-Feature-•8-wire Common Method (Interphone)•4-wire Common Method (Videophone)•RF/ID Feature (Optional)•Surveillance Monitor SupportModel No. DRC-481L(C)/RFDRC-500L(C)/RFDRC-481L DRC-500L(Common Method)Main Entrance Camera Thank you for purchasing our C OMMAX product. Please carefully read this UserÕs G uide (in particular, precautions for safety)before using the product and follow the instructions to use your productexactly. The company is not respons ible for any safety accidents caused in abnormaloperation of the product.
DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지2
    NOTE: This equipment has been  tested  and found to  comply with the  limits for a  Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  -Increase the se paration between the equipment and receiver.  -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible [ CAUTION ]for compliance could void the user's authority  to operate the equipment.[FCC compliance Information]This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received.    Including interference that may cause undesired operation.[FCC WARNING]This equipment may generate or use radio frequency energy.  Changes or modifications to this equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the instruction manual.  The user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorized change or modification is made.Class B device
- 1 -Table of Contents1. Greetings …………………………………………………………………………… 42. Before Getting Started …………………………………………………………… 43. Overview …………………………………………………………………………… 54. PIN Types ………………………………………………………………………… 105. Setting PIN ………………………………………………………………………… 116.Household PIN Confirmation ……………………………………………………… 147.Configuring Building and Serial Numbers in the Main Entrance Interphone ……… 158. Using Remote Cardkeys (RF/ID) - Optional ……………………………………… 179. Surveillance Monitor Configuration ……………………………………………… 2310. Door Release Time Setup ………………………………………………………… 2411. Page Tone Selection ……………………………………………………………… 2512. Wiring Method Selection ………………………………………………………… 2613. Video Out Impedance Adjustment ……………………………………………… 2714. Household Interphone Diagnosis ………………………………………………… 2815. Household Number Registration ………………………………………………… 3016. Paging the Household …………………………………………………………… 3217. Paging the Guardhouse …………………………………………………………… 3218. Door Release Using the Household PIN ………………………………………… 3319. Door Release Using the Building (Management) PIN …………………………… 3320. Appendix (Various Program Summaries) ……………………………………… 3421. Wiring Method …………………………………………………………………… 3622. Specifications …………………………………………………………………… 51
- 2 -Please follow the things described below in order to prevent anydanger or property damage.WarningCautionSafety Warning & CautionProhibition.No disassemblyNo touchMust follow strictly.Shows plugging out the power cord without an exceptionShows the warning and caution for an electric shock.Shows the warning and caution for a fire.It may cause a serious damage orinjury if violated.It may cause a minor damage orinjury if violated.Power & InstallationWarningPlease don’t use severalproducts at the same time onone power socket. ·It may cause a fire due to anabnormal overheating. Please don’t bend the powercable excessively or it maycause an electric shock.·fire when using a damagedpower cable. Please don’t handle the powercable with a wet hand. ·It may cause an electricshock. Please plug out the powercable from the socket whennot using it for a long periodof time. ·It may shorten the productlifespan or cause a fire. Please don’t install theproduct in the place wherethere is much oil, smoke orhumidity.·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please don’t install theproduct with the lighteningand thunder. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire.Please don’t use and connectthis product with otherproducts with different ratedvoltage ·It may cause a disorder orfire. When installing the productthat generates heat, pleaseinstall the product away fromthe wall (10cm) for theventilation. ·It may cause a fire due tothe increased internaltemperature. DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지2
- 3 -Cleaning & UsePlease don’t disassemble,repair or rebuild this productarbitrarily (please contact theservice center if a repair isneeded. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please plug the power cablefirmly into the inner end ·It may cause a fire. Please hold the plug tightlywhen unplugging the powercable (a part of the copperwire may be disconnected ifthe grabbing is only made onthe cord when pulling out thecable).·It may cause an electricshock or fire When connecting the powercables after cutting the cable,please install the product withpower off·It may cause an electricshock or fire  When installing the product,please fix it firmly while usingthe wall-mounting unit andscrews.·It may cause an injury fromthe falling object.Please be careful when usingan AC circuit breaker sincethere is a possibility of anelectric shock. When cleaning the product,please rub it with a soft anddry cloth after plugging outthe power cable. (Please don’tuse any chemical productssuch as wax, benzene, alcoholor cleanser.) Please don’t drop the producton the ground and don’t applya shock . ·It may cause a failure.Please use the designatedconnection cable within themaximum calling distancedesignated for the product·It may reduce the productperformance. Please check the use voltageand current for the DC-onlyproducts and use theappropriate rectifier. ·It may cause a fire. Please avoid direct rays of thesun or heating devices at atime of installation. ·It may cause a fire. Please don’t install theproduct on an unstable placeor small support board. ·It may cause an injury if itfalls down while in use. If an abnormal sound, burningsmell or smoke is coming outof the product, please plug outthe power cable and contact aservice center. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please don’t insert anymetallic or burnable materialsinto the ventilation hole. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please use only the designatedbatteries for the products ofusing DC power. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Cleaning & UsePower & InstallationWarningCautionDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지3
