Applied Micro Design 1465 Model 1465 UHF Multi-Carrier In-Building Amplifier User Manual Rev 6
Applied Micro Design, Inc Model 1465 UHF Multi-Carrier In-Building Amplifier Users Manual Rev 6
Users Manual Rev 6
WTC4 Head End System Channelized Bi-Directional Amplifier User’s Manual rev 6 A p p l i e d M i c r o D e s i g n I n c . 19516 Amaranth Drive Germantown MD 20874 ph 301.540.9506 | | Table of Contents Notes, Cautions, and Warnings System Description System Block Diagram Downlink Rack Uplink Rack DSP Card Cage DSP Front Panels & Indicators DSP Description & Specifications Dual Power Amplifier Front Panel & Indicators Single Power Amplifier Front Panel & Indicators Power Amplifier Description & Specifications CBC/Combiner Front Panel CBC/Combiner Description & Specifications CBC/Splitter Front Panel & Indicators CBC/Splitter Description & Specifications Downlink Rack RF Cable Interconnection Uplink Rack RF Cable Interconnection Downlink Rack Ethernet Cable Interconnection Uplink Rack Ethernet Cable Interconnection Downlink Cabinet RF Cables Uplink Cabinet RF Cables Downlink Installation Uplink Installation Appendix A - NMS GUI Manual Appendix B - RACS (Radio Access Control System) Description Appendix C - DSP User GUI Operation Notes, Cautions, and Warnings This is a Class B Booster. Part 90 (Class B) Signal Boosters WARNING. This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It is designed for installation by FCC LICENSEES and QUALIFIED INSTALLERS. You MUST have an FCC LICENSE or express consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this device. You MUST register Class B signal boosters (as defined in 47 CFR 90.219) online at Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties, including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation. Connect RF Output to existing Distributed Antenna System (DAS) cable only. DO NOT operate equipment with unauthorized antennas, cables, and/or coupling devices. DO NOT operate equipment unless all RF connectors are secure. DO NOT operate equipment unless it has been installed and inspected by a qualified radio technician. Contact Information For more information contact the FCC at: F.2 PART 90 CLASS B SIGNAL BOOSTERS Licensees and signal booster operators are required to register existing Class B signal booster installations with the FCC by November 1, 2014. After November 1, 2014, operation of an existing, unregistered Class B signal booster will be unauthorized and subject to enforcement action. Any new Class B signal booster installed after November 1, 2014 must be registered prior to operation. To encourage compliance with this new requirement, registration will be free of cost to the operator and/or licensee.[R11], [R9] FCC Part 90 Class B Signal Booster Registration & Discovery website: Introduction There are three major components to the Tower-4 system; the Head-End hardware, the Distributed Antenna System (DAS) hardware, and the Site-Wide Network (SWN). Signals from the SWN are input to the Downlink (DL) Head-End (HE) hardware. These signals are filtered and amplified by the HE DL, and fed into the DAS. Signals from the DAS are input to the Uplink (UL) HE hardware. These signals are filtered and amplified by the HE UL, and fed into the SWN. There are two equipment rooms in Tower-4, and each equipment room has an Uplink and Downlink rack. One each of these racks (one UL and one DL) will be tested. The Downlink Rack contains three DSP Card Cages, two Dual Amplifiers, one Single Amplifier, and one CBC chassis. The signals are combined in the CBC chassis and fed to the DAS. The Uplink Rack contains three DSP Card Cages and one CBC chassis. Signals from the DAS are input to the CBC chassis. The UL and DL Channel Cards are the same design. They are FPGA-based designs, programmed essentially as active digital filters. The cards have a standard line-up; Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Digital Demodulation to baseband, digital filtering in the FPGA, Digital Modulation back to the original carrier frequency, and Digital-to-Analog conversion. The DSP Channel Cards can be programmed for multiple filters to process multi-carrier signals. Head-End Downlink Group There are eleven SWN windows (seven 400 MHz and four 800 MHz) input to the HE channel cards. Each window is input to a separate card; each card is set for one wide-band filter to pass multi-carrier signals, and is set for a specified gain. Wide-band filters for the DL are specified to achieve the required Group or Propagation Delay of 10 μs. The Site Wide Network (SDN Demarc) provides a constant level of -10 dBm per carrier into each Downlink Channel Card. The outputs of the Downlink Channel Cards are input to power amplifiers, either directly or via a combiner. Window groupings to the power amplifiers are shown on the system block diagrams. The gain of the Downlink Channel Cards are set to have an output of +20 dBm per carrier (100 mW) at the output of the power amplifiers, with -10 dBm per carrier at the input of the Downlink Channel Cards. The 800 MHz Downlink Channel Cards are set to have an output of +22 dBm at the output of the power amplifiers. The power amplifiers are very linear and can handle multiple carriers. The ALC (Automatic Level Control) of each amplifier is set to provide a maximum of +37 dBm (5W). The outputs of the 400 MHz and 800 MHz power amplifiers are combined through combiners and low-loss CBC (CrossBand Couplers). The output of the CBC is the connection into the DAS. Head-End Uplink Group There are eleven windows (seven 400 MHz and four 800 MHz) input to the UL channel cards from the DAS. Each window is input to a separate card; each card is set for one or more narrow-band filter to pass multi-carrier signals. Narrow-band filters for the UL are specified to achieve the required Group or Propagation Delay of 25 μs. A group of frequencies (window grouping) is assigned to one Uplink Channel Card. The signals coming from the DAS are amplified with an LNA (low-noise amplifier) and distributed to the Uplink Channel Cards using a CBC and splitters. The Uplink Channel Cards will receive multi-carrier signals in the range of -83 dBm to -33 dBm per carrier. Each Uplink Channel Card uses AGC (Automatic Gain Control) to maintain an output level of -33 dBm. The Site Wide Network or SDN Demarc requires no more than -33 dBm per carrier. Downlink CBC/Combiner Model No. 1465CCS-4-400 Downlink Group T1DL65A J2 T1DL65B C1 Cross Band Coupler S1 50/50 Splitter DC through T1DL62A T1DL62B J2 S2 60/40 Splitter DC through S3 50/50 Splitter DC blocked S4 blocked 50/50 Dual Splitter DC S5 4-Port Combiner S6 3-Port Combiner S7 2-Port Combiner S8 4-Port Combiner S9 8-Port Splitter 54 J2 T1DL54B 3-Port Splitter T1 10 dB RF Tap 47th J2 42nd Composite in dBm Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-3-1-400 -10 Dual A/D 90 Clock Generator PLL IC FPGA Dual D/A 90 S6DLA Downlink CBC/Combiner Model No. 1465CCS-4-400 30th A1 N e t w o r k W i d e D o w n l i n k Window 7 22nd A2 Window 6 FPGA Dual D/A 18th 90 A1 Clock Generator PLL IC 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-2-1-400 14th S8DLA Dual A/D PLL IC FPGA Dual D/A 90 S5DLA J2 Clock Generator PLL IC FPGA +22 Dual D/A 6th DAS 10th J2 6th S2DL06 S3DL05 J1 5th J1 J3 J2 5th J3 T1DL05A T1DL05B J2 S3DL02 J1 J1 J3 2nd J3 T1DL02A T1DL02B J2 90 J1 J2 J3 J4 OSC J1 B1 Window 12 Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P 800 MHz J1 J3 T1DL10B S1DL06 +38 J2 Dual A/D 14th J2 S3DL10 T1DL10A S2DL06 2nd 90 J1 C1DLA Window 11 18th J3 T1DL14B J3 CBC Window 9 -10 Head End J2 S3DL14 T1DL14A OSC Window 7 Window 11 Channel Card x 4 J1 J3 J2 Clock Generator 90 Clock Generator 22nd J3 T1DL18B J1 90 PLL IC J2 S3DL18 J3 10th Window 9 Window 12 T1DL22B J1 S7DLA Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P Dual A/D J1 J3 T1DL18A FPGA OSC Window 10 -10 26th J2 S3DL22 J2 Dual D/A Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P 800 MHz J1 J3 J1 Dual A/D 800 MHz Amplifier Model No. 1465PAS-4-800 J2 T1DL26B T1DL22A 90 Clock Generator Window 12 J3 J2 PLL IC 800 MHz Amplifier Model No. 1465PAS-4-800 J1 T1DLB1B J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 T1DLB2B J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 J2 J3 J4 T1DLB3B B3 PROPRIETARY J1 B4 J3 T1DLB4A UPS J2 S4DLB4 J3 J2 DC Bias J1 J3 T1DLB3A J1 B4 J2 S4DLB3 J3 J2 B2 J3 T1DLB2A J1 B3 J2 S4DLB2 J3 J2 B1 J3 T1DLB1A J1 B2 Channel Card x 4 S4DLB1 J3 J2 Window 7 Window 11 OSC 30th A2 Window 8 -10 Dual A/D J1 S3DL26 T1DL26A FPGA J2 T1DL30B J1 S i t e Window 10 Window 4 90 J3 J2 Window 10 Window 9 34th J3 J1 26th Window 6 Window 11 90 S3DL30 T1DL30A Window 8 -10 J1 J3 J2 Window 3 Window 9 +20 Window 2 -10 Window 7 +22 38th J3 T1DL34B J1 Window 3 +38 OSC Window 1 Window 2 Dual D/A OSC J2 S3DL34 J3 J2 90 42nd J3 T1DL34A S8DLB