Asia Pacific Satellite communications XT Satellite Mobile Hand Held Terminal User Manual XTEng 01 02
Asia Pacific Satellite communications Inc. Satellite Mobile Hand Held Terminal XTEng 01 02
- 1. Users Manual
- 2. Users Manual I
- 3. Users Manual II
- 4. user manual
user manual
CONTENTS... Thuraya XT 01 Before you start CertiďŹcation information (SAR) Precautions for Thuraya XT FCC Compliance Statement Unpacking your Thuraya XT 11 For your safety Thuraya XT 11 Battery Information The function of the keys 12 Taking care of your Thuraya XT CertiďŹcation information (IP54, IK03) Thuraya XT 02 Getting started Introduction 15 HPA (High-Penetration Alerting) 16 Initial steps Inserting SIM card Connect the charger and charge the battery Switch the Thuraya XT On/Off Enter your PIN Emergency call (SOS) Setup wizard Lock/Unlock the keypad 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 Display Display layout Display symbols Key action Default shortcuts Useful shortcuts 20 20 21 22 22 Making and receiving calls 1. Making a call 2. Receiving a call High-Penetration alerting Options during a call Handling more than one call simultaneously (Conference calls) 24 24 25 25 26 Thuraya XT 02 Getting started Write a new Message Traditional text input Predictive text input Change language Dictionary 27 28 29 29 Thuraya XT 03 Using the menu 1. Contacts 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Search Add Contact Group Speed dial Copy Delete Memory Status 3. Call logs 33 33 34 35 36 36 36 2. Navigation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Current position Continuous position Waypoints Location tracking Setting Helper Qiblah & Prayer 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 3.1 Call logs 3.2 Delete 3.3 Call Duration 43 43 43 4. Organizer 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Alarm Calendar Calculator Stopwatch World time 44 46 47 47 48 5. Messaging 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 New message Inbox Draft Sent messages Outbox Templates 48 50 51 51 51 51 Thuraya XT 03 Using the menu 5.7 Settings 5.8 Info message 5.9 Memory status 5.10 Delete messages 6. Sound settings 52 53 54 55 8. Network 55 9. Security 7. Settings 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Phone Call GmPRS Language Time/Date Data connection Setup wizard My numbers 56 57 62 63 64 65 65 66 8.1 Network mode 8.2 SAT Registration 8.3 Preference 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 PIN1 code Security code Change codes Fixed dialing Closed User Group IMEI Number Software version Soft reset Factory reset 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 71 71 71 71 Thuraya XT 04 Additional Information Troubleshooting 75 PIN & PUK 86 Quick access codes 76 PIN2 & PUK2 86 Access codes 86 Barring code 86 Security code 86 01 Before you start 01 Before you start CertiďŹcation information (SAR) Precautions for Thuraya XT FCC Compliance Statement Unpacking your Thuraya XT 11 For your safety Thuraya XT 11 Battery Information The function of the keys 12 Taking care of your Thuraya XT CertiďŹcation information (IP54, IK03) 01 02 03 04 01 Before you start &HUWLÂżFDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ 6$5 7+,6'(9,&(0((76,17(51$7,21$/*8,'(/,1(6)25(;32685(725$',2:$9(6 Your wireless Thuraya XT phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) recommended by international guidelines (ICNIRP). These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. 7KHH[SRVXUHJXLGHOLQHVIRUPRELOHGHYLFHVHPSOR\DXQLWRIPHDVXUHPHQWNQRZQDVWKH6SHFLÂżF$EVRUSWLRQ5DWHRU6$57KH6$5 limit stated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over ten grams of tissue. Tests for SAR are conducted using VWDQGDUGRSHUDWLQJSRVLWLRQVZLWKWKHGHYLFHWUDQVPLWWLQJDWLWVKLJKHVWFHUWLÂżHGSRZHUOHYHOLQDOOWHVWHGIUHTXHQF\EDQGV7KHDFWXDO6$5 level of an operating device can be below the maximum value because the device is designed to use only the power required to reach the network. That amount changes depending on a number of factors such as how close you are to a network base station. The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use of the device at the ear is 0.324W/kg This satellite mobile phone cannot be used in a body-worn position because in this position the phone cannot properly receive and transmit the satellite signal therefore in this mode of operation is not practical and restricted in use. Use of device accessories and enhancements may result in different SAR values. SAR values may vary depending on national reporting and testing requirements and the network band. Additional SAR information may be provided under product information at 01 Before you start )&&&RPSOLDQFH6WDWHPHQW Your mobile device is also designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radio waves established by the Federal Communications Commission (USA) and Industry Canada. These requirements set a SAR limit of 1.6W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. 7KH+LJKHVW6$5YDOXHUHSRUWHGXQGHUWKLVVWDQGDUGGXULQJSURGXFWFHUWLÂżFDWLRQIRUXVHDWWKHHDULV:NJ 01 02 03 04 01 Before you start Caution 7KLVHTXLSPHQWJHQHUDWHVRUXVHVUDGLRIUHTXHQF\HQHUJ\&KDQJHVRUPRGLÂżFDWLRQVWRWKLVHTXLSPHQWPD\FDXVH KDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHXQOHVVWKHPRGLÂżFDWLRQVDUHH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGLQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQPDQXDO7KHXVHUFRXOGORVH WKHDXWKRULW\WRRSHUDWHWKLVHTXLSPHQWLIDQXQDXWKRUL]HGFKDQJHRUPRGLÂżFDWLRQLVPDGH RoHS This product is in compliance with EU RoHS Directives and manufactured using lead-free solder paste and parts. 01 02 03 04 01 Before you start Please read carefully and make yourself familiar with the safety measures and user instructions in this manual before you start using your Thuraya XT. This will help you to get the most out of your Thuraya XT. )RU\RXUVDIHW\ The following guidelines will help you to use your Thuraya XT safely. 6:,7&+216$)(/< 52$'6$)(7<&20(6),567 Do not switch on the phone where wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger. Obey all local laws. Always keep your hands free to RSHUDWHWKHYHKLFOHZKLOHGULYLQJ1. Contact > 1. Search > Select Contact to delete > Option > 6. Delete > 1. Yes Current position (My GPS information) ÂMenu > 2. Navigation > 1. Current position The curent position data will be shown. Â7RVDYHWKHFXUUHQW*36LQIRUPDWLRQOption > 1. Save > Enter Name > OK Â7RVHQGWKHFXUUHQW*36LQIRUPDWLRQYLD606Option > 3. Send via SMS > Enter Name > Enter Recipients > Send 02 Getting started Setting Alarm ÂMenu > 4. Organizer > 1. Alarm > 2. Alarm1 > Select Day, press the center key > Enter Time > Select AM/PM > Select Ringtone > Select On/Off > Save Setting Ringtone ÂMenu > 6. Sound setting > 1. Ringtone > Select Ringtone > press the center key Â+RZHYHUWKHULQJWRQHFRQÂżJXUHGDWMenu > 1. Contacts > 3. Group > Option > 3. Group ringtone overrides the basic ringtone for the incoming calls to the numbers included in Contacts. Setup wizard Â7KHEDVLFSKRQHVHWWLQJVFDQEHGRQHDWRQFH ÂMenu > 7. Settings > 7. Setup wizard > Time > Date > Auto update > Select location > LanguageDQG eZiText choose whether to copy the contacts in the SIM to the Phone. Setting Network Â$XWRVHDUFKLQJ 6HDUFKIRUQHWZRUNZLWKVWURQJHVWVLJQDODQGUHJLVWHU Menu > 8. Network > 1. Network mode > 1. Automatic > Return to the idle screen and network searching will be performed. Â0DQXDOVHDUFKLQJ GLVSOD\DOOVHDUFKHGQHWZRUNVDQGWKHXVHU VHOHFWVWKHSUHIHUUHGQHWZRUN Menu > 8. Network > 1. Network mode > 2. Manual > Requesting pop-up > Select preferred network > Requesting pop-up > idle screen 23 01 02 03 04 02 Getting started Making and receiving calls ,QRUGHUWRPDNHDFDOO\RXPXVWEHFRQQHFWHGWRDQHWZRUNDQG KDYHDQDGHTXDWH6$7VLJQDO 1. Making a call 1. Enter a phone number using the keypad. 