- 4 -󳀎Thank you for purchasing a Commax product.󳀎This product is a high tech Main Entrance interphone that supportselectronic and remote (Optional) keys and finger print recognition(Optional) features. Please read this manual carefully.󳀎Using 8-wire common wiring method between the Main Entrance interphone andthe Guardhouse interphone, this system supports 3 communication circuits, andeach communication circuit is a Balance Type that supports 2 wires.󳀎Using 4-wire common wiring method between the Main Entrance interphone andthe Household interphone, this system supports telephone and videoconnections. Only use coaxial cables for video connection.󳀎The short and cut of wiring can cause a malfunction. Be sure to check wiringbefore installation.󳀎It is recommended that each Main Entrance interphone is installed and itsconnection be checked from the Guardhouse and the Household(s).󳀎Maximum of 2048 Remote Cardkeys are supported. (When not connected to acomputer)󳀎Three consecutive entries of wrong Management PIN, Building PIN, orHousehold PIN will automatically page the Guardhouse.Three consecutive attempts at unlocking doors with an unregistered RemoteCardkey will also automatically page the Guardhouse.1. Greetings2. Before Getting Started※RemarksDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지4
- 5 -3. Overview3-1. FeatureDRC-481LNo123456789DescriptionDisplay Window (FND)RF/ID Receiver (Optional)SpeakerMicKey PadCall ButtonCCD CameraProgram ButtonElectronic Key ButtonNo10111213141516DescriptionGuard ButtonCancel ButtonReset ButtonSelection SwitchesInfrared Sensor TerminalGuardhouse Interphone TerminalComputer Connection TerminalNo17181920212223DescriptionHousehold Interphone (1)Household Interphone (2)Video OutPower: DC12V/1A (RF-1A)Door Release TerminalReceiver Volume ControlSecurity Switch ConnectionNo. 1: Computer ConnectionNo. 2: Electronic Key Selection(Finger Print Recognition)DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지5
- 6 -DRC-500LNo123456789DescriptionSpeakerKey PadProgram ButtonElectronic Key ButtonGuard ButtonCancel ButtonCall ButtonMicRF/ID Receiver (Optional)No101112131415161718DescriptionNight LampDisplay Window (FND)CCD CameraComputer Connection TerminaGuardhouse Interphone TerminaHousehold Interphone (1)Household Interphone (2)Video Out(Surveillance Monitor Connection)Infrared Sensor TerminalNo192021222324DescriptionSecurity Switch ConnectionPower: DC15V/1A(CS-15C)Reset ButtonSelection SwitchesReceiver Volume ControlDoor Release TerminalNo. 1: Computer ConnectionNo. 2: Electronic Key Selection
- 7 -3-2. Basic Function󳀌RF/ID Receiver (Optional)To open the door using a Remote Cardkey, place the key here. The word ‘oPEn’willdisplay and the door will be released.󳀌Call Button (E: Enter)This button is used to page households.󳀌Program Button (P: Program )This button is used to Program.󳀌Electronic Key Button (K: Key)This button is used to release the door by using PIN.(Available only when the Electronic Key option has been set as OFF. When it is set asON, Finger Print Recognition is enabled)󳀌Guardhouse Page Button (G: Guard)This button is used to page the Guardhouse if the Guardhouse interphone has beeninstalled.AAuuddiioo GGuuiiddee““DDoooorr OOppeenneedd””PPrreessss tthhee PPaaggee bbuuttttoonn aafftteerr eenntteerriinnggtthhee HHoouusseehhoolldd NNuummbbeerr..Please the Card Here OPEN DOORProgram EnterDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지7
- 8 -󳀌Cancel Button (X: Cancel)This button is used to cancel the current operation.󳀌Selection SwitchesNo. 1: Computer Connection Switch (Used for connection with a computer)󳃁Connects a computer using network exclusive to DRC-481L.OFF : To connect to a computer via the RS-485 Port with Finger Print Recognition in use.ON  : To connect to a computer via an internal network without Finger Print Recognition inNo. 2: Electronic Key Selection (Finger Print Recognition Switch)OFF: Electronic Key is enabled.(Finger Print Recognition is disabled)ON: Electronic Key is disabled.(Finger Print Recognition is enabled)󳀌Reset ButtonThis button is used to reset the Guardhouse PIN or the Management PIN.󳀌Receiver Volume ControlControls the volume in the receiver from LOW to HIGH.AAuuddiioo GGuuiiddee““CCaanncceelllleedd””Not Connecting to a ComputerUsing Electronic keyIf you cannot remember the number of a management office,push the reset button both 12 and 21.Not Using Electronic keyConnecting to a ComputerTo Lower the Volume To Raise the VolumeDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지8