J2 T1DL38B J1 C1DLB Window 4 J1 J3 34th +37 46th J3 T1DL42B T1DL38A -10 J1 S3DL38 J2 90 Clock Generator Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P CBC J3 38th PLL IC Window 10 J2 S3DL42 J1 Dual A/D S1DL47 J1 J3 T1DL42A S7DLB 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-2-1-400 S2DL47 T1DL46B Head End 4 0 0 M H z Channel Card x 7 50 S5DLB J3 T1DL46A FPGA OSC th J2 S3DL46 J1 46th Dual D/A A1 J1 T1DL50B 47th S2DL47 J2 Window 6 54 J3 T1DL50A J2 Single Carrier in dBm Window 8 Window 6 J2 S3DL50 J1 Window 4 Window 8 A2 th S10 Window 1 Window 3 90 50 Window 2 Window 4 A2 J1 J3 Window 1 90 Clock Generator Window 3 58th J3 J1 th PLL IC J2 S3DL54 T1DL54A Dual A/D Window 2 J1 J3 FPGA Window 1 62nd J3 T1DL58B J1 th Dual D/A OSC J2 S3DL58 J3 T1DL58A 90 A1 J3 J1 58th 65 -10 S6DLB J1 J3 J2 +20 th J2 S3DL62 J1 62nd +37 J1 J3 N e t w o r k 65 S3DL65 J3 Channel Card x 7 W i d e J1 th 400 MHz Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P S i t e rev 9 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-3-1-400 D o w n l i n k WTC4 System Block Diagram T1DLB4B J2 This document is issued in strict confidence on condition that it is not copied, reprinted, or disclosed to a third party, wholly or in part, without written consent of Applied Micro Design, Incorporated. Window 12 Uplink Dual CBC/Splitter Model No. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 WTC4 System Block Diagram rev 9 S9ULB Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P -83 Dual A/D 90 65 65 62nd 62nd th th Clock Generator PLL IC FPGA Channel Card x 8 -23 -33 Dual D/A Window 1A 90 OSC Window 1A Uplink Group C1 400 MHz Window 1 Window 1 Window 2 Window 2 Window 3 Cross Band Coupler S3 50/50 Splitter DC blocked S4 blocked 50/50 Dual Splitter DC S5 4-Port Combiner S6 3-Port Combiner S7 2-Port Combiner S8 4-Port Combiner S9 8-Port Splitter S10 3-Port Splitter T1 10 dB RF Tap 58th 58th Window 4 54th Window 5 54th -83 50th Window 7 50th Dual A/D 90 Clock Generator PLL IC FPGA Dual D/A -23 90 -33 OSC Window 10 S2UL47 47th 47th CBC S2UL47 Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P C1ULB S1UL47 46th -23 46th -83 Dual A/D 90 Clock Generator Single Carrier in dBm 42nd 42nd 38 38 PLL IC FPGA Dual D/A -33 90 W i d e 60/40 Splitter DC through S i t e 50/50 Splitter DC through S2 OSC U p l i n k S1 N e t w o r k Window 3 Window 4 Window 5 Window 7 Window 10 Window 8 Window 9 Window 8 Composite in dBm Window 9 Head End th th -83 Dual A/D 90 Clock Generator PLL IC FPGA Dual D/A 90 -23 OSC Window 11 -33 34th 400 MHz -83 -33 Dual D/A 90 FPGA Dual A/D PLL IC OSC S9ULA Window 11 S10ULB Uplink Dual CBC/Splitter Model No. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P -23 Window 1A 34th Channel Card x 8 30th 30th 26th 26th 22nd 22nd 18th 18th 14th 14th 10th 10th Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P 800 MHz Channel Card x 3 90 Clock Generator Window 1A Head End Window 1 Window 1 Window 2 Window 2 Window 3 Window 10 Window 8 Window 9 W i d e Window 7 Window 4 Window 5 Window 7 Dual D/A 90 -23 -33 S i t e Window 5 U p l i n k Window 4 N e t w o r k Window 3 FPGA OSC Dual A/D PLL IC -83 90 Clock Generator Window 10 Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P C1ULA CBC S2UL06 6th S1UL06 -23 -33 90 Dual D/A FPGA OSC Dual A/D PLL IC 90 -83 5th 5th 2nd 2nd Clock Generator Window 8 Window 9 J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 90 Dual D/A FPGA Dual A/D 90 B1 -83 OSC -23 -33 PLL IC T1ULB1B J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 B2 800 MHz Channel Card x 3 J1 T1ULB2B J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 J2 J3 J4 J1 T1ULB3B B3 PROPRIETARY J1 B4 J3 T1ULB4A UPS J2 S4ULB4 J3 J2 DC Bias J1 J3 T1ULB3A J1 B4 J2 S4ULB3 J3 J2 B2 J3 T1ULB2A S10ULA B3 B1 J2 S4ULB2 J3 J2 Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P J1 J3 T1ULB1A Clock Generator Window 11 S4ULB1 J3 J2 Window 11 6th S2UL06 DAS T1ULB4B J2 This document is issued in strict confidence on condition that it is not copied, reprinted, or disclosed to a third party, wholly or in part, without written consent of Applied Micro Design, Incorporated. Back to Index System Specification DSP Section Frequency Range: Number of Channels: Channel Bandwidth: Channel Spacing: RF Frequency Accuracy: Adjacent Channel Selectivity: Time Delay: Variation of Output Power with Input Level: AGC Time Constant: AGC Control Range: Maximum passband Ripple (Full Band): Maximum Passband Ripple (Segment): Input / Output Impedance: Input / Output VSWR: IP3: Input / Output Connectors: Keying: Duty Cycle: Power Supply: Current: Operating Temperature Range: Downlink 453 - 454 MHz 460 - 461 MHz 464 - 465 MHz 470 - 471 MHz 851 - 854 MHz Uplink 458 - 459 MHz 455 - 456 MHz 469 - 470 MHz 473 - 474 MHz 806 - 807 MHz 807 - 808 MHz 808 - 809 MHz 2 (standard); optional 4, 8, 16 available 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz tracks input signal exactly 50 dB @ +/- 17.5 kHz < 60 microseconds +0, -1.0 dB in either direction < 100 microseconds + 80 dB 2 dB (across full band) 0.1 dB (across any 100 kHz segment) 50 Ohms 1.35:1, worst-case +20 dBm SMA PL, DPL, Carrier-Detect (computer control) Continuous 95 - 132 VAC, 45 - 64 Hz < 2A -20 oC to +60 oC Power Amplifier Section Power Output: Gain: Gain Adjust: OIP3: Impedance: Load VSWR: N.F.: Power Supply: Current: Operating Temp: Size: + 20 dBm / carrier for 453 - 488 MHz + 22 dBm / carrier for 851 - 854 MHz 35 - 45 dB 10 dB +55 dBm for 453 - 488 MHz +60 dBm for 851 - 854 MHz 50 Ohms Infinite, no damage 7 dB 95 - 132 VAC, 45 - 64 Hz < 2A -30° to +60° C 19” x 5.22” x 16” RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF IN RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT PWR RX RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY IN1 W1 - W3 482 - 485 MHz IN2 IN3 W4 460 - 464 MHz IN4 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN OUT2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP OUT1 RACS KEY FWD PWR TEMP FAN FLT SAMPLE1 FAN SAMPLE2 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-3-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-3-1-400 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RF IN RX TX TX TX RF OUT PWR RX RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY W8 477 - 479 MHz IN1 W6 W10 453 - 454 MHz IN3 IN2 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN SAMPLE2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP SAMPLE1 RACS KEY FWD PWR TEMP FAN FLT OUT3 FAN OUT4 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-2-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-2-1-400 ETHERNET ETHERNET 400 MHz IN 1 DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL 1465CCS-4-400 IN 3 IN 2 IN 4 OUT 800 MHz DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL NO. 1465CCS-4-400 IN 5 OUT W7 W9 W11 W12 851 - 854 MHz RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP IN1 IN2 IN3 FAN SAMPLE IN4 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAS-4-800 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAS-4-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX TX RX RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY 400 MHz OUT 1A OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 OUT 5 OUT 7 RACS OUT 10 AMPL1 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 AMPL2 POWER 800 MHz RF IN OUT 8 OUT 9 OUT 11 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL NO. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX RX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY PC RACK MOUNT MONITOR & KEYBOARD Back to Index DSP Card Cage - 4 Cards Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PPLIED MICRO DESIGN READY READY READY READY RX TX RX RF OUT TX RX RF OUT TX RX RF OUT TX RF OUT STA PWR W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY Card No. Card No. Card No. Card No. Processor Card Power Supply DSP Card Cage - 3 Cards Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P RF IN RF IN RF IN PPLIED MICRO DESIGN READY READY READY RX RX RX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT STA PWR W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY Card No. Card No. Card No. Processor Card Power Supply DSP Front Panel and Indicators RF Input Connector RF IN STATUS Status Indicator blinking: board is communicating with processor card RX TX STATUS steady: board is initialized RX steady: board is keyed USB Connector TX RF OUT RF Output Connector DSP Card L.E.D. columns blink alternately until processor card establishes communication with DSP cards. RACS Status Indicators STA PWR W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT MCAS Connector ETHERNET Processor Card blinking: unit is operating RACS Connector STA PWR W1 FLT blinking: card is disabled W2 FLT steady: card is enabled W3 FLT W4 FLT steady: unit is powered steady: either current, reverse power