Bk 894 895 Programming Manual User
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Model: 894/895 500 KHz/1 MHz LCR Meter PROGRAMMING MANUAL Table of Contents Remote Operation ........................................................................................ 6 1.1 Interface Configuration ....................................................................................................... 6 RS-232C ................................................................................................................................... 6 USB (USBCDC - Virtual COM ).................................................................................................. 7 USBTMC................................................................................................................................... 7 LAN (Ethernet) ......................................................................................................................... 7 GPIB (895 Only) ....................................................................................................................... 8 Command Reference .................................................................................... 9 2.1 IEEE488.2 Common Commands.......................................................................................... 9 *RST......................................................................................................................................... 9 *TRG ........................................................................................................................................ 9 *CLS ......................................................................................................................................... 9 *IDN?....................................................................................................................................... 9 *TST? ..................................................................................................................................... 10 *ESE ....................................................................................................................................... 10 *SRE....................................................................................................................................... 10 *ESR....................................................................................................................................... 11 *STB? ..................................................................................................................................... 11 *OPC ...................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Subsystem commands for 894/895 .................................................................................. 12 2.3 DISPlay subsystem commands.......................................................................................... 13 DISP:PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 14 DISP:LINE ............................................................................................................................... 14 DISPlay:RFONt ........................................................................................................... 15 2.4 FREQuency subsystem commands ................................................................................... 15 FREQ ...................................................................................................................................... 15 2.5 VOLTage subsystem commands ....................................................................................... 16 VOLT ...................................................................................................................................... 16 CURRent ................................................................................................................................ 16 2.6 AMPLitude Subsystem Commands ................................................................................... 16 AMPL ..................................................................................................................................... 16 2.7 Output RESister subsystem commands ............................................................................ 17 ORES ...................................................................................................................................... 17 2.8 OUTPut subsystem commands ......................................................................................... 17 OUTPut:DC:ISOLation ............................................................................................................ 17 2.9 BIAS subsystem commands .............................................................................................. 17 BIAS:STATe ............................................................................................................................ 18 BIAS:VOLTAGE ....................................................................................................................... 18 BIAS:CURRent ........................................................................................................................ 19 2.10 FUNCtion subsystem commands ...................................................................................... 19 FUNCtion:IMPedance ............................................................................................................ 21 FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe ............................................................................................... 21 FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO ..................................................................................... 22 FUNCtion:Source MONitor:VAC ............................................................................................ 22 FUNCtion:SMONitor:IAC ....................................................................................................... 22 FUNCtion:DEV:MODE ...................................................................................................... 