Belkin F5D7230F Wireless G Router User Manual 4

Belkin International, Inc. Wireless G Router 4

User Manual 4

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Application IDruPYarW7FybwIUyVY3PXlg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 4
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize249.81kB (3122639 bits)
Date Submitted2008-03-14 00:00:00
Date Available2008-03-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-03-13 10:10:19
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Document Lastmod2008-03-13 10:15:47
Document TitleUser Manual 4
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Enabling the Demiljlarized Zone (DMZ)
The DMZ feature allows you to speclly one computer on your network to
be placed outside of the firewall, This may be necessary 17 the firewall
is ceuslng problems with an eppllcallon such as a game crvldeo
conlerenclng application. Use «ms lealure on a temporary basis. The
computer m lhe DMZ is NOT prolected from hacker attacks.
Nola: llyour ISP subscrlpllon pravldes you wlln addllional public lWANl
IP addresses, addlllonal computers can be placed oulslde me llrewall
provided each compuler uses a dlllerenl public (WAN) IP.
m. m, .. “my. .
rm“. w...“ u
m “l... 'u.»- e... «m. h m m... .. m. m m. ....
mum ”mm-mm
To put a compuler in (he DMZ,=n(er1h=lastdlgits of its IP address in
me IP field and select "Enable". sllck “Apply Changes" for me change lo
take effect
Using the Web—Based Advanced User Interface
WAN Ping Blacking
Computer hackers use what is known as "pinging" to lind potential
victims on the lnternet. By pinging a specific iF address and receiving
a response lrcm the IP address, a hacker can determine that 7
something or interest might be there. The neuter can be set up so it
will not respond to an ICMP plng from the outside. This heightens the
level or security of your Router. —
To turn 0" the ping response, select “Block ICMP Ping" (I) and click
“Apply Changes't The Router will not respond to an ICMP ping.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Utilities Tab
This screen lets you manage dmwsm parametsvs 01 the Router and perform
cenaIn administrallve lunctions.
nun; ._.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Restarting the Router
Sometimes it may be necessary to restart or reboot the Router if it
begins working improperly. Restarting or rebooting the Router will
NOT delete any or your configuration settings. f
Restarting the Router to Restore Normal Operation
1. Click the “Restart “unmet."
Router" button. ”tummy-nun...“a-fi-Jrinsmzmn
z. The following g
message will appear. 3 ..,..._..._......., (1
Click "OK". 3
El o
3. The following message
will appear. Restarting ‘ mm: vagmfi
the Router can take
up to 25 seconds. It
is important not to turn
off the power to the
Router during .
the restart,
4. A 25—second countdown will appear on the screen, When the
countdown reaches Zero, the Router will be restarted. The
Router's home page should appear automatically. ll not, type in
the Router's address (dslault : 19216811) into the navigation
bar at your browser.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Restoring Factory Default Settings
Using this option will restore all of the settings in the Router to the factory
(default) settings. It is recommended that you back up your settings before
you restore all of the defaults.
1. Click the “Restore tum-“mam“.
Defaults" button. ..-........,.,,
2. The following
tm inmll liiiumel lxiliuiti
message Will appear.
Click “OK".
wwwwo Almmwlh-u‘l
3. The following message
will appear. Restoring
the defaults includes
restarting the Router.
It can take up to
25 seconds, It is
important not to turn
the power to the
Router off durlng
the restart.
4. A 25-second countdown Wlll appear on the screen. When the
countdown reaches zerov the Rouiev’s defaults will be restored. The
Routor’s home page should appear automatically. if it does not, type in
the Reuters address (default : 192.1682.” into the navigation bar of
your browser.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Saving a current Configuration
You can save your current configuration by using this feature. Saving
your configuration will allow you to restore it later if your settings are
lost or changed. It is recommended that you back up your current
configuration before performing a firmware update.
mini-n suds-elm: mm "tang.
rat in u" m 04mm mlllw’lvn n m. WI rum- icvlnn rwr r-nmm nu no. at
M mt... tram Ymm, .. u. .— mu rru mum-Mama: ,. htlulnwtumm
“our.” Mr. "mm, . rm..- up“.
1. Click “Save“. A r. w. r.
window called “File
Download" will open.
Click “Save".
