. You need to specify: ¾ Date: Year, Month, Day ¾ Time: Hours (0-23), Minutes (0-59), Seconds (0-59). ¾ TBD – The clock is set upon clicking Save.   NOTE    The device time is displayed at the bottom of the Status window. In addition, you can specify daylight saving time as follows:  Daylight Saving - Enable/disable Daylight Saving and set start and end time of daylight saving time range. System Log System Log enables to set parameters for exporting system logs to a specified destination. Two exporting methods are supported: syslog (UDP) and SMTP (TCP). 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-47  Figure 43: System Log  IP Address for Syslog Server – Enter the IP address of the syslog server. It is valid only on your subnet LAN. Check to Enable this function.  E-mail Alert Enable - Check if you want to enable Email alert (send syslog via email). ¾ SMTP Server IP and Port - Enter the SMTP server IP and port, which are concatenate with ':'.For example, "" or "". If you do not specify port number, the default value is 25. ¾ E-mail addresses - The listed recipients will receive these logs. You can assign more than 1 recipient, using a semi-colon (;) or a comma (,) to separate the addresses. ¾ E-mail Subject - The subject of email alert. This setting is optional. ¾ Username and Password - To fill some SMTP server's authentication requirement, you may need to enter the Username and Password provided by your ISP.   Log Type - Select the activities to be logged.   NOTE    The changes made in the System Log page become effective upon clicking Save. Rebooting the system is not required.    刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-48  To view the system log: Click on the View Log… button at the bottom of the screen. The System Log opens (see View Log on page 3-56, Figure 54) Dynamic DNS To host your server on a changing IP address, you need to use a Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS).  To reach your host, one needs to know its name. Dynamic DNS will map the name of your host to your current IP address, which changes each time you connect to your Internet service provider.   Figure 44: Dynamic DNS Before enabling Dynamic DNS, you need to register an account on of the Dynamic DNS servers listed here under Provider. Upon registration, you will receive your account details.  DDNS - Click Enable or Disable to enable/disable Dynamic DNS,  Provider – Select from the list of Dynamic DNS servers on which you have an account.  Host Name – Enter to register a domain name to the DDNS provider. The full domain name is concatenated with the specified Host Name and a suffix, specified by the DDNS provider.  Username/E-mail – Enter your Username or E-mail address according to the DDNS provider you selected. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-49  Password/Key – Enter your password or key according to the DDNS provider you selected. After Dynamic DNS setting is configured, click Save. SNMP Setting The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides the user with the capability to remotely manage a computer network by polling and setting terminal values and monitoring network events.  Figure 45: SNMP Setting  Enable SNMP - You must check either Local or Remote or both to enable SNMP function.  ¾ Local - The device will respond to requests from LAN.  ¾ Remote – The device will respond to requests from WAN.   Get Community – Set the password for GetRequest access rights to your device.  Set Community - Setting the password for SetRequest access rights to your device.  IP 1,IP 2,IP 3,IP 4 - Enter your SNMP addresses for allowed managers. The user has to configure to where this device should send SNMP Trap messages.   SNMP Version - Select the proper SNMP Version supported by your SNMP Management software. In the above figure: 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-50  The device will respond to requests from both LAN and WAN.  The device will respond to SNMP clients whose get community is set as "public".  The device will respond to SNMP clients whose set community is set as "private".  This device will send SNMP Trap messages to (Using SNMP Version V2c). Routing Table Routing allows you to determine which physical interface address to use for outgoing IP data grams. If you have more than one gateway and subnet, you will need to enable Routing Table to allow packets to find the proper routing path and allow different subnets to communicate with each other.  Figure 46: Routing Table Routing Table settings are settings used to setup the functions of static and dynamic routing.  