2. Press 3. To end the call press Note 'HÂżQLWLRQRIWKHIXQFWLRQ3DQG: Ć 3 SDXVH VHFRQGV 3IXQFWLRQDXWRPDWLFDOO\VHQGV'70)WRQHVZLWKRXWXVHULQWHUYHQWLRQDERXWWKUHH VHFRQGVDIWHUFRQQHFWLQJWRWKH$56QXPEHUHQWHUHGE\WKHXVHUIRUWKHFRQYHQLHQFH RIWKHXVHRI$56IUHTXHQWO\XVHGE\WKHXVHU ([DPSOH 'LDOLQJ3FRQQHFWV WRWKHQXPEHUDQGVHOHFWVDQGRI$56RSWLRQVDXWRPDWLFDOO\ Ć : ZDLW :DLWIRUVSHFLÂżFXVHUHYHQWV (Example) The key sequence â114w1 w 2 w 5 =>Sendâ will dial the number DQGVHQGV'70)WRQHVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRDQGVHTXHQWLDOO\ each time the user press after connecting to number 114. 24 $QLQFRPLQJFDOOLVLQGLFDWHGDVIROORZV Ć You will hear the selected ringtone. Ć $ĂDVKLQJ is displayed. Ć The number of the caller will be displayed on the screen (if the number is transmitted). If the number is stored in the contact list the corresponding name will be displayed. 7RPDNHDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOFDOOSUHVV until the + symbol DSSHDUV2QFHLWLVGLVSOD\HGHQWHUWKHFRXQWU\FRGHZLWKRXWWKH OHDGLQJÂśV:KHQHQWHULQJDQXPEHUSUHVV once to input * V\PEROSUHVV twice to input P and press three times to input W. 2. Receiving a call Accept a call Press Reject a call Press or 5HMHFW Mute the ringing Press (Silence). Note Ć 7RUHMHFWDQLQFRPLQJFDOOGXULQJDQRWKHUFDOOSUHVV Ć Sound volume during a call can be increased/decreased by using 02 Getting started High-Penetration alerting Options during a call New message. $%& DEF DQG$EF indicate the selected character indicates number mode. The available text input mode. 123 IRUPDWVLQ\RXU7KXUD\D;7SKRQHDUH Capital Small Number Special Character $UDELF)DUVL8UGX+LQGL1XPEHU Capital + Small eZiText On Â7RHUDVHDFKDUDFWHUSUHVV (Clear). Press and hold (Clear) to clear all characters. Â7RLQVHUWDVSDFHSUHVV Â7KHPRVWFRPPRQV\PEROVDUHDYDLODEOH under the number 1 key. and use to 7RLQVHUWDV\PEROSUHVV choose the required symbol. 01 02 Traditional text input 03 Â3UHVVDQXPEHUNH\ UHSHDWHGO\XQWLOWKH desired character appears. There are more characters available for a number key than are printed on the key. Â7RLQVHUWDQXPEHUSUHVVDQGKROGWKHQXPEHUNH\ Â7RVZLWFKEHWZHHQWKHGLIIHUHQWFKDUDFWHU PRGHVSUHVV Â,IWKHQH[WOHWWHULVORFDWHGRQWKHVDPHNH\DV WKHSUHVHQWRQHZDLWXQWLOWKHFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHULJKWRIWKH to move the cursor to the right of the FKDUDFWHU RUSUHVV character) and continue to enter the text. 04 27 02 Getting started Predictive text input The complete lists of available symbols are shown below. You can enter any letter with a single keypress by using predictive text input (eZiText). eZiText is based on a built-in dictionary to which you can also add new words. You can add up to 60 new words to the dictionary. Ć 7RDFWLYDWHSUHGLFWLYHWH[WLQSXWSUHVV and hold. Ć 7RZULWHWKHGHVLUHGZRUGSUHVVWKHNH\VÂą3UHVVHDFK Note Ć Differentiating capital and small character is supported only with Latin languages. Ć When using eZiText capital/small character status is not shown. Ć To switch eZiText on or off press (for a few seconds). 28 N H\RQO\RQFHIRURQHOHWWHU)RUH[DPSOHWRZULWHÂł3KRQH´ SUHVVIRU3IRUKIRURIRUQDQGIRUH The word suggestion changes after each keypress. The suggested word can be changed to upper or lower case by pressing 02 Getting started Change language Dictionary Your Thuraya XT supports 12 system and input languages. Add$GGDZRUGWRWKHGLFWLRQDU\ by using traditional text input. You can enter up to 30 characters. 02 03 and select Input Language. 04 The input language can be switched to another language by pressing and holding However switching between English and another language is possible only when a ODQJXDJHRWKHUWKDQ(QJOLVKLVFRQÂżJXUHGDVDQ input language from Settings > Language > Input language. 29 02 Getting started To change the registered word Ć Option > Edit Edit the word using traditional text input. Note Ć When you press OptionWKHIROORZLQJRSWLRQVDSSHDU Input Language 123Symbol 30 To delete the registered word Ć Option > Delete7RGHOHWHWKHUHJLVWHUHG words. 03 Using the menu 03 Using the menu 1. Contacts 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Search Add Contact Group Speed dial Copy Delete Memory Status 5. Messaging 33 33 34 35 36 36 36 2. Navigation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Current position Continuous position Waypoints Location tracking Setting Helper Qiblah & Prayer 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 3. Call logs 3.1 Call logs 3.2 Delete 3.3 Call Duration 43 43 43 4. Organizer 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Alarm Calendar Calculator Stopwatch World time 44 46 47 47 48 5.1 New message 5.2 Inbox 5.3 Draft 5.4 Sent messages 5.5 Outbox 5.6 Templates 5.7 Settings 5.8 Info message 5.9 Memory status 5.10 Delete messages 6. Sound settings 9. Security 48 50 51 51 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 7. Settings 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Phone Call GmPRS Language Time/Date Data connection Setup wizard My numbers 56 57 62 63 64 65 65 66 8. Network 8.1 Network mode 8.2 SAT Registration 8.3 Preference 66 67 67 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 PIN1 code Security code Change codes Fixed dialing Closed User Group IMEI Number Software version Soft reset Factory reset 68 68 69 69 70 71 71 71 71 03 Using the menu 1. Contacts 8VHWKLVPHQXWRVDYHDQGFRQÂżJXUHFRQWDFWV in your address book. 1.1 Search Use the search function to look up names in your contact list. You can either Ć Scroll the contact list with the up or down navigation keys or Ć Enter the name using the keypad (like writing a message): PRVWO\\RXRQO\QHHGWRHQWHUWKHÂżUVWFRXSOHRIOHWWHUV 1.2 Add Contact There are different ways to add new contacts: Option 1 1. First enter a number while being in idle screen and then save the number in your contact list by pressing the center key . 2. Choose whether to save the contact on the phone or on the SIM card. 3. Select the type of the entered number . 4. Enter Name. 5. Select Group. 6. After entering all necessary contents, press the center key to save. Option 2 to access Menu. 1. In idle screen press the left soft key 2. Scroll to Contacts and select. 3. Scroll to Add contact and select 4. Enter Name and Number, E-mail and Group. 5. After entering all necessary contents press the center key save. to 33 01 02 03 04 03 Using the menu 1.3 Group Option 3 In SMS viewer, Option > Save as a contact In Missed calls list, Option > Save to contacts In Received calls list, Option > Save to contacts In Outgoing calls list, Option > Save to contacts An easy way to manage contacts in your contact list is using the Group function. This ZLOODOORZ\RXWRVHWVSHFLÂżF5LQJWRQHVIRU every Group and to send SMS to all Group members. Functions supported in Group: 1. To change the Group name use Option > Edit Group Name 7RYLHZWKHFRQWDFWVLQFOXGHGLQDVSHFLÂżF*URXSXVH Option > Group Member 3. To change the Ringtone of the selected Group use Option > Group ringtone 4. To send an SMS to all members of a Group use Option > Send SMS 34 03 Using the menu 1.4 Speed dial You can use the number keys for speed dialing, and a phone number needs to be assigned to each number key for this purpose. 