22 FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence ................................................................................... 23 FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence:FILL ........................................................................................ 23 2.11 LIST subsystem commands ............................................................................................... 24 LIST:FREQuency ..................................................................................................................... 24 LIST:VOLTage ........................................................................................................................ 25 This ........................................................................................................................................ 25 LIST:CURRent ......................................................................................................................... 25 This ........................................................................................................................................ 25 LIST:BIAS:VOLTage ................................................................................................................ 26 This ........................................................................................................................................ 26 LIST:BIAS:CURRent ................................................................................................................ 26 This ........................................................................................................................................ 26 LIST:MODE............................................................................................................................. 27 LIST:BAND ............................................................................................................................. 27 LIST:CLEar:ALL ....................................................................................................................... 27 2.12 APERture subsystem commands ...................................................................................... 28 APERture ............................................................................................................................... 28 2.13 TRIGger subsystem commands ......................................................................................... 28 TRIGger.................................................................................................................................. 29 TRIGger:SOURce .................................................................................................................... 29 TRIGger:DELay....................................................................................................................... 29 2.14 FETCh? Subsystem Commands ......................................................................................... 30 FETCh..................................................................................................................................... 30 2.15 CORRection subsystem commands .................................................................................. 32 CORRection:LENGth .............................................................................................................. 33 CORRection:METHod............................................................................................................. 34 CORRection:OPEN ................................................................................................................. 34 CORRection:OPEN:STATe ...................................................................................................... 35 CORRection:SHORt:STATe ..................................................................................................... 35 CORRection:LOAD:STATe ...................................................................................................... 35 The CORRection:LOAD:TYPE.................................................................................................. 35 CORRection:SPOT :STATe ................................................................................................. 36 CORRection:SPOT :FREQuency ......................................................................................... 37 CORRection:SPOT :OPEN .................................................................................................. 37 CORRection:SPOT :SHORt ................................................................................................ 37 CORRection:SPOT :LOAD:STANdard................................................................................. 37 CORRection:USE:DATA? ........................................................................................................ 38 CORRection:CLEar ................................................................................................................. 39 2.16 COMParator subsystem commands ................................................................................. 39 COMParator[STATe] .............................................................................................................. 40 COMParator:MODE............................................................................................................... 40 COMParator:TOLerance:NOMinal ........................................................................................ 40 COMParator:TOLerance:BIN ........................................................................................... 41 COMParator:SEQuence:BIN .................................................................................................. 41 COMParator:SecondaryLIMit ................................................................................................ 41 COMParator:Auxiliary BIN .................................................................................................... 