or temperature fault DSP Front Panel and Indicators Power Indicator steady: unit is powered POWER POWER Power Switch POWER SUPPLY Power Supply The Channel Card is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) that can process up to sixteen channels. The filter parameters of each channel can be independently selected to optimize the Adjacent Channel Time Delay Interference (TDI). The FPGA-based design allows for the implementation of a number of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, including Cauer, Butterworth, and Tchbecheff. All filters can be configured with the number of poles required to provide optimum rejection, within the constraints of bandwidth and filter roll-off, to reduce or eliminate TDI. Model 1465DSP is a two slot solution to channelized filtering for DAS systems. Two slot receptions enable the filtering, AGC and Key Line control in two 12.5 kHz channels on one channel card. TDMA and FDMA formats can be supported. Parameters are adjustable using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that runs on a laptop tied to the USB front panel connector. The GUI enables the setting of center frequency, bandwidth, threshold of operation, and Keying (CD, PL, or DPL). All channel parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and the board will power up in the last programmed configuration. The GUI will run on any laptop under Windows XP or later versions. DSP Specifications (all parameters are software defined) Frequency Range ** Number of Channels Channel Bandwidth Channel Spacing RF Frequency Accuracy Adjacent Channel Selectivity Time Delay Variation of Output Power with Input Level AGC Time Constant AGC Control Range Maximum passband Ripple (Full Band) Maximum Passband Ripple (Segment) IP3 Keying Duty Cycle Operating Temperature Range Input / Output Impedance Input / Output VSWR Input / Output Connectors Input Power Downlink Uplink 453 - 454 MHz 458 - 459 MHz 460 - 461 MHz 455 - 456 MHz 464 - 465 MHz 469 - 470 MHz 470 - 471 MHz 473 - 474 MHz 2 (standard); optional 4, 8, 16 available 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz tracks input signal exactly 50 dB @ +/- 17.5 kHz < 60 microseconds +0, -1.0 dB in either direction < 100 microseconds + 80 dB 2 dB (across full band) 0.1 dB (across any 100 kHz segment) +20 dBm PL, DPL, Carrier-Detect (computer control) Continuous -20 oC to +60 oC 50 Ohms 1.35:1, worst-case SMA 95 - 132 VAC, 45 - 64 Hz ** - VHF, 800 MHz, and 900 MHz also available Back to Index Dual Power Amplifier - Front Panel and Indicators Model No. 1465PAD-3-1-400 Input 1 Connector Input 2 Connector IN1 RACS Connector W1 - W3 482 - 485 MHz IN2 Input 3 Connector Input 4 Connector IN3 RACS Connector W4 460 - 464 MHz IN4 RACS STATUS STATUS REFL PWR FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT OUT2 FAN TEMP FLT FAN FLT TEMP SAMPLE1 FAN SAMPLE2 ETHERNET Output 2 Connector steady: amplifier is operating normally TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT IP Address MCAS Ethernet Connector steady: amplifer is operating 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-3-1-400 ETHERNET Output 1 Connector KEY FWD PWR TEMP OUT1 RACS KEY Power Indicator -40 dB Sample Port 1 Connector STATUS IP Address -40 dB Sample Port 2 Connector KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FAN TEMP FLT FAN FLT MCAS Ethernet Connector Power Switch steady: amplifier is enabled steady: amplifier has either current, reverse power or temperature fault Dual Power Amplifier - Front Panel and Indicators Model No. 1465PAD-2-1-400 Input 1 Connector RACS Connector W8 477 - 479 MHz IN1 Input 2 Connector Input 3 Connector IN3 IN2 RACS Connector W6 W10 453 - 454 MHz KEY REFL PWR FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT FAN SAMPLE2 STATUS FWD PWR TEMP SAMPLE1 RACS KEY TEMP FLT FAN FLT TEMP OUT3 OUT4 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-2-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT ETHERNET IP Address MCAS -40 dB -40 dB Ethernet Sample Port 1 Sample Port 2 Connector Connector Connector FAN PPLIED MICRO DESIGN RACS STATUS Power Indicator Output 3 Connector Output 4 Connector IP Address MCAS Ethernet Connector Power Switch Single Power Amplifier - Front Panel and Indicators Model No. 1465PAS-4-800 Output 3 Connector RACS Connector OUT W7 W9 W11 W12 851 - 854 MHz STATUS REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 SAMPLE KEY FAN PPLIED MICRO DESIGN RACS FWD PWR Power Indicator 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAS-4-800 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT ETHERNET Input 1 Input 2 Connector Connector Input 3 Input 4 Connector Connector -40 dB Sample Port Connector IP Address MCAS Ethernet Connector Power Switch The 1465PA channel amplifier is a high-linearity, multi-carrier amplifier for DAS (Distributed Antenna System) applications. The unit is a single or dual-amplifier configuration. Each amplifier has its own processor board, alarms, panel indicators and power supply. The processor board controls the enable signal to the amplifier and monitors forward power, reverse power, current, fan status and heat sink temperature. The processor board features remote monitoring capability via Ethernet. A computer running the Graphical User Interface (GUI) can display the status of the amplifier and provide control. A front panel Look Port for each amplifier allows the user to sample the signal at the front panel. Look port enables measurement without interrupting main line communications. The Look Port sample is 40 dB below the main RF output port. The processor board contains six NO/NC relay lines that interface to any alarm system and control. Power Amplifier Specifications Frequency: Power Output: Power Output: Gain: Gain Adjust: ALC: OIP3: Impedance: Load VSWR: N.F.: Power Supply: Current: Operating Temp: Size: 453 - 488 MHz 5 W (+37 dBm) Composite + 20 dBm / carrier 35 - 45 dB 10 dB 5 Watts +55 dBm 50 Ohms Infinite, no damage 7 dB 110V AC < 2A -30° to +60° C 19” x 5.22” x 16” Frequency: Power Output: Power Output: Gain: Gain Adjust: ALC: OIP3: Impedance: Load VSWR: N.F.: Power Supply: Current: Operating Temp: Size: 851 - 854 MHz 6.5 W (+38 dBm) Composite + 22 dBm / carrier 35 - 45 dB 10 dB 5 Watts +60 dBm 50 Ohms Infinite, no damage 7 dB 110V AC < 2A -30° to +60° C 19” x 5.22” x 16” Back to Index CBC/Combiner - Front Panel Model No. 1465CCS-4-400 Input 1 Connector Input 2 Connector Input 3 Connector Input 4 Connector 400 MHz IN 1 IN 3 IN 2 IN 4 OUT 800 MHz IN 5 Input 5 Connector Output Connector The 1465CCS-4-400 is a Cross Band Coupler (CBC) and Combiner in one chassis; it is designed for DAS (Distributed Antenna System) applications. The low-insertion loss CBC combines signals from two paths; 400 MHz and 800 MHz bands. The 400 MHz band path has a combiner prior to the CBC for multi-channel combining of multi-carrier signals. CBC/Combiner Specifications Frequency: Input Power: Insertion Loss: Isolation: Impedance: Operating Temp: Input Connectors: Output Connector: Size: 453 - 488 MHz; 851 - 854 MHz 40 dBm (10W) each port maximum < 2 dB 40 dB minimum between ports 50 Ohms -30 to +60 °C SMA female N-type female 19” x 5.22” x 12” CBC/Splitter - Front Panel and Indicators Model No. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 Output 1A Connector Output 2 Connector Output 1 Connector Output 4 Connector Output 3 Connector Output 7 Connector Output 5 Connector Output 10 Connector RACS Connector Power Indicator 400 MHz OUT 1A OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 PPLIED MICRO DESIGN OUT 4 OUT 5 OUT 7 OUT 10 RACS STA PWR AMPL1 UPLINK CBC/SPLITTER MODEL 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 AMPL2 POWER 800 MHz RF IN OUT 8 OUT 9 OUT 11 ETHERNET Input Connector Output 8 Connector blinking: LNAs are operating steady: LNAs are operating normally Output 9 Connector STA AMPL1 AMPL2 IP Address Output 11 Connector PWR MCAS Ethernet Connector steady: LNAs are powered steady: LNA has current fault Power Switch The 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 is a Cross Band Coupler and Splitter housed in one chassis; it is designed for DAS (Distributed Antenna System) applications. The CBC/Splitter separates signals from the 400 MHz and 800 MHz bands into two paths. Each path has a splitter for multi-channel distribution of multi-carrier signals for downstream processing. A Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) in front of each splitter provides improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the splitter outputs. The LNAs are tied to a processor board that functions as a current monitor. The processor board provides status via front-panel LEDs and also features a remote monitoring capability via Ethernet. A computer running the Graphical User Interface (GUI) can display the status of the