2. A window will open
that allows you to
select the localion
where you wont to
save tne configuration
file. Salem 5 location
You can name the file
anything you want. or
use the default name
“Conllg” Be sure [D
name the file so you
can locate it yourself
later When you have
selected the location
and name of the Vile.
click “Save".
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
3. When the save is in . .i
complete, you will see
the following Window.
click “Close".
The configuration is
now saved,
Restoring a Previous Configuration
This option will allow you to restore a previously saved configuration
Ullmn > Rmm Pmivuv satiric:
m: a... mi W mu: m..- nnmn awn-Wm
1. Click “Browse" A window WHI open that allows you to select the
iocallon of the configuration file. All configuration flies end with a
“bin". Locate the configuration vile you want to restore and
double-click on it.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Z. You WrH be asked rfyou Want to Dontmue Ohck “OK”
3. A rernrnder Wmdow wrrr appear H wrrr take up to 35 seconds for
the conrrguratron restoratron to cornprete Chck “OK“
A flew-saw ' H
“much-ht. r
4. A 35—second countdown wrrr appear on tne screen wnen the
countdown reacnes zero‘ tne Router‘s conrrguratron wrrr be :
restored The Router‘s norne page snourd appear autornatrcarry 7
”not type rn tne Routers address (deraurt: 192 1682 r) rnto
tne navrgatron par of your browser
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Updating the Firmware
From time to time. Belkin may release new Versions 01 the Router‘s
firmware. Firmware updates centain feature Improvements and fixes to
problems that may exlsti When Belkin releases new firmware. you can
download the firmware irom the Belkin update Website and update your
Router’s firmware (0 (ha latest version.
Searching tor a New Version at Firmware
From hnp:Ilwww.belkintcom/supportldownloads.asp, type in the
Eelkin part number “F5D7230-4" on the "Search” field. Cllck “Search‘.
lllllck Inmll Bull“.
llur Mlnuall.
From the results page, cllck "FSD7230~4 Firmware update A
North America".
“mu i»..~..,...,....,w1
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
annlnafling a New Version of Firmware
You will now be taken to the download page of “FSD723074 Firmware
update 7 North America".
B E L K] M win-w Nip-1mm mum-mm
.... H...» mm... u-“ we... .._..... ........,l...... ...... m... e...“ J.
!—<|n Mum-mm
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w" ‘ '° mum-4 Hmlwu'v upon: - m Amer-m
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1. To download the new version of firmware. click lhs download
logo (‘)
2. A window will open Ihal allows you lo select the lecalion where
you want le save me livmware flls Sslscl a location. You can
name «he file anylhing you warm or use the default name Es sure
10 save the ms in a place where you can locate il VOUVSS" later
Neie: We euggeel saving Ihis in your deeklup ID milks il Easy g
lo locate the file, When you have selected the location,
click "Save”
p mum-am-
Using the Web—Based Advanced User Interface
3. When the save is complete, you will see the following window.
Cllck “Close".
M r
tum- um-
The download at the firmware la complete. To update the firmware. tollow the
next steps ln “Updetlng the Fleuter'a Flrmware",
Updating the Router’s Firmware
1. In the “FIrmware
Update page. cllck
“Browse". A wlndow
will open that allewa
you te select the
Iecatlon at the
firmware update file.
2. Browse to the firmware .
tile you downloaded. wt mam-n—
Select the file by v—-----
doubIe-clicklng on the
tile name.
Using the Web—Based Advanced User Interface
3. The “Update Firmware" hum-emit“.
box will new display
the location and name
0! the firmware file
you just selected. M--~—--—-~--—n —
Click “Update".
rm.-.” El
L. Vou wlIl be asked if
you are sure you
want to continue.
Click “OK"t
5. You will see one
more message. This
message tens you
that the Router may —
not respond for as
long as one mlnute
as the firmware ls
loaded into the Router
and the Router is
rebooted. Click “OK".
6. A ell-second countdown Wl|| appear on the screen. When the
countdown reaches xero, the Router's firmware update will be
complete. The Router's home page should appear automatically.
If not, type in the Router's address (delault = 192.1682.” into
the navigation bar of your browser.
Yhe firmware update is complete.
