Bosch Security Systems DCNM-IDESKX DCNM-IDESK, DCNM-IDESKVID User Manual DCN HW en part 1

Bosch Security Systems BV DCNM-IDESK, DCNM-IDESKVID DCN HW en part 1


DCN_HW_en part 1

DICENTISConference Systemen Hardware Installation Manual
DICENTIS Table of contents | en 3Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |Table of contents1Safety 42About this manual 62.1 Intended audience 62.2 Alerts and notice signs 62.3 Copyright and disclaimer 62.4 Document history 63System installation overview 93.1 Typical system setup 103.2 System extension 134System installation design and planning 174.1 System capabilities 174.2 Hardware requirements 194.3 Power supply capacity calculation plan 224.3.1 Calculation using DCNM-APS(2) or DCNM-PS(2) 224.3.2 Calculation using PoE switches 244.4 Redundancy options 264.4.1 Redundant cabling for DCNM‑APS/DCNM‑PS units 274.4.2 Redundant cabling for DCNM-APS2/DCNM-PS2 units 284.4.3 Redundant server PC 305Installation material and tools 315.1 DICENTIS System Cable Assemblies 315.2 DCNM-CBCON Connectors for DICENTIS cable 325.3 DCNM-CBTK System Network Cable Toolkit 335.4 DCNM-CB250-I System Installation Cable 345.5 DCNM-CBCPLR Cable couplers 355.5.1 Using a cable coupler to extend a cable 355.5.2 Using a cable coupler as a break-out box 355.5.3 Using a cable coupler as an interface between different types of cable 365.5.4 Using a cable coupler to insert power locally 386Mechanical installation of Central Equipment 406.1 Audio processor and powering switch and Powering switch 407Mechanical installation of Contribution Devices 437.1 DICENTIS devices 437.2 DCNMM-IDESK / DCNM-IDESKVID Interpreter desk 467.3 DICENTIS Microphones 497.4 DCNM-MMDSP Anti-reflection foil 517.5 DCNM-NCH Name Card Holder 517.6 DCNM-IDESKINT On-air & telephone interface DCNM-IDESK 528Installation Test 53
4en | Safety DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.1 SafetyPrior to installing or operating products, always read the Important Safety Instructions whichare available as a separate multilingual document: Important Safety Instructions (Safety_ML).These instructions are supplied together with all equipment that can be connected to themains supply.Safety precautionsSome of the DICENTIS Conference System products are designed to be connected to thepublic mains network.To avoid any risk of electric shock, all interventions must be carried out with disconnectedmains supply.Interventions with the equipment switched on are authorized only when it is impossible toswitch the equipment off. The operation must only be performed by qualified personnel.Old electrical and electronic appliancesElectrical or electronic devices that are no longer serviceable must be collected separately andsent for environmentally compatible recycling (in accordance with the European WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment Directive).To dispose of old electrical or electronic devices, you should use the return and collectionsystems put in place in the country concerned.Class A equipment (commercial broadcasting equipment)This equipment is for professional (Class A) electromagnetic compatibility equipment. Selleror user should pay attention to this point. It is intended for use outside the home.!Warning!Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Bosch Security Systems could void theuser’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC Statements - Class A digital deviceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercialenvironment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area islikely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct theinterference at his/her own expense.IC StatementThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
DICENTIS Safety | en 5Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si lebrouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
6en | About this manual DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.2 About this manualThe purpose of this manual is to provide information required for installing the DICENTISConference System.This installation manual is available as a digital document in the Adobe portable documentformat (PDF).For more information, refer to the product related information on www.boschsecurity.com2.1 Intended audienceThis hardware installation manual is intended for installers of a DICENTIS Conference System.2.2 Alerts and notice signsFour types of signs can be used in this manual. The type is closely related to the effect thatmay be caused if it is not observed. These signs - from least severe effect to most severeeffect - are:Notice!Containing additional information. Usually, not observing a ‘notice’ does not result in damageto the equipment or personal injuries.!Caution!The equipment or the property can be damaged, or persons can be lightly injured if the alertis not observed.!Warning!The equipment or the property can be seriously damaged, or persons can be severely injuredif the alert is not observed.Danger!Not observing the alert can lead to severe injuries or death.2.3 Copyright and disclaimerAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the publisher. For information on getting permission for reprints andexcerpts, contact Bosch Security Systems B.V..The content and illustrations are subject to change without prior notice.2.4 Document historyRelease date Documentation version Reason2013.08 V1.0 1st edition.2014.07 V1.1 2nd edition.New sections: 1 WEEE, 3.2system ext, 5.2.1, 5.2.2.
