Archtek Telecom MRIF56 User Manual 5634BIF

Archtek Telecom Corporation 5634BIF


5634BIF User’s Manual1Congratulations on purchasing the most sophisticated modem available. Your modem combinesadvanced technology with state-of-the-art features to bring you the modern advanced communicationsdevice available today!This modem provides the following features.l Data modem− V.90 & K56flex− ITU-T V.34 (33.6 kbps), V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, and V.21; Bell 212A and103− V.42 LAPM, MNP 2-4, MNP 10 error correction− V.42 bis and MNP 5 data compressionl Fax modem send and receive rate up to 14400 bps− ITU-T V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, V.21 channel 2− TIA/EIA 578 fax class 1l V.80 synchronous access mode supports host-based communication protocolsl World-class operation− Call progress− Blacklisting− Multiple country supportl Voice/TAM model Full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) model Audio Span simultaneous audio/voice and data (SP models)− ITU-T V.61 modulation (4.8 kbps data plus audio)l Flash memory supportl Caller ID and distinctive ring detectTrademarkWindows and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM PC/AT is atrademark of International Business Machines. Other product or company names aretrademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
5634BIF User’s Manual2Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1 INSTALLING THE MODEM............................................................. 41.1 CHECKING YOUR COMPONENTS ............................................................................. 41.2 WHAT ELSE YOU NEED........................................................................................... 41.3 INSTALLING THE MODEM......................................................................................... 41.4 REMOVING THE COMPUTER COVER ........................................................................ 41.5 SETTING THE MODEM SWITCHES ............................................................................ 41.6 INSERTING THE MODEM .......................................................................................... 71.7 CONNECTING TO THE TELEPHONE LINE .................................................................. 71.8 CONNECTING TO YOUR FAX MACHINE.................................................................... 81.9 CONNECTING TO THE MICROPHONE AND SPEAKER................................................. 81.10 VERIFYING YOUR CONNECTION............................................................................. 8CHAPTER 2 TYPING COMMANDS AND RECEIVING RESPONSES ............. 102.1 TYPING A COMMAND............................................................................................. 102.2 TO TYPE A COMMAND LINE :.................................................................................. 102.3 CORRECTING A TYPING MISTAKE .......................................................................... 102.4 READABILITY ........................................................................................................ 102.5 TYPING MORE THAN 40 CHARACTERS.................................................................. 102.6 OMITTING A PARAMETER....................................................................................... 112.7 REPEATING A COMMAND LINE............................................................................... 112.8 MODEM RESPONSES ............................................................................................ 112.9 WORD OR NUMERIC RESPONSES ......................................................................... 122.9.1 X0 response set .......................................................................................... 122.9.2 X1 response set .......................................................................................... 122.9.3 X2 response set .......................................................................................... 122.9.4 X3 response set .......................................................................................... 122.9.5 X4 response set .......................................................................................... 132.10 CORRECTION & COMPRESSION RESPONSES...................................................... 13CHAPTER 3 USING CONFIGURATION PROFILES.......................................... 173.1 STORING A PROFILE ............................................................................................. 173.2 RECALLING A PROFILE.......................................................................................... 173.3 RESET AND RECALLING PROFILE........................................................................... 18CHAPTER 4 ERROR CORRECTION AND DATA COMPRESSION................. 194.1 ERROR-CORRECTION PROTOCOLS....................................................................... 194.2 V.42..................................................................................................................... 194.3 CONFIGURING FOR AUTO-RELIABLE OPERATION................................................... 194.4 CONFIGURING FOR RELIABLE OPERATION............................................................. 204.5 TURNING OFF ERROR-CORRECTION ..................................................................... 204.6 MNP5 AND V.42BIS DATA-COMPRESSION ........................................................... 20CHAPTER 5 LIST OF MODEM COMMANDS .................................................... 21CHAPTER 6 ......................................................... LIST OF MODEM S-REGISTER 296.1 READING AN S-REGISTER VALUE ......................................................................... 296.2 CHANGING AN S-REGISTER VALUE....................................................................... 296.3 S-REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS................................................................................. 29
5634BIF User’s Manual3CHAPTER 7 HARDWARE QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE (INTERNAL NON-PNP) 437.1 FOR WINDOWS 95 .......................................................................................... 437.2 FOR WINDOWS 3.1X OR DOS ........................................................................ 43CHAPTER 8 WINDOWS 95 MODEM DRIVER INSTALLATION (AND PNP) 468.1 INSTALL THE MODEM TO WINDOWS 95................................................................ 46A  FCC COMPLIANCE...................................................................................... 48A.1 FCC NOTICE ....................................................................................................... 48A.2 FCC REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................ 48
5634BIF User’s Manual4CChhaapptteerr  11  IInnssttaalllliinngg  tthhee  mmooddeemmChapter 1 provides detailed instructions for installing your modem.1.1 Checking your componentsUnpack your components and make sure you have the following items:l The modem.l A modular telephone cable to connect your modem to the telephone line.l This user's manual.l Communication software and manual.When you open your package, make sure all of the above items are included and notdamaged. If you see that any components are damaged, please notify your dealerimmediately.1.2 What else you needTo complete your data communication system, you will need the following items :l Some type of communication software, if not included.l A telephone set and line. (if you do need to use a telephone with your modem)l You also need an available card slot in the personal computer.1.3 Installing the modemThe following instructions explain how to install the modem in a IBM compatible typepersonal computer. If you will be installing the modem into a different computer, refer tothe manual that accompanied your computer or contact your computer dealer forinstructions on installing the modem in your personal computer.1.4 Removing the computer coverTurn off the personal computer's power. No power must be applied to your computer whenyou install the internal modem and computer could be damaged.Make sure you can freely access the back of the personal computer.Unscrew the necessary screws to loosen the computer cover. Then set the screws in asafe place and remove the computer cover.1.5 Setting the modem switchesRead this section if :l You have a serial communication card for another modem.l You will be configuring the internal modem for a communication port other than COM1.If your computer contains a serial or multifunction card, you may have to change theCOM1 address of the modem so that your personal computer can then communicate with
5634BIF User’s Manual5your serial or multifunction I/O card at one COM port and your modem at another.The COM port setting is a "logical" address, and has nothing to do with the slot in whichthe modem(or serial adapter) is installed.To change the default COM port setting from COM1 to another setting :1. Set the switches ( jumpers ) on the modem to specify COM2, COM3, or COM4. Figure1-1 shows the switch locations on the modem. Table 1-1 describes the setting.2. Configure your communication software to the new COM port and IRQ settings.34579101112SHORT15IRQOPENABCD5634BIFFigure 1-1 View of the modemTable 1-1 modem switch (jumper)settingsCOM Port ABCD HexAddress IRQCOM1 ON OFF ON OFF 3F8 to 3FF 4COM2 ON OFF OFF ON 2F8 to 2FF 3COM3 OFF ON ON OFF 3E8 to 3EF 4,5,9,10,11,12,15COM4 OFF ON OFF ON 2E8 to 2EF 3,5,9,10,11,12,15
5634BIF User’s Manual6I/O Port (JS2) SettingIRQ (JS3,JS4&JS5) SettingShort                       OpenFigure 1-2.  Jumper diagramAs Table 1-1 shows, a serial device configured to use COM1 will conflict with anotherserial device configured to use COM3 which happen to select IRQ4, because these portsshare the same interrupt. To avoid this conflict, one of device should use COM4. Similarly,a serial device on COM2 will conflict with a serial device using COM4, because theseports share the same interrupt (IRQ3). In this case, one of the devices should use COM3.Whichever COM port setting you use, make sure the software you are using is set up toaddress that port.For maximum flexibility, your modem supports IRQ2-5 interrupt requests. Typically, youwill use IRQ3 or IRQ4. However assume your PC has a serial printer configured as COM1and serial mouse configured as COM2. If you want to use your modem while printing inthe background, you cannot set the modem to COM3 (which uses IRQ4) because theIRQ4 setting for COM3 conflicts with the printer using COM1, which also uses IRQ4.Setting the modem to COM4 (IRQ3) conflicts with the mouse using COM2 (IRQ3).To solve this problem, you can use Jumper 1(JP1) to select IRQ2 or IRQ5( refer to table1-1). This means that you can print in the background using a printer configured as COM1,use a mouse configured as COM2, and perform modem activities all at the same time!IRQ settings 2 through 5 should be used only if you have no other choice. Not all PCs andDOS versions support IRQ5. IBM PC/AT computers and compatibles should be able touse IRQ2 or IRQ5, so long as the computer does not have a parallel port set up as LPT2or another device that is using IRQ2.4CDACABDB91011351215
5634BIF User’s Manual71.6 Inserting the modemThe internal modem can fit into any available slot in your personal computer. To insert theinternal modem in your personal computer:1. Position yourself so that you can easily access the computer's expansion slots.2. Select any available half-card slot into which you can install the internal modem.3. Remove any slot cover that may be over the slot. Then remove the slot cover andkeep both in a safe place (you will need the screw to secure the internal modem andyou may need the slot cover if you decide to remove the internal modem in the future).4. Hold the internal modem above the slot you selected, making sure the modem's edgeconnectors are pointing down toward the base of the personal computer (see Figure1-3).5. Carefully slide the modem into the slot, applying even pressure to both ends of themodem. Stop inserting the modem when its gold-plated edge connectors are alignedwith and completely fit into the base of the computer.6. If you removed a screw from the slot cover, use that screw to secure the modem in theslot. You may want to test the modem's telephone connection (described in the nextsection) before securing your modem.7. Use the cover-mounting screws to secure the computer cover.Figure 1-3. Inserting the modem1.7 Connecting to the telephone lineUse the following procedure to connect your modem to the telephone line:1. Make sure you have an RJ-11 telephone jack. If you need a modular jack, eitherobtain a telephone adapter from a telephone or electronics store and follow theinstallation instructions provided with the adapter, or have your local telephonecompany replace your existing telephone jack with a modular-type jack and yourexisting telephone cord with a modular cord.2. Unplug your telephone's cable from the wall jack.3. Take one end of the modular telephone cable supplied with the modem and plug itinto the LINE modular telephone jack on the back of the modem ( see Figure 1-3).4. Plug the other end of the telephone cord into the telephone jack on the wall, as you
5634BIF User’s Manual8would any modular telephone.1.8 Connecting to your Fax MachineYour modem is so convenient, it provides a second modular telephone jack that lets youconnect your fax machine to the same telephone line the modem is using. This lets youmanually dial data calls or make voice calls when you are not using your modem.1. Use the following procedure to connect your fax machine to your modem:2. Connect the telephone's modular cord into the PHONE jack on the back of yourmodem (see Figure 1-4).SPKLINEPHONEMIC5634BIFFigure 1-4. Back of the modem1.9 Connecting to the microphone and speakerFor voice message recording and playing, your modem provides MIC and SPK jacks thatlet you connect your microphone and speaker to the modem.Use the following procedure to connect your microphone and speaker to your modem :1. Connect the Microphone speaker plug cord into the MIC and SPK jacks on the back ofyour modem (see Figure 1-4).1.10 Verifying your connection   Before you proceed to next step, make sure your connection matches the one shown inFigure 1-5.