Dynamic Routing - Routing Information Protocol (RIP) will exchange information on destinations for computing routes throughout the network. Select RIPv2 only if you have a different subnet on your network. Otherwise, select RIPv1 if you need this protocol. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-51  Static Routing: For static routing, you can specify up to 8 routing rules. You can enter the destination IP address, subnet mask, and gateway, hop for each routing rule, and enable/disable the individual rule.  Default Route: Sets the default route interface as WAN or LAN. For LAN, one IP for routing must be set. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-52 Example:    Configuration on NAT Router Destination           Subnet Mask        Gateway             Hop     Enabled       1            ˇ       1            ˇ  If, for example, Client3 wanted to send an IP data gram to (Client2), he would use the above table to determine that he had to go via (Gateway2). And if he sends Packets to he will go via (Gateway1). Each rule can be enabled or disabled individually. After the Routing Table setting is configured, click Save. Schedule Rule Schedule Rule allows you to set the schedule time for which a service will be turned on or off. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-53  Figure 47: Schedule Rule  Schedule Enable - Selected if you want to Enable the Scheduler.   Click Add New Rule to add a rule to the list. The Schedule Rule Setting window opens.  Figure 48: Schedule rule Setting You can enter a rule name and set which day and what time to schedule from “Start Time” to “End Time”. In the following example, a rule named "FTP Time" is scheduled to operate every day between 14:10 and 16:20. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-54  Figure 49: Schedule Rule Setting – Example Step 1 After configuring Rule 1, click on Save to save the rule and return to the Schedule Rule window. The new rule is now displayed on the list.   Figure 50: Schedule Rule Setting – Example Step 2 Once rules are set, you can:  Edit – Click to edit the specific rule.  Delete – Click to delete the specific rule. When the rule is deleted, all subsequent rules are automatically renumbered. Schedule Rule can be applied to Virtual server and Packet Filter, for example: 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-55 Example1: Virtual Server – Apply Rule#1 (ftp time: every day 14:10 to 16:20).  Figure 51: Virtual Server - Schedule Rule#1 Example2: Packet Filter – Apply Rule#1 (ftp time: every day 14:10 to 16:20).  Figure 52: Packet Filter - Schedule Rule#1 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-56 Toolbox The Toolbox menu provides access to viewing the system log, to firmware upgrade, backup setting, resetting the system to the factory default values, to rebooting the system, implementing DRAP protocol, running Wake-on-LAN and performing Ping tests.  Figure 53: Toolbox View Log Clicking on View Log opens the System Log file. The System Log file can also be accessed from the System Log window in the Advanced Setting menu. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-57  Figure 54: View System Log While in Log View, you can:  Click Back to return to the System Log window.  Click Refresh to manually update the Log.  Click Download to download the Log file (system.log) and save it locally.  Click Clear to clear the log file of its content. Firmware Upgrade  Figure 55: Firmware Upgrade 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-58 To upgrade the firmware, click on Browse to browse to the file's location and click Upgrade to begin the upgrading process, or Cancel to terminating it. Backup Setting Backup your settings by clicking Backup Setting in the menu list. This automatically opens the File Download window.  Select the Save this file to disk option and click OK. Follow the instructions on screen to save the file. The file is saved as a .bin file.  Figure 56: Backup To restore these settings, select Firmware Upgrade from the Menu list, browse to the .bin file you saved, and click Upgrade (see Firmware Upgrade on page 3-57). Reset to Default To reset this product to factory defaults, click Reset to default in the menu list. The following message appears.  Figure 57: Reset to Default Click OK to reset the settings to default, or Cancel to keep the current settings. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-59 Reboot To reboot the system, click Reboot in the menu list. The following message appears.  