Using the Web—Based Advanced User Interface
Changing System Settings
The “System Settings" page is where you can enter a new administrator
password, set the time zone, enaole remote management, and turn on and
off the NAT function oi the Router
Setting or Changing the Administrator Password
The Router ships with NO password entered. Il you wish to add a
password ior greater security, you can set a password here Write down
your password and keep it in a sale place, as you will need it if you need to log
into the Router in the luture. It is also recommended that you set a password if
you plan to use the remote management feature of your Flouter.
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onenwmmm amino
"p- .. tom. -......4 s
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new. ..... m...“ e
“new...“ > m U n mam
Changing the Login Time-Out Setting
The login time-out option allows you to set the period oi time that you
can be logged into the Reuters Web-Based Advanced User Ihterlace,
The timer starts when there has been no activity For example, you have
made some changes in the advanced setup interface, then Ielt your
computer alone without clicking “Logout” Assuming the time-out is set to
10 minutes, then 10 minutes after you leave, the login session Will expire.
Vou will have to log into the Router again to make any more changes, The
login time-out option is ior security purposes and the deiault is set to in
Note: Only one computer can be logged into the Router's Web»Based
Advanced User lntertace at one time
Setting the Time and Time Zone
The Router keeps time by connecting to a Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) server This allows the Router to synchronize the system clock
to the global Internet The synchroniled clock in the Houter is used to
record the security log and control client liltering. Select the time zone
that you reside in it you reside in an area that ooserves daylight saving,
then place a check mark in the box next to “Automatically Adjust Daylight
Saving". The system clock may not update immediately, Allow at least 15
minutes for the Router to contact the time servers on the Internet and get
a response You cannot set the clock yourself
Jsing the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
I'lmlll . Annl22.2m3 11:1 zaeAM
anm: are mmnmm"em-m.“mnemmmmmeex em
41. z... > immense mecTrneiUSEDamdt-s) Tlmdno
—D-ylighl e..."- > EMtom-mndly new mil-m sum-
Enabling Remote Management
Before you enable this advanced feature of your Belkin Router, MAKE
management allows you to make changes to your Router's settings
irom anywhere on the Internet. There are two methods of remotely
managing the nouter The first is to allow access to the Routerlrom
anywhere on the internet by selecting “Any IP address can remotely
manage the nouter". By typing in your WAN IP address lrom any
computer on the Internet, you will be presented with a login screen
where you need to type in he password or your nouter The second
method is to allow a specific IP address only to remotely manage the
Flouter This is more secure, but less convenient. To use this method,
enter the IP address you know you will be accessing the Routerlrom
in the space provided and select “Only this IP address can remotely
manage the Router”. Beldre you enable this lunction, it is STRONGLY
RECOMMENDED that you set your administrator password Leaving the
password empty will potentially open your Router to intrusion
as... Vania-mint
mum» FEIWIEI me. wee-mt a...- me me. ewe-t ea You eat-n 1mm;
hum mat-i. in m 1mm n‘on Wu ln-He mafia-mutt, min ml: mu mm mm
AMINlthnI nil-111mm". 1...
D an. IV lair-u z-MIV m. .. .e. r—nr
J...“ n...
m "mm"
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Enabling/Disabling Network Address Translation [NAT]
Nole: This advanced feature should be modified by advanced users only.
NAT is the method by Whid’l the Rdutershares the single IP address
assigned by your ISP with the other computers on your network and is
enabled by delaull. NAT should only be disabled if your iSP assigns you
multiple IP addresses or you need NAT disabled for an advanced system
configuration If you have a single IP address and you turn NAT off,
the computers on your network will not be able to access the lnternet.
Other problems may also occur. Turning off NAT will disable yourfirewall
iun ctions.
ammo ream-er uuws You a tum in. new“ Mme; romaine mm“ on (n mm
mm m: m "sud her mouth: tum in, rum a" nun luh
wash-Me 1 so...” some. Comm
Enabling/Disabling UPnP
UPnP (Universal PIug-and-Piay) is yet another advanced feature offered
by your Belkln Router. it is a technology that offers seamless operation of
voice messaging. Video messaging, games. and other applications that
are UPnP-compliam Some applications require the Router's iirewali to
be configured in a specific way to operate properly This usually requires
opening TCP and UDP ports. Ari application that is UPnP-compllant has
the ability to communicate With the Router. basically “telling" the Router
which way it needs the ilrewall configured. The Router ships with the
UPnP feature disabled if you are using any applications that are
UPnP-cnmpllant, and wish to take advantage of the UPnP teatures,
you can enable the UPnP feature. Simply select “Enable” in the “UPnP
Enabling" section of the “Utilities” page Click “Apply Changes" to save
the change.