5634BIF User’s Manual9LINEJACKJACKJACKJACKSPKMICPHONEFax machine5634BIFFigure 1-5. Completed modem installationIf you connected the modem to a computer, place the computer into terminal mode andcomplete the configuration information required by the software. Refer to your computermanual to find out the appropriate command to use.Then use the following procedure to verify that your connections:1. Type AT and press the Enter key. If your system is operating properly, your modemsends an OK response to your screen and wait for your next command.If you did not receive a response, make sure your computer is sending commands toyour modem. If this does not solve your problem, contact your computer dealer.2. Use your communication software to prepare your computer to dial a call. Then typeAT D x phone number, where x is either T for touch-tone dialing or P for pulse dialingand phone number is the telephone number that your modem is using.For example, if your modem is connected to the telephone line 555-2121 and Touch-Tone dialing is supported in your calling area, type ATDT 5552121.3. Press the Enter key. You should receive a BUSY response and you should hear thebusy signal through the modem speaker because the modem is calling itself.Your modem is now ready for operation. Refer to the manual that came with yourcommunication software to begin communications. If you will be communicating directlywith your modem, or if you want to find out more about the modem's operation, proceed toChapter 2.−When you turn off your computer, the modem will turn off automatically. It will turnon again when you turn on the computer.
5634BIF User’s Manual10CChhaapptteerr  22  TTyyppiinngg  ccoommmmaannddss  aanndd  rreecceeiivviinngg  rreessppoonnsseessChapter 2 describes the format to use when typing modem commands. Chapter 2 alsodescribes the responses that your modem sends to your computer screen when youexecute, or try to execute, modem commands.If you will be using a communication software program to make data calls, you willprobably not need to type commands, because your software program will handle thesetasks for you. Similarly, you will probably not see the responses because your softwareprogram may intercept them.However, if you perform data activities directly with your modem, you will find the formatfor typing modem commands and modem response helpful.2.1 Typing a commandUsing commands, you can have your modem perform a variety of activities, such asdialing or answering a data call or sending a fax. In order to send commands to yourmodem, You must type a command line while your modem is in command mode.2.2 To type a command line :1. Type AT. These characters must precede every command line. (except when you typethe A/ command, described on page 30)2. Type the commands you want your modem to execute. A command line can containup to 40 characters.3. Press the Enter key. The modem will then execute the commands on the commandline.2.3 Correcting a typing mistakeIf you make a mistake while typing a command, press the Backspace key to delete theerror. You can delete every command except AT.2.4 ReadabilityTo make a command line easy to read, you can insert spaces parentheses, hyphens, andother punctuation in your command line. For example :AT M3 DT 9, 1(818)555-1234Your modem ignores spaces and punctuation when executing a command line, but thesecharacters apply to the 40 characters limit.2.5 Typing more than 40 charactersIf you want to type more than 40 characters on a command line, type a regular commandline (up to 40 characters long) and end it with a semicolon as the last character. When
5634BIF User’s Manual11you press Enter, your modem executes the commands and returns to command mode, soyou can type your next command line.2.6 Omitting a parameterSome commands require a numeric parameter such as 0,1, or 2. For example, the Qcommand determines whether your modem sends a modem response after executing amodem command line :Q0 tells the modem to send responses.Q1 tells the modem not to send response.If you type ATQ and press the Enter key without typing a parameter of 0 or 1 after the Q,it's like typing Q0 and the modem will send modem responses.2.7 Repeating a command lineFor your convenience, the last command line you execute remains stored in the modem'smemory until you type a new command line and press the Enter key. If you want to re-execute the last command, type A/.When you want to use the A/ command, you don't need to preface it with the ATcharacters or end it by pressing the Enter key. Just type A/ to have your modemautomatically re execute the last command line.The A/ command is particularly useful when you want your modem to re-execute a lengthycommand line or redial a number that was busy.You can continue using A/ to automatically re-execute the last command line until youtype a new command line that begins with AT or reset your modem, or until your modemloses power.2.8 Modem responsesWhen you send a command to your modem, it sends a response to your computer. Forexample, if you send a modem command to your modem, the modem should respond withOK. You may never see these responses, however because certain communicationsoftware will intercept them before they can be displayed on your computer screen.This section describes the modem responses returned by the modem when youcommunicate directly with the modem. If you will be using a communication softwareprogram to make data calls, you may not see these responses because your softwareprogram will probably intercept the responses.Response setsModem responses can come from one of five response sets. These response sets aredesigned X0, X1, X2, X3, and X4.The response sets determine which modem responses are sent by the modem. They also
5634BIF User’s Manual12define certain dialing characteristics and how the modem handles dial tones and busysignals, as described in the following sections.2.9 Word or numeric responsesModem responses can appear as words or numbers. Your modem is set up to return wordresponses. Word responses are followed by a carriage return and line feed.If your modem is operating under an application that handles character strings inefficientlyor cannot handle them at all, you can use the V0 command to switch to numeric modemresponses. Numeric responses are followed by a carriage return only.If you do not want to receive modem responses at all, you can use Q1 command todisable them. You may want to disable responses entirely if your modem is connected to aprinter and you do not want the modem responses printed.2.9.1 X0 response setThe X0 response set consists of the first five responses in Table 2-1(see page 19). withthis response set, you receive the CONNECT response for all connections, regardless ofthe speed at which they're made.When you send a Dial command line with this response set in effect, the modem will waittwo seconds after receiving your Dial command, then automatically dial the telephonenumber whether or not a dial tone is present This is known as "blind dialing." You maywant to use blind dialing if you will be using the modem in an area that has an irregular orweak dial tone that your modem cannot always detect.2.9.2 X1 response setThe X1 response set consists of the all responses in Table 2-1 (see page 19), except NODIALTONE, BUSY and NO ANSWER. When you send a Dial command with thisresponse set in effect, your modem will blind dial call.2.9.3 X2 response setThe X2 response set consists of all responses in Table 2-1(see page 19), except BUSYand NO ANSWER.When you send a Dial command with this response set in effect, your modem will listenfor a dial tone before dialing. If it does not detect a dial tone within five seconds, it hangsup and returns the NO DIALTONE response.2.9.4 X3 response setThe X3 response set consists of all responses in Table 2-1 (see page 19), except NODIALTONE.When this response set is in effect and you send a Dial command to your modem, yourmodem will blind dial the call. If the telephone number dialed is busy, your modem will
5634BIF User’s Manual13send the BUSY response.2.9.5 X4 response setThe X4 response set is the factory-default response set. It consists of the all responses inTable 2-1(see page 19). This response set allows the modem to detect a dial tone andalso a busy signal.2.10 Correction & compression responsesIf your modem supports the MNP and V.42/V.42bis error-correction and data-compressionprotocols, you can use the Wn command to enable the extended responses shown inTable 2-1(see page 19).l The W command that enables negotiation progress responses is not the samecommand as the W dialing modifier used in dial command lines.The default setting, W0, disables extended responses. With W0, all CONNECT responsesreport the DTE speed.To receive the CARRIER and PROTOCOL responses in Table 2-1, send the W1command. When this command is in effect, the CONNECT response will show the DTEspeed.If you want the CONNECT response to show the DCE speed rather than the DTE speed,send W2 command. With this command, extended responses will be disabled.Modems that support the MNP and V.42/V.42bis error-correction and data-compressionprotocol can also use the \V1 command to append /ARQ to the end of all CONNECTresponses when your modem makes an error-correction data connection with a remotemodem.If you do not want /ARQ appended to the end of CONNECT responses when an error-correction data connection is made, send the \V0 command.Table 2-1. Modem responsesWord Response NumberResponse MeaningOK 00 Modem successfully executed a command line.CONNECT 01 If X0 is in effect, modem made a dataconnection at 0-300,1200, 2400 , 9600,19200bps, Otherwise modem made a dataconnection at 0-300 bps.RING 02 Modem detected an incoming ring.NO CARRIER 03 Remote carrier signal not detected.ERROR 04 You typed an invalid command line, a checksumerror occurred, or your command line is toolong.CONNECT 1200 05 Modem made a 1200bps data connection.