42 COMParator:SWAP ............................................................................................................... 42 COMParator:BIN:CLEar ......................................................................................................... 42 COMParator:BIN:COUNt ....................................................................................................... 43 COMParator:BIN:COUNt:DATA? ........................................................................................... 43 COMParator:BIN:COUNt:CLEar ............................................................................................. 43 2.17 Mass MEMory subsystem commands .............................................................................. 43 MMEMory:LOAD:STATe ........................................................................................................ 44 MMEMory:STORe:STATe....................................................................................................... 44 Remote Operation The instrument comes with RS232C, USB (virtual COM), LAN, and GPIB (895 only) interfaces for remote control. This chapter will describe how users can remotely operate the instrument and use SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands over any one of these remote interfaces. 1.1 Interface Configuration RS-232C For RS-232C connectivity, refer to the diagram below for pinout information. The RS-232C is labeled in the rear panel and it is a female DB-9 interface. Use a crossover cable where pins 2 and 3 are reversed. 5 4 9 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 8 2 7 1 6 Description Transmit Data Receive Data GND CTS RTS - Parameter Description Baud rate 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 48000, 57600, and 115200. Parity and data bit Stop bit Flow control None/8 bits, Even/8 bits, Odd/8 bits 1, 2 None Table 1 - RS-232C Settings The RS-232C interface does not support hardware flow control (only transmit, receive, and ground pins are used). The programmer should be aware of this limitation and notice the command process time of the LCR meter. If the remote commands are sent too fast to the LCR meter, the internal buffer may overrun and cause a communication error. Therefore, adding a delay between commands is necessary to allow time for the meter to process. USB (USBCDC - Virtual COM ) The standard USB port is a virtual COM port that can be used for remote communication. There are no settings in the menu system for USB configuration. The serial settings are the same as the settings for RS-232C. The USB interface does not support hardware flow control (only transmit, receive, and ground pins are used). The programmer should be aware of this limitation and notice the command process time of the LCR meter. If the remote commands are sent too fast to the LCR meter, the internal buffer may overrun and cause a communication error. Therefore, adding a delay between commands is necessary to allow time for the meter to process. USBTMC USB The standard USB port is a USBTMC-compliant port that can be used for remote communication. There are no additional settings in the menu system for USB configuration. The only requirement is that NI-VISA is installed on the computer, which can be downloaded at http://www.ni.com/visa/. LAN (Ethernet) The 894/895 can also be controlled via LAN interface. Refer to the user manual for setup information. GPIB (895 Only) The GPIB address of the LCR meter can be configured from 1-31. To communicate via GPIB, connect a GPIB cable to the GPIB port at the back of the LCR meter. Command Reference The SCPI interface enables users to operate the power supply through a computer or a terminal equipped with IEEE-488.2 GPIB, RS-232, or USB interface. The following table lists all of the numerical parameters: Symbol NR1 NR2 NR3 NL ^END Response Formats integer, e.g.:123 fix-point number, e.g.: 12.3 floating-point number, e.g.: 12.3E+5 Carriage return key, ASCII code: 10 EOI signal in IEEE-488. EOI gets asserted on the GPIB interface. 2.1 IEEE488.2 Common Commands *RST The *RST command resets the instrument. Command syntax: *RST *TRG The *TRG command triggers the measurement and then sends the result to the output buffer. Command syntax: *TRG *CLS The *CLS command clears the standard event status register and the service request status register. Command syntax: *CLS *IDN? The *IDN? query returns the instrument’s ID. Query syntax: *IDN? Return format: , , , , Where, Name of Manufacturer ( B&K Precision) Instrument Model (895) XX-XXX-XXXXX Firmware Version (VER1.0.0) Hardware Version (Hardware Ver XX.X) *TST? The *TST? query executes an internal self test and returns the test result as the sum of all existing errors codes. If there are no error 894/895 returns 0. Query syntax: *TST? Return format: *ESE The *ESE (standard Event Status Enable command) command sets each open bit of the standard event status register. This command returns setups of each open bit for the standard event status permission register. Command syntax: *ESE Query syntax: *ESE? Return format: Where, NR1 format:decimal number for each bit of operation status register. Descriptions for each byte of the standard event status register are shown as follows: Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description Power On(PON) Bit User Request(URQ) Bit Command Error(EME) Bit Execution Error(EXE) Bit Device Dependent Error(DDE) Bit Query Error(QYE) Bit Request Control(RQC) Bit Operation Complete(OPC) Bit *SRE The *SRE (Service Request Enable command)command sets each open bit of the service status byte register. This command returns the current setups for each open bit of the status byte permission register. Command syntax: *SRE Query syntax: *SRE? Return format: Where, NR1 format: decimal expression for each permission bit of the status byte register. Descriptions for each byte of the status byte register are shown as follows: Bit number 7 6 5 4 3-0 Description Operation Status Register Summary Bit RQS(Request Service) Bit Standard Event Status Register Summary Bit MAV(Message Available) Bit Always 0(zero): *ESR The *ESR? query returns