DICENTIS About this manual | en 7Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |Release date Documentation version ReasonSections updated: 2.4, 4.3.2,5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.2 +DCNM‑MICx added.2014.10 V1.2 3rd edition.Sections updated: 2.4, 3.2,4.1 and V1.3 4th edition.New section: 4.4, includingsub-sections: 4.4.1, 4.4.2, and4.4.3.Sections updated: 2.4, 3.1,3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.3.1, 5.3, 5.4,6.1, 7.4, 8.2015.11 V1.31 5th edition.Sections updated: 2.4, 7.1.Terminology updated.2016.07 V1.4 6th edition.Terminology updated. DCN multimedia changed toDICENTIS .Sections updated: 3.1, 3.2,4.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.2,4.4.3, 5.3, 5.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,7.4, 8.2017.10 V1.5 7th edition.Terminology and productnames updated.New section: 5.5Sections updated: 5.2.1,5.2.2, 7.1 new radiointerference warning added.2017.12 V1.6 8th edition.Sections updated: 5.5.3, V1.7 9th edition.Sections updated: 3.1, 3.2,4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4, 5.2, 5.4,5.5.4.New section: 7.2 DCNM-IDESK and DCNM-IDESKVIDInterpreter desk added.2018.09 V1.8 10th edition.Sections updated: 1, 7.2.
8en | About this manual DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Release date Documentation version ReasonNew section: 7.2 DCNM-IDESKINT On-air & telephoneinterface DCNM-IDESK
DICENTIS System installation overview | en 9Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |3 System installation overviewIt is advisable to participate in the DICENTIS Conference System training before you install,configure, prepare, and operate a DICENTIS Conference System.The DICENTIS Conference System is an IP based conference system which runs on an OMNEOcompatible Ethernet network. It is used for distributing and processing audio, video and datasignals.The DICENTIS Conference System can be quickly and easily configured as a daisy‑chainconfiguration or as a star configuration:–Daisy‑chain configuration: Uses dedicated cabling, consisting of CAT‑5e cables includingtwo additional power conductors (see Typical system setup, page 10).–Star configuration: Each DICENTIS device is connected with an individual standardCAT‑5e cable. An Ethernet switch is also required for providing Power over Ethernet(PoE).Notice!When Power over Ethernet is used, DICENTIS devices cannot be daisy‑chained. Please useunshielded cable for the DICENTIS discussion devices.See also– Typical system setup, page 10
10 en | System installation overview DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.3.1 Typical system setup1824398866665888765.15.2Figure3.1: Typical DICENTIS Conference System setupA typical DICENTIS Conference System consists of:1. System server controller (PC):– The heart of the system. It licenses functionality, configures and controls the system.2. Client PC:– Can be used to: Manage meetings, prepare meetings and configure the system.3. Audio processor and powering switch (DCNM-APS / DCNM-APS2):– Controls the system audio, routes audio from and to the system and supplies powerto the DICENTIS devices.4. Powering switch (DCNM-PS / DCNM-PS2):– Is used to increase the number of DICENTIS devices connected to the system.5. DICENTIS devices: DCNM-D, DCNM-DVT, DCNM-DSL, DCNM-DE / DCNM-MMD2, DCNM-MMD:– Participants can use their DICENTIS device to contribute to a meeting.–5.1 is a DICENTIS Multimedia device used for “system power on/off”. This device isalways connected to the powered socket of the Audio processor and poweringswitch or Powering switch.Note: Only one DICENTIS Multimedia device should be connected here.–5.2 is a DICENTIS device used via a “Power over Ethernet” (PoE) Ethernet switch.Note: Only one DICENTIS device should be connected here.–5.3 are DICENTIS Interpretation desks: DCNM-IDESK and DCNM-IDESKVID. Providesextensive facilities for professional interpretation for the DICENTIS ConferenceSystem.Note: A maximum of 10 desks can be installed per booth.6. System Network Cable (DCNM‑CBxxx):– Connects DICENTIS devices, the Audio processor and powering switch, and one ormore Powering switches to each other.7. Ethernet switch:– Ethernet switch with PoE on some ports. - Routes the system data via Ethernet. - Provides power to the DICENTIS devices via PoE.
DICENTIS System installation overview | en 11Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |8. CAT‑5e Ethernet cable (minimum requirement).9. Optional video camera (Onvif Profile-S compatible cameras, Sony IP cameras via CGIcommands, or Panasonic HD Integrated IP) + external power supply:– Captures the image of a speaking participant.Note: The Sony camera needs to be placed in a separate VLAN to avoid problems with themulticast data.Note: The Panasonic camera requires an external H.264 encoder if the SDI video needs tobe displayed on the multimedia devices (or in the Meeting Application).Figure3.2: Typical camera setupA typical camera setup in a DICENTIS Conference System consists of:1. H.264 encoder to encode the HD SDI video to H.2642. HD-SDI switcher3. Projector4. Video camera (Onvif Profile-S compatible camera, Sony, Panasonic)5. System server controller (PC)6. L3 Ethernet switch7. Audio processor and powering switch (DCNM-APS / DCNM-APS2)8. DCNM-MMD2Cables:– Dotted line = HD-SDI (coax cable)– Black with arrow = Ethernet TCP/IP– Black straight line = DCNM-cable
12 en | System installation overview DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.This system overview does not give information on redundant network options. For moreinformation, refer to Redundancy options, page 26.
