CLEVO M72R Notebook User Manual Part II

CLEVO Co. Notebook Users Manual Part II


Users Manual Part II

Modules & OptionsPC Camera Module 7 - 197Figure 7 - 13Audio Setup for PC CameraRight-click
Modules & Options7 - 20 PC Camera Module7BisonCap (for 1.3M pixel camera module)BisonCap is a video viewer useful for general purpose video viewing and testing,and can capture video files to .avi format.1. Run the BisonCap program from the Start > Programs/All Programs > Bison-Cam menu (it is recommended that you set the capture file before the capture process - see Set Capture File below).2. Go to the Capture menu heading (if you wish to capture audio check “PC Camera Audio Setup (all camera modules)” on page 7 - 18) and select Start Capture.3. On the first run of the program (if you have not set the captured file) you will be asked to choose a file name and size (see the sidebar - Pre-Allocating File Space) for the captured file. Click Start Capture again.4. Click OK to start capturing the video, and press Esc to stop the capture.5. If you wish to, you may go to the File menu and select Save Captured Video As..., choose a file name and location, and then click Open (you can view the file using the Windows Media Player).Set Capture FileIn the BisonCap program you will only be asked to set the capture file name on thefirst run of the program. When you run the program the next time the file will auto-matically be overwritten with the newly captured file. To avoid overwriting files youcan go to the Set Capture File.. option in the File menu, and set the file name andlocation before capture. Set the name and location then click Open (you can chooseCancel to ignore the file size if prompted).Pre-Allocating File SpaceYou may pre-allocate thefile size for the capture filein the BisonCap pro-gram. You can choose toignore this by clickingCancel.Pre-allocating space onthe hard disk can improvethe capture quality (par-ticularly of large capturefiles), by reducing theamount of work the harddisk has to do in findingspace for the video dataas it is being captured.
Modules & OptionsPC Camera Module 7 - 217Eliminating Screen Flicker (BisonCap)If you find that the video screen in the BisonCap program is flickering, you can tryto adjust the setting in the Video Capture Filter options.1. Run the BisonCap program.2. Go to Options and scroll down to select Video Capture Filter....3. Click either 50Hz or 60Hz under Frequency in Property Page (tab).Figure 7 - 14Video Capture Filter
Modules & Options7 - 22 PC Camera Module7Video View (for 2.0M pixel camera module)Video View is a video viewer useful for general purpose video viewing and testing,and can capture video files to .avi format.1. Run the Video View program from the Start > Programs/All Programs > USB2.0 PC Camera menu (it is recommended that you set the capture file before the capture process - see Set Capture File below).2. Go to the Capture menu heading (if you wish to capture audio check “PC Camera Audio Setup (all camera modules)” on page 7 - 18) and select Start Capture.3. Click OK (the file location will be displayed in the pop-up box) to start capturing the video, and press Esc to stop the capture.Set Capture FilePrior to capturing video files you may Set Capture File... To avoid overwriting filesyou can go to the Set Capture File.. option in the File menu, and set the file nameand location before capture. Set the name and location then click Open (you canchoose Cancel to ignore the file size if prompted).Pre-Allocating File SpaceYou may pre-allocate thefile size for the capture filein the Video View pro-gram.Pre-allocating space onthe hard disk can improvethe capture quality (par-ticularly of large capturefiles), by reducing theamount of work the harddisk has to do in findingspace for the video dataas it is being captured.
Modules & OptionsPC Camera Module 7 - 237Eliminating Screen Flicker (Video View)If you find that the video screen in the Video View program is flickering, you cantry to adjust the setting in the Video Capture Filter options.1. Run the Video View program.2. Go to Options and scroll down to select Video Capture Filter....3. Click either 50Hz or 60Hz under Flickering Reduction in Image (tab).Figure 7 - 15Video Capture Filter
Modules & Options7 - 24 PC Camera Module7Zoom (Video View)If you have enabled digital zoom when installing the 2.0M Pixel Camera driver youmay use the Options > Setting menu to zoom the camera in and out.1. Run the Video View program.2. Go to Options and scroll down to select Setting.3. Use the slider to adjust the zoom level, and click OK to save the setting.Still Image Capture (Video View)You can capture still images by using the Snapshot command from the Capturemenu.1. Run the Video View program.2. Go to Capture and select Snapshot.3. The picture (in JPEG format) will be placed in the Snapshot folder on the desktop.Figure 7 - 16SettingSnapshot FolderThe Snapshot folder’sdefault location is on thedesktop. Do not movethis folder or an errormay appear when youtry to take a still picture.If you accidentally de-lete or move the folder,you can create a newSnapshot folder on thedesktop in order to cap-ture the files.Figure 7 - 17Snapshot Folder
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 257Trusted Platform ModuleBefore setting up the TPM functions you must initialize the security platform.Initializing TPM1. Restart the computer.2. Enter the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility by pressing F2 during the POST.3. Use the arrow keys to select the Security menu.4. Select TPM Support and set the item to Enabled.5. The TPM State menu will then appear.Figure 7 - 18TPM SupportMain Advanced SSeeccuurriittyyTPM State Boot ExitF1 Help  Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc Exit  Select Menu Enter Select Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitItem Specific HelpEnable Trusted PlatformModule supportSecurityPhoenix TrustedCore(tm) Setup UtilitySupervisor Password Is: ClearSet Supervisor Password [Enter]Password on boot: [Disabled]Fixed disk boot sector: [Normal]TPM Support [Enabled]
Modules & Options7 - 26 Trusted Platform Module76. Use the arrow keys to select the TPM State menu.7. Select TPM State, and set the item to Enable & Activate.8. Press F10 to save the changed BIOS information, exit the BIOS and restart the computer.9. If you make any changes to the TPM State you will be asked to Execute/Reject the change after restart (“Physical Presence Operations” on page 5 - 13).10. You can now install the TPM driver (see overleaf).Figure 7 - 19TPM State Main Advanced Security Boot ExitF1 Help  Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc Exit  Select Menu Enter Select Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitItem Specific HelpChanges TPM StateTPM StateNo ChangeEnable & ActivateDeactivate & DisableClearCurrent TPM State: Enabled and DeactivatedChange TPM State [Enable & Activate ]Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Setup Utility
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 277TPM Module Driver Installation1. Insert the Device Drivers & Utilities + User’s Manual CD-ROM (Win Vista) into the CD/DVD drive.2. Click Install Option Drivers (button).3. Click 4.Install TPM Driver > Yes.4. Click Next.5. Click the button to accept the license agreement, and then click Next.6. Click Next > Next > Install.7. Click Finish.8. Run the TPM application program from the shortcut on the desktop, or from the TPM Secure Tools item in the Start > Programs/All Programs menu.