1. Press the left soft key from the standby mode, select Contacts, and then select Speed dial. 2. Move to the desired speed dial key 2 - 9, and assign the key by pressing Option or OK. To make a call using a speed dial key: There are two ways of making a call when numbers are assigned to the speed dial keys. 1. Press the Speed dial key and press if you are in the Speed dial menu mode. 2. Press the Speed dial key for at least 2 seconds in the idle screen mode. 01 02 03 Assign Select > Assign 04 3. Search the name or phone number using the menu navigation keys, and press OK. 4. If more than one number is stored, select the desired name using the menu navigation keys. 5. After assigning the numbers to the speed dial keys, you can call the number, change the number, or reset its assignment to the speed dial keys. 35 03 Using the menu 1.5 Copy Every time you save a contact you can choose whether to save the number directly on the phone or on the SIM card. If you want to copy entries from one location to the other use the Copy function. Select if you want to use Ć SIM to Phone Ć Phone to SIM 1.6 Delete Deletes contacts saved on the phone or the SIM card. Choose whether to delete all contacts at once or individually. Ć Phone Ć SIM Ć Phone & SIM After that you can choose if you want to copy Ć Only one contact Ć All contacts 1.7 Memory Status Shows the total space used and the number of contacts saved in your phone and your SIM card. Up to 255 contacts can be saved in the phone. The number of contacts that can be saved in the SIM card varies depending on the type of SIM card and the service provider. 36 03 Using the menu 2. Navigation Use the Navigation function to determine your current position, the direction and distance to a destination or track your position by sending GPS data to a PC or laptop. 2.1 Current position You can determine your current position using the GPS (Global Positioning System) of your Thuraya XT. Menu > 2. Navigation > 1. Current position After receiving your current GPS data you can use the following options: 1. To save your current position as a Waypoint (see page 39) use. Option > Save 2. To compare your current position with a previously saved Waypoint (which will give you the relative position) use Option > Relative position 3. To transmit your current position via SMS use Option > Send via SMS 4. To transmit your current position to a PC or laptop (while being connected via data cable) use Option > Connect to PC Note Ć The correct connection settings should be selected and the data cable should be connected before starting. 37 01 02 03 04 03 Using the menu 2.2 Continuous position While moving with your Thuraya XT you can use the function Continuous Position to continuously update your GPS position. This includes latitude, longitude, altitude, UTC, satellite count, your current speed PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision) and your current compass direction. By using the left or right navigation keys you can switch between the data view and the compass view. Menu > 2. Navigation > 2. Continuous position While retrieving your Continuous Position you can use the following options: 1. To save your current position as a Waypoint use Option > Save 2. To compare your current position with a previously saved Waypoint (which will give you the relative position) use Option > Relative position 3. To transmit your current position via SMS use Option > Send via SMS 4. To transmit your current position to a PC or laptop (while being connected via data cable) use Option > Connect to PC Note Ć The correct connection settings should be selected and the data cable should be connected before starting. 38 03 Using the menu 2.3 Waypoints You can create waypoints in order to save the GPS data of your current position or you also can enter a waypoint manually if you know the GPS data of a particular position. These waypoints can be used for searching the reference point in physical space. Up to 200 waypoints can be saved. 1. To show the information of the selected waypoint Option > View 2. To search the waypoints Option > Search 3. To generate a new waypoint by specifying the latitude and longitude information Option > New 4. To changes the name of the selected waypoint Option > Rename 5. To delete the selected waypoint Option > Delete 6. The waypoint and the current location will be compared when one waypoint is selected. Two waypoints will be compared when selecting two waypoints. Option > Relative position 7. To navigate to a selected waypoint. Option > Start navigation 8. To transmit the selected waypoint via SMS. Option > Send via SMS 9. To transmit the selected waypoint to a PC or laptop (while being connected via data cable) Option > Connect to PC 01 02 03 04 39 03 Using the menu 2.4 Location tracking The function of location tracking shows waypoints in your phone RUVHQGVWKHPWRD3&DWUHJXODULQWHUYDOVDVFRQÂżJXUHGLQ Tracking time (2.5.2). 2.5 Setting Ć 2.5.1 Format The GPS information can be shown in six formats: DD.ddddd, DD/MM/, DD/MM/SS, DD/, MGRS, and UTM. Ć 2.5.2 Tracking time You can select tracking intervals from 1 Second to 1 Hour. Please note that only 200 waypoints can be saved. (If you select 1 Second interval, the tracking will stop after 200 seconds.) Functions supported in Location tracking: 1. To show the tracked waypoints in your phone Start > ON (Phone) 1.1 Start Starts tracking the location of the phone. 1.2 View Shows the information of saved tracks (up to 10 tracks). 1.3 Delete Deletes information of saved tracks. 2. To send the tracked way points to a PC Start > ON (PC) 40 03 Using the menu 2.6 Helper In case of an emergency you can send an SMS with your current *36SRVLWLRQWRSUHGHÂżQHGUHFHLYHUV Ć 2.6.1 Activate Long press the right soft key to activate the Helper. Ć 2.6.3 Edit 6HWWKHOLVWRISUHGHÂżQHGUHFHLYHUVE\HQWHULQJWKHLUSKRQH numbers. You can enter a number manually or you can select from your contact list (if you already saved numbers there). 01 02 03 04 Ć 2.6.2 Deactivate If you select a name from the phonebook and save it, the name is displayed in the list. To deactivate the Helper, short press the right soft key again. 41 03 Using the menu 2.7 Qiblah & Prayer Ć 2.6.4 Emergency SMS Activate or deactivate the Emergency SMS. Provides information about the Islamic prayer direction (Qiblah) and prayer timings. 1. Acquire GPS in SAT mode. Menu > 2.Navigation > 1.Current position 2. Send the GPS position via SMS to 1400 or 1411. 3.You will get a Qiblah message. 4. Afterwards you will have a new menu item: Menu > 2.Navigation > 7.Qiblah & prayer Ć 2.6.5 Message setup :ULWH\RXUSUHGHÂżQHGPHVVDJHWKDWZLOOEHVHQWLQ case of an emergency. Ć 2.6.6 Timer setup Choose the frequency of outgoing messages in case of an emergency (every 3 minutes to every 2 hours). 42 Qiblah & Prayer supports the following sub-functions: 1. Receive prayer timings in your area. Option > Update time 2. Receive prayer direction in your area. Option > Muslim faith 3.Set Qiblah & Prayer alarm Option > Prayer reminder 4. Get a new Qiblah position Option > Find Qiblah 03 Using the menu 3. Call logs In the Call logs the history of your phone calls can be shown. 