DICENTIS System installation overview | en 13Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |3.2 System extensionThe DICENTIS Conference System is scalable from small to medium to large. This sectiondescribes what a small, medium and large system is and what the requirements are for thesesystems:A small DICENTIS Conference System (see Typical system setup, page 10) consists of:– up to 100 DICENTIS devices.– all DICENTIS devices in 1 subnet.– 1 DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch for the audio processing.– 1 Server PC which hosts the DICENTIS services.A medium DICENTIS Conference System consists of:– up to 450 DICENTIS nodes.Refer to table X about the node count of DICENTIS equipment.– all DICENTIS devices in 1 subnet.– 1 DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch for the audio processing.– 1 Server PC which hosts the DICENTIS services.– 1 ARNI-Standard to increase the size of the system.A large DICENTIS Conference System consists of:– up to 750 DICENTIS devices.– multiple subnets connected by use of a router/L3 switch.– Each subnet can have up to 450 DICENTIS nodes.Refer to the following table for the node count of DICENTIS equipment.– The first subnet has:- 1 DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch for the audio processing.- 1 Server PC which hosts the DICENTIS services.- 1 ARNI-Enterprise to increase the size of the system.– All other subnets have 1 ARNI-Standard to increase the size of the system.Note: There is no DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch in the othersubnets.Device Node countDICENTIS server 0DICENTIS meeting application 0DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch 1DICENTIS Powering switch 1DICENTIS multimedia device 2DICENTIS discussion device 1DICENTIS discussion device select language 1DICENTIS discussion device voting 1DICENTIS discussion device extended 1DICENTIS Interpreter desk 1DCNM-IDESKVID Interpreter desk with video 1
14 en | System installation overview DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Device Node countARNI‑E OMNEO interface 0ARNI‑S OMNEO interface 0Tab.3.1: Nodes count of DICENTIS equipmentAn ARNI (Audio Routed Network Interface) is used to increase the number of DICENTISdevices on a single subnet and to connect multiple DICENTIS system subnets. If more thanone subnet is required, two types of an ARNI must be used.– OMN-ARNIS (ARNI‑S OMNEO interface): The ARNI‑S is required for increasing the systemsize above 100 DICENTIS devices. It supports up to 450 DICENTIS nodes in its subnet. Italso acts as a DHCP server in its subnet.– OMN-ARNI‑E (ARNI‑E OMNEO interface): The ARNI‑E is required for increasing the systemsize above 450 DICENTIS nodes. It supports up to 450 DICENTIS nodes in its subnet. Italso acts as a DHCP server in its subnet. It can connect up to 40 subnets, each with anARNI‑S.Defining subnets and subnet masksA subnet is a logical, visible subdivision of an IP network. The number of DICENTIS devicesthat can be in the same subnet depends on the subnet mask.A standard class C subnet (255.255.255 or /24) can contain 254 IP addresses. SomeDICENTIS devices have 2 IP addresses. For this reason, Bosch advises to use /22) as a subnet mask. This allows you to have 1018 IP addresses. The following table liststhe number of IP address per DICENTIS device in a DICENTIS Conference System.Device IP addressesDICENTIS server (optional Meeting Application) 1Client PC running DICENTIS meeting application 1DICENTIS Audio processor and powering switch 1DICENTIS Powering switch 1DICENTIS multimedia device 2DICENTIS discussion device 1DICENTIS discussion device select language 1DICENTIS discussion device voting 1DICENTIS discussion device extended 2DICENTIS Interpreter desk 2DCNM-IDESKVID Interpreter desk with video 3ARNI‑Enterprise 1ARNI‑Standard 1IP camera 1
DICENTIS System installation overview | en 15Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |Device IP addressesSDI video switcher 1Tab.3.2: Nodes count of DICENTIS equipmentMaximum number of DICENTIS devices in a string:– The max age timer should be set to 22 when RSTP is used for cable redundancy toprevent a defective cable or powering switch from influencing the system.– Each time data hops from one switch to another, the age is increased by one. This timercan be reached or exceeded, because a daisy chain can be used to loop through theDICENTIS devices.– This timer (or restriction) cannot be reached when there is no cable redundancy. This isbecause the power limitation will be reached before the max age restriction is reached.– The timer can be reached when:– you use cable redundancy,– the system is incorrectly wired.
