Advanced Card Systems EH880 Smart Card Terminal User Manual

Advanced Card Systems Limited Smart Card Terminal Users Manual

Users Manual

   Subject to change without prior notice SDE Setup Manual  eH880          and  ACR880
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 2 of History Version  Date  Prepared By  Description 1.4  06 October 2009  Richelle Arjona  •  Changed device photo in front page
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 3 of of Contents 1.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Purpose........................................................................................................................................5 1.2. Scope and Limitations..................................................................................................................5 2.0. Overview .................................................................................................................... 6 3.0. Compiler and Library Installation on PC Linux ...................................................... 7 3.1. Requirements...............................................................................................................................7 3.1.1. Operating System..............................................................................................................7 3.1.2. Hardware Requirements ...................................................................................................7 3.2. Compiler Installation(Take Fedora as example) ..........................................................................8 3.2.1. Login your Linux PC as “root”............................................................................................8 3.2.2. Incorporate the necessary files .........................................................................................9 3.2.3. Extract complier files .........................................................................................................9 3.2.4. Logout................................................................................................................................9 3.3. Setup your environment .............................................................................................................10 3.3.1. Login your PC Linux with your username. ......................................................................10 3.3.2. Modify Scripts..................................................................................................................10 3.3.3. Logout..............................................................................................................................10 3.4. Extract Library ............................................................................................................................10 3.4.1. Login your PC Linux with your own username................................................................10 3.4.2. Copy Files........................................................................................................................10 3.4.3. Extract Files.....................................................................................................................10 3.4.4. Testing the Extracted Files..............................................................................................10 4.0. Device Connection to Host Computer................................................................... 11 4.1. Ethernet......................................................................................................................................11 4.1.1. Cable Restrictions ...........................................................................................................11 4.1.2. RJ45 Cable Types...........................................................................................................11 4.1.3. Login Information.............................................................................................................12 4.2. RS232 ........................................................................................................................................12 4.2.1. Serial Port Configuration .................................................................................................12 5.0. Program/Files Uploading........................................................................................ 13 5.1. eH880 / ACR880 File Structure..................................................................................................13 5.2. Ethernet Connection...................................................................................................................14 5.2.1. Device to PC Host ...........................................................................................................14 5.2.2. Device to Hub/ Switch to PC Host...................................................................................14 5.3. Upload Types .............................................................................................................................15 5.3.1. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)............................................................................................15 5.3.2. SFTP (Secure FTP).........................................................................................................15 5.3.3. NFS (Network File Server) ..............................................................................................15 Appendix A. Connecting eH880 to the Ethernet Network ............................................16 Appendix A.1. Configuring Ethernet Port...........................................................................................16 Appendix A.1.1. Setting up Loop Back Device...............................................................................16 Appendix A.1.2. Setting Up Static IP Address................................................................................17 Appendix A.1.3. Setting up Dynamic IP Address ...........................................................................18 Appendix A.2. Setting up Network File System (NFS) Server...........................................................18 Appendix A.2.1 PC Side.................................................................................................................18 Appendix A.2.2 eH880 side............................................................................................................18 Appendix A.2.3 NFS (Network File System) ..................................................................................18 Appendix A.3. Showing the Status of Processes ..............................................................................19 Appendix A.4. Miscellaneous Information .........................................................................................20 Appendix A.4.1 User ID and Password ..........................................................................................20
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 4 of Figures Figure 1: Cross-Over Cable............................................................................................................11 Figure 2: Straight Cable..................................................................................................................11 Figure 3: RJ45 Cables with Jacks Connected................................................................................12 Figure 4: Use the Cross-over Cable for PC Host to Device Setup.................................................14 Figure 5: Use the Straight Cable for Device to Hub/Switch Setup.................................................14  Tables Table 1: RJ45 Cable Types...............................................................................................................11
