Bk 894 895 Programming Manual User
User Manual: Bk 894 895 Programming Manual 894_895_programming_manual en-us programming_manuals s
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Page Count: 45
- 1. Remote Operation
- 2. Command Reference
- 2.1 IEEE488.2 Common Commands
- 2.2 Subsystem commands for 894/895
- 2.3 DISPlay subsystem commands
- 2.4 FREQuency subsystem commands
- 2.5 VOLTage subsystem commands
- 2.6 AMPLitude Subsystem Commands
- 2.7 Output RESister subsystem commands
- 2.8 OUTPut subsystem commands
- 2.9 BIAS subsystem commands
- 2.10 FUNCtion subsystem commands
- 2.11 LIST subsystem commands
- 2.12 APERture subsystem commands
- 2.13 TRIGger subsystem commands
- 2.14 FETCh? Subsystem Commands
- 2.15 CORRection subsystem commands
- CORRection:LENGth
- CORRection:METHod
- CORRection:OPEN
- CORRection:SHORt:STATe
- The CORRection:LOAD:TYPE
- CORRection:SPOT<n>:STATe
- CORRection:SPOT<n>:FREQuency
- CORRection:SPOT<n>:OPEN
- CORRection:SPOT<n>:SHORt
- CORRection:SPOT<n>:LOAD:STANdard
- CORRection:USE:DATA?
- CORRection:CLEar
- 2.16 COMParator subsystem commands
- 2.17 Mass MEMory subsystem commands