Belkin F5D7230F Wireless G Router User Manual 2

Belkin International, Inc. Wireless G Router 2

User Manual 2

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Document ID914613
Application IDruPYarW7FybwIUyVY3PXlg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize229.74kB (2871694 bits)
Date Submitted2008-03-14 00:00:00
Date Available2008-03-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-03-13 10:08:46
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2008-03-13 10:14:32
Document TitleUser Manual 2
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Alternate Setu p Method
The WeD>Based Advanced User Interface Is a Web-based toot that you can
use to set up the Router ll you don't want to use the Easy install Wizard
You can also use it to manage advanced tunctions of the Router From the
Web—Based Advanced User interface. you can perform the lollowing tasks:
' VIEW the Reuters current settlrigs and status
- Configure the Router to connect to your ISP With the settings that they
provided you
- Change the current network settings such as the Internal iF‘ address, the
ip address pool, DHCP settings, and more
. Set the Reuters lirewell to work with specilic applications
(port torwarding)
- Set up security leatures such as client restrictions, MAC address
filtering, WEP, and WPA
Enable the DMZ feature for a single computer on your network
Change the Rouler‘s internal password
Enable/Disable UPnP (Universal Plug-and-play)
Reset the Router
Back up your configuration settings
Reset the Router’s detauit settings
Update the Rouler‘s flrmware
Step 1 Connect you r Route r
1.1 Turn olf the power to your modern oy unplugging the power supply
from the modern.
1.2 Locate the network cable that is connected between your modern
and your computer and unplug il lrom your computer, leaiiing lne
other end connected to your modem
1.3 Plug the loose end of the cable you Just unplugged into the port on
the back ol the Router labeled “Modem”
1.4 Connect a new network cabie (not included) trom the back of the
computer to one of the wired computers ports Iabeied “1—4”
Note: It does not matter which numbered port you choose.
Alternate Setu p Method
1.5 Turn your cable or DSL modem on by reconnecting the power
supply to the modem
MenorPC computer thatwes enginelty —
connected Do the table or DSL modem
Network table
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Note: Your Flouter may have ports in dillerent Iocatlons then
depicted in the illustration above.
1.6 Betore plugging the power cord into the Router, plug the cord
into the wall. then plug the cord into the Router's power lack
1.7 Verify that your modem is connected to the Router by checking
the Ilgl’lts on the lront or the Flouter. The green Ilght labeled
”Modem" should be ON if your modem ls connected correctly to
the Router. If it is not, recheck your connections.
1.5 Verify that your computer is connected properly to the Flouter by
Checking the lights labeled ”1-4". The light that corresponds to
the numbered pon connected to your computer should be ON l'
your computer is connected properly. If it is not. recheck
your connections.
Alternate Setup Method
Step 2 Set up your Computer's Network Settings to Work
with a DHCP Sewer
See [he SQCIIOH In [hIS USQI' Manual called “Manually Conngunng Network
Setllngs” for drrectlons
Step 3 Configure the Router Using the Web-Based
Advanced User Interface
Uslng your Internet browser, you can access the Reuters Weerased
Advanced User Interface In your browser, type “192 168 2 1“ (you do not
need to type |n anythmg else such as “hltp N" or “www”) Then pressthe
“Enter" key
lm 95 19246324
PLEASE NOTE: Ifyou have d|fl|cu|ty accessmg the Router’s
Web—Based Advanced User Interlace, go to the section entitled ‘Manually
conngunng Network setungs”
Logging into the Router
You w||| see the Reuters home page |n your browser w|ndow The home
page |s Vlslble [0 any user who wants to see |t To make any changes to
the Reuters sett|ngs, you have to log |n Cl|ck|ng the “Loom” button or
clrcklng on any one ofthe Ilnks on the home page w|II take you to the Iogln
screen The Router shlps W|th no password entered In the Iogln screen,
leave the password blank and cl|ck the “Submu” button to log |n
so“ you ran chime any “ms, you nmdtn lug m m a
password "you hay: me set a custom password. men luvs
ms tau blank mddvk “Submit“
Duh-at! : um um
Alternate Setup Method
Logging out of the Router
One computer at a time can log into the Router lor the purposes
of making changes to the settings oi the Router. Once a user has
logged in to make changes, there are two ways that the computer
can be logged out Ciicking the "Logout" button wiIi log the computer
