Advantech Co WISE4000 IoT Wireless I/O Module User Manual V4 12 EA User Manual

Advantech Co Ltd IoT Wireless I/O Module V4 12 EA User Manual


Users Manual-2

43 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System ConfigurationWireless Module InformationFor WISE-4000 Wireless Series, user cancheck WLAN RSSI Level to know the sig-nal quality in Wireless Status part. And italso shows the MAC ID of the clientdevice.If the module is working in AP Mode,WLAN RSSI Level and Refresh button willnot been shownWLAN Mode will be shown in NetworkInformation
WISE-4000 User Manual 44Module Information1. In the information page, you can see the dashboard: module detail, network setting, and module information, including the firm-ware version. 2. Click "Go to Configuration” to perform the configuration.
45 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System ConfigurationModule Configuration You can click different tab to switch theitem you are going to configure[Information]Customized Name / UUIDMeans model name and UUID of the mod-ule. You also can rename it for recognitionif required.DescriptionYou can add comments on this module forrecognition.Location InformationYou can note the location information forthe module
WISE-4000 User Manual 46Wireless (WISE-4000 Wireless module only) [AP Mode]When using the module in AP mode, userscan configure the SSID and also decidehow the WISE module works as an AP,including the security.The AP-Network is fixed and does notallow user to make their own changes.
47 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration[Infrastructure Mode]When using the module in Infrastructuremode, users need to enter the SSID of theAP that WISE going to access, and config-ure the security from here.After configuring the AP the WISE modulegoing to access, the network configurationalso needs to be defined in the Infrastruc-ture-Network.[Network]For WISE-4000/LAN wired module, youcan select the Connection mode as DHCPor Static IP and configure the IP address,Subnet   address,   and   Default gateway.
WISE-4000 User Manual 48[Network App]You configure the web server port, HostIdle (timeout), and decide whether toenable communication WDT here[Time & Date]You can see the current time here, decidewhich time zone for your local time, andalso do the time calibration by read thetime from host devices[SNTP]You can enable the SNTP function, so themodule can act as a SNTP client to dotime synchronization from assigned SNTPserver.
49 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration[Modbus]In order to provide user with more flexibleand scalable in deploying module, thismodule remove the limitation of Modbusaddress setting and make it configurableas user's actual need. Basically, there'retwo kinds of Modbus address section (0Xand 4X) for you to configure each functionitem.[Control]Enable LocateIt can help user search module with lightsign. (Status LED will be constantly on for30 sec when it enabled.)Restore to DefaultThe system configuration of  module willbe clear and restored to factory defaultwhen it enabled.Reset PasswordYou can reset the password hereSystem RestartThe system of this module will rebootwhen it enabled.
WISE-4000 User Manual 50[General]After Communication WDT been enabledin "Network App" tab, you can enable theIO FSV triggered by communication WDTThe Scan Interval here decides the I/Opolling interval in the next part of the “I/OStatus”. This value will not be saved intothe module, so it is valid until the power isswitched off.[Firmware]User can upgrade the firmware file here.Or Upload/Download the configuration filefrom WISE-4000 wireless module.The following items will be saved in theconfiguration file:[Account]You can change the passwords of eachaccount here.ConfigurationInformation, Wireless, Network App, Time & Data, SNTP, Modbus, General Cloud, AccountI/O Status I/O ConfigurationAdvancedAccess Control, Data Logger (Data log and Cloud upload)
51 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System ConfigurationI/O Status [Status]The I/O statuses are shown here, for theoutput status, you can also change the I/Ostatus here.
WISE-4000 User Manual 52[Configuration]SettingUser can do detail I/O setting in the tab,include the Tag Name, range type, filter,and also the working mode.CalibrationFor the analog module, after login rootaccount, user can click calibration buttonto restore the factory calibration value.OverviewIn the end, there is an overview table forthe configuration summary of each chan-nel
53 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration[Trend]The status trend of I/O will be shown here.Advanced Function - Access Control To avoid unauthorized access, you canmanage which host PC or device canremotely control the WISE-4000 moduleby IP or MAC Address.
WISE-4000 User Manual 54Enable one of the rows and enter the IPaddress or MAC address which allows toaccess the WISE-4000 device.For WISE-4000 wireless modules, userscan only configure access control by theIP address, not the MAC addressAdvance Function - Data Log The WISE-4000 series supports data logfunctions, the I/O status can be logged inthe module and also be queried from themodule .Local Log Configuration[Enable Log]Start LogUsers can enable the data logger here
55 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration[Log Conditions].By PeriodCheck the box to enable periodically log-ging, and the log period can be decided infollowing box. Pleased been noted that theperiod is increased by 0.1 sec, it means ifuser configure "600" here, the status of theI/O will be logged each minute.By Communication WDTIf the communication WDT has beenenabled, once the condition of the WDThas been met, the status of the I/O will belogged [General]Clear Log when Power UpDecided whether to keep last value whenthe logger had been restarted.Circular Log when Memory FullOnce the box been check, the data willbeen circular log when memory was full.Otherwise, the logger will stop.[Channel Setting]Users can configure which channel of themodule will be logged and decide whetherto log the data when the status is changedby checking the “Change of Status” box.
