Alcatel Lucent USA ONEBTS-11 UMTS-CDMA Transceiver System (850) User Manual 401703454i1
Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. UMTS-CDMA Transceiver System (850) 401703454i1
users manual a
Lucent CDMA 3G 1xEV Powered by Bell Labs™ EXHIBIT 4: Installation Manual The Installation manual is provided. Applicant: Lucent Technologies FCC ID: AS5ONEBTS-11 Page 1 of 1 Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B Outdoor Cabinet Installation Manual 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 February, 2006 Lucent Technologies - Proprietary This document contains proprietary information of Lucent Technologies and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements Copyright 2006 Lucent Technologies Unpublished and Not for Publication All Rights Reserved Copyright 2006 Lucent Technologies. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected by the copyright and trade secret laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed or altered in any fashion by any entity, (either internal or external to Lucent Technologies) except in accordance with applicable agreements, contracts or licensing, without the expressed written consent of the Information Products and Training organization and the business management owner of the material. Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this Information Product (IP) was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change. Trademarks All trademarks and service marks specified herein are owned by their respective companies. Ordering Information The ordering number for this IP is 401-703-414. To order this IP, use one of the following numbers to call the Lucent Technologies Customer Information Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Within the United States: 1-888-LUCENT8 (1-888-582-3688; fax 1-800-566-9568) From Canada: 1-317-322-6615 (fax 1-317-322-6699) From all other countries: 1-317-322-6416 (fax 1-317-322-6699) Technical Support For technical support, see “To obtain documentation, training, and technical support, or submit feedback” on the 401-010-001 FlexentAUTOPLEXWireless Networks System Documentation CD-ROM or the documentation web site at customer.support_toc.pdf.wen Technical Support Telephone Numbers Lucent Technologies provides technical assistance support for its wireless products. The support numbers are: Support via Customer Technical Support (CTS) in the United States: 1-866-LUCENT8 (1-866-582-3688) From all other countries: 1-630-224-4672 Alternate: 1-800-CAL-4NSC (1-800-225-4672) Developed by Lucent Technologies Contents About this information productt About this information product Installation process Physical installation process chart - xxii Physical installation process table - xxii Installation Procedure checklists - xxiii Overview of the Flexent Modular Cell4.0B cabinet installation General information 1- 3 Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets 1- 2 Torque requirements 1- 29 Tools, supplies, and parts required (master list) 1- 31 Safety precautions 1- 34 Safety - General precautions for installation procedures 1- 35 Safety - Specific hazards 1- 37 Safety labels 1- 40 Product safety 1- 41 FCC statements 1- 42 Canadian standards 1- 45 Eco-environmental statements 1- 46 Packaging collection and recycling 1- 48 Minimum installation temperatures 1- 49 Network description 1- 51 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary Use pursuant to company instructions C O N T E N T S 2 Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinet handling, placement, anchoring and grounding Installation of anchors and optional mounting bases, if applicable 2- 2 Cabinet handling 2- 21 Cabinet placement, anchoring and grounding 2- 28 Cable connections in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets Cable connection references 3- 2 Installation of the GPS antenna jumper cable for the 4.0B primary 3- 3 cabinet Connection of the conduit with T1/E1 lines and external user alarms 3- 13 cables to a 4.0B primary cabinet How to route the T1/E1 cable(s) to a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band 3- 16 cabinet in a line-up that has a Modular Cell 3.0, 4.0, or 4.0B primary cabinet with integrated power How to route the T1/E1 cable(s) to a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band 3- 18 cabinet in a line-up that has a Modular Cell 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, or 4.0B primary cabinet without integrated power Routing of T1/E1 and user alarm cables into a Modular Cell 4.0B 3- 27 cabinet Connection of T1/E1 Lines to the EFIM punchdowns in Modular Cell 3- 35 4.0B cabinets Connection of user alarms to the EFIM punchdown blocks in the 3- 48 Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ C O N T E N T S ii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary Use pursuant to company instructions 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 4 Power and alarm connections in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets with integrated power Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets without integrated power that utilize non- 4- 2 Lucent power (reference) Power and alarm wiring overview 4- 3 Safety precautions 4- 5 How to route and connect the AC utility wires at a Modular Cell 4.0B 4- 6 primary or dual band cabinet How to make the cable connections between the first WNG battery 4- 14 cabinet and the 4.0B primary cabinet How to make the cable connections between the second WNG battery 4- 44 cabinet and the first WNG battery cabinet How to install 60ECv2 battery cabinets with a 4.0B primary cabinet with 4- 71 integrated power (reference) Component installation in the Modular Cell 4.0B and the WNG24-BC battery cabinest How to install components in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets 5- 2 How to install batteries in a WNG24-BC battery cabinet 5- 10 How to route the thermal probe cable(s) and mount the thermal probe(s) in the battery cabinets 5- 81 How to make final DC connections after installation of a battery cabinet 5- 84 RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell cabinets and a 4.0B dual band cabinet Procedures for the use of this chapter 6- 2 Routing and connection of RF inter-frame cables to a 4.0B Modular Cell dual band cabinet 6- 8 Finishing the installation Finish the installation of the Modular Cell 4.0B cell site cabinets 7- 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary Use pursuant to company instructions C O N T E N T S iii Appendix A: EZBFo battery frame installation with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets (with integrated power) Appendiix B: Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable routing and connection Appendix C: Post-installation checklists by cabinet Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ C O N T E N T S iv Lucent Technologies – Proprietary Use pursuant to company instructions 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 About this information product Purpose This information product (IP) provides instructions for the physical installation of the following:. • Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B outdoor primary cabinets with integrated power, and the associated WNG24-BC battery cabinets or EZBFo battery frames • Modular Cell 4.0B outdoor dual band cabinets with integrated power, with various Legacy cabinets. • Modular Cell 4.0B outdoor cabinets without integrated power, that utilize customer power For 4.0B Dual Band cabinet installation, a PCS 4.0B dual band cabinet may be installed with an 850 Cellular 4.0B primary cabinet. A PCS 4.0B dual band cabinet may be installed with an 850 Cellular 4.0B primary cabinet. Also, a 4.0B PCS dual band cabinet with integrated power may be installed with 850 Cellular 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 primary and/ or first growth cabinets in certain line-up configurations. Variations in the RF cabling are specified in the text. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page When connecting 60ECv2 and WNG24-BC battery cabinets to PowerHouse 24 and WNG24-K power cabinets, respectively, the instructions are provided in Outdoor Flexent CDMA Modular Cell 1.0/ 2.0 Cabinet Installation Manual, 401-710-123. The tasks mentioned on the previous page are to be performed after completion of all site preparation tasks, which are covered in Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Site Preparation Guidelines, 401-703413. Important! The procedures contained in this IP are based on Lucent Technologies standard practices. Prior to beginning a Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet, or battery cabinet installation, installers should be familiar with these practices. If there is a conflict, standard practices take precedence. However, this IP takes precedence for identification of parts and materials specific to a Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet, or battery cabinet installation. Important! Following installation of the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet, the next step is to test and integrate it into the network. Procedures for testing and integration may be found in Installation Engineering Handbook 238. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vi Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Reason for reissue This is FOA Draft Issue 1 of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B Outdoor Cabinet Installation Manual, document number 401-703-454. This issue incorporates information that was formerly included in the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Cabinet Installation Manual, document number 401-703-414. This issue also incorporates the following new information available as of January, 2006: • New 4.0B cabinet configurations: • 4.0B PCS Dual Band G-2 cabinet installation with existing primary and G1 Legacy cabinets • 4.0B PCS Dual Band G-3 cabinet installation with existing primary, G1 and G2 Legacy cabinets • 4.0B PCS cabinet, four to six sectors added • Increase in PCS carriers available in a 4.0B dual band cabinet to eleven total. • Addition of installation instructions for the dual band integrated power alarm cable • 4.0B Heat exchanger and solar shield table revised • RF cable routing and connection added between a 4.0B PCS Dual Band G-2 or G-3 cabinet and existing Legacy cabinets • Revisions to Appendix B to add an additional DC cable for cabinets with an A6 shelf The following significant changes have been made since the release of Issue 8.0 of document 401-703-414: Significant changes from last issue • In Chapter 1: • Miscellaneous line-up and carrier changes and clarifications • New 4.0B line-up configurations added (see above list). Refer to Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 1 - 8 and Outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site descriptions (typical) on Page 1 15 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page vii • In Chapter 2: • 4.0B heat exchanger and solar shield table revised. Refer to Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on • Page 2 - 69. In Chapter 3: • Addition of installation instructions for the dual band integrated power alarm cable. Refer to Route and punch down the dual band cabinet integrated power alarms on the EFIM in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, if applicable on • In Chapter 4: • • EZBFo footprint figure with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets added. Refer to EZBFo battery frame footprint with Modular Cell 4.0B primary and dual band cabinets on Page A - 5 In Appendix B: • • RF cable routing and connection added between a 4.0B PCS Dual Band G-2 or G-3 cabinets and existing Legacy cabinets. Refer to Routing and connection of RF inter-frame cables to a 4.0B Modular Cell dual band cabinet on Page 6 - 8 In Appendix A: • • AC junction box and conduit paragraph and figure added. Refer to AC conduits on Page 4 - 3 In Chapter 6: • • Page 3 - 49 Revisions to Appendix B to add an additional DC cable for cabinets with an A6 shelf. Refer to How to route and connect DC power cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet on Page B - 18, and How to route and connect DC power cables to a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet on Page B - 54 In "Installation Process": • Revised installation process checklist references as a result of changes made in the applicable chapters and appendices ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... viii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Safety labels The safety alert symbol is used on product labels and in this IP to alert the user to important safety instructions. The definitions of the three types of safety labels are listed below, in order of severity. DANGER DANGER indicates the presence of a hazard that will cause death or severe personal injury if the hazard is not avoided. WARNING WARNING indicates the presence of a hazard that can cause death or severe personal injury if the hazard is not avoided. CAUTION CAUTION indicates the presence of a hazard that will cause minor personal injury or property damage (to include loss of software or interruption of service) if the hazard is not avoided. Within this IP, the safety label typically includes additional information such as the hazard type, a description of the damage that can be caused, and the steps that should be taken to avoid the hazard. Intended audience This IP is intended for use by Lucent Technologies’ installation technicians. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page ix How to use this information product Since this IP contains instructions for the installation of all Modular Cell 4.0B outdoor site cabinets (in all applications and configurations), only certain pages are required for specific installations. In order to isolate the pages required for your current installation, the installer may use the "Installation Procedure Checklist", which lists all installation procedures, by chapter, along with corresponding chapter and page references where the actual instructions can be found. The procedures required for a certain installation are separated by headings which identify the installation activity. This checklist may also be used by installers to record completion of individual installation activities. The checklist contains a "completed" column, and is printed on one side of the page only, in order to facilitate copying. For experienced installers, chapter and page references can be used in the event a particular activity requires review. The Installation Procedure Checklist is included in the "Installation process" chapter, which immediately follows this chapter. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 The following is a general overview of chapter and appendix usage. Installation process Provides an explanation of the installation process, and includes the "Installation Procedure Checklist". After reading Chapter 1, the installer should use the following chapters and appendices, as applicable. Note that a battery cabinet/frame(s) can be installed simultaneously using the same chapter order. For the installation of primary cabinets, use the following chapters and appendices, as applicable Primary 4.0B cabinet with integrated power: Initial installation • Installation Process as a guide to installation steps • Chapters 2 through 5, as applicable, and Chapter 7 to finish the installation Primary 4.0B cabinet without integrated power: Initial installation • Installation Process as a guide to installation steps • Chapters 2 and 3, Appendix B, and Chapter 7 to finish the installation 4.0B dual band cabinet with integrated power: Initial installation • Installation Process as a guide to installation steps • Chapters 2 through 6, as applicable, and Chapter 7 to finish the installation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xi 4.0B dual band cabinet without integrated power: Installation • Installation Process as a guide to installation steps • Chapters 2, 3, and 6, Appendix B, and Chapter 7 to finish the installation For the installation of power cabinets or frames, use the following chapters and appendices, as applicable. If a 4.0B dual band cabinet is installed with existing 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0 cabinets that utilize a PowerHouse24 or WNG power cabinet, the total load for all cabinets is limited to 17kW. The total number of carriers possible in the 4.0B dual band cabinet will be limited. Use of a dual band cabinet with Integrated Power is recommended to overcome this limitation For the installation of additional cabinets, use the following chapters and appendices, as applicable. EZBFo battery frame installation (first and/or second) with a Modular Cell 4.0B primary or dual band cabinet, which has integrated power: • Installation Process as a guide to installation steps • Chapter 2 for handling, placement, anchoring and grounding • Appendix A for installation instructions Subjects covered in this manual are listed below. Installation process Provides an explanation of the installation process, and includes the "Installation Procedure Checklist". Chapter 1 "Overview of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation" provides the following information. • An overview of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets • A description of typical installation sites, as well as cabinets. Chapter 2 "Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinet handling, placement, anchoring and grounding" provides the following information. • Procedures for anchor installation • Instructions for installation of optional mounting bases • Instructions for cabinet handling ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 • Procedures for placement, anchoring and grounding of the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, as well as the first and second WNG battery cabinet • Procedures for placement, anchoring and grounding of Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet. Chapter 3 "Cable connections in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets" provides procedures for connecting the following cables at the primary, or dual band 4.0B Modular Cell cabinets, as applicable. • GPS antenna (primary cabinet only) • T1/E1. • External user alarms (primary cabinet only) Chapter 4 "Power and power alarm connections in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets with integrated power" provides the following procedures for power and power alarm connections. • Customer power references to other chapters and appendices, as well as other documents • AC Utility connection to the primary or dual band cabinet • AC, DC, alarm and fan power cable connections between the first battery cabinet and the primary Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet, as well as between the second battery cabinet and the first battery cabinet • Battery installation procedure revisions (for 66ECv2 battery cabinet with 4.0B with integrated power) Chapter 5 "Component installation in the Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC battery cabinets" provides the following procedures for the installation of power components. • Rectifier and battery installation in the primary and dual band cabinets (for reference only) • Battery installation in the first and second WNG battery cabinets • Final DC connections after installation of the first or second WNG battery cabinet. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xiii Chapter 6 "RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell cabinets and a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet" provides the following procedures for RF connections between cabinets. • Procedures for the use of the chapter • Routing and connection of RF cables between existing Modular Cell cabinets and a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet Chapter 7 "Finishing the installation" provides the following procedures for finishing the installation of individual cabinets. • RF antenna connections (Primary or dual band cabinets) • Final connection of primary cabinet batteries • Replacement of panels and closure of cabinet doors (all cabinets). Appendix A "EZBFo Battery Frame Installation with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets (with integrated power)" provides installation procedures for the installation of the EZBFo battery frame as an alternate to the WNG24-BC procedures presented in Chapters 4 and 5. Appendix B "Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable routing and connection" provides instructions for the connection of non-Lucent customer power at the 4.0B Modular Cell cabinets Appendix C "Post-installation checklist by cabinet" provides checklists to verify completion of required items. Appendix D “Post-installation checklist by cabinet” provides checklists to verify completion of required items. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xiv Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Conventions used The following conventions are used in this IP: Illustrations The illustrations shown in this IP are schematics. They do not contain all details and exceptions, but are rather intended to highlight main points. Dimensions are usually shown in millimeters, with inches in parenthesis. As an example, 680.0 (26.77) equals 680 millimeters or 26.77 inches. Naming conventions The Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet will be referred to as the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet, or merely the 4.0B cabinet. Standard cross-sections and wire diameters of round copper conductors The following table is from IEC standard 60947-1 (c) IEC:1996 +A1:1997+A2:1998. ISO CROSS SECTION (mm2) AWG 120 0000 95 000 70 00 50 35 25 16 10 10 12 2.5 14 1.5 16 16 0.75 18 0.5 20 0.5 22 0.2 24 DIAMETER (mm) AWG 0.81 20 0.65 22 0.51 24 0.4 26 0.32 28 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xv Related documentation The following product-related documentation is available for the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet: Lucent Technologies documents • Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Site Preparation Guidelines, 401-703-413* • Outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 1.0/2.0 Cabinet Installation Manual, 401-710-123* • Grounding and Lightning Protection Guidelines for Lucent Technologies Network Wireless System Cell Sites, 401-200-115* • Base Station CDMA Reference Frequency Timing Generator and GPS Antenna System Description, Operation, Installation and Maintenance, 401-660-128* • Lucent Technologies Installation Engineering Handbook 238* • 12IR125 Series II Batteries KS-23997 Product Manual, Select Code 157-622-025* • Corner Mounted Rotating Derrick Equipped with Hydraulic Digger - Description and Maintenance, 649-300-021* • Slings, 649-310-115* • B Connecting Links, 081-410-105* * May be ordered by contacting Lucent’s Customer Information Center (CIC) at the telephone numbers on the following pages. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xvi Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Related training The following product-related training is available for the Flexent Modular Cell cabinet: Lucent Technologies training Flexent Modular Cell 4.0 Installation Video Course, CL 5494* * May be ordered by contacting Lucent’s Customer Information Center (CIC) at the telephone numbers listed below. Site preparation checklists All site preparation activities, as well as adherence to the guidelines, should be verified prior to the installation of the cell site equipment. Various checklists and punchlist sheets have been provided in Appendix A of the site preparation document (see Related documentation) to aid customers and Lucent personnel during a base station site Method of Procedure (MOP) walk-through prior to the equipment installation. A general list is provided in Chapter 1. Utilization of the checklists helps ensure a quality installation and provides a base station site history file for later reference. The punchlist is used to track completion of any outstanding site preparation items, and to aid in the project management of installation resources. Information Product Support For questions or concerns about this or any other Lucent Technologies information products, please contact us at one of the following numbers: • 1 888 727 3615 (for the continental United States) • 1 630 713 5000 (for all countries) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xvii Technical Support For technical support, contact your local customer support team. You can reach them via the web at ( or at the telephone number listed under the Technical Assistance Center menu at ( At the time of issue of this information product, the following telephone numbers are supported, depending upon the region: North America, Central and Latin America, and Asia Pacific Regions: Customer Technical Assistance Management (CTAM) center: +1 630 713 0488 Europe, Middle East, and African regions: International Customer Management Center (ICTM): +353 1692 4579 How to comment Lucent Technologies makes every effort to ensure that all Flexent/ AUTOPLEX wireless documentation and training products meet your needs. Lucent actively seeks feedback, comments, and suggestions from customers to improve the quality and usability of documentation and training. You may submit feedback about Flexent/AUTOPLEX wireless networks documentation and training via the Internet or email. To submit feedback via e-mail, send comments to: To submit feedback via the Internet, visit the Talk to Lucent web site at: Follow the on-line instructions and submit your feedback to Lucent. The result is that Lucent e-mails you a notice that they have received your feedback, and will respond to it as soon as possible. Lucent e-mails you a notice that they have received your feedback, and will respond to it as soon as possible. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xviii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 How to order this information product How to order The ordering number for this IP is 401-703-414. If you order by mail, address your request to: Lucent Technologies Learning Organization Attention: Order Entry Section 2855 N. Franklin Road P.O. Box 19901 Indianapolis, IN 46219 USA To order by phone, please contact the Lucent Technologies Customer Information Center (CIC) at the following numbers: • Within the United States: Telephone: 1-888-LUCENT8 (1-888-582-3688) Facsimile: 1-800-566-9568 • From Canada: Telephone: 1-317-322-6615 Facsimile: 1-317-322-6699 • From all other countries: Telephone: 1-317-322-6416 Facsimile: 1-317-322-6699 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xix ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xx Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Installation process Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Purpose This section provides an outline for the physical installation process, as well as installation procedure checklists to guide the installer through specific installation procedures. Physical installation process chart - xxii Physical installation process table - xxii Installation Procedure checklists - xxiii ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxi Installation process Physical installation process chart The chart shown below assigns the concurrent installation activities for each of two installers. The specific activities are listed in the table that follows. INSTALLER 1 ACTIVITY NUMBER #1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 INSTALLER 2 ACTIVITY NUMBER Physical installation process table #2 #5 #5 ’T ) (CON #7 This table represents the activities required to install a Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet with integrated power. INSTALLER ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENT ACTIVITIES INSTALLER 1 1. Check parts inventory 2. Line up cabinet on the cabinet anchor holes 3. Anchor the cabinet to the surface 4. Ground the cabinet 5. Install six RF antenna cable jumpers and one GPS antenna cable INSTALLER 2 6. Install the conduit interface for the T1/E1 and user alarm cables 7. Route the T1/E1 and user alarm cables into the cabinet 8. Punch down the T1/E1 lines at the EFIM 9. Install the conduit interface for the AC utility cable 10. Route and connect the AC feed to the terminal block in the power module 11. Turn on and check power 12. Clean up ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xxii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Installation Procedure checklists Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Purpose The following checklists may be used by all installers to record completion of individual installation activities. The checklists are particularly useful when used to determine the specific activity to be performed. To use the checklists, make a copy of the pages. Since only certain pages are required for specific installations, use only the pages that apply to the specific equipment you are installing. Page references are given for each activity. The checklists are therefore useful to experienced installers, to use in place of the installation manual itself. The page references can be used in the event that a particular activity requires review. This section contains installation checklists for the following chapters. Chapter 2: Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinet handling, placement, -xxiv anchoring and grounding Chapter 3: Cable connections in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets -xxvi Chapter 4: Power and power alarm connections in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets -xxviii with integrated power Chapter 5: Component installation in the Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC -xxx cabinets Chapter 6: RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell cabinets and a -xxxiii Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet Chapter 7: Finishing the installation -xxxiv Appendix A: EZBFo battery frame installation with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets -xxxv (with integrated power) Appendix B: Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable routing and -xl connection ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxiii Installation process Chapter 2: Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinet handling, placement, anchoring and grounding ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 1 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 2 for handling, placement, anchoring and grounding of the 4.0B Modular Cell primary and dual band cabinets, as well as the WNG24-BC battery cabinets. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ WNG24-BC Battery Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 1 COMPLETED Chapter 2 INSTALLATION STEP PAGE Mark and drill the anchor holes 2-5 Set the 1/2-inch drop-in anchor (if applicable) 2-7 PERFORM THE NEXT FIVE STEPS ONLY IF INSTALLING CABINETS ON MOUNTING BASES Set the 12-mm expansion stud anchors for mounting bases 2-9 Install the optional bases for the primary cabinet, and battery cabinets if applicable, using zone 0, 1, and 2 type anchors 2 - 11 Install the optional mounting bases for the primary cabinet, and battery cabinets if applicable, using zone 3 and 4 type anchors 2 - 13 Install the optional mounting bases for a dual band cabinet, using zone 0, 1, and 2 type anchors 2 - 17 Install the optional mounting bases for a dual band cabinet using zone 3 and 4 type anchors 2 - 19 PERFORM THE NEXT FIVE STEPS IF APPLICABLE Unpack the cabinet 2 - 24 Install the lifting eye bolts 2 - 24 Lift cabinet using boom tip winch 2 - 25 Transport cabinet 2 - 27 Remove cabinet from pallet 2 - 27 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xxiv Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS ONLY IF INSTALLING A PRIMARY CABINET Move/lift the primary cabinet into position 2 - 31 Install anchoring bolts or anchor assemblies and level the primary cabinet 2 - 32 PERFORM THE NEXT SEVEN STEPS ONLY IF INSTALLING A WNG24-BC BATTERY CABINET Prepare the existing cabinet for attachment of an additional cabinet 2 - 35 Prepare the cabinet being installed for attachment to the existing cabinet 2 - 37 Partially install the AC cable guide in the cabinet being installed 2 - 39 Move/lift the cabinet being installed into position 2 - 40 Attach the cabinets together at the square cable support (with second battery cabinet only) 2 - 42 Install anchoring bolts or anchor assemblies and level the battery cabinet(s) 2 - 45 Complete the installation of the AC feed-through coupling and tighten the anchor bolts or nuts 2 - 48 PERFORM THE NEXT SEVEN STEPS ONLY IF INSTALLING A 4.0B DUAL BAND CABINET Prepare the previous Modular Cell cabinet for connection of a 4.0B dual band cabinet 2 - 51 Partially install the AC cable guide in the previous Modular Cell cabinet, if applicable 2 - 53 Prepare the 4.0B dual band cabinet for connection to the previous Modular Cell cabinet 2 - 54 Position the 4.0B dual band Modular Cell cabinet 2 - 56 Install anchoring bolts or anchor assemblies and level the 4.0B dual band cabinet 2 - 58 Finish the installation of the AC cable guide and tighten the anchor bolts 2 - 60 Attach the 4.0B dual band Modular Cell cabinet to the previous Modular Cell cabinet at the RF cable guide 2 - 62 PERFORM THE NEXT FIVE STEPS FOR ALL CABINETS, IF APPLICABLE Install the cabinet grounding cables 2 - 65 Remove the lifting eye bolts 2 - 67 Install the top solar shield 2 - 70 Install the right side solar shield on the primary cabinet (reference, if applicable) 2 - 75 Adjust the door roller bearing (if required) 2 - 76 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxv Chapter 3: Cable connections in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 2 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 3 for cable connections in the 4.0B Modular Cell primary and dual band cabinets. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 2 COMPLETED Chapter 3 INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS IF INSTALLING A 4.0B PRIMARY CABINET, IF APPLICABLE Connect the unterminated end of the GPS jumper cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, if applicable 3-4 Connect a terminated end of the GPS antenna jumper cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, if applicable 3-8 Connect the GPS antenna jumper cable to the GPS surge protector at the GPS antenna cable 3 - 11 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO INSTALL THE CONDUITS FOR TI/E! LINES AND EXTERNAL USER ALARMS Connect the conduit between the metal conduits and the antenna cable cover of the 4.0B primary cabinet 3 - 13 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING A DUAL BAND CABINET IN AN INTEGRATED POWER LINE-UP Route T1/E1 cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet 3 - 16 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING A DUAL BAND CABINET IN A LINE-UP WITH A POWERHOUSE 24 CABINET Route the T1/E1 cable(s) to the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet (in lineups that utilize existing PowerHouse24 or customer supplied power) 3 - 19 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING A DUAL BAND CABINET IN A LINE-UP WITH A WNG POWER CABINET Route the T1/E1 cable(s) to the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet (in installations that utilize an existing WNG power cabinet) 3 - 24 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS IF INSTALLING T1/E1 AND/OR USER ALARM CABLES Install the EMI / RFI cord grip seals with T1/E1 and user alarm cables 3 - 29 Prepare the T1/E1 and user alarm cables for punchdown and ground connection at the facilities interface module 3 - 33 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxvi COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING T1/E1 CABLES WITH 4.0B CABINETS THAT HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 12 T1/E1 LINES Punch down T1/E1 lines on the EFIM in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets that accept a maximum of twelve T1/E1 lines 3 - 36 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING T1/E1 CABLES WITH 4.0B CABINETS THAT HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 20 T1/E1 LINES Punch down T1/E1 lines on the EFIM in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets that accept a maximum of twenty T1/E1 lines 3 - 41 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO INSTALLING EXTERNAL USER ALARM CABLES WITH 4.0B CABINETS Punch down the external user alarms cables on the EFIM in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets 3 - 48 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO INSTALLING THE DUAL BAND CABINET INTEGRATED POWER ALARM CABLES TO THE 4.0B PRIMARY CABINET Route and punch down the dual band cabinet integrated power alarms on the EFIM in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, if applicable 3 - 49 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxvii Chapter 4: Power and power alarm connections in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets with integrated power ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 3 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 4 for AC power connections in the Modular Cell 4.0B integrated power primary and dual band cabinets, as well as installation of the WNG24-BC battery cabinets. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ WNG24-BC Battery Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 3 COMPLETED Chapter 4 INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS IF INSTALLING A PRIMARY 4.0B CABINET WITH INTEGRATED POWER Prepare the AC power module (ACPDA) for connection of the AC utility wires 4-7 Install a 2-inch flexible conduit fitting on the primary or dual band cabinet 4-9 Connect the flexible conduit between the existing metal conduit and the fitting at the primary or dual band cabinet 4 - 10 Route and connect the AC utility wires in the primary or dual band cabinet 4 - 12 PERFORM THE NEXT THIRTEEN STEPS IF INSTALLING A FIRST BATTERY CABINET Install the cable interface panel 4 - 15 Determine the battery shelf type 4 - 19 Connect the DC cables in the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 20 Identify the individual interface panel cables on the battery cabinet side 4 - 24 Route and connect the fan power/alarm cable in the WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 26 Route and connect the fuse alarm cable in the WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 28 Route and connect the intrusion alarm cables in the WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 30 Identify the individual interface panel cables on the primary cabinet side 4 - 33 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxviii COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE Connect the fuse alarm and fan power/alarm cables in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 34 Connect the intrusion alarm cable in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 36 Route and connect the thermal probe cable in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 38 Route the AC power cable into the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 40 Connect AC cable in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 42 PERFORM THE NEXT SIXTEEN STEPS IF INSTALLING A SECOND BATTERY CABINET Disconnect all battery connectors in the first battery cabinet 4 - 45 Disconnect first battery cabinet 24-VDC return wires in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 4 - 47 Prepare the first and second battery cabinets for connection of the DC cables 4 - 48 Connect the DC cables in the second battery cabinet 4 - 50 Connect the battery cabinet cables in the first battery cabinet 4 - 52 Identify and place the alarm and fan power/alarm cables between the two battery cabinets 4 - 54 Route and connect the fan power/alarm cable in the second WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 56 Route and connect the fuse alarm cable in the second WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 58 Route and connect the intrusion alarm cables in the second WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 60 Route alarm and fan power/alarm cables in the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 62 Connect alarm cables in the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 64 Connect the fan power/alarm cable in the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 65 Route the AC power cable into the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 67 Connect AC cable in the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet 4 - 69 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxix Chapter 5: Component installation in the Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinets ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 4 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 5 for installation of the rectifiers and batteries in the 4.0B Modular Cell primary and dual band cabinets with integrated power, as well as installation of batteries in the WNG24-BC battery cabinets. Also listed are the procedures for final connection of DC power after the installation of batteries in a WNG24BC battery cabinet. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ WNG24-BC Battery Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 4 COMPLETED Chapter 5 INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS IF MOVING OR INSTALLING A RECTIFIER OR BATTERIES IN A MODULAR CELL 4.0B CABINET Install rectifiers in a Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 5-3 Install batteries in a Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet 5-5 PERFORM THE NEXT SEVEN STEPS IF INSTALLING L1, L2, OR 12IR125 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY CABINET THAT HAS TYPE 1 SHELVES (SPACING RODS) Prepare the batteries for installation 5 - 16 Place the batteries on a shelf 5 - 18 Install the battery retaining bracket 5 - 21 Attach the two battery cable assemblies to the retaining bracket (L1,L2, and 12IR125 batteries only) 5 - 23 Connect positive battery cables to all battery strings 5 - 26 Attach interconnecting bus bars to all battery strings 5 - 28 Connect the negative battery cables to all battery strings 5 - 30 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxx COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT NINE STEPS IF INSTALLING C-11 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY CABINET THAT HAS TYPE 1 SHELVES (SPACING RODS) Prepare the batteries for installation 5 - 32 Place the C-11 batteries on a shelf 5 - 35 Install the battery retaining bracket 5 - 37 Attach the two battery cable assemblies to the retaining bracket (C-11 batteries only) 5 - 39 Place the battery negative and positive bus bars 5 - 40 Connect the positive battery cables to the batteries 5 - 42 Attach the interconnecting bus bars 5 - 44 Connect the negative battery cables to the batteries 5 - 46 Install the insulating battery terminal covers 5 - 48 PERFORM THE NEXT SIX STEPS IF INSTALLING 12IR125 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY CABINET THAT HAS TYPE 2 SHELVES (NO SPACING RODS) Prepare the 12IR125 batteries for installation 5 - 49 Place the 12IR125 batteries on a shelf 5 - 52 Adjust and secure the front battery retaining brackets 5 - 55 Connect positive battery cables to all battery strings 5 - 57 Attach interconnecting bus bars to all battery strings 5 - 59 Connect the negative battery cables to all battery strings 5 - 61 PERFORM THE NEXT EIGHT STEPS IF INSTALLING C-11 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY CABINET THAT HAS TYPE 2 SHELVES (NO SPACING RODS) Prepare the batteries for installation 5 - 64 Place the C-11 batteries on a shelf 5 - 67 Reinstall the battery retaining brackets 5 - 70 Place the battery negative and positive bus bars 5 - 72 Connect the positive battery cables to the batteries 5 - 74 Attach the interconnecting bus bars 5 - 76 Connect the negative battery cables to the batteries 5 - 78 Install the insulating battery terminal covers 5 - 80 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxi COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO CONNECT THERMAL PROBES IN THE BATTERY CABINET Route the thermal probe cable from the 4.0B primary cabinet and mount the thermal probe in the battery cabinet 5 - 82 PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS WHEN MAKING THE FINAL CABLE CONNECTIONS OF A FIRST OR SECOND BATTERY CABINET, AS APPLICABLE Connect the first battery cabinet +24-VDC cables at the HPDA in the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet 5 - 85 Connect the DC return cables from the battery cabinet to the return bus in the primary cabinet 5 - 87 Connect the battery cables in the first and/or second WNG24-BC battery cabinets 5 - 88 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxii Chapter 6: RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell cabinets and a Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 5 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 6 for connection of cables between Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinets and the existing cabinet(s) in a line-up. Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 5 COMPLETED Chapter 6 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT THREE PROCEDURES BEFORE STARTING THE INSTALLATION OF CABLES BETWEEN MODULAR CELL CABINETS Read cabinet definitions 6-3 Identify your line-up configuration 6-4 Determine the prerequisite changes needed in the existing cabinet(s) in your line-up configuration 6-5 PERFORM THE A NEXT TWO PROCEDURES TO ROUTE AND CONNECT RF CABLES BETWEEN MODULAR CELL CABINETS Route and connect the 15-MHz cable(s) 6-9 Route and connect the GPS cable 6 - 18 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxiii Chapter 7: Finishing the installation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 6 lists the procedures covered in Chapter 7 for finishing the installation of the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet and dual band cabinets, as well as the WNG24-BC battery cabinets. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ WNG24-BC Battery Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 6 COMPLETED Chapter 7 INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO VERIFY ANTENNA STATUS AND REFERENCE POWER UP AND SYSTEM TESTS Verify GPS antenna connection 7-3 Verify RF antennas not connected 7-3 Perform power-up and system test 7-4 PERFORM THE NEXT FIVE STEPS IF INSTALLING A 4.0B PRIMARY OR DUAL BAND CABINET Test and connect the internal battery cables (if applicable) 7-5 Connect the unterminated end of the RF antenna jumper cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary or 4.0B dual band cabinet 7-8 Connect a terminated end of the outdoor RF antenna jumper cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary or 4.0B dual band cabinet 7 - 12 Connect RF antenna jumper cables to the antenna cables 7 - 15 Replace / close all access panels and doors 7 - 18 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP IF INSTALLING A FIRST OR SECOND BATTERY CABINET Finish the installation of the first or second WNG24-BC battery cabinet 7 - 19 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxiv Appendix A: EZBFo battery frame installation with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets (with integrated power) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 7 lists the procedures covered in Appendix A for installation of EZBFo battery modules with Modular Cell 4.0B primary or dual band cabinets (with integrated power). Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ EZBFo Battery Frame serial number: _______________________________ Table 7 COMPLETED Appendix A INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO PLACE AND ATTACH THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE OUTER FRAME AND MARK, DRILL, AND SET ANCHORS Place and attach a battery base module to the Modular Cell cabinet or the first battery base module using the applicable conduit A - 10 Remove the top and filter panels from the battery base module A - 14 Mark and drill the anchor holes A - 16 Set the 1/2-inch diameter drop-in anchor A - 18 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL HEATER PADS IN THE BATTERY MODULE INNER FRAMES Remove the top and filter panels from the battery base module (Reference) A - 20 Remove the two piece battery retaining brackets, separating the two parts if applicable A - 20 Install the internal AC wiring for the heater pads A - 21 Install the heater pads on each of the two battery shelves A - 24 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL THE INNER BATTERY FRAME AND LEVEL, ANCHOR, AND GROUND THE FIRST OR SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Remove the two piece battery retaining brackets, separating the two parts if applicable (Reference) A - 27 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxv COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE Prepare the battery module inner frame and place it inside the outer frame and attach the internal ground cable A - 28 Level and anchor the battery base module A - 32 Connect the battery base module grounding cables A - 34 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO IDENTIFY THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B TO FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULES CABLES Identify the first EZBFo battery base module alarm and fan power cable harness A - 39 Identify the first EZBFo battery base module thermal probe cable(s) and thermal probe(s) A - 40 Identify the first EZBFo battery base module 2 AWG DC cables A - 41 Identify the first EZBFo battery base module AC heater cable A - 39 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO IDENTIFY THE CONNECTORS AND ROUTE THE CABLES FROM THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B TO THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE Identify the individual cable connectors and their terminations on each end A - 43 Route the cables through the conduit into the first battery base module A - 45 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE AC CABLE IN THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE Route and connect the AC cable from the Modular Cell cabinet to the AC block in the battery base module A - 48 PERFORM THE NEXT FIVE STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE SIGNAL CABLES IN THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE Install the fuse, the fuse alarm actuator and the fuse alarm switch in the first battery base module A - 52 Route and attach the fuse alarm cable to the fuse alarm switch in the battery base module A - 53 Route and attach the fan power and alarm cable in the battery base module A - 54 Route and attach the intrusion alarm cable in the battery base module A - 55 Route the thermal probe cable and mount the thermal probe in the battery base module A - 56 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE DC CABLES IN THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE Route and connect the four +24V DC load cables in the battery base module A - 58 Route and connect the four 24V Return cables in the battery base module A - 60 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO SEAL THE CABLE CONDUIT IN THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE Seal both ends of the cable conduit inside of the first battery base module. A - 63 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxvi COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT SIX STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE CABLES IN THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B CABINET Identify the individual cable connectors and their terminations on each end A - 66 Identify the HPDA in the 4.0B Modular Cell cabinet A - 67 Route and connect the fuse alarm and fan power/alarm cables in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet A - 69 Route and connect the intrusion alarm cable in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet A - 71 Route and connect the thermal probe cable in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet A - 73 Connect the heater pad kit AC cable in the Modular Cell cabinet A - 74 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO PHYSICALLY ATTACH, PREWIRE, AND GROUND AN ADD-ON BATTERY MODULE Attach an add-on module to an existing battery module and attach the internal ground cable A - 80 Install the heater