- 9 -●Must Know Before Use!1) Accessing All Features with the Program Button-When an error has been made as indicated by continuous beeps, pleasecancel and start again from the beginning.2) Forgotten PIN2-1. Household PINUse the Household PIN verification feature of 6-1 to retrieve the PIN.(Please inquire to the Guardhouse or the Management Office)2-2. Building PINReenter using the Management PIN.2-3. Management PINPress the Reset button.Both the Building and the Management Building PINs are reset to default.3) 8-5 All Remote Cardkey Deletion is to be used only when the unit is beinginitially installed.4) Configuration Mode IndicationsConfigured features are displayed on the Display Window when the MainEntrance interphone is not in use.Version No. Series Camera Impedance Wiring MethodSerial NumberBuilding NumberBeep-Beep-Beep(Error)Start again fromthe beginningDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지9
- 10 -4. PIN Types4-1. Management PIN- This PIN is for use by the person in charge of the Management Office.- By default, this PIN is set as 4321.- For convenience, hereafter management PIN.4-2. Building PIN- This is the common PIN for each main entrance.- By default, this PIN is set as 1234.- For convenience, hereafter building PIN.4-2. Household PIN- Each household has its own PIN.- By default, this PIN is set as 1234.- For convenience, hereafter household PIN.<Reference>󳀌Old PINDefault Management PIN: 4321Default Building PIN: 1234Default Household PIN: 1234󳀌New PINNew PIN to be set by the user.󳀌P : Program 󳀌K : Electronic Key 󳀌E : CallDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지10
- 11 -5. Setting PIN5-1. Management PIN Setup󳀌P - Old Management PIN - E - 0 - E - New PIN -E󳀌Management PIN must be 4-digits long.󳀌0000 will not be recognized as a valid PIN.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the old PIN 4321.③Press the Call button (E).④Press the Program Number 0.⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘PASS’will blink)⑥Enter the new PIN.⑦Press the Call button (E).⑧Management PIN has been updated.Press the Program button (P). Enter the old PIN 4321. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number 0. Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).   Management PIN has been updated.Enter the new PIN. ex)1470DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지11
- 12 -5-2. Building PIN Setup󳀌P - Old Building PIN - E - 1 - E - New PIN - E󳀌Building PIN must be 4-digits long.󳀌0000 will not be recognized as a valid PIN.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the old PIN 1234.③Press the Call button (E).④Press the Program Number 1..⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘PASS’will blink)⑥Enter the new PIN.⑦Press the Call button (E).⑧Building PIN has been updatedPress the Program button (P). Enter the old PIN 1234. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (1). Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Building PIN has been updated.Enter the new PIN. ex)2580DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지12
- 13 -5-3. Household PIN Setup󳀌K - Program Number - E - Household Number - E - Old Household PIN - E - New PIN - P󳀌Household PIN must be 4-digits long.󳀌0000 will not be recognized as a valid PIN.󳀌This method of Household PIN change may vary depending on household interphone types.(Types that support PIN changing from the household interphone)①Press the Electronic Key button (K).②Press the Program Number 20.③Press the Call button (E). (‘hono’will blink)④Enter the Household Number.⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘PASS’will blink)⑥Enter the old Household PIN.⑦Press the Call button (E). (‘PASS’will blink)⑧Enter the new Household PIN⑨Press the Program button (P).Household PIN has been updated.Press the Program button (P).Press the Call button (E).Electronic Key button (K). Press the Program Number (20).Enter the old PIN. ex)1234Enter the new Household PIN. ex)3690Household Number.  ex) 101 Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지13
- 14 -6.Household PIN Confirmation6-1. Household PIN Confirmation󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - Program Number - E - Household Number - E①Press the Program button. (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press the Program Number (16).⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘hono’will blink)⑥Enter the Household Number. (The Household Number will be indicated)⑦Press the Call button (E). (The Household PIN will be indicated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (16). Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).ex)1 2 3 4 for household 101Household Number.  ex) 101DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지14
- 15 -7.Configuring Building and Serial Numbers in the Main Entrance Interphone󳀌This feature must be performed for it automatically configures Building and Serialnumbers when Households or the Guardhouse is paged from the Main Entrance.󳀌Up to 99 Main Entrance interphones can be installed per each building.7-1. Configuring Building Number from the Main Entrance Interphone󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 2 - E - Building Number - E①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press the Program Number (2).⑤Press the Call button (E). (The Building Number previously entered will be indicated)⑥Enter the new Building Number.⑦Press the Call button.Building Number has been updated.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (2).Press the  Call button (E).  The Building Number previouslyentered will be indicatedex) 1234 BuildingPress the Call button (E).Building Number hasbeen updated.Enter the New Building NumberDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지15