the contents of the standard event status register. Query syntax: *ESR? Return format: Where, NR1 format: decimal expression for contents of the standard event status register. Descriptions for each bit of the standard event status register Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description Power On(PON) Bit User Request(URQ) Bit Command Error(EME) Bit Execution Error(EXE) Bit Device Dependent Error(DDE) Bit Query Error(QYE) Bit Request Control(RQC) Bit Operation Complete(OPC) Bit *STB? The *STB? query returns contents of the standard service status byte register. The execution of this command will not affect contents of the standard status byte register. Query syntax: *STB? Return format: Where, NR1 format: decimal expression for contents of the standard status byte register. Descriptions for each bit of the standard status byte register: Bit number 7 6 5 4 3-0 Description Operation Status Register Summary Bit RQS(Request Service) Bit Standard Event Status Register Summary Bit MAV(Message Available) Bit Always 0(zero) *OPC The *OPC command equals to set the OPC bit of the standard event status register when 894/895 finishes all parameter measurements. Ever since all pending operations have been completed, this command will inform the instrument to add a ASCII number “1” (number: 49) into the output buffer. Command syntax: *OPC For example: OUTPUT 717; “*OPC” Sets the OPC bit of the instrument when the last command is done. Query syntax: *OPC? Return format: 1 2.2 Subsystem commands for 894/895 Find below a list of the subsystem commands for the LCR meter. For SCPI commands, there is a short and long form. In the list below, find the short version in bold and in capital letters, the long version of the command is the entire word. Short Version Long Version DISP DISPlay FREQ FREQuency VOLT VOLTage CURR CURRent AMPL AMPLitude ORES Output RESistance OUTP OUTPut BIAS BIAS FUNC FUNCtion LIST LIST APER APERture TRIG TRIGger FETC FETCh? CORR CORRection COMP COMParator MMEM Mass MEMory 2.3 DISPlay subsystem commands The command tree for the Display Subsystem is as follows: DISP:PAGE DISPlay subsystem commands are used to configure the display pages of the instrument. Command Syntax DISPlay:PAGE Query syntax DISPlay:PAGE? Query returns the current page. Return format Example 1 DISP:PAGE MEAS Set the display page as the LCR measurement display page. Example 2 DISP:PAGE? Returns: MEAS DISP Where can be set as the following items: Page name Function MEASurement Set the display page as the LCR measurement display. BNUMber Set the display page as the bin number display. BCOunt Set the display page as the bin count display. LIST Set the display page as the list sweep display. MSETup Set the display page as the measurement display. CSETup Set the display page as the correction setup. LTABle Set the display page as the limit table setup. LSETup Set the display page as the list sweep setup. SYSTem Set the display page as the system setup page. FLISt Set the display page as the file list page. DISP:LINE The DISP:LINE command is used to enter comments containing up to 16 ASCII characters in the comment field. The string “BK89xATS” is displayed if this is empty. Command Syntax DISPlay:LINE ” ” Query syntax DISPlay:LINE? Return format Return format: Example 1 DISP:LINE “ResistanceValues” Assigns a representative name to the string. Example 2 DISP:LINE? Returns: ResistanceValues Where can be an ASCII character string (maximum number is 16). DISPlay:RFONt The ResultFONt command is used to set the current font of the measurement result on the PAGE. Command Syntax DISPlay:RFONt Query syntax DISPlay:ResultFONt? Return format Return format: Where can be any of the following options: Item Function LARGe Use large character to display the measurement result, 12ms/meas. TINY Use tiny character to display the measurement result, 5ms/meas. OFF Measurement result will not be displayed but can be read from the bus. 2.4 FREQuency subsystem commands FREQ Sets the measurement frequency of the instrument. Returns the measurement frequency being used to do measurements. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example FREQuency FREQuency? FREQ 1MHZ Where can be: NR1, NR2 or NR3 (followed by Hz, kHz, MHz), MIN or MAX. MIN= Set the measurement frequency as 20Hz. MAX= Set the measurement frequency as 500 KHz for the 894 or 1 MHz for the 895. 2.5 VOLTage subsystem commands VOLT The VOLTage subsystem commands are used to set and query the measurement voltage level. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example VOLTage VOLTage? VOLT 0.500 V Sets measurement voltage level to 500 mV. Where can be: NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format followed by V. MIN= Set the measurement voltage as 5mV. MAX= Set the measurement voltage as 2V. CURRent subsystem commands CURRent The CURRent subsystem commands are used to set and query the current level for the measurement signal. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 CURRent CURRent? CURR 10MA Sets the current level for the measurement signal to 10 mA. Where NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format followed by MA. MIN Set the measurement current as 50μA. MAX Set the measurement current as 66.67mA. MIN and MAX value changes depending on impedance range. 2.6 AMPLitude Subsystem Commands AMPL The AMPLitude subsystem commands are mainly used to set the auto level control (ALC) function. Command Syntax AMPL:ALC Query syntax AMPLitude:ALC? Return format Example 1 AMPL:ALC ON Turn function Auto Level Control (ALC) on. Where can be: 0 or OFF, or 1 or ON 2.7 Output RESister subsystem commands ORES The Output RESister subsystem commands are used to set the output impedance of the LCR meter. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 ORESister ORESister? ORES 30 Set the output internal resistance is 30 OHM. Where can be either 30, 50 or 100. 