Modules & Options7 - 28 Trusted Platform Module7Initializing TPMOn the first run of the program you will need to initialize the TPM.1. Run the application from the Security Manager shortcut on the desktop, or from the TPM Secure Tools item in the Start > Programs/All Programs menu.2. Click Next.3. Type a TPM Owner Password, and then retype to confirm the password.4. Click Next (you may want to add Owner Password Tips) > Next to begin the owner initialization process.5. Click Finish to start User Initialization process.Password WarningDo not lose the pass-word. If you do so youwill be unable to makeadministrative changesunless you clear theTPM. This could then re-sult in data loss.Recovery TokenNote the location of theemergency recovery to-ken. It is recommendedthat you save the file toremovable media suchas a USB Flash drive (orbackup using the toolprovided - see page 7 -36).Figure 7 - 20TPM Owner Initialization
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 2976. Click Next.7. Type a TPM User Password, and then retype to confirm the password.8. Click Next > (you may want to add Owner Password Tips) Next to begin the user initialization process.9. Click Finish and then enter the user password and click Logon.Figure 7 - 21TPM User Initialization & Logon
Modules & Options7 - 30 Trusted Platform Module7TPM ManagerThe TPM Manager allows you to manage and check the TPM state, manage yourpassword information, and to backup and restore the TPM data. As TPM is usuallyadministered within large enterprises and organizations, your system administratorwill need to assist you in managing the information in the TPM Manager.Figure 7 - 22TPM Manager (TPM Information)
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 317Encrypting/Decrypting a FileYou can encrypt and decrypt files from the context menu in Windows.1. Right-click the file icon to bring up the context menu.2. Select File Encryption Tool.3. Select Encrypt/Decrypt.4. The file will then be encrypted/decrypted.5. Click OK.Figure 7 - 23Encrypting/Decrypting a File
Modules & Options7 - 32 Trusted Platform Module7Creating an Encrypted Virtual DiskYou can create an encrypted virtual disk drive (an area of the hard disk you can hideand mount when required) from the Security Manager application.1. Run the application from the Security Manager shortcut on the desktop, or from the TPM Secure Tools item in the Start > Programs/All Programs menu.2. Click Encryption Tools.3. Click Encrypted Virtual Disk.4. Click New.Figure 7 - 24Encrypted Virtual Disk
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 3375. Type in the Image File name, Volume Label, location (Browse to file location) and capacity in MB (maximum size is 1GB).6. Click OK.7. The disk will now be created.8. Click OK.Figure 7 - 25Create Encrypted Virtual DiskImage FileDO NOT lose the image file oryou will be unable to mountthe disk, and this may result indata loss. It is recommendedthat you save the file to remov-able media such as a USBFlash drive, and then store it ina safe location.
Modules & Options7 - 34 Trusted Platform Module7Mounting and Removing an Encrypted Virtual DiskYou can mount and remove the disk using the Security Manager application.1. Run the application from the Security Manager shortcut on the desktop, or from the TPM Secure Tools item in the Start > Programs/All Programs menu.2. Click Encryption Tools.3. Click Encrypted Virtual Disk.4. Click Mount to bring up any virtual disk, or click Remove to hide the disk.5. When mounting a disk you will be asked to browse to the image file.Figure 7 - 26Mount Encrypted Virtual Disk
Modules & OptionsTrusted Platform Module 7 - 3576. Mounting the disk will require the encrypted image file.7. If you click Disconnect you can hide the disk without the need to browse to the encrypted image file (simply click Connect to bring up disk again).8. Clicking Remove will clear the disk information from the menu (the data is still safe), and you will be required to Mount the disk again to access it (by accessing the encrypted image file).Figure 7 - 27Encrypted Virtual Disk
Modules & Options7 - 36 Trusted Platform Module7Backing up a TPM ProfileIt is recommended that you backup your TPM profile and save it to a safe location(DO NOT save the file to a virtual disk).1. Run the application from the Security Manager shortcut on the desktop, or from the TPM Secure Tools item in the Start > Programs/All Programs menu.2. Click Backup and Restore.3. Click Backup > Next.4. Click Browse.. (button) to save the file to a removable media.5. Click Next > Next > Finish.6. The file can be restored from the Backup and Restore menu.Figure 7 - 28Backup and Restore
Modules & Options3.5G Module 7 - 3773.5G ModuleIf you have included an optional 3.5G module (see “Communication” on page  A -4 for specification details) in your purchase option, you will have the appropriatesoftware provided for your module. Follow the instructions below to install theUSIM card (which will be provided by your service provider), and then install theapplication.Before installing the application, make sure that the 3.5G module is on. Use the Fn+ _() key combination (see “Function/Hot Key Indicators” on page 1 - 10) totoggle power to the 3.5G module. Make sure you install the drivers in the order in-dicated in Table , on page 4 - 3.1. Turn off the computer, and turn it over and remove the battery.2. Locate the hard disk bay cover and loosen screws   &  .3. Remove the hard disk bay cover  .4. Grip the tab and slide the hard disk in the direction of arrow   to remove it.Power Safety WarningBefore you undertakeany installation proce-dures, make sure thatyou have turned off thepower, and disconnect-ed all peripherals andcables (including tele-phone lines). It is advis-able to also remove yourbattery in order to pre-vent accidentally turningthe machine on.Figure 7 - 29Hard Disk Removal12343214
Modules & Options7 - 38 3.5G Module75. Insert the USIM card as you would into your mobile phone.6. The 3.5G module   is pictured on the left, and the installed USIM card   on the right in Figure 7 - 30.7. Slide the SIMLOCK in the direction of the arrow   (Figure 7 - 31) in order to release the lock and lift it up.Figure 7 - 30Module and USIM Card LocationFigure 7 - 31SIMLOCK Unlock5 65677
Modules & Options3.5G Module 7 - 3978. Insert the USIM card as illustrated in (Figure 7 - 32) and close the SIMLOCK.9. Close the SIMLOCK by pushing it in the direction of the arrow in Figure 7 - 33.10. Replace the hard disk assembly, cover, screws and battery etc.Figure 7 - 32Insert the USIM CardFigure 7 - 33SIMLOCK Lock
Modules & Options7 - 40 3.5G Module73G Watcher ApplicationWith the 3.5G module and USIM card (provided by your service provider) installedyou may then install the 3G Watcher application. The 3.5G Watcher application al-lows you to directly access your 3.5G internet service from the computer.3G Watcher Application Installation1. Insert the Device Drivers & Utilities + User’s Manual CD-ROM (Win Vista) into the CD/DVD drive.2. Click Install Option Drivers (button).3. Click 4.Install 3G Driver > Yes (or 5.Install 3G Driver if TPM is enabled).4. Click Next.5. Choose your region, and click Next.6. Click the button to accept the license agreement, and then click Next.7. Click Next > Install.8. Click Finish, and the 3G Watcher icon   will appear on the desktop.9. You can access the 3G Watcher application from the Start menu (Start > Programs/All Programs > Sierra Wireless > 3G Watcher), or by clicking the desktop icon  .10. Make sure you enable power to the module by pressing the Fn + _( ) key combination (the icon   will be green).Wireless Device Operation Aboard AircraftThe use of any portableelectronic transmission de-vices aboard aircraft is usu-ally prohibited. Make surethe module(s) are OFF ifyou are using the computeraboard aircraft.Use the Fn + _ () keycombination to toggle pow-er to the 3.5G module, andcheck the indicator to see ifthe module is powered onor not (see Table 1 - 5, onpage 1 - 10/Table 1 - 3, onpage 1 - 7).
Modules & Options3.5G Module 7 - 417Setting Up a Carrier ProfileAlthough the connection information is stored on the USIM card supplied by the ser-vice provider, you will need to set up the appropriate carrier profile from the 3GWatcher software.1. Power on the 3.5G module using the Fn + _() key combination (the icon   will be green).2. Access the 3G Watcher application from the Start menu (Start > Programs/All Programs > Sierra Wireless > 3G Watcher), or by clicking the desktop icon  .3. Click Tools and select Options.4. Click Profiles and then click the Add new profile button , and select WWAN profile.Figure 7 - 34Add WWAN Profile
Modules & Options7 - 42 3.5G Module75. You can then enter a new profile name or choose a profile from the drop-down list provided by the software (see the sidebars for information on the profile details).6. Click Apply > OK to save the information.7. You can choose the profile from the pull-down menu.Figure 7 - 35User OptionsProfile DetailsIf you have chosen theprofile from the drop-down list then most of theinformation in the Gener-al and Advanced tabsshould be automaticallyfilled in for you (howevercheck with your serviceprovider for the latest in-formation as you may atleast need to add in yourUsername and Pass-word).Figure 7 - 36Choose ProfileProfile InformationClick General and/or Ad-vanced (and the sub-menus under Advanced)in the left menu, and thenclick in any of the fields toadd the appropriate infor-mation supplied by yourservice provider.
Modules & Options3.5G Module 7 - 437Connecting to the Service Provider1. Power on the 3.5G module using the Fn + _() key combination (the icon   will be green).2. You can access the 3G Watcher application from the Start menu (Start > Programs/All Programs > Sierra Wireless > 3G Watcher), or by clicking the desktop icon  .3. The software will run and display the service provider name (see “Setting Up a Carrier Profile” on page 7 - 41).4. Click Connect   to begin the connection process.5. The 3G Watcher application will then display the connection information in the window.