- 16 -7-2. Configuring Serial Number from the Main Entrance Interphone󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 3 - E - Serial Number - E①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press the Program Number (3)   .⑤Press the Call button (E). (The Serial Number previously entered will be indicated)⑥Enter the new Serial Number.⑦Press the Call buttonSerial Number has been updated.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (3).Press the  Call button (E).  The Serial Number previouslyentered will be indicatedPress the Call button (E).Serial Number has beenupdated.Enter the New Serial Number   ex) No. 2DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지16
- 17 -8. Using Remote Cardkeys (RF/ID) - Optional8-1. Testing Remote Cardkeys󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 9 - E - Card Test - X (Cancel)󳀌This feature is used to test Remote Cardkeys.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 9 (Remote Cardkey Test).⑤Press the Call button. (‘Cdtt’will blink)⑥Place the Remote Cardkey to the RF/ID Receptor, and the Card Number will appear onthe Display Window (FND).⑦Press the Cancel button (X) to end Remote Cardkey testing.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN. Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (9).Press the  Call button (E).  Press the Cancel button(X) to end RemoteCardkey testingPress the Card Hereex) Card Number 3579Place the Remote Cardkey to the RF/IDReceptor, and the Card Number will appear onthe Display Window (FND).󳀌To confirm others cardkey, place continuedly theRemote Cardkey to the RF/ID RecepterDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지17
- 18 -8-2. Remote Cardkey Registration󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 10 - E - Card Registration - X (Cancel)<Note>CdSv: Newly Registered Card (Successful registration is indicated by a beep)CdAl: Previously Registered Card (Rejected registration is indicated by two beeps)󳀌Up to 2048 Remote Cardkeys can be registered. (Without a computer connected)󳀌Please record registered Remote Cardkey’s serial number for future reference.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (10).Press the  Call button (E).  Press the Cancel button(X) to end RemoteCardkey testing󳀌To confirm others cardkey, place continuedly theRemote Cardkey to the RF/ID RecepterNewlyRegistered CardPreviouslyRegistered CardPress the Card HerePlace the Remote Cardkey to the RF/IDReceptor, and ‘Cdsv’ or ‘CdAL’ will appearDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지18
- 19 -8-3. Individual Deletion of Remote Cardkeys󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 12 - E - Card Deletion - X (Cancel)①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 12 (Individual Remote Cardkey Deletion).⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘CddE’will blink)⑥Enter the 5-digit Card Number and press the Call button (E).(Check on the right side of the RF/ID Card) Or place the Card on top of the RF/ID Receiver.⑦Press the Cancel button (X) to terminate the featurePress the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (12).Press the  Call button (E).  Press the Cancel button(X) to terminate thefeaturePress the Card Here1. Place the Card on top of the RF/ID Receiver, andwill delete Card Number2. Enter Card Number and press Call button, and willdelete Card Numberex) Card Number19919ex) For Card Number 19919 deleteDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지19
- 20 -8-4. Confirming Remote Cardkey Registration󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 13 - E - Card Confirmation - X (Cancel)①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Enter number 13 (Remote Cardkey Confirmation).⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘CddE’will blink)⑥Enter the 5-digit Card Number and press the Call button (E).(Check the right side of the RF/ID Card)Or place the Card on top of the RF/ID Receiver.⑥Press the Cancel button (X) to terminate the feature.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (13).Press the Cancel button (X) to terminatethe featurePress the Card Here1. Place the Card on top of the RF/ID Receiver,and will confirm.2. Enter Card Number and press Call button,and will confirm Remote Cardkey Registration.ex) Card Number19919Confirm CardNoConfirm Cardex) For Card Number 19919 ConfirmDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지20
- 21 -8-5. All Remote Cardkey deletion󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 11 - E - E󳀌Refrain from deleting all Remote Cardkeys, except for during installation.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Enter number 11 (All Remote Cardkey Delete Number).⑤Press the Call button (E). (‘dEL’will blink)⑥Press the Call button (E) again.The number displayed on screen will change.⑦Press the Cancel button (X) to terminate the feature.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).All Remote Cardkey mode All Remote Cardkey modePress the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (11).DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지21