16 en | System installation overview DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Multi subnet DICENTIS Conference SystemThe following figure illustrates a typical multi subnet DICENTIS Conference System with a totalof 1200 DICENTIS devices.– The system is divided over four (4) subnets, where two (2) subnets having a maximum of400 DICENTIS devices and an OMN-ARNIS are connected.– The system has one OMN-ARNIS installed in the first subnet with a maximum of 400DICENTIS devices connected (Note that only one OMN-ARNIS is allowed within a multiplesubnet DICENTIS Conference System).– Subnet four (4): When using multiple subnets, make sure that all cameras needed tocapture video of the seats are all connected to the same subnet.192.168.64.xOMN-ARNI-E192.168.64.1VLAN64192.168.65.254Ports 1, 2, 3, 4L3 SwitchVLAN66192.168.67.254Ports 5, 6, 7, 8VLAN74 (internet) 17, 18, 19, 20VLAN68192.168.69.254Ports 9, 10, 11, 12VLAN70192.168.71.255Internal DHPC serverPorts 13, 14, 15, 16Internet Router192.168.1.254DCNM-APS(2)DCNM server PCDCNM-PS(2)DICENTIS devicesMax. 420 nodesDICENTIS devicesMax. 420 nodesDICENTIS devicesMax. 420 nodesDCNM-PS(2)OMN-ARNI-S192.168.66.1OMN-ARNI-S192.168.68.1192.168.66.x192.168.1.x192.168.68.x192.168.70.x12Figure3.3: Typical DICENTIS Conference System with multiple subnets–1: External video switcher.–2: Dome camera.
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 17Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |4 System installation design and planningBefore you start to install system devices and connect system cabling, you should make asystem design and planning:– Familiarize yourself with the product and system capabilities.– Make a cable (connection) plan:– Calculate the system network cable length.– Calculate the system power consumption.– Calculate the required power capacity of the system.Notice!The DICENTIS Conference System uses the RSTP protocol when redundant cabling mode isenabled. If the DICENTIS Conference System needs to be connected with the locally presentnetwork, please consult the local IT department before continuing with the installationdesign.Notice!Make sure that the cable lengths and power consumptions do not exceed the specifications.Not doing so will result in malfunctioning at any moment of the DICENTIS Conference Systemand products.4.1 System capabilitiesThe capability of the DICENTIS Conference System and DICENTIS products depends on:– The lengths of the system network cables.– The number of connected devices.– The system power supply capacity.Cable lengthSystem network cables (DCNM‑CBxx-I) lengths (2, 5, 10 or 25m) have a direct effect on theavailable power supply capacity. The longer the system network cable, the less power supplycapacity is available to drive the connected devices. Therefore, choose the lengths of thesystem network cables carefully.Notice!Custom network cables must never exceed the maximum Ethernet specification of 100m(IEEE 802.3ab).Keep your network hierarchy as flat as possible. This means having as few levels as possible.It is recommended not to exceed 7 levels. See the following example: 1: 1st level = Rootswitch, 2: 2 nd level = switch, 3: 3 rd level = switch.12 2 2 23 3 3 3Figure4.1: Example: Switch-levels
18 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Power supply capacityThe total system network cable length and connected devices determine the required powersupply capacity. The power within the DICENTIS Conference System is supplied by:– The Audio processor and powering switch and the Powering switch, or– Off‑the‑shelf PoE Ethernet switches.Calculation toolThe calculation tool can be used to calculate the total power capacity of the system. Thismakes the design and planning of the DICENTIS Conference System easier. The calculationtool uses the power consumption of the devices and the system network cable lengths tocalculate the needed system power supply capacity.The calculation tool is on the DVD supplied with the Audio processor and powering switch andis part of the DICENTIS software DCNM.iso file. The DCNM.iso file can be downloaded fromthe Bosch website at:
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 19Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |4.2 Hardware requirementsSwitchesThe following minimum requirements and recommendations apply to switches used in aDICENTIS:Requirement Standard SettingsGbit Ethernet IEEE802.3 Switch latency is maximally 10µSec with Gbit.Valid for both copper and/or fiber ports.Packet forwarding inHW per port>1.2Mppsn.a. If SW is responsible for packet switching, this wouldresult in variable latency which is unacceptable.Quality of ServiceWith strict priorityDiffServ To make sure PTP synchronization packets andaudio packets get priority over control packets.OMNEO uses QoS on IP level to avoidsynchronization and audio problems on busynetworks. Although the system does work withoutproblems on relatively quiet networks (< 10%network load) it is important to configure yournetwork switches correctly.The used QoS is Differentiated Services or DiffServ,which is part of the Type of Services field (ToS) inthe IP header. For more details on DiffServ & IPheader, see Wikipedia.Warning: IEEE802.1p is also used for QoS, but is limited to layer 2. Since OMNEO uses IPcommunication, this mechanism is not suitable, so make sure the used equipment usesDiffServ QoS!The table below gives an overview of the used DSCP values which need to be configured inthe switch:Data DSCP dec DSCP hex DSCP Label TOS byte(hex)SwitchPriorityqueuePTP sync,delay req56 0x38 CS7 0xE0 HighestPTP follow-up, delayresponse,audio46 0x2E EF 0xB8 High(reserved) 8 0x08 CS1 0x20 LowControl 0 0x00 Best effort 0x00 NoneWarning: Please check thoroughly if your switch’s highest priority queue is label as #1 or e.g.#8, because this may differ per brand. Unfortunately this is not consistent over the differentbrands. Setting it wrong is worse than not having priority.