Figure 58: Reboot Click OK to reboot, or Cancel to continue working.   NOTE    Most of the configurations performed, require to reboot the system for them to take effect. DRAP Used for registration to the Base Station to which the SU is connected (by performing "Discovery"). The Network Gateway's WAN IP must be in the same subnet as the Base Station.   Figure 59: DRAP Protocol Set the following parameters:  DRAP – Select Enable/Disable to enable/disable this feature.  DRAP Server IP Address  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-60  Server Port  Discovery Time  Acknowledge Time Miscellaneous Items From the Miscellaneous Items page, you can set the MAC Address for Wake-on-LAN, and the Domain name or IP address for performing ping tests to the device.  Figure 60: Toolbox - Miscellaneous Items  MAC Address for Wake-on-LAN - Wake-on-LAN enables to remotely power up a networked device. To use this feature, the target device must be Wake-on-LAN enabled and you need to know the device's MAC address, e.g., 00-11-22-33-44-55. Click on Wake up to have the gateway immediately send the wake-up frame to the target device. ¾ DHCP Client List – Select a client from the dropdown list for which you want to perform Wake-on-LAN. ¾ Copy – Click to copy the DHCP client's MAC Address to the Wake-on-LAN.  Domain Name or IP address for Ping Test - Allows you to configure an IP, and ping the device. You can ping a specific IP to test that it is up and running.  Click on Save to save your settings. 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-61 Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Status Printer (USB0) Status  Not Ready  Off-line or no paper  Printing  Ready  Device error  Primary Setup WAN Type   Static IP Address  Dynamic IP Address  Dynamic IP Address with RRSM  PPP over Ethernet  PPTP Dynamic IP Address with RRSM Primary Setup - Static IP Address WAN IP Address x.x.x.x WAN Subnet Mask x.x.x.x WAN Gateway  x.x.x.x Primary DNS  x.x.x.x Secondary DNS x.x.x.x NAT Disable  Check/Uncheck  Uncheck Primary Setup - Dynamic IP Address Host Name  A string of maximum 39 characters   WAN's MAC Address   刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-62 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Renew IP Forever Enable Check/Uncheck Check NAT Disable  Check/Uncheck  Uncheck Primary Setup - Dynamic IP Address with Road Runner Session Management Account  A string of maximum 53 characters   Password  A string of maximum 53 characters   Login Server  A string of maximum 31 characters   Renew IP Forever Enable Check/Uncheck  Check NAT Disable Check/Uncheck  Uncheck Primary Setup – PPP over Ethernet PPPoE Account A string of maximum 53 characters   PPPoE Password A string of maximum 53 characters   Primary DNS  x.x.x.x Secondary DNS x.x.x.x Maximum Idle Time 0~65535 300 seconds Connection Control  Connect-on-demand  Auto Reconnect(always on)  Manually Auto Reconnect(always on) MTU 0~9999  1492 Primary Setup - PPTP IP Mode   Dynamic IP Address  Static IP Address Dynamic IP Address My IP Address  x.x.x.x 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-63 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default My Subnet Mask x.x.x.x WAN Gateway IP x.x.x.x Server IP Address/Name   PPTP Account  A string of maximum 53 characters   PPTP Password A string of maximum 53 characters   Connection ID  (Optional)   Maximum Idle Time 0~65535 300 seconds Connection Control  Connect-on-demand  Auto Reconnect(always on)  Manually Auto Reconnect(always on) LAN Setup LAN IP Address x.x.x.x LAN Subnet Mask x.x.x.x DHCP Server   Disable  Enable Enable DHCP Proxy   Disable  Enable  Proxy IP x.x.x.x Disable LAN Setup – DHCP Enabled Range of IP addresses Pool  Start: 1~254  End: 1~254 Domain suffix  A string of maximum 31 characters   Primary DNS  x.x.x.x 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-64 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Secondary DNS x.x.x.x Primary WINS  x.x.x.x Secondary WINS x.x.x.x Lease Time  0~99999  0 MAC Address Control/Fixed Mapping MAC Address Control Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck Connection Control  Check/Uncheck  Allow/Deny  Uncheck  Deny Connection Control  Check/Uncheck  Allow/Deny  Uncheck  Deny MAC Address Rules 1-4 MAC Address  A string of maximum 32 characters   IP Address 1~254   C  Check/Uncheck Uncheck  A  Check/Uncheck Uncheck Wireless Setting Wireless Enable Check/Uncheck Check Network ID(SSID) A string of maximum 32 characters  default Channel 1~13  1 Security   None  WEP  802.1X  WPA-PSK  WPA None 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-65 