3.2 Delete Choose whether to delete Ć Missed calls Ć Received calls Ć Outgoing calls Ć All 01 3.1 Call logs Choose whether you want to view Ć Missed calls Ć Received calls Ć Outgoing calls Each log can store up to 20 records and shows call duration and time of call. 02 03 3.3 Call Duration 04 Choose whether to show the call duration for Ć Last call Ć Received calls Ć Outgoing calls Ć All calls 43 03 Using the menu 4. Organizer Contains the applications Alarm, Calendar, Calculator and Stopwatch. Ć 3.3.1 GmPRS volume Choose whether to view the data volume for Ć Last session Ć Sent data Ć Received data Ć All data 4.1 Alarm Ć 3.3.2 Reset To delete the entries press Reset and choose if you want to delete Ć Voice entries Ć GmPRS entries Ć All entries 44 With your Thuraya XT, you can set a Wake-up call, Alarm 1 and Alarm 2. Ć 4.1.1 Wake up call Current Time Alarm Sound Alarm Time Shows the status of Alarm Shows the status of Auto Power 03 Using the menu 4. Turn On/Off the alarm with the navigation keys Alarm settings 1. Select a day of the week with the navigation keys (Multiple selection possible) 01 2. Enter the time with the navigation keys 02 5.Turn On/Off the Auto Power with the navigation keys 03 04 3. Select an alarm sound with the navigation keys Note Ć If the Auto Power is activated, the phone will turn on at the alarm time automatically to produce the alarm sound even when the phone is turned off. 45 03 Using the menu 4.2 Calendar 6. Press Save to apply the change Ć 4.1.2 Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 To set Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 follow the same instructions. Please note that for Alarm 1 and Alarm 2, the Auto power On/Off function is not available. To switch off Alarm: 1. Press the left soft key (Stop) to end the alarm. 2. Press the right soft key (Snooze) if you want the alarm to repeat. The alarm repeat function remains as previously FRQÂżJXUHG Day with an entry Currently selected date Currently selected date with content Today 1. Add an entry at the selected date Option > Add 2. View the entry on a selected date Option > View or press the center key 3. Delete all entries Option > Delete All To delete entries by date, please use the Delete in calendar view *RWRDVSHFLÂżFGDWH Option > Go to date Press to go back one month before today to jump to the next month. or press to go back one year before today Press to jump to the next year. or press 5. 6HWWKHÂżUVWGD\RIWKHZHHNLQ\RXUUHJLRQ Option > Settings Week starts on 46 03 Using the menu 4.3 Calculator 4.4 Stopwatch The Stopwatch can store up to 20 lap times. Add Subtract Multiply Divide Show result 'HOHWHHQWHUHGÂżJXUH Start/Stop/Resume Back/Lap/Reset Jump to previous lap time (if there is any) 01 Jump to next lap time (if there is any) 02 Short-press for Dot (decimal point) Long-press for % Operation Press for - (Minus) Operation 03 04 47 03 Using the menu 5. Messaging 4.5 World time Selecting Organizer > World time will show the world time in reference to the selected city. Select your city with the navigation keys and press the center key to save it. You will see that the world time is aligned in reference to the selected city next time you enter the world time menu. You can access the messaging menu from the idle screen with the right navigation key Choose whether to send a message as SMS, Fax, E-mail or ERMES. 5.1 New message Note Ć World time is calculated based on the set local time. Therefore incorrect local time will result in incorrect world time. 48 Single page SMS is limited to 70 (Arabic Group languages) or 160 (Latin Group languages). Your Thuraya XT supports multi-page SMS. The message sent with multi-page SMS will be shown as a single message, but it might be split into multiple messages in some terminals that do not support the concatenated message. 03 Using the menu Sending messages You can compose a text message, and send the message to more than one recipient at the same time. 1. Enter the message. You can compose a message with one of 12 input languages, symbols and numbers from the Option menu. Note 3. Add the numbers of the recipients. Select Option > 2. Add recipients. The composed message can be sent to up to 20 recipients simultaneously. 4. Select Option > 1. Send to transmit the message. 01 Ć Press the (*) key for symbol entry, (#) key for 02 switching between number and text, and Option > 9. eZiText automatic word completion function for the convenience of text input (see page 27). 03 04 2. Select the transmission option. By default, the message will be sent ZLWKWKHRSWLRQVFRQÂżJXUHGLQMenu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings. The sending option for the current message can be changed in the Option > 5. Sending options of the message editor. 49 03 Using the menu 5.2 Inbox Your inbox can store up to 150 messages on the phone and around 150+ messages on SIM card (depending on the type of SIM card). New SMS or voicemail messages are indicated in the status bar with a or icon (the latter showing the number of messages). If both phone storage and SIM storage are full will appear on the idle screen (to receive further messages please GHOHWHVDYHGPHVVDJHVÂżUVW Message status in your Inbox: Unread SMS on SIM Read SMS on SIM Unread SMS in your phone Read SMS in your phone To open a message press the center key 50 Voicemail message A message that indicates the arrival of a new voicemail. To connect to voice mailbox to check voice mail, enter 1# and from the idle screen, or press (speed dial number) press for a long period. The voice mail box number can be saved or changed in Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 4. Voice mail. 6SHHGGLDOFDQEHFRQÂżJXUHGLQMenu > 1. Contacts > 4. Speed dial to assign the number 1 key to voice mail. Message details Use this menu to check - Time and date - Sender's number - Delivery status of your message. 03 Using the menu 5.3 Draft If you don't want to send a message immediately you can save it in the Draft folder: Press Save after writing your message. Menu > 5. Messaging > 3. Draft 5.5 Outbox Messages that are currently sent or were not yet delivered successfully will be shown in the Outbox. After sending, they will be moved to the Sent messages folder. With the Outbox auto resend function, your Thuraya XT automatically resends messages in your Outbox. Up to 50 messages can be stored in your Outbox. Menu > 5. Messaging > 5. Outbox 01 02 03 5.4 Sent messages Successfully transmitted messages are saved in the Sent messages folder. You can save up to 150 sent messages on the phone. The number of sent messages that can be stored on the SIM card varies depending on the type of SIM card. Menu > 5. Messaging > 4. Sent messages 5.6 Templates If you are frequently sending messages using the same text you FDQSUHGHÂżQHPHVVDJHWHPSODWHV Your Thuraya XT comes with 15 default templates. You can SUHGHÂżQHDGGLWLRQDORZQWHPSODWHV Menu > 5. Messaging > 6. Templates 51 04 03 Using the menu 5.7 Settings Ć 5.7.3 Delivery report Ć 5.7.1 Service center The service center number provided by the service provider must EHVWRUHGLQRUGHUWRVHQGWKHPHVVDJH7KHSKRQHLVFRQÂżJXUHG to use the service center number stored in the SIM card by GHIDXOW8SWRÂżYHVHUYLFHFHQWHUQXPEHUVFDQEHVWRUHGDQGRQO\ RQHRIWKHVHQXPEHUVFDQEHFRQÂżJXUHGWREHXVHG To set the service center numbers 1. Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 1. Service center. 2. Select the location to store the number and press the center key to enter into Edit screen. 3. Enter the number provided by the service provider. 4. Press the left soft key to save the number. 5. Move the cursor to the number to be used and press the left to complete the setting. soft key Ć 5.7.2 Format SMS can be sent through Text, Fax, E-mail, or ERMES service provided by the service provider by changing the SMS format. Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 4. Format 52 You can request a delivery report from the network for the sent SMS (network service). Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 3. Delivery report Ć 5.7.4 Validity If the receiver's phone is switched off or in an area out of coverage, the message will be stored at the SMS server and resent according to the validity settings: 1 hour to Maximum storage time Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 4. Validity 03 Using the menu 5.8 Info message Ć 5.7.5 Request reply Request a reply from the receiver. Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 5. Request reply Ć 5.7.6 Bearer selection Your Thuraya XT supports two different transmission modes. The transmission mode is set to SMS server by default. Big SMS FDQEHVHQWPRUHHIÂżFLHQWO\E\VHOHFWLQJ*P356PRGHLQWKH network that supports GmPRS. Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 6. Bearer selection Info message is a network service. It offers wide topics such as ZHDWKHUWUDIÂżFQHZVĂDVKHWFLQWH[WPHVVDJHIRUP 5. Messaging > 8. Info message > 4. Topics. 2. Option > Insert. (QWHUWKHFKDQQHO,' WRSLFFDWHJRU\LGHQWLÂżHU SURYLGHGE\WKH service provider, and press the left soft key 4. Enter topic title and select Option > 1. Save to save the topic. 53 01 02 03 04 03 Using the menu 5.9 Memory status To receive Info message In Info message menu: 1. Status is set to Off by default. Set the Status to On. 2. Select Language and move the cursor over WKHODQJXDJHWRUHFHLYHIURPWKHFRQÂżJXUHG to make Topic, and press the left soft key a selection. 3. Select Topics, enter the channel ID and title to receive, and save. 4. Select the list of generated list of Topics, and perform Mark by selecting Option > 5. Mark/unmark. 54 Shows the total and the used memory of the phone and the SIM card. - The maximum storage space available in the phone is 450 (Inbox: 150, Draft: 100, Sent: 150, Outbox: 50). - The maximum number of messages on the SIM card depends on your SIM type. Menu > 5. Messaging > 9. Memory status 03 Using the menu 6. Sound settings 5.10 Delete messages &RQÂżJXUDWLRQRIDOOVRXQGVHWWLQJVLQ\RXU Thuraya XT. Deletes all the messages in a selected folder. All messages can be easily deleted by pressing the center key . Menu > 5. Messaging > 7. Settings > 10. Delete messages 2. Adjust the volume with the left of right navigation key 01 1. Choose your Ringtone and select it with the center key 02 3. Choose the ringing type of your Ringtone. 4. Set the keypad tone. 5. Set the keypad volume. 03 04 55 03 Using the menu 7. Settings &RQÂżJXUDWLRQRIWKHEDVLFVHWWLQJVRI\RXU Thuraya XT. Ć 7.1.3 Backlight 7KHEDFNOLJKWRI\RXU7KXUD\D;7FDQEHFRQÂżJXUHGWREH - Always On - On for 15 or 30 seconds Ć 3OHDVHFRQVLGHUWKDWWKHEDFNOLJKWFRQÂżJXUDWLRQDIIHFWVWKH battery lifetime. 7.1 Phone Ć 7.1.4 Brightness sensor Ć 7.1.1 Wallpaper To choose the background of your idle screen choose your favorite and Wallpaper. Navigate with the left or right navigation key select your desired Wallpaper with the center key . Ć 7.1.2 Greeting message Set the Greeting message that will appear on the screen every time you switch on your Thuraya XT. Menu > 7. Settings > 1. Phone > 2. Greeting message 56 The brightness of the LCD changes in three levels depending on the brightness level of your current environment. If the Brightness sensor is switched off you can manually set the brightness of the display. Menu > 7. Settings > 1. Phone > 4. Brightness sensor > Off or On Ć 7.1.5 LCD contrast 0DQXDOO\VHWWKHEDFNOLJKWRI\RXU/&'LQÂżYH steps. Press the navigation keys to choose the proper brightness and save with the center key . 03 Using the menu 7.2 Call 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 1. Voice > 1. All voice 03 04 57 03 Using the menu Busy: Incoming calls will be diverted while engaging in another call. Choose whether to divert the call to your voice mailbox or set a VSHFLÂżFQXPEHU Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 1. Voice > 2. Busy No reply: Incoming calls will be diverted when you don't answer the call. Select how long you want to wait until the call will be diverted (5, 15 or 30 sec.). Choose whether to divert the call to your voice PDLOER[RUVHWDVSHFLÂżFQXPEHU Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 1. Voice > 3. No reply Unreachable: Incoming calls will be diverted when your Thuraya XT is switched off or outside of the coverage area. Choose whether to divert the FDOOWR\RXUYRLFHPDLOER[RUVHWDVSHFLÂżFQXPEHU Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 1. Voice > 4. Unreachable Clear divert: Deactivates all divert functions for incoming calls. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 1. Voice > 5. Clear divert 58 All fax: It diverts all incoming fax calls. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 2. All fax All data: Diverts all incoming data. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 3. All data Deactivates all: Clear all divert functions. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 2. Call diverting > 4. Deactivates all 03 Using the menu Ć 7.2.3 Call barring To use the barring service, you must know the barring password for the corresponding SIM and you must be subscribed to the corresponding service provided by the service provider. Outgoing calls This function is used to restrict all outgoing calls. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 1. Outgoing calls International calls This function is used to restrict international outgoing calls. To activate or deactivate the function, enter the four-digit barring code, and press the center to connect to the network to complete the setting. key Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 2. International calls International calls except to home country This function restricts international calls except to an assigned home country. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 3. International calls except to home country Incoming calls This function prevents all incoming calls. To activate or deactivate the function, enter the four-digit Barring to connect to the network to code, and press the center key complete the setting. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 4. Incoming calls 59 01 02 03 04 03 Using the menu Incoming calls when abroad This function prevents incoming calls from foreign countries. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 5. Incoming calls when abroad Clear barring Clears call restriction functions. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 3. Call barring > 6. Clear barring Ć 7.2.4 Voice mail Set a new voice mail number Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 4. Voice mail Ć 7.2.5 Call answering Set your required answering method when there is an incoming call. - Choose if you want to automatically accept a call after 5 or 10 seconds. - Choose if you want to accept a call either with the center key (default) or by pressing any key. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 5. Call answering Ć 7.2.6 DTMF tone Set the DTMF tone for ARS call. To enable the function, select On and press the center key to complete the setting. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 6. DTMF tone 60 03 Using the menu Ć 7.2.7 Auto redial If the number you are trying to call is busy you can activate to automatically redial the number. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 7. Auto redial Ć 7.2.8 Send own number Choose whether you want to send your own number to the receiver when making a call. Menu > 7. Settings > 2. Call > 8. Send own number Note Ć Please note that these settings cannot be changed with some Service Providers. Ć 7.2.9 Cost This service allows you to have cost control of your outgoing calls. Please note that the actual cost could be different from the calculated costs. For accurate cost information please refer to your operator. Note 01 02 Ć The cost control is a function supported by the SIM card. Some SIM cards may not have this function. 03 Charge rate You can set the price per minute according to your price plan. To enter the price you need your PIN2 code included with your SIM card packagings. Press the left soft key or the center key and enter your four-digit SIM PIN2 code to use the corresponding function. 04 61 03 Using the menu 7.3 GmPRS Cost limit Allow you to set a maximum cost limit. Once this limit is reached no further calls can be initiated. Press the left soft key or the center key and enter your four-digit SIM PIN2 code to use the corresponding function. Display cost Choose whether you want to display the cost information upon the conclusion of calls. or the Select On or Off, and press the left soft key center key . You can change the settings of your GmPRS connections. Ć 7.3.1 APN Access point name is required when you connect to the network service provider. Access point name can be changed, added, or deleted. The default setting is get, and this access point name can be changed. Up to three access point name can be FRQÂżJXUHG6HOHFWRQO\RQHWRXVHZKHQWKHUHDUHPRUHWKDQRQH access point name. Menu > 7. Settings > 3. GmPRS > 1. APN Ć 7.3.2 Auto reject This function determines whether to reject the incoming call when GmPRS connection is active. To activate this function, select the corresponding menu, select On, and press the left soft key or the center key to complete the setting. 62 03 Using the menu 7.4 Language You can set the Ć System language and the Ć Input Language of your Thuraya XT. The System language affects the menus in your phone, whereas the Input language allows you to enter Text (e.g. when writing messages) in your preferred language style and use the included dictionaries and the Predictive Text feature eZiText. Menu > 7. Settings > 4. Language To change the language Choose your desired language by navigating with the left or right navigation keys and select with the center key . Menu > 7. Settings > 4. Laguage 01 02 03 System language [English] 04 Input language [French] 63 03 Using the menu 7.5 Time/Date To set the time and date, you can either choose to use the Auto Update function or you can set the time and date manually. Menu > 7. Settings > 5. Time/Date Select your desired date and time format that shall be used in to navigate through your phone. Press the navigation keys the menu. 64 Auto update The Auto update service uses the GPS information of your Thuraya XT. For some areas with deviating time zones, the correct time cannot be determined. In this case please use the manual time setting. Please note that you need to have connection to GPS satellites to use the Auto update service. 03 Using the menu 7.6 Data connection Data connection port for using GPS data or software upgrade can EHFRQÂżJXUHG3RUWRSWLRQVDUHUSB port and Serial port. When the USB port is selected, the speed is set to the default value and cannot be changed. The speed of the Serial port can be set to one of 10 available speeds, and the default value is Automatic speed. 7.7 Setup wizard :KHQWKHSKRQHLVVZLWFKHGRQIRUWKHÂżUVWWLPHWKHVHWXSZL]DUG DOORZV\RXWRFRQÂżJXUHWKHEDVLFSKRQHVHWWLQJVOLNHTime/Date, Location, Language and gives you the possibility to copy the contacts stored on the SIM card to the phone memory. Menu > 7. Settings > 7. Setup wizard Menu > 7. Settings > 6. Data connection 01 Press the navigation keys to select Data port, and also Baud or the rate when Serial port is selected. Press the left soft key center key to complete the setting. 02 03 04 65 03 Using the menu 8. Network In order to make calls or send SMS using your Thuraya XT, a satellite connection is required. 7.8 My numbers My numbers function is to register the Voice number, Fax number and Data number on your current SIM card. Menu > 7. Settings > 8. My numbers Ć 7.8.1 Voice To set the Voice number, enter the number in the editor and press the left soft key or the center key to complete the settings. Ć 7.8.2 Fax To set the Fax number, enter the number in the editor and press the left soft key or the center key to complete the settings. Ć 7.8.3 Data To set the Data number, enter the number in the editor and press the left soft key or the center key to complete the settings. 8.1 Network mode Choose if you want to select the network automatically from a preferred list on the SIM card or manually from a list of available networks. Menu > 8. Network > 1. Network mode > 1. Automatic or > 2. Manual Note Ć It is recommended to use the automatic mode. 66 03 Using the menu 8.2 SAT Registration If the SAT icon on your display is blinking you may not be able to receive or make SAT calls. In this case you can update the SAT registration manually in this menu. Menu > 8. Network > 2. SAT registration 8.3 Preference Display the preferred list of networks registered on your SIM card. You can add or remove entries in this list. Menu > 8. Network > 3. Preference 01 02 03 04 67 03 Using the menu 9. Security This function organizes settings to prevent unwanted disclosure of your personal information and protects basic contents of your phone calls. 9.2 Security code In addition to the PIN code you can also use a personal Security code to protect your phone. To switch on the phone both codes (Security code and PIN code) need to be entered. Menu > 9. Security > 2. Security code > Input Security code after selecting On 9.1 PIN1 code Choose whether the PIN code needs to be entered every time the phone is switched on. If a wrong PIN code is entered three times, the phone will be locked and the correct PUK code must be entered to access the phone again. You received your PIN and your PUK codes together with your SIM card. Menu > 9. Security > 1. PIN1 code > Input PIN1 code after selecting On Note Ć The initial security code of your Thuraya XT is â0000â, and this code can be changed in the Change codes menu. 68 03 Using the menu 9.3 Change codes Choose whether to change: Ć PIN1 code Ć PIN2 code Ć Security code Ć Barring code (used for call barring functions, please check with your operator) 9.4 Fixed dialing Fixed dialing is a function where only the SUHGHÂżQHGQXPEHUVFDQEHFDOOHG 01 02 Ć 9.4.1 Show list 03 Shows the numbers or names registered in the Fixed dialing. Menu > 9. Security > 4. Fixed dialing > 1. Show list 04 69 03 Using the menu 9.5 Closed User Group Ć 9.4.2 Add new To add a new number in Fixed dialing: (QWHU3,1FRGHDQGFRQÂżUPE\SUHVVLQJWKH center key . 