Modules & Options7 - 44 3.5G Module76. When the connection is successful a taskbar notification will appear (as below).7. You can then access the internet, download e-mail etc. as per any internet connection.8. While you are connected the taskbar icon will be green   (it will be red   when the program is running but not connected).9. To disconnect click the Disconnect  icon.10. The program will disconnect from the service provider.11. The module will still be on, and you will need to press the Fn + _() key combination (the icon   will be off when disconnected).Figure 7 - 37Connected Taskbar NotificationFigure 7 - 383GWatcher Connected
Modules & Options3.5G Module 7 - 45712. If you click the 3G Watcher close icon   a message will be displayed asking you to click OK to confirm the program exit. 13. Exiting the program DOES NOT turn off the 3.5G module, and you will need to press the Fn + _() key combination to turn off the module (pay careful attention to this aboard aircraft - see “Wireless Device Operation Aboard Aircraft” on page 7 - 40).14. If the module is on and the computer enters a power-saving state, then the power status of the module on resuming from the power-saving state will be as below:• If the 3.5G module is on and the computer is Shut Down; the module will be off when the computer starts up.• If the 3.5G module is on and the computer enters Sleep; the module will be on when the computer resumes from sleep.• If the 3.5G module is on and the computer enters Hibernate; the module will be off when the computer starts up.• If the 3.5G module is on and you Restart the computer; the module will be on when the computer starts up.Figure 7 - 39Exit Warning
Modules & Options7 - 46 3.5G Module7Short Messaging ServiceIn addition to standard internet services you may also send and receive SMS textmessages using the 3G Watcher program, if your service supports SMS.Reading SMS Messages1. The SMS message indicator   in the main window will notify you of any new messages received.2. Double-click the icon   or select Tools > SMS Express.3. Select the inbox folder and select any message to read it.4. You cannot receive any new messages if the USIM card becomes full so you will need to delete some of the messages in order to fee up space on the USIM card.Creating and Sending SMS Messages1. Double-click the icon   or select Tools > SMS Express.2. Select File > New Message or click the New button.3. Enter the recipient’s number in the To.. field or click the To.. button to select an entry from the phone book, and click the Message button.4. Type in the message details in the message body area.5. Click the Send button (or save the message to send later).For more details on SMS see 3GWatcher Online Help from the Help > Help Top-ics menu.
TroubleshootingOverview 8 - 18Chapter 8: TroubleshootingOverviewShould you have any problems with your computer, before consulting your service representative, you may wantto try to solve the problem yourself. This chapter lists some common problems and their possible solutions. Thiscan’t anticipate every problem, but you should check here before you panic. If you don’t find the answer in thesepages, make sure you have followed the instructions carefully and observed the safety precautions in the preface.If all else fails, talk to your service representative. You should also make a record of what happened and whatremedies you tried.Of course, if something goes wrong, it will happen at the most inconvenient time possible, so you should previewthis section just in case. If, after you’ve tried everything, and the system still won’t cooperate, try turning it offfor a few minutes and then rebooting. You will lose any unsaved data, but it may start working again. Then callyour service representative.
Troubleshooting8 - 2 Basic Hints and Tips8Basic Hints and TipsMany of the following may seem obvious but they are often the solution to a problem when your computer ap-pears not to be working. •Power - Is the computer actually plugged into a working electrical outlet? If plugged into a power strip, make sure it is actually working. Check the LED Power & Communication Indicators (see “LED Indica-tors” on page 1 - 7) to see the computer’s power status.•Connections - Check all the cables to make sure that there are no loose connections anywhere.•Power Savings - Make sure that the system is not in Hibernate or Sleep mode by pressing the keys config-ured in your Power Options (see “Power-Saving States” on page 3 - 6), the Fn + F4 key combination, or power button to wake-up the system.•Brightness - Check the brightness of the screen by pressing the Fn + F8 and F9 keys to adjust the bright-ness.•Display Choice - Press Fn + F7 to make sure the system is not set to “external only” display.•Boot Drive - Make sure there are no optical media and/or USB storage devices in any connected drive (this is a common cause of the message “Invalid system disk - Replace the disk, and then press any key” / “Remove disks or other media. Press any key to restart”).
TroubleshootingBackup and General Maintenance 8 - 38Backup and General Maintenance•Always backup your important data, and keep copies of your OS and programs safe, but close to hand. Don’t forget to note the serial numbers if you are storing them out of their original cases, e.g. in a CD wal-let.• Run maintenance programs on your hard disk and OS as often as you can. You may schedule these pro-grams to run at times when you are not using your computer. You can use those that are provided free with your OS, or buy the more powerful dedicated programs to do so.• Write down your passwords and keep them safe (away from your computer). This is especially important if you choose to use a Supervisor password for the BIOS (see “The Power-On Self Test (POST)” on page 5 - 2).• Keep copies of vital settings files such as network, dialup settings, mail settings etc.(even if just brief notes).WarrantyThe CPU is not a user serviceable part. Opening this compartment, or accessing the CPU in any way, may violate your war-ranty.
Troubleshooting8 - 4 Viruses8Viruses• Install an Anti-Virus program and keep the definitions file (the file which tells your program which viruses to look for) up to date. New computer viruses are discovered daily, and some of them may seriously harm your computer and cause you to lose data. Anti-Virus programs are commercially available and the defini-tions file updates are usually downloadable directly from the internet.• Be careful when opening e-mail from sources you don’t know. Viruses are often triggered from within e-mail attachments so take care when opening any attached file. You can configure most Anti-Virus pro-grams to check all e-mail attachments. Note: You should also beware of files from people you know as the virus may have infected an address book and been automatically forwarded without the person’s knowl-edge.• Keep a “Bootable CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/USB storage device” (this CD/DVD/USB device provides basic information which allows you to startup your computer) handy. You may refer to your OS’s documentation for instructions on how to make one, and many Anti-Virus programs will also provide such a disk (or at least instructions on how to make one).
TroubleshootingUpgrading and Adding New Hardware/Software 8 - 58Upgrading and Adding New Hardware/Software• Do not be tempted to make changes to your Windows Registry unless you are very sure of what you are doing, otherwise you will risk severely damaging your system.• Don’t open your computer or undertake any repair or upgrade work if you are not comfortable with what you are doing.• Read the documentation. We can assume, since you are reading this that you are looking at the computer’s manual, but what about any new peripheral devices you have just purchased? Many problems are caused by the installation of new hardware and/or software. Always refer to the documentation of any new hardware and/or software, and pay particular attention to files entitled “READ ME” or “READ ME FIRST”.• When installing a new device always make sure the device is powered on, and in many cases you will need to restart the computer. Always check that all the cables are correctly connected.• Make sure you have installed the drivers for any new hardware you have installed (latest driver files are usually available to download from vendor’s websites).
Troubleshooting8 - 6 Upgrading and Adding New Hardware/Software8• Thoroughly check any recent changes you made to your system as these changes may affect one or more system components, or software programs. If possible, go back and undo the change you just made and see if the problem still occurs.• Don’t over complicate things. The less you have to deal with then the easier the source of the problem may be found; Example - if your computer has many devices plugged into its ports, and a number of programs running, then it will be difficult to determine the cause of a problem. Try disconnecting all of the devices and restarting the computer with all the peripheral devices unplugged. A process of elimination (adding and removing devices and restarting where necessary) will often find the source of a problem, although this may be time consuming.