amplifiers. CBC/Splitter Specifications Frequency: Input Power: Gain: Noise Figure: Isolation: Impedance: Input Connector: Output Connector: Power Supply: Current: Operating Temp: Size: 458 - 488 MHz; 806 - 809 MHz 40 dBm (10W) maximum 10 dB < 2 dB 60 dB minimum between ports 50 Ohms N-type female SMA female 110V AC <1A -30 to +60 °C 19” x 5.22” x 16” Back to Index RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX TX RX TX TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY IN1 W1 - W3 482 - 485 MHz IN2 IN3 W4 460 - 464 MHz IN4 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN OUT2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP OUT1 RACS KEY FWD PWR TEMP FAN FLT SAMPLE1 FAN SAMPLE2 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-3-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-3-1-400 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF IN RX RX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR RX RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY W8 477 - 479 MHz IN1 W6 W10 453 - 454 MHz IN3 IN2 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN SAMPLE2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP SAMPLE1 RACS KEY FWD PWR CURRENT TEMP FAN FLT OUT3 FAN OUT4 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-2-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-2-1-400 ETHERNET ETHERNET 400 MHz IN 1 DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL 1465CCS-4-400 IN 3 IN 2 IN 4 OUT 800 MHz DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL NO. 1465CCS-4-400 IN 5 OUT W7 W9 W11 W12 851 - 854 MHz RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP IN1 IN2 IN3 FAN SAMPLE IN4 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAS-4-800 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAS-4-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX TX RX RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF IN RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY 400 MHz OUT 1A OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 OUT 5 OUT 7 RACS OUT 10 AMPL1 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 AMPL2 POWER 800 MHz RF IN OUT 8 OUT 9 OUT 11 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL NO. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY PC RACK MOUNT MONITOR & KEYBOARD Back to Index RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY IN1 W1 - W3 482 - 485 MHz IN2 IN3 W4 460 - 464 MHz IN4 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN OUT2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP OUT1 RACS KEY FWD PWR TEMP FAN FLT SAMPLE1 FAN SAMPLE2 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-3-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-3-1-400 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF IN RX RX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR RX RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY W8 477 - 479 MHz IN1 W6 W10 453 - 454 MHz IN3 IN2 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN SAMPLE2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP SAMPLE1 RACS KEY FWD PWR CURRENT TEMP FAN FLT OUT3 FAN OUT4 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-2-1-400 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAD-2-1-400 ETHERNET TO UPLINK RACK ETHERNET 400 MHz IN 1 DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL 1465CCS-4-400 IN 3 IN 2 IN 4 OUT 800 MHz DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL NO. 1465CCS-4-400 IN 5 OUT W7 W9 W11 W12 851 - 854 MHz RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP IN1 IN2 IN3 FAN SAMPLE IN4 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAS-4-800 TEMP FLT POWER FAN FLT 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL NO. 1465PAS-4-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF IN RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX TX RX TX RF OUT TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX TX RX RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-4-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY FROM DOWNLINK RACK 400 MHz OUT 1A OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 OUT 5 OUT 7 RACS OUT 10 AMPL1 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 AMPL2 POWER 800 MHz RF IN OUT 8 OUT 9 OUT 11 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL NO. 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RF OUT RX TX RF IN TX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR POWER ETHERNET CHANNEL CARD ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. 1465DSP-3-2-P POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY PC RACK MOUNT MONITOR & KEYBOARD Back to Index PPLIED MICRO DESIGN Back to Index PPLIED MICRO DESIGN Downlink Installation No antennas, cables, and/or coupling devices are shipped with this equipment. RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT RX RX TX RX TX RF OUT TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT W3 FLT W4 FLT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY IN1 W1 - W3 482 - 485 MHz IN2 IN3 W4 460 - 464 MHz IN4 RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT FLT CURRENT CURRENT FLT TEMP FLT FAN OUT2 STATUS REFL PWR TEMP OUT1 RACS KEY FWD PWR CURRENT TEMP FAN FLT SAMPLE1 SAMPLE2 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-3-1-400 TEMP FLT FAN POWER FAN FLT ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY RX RX TX TX RF OUT RX TX RF OUT PWR W1 FLT FLT W4 FLT RF OUT POWER FLT W2 W3 ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY W8 477 - 479 MHz IN1 W6 W10 453 - 454 MHz IN3 IN2 RACS STATUS TEMP SAMPLE1 STATUS REFL PWR FWD PWR CURRENT FLT CURRENT TEMP FLT FAN SAMPLE2 RACS KEY FWD PWR CURRENT KEY REFL PWR FAN FLT OUT3 TEMP FLT FAN OUT4 ETHERNET 400 MHz DUAL AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAD-2-1-400 CURRENT FLT TEMP POWER FAN FLT ETHERNET ETHERNET 400 MHz IN 1 DOWNLINK CBC/COMBINER MODEL 1465CCS-4-400 IN 3 IN 2 IN 4 OUT 800 MHz IN 5 OUT W7 W9 W11 W12 851 - 854 MHz RACS STATUS KEY FWD PWR REFL PWR CURRENT IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 TEMP FLT FAN SAMPLE 800 MHz AMPLIFIER MODEL 1465PAS-4-800 CURRENT FLT TEMP POWER FAN FLT ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT RX RX TX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT RX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY Connect to Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Uplink Installation No antennas, cables, and/or coupling devices are shipped with this equipment. RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN PWR READY READY READY READY W1 FLT W2 FLT RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT RF OUT W3 FLT W4 FLT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY RF IN RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY READY RX RX TX RX TX RF OUT RF OUT RX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR W1 POWER FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY Connect to Distributed Antenna System (DAS) 400 MHz OUT 1A OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 OUT 5 OUT 7 RACS OUT 10 AMPL1 UPLINK DUAL CBC/SPLITTER MODEL 1465CSD-8-400-3-800 AMPL2 POWER 800 MHz RF IN OUT 8 OUT 9 OUT 11 ETHERNET RF IN RF IN RF IN READY READY READY RX RX TX RF OUT RX TX TX RF OUT RF OUT PWR W1 FLT W2 FLT W3 FLT W4 FLT POWER ETHERNET POWER SUPPLY FAN TRAY PC RACK MOUNT MONITOR & KEYBOARD Appendix A NMS GUI Manual USER’S MANUAL Network Monitoring and Control System 1.0 – AMDI (NMS) Applied Micro Design Inc. May, 2015 Revision Sheet Revision Sheet Release No. 1.0 Date 5/25/15 NMS User’s Manual Revision Description User’s Manual Created Page i USER'S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 GETTING STARTED .....................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 Startup ....................................................................................................................................2-1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 2.1 Opening the Map....................................................................................................................2-1 Exit NMS................................................................................................................................ 2-2 MAPS...............................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 3.2 4.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 Key Features........................................................................................................................... 