5634BIF User’s Manual14Word Response NumberResponse MeaningNO DIALTONE 06 Modem has not detected a dial tone. (thisresponse is enabled when X2, X4 or the W dialmodifier is in effect.BUSY 07 Modem detected a busy signal. (this response isenabled when X3 or X4 is in effect.NO ANSWER 08 Modem did not detect silence when dialing acommand line containing the @ dial modifier.CONNECT 600 09 Modem made a data connection at 600bps.CONNECT 2400 10 Modem made a data connection at 2400bps.CONNECT 4800 11 Modem made a data connection at 4800bps.CONNECT 9600 12 Modem made a data connection at 9600bps.CONNECT 7200 13 Modem made a data connection at 7200bps.CONNECT 12000 14 Modem made a data connection at 12000bps.CONNECT 14400 15 Modem made a data connection at 14400bps.CONNECT 19200 16 Modem made a data connection at 19200bps.CONNECT 38400 17 Modem made a data connection at 38400bps.CONNECT 57600 18 Modem made a data connection at 57600bps *CONNECT115200 19 Modem made a data connection at 115.2kbps.*CONNECT75TX/1200RX 22 Modem made a data connection at 75bpstransmit and 1200bps receive.CONNECT1200TX/75RX 23 Modem made a data connection at 1200bpstransmit and 75bps receive.DELAYED 24 Modem return this result code when a call failsto connect and the number dialed is considered"delayed" due to country blacklistingrequirementBLACKLISTED 32 Modem return this result code when a call failsto connect and the number dialed is considered"blacklisted"FAX 33 Modem connection is established in fax modeDATA 35 Modem connection is established in data mode.CARRIER 300 40 Carrier detected at 300bps.**CARRIER 1200/75 44 Carrier - transmit 1200bps, receive 75bps.**CARRIER 75/1200 45 Carrier - transmit 75bps, receive 1200bps.**CARRIER 1200 46 Carrier detected at 1200bps.**CARRIER 2400 47 Carrier detected at 2400bps.**CARRIER 4800 48 Carrier detected at 4800bps.**CARRIER 7200 49 Carrier detected at 7200bps.**CARRIER 9600 50 Carrier detected at 9600bps.**CARRIER 12000 51 Carrier detected at 12000bps.**CARRIER 14400 52 Carrier detected at 14400bps.**CARRIER 16800 53 Carrier detected at 16800bps.**CARRIER 19200 54 Carrier detected at 19200bps.**CARRIER 21600 55 Carrier detected at 21600bps.**
5634BIF User’s Manual15Word Response NumberResponse MeaningCARRIER 24000 56 Carrier detected at 24000bps.**CARRIER 26400 57 Carrier detected at 26400bps.**CARRIER 28800 58 Carrier detected at 28800bps.**CONNECT 16800 59 Modem made a data connection at 16800bps.CONNECT 21600 61 Modem made a data connection at 21600bps.CONNECT 24000 62 Modem made a data connection at 24000bps.CONNECT 26400 63 Modem made a data connection at 26400bps.CONNECT 28800 64 Modem made a data connection at 28800bps.COMPRESSION:CLASS 5 66 MNP compression negotiated.**COMPRESSION:V.42BIS 67 V.42bis compression negotiated.**COMPRESSION:NONE 69 No compression negotiated.**PROTOCOL:NONE 70 Asynchronous operation.**PROTOCOL:LAPM 77 V.42 LAPM.**CARRIER 31200 78 Carrier detected at 31200bps.**CARRIER 33600 79 Carrier detected at 33600bps.**PROTOCOL: ALT 80 MNP negotiated.**CONNECT 33600 84 Modem made a data connection at 33600bps.CONNECT 31200 91 Modem made a data connection at 31200bps.CARRIER 32000 150 Carrier detected at 32000bps.CARRIER 34000 151 Carrier detected at 34000bps.CARRIER 36000 152 Carrier detected at 36000bps.CARRIER 38000 153 Carrier detected at 38000bps.CARRIER 40000 154 Carrier detected at 40000bps.CARRIER 42000 155 Carrier detected at 42000bps.CARRIER 44000 156 Carrier detected at 44000bps.CARRIER 46000 157 Carrier detected at 46000bps.CARRIER 48000 158 Carrier detected at 48000bps.CARRIER 50000 159 Carrier detected at 50000bps.CARRIER 52000 160 Carrier detected at 52000bps.CARRIER 54000 161 Carrier detected at 54000bps.CARRIER 56000 162 Carrier detected at 56000bps.CONNECT 32000 165 Modem made a data connection at 32000bps.CONNECT 34000 166 Modem made a data connection at 34000bps.CONNECT 36000 167 Modem made a data connection at 36000bps.CONNECT 38000 168 Modem made a data connection at 38000bps.CONNECT 40000 169 Modem made a data connection at 40000bps.CONNECT 42000 170 Modem made a data connection at 42000bps.
5634BIF User’s Manual16Word Response NumberResponse MeaningCONNECT 44000 171 Modem made a data connection at 44000bps.CONNECT 46000 172 Modem made a data connection at 46000bps.CONNECT 48000 173 Modem made a data connection at 48000bps.CONNECT 50000 174 Modem made a data connection at 50000bps.CONNECT 52000 175 Modem made a data connection at 52000bps.CONNECT 54000 176 Modem made a data connection at 54000bps.CONNECT 56000 177 Modem made a data connection at 56000bps.*    These response are displayed when the W0 or W1 command is in effect.**   These responses are displayed when the W1 command is in effect
5634BIF User’s Manual17CChhaapptteerr  33  UUssiinngg  ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  pprrooffiilleessYour modem is preset so that you can begin transferring data files as soon as you installthe modem and load your communication software.If you dialing and answering requirements do not match the modem's default configurationprofile, you can create your own profiles and store them safely in your modem'snonvolatile memory. The profiles will be saved, even when you turn off your modem.When you need to use a certain profile, send the appropriate command.You can save two custom configuration profiles in your modem's nonvolatile memory. Yousave profiles using &Wn command. The n can be the number 0 or 1, which correspondsto the location in nonvolatile memory where you want the profile stored.Using the &Wn command, you can store the following commands (refer to Chapter 5 fordescription of these commands):B1, T, E1, F0, L2, M1, Q0, V1, X4, Y0, &C0, &D0, &G0, &J0, &K3, &L0, &P0, \A3, \B2,%C1, \N3 .........You can also store the following register values  (refer to Chapter 6 for a description ofthese registers) :S0=0, S2=43, S6=2, S7=30, S8=2, S9=6, S10=14, S11=95, S12=50, S18=0, S25=5 ...3.1 Storing a profileThe following example shows how you can store a profile. Assume that you want to savethe following commands in profile 0:X1  E0  &C1  &D0  &M0  S0=3To do so :1. Type AT2. Type the commands shown above3. Type the &W0 command as the last command on the command line to save thesecommands as user Profile 0.4. Press the Enter key. This custom configuration profile is now saved under user Profile0.3.2 Recalling a profileAfter you store a custom configuration profile, you can recall it using the AT&Yncommand. For example, to recall profile 0 :Type AT&Y01. Press the Enter key. The next time you turn on or reset your modem, it will drive its
5634BIF User’s Manual18operating characteristics from Profile 0.2. To recall Profile 1 instead of  Profile 0, type AT&Y1 instead of AT&Y0.3.3 Reset and recalling profile  If you prefer, you can use ATZn command to reset the modem and load a storedconfiguration profile : For example, to reset your modem and recall Profile 0 :1.  Type ATZ02.  Press the Enter key.Returning to the default profile1. To return to the factory default profile 0:2. Type AT&F0Press the Enter key. Your modem returns to basic asynchronous operation, which is theprofile in effect when you received your modem. The following table lists the modem'sdefault profile.Setting Default Obtainedfrom MemoryAuto-answer Disable YesBackspace character 08 NoBell / CCITT compatibility at 1200 bps Bell 212A YesBusy signal detect Enabled YesCarriage return character 13 NoLine feed character 10 NoCommunication rate 57600bps YesData Set Ready option Always YesData Terminal Ready option DTR hang up YesData Terminal Ready pulse width 0.5 seconds YesEcho On YesEscape character definition 43 (+++) YesGuard tones Disabled YesLong space disconnect Disabled YesParity None YesPulse make/break ratio 39/61 (US setting) YesResponses Word YesResponse enabled All YesRTS-to-CTS delay 50 milliseconds YesSpeaker status On, but off when carrierdetected YesSpeaker volume Medium YesTest timer setting 0 second YesWait for carrier after dialing 50 seconds YesWait for dial tone 2 seconds NoWait for dial tone before dialing Enabled Yes
5634BIF User’s Manual19CChhaapptteerr  44  EErrrroorr  ccoorrrreeccttiioonn  aanndd  ddaattaa  ccoommpprreessssiioonnYour modem supports sophisticated MNP 1- 4 and V.42 error- correcting protocols. Theseprotocols ensure the transmission of error-free data − even over noisy, error- pronetelephone lines. Your modem also supports the V.42bis and MNP 5 data-compressionprotocols, which maximizes data throughput and significantly reduces the time needed toexchange data.4.1 Error-correction protocolsYour modem includes two error-correction protocols:•   MNP level 1 through 4•   CCITT V.42When these protocols are used, the two modems perform calculations on each "packet" ofdata being exchanged and compare their values. If the values do not match, the receivingmodem requests the sending modem to re transmit the packet.MNP is an acronym for Microcom Networking Protocol. MNP detects and corrects errorsthat occur when data is exchanged between two systems. Errors can result fromtelephone- line noise and other signal distortions.4.2 V.42V.42bis the accepted international standard for error correction, ratified by ITU-T inJanuary 1990. It is generally felt that the handshake and protocol establishment processof V.42 is superior to that MNP 4. Therefore, it will provide better initial connections onpoor quality telephone lines.Moreover, while the effective data speed of V.42 and MNP 4 are almost identical overnoise-free telephone lines, V.42 provides significantly better performance than the ITU-T-specified MNP4 over noisy telephone lines.4.3 Configuring for auto-reliable operationAuto-reliable operation is the modem's default configuration, so if you haven't given themodem any \N commands, it should already be in auto-reliable mode.Auto-reliable mode lets your modem communicate with both MNP/V.42/V.42bis modemsand modems that do not use MNP/V.42/V.42bis :1. Type AT\N3%C3 (Factory Setting)2. Press the Enter key. Your modem responds with OK. When your modem originates oranswers calls, it will try to make a V.42bis/V.42 connection. If either or both fail, yourmodem will try to make an MNP connection. If that fails, your modem will try to make anormal connection that does not use error correction.
