Agrident ABR200 ABR200 OEM RFID Reader Module (134.2kHz) User Manual 1 Headline

Agrident Corporation ABR200 OEM RFID Reader Module (134.2kHz) 1 Headline


Users Manual 2

  Agrident GmbH, Steinklippenstr. 10, D-30890 Barsinghausen Phone +49 5105 582573-10 - Fax +49 5105 582573-17     ABR200  Integration Manual    F i r m w a r e   v 1 . 12 and higher   V14/07/16
14/07/16      Page 2 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual                                          © Copyright 2016 by Agrident GmbH  TB  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Agrident GmbH.  Agrident GmbH reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of this documentation without obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.  July 2016  Agrident GmbH Steinklippenstr. 10 30890 Barsinghausen Germany Phone +49 (0) 51 05 582573-10 Fax     +49 (0) 51 05 582573-17 E-Mail:
14/07/16      Page 3 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual Content  1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4 2 Pinout .................................................................................................................. 5 3 Power Supply options .......................................................................................... 6 3.1 Power supply 2.2V – 4.5V ............................................................................ 6 3.2 Power supply 5.0V ....................................................................................... 7 3.3 Power supply from 5V USB .......................................................................... 8 3.4 The ENABLE pin .......................................................................................... 9 4 Current consumption ........................................................................................... 9 4.1 Current consumption for 2.2V – 4.5V input voltage ...................................... 9 4.1.1 RF-on .................................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 RF-off .................................................................................................. 11 4.1.3 Power supply disabled ........................................................................ 11 4.2 Current consumption for 5.0V input voltage ............................................... 11 5 Interface options ................................................................................................ 12 5.1 UART interface ........................................................................................... 12 5.2 USB interface ............................................................................................. 13 6 The GPIOs ........................................................................................................ 13 7 Connecting the antenna .................................................................................... 14 8 Mechanical Dimensions ..................................................................................... 15 9 Mounting the ABR200 ....................................................................................... 15 10 International Approvals .................................................................................. 16 11 Trouble shooting ............................................................................................ 18
14/07/16      Page 4 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual 1  Introduction The ABR200 is a low frequency ISO11784/11785 compliant OEM RFID reader module working on  134.2  KHz.  It  has  been  designed  for  the integration into  mobile  devices  like  PDAs.  The ABR200 is not intended to be used as a stationary reader. For stationary readers you should use a model from the ASR range.    Agrident provides an Evaluation Board in order to make the development of an own software interface easier for customers. In case of using the ABR200 with the Evaluation Kit, the reader board is powered by voltage regulators which are supplied with 12 to 24V from a DC power supply. The reader can be connected to a desktop PC using the RS232 or the USB connector on the Evaluation Board. However, this setup is different from the use of the reader board in the final application and has the purpose to evaluate the ABR200 only.  The next picture shows the evaluation board for the ABR200 OEM reader module. For further details  about  the  evaluation  board  please  see  the  separate  document “EVK200_Evaluation_Board_for_ABR200_eng.pdf”    EVK200 evaluation board with ABR200
14/07/16      Page 5 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  2  Pinout The ABR200 has one connection terminal on the left side an another one on the right side. Each terminal has 10 pins and the pitch is 2.54mm. The pin assignment can be found in the table below.    Left Right 1 USB-DP Ant-1 2 USB-DM Ant-2 (CP) 3 UART-RXD Ant-3 (CP) 4 UART-TXD GND 5 GND ENABLE 6 GPIO1 GND 7 GPIO2 5V-IN 8 GPIO3 5V-OUT 9 GPIO4 GND 10 GPIO5 BAT-IN         The orientation of the drawing on the left side matches with the orientation of the picture on the right side.