2. Enter the name or phone number. 3. Save by pressing the left soft key Menu > 9. Security > 4. Fixed dialing > 2. Add new Ć 9.4.3 On/Off To set the Fixed dialing function on or off. Menu > 9. Security > 4. Fixed dialing > 3. On/off 70 Closed User Group is a function to form a calling group. To use the CUG function, please contact your service provider for details. Menu > 9. Security > 5. Closed user group 03 Using the menu 9.6 IMEI Number Each Thuraya XT has its own unique IMEI Number. You can check the IMEI number of your Thuraya XT by selecting Menu > 9. Security > 6. IMEI number 9.8 Soft reset You can reset your Thuraya XT without losing your personal settings like contacts or messages. Menu > 9. Security > 8. Soft reset 01 02 03 9.7 Software version You can check the Software version of your Thuraya XT by selecting Menu > 9. Security > 7. S/W version 9.9 Factory reset 04 The factory reset will restore the settings as the phone was shipped. You will lose your personal settings like contact and messages saved on the phone. Menu > 9. Security > 9. Factory reset 71 04 Additional Information 04 Additional Information Troubleshooting 75 PIN & PUK 86 Quick access codes 76 PIN2 & PUK2 86 Access codes 86 Barring code 86 Security code 86 04 Additional Information Troubleshooting 1. When your phone cannot be switched ON Ć Check whether the battery is properly attached. Ć Check whether the battery is charged. Ć If power cannot be switched ON even with a connected charger, contact the Customer Service Center. 2. When the message âInsert SIMâ appears Ć Insert SIM card. Ć Try to remove and reattach the SIM card. Ć Is the SIM card still activated? The SIM card can be deactivated when the wrong PUK code is entered. Ć Check whether the connectors of the SIM card are clean and free of any foreign matter. 01 02 03 04 3. When your security code is lost Ć The factory setting of the Security code is 0000. Ć If you lost your individual Security code, please contact the Customer Service Center. Your warranty card will be needed. 4. When sending GPS data to PC is not working. Ć Is the data cable properly connected? Ć Check which data Port settings are selected. For detailed instructions (see page 65). Ć Check if the data baud setting is compatible with your PC or laptop. 5. When your Thuraya XT has been dropped in water Ć Separate battery and after drying take it to Customer Service Center. 75 04 Additional Information Quick access codes 1.2 Add contact 1. Contacts 1.1 Search 1.2.1 Phone 1.2 Add contact 1.5 Copy 1.3 Group 1.4 Speed dial 1.5 Copy 1.6 Delete 1.7 Memory status 76 1.5.1 SIM to Phone One by one All 1.2.2 SIM 1.5.2 Phone to SIM One by one All 1.6 Delete 1.6.1 One by one 1.6.2 All Phone SIM Phone & SIM 04 Additional Information 2.5 Settings 2. Navigation 2.1 Current position 2.2 Continuous position 2.3 Waypoints 2.4 Location track 2.5 Settings 2.5.1 Format DD.ddddd DD/MM/ DD/MM/SS DD/ MGRS UTM 2.6 Helper 2.7 Qiblah & Prayer 2.5.2 Tracking time 1 Second 3 Seconds 10 Seconds 30 Seconds 1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 1 Hour 01 02 03 04 2.6 Helper 2.6.1 Edit 2.6.2 Emergency SMS 2.6.4 Setup timer 2.6.5 Delete 2.6.3 Setup message 77 04 Additional Information 3.4 Delete 3. Call logs 3.1 Missed calls 3.4.1 Missed calls 3.2 Received calls 3.4.4 All 3.4.2 Received calls 3.4.3 Outgoing calls 3.3 Outgoing calls 3.5 Call duration 3.4 Delete 3.5.1 Last call 3.5.2 Received calls 3.5.3 Outgoing calls 3.5 Call duration 3.5.4 All calls 3.5.5 GmPRS Volume 3.5.6 Reset Last session Sent Received All Voice Outgoing calls Received calls All GmPRS Sent Received All All 4.1 Alarm 4. Organizer 4.1 Alarm 4.2 Calendar 4.3 Calculator 4.4 Stopwatch 78 4.5 World time 4.1.1 Wake-up call 4.1.2 Alarm 1 4.1.3 Alarm 2 04 Additional Information 5.7 Settings 5. Messaging 5.1 New message 5.7.1 Service center 5.2 Inbox 5.3 Draft 5.4 Sent messages 5.5 Outbox 5.6 Templates 5.7 Settings 5.8 Info message 5.9 Memory status 5.7.4 Validity Maximum 1 Hour 6 Hours 1 Day 3 Days 1 Week Text Fax E-mail ERMES 5.7.5 Request reply On Off 5.7.3 Delivery report On Off 5.7.6 Bearer selection SMS Server GmPRS Server 5.8 Info message 5.8.1 Status 5.10 Delete messages 5.7.2 Format 5.8.2 Inbox 5.8.3 Language 5.10.1 Inbox 5.10.2 Draft 5.10.3 Sent messages 5.10.4 Outbox 5.10.5 Template 5.10.6 Phone 5.10.7 SIM 5.10.8 All On Off 5.8.4 Topics 5.10 Delete messages 79 01 02 03 04 04 Additional Information 6.1 Ringtone 6. Sound Setting 6.1 Ringtone 6.1.1 Thuraya 6.1.2 Esperanza 6.1.3 Funky 6.2 Ringtone volume 6.1.4 Jazz 6.1.5 Arabia 6.1.6 Crescendo 6.3 Ringing type 6.1.7 For you 6.1.8 Magic 6.1.9 Too far 6.4 Keypad tone 6.1.10 Maestro 6.1.11 Ring 1 6.1.12 Ring 2 6.5 Keypad volume 6.1.13 Ring 3 6.1.14 Ring 4 6.1.15 Ring 5 6.3.1 Ringing 6.3.2 Ascending 6.3.3 Ring once 6.3.4 Beep once 6.3.5 Off 6.3 Ringing type 6.4 Keypad tone 6.4.1 DTMF tone 80 6.4.2 Tree tone 6.4.3 Off 04 Additional Information 7.1 Phone 7. Settings 7.1 Phone 7.1.1 Wallpaper 7.1.2 Greeting message 15 Seconds 30 Seconds Always on 7.2 Call 7.3 GmPRS 7.4 Language 7.5 Time/Date 7.6 Data connection 7.7 Setup wizard 7.8 My numbers 7.1.3 Backlight 7.1.4 Brightness sensor 7.1.5 LCD contrast Off On 7.2 Call 7.2.1 Call waiting Activate Status Deactivate 7.2.2 Call divert Voice All voice Activate Voicemail Number Status Deactivate Busy Activate Voicemail Number Status Deactivate No reply 7.2.3 Call barring Outgoing calls Activate Status Deactivate International Calls Activate Status Deactivate International calls except to home Activate Status Deactivate 5seconds, 15seconds, 30seconds Incoming calls Activate Activate Voicemail Status Number Deactivate Status Deactivate 81 01 02 03 04 04 Additional Information 7. Settings Unreachable 7.1 Phone Activate Voicemail Number Status Deactivate 7.2 Call 7.3 GmPRS Clear divert 7.4 Language All fax Activate Status Deactivate 7.5 Time/Date 7.6 Data connection Incoming calls When abroad Activate Status Deactivate Clear barring All Outgoing Incoming All data 7.7 Setup wizard Activate Status Deactivate 7.8 My numbers Deactivate all 7.2.4 Voice mail 7.2.5 Call answering Auto answer 5 Seconds 10 Seconds Off Any key On Off 82 7.2.6 DTMF tone On Off 04 Additional Information 7. Settings 7.1 Phone 7.2 Call 7.2.7 Auto redial On Off 7.3 GmPRS 7.4 Language 7.5 Time/Date 7.6 Data connection 7.2.8 Send own number Preset Off On 7.2.9 Cost Charge rate Cost limit Display cost 7.3 GmPRS 7.3.1 APN Select Insert Edit 01 02 03 04 7.3.2 Auto reject On Off 7.7 Setup wizard 7.8 My numbers 7.8 My numbers 7.8.1 Voice 7.8.2 Fax 7.8.3 Data 83 04 Additional Information 8.1 Network mode 8. Network 8.1 Network mode 8.1.1 Automatic 8.1.2 Manual 8.2 SAT registration 8.3 Preference 8.3 Preference 8.3.1 Preference > Option > View 8.3.2 Preference > Option > New 8.3.3 Preference > Option > Edit 8.3.4 Preference > Option > Delete 9.1 PIN1 code 9. Security 9.1 PIN1 code 9.2 Security code 9.2 Security code 9.3 Change codes 9.2.1 On 9.4 Fixed dialing 9.3 Change codes 9.5 Closed user group 9.3.1 Change PIN1 9.6 IMEI number 9.3.4 Barring code 9.7 S/W version 9.4 Fixed dialing 9.8 Soft reset 9.4.1 Show list 9.9 Factory reset 84 9.1.1 On 9.1.2 Off 9.2.2 Off 9.3.2 Change PIN2 9.3.3 Security code 9.4.2 Add new 9.4.3 On/Off On Off 04 Additional Information 9.5 Closed user group 9. Security 9.1 PIN1 code 9.5.1 Preset 9.2 Security code 9.8 Soft reset 9.3 Change codes 9.8.1 Yes 9.4 Fixed dialing 9.5 Closed user group 9.5.2 On 9.5.3 Off 9.8.2 No 9.9 Factory reset 9.9.1 Yes 01 02 03 04 9.9.2 No 9.6 IMEI number 9.7 S/W version 9.8 Soft reset 9.9 Factory reset 85 04 Additional Information Access codes PIN & PUK There are several access codes that are used in your Thuraya XT and your SIM card. These codes help you protect the phone against unauthorized use. Important! Avoid using access codes resembling emergency numbers, such as 112, so that you do not accidentally dial an emergency number. 