5634BIF User’s Manual204.4 Configuring for reliable operationTo communicate with remote MNP modems only :1. Type AT\N52. Press the Enter key. Your modem responds with OK. When your modem originates oranswers calls, it will try to make an MNP connection. If that fails, your modem willhang up and return to command mode.To communicate with remote V.42 modems only :1. Type AT\N42. Press the Enter key. Your modem responds with OK. When your modem originates oranswers calls, it will try to make a V.42/V.42bis connection. If that fails, your modemwill hang up and return to command mode.4.5 Turning off error-correctionTo turn off the MNP/V.42 error correction and communicate with non-MNP/V.42 modems:1. Type AT\N0 and press the Enter key to return to standard operation with buffering. orAT\N1 and press the Enter key to return to standard operation without buffering2. Your modem responds with OK.4.6 MNP5 and V.42bis data-compressionThere are two major data-compression protocols used in data communications, MNP5 andV.42bis. MNP5 was the first data-compression protocol to be developed and provides adata-compression ratio of 2:1.In January 1990, ITU-T ratified the V.42bis data-compression protocol as the internationalstandard. V.42bis performs significantly better than MNP5, providing a data-compressionratio of approximately 3:1 − and in some case, up to 4:1.By supporting both types of data-compression protocols, your modem can communicatewith the installed base of MNP5 and V.42bis modems and modems.To communicate with remote MNP5 modems only1. Type AT%C12. Press the Enter key. Your modem responds with OK. When your modem originates oranswers calls, it will try to make an MNP5 connection. If that falls, your modem willhang up and return to command mode.To turn off V.42bis and MNP5 data compression:1. Type AT%C0 ; Press the Enter key. Your modem responds with OK.
5634BIF User’s Manual21CChhaapptteerr  55  LLiisstt  ooff  mmooddeemm  ccoommmmaannddssChapter 5 describes the modem commands available to your modem. If you will be usinga data communication software program to send and receive files, you will probably notneed to use these commands, because your software program will handle these tasks foryou. However, if you want to bypass your communication software program and performmodem tasks directly with your modem, you will find the commands described in thischapter helpful.Standard modem commands begin at Table 5-1. MNP/V.42/V.42bis commands begin onpage 37. If a command requires a parameters such as 0 and 1, the parameter is identifiedas n in the left column and described in the right column in the following tables.−Remember that each command, except for +++ and A/, is prefaced by AT andexecuted when you press the Enter key. To review the format used to send modemcommands, refer to Chapter 2.Please refer to Chapter 4 for more information on MNP/V.42/V.42bis error correction anddata compression protocols.Table 5-1. Standard modem commandsModemCommands Description+ + + Keep data connection and move from data mode to commandmodeWhen your modem enters the data mode, typing +++ allows it toescape to the command mode while preserving the connection toremote modem.AAnswer commandForce the modem to go off-hook in answer mode without waiting for aring. Use this command to manually answer an incoming call.A/ Re-execute last commandRepeat the last command line it executed. Not preceded with AT norfollowed by pressing the Enter key. This command is useful when youwant the modem to redial a telephone number that was busy. The lastcommand line executed stays in the modem's memory until power isturned off or the modem is reset. Either action invalidates the A/command, because there is no command in memory to execute.Bn Protocol for 300 or 1200bps operation0 ITU-T V.21 or V.22 mode when modem is operating at 300 or1200bps1 1Bell 103 or 212A mode when modem is operating at 300or 1200bps ( default)Cn Carrier control option0 Transmit carrier always off  (return ERROR response)1 Normal transmit carrier switching (default)
5634BIF User’s Manual22ModemCommands DescriptionDDial commandPuts the modem into the originate mode, allowing it to automaticallydial a telephone number. The telephone number to be dialed, thesymbols # and * and the dial modifiers P, R, S=n, T, W, @, !, ; and,can follow the D command.Example : ATDT (818) 555-1212En Echo characters in command modeDetermines whether the modem echoes to your computer screen thekeyboard commands you type during command mode0 Do not echo commands1 Echo commands(default)Hn Hook switch0 Go on-hook(hang up modem)1 Go off-hookLn Speaker volume0 Low1 Low2 Medium(default)3 HighMn Speaker status0 Speaker always off1 Speaker on until carrier is detected(default)2 Speaker always on3 Speaker is off when receiving carrier and during dialing, but onduring answering.Nn DCE data rate0 When originating or answering call, handshake only at thecommunication standard specified by S37.1 When originating or answering call, handshake only at thecommunication standard specified by S37. During handshake,modem may fallback to a lower speed (default)On RETURN to data mode after using escape characters to switch tocommand node0 Return to data mode1 Perform equalizer retrain sequence, then return to data mode. Aretrain causes the modem to optimize its operatingcharacteristics to obtain the best data transmission. Thiscommand works at speeds of 2400bps or faster.Qn Modem responsesDetermines whether the modem returns responses after you execute,or try to execute, a modem command. Modem responses aredescribed in Chapter 2.0 Send responses to local computer (default)1 Do not send response
5634BIF User’s Manual23ModemCommands DescriptionPSet Pulse Dial DefaultThis command forces pulse dialing until the next T dial modifier or Tcommand is received. Sets S14 bit 5. As soon as a dial command isexecuted which explicitly specifies the dialing mode for that particularcall (e.g., ATDT…), this command is overridden so that all futuredialing will be tone dialed.Sn? Display the value of Register nRefer to Chapter 6 for more information.Example: ATS0?Requests the modem to display the value of Register S0, the auto-answer register.Sn=v Change the value of Register n to vRefer to Chapter 6 for more informationExample : ATS0=2Changes the value of the auto-answer register (S0) to 2.TSet Tone Dial DefaultThis command forces DTMF dialing until the next P dial modifier or Pcommand is received. The modem will set an S-Register bit to indicatethat all subsequent dialing should be conducted in tone mode.Vn Response formatIf modem responses are enabled (Q0 in effect), determines whetherthe responses are shown in numeric or word format.0 Numeric response format1 Word response format (default)Wn Negotiation process responsesResponses that report the carrier speed of the remote modem, theerror-correction protocol used, and the data compression methodused(if any). Modem responses are described in Chapter 2.0 CONNECT responses show DTE speed, and disable allextended responses. (default)1 CONNECT responses show DTE speed, and enable CARRIERand PROTOCOL extended responses.2 CONNECT responses show DCE speed, and disable allextended responses.Xn Response setDetermines the response set used.0 Modem ignores dialtone and busy signal; enables responses 0-4.1 Modem ignores dialtone and busy signal; enables all responsesexcept 6,7,and 8.2 Modem ignores busy signal; enables all responses except 7 and8.3 Modem ignores dialtone and busy signal; enables all responsesexcept 6 and 8.4 Modem recognizes dialtone and busy signal; enables allresponses. (default)
5634BIF User’s Manual24ModemCommands DescriptionYn Long space disconnect0 Disable long space disconnect (default)1 Enable long space disconnectZn ResetResets the modem and loads one of  two configuration profilesstored with the &Wn command. Refer to Chapter 3 for moreinformation.0 Reset and retrieve configuration from profile 01 Reset and retrieve configuration from profile 1&Cn Carrier Detect signal statusControls the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal.0 Forced on continuously1 Follows status of remote carrier signal (default)&Dn Data Terminal Ready signal statusDetermines how your modem reacts to Data Terminal Ready (DTR)signal0 Determines how modem responds to the DTR signal.1 Modem enters command mode when DTR goes off2 Modem goes on-hook and returns to command mode when DTRgoes off; auto-answer is disabled if DTR is off (default)3 Modem resets when DTR goes off&Fn Fetch the factory default0 Fetch the factory configuration 01 Fetch the factory configuration 1&Gn Guard tonesGuard tones are used internationally, but are not used in the USA.0 Disabled (default)1 Generate 550Hz guard tone2 Generate 1800Hz guard tone&Jn Telephone Jack ControlThis command is only included for compatibility and performs nofunction except to load the S-Register.0 &J0 command1 &J1 command&Kn Flow controlThis command can be used to control the flow of data between yourmodem and computer. Flow control is necessary when the speedbetween your computer and modem is different than the speedbetween your modem and the remote modem.0 Disable flow control.1 Reserved2 Reserved3 Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control (default).4 Enable software (XON/XOFF) flow control.5 Enable transparent software flow control (XON/XOFF)6 Enable both hardware and  software flow control (default forfax mode and voice mode)