1-1 Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Overview Map........................................................................................................................ 3-1 Node View Map .....................................................................................................................3-2 COMPONENT LEVEL GUI ...........................................................................................................4-1 4.1 AMDI DSP Processor Board Control ....................................................................................4-1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 AMDI Power Amplifier Control ............................................................................................ 4-4 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 Status/Control .........................................................................................................................4-1 Thresholds...............................................................................................................................4-2 Update.....................................................................................................................................4-3 Faults.......................................................................................................................................4-4 Status/Control .........................................................................................................................4-4 Thresholds...............................................................................................................................4-5 Update.....................................................................................................................................4-6 Faults.......................................................................................................................................4-7 AMDI Cross Band Coupler....................................................................................................4-7 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 NMS User’s Manual Status.......................................................................................................................................4-7 Thresholds...............................................................................................................................4-8 Update.....................................................................................................................................4-9 Faults.....................................................................................................................................4-10 Page ii 1.0 Product Description 1.0 NMS User’s Manual PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1.0 Product Description 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1.1 Overview The WTC NMS is a graphical user interface, GUI, program that notifies WTC personnel if a specific component fails or if a condition exists that can cause a failure. The GUI continuously polls each component and displays the current status on the GUI screen. If a failure or adverse condition is detected, an icon on the WTC NMS flashes red. The WTC NMS consists of layered maps which provide different levels of detail. The user can double click on a node, to see a more detailed view of the equipment or to identify a failed or about to fail component. 1.2 Key Features The important NMS features include the following: This system indicates the device status whether normal, alarming, connected or disconnected. Continuous polling updating status Component management through Ethernet Interface High-level view Drill down windows to view more detailed information Configurable Alarm Thresholds Device enable/disable NMS User’s Manual Page 1-1 1.0 Product Description 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations WTC – World Trade Center. This is the site for the system installation. GUI – Graphical User Interface NMS – Network Management and Control System AMDI – Applied Micro Design Inc. DSP – Digital Signal Processing RF – Radio Frequency CBC – Cross Band Coupler UI – User Interface LNA – Low Noise Amplifier PWR – Power UL – Up Link DL – Down Link NMS User’s Manual Page 1-2 2.0 Getting Started 2.0 NMS User’s Manual GETTING STARTED 2.0 Getting Started 2.0 GETTING STARTED 2.1 Startup The system comes with the NMS pre-installed. Start NMS server: 1. Double-click the Intermapper® icon on the Desktop. Figure 2: InterMapper® Desktop Shortcut 2. The Map List window will appear. Figure 3: Map List 2.2 System Requirements To use NMS, ensure the following minimum software and Hardware requirements are available: Hardware Requirements o Windows 7 Operating System or greater. o Ethernet RJ-45 interface Software Requirements – Intermapper® with a minimum license to monitor 50 devices. 2.3 Opening the Map Double-click the ‘WTC Tower 4’ map. This will open the overview window which displays a high level view of the entire system. NMS User’s Manual Page 2-1 2.0 Getting Started 2.4 Exit NMS Close all map windows, Intermapper® application, and component GUI windows. NMS User’s Manual Page 2-2 3.0 Maps 3.0 NMS User’s Manual MAPS 3.0 Maps 3.0 MAPS The WTC NMS consists of layered maps which provide different levels of detail. The user can double click on a node, to see a more detailed view of the equipment or to identify a failed or about to fail component. 3.1 Overview Map The Overview Map provides a high level view of the entire WTC system. Each icon on the Overview Map represents an individual equipment room. The color of the icon, representing an equipment room, indicates the most serious condition. If a failure condition is detected on any component in an equipment room, the room’s icon will flash red. Figure 1: NMS Overview Map NMS User’s Manual Page 3-1 3.0 Maps 3.2 Node View Map The Node View Map provides a detailed view of the equipment room which includes the Uplink and Downlink racks. Devices in alarm mode flash red. The user can drill down into the device to view detailed status of the hardware, set alarm thresholds, enable/disable the device, and update device firmware. Figure 2: Node View Map SYSTEM OK Figure 3: Node View Map COMPONENT FAILED NMS User’s Manual Page 3-2 4.0 Component Level GUI 4.0 NMS User’s Manual COMPONENT LEVEL GUI 4.0 Component Level GUI 4.0 COMPONENT LEVEL GUI By double clicking the component icon the user can view detailed status of the hardware, set alarm thresholds, enable/disable the device, and update device firmware. Each component GUI includes 3 tab pages Status, Thresholds, and Update. 4.1 AMDI DSP Processor Board Control 4.1.1 Status/Control The status tab displays the current status for the individual DSP Channel Cards installed in the chassis. The current measured Forward and Reverse power readings, in dBm, are displayed. If the Forward/Reverse PWR readings display ‘OFF’ there is no signal present. The current board temperature is displayed in degrees C. The instantaneous current draw is displayed in milliamps, mA. The Status column displays the current board status which can be DISABLED, ENABLED, TEMP FAULT, CURRENT FAULT, FORWARD PWR FUALT, REVERSE PWR FUALT, and COMMS Error. Figure 4. DSP Status/Control tab Figure 5. DSP Status/Control tab with channel Enabled. To enable the RF output on a channel card click ‘Enable’. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-1 4.0 Component Level GUI To disable the RF output on an individual card click ‘Disable’. To enable all cards in a Channel Card Cage click ‘Enable All’. To disable all cards in a Channel Card Cage click ‘Disable All’. 4.1.2 Thresholds The Thresholds tab displays the alarm thresholds for the DSP Processor board. The below table outlines each threshold: Name Card Count Description The number of DSP channel cards installed in the corresponding card cage. Number representing the minimum RF output power value in – dBm. Number representing the maximum reflected power reading in – dBm. Number representing the maximum allowable current draw value in mA. Number representing the maximum allowable temperature in degrees C. Table 1. DSP Channel Card Threshold Values Forward Power Reverse Power Current Temperature To edit thresholds, click the ‘Thresholds’ tab, then click ‘Edit’, when prompted for a username/password use the following: Username: Password: AMDI admin Figure 5. Login Prompt to edit thresholds This will allow the user to make changes to the threshold values. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-2 4.0 Component Level GUI Figure 6. DSP Thresholds tab 4.1.3 Update Update Processor Firmware: To update the firmware running inside the processor, click ‘Open HEX’ and navigate to the coorisponding .hex file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. Figure 7. DSP Channel Card Update Tab Update Ethernet Controller: To update the firmware running inside the Ethernet Interface, click ‘Open EXE’ and navigate to the coorisponding .exe file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-3 4.0 Component Level GUI 4.1.4 Faults The table below describes the different fault messages displayed in the Status column on the ‘Status/Control’ tab page. The alarms are generated whenever a measured value exceeds the threshold. Fault Name TEMP FAULT Description The temperature value is greater that the threshold. CURRENT FAULT FORWARD POWER FAULT REVERSE POWER FAULT COMMS ERROR The current draw for the board is greater than the current threshold value. The measured forward power value is less than the forward power threshold. The measure reverse power value is greater than the reverse power threshold. The number of detected channel cards is less than the programmed card count threshold. Troubleshooting Verify fans are running. Verify temperature threshold is correct. Verify the board is connected properly. Verify DSP board RF output and AGC settings using the AMDI UI application. Verify RF cables are connected properly. Verify the cards are properl y seated in card cage. Verify the threshold value represents the number of channel card present in the card cage. Table 2. DSP Channel Cards Fault Messages 4.2 AMDI Power Amplifier Control 4.2.1 Status/Control The status tab displays the current status for the power amplifier. The current measured Forward and Reverse power readings, in dBm, are displayed. There are 2 progress bars that provide a visual representation of the forward and reverse power. The current amplifier temperature is displayed in degrees C. The instantaneous current draw is displayed in amps, A. The Status column displays the current amplifier status which can be DISABLED, ENABLED, TEMP FAULT, CURRENT FAULT, FORWARD PWR FUALT, and REVERSE PWR FUALT. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-4 4.0 Component Level GUI Figure 8. Power Amplifier Status/Control Tab disabled Figure 9. Power Amplifier Status/Control Tab Enabled 4.2.2 Thresholds The Thresholds tab displays the alarm thresholds for power amplifier. The below table outlines each threshold: Name ALC Forward Power Description The value for Automatic Level Control Number representing the minimum RF output power value in dBm. Number representing the maximum reflected power reading in dBm. Number representing the maximum allowable current draw value in A. Number representing the maximum allowable temperature in degrees C. Table 3. Power Amplifier Threshold Values Reverse Power Current Temperature To edit thresholds, click the ‘Thresholds’ tab, then click ‘Edit’, when prompted for a username/password use the following: Username: Password: AMDI admin NMS User’s Manual Page 4-5 4.0 Component Level GUI Figure 10. Login Prompt to edit thresholds This will allow the user to make changes to the threshold values. Figure 11. Power Amplifier Thresholds Tab 4.2.3 Update Update Processor Firmware: To update the firmware running inside the processor, click ‘Open HEX’ and navigate to the coorisponding .hex file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-6 4.0 Component Level GUI Figure 12 Power Amplifier Update Tab Update Ethernet Controller: To update the firmware running inside the Ethernet Interface, click ‘Open EXE’ and navigate to the coorisponding .exe file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. 4.2.4 Faults The table below describes the different fault messages displayed in the Status column on the ‘Status/Control’ tab page. The alarms are generated whenever a measured value exceeds the threshold. Fault Name TEMP FAULT Description The temperature value is greater that the threshold. CURRENT FAULT Troubleshooting Verify fans are running. Verify temperature threshold is correct. Verify the amplifier is connected and operating properly. The current draw f or the amplifier is greater than the current threshold value. FORWARD POWER FAULT The measured forward power Verify the ALC threshold value value is less than the forward is configure properly. power threshold. REVERSE POWER FAULT The measure reverse power value Verify RF cables are connected is greater than the reverse power properly. threshold. Table 4. Power Amplifier Fault Messages 4.3 AMDI Cross Band Coupler 4.3.1 Status NMS User’s Manual Page 4-7 4.0 Component Level GUI The status tab displays the current draw in millamps, mA, for the LNAs in the chassis. The status column will display OK or CURRENT FAULT. Figure 13 CBC Status tab 4.3.2 Thresholds The thresholds tab allows the user to set the current draw threshold for the LNAs. To edit thresholds, click the ‘Thresholds’ tab, then click ‘Edit’, when prompted for a username/password use the following: Username: Password: AMDI admin Figure 14 Login Prompt to edit thresholds This will allow the user to make changes to the threshold values. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-8 4.0 Component Level GUI Figure 15 CBC Thresholds Tab 4.3.3 Update Update Processor Firmware: To update the firmware running inside the processor, click ‘Open HEX’ and navigate to the coorisponding .hex file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. Figure 12 CBC Update Tab Update Ethernet Controller: To update the firmware running inside the Ethernet Interface, click ‘Open EXE’ and navigate to the coorisponding .exe file. Once the file has been selected, click update. There will be a label that says “Programming Complete” next to the Update button, and the button will be disabled. NMS User’s Manual Page 4-9 4.0 Component Level GUI 4.3.4 Fault The table below describes the fault message displayed in the Status column on the ‘Status’ tab page. The alarm is generated whenever a measured value exceeds the threshold. Fault Name CURRENT FAULT Description The current draw for the LNA is greater than the current threshold value. Table 5 CBC Fault Message Troubleshooting Verify the CBC is connected and operating properly. Back to Index NMS User’s Manual Page 4-10 Appendix B RACS (Radio Access Control System) Description There are two equipment rooms in Tower-4, and each equipment room has an Uplink and Downlink rack. The Downlink Rack contains three DSP Card Cages, two Dual Amplifiers, one Single Amplifier, and one CBC chassis. There are a total of eight processor boards in the Downlink rack; one board in each Card Cage, two boards in each Dual Amplifier, and one board in the single amplifier. The CBC chassis is passive and does not have a processor board. The Uplink Rack contains three DSP Card Cages and one CBC chassis. There are a total of four processor boards in the Uplink rack; one board in each Card Cage and one board in the CBC chassis. Each processor board has an Ethernet interface and is connected to an Ethernet Switch in the associated rack. Each processor board also has six relays that are the interface to the RACS system. There are three wires associated with each relay; Common (COM), Normally Open (NO), and Normally Closed (NC). There is a DB-25F connector on each front panel that brings out the eighteen lines; three lines per each of the six relays. A relay changes state from NO to NC if a corresponding fault is detected by the processor board. The threshold for each fault function is programmable via the Graphic User Interface (GUI) program provided with the system. Five block diagrams are attached: Figures 1 and 2 are high-level block diagrams showing the components of the system that implement the RACS function for the DL and UL racks respectively. Each of the components described above is listed along with the corresponding AMDI model number. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show the RACS section of a typical Card Cage, DL Power Amplifier, and UL CBC in more detail. DSP Window Card RACS Interface The Card Cage chassis has a backplane board that runs across the back of the chassis. The DSP cards and the processor board plug into the backplane, which provides the signal path for an RS-422 interface between the processor board and each of the DSP Window cards. The processor board sends command to, and receives status from, each of the DSP Window Cards. Status messages from the Window card to the processor board include; Forward Power, Reflected Power, Current, Temperature, Mode (narrow-band or broadband), and number of active channels. Since there is one processor board per chassis, there is one set of six RACS relays per chassis. The relays represent the composite status for the (three or four) DSP cards in the chassis. Any one of the following faults on a channel card will result in the relay corresponding to that card changing state: Forward Power Fault, Reflected Power Fault, Current Fault, Temperature Fault. The following is a list of relay fault assignments: DSP Channel Card #1 Fault DSP Channel Card #2 Fault DSP Channel Card #3 Fault DSP Channel Card #4 Fault Spare #1 Spare #2 Figure 3 shows the Card Cage block diagram and the RACS relay lines. Power Amplifier RACS Interface The