TroubleshootingProblems and Possible Solutions 8 - 78Problems and Possible SolutionsProblem Possible Cause - SolutionYou turned on the powerbut it doesn’t work.Battery missing / incorrectly installed. Check the battery bay, make sure the battery is presentand seated properly (the design of the battery only allows it to go in one way). Make sure there’snothing interfering with the battery contacts.The battery LED powerindicator  , is blinkingorange.Low Battery. Plug in the DC power source. If the computer doesn’t start up immediately, turn it offthen on again.You are losing batterypower too quickly.The system is using too much power. If your OS has a Power Options scheme (see “PowerPlans” on page 3 - 4/“Power Schemes” on page D - 18) check its settings. You may also beusing an ExpressCard/USB device/external device that is drawing a lot of power.Actual battery operatingtime is shorter thanexpected.The battery has not been fully discharged before being recharged. Make sure the battery is fullydischarged and recharge it completely before reusing (see “Battery Information” on page 3 -10/“Battery Information” on page D - 23).Power Options have been disabled. Go to the Control Panel in  Windows and re-enable theoptions.A peripheral device/USB device/ExpressCard is consuming a lot of power. Turn off/remove theunused device to save power.
Troubleshooting8 - 8 Problems and Possible Solutions8The computer feels toohot.Make sure the computer is properly ventilated and the Vent/Fan intakes are not blocked. If thisdoesn’t cool it down, put the system into Hibernate mode or turn it off for an hour. Make sure thecomputer isn’t sitting on a thermal surface (see “Overheating” on page 1 - 14). Make sureyou’re using the correct adapter. Make sure that your notebook is completely powered off before putting it into a travel bag (or anysuch container). Putting a notebook which is powered on in a travel bag may cause the Vent/Fanintakes to be blocked.Nothing appears onscreen.The system is in a power saving mode. Toggle the sleep/resume key combination, Fn + F4 (see“Configuring the Power Buttons” on page 3 - 8/“Configuring the Power Button” on page D- 22).The screen controls need to be adjusted. Toggle the screen control key combinations Fn + F8/F9.If you’re connected to an external monitor, make sure it’s plugged in and turned on. You shouldalso check the monitor’s own brightness and contrast controls.The computer is set for a different display. Toggle the screen display key combination, Fn + F7. Ifan external monitor is connected, turn it on.The screen saver is activated. Press any key or touch the TouchPad.No image appears on theexternal monitor I haveplugged in and poweredon.You haven’t installed the video driver and configured it appropriately from the Control Panel. SeeAppendix B/“Video Features” on page D - 7 for instructions on installing and configuring thevideo driver.Problem Possible Cause - Solution
TroubleshootingProblems and Possible Solutions 8 - 98You forget the bootpassword.If you forget the password, you may have to discharge the battery of the CMOS. Contact yourservice representative for help.The sound cannot beheard or the volume isvery low.The volume might be set too low. Check the volume control in the Volume Control Panel in theWindows taskbar, or use the key combination Fn + F5 and F6 (see  “Function/Hot KeyIndicators” on page 1 - 10) to adjust.The CD/DVD cannot beread.The CD/DVD is dirty. Clean it with a CD/DVD cleaner kit.The CD/DVD tray willnot open when there is adisc in the tray.The CD/DVD is not correctly placed in the tray. Gently try to remove the disc using the eject hole(see “Loading Discs” on page 2 - 3).The  DVD regionalcodes can no longer bechanged.The code has been changed the maximum 5 times. See “DVD Regional Codes” on page 2 - 5/“DVD Regional Codes” on page D - 2.Problem Possible Cause - SolutionPassword WarningIf you choose to set a boot password, NEVER forget your password. The consequences of this could be serious. If you cannotremember your boot password you must contact your vendor and you may lose all of the information on your hard disk.
Troubleshooting8 - 10 Problems and Possible Solutions8Unwelcome numbersappear when typing.If the LED   is lit, then Num Lock is turned ON. (see “LED Indicators” on page 1 - 7).The  system freezes orthe screen goes dark.The system’s power saving features have timed-out. Use the AC/DC adapter, press the sleep (Fn+ F4) key combination, or press the power button if no LEDs are lit.The system never goesinto a power savingmode.Power Options features are not enabled. Go to the Windows Power Options menu and enablethe features you prefer (see “Power-Saving States” on page 3 - 6/“System Power Options”on page D - 20). Make sure you have enabled Hibernate mode from the control panel.The  Wireless LAN/Bluetooth/3.5G modulescannot be detected.The modules are off. Check the LED indicator   and/or function key indicator to see if theWLAN/Bluetooth/3.5G module is on or off (see “LED Indicators” on page 1 - 7). If the LEDindicator is off, then press the Fn + F11 (WLAN), Fn + F12 (Bluetooth) or Fn + _   (3.5G) keycombination(s) in order to enable the modules (see “Function/Hot Key Indicators” on page 1 -10).Problem Possible Cause - SolutionOther KeyboardsIf your keyboard is damaged or you just want to make a change, you can use any standard USB keyboard. The system willdetect and enable it automatically. However special functions/hot keys unique to the system’s regular keyboard may notwork.
TroubleshootingProblems and Possible Solutions 8 - 118The PC Camera modulecannot be detected.The module is off. Press the Fn + F10 key combination in order to enable the module (see“Function/Hot Key Indicators” on page 1 - 10). Run the BisonCap/Video View program toview the camera picture.The  Wireless LAN/Bluetooth/ PC Camera/3.5G modules cannot beconfigured.The driver(s) for the module(s) have not been installed. Make sure you have installed the driverfor the appropriate module (see the instructions for the appropriate module in “Modules &Options” on page 7 - 1/“Module Drivers” on page D - 31).Problem Possible Cause - Solution
Interface (Ports & Jacks)Interface (Ports & Jacks) A - 1AAppendix A: Interface (Ports & Jacks)OverviewThe following chapter will give a quick description of the interface (ports & jacks) which allow your computerto communicate with external devices, connect to the internet etc.
Interface (Ports & Jacks)A - 2 Interface (Ports & Jacks)ANotebook Ports and JacksItem DescriptionCard Reader Port The card reader allows you to use some of the latest digital storage cards. Push the card into theslot and it will appear as a removable device.DC-In Jack Plug the supplied AC/DC adapter into this jack to power your computer.External Monitor (VGA) PortThis port allows you to connect an external monitor, or Flat Panel Display, to get dual video orsimultaneous display on the LCD and external monitor/FPD.Headphone-Out Jack Headphones or speakers may be connected through this jack. Note: Set your system’s volume toa reduced level before connecting to this jack.Microphone-In Jack Plug an external microphone in to this jack to record on your computer.
Interface (Ports & Jacks)Interface (Ports & Jacks) A - 3AMini-IEEE 1394 Port This port allows a high-speed connection to various peripheral devices, e.g. external disk drivesand digital cameras (see note below).RJ-11 Modem Jack This port connects to the built-in modem. You may plug the telephone line directly into this RJ-11telephone connection. Note: Broadband (e.g. ADSL) modems usually connect to the LAN port.RJ-45 LAN Jack This port supports LAN (Network) functions.Note: Broadband (e.g. ADSL) modems usually connect to the LAN port.Security Lock Slot To prevent possible theft, a Kensington-type lock can be attached to this slot. Locks can bepurchased at any computer store.S/PDIF-Out Jack This S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) Out Jack allows you to connect your DVD-capable PC to a Dolby AC-3 compatible receiver for “5.1” or ‘dts’ surround sound.Item DescriptionMini-IEEE 1394 PortThe Mini-IEEE 1394 port only supports SELF POWERED IEEE 1394 devices.