WISE-4000 User Manual 56Local Viewer[Query Format]Users can decide which type of data hasbeen queried.[Query Filter]Filter ModeAmount of Latest Data: User can query the latest amount of data by this modeTime Filter: User can query the data from and to the time by configured here
57 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System ConfigurationAfter "Query" has been clicked, the datawill be shown in the dashboard and also inthe list. Users can click the "Save" buttonto save the logged data.Refer to B.2.4 for a detailed definition ofeach column. For example: Log Type 128means periodical logging, I/O Type 1means DI statusCloud Upload (WISE-4000 wireless series only)[Enable Cloud Upload]Start UploadAfter configuring the cloud server asdescribed below, users can start automati-cally upload functions here.[Upload Mode]Time Periodic Interval mode: Data can be upload be configured periodItem Periodic Interval mode: Data can be upload once it reaches the configured of sample data
WISE-4000 User Manual 584.2.7 Configuring Cloud Server (WISE-4000 wireless series only)1. Make sure the WISE-4000 module is able to access the Internet, and the device that’s going to configure the WISE-4000 module is within the same IP domain as the WISE-4000 module2. Go to the Cloud tab of Configuration.3. Select Dropbox as the cloud server. Advance Function - Diagnostician WISE-4000 wireless modules provideDiagnostician page for indicating the oper-ating status of WISE module. The status ofeach function will be shown here for trou-bleshooting.For Data Logger, the value will indicate theevent status ie: normal, memory full, orcloud upload fail.Note! The following instructions use Dropbox. Make sure Dropbox provide their service in your region or find an alternative public cloud service.
59 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4. The browser will open a new window for Dropbox. Enter your Dropbox account information including E-mail and Password, then click “Sign in”.5. After logging in, click "Allow" to allow WISE Cloud Logger Apps to access your Dropbox account to store the data log file.6. Dropbox will then provide a code, copy this code and return to the configuration web page of the WISE module.7. Click "Next" to enter the code.IMAGE NOT SUPPLIED BY PM!
WISE-4000 User Manual 608. Paste the code provided by WISE Cloud Logger, then click "Submit". 9. If your WISE-4000 module is correctly connected to the Internet, you will be able to set the functions successfully. Click "Close" to return to Configuration.10. You will then be able to see the “Link Status” shows “Ready”.
61 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.3 Configure WISE-4000 with ADAM.NET UtilityADAM.NET Utility, which is designed with graphical operation interface, is aimed tooffer users directly configure, control WISE-4000 module, and monitor the real-timestatus of remote WISE-4000 module via Ethernet or Wireless connection. To keep you informed with latest update, you also can check it from the followingdownload link on Advantech website. Install ADAM.NET Utility in your computer.(After successfully installation, there will be a shortcut generated on the screen) 2. Double click the shortcut icon, and then you will see the main operation window.3. Click Search Module icon in Toolbar. You will see all online modules in the left Module Tree screen and an unconfigured new module, whose default password is 00000000, will appear on the Others section as below. Now you can define the network mode of the module in the beginning. After that, you will be able to perform other settings.4.3.1 Operation FrameworkThe operation window mainly contains 4 areas, including Menu, Toolbar, ModuleTree screen and Main Operation screen. Menua. FileOpen Favorite GroupYou can import the favorite configuration group file (.XML) from your computer.Note!Before installing ADAM.NET Utility, you need to install .NET Framework 2.0 or higher version.System requirement–Microsoft Windows XP/7–At least 32 MB RAM–20 MB of hard disk space available–VGA color or higher resolution monitor–Mouse or other pointing devices–10/100 Mbps or higher Ethernet CardNote! The default password is 00000000
WISE-4000 User Manual 62Save Favorite GroupYou can save the favorite group configuration group as XML file to your com-puter.Auto-Initial GroupIf you want to have the same favorite group configuration when you exit ADAM.NET utility and launch it again, you need to check this option.ExitExit ADAM.NET Utility.
63 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configurationb. ToolsSearch DeviceSearch all the WISE-4000 modules you connected in local Ethernet.Add Devices to GroupIt's used to add WISE-4000 modules to your favorite group. After activating search function, all online modules will show on Module Tree Screen area. Now you can enable this function to select the device you want to add in the Module Tree Screen.Group ConfigurationGroup Configuration is on WISE-4000 series module. It can help you efficiently configure or maintain massive WISE-4000 modules with the same configuration file or firmware upgrade at one time in the local network. The following steps will instruct you how to operate it. Terminal for Command TestingWISE-4000 series module Modbus/TCP as communication protocol, so you can launch the terminal to directly communicate with WISE-4000 series module by these two protocols.Print ScreenYou can save current ADAM.NET Utility screen into an image file by this option.HTML File PackagerYou can pack your user web page by this tool:1.Put all the files that going to pack in same folder, and “Browse…” the folder2.Press “Save as…” and give a file name after package3.Check all the files had been selected in “File List”4.Check “Gzip Compression” to reduce the file size5.After press the “Apply” button, your user web page will be compressed as “*.ehf” file, then you can download the file into your WISE module
WISE-4000 User Manual 64c. SetupFavorite GroupYou can configure your favorite group including add one new device, modify or delete one current device, sort current devices and diagnose connection to one device.Refresh Serial and EthernetADAM.NET utility will refresh the serial and LAN network connection situation.Add COM Ports This option is used to add serial COM ports in ADAM.NET Utility. You won't need to use this option for WISE-4000 modules.Show TreeViewCheck this option to display the Module Tree Screen area.Allow CalibrationCheck this option to allow calibration function enabled on AI/O module.d. HelpCheck Up-to-Date on the Web It will automatically connect to support and download page of Advantech web-site when it enabled. You can find and download the latest version of WISE-4000 utility there.About ADAM.NET UtilityThe current version of ADAM.NET Utility is installed on your computer.