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 5 of   Introduction 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this documentation is to explain how to setup a software development environment to develop application programs for the eH880 / ACR880 system.  The eH880 / ACR880 device is equipped with a 32-bit CPU running the embedded Linux 2.6.12 OS. For detailed hardware / software capability of the eH880 / ACR880, refer to their respective manuals. The software development environment consists of a suite of software tools that are typically run on a PC Linux system. Application software can be developed on the PC Linux and then downloaded to the eH880 / ACR880 for testing and running. This document describes the installation of the software tools on the PC Linux system and also the networking configuration between the PC Linux and the eH880 / ACR880 device. 1.2.  Scope and Limitations This document covers the procedures that interact with the device using the TCP/IP protocol. While there are virtually thousands of Linux kernels available on open source programming, the EH880/ACR880 package includes compressed files that are to be integrated to the device. Hardware restrictions and Linux OS versions are also detailed and while the device firmware itself is upgradeable, there are limitations on where files should be copied. Folder restrictions as well as some Linux commands are listed on the succeeding chapters. For this setup the Linux OS that the demo will be using is Debian with a Gnome desktop, version 2.14.3.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 6 of Overview •  It is assumed that the user has basic knowledge in using computers and operating Linux OS. •  Section 3.0 discusses the Linux OS limitations and requirements as well as the compiler instructions upon installation. •  Section 4.0 lists the device’s connectivity in both the hardware and software aspects. •  Section 5.0 details the folder restrictions when customizing the files inside the device. •  Appendix A shows the processes in connecting the eH880 to the Ethernet network.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 7 of Compiler and Library Installation on PC Linux 3.1. Requirements 3.1.1. Operating System A Linux based system is required for developing software for eH880. Since the development of the software consists of cross-compilation technique, the developers are expected to have sufficient knowledge to operate Linux system and compile programs using gcc (GNU compiler collection) at least in i386(PC) systems. Developers may use one of the following Linux distributions to develop eH880 software. Debian-based Linux operating systems emphasize on free software for many hardware platforms. This system uses the .deb package format and dpkg package manager.  Ubuntu-based Linux operating systems, derived from Debian.  Fedora-based and Red-Hat-Enterprise-based operating system uses Red Hat Package manager.  3.1.2. Hardware Requirements     ¾  A modern PC that fulfills the hardware requirements of the above Linux distribution.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 8 of  Compiler Installation(Take Fedora as example) 3.2.1.  Login your Linux PC as “root”. Location                                Input the root password in the password box.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 9 of  Incorporate the necessary files  Go to the root directory “/”, by typing “cd /” on the prompt.    Once inside the root directory, copy the file "arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tar.bz2" to "/" directory of your PC Linux   3.2.3. Extract complier files Extract the complier files by the command "tar -jxvf arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tar.bz2" 3.2.4. Logout Input exit on the command prompt to logout.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 10 of Setup your environment 3.3.1.  Login your PC Linux with your username. 3.3.2.  Modify Scripts  Modify your login shell script to include “/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin” in the search path. For bash shell, Add the line "export PATH=/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin:$PATH" at the end of <home directory>/.bashrc 3.3.3. Logout 3.4. Extract Library 3.4.1.  Login your PC Linux with your own username. 3.4.2. Copy Files Copy the file "eH880-sdk-yyyymmdd.tgz" (where yyyymmdd is a date code) to the installation directory 3.4.3. Extract Files Get into the installation directory and extract the library files by the command "tar -zxvf A880-sdk-yyyymmdd.tgz"    Files to verify:  <install_dir>/sdk/.version  :       Version log  <install_dir>/sdk/demo  :       Some demo program  <install_dir>/sdk/sdk-lib :       Library and Header file for the API  3.4.4.  Testing the Extracted Files To test the installation, go to the directory <install_dir>/sdk/demo/demo1 and type "make".  The "Makefile" will be read and "arm-linux-gcc" will be invoked then the files "demo1" will be generated at <install_dir>/sdk/demo/demo1/bin
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 11 of Device Connection to Host Computer 4.1. Ethernet 4.1.1. Cable Restrictions The eH880/ACR880 uses an RJ45 straight cable to connect to a router/ hub. However, a crossover RJ45 cable is used when the device is directly connected to the host pc. See Appendix A for cable types.  To connect the PC Linux to the device using the RJ45 cable, insert both ends of the cable jack to the designated ports found on each party. From the command prompt or terminal prompt, key-in “telnet <device IP>” for Windows/Linux, or “SSH <IP>” for Linux. 4.1.2.  RJ45 Cable Types   Cross over cable  Straight cable Pin ID  Side A  Side B  Side A  Side B 1 Orange-white Green-white Orange-white Orange-white 2 Orange Green  Orange Orange 3 Green-white Orange-white Green-white Green-white 4 Blue Brown-white Blue Blue 5 Blue-white Brown  Blue-white Blue-white 6 Green Orange Green Green 7 Brown-white Blue  Brown-white Brown-white 8 Brown Blue-white Brown Brown Table 1:  RJ45 Cable Types   Figure 1:  Cross-Over Cable        Figure 2:  Straight Cable
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 12 of    Figure 3:  RJ45 Cables with Jacks Connected  4.1.3. Login Information The IP can be obtained by pressing <F4> key when the demo program is running To login and access the eh880, use console (RS232, refer to 4.2) or telnet/ssh (refer to 4.1) to login the device. (username: root, password: cdy123)  4.2. RS232 4.2.1.  Serial Port Configuration  Signal Level   RS232 (9 pin) Baud Rate  115200 bps Data Bit  8 Parity   None Stop Bit  1 Flow Control   None Connect to the device using the RS232 9 pin serial port to the female port located at the back of  the device. The male port counterpart is located at the pc. The login, if required, is till root and the password is cdy123. Certain tools can be used to connect to the device using a serial cable; Hyperterminal is used for Windows and Minicom for Linux. If you connect the RS232 cable to the PC and eh880 after the eh880 powered up, press “enter” in the terminal window to get the login prompt.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 13 of   Program/Files  Uploading 5.1.  eH880 / ACR880 File Structure The eH880/ACR880 follows the common Linux file directory structure. The root file system is read-only. The eH880/ACR880 files are stored in the following directories:  /usr/local/RO/  For read-only files, such as the unit name and serial number, and other system files.  /usr/local/RW  For read-write files. Developers can store their software application and data files in this directory. Multiple subdirectories can also be created through this path.   /tmp  Directory to store temporary files. Data in this directory will be erased after reboot/power-off.