7KH3,1 3HUVRQDO,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ1XPEHU LVWRGLJLWV,W protects your SIM card against unauthorized use. It is usually supplied with the SIM card. Entering wrong PIN code 3 times will lock the SIM card and to unlock, PUK code must be entered. Your PUK code is normally supplied with the SIM card. (see page 68) Security code PIN2 & PUK2 The phone lock feature uses the security code to protect your phone against unauthorized use. The phone password is supplied with the phone and is preset to â0000â at the factory. Security code: Security code (4-8 digits) is to lock the phone, and the phone will be locked automatically after reboot when the security is set to ON. You can use the phone after entering the security code (see page 68). Pin code: After Pin1 code (4-8 digits) is set to ON, Pin code lock is set automatically after reboot. You can use the phone after entering the Pin code (see page 68). These codes are required with settings related to PIN2 Network. PIN2 must be entered for Fixed dialing. As with PIN code, entering wrong PIN2 code 3 times will lock the SIM card and to unlock, PUK2 code must be entered. The PUK2 code is normally supplied with SIM card. 86 Barring code It is a network code for call restriction functions. Barring code varies with different service providers and should be supplied by your service provider when you start using the phone. When the barring code is lost, please contact your service provider. LIMITED WARRANTY Thuraya XT SATELLITE HANDHELD PHONE This Limited Warranty is provided to the original end-user purchaser (the âBuyerâ) of any new Thuraya XT Satellite Handheld Phone. This Limited Warranty is non-transferable. Warranty Coverage and Service Thuraya warrants all new Thuraya XT Satellite Handheld Phones (the âProductâ) under normal use and wear to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the original Buyer (the âWarranty Periodâ). If, under normal use and wear, the Product becomes defective in materials or workmanship and is returned at Buyerâs expense to a Thuraya Authorized Service Center during the Warranty Period, the Product will be repaired or replaced, at Thurayaâ sole and exclusive option, and at no charge to Buyer. Buyer will be required to provide reasonable proof of date of purchase. Reconditioned replacement components, parts, units or materials may be used if the Product is repaired or replaced. Costs incurred in the removal, de-installation or reinstallation of the Product are not covered. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER AND THURAYA WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: This Limited Warranty will be void in its entirety if the Product is serviced by anyone other than Thuraya or a Thuraya Authorized Service Centre. Buyerâs sole DQGH[FOXVLYHUHPHG\VKDOOEHWKHUHSDLURUUHSODFHPHQWRIWKHGHIHFWLYH3URGXFWDVVSHFLÂżFDOO\GHVFULEHGDERYH7KXUD\DQHLWKHUDVVXPHVQRUDXWKRUL]HVDQ\ Authorized Service Centre or any other person or entity to assume any other obligation or liability beyond that which is provided for in this Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty does not cover the following: products or accessory equipment not manufactured or provided by Thuraya failures or defects caused by misuse, abuse, accident, alteration or neglect unauthorized installation, removal or repair failure to follow instructions ÂżUHĂRRGRURWKHUQDWXUHFDXVHGDFFLGHQWV spills of food or liquids normal wear and tear improper installation, maintenance operation or repair; performance of the Product when used in combination with other products or equipment not manufactured or provided by Thuraya payments for labor or service to representatives or service centers not authorized by Thuraya. This limited Warranty of the Product does not cover the operation, availability, coverage, range or grade of service provided by the satellite systems. Limitation of Liability THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THURAYA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, LESS REASONABLE AMOUNT FOR USE AND WEAR, OR FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, OR FOR ANY DELAYS, LOSS OF USE, TIME, PROFITS, REVENUE OR SAVINGS, ANY COMMERCIAL LOSS, INCONVENIENCE, MILEAGE, DAMAGE TO BUYERâS OR TO OTHER PERSONâS VEHICLE OR ANY OTHER PROPERTY, ARISING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR OTHERWISE FOR ANY FAILURE TO PERFORM. All liability and obligations of Thuraya under this Limited Warranty shall terminate upon the expiration of the applicable Warranty Period provided herein. This Limited Warranty sets forth the entire responsibility of Thuraya with respect to the Product. There are no other liabilities of Thuraya arising from the sale of the Product whether based on warranty, contract, negligence or other theories of liability. In no event shall Thuraya liability exceed the cost of correcting defects as provided herein. 7KLV/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\JLYHVVSHFLÂżFOHJDOULJKWVWR%X\HUDQG%X\HUDOVRPD\KDYHRWKHUULJKWVZKLFKPD\YDU\IURPMXULVGLFWLRQWR jurisdiction. 0983 $VLD3DFLÂżF6DWHOOLWHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV,QF $36, KHUHE\GHFODUHVWKDW7KXUD\D;7LVLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHHVVHQWLDO requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and EU RoHS Directives. The crossed-out wheeled bin means that within the European Union the product must be taken to separate collection at the product end-of-life. Do not dispose of these products as unsorted municipal waste. THURAYA trademark is the sole and exclusive property of Thuraya Telecommunications Company. Copyright Š 2012 Thuraya Telecommunications Company. All rights reserved. This manual is published by Thuraya Telecommunications Company without any warranty. Thuraya Telecommunications Company reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this manual without prior notice. Printed in Korea
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : 29418 Create Date : 2013:08:23 10:42:23-07:00 Modify Date : 2013:08:23 10:42:23-07:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Metadata Date : 2013:07:26 17:07:53+09:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Title : XTEng-01_02.pdf Creator : 29418 Document ID : uuid:306a3016-d1d2-4262-9c28-d9c7f63cd3b8 Instance ID : uuid:45c7a152-09cb-4556-b126-fd51e6b665ee Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.3.3 (Windows) Page Count : 94EXIF Metadata provided by