65 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.3.1.2 ToolbarThere are 8 graphical icons for common used options of Menu on the toolbar.Definition (from left to right)1. Open favorite group2. Save favorite group3. Search Modules4. Add Devices to Group5. Terminal for Command Testing6. Group Configuration7. Monitor Data Stream/Event8. Print Screen4.3.1.3 Module Tree ScreenThe Module Tree Screen locates on the left part of ADAM.NET utility operation win-dow. There are four categories in this area:SerialAll serial I/O Modules (ADAM-4000 and ADAM-5000 RS-485 serial modules) con-nected to the host PC will be listed in this category.EthernetAll Ethernet I/O Modules (WISE-4000, ADAM-6000, ADAM-6100,and ADAM-5000TCP modules) connected to the host PC will be listed in this category.Favorite GroupYou can define which devices listed in the three categories above into your personalfavorite group. This will make you easier to find your interested modules. Right clickon the WISE-4000 device item under the Favorite Group item and you can select AddNew Group to create a new group. After you create your own group, right click onyour group and Add New Device into your group. You can also select Diagnose con-nection to check the communication.ADAM-4500_5510 SeriesThis is a DOS interface utility for remote controllers such as ADAM-4500 and ADAM-5510 series.Wireless Sensor NetworksAll wireless I/O Modules (ADAM-2000 modules) connected to the host PC, throughwireless gateway, will be listed in this category. Main Operation ScreenMain Operation Screen located on the right side of utility includes I/O status displayand function setting. You can select different items in Module Tree Screen, and thenMain Operation Screen will change dependently. You can do all configurations andtest in this area.In Information page (after clicking Ethernet), you can configure Connection/Send/Receive/Scan Timeout. The supervisor password is a shortcut to let you enter apassword at one time which's applied for certain modules, so you don't need to enterthe same password for each module when you check it.
WISE-4000 User Manual 664.3.2 Configure WISE-4000 1. Configure the computer’s IP address as the same domain as WISE-4000 mod-ule. For the new WISE-4000/LAN Series which default IP address is, the IP address of computer can be configured as for example as fol-lowing. 2. Open the Adam/Apax .NET Utility then you can see the IP address of computer been shown under “Ethernet” tree. You can right click to refresh the subnodes of this tree. Or click “Search Device” to find WISE-4000 module.3. Users can also right click the IP address to find WISE-4000 module.
67 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4. After the module been found, it will be listed under IP address in same domain, you can login the embedded web configuration web page for further configura-tion as introduced in previous section5. There are some function provide in same pages in utility, first you can enter the account and password faster in "Login Info" tab.6. In the "Device Info" tab, the detail information of this module will been shown7. The "QR" tab will generate the QR code of the web configuration web page for mobile device to access the module. User can also click the QR code to open the browser for further configuration.
WISE-4000 User Manual 68Note! If you are not able to search the module, you can configure the SW1 behind the module to initial mode. After power up and search the mod-ule in utility, user can find the module with default IP address, and the device name will been shown in "Others" tree with (*) sign. So user can change the device network setting in this page. Or try to locate the device and also reset the password with same page. After the new net-work setting been apply, please configure the SW1 back to normal mode and power up again to reboot in new network setting.
69 WISE-4000 User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.4 Site Survey Tool for WISE-4000 Wireless SeriesWISE-4000 Wireless Series provides Site Survey Tool for testing the communicationquality between WISE-4000 wireless module with wireless access point or wirelessrouter.4.4.1  Site Survey ArchitectureWiring the wireless AP with the PC installed with Site Survey Tool (Utility), if possible,the network should only have PC, AP, and WISE-4000 only.4.4.2 Site Survey ModeWISE module will go to site survey mode operation for testing communication quality.Most of the functions of WISE module will temporally stop to doing site survey opera-tion. And the LED status will work as following:LED Color Indication BehaviorStatus Green OFF Site Survey modeCom Yellow Blink Site Survey data packet TX/RXAP/Infra Green OFF Site Survey mode (Station Mode)Signal Strength Green Blink Site Survey mode
WISE-4000 User Manual 704.4.3 Site Survey ToolSearch WISE-4000 module as described in the last section, after click the moduleshown in Ethernet tree. There is a “Site Survey” icon as following. Click the "Site Sur-vey" icon to open site survey tool windows as following. Click "Start" to set the mod-ule in site survey mode and start the site survey tool. User can click "Restart" torestart the testing result, or click "Stop" to stop the testing and set the module back tonormal operation.ConnectionNetwork Name (SSID): Show which wireless AP is connected. Client IP Address: Show the IP address of the wireless adapter of PCSignal QualityShow the signal strength by bar chartTesting ResultsSignal Strength: The average result of the signal strength during testingGood Package: The percentage of passed packets during testingCurrent ActivityDetail information of each testing packetsPortUser can configure which UDP port of PC is assigned for site survey testing