Interface (Ports & Jacks)A-4AUSB 2.0/1.1 Ports These USB 2.0 compatible ports (USB 2.0 is fully USB 1.1 compliant) are for low-speedperipherals such as keyboards, mice or scanners, and for high-speed peripherals such asexternal HDDs, digital video cameras or high-speed scanners etc. Devices can be plugged intothe computer, and unplugged from the computer, without the need to turn the system off (if thepower rating of your USB device is 500mA or above, make sure you use the power supply whichcomes with the device).Item Description
Intel Video Driver ControlsIntel Video Driver Installation B - 1BAppendix B: Intel Video Driver ControlsThe basic settings for configuring the LCD are outlined in “Video Features” onpage 1 - 16.Intel Video Driver InstallationMake sure you install all the drivers in the order indicated in Table 4 - 1, on page 4 - 3.Video1. Insert the Device Drivers & Utilities + User’s Manual CD-ROM (Win Vista) into the CD/DVD drive.2. Click Install Vista Drivers.1. Click 1.Install Video Driver > Yes.2. Click Next > Yes > Next > Next.3. Click Finish to restart the computer.Dynamic Video Memory TechnologyIntel® DVMT automatically and dynamically allocates as much system memory(RAM) as needed to the video system (the video driver must be installed). DVMTreturns whatever memory is no longer needed to the operating system. To adjust thetotal video memory used by the computer (Pre-Allocated + Fixed + DVMT) see“Total Graphics Memory: (Advanced Menu)” on page 5 - 9.DVMT NotesDVMT is not local videomemory.DVMT will not functionin MS-DOS. DOS usesthe legacy memory indi-cated.
Intel Video Driver ControlsB - 2 Intel Graphics PropertiesBIntel Graphics PropertiesMore advanced video configuration options are provided by the Intel(R) GraphicsMedia Accelerator Driver for Mobile.1. Open the Display Settings control panel (see “Video Features” on page 1 - 16) and click Advanced Settings (button).2. Click the Intel(R)... tab and click Graphics Properties (button).Taskbar IconThe  Intel GMA controlpanel can also be ac-cessed by clicking theicon   in the taskbarand selecting GraphicsProperties from themenu.If you cannot see thetray icon click the “ShowTray Icon” tickbox in theIntel(R) Graphics Me-dia Accelerator for Mo-bile tab.Figure B - 1Intel Graphics Properties
Intel Video Driver ControlsIntel Graphics Properties B - 3BYou may make changes to the devices, color, schemes, Hot Keys etc. by clickingthe appropriate menu item or button. Click Information (button) to obtain useful in-formation about the graphics properties of the computer, and see the Support tab inInformation to get weblinks to the latest information on the Intel Website.Help MenusRight-click on many ofthe items in the tabs tobring up the “What’sThis?” button.Click the “What’s This?”button to bring up thehelp menu.Multiple DisplayAt least one other dis-play must be attached inorder to view MultipleDisplay options.Figure B - 2Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for mobile(Control Panel Tabs)
Intel Video Driver ControlsB - 4 Intel Graphics PropertiesBScheme OptionsUse Scheme Options to configure quick settings for applications which require spe-cific resolution and color settings in order to run properly e.g. games, multimediaprograms. To set the scheme options:1. Open the Display Settings control panel and click Advanced Settings (button).2. Click the Intel(R)... tab and click Graphics Properties (button).3. Configure your display configuration, resolution etc. as per your requirements fromDisplay Settings.4. Click on Scheme Options (button).5. Type a name for the scheme then click Save.6. If you want to automatically launch an application when running the scheme clickon Browse (button).7. Browse to the executable file for the application you want to set the scheme for(see sidebar), and click Open to select it.8. Click Save (Save > OK) to save the settings (you can click in the "Restore thedisplay settings after exiting this application" box to return to your originalsettings when you exit the program).9. Click OK to exit the window.10. You can run the scheme by clicking the taskbar icon   and selecting the schemefrom Select Scheme.Application.exeYou will need to locatethe actual applicationexecutable (.exe) file,not just the shortcut. Tofind the application right-click its shortcut on thedesktop click Proper-ties. Click the Shortcut(tab) and see where theexecutable file is locatedby clicking the Find Tar-get (button). Note the lo-cation and you will thenbe able to browse to thisfile.Figure B - 3Select Scheme
Intel Video Driver ControlsAttaching Other Displays B - 5BAttaching Other DisplaysBesides the built-in LCD, you can also use an external monitor/flat panel display,connected to the external monitor port at the rear of the computer, as your displaydevice. The following are the display options:1. The built-in LCD OR an external monitor/flat panel display connected to the exter-nal monitor port (Single Display).2. The built-in LCD AND an external monitor/flat panel display connected to theexternal monitor port (Multiple Display).Configuring from Windows Vista1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. If a New Display Detected window does not appear in Windows Vista, go to theWindows Mobility Center control panel (Mobile PC > Adjust commonly usedmobility settings) and click Connect display.3. Click on any of the buttons to configure the displays to your preference, or clickDisplay Settings to access the control panel.Function Key CombinationYou can use the Fn + F7key combination to tog-gle through the displayoptions:• Notebook Only• External Display Only• Notebook + External DisplayMake sure you give thedisplays enough time torefresh.
Intel Video Driver ControlsB - 6 Attaching Other DisplaysBConfiguring from Intel® GMA Driver for Mobile1. Go to the Intel Graphics Properties control panel (see “Intel Graphics Proper-ties” on page B - 2) and click Display Devices.2. Click to choose the display option from the Multiple Display menu.3. Click Apply (and OK to confirm the settings change) and OK (button).Multiple DisplayAt least one other dis-play must be attached inorder to view MultipleDisplay options.Figure B - 4 Display Devices
Intel Video Driver ControlsDisplay Modes B - 7BDisplay ModesSingle DisplayOnly one of your attached displays is used.Intel(R) Dual Display Clone (mirrored)This mode will drive multiple displays with the same content. Each device may beconfigured independently for different resolutions, refresh rates, color quality etc.Use this feature to display the screen through a projector for a presentation.Extended Desktop (extended)This mode allows a desktop to span multiple displays and acts as a large workspace.This creates a lot more screen area for display. Use the Display Properties controlpanel to drag the monitors to match the physical arrangement you wish to use, or youmay also use the Extended Desktop Settings control panel tab in Graphics Prop-erties to configure the relative size and position.
Intel Video Driver ControlsB - 8 Display ModesBTo Enable Intel(R) Dual Display Clone1. Attach your external monitor to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Go to the Intel Graphics Properties control panel (see “Intel GraphicsProperties” on page B - 2) and click Display Devices.3. Click to choose Intel(R) Dual Display Clone (Multiple Display).4. Click Apply, and OK to confirm the settings change.5. Click Display Settings to adjust the settings for the attached devices.Figure B - 5 Display Devices & Settings
Intel Video Driver ControlsDisplay Modes B - 9BTo Enable Extended Desktop1. Attach your external monitor to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Go to the Intel Graphics Properties control panel (see “Intel GraphicsProperties” on page B - 2) and click Display Devices.3. Click to choose Extended Desktop (Multiple Display).4. Click Apply, and OK to confirm the settings change.5. Click Display Settings to adjust the settings for the attached devices. Display Settings Extended Desktop You can have differentColors, Screen Areaand Monitor RefreshRates for each displaydevice  provided yourmonitor can supportthem.You can drag the moni-tor icons to match thephysical layout of yourdisplays. Icons and pro-grams may also bedragged between thedisplays.Figure B - 6Extended Desktop ModeClick the appropriate moni-tor icon and drag it to matchthe physical arrangementyou wish to use (e.g. thesecondary display may beextended left/right/above/below  the primary display).Click Display Settings tomake any adjustments re-quired.