- 22 -8-6. Remote Cardkey Capacity Expansion󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 19 - E - 0 - E: Maximum 2048 Cards can beregistered.󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 10 - E - 1 - E: Unlimited number of Cards can beregistered. (This feature is only available when connected to a computer)①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Enter number 19 (Remote Cardkey Capacity Change).⑤Press the Call button (E). (The current capacity is displayed)⑥Select the Card capacity.(0: Maximum 2048)(1: Unlimited)⑦Press the Call button (E). (Updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).The current capacityis displayed.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (19).Select the Card capacity.Maximum 2048Unlimited Updatedex) UnlimitedDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지22
- 23 -9. Surveillance Monitor Configuration󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 4 - E - 0 - E: Surveillance disabled.󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 4 - E - 1 - E: Surveillance enabled.󳀌This feature provides entrance surveillance of the Main Entrance to a separatemonitor by using the Camera from the Main Entrance Interphone.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 4 (Surveillance Monitor Configuration).⑤Press the Call button (E). (Previous selection is displayed)⑥Choose a mode.(0: Surveillance monitor cannot be installed)(1: Surveillance monitor can be installed)⑦Press the Call button (E). (Modification updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (4).Choose a modeex) Surveillance ConfiguratedModification updatedSurveillancemonitor cannotbe installedPrevious selectionis displayedSurveillancemonitor can beinstalledDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지23
- 24 -10. Door Release Time Setup󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 5 - E - Door Release Time - E󳀌This feature adjusts the door release time.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 5 (Door Release Time Setup).⑤Press the Call button (E). (Previous selection is displayed)⑥Choose a time. (From 1 to 25 seconds)Use numbers from 1 to 25.⑦Press the Call button (E). (Modification updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PIN Press the Call button (E).The current capacityis displayed.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (5).Choose a time.Use numbers from 1 to 25.Modification updatedex) Door Release timeSelected 10 secondsDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지24
- 25 -11. Page Tone Selection󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 7 - E - 0 - E: Melody Tone󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 7 - E - 1 - E: Bell (Ringer)󳀌This feature sets the Recall tone heard when Households or the Guardhouse ispaged from the Main Entrance.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 7 (Page Signal Selection).⑤Press the Call button (E). (Previous selection is displayed)⑥Select a page signal.󳀌0: Melody Tone󳀌1: Bell (Ringer)⑦Press the Call button (E). (Page signal updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PIN Press the Call button (E).The current capacityis displayed.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (7).Selection a Page Signal0: Melody Tone1: BELL Tone(RINGER)Page signal updatedex) Selection a Page Signal selected melody toneDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지25
- 26 -12. Wiring Method Selection󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 6 - E - 4 - E: 4-wire Common Method (12-wire common)󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 6 - E - 8 - E: 8-wire Common Method󳀌Video images from the Main Entrance cannot be viewed in the Household when the8-wire Common Method has been selected.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 6 (Wiring Method Selection).⑤Press the Call button (E). (Previous selection is displayed)⑥Select a wiring method.󳀌4: 4-wire Common Method (12-wire common)󳀌8: 8-wire Common Method⑦Press the Call button (E). (Wiring method updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PIN Press the Call button (E).The current capacityis displayed.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (6).Select a wiring method 4: 4-wire Common Method (12-wire common)8: 8-wire Common MethodWiring method updatedex) Wiring method selected 4- wire commom methodDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지26
- 27 -13. Video Out Impedance Adjustment󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 8 - E - 0 - E: Short Distance󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 8 - E - 1 - E: Long Distance󳀌By default, the unit is set for short distance.Do not change if possible.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Call button (E).④Press number 8 (Impedance Setup).⑤Press the Call button. (The previous selection is displayed)⑥Select the impedance.󳀌0 : Short Distance󳀌1 : Long Distance⑦Press the Call button (E). (Impedance selection updated)Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PIN Press the Call button (E).The current capacityis displayed.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (8).Select the Impedance 0: Short Distance1: Long Distance    Impedance selection updatedex) Impedance Adjusted short distanceDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:23 PM  페이지27
- 28 -14. Household Interphone Diagnosis󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 14 - E - Household Number - E󳀌This feature checks for the Household Interphone’s operating conditions.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Check feature theHousehold  VideophonePress the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (14).Enter the Household Number, then press the Program button.Enter the Multi Sub Number, then press the Page button (E).You can check the whole households in the same way.After checkup, push the cancel button.󳀌After checking the currently displayed household, it will show automatically a next household.Push the call button to check a next household.ex) check for 101ex) check for master statusThe Household’s status is shown on the display window (FND).Normal statusBusy statusAway statusEmergency statusDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지28