Appendix AAI/O Modbus Mapping Table
WISE-4000 User Manual 72A.1 Modbus Function Code IntroductionTo full-fill the programming requirement, there is a series of function code standardfor user’s reference.A.2 WISE-4010/LAN Modbus Mapping TableAddress (0X):Code (Hex) Name Usage01 Read Coil Status Read Discrete Output Bit02 Read Input Status Read Discrete Input Bit03 Read Holding Registers Read 16-bit register. Used to read integer or floating point process data.04 Read Input Registers05 Force Single Coil Write data to force coil ON/OFF06 Preset Single Register Write data in 16-bit integer format08 Loopback Diagnosis Diagnostic testing of the communication port0F Force Multiple Coils Write multiple data to force coil ON/OFF10 Preset Multiple Registers Write multiple data in 16-bit integer formatAddress (0X) Channel   Description Attribute00017 0DO ValueRead/Write00018 1 Read/Write00019 2 Read/Write00020 3 Read/Write00101 0Reset Historical Maximum AI ValueWrite00102 1 Write00103 2 Write00104 3 Write00105 Average Ch 0~3 Write00111 0Reset Historical Min. AI ValueWrite00112 1 Write00113 2 Write00114 3 Write00115 Average Ch 0~3 Write00121 0 Open-Circuit Flag (Burnout)Read00122 1 Read00123 2 Read00124 3 Read
73 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping TableAddress (4X):00131 0High Alarm FlagRead00132 1 Read00133 2 Read00134 3 Read00135 Average Ch 0~3 Read00141 0 Low Alarm FlagRead00142 1 Read00143 2 Read00144 3 Read00145 Average Ch 0~3 ReadAddress (4X) Channel Description Attribute40211 Module Name 1 Read40212 Module Name 2 Read40221 All AI AI Channel Enabled Read/Write40303 All DO DO Value Read/Write40001 0AI ValueRead40002 1 Read40003 2 Read40004 3 Read40005 Average Ch 0~3 Read40009-40010 0Pulse OutputLow Level WidthRead/Write40011~40012 1 Read/Write40013~40014 2 Read/Write40015~40016 3 Read/Write40017-40018 0Pulse OutputHigh Level WidthRead/Write40019~40020 1 Read/Write40021~40022 2 Read/Write40023~40024 3 Read/Write40025-40026 0 Set Absolute PuleRead/Write40027~40028 1 Read/Write40029~40030 2 Read/Write40031~40032 3 Read/Write
WISE-4000 User Manual 7440033~40034 0Set Incremental PulseRead/Write40035~40035 1 Read/Write40037~40038 2 Read/Write40037~40040 3 Read/Write40101~40102 0AI Status*Read40103~40104 1 Read40105~40106 2 Read40107~40108 3 Read40111 0HistoricalMaximum AI ValueRead40112 1 Read40113 2 Read40114 3 Read40115 Average Ch 0~3 Read40121 0HistoricalMinimum AI ValueRead40122 1 Read40123 2 Read40124 3 Read40125 Average Ch 0~3 Read40131~40132 0AI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40133~40134 1 Read40135~40136 2 Read40137~40138 3 Read40139~40140 Average Ch 0~3 Read40151~40152 0Historical MaximumAI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40153~40154 1 Read40155~40156 2 Read40157~40158 3 Read40159~40160 Average Ch 0~3 Read40171~40172 0Historical MinimumAI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40173~40174 1 Read40175~40176 2 Read40177~40178 3 Read40179~40180 Average Ch 0~3 Read40191 0AI ValueAfter ScalingRead40192 1 Read40193 2 Read40194 3 Read40195 Average Ch 0~3 Read
75 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping Table40201 0AI Type Code**(The type codes of channels for average value can't be changed.)Read/Write40202 1 Read/Write40203 2 Read/Write40204 3 Read/Write40205 Average Ch 0~3 Read* AI Status (2 Registers)Lower Register Higher RegisterBit Description Bit Description0 Fail to Provide AI Value 0 DI triggered to Safety Value1 Over Range 1 DI triggered to Startup Value2 Under Range 2 Reserved3 Open Circuit / Burnout 3 Reserved4 Reserved 4 Reserved5 Reserved 5 Reserved6 Reserved 6 Reserved7 ADC Initializing/Error 7 Reserved8 Reserved 8 Reserved9 Zero/Span Calibration Error 9 Reserved10 Reserved 10 Reserved11 Reserved 11 Reserved12 Reserved 12 Reserved13 Reserved 13 Reserved14 Reserved 14 Reserved15 Reserved 15 Reserved** AI Type Code (2 Registers)Type Code Input Range0x1080 4~20 mA0x1082 0~20 mA
WISE-4000 User Manual 76A.3 WISE-4050/LAN Modbus Mapping TableAddress 0X Channel Description Attribute00001 0DI ValueRead00002 1 Read00003 2 Read00004 3 Read00017 0DO ValueRead/Write00018 1 Read/Write00019 2 Read/Write00020 3 Read/Write00033 0Counter Status(0: stop1: start)Read/Write00034 1 Read/Write00035 2 Read/Write00036 3 Read/Write00037 0Clear Counter(1: write to clear value)Write00038 1 Write00039 2 Write00040 3 Write00041 0Clear Overflow(1: counter overflow,auto set to 0 after read)Read/Write00042 1 Read/Write00043 2 Read/Write00044 3 Read/Write00045 0DI Latch Status(1: DI latched,0: write to clear latch)Read/Write00046 1 Read/Write00047 2 Read/Write00048 3 Read/WriteAddress 4X Channel Description Attribute40211 - Module Name 1 Read40212 - Module Name 2 Read40301 All DI DI Value Read40303 All DO DO Value Read/Write40001~40002 0Counter/FrequencyValueRead40003~40004 1 Read40005~40006 2 Read40007~40008 3 Read
77 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping Table40009~40010 0Pulse Output Low Level WidthRead/Write40011~40012 1 Read/Write40013~40014 2 Read/Write40015~40016 3 Read/Write40017~40018 0Pulse Output High Level WidthRead/Write40019~40020 1 Read/Write40021~40022 2 Read/Write40023~40024 3 Read/Write40025~40026 0Set Absolute Pulse Output NumberRead/Write40027~40028 1 Read/Write40029~40030 2 Read/Write40031~40032 3 Read/Write40033~40034 0Set IncrementalPulse Output NumberRead/Write40035~40036 1 Read/Write40037~40038 2 Read/Write40039~40040 3 Read/Write