2.8 OUTPut subsystem commands OUTPut:DC:ISOLation The OUTPut subsystem commands are used to set the Bias Current Isolation function of the 50mA/5V DC bias source as ON or OFF. Command Syntax OUTPut:DC:ISOLation Query syntax OUTPut:DC:ISOLation? Return format Example 1 OUTP:DC:ISOL 1 Turns the Bias Current Isolation function on. Example OUTP:DC:ISOL OFF Turns the Bias Current Isolation function off. Where can be: 0 or OFF, or 1 or ON. 2.9 BIAS subsystem commands The BIAS subsystem command are used to set the status of the DC Bias Function (on/off), bias voltage, and bias current. Refer to the image below for command tree: BIAS:STATe This command is used to turn the DC BIAS Function on or off. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 BIAS:STATe Query syntax: BIAS:STATe? BIAS:STATe 0 Turns the DC BIAS Function off. Where can be: 0 or OFF, or 1 or ON. BIAS:VOLTAGE This command is used to set the internal DC bias voltage. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 BIAS:VOLTage BIAS:VOLTage? BIAS:VOLT ON Turn the internal DC bias voltage on. Where can be: NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format followed by V. MIN= Set the measurement voltage as +/-5mV. MAX= Set the measurement voltage as +/-2V. BIAS:CURRent Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 BIAS:CURRent BIAS:CURRent? BIAS:CURR 40MA Where can be: NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format followed by MA. MIN= Set the measurement voltage as +/- 0 mA. MAX= Set the measurement voltage as +/-50 mA. 2.10 FUNCtion subsystem commands The FUNCtion subsystem commands are used to set measurement functions, range, current/voltage monitor ON/OFF, deviation display mode, and nominal setting. Refer to the image in the next page for the command tree of the FUNCtion Subsytem. FUNCtion:IMPedance The FUNCtion:IMPedance command is used to set and select the measurement function. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 FUNCTion:IMPedance FUNCTion:IMPedance? FUNC:IMP RX Set the function as R-X. Where is one of the selections below: Function CPD CPQ CPG CPRP CSD CSQ CSRS LPQ LPD LPG Mode Set the function as Cp-D Set the function as Cp-Q Set the function as Cp-G Set the function as Cp-Rp Set the function as Cs-D Set the function as Cs-Q Set the function as Cs-Rs Set the function as Lp-Q Set the function as Lp-D Set the function as Lp-G Function LPRP LSD LSQ LSRS RX ZTD ZTR GB YTD YTR Mode Set the function as Lp-Rp Set the function as Ls-D Set the function as Ls-Q Set the function as Ls-Rs Set the function as R-X Set the function as Z-θ◦ Set the function as Z-θr Set the function as G-B Set the function as Y-θ◦ Set the function as Y-θr FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe Selects the impedance measurement range. This command turns the auto range function OFF when is used. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 FUNCTion:IMPedance:RANGe FUNCTion:IMPedance:RANGe? FUNC:IMP:RANG 1KOHM Set the value of the range to 1kOHM Where, can be the impedance of the DUT or NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format followed by OHM or KOHM. 10 300 10000 30 1000 30000 100 3000 100000 FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO The FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO command is used to set the automatic range selection status. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 FUNCTion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO FUNCTion:IMPedance:RANGe? FUNC:IMP:RANG:AUTO ON Set the automatic range as ON. Where can be: 0 or OFF, or 1 or ON. FUNCtion:Source MONitor:VAC The FUNCtion:Source MONitor:VAC command is used to set the voltage monitor ON or OFF. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 FUNCtion:SMONitor:VAC FUNCtion:SMONitor:VAC? FUNC:SMON:VAC ON Set the voltage monitor as ON. Where can be: 0 or OFF, or 1 or ON. FUNCtion:SMONitor:IAC The FUNCtion:SMONitor:IAC command enables the AC current-level monitor function. Command Syntax FUNC:SMONitor:IAC Query syntax FUNCtion:SMONitor:IAC? Return format FUNCtion:SMONitior:IAC? Example 1 FUNCtion:DEV :MODE The FUNCtion:DEV :MODE command is used to set and query the deviation measurement mode. Command Syntax FUNCtion:DEV :MODE Query syntax Query syntax: FUNCtion:DEV :MODE? Return format Example 1 FUNC:DEV1:MODE ABS Where can be: ABSolute Absolute value deviation display PERCent Percent deviation display OFF Real value display When n=1 the deviation mode is being set to the nominal value of primary parameter. When n=2 the deviation mode is being set to the nomial value of the secondary parameter. FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence This command is used to set the nominal value of the deviation. Command Syntax FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence Query syntax FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence? Return format Example 1 FUNC:DEV1:REF 10 Where, can be 1 or 2. When n=1, equal to the nominal value of primary parameter. When n=2, is equal to the nominal value of the secondary parameter. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence:FILL This command is used to set the nominal value of the deviation. This command directs the instrument to make a test and then copies the results of the primary and the secondary parameters as the nominal values of the deviation. Command Syntax FUNCtion:DEV :REFerence:FILL Query syntax N/A Example 1 FUNC:DEV1:REF:FILL Where, can be 1 or 2. When n=1, equal to the nominal value of primary parameter. When n=2, is equal to the nominal value of the secondary parameter. 2.11 LIST subsystem commands The LIST subsystem commands are mainly used to set the list sweep function, sweep points, sweep mode, sweep limits. LIST:FREQuency This command is used to clear the original sweep points and set the frequencies of a new list frequency sweep points. Command Syntax LIST:FREQuency [, *] Query syntax LIST:FREQuency? Return format , [, *] Example LIST:FREQ 133, 1KHZ, 1MHZ, 4E3 Set the frequency of the sweep point 1 as 133 Hz Set the frequency of the sweep point 2 as 1KHZ Set the frequency of the sweep point 3 as 1MHZ Set the frequency of the sweep point 4 as 4KHZ. * 201 sweep points, at most, can be set. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. is 20HZ to 500KHZ (894), 20HZ to 1MHZ (895), if a value outside this range is sent, that specific sweep point will be ignored and it will generate errors when querying this command. The units of frequency, Hz, could be used after the frequency value, as shown in the example above. HZ (hertz) is the default unit. LIST:VOLTage This command is used to clear the voltage of each sweep point by overwriting the set values with the new values sent and clearing the points that are not set in the new list. Command Syntax LIST:VOLTage [, *] Query syntax LIST:VOLTage? Return format [, *] Example 1 LIST:VOLT\s5E-3,\s2E-2,\s0.035V,\s200MV\n Set the voltage of the sweep point 1 as 5 mV Set the voltage of the sweep point 2 as 20 mV Set the voltage of the sweep point 3 as 35 mV Set the voltage of the sweep point 4 as 200mV. * 201 sweep points, at most, can be set. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. should be set from 5mV to 2V, if a value outside this range is sent, that specific sweep point will be ignored and it will generate errors when querying this command. The unit of volts (V) or milli Volts (MV) could be used after the voltage value, as shown in the example above. Volts (V) is the default unit. LIST:CURRent This command is used to clear the current of each sweep point by overwriting the set values with the new values sent and clearing the points that are not set in the new list. Command Syntax LIST:CURRent [, *] Query syntax LIST:CURRent? Return format [, *] Example 1 LIST:CURR 5E-3, 20, 0.015A, 10MA Set the voltage of the sweep point 1 as 5 mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 2 as 20 mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 3 as 15 mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 4 as 10 mA. * 201 sweep points, at most, can be set. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. should be set from 50μA to 20mA, if a value outside this range is sent, that specific sweep point will be ignored and it will generate errors when querying this command. The unit of volts (A) or milli Amps (MAV could be used after the current value, as shown in the example above. Volts (V) is the default unit. LIST:BIAS:VOLTage This command is used to clear the DC Bias Voltage of each sweep point by overwriting the set values with the new values sent and clearing the points that are not set in the new list. Command Syntax LIST:BIAS:VOLTage [, *] Query syntax LIST:BIAS:VOLTage? Return format [, *] Example 1 LIST:BIAS:VOLT 1E-4, 2E-2, 5, 4V Set the voltage of the sweep point 1 as 0.1 mV. Set the voltage of the sweep point 2 as 20 mV. Set the voltage of the sweep point 3 as 5 V. Set the voltage of the sweep point 4 as -4 V. * 201 sweep points, at most, can be set. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. should be set from -5 V to 5 V, if a value outside this range is sent, that specific sweep point will be ignored and it will generate errors when querying this command. The unit of volts (V) or milli Volts (MV) could be used after the voltage value, as shown in the example above. Volts (V) is the default unit. LIST:BIAS:CURRent This command is used to clear the DC Bias Current of each sweep point by overwriting the set values with the new values sent and clearing the points that are not set in the new list. Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 LIST:BIAS:CURRent [, *] LIST:BIAS:CURRent? [, *] LIST:BIAS:CURR 1E-4, 2E-2, 5mA, -2mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 1 as 100 uA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 2 as 20 mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 3 as 5 mA. Set the voltage of the sweep point 4 as -2 mA. * 201 sweep points, at most, can be set. Where, is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format. should be set from -50 mA to +50 mA, if a value outside this range is sent, that specific sweep point will be ignored and it will generate errors when querying this command. The unit of volts (A) or milli Amps (MAV could be used after the current value, as shown in the example above. Volts (V) is the default unit. LIST:MODE This command is used to set the list sweep mode. Command Syntax LIST:MODE Query syntax LIST:MODE? Return format Example 1 LIST:MODE SEQ Where, can be: SEQuence: Sequential mode. STEPped: Single step mode. One step per trigger signal. LIST:BAND This command is used to set the limits of list sweep table. Command Syntax LIST:BAND [, , ] Query syntax LIST:BAND ? Return format , , Example 1 LIST:BAND3 OFF Where: can be 1 to 201 (NR1 format): sweep points on the nth line can be A or B: A= Compare the primary parameter of the test results with the high and the low limits. B= Compare the secondary parameter of the test results with the high and the low limits. OFF No comparison NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format, low limit of the sweep point on the n th line. NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format, high limit of the sweep point on the n th line. LIST:CLEar:ALL This command is used to clear the setting data of all sweep points. Command Syntax LIST:CLEAR:ALL Query syntax N/A Return format N/A Example 1 LIST:CLEAR:ALL 2.12 APERture subsystem commands The APERture subsystem commands are used to set the measurement speed, averaging times used in measurement. APERture This command is used to set the measurement speed and the averaging times used during measurements. Command Syntax APERture [, ] Query syntax APERture? Return format , Example 1 APER MED, 55 Sets the speed to MEDIUM, and averaging times to 55. This means that the meter will take 55 measurements at medium speed and present the average as the result. 2.13 TRIGger subsystem commands The TRIGger subsystem commands are used to set the instrument trigger source, trigger delay and trigger measurement. Command tree: TRIGger This command is used to send a trigger signal to the LCR meter and start a test. Command syntax: TRIGger[:IMMediate] For example: Command Syntax Query syntax Return format Example 1 TRIGger[:IMMediate] N/A N/A WrtCmd(“TRIG”) TRIGger:SOURce This command is used to set the trigger source mode. Command Syntax TRIGger:SOURce