- 29 -①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Page button (E).④Enter number 14 (Household Interphone Diagnosis).⑤Press the Page button (E). (‘Subt’will appear)⑥Enter the Household Number, then press the Program button.⑦Enter the Multi Sub Number, then press the Page button (E).The Household’s status is shown on the display window (FND).(Please refer to the following indications)⑧To check other Households, repeat steps 6 and 7.Press the Cancel button (X) to terminate the feature.󳀌Household StatusNormal Status - The Household is in standby.(Normal will also be indicated if the Household is inconversation with the Entrance or on the phone)Busy Status - The Household is on the phone.(Busy status is only shown when in conversation with theGuardhouse)Away Status - Residents are currently away from theirHousehold.Emergency Status - There is an emergency situation in theHousehold.(Emergency, Warning 1 (Fire), Warning 2 (Gas), Burglary, andetc are indicated as emergency situations)Error Status - Connection could not be established with theHousehold. (Please check the Household Videophone)DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지29
- 30 -15. Household Number Registration󳀌P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 15 - E - Guardhouse page from the Household -Household Number - P - Serial Numbe - E󳀌This feature is used to register Household Numbers through the Main EntranceInterphone when the Guardhouse Interphone has not been installed. If theGuardhouse Interphone is available, please use it to register.Press the Program button (P). Enter the Building (Management) PIN.ex) Building PINPress the Call button (E).Household  PIN Entry ModePress the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).Press the Program Number (15).Lift up the receiver from the Household and press the Guard button to page the Main EntranceInterphone, where the Household Number will be displayed. (Then, the displayed number must be changed for it is the default number from the factory.)Enter the Household number and press the Program button.ex) Entering as first1234ex) Entering as Unit 101Enter the Multi Sub number and press the Page button (E).Follow the same procedure to enter other Households.Press the Cancel button (X) to end.ex) Entering as MasterDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지30
- 31 -<Note>󳀌What is Multi Sub Number?Refers to individual numbers for each videophone in the Household when there ismore than one.󳀌The Master’s Serial Number is 0.󳀌Sub Serial Numbers are from 1 to 9.󳀌Maximum 10 videophones can be installed in a household, and their serialnumbers must not overlap.󳀌A Master must exist among numerous videophones. If only one videophoneexists, that unit shall be registered as the Master.󳀌When ADT-481 is installed in the Household, that unit will not be registered as theMaster.①Press the Program button (P). (‘Prog’will appear)②Enter the Building (Management) PIN.③Press the Page button (E).④Enter number 15 (Household Number Registration).⑤Press the Page button (E). (‘SUbA’will appear)⑥Lift up the receiver from the Household and press the Guard button to page the MainEntrance Interphone, where the Household Number will be displayed. Then, thedisplayed number must be changed for it is the default number from the factory.⑦Enter the Household number and press the Program button.⑧Enter the Multi Sub number and press the Page button (E).⑨The Main Entrance Interphone’s Display Window will convert to the (5) status.⑩To enter different Households, repeat steps 6 and 7.⑪Press the Cancel button (X) to end.DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지31
- 32 -16. Paging the Household17. Paging the GuardhouseEnter theHousehold Number.Press the Guard button. Press the Page button.A paging tone will sound.Wait for a replyWait for a replyPress the page button.A paging tone will sound.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).ex) unit 101DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지32
- 33 -18. Door Release Using the Household PIN19. Door Release Using the Building (Management) PIN󳀌Household Number - K - Household PIN - E󳀌G - K - Building (Management) PIN - EEnter the Household Number.Press the Guard button.Enter the Household PIN. Press the Page button.Press the Page button.Enter the Building or the Management PIN.Press the Electronic key button.Press the Electronic key button.Press the Call button (E).Press the Call button (E).ex) To open the door of unit 101DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지33