WISE-4000 User Manual 78A.4 WISE-4060/LAN Modbus Mapping TableAddress 0X Channel Description Attribute00001 0DI ValueRead00002 1 Read00003 2 Read00004 3 Read00017 0DO ValueRead/Write00018 1 Read/Write00019 2 Read/Write00020 3 Read/Write00033 0Counter Status(0: stop1: start)Read/Write00034 1 Read/Write00035 2 Read/Write00036 3 Read/Write00037 0Clear Counter(1: write to clear value)Write00038 1 Write00039 2 Write00040 3 Write00041 0Clear Overflow(1: counter overflow,auto set to 0 after read)Read/Write00042 1 Read/Write00043 2 Read/Write00044 3 Read/Write00045 0DI Latch Status(1: DI latched,0: write to clear latch)Read/Write00046 1 Read/Write00047 2 Read/Write00048 3 Read/WriteAddress 4X Channel Description Attribute40211 - Module Name 1 Read40212 - Module Name 2 Read40301 All DI DI Value Read40303 All DO DO Value Read/Write40001~40002 0Counter/FrequencyValueRead40003~40004 1 Read40005~40006 2 Read40007~40008 3 Read
79 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping Table40009~40010 0Pulse Output Low Level WidthRead/Write40011~40012 1 Read/Write40013~40014 2 Read/Write40015~40016 3 Read/Write40017~40018 0Pulse Output High Level WidthRead/Write40019~40020 1 Read/Write40021~40022 2 Read/Write40023~40024 3 Read/Write40025~40026 0Set Absolute Pulse Output NumberRead/Write40027~40028 1 Read/Write40029~40030 2 Read/Write40031~40032 3 Read/Write40033~40034 0Set IncrementalPulse Output NumberRead/Write40035~40036 1 Read/Write40037~40038 2 Read/Write40039~40040 3 Read/Write
WISE-4000 User Manual 80A.5 WISE-4012E Wireless Modbus Mapping TableAddress 0X Channel Description Attribute00001 0 DI Value Read00002 1 Read00017 0 DO Value R/W00018 1 R/W00033 0 Counter Status(0: stop1: start)R/W00034 1 R/W00035 0 Clear Counter(1: write to clear value)Write00036 1 Write00037 0 Clear Overflow(1: counter overflow,auto set to 0 after read)R/W00038 1 R/W00039 0 DI Latch Status(1: DI latched,0: write to clear latch)R/W00040 1 R/W00101 0Reset Historical Maximum AI ValueWrite00102 1 Write00103 AverageChannel 0~1 Write00111 0Reset Historical Minimum AI ValueWrite00112 1 Write00113 AverageChannel 0~1 Write00131 0High Alarm FlagRead00132 1 Read00133 AverageChannel 0~1 Read00141 0Low Alarm FlagRead00142 1 Read00143 AverageChannel 0~1 ReadAddress 4X Channel Description Attribute40211 Module Name 1 Read40212 Module Name 2 Read40221 All AI AI Channel Enable R/W
81 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping Table40301 All DI DI Value Read40303 All DO DO Value R/W40001 0 AI Value(Value Range: 0~10000,Value Unit: mV)Read40002 1 Read40003 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40017~40018 0 Counter/FrequencyValueR/W40019~40020 1 R/W40021~40022 0 Pulse OutputLow Level WidthR/W40023~40024 1 R/W40025~40026 0 Pulse OutputHigh Level WidthR/W40027~40028 1 R/W40029~40030 0 Set Absolute Pulse R/W40031~40032 1 R/W40033~40034 0 Set Incremental Pulse R/W40035~40036 1 R/W40101~40102 0 AI Status* Read40103~40104 1 Read40111 0HistoricalMaximum AI ValueRead40112 1 Read40113 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40121 0HistoricalMinimum AI ValueRead40122 1 Read40123 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40131~40132 0AI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40133~40134 1 Read40135~40136 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40151~40152 0 Historical MaximumAI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40153~40154 1 Read40155~40156 AverageChannel 0~1 Read
WISE-4000 User Manual 8240171~40172 0 Historical MinimumAI Floating Value(IEEE754)Read40173~40174 1 Read40175~40176 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40191 0AI ValueAfter ScalingRead40192 1 Read40193 AverageChannel 0~1 Read40201 0 AI Type Code**(The type codes of channels for average value can't be changed.)R/W40202 1 R/W40203 AverageChannel 0~1 R* AI Status (2 Registers)Lower Register Higher RegisterBit Description Bit Description0 Fail to Provide AI Value 0 DI triggered to Safety Value1 Over Range 1 DI triggered to Startup Value2 Under Range 2 Reserved3 Open Circuit / Burnout 3 Reserved4 Reserved 4 Reserved5 Reserved 5 Reserved6 Reserved 6 Reserved7 ADC Initializing/Error 7 Reserved8 Reserved 8 Reserved9 Zero/Span Calibration Error 9 Reserved10 Reserved 10 Reserved11 Reserved 11 Reserved12 Reserved 12 Reserved13 Reserved 13 Reserved14 Reserved 14 Reserved15 Reserved 15 Reserved** AI Type Code (2 Registers)Type Code Input Range0x0148 0~10 V
83 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping TableA.6 WISE-4050 Wireless Modbus Mapping TableAddress 0X Channel Description Attribute00001 0DI ValueRead00002 1 Read00003 2 Read00004 3 Read00017 0DO ValueR/W00018 1 R/W00019 2 R/W00020 3 R/W00033 0Counter Status(0: stop1: start)R/W00034 1 R/W00035 2 R/W00036 3 R/W00037 0Clear Counter(1: write to clear value)Write00038 1 Write00039 2 Write00040 3 Write00041 0Clear Overflow(1: counter overflow,auto set to 0 after read)R/W00042 1 R/W00043 2 R/W00044 3 R/W00045 0DI Latch Status(1: DI latched,0: write to clear latch)R/W00046 1 R/W00047 2 R/W00048 3 R/WAddress 4X Channel Description Attribute40211 - Module Name 1 Read40212 - Module Name 2 Read40301 All DI DI Value Read40303 All DO DO Value R/W40001~40002 0Counter/FrequencyValueRead40003~40004 1 Read40005~40006 2 Read40007~40008 3 Read
WISE-4000 User Manual 8440009~40010 0Pulse Output Low Level WidthR/W40011~40012 1 R/W40013~40014 2 R/W40015~40016 3 R/W40017~40018 0Pulse Output High Level WidthR/W40019~40020 1 R/W40021~40022 2 R/W40023~40024 3 R/W40025~40026 0Set Absolute Pulse Output NumberR/W40027~40028 1 R/W40029~40030 2 R/W40031~40032 3 R/W40033~40034 0Set IncrementalPulse Output NumberR/W40035~40036 1 R/W40037~40038 2 R/W40039~40040 3 R/W