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Advanced Wireless Setting Beacon Interval 1~1000 msec  100 msec RTS Threshold  256~2432 bytes  2432 bytes Fragmentation Threshold 256~2346 bytes - even numbers only  2346 bytes DTIM Interval  1~65535  3 Wireless Mode   802.11b only  802.11g only  mixed Mixed TX Rates  Dropdown List  Auto Preamble Type   Short Preamble  Long Preamble  Auto Auto Authentication Type  Open System  Shared Key  Both Both SSID broadcast  Enable  Disable Enable Antenna Transmit Power  100 17dBM  50 15dBM  25 12dBM  12.5 10dBM 100 17dBM Change Password Administrator Password A string of maximum 9 characters  private User Password  A string of maximum 9 characters  public Outbound Packet Filter Outbound Filter Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-66 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Outbound Filter Mode  Allow all…except  Deny all…except Allow all…except Outbound Rules 1-8  Source IP: x.x.x.x  Source Port: 065535  Destination IP: x.x.x.x  Destination Port: 0~65535  Enable Check/Uncheck  Use Rule#: 1~10      0 InBound Packet Filter Inbound Filter Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck Inbound Filter Mode  Allow all…except  Deny all…except Allow all…except Inbound Rules 1-8  Source IP: x.x.x.x  Source Port: 065535  Destination IP: x.x.x.x  Destination Port: 0~65535  Enable Check/Uncheck  Use Rule#: 1~10      0 URL Blocking URL Blocking Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck URL Rules  1-10  URL: A string of maximum 50 characters     Enable Check/Uncheck  Uncheck   Use Rule#: 1-10  0 Domain Filter Domain Filter Enable Check/Uncheck  刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-67 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Log DNS Query Enable Check/Uncheck  Privilege IP Addresses Range  From:1~254  To: 1~254  Domain Filter Rules 1-10  Domain Suffix 1-9     Drop Check/Uncheck  Log Check/Uncheck  Uncheck  Uncheck   Enable Check/Uncheck   Uncheck Firewall Firewall Rules 1-8 Source Interface   All  LAN  WAN All  Source IP x.x.x.x   Destination Interface  All  LAN  WAN All  Destination IP x.x.x.x   Protocol  All  TCP  UDP  ICMP All  Destination Port  0~65535    Action  Allow  Deny Allow  Enable Check/Uncheck  Uncheck Miscellaneous Items Remote Administrator Host x.x.x.x 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-68 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Remote Administrator Port 0~65535 88 Enable Remote Administrator Check/Uncheck Check Administrator Time-out 0~9999 sec (0=never)  120 TFTP Access Client x.x.x.x TFTP Access Port 0~65535 69 Enable TFTP Access Check/Uncheck Uncheck Discard PING from WAN side Enable Check/Uncheck Check SPI mode Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck DoS Attack Detection Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck Virtual Server Virtual Server Rules 1-20  Protocol   All  TCP  UDP All   Service Ports   0~65535     Server IP   1~254     Enable   Check/Uncheck  Uncheck   Use Rule#   1~10  0 Special Applications Rules 1-10   Trigger Port   0~65535   刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-69 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default   Incoming Ports  A string of max 119 characters     Enable   Check/Uncheck  Uncheck DMZ Host IP Address of DMZ Host 1~254   Enable: Check/Uncheck  Uncheck VPN Pass through VPN PPTP Pass-Through Enable Check/Uncheck Check VPN IPSec Pass-Through Enable Check/Uncheck Check System Time System Time Source  Get Date and Time by NTP Protocol  Set Date and Time using PC's Date and Time  Set Date and Time Manually Set Date and Time Manually Time Server      Time Zone  From dropdown list  GMT-08:00 Date   Year: 2002~2020  Month: Jan~Dec  Day: 1~31  2004  Aug  1 Time   Hour: 0~23  Minute: 0~59  Second: 0~59  0  0  0 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-70 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Daylight Saving   Enable  Disable Disable Daylight Saving Start  Month: Jan~Dec  Day: 1~31  Hour: 0~23  Jan  1  0 Daylight Saving End  Month: Jan~Dec  Day: 1~31  Hour: 0~23  Jan  1  0 System Log IP Address of Syslog Server 1~254  Enable IP Address Check/Uncheck Uncheck E-mail Alert Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck SMTP Server IP/Port x.x.x.x  E-mail addresses A string of maximum 127 characters   E-mail Subject  A string of maximum 63 characters   User name  A string of maximum 25 characters   Password  A string of maximum 25 characters   Log Type   System Activity: Check/Uncheck  Debug Information: Check/Uncheck  