14/07/16      Page 6 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  3  Power Supply options The ABR200 is quite flexible concerning the choice of the power supply. The two different options for supplying the reader module with power are listed below.   2.2V – 4.5V DC (e.g. Lithium battery or 3 NiMH cells in series)     5V from voltage regulator (linear, stabilized, low ripple voltage)  For both options the power supply should be stabilized as good as possible. Ripple and noise should be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the reading performance might suffer.   If the power source is a switch-mode regulator, the switching frequency of the converter should be as high as possible. The ABR200 also offers the possibility to synchronize other converters with a multiple of the RF frequency, which is the best possible scenario for avoiding EMI problems caused by external switch-mode regulators.   Generally  a  battery  is the  most  stable  power  supply  –  there is  no  ripple  and  no  noise.  The ABR200s on-board step-up converter does not cause any problems because it runs synchronized with the RF field as well.   3.1  Power supply 2.2V – 4.5V If the module should be connected to the battery of a mobile device, the ABR200s on-board boost converter needs to be used in order to supply certain parts of the module with 5.0 Volts. Therefore the battery voltage has to be connected to “BAT-IN” of the module. In addition there needs to be a connection between “5V-OUT” and “5V-IN”.   In order to enable the modules power supply, the “Enable” pin must be driven higher than 1.2V.     The above diagram shows the connection for input voltages between 2.2V and 4.5V.
14/07/16      Page 7 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  3.2  Power supply 5.0V In case the ABR200 should be supplied with 5.0V directly, the modules on-board boost converter is not used. The 5.0V have to be connected to the “5V-IN” pin of the reader. The pins “BAT-IN” and “5V-OUT” are not used here and should be left open.  For switching on the ABR200s power supply, the “Enable” pin must be driven higher than 1.2V.      The diagram above shows the connection in case of providing 5.0VDC.
14/07/16      Page 8 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual   3.3  Power supply from 5V USB A clean FDX signal is shown below. There is no noise present.    The next screenshot shows the same signal but in this case the module is directly supplied from the USB port of a computer.     The peaks you can see in the signal are caused by an instable USB voltage. The transmitter voltage on the module is not stable enough any longer and this causes the peaks in the signal. The FDX reading range will be reduced in this case, so please try to avoid using USB ports for supplying the module with power. The USB specification even allows the voltage to drop some hundred millivolt if a particular amount of current is drawn from the USB port. This is ok for most USB devices but not for sensitive RFID readers.
14/07/16      Page 9 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual 3.4  The ENABLE pin The modules power supply has to be activated via the pin “Enable”. This applies to both power supply options, 2.2V to 4.5V or 5.0V. This pin must be driven higher than 1.2V - but 5.0V is the maximum - in order to switch on the ABR200. The maximum allowed voltage for keeping the reader deactivated is 0.4V.   The Enable line has an on-board pull-down resistor of 1MΩ in order to prevent floating levels.   4  Current consumption Generally there are three different operating states concerning power consumption:  1.  ENABLE is low – the modules power supply is switched off 2.  Enable is high and RF is on – the module is operating and RF is on 3.  Enable is high and RF is off – the module is running but the field is not activated   4.1  Current consumption for 2.2V – 4.5V input voltage In case the ABR200 should be powered from a battery, the modules on-board boost converter has to be used. This converter is able to generate 5.00V from input voltages in the range between 2.2V and 4.5V. The lower the input voltage, the higher the input current.  4.1.1  RF-on    The diagram shows the current drawn from the battery depending on the battery voltage. As you can see, the current is higher than  700mA  at 2.2 Volts  input, which  corresponds  to a power consumption of more than 1.4W.  Here some detailed values from the specified input voltage range:  Voltage 2.2V 2.5V 3.0V 3.5V 4.0V 4.5V Current 713mA 592mA 471mA 393mA 337mA 299mA  These values apply if the field is activated. The antenna used for these tests has a very high Q factor  (Agrident  100mm  ferrite  antenna).  If  antennas  with  lower  Qs  are  used,  the  current consumption will be lower accordingly.   01002003004005006007008002,202,302,402,502,602,702,802,903,003,103,203,303,403,503,603,703,803,904,004,104,204,304,404,50Input Current in mAInput Voltage in VInput Voltage vs Input Current - RF on