85 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix A I/O Modbus Mapping TableA.7 WISE-4060 Wireless Modbus Mapping TableAddress 0X Channel Description Attribute00001 0DI ValueRead00002 1 Read00003 2 Read00004 3 Read00017 0DO ValueR/W00018 1 R/W00019 2 R/W00020 3 R/W00033 0Counter Status(0: stop1: start)R/W00034 1 R/W00035 2 R/W00036 3 R/W00037 0Clear Counter(1: write to clear value)Write00038 1 Write00039 2 Write00040 3 Write00041 0Clear Overflow(1: counter overflow,auto set to 0 after read)R/W00042 1 R/W00043 2 R/W00044 3 R/W00045 0DI Latch Status(1: DI latched,0: write to clear latch)R/W00046 1 R/W00047 2 R/W00048 3 R/WAddress 4X Channel Description Attribute40211 - Module Name 1 Read40212 - Module Name 2 Read40301 All DI DI Value Read40303 All DO DO Value R/W40001~40002 0Counter/FrequencyValueRead40003~40004 1 Read40005~40006 2 Read40007~40008 3 Read
WISE-4000 User Manual 8640009~40010 0Pulse Output Low Level WidthR/W40011~40012 1 R/W40013~40014 2 R/W40015~40016 3 R/W40017~40018 0Pulse Output High Level WidthR/W40019~40020 1 R/W40021~40022 2 R/W40023~40024 3 R/W40025~40026 0Set Absolute Pulse Output NumberR/W40027~40028 1 R/W40029~40030 2 R/W40031~40032 3 R/W40033~40034 0Set IncrementalPulse Output NumberR/W40035~40036 1 R/W40037~40038 2 R/W40039~40040 3 R/W
Appendix BBREST for WISE-4000 Series
WISE-4000 User Manual 88B.1 IntroductionREpresentational State Transfer (REST) is a design style of software architecture forWeb application behaves and services including image indication, resource requestand response and message delivery. It can be developed compatible with popularprotocols or standards like HTTP, URI, JSON, HTML. With the advantage of scalabil-ity, simplicity and performance, it's already adopted in Web service by Amazon,Yahoo. The Web service of  is developed based on HTML5 language, if user need tointegrate this into other Web services, the following information/command list shouldbe referred for implementation.
89 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesB.2 REST Resources for WISE-4000 SeriesB.2.1 Digital InputB.2.1.1 /di_value/slot_index/ch_numDescription Retrieves information about the digital input value resource on specific slot.URL Structure MethodGET:Returns the representation of all of digital input value resource.PUT:Replace all of digital input value resourcePATCH:Apply partial modifications to digital input value resource.
WISE-4000 User Manual 90GETMultiple Channel Request:GET /di_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:GET /di_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: GET /di_value/slot_0Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{  "DIVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "Md":0,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,      "Md":0,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":2,      "Md":1,      "Stat":0,      "Val":3378,      "Cnting":1,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,      "Md":3,      "Stat":0,      "Val":1,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    }  ]}Request : GET /di_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{      "Ch":2,      "Md":0,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0}
91 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesPUTSingle/Multiple Channel Request:PUT /di_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:PUT /di_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: PUT /di_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{"DIVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "Md":0,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,      "Md":0,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":2,      "Md":1,      "Stat":0,      "Val":3378,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":1,      "OvLch": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,      "Md":3,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":0,      "OvLch": 0    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PUT /di_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/json{      "Ch":2,      "Md":1,      "Stat":0,      "Val":3378,      "Cnting":0,      "ClrCnt":1,      "OvLch": 0}Response: 200 OK
WISE-4000 User Manual 92JSON array name definition:PATCHSingle/Multiple Channel Request:PATCH /di_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:PATCH /di_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: PATCH /di_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{"DIVal": [    {      "Ch":2,      "Cnting": 1    },    {      "Ch":3,      "OvLch":0    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PATCH /di_value/slot_0/ch_3Content-type: application/json{"Ch":3,      "ClrCnt":1}Response: 200 OKField Abbreviation Data TypeArray of Digital input configurations DIVal Array
93 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesResource value definitions:Field Abbreviation Data Type Property DescriptionChannel Number Ch Number R 0, 1, …: Digital input channel number.Mode Md Number RDigital input mode.Signal Logic Status Stat Number R 1, 0: Input signal is Logic High or Low.Channel Value Val Number RDI measurement dataStart Counter Cnting Number RWStart/Stop counter countingRead1 : counter is counting0 : not countingWrite1 : start counting0 : stop countingClear Counter ClrCnt Number W 1 : Clear the counter valueGet/Clear Counter Overflow or Latch Sta-tusOvLch Number RWcounter overflow or latch statusRead1 : overflow/latch occurred. 0 : no overflow or latchWrite0 : clear the overflow or latch status0DI1   Counter2 LowToHighLatch3 HighToLowLatch4 FrequencyInput Mode Value DescriptionDI Logic Status of DICounter Counter ValueLowToHighLatch Logic status of DIHighToLowLatch Logic status of DIFrequency  Frequency(unity 0.1 Hz
WISE-4000 User Manual 94B.2.2 Digital OutputB.2.2.1 /do_value/slot_index/ch_numDescription Retrieves information about the digital output value resource on specific slot.URL Structure MethodGET:Returns the representation of all of digital output value resource.PUT:Replace all of digital output value resourcePATCH:Apply partial modifications to digital output value resource.