out, The second methfld is autflmalic The Icgin will time out after a
specified penod or time The default login time—out is 10 minutes This
can be changed from 1 to 99 minutes. For more information, see the
section in this manual entitled “Changing the Login Time-Out Selling".
Using the Wehesased Advanced User Interface 5
The home page is the first page you will see when you access the
Web-Based Advanced User lnteriace (Uii The home page shows you
a quick view oi the Router's status and settings. All advanced setup
pages can be reached from this page.
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1. Quick-NavigationLinks
You can go directly to any of the Router's UI pages by clicking
directly on these links. The iinks are divided into iogicai
categories and grouped by tabs to make finding a particular
setting easier to ilnd. Clicking on the purple header of each tap
wili show you a short description of the tab’s function,
2. Home Button
The "Home" button is avaliabie in every page of the Ui Pressing
this button wliI take you back to the home page
Alternate Setup Method
Internet Status Indicator
This indicator is Visible in all pages at the UI. indicating the
connection status oi the Router. When the indicator says
”connection OK" in GREEN. the Router is connected to the
lnternet. When the Router is not connected to the Internet, the
Indicator will read ”no connection” In RED. The indicator IS
automatically updated when you make changes to the settings of
the Router.
Lngin/Lngont Button
This button enables you to log in and out oi the Router with the
press ol one button When you are logged into the Router. this
button will change to read “Logout” Logging into the Router Will
take you to a separate login page where you will need to enter a
password When you are logged into the Flouter, you can make
changes to the settings, When you are tlnlshed making changes,
you can log out of the Router by CIICklng the “Logout” button.
For more iniormatlon about logging into the Router, see the
section called “Logging into the Router"
Help Button
The “Help" button gives you access to the Reuters help pages
Help is also available on many pages by clicking “mole into"
next to certain sections at each page
Alternate Setup Method
LAN Settings
snows you the settings at the Local Area Network (LAN) side of
the Router. Changes can be made to the settings by clicking on
any one of the links (iP Address Subnet Mask, DHCP Server) or
by clicking the “LAN" “Quick Navigation” iirlk on the Ieit side oi
the screen
Shows the status of the Houter’s NAT. tirewail. and Wireiess
features Changes can be made to the settings by clicking on
any one of the links or by choking the “Quick Navigation" iinks
on the left side at the screen,
Internet Settings
Shows the settings of the Internet/WAN side of the Router that
connects to lhe Internet. Changes to any at these settings can
be made by clicking on the links or by clicking on the
”Internet/WAN" “Quick Navigation" iirtk on the iatt side oi
the screen
Version Info
Shows the flrmwale version, boot-Code version, hardware
version and serial number oi the Router
Page Name
The page you are on can be identified by this name. This User
Manual will sometimes reter to pages by name. For instance
“LAN > LAN Settings" reiers to the “LAN Settings" page.
Alternate Setup Method
Step L | Configure your Router Ior Connection to your Internet
Service Provider [ISPi
The “Internet/WAN" tab is where you wiii set up your Router to connect to
your internet Service Provider (iSP). The Router is cnpabie oi connecting
to virtuoiiy ony iSF's system provided you have correctly configured the
Router's settings ior your iSP'e connection type. Vour ISP connection
settings are provided to you by your ISF’. To configure the Router with the
settings that your ISP gave you, click “Connection Type" [A] on the ieit
side oi the screen. Seiect the connection type you use. it your iSP gave
you DNS settings, ciicking “DNS” la) siiows you to enter DNS edciress
entries tor ISPs that require specific settings. Clicking “MAC address“ (CI
will let you cione your computer's MAC address or type in a specific WAN
MAC address, it required by your iSP. When you have finished making
settings. the “Internet Status" indicator wiIi read “connection OK“ if your
Router is set up properly,
Alternate Setup Method
Setting your Connection Typo
From me “Cunnecliun Type" page, you can selsct the type of connection
you use. Select the type 07 connectlon you use by clicking the button [1]
next to your connectlon type and then chomng “Next" [2].
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