5634BIF User’s Manual25ModemCommands Description&Ln Telephone line type0 Switched dial-up telephone line (default)1 Leased line&Pn Pulse make/break ratio0 39/61 ratio at 10 pulses per second (default)1 33/67 ratio at 10 pulses per second2 39/61 ratio at 20 pulses per second3 33/67 ratio at 20 pulses per second&Rn Clear to send signal statusControls the Clear To Send (CTS) signal during synchronousoperation. During asynchronous command and Data Modes, CTS isalways ON.0 CTS signal tracks the Request To Send (RTS) signal (default)1 Modem ignores RTS and keeps CTS active continuously,regardless of RTS status.&Sn Data Set Ready signal status0 DSR signal always ON (default)1 DSR signal is ON during handshaking and OFF in test or idlemode. DSR is OFF when the remote carrier signal is lost&V View any stored configuration profiles&Wn Write S register values to one of two profilesThe following commands and registers can be stored in nonvolatilememory :Commands : Bn, Cn, En, Ln, Mn, Qn, Vn, Yn, Xn, &Cn, &Dn, &Gn,&Ln, &Pn........Register : S0, S2, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S18, S25, S26, S370 Write S register values to profile 01 Write S register values to profile 1&Xn Synchronous clock sourceThis command is ignored during asynchronous operation.0 Modem supplies its internal clocking signal on EIA pin 15 of itsRS-232-C connector1 Modem accepts an externally provided clocking signal from yourDTE on EIA pin 24 of its RS-232-C interface2 Modem drives its transmit clock from the receive carrier signaland applies it to EIA pin 15 of its RS-232-C interface&Yn Select stored profile on power-up resetThis command tells the modem which profile to use the next time themodem is turned on or reset.0 Load Profile 0 (default)1 1Load Profile 1
5634BIF User’s Manual26ModemCommands Description&Zn=Ax Stored up four telephone numbers in nonvolatile memory       n is the memory location (0-3)       A is T(for touch tone) or P (for pulse)       x is the phone number to be storedTo dial a stored number, use the ATDS=n commandExample : AT &Z0=T 1 818 555 2121stores in memory position 0 the telephone number1 818 555 2121, which will be Touch Tone (T) dialed.%Xn Select Mode1 Set mode 1 (Remote) - DTE connects to external line2 Set mode 2 (Share) - local fax connects to external line3 Set mode 3 (Local) - DTE connects to local faxTable 5-2. MNP/V.42/V.42bis commandsMNP/V.42/V.42bisCommandsDescription\An Maximum MNP block sizeThis command has no effect on Class 3 and lower operations limitmaximum block size to 64 characters. This is command is used totransmit smaller blocks of data when communicating over poor qualitytelephone lines to avoid re transmissions of data and improvethroughput0 Maximum block size 64 characters1 Maximum block size 128 characters (default)2 Maximum block size 192 characters3 Maximum block size 256 characters\Bn Send break to remote systemEquivalent to pressing the Break key on a host keyboard. For standard(non-MNP) or V.42 connections, type a number from 1 to 9 after thiscommand to indicate how long the modem is to provide the breaksignal. The number will be multiplied by 100 milliseconds and thebreak signal provided for that duration. Default is 0, which sends abreak of 300 milliseconds. Ref. “\Kn” on page 40, defines how yourmodem treats breaks.%Cn Enable/disable MNP Class 5 data compression0 Disable data compression1 Enable MNP 5 data compression2 Enable V.42bis data compression3 Enable both V.42bis and MNP 5 data compression. (default)%En Line Quality Monitor and Auto-retrain or Fallback/Fall ForwardThis command determines whether your modem retrains automaticallyand resynchronizes the flow of data if it detect telephone-line problemsthat could adversely affect data.0 Disable auto-retrain1 Enable line quality monitor and auto-retrain2 Enable line quality monitor and fallback/ fall forward. (default)
5634BIF User’s Manual27MNP/V.42/V.42bisCommandsDescription\Gn Modem port flow controlControls the modem's DCE flow control feature0 Turn off port flow control(default)1 Turn on XON/XOFF port flow control. Use this setting if themodem is receiving data from the remote system faster than itcan process\Kn Set break controlDetermines the action performed by the modem when it receives abreak from the DTE port or the modem port. The action taken by yourmodem depends on the mode that the modem is in, as shown in thefollowing  tables. Default is 5.    In Data Mode; if reliable mode, send break to the remote system\K0,\K2,\K4\K1\K3\K5Enter Command Mode, don't send break to remote modemModem clears modem and terminal buffers, and sends break to remotesystemModem does not clear terminal and modem buffers, and sends breakto remote modemModem sends break to remote modem in sequence with anytransmitted data    In Command Mode; if reliable mode, send break to the remote system\K0 or \K1\K2 or \K3\K4 or \K5Modem clears modem and terminal buffers, and sends break to remotesystemModem does not clear terminal and modem buffers, and sends breakto remote modemModem sends break to remote modem in sequence with anytransmitted data    In Data Mode; if break is received at modem port, send it to serial port\K0 or \K1\K2 or \K3\K4 or \K5Modem clears modem and terminal buffers, and sends break to remotesystemModem does not clear terminal and modem buffers, and sends breakto remote modemModem sends break to remote modem in sequence with anytransmitted data\Nn Set operating modeSelects the type of asynchronous data connection the modem will tryto establish. A modem that uses V.42 can not communicate with oneusing MNP, since the two error correction protocols are different.However , this command ensures that your modem will be canautomatically communicate with modems that use V.42bis, MNP, or noerror-correction protocol.0 Normal mode1 Direct mode2 reliable mode3 V.42 auto-reliable mode(default)4 V.42 reliable mode5 MNP reliable mode
5634BIF User’s Manual28Table 5-3. MNP 10 commandsMNP 10Commands Description)Mn Enable/Disable MNP 10 link negotiation power adjustment0 Disable MNP 10 link negotiation power adjustment.1 Enable MNP 10 link negotiation power adjustment.*Hn Select MNP 10 link negotiation rate0 At highest speed.1 1200 bps.2 4800 bps.-Kn MNP extended serviceThis command enables or disables conversion of a V.42 LAPMconnection to an MNP 10 connection.0 Disables V.42 LAPM to MNP 10 conversion. (default)1 Enables V.42 LAPM to MNP 10 conversion.2 Enables V.42 LAPM to MNP 10 conversion; inhibits MNPextended services initiation during V.42 LAPM answer modedetection phase.-Qn Enable fallback to V.22bis/V.22This command is included only for compatibility and performs nofunction.0 Disables MNP 10 fallback to 2400bps (V.22bis)/ 1200bps (V.22)1 Enables MNP 10 fallback to 2400bps (V.22bis)/ 1200bps (V.22):En Compromise Equalizer Enable CommandEnables or disables the V,32 compromise equalizer. The parametervalue, if valid, is written to S201 bit 5. This command can be usedwhen the modem is attached to either a flat line or a cellular or acellular connection.0 Disables the equalizer1 Enables the equalizer (default)
5634BIF User’s Manual29CChhaapptteerr  66  LLiisstt  ooff  mmooddeemm  SS--rreeggiisstteerrYour modem has S-registers that affect various operating characteristics, let you obtaininformation about the modem, and let you test the modem. Each S-Register has a factory-set value, which you can read or change to fit your particular requirements. Chapter 6explains how to read and change S-Register repeatedly. A sequential list of S-Register isalso provided.6.1 Reading an S-Register valueTo read the current value of an S-Register :1. Type ATSr? from the command mode, where r is an S-Register number.2. Press the Enter key. The modem responds with decimal value of the S-Register , inthree-digit form, followed by OK.To read values from more than one S-Register :1. Type ATSr?Sr? from the command mode and press the Enter key. For example, toread the value of Register S0 (auto-answer after the number of rings specified by thisS-Register value) and S1(count the number of incoming rings), type ATS0?S1? fromthe command mode.2. Press the Enter key. The modem displays the first S-Register value, a carriage return,the next S- Register value, a carriage return, and OK(or 0).6.2 Changing an S-Register value  To change an S-Register value, use the Sr=n command, where r is an S-Register numberand n is the new value you want to assign to the S-Register. For example, to have themodem auto-answer incoming calls after the third ring:1. Type ATS0=3 from the command mode.2. Press the Enter key. The modem responds with OK or 0 to show it has executed yourcommand and changed the S-Register value. The value remains in effect until themodem is turned off and on, or reset. The modem then revert to its default S-Registervalues (in this case, Register S0 returns to a value of 0, disabling auto answer).6.3 S-Register descriptionsTable 6-1 summarizes the modem S-Register, their default values, and their functions.