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 14 of (Windows) 5.2. Ethernet Connection 5.2.1.  Device to PC Host                                    Figure 4:  Use the Cross-over Cable for PC Host to Device Setup. 5.2.2.  Device to Hub/ Switch to PC Host                                          Figure 5:  Use the Straight Cable for Device to Hub/Switch Setup PC (Windows)  eH880 eH880 Network Switch Linux Server (NFS Server) DHCP Server
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 15 of Upload Types 5.3.1.  FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ¾  "ftp" and "ncftp" are installed in the device ¾  User can login into the device and initiate FTP connection to a host computer; and user can use these two commands to transfer files.  5.3.2.  SFTP (Secure FTP) ¾  An SFTP daemon is installed in the device. ¾  User can use an SFTP client to login (with above login info) the device and transfer files. 5.3.3.  NFS (Network File Server) The eH880 supports mounting NFS filesystem and so it is able to mount folders from the remote NFS Severs for more convenient file transfer. NFS file server and Ethernet connection is required. NFS file server can be setup along with the development Linux PC Procedure: Login to the eh880 through telnet/sshIssue a command: mount -o nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=<nfs server ip>:<share directory> /mnt/ext3 The files in the share directory will be appeared in /mnt/ext3 of the eh880  For details please refer to Annex A2
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 16 of A.  Connecting eH880 to the Ethernet Network Appendix A.1.  Configuring Ethernet Port Each eH880 Demo Unit has a built-in Ethernet port. The eH880 unit is pre-configured to get an IP from DHCP servers. After the demo program showed on the screen. Press F4 to view the IP address of the eH880.  It is possible to change the IP manually After the telnet session has been established, an ‘ifconfig’ command to view the IP address assignment can be issued. The following is the example output when ifconfig is issued:  ~ # ifconfig eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:31:05:0A:01               inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:            UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1             RX packets:110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0             TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0             collisions:0 txqueuelen:100              RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)             Interrupt:37 Base address:0x300   lo        Link encap:Local Loopback               inet addr:  Mask:             UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1             RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0             TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0             collisions:0 txqueuelen:0              RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  On the other hand, users can also configure network parameters. The following sections discuss the commands and procedures to do so. User can specifically choose either static IP or dynamic IP address configuration for the eH880 unit. However, note that such changes will not be permanent – after the device is re-booted again, its IP address will resume the saved setting in the eH880. To permanently change the IP address, please refer to eH880 tool manual. Appendix A.1.1. Setting up Loop Back Device Loop back device is used to refer to local host of the eH880 unit and it has a default IP address with netmask 1.  Input the following command to bring up the loop back device interface:  # ifconfig lo  2. Input “ifconfig” command to show the configuration:  # ifconfig lo        Link encap:Local Loopback               inet addr:  Mask:             UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1             RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0             TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0             collisions:0 txqueuelen:0              RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 17 of  Input the following command to add an entry to routing table.  # route add –net netmask lo  4. Input the “route” command to show the routing table.  ~ # route Kernel IP routing table Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface        *            U     0      0        0 lo  Appendix A.1.2. Setting Up Static IP Address Assume you want to setup the following IP address for eH880 unit: IP Address    : Subnet Mask    : Gateway   :  1.  Input the following command to setup the IP address: # ifconfig eth0 netmask  2.  Input the following command to setup the gateway: # route add default gw eth0  3. Input “ifconfig” command to show the configuration: # ifconfig eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0B:51:00:0F:FE             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1           RX packets:10155 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:22 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100            RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)           Interrupt:37 Base address:0x300   lo        Link encap:Local Loopback             inet addr:  Mask:           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0            RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  4. Input “route” command to show the routing table: # route Kernel IP routing table Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface     *        U     0      0        0 eth0       *            U     0      0        0 lo default         UG    0      0        0 eth0