14/07/16      Page 10 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  The power consumption in this operating mode is shown below:    The power consumption decreases as the input voltage rises. This has to do with the efficiency of the ABR200s boost converter.     The efficiency of the converter is better at higher input voltages.  On the output side the converter delivers 5.00V. The current in RF-on mode is quite constant with about 250mA.    120012501300135014001450150015501600165017002,202,302,402,502,602,702,802,903,003,103,203,303,403,503,603,703,803,904,004,104,204,304,404,50Input Power in mWInput Voltage in VInput Voltage vs Input Power - RF on657075808590951002,202,302,402,502,602,702,802,903,003,103,203,303,403,503,603,703,803,904,004,104,204,304,404,50Efficiency in percentInput Voltage in VInput Voltage vs Efficiency
14/07/16      Page 11 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  4.1.2  RF-off When the RF is not activated, the current consumption is much lower.    Anyway, this is not really a “power saving mode” because the input currents are still in a range between 80mA (at 4.5V) and 175mA (at 2.2V). Thus it is highly recommended to shut down the ABR200 completely, after a tag has been read.   4.1.3  Power supply disabled If the ENABLE pin is disabled (ENABLE lower than 0.4V), the input current is smaller than 4µA.   4.2  Current consumption for 5.0V input voltage When the ENABLE pin is active (voltage between 1.2V and 5.0V) and the RF-field is activated, the current consumption of the ABR200 is about 250mA.   In  case  ENABLE  is  active  but  the  RF-field  is  switched  off,  the  current  consumption  is approximately 70mA.  If the ENABLE pin is low (voltage lower than 0.4V), the current consumption of the module is less than 1µA.     5070901101301501701902102,202,302,402,502,602,702,802,903,003,103,203,303,403,503,603,703,803,904,004,104,204,304,404,50Input Current in mAInput Voltage in VInput Voltage vs Input Current - RF off
14/07/16      Page 12 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  5  Interface options The ABR200 offers two different interface options, a UART interface and USB. Both are working independently of each other. Thus they could also be used simultaneously.    5.1  UART interface  The modules UART interface is working on 3.3V level but the RxD line is 5V tolerant. The TxD line always transmits at 3.3V and thus level shifters might be required if your UART only works at 5V (i.e.: if your UART is not 3.3V tolerant).  The ABR200 is using the following interface parameters:    9600 Baud to 115200 Baud (configurable, default is 9600)   1 Start Bit   8 Data Bits   No Parity   1 Stop Bit          Please keep in mind that RxD and TxD need to be crossed. Where one device transmits data, the other device receives data and vice versa.  The TxD line contains a 1KΩ resistor on the ABR200 for current limiting in order to protect the processor on the reader.  The RxD line contains a pull-up resistor to 3.3V and a diode in series on the ABR200. This ensures that the RxD level at the ABR200s processor cannot exceed 3.3V – even if another device uses 5V UART level.  Please  ensure  that  the  UART  of  your  controller  is  configured  to  the  same  baud  rate  as  the controller of the ABR200 – otherwise the communication will not work at all.
14/07/16      Page 13 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  5.2  USB interface The USB interface of the ABR200 is provided by the processor on the module. The interface uses USB-CDC (USB Communication Device Class). This is different to the previous reader module ABR105, which used an FTDI USB chip.  The USB data lines (USB-DP and USB-DM) are using a level of 3.3V as per USB specification.    The diagram above shows how to connect USB on the ABR200.  For  USB  the  configured  baud  rate  does  not  matter  since  the  devices  are  negotiating  the communication speed on their own in case of USB.  Agrident can already provide a USB driver installer for Windows desktop computers. Currently we  are  working on a  solution for a driver for Windows CE and Windows Mobile. A  driver for Android devices should be available here:   6  The GPIOs There are five GPIOs available on the ABR200. At the moment they are used for the following purposes:  GPIO Input / Output Function Description 1 Output Read indicates a successful tag read 2 Output RF-On indicates that the RF-field is activated 3 Output Power indicates that the module power is switched on 4 RFU RFU reserved for future use 5 Output PWM_Out PWM output for synchronizing external switch-mode regulators; frequency depends on BAT-IN voltage  All GPIOs have 1KΩ series resistors on the ABR200 for current limiting and thus protecting the modules processor.  If you want to indicate particular events with LEDs directly from the ABR200 GPIOs, you have to use additional transistors. The GPIOs themselves cannot drive LEDs.  If you do not use particular GPIOs, please leave those pins open!