Intel Video Driver ControlsB - 10 Display ModesBUsing Windows Vista to Enable Extended Mode1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. If a New Display Detected window does not appear in Windows Vista, go to theWindows Mobility Center control panel (Mobile PC > Adjust commonly usedmobility settings) and click Connect display.3. Click to select Show different parts of my desktop on each display (extended).4. Click Right or Left under Extend your desktop.5. Click Apply > OK. Display Settings Extended Desktop Use the control panel todrag the monitors tomatch the physical ar-rangement you wish touse. You can drag any iconsor windows across to ei-ther display desktop,which makes it possibleto have one programvisible in one of the dis-plays, and a differentprogram visible in theother display.Figure B - 7Display Properties (Extended Desktop)
Intel Video Driver ControlsDisplay Modes B - 11BUsing Display Settings to Enable Extended Mode1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Open the Display Settings control panel (see “Video Features” on page 1 - 16).3. Click the monitor icon (e.g.  ), and make sure you have checked “Extend myWindows desktop onto this monitor.” and click Apply.Figure B - 8Display Properties (Extended Desktop)2Click the appropriate monitor icon(e.g.  ) to be able to select the op-tion to extend the desktop on to it.In this example the Primary Dis-play   is on the left, the SecondaryDisplay   is on the right.212
Intel Video Driver ControlsB-12B
SpecificationsSpecifications C - 1CAppendix C: SpecificationsLatest Specification InformationThe specifications listed in this Appendix are correct at the time of going to press. Certain items (particularly processor types/speeds and CD/DVD device types) may be changed, delayed or updated due to the manufacturer's release schedule. Checkwith your service center for details.
SpecificationsC - 2 SpecificationsCFeature SpecificationProcessor Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor(478-pin) Micro-FC-PGA Package - Socket-PT710065nm (65 Nanometer) Process Technology2MB On-die L2 Cache & 800MHz FSB1.8 GHzIntel® Core™2 Duo Processor(478-pin) Micro-FC-PGA Package - Socket-PT7300/ T7500/ T770065nm (65 Nanometer) Process Technology4MB On-die L2 Cache & 800MHz FSB2.0/ 2.2/ 2.4 GHzCore Logic Intel GM965+ICH8M ChipsetLCD 12.1" WXGA (1280 * 800) Glare / Non Glare TFT LCDMemory Dual Channel 64-bit Wide DDRII (DDR2)Two 200 Pin SO-DIMM Sockets Supporting DDRII (DDR2) 533MHz - 512MB RAM Modules OR 667MHz - 512MB/1024MB RAM ModulesMemory Expandable up to 2GB (512/1024 MB DDRII Modules)Video Adapter Intel GM965 Integrated VideoHigh Preference 3D/2D Graphic AcceleratorSupports Dynamic Video Memory Technology DVMT (up to 256MB dynamically allocated from system memory where needed)Supports DirectX 9 3D Graphics Engine AcceleratorSecurity Security (Kensington® Type) Lock Slot Fingerprint ID Reader Module (Factory Option)BIOS PasswordTrusted Platform Module V1.2 (Factory Option)BIOS One 8Mb SPI Flash ROM Phoenix™ BIOS
SpecificationsSpecifications C - 3CStorage One Changeable 12.7mm(h) Optical Device (CD/DVD) Type Drive (see “Optional” on page C - 5) Easy Changeable 2.5" 9.5 mm (h) SATA (Serial) HDDAudio High Definition Audio (HDA)Compliant with Microsoft UAA (Universal Audio Architecture)Direct Sound 3D™ CompatibleEAX™ 1.0 & 2.0 CompatibleA3D™ CompatibleS/PDIF Digital Output2 * Built-In SpeakersBuilt-In MicrophoneKeyboard & Pointing Device Winkey Keyboard Built-In TouchPad with Scrolling FunctionInterface Three USB 2.0 PortsOne Headphone-Out JackOne Microphone-In JackOne S/PDIF Out JackOne Internal MicrophoneOne RJ-11 Modem JackOne RJ-45 LAN JackOne DC-In JackOne External Monitor PortOne IEEE1394 PortCard Reader Embedded 7-in-1 Card Reader (MS/ MS Pro/ SD/ Mini SD/ MMC/ RS MMC/ MS Duo) Note: MS Duo/ Mini SD/ RS MMC Cards require a PC adapterExpressCard Slot One ExpressCard/34(54) SlotFeature Specification
SpecificationsC - 4 SpecificationsCCommunication*Note: The Blue-tooth and 3.5G Op-tional Modulescannot coexist. If oneof these factory op-tions is included inyour purchase op-tion, then the other isunavailable.10M/100Mb Base-T Ethernet LAN 56K MDC Modem V.90 & V.92 Compliant802.11 a/b/g OR 802.11 a/g/n USB Wireless LAN Module (Option) 1.3M or 2.0M Pixel USB PC Camera Module (Factory Option)Bluetooth OR 3.5G Module Options: *Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) Module (Factory Option)OR*UMTS/HSPDA-based 3.5G Module with Mini Card Interface (Factory Option)Quad-band GSM/GPRS (850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz)UMTS WCDMA FDD (2100 MHz)Power Management Supports ACPI 3.0 Supports Wake on LANSupports Wake on USBSupports Resume from Modem RingPower Full Range AC/DC Adapter AC input 100 - 240V, 50 - 60Hz, DC Output 19V, 3.42A (65 Watts)Battery 4 Cell Smart Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, 14.8V/2.4AH8 Cell Smart Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, 14.8V/4.4AH (Option)RTC BatteryEnvironmental Spec TemperatureOperating:     5°C ~ 35°CNon-Operating:  -20°C ~ 60°CRelative HumidityOperating:  20% ~ 80%Non-Operating:  10% ~ 90%Feature SpecificationUMTS ModesNote that UMTSmodes CAN NOTbe used in NorthAmerica.
SpecificationsSpecifications C - 5CDimensions & Weight 299mm (w) * 219mm (d) * 26.5-35.7mm (h) 1.88 kg With 4 Cell Battery and ODDOptional*Note: The Blue-tooth and 3.5G Op-tional Modulescannot coexist. If oneof these factory op-tions is included inyour purchase op-tion, then the other isunavailable.Optical Drive Module Options:DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive ModuleDVD Dual Drive ModuleSuper Multi Drive ModuleUSB Floppy Disk Drive802.11a/b/g USB Wireless LAN Module802.11a/g/n USB Wireless LAN Module8 Cell Smart Lithium-Ion Battery PackTrusted Platform Module V1.2 (Factory Option)1.3M or 2.0M Pixel USB PC Camera Module (Factory Option)Fingerprint ID Reader Module (Factory Option)*Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) Module (Factory Option)OR*UMTS/HSPDA-based 3.5G Module with Mini Card Interface (Factory Option)Quad-band GSM/GPRS (850 MHz, 900 MHz,   1800 MHz, 1900 MHz)UMTS WCDMA FDD (2100 MHz)Feature SpecificationUMTS ModesNote that UMTS modes CAN NOT be used in North America.
SpecificationsC - 6 SpecificationsC
Windows XP InformationD-1DAppendix D: Windows XP InformationThis Appendix contains information (including control panel information, driver installation etc.) for users ofthe Windows XP OS.
Windows XP InformationD - 2 DVD Regional CodesDDVD Regional CodesRegion Geographical Location1 USA, Canada2 Western Europe, Japan, South Africa, Middle East & Egypt3 South-East Asia, Taiwan, South Korea, The Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong4South & Central America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand5 N Korea, Russia, Eastern Europe, India & Most of Africa6 ChinaTable D - 1 - DVD Region Codes Figure D - 1 - DVD RegionsChanging DVD Regional CodesGo to the Control Panel and double-click System > Hardware (tab), click Device Manager, then click the + next to DVD/CD-ROM drives.Double-click on the DVD-ROM device to bring up the Properties dialogue box, and select the DVD Region (tab) to bring up the controlpanel to allow you to adjust the regional code.DVD region detection is device dependent, not OS-dependent. You can select your module’s region code 5 times. The fifth selection ispermanent. This cannot be altered even if you change your operating system or you use the module in another computer.