5634BIF User’s Manual30Table 6-1 S-Register descriptionS-Register Range Default DescriptionS0 0-255rings 0Auto-answerAssigning a value from 1 to 255 in Register S0tells the modem how many rings must occurbefore it can auto-answers calls. The default, 0,turns off the auto-answer feature.S1 0-255rings 0Count incoming ringsRegister S1 counts the number of incomingrings when your telephone line rings. When thisvalue equals the value in Register S0, themodem auto-answer calls. This S-Registerresets approximately 8 seconds after the lastring.   S2 0-255,ASCII 43(+) Escape character valueRegister S2 sets the ASCII value of escapecharacters, that switch the modem from datamode to command mode without losing theconnection to the remote modem. Valuesgreater than 127 disable the escape feature,preventing a return to the command mode. Toreturn to command mode with the escapecharacters disabled, the remote modem musthang up or an ON-to-OFF transition of the DTRinterface signal must occur with &D1, &D2 or&D3 in effect.S3 0-127,ASCII 13(CarriageReturn)Carriage return characterRegister S3 sets the ASCII value of the carriagereturn (end-of-line) character, This is thecharacter used to end the command line(andhave the modem execute the line) and also thecharacter that follows modem responses.S4 0-127,ASCII 10(LineFeed)Line feed characterRegister S4 sets the ASCII value of the linefeed character. The modem sends thischaracter after a carriage return only when wordresponses are sent (V1 command in effect). If aline feed characters is not wanted, change thisregister value to a null character.S5 0-32 ,ASCII 8(Backspace)Backspace character.Register S5 sets the ASCII value of thebackspace character is the one created bypassing the Backspace key and the characterechoed to move the cursor to the left. Tochange this value, assign an ASCII valuebetween 0 and 32 or greater than 127. Do notuse values between 33 and 126 since theycorrespond to printable ASCII characters.
5634BIF User’s Manual31S-Register Range Default DescriptionS6 4-255seconds 4Dial tone wait timeRegister S6 determines how long the modemwaits before dialing the first digit in Dialcommand line. This feature is convenient whenit takes longer than two seconds to obtain a dialtone.S7 1-255seconds 50 Carrier wait timeRegister S7 tells the modem how many secondsto wait for a remote modem's carrier signalbefore hanging up. The S7 value can beincreased if the modem does not detect acarrier within the specified time. If the modemdetects a remote carrier signal within thespecified time, it sends a CONNECT responseand enter data mode. If it does not detect aremote carrier within the specified time, it sendsNO CARRIER , hangs up, and remains incommand mode.S8 0-255seconds 2Comma pause time for dial delayRegister S9 tells the modem how many secondsto pause for each comma (,) in a Dial commandline. The comma is used when dialing through aPBX or other special telephone service to waitfor an outside telephone line.S9 1-255tenthsof asecond6Carrier detect response timeRegister S9 tells the modem how long theremote modem's carrier signal must be presentso the modem does not mistake the signal for abusy signal, ring, or voice. The default settingrequires the modem to the carrier signal for atleast 0.6 seconds before recognizing it.Increasing the time in this S-Register reducesthe chances that the modem will mistake noisesuch as a busy signal or voice foe carrier signal.S10 1-255tenthsof asecond14 Carrier loss timeRegister S10 sets the time between the loss ofa remote modem's carrier signal and when themodem disconnects. This allows the remotemodem's carrier signal to momentarilydisappear from the telephone line without themodem disconnecting.S11 50-255ms 95 Touch-Tone speedRegister S11 controls the speed of the Touch-Tone (DTMF) dialing. Increasing this value to255 slows the dialing rate to 1.9 digits persecond. Do not select a value less than 50milliseconds. (Register S11 does not effectpulse dialing, which is fixed at 10 pulses persecond.)
5634BIF User’s Manual32S-Register Range Default DescriptionS12 0-2551/50seconds50 Escape character guard timeRegister S12 controls the time delay requiredbefore and after typing the escape characters.The default setting, 50, equals one second. Toreduce the chance that transmitted data ismistaken for escape characters, the S12 valuecan be increased, but this makes using theescape characters time-consuming. If a smallvalue is used, it may be hard to type the threeescape characters fast enough, especially if theguard time is less than the time needed to send1 character at the current transmission speed. IfS12=0 , there will be no time requirement fortyping escape characters.S14 General Bit Mapped Options StatusBit 0&1¡ÐMode (%Xn)      0= Invalid      1= Mode 1 (Remote)      2= Mode 2 (Share)      3= Mode 3 (Local)Bit 2¡ÐExternal line hook      0= On hook      1= Off hookBit 3¡ÐLocal line hook      0= On hook      1= Off hookBit 4¡ÐCommand echo (En)      0= Disabled (E0)      1= Enabled (E1) (Default)Bit 5¡ÐTone(T)/Pulse(P)      0= Disabled (E0)      1= Enabled (E1) (Default)Bit 7¡ÐOriginate/Answer      0= Answer      1= Originate (Default)
5634BIF User’s Manual33S-Register Range Default DescriptionS16 General Bit Mapped Test Options StatusBit 0¡ÐLocal analog loopback      0= Disabled (Default)      1= Enabled (&T1)Bit 2¡ÐLocal digital loopback      0= Disable(Default)      1= Enable(&T3)Bit 3¡ÐRemote digital loopback (RDL) status      0= Modem not in RDL(Default)      1= RDL in progressBit 4¡ÐRDL required(AT&T6)      0= RDL not requested(Default)      1= RDL requestedBit 5¡Ð RDL with self test      0= Disabled (Default)      1= Enabled(&T7)Bit 6¡ÐLocal analog loopback (LAL)with selftest      0= Disabled (Default)      1= Enabled(&T8)Bit 7¡ÐNot usedS18 0-255seconds 0Test TimerRegister S18 sets the amount of time for modemtests. The tests can run from 1 to 255 seconds,depending on the value in S18. The factorysetting turns off the timer. If the command &T0is used to end the modem tests, the value ofS18 can be set to 0 to turn off the test timer .AutoSync Bit Mapped OptionsDefines the options for AutoSync operation .S19 must be set to the desired value before&Q4 is issued.S19 BitMapped 0,hexBit 1  BSC/HDLC format select0 = BSC selected (default)1 = HDLC selectedBit 2  Address detection enable/disable0 = Disabled (default)1 = EnabledBit 3  NRZI/NZI coding select0 = NRZI (default)1 = NZIBit 4  Idle indictor select0 = Mark idle (default)1 = Flag or sync idle
5634BIF User’s Manual34S-Register Range Default DescriptionS20 0 - 255 0AutoSync HDLC Address or BSC SyncCharacterS-Register S20 defines the HDLC address orBSC Sync Character for AutoSync operation.S20 must be set to the desired value before&Q4 is issued.S21 424/General Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command options.Bit 0¡ÐSet by &Jn command but ignoredotherwise.Bit 2¡ÐCTS behavior(&Rn)      0= CTS tracks RTS (&R0)      1= CTS always on (&R1) (Default)Bit 3-4¡ÐDTR behavior(&Dn)      0= &D0 selected (Default)      1= &D1 selected      2= &D2 selected      3= &D3 selectedBit 5¡ÐRSLD(DCD) behavior(&Cn)      0= &C0 selected (Default)      1= &C1 selectedBit 6¡ÐDSR behavior(&Sn)      0= &S0 selected (Default)      1= &S1 selectedBit 7¡ÐLong space disconnect(Yn)      0= Y0 (Default)      1= Y1S22 117 117 Speaker/Results Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command optionsBits 0-1¡ÐSpeaker volume (Ln)      0= Off(L0)      1=Low(Default)      2=Medium(L2)      3=High(L3)Bits 2-3¡ÐSpeaker control (Mn)      0= Disabled(M0)      1=Off on carrier(Default)      2=Always on(L2)      3=On during handshake(L3)Bits 4-6¡ÐLimit result codes (Xn)      0=  X0      4=  X1      5=  X2      6=  X3      7=  X4(Default.)