Power Amplifier chassis contains either one or two power amplifier modules. A power amplifier module consists of a power supply, power amplifier, optional combiner, and processor board. Figure 4 shows the lines between the amplifier module and the processor board. Voltages proportional to amplifier forward and reflected power are input to the processor board. ALC level, ALC enable, and amplifier enable (key line, to turn the amplifier on and off) are output from the processor board to the amplifier. In addition to these signals, the processor board monitors amplifier current (via a sense resistor in series with the power supply) and amplifier temperature (via a thermistor mounted to the amplifier heat sink). A tachometer signal on the fan is monitored to ensure the fan is rotating. The processor board sends command to, and receives status from, the amplifier and peripherals (current, temperature, and fan status). The following is a list of relay fault assignments: Forward Power Fault Reflected Power Fault Over-Current Fault Temperature Fault Fan Fault Spare Uplink CBC RACS Interface The Uplink CBC chassis contains a Cross-Band Coupler, two Splitters, and two LNA’s. There is one processor board in the chassis that measures power supply current into each LNA. The following is a list of relay fault assignments: LNA #1 Over-Current Fault LNA #2 Over-Current Fault Spare #1 Spare #2 Spare #3 Spare #4 Notes: 1.RACS fault thresholds are the same as for the chassis front-panel LED’s. Thresholds are set using the AMDI GUI. 2.The “Forward Power” fault is not defined at this time. 3.All faults are generated under firmware control of the processor board in the corresponding chassis. These can be re-defined in later firmware versions. Back to Index WTC4 HE Alarms Diagram rev 3 Downlink Group 400 MHz 400 MHz 800 MHz Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P Amplifier Processor NC NC NO NO Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO Amplifier Processor DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface Analog Interface Status Key Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault to Ethernet switch Power Supply NC NC NO NO Fan Fault (MCAS) Temperature Reverse Pwr Current Sense Processor Temperature Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault ALC Level ALC Digital Interface DB-25 (RACS) Amplifier Processor to Ethernet switch Power Amplifier Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault ALC Digital Interface Enable/Disable Power Amplifier 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-2-1-400 NC NC NO NO Current Sense Analog Interface Status Key ALC Level Fan Fan Fault 400 MHz Dual Amplifier Model No. 1465PAD-3-1-400 RACS Processor Reverse Pwr NC NC NO NO Serial Interface DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface (MCAS) Forward Pwr Fan Fan Fault Enable/Disable Power Supply Fan Fault Analog Interface Status Key Forward Pwr Fan Fan Fault RACS Ethernet Interface Current Sense Processor NC NC NO NO Serial Interface Power Supply Fan Fault Temperature Reverse Pwr to Ethernet switch (MCAS) Forward Pwr ALC Level ALC Digital Interface Enable/Disable Power Amplifier Combiner Amplifier Processor NC NC NO NO Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO Amplifier Processor DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface Analog Interface Status Key Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault Fan Fan Fault RACS DB-25 (RACS) NC NC NO NO Window Ethernet Interface Current Sense Processor NC NC NO NO Serial Interface to Ethernet switch Power Supply Fan Fault (MCAS) Temperature Reverse Pwr Current Sense Processor Analog Interface Status Key Forward Pwr ALC Level ALC Digital Interface Fan Fan Fault Enable/Disable Power Supply Fan Fault Reverse Pwr Window Window 11 Window 12 (MCAS) Temperature Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault to Ethernet switch Forward Pwr ALC Level NC NC NO NO ALC Digital Interface Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO Enable/Disable DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface Power Amplifier Power Amplifier Combiner Analog Interface Status Power W7 Fault W9 Fault W11 Fault Combiner W12 Digital Interface Fault Window Window Window Window Window NC NC NO NO Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO (RACS) to Ethernet switch Fault RACS NC NC NO NO DB-25 (RACS) Note: DB-25 connector has six (6) sets of NO, NC and Common relay contacts. Channel Card Processor Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P to Ethernet switch Processor (MCAS) Analog Interface Digital Interface Channel Card Processor Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P Window 10 NC NC NO NO Serial Interface (MCAS) Ethernet Interface Processor W4 Window DB-25 Ethernet Interface Status Power W1 Fault W2 Fault W3 Fault to Ethernet switch Processor Status Power W8 Fault W6 Fault W10 Fault Figure 1 (MCAS) Analog Interface Digital Interface Channel Card Processor PROPRIETARY Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P This document is issued in strict confidence on condition that it is not copied, reprinted, or disclosed to a third party, wholly or in part, without written consent of Applied Micro Design, Incorporated. WTC4 HE Alarms Diagram Uplink Group rev 3 LNA Processor NC NC NO NO Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface to Ethernet switch Processor (MCAS) Analog Interface Power Status Current Current Fault Current Sense LNA 2 Current Current Fault Current Sense LNA 1 Digital Interface Window 1A LNA LNA Splitter Splitter Window Window Window Window NC NC NO NO Serial Interface RACS NC NC NO NO (RACS) (MCAS) Analog Interface Digital Interface Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P 400 MHz Window RACS NC NC NO NO Channel Card Processor (RACS) W10 (MCAS) Channel Card Processor Digital Interface RACS NC NC NO NO DB-25 (RACS) Ethernet Interface Analog Interface Fault Window 11 NC NC NO NO Serial Interface to Ethernet switch Processor Status Power W4 Fault W5 Fault W7 Fault Window DB-25 Ethernet Interface Processor W3 Window 10 NC NC NO NO Serial Interface to Ethernet switch Fault Window DB-25 Ethernet Interface Status Power W1A Fault W1 Fault W2 Fault Window Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-4-2-P to Ethernet switch Processor (MCAS) Analog Interface Status Power W8 Fault W9 Fault W11 Fault Digital Interface Channel Card Processor Channel Card Assembly Model No. 1465DSP-3-2-P 400 MHz 800 MHz Note: DB-25 connector has six (6) sets of NO, NC and Common relay contacts. PROPRIETARY Figure 2 This document is issued in strict confidence on condition that it is not copied, reprinted, or disclosed to a third party, wholly or in part, without written consent of Applied Micro Design, Incorporated. Alarm Window Window Serial Interface Window Window RACS Ethernet Interface to Ethernet switch Processor Analog Interface Status Power W1 Fault W2 Fault W3 Fault W4 Fault Digital Interface (MCAS) Channel Card Processor DSP Card # 1 NO DSP Card # 1 COM DSP Card # 1 NC DSP Card # 2 NO DSP Card # 2 COM DSP Card # 2 NC DSP Card # 3 NO DSP Card # 3 COM 11 DSP Card # 3 NC 10 DSP Card # 4 NO 14 DSP Card # 4 COM 16 DSP Card # 4 NC 15 Spare # 1 NO 18 Spare # 1 COM 20 Spare # 1 NC 19 Spare # 2 NO 22 Spare # 2 COM 24 Spare # 2 NC 23 DB-25 (RACS) Figure 3 DB-25 Pin No. Alarm 400 MHz Amplifier Processor Serial Interface RACS Ethernet Interface Current Sense Processor Analog Interface Status Key Fwd Pwr Ref Pwr Current Current Fault Temperature Temp Fault Fan Fan Fault Power Supply Fan Fault Temperature Reverse Pwr Forward Pwr ALC Level ALC Digital Interface to Ethernet switch (MCAS) Fwd Pwr NO Fwd Pwr COM Fwd Pwr NC Ref Pwr NO Ref Pwr COM Ref Pwr NC Current Fault NO Current Fault COM 11 Current Fault NC 10 Temp Fault NO 14 Temp Fault COM 16 Temp Fault NC 15 Fan Fault NO 18 Fan Fault COM 20 Fan Fault NC 19 Spare NO 22 Spare COM 24 Spare NC 23 Enable/Disable DB-25 (RACS) Power Amplifier Figure 4 DB-25 Pin No. Alarm LNA Processor Serial Interface RACS Ethernet Interface to Ethernet switch Processor (MCAS) Analog Interface Power Status Current Current Fault Current Current Fault DB-25 Pin No. LNA # 1 Current NO LNA # 1 Current COM LNA # 1 Current NC LNA # 2 Current NO LNA # 2 Current COM LNA # 2 Current NC Spare # 1 NO Spare # 1 COM 11 Spare # 1 NC 10 Spare # 2 NO 14 Spare # 2 COM 16 Spare # 2 NC 15 Spare # 3 NO 18 Spare # 3 COM 20 Current Sense LNA 2 Spare # 3 NC 19 Current Sense LNA 1 Spare # 4 NO 22 Spare # 4 COM 24 Spare # 4 NC 23 Digital Interface DB-25 (RACS) LNA Splitter LNA Splitter Figure 5 Back to Index Appendix C DSP User GUI Operation This document describes the operation of the WTC GUI, the graphical user interface program that is used to configure each of the DSP modules. To use the WTC GUI connect a USB cable from the