Attacks: Check/Uncheck  Dropped Packets: Check/Uncheck  Notice: Check/Uncheck  Uncheck  Uncheck  Uncheck  Uncheck  Uncheck Dynamic DNS DDNS   Disable  Enable Disable 刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-71 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Provider      Host Name  A string of maximum 63 characters   Username/E-mail A string of maximum 63 characters   Password/Key  A string of maximum 63 characters   SNMP Setting Enable SNMP   Local: Check/Uncheck  Remote: Check/Uncheck  Uncheck  Check Get Community A string of maximum 27 characters  Public Set Community A string of maximum 27 characters  Private IP 1-4  x.x.x.x   SNMP Version   V1  V2c V2c Routing Table Dynamic Routing  Disable  RIPv1  RIPv2 Disable Static Routing   Disable  Enable Disable Default route   WAN  LAN IP  WAN 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
Chapter 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。  錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 3-72 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default Routing Rules 1-8  Destination  Subnet Mask  Gateway  Hop  Enable Check/Uncheck     Uncheck Schedule Rule Schedule Enable Check/Uncheck Uncheck Schedule Rule Setting Name of Rule 1-10 A string of maximum 31 characters   Sunday-Saturday, Every Day Start Time: hh:mm End Time: hh:mm  Firmware Upgrade Browse    DRAP Protocol DRAP   Disable  Enable Disable DRAP Server IP Address x.x.x.x Server Port    0 Discovery Time  0 Acknowledge Time  0 Miscellaneous Items MAC Address for Wake-on-LAN   刪除:  3刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration刪除:  3刪除: Operation and Administration
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   3-73 Table 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。-3: Web Configuration Server’s Parameters Summary Parameter  Range/Options  Default DHCP Client List From dropdown list   Domain Name or IP address for Ping Test    刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard刪除:  3
   44  CChhaapptteerr  44  --  Glossary
  A Appendix A - Print Server This Wireless Networking Gateway provides the function of network print server for MS Windows NT/2000/XP and Unix based platforms [TBD – what about Windows 2003]. The device comes with a USB port for connecting the printer. This Appendix will guide you through configuring the Print Server. (If the product you purchased does not have a USB port, skip this chapter. TBD – are there such devices?)
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-2 Configuring on Windows 95/98 Platforms After installing the software (see Chapter 2), you need to configure your printer to be able to operate the printer connected to the device's printer port (the printer server). On a Windows 95/98 platform, open the Printers window in the My Computer menu:    Now, yon can configure the print server of this product: 1. Find out the corresponding icon of your server printer, for example, the HP LaserJet 6L. Click the mouse’s right button on that icon, and then select the Properties item:  刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-3   2. Click the Details item: 3. Choose the “PRTmate: (All-in-1)” from the list attached at the Print To item. Be sure that the Printer Driver item is configured to the correct driver of your server printer. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-4 4. Click on the button of Port Settings:    5. Types in the IP address of this product and then click the OK button. 6. Make sure that all settings mentioned above are correct and then click the OK button.   NOTE    If the router has USB and Parallel port at the same time, Please be careful to setup.     Use USB to print Queue Name: lp  刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-5   刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-6 Configuring on Windows NT Platforms The configuration procedure for a Windows NT platform is similar to that of Windows 95/98 except the screen of printer Properties:    Compared to the procedure in last section, the selection of Details is equivalent to the selection of Ports, and Port Settings is equivalent to Configure Port.   NOTE    If the router has USB and Parallel port at the same time, Please be careful to setup.     Use Parallel to print Queue Name: lp   Use USB to print Queue Name: lpUSB0  刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-7  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-8 Configuring on Windows 2000 and XP Platforms Windows 2000 and XP have built-in LPR client, users could utilize this feature to Print.  