20 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Switches must be configured to support DiffServ (DSCP) quality of service The switch needsto have 4 priority queues for the DiffServ mechanism to work.Warning: Never use VOIP QoS settings!Requirement Standard SettingsMAC table >1000 n.a. To avoid the switch starts broadcasting unicastpackets because it runs out of space.Disable EEE IEEE 802.3az Most implementations of EEE cause problemsbecause of implementation flaws. A goodimplementation should work, but does not saveenergy since the PTP synchronization avoids this.Therefore, EEE must always be disabled.Disable RSTP (whenno cable loops areused)Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is requiredwhen (cable) loops are created for redundancy. Whenno loops are created, RSTP needs to be disabled foroptimal operation. When enabled, it can cause slowconnections to the switch.Possibility to createVLANSn.a. VLAN separation is recommended instead of IGMPsnooping, because most switches are unable tohandle the multicast changes in the system. Filteringmulticast data may be necessary for some devices,such as 100 Mb devices (Sony cameras, TVOne, AMX,and others).IGMPv3 IGMPv2snooping inhardwareIGMPv3 or IGMPv2 snooping. To optimize bandwidthusage, IGMP snooping can be used. This is useful insystems with >10 multicast streams, although notabsolutely required. Sufficient performance forhandling a large number of IGMP query responses,depends on the number of (directly or indirectly)connected devices to that switch. Hardware supportfor IGMP snooping is strongly recommended.Requirements whenRedundant wiring isusedStandard SettingsRSTP IEEE802.1D-2004RSTP is used to allow the creation of loops forredundancy. The switch must support changing thefollowing parameters to the listed values:– Hello_Time = 9 seconds– Forwarding_delay = 30 seconds– Max_age = 22 secondsDiagnosticsLink Layer discovery IEEE 802.1AB For network diagnoses using Network Docent.SNMP SNMP For network diagnoses using Network Docent.
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 21Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |RoutersThe following minimal requirements apply to routers:– 1Gbit or higher Ethernet ports.– Supports PIM‑DM or Bidirectional PIM.– Performs IP routing in hardware (i.e. a ‘layer 3 switch’) to minimize the routing delay.– Packet forwarding rate > 1,000,000 packets per second per port (e.g. 8Mpps for an8‑port router).– Non-blocking backplane per switching port, i.e. 2Gbit per port (e.g. 16Gbps for an 8‑portrouter).– MAC address table of at least 1000 addresses per directly connected subnet.
22 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.4.3 Power supply capacity calculation planHow to startNotice!It is advisable to use the power calculation tool. The calculation tool is on the DVD suppliedwith the Audio processor and powering switch and is also part of the DICENTIS softwareDCNM.iso file, which can be downloaded from the Bosch website at: how to supply power to the DICENTIS devices:– Using the Audio processor and powering switch and one or more Powering switches.– Using one or more PoE Ethernet switches.If you want to use PoE Ethernet switches, continue with chapter Calculation using PoEswitches, page 24.See also– Calculation using DCNM-APS(2) or DCNM-PS(2), page 22– Installation material and tools, page 314.3.1 Calculation using DCNM-APS(2) or DCNM-PS(2)Notice!If you want to use customized cables, or a more accurate power supply capacity calculationplan is needed, you should use the power calculation tool.To calculate the total power supply capacity:1. Count all DICENTIS devices.2. Know the exact location where the devices are installed.3. Count each system network cable of the same length.Device type Power consumption (Watts)DCNM-D 3.10DCNM-DSL 3.60DCNM-DVT 3.70DCNM-DE 5.00DCNM-MMD 11.30DCNM-MMD2 12.00DCNM-IDESK 15.00DCNM-IDESKVID 18.00DCNM‑CB02-I 1.19DCNM‑CB05-I 2.43DCNM‑CB10-I 4.50
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 23Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |Device type Power consumption (Watts)DCNM‑CB25-I 10.71Tab.4.3: Power consumption (Watts)Ordering number Cable lengthsm ftDCNM-CB02-I 2 6.56DCNM-CB05-I 5 16.40DCNM-CB10-I 10 32.81DCNM-CB25-I 25 82.02Tab.4.4: Cable types and lengthsRear view10 12 13 15 17 1911 14 16 18 201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Figure4.2: Audio processor and powering switch10 12 13 15 1714 16 1819209Figure4.3: Powering switchItem Description1, 5 XLR line outputs 1 and 2.2, 6 RCA line outputs 1 and 2.3, 7 XLR line inputs 1 and 2.4, 8 RCA line inputs 1 and 2.9 Mains inlet, mains switch and fuse holder.10 Reset button.11 Ground switch (grounded or floating).12 Socket 1 without power.13 Socket 2 low power.15, 17, 19 Socket 3, 4, 5 high power.