95 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesGETMultiple Channel Request:GET /do_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:GET /do_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: GET /do_value/slot_0Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{  "DOVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "Md":0,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,      "Md":0,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":2,      "Md":1,      "Stat":1,      "Val":3378,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,      "Md":3,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    }  ]}Request : GET /do_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{      "Ch":2,      "Md":0,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0}
WISE-4000 User Manual 96PUTSingle/Multiple Channel Request:PUT /do_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:PUT /do_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: PUT /do_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{  "DOVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "Md":0,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,      "Md":0,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":2,      "Md":1,      "Stat":1,      "Val":3378,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,      "Md":3,      "Stat":1,      "Val":1,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PUT /do_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/json{      "Ch":2,      "Md":2,      "Stat":0,      "Val":0,      "PsCtn":0,      "PsStop":0,      "PsIV": 0}Response: 200 OK
97 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesJSON array name definition:PATCHSingle/Multiple Channel Request:PATCH /do_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:PATCH /do_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: PATCH /do_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{"DOVal": [    {      "Ch":2,      "Md": 2    },    {      "Ch":3,      "PsStop":1    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PATCH /do_value/slot_0/ch_3Content-type: application/json{"Ch":3,      "PsCtn":1}Response: 200 OKField Abbreviation Data TypeArray of Digital input configurations DOVal Array
WISE-4000 User Manual 98Resource value definitions:Field Abbreviation Data Type Property DescriptionChannel Number Ch Number R 0, 1, …: Digital output channel number.Mode Md Number RDigital output mode.Signal Logic Status Stat Number R 1, 0: Output signal is Logic High or Low.Channel Value Val Number RWDO measurement dataOutput ModeValue DescriptionDOGet the current signal status or set its statusPulse OutputGet or set the absolute pulse count valueLowToHighDelayGet the current signal status or set its statusHighToLowDelayGet the current signal status or set its statusPulse Output Continue State PsCtn Number RW 1 / 0: Pulse outputting is continuous or not.Stop Pulse Output PsStop Number W1: Stop the pulse outputting.(Continue is disabled, Absolute and incremental values are reset to zero. DO signal status is set to logic low.)Incremental Pulse Out-put Value PsIV Number RW Incremental Pulse Output Value0DO1 Pulse Output2 LowToHighDelay3 HighToLowDelay
99 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesB.2.3 Analog InputB.2.3.1 /ai_value/slot_index/ch_numDescription Retrieves information about the analog input value resource on specific slot.URL Structure MethodGET:Returns the representation of all of analog input value resource.PUT:NonePATCH:Apply partial modifications to analog input value resource.
WISE-4000 User Manual 100GETMultiple Channel Request:GET /ai_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:GET /ai_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request : GET /ai_value/slot_0Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{  "AIVal": [    {      "Ch":0,"En":1,      "Rng":328,      "Val":148,      "Eg":650,      "Evt":0,      "LoA": 0,      "HiA": 0,      "HVal":190,      "HEg":1250,      "LVal":15,      "LEg":500,      "SVal":148,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,"En":1,      "Rng":328,      "Val":0,      "Eg":0,      "Evt":0,      "LoA":0,      "HiA":0,      "HVal":0,      "HEg":0,      "LVal":0,      "LEg":0,      "SVal":0,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    },    {      "Ch":2,"En":1,
101 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 Series      "Rng":328,      "Val":0,      "Eg":0,      "Evt":8,      "LoA":0,      "HiA":0,      "HVal":0,      "HEg":0,      "LVal":0,      "LEg":0,      "SVal":0,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,"En":1,      "Rng":328,      "Val":0,      "Eg":0,      "Evt":0,      "LoA":0,      "HiA":0,      "HVal":0,      "HEg":0,      "LVal":0,      "LEg":0,      "SVal":0,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    },    {      "Ch":4,"En":1,      "Rng":328,      "Val":0,      "Eg":0,      "Evt":0,      "LoA":0,      "HiA":0,      "HVal":0,      "HEg":0,      "LVal":0,      "LEg":0,      "SVal":0,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    }  ]}Request : GET /ai_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{      "Ch":2,"En":1,      "Rng":328,      "Val":0,      "Eg":0,      "Evt":8,      "LoA":0,      "HiA":0,      "HVal":0,      "HEg":0,      "LVal":0,      "LEg":0,      "SVal":0,      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0}PUT None
WISE-4000 User Manual 102JSON array name definition:PATCHSingle/Multi Channel Request:PATCH /ai_value/slot_indexSingle Channel Request:PATCH /ai_value/slot_index/ch_num[Example]Request: PATCH /ai_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{"AIVal": [    {      "Ch":2,      "LoA": 0    },    {      "Ch":3,      "HiA":0    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PATCH /ai_value/slot_0/ch_3Content-type: application/json{      "LoA":0}Response: 200 OKField Abbreviation Data TypeArray of Analog input configurations AIVal Array