You have to install your Printer Driver on LPT1 or other ports before you preceded the following sequence. 1. Open Printers and Faxes.    2. Select “Ports” page, Click “Add Port…”             刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-9   3. Select “Standard TCP/IP Port”, and then click “New Port…”   4. Click Next and then provide the following information: 5. Type the address of a server providing LPD that is our NAT device: 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-10   6. Select Custom, and then click “Settings…”    刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-11 7. Select “LPR”; type ” lp“ lowercase letter in “Queue Name:” and enable “LPR Byte Counting Enabled”.   NOTE    If the router has USB and Parallel port at the same time, Please be careful to setup.     Use USB to print Queue Name: lp    8. Apply your settings  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-12   刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-13 Configuring on Apple PC TBD – is this necessary? It doesn't specify that the printer server is supported by MAC. 1. First, go to Printer center (Printer list) and add printer      2. Choose IP print and setup printer IP address (router LAN IP address). 3. Disable “Default Queue of Server.” And fill in ‘ lp ‘ in Queue name item. 4. Printer type: Choose “General”.    NOTE   刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - Print Server  Print Server A-14 If the router has USB and Parallel port at the same time, Please be careful to setup.     Use Parallel to print Queue Name: lp   Use USB to print Queue Name: lpUSB0  刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   A-15 TBD – what about UNIX? Delete. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
  B Appendix B - TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98 TBD – what about Windows NT, 2000, XP, UNIX? This section introduces you how to install TCP/IP protocol into your personal computer. And suppose you have been successfully installed one network card on your personal computer. If not, please refer to your network card manual. Moreover, the Section B.2 tells you how to set TCP/IP values for working with this NAT Router correctly.
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98  TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98 B-2 Installing TCP/IP Protocol on Your PC 1. Click Start button and choose Settings, then click Control Panel. 2. Double click Network icon and select Configuration tab in the Network window. 3. Click Add button to add network component into your PC. 4. Double click Protocol to add TCP/IP protocol.   5. Select Microsoft item in the manufactures list. And choose TCP/IP in the Network Protocols. Click OK button to return to Network window.    6. The TCP/IP protocol shall be listed in the Network window. Click OK to complete the install procedure and restart your PC to enable the TCP/IP protocol. 刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   B-3 Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router 1. Click Start button and choose Settings, then click Control Panel. 2. Double click Network icon. Select the TCP/IP line that has been associated to your network card in the Configuration tab of the Network window.   3. Click Properties button to set the TCP/IP protocol for this NAT Router. 4. Now, you have two setting methods: ¾ Select Obtain an IP address automatically in the IP Address tab. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98  TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98 B-4  ¾ Don’t input any value in the Gateway tab.   刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   B-5 ¾ Choose Disable DNS in the DNS Configuration tab.   5. Configure IP manually ¾ Select Specify an IP address in the IP Address tab. The default IP address of this product is So please use (xxx is a number between 1 and 253) for IP Address field and for Subnet Mask field. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98  TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98 B-6   ¾ In the Gateway tab, add the IP address of this product (default IP is in the New gateway field and click Add button.   刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98刪除: Print Server
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   B-7 ¾ In the DNS Configuration tab, add the DNS values which are provided by the ISP into DNS Server Search Order field and click Add button.  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
  C Appendix C - 802.1x Setting TBD – check this section on a lab compuer.