24 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.Item Description14, 16, 18, 20 Overload LED for sockets 2‑5:Green: Power OK.Red: Overload. Remove cable and wait a few seconds for the system toreset the overload.Network and Power connector Max. power output (W) Max. devicesSocket 1 (12) No power capacity ---Socket 2 (13) 15 1Socket 3 (15) 144 40Socket 4 (17) 144 40Socket 5 (19) 144 40Tab.4.5: Power supply capacity DCNM‑APS(2) / DCNM‑PS(2)Calculation examplesThe following example gives you an indication of the maximum load to each socket of an Audioprocessor and powering switch or Powering switch.–Socket 2: 50m cable + DCNM-MMD2 = 12W1–Socket 3: 10m cable + DCNM-MMD2 + 9x (2m cable + DCNM-MMD2)= (4.5 + 12) + 9x(1.19 + 12) = 135.21W2.–Socket 4: 10m cable + DCNM-D + 19x (2m cable +DCNM-D)= (4.5 + 3.1) + 19x(1.19 + 3.1) = 89.11W2.–Socket 5: 10m cable + DCNM-DE + 19x (2m cable + DCNM-DE) = (4.5 + 5) + 19x(1.19 + 5) = 127.11W2.1 For socket 2, the cable power consumption of the cable does not need to be counted if only one device is connected to this output.2 The shortest redundant cable does not need to be counted.4.3.2 Calculation using PoE switchesSelect one or more PoE Ethernet switches to supply power to the DICENTIS devices. EachDICENTIS device must be connected to an individual PoE enabled output of an Ethernetswitch.Notice!Some PoE Ethernet switches can only supply power to a limited number of ports. Others cansupply power to every port, but the total power the Ethernet switch can supply is limited.Please consult the documentation of the PoE Ethernet switch used.Notice!Using PoE, DICENTIS devices cannot be daisy‑chained connected. Using PoE does not provideredundant cabling.
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 25Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |21Figure4.4: Bottom view DICENTIS devices (DCNM-MMD / DCNM-MMD2)21Figure4.5: Bottom view DICENTIS devices (DCNM-D / DCNM-DVT / DCNM-DSL / DCNM-DE)2 12 1DCNM-IDESKDCNM-IDESKVIDFigure4.6: Bottom view DICENTIS Interpreter devices (DCNM-IDESK / DCNM-IDESKVID)Item Description1 Network connector2 Network / PoE connector
26 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.4.4 Redundancy optionsDICENTIS Conference Systems can be created with network redundancy. This ensures that thesystem will continue to work if:– a network cable is defective or accidentally disconnected.– one of the components fails.Different levels of redundancy can be created in the system depending on:– the type of unit used in the system (DCNM-APS / DCNM-PS or DCNM-APS2 / DCNM-PS2)– the number of redundant components used in the system.– the amount of redundant network cabling.The following sections explain the redundancy options that can be used when designing yourDICENTIS Conference System. Each option can be combined in the DICENTIS ConferenceSystem, providing you observe the redundant cabling limitations. Refer to:–Redundant cabling for DCNM‑APS/DCNM‑PS units, page 27.–Redundant cabling for DCNM-APS2/DCNM-PS2 units, page 28.–Redundant server PC, page 30.Notice!Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) must be enabled in the DICENTIS Conference Systemfor these redundancy options to work correctly.Notice!Follow these steps when setting up redundancy options for your system:1. First, set up your system without cable redundancy and RSTP configuration in the systemand DICENTIS.2. Secondly, configure RSTP in the switches and DICENTIS.3. Thirdly, enable the cable loops.
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 27Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |4.4.1 Redundant cabling for DCNM‑APS/DCNM‑PS unitsThis section describes how to create redundant cabling for DCNM-APS or DCNM-PS units. Themaximum number of Ethernet devices in the loop (including the root switch) is 22. In a systemwith no Ethernet switch(es), the APS is the root switch.The total number of devices allowed in a loop depends on:– The type of device connected in the loop (for example, DCNM-MMD2 devices consumemore power than DCNM-DE devices).– The length of the loop (cable also consumes power).The figure shows how to calculate the number of devices in the loop. The red line shows thelargest loop. The # sign shows the way the devices are counted.In the example below up to 21 (22 - 1 = 21) discussion devices can be connected.1233#1#2 #22Figure4.7: DICENTIS devices connected with redundant cabling to the same DCNM-APS / DCNM-PS typeunit1: DCNM-APS or DCNM-PS.2: DICENTIS devices.3: DICENTIS cabling (redundant loop).Cabling possibilities (DCNM‑APS/DCNM‑PS) Limitations/requirementsConnect the DICENTIS devices in a daisychain configuration from a high power socketon a DCNM-PS or DCNM-APS to another highpower socket on the same DCNM-PS orDCNM-APS.The redundancy is for cable only. If theDCNM-PS or DCNM-APS fails, all DICENTISdevices connected to that unit will also fail.If a single DICENTIS device fails, the otherDICENTIS devices in the daisy chain willcontinue to work.To enable redundancy, Rapid Spanning TreeProtocol (RSTP) must be enabled.You can use any of the high power sockets (3,4, or 5) to create the daisy chain.The redundant loop must be connected tothe same DCNM-APS or same DCNM-PS.See also– Power supply capacity calculation plan, page 22