- 34 -20. Appendix (Various Program Summaries)󳀌Various PIN Programs1. P - Old Management PIN - E - 0 - E - New PIN- E: Management PIN Change2. P- Old Building PIN - E -1 - E - New PIN - E: Building PIN Change3. K - 20 - E - Household Number - E - Old Household PIN - E - New PIN - P: Household PINChange4. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 16 - E - Household Number - E: Household PINConfirmation󳀌Configuring Building and Serial Numbers from the Main Entrance Interphone1. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 2 - E - Building Number - E: Building Number Setup2. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 3 - E - Serial Number - E: Serial Number Setup󳀌Remote Cardkey Programs1. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 9 - E: Remote Cardkey Test2. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 10 - E: Remote Cardkey Registration3. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 11 - E: All Remote Cardkey Delete (Household PINDelete)4. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 12 - E: Individual Cardkey Delete5. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 13 - E: Remote Cardkey Confirmation6. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 19 - E: Expanding Remote Cardkey Capacity󳀌Door Release Using Various PINs 1.GP - KP - Building (Management) PINP - E: Door release using Building (Management) PIN2.Household NumberP - KP - Household PINP - E: Door release using Household PIN󳀌Other Feature Setup Methods1.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 4 - E: Surveillance Monitor Setup2.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 5 - E: Door Release Time Setup3.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 6 - E: Wiring Method Selection4.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 7 - E: Paging Tone Selection5.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 8 - E: Video Out Impedance Selection6.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 14 - E: Household Interphone Diagnosis7.P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 15 - E: Household Number Registration8. P - Building (Management) PIN - E - 17 - - 34 -DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지34
- 35 -21. Wiring Method1-2 : Call 1  (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)3-4 : Call 2  (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)5-6 : Call 3  (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)7-8 : Call 4  (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)9-10 : Call 5  (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)11-12 : Call 6 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)13-14 : Call 7 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)15-16 : Call 8 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)17 : Data (TIV 0.65mm Polar)18 : GND (TIV 0.65mm Polar)1-2 : Call 1 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)3-4 : Call 2 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)5-6 : Call 3 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)7-8 : Call 4 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)9-10 : Call 5 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)11-12 : Call 6 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)13-14 : Call 7 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)15-16 : Call 8 (TIV 0.65mm×2C Non Polar)1) Guardhouse Interphone (CDS-481L)For Computer Connection(Optional)Connection to aComputerRear Code TerminalRear Code TerminalTalk 1~8, DataTerminal for connectionwith external Phone lines.Talk 9~16, DataTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3DATAGNDBk Br R Or Y G B Pu G Bk Br R Or Y G B Pu GFor InternalPhone LineBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지35
- 36 -󳀎Security①DC 12V used.②Designed to be used by connecting to the lead switch. When not in use, please connect two wires.③When the Main Entrance is opened by force, the Guardhouse and the computer are notified.BkBrROrYGBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYBkBrROrYRBYWRBRYBkBrROrYGRBYBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteInfrared SensorGuardhouseMonitorDoor ReleaseMechanismSecurity(HouseholdVideophone)(HouseholdVideophone)2) Main Entrance Interphone (DRC-481L)DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지36
- 37 -(DRC-500L)󳀎Security①Use DC 15V.②It is designed to use a reed switch. When it is not used, connect two lines.③When the main entrance door is forced to open, it will be notified to the guardhouse and acomputer.BkBrROrYGBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYBkBrROrYRBYWRBYRBRYBkBrROrYGBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteInfrared SensorGuardhouseMonitorDoor ReleaseTerminal(HouseholdVideophone)(HouseholdVideophone)DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지37
- 38 -Bk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteTelephoneMain EntranceTalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3TalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3Warring1Warring2BurglarEmergencyGuardhouseSensorSensorExtentionMain Entrance CallHousehold CameraTelephoneMain EntranceMain Entrance CallGuardhouseEmergencyExtentionHousehold CameraRBRBYWBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuGBkBrROrYGBRBRBYWBkBrROrYBkBrROrYGBPuRBBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrY3) Household Videophone(CH-481SL)4) Household Videophone(APV-481FT)DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지38
- 39 -5) Household Videophone(CAV-50FSD)6) Household Videophone(CAV-50FD)Bk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteTelephoneMain EntranceTalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3Warring1Warring2BurglarEmergencyGuardhouseSensorSensorExtentionMain Entrance CallHousehold CameraRBRBYWBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuGBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYTalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3TelephoneMain EntranceMain Entrance CallGuardhouseExtentionHousehold CameraRBRBYWBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지39