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 802.1x Setting  802.1x Setting C-2  Figure 1: Testing Environment (Use Windows 2000 Radius Server)  Equipment Details ¾ PC1:  Microsoft Windows XP Professional without Service Pack 1. D-Link DWL-650+ wireless LAN adapter Driver version: (Driver date: 03.05.2003) ¾ PC2:  Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1a. Z-Com XI-725 wireless LAN USB adapter Driver version: (Driver date: 10.20.2001) ¾ Authentication Server: Windows 2000 RADIUS server with Service Pack 3 and HotFix Q313664.   NOTE    Windows 2000 RADIUS server only supports PEAP upgraded to service pack 3 and HotFix Q313664 (You can receive additional information from; en-us;313664)   DUT ¾ Configuration:  Enable DHCP server.  WAN setting: static IP address.  LAN IP address:  Set RADIUS server IP.  Set RADIUS server shared key.  Configure WEP key and 802.1X setting. 刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   C-3 The following test uses the inbuilt 802.1X authentication method such as, EAP_TLS, PEAP_CHAPv2 (Windows XP with SP1 only), and PEAP_TLS (Windows XP with SP1 only) using the Smart Card or other Certificate of the Windows XP Professional.  DUT and Windows 2000 Radius Server Setup ¾  Setup Windows 2000 RADIUS Server Change authentication method to MD5_Challenge or using smart card or other certificate on RADIUS server according to the test condition. ¾  Setup DUT 1. Enable the 802.1X (check the “Enable checkbox“). 2. Enter the RADIUS server IP. 3. Enter the shared key. (The key shared by the RADIUS server and DUT). 4. Change 802.1X encryption key length to fit the variable test condition. ¾ Setup Network adapter on PC 1. Select the IEEE802.1X as the authentication method.  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 802.1x Setting  802.1x Setting C-4  Figure 61: Enable IEEE 802.1X Access Control    NOTE    Figure 61 is a setting picture of Windows XP without service pack 1. If users upgrade to service pack 1, they will not see MD5-Challenge from EAP type list, but they will receive a new Protected EAP (PEAP) option. 2. Select MD5-Challenge or Smart Card or other Certificate as the EAP type 3. If use smart card or the certificate is selected as the EAP type, select to use a certificate on this computer. 刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   C-5  Figure 62: Smart Card or Certificate Properties 4. Change EAP type to fit the variable test condition.  Windows 2000 RADIUS server Authentication testing: ¾ DUT authenticate PC1 using certificate. (PC2 follows the same test procedures.) 5. Download and install the certificate on PC1. (Fig 4) 6. PC1 choose the SSID of DUT as the Access Point. 7. Set authentication type of wireless client and RADIUS server both to EAP_TLS. 8. Disable the wireless connection and enable again. 9. The DUT will send the user's certificate to the RADIUS server, and then 10. send the message of authentication result to PC1. (Fig 5) 11. Windows XP will prompt that the authentication process is success or fail and end the authentication procedure. (Fig 6) 12. Terminate the test steps when PC1 get dynamic IP and PING remote host successfully. 刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
Appendix 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 - 802.1x Setting  802.1x Setting C-6  Figure 4: Certificate information on PC1   Figure 5: Authenticating  刪除:  C刪除:  A刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: Print Server刪除: 802.1x Setting刪除: TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98
 錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。 Wireless Networking Gateway System Manual   C-7  Figure 6: Authentication success ¾ DUT authenticate PC2 using PEAP-TLS. 1. PC2 choose the SSID of DUT as the Access Point. 2. Set authentication type of wireless client and RADIUS server both to PEAP_TLS. 3. Disable the wireless connection and enable again. 4. The DUT will send the user's certificate to the RADIUS server, and then send the message of authentication result to PC2. 5. Windows XP will prompt that the authentication process is success or fail and end the authentication procedure. 6. Terminate the test steps when PC2 get dynamic IP and PING remote host successfully.  Support Type: The router supports the types of 802.1x Authentication: PEAP-CHAPv2 and PEAP-TLS.    NOTE      PC1 is on Windows XP platform without Service Pack 1.   PC2 is on Windows XP platform with Service Pack 1a.   PEAP is supported on Windows XP with Service Pack 1 only.   Windows XP with Service Pack 1 allows 802.1x authentication only when data encryption function is enable.  刪除: Set TCP/IP Protocol for Working with NAT Router刪除: Wizard
  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Caution:.  Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  RF Exposure Warning:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.  This equipment must be installed and operated with a minimum distance  of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or  operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

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