28 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.4.4.2 Redundant cabling for DCNM-APS2/DCNM-PS2 unitsThis section describes how to create redundant cabling for DCNM-APS2 / DCNM-PS2 typeunits. The maximum number of Ethernet devices in the largest possible loop (including theroot switch) is 22. In a system with no Ethernet switch(es), the APS is the root switch.The total number of devices allowed in a loop depends on:– The type of device connected in the loop (for example, DCNM-MMD2 devices consumemore power than DCNM-DE devices).– The length of the loop (cable also consumes power).The figure shows how to calculate the number of devices in the loop. The red line shows thelargest loop. The # sign shows the way the devices are counted.In the example below up to 19 (22 - 3 = 19) discussion devices can be connected.#1#2 #22#3 #21134555 55 5442Figure4.8: DICENTIS discussion devices connected with redundant cabling between DCNM-PS2 / DCNM-APS2 type units1: DICENTIS system/client PC.2: Network switch (with optional redundant power supply)3: DCNM-APS24: DCNM-PS25: DICENTIS cabling (redundant loop)Cabling possibilities (DCNM-APS2/DCNM-PS2)Limitations/requirementsCreate a redundant loop by connecting theDICENTIS devices in a daisy chainconfiguration from a high power socket on aDCNM-PS2 / DCNM-APS2 to a high powersocket on another DCNM-PS2.The redundant loop between two DCNM-PS2units is for power and signal. If one of theDCNM-PS2 units fails, the other DCNM-PS2unit will supply power and signal to theDICENTIS devices in the daisy chain.The redundancy is for cable only. If theDCNM-PS or DCNM-APS fails, all DICENTISdevices connected to that unit will also fail.To enable redundancy:– Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)must be enabled in the DICENTISConference System.– a network switch with redundant powersupply, should be connected to theDCNM-PS2 / DCNM-APS2 units, asshown in the previous figure.
DICENTIS System installation design and planning | en 29Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |Cabling possibilities (DCNM-APS2/DCNM-PS2)Limitations/requirementsYou can use any of the high power sockets (3,4, or 5) on either of the DCNM-PS2 units tocreate the daisy chain/redundant loop.For example, high power socket 3 on one unitcan be connected to high power socket 4 onanother unit.Note: The redundant loop must be connectedto another DCNM-PS2 type unit. You cannotuse DCNM-PS / DCNM-APS type units tocreate redundant loops for power.You can create a redundant loop for signalonly, by connecting the DICENTIS devices in adaisy chain configuration to the same DCNM-PS2 or DCNM-APS2, although this is notrecommended.The DCNM-PS2 unit is designed to reducecost of ownership, for example, by allowing amaximum of three redundant loops to beconnected between two DCNM-PS2 units.The redundant loop will function in the sameway as a DCNM-PS / DCNM-APS type unit.Refer to Redundant cabling for DCNM‑APS/DCNM‑PS units, page 27.Notice!Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) must be enabled in the DICENTIS Conference Systemfor these redundancy options to work correctly.See also– Power supply capacity calculation plan, page 22
30 en | System installation design and planning DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.4.4.3 Redundant server PCSystem availability can be improved by connecting a redundant DICENTIS server PC and theassociated components and cables to the DICENTIS Conference System. The maximumnumber of Ethernet devices in the largest possible loop (including the root switch) is 22.The total number of devices allowed in a loop depends on:– The type of device connected in the loop (for example, DCNM-MMD2 devices consumemore power than DCNM-DE devices).– The length of the loop (cable also consumes power).The figure shows how to calculate the number of devices in the loop. The red line shows thelargest loop. The # sign shows the way the devices are counted.In the example below up to 17 (22 - 5 = 17) devices can be connected.#4 #20#2#3 #21#22#11144555322Figure4.9: Redundant DICENTIS server PC with redundant components and cables1: DICENTIS system/client PC2: Network switch (with optional redundant power supply)3: DCNM-APS24: DCNM-PS25: DICENTIS cabling (redundant loop)For this option to work the DICENTIS Conference System has to be run in combination withEverRun Enterprise software from Stratus Technologies. For more information, refer to theStratus Technologies website.Other options that can be used for guaranteeing the reliability of the DICENTIS ConferenceSystem include:– Remote SQL servers.