Windows XP InformationWindows XP Start Menu & Control Panel D - 3DWindows XP Start Menu & Control PanelMost of the control panels, utilities and programs within Windows XP (and most other Windows versions) areaccessed from the Start menu. When you install programs and utilities they will be installed on your hard diskdrive, and a shortcut will usually be placed in the Start menu and/or the desktop. You can customize the look ofthe Start menu by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Properties from the menu.In many instances throughout this manual you will see an instruction to open the Control Panel. The ControlPanel is accessed from the Start menu, and it allows you to configure the settings for most of the key featuresin Windows (e.g. power, video, network, audio etc.). Windows XP provides basic controls for many of the fea-tures, however many new controls are added (or existing ones are enhanced) when you install the drivers. To seeall controls it may be necessary to toggle off Category View.Figure D - 2 - Start Menu & Control PanelClick here to toggle Category View
Windows XP InformationD - 4 TouchPad and Buttons/MouseDTouchPad and Buttons/MouseThe TouchPad is an alternative to the mouse; however, you can also add a mouse to your computer through oneof the USB ports. The TouchPad buttons function in much the same way as a two-button mouse. Once you have installed the TouchPad driver (see “TouchPad” on page D - 31) you can configure the functionsby double-clicking the TouchPad driver icon   on the taskbar. You may then configure the TouchPad tapping,buttons, scrolling, pointer motion and sensitivity options to your preferences. You will find further informationat D - 3 - Mouse PropertiesMouse DriverIf you are using an external mouseyour operating system may be able toauto-configure your mouse during itsinstallation or only enable its basicfunctions. Be sure to check the de-vice’s user documentation for details.
Windows XP InformationFunction Keys D - 5DFunction KeysThe function keys (F1 - F12 etc.) will act as hot keys when pressed while the Fn key is held down. In additionto the basic function key combinations; visual indicators are available when the hot key utility is installed (see“Hot Key” on page D - 31). When the driver is installed, an icon   will appear in the taskbar.Table D - 2 - Hot Key Functions & IndicatorsKeys Function Keys FunctionFn + ~ Play/Pause (in Audio/Video Programs) Fn + F7 Display ToggleFn + _  3.5G Module Power Toggle Fn + F8/F9 Brightness Decrease/Increase Fn + F1 TouchPad Toggle  Fn + F10 PC Camera Power Toggle  Fn + F2 Turn LCD Backlight Off(Press a key to or use TouchPad to turn on) Fn + F11 WLAN Module Power Toggle Fn + F3 Mute Toggle  Fn + F12 Bluetooth Module Power Toggle Fn + F4 Sleep Toggle *Silent Mode Toggle Fn + F5/F6 Volume Decrease/Increase   *When enabled, Silent Mode will reduce fan noise and save power consumption. Note this may reduce computer performance.
Windows XP InformationD - 6 Audio FeaturesDAudio FeaturesYou can configure the audio options on your computer from the Sounds and Audio Devices   Windows con-trol panel, or from the Realtek HD Audio Manager   icon in the taskbar/control panel (this will bring up theRealtek Audio Configuration menus). The volume may also be adjusted by means of the Fn + F5/F6 key com-bination.Figure D - 4 - Realtek Audio Configuration MenusSound Volume AdjustmentHow high the sound volume can beset depends on the setting of the vol-ume control within Windows (and thevolume control function keys on thecomputer). Click the Volume icon onthe taskbar to check the setting.
Windows XP InformationVideo Features D - 7DVideo FeaturesYour computer has built-in Intel (Intel GM965) video. You can switch display devices, and configure displayoptions, from the Display Properties control panel in Windows as long as the appropriate video driver is in-stalled.To access Display Properties in Windows:1. Click Start, point to Settings and click Control Panel (or just click Control Panel).2. Double-click Display (icon) - In the Appearances and Themes category.3. Click Settings (tab) in the Display Properties dialog box.4. Move the slider to the preferred setting in Screen resolution  (Figure D - 5 on page D - 8).5. Click the arrow, and scroll to the preferred setting in Color quality (Figure D - 5 on page D - 8).6. You can also access Display Properties by right-clicking the desktop and scrolling down and clickingProperties. Click Settings (tab) and adjust as above.7. Open the Display Properties control panel, and click Advanced (button)   (Figure D - 5 on page D - 8) tobring up the Advanced properties tabs.8. Click the Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile tab, and click Graphics Properties (button)to make any video adjustments you require.9. You can also access Graphics Properties from the Windows Intel(R) GMA Driver for Mobile control panel, orfrom the taskbar icon  .Dynamic Video Memory TechnologyIntel® DVMT automatically and dynamically allocates as much (up to 256MB) system memory (RAM) as need-ed to the video system (the video driver must be installed). DVMT returns whatever memory is no longer need-ed to the operating system.123
Windows XP InformationD - 8 Video FeaturesDDisplay & Graphics PropertiesFigure D - 5 - Display & Graphics Properties123Taskbar IconYou can also access the controller prop-erties from the taskbar. Click on the iconto bring up the menu and scroll toGraphics Properties.If you cannot see the tray icon go to theIntel(R) Graphics Media AcceleratorDriver for Mobile tab and click the“Show Tray Icon” tickbox. Alternativelyright-click the desktop and select Graph-ics Options > Tray Icon > Enable.
Windows XP InformationVideo Features D - 9DYou may make changes to the devices, color, schemes, Hot Keys etc. by clicking the appropriate menu item orbutton. Click Information (button) to obtain useful information about the graphics properties of the computer,and see the Support tab in Information to get weblinks to the latest information on the Intel Website.Figure D - 6 - Intel GMA Driver for MobileFunction Key CombinationYou can use the Fn + F7 keycombination to toggle throughthe display options:• Notebook Only• External Display Only• Notebook + External DisplayMake sure you give the displaysenough time to refresh.Intel Display NoteNote that the notebook is the de-fault Primary display device andmay not be changed.
Windows XP InformationD - 10 Video FeaturesDDisplay Devices & OptionsBesides the built-in LCD, you can also use an external VGA monitor (CRT) or external Flat Panel Displayas your display device. A VGA monitor/Flat Panel Display connects to the external monitor port. The followingdisplay modes are available.Figure D - 7 - Display OptionsIntel Display Mode DescriptionSingle Display One of the connected displays is used as the display deviceMultiple Display - Intel(R) Dual Display Clone Both connected displays output the same view and may be configured independentlyMultiple Display - Extended Desktop Both connected displays are treated as separate devices, and act as a virtual desktopSwitching Modes When Using the Power DVD ApplicationSwitch display modes before playing any DVD in the Power DVD Application it is not be possible to switch displaymodes while a DVD is playing (you will be required to stop the DVD playing, switch display modes, then start the DVDplaying again).
Windows XP InformationAttaching Other Displays D - 11DAttaching Other DisplaysIf you prefer to use a monitor or flat panel display, connect it to the external monitor port at the rear of the com-puter.1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Go to the Intel GMA Graphics Properties control panel and click Display Devices.3. Click to choose the display option from the Multiple/Single Display menu.4. Click Apply, and OK to confirm the settings change.Figure D - 8 - Display Devices
Windows XP InformationD - 12 Attaching Other DisplaysDTo Enable Intel(R) Dual Display Clone (Intel GMA)1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Go to the Intel GMA Graphics Properties control panel and click Display Devices.3. Click to choose Intel(R) Dual Display Clone (Multiple Display).4. Click Apply, and OK to confirm the settings change.5. Click Display Settings to adjust the settings for the attached devices.Figure D - 9 - Display Devices - Intel(R) Dual Display Clone
Windows XP InformationAttaching Other Displays D - 13DTo Enable Extended Desktop (Intel GMA)1. Attach your external display to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Go to the Intel GMA Graphics Properties control panel and click Display Devices.3. Click to choose Extended Desktop (Multiple Display).4. Click Apply, and OK to confirm the settings change.5. Click Display Settings to adjust the settings for the attached devices.Figure D - 10 - Display Devices - Extended DesktopClick the appropriatemonitor icon and dragit to match the physicalarrangement you wishto use (e.g. the second-ary display may be ex-tended left/right/above/below  the primary dis-play).Click Display Settingsto make any adjust-ments required. Display Settings Extended Desktop You can have differentColors, Screen Area andMonitor Refresh Rates foreach display device pro-vided your monitor cansupport them.You can drag the monitoricons to match the physi-cal layout of your displays.Icons and programs mayalso be dragged betweenthe displays.