- 40 -7) Household Videophone(CAV-501D)TelephoneMain EntranceTalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3Warring1Warring2BurglarEmergencyGuardhouseSensorExtentionMain Entrance CallHousehold CameraRBRBYWBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuGBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지40
- 41 -8) Household Videophone(CAV-482S)TelephoneMain EntranceTalkTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3Warring1Warring2BurglarEmergencyBurglar 1Burglar 2GuardhouseSensorSensorSensorSensorExtentionPowerCommunicationMain Entrance CallHousehold CameraRBRBYWBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuGBkBrROrYBkBrROrYGBBkBrRRYBkBrROrYBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지41
- 42 -9) TV-Phone Interface Adaptor(ADT-481)10) Security Interface Adaptor(ADT-482)RBUnit DCGuardhouseTalk 1Talk 2Talk 3ExtentionCameraPower(Supply of CAV-482S) Guardhouse(CKV-60T)Door Release(CKV-60T)Main Entrance CallBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBPuRBRBRBBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrRBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteBurglar 1Burglar 2Burglar 1Burglar 2SensorSensorSensorSensorTelephoneCommunicationDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지42
- 43 -11) System Map※Note󲼦: Guardhouse Line (Common 8-wire)󲼧: Main Entrance Line (Common 4-wire) 󲼨: External Call Line (Common 18-wire)󲼩: Enternal Extension Line (Common 16-wire) →Optional LobbyPhoneLobbyPhoneLobbyPhoneLobbyPhoneLobby 2Lobby 1Lobby 2Lobby 1Common 4CzmeraHouseholdVideophoneCzmeraHouseholdVideophoneCommon 4MonitorMonitor Guardhouse GuardhouseDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지43
- 44 -12) Wiring Method for Communications with the GuardhouseBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYGBPuBk Br R Or Y G B PuBkBrROrYGBPuBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지44
- 45 -13) Main Entrance Interphone Wiring※NOTE1. Main Entrance System󳀏Bk󳀏Br󳀏R󳀏Or󳀏YCALLGNDVD/INVD/OUT2. Household Videophone󳀏Bk󳀏Br󳀏R󳀏Or󳀏YCALLGNDVD/INVD/OUT3. If the Guardhouse Interphone (CDS-481L) has been installed, Number 7 (Data) and 8 (GND)connected to it must be connected to the Household Interphone.4. Use coaxial cables (3C2V or 5C2V) for Video Out.BkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteCamera 1Camera 2DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지45
- 46 -14) Wiring ADT-481 and CKV-60T15) Wiring ADT-482 and CAV-482SBkBrROrYGBPuBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrROrYBkBrRRBRBRBRBRBRBYGuardhouseGuardhouseOPEN/CLOSEOPEN/CLOSEINGNDB+VDBk:  BlackBr: BrownR: RedOr: OrangeY: YellowG: GreenB: BluePu: PurpleG: GrayW: WhiteTelephone TelephoneMain EntranceGuardhouseSensorSensorSensorExtentionCommunicationHousehold CameraBurglar 1Burglar 2DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지46
- 47 -16) Installing Numerous Videophones in a Household※NOTE1. 󲼦: Guardhouse Line (8-wire Common)󲼧: Main Entrance Line (4-wire Common)󲼨: Sub Extension (6-wire Common)2. When registering the Multi Sub number, ADT-481 will not be recognized as the Master and should beinstalled last as shown above.3. Various types of sensors should be connected to the Master, and sensors of the remaining Subs should beconnected with the + wire and the sensor line: if the two lines are not connected, the Away mode will notfunction.BkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBBkBrROrYGBHousehold CameraHousehold CameraMultysub NumberLoby TalkLoby Talk Loby Talk Loby TalkLoby Talk Loby TalkMultysub Number Multysub Number Multysub Number Multysub NumberMultysub Number Multysub Number Multysub NumberDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지47
- 48 -17) CCTV and Sensor Wiring※NOTE1. Monitor 1: To view only when being used by the Main Entrance Interphone (DRC-481L).2. Monitor 2: Continuous surveillance of the Main Entrance.Monitor 1CAMERA 1CAMERA 2Monitor 2RBYRBYWRBYWR: RedY: YellowB: BlueW: WhiteDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지48
- 49 -18) Wiring DRC-481L and CDS-481PCBkBrROrYG①Or(Line)②Or③G(Line)④B⑤B(Line)⑥G⑦Br(Line)⑧BrBkBrROrYGBkBrROrYGBkBrROrYGDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지49
- 50 -19) Wiring CDS-481PC and Multi PortDRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지50
- 51 -Household Videophone (4-wire Common), Guardhouse Interphone (8-wire Common)DC12V 1A(RF-1A)DC15V/1A(CS-15C)Standby: 200mA, Max: 450mA DC:Standby:400mA, Max:500mAHands Free (One Way)B/W C.C.D 1/3•, COLOR C.C.D. 1/4•15,735KHz/60Hz, 15,625KHz/50Hz, Horizontal: 68•Vertical: 55•0.1Lux(300mm in front of camera)RF ID 60mmB/W: Infrared LED×4, COLOR: Lighting necessary at night-10C•~40C•230(W)×260(H)×72(D)mm 245(W)×275(H)×63(D)mmFlush MountedDRC-481L DRC-500L7C2V Coaxial400m22. SpecificationsTransmission SystemRated VoltagePower ConsumptionCommunication MethodImaging DeviceScanning FrequencyCamera AngleMinimum IlluminationCommunication DistanceDetection RangeLightingAmbient TemperatureDimensions 3C2V Coaxial200m5C2V Coaxial300mInstallation MethodModelSpecfications
- 52 -MEMODRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지52
DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지53
a513-11, Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, KoreaInt’l Business Dept. : Tel.; +82-31-7393-540~550Fax.; +82-31-745-2133Web site : www.commax.comPrinted In Korea  DRC-481L/DRC-500L-영 문   2006.10.26 1:24 PM  페이지54

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