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 18 of A.1.3. Setting up Dynamic IP Address If it is necessary to setup the dynamic IP address for eH880 unit, input the following command to get the IP address from DHCP server:  # udhcpc –b –i eth0  Appendix A.2.  Setting up Network File System (NFS) Server Appendix A.2.1 PC Side The exported directories of NFS server are controlled by “/etc/exports” configuration file. To share the directory of Linux Server with eH880 unit, you need to edit the file.  Sample contents of “/etc/exports” configuration file: /share1 /share2  For example, directory “/share1” can be shared by all devices with IP address starting with “”. Note that “” is network address and “24” is the short form of “” subnet mask. “ro” is used to share directory for read-only while “rw” is used to share directory for read/write. Directory “/share2” is only shared to the device that has an IP address equal to “” for read/write.  After editing the configuration file, restart NFS server for the changes to take effect. Input the following command to restart NFS server:  # /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart Appendix A.2.2 eH880 side In the eH880 unit, you can input the following command to use remote directory that is shared by NFS server. Assume that the IP address of Linux server is “”.  # mount –o nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 /mnt/ext1  You can change to directory “/mnt/ext1” by inputing “cd /mnt/ext1” command.  Appendix A.2.3 NFS (Network File System) After logging in the device (telnet), user can mount a directory structure in his PC Linux to a directory in the device and then use "cp" command to copy files to another directory in the device. To mount a directory on the command prompt:  "mount -o nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 /mnt/ext1"  "cp /mnt/ext1 /usr/local/rw"
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 19 of can also execute a program inside the mounted directory directly without implicit transfer.   The mount command will "mirror" the directory /home/user in your PC Linux (with IP = to /mnt/ext1 in the eH880  Note that "1024" in the above example is necessary to ensure reliability when transferring big files. Note also that the NFS service in your PC Linux have to be configured correctly to open permission of the directory that is going to be mounted. See "man nfs" and "man exports" in PC Linux for detail. Appendix A.3.  Showing the Status of Processes To show the status of processes, input “ps” (process status) command. The information is arranged by Process ID (PID), User ID (Uid), Virtual Memory Size in bytes (VmSize), Process State (Stat) and command line (Command).  According to the man page of “ps” command, the process state has the following meanings:  Process State  Description D  uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) R  runnable (on run queue) S Sleeping T traced or stopped Z  a defunct ("zombie") process W  Has no resident pages < High-priority process N Low-priority task L  Has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom IO)  ~ $ ps   PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command     1 root        576 S   init     2 root            SWN [ksoftirqd/0]     3 root            SW< [events/0]     4 root            SW< [khelper]     5 root            SW< [kthread]    16 root            SW< [kblockd/0]    19 root            SW  [khubd]    42 root            SW  [pdflush]    43 root            SW  [pdflush]    45 root            SW< [aio/0]    44 root            SW  [kswapd0]   125 root            SW  [mtdblockd]   150 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd4]   192 root        612 S   syslogd   194 root        612 S   klogd   214 root        636 S   inetd   217 root       1428 S   webs   221 root        396 S   /usr/local/eH880/RW/bin/eH880_disc   222 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   224 root        752 S   -sh   225 root       1360 S   sshd -f /usr/local/eH880/RW/etc/ssh/sshd_config   228 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   229 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   230 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4
Document Title Here Document Title Here  Document Title Here eH880 and ACR880 SDE Setup Manual Version 1.4   Page 20 of  233 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   234 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   235 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   236 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   237 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   238 root        832 S   eH880_Demo4   248 root        580 S   udhcpc -i eth0 -b   252 root        512 S   more   253 root        480 S   /usr/sbin/telnetd   254 root        752 S   -sh   257 root        664 R   ps ~ $   Appendix A.4.  Miscellaneous Information Appendix A.4.1 User ID and Password The unit is setup for the following user: User ID   :  root Password :  cdy123  Hence, the user can login as root user to communicate with the eH880 unit. Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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