Jsing the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
"mum: FEAmIElAst wmmmmmm u'makameranwnfl yum we
WNW RM nay-mama, ”my.“ uvnr Wm “M M. awlmmr (n qlfinmflmly WW.
we may m.» um:
—ur~£n.hlnlm-uhln> 6mm Oman-
EnablingIDisabling Auto Firmware Update
This lnnovalion provides the Router wilh the builH‘n capabllity to ancmalically
check for a new Velslm of firmware and alert you that the new firmware
is available When you log into the Routefs Web-Based Advanced User
Inter'aoe, the Homer will perfa'm a d’ledfl m see i! new firmware is available.
lfso, yuu will be notified You can choose to downlcad the new version or
ignore it. The Hauler ships wlth ms feamre enabled. If you want to d'sabls m,
selecl “Disable" and clidn “Apply Changes".
A-m “Dd-(z rum-m sumac:
mummy rtn‘mltv um mow "Mate “mule luzmmcnlvllma mm mm m". Infu
mum mm. flrrl-an amu- I _
Dluilo > O Enahlu O Daahlg
Manually Configuring Network Settings
In order for your computer to properly communicate with your Router, you Will need
to change your PC's TCP/IP seltrngs to DHCP.
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Windows znuo, NT, XP, or Vista
1. Click “Start", “Settings", [hen “Control Panei".
2. Double—olrck on the “Network and dial—up conneelrons" icon (Windows
2000) or the "Network" icon (Windows xp or Vista).
3. RIghl—Cllck on the “Local Area Connection" associated with your
network adapter and select “Properties" from the drop—down menu.
1.. In tlie “Locai Area Connection Properties“ wrndow, click “Inlernel
Protocol (TSP/IF)“ and suck tlie "Properties" button. The lollowrng
screen will appear-
5. ii “Use Ihe lollowrng iP address” [21 is selected, your Router le need to
be set up lor a static iP connection type Write tne address rnlorrnatron rn
tne table below. You will need to enter tnis informallorl into tne Router.
6. ii not already selected, select “Obtain an IP address automatically“ [1]
and “Obtain DNS server address automatically" (3) Click “OK"
Your network adapterlsl are now configured |or use with the Router.
Manually Configuring Network Settings
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Windows 985E or Me
1. Right-click on “My Network Neighborhood" aric seiect
“Properties" from "is drop-down menu.
2. Select “TCP/IP —> Setllngs” for your Instaiied network adapter.
Vou wili sae the foiiowing window
("Meal 4
[2] i
7 n
8 3
3. if “Spaciiy an ip address" is saisclad, your Router wii] need 9
to be set up for a static iP connection type. Wnte the address
information in the table beiow. You will need to enter this
iniorrnation into the Router. 10
ream. —
We. use
mi...“ my,
name Mum-i
4. Write in the in address and subnel mask from the “iP Address"
tab (31.
5. Ciick the "Gateway" tab (21. Write Ihe gateway address down in
the chart.
6. Ciick the "DNS Configuration" lab [1]. Write the DNS
address(ss) in the chart.
7. if not already Seiecred. select “Obtain ”7 address automaticaiiy"
in ma “KP Address" tab. Click “OK".
Manually Configuring Network Settings
Restart the computer. when the computer restarts, ynur network
adapterlsl are now mnl‘igured Iur use with the Router.
Set up the computer that Is connected to the Cable or DSL modem FIRST
ustng thae steps You can alsct use these steps to and computers to your
Router after the Router has been set up to connect to the Internet.
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Mar. 05 up to 9.x
In order tor your computer to property communtcate wrth your Router, you
wlII need to change your Mac computer's TCP/IP settrngs to DHCP.
1. Pull down the Apple menu. Select “Control Panels" and
select “TCP/I P”.
2. You Wlll see the TCP/lP control panel. Select “Ethernet Butltcln" or
“Ethernet” In the “Connectvla:” drop—down menu (1!.