103 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesResource value definitions (Total channels = AI channel number + 1 average channel):Field Abbreviation Data Type Property DescriptionChannel Number Ch Number R0, 1, …: Analog input channel number.Note for the average channel:The average channel number for a 4-ch AI module is 4.Input Range Rng Number RAnalog input range.Channel Enable En Number R1 / 0: Enable / Disable AI conversionNotice: Average channel is read only. When channel mask of average is not 0, the value is 1.Channel Raw Value Val Number R 0 ~ 65535:AI measurement data (Raw data)Channel Engi-neering data Eg Number RAI engineering data, the value is 1/1000 scale.For example, 1630  1.63Channel Event Status Evt Number R AI statusesLow Alarm Status LoA Number RWLow alarm statusRead1 : low alarm occurred.0 : not occurred Write0 : clear the low alarm statusHigh Alarm Status HiA Number RWHigh alarm statusRead1 : high alarm occurred.0 : not occurred Write0 : clear the high alarm statusMaximum AI Raw Value HVal Number R AI max. measurement data (Raw data)Range code328 (0x0148) 0 – 10 V259 (0x0103) +/- 150 mV260 (0x0104) +/- 500 mV320 (0x0140) +/- 1 V321 (0x0141) +/- 2.5 V322 (0x0142) +/- 5 V323 (0x0143) +/- 10 V327 (0x0147) 0 ~ 5 V384 (0x0180) 4 ~ 20 mA385 (0x0181) +/- 20 mA386 (0x0182) 0 ~ 20 mA65535 Invalid range, if avechannel is disable
WISE-4000 User Manual 104Maximum AI Engineering data HEg Number RAI max. engineering data, the value is 1/1000 scaleFor example, 1020010.2Minimum AI Raw Value LVal Number R AI min. measurement data (Raw data)Minimum AI Engineering data LEg Number RAI min. engineering data, the value is 1/1000 scaleFor example, 250  0.25Channel Raw Value After Scal-ingSVal Number R 0 ~ 65535 : AI measurement data (Raw data) after scalingClear Maximum AI Value ClrH Number W 1 : Clear the Maximum AI valueClear Minimum AI Value ClrL Number W 1 : Clear the Minimum AI value* AI Status (2 Registers)Lower Register Higher RegisterBit Description Bit Description0 Fail to Provide AI Value 0 DI triggered to Safety Value1 Over Range 1 DI triggered to Startup Value2 Under Range 2 Reserved3 Open Circuit / Burnout 3 Reserved4 Reserved 4 Reserved5 Reserved 5 Reserved6 Reserved 6 Reserved7 ADC Initializing/Error 7 Reserved8 Reserved 8 Reserved9 Zero/Span Calibration Error 9 Reserved10 Reserved 10 Reserved11 Reserved 11 Reserved12 Reserved 12 Reserved13 Reserved 13 Reserved14 Reserved 14 Reserved15 Reserved 15 Reserved
105 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 SeriesB.2.4 Data LoggerB.2.4.1 /log_messageDescription Retrieves the log data in system memory. URL Structure Method GET: According to the setting of filtering, server returns the all/partial of logged data.GETRequest:GET /log_message[Example]:Request: GET /log_message for WISE-4060/LAN moduleContent-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{  "LogMsg": [    {      "PE":128,      "TIM":"2014-11-11T15:48:32+08:00","UID":"ADAM-T160_00D0C9FE1601","MAC":"00-D0-C9-FE-16-01","Record" : [[0,3,3,1],[0,2,4,150],[0,5,5,250]]    },    {      "PE":128,      "TIM":"2014-11-11T15:49:44+08:00","UID":"ADAM-T160_00D0C9FE1601","MAC":"00-D0-C9-FE-16-01","Record" : [[0,3,3,0],[0,2,4,140],[0,5,5,240]]    },    {      "PE":128,      "TIM":"2014-11-11T15:51:02+08:00","UID":"ADAM-T160_00D0C9FE1601","MAC":"00-D0-C9-FE-16-01","Record" : [[0,3,3,0],[0,2,4,130],[0,5,5,230]]    }  ]}
WISE-4000 User Manual 106JSON array name definition:Resource value definitions:RemarksField Abbreviation Data TypeArray of log messages LogMsg ArrayArray of I/O records Record ArrayField Abbreviations Data type Property DescriptionPeriodic/Event 128 Number RRecording mode of storageTimestamp TIM String RTimestamp of the storage“Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)Ex. “1415757750” corresponds to November 12, 2014, 2:02:30 am, Standard Time.(meanwhile, 2014, 10:02:30 am, Taipei Time.)“Local Date/Time according GMT time zone (ISO 8601)Ex. “1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00” corresponds to Novem-ber 5, 1994, 8:15:30 am, US Eastern Standard Time.UUID UID String R Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)Max. 32 charactersMAC ID MAC String R MAC address.(12+5) characters, ex, “00-D0-C9-F0-63-F7Recording message Record Array R* The information in array is as follows.[Slot-index, Channel-index, I/O-type-index, I/O-value]* The data type in array is as follows. [Number, Number, Number, Number]Notice: When the I/O-type-index is engineering type (12, 13, 14, 18), the I/O value is 1/1000 scale.1Event fromDI2DO4AI8AO16 WDT128 PeriodicIndex Recording I/O-type of the storage0Invalid1DI Logic Status2DI Counter value3DI Frequency value4DO Logic Status5DO Absolute Pulse Output value6DO Incremental Pulse Output Value7AI value8Historical Maximum AI value9Historical Minimum AI value10 AI value after scaling11 AI status flags12 AI engineering value13 Historical Maximum AI engineering value14 Historical Minimum AI engineering value15 AO value16 AO value after scaling17 AO status flags18 AO engineering value
107 WISE-4000 User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4000 Series
www.advantech.comPlease verify specifications before quoting. This guide is intended for referencepurposes only.All product specifications are subject to change without notice.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permis-sion of the publisher.All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies.© Advantech Co., Ltd. 2015
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.   This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.    If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  z Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. z Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. z Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. z Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  15.21  警語 FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:   1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 2. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.
Notes and Warnings to the User and Installer: Caution:  This Installation Guide is intended for use by the professional wireless LAN system installer. The device cannot be sold retail, to the general public or by mail order. It must be sold to dealers or have strict marketing control.   Warning: It is the responsibility of the professional installer to ensure that the system is used exclusively for fixed, point-to-point operations.   Warning: When using the device in the United States (or where FCC rules apply), it is the responsibility of the professional installer to ensure to control the output power not greater then the application.    低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法 第十二條  經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。    第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。

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