CARRIER Package Units(both Units Combined) Manual L0604564

User Manual: CARRIER CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Manual CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Owner's Manual, CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) installation guides

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HEATING & COOLINGVisit www.carrier.com50JS, 50JX3-Phase Single-Packaged Heat PumpsInstallation, Start-Up,and Service InstructionsNOTE: Read the entire instrdction manual before starting theinstallation.TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................... 1INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 2RECEIVING AND INSTALLATION .......................................... 2Check Equipment ...................................................................... 2IDENTIFY UNIT ................................................................ 2INSPECT SIMPMENT ........................................................ 2Provide Unit Support ................................................................ 2ROOF CURB ....................................................................... 2SLAB MOUNT ................................................................... 2GROUND MOUNT ............................................................ 2Provide Clearances .................................................................... 2Rig and Place Unit .................................................................... 2INSPECTION ...................................................................... 2INSTALLATION ................................................................ 2Select and Install Ductwork ..................................................... 4CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TODOWNFLOW (VERTICAL) DISCHARGE UNITS ......... 5Provide for Condensate Disposal ............................................. 7Install Electrical Connections ................................................... 8HIGH-VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS ................................ I 0ROUTING POWER LEADS INTO UNIT ...................... 10CONNECTING GROUND LEAD TO GROUND LUG.10ROUTING CONTROL POWER WIRES (24-V) ............ 13SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR 208-V OPERATION ...15PRE-START-UP .......................................................................... 17START-UP ................................................................................... 17Check for Refrigerant Leaks .................................................. 17Start-Up Adjustments .............................................................. 17CHECKING COOLING AND HEATINGCONTROL OPERATION ................................................. 17CHECKING AND ADJUSTING REFRIGERANTCHARGE ........................................................................... 18REFRIGERANT CHARGE .............................................. 18NO CHARGE .................................................................... 18LOW CHARGE COOLING ............................................. 19TO USE COOLING CHARGING CHARTS .................. 19INDOOR AIRFLOW AND AIRFLOW ADJUST-MENTS .............................................................................. I9MAINTENANCE ......................................................................... 20Air Filter .................................................................................. 21Indoor blower and motor ........................................................ 21OUTDOOR COIL, INDOOR COIL, ANDCONDENSATE DRAIN PAN ............................................... 22Outdoor fan ............................................................................. 23Electrical controls and wiring ................................................ 23Refrigerant circuit ................................................................... 24Indoor airflow ......................................................................... 25Metering device ...................................................................... 25Liquid line strainers ................................................................ 25C99001Fig. 1--Model 50JS/50JXHigh Flow Valves ................................................................... 25Time-delay relay ..................................................................... 25Loss of charge switch ............................................................. 25Check defrost thermostat ........................................................ 25Defrost Thermostat ................................................................. 25TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................... 25START-UP CHECKLIST ............................................................ 25NOTE TO INSTALLER -- READ THESE INSTRUCTIONSCAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY before installing this unit.Also, make sure the Owner's Manual and Service Instructions areleft with the unit after installation.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSInstallation and servicing of air-conditioning equipmem can behazardous due to system pressure and electrical components. Onlytrained and qualified personnel should install, repair, or serviceair-conditioning equipment.Untrained personnel can perform ba._ic maintenance functions ofcleaning coils and filters. All other operations should be performedby trained service personnel. When working on air-conditioningequipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags, and labelsattached to the unit, and other safety precautions that may apply.Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Usequenching cloth for unbrazing operations. Have fire extinguisheravailable for all brazing operations.Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations,PC 101 Printed in U.S.A. Catalog No. 50JS,JX-6SI Pg 1 2-06 NewReplaces:
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, mainte-nance, or use can cause explosion, fire, electric shock, orother occurrences, which could cause serious injury or deathor damage your property. Consult a qualified installer orservice agency for information or assistance. The qualifiedinstaller or agency must use only factory-authorized kits oraccessories when modifying this product.Recognize safety information. This is the safety-aler_ symbolAx.When you see this symbol on the product or in instructions ormanuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.Understand the signal words -- DANGER, WARNING, CAU-TION, and NOTE. Danger identifies the most serious hazards,which will result in severe personal injury or death. Warningindicates a condition that could cause serious personal injury ordeath. Caution is used to identify unsafe practices, which wouldresult in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result inenhanced installation, reliability, or operation.1. The power supply (volts, phase, and hertz) must correspond tothat specified on unit rating plate.2. The electrical supply provided by die utility must be sufficientto handle load imposed by this unit.3. This installation must confurm with local building codes andwith NEC (National Electrical Code). Refer to provincial andlocal plumbing or waste water codes and other applicable localcodes.severe inJUry or death.INTRODUCTIONThe 50JS and 50JX heat pumps are fully self-contained anddesigned for outdoor installation (See Fig. 1). Standard units areshipped in a horizontal-discharge configuration for installation ona ground-level slab, Units can be converted to downflow (vertical)discharge configurations for rooftop applications.RECEIVING AND INSTALLATIONStep 1--Check EquipmentIDENTIFY UNITThe unit model number and serial number are stamped on the unitidentification plate. Check this information against shipping pa-pers.INSPECT SHIPMENTInspect for shipping damage while unit is still on shipping pallet.If ualt appears to be damaged or is torn loose from its anchorage,have it examined by transportation inspectors before removal.Forward claim papers directly to transportation company. Manu-facturer is not responsible for any damage incurred in transit.Check all items against shipping list. Immediately notify thenearest Carder Air Conditioning office if any item is missing. Toprevent loss or damage, leave all parts in original packages untilinstallation.Step 2--Provide Unit SupportROOF CURBInstall accessory roof curb in accordance with instructions shippedwith curb (See Fig. 5). Install insulation, cant strips, roofing, andflashing. Ductwork must be attached to curb.2IMPORTANT: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is criticalfor a watertight seal. Install gaskeling material supplied with theroof curb. Improperly applied gasketing also can result in air leaksand poor unit performance.Curb should be level to within 1/4 in. (See Fig. 6). This isnecessary for unit drain to function properly. Refer to accessoryroof curb installation instructions for additional information a-srequired.SLAB MOUNTPlace the unit on a solid, level concrete pad that is a minimum of4 in. thick with 2 in. above grade (See Fig. 7). The slab shouldextend approximately 2 in. beyond the casing on all 4 sides of theunit. Do not secure the unit to the slab except when required bylocal codes.GROUND MOUNTThe unit may be installed either on a slab or placed directly on theground if local codes permit. Place the unit on level groundprepared with gravel for condensate discharge.Step 3---Provide ClearancesThe required minimum service clearances are shown in Figs. 2 and3. Adequate ventilation and ouUloor air must be provided. Theoutdoor fan draws air through the outdoor coil and discharges itthrough the top fan grille. Be sure that the fan discharge does notrecirculate to the outdoor coil. Do not locate the unit in either acorner or under an overhead obstruction. The minimum clearanceunder a partial overhang (such as a normal house overhang) is 36in. above the unit top. The maximum horizontal extension of apartial overhang must not exceed 48 in. For extended overhangs,provide a minimum clearance of 48 in.IMPORTANT: Do not restrict outdoor airflow. An air restrictionat either the outdoor-air inlet or die fan discharge may bedetrimental to compressor life.Do not place the unit where water, ice, or snow from an overhangor roof will damage or flood the unit. Do not install the unit oncarpeting or other combustible materials. Slab-mounted unitsshould be at least 4 in. above the highest expected water and runofflevels. Do not use unit if it has been under water.Step 4--Rig and Place UnitRigging and handling of this equipment can be hazardous for manyreasons due to the installation location (roofs, elevated structures,etc.)Only trained, qualified crane operators and ground support staffshould handle and install this equipment.When working with this equipment, observe precautions in theliterature, on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the equipment,and any other safety precautions that might apply.Follow all applicable safety codes. Wear safety shoes and workgloves.INSPECTIONPrior to initial use, and at monthly intervals, all rigging bracketsand straps should be visually inspected for any damage, evidenceof wear, structural deformation, or cracks, particular attentionshould be paid to excessive wear at hoist hooking points and loadsupport areas. Brackets or straps showing any kind of wear in theseareas must not be used and should be discarded.INSTALLATION1. Remove unit from shipping carton. Leave top shipping skid onthe unit as a spreader bar to prevent the rigging straps fromdamaging the unit. If the wood skid is not available, use aspreader bar of sufficient length to protect unit from damage.

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