3. Next to “Configure” [2], if “Manually” ts selected, your Router thI
need to be set up tor a statrc IP connectron type. Wrrte the address
infmmalmn In the table hetew Yt:lu wtll need tn enter thrs infnrmalmn
Into the Router.
Suhm your
ante Semrmms
4. it not already set, at “Conflgure:", choose “Using DHCP
Server". This thI tell the computer to obtain an IP address
from the Router.
Manually Configuring Network Settings
5. ctose the wtnoow. w you made any changes, the fonowtng
window wtu appear Cllck “Save”.
Restart the computer. When the computer restarts, your network l
semngs are now configured tor use wtth the Router.
Manually Configuring Network Settings
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Mac OS X
1. Click on the “System Preferences” icon.
2. Select “Nelwcrk” [111mm lha "System Preferences" menu.
3‘ Salem “BuiIHn anemia!“ (21 naxl w "Show“ in [hs Nslwork menu
m nun.“
mm ham mm mm
@ m........_.~.-.»
Manually Configuring Network Settings
Select the “TCP/IP” lab (3). Next to “Configure:” (4). you should
see “Manualiy” or “Using DHCP". ll you do not, check the
PPPoE lab (51 to make sure that “Connect ueing PPPoE” is NOT
selected. it it is, you will need to configure your nouter for a
PPPDE connection type using your user name and password
If “Manually" is selected, your Rouler will need to tie setup for
a static IP oonneotion type. Write the address inlorrnation in the
table below. You will need to enter this information into
the Router.
sum Mask
m 51:dede
If not already selected, select “Using DHCP" next to
“Configure“ (til, then click “Apply Now“.
Ynur network adapterls] are now configured tor use with the Router.
mail: as
Recommended Web Browser Settings
In most cases, you will not need to make any changes to your web
browser's settings. it you are having trouble accessing the Internet or
the Web-Based Advanced User Intertace. then change your browser’s
settings to the recommended settings in this section.
Internet Explorer/ml] or Higher
1. Start your web browser. Select ”Tunis“ then “Internet Optlone"
l.°.'. ' 2
as .
2. In the “Internet Options“ screen. there are three selections: “Never
dial a connection”, “Dial whenever a network connection is not
present“. and “Always met my detault cannection”. it you can make
a selection. select “Never dial a connection". If you cannot make a
selection, go to the next step
....|_..|e... e——.|~.-l.._-l
3. Under the “Internet Optiuns’l screen, click on “Connections“ and
select “LAN Settings. .”.
Recommended Web Browser Settings
A. Make sure there are no check marks next to any of the
dismayed optmns: “Automatrcauy detect settings”, “Use
automatic configuration scnpl”, and “Use a proxy server". Click
“OK” Then click “OK" agam m the “Internet Options” page.
as m- --
run‘m-m n- man-w -.¢-
me, [— wl [— Mu [
l’ Lyzexswarulw‘wlxiadimyzl
Netscape® Navigator” 6.0 or Higher
1. Start Netscape. C‘ick on “Edit" then “Preferences" 7
Z. In the “Pre!erences” window, cltck on “Advanced" then se\ect
“Proxies“ In the “Proxies” window, se‘eek “Direct connection (0
the Internet”.
mil-4M III N I:
bev I:
t—t- ,_,_. ,.__.-..
o H—n-fi'filull
Installatlon CD does not automatically start.
if the CD-ROM does not start the Easy install Wizard automatically,
it could be that the computer is running other applications that are
interfering with the CD drive.
1. If the Easy Install Wizard screen does not appear within 15—20
seconds, open up your CD-RDM drive by double-clicking on the
“My Computer" icon that is located on your desktop
Next. double-click on the CD»ROM drive that the Easy Install
Wizard Software CD has been placed in to start the installation.
3. The Easy Install Wizard should start within a few seconds. It.
instead, a window appears showing the tiles on the CD, double-
click on the icon labeled “Easylnstallexe”.
4. If the Easy Install Wizard still does not start relerence the
section t|tled "Manually Configuring Network Settings" {page 90
oi this User Manual) for an alternate setup method.

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Metadata Date                   : 2008:03:13 10:15:47+08:00
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