5634BIF User’s Manual35S-Register Range Default DescriptionS23 62 General Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command optionsBits  1¡ÐGrant RDL         0=RDL not allowed (&T5)(Default)         1=RDL allowed(&T4)Bits 1-3¡ÐDTE Rate         0= 0-300 bps         1= 600 bps         2= 1200 bps         3= 2400 bps         4= 4800 bps         5= 9600 bps         6= 19200 bps         7=38400 bps or higher (Default)Bits 4-5¡ÐAssumed DTE parity         0= even         1= not used         2= odd         3= none (Default)Bits 6-7¡ÐGuard tone (&Gn)         0= None(&G0) (Default)         1= None (&G1)         2= 1800 Hz (&G2)S25 0-2551/100seconds5DTR delayRegister S25 determines how long the modemwaits to hang up after the Data Terminal Readysignal goes from ON to OFF, if &D2 is in effect .S26 0-2551/100seconds1RTS/CTS delayRegister S26 determines how long the modemwaits after the Request to Send signal goesfrom ON to OFF before asserting the Clear toSend signal.
5634BIF User’s Manual36S-Register Range Default DescriptionS27 73 Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command optionsBits 0,1,3   Synchronous /asynchronousselection (&Mn/&Qn)          3   1   0          0   0   0  = &M0 or &Q0          0   0   1  = &M1 or &Q1          0   1   0  = &M2 or &Q2          0   1   1  = &M3 or &Q3          1   0   0  = &Q4          1   0   1  = &Q5(Default)          1   1   0  = &Q6Bit 2      Leased line control (&Ln)          0 = Dial up line (&L0)(Deault)Bits 4-5    Internal clock select (&Xn)          0=Internal clock (&X0) (Default)          1 = External clock (&X1)          2 = Slave clock (&X2)Bit 6      CCITT/Bell mode select (Bn)          0 = CCITT mode (B0)          1 = Bell mode (B1) (Default)S28 0Bit Mapped Options StatusBits 3-4    Plus dialing (&Pn)           0 = 39%~61% make/breakratio at 10  pluses per second(&P0)           1 = 33%~67% make/breakratio at 10  pluses per second(&P1)           2 = 39%~61% make/breakratio at 20  pluses per second(&P2)           3 = 33%~67% make/breakratio at 20  pluses per second(&P3)Bits 6-7   MNP Link Negotiation Speed (*Hn)           0 = Link negotiation athighest speed (*H0)  (Default)           1 = Link negotiation at 1200bps (*H1)           2 = Link negotiation at 4800bps (*H2)S29 0-255 10msinterval70 Flash Dial modifier TimeSets the length of time, in units of 10 ms , thatthe modem will go on-hook when it encountersthe flash (!) dial modifier in the dial string. The
5634BIF User’s Manual37time can be limited as it is a country dependentparameter.S-Register Range Default DescriptionS30 0-255tens ofseconds0(disable) Disconnect Inactivity TimerSets the length of time , in tens of seconds, thatthe modem will stay online before disconnectingwhen no data is sent or will reset the timer. Thetimer is inoperative in synchronous mode.S31 194 BIT Mapped Options StatusBit 0 ¡ÐSingle line connect messageenable/disable(\Vn)         0=Message controlled by S95,Wn and Vn  (\V0)(Default)         1= Single line connect message(\V1)Bit 1 ¡ÐAuto line speed detection (Nn)         0= Disabled (N0)         1= Enabled (N1) (Default)Bits 2-3¡ÐError correction progress messages(Wn)         0= DTE speed only (W0)(Default)         1= Full reporting (W1)         2= DCE speed only (W2)Bits 4-5¡ÐCaller ID(#CID)         0=Caller ID disabled (#CID=0)(Default)         1=Short (formatted) Caller IDenabled (#CID=1)         2=Long (unformatted) Caller IDenabled (#CID=1)Bits 6-7¡ÐReservedS32 0 - 255 11, hex Sets the value of the XON characterS33 0 - 255 13, hex Sets the value of the XOFF characterS36 BitMappedBit 0-207, hex LAPM Failure ControlThis value indicates what should happen upon aLAPM failure.0Modem disconnect.1Modem stays on-line and direct modeconnection is established.3Modem stays on-line and a normal modeconnection is established.4An MNP connection is attempted and if itfail, the modem disconnects.5An MNP connection is attempted and if itfails a direct mode connection isestablished.
5634BIF User’s Manual38S-Register Range Default DescriptionS37 BitMapped Desired Line Connection SpeedRegister S37 is bit-mapped and provides thefollowing functions.0   Attempt automode connection. If N0 isactive, connection is attempted at the mostrecently sensed DTE speed. If N1 isactive ,connection is attempted at thehighest possible speed. (Default)1-3  Attempt a 300 bps connection5   Attempt a V.22 1200 bps connection6   Attempt a V.22bis 2400 bps connection7   Attempt a V.23 connection8   Attempt a V.32bis 4800 bps connection9   Attempt a V.32bis 9600 bps connection10  Attempt a V.32bis 12000 bps connection11  Attempt a V.32bis 14400 bps connection12  Attempt a V.32bis 7200 bps connectionS38 0-255seconds 20 Delay Before Forced Hang UpThis register specifies the delay between themodem’s receipt of the H command todisconnect (or ON-to-OFF transition of DTR ifthe modem is programmed to follow the signal),and the disconnect operation. Applicable toerror-correction connection only. This registercan be used to ensure that data in the modembuffer is sent before the modem disconnects.If S38 is set to a value between 0 and 254, themodem will wait that number of seconds for theremote modem to acknowledge all data in themodem buffer before disconnecting. If timeexpires before all data is sent, the NOCARRIER result code will be issued to indicatedthat data has been lost. If all data is transmittedprior to time-out, the response to the H0command will be OK.If S38 is set to 255, the modem does not time-out and continues to attempt to deliver data inthe buffer until the connection is lost or the datais delivered.
5634BIF User’s Manual39S39 3Flow Control Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command options.Bit 0-2    Status of command options0= No flow control3= RTS/CTS (&K3) (Default.)4= XON/XOFF (&K4)5= Transparent XON (&K5)6= Both methods (&K6)S-Register Range Default Description105(Non-NP10models)107(MNP 10models)General Bit Mapped Options StatusS40Bit 0-1   MNP Extended Services (-Kn)0= Disable extended services (-K0) (Default for non-MNP 10models.)1= Enable extended services (-K1) (Default for MNP 10models.)2= Enable extended services (-K2)Bit 2    Power Level Adjustment for Cellular Use()Mn)0= Auto-adjustment ()M0) (Default)1= Force adjustment ()M1)Bits 3-5  Break Handling (\Kn)0= \K01= \K12= \K23= \K34= \K45= \K5 (Default)Bits 6-7  MNP Block Size (\An)0=  64 chars (\A0)1=  128 chars (\A1) (Default)2=  192 chars (\A2)3=  256 chars (\A3)
5634BIF User’s Manual40S-Register Range Default Description3General Bit Mapped Options StatusIndicates the status of command optionsS41Bit 0-1    Compression selection (%Cn)0= Disabled (%C0)1= MNP 5(%C1)2= V.42 bis (%C2)3= MNP 5 and V.42 bis (%C3) (Default)Bit 2,6    Auto retrain and fallback/fall forward (%En)Bit 6  Bit 2   0    0  = Retrain and fallback/fall forward disabled(%E0) (Default)   0    1  = Retrain enabled (%E1)   1    0  = Fallback/fall forward enabled (%E2)Bit 4      Block mode control (\Ln)0= Stream mode (\L0) (Default)1= Block mode (\L1)Bit 7      Enable fallback to V.22bis/V.22 (-Qn)0=  Disabled (-Qn)1=  Enable (-Q1) (Default)S46 138 Data Compression ControlControl selection of compression. The followingactions are executed for the given values:S46=136 Execute error correction protocol withno  compressionS46=138 Execute error correction protocol withcompression (Default)S48 7V.42 Negotiation ActionThe V.42 negotiation process determines thecapabilities of the remote modem. However,when the capabilities of the remote modem areknown and negotiation is unnecessary, thisprocess can be bypassed if so desired.S48=0   Disable negotiation; bypass thedetection and negotiation phases; andproceed with LAPM.S48=7    Enable negotiation.(Default)
5634BIF User’s Manual41S-Register Range Default DescriptionS82 128 Break Handling OptionsS82 is for compatability purposes only,changing this register will not have any affect.S91 0-15dBm 10 PSTN Transmit Attenuation LevelSets the transmit attenuation level from 0 to 15dBm for the PSTN mode, resulting in a transmitlevel from 0 to -15dBm, in some countries, thetransmit level may not be changed and thereare checks to prevent transmit attenuation levelchange using ConfigurACE.S92 0-15dBm 10 Fax Transmit Attenuation LevelSets the transmit attenuation level from 0 to15dBm for the fax mode, resulting in a transmitlevel from 0 to -15 dBm. In some countries, thetransmit level may not be changed and thereare checks to prevent transmit attenuation levelchange using ConfigurACE.Call Failure Reason CodeWhen the modem issues a NO CARRIER resultcode, a value is written to this S-Register tohelp determine the reason for the failedconnection. S86 records the first event thatcontributes to a NO CARRIER message. Thecause codes are:S86 0-255secondsS86=0S86=4S86=5S86=9S86=12S86=13S86=14Normal disconnect, no erroroccurred.Loss of carrier.V.42 negotiation failed to detect anerror- correction modem at the otherend.The modems could not find acommon protocol.Normal disconnect initialed by theremote modem.Remote modem does not respondafter 10 re-transmissions of the samemessage.Protocol violation.