pads and outer frame wiring (Reference) A - 81 Install the battery module outer frame over the inner frame and attach the internal ground cables A - 82 Attach the internal ground cable between the add-on module and the module below it A - 83 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE AC CABLE FROM AN ADD-ON BATTERY MODULE TO THE MODULE BELOW IT Route and connect the AC cable from the add-on module to the next lower module A - 84 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO INSTALL THE INTRUSION ALARM AND THERMAL PROBE CABLES IN AN ADD-ON MODULE Route and connect the intrusion alarm cable from the existing battery module and connect it in the add-on module being installed A - 87 Move the thermal probe from the existing battery module and mount it in the add-on module being installed A - 92 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO INSTALL THE DC CABLES FROM AN ADD-ON BATTERY MODULE TO THE MODULE BELOW IT Identify the module to module DC cables and wiring A - 94 Route and connect the two +24V DC load and two 24V Return cables from the add-on module to the battery module below it A - 96 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO PLACE, ANCHOR, AND PREWIRE THE SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Place, anchor and prewire the second battery base module (Reference) A - 104 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxvii COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE SIGNAL CABLES FROM THE FIRST TO THE SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Route and connect the fan power and alarm cable between the first battery frame and the second battery base module A - 106 Route and connect the intrusion alarm cable between the first battery frame and the second battery base module A - 109 Relocate the thermal probe from the first battery frame to the second battery base module A - 112 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE AC CABLE FROM THE FIRST TO THE SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Route and connect the AC cable from the first battery frame to the second battery base module A - 114 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO INSTALL THE RETURN BUS STRAP IN THE SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Install the strap between the lower (RTN-1) and upper (RTN-2) 24V Return bus in the second battery base module A - 118 PERFORM THE NEXT STEP TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE DC CABLES FROM THE FIRST TO THE SECOND BATTERY BASE MODULE Route and connect the four DC cables between the first and second battery base modules A - 119 PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO INSTALL L1 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY MODULE Place batteries on a shelf A - 128 Connect the battery cables to all batteries A - 130 Attach interconnecting bus bars to all battery strings A - 132 PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO INSTALL 12IR125 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY MODULE Separate and remove the two piece battery retaining brackets A - 135 Connect the battery cables to the batteries A - 136 Place the batteries on the shelves, and replace the retaining brackets A - 138 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO CONNECT (OR RECONNECT) THE FIRST BATTERY BASE MODULE DC CABLES IN THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B CABINET Connect the battery base module +24-VDC cables to the HPDA in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet A - 143 Connect (or reconnect) the 24V Return cables from the first battery base module to the return bus in the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet A - 146 PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF L1 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY MODULE Test and connect the L1 battery cables to the bus bars in the battery modules A - 149 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxviii Installation process COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE Complete the installation of batteries A - 153 Replace the battery module panels and close/secure the front door(s) (if applicable) A - 153 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF 12IR125 BATTERIES IN A BATTERY MODULE Test and connect the 12IR125 battery cables to the bus bars in the battery modules A - 157 Complete the installation of 12IR125 batteries A - 160 PERFORM THE TWO STEP TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION OF BATTERY MODULES Replace the battery module panels and close/secure the front door(s), if applicable (Reference) A - 162 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xxxix Installation process Appendix B: Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable routing and connection ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview Table 8 lists the procedures covered in Appendix B for Non-Lucent power ancillary hardware installation, cable routing and connection to Modular Cell 4.0B primary and dual band cabinets. Modular Cell 4.0B Primary Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Modular Cell 4.0B Dual Band Cabinet Serial Number: _______________________________ Table 8 COMPLETED Appendix B INSTALLATION STEP PAGE PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO INSTALL THE ANCILLIARY HARDWARE AND PHYSICALLY ATTACH THE NON LUCENT POWER SOURCE Install the cable duct assembly B-4 Install the AC conduit B-6 Attach the non-Lucent power source directly to the cable duct (zero spacing), if applicable B - 11 Attach the non-Lucent power source to the cable duct assembly using conduits. B - 14 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE DC CABLES BETWEEN THE NON-LUCENT POWER SOURCE AND THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B PRIMARY CABINET Route the DC cables from the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet to the nonLucent power source B - 22 Connect the DC cables at the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet B - 24 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE POWER ALARM CABLE BETWEEN THE NON-LUCENT POWER SOURCE AND THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B PRIMARY CABINET Route the power source alarm cable to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet B - 27 Install the EMI / RFI cord grip seal with the alarm cable B - 32 Prepare the alarm cable for punchdown and ground connection at the facilities interface panel B - 35 Connect alarm cable to the EFIM punchdowns in Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet B - 37 PERFORM THE NEXT THREE STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE AC CABLE(S) BETWEEN THE NON-LUCENT POWER SOURCE AND THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B PRIMARY CABINET Route the AC power cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet B - 42 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xl Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Installation process COMPLETED INSTALLATION STEP PAGE Connect the AC power cable for the heaters in the primary cabinet B - 46 Connect the AC power cable for the convenience outlet in the primary cabinet (NAR only) B - 48 PERFORM THE NEXT FOUR STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE DC CABLES BETWEEN THE NON-LUCENT POWER SOURCE AND THE MODULAR CELL DUAL BAND CABINET Install the 2-1/2-inch chase nipple if the power source is connected directly to the cable duct B - 52 Install a 2-1/2-inch conduit if the power source is not connected directly to the cable duct B - 53 Route the DC cables from the dual band cabinet to the non-Lucent power source B - 59 Connect the DC cables at Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet B - 62 PERFORM THE NEXT TWO STEPS TO ROUTE AND CONNECT THE AC CABLE(S) BETWEEN THE NON-LUCENT POWER SOURCE AND THE MODULAR CELL 4.0B DUAL BAND CABINET Route and connect the WH103 AC cable for the heater from the primary to the dual band cabinet B - 66 Route and connect the WH104 AC cable for the convenience outlet, from the primary to the dual band cabinet (NAR cabinets only) B - 70 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page xli ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xlii Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 1 Overview of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Purpose This chapter contains the following sections. General information 1-3 Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets 1-2 Torque requirements 1 - 29 Tools, supplies, and parts required (master list) 1 - 31 Safety precautions 1 - 34 Safety - General precautions for installation procedures 1 - 35 Safety - Specific hazards 1 - 37 Safety labels 1 - 40 Product safety 1 - 41 FCC statements 1 - 42 Canadian standards 1 - 45 Eco-environmental statements 1 - 46 Packaging collection and recycling 1 - 48 Minimum installation temperatures 1 - 49 Network description 1 - 51 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 1 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Purpose This chapter provides an overview of Flexent Modular Cell site cabinet installation. Descriptions of cabinets, system configurations, and typical installation sites are provided. Tools, supplies and required parts are listed and safety issues are addressed. General information 1-3 Components of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site 1-6 Outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site descriptions 1 - 15 (typical) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 2 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation General information ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Modular Cell 4.0B description The Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B is a CDMA application product that utilizes the OneBTS digital module with UCRs and LAMS. The primary cabinet can support up to six carriers per cabinet. The Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet may be used as a stand-alone primary cell, or be configured as a growth, dual band, or mixed dual band cabinet at an existing Modular Cell site. Note that the dual band and mixed dual band cabinets are available in specific line-ups only. Refer to Outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site descriptions (typical) on Page 1 - 15 The Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B is a CDMA application product that utilizes the OneBTS digital module with MCRs and 2PAMs. The Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet is available in a PCS three carrier, three sector version, which is “six sector ready”, as well as three sector offerings that can support up to eleven PCS carriers and eight 850 carriers. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 3 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Site preparation Before installation of the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet can begin, site preparation should have been completed. Refer to Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Site Preparation Guidelines, 401-703-413. The following requirements must be met at the installation site, prior to installation of the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet: Product specification outdoor installation details • Adequate clearance must be provided for service access. • The environment must comply with the specifications set forth in the site preparation guidelines. • AC electric service must be installed as described in Chapter 5 of the site preparation guidelines. • T1/E1 facilities must be installed at demarcation point as described in Chapter 8 of the site preparation guidelines. • Balun Protector Box must be installed, if required. • User alarm must be installed at demarcation point. • Grounding system must be installed. • RF and GPS antenna runs must be installed. • Surge protection for antennas must be installed. • Cable support must be installed. • Tower light power must be installed (if required). • Tower light alarm must be installed (if required). • Cabinet support structure must be in place. • Ice shield must be installed, if required. • Cabinet anchor holes must be drilled. • Mounting base must be installed, if required. Outdoor cabinets may be installed in either controlled or uncontrolled environments. This equipment has been evaluated for use in an ambient temperature range from -40 to 52° Celsius. The cabinet must only be mounted on a concrete pad or other noncombustible surface. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 4 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Definitions The following terms are used when describing an installation site. Uncontrolled Environment: All outdoor locations, and any indoor location in which temperature, humidity, ventilation, and dust are not maintained at specific levels. Outdoor Site: Installation site in an uncontrolled environment which requires outdoor cabinets: Modular Cell cabinets, WNG24 battery cabinets, and weatherproofing hardware. Outdoor cabinets may also require heat exchangers. Important! For more detailed information on indoor and outdoor site environmental requirements, refer to: • Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Site Preparation Guidelines, 401-703-413. Primary cabinet: A Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet is the cabinet that houses the CDMA radio communication electronics, amplifiers, and filters. This cabinet contains all of the cell site control electronics, alarms, and T1/E1 facilities interface, as well as the user alarm interface. If the cabinet has integrated power it also contains a power supply, rectifiers and up to four backup batteries (two strings). Dual Band: A Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet can add PCS carriers to 850 carriers in a primary cabinet, or vice versa. Cabinet dimensions and weights For detailed specifications for all of the Modular Cell 4.0B Cabinet dimensions and approximate weights, refer to: • Outdoor mounting brackets and rooftop platforms Flexent Modular Cell 4.0/4.0B Outdoor Site Preparation Guidelines, 401-703-413. If desired, steel mounting brackets may be used to provide a raised, level, and stable cabinet mounting surface for outdoor installations. The design and installation of the brackets or rooftop platforms are the responsibility of the customer. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 5 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Components of the Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview This section provides a brief description of the cabinets which make up an outdoor Flexent ‚Modular Cell 4.0B. Additional information about each component is provided at the beginning of the associated installation chapters. Modular Cell cabinet: front view The figure below shows the front of the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet. Note that the key must remain in the latch to open the door. Solar shield and heat exchanger applications may differ. Refer to Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets ON PAGE 2 - 69, as applicable. Side solar shields Top solar shield (All units) Latch Front heat Exchanger ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 6 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation The figure below shows the rear of the Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet with a sound muffler and rear heat exchanger. Refer to the figure on Page 1-26 for a side view of the cabinet showing the rear heat exchanger and muffler profiles. FOR SOLAR SHIELD APPLICATION BY CABINET CONFIGURATION, REFER TO THE SOLAR SHIELD TABLE IN CHAPTER 2: Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69. SOLAR SHIELD INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (IF APPLICABLE) FOLLOW THE TABLES. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 7 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets The following cabinets make up an outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site. These cabinets all house the CDMA radio communication electronics, amplifiers, alarms, T1/E1 facilities interface, and filters (except in growth cabinets), as well as the user alarm interface. Integrated power cabinets also house a power supply, rectifiers and up to four backup batteries (two strings).The Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet can be shipped with components which provide from 1 to 8 cellular or 1 to 11 PCS carriers maximum, and 1 to 3 sectors, maximum. Upgrade kits are available to add additional carriers and sectors up to the maximums. MODULAR CELL 4.0B ONE TO TWELVE AMPLIFIER CABINET WITH INTEGRATED POWER ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 8 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation MODULAR CELL 4.0B ONE TO TWELVE AMPLIFIER CABINET WITH INTEGRATED POWER (3-CARRIER, 4 to 6-SECTOR) Note 1: Six PCS filters are illustrated ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 9 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation MODULAR CELL 4.0B THIRTEEN TO EIGHTEEN AMPLIFIER CABINET WITH INTEGRATED POWER ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 10 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation MODULAR CELL 4.0B CABINET WITHOUT INTEGRATED POWER ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 11 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Lucent Technologies backup power cabinets The following backup power systems supported by Lucent are compatible with the outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets. First WNG24-BC battery cabinet (for use with the WNG24-K power cabinet) The first optional WNG24-BC battery cabinet provides additional backup batteries (up to 10 strings - 20 batteries of type 12IR125 [or L1, with type 1 battery shelves], or 5 strings - 30 batteries of type C-11) to supplement the batteries in the primary cabinet or the WNG24-K power cabinet, as applicable. The batteries are charged by the primary cabinet or the power cabinet, as applicable. Shelf heaters are provided to keep the batteries warm in cold weather. Temperature sensors control the shelf heaters. Second WNG24-BC battery cabinet (for use with the first WNG24-BC battery cabinet only) The second optional WNG24-BC battery cabinet is identical to the first, but is shipped with the differing connecting hardware that is required to attach it to the first cabinet. It also provides additional backup batteries (up to 10 strings - 20 batteries of type 12IR125 [or L1, with type 1 battery shelves], or 5 strings - 30 batteries of type C-11) to supplement the batteries in the primary cabinet or the WNG24-K power cabinet, as applicable. First outdoor 60ECv2 battery cabinet (for use with the PowerHouse 24 cabinet only) The first optional 60ECv2 battery cabinet provides additional backup batteries (up to 10 strings - 20 12IR125 batteries) to supplement the batteries in the PowerHouse 24 cabinet. The batteries are charged by the power cabinet. Shelf heaters are provided to keep the batteries warm in cold weather. Temperature sensors control the shelf heaters. A "G" (Global) version of the 60ECv2 battery cabinet (60ECv2G) is also available. This version of the battery cabinet is used for connection to the "G" version of the PowerHouse 24 cabinet (PowerHouse 24G). Second outdoor 60ECv2 battery cabinet (for use with the first outdoor 60ECv2 battery cabinet only) The second optional 60ECv2 battery cabinet is identical to the first, but is shipped with the different connecting hardware that is required to attach it to the first cabinet. It also provides additional backup batteries (up to 10 strings - 20 12IR125 batteries) to supplement the batteries in the PowerHouse 24 cabinet. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 12 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation EZBFo battery frames (first and second) This section provides a brief description of the EZBFo battery frame, which is a backup power configuration for an outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet with integrated power. The optional EZBFo battery frame provides additional backup batteries to supplement the batteries in an integrated power one to eight carrier 4.0B primary or dual band cabinet. The optional EZBFo battery frame provides the initial backup batteries for an integrated power 4.0B primary or dual band cabinet having more than 8 carriers. The batteries are charged by the primary or dual band cabinet, as applicable. The optional EZBFo battery frame may also be used to provide additional backup batteries to supplement the batteries a 3GP24i power cabinet used with non-integrated 4.0B primary or dual band cabinets. The figure below illustrates one of two possible battery frames. Each frame is comprised of a battery base module and two add-on modules. The battery base module is installed first. Subsequently, add-on modules may be separately installed. The modules below are shown with front panels. They may also be equipped with a front door. Note: When installing a second add-on module in zone 4, a zone 4 mounting kit is required. Second Add-On Battery Module First Add-On Battery Module Battery Base Module ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 13 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Lucent Technologies power systems Lucent Technologies power systems are not supported with outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B primary and dual band two cabinet line-ups without integrated power. Important! If a 4.0B dual band cabinet is installed with existing 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0 cabinets that utilize a PowerHouse24 or WNG power cabinet, the total load for all cabinets is limited to 21 kW for WNG-DJ, and to 17Kw for PowerHouse24, as well as WNGM and WNG-K power cabinets. The total number of carriers possible in the 4.0B dual band cabinet will not be limited by the use of the WHD-DJ (21 kW) power cabinet, but will be limited by the 17 kW power cabinets (PowerHouse24, WNG-M, and WNGK power cabinets). The total number of DC terminals available in the 17 kW power cabinets is also a limitation in some cases. In all cases where the number of carriers is limited, use of a dual band cabinet with Integrated Power is recommended. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 14 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Outdoor Flexent Modular Cell 4.0B site descriptions (typical) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Overview The following diagrams shows configuration options for a Modular Cell 4.0B site utilizing cabinets with and without integrated power. The illustrations that follow the diagrams are of typical installation sites, which may be positioned on a concrete pad on a rooftop. Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configuration 4.0B primary cabinet configuration with integrated power B (BATTERY) P (POWER) FRONT HEAT EXCHANGER 1 - 3C 1 - 3 PCS CARRIERS (4 TO 6 SECTOR) 4.0B EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 2 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 2 1 - XC 1 - 11 PCS CARRIERS or 1 - 8 850 CARRIERS OPTIONAL 4.0B * 850 cabinets have batteries. PCS cabinets above 8 carriers will not have batteries because of the presence of the A6 Amplifier Shelf. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 15 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configuration 4.0B primary cabinet configuration without integrated power, using customer-supplied power and battery FRONT OR REAR HEAT EXCHANGER, AS APPLICABLE OPTIONAL 1 - 3C 1 - 3 PCS CARRIERS (4 TO 6 SECTOR) 4.0B 1 - XC 1 - 11 PCS CARRIERS or 1 - 8 850 CARRIERS 4.0B CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configurations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 16 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 4.0B primary and dual band cabinet configurations with integrated power The following diagram shows configuration options for 4.0B primary Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet and dual band cabinet configurations with integrated power. installation B (BATTERY) P (POWER) FRONT HEAT EXCHANGER 1-8 CELLULAR 850 CARRIERS and 1-11 PCS CARRIERS (Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 - 11 C PCS 4.0B 1-11 PCS CARRIERS and 1-8 CELLULAR CARRIERS (Dual Band) ** EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1-8C 850 4.0B OPTIONAL 1-8C 850 4.0B 1 - 11 C PCS 4.0B EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 2 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME CABINET 1 * 850 cabinets have batteries. PCS cabinets above 8 carriers will not have batteries because of the presence of the A6 amplifier shelf. Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configurations ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 17 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation 4.0B primary and dual band cabinet configurations without integrated power, using customer-supplied power and battery The following diagram shows configuration options for 4.0B primary and dual band cabinet configurations without integrated power, using customer-supplied power and battery. FRONT OR REAR HEAT EXCHANGER, AS APPLICABLE 1-8 CELLULAR 850 CARRIERS and 1-11 PCS CARRIERS (Dual Band) CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY ** 1 - 11 C 1-11 PCS CARRIERS and 1-8 CELLULAR CARRIERS (Dual Band) * CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY ** 1-8C 850 4.0B PCS 4.0B OPTIONAL 1-8C 850 4.0B CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY ** 1 - 11 C PCS CUSTOMERSUPPLIED POWER AND BATTERY ** 4.0B * Future offering ** Customer-supplied power and battery may be Supplied from either side, or both sides, of the line-up. Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configurations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 18 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation 4.0B dual band cabinets in legacy line-ups with integrated power The following diagram shows configuration options for 4.0B dual band cabinets in legacy line-ups with integrated power. FRONT HEAT EXCHANGER ** 5-8 850 CARRIERS (in G-1 with 4C Primary) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS (4.0B Dual Band) * EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 and 2 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 1-4C 850 4.0 7-8 850 CARRIERS EZBFo (in G-1 with 6C Primary) BATTERY FRAME 1-11 PCS CARRIERS 1 and 2 (4.0B Dual Band) * 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 1-2C 850 4.0 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 1 - 2C 850 4.0 8 850 CARRIERS (3.0 Primary, G-1 AND 4.0 G-2) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS (4.0B Dual Band) * EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 and 2 1-4C 850 4.0 1-6C 850 4.0 1 - 3C 850 3.0 EZBFo BATT FRAME or WNG BATT CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME or WNG BATT CABINET 2 EZBFo BATT FRAME or WNG BATT CABINET 1 EZBFo BATT FRAME or WNG BATT CABINET 2 1-3C 850 3.0 EZBFo BATT FRAME or WNG BATT CABINET 1/2 * 850 cabinets have batteries; PCS cabinets above 8 carriers will not have batteries because of the presence of the A6 amplifier shelf. ** 66ECv2 battery cabinets may also have been used to support the existing legacy cabinets in these configurations Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configurations ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 19 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation 4.0B dual band cabinet in legacy line-ups with Powerhouse 24 power cabinet The following diagram shows configuration options for 4.0B dual band cabinets in legacy line-ups with Powerhouse 24 power cabinet. FRONT OR REAR HEAT EXCHANGER, AS APPLICABLE 5-8 850 CARRIERS (4.0 Primary and G-1) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS ** (4.0B Dual Band) 4.0B DUAL BAND CABINET WITHOUT INTEGRATED POWER POWER HOUSE 24 WNG24 OR 66ECv2 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 POWER HOUSE 24 WNG24 OR 66ECv2 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 1-6C 850 4.0 POWER HOUSE 24 WNG24 OR 66ECv2 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 1 - 3C 850 1 / 2 /3.0 1-3C 850 1 / 2 /3.0 1 - 11 C PCS 4.0B 1-4C 850 4.0 1-4C 850 4.0 1-4C 850 4.0 1-4C 850 4.0 5-8 850 CARRIERS (4.0 Primary and G-1) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS (4.0B Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 5-8 850 CARRIERS (4.0 Primary and G-1) 1-8 PCS CARRIERS *** (4.0B Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1-8 C PCS 4.0B 8 850 CARRIERS (1 / 2 / 3.0 Primary and G-1, 4.0 G-2) 1 - 11 PCS CARRIERS (4.0B Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 1-2C 850 4.0 1 - 2C 850 4.0 POWER HOUSE 24 WNG24 OR 66ECv2 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 * 850 cabinets have batteries; PCS cabinets above 8 carriers will not have batteries because of the presence of the A6 amplifier shelf. ** The total output of the WNG-M and WNG-K power cabinets is 17 kW, which limits the total number of carriers in the dual band cabinet. Use of an integrated power cabinet is recommended for the line-ups shown. *** The number of PCS carriers limited to 8 by the number of available PH 24 DC terminals. (See ** above for another possible limitation and recommendation.) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 20 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Overview of the Flexent‚ Modular Cell 4.0B cabinet installation Refer to Chapter 2, Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69 for heat exchanger and solar shield applications for the following configurations 4.0B dual band cabinet in legacy line-ups with WNG 24 power cabinets The following diagram shows configuration options for 4.0B dual band cabinet in legacy line-ups with WNG 24 power cabinets. FRONT OR REAR HEAT EXCHANGER, AS APPLICABLE 1-8 850 CARRIERS (4.0 Primary and G-1) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS *** (4.0B Dual Band) 4.0B DUAL BAND CABINET WITHOUT INTEGRATED POWER X-8 850 CARRIERS (4.0 Primary and G-1) 1-11 PCS CARRIERS ** (4.0B Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 7-8 850 CARRIERS (1 / 2 / 3.0 Primary and G-1, 4.0 G-2) 1 - 11 PCS CARRIERS ** (4.0B Dual Band) EZBFo BATTERY FRAME EZBFo BATTERY FRAME 1 - 11 C PCS 4.0B 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B 1 - 11 C PCS B* 4.0B WNG-DJ POWER CABINET WNG24 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 1 - 4 C or 1-6C 850 4.0 WNGM/K POWER CABINET WNG24 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 1 - 3C 850 1 / 2 /3.0 1-3C 850 1 / 2 /3.0 1-X 1 - 2C 850 1 / 2/3/4.0 850 1 / 2/3/4.0 1 - 4 C or 1-2C 850 4.0 1 - 2C 850 4.0 1-X WNGM/K POWER CABINET WNG24 BATTERY CABINET 1/ 2 * 850 cabinets have batteries; PCS cabinets above 8 carriers will not have batteries because of the presence of the A6 amplifier shelf. ** The total output of the WNG-M and WNG-K power cabinets is 17 kW, which limits the total number of carriers in the dual band cabinet. Use of an integrated power cabinet is recommended for the line-ups shown. *** The total output of the WNG-DJ cabinet is 21 kW, which does not limit the total number of carriers in the dual band cabinet. Therefore, the dual band cabinet would not need integrated power in the line-up illustrated. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 401-703-454 FOA Draft Issue 1 January, 2006 Lucent Technologies – Proprietary See notice on first page 1 - 21
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