PC to a DSP module and start the program by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut that looks like this: When the WTC GUI program starts it looks for DSP modules on the USB interface. If it finds only one module on the USB port, it displays a dialog box like the following one to announce on which USB COM port it has found a DSP module on. Clicking the OK button dismisses the COM port dialog box. On the other hand if it finds more than one the program lets the user select which module to work with. Next the WTC GUI program reads the current settings from the DSP module and also the module board ID, serial number, and the revision dates of the GUI, firmware and settings. It displays that information in an About dialog box like this: The About dialog, is displayed on top of the main GUI window. Here is an example of the Main window for one of the WTC uplink modules, namely ULW8 (Up Link Window 8): The settings that were read from the non-volatile memory on the DSP module allow the GUI program to configure the GUI controls so they match the DSP module. The settings include the selected mode which may be either “single channel low delay mode” which is normally used for the downlink or “multiple channel narrowband mode” which is usually used for uplink. The WTC firmware allows up to eight channels in uplink mode but other firmware is available from AMDI that allows up to sixteen channels per DSP module. The ULW8 has six channels. The GUI hides the GUI controls for the channels beyond those six since the settings read from the board tell the GUI program that for the “Up Link Window 8” module only six channels are used. To use a different number of channels the user only needs to change the number in the edit box labeled “# of Channels”. As you can see in the figure above, for each channel the GUI provides controls that specify these values: Channel Frequency (MHz) Channel filter bandwidth Channel filter order Output AGC setpoint (dBm) Squelch A and B types Squelch A and B values The GUI also provides the following outputs: Squelch A and B ON or OFF indicators Channel Input signal level (dBm) Channel Output signal level (dBm) Here is an explanation of some of these settings. Each channel uses Digital Signal Processing to implement very flexible filters. The user can control both the filter bandwidth and the filter sharpness and time delay. The filter bandwidth is selected using this control: The filter sharpness and time delay are related. Sharper filters have a longer time delay. Time delay is important in applications in which a receiver may receive both the signal that has passed through the re-broadcast equipment and the signal directly from the transmitter. The following control lets the user select the filter order which is a measure of the filter’s sharpness. For each channel this control lets the user select the filter order: A filter with an order of 6 provides an input to output delay of about 24 microseconds but the filter transitions from its passband to its stop bands slowly. A filter with an order of 80, on the other hand has sharp edges but a longer delay. Each channel has two squelch circuits because in some applications two different services share the same frequency channel. In other cases more than one service are so close in frequency that a single re-broadcast channel is used to handle both. For both Squelch A and Squelch B the user can select using one of the two “Squelch Type” controls like these: As the user changes the “Squelch Type” the prompt for the “Squelch Value” edit box changes. For Carrier squelch type it reads “Squelch A Level (dBm):” as shown for ULW8 channel 2. For “PL CTCSS” squelch type it reads “Squelch A Tone Freq (Hz):” as shown for ULW8 channel 0. For “DPL DCS” squelch type the prompt is “Squelch A DPL Code:” Notice, in the ULW8 figure above, that for channel 2 there is green text that reads “A is ON” and red text that reads “B is OFF”. That text lets the user see the current output of each of the channel’s two squelch circuits. When either Squelch A or Squelch B is ON then the channel is keyed on. When it is keyed on the output level text for the channel indicates the output level in dBm. The input level text for each channel shows the level of the signal that has passed through the channel’s filter. The ULW8 screen capture was done while there was a signal within that channel at about -53 dBm. The edit box just to the right of the “Output Setpoint (-dBm):” text lets the user specify the desired output signal level (at the DSP module’s output) for each channel that is “Keyed ON” by the squelch circuits. The description so far has been focused on “Up Link, Multiple Narrowband Channels” mode. In that mode the time delay is less critical. The signal path is from the portable radio in the building to the distributed antennas through the DSP modules, combiners and amplifiers through fiber optic links to the communication HUB. So there is very little chance that the receiver located distant from the portable at the hub will receive both the signal directly from the portable and through the channelized re-broadcast system. In this case the filters can be selective so they pass only one or two radio channels each even though this higher selectivity comes at the price of increased time delay. The filter order control described above lets the user trade off filter selectivity for time delay for each channel. For downlink the signal path is from transmitters at the communication hub is via fiber optic cables through the DSP modules to 5 watt amplifiers to transmit on the distributed antenna system that runs up both stairwells. Since some of that transmitted signal and a signal directly from the transmitter may be received by a portable radio inside or near the building, the time delay for the downlink is more critical. The DSP module provides “Down Link, Single Wideband Low Delay Channel” mode to achieve a delay less than 10 microseconds for this case. The screen shot that follows shows a typical module in this mode. Many of the GUI controls are the same as those described above. The following screen shot shows a typical Down Link module in this case Down Link Window 11 (DLW11). Notice that the BW: is set to 3 MHz. The BW control lets the user select from 50kHz, 100 kHz, 150 kHz, 200 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 2 MHz, 2.5 MHz, 3 MHz, 3.5 MHz, 4 MHz, 5 MHz or 5.5 MHz. There are two gain modes available Fixed Gain and AGC. In fixed gain mode there is an edit box labeled “Fixed Gain/Atten (dB):”. In the case shown above the fixed gain is set to -9 dB. For downlink the signals are relatively strong. They arrive from the communication hub via the fiber at a level of -10 dBm. For DLW11 the signal will pass through a 4:1 combiner and then a 5 watt amplifier to the Distributed antenna system. The value of -9 dB has been chosen to make the level at the DAS after the loss in the combiner and the gain of the amplifier the specified level. Some down link module outputs pass through either no combiners or combiners with different losses so the values in the fixed gain box vary to compensate for the signal path. If AGC mode had been chosen then the prompt text would read “Output Setpoint (-dBm):” and the DSP circuitry would adjust the gain to make the output equal to the value in the edit box. The WB Squelch choices are WB Squelch Always OFF, WB Squelch Always ON and WB Squelch Carrier. The latter is the usual choice with the others used mostly for testing. There is red or green text that indicates whether the squelch is off or on. As you can see there is also a measure of the input and output signal level displayed. Notice the slider control labeled RX Attenuator in the upper right corner of the screen. For the downlink mode it is set to 20 dB of attenuation. That is because the input is relatively strong at -10 dBm. For the uplink mode the signals may be quite weak, as low as -83 dBm, when they arrive at the DSP module so for uplink the RX attenuator is set to 0 dB of attenuation. At the bottom of the GUI are two pushbuttons. The “Program Board Settings” pushbutton causes the changes currently on the GUI controls to be saved to the DSP module’s non-volatile memory. The settings are loaded into the Digital Signal Processing hardware when the power to the module is turned on. The pushbutton labeled “Update Firmware” is used to write new firmware into the DSP module. It lets the user select a “.BIT” file to load. This should only be done when AMDI sends a new firmware file and the new file has been loaded onto the PC. The present firmware file is on the PC named AmdiDspWtc.bit. A p p l i e d Back to Index M i c r o D e s i g n I n c . 19516 Amaranth Drive Germantown MD 20874 ph 301.540.9506
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