5634BIF User’s Manual42S-Register Range Default Description0Register S95 is bit-mapped. A bit set to 1 in thisregister enables the corresponding response,regardless of the W command in effect.S95 BitMappedBit 0  CONNECT response shows DCE speed, not DTEspeedBit 1  Append /ARQ to CONNECT word responses whenan error-correction connection is madeBit 2  Enable CARRIER nnnn responseBit 3  Enable PROTOCOL nnnn responseBit 5  Enable COMPRESSION response58 Cellular Transmit LevelThis bits in this register are set by the @Mnand :En commands to support cellularconnections.S201 0-63Bit  0-4    Initial Cellular Power Level Setting (@Mn;default = @M0)Bit 5 Compromise Equalizer EnableCommand(:En;default=E1)
5634BIF User’s Manual43CChhaapptteerr  77  HHaarrddwwaarree  QQuuiicckk  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  GGuuiiddee  ((IInntteerrnnaallNNoonn--PPnnPP))Before you begin installing your modem, run the following tests first:Identify an available COM port address and IRQ (interrupt) for your modem.Do you have either a sound card, a network card, a scanner card, or a bus mouse?  Ifyou do so, find out their IRQ settings from your computer dealer or from the hardwaremanuals.7.1 FOR WINDOWS 95n Add a COM Port1. Please choose START then Settings, then Control Panel.  In Control Panel, doubleclick on Add New Hardware.  In the "Add New Hardware Wizard" Click on  "Next>" button. It will then ask you if you want Windows 95 to search for New Hardware,click on YES, and then the "Next >" button.  Read the Warning, and if you agree,click on "Next >".  Now wait for the Wizard to complete its inspection of your systemconfiguration.  You can click on "Details" and if all is correct, then click on "Finish"button.  Then when it asks, click on "Yes" to reboot your computer. 2. Now go to START, then SETTINGS, then Control Panel.  Double Click on System.Then click on the Device Manager TAB.  Double Click on "Ports (COM & LPT)".Whatever COM ports show up, you cannot use for the modem, unless you disablethem first in the BIOS of you COMPUTER, ON the Motherboard or on your I/O Card.If you choose to disable one of your current ports to put the modem in, then rerun thistest to make sure that it was actually disabled correctly. 3. You can now continue to OPTION 1 of this section.n Refer to Chapter 7 to continue the installation of the modem7.2 FOR WINDOWS 3.1x or DOSTurn your computer on and go to the "C" prompt (C:\>).If you have MS-DOS 6.0, or higher, or MS-Windows 3.1x, type MSD (Microsoft Diagnostic)at "C" prompt.  This will not work if you only have Windows 95, (see above section).MSD is going to give you information on your computer system.  Look and see if youcan locate an entry call "COM Port."  There should be a number right next to that entryidentifying the number of COM ports you have.  Write the number down on a piece ofpaper.Press "C" to go into the COM Port screen.
5634BIF User’s Manual44Write the port addresses for each COM Port down.  Regardless of what MSD says,"03F8" is COM1, "02F8" is COM2, "03E8" is COM3, and "02E8" is COM4.   If it has"02E8" under COM3, don't worry about it.  It just means you skipped a COM Port, this isvery common.  You only have to go by the port addresses.OPTION 1If you only have "03F8" in the COM Port screen and do not have any sound, network,scanner card, bus mouse, or other device using IRQ3, set your modem's switches orjumpers to COM2 IRQ3 according to the user's manual that came with your modem (bothCOM and IRQ must be set).  If  you only have "02F8" for COM port, set your modemto COM1 IRQ4, again following the directions of your Modem User's manual.OPTION 2If you have both "03F8" and "02F8" and do not have any sound, network, scanner card,bus mouse, or other device using IRQ5, set your modem to COM3 IRQ5.OPTION 3If you have "03F8" and also have "02E8" and you do not have any sound, network,scanner card, bus mouse, or other devices using IRQ5, set your modem to COM2 IRQ5.OPTION 4If you have "03F8" and also have "02E8" and you do have another device using IRQ5,please consult your "Multi I/O Card User's Manual" and have COM4 "02E8" IRQ3disabled.  This "Multi I/O Card User's Manual" ought to come with your computer system.Check with your computer dealer if you can't find one in the package.  Set your modemto COM2 IRQ3 after COM4 IRQ3 is disabled on the I/O card.OPTION 5If you have both "03F8" and "02F8" and you do have another device using IRQ5 while youdon't have any external device connected to COM2 "02F8", have COM2 "02F8" IRQ3 onyour I/O card disabled.  Set your modem to COM2 IRQ3 after COM2 IRQ3 has beendisabled on your I/O card.OPTION 6 (depends on your system's multi-I/O card)If you have both "03F8" and "02F8" and do have another device using IRQ5 while there isan external device connected to COM2 "02F8" and a serial mouse is connected to COM1"03F8," you can try to put your modem on COM4 IRQ3.  However, this is not alwaysguaranteed to work.  It is to our experience that whether or not this kind of setting worksor not depends a lot on the multi-I/O card itself.  Sometimes the I/O card does not like toshare IRQ (IRQ3 in this case) with another device.  Sometimes this setting will work fora while and suddenly stopped working.  Sometimes it will work flawlessly.  The PCBus architecture was not designed to share IRQ's.
5634BIF User’s Manual45OPTION 7If you have a setting that matches Option 6 above and Option 6 does not work on yoursystem, you can try to move the device that's using IRQ5 to an unused IRQ and set yourmodem to COM3 IRQ5.  If the device that's using IRQ5 does not support other IRQ's,you have ran out of available IRQ.  Consult your local dealer or a consultant to see ifthey can give you some advice.  You must also realize that if your system is fully loadedwith no available COM Port or IRQ, another device must be sacrificed (disabled) to makeroom for the fax modem.When you find the COM Port and IRQ setting for your modem, set the modem accordingto the instructions in your Fax Modem User's manual.  Turn your computer off, unplugthe power cord, remove the cover to your computer, locate an available expansion slot onthe motherboard, remove the screw that's holding the slot cover if there is one, andcarefully slide the modem into the slot completely.  Secure the modem in the slot withthe screw.  Connect your DEDICATED phone wire to the fax/modem's "LINE" jack.You may want to install the software that came with the package and test the modembefore you put the computer cover back.  But be careful not to touch any systemcomponents with the power cord plugged into the wall socket.NOTE:   Windows 3.1x Systems (COM Port Packing)If you are skipping COM3, and you are installing any Windows based communicationssoftware, you will need to add the following two lines to your SYSTEM.INI file's [386Enh]section:Example:       COM3IRQ=-1              COM3BASE=03E8This applies in general to any skipped COM Port, where 'x' is the Port Number skipped.              COMxIRQ=-1              COMxBASE= {note the appropriate port address}Port Addresses              COM1 = 03F8    COM2 = 02F8              COM3 = 03E8    COM4 = 02E8
5634BIF User’s Manual46CChhaapptteerr  88  WWiinnddoowwss  9955  MMooddeemm  DDrriivveerr  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  ((aannddPPnnPP))After following the directions in our Hardware Conflict Resolution Guide, please followthese procedures to install the driver:8.1 Install the Modem to Windows 951. Click on the “Control Panel” twice in “My Computer” program group.2. Click on the “Modem” icon twice to begin configuring its setting. Choose “Don'tdetect my modem; I will select it from a list.”, then click on “Have disk”.3. Indicate the driver path such as “A:\win95” for Windows, then click on “Next” button.4. After installing the new Windows 95 driver for your modem. It comes with a list ofmodem models: "5634BIF InterNET Fax". Select the model that fits yours.5. Window now will ask you to insert the Windows 95 CD disk to copy necessary driverfiles to the Windows 95 system.6. After Windows has auto detected your hardware COM port setting, it will show thesuggesting COM port. You can select the port such as "Communication Port[COM2]".7. After querying the new COM port, it should come up your modem type.8. Click on "Finish". Shut down the computer.9. When you reboot your system, you'll be ready for using your modem.Example:If diskette in A Drive:  A:\W95NT40If diskette in B Drive:  B:\W95NT40
5634BIF User’s Manual47
5634BIF User’s Manual48AA  FFCCCC  CCoommpplliiaanncceeAppendix A provides compliance information about your modem.A.1 FCC NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures :− Reorient of relocate the receiving antenna.− Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.− Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.− Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.This unit was tested with shielded cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables mustbe used with the unit to insure compliance. This statement can be deleted if unit was nottested with shielded cables.The manufacture is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused byunauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo condition:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This devicemust accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.A.2 FCC RequirementThis equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the base unit of  thisequipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC RegistrationNumber and Ringer Equivalence Number(REN) for this equipment. If requested, thisinformation must be given to telephone company.The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to yourtelephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your telephone number iscalled. In most, but not all area, the sum of the REN's of all devices connected to one lineshould not exceed five(5.0). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect toyour line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company todetermine the maximum REN for your calling area.If your equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may
5634BIF User’s Manual49discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But ifadvance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will beinformed of your right to file a complain with the FCC. Your telephone company may makechanges in its facilities, equipments, operations or procedures that could affect the properfunctioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to give you anopportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service.The equipment may not be used on coin service by the telephone company. Connectionto party lines is subject to state tariffs.This modem does support “Fax Branding” function. Please refer the manual ofcommunication software for instruction.

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