DICENTIS Installation material and tools | en 31Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |5 Installation material and toolsThis section describes installation material such as cables, connectors and tools.Recommedations– Always use manufacturer specified installation products, materials and tools.– In general, use different cable ducts for the system network cables, audio cables andmains supply cables.– In public areas where people can touch or move above the connectors and cables, usemetal protection covers.!Warning!Do not exceed the bend limitations of system network cables (DCNM‑CBxxx):The minimum bend radius of the system network cable is a 35mm radius.5.1 DICENTIS System Cable AssembliesThe DICENTIS System Cable Assemblies, terminated with connectors on both ends, areavailable in different lengths and are used to connect DICENTIS devices to each other. Thecable consists of a low smoke zero halogen solid core.Ordering number Cable lengthsm ftDCNM-CB02-I 2 6.56DCNM-CB05-I 5 16.40DCNM-CB10-I 10 32.81DCNM-CB25-I 25 82.02Tab.5.6: Cable types and lengthsFigure5.1: DCNM-CBxx-I cable and connector view
32 en | Installation material and tools DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.5.2 DCNM-CBCON Connectors for DICENTIS cableThe connectors are used to make your own system network cables or to replace a connector.The cable can be used for solid core cable (DCNM-CB02-I, DCNM-CB05-I, DCNM-CB10-I,DCNM-CB25-I, DCNM-CB250-I, DCNM-CB250), as well as stranded core cable (DCNM-CB02,DCNM-CB05, DCNMCB10, DCNM-CB25, DCNM-CB02B, DCNM-CB05B, DCNM-CB10B, DCNM-CB25B, DCNM-CB250B).1235798644315679812357986443156798Figure5.2: DCNM-CBCON Front and exploded viewItem Description1 Strain relief boot2 Ferrule3 Plug connector shield4 Power contacts (Qty: 2)5 Load bar6 Power contact cavity (2 places)7 Housing8 Locking latch9 Signal contact cavity (8 Places)See also– DICENTIS System Cable Assemblies, page 31– DCNM-CB250-I System Installation Cable, page 34– DCNM-CBTK System Network Cable Toolkit, page 33
DICENTIS Installation material and tools | en 33Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |5.3 DCNM-CBTK System Network Cable ToolkitThe system network cable toolkit is used to connect the DCNM-CBCON Connectors forDICENTIS cable, page 32 to the DCNM-CB250-I System Installation Cable, page 34 or DICENTISSystem Cable Assemblies, page 31.21Item Description1 Power wiring tool.2 Signal wiring tool.Tab.5.7: Toolkit contentNotice!Please consult the “custom length for system network cables” section on the DVD, which canbe downloaded at:
34 en | Installation material and tools DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.5.4 DCNM-CB250-I System Installation CableThe system installation cable, without connectors, is available in a length of 250 meters and isused for making your own system network cable. Refer also to the sections DCNM-CBCONConnectors for DICENTIS cable, page 32 and DCNM-CBTK System Network Cable Toolkit, page33.Notice!The maximum system network cable length is: 100m / 328,9ft.Notice!Please consult the “custom length for system network cables” section on the DVD, which canbe downloaded at: also– DCNM-CBCON Connectors for DICENTIS cable, page 32
DICENTIS Installation material and tools | en 35Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2018.09 | V1.8 |5.5 DCNM-CBCPLR Cable couplersCable couplers can be used:– to extend cables,– in a floor pod as break-out box,– as an interface between DICENTIS cable and “standard” CAT-5E cable combined with aseparate power cable,– to insert power locally to the participant devices,– to switch the system on by using two cable couplers and a switch.Cable couplers are delivered in a box that contains 6 cable couplers. They can be used for alltypes of DICENTIS cables.5.5.1 Using a cable coupler to extend a cableThe DICENTIS Cable coupler can be used to extend cables, as it allows you to connectDICENTIS Cable assemblies together. This way, it is possible to connect, for example, three 25m (DCNM-CB25-I) cables together to form a 75 m cable.Note:– The cable length is not allowed to exceed 100 m.– No more than 2 cable couplers can be used in one trunk.DCNM-(A)PSDCNM-(A)PS5.5.2 Using a cable coupler as a break-out boxThe DICENTIS Cable coupler can be used in a floor pod as a break-out box, for example, if youwant to connect temporary devices like a rostrum microphone. The cable coupler can befixated using the screw holes (2.5 mm) or via a tie wrap through the recessed area.Note:– The cable length is not allowed to exceed 100 m.– No more than 2 cable couplers can be used in one trunk.
36 en | Installation material and tools DICENTIS2018.09 | V1.8 | Hardware Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems B.V.DCNM-(A)PSInstallation in a floor pod as break-out box5.5.3 Using a cable coupler as an interface between different types of cableThe cable coupler can be used as an interface between DICENTIS cable and “standard”CAT-5E cable, optionally combined with a separate power cable. This can be used, forexample, when standard CAT-5E cabling coming from the technical room has to be connectedwith DICENTIS cable in the conference room.To set this up:1. Open the housing of the cable coupler.2. Connect the power cables to the screw terminals + and -.3. Remove the break-out of the housing to guide the power cables through.4. Create a tension release.!Warning!Risk of electric shock. Exposed power cables are a potential hazard. Make sure all powercables are securely fastened by fixing them with a tie wrap on the inside of the box (seedrawing ‘Creating a tension relief’).5. Close the housing and fix the screw with torque 0.4Nm.Note:– The cable length is not allowed to exceed 100 m.– No more than 2 cable couplers can be used in one trunk.

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