14/07/16      Page 14 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual   7  Connecting the antenna The antenna has to be connected between pin 1 and pin 2 of the terminal on the right side.       The ABR200 comes with the on-board resonant circuit capacitors tuned for antennas  with an inductance of 275µH. That means you cannot use antennas with a higher inductance at all. If your antenna has a smaller inductance than 275µH – maybe because you have an air-coil antenna – you can add more capacitance between pin 2 and pin 3 as shown in the diagram above. The capacitors might be soldered to you PCB during production as fixed values or you can set them using jumpers like shown in this example.  However, tuning the circuit to resonance is always necessary in order to achieve the optimum reading performance. Please see the antenna tuning manual for further details.  For details concerning the location of antenna and module, please refer to the separate document “ABR200_AN_Location_Antenna-Module_eng”.
14/07/16      Page 15 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  8  Mechanical Dimensions   30mm32,5mm26mm13mmL.1 R.1   Height 26 mm Width 32,5 mm Depth 8 mm   9  Mounting the ABR200 The ABR200 does not need any mounting bolts. It can be soldered to the customers PCB directly. Since it  has  two  10-pin  connectors,  one  on  the  left and  the  other one  on  the right  side,  no additional fixing is required.
14/07/16      Page 16 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual 10  International Approvals  FCC and IC digital device limitations   The FCC approval is only valid with the tested antenna “ANT002”. If other antennas should be used, the complete FCC Part 15 B test procedure has to be repeated!  Any additional antenna may be used with this device, provided that the new antenna is from same type and has equal or lesser gain than the certified antenna(s). The usage of any new antenna type or higher gain antenna require either a Class II Permissive Change (add new antennas) by the Grantee (Agrident) or a complete new authorization under a new FCC ID by the responsible partyfor compliance.   Labeling of end product:  The final end-product must be labeled clearly visible with the following "Contains FCC ID: QG2ABR200" and "Contains IC: 6252A-ABR200"  If the size of the end-product is larger than 8 x 10 cm, the following FCC Part 15.19 statement shall be also placed on the device:  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.   Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.   L'utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux deux conditions suivantes:  (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.  If the size of the end product is too small (smaller than 8 x 10 cm) or it is not practicable to place this statement on the end-product; this statement shall be placed in a prominent location in the instruction manual or pamphlet supplied to the user or alternatively shall be placed on the container in which the device is sold.
14/07/16      Page 17 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual  User Manual of the end-product:  The end user has to be informed that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.    FCC §15.105 Information to the user  (a)  For  a  Class  A  digital  device  or  peripheral,  the instructions furnished  the  user  shall include  the following or similar statement, placed in a prominent location in the text of the manual:   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.     Canadian Radio Emissions Requirement  This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.   CE MARKING  Hereby,  Agrident  GmbH  declares  that  this  equipment,  if  used  according  to  the  instructions,  is  in compliance  with  the  essential  requirements  and  other  relevant  provisions  of  the  RTTE  Directive 1999/5/EC. For use in all countries of the EU.   To obtain a copy, contact Agrident GmbH and request  the “Declaration of Conformity” document for Multi-technology readers.  Agrident GmbH  In case of alteration of the product, not agreed to by us, this declaration will lose its validity.  This  symbol  indicates  proof  of  conformity  to  applicable  European  Economic Community Council directives and harmonized standards published in the official journal of the European Communities.
14/07/16      Page 18 of 18      ABR200 Integration Manual                                                11  Trouble shooting For any problem please contact us:  Agrident GmbH Steinklippenstr. 10 30890 Barsinghausen Germany  Telephone   +49 5105 582573-10 FAX  +49 5105 582573-17  Mail:

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