Windows XP InformationD - 14 Attaching Other DisplaysDTo Enable Extended Desktop (Windows Display Properties)1. Attach your external monitor to the external monitor port, and turn it on.2. Click Start, point to Settings (or click Control Panel) and click Control Panel (if you are in Category Viewchoose Appearance and Themes).3. Double-click Display (icon).4. In the Display Properties dialog box, click Settings (tab).5. Click the monitor icon (e.g.  ), and make sure you have checked “Extend my Windows desktop onto thismonitor.” and click Apply.Figure D - 11 - Display Properties (Extended Desktop)2Click the appropriate mon-itor icon (e.g.  ) to be ableto select the option to ex-tend the desktop on to it.In this example the Primarymonitor   is on the left, thesecondary display   is onthe right.212 Display Settings Extended Desktop Use the control panel to drag the mon-itors to match the physical arrange-ment you wish to use. You can drag any icons or windowsacross to either display desktop,which makes it possible to have oneprogram visible in one of the displays,and a different program visible in theother display.
Windows XP InformationPower Management Features D - 15DPower Management FeaturesTo conserve power, especially when using the battery, your computer uses the ACPIpower management system. Power management conserves power by controlling in-dividual components of the computer (the monitor and hard disk drive) or the wholesystem.The Power Options control panel icon in Windows (see page D - 3) allows you toconfigure power management features for your computer. You may conserve powerthrough individual components such as the monitor or hard disk, or you may use ei-ther Stand by or Hibernate mode to conserve power throughout the system.Advanced Configuration and Power InterfaceThe ACPI interface provides the computer with enhanced power saving techniquesand gives the operating system (OS) direct control over the power and thermal statesof devices and processors. For example, it enables the OS to set devices into low-power states based on user settings and information from applications. ACPI is fullysupported in Windows XP.OS NotePower managementfunctions will varyslightly depending onyour operating system.For more information itis best to refer to theuser’s manual of youroperating system. (Note: All picturesused on the followingpages are from theWindows XP OS.)
Windows XP InformationD - 16 The Power SourcesDThe Power SourcesThe computer can be powered by either an AC/DC adapter or a battery pack.AC/DC AdapterUse only the AC/DC adapter that comes with your computer. The wrong type of AC/DC adapter will damagethe computer and its components.1. Attach the AC/DC adapter to the DC-in jack at the rear of the computer.2. Plug the AC power cord into an outlet, and then connect the AC power cord to the AC/DC adapter.3. Raise the lid/LCD to a comfortable viewing angle.4. Press the power button to turn “On”.BatteryThe battery allows you to use your computer while you are on the road or when an electrical outlet is unavailable.Battery life varies depending on the applications and the configuration you're using. To increase battery life,let the battery discharge completely before recharging (see “How do I completely discharge the battery?”on page D - 26).We recommend that you do not remove the battery. For more information on the battery, please refer to “BatteryInformation” on page D - 23.
Windows XP InformationTurning on the Computer D - 17DTurning on the ComputerNow you are ready to begin using your computer. To turn it on simply press the pow-er button on the front panel.When the computer is on, you can use the power button as a Stand by/Hibernate/Shutdown hot-key button when it is pressed for less than 4 seconds (pressing andholding the power button for longer than this will shut the computer down). UsePower Options in the Windows control panel to configure this feature.ShutdownNote that you should al-ways shut your comput-er down by choosing theTurn Off Computercommand from the Startmenu in Windows. Thiswill help prevent harddisk or system prob-lems.Forced OffIf the system “hangs”, and the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination doesn’t work, press the pow-er button for 4 seconds, or longer, to force the system to turn itself off.Power Button as Stand by or Hibernate ButtonIf you are using a fully ACPI-compliant OS, (such as Windows XP) you can use the OS’s“Power Options” control panel to set the power button to send the system into Stand by orHibernate mode (see your OS’s documentation, or “Configuring the Power Button” onpage D - 22 for details).
Windows XP InformationD - 18 Power SchemesDPower SchemesYou can set your computer to conserve power through individual components bymeans of Power Schemes. You can also adjust the settings for each scheme to setthe monitor to turn off after a specified time, and the computer's hard disk motor toturn off if the hard disk drive has not been accessed for a specified period of time (ifthe system reads or writes data, the hard disk motor will be turned back on). Theschemes may also be set to set a specified time for the system to enter Stand by orHibernate modes (see “System Power Options” on page D - 20).Resuming OperationPress a key on the key-board, or move themouse/TouchPad to re-sume from Monitor orHard Disk Stand by.Figure D - 12Power Schemes
Windows XP InformationPower Schemes D - 19DEach Windows Power Scheme will also adjust the processor performance of your machine in order to save pow-er. This is worth bearing in mind if you are experiencing any reduced performance (especially under DC/batterypower).Choose the Home/Office Desk scheme for maximum performance when the computer is powered from an ACpower source. Choose the Max Battery scheme (bear in mind that this scheme may slow down the overall per-formance of the computer in order to save power) for maximum power saving when the computer is battery (DCpower) powered. Windows will use Portable/Laptop as the default scheme.
Windows XP InformationD - 20 System Power OptionsDSystem Power OptionsYou can use the system power options to stop the computer’s operation and restartwhere you left off. This system features Stand by and Hibernate sleep mode levels(Hibernate mode will need to be enabled by clicking the option in the Hibernate tabin the Power Options control panel - see “Hibernate” on page D - 21).Hibernate Mode vs. ShutdownHibernate mode and Shutdown are the same in that the system is off and you need topress the power button to turn it on. Their main difference is:When you come back from hibernation, you can return to where you last left off(what was on your desktop) without reopening the application(s) and file(s) you lastused.You can use either method depending on your needs. Stand by Mode vs. Hibernate ModeIf you want to stay away from your work for just a while, you can put the system onStand by instead of in hibernation. It takes a longer time to wake up the system fromHibernate mode than from Stand by mode.Stand by/Hibernate or Shutdown ErrorThe computer may stopresponding when youput it into (or resumefrom) Stand By or Hiber-nate, or when you shutdown.This error is caused bypower managementwithin  Windows XP,when applied to a PCCamera attached to theinternal USB hub.Microsoft has posted aHotfix for this error on itswebsite (search for Hot-fix KB909667). Download and install theHotfix to correct this er-ror.
Windows XP InformationSystem Power Options D - 21DStand byStand by saves the least amount of power, but takes the shortest time to return to fulloperation. During Stand by the hard disk is turned off, and the CPU is made to idleat its slowest speed. All open applications are retained in memory. When you are notusing your computer for a certain length of time, which you specify in the operatingsystem, it will enter Stand by mode to save power. HibernateHibernate uses no power and saves all of your information on a part of the HDD be-fore it turns the system off. Although it saves the most power it takes the longest timeto return to full operation. You can set your computer to automatically enter Hiber-nate mode when the battery power is almost depleted. You will need to enable Hi-bernate mode from the Hibernate tab in the Power Options control panel. Thesystem will resume from Hibernate mode by pressing the power button.System ResumeThe system can resumefrom Stand by mode by:• Pressing the powerbutton• Pressing the Sleep/Resume key combi-nation• An incoming callreceived on themodem (if enabled)• Network card (WakeOn LAN) activity (ifenabled)Figure D - 13Enable Hibernation
Windows XP InformationD - 22 Configuring the Power ButtonDConfiguring the Power ButtonThe power button may be set to send the computer in to either Stand by or Hiber-nate mode. In Stand by mode, the LED   will blink green. In Hibernate modethe LED will be off (battery) or orange (AC/DC adapter). If you are in a power savingmode set to save power through individual components (e.g. hard disk, monitor), theLED will remain green.Sleep ButtonYou may also configurethe  Sleep/Resume keycombination (Fn + F4)from the menu illustrat-ed. In Windows this isreferred to as the Sleepbutton.Figure D - 14Power Options(Advanced - Power Buttons)(Sleep) ButtonPower Button Sleep/ResumeLid

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